[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "**Background**\n\nLast week i had found out that my girlfriend started to talk to a guy that she had hooked up with in the past. This guy that she had hooked up with is a complete dick. He was only using her to try to get with another girl and my girlfriend genuinely had feelings for him. \n\nMy girlfriend and I have been together for a year now and up to this point i have been feeling great about my relationship with her. She makes me very happy.\n**Problem**\n\nMy girlfriend recently started to talk to this guy, and very often. They are constantly texting, or at least whenever I'm with my girlfriend, i see his texts pop up on her phone. And this past Friday, they hung out together, and alone. This makes me very uncomfortable.\n\nDespite me telling her that i don't like her hanging out with him, she says that she is over the fact that he had used her and hurt her and that she now wants to be friends with him. \n\nMy girlfriend told me that she doesn't want me controlling what she can or can't do, but in my perspective I don't think I'm trying to control her. I just don't feel comfortable with her talking to this guy and hanging out with him. \n\nI feel that my girlfriend should understand that i hate the fact that she is hanging out with him and talking to him so often. It makes me question my relationship. If she really has strong feelings for me, i feel that she should try to stop whatever it is that is making me feel uncomfortable, because if she felt uncomfortable I would try to solve the problem as quickly as possible.\n\nAny advice would be greatly appreciated.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Hopefully I can depict this well enough.\n\nBackground, they've been married for 3 years, in laws dad lives with them because he got into an accident law always seemed like a good guy. \n\nOkay, so 2 months back, my pregnant sister called our house the day before her birthday, telling us to come pick her up.\n\nWe went and first thing I see is everything is messed up...she's crying, he's laying on the bed. We ask him whats wrong, and he says he doesn't want to talk about it.\n\nWe leave with my sister and she tells us she was pissed off at taking care of his dad 24\\7, and an argument took off from that, nothing happened for a while but they were laying on the bed when my sister was looking at pics of our grandma that past away recently...she was crying and he thought she was crying because of the fight and hit her to prevent \"harm\" to the baby..and apparently this is the second time it's happened.\n\nWe came home noticed her nose was bleeding, she was so determined to get a divorce, but she changed her mind a couple of days after he sent a letter \"apologizing\". \n\nI feel guilty because maybe I shouldve hit him for touching my sister, but I have a habit of ruining relationships so I didn't do anything.\n\nNow my parents are back and idk how but they talked thru it and now want us siblings to forget about it and act as if everything is normal.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Ages: 25 male, 24 female\n\nThings are going well. Although we are not \"official\"/boyfriend and girlfriend, we have spent a lot of time together in the last two weeks. Good connection, great sex, we like each other, and I'm pretty sure we're exclusive at this point (official talk about that coming soon), because we've spent every night together...if she's still dating around, they must be 20 minute afternoon dates, or something! Either way:\n\nShe's a foodie; she loves to try new restaurants (often pricey ones), knows *a lot* about different types, styles, ethnicities. She likes exotic and new things in terms of food and frankly, it makes me feel dumb talking to her about food because she knows so much.\n\nI'm a frugal eater. I cook a rice/beans/veggie combo that I put in the fridge and it lasts me for dinner all week. I don't really care about trying new, expensive things every week; as long as I'm eating healthy, I want to spend as little on food as possible. I just don't care about it.\n\nNow, a few weeks in, it's making me uncomfortable going to restaurants and paying a bunch of money. I don't even enjoy the meal; all I think about is \"wow, I could be saving this 30 dollars but instead I'm spending it on an exquisite meal I don't want.\"\n\nI really want to keep spending time with this girl, but I don't want to eat out anymore, or spend money on food. I don't mind treating her every now and then, but I feel like she'd quickly grow bored with my eating habits.\n\nDoes this sound like an irrelevant issue that can be easily worked out? Or is this going to cause problems again and again? If so, should I get out now before spending more time and money?", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "An ex-friend of mine (let's call him rob) got hurt real bad a while back and was prescribed perc's for the pain. He wasn't into the idea of getting hooked on them so he barely took the pills. One day someone asked him for a free pill, and that's where the downfall began. Eventually and slowly Rob started to distribute the pills and began selling them. After seeing how fast the money came (over 20 grand in one month) he pretty much was the biggest perc connection in the area. \n\nAt this point he was buying them illegally rather than getting them prescribed, so when his suppliers weren't able to meet the, he got about 20 grand together and flew to florida to get his pills. After finding a \"reliable dealer\" and testing some of the perc's, he was happy and bought them, then flew back. \n\nFirst deal back in my state, was a major one. Rob went to meet up with the buyer, and when they went to exchange the product, the pills... Were fake. All of them. In a single blow all his business was gone. \n\nNow this is where Robs luck truly runs out. Being a semi-small town where this was all happening, the cops caught wind after a few months. Rob had quit the dealing due to the fake pills, but barely a few days later, while Rob was at a fellow drug-dealers house waiting for pizza, things got suspicious. Their regular pizza guy wasn't the one deliviring, but it was a guy in his mid-40's. For some reason Rob opened the door, and immediatelywas bum rushed by 10 cops. \n\nBoth Rob and his friend were placed under arrest. The cops found the 10000 fake percs, and looked like they hit the jackpot, thinking they were real . Fast-forward after court, percs were found as fake and all Rob got was a year in jail for possessing fake drugs.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Okay, so my girlfriend of 3 months has a big issue with one of my best friends of like 4 years being a girl who I hooked up with once four years ago. \n\nAnytime I mention my friend (i'll call C) to my Girlfriend (I'll call gf) she shuts down and just gets quiet and doesn't talk. I've asked her about it and she gets so jealous and uncomfortable at the thought of me being good friends with a girl whom I've hooked up with (not even sex).\n\nI do understand how some odd feelings could arise from it, but C is just my good friend and that's it. We often talk about how she'll be my best man and I'll be her maid of honor... obviously we're not interested in each other. \n\nThe problem is that I can't fully commit to someone who doesn't trust me fully. I trust my GF, but if that isn't reciprocated, then I feel short changed. I have never cheated before, mind you. I just don't know how to handle it. I tell my GF every single day how much she means to me, but it seems to fall on deaf ears. This is possibly a make or break thing for me, because I won't stop being friends with C. I'm not going to be the guy who shuts out everyone for a GF. And the thing is that me and C only hang out maybe two times every three weeks.\n\nWhat do I do or say to my GF to get her okay with C? I've had us all hang out before and it seems to go well, but any day after, GF still is upset about it.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Recently the good morning and good night texts started to disappear but when she does its \"Goodnight babe (kiss face)\". Girlfriend being distant and not texting back on a couple occasions. \n\nNot sure what's going on, maybe I'm coming off to needy lately. \n\nLast time I texted she told me she was super busy with work. I told her to text me when she is free and wants to hang out. \n\nHavent heard from her all week. Nothing at all. \n\nLast we texted, she was still using the word \"Babe\" in texts. \n\nIts Friday tomorrow, should I keep the no contact rule, if so how long, or should I text her and say something like:\n\n\"What happened to my beautiful amazing girlfriend who use to texted me all the time? Everything alright over there baby?\" \n\nOr \n\n\"Hey your week get better?\"\n\nIf she wants to break up, well fine, whatever, I like her but I don't like being in limbo, but how should I approach this?", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "My boyfriend and I (Both 24) have been in a relationship for 2 years and a couple months now. Things had been going quite well, until last night he brought up that he's been having a feelings of 'what if.'\n\nFor the majority of the relationship we were long distance, but saw each other every other weekend. 3 weeks ago, we moved in with each other since we both now have jobs in the same area. Things seemed to be going pretty well. Then, throughout the last week, I noticed he wasn't hugging, kissing, touching me and things seemed strained for him. Finally, he let out that since I'm his first girlfriend, he is having feelings of 'what if there's someone better out there for me? How do I even know what I want since I've never dated anyone else?' and various related questions.\n\nI flat out asked him if he wanted to end things, but he constantly says \"I don't know, part of me wants to stay and part of me doesn't know\" (which I assume means part of him wants to leave). Upon prying a little more, he said that sometimes he feels like we are too similar and neither of us pushes the other to go out and do things... But this is untrue in my eyes. For the past 2 months, we have not had a free weekend because of going out and doing things. I also just moved into the area and started my first job, so I have been swamped with getting things in order (but trust me, I would love to go out and do things).\n\nMy question: How do I help him figure out what's best for him? Do I leave and give him space?", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "This dude has told her before that he needed attention from women but promised to stop after he got caught the first time. He never physically cheated on her (that we know of) but has had many emotional relationships with women over the phone that are flirtatious.\n\n Something told her she needed to check his phone last night and she did. She found 3 threads to different girls (2 being exes) saying things like 'her my girl' and \"are you over me? Because I'm still not over you\". The thing is though that these girls live in other countries so it's impossible to physically cheat, but I feel that texts like that are still cheating.\n\n This guy also is a huge manipulator. He'll threaten to leave her (which I believe he does in hopes she'll beg him to stay and the whole thing will be forgotten) which he did today. \n\n She is very against divorce so she always tries to fix it even though he hurts her with stuff like this. They have known each other for 2 1/2 years and have been married for 8 months. \n\n What do you think reddit. I know what I think but I want to see if you think the same.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "My hands are covered in glitter after a project with my niece, hence the username. \n\nMy girlfriend cheated on me a few weeks ago and it was her best friend that broke the news to me. We're in a serious relationship of seven months. \n\nAfter finding out she cheated, I confronted her and she admitted to everything. She felt terrible and was pretty much bawling her eyes out the entire night, begging me not to leave her. For the time being, I agreed to try and work things out.\n\nHowever, ever since her best friend broke the news to me, I feel like I'm beginning to crush on her. She's an attractive girl and she has morals, something my girlfriend obviously lacks. We've gotten close over the last few weeks and I'm really falling for her. And she doesn't hide the fact that the feelings are mutual. We've got a lot in common, she *gets* me - Maybe this is why she decided to throw my girlfriend under the bus? \n\nHowever, **I'm not a cheater.** So I guess I have to make a decision, which is why I'm here. Would I be an asshole to dump my girlfriend for her best friend? I'm not looking to get revenge on my girlfriend - I'm not that type of guy. But I really don't know if I want to fix a relationship that my girlfriend was willing to risk for a sex-filled night with her ex.\n\nI need to make a decision soon. I don't want to string either girl along. Do I suck it up and work things out with my girlfriend, dump her for her best friend, or leave both of them behind entirely? \n\nAdvice is greatly appreciated.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "She and my father divorced 3 years ago under (relatively) amicable terms. He was married again within 1-2 years. They speak very rarely.\n\nThe issue is this: she is very depressed and can't move on with her life. She's relatively functional in her professional life, but she's made it clear she misses having someone to talk to the way that she talked to my dad (both are very smart people, and she has a hard time getting that with her friendships and colleagues). She has a tendency to drink too much and I catch her with 'bummed' cigarettes. She's made a few attempts at online dating, but has always found her dates to be dull or socially inept or uninteresting. Personally, I think the problem stems from the fact that she has been with my father since she was 19 and therefore never had to develop dating skills...she's probably shy and would rather avoid it. Not to mention that exuding unhappiness makes you a pretty dull date!\n\nI'm worried because I'm moving to a different state soon and I want her to be on an upswing before I leave. She's halfheartedly tried therapy and stays on antidepressants for a while but it never seems to go anywhere. I think the bottom line is that she's unhappy, has low self worth, and is exceedingly picky about men. What can I do to move her in the right direction? I know that this has to come from within, but it's driving me insane watching her wallow in sadness. I want to be sensitive but it seems so obvious she just needs to toughen up, put herself out there, and realize that she deserves happiness!", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "My boyfriend (29) and I (28F) have been together for about 7 months. We have a really great relationship and have many things in common except for one...I have my own place and he lives with his mother. \nBefore we made our relationship official, I did bring up his living situation and he told me he only moved back to her house a year ago after he and his long term ex broke up. He told me that he's saving money and plans on getting his own place soon. That was over 7 months ago. \nI've never seen him look for a place or a room mate or even mention it. I also have doubts that he's saving money because he waits tables and talks about being low on money. \n\nNOW, so you don't think I'm being a shallow, bitchy girlfriend, I do want to add some of his backstory...\nI know that he can get a better job than the serving position he has at a restaurant. He was in the Air Force for 4 years and decided not to reenlist. I don't blame him for that because he saw a lot of fucked up things while he was deployed. He now has the opportunity get paid to go to school (with the GI bill) or he could get a contracting job that pays well. \nAm I in the wrong for wanting him to use his full potential? I feel like he is so unmotivated but I don't want to offend or nag him about it...he's pretty sensitive. I could easily see myself marrying this guy but this is definitely something to think about for our future.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "I (30f)found out my boyfriend (34m) of 4 months opened an online dating profile about two months after we because exclusive. I was devastated and am freaking out. He just told me he loves me a week ago and I feel the same. We get along amazingly. He is the first man in years I have felt a true honest connection with. We made conscious mutual decision to be together exclusively and detailed all online accounts etc. He suggested em make it fb official etc. He is never super protective Iver his phone. \nHe is under a lot of stress with work and an ill parent. Thins moved pretty quick with us. He has met all my family etc. Hr is divorced and has been cheated on but (says) he has never chested. \n\nI confronted him and he said he dosent use the account. He has never really engaged in it but just browsed. He knew it was wrong and stored but never deleted it. He also said that he was watching porn and then wants to browse POF because that is what he had done previously. He told me I'm very caring and amazing and done nothing wrong. He wants to be with me and loves me. He wants this to work. He is deeply sorry and didn't want to hurt me. There also had been a lack of sex in the relationship which he states is due to stress\n\nI'm town. Ita still a new fresh relationship and I've been told when someone shows you are the first time to believe them. But then again he has been through alot and crests it a couple months ago. I don't knoe how to feel or what to do or how to handle it. Please help!!!", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "I want to make it clear that I have come to terms with the fact that my boyfriend masturbates to porn frequently. I have done everything I can to try to accommodate this into our relationship, but he's not interested. I get that we all need some \"me-time\" every so often and I will be the first to admit that I will masturbate when he leaves the house sometimes, so I am fully aware of the reasons why even people in happy sexual relationships masturbate a lot. I refuse to be a hypocrite about this so I have worked very hard to be understanding. \n\nBut today, I was just casually playing", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Ok so i met this girl during my last semester of college (I just graduated) and we have been exclusive more or less the entire semester. It was going great, and still was for a couple of weeks after we went home. We would call each other, say how much we missed each other, but at no point did we ever talk seriously about being in a relationship. We made plans for the summer where we would visit each other, and go to events, and she even came to me to see a Yankee game. Next week she is going to EDC Las Vegas, and has been acting extremely cold, saying how she doesn't really want to put any effort into making this work,picking petty fights, and how when she's away in Vegas she doesn't want to feel guilty if she hooks up with someone there. I told her that I completely understand if she did considering its Vegas and she is going to be there for almost a week straight partying. My question is do I just forget it and move on, or do I wait until she gets back to see if after Vegas she wants to put in more effort? It's been eating me up the past few days and I could really use some more opinions. I have told my friends the situation and they just think she wants to have fun in Vegas and when she gets back she'll be a little more like the ay she was. What does Reddit think? She has told me multiple times how happy I make her, and every single person that is close to her has said how much happier she is. Her family has said how it only took her 21 years to find someone that actually makes her happy. This is another reason I'm kind of stuck.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "To start, my husband and I have only been married about 6 months. Before we got married, he was planning for a while to go into the Marines and then halfway through our engagement changed his mind. He decided he was going to go into law enforcement as a career instead. He tried to get into the police department in Colorado Springs, where we recently moved to, and didn't get in. We started making plans on moving back to Michigan where his family is and he could try there.\n\nWe got talking the other night about our future plans and he told me he wants to join the Air Force and has been thinking about it the past few months. He wants me to think about it and make a decision on if he can do so or not. He said he would wait to join until we moved back so I could be close to my family and friends when he goes to boot camp. \n\nAfter he said no about going into the Marines, I kind of \"washed my hands\" of any idea with the armed forces. I really don't want him to, but he said that he fears if I say no, then years down the line, he may start to resent me. I want to have kids in about 3 years, which he knows, and I don't want him to miss out on important occasions in our marriage like my pregnancy/ the first year of our child's life. I also have a big fear of being alone. We have been together for about 5.5-6 years, and any extended period of time we have been apart, I have a rough time being alone, especially if there is nothing to occupy my time.\n\nI've had a few people agree with me, that it is a big decision and sort of an extreme one, and I have had others say that the benefits are great and it would help us to become financially stable. \n\nI just really want some opinions and things to think about! Thanks!", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "As soon as my boyfriend picked up the phone this evening I knew something was wrong. His sisters dog had just been killed in a car accident. Those of you that have had pets will understand how integral they are to the family, and how when they are lost so suddenly we are thrust into a state of shock. \n\nMy biggest concern is the impact this is going to have on his mother. She is in her 50's, and was diagnosed with Early Onset Parkinsons around 5 years ago. She has struggled immensely with depression and coming to terms with such a shitty illness at such a young age. The dog really helped her to feel at ease, feel relaxed, and brought a bit of happiness to their lives. I'm so scared that the losing the dog in such a traumatic manner will send her into a downward spiral\n\nI want to help them, and want to be there for them, but can't be so physically as I live over 200 miles away. What can I do to help them now, and in the long term?", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "My boyfriend (22) and I have been dating for 4 years as of yesterday, and I've been getting commitment jitters since around the time I moved back home from university. We've been long-distance for the bulk of the time we've been together. Now that I'm home I'm all confused about my future, my career (or lack thereof), and really feeling doubtful about our relationship. I've tried talking to him about it, but he feels that we're doing really great, and we agreed that we'll figure out the forks when we get there (in terms of career vs. relationship). He is the most amazing person, and I love him so much. I've daydreamed of us living together and having a family, and have justified my doubtful feelings by saying I wish that we met later in our lives. Last night though, I had a dream that we broke up mutually, and it felt oddly satisfying. I know this is just a dream, and it's stupid to base anything off your dreams. I just want to say that I am a very paranoid person, and have minor minor minor destructive tendencies (a major example is that in a zombie apoc, if chased, I would probably just stop and have myself killed because from the stress of being chased). So it could be me just slowly deteriorating one of the greatest things/people to have come into my life. I don't know what to do, I love him so much, and can't stand being without him. At the same time, how do you know when we've reached the expiry date? I hope I'm not in denial, because I really want to make this work.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "I've been through the rounds so many times that everything just feels dull whenever cancer is brought up. My 23 year old sister is going through her 3rd kind of cancer in her life and I'm at the point where I don't know how to feel anymore.\n\nWe came to America from Syria when I was very young because both my sister and my twin brother had cancer at the same time (him, testicular, her, brain) for the better medical treatment options available in the states and we've been here ever since trying to deal with a new life and new surroundings. Sadly, my twin died when we were around seven, but my sister survived both the brain cancer and the pancreatic cancer that sprang up on us about five years ago.\n\nSurprisingly still, she survived that as well, but as far as I can surmise, some of the tumor was not removed and it ended up growing around the stomach. Recently, she has barely been able to eat more than a bite for the entire day and if she tries, she ends up throwing everything up. She's nearing barely eighty pounds and is always in pain.\n\nI'm constantly surrounded by the emotional trauma and stress of a family in crisis and I don't know what to do anymore. My dad has worked himself dry trying to support a family and a sick child, and we've all come out of these struggles with more scars than we can count.\n\nI love her dearly and even though we don't talk and aren't the closest, simply imagining her not being a part of my life anymore makes me shut down. She's going for her first appointment to schedule chemo tomorrow and because of how I've dealt with all this I have a horrible aversion to hospitals.\n\nHow am I supposed to show her that I care? How am I supposed to be the strong one in this family? How am I supposed to keep on going? I can't do anything and I feel like everything is crumbling around me.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "My girlfriend who has been with me for 4 years since we were 16 started showing signs of lost interest, her texts are short and short and simple despite me sending long texts and she sometimes find me clingy and annoying although I didn't do anything different from the past 4 years. I txted her my feelings and she said we should give each other some time and space, and that she doesnt want to commit to anything for her life because we're only 20 and she wants to explore since we're both each other's first.\n\nI still love her a lot and we agreed to just give each other a week but I cannot resist myself from sending her our memories or wanting to talk to her. My heart stings really bad because she was a big big part of my life for a long time and now my life feels meaningless when I go to work or school. \n\nI feel horrible every minute especially when I wake up and when I'm at home alone, what should I do about this? Should I wait at her house or txt her today ( its been 3 days )? I feel so helpless, lonely and sad and all I want is her..", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "*I'm trying to decide where to backpack for the next 3 months and I can choose anywhere in or near Asia.* \n\nPlease share any and all recommendations for locations and relevant information for Thailand/Laos/Camb./Viet. and India/Nepal. Thanks !\n\n**Which, given my interests, would you recommend between Thailand/Laos/Camb./Viet. and India/Nepal?** Thanks !\n\nI'm a shoe-string budget traveler intending on sleeping in hostels & couchsurfing. I've backpacked Europe before and traveled in Africa, but never this part of the world. I'm not big into partying, but I'd like a night out here or there.\n\nI **love** learning about cultures & connecting with people of different backgrounds. I love nature & seeing beautiful historic locations. I also enjoy meeting other travelers.\n\n**I want this to be a slow, relaxed trip**. I've done fast-paced trips before, but that's not the intention here. (In terms of budget, I'd like to stay under 3K for the trip). \n\nThank you so much for the advice and the insight everyone !!\n\nI also xposted this on a couple other subs.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "I'm a 17 year old female and he is a 21 year old male. We've been dating for about 4 months and we're madly in love with each other. He's never had a gf before me and i even took his virginity. We've never been apart for more than a day and when he mentioned the idea of him going to Austin, it kinda crushed me. I'm always telling him that he should hang out with his friends and i'm always supportive of whatever it is that he's doing so of course i acted like it was no big deal and i told him that i'm really excited for him and that he should definitely go. He could hear it in my voice that i was upset but i kept on denying it. \n\nHE'S ONLY GONNA BE GONE FOR 1 WEEKEND. Like i feel so dumb that i can't even handle 2-3 days without him. I feel so clingy and desperate. I trust him 100% but i DON'T trust the people that he's going with. One of the people going is his friend that i do not like at all. He's EXTREMELY rude to me almost every time he's comes over and he's rude to my sister and he's even a dick to my bf. He's vulgar and he's constantly getting sloppy drunk, and starting fights. He's a fucking cokehead for God's sake. \nAnd another person that's going is this girl that, for some reason, i have myself convinced she likes my bf. She's really flirty towards him and has pet names for him and everything. I don't trust her or anyone for that matter. \n\nI know all of them are just gonna be rude to him and take advantage of him while they're there but he doesn't see that. Ugh i feel so retarded.\n\nTell me i'm over reacting", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "I'm a student in a course attended by both grad students and undergrads. A much older member of a short-term research group I'm a part of asked me out over email.\n\nIDK why he feels that I might be interested in him or why he thinks it's an appropriate thing to do. A few weeks ago, I disclosed my age to the group and he remarked, \"you are very young\". In this light especially, I'm skeeved and bemused that he'd approach me for a date, given that he knows absolutely nothing about me, and that I have not shown the slightest hint of interest.\n\nI didn't reply immediately-- kind of shellshocked-- and he decided to send more emails with emoticons and the like, asking if he's freaked me out. \n\nI want to refuse in a kind but direct way that is professional and unambiguous. I considered: *thank you for the invite, but I'm not interested in seeing anyone at the moment.*\n\nI've heard before that this kind of response is not clear cut, and not a good way to communicate in general. Please help me. Any suggestions would be appreciated.\n\nTo be completely honest, the true reason behind the refusal is less not wanting to date, than being repulsed by what I think is an inappropriate and unwelcome request. I don't want to give him the wrong idea, like if he waits around, I'll change my mind.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Going anon for all the obvious reasons. Also, apologies to the men--you may want to shuffle awkwardly away now...\n\nNeeding some advice from the ladies: I have hit a serious chafing issue. I have been increasing mileage, up to 20 mpw at the moment. For the last few weeks, my long run has been KILLING my (admittedly larger than average) inner labia. Like, road rash.\n\nI wear compression shorts and no underpants at the moment--this has been my go-to solution for a really large butt that manages to pull down every pair of running shorts I have ever tried. However, now my ladybits are objecting: anyone have any alternative suggestions? I feel like underpants would be the obvious solution, but then I'm left with pants that won't stay up--the compression shorts pretty much slide down up until I hit the sweaty stage 5 minutes in, then stick to me like glue. With underpants, they always just kept sliding down for the whole damn run.\n\nIn a perfect world, I would like something relatively cheap, since I am dropping weight at the moment. Switching sizes in $90 shorts would be a bitch.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Hello redditers,\n\nI live in a very busy area in a university town in Canada (hence leaving the door unlocked). Today, while I was watching a movie with 2 of my roommates we heard the door open and someone go upstairs. We thought nothing of it at first as our roommate was out with a friend and it was around the time we thought she would be coming back. \n\nRight in the middle of of movie our other roommate and her boyfriend come downstairs and ask us to help them with the drunk girl. Not taking them very seriously, we continue to watch for a few more seconds until they yell, \"You have to help us, a random drunk girl just wandered into our bedroom and is now puking in the washroom!\" \n\nIt turns out the person who had come into our house wasn't our roommate, but a severely inebriated university student with no shoes or jacket. Turns out she had initailly wandered into the only room with a person in it, and proceeded to attempt to puke in her closet. Thankfully, my roommate managed to get her out of the room in time and locked her in our washroom, where she proceeded to take off her pants and puke all over our floor. Cue the panic. \n\nInitially thinking that it was an upstair neighbour who had just wandered house as a mistake we knock on their door asking if they had lost a person. No luck there. \n\nAfter a few minutes of panic and wondering wtf was happening, I decide to call the cops and paramedics. Thankfully, they come quickly and get her out of the house, leaving only a puked on the bath mat for us to remember her by.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Wanna keep details brief: Both guys, been together for around 9 months now. Somewhere around 4 months in we start saying \"I love you\", and at the time I assumed I really did because I've never been in love before.\n\nThings have developed and he often says how madly in love with me he is, but I don't feel I can say the same back, heck I don't think I really do love him.\n\nDon't get me wrong, he is AMAZING and I really think he's the nicest guy around, and this relationship is awesome. I want us to still be in a relationship but I can't honestly say I love him, and he's started noticing I don't reply \"I love you too\".\n\nHow can I go back on what I said in the past AND STILL keep this relationship?", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "This is my first time posting here in Reddit. So I'm a bit nervous. \n\nI have been with my partner(Ben) for 2 years now. He's one of the most wonderful guys I know. He has never ever given a reason to ever doubt on him. He treats me like a princess all day everyday. \n\nWe have a birthday dinner coming up next weekend. It's Ben's Bestfriend's (John) wife's(Ruby) birthday. I know Ruby is best friends with my partner's ex. I know their 'relationship' lasted for a month. He wasn't ready for a commitment then. And I'm also not very close with Ruby. I don't know if I should go. I also have work on that day. So I'll have to find someone to replace my shift. So should I tag along with him or just let him go alone ? \n\nAll the advice will appreciated!", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "This past weekend I was going to drop my boyfriend at his class, while I was backing out of his parking and actually bumped a car behind me. It was raining cats and dogs so I hopped out of the car, checked for damage and didn't see any so I got back in my car and drove my boyfriend to his class, figuring I'd leave my information when I got back just in case. It had stopped raining by the time I got back and so I left my information under his windshield wipe and headed back to my university which is about 2 hours from my boyfriends. It apparently began raining extremely hard again and my boyfriend reports that the paper I left my information on is waterlogged and destroyed and that there might have been a dent that I didn't notice in the rain. What should I do here Reddit.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "I bought Bulletstorm when it came out and I got the code for the bonus Epic Edition content, including the Gears of War 3 Beta. Well, a friend of mine really, really, really loves Gears but he was unable to purchase the game due to money issues. I was willing to part with my code to give to him, but apparently a friend of mine who was over my house decided to enter the code so now mine is already used and I can't give it to my other friend. So what I'm asking is if someone has a code that they received with the game that they would be willing to give to me so that I could give it to my good friend. If anyone is up for it, I would be very appreciative and so would my friend. Thanks a bunch in advance.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Hi Reddit, \n\nWell the title says it all: I am uncomfortable with my man going to a strip club. While I have no issues with him watching porn, it makes me uncomfortable at the thought of him going to a strip club. I have gone to a SC a few times, and each time I was danced upon and so were the men in my group. This makes me uncomfortable. \n\nMy bf is going for a bachelor party, and he hasn't seen this friend for a couple years. I told him that I was uncomfortable with him going but that I was not going to stop him if he wanted to go. \n\nThe party is this Friday. \n\nTo complicate things further (in my mind), is the fact that we have been having an issue in the bedroom lately. Mainly, my libido is higher than his, and he has turned down sex twice in the last two weeks. We have sex a decent amount, but he initiates less and less and it makes me feel unattractive. Last night I initiated sex, and when I went down on him he went completely \"dead fish\" on me. When I asked him what was wrong he said he was \"hoping to get into it, but that he wasn't into it yet.\" This was after I had been rubbing and teasing him for almost 15 minutes and been sucking him off for a couple of minutes. \n\nWe have talked about our difference in sex drives a couple of times, and he swears to me that he is \"insanely attracted\" to me and that he just \"doesn't want sex all the time.\" (He has had two LTR, and in both sex dwindled to about once a month by the end of it.) \n\nSo, I guess I am just trying to reconcile him wanting to go to a strip club and see other naked women when he doesn't want to pay attention to the one he has at home. It's bothering me a lot.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Basically just letting this out there to get it off my chest and to see what you guys think.\n\nWe've been good friends for about 5 years and I have personally always felt a level of chemistry with him. All of my close girlfriends are convinced he likes me judging by his body language and the way he speaks to me. I didn't really believe them for the longest time until recently when he started to pay me more compliments and doing things like guiding me on the small of my back.\n\nI think I was fine with being just friends with him and was always happy for him when he was in a relationship even though he was clearly dating the wrong types of girls for the wrong types of reasons. And he tends to gravitate towards significantly younger girls for whatever reason he has (commitment?). \n\nI've confronted him once before about my feelings for him when a mutual friend confessed that he knew this guy liked me back(this was awhile ago) but the conversation turned out to be super defensive and tense on his part. And he professed that he didn't want to ruin our friendship; however true that was. \n\nAnyways, judging by what my friends told me and things he's said, he's unhappy in his current relationship. I've asked him recently whether there was any possibility of us pursuing something and he said that he only considered me as a friend.\n\nI'm fine with being just friends but the constant flirting is getting to me and making me think maybe I do have some feelings for him. I've been reading up on some advice and a lot of people suggest that cutting off ties completely with the person is the best option as a level of infatuation/attraction will always be there to put a barrier to personal relationships.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "A couple months ago I went to Miami with a female friend of mine. Little did I know I would encounter creeps everywhere - literally men waiting on the side of the road to approach us at night. On the second day there, we were walking to the parking lot to add more time for the space. It was about 6PM and there was a lot of foot/road traffic in the area. I can't remember if I was looking down at my phone or not, but my friend was walking a few feet ahead of me. Suddenly, a couple of guys pass me pretty close and I hear an aerosol spray and smell nothing but ether/paint thinner (no idea). Almost instantly I feel nauseous and have a strong head-to-toe light headed feeling, like I'm passing out. When I caught my breath I turned around and saw the two guys lingering by a parking meter watching me, then they walked away. My friend didn't see/hear anything happen, and I didn't tell anybody else walking around. I instantly felt freaked out and didn't feel right for the next hour. Needless to say, I left that night. I felt like I was in Taken 2 and there was no Liam Neeson to save my ass. I'll probably never go back to seedy Miami.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "TIFU but recovered. Ok, So there I am......on a first date. This was a date that was essentially set up for us, so we had never talked to each other before other than text. Generally, I suck at talking to girls and I'm a pretty shy person in general. \n\nSo I pick her up, and everything is turning out pretty well. I'm actually on fire. I'm talking really well, coming up with subjects where I normally draw blanks, and making her laugh. We're drinking the first round of beers and getting pretty comfortable. The bar is pretty packed and so the whole time we were kind of leaning against the wall. So we go to get the second round and afterwards a table has opened up. \n\nAt this point I'm feeling great and I'm really opening up and using my hands to talk a lot. I tend to get animated when I do talk. So here we are with totally fresh beers having a great conversation. I can't even remember what we're talking about and mid-sentence I'm waving my arms around and knock my entire beer over. The table is totally dry. The glass perfectly tips towards me and spills entirely all over my body. YES, some got on her, but for the most part I'm soaked. \n\nI'm speechless and my body is tingling from the embarrassment I'm feeling. So then she pulls the most suave move I've seen a girl do in a while. She picks up the glass, pours half her beer in, and says, \"let's drink this quick and go for a walk so you can dry off.\" Anyways, we end up staying out way late, drinking more, and making out.", "role": "user" } ]