[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "About 2 years ago I was in a shopping centre with friends. After trudging about all day, going in and out of every shop multiple times, I need the toilet.\n\nExcusing myself from the group, I quickly went up the escalator behind 2 fairly well-built men. The kind with muscles that make the t-shirt arms taught. At the top I followed them into the toilet, so far it was just a normal toilet trip, nothing to fear.\n\nIn the toilets there's 3 urinals, they proceeded to occupy the end 2 urinals, leaving the middle open. I saw this and thought, \"Fuck it, I'll do a 17 times table and not get stage fright.\" It is then that I realise music is playing, I tune in. Humming the tune, I know this! One of the other men starts whistling the tune of the chorus, before the song has got there. I start piecing it together, but I can't name the song. \n\nI began my stream, confident that I'd just pulled into a parking bay and got over stage fright before it began. Then, the chorus begins; Elton John - Are You Ready For Love?, it got tense, and a silence filled the public toilets. No-one knew where too look, a couple of people were blushing as this was not a song to be played in the mans toilets.\n\nI finished up pretty quick, splashed my hands with clean water and made a quick escape. Possibly the first time a song ever made a normal situation awkward. I'm still paranoid about toilets playing this song.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "So I have a roommate that plays hockey. He leaves his hocky bag, which on a good day doesn't really smell, and on a bad day smells like shit, in the living room/tv room. It's tucked out of the way and in no way a physical obstruction but it assaults the olfactory senses like none other. Is it too much for the remaining 4 roommates to ask him to keep it in his room or somewhere else that isn't as commonly used by the other 4 roommates. \n\nI've already confronted him about it and he claims:\na.) His room is too small\nb.) I need to stop being a douche and a cocky, little Korean\nc.) We're all ganging up on him, being inconsiderate to his needs, and we're imposing our will on him\n\nI claim (and I think it's safe to say I speak for everyone else in the house): \na.) His bag is unpleasant smelling\nb.) It is unreasonable that he thinks he is special or above everyone else in that he can keep his smelly hockey bag in the common room\nc.) He is everything that is wrong with America\n\n*He's a redneck-wanna-be, an adament libertarian, and a supporter of Rick Santorum. I think this is where he gets this notion that the individual (himself) comes before the collective (our House) and the idea that the \"Group\" or the governing body imposes its will on him (the lone indivdual) and suppresses his freedoms.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "I'm currently working in an Investment Bank, and by god, I hate it so much but I've been staying on because the money was good. Recently, after a series of argument with my boss (she's a female) I decided to leave the company for good... until today. \n\nI realized she increased my salary by two times!! Two bloody freaking times. I know that if I step out of this bank, I'll never see that kind of salary at my age (I'm 26) and it will take at least 10-15 years before any other companies would offer that kind of salary to me.\n\nI'm in a limbo now. I hate the working hours that usually runs late into morning and I have to pull almost 100-120 hours a week at work, but the salary is mouth watering! Wtf do I do?? HELP", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Hello r/needAdvice, I've been going to see my Psychiatrist who has been prescribing me medication without any real diagnosis. He simply prescribes me the medication because I have trouble focusing. That is pretty much the only reason he will give them to me. Is this a valid enough reason? There's no real diagnosis as to why I am taking them.\n\nI decided to get a second opinion in terms of my conditions but that Psychiatrist is also just doing the same thing. I wanted to get a full diagnosis so I can understand what I'm tackling as well as the fact that my insurance company will not cover the medication unless it were under a diagnosis.\n\nSo is this a normal thing that Psychiatrist do? Is this not unethical or somewhat illegal?", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Her family was going on vacation over next weekend and I was invited but I would feel guilty going and wanted to break up with her before then. I feel like it isn't the best idea though. \n \n I love my girlfriend but she is always wanting to drink and smoke weed which I'm not okay with. I tried getting over it but it always keeps me up at night knowing what she's doing. I know it seems like I'm being tight. \n \nI grew up with an alcoholic step-father who was physically abusive not only no my mother but me as well whenever i tried to step in and alcohol has been a no for me ever since it just eats at me. My actual father was also a drug dealer so I always blamed drugs for the way he acted and for never being around. \n \n From a point of view I can see how I'm being unreasonable but I can't get over these things. I've tried talking to her about it and she told me she wouldn't do anything if I didn't want her to and she still does saying she only tells me those things because it makes me feel better and that my past shouldn't affect her decisions. I love her extremely but these reasons eat at me.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "32 m 25 f of 1 year\n\nI feel like the gf disagrees with me just for the sake of arguing lol it happens so much that its kinda funny\n\nany way, this guy at her work has been sexually harassing her. lets say that she works at Ross. she told the managers and i guess it stopped. he has been harassing some of the other girls. i guess he has been crude with them. he told my gf that he flat out wanted to **** her. he has pulled out a radio out of back pocket. gf felt uncomfortable.\n\ni told the gf that i will write to the headquarters about his behavior and i hope he gets fired. she said no that he shouldnt get fired because the economy is bad and it sucks not having a job. i told her yeah but he can work somewhere else, not just at your workplace.\n\nshe disagreed and said it doesnt matter if he works there, as long as they dont work the same shifts. then i just said yeah but hes harassing the girls that work there. he should be fired from Ross. this went on for about 15 minutes. back and forth, pretty ridiculous.\n\nwas this even worth arguing? couldnt the gf just agree that hes a creep and he doesnt belong there??", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "So this happened Friday, but I'm just now getting around to posting this. \n\nMy Friend and I went to see F&F7 Friday night. We had to get tickets to the last showing because all others were sold out. So we get in and find some seats at 10:00 PM. At this point, we both had a long day and were exhausted. The movie didn't start til 11, so we just chilled. About half an hour after we sat down, these two really cute girls walk in. We both notice them and start checking them out. Didn't take long for them to spot us checking them out; jokingly, my friend patted the seat next to him. To our surprise, they came and sat down two seats down. Let me reiterate that this is the newest The Fast and The Furious movie. And these two really cute girls just walked in of their own free will, no guys were bringing them to watch it. The movie plays, it is an incredible movie if you grew up watching them like we have. Throughout the entire movie whenever I glanced over at my friend I could see one of them looking over at us. After we get out, it was almost 2 AM. Between talking about the movie and fighting sleep, we completely forgot about the girls who sat down by us and obviously wanted us to talk to them. Went back to my house and he crashed on my couch. When we woke up the next morning, we knew we blew it.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "His ex-probation officer called him today to tell him he failed an etg (tests for alcohol consumed in past 72 hours) in April. It is now two months after he was supposed to have been off probation and he now finds out he has a warrant and is looking at a maximum of thirty days. \n\nSo long story short I am trying to raise money for him so that maybe, with a slight bit of luck, I can cut down how many days he has to spend in jail after he is sentenced. Maybe pull the cool scene like in the movies where someone posts bond but he doesn't know who.\n\nMy goal is to buy wristbands and sell them for donations. We have A LOT of hoodlum friends in our city and I know I could at least make a couple hundred.\n\nI guy what I am asking of you guys is what should I write? First instinct for me was \"fuck cops-free (my bro)\". But do you think people will hesitate to buy something like that or jump on it?\n\nAlso, any recommendations for who to go through or what type of wristband? I'm thinking the engraved ones like the livestrong ones so they last but they get pricey fast. I looked on Google but I kept feeling the first couple sites were trying real\n hard to fuck me", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "I don't know anything about second hand smoke. I never did drugs in my life. This girl I'm talking to smokes ALL the time. When we are walking together, she smokes. I told her I didn't mind. And I really don't care.\n\nHOWEVER, I'm starting to wonder how bad this secondhand smoke is. Is it OKAY to just be beside it a little bit? Is this going to shorten my life in any way?\n\nCan a relationship still work if she smokes and I don't? Or am I going to have to walk away from her when she smokes from now on?\n\nThere is one more thing that is bothering me that I feel I should mention. She is Vegan. I am not. She told me directly that it would BOTHER her if I ate meat in front of her! Like, I can't get a burger or anything because of this! I'm wondering if this is a deal breaker. \n\nIts not fair! I don't complain about her smoking, yet here she is saying that it would bother her if I ate meat saying its rude knowing she is vegan. I feel like she is asking too much. I mean, if we go out to dinner sometime, I'm wondering if she will force me to eat vegan. Heck, I wonder if I even have to become a vegan just to be with her..", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Hi all,\n\nFirst time caller, long time listener here. I bought a steak yesterday as part of my New Years resolution to learn more about cooking. Now, I know there are a hundred posts on here about how to cook a steak. The searing, the flipping, the finishing off in the oven, etc. I've read through a lot of them, however I've decided it to be a better idea for me to reach out for some more specific advice. \n\nI plan on cooking the steak this evening. It's a beautifully marbled 1.25\" - 1.5\" cut of boneless ribeye. I don't believe it was dry-aged. I was planning on going out this morning to purchase a Lodge 12\" Cast Iron Skillet to cook in seeing as they are pre-seasoned, but after a bit of research, it seems only right to re-season the pan. The problem with this is that the process would take hours and I may not have that kind of time. My other option is a run-of-the-mill 12\" frying pan with a plastic handle, which leaves the option of finishing the steak off in the oven out unless I want melted cookware.\n\nAs for the rest of the process, I plan on letting the steak come to room temp for about 40 - 60 min before salting and I've decided on salting immediately before searing. As far as the sear goes, I have vegetable oil and I have unsealed butter. I like the idea of cooking the steak in oil and finishing it off in butter a la Chef Ramsey, although I'm still up in the air on the flipping method. To flip once or constantly, that is the question! After much research and it being my first time with such a nice cut of meat, I'm leaning more towards the flip every 15 - 20 secs as opposed to 1 flip. The reason is that since I'm unfamiliar with cooking a steak of this proportion, I will be better able to gauge cook time and achieve a more even sear, since I'm not positive on how long to cook on each side with the one flip method.\n\nSo fellow redditors, what advice do you have for me? Any and all is welcomed. Thanks!", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Here are the cliff notes. \nMy boyfriend is very blunt\nHe has custody of his son and family who I haven't met yet \nHe is very choosy about letting girls meet them. \nThey all know about me.\nHe has detachment issues and he's been cheated on countless times.\nWhen I met him, as a security guard at my apartment, he met a large sum of my family, so he has a better idea about my family than i know about his.\n\nBottom line, I'm in love with him. He has been the best part of my life since the worst time of my life. He helps me grow and I've helped him through some finance troubles as well. We're great friends and our sex life is killer. i think we have similar interest. We're both introverts, we like simple things. \n\nHe recently took his test to be a corrections officer but if that doesn't fall through, he has serious plans on joining The National Guard. We discussed it and being away that long... things can happen. He said he doesn't want to hold me back and I thought that meant I was holding him back because i'm not a cheater. I never gave him a reason to believe that I would. He insists that he cares about me and he isn't looking for anyone else.\n\nThis conversation was weeks ago and we agreed to keep things where they were for now. We had a great v-day and since then, I've been feeling great about where we were. Last night, we were having a good time on the phone and I don't remember how we led up to this, but i remember him saying \"I don't see a future with you\" He didn't say it sad or with an attitude or anything BUT he said it nonetheless. Neither of us talk about the future but it would be nice to to know he could entertain the idea of me being in his life... or just not say anything about it all unless he wants me out of his life now. He hasn't given me a reason accept that he may be leaving for a while due to the National Guard.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "My girlfriend and I have been dating for 2 years, and I could honestly say that I've never been so happy with someone before. We are getting rather serious, and we both love each other deeply, but I could never stop worrying about her being 6 years older than me...\n\nMy girlfriend was a virgin when we met and I was the first guy she's been in bed with. She also never lived on her own before, and is very dependent on her parents. I, on the other hand, was living on my own at the time, and had a lot more experience with relationships before. Thus, despite the fact that she's 6 years my senior, she's much more immature than I am, and looks at least 8 years younger than her age. I'm much more serious and responsible than her and have had a lot more experiences in my life. As a result, I've always felt like the older, more mature one in the relationship, and I've always seen her as someone who is a couple of years younger than myself.\n\nDespite this, when we are not seeing each other, I can't help but worry about our age difference. How will she mature when she gets older? Will she still be her young vibrant self? Much of my worries stem from my traditional father, who never approved of our relationship since she's older than me. According to him, such relationships are temporary, and I would get bored of being with someone who, down the line, will have less energy than myself. These worries are getting in my head, because we are starting to get really serious, and I am wondering if I should spend the rest of my life with this absolutely gorgeous woman, whom I have a strong connection with, or if I should stop wasting her time and move on...\n\nSo my question is, do any of you have any experience with relationships like this one? Is 6 years even something to worry about? What are the pros and cons of being with an older woman? Do I have to worry about anything as time progresses?", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "I [M22] have known my best friend [F21] since freshman year of high school so about **Eight years**. We quickly became best friends and have been since. I had feelings for her before but never acted on them because she was in relationships and eventually they faded. But recently she asked me to be her fake boyfriend, because she is an attractive female in a field with a lot of horny men so it helps keep the sexual comments and harassment down if she has a \"boyfriend\". \nProblem is, now that we have been \"dating\" the feelings have come back and I have started to fall for her. I know this isn't infatuation because there are aspects of her personality that I find annoying and others that I love.\n Since we have started \"dating\" She is very flirty with me which makes me think that she might feel the same way about me, but she can sometimes be that way with other people too. She also jokes about us being in a relationship. In other words, it has become very confusing to me. \nSo, what I am asking should I pursue it and possibly ruin a great friendship that I value dearly or go for it and stop asking myself what if?", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "2.5 year old (at the time-- she turns 3 in September) was nearly potty trained, but fully regressed to diapers when her baby brother was born. We let it rest for a couple months, but have begun working on potty training again. She starts preschool in 5 weeks and must be \"potty trained or nearly potty trained,\" otherwise she will be forced to leave. We got an amazing deal due to a need based scholarship, and so being kicked out would be very problematic, as we can't really afford preschool anywhere else (and I work part time so we need childcare regardless).\n\nShe has been doing well with potty training again-- poops and pees on the potty if we remind her, but she also will pee in her pull ups all day long and not even notice. So today we switched to full time undies so she'll notice when she's wet. We were expecting accidents, but we weren't expecting her to *enjoy* them. She has had 3 accidents today, and each time says something like \"Uh oh, something's on the floor... It's... PEE PEE!!\" Very excitedly and with a big smile on her face.\n\nWe have been making her clean the mess up as a \"natural consequence,\" but she thinks that's fun so I don't know how much of a \"consequence\" it is to her. The third time, my husband sent her to her room, essentially punishing the accident... I've heard that you shouldn't punish a child for accidents, but he thinks she's doing it on purpose. I don't necessarily think she is-- I mean, maybe she is, but maybe she really is having an actual accident and just thinks it's funny. I don't know. \n\nShe's very verbal and definitely understands that you *should* pee on the potty. She does notice when she has to go sometimes and successfully makes it to the potty. Other times we will remind her and take her to the potty, and she can pee \"on command\" upon sitting down. So I'm confident she is physically developed enough to potty train as far as communication and bladder control.\n\nThis is day one of undies, so I figured I'd get some advice here before we screw this up too badly.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "We've been together officially for a little over a month now, but have been dating for closer to four months. I've known her almost three years now.\n\nSince things became official I've been spending nearly all my time at her place. She gave me a key and has said that it's half my home too. So my dog and I are there now all the time. I still have my own apartment (six months left on the lease). We've talked some about me moving in, which will happen officially once my lease is up. But if I'm spending all my time at her place, using heat, water, electricity, etc... Shouldn't I help pay for something? Or is it too soon to talk about that kind of thing?\n\nHer internet is very slow DSL and she's off contract.. I've thought about offering to have my much faster cable internet moved to her place and just keep paying it myself.. Thoughts?", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "First post after lurking for a few years now. Figure I'll give being a real Redditor a try.\nSo this was actually when I was about 10 years old. It is one of those burried memories that you recall once every 3 years. So here it is:\n\nMy grandpa was visiting over Thanksgiving one year and being that we didn't have a spare bedroom it was routine that I, the youngest sibling, was relocated to the couch and my Grandpa would take over my room. The day before he arrived an intense G.I. Joe battle was in progress. The fight that particular day took place on the harsh terrain of my bed comforter. Finding a package of thumb tacks in the office supplies earlier that day was the true cause of war. See, I wasn't very imaginative as a kid, so the idea came without delay. Gunshots = holes. So, fast forward through what would be concerning to watch as an adult seeing this demon child practicing Voodoo. Two days later at breakfast after my grandfather has spent his first night, my dad comes into the kitchen. \"Morning, did you sleep okay?\". To which my grandfather replies quickly \"I did, until I rolled over on a thumb tack and it stuck me in the pecker\". Busted. No more access to office supplies for quite awhile after that.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Title pretty much explains it, I've been dating a girl for the last four months and have really enjoyed spending time with her. We have alot of common interests, the sex is great and I'm happy around her.\n\nBut the other day I came to the realization that she looks ALOT like my mom. They both have short curly hair and similar figures. My moms skin is alot lighter, and she is a bit shorter... Buuuut, I can't get it out of my head now.\n\nMy family wants to meet her and I'm afraid to introduce her to them... Could really use some insight or advice.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "I finally worked up the courage to break up with my long time \n\ngirlfriend. We have been on and off for a good portion of three \n\nyears and she is the only person who I have ever had a real \n\nrelationship with. Recently she has been hanging out solely with her \n\nno life stoner friends and there influence had become evident. \n\nNothing that happened was her fault and she was taking no \n\nresponsibility for anything ie going to a rave instead of buying a \n\nnew laptop that she needs for school. \n\n I had known it was not going to work out for the last few months \n\nbut recently she blew up at me for a minuscule thing that is \n\nsomewhat out of my control. \n\n So today I finally sat down with her and ended it. It was difficult to \n\ndo and I'm not really sure how to move forward considering I have \n\nto see her weekly but I know this was the right decision. Thanks for \n\nletting me get this off my chest and taking the time to read.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "So my SO and I have exchanged Christmas gifts quite early this year. I was pretty damn excited about him opening the gifts I got him -- all wrapped and tied with a bow and shit. \nWell, he pressured me to open mine. He told me to close my eyes. And at this moment, I'm all excited and shit. Then, he puts my hands around it. I open my eyes and its a little bottle of Honey Jack. Now, I love alcohol as much as the next person, but my heart just fell. I had gotten him something.. more sentimental. \nI got him this awesome Indiana Jonesy leather covered flask and a nice bottle of Abercromie & Fitch's Fierce cologne.\nWell he opened his gift tonight, and to see his face light up made me feel so happy. But I couldn't help but feel disappointed and not as appreciated. I'm really not a naggy, whiny SO. But this feeling leaves me a little sad and unimportant. \nBtw, we've been kinda together for a littler over a year.\nWhat should I do? Should I tell him straight up? If I do and he gets a gift, ill feel like it's only because I told him and that would just defeat the purpose.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "I didn't hurt my head but I got injured in another way. So I rode a bike today, something I rarely do. I grabbed a helmet and put it on the handlebars of the bike. After riding for maybe a quarter mile the strap of the helmet which was hanging down near the wheel got caught in the front wheel. The bike immediately stopped moving and I flew over the handlebars. I landed (hard) on my knees, left arm, and hip. I have no idea how I didn't hit my head, but if I did this may have been a much more serious ordeal.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "I basically love the stupid fucking girl. I've had girlfriends in the past and some casual shit, but have never truly cared for any of those girls and she's the only one good enough to get me emotionally invested and now I feel like a big fucking pussy about it and act like one too.\n\nWe're both military she adored me, I adored her back but knew orders would eventually seperate us. So she was my girlfriend for a few months and she's heart melting and beautiful and all that annoying shit, but she has some skeletons and problems of her own which is cool because she's still the best.\n\n She likes me so much that she insists I be her boyfriend over the distance which is like 3 gazillion miles. So we're eventually seperated (fuck you military stop giving me good people and taking them away) and I get all nervous and paranoid because of course the only girl I ever fucking care about is now not with me and I eventually get all annoying about her friends because they're all guys because she's military. It was my first long distance thing because before that I was like \"lol why would I wait for some dumb girl\" and then she comes into my life and I'm like oh I understand why people fall in love now and do stupid things because of it.\n\nSo she is becoming more distant and some more awful shit happens in her life when she's goes home. She's tough but has her own way of handling things which is to not communicate with anyone and this makes me frustrated because I can't stand not talking to her.\n\nShe eventually says that it won't work over the phone and I'm like wtf you dumb perfect girl you wanted this to happen. So I've been trying not to talk to her and delete her from social media but I still end up texting her and saying stupid shit especially when I'm drunk. She probably hates me now and I accused her of just using me because I checked her Facebook from my buddies account and what do you fucking know? It says in a relationship.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "I've been dating this girl for 3 months, things have been going really well, we really like each other, I truly feel like we love each other, even though it hasn't been that long. \n\nShe has been on birth control for quite some time, but she still makes me use condoms. Not that there's anything wrong with that, I get that birth control pills have a certain failure rate. It's just that that recent ask reddit thread about what women want guys to stop doing, one of them was bugging them to take birth control so that they can come inside. My girl IS on birth control, but we still don't do that. Is that normal? \n\nI think it would be nice if we could stop worrying about condoms and all the fuss they entail. We are already committed and faithful to each other. She doesn't make me do it for STI concerns, as we are both tested and clean, and anyway, we start without condoms, and usually about half way through we put the condom on. She has admitted to me that it doesn't feel as good after we start using one, and our pillow talk often comes to her wishing \"there was a condom without a condom\" meaning she wishes there were a birth control method as trustworthy as a condom without using a condom. When I point out that the pill is actually more effective than the condom, she says the pill is only for a fail safe in case the condom fails, and she doesn't want that to be our only method. \n\nMy question is, is she being overly paranoid? Or am I being selfish wishing we could do away with the condoms? I just need someone to offer a little perspective, please.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "I'm about to end my fall semester at college in my freshman year and its been a big change. I moved 3 states away and lost contact with most of friends, save my closest ones. There was the occasional instance when i would talk to my ex who is in her senior year back home. I cared deeply for even though we only officially dated for about 2 weeks. We were always close friends and such but i figured after moving away and not talking for months, i'd have lost my feelings for her. Well the other night i ended up having a dream about her and now im just utterly confused.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "I know the title sounds stupid.\n\nI am 35, my girlfriend is 37.\n\nI've been with my girlfriend for 7 years. She is super smart, kind, funny, loyal, and has made me a better person. I do love her.\n\nBut for a few years she wasn't very nice to me (she's now a recovering alcoholic) and in general I would describe her as fairly rude and nagging and in general wound up too tight. To top it off she had very low self esteem and a huge ego. \n\nShe has family members who are the same. It would be fair to describe them as \"difficult\".\n\nI have my own issues of course, and I am sure some of her behavior is a result of my behavior, but in general it's just her personality and overall she just isn't very nice to be around sometimes.\n\nFor example, I have a very stressful job (senior manager in a messed up company). She has an easy job (part-time English teacher). I will come home and tell her about my day. She immediately starts telling me what to do (in an aggressive tone) and gets a bit annoyed if I don't take her advice or I disagree. Every time I tell her about my day I start regretting telling her, even though her advice is often very good. She's just so aggressive with her opinions.\n\nSo this has been dragging on for years and I have been patient with her and she has tried to change (she really has) but I think at this stage it has just killed our relationship. I love her but I don't think I like her. She's rude, domineering, aggressive, irritable, moody. \n\nI should also mention my dislike of her has now entered the bedroom and I don't want to have sex with her, or children.\n\nSo I broke up with her yesterday but I don't know if I am making a big mistake. She is trying. Maybe I need to be more supportive. Maybe it's my fault... I am confused.\n\nThis has been an issue for a few years.\n\nAny advice for me?!\n\nThanks", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "This happened to me a month or two ago. Having a nice relaxing shower after a hard day at work. Shower is going along good, lathering shampoo on my head when I decide the beard could use a lather as well. Get a nice thorough coating on the beard when I decide to take a breath, that was a terrible mistake. The shampoo foam made its way to the back of my throat and completely blocked off my airways. Im standing there completely unable to breath, trying to gasp for air when my SO hears the ordeal from the living room and rushes in to check on me. There I am choking and in full panic whilst covering my junk. Finally she calms me down to the point where I'm finally able to take light short breaths without closing off my airways completely again. I was very cautious the remainder of that shower. I will never underestimate the power of shampoo again.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "My girlfriend and I have been dating for just about 2 years—she was my first real girlfriend, and the girl I lost my virginity to. I met her online, and we instantly hit it off and could tell that we wanted to meet each other in real life. Our first date confirmed that we had a very strong connection, and from there we became exclusive. From the start, things were going perfect: we'd never ever get into fights, we'd always have a good time, the sex was amazing, etc.\n\nI met her after I graduated high school (right when I went from a very shy overweight kid, to a more confident good looking guy), so she was my first real experience with a girl. At the time, I really wanted to find a relationship with someone I could connect with before losing my viriginity, and she was the right girl. To be honest, at the time I didn't think I'd be here, 2 years in— still dating her.\n\nRecentley, I've been feeling a little depressed (just lost my job after graduating college, not being able to move out, family problems, etc.) and also a bit \"trapped\" in the relationship. I still love her, and enjoy spending time with her. However, a part of me really wants to end it and experience the single life, spend more time focussing on my career, and just not be in a relationship. The reason I'm here, is because I have never had experience with a scenario like this, and wanted an outside opinion. If I broke things off, I feel like I would be regretting it very soon for making the wrong decision. We've also talked about moving in together, and she always talks about wanting to spend the rest of her life with me.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Hey guys, I'm not a pro runner, but I wouldn't say I'm a beginner either. I've been running on and off for a couple years, more seriously though lately...I've had my fair share of shin splints and other aches but lately I've been dealing with a different pain, not quite sure what it is, wondering if you guys could help\n\nAfter using this dumbass calf machine at my gym (totally must've used it wrong or something) my legs were really sore all the way up to my knees, my leg knee in particular. As the soreness faded I started to run again in which I realized the pain in my knee was still there. On my left knee it began to feel as if there was like a hole? at the bottom of the cap and while running it makes it feel as if my knee won't be able to support my lower leg to land in place. \n\nThe only thing I can think of is that I messed up my meniscus, but my knee isn't swollen, I can walk and work out completely fine. I gave it about a week of rest from all exercise and went on my first run today. I felt completely fine for 2.75 miles and around there slowly started to feel that wobblyness come back so I just stopped running there and walked. \n\nAnyone have any ideas? I know, I really know I need to see a doctor, but are there any tips or ideas with what's going on?", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "About a year ago a friend of mine for 10+ years asked me to be in his wedding. I agreed but not formally, at that time knowing that it was probably going to be in Mexico. This was a year ago and no details were known. Fast forward to now, he just told me today where the wedding was going to be and what days. It's going to be in Cancun at one of those crazy expensive resorts during an expensive time to travel. \n\nBasically for 3 or 4 nights it will be almost $3200 for me and my girlfriend. For me alone it would be $2100. Checked with the travel sites (travelocity, etc...) and they say $2600 for both or $1800 alone. Will have to get a suit/tux at a cost of another couple hundred dollars. To me, this is a crazy amount of money to ask your friends to spend. \n\nThe problem is, I can afford it. I work in tech and make good money but I am a saver. I am trying to pay off my house and burning $2 or 3 thousand for 3 days is just very irresponsible to me. I am doing very well financially and he knows this so I simply cannot have the excuse of not being able to pay for it like a few of our friends are pulling. Everybody else in the wedding party has recently started working adult professional jobs and I know for a fact most of them have student loans and entry level salaries. They are all doing it and not thinking twice. \n\nI just cannot justify this expense. The resort they chose is $500/night. I would never, ever, even consider spending that kind of money on a hotel even for my own wedding night. How can I possibly get out of this without ending our friendship or am I being unreasonable since I can afford it?\n\nI should say he is the type that will just not understand why I wouldn't want to do this as we have completely different outlooks on finances.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Okay, so my younger brothers were out and about when they passed some teenagers who yelled obscenities at them. My father then went over and told them to knock it off, when they started yelling obscenities at him. My dad, with a small amount of temper, got angry and yelled at them. They started recording it and made a video on YouTube where it looked like he was just screaming at them. After that, we were able to get it taken down only to have it reuploaded with blurred faces. We have in no way given consent to be in this video. Is there any way we can get them to take it doen?", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "This is my first time working with a recruiter. I've been working with her for a couple weeks and I'm not sure what's normal in this process. I live in San Antonio and the recruiter is in Dallas. She asked me to come up for an initial interview (Mon.) with her to make sure I was serious about moving to Dallas. Two days later she called me back to set up interviews (Fri.) with two companies. When I asked her if the companies will provide any relocation assistance or travel reimbursement she said no relocation and didn't address the travel reimbursement (I unfortunately forgot to ask her about the travel again because the topic shifted). She called me back for another interview with company \"A\" which they want to set up for next week. Company \"A\" recruits exclusively through my recruiter, so I know that I'm the only candidate they've asked back. When I asked my about travel reimbursement this time she said she didn't even ask the company because people don't provide that assistance at this level. Is that true or is my recruiter just looking out for the company's interest instead of looking out for me and the company?\n\nExtra details:\nI have a BA in Comparative Literature and 2 years of work experience.\nMy recruiter said she's been a recruiter for 13 years.\nI told her that my minimum salary is $42,500 (unless the whole benefits package is really phenomenal and in that case $40,000). I was previously making $40,000. The two jobs she got me interviews with would offer $40,000 (I know that one of them has excellent benefits, but I don't know about Company \"A\")", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "So i just found out that my best friend wants to be romantically involved with me.\n\nThe big problem is that we are both dudes and i'm straight so i don't want to be in a relationship with him but has been my best bro for years and he really helped me through some tough times. \n\nWe had a talk about it and it turns out that he is, according to him, head over heels in love with me and he has assured me that he isn't confused or going through a phase and that his feelings are genuine.\n\nI told him that i was no longer comfortable being his best friend and he responded by telling me how he still wanted to hang out with me even through i didn't want to because he didn't want to lose me. However after that he told me something that worried me; apparently when we first met he hated me as he felt i was stealing his best friend (who is now my best friend) and he has had those types of feelings for all his previous best friends. It worries me because he appears to be very possessive towards his best friends and he wants to keep them all to himself.\n \nhe has also done a number of creepy things like asking a female friend of ours to let him sleep in her bed with her and cuddle. He has also joked about raping me a lot over the few years we were best friends and i always thought he playing up to the fact that everyone at our school called us gay or maybe he liked making uncomfortable jokes like that. \n\nThroughout most of our friendship he has wanted to sleep with me and this is a dude that i have shared bedrooms with and now i'm scared that he may have done something creepy while i was asleep. I can't trust him anymore. \n\nThis entire altercation has also split our very close group of friends apart and i need some unbiased opinions on what actions to take as i'm now having to try and convince my friends that i'm not homophobic or a liar. The worse part is that out of the five people in our friendship circle only one person doesn't know about it.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Just curious what some of you think about this situation.\n\nAs you know, a snowstorm rolled through parts of TN last week. Our parking lot was never scraped or salted during the multiple storms (we ended up with 8-9'' of snow/ice). Over the weekend we had some warm-ish weather but since the snow was never scraped or salted, our lot stayed pretty slick. Matter of fact, when I left for a work trip Monday morning, you still couldn't see the pavement. I noticed it was getting pretty dangerous when I left that morning since I had trouble getting my vehicle out and the lot is relatively flat.\n\nAnyway, I get back from my trip last night and the lot is STILL slick. Of course, I found this out the hard way as my feet left the ground and macbook/luggage went flying.\n\nMy wife saw me take a fall and immediately ran over to help, she also took a nice fall on the way. Luckily, we're both fine. My issue is this:\n\nI tell my wife I'm calling the landlord tomorrow to advise them I'm putting salt down for the entire complex and will deduct the bill off my rent payment. She recalls an email being sent by our landlord to all tenants to NOT use any salt whatsoever because it ruins the concrete/pavement and they have their own 'special' formula to use.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Over a year ago I befriended my mailman. Come to find out, he is one of the most humble/giving/amazing people I have ever met thus far in my life. He served in the Army. I started making weekly cards to brighten this man's day. Last year for Veteran's Day, I decided to send a mass text via phone/facebook to get others to write thank you letter's for a random veteran they didn't even know. I received 50 notes and placed them in a card for mailman. The next day, after he was able to read all of the letters, he sent me a very heartfelt thank you letter. THIS time, I want to do it bigger. Being that the Reddit community is amazing at joining together and helping out, I figured this would be a great opportunity. All I ask is that you write a note of thanks (doesn't matter how long) to Mailman for his service and sacrifice. I understand that this one man is not the only veteran out there and I also understand that veteran's day should also be a time to thank those that are currently serving. I have the utmost respect for anyone in the military, active or veteran and I also ask that you thank those, remember those and love those who are serving and who have served. My deepest gratitude goes out to all of you.\n\nFor the letters, you can start off by calling him Mailman or Mike if you choose to do so :)", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "__________________________________________________________________________________________\n**Preface:**\n\nFirst of all, thank you guys for giving me hope. I'm not terribly in debt (or at least I don't think I am). I like to think I caught myself at the opportune time to dig myself out.\n\nI have a fair amount in credit card debt ($2,000), but I have a LOT of expendable income every month. I also have student loan debt that I have been basically ignoring for the last few months completely. I will focus on that once I make a battle plan, but for right now my focus is on my credit cards.\n\nI have made minimum payments on the cards, on time every month.\n\n__________________________________________________________________________________________\n\n**This is where I'm at currently:**\n\nI've made a [Mint]( account. I've mapped my insane expenses that I had no idea I was blowing that much money on a month. ($200 in fast food... WTF.) and now I'm seeing where all those nickles and dimes go.\n\nI applied for a Slate card to get all of my debt centralized to make things easier on me. 0% APR for 15 months and no cost balance transfers, still waiting to hear back for my approval on that. \n\nCurrently I'm making about 45k a year, ($1200 every two weeks.) I pay $600 in rent and utilities and then about $150-$200 on groceries and about $100 in gas. I'm planning on paying off debt at about $400+ a month depending how things go. Once that is payed off I will start putting money into savings. \n\nWhere do I go next, what is my next step towards making myself happy when I wake up and having emergency expense money?\n\nAnother relevant detail may be that I'm 20 years old, so I have a lot of time to set up a good future if I organize correctly now.\n\n__________________________________________________________________________________________", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "So I've been getting subtle but solid hints from mutual close friends of hers that Girl A likes me. I've known her for about a year, and hang out occasionally through mutual friends but never alone. I run into Girl A and a two of her friends at a local cafe. The two friends quickly leave, leaving me with Girl A and we talk continuously for two hours or so. I ask for her number, which she enthusiastically gives out, and say we should get coffee again soon. We do get coffee two more times (once albeit incidentally), with the same chemistry. As we're about to part ways, I ask if she'd want to go to one of these monthly art walks my city has. She cheerfully agrees. Fast-forward 11 days (post-Thanksgiving break) and I text her the following: \n\n\"hey do you remember when i asked if you wanted to go to art craw this friday? (if not, you said yes lol). Anyways i wanted to see if you still wanna go/work out the details.\"\n\nAnd she never responded. Now she normally takes a while to respond, but she gets back to me before the day's over. Did I do something wrong here? In hindsight, the part in parentheses may come off as needy. If she had been honest and said no, I would have been okay with that. However, not responding at all irritates me. \n\nAm I to blame here? Should/should have I texted her again?", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "My boyfriend and I are best friends, and I've never had stronger feelings for another individual. Three months ago we got a place together, and I'm already regretting it.\n\nThe burping, I can handle. The farting, I can live with. But I will no longer put up with his terrible hygiene (or lack of it). I constantly feel disgusted and uncomfortable in my own home. Every time I step into the bathroom, I get to see his bodily fluids in the toilet. And he never washes his hands, even after taking a shit, unless I tell him to. Like a three-year-old child, I have to tell him to wash his fucking hands, or else I refuse to let him touch me or come near me.\n\nI don't understand why it's so difficult to do. ~~If he really loved me, he'd want me to live in a comfortable and safe environment, right?~~ I've talked with him about it so many times that it's like he doesn't understand words (and he's not a stupid man; in fact, I'd consider him to be the most intelligent person I've met). He'll say \"okay\", the conversation will end, but then he'll \"forget\".", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Okay, to start off, I know my title is making me sound like an uber bitch. Please let me explain. \n\nMy boyfriend, lets call him Bubba, have been together for almost four years. We've been friends for almost seven. For the past two years I have been living with him and his Mother. My Mom and I had a very bad relationship, so his Mom graciously invited me into her home. For the most past, we really love each other. We do fight, but I can honestly see myself settling with him. He's the most generous man I've ever encontured. \n\nBack to the question, Bubba applied to a very prestigious school. I can't afford to leave the city yet, so I was just going to move downtown and go to school there. This would mean we would be close to three hours apart. I know a lot of people can make long distance relationships work, but I knew I couldn't. It's been making me miserable thinking about not being with him whenever I want. Plus, we have two cats and he would be taking them. I didn't want to split them up because they love each other. \n\nToday he found out that he didn't get in. Of course, he is crushed. He's now doubting his intelligence and the fact that he went back to school. He took off a few years and when we started dating I motivated him to go back. Since he has been back, he has been excelling in every class. Everyone thought he would get in without a problem. To make it worse his sister got in and his parents, unintentionally, tend to compare them to one another. I want to be there for him, but I'm happy. I feel like a sick bastard saying that, but I am happy. I didn't want him to leave. I figured he'd go off and find someone much better than me. I'm being very selfish, I know...\nHow do I sincerely be there for him without coming off fake?", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Basically, I think I have a crush on another guy who lives on the other side of the world from me but I don't know if there is a chance or if the time is right.\n\nAround 2 months ago, we started talking about a certain show we both liked after I made a thread about it on reddit and we talked for a lot on kik/snapchat. I found out he was gay (so I had that going for me) but I never told him I was (I've never told anyone I am gay). \n\nI know he considers me as a friend but not very close since we've only been friends for less than 2 months.\n\nSoon after that, he used to start conversations/message me or reply to snapchats I put on my story that I didn't send to him and I would politely respond and engage in conversation. He also said that he used to like a guy on here but now only as a friend. This made me wonder if he might have liked me.\n\nFast forward to a couple weeks ago. He's started the school year and said he won't be as available since he's at school and obviously busy making new friends and getting used to stuff. \n\nThe last time I talked to him was for the latest episode of the show which was on Monday and the conversation was fine/polite/casual. \n\nI suspect that he might have liked me but moved on and now it might be too late to do anything - if he did actually like me. I don't know how to tell him, when to tell him or try to engage conversation without it looking forced or obvious I like him. \n\nI don't know how to approach this, help or advice is appreciated, thank you.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "I can't make a decision :(\n\nI'm 19, a sophomore in college, and I'm studying architecture. With that said, I've been working at a medical billing company doing data entry since August. I work Mo/Wed/Fri, and sometimes Saturday. I work from 9:30 AM to 5:00-6:00 PM, and it's an hour away. I have classes literally all day on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I leave my apartment at 9:45 AM, and get back at 10:00 PM. I'm barely keeping up with school. I spend all of my free time doing homework. I barely sleep anymore. I'm exhausted.\n\nMy boss wants to promote me to executive assistant. He's been very pushy, and insists that I work at least 4 days a week beginning in January. I'd get my own office, health benefits, and I'd actually be important there. Problem is, I don't have the time. I'm trying to override into a Calculus class that meets once a week so as to meet his \"working 4 days a week\" schedule, but I don't know if I can get it. All of the other classes meet at least twice a week during the day. My other classes are night classes so that's fine. \n\nMy problem is that I desperately don't want to take this job. However, I really need the money. My rent is about $500/month. Gas about $100/month (I commute to school). I feel like my body is wearing out and I'm unhappy all of the time. I'm only 19-- I don't want a career! The only thing I look forward to is going to my Architecture classes because I'm actually interested in them. I could take out loans, but I don't want to be starting that already... I still have a long time to be in school. My parents are pushing me to stick with it, because, well, they don't have money either.\n\nPlease tell me I can quit :(", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "My work used to require me to travel quite a bit. At my peak, I was in a hotel around 200 nights a year. During this time, there are several stories that really stand out.\n\nNormally, I would check in on Sunday afternoon, and check out on Friday morning. It seemed as if I could sense that problems were on the horizon, weird things start happening and then something really messed up happens. \n\nWork that week was especially tiresome with 14 to 18 hour days. On Wednesday and Thursday, I had to order room service because there weren't any restaurants open by the time we were finished that day. I finally went to sleep very late Thursday night, and there was a knock on the door around 7 AM. Mildly annoying, but it happens quite frequently when the cleaning crew thinks you've left. I open the door, and she apologizes for the intrusion and leaves. About 30 minutes later, there's another knock on the door, and it's one of the front desk people. This time, I'm not very nice to them because I'm sleep deprived and I could use the extra hour of sleep before the next day of work. She says that I've checked out and I need to leave because I'm trespassing. I responded by saying that I had been in my room sleeping all morning, I couldn't have possibly checked out. She leaves and 30 minutes later *ANOTHER* knock on the door. I didn't even open the door or look out the peep-hole, and told them to get bent. The response from the other side of the door really woke me up. \"This is the city police department, open up.\" Now I'm really pissed, and open the door. The cops were really cool about the whole thing, and I had to explain that I was a paid guest and had requested a late checkout when I checked in. I showed them my reservation and they left. Let's just say that when I actually went to check out, the hotel manager didn't have much to say while I told them what I thought of their \"customer service\".", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Hello Reddit! I am a 20 year old male college student dating a 19 year old female college student. We have been dating for 2 years- since our senior year in highschool. We are both sophomores, we go to the same university, and we live across the street from one another. Our relationship is very stable and healthy. We spend lots of time together, but we don't overdo it. We have few arguments and when we do we work through them together. I honestly don't see an end to our relationship in the near future.\n\nAnd that is the problem.\n\nRecently I have been thinking about breaking it off with her in order to just be myself for awhile and possibly see other people. We are both so young, and the thought of dating her indefinitely scares me to death. \n\nI have also been questioning my feelings for her for quite some time. I really cannot tell if I \"love\" her or not. We say the words to each other but every time I say them I can't help but question if I mean them or not. Shouldn't the feelings be obvious if I say \"I love you?\" I don't feel like I put in much effort to the relationship, either. I feel like I'm just coasting. Obviously I'm there for her when she needs me and I pay her the attention she deserves, but I don't ever feel the urge to go out of my way do something meaningful or romantic.\n\nI almost feel \"numb\" to the whole emotional side of our relationship. I love her as a friend, I consider her one of my best friends, and I have fun hanging out and doing things with her, but I just don't feel emotionally or romantically \"stirred\" by her.\n\nIf there is someone out there who can make me happier than she can, don't I owe it to myself to find that person?\n\n I'm in great need of some unbiased, third party opinions, so any thoughts that you guys have please share them! Thanks for your help!", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Before getting into my current relationship I was burned in my last 2, only relevant to this situation because my current girlfriend knew all about it and how it's affected me semi long term when it comes to trust.\n\nI have known my girlfriend for years as she is my younger sisters old best friend. Her and her last long term boyfriend of about 4ish years (I THINK) would linger in each others lives up until she met me, or so she says. He was abusive and hit her (twice), degraded her, cheated on her, didn't let her have friends, made her stay in the house while he went out to drink etc. etc. etc. I spoil and treat her the absolute complete opposite of the way that he did. Last night while we were sitting on the couch she was going through her emails and I noticed she sent an attachment to herself. When I asked her to open it she did and it was a picture she saved off of Instagram, before deleting it from her Instagram, of her and the exbf that I described above kissing while on vacation from about 2 years ago.\n\nI don't know what to do. I don't know if I am overreacting. I asked her why she did that and she said \"I am a hoarder, I save everything\" but when I didn't buy that explanation she got overly emotional and angry because she knows I am a no bullshit kind of guy and she knows to me this is some bullshit. It was on her Instagram prior to her deleting it...there are other pictures of them together on Instagram that she left up but she saved this specific one to her email and then deleted it from Instagram. I am so confused, I feel like I am getting played yet again. I don't know what to do because I do love her but it's so early in a relationship for that kind of shit it makes me think they're either still lingering in each others lives or she isn't over him...", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Hello, Reddit. I usually don't post much but this is a big problem for me and I would like to get more points of view, information regarding the situation, and any possible courses of action I could take to help.\n\nFirst off, I would like to say I love reading both this subreddit and r/longdistance. I love seeing how supportive you guys are and it restores my faith in people quite often. I like reading both subreddits when I'm upset.\n\nMy girlfriend, lets call her Samantha, has a lot of issues with her home life. Her mom is bipolar and quite frankly nuts, she has these episodes where she physicially abuses Samantha and her younger siblings that live with her. She has gone as far as throwing razor blades and glass objects at her. Samantha does everything she can to make her mom calm down, but sometimes this is just met with even more violence. Her mother will hit the younger kids as well and Samantha does her best to protect them and stand up for them. \n\nEven when she isn't going through an episode like this, Samantha's mother doesn't treat her well in any respect. She gives her the responsibilities of an adult, yet treats her like a child. Samantha has 2 facebook accounts, the initial reason being that her mother wouldn't let her talk to her dad and his side of the family, but now she uses it a lot to talk to my mom and I. Her mother knows the account information for her original one and goes on there and reads her conversations and such. She does everything she can to control every aspect of Samantha's life. It seems like she's even trying to break us up, but I doubt that's going to work out for her.\n\nMy mom told her that we would all come up with something together to do to help her, but I honestly don't know what kind of a solution could be presented. I would love to hear reddit's opinion and if you guys think there's anything we can do to help her. We are all here to support and and do whatever we can.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "5 weeks ago I came home from work and my wife told me that she would be moving out in a week and a half. \n\nWe are in the third week of her moving out. I am in our house that we bought 2 years ago and the daily reminders of her being gone are finally settling. I feel like I am the only one trying to make this relationship work right now. My heart broke when she left and I am trying to rebuild trust in her so that we can be happy if she decides to come home. \n\nShe has been in therapy for 2 years and I just started 4 weeks ago. I am coming to many realizations and am confronting the issues that I made in our relationship. I know that now that I have seen that fear was controlling me I never want to go back to that dark place again. She tells me that she is afraid of feeling trapped in the relationship and not being able to keep her voice to ask for what she wants. \n\nTonight we had a phone call. (The happen every 2-3 nights) I asked her if she was leaning to one side or the other in terms of coming home. She is against the relationship right now. She isn't working on rebuilding the relationship, she is trying to figure out if she wants the relationship at all. \n\nShe is the most important person in my life. I love her so much and it hurts an unthinkable amount that she doesn't want to try.\n\nHow do I maintain my trust in her with her crushing my hope so heartlessly? What do I have to say to let her know that I am making so much emotional progress and positive growth?", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "She got angry over me not arguing with her. She says I'm like a robot. For context sake I argued back that saying that is dismissing my feelings like of the time I told her I used to be bullied in 4th grade. \n\nUsually I talk to her relaxed, but she kept driving the point how angry she was for over an hour that I thought I d try to be angry as well and brought up the point about her talking shit/gossip about people, and eventually I mentioned without thinking that her sister's boyfriend made a good impression on me not considering that he appears to beat her. That I don't approve of, but I said good night instead and she just hung up cursing under her breath. \n\nShe wanted an argument and got one, but now our relationship is probably in pieces. This is why there shouldn't be two people angry at the same time. I want to apologize first, but how do I apologize and lessen her anger without sounding like a pushover?", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "First of all: this is an actual problem, not a childish cry;\n\nSecond: she's actualy not my GF, you see, english is not my mother language, that said, i don't know the exact word for someone i've been going out, but not dating;\n\nSo, a year ago i broke up, cause my GF chated on me, from that day i started a \"Pick up, don't fall in love\" way of living, lost my virginity in this road, now, a month ago, i started talking with this girl (later got to know that i had flerted with her some weeks before, and we had some contact in our childhood) and we started going out.\n\nRecently, things got more serious, as she came in my house, and we almost did it, twice, but tonight i thought, i know that we have small chances of lasting long, i mean, if all goes acording to plan, in a year and a half, i'm going to college, states away of my little town, and if i pop her cherry, she may have future relationship problems.\n\nNow, i'm pretty worried, after all that time, i'm feeling something (ain't that sure i'm in love, more of liking, a lot) and i'm worried of keep going and causing future problems to her.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Well the dreams started about a week after the break-up. I've been having them atleast once a week sometimes twice since. I can't really recall what the other ones were about but they have never been sexual. She's always just there.\n\nThe one I had last night that is still fresh on my mind was probably the strangest. It didn't even look like her, her hair was a different color, and she was wearing alot of makeup. It's was hard to recognize her but I still knew it was her though. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't get her attention beyond a \"hey\".", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Alright, so my girlfriend of 4 months, it's nothing super serious as of yet, but we're really close and she's perfect, laid-back, doesn't complain when I hang out with my friends and don't talk to her for a couple of hours but, last night she sent me a weird message and I wasn't sure how to take it.\n\nThe message read \"Do you feel like you dating someone in highschool whilst you're in uni is going to hold you back from anything?\" (I asked her what the anything was and she put emphasis on girls, and just things in general).\n\nI gave her a long response about how I really feel and in a nutshell she would never hold me back from doing something, and if I thought about being with other girls, I shouldn't be in a relationship.\n\nShe responded basically with just \"Glad I won't be keeping you from anything\" and she thought she was the reason my friends and I had a little argument last month, but she had nothing to do with it.\n\nI personally feel maybe it was an underlying attempt to get me to think about our relationship, a lot of people have mentioned our age difference which is about 1.5 years and to me that's nothing really, my Nanna and Grandad met when they were 18 and 15, but times do change. And I feel she maybe has taken what people have said about the small gap really hard, but she's never mentioned it until now.\n\nIt's only a small time of dating, I'm her first boyfriend and maybe she doesn't know what to expect, I've tried to like, be understanding if she's feeling awkward in certain situations to help. \n\nI'm unsure of what her message meant if anything, did she really just want me to think about that or did she want me to re-evaluate my choice of dating her rather than going for new girls at university, but I have no interest in them and I haven't even thought about leaving her to explore other options in my new environment.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "So I have known my friend for about a year now, but only started hanging out with her a few months ago. She had a boyfriend for about 2 years, and we saw each other for only a few hours a week mostly during classes so I never really got to know her. \n\nRecently, she broke up with her boyfriend and since then we have started texting and hanging out a lot more than usual. Now that we are getting to know each other, I of course am starting to crush on her. Now I am unsure how to proceed. I am not sure if she feels the same way, and either way she probably doesn't want to think about it right now. \n\nShe doesn't talk about her previous relationship a lot, but from the little she said I am pretty sure she was in love with him, but still looking to the future without him a little. I can relate to her situation, having ended a 3 year relationship before, I haven't really had any interests or desires to find someone else until just now.\n\nHow do you think I should proceed? Should I tell her I'm developing feelings for her but put no pressure on her? Should I just keep it to myself? Wait?", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "25f. \n\nAbout five years ago, I briefly dated someone my age before leaving for university abroad. We promised to write, to somehow make it work, but two months into the LDR it I realized it was too difficult and we barely knew each other, so it was too big of a sacrifice. I wrote him a sweet but realistic letter and broke it off. Six months later I met the guy (also my age) who I got into my first serious relationship with, we've been together for five years now. He too eventually dated someone he's still with. \n\nWhen I returned home one summer, he immediately dumped his gf so he could ask me out, but I was taken and I wasn't cool with stealing someone's boyfriend, so I said no and he got hurt. \n\nAfter all this time I find out today that he thought I had first dumped him because I cheated on him. I didn't! Half a year passed before I dated someone again! And it seems petty compared to other problems on here, but I'm really bothered by this and I wish I could set the record straight. I didn't dump him because I cheated or met someone else, I dumped him because it was right, and from a long term perspective, I did him a favor. But I can't set the record straight because so many years have passed, and I dread being \"that\" person. I just wish he knew I was truthful to him when we were together. \n\nI'm torn. Is my gut right about this? Or should I tell him? It sucks that it stuck with everyone that I cheated on him, because he's very well liked in our circle of friends, and apparently all this time I've been \"the cheater\".", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Both of my grandparents on my mother's side have been in and out of the hospital recently. I assist my mom in monitoring their recoveries every time, and this recent series of visits is the worst I've seen it. My grandparents and mom helped raise me, and I'd like to give my mom, aunt, and uncle a very special gift for Christmas. I want to make a DVD of my grandparents doing what they do best, and that's talking and telling stories. My grandparents are great at keeping a conversation going on their own, so I'm hoping to capitalize on that by keeping the video camera going the whole time. I'm planning on asking some common questions like what is your favorite memory of my mom/aunt/uncle, is there anything special they'd like to tell them, and other common questions. They are both just got transferred from the hospital to a skilled care facility, so I want to make sure I'm making the best use of all of our time. What would you want to hear from your loved ones if you could have had it captured on video?", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "So I am stuck and dont know what to do. Im not asking for a solution im just asking for your opinion.\n\nI have been seeing this girl for about 6 months now and it started out well. She was unemployed and actively seeking employment and living a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise. She is a nice girl and my freinds like her and get along with her well.\n\nShe had a previous relationship that ended badly and she got abused by her partner. She is on heavy medication to treat her depression and sometimes will cry for hours for absolutly no reason. I do my best to comfort her but it is hard for me to understand how it feels as i have never really felt bad depression.\n\nI have been helping her look for work but now she doesn't even try. She has done self harm in the past and has bad scarring up her left arm. She has also stopped exercising and gained weight but she is still the kind person she was when i first met her.\n\nI have talked to her about work and exersise and she gets upset when i mention her weight and just says she is still looking when i ask about work. She texts me at least 40 - 50 times everyday when im at work because she is bored. She says things like \"promise you wont leave me\" and \"i dont know what i would do without you\" things like that a lot.\n\nI have tried talking to her parents aswell but they baby her too much and wont push her to do anything which i think may be the cause of the problem.\n\nIf she is away from me for more than 2 days she gets upset and depressed. It is starting to affect my personal and work life but i am honestly scared she will harm herself or go off her meds if i break up with her. To be honest i dont want to break up beacause i like her a lot. I only want to help her but how can i do this if she wont help herself?", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "We have been together for almost 3 years and she likes to dance at clubs I on the other hand do not like to dance at all we have two very different interpretations of what we consider fun but the idea of what she is doing to other guys at the club makes me feel uncomfortable.\n\nWe are an interracial couple she is black and im latino so i am aware that to some degree it is cultural and to me it is a bit of a culture shock but I would just love some insight as to how other people see this situation from a cultural, racial, and relationship perspective because I try to culturally adapt to this but it is a bit of an obstacle for me as I just find dancing in general as awkward", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "I love video games and I love playing them with my boyfriend but I wouldn't call myself a gamer. I've been with my boyfriend for 5 years we are both 23 and I'm convinced that he has a gaming addiction to some degree. It seems like no matter how how much he plays he never gets tired of them. \n\nHe gets home from work and games he wakes up and games his definition of spending time together is either playing something or me watching him play. He's really a good guy otherwise and I love him but i just can't take his constant gaming anymore. \n\nI've tried talking to him about it but he says it's just his hobby. I feel like he loves his games more than me sometimes. He's canceled dates and even makes excuses and lies so that he can play. Ive talked to him about this too but he doesn't think he's doing anything wrong. Does anyone have any tips on how to make a relationship work with a video game addict?", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "We have had a really stressful summer with our son (5) in and out of the hospital, moving and money issues stemming from his job. Just last week he quit and started another with better pay. And to top it all off his daughter has had some promiscuous behavior we have been dealing with lately as well, and she's only 14. I have a daughter (13) who is just generally a goody goody and never gets in trouble for anything. \n\nHe said his daughter is no longer happy here and they went to stay at his sisters for the weekend. Now he says she is staying there indefinitely and that he is back home for one night. He did not contact us all weekend, even though I made several attempts. It really hurts that he didn't even try to contact our son.\n\nHe did this once before, 3 years ago. He was fired from a job, we struggled a few months and when he got a new one it required a move 7 hours away. So we were packing and giving our exes the proper notice when he told me he didn't want us to come. We were moving in 2 weeks. I was upset and crying and begging him not to go, but he did, with his daughter. Then a month later, called me and said he made a mistake and he did love me, and we moved too.\n\nNow its like deja vu. I guess he's here to talk to me. I don't want to. I don't want this to be over. I love him. He is a very loving man usually. And I remember 3 years ago he was so cold to me. I don't think I can take it.\n\nI feel like my best bet is to talk him into marriage counseling. But I don't know if he will. I do not have anyone here that I feel close enough to talk to about this and his mom and sister both live here. I feel so alone and scared.\n\nHow do I get myself through this again and what do I tell my daughter? What do I tell our son? Will counseling help.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "We've been dating for 4.5 years. For the first 3 years things were great, we'd see each other during the week or on the weekends and we never had any issues, maybe had 1 or 2 fights the whole time. \n\nLast year we moved in together and since then sex has dwindled down to nothing... Over christmas we moved back to our folks place until we found another place to live, and have been living together since April. \n\nSlowly sex has started to die off. Since about 2 years ago she's had on and off problems with UTIs/thrush and now we haven't had sex (or anything) in over a month. She now feels that she can't be bothered with sex as it sometimes leads to her in pain and hurting. We recently had a talk and she's said that she just isn't a very sexual person (not the impression I had from the first 3 years together). I know she owns 2 vibrators (one she keeps hidden in a drawer in a different room) and I know they get use.\n\nI can't help but feel depressed about this. She says she's not sexual but it just seems to me that she is, but just not involving me. Sex, or any physical affection, is fairly important in a relationship to me, but neither seem to be to her. What do I do...? What can be done...?", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "So I work at a small pizza shop on a college campus as an assistant manager. Yesterday was gameday (our biggest days sales wise) and I opened the shop at 9 as usual, left at 2, and then came back at 5 to work until 9 again. Now when I left at 2 there was $4 in the tip jar (I think no big deal, I'll just grab that at the end of the night), however, once the end of my night shift came and went, I had forgotten to grab my tips. So I text the GM to put all my tips from my shifts into an envelope so I can get it this morning when I came into work. He said he would do that, but when I got here today there was only $4 in the tip jar (no envelope). Obviously I was pissed. The store was packed pretty much all night, so there's no way that there were no tips from 2 to 9. To futher my case, I checked the numbers from last night and found that the GM fudged the numbers. We came out $45 over what we should have had (basically the tips on credit cards that hadn't been pulled that night due to how busy we were). The GM wrote down that the books came out even, when I really think he took the tips I worked my ass off for... So Reddit, how should I confront this situation? Has anybody else faced a situation like this?", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "I belong to a friend group and when one of our friends found out her mom's cancer was no longer being helped by chemo and her condition was terminal apparently someone decided we'd send an edible arrangement. Don't get me wrong I think it was a nice gesture but we're poor college students and it was going to involve each of us pitching in $12. In our group chat another girl and I said it was too much and maybe we could find something else. That was the last I heard of it until our friend who left sent a message thanking all of us for the EA. That was in February and I've forgotten about it until now; the girl \"in charge\" just texted and asked me to pay her the $12 for the EA. \n\nI don't want to be an ass but I didn't agree to paying for it and yet I'm still expected to. I sent our friend something little on my own thinking I wasn't included in the fruit. I know $12 doesn't seem like much but I'm pretty broke plus honestly I don't really think it's fair I have to pay. the girl who asked for the money and I aren't really close so I don't know how to handle this.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "My longdistance relationship of 1 year ended today. We live 2 hours away from each other and we dont talk on the phone, so I texted her and explained why I couldn't take it any longer and that it was over. We're two different persons with different interests and views, so naturally it just doesn't work out, and I want out. So I plain out told her, and now she refuses to accept it. She says that she is willing to work it out and that we can get together, and to which I respond that it really isn't her decision and if I don't want to be together we're not together. You cant have a relationship where only 1 person really wants it. As simple as that. So what do I do? What do I tell her?", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "so the small backstory of my romantic life is I got cheated on. A lot. so about 2 and a half years ago I decided I was sick of relationships and girls, I started focusing on my life goals and what not but over these few years I have been telling myself that relationships are a horrible thing and I just want to be alone and it was working, I am happy being single and don't want it any other way. This is where it gets confusing though.\n\nI met this girl [20F] Saturday night and it turns out we have loads in common, we were talking to each other a lot and got quite close, like arms around each other and stuff, I should point out we were both drunk but we were having a really good time in each other's company. I was told at one point that she was in a relationship, which I'm fine with because I don't want a relationship yet I felt really close to her that night. Nothing else happened and I have spoken to her since then and while we weren't all over each other she was hugging me and showed interest in me.\n\nThis is the issue though, there is a part of me feeling attracted to her and wanting to see her, I'm thinking about her a bit and generic 'crush' behaviour but the other part of me wants to keep my peace and quiet lifestyle and I keep telling myself that girls are bad news but I'm tearing myself apart over this small attraction to a girl I hardly know. I'm angry at myself for being close to a girl while drunk when I knew she was in a relationship, I want to get closer to her, but I don't ever want to see her again just to restore peace to my life.\n\nThis is so frustrating because I have no idea what I am feeling right now, but it is stopping me from sleeping, it's currently 2am and I need to be up at 7am to get to lectures. I need to restore peace in my mind so I can relax again and sleep. I just don't know, I'm in such a confused state right now. Any insights would be nice, just anything that could clear my head. Please.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Ok so a bit of back story, my fiancee have been together 6 years. We have one 3 year old daughter together. We have had serious problems the last year. I found out she cheated on me with a coworker (March 2015). I've never been unfaithful to her, but I'm not perfect by any means. I don't believe I was being a good partner to her.. Not that it's any excuse to cheat. \n\nThe problem is we never went to counseling or anything, never really talked about it other than maybe that first week after I found out about it. She has a lot of depression and anxiety issues. We Co parent great, our sex life is good, we don't argue really. She just shuts down sometimes and gives up so to speak.\n\n Two days ago she tells me she just can't do it anymore. She feels hopeless etc. She is a stay at home mom now and money is tight for us with one income which has also caused issues. She says she loves me with all her heart but isn't in love like she was. \n\nAnd I know this all sounds like she's cheating again but I honestly don't think so. Should I let her leave, try to get to counseling? Just don't know what to do. Sorry for the long rambling post.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "I don't know when it started. I don't know why it started. Most people put on masks or armor when dealing with others. I have so many mask and so many sets of armor. I can't pretend to be a real person anymore. I can't pretend that people know and understand me anymore.\n\nLet me try and give you some background.\n\nI am an 18 year old senior that had a chance to go to MIT full ride. I'm reasonable intelligent, 5;10, lithe wiry musculature, 140 lbs. I play sports, I did martial arts, I took advanced placement classes and I was friends with everyone. I did not date because I kept telling myself there was no one I really liked. That is what helped bring this all to a head.\n\nIt's not that there wasn't a girl that I liked enough to date, it's that there wasn't a single person around me who I could open up to. Who I could explain that I was a fake. That I lied about my childhood to everyone. That I lied about my adolescence to everyone. I've had plenty of friends, if you can call them that. I've had flings with women, if you can call them flings. I've been the life of the party and the main actor in a spotlight.\n\nI've never been me.\n\nMoving on now to the internet, I've been browsing for about eight years now. I was the generic kiddo on the internet for the first four. I quickly grew tired and developed yet another false identity.\n\nI was a 16 year old Asian girl that went to my school for years. Some of my friends still don't know mostly because we haven't talked in a while. I took on a maternal role for a forum, quickly becoming a therapist in a sense. People would come to me and ask me for life advice and other nonsense and I would lie to them about who and what I was and give them their idiotic advice. Some would come back with success stories. Others would come back for more advice.\n\nI'm really just rambling now and have no clue where i wanted to take this.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Hello /r/relationships,\n\nLike the title says, I'm 18 and I met a girl over the internet that I really started liking the first day already although she did not have a real picture of her face uploaded. She was afraid of showing her face to everyone on that app and she also didn't want to send me a picture in the private chat at first. After I changed my picture, she messaged me about it and I then said that I really want to see her face. She delivered and sent me a picture which made me very happy. Anyway, we were chatting throughout the last weeks and got along very well.\n\nYesterday she asked me why I did download the app where people can 'meet' each other. I told her because of the reason she also mentioned on her profile and that's kind of something like 'Whatever happens'. She then sent me a smiley and said she was going to sleep. I responded with 'Yeah, good night and sleep well, Beauty'. She did read that message but didn't respond.\n\nIn the next morning, I asked her if she slept well and how she feels like. She said that she didn't sleep too well. I asked her why that was and she mentioned that she doesn't really know and she might've thought too much about something. I said that I'm always there to listen to her and she said 'Maybe later :)'.\n\nShe asked me if I'm always that nice and friendly and I said that it depends on who I am talking to. I also mentioned that she's the only girl I'm messaging (which really is true) and that she's beeing very sympathic. She told me the same about me beeing sympathic and I just felt very happy.\n\nNow I just wonder if these are good signs. I was considering to ask her for a date in like a month or so. I know that might be such a long time but I've always been like this. I like learning more about people first and then ask them to go out with me.\n\nBut anyway, thanks for reading. :)", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "So I (M18) have been dating my GF (F17) for a little under 2 years, and to be honest I am confused on where we are taking things.\n\nI am recently out of school and she is still in school, and already I have noticed a decline in both our social, and sexual relationship. A month from now I will be travelling for approx. a month to the other side of the world and then moving a solid 5 hours away from my current location when I return.\n\nWe have talked about going into a LDR, and at the time I was confused but agreed to try it out. and now that I'm getting a feeling for how it will be (without the distance) I'm becoming even more confused and am constantly wondering where our relationship is going for us and if we should try a LDR. is this normal? is it right for me to ponder our relationship like this, or should I leave it be? and what should I do to come to a conclusion about this?", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "I live in a house with three other people, we're not students, we all have jobs, and are seemingly normal, functioning adults in society. But the dishes *never* get done. I've written notes, I've sat down and talked to people, I've tried taking away my own dishes... it just is so discouraging. I love cooking, and I love how big and bright and beautiful my kitchen is, but it's always so gross, and the sink is always filled with dirty dishes for days on end, and there's food caked on the stove, and it's like the people I live with are completely incapable of cleaning up after themselves. It's to the point where some of my pots and pans are scratched and damaged for sitting with food caked in them for days, and my baking pans are damaged beyond repair because of my lazy roommates. I don't want to move - I really like the space I'm living in, I've moved a lot in the past three years and dishing out first and last month's rent takes a huge toll on my meager savings. I just want to know if anyone out there has lived with roommates who don't seem to know how to do their dishes, and how they handled that, and if there were any successful strategies. I feel like I'm at the end of my rope.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "My whole family was home one weekend and we were all playing croquet. I went away for a phone call then came back and continued to play. My sister and her husband had been trying to have a child for some time. When it was my turn, I walked up and notice some oddly arranged sticks. Upon closer inspection, I realize the sticks read, \"Baby H.\" Due to my stupidity/randomness, I think nothing of it and turn around. My sister was just standing there staring at me with that, \"Aaaand he's gonna get it in 5..4..3..2..\" and I finally got it. It was a really cool way to find out I was going to be an Uncle. What is the best way someone has delivered good news to you?", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "one wants to bestow the other with a rather extravagant gift.\n\nin attempt to get rid of their FA cards, two stray redditors decide to meet up irl after a several day exchange of witty messages on POF. he does science all day and builds 3d printers for fun, she serves food to wise guys and studies foreign languages and the acquisition of language in children for fun.\n\ni'm the lady in this equation. i rid myself of my android in october in an attempt to save money (at&t has raped my wallet long enough) to move across country. i made the mistake of taking up a month to month on virgin mobile, and moved to the 2 block radius on the east coast that doesn't have reception. in an unsolicited manner, he offers to purchase a smart phone for me and a year of service. i hesitate because i'd feel obligated to get my swerve on with him, and that's just a shitty feeling. i want to do it when/if the time comes and it's sincere bla bla bla feelings and emotions, i'm a woman. he says it's NSA gift, please take.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "This happened about 20 minutes ago.\n\nI was in the mood for a hot, foamy bath. I go into the bathroom, hop into the tub, add some bath salts (and no, I'm not craving for human flesh) and some of that thing that produces foam (I'm not English, sorry!) and lay on my back, eyes closed.\n\nI should mention by now that our drain plug is chipped and lets water leak from the tub into the drain, so I usually take it out and put a plastic bag. It worked like a charm. Until today.\n\nAfter 2-3 minutes, I hear bubbles in the secondary drain (the one on the floor made to prevent floods. Ironic, huh?) and realize that the water was at half the original level.\n\nNo biggie. I reach for the plastic bag to adjust it and realize that it'a gone. I look to the bathroom floor only to see it entirely flooded. The plastic bag was sucked into the drain and clogged it. By now, the tub was empty. I jumped out and ran to grab some towels. To my relief, the bag was flushed down and the water started going down the drain.\n\nBut I didn't finish bathing. And guess what? No hot water left. After a manly cold bath, I get out, dry myself and prepare for the worst. \n\nMy house has a pretty weird structure. It's made by two buildings. One hosts the bedrooms and living-room, and the other hosts the kitchen and bathroom. They are connected, but there is no door between. From one to the other is a 10 meter walk. And I had to walk slowly since the ground was frozen, and it was cold as fuck outside. \n\nNow you may be wondering why I bathed in cold water instead of showering tomorrow morning. It's because my overly-protective parents forbid me from bathing/showering immediately before going out to prevent me from catching a cold.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": ":Beware this is a WALL of text:\nSo, I have been flirting and hanging out with a girl for quite sometime now (about 2 months). We talk all the time and never run out of things to do. We've also been on a few dates and had what I thought to have been a great time for both of us.\nIt is also well known by all our friends that we both like each other and just aren't in a relationship yet.\nNow here's where I need your help: she sent me a text a few days ago explaining how she doesn't think she can handle a relationship between all the things she does in her life, she is in a local circus, an actor for a Shakespeare Troop, an extremely good student, and is in the Chamber Orchestra for our school. She just doesn't think that she could be in a relationship at the same time. Not that she doesn't like me because she does, she just has a bit much on her plate.\nI answered back being all understanding and \"it's ok\" because I wasn't very sure what to say it all came as quite the shock.\nShould I try and do something about this, should I do anything? Or is this a lost cause?", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "This is my first post here so I'll fill you in on my story so far:\n\n5'10\", male, 23 years old, currently 173 lbs (in the normal range, but I've still got more fat to lose to reach my goal).\n\nAt my heaviest I was 235 (in 2008) which I slowly brought down to 200 by July of 2011. From August to November I got more serious with my diet and exercise and got down to 165.\n\nThen came December:\n\nFinal exam season hit, and along with it came copious amounts of coffee, energy drinks, and general bad eating habits as well as lack of exercise. However, I was alright with relaxing my diet as I was stressed about exams enough already.\n\nThen exams finished and I went home for Christmas, where my mom had a fridge full of terribly delicious foods and snacks. Chocolates and candy were everywhere for guests (and me, apparently.) \n\nCombine that with seeing friends from home and drinking every other night, eating out most of those nights (and not making sensible choices, no less!), plus Christmas parties, Christmas dinner, New Years Eve party, etc. \n\nLong story short, 8 pounds gained. In one freakin month!\n\nThat's pretty much a whole month's progress. Gone. Not to mention the wasted month that I could have used to lose ANOTHER 8 pounds. I'm so frustrated with myself that I let it get that bad.\n\nBut I've now moved back to my place, where I have control over my grocery list, and I'm getting back on track. The chicken and vegetables are back on my list of staple foods, and its goodbye to all the sugary, processed, or deep-fried garbage that I inhaled last month. \n\nThanks for being here loseit! You guys are what make it possible to say no to my previously unhealthy lifestyle and strive for a better life :) Wish me luck!", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "I am a white male from a middle class family, thus, scholarships and financial aid are a bit more slim. My parents are divorced and it looks like only my Mom will be contributing - she has enough saved for one year's tuition at my UC, but the rest of my schooling is upon me. I was wondering if any of you out there had any tips on:\n\n* where to apply for scholarships (I've been through the obvious websites)\n* getting and balancing jobs\n* getting loans that I will pay off before I retire\n* any advice at all on how to afford this", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Sorry if this is TMI but here we go:\n\nI've been dating my boyfriend for about 6 months. I think the sex is great, but he's more experienced that I am. So far, he's seemed to enjoy it. \n\nI do have a bit of an issue with premature ejaculation, but there's ways we can do it to avoid it (i.e. changing positions, etc). \n\nHowever, the other day, we were having sex (I was the receptive partner) and I finished about a minute before he did. He didn't notice, and after he finished, he made a comment about it being my turn to finish. I told him I already had, and he goes \"I thought I might've come first..... for once.\" It was a kind of off putting. He knows its a sensitive subject (LOL).\n\nI told him I was trying my best and doing techniques to last longer each time, to which he replied, \"you know, you could just go on an SSRI, that would just fix everything.\"\n\nI kinda laughed it off, but I was really turned off by that comment. I'm not opposed to medications at all for their intended use, but asking your SO to go on an SSRI seems pretty serious, especially just for the sexual side effects. \n\nAm I wrong for being turned off by that comment?", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "To start off, I've never looked at his phone, FB, anything until the other day. \n\nAfter a few instances that made it seem like he was messing around (we talked about it and his excuses made complete sense so I looked past it), I got paranoid. The other day he gave me the password for his computer. I tried it on his facebook and got in. \n\nI looked at his messages and found a conversation between him and this girl. Last summer we had gotten in a huge fight while he was out at a bar with his friends and he got really drunk. Well he messaged a girl and basically told her we had gotten in a fight and asked her to fuck but he was really drunk. They didn't do it because she didn't reply to the message until a day or so later just asking what had happened. This was well over a year ago but it hurts to think that he even asked. \n\nIt is my fault for snooping and I have no one to blame but myself. It was very wrong and completely regret it but feel very hurt for what I found.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Sorry if something is wrong in this post, this is a first for me. \n\nWall of text incoming\n\nTerminology:\nBFOQ=Bona-fide Occupational Qualification \nSection VII= says it's illegal to discriminate.\n\n The past. I recently applied to a job at a place a friend of mine works. HE is a host there. I have applied for the host position as they need 2 and I know that the other host will be leaving soon. I was nearly given the job on the spot, however the owner of the restraunt said something to the manager (in a foreign language) and I was then told to expect a call with more information later.\n The present. I received information from my friend who works there that the manager told HIM they do not hire male hosts. I'm sure you see the confusion this caused me. I immediately looked around the Web for info on hiring discrimination and came a cross section VII and BFOQ. \n The future. I will be going back In a few days to further inquire about employment as I was never given a straight answer.\n The question/", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "I'll start with the basics. Me and my best friend (Call her Rose from now on) have been really close friends since September now. Several people have even assumed us as being in a relationship before we are that close.\n\nShe started going out with a pretty good guy in October, it was long distance though and just didn't work out so she broke up with him before New Year. \n\nHardly a week later she gets a message from one of her ex's who she went out with before me and Rose met. From what she has told me she was really happy with him. He was great in many ways for her, they had good chemistry basically. But he dumped her after 9 months because they hadn't had sex yet. Rose told me that had he waited she feels like they would still be together even now. She clearly really likes this guy still and I want her to be happy.\n\nBut I can't shake off this feeling that he's a scumbag. I just think it's despicable to dump someone just because they want to wait a bit longer before they're comfortable to have sex. Surely if you really cared about them and not just about the sex you'd wait a bit?\n\nFor a bit of context this is the UK, so legal age is 16 and they were 16/17 at the time of their relationship.\n\nSo what should I do? I want her to be happy, but I think getting back together with this guy, even if she was in a very happy relationship with him previously, is the wrong thing for her to do.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Okay so a little background, my father has been addicted to pills about 80% of my life. He has violent out bursts and he constantly degrades everyone around him. He has NEVER gotten a job and my mother has had to take care of my brother, my dad, and me with her night shift job at a hospital and she is just barely making it. \n\nBasically we got into an arguement over me being depressed. I have been for years and he believes that its the music I listen to and that I don't know what im talking about. The usual.\n\nMy mom has always hid my depression from him because when he sees or hears that I have been upset he gets mad at me and yells at me as if I've done something horribly wrong. \n\nHe has never been proud of me, never wants to talk to me about anything pertaining to my life and he only cares about himself.\n\nAnyways I sent him this text message today after he threatened to get mean and nasty with me if I didn't apologise for telling him to get out while he was yelling I at me for crying.\n\n\"I mean its not like I'm used to being treated any different than nasty by you. Im always an idiot who doesn't know anything who isn't allowed to like anything you dont. Plus for some disgusting reason you pretend like my mental problems are nothing to be worried about. And mom never wants me to tell you about it because for some reason you get mad at me for being depressed. I can't remember the last time you were ever proud of my accomplishments. The only thing I remember is you being disappointed in me on my graduation day and making me cry. My whole life has never been good enough for you or for anyone. Maybe thats why im depressed and completely fucked up in the head. Maybe its because I feel like not a single member of my family who is supposed to love me is proud of a single thing I've done. I must be worthless to everyone. But go ahead and tell me I'm wrong like you always do. I'll just sit over here and cry like I have been for years now. \"\n\nDid I go to far?", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "There's a girl I knew from high school who recently turned 18. She flirts with and touches all kinds of guys, loves the attention, and is constantly acting strapped for cash and does random jobs for her friends for cash (despite insisting on going to Victoria's Secret for her bras. Apparently they're the only ones who can fit a bra right). She also talks pretty dirty, referencing sex when the conversation has nothing to do with it. Such as guys talking about \"jacking (stealing)\" things, she goes \"you know, there's another meaning behind that word.\" She's short, asian, has both mommy and daddy issues, but insists that she doesn't want to date (despite all her flirting). And since she was 15, she's been flirting with grown men in their 20s. I also heard she played strip poker with her older sister's boyfriend when she was in middle school (older sis and bf were 16 i think?) Anyway, she calls herself innocent, but she really straddles the line between innocent and dirty.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Okay may not be as exciting as other posts on here but I am really confused about what to do:\n\nWe have been together for four years and had a lot of difficult patches which has ended in multiple breakups. During one of these break ups she slept with a friend from home, she explained that she was just moving on and never expected to see me again and it didn't mean anything. I believe her and moved on\n\nAs of last year I started really suffering from depression and it made our relationship very difficult. We eventually broke up before both going back to university in the same city! She was a fresher and has slept with somebody else. I have talked to other girls and dated since but not had any sexual encounters. \n\nWe recently started talking and it is coming more apparent to us, especially me that we do still love each other and joked a lot about how stupid we are when we keep breaking up (probably 3 break ups lasting over a month in last 3 years). I love her and want to be with her but I am scared if things change I'll have missed on the whole sleeping with other people and that i should play the field - but to be honest I don't want to be with somebody else.\n\nThings are looking more and more likely we are going to get back together and even though I want it to happen I am so scared that it'll backfire and I'll leave myself in a terrible position in the future.\n\nI love her to bits and probably would end up having children with her in the future if we do get back together. Am I being shallow?", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "So we broke up a month ago and she moved out and left me there, I decided to put in the 30 days notice and just move home. \n\nNote: the 30 days was put in 4/16 so we were to be out by 5/16, no problem. \n\nAbout 5/10 and I'm sleeping in the apartment alone, it's almost completely empty and ready when my ex GF's mom shows up with a sob story about how she's homeless just quit her job (making 2000+ a paycheck) and just needed a place for a few days. Well she had helped me in the past so I said yes. Over the next few days I finished my packing told my ex about her mom and told her to take care of it. \n\nNow here we are my ex said her mom would move in under her own name and that she would talk to the landlord and everything and my ex believed her, I told her no way is that true and asked her to please call the landlord, turns out her mom lied and it's still in my GF's name.\n\nI'm really at a loss of ideas here is this even legal? As a side note she hired someone to break into and rob her last place a few months back then coincidentally while my ex was out of town her place was broken in to... Her mom called right away to let her know she would never do something like that....\n\nI'm sorry if this is jumbled I'm writing on my phone and honestly just confused and worried right now. So, advice?", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Been with SO for two years. We work together and I want out, but everytime I try, SO freaks out, cries, gets angry, so I end up feeling awful and agreeing to keep on keeping on. Why does anyone want to be with someone they know is miserable? Why am I so weak?\n\nI've heard it's best to end it before it goes on too long, but sometimes going on is just what happens to the young and inexperienced like myself. I know I am making a mistake. I just can't help but not want to cause pain.\n\nAlso, I know that SO might badmouth me, have angry outbursts at me, and try to destroy me at work. So there's that. Sometimes I have terrible thoughts about getting out without having to deal with my SO. Thoughts like making myself.... disappear forever. It's just so much easier said than done to \"just break up.\" I can't believe I let it get this far. SO thinks we're fine and dandy. I'm not.\n\nI wish they'd just let me go. Calmly, quietly, lovingly. Just let go. Help?", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "OK, so I've started to date (4 dates so far) this woman who is really nice. We met at a college extra curricular lecture and things have been going swimmingly. My issue is me I believe, and I really could do with some advice.\n\nSo I'm really inexperienced with women and I'm pretty much flying by the seat of my pants right now and just trying to keep my head above the water so I'm doing my best to try and not scare this woman away. In my quest to do this, I've realised that I haven't really initialised any physical contact and it has all come from her. So for instance, at the end of the second date she gave me a peck on the cheek as way of saying good night. After the fourth date, I was still scared of offending her by holding her hand and putting my arm around her (I not a smooth man!) and she ended to date by just gunning for it and sucking my face off (totally not complaining!). Anyway, I decided to text her that I really like her and that the reason I haven't made a move yet is because I wasn't sure she'd appreciate it. She text back saying that she's not looking to rush into anything and moving slowly is maybe the way to go but she really enjoyed the evening as is looking forward to our next date. What does she mean by this?", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Hey guys, really frustrated and need some help.\n\nMy friends and I had a 5 bedroom house and needed a fifth person to move in. We found this guy on Because we were all so close/trustworthy/stupid/inexperienced, we always emptied rent into the real estate agent's own account directly. We never emptied it into a shared account before giving it to the agents, which was fucking ridiculously moronic in retrospect. \n\nAnyway, 6 months later the prick moves out and Hocking Stuart send us a message saying how we are late on rent, by $3000. We find out the dude who just left hasn't been paying rent. He blocks us on Facebook, won't answer our calls.\n\nWe call VCAT (Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal for non-Victorians/non-Australians) who say this is a civil offence and they can take care of it, as long as we provide them with his address.\n\nThe idiot left us his mum's number, his work place number, his licence number and a bunch of other details. We tried going to the police who said they can't divulge information or something, we went to VicRoads pretending he'd crashed into us and they said we needed a solicitor. His mum is useless, we haven't contacted the boss because why would he believe us.\n\nWe are so frustrated we have no way to find his address and he owes us a lot of money. I'm a Uni student who lives out of home. I have to pay rego and insurance and bills, I need money... Is there ANYTHING I can do??????", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "I signed up for a free trial month of Netflix this past June. About three weeks in I decided I didn't really need it for a host of reasons I won't bother getting into here. I canceled my account and was asking me to re-activate when I logged in, indicating I was successfully canceled. That was that. \n\nFast forward to August, and I notice a payment on my credit card to Netflix for about 8 bucks in July, one month after clearly canceling the free trial. I called them and was reassured that there was some sort of clerical error, and that the matter would be resolved in the next few days. The guy on the phone said I would be contacted with a resolution to the monthly charge, and promised me that I would see no further charges. The only contact I had since was an email asking me to re-open my account, which I obviously didn't want to do. I never did hear about a refund, but life being busy and all I just let it slide.\n\nFast forward again to today when I see yet another Netflix charge on my credit card for August. Another (angrier) phone call and this time was refunded the charge from July on the spot (so she said, have yet to verify) and told that they have no record of me being charged in August. Despite my explaining that I had the bill *in my hand*, she had nothing on her end. I was once again reassured that my account was closed.\n\nI ended up calling my credit card people to get refunded the payment in August, and to prevent any further charges from Netflix. All in all I am far from impressed, and Netflix looks pretty shifty from my point of view. I certainly can't recommend them as a trustworthy company at any rate. Has anyone else experienced this kind of bullshit with them? I feel like I've been scammed.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "It's been exactly 1 week since we broke up. I've kept contact down to a minimum and I blocked her on Facebook. She has tried getting back together with me and manipulating my emotions by saying how she loves me and wants us to raise a family together and blah blah blah. I've ignored her mostly. I'm trying to stay tough and keeping myself occupied with work and other nonsense. Been playing a new game for most of this week to be honest. It's mostly very enjoyable but I'm finding I don't have the attention span to play video game like I used to and it's slightly depressing. \n\nI'm resisting the urge to check up on her now as I type this. The urge will pass, I know this, but I can't help but think i may have made a mistake by leaving. Maybe it's because I'm vulnerable and lonely but I'm questioning my decision to go back to her. The relationship wasn't all bad but her constant bitching and our fighting was ridiculous. \n\nI would just like some words of encouragement or something of the like to kick my ass in the right direction.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "So I just got stood up. \n\nHere's the deal. I've been seeing this guy for about 5 weeks now and we've really been hitting it off. So far everything has been really good, no problems, and we planned last night to meet up for lunch during my 12-1 break today. We texted and had unrelated conversation this morning, then at 12 I left class to go meet him. \n\nBy 12:15 he's a no-show, so I text to make sure everything is ok. \n\nBy 12:30 I'm pretty pissed off, and a friend passes by so I accompany him to lunch and text the guy id been planning to meet that I had to leave to get food since I had class at 1. He responds about 10 minutes later with something along the lines of \"sorry, I'm awful, I got caught up in schoolwork and lost track of time\". I haven't said anything yet. \n\nI'm pretty angry, and those who know me in person know that I never get angry about anything. I don't know what to do. I really liked him and things had been going really well. If it wasn't for that I would have no trouble just not responding and never seeing him again, but I do really like him. What do I do/say?", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "I'm a genuinely nice, considerate, and polite guy. I'm not a pushover by any means, but i find that being this way is what i'm most comfortable with. I'm kind of proud with the level of awareness i have when it comes to other peoples feelings. That said, i'm into girls that are kind of the opposite. Like bad girls, who might dress kind of gothy, have raunchy humor, and are assertive. \n\nThe problem is that when i go for these types their personality \"adapts\" to mine. They maybe try to seem nicer or polite than they really are, even though that's not their true personality. I think they see how i am and they fear i might judge them for not being like that. That's not true, and i know any kind of relationship won't really work if everybody's trying to be something they're not.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "A bit of a backstory: was in a shitty relationship for 4 years. Basically verbally/physically abused. Have horrible trust issues. Finally am able to leave this hell hole and meet someone who appears to appreciate me very much, until...\n\nI find myself, and my personality, to be attractive. I have (and still do) had many guys want to date, be in a relationship w/ me, etc.. Which is great and all. However, I finally found someone who I thought I could TRUST and confide in, until about 5 hours ago, when I felt the need to check his Facebook messages (mind you, for the first time in our relationship), to find a shit show of flirtatious remarks to other girls including: \"I like your big fake tits\" and \"send me some pics in lingerie\", and of course, \"I want to bang you again\". I feel like absolute shit, and I've never been so hurt. Basically reamed my SO out and gave him the option to leave me, and he didn't want to. I don't know whether to end it or keep it going longer to see if I can trust him again?", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Towards the end of summer, a coworker and I began hooking up consistently over a 2 week basis (hung out/hooked up many times but sex never happened due to outside circumstances). Since her moving back to school, we had a phone call where she vented to me about an issue with school and we have texted average every other day, some being short conversations and others well be conversing the whole day. I feel like I initiate conversations with her a lot more than she does with me, but she 90% of the time responds back.\n\nI havent spoken to her in about 4 days now, the last time we spoke was about how two of our coworkers want me to go with them and visit her at her school for a night or weekend towards the end of September. I was waiting to see if maybe she initiate so I can see interest from her but she has not tried to contact me. Some days i feel like I am overthinking way to much and others I feel like maybe she is slowly becoming disinterested. Am I crazy?", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "I got some interesting news today. I was getting new tires put on my car and the mechanic told me it would take an hour to do so I walked down the street to get some water. I passed this laser liposuction/skin tightening spa and decided since I have an hour to kill and a some skin sag from losing 130lbs I'd see what that's all about. During my consultation the doctor looked at my stomach and said verbatim \"My technique will do nothing for you, you need a tummy tuck.\" The way he explained it was that there is not enough fat on my stomach to make his technique viable. So in short... this actually may all be skin on me and I may be DONE losing weight. The only places he said he knew he could do anything were my love handles and chest. I'm going to get a real medical BMI scan before I make any moves on this so I have hard numbers as to what is actually where but like I said earlier, those numbers could reveal that I'm done with weight loss and it's time to start managing my skin better. I'd just like to point out that I'm not going to do a tummy tuck, down time from that could cost me my job and is just unmanageable (Not to mention invasive surgery scares the shit out of me). This could be a big turning point in my journey and I don't want to take it blindly.Does anyone know anything I could be doing short term to help this out? or any techniques I am overlooking? If I can avoid surgery of any kind I'd like to but if not this seems like the best option right now.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Hi r/Relationship_Advice. \n\nSo, on Monday night I decided to end my relationship with my girlfriend of 2 months.\n\nI had been thinking about ending things for about a week or so now after doubts about whether my heart was really in it started to creep in. \n\nIt was my first *serious* relationship and although we had only been together for 2 months things things had accelerated really quickly, too quickly for me, & I honestly felt overwhelmed by the intensity of the relationship. \n\nI am a self confessed introvert and I am so used to living on my own so being plunged into a relationship was a big change for me to try and deal with - I felt suffocated.\n\nI genuinely and truly loved her and I still believe I have feelings for her but I was beginning to feel like I couldn't give the same level of commitment as her and I didn't feel it was fair of me to lead her on knowing I didn't see it lasting.\n\nI have tried my best to explain my situation it to her but I don't think she quite understands it - and maybe you guys won't either. I was just wanting to know if I had done the right thing in ending it when I did..\n\nThanks.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "My wife and I have been together for about 7 years, married for 3. We have a nearly two year old daughter together. Our marriage has become more of a domestic partnership where we both do our chores, manage the baby, and pay the bills. Our intimacy has dropped significantly to the point where a peck of a kiss or a short hug is the height of our passion. Our financial situation is stable. We own our home, and have a very small amount of consumer debt that we are paying down. \n\nHer father has been quite sick with cancer, and has been through a few rounds of chemotherapy. The outlook had been good up to now, but we have reached the point where survival rates of 30-50% are being discussed. It is not likely that he will ever work again. Her mother has never worked, and is spending all her time now caring for him.\n\nWe will be financially supporting my wife's family for the time being. We have delayed a few purchases and cancelled a vacation. We can keep our heads above water, but will be scraping by.\n\nThe financial stress on top of the family stress has really hurt our relationship. We have begun bickering over the smallest items. We rarely, if ever, leave the house without the baby as a babysitter is $20 we don't have (we have no family in our town). Even the smallest affections I described above have disappeared.\n\nI'm very worried that our relationship will not survive this sickness and/or death. I'm also very worried that raising our daughter in such a stressful and negative environment will hurt her in the long term. I believe strongly that divorce should only be considered as a last-resort nuclear option, but a loveless-sexless marriage is not what I had in mind when we got hitched. \n\nHas anyone else been down this road?", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "I have bluntly communicated to him several times that I would like to see him more than once per week for two hours. He said he would try to make more time for me but it has not happened yet (I've talked to him twice in a three month period). We've been together five years, and I recently graduated from college and found a job. He literally works everyday and when he's not working he'll hang out with his brother or his friends to smoke weed. I don't smoke anymore, and I don't care if he does but I'm hurt that he barely finds time to spend with me. I don't even text or call to ask him to hang out because he'll usually say he's busy working. I know he's busy and throughout the week I'm busy with work too but we rarely talk. He'll probably send a text every so often, but we usually go 4-5 days without talking. Whenever we do hang out it has to be convenient for him and it's not fair to me. He works at out former high school's garden and does yard work for people which I can understand takes up a lot of time, but then again I don't. Sometimes the one day I do get to hang out with him, he'll cancel if someone calls and I'll be left at dinner/movie theater/wherever alone. I just feel like I'm not wanted and I wonder if I would just be better off single. I just want to re-establish the affection that used to be in the relationship; I feel like it's lacking. I've even told him I feel like I'm not wanted and he says, \"It's not that, I'm just busy\". I understand working and making money, but working EVERYDAY? I'm sorry I'm ranting, I just have no one to talk to this about. Thank you for reading my rant.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "We've been dating a little over 2 months, and she is the sweetest, \nmost perfect girl I know. The only way I can describe her is that she is the kind of person everyone wanted to grow up to be. She's never had sex, she's never even tasted alcohol or touched a single drug. \n\nThis has caused a problem with our relationship, because she wont have sex with me. At the beginning of our relationship she told me to give it six months and it will happen, however she recently told me that she wants to remain a virgin until she is married. I don't know what to do. I really like her but this is a problem for me. I go from not being in a relationship and having sex fairly regularly, to doing without while im in one.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "A friend of mine, someone I have known for the past six years is getting married in August. Through a mutual friend, I discovered that he had received in the mail a save the date card sometime around Christmas and an invitation earlier this month. Now, not being invited would be one thing and I wouldn't care about it, but there is something leaving scratching my head. \n\nThe mutual friend only met this other friend through me. In fact, he was surprised he was invited at all and said something to me about it since he isn't really close to the groom and has only met the bride once. I on the other hand, in addition to knowing the groom longer and better, also got this guy his job. Last summer we went to baseball games together, we get together all the time and do all this stuff, so I don't think their is a strain on our relationship. \n\nHowever, I haven't gotten an invitation to his wedding. He has mentioned it before that he is getting married, has told me it was in August. \n\nThe question I have now is: do I say something? There is nothing to indicate I wouldn't be invited and I would think I would be. It is as if someone forgot to send me an invitation. Or do I just let it go? I am confused about how to handle this in a way that is not tacky. If I am not invited, that is perfectly fine, but I don't want him to think that maybe I didn't return an RSVP or blew it off or something.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "I'm 19F, he's early twenties. The date is in about a week. I haven't had much dating experience, so I sort of feel like a retriever in a chem lab here. Most of the first date tips I've found online are for a man taking a woman out on a date, but I feel like the vibes are a bit different in my situation, since I was the initiator. \n\nI want to be able to carry this date smoothly, however the mutual plan right now is to go out to eat and then wing it. I have *no* idea what we should do afterward, and I'm dreading an awkward fizzle early on. I am *really* looking forward to getting to know this guy better, so any advice at all is greatly appreciated!", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "I need some advice, I've never been cheated on and this is my first serious relationship. A little background, my gf is going through depression, but getting help for it. She hasn't cut in awhile and just started again. I caught her with scars today and she is going to see a therapist tomorrow. Tonight she came to some terms with herself and says she is finally ready to stop lying to herself. She tells me that a friend of mine, that I haven't seen in months had sex with her. They were both lucid and have no excuse for their actions (I talked to them both). I generally have a zero tolerance policy for this sort of thing, but she says the only reason she didn't tell me sooner was because she was afraid I would leave her. I felt too sick to think and too shocked to react. I almost don't want to leave her because we have an amazing relationship with each other. We connect on so many levels and share interests and attractions with one another. She cares about me a lot and that cannot go unmissed. She loves me very much and I know this for a fact, I just don't know how I can work past this.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "I was fired last week from my seasonal part-time job on a haunted hayride with no explanation beside I did not 'fit in' to the 'family'. I drove the mile from my house to the farm to get my paycheck only to find that it was shorted a day. I immediately brought it up to the owners wives who promised to remedy the situation. \n\nTurns out that the same night I was there, possibly the exact moment, someone was stalking the wagons in the woods, and fired a BB gun at a customer, wounding her. My phone was dead and my tv was stolen so I had no idea what had occurred when I went back to follow-up on my pay the following weekend The woman at the desk identified me, called the boss, who called the detectives, who came and interrogated me. \n\nNormally, I recognize that it is a terrible idea to talk to cops because self-incrimination and all, but I was caught completely off-guard and had no idea what was going on until I eventually caught on to what had happened and they filled me in. Regardless, I may feel undervalued by with the employer but I am not a psychotic criminal. \n\nI fear that I have told them too much (which is true past hello) and that if they don't catch the perp then they will come after me. I agreed to a polygraph, and talked to my lawyer, who told me not to do it because it often comes out inconclusive. I cut off contact with detectives whom hopefully recognize that I am honest and harmless. Nonetheless, my family has been freaking out at the thought of getting raided and/or searched based on circumstantial evidence.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Hey all, I'm not sure if there is even anything I can do with my case, but at this point I am willing to try anything. I was a treasurer for a student accounting society for my university, and when some financial hardship hit, I made the idiotic decision to use my availability of funds to help front some money, with the intent to pay it back. However, before I was able to fully pay it back, the academic advisor of the group took notice and turned it over the university police who took it to the county. I was up front with all of my information and did not try to hide anything from them, knowing that they had access to all copies of the checks and had talked to the other student board members. August 14th, 2014 I was sentenced for a felony count of forgery through a county court. Being 23 and dealing with this completely on my own, I had to take a court appointed attorney, who was able to get the prosecutor to drop the other counts of forgery and embezzlement. In total, the amount in question was $4,000 which was paid as restitution in full amount on the date of sentencing. I never spent time in jail besides the 6 hours while I was waiting arraignment, I never had probation or any other court ordered conditions I unfortunately did not look into the possible pros of hiring an attorney versus taking a court appointed one, and now at 24, cannot find work. I took a year off from school in order to get my life somewhat together, I found a low paying job that did not background check, but as I approach completion of school, I am afraid of the non-existence of finding a job that will allow me to survive on my own. I know that 5 years after sentencing I can apply for expungement, but that also means I just wasted my time finishing school if I can't even find a job. Some may say that I got off easy, but looking into other similar cases, I see that restitution was paid and charges were dropped. I am just ready to move on with my life and try and bounce back from this but I feel like I'm trying to swim up a waterfall.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "My fuck up happened not more than 30 minutes ago, English is not my first language and unless I choose my words carefully, I usually end up saying the most fucked up things without thinking.\n\nToday was the first day I was going to meet my girlfriends parents for the first time and we planned on going to dinner afterwards.\n\nSo when my secretly engaged girlfriend's mother walked in our front door I was so eager to make a good first impression I hurriedly extended my hand in greeting and ended up saying \"Nice to meet you sir!\"\n\nWhat makes the whole thing worse is that my fiancé had already told me her mother was self-conscious about her looks which resembled more of a man in his fifties rather than the opposite.\n\nI have tried to explain the language barrier thing as much as I can but no one believes me, my girlfriend is mad at me because she thinks I called her mom \"sir\" as some sort of distasteful attempt of a joke. Her parents didn't say much after that but claimed they were to tired to have dinner and cancelled.", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n", "role": "system" }, { "content": "**Please be kind. This is my life.**\n\nI'll keep this short. My husband and I are and have always been in crazy love. Like, the kind of unhealthy love that Reddit is typically, hypocritically against. We're both extremely jealous about each other, to the point where it sort of drove me crazy. \n\nI divorced him early 2014 because I thought I'd be better off alone. I wasn't. I dated him on and off throughout the summer. He had an on and off thing with a girl for like 5 months. I had a few things. Nothing as serious as he did. Now we're back together and I absolutely cannot live without him. \n\nHe can't live without me either, but I can't stop being jealous. I'm irrationally jealous. Mostly because I know they did kinky things that he's into now. Ugh. I keep freaking out and trying to run away. It's driving us both crazy. I'm making this man who loves me so much so upset. \n\nWe keep having incidents where I get intrusive thoughts then I try to leave, then he takes my keys and cries his eyes out (He NEVER cries) and blocks the door, then I attempt to beat the shit out of him (my knuckles are bruised right now) because he won't give me my keys (He never hits back, but I never win because he's got 100 lbs on me), then he cries and tells me he can't let me leave his life again, then I cry and tell him I love him too much and I'm sorry, rinse and repeat. \n\n**So, how do I stop being crazy? How do I just enjoy this man without constantly comparing myself? How do I get these images out of my head?", "role": "user" } ]