listlengths 2
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I'm a 18 year old man and I've been seeing this one girl (18 y.o.) for about two months now and I've gone on 5 dates with her. We've had a lot of fun and I've enjoyed my time with her. We have kissed quite a bit too, which is awesome considering I'm a virgin. \n\nThe thing I'm having trouble is whether or not its \"right\" to keep seeing her even though I'm not in love with her? Soon, in about 4 months or so, both of us will leave for college and I'm 90 percent sure that we will not go to the same university. I'm attracted to her physically (I would very much like to have sex with her) but I don't think I \"LOVE\" her, if you know what I mean. Sure, she is pretty and she makes me horny af, but I don't think I will end up marrying her or anything. \n\nIs it right to keep seeing this girl for hopefully a couple more months before we both leave for college? It would be fucking awesome to have a girlfriend during the summer because we could just fool around every day while our parents are at work. That would be fucking awesome; however, would this be the right thing to do? \n\nI don't want to be mean to her or anything. I know how much it sucks getting dumped when you get your hopes up for someone... :/ \n\nPlease help me out. I'm so fucking confused.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I just became a university student a couple months ago, and due to distance, my long term boyfriend of 2 years and I broke up. I'm pretty introverted, so he was my only friend, and he held a grudge. So here I am, introverted and alone in a STEM school which is guy-dominant, and I don't know how to interact with them. I really think it would be good for me to get out there again, but I've never been good at making friends, let alone the whole dating scene.\n\nI joined a few clubs at the beginning of last semester, and met a group of three guy friends[all 20/M] who live together, and do everything together. I feel comfortable enough around them now, but still get nervous even asking them to hang out, because I get paranoid that I'm a nuisance. I want to become closer friends with all of them, but don't know how to go about doing that.\n\nIn particular, one of them I can't help being drawn to. He's extremely passionate, and talented, and just amazing to talk to, and he and I are a lot alike. He's not the kind of guy I usually go for, and I'm not sure what it is about him that makes him stick in my mind so much, but I can't help thinking about him. \n\nMy problem is that he also got out of a long term relationship recently, I don't know how to get him alone without scaring him off, and I'm pretty sure he just sees me as one of the guys. One minute he'll be really honest, and be having a pretty deep conversation with me, and the next, he's laughing it up about some joke he made at my expense. \n\nAny advice at all would make me very happy.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Hi, I have no credit history and I want to start earning credit so I plan on applying for some credit card companies. However I'm not sure if it's wise to apply for numerous credit card companies in a short amount of time or wait a few months before applying for a new company. I've heard that it could be damaging to your history if you apply for many cards in a short amount of time. Since I have no history at all, would this hurt me chances at getting a card or have no impact at my chances and history?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I am a banker. I see the impact medical costs have on people's health and finances. \n\nSometimes I see people who are looking for a loan to cover a deductible for a surgery they need. Sometimes I see people in pain because they can't afford to go to the dentist to get a bad tooth drilled or removed.\n\nOther times I see people who HAVE insurance who are still financially wrecked because of the part of their meds they still need to cover. For instance I have a client who has a specific type of cancer. It is treatable but the meds cost $150,000 per year!!! His insurance covers all but $18,000, but that still leaves him $1500/month to cover and that's pretty hard when you are not working because you feel like shit.\n\nSo anyway, I am sick of seeing people left behind. I have seen Reddit help people get medicine, new wheelchairs, cover the cost of funerals when tragedy strikes...yeah you guys are a pretty benevolent bunch.\n\nI am developing a website that will help people out of these situations. It is still in the conceptual stage, but I sent in my application for non-profit status today. (THAT was a bitch!)\n\nWhen it launches, I would like to post it to Reddit so you can check it out and support it if you feel like it is worthy. \n\nBUT - I suck at getting things noticed on Reddit. My posts tend to drop faster than Charlie Sheen's fly at the Bunny Ranch. I think I am doing it wrong.\n\nSO - When it launches, where should I post it?\n\nALSO - What do you think your interest level would be in something like this if you could easily establish that it was legit and was really helping people? Something you could get behind?\n\nPlease message me with questions, if you have any. And thanks!",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "The points: \n\n* I work in IT and am a pretty solitary guy, having her in my life makes me so much more at ease. I have general anxiety so this is important. \n\n* I've never really felt \"love\" from anyone but her, I had a messed up childhood so having someone this close to me is new and exciting\n\n* My college days were relatively intense, I'm yearning for the excitement of being single again but don't want to hurt SO, I'm constantly thinking about peers my age, eyes always wandering, not sexually attracted to SO anymore\n\n* She's from another country on a student visa, been living with me for 8 months. she moved in because she was living with 6 other girls in a 2br place, all worked at the same whip-wielding restaurant to pay for school\n\n* Obviously hurting someone sucks and the feeling of being alone is terrifying (new city, no close friends)... but I do feel trapped, like I could be growing a lot more. Was formerly polyamorous, jumped into this on impulse. \n\n* I told her I never intend on getting married or having kids. She accepted that, we've been monogamous for 18 months \n\n* she doesn't know many other people so I offer some level of security, but taking that away by breaking up would ruin a big part of her life, she might go back home",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "First off, I love this woman. She's loving, beautiful, and smart. \n\nWhen we met, we lived in neighboring towns, but she moved an hour away when she began law school two years ago. Everyone warned me that law school may make her distant, but, surprisingly, she remains devoted to our relationship with frequent phone calls and visits. I am the one having issues with our relationship.\n\nI'm about to take a stab in the dark in attempt to explain what's going on in my head. When she visits, I'm beyond nervous, which combined with my stressful job can put me over the edge. Also, I can be pretty anal retentive about things; when she rearranges my house, as little as putting the milk on the wrong side of the refrigerator, I get annoyed at her. My guess for the reason behind my unhappiness in our relationship is that I'm dealing with some inner turmoil. I'm dealing with some trauma from a few years ago and the relationship may be digging some of the negative emotions up.\n\nMy girlfriend is a great listener and seems willing to make any changes. The thing is, I don't know what changes would make me happy. I can tell her that I need X, Y, and, Z. And because she is awesome, she will give X, Y, and Z, but there's a chance I could still be unsettled. \n\nI've told her that I'm not sure whether I want to continue the relationship. The last thing she said to me was that she is devastated, feels she did something wrong, and just wants to help me through whatever I'm going through. She agreed to give me some space and is probably waiting by her phone. It just kills me that I'm hurting her and I fear that I'm going to continue to hurt her if I were to try and work on our relationship. Yet, I'm afraid to lose her. \n\nBy the way, this is the longest and healthiest relationship I've ever been in. A couple of months ago, I was certain I was spending my life with her. What the heck is going on with me?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Last Wednesday I hear that my grandma's friend's granddaughter is coming to my town to attend a nearby uni as an international student. I keep hearing things from my mom saying she's pretty, smart, etc. and that her side of the family takes an interest in me (in hopes of marriage). My dad is a very wealthy man in his native land and I attend a reputable school in the states so I guess they like me. \n\nOn Wednesday night I meet her and she is drop dead gorgeous. The craziest part is that her looks aren't even the best thing about her. She has traveled quite a few places in her life so she's very well-cultured and open-minded. We will call her Barbara. \n\nPerfect, right? Cept I'm in a really great relationship right now and wouldn't trade it for the world. So I tell Barbara about my girlfriend as I am introducing her to a mutual friend that attends the same uni as her. I also mention how I will be visiting her next week. \n\nThe next two days pass and I'm off to visit my girlfriend (we are doing long distance). On the morning of my departure I hear that Barbara's grandma fainted. Later that night I hear that she had passed away. \n\nI feel like a narcissist saying this but I can't help to feel that her grandma's death is my fault. I know for a fact that Barbara told her mom and grandma that I already have a gf and that id be visiting her this week. I can't help to think that I caused the grandma's fainting and death. \n\nRight now I feel terrible for being far apart from Barbara, who is all alone in a foreign land and starting school. But then again I owe my girlfriend a good amount of dates since I have not seeing her for a while. I plan to go back in a few days but am tempted to go back earlier.\n\nWhat should I do? How should I feel? What do I tell her the next time I see her? I feel so lost and confused.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "So we're going to this Halloween party downtown, and I see two little kids with no costume and nada. Mother was looking disinterested and the two boys were looking around at everyone's costumes like it was a museum. I felt sorry for 'em, being 10PM and they had no candy in their hands. Mom had some groceries.\n\nSo while everyone was waiting for the streetcar at the bus depot I walked over to the convenience stand and bought a fuck-handfuls of candies and chocolates, I was right beside them anyway and was gonna speak to 'em in Spanish and just hand that shit out to make it inconspicuous.\n\nAs a child I've lived through many misfortunes and a victim of circumstance. I hated missing Halloween as a kid, so I thought I'd make a few kids happy at least with some candies right? So as the street car was running I decided to stop being a pussy and start handing out candies, as I got up I noticed it...\n\nTurns out, those weren't groceries, the two boys' bags were filled with fucking candies and shit. They went trick or treatin' somewhere I guess. I had a kangaroo pouch full of overpriced candies and such. I felt like crap. So I just started giving them to random people.\n\nHow do I stop caring so much? Especially about kids. I can't stand seeing sad kids. I've been through some shit, and it sucks.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Well today in my class I needed to go to the toiler really badly. So normally I raised my hand and asked my teacher may I go to the bathroom. She asked me why. I told her I'm going to slay the magic dragon n smoke some weed with him.. so what happened after that? She sent me to the principal for \"insulting the teacher\" and I got detention... I didn't even bother complaining, beucase I didn't get long one, because the insult basically wasn't the insult.. 1 hour after the school.. \n\nWell it was worth it.. I went to the bathroom while going to the principal. (our teachers have phones connected in every class and room, so basically when someone goes to the principal, teacher calls them and tells them she sent the kid there and you go there. If you don't you'll just get bigger punishment..",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "As title says: \n\nNot seen him in five weeks (partly due to me going away for 2 of those) but have wanted to see him. Have only actually seen each other four times in these four months but we text daily and he keeps saying he's interested. \n\nCalled a couple of times over Christmas (2 or 3) and I got home today and thought I'd call. Arrived back in the same city today so we could meet but he says he wants to go to the gym after work this week so can't meet until Friday. As we've not seen each other in ages I was a bit miffed. \n\nWhen I called his response was 'I'm watching TV, can you not text me' and literally hung up. I don't get wtf this is. That felt really rude but he seems to think I overreact. \n\nAm I crazy or was that rude?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Hi reddit, first time posting. I have been lurking for a while.\n\nI've been with my boyfriend Alex for 12 months. We live together, and have a good relationship apart from little arguments about chores and stuff.\n\nLately he has been acting like we're not having sex enough. He will drop things in the conversation about how he doesn't feel attractive, and if his weight is a problem (it isn't, he's pretty ripped) and asks why I don't touch him more. Just general things like that. When I try to tell him I don't think we have sex too little, he agrees with me and acts like nothing is wrong, but in a way that tells me he just doesn't want to upset me.\n\nI do reject him 50% of the times he tries to start something. I have a weak immune system, and I get sick alot and don't really feel like sleeping with him. Another thing is I recently went through losing a 5 week old puppy I rescued and bottlefed to parvovirus. I don't want to bring this up to him because it will sound like an excuse, but I nursed that little guy and syringe fed him for 2 weeks and losing him really messed me up.\n\nI'm rambling a bit, so my main problem with him acting like this is I think we have sex more than enough. On an average day, we have sex 4-5 times in a long session, rather than multiple single times a day. I'm wondering if maybe he doesn't see it as much because it's all in one big chunk. I make sure we do it so much because I want to keep him satisfied, even if I'm not feeling 100%. I can't help but feel a bit unappreciated. \n\nMainly asking this so I can read your responses and see high libido perspectives, and so we can see what people think after we have a talk about it.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "So my boyfriend and I have been going out for a little more then a year. Our relationship is pretty good and he's a really awesome person to be around.\n\nSince our relationship commenced, a common theme on our nights out is my boyfriends newly divorced room mate not making enough effort to chat to women, despite clearly wanting to. At first I took my boyfriends desire to help his mate out, as pretty considerate. However as I'm now trying to restrict my drinking when we go out (something which my boyfriend made a point of), I'm much more aware of how my boyfriend is really just inflating his own ego through chatting to these women.\n\nThis culminated a few weeks ago when my boyfriend, while rather drunk, told me there was no point of him going out while in a relationship unless his mate was going to fuck a random chick. When I then asked what the point of a night out was for me, he replied 'to provide social validation [for previously mentioned friend]' awesome right?\n\nI trust he's been faithful throughout our relationship & will continue to be so, but it still makes me feel shitty when he spends extended periods talking to these other women,or pointing out 'cuties' for his mate to chat to, while I'm struggling with boredom because I can't drink as much as I used to. \nHe talks about leaving me whenever I even joke about other guys (guys need to give up dread game -.- I value the relationship not because I fear losing him but because he genuinely adds to my life.) \n\nOn the one night someone ever approached me my bf got annoyingly angry with me for talking to him, despite me only telling the random dude that I was in a relationship (but my bf was pretty drunk so I didn't think too much of this reaction).",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I'm hopelessly in love with my SO \"John\". We are moving in together soon and I am convinced he is the one I will marry.\n\nThe main issue is his mother. She is a nice person, and I do like her. My issue is that he wants to help her financially. She lives in another city, does have a job, and could be working more hours, but doesn't. She also receives money from the government and spoils her other son (17) because he has some form of depression.\n\nMy boyfriend just recently got a graduate job in his field and excitedly told me that he has always wanted to help financially support his mother and siblings (17M and (22F) because they are not exactly well off (but I have lived relatively comfortably With similar income as a student). I realise it's his money and his choice, but I am against it.\n\nMy father has always given money to his family, and they spend it on alcohol and stuff like that and keep begging for more and more. They don't look for work and those who do have jobs only do the bare minimum and have turned down shifts. It has caused a lot of issues in my parents's marriage, and I've known from a young age that I do not want that in my future.\n\nAm I a bad person for not wanting him to fund his family? Is it a normal thing to do? He recently bought his mother $400 worth of electronics because he thought she'd like it (no occassion) but he has never spent over $70 on one occasion for me. He won't even pay for a date, we always go Dutch (which I am okay with). For the record, i have bought him a gift over $400.\n\nI want to tell him that I do not want to spend my life, or be long term, with someone who will send their family money. It has only bought negatives into my family and I think I will start to resent his mother for it. Am I just a bad person or is it justified?\n\nI will add that I think giving financial support to parents when they are elderly is something I am completely okay with. Just not when they are still capable of working.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "My girlfriend and I have been dating for 7months and I've never fallen for someone like this before and she tells me that is the case with her as well. However, I am not able to tell if the fact that she is still not ready to have sex as a red flag or not. She is a virgin and is waiting for the right person, it isn't for religious reasons. But it worries me that after this much time she still doesn't believe that I am \"the right person\". We still hook up and do other things and after talking about sex a couple times I basically just said I wouldn't ever bring it up and let her decide when she is ready. I don't want to pressure her but I don't know what to do.\n\nIn addition, neither one of us has said those big 3 words yet after that much time. I am certain that I feel that way towards her, I have completely fallen for her, but I don't know how I feel about expressing that before we are completely intimate. I also have reservations about being the first to say it because I have always been the one to initiate conversations about our relationship and intimacy. It would mean so much more to me if I heard her say it first rather than the \"yeah, me too\" that I am so used to hearing.\n\nShould all of this be a red flag that maybe things aren't going to go anywhere? Should I let her find someone else that maybe she would feel more comfortable with? I'm not sure what to do.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "So i am [19/m] and i met this girl. So we have been chatting on facebook for the past 3-4 weeks. At first our topics were pretty casual, asking each other questions getting to know each other more, joking around. I started to think that she might like me, she was constantly sending pictures of herself (some really sexy) while we were chatting and conversations began to be more flirty and we constantly teased each other.\n\nAt that point i kind of knew that she had a boyfriend before which she still loves/can't forget. And lately we stayed up all night chatting, when conversations turned even more sexual, like we played a game in which you are only allowed to say truth and yeah.. topics were pretty dirty. \n\nThe point is that last night she asked me a question if there is a girl/girls at our school that i liked or had erotic fantasies about. So i said that there were two girls before, but lately I’ve been thinking only about one (and yeah, she is going to the same school). So she added a bonus question to that one, asking to tell her the names of these girls, because she wanted to know if my taste in women is good. So with a little bit of teasing and messing around i tell her two of the girls names, which i liked in the past. And yet she asks me about the last one and even though i let her know that i don't really want to tell her the name, she still convinces me to tell her the name. After i do that she says it’s a bad that I do like her and that she is not ready for any new relationships, tells me about this guy who she was dating after the last one (the one who she still loves) and that the memories of that guy ruined the whole relationship and the guy got hurt pretty bad and that she is not going to do the same mistake again. And after this whole conversation, atleast from my perspective, everything got pretty cold.\n\nAnd the thing is that this girl is really awesome and I think that I am starting to like her a lot. What are your opinions on that and what should I do next?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I'd post in teen relationships, but it seems pretty dead. \n\nAnyway, I'm a 15-year-old female and am currently a freshmen in high school. I don't consider myself unattractive, but I'm also not gorgeous.\n\nNever had a boyfriend before, but I'm really into this one guy. We sit by each other at lunch everyday and speak frequently in Spanish class. He seems pretty into me as well, but I'm shit at reading guys, so I have no idea (He's also pretty damn flirtatious with a handful of other girls). \n\nThere's a school dance coming up and my other friends have been pushing him to ask me to it. He gets really embarrassed when they do this and vehemently denies liking me, even going as far as to explicitly state that it will never happen on one of my friend's facebook walls (girls can indeed be friendzoned, lol). \n\nHe seems a little more reluctant to speak with me since they started doing this, but I can't tell if that's because he's embarrassed about liking me or he just flat out doesn't like me. I'm close with some of his friends and they say he might like me. They could be trolling me though. \n\nI'm new to dating. What should I do? I'm scared I might kill our friendship if I bring it up. Any feedback would be appreciated.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "We've been seeing for a month. I was annoyed because she always manages to put me down somehow by saying little annoying comments. So I decided to start fishing for compliments and asked her who is the most handsome guy she has been with. I usually get lots of compliments from women that I'm super hot and handsome, I think myself as a very good looking guy. She started hesitating between two other guys and chose one of them. She didn't even consider me. I asked her, am I even in your list? She said : Oh yes, you are, may be you are number 3 (but said it with apathetic tone). Now, I understand I may not be the most handsome but what annoyed me extremely much is her tone, when she started speaking about these guys, she did it with so much admiration and praise, and she never spoke about me that way. So what messed me up is her praising tone, while with me she is never like this. Do I have the right to be angry or something is wrong with me an I should get over myself? But I have the feeling she likes to put me down for some reason. She was very ugly in her school years so all kids laughed at her so may be that's her subconscious revenge now to me. I don't know what to think. Am I overreacting?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "So last night, while my girlfriend was flipping through the family calender that I got for Christmas with all of my relatives birthdays and everything. To her horror, she discovered that we are related. It turns out that her Dad's first cousin married my Aunt. So my first cousins are her second cousins through opposing bloodlines. This really freaked her out, but I wasn't really that upset by it since the relationship seems so obscure and it isn't by blood. I need your help with two things: 1. What is the name of our relationship through family? Our best guess was third cousins once removed but neither of us are too sure about that. 2. Is this really a close enough relationship that it is wierd or even wrong for us to be dating?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "We've been together for about a year now and overall, its been the best relationship of my life. My boyfriend is a great guy and always so sweet to me, we always have a great time together and have had no major issues. \n\nTheres just one thing that potentially worries me and may be a red flag, and thats that he seems a little obsessed with money. \n\nMy boyfriend owns his own business, and a few other side projects, that makes him quite a bit of money every year. \n\nHe seems to be pretty into the fact that he makes a lot of money to be honest. Like, for example, he's sometimes mentions how rich he is or talks about getting more money. \n\nAll the music he listens to is pretty much about money. \n\nWe've had discussions, and he told me that the only thing that really drives him and that he's passionate about is money. \n\nWhen I've asked him about his goals, its literally just about making as much money as he can. \n\nHe carries about 10,000 dollars in cash with him and pays for a lot of things with 100/50 dollar bills. \n\nAlso he does this weird thing every now and then where he'll literally just sit down with a stack of cash that he withdraws from the bank, and count the money while listening to rap music. \n\nIt's not like he's ever been a douche or acted like he's better than anyone because of his money, but to be honest Reddit, it does weird me out a little, and makes me worried that he is shallow. \n\nI have no idea why he's like this, he comes from an upper-middle class house, his siblings and parents are not like this at all, and he doesn't seem to have any other obvious issues or insecurities. Its not something that has caused any negative consqeuences in his or my life, but its honestly a bit strange. '",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Alright, to start of i'm going to say that i've always been a pretty awkward guy, this is really the first year that i've gotten away from that.\n\nSo there's a girl that I like, and I *think* that she likes me as well. I have a couple of reasons to think this, and I'll list them out here.\n\nThe first one is that we did go to homecoming together, my second is that when we were watching a movie with some friends, she was kind of like leaning against me basically for the entire thing (I think this was more as a friendly thing, but again I don't know). The last one is that pretty much all of our mutual friends want me to ask her out, but I just don't know.\n\nAny questions that anyone wants to ask i'll be happy to answer, i'm just looking for some help here, thanks!",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I've been dating this girl for a while longest relationship I have ever been in. I honestly can say that she's my first true love. But this girl has done some unfair things to me. \n\n In January she broke up with me because as she claimed \" I don't treat her like she's my girlfriend.\" About a month later we work it out and continue things back up. I then found out the truth about why we broke up, it was another dude. I was literally destroyed, that month we broke up was one of the hardest months of my life. I thought it was my fault I lost my girl, so I fixed it only to find out it wasn't me it was someone else. But that's not all. I forgive her because I love her so much and she promised to block all communications from him. Then I go and see on her Facebook she was messaging some guy (not the dude she ended it for) and she was telling him that if he was living near her it would be him and not me. Confronted her about it and still forgave her. Well since there is no trust anymore I checked her Facebook last night. And she had messages from 2 months ago saying that they would hangout. \"He said why don't why hangout is it because of your bf?\" And she said no. \n\nNow here's the tricky part. \n\nI plan on ending it probably this week. But I have a good paying job for my age but unfortunately it drug tests randomly. So I have to quit but it's gonna be a lot harder to get her off my mind that way. My intentions were to move after I believe I have enough money to move out and live with my best friend. But if I end it with her there is nothing left for me In this town and l probably will be extremely depressed. Regardless I need to end it but should I go quit my job with only 2 months experience but 6 in a industrial warehouse and move? \n\nNeed help reddit please help!",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I have been hanging out with a working friend [M] for the past few weeks outside of work. We hit it off at a mutual friend's party and since then, we've hung out on occasion like going out for drinks after work (just once).\n\nThe other day, there was a free concert by a local park and I invite him out to come join us (my other co-worker and her date). It kind of ends up being a double date although nothing awkward happened. I had told my boyfriend to come out with us but he decided to stay home and make dinner. I ended up staying out later than I thought I would and he's been waiting for me. At this point I feel like a total jerk. We end up having an argument and he expressed feelings of jealousy (a side I had never seen before). We talked it over and everything seemed fine.\n\nAbout a week after this event, my co-worker invites me to a movie with his friends. I lied about this to my boyfriend and told him I went out with a friend [F] instead. I had a few drinks and and later that night it slips out that I lied to him. My boyfriend keeps quiet about it until the next day. I had intentions to tell him but I couldn't find the words to say it. He brings it up first and now he is extremely upset at me, especially now that I didn't have the courage to tell him first.\n\nI have no feelings for my coworker. He is just a friend that I am getting to know better. I thought it was better to lie so my boyfriend wouldn't get jealous since he got upset the last time I went out my coworker. I was obviously wrong and made a bad choice. \n\nMy boyfriend and I have had a few bumps in the road but we've moved past them, but this is the first I have ever lied to him. I feel terrible about it. I need some advice on how to gain his trust back. What should I do?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "So, I have had this friend for a long time and we have always been there for each other. But about 6 months ago I moved here to the Netherlands to be with my partner (m23). This is our first place together here and we had to buy our own furniture. Needless to say we don't really have any money for trips. \n\nMy friend is getting married in March in the USA and I feel really guilty out of obligation but I really don't want to go. I don't have the money for it and I don't want to leave here and miss my partner. \n\nReasons for not wanting to go:\n\n1. Money\n2. Missing my partner. \n3. Being incredibly bored once I'm there! I won't have a car or a way to get around, so I'll just be sitting in my parents house all day. \n\nI know it's bad that I don't want to go, but I am just really dreading it. \n\nReddit, what do I do?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "My boyfriend and I have been dating for almost 5 years (like 15 days shy) and living together for 2 and he recently left to go overseas for a graduate program. We are both in MA programs but he is in England and I'm still in the States. We have a very strong relationship and have openly discussed getting engaged in December (we are both pro that idea). The LDR would end in 2 years when we both graduate and then we agreed to go to PhD programs together.\n\nI am uncertain how to handle the stress and loneliness of a LDR. He has never cheated but with him being so far away with a close female friend I cannot help but worry. The time difference (8 hours) makes it very difficult to talk with him and feel like we are still part of each other's lives. \n\nI don't know if there are any tips for LDR or how to keep the fire alive sorts of things. I guess, my main issue is that I'm a terrified that since I can't be there to meet his needs he'll find someone else who can.\n\nI have already initiated a plan to lose about 15 pounds before I see him again as a kind of \"Surprise baby, I'm sexy now!\" thing. I am busy with my own program so I'm working towards that to keep me busy. I have a few friends here but since I'm late to graduate many of them have moved away. My family is also fragmented since the death of my mom so family support is minimal. \n\nIf there is anything else you need to know, I'll try and check regularly to answer anything I should have included. \n\nI'd mostly like opinions on what I should do to try and make the LDR successful and what helpful hints might be out there. Or hey, just your opinion on the matter too. Like, how do you shake this fear of infidelity even without evidence there is one?\n\nThanks!",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "We've been dating for a little over a year, and recently he started to smoke weed again (he stopped at the beginning of our relationship because I had a problem with it, but now I don't mind, it's up to him, ya know?), and since then he's started to really care less about school. He hasn't gone to a single class in over a month, he sits around smoking and playing video games. I'm afraid for him, he had kind of a rough fall semester, and if he doesn't maintain a certain GPA he gets kicked out completely of the college. I really don't want to see him mess up like this, but the few times I've tried to bring it up, he tells me not to worry, he can make his own decisions, he'll be fine, etc. Of course I'm genuinely worried for *him*, and what his life will be like if he does flunk out but I'm also worried for personal reasons. Whenever he gets stressed, he tends to be kind of a jerk to me for a while. I get ignored, lashed out at, he doesn't want to be around me, and things like that which is one of the reasons I'm worried - no one likes being a target. I'm also worried because if he flunks out, he'll have to return home and that would effect our relationship. We've had disagreements about other things and he's told me that I tend to be really selfish in our relationship (even when I don't think I am), but am I selfish for being concerned about his school because of how it would affect us? Is there anything I can try to do to make him get his stuff together?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "So me and this girl from my high school have been talking for about 2 months and during the first month and a half, things were going great. We were planning to see each other for coffee during exams, but I didn't have time because I was more focused on studying. She understood that I needed this time, so we went to the library and studied together instead. A few days after we studied, I told her that I liked her and that I enjoyed talking to her. She felt the same way, and said that when she goes to university, she would want to keep talking.\n\n Ever since that day, our conversations have started to gradually decline to the point where she no longer responds to my texts. I've sent her 2 texts asking her if everything was alright and asking her how her day was. I haven't said anything to her that would make her act this way, and I have made the effort of to trying to talk to her about it. At this point, the amount of time I have put into getting to know this girl is insane, and I've gotten to the point where I just want to cut things off with her and move on. She's going to a university outside of my city, while I will be staying here. I need some advice on how I could stop talking to her, without coming off as a jerk. I think of her more as a close friend now, and I want to leave our relationship on a high note if we stop talking. Thanks in advanced and any advice is greatly appreciated!",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Me: [F26]\nDonald: [M28]\nRichard: [M25]\n\nAs the title says, I [F26] adopt a cat one month ago. I've move out from my sister house (you could read it in my username) cause i'm bisexual, all of my family stop talking to me (till now) and i end up alone looking for an apartment.\n\nI ask one of my friends (let's call him Donald) to move out with me [M28] he's such a great guy, we found a great place but we needed another person to rent it, he ask one of his friends (let's call him Richard) to move in with us. The lease it's on my name.\n\nSo we all move in together and everything was \"fine\" untill i adopt a cat. Her name it's Pippi and it's the best cat ever :) she's sweet and i feel so great when i'm with her, after everything i've been through it's soo great to get home with my baby girl :)\n\nDick told me that he's allergic to cats so i left Pippi stay only in my room and never leave it, but yesterday he told me that he want's the cat out cause he can't take it anymore. I understand that he's allergic but my cat never leave the room, not even to poop (she has everything in my room) so i don't believe that she could create such a big problem if she never leaves the room.\n\nI don't wanna get rid of Pippi just because he ask me to, that's my house too, but i also don't wanna \"put myself in that position\" where it's him or my cat. Does anyone else knows any way we could solve this without get rid of my cat or him to leave?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Hello!\n\nI hope that someone can lend me some advice for a situation that I find myself in. Here's my situation:\n\nAbout 10 years ago as I was traveling, I applied for my first credit card which was an AMEX delta card. For the years after, I traveled often, and got benefits from this card.\n\nNow, after I have recently graduated college, and landed a full time job, I no longer have time to travel as much, and therefore have no need to use the Delta card. Last year I paid off my balance with the card, and haven't used it since.\n\nRecently, I had to pay the $95 annual fee, and realized that I should perhaps consider another credit card. I thought about closing this account and applying for a cash rewards card.\n\nNow my issue is that this is my ONLY and OLDEST credit card account. I would like to close the account and apply for a Bank of America cash rewards card as my checking/savings accounts are with them. However, I am concerned with how this will affect my credit report.\n\nWill closing this account greatly affect my credit score?\n\nI even spoke with the reps at AMEX about downgrading to a cash rewards card with no annual fee, and apparently I cannot do this as my AMEX card is linked with the Delta account. I do not want this card, I'm stuck in a pickle...\n\nAny advice would be appreciated!",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Ive seen so many of these lately.. i hate to add my own.. but here goes.. \n\nI never subscribed to the notion that we have a soul mate out there.. And I still don't.. 8 months ago i meet a great girl.. 3 months ago we started going out.. 1 week ago we found out she was pregnant.. now before the usual conclusions are jumped too.. we were using protection (obviously not enough) condom slipped (or broke depending on when the actual time was) and we purchased the MAP (Morning After Pill) the next day.. We are both in our early 30s and she already has a Child from a previous relationship (She has sole custody and father has never been in child's life) hes now 7.. Shes not sure what she wants to do.. but we know we want to stay together.. Ive worked hard over the last 4 years to achieve a lot.. (house being built.. Car I've always wanted.. Bike I've always wanted.. ) I know in a why I'm being selfish.. but i don't think i want this child at this time.. (yes i would like to have one with her in the future) With this house being finished it would be tight to support her, her son and our new child.. and shes not sure she can come back from aborting this potential child. I'm not looking for whats wrong or whats right as its different for everyone.. i just want to hear from others.. Point of view perhaps...",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Hi everyone. I am freaking out and I need some advice/different viewpoints!\n\nI'll start by saying I've been with my SO just shy of 6 months, and it's been really amazing. The best relationship I've ever been in. I think we work really well and I love him very much. However, I have had some shitty shit shit relationships in the past that have left me anxious, untrustworthy and I guess a little sensitive. I found it so hard to start dating again before meeting my SO - it's not been easy for me readjusting to being so vulnerable.\n\nAnyway I'll get to the point... My SO and his mates all went out recently for one of their birthdays and he later tells me how there was a bit of a fight with two of his friends over a girl in this club they were both into. I know his friends by now and that they both have girlfriends. He then tells me how one of them gets with her and fingers her (err) in the club. So my immediate reaction is just.. 'He has a girlfriend?!' And my SO says 'yeah.. But he's just like that'. So I got a little distant and he asks what's up and I just say how I hate it and it disgusts me/upsets me to think about and he gets annoyed saying he isn't like that himself. But I have been so freaked ever since, I do believe he's a good guy. Ive just been cheated on in the past and I'm so terrified it might happen again. It's either that or I'm terrified he isn't the good guy I think he is. I know I need to learn to just trust him, his friends actions don't mean he did or does anything but should I be worried these are the type of guys he hangs out with?\n\nI keep trying to tell myself he's a decent bloke but it always comes up again in the back of my mind especially when they go to hang out.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "My coworker and I have to drive to a city over an hour away every day for work. So financially it makes sense for us to take turns driving. The problem is, I can't stand this guy all day long. I come home from work every day exhausted--not from the work but from being around my coworker for the whole day.\n\nHe talks too much, either about meaningless bullshit or really, really weird things for which there are no good responses. He complains all the time about who's not doing enough work or how others are doing their jobs, etc, no matter how many times I tell him to quit worrying about everyone else and just do his own work. And this is all made worse by the fact that we have to get up really early to be at work on time and I do not do well with that.\n\nFrankly, it'd be worth the financial hit to not have to spend every day with this guy.\n\nAnyone have any advice on how I can nicely break the carpooling setup or something? He likes me a lot and he's the one who got me this job, so I don't want to be mean and tell him the honest reason why I don't want to drive with him every day.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "My father is a loser. He doesn't take care of anything and feels he has no responsibility in this world. Four years ago my sister got a golden retriever puppy for Christmas names Sage. A little over a year ago me and my sister were removed from out home by DCF (department of children and families) and we were forced to leave my dog behind. I have tried to get him back but my dad threatened to call the police (the dog was registered to him). I have just found out that my dog was taken from him for cruelty/neglect. This was over a week ago. He was has some behavior issues, nothing major but he is very hyperactive and I am worried they will put him down because of this. I want to get him back and bring him to my home. So I need some advice on how to find him and how to get him home.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "We adopted a stray kitten that my sister found in the local Taco Bell parking lot. After watching for missing signs and seeing nothing, we decided to keep him. Great, cat, whatever. But things have been happening that, taken together, are intriguing.\n\n1) He looks like no cat we've ever had. Slightly different gait, facial structure, and is very large. He's only about 4 months and is already probably north of 10 lbs by a bit.\n\n2) He can't genuinely meow. He can purr, but when he tries meowing it's almost like a series of small chirps.\n\n3) He is EXTREMELY people driven. He loves attention at all times, will go limp as a rag doll if you pick him up, plays fetch, and compulsively gnaws on your hands as you pet him, like a puppy might--no broken skin.\n\n4) He is apparently hypoallergenic. My fiancee is intensely allergic to cat dander and doesn't do well with long furred dog dander, even. Yet she seems able to play with him with impunity.\n\n5) The final, most bizarre thing, isn't even something he did. My aunt took him to the vet and the vet asked \"How much did [blindfire40's mom] pay for this cat?\" As we got him for free from under our tires, it's certainly odd that the vet would ask that.\n\nTo assist in identification, I've attached a [few pictures]( of him. It may be that he's simply a bizarre tabby, and that's fine too, because we certainly love him. But Mom's got this idea that he's one of the intergrades between domestic and a wild cat, for the reasons listed above.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Kind of sucks. In spite of my desire to do so, I find it really difficult to sit down and really put all my effort into one thing -- maybe due to boredom, laziness, or short attention span. For example, I've been playing guitar for about 8 years. I'm good, I know I'm good. But I'm not NEARLY as good as I should be after 8 years. And its because I never truly dedicated myself to it. Even though I love it, I never had the ability to say \"fuck school/work/friends, I'm just gonna sit and practice guitar for 2-3 hours per day\". Maybe it's unrealistic to think that a college student can consistently fit that into their schedule. Maybe it's just the personality I was born with. \n\nAnyway,",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "My boyfriend's best friend is visiting my boyfriend in the college town where we both live for a week or so. I have been with my bf for 2.5 years and he has been friends with this person since high school. My problem is that when I am hanging out with my bf and his friend, the friend will be extremely touchy with me. For example he will kiss me in front of my bf, touch my ass/boobs, try to cuddle me when I am trying to study, etc. He also makes comments about me getting naked or about having sex with me. In the past my bf and I had a threesome with this friend when we were drunk. My bf was very uncomfortable after this happened and we established that it would never happen again. Before this happened the friend did not act like this or make sexual comments. This is the first time he has acted like this towards me and it makes me feel very awkward. When he does these things I either tell him to stop, ask my bf to tell him to stop, or just get up and move somewhere else. However, my bf says that \"since he's already seen you naked\" and \"since you've already sucked his dick\" it doesn't matter what he does/says to me. When I tell the friend directly to stop he tells me that I'm being mean and my bf then expects me to apologize. This is my bfs best friend so I am reluctant to make a big deal about it and potentially cause problems between me and my bf or between my bf and his friend. My question is, how do I approach this subject with my bf/do I approach it at all or just stay silent? Not spending time with them is not a great option since in the we have been hanging out frequently and they will ask awkward questions if I just disappear for a few days.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I'm torn as I have many interests but none of them seem to lead to a good career. If I am capable of being an engineering major but I don't particularly like the sciences but I prefer the arts, should I pursue it anyway to have a well paying job? Same goes for being a pre-med student although the whole process seems way too long. \n\nBut that's the thing, as much as I love art, I have zero talent for creating it, just appreciating and consuming it, especially film.\n\nFrom Lars von Trier to Paul Thomas Anderson, Kim Ki Duk, and Dardenne brothers to name a few, I love studying film. My other interests are equally lacking in job prospects such as philosophy, religious studies, women's studies, and literature. \n\nI have average GPA so I can't into top top schools, so I'm already set on my state flagship. I've already taken all the standardized tests. The only thing left is choosing a major or a department to apply for. \n\nHere are some of my numbers that reflect my academic abilities.\n\n3.5 unweighted (but 3.2 during my last year due to laziness). \n\n4.3 weighted (pretty much every class has been IB or \"pre-IB\" w/e that means) \n\n2300 SAT. 780 Math + 740 Reading + 780 Writing\n\n800 SAT II Math II, 720 Biology. \n\nAP Exam: 5's and 4's on BC Calc, European History, English Literature, English Language, Chemistry, Spanish Language. (Govt + American History from first 2 years) \n\nI've found ^ none of the classes to be interesting. Only class I enjoyed was a philosophy elective when I became obsessed with existentialism, Sartre and Camus (but this seems to be a typical first year kinda thing). \n\npersonality wise, I'm very good with people and socializing, although I prefer to avoid public speaking.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I like myself, which is good, since I spend most of my time alone. But when I don't want to be alone, I'm out of luck. My few relationships have been out of circumstance.\n\nI just want one friend (or better, a girlfriend, but maybe I'm getting ahead of myself). If you can't tell, I dread going to social events since they just seem like a whole lot of noise. But I feel like I'm not going to find anyone else like me, especially one who's also fond of me.\n\nFew people here do anything but go to bars, and the few clubs/meets I have found I am completely uninterested in. I don't like sports, and though I guess I'm nerdy myself, I dislike nerd \"culture.\" I'm back in school full-time, but not to socialize (maybe I should try to take a \"lighter\" class or two?). I tried online dating--let's just say I've never seen someone do worse. \n\nIs \"be someone else\" my only option here? I've tried it, but I also found it very unsatisfying.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I'll be honest. This wedding has been in the making for the last year, and the trip I want to go on is sort of last minute. I've never formally agreed to go to the wedding, but realistically it's always just been accepted as a given that I would be at the wedding since it is my wife's sister. \n\nOne of my college buddies just recently told our group of friends that he's going to Australia in October for business but plans to spend an extra week there just kicking around and exploring. One thing lead to another and two friends from our group decided to join him. I've wanted to go to Australia ever since I was in college, but I never could get a group together. It looks like that's finally happening! The problem is that I'll have to miss my sister-in-law's wedding because it falls right in the middle of the week we're planning to go, and it wouldn't make sense to leave early or go late. It's an expensive trip, but I can make it work. I think it would be money well spent. \n\nOf course my wife is not happy about this, which I can understand. She's very close to her sister, so I can see why the wedding is a big deal to her, but I don't think she really understands my position. I like her sister, but we're not close. The same is true for her fiance. I have nothing against them, but the only reason I would be going is for my wife. Normally, I'd be okay accepting this, but I have a chance to go on an awesome trip with good friends that I don't get to hang out with that often. I think I'm justified in wanting to go and am being both reasonable and fair.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "She was in my country backpacking, she approached me after a lot of time spent interested (we worked nearby) and we started casually seeing each other. \n\nI have never been interested in a relationship and she was much more invested than she let on. She flew back a few months after leaving because she wanted to see me again, but not letting on I was hugely important in this decision.\n\nAfter she left again, she soon sent me tickets to see her in her home country. It wasn't until this point that I got the hint and realised she was a bit serious, so I stopped seeing anyone casually and waited until I got there.\n\nI was under the impression she would too, but I found out (while I was there) that she had been seeing someone quite intimately for a couple of weeks, and (she told me after I left for home) the last she saw him was only three days before I arrived. \n\nShe told me she cut him off completely and has no interest in him anymore, and I believe her.. But I feel cheated and gross for not knowing this before hand. It's an awful feeling that she was sleeping with someone so shortly before I was there. We've spoken about it at length, but I still can't let go of that shitty feeling.\nShe says it was because she was emotionally lost and didn't know if I even cared about her, and thought I might also be sleeping with other people before I got there.\n\nI adore this girl, and she means an awful lot to me, and I clearly mean an awful lot to her. She regrets what happened immensely.. But I still feel like shit about how close it was to me arriving to see her, like it was disrespectful and shouldn't need a conversation to be known not to do. What the fuck do I do, am I overreacting?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I am in my last year of school before sixth form and last year my crush and I were talking quite a lot in class. It was fun, however we only sat together in one class. Now this year I don't sit next to her in any of my classes.\n\nYou may just say why don't just talk to her outside of class, but that's why I'm having trouble. At break and lunch I only see her when she's with about 3-5 of her friends and no less, because I don't know them its hard for me to go and talk to just her when shes with them.\n\nI'd say i'm liked in school, but not popular. People think i'm a nice guy, but as I said not popular. However my crush is popular and she's always around people. They always talk to her and never really leave her alone (not in a bad way). Therefore I can't really talk to her unless she sits next to me in class or I see her on her own (which would only be a few minutes). I do go to a thing outside of school where there is a lot less people and not as many of them talk to her, but the ones that do talk constantly.\n\nI think she thinks I'm a nice guy, but doesn't know me well enough to want to talk to me outside of class. \n\nSo what should I do here? I don't want to let go just yet. Help is appreciated. Thanks.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "The relationship has been going downhill for a while now. My job has me out of the country 5 days a week, and she works as a waitress so she's working the days I'm not. I live with her and her parents so I can see her as much as possible. We've been together for 4 years in October \n\nI first started noticing that the things were falling apart a year ago when the intimacy started to decline. I prompted conversations about the issue, but it was fluffed off as normal (Honey moon phase). Since then I've tried a few things, since lack of intimacy is a huge problem, to renew the heat - lose weight to be more attractive, seed sexual thoughts in her mind while I'm away, sending photos, little dates (which she's declined), and even that online test that matches your kinks/interests. I've started to notice that she's very uncomfortable with her body, even though she's beautiful (I tell her often), so that may be why the intimacy has declined. \n\nToday, she told me she's unhappy. I eventually got her to explain why, and it was a simple \"us\"... \"Things are different, we're not the same anymore. It's like we're not in a relationship.\" additionally, she feels the need to explore, as I'm only her second sexual partner and she hasn't been single very long in her life; saying that she feels the need to love herself before she can give me what I want - love and intimacy.\n\nI don't want to lose her. She's a great young woman that I can really see raising our children with. I've thrown up the idea of an open relationship, a break, and even starting over (we're going on vacation to Barbados in October for our 4 year anniversary) but they were all shot down. Do i just let her go, and move on?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Hey Reddit! I (20M) would like some tips, because I have my first ever date tomorrow (although I've had a gf for 3 years, but no actual dating happened), and we're going to the beach.\n\nI met this girl, we have mutual friends, at a festival a few days ago. We didn't kiss, but we talked, held hands, danced a bit. I asked her to go on a date with me, which was super hard as it is the first time I've asked this to anybody. What I mean to say is, it's not like a standard *first* date because we already spent some time together.\n\nI'm really nervous and excited. I'm going to pick her up tomorrow, we're cycling to the beach which will take 30 minutes, and then what? I'm a bit scared. Should I bring something (the weather, although no rain and sunny, is not super so no swimming), should we do something. I'd like all the tips I can get. Thanks!",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "My girlfriend really likes going out, while I like staying home. I will (and have) admitted a video game addiction that I am trying to rid myself of. She says that I don't spend enough time with her, and I have been trying, and she admits to that.\n\nI feel the reason other than video games is because I have been turned off from the relationship because I don't feel appreciated. I do all of the housework, but we both have jobs. I work at home, she works at a restaurant. I have asked repeatedly for more help with the housework, but she doesn't really do anything. She says it is because I do it all before she has a chance to, but I only do it all because I know she won't do it.\n\nShe likes hanging out with male friends, and one of them she used to have a crush on. I have told her repeatedly how uncomfortable this makes me, to no effect. She seemingly has no remorse for anything. \n\nI do not believe she has cheated on me. She is very honest with me and I have always trusted her, unlike past relationships. She has been better to me than past relationships, and things used to be different.\n\nI do one other issue with this relationship, but I need to resolve how I feel about this one first.\n\nIs this something that I should try to work on with her, even though we have fought about this several times, or should I give up?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "My girlfriend and I are having some difficulty communicating effectively with one another. I have a very difficult time verbalizing my feelings and it's becoming a bit of an issue in our relationship. It's very difficult for me to even be in touch with my feelings, much less verbalize and communicate them effectively. It's even difficult for me to talk at length about the small things in life, such as what goes on at work.\n \nI pretty much only tell people things on a need-to-know basis. I know that's very unhealthy for a relationship, but it's something that I have great difficulty with. I feel very uncomfortable just sharing things about my life and my feelings. My girlfriend has complained that whenever we have a disagreement that they go on for way too long and that they feel like pulling teeth because it takes so long for me to be able to communicate what I'm thinking/feeling. I'm not doing this on purpose and it's very distressful for me. Most of the time, I'm not even fully aware of what I'm feeling. With regards to attachment theory, I'm on the avoidant side of the spectrum and I tend to bury a lot of what I feel. I want to be able to share things with my girlfriend, but it's so difficult for me to open up. This is a behavioral pattern that I've had for as long as I can remember. Is there anything that I can do to change it? It feels so ingrained that it almost feels automatic. Does /r/relationships have any suggestions? I'm already seeing a therapist and it's helping, albeit very slowly.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I'm 22. Wasted 18-21 smoking (LOTS OF) pot, doing stupid shit, accumulating debt, etc. Developed a very anxious mindset of people's perception of me. My dad's entire side also have bad anxiety so I think that started really coming out as well. I've turned myself around from 21 til now.. Making good $$, paying off debt, exercising, eating well, etc... But I still have terrible anxiety. Sometimes I will feel *terribly* awkward in public, and I am horrible at meeting people for the first time. I am **deathly** socially paranoid when I'm high, if that makes any difference. I also feel like I missed out on some vital maturing into 'manhood', so I still feel like a kid and have a hard time affirming myself as an adult, even though I'm almost 23. I suppose that also has to do with me living at home, but I know it's the most responsible choice right now. Anyway, I refuse to drug myself up with Xanax or any prescription drug, but I know I most likely need some sort of treatment, whether it be a therapist or whatever. I've read some good thinks about Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and am hoping my fellow redditors will have some insight, experience, helpful info, where to start, or whatever. Thanks in advance.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Hi guys, just wanted to know how I should go about handling this situation as it has really been bringing me down. My current gf and I have been dating about 7 months, and we have known each other for nearly a decade, and everything was peachy until recently. A few weeks ago my girlfriend and I were having sex and I fantasized about my old girlfriend. Ever since then, it's as if my brain can't distinguish the two as different people. Every time I say my current gf's name inside my head or picture her face, something in me brings up the name/face of my old flame. \n\nI really love my current gf, she is everything that this ex was not: caring, loving, loyal, reliable, sweet, selfless. I will do absolutely anything to give us a happy ending and make these thoughts go away. They have started infiltrating the time we spend together now as well, not just when I'm alone. It's like I'm fighting with my own brain. I do not love my ex and there is no future with her, even if I was single I would never pursue her again due to all the lying, cheating, pain, and selfishness. I have discussed this with my current gf and she's been absolutely amazing and is holding my hand every step of the way. I just feel disgusted with myself for letting this past pain poison my present happiness.\n\nSo help me out r/relationships, how do I get back to seeing my gf without bringing my past into play?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Hello reddit,\nMy question is this: is falling out of love the definite sign that a relationship has run its course, or can love be rekindled again? \nMy girlfriend of 2 years has recently told me that although she loves me and cares for me, she has been falling out of love for the past 3 months. The 'spark' has just gone away for her. We are taking time away from eachother right now to sort out what we want to do. She says she wants to try and make it work, and she would really love for it to work and she wants to feel that way about me again. I am just not sure if it would be wise for me to agree because I don't want to be hurt more in case it doesn't work. We have always had a very mature and trusting relationship and we have a good ability to work through our problems. But I'm not sure physical attraction is something you can willingly bring back. \nSo can the 'spark' in a loving, caring, trusting relationship be rekindled? Is this just a new phase in the relationship? Or are we just prolonging the inevitable?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I came out to my parents when I was 19. It threw everyone of a loop, but it was nothing dramatic. My family is mostly Southern Baptist, so they don't agree with homosexuality, but no one ever says anything to me. In the past, when I had a boyfriend, he was welcome at my parents house. I'm not a flamer or anything. Almost everyone I meet don't know I'm gay when they meet me. So, my parents aren't really reminded that I'm gay.\n\nHowever, when anyone brings up a topic about gay rights or marriage, I get very uncomfortable. For instance last night when there was a story on the news about Romeny talking about gay marriage at the graduation ceremony. I was going crazy inside. I didn't know how to feel or what to think. I was petrified until the story was over. No one said anything. But, for some reason, I always feel uncomfortable when stuff like that comes up no the news or in conversation.\n\nLet me stress, my parents love me very much and have never made me feel bad about being gay.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "(20, Male, University, busy with academic work and a couple of hobbies, good friendship circle etc.)\n\nIt's really hard to describe my feelings towards relationships. I've had plenty of crushes, have acted on them, and have been turned down or used emotionally (I was very naive at the start of university). Now, this isn't going to be some pity-party. That'd be silly. But I must admit that the prospect of relationships is kind of drifting out of my head as a possibility. To me this seems perfectly logical - if the only thing I've experienced has been, at most, girls who really can't decide whether they like me 'in that way' or not, then why would I see things any other way?\n\nBut here's the kicker. I know plenty of people drift quite seamlessly into relationships, even if these opportunities are rare. I know they're quite simple and straightforward, but my past experiences have left me quite jaded and cynical to the possibility of this being true.\n\nI'm not a virgin, and have had a couple of flings earlier in university. When I lost my virginity, it was enjoyable (in a 'finally!' kind of way), but ultimately embarrassing (including her telling me I'm 'weird', then sort of kicking me out of her flat (have no idea what I did wrong...)); and I guess I kind of have a negative experience. The second fling was a bit messed up too (was with a long-time friend), but far more enjoyable/awesome - only her being 'on the fence' made everything really awkward after the fact.\n\nWhat I'm trying to get at is, I have yet to actually have any kind of decent, 'normal', genuinely nice sexual relationship. Coupled with some memories I'd rather forget, I am left probably worse off than having no experience at all.\n\nI'm sure all of this doubt will kinda vanish once I'm actually *there*, *in* a relationship and I get to find out what the fuss is all about, but naturally, the process of getting there (e.g. meeting new people, and so on) is made harder by a really rocky start to relationships.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I've [30's F] been in 4 serious relationships. In all but the first, the men turned abusive, with the last relationship lasting over 10 years. The result is that I act like an abused woman. I duck, I dodge, I apologize. I know I am always in the wrong. I'll do anything to keep my SO happy.\n\nNow I'm in a new relationship with a [40's M]. He's the most patient man I have ever encountered, kind and caring... But the men I've been with before also seemed to care at first.\n\nHe asks me not to apologize for everything, he looks wounded when I flinch. He's never acted upset with me, but the second I think I may have done something wrong, I bolt back into my safe, contrite and submissive shell. And I can tell it bothers him. \n\nI want so much to be with him... But I'm afraid that I'll bring out an abusive side of him that he may not even have known existed. What if my tendencies make him mad and he eventually reacts the same way the others have? I'm afraid I'll DRIVE him to it. \n\nI'm fine with everyone else. I just... Don't know how to act in a relationship. I'm afraid I'll either chase him away while I learn how to be a normal person, or I'll turn him into something he doesn't want to be. How do I keep either from happening?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Hi, quick backstory is my now ex-boyfriend decided that he wasn't happy and instead of hashing it out with me and seeing what could be done he came straight to Reddit where people confirmed that it wasn't working and that he should end it. I think it's a shame that no one encouraged him to discuss with me. All he did was give me a \"trial week\" that I had no idea about and during that week he didn't discuss anything, issues or fixes. I was kept in the dark and then suddenly, he just ends it and stops talking to me. (The no contact rule should only really be used to get over someone who you don't want to be friends with again in my opinion. It's more damaging than people realise..)\n\nSince this has happened I have been able to self-reflect and have learnt what I did wrong on my own and am on the path to becoming a better, more optimistic person. (I had some depressing issues in my life making me miserable) But I realise that there is not much of a chance now to work things out since he is absolutely set on his decision.\n\nIt really pains me that he wasn't able to confront me and try to work things out. Don't cut a knot when it can be untied. I have lost an amazing guy and I know that fighting for him just pushes him away further. So I am taking this time to improve myself.\n\nObviously there is some good advice on here, but remember that your baggage and situation is completely unique and might not be the same for someone else. Just be mindful that some people don't look at the situation from all angles or get unbiased advice, so your advice can actually end up being the make or break in someone else's life.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "[I'm 17 so please bear with the teenage drama/immature hormone infused decisions]\n\nTo begin with, I liked 'James' ever since the beginning of my junior year, we have always been good friends but I just started to like him (because of hormones? I don't know? Seriously... he is like the sweetest guy ever). I thought everything was going fine and dandy since he asked me to prom. Keep in mind that my stupid introvert self refuses to tell him my true feelings, so I think he was confused on whether I had feelings for him or not. \nA few days after prom he texts my friend asking her if I would say yes if he asked me out; she then shows me the text, replies yes, and at this point I'm exuding happiness. Then..... a few days following the texts, at a typical underaged binge-drinking occasion he gets wasted and gets blowed by a whore; he is now incredibly ashamed and tries to keep this chapter of his life away from me, but of course I find out when my friend sends me pictures of it. By this point he texts my friends that he has no chance with me. I am, at this point confused too...\n\nFast forward a few months, we have just been hanging out as friends but I still have feelings for him, which I cannot subdue. \n\nI just got a call from a girl him and I just met at the fireworks that he has just asked her out. I don't know what to do/feel... I am completely confused... I am too new to this whole romance/love thing\nAny help Reddit from your experiences?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I've been dating my girlfriend for about 9 months. She has pretty severe diagnosed depression and anxiety and I try to be there for her, calling her at least once a day and trying to see her at least once a month. \n\nThe main problem would have to be the fact that the college she goes to is a bit of a party school and seeing substance abuse gives her panic attacks. \n\nToday she moved dorms because her roommates were coming home drunk about 3 days out of the week and she couldn't take seeing it. Then tonight, she was talking to a friend she had met on the floor and this friend suggested they get drunk together. My girlfriend hastily said no and called me crying about 10 minutes later. \n\nI'm really solution oriented. I'm not good at dealing with this and it's been happening at least once a week since the semester started and it happened about twice a week last semester. When she tells me everyone she knows drinks or does drugs and that she hates everyone at her school, I start on instinct trying to solve her problem and recommend she goes to some churches to maybe meet some kids who do less drugs (we're both religious) or join a club at the school to meet new people. This usually just causes her to say, \"It's not MY church!\" or \"No, they'll all be on drugs too!\"\n\nI feel like this is really the wrong thing to do in response, but I don't know what to do otherwise. If I don't do that, then I just sit on the phone with her for an hour and tell her that I'm here for her. I don't feel like that helps either.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "So me and my BF of three years broke up, he's currently living out of town (a few hours away) I'm better off but I still need time (long relationship) \n\na week after I told him he had to pick up his stuff next saturday, (he saw the message but did not reply), that sat at like 8pm he said he could not come that sat I told him to get somebody else to pick it up then. (he left 4 boxes and owes me about $200 for rent and tickets) Nobody came to pick up the stuff. Finally a Day or two ago I had a friend tell him to pick up his stuff and pay me back, he said he would but I'm wary he won't for a long time.\n\n I want to get his stuff out of the house so I can stop thinking about it, move on etc. I also want to start dating again but feel like this is holding me back 'cause I can't move out of this chapter til it's all over.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I'm a 20 year old guy (in Australia) and I've only had one girlfriend in my life (when I was 14). There is this one girl that I met about 8 months ago that I have really taken a liking to. I've only actually seen her a few times but we talk on Facebook a bit and she seems really great. I'm a bit worried about ruining our friendship as she is friends with a lot of my friends and I don't want anything to go wrong there.\n\nI've never really been on a proper date or anything before and have no idea how to ask. Even if it wasn't with this girl I'm at a stage in my life where I feel I am ready to start dating but I am rather shy and not sure how to approach girls (I see guys that can just strike up conversations without any effort but I just fall apart).\n\nThe girl in question is a Christian (like me) and I have absolutely no clue whatsoever if she is interested in me in the slightest (she might only talk to me to be polite).\n\nI seem to find myself in the 'friendzone' and I am regularly told by older girls (I have a few female friend 24 and above) that I'm a great guy, really nice and mature etc. and apparently I'm reasonably attractive (I'm not movie star but I have a reasonably athletic build and no particularly ugly features).\n\nAny adivice on what to do with this girl, or girls in general, would be really appreciated. I am completely clueless when it comes to this sort of thing. I'm told that girls are generally pretty open to being asked out and actually giving guys a chance but I just don't know how to get there.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "My gf and I have been dating for about 3 months right now and everything has been going better than we both could have hoped for. We both connected very well and have told each other that this is the best relationship either of us has had. We do spend nearly every day together either going to the gym or relaxing at home or going on a date. \n\nHowever, over the last week or two we have both been feeling kind of distant between each other. We talked and she would say how she's not used to being in a relationship (she was single for all of college) and is so used to being independent and on her own, but she says she doesn't want to just throw away the relationship and break up. We decided yesterday to give each other some space and see each other maybe only once or twice a week for now to see how that goes. I'm scared because she says her other relationships have ended like this before. \n\nShe is also leaving for the peace corps (27 month trip) in June and I'm starting school right now which I'm sure is adding stress to the whole situation.\n\nWe tried giving each other space a few days ago, but we missed each other so much that we had to see each other again. We get along so well (better than either of us have dated or met before) so we want to try and make this work as best as possible. Does anyone have any advice on this whole situation? i.e. how long and to what extent might be good to give space? Is it worth trying to be together?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "This all started out quite a while ago. I think it was somewhere in early highschool. You know the typical discussion between guys talking about their girlfriends. Not wanting to feel left out you claim you have a girlfriend. Combine this with never really getting asked along to any party and not really know any girls that never really changed. I guess the source of that was my lack of self confidence due to getting bullied in elementary school.\n\nBut now quite a few years later I'm still building up on those stories. I'm in college now and keeping up with the tradition for engineering students I still don't have a girlfriend and I still come up with excuses to avoid social events (though I've been forcing myself to attend some things). I still tell lies all the time to claim I have a social life though I obviously don't. This is further complicated by running into a girl last year that I actually did like and somehow managed to start talking to. Tried asking her out several times and she always said no and came up with an excuse (even though she was becoming more and more friendly). Eventually I got pissed at that and told her to fuck off as she was clearly not interested in me and was probably only doing it to get help. Weirdly enough I managed to never tell a single lie to her. I still like her at this point but I know it's pointless yet I find myself unconsciously fixing my schedule in such a way that I run into her. To the few friend-ish people I have at college I claim it's cause it annoys her but really it's simply cause I still like her and have fake hope. The thing is, thanks to her I did notice I need to stop this entire cycle of telling lies and really become more social. I just don't really know where to start and how. Making all those lies come true seems rather hard or pretty much impossible so I doubt that's the way to go about it. So where do I start and mainly how?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "We're about a week and half from our RSVP deadline and I'm so excited that we've received so many RSVPs so far -- but a word of warning for other brides who are making their own rsvp postcards.\n\nToday we received an rsvp IN an envelope. At first I thought \"how silly, uncle so and so must not have noticed the stamp on the postcard\" -- then I noticed the Return to Sender sticker on the postcard.\n\nDespite the postcard being a good strong paper and the perfect size, the machine at the post office chewed up the card a little and damaged the address enough that it was considered 'insufficient'. Which is annoying in this particular case because everything but the zipcode was intact. Come to think of it, all of our postcards have come in a little chewed up.\n\nMaybe part of the problem is that we went with a matte, recycled paper versus something fancy and glossy? Who knows. I had the same issue with a purchased postcard earlier this year.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "When you're single, you don't have to worry about looking good for your SO. You don't have to stress about making your woman happy by doing stupid small things she likes. No arguing over forgetting to put the toilet seat down, no debating over what TV show to watch. No need to blow money on dates. No need to listen about dumb crap that her friends went through. If you want to hang out and watch sports and drink with your friends, you don't need to clear it with \"bae\". Being in a relationship will suck you dry. Not dating/being in love is much less stressful and happier. \n\nMy friend has been in a relationship for years and his girlfriend is suffocating him with drama and BS and he puts up with it. After personal experiences, I can testify that stressing over someone who may or may not like you, and then finding out they don't and they exile you, is a waste of time. Being single and not romantically interested in anybody is a simpler way to live life.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "OK, so I am married with a wonderful woman and we have a small kid. We always had a semi-open relationship, in the following sense: when we are apart (eg work trip), it's no big deal if we hook up with a random person. It's a bit of don't ask don't tell. \n\n3 months ago, I traveled to Asia (the other side of the world for me), hooked up with a fun girl for two nights. Since then, we have been writing a lots of emails back and forth, chatting a lot about random things. It did get more personal as we shared some things (not about my family though). It's a new thing for me, as the deal with my wife is hooking up, and usually I don't follow up. Is this cheating ? I have essentially no chance of meeting that girl ever again due to geographical reasons.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Just to be clear, I'm not clingy, I don't care if I don't text someone for days, I'm just trying to figure if we are on the same page or not. I like her, a lot. It's been 7 years for me since my last real relationship and this is the first time in that 7 years that I've felt this way about a girl. \n\nIf it isn't clear by now, I over-analyze *everything*. If you want the honest truth, going 7 years without feeling this way for a girl will make you do some crazy things, hence this post. Even if it's bad news, I just need to ease my mind because not knowing is stressing me the fuck out. \n\nI realize I probably sound crazy and too emotionally invested, but like I said, this doesn't happen often, and I just wish I could know if the feelings are mutual, because at this point I'm kind of assuming the worst (bad habit).\n\nI cannot stress enough that I don't care that she hasn't texted me back, people have lives, etc etc, I get it. but it just kinda worries me that it's a bad sign and I'm curious if the females reading this think not responding to a text for over 24 hours now is probably nothing, probably means something not-so-good, etc. \n\nIf I'm being fucking retarded and you think 24 hours is no big deal and you think she could still be really into me then just say so, you aren't gonna hurt my feelings.\n\nBasically need some kind of reassurance either way, because 7 years without this is a long time and this is stressing me the fuck out, lol.\n\nThank you for tolerating my shenanigans.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "We were seeing each other casually for a couple weeks. She sat me down and said she wanted to get serious and date exclusively. We talked about her leading a healthy lifestyle and exercising more if we are going to get serious. She agreed to make some changes to her diet and starting walking again. \n\nThat was two months ago. Since then, she eats the same and hasn't exercised. She was probably 40-lbs overweight when we started dating. She's probably gained 10 more lbs. I haven't said anything to her, or even implied a thing about her choices. She's really sensitive.\n\nNow I feel trapped. Should I call her out on it?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Okay so I live in the dorms in my school. We have two young dorm life supervisors (male and female) in my hall. They are both new and fresh out of school.\n\nMy particular hall is very, very small so everyone knows everyone. So all year everyone noticed some preferential treatment going on. Some RA's were allowed into the supervisors apartments, invited to outside events/ holiday parties and were generally \"cooler\" with the supervisors. Everyone knew it and no one spoke out. The supervisors also did things the old ones would never do, like adding certain residents and RA's on facebook , tagging them in posts, and praising them.\n\nFor instance, we went to a conference because I am in a leadership positions in the dorms, and one of the supervisors went along. It just so happened that one of her favorites was there too. The whole they were buddy and buddy and it was very rude at times. She even snapped a photo with her and posted it on facebook talking about how much a wonderful leader she is and how she is determined to make her go far.\n\nSo hiring time rolls around for next year, and I along with some other people applied for Res Life positions. Long story short who got hired and who didn't basically solidified everything we thought about the favoritism going in. The \"hiring\" process was a joke and it was obvious they knew who they wanted before the applications were sent in.\n\nThe problem is we (me and a few students) want to address it without coming across as bitter because we weren't hired. We want to write a letter addressing some of the lack of professionalism and then have a meeting with the supervisors. The letter is written but now I am just like \"fuck it\" I won't be in the dorms next year anyway and neither will by friend who is also speaking out. Even if we call them out those who are hired will still be hired. And favoritism is an aspect of any job. \n\nI feel like I will look stupid and bitter if I say something even though everyone knows what is going on, should I let it go?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Growing up I always knew there was something off about him. I loved him to pieces, but he was always adamantly anti-government and anti-corporation. I know a lot of us redditors are too but as time went on its manifested its self in different ways.\n\nWe went to the movie theater one day and he complained that someone took a picture of him. He thought he was being spied on and wanted to leave. (There was no one there, it was in his mind)\n\nOur family got a call yesterday, and it seems now he won't even leave his trailer to get food. He told the neighbor that the voices told him to stand in a hole in his house to keep people away. He's getting worse, and tomorrow I'm going to be going with my mom and anut to help deal with the situation.\n\nI was reading on wikipedia that only .3 - .7% of the population is effected Schizophrenia; which is what we believe it is as this point. I'm really hoping I can find someone to help me out here. Have you known someone who has had Schizophrenia, how did you deal with it? Any advice you can give us?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "In short, i'm at a cross-roads. Bf of 2 years has a lot of personal stuff he needs to address. It's not stuff that will be fixed in one session of therapy. It's a lot of stuff. Until recently things have been fine. \n\nNow I'm finding that these issues are affecting how he acts in his relationship with me and others. Certain things that he has done recently have led to complete distrust, simply because he withholds information until I stumble upon it and bring \"it\" up. I literally have to make a case before he confesses to \"it.\"\n\nI dont know what to do. I don't necessarily think that mental health is a reason to break up IF THE PERSON IS WILLING TO PUT IN WORK. I do think a lack of trust is a reason to break up. BUT, when the actions that led to the lack of trust are bc of the mental state of the person I'm lost.\n\nWHAT DO I DO????",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Reddit,\nI need help. Stray cats are coming into my garden and ruining all the vegetation planted, including vegetables and herbs. They use it as a litter box and it is foul. My garden is fenced around but these cats can jump almost 5 feet so it doesn't keep them out. I tried predator urine pellets and that didn't work. I can't install the motion activated water sprinklers because of how the house is set up (hard to explain).\n\nThis never happened before, it only recently started when my neighbor decided to feed a cat he took in. He didn't really take it in, he left her outside. It was only one cat but then another cat came and made kitties (now pretty much adult sized). There is also a little dog-house my neighbor installed for the cats to take shelter in. He never took any of them inside his house as far as I can see and they all roam around the neighborhood and peoples backyards. Yesterday I saw that there are new kittens so the cat probably gave birth again. Can I report this to authorities or something?? I live in NYC.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I purchased a condo about a year and a half ago and have been having an ongoing problem with the lady who lives downstairs. She smokes pot A LOT. She has told me she has a prescription for it; though we do live in an area where smoking pot is illegal. Her living room is immediately below my bathroom/bedroom. The building is old and has poor insulation which therefore means every time she smokes it fills my bathroom (and bedroom) with the smell of pot. When I first moved in I enquires with all the owners at a meeting (very small building and it's not professional managed) and each one claimed they don't smoke pot. I knew someone was lying as it cannot be smelled while outside, only inside my unit. One day I approached my neighbours door for something unrelated and was hit with the smell of pot as soon as I approached. She's since confirmed that she smokes pot but refuses to stop or smoke it outside. \n\nBeside the fact that I've never done pot and find the smell disgusting, I'm intending to apply for my city's police department. They have a very strict policy regarding drugs (for example, cutting out family members who do drugs, asking someone who rents to move, etc). I am very concerned that by ignoring this problem and smelling pot all the time I will be affecting my chances of being hired. \n\nI do not want to involve police if possible. It's a small building and this would cause a lot of animosity. \n\nI am looking for advice on how to escalate this and hopefully come to a resolution. I have already brought it up but she will claim she's not smoking and has no idea why I'm smelling pot. I'm not sure what my next steps should be (formal complaint, written complaint, etc)\n\nAny advice in how to approach this and (hopefully) maintain an amicable relationship would be appreciated!",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I really think South Park has suffered in quality over the years as they have changed from extreme make believe stories that consisted of things like \"Celebrities becoming giant robots that can only be taken down by Leonard Maltin, Robert Smith and Sidney Poitier\" and other crazy scenarios. Over the season they have moved to topical stories that involve flooding of an entire town to Debate over the political correctness of The Washington Redskins. \n\nI would kill to see SP come out with a season of nothing but outlandish creativity that brings the boys back to their innocence of asking a million questions of adults to which they cannot answer to alien probes coming out of Cartman's ass.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I used to have bad social anxiety so interacting with anyone, male or female was difficult unless we were friends. I've mostly overcome that over the last few years to the point where I would consider myself relatively socially adept. I can spark conversations with strangers, no issues talking to pretty girls at a party etc.\n\nSo, with my new found social prowess I've finally been interacting with people and had some women who enjoyed my company. Great right? Except I respond by freaking out and basically rejecting/friend-zoning them so they figure I'm not interested. It doesn't even seem like a conscious decision, by brain seems to just auto pilot to diffusing any potential romantic escalation despite how badly I actually want it.\n\nAfter a lot of reflection I believe it's both a self esteem and sex thing. I haven't had sex, despite a few opportunities over the years with people virtually offering. My refusals have been due to low self esteem - I'm overweight, nothing crazy but it's enough that I refuse to take off my shirt around other people because I'm ashamed. I'm also ashamed to have not had sex yet and I think the person will work it out which terrifies me.\n\nI'm working on the weight thing, 40lbs down, 40lbs till my goal weight. The sex thing is more of an issue. I was considering paying for it to reduce the anxiety of totally failing with a person I'm actually interested in but the idea doesn't thrill me. I also have a romantic idea that if I get buff enough the other party won't be so concerned that I don't appear to know what I'm doing but that's realistically another 18 months away.\n\nAny advice or related anecdotes would be much appreciated.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Pretty much what it says.\nMy brother got his girlfriend of a year pregnant. Odds are they might keep it.\nOur (my brother and I share the same parents) parents make collectively about 160K a year. Also, we live in MN if this matters. \nMy brother is 16, he drives, has his own car, no bills, is in high school and works part time.\nThe girlfriend/mother, has no license, no job and is in high school. Her older sister has 2 kids she does not have custody of; one of which is severely Autistic and needs constant care by the Grandma and Grandpa who is the sole caretakers. They don't make any money as they don't make a lot of money to begin with and they have a full house taking care of grandkids and the kids they still have.\nAnyways,\nMy main question is what can my parents expect, being the guardians of an underage boy having a child with another woman? They are worried they will have to pay up to a 3rd of their gross income to child support until my brother turns that right? What can they prepare for and what can they expect?\nAll your help is especially appreciated. Thank you.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I've been friends with Ryan for about 4 years now. We hang out a lot, and I've lived with him as a roommate too. About half a year into getting to know him, I started to love him; since then I've shifted my mindset to think of him as just a best friend. He knows that I'm gay and that I like him, and he's said before that he was okay with it.\n\nFor context, I grew up in a conservative/religious family, so they aren't exactly very accepting (in fact, they've very clearly stated the opposite...) They don't know I'm gay, and I don't plan on telling them anytime soon. Anyways, the point is that some of that rubbed off on me over the years and well...\n\nI get really paranoid about overstepping my boundaries and coming onto him. Like, sometimes my hand will brush against his while we're walking and for the next 10 minutes I'm arguing back and forth in my head with alarms going off. I'm pretty sure I'm way overthinking this, but I just wanted the straight guy's perspective: **what would you consider too much**? I'm just really trying to find the correct line here and it's hard for me to imagine it from the other side.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I've been dating Boyfriend for about 8 months, and this isn't a huge problem or a deal breaker. I love him a lot and we have plans on marrying when I'm done with university. Unfortunately, this has been a problem for a long while now, and it's really been getting troublesome these past couple days.\n\nSee, the more time goes on, the more sex I want to have with him. I see sex as one of the few ways that I feel close to him. For him, though, sex is just an extra thing to do with the person he loves. Which is fine, except that there are days when he's just too tired to do things. And while I respect that, those also happen to be the days where I see him the least, which makes me want to feel close to him even more. It hurts to be turned down, and it hurts him to hurt me, and it hurts me to hurt him, so on and so forth. While its only been this difficult these past couple of days, we both agree that this is kind of a problem that should be resolved sooner rather than be held off.\n\nMy position is to change, and that it's my own problem that I have to deal with. He doesn't think I should, though, and that there's some middle ground that we can reach that works. I'm really not sure what to do. Masturbation doesn't really work, and forcing him to put out is not an option.\n\nEDIT: I'd like to do it everyday. I...really don't know how often he'd like to do it, I just know that I've never turned him down when he initiates.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "So my boyfriend and I have been together for almost a year and a half and I love him more than anything. We both try to be open and communicative and rarely fight. \n\nWhen we first started dating we would have sex once or twice a week, but then for a while it was like twice a month. Now I don't think we've had sex since the beginning of June. He's gained a bit of weight and he blamed his lack of a sex drive on that, citing that it makes him self-conscious, something that I can easily understand.\n\nLast night we were both drunk, him more so, and he admitted to me that the night before he made out with his guy friend. It's been an acknowledged problem that I'm a kinda shitty kisser and so I thought it was just because of that. He admitted though that he realized a few weeks ago that he's not sexually attracted to me anymore. \n\nBecause we were both drunk, it blew up into the biggest fight we've ever had by far. He told me that my new hair cut is part of the problem (shaved on sides, long on top- think Ruby Rose) as is the bad-kisser-thing. He even nearly broke up with me.\n\nWe eventually decided to just go to bed and talk about it in the morning. \n\n So this morning, we talked about it a little more- and 100% more rationally and reasonably. He was miserable about the way he brought it up and how rude he was about it. He still loves me, he still loves being affectionate, but sexually it's just not there for him. This is super disappointing to me, but we've both agreed it's totally fixable and we love each other enough to make it work. \n\nBut now I'm sort of sitting here grasping at any straw I can trying to find some way to make him want to bone me. It's super depressing.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "This happened last night and since i've been a lurker forever I figured this wouldn't be a bad first post. :D\n\nSo, it's 12am, and I'm out camping with my friends. Everyone's asleep except for me. I realized that home was only a mile or so away, and me being my extremely bored and stupid self, I decide to play a trick on my friends.\nA few hours previously we had hot dogs roasted over the campfire, and no camper in the right mind would forget to bring ketchup to a camping trip with hot dogs.\nI made a messy trail of ketchup leading into the woods which was only a few meters away from where my tent was. Made sure to use as much as possible so it would still be there in the morning. I proceeded to leave the camp.\nI was almost exactly sure where I was going. I live in a suburb with nearly identical houses so you can see how this fuck up happened. Keep in mind that it's pitch black outside, this is about 1am. I typically enter my house through the sliding glass door at the back because it's always unlocked. I walked up to my door, surprised to see it locked. I'm just tired and want to sleep now so I thoughtlessly walked up the stairs to the deck and tried the door up there. I made it in half asleep, and started across into my room. I was halfway there when I realized that this wasn't my house and a 12-13 year old girl was staring at me from the living room in shock.\nImmediately I dash out the back and around to the street. I made it to my own house (and I did check, it was my house.) I pretty much just collapsed on my bed when I made it to my room.\nNow it's 8am, I checked my phone and saw a couple of missed calls and texts, from my friends reading things along the lines of lol nice try.\" I was sort of relieved they didn't fall for it at that point, even though I didn't really expect them to.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I have build some pretty impressive walls around me emotionally. Everyone I've ever cared about or said they cared about me has hurt me pretty significantly. (I know this can't be objectively true but that's how it feels) So keep my distance.\n\nI don't trust people not to turn on me. Hell it took me 2 years to trust my therapist and I pay the guy to keep my secrets. Predictably, this has made friendship difficult and relationships impossible.\n\nI've been trying to get closer to people but it causes a ton of anxiety. I start assuming the person I'm dealing with is pulling away or is going to stab me in the back. I've tried investing emotionally in a few people but it's never seemed to pay out and that just discourages me even more.\n\nHow do I make investing emotionally in people less terrifying and handle things if/when they don't go the way I'd like.\n\nIt sucks, my job involves being around all day and they seem to like me, but I can't just open up and allow myself to let them in.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I like to think I'm a grown up at this point. I've aced 7 APs in 3 years of high school, hold down a job, and built my own social circle from the ground up. Furthermore, while I don't do 100% of the housekeeping, I contribute greatly. I don't drive, but I'm working on it and hope to stay behind the wheel tons by the end of the year. I look after my disabled brother often and have loaned out a good portion of my checking account to my folks when times were tight. I was suffering from depression and wanted to try tennis, I've paid for a therapist and coach all on my own.\n\nThe point is, between the college-level classes and self-reliance, almost everyone around me insists I'm a child. With my friends and classmates, it's a sort of running joke because of my baby face and my crass sense of humor. They insist I have the maturity of a twelve year old boy despite me having gone through more messed stuff and being more emotionally stable than many of them. While I act silly, I like to think maturity isn't strictly tied to acting solemn 24/7 and because my childhood was hell in a lot of ways (why I grew up in the first place) I can't take a lot of high school drama seriously and don't stress out over academics. Random people I'm loosely acquainted with or talk to at work often think I'm early 20's and talk to me like an actual adult, but people who get to know me better insist I've got the mind of a child.\n\nIs there something I'm missing on? Did I miss out on some unspoken milestone as a child? If I'm indeed just a kid, what does being an adult mean?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "We've been officially together a month, but we've been seeing each other since early January. Friends since middle school. I told him I loved him on Saturday, not feeling it was too soon. He was really happy and said he wanted to say it but was scared. I said I understood and that I wasn't going to rush him. When we were talking tonight, I asked him if he wanted me to stop saying it because I don't want him to feel pressured. \n\nI said, \"You know I love you, when you love me back you can tell me. I don't want you hearing it from me all the time and feeling pressured to reply with I love you too.\" He said \"I do love you, I'm just not ready to say it.\" I accept that and I'm happy he respects our relationship enough not to tell me what I want to hear. I know he's been hurt before, as we all have, but should I stop saying it to him? He says he would feel terrible if I stopped because he knows why I say it, (I never hang up/end a convo without it when I mean it, I've lost a lot of people in my life and want him to know I love him in case it's the last time I talk to him. I know, some people think it's dumb.) and he likes hearing it. He just isn't ready to say it back.\n\nI am not worried about him saying it back, that'll come in time. I'm not trying to rush him at all. I just don't want to continue saying it if it's doing more harm than good. I know it's going to be hard for me to do, but if that's what'll make him comfortable I understand. The last thing I want is to make him feel pressured due to my past experience of not saying I love you enough.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I ask this because of a recent visit I had with my grandmother. While I was visiting, her aunt (my great-great aunt, but only slightly older than my grandma) also swung by for a bit. Now her aunt has a few screws loose upstairs, so I've heard some pretty wild stuff from her before, but what she said that day tops everything.\n\nShe was terrified to see the bird feeders in my grandma's backyard. When we asked why, her aunt explained that with all the birds around my grandma's property, she thought that one might pick up a lit cigarette a motorist had thrown out on the street, fly up, and deposit it down the chimney, thus setting the house on fire.\n\nApart from not trying to explode in laughter, I tried reasoning with her that even if a bird picked up a particularly smelly object like a cigarette, and of all places, somehow put it down the chimney (even with the metal cage above it to keep rain/debris out), it wouldn't do anything since that chimney leads to a natural gas furnace, which by all means wouldn't combust from such a thing. She was still livid about taking the feeders down.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "So basically there's this girl in my class whom I'm attracted to and I think that there is a chance that we could end up being a couple, but there seems to be a few things that can prevent that from happening. \n\n1. I've heard rumors that she is in an arranged marriage (Her family is Middle Eastern; Haven't confirmed this from her, as she is private and most likely wouldn't want to say anything on the matter)\n\n2. We have a few months left before she goes back home for a couple months and then will be going off to college (I'm only a Junior), and I most likely won't see her ever again unless we end up going to the same college 2 years from now, which does seem likely as we plan on going to the same school. \n\n3. It seems that she's been hurt by a previous guy from what she has told me, and she's told me she hates most guys at our school. \nMy question is: Should I try to start a relationship with her? A lot of people might say hell yeah live life to the fullest and all, which I totally want to do. I just don't know if she feels the same and I'm also looking for a serious relationship, and a few months isn't enough time to do as such. Thanks for reading! :)",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "So I get home from work yesterday at around 3pm when my buddy calls me up and tells me to swing over to his place to check out his new IPA home brew that was finishing up. I get over to his pad and we take some samples and its pretty good stuff. Afterwards he tells me that he also had made some serious brownies (the best kind). Now the problem here is that I was starving and my stomach was empty, so not only was the IPA hitting my instantly, but an hour or so later I start taking a magic carpet ride through the universe of mind, body, and spirit. I occasionally dabble, but I was at an honest [9] and at one point was going through this:\n\nSo anyway. The day is a complete blur and I find myself waking up at 6:00am to get ready for work. I stroll in about an hour later, feeling fine, when I see my boss who gives me a super confused look. He comes over to me and asks me if I'm feeling alright. \"Yeah, I guess I do, why?\" I ask. \"Because you left me a message last night saying you wouldn't be able to make it in today.\" After some really hard thinking, an awkward pause that lasted what felt like several hours, and me babbling about something complete irrelevant, he just nods and walks away. \n\nI just got off the phone with my buddy and he said that I had called in to work after I realized I had to bike home 6 blocks and didn't think I would be able to make it back home in time for work tomorrow...",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I dated a man starting three and a half years ago when we met at university. He's incredibly smart, handsome, funny, and we really get along swimmingly. However, it became increasingly clear that he was serious that he never wanted to get married and I hate long distance relationships (I have needs that can't be met, primarily intimacy and emotional connection) so we amicably broke it off when I graduated about two years ago. \n\nAfter about four months apart he came to me and said he loved me so much he wanted to make it work. I was extremely reticent but finally consented, because our relationship did show great promise except for the marriage issue and the long distance issue. He had one quarter left and I assumed he'd finish up and get a job near me. He finishes up and for two or three months searches non stop. Gets a few offers, and finally accepts one back in our university town. I consented but said you have six months to a year to search rigorously and find a job here with me or I'm leaving. Our relationship experienced a downward spiral of anger and sadness because he wasn't following through. Finally after a few attempts I just broke it off because the constant depression that his failure to follow through put me in was killing me.\n\nI never told him I still loved him at the end (I did indeed love him before but purposefully began distancing myself to try and protect myself from the seemingly eventual demise of our relationship) and just said he was wonderful and I wished he'd made the choices he said he would. I'm in denial almost about what has happened. I keep expecting him to do some grand gesture and try to win me back. \n\nIs this it you think? Should I tell him I love so he knows just in case? I'm at a loss because I honestly could see us being together forever and am so confused as to why he said he loved me so much but didn't make that commitment. Maybe he isn't ready or I'm not the right woman, but then why didn't he leave me alone a year and a half ago? Why put me through all this suffering?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Let me first say that I am losing my reddit submission vcard on this. I am currently in a predicament with being in-between jobs and am turning to you guys/gals for advice. For the last couple months I have been strung out by a (going to be unnamed) company. In this time, I've been assured of my qualifications, but been told that my background check is taking a long time (my record is clean, no worries). However, as much as I am assured, I feel like they have been taking their sweet precious. In the mean time I applied for other jobs, and this week one came up with Red Lobster.\n\nI started training with RL on Thursday thinking that I wasn't going to hear from the other employer. Of course they call me the next day saying the background check is almost done, and they would be calling me early next week. Still, no definitive offer/set date of employment.\n\nMy question is: should I still stick with RL or go ahead and let them know I'm turing down the job? Honestly, I don't want to waste their time, but also dont want to be left in the situation where I may get strung out again. \nI really want the job with the unnamed company because it pays more/better benefits.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Recently my girlfriend and I broke up. In the months leading up to our break up I was very stress and did not handle it well. This led me to treat her terribly. We both had a lot going on but she was able to curtail her outbursts at me, I failed to. I would start petty arguments and yell at her for different things. \n\nShe broke up with me earlier this month. We talked off and on until this past week. I finally was weak and had to tell her how I felt, how much she means to me and how much regret I feel.. Promised her I've identified and am working on what brought me down and promised will never treat her like that again.\n\nThis only made her more frustrated with me. She said she never will get back together with me and that she will never be with anyone who treats her like I did.\n\nI've been in longer relationships in my life but none of them felt the way this one did nor have I ever fall this hard for the person she genuinely is. For the majority of our relationship I treated her like a princess, up until other things came up and I got overwhelm.\n\nShe very raw right now, extremely mad at me, says she's done with me. I told her how I felt, albeit not to gracefully but I needed off my chest. My question is if anyone here has been in this situation: what was the ultimate result?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Hi r/legaladvice! I'm having a hard time pinning this one down. Basically, I was in a meeting with a university professor and his administrative assistant for a course I'm taking. I put my phone in front of me for the meeting and recorded it, but did not tell the others in the meeting I was recording it. We're now in the middle of a dispute and I'm considering appealing this course.\n\nCan I use the recording of the meeting in my appeal? The recording was taken for personal notes, and also, to be honest, I was worried the prof might change his tune after the meeting. He's known for saying one thing and doing another. I haven't found anything about this in the appeal process yet, so I've started looking into Canadian Law, but I'm having a hard time figuring it out for this instance.\n\nAny help would be much appreciated!",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Backstory: I was dating this wonderful woman for about 6 months. We would talk everyday for hours on the phone and hang out weekly, etc. My impression was things were getting to serious and she got scared and ended things. Told me she had \"intimacy issues\" and wanted to be friends. Shes blunt so she told me she usually says that to guys to soften the blow but genuinely meant it with me since we became close enough to consider each other best friends. Well whatever.\n\nIssue: we hung out for the first time (actually second but I don't count the first time) in like 3 months celebrating my recent acceptance to grad school where she is partial reason why I applied. It was a fantastic time. I went in with the mentality of not to expect anything so I wouldn't be disappointed. We hung out until the bar closed. She took me to a park and we sat and talked about life until about 3 or 4am. Got to her house sat in her car and talked some more until about 6. I walked her to her and she asked to come all the way to my place to sleep over. We didn't do anything luckily plus I was exhausted since I was up for 24 hrs straight. Drove her home when we woke up.\n\nSummary: I'm ecstatic that our friendship is established and we can genuinely be in each others company without arguing or discussing \"us\" every convo. However, it's been a week and we haven't talked. I try not to think too much into it but why would she do that knowing I still have feelings for her? I accepted the fact that we prob won't have a future together and I'm fine but I still have that little hope in the back of my mind. The more time passes the more I give up hope. Should I give up on things ever being the same? Is it safe to say fate has something else in store for me? Thanks for hearing me out...",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "My intuition is telling me that this guy might be gay, but I'm trying to rationalize the situation in my mind. \n\nWhen I first met him I thought he was a little effeminate. He's hairy and unshaven and has a deep voice, but the way he draws out his words and his mannerisms gave me the feeling that he was a little gay. He hasn't tried to sleep with me yet. We have pretty heavy make out sessions though. We've been seeing each other for about a month.\n\nHe talks about women he's been in love with in the past, and how he finds me really attractive. I don't know if he's being honest though. He can also be flaky when it comes to making plans, but he'll go out and hang with his guy friend no problem. So I'm trying to figure out whether he's gay or not.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I'm at the point where I would like to involve the police. I know who they are but not why they have so much hate for me. The all believe they are hardasses and want to fight me and through their stupidity I believe they may begin to endanger my friends and family. **Context** - It is a group of four guys, my buddies and I used to be friends with but they just got stupider and stupider so we completely stopped associating ourselves with them. A few weekends ago they heard I was talking shit about them. I wasn't.... But they thought I was so it began with dumb prank calls, but soon they took their \"fun\" to one of my buddies cars and in the middle of the night and coated it with syrup and penut butter. He knew it was them and did nothing about this. Now they're calling me on private numbers and screaming swears and other \"demeaning\" things at me and its easy to tell its them because of their foreign accents. One of them slipped up and forgot to block his number so I assume thats a bit of evidence against them. They have also threatened me bodily harm through these calls and want me to fight them. I know where they all live and feel its best to just talk to the police and give them their addresses and names and explain the situation, I can not deal with the anxiety of them causing any kind of damage to my home or endangering my family and friends (or myself for that matter). I believe at this point I have no other choice but to bring the police into the situation. But I want the advice of reddit first. (Extra info they are all between sixteen and seventeen and we are in high school together)",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "My ex and I had a very unhealthy relationship sexually, there was a lot of guilt involved. So in my current relations hip I still have all that guilt and fear. I thought time would fix everything, but that hasn't really worked. For a while I felt better, but now I have gone back to being scared every time she touches me. I am still attracted to her. But the fear gets in the way. I don't want to make it worse, but I also don't want to lose her or have her resent me, and I feel very guilty for even thinking about this, but I am wondering if a break from sexually relations might help. I am running out of ideas. Please anyone with experience or similar problemS tell me what you did. Thank you.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "We have the logistics planned, e.g. route, destinations, budget, rental car, etc. Driving from the east coast to the west, then flying back. But there's one dynamic I need to prepare for: the fact that I'll be spending every single hour with her. All day, all night, in a car, motels, and sightseeing destinations.\n\nI hear from another female friend that on her past roadtrip, she hated the friend that she went with by the end of the trip. Being couped up in car nonstop with no other company turned them both miserable. I don't see this happening with my girlfriend, but it did make me realize that this experience will also actually be a test of patience.\n\nI've known my girlfriend for a year and have dated her for two months, to give you some context on the duration of our relationship. It certainly is a growing one, and we're at the point where a private roadtrip sounds very appealing to both of us. For some further important context, both of us got laid off from our jobs recently and we're looking to decompress mentally and enjoy a relaxing break.\n\nWhat are some particular things/mindsets/activities I can bring with me for this trip to make it enjoyable and progressive for her, me, and us as a growing couple? How can we make it more than a regular old roadtrip and into a fulfilling and bonding experience?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Hi guys!\nSo my boyfriend and I have been together since the summer before I started college (we go to the same school). Before he went to college, he ended things with his high school girlfriend, whom he had dated for less than six months. I found his yearbook, and her note to him in it that was all about how she wishes they met sooner, she's going to miss him terribly, and signed love at the end. He told me he wasn't serious about her - in fact, one night he told me he only dated her as a way to get laid his senior year of high school. \nOver Christmas Break, she was \"in his neighborhood\" (super far from where she lives) and asked him to get coffee...but he didn't tell me until long after, insisted nothing happened and said he never told me because he didn't think it was important. \nShe talks to him all the time (I accidentally grabbed his phone instead of mine one morning last semester and there was a facebook message from her about \"vajazzling\"...not exactly 9am ex-girlfriend talk) and it makes me EXTREMELY uncomfortable. This being said, his ex girlfriend has had a pretty terrible home life and I know he feels bad about that, but I still don't know if I can trust him. He says its definitely possible that she still has feelings for him - but I don't know if he feels that way about her still, even though he's now with me. Help me out? \nBefore anyone asks, I haven't gone through their conversations!",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "My wife and I are both college educated. Neither of us are idiots, and we've been casually browsing the 'self-help' budgets around these parts and nothing really seems to hit home. I think this is partially because I have avoidance issues, and am a bit embarrassed by how illiterate I've allowed myself to be (financially) as an adult. \n\nFull disclosure: I've taken a hands-off approach to our personal finances, and I think this has placed an unfair burden on my wife. I fully intend to change this. \n\nIt's time for me to help wrangle our monthly finances and start making our money work for us. \n\nAs a baseline: we have roughly $750 left over from my paychecks after taking care of all of our set bills (Student Loans, Car Payment, etc.). We still need to eat, pay for gas, and prepare for general living expenses. \n\nMy question is - how should I go about building a realistic budget? We both come from bad families, and didn't have any early-life financial literacy...I'm just feeling overwhelmed with the learning curve to financial success. \n\nI understand the general tenets of being financially sound: define a budget, don't spend more than you earn, don't max out credit cards, etc. But what I'm really hoping to get is someone to say: \"You have $750, this is what I would do with it\" while keeping in mind that I still need to eat, etc.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Met a great girl last week, we've been clicking so fast and I know that we have something great going for us. We went out on our first date and she explained to me her situation with her ex, which had me in awe and I did not really know what to tell her.\n\nShe was about to break up with her ex when I think he started to sense she was going to. They were staying in a hotel for the weekend, and he threatened to kill himself by jumping off a balcony. When she tried to restrain him he threw her away where she ended up going through a glass table. To add fuel to the fire he began telling people she raped him on the trip and he doesn't trust her anymore.\n\nThe worst part is he texts her just about everyday and she is clueless on how to handle it. She doesn't want to feel responsible if she does end up killing herself, and she complies to talk to him just to avoid this. She assured me there are no feelings at all, but she does it because she couldn't live with herself.\n\nI literally had no idea how to respond. I told her I was glad she was sharing this with me, but I really don't know how the handle the situation. Usually when people say they're going to kill themselves over a girlfriend, it's just to find a little glimmer of hope and to hold on to something that is not there. This girl has a huge heart and I think she really doesn't want to feel that guilt.\n\nHow do I go about helping her out in this situation? It seems really tricky and I don't want to get in the middle, but I really like this girl and he needs to back the fuck off.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Hi All,\n\nFor most of my life I've been slated to give my brother a kidney. We've always joked about it and never really thought of it too seriously, but now that day is close. \n\nI'm not a particularly fast runner or an expert by any means. I've ran a marathon, I'm training to run a faster marathon and I plan[ned] to do my first ultra this spring.\n\nHowever, I don't know if any of this is doable with one kidney. I don't even know if doing a full marathon is possible. I spoke to my primary about it (she's not a specialist on the matter) and I'll meet with a nephrologist in a couple of months for an expert opinion. \n\nI'm feeling kind of lost. Running has become a part of my life and has made me a better human being. It isn't something I want to give up and I selfishly wish this donor thing could be put off for another 5 years so I can attempt my pipe dream goal of a 100mi ultra. \n\nI'm just wondering if there are any one kidney runners here to give me hope and inspiration for years to come.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "So I (M23) had been dating her (F21) for two years. Recently, she had become immature and rude to me. She then went back to the US for Christmas break and days before she returned, she said she had to tell me something. She got back and said she went to a party, got black out drunk and was taken advantage of. I believe my ex 100%, but I feel this was just something extra she did to push her over the edge, to give her that excuse to say what she ultimately wanted which was to break up with me. Her rudeness and immaturity that had \"developed\" wasn't enough to push me away so that I would do the break up, so I guess I interpret this event of her getting taken advantage of as her excuse so that she could do it. When she told me this, I realised she was PARTLY the victim here and was turning to forgive her. But then I asked her if she still loved me and she said she didn't know. She said her views on what love were had changed, she didn't think it existed anymore and she felt she had completely changed. She said she had to find herself, go travelling, see the world and get some perspective. She comes from a very messed up family and suffers with anxiety issues so I understand that she needs to figure that out before she can be with someone. But I am not just losing my girlfriend, I am losing my best friend too and I do not want to lose both. I would love for her to come back to me as my girlfriend but obviously not until she has found herself. Can I still be friends with her while she tries to find herself? I don't want to completely lose her. If anyone has any like 5 steps plans or strategies, please, I would really appreciate it. And also, for those who want to call me a pussy or are just going to insult me, please don't, I'm having a hard enough time as it is, and please just constructive advice. Thank you.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "So I'm about to go to college (18/m) in a few weeks. I met this girl (18/f) on the Book of Faces (Facebook, for those of you with no abstract thinking capabilities) and we got talking and eventually she gave me her number and we texted each other. We've been texting for at least a month at this point, and I really like her. I don't know why, because I've never met her in person. I'm thinking of asking her out, but of course I want to hang out with her in person first. And I'm pretty sure she likes me too. Reddit, what do I do when I first meet her to let her know I might be interested? Also what would be some fun things to text her to keep her interested in me?\n\nAdditional info: We both have a mutual friend and this friend said she'd put in a good word for me.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "My wife (Sally) has two half siblings. They live on a different continent. Sally moved to the US 3 years ago. She is from here but her mom and siblings are not. She often says that her only regret about moving here is not seeing her siblings grow up.\n\nSally and her sister talk about twice a week but message each other more than that (it's never a nuisance, I want them to talk and it doesn't effect the time we spent together). She plays games on Steam with her brother cause he doesn't like talking on the phone. This bothers me cause she doesn't even like video games and I always have to ask her to play, but she asks her brother on her own. They play maybe once a week for several hours when I'm at work.\n\nMy wife and her sisters were very close growing up. They have these weird made up words and inside jokes. Also no harm there. That's great.\n\nSo last week my wife was chatting with her sister, who was feeling down about her looks. My sister said something to the extent of 'you're one of the most beautiful girls I know and I love you and *brother* more than anything'. I jokingly said 'well I hope that I'm a close second'. Sally replied 'yes, you are!' and went in for a hug. \n\nI feel annoyed and sad. I have an older sister but I love Sally more than anyone! \n\nI don't know if this matters but Sally and I are childfree. We both like kids and have already talked about what we'd do if something happened to her mom and stepdad. We'd take on the kids, without a doubt.\n\nBut I feel slighted. I don't want to bring it up cause it seems ridiculous. Am I wrong to feel this way?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Hey all. I have been with my boyfriend for about a year and a half. We live together. I love him. I'm pretty damned sure he's it for me. \n\nOne small problem. I will be traveling abroad for 8 months starting soon. Though nothing else is wrong with our relationship, he says that this is too long and that he wants to break up. He \"can't do the distance.\" He wants to stay friends and chat a little while I'm gone. He wants to hear how I'm doing, etc. He is open to the idea of getting back together when I come back if that's what happens. \n\nThis trip has basically forced the \"are we meant to be together\" conversation. While I'm at that point, he's not. It's not that he never sees himself there, but just needs more time to figure it out. But this trip is right in the middle of that time where we would be doing that.\n\nWe are currently living together and are going to be doing so for the three months I'm still here for. \n\nShould I consider canceling my trip? Honestly, I am really thinking about this. I don't want to miss out on the opportunity to travel, but I also don't want to miss out on what could be the best opportunity of my life.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "So the deal is, we have told each other the truth. However there are some complications:\n\n1. She is a family friend, our next door neighbours' granddaughter. Her father her sister, and herself all come down to visit for 3-4 weeks every summer.\n\n2. Her father is slightly over protective. On a scale from 1 to 10 I'd say 5.\n\n3. Her sister [16F] goes practically everywhere with her. There is no alone time.\n\n4. We live in different states, as I said previously, she comes to visit every summer. However, she lives in Georgia and I live in California.\n\nI haven't been in a relationship before and I know one as complicated as this doesn't come up often. Any ideas as to how to make this relationship work? If anyone is wondering she is leaving homeward in 10 days. Any ideas?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "he really is my best friend. nothing has ever happened between us, other than me (wasted) telling him i wanted to make out, he just dissed me and said i was drunk... at the time it didnt REALLY bother me cuz i wasnt THAT into him ( ok maybe a little bit). but now im really falling for him, but hes going into this whole new thing..\n\nhe's always been into drugs ( weed, acid, E) and so have i ( weed and acid), but hes going through some \"rough\" times now and is a bit depressed. last week he did cocaine with another friend at a club, he did it again this week, and when i asked if he had done anything other than weed, he said he was just drunk, which was obviously a lie (later confirmed by another friend that told me he had used coke practically all day..).\n\nhe knows that if i \"find out\" ill be ULTRA pissed, and make him stop using or just stop talking to him all together. i've considered that. but i'm afraid it'll just drag him down further into it.. which is something i really don't want. now i dont know if i just let him do it or completely ignore him... help.\n\nand yeah..cocaine really is a deal-breaker.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "So I was good friends with this girl for about half a year or so and I fell in love with her. Long story short about a week ago I decided to tell her how I felt about her to which she said she does feel like there is something there, but doesn't want to jeopardize our friendship and we should just remain friends.\n\nAt the time I thought that was okay and that I would be fine with that, but as the weeks gone on I've realized that I don't think I can see her as just a friend in my eyes anymore. I'm still crazy in love with her, I know I gotta just let the feelings go but I can't, I don't know how to. Whenever I look at her I see a girl that i'm madly in love with, not just a friend.\n\nI really need some advice or something I don't know what to do, I don't want to lose her as a friend, but I'm also still not over her, I love her too much.",
"role": "user"
] |
Subsets and Splits