listlengths 2
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Last week I was at a party and I was dancing with my friend (who is female). She had some blow and asked if I wanted to go to the bathroom and do a few lines.\n\nI was feeling kind of adventurous and I asked her to do something that I now really regret. I always had wanted to snort coke off a girls ass since I saw in Leonardo DiCaprio do it in the wolf of wall street. I asked her if she would let me snort a few lines off her ass cheeks. \n\nShe said sure and got on her hands and knees and pulled down her shorts. We did a few lines and left the bathroom.\n\nWe didn't have sex or anything, but I still feel kind of guilty for doing it. Did I cheat on my girlfriend?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I reallt think i love him, and i think [am pretty sure] he loves me. We've been dating for around two years. on our anniversary we got in a fight because he told me he thought he was in love with a mutual-ish freind. i told him i wasnt sure we could keep seeing eachother if he felt like that.\n\n as the night went on i went home and he continued drinking.\nhe called her then picked her up they spent the night together although he was too drunk to sleep with her. he told me after a couple of days \n\nit hurt but ive slowly come to accept it was a mistake. but now he's saying he wants to call her go out for coffee apologize for not talking to her. they were good friends so i dont want to get in the way of his only female friend. but i think he still thinks hes in love with her. i can see how much it hurts him to lose a dear friend. but im not ready nor do i know if ill ever be to be okay with them seing eachother",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I'll try my best to keep this short. I love my SO to death. I've had plenty of good and bad relationships and this one is just flat out the best. We are in a mid twenties for those curious. \n\nOne hiccup though and I don't know how to approach it without sounding like a dick. We both work full time. I own my house and she practically lives with me. She's a teacher and I travel for work sometimes and do very physical labor. We are both salary. Sometimes I'm gone for a week or longer and work 80+ hours a week. Sometimes I don't have to travel and work in town. \n\nAlmost every single day when she comes home and I'm in town, she always complains about how tired she is and practically acts like she is the hardest working person in the world (I'm not exaggerating that) . I always ask if she needs anything, offer to make dinner, get her a glass of wine ect. She never shakes off work and let's herself separate from work. This is the part where I sound like a prick... I know she's a teacher and a damn good one and very dedicated but... I work a lot more and much harder than her *shots fired from TwoX*\n\nMy job is a constant go, in fact I'm typing this from an airplane. But whenever I'm home, no matter how hard my day was, how sore I am, I don't let my day ruin my night. I just want to spend time with the woman I love when I'm not at work. \n\nHow do i approach this reddit? I need to be careful with my wording when I talk to her about this. I don't want her to fake a smile but I need some positivity in my home life. I get work is hard and some days are shitty but I am tired of constantly dealing with it. There is nothing wrong with our relationship but this is just a constant battle and her negativity after work needs to stop.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Basically I've had a pretty bad few weeks. I am a teacher (female, 25 years old), currently working in a completely shitty school which doesn't care about anything but making money-which makes my job difficult and unpleasant on a daily basis. I have a child with clear emotional instability and a possible mental disability and everyone keeps saying they will help me but does nothing, so I get to deal with a screaming irrational little dude on a daily basis. I got my wallet stolen. I was pushed off my motorbike by some crazy bitch and now my whole right side is covered in road rash. My phone randomly stopped working.\n\nMy boyfriend (28 years old) on the other hand, got a free trip to Australia for work, is seeing tons of his friends and going to a music festival, partying and taking drugs, got a raise at his job....and I'm SO happy for him. We've been together and everything has been going pretty well until now. \n\nI know I am over reacting, but I'm feeling so alone in all of this shit and I feel like he's rubbing all the good things that are happening in my face. I skype with him and he's dancing around drinking beers and reading me the line up of the music festival he's going to, despite the fact that I'm saying \"Stop, ok stop...seriously...STOP\" I spoke with him last night and I was trying really hard to be positive about everything that's happened and again he's drinking and I told him \"Hey, don't rub that in my face...I SO wish I could have a beer right now\" (Can't cause I'm on antibiotics due to the huge ass cuts I have) He said \"If you don't like it then hang up.\" So I did. I sms'd him...sorry but I was in a good mood and now I'm not. Have a great weekend talk to you later. \n\nNow he's not speaking to me.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "x-post from r/askreddit.\n\nI was using my SO's laptop watching some videos and such and happened upon some naked pictures of an ex. They were the kind of pictures you take with Photo Booth on a mac, so it had the date listed as the file name, and it was during a time when we were still dating. I just closed it out and didn't mention anything and stayed on the computer as if nothing happened. The thing is, I wasn't immediately upset or hurt by it. I was kind of just shocked and had one of those \"...oh..\" feelings. I don't know if I'm so shocked that I'm just feeling numb to the fact that my SO basically cheated on me, or actually physically could have because we have a long distance relationship and said ex lives in the same city as him.\n\nGranted, the date on the picture was almost 2 years ago, but we've been dating for 3 years. I was also constantly reassured by him, probably from 5 or 6 months into our relationship, that they weren't speaking anymore, and by the time we went to college (they went to different colleges in the same town, I go to college about 2 hours away) that they had no contact whatsoever. So, should I shrug this off because it was a long time ago, or should I bring it up because it was still during our relationship and I want to know what was going on?\n\nRight now I have no doubt that we are currently completely committed to each other, and it wouldn't even cross my mind that any sort of unfaithful behavior would be taking place right now. I'm just confused, maybe very slightly hurt, and curious about what actually happened during that time. If they had sex then my feelings would instantly turn into anger, but right now I'm just unsure. Do I bring this up, or let it slide?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "So I have no doubt that I love my boyfriend. We've had a really tough first year. Lots of short break ups. I've been dealing with a new anxiety problem and its been tough on both of us. \n\nAt one point we broke up long enough that I met someone very interesting, went on a date, had the best sex of my life. I remembered what it felt like to be lusted after or wanted.\n\nEver since that break I can't decide if I want to be with him or be single. What I love about being single is feeling wanted. I know my bf loves me but he never lusts for me. If I ever have doubts he never fights for our relationship. He tells me he just wants me to be happy, but if he showed some passion towards being with me it would fufil that need to be wanted. \n\nAlso our relationship is kind of stagnate. Were both in the same exact situation as last year. I'm worried that he isn't focused enough on becoming successful. \n\nBut our relationship provides love, comfort, support, the best friendship I've ever had, openness. These things I know I won't find from dating. And these things are so important for me. \n\nFor some reason feeling wanted makes me feel like I'm at my best. I'm the most confident I can be. I feel good. And this need is enough to make me doubt wanting to be in my relationship. I literally cannot decide which is more important to me.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I'm writing on my phone so I apologize for any mistakes in advance. We recently started a friend with benefits relationship after being close friends for 8 years and he made it clear it was not exclusive at the beginning but that he would tell me if he slept with anyone else. He hinted that he did things with another girl and I acted emotionally and looked through his messages. I was completely in the wrong for this and I know that. I found that he got a blowjob /went down on her, and confronted him about it and he said he did but that he didn't sleep with anyone else because he didn't want to betray my trust. I believe him 100% on this. He said that this was a huge fucking betrayal of trust to him and that we're done and he wants to cut contact. He believes in second chances but apparently I used it when I hurt him by accidentally calling him by my Ex's name in bed one time. He said emotionally he still cares for me and it makes him happy to make me happy, but logically it's better to cut it off as the trust is gone.\n\nHe means a lot to me and I really can't just watch what we've had go down the drain from this one mistake I made. I'm thinking of asking him for a second chance by saying the name incident didn't impact our friendship, and that this incident is the first time I've betrayed his trust and damaged our friendship. \n\nHe's a very logical person, this is likely the only email I'll send, I'll let it go if he doesn't agree after this. So the email is very important. How do I go about telling him that I want us to be friends again and to give me a chance in as logically a way as possible? And actions speak louder than words, so is there anything I can do at this point to show my sincerity in wanting to stay friends?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "My mom helped me open my first checking and savings account when I was 18 and it was at her bank which was Washington Mutual and has since become part of Chase. At the time it worked because I was 18, didn't know anything about banking, and just needed to have an account for jobs or whatever.\n\nIt's been almost a decade since then and I've learned a bit more about banking, though it's only enough to realize that I know very little. I've overall not had too horrible experience with chase, though there have been frustrating situations at times.\n\nMy situation: I live in the US, married to a foreigner who has a green card, no kids. I'd be looking to set up a joint checking/savings to handle all our major expenses and then two separate checking accounts that is in each person's name only for our personal expenses money. We travel a decent amount with at least one trip a year being abroad.\n\nOther than the general question of resources to learn from a few more specific questions would be: \n- I see most places mentioning that you should make sure the bank provides the services you want. Is there a list of common services so I can see what's out there that I might not be aware of and would like?\n- Any recommended banks/credit unions?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "So I wanted to sweeten up my bosses this morning by showing up early and with a box of doughnuts. Went to the local bakery and asked for an assorted dozen. Well either the baker knew what I was in for or it was just fate. Packed in that floppy white box was a blueberry muffin doughnut with a hint of glaze on top. After realizing that showing up early and getting no thanks for the doughnuts I said screw it I'm going to get one. I chose that blueberry muffin doughnut. I split it in half and took a bite..........I felt like I have never been awake in my entire life until just then. This was almost 16 hours ago and I can't stop thinking about that doughnut. So much that I don't want to eat it again at the chance it might not be as good as the first time around.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "So I'm 21 years old (Male). I started to get feelings for a co-worker of mine who happens to be fairly older than I am. I was getting the impression she was flirting with me so I asked her out. She said I was so sweet, and I got her number. \n\nA friend of mine who works with us said that this lady I'm attracted to told her \"I hope he (Me) thinks were just friends I'm too old for him.\" I didn't find this out until a couple of days later. By that time I had already texted her, and told her to let me know when shes free to go get drinks. I got a reply back saying ok so I thought I was golden.\n\nAt this point I'm playing the waiting game to see when she might ask me to get a drink. If she doesn't say anything for another week should I just ask one more time with a set date? I'm not sure whether I should even continue pursuing partly because of that remark she said to my friend. I haven't expressed my feelings of attraction to her yet. I would have done it by now but the only thing I'm afraid of is if she might feel wierded out. Any advice would be great!",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Hey guys. There is a girl in one of my college classes (early college so we are 16/17, basically juniors in high school, mixed in with normal college students) and she is very cute. I want to ask her out. My plan is to introduce myself in the library (we both seem to hang out there after and in between classes) Then talk about class and stuff... Then leave with an invitation to go out somewhere and hopefully her number but where to go... Neither of us can drive but there is a cafe on campus but it kinda sucks (always full and nothing good to eat) Would it be ok to ask her to go on a short walk (about 10-15 mins off campus, possibly during our 2 hour break) to get coffee/doughnuts(at dunkin doughnuts). Also should I disguise it as a study time instead of directly using the word date? The only issue with this plan is the class that we share (that I know of she may have other classes that I have just at different times) is really easy (world religions) and doesn't really require and studying.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "So, unlike most posts, this happened today. I figured it would make a good first post. \n\nA little background: I've been seeing my girlfriend, let's call her Sarah, so 4 months now, and we're both at uni. Sarah comes from a traditional 'no sex before marriage' family, but she doesn't seem to follow that rule. It was quite an important weekend as we're getting serious, and she wanted me to meet her parents.\n\nI took Sarah out for dinner yesterday, and we stumbled back to her uni flat (where I was staying that weekend) after a few drinks to well, you know ;)... First thing we did wrong: we forgot to lock the door... \n\nSo next morning, we woke up and when Sarah looks at her phone and starts to panic. It turns out she forgot to tell me her parents were due in half an hour. She jumps up and goes in the shower (her university has en-suites). A few minutes later I decide I should probably move, realising I didn't have much time, I got up, fully naked at this point, trying to find my bag to get some clothes on, when there's a knock at the door. I thought, stay quiet it'll be fine, & Sarah couldn't hear it over the shower. Next thing I know the door opens, time slows in my mind as I find her family (parents, and her 2 younger sisters aged 17 & 18) stood in the doorway staring at my semi-erect member... As awkward as this is it gets worse, Sarah then walks out the bathroom naked having forgotten her towel, to find me standing staring at the door in silence. She turned see what was there and well... I'm pretty sure she wanted to cry with embarrassment. \nHer family on the other hand, I'm sure her dad was ready to kill me, her mom and sisters were just staring at my body (what can I say? I'm quite well built ;) ).\nAfter an uncomfortable amount of silence, they said they'd be back later and closed the door... \n\nHow the hell do I get on with her family now!?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "This keeps happening to me: I meet a woman, we go on three or four dates, everything seems to be going really great, and then she completely stops talking to me.\n\nThis has happened 4 times in a row with 4 different women I've seen over the past six months. Things are going really well, we have a great time when we go out, she seems really into it - and then out of nowhere, COMPLETELY severs all contact. No explanation, seemingly at random. There doesn't appear to be a triggering event, we can go from planning our next date to utter radio silence at the drop of a hat. I've been on my fair share of bad dates, and these were not bad dates.\n\nOther than this pattern, nothing is really that similar between the women. They're a variety of ages, personality types, and even races. Some of them I've slept with on the second or third date. Some I haven't. All of them I've at least made out with, at least one of them initiated making out with me, in a pub while playing darts no less. It's pretty clear that they're interested in me.\n\nI generally consider myself pretty good at picking up on social cues, body language, etc. I can take the hint when someone doesn't want to talk to me. I usually use the rule of two missed texts and one missed call before I give up trying to maintain contact. I'm very much not a needy or smothering person, I respect distance and personal space, especially at the beginning of a relationship.\n\nI really like these girls, and I get the feeling that they like me. Could I be doing something wrong? Is this some sort of test to see if I'll keep pursuing them? I have a pretty thick shell, but it hurts more and more each time this happens, and it's very discouraging to stay in the dating game. It is 100% fine if you don't want to continue dating, but to shut me out and straight up ignore me? Do I not even deserve an explanation?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "This is my first post on this subreddit, and I really need some insight on whether or not I'm in the right mindset here. \n\nWe've been together for a year. She was my first \"I love you\" relationship. Early on, I did have hunches that she didn't find me attractive very much but that insecurity always blew away somehow and I didn't think about it again. Recently though, I've noticed that we haven't had sex in a while; she's also been pushing me to work out recently, too. \n\nJust 10 minutes ago, I asked her if she's ever had sexual attraction to other men. She said yes. I asked her if she finds me sexually attractive right now, and she said no. Then she said she values personality over looks. She doesn't think physical attraction is a huge aspect in a relationship. \"People get tired of each other after 20 something years of marriage; attraction shouldn't matter much then,\" she said. \n\nI, on the other hand, value physical attraction a lot. I think it's a core facet of a relationship, and it wouldn't be a relationship if it weren't for that romantic/sexual factor. That's what separates things from a friendship. \n\nI feel like I'm young, and I shouldn't stay with someone who isn't making me happy. I also feel like she deserves someone who she finds attractive, and I deserve someone who finds me attractive. \n\nBut Im a little bit unsure about whether or not I made the right choice. \nAm I missing anything? \nDid I make the right choice?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "So I've posted here before venting about my sister... as she hasn't been the nicest about my wedding planning/engagement. For example: having massive meltdowns about how everyone else's life is great except hers, constantly encouraging us to have a longer engagement for all sorts of reasons (including financial, saying we're too young, waiting until we have stable jobs... etc.)\n\nMy sister got engaged last weekend, and I'm super excited for her, but still honestly a bit annoyed, partially due to some of the ill feelings from events prior. Nonetheless, when she announced her engagement, nobody in our family was excited. Literally nobody. I think there are a lot of things feeding into this, including: she has been such a monster towards me, saying that this was going to be happening any time for the last 2 years, our family was literally the last people to know, her FH didn't ask my dad, and when they originally announced their engagement, they were planning on getting married in March (our wedding is in June).\n\nAfter talking her today, for the first time after the engagement (like I said, bad feelings over other wedding stuff), she told me that our whole family was really shitty about it. My dad called her selfish, my mom freaked out because she was one of the last people to know, one of my grandma's basically yelled at her for being inconsiderate about my wedding. I have very mixed feelings about everything - I'm so excited for her, so I feel bad, because her engagement should be an extremely exciting time in her life. However, I look at it and see that to some extent she got what she deserved, even though I would not wish that upon her. So basically I'm having a lot of emotion about this and am really confused about how to feel.\n\nAbove all else, part of me wants to do something to help make her feel better about this all. Because I am excited for her, and want her to be able to be excited with me too. However, I really don't know what to do to help make this all better for her.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "So my dad (M/38) and mom (F/35) have had issues for awhile, but they always seemed happy. They've been married for 16 years and I always thought they were perfect together. Today, they told my little brother and I that they had been hurting each other recently and it wasn't healthy and that my dad decided to move out. They still love each other, but need time away from each other to decide what to do. There are no other people/lovers involved. Either way, I'm crushed. I am not even 2 weeks out of a break up with my first girlfriend/love. I really want to talk to her and get comfort but that won't happen due to NC. So Reddit, I would love it if I could get some words of advice on how to deal with this.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Hello r/loseit! As part of my weight loss journey, I've gotta hold myself accountable for every action I take. Part of that is sharing with all of you and hopefully I can inspire someone like I've been inspired by this sub! \n\nMy first week has wrapped up and let me start off by saying it's getting easier and easier every single day. I'm keeping myself to under 1800 healthy calories (MFP says I should intake 2700-3000). Before I was eating burgers and fries large sized of course, with soda for almost every meal. If it wasn't a burger it was deep fried chicken sandwiches or breakfast food. Now I'm intaking fruits, salad, grilled chicken, brown rice, and the occasional chicken taco without sauce or cheese (I'd rather drink milk).\n\nI've also been going on bike rides as often as my body will tolerate. Usually just a circuit through my neighborhood with multiple laps so I can track my splits and see how my conditioning is going and it's always 5 miles minimum. \n\nWell, after the first week I've lost 16 lbs. I started cutting out sodas about 2 weeks ago and I decided to stop being lazy and unmotivated and change my life. I'm doing something about being overweight and it feels amazing. I'm sleeping better and have more energy throughout the day which motivates me to push myself further and further with each day. I'm now a stones throw from being under 400lbs. It feels awesome!",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "My girlfriend is going through a rough patch in her life right now. She is a university student doing an extremely hard subject. She has a lot of pressure on herself right now due to fear of letting her parents down.\n\nTwo weeks ago she started having obsessional thoughts about death and not existing. This prospect scared her to the point of having several panic attacks every day. She isn't religious and does not believe in an afterlife. Going to church seemed to help at first, but she is simply too inquisitive and scientific-minded to genuinely believe in an afterlife.\n\nNow the panic attacks seem to have subsided but she is still having these thoughts. It usually manifests itself as an hour long period of not being able to function and then suddenly gathering up the energy to study for hours. She doesn't feel comfortable talking to her parents about this anymore because they tell her she is crazy. She has told me herself that the feeling is so unbearable she wishes that she just didn't exist sometimes.\n\nI am encouraging her to get as much physical activity as possible and showing my support, but I feel clueless what else I can do to make her feel better? I try to avoid the subject of death now because nothing I say makes her feel any better; she counters anything I say with \"so what's the point, we are all going to disappear in the end.\" When she isn't having these thoughts, she is fairly normal, but they happen often enough to affect her day-to-day functioning.\n\nGoing to the doctor isn't a realistic option right now for various reasons.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "So we've been dating for almost two years now. He doesn't stimulate me mentally, never has. He's such a nice, hard-working kinda guy. Anyone would be lucky to have him. I just feel, BLAH. I have all these hopes and dreams, free spirit kinda stuff. Travel. He isn't necessarily against this but isn't excited about the same things for our future. This makes me feel entirely selfish but I'm young, in school for another year, and I want to be spontaneous. He is anything but. Likes plans, lists, wants to stay in this area, settle down. The age difference may play a part I guess. The other half of me likes he stability and comfortability he brings to my life. I guess I'm asking if I should act on my impulses. Am I an awful person for feeling uninterested?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "If you really love your girlfriend, do you want to have sex with other people? \n\nMy boyfriend admitted to me that longterm monogamy scares him (to the best of my knowledge, all of his previous relationships were monogamous) and that he'd like to have 'something on the side' once a year or so, because novelty is appealing. \n\nI'm a biology nerd and love makes the male brain release vasopressin, which in turn makes a man want to be loyal to his mate. Since the desire to be loyal seems to be lacking, I wonder whether the love is, too. I'm not saying that he would cheat on me - he's a good guy and I trust him completely. But he wants me to sanction him sleeping with other women (a small fraction of the time, but still). \n\nI said that a FFM threesome once a year would be okay, because that would hurt way less than him being with someone else intimately alone and I think I can handle it. \n\nBut I'm starting to have doubts now, because I think that if we're in this really long term (ie: forever) it wouldn't work long-term. I think I might get really jealous and butthurt and that would destroy our relationship. And I really, really love this guy so that would beyond suck.\n\nBut basically I want to know from you guys (the men):",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "This may seem silly, but it's something that is bothering me. \nWe have been happily dating for ten months, and I love him. I know he loves me. We have a healthy sex life, and we can talk about a lot of things.\nSomething as \"little\" as this shouldn't bother me, but it does.\nHe never posts about me or us on his social media. His last post of us or me was back on valentines day. And it wasn't even a romantic pic, just one of me helping him out with a chore of his.\nWhat is the one and only thing he is posting about?\nHis damn car. Every day, multiple times a day, there is a new car pic, new tire pic, new pic about something to do with his car. It hurts, makes me feel like I'll always be second to his car.\nAnother thing; he doesn't have me in any of his profile pictures.\nAnother?; he doesn't have me tagged in his bio, our anniversary date or anything.\nWhile all his friends do that, with profile pics and bios of their girlfriends on their pages, I get nothing. They post sweet things of themselves with their girlfriends, and I get nothing. I have mentioned this to him, and he just says \"its not who I am\". I asked him to try, to which he said he would. But I have seen nothing. I feel like he is hiding me, or doesn't want to show the world we are dating, which I am confused about, as when we first started dating, I was all over his social media. Now, nothing. I don't know if I am over reacting to this, but it hurts.\nAny advice would be great, but please no one telling me I'm crazy, because I already question that about this issue everyday lol.\nThanks",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Went on a date with a girl I met off a dating site. She wasnt engaged much in the conversation at all and it felt like pulling teeth the whole time. It got even worse when she asked me what I do for a living and I told her im in landscaping. At that point she spent almost the rest of the date playing around on her phone. \n\nWe walked out of the restaurant together (I paid of course, not even an attempt on her part) and she noticed that my car is a brand new charger hellcat (80k car). All of a sudden she put her phone away and was 110% interested in everything I had to say and asked me how I could afford it being a landscaper. I informed her that I own my own business.\n\nClearly this girl is not relationship material. Im frankly disgusted by her behavior. But shes hot and I wouldnt mind fucking her a few times before I cut contact.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Hi relationships,\n\nThis is sort of silly but something I have been going back and forth on for a few weeks now. I have been dating my amazing boyfriend for just over a year and in a month or so we are traveling to my home country for my best uni friends wedding. He has visited once before to meet a different group of college friends and had a great time and everyone loved him. I am so very excited for my best friends wedding in a few weeks except for one overshadowing issue. \n\nMy ex-boyfriend who I dated for 1.5yrs in university will also be in the wedding party, we ended on really rocky terms. He hurt me badly and I didn't react well, it's not something I'm proud of. I ended up losing several friends in the process which is something I still feel a lot of guilt and shame about but have chalked it up as a learning experience and think I am more mature for the experience. My ex and I are more or less cordial but I have yet to tell my boyfriend that this guy will be at the wedding. I usually am the first to advocate for open communication and honesty, but this feels like a potentially double edged sword. I don't want to hurt my boyfriend by telling him therefore making him think there is still something there and this guys presence is something he should be worried about, but on the flip side I also don't want him to think I am intentionally hiding something from him.\n\nMy boyfriend already knows that I am anxious about the wedding and seeing people who I have not seen in 4+ years. Do you think it is okay to leave it at that high level, knowing that he has no interest to hear about past relationships, or should I give him a heads up about my ex? I have discussed with my therapist who thinks high level would be fine but I am leaning toward telling him just in case someone says something at the event. I truly do not want to cause smoke where there is no fire if that makes sense, since I have no feelings toward my ex and absolutely do not want to hurt or worry my boyfriend unnecessarily.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "So, I was taking a man's order at the cafe I work at. He was pretty overweight, crazy hair, sunglasses with one of the arms broken off, and just seemed generally socially awkward. He orders a cupcake, which is pretty expensive, and I tell him the price is $4.26. He reacts: \"Oh wow, $4.26?\" And I reply that it will change his life.\n\nThe response that floored me: \"Oh, well, I'm going to hold you to that, if it doesn't I'll put it on my blog. Yeah, I've already been taking pictures of you with my phone, oh my god what am I saying.\"\n\nI laugh quietly and just finish the transaction in silence, pretending to not have heard him. But seriously you guys, this shit was hella awkward. And I felt super bad for this dude because it obviously just slipped out, as a joke that just turned out to be really creepy. SO WHAT THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO DO?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I tried to start a convo with the boyfriend everyday but it seems to be making me a little depress because he's always playing video games than paying attention to me. I'm not trying to be an attention but it's seems to be a bad habit of his. I don't know what to do or how to even confront him about it. Any IDEAS?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Basically, bf (lets call him Andy) and I have been together for about 1.5 years and for the past 4-5 months has been pure chaos. He did something to betray me and I decided to give him another chance and although I do see his loyalty now and I truly believe he is not playing any games, we still fight a lot about petty things (admittedly half is my own fault) and I'm not sure what to do. At one point he is someone that I wanted to marry in the future and he still speaks as if he wants to as well, but all I feel is anger bc I have such a short temper and he knows exactly what to say to make me angry. I do love him a lot but we are both extremely stressed from school and various activities, so we always seem to push each other's buttons. I used to be very mean with my words and I think that now I don't do it at all I do not call him names, but he calls me very rude names when he's angry and claims that \"its not that serious\" when the words (i suppose aren't THAT mean) but really hurt me.\n\nAny suggestions on what to do? Is there any sort of exercise we could do to just calm down and not blow up at each other all the time? \n\nI know that \"break up\" will be something most people might say but I just want to make sure I did all that I could have and tried the most that I could before ending things with someone I love.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I'm in Grade 12 at high school, staying for another year next year. I don't get around and have had practically no relationships.\n\nI have known a girl [17F, GR12] for 4 years. Let's call her Jess. We've always gotten along very well but have never been romantically involved. She is really fun to be around. I didn't really notice she was attractive until this year, (eh, big school). I sit with her and a few others at lunch.\n\nI'm in a class for a musical at my school. There are 79 students in the class, including crew and cast. I am playing the male lead.\n\nJess' sister [15F, GR10] is in the class. Let's call her Jill. She is a nun in the musical. Not a major role, but she does have some solos. I only met her in passing last year. This year, I have gotten to know her better. Whenever we talk, she seems to laugh at all my crappy jokes and might(?) be flirting with me. She started conversations with me on FB. She is really attractive.\n\nJill's friend [15F, GR10] is also a nun. Let's call her Amanda. I had never spoken a word to her until this year. I like everything about her. I try not to stare. She has a beautiful singing voice, and may have been a female lead if she wasn't busy being a dancer (outside of school) as well. We talk every day during class, and always seem to have fun around each other.\n\nI want a serious relationship, I don't know who to pick. Also, I can't pick one, get rejected, and go for a different girl. Amanda would tell Jill if I asked her out first; Jess would tell Jill if I asked her out first; Jill would tell either if I asked her out first. \n\nOnce (if) I decide I will post any updates.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I'm an 18 year old male who has been with a girl for about 3 months now. I should mention that this is the strongest I've ever felt about a girl I've been in a relationship with and that this is probably the most advanced relationship I've ever been in (i.e. It doesn't just feel like one of your typical high school relationships to me, I truly care about her) It's clear that we both really like each other but I constantly worry for a bunch of reasons. \n\nAbout a week or so ago she brought up the conversation of what our label was (which I was too scared to bring up because I was worried her definition for what we were would be much less than what mine was). We both ultimately came up with the conclusion that we are dating. Fast forward a few weeks, I find out from my friends that she constantly and firmly tells them that her and I are not dating. This made me upset because then I think that she feels differently about me than she says she does. \n\nThe back story to her past relationships is that almost a year ago her boyfriend of two years broke up with her because he was going to college. I know she was in love with him and it pains me that no matter what I could never live up to what he was to her. Do you think this may have something to do with her saying we aren't dating behind my back? Maybe dating isn't even the right word, perhaps we are at the point where we are in a relationship. The other thing is that she pretty much freaks out if anyone if thinks that I'm her boyfriend or she's my girlfriend. She insists that she really likes me and really cares about me, but sometimes I just worry. What do you think of all this?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I recently watched the new viral video of the dad driving his kids to school rocking out to bohemian rhapsody( and it reminded me of when i was a kid driving to school or the store listening to music with my parents.\n\nI remember whenever my dad would drive us anywhere we would listen to appetite for destruction by Guns n' Roses. More specifically Welcome to the jungle and Sweet child of mine. For example when listening to welcome to the jungle we would all yell at the end \"Its gonna bring you down!\" and grunt with the song while making a thrusting motion that to this day i can't help but do. But, the one i remember the most is paradise city. You know, right when the whistle blows and starts the guitar solo? Looking back i remember my dads ugly piece of shit car with no bass(because bass didn't matter back then) with \"ok\" speakers that for some miracle didn't blow out from the years of abuse. I remember every time that solo started the car would in sync start banging there heads and the whole earth would start shaking with us and swerving side to side, Honking the horn and raising hell(probably over imagined that) every single car ride. \n\nEven though i am probably not gonna be able to hear anything when i'm in my 60s it was still one of my favorite memories as a kid. and it certainly made a major impact on how i am today.\n\n(",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I [19F] am worried that my SO [25M] is taking advantage of me. We both have a lot going for us, but he comes with some old, hurtful relationship baggage. He's gone after a lot of floozy's before, but I'm certainly not one of them. Also, he's always highly critical of me, and doesn't think of my opinions as often as he should. I'm younger, and I'm very nice and get taken advantage of easily. I'm not ready to settle down yet, but I keep getting pressure from both of our families. We have been together for a year and a half now.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "So I was playing a bar mitzvah, it was actually my first DJ gig as an official DJ, I'd played house parties and stuff but this was my first time getting paid. Anyway, for all the parties I used a pair of computer speakers, Alesis Elevate 3s if you must know, but this was a bigger venue so I decided to use a different setup. \n\nI used my big huge Klipsch kt-lcr speakers but I couldn't find an amplifier, so I used my AM/FM stereo, a fairly nice one from the 90's, I'd been DJing with this setup in my bedroom for a while and everything worked fine if you kept the bass down a little. \n\nI got to the party a little bit too early and I was still setting up. The bar mitzvah kid's twin comes up with one of her friends and asks if they can play with my set. It's all setup so I thought \"Eh, what could possibly go wrong\" I delve under the mess of wires and cords to setup a few lights when I smell a plasticy smell and start to see smoke.\n\nThe noise starts to spontaneously weird out, the bass cutting in and out, until it just stops altogether. Anyway I come out from under the set and look at my board, the girls had cranked the bass and were scratching. I couldn't really tell about the bass, the speakers were pretty bassy and they were scratching. I shooed them off and thought maybe they were messing with the high-pass. I cue up another song and I hear a groan from my setup and then smell more smoke. I finally see it.\n\nMy FM/AM receiver is in flames. I immediately unplug it and start waving away the smoke, the fire has already started to go out. I wait a couple minutes for it to cool then try to play something else, but the lights on the stereo won't even come on. I had to play the rest of the show through the bar mitzvah's crappy bass amp.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Question for you: my wife (35F) recently (repeatedly) asked me (44M) to instal the \"Find a Friend\" app on my phone. For those who haven't heard of that app: it enables whoever you allow to track where you are at any time, set an alert if you are on the move, and has a few other features.\n\nHer reasoning: I often go (kite)surfing in remote locations and this way she'll know where I am in case of emergency. And she recently did a long Coastrek where I helped with support and she thought in hindsight that this app would have helped me find where she was.\n\nI'm a little creeped out by it. IMO my wife has insecurity and trust issues, and this is just a way for her to reassure herself that I'm not cheating on her whenever I work late etc.\n\nI've 'let her' instal it - for now, to give her the reassurances she seems to need. But I did voice my opinion on the matter, explaining that I perceive it to be a creepy little stalking tool that I can understand using on your teenage children's phone, but not on your husband. I told her to feel free to instal it but that I perceive it as her having trust issues, to which her response was that my 'defensive manner' was suspicious in itself.\n\nI asked if she knew of any other friends who use it (none), and who else she tracks on her Find a Friend app (only her brother).\n\nAs a side note and to provide context: we have been married for 5 years, have 2 kids and an almost barren sex life (which I gather is pretty normal for 'married with kids' couples) - which I think makes her insecure about my fidelity. And no; I'm not cheating on her. \n\nAm I handling this the right way? Any constructive advice welcomed.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I'm 28m and she's 22F. We have been married for 5 years.\nOk, here is some background. This morning I'm being super sweet and holding her and loving on her in bed. We get up and I get the kids fed and she takes off with the baby to see our great grandmother. Well that night we are cuddling on the sofa watching movies and we head to bed. \n\nI come in a bit later after saying good night to my niece. I come in and cuddle up next to her and she is soaking wet... so I start to finger her and then I eat her out until she comes 3 or 4 times. ( hitting all the spots that drive her crazy) She starts begging me to stop with full body convolutions. I roll over get up and wash up I come back. I'm thinking she's going to return the favor and she suddenly gets pissed at me. ( this is after I washed my face and hands) she just turns over and basically went to sleep. What the fuck did I do wrong?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I feel like a shitty boyfriend for even thinking about it, but it feels like I get nothing out of our relationship anymore. We got together for a common hobby, one that he almost can't participate in anymore because of chronic pain issues in hands, shoulders and feet. I'm as supportive as I can be, goes with him to doctors appointments, helps with calls, deals with his anxiety when it gets out of hand, it feels like I'm more of a caretaker than partner at this point. He has been out of school and job for a year at this point because of pain.\n\nI have 5 hours of school Monday to Friday while he's out 2 hours, I'm still the one who starts cleaning when I get home. 5/7 days a week I fix dinner, I wash our clothes and do most of the dishes. When I bring it up he says it just seems like I do most of the work because I'm away more than him, but I remember what state I left the rooms in. I can absolutely tell when he hasn't done anything all day.\nI don't feel like I can ask more of him, because there's always an issue with pain, or suddenly the anxiety flares up.\n\nHe will usually tell me about his pain every day. Some days he will tell me it's especially bad, it just feels like I lack the empathy at this point, and I feel bad for not being caring enough. It's not because the pain isn't real, and he is in the middle of new medication for it, but it might very well be forever.\n\nI recently got the option to go to another country for my education. He can't go with me, if I choose to do so, and I would basically drop him on the floor because he's dependant on me, and I would feel like the world's biggest asshole. He has done so much for me, and getting chronic pain put of no where isn't his fault. I still love him, but I'm not sure I can live with him when he's like this. I feel drained and stuck at this point. Who the hell leaves someone for being unable to keep up with housework or common hobby.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I get the bus to work most days, and each time I'm on it, there's this group of rowdy schoolboys sitting in the back seats, shouting and swearing and generally being teenage boys.\n\nThey get off at the stop that this sweet little boy (let's call him Fred) gets on at, even though they all go to the same school. Fred is tiny, only about 4'6\", whereas these others boys are well over five feet tall. When they get off, they push him and shove him around, laugh at him and shout his name and cat-call and whistle at him. Every day, he gets on the bus close to, or in, tears.\n\nI realise this isn't the full extent of the bullying, it's only the tiny portion I see, and nothing makes me angrier than a group of bullies ganging up on some defenseless kid.\n\nI really, utterly detest the thought of just being another onlooker, watching the mob and doing fuck all to help the victim, but I have absolutely no idea what to do. I know Fred's first name and his and the bullys' school, so realistically I could call them up and do something about it, but I feel like that would be interfering and I'm worried it might make matters worse for Fred. I've considered talking to him on the bus, but again I don't want to interfere and I don't think Fred would appreciate knowing just how visible his pain is to people.\n\nShould I just let it slide and mind my own business, or should I try to take action?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "My partner and I have been together for over two years. In the beginning of our relationship we were both happy with the idea of one day having children. However at some point last year my boyfriend suddenly changed his mind about it. He says he doesn't want children and he doesn't really like them (he really dislikes babies). He says there is a possibility he will change his mind in the future but it's more likely that he won't.\n\nNow I haven't really decided whether or not I want children - the idea seems nice but I have to take into consideration whether or not I'd be able to cope with them mentally (I have depression which can sometimes severely affect my mood and interaction with other people). There is also a chance that I will be happy to go without children in the future. But I guess I just always assumed I would have them.\n\nHe tells me I don't need to worry about this yet as it's far in the future and not currently relevant, and although he's right, I can't stop thinking about it. I just wish he was more open on the idea so it didn't play on my mind so much. We want to get engaged at some point soon but I don't want to actually get married before we've come to some sort of conclusion on this. It doesn't have to be a definite yes or no but it just feels so vague right now and I don't want to push myself into a situation which would make me unhappy.\n\nI'd like some advice on anything really. I don't want to leave him over it because I think at the age of 19 when I haven't even fully decided what I want myself it would be silly, and everything else in our relationship is great. I wish it didn't bother me so much but I can't help but think about it often, I don't like uncertainty.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "The guy I really like (m18) asked another girl to go to prom with him without saying anything to me(f17). I had told him weeks earlier that I really wanted him to ask me. And I left it at that. a couple of weeks later I asked him if he was going to ask me or not because I need to know if I can get a dress. That's when he told me He had already asked someone to his prom. He then said we can go to my prom which was in just under a week. We ended up going and I had an amazing time, but now I'm left with the feeling that some other girl will get to be all over him. and I want to ask him just what happened. Like if he asked her before I had said anything. Or just what exactly happened. But I'm not quite sure how to take this, or even approach him in this.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "My problem is extremely simple, and has been on my mind a little bit. \n\nThey say that after a while of dating and being together you start to ween out of the honeymoon stage and start to have a simple relationship with one another. But we have been dating for almost a year now, next month, and I feel like that stage hasn't ended for me yet, though it does seem to have with him.\n\nI go to school about 2 hours away from him, so we only see eachother now and again on weekends. But when we are together, I tend to love on him all day. I watch him play games, cuddle, watch movies/shows with him. Even when we hang out with his friends or are in public, I tend to want to hold his hand and give him kisses.\n\nHe on the other hand is of course past this. He has said that he both likes and dislike my lovey-doveiness. Sometimes he loves it because he feels important/special/wanted. Othertimes it is kind of annoying or clingy.\n\nBut I'm just not sure what to do about it. I always want to show him how much I love him and how happy he makes me, but I also don't want to be a smothering gf.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "It's just over a month since I broke up with my SO. We've seen each other a couple of times since our mutual breakup and he has helped me through some tough personal times since then, but things got really hard for me after I slept with him over a weekend trip away with some mutual friends. I just miss him and regret ever agreeing to our mutual breakup without ever really voicing what I wanted. \n\nI'd like to think that we will still remain close and supportive friends, and I hope we do, but being able to see his Facebook and follow his every move was just destroying me and making my depression all the more difficult to deal with. Which is why I've (finally) decided to start NC and just get on with myself. I've unfriended him and it was hard but very liberating. I know I'll certainly see him in person in the near future again due to our mutual friends and common interests, but knowing that I don't have to speak to him again unless it's on my terms is both painful and good.\n\nIt has been a horrible, painful, depressing ride but lurking around here in /r/Breakups and seeing that I'm not alone has helped a lot. Thanks everyone.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I know that I am holding myself back from having a nice relationship because I'm afraid that when I ask this girl out, she'll say yes. Basically, I know that she likes me and I like her, but whenever I think about asking her out I convince myself not to. I really don't like making small talk, so I'm worried that if/when she does say yes and we go out, it'll just be awkward. \n\nI have felt this way my entire life, and as a result, I have never even been on a date or kissed a girl. I know that girls have liked me and some have asked me out before, but the fear of having nothing to say is crippling.\n\nI know I shouldn't let this stand in my way!! What can I do to avoid what I perceive is inevitable awkwardness if I go on a date?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "First off, I'd love to hear from people that have already been through this as I'm sure it isn't too uncommon.\n\nMy wife (33F) and I (37M) have been married for 10 years and together for 12. From the night we met I expressed that I wanted children and had since the time I was about 6. \n\nWe have been hoping to get pregnant over the last few years and trying hard with the help of Clomid the past year (although the clomid was only the last 3 months). \n\nOver the past month she has been very vocal about how much having kids will ruin her life, body, etc. Trying to get pregnant is stressful and I, mistakenly wrote it off as frustration.\n\nAfter this last round of medication, we did not get pregnant. Afterward she finally admitted that she did not want kids and was only doing it for me. Our original plan was to try for our own and if that failed pursue adoption.\n\nNow, she wants adoption off the table as she has accepted the fact she does not want to be a mother at all.\n\nI'm not sure what to do. I love my wife, but not having kids at all is devastating to me.\n\nSo, divorce came up in conversation, but here are my thoughts on that. One, I love her and see not other reason for divorce. How could I live with myself for leaving her just because of something I want? Two, I'm 37...Really what are the odds of finding another woman that would want to get with me and have children sometime before I'm 45? And three, arrrg what the hell...really??\n\nAnd, before anyone says it...Yes, I know kids can be tough. They turn into teenagers and are a giant money sink. They may become horrible people that end up in prison and escape to try and blow up Gotham. But, the opposite is also a possibility... I work with kids and interact with dozens or more per day. I know what they're like...",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I was told to post this here for more advice. \n\n[Original thread](\n\nThe title says most of it. . . We were partying with some friends, and about halfway through the night, one of my buddies asked me if she and I were still together. We'd been having some rough times over the last few months, so I figured they were just asking how that had turned out. I said yes, and so did she. Over the course of the evening, a few more people came and asked me the same thing.\n\nAt the end of the night, one of my good friends came to me a little sheepishly, and told me my girlfriend had gone up to him and just made out with him with no warning. A couple others told me she was \"all over them,\" and I walked in on her making out with another kid that I didn't know so well.\n\nWhen I confronted her the next day, I asked what was going on. She said she \"didn't know what came over her\" and that she was sorry. But I don't buy it. You don't just do that stuff if there isn't something under the surface, right?\n\nI could really use some advice on what to do, how to deal with what's gone on, and where to go from here. She always told me that she'd dump me on the spot if she found out I was fooling around with other people, and that she thought it was completely unacceptable and there was no excuse; so I never thought I'd be dealing with this with her. I'm pretty pissed off, and a little hurt; hypocrisy has always driven me up the wall, so I'm really not sure what to do.\n\nThanks in advance, Reddit!",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "This doesn't have to be formal. I'd just love to get a ton of people to share their opinions on a ton of subjects relevant to 2010 (e.g. Assange/Wikileaks, President Obama's first 2 years as President of the U.S., thoughts on the wars Iraq and Iran (approx. 8yrs into 'em), the state of our economy. \n\nActually, since so many redditors claim to be financial experts one area or another, so I think would be great to get predictions for the markets, specific stocks, funds, commodities, housing, etc.\n\nWill we be less reliant on fossil fuels? Will more cars in the US be powered by electricity? Do you predict any major natural disasters by 2015? Will another country become a \"superpower?\" Do you foresee in any major wars (hopefully not, though!)?\n\nYou can also write about personal things that only you''ll know about when you re-read them (e.g. did you and S.O. finally get married, did a major decision in the near future turn out the way you expected it,\" and/or did the career change wnd up being the best decision?\n\nThe list goes on...I'd love to see a lot of opinions from Reddit's diverse crowd from around the world. Oh if you think adding certain identifying traits will be relevant to how we interpret these predictions in 5 years, then please include them (e.g. age, country, etc.).",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "They have been together for 6 months only and I have never met him but recently She has been showing up with bruises all over. He has pulled her hair out and left marks on her face but she does not want to do anything. He has been in trouble most of his life and I am afraid this will only lead to more and also scared for the baby when he arrives. \n\nI live in another city 8 hours away but have friends that are telling me what is going on and no one has done anything as they are afraid of getting involved or having him her hurt even more but I believe ignoring it will do nothing to help her and her baby.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "CONTEXT: College campus.\n\nOk, I'm an introvert. If I see somebody I know walking towards me from 100 yards, I'll wait until they're two yards away to make eye contact and wave. I pretty much avoid eye contact before that so you don't have that awkward situation where you've both seen each other but you're too far to say hi yet. That's just how I work.\n\nThere's this cute girl that I met on one or two occasions (a couple of weeks ago) with some mutual friends just walking through our dorm. \n\nOne of the people I was with regularly says hi to her when passing, and he has only had a little more interaction with her than me.\n\nThe following scenario has happened a couple times between the time I met her and today:\n\nWe're walking towards each other on a sidewalk - we see and recognize each other from far away so BAM... I avoid eye contact until she's a couple yards away, and by that time I look up to say hi, but she thinks I'm not going to so she walks past looking the other way.\n\nAgain, that has happened a couple times. It is painfully awkward and I walk away making frustrated faces each time... \n\nToday when this happened the first time, it was the usual averting of eye contact, but then I looked back at her about 30 seconds later and she was looking back at me too.\n\nSo today after that happened once already... I saw her again in the same situation, except it wasn't quite as far. I waved... She gave the look of \"I see him waving, but it's probably not me because he never acknowledges me\". I decided to go in for the kill. I said \"Name of girl... Hey!\", waved again, gave a goofy grin, kind of laughed, and made my turn onto another sidewalk in a different direction, cringing and making faces not knowing if I should've just ignored her again. \n\nFor what it's worth, she was with a friend, said \"hey!\", gave a big grin, chuckled a little bit and waved.\n\nWHAT ON EARTH do you think she was thinking throughout all of this... I am absolutely clueless when it comes to women.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Hi everyone, I've been struggling with my bf watching porn ever since he started causing infidelity problems in our relationship. We've been better than ever recently and I've loosened up on the porn and I've been good with that as long as I don't know what he's watching. \n\nI recently saw a few gifs he was looking at on here (reddit) and I've always had a bigger problem with him viewing things like that because he could directly message them (which was a problem in the past). I'm trying to be okay with all of this the best that I can but he knows explicitly how I feel about viewing things people themselves post on the internet. \n\nWhat do you tell yourself when your sig other looks at these types of things? What advice can you give me on this? He always gets really defensive when I have issues about these things so I didn't know where else to go for help.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "So, right now I live at home with my parents in NYC. I feel really stressed out about living with them-- like I'm a burden, like I get in their way. They also stress me out sometimes. I am very noise sensitive, and sometimes when they fight about things it makes me feel really non functional and ruins my day.\n\nI was apartment hunting a bit because of this and found a place in the city that I thought was great. It's a little out of my budget long term, but it's month to month so I thought I could just get it for three months or so and not lose too much money on rent. I tentatively agreed to take it, but no money changed hands. The guy told me that someone else wanted it but that if I could pay the deposit before it her, the room was mine.\n\nThen two days went by where I didn't hear from the guy renting the place. I assumed that someone else had taken it and they just didn't want to tell me (this has happened to me a lot looking for a room share). \n\nHowever while time went by I started thinking about it and decided I wasn't sure about this place. The rent is hundreds of dollars a month more than I could afford, and I would have a lot of roommates (about 7), so it wouldn't even be quiet, which is the main thing I'm looking for. \n\nThe guy just got back to me today asking when I could make the deposit, and I had to tell him I wasn't sure I would. He wrote back saying they were counting on me taking the place and this would make a lot of problems for them. I feel bad about what happened, but I also don't think I should have to take this place when all I did was express interest. He also apparently forgot to call me back to discuss putting down the deposit, which made me lose confidence in him as a landlord.\n\nAt the same time, I'm growing more and more frustrated with living at home, and this place is about the best deal I could get for an apartment in this city in terms of location, neighborhood, and flexibility on the lease.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "To cut a very long story short, I caught my boyfriend out by seeing on his 'recent items' on his laptop that he'd watched a video of one of his ex's and him together. We've been together a year and a half or so and have been living together just over a month. He's 26/m, I'm 22/f. I'd been away for 2 days with work when this must have happened. \n\nI have no issue with him watching porn, although I do think he watches way more than normal and I guess that's another issue (he'd watch it on his lunch break back at home and then in the evening as standard, and other days it would definitely be more). It's just way, way over the line for me for him to watch it with people he used to be with. Is this over-reacting? I plan to talk to him about it later because this conversation came up between us a week or so ago and he said he didn't do it and would think that was over the line too, he just wanted the collections to have a 'history'. So not only does he think he's doing wrong, he's lying too.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "- By \"out of the blue\" I mean a month.\n\n- I've been out with this guy once before. It went okay, but relative to my other experiences, it was a pretty mediocre date. We have similar personalities (confident, stubborn) I think, which explains why neither of us showed any vulnerability that day. There was no talk of meeting up again at the end of the date because we established that I'm not into casual sex, whereas he is really enjoying his bachelor lifestyle. Now if you're asking why we bothered going on the date at all, my answer is that I didn't know he was a bachelor before I went. He must have thought I was open to the idea of going back to his house after the date. \n\nCurrent situation:\n\n- After a month of no contact, he's asked me to go see a local gig with him, and there's nothing to suggest that it's going to be a group thing. So my question is, does this look like a second attempt to get laid, or do you think he's just feeling the waters for compatibility/whatever? \n\n- I've read elsewhere that guys like to keep multiple girls on the backburner and get in touch when they're bored/horny/both, because they know that they'll likely get a positive response. But I'm clearly not someone who would respond to a booty call. This is why I'm asking for your advice reddit!",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I've been seeing a guys for almost two months now casually. We agreed on this but I always will have questions when it comes to\ngaps in certain stories. We have been spending the night with each more often as of late. \nThe other morning I was getting ready to leave his house and hanging up one of his jackets I was wearing and in his closet and found a huge box of tampons on the shelf. Not an old box, recently purchased. Since we are casual/not serious we haven't reached a point where I've asked him to buy something like that for me. I generally do my own thing during that time of month. \nI'm curious if I should even mention to him. I wasn't snooping. They weren't well hidden. Is it possible he is seeing someone more serious and lying to me about it? I think I should gtfo because it seems a little weird to have them there and not in the bathroom. Help me shed some light on this!",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Okay, so we're visiting Tallahassee to see the LoL Mid season invitational. It ended yesterday and our 6 hour drive begins. 40 minutes in I have to piss and I ask my friend \"Is it too early to have to pee?\" \"Yup.\" he says. Welp... better grab a bottle because he isn't pulling over. I grab a bottle, unzip, and try my hardest. My seating position is too awkward to piss, so I unbuckle and crouch over the bottle. Still nothing. This situation was more stressful than defusing a bomb while being strip searched by the TSA. After a minute of effort, I'm still dryer than California, so I admit defeat and start to put my little u/Ebyros away. As I lean back into my seat a steady stream of piss shot up like old faithful, and landed straight on my lap.\n\n\"OH SHIT. I JUST FUCKING PISSED ALL OVER MY PANTS.\"\n\nMy friends in the front seats lost their shit, but agreed to pull over.\n\nWith some brief felatio from a blow dryer and a trip to the urinal, my problems are solved.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "We were intimate after I apologized for being very nitpicky and argumentative lately and he said he really wanted to suck on my breasts (which I know he loves and I do let him do sometimes) He attempted to once and I stopped him and continued but once the second time came around (attempting to do it again) I pushed his face away got upset and stopped sex. I asked what he was doing and he claims he was not trying to do this and \"doesnt know\" what he was trying to do. He also got upset that he didnt climax and I got upset that I felt I was disrespected and made to feel uncomfortable and then guilty on top off that.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I've been seeing a guy pretty consistently (about once a week) for around three months now. I'm pretty inexperienced in terms of relationships, and I brought up exclusivity way too early (at around the 4th date), because we started doing physical things, and I wasn't that comfortable doing them without exclusivity. When I asked then if he was looking for exclusive things, he sheepishly said, \"I don't know.\" But then he said he really respected that I didn't want to do physical things without exclusiveness--that it was rare for this time and place... (um, ok.) \n\n \n\nAnyway, it seems like he's been leaning more toward exclusiveness in the last two months. When I found his okc profile, which he hasn't signed on to since Jan, he said, \"maybe I should take that down.\" I think I shrugged in response, and said a half-hearted, \"yeah.\" He also said, \"I'm not seeing anyone else, if that's what your'e afraid of.\" \n\nRecently, I texted him, \"do you want to see other people?\" and he said, \"not necessarily. I mean, I'm not approaching people in grocery stores anymore.\" (That was how we met...) \n\nI was like, \"ok,\" or something like that. I honestly don't even know if I want to be exclusive with him, it's just that things have gone further physically than I'm comfortable with without exclusivity. (I lost my v-card to him...) It's not that it means that much to me or whatever, I just feel like because it's the first time I've done it, I'd like some exclusivity. \n \nSorry for the ramble! Anyway, I just wanted some opinions on whether it's reasonable to ask him to take down his \"single\" status on Facebook. Not to put \"in a relationship,\" but to just leave it blank.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Every day of this week, I have pushed myself to increase my pace while doing the workout. I am running on a treadmill since I already have a gym membership so I can measure exactly how much faster I am going. I went from day 1 at 6.5 miles per hour to Day 2 at 6.7mph and then today all my run intervals were at 7mph. Even though each workout is the same, I found that this keeps it challenging instead of resorting back to the idea that its something I've already achieved.\n\nSo here's the unintended part: I have noticed that with my continued success in losing weight, dieting properly, and keeping to my exercise goals that my confidence in myself is going up. I know that is to be expected but its also effecting my ability to be better in other areas of my life that I never could stick with like my hygiene, my schedule, my budget, keeping in touch with people, etc etc. It's like seeing that when I am determined to do something I can achieve is pushing me to reassess those other things and know that I can improve them too. I get more enjoyment out of striving to be an all around better adult and improving myself now so I have seen much more improvement in all aspects of my life. It's a great feeling as there things have been nagging me for years.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "My boyfriend and I have been fighting a lot lately. We have had a lot of communication problems and I have had issues with giving him attitude making things worse, and him blowing things out of proportion that were such small issues. I get defensive when he gets upset and overreacts over small things instead of apologizing and being considerate that he is upset. Sometimes I will say or do something with good intentions but it comes off as rude to him, and I don't realize it at the time, which makes him blow up, and it gets ridiculous. We can't seem to have a fight with out things getting blown out of proportion. \n\nHe is at the end of his rope and I can't stand to let this relationship end, because we have so much going for us. He wants me to present him with a new way to fix things, and gain trust that this will not be a frequent thing in our relationship anymore. I don't know what to say with out insulting him, or how to reassure him that things will be better in future fights. I had gone to therapy to help deal with some anger I had, and I was able to accomplish a lot. But he says he has heard all of the same excuses too many times and nothing has changed. Someone, give me an action plan to help improve this madness! HELP.\n\nHe thinks it is only me that has to think of a plan at this point. How can I tell him in the best way that it has to be both of us together?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "We're both in college and during the school year, we hang out all the time. However, we live in different cities and during the summer, the amount of time we spend together gets cut down significantly. \n\nShe has guy friends which I don't mind, but she recently met someone from her co-ed sports team and after knowing him for less than two months, I'm a bit worried of how their friendship has progressed. For example, they talk and text to each other every day, talk about their sex lives and other explicit information, their emotions, and other things as well. They make plans to always meet up and work out together, but after they work out, they usually go and get something to eat and they've even seen a movie together at one point. \n\nI've already addressed this to my SO once before that it was making me uncomfortable, but despite that, she continued to talk to this guy and hung out with him one-on-one still. At one point when I was with her, I caught a glimpse of one of her texts saying to him how she was \"disappointed\" that she couldn't work out with him and see him that day when I was supposed to be hanging out with her that day. The second time I talked to her about this, she admitted to liking him a little bit, but would stop talking to him if I wanted her to. Not wanting to be overbearing and possessive, I'm not going to force her to stop talking to him, but it still irks me a lot. But she did seem to realize that what she did was wrong and she would try to fix it. \n\nAnd I mean, the guy is moving halfway across the country to go back to school next week, so they're not going to be hanging out anymore. That's not the point though, the fact that she still showed interest in him by the way she talks to him and how they always hung out makes me want to end the relationship, but I'm not sure if that's the emotional side of me saying it.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "So my exgf[21] and I[20] dated for about 9 months last year then she broke things off over the summer. I tried following /r/breakups advice and starting no Contact which killed me to do but still remained friendly to her whenever we saw each other. Then I heard she dated a few other guys which killed me but still never lost my cool whenever she was around.\n\nOver winter break she broke no contact wishing me a merry Christmas and she just started talking to me again. I never initiated any of our conversations but she me if I was ok with us talking again and I said sure since I thought I had myself under control and really wanted to be friends. Then we started talking between 2-4 hours a day and went over why she ended the relationship. It was like we were dating again and I was tempted to remind her that we weren't. She asked if I was dating anyone and she made it clear she wasn't. Also she mentioned that seeing me during the last semester caused her pain which made her avoid me whenever possible. Then a few days before I went back I got a bunch of I miss you texts which kind of caught me really off guard. She mentioned how she wanted me to save her a dance at an upcoming dance and that we'd be spending a lot of time together over the summer if I stayed for summer classes.\n\nWhen I got back she made me dinner and invited myself and a bunch of friends out rock climbing with her. We also hung out a few times but our talking kind of slowed and now we havn't talked in 3 days. I'm worried I was just being used as someone to talk to when she was bored which is driving me insane. I plan to talk to her this weekend about what she meant over winter break and tell her to never do this to me again if she doesn't have any intention. I don't want to go through the pain again.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "So long story short, my GF [25f] broke up with me about a month ago. \n\nWe had been together for just over a year. We were happy, we went on dates, we had good sex, we went on holiday together, and we never argued. So as you can imagine, i was in complete shock when she dumped me.\n\nWe met up a few days later and she was in tears, saying that she has had doubts about our future together, and then she told me that she had been talking to another guy that she liked, and she didn't want to cheat on me, so instead she dumped me.\n\nNow, i know it sounds pathetic, but i still want her back! I still love her. I'm trying to start dating again, and have a couple of dates lined up from Tinder, but deep down, i just want my ex back!\n\nNow living in the 21st century, the first thing i did was google 'how to get her back', and almost every article said not to beg for her back, or chase her, as this would drive her away further. \n\nThey say to use the No Contact rule for at least 3 weeks (the idea is to let things calm down, make her miss me, make her think about what i'm upto, etc). \n\nThey also say that 90% of the time, the 'other guy' is just a rebound, and won't last long. Is this true?\n\nSo its now week 2 of NC, and i'm still thinking about her. \n\nSo my question to the women of reddit is, have any you ever taken your ex back after you dumped him (especially if you left him for someone else)? And what did he do to get you back?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Recently, I began my services with Comcast. They asked for my social security number, which I gave. Everything was fine for a little while, but eventually, my services just turned off. I contacted them to figure out what was going on by going to one of their buildings in person. The employee working there told me that there was two accounts open with my social security number, and that my account was terminated for this reason. They also told me the name of the person who set up the account -- the name happens to be the same name as my father. They offered two options: filing for fraud or paying $1300 for his bill to reactivate my account. While it seemed kind of unfair to me to punish the customer, I dealt with it. They're a company (with pretty awful customer support at that) and they don't like being scammed. I understood this.\n\nI went down to my local police station and filed for fraud. I filled out Comcast's forms and submitted them.\n\nAfter around 2 or 3 weeks (it seriously took them this long to respond) they sent me something in the mail. Apparently I forgot to notorize one affidavit, but more importantly, they said I needed to provide evidence of residancy at the time that the other account was opened. They gave the date the other account was opened (which I'm not sure why they didn't previously provide when they wanted me to submit the forms.)\n\nSo here's the real kicker. I was 16 when the account was opened. Someone with a different name using the social of a minor opened an account.\n\nOkay, okay, maybe from the company's perspective, I'm just an awful person and a skilled scammer or whatever. But this is getting ridiculous. I'm not sure what to do because I don't know how to provide evidence of residancy when I've never recieved any bills at this time because I was a minor.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Marriage has gotten a bit rockier in the last year or so and during this harder time (financially, emotionally and sexually) wife got bored and found an online boyfriend she would chat with. This included sending naked pictures, chatting and telling her friends she was so in love with this guy. I found out through her just acting strange one day and just kinda unraveled the whole puzzle. \n\nWe have always had 100% trust and honesty as our #1 mission statement so obviously this has hurt quite a bit, although I can still rationalize it as just something to just fill the emotional void I wasn't able to or didn't fill.\n\nWe have discussed the situation and are trying to work on our marriage but I still feel like I'm being an idiot. I would for us to work out more than anything but I'd hate to just set myself up for a future disappointment.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "We have been running a business together while I have been in school which has been great. We make around 48k a year, but in Southern California that isn't a lot. I am in school for a Bachelors degree which could get me a job out of college around 35-45k a year while she runs the business getting about 35-50K a year. 70-95K a year sounds good to me.\n\nThe problem is between school, my internship, and running our business I do not have a lot of time to devote to our relationship or I do not make good enough use of the time we have. \n\nMy theory is when I graduate(in three months), I won't have my internship or school and can devote more time to my work, our business, and the relationship which has been great all along till now.\n\nIt is just now she is hating how much work I have to put into to something I am striving for (for the last ten years) where she already has a thriving business and graduated college. \n\nMy goal now is for a corporate position making 300K a year(long term). She doesn't think the work/time is worth it(seeing how we already make a living wage). \n\nWhat do I do before we get married to clear this up.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "For most of my life I was pretty hopeless about dating, mostly because I could not be myself when with women; I put on a man act because I was afraid of losing their interest.\n\nI thought I was gay, but the only thing I'm missing is an enjoyment for sex with men. I've tried it many times and couldn't stay hard. I was resigned to being a foreveralone with no hope and I was pretty hopeless about life.\n\nI used to joke to myself about being a lesbian in a man's body, but it turns out that's not far from the truth. I'm going to be transitioning and living as a female in the next 6-12 months with the help of hormones and a lot of work, but I feel like I am unable to form meaningful relationships with women in the mean time.\n\nI don't find straight women that appealing because they prefer, and expect, masculinity from me and assume the submissive role that I would normally take in a relationship. But while dating a lesbian girl who assumes the dominant role would be perfect, they don't find me attractive now and may lesbians seem to have a militant aversion to trans women.\n\nIt seems that either I somehow must act masculine and have women attracted to me (hasn't worked, would rather play in traffic) or I be myself and no one will want me for at least another 1-2 years when I presumably pass as a woman at some level. How can I make female friends and possibly more than friends in the mean time?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Hey all! I'm just looking for a little advice on what to do. \n\nI just recently moved into a new apartment, and I get on really well with my new housemate, lets call her April. She's funny, and really easy to chill with. I'm hoping we can become good friends. \n\nRecently (the past 3 months) Aprils's been dating this guy, Greg, that she met on a dating app. She's been turning down other dates and claims that it would be wrong to see other men as she's so into Greg. They hang out regularly, text often and all that good stuff. \n\nMe, thinking that she had such good luck on the app downloaded it as well. I saw Greg. He was online and had put out a date request, but I can't tell how long ago that was posted. From what I can tell he's still looking for other people. \n\nThe thing is, I don't know my new housemate very well. I understand her to be monogamous, but don't know their relationship dynamic. I don't want it to be weird if I say something, but I also don't want her to get played.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Hi. I'm having troubles finding out if I am being unreasonable, or we're having some troubles. \n\nMy girlfriend and I live 1-1.5 hours apart, and we both study, so funds are limited. We visit eachother almost every weekend, and are together 24/7 during the holidays. It has been like this for around a year, maybe a year and a half.\n\nOur sex life is... not exactly what I expected. We have sex about once a month, even though we see eachother 4-5 times and are mostly alone. Before we moved apart, we had sex pretty regularly, I'd say 3-4 times per week. During the holidays we often stay at our parents', so it's a tad more difficult to have sex anywhere, which is why our stats don't increase during holidays.\n\nHow do I feel about it? not that well. I often go from her with blueballs, as she teases me throughout the day, but won't have sex until we're in bed and ready to sleep, where she often just rejects me if I start kissing her, or she says not today. She tells me that she's nervous about sex, even though it always ends up with both her and me getting off. \n\nI get that she can get nervous about being together with me, as we don't see eachother that often, but I feel pretty awful about never being able to sex her up when it gets to the later evening. I pretty much just feel like a friend she can kiss and be naked with - I don't feel like she actually wants to fuck me :/ \n\nIs it normal for semi-LDR to dull down a bit when we don't see eachother? \n\nI apologise for my English, it's been a while since I wrote out something. \n\nThanks",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Redditors,\n\nA large group of college students (21+) are going to downtown Dallas this weekend for a formal event, and we are looking for something to do during the day on Saturday to keep us occupied. We are looking for something fun to do that would be entertaining to both sexes. The major restraint is that we are unable to drive, so we are forced to use alternative means of transportation (DART, cabs, etc.). If you have any suggestions of places within the downtown area or easily accessible areas through the aforementioned modes of transportation, please let me know. Also, for the likeminded trolls on reddit, please do not suggest Jaguars or Purgatory. Thanks for your help.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I have been on and off with my boyfriend for 3 years. he was my first. He has sort of the bad boy personality because he grew up with a pretty rough life. Last year we went through some really rough patches (fighting/jealousy) and he had sex with 3 girls while we were on and off. \n\nSince then, he went to rehab for 3 months and has really cleaned up his life for me. I think being with those other girls made him appreciate me. \n\nHowever, I used his cheating as an excuse for myself to cheat. I had never been with anyone besides him, but now I have been with 3 other people besides him. I never told him about my indiscretions. I know that if I tell him, he will likely cut me out of his life forever and never trust me again. He is not emotionally mature enough to handle the truth. Even though he cheated on me first, I have an insane amount of guilt on my shoulders. I don't know if I should tell him and lose him forever, or keep this my little secret. Either way, I know the truth always comes out eventually... Should I tell him?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I have been dating Amanda (lets call her that) for over a month. We had gotten pretty far (hooked up, etc), things were looking up.\n\nWe had plans to go to a local bar with a bunch of mutual friends. She texts me a couple of hours saying that she's sorry that she can't stay for very long, she's hanging with friends who are in town for only a couple days. I say Ok. \n\nShe gets there, greets me and says \"Listen, my good friend Andy is very protective of me and gets defensive and honestly I don't want to deal with his ranting about how I'm dating someone when he's drunk later on tonight. So don't mention to him that were dating, no PDA etc. Ok?\"\n\nI agree and really think nothing of it. So far there have been no trust issues in the relationship. This where it gets fucking weird\n\nBut she almost immediately ignores myself our mutual friends and talks to Andy most of the night. So eventually I go over and talk to her and Andy. We're shooting the shit etc. The conversation goes on and I'm forced to introduce myself. She walks off at some point, I say nice meeting you and turn back to my friends. \n\n I can't really remember any of her other friends being there but the beer was getting served to me pretty quick. I definitely did not meet any of them. They leave and I can't remember if they left alone or with other people.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "My boyfriend and I have been together for 1 year and 3 months, I'm 17 years old and so his my boyfriend, his sister is 19. Our relationship has been great, aside from one problem. His older sister seems to absolutely hate me, and she has ever since I met her. We both go over to eachothers houses a lot and are familiar with eachothers family, and everyone in my family likes him, and everyone in his family likes me except for her.\n\nI have never been rude to her in any way at all, I try to be very nice to her and I even bought her a small Christmas gift. And she still hates me. When I first went over to there house I had dinner with the family, and she was pretty much eyeing me down the whole time. She's said several rude things to/about me throughout our relationship. Once when my boyfriend and I were having a fight on the phone, I heard her in the background refer to me as \"that stupid bitch\" and she posted a mean tweet about me, she didn't tag me or even mention my name but it was like a subliminal insult. And once she commented on an instagram picture of me and a guy (just friend) she put the 2 eyes emoji thing, i took it as like, she's watchin me? And I know for a fact that she has tried telling him to break up with me a couple times. And she is just so rude to me and I don't understand what I ever did wrong.\n\nI've told my boyfriend about how it upsets me that she doesn't like me and he said he's tried talking to her about it and she's stubborn and he doesn't know whats wrong with her. I feel like asking her why she doesn't like me but I don't want to set her off. Our relationship is perfect aside from this, I definitely want to stay together so please don't suggest breaking up. How can I deal with her and why do you think she hates me? I have complimented her and I'm always nice to her even though she isn't to me, and I treat her brother perfectly so I don't understand why she's like this.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I have a very co-dependent relationship by nature with an old friend from high school. We never dated, but he was generally always in my life for about four years (15-19 years old). I would classify him as a best friend at that time, but it was volatile, and we ended up both getting hurt and cutting ties. \n Two years later, we reconnect on Facebook, and my fiancé expresses that he isn't comfortable with me talking to him because I'm in a very unstable place of my life, and he (the friend) has a tendency to be cruel and manipulative. \n I agree with my fiancé, but after having talked to my friend for a few weeks now, we already have a daily banter established- and he does seem to have changed his ways since being in college.\n I'm struggling crafting a message, and feel guilt for simply \"not replying\" for about three days now. I just don't know what to say without seeming... Invalidating, or offensive, or dismissive.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "So yeah i really dont know what this is but i thought this might be a safe place to post considering i dont really know anyone here. It is somewhat relevant, that due to her strong sense of religion we have postponed sexual relationships which is her choice and i respect it. Currently im in a LDR with my girlfriend and it has been like this for over a year. At first, it was great, we traveled, she visited NJ, NY and we even went to Peru, but recently she has been having trouble at school so we havent had a chance to connect. A couple of days ago she we had an argument, she was never able to be there for me and i ended up having to carry our relationship. This is when things took a turn for the worse. During our earlier stages in our relationship, we reached second base, I did not just throw myself onto her but i did not do anything to stop myself. So for the last year or so given the situation we might get to second base ( and i truly saw nothing wrong with it) and only second base. I recently found out that this actually wasn't as innocent for her and she had been keeping quiet feeling that if she said something she might jepordaize our relationship. I truly feel so ashamed of myself, i have begged her for her forgivness i mean i truly feel like i the worst scum of this earth having taken advantage of her but at this moment i feel it is pointless. She asked me for a break and while it has only been 2 days i just cant get rid of this feeling. I know many people here have had worse problems, and i truly feel for all those people but i have no where else to turn so even if no one can help it feels a bit better to just let some of it out.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "* Age: 20\n* Sex: (trans) male\n* Height: 1.76m\n* Weight: 65kg\n* Race: Caucasian\n* Duration of complaint: 2nd day\n* Current medications (if any): Testosterone gel (daily), Vitamine D supplements (weekly)\n\nHad (yet another!) damn cold recently, but it's almost gone now. Yesterday it was a bit worse, and I was also feeling dizzy all of yesterday. From the moment I tilted my head in the morning while getting up, until I went to bed, too much movement made my head feel dizzy. My nose was BARELY stuffy, my throat entirely okay. No headache. I ended up lying down, watching stuff and felt a bit better.\n\nToday I started off feeling pretty good, went to the store to buy groceries, showered, made food and ate, sat in front of the PC for a while... but the moment I try to go back to studying for upcoming exams (which I did the day prior as well), the up and down motion of taking notes makes me feel dizzy again.\n\nI drank more than I usually do yesterday for that reason, ate well; lots of fruits and vegetables and whole meals. Been doing the same today.\n\nI've never felt dizzy from a cold, especially not when it was such a light one. I generally never feel dizzy - if I'm dehydrated, I generally get a headache from it first thing, and I drank so much I can't imagine it. I didn't exactly exercise loads these days, but I don't just sit around either. And it's not any different from my regular schedule.\n\nI'd just sleep it off but with the exams upcoming it's becoming a bit of a problem if I have to skip more and more days, but the dizziness is just too annoying after a while. Is there anything I'm missing? Am I still not drinking enough? (Going to the bathroom every half hour gets annoying after a while) Should I move more regardless? (I'd go outside more but I loathe the cold)",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I texted him and told him that I'm scared of giving birth (I'm not pregnant lol, its just a saying) because it hurts a lot when I poop and I'm on a period. It sounds gross but it wasn't too detailed. He asked me why I said it and said he will find me less attractive for saying it. Also, he said that he will never see me in a sexual way whenever it comes to sex. I got hurt when I heard that and thought he went too far. Do you agree as well? I don't know. I don't think what he did was right.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I've applied to multiple jobs and pizza hut is the one that has offered me a job, twice. First time I turned it down because I got a job offer from amazon (through staffing agency) the next day, but the day before orientation, they told me they had no assignments left. Great. Had to wait 1 month just to be told they had no job for me. 2 weeks later, I go to mcdonalds interview and didn't get it because it was an on-call job. Next up is kmart interview. I'm guessing I didn't get it becuase I was quiet durimg the interview. Then I said fuck it, going to apply to pizza hut again. I get the call, go to the interview, and they tell me to go today at 11 a.m. I thought \"fuck yes, finally a job!.\" But that's not the case. My parents are telling me not to take it because it's a \"dangerous\" job. My dad and I basically got into an argument for the first time today becuase they didn't want me to get that job. He said if I don't take it, he'll give me $100 a month (yeah cause that's a lot for a 19 year old..) He says to not take get the job for my mom. My mom gets nervous easily and shes scared that I'll get in a crash or I'll get assaulted or something. It doesn't help that i got into a car crash on October or that my aunt and uncles baby died on sunday. I'm guessing the babies death got her scared of something happening to me. So now I'll be back to not having a job, while everyone I know has one. Going to try to make a small white lie that I will be working at the store as a pizza maker and only deliver pizza 5 times a day. Not sure about it though. Had to unwind all that on text.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "We've been together about a year but have been friends for 7 years. \n\nI had gotten out of an emotionally abusive relationship with a man who was severely mentally ill (delusional, heard voices, manic depression and so on) before I started dating my current bf, I'll call him Adam.\n\nI loved because he was sweet, caring, didn't have a quick temper, treated me with respect and so on. It was much different from my last relationship. Adam also had a good job, master's degree and took care of himself. Ambition and handsome, the whole package\n\nWell the industry hes worked in for the last 8 years and has his master's in has taken a sever down turn. His friends are all being laid off, including him. There's little to no jobs available and he's been unemployed for 4 months. \n\nHe no longer works out. He's almost completely stopped walking his dog. I do it when I get off work (he usually comes with, but I need to make the suggestion) and we hardly communicate now. \n\nHe also suffered a knee injury from work which makes excersing difficult. Which wad one of his favorite things and we often enjoyed running together. \n\nI told him recently I need more intimacy and our lack of communication has been making me very unhappy. He apologized and is trying but I feel awful that he things he needs to force a smile around me. I feel guilty for feeling liked this because I'm not trying to make his problems about me, but I don't know how to be supportive anymore. \n\nI loved him for his sense of humor and ambition (among other things) but they've both almost disappeared. After dealing with someone depressed for so long in my last relationship I find it exhausting trying to maintain my current one. \n\nHe feels like his body is broken and that he's wasted his life on a degree that's now pointless. I can't say I blame him for being depressed but I can't keep going like this.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "The Background:\nYou read it right, I didn't get him grounded, I actually grounded him. This particular friend has really strict parents, especially when it comes to grades, and they only allow him to have a B in one class, with everything else being A's, or they ground him.\nEvents Leading to the Prank:\nNow, I don't usually pull any pranks, but he knocked a full, heavy water bottle onto my shoeless foot (by accident). I demanded an apology, and when he refused, I vowed to prank this hooligan.\nThe Setup:\nI got another friend to get his phone (he has a really shit slide phone, but that has nothing to do with anything) and give it to me. Then, like a government hacker, I set to work trying to figure out how the fuck that not-smartphone worked. I managed to switch his mother's contact to my name (now you see where this is going) but he got the phone back before I could put my number under his mom's name! This was all going on at the beginning of class, and when class started I didn't know how I would finish the prank. But the April Fool must have smiled upon me, because lo and behold, a fire drill saved the day! Turns out that some other kids had taken his phone since he had gotten it back from me, so I told them I was pranking him, and they gave me the phone to finish my work. I finally finished and the phone was returned to him.\nThe Execution:\nYou can probably guess what happened next. As his mom (more like his dictator) I texted him and said that his grade in chemistry had gone down to a B due to a test which he thought he did badly on, and that he could forget about doing anything over spring break. I had him going for a good while, until he got a text from me (actually his mom) telling him he had to pay for his broken retainer and that she would be picking him up soon. I guess he pieced it together then, and when he cursed me out over text, I knew it was over because he would never curse at his supreme leader. Prank successful, imo",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I wanted the internets opinion because my co-worker and I argued at length about this and got nowhere. \n\nSo guy meets girl and they exchange numbers, talk and flirt all that jazz. They keep trying to organise a date but both are really busy. She suddenly decides to comes cover to guys house late one night, stays the night because he lives close to her work. They have sex. \n\nNow my question is can they go back to being a cute and trying to arrange a date and get to know each other or is she now a fuck buddy?\n\nMy view is she is now a fuck buddy. My co-worker says if he is really keen on her he will still take her out on a date because now he knows he will definitely get some. I think he is just saying that just because.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Ok I'm shitting a huge one. \n\nTwo days ago I took my pal a cup of tea, as he was working on our kitchen table.\n\nThe mug was wet, slipped from my hand, hit the table and splashed tea on his MacBook. \n\nImmediately I grabbed the laptop, turned the thing upside down (moisture away from electronics) and did a force power off. \n\nThen we cleaned up, he wiped off the mac, and said it would probably be fine - not to worry. He then powers the mac back on. Mac works.\n\nA few hours later he goes to plug in to the charger, and realises the battery won't charge. The power lead keeps the mac on and powered but won't charge the battery.\n\nSo now I'm really bricking it. He books into the 'genius' bar to get the thing looked at. Repair estimate - £570 (GBP.) Can't get it fixed elsewhere as this will void warranty.\n\nI am a student and have less than that in the bank to pay for rent etc, have a part time job which pays the bills. \n\nDo I lump up all the money? Does he have to take some responsibility ? He has no insurance. Any advice would be great, cause I'm not going to sleep until I have this sorted.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Well, this is kinda strange.\n\nMy wife was in an accident a truck hit her car and her car was wedged in-between a tree. She came out with a broken arm and wrist (thank god nothing worse happened), so I have to take care of her.\n\nI have to help her bathe and eat and.....wipe but it doesn't bother me because I love her. She was lying down and she told me she's a bit embarrassed because I have to do all of this for her.\n\nShe said she's afraid I'll find her gross because I \"literally have to help her wipe\" which she thinks I'll find gross. I told her it doesn't bother me because I love her and this is part of our vows so it really doesn't bother me.\n\nShe started crying and I just comforted her, I know she hates feeling this way I hate seeing her this way. I'm not sure what to do how can I make her more comfortable I know she's embarrassed but I don't want her to be.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "So I'm sitting in Spanish class going off of 4 hours of sleep from staying up all night preparing my chemistry lab. We were doing a group activity where we had to go around the room interviewing people in Spanish about their name, home town, phone number, etc. I finished before everyone else so I sit back down and wait for class to get over (about 2 minutes left). My professor gets my attention and asks me to read out loud to the class. Unfortunately in my hungover like state of mind from lack of sleep I failed to recognize what he said to me and sat there looking dumbfounded at my professor. A good 30 seconds to a minute goes by before he asks me again, and again I space out. Not sure of what I should do, I turn around and start reading my interview to a friend of mine behind me. At this point the entire class is silent as I'm whispering my interview to my friend, who finally points me to look at the professor who again says \"READ TO THE CLASS\". I turn around and finally understand what he wanted me to do, right as time runs out for class.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I'll start off by giving you a little background. I am 16, and my little sister is 7. She was bored and wanted to go hang out at her friend's house down the street. So I took her there.\n\nWhen we got there, her friend insisted on showing me his new go kart. So I said sure. We went to his garage, and he showed me his go kart. I asked if I can try it out and he said sure. I rode it around for about a minute and then got off.\n\nThen my sister asked if she can try it. I was skeptical at first because she's never driven anything like this. But then I thought, *\"It has four wheels. It's not like she's gonna flip it or anything.\"*\n\nSo I told her she can. I showed her all the controls. How to steer, how to go, and how to brake. Then I step away and let her go.\n\nShe then proceeded to drive straight into a Porsche. Her friend's dad's Porsche. Everyone freaked out, and ran inside to tell him. And to make matters worse, they exaggerated a lot and told him the scratch was ***huge*** and she was going ***super fast*** when she crashed into it.\n\nThe dad was super nice about it, but I felt guilty as fuck. I said sorry multiple times. And I told my sister to apologize but she never did.\n\nThen about 20 minutes later as we were leaving, I told my sister to go say thank you for all the snacks they gave her and for being so cool about everything. But instead of saying thank you, she started crying because she didn't want to go. The crying then turned into screaming and yelling and calling me names. I finally had to carry her out of there because she refused to leave. I kept on apologizing as we were leaving.\n\nI've never felt so fucking stressed out and embarrassed in my entire life.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "We have been together for almost a year now, but currently we are in a LDR. She moved away for school. She used to hang out with this guy friend who she said that she has a hunch the guy might have feeling for her, but he was her good friend. I didn't mind her hanging out with him and I really do trust her. She came back for a month during the holidays. Everything was great.\n\nShe went back last week, and on the first day back, she made plan to have lunch with the guy friend the following day. They went for lunch/brunch, hang out, go tea shopping etc. Again she said that she is pretty sure that he likes her. I told her that I am uncomfortable about this. She said that she absolutely has no feeling for him. I don't think its wrong to hang out with a friend, but I feel uneasy with her hanging out alone with a guy that has feeling for her, which might give him hope. She has many other good male friend and she do hanging out with them alone from time to time which I don't mind at all. This dude is the first one that I feel uncomfortable with.\n\nWe end up having a bit of a discussion. She said she will not be hanging out with him alone anymore because she does not want to risk the relationship. I told her that I really don't mind her hanging out, although it feel uncomfortable, and asked her to be careful, and not to lead him on without knowing.\n\nIs there anything else I should bring up with her??? Is it insecure of me to feel that way?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "We have been living together for about 18 months. Our relationship started out casually and developed romantically overtime. We decided to live together with friends because rent in NYC is expensive. \n\nHe broke up with me 4 weeks ago and moved into our office. His reason for breaking up with me was that he wants to focus on his Master's degree studies and my relationship with him was too distracting. \n\nOur current living situation is a 6 bedroom duplex with a total of 6 people living here. His room is down the hall from mine. \n\nWe still have 6 months to go on our current lease. Moving is not an option for either of us. \n\nI want to move on and see other people. How do I talk to my ex about bringing dates to the apartment?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "My boyfriend and I live in a managed apartment community, have lived here for about two years. We moved to this city in huge part because of the lower living expenses. When we moved in, we were told to expect increases of at least $25 on lease renewal, and last year the rent increased $27 which was *totally* reasonable. Currently we pay $936/month for a 2/2, which we split about 40/60.\n\nThe other day I got a renewal offer in my email, the lowest priced option was $1051/month, which is an increase of $115 a month and seems unreasonable. I called and spoke to one of the girls in the front office and was told she can regenerate the renewal offer in a week and see if the prices change, but the manager was not around so I couldn't get any more info\n\nWhat's the best course of action here? For background, we are doing okay financially(0 debt, we each have at least a 6 month emergency fund, there's money left over to save each month but not a ton), but we are planning to get married soon and the extra $115 a month is money I had mentally put aside for modest rings and a short honeymoon. Add to that, we will have about $2k in additional expenses in November outside of our regular bills... so the idea of our rent going up after that stresses me out.\n\nMy question is this -- is there anything we can do about this? I've looked up the law where I live and they are within their rights to increase the rent however much they want as long as they give us notice. I have drafted a letter detailing our excellent payment history, how we've never had any problems, mentioning the cost/risk of new tenants, etc., and suggesting that the max increase we will accept is 5%... but I'm not sure that this would have any effect. The girl I spoke to in the office basically said \"the computer does it\" and that she has no say, but I'm thinking the manager might. Does anyone have any experience with this? Are we basically screwed? And also, am I wrong to think this much of an increase is unreasonable?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I wasn't too sure of where to actually post this, but I was hoping maybe someone could give me a bit of advice. Here's a bit of the back story. My aunt got married to my uncle who is 12 years older than her, who never wanted children or to be married in the first place. My aunt has always had issues with herself, forced the marriage and kids upon him therefore making for a bad relationship between my aunt and uncle.\nFast forward to today, my aunt has a 13 year old lets call her Mary and 19 year old lets call her Jill. Jill was babied growing up until Mary came a long then she had to grow up fast. Growing up Mary has always been babied and never encouraged to do anything for herself. She was never encouraged to say please or thank you, never encouraged to talk to people, never even encouraged to go to school. Mary is 5'7 and weighs probably 230+lbs. For a 13 year old who is going through hormones this is a major effect on her body image/confidence and many other things.\nAnyways, my aunt is a terrible parent. My uncle? He never wanted children and it really shows, which leave a bad impression on my cousins. My aunt is trying to get Mary diagnosed with something, ANYTHING, because she is in such a deep denial and cannot point the fingers at herself that she went wrong with babying my cousin so now she has the mentality of a 7 year old at best. They went to a psychiatrist and she got \"diagnosed\" with aspergers and OCD. She wont talk to anyone because shes not encuraged to nor was ever taught the social means to do so. There is no way in hell she has either of these things. My aunt was even wanting to put her on meds she doesn't need. Also she isn't encouraged at all to go to school, she sits at home all day on the computer. This is getting to a point where i'm getting mentally sick of seeing this going on in front of my eyes, that my cousin, is doing this. This is abuse.\nSomeone, anyone, could I do anything to help or not?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "My GF works with this real creep. He will call her beautiful and hit on her at work. He randomly messages her mildly inappropriate texts at inappropriate hours. She has told me that he makes her uncomfortable.\n\nim not worried that there is anything going on between the two of them and i trust her. She does not respond to the messages or the advances, but she will not confront him about it or report it to the proper superior. She is afraid of confrontation. She rationalizes her actions by claiming that she does not want to make things \"awkward at work\" and that he is a harmless \"weird guy\". \n\nPersonally, I dont like her being harassed at work and i would like to step in, but i do not want to go against her wishes of course. I am not too sure what to do in this scenario. I am not mad at her because she is the victim in this situation, I just wish i could convince her that reporting him is the right thing to do. \n\nWhat would be the best route for me to take with this situation. Directly get involved and confront him myself or just offer emotional support for my GF and hope she eventually finds the courage to do something about this inappropriate behavior?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "For some background - my parents divorced when I was very young, and from a young age I would stay with my dad every other weekend. When I was about 13 after several incidents I realised what a manipulative person he was and cut ties with him. My Step-Mom died two years ago, and within six months he was engaged to what will be his fourth wife.\n\nHe has made intermittent contact with me over the last few years, and all invitations of contact have been turned down. He asked me to be his Best-Man at his wedding, which I also declined.\n\nCut to today - I got a letter from him asking me for a last time to go to his wedding. I don't know whether or not to go yet. Anyway - he has moved to a new country with his new fiancée and as a result is leaving his old car here. He has offered to let me have it, no strings attached, but I would feel hypocritical accepting it. The problem is that I am in desperate need of a car and money is very tight at the moment. It would be so incredible to accept it, but I feel I would be using him.\n\nAny help is very welcome.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "So I was talking about Napoleon with my students and of course this leads to a talk\\rant about personal budgeting\\etc. I've had a few students talk to me afterwards, them being curious about budgeting and person finance. I saw the post about the cue card and thought... man, I should have a poster or something up in my room as a quick reference or something. But with the cue card there are two issues - 1) they won't know what many of those things are - I do teach some lower stream kids 2) I teach in Canada, so we have different systems and such.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "lived together for two weeks; dating for two months. \n\n* I made cookies from scratch. gave him one, he said: \"is it warm\"? and told me about this girl at his office who bakes amazing food. no thank you, no compliments.\n\n* we leave notes for each other on our bathroom mirror. I drew a flower and wrote underneath it: E+M=♥^2 he laughed at it and called me a \"dork\". \n\n* he commented on my makeup for the first time and called it \"different\". and talks about how he likes girls who don't wear makeup. \n\n* he has a tendency to speak over me if I try and express my feelings on the above mentioned things, he uses termination type phrases like: \"lets talk about it later\". \n\n---\n\nWe're both very busy right now. I'm an artist, he's an economist, we both work full-time and he's one semester from his MBA(4.0), it's finals week. Weekends are blissful because we spend quality time together. Weekdays are very busy and consist of us eating dinner, talking, *maybe* smoking a bowl before bed. \n\nI haven't been in a relationship in 2 years, him 5+ years.\n\nthis list is of things that happen briefly, most of our time together is actually really good, we laugh a lot. When stuff like this happens, it makes me kind of sad and I feel sort of deflated. I need to communicate this but I'm not sure how?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I have been dating my girlfriend for about 4 months now and everything has been going smoothly. She is an international student from China and also the first Asian I have ever dated. She has had some issues in the past with western culture but nothing I have not been able to handle and help her through.\n\nAbout a month back she told me that she find my text message conversations boring. Now these were just general text message conversations. I was not ranting and raving about random topics or anything. I took this as a sign that she may want me to be more flirtatious through texting, but I did not get a response from that. She found it embarrassing more than anything.\n\nI would just like to point out for the record that there is no issue with the sex life as far as I can tell. We are both pretty open about it and if she has an issue she will let me know.\n\nAnyway, when I probed her more about this texting thing she started going on about how I do not give her enough affection. She gave an example \"Like when you wanted us to be on the couch and watch films when you should be with me\" and sort of brings up how it is different to how a Chinese boyfriend would do things.\nNow this is where I start getting confused. In my experience, two people snuggled up on the couch is classed as \"being with\" someone and may lead on to other things if the mood is right. She would not give me a straight answer as to what exactly she wanted me to do with her.\n\nI would greatly appreciate if someone could give me some insight here. If it is a cultural issue, what am I doing wrong. It is sort of frustrating me because I have never had these issues in the past and her lack of explanation leaves me with little to work with. She wants me to take the lead and figure it out alone.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "(19/m)\nWe partied at my place for Halloween, and there were lots of guys and gals.\n\n(I realize this isn't that long ago, btw)\n\nThere was a girl dressed as a ghost-buster and golly, was she fucking hot.\n\nI immediately told the DJ to play the theme song, and nodded her over to dance with me. She obliged, and we danced long past the song playing. I stopped to get us drinks, I came back, and she was gone. Someone said she left with her friends, and I was bummed she didn't find me before leaving. But fuck me for not asking her name or anything in the first place, right?\n\nSkip forward to yesterday morning in the library.\n\nI see a gorgeous girl working at a computer (probably on reddit, or pinterest for all I fucking know). But she was the fucking girl from the party. I started talking to her, and turns out she was trying to find me before she left, but her friend was being a cock blocking bitch and said that they \"had to leave:\" I guess no one was flirting with her? But who gives a shit, I found the hot ghost busting chick. I'm taking that bitch to sushi. Bitches love sushi <3",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I was in high school and went all year without getting in trouble. (First year since 2nd grade...suspended, detention, write up...). Well, on april fools, my first class i convenced my teacher to write me up for punching my sisters best friend in the face. My mother would have believed this since we did not get along at all. I had the teacher sign it, the principle and the school officer. I then received premission from the principle to go home early as if i was suspended. I called my mother 20 minutes after school started at told her i was suspended for fighting. Assuming my mother would pick me up and ground me for the day until i told her the truth after school was out (so i could sleep all day)....I was wrong. My mother called the police on me to arrest me for assult. I had to explain to the officers and my mother it was a joke. I was grounded for 3 weeks becuase of this.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "We've dated for about a month and a half. She wanted a serious relationship. To preface the situation - she told me about a time when she was having exams, and she vomited. Her parents or boyfriend at the time would take care of her.\n\nI came down with a bad fever and was coughing blood. I took a week off school and work. She took time off studying to spend half a day taking care of me. Two days later, she has her final exam. While I'm at home recovering, she calls me to let me know that she feels extremely ill and threw up in the middle of her exam. I tell her that she should call 911 immediately as I won't be able to come to her and she does that, and is hospitalized for the day. I do not visit her, as I feel quite sick and fear that I may have passed something to her.\n\nThe next day, she goes home to recover, but is still feeling quite down. I go to visit my parents to pick up some mail. I ask if she needs anything at this time, and she declines, telling me that she doesn't need me to help her now.\n\nA week later, she tells me that she wants to break up over the situation. Her friend had to take care of her in the hospital, and he asked where her boyfriend (me) was. She also pointed out that I was feeling good enough to visit my parents. I was still coughing blood and had a fever at that point, and wasn't thinking very clearly. I had feared that I may have passed something to my girlfriend and that visiting her in the hospital could be bad for both of us.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "The autism link is bullshit. The evidence was falsified to begin with, Jenny McCarthy is an idiot, etc, etc. Vaccines have also, on the whole, been an enormous boon to the health of humanity, saving more lives than anything else ever (probably). The evidence here is overwhelming.\n\nAnd yet, the \"vaccines are good and everyone should them\" mentality is too simplistic. The issue has many angles, and in a community that often engages in exploring and exposing the more hidden side of things I am consistently surprised by the vociferous down-voting and down-shouting of any opinion that questions the aggressive vaccine schedule recommended by the CDC.\n\nThe fact is, every medication--vaccines included--carries a real set of risks. Medications are, or should be, given as the least-bad alternative: the risks associated with giving the medicine are outweighed by the rewards of giving the medicine. Each vaccine has its own risk/reward profile, and for that reason each warrants individual consideration. The CDC has given this consideration to the vaccines that are on (and not on) the recommended schedule, but that doesn't mean all medical professionals are in agreement regarding the schedule or even the need for all vaccines, nor does it mean that all individuals should refrain from individually investigating each vaccine should they so desire.\n\nThere are vested interests in the vaccination schedule, and the CDC is heavily lobbied by the pharmaceutical industry that produces the vaccines we all pay for through our private insurance carriers. This does not necessarily mean that we are having vaccines pushed on us that we don't really need, potentially at risk to our health (however minimal that risk may be), but the incentive is definitely there. Big companies make big money with a more aggressive vaccination schedule. This is as indisputable as is the evidence that vaccines do not cause autism.\n\nSo why not some actual skeptical discussion instead of the blind faith attached to the recommended vaccine schedule? Why not a little more critical thinking and consideration?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Before people start calling me entitled or whatever, just let me explain. I am grateful she wants to do it, but I just don't like parties, especially when they're for me. But that's not even what I told her (that would be a whole other argument).\n\nI told her I don't want a party mainly because it would be weird and awkward. There are basically 3 groups of people I would invite: family friends, high school friends, and college friends. No one really knows anyone in a different group. I have some family friends who would come, it would be mostly adults. I'm still good friends with two people from high school. One would come and so would her family since I'm close with all of them. The other would try to come, but is normally crazy busy. The main issue is with my college friends. Very few live near me (I went to an out of state private school) and of those that do, only one will be in area over the summer. Most will be doing internships or research in so many other places.\n\nWhenever my mom brings this up I ask who I would invite besides family friends and the two people from high school I still talk to. Her response is my college friends. I give her the exact same explanation I gave up. She kind of grunts and drops it until she feels like bringing it up again. She's also started to make not so subtle comments about it. For example, I was saying how my high school teacher (he was my coach and I still visit him at school every few months) said I need to put more stuff on facebook because that's how he keeps track of all of us. My mom's response was \"well when you visit him you can tell him he would be invited to your graduation party if you had one\".\n\nAny advice on how I can get her to just drop this? It would just be awkward and not fun.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "So me and my best friend, \"Jane\" [21f] have been best friends for about a year, prior to us knowing each other she dated \"Paul\" [23m]. They broke up, but they're still friends. The three of us took a summer class together and we were pretty much inseparable. Get back to main campus and \"Paul\" dates this other girl and \"Jane\" is upset and doesn't talk to him for a month. Flash forward a year to present, the three of us are still very close, hangout most weekends. Now I kinda like Paul now, but I've been ignoring that because he dated Jane, so I know I shouldn't and I casually date a few other guys. Well this past weekend Jane goes home (we're college students). So friday night I'm texting Paul and we discover we're both about to watch the same movie. He asks if I wanna watch it with him, and I know I should have said no, but I didn't. So we watch the movie at his place and then go to a friend's and everythings fine. He drives me home and then tells me he's had a crush on me since my freshman year, when he was dating Jane. I told him I liked him too, but we couldn't do anything because of Jane and we had a good thing going and we should keep that way. He agrees and apologizes several times that night and even the next day. What I'm wondering is do I tell Jane, I tell her everything, but I think telling her may hurt more than help, since I kind of suspect she has some residual feelings. Also I think I hurt him because I feel like hanging out with him on a Friday night lead him to do this. Right now we're still texting and I think we're just ignoring it, but he left early for his class today instead of hanging out with us. I feel so guilty and selfish and I dont know how to make this better.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Not dating anyone right now, but a hypothetical future person as I'm getting back into the dating game. \n\nA little more about me: I'm bisexual and very sexually fluid. Sometimes I even feel asexual. I'm also a virgin, but I'm really ready to not be. My only problem is I reeeeaalllly hate kissing. I hate the way my mouth feels and tastes. I hate the sounds, the smells, everything pretty much. I *might* like kissing someone I'm in love or infatuated with, but I have yet to experience that. (Most people like to kiss to eventually experience those feelings.) \n\nI've had some dating experience, and I even really liked a guy once who I was seeing. But once we became intimate and made out, I got really weird and I think I scared him off a bit. (I also divulged that I was a virgin, oh well.) He stopped talking to me after that, obviously he was not someone I would've wanted to be with anyway. \n\nSo what do I do? When do I bring this up? And don't tell me I'll eventually like it when I find a good kisser, because I've kissed good kissers and I still hated it.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "First post :)\n\nI am in college and live in a house literally bordering university property. Next door to us is a stand-alone apartment building with about 8 units inside (unaffiliated with the school). \n\nRecently, a middle-aged (white trash) couple moved in with their 3 dogs. Their apartment building has a small yard about the size of ours, however they always walk their dog over to our yard for them to poop, and then they leave it there. Most of the time I see it through the window, and just as I get up enough courage to go confront them, they're gone. Today, I came home while they were in the yard, gave her a ಠ_ಠ and asked her politely \"if you're going to let them go here, please at least pick it up\" to which she said \"okay\" and yanked them all on their leashes back to their building.\n\n3 hours later, they're back at it, and not picking it up. What can I do? I thought about some sort of pet repellant, but I figured that I don't want to hurt the dogs or make their owners even more abusive to them for not pooping, but they seem to not care that it's property.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Throwaway, obviously. Long and short of it, I'm addicted to cutting myself. I have depression, anxiety, AHDH, PTSD, Tourette's, and chronic insomnia. And yes all of those things have been diagnosed by doctors at least twice. I'm not looking for attention, just a solution.\n\nI do not cut myself often. Maybe once every few months. The meds I'm on make me feel very flat so sometimes I just like the pain. Other times (like tonight) it was just to relieve stress. My boyfriend doesn't understand that it's less about hurting myself and more about satisfying an urge. \n\nI'm not looking for people to tell me to see a professional. I see a professional, I take my many meds as prescribed and I see a therapist. \n\nJust... Are there other people out there addicted to cutting? What are the alternatives? I know this isn't healthy. I need to stop and I'm looking for advice, any advice. My therapist told me to try holding ice cubes but it doesn't work. I'm not trying to hurt myself bad or get bad attention (I started cutting on my thigh so people wouldn't see) sometimes I just need it, but I love my BF so much, I want to marry him. But he, understandably, hates that I cut.\n\nI know I'm wrong, I know I shouldn't cut. But it seriously can't help it. The scars on me make me so ashamed because I know people see them, I see them looking. I just need an alternative. I love my boyfriend so much, I don't want him to think I'm a deranged lunatic\nWho needs a razor to the skin to function. He's very supportive, and loving, but obviously he wants it to stop. Who wouldn't?\n\nAnyone out there chronic cutters with good advice? Thank you in advance.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "My fiance has been in detox for the past week due to drug use. I knew he was going to detox and I called him every day during calling hours to make sure he knew I was there for him. Thursday he and I had a minor argument which ended with him hanging up on me after calling me annoying. Me, not wanting to annoy him anymore, decided that I would wait for him to call me. He doesnt call. Today (Saturday) I'm on facebook and I see that he wrote on some other girls facebook page. The message pretty much said \"Hey, I'm clean. I want to talk. Call me\". I call him and demand to know when he got out, and why he didnt call me. He said he got out yesterday (Friday) and that he didnt have time. I think this is bullshit, obviously, because he had time to talk to her so why not me. I just don't know what to think anymore",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "My girlfriend and I have been dating for about 2.5 years. We moved in with each other about 1.5 years ago and everything was fine. I am enrolled in school full time, working 25 hours a week, and in the process of starting a business. She is in school part time and works a full time job. My day starts at 7am, her day starts whenever she wakes up.\n\nLately, we have been getting on each other nerves, and she has been doing things that just make me angry and annoy me to no ends. We constantly bicker back and forth. She constantly reminds me what she brought into our apartment. An example is, \"why do you flop in the couch, it is because you didn't pay for it\". I am not flopping in anything. \n\nShe also wants to cuddle but I am always doing homework and something else, then she complains that I don't spend any time with her. We don't really go on dates anymore, and our sex life is about once a week, which I am fine with because my sex drive isn't that high, but she is not.\n\nWe nearly broke up a year, but manage to fix things, but unfortunately they were just temporary fixes. Is it time to call it quits?",
"role": "user"
] |
Subsets and Splits