1 value
Put the clean knife in the cabinet drawer
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " 2.25", " 0.930", " 1.25", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Ladle", " -0.868", " 0.363", " -0.273", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 70" ], [ "2", " Ladle", " -0.991", " 0.363", " 0.576", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 66" ], [ "3", " ButterKnife", " 1.229", " 0.911", " 0.747", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 96" ], [ "4", " ButterKnife", " -0.752", " 0.900", " -0.776", " 0", " 45", " 0", " 65" ], [ "5", " Kettle", " -0.419", " 0.902", " -1.269", " 0", " 315", " 0", " 67" ], [ "6", " Spatula", " 0.836", " 0.923", " 0.410", " 0", " 126.810", " 0", " 96" ], [ "7", " Spatula", " -0.950", " 0.533", " 1.693", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 53" ], [ "8", " Spoon", " 0.422", " 0.132", " -1.515", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 55" ], [ "9", " Spoon", " 3.373", " 0.901", " 0.232", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 64" ], [ "10", " Fork", " -0.991", " 0.131", " 0.576", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 95" ], [ "11", " CellPhone", " 0.798", " 0.905", " 0.827", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 96" ], [ "12", " CellPhone", " -0.053", " 0.897", " -1.682", " 0", " 45", " 0", " 86" ], [ "13", " Bread", " 3.277", " 0.979", " -0.599", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 64" ], [ "14", " Lettuce", " -0.935", " 0.965", " -0.047", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 65" ], [ "15", " SaltShaker", " -0.991", " 0.514", " 0.926", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 62" ], [ "16", " Bowl", " 0.105", " 0.897", " -1.430", " 0", " 45", " 0", " 86" ], [ "17", " Bowl", " 2.971", " 0.172", " -0.828", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 77" ], [ "18", " SoapBottle", " -0.857", " 0.909", " -0.773", " 0", " 45", " 0", " 65" ], [ "19", " SoapBottle", " 0.356", " 0.920", " 0.527", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 96" ], [ "20", " Tomato", " 1.086", " 0.750", " -1.354", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 111" ], [ "21", " Tomato", " 0.022", " 0.937", " -1.588", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 86" ], [ "22", " Egg", " -1.085", " 1.050", " 1.205", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 113" ], [ "23", " Egg", " 1.164", " 1.126", " -1.531", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 111" ], [ "24", " Cup", " 1.255", " 1.672", " -1.689", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "25", " Knife", " 0.602", " 0.933", " 0.098", " 0", " 36.810", " 0", " 96" ], [ "26", " Plate", " 3.141", " 0.188", " -0.404", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 76" ], [ "27", " Glassbottle", " 3.111", " 0.748", " -0.100", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 110" ], [ "28", " SoapBottle", " 3.141", " 0.184", " -0.786", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 77" ], [ "29", " Potato", " 3.101", " 0.139", " 1.626", " 0", " 225", " 0", " 106" ], [ "30", " Fork", " 0.710", " 0.908", " 0.627", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 96" ], [ "31", " Ladle", " -0.987", " 0.937", " -0.746", " 0", " 135", " 0", " 65" ], [ "32", " Pot", " -0.420", " 0.902", " -0.920", " 0", " 135", " 0", " 60" ], [ "33", " Kettle", " 3.181", " 1.465", " -1.648", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "34", " Spatula", " 3.07", " 0.768", " 0.098", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 110" ], [ "35", " Knife", " -0.789", " 0.925", " -0.270", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 65" ], [ "36", " Lettuce", " 0.836", " 0.973", " 0.605", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 96" ], [ "37", " Cup", " -1.052", " 0.995", " 1.470", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 113" ], [ "38", " SaltShaker", " 2.988", " 0.709", " 0.493", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 87" ], [ "39", " Egg", " -1.052", " 1.050", " 1.311", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 113" ], [ "40", " PepperShaker", " 1.098", " 0.907", " 0.322", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 96" ], [ "41", " ButterKnife", " -0.868", " 0.706", " 0.664", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 69" ], [ "42", " Apple", " 2.888", " 0.974", " -0.599", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 64" ], [ "43", " Pan", " 0.341", " 0.873", " -1.649", " 0", " 167.065", " 0", " 86" ], [ "44", " Bread", " 1.534", " 0.972", " 0.486", " 0", " 289.287", " 0", " 96" ], [ "45", " CellPhone", " -0.950", " 0.323", " 1.168", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 53" ], [ "46", " DishSponge", " -0.786", " 0.130", " -0.361", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 85" ], [ "47", " Tomato", " 1.242", " 0.750", " -1.407", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 111" ], [ "48", " Spoon", " -0.589", " 0.135", " -0.751", " 0", " 315", " 0", " 91" ], [ "49", " Bowl", " 2.971", " 0.174", " 0.629", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 74" ], [ "50", " Mug", " 0.773", " 1.242", " -1.475", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 111" ], [ "51", " Drawer", " 0.376", " 0.572", " -1.509", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " Drawer", " 3.020", " 0.769", " -0.783", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " Drawer", " -0.860", " 0.577", " 1.429", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " StoveBurner", " -0.600", " 0.897", " -1.090", " 0", " 135", " 0", "" ], [ "55", " Drawer", " 0.376", " 0.191", " -1.509", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "56", " Cabinet", " 1.402", " 1.874", " -1.259", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "57", " Cabinet", " -0.202", " 1.963", " -1.328", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "58", " Drawer", " -0.860", " 0.765", " 1.429", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "59", " Drawer", " -0.677", " 0.765", " -0.700", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "60", " StoveBurner", " -0.420", " 0.897", " -0.920", " 0", " 135", " 0", "" ], [ "61", " Drawer", " 3.020", " 0.769", " -0.407", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "62", " Drawer", " -0.860", " 0.577", " 0.663", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "63", " Cabinet", " 2.819", " 1.768", " -1.850", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "64", " CounterTop", " 3.111", " 0.936", " 0.019", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "65", " CounterTop", " -1.007", " 0.935", " -0.039", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "66", " Drawer", " -0.860", " 0.385", " 0.663", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "67", " StoveBurner", " -0.419", " 0.897", " -1.269", " 0", " 315", " 0", "" ], [ "68", " Drawer", " -0.047", " 0.573", " -1.324", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "69", " Drawer", " -0.860", " 0.765", " 0.663", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "70", " Drawer", " -0.860", " 0.385", " -0.100", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "71", " Drawer", " 0.376", " 0.380", " -1.509", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "72", " Drawer", " -0.860", " 0.765", " -0.100", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "73", " Drawer", " 0.376", " 0.765", " -1.509", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "74", " Cabinet", " 2.849", " 0.419", " 0.409", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "75", " Drawer", " -0.047", " 0.765", " -1.324", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "76", " Cabinet", " 2.849", " 0.419", " -0.610", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "77", " Cabinet", " 2.849", " 0.419", " -0.959", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "78", " Cabinet", " 3.069", " 1.666", " -0.709", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "79", " Cabinet", " 2.819", " 1.768", " -1.047", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "80", " Cabinet", " 0.620", " 1.874", " -1.259", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "81", " Cabinet", " 0.140", " 1.666", " -1.559", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "82", " Cabinet", " -0.189", " 1.666", " -1.340", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "83", " Cabinet", " -0.709", " 1.963", " -0.819", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "84", " Cabinet", " -0.920", " 1.665", " -0.620", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "85", " Drawer", " -0.860", " 0.190", " -0.100", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "86", " CounterTop", " 0.133", " 0.935", " -1.457", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "87", " Drawer", " 3.020", " 0.769", " 0.695", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "88", " Drawer", " -0.677", " 0.577", " -0.700", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "89", " Drawer", " -0.860", " 0.190", " 1.429", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "90", " Drawer", " -0.047", " 0.192", " -1.324", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "91", " Drawer", " -0.677", " 0.193", " -0.700", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "92", " Drawer", " -0.860", " 0.577", " -0.100", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "93", " Sink", " 3.078", " 0.887", " 0.086", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "94", " StoveBurner", " -0.239", " 0.897", " -1.089", " 0", " 315", " 0", "" ], [ "95", " Drawer", " -0.860", " 0.190", " 0.663", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "96", " CounterTop", " 1.210", " 0.937", " 0.463", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "97", " Drawer", " -0.047", " 0.381", " -1.324", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "98", " Drawer", " -0.677", " 0.387", " -0.700", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "99", " Mirror", " -1.295", " 1.630", " 0.045", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "100", " Drawer", " -0.860", " 0.385", " 1.429", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "101", " HousePlant", " 3.196", " 0.891", " -0.368", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "102", " StoveKnob", " -0.090", " 0.790", " -1.009", " 270", " 45", " 0", "" ], [ "103", " StoveKnob", " -0.280", " 0.790", " -0.819", " 270", " 45", " 0", "" ], [ "104", " StoveKnob", " -0.180", " 0.790", " -0.920", " 270", " 45", " 0", "" ], [ "105", " StoveKnob", " -0.370", " 0.790", " -0.720", " 270", " 45", " 0", "" ], [ "106", " GarbageCan", " 3.137", " 0.025", " 1.545", " 0", " 225", " 0", "" ], [ "107", " Window", " 3.703", " 1.675", " 0.046", " 90", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "108", " CoffeeMachine", " 3.214", " 0.890", " 0.697", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "109", " LightSwitch", " 2.592", " 1.309", " -1.880", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "110", " SinkBasin", " 3.069", " 0.736", " 0.108", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "111", " Fridge", " 1.008", " 0.029", " -1.467", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "112", " Toaster", " -1.035", " 0.873", " -0.396", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "113", " Microwave", " -1.034", " 0.874", " 1.428", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "114", " Faucet", " 3.305", " 0.886", " 0.094", " 270", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "115", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "116", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "117", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "118", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent 2.25 0.930 1.25 0 270 0 1 Ladle -0.868 0.363 -0.273 0 0 0 70 2 Ladle -0.991 0.363 0.576 0 90 0 66 3 ButterKnife 1.229 0.911 0.747 0 0 0 96 4 ButterKnife -0.752 0.900 -0.776 0 45 0 65 5 Kettle -0.419 0.902 -1.269 0 315 0 67 6 Spatula 0.836 0.923 0.410 0 126.810 0 96 7 Spatula -0.950 0.533 1.693 0 270 0 53 8 Spoon 0.422 0.132 -1.515 0 90 0 55 9 Spoon 3.373 0.901 0.232 0 90 0 64 10 Fork -0.991 0.131 0.576 0 90 0 95 11 CellPhone 0.798 0.905 0.827 0 0 0 96 12 CellPhone -0.053 0.897 -1.682 0 45 0 86 13 Bread 3.277 0.979 -0.599 0 0 0 64 14 Lettuce -0.935 0.965 -0.047 0 0 0 65 15 SaltShaker -0.991 0.514 0.926 0 0 0 62 16 Bowl 0.105 0.897 -1.430 0 45 0 86 17 Bowl 2.971 0.172 -0.828 0 0 0 77 18 SoapBottle -0.857 0.909 -0.773 0 45 0 65 19 SoapBottle 0.356 0.920 0.527 0 0 0 96 20 Tomato 1.086 0.750 -1.354 0 0 0 111 21 Tomato 0.022 0.937 -1.588 0 0 0 86 22 Egg -1.085 1.050 1.205 0 90 0 113 23 Egg 1.164 1.126 -1.531 0 0 0 111 24 Cup 1.255 1.672 -1.689 0 0 0 56 25 Knife 0.602 0.933 0.098 0 36.810 0 96 26 Plate 3.141 0.188 -0.404 0 0 0 76 27 Glassbottle 3.111 0.748 -0.100 0 90 0 110 28 SoapBottle 3.141 0.184 -0.786 0 0 0 77 29 Potato 3.101 0.139 1.626 0 225 0 106 30 Fork 0.710 0.908 0.627 0 0 0 96 31 Ladle -0.987 0.937 -0.746 0 135 0 65 32 Pot -0.420 0.902 -0.920 0 135 0 60 33 Kettle 3.181 1.465 -1.648 0 0 0 63 34 Spatula 3.07 0.768 0.098 0 90 0 110 35 Knife -0.789 0.925 -0.270 0 90 0 65 36 Lettuce 0.836 0.973 0.605 0 0 0 96 37 Cup -1.052 0.995 1.470 0 90 0 113 38 SaltShaker 2.988 0.709 0.493 0 180 0 87 39 Egg -1.052 1.050 1.311 0 90 0 113 40 PepperShaker 1.098 0.907 0.322 0 0 0 96 41 ButterKnife -0.868 0.706 0.664 0 0 0 69 42 Apple 2.888 0.974 -0.599 0 0 0 64 43 Pan 0.341 0.873 -1.649 0 167.065 0 86 44 Bread 1.534 0.972 0.486 0 289.287 0 96 45 CellPhone -0.950 0.323 1.168 0 0 0 53 46 DishSponge -0.786 0.130 -0.361 0 0 0 85 47 Tomato 1.242 0.750 -1.407 0 0 0 111 48 Spoon -0.589 0.135 -0.751 0 315 0 91 49 Bowl 2.971 0.174 0.629 0 0 0 74 50 Mug 0.773 1.242 -1.475 0 0 0 111 51 Drawer 0.376 0.572 -1.509 0 0 0 52 Drawer 3.020 0.769 -0.783 0 180 0 53 Drawer -0.860 0.577 1.429 0 0 0 54 StoveBurner -0.600 0.897 -1.090 0 135 0 55 Drawer 0.376 0.191 -1.509 0 0 0 56 Cabinet 1.402 1.874 -1.259 0 0 0 57 Cabinet -0.202 1.963 -1.328 0 0 0 58 Drawer -0.860 0.765 1.429 0 0 0 59 Drawer -0.677 0.765 -0.700 0 0 0 60 StoveBurner -0.420 0.897 -0.920 0 135 0 61 Drawer 3.020 0.769 -0.407 0 180 0 62 Drawer -0.860 0.577 0.663 0 0 0 63 Cabinet 2.819 1.768 -1.850 0 0 0 64 CounterTop 3.111 0.936 0.019 0 0 0 65 CounterTop -1.007 0.935 -0.039 0 0 0 66 Drawer -0.860 0.385 0.663 0 0 0 67 StoveBurner -0.419 0.897 -1.269 0 315 0 68 Drawer -0.047 0.573 -1.324 0 0 0 69 Drawer -0.860 0.765 0.663 0 0 0 70 Drawer -0.860 0.385 -0.100 0 0 0 71 Drawer 0.376 0.380 -1.509 0 0 0 72 Drawer -0.860 0.765 -0.100 0 0 0 73 Drawer 0.376 0.765 -1.509 0 0 0 74 Cabinet 2.849 0.419 0.409 0 0 0 75 Drawer -0.047 0.765 -1.324 0 0 0 76 Cabinet 2.849 0.419 -0.610 0 0 0 77 Cabinet 2.849 0.419 -0.959 0 0 0 78 Cabinet 3.069 1.666 -0.709 0 0 0 79 Cabinet 2.819 1.768 -1.047 0 0 0 80 Cabinet 0.620 1.874 -1.259 0 0 0 81 Cabinet 0.140 1.666 -1.559 0 0 0 82 Cabinet -0.189 1.666 -1.340 0 0 0 83 Cabinet -0.709 1.963 -0.819 0 0 0 84 Cabinet -0.920 1.665 -0.620 0 0 0 85 Drawer -0.860 0.190 -0.100 0 0 0 86 CounterTop 0.133 0.935 -1.457 0 0 0 87 Drawer 3.020 0.769 0.695 0 180 0 88 Drawer -0.677 0.577 -0.700 0 0 0 89 Drawer -0.860 0.190 1.429 0 0 0 90 Drawer -0.047 0.192 -1.324 0 0 0 91 Drawer -0.677 0.193 -0.700 0 0 0 92 Drawer -0.860 0.577 -0.100 0 0 0 93 Sink 3.078 0.887 0.086 0 0 0 94 StoveBurner -0.239 0.897 -1.089 0 315 0 95 Drawer -0.860 0.190 0.663 0 0 0 96 CounterTop 1.210 0.937 0.463 0 0 0 97 Drawer -0.047 0.381 -1.324 0 0 0 98 Drawer -0.677 0.387 -0.700 0 0 0 99 Mirror -1.295 1.630 0.045 0 0 0 100 Drawer -0.860 0.385 1.429 0 0 0 101 HousePlant 3.196 0.891 -0.368 0 0 0 102 StoveKnob -0.090 0.790 -1.009 270 45 0 103 StoveKnob -0.280 0.790 -0.819 270 45 0 104 StoveKnob -0.180 0.790 -0.920 270 45 0 105 StoveKnob -0.370 0.790 -0.720 270 45 0 106 GarbageCan 3.137 0.025 1.545 0 225 0 107 Window 3.703 1.675 0.046 90 90 0 108 CoffeeMachine 3.214 0.890 0.697 0 270 0 109 LightSwitch 2.592 1.309 -1.880 0 0 0 110 SinkBasin 3.069 0.736 0.108 0 90 0 111 Fridge 1.008 0.029 -1.467 0 0 0 112 Toaster -1.035 0.873 -0.396 0 90 0 113 Microwave -1.034 0.874 1.428 0 90 0 114 Faucet 3.305 0.886 0.094 270 180 0 115 NorthWall 116 EastWall 117 SouthWall 118 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Turn left then face the island on your right | STEP 2: Pick up the knife beside the bread on the island | STEP 3: Turn left move forward then turn left on the sink | STEP 4: Put the knife in the sink and rinse it | STEP 5: Turn around to your left and face the last cabinet drawer on the right | STEP 6: Open the drawer put in the knife then close it | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Turn left then face the island on your right ", " STEP 2: Pick up the knife beside the bread on the island ", " STEP 3: Turn left move forward then turn left on the sink ", " STEP 4: Put the knife in the sink and rinse it ", " STEP 5: Turn around to your left and face the last cabinet drawer on the right ", " STEP 6: Open the drawer put in the knife then close it ", " END" ] ]
Put a cleaned knife in a drawer.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " 2.25", " 0.930", " 1.25", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Ladle", " -0.868", " 0.363", " -0.273", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 70" ], [ "2", " Ladle", " -0.991", " 0.363", " 0.576", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 66" ], [ "3", " ButterKnife", " 1.229", " 0.911", " 0.747", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 96" ], [ "4", " ButterKnife", " -0.752", " 0.900", " -0.776", " 0", " 45", " 0", " 65" ], [ "5", " Kettle", " -0.419", " 0.902", " -1.269", " 0", " 315", " 0", " 67" ], [ "6", " Spatula", " 0.836", " 0.923", " 0.410", " 0", " 126.810", " 0", " 96" ], [ "7", " Spatula", " -0.950", " 0.533", " 1.693", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 53" ], [ "8", " Spoon", " 0.422", " 0.132", " -1.515", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 55" ], [ "9", " Spoon", " 3.373", " 0.901", " 0.232", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 64" ], [ "10", " Fork", " -0.991", " 0.131", " 0.576", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 95" ], [ "11", " CellPhone", " 0.798", " 0.905", " 0.827", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 96" ], [ "12", " CellPhone", " -0.053", " 0.897", " -1.682", " 0", " 45", " 0", " 86" ], [ "13", " Bread", " 3.277", " 0.979", " -0.599", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 64" ], [ "14", " Lettuce", " -0.935", " 0.965", " -0.047", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 65" ], [ "15", " SaltShaker", " -0.991", " 0.514", " 0.926", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 62" ], [ "16", " Bowl", " 0.105", " 0.897", " -1.430", " 0", " 45", " 0", " 86" ], [ "17", " Bowl", " 2.971", " 0.172", " -0.828", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 77" ], [ "18", " SoapBottle", " -0.857", " 0.909", " -0.773", " 0", " 45", " 0", " 65" ], [ "19", " SoapBottle", " 0.356", " 0.920", " 0.527", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 96" ], [ "20", " Tomato", " 1.086", " 0.750", " -1.354", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 111" ], [ "21", " Tomato", " 0.022", " 0.937", " -1.588", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 86" ], [ "22", " Egg", " -1.085", " 1.050", " 1.205", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 113" ], [ "23", " Egg", " 1.164", " 1.126", " -1.531", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 111" ], [ "24", " Cup", " 1.255", " 1.672", " -1.689", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "25", " Knife", " 0.602", " 0.933", " 0.098", " 0", " 36.810", " 0", " 96" ], [ "26", " Plate", " 3.141", " 0.188", " -0.404", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 76" ], [ "27", " Glassbottle", " 3.111", " 0.748", " -0.100", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 110" ], [ "28", " SoapBottle", " 3.141", " 0.184", " -0.786", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 77" ], [ "29", " Potato", " 3.101", " 0.139", " 1.626", " 0", " 225", " 0", " 106" ], [ "30", " Fork", " 0.710", " 0.908", " 0.627", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 96" ], [ "31", " Ladle", " -0.987", " 0.937", " -0.746", " 0", " 135", " 0", " 65" ], [ "32", " Pot", " -0.420", " 0.902", " -0.920", " 0", " 135", " 0", " 60" ], [ "33", " Kettle", " 3.181", " 1.465", " -1.648", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "34", " Spatula", " 3.07", " 0.768", " 0.098", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 110" ], [ "35", " Knife", " -0.789", " 0.925", " -0.270", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 65" ], [ "36", " Lettuce", " 0.836", " 0.973", " 0.605", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 96" ], [ "37", " Cup", " -1.052", " 0.995", " 1.470", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 113" ], [ "38", " SaltShaker", " 2.988", " 0.709", " 0.493", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 87" ], [ "39", " Egg", " -1.052", " 1.050", " 1.311", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 113" ], [ "40", " PepperShaker", " 1.098", " 0.907", " 0.322", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 96" ], [ "41", " ButterKnife", " -0.868", " 0.706", " 0.664", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 69" ], [ "42", " Apple", " 2.888", " 0.974", " -0.599", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 64" ], [ "43", " Pan", " 0.341", " 0.873", " -1.649", " 0", " 167.065", " 0", " 86" ], [ "44", " Bread", " 1.534", " 0.972", " 0.486", " 0", " 289.287", " 0", " 96" ], [ "45", " CellPhone", " -0.950", " 0.323", " 1.168", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 53" ], [ "46", " DishSponge", " -0.786", " 0.130", " -0.361", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 85" ], [ "47", " Tomato", " 1.242", " 0.750", " -1.407", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 111" ], [ "48", " Spoon", " -0.589", " 0.135", " -0.751", " 0", " 315", " 0", " 91" ], [ "49", " Bowl", " 2.971", " 0.174", " 0.629", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 74" ], [ "50", " Mug", " 0.773", " 1.242", " -1.475", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 111" ], [ "51", " Drawer", " 0.376", " 0.572", " -1.509", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " Drawer", " 3.020", " 0.769", " -0.783", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " Drawer", " -0.860", " 0.577", " 1.429", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " StoveBurner", " -0.600", " 0.897", " -1.090", " 0", " 135", " 0", "" ], [ "55", " Drawer", " 0.376", " 0.191", " -1.509", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "56", " Cabinet", " 1.402", " 1.874", " -1.259", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "57", " Cabinet", " -0.202", " 1.963", " -1.328", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "58", " Drawer", " -0.860", " 0.765", " 1.429", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "59", " Drawer", " -0.677", " 0.765", " -0.700", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "60", " StoveBurner", " -0.420", " 0.897", " -0.920", " 0", " 135", " 0", "" ], [ "61", " Drawer", " 3.020", " 0.769", " -0.407", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "62", " Drawer", " -0.860", " 0.577", " 0.663", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "63", " Cabinet", " 2.819", " 1.768", " -1.850", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "64", " CounterTop", " 3.111", " 0.936", " 0.019", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "65", " CounterTop", " -1.007", " 0.935", " -0.039", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "66", " Drawer", " -0.860", " 0.385", " 0.663", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "67", " StoveBurner", " -0.419", " 0.897", " -1.269", " 0", " 315", " 0", "" ], [ "68", " Drawer", " -0.047", " 0.573", " -1.324", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "69", " Drawer", " -0.860", " 0.765", " 0.663", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "70", " Drawer", " -0.860", " 0.385", " -0.100", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "71", " Drawer", " 0.376", " 0.380", " -1.509", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "72", " Drawer", " -0.860", " 0.765", " -0.100", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "73", " Drawer", " 0.376", " 0.765", " -1.509", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "74", " Cabinet", " 2.849", " 0.419", " 0.409", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "75", " Drawer", " -0.047", " 0.765", " -1.324", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "76", " Cabinet", " 2.849", " 0.419", " -0.610", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "77", " Cabinet", " 2.849", " 0.419", " -0.959", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "78", " Cabinet", " 3.069", " 1.666", " -0.709", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "79", " Cabinet", " 2.819", " 1.768", " -1.047", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "80", " Cabinet", " 0.620", " 1.874", " -1.259", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "81", " Cabinet", " 0.140", " 1.666", " -1.559", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "82", " Cabinet", " -0.189", " 1.666", " -1.340", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "83", " Cabinet", " -0.709", " 1.963", " -0.819", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "84", " Cabinet", " -0.920", " 1.665", " -0.620", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "85", " Drawer", " -0.860", " 0.190", " -0.100", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "86", " CounterTop", " 0.133", " 0.935", " -1.457", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "87", " Drawer", " 3.020", " 0.769", " 0.695", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "88", " Drawer", " -0.677", " 0.577", " -0.700", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "89", " Drawer", " -0.860", " 0.190", " 1.429", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "90", " Drawer", " -0.047", " 0.192", " -1.324", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "91", " Drawer", " -0.677", " 0.193", " -0.700", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "92", " Drawer", " -0.860", " 0.577", " -0.100", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "93", " Sink", " 3.078", " 0.887", " 0.086", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "94", " StoveBurner", " -0.239", " 0.897", " -1.089", " 0", " 315", " 0", "" ], [ "95", " Drawer", " -0.860", " 0.190", " 0.663", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "96", " CounterTop", " 1.210", " 0.937", " 0.463", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "97", " Drawer", " -0.047", " 0.381", " -1.324", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "98", " Drawer", " -0.677", " 0.387", " -0.700", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "99", " Mirror", " -1.295", " 1.630", " 0.045", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "100", " Drawer", " -0.860", " 0.385", " 1.429", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "101", " HousePlant", " 3.196", " 0.891", " -0.368", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "102", " StoveKnob", " -0.090", " 0.790", " -1.009", " 270", " 45", " 0", "" ], [ "103", " StoveKnob", " -0.280", " 0.790", " -0.819", " 270", " 45", " 0", "" ], [ "104", " StoveKnob", " -0.180", " 0.790", " -0.920", " 270", " 45", " 0", "" ], [ "105", " StoveKnob", " -0.370", " 0.790", " -0.720", " 270", " 45", " 0", "" ], [ "106", " GarbageCan", " 3.137", " 0.025", " 1.545", " 0", " 225", " 0", "" ], [ "107", " Window", " 3.703", " 1.675", " 0.046", " 90", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "108", " CoffeeMachine", " 3.214", " 0.890", " 0.697", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "109", " LightSwitch", " 2.592", " 1.309", " -1.880", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "110", " SinkBasin", " 3.069", " 0.736", " 0.108", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "111", " Fridge", " 1.008", " 0.029", " -1.467", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "112", " Toaster", " -1.035", " 0.873", " -0.396", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "113", " Microwave", " -1.034", " 0.874", " 1.428", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "114", " Faucet", " 3.305", " 0.886", " 0.094", " 270", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "115", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "116", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "117", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "118", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent 2.25 0.930 1.25 0 270 0 1 Ladle -0.868 0.363 -0.273 0 0 0 70 2 Ladle -0.991 0.363 0.576 0 90 0 66 3 ButterKnife 1.229 0.911 0.747 0 0 0 96 4 ButterKnife -0.752 0.900 -0.776 0 45 0 65 5 Kettle -0.419 0.902 -1.269 0 315 0 67 6 Spatula 0.836 0.923 0.410 0 126.810 0 96 7 Spatula -0.950 0.533 1.693 0 270 0 53 8 Spoon 0.422 0.132 -1.515 0 90 0 55 9 Spoon 3.373 0.901 0.232 0 90 0 64 10 Fork -0.991 0.131 0.576 0 90 0 95 11 CellPhone 0.798 0.905 0.827 0 0 0 96 12 CellPhone -0.053 0.897 -1.682 0 45 0 86 13 Bread 3.277 0.979 -0.599 0 0 0 64 14 Lettuce -0.935 0.965 -0.047 0 0 0 65 15 SaltShaker -0.991 0.514 0.926 0 0 0 62 16 Bowl 0.105 0.897 -1.430 0 45 0 86 17 Bowl 2.971 0.172 -0.828 0 0 0 77 18 SoapBottle -0.857 0.909 -0.773 0 45 0 65 19 SoapBottle 0.356 0.920 0.527 0 0 0 96 20 Tomato 1.086 0.750 -1.354 0 0 0 111 21 Tomato 0.022 0.937 -1.588 0 0 0 86 22 Egg -1.085 1.050 1.205 0 90 0 113 23 Egg 1.164 1.126 -1.531 0 0 0 111 24 Cup 1.255 1.672 -1.689 0 0 0 56 25 Knife 0.602 0.933 0.098 0 36.810 0 96 26 Plate 3.141 0.188 -0.404 0 0 0 76 27 Glassbottle 3.111 0.748 -0.100 0 90 0 110 28 SoapBottle 3.141 0.184 -0.786 0 0 0 77 29 Potato 3.101 0.139 1.626 0 225 0 106 30 Fork 0.710 0.908 0.627 0 0 0 96 31 Ladle -0.987 0.937 -0.746 0 135 0 65 32 Pot -0.420 0.902 -0.920 0 135 0 60 33 Kettle 3.181 1.465 -1.648 0 0 0 63 34 Spatula 3.07 0.768 0.098 0 90 0 110 35 Knife -0.789 0.925 -0.270 0 90 0 65 36 Lettuce 0.836 0.973 0.605 0 0 0 96 37 Cup -1.052 0.995 1.470 0 90 0 113 38 SaltShaker 2.988 0.709 0.493 0 180 0 87 39 Egg -1.052 1.050 1.311 0 90 0 113 40 PepperShaker 1.098 0.907 0.322 0 0 0 96 41 ButterKnife -0.868 0.706 0.664 0 0 0 69 42 Apple 2.888 0.974 -0.599 0 0 0 64 43 Pan 0.341 0.873 -1.649 0 167.065 0 86 44 Bread 1.534 0.972 0.486 0 289.287 0 96 45 CellPhone -0.950 0.323 1.168 0 0 0 53 46 DishSponge -0.786 0.130 -0.361 0 0 0 85 47 Tomato 1.242 0.750 -1.407 0 0 0 111 48 Spoon -0.589 0.135 -0.751 0 315 0 91 49 Bowl 2.971 0.174 0.629 0 0 0 74 50 Mug 0.773 1.242 -1.475 0 0 0 111 51 Drawer 0.376 0.572 -1.509 0 0 0 52 Drawer 3.020 0.769 -0.783 0 180 0 53 Drawer -0.860 0.577 1.429 0 0 0 54 StoveBurner -0.600 0.897 -1.090 0 135 0 55 Drawer 0.376 0.191 -1.509 0 0 0 56 Cabinet 1.402 1.874 -1.259 0 0 0 57 Cabinet -0.202 1.963 -1.328 0 0 0 58 Drawer -0.860 0.765 1.429 0 0 0 59 Drawer -0.677 0.765 -0.700 0 0 0 60 StoveBurner -0.420 0.897 -0.920 0 135 0 61 Drawer 3.020 0.769 -0.407 0 180 0 62 Drawer -0.860 0.577 0.663 0 0 0 63 Cabinet 2.819 1.768 -1.850 0 0 0 64 CounterTop 3.111 0.936 0.019 0 0 0 65 CounterTop -1.007 0.935 -0.039 0 0 0 66 Drawer -0.860 0.385 0.663 0 0 0 67 StoveBurner -0.419 0.897 -1.269 0 315 0 68 Drawer -0.047 0.573 -1.324 0 0 0 69 Drawer -0.860 0.765 0.663 0 0 0 70 Drawer -0.860 0.385 -0.100 0 0 0 71 Drawer 0.376 0.380 -1.509 0 0 0 72 Drawer -0.860 0.765 -0.100 0 0 0 73 Drawer 0.376 0.765 -1.509 0 0 0 74 Cabinet 2.849 0.419 0.409 0 0 0 75 Drawer -0.047 0.765 -1.324 0 0 0 76 Cabinet 2.849 0.419 -0.610 0 0 0 77 Cabinet 2.849 0.419 -0.959 0 0 0 78 Cabinet 3.069 1.666 -0.709 0 0 0 79 Cabinet 2.819 1.768 -1.047 0 0 0 80 Cabinet 0.620 1.874 -1.259 0 0 0 81 Cabinet 0.140 1.666 -1.559 0 0 0 82 Cabinet -0.189 1.666 -1.340 0 0 0 83 Cabinet -0.709 1.963 -0.819 0 0 0 84 Cabinet -0.920 1.665 -0.620 0 0 0 85 Drawer -0.860 0.190 -0.100 0 0 0 86 CounterTop 0.133 0.935 -1.457 0 0 0 87 Drawer 3.020 0.769 0.695 0 180 0 88 Drawer -0.677 0.577 -0.700 0 0 0 89 Drawer -0.860 0.190 1.429 0 0 0 90 Drawer -0.047 0.192 -1.324 0 0 0 91 Drawer -0.677 0.193 -0.700 0 0 0 92 Drawer -0.860 0.577 -0.100 0 0 0 93 Sink 3.078 0.887 0.086 0 0 0 94 StoveBurner -0.239 0.897 -1.089 0 315 0 95 Drawer -0.860 0.190 0.663 0 0 0 96 CounterTop 1.210 0.937 0.463 0 0 0 97 Drawer -0.047 0.381 -1.324 0 0 0 98 Drawer -0.677 0.387 -0.700 0 0 0 99 Mirror -1.295 1.630 0.045 0 0 0 100 Drawer -0.860 0.385 1.429 0 0 0 101 HousePlant 3.196 0.891 -0.368 0 0 0 102 StoveKnob -0.090 0.790 -1.009 270 45 0 103 StoveKnob -0.280 0.790 -0.819 270 45 0 104 StoveKnob -0.180 0.790 -0.920 270 45 0 105 StoveKnob -0.370 0.790 -0.720 270 45 0 106 GarbageCan 3.137 0.025 1.545 0 225 0 107 Window 3.703 1.675 0.046 90 90 0 108 CoffeeMachine 3.214 0.890 0.697 0 270 0 109 LightSwitch 2.592 1.309 -1.880 0 0 0 110 SinkBasin 3.069 0.736 0.108 0 90 0 111 Fridge 1.008 0.029 -1.467 0 0 0 112 Toaster -1.035 0.873 -0.396 0 90 0 113 Microwave -1.034 0.874 1.428 0 90 0 114 Faucet 3.305 0.886 0.094 270 180 0 115 NorthWall 116 EastWall 117 SouthWall 118 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Move to the center island on the left. | STEP 2: Pick up the knife on the island. | STEP 3: Turn around, bring the knife to the sink. | STEP 4: Wash the knife in the sink. | STEP 5: Bring the cleaned knife to the drawer on the right, under the apple. | STEP 6: Put the knife in the right drawer. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Move to the center island on the left. ", " STEP 2: Pick up the knife on the island. ", " STEP 3: Turn around, bring the knife to the sink. ", " STEP 4: Wash the knife in the sink. ", " STEP 5: Bring the cleaned knife to the drawer on the right, under the apple. ", " STEP 6: Put the knife in the right drawer. ", " END" ] ]
Clean the knife and put it in the cabinet drawer.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " 2.25", " 0.930", " 1.25", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Ladle", " -0.868", " 0.363", " -0.273", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 70" ], [ "2", " Ladle", " -0.991", " 0.363", " 0.576", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 66" ], [ "3", " ButterKnife", " 1.229", " 0.911", " 0.747", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 96" ], [ "4", " ButterKnife", " -0.752", " 0.900", " -0.776", " 0", " 45", " 0", " 65" ], [ "5", " Kettle", " -0.419", " 0.902", " -1.269", " 0", " 315", " 0", " 67" ], [ "6", " Spatula", " 0.836", " 0.923", " 0.410", " 0", " 126.810", " 0", " 96" ], [ "7", " Spatula", " -0.950", " 0.533", " 1.693", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 53" ], [ "8", " Spoon", " 0.422", " 0.132", " -1.515", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 55" ], [ "9", " Spoon", " 3.373", " 0.901", " 0.232", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 64" ], [ "10", " Fork", " -0.991", " 0.131", " 0.576", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 95" ], [ "11", " CellPhone", " 0.798", " 0.905", " 0.827", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 96" ], [ "12", " CellPhone", " -0.053", " 0.897", " -1.682", " 0", " 45", " 0", " 86" ], [ "13", " Bread", " 3.277", " 0.979", " -0.599", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 64" ], [ "14", " Lettuce", " -0.935", " 0.965", " -0.047", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 65" ], [ "15", " SaltShaker", " -0.991", " 0.514", " 0.926", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 62" ], [ "16", " Bowl", " 0.105", " 0.897", " -1.430", " 0", " 45", " 0", " 86" ], [ "17", " Bowl", " 2.971", " 0.172", " -0.828", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 77" ], [ "18", " SoapBottle", " -0.857", " 0.909", " -0.773", " 0", " 45", " 0", " 65" ], [ "19", " SoapBottle", " 0.356", " 0.920", " 0.527", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 96" ], [ "20", " Tomato", " 1.086", " 0.750", " -1.354", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 111" ], [ "21", " Tomato", " 0.022", " 0.937", " -1.588", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 86" ], [ "22", " Egg", " -1.085", " 1.050", " 1.205", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 113" ], [ "23", " Egg", " 1.164", " 1.126", " -1.531", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 111" ], [ "24", " Cup", " 1.255", " 1.672", " -1.689", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "25", " Knife", " 0.602", " 0.933", " 0.098", " 0", " 36.810", " 0", " 96" ], [ "26", " Plate", " 3.141", " 0.188", " -0.404", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 76" ], [ "27", " Glassbottle", " 3.111", " 0.748", " -0.100", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 110" ], [ "28", " SoapBottle", " 3.141", " 0.184", " -0.786", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 77" ], [ "29", " Potato", " 3.101", " 0.139", " 1.626", " 0", " 225", " 0", " 106" ], [ "30", " Fork", " 0.710", " 0.908", " 0.627", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 96" ], [ "31", " Ladle", " -0.987", " 0.937", " -0.746", " 0", " 135", " 0", " 65" ], [ "32", " Pot", " -0.420", " 0.902", " -0.920", " 0", " 135", " 0", " 60" ], [ "33", " Kettle", " 3.181", " 1.465", " -1.648", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "34", " Spatula", " 3.07", " 0.768", " 0.098", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 110" ], [ "35", " Knife", " -0.789", " 0.925", " -0.270", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 65" ], [ "36", " Lettuce", " 0.836", " 0.973", " 0.605", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 96" ], [ "37", " Cup", " -1.052", " 0.995", " 1.470", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 113" ], [ "38", " SaltShaker", " 2.988", " 0.709", " 0.493", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 87" ], [ "39", " Egg", " -1.052", " 1.050", " 1.311", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 113" ], [ "40", " PepperShaker", " 1.098", " 0.907", " 0.322", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 96" ], [ "41", " ButterKnife", " -0.868", " 0.706", " 0.664", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 69" ], [ "42", " Apple", " 2.888", " 0.974", " -0.599", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 64" ], [ "43", " Pan", " 0.341", " 0.873", " -1.649", " 0", " 167.065", " 0", " 86" ], [ "44", " Bread", " 1.534", " 0.972", " 0.486", " 0", " 289.287", " 0", " 96" ], [ "45", " CellPhone", " -0.950", " 0.323", " 1.168", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 53" ], [ "46", " DishSponge", " -0.786", " 0.130", " -0.361", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 85" ], [ "47", " Tomato", " 1.242", " 0.750", " -1.407", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 111" ], [ "48", " Spoon", " -0.589", " 0.135", " -0.751", " 0", " 315", " 0", " 91" ], [ "49", " Bowl", " 2.971", " 0.174", " 0.629", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 74" ], [ "50", " Mug", " 0.773", " 1.242", " -1.475", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 111" ], [ "51", " Drawer", " 0.376", " 0.572", " -1.509", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " Drawer", " 3.020", " 0.769", " -0.783", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " Drawer", " -0.860", " 0.577", " 1.429", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " StoveBurner", " -0.600", " 0.897", " -1.090", " 0", " 135", " 0", "" ], [ "55", " Drawer", " 0.376", " 0.191", " -1.509", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "56", " Cabinet", " 1.402", " 1.874", " -1.259", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "57", " Cabinet", " -0.202", " 1.963", " -1.328", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "58", " Drawer", " -0.860", " 0.765", " 1.429", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "59", " Drawer", " -0.677", " 0.765", " -0.700", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "60", " StoveBurner", " -0.420", " 0.897", " -0.920", " 0", " 135", " 0", "" ], [ "61", " Drawer", " 3.020", " 0.769", " -0.407", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "62", " Drawer", " -0.860", " 0.577", " 0.663", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "63", " Cabinet", " 2.819", " 1.768", " -1.850", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "64", " CounterTop", " 3.111", " 0.936", " 0.019", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "65", " CounterTop", " -1.007", " 0.935", " -0.039", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "66", " Drawer", " -0.860", " 0.385", " 0.663", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "67", " StoveBurner", " -0.419", " 0.897", " -1.269", " 0", " 315", " 0", "" ], [ "68", " Drawer", " -0.047", " 0.573", " -1.324", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "69", " Drawer", " -0.860", " 0.765", " 0.663", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "70", " Drawer", " -0.860", " 0.385", " -0.100", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "71", " Drawer", " 0.376", " 0.380", " -1.509", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "72", " Drawer", " -0.860", " 0.765", " -0.100", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "73", " Drawer", " 0.376", " 0.765", " -1.509", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "74", " Cabinet", " 2.849", " 0.419", " 0.409", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "75", " Drawer", " -0.047", " 0.765", " -1.324", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "76", " Cabinet", " 2.849", " 0.419", " -0.610", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "77", " Cabinet", " 2.849", " 0.419", " -0.959", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "78", " Cabinet", " 3.069", " 1.666", " -0.709", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "79", " Cabinet", " 2.819", " 1.768", " -1.047", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "80", " Cabinet", " 0.620", " 1.874", " -1.259", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "81", " Cabinet", " 0.140", " 1.666", " -1.559", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "82", " Cabinet", " -0.189", " 1.666", " -1.340", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "83", " Cabinet", " -0.709", " 1.963", " -0.819", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "84", " Cabinet", " -0.920", " 1.665", " -0.620", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "85", " Drawer", " -0.860", " 0.190", " -0.100", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "86", " CounterTop", " 0.133", " 0.935", " -1.457", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "87", " Drawer", " 3.020", " 0.769", " 0.695", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "88", " Drawer", " -0.677", " 0.577", " -0.700", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "89", " Drawer", " -0.860", " 0.190", " 1.429", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "90", " Drawer", " -0.047", " 0.192", " -1.324", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "91", " Drawer", " -0.677", " 0.193", " -0.700", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "92", " Drawer", " -0.860", " 0.577", " -0.100", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "93", " Sink", " 3.078", " 0.887", " 0.086", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "94", " StoveBurner", " -0.239", " 0.897", " -1.089", " 0", " 315", " 0", "" ], [ "95", " Drawer", " -0.860", " 0.190", " 0.663", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "96", " CounterTop", " 1.210", " 0.937", " 0.463", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "97", " Drawer", " -0.047", " 0.381", " -1.324", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "98", " Drawer", " -0.677", " 0.387", " -0.700", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "99", " Mirror", " -1.295", " 1.630", " 0.045", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "100", " Drawer", " -0.860", " 0.385", " 1.429", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "101", " HousePlant", " 3.196", " 0.891", " -0.368", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "102", " StoveKnob", " -0.090", " 0.790", " -1.009", " 270", " 45", " 0", "" ], [ "103", " StoveKnob", " -0.280", " 0.790", " -0.819", " 270", " 45", " 0", "" ], [ "104", " StoveKnob", " -0.180", " 0.790", " -0.920", " 270", " 45", " 0", "" ], [ "105", " StoveKnob", " -0.370", " 0.790", " -0.720", " 270", " 45", " 0", "" ], [ "106", " GarbageCan", " 3.137", " 0.025", " 1.545", " 0", " 225", " 0", "" ], [ "107", " Window", " 3.703", " 1.675", " 0.046", " 90", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "108", " CoffeeMachine", " 3.214", " 0.890", " 0.697", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "109", " LightSwitch", " 2.592", " 1.309", " -1.880", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "110", " SinkBasin", " 3.069", " 0.736", " 0.108", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "111", " Fridge", " 1.008", " 0.029", " -1.467", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "112", " Toaster", " -1.035", " 0.873", " -0.396", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "113", " Microwave", " -1.034", " 0.874", " 1.428", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "114", " Faucet", " 3.305", " 0.886", " 0.094", " 270", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "115", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "116", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "117", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "118", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent 2.25 0.930 1.25 0 270 0 1 Ladle -0.868 0.363 -0.273 0 0 0 70 2 Ladle -0.991 0.363 0.576 0 90 0 66 3 ButterKnife 1.229 0.911 0.747 0 0 0 96 4 ButterKnife -0.752 0.900 -0.776 0 45 0 65 5 Kettle -0.419 0.902 -1.269 0 315 0 67 6 Spatula 0.836 0.923 0.410 0 126.810 0 96 7 Spatula -0.950 0.533 1.693 0 270 0 53 8 Spoon 0.422 0.132 -1.515 0 90 0 55 9 Spoon 3.373 0.901 0.232 0 90 0 64 10 Fork -0.991 0.131 0.576 0 90 0 95 11 CellPhone 0.798 0.905 0.827 0 0 0 96 12 CellPhone -0.053 0.897 -1.682 0 45 0 86 13 Bread 3.277 0.979 -0.599 0 0 0 64 14 Lettuce -0.935 0.965 -0.047 0 0 0 65 15 SaltShaker -0.991 0.514 0.926 0 0 0 62 16 Bowl 0.105 0.897 -1.430 0 45 0 86 17 Bowl 2.971 0.172 -0.828 0 0 0 77 18 SoapBottle -0.857 0.909 -0.773 0 45 0 65 19 SoapBottle 0.356 0.920 0.527 0 0 0 96 20 Tomato 1.086 0.750 -1.354 0 0 0 111 21 Tomato 0.022 0.937 -1.588 0 0 0 86 22 Egg -1.085 1.050 1.205 0 90 0 113 23 Egg 1.164 1.126 -1.531 0 0 0 111 24 Cup 1.255 1.672 -1.689 0 0 0 56 25 Knife 0.602 0.933 0.098 0 36.810 0 96 26 Plate 3.141 0.188 -0.404 0 0 0 76 27 Glassbottle 3.111 0.748 -0.100 0 90 0 110 28 SoapBottle 3.141 0.184 -0.786 0 0 0 77 29 Potato 3.101 0.139 1.626 0 225 0 106 30 Fork 0.710 0.908 0.627 0 0 0 96 31 Ladle -0.987 0.937 -0.746 0 135 0 65 32 Pot -0.420 0.902 -0.920 0 135 0 60 33 Kettle 3.181 1.465 -1.648 0 0 0 63 34 Spatula 3.07 0.768 0.098 0 90 0 110 35 Knife -0.789 0.925 -0.270 0 90 0 65 36 Lettuce 0.836 0.973 0.605 0 0 0 96 37 Cup -1.052 0.995 1.470 0 90 0 113 38 SaltShaker 2.988 0.709 0.493 0 180 0 87 39 Egg -1.052 1.050 1.311 0 90 0 113 40 PepperShaker 1.098 0.907 0.322 0 0 0 96 41 ButterKnife -0.868 0.706 0.664 0 0 0 69 42 Apple 2.888 0.974 -0.599 0 0 0 64 43 Pan 0.341 0.873 -1.649 0 167.065 0 86 44 Bread 1.534 0.972 0.486 0 289.287 0 96 45 CellPhone -0.950 0.323 1.168 0 0 0 53 46 DishSponge -0.786 0.130 -0.361 0 0 0 85 47 Tomato 1.242 0.750 -1.407 0 0 0 111 48 Spoon -0.589 0.135 -0.751 0 315 0 91 49 Bowl 2.971 0.174 0.629 0 0 0 74 50 Mug 0.773 1.242 -1.475 0 0 0 111 51 Drawer 0.376 0.572 -1.509 0 0 0 52 Drawer 3.020 0.769 -0.783 0 180 0 53 Drawer -0.860 0.577 1.429 0 0 0 54 StoveBurner -0.600 0.897 -1.090 0 135 0 55 Drawer 0.376 0.191 -1.509 0 0 0 56 Cabinet 1.402 1.874 -1.259 0 0 0 57 Cabinet -0.202 1.963 -1.328 0 0 0 58 Drawer -0.860 0.765 1.429 0 0 0 59 Drawer -0.677 0.765 -0.700 0 0 0 60 StoveBurner -0.420 0.897 -0.920 0 135 0 61 Drawer 3.020 0.769 -0.407 0 180 0 62 Drawer -0.860 0.577 0.663 0 0 0 63 Cabinet 2.819 1.768 -1.850 0 0 0 64 CounterTop 3.111 0.936 0.019 0 0 0 65 CounterTop -1.007 0.935 -0.039 0 0 0 66 Drawer -0.860 0.385 0.663 0 0 0 67 StoveBurner -0.419 0.897 -1.269 0 315 0 68 Drawer -0.047 0.573 -1.324 0 0 0 69 Drawer -0.860 0.765 0.663 0 0 0 70 Drawer -0.860 0.385 -0.100 0 0 0 71 Drawer 0.376 0.380 -1.509 0 0 0 72 Drawer -0.860 0.765 -0.100 0 0 0 73 Drawer 0.376 0.765 -1.509 0 0 0 74 Cabinet 2.849 0.419 0.409 0 0 0 75 Drawer -0.047 0.765 -1.324 0 0 0 76 Cabinet 2.849 0.419 -0.610 0 0 0 77 Cabinet 2.849 0.419 -0.959 0 0 0 78 Cabinet 3.069 1.666 -0.709 0 0 0 79 Cabinet 2.819 1.768 -1.047 0 0 0 80 Cabinet 0.620 1.874 -1.259 0 0 0 81 Cabinet 0.140 1.666 -1.559 0 0 0 82 Cabinet -0.189 1.666 -1.340 0 0 0 83 Cabinet -0.709 1.963 -0.819 0 0 0 84 Cabinet -0.920 1.665 -0.620 0 0 0 85 Drawer -0.860 0.190 -0.100 0 0 0 86 CounterTop 0.133 0.935 -1.457 0 0 0 87 Drawer 3.020 0.769 0.695 0 180 0 88 Drawer -0.677 0.577 -0.700 0 0 0 89 Drawer -0.860 0.190 1.429 0 0 0 90 Drawer -0.047 0.192 -1.324 0 0 0 91 Drawer -0.677 0.193 -0.700 0 0 0 92 Drawer -0.860 0.577 -0.100 0 0 0 93 Sink 3.078 0.887 0.086 0 0 0 94 StoveBurner -0.239 0.897 -1.089 0 315 0 95 Drawer -0.860 0.190 0.663 0 0 0 96 CounterTop 1.210 0.937 0.463 0 0 0 97 Drawer -0.047 0.381 -1.324 0 0 0 98 Drawer -0.677 0.387 -0.700 0 0 0 99 Mirror -1.295 1.630 0.045 0 0 0 100 Drawer -0.860 0.385 1.429 0 0 0 101 HousePlant 3.196 0.891 -0.368 0 0 0 102 StoveKnob -0.090 0.790 -1.009 270 45 0 103 StoveKnob -0.280 0.790 -0.819 270 45 0 104 StoveKnob -0.180 0.790 -0.920 270 45 0 105 StoveKnob -0.370 0.790 -0.720 270 45 0 106 GarbageCan 3.137 0.025 1.545 0 225 0 107 Window 3.703 1.675 0.046 90 90 0 108 CoffeeMachine 3.214 0.890 0.697 0 270 0 109 LightSwitch 2.592 1.309 -1.880 0 0 0 110 SinkBasin 3.069 0.736 0.108 0 90 0 111 Fridge 1.008 0.029 -1.467 0 0 0 112 Toaster -1.035 0.873 -0.396 0 90 0 113 Microwave -1.034 0.874 1.428 0 90 0 114 Faucet 3.305 0.886 0.094 270 180 0 115 NorthWall 116 EastWall 117 SouthWall 118 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Walk over to the table. | STEP 2: Grab the knife. | STEP 3: Walk to the sink. | STEP 4: Wash the knife in the sink. | STEP 5: Do a 360 turn. | STEP 6: Place the knife in the cabinet drawer by the sink. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Walk over to the table. ", " STEP 2: Grab the knife. ", " STEP 3: Walk to the sink. ", " STEP 4: Wash the knife in the sink. ", " STEP 5: Do a 360 turn. ", " STEP 6: Place the knife in the cabinet drawer by the sink. ", " END" ] ]
Place the two yellow knives from the table into the drawer below the toaster.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " 0.5", " 0.900", " 1.75", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Pan", " 2.051", " 1.513", " 5.626", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 85" ], [ "2", " Potato", " -0.687", " 1.027", " 0.486", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "3", " DishSponge", " 1.332", " 0.896", " 2.137", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 86" ], [ "4", " DishSponge", " 0.192", " 0.759", " 6.565", " 0", " 225", " 0", " 99" ], [ "5", " ButterKnife", " -0.535", " 0.992", " 0.395", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "6", " ButterKnife", " 0.169", " 0.760", " 6.807", " 0", " 315", " 0", " 99" ], [ "7", " Pot", " 1.32", " 0.988", " 3.848", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 62" ], [ "8", " Spoon", " -0.617", " 0.772", " 0.395", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 59" ], [ "9", " Fork", " 0.620", " 0.993", " 0.486", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "10", " Fork", " -0.467", " 0.760", " 6.416", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 99" ], [ "11", " Egg", " 1.966", " 1.565", " 5.876", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 85" ], [ "12", " Egg", " 1.332", " 0.946", " 2.525", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 86" ], [ "13", " Cup", " 1.135", " 0.988", " 0.668", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "14", " Plate", " 0.958", " 1.580", " 0.251", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 70" ], [ "15", " Knife", " -0.332", " 0.789", " 6.217", " 0", " 315", " 0", " 99" ], [ "16", " Tomato", " -0.384", " 1.042", " 0.670", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "17", " Tomato", " 2.055", " 0.130", " 6.469", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 87" ], [ "18", " SoapBottle", " 1.238", " 0.140", " 2.086", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 75" ], [ "19", " SoapBottle", " 1.406", " 0.140", " 2.720", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 75" ], [ "20", " PepperShaker", " -0.275", " 0.139", " 0.429", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 71" ], [ "21", " SaltShaker", " 1.585", " 2.202", " 4.175", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "22", " SaltShaker", " 1.400", " 0.136", " 4.608", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 65" ], [ "23", " Lettuce", " 1.493", " 1.081", " 0.213", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "24", " Lettuce", " 0.305", " 0.848", " 6.604", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 99" ], [ "25", " Mug", " 0.064", " 1.092", " 0.310", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 79" ], [ "26", " Apple", " -0.003", " 0.834", " 6.479", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 99" ], [ "27", " Apple", " 1.225", " 1.067", " 1.577", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "28", " Bowl", " -0.134", " 1.578", " 0.251", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 76" ], [ "29", " Bread", " -0.221", " 0.829", " 6.787", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 99" ], [ "30", " Egg", " 1.497", " 0.941", " 2.525", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 86" ], [ "31", " Knife", " -0.487", " 0.789", " 6.807", " 0", " 135", " 0", " 99" ], [ "32", " Fork", " 0.803", " 0.772", " 0.395", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 55" ], [ "33", " Apple", " -0.308", " 1.067", " 0.303", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "34", " Kettle", " 1.317", " 0.988", " 4.294", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "35", " Plate", " -0.552", " 0.144", " 0.506", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 71" ], [ "36", " SaltShaker", " -0.346", " 0.755", " 6.632", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 99" ], [ "37", " Lettuce", " -0.459", " 1.081", " 0.486", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "38", " SoapBottle", " 0.604", " 0.143", " 0.576", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 69" ], [ "39", " Spatula", " 0.102", " 0.775", " 6.305", " 0", " 225", " 0", " 99" ], [ "40", " PaperTowelRoll", " -0.353", " 0.864", " 6.019", " 0", " 225", " 0", " 99" ], [ "41", " Pot", " 1.559", " 0.988", " 4.294", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 61" ], [ "42", " Potato", " 0.150", " 0.794", " 6.416", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 99" ], [ "43", " ButterKnife", " 0.923", " 0.992", " 0.212", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "44", " PepperShaker", " 1.402", " 2.202", " 3.933", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 67" ], [ "45", " Pan", " 1.562", " 0.988", " 3.848", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 57" ], [ "46", " Tomato", " 1.442", " 0.940", " 2.085", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 86" ], [ "47", " DishSponge", " 0.124", " 0.771", " 0.618", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 60" ], [ "48", " Cup", " 0.125", " 0.756", " 6.851", " 0", " 225", " 0", " 99" ], [ "49", " Spoon", " -0.096", " 0.761", " 6.632", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 99" ], [ "50", " Mug", " 1.402", " 2.202", " 3.747", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "51", " Cabinet", " 1.307", " 2.455", " 4.360", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " Cabinet", " 1.054", " 0.422", " 1.710", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " Drawer", " 1.280", " 0.808", " 4.718", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " Cabinet", " 1.307", " 2.455", " 3.607", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "55", " Drawer", " 0.736", " 0.802", " 0.521", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "56", " Drawer", " 1.276", " 0.802", " 3.291", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "57", " StoveBurner", " 1.562", " 0.982", " 3.848", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "58", " StoveBurner", " 1.317", " 0.982", " 4.294", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "59", " Drawer", " -0.482", " 0.802", " 0.521", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "60", " Drawer", " 0.124", " 0.802", " 0.521", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "61", " StoveBurner", " 1.559", " 0.982", " 4.294", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "62", " StoveBurner", " 1.320", " 0.982", " 3.848", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "63", " CounterTop", " 1.391", " 1.028", " 0.897", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "64", " CounterTop", " 1.391", " 1.028", " 4.716", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "65", " Cabinet", " 1.054", " 0.422", " 4.548", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "66", " Cabinet", " 1.317", " 2.134", " 0.517", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "67", " Cabinet", " 1.317", " 2.134", " 4.889", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "68", " Cabinet", " 1.317", " 2.134", " 3.095", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "69", " Cabinet", " 0.443", " 0.422", " 0.743", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "70", " Cabinet", " 1.270", " 2.134", " 0.434", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "71", " Cabinet", " -0.775", " 0.422", " 0.743", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "72", " Cabinet", " -0.168", " 0.422", " 0.743", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "73", " Cabinet", " 1.317", " 2.134", " 1.534", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "74", " Cabinet", " 1.054", " 0.422", " 2.990", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "75", " Cabinet", " 1.054", " 0.422", " 2.944", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "76", " Cabinet", " -0.263", " 2.134", " 0.434", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "77", " Cabinet", " 0.252", " 2.134", " 0.434", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "78", " Sink", " 1.391", " 1.006", " 2.326", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "79", " Microwave", " 0.108", " 0.981", " 0.262", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "80", " HousePlant", " -0.165", " 0.826", " 6.444", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "81", " CoffeeMachine", " 1.551", " 0.982", " 0.953", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "82", " Toaster", " 1.473", " 0.981", " 4.715", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "83", " Window", " -2.065", " 1.916", " 3.626", " 90", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "84", " Window", " 1.763", " 2.007", " 2.299", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "85", " Fridge", " 2.035", " 0.0", " 5.625", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "86", " SinkBasin", " 1.387", " 0.880", " 2.338", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "87", " GarbageCan", " 2.001", " -0.044", " 6.503", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "88", " StoveKnob", " 1.140", " 0.934", " 3.987", " 45", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "89", " StoveKnob", " 1.140", " 0.934", " 4.309", " 45", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "90", " StoveKnob", " 1.140", " 0.934", " 4.140", " 45", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "91", " StoveKnob", " 1.140", " 0.934", " 3.824", " 45", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "92", " Vase", " -0.226", " 0.834", " 6.993", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "93", " Vase", " 2.098", " 0.043", " 7.070", " 0", " 257.232", " 0", "" ], [ "94", " Vase", " -0.594", " 0.835", " 6.130", " 0", " 225", " 0", "" ], [ "95", " LightSwitch", " -2.0", " 1.549", " 6.045", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "96", " Safe", " 2.046", " 1.072", " 7.054", " 0", " 257.232", " 0", "" ], [ "97", " Faucet", " 1.534", " 1.025", " 2.371", " 0", " 294.391", " 0", "" ], [ "98", " Blinds", " 1.738", " 2.563", " 2.312", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "99", " DiningTable", " -0.156", " 0.000", " 6.474", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "100", " Chair", " 0.291", " 0.002", " 6.142", " 0", " 310.162", " 0", "" ], [ "101", " GarbageBag", " -1.092", " 0.318", " 0.268", " 270", " 90", " 83.492", "" ], [ "102", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "103", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "104", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "105", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent 0.5 0.900 1.75 0 90 0 1 Pan 2.051 1.513 5.626 0 0 0 85 2 Potato -0.687 1.027 0.486 0 0 0 63 3 DishSponge 1.332 0.896 2.137 0 90 0 86 4 DishSponge 0.192 0.759 6.565 0 225 0 99 5 ButterKnife -0.535 0.992 0.395 0 0 0 63 6 ButterKnife 0.169 0.760 6.807 0 315 0 99 7 Pot 1.32 0.988 3.848 0 0 0 62 8 Spoon -0.617 0.772 0.395 0 0 0 59 9 Fork 0.620 0.993 0.486 0 0 0 63 10 Fork -0.467 0.760 6.416 0 270 0 99 11 Egg 1.966 1.565 5.876 0 270 0 85 12 Egg 1.332 0.946 2.525 0 90 0 86 13 Cup 1.135 0.988 0.668 0 0 0 63 14 Plate 0.958 1.580 0.251 0 0 0 70 15 Knife -0.332 0.789 6.217 0 315 0 99 16 Tomato -0.384 1.042 0.670 0 0 0 63 17 Tomato 2.055 0.130 6.469 0 0 0 87 18 SoapBottle 1.238 0.140 2.086 0 0 0 75 19 SoapBottle 1.406 0.140 2.720 0 0 0 75 20 PepperShaker -0.275 0.139 0.429 0 0 0 71 21 SaltShaker 1.585 2.202 4.175 0 0 0 54 22 SaltShaker 1.400 0.136 4.608 0 0 0 65 23 Lettuce 1.493 1.081 0.213 0 0 0 63 24 Lettuce 0.305 0.848 6.604 0 270 0 99 25 Mug 0.064 1.092 0.310 0 270 0 79 26 Apple -0.003 0.834 6.479 0 270 0 99 27 Apple 1.225 1.067 1.577 0 0 0 63 28 Bowl -0.134 1.578 0.251 0 0 0 76 29 Bread -0.221 0.829 6.787 0 0 0 99 30 Egg 1.497 0.941 2.525 0 90 0 86 31 Knife -0.487 0.789 6.807 0 135 0 99 32 Fork 0.803 0.772 0.395 0 90 0 55 33 Apple -0.308 1.067 0.303 0 0 0 63 34 Kettle 1.317 0.988 4.294 0 0 0 58 35 Plate -0.552 0.144 0.506 0 0 0 71 36 SaltShaker -0.346 0.755 6.632 0 0 0 99 37 Lettuce -0.459 1.081 0.486 0 0 0 63 38 SoapBottle 0.604 0.143 0.576 0 0 0 69 39 Spatula 0.102 0.775 6.305 0 225 0 99 40 PaperTowelRoll -0.353 0.864 6.019 0 225 0 99 41 Pot 1.559 0.988 4.294 0 0 0 61 42 Potato 0.150 0.794 6.416 0 270 0 99 43 ButterKnife 0.923 0.992 0.212 0 0 0 63 44 PepperShaker 1.402 2.202 3.933 0 0 0 67 45 Pan 1.562 0.988 3.848 0 0 0 57 46 Tomato 1.442 0.940 2.085 0 90 0 86 47 DishSponge 0.124 0.771 0.618 0 0 0 60 48 Cup 0.125 0.756 6.851 0 225 0 99 49 Spoon -0.096 0.761 6.632 0 0 0 99 50 Mug 1.402 2.202 3.747 0 0 0 54 51 Cabinet 1.307 2.455 4.360 0 0 0 52 Cabinet 1.054 0.422 1.710 0 0 0 53 Drawer 1.280 0.808 4.718 0 0 0 54 Cabinet 1.307 2.455 3.607 0 0 0 55 Drawer 0.736 0.802 0.521 0 0 0 56 Drawer 1.276 0.802 3.291 0 0 0 57 StoveBurner 1.562 0.982 3.848 0 0 0 58 StoveBurner 1.317 0.982 4.294 0 0 0 59 Drawer -0.482 0.802 0.521 0 0 0 60 Drawer 0.124 0.802 0.521 0 0 0 61 StoveBurner 1.559 0.982 4.294 0 0 0 62 StoveBurner 1.320 0.982 3.848 0 0 0 63 CounterTop 1.391 1.028 0.897 0 0 0 64 CounterTop 1.391 1.028 4.716 0 0 0 65 Cabinet 1.054 0.422 4.548 0 0 0 66 Cabinet 1.317 2.134 0.517 0 0 0 67 Cabinet 1.317 2.134 4.889 0 0 0 68 Cabinet 1.317 2.134 3.095 0 0 0 69 Cabinet 0.443 0.422 0.743 0 0 0 70 Cabinet 1.270 2.134 0.434 0 0 0 71 Cabinet -0.775 0.422 0.743 0 0 0 72 Cabinet -0.168 0.422 0.743 0 0 0 73 Cabinet 1.317 2.134 1.534 0 0 0 74 Cabinet 1.054 0.422 2.990 0 0 0 75 Cabinet 1.054 0.422 2.944 0 0 0 76 Cabinet -0.263 2.134 0.434 0 0 0 77 Cabinet 0.252 2.134 0.434 0 0 0 78 Sink 1.391 1.006 2.326 0 0 0 79 Microwave 0.108 0.981 0.262 0 0 0 80 HousePlant -0.165 0.826 6.444 0 0 0 81 CoffeeMachine 1.551 0.982 0.953 0 270 0 82 Toaster 1.473 0.981 4.715 0 270 0 83 Window -2.065 1.916 3.626 90 90 0 84 Window 1.763 2.007 2.299 90 270 0 85 Fridge 2.035 0.0 5.625 0 0 0 86 SinkBasin 1.387 0.880 2.338 0 90 0 87 GarbageCan 2.001 -0.044 6.503 0 0 0 88 StoveKnob 1.140 0.934 3.987 45 270 0 89 StoveKnob 1.140 0.934 4.309 45 270 0 90 StoveKnob 1.140 0.934 4.140 45 270 0 91 StoveKnob 1.140 0.934 3.824 45 270 0 92 Vase -0.226 0.834 6.993 0 0 0 93 Vase 2.098 0.043 7.070 0 257.232 0 94 Vase -0.594 0.835 6.130 0 225 0 95 LightSwitch -2.0 1.549 6.045 0 90 0 96 Safe 2.046 1.072 7.054 0 257.232 0 97 Faucet 1.534 1.025 2.371 0 294.391 0 98 Blinds 1.738 2.563 2.312 0 90 0 99 DiningTable -0.156 0.000 6.474 0 0 0 100 Chair 0.291 0.002 6.142 0 310.162 0 101 GarbageBag -1.092 0.318 0.268 270 90 83.492 102 NorthWall 103 EastWall 104 SouthWall 105 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Turn left and walk towards the black circle table. | STEP 2: Pick up the yellow knife from the table. | STEP 3: Turn to the right and walk towards the drawer below the toaster. | STEP 4: Open the drawer and place the knife in it. | STEP 5: Turn around and walk towards the black circle table. | STEP 6: Pick up the other yellow knife on the table. | STEP 7: Turn to the right and walk towards the drawer below the toaster. | STEP 8: Open the drawer and place the knife in it. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Turn left and walk towards the black circle table. ", " STEP 2: Pick up the yellow knife from the table. ", " STEP 3: Turn to the right and walk towards the drawer below the toaster. ", " STEP 4: Open the drawer and place the knife in it. ", " STEP 5: Turn around and walk towards the black circle table. ", " STEP 6: Pick up the other yellow knife on the table. ", " STEP 7: Turn to the right and walk towards the drawer below the toaster. ", " STEP 8: Open the drawer and place the knife in it. ", " END" ] ]
Place knives into a drawer.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " 0.5", " 0.900", " 1.75", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Pan", " 2.051", " 1.513", " 5.626", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 85" ], [ "2", " Potato", " -0.687", " 1.027", " 0.486", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "3", " DishSponge", " 1.332", " 0.896", " 2.137", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 86" ], [ "4", " DishSponge", " 0.192", " 0.759", " 6.565", " 0", " 225", " 0", " 99" ], [ "5", " ButterKnife", " -0.535", " 0.992", " 0.395", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "6", " ButterKnife", " 0.169", " 0.760", " 6.807", " 0", " 315", " 0", " 99" ], [ "7", " Pot", " 1.32", " 0.988", " 3.848", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 62" ], [ "8", " Spoon", " -0.617", " 0.772", " 0.395", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 59" ], [ "9", " Fork", " 0.620", " 0.993", " 0.486", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "10", " Fork", " -0.467", " 0.760", " 6.416", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 99" ], [ "11", " Egg", " 1.966", " 1.565", " 5.876", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 85" ], [ "12", " Egg", " 1.332", " 0.946", " 2.525", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 86" ], [ "13", " Cup", " 1.135", " 0.988", " 0.668", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "14", " Plate", " 0.958", " 1.580", " 0.251", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 70" ], [ "15", " Knife", " -0.332", " 0.789", " 6.217", " 0", " 315", " 0", " 99" ], [ "16", " Tomato", " -0.384", " 1.042", " 0.670", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "17", " Tomato", " 2.055", " 0.130", " 6.469", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 87" ], [ "18", " SoapBottle", " 1.238", " 0.140", " 2.086", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 75" ], [ "19", " SoapBottle", " 1.406", " 0.140", " 2.720", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 75" ], [ "20", " PepperShaker", " -0.275", " 0.139", " 0.429", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 71" ], [ "21", " SaltShaker", " 1.585", " 2.202", " 4.175", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "22", " SaltShaker", " 1.400", " 0.136", " 4.608", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 65" ], [ "23", " Lettuce", " 1.493", " 1.081", " 0.213", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "24", " Lettuce", " 0.305", " 0.848", " 6.604", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 99" ], [ "25", " Mug", " 0.064", " 1.092", " 0.310", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 79" ], [ "26", " Apple", " -0.003", " 0.834", " 6.479", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 99" ], [ "27", " Apple", " 1.225", " 1.067", " 1.577", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "28", " Bowl", " -0.134", " 1.578", " 0.251", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 76" ], [ "29", " Bread", " -0.221", " 0.829", " 6.787", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 99" ], [ "30", " Egg", " 1.497", " 0.941", " 2.525", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 86" ], [ "31", " Knife", " -0.487", " 0.789", " 6.807", " 0", " 135", " 0", " 99" ], [ "32", " Fork", " 0.803", " 0.772", " 0.395", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 55" ], [ "33", " Apple", " -0.308", " 1.067", " 0.303", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "34", " Kettle", " 1.317", " 0.988", " 4.294", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "35", " Plate", " -0.552", " 0.144", " 0.506", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 71" ], [ "36", " SaltShaker", " -0.346", " 0.755", " 6.632", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 99" ], [ "37", " Lettuce", " -0.459", " 1.081", " 0.486", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "38", " SoapBottle", " 0.604", " 0.143", " 0.576", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 69" ], [ "39", " Spatula", " 0.102", " 0.775", " 6.305", " 0", " 225", " 0", " 99" ], [ "40", " PaperTowelRoll", " -0.353", " 0.864", " 6.019", " 0", " 225", " 0", " 99" ], [ "41", " Pot", " 1.559", " 0.988", " 4.294", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 61" ], [ "42", " Potato", " 0.150", " 0.794", " 6.416", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 99" ], [ "43", " ButterKnife", " 0.923", " 0.992", " 0.212", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "44", " PepperShaker", " 1.402", " 2.202", " 3.933", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 67" ], [ "45", " Pan", " 1.562", " 0.988", " 3.848", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 57" ], [ "46", " Tomato", " 1.442", " 0.940", " 2.085", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 86" ], [ "47", " DishSponge", " 0.124", " 0.771", " 0.618", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 60" ], [ "48", " Cup", " 0.125", " 0.756", " 6.851", " 0", " 225", " 0", " 99" ], [ "49", " Spoon", " -0.096", " 0.761", " 6.632", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 99" ], [ "50", " Mug", " 1.402", " 2.202", " 3.747", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "51", " Cabinet", " 1.307", " 2.455", " 4.360", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " Cabinet", " 1.054", " 0.422", " 1.710", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " Drawer", " 1.280", " 0.808", " 4.718", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " Cabinet", " 1.307", " 2.455", " 3.607", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "55", " Drawer", " 0.736", " 0.802", " 0.521", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "56", " Drawer", " 1.276", " 0.802", " 3.291", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "57", " StoveBurner", " 1.562", " 0.982", " 3.848", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "58", " StoveBurner", " 1.317", " 0.982", " 4.294", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "59", " Drawer", " -0.482", " 0.802", " 0.521", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "60", " Drawer", " 0.124", " 0.802", " 0.521", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "61", " StoveBurner", " 1.559", " 0.982", " 4.294", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "62", " StoveBurner", " 1.320", " 0.982", " 3.848", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "63", " 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" 0.434", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "77", " Cabinet", " 0.252", " 2.134", " 0.434", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "78", " Sink", " 1.391", " 1.006", " 2.326", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "79", " Microwave", " 0.108", " 0.981", " 0.262", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "80", " HousePlant", " -0.165", " 0.826", " 6.444", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "81", " CoffeeMachine", " 1.551", " 0.982", " 0.953", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "82", " Toaster", " 1.473", " 0.981", " 4.715", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "83", " Window", " -2.065", " 1.916", " 3.626", " 90", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "84", " Window", " 1.763", " 2.007", " 2.299", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "85", " Fridge", " 2.035", " 0.0", " 5.625", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "86", " SinkBasin", " 1.387", " 0.880", " 2.338", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "87", " GarbageCan", " 2.001", " -0.044", " 6.503", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "88", " StoveKnob", " 1.140", " 0.934", " 3.987", " 45", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "89", " StoveKnob", " 1.140", " 0.934", " 4.309", " 45", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "90", " StoveKnob", " 1.140", " 0.934", " 4.140", " 45", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "91", " StoveKnob", " 1.140", " 0.934", " 3.824", " 45", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "92", " Vase", " -0.226", " 0.834", " 6.993", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "93", " Vase", " 2.098", " 0.043", " 7.070", " 0", " 257.232", " 0", "" ], [ "94", " Vase", " -0.594", " 0.835", " 6.130", " 0", " 225", " 0", "" ], [ "95", " LightSwitch", " -2.0", " 1.549", " 6.045", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "96", " Safe", " 2.046", " 1.072", " 7.054", " 0", " 257.232", " 0", "" ], [ "97", " Faucet", " 1.534", " 1.025", " 2.371", " 0", " 294.391", " 0", "" ], [ "98", " Blinds", " 1.738", " 2.563", " 2.312", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "99", " DiningTable", " -0.156", " 0.000", " 6.474", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "100", " Chair", " 0.291", " 0.002", " 6.142", " 0", " 310.162", " 0", "" ], [ "101", " GarbageBag", " -1.092", " 0.318", " 0.268", " 270", " 90", " 83.492", "" ], [ "102", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "103", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "104", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "105", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent 0.5 0.900 1.75 0 90 0 1 Pan 2.051 1.513 5.626 0 0 0 85 2 Potato -0.687 1.027 0.486 0 0 0 63 3 DishSponge 1.332 0.896 2.137 0 90 0 86 4 DishSponge 0.192 0.759 6.565 0 225 0 99 5 ButterKnife -0.535 0.992 0.395 0 0 0 63 6 ButterKnife 0.169 0.760 6.807 0 315 0 99 7 Pot 1.32 0.988 3.848 0 0 0 62 8 Spoon -0.617 0.772 0.395 0 0 0 59 9 Fork 0.620 0.993 0.486 0 0 0 63 10 Fork -0.467 0.760 6.416 0 270 0 99 11 Egg 1.966 1.565 5.876 0 270 0 85 12 Egg 1.332 0.946 2.525 0 90 0 86 13 Cup 1.135 0.988 0.668 0 0 0 63 14 Plate 0.958 1.580 0.251 0 0 0 70 15 Knife -0.332 0.789 6.217 0 315 0 99 16 Tomato -0.384 1.042 0.670 0 0 0 63 17 Tomato 2.055 0.130 6.469 0 0 0 87 18 SoapBottle 1.238 0.140 2.086 0 0 0 75 19 SoapBottle 1.406 0.140 2.720 0 0 0 75 20 PepperShaker -0.275 0.139 0.429 0 0 0 71 21 SaltShaker 1.585 2.202 4.175 0 0 0 54 22 SaltShaker 1.400 0.136 4.608 0 0 0 65 23 Lettuce 1.493 1.081 0.213 0 0 0 63 24 Lettuce 0.305 0.848 6.604 0 270 0 99 25 Mug 0.064 1.092 0.310 0 270 0 79 26 Apple -0.003 0.834 6.479 0 270 0 99 27 Apple 1.225 1.067 1.577 0 0 0 63 28 Bowl -0.134 1.578 0.251 0 0 0 76 29 Bread -0.221 0.829 6.787 0 0 0 99 30 Egg 1.497 0.941 2.525 0 90 0 86 31 Knife -0.487 0.789 6.807 0 135 0 99 32 Fork 0.803 0.772 0.395 0 90 0 55 33 Apple -0.308 1.067 0.303 0 0 0 63 34 Kettle 1.317 0.988 4.294 0 0 0 58 35 Plate -0.552 0.144 0.506 0 0 0 71 36 SaltShaker -0.346 0.755 6.632 0 0 0 99 37 Lettuce -0.459 1.081 0.486 0 0 0 63 38 SoapBottle 0.604 0.143 0.576 0 0 0 69 39 Spatula 0.102 0.775 6.305 0 225 0 99 40 PaperTowelRoll -0.353 0.864 6.019 0 225 0 99 41 Pot 1.559 0.988 4.294 0 0 0 61 42 Potato 0.150 0.794 6.416 0 270 0 99 43 ButterKnife 0.923 0.992 0.212 0 0 0 63 44 PepperShaker 1.402 2.202 3.933 0 0 0 67 45 Pan 1.562 0.988 3.848 0 0 0 57 46 Tomato 1.442 0.940 2.085 0 90 0 86 47 DishSponge 0.124 0.771 0.618 0 0 0 60 48 Cup 0.125 0.756 6.851 0 225 0 99 49 Spoon -0.096 0.761 6.632 0 0 0 99 50 Mug 1.402 2.202 3.747 0 0 0 54 51 Cabinet 1.307 2.455 4.360 0 0 0 52 Cabinet 1.054 0.422 1.710 0 0 0 53 Drawer 1.280 0.808 4.718 0 0 0 54 Cabinet 1.307 2.455 3.607 0 0 0 55 Drawer 0.736 0.802 0.521 0 0 0 56 Drawer 1.276 0.802 3.291 0 0 0 57 StoveBurner 1.562 0.982 3.848 0 0 0 58 StoveBurner 1.317 0.982 4.294 0 0 0 59 Drawer -0.482 0.802 0.521 0 0 0 60 Drawer 0.124 0.802 0.521 0 0 0 61 StoveBurner 1.559 0.982 4.294 0 0 0 62 StoveBurner 1.320 0.982 3.848 0 0 0 63 CounterTop 1.391 1.028 0.897 0 0 0 64 CounterTop 1.391 1.028 4.716 0 0 0 65 Cabinet 1.054 0.422 4.548 0 0 0 66 Cabinet 1.317 2.134 0.517 0 0 0 67 Cabinet 1.317 2.134 4.889 0 0 0 68 Cabinet 1.317 2.134 3.095 0 0 0 69 Cabinet 0.443 0.422 0.743 0 0 0 70 Cabinet 1.270 2.134 0.434 0 0 0 71 Cabinet -0.775 0.422 0.743 0 0 0 72 Cabinet -0.168 0.422 0.743 0 0 0 73 Cabinet 1.317 2.134 1.534 0 0 0 74 Cabinet 1.054 0.422 2.990 0 0 0 75 Cabinet 1.054 0.422 2.944 0 0 0 76 Cabinet -0.263 2.134 0.434 0 0 0 77 Cabinet 0.252 2.134 0.434 0 0 0 78 Sink 1.391 1.006 2.326 0 0 0 79 Microwave 0.108 0.981 0.262 0 0 0 80 HousePlant -0.165 0.826 6.444 0 0 0 81 CoffeeMachine 1.551 0.982 0.953 0 270 0 82 Toaster 1.473 0.981 4.715 0 270 0 83 Window -2.065 1.916 3.626 90 90 0 84 Window 1.763 2.007 2.299 90 270 0 85 Fridge 2.035 0.0 5.625 0 0 0 86 SinkBasin 1.387 0.880 2.338 0 90 0 87 GarbageCan 2.001 -0.044 6.503 0 0 0 88 StoveKnob 1.140 0.934 3.987 45 270 0 89 StoveKnob 1.140 0.934 4.309 45 270 0 90 StoveKnob 1.140 0.934 4.140 45 270 0 91 StoveKnob 1.140 0.934 3.824 45 270 0 92 Vase -0.226 0.834 6.993 0 0 0 93 Vase 2.098 0.043 7.070 0 257.232 0 94 Vase -0.594 0.835 6.130 0 225 0 95 LightSwitch -2.0 1.549 6.045 0 90 0 96 Safe 2.046 1.072 7.054 0 257.232 0 97 Faucet 1.534 1.025 2.371 0 294.391 0 98 Blinds 1.738 2.563 2.312 0 90 0 99 DiningTable -0.156 0.000 6.474 0 0 0 100 Chair 0.291 0.002 6.142 0 310.162 0 101 GarbageBag -1.092 0.318 0.268 270 90 83.492 102 NorthWall 103 EastWall 104 SouthWall 105 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Turn left, move to the table, near the chair. | STEP 2: Pick up the knife, near the paper towel, from the table | STEP 3: Turn right, move to the counter between the stove and refrigerator. | STEP 4: Place the knife into the drawer left of the stove. | STEP 5: Turn left, move to the table, opposite the chair. | STEP 6: Pick up the knife from the table. | STEP 7: Turn left, move to the counter between the stove and refrigerator. | STEP 8: Place the knife into the drawer left of the stove. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Turn left, move to the table, near the chair. ", " STEP 2: Pick up the knife, near the paper towel, from the table ", " STEP 3: Turn right, move to the counter between the stove and refrigerator. ", " STEP 4: Place the knife into the drawer left of the stove. ", " STEP 5: Turn left, move to the table, opposite the chair. ", " STEP 6: Pick up the knife from the table. ", " STEP 7: Turn left, move to the counter between the stove and refrigerator. ", " STEP 8: Place the knife into the drawer left of the stove. ", " END" ] ]
Put two knives in a drawer.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " 0.5", " 0.900", " 1.75", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Pan", " 2.051", " 1.513", " 5.626", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 85" ], [ "2", " Potato", " -0.687", " 1.027", " 0.486", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "3", " DishSponge", " 1.332", " 0.896", " 2.137", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 86" ], [ "4", " DishSponge", " 0.192", " 0.759", " 6.565", " 0", " 225", " 0", " 99" ], [ "5", " ButterKnife", " -0.535", " 0.992", " 0.395", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "6", " ButterKnife", " 0.169", " 0.760", " 6.807", " 0", " 315", " 0", " 99" ], [ "7", " Pot", " 1.32", " 0.988", " 3.848", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 62" ], [ "8", " Spoon", " -0.617", " 0.772", " 0.395", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 59" ], [ "9", " Fork", " 0.620", " 0.993", " 0.486", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "10", " Fork", " -0.467", " 0.760", " 6.416", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 99" ], [ "11", " Egg", " 1.966", " 1.565", " 5.876", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 85" ], [ "12", " Egg", " 1.332", " 0.946", " 2.525", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 86" ], [ "13", " Cup", " 1.135", " 0.988", " 0.668", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "14", " Plate", " 0.958", " 1.580", " 0.251", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 70" ], [ "15", " Knife", " -0.332", " 0.789", " 6.217", " 0", " 315", " 0", " 99" ], [ "16", " Tomato", " -0.384", " 1.042", " 0.670", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "17", " Tomato", " 2.055", " 0.130", " 6.469", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 87" ], [ "18", " SoapBottle", " 1.238", " 0.140", " 2.086", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 75" ], [ "19", " SoapBottle", " 1.406", " 0.140", " 2.720", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 75" ], [ "20", " PepperShaker", " -0.275", " 0.139", " 0.429", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 71" ], [ "21", " SaltShaker", " 1.585", " 2.202", " 4.175", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "22", " SaltShaker", " 1.400", " 0.136", " 4.608", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 65" ], [ "23", " Lettuce", " 1.493", " 1.081", " 0.213", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "24", " Lettuce", " 0.305", " 0.848", " 6.604", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 99" ], [ "25", " Mug", " 0.064", " 1.092", " 0.310", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 79" ], [ "26", " Apple", " -0.003", " 0.834", " 6.479", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 99" ], [ "27", " Apple", " 1.225", " 1.067", " 1.577", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "28", " Bowl", " -0.134", " 1.578", " 0.251", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 76" ], [ "29", " Bread", " -0.221", " 0.829", " 6.787", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 99" ], [ "30", " Egg", " 1.497", " 0.941", " 2.525", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 86" ], [ "31", " Knife", " -0.487", " 0.789", " 6.807", " 0", " 135", " 0", " 99" ], [ "32", " Fork", " 0.803", " 0.772", " 0.395", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 55" ], [ "33", " Apple", " -0.308", " 1.067", " 0.303", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "34", " Kettle", " 1.317", " 0.988", " 4.294", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "35", " Plate", " -0.552", " 0.144", " 0.506", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 71" ], [ "36", " SaltShaker", " -0.346", " 0.755", " 6.632", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 99" ], [ "37", " Lettuce", " -0.459", " 1.081", " 0.486", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "38", " SoapBottle", " 0.604", " 0.143", " 0.576", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 69" ], [ "39", " Spatula", " 0.102", " 0.775", " 6.305", " 0", " 225", " 0", " 99" ], [ "40", " PaperTowelRoll", " -0.353", " 0.864", " 6.019", " 0", " 225", " 0", " 99" ], [ "41", " Pot", " 1.559", " 0.988", " 4.294", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 61" ], [ "42", " Potato", " 0.150", " 0.794", " 6.416", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 99" ], [ "43", " ButterKnife", " 0.923", " 0.992", " 0.212", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "44", " PepperShaker", " 1.402", " 2.202", " 3.933", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 67" ], [ "45", " Pan", " 1.562", " 0.988", " 3.848", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 57" ], [ "46", " Tomato", " 1.442", " 0.940", " 2.085", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 86" ], [ "47", " DishSponge", " 0.124", " 0.771", " 0.618", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 60" ], [ "48", " Cup", " 0.125", " 0.756", " 6.851", " 0", " 225", " 0", " 99" ], [ "49", " Spoon", " -0.096", " 0.761", " 6.632", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 99" ], [ "50", " Mug", " 1.402", " 2.202", " 3.747", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "51", " Cabinet", " 1.307", " 2.455", " 4.360", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " Cabinet", " 1.054", " 0.422", " 1.710", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " Drawer", " 1.280", " 0.808", " 4.718", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " Cabinet", " 1.307", " 2.455", " 3.607", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "55", " Drawer", " 0.736", " 0.802", " 0.521", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "56", " Drawer", " 1.276", " 0.802", " 3.291", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "57", " StoveBurner", " 1.562", " 0.982", " 3.848", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "58", " StoveBurner", " 1.317", " 0.982", " 4.294", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "59", " Drawer", " -0.482", " 0.802", " 0.521", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "60", " Drawer", " 0.124", " 0.802", " 0.521", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "61", " StoveBurner", " 1.559", " 0.982", " 4.294", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "62", " StoveBurner", " 1.320", " 0.982", " 3.848", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "63", " CounterTop", " 1.391", " 1.028", " 0.897", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "64", " CounterTop", " 1.391", " 1.028", " 4.716", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "65", " Cabinet", " 1.054", " 0.422", " 4.548", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "66", " Cabinet", " 1.317", " 2.134", " 0.517", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "67", " Cabinet", " 1.317", " 2.134", " 4.889", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "68", " Cabinet", " 1.317", " 2.134", " 3.095", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "69", " Cabinet", " 0.443", " 0.422", " 0.743", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "70", " Cabinet", " 1.270", " 2.134", " 0.434", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "71", " Cabinet", " -0.775", " 0.422", " 0.743", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "72", " Cabinet", " -0.168", " 0.422", " 0.743", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "73", " Cabinet", " 1.317", " 2.134", " 1.534", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "74", " Cabinet", " 1.054", " 0.422", " 2.990", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "75", " Cabinet", " 1.054", " 0.422", " 2.944", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "76", " Cabinet", " -0.263", " 2.134", " 0.434", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "77", " Cabinet", " 0.252", " 2.134", " 0.434", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "78", " Sink", " 1.391", " 1.006", " 2.326", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "79", " Microwave", " 0.108", " 0.981", " 0.262", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "80", " HousePlant", " -0.165", " 0.826", " 6.444", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "81", " CoffeeMachine", " 1.551", " 0.982", " 0.953", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "82", " Toaster", " 1.473", " 0.981", " 4.715", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "83", " Window", " -2.065", " 1.916", " 3.626", " 90", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "84", " Window", " 1.763", " 2.007", " 2.299", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "85", " Fridge", " 2.035", " 0.0", " 5.625", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "86", " SinkBasin", " 1.387", " 0.880", " 2.338", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "87", " GarbageCan", " 2.001", " -0.044", " 6.503", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "88", " StoveKnob", " 1.140", " 0.934", " 3.987", " 45", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "89", " StoveKnob", " 1.140", " 0.934", " 4.309", " 45", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "90", " StoveKnob", " 1.140", " 0.934", " 4.140", " 45", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "91", " StoveKnob", " 1.140", " 0.934", " 3.824", " 45", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "92", " Vase", " -0.226", " 0.834", " 6.993", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "93", " Vase", " 2.098", " 0.043", " 7.070", " 0", " 257.232", " 0", "" ], [ "94", " Vase", " -0.594", " 0.835", " 6.130", " 0", " 225", " 0", "" ], [ "95", " LightSwitch", " -2.0", " 1.549", " 6.045", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "96", " Safe", " 2.046", " 1.072", " 7.054", " 0", " 257.232", " 0", "" ], [ "97", " Faucet", " 1.534", " 1.025", " 2.371", " 0", " 294.391", " 0", "" ], [ "98", " Blinds", " 1.738", " 2.563", " 2.312", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "99", " DiningTable", " -0.156", " 0.000", " 6.474", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "100", " Chair", " 0.291", " 0.002", " 6.142", " 0", " 310.162", " 0", "" ], [ "101", " GarbageBag", " -1.092", " 0.318", " 0.268", " 270", " 90", " 83.492", "" ], [ "102", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "103", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "104", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "105", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent 0.5 0.900 1.75 0 90 0 1 Pan 2.051 1.513 5.626 0 0 0 85 2 Potato -0.687 1.027 0.486 0 0 0 63 3 DishSponge 1.332 0.896 2.137 0 90 0 86 4 DishSponge 0.192 0.759 6.565 0 225 0 99 5 ButterKnife -0.535 0.992 0.395 0 0 0 63 6 ButterKnife 0.169 0.760 6.807 0 315 0 99 7 Pot 1.32 0.988 3.848 0 0 0 62 8 Spoon -0.617 0.772 0.395 0 0 0 59 9 Fork 0.620 0.993 0.486 0 0 0 63 10 Fork -0.467 0.760 6.416 0 270 0 99 11 Egg 1.966 1.565 5.876 0 270 0 85 12 Egg 1.332 0.946 2.525 0 90 0 86 13 Cup 1.135 0.988 0.668 0 0 0 63 14 Plate 0.958 1.580 0.251 0 0 0 70 15 Knife -0.332 0.789 6.217 0 315 0 99 16 Tomato -0.384 1.042 0.670 0 0 0 63 17 Tomato 2.055 0.130 6.469 0 0 0 87 18 SoapBottle 1.238 0.140 2.086 0 0 0 75 19 SoapBottle 1.406 0.140 2.720 0 0 0 75 20 PepperShaker -0.275 0.139 0.429 0 0 0 71 21 SaltShaker 1.585 2.202 4.175 0 0 0 54 22 SaltShaker 1.400 0.136 4.608 0 0 0 65 23 Lettuce 1.493 1.081 0.213 0 0 0 63 24 Lettuce 0.305 0.848 6.604 0 270 0 99 25 Mug 0.064 1.092 0.310 0 270 0 79 26 Apple -0.003 0.834 6.479 0 270 0 99 27 Apple 1.225 1.067 1.577 0 0 0 63 28 Bowl -0.134 1.578 0.251 0 0 0 76 29 Bread -0.221 0.829 6.787 0 0 0 99 30 Egg 1.497 0.941 2.525 0 90 0 86 31 Knife -0.487 0.789 6.807 0 135 0 99 32 Fork 0.803 0.772 0.395 0 90 0 55 33 Apple -0.308 1.067 0.303 0 0 0 63 34 Kettle 1.317 0.988 4.294 0 0 0 58 35 Plate -0.552 0.144 0.506 0 0 0 71 36 SaltShaker -0.346 0.755 6.632 0 0 0 99 37 Lettuce -0.459 1.081 0.486 0 0 0 63 38 SoapBottle 0.604 0.143 0.576 0 0 0 69 39 Spatula 0.102 0.775 6.305 0 225 0 99 40 PaperTowelRoll -0.353 0.864 6.019 0 225 0 99 41 Pot 1.559 0.988 4.294 0 0 0 61 42 Potato 0.150 0.794 6.416 0 270 0 99 43 ButterKnife 0.923 0.992 0.212 0 0 0 63 44 PepperShaker 1.402 2.202 3.933 0 0 0 67 45 Pan 1.562 0.988 3.848 0 0 0 57 46 Tomato 1.442 0.940 2.085 0 90 0 86 47 DishSponge 0.124 0.771 0.618 0 0 0 60 48 Cup 0.125 0.756 6.851 0 225 0 99 49 Spoon -0.096 0.761 6.632 0 0 0 99 50 Mug 1.402 2.202 3.747 0 0 0 54 51 Cabinet 1.307 2.455 4.360 0 0 0 52 Cabinet 1.054 0.422 1.710 0 0 0 53 Drawer 1.280 0.808 4.718 0 0 0 54 Cabinet 1.307 2.455 3.607 0 0 0 55 Drawer 0.736 0.802 0.521 0 0 0 56 Drawer 1.276 0.802 3.291 0 0 0 57 StoveBurner 1.562 0.982 3.848 0 0 0 58 StoveBurner 1.317 0.982 4.294 0 0 0 59 Drawer -0.482 0.802 0.521 0 0 0 60 Drawer 0.124 0.802 0.521 0 0 0 61 StoveBurner 1.559 0.982 4.294 0 0 0 62 StoveBurner 1.320 0.982 3.848 0 0 0 63 CounterTop 1.391 1.028 0.897 0 0 0 64 CounterTop 1.391 1.028 4.716 0 0 0 65 Cabinet 1.054 0.422 4.548 0 0 0 66 Cabinet 1.317 2.134 0.517 0 0 0 67 Cabinet 1.317 2.134 4.889 0 0 0 68 Cabinet 1.317 2.134 3.095 0 0 0 69 Cabinet 0.443 0.422 0.743 0 0 0 70 Cabinet 1.270 2.134 0.434 0 0 0 71 Cabinet -0.775 0.422 0.743 0 0 0 72 Cabinet -0.168 0.422 0.743 0 0 0 73 Cabinet 1.317 2.134 1.534 0 0 0 74 Cabinet 1.054 0.422 2.990 0 0 0 75 Cabinet 1.054 0.422 2.944 0 0 0 76 Cabinet -0.263 2.134 0.434 0 0 0 77 Cabinet 0.252 2.134 0.434 0 0 0 78 Sink 1.391 1.006 2.326 0 0 0 79 Microwave 0.108 0.981 0.262 0 0 0 80 HousePlant -0.165 0.826 6.444 0 0 0 81 CoffeeMachine 1.551 0.982 0.953 0 270 0 82 Toaster 1.473 0.981 4.715 0 270 0 83 Window -2.065 1.916 3.626 90 90 0 84 Window 1.763 2.007 2.299 90 270 0 85 Fridge 2.035 0.0 5.625 0 0 0 86 SinkBasin 1.387 0.880 2.338 0 90 0 87 GarbageCan 2.001 -0.044 6.503 0 0 0 88 StoveKnob 1.140 0.934 3.987 45 270 0 89 StoveKnob 1.140 0.934 4.309 45 270 0 90 StoveKnob 1.140 0.934 4.140 45 270 0 91 StoveKnob 1.140 0.934 3.824 45 270 0 92 Vase -0.226 0.834 6.993 0 0 0 93 Vase 2.098 0.043 7.070 0 257.232 0 94 Vase -0.594 0.835 6.130 0 225 0 95 LightSwitch -2.0 1.549 6.045 0 90 0 96 Safe 2.046 1.072 7.054 0 257.232 0 97 Faucet 1.534 1.025 2.371 0 294.391 0 98 Blinds 1.738 2.563 2.312 0 90 0 99 DiningTable -0.156 0.000 6.474 0 0 0 100 Chair 0.291 0.002 6.142 0 310.162 0 101 GarbageBag -1.092 0.318 0.268 270 90 83.492 102 NorthWall 103 EastWall 104 SouthWall 105 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Back away from the counter and go to the left to the dining table. | STEP 2: Pick up the big knife that is on the table behind the paper towels. | STEP 3: Turn to the right and go to the drawer between the fridge and stove. | STEP 4: Open the drawer, put the knife inside, close the drawer. | STEP 5: Turn around and go to the wall, go right to the dining table. | STEP 6: Pick up the knife that is on the table by the bread. | STEP 7: Turn around and go to the left, then go left to the drawer between the fridge and stove. | STEP 8: Open the drawer, put the knife inside, close the drawer, | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Back away from the counter and go to the left to the dining table. ", " STEP 2: Pick up the big knife that is on the table behind the paper towels. ", " STEP 3: Turn to the right and go to the drawer between the fridge and stove. ", " STEP 4: Open the drawer, put the knife inside, close the drawer. ", " STEP 5: Turn around and go to the wall, go right to the dining table. ", " STEP 6: Pick up the knife that is on the table by the bread. ", " STEP 7: Turn around and go to the left, then go left to the drawer between the fridge and stove. ", " STEP 8: Open the drawer, put the knife inside, close the drawer, ", " END" ] ]
Put two knives on the cabinet drawer
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " 0.5", " 0.900", " 1.75", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Pan", " 2.051", " 1.513", " 5.626", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 85" ], [ "2", " Potato", " -0.687", " 1.027", " 0.486", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "3", " DishSponge", " 1.332", " 0.896", " 2.137", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 86" ], [ "4", " DishSponge", " 0.192", " 0.759", " 6.565", " 0", " 225", " 0", " 99" ], [ "5", " ButterKnife", " -0.535", " 0.992", " 0.395", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "6", " ButterKnife", " 0.169", " 0.760", " 6.807", " 0", " 315", " 0", " 99" ], [ "7", " Pot", " 1.32", " 0.988", " 3.848", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 62" ], [ "8", " Spoon", " -0.617", " 0.772", " 0.395", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 59" ], [ "9", " Fork", " 0.620", " 0.993", " 0.486", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "10", " Fork", " -0.467", " 0.760", " 6.416", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 99" ], [ "11", " Egg", " 1.966", " 1.565", " 5.876", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 85" ], [ "12", " Egg", " 1.332", " 0.946", " 2.525", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 86" ], [ "13", " Cup", " 1.135", " 0.988", " 0.668", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "14", " Plate", " 0.958", " 1.580", " 0.251", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 70" ], [ "15", " Knife", " -0.332", " 0.789", " 6.217", " 0", " 315", " 0", " 99" ], [ "16", " Tomato", " -0.384", " 1.042", " 0.670", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "17", " Tomato", " 2.055", " 0.130", " 6.469", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 87" ], [ "18", " SoapBottle", " 1.238", " 0.140", " 2.086", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 75" ], [ "19", " SoapBottle", " 1.406", " 0.140", " 2.720", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 75" ], [ "20", " PepperShaker", " -0.275", " 0.139", " 0.429", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 71" ], [ "21", " SaltShaker", " 1.585", " 2.202", " 4.175", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "22", " SaltShaker", " 1.400", " 0.136", " 4.608", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 65" ], [ "23", " Lettuce", " 1.493", " 1.081", " 0.213", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "24", " Lettuce", " 0.305", " 0.848", " 6.604", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 99" ], [ "25", " Mug", " 0.064", " 1.092", " 0.310", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 79" ], [ "26", " Apple", " -0.003", " 0.834", " 6.479", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 99" ], [ "27", " Apple", " 1.225", " 1.067", " 1.577", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "28", " Bowl", " -0.134", " 1.578", " 0.251", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 76" ], [ "29", " Bread", " -0.221", " 0.829", " 6.787", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 99" ], [ "30", " Egg", " 1.497", " 0.941", " 2.525", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 86" ], [ "31", " Knife", " -0.487", " 0.789", " 6.807", " 0", " 135", " 0", " 99" ], [ "32", " Fork", " 0.803", " 0.772", " 0.395", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 55" ], [ "33", " Apple", " -0.308", " 1.067", " 0.303", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "34", " Kettle", " 1.317", " 0.988", " 4.294", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "35", " Plate", " -0.552", " 0.144", " 0.506", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 71" ], [ "36", " SaltShaker", " -0.346", " 0.755", " 6.632", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 99" ], [ "37", " Lettuce", " -0.459", " 1.081", " 0.486", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "38", " SoapBottle", " 0.604", " 0.143", " 0.576", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 69" ], [ "39", " Spatula", " 0.102", " 0.775", " 6.305", " 0", " 225", " 0", " 99" ], [ "40", " PaperTowelRoll", " -0.353", " 0.864", " 6.019", " 0", " 225", " 0", " 99" ], [ "41", " Pot", " 1.559", " 0.988", " 4.294", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 61" ], [ "42", " Potato", " 0.150", " 0.794", " 6.416", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 99" ], [ "43", " ButterKnife", " 0.923", " 0.992", " 0.212", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "44", " PepperShaker", " 1.402", " 2.202", " 3.933", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 67" ], [ "45", " Pan", " 1.562", " 0.988", " 3.848", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 57" ], [ "46", " Tomato", " 1.442", " 0.940", " 2.085", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 86" ], [ "47", " DishSponge", " 0.124", " 0.771", " 0.618", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 60" ], [ "48", " Cup", " 0.125", " 0.756", " 6.851", " 0", " 225", " 0", " 99" ], [ "49", " Spoon", " -0.096", " 0.761", " 6.632", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 99" ], [ "50", " Mug", " 1.402", " 2.202", " 3.747", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "51", " Cabinet", " 1.307", " 2.455", " 4.360", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " Cabinet", " 1.054", " 0.422", " 1.710", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " Drawer", " 1.280", " 0.808", " 4.718", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " Cabinet", " 1.307", " 2.455", " 3.607", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "55", " Drawer", " 0.736", " 0.802", " 0.521", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "56", " Drawer", " 1.276", " 0.802", " 3.291", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "57", " StoveBurner", " 1.562", " 0.982", " 3.848", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "58", " StoveBurner", " 1.317", " 0.982", " 4.294", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "59", " Drawer", " -0.482", " 0.802", " 0.521", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "60", " Drawer", " 0.124", " 0.802", " 0.521", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "61", " StoveBurner", " 1.559", " 0.982", " 4.294", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "62", " StoveBurner", " 1.320", " 0.982", " 3.848", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "63", " CounterTop", " 1.391", " 1.028", " 0.897", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "64", " CounterTop", " 1.391", " 1.028", " 4.716", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "65", " Cabinet", " 1.054", " 0.422", " 4.548", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "66", " Cabinet", " 1.317", " 2.134", " 0.517", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "67", " Cabinet", " 1.317", " 2.134", " 4.889", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "68", " Cabinet", " 1.317", " 2.134", " 3.095", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "69", " Cabinet", " 0.443", " 0.422", " 0.743", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "70", " Cabinet", " 1.270", " 2.134", " 0.434", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "71", " Cabinet", " -0.775", " 0.422", " 0.743", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "72", " Cabinet", " -0.168", " 0.422", " 0.743", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "73", " Cabinet", " 1.317", " 2.134", " 1.534", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "74", " Cabinet", " 1.054", " 0.422", " 2.990", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "75", " Cabinet", " 1.054", " 0.422", " 2.944", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "76", " Cabinet", " -0.263", " 2.134", " 0.434", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "77", " Cabinet", " 0.252", " 2.134", " 0.434", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "78", " Sink", " 1.391", " 1.006", " 2.326", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "79", " Microwave", " 0.108", " 0.981", " 0.262", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "80", " HousePlant", " -0.165", " 0.826", " 6.444", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "81", " CoffeeMachine", " 1.551", " 0.982", " 0.953", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "82", " Toaster", " 1.473", " 0.981", " 4.715", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "83", " Window", " -2.065", " 1.916", " 3.626", " 90", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "84", " Window", " 1.763", " 2.007", " 2.299", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "85", " Fridge", " 2.035", " 0.0", " 5.625", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "86", " SinkBasin", " 1.387", " 0.880", " 2.338", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "87", " GarbageCan", " 2.001", " -0.044", " 6.503", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "88", " StoveKnob", " 1.140", " 0.934", " 3.987", " 45", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "89", " StoveKnob", " 1.140", " 0.934", " 4.309", " 45", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "90", " StoveKnob", " 1.140", " 0.934", " 4.140", " 45", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "91", " StoveKnob", " 1.140", " 0.934", " 3.824", " 45", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "92", " Vase", " -0.226", " 0.834", " 6.993", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "93", " Vase", " 2.098", " 0.043", " 7.070", " 0", " 257.232", " 0", "" ], [ "94", " Vase", " -0.594", " 0.835", " 6.130", " 0", " 225", " 0", "" ], [ "95", " LightSwitch", " -2.0", " 1.549", " 6.045", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "96", " Safe", " 2.046", " 1.072", " 7.054", " 0", " 257.232", " 0", "" ], [ "97", " Faucet", " 1.534", " 1.025", " 2.371", " 0", " 294.391", " 0", "" ], [ "98", " Blinds", " 1.738", " 2.563", " 2.312", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "99", " DiningTable", " -0.156", " 0.000", " 6.474", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "100", " Chair", " 0.291", " 0.002", " 6.142", " 0", " 310.162", " 0", "" ], [ "101", " GarbageBag", " -1.092", " 0.318", " 0.268", " 270", " 90", " 83.492", "" ], [ "102", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "103", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "104", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "105", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent 0.5 0.900 1.75 0 90 0 1 Pan 2.051 1.513 5.626 0 0 0 85 2 Potato -0.687 1.027 0.486 0 0 0 63 3 DishSponge 1.332 0.896 2.137 0 90 0 86 4 DishSponge 0.192 0.759 6.565 0 225 0 99 5 ButterKnife -0.535 0.992 0.395 0 0 0 63 6 ButterKnife 0.169 0.760 6.807 0 315 0 99 7 Pot 1.32 0.988 3.848 0 0 0 62 8 Spoon -0.617 0.772 0.395 0 0 0 59 9 Fork 0.620 0.993 0.486 0 0 0 63 10 Fork -0.467 0.760 6.416 0 270 0 99 11 Egg 1.966 1.565 5.876 0 270 0 85 12 Egg 1.332 0.946 2.525 0 90 0 86 13 Cup 1.135 0.988 0.668 0 0 0 63 14 Plate 0.958 1.580 0.251 0 0 0 70 15 Knife -0.332 0.789 6.217 0 315 0 99 16 Tomato -0.384 1.042 0.670 0 0 0 63 17 Tomato 2.055 0.130 6.469 0 0 0 87 18 SoapBottle 1.238 0.140 2.086 0 0 0 75 19 SoapBottle 1.406 0.140 2.720 0 0 0 75 20 PepperShaker -0.275 0.139 0.429 0 0 0 71 21 SaltShaker 1.585 2.202 4.175 0 0 0 54 22 SaltShaker 1.400 0.136 4.608 0 0 0 65 23 Lettuce 1.493 1.081 0.213 0 0 0 63 24 Lettuce 0.305 0.848 6.604 0 270 0 99 25 Mug 0.064 1.092 0.310 0 270 0 79 26 Apple -0.003 0.834 6.479 0 270 0 99 27 Apple 1.225 1.067 1.577 0 0 0 63 28 Bowl -0.134 1.578 0.251 0 0 0 76 29 Bread -0.221 0.829 6.787 0 0 0 99 30 Egg 1.497 0.941 2.525 0 90 0 86 31 Knife -0.487 0.789 6.807 0 135 0 99 32 Fork 0.803 0.772 0.395 0 90 0 55 33 Apple -0.308 1.067 0.303 0 0 0 63 34 Kettle 1.317 0.988 4.294 0 0 0 58 35 Plate -0.552 0.144 0.506 0 0 0 71 36 SaltShaker -0.346 0.755 6.632 0 0 0 99 37 Lettuce -0.459 1.081 0.486 0 0 0 63 38 SoapBottle 0.604 0.143 0.576 0 0 0 69 39 Spatula 0.102 0.775 6.305 0 225 0 99 40 PaperTowelRoll -0.353 0.864 6.019 0 225 0 99 41 Pot 1.559 0.988 4.294 0 0 0 61 42 Potato 0.150 0.794 6.416 0 270 0 99 43 ButterKnife 0.923 0.992 0.212 0 0 0 63 44 PepperShaker 1.402 2.202 3.933 0 0 0 67 45 Pan 1.562 0.988 3.848 0 0 0 57 46 Tomato 1.442 0.940 2.085 0 90 0 86 47 DishSponge 0.124 0.771 0.618 0 0 0 60 48 Cup 0.125 0.756 6.851 0 225 0 99 49 Spoon -0.096 0.761 6.632 0 0 0 99 50 Mug 1.402 2.202 3.747 0 0 0 54 51 Cabinet 1.307 2.455 4.360 0 0 0 52 Cabinet 1.054 0.422 1.710 0 0 0 53 Drawer 1.280 0.808 4.718 0 0 0 54 Cabinet 1.307 2.455 3.607 0 0 0 55 Drawer 0.736 0.802 0.521 0 0 0 56 Drawer 1.276 0.802 3.291 0 0 0 57 StoveBurner 1.562 0.982 3.848 0 0 0 58 StoveBurner 1.317 0.982 4.294 0 0 0 59 Drawer -0.482 0.802 0.521 0 0 0 60 Drawer 0.124 0.802 0.521 0 0 0 61 StoveBurner 1.559 0.982 4.294 0 0 0 62 StoveBurner 1.320 0.982 3.848 0 0 0 63 CounterTop 1.391 1.028 0.897 0 0 0 64 CounterTop 1.391 1.028 4.716 0 0 0 65 Cabinet 1.054 0.422 4.548 0 0 0 66 Cabinet 1.317 2.134 0.517 0 0 0 67 Cabinet 1.317 2.134 4.889 0 0 0 68 Cabinet 1.317 2.134 3.095 0 0 0 69 Cabinet 0.443 0.422 0.743 0 0 0 70 Cabinet 1.270 2.134 0.434 0 0 0 71 Cabinet -0.775 0.422 0.743 0 0 0 72 Cabinet -0.168 0.422 0.743 0 0 0 73 Cabinet 1.317 2.134 1.534 0 0 0 74 Cabinet 1.054 0.422 2.990 0 0 0 75 Cabinet 1.054 0.422 2.944 0 0 0 76 Cabinet -0.263 2.134 0.434 0 0 0 77 Cabinet 0.252 2.134 0.434 0 0 0 78 Sink 1.391 1.006 2.326 0 0 0 79 Microwave 0.108 0.981 0.262 0 0 0 80 HousePlant -0.165 0.826 6.444 0 0 0 81 CoffeeMachine 1.551 0.982 0.953 0 270 0 82 Toaster 1.473 0.981 4.715 0 270 0 83 Window -2.065 1.916 3.626 90 90 0 84 Window 1.763 2.007 2.299 90 270 0 85 Fridge 2.035 0.0 5.625 0 0 0 86 SinkBasin 1.387 0.880 2.338 0 90 0 87 GarbageCan 2.001 -0.044 6.503 0 0 0 88 StoveKnob 1.140 0.934 3.987 45 270 0 89 StoveKnob 1.140 0.934 4.309 45 270 0 90 StoveKnob 1.140 0.934 4.140 45 270 0 91 StoveKnob 1.140 0.934 3.824 45 270 0 92 Vase -0.226 0.834 6.993 0 0 0 93 Vase 2.098 0.043 7.070 0 257.232 0 94 Vase -0.594 0.835 6.130 0 225 0 95 LightSwitch -2.0 1.549 6.045 0 90 0 96 Safe 2.046 1.072 7.054 0 257.232 0 97 Faucet 1.534 1.025 2.371 0 294.391 0 98 Blinds 1.738 2.563 2.312 0 90 0 99 DiningTable -0.156 0.000 6.474 0 0 0 100 Chair 0.291 0.002 6.142 0 310.162 0 101 GarbageBag -1.092 0.318 0.268 270 90 83.492 102 NorthWall 103 EastWall 104 SouthWall 105 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Turn to your left walk few steps, then turn right head to the table | STEP 2: Pick up the knife beside the tissue on the table | STEP 3: Turn to your right, then turn left head to the cabinet beside the stove | STEP 4: Pull the drawer and put in the knife, close the cabinet drawer | STEP 5: Turn around to your left, walk straight then head to the table | STEP 6: Pick up the knife on the left side of the table | STEP 7: Turn around to your left walk few step and head back to the drawer beside the stove | STEP 8: Pull the drawer, then put the knife on the right side of the other knife | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Turn to your left walk few steps, then turn right head to the table ", " STEP 2: Pick up the knife beside the tissue on the table ", " STEP 3: Turn to your right, then turn left head to the cabinet beside the stove ", " STEP 4: Pull the drawer and put in the knife, close the cabinet drawer ", " STEP 5: Turn around to your left, walk straight then head to the table ", " STEP 6: Pick up the knife on the left side of the table ", " STEP 7: Turn around to your left walk few step and head back to the drawer beside the stove ", " STEP 8: Pull the drawer, then put the knife on the right side of the other knife ", " END" ] ]
Put two knives in a drawer.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " 0.5", " 0.900", " 1.75", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Pan", " 2.051", " 1.513", " 5.626", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 85" ], [ "2", " Potato", " -0.687", " 1.027", " 0.486", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "3", " DishSponge", " 1.332", " 0.896", " 2.137", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 86" ], [ "4", " DishSponge", " 0.192", " 0.759", " 6.565", " 0", " 225", " 0", " 99" ], [ "5", " ButterKnife", " -0.535", " 0.992", " 0.395", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "6", " ButterKnife", " 0.169", " 0.760", " 6.807", " 0", " 315", " 0", " 99" ], [ "7", " Pot", " 1.32", " 0.988", " 3.848", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 62" ], [ "8", " Spoon", " -0.617", " 0.772", " 0.395", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 59" ], [ "9", " Fork", " 0.620", " 0.993", " 0.486", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "10", " Fork", " -0.467", " 0.760", " 6.416", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 99" ], [ "11", " Egg", " 1.966", " 1.565", " 5.876", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 85" ], [ "12", " Egg", " 1.332", " 0.946", " 2.525", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 86" ], [ "13", " Cup", " 1.135", " 0.988", " 0.668", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "14", " Plate", " 0.958", " 1.580", " 0.251", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 70" ], [ "15", " Knife", " -0.332", " 0.789", " 6.217", " 0", " 315", " 0", " 99" ], [ "16", " Tomato", " -0.384", " 1.042", " 0.670", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "17", " Tomato", " 2.055", " 0.130", " 6.469", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 87" ], [ "18", " SoapBottle", " 1.238", " 0.140", " 2.086", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 75" ], [ "19", " SoapBottle", " 1.406", " 0.140", " 2.720", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 75" ], [ "20", " PepperShaker", " -0.275", " 0.139", " 0.429", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 71" ], [ "21", " SaltShaker", " 1.585", " 2.202", " 4.175", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "22", " SaltShaker", " 1.400", " 0.136", " 4.608", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 65" ], [ "23", " Lettuce", " 1.493", " 1.081", " 0.213", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "24", " Lettuce", " 0.305", " 0.848", " 6.604", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 99" ], [ "25", " Mug", " 0.064", " 1.092", " 0.310", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 79" ], [ "26", " Apple", " -0.003", " 0.834", " 6.479", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 99" ], [ "27", " Apple", " 1.225", " 1.067", " 1.577", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "28", " Bowl", " -0.134", " 1.578", " 0.251", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 76" ], [ "29", " Bread", " -0.221", " 0.829", " 6.787", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 99" ], [ "30", " Egg", " 1.497", " 0.941", " 2.525", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 86" ], [ "31", " Knife", " -0.487", " 0.789", " 6.807", " 0", " 135", " 0", " 99" ], [ "32", " Fork", " 0.803", " 0.772", " 0.395", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 55" ], [ "33", " Apple", " -0.308", " 1.067", " 0.303", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "34", " Kettle", " 1.317", " 0.988", " 4.294", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "35", " Plate", " -0.552", " 0.144", " 0.506", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 71" ], [ "36", " SaltShaker", " -0.346", " 0.755", " 6.632", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 99" ], [ "37", " Lettuce", " -0.459", " 1.081", " 0.486", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "38", " SoapBottle", " 0.604", " 0.143", " 0.576", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 69" ], [ "39", " Spatula", " 0.102", " 0.775", " 6.305", " 0", " 225", " 0", " 99" ], [ "40", " PaperTowelRoll", " -0.353", " 0.864", " 6.019", " 0", " 225", " 0", " 99" ], [ "41", " Pot", " 1.559", " 0.988", " 4.294", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 61" ], [ "42", " Potato", " 0.150", " 0.794", " 6.416", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 99" ], [ "43", " ButterKnife", " 0.923", " 0.992", " 0.212", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "44", " PepperShaker", " 1.402", " 2.202", " 3.933", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 67" ], [ "45", " Pan", " 1.562", " 0.988", " 3.848", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 57" ], [ "46", " Tomato", " 1.442", " 0.940", " 2.085", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 86" ], [ "47", " DishSponge", " 0.124", " 0.771", " 0.618", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 60" ], [ "48", " Cup", " 0.125", " 0.756", " 6.851", " 0", " 225", " 0", " 99" ], [ "49", " Spoon", " -0.096", " 0.761", " 6.632", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 99" ], [ "50", " Mug", " 1.402", " 2.202", " 3.747", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "51", " Cabinet", " 1.307", " 2.455", " 4.360", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " Cabinet", " 1.054", " 0.422", " 1.710", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " Drawer", " 1.280", " 0.808", " 4.718", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " Cabinet", " 1.307", " 2.455", " 3.607", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "55", " Drawer", " 0.736", " 0.802", " 0.521", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "56", " Drawer", " 1.276", " 0.802", " 3.291", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "57", " StoveBurner", " 1.562", " 0.982", " 3.848", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "58", " StoveBurner", " 1.317", " 0.982", " 4.294", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "59", " Drawer", " -0.482", " 0.802", " 0.521", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "60", " Drawer", " 0.124", " 0.802", " 0.521", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "61", " StoveBurner", " 1.559", " 0.982", " 4.294", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "62", " StoveBurner", " 1.320", " 0.982", " 3.848", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "63", " CounterTop", " 1.391", " 1.028", " 0.897", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "64", " CounterTop", " 1.391", " 1.028", " 4.716", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "65", " Cabinet", " 1.054", " 0.422", " 4.548", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "66", " Cabinet", " 1.317", " 2.134", " 0.517", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "67", " Cabinet", " 1.317", " 2.134", " 4.889", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "68", " Cabinet", " 1.317", " 2.134", " 3.095", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "69", " Cabinet", " 0.443", " 0.422", " 0.743", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "70", " Cabinet", " 1.270", " 2.134", " 0.434", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "71", " Cabinet", " -0.775", " 0.422", " 0.743", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "72", " Cabinet", " -0.168", " 0.422", " 0.743", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "73", " Cabinet", " 1.317", " 2.134", " 1.534", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "74", " Cabinet", " 1.054", " 0.422", " 2.990", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "75", " Cabinet", " 1.054", " 0.422", " 2.944", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "76", " Cabinet", " -0.263", " 2.134", " 0.434", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "77", " Cabinet", " 0.252", " 2.134", " 0.434", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "78", " Sink", " 1.391", " 1.006", " 2.326", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "79", " Microwave", " 0.108", " 0.981", " 0.262", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "80", " HousePlant", " -0.165", " 0.826", " 6.444", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "81", " CoffeeMachine", " 1.551", " 0.982", " 0.953", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "82", " Toaster", " 1.473", " 0.981", " 4.715", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "83", " Window", " -2.065", " 1.916", " 3.626", " 90", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "84", " Window", " 1.763", " 2.007", " 2.299", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "85", " Fridge", " 2.035", " 0.0", " 5.625", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "86", " SinkBasin", " 1.387", " 0.880", " 2.338", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "87", " GarbageCan", " 2.001", " -0.044", " 6.503", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "88", " StoveKnob", " 1.140", " 0.934", " 3.987", " 45", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "89", " StoveKnob", " 1.140", " 0.934", " 4.309", " 45", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "90", " StoveKnob", " 1.140", " 0.934", " 4.140", " 45", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "91", " StoveKnob", " 1.140", " 0.934", " 3.824", " 45", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "92", " Vase", " -0.226", " 0.834", " 6.993", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "93", " Vase", " 2.098", " 0.043", " 7.070", " 0", " 257.232", " 0", "" ], [ "94", " Vase", " -0.594", " 0.835", " 6.130", " 0", " 225", " 0", "" ], [ "95", " LightSwitch", " -2.0", " 1.549", " 6.045", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "96", " Safe", " 2.046", " 1.072", " 7.054", " 0", " 257.232", " 0", "" ], [ "97", " Faucet", " 1.534", " 1.025", " 2.371", " 0", " 294.391", " 0", "" ], [ "98", " Blinds", " 1.738", " 2.563", " 2.312", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "99", " DiningTable", " -0.156", " 0.000", " 6.474", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "100", " Chair", " 0.291", " 0.002", " 6.142", " 0", " 310.162", " 0", "" ], [ "101", " GarbageBag", " -1.092", " 0.318", " 0.268", " 270", " 90", " 83.492", "" ], [ "102", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "103", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "104", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "105", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent 0.5 0.900 1.75 0 90 0 1 Pan 2.051 1.513 5.626 0 0 0 85 2 Potato -0.687 1.027 0.486 0 0 0 63 3 DishSponge 1.332 0.896 2.137 0 90 0 86 4 DishSponge 0.192 0.759 6.565 0 225 0 99 5 ButterKnife -0.535 0.992 0.395 0 0 0 63 6 ButterKnife 0.169 0.760 6.807 0 315 0 99 7 Pot 1.32 0.988 3.848 0 0 0 62 8 Spoon -0.617 0.772 0.395 0 0 0 59 9 Fork 0.620 0.993 0.486 0 0 0 63 10 Fork -0.467 0.760 6.416 0 270 0 99 11 Egg 1.966 1.565 5.876 0 270 0 85 12 Egg 1.332 0.946 2.525 0 90 0 86 13 Cup 1.135 0.988 0.668 0 0 0 63 14 Plate 0.958 1.580 0.251 0 0 0 70 15 Knife -0.332 0.789 6.217 0 315 0 99 16 Tomato -0.384 1.042 0.670 0 0 0 63 17 Tomato 2.055 0.130 6.469 0 0 0 87 18 SoapBottle 1.238 0.140 2.086 0 0 0 75 19 SoapBottle 1.406 0.140 2.720 0 0 0 75 20 PepperShaker -0.275 0.139 0.429 0 0 0 71 21 SaltShaker 1.585 2.202 4.175 0 0 0 54 22 SaltShaker 1.400 0.136 4.608 0 0 0 65 23 Lettuce 1.493 1.081 0.213 0 0 0 63 24 Lettuce 0.305 0.848 6.604 0 270 0 99 25 Mug 0.064 1.092 0.310 0 270 0 79 26 Apple -0.003 0.834 6.479 0 270 0 99 27 Apple 1.225 1.067 1.577 0 0 0 63 28 Bowl -0.134 1.578 0.251 0 0 0 76 29 Bread -0.221 0.829 6.787 0 0 0 99 30 Egg 1.497 0.941 2.525 0 90 0 86 31 Knife -0.487 0.789 6.807 0 135 0 99 32 Fork 0.803 0.772 0.395 0 90 0 55 33 Apple -0.308 1.067 0.303 0 0 0 63 34 Kettle 1.317 0.988 4.294 0 0 0 58 35 Plate -0.552 0.144 0.506 0 0 0 71 36 SaltShaker -0.346 0.755 6.632 0 0 0 99 37 Lettuce -0.459 1.081 0.486 0 0 0 63 38 SoapBottle 0.604 0.143 0.576 0 0 0 69 39 Spatula 0.102 0.775 6.305 0 225 0 99 40 PaperTowelRoll -0.353 0.864 6.019 0 225 0 99 41 Pot 1.559 0.988 4.294 0 0 0 61 42 Potato 0.150 0.794 6.416 0 270 0 99 43 ButterKnife 0.923 0.992 0.212 0 0 0 63 44 PepperShaker 1.402 2.202 3.933 0 0 0 67 45 Pan 1.562 0.988 3.848 0 0 0 57 46 Tomato 1.442 0.940 2.085 0 90 0 86 47 DishSponge 0.124 0.771 0.618 0 0 0 60 48 Cup 0.125 0.756 6.851 0 225 0 99 49 Spoon -0.096 0.761 6.632 0 0 0 99 50 Mug 1.402 2.202 3.747 0 0 0 54 51 Cabinet 1.307 2.455 4.360 0 0 0 52 Cabinet 1.054 0.422 1.710 0 0 0 53 Drawer 1.280 0.808 4.718 0 0 0 54 Cabinet 1.307 2.455 3.607 0 0 0 55 Drawer 0.736 0.802 0.521 0 0 0 56 Drawer 1.276 0.802 3.291 0 0 0 57 StoveBurner 1.562 0.982 3.848 0 0 0 58 StoveBurner 1.317 0.982 4.294 0 0 0 59 Drawer -0.482 0.802 0.521 0 0 0 60 Drawer 0.124 0.802 0.521 0 0 0 61 StoveBurner 1.559 0.982 4.294 0 0 0 62 StoveBurner 1.320 0.982 3.848 0 0 0 63 CounterTop 1.391 1.028 0.897 0 0 0 64 CounterTop 1.391 1.028 4.716 0 0 0 65 Cabinet 1.054 0.422 4.548 0 0 0 66 Cabinet 1.317 2.134 0.517 0 0 0 67 Cabinet 1.317 2.134 4.889 0 0 0 68 Cabinet 1.317 2.134 3.095 0 0 0 69 Cabinet 0.443 0.422 0.743 0 0 0 70 Cabinet 1.270 2.134 0.434 0 0 0 71 Cabinet -0.775 0.422 0.743 0 0 0 72 Cabinet -0.168 0.422 0.743 0 0 0 73 Cabinet 1.317 2.134 1.534 0 0 0 74 Cabinet 1.054 0.422 2.990 0 0 0 75 Cabinet 1.054 0.422 2.944 0 0 0 76 Cabinet -0.263 2.134 0.434 0 0 0 77 Cabinet 0.252 2.134 0.434 0 0 0 78 Sink 1.391 1.006 2.326 0 0 0 79 Microwave 0.108 0.981 0.262 0 0 0 80 HousePlant -0.165 0.826 6.444 0 0 0 81 CoffeeMachine 1.551 0.982 0.953 0 270 0 82 Toaster 1.473 0.981 4.715 0 270 0 83 Window -2.065 1.916 3.626 90 90 0 84 Window 1.763 2.007 2.299 90 270 0 85 Fridge 2.035 0.0 5.625 0 0 0 86 SinkBasin 1.387 0.880 2.338 0 90 0 87 GarbageCan 2.001 -0.044 6.503 0 0 0 88 StoveKnob 1.140 0.934 3.987 45 270 0 89 StoveKnob 1.140 0.934 4.309 45 270 0 90 StoveKnob 1.140 0.934 4.140 45 270 0 91 StoveKnob 1.140 0.934 3.824 45 270 0 92 Vase -0.226 0.834 6.993 0 0 0 93 Vase 2.098 0.043 7.070 0 257.232 0 94 Vase -0.594 0.835 6.130 0 225 0 95 LightSwitch -2.0 1.549 6.045 0 90 0 96 Safe 2.046 1.072 7.054 0 257.232 0 97 Faucet 1.534 1.025 2.371 0 294.391 0 98 Blinds 1.738 2.563 2.312 0 90 0 99 DiningTable -0.156 0.000 6.474 0 0 0 100 Chair 0.291 0.002 6.142 0 310.162 0 101 GarbageBag -1.092 0.318 0.268 270 90 83.492 102 NorthWall 103 EastWall 104 SouthWall 105 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Round, then turn right to approach the round table. | STEP 2: Pick up the knife on the table, behind a paper towel. | STEP 3: Turn around, then turn left to face the counter with the toaster on it. | STEP 4: Put the knife in the drawer beneath the toaster. | STEP 5: Turn around, then turn left, then turn right again to approach the table. | STEP 6: Pick up a knife on the table, next to the bread. | STEP 7: Turn around and return to the counter with the toaster on it. | STEP 8: Put the knife in the drawer, beneath the toaster. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Round, then turn right to approach the round table. ", " STEP 2: Pick up the knife on the table, behind a paper towel. ", " STEP 3: Turn around, then turn left to face the counter with the toaster on it. ", " STEP 4: Put the knife in the drawer beneath the toaster. ", " STEP 5: Turn around, then turn left, then turn right again to approach the table. ", " STEP 6: Pick up a knife on the table, next to the bread. ", " STEP 7: Turn around and return to the counter with the toaster on it. ", " STEP 8: Put the knife in the drawer, beneath the toaster. ", " END" ] ]
Move two knives into a drawer.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " 0.5", " 0.900", " 1.75", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Pan", " 2.051", " 1.513", " 5.626", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 85" ], [ "2", " Potato", " -0.687", " 1.027", " 0.486", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "3", " DishSponge", " 1.332", " 0.896", " 2.137", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 86" ], [ "4", " DishSponge", " 0.192", " 0.759", " 6.565", " 0", " 225", " 0", " 99" ], [ "5", " ButterKnife", " -0.535", " 0.992", " 0.395", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "6", " ButterKnife", " 0.169", " 0.760", " 6.807", " 0", " 315", " 0", " 99" ], [ "7", " Pot", " 1.32", " 0.988", " 3.848", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 62" ], [ "8", " Spoon", " -0.617", " 0.772", " 0.395", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 59" ], [ "9", " Fork", " 0.620", " 0.993", " 0.486", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "10", " Fork", " -0.467", " 0.760", " 6.416", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 99" ], [ "11", " Egg", " 1.966", " 1.565", " 5.876", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 85" ], [ "12", " Egg", " 1.332", " 0.946", " 2.525", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 86" ], [ "13", " Cup", " 1.135", " 0.988", " 0.668", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "14", " Plate", " 0.958", " 1.580", " 0.251", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 70" ], [ "15", " Knife", " -0.332", " 0.789", " 6.217", " 0", " 315", " 0", " 99" ], [ "16", " Tomato", " -0.384", " 1.042", " 0.670", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "17", " Tomato", " 2.055", " 0.130", " 6.469", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 87" ], [ "18", " SoapBottle", " 1.238", " 0.140", " 2.086", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 75" ], [ "19", " SoapBottle", " 1.406", " 0.140", " 2.720", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 75" ], [ "20", " PepperShaker", " -0.275", " 0.139", " 0.429", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 71" ], [ "21", " SaltShaker", " 1.585", " 2.202", " 4.175", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "22", " SaltShaker", " 1.400", " 0.136", " 4.608", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 65" ], [ "23", " Lettuce", " 1.493", " 1.081", " 0.213", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "24", " Lettuce", " 0.305", " 0.848", " 6.604", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 99" ], [ "25", " Mug", " 0.064", " 1.092", " 0.310", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 79" ], [ "26", " Apple", " -0.003", " 0.834", " 6.479", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 99" ], [ "27", " Apple", " 1.225", " 1.067", " 1.577", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "28", " Bowl", " -0.134", " 1.578", " 0.251", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 76" ], [ "29", " Bread", " -0.221", " 0.829", " 6.787", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 99" ], [ "30", " Egg", " 1.497", " 0.941", " 2.525", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 86" ], [ "31", " Knife", " -0.487", " 0.789", " 6.807", " 0", " 135", " 0", " 99" ], [ "32", " Fork", " 0.803", " 0.772", " 0.395", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 55" ], [ "33", " Apple", " -0.308", " 1.067", " 0.303", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "34", " Kettle", " 1.317", " 0.988", " 4.294", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "35", " Plate", " -0.552", " 0.144", " 0.506", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 71" ], [ "36", " SaltShaker", " -0.346", " 0.755", " 6.632", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 99" ], [ "37", " Lettuce", " -0.459", " 1.081", " 0.486", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "38", " SoapBottle", " 0.604", " 0.143", " 0.576", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 69" ], [ "39", " Spatula", " 0.102", " 0.775", " 6.305", " 0", " 225", " 0", " 99" ], [ "40", " PaperTowelRoll", " -0.353", " 0.864", " 6.019", " 0", " 225", " 0", " 99" ], [ "41", " Pot", " 1.559", " 0.988", " 4.294", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 61" ], [ "42", " Potato", " 0.150", " 0.794", " 6.416", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 99" ], [ "43", " ButterKnife", " 0.923", " 0.992", " 0.212", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "44", " PepperShaker", " 1.402", " 2.202", " 3.933", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 67" ], [ "45", " Pan", " 1.562", " 0.988", " 3.848", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 57" ], [ "46", " Tomato", " 1.442", " 0.940", " 2.085", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 86" ], [ "47", " DishSponge", " 0.124", " 0.771", " 0.618", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 60" ], [ "48", " Cup", " 0.125", " 0.756", " 6.851", " 0", " 225", " 0", " 99" ], [ "49", " Spoon", " -0.096", " 0.761", " 6.632", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 99" ], [ "50", " Mug", " 1.402", " 2.202", " 3.747", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "51", " Cabinet", " 1.307", " 2.455", " 4.360", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " Cabinet", " 1.054", " 0.422", " 1.710", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " Drawer", " 1.280", " 0.808", " 4.718", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " Cabinet", " 1.307", " 2.455", " 3.607", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "55", " Drawer", " 0.736", " 0.802", " 0.521", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "56", " Drawer", " 1.276", " 0.802", " 3.291", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "57", " StoveBurner", " 1.562", " 0.982", " 3.848", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "58", " StoveBurner", " 1.317", " 0.982", " 4.294", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "59", " Drawer", " -0.482", " 0.802", " 0.521", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "60", " Drawer", " 0.124", " 0.802", " 0.521", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "61", " StoveBurner", " 1.559", " 0.982", " 4.294", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "62", " StoveBurner", " 1.320", " 0.982", " 3.848", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "63", " CounterTop", " 1.391", " 1.028", " 0.897", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "64", " CounterTop", " 1.391", " 1.028", " 4.716", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "65", " Cabinet", " 1.054", " 0.422", " 4.548", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "66", " Cabinet", " 1.317", " 2.134", " 0.517", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "67", " Cabinet", " 1.317", " 2.134", " 4.889", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "68", " Cabinet", " 1.317", " 2.134", " 3.095", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "69", " Cabinet", " 0.443", " 0.422", " 0.743", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "70", " Cabinet", " 1.270", " 2.134", " 0.434", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "71", " Cabinet", " -0.775", " 0.422", " 0.743", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "72", " Cabinet", " -0.168", " 0.422", " 0.743", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "73", " Cabinet", " 1.317", " 2.134", " 1.534", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "74", " Cabinet", " 1.054", " 0.422", " 2.990", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "75", " Cabinet", " 1.054", " 0.422", " 2.944", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "76", " Cabinet", " -0.263", " 2.134", " 0.434", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "77", " Cabinet", " 0.252", " 2.134", " 0.434", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "78", " Sink", " 1.391", " 1.006", " 2.326", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "79", " Microwave", " 0.108", " 0.981", " 0.262", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "80", " HousePlant", " -0.165", " 0.826", " 6.444", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "81", " CoffeeMachine", " 1.551", " 0.982", " 0.953", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "82", " Toaster", " 1.473", " 0.981", " 4.715", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "83", " Window", " -2.065", " 1.916", " 3.626", " 90", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "84", " Window", " 1.763", " 2.007", " 2.299", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "85", " Fridge", " 2.035", " 0.0", " 5.625", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "86", " SinkBasin", " 1.387", " 0.880", " 2.338", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "87", " GarbageCan", " 2.001", " -0.044", " 6.503", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "88", " StoveKnob", " 1.140", " 0.934", " 3.987", " 45", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "89", " StoveKnob", " 1.140", " 0.934", " 4.309", " 45", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "90", " StoveKnob", " 1.140", " 0.934", " 4.140", " 45", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "91", " StoveKnob", " 1.140", " 0.934", " 3.824", " 45", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "92", " Vase", " -0.226", " 0.834", " 6.993", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "93", " Vase", " 2.098", " 0.043", " 7.070", " 0", " 257.232", " 0", "" ], [ "94", " Vase", " -0.594", " 0.835", " 6.130", " 0", " 225", " 0", "" ], [ "95", " LightSwitch", " -2.0", " 1.549", " 6.045", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "96", " Safe", " 2.046", " 1.072", " 7.054", " 0", " 257.232", " 0", "" ], [ "97", " Faucet", " 1.534", " 1.025", " 2.371", " 0", " 294.391", " 0", "" ], [ "98", " Blinds", " 1.738", " 2.563", " 2.312", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "99", " DiningTable", " -0.156", " 0.000", " 6.474", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "100", " Chair", " 0.291", " 0.002", " 6.142", " 0", " 310.162", " 0", "" ], [ "101", " GarbageBag", " -1.092", " 0.318", " 0.268", " 270", " 90", " 83.492", "" ], [ "102", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "103", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "104", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "105", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent 0.5 0.900 1.75 0 90 0 1 Pan 2.051 1.513 5.626 0 0 0 85 2 Potato -0.687 1.027 0.486 0 0 0 63 3 DishSponge 1.332 0.896 2.137 0 90 0 86 4 DishSponge 0.192 0.759 6.565 0 225 0 99 5 ButterKnife -0.535 0.992 0.395 0 0 0 63 6 ButterKnife 0.169 0.760 6.807 0 315 0 99 7 Pot 1.32 0.988 3.848 0 0 0 62 8 Spoon -0.617 0.772 0.395 0 0 0 59 9 Fork 0.620 0.993 0.486 0 0 0 63 10 Fork -0.467 0.760 6.416 0 270 0 99 11 Egg 1.966 1.565 5.876 0 270 0 85 12 Egg 1.332 0.946 2.525 0 90 0 86 13 Cup 1.135 0.988 0.668 0 0 0 63 14 Plate 0.958 1.580 0.251 0 0 0 70 15 Knife -0.332 0.789 6.217 0 315 0 99 16 Tomato -0.384 1.042 0.670 0 0 0 63 17 Tomato 2.055 0.130 6.469 0 0 0 87 18 SoapBottle 1.238 0.140 2.086 0 0 0 75 19 SoapBottle 1.406 0.140 2.720 0 0 0 75 20 PepperShaker -0.275 0.139 0.429 0 0 0 71 21 SaltShaker 1.585 2.202 4.175 0 0 0 54 22 SaltShaker 1.400 0.136 4.608 0 0 0 65 23 Lettuce 1.493 1.081 0.213 0 0 0 63 24 Lettuce 0.305 0.848 6.604 0 270 0 99 25 Mug 0.064 1.092 0.310 0 270 0 79 26 Apple -0.003 0.834 6.479 0 270 0 99 27 Apple 1.225 1.067 1.577 0 0 0 63 28 Bowl -0.134 1.578 0.251 0 0 0 76 29 Bread -0.221 0.829 6.787 0 0 0 99 30 Egg 1.497 0.941 2.525 0 90 0 86 31 Knife -0.487 0.789 6.807 0 135 0 99 32 Fork 0.803 0.772 0.395 0 90 0 55 33 Apple -0.308 1.067 0.303 0 0 0 63 34 Kettle 1.317 0.988 4.294 0 0 0 58 35 Plate -0.552 0.144 0.506 0 0 0 71 36 SaltShaker -0.346 0.755 6.632 0 0 0 99 37 Lettuce -0.459 1.081 0.486 0 0 0 63 38 SoapBottle 0.604 0.143 0.576 0 0 0 69 39 Spatula 0.102 0.775 6.305 0 225 0 99 40 PaperTowelRoll -0.353 0.864 6.019 0 225 0 99 41 Pot 1.559 0.988 4.294 0 0 0 61 42 Potato 0.150 0.794 6.416 0 270 0 99 43 ButterKnife 0.923 0.992 0.212 0 0 0 63 44 PepperShaker 1.402 2.202 3.933 0 0 0 67 45 Pan 1.562 0.988 3.848 0 0 0 57 46 Tomato 1.442 0.940 2.085 0 90 0 86 47 DishSponge 0.124 0.771 0.618 0 0 0 60 48 Cup 0.125 0.756 6.851 0 225 0 99 49 Spoon -0.096 0.761 6.632 0 0 0 99 50 Mug 1.402 2.202 3.747 0 0 0 54 51 Cabinet 1.307 2.455 4.360 0 0 0 52 Cabinet 1.054 0.422 1.710 0 0 0 53 Drawer 1.280 0.808 4.718 0 0 0 54 Cabinet 1.307 2.455 3.607 0 0 0 55 Drawer 0.736 0.802 0.521 0 0 0 56 Drawer 1.276 0.802 3.291 0 0 0 57 StoveBurner 1.562 0.982 3.848 0 0 0 58 StoveBurner 1.317 0.982 4.294 0 0 0 59 Drawer -0.482 0.802 0.521 0 0 0 60 Drawer 0.124 0.802 0.521 0 0 0 61 StoveBurner 1.559 0.982 4.294 0 0 0 62 StoveBurner 1.320 0.982 3.848 0 0 0 63 CounterTop 1.391 1.028 0.897 0 0 0 64 CounterTop 1.391 1.028 4.716 0 0 0 65 Cabinet 1.054 0.422 4.548 0 0 0 66 Cabinet 1.317 2.134 0.517 0 0 0 67 Cabinet 1.317 2.134 4.889 0 0 0 68 Cabinet 1.317 2.134 3.095 0 0 0 69 Cabinet 0.443 0.422 0.743 0 0 0 70 Cabinet 1.270 2.134 0.434 0 0 0 71 Cabinet -0.775 0.422 0.743 0 0 0 72 Cabinet -0.168 0.422 0.743 0 0 0 73 Cabinet 1.317 2.134 1.534 0 0 0 74 Cabinet 1.054 0.422 2.990 0 0 0 75 Cabinet 1.054 0.422 2.944 0 0 0 76 Cabinet -0.263 2.134 0.434 0 0 0 77 Cabinet 0.252 2.134 0.434 0 0 0 78 Sink 1.391 1.006 2.326 0 0 0 79 Microwave 0.108 0.981 0.262 0 0 0 80 HousePlant -0.165 0.826 6.444 0 0 0 81 CoffeeMachine 1.551 0.982 0.953 0 270 0 82 Toaster 1.473 0.981 4.715 0 270 0 83 Window -2.065 1.916 3.626 90 90 0 84 Window 1.763 2.007 2.299 90 270 0 85 Fridge 2.035 0.0 5.625 0 0 0 86 SinkBasin 1.387 0.880 2.338 0 90 0 87 GarbageCan 2.001 -0.044 6.503 0 0 0 88 StoveKnob 1.140 0.934 3.987 45 270 0 89 StoveKnob 1.140 0.934 4.309 45 270 0 90 StoveKnob 1.140 0.934 4.140 45 270 0 91 StoveKnob 1.140 0.934 3.824 45 270 0 92 Vase -0.226 0.834 6.993 0 0 0 93 Vase 2.098 0.043 7.070 0 257.232 0 94 Vase -0.594 0.835 6.130 0 225 0 95 LightSwitch -2.0 1.549 6.045 0 90 0 96 Safe 2.046 1.072 7.054 0 257.232 0 97 Faucet 1.534 1.025 2.371 0 294.391 0 98 Blinds 1.738 2.563 2.312 0 90 0 99 DiningTable -0.156 0.000 6.474 0 0 0 100 Chair 0.291 0.002 6.142 0 310.162 0 101 GarbageBag -1.092 0.318 0.268 270 90 83.492 102 NorthWall 103 EastWall 104 SouthWall 105 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Turn around and walk towards the wall, then hang a right and walk over to the round black table. | STEP 2: Pick up the large kitchen knife that is closest to the paper towel roll on the round black table. | STEP 3: Turn around and walk forward, then turn left ad walk over to the toaster. | STEP 4: Open the drawer below where the toaster is on the counter and put the large knife inside on the left side, then close the drawer. | STEP 5: Turn around and walk towards the wall, then turn right and walk up to the wall, then turn right and walk up to the round black table. | STEP 6: Pick up the large kitchen knife off of the round black table. | STEP 7: Turn around and take a step forward, then turn left and walk across the room, then hang a left and walk up to the toaster. | STEP 8: Open the drawer below the counter that the toaster is on and put the large knife inside to the right of the knife that is already in there. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Turn around and walk towards the wall, then hang a right and walk over to the round black table. ", " STEP 2: Pick up the large kitchen knife that is closest to the paper towel roll on the round black table. ", " STEP 3: Turn around and walk forward, then turn left ad walk over to the toaster. ", " STEP 4: Open the drawer below where the toaster is on the counter and put the large knife inside on the left side, then close the drawer. ", " STEP 5: Turn around and walk towards the wall, then turn right and walk up to the wall, then turn right and walk up to the round black table. ", " STEP 6: Pick up the large kitchen knife off of the round black table. ", " STEP 7: Turn around and take a step forward, then turn left and walk across the room, then hang a left and walk up to the toaster. ", " STEP 8: Open the drawer below the counter that the toaster is on and put the large knife inside to the right of the knife that is already in there. ", " END" ] ]
Move a phone to the shelf of an end table.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " 0.0", " 0.900", " -0.5", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Mug", " 1.469", " 1.409", " 0.522", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 38" ], [ "2", " Mug", " 1.469", " 1.409", " 0.264", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 38" ], [ "3", " CD", " 1.631", " 1.411", " 0.007", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 38" ], [ "4", " CD", " -0.545", " 0.046", " 0.773", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 31" ], [ "5", " Pen", " 1.524", " 0.714", " -0.703", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 38" ], [ "6", " Pencil", " 1.550", " 1.415", " 0.522", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 38" ], [ "7", " CreditCard", " 0.110", " 0.081", " -1.319", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 42" ], [ "8", " CreditCard", " 1.479", " 0.703", " -1.814", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 46" ], [ "9", " Book", " -0.028", " 0.497", " -1.425", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 41" ], [ "10", " Book", " 0.387", " 0.289", " -1.425", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 44" ], [ "11", " Laptop", " -1.630", " 0.525", " -0.082", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 29" ], [ "12", " Box", " 0.002", " 0.953", " -1.521", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 46" ], [ "13", " Book", " 0.708", " 0.696", " -1.612", " 0", " 165.000", " 0", " 46" ], [ "14", " AlarmClock", " 1.631", " 1.412", " 0.264", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 38" ], [ "15", " CellPhone", " 1.638", " 0.711", " -0.544", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 38" ], [ "16", " TissueBox", " 1.233", " 0.703", " -1.326", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 46" ], [ "17", " TeddyBear", " -2.204", " 0.500", " 0.181", " 355.000", " 297.467", " 9.162", " 29" ], [ "18", " CreditCard", " 1.631", " 1.411", " 0.650", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 38" ], [ "19", " KeyChain", " 1.676", " 0.709", " -0.226", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 38" ], [ "20", " BaseballBat", " -2.202", " 0.04", " -1.343", " 0", " 45", " 90", " Floor|+00.00|" ], [ "21", " TennisRacket", " -2.254", " 0.324", " -1.806", " 15.000", " 180", " 180", " Floor|+00.00|" ], [ "22", " Pillow", " -2.039", " 0.545", " 0.677", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 29" ], [ "23", " Laptop", " -1.777", " 0.525", " -0.814", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 29" ], [ "24", " CD", " 1.486", " 0.708", " -0.226", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 38" ], [ "25", " Pen", " 0.248", " 0.709", " -1.619", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 46" ], [ "26", " Pencil", " -0.028", " 0.085", " -1.425", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 42" ], [ "27", " Mug", " 1.591", " 1.409", " 0.779", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 38" ], [ "28", " Mirror", " -0.689", " 1.495", " 0.954", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " Bed", " -1.742", " 0.000", " -0.071", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " Chair", " 0.891", " -0.001", " -1.251", " 0", " 175.104", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " GarbageCan", " -0.606", " -0.021", " 0.799", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " ShelvingUnit", " 1.550", " 1.402", " 0.374", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " Painting", " -2.401", " 1.700", " -0.859", " 90", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " DeskLamp", " 1.291", " 0.699", " -1.717", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " LightSwitch", " 0.231", " 1.287", " 0.954", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " HousePlant", " 1.488", " 1.394", " 0.035", " 0", " 122.291", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " Window", " 0.046", " 1.559", " -2.079", " 90", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " SideTable", " 1.561", " 0.000", " -0.465", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " Shelf", " 1.541", " 0.493", " -0.475", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "40", " Blinds", " 0.007", " 2.152", " -2.014", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "41", " Drawer", " -0.156", " 0.547", " -1.430", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "42", " Drawer", " 0.270", " 0.159", " -1.430", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "43", " Drawer", " -0.156", " 0.159", " -1.430", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "44", " Drawer", " 0.270", " 0.353", " -1.430", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "45", " Drawer", " -0.156", " 0.353", " -1.430", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "46", " Desk", " 0.634", " 0.002", " -1.557", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "47", " Drawer", " 0.270", " 0.547", " -1.430", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "48", " Shelf", " 1.406", " 0.571", " -1.514", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "49", " Shelf", " 1.406", " 0.183", " -1.514", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "50", " Shelf", " 1.584", " 0.183", " -1.514", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "51", " Shelf", " 1.406", " 0.377", " -1.514", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " Shelf", " 1.584", " 0.377", " -1.514", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " Shelf", " 1.584", " 0.571", " -1.514", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "55", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "56", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "57", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent 0.0 0.900 -0.5 0 90 0 1 Mug 1.469 1.409 0.522 0 270 0 38 2 Mug 1.469 1.409 0.264 0 270 0 38 3 CD 1.631 1.411 0.007 0 270 0 38 4 CD -0.545 0.046 0.773 0 0 0 31 5 Pen 1.524 0.714 -0.703 0 0 0 38 6 Pencil 1.550 1.415 0.522 0 270 0 38 7 CreditCard 0.110 0.081 -1.319 0 180 0 42 8 CreditCard 1.479 0.703 -1.814 0 180 0 46 9 Book -0.028 0.497 -1.425 0 180 0 41 10 Book 0.387 0.289 -1.425 0 180 0 44 11 Laptop -1.630 0.525 -0.082 0 0 0 29 12 Box 0.002 0.953 -1.521 0 180 0 46 13 Book 0.708 0.696 -1.612 0 165.000 0 46 14 AlarmClock 1.631 1.412 0.264 0 270 0 38 15 CellPhone 1.638 0.711 -0.544 0 0 0 38 16 TissueBox 1.233 0.703 -1.326 0 180 0 46 17 TeddyBear -2.204 0.500 0.181 355.000 297.467 9.162 29 18 CreditCard 1.631 1.411 0.650 0 270 0 38 19 KeyChain 1.676 0.709 -0.226 0 0 0 38 20 BaseballBat -2.202 0.04 -1.343 0 45 90 Floor|+00.00| 21 TennisRacket -2.254 0.324 -1.806 15.000 180 180 Floor|+00.00| 22 Pillow -2.039 0.545 0.677 0 0 0 29 23 Laptop -1.777 0.525 -0.814 0 0 0 29 24 CD 1.486 0.708 -0.226 0 0 0 38 25 Pen 0.248 0.709 -1.619 0 180 0 46 26 Pencil -0.028 0.085 -1.425 0 180 0 42 27 Mug 1.591 1.409 0.779 0 270 0 38 28 Mirror -0.689 1.495 0.954 0 0 0 29 Bed -1.742 0.000 -0.071 0 0 0 30 Chair 0.891 -0.001 -1.251 0 175.104 0 31 GarbageCan -0.606 -0.021 0.799 0 0 0 32 ShelvingUnit 1.550 1.402 0.374 0 270 0 33 Painting -2.401 1.700 -0.859 90 90 0 34 DeskLamp 1.291 0.699 -1.717 0 0 0 35 LightSwitch 0.231 1.287 0.954 0 180 0 36 HousePlant 1.488 1.394 0.035 0 122.291 0 37 Window 0.046 1.559 -2.079 90 180 0 38 SideTable 1.561 0.000 -0.465 0 270 0 39 Shelf 1.541 0.493 -0.475 0 270 0 40 Blinds 0.007 2.152 -2.014 0 0 0 41 Drawer -0.156 0.547 -1.430 0 0 0 42 Drawer 0.270 0.159 -1.430 0 0 0 43 Drawer -0.156 0.159 -1.430 0 0 0 44 Drawer 0.270 0.353 -1.430 0 0 0 45 Drawer -0.156 0.353 -1.430 0 0 0 46 Desk 0.634 0.002 -1.557 0 0 0 47 Drawer 0.270 0.547 -1.430 0 0 0 48 Shelf 1.406 0.571 -1.514 0 0 0 49 Shelf 1.406 0.183 -1.514 0 0 0 50 Shelf 1.584 0.183 -1.514 0 0 0 51 Shelf 1.406 0.377 -1.514 0 0 0 52 Shelf 1.584 0.377 -1.514 0 0 0 53 Shelf 1.584 0.571 -1.514 0 0 0 54 NorthWall 55 EastWall 56 SouthWall 57 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Walk over to the small end table in front of you. | STEP 2: Pick up the phone off of the end table. | STEP 3: Turn around and walk towards the bed, then turn right and walk towards the door, turn right again to face the end table. | STEP 4: Put the phone on the left side of the shelf of the end table. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Walk over to the small end table in front of you. ", " STEP 2: Pick up the phone off of the end table. ", " STEP 3: Turn around and walk towards the bed, then turn right and walk towards the door, turn right again to face the end table. ", " STEP 4: Put the phone on the left side of the shelf of the end table. ", " END" ] ]
Put the cell phone on the second shelf of the drawer
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " 0.0", " 0.900", " -0.5", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Mug", " 1.469", " 1.409", " 0.522", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 38" ], [ "2", " Mug", " 1.469", " 1.409", " 0.264", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 38" ], [ "3", " CD", " 1.631", " 1.411", " 0.007", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 38" ], [ "4", " CD", " -0.545", " 0.046", " 0.773", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 31" ], [ "5", " Pen", " 1.524", " 0.714", " -0.703", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 38" ], [ "6", " Pencil", " 1.550", " 1.415", " 0.522", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 38" ], [ "7", " CreditCard", " 0.110", " 0.081", " -1.319", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 42" ], [ "8", " CreditCard", " 1.479", " 0.703", " -1.814", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 46" ], [ "9", " Book", " -0.028", " 0.497", " -1.425", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 41" ], [ "10", " Book", " 0.387", " 0.289", " -1.425", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 44" ], [ "11", " Laptop", " -1.630", " 0.525", " -0.082", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 29" ], [ "12", " Box", " 0.002", " 0.953", " -1.521", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 46" ], [ "13", " Book", " 0.708", " 0.696", " -1.612", " 0", " 165.000", " 0", " 46" ], [ "14", " AlarmClock", " 1.631", " 1.412", " 0.264", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 38" ], [ "15", " CellPhone", " 1.638", " 0.711", " -0.544", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 38" ], [ "16", " TissueBox", " 1.233", " 0.703", " -1.326", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 46" ], [ "17", " TeddyBear", " -2.204", " 0.500", " 0.181", " 355.000", " 297.467", " 9.162", " 29" ], [ "18", " CreditCard", " 1.631", " 1.411", " 0.650", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 38" ], [ "19", " KeyChain", " 1.676", " 0.709", " -0.226", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 38" ], [ "20", " BaseballBat", " -2.202", " 0.04", " -1.343", " 0", " 45", " 90", " Floor|+00.00|" ], [ "21", " TennisRacket", " -2.254", " 0.324", " -1.806", " 15.000", " 180", " 180", " Floor|+00.00|" ], [ "22", " Pillow", " -2.039", " 0.545", " 0.677", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 29" ], [ "23", " Laptop", " -1.777", " 0.525", " -0.814", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 29" ], [ "24", " CD", " 1.486", " 0.708", " -0.226", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 38" ], [ "25", " Pen", " 0.248", " 0.709", " -1.619", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 46" ], [ "26", " Pencil", " -0.028", " 0.085", " -1.425", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 42" ], [ "27", " Mug", " 1.591", " 1.409", " 0.779", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 38" ], [ "28", " Mirror", " -0.689", " 1.495", " 0.954", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " Bed", " -1.742", " 0.000", " -0.071", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " Chair", " 0.891", " -0.001", " -1.251", " 0", " 175.104", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " GarbageCan", " -0.606", " -0.021", " 0.799", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " ShelvingUnit", " 1.550", " 1.402", " 0.374", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " Painting", " -2.401", " 1.700", " -0.859", " 90", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " DeskLamp", " 1.291", " 0.699", " -1.717", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " LightSwitch", " 0.231", " 1.287", " 0.954", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " HousePlant", " 1.488", " 1.394", " 0.035", " 0", " 122.291", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " Window", " 0.046", " 1.559", " -2.079", " 90", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " SideTable", " 1.561", " 0.000", " -0.465", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " Shelf", " 1.541", " 0.493", " -0.475", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "40", " Blinds", " 0.007", " 2.152", " -2.014", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "41", " Drawer", " -0.156", " 0.547", " -1.430", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "42", " Drawer", " 0.270", " 0.159", " -1.430", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "43", " Drawer", " -0.156", " 0.159", " -1.430", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "44", " Drawer", " 0.270", " 0.353", " -1.430", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "45", " Drawer", " -0.156", " 0.353", " -1.430", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "46", " Desk", " 0.634", " 0.002", " -1.557", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "47", " Drawer", " 0.270", " 0.547", " -1.430", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "48", " Shelf", " 1.406", " 0.571", " -1.514", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "49", " Shelf", " 1.406", " 0.183", " -1.514", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "50", " Shelf", " 1.584", " 0.183", " -1.514", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "51", " Shelf", " 1.406", " 0.377", " -1.514", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " Shelf", " 1.584", " 0.377", " -1.514", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " Shelf", " 1.584", " 0.571", " -1.514", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "55", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "56", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "57", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent 0.0 0.900 -0.5 0 90 0 1 Mug 1.469 1.409 0.522 0 270 0 38 2 Mug 1.469 1.409 0.264 0 270 0 38 3 CD 1.631 1.411 0.007 0 270 0 38 4 CD -0.545 0.046 0.773 0 0 0 31 5 Pen 1.524 0.714 -0.703 0 0 0 38 6 Pencil 1.550 1.415 0.522 0 270 0 38 7 CreditCard 0.110 0.081 -1.319 0 180 0 42 8 CreditCard 1.479 0.703 -1.814 0 180 0 46 9 Book -0.028 0.497 -1.425 0 180 0 41 10 Book 0.387 0.289 -1.425 0 180 0 44 11 Laptop -1.630 0.525 -0.082 0 0 0 29 12 Box 0.002 0.953 -1.521 0 180 0 46 13 Book 0.708 0.696 -1.612 0 165.000 0 46 14 AlarmClock 1.631 1.412 0.264 0 270 0 38 15 CellPhone 1.638 0.711 -0.544 0 0 0 38 16 TissueBox 1.233 0.703 -1.326 0 180 0 46 17 TeddyBear -2.204 0.500 0.181 355.000 297.467 9.162 29 18 CreditCard 1.631 1.411 0.650 0 270 0 38 19 KeyChain 1.676 0.709 -0.226 0 0 0 38 20 BaseballBat -2.202 0.04 -1.343 0 45 90 Floor|+00.00| 21 TennisRacket -2.254 0.324 -1.806 15.000 180 180 Floor|+00.00| 22 Pillow -2.039 0.545 0.677 0 0 0 29 23 Laptop -1.777 0.525 -0.814 0 0 0 29 24 CD 1.486 0.708 -0.226 0 0 0 38 25 Pen 0.248 0.709 -1.619 0 180 0 46 26 Pencil -0.028 0.085 -1.425 0 180 0 42 27 Mug 1.591 1.409 0.779 0 270 0 38 28 Mirror -0.689 1.495 0.954 0 0 0 29 Bed -1.742 0.000 -0.071 0 0 0 30 Chair 0.891 -0.001 -1.251 0 175.104 0 31 GarbageCan -0.606 -0.021 0.799 0 0 0 32 ShelvingUnit 1.550 1.402 0.374 0 270 0 33 Painting -2.401 1.700 -0.859 90 90 0 34 DeskLamp 1.291 0.699 -1.717 0 0 0 35 LightSwitch 0.231 1.287 0.954 0 180 0 36 HousePlant 1.488 1.394 0.035 0 122.291 0 37 Window 0.046 1.559 -2.079 90 180 0 38 SideTable 1.561 0.000 -0.465 0 270 0 39 Shelf 1.541 0.493 -0.475 0 270 0 40 Blinds 0.007 2.152 -2.014 0 0 0 41 Drawer -0.156 0.547 -1.430 0 0 0 42 Drawer 0.270 0.159 -1.430 0 0 0 43 Drawer -0.156 0.159 -1.430 0 0 0 44 Drawer 0.270 0.353 -1.430 0 0 0 45 Drawer -0.156 0.353 -1.430 0 0 0 46 Desk 0.634 0.002 -1.557 0 0 0 47 Drawer 0.270 0.547 -1.430 0 0 0 48 Shelf 1.406 0.571 -1.514 0 0 0 49 Shelf 1.406 0.183 -1.514 0 0 0 50 Shelf 1.584 0.183 -1.514 0 0 0 51 Shelf 1.406 0.377 -1.514 0 0 0 52 Shelf 1.584 0.377 -1.514 0 0 0 53 Shelf 1.584 0.571 -1.514 0 0 0 54 NorthWall 55 EastWall 56 SouthWall 57 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Move forward on the drawer in front of you | STEP 2: Pick up the cell phone on the drawer | STEP 3: Turn around give space and look down the drawer | STEP 4: Put the cell phone on the second level of the drawer | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Move forward on the drawer in front of you ", " STEP 2: Pick up the cell phone on the drawer ", " STEP 3: Turn around give space and look down the drawer ", " STEP 4: Put the cell phone on the second level of the drawer ", " END" ] ]
Place a CD on a shelf.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " 0.0", " 0.900", " -0.5", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Mug", " 1.469", " 1.409", " 0.522", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 38" ], [ "2", " Mug", " 1.469", " 1.409", " 0.264", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 38" ], [ "3", " CD", " 1.631", " 1.411", " 0.007", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 38" ], [ "4", " CD", " -0.545", " 0.046", " 0.773", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 31" ], [ "5", " Pen", " 1.524", " 0.714", " -0.703", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 38" ], [ "6", " Pencil", " 1.550", " 1.415", " 0.522", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 38" ], [ "7", " CreditCard", " 0.110", " 0.081", " -1.319", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 42" ], [ "8", " CreditCard", " 1.479", " 0.703", " -1.814", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 46" ], [ "9", " Book", " -0.028", " 0.497", " -1.425", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 41" ], [ "10", " Book", " 0.387", " 0.289", " -1.425", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 44" ], [ "11", " Laptop", " -1.630", " 0.525", " -0.082", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 29" ], [ "12", " Box", " 0.002", " 0.953", " -1.521", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 46" ], [ "13", " Book", " 0.708", " 0.696", " -1.612", " 0", " 165.000", " 0", " 46" ], [ "14", " AlarmClock", " 1.631", " 1.412", " 0.264", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 38" ], [ "15", " CellPhone", " 1.638", " 0.711", " -0.544", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 38" ], [ "16", " TissueBox", " 1.233", " 0.703", " -1.326", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 46" ], [ "17", " TeddyBear", " -2.204", " 0.500", " 0.181", " 355.000", " 297.467", " 9.162", " 29" ], [ "18", " CreditCard", " 1.631", " 1.411", " 0.650", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 38" ], [ "19", " KeyChain", " 1.676", " 0.709", " -0.226", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 38" ], [ "20", " BaseballBat", " -2.202", " 0.04", " -1.343", " 0", " 45", " 90", " Floor|+00.00|" ], [ "21", " TennisRacket", " -2.254", " 0.324", " -1.806", " 15.000", " 180", " 180", " Floor|+00.00|" ], [ "22", " Pillow", " -2.039", " 0.545", " 0.677", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 29" ], [ "23", " Laptop", " -1.777", " 0.525", " -0.814", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 29" ], [ "24", " CD", " 1.486", " 0.708", " -0.226", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 38" ], [ "25", " Pen", " 0.248", " 0.709", " -1.619", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 46" ], [ "26", " Pencil", " -0.028", " 0.085", " -1.425", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 42" ], [ "27", " Mug", " 1.591", " 1.409", " 0.779", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 38" ], [ "28", " Mirror", " -0.689", " 1.495", " 0.954", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " Bed", " -1.742", " 0.000", " -0.071", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " Chair", " 0.891", " -0.001", " -1.251", " 0", " 175.104", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " GarbageCan", " -0.606", " -0.021", " 0.799", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " ShelvingUnit", " 1.550", " 1.402", " 0.374", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " Painting", " -2.401", " 1.700", " -0.859", " 90", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " DeskLamp", " 1.291", " 0.699", " -1.717", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " LightSwitch", " 0.231", " 1.287", " 0.954", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " HousePlant", " 1.488", " 1.394", " 0.035", " 0", " 122.291", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " Window", " 0.046", " 1.559", " -2.079", " 90", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " SideTable", " 1.561", " 0.000", " -0.465", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " Shelf", " 1.541", " 0.493", " -0.475", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "40", " Blinds", " 0.007", " 2.152", " -2.014", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "41", " Drawer", " -0.156", " 0.547", " -1.430", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "42", " Drawer", " 0.270", " 0.159", " -1.430", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "43", " Drawer", " -0.156", " 0.159", " -1.430", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "44", " Drawer", " 0.270", " 0.353", " -1.430", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "45", " Drawer", " -0.156", " 0.353", " -1.430", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "46", " Desk", " 0.634", " 0.002", " -1.557", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "47", " Drawer", " 0.270", " 0.547", " -1.430", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "48", " Shelf", " 1.406", " 0.571", " -1.514", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "49", " Shelf", " 1.406", " 0.183", " -1.514", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "50", " Shelf", " 1.584", " 0.183", " -1.514", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "51", " Shelf", " 1.406", " 0.377", " -1.514", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " Shelf", " 1.584", " 0.377", " -1.514", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " Shelf", " 1.584", " 0.571", " -1.514", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "55", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "56", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "57", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent 0.0 0.900 -0.5 0 90 0 1 Mug 1.469 1.409 0.522 0 270 0 38 2 Mug 1.469 1.409 0.264 0 270 0 38 3 CD 1.631 1.411 0.007 0 270 0 38 4 CD -0.545 0.046 0.773 0 0 0 31 5 Pen 1.524 0.714 -0.703 0 0 0 38 6 Pencil 1.550 1.415 0.522 0 270 0 38 7 CreditCard 0.110 0.081 -1.319 0 180 0 42 8 CreditCard 1.479 0.703 -1.814 0 180 0 46 9 Book -0.028 0.497 -1.425 0 180 0 41 10 Book 0.387 0.289 -1.425 0 180 0 44 11 Laptop -1.630 0.525 -0.082 0 0 0 29 12 Box 0.002 0.953 -1.521 0 180 0 46 13 Book 0.708 0.696 -1.612 0 165.000 0 46 14 AlarmClock 1.631 1.412 0.264 0 270 0 38 15 CellPhone 1.638 0.711 -0.544 0 0 0 38 16 TissueBox 1.233 0.703 -1.326 0 180 0 46 17 TeddyBear -2.204 0.500 0.181 355.000 297.467 9.162 29 18 CreditCard 1.631 1.411 0.650 0 270 0 38 19 KeyChain 1.676 0.709 -0.226 0 0 0 38 20 BaseballBat -2.202 0.04 -1.343 0 45 90 Floor|+00.00| 21 TennisRacket -2.254 0.324 -1.806 15.000 180 180 Floor|+00.00| 22 Pillow -2.039 0.545 0.677 0 0 0 29 23 Laptop -1.777 0.525 -0.814 0 0 0 29 24 CD 1.486 0.708 -0.226 0 0 0 38 25 Pen 0.248 0.709 -1.619 0 180 0 46 26 Pencil -0.028 0.085 -1.425 0 180 0 42 27 Mug 1.591 1.409 0.779 0 270 0 38 28 Mirror -0.689 1.495 0.954 0 0 0 29 Bed -1.742 0.000 -0.071 0 0 0 30 Chair 0.891 -0.001 -1.251 0 175.104 0 31 GarbageCan -0.606 -0.021 0.799 0 0 0 32 ShelvingUnit 1.550 1.402 0.374 0 270 0 33 Painting -2.401 1.700 -0.859 90 90 0 34 DeskLamp 1.291 0.699 -1.717 0 0 0 35 LightSwitch 0.231 1.287 0.954 0 180 0 36 HousePlant 1.488 1.394 0.035 0 122.291 0 37 Window 0.046 1.559 -2.079 90 180 0 38 SideTable 1.561 0.000 -0.465 0 270 0 39 Shelf 1.541 0.493 -0.475 0 270 0 40 Blinds 0.007 2.152 -2.014 0 0 0 41 Drawer -0.156 0.547 -1.430 0 0 0 42 Drawer 0.270 0.159 -1.430 0 0 0 43 Drawer -0.156 0.159 -1.430 0 0 0 44 Drawer 0.270 0.353 -1.430 0 0 0 45 Drawer -0.156 0.353 -1.430 0 0 0 46 Desk 0.634 0.002 -1.557 0 0 0 47 Drawer 0.270 0.547 -1.430 0 0 0 48 Shelf 1.406 0.571 -1.514 0 0 0 49 Shelf 1.406 0.183 -1.514 0 0 0 50 Shelf 1.584 0.183 -1.514 0 0 0 51 Shelf 1.406 0.377 -1.514 0 0 0 52 Shelf 1.584 0.377 -1.514 0 0 0 53 Shelf 1.584 0.571 -1.514 0 0 0 54 NorthWall 55 EastWall 56 SouthWall 57 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Walk ahead to the night stand. | STEP 2: Pick up the cell phone. | STEP 3: Look down. | STEP 4: Place the cell phone on second shelf, below the CD. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Walk ahead to the night stand. ", " STEP 2: Pick up the cell phone. ", " STEP 3: Look down. ", " STEP 4: Place the cell phone on second shelf, below the CD. ", " END" ] ]
Place a rinsed bar of soap in a drawer.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " -2.25", " 0.901", " 1.0", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " TissueBox", " -0.808", " 0.507", " 0.294", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 27" ], [ "2", " SoapBar", " -1.329", " 0.808", " 0.221", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 29" ], [ "3", " SoapBar", " -2.247", " 0.954", " 2.640", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 43" ], [ "4", " SoapBar", " -1.591", " 0.808", " 0.417", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 29" ], [ "5", " Candle", " -0.805", " 0.807", " 0.286", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 29" ], [ "6", " Candle", " -3.088", " 0.690", " 0.089", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 30" ], [ "7", " SprayBottle", " -1.067", " 0.805", " 0.352", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 29" ], [ "8", " SprayBottle", " -2.247", " 0.951", " 2.702", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 43" ], [ "9", " SoapBottle", " -0.805", " 0.809", " 0.155", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 29" ], [ "10", " ToiletPaper", " -1.567", " 0.843", " 3.221", " 0", " 180", " 270", " 39" ], [ "11", " Towel", " -2.554", " 0.873", " 0.106", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 37" ], [ "12", " Cloth", " -3.634", " 0.219", " 1.124", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 45" ], [ "13", " Candle", " -2.354", " 0.953", " 2.640", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 43" ], [ "14", " HandTowel", " -0.038", " 1.68", " 2.956", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 40" ], [ "15", " SoapBar", " -3.508", " 0.220", " 0.568", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 45" ], [ "16", " ToiletPaper", " -0.805", " 0.805", " 0.482", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 29" ], [ "17", " Plunger", " -2.307", " 0.000", " 3.231", " 0", " 0", " 0", " Floor|-00.08|" ], [ "18", " SprayBottle", " -0.847", " 0.033", " 3.202", " 0", " 204.683", " 0", " 38" ], [ "19", " TissueBox", " -1.435", " 0.201", " 0.350", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 31" ], [ "20", " ToiletPaper", " -3.057", " 0.688", " 0.943", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 30" ], [ "21", " ScrubBrush", " -2.189", " 0.000", " 3.025", " 0", " 0", " 0", " Floor|-00.08|" ], [ "22", " SoapBottle", " -0.281", " 0.809", " 0.155", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 29" ], [ "23", " Drawer", " -1.324", " 0.312", " 0.311", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "24", " Drawer", " -0.290", " 0.312", " 0.311", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "25", " Sink", " -0.463", " -0.013", " 3.046", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "26", " Mirror", " -0.504", " 1.741", " 3.304", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "27", " Drawer", " -0.808", " 0.611", " 0.311", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "28", " Drawer", " -0.808", " 0.312", " 0.311", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " CounterTop", " -1.850", " 0.001", " 0.342", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " Bathtub", " -3.499", " 0.148", " 0.939", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " Drawer", " -1.840", " 0.312", " 0.311", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " Faucet", " -0.463", " 0.969", " 3.212", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " Drawer", " -0.290", " 0.611", " 0.311", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " Drawer", " -1.324", " 0.611", " 0.311", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " Drawer", " -1.840", " 0.611", " 0.311", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " TowelHolder", " -2.553", " 1.582", " 0.0", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " TowelHolder", " -2.553", " 0.859", " 0.0", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " GarbageCan", " -2.110", " -0.001", " 1.960", " 0", " 104.999", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " ToiletPaperHanger", " -1.628", " 0.842", " 3.305", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "40", " HandTowelHolder", " 0.0", " 1.781", " 2.956", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "41", " LightSwitch", " 0.0", " 1.368", " 1.993", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "42", " Window", " -4.083", " 1.735", " 1.162", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "43", " Toilet", " -1.835", " 0.000", " 2.503", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "44", " SinkBasin", " -0.452", " 0.888", " 2.969", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "45", " BathtubBasin", " -3.518", " 0.210", " 0.939", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "46", " ShowerHead", " -3.540", " 1.821", " 1.820", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "47", " ShowerCurtain", " -3.318", " 2.572", " 0.266", " 0", " 0", " 8.184", "" ], [ "48", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "49", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "50", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- ----------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent -2.25 0.901 1.0 0 270 0 1 TissueBox -0.808 0.507 0.294 0 90 0 27 2 SoapBar -1.329 0.808 0.221 0 90 0 29 3 SoapBar -2.247 0.954 2.640 0 180 0 43 4 SoapBar -1.591 0.808 0.417 0 90 0 29 5 Candle -0.805 0.807 0.286 0 90 0 29 6 Candle -3.088 0.690 0.089 0 0 0 30 7 SprayBottle -1.067 0.805 0.352 0 90 0 29 8 SprayBottle -2.247 0.951 2.702 0 180 0 43 9 SoapBottle -0.805 0.809 0.155 0 90 0 29 10 ToiletPaper -1.567 0.843 3.221 0 180 270 39 11 Towel -2.554 0.873 0.106 0 0 0 37 12 Cloth -3.634 0.219 1.124 0 0 0 45 13 Candle -2.354 0.953 2.640 0 180 0 43 14 HandTowel -0.038 1.68 2.956 0 90 0 40 15 SoapBar -3.508 0.220 0.568 0 0 0 45 16 ToiletPaper -0.805 0.805 0.482 0 90 0 29 17 Plunger -2.307 0.000 3.231 0 0 0 Floor|-00.08| 18 SprayBottle -0.847 0.033 3.202 0 204.683 0 38 19 TissueBox -1.435 0.201 0.350 0 90 0 31 20 ToiletPaper -3.057 0.688 0.943 0 0 0 30 21 ScrubBrush -2.189 0.000 3.025 0 0 0 Floor|-00.08| 22 SoapBottle -0.281 0.809 0.155 0 90 0 29 23 Drawer -1.324 0.312 0.311 0 90 0 24 Drawer -0.290 0.312 0.311 0 90 0 25 Sink -0.463 -0.013 3.046 0 180 0 26 Mirror -0.504 1.741 3.304 0 0 0 27 Drawer -0.808 0.611 0.311 0 90 0 28 Drawer -0.808 0.312 0.311 0 90 0 29 CounterTop -1.850 0.001 0.342 0 90 0 30 Bathtub -3.499 0.148 0.939 0 0 0 31 Drawer -1.840 0.312 0.311 0 90 0 32 Faucet -0.463 0.969 3.212 0 180 0 33 Drawer -0.290 0.611 0.311 0 90 0 34 Drawer -1.324 0.611 0.311 0 90 0 35 Drawer -1.840 0.611 0.311 0 90 0 36 TowelHolder -2.553 1.582 0.0 0 0 0 37 TowelHolder -2.553 0.859 0.0 0 0 0 38 GarbageCan -2.110 -0.001 1.960 0 104.999 0 39 ToiletPaperHanger -1.628 0.842 3.305 0 180 0 40 HandTowelHolder 0.0 1.781 2.956 0 180 0 41 LightSwitch 0.0 1.368 1.993 0 270 0 42 Window -4.083 1.735 1.162 90 270 0 43 Toilet -1.835 0.000 2.503 0 90 0 44 SinkBasin -0.452 0.888 2.969 0 180 0 45 BathtubBasin -3.518 0.210 0.939 0 0 0 46 ShowerHead -3.540 1.821 1.820 0 0 0 47 ShowerCurtain -3.318 2.572 0.266 0 0 8.184 48 NorthWall 49 SouthWall 50 SouthWall
[ "STEP 1: Turn around and walk to the green vanity with the white counter on the right. | STEP 2: Pick up the bar of soap in between the yellow spray bottle and another bar of soap on the counter. | STEP 3: Turn around and face right at the wall to reach the sink. | STEP 4: Put the bar of soap inside the sink, rinse it for a few seconds and pick it back up. | STEP 5: Turn around and walk to the drawers under the vanity on the left. | STEP 6: Open the bottom drawer under the roll of toilet paper on the vanity, put the rinsed bar of soap inside and close the drawer. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Turn around and walk to the green vanity with the white counter on the right. ", " STEP 2: Pick up the bar of soap in between the yellow spray bottle and another bar of soap on the counter. ", " STEP 3: Turn around and face right at the wall to reach the sink. ", " STEP 4: Put the bar of soap inside the sink, rinse it for a few seconds and pick it back up. ", " STEP 5: Turn around and walk to the drawers under the vanity on the left. ", " STEP 6: Open the bottom drawer under the roll of toilet paper on the vanity, put the rinsed bar of soap inside and close the drawer. ", " END" ] ]
Put a wet bar of soap in the drawer.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " -2.25", " 0.901", " 1.0", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " TissueBox", " -0.808", " 0.507", " 0.294", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 27" ], [ "2", " SoapBar", " -1.329", " 0.808", " 0.221", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 29" ], [ "3", " SoapBar", " -2.247", " 0.954", " 2.640", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 43" ], [ "4", " SoapBar", " -1.591", " 0.808", " 0.417", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 29" ], [ "5", " Candle", " -0.805", " 0.807", " 0.286", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 29" ], [ "6", " Candle", " -3.088", " 0.690", " 0.089", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 30" ], [ "7", " SprayBottle", " -1.067", " 0.805", " 0.352", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 29" ], [ "8", " SprayBottle", " -2.247", " 0.951", " 2.702", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 43" ], [ "9", " SoapBottle", " -0.805", " 0.809", " 0.155", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 29" ], [ "10", " ToiletPaper", " -1.567", " 0.843", " 3.221", " 0", " 180", " 270", " 39" ], [ "11", " Towel", " -2.554", " 0.873", " 0.106", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 37" ], [ "12", " Cloth", " -3.634", " 0.219", " 1.124", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 45" ], [ "13", " Candle", " -2.354", " 0.953", " 2.640", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 43" ], [ "14", " HandTowel", " -0.038", " 1.68", " 2.956", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 40" ], [ "15", " SoapBar", " -3.508", " 0.220", " 0.568", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 45" ], [ "16", " ToiletPaper", " -0.805", " 0.805", " 0.482", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 29" ], [ "17", " Plunger", " -2.307", " 0.000", " 3.231", " 0", " 0", " 0", " Floor|-00.08|" ], [ "18", " SprayBottle", " -0.847", " 0.033", " 3.202", " 0", " 204.683", " 0", " 38" ], [ "19", " TissueBox", " -1.435", " 0.201", " 0.350", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 31" ], [ "20", " ToiletPaper", " -3.057", " 0.688", " 0.943", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 30" ], [ "21", " ScrubBrush", " -2.189", " 0.000", " 3.025", " 0", " 0", " 0", " Floor|-00.08|" ], [ "22", " SoapBottle", " -0.281", " 0.809", " 0.155", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 29" ], [ "23", " Drawer", " -1.324", " 0.312", " 0.311", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "24", " Drawer", " -0.290", " 0.312", " 0.311", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "25", " Sink", " -0.463", " -0.013", " 3.046", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "26", " Mirror", " -0.504", " 1.741", " 3.304", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "27", " Drawer", " -0.808", " 0.611", " 0.311", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "28", " Drawer", " -0.808", " 0.312", " 0.311", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " CounterTop", " -1.850", " 0.001", " 0.342", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " Bathtub", " -3.499", " 0.148", " 0.939", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " Drawer", " -1.840", " 0.312", " 0.311", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " Faucet", " -0.463", " 0.969", " 3.212", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " Drawer", " -0.290", " 0.611", " 0.311", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " Drawer", " -1.324", " 0.611", " 0.311", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " Drawer", " -1.840", " 0.611", " 0.311", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " TowelHolder", " -2.553", " 1.582", " 0.0", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " TowelHolder", " -2.553", " 0.859", " 0.0", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " GarbageCan", " -2.110", " -0.001", " 1.960", " 0", " 104.999", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " ToiletPaperHanger", " -1.628", " 0.842", " 3.305", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "40", " HandTowelHolder", " 0.0", " 1.781", " 2.956", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "41", " LightSwitch", " 0.0", " 1.368", " 1.993", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "42", " Window", " -4.083", " 1.735", " 1.162", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "43", " Toilet", " -1.835", " 0.000", " 2.503", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "44", " SinkBasin", " -0.452", " 0.888", " 2.969", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "45", " BathtubBasin", " -3.518", " 0.210", " 0.939", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "46", " ShowerHead", " -3.540", " 1.821", " 1.820", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "47", " ShowerCurtain", " -3.318", " 2.572", " 0.266", " 0", " 0", " 8.184", "" ], [ "48", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "49", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "50", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- ----------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent -2.25 0.901 1.0 0 270 0 1 TissueBox -0.808 0.507 0.294 0 90 0 27 2 SoapBar -1.329 0.808 0.221 0 90 0 29 3 SoapBar -2.247 0.954 2.640 0 180 0 43 4 SoapBar -1.591 0.808 0.417 0 90 0 29 5 Candle -0.805 0.807 0.286 0 90 0 29 6 Candle -3.088 0.690 0.089 0 0 0 30 7 SprayBottle -1.067 0.805 0.352 0 90 0 29 8 SprayBottle -2.247 0.951 2.702 0 180 0 43 9 SoapBottle -0.805 0.809 0.155 0 90 0 29 10 ToiletPaper -1.567 0.843 3.221 0 180 270 39 11 Towel -2.554 0.873 0.106 0 0 0 37 12 Cloth -3.634 0.219 1.124 0 0 0 45 13 Candle -2.354 0.953 2.640 0 180 0 43 14 HandTowel -0.038 1.68 2.956 0 90 0 40 15 SoapBar -3.508 0.220 0.568 0 0 0 45 16 ToiletPaper -0.805 0.805 0.482 0 90 0 29 17 Plunger -2.307 0.000 3.231 0 0 0 Floor|-00.08| 18 SprayBottle -0.847 0.033 3.202 0 204.683 0 38 19 TissueBox -1.435 0.201 0.350 0 90 0 31 20 ToiletPaper -3.057 0.688 0.943 0 0 0 30 21 ScrubBrush -2.189 0.000 3.025 0 0 0 Floor|-00.08| 22 SoapBottle -0.281 0.809 0.155 0 90 0 29 23 Drawer -1.324 0.312 0.311 0 90 0 24 Drawer -0.290 0.312 0.311 0 90 0 25 Sink -0.463 -0.013 3.046 0 180 0 26 Mirror -0.504 1.741 3.304 0 0 0 27 Drawer -0.808 0.611 0.311 0 90 0 28 Drawer -0.808 0.312 0.311 0 90 0 29 CounterTop -1.850 0.001 0.342 0 90 0 30 Bathtub -3.499 0.148 0.939 0 0 0 31 Drawer -1.840 0.312 0.311 0 90 0 32 Faucet -0.463 0.969 3.212 0 180 0 33 Drawer -0.290 0.611 0.311 0 90 0 34 Drawer -1.324 0.611 0.311 0 90 0 35 Drawer -1.840 0.611 0.311 0 90 0 36 TowelHolder -2.553 1.582 0.0 0 0 0 37 TowelHolder -2.553 0.859 0.0 0 0 0 38 GarbageCan -2.110 -0.001 1.960 0 104.999 0 39 ToiletPaperHanger -1.628 0.842 3.305 0 180 0 40 HandTowelHolder 0.0 1.781 2.956 0 180 0 41 LightSwitch 0.0 1.368 1.993 0 270 0 42 Window -4.083 1.735 1.162 90 270 0 43 Toilet -1.835 0.000 2.503 0 90 0 44 SinkBasin -0.452 0.888 2.969 0 180 0 45 BathtubBasin -3.518 0.210 0.939 0 0 0 46 ShowerHead -3.540 1.821 1.820 0 0 0 47 ShowerCurtain -3.318 2.572 0.266 0 0 8.184 48 NorthWall 49 SouthWall 50 SouthWall
[ "STEP 1: Turn around and take two steps then turn right. | STEP 2: Pick up the bar of soap that's closest to the yellow spray bottle. | STEP 3: Turn around and walk to the wall then turn right and walk to the sink. | STEP 4: Get the soap wet in the sink and then pick it back up and shut off the water. | STEP 5: Turn right and walk to the drawers leaving enough room to open the drawers to use them. | STEP 6: Open the drawer under the roll of toilet paper and put the soap in the back left corner and close the drawer. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Turn around and take two steps then turn right. ", " STEP 2: Pick up the bar of soap that's closest to the yellow spray bottle. ", " STEP 3: Turn around and walk to the wall then turn right and walk to the sink. ", " STEP 4: Get the soap wet in the sink and then pick it back up and shut off the water. ", " STEP 5: Turn right and walk to the drawers leaving enough room to open the drawers to use them. ", " STEP 6: Open the drawer under the roll of toilet paper and put the soap in the back left corner and close the drawer. ", " END" ] ]
Place a clean piece of soap into the counter drawer.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " -2.25", " 0.901", " 1.0", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " TissueBox", " -0.808", " 0.507", " 0.294", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 27" ], [ "2", " SoapBar", " -1.329", " 0.808", " 0.221", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 29" ], [ "3", " SoapBar", " -2.247", " 0.954", " 2.640", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 43" ], [ "4", " SoapBar", " -1.591", " 0.808", " 0.417", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 29" ], [ "5", " Candle", " -0.805", " 0.807", " 0.286", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 29" ], [ "6", " Candle", " -3.088", " 0.690", " 0.089", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 30" ], [ "7", " SprayBottle", " -1.067", " 0.805", " 0.352", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 29" ], [ "8", " SprayBottle", " -2.247", " 0.951", " 2.702", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 43" ], [ "9", " SoapBottle", " -0.805", " 0.809", " 0.155", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 29" ], [ "10", " ToiletPaper", " -1.567", " 0.843", " 3.221", " 0", " 180", " 270", " 39" ], [ "11", " Towel", " -2.554", " 0.873", " 0.106", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 37" ], [ "12", " Cloth", " -3.634", " 0.219", " 1.124", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 45" ], [ "13", " Candle", " -2.354", " 0.953", " 2.640", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 43" ], [ "14", " HandTowel", " -0.038", " 1.68", " 2.956", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 40" ], [ "15", " SoapBar", " -3.508", " 0.220", " 0.568", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 45" ], [ "16", " ToiletPaper", " -0.805", " 0.805", " 0.482", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 29" ], [ "17", " Plunger", " -2.307", " 0.000", " 3.231", " 0", " 0", " 0", " Floor|-00.08|" ], [ "18", " SprayBottle", " -0.847", " 0.033", " 3.202", " 0", " 204.683", " 0", " 38" ], [ "19", " TissueBox", " -1.435", " 0.201", " 0.350", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 31" ], [ "20", " ToiletPaper", " -3.057", " 0.688", " 0.943", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 30" ], [ "21", " ScrubBrush", " -2.189", " 0.000", " 3.025", " 0", " 0", " 0", " Floor|-00.08|" ], [ "22", " SoapBottle", " -0.281", " 0.809", " 0.155", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 29" ], [ "23", " Drawer", " -1.324", " 0.312", " 0.311", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "24", " Drawer", " -0.290", " 0.312", " 0.311", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "25", " Sink", " -0.463", " -0.013", " 3.046", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "26", " Mirror", " -0.504", " 1.741", " 3.304", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "27", " Drawer", " -0.808", " 0.611", " 0.311", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "28", " Drawer", " -0.808", " 0.312", " 0.311", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " CounterTop", " -1.850", " 0.001", " 0.342", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " Bathtub", " -3.499", " 0.148", " 0.939", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " Drawer", " -1.840", " 0.312", " 0.311", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " Faucet", " -0.463", " 0.969", " 3.212", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " Drawer", " -0.290", " 0.611", " 0.311", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " Drawer", " -1.324", " 0.611", " 0.311", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " Drawer", " -1.840", " 0.611", " 0.311", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " TowelHolder", " -2.553", " 1.582", " 0.0", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " TowelHolder", " -2.553", " 0.859", " 0.0", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " GarbageCan", " -2.110", " -0.001", " 1.960", " 0", " 104.999", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " ToiletPaperHanger", " -1.628", " 0.842", " 3.305", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "40", " HandTowelHolder", " 0.0", " 1.781", " 2.956", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "41", " LightSwitch", " 0.0", " 1.368", " 1.993", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "42", " Window", " -4.083", " 1.735", " 1.162", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "43", " Toilet", " -1.835", " 0.000", " 2.503", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "44", " SinkBasin", " -0.452", " 0.888", " 2.969", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "45", " BathtubBasin", " -3.518", " 0.210", " 0.939", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "46", " ShowerHead", " -3.540", " 1.821", " 1.820", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "47", " ShowerCurtain", " -3.318", " 2.572", " 0.266", " 0", " 0", " 8.184", "" ], [ "48", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "49", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "50", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- ----------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent -2.25 0.901 1.0 0 270 0 1 TissueBox -0.808 0.507 0.294 0 90 0 27 2 SoapBar -1.329 0.808 0.221 0 90 0 29 3 SoapBar -2.247 0.954 2.640 0 180 0 43 4 SoapBar -1.591 0.808 0.417 0 90 0 29 5 Candle -0.805 0.807 0.286 0 90 0 29 6 Candle -3.088 0.690 0.089 0 0 0 30 7 SprayBottle -1.067 0.805 0.352 0 90 0 29 8 SprayBottle -2.247 0.951 2.702 0 180 0 43 9 SoapBottle -0.805 0.809 0.155 0 90 0 29 10 ToiletPaper -1.567 0.843 3.221 0 180 270 39 11 Towel -2.554 0.873 0.106 0 0 0 37 12 Cloth -3.634 0.219 1.124 0 0 0 45 13 Candle -2.354 0.953 2.640 0 180 0 43 14 HandTowel -0.038 1.68 2.956 0 90 0 40 15 SoapBar -3.508 0.220 0.568 0 0 0 45 16 ToiletPaper -0.805 0.805 0.482 0 90 0 29 17 Plunger -2.307 0.000 3.231 0 0 0 Floor|-00.08| 18 SprayBottle -0.847 0.033 3.202 0 204.683 0 38 19 TissueBox -1.435 0.201 0.350 0 90 0 31 20 ToiletPaper -3.057 0.688 0.943 0 0 0 30 21 ScrubBrush -2.189 0.000 3.025 0 0 0 Floor|-00.08| 22 SoapBottle -0.281 0.809 0.155 0 90 0 29 23 Drawer -1.324 0.312 0.311 0 90 0 24 Drawer -0.290 0.312 0.311 0 90 0 25 Sink -0.463 -0.013 3.046 0 180 0 26 Mirror -0.504 1.741 3.304 0 0 0 27 Drawer -0.808 0.611 0.311 0 90 0 28 Drawer -0.808 0.312 0.311 0 90 0 29 CounterTop -1.850 0.001 0.342 0 90 0 30 Bathtub -3.499 0.148 0.939 0 0 0 31 Drawer -1.840 0.312 0.311 0 90 0 32 Faucet -0.463 0.969 3.212 0 180 0 33 Drawer -0.290 0.611 0.311 0 90 0 34 Drawer -1.324 0.611 0.311 0 90 0 35 Drawer -1.840 0.611 0.311 0 90 0 36 TowelHolder -2.553 1.582 0.0 0 0 0 37 TowelHolder -2.553 0.859 0.0 0 0 0 38 GarbageCan -2.110 -0.001 1.960 0 104.999 0 39 ToiletPaperHanger -1.628 0.842 3.305 0 180 0 40 HandTowelHolder 0.0 1.781 2.956 0 180 0 41 LightSwitch 0.0 1.368 1.993 0 270 0 42 Window -4.083 1.735 1.162 90 270 0 43 Toilet -1.835 0.000 2.503 0 90 0 44 SinkBasin -0.452 0.888 2.969 0 180 0 45 BathtubBasin -3.518 0.210 0.939 0 0 0 46 ShowerHead -3.540 1.821 1.820 0 0 0 47 ShowerCurtain -3.318 2.572 0.266 0 0 8.184 48 NorthWall 49 SouthWall 50 SouthWall
[ "STEP 1: Turn around and walk to the bathroom counter to your right. | STEP 2: Grab the soap between the spray bottle and the other soap on the counter. | STEP 3: Turn around and walk to the sink to your right. | STEP 4: Place the soap in the sink, wash it and remove it. | STEP 5: Turn right and walk back to the counter straight ahead. | STEP 6: Place the soap into the counter drawer below. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Turn around and walk to the bathroom counter to your right. ", " STEP 2: Grab the soap between the spray bottle and the other soap on the counter. ", " STEP 3: Turn around and walk to the sink to your right. ", " STEP 4: Place the soap in the sink, wash it and remove it. ", " STEP 5: Turn right and walk back to the counter straight ahead. ", " STEP 6: Place the soap into the counter drawer below. ", " END" ] ]
Examine the CD under the light of the table lamp
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " 0.0", " 0.900", " 0.75", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Bowl", " -0.315", " 0.838", " -2.072", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 31" ], [ "2", " Bowl", " -0.670", " 0.794", " -1.504", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "3", " CD", " -0.376", " 0.792", " -1.760", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "4", " CD", " -1.283", " 1.458", " -0.339", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 33" ], [ "5", " CD", " 0.305", " 0.373", " 1.262", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 42" ], [ "6", " CellPhone", " -1.230", " 1.824", " -0.339", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 34" ], [ "7", " CellPhone", " 1.098", " 0.578", " -0.649", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 49" ], [ "8", " Pencil", " -1.052", " 0.796", " -1.243", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "9", " Pen", " 0.305", " 0.686", " 1.167", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 40" ], [ "10", " Pen", " 0.150", " 0.686", " 1.212", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 40" ], [ "11", " Book", " -0.981", " 0.794", " -0.385", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "12", " AlarmClock", " -0.585", " 0.838", " -2.072", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 31" ], [ "13", " Laptop", " 1.243", " 0.574", " -0.166", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 49" ], [ "14", " Book", " -0.981", " 0.794", " -1.671", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "15", " Pencil", " -1.265", " 0.796", " -1.028", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "16", " Laptop", " 1.387", " 0.574", " -0.649", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 27" ], [ "17", " Pen", " 0.368", " 0.679", " -1.781", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 47" ], [ "18", " TennisRacket", " -1.226", " 0.301", " -0.069", " 15.000", " 180", " 180", "" ], [ "19", " TeddyBear", " 1.629", " 0.557", " -1.064", " 0", " 118.287", " 0", " 49" ], [ "20", " Pillow", " 1.215", " 0.641", " -1.663", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 27" ], [ "21", " CellPhone", " -1.265", " 0.794", " -0.600", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "22", " KeyChain", " 0.382", " 0.674", " 1.348", " 0", " 0", " 358.924", " 40" ], [ "23", " AlarmClock", " 0.227", " 0.682", " 1.257", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 40" ], [ "24", " CreditCard", " -1.194", " 0.793", " -0.385", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "25", " CD", " 0.459", " 0.673", " -1.635", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 47" ], [ "26", " Bowl", " -1.283", " 1.824", " -1.431", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 35" ], [ "27", " Bed", " 1.242", " -0.001", " -0.881", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "28", " LightSwitch", " 0.010", " 1.315", " 1.499", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " GarbageCan", " 0.840", " 0.007", " 1.337", " 0", " 180", " 2.168", "" ], [ "30", " HousePlant", " -0.083", " 0.828", " -2.045", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " Shelf", " -0.469", " 0.828", " -2.038", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " Shelf", " -1.286", " 1.451", " -1.343", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " Shelf", " -1.286", " 1.451", " -0.602", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " Shelf", " -1.286", " 1.814", " -0.602", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " Shelf", " -1.286", " 1.814", " -1.343", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " Painting", " 1.111", " 1.628", " -1.865", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " DeskLamp", " 0.473", " 0.669", " 1.350", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " Mirror", " -1.383", " 1.565", " 0.512", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " Window", " -0.472", " 1.396", " -2.252", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "40", " SideTable", " 0.304", " -0.001", " 1.225", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "41", " Drawer", " 0.304", " 0.165", " 1.159", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "42", " Drawer", " 0.304", " 0.457", " 1.159", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "43", " Blinds", " -0.453", " 2.156", " -2.242", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "44", " Safe", " 1.623", " 5.960", " 0.448", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "45", " Chair", " -0.683", " 0.000", " -1.326", " 0", " 217.223", " 0", "" ], [ "46", " Drawer", " 0.416", " 0.532", " -1.553", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "47", " SideTable", " 0.413", " 0.000", " -1.684", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "48", " Desk", " -0.788", " 0.000", " -1.032", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "49", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "50", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "51", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "52", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "53", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent 0.0 0.900 0.75 0 270 0 1 Bowl -0.315 0.838 -2.072 0 0 0 31 2 Bowl -0.670 0.794 -1.504 0 0 0 48 3 CD -0.376 0.792 -1.760 0 0 0 48 4 CD -1.283 1.458 -0.339 0 0 0 33 5 CD 0.305 0.373 1.262 0 0 0 42 6 CellPhone -1.230 1.824 -0.339 0 0 0 34 7 CellPhone 1.098 0.578 -0.649 0 0 0 49 8 Pencil -1.052 0.796 -1.243 0 0 0 48 9 Pen 0.305 0.686 1.167 0 0 0 40 10 Pen 0.150 0.686 1.212 0 0 0 40 11 Book -0.981 0.794 -0.385 0 0 0 48 12 AlarmClock -0.585 0.838 -2.072 0 0 0 31 13 Laptop 1.243 0.574 -0.166 0 0 0 49 14 Book -0.981 0.794 -1.671 0 0 0 48 15 Pencil -1.265 0.796 -1.028 0 0 0 48 16 Laptop 1.387 0.574 -0.649 0 0 0 27 17 Pen 0.368 0.679 -1.781 0 0 0 47 18 TennisRacket -1.226 0.301 -0.069 15.000 180 180 19 TeddyBear 1.629 0.557 -1.064 0 118.287 0 49 20 Pillow 1.215 0.641 -1.663 0 0 0 27 21 CellPhone -1.265 0.794 -0.600 0 0 0 48 22 KeyChain 0.382 0.674 1.348 0 0 358.924 40 23 AlarmClock 0.227 0.682 1.257 0 0 0 40 24 CreditCard -1.194 0.793 -0.385 0 0 0 48 25 CD 0.459 0.673 -1.635 0 0 0 47 26 Bowl -1.283 1.824 -1.431 0 0 0 35 27 Bed 1.242 -0.001 -0.881 0 180 0 28 LightSwitch 0.010 1.315 1.499 0 180 0 29 GarbageCan 0.840 0.007 1.337 0 180 2.168 30 HousePlant -0.083 0.828 -2.045 0 0 0 31 Shelf -0.469 0.828 -2.038 0 0 0 32 Shelf -1.286 1.451 -1.343 0 0 0 33 Shelf -1.286 1.451 -0.602 0 0 0 34 Shelf -1.286 1.814 -0.602 0 0 0 35 Shelf -1.286 1.814 -1.343 0 0 0 36 Painting 1.111 1.628 -1.865 90 0 0 37 DeskLamp 0.473 0.669 1.350 0 0 0 38 Mirror -1.383 1.565 0.512 0 270 0 39 Window -0.472 1.396 -2.252 90 0 0 40 SideTable 0.304 -0.001 1.225 0 180 0 41 Drawer 0.304 0.165 1.159 0 180 0 42 Drawer 0.304 0.457 1.159 0 180 0 43 Blinds -0.453 2.156 -2.242 0 0 0 44 Safe 1.623 5.960 0.448 0 270 0 45 Chair -0.683 0.000 -1.326 0 217.223 0 46 Drawer 0.416 0.532 -1.553 0 0 0 47 SideTable 0.413 0.000 -1.684 0 0 0 48 Desk -0.788 0.000 -1.032 0 90 0 49 50 NorthWall 51 EastWall 52 SouthWall 53 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Turn left and walk forward to the left side of the L-shaped desk | STEP 2: Pick up the CD from the desk | STEP 3: Turn right and walk across the room to the small dresser by the door | STEP 4: Turn on the table lamp on the dresser | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Turn left and walk forward to the left side of the L-shaped desk ", " STEP 2: Pick up the CD from the desk ", " STEP 3: Turn right and walk across the room to the small dresser by the door ", " STEP 4: Turn on the table lamp on the dresser ", " END" ] ]
Turn on the lamp on the night stand
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " 0.0", " 0.900", " 0.75", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Bowl", " -0.315", " 0.838", " -2.072", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 31" ], [ "2", " Bowl", " -0.670", " 0.794", " -1.504", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "3", " CD", " -0.376", " 0.792", " -1.760", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "4", " CD", " -1.283", " 1.458", " -0.339", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 33" ], [ "5", " CD", " 0.305", " 0.373", " 1.262", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 42" ], [ "6", " CellPhone", " -1.230", " 1.824", " -0.339", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 34" ], [ "7", " CellPhone", " 1.098", " 0.578", " -0.649", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 49" ], [ "8", " Pencil", " -1.052", " 0.796", " -1.243", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "9", " Pen", " 0.305", " 0.686", " 1.167", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 40" ], [ "10", " Pen", " 0.150", " 0.686", " 1.212", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 40" ], [ "11", " Book", " -0.981", " 0.794", " -0.385", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "12", " AlarmClock", " -0.585", " 0.838", " -2.072", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 31" ], [ "13", " Laptop", " 1.243", " 0.574", " -0.166", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 49" ], [ "14", " Book", " -0.981", " 0.794", " -1.671", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "15", " Pencil", " -1.265", " 0.796", " -1.028", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "16", " Laptop", " 1.387", " 0.574", " -0.649", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 27" ], [ "17", " Pen", " 0.368", " 0.679", " -1.781", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 47" ], [ "18", " TennisRacket", " -1.226", " 0.301", " -0.069", " 15.000", " 180", " 180", "" ], [ "19", " TeddyBear", " 1.629", " 0.557", " -1.064", " 0", " 118.287", " 0", " 49" ], [ "20", " Pillow", " 1.215", " 0.641", " -1.663", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 27" ], [ "21", " CellPhone", " -1.265", " 0.794", " -0.600", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "22", " KeyChain", " 0.382", " 0.674", " 1.348", " 0", " 0", " 358.924", " 40" ], [ "23", " AlarmClock", " 0.227", " 0.682", " 1.257", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 40" ], [ "24", " CreditCard", " -1.194", " 0.793", " -0.385", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "25", " CD", " 0.459", " 0.673", " -1.635", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 47" ], [ "26", " Bowl", " -1.283", " 1.824", " -1.431", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 35" ], [ "27", " Bed", " 1.242", " -0.001", " -0.881", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "28", " LightSwitch", " 0.010", " 1.315", " 1.499", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " GarbageCan", " 0.840", " 0.007", " 1.337", " 0", " 180", " 2.168", "" ], [ "30", " HousePlant", " -0.083", " 0.828", " -2.045", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " Shelf", " -0.469", " 0.828", " -2.038", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " Shelf", " -1.286", " 1.451", " -1.343", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " Shelf", " -1.286", " 1.451", " -0.602", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " Shelf", " -1.286", " 1.814", " -0.602", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " Shelf", " -1.286", " 1.814", " -1.343", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " Painting", " 1.111", " 1.628", " -1.865", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " DeskLamp", " 0.473", " 0.669", " 1.350", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " Mirror", " -1.383", " 1.565", " 0.512", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " Window", " -0.472", " 1.396", " -2.252", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "40", " SideTable", " 0.304", " -0.001", " 1.225", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "41", " Drawer", " 0.304", " 0.165", " 1.159", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "42", " Drawer", " 0.304", " 0.457", " 1.159", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "43", " Blinds", " -0.453", " 2.156", " -2.242", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "44", " Safe", " 1.623", " 5.960", " 0.448", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "45", " Chair", " -0.683", " 0.000", " -1.326", " 0", " 217.223", " 0", "" ], [ "46", " Drawer", " 0.416", " 0.532", " -1.553", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "47", " SideTable", " 0.413", " 0.000", " -1.684", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "48", " Desk", " -0.788", " 0.000", " -1.032", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "49", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "50", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "51", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "52", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "53", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent 0.0 0.900 0.75 0 270 0 1 Bowl -0.315 0.838 -2.072 0 0 0 31 2 Bowl -0.670 0.794 -1.504 0 0 0 48 3 CD -0.376 0.792 -1.760 0 0 0 48 4 CD -1.283 1.458 -0.339 0 0 0 33 5 CD 0.305 0.373 1.262 0 0 0 42 6 CellPhone -1.230 1.824 -0.339 0 0 0 34 7 CellPhone 1.098 0.578 -0.649 0 0 0 49 8 Pencil -1.052 0.796 -1.243 0 0 0 48 9 Pen 0.305 0.686 1.167 0 0 0 40 10 Pen 0.150 0.686 1.212 0 0 0 40 11 Book -0.981 0.794 -0.385 0 0 0 48 12 AlarmClock -0.585 0.838 -2.072 0 0 0 31 13 Laptop 1.243 0.574 -0.166 0 0 0 49 14 Book -0.981 0.794 -1.671 0 0 0 48 15 Pencil -1.265 0.796 -1.028 0 0 0 48 16 Laptop 1.387 0.574 -0.649 0 0 0 27 17 Pen 0.368 0.679 -1.781 0 0 0 47 18 TennisRacket -1.226 0.301 -0.069 15.000 180 180 19 TeddyBear 1.629 0.557 -1.064 0 118.287 0 49 20 Pillow 1.215 0.641 -1.663 0 0 0 27 21 CellPhone -1.265 0.794 -0.600 0 0 0 48 22 KeyChain 0.382 0.674 1.348 0 0 358.924 40 23 AlarmClock 0.227 0.682 1.257 0 0 0 40 24 CreditCard -1.194 0.793 -0.385 0 0 0 48 25 CD 0.459 0.673 -1.635 0 0 0 47 26 Bowl -1.283 1.824 -1.431 0 0 0 35 27 Bed 1.242 -0.001 -0.881 0 180 0 28 LightSwitch 0.010 1.315 1.499 0 180 0 29 GarbageCan 0.840 0.007 1.337 0 180 2.168 30 HousePlant -0.083 0.828 -2.045 0 0 0 31 Shelf -0.469 0.828 -2.038 0 0 0 32 Shelf -1.286 1.451 -1.343 0 0 0 33 Shelf -1.286 1.451 -0.602 0 0 0 34 Shelf -1.286 1.814 -0.602 0 0 0 35 Shelf -1.286 1.814 -1.343 0 0 0 36 Painting 1.111 1.628 -1.865 90 0 0 37 DeskLamp 0.473 0.669 1.350 0 0 0 38 Mirror -1.383 1.565 0.512 0 270 0 39 Window -0.472 1.396 -2.252 90 0 0 40 SideTable 0.304 -0.001 1.225 0 180 0 41 Drawer 0.304 0.165 1.159 0 180 0 42 Drawer 0.304 0.457 1.159 0 180 0 43 Blinds -0.453 2.156 -2.242 0 0 0 44 Safe 1.623 5.960 0.448 0 270 0 45 Chair -0.683 0.000 -1.326 0 217.223 0 46 Drawer 0.416 0.532 -1.553 0 0 0 47 SideTable 0.413 0.000 -1.684 0 0 0 48 Desk -0.788 0.000 -1.032 0 90 0 49 50 NorthWall 51 EastWall 52 SouthWall 53 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: turn left and go forward to the wall in between the desk and night stand and turn right | STEP 2: pick up the CD on the desk | STEP 3: turn right and go forward to the night stand and turn right and take a step and turn left | STEP 4: turn on the lamp on the night stand | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: turn left and go forward to the wall in between the desk and night stand and turn right ", " STEP 2: pick up the CD on the desk ", " STEP 3: turn right and go forward to the night stand and turn right and take a step and turn left ", " STEP 4: turn on the lamp on the night stand ", " END" ] ]
To look at the CD in the light.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " 0.0", " 0.900", " 0.75", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Bowl", " -0.315", " 0.838", " -2.072", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 31" ], [ "2", " Bowl", " -0.670", " 0.794", " -1.504", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "3", " CD", " -0.376", " 0.792", " -1.760", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "4", " CD", " -1.283", " 1.458", " -0.339", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 33" ], [ "5", " CD", " 0.305", " 0.373", " 1.262", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 42" ], [ "6", " CellPhone", " -1.230", " 1.824", " -0.339", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 34" ], [ "7", " CellPhone", " 1.098", " 0.578", " -0.649", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 49" ], [ "8", " Pencil", " -1.052", " 0.796", " -1.243", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "9", " Pen", " 0.305", " 0.686", " 1.167", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 40" ], [ "10", " Pen", " 0.150", " 0.686", " 1.212", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 40" ], [ "11", " Book", " -0.981", " 0.794", " -0.385", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "12", " AlarmClock", " -0.585", " 0.838", " -2.072", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 31" ], [ "13", " Laptop", " 1.243", " 0.574", " -0.166", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 49" ], [ "14", " Book", " -0.981", " 0.794", " -1.671", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "15", " Pencil", " -1.265", " 0.796", " -1.028", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "16", " Laptop", " 1.387", " 0.574", " -0.649", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 27" ], [ "17", " Pen", " 0.368", " 0.679", " -1.781", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 47" ], [ "18", " TennisRacket", " -1.226", " 0.301", " -0.069", " 15.000", " 180", " 180", "" ], [ "19", " TeddyBear", " 1.629", " 0.557", " -1.064", " 0", " 118.287", " 0", " 49" ], [ "20", " Pillow", " 1.215", " 0.641", " -1.663", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 27" ], [ "21", " CellPhone", " -1.265", " 0.794", " -0.600", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "22", " KeyChain", " 0.382", " 0.674", " 1.348", " 0", " 0", " 358.924", " 40" ], [ "23", " AlarmClock", " 0.227", " 0.682", " 1.257", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 40" ], [ "24", " CreditCard", " -1.194", " 0.793", " -0.385", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "25", " CD", " 0.459", " 0.673", " -1.635", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 47" ], [ "26", " Bowl", " -1.283", " 1.824", " -1.431", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 35" ], [ "27", " Bed", " 1.242", " -0.001", " -0.881", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "28", " LightSwitch", " 0.010", " 1.315", " 1.499", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " GarbageCan", " 0.840", " 0.007", " 1.337", " 0", " 180", " 2.168", "" ], [ "30", " HousePlant", " -0.083", " 0.828", " -2.045", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " Shelf", " -0.469", " 0.828", " -2.038", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " Shelf", " -1.286", " 1.451", " -1.343", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " Shelf", " -1.286", " 1.451", " -0.602", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " Shelf", " -1.286", " 1.814", " -0.602", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " Shelf", " -1.286", " 1.814", " -1.343", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " Painting", " 1.111", " 1.628", " -1.865", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " DeskLamp", " 0.473", " 0.669", " 1.350", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " Mirror", " -1.383", " 1.565", " 0.512", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " Window", " -0.472", " 1.396", " -2.252", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "40", " SideTable", " 0.304", " -0.001", " 1.225", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "41", " Drawer", " 0.304", " 0.165", " 1.159", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "42", " Drawer", " 0.304", " 0.457", " 1.159", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "43", " Blinds", " -0.453", " 2.156", " -2.242", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "44", " Safe", " 1.623", " 5.960", " 0.448", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "45", " Chair", " -0.683", " 0.000", " -1.326", " 0", " 217.223", " 0", "" ], [ "46", " Drawer", " 0.416", " 0.532", " -1.553", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "47", " SideTable", " 0.413", " 0.000", " -1.684", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "48", " Desk", " -0.788", " 0.000", " -1.032", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "49", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "50", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "51", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "52", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "53", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent 0.0 0.900 0.75 0 270 0 1 Bowl -0.315 0.838 -2.072 0 0 0 31 2 Bowl -0.670 0.794 -1.504 0 0 0 48 3 CD -0.376 0.792 -1.760 0 0 0 48 4 CD -1.283 1.458 -0.339 0 0 0 33 5 CD 0.305 0.373 1.262 0 0 0 42 6 CellPhone -1.230 1.824 -0.339 0 0 0 34 7 CellPhone 1.098 0.578 -0.649 0 0 0 49 8 Pencil -1.052 0.796 -1.243 0 0 0 48 9 Pen 0.305 0.686 1.167 0 0 0 40 10 Pen 0.150 0.686 1.212 0 0 0 40 11 Book -0.981 0.794 -0.385 0 0 0 48 12 AlarmClock -0.585 0.838 -2.072 0 0 0 31 13 Laptop 1.243 0.574 -0.166 0 0 0 49 14 Book -0.981 0.794 -1.671 0 0 0 48 15 Pencil -1.265 0.796 -1.028 0 0 0 48 16 Laptop 1.387 0.574 -0.649 0 0 0 27 17 Pen 0.368 0.679 -1.781 0 0 0 47 18 TennisRacket -1.226 0.301 -0.069 15.000 180 180 19 TeddyBear 1.629 0.557 -1.064 0 118.287 0 49 20 Pillow 1.215 0.641 -1.663 0 0 0 27 21 CellPhone -1.265 0.794 -0.600 0 0 0 48 22 KeyChain 0.382 0.674 1.348 0 0 358.924 40 23 AlarmClock 0.227 0.682 1.257 0 0 0 40 24 CreditCard -1.194 0.793 -0.385 0 0 0 48 25 CD 0.459 0.673 -1.635 0 0 0 47 26 Bowl -1.283 1.824 -1.431 0 0 0 35 27 Bed 1.242 -0.001 -0.881 0 180 0 28 LightSwitch 0.010 1.315 1.499 0 180 0 29 GarbageCan 0.840 0.007 1.337 0 180 2.168 30 HousePlant -0.083 0.828 -2.045 0 0 0 31 Shelf -0.469 0.828 -2.038 0 0 0 32 Shelf -1.286 1.451 -1.343 0 0 0 33 Shelf -1.286 1.451 -0.602 0 0 0 34 Shelf -1.286 1.814 -0.602 0 0 0 35 Shelf -1.286 1.814 -1.343 0 0 0 36 Painting 1.111 1.628 -1.865 90 0 0 37 DeskLamp 0.473 0.669 1.350 0 0 0 38 Mirror -1.383 1.565 0.512 0 270 0 39 Window -0.472 1.396 -2.252 90 0 0 40 SideTable 0.304 -0.001 1.225 0 180 0 41 Drawer 0.304 0.165 1.159 0 180 0 42 Drawer 0.304 0.457 1.159 0 180 0 43 Blinds -0.453 2.156 -2.242 0 0 0 44 Safe 1.623 5.960 0.448 0 270 0 45 Chair -0.683 0.000 -1.326 0 217.223 0 46 Drawer 0.416 0.532 -1.553 0 0 0 47 SideTable 0.413 0.000 -1.684 0 0 0 48 Desk -0.788 0.000 -1.032 0 90 0 49 50 NorthWall 51 EastWall 52 SouthWall 53 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Turn to the left and walk across the room, then turn to the right and face the desk. | STEP 2: Pick up the compact disk on the edge of the yellow desk. | STEP 3: Turn to the right and walk across the room, then face the yellow end table with the lamp on it. | STEP 4: Turn on the lamp that is next to the alarm clock. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Turn to the left and walk across the room, then turn to the right and face the desk. ", " STEP 2: Pick up the compact disk on the edge of the yellow desk. ", " STEP 3: Turn to the right and walk across the room, then face the yellow end table with the lamp on it. ", " STEP 4: Turn on the lamp that is next to the alarm clock. ", " END" ] ]
place two spray bottles on top of the white cabinet in the bathroom
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " 0.25", " 0.900", " 3.25", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " SoapBar", " -1.663", " 0.073", " 0.470", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 17" ], [ "2", " SoapBar", " 0.060", " 0.876", " 3.839", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 35" ], [ "3", " SprayBottle", " -1.860", " 1.045", " 1.943", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 34" ], [ "4", " Towel", " -0.07", " 1.284", " 0.106", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 26" ], [ "5", " HandTowel", " -1.731", " 1.333", " 3.961", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 28" ], [ "6", " SoapBar", " -1.764", " 0.016", " 2.246", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 18" ], [ "7", " ToiletPaper", " -0.089", " 1.156", " 3.894", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 45" ], [ "8", " ToiletPaper", " 0.106", " 1.156", " 3.765", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 45" ], [ "9", " Cloth", " -0.457", " 0.446", " 0.163", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 15" ], [ "10", " SprayBottle", " -1.764", " 0.018", " 2.193", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 18" ], [ "11", " Candle", " 0.349", " 0.353", " 3.815", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 38" ], [ "12", " ScrubBrush", " -1.664", " -0.000", " 3.897", " 0", " 0", " 0", " Floor|-02.00|" ], [ "13", " Plunger", " -1.888", " -0.000", " 3.885", " 0", " 0", " 0", " Floor|-02.00|" ], [ "14", " SoapBottle", " -1.743", " 0.772", " 3.122", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 16" ], [ "15", " Bathtub", " -1.414", " -0.002", " 0.563", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "16", " CounterTop", " -1.799", " 0.746", " 3.122", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "17", " BathtubBasin", " -1.613", " 0.052", " 0.540", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "18", " Cabinet", " -1.613", " 0.309", " 2.493", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "19", " ShowerDoor", " 0.527", " 1.037", " 2.115", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "20", " Mirror", " -1.993", " 1.424", " 3.107", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "21", " Cabinet", " -1.613", " 0.309", " 3.754", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "22", " Faucet", " -1.873", " 0.461", " 0.641", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "23", " Sink", " -1.834", " 0.685", " 2.777", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "24", " Cabinet", " -1.613", " 0.309", " 3.105", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "25", " Cabinet", " -1.613", " 0.309", " 3.140", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "26", " TowelHolder", " -0.070", " 1.269", " 0.0", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "27", " GarbageCan", " 0.932", " -0.029", " 3.761", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "28", " HandTowelHolder", " -1.730", " 1.434", " 4.0", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " Window", " -1.039", " 1.393", " 0.018", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " Window", " -1.986", " 1.392", " 0.706", " 90", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " ToiletPaperHanger", " -1.776", " 0.681", " 2.474", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " SinkBasin", " -1.795", " 0.694", " 2.781", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " LightSwitch", " 1.250", " 1.330", " 3.621", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " Toilet", " -1.567", " -0.000", " 1.815", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " Drawer", " 0.204", " 0.940", " 3.807", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " Dresser", " 0.204", " 0.000", " 3.832", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " Drawer", " 0.204", " 0.160", " 3.807", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " Drawer", " 0.204", " 0.420", " 3.807", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " Drawer", " 0.204", " 0.680", " 3.807", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "40", " SinkBasin", " -1.795", " 0.694", " 3.476", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "41", " Sink", " -1.833", " 0.685", " 3.472", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "42", " Faucet", " -1.988", " 0.947", " 3.472", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "43", " ShowerHead", " 0.972", " 1.222", " 2.015", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "44", " Faucet", " -1.988", " 0.947", " 2.776", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "45", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "46", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "47", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "48", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "49", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- ----------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent 0.25 0.900 3.25 0 0 0 1 SoapBar -1.663 0.073 0.470 0 90 0 17 2 SoapBar 0.060 0.876 3.839 0 0 0 35 3 SprayBottle -1.860 1.045 1.943 0 270 0 34 4 Towel -0.07 1.284 0.106 0 0 0 26 5 HandTowel -1.731 1.333 3.961 0 0 0 28 6 SoapBar -1.764 0.016 2.246 0 0 0 18 7 ToiletPaper -0.089 1.156 3.894 0 0 0 45 8 ToiletPaper 0.106 1.156 3.765 0 0 0 45 9 Cloth -0.457 0.446 0.163 0 0 0 15 10 SprayBottle -1.764 0.018 2.193 0 0 0 18 11 Candle 0.349 0.353 3.815 0 0 0 38 12 ScrubBrush -1.664 -0.000 3.897 0 0 0 Floor|-02.00| 13 Plunger -1.888 -0.000 3.885 0 0 0 Floor|-02.00| 14 SoapBottle -1.743 0.772 3.122 0 0 0 16 15 Bathtub -1.414 -0.002 0.563 0 0 0 16 CounterTop -1.799 0.746 3.122 0 0 0 17 BathtubBasin -1.613 0.052 0.540 0 0 0 18 Cabinet -1.613 0.309 2.493 0 0 0 19 ShowerDoor 0.527 1.037 2.115 0 0 0 20 Mirror -1.993 1.424 3.107 0 0 0 21 Cabinet -1.613 0.309 3.754 0 0 0 22 Faucet -1.873 0.461 0.641 0 0 0 23 Sink -1.834 0.685 2.777 0 90 0 24 Cabinet -1.613 0.309 3.105 0 0 0 25 Cabinet -1.613 0.309 3.140 0 0 0 26 TowelHolder -0.070 1.269 0.0 0 0 0 27 GarbageCan 0.932 -0.029 3.761 0 0 0 28 HandTowelHolder -1.730 1.434 4.0 0 90 0 29 Window -1.039 1.393 0.018 90 0 0 30 Window -1.986 1.392 0.706 90 90 0 31 ToiletPaperHanger -1.776 0.681 2.474 0 180 0 32 SinkBasin -1.795 0.694 2.781 0 90 0 33 LightSwitch 1.250 1.330 3.621 0 270 0 34 Toilet -1.567 -0.000 1.815 0 180 0 35 Drawer 0.204 0.940 3.807 0 180 0 36 Dresser 0.204 0.000 3.832 0 180 0 37 Drawer 0.204 0.160 3.807 0 180 0 38 Drawer 0.204 0.420 3.807 0 180 0 39 Drawer 0.204 0.680 3.807 0 180 0 40 SinkBasin -1.795 0.694 3.476 0 90 0 41 Sink -1.833 0.685 3.472 0 90 0 42 Faucet -1.988 0.947 3.472 0 180 0 43 ShowerHead 0.972 1.222 2.015 0 270 0 44 Faucet -1.988 0.947 2.776 0 180 0 45 46 NorthWall 47 EastWall 48 SouthWall 49 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: walk over to the toilet | STEP 2: grab the spray bottle out of the red bin to the right of the toilet | STEP 3: walk over to the tall white cabinet | STEP 4: place the spray bottle on top of the white cabinet | STEP 5: walk over to the toilet | STEP 6: grab the spray bottle off the top of the toilet | STEP 7: walk over to the white cabinet | STEP 8: place the spray bottle on top of the cabinet to the right of the other spray bottle | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: walk over to the toilet ", " STEP 2: grab the spray bottle out of the red bin to the right of the toilet ", " STEP 3: walk over to the tall white cabinet ", " STEP 4: place the spray bottle on top of the white cabinet ", " STEP 5: walk over to the toilet ", " STEP 6: grab the spray bottle off the top of the toilet ", " STEP 7: walk over to the white cabinet ", " STEP 8: place the spray bottle on top of the cabinet to the right of the other spray bottle ", " END" ] ]
Move two spray bottles onto a dresser.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " 0.25", " 0.900", " 3.25", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " SoapBar", " -1.663", " 0.073", " 0.470", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 17" ], [ "2", " SoapBar", " 0.060", " 0.876", " 3.839", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 35" ], [ "3", " SprayBottle", " -1.860", " 1.045", " 1.943", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 34" ], [ "4", " Towel", " -0.07", " 1.284", " 0.106", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 26" ], [ "5", " HandTowel", " -1.731", " 1.333", " 3.961", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 28" ], [ "6", " SoapBar", " -1.764", " 0.016", " 2.246", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 18" ], [ "7", " ToiletPaper", " -0.089", " 1.156", " 3.894", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 45" ], [ "8", " ToiletPaper", " 0.106", " 1.156", " 3.765", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 45" ], [ "9", " Cloth", " -0.457", " 0.446", " 0.163", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 15" ], [ "10", " SprayBottle", " -1.764", " 0.018", " 2.193", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 18" ], [ "11", " Candle", " 0.349", " 0.353", " 3.815", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 38" ], [ "12", " ScrubBrush", " -1.664", " -0.000", " 3.897", " 0", " 0", " 0", " Floor|-02.00|" ], [ "13", " Plunger", " -1.888", " -0.000", " 3.885", " 0", " 0", " 0", " Floor|-02.00|" ], [ "14", " SoapBottle", " -1.743", " 0.772", " 3.122", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 16" ], [ "15", " Bathtub", " -1.414", " -0.002", " 0.563", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "16", " CounterTop", " -1.799", " 0.746", " 3.122", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "17", " BathtubBasin", " -1.613", " 0.052", " 0.540", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "18", " Cabinet", " -1.613", " 0.309", " 2.493", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "19", " ShowerDoor", " 0.527", " 1.037", " 2.115", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "20", " Mirror", " -1.993", " 1.424", " 3.107", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "21", " Cabinet", " -1.613", " 0.309", " 3.754", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "22", " Faucet", " -1.873", " 0.461", " 0.641", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "23", " Sink", " -1.834", " 0.685", " 2.777", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "24", " Cabinet", " -1.613", " 0.309", " 3.105", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "25", " Cabinet", " -1.613", " 0.309", " 3.140", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "26", " TowelHolder", " -0.070", " 1.269", " 0.0", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "27", " GarbageCan", " 0.932", " -0.029", " 3.761", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "28", " HandTowelHolder", " -1.730", " 1.434", " 4.0", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " Window", " -1.039", " 1.393", " 0.018", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " Window", " -1.986", " 1.392", " 0.706", " 90", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " ToiletPaperHanger", " -1.776", " 0.681", " 2.474", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " SinkBasin", " -1.795", " 0.694", " 2.781", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " LightSwitch", " 1.250", " 1.330", " 3.621", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " Toilet", " -1.567", " -0.000", " 1.815", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " Drawer", " 0.204", " 0.940", " 3.807", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " Dresser", " 0.204", " 0.000", " 3.832", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " Drawer", " 0.204", " 0.160", " 3.807", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " Drawer", " 0.204", " 0.420", " 3.807", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " Drawer", " 0.204", " 0.680", " 3.807", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "40", " SinkBasin", " -1.795", " 0.694", " 3.476", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "41", " Sink", " -1.833", " 0.685", " 3.472", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "42", " Faucet", " -1.988", " 0.947", " 3.472", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "43", " ShowerHead", " 0.972", " 1.222", " 2.015", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "44", " Faucet", " -1.988", " 0.947", " 2.776", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "45", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "46", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "47", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "48", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "49", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- ----------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent 0.25 0.900 3.25 0 0 0 1 SoapBar -1.663 0.073 0.470 0 90 0 17 2 SoapBar 0.060 0.876 3.839 0 0 0 35 3 SprayBottle -1.860 1.045 1.943 0 270 0 34 4 Towel -0.07 1.284 0.106 0 0 0 26 5 HandTowel -1.731 1.333 3.961 0 0 0 28 6 SoapBar -1.764 0.016 2.246 0 0 0 18 7 ToiletPaper -0.089 1.156 3.894 0 0 0 45 8 ToiletPaper 0.106 1.156 3.765 0 0 0 45 9 Cloth -0.457 0.446 0.163 0 0 0 15 10 SprayBottle -1.764 0.018 2.193 0 0 0 18 11 Candle 0.349 0.353 3.815 0 0 0 38 12 ScrubBrush -1.664 -0.000 3.897 0 0 0 Floor|-02.00| 13 Plunger -1.888 -0.000 3.885 0 0 0 Floor|-02.00| 14 SoapBottle -1.743 0.772 3.122 0 0 0 16 15 Bathtub -1.414 -0.002 0.563 0 0 0 16 CounterTop -1.799 0.746 3.122 0 0 0 17 BathtubBasin -1.613 0.052 0.540 0 0 0 18 Cabinet -1.613 0.309 2.493 0 0 0 19 ShowerDoor 0.527 1.037 2.115 0 0 0 20 Mirror -1.993 1.424 3.107 0 0 0 21 Cabinet -1.613 0.309 3.754 0 0 0 22 Faucet -1.873 0.461 0.641 0 0 0 23 Sink -1.834 0.685 2.777 0 90 0 24 Cabinet -1.613 0.309 3.105 0 0 0 25 Cabinet -1.613 0.309 3.140 0 0 0 26 TowelHolder -0.070 1.269 0.0 0 0 0 27 GarbageCan 0.932 -0.029 3.761 0 0 0 28 HandTowelHolder -1.730 1.434 4.0 0 90 0 29 Window -1.039 1.393 0.018 90 0 0 30 Window -1.986 1.392 0.706 90 90 0 31 ToiletPaperHanger -1.776 0.681 2.474 0 180 0 32 SinkBasin -1.795 0.694 2.781 0 90 0 33 LightSwitch 1.250 1.330 3.621 0 270 0 34 Toilet -1.567 -0.000 1.815 0 180 0 35 Drawer 0.204 0.940 3.807 0 180 0 36 Dresser 0.204 0.000 3.832 0 180 0 37 Drawer 0.204 0.160 3.807 0 180 0 38 Drawer 0.204 0.420 3.807 0 180 0 39 Drawer 0.204 0.680 3.807 0 180 0 40 SinkBasin -1.795 0.694 3.476 0 90 0 41 Sink -1.833 0.685 3.472 0 90 0 42 Faucet -1.988 0.947 3.472 0 180 0 43 ShowerHead 0.972 1.222 2.015 0 270 0 44 Faucet -1.988 0.947 2.776 0 180 0 45 46 NorthWall 47 EastWall 48 SouthWall 49 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Turn around and begin walking across the room, then turn right and walk over to the small red trashcan to the right of the toilet. | STEP 2: Pick up the spray bottle that is in the red trashcan. | STEP 3: Turn around and walk over to the shower, then turn left and walk up to the white dresser. | STEP 4: Place the spray bottle on top of the dresser to the right of the toilet paper tube. | STEP 5: Turn around and walk over to the toilet. | STEP 6: Pick up the spray bottle on top of the toilet tank. | STEP 7: Turn around and walk back over to the white dresser. | STEP 8: Place the spray bottle on the dresser to the right of the spray bottle that is already there. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Turn around and begin walking across the room, then turn right and walk over to the small red trashcan to the right of the toilet. ", " STEP 2: Pick up the spray bottle that is in the red trashcan. ", " STEP 3: Turn around and walk over to the shower, then turn left and walk up to the white dresser. ", " STEP 4: Place the spray bottle on top of the dresser to the right of the toilet paper tube. ", " STEP 5: Turn around and walk over to the toilet. ", " STEP 6: Pick up the spray bottle on top of the toilet tank. ", " STEP 7: Turn around and walk back over to the white dresser. ", " STEP 8: Place the spray bottle on the dresser to the right of the spray bottle that is already there. ", " END" ] ]
Place two spray bottles on top of the chest of drawers.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " 0.25", " 0.900", " 3.25", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " SoapBar", " -1.663", " 0.073", " 0.470", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 17" ], [ "2", " SoapBar", " 0.060", " 0.876", " 3.839", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 35" ], [ "3", " SprayBottle", " -1.860", " 1.045", " 1.943", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 34" ], [ "4", " Towel", " -0.07", " 1.284", " 0.106", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 26" ], [ "5", " HandTowel", " -1.731", " 1.333", " 3.961", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 28" ], [ "6", " SoapBar", " -1.764", " 0.016", " 2.246", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 18" ], [ "7", " ToiletPaper", " -0.089", " 1.156", " 3.894", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 45" ], [ "8", " ToiletPaper", " 0.106", " 1.156", " 3.765", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 45" ], [ "9", " Cloth", " -0.457", " 0.446", " 0.163", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 15" ], [ "10", " SprayBottle", " -1.764", " 0.018", " 2.193", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 18" ], [ "11", " Candle", " 0.349", " 0.353", " 3.815", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 38" ], [ "12", " ScrubBrush", " -1.664", " -0.000", " 3.897", " 0", " 0", " 0", " Floor|-02.00|" ], [ "13", " Plunger", " -1.888", " -0.000", " 3.885", " 0", " 0", " 0", " Floor|-02.00|" ], [ "14", " SoapBottle", " -1.743", " 0.772", " 3.122", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 16" ], [ "15", " Bathtub", " -1.414", " -0.002", " 0.563", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "16", " CounterTop", " -1.799", " 0.746", " 3.122", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "17", " BathtubBasin", " -1.613", " 0.052", " 0.540", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "18", " Cabinet", " -1.613", " 0.309", " 2.493", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "19", " ShowerDoor", " 0.527", " 1.037", " 2.115", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "20", " Mirror", " -1.993", " 1.424", " 3.107", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "21", " Cabinet", " -1.613", " 0.309", " 3.754", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "22", " Faucet", " -1.873", " 0.461", " 0.641", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "23", " Sink", " -1.834", " 0.685", " 2.777", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "24", " Cabinet", " -1.613", " 0.309", " 3.105", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "25", " Cabinet", " -1.613", " 0.309", " 3.140", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "26", " TowelHolder", " -0.070", " 1.269", " 0.0", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "27", " GarbageCan", " 0.932", " -0.029", " 3.761", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "28", " HandTowelHolder", " -1.730", " 1.434", " 4.0", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " Window", " -1.039", " 1.393", " 0.018", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " Window", " -1.986", " 1.392", " 0.706", " 90", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " ToiletPaperHanger", " -1.776", " 0.681", " 2.474", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " SinkBasin", " -1.795", " 0.694", " 2.781", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " LightSwitch", " 1.250", " 1.330", " 3.621", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " Toilet", " -1.567", " -0.000", " 1.815", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " Drawer", " 0.204", " 0.940", " 3.807", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " Dresser", " 0.204", " 0.000", " 3.832", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " Drawer", " 0.204", " 0.160", " 3.807", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " Drawer", " 0.204", " 0.420", " 3.807", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " Drawer", " 0.204", " 0.680", " 3.807", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "40", " SinkBasin", " -1.795", " 0.694", " 3.476", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "41", " Sink", " -1.833", " 0.685", " 3.472", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "42", " Faucet", " -1.988", " 0.947", " 3.472", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "43", " ShowerHead", " 0.972", " 1.222", " 2.015", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "44", " Faucet", " -1.988", " 0.947", " 2.776", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "45", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "46", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "47", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "48", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "49", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- ----------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent 0.25 0.900 3.25 0 0 0 1 SoapBar -1.663 0.073 0.470 0 90 0 17 2 SoapBar 0.060 0.876 3.839 0 0 0 35 3 SprayBottle -1.860 1.045 1.943 0 270 0 34 4 Towel -0.07 1.284 0.106 0 0 0 26 5 HandTowel -1.731 1.333 3.961 0 0 0 28 6 SoapBar -1.764 0.016 2.246 0 0 0 18 7 ToiletPaper -0.089 1.156 3.894 0 0 0 45 8 ToiletPaper 0.106 1.156 3.765 0 0 0 45 9 Cloth -0.457 0.446 0.163 0 0 0 15 10 SprayBottle -1.764 0.018 2.193 0 0 0 18 11 Candle 0.349 0.353 3.815 0 0 0 38 12 ScrubBrush -1.664 -0.000 3.897 0 0 0 Floor|-02.00| 13 Plunger -1.888 -0.000 3.885 0 0 0 Floor|-02.00| 14 SoapBottle -1.743 0.772 3.122 0 0 0 16 15 Bathtub -1.414 -0.002 0.563 0 0 0 16 CounterTop -1.799 0.746 3.122 0 0 0 17 BathtubBasin -1.613 0.052 0.540 0 0 0 18 Cabinet -1.613 0.309 2.493 0 0 0 19 ShowerDoor 0.527 1.037 2.115 0 0 0 20 Mirror -1.993 1.424 3.107 0 0 0 21 Cabinet -1.613 0.309 3.754 0 0 0 22 Faucet -1.873 0.461 0.641 0 0 0 23 Sink -1.834 0.685 2.777 0 90 0 24 Cabinet -1.613 0.309 3.105 0 0 0 25 Cabinet -1.613 0.309 3.140 0 0 0 26 TowelHolder -0.070 1.269 0.0 0 0 0 27 GarbageCan 0.932 -0.029 3.761 0 0 0 28 HandTowelHolder -1.730 1.434 4.0 0 90 0 29 Window -1.039 1.393 0.018 90 0 0 30 Window -1.986 1.392 0.706 90 90 0 31 ToiletPaperHanger -1.776 0.681 2.474 0 180 0 32 SinkBasin -1.795 0.694 2.781 0 90 0 33 LightSwitch 1.250 1.330 3.621 0 270 0 34 Toilet -1.567 -0.000 1.815 0 180 0 35 Drawer 0.204 0.940 3.807 0 180 0 36 Dresser 0.204 0.000 3.832 0 180 0 37 Drawer 0.204 0.160 3.807 0 180 0 38 Drawer 0.204 0.420 3.807 0 180 0 39 Drawer 0.204 0.680 3.807 0 180 0 40 SinkBasin -1.795 0.694 3.476 0 90 0 41 Sink -1.833 0.685 3.472 0 90 0 42 Faucet -1.988 0.947 3.472 0 180 0 43 ShowerHead 0.972 1.222 2.015 0 270 0 44 Faucet -1.988 0.947 2.776 0 180 0 45 46 NorthWall 47 EastWall 48 SouthWall 49 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Turn around and go to the red trashcan between the toilet and sink. | STEP 2: Pick up the spray bottle that is in the trashcan. | STEP 3: Turn right and go to the chest of drawers that is near the door. | STEP 4: Place the spray bottle on top of the chest, to the right of the tube. | STEP 5: Turn around and go to the toilet. | STEP 6: Pick up the spray bottle that is on top of the toilet's water tank. | STEP 7: Turn right and return to the chest of drawers. | STEP 8: Place the spray bottle next to the other spray bottle, on the right. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Turn around and go to the red trashcan between the toilet and sink. ", " STEP 2: Pick up the spray bottle that is in the trashcan. ", " STEP 3: Turn right and go to the chest of drawers that is near the door. ", " STEP 4: Place the spray bottle on top of the chest, to the right of the tube. ", " STEP 5: Turn around and go to the toilet. ", " STEP 6: Pick up the spray bottle that is on top of the toilet's water tank. ", " STEP 7: Turn right and return to the chest of drawers. ", " STEP 8: Place the spray bottle next to the other spray bottle, on the right. ", " END" ] ]
Pick up the basketball from the floor to hold it above the trash can.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " 1.5", " 0.906", " 1.5", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Bowl", " -1.603", " 0.982", " -1.443", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 33" ], [ "2", " KeyChain", " -0.792", " 0.981", " -1.362", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 33" ], [ "3", " CD", " -0.621", " 1.536", " -1.671", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 35" ], [ "4", " Pencil", " -0.058", " 0.093", " -1.608", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 24" ], [ "5", " AlarmClock", " -1.382", " 1.537", " -1.593", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 35" ], [ "6", " Book", " -0.940", " 2.053", " 1.746", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 27" ], [ "7", " Box", " 1.563", " 0.286", " -1.069", " 0", " 347.500", " 0", "" ], [ "8", " BasketBall", " -1.657", " 0.126", " -0.090", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "9", " Pen", " -0.811", " 1.542", " -1.632", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 35" ], [ "10", " Pencil", " -1.500", " 0.742", " -1.390", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 32" ], [ "11", " Laptop", " -1.026", " 0.894", " 1.746", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 27" ], [ "12", " Pillow", " -1.163", " 0.952", " 2.332", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 27" ], [ "13", " KeyChain", " -0.621", " 1.536", " -1.514", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 35" ], [ "14", " Bowl", " -1.400", " 0.982", " -1.362", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 33" ], [ "15", " CreditCard", " -0.430", " 1.536", " -1.710", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 35" ], [ "16", " CellPhone", " -1.198", " 0.982", " -1.524", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 33" ], [ "17", " CD", " -1.400", " 0.981", " -1.606", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 33" ], [ "18", " AlarmClock", " -1.603", " 0.982", " -1.606", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 33" ], [ "19", " Mug", " -0.387", " 0.980", " -1.362", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 33" ], [ "20", " Statue", " -1.191", " 1.543", " -1.593", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 35" ], [ "21", " Mirror", " 1.907", " 1.387", " 0.973", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "22", " LaundryHamper", " -0.351", " 0.007", " 2.368", " 0", " 164.999", " 0", "" ], [ "23", " DeskLamp", " -0.343", " 1.545", " -1.564", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "24", " GarbageCan", " -0.035", " 0.007", " -1.530", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "25", " Window", " 1.009", " 1.514", " -2.089", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "26", " LightSwitch", " 0.397", " 1.197", " 2.729", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "27", " Bed", " -1.299", " 1.937", " 1.441", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "28", " Blinds", " 1.064", " 2.382", " -2.094", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " Chair", " 0.884", " 0.012", " -1.433", " 0", " 29.871", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " Chair", " -0.646", " 0.007", " -1.206", " 0", " 195.000", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " Drawer", " -1.409", " 0.233", " -1.303", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " Drawer", " -1.407", " 0.847", " -1.302", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " Desk", " -0.993", " 0.006", " -1.410", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " Drawer", " -1.408", " 0.558", " -1.302", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " Shelf", " 0.003", " 0.013", " 0.035", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "37", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "38", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "39", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent 1.5 0.906 1.5 0 180 0 1 Bowl -1.603 0.982 -1.443 0 0 0 33 2 KeyChain -0.792 0.981 -1.362 0 0 0 33 3 CD -0.621 1.536 -1.671 0 0 0 35 4 Pencil -0.058 0.093 -1.608 0 270 0 24 5 AlarmClock -1.382 1.537 -1.593 0 90 0 35 6 Book -0.940 2.053 1.746 0 0 0 27 7 Box 1.563 0.286 -1.069 0 347.500 0 8 BasketBall -1.657 0.126 -0.090 0 0 0 9 Pen -0.811 1.542 -1.632 0 0 0 35 10 Pencil -1.500 0.742 -1.390 0 0 0 32 11 Laptop -1.026 0.894 1.746 0 0 0 27 12 Pillow -1.163 0.952 2.332 0 0 0 27 13 KeyChain -0.621 1.536 -1.514 0 0 0 35 14 Bowl -1.400 0.982 -1.362 0 0 0 33 15 CreditCard -0.430 1.536 -1.710 0 0 0 35 16 CellPhone -1.198 0.982 -1.524 0 0 0 33 17 CD -1.400 0.981 -1.606 0 0 0 33 18 AlarmClock -1.603 0.982 -1.606 0 0 0 33 19 Mug -0.387 0.980 -1.362 0 0 0 33 20 Statue -1.191 1.543 -1.593 0 0 0 35 21 Mirror 1.907 1.387 0.973 0 90 0 22 LaundryHamper -0.351 0.007 2.368 0 164.999 0 23 DeskLamp -0.343 1.545 -1.564 0 0 0 24 GarbageCan -0.035 0.007 -1.530 0 270 0 25 Window 1.009 1.514 -2.089 90 0 0 26 LightSwitch 0.397 1.197 2.729 0 180 0 27 Bed -1.299 1.937 1.441 0 0 0 28 Blinds 1.064 2.382 -2.094 0 0 0 29 Chair 0.884 0.012 -1.433 0 29.871 0 30 Chair -0.646 0.007 -1.206 0 195.000 0 31 Drawer -1.409 0.233 -1.303 0 0 0 32 Drawer -1.407 0.847 -1.302 0 0 0 33 Desk -0.993 0.006 -1.410 0 0 0 34 Drawer -1.408 0.558 -1.302 0 0 0 35 Shelf 0.003 0.013 0.035 0 0 0 36 NorthWall 37 EastWall 38 SouthWall 39 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Walk forward, turn right, walk forward, turn right, stand in front of the basket ball. | STEP 2: Pick up the basket ball from the floor. | STEP 3: Turn around, walk forward, stand in front of the garbage can. | STEP 4: Raise the ball up high into the air. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Walk forward, turn right, walk forward, turn right, stand in front of the basket ball. ", " STEP 2: Pick up the basket ball from the floor. ", " STEP 3: Turn around, walk forward, stand in front of the garbage can. ", " STEP 4: Raise the ball up high into the air. ", " END" ] ]
Attempt to throw the basketball into the bin.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " 1.5", " 0.906", " 1.5", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Bowl", " -1.603", " 0.982", " -1.443", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 33" ], [ "2", " KeyChain", " -0.792", " 0.981", " -1.362", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 33" ], [ "3", " CD", " -0.621", " 1.536", " -1.671", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 35" ], [ "4", " Pencil", " -0.058", " 0.093", " -1.608", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 24" ], [ "5", " AlarmClock", " -1.382", " 1.537", " -1.593", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 35" ], [ "6", " Book", " -0.940", " 2.053", " 1.746", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 27" ], [ "7", " Box", " 1.563", " 0.286", " -1.069", " 0", " 347.500", " 0", "" ], [ "8", " BasketBall", " -1.657", " 0.126", " -0.090", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "9", " Pen", " -0.811", " 1.542", " -1.632", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 35" ], [ "10", " Pencil", " -1.500", " 0.742", " -1.390", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 32" ], [ "11", " Laptop", " -1.026", " 0.894", " 1.746", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 27" ], [ "12", " Pillow", " -1.163", " 0.952", " 2.332", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 27" ], [ "13", " KeyChain", " -0.621", " 1.536", " -1.514", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 35" ], [ "14", " Bowl", " -1.400", " 0.982", " -1.362", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 33" ], [ "15", " CreditCard", " -0.430", " 1.536", " -1.710", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 35" ], [ "16", " CellPhone", " -1.198", " 0.982", " -1.524", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 33" ], [ "17", " CD", " -1.400", " 0.981", " -1.606", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 33" ], [ "18", " AlarmClock", " -1.603", " 0.982", " -1.606", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 33" ], [ "19", " Mug", " -0.387", " 0.980", " -1.362", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 33" ], [ "20", " Statue", " -1.191", " 1.543", " -1.593", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 35" ], [ "21", " Mirror", " 1.907", " 1.387", " 0.973", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "22", " LaundryHamper", " -0.351", " 0.007", " 2.368", " 0", " 164.999", " 0", "" ], [ "23", " DeskLamp", " -0.343", " 1.545", " -1.564", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "24", " GarbageCan", " -0.035", " 0.007", " -1.530", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "25", " Window", " 1.009", " 1.514", " -2.089", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "26", " LightSwitch", " 0.397", " 1.197", " 2.729", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "27", " Bed", " -1.299", " 1.937", " 1.441", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "28", " Blinds", " 1.064", " 2.382", " -2.094", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " Chair", " 0.884", " 0.012", " -1.433", " 0", " 29.871", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " Chair", " -0.646", " 0.007", " -1.206", " 0", " 195.000", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " Drawer", " -1.409", " 0.233", " -1.303", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " Drawer", " -1.407", " 0.847", " -1.302", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " Desk", " -0.993", " 0.006", " -1.410", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " Drawer", " -1.408", " 0.558", " -1.302", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " Shelf", " 0.003", " 0.013", " 0.035", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "37", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "38", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "39", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent 1.5 0.906 1.5 0 180 0 1 Bowl -1.603 0.982 -1.443 0 0 0 33 2 KeyChain -0.792 0.981 -1.362 0 0 0 33 3 CD -0.621 1.536 -1.671 0 0 0 35 4 Pencil -0.058 0.093 -1.608 0 270 0 24 5 AlarmClock -1.382 1.537 -1.593 0 90 0 35 6 Book -0.940 2.053 1.746 0 0 0 27 7 Box 1.563 0.286 -1.069 0 347.500 0 8 BasketBall -1.657 0.126 -0.090 0 0 0 9 Pen -0.811 1.542 -1.632 0 0 0 35 10 Pencil -1.500 0.742 -1.390 0 0 0 32 11 Laptop -1.026 0.894 1.746 0 0 0 27 12 Pillow -1.163 0.952 2.332 0 0 0 27 13 KeyChain -0.621 1.536 -1.514 0 0 0 35 14 Bowl -1.400 0.982 -1.362 0 0 0 33 15 CreditCard -0.430 1.536 -1.710 0 0 0 35 16 CellPhone -1.198 0.982 -1.524 0 0 0 33 17 CD -1.400 0.981 -1.606 0 0 0 33 18 AlarmClock -1.603 0.982 -1.606 0 0 0 33 19 Mug -0.387 0.980 -1.362 0 0 0 33 20 Statue -1.191 1.543 -1.593 0 0 0 35 21 Mirror 1.907 1.387 0.973 0 90 0 22 LaundryHamper -0.351 0.007 2.368 0 164.999 0 23 DeskLamp -0.343 1.545 -1.564 0 0 0 24 GarbageCan -0.035 0.007 -1.530 0 270 0 25 Window 1.009 1.514 -2.089 90 0 0 26 LightSwitch 0.397 1.197 2.729 0 180 0 27 Bed -1.299 1.937 1.441 0 0 0 28 Blinds 1.064 2.382 -2.094 0 0 0 29 Chair 0.884 0.012 -1.433 0 29.871 0 30 Chair -0.646 0.007 -1.206 0 195.000 0 31 Drawer -1.409 0.233 -1.303 0 0 0 32 Drawer -1.407 0.847 -1.302 0 0 0 33 Desk -0.993 0.006 -1.410 0 0 0 34 Drawer -1.408 0.558 -1.302 0 0 0 35 Shelf 0.003 0.013 0.035 0 0 0 36 NorthWall 37 EastWall 38 SouthWall 39 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Walk towards the white box on the floor, turn right towards the the basketball on the floor. | STEP 2: Pick up the basketball on the floor. | STEP 3: Turn around, walk towards the metal bin on the right. | STEP 4: Lift the basketball up while facing the bin on the floor. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Walk towards the white box on the floor, turn right towards the the basketball on the floor. ", " STEP 2: Pick up the basketball on the floor. ", " STEP 3: Turn around, walk towards the metal bin on the right. ", " STEP 4: Lift the basketball up while facing the bin on the floor. ", " END" ] ]
examine a basketball with a lamp
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " 1.5", " 0.906", " 1.5", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Bowl", " -1.603", " 0.982", " -1.443", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 33" ], [ "2", " KeyChain", " -0.792", " 0.981", " -1.362", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 33" ], [ "3", " CD", " -0.621", " 1.536", " -1.671", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 35" ], [ "4", " Pencil", " -0.058", " 0.093", " -1.608", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 24" ], [ "5", " AlarmClock", " -1.382", " 1.537", " -1.593", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 35" ], [ "6", " Book", " -0.940", " 2.053", " 1.746", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 27" ], [ "7", " Box", " 1.563", " 0.286", " -1.069", " 0", " 347.500", " 0", "" ], [ "8", " BasketBall", " -1.657", " 0.126", " -0.090", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "9", " Pen", " -0.811", " 1.542", " -1.632", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 35" ], [ "10", " Pencil", " -1.500", " 0.742", " -1.390", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 32" ], [ "11", " Laptop", " -1.026", " 0.894", " 1.746", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 27" ], [ "12", " Pillow", " -1.163", " 0.952", " 2.332", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 27" ], [ "13", " KeyChain", " -0.621", " 1.536", " -1.514", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 35" ], [ "14", " Bowl", " -1.400", " 0.982", " -1.362", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 33" ], [ "15", " CreditCard", " -0.430", " 1.536", " -1.710", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 35" ], [ "16", " CellPhone", " -1.198", " 0.982", " -1.524", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 33" ], [ "17", " CD", " -1.400", " 0.981", " -1.606", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 33" ], [ "18", " AlarmClock", " -1.603", " 0.982", " -1.606", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 33" ], [ "19", " Mug", " -0.387", " 0.980", " -1.362", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 33" ], [ "20", " Statue", " -1.191", " 1.543", " -1.593", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 35" ], [ "21", " Mirror", " 1.907", " 1.387", " 0.973", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "22", " LaundryHamper", " -0.351", " 0.007", " 2.368", " 0", " 164.999", " 0", "" ], [ "23", " DeskLamp", " -0.343", " 1.545", " -1.564", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "24", " GarbageCan", " -0.035", " 0.007", " -1.530", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "25", " Window", " 1.009", " 1.514", " -2.089", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "26", " LightSwitch", " 0.397", " 1.197", " 2.729", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "27", " Bed", " -1.299", " 1.937", " 1.441", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "28", " Blinds", " 1.064", " 2.382", " -2.094", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " Chair", " 0.884", " 0.012", " -1.433", " 0", " 29.871", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " Chair", " -0.646", " 0.007", " -1.206", " 0", " 195.000", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " Drawer", " -1.409", " 0.233", " -1.303", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " Drawer", " -1.407", " 0.847", " -1.302", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " Desk", " -0.993", " 0.006", " -1.410", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " Drawer", " -1.408", " 0.558", " -1.302", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " Shelf", " 0.003", " 0.013", " 0.035", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "37", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "38", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "39", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent 1.5 0.906 1.5 0 180 0 1 Bowl -1.603 0.982 -1.443 0 0 0 33 2 KeyChain -0.792 0.981 -1.362 0 0 0 33 3 CD -0.621 1.536 -1.671 0 0 0 35 4 Pencil -0.058 0.093 -1.608 0 270 0 24 5 AlarmClock -1.382 1.537 -1.593 0 90 0 35 6 Book -0.940 2.053 1.746 0 0 0 27 7 Box 1.563 0.286 -1.069 0 347.500 0 8 BasketBall -1.657 0.126 -0.090 0 0 0 9 Pen -0.811 1.542 -1.632 0 0 0 35 10 Pencil -1.500 0.742 -1.390 0 0 0 32 11 Laptop -1.026 0.894 1.746 0 0 0 27 12 Pillow -1.163 0.952 2.332 0 0 0 27 13 KeyChain -0.621 1.536 -1.514 0 0 0 35 14 Bowl -1.400 0.982 -1.362 0 0 0 33 15 CreditCard -0.430 1.536 -1.710 0 0 0 35 16 CellPhone -1.198 0.982 -1.524 0 0 0 33 17 CD -1.400 0.981 -1.606 0 0 0 33 18 AlarmClock -1.603 0.982 -1.606 0 0 0 33 19 Mug -0.387 0.980 -1.362 0 0 0 33 20 Statue -1.191 1.543 -1.593 0 0 0 35 21 Mirror 1.907 1.387 0.973 0 90 0 22 LaundryHamper -0.351 0.007 2.368 0 164.999 0 23 DeskLamp -0.343 1.545 -1.564 0 0 0 24 GarbageCan -0.035 0.007 -1.530 0 270 0 25 Window 1.009 1.514 -2.089 90 0 0 26 LightSwitch 0.397 1.197 2.729 0 180 0 27 Bed -1.299 1.937 1.441 0 0 0 28 Blinds 1.064 2.382 -2.094 0 0 0 29 Chair 0.884 0.012 -1.433 0 29.871 0 30 Chair -0.646 0.007 -1.206 0 195.000 0 31 Drawer -1.409 0.233 -1.303 0 0 0 32 Drawer -1.407 0.847 -1.302 0 0 0 33 Desk -0.993 0.006 -1.410 0 0 0 34 Drawer -1.408 0.558 -1.302 0 0 0 35 Shelf 0.003 0.013 0.035 0 0 0 36 NorthWall 37 EastWall 38 SouthWall 39 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: walk forwards towards the box, turn right, walk across to the wall, turn right | STEP 2: pick up the basketball that is on the floor | STEP 3: turn right, walk forward, turn right after the desk | STEP 4: hold ball up to the lamp, turn the lamp on | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: walk forwards towards the box, turn right, walk across to the wall, turn right ", " STEP 2: pick up the basketball that is on the floor ", " STEP 3: turn right, walk forward, turn right after the desk ", " STEP 4: hold ball up to the lamp, turn the lamp on ", " END" ] ]
turn on light on bureau top while holding clock
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " 0.5", " 0.902", " 0.25", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " CD", " 1.536", " 0.799", " -2.219", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 45" ], [ "2", " CellPhone", " 1.680", " 0.655", " -1.202", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 38" ], [ "3", " CellPhone", " 1.540", " 0.334", " -1.376", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 37" ], [ "4", " Pen", " 1.597", " 0.800", " -1.467", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 45" ], [ "5", " CreditCard", " 1.719", " 0.799", " -2.219", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 45" ], [ "6", " CreditCard", " 1.586", " 0.334", " -1.289", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 37" ], [ "7", " KeyChain", " 1.536", " 0.801", " -2.407", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 45" ], [ "8", " KeyChain", " 1.781", " 0.801", " -1.279", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 45" ], [ "9", " AlarmClock", " 1.536", " 0.800", " -1.279", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 45" ], [ "10", " Book", " -0.088", " 0.694", " -0.36", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 25" ], [ "11", " KeyChain", " 1.633", " 0.016", " -2.386", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 46" ], [ "12", " AlarmClock", " 0.069", " 0.665", " -2.578", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 50" ], [ "13", " CreditCard", " 1.726", " 0.500", " -1.726", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 39" ], [ "14", " Laptop", " 1.663", " 0.794", " -1.842", " 0", " 287.390", " 0", " 45" ], [ "15", " Pen", " 1.586", " 0.176", " -1.376", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 41" ], [ "16", " Pencil", " 1.633", " 0.176", " -2.211", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 43" ], [ "17", " BaseballBat", " -1.844", " 0.678", " -2.203", " 0", " 0", " 8.760", " Floor|+00.01|" ], [ "18", " Pillow", " -0.574", " 0.755", " -0.146", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 25" ], [ "19", " Pillow", " -1.508", " 0.685", " -0.378", " 0", " 288.596", " 0", " 25" ], [ "20", " TennisRacket", " -1.597", " 0.001", " -1.367", " 90", " 37.792", " 0", " Floor|+00.01|" ], [ "21", " CellPhone", " 1.726", " 0.334", " -2.298", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 44" ], [ "22", " CD", " 3.378", " 0.016", " 0.194", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 30" ], [ "23", " Mug", " 0.341", " 0.671", " -2.570", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 50" ], [ "24", " Mirror", " 3.534", " 1.661", " -0.277", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "25", " Bed", " -0.842", " -0.000", " -0.361", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "26", " DeskLamp", " 1.742", " 0.819", " -1.394", " 0", " 358.556", " 0", "" ], [ "27", " Painting", " 0.246", " 1.564", " -2.665", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "28", " Painting", " 1.894", " 1.549", " -2.424", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " Painting", " 1.894", " 1.549", " -1.289", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " GarbageCan", " 3.378", " 0.000", " 0.220", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " LightSwitch", " -0.078", " 1.219", " 1.298", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " Window", " -0.486", " 1.409", " -2.691", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " Window", " 0.987", " 1.409", " -2.691", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " VacuumCleaner", " -1.649", " 0.010", " -2.440", " 0", " 42.426", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " Blinds", " -0.490", " 2.130", " -2.638", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " Blinds", " 1.011", " 2.130", " -2.638", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " Drawer", " 1.596", " 0.411", " -1.459", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " Drawer", " 1.597", " 0.732", " -1.459", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " Drawer", " 1.597", " 0.574", " -1.459", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "40", " Drawer", " 1.597", " 0.732", " -2.202", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "41", " Drawer", " 1.596", " 0.247", " -1.459", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "42", " Drawer", " 1.596", " 0.090", " -1.459", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "43", " Drawer", " 1.596", " 0.247", " -2.202", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "44", " Drawer", " 1.596", " 0.411", " -2.202", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "45", " Dresser", " 1.634", " 0.003", " -1.830", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "46", " Drawer", " 1.596", " 0.090", " -2.202", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "47", " Drawer", " 1.597", " 0.574", " -2.202", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "48", " ShelvingUnit", " 0.249", " 0.003", " -2.519", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "49", " Shelf", " 0.017", " 0.178", " -2.511", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "50", " Shelf", " 0.249", " 0.665", " -2.519", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "51", " Shelf", " 0.243", " 0.344", " -2.511", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " Shelf", " 0.474", " 0.344", " -2.511", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " Shelf", " 0.355", " 0.011", " -2.511", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " Shelf", " 0.016", " 0.011", " -2.511", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "55", " Shelf", " 0.357", " 0.178", " -2.511", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "56", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "57", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "58", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "59", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent 0.5 0.902 0.25 0 180 0 1 CD 1.536 0.799 -2.219 0 0 0 45 2 CellPhone 1.680 0.655 -1.202 0 0 0 38 3 CellPhone 1.540 0.334 -1.376 0 0 0 37 4 Pen 1.597 0.800 -1.467 0 0 0 45 5 CreditCard 1.719 0.799 -2.219 0 0 0 45 6 CreditCard 1.586 0.334 -1.289 0 0 0 37 7 KeyChain 1.536 0.801 -2.407 0 90 0 45 8 KeyChain 1.781 0.801 -1.279 0 90 0 45 9 AlarmClock 1.536 0.800 -1.279 0 0 0 45 10 Book -0.088 0.694 -0.36 0 0 0 25 11 KeyChain 1.633 0.016 -2.386 0 0 0 46 12 AlarmClock 0.069 0.665 -2.578 0 0 0 50 13 CreditCard 1.726 0.500 -1.726 0 0 0 39 14 Laptop 1.663 0.794 -1.842 0 287.390 0 45 15 Pen 1.586 0.176 -1.376 0 0 0 41 16 Pencil 1.633 0.176 -2.211 0 0 0 43 17 BaseballBat -1.844 0.678 -2.203 0 0 8.760 Floor|+00.01| 18 Pillow -0.574 0.755 -0.146 0 0 0 25 19 Pillow -1.508 0.685 -0.378 0 288.596 0 25 20 TennisRacket -1.597 0.001 -1.367 90 37.792 0 Floor|+00.01| 21 CellPhone 1.726 0.334 -2.298 0 0 0 44 22 CD 3.378 0.016 0.194 0 0 0 30 23 Mug 0.341 0.671 -2.570 0 0 0 50 24 Mirror 3.534 1.661 -0.277 0 90 0 25 Bed -0.842 -0.000 -0.361 0 270 0 26 DeskLamp 1.742 0.819 -1.394 0 358.556 0 27 Painting 0.246 1.564 -2.665 90 0 0 28 Painting 1.894 1.549 -2.424 90 270 0 29 Painting 1.894 1.549 -1.289 90 270 0 30 GarbageCan 3.378 0.000 0.220 0 0 0 31 LightSwitch -0.078 1.219 1.298 0 180 0 32 Window -0.486 1.409 -2.691 90 0 0 33 Window 0.987 1.409 -2.691 90 0 0 34 VacuumCleaner -1.649 0.010 -2.440 0 42.426 0 35 Blinds -0.490 2.130 -2.638 0 0 0 36 Blinds 1.011 2.130 -2.638 0 0 0 37 Drawer 1.596 0.411 -1.459 0 270 0 38 Drawer 1.597 0.732 -1.459 0 270 0 39 Drawer 1.597 0.574 -1.459 0 270 0 40 Drawer 1.597 0.732 -2.202 0 270 0 41 Drawer 1.596 0.247 -1.459 0 270 0 42 Drawer 1.596 0.090 -1.459 0 270 0 43 Drawer 1.596 0.247 -2.202 0 270 0 44 Drawer 1.596 0.411 -2.202 0 270 0 45 Dresser 1.634 0.003 -1.830 0 270 0 46 Drawer 1.596 0.090 -2.202 0 270 0 47 Drawer 1.597 0.574 -2.202 0 270 0 48 ShelvingUnit 0.249 0.003 -2.519 0 0 0 49 Shelf 0.017 0.178 -2.511 0 0 0 50 Shelf 0.249 0.665 -2.519 0 0 0 51 Shelf 0.243 0.344 -2.511 0 0 0 52 Shelf 0.474 0.344 -2.511 0 0 0 53 Shelf 0.355 0.011 -2.511 0 0 0 54 Shelf 0.016 0.011 -2.511 0 0 0 55 Shelf 0.357 0.178 -2.511 0 0 0 56 NorthWall 57 EastWall 58 SouthWall 59 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: walk to face bureau | STEP 2: pick up clock from bureau | STEP 3: walk to face left side of bureau | STEP 4: turn on light on bureau top | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: walk to face bureau ", " STEP 2: pick up clock from bureau ", " STEP 3: walk to face left side of bureau ", " STEP 4: turn on light on bureau top ", " END" ] ]
Pick up a clock and turn a lamp on.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " 0.5", " 0.902", " 0.25", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " CD", " 1.536", " 0.799", " -2.219", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 45" ], [ "2", " CellPhone", " 1.680", " 0.655", " -1.202", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 38" ], [ "3", " CellPhone", " 1.540", " 0.334", " -1.376", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 37" ], [ "4", " Pen", " 1.597", " 0.800", " -1.467", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 45" ], [ "5", " CreditCard", " 1.719", " 0.799", " -2.219", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 45" ], [ "6", " CreditCard", " 1.586", " 0.334", " -1.289", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 37" ], [ "7", " KeyChain", " 1.536", " 0.801", " -2.407", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 45" ], [ "8", " KeyChain", " 1.781", " 0.801", " -1.279", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 45" ], [ "9", " AlarmClock", " 1.536", " 0.800", " -1.279", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 45" ], [ "10", " Book", " -0.088", " 0.694", " -0.36", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 25" ], [ "11", " KeyChain", " 1.633", " 0.016", " -2.386", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 46" ], [ "12", " AlarmClock", " 0.069", " 0.665", " -2.578", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 50" ], [ "13", " CreditCard", " 1.726", " 0.500", " -1.726", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 39" ], [ "14", " Laptop", " 1.663", " 0.794", " -1.842", " 0", " 287.390", " 0", " 45" ], [ "15", " Pen", " 1.586", " 0.176", " -1.376", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 41" ], [ "16", " Pencil", " 1.633", " 0.176", " -2.211", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 43" ], [ "17", " BaseballBat", " -1.844", " 0.678", " -2.203", " 0", " 0", " 8.760", " Floor|+00.01|" ], [ "18", " Pillow", " -0.574", " 0.755", " -0.146", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 25" ], [ "19", " Pillow", " -1.508", " 0.685", " -0.378", " 0", " 288.596", " 0", " 25" ], [ "20", " TennisRacket", " -1.597", " 0.001", " -1.367", " 90", " 37.792", " 0", " Floor|+00.01|" ], [ "21", " CellPhone", " 1.726", " 0.334", " -2.298", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 44" ], [ "22", " CD", " 3.378", " 0.016", " 0.194", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 30" ], [ "23", " Mug", " 0.341", " 0.671", " -2.570", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 50" ], [ "24", " Mirror", " 3.534", " 1.661", " -0.277", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "25", " Bed", " -0.842", " -0.000", " -0.361", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "26", " DeskLamp", " 1.742", " 0.819", " -1.394", " 0", " 358.556", " 0", "" ], [ "27", " Painting", " 0.246", " 1.564", " -2.665", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "28", " Painting", " 1.894", " 1.549", " -2.424", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " Painting", " 1.894", " 1.549", " -1.289", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " GarbageCan", " 3.378", " 0.000", " 0.220", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " LightSwitch", " -0.078", " 1.219", " 1.298", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " Window", " -0.486", " 1.409", " -2.691", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " Window", " 0.987", " 1.409", " -2.691", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " VacuumCleaner", " -1.649", " 0.010", " -2.440", " 0", " 42.426", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " Blinds", " -0.490", " 2.130", " -2.638", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " Blinds", " 1.011", " 2.130", " -2.638", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " Drawer", " 1.596", " 0.411", " -1.459", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " Drawer", " 1.597", " 0.732", " -1.459", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " Drawer", " 1.597", " 0.574", " -1.459", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "40", " Drawer", " 1.597", " 0.732", " -2.202", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "41", " Drawer", " 1.596", " 0.247", " -1.459", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "42", " Drawer", " 1.596", " 0.090", " -1.459", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "43", " Drawer", " 1.596", " 0.247", " -2.202", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "44", " Drawer", " 1.596", " 0.411", " -2.202", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "45", " Dresser", " 1.634", " 0.003", " -1.830", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "46", " Drawer", " 1.596", " 0.090", " -2.202", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "47", " Drawer", " 1.597", " 0.574", " -2.202", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "48", " ShelvingUnit", " 0.249", " 0.003", " -2.519", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "49", " Shelf", " 0.017", " 0.178", " -2.511", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "50", " Shelf", " 0.249", " 0.665", " -2.519", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "51", " Shelf", " 0.243", " 0.344", " -2.511", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " Shelf", " 0.474", " 0.344", " -2.511", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " Shelf", " 0.355", " 0.011", " -2.511", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " Shelf", " 0.016", " 0.011", " -2.511", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "55", " Shelf", " 0.357", " 0.178", " -2.511", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "56", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "57", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "58", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "59", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent 0.5 0.902 0.25 0 180 0 1 CD 1.536 0.799 -2.219 0 0 0 45 2 CellPhone 1.680 0.655 -1.202 0 0 0 38 3 CellPhone 1.540 0.334 -1.376 0 0 0 37 4 Pen 1.597 0.800 -1.467 0 0 0 45 5 CreditCard 1.719 0.799 -2.219 0 0 0 45 6 CreditCard 1.586 0.334 -1.289 0 0 0 37 7 KeyChain 1.536 0.801 -2.407 0 90 0 45 8 KeyChain 1.781 0.801 -1.279 0 90 0 45 9 AlarmClock 1.536 0.800 -1.279 0 0 0 45 10 Book -0.088 0.694 -0.36 0 0 0 25 11 KeyChain 1.633 0.016 -2.386 0 0 0 46 12 AlarmClock 0.069 0.665 -2.578 0 0 0 50 13 CreditCard 1.726 0.500 -1.726 0 0 0 39 14 Laptop 1.663 0.794 -1.842 0 287.390 0 45 15 Pen 1.586 0.176 -1.376 0 0 0 41 16 Pencil 1.633 0.176 -2.211 0 0 0 43 17 BaseballBat -1.844 0.678 -2.203 0 0 8.760 Floor|+00.01| 18 Pillow -0.574 0.755 -0.146 0 0 0 25 19 Pillow -1.508 0.685 -0.378 0 288.596 0 25 20 TennisRacket -1.597 0.001 -1.367 90 37.792 0 Floor|+00.01| 21 CellPhone 1.726 0.334 -2.298 0 0 0 44 22 CD 3.378 0.016 0.194 0 0 0 30 23 Mug 0.341 0.671 -2.570 0 0 0 50 24 Mirror 3.534 1.661 -0.277 0 90 0 25 Bed -0.842 -0.000 -0.361 0 270 0 26 DeskLamp 1.742 0.819 -1.394 0 358.556 0 27 Painting 0.246 1.564 -2.665 90 0 0 28 Painting 1.894 1.549 -2.424 90 270 0 29 Painting 1.894 1.549 -1.289 90 270 0 30 GarbageCan 3.378 0.000 0.220 0 0 0 31 LightSwitch -0.078 1.219 1.298 0 180 0 32 Window -0.486 1.409 -2.691 90 0 0 33 Window 0.987 1.409 -2.691 90 0 0 34 VacuumCleaner -1.649 0.010 -2.440 0 42.426 0 35 Blinds -0.490 2.130 -2.638 0 0 0 36 Blinds 1.011 2.130 -2.638 0 0 0 37 Drawer 1.596 0.411 -1.459 0 270 0 38 Drawer 1.597 0.732 -1.459 0 270 0 39 Drawer 1.597 0.574 -1.459 0 270 0 40 Drawer 1.597 0.732 -2.202 0 270 0 41 Drawer 1.596 0.247 -1.459 0 270 0 42 Drawer 1.596 0.090 -1.459 0 270 0 43 Drawer 1.596 0.247 -2.202 0 270 0 44 Drawer 1.596 0.411 -2.202 0 270 0 45 Dresser 1.634 0.003 -1.830 0 270 0 46 Drawer 1.596 0.090 -2.202 0 270 0 47 Drawer 1.597 0.574 -2.202 0 270 0 48 ShelvingUnit 0.249 0.003 -2.519 0 0 0 49 Shelf 0.017 0.178 -2.511 0 0 0 50 Shelf 0.249 0.665 -2.519 0 0 0 51 Shelf 0.243 0.344 -2.511 0 0 0 52 Shelf 0.474 0.344 -2.511 0 0 0 53 Shelf 0.355 0.011 -2.511 0 0 0 54 Shelf 0.016 0.011 -2.511 0 0 0 55 Shelf 0.357 0.178 -2.511 0 0 0 56 NorthWall 57 EastWall 58 SouthWall 59 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Turn to the left and face the lamp on the dresser. | STEP 2: Pick the clock up from the dresser. | STEP 3: Move to the side of the dresser and face the lamp. | STEP 4: Turn the lamp on. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Turn to the left and face the lamp on the dresser. ", " STEP 2: Pick the clock up from the dresser. ", " STEP 3: Move to the side of the dresser and face the lamp. ", " STEP 4: Turn the lamp on. ", " END" ] ]
Pick up a clock and turn a lamp on.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " 0.5", " 0.902", " 0.25", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " CD", " 1.536", " 0.799", " -2.219", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 45" ], [ "2", " CellPhone", " 1.680", " 0.655", " -1.202", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 38" ], [ "3", " CellPhone", " 1.540", " 0.334", " -1.376", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 37" ], [ "4", " Pen", " 1.597", " 0.800", " -1.467", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 45" ], [ "5", " CreditCard", " 1.719", " 0.799", " -2.219", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 45" ], [ "6", " CreditCard", " 1.586", " 0.334", " -1.289", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 37" ], [ "7", " KeyChain", " 1.536", " 0.801", " -2.407", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 45" ], [ "8", " KeyChain", " 1.781", " 0.801", " -1.279", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 45" ], [ "9", " AlarmClock", " 1.536", " 0.800", " -1.279", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 45" ], [ "10", " Book", " -0.088", " 0.694", " -0.36", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 25" ], [ "11", " KeyChain", " 1.633", " 0.016", " -2.386", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 46" ], [ "12", " AlarmClock", " 0.069", " 0.665", " -2.578", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 50" ], [ "13", " CreditCard", " 1.726", " 0.500", " -1.726", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 39" ], [ "14", " Laptop", " 1.663", " 0.794", " -1.842", " 0", " 287.390", " 0", " 45" ], [ "15", " Pen", " 1.586", " 0.176", " -1.376", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 41" ], [ "16", " Pencil", " 1.633", " 0.176", " -2.211", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 43" ], [ "17", " BaseballBat", " -1.844", " 0.678", " -2.203", " 0", " 0", " 8.760", " Floor|+00.01|" ], [ "18", " Pillow", " -0.574", " 0.755", " -0.146", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 25" ], [ "19", " Pillow", " -1.508", " 0.685", " -0.378", " 0", " 288.596", " 0", " 25" ], [ "20", " TennisRacket", " -1.597", " 0.001", " -1.367", " 90", " 37.792", " 0", " Floor|+00.01|" ], [ "21", " CellPhone", " 1.726", " 0.334", " -2.298", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 44" ], [ "22", " CD", " 3.378", " 0.016", " 0.194", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 30" ], [ "23", " Mug", " 0.341", " 0.671", " -2.570", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 50" ], [ "24", " Mirror", " 3.534", " 1.661", " -0.277", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "25", " Bed", " -0.842", " -0.000", " -0.361", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "26", " DeskLamp", " 1.742", " 0.819", " -1.394", " 0", " 358.556", " 0", "" ], [ "27", " Painting", " 0.246", " 1.564", " -2.665", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "28", " Painting", " 1.894", " 1.549", " -2.424", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " Painting", " 1.894", " 1.549", " -1.289", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " GarbageCan", " 3.378", " 0.000", " 0.220", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " LightSwitch", " -0.078", " 1.219", " 1.298", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " Window", " -0.486", " 1.409", " -2.691", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " Window", " 0.987", " 1.409", " -2.691", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " VacuumCleaner", " -1.649", " 0.010", " -2.440", " 0", " 42.426", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " Blinds", " -0.490", " 2.130", " -2.638", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " Blinds", " 1.011", " 2.130", " -2.638", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " Drawer", " 1.596", " 0.411", " -1.459", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " Drawer", " 1.597", " 0.732", " -1.459", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " Drawer", " 1.597", " 0.574", " -1.459", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "40", " Drawer", " 1.597", " 0.732", " -2.202", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "41", " Drawer", " 1.596", " 0.247", " -1.459", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "42", " Drawer", " 1.596", " 0.090", " -1.459", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "43", " Drawer", " 1.596", " 0.247", " -2.202", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "44", " Drawer", " 1.596", " 0.411", " -2.202", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "45", " Dresser", " 1.634", " 0.003", " -1.830", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "46", " Drawer", " 1.596", " 0.090", " -2.202", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "47", " Drawer", " 1.597", " 0.574", " -2.202", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "48", " ShelvingUnit", " 0.249", " 0.003", " -2.519", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "49", " Shelf", " 0.017", " 0.178", " -2.511", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "50", " Shelf", " 0.249", " 0.665", " -2.519", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "51", " Shelf", " 0.243", " 0.344", " -2.511", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " Shelf", " 0.474", " 0.344", " -2.511", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " Shelf", " 0.355", " 0.011", " -2.511", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " Shelf", " 0.016", " 0.011", " -2.511", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "55", " Shelf", " 0.357", " 0.178", " -2.511", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "56", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "57", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "58", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "59", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent 0.5 0.902 0.25 0 180 0 1 CD 1.536 0.799 -2.219 0 0 0 45 2 CellPhone 1.680 0.655 -1.202 0 0 0 38 3 CellPhone 1.540 0.334 -1.376 0 0 0 37 4 Pen 1.597 0.800 -1.467 0 0 0 45 5 CreditCard 1.719 0.799 -2.219 0 0 0 45 6 CreditCard 1.586 0.334 -1.289 0 0 0 37 7 KeyChain 1.536 0.801 -2.407 0 90 0 45 8 KeyChain 1.781 0.801 -1.279 0 90 0 45 9 AlarmClock 1.536 0.800 -1.279 0 0 0 45 10 Book -0.088 0.694 -0.36 0 0 0 25 11 KeyChain 1.633 0.016 -2.386 0 0 0 46 12 AlarmClock 0.069 0.665 -2.578 0 0 0 50 13 CreditCard 1.726 0.500 -1.726 0 0 0 39 14 Laptop 1.663 0.794 -1.842 0 287.390 0 45 15 Pen 1.586 0.176 -1.376 0 0 0 41 16 Pencil 1.633 0.176 -2.211 0 0 0 43 17 BaseballBat -1.844 0.678 -2.203 0 0 8.760 Floor|+00.01| 18 Pillow -0.574 0.755 -0.146 0 0 0 25 19 Pillow -1.508 0.685 -0.378 0 288.596 0 25 20 TennisRacket -1.597 0.001 -1.367 90 37.792 0 Floor|+00.01| 21 CellPhone 1.726 0.334 -2.298 0 0 0 44 22 CD 3.378 0.016 0.194 0 0 0 30 23 Mug 0.341 0.671 -2.570 0 0 0 50 24 Mirror 3.534 1.661 -0.277 0 90 0 25 Bed -0.842 -0.000 -0.361 0 270 0 26 DeskLamp 1.742 0.819 -1.394 0 358.556 0 27 Painting 0.246 1.564 -2.665 90 0 0 28 Painting 1.894 1.549 -2.424 90 270 0 29 Painting 1.894 1.549 -1.289 90 270 0 30 GarbageCan 3.378 0.000 0.220 0 0 0 31 LightSwitch -0.078 1.219 1.298 0 180 0 32 Window -0.486 1.409 -2.691 90 0 0 33 Window 0.987 1.409 -2.691 90 0 0 34 VacuumCleaner -1.649 0.010 -2.440 0 42.426 0 35 Blinds -0.490 2.130 -2.638 0 0 0 36 Blinds 1.011 2.130 -2.638 0 0 0 37 Drawer 1.596 0.411 -1.459 0 270 0 38 Drawer 1.597 0.732 -1.459 0 270 0 39 Drawer 1.597 0.574 -1.459 0 270 0 40 Drawer 1.597 0.732 -2.202 0 270 0 41 Drawer 1.596 0.247 -1.459 0 270 0 42 Drawer 1.596 0.090 -1.459 0 270 0 43 Drawer 1.596 0.247 -2.202 0 270 0 44 Drawer 1.596 0.411 -2.202 0 270 0 45 Dresser 1.634 0.003 -1.830 0 270 0 46 Drawer 1.596 0.090 -2.202 0 270 0 47 Drawer 1.597 0.574 -2.202 0 270 0 48 ShelvingUnit 0.249 0.003 -2.519 0 0 0 49 Shelf 0.017 0.178 -2.511 0 0 0 50 Shelf 0.249 0.665 -2.519 0 0 0 51 Shelf 0.243 0.344 -2.511 0 0 0 52 Shelf 0.474 0.344 -2.511 0 0 0 53 Shelf 0.355 0.011 -2.511 0 0 0 54 Shelf 0.016 0.011 -2.511 0 0 0 55 Shelf 0.357 0.178 -2.511 0 0 0 56 NorthWall 57 EastWall 58 SouthWall 59 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Go forward to the end of the bed, hang a left and go to the dresser. | STEP 2: Pick up the clock that is on the dresser. | STEP 3: Turn to the left, go to the end of the dresser and hang a right, turn to the right to face the lamp. | STEP 4: Turn the lamp on. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Go forward to the end of the bed, hang a left and go to the dresser. ", " STEP 2: Pick up the clock that is on the dresser. ", " STEP 3: Turn to the left, go to the end of the dresser and hang a right, turn to the right to face the lamp. ", " STEP 4: Turn the lamp on. ", " END" ] ]
Preparing lettuce and putting it in the sink
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " -3.0", " 0.900", " 1.75", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Potato", " -0.203", " 1.259", " 0.475", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 76" ], [ "2", " Potato", " -0.908", " 1.078", " 2.144", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 53" ], [ "3", " Ladle", " -2.388", " 1.164", " 0.567", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "4", " DishSponge", " -0.662", " 1.046", " 3.042", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 53" ], [ "5", " DishSponge", " -0.662", " 1.047", " 3.266", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 53" ], [ "6", " ButterKnife", " -2.388", " 1.124", " 0.284", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "7", " ButterKnife", " -0.538", " 1.048", " 2.817", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 53" ], [ "8", " Pot", " -3.000", " 1.133", " 0.227", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 67" ], [ "9", " Fork", " -0.662", " 1.047", " 2.593", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 53" ], [ "10", " Spoon", " -1.995", " 0.096", " 0.545", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 55" ], [ "11", " Spoon", " -0.538", " 1.048", " 2.144", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 53" ], [ "12", " Spatula", " -0.715", " 1.139", " 0.478", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 65" ], [ "13", " Plate", " -3.814", " 1.123", " 0.284", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 60" ], [ "14", " SoapBottle", " -0.939", " 1.125", " 0.478", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 65" ], [ "15", " Tomato", " -0.538", " 1.088", " 2.593", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 53" ], [ "16", " Tomato", " -3.747", " 0.153", " 1.978", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 74" ], [ "17", " Bowl", " -3.572", " 0.909", " 2.920", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 70" ], [ "18", " SaltShaker", " -2.262", " 1.121", " 0.473", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "19", " SaltShaker", " -2.416", " 0.898", " 0.544", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 62" ], [ "20", " PepperShaker", " -1.483", " 0.045", " 0.608", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 68" ], [ "21", " PepperShaker", " -0.603", " 1.121", " 0.659", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 65" ], [ "22", " Bread", " -3.44", " 1.647", " 2.991", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 70" ], [ "23", " Lettuce", " -0.908", " 1.124", " 2.817", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 53" ], [ "24", " Apple", " -0.785", " 1.115", " 2.144", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 53" ], [ "25", " Apple", " -0.662", " 1.115", " 2.144", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 53" ], [ "26", " Fork", " -0.538", " 1.048", " 1.920", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 53" ], [ "27", " SoapBottle", " -1.562", " 0.049", " 0.325", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 68" ], [ "28", " Pot", " -3.475", " 1.133", " 0.227", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 49" ], [ "29", " Ladle", " -0.827", " 1.164", " 0.569", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 65" ], [ "30", " Potato", " -0.785", " 1.078", " 1.920", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 53" ], [ "31", " Plate", " -0.908", " 1.045", " 2.369", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 53" ], [ "32", " Bread", " -0.168", " 1.133", " 2.144", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 53" ], [ "33", " Lettuce", " -0.908", " 1.125", " 3.266", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 53" ], [ "34", " Spatula", " -0.785", " 1.062", " 3.042", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 53" ], [ "35", " Pan", " -0.266", " 1.038", " 2.561", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 53" ], [ "36", " Egg", " -1.568", " 1.184", " 0.108", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 50" ], [ "37", " Cup", " -1.288", " 0.929", " 0.636", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 75" ], [ "38", " SaltShaker", " -2.089", " 0.483", " 0.512", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "39", " Knife", " -1.111", " 0.963", " 0.359", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 75" ], [ "40", " Bowl", " -3.373", " 1.284", " 3.132", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 70" ], [ "41", " PepperShaker", " -0.538", " 1.043", " 3.042", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 53" ], [ "42", " ButterKnife", " -1.288", " 0.931", " 0.498", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 75" ], [ "43", " Apple", " -3.44", " 1.354", " 2.778", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 70" ], [ "44", " Tomato", " -0.785", " 1.087", " 2.593", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 53" ], [ "45", " DishSponge", " -1.601", " 0.048", " 0.608", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 68" ], [ "46", " Spoon", " -1.288", " 0.932", " 0.359", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 75" ], [ "47", " Mug", " -1.235", " 0.044", " 0.608", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 57" ], [ "48", " StoveKnob", " -3.322", " 1.053", " 0.709", " 45", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "49", " StoveBurner", " -3.474", " 1.097", " 0.227", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "50", " Sink", " -1.394", " 0.982", " 0.439", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "51", " StoveBurner", " -3.474", " 1.097", " 0.479", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " StoveKnob", " -3.164", " 1.053", " 0.709", " 45", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " DiningTable", " -0.620", " 0.017", " 2.486", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " Drawer", " -2.043", " 0.608", " 0.594", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "55", " Drawer", " -2.043", " 0.216", " 0.594", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "56", " Drawer", " -2.498", " 0.216", " 0.594", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "57", " Cabinet", " -1.001", " 0.393", " 0.734", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "58", " StoveBurner", " -3.000", " 1.097", " 0.480", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "59", " StoveKnob", " -3.492", " 1.053", " 0.709", " 45", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "60", " CounterTop", " -3.856", " 1.160", " 0.379", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "61", " Drawer", " -2.043", " 0.937", " 0.599", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "62", " Drawer", " -2.509", " 0.937", " 0.599", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "63", " CounterTop", " -2.280", " 1.160", " 0.379", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "64", " StoveKnob", " -2.985", " 1.053", " 0.709", " 45", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "65", " CounterTop", " -0.514", " 1.160", " 0.492", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "66", " Drawer", " -2.498", " 0.608", " 0.594", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "67", " StoveBurner", " -3.000", " 1.097", " 0.227", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "68", " Cabinet", " -1.733", " 0.393", " 0.734", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "69", " CoffeeMachine", " -0.153", " 1.038", " 3.193", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "70", " Fridge", " -3.519", " 0.0", " 2.717", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "71", " Window", " -1.394", " 1.924", " 0.014", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "72", " Window", " -3.266", " 1.924", " 0.014", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "73", " Toaster", " -0.225", " 1.038", " 2.865", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "74", " GarbageCan", " -3.696", " 0.002", " 2.008", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "75", " SinkBasin", " -1.389", " 0.921", " 0.428", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "76", " Microwave", " -0.366", " 1.113", " 0.430", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "77", " HousePlant", " -2.155", " 1.101", " 0.169", " 0", " 332.897", " 0", "" ], [ "78", " LightSwitch", " -2.584", " 1.299", " 3.5", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "79", " Faucet", " -1.393", " 1.373", " 0.168", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "80", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "81", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "82", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent -3.0 0.900 1.75 0 0 0 1 Potato -0.203 1.259 0.475 0 0 0 76 2 Potato -0.908 1.078 2.144 0 0 0 53 3 Ladle -2.388 1.164 0.567 0 0 0 63 4 DishSponge -0.662 1.046 3.042 0 0 0 53 5 DishSponge -0.662 1.047 3.266 0 0 0 53 6 ButterKnife -2.388 1.124 0.284 0 0 0 63 7 ButterKnife -0.538 1.048 2.817 0 0 0 53 8 Pot -3.000 1.133 0.227 0 270 0 67 9 Fork -0.662 1.047 2.593 0 0 0 53 10 Spoon -1.995 0.096 0.545 0 90 0 55 11 Spoon -0.538 1.048 2.144 0 0 0 53 12 Spatula -0.715 1.139 0.478 0 90 0 65 13 Plate -3.814 1.123 0.284 0 0 0 60 14 SoapBottle -0.939 1.125 0.478 0 0 0 65 15 Tomato -0.538 1.088 2.593 0 0 0 53 16 Tomato -3.747 0.153 1.978 0 0 0 74 17 Bowl -3.572 0.909 2.920 0 90 0 70 18 SaltShaker -2.262 1.121 0.473 0 0 0 63 19 SaltShaker -2.416 0.898 0.544 0 0 0 62 20 PepperShaker -1.483 0.045 0.608 0 0 0 68 21 PepperShaker -0.603 1.121 0.659 0 0 0 65 22 Bread -3.44 1.647 2.991 0 90 0 70 23 Lettuce -0.908 1.124 2.817 0 0 0 53 24 Apple -0.785 1.115 2.144 0 0 0 53 25 Apple -0.662 1.115 2.144 0 0 0 53 26 Fork -0.538 1.048 1.920 0 0 0 53 27 SoapBottle -1.562 0.049 0.325 0 0 0 68 28 Pot -3.475 1.133 0.227 0 90 0 49 29 Ladle -0.827 1.164 0.569 0 0 0 65 30 Potato -0.785 1.078 1.920 0 0 0 53 31 Plate -0.908 1.045 2.369 0 0 0 53 32 Bread -0.168 1.133 2.144 0 0 0 53 33 Lettuce -0.908 1.125 3.266 0 0 0 53 34 Spatula -0.785 1.062 3.042 0 90 0 53 35 Pan -0.266 1.038 2.561 0 0 0 53 36 Egg -1.568 1.184 0.108 0 0 0 50 37 Cup -1.288 0.929 0.636 0 0 0 75 38 SaltShaker -2.089 0.483 0.512 0 0 0 54 39 Knife -1.111 0.963 0.359 0 90 0 75 40 Bowl -3.373 1.284 3.132 0 90 0 70 41 PepperShaker -0.538 1.043 3.042 0 0 0 53 42 ButterKnife -1.288 0.931 0.498 0 0 0 75 43 Apple -3.44 1.354 2.778 0 90 0 70 44 Tomato -0.785 1.087 2.593 0 0 0 53 45 DishSponge -1.601 0.048 0.608 0 0 0 68 46 Spoon -1.288 0.932 0.359 0 0 0 75 47 Mug -1.235 0.044 0.608 0 0 0 57 48 StoveKnob -3.322 1.053 0.709 45 0 0 49 StoveBurner -3.474 1.097 0.227 0 180 0 50 Sink -1.394 0.982 0.439 0 0 0 51 StoveBurner -3.474 1.097 0.479 0 180 0 52 StoveKnob -3.164 1.053 0.709 45 0 0 53 DiningTable -0.620 0.017 2.486 0 0 0 54 Drawer -2.043 0.608 0.594 0 0 0 55 Drawer -2.043 0.216 0.594 0 0 0 56 Drawer -2.498 0.216 0.594 0 0 0 57 Cabinet -1.001 0.393 0.734 0 0 0 58 StoveBurner -3.000 1.097 0.480 0 0 0 59 StoveKnob -3.492 1.053 0.709 45 0 0 60 CounterTop -3.856 1.160 0.379 0 0 0 61 Drawer -2.043 0.937 0.599 0 0 0 62 Drawer -2.509 0.937 0.599 0 0 0 63 CounterTop -2.280 1.160 0.379 0 0 0 64 StoveKnob -2.985 1.053 0.709 45 0 0 65 CounterTop -0.514 1.160 0.492 0 0 0 66 Drawer -2.498 0.608 0.594 0 0 0 67 StoveBurner -3.000 1.097 0.227 0 0 0 68 Cabinet -1.733 0.393 0.734 0 0 0 69 CoffeeMachine -0.153 1.038 3.193 0 270 0 70 Fridge -3.519 0.0 2.717 0 90 0 71 Window -1.394 1.924 0.014 90 0 0 72 Window -3.266 1.924 0.014 90 0 0 73 Toaster -0.225 1.038 2.865 0 270 0 74 GarbageCan -3.696 0.002 2.008 0 0 0 75 SinkBasin -1.389 0.921 0.428 0 0 0 76 Microwave -0.366 1.113 0.430 0 0 0 77 HousePlant -2.155 1.101 0.169 0 332.897 0 78 LightSwitch -2.584 1.299 3.5 0 180 0 79 Faucet -1.393 1.373 0.168 0 270 0 80 NorthWall 81 SouthWall 82 SouthWall
[ "STEP 1: Turn to the right and move to the table | STEP 2: Pick up the knife from the table | STEP 3: move slightly to the left | STEP 4: Slice the lettuce on the left | STEP 5: Put the knife down between the two heads of lettuce | STEP 6: Pick up a slice of lettuce from the left most lettuce | STEP 7: Turn around and move to the stove to the left | STEP 8: Put the lettuce in a pot | STEP 9: Pick up the left most pot with the lettuce inside | STEP 10: Turn left and move to the sink | STEP 11: Place the pot with the lettuce in the sink | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Turn to the right and move to the table ", " STEP 2: Pick up the knife from the table ", " STEP 3: move slightly to the left ", " STEP 4: Slice the lettuce on the left ", " STEP 5: Put the knife down between the two heads of lettuce ", " STEP 6: Pick up a slice of lettuce from the left most lettuce ", " STEP 7: Turn around and move to the stove to the left ", " STEP 8: Put the lettuce in a pot ", " STEP 9: Pick up the left most pot with the lettuce inside ", " STEP 10: Turn left and move to the sink ", " STEP 11: Place the pot with the lettuce in the sink ", " END" ] ]
slice a lettuce put a slice on a pot put the pot inside the sink
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " -3.0", " 0.900", " 1.75", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Potato", " -0.203", " 1.259", " 0.475", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 76" ], [ "2", " Potato", " -0.908", " 1.078", " 2.144", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 53" ], [ "3", " Ladle", " -2.388", " 1.164", " 0.567", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "4", " DishSponge", " -0.662", " 1.046", " 3.042", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 53" ], [ "5", " DishSponge", " -0.662", " 1.047", " 3.266", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 53" ], [ "6", " ButterKnife", " -2.388", " 1.124", " 0.284", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "7", " ButterKnife", " -0.538", " 1.048", " 2.817", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 53" ], [ "8", " Pot", " -3.000", " 1.133", " 0.227", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 67" ], [ "9", " Fork", " -0.662", " 1.047", " 2.593", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 53" ], [ "10", " Spoon", " -1.995", " 0.096", " 0.545", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 55" ], [ "11", " Spoon", " -0.538", " 1.048", " 2.144", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 53" ], [ "12", " Spatula", " -0.715", " 1.139", " 0.478", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 65" ], [ "13", " Plate", " -3.814", " 1.123", " 0.284", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 60" ], [ "14", " SoapBottle", " -0.939", " 1.125", " 0.478", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 65" ], [ "15", " Tomato", " -0.538", " 1.088", " 2.593", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 53" ], [ "16", " Tomato", " -3.747", " 0.153", " 1.978", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 74" ], [ "17", " Bowl", " -3.572", " 0.909", " 2.920", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 70" ], [ "18", " SaltShaker", " -2.262", " 1.121", " 0.473", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "19", " SaltShaker", " -2.416", " 0.898", " 0.544", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 62" ], [ "20", " PepperShaker", " -1.483", " 0.045", " 0.608", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 68" ], [ "21", " PepperShaker", " -0.603", " 1.121", " 0.659", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 65" ], [ "22", " Bread", " -3.44", " 1.647", " 2.991", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 70" ], [ "23", " Lettuce", " -0.908", " 1.124", " 2.817", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 53" ], [ "24", " Apple", " -0.785", " 1.115", " 2.144", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 53" ], [ "25", " Apple", " -0.662", " 1.115", " 2.144", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 53" ], [ "26", " Fork", " -0.538", " 1.048", " 1.920", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 53" ], [ "27", " SoapBottle", " -1.562", " 0.049", " 0.325", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 68" ], [ "28", " Pot", " -3.475", " 1.133", " 0.227", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 49" ], [ "29", " Ladle", " -0.827", " 1.164", " 0.569", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 65" ], [ "30", " Potato", " -0.785", " 1.078", " 1.920", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 53" ], [ "31", " Plate", " -0.908", " 1.045", " 2.369", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 53" ], [ "32", " Bread", " -0.168", " 1.133", " 2.144", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 53" ], [ "33", " Lettuce", " -0.908", " 1.125", " 3.266", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 53" ], [ "34", " Spatula", " -0.785", " 1.062", " 3.042", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 53" ], [ "35", " Pan", " -0.266", " 1.038", " 2.561", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 53" ], [ "36", " Egg", " -1.568", " 1.184", " 0.108", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 50" ], [ "37", " Cup", " -1.288", " 0.929", " 0.636", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 75" ], [ "38", " SaltShaker", " -2.089", " 0.483", " 0.512", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "39", " Knife", " -1.111", " 0.963", " 0.359", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 75" ], [ "40", " Bowl", " -3.373", " 1.284", " 3.132", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 70" ], [ "41", " PepperShaker", " -0.538", " 1.043", " 3.042", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 53" ], [ "42", " ButterKnife", " -1.288", " 0.931", " 0.498", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 75" ], [ "43", " Apple", " -3.44", " 1.354", " 2.778", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 70" ], [ "44", " Tomato", " -0.785", " 1.087", " 2.593", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 53" ], [ "45", " DishSponge", " -1.601", " 0.048", " 0.608", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 68" ], [ "46", " Spoon", " -1.288", " 0.932", " 0.359", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 75" ], [ "47", " Mug", " -1.235", " 0.044", " 0.608", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 57" ], [ "48", " StoveKnob", " -3.322", " 1.053", " 0.709", " 45", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "49", " StoveBurner", " -3.474", " 1.097", " 0.227", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "50", " Sink", " -1.394", " 0.982", " 0.439", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "51", " StoveBurner", " -3.474", " 1.097", " 0.479", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " StoveKnob", " -3.164", " 1.053", " 0.709", " 45", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " DiningTable", " -0.620", " 0.017", " 2.486", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " Drawer", " -2.043", " 0.608", " 0.594", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "55", " Drawer", " -2.043", " 0.216", " 0.594", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "56", " Drawer", " -2.498", " 0.216", " 0.594", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "57", " Cabinet", " -1.001", " 0.393", " 0.734", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "58", " StoveBurner", " -3.000", " 1.097", " 0.480", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "59", " StoveKnob", " -3.492", " 1.053", " 0.709", " 45", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "60", " CounterTop", " -3.856", " 1.160", " 0.379", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "61", " Drawer", " -2.043", " 0.937", " 0.599", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "62", " Drawer", " -2.509", " 0.937", " 0.599", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "63", " CounterTop", " -2.280", " 1.160", " 0.379", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "64", " StoveKnob", " -2.985", " 1.053", " 0.709", " 45", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "65", " CounterTop", " -0.514", " 1.160", " 0.492", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "66", " Drawer", " -2.498", " 0.608", " 0.594", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "67", " StoveBurner", " -3.000", " 1.097", " 0.227", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "68", " Cabinet", " -1.733", " 0.393", " 0.734", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "69", " CoffeeMachine", " -0.153", " 1.038", " 3.193", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "70", " Fridge", " -3.519", " 0.0", " 2.717", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "71", " Window", " -1.394", " 1.924", " 0.014", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "72", " Window", " -3.266", " 1.924", " 0.014", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "73", " Toaster", " -0.225", " 1.038", " 2.865", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "74", " GarbageCan", " -3.696", " 0.002", " 2.008", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "75", " SinkBasin", " -1.389", " 0.921", " 0.428", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "76", " Microwave", " -0.366", " 1.113", " 0.430", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "77", " HousePlant", " -2.155", " 1.101", " 0.169", " 0", " 332.897", " 0", "" ], [ "78", " LightSwitch", " -2.584", " 1.299", " 3.5", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "79", " Faucet", " -1.393", " 1.373", " 0.168", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "80", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "81", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "82", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent -3.0 0.900 1.75 0 0 0 1 Potato -0.203 1.259 0.475 0 0 0 76 2 Potato -0.908 1.078 2.144 0 0 0 53 3 Ladle -2.388 1.164 0.567 0 0 0 63 4 DishSponge -0.662 1.046 3.042 0 0 0 53 5 DishSponge -0.662 1.047 3.266 0 0 0 53 6 ButterKnife -2.388 1.124 0.284 0 0 0 63 7 ButterKnife -0.538 1.048 2.817 0 0 0 53 8 Pot -3.000 1.133 0.227 0 270 0 67 9 Fork -0.662 1.047 2.593 0 0 0 53 10 Spoon -1.995 0.096 0.545 0 90 0 55 11 Spoon -0.538 1.048 2.144 0 0 0 53 12 Spatula -0.715 1.139 0.478 0 90 0 65 13 Plate -3.814 1.123 0.284 0 0 0 60 14 SoapBottle -0.939 1.125 0.478 0 0 0 65 15 Tomato -0.538 1.088 2.593 0 0 0 53 16 Tomato -3.747 0.153 1.978 0 0 0 74 17 Bowl -3.572 0.909 2.920 0 90 0 70 18 SaltShaker -2.262 1.121 0.473 0 0 0 63 19 SaltShaker -2.416 0.898 0.544 0 0 0 62 20 PepperShaker -1.483 0.045 0.608 0 0 0 68 21 PepperShaker -0.603 1.121 0.659 0 0 0 65 22 Bread -3.44 1.647 2.991 0 90 0 70 23 Lettuce -0.908 1.124 2.817 0 0 0 53 24 Apple -0.785 1.115 2.144 0 0 0 53 25 Apple -0.662 1.115 2.144 0 0 0 53 26 Fork -0.538 1.048 1.920 0 0 0 53 27 SoapBottle -1.562 0.049 0.325 0 0 0 68 28 Pot -3.475 1.133 0.227 0 90 0 49 29 Ladle -0.827 1.164 0.569 0 0 0 65 30 Potato -0.785 1.078 1.920 0 0 0 53 31 Plate -0.908 1.045 2.369 0 0 0 53 32 Bread -0.168 1.133 2.144 0 0 0 53 33 Lettuce -0.908 1.125 3.266 0 0 0 53 34 Spatula -0.785 1.062 3.042 0 90 0 53 35 Pan -0.266 1.038 2.561 0 0 0 53 36 Egg -1.568 1.184 0.108 0 0 0 50 37 Cup -1.288 0.929 0.636 0 0 0 75 38 SaltShaker -2.089 0.483 0.512 0 0 0 54 39 Knife -1.111 0.963 0.359 0 90 0 75 40 Bowl -3.373 1.284 3.132 0 90 0 70 41 PepperShaker -0.538 1.043 3.042 0 0 0 53 42 ButterKnife -1.288 0.931 0.498 0 0 0 75 43 Apple -3.44 1.354 2.778 0 90 0 70 44 Tomato -0.785 1.087 2.593 0 0 0 53 45 DishSponge -1.601 0.048 0.608 0 0 0 68 46 Spoon -1.288 0.932 0.359 0 0 0 75 47 Mug -1.235 0.044 0.608 0 0 0 57 48 StoveKnob -3.322 1.053 0.709 45 0 0 49 StoveBurner -3.474 1.097 0.227 0 180 0 50 Sink -1.394 0.982 0.439 0 0 0 51 StoveBurner -3.474 1.097 0.479 0 180 0 52 StoveKnob -3.164 1.053 0.709 45 0 0 53 DiningTable -0.620 0.017 2.486 0 0 0 54 Drawer -2.043 0.608 0.594 0 0 0 55 Drawer -2.043 0.216 0.594 0 0 0 56 Drawer -2.498 0.216 0.594 0 0 0 57 Cabinet -1.001 0.393 0.734 0 0 0 58 StoveBurner -3.000 1.097 0.480 0 0 0 59 StoveKnob -3.492 1.053 0.709 45 0 0 60 CounterTop -3.856 1.160 0.379 0 0 0 61 Drawer -2.043 0.937 0.599 0 0 0 62 Drawer -2.509 0.937 0.599 0 0 0 63 CounterTop -2.280 1.160 0.379 0 0 0 64 StoveKnob -2.985 1.053 0.709 45 0 0 65 CounterTop -0.514 1.160 0.492 0 0 0 66 Drawer -2.498 0.608 0.594 0 0 0 67 StoveBurner -3.000 1.097 0.227 0 0 0 68 Cabinet -1.733 0.393 0.734 0 0 0 69 CoffeeMachine -0.153 1.038 3.193 0 270 0 70 Fridge -3.519 0.0 2.717 0 90 0 71 Window -1.394 1.924 0.014 90 0 0 72 Window -3.266 1.924 0.014 90 0 0 73 Toaster -0.225 1.038 2.865 0 270 0 74 GarbageCan -3.696 0.002 2.008 0 0 0 75 SinkBasin -1.389 0.921 0.428 0 0 0 76 Microwave -0.366 1.113 0.430 0 0 0 77 HousePlant -2.155 1.101 0.169 0 332.897 0 78 LightSwitch -2.584 1.299 3.5 0 180 0 79 Faucet -1.393 1.373 0.168 0 270 0 80 NorthWall 81 SouthWall 82 SouthWall
[ "STEP 1: turn to the right go forward go right towards the white table | STEP 2: pick up a knife from the table | STEP 3: turn to the left slice the lettuce that is on the table | STEP 4: put the knife back on the table | STEP 5: pick up a slice of the lettuce that is on the table | STEP 6: turn to the right | STEP 7: go right turn right towards the stove | STEP 8: put the slice of lettuce inside the pot that is on the stove | STEP 9: pick up the stove from the stove | STEP 10: turn to the left across the room | STEP 11: towards the sink put the pot inside the sink | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: turn to the right go forward go right towards the white table ", " STEP 2: pick up a knife from the table ", " STEP 3: turn to the left slice the lettuce that is on the table ", " STEP 4: put the knife back on the table ", " STEP 5: pick up a slice of the lettuce that is on the table ", " STEP 6: turn to the right ", " STEP 7: go right turn right towards the stove ", " STEP 8: put the slice of lettuce inside the pot that is on the stove ", " STEP 9: pick up the stove from the stove ", " STEP 10: turn to the left across the room ", " STEP 11: towards the sink put the pot inside the sink ", " END" ] ]
Put a pot with lettuce inside it into the sink.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " -3.0", " 0.900", " 1.75", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Potato", " -0.203", " 1.259", " 0.475", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 76" ], [ "2", " Potato", " -0.908", " 1.078", " 2.144", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 53" ], [ "3", " Ladle", " -2.388", " 1.164", " 0.567", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "4", " DishSponge", " -0.662", " 1.046", " 3.042", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 53" ], [ "5", " DishSponge", " -0.662", " 1.047", " 3.266", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 53" ], [ "6", " ButterKnife", " -2.388", " 1.124", " 0.284", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "7", " ButterKnife", " -0.538", " 1.048", " 2.817", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 53" ], [ "8", " Pot", " -3.000", " 1.133", " 0.227", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 67" ], [ "9", " Fork", " -0.662", " 1.047", " 2.593", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 53" ], [ "10", " Spoon", " -1.995", " 0.096", " 0.545", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 55" ], [ "11", " Spoon", " -0.538", " 1.048", " 2.144", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 53" ], [ "12", " Spatula", " -0.715", " 1.139", " 0.478", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 65" ], [ "13", " Plate", " -3.814", " 1.123", " 0.284", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 60" ], [ "14", " SoapBottle", " -0.939", " 1.125", " 0.478", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 65" ], [ "15", " Tomato", " -0.538", " 1.088", " 2.593", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 53" ], [ "16", " Tomato", " -3.747", " 0.153", " 1.978", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 74" ], [ "17", " Bowl", " -3.572", " 0.909", " 2.920", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 70" ], [ "18", " SaltShaker", " -2.262", " 1.121", " 0.473", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "19", " SaltShaker", " -2.416", " 0.898", " 0.544", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 62" ], [ "20", " PepperShaker", " -1.483", " 0.045", " 0.608", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 68" ], [ "21", " PepperShaker", " -0.603", " 1.121", " 0.659", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 65" ], [ "22", " Bread", " -3.44", " 1.647", " 2.991", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 70" ], [ "23", " Lettuce", " -0.908", " 1.124", " 2.817", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 53" ], [ "24", " Apple", " -0.785", " 1.115", " 2.144", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 53" ], [ "25", " Apple", " -0.662", " 1.115", " 2.144", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 53" ], [ "26", " Fork", " -0.538", " 1.048", " 1.920", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 53" ], [ "27", " SoapBottle", " -1.562", " 0.049", " 0.325", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 68" ], [ "28", " Pot", " -3.475", " 1.133", " 0.227", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 49" ], [ "29", " Ladle", " -0.827", " 1.164", " 0.569", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 65" ], [ "30", " Potato", " -0.785", " 1.078", " 1.920", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 53" ], [ "31", " Plate", " -0.908", " 1.045", " 2.369", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 53" ], [ "32", " Bread", " -0.168", " 1.133", " 2.144", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 53" ], [ "33", " Lettuce", " -0.908", " 1.125", " 3.266", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 53" ], [ "34", " Spatula", " -0.785", " 1.062", " 3.042", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 53" ], [ "35", " Pan", " -0.266", " 1.038", " 2.561", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 53" ], [ "36", " Egg", " -1.568", " 1.184", " 0.108", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 50" ], [ "37", " Cup", " -1.288", " 0.929", " 0.636", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 75" ], [ "38", " SaltShaker", " -2.089", " 0.483", " 0.512", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "39", " Knife", " -1.111", " 0.963", " 0.359", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 75" ], [ "40", " Bowl", " -3.373", " 1.284", " 3.132", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 70" ], [ "41", " PepperShaker", " -0.538", " 1.043", " 3.042", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 53" ], [ "42", " ButterKnife", " -1.288", " 0.931", " 0.498", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 75" ], [ "43", " Apple", " -3.44", " 1.354", " 2.778", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 70" ], [ "44", " Tomato", " -0.785", " 1.087", " 2.593", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 53" ], [ "45", " DishSponge", " -1.601", " 0.048", " 0.608", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 68" ], [ "46", " Spoon", " -1.288", " 0.932", " 0.359", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 75" ], [ "47", " Mug", " -1.235", " 0.044", " 0.608", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 57" ], [ "48", " StoveKnob", " -3.322", " 1.053", " 0.709", " 45", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "49", " StoveBurner", " -3.474", " 1.097", " 0.227", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "50", " Sink", " -1.394", " 0.982", " 0.439", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "51", " StoveBurner", " -3.474", " 1.097", " 0.479", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " StoveKnob", " -3.164", " 1.053", " 0.709", " 45", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " DiningTable", " -0.620", " 0.017", " 2.486", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " Drawer", " -2.043", " 0.608", " 0.594", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "55", " Drawer", " -2.043", " 0.216", " 0.594", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "56", " Drawer", " -2.498", " 0.216", " 0.594", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "57", " Cabinet", " -1.001", " 0.393", " 0.734", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "58", " StoveBurner", " -3.000", " 1.097", " 0.480", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "59", " StoveKnob", " -3.492", " 1.053", " 0.709", " 45", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "60", " CounterTop", " -3.856", " 1.160", " 0.379", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "61", " Drawer", " -2.043", " 0.937", " 0.599", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "62", " Drawer", " -2.509", " 0.937", " 0.599", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "63", " CounterTop", " -2.280", " 1.160", " 0.379", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "64", " StoveKnob", " -2.985", " 1.053", " 0.709", " 45", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "65", " CounterTop", " -0.514", " 1.160", " 0.492", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "66", " Drawer", " -2.498", " 0.608", " 0.594", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "67", " StoveBurner", " -3.000", " 1.097", " 0.227", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "68", " Cabinet", " -1.733", " 0.393", " 0.734", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "69", " CoffeeMachine", " -0.153", " 1.038", " 3.193", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "70", " Fridge", " -3.519", " 0.0", " 2.717", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "71", " Window", " -1.394", " 1.924", " 0.014", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "72", " Window", " -3.266", " 1.924", " 0.014", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "73", " Toaster", " -0.225", " 1.038", " 2.865", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "74", " GarbageCan", " -3.696", " 0.002", " 2.008", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "75", " SinkBasin", " -1.389", " 0.921", " 0.428", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "76", " Microwave", " -0.366", " 1.113", " 0.430", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "77", " HousePlant", " -2.155", " 1.101", " 0.169", " 0", " 332.897", " 0", "" ], [ "78", " LightSwitch", " -2.584", " 1.299", " 3.5", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "79", " Faucet", " -1.393", " 1.373", " 0.168", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "80", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "81", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "82", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent -3.0 0.900 1.75 0 0 0 1 Potato -0.203 1.259 0.475 0 0 0 76 2 Potato -0.908 1.078 2.144 0 0 0 53 3 Ladle -2.388 1.164 0.567 0 0 0 63 4 DishSponge -0.662 1.046 3.042 0 0 0 53 5 DishSponge -0.662 1.047 3.266 0 0 0 53 6 ButterKnife -2.388 1.124 0.284 0 0 0 63 7 ButterKnife -0.538 1.048 2.817 0 0 0 53 8 Pot -3.000 1.133 0.227 0 270 0 67 9 Fork -0.662 1.047 2.593 0 0 0 53 10 Spoon -1.995 0.096 0.545 0 90 0 55 11 Spoon -0.538 1.048 2.144 0 0 0 53 12 Spatula -0.715 1.139 0.478 0 90 0 65 13 Plate -3.814 1.123 0.284 0 0 0 60 14 SoapBottle -0.939 1.125 0.478 0 0 0 65 15 Tomato -0.538 1.088 2.593 0 0 0 53 16 Tomato -3.747 0.153 1.978 0 0 0 74 17 Bowl -3.572 0.909 2.920 0 90 0 70 18 SaltShaker -2.262 1.121 0.473 0 0 0 63 19 SaltShaker -2.416 0.898 0.544 0 0 0 62 20 PepperShaker -1.483 0.045 0.608 0 0 0 68 21 PepperShaker -0.603 1.121 0.659 0 0 0 65 22 Bread -3.44 1.647 2.991 0 90 0 70 23 Lettuce -0.908 1.124 2.817 0 0 0 53 24 Apple -0.785 1.115 2.144 0 0 0 53 25 Apple -0.662 1.115 2.144 0 0 0 53 26 Fork -0.538 1.048 1.920 0 0 0 53 27 SoapBottle -1.562 0.049 0.325 0 0 0 68 28 Pot -3.475 1.133 0.227 0 90 0 49 29 Ladle -0.827 1.164 0.569 0 0 0 65 30 Potato -0.785 1.078 1.920 0 0 0 53 31 Plate -0.908 1.045 2.369 0 0 0 53 32 Bread -0.168 1.133 2.144 0 0 0 53 33 Lettuce -0.908 1.125 3.266 0 0 0 53 34 Spatula -0.785 1.062 3.042 0 90 0 53 35 Pan -0.266 1.038 2.561 0 0 0 53 36 Egg -1.568 1.184 0.108 0 0 0 50 37 Cup -1.288 0.929 0.636 0 0 0 75 38 SaltShaker -2.089 0.483 0.512 0 0 0 54 39 Knife -1.111 0.963 0.359 0 90 0 75 40 Bowl -3.373 1.284 3.132 0 90 0 70 41 PepperShaker -0.538 1.043 3.042 0 0 0 53 42 ButterKnife -1.288 0.931 0.498 0 0 0 75 43 Apple -3.44 1.354 2.778 0 90 0 70 44 Tomato -0.785 1.087 2.593 0 0 0 53 45 DishSponge -1.601 0.048 0.608 0 0 0 68 46 Spoon -1.288 0.932 0.359 0 0 0 75 47 Mug -1.235 0.044 0.608 0 0 0 57 48 StoveKnob -3.322 1.053 0.709 45 0 0 49 StoveBurner -3.474 1.097 0.227 0 180 0 50 Sink -1.394 0.982 0.439 0 0 0 51 StoveBurner -3.474 1.097 0.479 0 180 0 52 StoveKnob -3.164 1.053 0.709 45 0 0 53 DiningTable -0.620 0.017 2.486 0 0 0 54 Drawer -2.043 0.608 0.594 0 0 0 55 Drawer -2.043 0.216 0.594 0 0 0 56 Drawer -2.498 0.216 0.594 0 0 0 57 Cabinet -1.001 0.393 0.734 0 0 0 58 StoveBurner -3.000 1.097 0.480 0 0 0 59 StoveKnob -3.492 1.053 0.709 45 0 0 60 CounterTop -3.856 1.160 0.379 0 0 0 61 Drawer -2.043 0.937 0.599 0 0 0 62 Drawer -2.509 0.937 0.599 0 0 0 63 CounterTop -2.280 1.160 0.379 0 0 0 64 StoveKnob -2.985 1.053 0.709 45 0 0 65 CounterTop -0.514 1.160 0.492 0 0 0 66 Drawer -2.498 0.608 0.594 0 0 0 67 StoveBurner -3.000 1.097 0.227 0 0 0 68 Cabinet -1.733 0.393 0.734 0 0 0 69 CoffeeMachine -0.153 1.038 3.193 0 270 0 70 Fridge -3.519 0.0 2.717 0 90 0 71 Window -1.394 1.924 0.014 90 0 0 72 Window -3.266 1.924 0.014 90 0 0 73 Toaster -0.225 1.038 2.865 0 270 0 74 GarbageCan -3.696 0.002 2.008 0 0 0 75 SinkBasin -1.389 0.921 0.428 0 0 0 76 Microwave -0.366 1.113 0.430 0 0 0 77 HousePlant -2.155 1.101 0.169 0 332.897 0 78 LightSwitch -2.584 1.299 3.5 0 180 0 79 Faucet -1.393 1.373 0.168 0 270 0 80 NorthWall 81 SouthWall 82 SouthWall
[ "STEP 1: Turn right and then back left to get around the refrigerator in front of you then turn right and walk to the table on the opposite side of the room from the refrigerator. | STEP 2: Pick up the knife that is close to the toaster. | STEP 3: Take a step to your left and face the table again. | STEP 4: Use the knife to slice the lettuce closest to the wall. | STEP 5: Place the knife on the table. | STEP 6: Pick up the sliced end of the lettuce. | STEP 7: Travel to the opposite corner of the room and face the stove top. | STEP 8: Place the lettuce slice into the pot on the back left burner. | STEP 9: Pick up the pot with the lettuce in it. | STEP 10: Turn left and walk along the counter until you get to the sink and turn right to face it. | STEP 11: Place the pot with the lettuce slice into the sink. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Turn right and then back left to get around the refrigerator in front of you then turn right and walk to the table on the opposite side of the room from the refrigerator. ", " STEP 2: Pick up the knife that is close to the toaster. ", " STEP 3: Take a step to your left and face the table again. ", " STEP 4: Use the knife to slice the lettuce closest to the wall. ", " STEP 5: Place the knife on the table. ", " STEP 6: Pick up the sliced end of the lettuce. ", " STEP 7: Travel to the opposite corner of the room and face the stove top. ", " STEP 8: Place the lettuce slice into the pot on the back left burner. ", " STEP 9: Pick up the pot with the lettuce in it. ", " STEP 10: Turn left and walk along the counter until you get to the sink and turn right to face it. ", " STEP 11: Place the pot with the lettuce slice into the sink. ", " END" ] ]
place two white towels in sink
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " -0.5", " 0.901", " 2.0", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Cloth", " 0.334", " 0.216", " 2.155", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 20" ], [ "2", " Candle", " 0.655", " 1.046", " 1.664", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 39" ], [ "3", " Candle", " 0.446", " 0.212", " 2.527", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 28" ], [ "4", " SprayBottle", " 0.536", " 0.208", " 3.844", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 35" ], [ "5", " SprayBottle", " 0.455", " 0.820", " 3.129", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 27" ], [ "6", " HandTowel", " 0.634", " 1.512", " 3.564", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 38" ], [ "7", " ToiletPaper", " 0.532", " 1.041", " 1.401", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 39" ], [ "8", " SoapBottle", " 0.563", " 1.052", " 1.664", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 39" ], [ "9", " HandTowel", " 0.634", " 1.512", " 1.892", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 37" ], [ "10", " Towel", " 0.609", " 1.376", " 0.583", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 31" ], [ "11", " SoapBar", " 0.655", " 1.044", " 1.467", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 39" ], [ "12", " ToiletPaper", " 0.446", " 0.207", " 2.979", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 29" ], [ "13", " ToiletPaper", " 0.308", " 0.615", " 1.912", " 0", " 180", " 90", " 34" ], [ "14", " Candle", " 0.614", " 0.213", " 2.447", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 28" ], [ "15", " ScrubBrush", " 0.553", " 0.000", " 1.725", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "16", " Cloth", " 0.323", " 0.824", " 2.325", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 27" ], [ "17", " Plunger", " 0.594", " -0.000", " 1.898", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "18", " SprayBottle", " 0.502", " 1.046", " 1.467", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 39" ], [ "19", " Drawer", " 0.443", " 0.624", " 3.310", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "20", " Drawer", " 0.443", " 0.323", " 2.194", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "21", " ShowerDoor", " -0.923", " 1.032", " 1.155", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "22", " Sink", " 0.495", " 0.661", " 2.756", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "23", " Drawer", " 0.443", " 0.624", " 2.193", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "24", " Faucet", " 0.717", " 0.982", " 2.756", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "25", " Mirror", " 0.629", " 1.532", " 2.697", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "26", " ShowerGlass", " -0.152", " 1.266", " 1.156", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "27", " CounterTop", " 0.458", " 0.789", " 2.759", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "28", " Drawer", " 0.443", " 0.323", " 2.566", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " Drawer", " 0.443", " 0.323", " 2.937", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " Drawer", " 0.443", " 0.323", " 3.310", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " TowelHolder", " 0.716", " 1.361", " 0.583", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " TowelHolder", " -0.442", " 1.361", " 1.175", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " LightSwitch", " -1.749", " 1.429", " 3.325", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " ToiletPaperHanger", " 0.376", " 0.648", " 2.009", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " GarbageCan", " 0.412", " -0.029", " 3.728", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " SinkBasin", " 0.440", " 0.667", " 2.746", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " HandTowelHolder", " 0.673", " 1.613", " 1.891", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " HandTowelHolder", " 0.673", " 1.613", " 3.563", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " Toilet", " 0.270", " 0.000", " 1.463", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "40", " ShowerHead", " -1.705", " 1.894", " 0.587", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "41", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "42", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "43", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "44", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- ----------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent -0.5 0.901 2.0 0 90 0 1 Cloth 0.334 0.216 2.155 0 0 0 20 2 Candle 0.655 1.046 1.664 0 270 0 39 3 Candle 0.446 0.212 2.527 0 0 0 28 4 SprayBottle 0.536 0.208 3.844 0 0 0 35 5 SprayBottle 0.455 0.820 3.129 0 0 0 27 6 HandTowel 0.634 1.512 3.564 0 90 0 38 7 ToiletPaper 0.532 1.041 1.401 0 270 0 39 8 SoapBottle 0.563 1.052 1.664 0 270 0 39 9 HandTowel 0.634 1.512 1.892 0 90 0 37 10 Towel 0.609 1.376 0.583 0 270 0 31 11 SoapBar 0.655 1.044 1.467 0 270 0 39 12 ToiletPaper 0.446 0.207 2.979 0 0 0 29 13 ToiletPaper 0.308 0.615 1.912 0 180 90 34 14 Candle 0.614 0.213 2.447 0 0 0 28 15 ScrubBrush 0.553 0.000 1.725 0 0 0 16 Cloth 0.323 0.824 2.325 0 0 0 27 17 Plunger 0.594 -0.000 1.898 0 0 0 18 SprayBottle 0.502 1.046 1.467 0 270 0 39 19 Drawer 0.443 0.624 3.310 0 0 0 20 Drawer 0.443 0.323 2.194 0 0 0 21 ShowerDoor -0.923 1.032 1.155 0 0 0 22 Sink 0.495 0.661 2.756 0 270 0 23 Drawer 0.443 0.624 2.193 0 0 0 24 Faucet 0.717 0.982 2.756 0 0 0 25 Mirror 0.629 1.532 2.697 0 0 0 26 ShowerGlass -0.152 1.266 1.156 0 0 0 27 CounterTop 0.458 0.789 2.759 0 0 0 28 Drawer 0.443 0.323 2.566 0 0 0 29 Drawer 0.443 0.323 2.937 0 0 0 30 Drawer 0.443 0.323 3.310 0 0 0 31 TowelHolder 0.716 1.361 0.583 0 270 0 32 TowelHolder -0.442 1.361 1.175 0 0 0 33 LightSwitch -1.749 1.429 3.325 0 90 0 34 ToiletPaperHanger 0.376 0.648 2.009 0 180 0 35 GarbageCan 0.412 -0.029 3.728 0 0 0 36 SinkBasin 0.440 0.667 2.746 0 270 0 37 HandTowelHolder 0.673 1.613 1.891 0 180 0 38 HandTowelHolder 0.673 1.613 3.563 0 180 0 39 Toilet 0.270 0.000 1.463 0 0 0 40 ShowerHead -1.705 1.894 0.587 0 270 0 41 NorthWall 42 EastWall 43 SouthWall 44 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: look up to towel holder to the right of mirror | STEP 2: take white towel from towel holder | STEP 3: go to the sink to the left | STEP 4: place white towel in sink | STEP 5: go to towel holder to the left of mirror | STEP 6: take white towel from towel holder | STEP 7: go to sink to the right | STEP 8: place white towel in sink to the left of towel | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: look up to towel holder to the right of mirror ", " STEP 2: take white towel from towel holder ", " STEP 3: go to the sink to the left ", " STEP 4: place white towel in sink ", " STEP 5: go to towel holder to the left of mirror ", " STEP 6: take white towel from towel holder ", " STEP 7: go to sink to the right ", " STEP 8: place white towel in sink to the left of towel ", " END" ] ]
Put the two towels on the sink
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " -0.5", " 0.901", " 2.0", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Cloth", " 0.334", " 0.216", " 2.155", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 20" ], [ "2", " Candle", " 0.655", " 1.046", " 1.664", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 39" ], [ "3", " Candle", " 0.446", " 0.212", " 2.527", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 28" ], [ "4", " SprayBottle", " 0.536", " 0.208", " 3.844", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 35" ], [ "5", " SprayBottle", " 0.455", " 0.820", " 3.129", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 27" ], [ "6", " HandTowel", " 0.634", " 1.512", " 3.564", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 38" ], [ "7", " ToiletPaper", " 0.532", " 1.041", " 1.401", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 39" ], [ "8", " SoapBottle", " 0.563", " 1.052", " 1.664", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 39" ], [ "9", " HandTowel", " 0.634", " 1.512", " 1.892", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 37" ], [ "10", " Towel", " 0.609", " 1.376", " 0.583", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 31" ], [ "11", " SoapBar", " 0.655", " 1.044", " 1.467", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 39" ], [ "12", " ToiletPaper", " 0.446", " 0.207", " 2.979", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 29" ], [ "13", " ToiletPaper", " 0.308", " 0.615", " 1.912", " 0", " 180", " 90", " 34" ], [ "14", " Candle", " 0.614", " 0.213", " 2.447", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 28" ], [ "15", " ScrubBrush", " 0.553", " 0.000", " 1.725", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "16", " Cloth", " 0.323", " 0.824", " 2.325", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 27" ], [ "17", " Plunger", " 0.594", " -0.000", " 1.898", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "18", " SprayBottle", " 0.502", " 1.046", " 1.467", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 39" ], [ "19", " Drawer", " 0.443", " 0.624", " 3.310", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "20", " Drawer", " 0.443", " 0.323", " 2.194", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "21", " ShowerDoor", " -0.923", " 1.032", " 1.155", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "22", " Sink", " 0.495", " 0.661", " 2.756", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "23", " Drawer", " 0.443", " 0.624", " 2.193", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "24", " Faucet", " 0.717", " 0.982", " 2.756", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "25", " Mirror", " 0.629", " 1.532", " 2.697", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "26", " ShowerGlass", " -0.152", " 1.266", " 1.156", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "27", " CounterTop", " 0.458", " 0.789", " 2.759", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "28", " Drawer", " 0.443", " 0.323", " 2.566", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " Drawer", " 0.443", " 0.323", " 2.937", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " Drawer", " 0.443", " 0.323", " 3.310", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " TowelHolder", " 0.716", " 1.361", " 0.583", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " TowelHolder", " -0.442", " 1.361", " 1.175", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " LightSwitch", " -1.749", " 1.429", " 3.325", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " ToiletPaperHanger", " 0.376", " 0.648", " 2.009", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " GarbageCan", " 0.412", " -0.029", " 3.728", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " SinkBasin", " 0.440", " 0.667", " 2.746", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " HandTowelHolder", " 0.673", " 1.613", " 1.891", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " HandTowelHolder", " 0.673", " 1.613", " 3.563", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " Toilet", " 0.270", " 0.000", " 1.463", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "40", " ShowerHead", " -1.705", " 1.894", " 0.587", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "41", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "42", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "43", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "44", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- ----------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent -0.5 0.901 2.0 0 90 0 1 Cloth 0.334 0.216 2.155 0 0 0 20 2 Candle 0.655 1.046 1.664 0 270 0 39 3 Candle 0.446 0.212 2.527 0 0 0 28 4 SprayBottle 0.536 0.208 3.844 0 0 0 35 5 SprayBottle 0.455 0.820 3.129 0 0 0 27 6 HandTowel 0.634 1.512 3.564 0 90 0 38 7 ToiletPaper 0.532 1.041 1.401 0 270 0 39 8 SoapBottle 0.563 1.052 1.664 0 270 0 39 9 HandTowel 0.634 1.512 1.892 0 90 0 37 10 Towel 0.609 1.376 0.583 0 270 0 31 11 SoapBar 0.655 1.044 1.467 0 270 0 39 12 ToiletPaper 0.446 0.207 2.979 0 0 0 29 13 ToiletPaper 0.308 0.615 1.912 0 180 90 34 14 Candle 0.614 0.213 2.447 0 0 0 28 15 ScrubBrush 0.553 0.000 1.725 0 0 0 16 Cloth 0.323 0.824 2.325 0 0 0 27 17 Plunger 0.594 -0.000 1.898 0 0 0 18 SprayBottle 0.502 1.046 1.467 0 270 0 39 19 Drawer 0.443 0.624 3.310 0 0 0 20 Drawer 0.443 0.323 2.194 0 0 0 21 ShowerDoor -0.923 1.032 1.155 0 0 0 22 Sink 0.495 0.661 2.756 0 270 0 23 Drawer 0.443 0.624 2.193 0 0 0 24 Faucet 0.717 0.982 2.756 0 0 0 25 Mirror 0.629 1.532 2.697 0 0 0 26 ShowerGlass -0.152 1.266 1.156 0 0 0 27 CounterTop 0.458 0.789 2.759 0 0 0 28 Drawer 0.443 0.323 2.566 0 0 0 29 Drawer 0.443 0.323 2.937 0 0 0 30 Drawer 0.443 0.323 3.310 0 0 0 31 TowelHolder 0.716 1.361 0.583 0 270 0 32 TowelHolder -0.442 1.361 1.175 0 0 0 33 LightSwitch -1.749 1.429 3.325 0 90 0 34 ToiletPaperHanger 0.376 0.648 2.009 0 180 0 35 GarbageCan 0.412 -0.029 3.728 0 0 0 36 SinkBasin 0.440 0.667 2.746 0 270 0 37 HandTowelHolder 0.673 1.613 1.891 0 180 0 38 HandTowelHolder 0.673 1.613 3.563 0 180 0 39 Toilet 0.270 0.000 1.463 0 0 0 40 ShowerHead -1.705 1.894 0.587 0 270 0 41 NorthWall 42 EastWall 43 SouthWall 44 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Look upward to the towel holder | STEP 2: Pick up the towel on the holder | STEP 3: Turn left then face the sink | STEP 4: Put the towel in the sink | STEP 5: Turn left then face to your right on the towel holder | STEP 6: Pick up the towel on the holder | STEP 7: Turn left and face the sink counter | STEP 8: Put the towel on the right side of the sink counter | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Look upward to the towel holder ", " STEP 2: Pick up the towel on the holder ", " STEP 3: Turn left then face the sink ", " STEP 4: Put the towel in the sink ", " STEP 5: Turn left then face to your right on the towel holder ", " STEP 6: Pick up the towel on the holder ", " STEP 7: Turn left and face the sink counter ", " STEP 8: Put the towel on the right side of the sink counter ", " END" ] ]
Put two towels in a sink.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " -0.5", " 0.901", " 2.0", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Cloth", " 0.334", " 0.216", " 2.155", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 20" ], [ "2", " Candle", " 0.655", " 1.046", " 1.664", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 39" ], [ "3", " Candle", " 0.446", " 0.212", " 2.527", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 28" ], [ "4", " SprayBottle", " 0.536", " 0.208", " 3.844", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 35" ], [ "5", " SprayBottle", " 0.455", " 0.820", " 3.129", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 27" ], [ "6", " HandTowel", " 0.634", " 1.512", " 3.564", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 38" ], [ "7", " ToiletPaper", " 0.532", " 1.041", " 1.401", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 39" ], [ "8", " SoapBottle", " 0.563", " 1.052", " 1.664", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 39" ], [ "9", " HandTowel", " 0.634", " 1.512", " 1.892", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 37" ], [ "10", " Towel", " 0.609", " 1.376", " 0.583", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 31" ], [ "11", " SoapBar", " 0.655", " 1.044", " 1.467", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 39" ], [ "12", " ToiletPaper", " 0.446", " 0.207", " 2.979", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 29" ], [ "13", " ToiletPaper", " 0.308", " 0.615", " 1.912", " 0", " 180", " 90", " 34" ], [ "14", " Candle", " 0.614", " 0.213", " 2.447", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 28" ], [ "15", " ScrubBrush", " 0.553", " 0.000", " 1.725", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "16", " Cloth", " 0.323", " 0.824", " 2.325", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 27" ], [ "17", " Plunger", " 0.594", " -0.000", " 1.898", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "18", " SprayBottle", " 0.502", " 1.046", " 1.467", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 39" ], [ "19", " Drawer", " 0.443", " 0.624", " 3.310", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "20", " Drawer", " 0.443", " 0.323", " 2.194", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "21", " ShowerDoor", " -0.923", " 1.032", " 1.155", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "22", " Sink", " 0.495", " 0.661", " 2.756", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "23", " Drawer", " 0.443", " 0.624", " 2.193", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "24", " Faucet", " 0.717", " 0.982", " 2.756", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "25", " Mirror", " 0.629", " 1.532", " 2.697", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "26", " ShowerGlass", " -0.152", " 1.266", " 1.156", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "27", " CounterTop", " 0.458", " 0.789", " 2.759", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "28", " Drawer", " 0.443", " 0.323", " 2.566", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " Drawer", " 0.443", " 0.323", " 2.937", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " Drawer", " 0.443", " 0.323", " 3.310", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " TowelHolder", " 0.716", " 1.361", " 0.583", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " TowelHolder", " -0.442", " 1.361", " 1.175", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " LightSwitch", " -1.749", " 1.429", " 3.325", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " ToiletPaperHanger", " 0.376", " 0.648", " 2.009", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " GarbageCan", " 0.412", " -0.029", " 3.728", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " SinkBasin", " 0.440", " 0.667", " 2.746", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " HandTowelHolder", " 0.673", " 1.613", " 1.891", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " HandTowelHolder", " 0.673", " 1.613", " 3.563", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " Toilet", " 0.270", " 0.000", " 1.463", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "40", " ShowerHead", " -1.705", " 1.894", " 0.587", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "41", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "42", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "43", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "44", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- ----------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent -0.5 0.901 2.0 0 90 0 1 Cloth 0.334 0.216 2.155 0 0 0 20 2 Candle 0.655 1.046 1.664 0 270 0 39 3 Candle 0.446 0.212 2.527 0 0 0 28 4 SprayBottle 0.536 0.208 3.844 0 0 0 35 5 SprayBottle 0.455 0.820 3.129 0 0 0 27 6 HandTowel 0.634 1.512 3.564 0 90 0 38 7 ToiletPaper 0.532 1.041 1.401 0 270 0 39 8 SoapBottle 0.563 1.052 1.664 0 270 0 39 9 HandTowel 0.634 1.512 1.892 0 90 0 37 10 Towel 0.609 1.376 0.583 0 270 0 31 11 SoapBar 0.655 1.044 1.467 0 270 0 39 12 ToiletPaper 0.446 0.207 2.979 0 0 0 29 13 ToiletPaper 0.308 0.615 1.912 0 180 90 34 14 Candle 0.614 0.213 2.447 0 0 0 28 15 ScrubBrush 0.553 0.000 1.725 0 0 0 16 Cloth 0.323 0.824 2.325 0 0 0 27 17 Plunger 0.594 -0.000 1.898 0 0 0 18 SprayBottle 0.502 1.046 1.467 0 270 0 39 19 Drawer 0.443 0.624 3.310 0 0 0 20 Drawer 0.443 0.323 2.194 0 0 0 21 ShowerDoor -0.923 1.032 1.155 0 0 0 22 Sink 0.495 0.661 2.756 0 270 0 23 Drawer 0.443 0.624 2.193 0 0 0 24 Faucet 0.717 0.982 2.756 0 0 0 25 Mirror 0.629 1.532 2.697 0 0 0 26 ShowerGlass -0.152 1.266 1.156 0 0 0 27 CounterTop 0.458 0.789 2.759 0 0 0 28 Drawer 0.443 0.323 2.566 0 0 0 29 Drawer 0.443 0.323 2.937 0 0 0 30 Drawer 0.443 0.323 3.310 0 0 0 31 TowelHolder 0.716 1.361 0.583 0 270 0 32 TowelHolder -0.442 1.361 1.175 0 0 0 33 LightSwitch -1.749 1.429 3.325 0 90 0 34 ToiletPaperHanger 0.376 0.648 2.009 0 180 0 35 GarbageCan 0.412 -0.029 3.728 0 0 0 36 SinkBasin 0.440 0.667 2.746 0 270 0 37 HandTowelHolder 0.673 1.613 1.891 0 180 0 38 HandTowelHolder 0.673 1.613 3.563 0 180 0 39 Toilet 0.270 0.000 1.463 0 0 0 40 ShowerHead -1.705 1.894 0.587 0 270 0 41 NorthWall 42 EastWall 43 SouthWall 44 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Go forward to the counter. | STEP 2: Take the towel to the right of the mirror. | STEP 3: Go left in front of the sink. | STEP 4: Put the towel in the sink. | STEP 5: Go left in front of the counter to the left of the sink. | STEP 6: Take the towel to the left of the mirror. | STEP 7: Go right in front of the sink. | STEP 8: Put the towel in the sink. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Go forward to the counter. ", " STEP 2: Take the towel to the right of the mirror. ", " STEP 3: Go left in front of the sink. ", " STEP 4: Put the towel in the sink. ", " STEP 5: Go left in front of the counter to the left of the sink. ", " STEP 6: Take the towel to the left of the mirror. ", " STEP 7: Go right in front of the sink. ", " STEP 8: Put the towel in the sink. ", " END" ] ]
Put two towels into the sink
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " -2.0", " 0.899", " -0.75", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " SoapBar", " -3.392", " 0.925", " -1.891", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 33" ], [ "2", " SoapBar", " -3.307", " 0.925", " -1.643", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 33" ], [ "3", " Candle", " -3.545", " 0.125", " -1.099", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 23" ], [ "4", " Candle", " -3.545", " 0.125", " -1.997", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 20" ], [ "5", " SprayBottle", " -3.607", " 0.085", " -1.188", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 23" ], [ "6", " SoapBottle", " -3.483", " 0.084", " -2.086", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 20" ], [ "7", " SoapBottle", " -3.618", " 0.122", " -0.485", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 32" ], [ "8", " HandTowel", " -3.332", " 1.519", " -2.160", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 35" ], [ "9", " Towel", " 0.136", " 1.121", " -2.080", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 31" ], [ "10", " Candle", " -2.089", " 1.085", " -1.969", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 37" ], [ "11", " Cloth", " -2.002", " 1.034", " -2.086", " 0", " 343.825", " 0", " 37" ], [ "12", " HandTowel", " -3.711", " 1.474", " -0.410", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 34" ], [ "13", " Plunger", " -2.207", " -0.001", " -2.076", " 0", " 0", " 0", " Floor|+00.00|" ], [ "14", " SoapBottle", " -3.296", " 0.084", " -1.188", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 23" ], [ "15", " SoapBar", " -3.232", " 0.083", " -1.544", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 25" ], [ "16", " ToiletPaper", " -2.305", " 0.755", " -2.157", " 0", " 0", " 90", " 36" ], [ "17", " ToiletPaper", " -1.695", " 1.040", " -2.030", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 37" ], [ "18", " SprayBottle", " -1.892", " 1.045", " -1.969", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 37" ], [ "19", " ScrubBrush", " -2.407", " -0.001", " -2.092", " 0", " 0", " 0", " Floor|+00.00|" ], [ "20", " Cabinet", " -3.169", " 0.370", " -2.188", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "21", " Window", " -1.737", " 1.292", " -2.286", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "22", " ShowerDoor", " -0.447", " 0.909", " -2.191", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "23", " Cabinet", " -3.169", " 0.370", " -1.379", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "24", " Mirror", " -3.730", " 1.481", " -1.427", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "25", " Cabinet", " -3.169", " 0.370", " -1.398", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "26", " ShowerGlass", " -0.964", " 0.907", " -0.120", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "27", " Sink", " -3.391", " 0.841", " -1.828", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "28", " FloorLamp", " -3.539", " 1.020", " -0.932", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " Cabinet", " -3.169", " 0.370", " -0.592", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " CounterTop", " -3.426", " 0.883", " -1.384", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " TowelHolder", " 0.136", " 1.106", " -2.187", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " GarbageCan", " -3.520", " -0.030", " -0.349", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " SinkBasin", " -3.392", " 0.916", " -1.820", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " HandTowelHolder", " -3.750", " 1.575", " -0.410", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " HandTowelHolder", " -3.332", " 1.621", " -2.198", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " ToiletPaperHanger", " -2.375", " 0.886", " -2.199", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " Toilet", " -1.896", " -0.001", " -1.738", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " LightSwitch", " -2.052", " 1.292", " 1.000", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " FloorLamp", " -3.539", " 1.020", " -1.830", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "40", " ShowerHead", " 0.232", " 1.026", " 0.375", " 0", " 315", " 0", "" ], [ "41", " Sink", " -3.391", " 0.841", " -0.931", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "42", " SinkBasin", " -3.392", " 0.916", " -0.923", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "43", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "44", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "45", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "46", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- ----------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent -2.0 0.899 -0.75 0 270 0 1 SoapBar -3.392 0.925 -1.891 0 90 0 33 2 SoapBar -3.307 0.925 -1.643 0 90 0 33 3 Candle -3.545 0.125 -1.099 0 0 0 23 4 Candle -3.545 0.125 -1.997 0 0 0 20 5 SprayBottle -3.607 0.085 -1.188 0 0 0 23 6 SoapBottle -3.483 0.084 -2.086 0 0 0 20 7 SoapBottle -3.618 0.122 -0.485 0 0 0 32 8 HandTowel -3.332 1.519 -2.160 0 180 0 35 9 Towel 0.136 1.121 -2.080 0 0 0 31 10 Candle -2.089 1.085 -1.969 0 0 0 37 11 Cloth -2.002 1.034 -2.086 0 343.825 0 37 12 HandTowel -3.711 1.474 -0.410 0 270 0 34 13 Plunger -2.207 -0.001 -2.076 0 0 0 Floor|+00.00| 14 SoapBottle -3.296 0.084 -1.188 0 0 0 23 15 SoapBar -3.232 0.083 -1.544 0 0 0 25 16 ToiletPaper -2.305 0.755 -2.157 0 0 90 36 17 ToiletPaper -1.695 1.040 -2.030 0 0 0 37 18 SprayBottle -1.892 1.045 -1.969 0 0 0 37 19 ScrubBrush -2.407 -0.001 -2.092 0 0 0 Floor|+00.00| 20 Cabinet -3.169 0.370 -2.188 0 0 0 21 Window -1.737 1.292 -2.286 0 0 0 22 ShowerDoor -0.447 0.909 -2.191 0 0 0 23 Cabinet -3.169 0.370 -1.379 0 0 0 24 Mirror -3.730 1.481 -1.427 0 0 0 25 Cabinet -3.169 0.370 -1.398 0 0 0 26 ShowerGlass -0.964 0.907 -0.120 0 0 0 27 Sink -3.391 0.841 -1.828 0 90 0 28 FloorLamp -3.539 1.020 -0.932 0 90 0 29 Cabinet -3.169 0.370 -0.592 0 0 0 30 CounterTop -3.426 0.883 -1.384 0 0 0 31 TowelHolder 0.136 1.106 -2.187 0 0 0 32 GarbageCan -3.520 -0.030 -0.349 0 0 0 33 SinkBasin -3.392 0.916 -1.820 0 90 0 34 HandTowelHolder -3.750 1.575 -0.410 0 0 0 35 HandTowelHolder -3.332 1.621 -2.198 0 270 0 36 ToiletPaperHanger -2.375 0.886 -2.199 0 0 0 37 Toilet -1.896 -0.001 -1.738 0 90 0 38 LightSwitch -2.052 1.292 1.000 0 180 0 39 FloorLamp -3.539 1.020 -1.830 0 90 0 40 ShowerHead 0.232 1.026 0.375 0 315 0 41 Sink -3.391 0.841 -0.931 0 90 0 42 SinkBasin -3.392 0.916 -0.923 0 90 0 43 NorthWall 44 EastWall 45 SouthWall 46 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Turn right, go forward a bit, turn left, go to the wall | STEP 2: Pick up the towel on the wall | STEP 3: Turn around, go forward a bit, turn right, go forward, turn right in the middle of the counter | STEP 4: Put the towel in the left sink | STEP 5: Turn left, go forward a bit, turn right in front of the sink | STEP 6: Pick up the towel on the left wall | STEP 7: Turn right, go forward a bit, turn left in front of the counter | STEP 8: Put the towel in the left sink | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Turn right, go forward a bit, turn left, go to the wall ", " STEP 2: Pick up the towel on the wall ", " STEP 3: Turn around, go forward a bit, turn right, go forward, turn right in the middle of the counter ", " STEP 4: Put the towel in the left sink ", " STEP 5: Turn left, go forward a bit, turn right in front of the sink ", " STEP 6: Pick up the towel on the left wall ", " STEP 7: Turn right, go forward a bit, turn left in front of the counter ", " STEP 8: Put the towel in the left sink ", " END" ] ]
Put the hand towels in the left sink
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " -2.0", " 0.899", " -0.75", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " SoapBar", " -3.392", " 0.925", " -1.891", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 33" ], [ "2", " SoapBar", " -3.307", " 0.925", " -1.643", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 33" ], [ "3", " Candle", " -3.545", " 0.125", " -1.099", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 23" ], [ "4", " Candle", " -3.545", " 0.125", " -1.997", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 20" ], [ "5", " SprayBottle", " -3.607", " 0.085", " -1.188", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 23" ], [ "6", " SoapBottle", " -3.483", " 0.084", " -2.086", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 20" ], [ "7", " SoapBottle", " -3.618", " 0.122", " -0.485", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 32" ], [ "8", " HandTowel", " -3.332", " 1.519", " -2.160", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 35" ], [ "9", " Towel", " 0.136", " 1.121", " -2.080", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 31" ], [ "10", " Candle", " -2.089", " 1.085", " -1.969", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 37" ], [ "11", " Cloth", " -2.002", " 1.034", " -2.086", " 0", " 343.825", " 0", " 37" ], [ "12", " HandTowel", " -3.711", " 1.474", " -0.410", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 34" ], [ "13", " Plunger", " -2.207", " -0.001", " -2.076", " 0", " 0", " 0", " Floor|+00.00|" ], [ "14", " SoapBottle", " -3.296", " 0.084", " -1.188", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 23" ], [ "15", " SoapBar", " -3.232", " 0.083", " -1.544", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 25" ], [ "16", " ToiletPaper", " -2.305", " 0.755", " -2.157", " 0", " 0", " 90", " 36" ], [ "17", " ToiletPaper", " -1.695", " 1.040", " -2.030", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 37" ], [ "18", " SprayBottle", " -1.892", " 1.045", " -1.969", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 37" ], [ "19", " ScrubBrush", " -2.407", " -0.001", " -2.092", " 0", " 0", " 0", " Floor|+00.00|" ], [ "20", " Cabinet", " -3.169", " 0.370", " -2.188", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "21", " Window", " -1.737", " 1.292", " -2.286", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "22", " ShowerDoor", " -0.447", " 0.909", " -2.191", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "23", " Cabinet", " -3.169", " 0.370", " -1.379", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "24", " Mirror", " -3.730", " 1.481", " -1.427", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "25", " Cabinet", " -3.169", " 0.370", " -1.398", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "26", " ShowerGlass", " -0.964", " 0.907", " -0.120", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "27", " Sink", " -3.391", " 0.841", " -1.828", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "28", " FloorLamp", " -3.539", " 1.020", " -0.932", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " Cabinet", " -3.169", " 0.370", " -0.592", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " CounterTop", " -3.426", " 0.883", " -1.384", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " TowelHolder", " 0.136", " 1.106", " -2.187", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " GarbageCan", " -3.520", " -0.030", " -0.349", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " SinkBasin", " -3.392", " 0.916", " -1.820", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " HandTowelHolder", " -3.750", " 1.575", " -0.410", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " HandTowelHolder", " -3.332", " 1.621", " -2.198", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " ToiletPaperHanger", " -2.375", " 0.886", " -2.199", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " Toilet", " -1.896", " -0.001", " -1.738", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " LightSwitch", " -2.052", " 1.292", " 1.000", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " FloorLamp", " -3.539", " 1.020", " -1.830", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "40", " ShowerHead", " 0.232", " 1.026", " 0.375", " 0", " 315", " 0", "" ], [ "41", " Sink", " -3.391", " 0.841", " -0.931", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "42", " SinkBasin", " -3.392", " 0.916", " -0.923", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "43", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "44", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "45", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "46", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- ----------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent -2.0 0.899 -0.75 0 270 0 1 SoapBar -3.392 0.925 -1.891 0 90 0 33 2 SoapBar -3.307 0.925 -1.643 0 90 0 33 3 Candle -3.545 0.125 -1.099 0 0 0 23 4 Candle -3.545 0.125 -1.997 0 0 0 20 5 SprayBottle -3.607 0.085 -1.188 0 0 0 23 6 SoapBottle -3.483 0.084 -2.086 0 0 0 20 7 SoapBottle -3.618 0.122 -0.485 0 0 0 32 8 HandTowel -3.332 1.519 -2.160 0 180 0 35 9 Towel 0.136 1.121 -2.080 0 0 0 31 10 Candle -2.089 1.085 -1.969 0 0 0 37 11 Cloth -2.002 1.034 -2.086 0 343.825 0 37 12 HandTowel -3.711 1.474 -0.410 0 270 0 34 13 Plunger -2.207 -0.001 -2.076 0 0 0 Floor|+00.00| 14 SoapBottle -3.296 0.084 -1.188 0 0 0 23 15 SoapBar -3.232 0.083 -1.544 0 0 0 25 16 ToiletPaper -2.305 0.755 -2.157 0 0 90 36 17 ToiletPaper -1.695 1.040 -2.030 0 0 0 37 18 SprayBottle -1.892 1.045 -1.969 0 0 0 37 19 ScrubBrush -2.407 -0.001 -2.092 0 0 0 Floor|+00.00| 20 Cabinet -3.169 0.370 -2.188 0 0 0 21 Window -1.737 1.292 -2.286 0 0 0 22 ShowerDoor -0.447 0.909 -2.191 0 0 0 23 Cabinet -3.169 0.370 -1.379 0 0 0 24 Mirror -3.730 1.481 -1.427 0 0 0 25 Cabinet -3.169 0.370 -1.398 0 0 0 26 ShowerGlass -0.964 0.907 -0.120 0 0 0 27 Sink -3.391 0.841 -1.828 0 90 0 28 FloorLamp -3.539 1.020 -0.932 0 90 0 29 Cabinet -3.169 0.370 -0.592 0 0 0 30 CounterTop -3.426 0.883 -1.384 0 0 0 31 TowelHolder 0.136 1.106 -2.187 0 0 0 32 GarbageCan -3.520 -0.030 -0.349 0 0 0 33 SinkBasin -3.392 0.916 -1.820 0 90 0 34 HandTowelHolder -3.750 1.575 -0.410 0 0 0 35 HandTowelHolder -3.332 1.621 -2.198 0 270 0 36 ToiletPaperHanger -2.375 0.886 -2.199 0 0 0 37 Toilet -1.896 -0.001 -1.738 0 90 0 38 LightSwitch -2.052 1.292 1.000 0 180 0 39 FloorLamp -3.539 1.020 -1.830 0 90 0 40 ShowerHead 0.232 1.026 0.375 0 315 0 41 Sink -3.391 0.841 -0.931 0 90 0 42 SinkBasin -3.392 0.916 -0.923 0 90 0 43 NorthWall 44 EastWall 45 SouthWall 46 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Turn left and walk up to the towel rack right of the bathroom counter | STEP 2: Pick up the towel from the rack | STEP 3: Turn left and walk over to the left sink | STEP 4: Put the towel in the sink | STEP 5: Move slightly left and turn back to face the same sink | STEP 6: Pick up the hand towel from the rack left of the sink | STEP 7: Move slightly right and turn back toward the left sink | STEP 8: Put the towel in the sink | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Turn left and walk up to the towel rack right of the bathroom counter ", " STEP 2: Pick up the towel from the rack ", " STEP 3: Turn left and walk over to the left sink ", " STEP 4: Put the towel in the sink ", " STEP 5: Move slightly left and turn back to face the same sink ", " STEP 6: Pick up the hand towel from the rack left of the sink ", " STEP 7: Move slightly right and turn back toward the left sink ", " STEP 8: Put the towel in the sink ", " END" ] ]
Grab two towel and put them in the sink
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " -2.0", " 0.899", " -0.75", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " SoapBar", " -3.392", " 0.925", " -1.891", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 33" ], [ "2", " SoapBar", " -3.307", " 0.925", " -1.643", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 33" ], [ "3", " Candle", " -3.545", " 0.125", " -1.099", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 23" ], [ "4", " Candle", " -3.545", " 0.125", " -1.997", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 20" ], [ "5", " SprayBottle", " -3.607", " 0.085", " -1.188", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 23" ], [ "6", " SoapBottle", " -3.483", " 0.084", " -2.086", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 20" ], [ "7", " SoapBottle", " -3.618", " 0.122", " -0.485", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 32" ], [ "8", " HandTowel", " -3.332", " 1.519", " -2.160", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 35" ], [ "9", " Towel", " 0.136", " 1.121", " -2.080", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 31" ], [ "10", " Candle", " -2.089", " 1.085", " -1.969", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 37" ], [ "11", " Cloth", " -2.002", " 1.034", " -2.086", " 0", " 343.825", " 0", " 37" ], [ "12", " HandTowel", " -3.711", " 1.474", " -0.410", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 34" ], [ "13", " Plunger", " -2.207", " -0.001", " -2.076", " 0", " 0", " 0", " Floor|+00.00|" ], [ "14", " SoapBottle", " -3.296", " 0.084", " -1.188", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 23" ], [ "15", " SoapBar", " -3.232", " 0.083", " -1.544", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 25" ], [ "16", " ToiletPaper", " -2.305", " 0.755", " -2.157", " 0", " 0", " 90", " 36" ], [ "17", " ToiletPaper", " -1.695", " 1.040", " -2.030", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 37" ], [ "18", " SprayBottle", " -1.892", " 1.045", " -1.969", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 37" ], [ "19", " ScrubBrush", " -2.407", " -0.001", " -2.092", " 0", " 0", " 0", " Floor|+00.00|" ], [ "20", " Cabinet", " -3.169", " 0.370", " -2.188", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "21", " Window", " -1.737", " 1.292", " -2.286", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "22", " ShowerDoor", " -0.447", " 0.909", " -2.191", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "23", " Cabinet", " -3.169", " 0.370", " -1.379", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "24", " Mirror", " -3.730", " 1.481", " -1.427", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "25", " Cabinet", " -3.169", " 0.370", " -1.398", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "26", " ShowerGlass", " -0.964", " 0.907", " -0.120", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "27", " Sink", " -3.391", " 0.841", " -1.828", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "28", " FloorLamp", " -3.539", " 1.020", " -0.932", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " Cabinet", " -3.169", " 0.370", " -0.592", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " CounterTop", " -3.426", " 0.883", " -1.384", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " TowelHolder", " 0.136", " 1.106", " -2.187", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " GarbageCan", " -3.520", " -0.030", " -0.349", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " SinkBasin", " -3.392", " 0.916", " -1.820", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " HandTowelHolder", " -3.750", " 1.575", " -0.410", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " HandTowelHolder", " -3.332", " 1.621", " -2.198", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " ToiletPaperHanger", " -2.375", " 0.886", " -2.199", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " Toilet", " -1.896", " -0.001", " -1.738", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " LightSwitch", " -2.052", " 1.292", " 1.000", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " FloorLamp", " -3.539", " 1.020", " -1.830", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "40", " ShowerHead", " 0.232", " 1.026", " 0.375", " 0", " 315", " 0", "" ], [ "41", " Sink", " -3.391", " 0.841", " -0.931", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "42", " SinkBasin", " -3.392", " 0.916", " -0.923", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "43", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "44", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "45", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "46", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- ----------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent -2.0 0.899 -0.75 0 270 0 1 SoapBar -3.392 0.925 -1.891 0 90 0 33 2 SoapBar -3.307 0.925 -1.643 0 90 0 33 3 Candle -3.545 0.125 -1.099 0 0 0 23 4 Candle -3.545 0.125 -1.997 0 0 0 20 5 SprayBottle -3.607 0.085 -1.188 0 0 0 23 6 SoapBottle -3.483 0.084 -2.086 0 0 0 20 7 SoapBottle -3.618 0.122 -0.485 0 0 0 32 8 HandTowel -3.332 1.519 -2.160 0 180 0 35 9 Towel 0.136 1.121 -2.080 0 0 0 31 10 Candle -2.089 1.085 -1.969 0 0 0 37 11 Cloth -2.002 1.034 -2.086 0 343.825 0 37 12 HandTowel -3.711 1.474 -0.410 0 270 0 34 13 Plunger -2.207 -0.001 -2.076 0 0 0 Floor|+00.00| 14 SoapBottle -3.296 0.084 -1.188 0 0 0 23 15 SoapBar -3.232 0.083 -1.544 0 0 0 25 16 ToiletPaper -2.305 0.755 -2.157 0 0 90 36 17 ToiletPaper -1.695 1.040 -2.030 0 0 0 37 18 SprayBottle -1.892 1.045 -1.969 0 0 0 37 19 ScrubBrush -2.407 -0.001 -2.092 0 0 0 Floor|+00.00| 20 Cabinet -3.169 0.370 -2.188 0 0 0 21 Window -1.737 1.292 -2.286 0 0 0 22 ShowerDoor -0.447 0.909 -2.191 0 0 0 23 Cabinet -3.169 0.370 -1.379 0 0 0 24 Mirror -3.730 1.481 -1.427 0 0 0 25 Cabinet -3.169 0.370 -1.398 0 0 0 26 ShowerGlass -0.964 0.907 -0.120 0 0 0 27 Sink -3.391 0.841 -1.828 0 90 0 28 FloorLamp -3.539 1.020 -0.932 0 90 0 29 Cabinet -3.169 0.370 -0.592 0 0 0 30 CounterTop -3.426 0.883 -1.384 0 0 0 31 TowelHolder 0.136 1.106 -2.187 0 0 0 32 GarbageCan -3.520 -0.030 -0.349 0 0 0 33 SinkBasin -3.392 0.916 -1.820 0 90 0 34 HandTowelHolder -3.750 1.575 -0.410 0 0 0 35 HandTowelHolder -3.332 1.621 -2.198 0 270 0 36 ToiletPaperHanger -2.375 0.886 -2.199 0 0 0 37 Toilet -1.896 -0.001 -1.738 0 90 0 38 LightSwitch -2.052 1.292 1.000 0 180 0 39 FloorLamp -3.539 1.020 -1.830 0 90 0 40 ShowerHead 0.232 1.026 0.375 0 315 0 41 Sink -3.391 0.841 -0.931 0 90 0 42 SinkBasin -3.392 0.916 -0.923 0 90 0 43 NorthWall 44 EastWall 45 SouthWall 46 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Walk towards the wall next to the sink | STEP 2: Grab a towel from the holder | STEP 3: Walk with the towel towards the sink | STEP 4: Put the towel in the sink | STEP 5: Turn left and then right and walk towards the wall | STEP 6: Grab towel from the wall on the left | STEP 7: Walk towards the counter | STEP 8: Put the towel on the sink | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Walk towards the wall next to the sink ", " STEP 2: Grab a towel from the holder ", " STEP 3: Walk with the towel towards the sink ", " STEP 4: Put the towel in the sink ", " STEP 5: Turn left and then right and walk towards the wall ", " STEP 6: Grab towel from the wall on the left ", " STEP 7: Walk towards the counter ", " STEP 8: Put the towel on the sink ", " END" ] ]
To move an empty box from the floor to a desk.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " 1.0", " 0.900", " 0.0", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " CellPhone", " 2.333", " 0.844", " -0.615", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 32" ], [ "2", " CellPhone", " 2.190", " 0.844", " -0.877", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 32" ], [ "3", " Pen", " -0.603", " 0.930", " -1.032", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 37" ], [ "4", " Pen", " -0.320", " 0.930", " -1.032", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 37" ], [ "5", " CreditCard", " -0.194", " 0.667", " -0.099", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 38" ], [ "6", " CreditCard", " -0.225", " 0.925", " -0.818", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 37" ], [ "7", " KeyChain", " -0.509", " 0.925", " -1.245", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 37" ], [ "8", " AlarmClock", " -0.603", " 0.925", " -1.459", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 37" ], [ "9", " Laptop", " -0.309", " 0.548", " 1.263", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 22" ], [ "10", " Box", " 2.15", " 0.14", " 0.494", " 0", " 12.243", " 0", "" ], [ "11", " Book", " 0.333", " 0.551", " 2.433", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 22" ], [ "12", " BasketBall", " -0.235", " 0.120", " 0.166", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "13", " Pen", " 2.143", " 0.848", " -0.090", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 32" ], [ "14", " Pillow", " -0.025", " 0.561", " 2.458", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 22" ], [ "15", " Pencil", " -0.349", " 0.092", " -0.285", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 36" ], [ "16", " CellPhone", " 0.333", " 0.552", " 0.678", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 22" ], [ "17", " KeyChain", " 2.120", " 0.459", " -0.484", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 30" ], [ "18", " CreditCard", " -0.320", " 0.924", " -0.177", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 37" ], [ "19", " AlarmClock", " -0.414", " 0.925", " -1.245", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 37" ], [ "20", " CD", " -0.247", " 0.667", " -0.376", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 38" ], [ "21", " Laptop", " 0.333", " 0.548", " 1.848", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 22" ], [ "22", " Bed", " 0.009", " -0.004", " 1.577", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "23", " DeskLamp", " -0.669", " 0.923", " -0.062", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "24", " Painting", " -0.787", " 1.809", " -0.215", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "25", " Painting", " -0.787", " 1.809", " 1.023", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "26", " Mirror", " 2.118", " 1.277", " 2.749", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "27", " LightSwitch", " 0.726", " 1.200", " 2.75", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "28", " GarbageCan", " 2.257", " -0.008", " 2.603", " 353.970", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " Window", " 0.665", " 1.356", " -1.911", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " Drawer", " 2.119", " 0.576", " -0.491", " 4.458", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " Drawer", " 2.147", " 0.213", " -0.491", " 4.458", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " SideTable", " 2.226", " 0.013", " -0.492", " 4.458", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " Chair", " 0.170", " 0.011", " -1.214", " 0", " 261.719", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " Blinds", " 0.695", " 1.983", " -1.867", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " Drawer", " -0.079", " 0.513", " -0.394", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " Drawer", " -0.079", " 0.226", " -0.394", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " Desk", " -0.391", " 0.001", " -0.811", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " Drawer", " -0.079", " 0.762", " -0.394", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "40", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "41", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "42", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent 1.0 0.900 0.0 0 0 0 1 CellPhone 2.333 0.844 -0.615 0 0 0 32 2 CellPhone 2.190 0.844 -0.877 0 0 0 32 3 Pen -0.603 0.930 -1.032 0 0 0 37 4 Pen -0.320 0.930 -1.032 0 0 0 37 5 CreditCard -0.194 0.667 -0.099 0 0 0 38 6 CreditCard -0.225 0.925 -0.818 0 0 0 37 7 KeyChain -0.509 0.925 -1.245 0 0 0 37 8 AlarmClock -0.603 0.925 -1.459 0 0 0 37 9 Laptop -0.309 0.548 1.263 0 0 0 22 10 Box 2.15 0.14 0.494 0 12.243 0 11 Book 0.333 0.551 2.433 0 0 0 22 12 BasketBall -0.235 0.120 0.166 0 0 0 13 Pen 2.143 0.848 -0.090 0 0 0 32 14 Pillow -0.025 0.561 2.458 0 0 0 22 15 Pencil -0.349 0.092 -0.285 0 0 0 36 16 CellPhone 0.333 0.552 0.678 0 0 0 22 17 KeyChain 2.120 0.459 -0.484 0 90 0 30 18 CreditCard -0.320 0.924 -0.177 0 0 0 37 19 AlarmClock -0.414 0.925 -1.245 0 0 0 37 20 CD -0.247 0.667 -0.376 0 0 0 38 21 Laptop 0.333 0.548 1.848 0 0 0 22 22 Bed 0.009 -0.004 1.577 0 0 0 23 DeskLamp -0.669 0.923 -0.062 0 90 0 24 Painting -0.787 1.809 -0.215 90 270 0 25 Painting -0.787 1.809 1.023 90 270 0 26 Mirror 2.118 1.277 2.749 0 0 0 27 LightSwitch 0.726 1.200 2.75 0 180 0 28 GarbageCan 2.257 -0.008 2.603 353.970 0 0 29 Window 0.665 1.356 -1.911 90 0 0 30 Drawer 2.119 0.576 -0.491 4.458 270 0 31 Drawer 2.147 0.213 -0.491 4.458 270 0 32 SideTable 2.226 0.013 -0.492 4.458 270 0 33 Chair 0.170 0.011 -1.214 0 261.719 0 34 Blinds 0.695 1.983 -1.867 0 0 0 35 Drawer -0.079 0.513 -0.394 0 90 0 36 Drawer -0.079 0.226 -0.394 0 90 0 37 Desk -0.391 0.001 -0.811 0 90 0 38 Drawer -0.079 0.762 -0.394 0 90 0 39 NorthWall 40 EastWall 41 SouthWall 42 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Turn right to face the empty box on the floor. | STEP 2: Pick up the empty box on the floor. | STEP 3: Turn around and walk across the room to face the desk. | STEP 4: Place the empty box on the back right corner of the desk. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Turn right to face the empty box on the floor. ", " STEP 2: Pick up the empty box on the floor. ", " STEP 3: Turn around and walk across the room to face the desk. ", " STEP 4: Place the empty box on the back right corner of the desk. ", " END" ] ]
Move a cardboard box to the wooden desk.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " 1.0", " 0.900", " 0.0", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " CellPhone", " 2.333", " 0.844", " -0.615", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 32" ], [ "2", " CellPhone", " 2.190", " 0.844", " -0.877", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 32" ], [ "3", " Pen", " -0.603", " 0.930", " -1.032", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 37" ], [ "4", " Pen", " -0.320", " 0.930", " -1.032", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 37" ], [ "5", " CreditCard", " -0.194", " 0.667", " -0.099", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 38" ], [ "6", " CreditCard", " -0.225", " 0.925", " -0.818", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 37" ], [ "7", " KeyChain", " -0.509", " 0.925", " -1.245", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 37" ], [ "8", " AlarmClock", " -0.603", " 0.925", " -1.459", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 37" ], [ "9", " Laptop", " -0.309", " 0.548", " 1.263", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 22" ], [ "10", " Box", " 2.15", " 0.14", " 0.494", " 0", " 12.243", " 0", "" ], [ "11", " Book", " 0.333", " 0.551", " 2.433", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 22" ], [ "12", " BasketBall", " -0.235", " 0.120", " 0.166", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "13", " Pen", " 2.143", " 0.848", " -0.090", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 32" ], [ "14", " Pillow", " -0.025", " 0.561", " 2.458", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 22" ], [ "15", " Pencil", " -0.349", " 0.092", " -0.285", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 36" ], [ "16", " CellPhone", " 0.333", " 0.552", " 0.678", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 22" ], [ "17", " KeyChain", " 2.120", " 0.459", " -0.484", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 30" ], [ "18", " CreditCard", " -0.320", " 0.924", " -0.177", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 37" ], [ "19", " AlarmClock", " -0.414", " 0.925", " -1.245", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 37" ], [ "20", " CD", " -0.247", " 0.667", " -0.376", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 38" ], [ "21", " Laptop", " 0.333", " 0.548", " 1.848", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 22" ], [ "22", " Bed", " 0.009", " -0.004", " 1.577", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "23", " DeskLamp", " -0.669", " 0.923", " -0.062", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "24", " Painting", " -0.787", " 1.809", " -0.215", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "25", " Painting", " -0.787", " 1.809", " 1.023", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "26", " Mirror", " 2.118", " 1.277", " 2.749", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "27", " LightSwitch", " 0.726", " 1.200", " 2.75", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "28", " GarbageCan", " 2.257", " -0.008", " 2.603", " 353.970", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " Window", " 0.665", " 1.356", " -1.911", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " Drawer", " 2.119", " 0.576", " -0.491", " 4.458", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " Drawer", " 2.147", " 0.213", " -0.491", " 4.458", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " SideTable", " 2.226", " 0.013", " -0.492", " 4.458", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " Chair", " 0.170", " 0.011", " -1.214", " 0", " 261.719", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " Blinds", " 0.695", " 1.983", " -1.867", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " Drawer", " -0.079", " 0.513", " -0.394", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " Drawer", " -0.079", " 0.226", " -0.394", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " Desk", " -0.391", " 0.001", " -0.811", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " Drawer", " -0.079", " 0.762", " -0.394", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "40", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "41", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "42", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent 1.0 0.900 0.0 0 0 0 1 CellPhone 2.333 0.844 -0.615 0 0 0 32 2 CellPhone 2.190 0.844 -0.877 0 0 0 32 3 Pen -0.603 0.930 -1.032 0 0 0 37 4 Pen -0.320 0.930 -1.032 0 0 0 37 5 CreditCard -0.194 0.667 -0.099 0 0 0 38 6 CreditCard -0.225 0.925 -0.818 0 0 0 37 7 KeyChain -0.509 0.925 -1.245 0 0 0 37 8 AlarmClock -0.603 0.925 -1.459 0 0 0 37 9 Laptop -0.309 0.548 1.263 0 0 0 22 10 Box 2.15 0.14 0.494 0 12.243 0 11 Book 0.333 0.551 2.433 0 0 0 22 12 BasketBall -0.235 0.120 0.166 0 0 0 13 Pen 2.143 0.848 -0.090 0 0 0 32 14 Pillow -0.025 0.561 2.458 0 0 0 22 15 Pencil -0.349 0.092 -0.285 0 0 0 36 16 CellPhone 0.333 0.552 0.678 0 0 0 22 17 KeyChain 2.120 0.459 -0.484 0 90 0 30 18 CreditCard -0.320 0.924 -0.177 0 0 0 37 19 AlarmClock -0.414 0.925 -1.245 0 0 0 37 20 CD -0.247 0.667 -0.376 0 0 0 38 21 Laptop 0.333 0.548 1.848 0 0 0 22 22 Bed 0.009 -0.004 1.577 0 0 0 23 DeskLamp -0.669 0.923 -0.062 0 90 0 24 Painting -0.787 1.809 -0.215 90 270 0 25 Painting -0.787 1.809 1.023 90 270 0 26 Mirror 2.118 1.277 2.749 0 0 0 27 LightSwitch 0.726 1.200 2.75 0 180 0 28 GarbageCan 2.257 -0.008 2.603 353.970 0 0 29 Window 0.665 1.356 -1.911 90 0 0 30 Drawer 2.119 0.576 -0.491 4.458 270 0 31 Drawer 2.147 0.213 -0.491 4.458 270 0 32 SideTable 2.226 0.013 -0.492 4.458 270 0 33 Chair 0.170 0.011 -1.214 0 261.719 0 34 Blinds 0.695 1.983 -1.867 0 0 0 35 Drawer -0.079 0.513 -0.394 0 90 0 36 Drawer -0.079 0.226 -0.394 0 90 0 37 Desk -0.391 0.001 -0.811 0 90 0 38 Drawer -0.079 0.762 -0.394 0 90 0 39 NorthWall 40 EastWall 41 SouthWall 42 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Walk towards the door, then hang a right and walk up to cardboard box on the ground. | STEP 2: Pick up the cardboard box off of the ground. | STEP 3: Turn right and walk across the room, then hang a right and walk up to the wooden desk. | STEP 4: Put the cardboard box on the desk behind the credit card. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Walk towards the door, then hang a right and walk up to cardboard box on the ground. ", " STEP 2: Pick up the cardboard box off of the ground. ", " STEP 3: Turn right and walk across the room, then hang a right and walk up to the wooden desk. ", " STEP 4: Put the cardboard box on the desk behind the credit card. ", " END" ] ]
Place an empty box on the desk.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " 1.0", " 0.900", " 0.0", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " CellPhone", " 2.333", " 0.844", " -0.615", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 32" ], [ "2", " CellPhone", " 2.190", " 0.844", " -0.877", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 32" ], [ "3", " Pen", " -0.603", " 0.930", " -1.032", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 37" ], [ "4", " Pen", " -0.320", " 0.930", " -1.032", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 37" ], [ "5", " CreditCard", " -0.194", " 0.667", " -0.099", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 38" ], [ "6", " CreditCard", " -0.225", " 0.925", " -0.818", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 37" ], [ "7", " KeyChain", " -0.509", " 0.925", " -1.245", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 37" ], [ "8", " AlarmClock", " -0.603", " 0.925", " -1.459", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 37" ], [ "9", " Laptop", " -0.309", " 0.548", " 1.263", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 22" ], [ "10", " Box", " 2.15", " 0.14", " 0.494", " 0", " 12.243", " 0", "" ], [ "11", " Book", " 0.333", " 0.551", " 2.433", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 22" ], [ "12", " BasketBall", " -0.235", " 0.120", " 0.166", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "13", " Pen", " 2.143", " 0.848", " -0.090", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 32" ], [ "14", " Pillow", " -0.025", " 0.561", " 2.458", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 22" ], [ "15", " Pencil", " -0.349", " 0.092", " -0.285", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 36" ], [ "16", " CellPhone", " 0.333", " 0.552", " 0.678", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 22" ], [ "17", " KeyChain", " 2.120", " 0.459", " -0.484", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 30" ], [ "18", " CreditCard", " -0.320", " 0.924", " -0.177", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 37" ], [ "19", " AlarmClock", " -0.414", " 0.925", " -1.245", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 37" ], [ "20", " CD", " -0.247", " 0.667", " -0.376", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 38" ], [ "21", " Laptop", " 0.333", " 0.548", " 1.848", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 22" ], [ "22", " Bed", " 0.009", " -0.004", " 1.577", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "23", " DeskLamp", " -0.669", " 0.923", " -0.062", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "24", " Painting", " -0.787", " 1.809", " -0.215", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "25", " Painting", " -0.787", " 1.809", " 1.023", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "26", " Mirror", " 2.118", " 1.277", " 2.749", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "27", " LightSwitch", " 0.726", " 1.200", " 2.75", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "28", " GarbageCan", " 2.257", " -0.008", " 2.603", " 353.970", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " Window", " 0.665", " 1.356", " -1.911", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " Drawer", " 2.119", " 0.576", " -0.491", " 4.458", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " Drawer", " 2.147", " 0.213", " -0.491", " 4.458", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " SideTable", " 2.226", " 0.013", " -0.492", " 4.458", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " Chair", " 0.170", " 0.011", " -1.214", " 0", " 261.719", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " Blinds", " 0.695", " 1.983", " -1.867", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " Drawer", " -0.079", " 0.513", " -0.394", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " Drawer", " -0.079", " 0.226", " -0.394", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " Desk", " -0.391", " 0.001", " -0.811", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " Drawer", " -0.079", " 0.762", " -0.394", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "40", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "41", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "42", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent 1.0 0.900 0.0 0 0 0 1 CellPhone 2.333 0.844 -0.615 0 0 0 32 2 CellPhone 2.190 0.844 -0.877 0 0 0 32 3 Pen -0.603 0.930 -1.032 0 0 0 37 4 Pen -0.320 0.930 -1.032 0 0 0 37 5 CreditCard -0.194 0.667 -0.099 0 0 0 38 6 CreditCard -0.225 0.925 -0.818 0 0 0 37 7 KeyChain -0.509 0.925 -1.245 0 0 0 37 8 AlarmClock -0.603 0.925 -1.459 0 0 0 37 9 Laptop -0.309 0.548 1.263 0 0 0 22 10 Box 2.15 0.14 0.494 0 12.243 0 11 Book 0.333 0.551 2.433 0 0 0 22 12 BasketBall -0.235 0.120 0.166 0 0 0 13 Pen 2.143 0.848 -0.090 0 0 0 32 14 Pillow -0.025 0.561 2.458 0 0 0 22 15 Pencil -0.349 0.092 -0.285 0 0 0 36 16 CellPhone 0.333 0.552 0.678 0 0 0 22 17 KeyChain 2.120 0.459 -0.484 0 90 0 30 18 CreditCard -0.320 0.924 -0.177 0 0 0 37 19 AlarmClock -0.414 0.925 -1.245 0 0 0 37 20 CD -0.247 0.667 -0.376 0 0 0 38 21 Laptop 0.333 0.548 1.848 0 0 0 22 22 Bed 0.009 -0.004 1.577 0 0 0 23 DeskLamp -0.669 0.923 -0.062 0 90 0 24 Painting -0.787 1.809 -0.215 90 270 0 25 Painting -0.787 1.809 1.023 90 270 0 26 Mirror 2.118 1.277 2.749 0 0 0 27 LightSwitch 0.726 1.200 2.75 0 180 0 28 GarbageCan 2.257 -0.008 2.603 353.970 0 0 29 Window 0.665 1.356 -1.911 90 0 0 30 Drawer 2.119 0.576 -0.491 4.458 270 0 31 Drawer 2.147 0.213 -0.491 4.458 270 0 32 SideTable 2.226 0.013 -0.492 4.458 270 0 33 Chair 0.170 0.011 -1.214 0 261.719 0 34 Blinds 0.695 1.983 -1.867 0 0 0 35 Drawer -0.079 0.513 -0.394 0 90 0 36 Drawer -0.079 0.226 -0.394 0 90 0 37 Desk -0.391 0.001 -0.811 0 90 0 38 Drawer -0.079 0.762 -0.394 0 90 0 39 NorthWall 40 EastWall 41 SouthWall 42 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Look down, walk straight, turn right to face the box on the floor, walk straight to it and look down at the box. | STEP 2: Pick up the box on the floor. | STEP 3: Look up, turn right, walk straight to the window, turn right when you reach the window, walk straight to the desk and look down at the desk. | STEP 4: Place the empty box on the desk. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Look down, walk straight, turn right to face the box on the floor, walk straight to it and look down at the box. ", " STEP 2: Pick up the box on the floor. ", " STEP 3: Look up, turn right, walk straight to the window, turn right when you reach the window, walk straight to the desk and look down at the desk. ", " STEP 4: Place the empty box on the desk. ", " END" ] ]
Inspect a mug with a lamp.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " 0.75", " 0.900", " 0.0", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Mug", " 1.651", " 0.792", " -1.217", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 56" ], [ "2", " Watch", " 2.655", " 1.278", " -1.431", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 42" ], [ "3", " Pen", " 1.630", " 0.133", " -1.218", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "4", " Pen", " 2.823", " 0.355", " -1.218", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 62" ], [ "5", " Pencil", " 2.706", " 1.281", " -1.387", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 42" ], [ "6", " Pencil", " 1.651", " 0.798", " -1.121", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "7", " CreditCard", " 2.764", " 0.125", " -1.190", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 57" ], [ "8", " CreditCard", " -1.352", " 1.233", " -0.649", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "9", " KeyChain", " 2.794", " 0.348", " -1.274", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 62" ], [ "10", " Pillow", " -0.289", " 0.640", " 1.091", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 32" ], [ "11", " AlarmClock", " 2.215", " 0.796", " -1.185", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "12", " Laptop", " -0.979", " 0.561", " 0.358", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 32" ], [ "13", " Book", " -0.902", " 0.574", " 1.179", " 0", " 332.922", " 0", " 32" ], [ "14", " Box", " 2.734", " 0.195", " 0.89", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "15", " Laptop", " -0.5", " 0.56", " 0.286", " 0", " 63.464", " 0", " 32" ], [ "16", " CellPhone", " -0.117", " 0.566", " 0.113", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 32" ], [ "17", " BaseballBat", " 2.847", " 0.643", " 1.838", " 0", " 0", " 335.111", "" ], [ "18", " BasketBall", " 1.019", " 0.330", " -0.976", " 346.948", " 295.819", " 0", "" ], [ "19", " TissueBox", " 2.322", " 1.036", " -1.417", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 43" ], [ "20", " CreditCard", " -1.322", " 0.968", " -0.989", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 55" ], [ "21", " AlarmClock", " -1.269", " 1.227", " -0.473", " 0", " 228.191", " 0", " 51" ], [ "22", " Pencil", " 1.839", " 0.799", " -1.249", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "23", " Boots", " -1.279", " 0.000", " -1.343", " 0", " 27.143", " 0", "" ], [ "24", " Pillow", " -0.634", " 0.63", " 1.611", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 32" ], [ "25", " KeyChain", " -1.237", " 0.676", " -0.918", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "26", " Bowl", " 2.451", " 0.788", " -1.207", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "27", " Watch", " 2.027", " 0.795", " -1.153", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "28", " CD", " -1.387", " 1.234", " -0.745", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "29", " Pen", " 2.157", " 1.284", " -1.372", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 41" ], [ "30", " Mug", " -1.248", " 1.232", " -0.745", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 51" ], [ "31", " Statue", " 1.823", " 1.036", " -1.419", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "32", " Bed", " -0.640", " 0.008", " 0.871", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " DeskLamp", " -1.319", " 1.238", " -0.994", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " GarbageCan", " 2.838", " 0.007", " 0.215", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " Blinds", " 0.111", " 2.337", " -1.436", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " Mirror", " 1.985", " 1.381", " 1.875", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " Window", " 0.118", " 1.496", " -1.588", " 90", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " LightSwitch", " 2.654", " 1.276", " 1.899", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " Chair", " 2.457", " 0.011", " -0.997", " 0", " 189.124", " 0", "" ], [ "40", " Shelf", " 2.476", " 0.919", " -1.384", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "41", " Shelf", " 2.251", " 1.503", " -1.383", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "42", " Shelf", " 2.700", " 1.510", " -1.380", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "43", " Shelf", " 2.476", " 1.153", " -1.384", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "44", " Shelf", " 1.803", " 1.386", " -1.384", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "45", " Shelf", " 1.803", " 0.919", " -1.381", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "46", " DogBed", " 0.920", " 0.013", " -1.044", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "47", " Drawer", " -1.305", " 0.454", " -0.918", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "48", " Drawer", " -1.305", " 0.752", " -0.919", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "49", " Drawer", " -1.305", " 0.178", " -0.918", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "50", " Drawer", " -1.305", " 0.752", " -0.579", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "51", " Dresser", " -1.328", " 0.011", " -0.744", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " Drawer", " -1.306", " 1.031", " -0.579", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " Drawer", " -1.305", " 0.454", " -0.578", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " Drawer", " -1.305", " 0.178", " -0.578", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "55", " Drawer", " -1.305", " 1.031", " -0.919", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "56", " Desk", " 2.211", " 0.009", " -1.259", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "57", " Drawer", " 2.817", " 0.189", " -1.176", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "58", " Drawer", " 1.940", " 0.632", " -1.176", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "59", " Drawer", " 1.940", " 0.189", " -1.176", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "60", " Drawer", " 1.623", " 0.632", " -1.176", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "61", " Drawer", " 2.817", " 0.632", " -1.176", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "62", " Drawer", " 2.817", " 0.411", " -1.176", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "63", " Drawer", " 1.623", " 0.189", " -1.176", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "64", " Drawer", " 1.623", " 0.410", " -1.176", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "65", " Drawer", " 1.940", " 0.410", " -1.176", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "66", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "67", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "68", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "69", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent 0.75 0.900 0.0 0 90 0 1 Mug 1.651 0.792 -1.217 0 90 0 56 2 Watch 2.655 1.278 -1.431 0 180 0 42 3 Pen 1.630 0.133 -1.218 0 0 0 63 4 Pen 2.823 0.355 -1.218 0 0 0 62 5 Pencil 2.706 1.281 -1.387 0 0 0 42 6 Pencil 1.651 0.798 -1.121 0 0 0 56 7 CreditCard 2.764 0.125 -1.190 0 0 0 57 8 CreditCard -1.352 1.233 -0.649 0 0 0 51 9 KeyChain 2.794 0.348 -1.274 0 90 0 62 10 Pillow -0.289 0.640 1.091 0 0 0 32 11 AlarmClock 2.215 0.796 -1.185 0 0 0 56 12 Laptop -0.979 0.561 0.358 0 0 0 32 13 Book -0.902 0.574 1.179 0 332.922 0 32 14 Box 2.734 0.195 0.89 0 0 0 15 Laptop -0.5 0.56 0.286 0 63.464 0 32 16 CellPhone -0.117 0.566 0.113 0 0 0 32 17 BaseballBat 2.847 0.643 1.838 0 0 335.111 18 BasketBall 1.019 0.330 -0.976 346.948 295.819 0 19 TissueBox 2.322 1.036 -1.417 0 0 0 43 20 CreditCard -1.322 0.968 -0.989 0 0 0 55 21 AlarmClock -1.269 1.227 -0.473 0 228.191 0 51 22 Pencil 1.839 0.799 -1.249 0 0 0 56 23 Boots -1.279 0.000 -1.343 0 27.143 0 24 Pillow -0.634 0.63 1.611 0 0 0 32 25 KeyChain -1.237 0.676 -0.918 0 0 0 48 26 Bowl 2.451 0.788 -1.207 0 0 0 56 27 Watch 2.027 0.795 -1.153 0 0 0 56 28 CD -1.387 1.234 -0.745 0 0 0 51 29 Pen 2.157 1.284 -1.372 0 0 0 41 30 Mug -1.248 1.232 -0.745 0 90 0 51 31 Statue 1.823 1.036 -1.419 0 0 0 56 32 Bed -0.640 0.008 0.871 0 0 0 33 DeskLamp -1.319 1.238 -0.994 0 90 0 34 GarbageCan 2.838 0.007 0.215 0 270 0 35 Blinds 0.111 2.337 -1.436 0 0 0 36 Mirror 1.985 1.381 1.875 0 0 0 37 Window 0.118 1.496 -1.588 90 180 0 38 LightSwitch 2.654 1.276 1.899 0 180 0 39 Chair 2.457 0.011 -0.997 0 189.124 0 40 Shelf 2.476 0.919 -1.384 0 0 0 41 Shelf 2.251 1.503 -1.383 0 0 0 42 Shelf 2.700 1.510 -1.380 0 0 0 43 Shelf 2.476 1.153 -1.384 0 0 0 44 Shelf 1.803 1.386 -1.384 0 0 0 45 Shelf 1.803 0.919 -1.381 0 0 0 46 DogBed 0.920 0.013 -1.044 0 0 0 47 Drawer -1.305 0.454 -0.918 0 90 0 48 Drawer -1.305 0.752 -0.919 0 90 0 49 Drawer -1.305 0.178 -0.918 0 90 0 50 Drawer -1.305 0.752 -0.579 0 90 0 51 Dresser -1.328 0.011 -0.744 0 90 0 52 Drawer -1.306 1.031 -0.579 0 90 0 53 Drawer -1.305 0.454 -0.578 0 90 0 54 Drawer -1.305 0.178 -0.578 0 90 0 55 Drawer -1.305 1.031 -0.919 0 90 0 56 Desk 2.211 0.009 -1.259 0 0 0 57 Drawer 2.817 0.189 -1.176 0 0 0 58 Drawer 1.940 0.632 -1.176 0 0 0 59 Drawer 1.940 0.189 -1.176 0 0 0 60 Drawer 1.623 0.632 -1.176 0 0 0 61 Drawer 2.817 0.632 -1.176 0 0 0 62 Drawer 2.817 0.411 -1.176 0 0 0 63 Drawer 1.623 0.189 -1.176 0 0 0 64 Drawer 1.623 0.410 -1.176 0 0 0 65 Drawer 1.940 0.410 -1.176 0 0 0 66 NorthWall 67 EastWall 68 SouthWall 69 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: move to the dresser at the foot of the bed | STEP 2: pick up a cup from the dresser | STEP 3: move to the left of the dresser | STEP 4: turn on the lamp | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: move to the dresser at the foot of the bed ", " STEP 2: pick up a cup from the dresser ", " STEP 3: move to the left of the dresser ", " STEP 4: turn on the lamp ", " END" ] ]
Pick up a mug and turn a lamp on.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " 0.75", " 0.900", " 0.0", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Mug", " 1.651", " 0.792", " -1.217", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 56" ], [ "2", " Watch", " 2.655", " 1.278", " -1.431", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 42" ], [ "3", " Pen", " 1.630", " 0.133", " -1.218", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "4", " Pen", " 2.823", " 0.355", " -1.218", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 62" ], [ "5", " Pencil", " 2.706", " 1.281", " -1.387", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 42" ], [ "6", " Pencil", " 1.651", " 0.798", " -1.121", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "7", " CreditCard", " 2.764", " 0.125", " -1.190", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 57" ], [ "8", " CreditCard", " -1.352", " 1.233", " -0.649", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "9", " KeyChain", " 2.794", " 0.348", " -1.274", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 62" ], [ "10", " Pillow", " -0.289", " 0.640", " 1.091", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 32" ], [ "11", " AlarmClock", " 2.215", " 0.796", " -1.185", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "12", " Laptop", " -0.979", " 0.561", " 0.358", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 32" ], [ "13", " Book", " -0.902", " 0.574", " 1.179", " 0", " 332.922", " 0", " 32" ], [ "14", " Box", " 2.734", " 0.195", " 0.89", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "15", " Laptop", " -0.5", " 0.56", " 0.286", " 0", " 63.464", " 0", " 32" ], [ "16", " CellPhone", " -0.117", " 0.566", " 0.113", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 32" ], [ "17", " BaseballBat", " 2.847", " 0.643", " 1.838", " 0", " 0", " 335.111", "" ], [ "18", " BasketBall", " 1.019", " 0.330", " -0.976", " 346.948", " 295.819", " 0", "" ], [ "19", " TissueBox", " 2.322", " 1.036", " -1.417", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 43" ], [ "20", " CreditCard", " -1.322", " 0.968", " -0.989", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 55" ], [ "21", " AlarmClock", " -1.269", " 1.227", " -0.473", " 0", " 228.191", " 0", " 51" ], [ "22", " Pencil", " 1.839", " 0.799", " -1.249", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "23", " Boots", " -1.279", " 0.000", " -1.343", " 0", " 27.143", " 0", "" ], [ "24", " Pillow", " -0.634", " 0.63", " 1.611", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 32" ], [ "25", " KeyChain", " -1.237", " 0.676", " -0.918", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "26", " Bowl", " 2.451", " 0.788", " -1.207", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "27", " Watch", " 2.027", " 0.795", " -1.153", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "28", " CD", " -1.387", " 1.234", " -0.745", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "29", " Pen", " 2.157", " 1.284", " -1.372", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 41" ], [ "30", " Mug", " -1.248", " 1.232", " -0.745", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 51" ], [ "31", " Statue", " 1.823", " 1.036", " -1.419", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "32", " Bed", " -0.640", " 0.008", " 0.871", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " DeskLamp", " -1.319", " 1.238", " -0.994", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " GarbageCan", " 2.838", " 0.007", " 0.215", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " Blinds", " 0.111", " 2.337", " -1.436", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " Mirror", " 1.985", " 1.381", " 1.875", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " Window", " 0.118", " 1.496", " -1.588", " 90", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " LightSwitch", " 2.654", " 1.276", " 1.899", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " Chair", " 2.457", " 0.011", " -0.997", " 0", " 189.124", " 0", "" ], [ "40", " Shelf", " 2.476", " 0.919", " -1.384", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "41", " Shelf", " 2.251", " 1.503", " -1.383", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "42", " Shelf", " 2.700", " 1.510", " -1.380", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "43", " Shelf", " 2.476", " 1.153", " -1.384", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "44", " Shelf", " 1.803", " 1.386", " -1.384", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "45", " Shelf", " 1.803", " 0.919", " -1.381", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "46", " DogBed", " 0.920", " 0.013", " -1.044", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "47", " Drawer", " -1.305", " 0.454", " -0.918", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "48", " Drawer", " -1.305", " 0.752", " -0.919", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "49", " Drawer", " -1.305", " 0.178", " -0.918", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "50", " Drawer", " -1.305", " 0.752", " -0.579", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "51", " Dresser", " -1.328", " 0.011", " -0.744", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " Drawer", " -1.306", " 1.031", " -0.579", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " Drawer", " -1.305", " 0.454", " -0.578", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " Drawer", " -1.305", " 0.178", " -0.578", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "55", " Drawer", " -1.305", " 1.031", " -0.919", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "56", " Desk", " 2.211", " 0.009", " -1.259", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "57", " Drawer", " 2.817", " 0.189", " -1.176", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "58", " Drawer", " 1.940", " 0.632", " -1.176", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "59", " Drawer", " 1.940", " 0.189", " -1.176", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "60", " Drawer", " 1.623", " 0.632", " -1.176", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "61", " Drawer", " 2.817", " 0.632", " -1.176", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "62", " Drawer", " 2.817", " 0.411", " -1.176", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "63", " Drawer", " 1.623", " 0.189", " -1.176", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "64", " Drawer", " 1.623", " 0.410", " -1.176", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "65", " Drawer", " 1.940", " 0.410", " -1.176", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "66", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "67", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "68", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "69", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent 0.75 0.900 0.0 0 90 0 1 Mug 1.651 0.792 -1.217 0 90 0 56 2 Watch 2.655 1.278 -1.431 0 180 0 42 3 Pen 1.630 0.133 -1.218 0 0 0 63 4 Pen 2.823 0.355 -1.218 0 0 0 62 5 Pencil 2.706 1.281 -1.387 0 0 0 42 6 Pencil 1.651 0.798 -1.121 0 0 0 56 7 CreditCard 2.764 0.125 -1.190 0 0 0 57 8 CreditCard -1.352 1.233 -0.649 0 0 0 51 9 KeyChain 2.794 0.348 -1.274 0 90 0 62 10 Pillow -0.289 0.640 1.091 0 0 0 32 11 AlarmClock 2.215 0.796 -1.185 0 0 0 56 12 Laptop -0.979 0.561 0.358 0 0 0 32 13 Book -0.902 0.574 1.179 0 332.922 0 32 14 Box 2.734 0.195 0.89 0 0 0 15 Laptop -0.5 0.56 0.286 0 63.464 0 32 16 CellPhone -0.117 0.566 0.113 0 0 0 32 17 BaseballBat 2.847 0.643 1.838 0 0 335.111 18 BasketBall 1.019 0.330 -0.976 346.948 295.819 0 19 TissueBox 2.322 1.036 -1.417 0 0 0 43 20 CreditCard -1.322 0.968 -0.989 0 0 0 55 21 AlarmClock -1.269 1.227 -0.473 0 228.191 0 51 22 Pencil 1.839 0.799 -1.249 0 0 0 56 23 Boots -1.279 0.000 -1.343 0 27.143 0 24 Pillow -0.634 0.63 1.611 0 0 0 32 25 KeyChain -1.237 0.676 -0.918 0 0 0 48 26 Bowl 2.451 0.788 -1.207 0 0 0 56 27 Watch 2.027 0.795 -1.153 0 0 0 56 28 CD -1.387 1.234 -0.745 0 0 0 51 29 Pen 2.157 1.284 -1.372 0 0 0 41 30 Mug -1.248 1.232 -0.745 0 90 0 51 31 Statue 1.823 1.036 -1.419 0 0 0 56 32 Bed -0.640 0.008 0.871 0 0 0 33 DeskLamp -1.319 1.238 -0.994 0 90 0 34 GarbageCan 2.838 0.007 0.215 0 270 0 35 Blinds 0.111 2.337 -1.436 0 0 0 36 Mirror 1.985 1.381 1.875 0 0 0 37 Window 0.118 1.496 -1.588 90 180 0 38 LightSwitch 2.654 1.276 1.899 0 180 0 39 Chair 2.457 0.011 -0.997 0 189.124 0 40 Shelf 2.476 0.919 -1.384 0 0 0 41 Shelf 2.251 1.503 -1.383 0 0 0 42 Shelf 2.700 1.510 -1.380 0 0 0 43 Shelf 2.476 1.153 -1.384 0 0 0 44 Shelf 1.803 1.386 -1.384 0 0 0 45 Shelf 1.803 0.919 -1.381 0 0 0 46 DogBed 0.920 0.013 -1.044 0 0 0 47 Drawer -1.305 0.454 -0.918 0 90 0 48 Drawer -1.305 0.752 -0.919 0 90 0 49 Drawer -1.305 0.178 -0.918 0 90 0 50 Drawer -1.305 0.752 -0.579 0 90 0 51 Dresser -1.328 0.011 -0.744 0 90 0 52 Drawer -1.306 1.031 -0.579 0 90 0 53 Drawer -1.305 0.454 -0.578 0 90 0 54 Drawer -1.305 0.178 -0.578 0 90 0 55 Drawer -1.305 1.031 -0.919 0 90 0 56 Desk 2.211 0.009 -1.259 0 0 0 57 Drawer 2.817 0.189 -1.176 0 0 0 58 Drawer 1.940 0.632 -1.176 0 0 0 59 Drawer 1.940 0.189 -1.176 0 0 0 60 Drawer 1.623 0.632 -1.176 0 0 0 61 Drawer 2.817 0.632 -1.176 0 0 0 62 Drawer 2.817 0.411 -1.176 0 0 0 63 Drawer 1.623 0.189 -1.176 0 0 0 64 Drawer 1.623 0.410 -1.176 0 0 0 65 Drawer 1.940 0.410 -1.176 0 0 0 66 NorthWall 67 EastWall 68 SouthWall 69 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Go right and then right again to face the white dresser to the left of the bed. | STEP 2: Pick the white mug up from the white dresser. | STEP 3: Move to the left and face the lamp on the white dresser. | STEP 4: Turn the lamp on. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Go right and then right again to face the white dresser to the left of the bed. ", " STEP 2: Pick the white mug up from the white dresser. ", " STEP 3: Move to the left and face the lamp on the white dresser. ", " STEP 4: Turn the lamp on. ", " END" ] ]
Look at a coffee mug under a lamp
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " 0.75", " 0.900", " 0.0", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Mug", " 1.651", " 0.792", " -1.217", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 56" ], [ "2", " Watch", " 2.655", " 1.278", " -1.431", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 42" ], [ "3", " Pen", " 1.630", " 0.133", " -1.218", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "4", " Pen", " 2.823", " 0.355", " -1.218", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 62" ], [ "5", " Pencil", " 2.706", " 1.281", " -1.387", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 42" ], [ "6", " Pencil", " 1.651", " 0.798", " -1.121", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "7", " CreditCard", " 2.764", " 0.125", " -1.190", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 57" ], [ "8", " CreditCard", " -1.352", " 1.233", " -0.649", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "9", " KeyChain", " 2.794", " 0.348", " -1.274", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 62" ], [ "10", " Pillow", " -0.289", " 0.640", " 1.091", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 32" ], [ "11", " AlarmClock", " 2.215", " 0.796", " -1.185", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "12", " Laptop", " -0.979", " 0.561", " 0.358", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 32" ], [ "13", " Book", " -0.902", " 0.574", " 1.179", " 0", " 332.922", " 0", " 32" ], [ "14", " Box", " 2.734", " 0.195", " 0.89", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "15", " Laptop", " -0.5", " 0.56", " 0.286", " 0", " 63.464", " 0", " 32" ], [ "16", " CellPhone", " -0.117", " 0.566", " 0.113", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 32" ], [ "17", " BaseballBat", " 2.847", " 0.643", " 1.838", " 0", " 0", " 335.111", "" ], [ "18", " BasketBall", " 1.019", " 0.330", " -0.976", " 346.948", " 295.819", " 0", "" ], [ "19", " TissueBox", " 2.322", " 1.036", " -1.417", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 43" ], [ "20", " CreditCard", " -1.322", " 0.968", " -0.989", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 55" ], [ "21", " AlarmClock", " -1.269", " 1.227", " -0.473", " 0", " 228.191", " 0", " 51" ], [ "22", " Pencil", " 1.839", " 0.799", " -1.249", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "23", " Boots", " -1.279", " 0.000", " -1.343", " 0", " 27.143", " 0", "" ], [ "24", " Pillow", " -0.634", " 0.63", " 1.611", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 32" ], [ "25", " KeyChain", " -1.237", " 0.676", " -0.918", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "26", " Bowl", " 2.451", " 0.788", " -1.207", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "27", " Watch", " 2.027", " 0.795", " -1.153", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "28", " CD", " -1.387", " 1.234", " -0.745", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "29", " Pen", " 2.157", " 1.284", " -1.372", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 41" ], [ "30", " Mug", " -1.248", " 1.232", " -0.745", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 51" ], [ "31", " Statue", " 1.823", " 1.036", " -1.419", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "32", " Bed", " -0.640", " 0.008", " 0.871", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " DeskLamp", " -1.319", " 1.238", " -0.994", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " GarbageCan", " 2.838", " 0.007", " 0.215", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " Blinds", " 0.111", " 2.337", " -1.436", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " Mirror", " 1.985", " 1.381", " 1.875", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " Window", " 0.118", " 1.496", " -1.588", " 90", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " LightSwitch", " 2.654", " 1.276", " 1.899", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " Chair", " 2.457", " 0.011", " -0.997", " 0", " 189.124", " 0", "" ], [ "40", " Shelf", " 2.476", " 0.919", " -1.384", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "41", " Shelf", " 2.251", " 1.503", " -1.383", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "42", " Shelf", " 2.700", " 1.510", " -1.380", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "43", " Shelf", " 2.476", " 1.153", " -1.384", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "44", " Shelf", " 1.803", " 1.386", " -1.384", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "45", " Shelf", " 1.803", " 0.919", " -1.381", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "46", " DogBed", " 0.920", " 0.013", " -1.044", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "47", " Drawer", " -1.305", " 0.454", " -0.918", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "48", " Drawer", " -1.305", " 0.752", " -0.919", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "49", " Drawer", " -1.305", " 0.178", " -0.918", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "50", " Drawer", " -1.305", " 0.752", " -0.579", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "51", " Dresser", " -1.328", " 0.011", " -0.744", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " Drawer", " -1.306", " 1.031", " -0.579", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " Drawer", " -1.305", " 0.454", " -0.578", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " Drawer", " -1.305", " 0.178", " -0.578", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "55", " Drawer", " -1.305", " 1.031", " -0.919", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "56", " Desk", " 2.211", " 0.009", " -1.259", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "57", " Drawer", " 2.817", " 0.189", " -1.176", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "58", " Drawer", " 1.940", " 0.632", " -1.176", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "59", " Drawer", " 1.940", " 0.189", " -1.176", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "60", " Drawer", " 1.623", " 0.632", " -1.176", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "61", " Drawer", " 2.817", " 0.632", " -1.176", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "62", " Drawer", " 2.817", " 0.411", " -1.176", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "63", " Drawer", " 1.623", " 0.189", " -1.176", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "64", " Drawer", " 1.623", " 0.410", " -1.176", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "65", " Drawer", " 1.940", " 0.410", " -1.176", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "66", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "67", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "68", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "69", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent 0.75 0.900 0.0 0 90 0 1 Mug 1.651 0.792 -1.217 0 90 0 56 2 Watch 2.655 1.278 -1.431 0 180 0 42 3 Pen 1.630 0.133 -1.218 0 0 0 63 4 Pen 2.823 0.355 -1.218 0 0 0 62 5 Pencil 2.706 1.281 -1.387 0 0 0 42 6 Pencil 1.651 0.798 -1.121 0 0 0 56 7 CreditCard 2.764 0.125 -1.190 0 0 0 57 8 CreditCard -1.352 1.233 -0.649 0 0 0 51 9 KeyChain 2.794 0.348 -1.274 0 90 0 62 10 Pillow -0.289 0.640 1.091 0 0 0 32 11 AlarmClock 2.215 0.796 -1.185 0 0 0 56 12 Laptop -0.979 0.561 0.358 0 0 0 32 13 Book -0.902 0.574 1.179 0 332.922 0 32 14 Box 2.734 0.195 0.89 0 0 0 15 Laptop -0.5 0.56 0.286 0 63.464 0 32 16 CellPhone -0.117 0.566 0.113 0 0 0 32 17 BaseballBat 2.847 0.643 1.838 0 0 335.111 18 BasketBall 1.019 0.330 -0.976 346.948 295.819 0 19 TissueBox 2.322 1.036 -1.417 0 0 0 43 20 CreditCard -1.322 0.968 -0.989 0 0 0 55 21 AlarmClock -1.269 1.227 -0.473 0 228.191 0 51 22 Pencil 1.839 0.799 -1.249 0 0 0 56 23 Boots -1.279 0.000 -1.343 0 27.143 0 24 Pillow -0.634 0.63 1.611 0 0 0 32 25 KeyChain -1.237 0.676 -0.918 0 0 0 48 26 Bowl 2.451 0.788 -1.207 0 0 0 56 27 Watch 2.027 0.795 -1.153 0 0 0 56 28 CD -1.387 1.234 -0.745 0 0 0 51 29 Pen 2.157 1.284 -1.372 0 0 0 41 30 Mug -1.248 1.232 -0.745 0 90 0 51 31 Statue 1.823 1.036 -1.419 0 0 0 56 32 Bed -0.640 0.008 0.871 0 0 0 33 DeskLamp -1.319 1.238 -0.994 0 90 0 34 GarbageCan 2.838 0.007 0.215 0 270 0 35 Blinds 0.111 2.337 -1.436 0 0 0 36 Mirror 1.985 1.381 1.875 0 0 0 37 Window 0.118 1.496 -1.588 90 180 0 38 LightSwitch 2.654 1.276 1.899 0 180 0 39 Chair 2.457 0.011 -0.997 0 189.124 0 40 Shelf 2.476 0.919 -1.384 0 0 0 41 Shelf 2.251 1.503 -1.383 0 0 0 42 Shelf 2.700 1.510 -1.380 0 0 0 43 Shelf 2.476 1.153 -1.384 0 0 0 44 Shelf 1.803 1.386 -1.384 0 0 0 45 Shelf 1.803 0.919 -1.381 0 0 0 46 DogBed 0.920 0.013 -1.044 0 0 0 47 Drawer -1.305 0.454 -0.918 0 90 0 48 Drawer -1.305 0.752 -0.919 0 90 0 49 Drawer -1.305 0.178 -0.918 0 90 0 50 Drawer -1.305 0.752 -0.579 0 90 0 51 Dresser -1.328 0.011 -0.744 0 90 0 52 Drawer -1.306 1.031 -0.579 0 90 0 53 Drawer -1.305 0.454 -0.578 0 90 0 54 Drawer -1.305 0.178 -0.578 0 90 0 55 Drawer -1.305 1.031 -0.919 0 90 0 56 Desk 2.211 0.009 -1.259 0 0 0 57 Drawer 2.817 0.189 -1.176 0 0 0 58 Drawer 1.940 0.632 -1.176 0 0 0 59 Drawer 1.940 0.189 -1.176 0 0 0 60 Drawer 1.623 0.632 -1.176 0 0 0 61 Drawer 2.817 0.632 -1.176 0 0 0 62 Drawer 2.817 0.411 -1.176 0 0 0 63 Drawer 1.623 0.189 -1.176 0 0 0 64 Drawer 1.623 0.410 -1.176 0 0 0 65 Drawer 1.940 0.410 -1.176 0 0 0 66 NorthWall 67 EastWall 68 SouthWall 69 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Turn around and walk to the tall white dresser across the room | STEP 2: Pick up the white coffee mug that is sitting on top of the dresser | STEP 3: Take a step to the left and continue to stand facing the dresser | STEP 4: Turn on the lamp that is sitting on the dresser | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Turn around and walk to the tall white dresser across the room ", " STEP 2: Pick up the white coffee mug that is sitting on top of the dresser ", " STEP 3: Take a step to the left and continue to stand facing the dresser ", " STEP 4: Turn on the lamp that is sitting on the dresser ", " END" ] ]
cool the cup in the refrigerator, put the cup in the coffee machine
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " -2.25", " 0.900", " 1.75", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Statue", " -2.584", " 0.873", " 2.884", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 54" ], [ "2", " Potato", " 0.193", " 1.180", " 2.246", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 77" ], [ "3", " ButterKnife", " -2.510", " 0.874", " 3.728", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "4", " Kettle", " -1.831", " 1.658", " -1.674", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "5", " Kettle", " 1.328", " 0.957", " -1.420", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 56" ], [ "6", " WineBottle", " -1.444", " 1.658", " -1.637", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 65" ], [ "7", " Fork", " -2.996", " 0.875", " 3.221", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 54" ], [ "8", " Spoon", " -1.849", " 0.913", " -0.288", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 52" ], [ "9", " Egg", " 0.079", " 1.169", " 2.127", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 77" ], [ "10", " Plate", " -0.377", " 1.148", " 2.206", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 77" ], [ "11", " Plate", " -2.321", " 0.882", " 3.370", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 54" ], [ "12", " Knife", " -1.849", " 0.934", " -0.939", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 52" ], [ "13", " Knife", " -2.659", " 0.900", " 3.390", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 54" ], [ "14", " Tomato", " -3.055", " 0.922", " 3.303", " 0", " 135", " 0", " 54" ], [ "15", " SaltShaker", " 0.674", " 0.112", " -1.483", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 59" ], [ "16", " SaltShaker", " -1.616", " 0.716", " -1.073", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 67" ], [ "17", " Bread", " -1.961", " 0.995", " -1.265", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 52" ], [ "18", " Lettuce", " -2.881", " 0.943", " 2.715", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "19", " Lettuce", " -1.849", " 0.977", " -0.614", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 52" ], [ "20", " Book", " -1.94", " 0.900", " -1.693", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 71" ], [ "21", " Fork", " -1.269", " 0.912", " -1.471", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 52" ], [ "22", " Tomato", " -2.183", " 0.959", " 0.037", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 52" ], [ "23", " Egg", " -1.568", " 0.929", " -0.469", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 52" ], [ "24", " Kettle", " -3.165", " 0.875", " 3.073", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 54" ], [ "25", " Vase", " -2.152", " 0.879", " 3.147", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 54" ], [ "26", " Cup", " 1.699", " 1.653", " -1.672", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 62" ], [ "27", " WineBottle", " -0.923", " 0.193", " 2.174", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 82" ], [ "28", " Plate", " -0.149", " 1.576", " 2.160", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 77" ], [ "29", " Spatula", " -2.490", " 0.893", " 3.147", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 54" ], [ "30", " Potato", " -2.434", " 0.911", " 3.207", " 0", " 135", " 0", " 54" ], [ "31", " Pot", " 0.974", " 0.957", " -1.688", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 51" ], [ "32", " Knife", " -2.778", " 0.900", " 3.341", " 0", " 135", " 0", " 54" ], [ "33", " SaltShaker", " -2.353", " 0.871", " 2.811", " 0", " 135", " 0", " 54" ], [ "34", " PepperShaker", " 3.634", " 0.877", " 1.452", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 73" ], [ "35", " Lettuce", " -2.845", " 0.943", " 2.930", " 0", " 225", " 0", " 54" ], [ "36", " ButterKnife", " -2.898", " 0.874", " 2.983", " 0", " 225", " 0", " 54" ], [ "37", " Bread", " -1.601", " 0.980", " -0.837", " 0", " 334.888", " 0", " 52" ], [ "38", " Vase", " -2.248", " 0.879", " 2.916", " 0", " 135", " 0", " 54" ], [ "39", " DishSponge", " 0.234", " 0.928", " -1.356", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 49" ], [ "40", " Apple", " -0.330", " 0.762", " -1.573", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 81" ], [ "41", " Pan", " 1.328", " 0.957", " -1.688", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 55" ], [ "42", " Spoon", " 0.521", " 0.719", " -1.376", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 69" ], [ "43", " SoapBottle", " 0.124", " 0.929", " -1.501", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 49" ], [ "44", " Mug", " 1.104", " 1.756", " -1.663", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 76" ], [ "45", " Statue", " 3.743", " 0.887", " 1.861", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 73" ], [ "46", " Statue", " 3.668", " 0.540", " 1.800", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 75" ], [ "47", " Bowl", " 0.079", " 0.800", " 2.137", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 77" ], [ "48", " Cabinet", " -2.171", " 2.009", " -1.538", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "49", " Sink", " 0.024", " 0.771", " -1.708", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "50", " Cabinet", " 1.444", " 2.259", " -1.542", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "51", " StoveBurner", " 0.974", " 0.957", " -1.688", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " CounterTop", " -1.866", " 0.947", " -0.614", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " Cabinet", " -2.217", " 0.373", " -1.874", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " DiningTable", " -2.663", " 0.002", " 3.208", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "55", " StoveBurner", " 1.328", " 0.957", " -1.688", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "56", " StoveBurner", " 1.328", " 0.957", " -1.420", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "57", " Cabinet", " -1.478", " 0.373", " -1.235", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "58", " Cabinet", " 1.775", " 0.372", " -1.242", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "59", " Cabinet", " 0.774", " 0.372", " -1.242", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "60", " Cabinet", " 0.375", " 0.372", " -1.242", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "61", " Cabinet", " -0.574", " 0.372", " -1.238", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "62", " Cabinet", " 1.775", " 2.009", " -1.542", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "63", " Cabinet", " 0.524", " 2.009", " -1.542", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "64", " Cabinet", " -0.714", " 2.009", " -1.542", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "65", " Cabinet", " -1.671", " 2.009", " -1.538", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "66", " Cabinet", " 0.854", " 2.259", " -1.542", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "67", " Drawer", " -1.636", " 0.683", " -0.930", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "68", " Drawer", " 1.650", " 0.682", " -1.396", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "69", " Drawer", " 0.600", " 0.682", " -1.396", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "70", " StoveBurner", " 0.974", " 0.957", " -1.419", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "71", " Drawer", " -2.062", " 0.683", " -1.579", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "72", " CounterTop", " 1.645", " 0.945", " -1.527", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "73", " Shelf", " 3.725", " 0.880", " 1.671", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "74", " LightSwitch", " 2.830", " 1.266", " -0.748", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "75", " Shelf", " 3.726", " 0.552", " 1.671", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "76", " Microwave", " 1.150", " 1.655", " -1.614", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "77", " Fridge", " -0.035", " 0.0", " 2.177", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "78", " Window", " -0.115", " 1.802", " -1.896", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "79", " Window", " -4.009", " 1.799", " 0.310", " 90", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "80", " Shelf", " 3.726", " 0.172", " 1.671", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "81", " SinkBasin", " -0.330", " 0.686", " -1.581", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "82", " GarbageCan", " -0.870", " -0.001", " 2.136", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "83", " StoveKnob", " 1.089", " 0.913", " -1.243", " 45", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "84", " StoveKnob", " 1.208", " 0.913", " -1.243", " 45", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "85", " StoveKnob", " 1.340", " 0.913", " -1.243", " 45", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "86", " StoveKnob", " 0.961", " 0.913", " -1.243", " 45", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "87", " Toaster", " 1.637", " 0.900", " -1.673", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "88", " Chair", " -3.505", " 0.002", " 3.290", " 0", " 105.736", " 0", "" ], [ "89", " CoffeeMachine", " -1.111", " 0.900", " -1.726", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "90", " HousePlant", " -2.663", " 0.835", " 3.209", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "91", " Faucet", " -0.187", " 0.922", " -1.75", " 0", " 311.166", " 0", "" ], [ "92", " ShelvingUnit", " 3.726", " 0.006", " 1.671", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "93", " Stool", " -2.501", " -0.000", " 0.062", " 1.223", " 91.243", " 0", "" ], [ "94", " Stool", " -2.475", " -0.000", " -0.802", " 1.209", " 69.808", " 0", "" ], [ "95", " Chair", " -2.934", " 0.002", " 2.437", " 0", " 28.531", " 0", "" ], [ "96", " Chair", " -1.698", " 0.002", " 3.235", " 0", " 245.204", " 0", "" ], [ "97", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "98", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "99", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "100", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent -2.25 0.900 1.75 0 180 0 1 Statue -2.584 0.873 2.884 0 90 0 54 2 Potato 0.193 1.180 2.246 0 180 0 77 3 ButterKnife -2.510 0.874 3.728 0 0 0 54 4 Kettle -1.831 1.658 -1.674 0 0 0 48 5 Kettle 1.328 0.957 -1.420 0 180 0 56 6 WineBottle -1.444 1.658 -1.637 0 0 0 65 7 Fork -2.996 0.875 3.221 0 270 0 54 8 Spoon -1.849 0.913 -0.288 0 0 0 52 9 Egg 0.079 1.169 2.127 0 180 0 77 10 Plate -0.377 1.148 2.206 0 180 0 77 11 Plate -2.321 0.882 3.370 0 270 0 54 12 Knife -1.849 0.934 -0.939 0 0 0 52 13 Knife -2.659 0.900 3.390 0 180 0 54 14 Tomato -3.055 0.922 3.303 0 135 0 54 15 SaltShaker 0.674 0.112 -1.483 0 0 0 59 16 SaltShaker -1.616 0.716 -1.073 0 0 0 67 17 Bread -1.961 0.995 -1.265 0 0 0 52 18 Lettuce -2.881 0.943 2.715 0 0 0 54 19 Lettuce -1.849 0.977 -0.614 0 0 0 52 20 Book -1.94 0.900 -1.693 0 0 0 71 21 Fork -1.269 0.912 -1.471 0 0 0 52 22 Tomato -2.183 0.959 0.037 0 0 0 52 23 Egg -1.568 0.929 -0.469 0 0 0 52 24 Kettle -3.165 0.875 3.073 0 270 0 54 25 Vase -2.152 0.879 3.147 0 270 0 54 26 Cup 1.699 1.653 -1.672 0 0 0 62 27 WineBottle -0.923 0.193 2.174 0 90 0 82 28 Plate -0.149 1.576 2.160 0 180 0 77 29 Spatula -2.490 0.893 3.147 0 270 0 54 30 Potato -2.434 0.911 3.207 0 135 0 54 31 Pot 0.974 0.957 -1.688 0 180 0 51 32 Knife -2.778 0.900 3.341 0 135 0 54 33 SaltShaker -2.353 0.871 2.811 0 135 0 54 34 PepperShaker 3.634 0.877 1.452 0 270 0 73 35 Lettuce -2.845 0.943 2.930 0 225 0 54 36 ButterKnife -2.898 0.874 2.983 0 225 0 54 37 Bread -1.601 0.980 -0.837 0 334.888 0 52 38 Vase -2.248 0.879 2.916 0 135 0 54 39 DishSponge 0.234 0.928 -1.356 0 270 0 49 40 Apple -0.330 0.762 -1.573 0 270 0 81 41 Pan 1.328 0.957 -1.688 0 180 0 55 42 Spoon 0.521 0.719 -1.376 0 270 0 69 43 SoapBottle 0.124 0.929 -1.501 0 270 0 49 44 Mug 1.104 1.756 -1.663 0 0 0 76 45 Statue 3.743 0.887 1.861 0 270 0 73 46 Statue 3.668 0.540 1.800 0 0 0 75 47 Bowl 0.079 0.800 2.137 0 180 0 77 48 Cabinet -2.171 2.009 -1.538 0 0 0 49 Sink 0.024 0.771 -1.708 0 270 0 50 Cabinet 1.444 2.259 -1.542 0 0 0 51 StoveBurner 0.974 0.957 -1.688 0 180 0 52 CounterTop -1.866 0.947 -0.614 0 0 0 53 Cabinet -2.217 0.373 -1.874 0 0 0 54 DiningTable -2.663 0.002 3.208 0 0 0 55 StoveBurner 1.328 0.957 -1.688 0 180 0 56 StoveBurner 1.328 0.957 -1.420 0 180 0 57 Cabinet -1.478 0.373 -1.235 0 0 0 58 Cabinet 1.775 0.372 -1.242 0 0 0 59 Cabinet 0.774 0.372 -1.242 0 0 0 60 Cabinet 0.375 0.372 -1.242 0 0 0 61 Cabinet -0.574 0.372 -1.238 0 0 0 62 Cabinet 1.775 2.009 -1.542 0 0 0 63 Cabinet 0.524 2.009 -1.542 0 0 0 64 Cabinet -0.714 2.009 -1.542 0 0 0 65 Cabinet -1.671 2.009 -1.538 0 0 0 66 Cabinet 0.854 2.259 -1.542 0 0 0 67 Drawer -1.636 0.683 -0.930 0 0 0 68 Drawer 1.650 0.682 -1.396 0 0 0 69 Drawer 0.600 0.682 -1.396 0 0 0 70 StoveBurner 0.974 0.957 -1.419 0 180 0 71 Drawer -2.062 0.683 -1.579 0 0 0 72 CounterTop 1.645 0.945 -1.527 0 0 0 73 Shelf 3.725 0.880 1.671 0 90 0 74 LightSwitch 2.830 1.266 -0.748 0 0 0 75 Shelf 3.726 0.552 1.671 0 90 0 76 Microwave 1.150 1.655 -1.614 0 0 0 77 Fridge -0.035 0.0 2.177 0 180 0 78 Window -0.115 1.802 -1.896 90 0 0 79 Window -4.009 1.799 0.310 90 90 0 80 Shelf 3.726 0.172 1.671 0 90 0 81 SinkBasin -0.330 0.686 -1.581 0 270 0 82 GarbageCan -0.870 -0.001 2.136 0 90 0 83 StoveKnob 1.089 0.913 -1.243 45 0 0 84 StoveKnob 1.208 0.913 -1.243 45 0 0 85 StoveKnob 1.340 0.913 -1.243 45 0 0 86 StoveKnob 0.961 0.913 -1.243 45 0 0 87 Toaster 1.637 0.900 -1.673 0 0 0 88 Chair -3.505 0.002 3.290 0 105.736 0 89 CoffeeMachine -1.111 0.900 -1.726 0 0 0 90 HousePlant -2.663 0.835 3.209 0 0 0 91 Faucet -0.187 0.922 -1.75 0 311.166 0 92 ShelvingUnit 3.726 0.006 1.671 0 90 0 93 Stool -2.501 -0.000 0.062 1.223 91.243 0 94 Stool -2.475 -0.000 -0.802 1.209 69.808 0 95 Chair -2.934 0.002 2.437 0 28.531 0 96 Chair -1.698 0.002 3.235 0 245.204 0 97 NorthWall 98 EastWall 99 SouthWall 100 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: turn left, walk to the stove on the right | STEP 2: open the microwave above, take the cup out of the microwave, close the microwave | STEP 3: turn around, walk to the refrigerator, | STEP 4: open the refrigerator, put the cup in, wait a while, take the cup out | STEP 5: turn around, walk to the coffee machine | STEP 6: put the cup in the coffee machine | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: turn left, walk to the stove on the right ", " STEP 2: open the microwave above, take the cup out of the microwave, close the microwave ", " STEP 3: turn around, walk to the refrigerator, ", " STEP 4: open the refrigerator, put the cup in, wait a while, take the cup out ", " STEP 5: turn around, walk to the coffee machine ", " STEP 6: put the cup in the coffee machine ", " END" ] ]
Place a cooled cup in the coffee maker.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " -2.25", " 0.900", " 1.75", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Statue", " -2.584", " 0.873", " 2.884", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 54" ], [ "2", " Potato", " 0.193", " 1.180", " 2.246", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 77" ], [ "3", " ButterKnife", " -2.510", " 0.874", " 3.728", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "4", " Kettle", " -1.831", " 1.658", " -1.674", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "5", " Kettle", " 1.328", " 0.957", " -1.420", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 56" ], [ "6", " WineBottle", " -1.444", " 1.658", " -1.637", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 65" ], [ "7", " Fork", " -2.996", " 0.875", " 3.221", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 54" ], [ "8", " Spoon", " -1.849", " 0.913", " -0.288", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 52" ], [ "9", " Egg", " 0.079", " 1.169", " 2.127", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 77" ], [ "10", " Plate", " -0.377", " 1.148", " 2.206", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 77" ], [ "11", " Plate", " -2.321", " 0.882", " 3.370", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 54" ], [ "12", " Knife", " -1.849", " 0.934", " -0.939", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 52" ], [ "13", " Knife", " -2.659", " 0.900", " 3.390", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 54" ], [ "14", " Tomato", " -3.055", " 0.922", " 3.303", " 0", " 135", " 0", " 54" ], [ "15", " SaltShaker", " 0.674", " 0.112", " -1.483", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 59" ], [ "16", " SaltShaker", " -1.616", " 0.716", " -1.073", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 67" ], [ "17", " Bread", " -1.961", " 0.995", " -1.265", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 52" ], [ "18", " Lettuce", " -2.881", " 0.943", " 2.715", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "19", " Lettuce", " -1.849", " 0.977", " -0.614", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 52" ], [ "20", " Book", " -1.94", " 0.900", " -1.693", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 71" ], [ "21", " Fork", " -1.269", " 0.912", " -1.471", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 52" ], [ "22", " Tomato", " -2.183", " 0.959", " 0.037", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 52" ], [ "23", " Egg", " -1.568", " 0.929", " -0.469", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 52" ], [ "24", " Kettle", " -3.165", " 0.875", " 3.073", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 54" ], [ "25", " Vase", " -2.152", " 0.879", " 3.147", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 54" ], [ "26", " Cup", " 1.699", " 1.653", " -1.672", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 62" ], [ "27", " WineBottle", " -0.923", " 0.193", " 2.174", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 82" ], [ "28", " Plate", " -0.149", " 1.576", " 2.160", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 77" ], [ "29", " Spatula", " -2.490", " 0.893", " 3.147", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 54" ], [ "30", " Potato", " -2.434", " 0.911", " 3.207", " 0", " 135", " 0", " 54" ], [ "31", " Pot", " 0.974", " 0.957", " -1.688", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 51" ], [ "32", " Knife", " -2.778", " 0.900", " 3.341", " 0", " 135", " 0", " 54" ], [ "33", " SaltShaker", " -2.353", " 0.871", " 2.811", " 0", " 135", " 0", " 54" ], [ "34", " PepperShaker", " 3.634", " 0.877", " 1.452", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 73" ], [ "35", " Lettuce", " -2.845", " 0.943", " 2.930", " 0", " 225", " 0", " 54" ], [ "36", " ButterKnife", " -2.898", " 0.874", " 2.983", " 0", " 225", " 0", " 54" ], [ "37", " Bread", " -1.601", " 0.980", " -0.837", " 0", " 334.888", " 0", " 52" ], [ "38", " Vase", " -2.248", " 0.879", " 2.916", " 0", " 135", " 0", " 54" ], [ "39", " DishSponge", " 0.234", " 0.928", " -1.356", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 49" ], [ "40", " Apple", " -0.330", " 0.762", " -1.573", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 81" ], [ "41", " Pan", " 1.328", " 0.957", " -1.688", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 55" ], [ "42", " Spoon", " 0.521", " 0.719", " -1.376", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 69" ], [ "43", " SoapBottle", " 0.124", " 0.929", " -1.501", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 49" ], [ "44", " Mug", " 1.104", " 1.756", " -1.663", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 76" ], [ "45", " Statue", " 3.743", " 0.887", " 1.861", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 73" ], [ "46", " Statue", " 3.668", " 0.540", " 1.800", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 75" ], [ "47", " Bowl", " 0.079", " 0.800", " 2.137", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 77" ], [ "48", " Cabinet", " -2.171", " 2.009", " -1.538", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "49", " Sink", " 0.024", " 0.771", " -1.708", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "50", " Cabinet", " 1.444", " 2.259", " -1.542", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "51", " StoveBurner", " 0.974", " 0.957", " -1.688", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " CounterTop", " -1.866", " 0.947", " -0.614", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " Cabinet", " -2.217", " 0.373", " -1.874", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " DiningTable", " -2.663", " 0.002", " 3.208", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "55", " StoveBurner", " 1.328", " 0.957", " -1.688", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "56", " StoveBurner", " 1.328", " 0.957", " -1.420", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "57", " Cabinet", " -1.478", " 0.373", " -1.235", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "58", " Cabinet", " 1.775", " 0.372", " -1.242", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "59", " Cabinet", " 0.774", " 0.372", " -1.242", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "60", " Cabinet", " 0.375", " 0.372", " -1.242", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "61", " Cabinet", " -0.574", " 0.372", " -1.238", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "62", " Cabinet", " 1.775", " 2.009", " -1.542", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "63", " Cabinet", " 0.524", " 2.009", " -1.542", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "64", " Cabinet", " -0.714", " 2.009", " -1.542", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "65", " Cabinet", " -1.671", " 2.009", " -1.538", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "66", " Cabinet", " 0.854", " 2.259", " -1.542", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "67", " Drawer", " -1.636", " 0.683", " -0.930", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "68", " Drawer", " 1.650", " 0.682", " -1.396", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "69", " Drawer", " 0.600", " 0.682", " -1.396", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "70", " StoveBurner", " 0.974", " 0.957", " -1.419", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "71", " Drawer", " -2.062", " 0.683", " -1.579", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "72", " CounterTop", " 1.645", " 0.945", " -1.527", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "73", " Shelf", " 3.725", " 0.880", " 1.671", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "74", " LightSwitch", " 2.830", " 1.266", " -0.748", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "75", " Shelf", " 3.726", " 0.552", " 1.671", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "76", " Microwave", " 1.150", " 1.655", " -1.614", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "77", " Fridge", " -0.035", " 0.0", " 2.177", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "78", " Window", " -0.115", " 1.802", " -1.896", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "79", " Window", " -4.009", " 1.799", " 0.310", " 90", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "80", " Shelf", " 3.726", " 0.172", " 1.671", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "81", " SinkBasin", " -0.330", " 0.686", " -1.581", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "82", " GarbageCan", " -0.870", " -0.001", " 2.136", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "83", " StoveKnob", " 1.089", " 0.913", " -1.243", " 45", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "84", " StoveKnob", " 1.208", " 0.913", " -1.243", " 45", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "85", " StoveKnob", " 1.340", " 0.913", " -1.243", " 45", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "86", " StoveKnob", " 0.961", " 0.913", " -1.243", " 45", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "87", " Toaster", " 1.637", " 0.900", " -1.673", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "88", " Chair", " -3.505", " 0.002", " 3.290", " 0", " 105.736", " 0", "" ], [ "89", " CoffeeMachine", " -1.111", " 0.900", " -1.726", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "90", " HousePlant", " -2.663", " 0.835", " 3.209", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "91", " Faucet", " -0.187", " 0.922", " -1.75", " 0", " 311.166", " 0", "" ], [ "92", " ShelvingUnit", " 3.726", " 0.006", " 1.671", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "93", " Stool", " -2.501", " -0.000", " 0.062", " 1.223", " 91.243", " 0", "" ], [ "94", " Stool", " -2.475", " -0.000", " -0.802", " 1.209", " 69.808", " 0", "" ], [ "95", " Chair", " -2.934", " 0.002", " 2.437", " 0", " 28.531", " 0", "" ], [ "96", " Chair", " -1.698", " 0.002", " 3.235", " 0", " 245.204", " 0", "" ], [ "97", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "98", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "99", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "100", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent -2.25 0.900 1.75 0 180 0 1 Statue -2.584 0.873 2.884 0 90 0 54 2 Potato 0.193 1.180 2.246 0 180 0 77 3 ButterKnife -2.510 0.874 3.728 0 0 0 54 4 Kettle -1.831 1.658 -1.674 0 0 0 48 5 Kettle 1.328 0.957 -1.420 0 180 0 56 6 WineBottle -1.444 1.658 -1.637 0 0 0 65 7 Fork -2.996 0.875 3.221 0 270 0 54 8 Spoon -1.849 0.913 -0.288 0 0 0 52 9 Egg 0.079 1.169 2.127 0 180 0 77 10 Plate -0.377 1.148 2.206 0 180 0 77 11 Plate -2.321 0.882 3.370 0 270 0 54 12 Knife -1.849 0.934 -0.939 0 0 0 52 13 Knife -2.659 0.900 3.390 0 180 0 54 14 Tomato -3.055 0.922 3.303 0 135 0 54 15 SaltShaker 0.674 0.112 -1.483 0 0 0 59 16 SaltShaker -1.616 0.716 -1.073 0 0 0 67 17 Bread -1.961 0.995 -1.265 0 0 0 52 18 Lettuce -2.881 0.943 2.715 0 0 0 54 19 Lettuce -1.849 0.977 -0.614 0 0 0 52 20 Book -1.94 0.900 -1.693 0 0 0 71 21 Fork -1.269 0.912 -1.471 0 0 0 52 22 Tomato -2.183 0.959 0.037 0 0 0 52 23 Egg -1.568 0.929 -0.469 0 0 0 52 24 Kettle -3.165 0.875 3.073 0 270 0 54 25 Vase -2.152 0.879 3.147 0 270 0 54 26 Cup 1.699 1.653 -1.672 0 0 0 62 27 WineBottle -0.923 0.193 2.174 0 90 0 82 28 Plate -0.149 1.576 2.160 0 180 0 77 29 Spatula -2.490 0.893 3.147 0 270 0 54 30 Potato -2.434 0.911 3.207 0 135 0 54 31 Pot 0.974 0.957 -1.688 0 180 0 51 32 Knife -2.778 0.900 3.341 0 135 0 54 33 SaltShaker -2.353 0.871 2.811 0 135 0 54 34 PepperShaker 3.634 0.877 1.452 0 270 0 73 35 Lettuce -2.845 0.943 2.930 0 225 0 54 36 ButterKnife -2.898 0.874 2.983 0 225 0 54 37 Bread -1.601 0.980 -0.837 0 334.888 0 52 38 Vase -2.248 0.879 2.916 0 135 0 54 39 DishSponge 0.234 0.928 -1.356 0 270 0 49 40 Apple -0.330 0.762 -1.573 0 270 0 81 41 Pan 1.328 0.957 -1.688 0 180 0 55 42 Spoon 0.521 0.719 -1.376 0 270 0 69 43 SoapBottle 0.124 0.929 -1.501 0 270 0 49 44 Mug 1.104 1.756 -1.663 0 0 0 76 45 Statue 3.743 0.887 1.861 0 270 0 73 46 Statue 3.668 0.540 1.800 0 0 0 75 47 Bowl 0.079 0.800 2.137 0 180 0 77 48 Cabinet -2.171 2.009 -1.538 0 0 0 49 Sink 0.024 0.771 -1.708 0 270 0 50 Cabinet 1.444 2.259 -1.542 0 0 0 51 StoveBurner 0.974 0.957 -1.688 0 180 0 52 CounterTop -1.866 0.947 -0.614 0 0 0 53 Cabinet -2.217 0.373 -1.874 0 0 0 54 DiningTable -2.663 0.002 3.208 0 0 0 55 StoveBurner 1.328 0.957 -1.688 0 180 0 56 StoveBurner 1.328 0.957 -1.420 0 180 0 57 Cabinet -1.478 0.373 -1.235 0 0 0 58 Cabinet 1.775 0.372 -1.242 0 0 0 59 Cabinet 0.774 0.372 -1.242 0 0 0 60 Cabinet 0.375 0.372 -1.242 0 0 0 61 Cabinet -0.574 0.372 -1.238 0 0 0 62 Cabinet 1.775 2.009 -1.542 0 0 0 63 Cabinet 0.524 2.009 -1.542 0 0 0 64 Cabinet -0.714 2.009 -1.542 0 0 0 65 Cabinet -1.671 2.009 -1.538 0 0 0 66 Cabinet 0.854 2.259 -1.542 0 0 0 67 Drawer -1.636 0.683 -0.930 0 0 0 68 Drawer 1.650 0.682 -1.396 0 0 0 69 Drawer 0.600 0.682 -1.396 0 0 0 70 StoveBurner 0.974 0.957 -1.419 0 180 0 71 Drawer -2.062 0.683 -1.579 0 0 0 72 CounterTop 1.645 0.945 -1.527 0 0 0 73 Shelf 3.725 0.880 1.671 0 90 0 74 LightSwitch 2.830 1.266 -0.748 0 0 0 75 Shelf 3.726 0.552 1.671 0 90 0 76 Microwave 1.150 1.655 -1.614 0 0 0 77 Fridge -0.035 0.0 2.177 0 180 0 78 Window -0.115 1.802 -1.896 90 0 0 79 Window -4.009 1.799 0.310 90 90 0 80 Shelf 3.726 0.172 1.671 0 90 0 81 SinkBasin -0.330 0.686 -1.581 0 270 0 82 GarbageCan -0.870 -0.001 2.136 0 90 0 83 StoveKnob 1.089 0.913 -1.243 45 0 0 84 StoveKnob 1.208 0.913 -1.243 45 0 0 85 StoveKnob 1.340 0.913 -1.243 45 0 0 86 StoveKnob 0.961 0.913 -1.243 45 0 0 87 Toaster 1.637 0.900 -1.673 0 0 0 88 Chair -3.505 0.002 3.290 0 105.736 0 89 CoffeeMachine -1.111 0.900 -1.726 0 0 0 90 HousePlant -2.663 0.835 3.209 0 0 0 91 Faucet -0.187 0.922 -1.75 0 311.166 0 92 ShelvingUnit 3.726 0.006 1.671 0 90 0 93 Stool -2.501 -0.000 0.062 1.223 91.243 0 94 Stool -2.475 -0.000 -0.802 1.209 69.808 0 95 Chair -2.934 0.002 2.437 0 28.531 0 96 Chair -1.698 0.002 3.235 0 245.204 0 97 NorthWall 98 EastWall 99 SouthWall 100 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Turn to your left and walk to the oven. | STEP 2: Grab the cup from the microwave above the oven. | STEP 3: Turn around and walk to the the fridge. | STEP 4: place the cup in the fridge, wait, and remove the cup. | STEP 5: Turn around and walk to the coffee maker. | STEP 6: Place the cup in the coffee maker. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Turn to your left and walk to the oven. ", " STEP 2: Grab the cup from the microwave above the oven. ", " STEP 3: Turn around and walk to the the fridge. ", " STEP 4: place the cup in the fridge, wait, and remove the cup. ", " STEP 5: Turn around and walk to the coffee maker. ", " STEP 6: Place the cup in the coffee maker. ", " END" ] ]
Place a heated mug into a coffee maker
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " -2.25", " 0.900", " 1.75", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Statue", " -2.584", " 0.873", " 2.884", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 54" ], [ "2", " Potato", " 0.193", " 1.180", " 2.246", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 77" ], [ "3", " ButterKnife", " -2.510", " 0.874", " 3.728", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "4", " Kettle", " -1.831", " 1.658", " -1.674", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "5", " Kettle", " 1.328", " 0.957", " -1.420", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 56" ], [ "6", " WineBottle", " -1.444", " 1.658", " -1.637", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 65" ], [ "7", " Fork", " -2.996", " 0.875", " 3.221", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 54" ], [ "8", " Spoon", " -1.849", " 0.913", " -0.288", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 52" ], [ "9", " Egg", " 0.079", " 1.169", " 2.127", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 77" ], [ "10", " Plate", " -0.377", " 1.148", " 2.206", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 77" ], [ "11", " Plate", " -2.321", " 0.882", " 3.370", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 54" ], [ "12", " Knife", " -1.849", " 0.934", " -0.939", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 52" ], [ "13", " Knife", " -2.659", " 0.900", " 3.390", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 54" ], [ "14", " Tomato", " -3.055", " 0.922", " 3.303", " 0", " 135", " 0", " 54" ], [ "15", " SaltShaker", " 0.674", " 0.112", " -1.483", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 59" ], [ "16", " SaltShaker", " -1.616", " 0.716", " -1.073", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 67" ], [ "17", " Bread", " -1.961", " 0.995", " -1.265", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 52" ], [ "18", " Lettuce", " -2.881", " 0.943", " 2.715", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "19", " Lettuce", " -1.849", " 0.977", " -0.614", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 52" ], [ "20", " Book", " -1.94", " 0.900", " -1.693", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 71" ], [ "21", " Fork", " -1.269", " 0.912", " -1.471", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 52" ], [ "22", " Tomato", " -2.183", " 0.959", " 0.037", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 52" ], [ "23", " Egg", " -1.568", " 0.929", " -0.469", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 52" ], [ "24", " Kettle", " -3.165", " 0.875", " 3.073", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 54" ], [ "25", " Vase", " -2.152", " 0.879", " 3.147", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 54" ], [ "26", " Cup", " 1.699", " 1.653", " -1.672", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 62" ], [ "27", " WineBottle", " -0.923", " 0.193", " 2.174", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 82" ], [ "28", " Plate", " -0.149", " 1.576", " 2.160", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 77" ], [ "29", " Spatula", " -2.490", " 0.893", " 3.147", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 54" ], [ "30", " Potato", " -2.434", " 0.911", " 3.207", " 0", " 135", " 0", " 54" ], [ "31", " Pot", " 0.974", " 0.957", " -1.688", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 51" ], [ "32", " Knife", " -2.778", " 0.900", " 3.341", " 0", " 135", " 0", " 54" ], [ "33", " SaltShaker", " -2.353", " 0.871", " 2.811", " 0", " 135", " 0", " 54" ], [ "34", " PepperShaker", " 3.634", " 0.877", " 1.452", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 73" ], [ "35", " Lettuce", " -2.845", " 0.943", " 2.930", " 0", " 225", " 0", " 54" ], [ "36", " ButterKnife", " -2.898", " 0.874", " 2.983", " 0", " 225", " 0", " 54" ], [ "37", " Bread", " -1.601", " 0.980", " -0.837", " 0", " 334.888", " 0", " 52" ], [ "38", " Vase", " -2.248", " 0.879", " 2.916", " 0", " 135", " 0", " 54" ], [ "39", " DishSponge", " 0.234", " 0.928", " -1.356", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 49" ], [ "40", " Apple", " -0.330", " 0.762", " -1.573", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 81" ], [ "41", " Pan", " 1.328", " 0.957", " -1.688", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 55" ], [ "42", " Spoon", " 0.521", " 0.719", " -1.376", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 69" ], [ "43", " SoapBottle", " 0.124", " 0.929", " -1.501", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 49" ], [ "44", " Mug", " 1.104", " 1.756", " -1.663", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 76" ], [ "45", " Statue", " 3.743", " 0.887", " 1.861", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 73" ], [ "46", " Statue", " 3.668", " 0.540", " 1.800", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 75" ], [ "47", " Bowl", " 0.079", " 0.800", " 2.137", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 77" ], [ "48", " Cabinet", " -2.171", " 2.009", " -1.538", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "49", " Sink", " 0.024", " 0.771", " -1.708", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "50", " Cabinet", " 1.444", " 2.259", " -1.542", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "51", " StoveBurner", " 0.974", " 0.957", " -1.688", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " CounterTop", " -1.866", " 0.947", " -0.614", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " Cabinet", " -2.217", " 0.373", " -1.874", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " DiningTable", " -2.663", " 0.002", " 3.208", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "55", " StoveBurner", " 1.328", " 0.957", " -1.688", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "56", " StoveBurner", " 1.328", " 0.957", " -1.420", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "57", " Cabinet", " -1.478", " 0.373", " -1.235", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "58", " Cabinet", " 1.775", " 0.372", " -1.242", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "59", " Cabinet", " 0.774", " 0.372", " -1.242", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "60", " Cabinet", " 0.375", " 0.372", " -1.242", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "61", " Cabinet", " -0.574", " 0.372", " -1.238", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "62", " Cabinet", " 1.775", " 2.009", " -1.542", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "63", " Cabinet", " 0.524", " 2.009", " -1.542", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "64", " Cabinet", " -0.714", " 2.009", " -1.542", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "65", " Cabinet", " -1.671", " 2.009", " -1.538", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "66", " Cabinet", " 0.854", " 2.259", " -1.542", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "67", " Drawer", " -1.636", " 0.683", " -0.930", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "68", " Drawer", " 1.650", " 0.682", " -1.396", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "69", " Drawer", " 0.600", " 0.682", " -1.396", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "70", " StoveBurner", " 0.974", " 0.957", " -1.419", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "71", " Drawer", " -2.062", " 0.683", " -1.579", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "72", " CounterTop", " 1.645", " 0.945", " -1.527", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "73", " Shelf", " 3.725", " 0.880", " 1.671", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "74", " LightSwitch", " 2.830", " 1.266", " -0.748", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "75", " Shelf", " 3.726", " 0.552", " 1.671", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "76", " Microwave", " 1.150", " 1.655", " -1.614", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "77", " Fridge", " -0.035", " 0.0", " 2.177", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "78", " Window", " -0.115", " 1.802", " -1.896", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "79", " Window", " -4.009", " 1.799", " 0.310", " 90", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "80", " Shelf", " 3.726", " 0.172", " 1.671", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "81", " SinkBasin", " -0.330", " 0.686", " -1.581", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "82", " GarbageCan", " -0.870", " -0.001", " 2.136", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "83", " StoveKnob", " 1.089", " 0.913", " -1.243", " 45", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "84", " StoveKnob", " 1.208", " 0.913", " -1.243", " 45", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "85", " StoveKnob", " 1.340", " 0.913", " -1.243", " 45", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "86", " StoveKnob", " 0.961", " 0.913", " -1.243", " 45", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "87", " Toaster", " 1.637", " 0.900", " -1.673", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "88", " Chair", " -3.505", " 0.002", " 3.290", " 0", " 105.736", " 0", "" ], [ "89", " CoffeeMachine", " -1.111", " 0.900", " -1.726", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "90", " HousePlant", " -2.663", " 0.835", " 3.209", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "91", " Faucet", " -0.187", " 0.922", " -1.75", " 0", " 311.166", " 0", "" ], [ "92", " ShelvingUnit", " 3.726", " 0.006", " 1.671", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "93", " Stool", " -2.501", " -0.000", " 0.062", " 1.223", " 91.243", " 0", "" ], [ "94", " Stool", " -2.475", " -0.000", " -0.802", " 1.209", " 69.808", " 0", "" ], [ "95", " Chair", " -2.934", " 0.002", " 2.437", " 0", " 28.531", " 0", "" ], [ "96", " Chair", " -1.698", " 0.002", " 3.235", " 0", " 245.204", " 0", "" ], [ "97", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "98", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "99", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "100", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent -2.25 0.900 1.75 0 180 0 1 Statue -2.584 0.873 2.884 0 90 0 54 2 Potato 0.193 1.180 2.246 0 180 0 77 3 ButterKnife -2.510 0.874 3.728 0 0 0 54 4 Kettle -1.831 1.658 -1.674 0 0 0 48 5 Kettle 1.328 0.957 -1.420 0 180 0 56 6 WineBottle -1.444 1.658 -1.637 0 0 0 65 7 Fork -2.996 0.875 3.221 0 270 0 54 8 Spoon -1.849 0.913 -0.288 0 0 0 52 9 Egg 0.079 1.169 2.127 0 180 0 77 10 Plate -0.377 1.148 2.206 0 180 0 77 11 Plate -2.321 0.882 3.370 0 270 0 54 12 Knife -1.849 0.934 -0.939 0 0 0 52 13 Knife -2.659 0.900 3.390 0 180 0 54 14 Tomato -3.055 0.922 3.303 0 135 0 54 15 SaltShaker 0.674 0.112 -1.483 0 0 0 59 16 SaltShaker -1.616 0.716 -1.073 0 0 0 67 17 Bread -1.961 0.995 -1.265 0 0 0 52 18 Lettuce -2.881 0.943 2.715 0 0 0 54 19 Lettuce -1.849 0.977 -0.614 0 0 0 52 20 Book -1.94 0.900 -1.693 0 0 0 71 21 Fork -1.269 0.912 -1.471 0 0 0 52 22 Tomato -2.183 0.959 0.037 0 0 0 52 23 Egg -1.568 0.929 -0.469 0 0 0 52 24 Kettle -3.165 0.875 3.073 0 270 0 54 25 Vase -2.152 0.879 3.147 0 270 0 54 26 Cup 1.699 1.653 -1.672 0 0 0 62 27 WineBottle -0.923 0.193 2.174 0 90 0 82 28 Plate -0.149 1.576 2.160 0 180 0 77 29 Spatula -2.490 0.893 3.147 0 270 0 54 30 Potato -2.434 0.911 3.207 0 135 0 54 31 Pot 0.974 0.957 -1.688 0 180 0 51 32 Knife -2.778 0.900 3.341 0 135 0 54 33 SaltShaker -2.353 0.871 2.811 0 135 0 54 34 PepperShaker 3.634 0.877 1.452 0 270 0 73 35 Lettuce -2.845 0.943 2.930 0 225 0 54 36 ButterKnife -2.898 0.874 2.983 0 225 0 54 37 Bread -1.601 0.980 -0.837 0 334.888 0 52 38 Vase -2.248 0.879 2.916 0 135 0 54 39 DishSponge 0.234 0.928 -1.356 0 270 0 49 40 Apple -0.330 0.762 -1.573 0 270 0 81 41 Pan 1.328 0.957 -1.688 0 180 0 55 42 Spoon 0.521 0.719 -1.376 0 270 0 69 43 SoapBottle 0.124 0.929 -1.501 0 270 0 49 44 Mug 1.104 1.756 -1.663 0 0 0 76 45 Statue 3.743 0.887 1.861 0 270 0 73 46 Statue 3.668 0.540 1.800 0 0 0 75 47 Bowl 0.079 0.800 2.137 0 180 0 77 48 Cabinet -2.171 2.009 -1.538 0 0 0 49 Sink 0.024 0.771 -1.708 0 270 0 50 Cabinet 1.444 2.259 -1.542 0 0 0 51 StoveBurner 0.974 0.957 -1.688 0 180 0 52 CounterTop -1.866 0.947 -0.614 0 0 0 53 Cabinet -2.217 0.373 -1.874 0 0 0 54 DiningTable -2.663 0.002 3.208 0 0 0 55 StoveBurner 1.328 0.957 -1.688 0 180 0 56 StoveBurner 1.328 0.957 -1.420 0 180 0 57 Cabinet -1.478 0.373 -1.235 0 0 0 58 Cabinet 1.775 0.372 -1.242 0 0 0 59 Cabinet 0.774 0.372 -1.242 0 0 0 60 Cabinet 0.375 0.372 -1.242 0 0 0 61 Cabinet -0.574 0.372 -1.238 0 0 0 62 Cabinet 1.775 2.009 -1.542 0 0 0 63 Cabinet 0.524 2.009 -1.542 0 0 0 64 Cabinet -0.714 2.009 -1.542 0 0 0 65 Cabinet -1.671 2.009 -1.538 0 0 0 66 Cabinet 0.854 2.259 -1.542 0 0 0 67 Drawer -1.636 0.683 -0.930 0 0 0 68 Drawer 1.650 0.682 -1.396 0 0 0 69 Drawer 0.600 0.682 -1.396 0 0 0 70 StoveBurner 0.974 0.957 -1.419 0 180 0 71 Drawer -2.062 0.683 -1.579 0 0 0 72 CounterTop 1.645 0.945 -1.527 0 0 0 73 Shelf 3.725 0.880 1.671 0 90 0 74 LightSwitch 2.830 1.266 -0.748 0 0 0 75 Shelf 3.726 0.552 1.671 0 90 0 76 Microwave 1.150 1.655 -1.614 0 0 0 77 Fridge -0.035 0.0 2.177 0 180 0 78 Window -0.115 1.802 -1.896 90 0 0 79 Window -4.009 1.799 0.310 90 90 0 80 Shelf 3.726 0.172 1.671 0 90 0 81 SinkBasin -0.330 0.686 -1.581 0 270 0 82 GarbageCan -0.870 -0.001 2.136 0 90 0 83 StoveKnob 1.089 0.913 -1.243 45 0 0 84 StoveKnob 1.208 0.913 -1.243 45 0 0 85 StoveKnob 1.340 0.913 -1.243 45 0 0 86 StoveKnob 0.961 0.913 -1.243 45 0 0 87 Toaster 1.637 0.900 -1.673 0 0 0 88 Chair -3.505 0.002 3.290 0 105.736 0 89 CoffeeMachine -1.111 0.900 -1.726 0 0 0 90 HousePlant -2.663 0.835 3.209 0 0 0 91 Faucet -0.187 0.922 -1.75 0 311.166 0 92 ShelvingUnit 3.726 0.006 1.671 0 90 0 93 Stool -2.501 -0.000 0.062 1.223 91.243 0 94 Stool -2.475 -0.000 -0.802 1.209 69.808 0 95 Chair -2.934 0.002 2.437 0 28.531 0 96 Chair -1.698 0.002 3.235 0 245.204 0 97 NorthWall 98 EastWall 99 SouthWall 100 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: head left and walk to the fridge and then turn right and walk to the stove | STEP 2: Open the microwave and pick up the coffee mug that is inside and then close the door | STEP 3: Turn around and walk to the fridge | STEP 4: Open the fridge and place the mug on the top shelf to the left of the clear bowl and close the door, then open the door and pick up the mug that is sitting on the top shelf | STEP 5: Turn around and walk to the coffee maker that is to the right of the sink | STEP 6: Place the mug inside the coffee maker | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: head left and walk to the fridge and then turn right and walk to the stove ", " STEP 2: Open the microwave and pick up the coffee mug that is inside and then close the door ", " STEP 3: Turn around and walk to the fridge ", " STEP 4: Open the fridge and place the mug on the top shelf to the left of the clear bowl and close the door, then open the door and pick up the mug that is sitting on the top shelf ", " STEP 5: Turn around and walk to the coffee maker that is to the right of the sink ", " STEP 6: Place the mug inside the coffee maker ", " END" ] ]
place a tennis racket on top of the bed
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " 0.5", " 0.901", " -1.0", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " CellPhone", " -1.582", " 0.599", " -0.392", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 46" ], [ "2", " Pen", " 1.320", " 0.060", " -2.282", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 55" ], [ "3", " Pen", " 0.536", " 0.734", " -2.530", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 39" ], [ "4", " Pencil", " -1.791", " 0.506", " -1.274", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "5", " CreditCard", " -1.515", " 0.599", " 0.031", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 46" ], [ "6", " KeyChain", " 0.766", " 0.729", " -2.705", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 39" ], [ "7", " KeyChain", " 0.076", " 0.729", " -2.530", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 39" ], [ "8", " Box", " 1.996", " 0.316", " -1.042", " 0", " 254.839", " 0", "" ], [ "9", " Book", " 0.339", " 0.723", " -2.65", " 0", " 165.000", " 0", " 39" ], [ "10", " Pillow", " -1.548", " 0.457", " -1.831", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 45" ], [ "11", " CellPhone", " 0.632", " 0.113", " -2.550", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 40" ], [ "12", " Vase", " -1.846", " 0.599", " -0.533", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 46" ], [ "13", " BaseballBat", " -1.629", " 0.649", " 0.416", " 14.491", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "14", " CreditCard", " 0.651", " 0.728", " -2.471", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 39" ], [ "15", " TennisRacket", " 2.244", " 0.279", " -1.901", " 335.402", " 251.974", " 201.714", "" ], [ "16", " KeyChain", " -1.846", " 0.599", " -0.392", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 46" ], [ "17", " AlarmClock", " -1.854", " 0.501", " -1.174", " 0", " 285.156", " 0", " 46" ], [ "18", " Cloth", " 2.176", " 0.0", " -0.571", " 0", " 335.474", " 0", "" ], [ "19", " Laptop", " -1.764", " 0.591", " -0.112", " 0", " 113.510", " 0", " 46" ], [ "20", " CD", " 0.735", " 0.724", " -2.547", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 39" ], [ "21", " CD", " 0.178", " 0.414", " -2.550", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 41" ], [ "22", " Pen", " -1.582", " 0.604", " -0.533", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 46" ], [ "23", " Pencil", " 0.651", " 0.732", " -2.647", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 39" ], [ "24", " Mug", " 0.076", " 0.728", " -2.647", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 39" ], [ "25", " Shelf", " 1.311", " 0.969", " -2.298", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "26", " Shelf", " 1.843", " 0.969", " -2.298", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "27", " Shelf", " 1.311", " 1.171", " -2.298", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "28", " Shelf", " 1.843", " 1.171", " -2.298", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " Shelf", " 1.311", " 1.368", " -2.298", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " Shelf", " 1.843", " 1.570", " -2.298", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " Shelf", " 1.843", " 1.368", " -2.298", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " Shelf", " 1.311", " 1.570", " -2.298", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " DeskLamp", " -1.848", " 0.592", " -0.786", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " GarbageCan", " 2.197", " -0.007", " 0.298", " 0", " 232.025", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " LightSwitch", " -0.638", " 1.149", " 0.499", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " Poster", " 0.001", " 1.495", " -2.642", " 90", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " Mirror", " -1.072", " 1.469", " 0.497", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " Window", " 0.435", " 1.398", " -2.855", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " SideTable", " 0.435", " 0.036", " -2.647", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "40", " Drawer", " 0.433", " 0.203", " -2.445", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "41", " Drawer", " 0.433", " 0.505", " -2.445", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "42", " Dumbbell", " -1.656", " 0.602", " -0.534", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "43", " Blinds", " 0.449", " 2.164", " -2.845", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "44", " GarbageBag", " 1.730", " 0.318", " 0.222", " 270", " 90", " 83.412", "" ], [ "45", " Bed", " -1.047", " -0.000", " -1.851", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "46", " Desk", " -1.710", " 0.000", " -0.374", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "47", " Drawer", " -1.790", " 0.245", " -1.144", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "48", " SideTable", " -1.824", " 0.000", " -1.144", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "49", " Drawer", " -1.790", " 0.392", " -1.144", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "50", " Drawer", " -1.790", " 0.097", " -1.144", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "51", " Chair", " -1.453", " 0.005", " -0.311", " 0", " 286.095", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " Shelf", " 1.591", " 0.606", " -2.305", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " ShelvingUnit", " 1.588", " 0.004", " -2.326", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " Shelf", " 1.854", " 0.453", " -2.298", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "55", " Shelf", " 1.321", " 0.155", " -2.296", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "56", " Shelf", " 1.323", " 0.456", " -2.300", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "57", " Shelf", " 1.852", " 0.152", " -2.294", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "58", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "59", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "60", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "61", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent 0.5 0.901 -1.0 0 180 0 1 CellPhone -1.582 0.599 -0.392 0 0 0 46 2 Pen 1.320 0.060 -2.282 0 0 0 55 3 Pen 0.536 0.734 -2.530 0 180 0 39 4 Pencil -1.791 0.506 -1.274 0 0 0 48 5 CreditCard -1.515 0.599 0.031 0 0 0 46 6 KeyChain 0.766 0.729 -2.705 0 180 0 39 7 KeyChain 0.076 0.729 -2.530 0 180 0 39 8 Box 1.996 0.316 -1.042 0 254.839 0 9 Book 0.339 0.723 -2.65 0 165.000 0 39 10 Pillow -1.548 0.457 -1.831 0 90 0 45 11 CellPhone 0.632 0.113 -2.550 0 0 0 40 12 Vase -1.846 0.599 -0.533 0 0 0 46 13 BaseballBat -1.629 0.649 0.416 14.491 0 0 14 CreditCard 0.651 0.728 -2.471 0 180 0 39 15 TennisRacket 2.244 0.279 -1.901 335.402 251.974 201.714 16 KeyChain -1.846 0.599 -0.392 0 0 0 46 17 AlarmClock -1.854 0.501 -1.174 0 285.156 0 46 18 Cloth 2.176 0.0 -0.571 0 335.474 0 19 Laptop -1.764 0.591 -0.112 0 113.510 0 46 20 CD 0.735 0.724 -2.547 0 0 0 39 21 CD 0.178 0.414 -2.550 0 0 0 41 22 Pen -1.582 0.604 -0.533 0 0 0 46 23 Pencil 0.651 0.732 -2.647 0 180 0 39 24 Mug 0.076 0.728 -2.647 0 180 0 39 25 Shelf 1.311 0.969 -2.298 0 0 0 26 Shelf 1.843 0.969 -2.298 0 0 0 27 Shelf 1.311 1.171 -2.298 0 0 0 28 Shelf 1.843 1.171 -2.298 0 0 0 29 Shelf 1.311 1.368 -2.298 0 0 0 30 Shelf 1.843 1.570 -2.298 0 0 0 31 Shelf 1.843 1.368 -2.298 0 0 0 32 Shelf 1.311 1.570 -2.298 0 0 0 33 DeskLamp -1.848 0.592 -0.786 0 90 0 34 GarbageCan 2.197 -0.007 0.298 0 232.025 0 35 LightSwitch -0.638 1.149 0.499 0 180 0 36 Poster 0.001 1.495 -2.642 90 90 0 37 Mirror -1.072 1.469 0.497 0 0 0 38 Window 0.435 1.398 -2.855 90 0 0 39 SideTable 0.435 0.036 -2.647 0 0 0 40 Drawer 0.433 0.203 -2.445 0 0 0 41 Drawer 0.433 0.505 -2.445 0 0 0 42 Dumbbell -1.656 0.602 -0.534 0 90 0 43 Blinds 0.449 2.164 -2.845 0 0 0 44 GarbageBag 1.730 0.318 0.222 270 90 83.412 45 Bed -1.047 -0.000 -1.851 0 270 0 46 Desk -1.710 0.000 -0.374 0 90 0 47 Drawer -1.790 0.245 -1.144 0 90 0 48 SideTable -1.824 0.000 -1.144 0 90 0 49 Drawer -1.790 0.392 -1.144 0 90 0 50 Drawer -1.790 0.097 -1.144 0 90 0 51 Chair -1.453 0.005 -0.311 0 286.095 0 52 Shelf 1.591 0.606 -2.305 0 0 0 53 ShelvingUnit 1.588 0.004 -2.326 0 0 0 54 Shelf 1.854 0.453 -2.298 0 0 0 55 Shelf 1.321 0.155 -2.296 0 0 0 56 Shelf 1.323 0.456 -2.300 0 0 0 57 Shelf 1.852 0.152 -2.294 0 0 0 58 NorthWall 59 EastWall 60 SouthWall 61 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: walk over to the tennis racket on the floor | STEP 2: pick up the tennis racket on the floor | STEP 3: walk over to the bed | STEP 4: place the tennis racket on top of the bed | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: walk over to the tennis racket on the floor ", " STEP 2: pick up the tennis racket on the floor ", " STEP 3: walk over to the bed ", " STEP 4: place the tennis racket on top of the bed ", " END" ] ]
Place a tennis racket on the bed.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " 0.5", " 0.901", " -1.0", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " CellPhone", " -1.582", " 0.599", " -0.392", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 46" ], [ "2", " Pen", " 1.320", " 0.060", " -2.282", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 55" ], [ "3", " Pen", " 0.536", " 0.734", " -2.530", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 39" ], [ "4", " Pencil", " -1.791", " 0.506", " -1.274", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "5", " CreditCard", " -1.515", " 0.599", " 0.031", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 46" ], [ "6", " KeyChain", " 0.766", " 0.729", " -2.705", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 39" ], [ "7", " KeyChain", " 0.076", " 0.729", " -2.530", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 39" ], [ "8", " Box", " 1.996", " 0.316", " -1.042", " 0", " 254.839", " 0", "" ], [ "9", " Book", " 0.339", " 0.723", " -2.65", " 0", " 165.000", " 0", " 39" ], [ "10", " Pillow", " -1.548", " 0.457", " -1.831", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 45" ], [ "11", " CellPhone", " 0.632", " 0.113", " -2.550", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 40" ], [ "12", " Vase", " -1.846", " 0.599", " -0.533", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 46" ], [ "13", " BaseballBat", " -1.629", " 0.649", " 0.416", " 14.491", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "14", " CreditCard", " 0.651", " 0.728", " -2.471", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 39" ], [ "15", " TennisRacket", " 2.244", " 0.279", " -1.901", " 335.402", " 251.974", " 201.714", "" ], [ "16", " KeyChain", " -1.846", " 0.599", " -0.392", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 46" ], [ "17", " AlarmClock", " -1.854", " 0.501", " -1.174", " 0", " 285.156", " 0", " 46" ], [ "18", " Cloth", " 2.176", " 0.0", " -0.571", " 0", " 335.474", " 0", "" ], [ "19", " Laptop", " -1.764", " 0.591", " -0.112", " 0", " 113.510", " 0", " 46" ], [ "20", " CD", " 0.735", " 0.724", " -2.547", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 39" ], [ "21", " CD", " 0.178", " 0.414", " -2.550", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 41" ], [ "22", " Pen", " -1.582", " 0.604", " -0.533", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 46" ], [ "23", " Pencil", " 0.651", " 0.732", " -2.647", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 39" ], [ "24", " Mug", " 0.076", " 0.728", " -2.647", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 39" ], [ "25", " Shelf", " 1.311", " 0.969", " -2.298", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "26", " Shelf", " 1.843", " 0.969", " -2.298", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "27", " Shelf", " 1.311", " 1.171", " -2.298", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "28", " Shelf", " 1.843", " 1.171", " -2.298", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " Shelf", " 1.311", " 1.368", " -2.298", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " Shelf", " 1.843", " 1.570", " -2.298", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " Shelf", " 1.843", " 1.368", " -2.298", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " Shelf", " 1.311", " 1.570", " -2.298", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " DeskLamp", " -1.848", " 0.592", " -0.786", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " GarbageCan", " 2.197", " -0.007", " 0.298", " 0", " 232.025", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " LightSwitch", " -0.638", " 1.149", " 0.499", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " Poster", " 0.001", " 1.495", " -2.642", " 90", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " Mirror", " -1.072", " 1.469", " 0.497", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " Window", " 0.435", " 1.398", " -2.855", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " SideTable", " 0.435", " 0.036", " -2.647", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "40", " Drawer", " 0.433", " 0.203", " -2.445", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "41", " Drawer", " 0.433", " 0.505", " -2.445", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "42", " Dumbbell", " -1.656", " 0.602", " -0.534", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "43", " Blinds", " 0.449", " 2.164", " -2.845", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "44", " GarbageBag", " 1.730", " 0.318", " 0.222", " 270", " 90", " 83.412", "" ], [ "45", " Bed", " -1.047", " -0.000", " -1.851", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "46", " Desk", " -1.710", " 0.000", " -0.374", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "47", " Drawer", " -1.790", " 0.245", " -1.144", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "48", " SideTable", " -1.824", " 0.000", " -1.144", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "49", " Drawer", " -1.790", " 0.392", " -1.144", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "50", " Drawer", " -1.790", " 0.097", " -1.144", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "51", " Chair", " -1.453", " 0.005", " -0.311", " 0", " 286.095", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " Shelf", " 1.591", " 0.606", " -2.305", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " ShelvingUnit", " 1.588", " 0.004", " -2.326", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " Shelf", " 1.854", " 0.453", " -2.298", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "55", " Shelf", " 1.321", " 0.155", " -2.296", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "56", " Shelf", " 1.323", " 0.456", " -2.300", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "57", " Shelf", " 1.852", " 0.152", " -2.294", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "58", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "59", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "60", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "61", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent 0.5 0.901 -1.0 0 180 0 1 CellPhone -1.582 0.599 -0.392 0 0 0 46 2 Pen 1.320 0.060 -2.282 0 0 0 55 3 Pen 0.536 0.734 -2.530 0 180 0 39 4 Pencil -1.791 0.506 -1.274 0 0 0 48 5 CreditCard -1.515 0.599 0.031 0 0 0 46 6 KeyChain 0.766 0.729 -2.705 0 180 0 39 7 KeyChain 0.076 0.729 -2.530 0 180 0 39 8 Box 1.996 0.316 -1.042 0 254.839 0 9 Book 0.339 0.723 -2.65 0 165.000 0 39 10 Pillow -1.548 0.457 -1.831 0 90 0 45 11 CellPhone 0.632 0.113 -2.550 0 0 0 40 12 Vase -1.846 0.599 -0.533 0 0 0 46 13 BaseballBat -1.629 0.649 0.416 14.491 0 0 14 CreditCard 0.651 0.728 -2.471 0 180 0 39 15 TennisRacket 2.244 0.279 -1.901 335.402 251.974 201.714 16 KeyChain -1.846 0.599 -0.392 0 0 0 46 17 AlarmClock -1.854 0.501 -1.174 0 285.156 0 46 18 Cloth 2.176 0.0 -0.571 0 335.474 0 19 Laptop -1.764 0.591 -0.112 0 113.510 0 46 20 CD 0.735 0.724 -2.547 0 0 0 39 21 CD 0.178 0.414 -2.550 0 0 0 41 22 Pen -1.582 0.604 -0.533 0 0 0 46 23 Pencil 0.651 0.732 -2.647 0 180 0 39 24 Mug 0.076 0.728 -2.647 0 180 0 39 25 Shelf 1.311 0.969 -2.298 0 0 0 26 Shelf 1.843 0.969 -2.298 0 0 0 27 Shelf 1.311 1.171 -2.298 0 0 0 28 Shelf 1.843 1.171 -2.298 0 0 0 29 Shelf 1.311 1.368 -2.298 0 0 0 30 Shelf 1.843 1.570 -2.298 0 0 0 31 Shelf 1.843 1.368 -2.298 0 0 0 32 Shelf 1.311 1.570 -2.298 0 0 0 33 DeskLamp -1.848 0.592 -0.786 0 90 0 34 GarbageCan 2.197 -0.007 0.298 0 232.025 0 35 LightSwitch -0.638 1.149 0.499 0 180 0 36 Poster 0.001 1.495 -2.642 90 90 0 37 Mirror -1.072 1.469 0.497 0 0 0 38 Window 0.435 1.398 -2.855 90 0 0 39 SideTable 0.435 0.036 -2.647 0 0 0 40 Drawer 0.433 0.203 -2.445 0 0 0 41 Drawer 0.433 0.505 -2.445 0 0 0 42 Dumbbell -1.656 0.602 -0.534 0 90 0 43 Blinds 0.449 2.164 -2.845 0 0 0 44 GarbageBag 1.730 0.318 0.222 270 90 83.412 45 Bed -1.047 -0.000 -1.851 0 270 0 46 Desk -1.710 0.000 -0.374 0 90 0 47 Drawer -1.790 0.245 -1.144 0 90 0 48 SideTable -1.824 0.000 -1.144 0 90 0 49 Drawer -1.790 0.392 -1.144 0 90 0 50 Drawer -1.790 0.097 -1.144 0 90 0 51 Chair -1.453 0.005 -0.311 0 286.095 0 52 Shelf 1.591 0.606 -2.305 0 0 0 53 ShelvingUnit 1.588 0.004 -2.326 0 0 0 54 Shelf 1.854 0.453 -2.298 0 0 0 55 Shelf 1.321 0.155 -2.296 0 0 0 56 Shelf 1.323 0.456 -2.300 0 0 0 57 Shelf 1.852 0.152 -2.294 0 0 0 58 NorthWall 59 EastWall 60 SouthWall 61 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Move forward toward the mirror on the wall then turn left and move to the end of the room next to the shelves. | STEP 2: Pick up the tennis racket on the floor next to the shopping bag. | STEP 3: Turn around and move to the desk on the other side of the room next to the bed and then turn left. | STEP 4: Place the tennis racket on the center of the bed on top of the blanket. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Move forward toward the mirror on the wall then turn left and move to the end of the room next to the shelves. ", " STEP 2: Pick up the tennis racket on the floor next to the shopping bag. ", " STEP 3: Turn around and move to the desk on the other side of the room next to the bed and then turn left. ", " STEP 4: Place the tennis racket on the center of the bed on top of the blanket. ", " END" ] ]
Move the racquet from the floor to the bed.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " 0.5", " 0.901", " -1.0", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " CellPhone", " -1.582", " 0.599", " -0.392", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 46" ], [ "2", " Pen", " 1.320", " 0.060", " -2.282", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 55" ], [ "3", " Pen", " 0.536", " 0.734", " -2.530", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 39" ], [ "4", " Pencil", " -1.791", " 0.506", " -1.274", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "5", " CreditCard", " -1.515", " 0.599", " 0.031", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 46" ], [ "6", " KeyChain", " 0.766", " 0.729", " -2.705", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 39" ], [ "7", " KeyChain", " 0.076", " 0.729", " -2.530", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 39" ], [ "8", " Box", " 1.996", " 0.316", " -1.042", " 0", " 254.839", " 0", "" ], [ "9", " Book", " 0.339", " 0.723", " -2.65", " 0", " 165.000", " 0", " 39" ], [ "10", " Pillow", " -1.548", " 0.457", " -1.831", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 45" ], [ "11", " CellPhone", " 0.632", " 0.113", " -2.550", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 40" ], [ "12", " Vase", " -1.846", " 0.599", " -0.533", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 46" ], [ "13", " BaseballBat", " -1.629", " 0.649", " 0.416", " 14.491", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "14", " CreditCard", " 0.651", " 0.728", " -2.471", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 39" ], [ "15", " TennisRacket", " 2.244", " 0.279", " -1.901", " 335.402", " 251.974", " 201.714", "" ], [ "16", " KeyChain", " -1.846", " 0.599", " -0.392", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 46" ], [ "17", " AlarmClock", " -1.854", " 0.501", " -1.174", " 0", " 285.156", " 0", " 46" ], [ "18", " Cloth", " 2.176", " 0.0", " -0.571", " 0", " 335.474", " 0", "" ], [ "19", " Laptop", " -1.764", " 0.591", " -0.112", " 0", " 113.510", " 0", " 46" ], [ "20", " CD", " 0.735", " 0.724", " -2.547", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 39" ], [ "21", " CD", " 0.178", " 0.414", " -2.550", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 41" ], [ "22", " Pen", " -1.582", " 0.604", " -0.533", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 46" ], [ "23", " Pencil", " 0.651", " 0.732", " -2.647", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 39" ], [ "24", " Mug", " 0.076", " 0.728", " -2.647", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 39" ], [ "25", " Shelf", " 1.311", " 0.969", " -2.298", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "26", " Shelf", " 1.843", " 0.969", " -2.298", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "27", " Shelf", " 1.311", " 1.171", " -2.298", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "28", " Shelf", " 1.843", " 1.171", " -2.298", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " Shelf", " 1.311", " 1.368", " -2.298", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " Shelf", " 1.843", " 1.570", " -2.298", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " Shelf", " 1.843", " 1.368", " -2.298", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " Shelf", " 1.311", " 1.570", " -2.298", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " DeskLamp", " -1.848", " 0.592", " -0.786", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " GarbageCan", " 2.197", " -0.007", " 0.298", " 0", " 232.025", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " LightSwitch", " -0.638", " 1.149", " 0.499", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " Poster", " 0.001", " 1.495", " -2.642", " 90", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " Mirror", " -1.072", " 1.469", " 0.497", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " Window", " 0.435", " 1.398", " -2.855", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " SideTable", " 0.435", " 0.036", " -2.647", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "40", " Drawer", " 0.433", " 0.203", " -2.445", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "41", " Drawer", " 0.433", " 0.505", " -2.445", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "42", " Dumbbell", " -1.656", " 0.602", " -0.534", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "43", " Blinds", " 0.449", " 2.164", " -2.845", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "44", " GarbageBag", " 1.730", " 0.318", " 0.222", " 270", " 90", " 83.412", "" ], [ "45", " Bed", " -1.047", " -0.000", " -1.851", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "46", " Desk", " -1.710", " 0.000", " -0.374", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "47", " Drawer", " -1.790", " 0.245", " -1.144", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "48", " SideTable", " -1.824", " 0.000", " -1.144", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "49", " Drawer", " -1.790", " 0.392", " -1.144", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "50", " Drawer", " -1.790", " 0.097", " -1.144", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "51", " Chair", " -1.453", " 0.005", " -0.311", " 0", " 286.095", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " Shelf", " 1.591", " 0.606", " -2.305", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " ShelvingUnit", " 1.588", " 0.004", " -2.326", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " Shelf", " 1.854", " 0.453", " -2.298", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "55", " Shelf", " 1.321", " 0.155", " -2.296", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "56", " Shelf", " 1.323", " 0.456", " -2.300", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "57", " Shelf", " 1.852", " 0.152", " -2.294", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "58", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "59", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "60", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "61", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent 0.5 0.901 -1.0 0 180 0 1 CellPhone -1.582 0.599 -0.392 0 0 0 46 2 Pen 1.320 0.060 -2.282 0 0 0 55 3 Pen 0.536 0.734 -2.530 0 180 0 39 4 Pencil -1.791 0.506 -1.274 0 0 0 48 5 CreditCard -1.515 0.599 0.031 0 0 0 46 6 KeyChain 0.766 0.729 -2.705 0 180 0 39 7 KeyChain 0.076 0.729 -2.530 0 180 0 39 8 Box 1.996 0.316 -1.042 0 254.839 0 9 Book 0.339 0.723 -2.65 0 165.000 0 39 10 Pillow -1.548 0.457 -1.831 0 90 0 45 11 CellPhone 0.632 0.113 -2.550 0 0 0 40 12 Vase -1.846 0.599 -0.533 0 0 0 46 13 BaseballBat -1.629 0.649 0.416 14.491 0 0 14 CreditCard 0.651 0.728 -2.471 0 180 0 39 15 TennisRacket 2.244 0.279 -1.901 335.402 251.974 201.714 16 KeyChain -1.846 0.599 -0.392 0 0 0 46 17 AlarmClock -1.854 0.501 -1.174 0 285.156 0 46 18 Cloth 2.176 0.0 -0.571 0 335.474 0 19 Laptop -1.764 0.591 -0.112 0 113.510 0 46 20 CD 0.735 0.724 -2.547 0 0 0 39 21 CD 0.178 0.414 -2.550 0 0 0 41 22 Pen -1.582 0.604 -0.533 0 0 0 46 23 Pencil 0.651 0.732 -2.647 0 180 0 39 24 Mug 0.076 0.728 -2.647 0 180 0 39 25 Shelf 1.311 0.969 -2.298 0 0 0 26 Shelf 1.843 0.969 -2.298 0 0 0 27 Shelf 1.311 1.171 -2.298 0 0 0 28 Shelf 1.843 1.171 -2.298 0 0 0 29 Shelf 1.311 1.368 -2.298 0 0 0 30 Shelf 1.843 1.570 -2.298 0 0 0 31 Shelf 1.843 1.368 -2.298 0 0 0 32 Shelf 1.311 1.570 -2.298 0 0 0 33 DeskLamp -1.848 0.592 -0.786 0 90 0 34 GarbageCan 2.197 -0.007 0.298 0 232.025 0 35 LightSwitch -0.638 1.149 0.499 0 180 0 36 Poster 0.001 1.495 -2.642 90 90 0 37 Mirror -1.072 1.469 0.497 0 0 0 38 Window 0.435 1.398 -2.855 90 0 0 39 SideTable 0.435 0.036 -2.647 0 0 0 40 Drawer 0.433 0.203 -2.445 0 0 0 41 Drawer 0.433 0.505 -2.445 0 0 0 42 Dumbbell -1.656 0.602 -0.534 0 90 0 43 Blinds 0.449 2.164 -2.845 0 0 0 44 GarbageBag 1.730 0.318 0.222 270 90 83.412 45 Bed -1.047 -0.000 -1.851 0 270 0 46 Desk -1.710 0.000 -0.374 0 90 0 47 Drawer -1.790 0.245 -1.144 0 90 0 48 SideTable -1.824 0.000 -1.144 0 90 0 49 Drawer -1.790 0.392 -1.144 0 90 0 50 Drawer -1.790 0.097 -1.144 0 90 0 51 Chair -1.453 0.005 -0.311 0 286.095 0 52 Shelf 1.591 0.606 -2.305 0 0 0 53 ShelvingUnit 1.588 0.004 -2.326 0 0 0 54 Shelf 1.854 0.453 -2.298 0 0 0 55 Shelf 1.321 0.155 -2.296 0 0 0 56 Shelf 1.323 0.456 -2.300 0 0 0 57 Shelf 1.852 0.152 -2.294 0 0 0 58 NorthWall 59 EastWall 60 SouthWall 61 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Move forward to the desk. Then turn right and move forward to the racquet. | STEP 2: Pick up the racquet that is on the floor. | STEP 3: Turn around. Move to the bed then turn right. Move past the bed. Turn left and move to the middle of the bed. Turn and face the bed. | STEP 4: Place the racquet handle on the middle of the bed with the racquet part leaning on the wall. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Move forward to the desk. Then turn right and move forward to the racquet. ", " STEP 2: Pick up the racquet that is on the floor. ", " STEP 3: Turn around. Move to the bed then turn right. Move past the bed. Turn left and move to the middle of the bed. Turn and face the bed. ", " STEP 4: Place the racquet handle on the middle of the bed with the racquet part leaning on the wall. ", " END" ] ]
Put two remote controls on armchair.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " -4.0", " 0.908", " 5.75", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Plate", " -3.432", " 0.798", " 2.681", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "2", " Plate", " -3.709", " 0.798", " 1.906", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "3", " TissueBox", " -2.324", " 0.783", " 2.526", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "4", " TissueBox", " -5.745", " 0.077", " 0.314", " 0", " 45", " 0", " 34" ], [ "5", " Watch", " -3.026", " 0.457", " 6.347", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 55" ], [ "6", " KeyChain", " -2.926", " 0.457", " 6.764", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 55" ], [ "7", " KeyChain", " -3.709", " 0.783", " 2.216", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "8", " CreditCard", " -2.324", " 0.781", " 1.906", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "9", " CreditCard", " -1.623", " 0.454", " 6.144", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "10", " RemoteControl", " -2.926", " 0.458", " 6.973", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 55" ], [ "11", " Box", " -1.775", " 0.583", " 6.739", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "12", " Laptop", " -3.155", " 0.779", " 1.906", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "13", " Laptop", " -2.047", " 0.780", " 2.526", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "14", " Box", " -3.227", " 0.586", " 6.138", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 55" ], [ "15", " KeyChain", " -0.568", " 0.677", " 8.715", " 0", " 329.437", " 0", " 54" ], [ "16", " Plate", " -3.13", " 0.549", " 8.321", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 64" ], [ "17", " Candle", " -2.942", " 0.534", " 8.321", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 64" ], [ "18", " Pillow", " -1.721", " 0.519", " 5.725", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "19", " Candle", " -0.624", " 0.667", " 8.444", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "20", " TissueBox", " -3.327", " 0.459", " 6.347", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 55" ], [ "21", " Laptop", " -2.047", " 0.779", " 2.061", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "22", " Newspaper", " -1.775", " 0.454", " 6.144", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "23", " CreditCard", " -2.004", " 0.454", " 6.144", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "24", " RemoteControl", " -3.005", " 0.534", " 8.534", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 64" ], [ "25", " Boots", " -5.786", " 0.007", " 4.817", " 0", " 167.028", " 0", " Floor|-02.99|" ], [ "26", " Candle", " -3.432", " 0.784", " 1.906", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "27", " Statue", " -2.713", " 0.902", " 2.294", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "28", " Watch", " -3.432", " 0.781", " 1.751", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "29", " Statue", " -2.601", " 0.791", " 2.216", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 58" ], [ "30", " Mirror", " -5.489", " 1.825", " 6.505", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " FloorLamp", " -5.645", " 0.013", " 8.526", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " HousePlant", " -3.203", " 0.452", " 6.798", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " HousePlant", " -5.358", " 1.476", " 5.442", " 0", " 343.031", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " GarbageCan", " -5.711", " 0.005", " 0.300", " 0", " 34.872", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " Television", " -3.114", " 0.996", " 8.693", " 1.686", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " LightSwitch", " -6.0", " 1.338", " 3.433", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " Painting", " -5.954", " 1.526", " 1.153", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " Window", " 0.157", " 1.203", " 6.895", " 90", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " Window", " -4.855", " 1.203", " -0.158", " 90", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "40", " Window", " 0.157", " 1.203", " 4.923", " 90", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "41", " Window", " 0.157", " 1.203", " 2.986", " 90", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "42", " Window", " 0.157", " 1.203", " 1.088", " 90", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "43", " Window", " -2.942", " 1.203", " -0.158", " 90", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "44", " Window", " -1.057", " 1.203", " -0.158", " 90", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "45", " DeskLamp", " -0.432", " 0.684", " 8.644", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "46", " DeskLamp", " -0.346", " 0.684", " 0.335", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "47", " Chair", " -3.326", " 0.015", " 2.739", " 358.826", " 189.525", " 358.738", "" ], [ "48", " Chair", " -2.352", " 0.015", " 2.744", " 358.824", " 163.801", " 358.735", "" ], [ "49", " Chair", " -2.476", " 0.015", " 1.628", " 358.826", " 21.693", " 358.736", "" ], [ "50", " Chair", " -3.327", " 0.015", " 1.701", " 358.828", " 0", " 358.738", "" ], [ "51", " Sofa", " -1.706", " 0.002", " 6.448", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " Chair", " -0.328", " 0.016", " 0.998", " 0", " 246.550", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " SideTable", " -0.396", " 0.008", " 0.357", " 0", " 329.435", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " SideTable", " -0.527", " 0.008", " 8.521", " 0", " 329.431", " 0", "" ], [ "55", " CoffeeTable", " -3.236", " 0.010", " 6.598", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "56", " ArmChair", " -3.663", " 0.012", " 4.562", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "57", " ArmChair", " -2.691", " 0.012", " 4.618", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "58", " DiningTable", " -2.903", " 0.010", " 2.225", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "59", " RoomDecor", " -0.189", " 0.009", " 3.909", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "60", " RoomDecor", " -0.189", " 0.009", " 2.097", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "61", " RoomDecor", " -0.190", " 0.009", " 5.855", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "62", " RoomDecor", " -3.957", " 0.009", " 0.254", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "63", " RoomDecor", " -2.036", " 0.009", " 0.254", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "64", " CoffeeTable", " -3.129", " 0.016", " 8.533", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "65", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "66", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "67", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "68", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent -4.0 0.908 5.75 0 0 0 1 Plate -3.432 0.798 2.681 0 0 0 58 2 Plate -3.709 0.798 1.906 0 0 0 58 3 TissueBox -2.324 0.783 2.526 0 0 0 58 4 TissueBox -5.745 0.077 0.314 0 45 0 34 5 Watch -3.026 0.457 6.347 0 0 0 55 6 KeyChain -2.926 0.457 6.764 0 0 0 55 7 KeyChain -3.709 0.783 2.216 0 0 0 58 8 CreditCard -2.324 0.781 1.906 0 0 0 58 9 CreditCard -1.623 0.454 6.144 0 0 0 51 10 RemoteControl -2.926 0.458 6.973 0 0 0 55 11 Box -1.775 0.583 6.739 0 0 0 51 12 Laptop -3.155 0.779 1.906 0 0 0 58 13 Laptop -2.047 0.780 2.526 0 0 0 58 14 Box -3.227 0.586 6.138 0 0 0 55 15 KeyChain -0.568 0.677 8.715 0 329.437 0 54 16 Plate -3.13 0.549 8.321 0 90 0 64 17 Candle -2.942 0.534 8.321 0 90 0 64 18 Pillow -1.721 0.519 5.725 0 0 0 51 19 Candle -0.624 0.667 8.444 0 0 0 54 20 TissueBox -3.327 0.459 6.347 0 0 0 55 21 Laptop -2.047 0.779 2.061 0 0 0 58 22 Newspaper -1.775 0.454 6.144 0 0 0 51 23 CreditCard -2.004 0.454 6.144 0 0 0 51 24 RemoteControl -3.005 0.534 8.534 0 90 0 64 25 Boots -5.786 0.007 4.817 0 167.028 0 Floor|-02.99| 26 Candle -3.432 0.784 1.906 0 0 0 58 27 Statue -2.713 0.902 2.294 0 0 0 58 28 Watch -3.432 0.781 1.751 0 0 0 58 29 Statue -2.601 0.791 2.216 0 90 0 58 30 Mirror -5.489 1.825 6.505 0 0 0 31 FloorLamp -5.645 0.013 8.526 0 0 0 32 HousePlant -3.203 0.452 6.798 0 0 0 33 HousePlant -5.358 1.476 5.442 0 343.031 0 34 GarbageCan -5.711 0.005 0.300 0 34.872 0 35 Television -3.114 0.996 8.693 1.686 180 0 36 LightSwitch -6.0 1.338 3.433 0 90 0 37 Painting -5.954 1.526 1.153 90 270 0 38 Window 0.157 1.203 6.895 90 90 0 39 Window -4.855 1.203 -0.158 90 180 0 40 Window 0.157 1.203 4.923 90 90 0 41 Window 0.157 1.203 2.986 90 90 0 42 Window 0.157 1.203 1.088 90 90 0 43 Window -2.942 1.203 -0.158 90 180 0 44 Window -1.057 1.203 -0.158 90 180 0 45 DeskLamp -0.432 0.684 8.644 0 0 0 46 DeskLamp -0.346 0.684 0.335 0 0 0 47 Chair -3.326 0.015 2.739 358.826 189.525 358.738 48 Chair -2.352 0.015 2.744 358.824 163.801 358.735 49 Chair -2.476 0.015 1.628 358.826 21.693 358.736 50 Chair -3.327 0.015 1.701 358.828 0 358.738 51 Sofa -1.706 0.002 6.448 0 270 0 52 Chair -0.328 0.016 0.998 0 246.550 0 53 SideTable -0.396 0.008 0.357 0 329.435 0 54 SideTable -0.527 0.008 8.521 0 329.431 0 55 CoffeeTable -3.236 0.010 6.598 0 270 0 56 ArmChair -3.663 0.012 4.562 0 0 0 57 ArmChair -2.691 0.012 4.618 0 0 0 58 DiningTable -2.903 0.010 2.225 0 0 0 59 RoomDecor -0.189 0.009 3.909 0 0 0 60 RoomDecor -0.189 0.009 2.097 0 0 0 61 RoomDecor -0.190 0.009 5.855 0 0 0 62 RoomDecor -3.957 0.009 0.254 0 0 0 63 RoomDecor -2.036 0.009 0.254 0 0 0 64 CoffeeTable -3.129 0.016 8.533 0 0 0 65 NorthWall 66 EastWall 67 SouthWall 68 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Turn left, turn left, turn left, go to other side of coffee table, turn left, go to end of coffee table, turn left to face table. | STEP 2: Pick up remote control from the coffee table. | STEP 3: Turn left, go straight ahead to armchair | STEP 4: Put remote control on the armchair. | STEP 5: Turn left, turn left, go to end of coffee table, turn left, walk to round table, turn right to face table. | STEP 6: Pick up remote control from the table. | STEP 7: Turn right, turn right, \n\ngo straight ahead to armchair | STEP 8: Put the remote to the right of the other one on the armchair. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Turn left, turn left, turn left, go to other side of coffee table, turn left, go to end of coffee table, turn left to face table. ", " STEP 2: Pick up remote control from the coffee table. ", " STEP 3: Turn left, go straight ahead to armchair ", " STEP 4: Put remote control on the armchair. ", " STEP 5: Turn left, turn left, go to end of coffee table, turn left, walk to round table, turn right to face table. ", " STEP 6: Pick up remote control from the table. ", " STEP 7: Turn right, turn right, \n\ngo straight ahead to armchair ", " STEP 8: Put the remote to the right of the other one on the armchair. ", " END" ] ]
Put two remotes on the chair.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " -4.0", " 0.908", " 5.75", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Plate", " -3.432", " 0.798", " 2.681", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "2", " Plate", " -3.709", " 0.798", " 1.906", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "3", " TissueBox", " -2.324", " 0.783", " 2.526", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "4", " TissueBox", " -5.745", " 0.077", " 0.314", " 0", " 45", " 0", " 34" ], [ "5", " Watch", " -3.026", " 0.457", " 6.347", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 55" ], [ "6", " KeyChain", " -2.926", " 0.457", " 6.764", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 55" ], [ "7", " KeyChain", " -3.709", " 0.783", " 2.216", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "8", " CreditCard", " -2.324", " 0.781", " 1.906", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "9", " CreditCard", " -1.623", " 0.454", " 6.144", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "10", " RemoteControl", " -2.926", " 0.458", " 6.973", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 55" ], [ "11", " Box", " -1.775", " 0.583", " 6.739", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "12", " Laptop", " -3.155", " 0.779", " 1.906", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "13", " Laptop", " -2.047", " 0.780", " 2.526", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "14", " Box", " -3.227", " 0.586", " 6.138", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 55" ], [ "15", " KeyChain", " -0.568", " 0.677", " 8.715", " 0", " 329.437", " 0", " 54" ], [ "16", " Plate", " -3.13", " 0.549", " 8.321", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 64" ], [ "17", " Candle", " -2.942", " 0.534", " 8.321", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 64" ], [ "18", " Pillow", " -1.721", " 0.519", " 5.725", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "19", " Candle", " -0.624", " 0.667", " 8.444", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "20", " TissueBox", " -3.327", " 0.459", " 6.347", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 55" ], [ "21", " Laptop", " -2.047", " 0.779", " 2.061", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "22", " Newspaper", " -1.775", " 0.454", " 6.144", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "23", " CreditCard", " -2.004", " 0.454", " 6.144", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "24", " RemoteControl", " -3.005", " 0.534", " 8.534", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 64" ], [ "25", " Boots", " -5.786", " 0.007", " 4.817", " 0", " 167.028", " 0", " Floor|-02.99|" ], [ "26", " Candle", " -3.432", " 0.784", " 1.906", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "27", " Statue", " -2.713", " 0.902", " 2.294", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "28", " Watch", " -3.432", " 0.781", " 1.751", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "29", " Statue", " -2.601", " 0.791", " 2.216", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 58" ], [ "30", " Mirror", " -5.489", " 1.825", " 6.505", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " FloorLamp", " -5.645", " 0.013", " 8.526", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " HousePlant", " -3.203", " 0.452", " 6.798", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " HousePlant", " -5.358", " 1.476", " 5.442", " 0", " 343.031", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " GarbageCan", " -5.711", " 0.005", " 0.300", " 0", " 34.872", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " Television", " -3.114", " 0.996", " 8.693", " 1.686", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " LightSwitch", " -6.0", " 1.338", " 3.433", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " Painting", " -5.954", " 1.526", " 1.153", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " Window", " 0.157", " 1.203", " 6.895", " 90", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " Window", " -4.855", " 1.203", " -0.158", " 90", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "40", " Window", " 0.157", " 1.203", " 4.923", " 90", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "41", " Window", " 0.157", " 1.203", " 2.986", " 90", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "42", " Window", " 0.157", " 1.203", " 1.088", " 90", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "43", " Window", " -2.942", " 1.203", " -0.158", " 90", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "44", " Window", " -1.057", " 1.203", " -0.158", " 90", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "45", " DeskLamp", " -0.432", " 0.684", " 8.644", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "46", " DeskLamp", " -0.346", " 0.684", " 0.335", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "47", " Chair", " -3.326", " 0.015", " 2.739", " 358.826", " 189.525", " 358.738", "" ], [ "48", " Chair", " -2.352", " 0.015", " 2.744", " 358.824", " 163.801", " 358.735", "" ], [ "49", " Chair", " -2.476", " 0.015", " 1.628", " 358.826", " 21.693", " 358.736", "" ], [ "50", " Chair", " -3.327", " 0.015", " 1.701", " 358.828", " 0", " 358.738", "" ], [ "51", " Sofa", " -1.706", " 0.002", " 6.448", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " Chair", " -0.328", " 0.016", " 0.998", " 0", " 246.550", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " SideTable", " -0.396", " 0.008", " 0.357", " 0", " 329.435", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " SideTable", " -0.527", " 0.008", " 8.521", " 0", " 329.431", " 0", "" ], [ "55", " CoffeeTable", " -3.236", " 0.010", " 6.598", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "56", " ArmChair", " -3.663", " 0.012", " 4.562", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "57", " ArmChair", " -2.691", " 0.012", " 4.618", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "58", " DiningTable", " -2.903", " 0.010", " 2.225", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "59", " RoomDecor", " -0.189", " 0.009", " 3.909", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "60", " RoomDecor", " -0.189", " 0.009", " 2.097", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "61", " RoomDecor", " -0.190", " 0.009", " 5.855", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "62", " RoomDecor", " -3.957", " 0.009", " 0.254", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "63", " RoomDecor", " -2.036", " 0.009", " 0.254", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "64", " CoffeeTable", " -3.129", " 0.016", " 8.533", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "65", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "66", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "67", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "68", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent -4.0 0.908 5.75 0 0 0 1 Plate -3.432 0.798 2.681 0 0 0 58 2 Plate -3.709 0.798 1.906 0 0 0 58 3 TissueBox -2.324 0.783 2.526 0 0 0 58 4 TissueBox -5.745 0.077 0.314 0 45 0 34 5 Watch -3.026 0.457 6.347 0 0 0 55 6 KeyChain -2.926 0.457 6.764 0 0 0 55 7 KeyChain -3.709 0.783 2.216 0 0 0 58 8 CreditCard -2.324 0.781 1.906 0 0 0 58 9 CreditCard -1.623 0.454 6.144 0 0 0 51 10 RemoteControl -2.926 0.458 6.973 0 0 0 55 11 Box -1.775 0.583 6.739 0 0 0 51 12 Laptop -3.155 0.779 1.906 0 0 0 58 13 Laptop -2.047 0.780 2.526 0 0 0 58 14 Box -3.227 0.586 6.138 0 0 0 55 15 KeyChain -0.568 0.677 8.715 0 329.437 0 54 16 Plate -3.13 0.549 8.321 0 90 0 64 17 Candle -2.942 0.534 8.321 0 90 0 64 18 Pillow -1.721 0.519 5.725 0 0 0 51 19 Candle -0.624 0.667 8.444 0 0 0 54 20 TissueBox -3.327 0.459 6.347 0 0 0 55 21 Laptop -2.047 0.779 2.061 0 0 0 58 22 Newspaper -1.775 0.454 6.144 0 0 0 51 23 CreditCard -2.004 0.454 6.144 0 0 0 51 24 RemoteControl -3.005 0.534 8.534 0 90 0 64 25 Boots -5.786 0.007 4.817 0 167.028 0 Floor|-02.99| 26 Candle -3.432 0.784 1.906 0 0 0 58 27 Statue -2.713 0.902 2.294 0 0 0 58 28 Watch -3.432 0.781 1.751 0 0 0 58 29 Statue -2.601 0.791 2.216 0 90 0 58 30 Mirror -5.489 1.825 6.505 0 0 0 31 FloorLamp -5.645 0.013 8.526 0 0 0 32 HousePlant -3.203 0.452 6.798 0 0 0 33 HousePlant -5.358 1.476 5.442 0 343.031 0 34 GarbageCan -5.711 0.005 0.300 0 34.872 0 35 Television -3.114 0.996 8.693 1.686 180 0 36 LightSwitch -6.0 1.338 3.433 0 90 0 37 Painting -5.954 1.526 1.153 90 270 0 38 Window 0.157 1.203 6.895 90 90 0 39 Window -4.855 1.203 -0.158 90 180 0 40 Window 0.157 1.203 4.923 90 90 0 41 Window 0.157 1.203 2.986 90 90 0 42 Window 0.157 1.203 1.088 90 90 0 43 Window -2.942 1.203 -0.158 90 180 0 44 Window -1.057 1.203 -0.158 90 180 0 45 DeskLamp -0.432 0.684 8.644 0 0 0 46 DeskLamp -0.346 0.684 0.335 0 0 0 47 Chair -3.326 0.015 2.739 358.826 189.525 358.738 48 Chair -2.352 0.015 2.744 358.824 163.801 358.735 49 Chair -2.476 0.015 1.628 358.826 21.693 358.736 50 Chair -3.327 0.015 1.701 358.828 0 358.738 51 Sofa -1.706 0.002 6.448 0 270 0 52 Chair -0.328 0.016 0.998 0 246.550 0 53 SideTable -0.396 0.008 0.357 0 329.435 0 54 SideTable -0.527 0.008 8.521 0 329.431 0 55 CoffeeTable -3.236 0.010 6.598 0 270 0 56 ArmChair -3.663 0.012 4.562 0 0 0 57 ArmChair -2.691 0.012 4.618 0 0 0 58 DiningTable -2.903 0.010 2.225 0 0 0 59 RoomDecor -0.189 0.009 3.909 0 0 0 60 RoomDecor -0.189 0.009 2.097 0 0 0 61 RoomDecor -0.190 0.009 5.855 0 0 0 62 RoomDecor -3.957 0.009 0.254 0 0 0 63 RoomDecor -2.036 0.009 0.254 0 0 0 64 CoffeeTable -3.129 0.016 8.533 0 0 0 65 NorthWall 66 EastWall 67 SouthWall 68 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Walk around to stand on the other side of the coffee table and to the right so you are looking at a plant and a tv remote. | STEP 2: Pick up the remote. | STEP 3: Turn left and walk to the armchair. | STEP 4: Put the remote on the cushion. | STEP 5: Turn around and walk to the tv then take a step left. | STEP 6: Pick up the remote there. | STEP 7: Go back to where you put the first remote. | STEP 8: Put this one next to the first one. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Walk around to stand on the other side of the coffee table and to the right so you are looking at a plant and a tv remote. ", " STEP 2: Pick up the remote. ", " STEP 3: Turn left and walk to the armchair. ", " STEP 4: Put the remote on the cushion. ", " STEP 5: Turn around and walk to the tv then take a step left. ", " STEP 6: Pick up the remote there. ", " STEP 7: Go back to where you put the first remote. ", " STEP 8: Put this one next to the first one. ", " END" ] ]
Put two remotes on the arm chair closest to the couch.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " -4.0", " 0.908", " 5.75", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Plate", " -3.432", " 0.798", " 2.681", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "2", " Plate", " -3.709", " 0.798", " 1.906", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "3", " TissueBox", " -2.324", " 0.783", " 2.526", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "4", " TissueBox", " -5.745", " 0.077", " 0.314", " 0", " 45", " 0", " 34" ], [ "5", " Watch", " -3.026", " 0.457", " 6.347", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 55" ], [ "6", " KeyChain", " -2.926", " 0.457", " 6.764", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 55" ], [ "7", " KeyChain", " -3.709", " 0.783", " 2.216", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "8", " CreditCard", " -2.324", " 0.781", " 1.906", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "9", " CreditCard", " -1.623", " 0.454", " 6.144", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "10", " RemoteControl", " -2.926", " 0.458", " 6.973", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 55" ], [ "11", " Box", " -1.775", " 0.583", " 6.739", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "12", " Laptop", " -3.155", " 0.779", " 1.906", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "13", " Laptop", " -2.047", " 0.780", " 2.526", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "14", " Box", " -3.227", " 0.586", " 6.138", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 55" ], [ "15", " KeyChain", " -0.568", " 0.677", " 8.715", " 0", " 329.437", " 0", " 54" ], [ "16", " Plate", " -3.13", " 0.549", " 8.321", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 64" ], [ "17", " Candle", " -2.942", " 0.534", " 8.321", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 64" ], [ "18", " Pillow", " -1.721", " 0.519", " 5.725", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "19", " Candle", " -0.624", " 0.667", " 8.444", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "20", " TissueBox", " -3.327", " 0.459", " 6.347", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 55" ], [ "21", " Laptop", " -2.047", " 0.779", " 2.061", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "22", " Newspaper", " -1.775", " 0.454", " 6.144", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "23", " CreditCard", " -2.004", " 0.454", " 6.144", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "24", " RemoteControl", " -3.005", " 0.534", " 8.534", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 64" ], [ "25", " Boots", " -5.786", " 0.007", " 4.817", " 0", " 167.028", " 0", " Floor|-02.99|" ], [ "26", " Candle", " -3.432", " 0.784", " 1.906", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "27", " Statue", " -2.713", " 0.902", " 2.294", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "28", " Watch", " -3.432", " 0.781", " 1.751", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "29", " Statue", " -2.601", " 0.791", " 2.216", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 58" ], [ "30", " Mirror", " -5.489", " 1.825", " 6.505", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " FloorLamp", " -5.645", " 0.013", " 8.526", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " HousePlant", " -3.203", " 0.452", " 6.798", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " HousePlant", " -5.358", " 1.476", " 5.442", " 0", " 343.031", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " GarbageCan", " -5.711", " 0.005", " 0.300", " 0", " 34.872", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " Television", " -3.114", " 0.996", " 8.693", " 1.686", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " LightSwitch", " -6.0", " 1.338", " 3.433", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " Painting", " -5.954", " 1.526", " 1.153", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " Window", " 0.157", " 1.203", " 6.895", " 90", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " Window", " -4.855", " 1.203", " -0.158", " 90", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "40", " Window", " 0.157", " 1.203", " 4.923", " 90", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "41", " Window", " 0.157", " 1.203", " 2.986", " 90", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "42", " Window", " 0.157", " 1.203", " 1.088", " 90", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "43", " Window", " -2.942", " 1.203", " -0.158", " 90", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "44", " Window", " -1.057", " 1.203", " -0.158", " 90", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "45", " DeskLamp", " -0.432", " 0.684", " 8.644", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "46", " DeskLamp", " -0.346", " 0.684", " 0.335", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "47", " Chair", " -3.326", " 0.015", " 2.739", " 358.826", " 189.525", " 358.738", "" ], [ "48", " Chair", " -2.352", " 0.015", " 2.744", " 358.824", " 163.801", " 358.735", "" ], [ "49", " Chair", " -2.476", " 0.015", " 1.628", " 358.826", " 21.693", " 358.736", "" ], [ "50", " Chair", " -3.327", " 0.015", " 1.701", " 358.828", " 0", " 358.738", "" ], [ "51", " Sofa", " -1.706", " 0.002", " 6.448", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " Chair", " -0.328", " 0.016", " 0.998", " 0", " 246.550", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " SideTable", " -0.396", " 0.008", " 0.357", " 0", " 329.435", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " SideTable", " -0.527", " 0.008", " 8.521", " 0", " 329.431", " 0", "" ], [ "55", " CoffeeTable", " -3.236", " 0.010", " 6.598", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "56", " ArmChair", " -3.663", " 0.012", " 4.562", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "57", " ArmChair", " -2.691", " 0.012", " 4.618", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "58", " DiningTable", " -2.903", " 0.010", " 2.225", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "59", " RoomDecor", " -0.189", " 0.009", " 3.909", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "60", " RoomDecor", " -0.189", " 0.009", " 2.097", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "61", " RoomDecor", " -0.190", " 0.009", " 5.855", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "62", " RoomDecor", " -3.957", " 0.009", " 0.254", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "63", " RoomDecor", " -2.036", " 0.009", " 0.254", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "64", " CoffeeTable", " -3.129", " 0.016", " 8.533", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "65", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "66", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "67", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "68", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent -4.0 0.908 5.75 0 0 0 1 Plate -3.432 0.798 2.681 0 0 0 58 2 Plate -3.709 0.798 1.906 0 0 0 58 3 TissueBox -2.324 0.783 2.526 0 0 0 58 4 TissueBox -5.745 0.077 0.314 0 45 0 34 5 Watch -3.026 0.457 6.347 0 0 0 55 6 KeyChain -2.926 0.457 6.764 0 0 0 55 7 KeyChain -3.709 0.783 2.216 0 0 0 58 8 CreditCard -2.324 0.781 1.906 0 0 0 58 9 CreditCard -1.623 0.454 6.144 0 0 0 51 10 RemoteControl -2.926 0.458 6.973 0 0 0 55 11 Box -1.775 0.583 6.739 0 0 0 51 12 Laptop -3.155 0.779 1.906 0 0 0 58 13 Laptop -2.047 0.780 2.526 0 0 0 58 14 Box -3.227 0.586 6.138 0 0 0 55 15 KeyChain -0.568 0.677 8.715 0 329.437 0 54 16 Plate -3.13 0.549 8.321 0 90 0 64 17 Candle -2.942 0.534 8.321 0 90 0 64 18 Pillow -1.721 0.519 5.725 0 0 0 51 19 Candle -0.624 0.667 8.444 0 0 0 54 20 TissueBox -3.327 0.459 6.347 0 0 0 55 21 Laptop -2.047 0.779 2.061 0 0 0 58 22 Newspaper -1.775 0.454 6.144 0 0 0 51 23 CreditCard -2.004 0.454 6.144 0 0 0 51 24 RemoteControl -3.005 0.534 8.534 0 90 0 64 25 Boots -5.786 0.007 4.817 0 167.028 0 Floor|-02.99| 26 Candle -3.432 0.784 1.906 0 0 0 58 27 Statue -2.713 0.902 2.294 0 0 0 58 28 Watch -3.432 0.781 1.751 0 0 0 58 29 Statue -2.601 0.791 2.216 0 90 0 58 30 Mirror -5.489 1.825 6.505 0 0 0 31 FloorLamp -5.645 0.013 8.526 0 0 0 32 HousePlant -3.203 0.452 6.798 0 0 0 33 HousePlant -5.358 1.476 5.442 0 343.031 0 34 GarbageCan -5.711 0.005 0.300 0 34.872 0 35 Television -3.114 0.996 8.693 1.686 180 0 36 LightSwitch -6.0 1.338 3.433 0 90 0 37 Painting -5.954 1.526 1.153 90 270 0 38 Window 0.157 1.203 6.895 90 90 0 39 Window -4.855 1.203 -0.158 90 180 0 40 Window 0.157 1.203 4.923 90 90 0 41 Window 0.157 1.203 2.986 90 90 0 42 Window 0.157 1.203 1.088 90 90 0 43 Window -2.942 1.203 -0.158 90 180 0 44 Window -1.057 1.203 -0.158 90 180 0 45 DeskLamp -0.432 0.684 8.644 0 0 0 46 DeskLamp -0.346 0.684 0.335 0 0 0 47 Chair -3.326 0.015 2.739 358.826 189.525 358.738 48 Chair -2.352 0.015 2.744 358.824 163.801 358.735 49 Chair -2.476 0.015 1.628 358.826 21.693 358.736 50 Chair -3.327 0.015 1.701 358.828 0 358.738 51 Sofa -1.706 0.002 6.448 0 270 0 52 Chair -0.328 0.016 0.998 0 246.550 0 53 SideTable -0.396 0.008 0.357 0 329.435 0 54 SideTable -0.527 0.008 8.521 0 329.431 0 55 CoffeeTable -3.236 0.010 6.598 0 270 0 56 ArmChair -3.663 0.012 4.562 0 0 0 57 ArmChair -2.691 0.012 4.618 0 0 0 58 DiningTable -2.903 0.010 2.225 0 0 0 59 RoomDecor -0.189 0.009 3.909 0 0 0 60 RoomDecor -0.189 0.009 2.097 0 0 0 61 RoomDecor -0.190 0.009 5.855 0 0 0 62 RoomDecor -3.957 0.009 0.254 0 0 0 63 RoomDecor -2.036 0.009 0.254 0 0 0 64 CoffeeTable -3.129 0.016 8.533 0 0 0 65 NorthWall 66 EastWall 67 SouthWall 68 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Move to the coffee table to the right of you | STEP 2: Pick up a remote from the table | STEP 3: Move to the arm chair closest to the couch | STEP 4: Put the remote on the arm chair | STEP 5: Move to the TV stand behind you | STEP 6: Pick up a remote from the stand | STEP 7: Move to the arm chair closest to the couch | STEP 8: Put the remote on the arm chair | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Move to the coffee table to the right of you ", " STEP 2: Pick up a remote from the table ", " STEP 3: Move to the arm chair closest to the couch ", " STEP 4: Put the remote on the arm chair ", " STEP 5: Move to the TV stand behind you ", " STEP 6: Pick up a remote from the stand ", " STEP 7: Move to the arm chair closest to the couch ", " STEP 8: Put the remote on the arm chair ", " END" ] ]
Put two spray onto the flusher
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " -1.0", " 0.901", " -1.5", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Cloth", " -2.770", " 0.079", " -1.925", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 19" ], [ "2", " SprayBottle", " -2.62", " 0.996", " -1.356", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 20" ], [ "3", " SprayBottle", " -2.821", " 0.079", " -1.489", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 25" ], [ "4", " SprayBottle", " -2.931", " 0.996", " -2.173", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 20" ], [ "5", " SoapBottle", " -2.745", " 0.998", " -1.177", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 20" ], [ "6", " Towel", " -1.051", " 1.535", " -2.887", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 26" ], [ "7", " HandTowel", " -2.591", " 1.635", " -0.047", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 28" ], [ "8", " SoapBar", " -1.489", " 0.056", " -0.186", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 23" ], [ "9", " ToiletPaper", " -2.640", " 0.069", " -1.888", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 19" ], [ "10", " ToiletPaper", " -0.745", " 1.042", " -3.795", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 33" ], [ "11", " SoapBottle", " -0.614", " 1.048", " -3.826", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 33" ], [ "12", " Candle", " -0.482", " 1.046", " -3.918", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 33" ], [ "13", " ScrubBrush", " -1.048", " 0.000", " -3.830", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 29" ], [ "14", " Plunger", " -1.066", " 0.000", " -3.527", " 0", " 0", " 0", " Floor|-00.04|" ], [ "15", " Cloth", " -2.668", " 0.078", " -1.435", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 25" ], [ "16", " SprayBottle", " -2.805", " 0.996", " -2.203", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 20" ], [ "17", " ShowerDoor", " -2.204", " 1.044", " -2.503", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "18", " Mirror", " -2.947", " 1.559", " -1.194", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "19", " Cabinet", " -2.504", " 0.400", " -2.208", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "20", " CounterTop", " -2.744", " 0.986", " -1.243", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "21", " Cabinet", " -2.504", " 0.400", " -1.238", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "22", " ShowerGlass", " -2.079", " 1.482", " -3.264", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "23", " Cabinet", " -2.508", " 0.426", " -0.290", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "24", " Sink", " -2.907", " 0.986", " -1.761", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "25", " Cabinet", " -2.508", " 0.426", " -1.260", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "26", " TowelHolder", " -1.158", " 1.521", " -2.887", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "27", " ToiletPaperHanger", " 0.0", " 0.984", " -2.651", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "28", " HandTowelHolder", " -2.591", " 1.737", " -0.009", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " GarbageCan", " -0.908", " -0.031", " -3.646", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " Window", " -0.566", " 1.730", " -4.102", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " LightSwitch", " -1.332", " 1.391", " 0.001", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " SinkBasin", " -2.724", " 0.916", " -1.755", " 351.180", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " Toilet", " -0.319", " 0.000", " -3.533", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " Faucet", " -2.907", " 0.993", " -1.761", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " SinkBasin", " -2.724", " 0.916", " -0.726", " 351.180", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " Sink", " -2.907", " 0.986", " -0.732", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " Faucet", " -2.907", " 0.993", " -0.731", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " ShowerHead", " -2.868", " 1.219", " -3.223", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "40", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "41", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- ----------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent -1.0 0.901 -1.5 0 270 0 1 Cloth -2.770 0.079 -1.925 0 0 0 19 2 SprayBottle -2.62 0.996 -1.356 0 0 0 20 3 SprayBottle -2.821 0.079 -1.489 0 0 0 25 4 SprayBottle -2.931 0.996 -2.173 0 0 0 20 5 SoapBottle -2.745 0.998 -1.177 0 0 0 20 6 Towel -1.051 1.535 -2.887 0 90 0 26 7 HandTowel -2.591 1.635 -0.047 0 0 0 28 8 SoapBar -1.489 0.056 -0.186 0 180 0 23 9 ToiletPaper -2.640 0.069 -1.888 0 0 0 19 10 ToiletPaper -0.745 1.042 -3.795 0 0 0 33 11 SoapBottle -0.614 1.048 -3.826 0 0 0 33 12 Candle -0.482 1.046 -3.918 0 0 0 33 13 ScrubBrush -1.048 0.000 -3.830 0 0 0 29 14 Plunger -1.066 0.000 -3.527 0 0 0 Floor|-00.04| 15 Cloth -2.668 0.078 -1.435 0 0 0 25 16 SprayBottle -2.805 0.996 -2.203 0 0 0 20 17 ShowerDoor -2.204 1.044 -2.503 0 0 0 18 Mirror -2.947 1.559 -1.194 0 0 0 19 Cabinet -2.504 0.400 -2.208 0 0 0 20 CounterTop -2.744 0.986 -1.243 0 0 0 21 Cabinet -2.504 0.400 -1.238 0 0 0 22 ShowerGlass -2.079 1.482 -3.264 0 0 0 23 Cabinet -2.508 0.426 -0.290 0 0 0 24 Sink -2.907 0.986 -1.761 0 90 0 25 Cabinet -2.508 0.426 -1.260 0 0 0 26 TowelHolder -1.158 1.521 -2.887 0 90 0 27 ToiletPaperHanger 0.0 0.984 -2.651 0 270 0 28 HandTowelHolder -2.591 1.737 -0.009 0 90 0 29 GarbageCan -0.908 -0.031 -3.646 0 90 0 30 Window -0.566 1.730 -4.102 90 0 0 31 LightSwitch -1.332 1.391 0.001 0 180 0 32 SinkBasin -2.724 0.916 -1.755 351.180 90 0 33 Toilet -0.319 0.000 -3.533 0 90 0 34 Faucet -2.907 0.993 -1.761 0 90 0 35 SinkBasin -2.724 0.916 -0.726 351.180 90 0 36 Sink -2.907 0.986 -0.732 0 90 0 37 Faucet -2.907 0.993 -0.731 0 90 0 38 ShowerHead -2.868 1.219 -3.223 0 180 0 39 EastWall 40 EastWall 41 SouthWall
[ "STEP 1: Turn right, go forward a bit, turn left and go to the counter | STEP 2: Pick up the pink spray in the middle of the counter | STEP 3: Turn around, go forward, turn right and go to the toilet | STEP 4: Put the spray on the flusher | STEP 5: Turn around, go forward, turn left and go to the counter | STEP 6: Pick up the pink spray on the back of the counter | STEP 7: Turn around, go forward, turn right and go to the toilet | STEP 8: Put the spray on the flusher | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Turn right, go forward a bit, turn left and go to the counter ", " STEP 2: Pick up the pink spray in the middle of the counter ", " STEP 3: Turn around, go forward, turn right and go to the toilet ", " STEP 4: Put the spray on the flusher ", " STEP 5: Turn around, go forward, turn left and go to the counter ", " STEP 6: Pick up the pink spray on the back of the counter ", " STEP 7: Turn around, go forward, turn right and go to the toilet ", " STEP 8: Put the spray on the flusher ", " END" ] ]
Place two spray bottles on a toilet tank.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " -1.0", " 0.901", " -1.5", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Cloth", " -2.770", " 0.079", " -1.925", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 19" ], [ "2", " SprayBottle", " -2.62", " 0.996", " -1.356", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 20" ], [ "3", " SprayBottle", " -2.821", " 0.079", " -1.489", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 25" ], [ "4", " SprayBottle", " -2.931", " 0.996", " -2.173", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 20" ], [ "5", " SoapBottle", " -2.745", " 0.998", " -1.177", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 20" ], [ "6", " Towel", " -1.051", " 1.535", " -2.887", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 26" ], [ "7", " HandTowel", " -2.591", " 1.635", " -0.047", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 28" ], [ "8", " SoapBar", " -1.489", " 0.056", " -0.186", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 23" ], [ "9", " ToiletPaper", " -2.640", " 0.069", " -1.888", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 19" ], [ "10", " ToiletPaper", " -0.745", " 1.042", " -3.795", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 33" ], [ "11", " SoapBottle", " -0.614", " 1.048", " -3.826", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 33" ], [ "12", " Candle", " -0.482", " 1.046", " -3.918", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 33" ], [ "13", " ScrubBrush", " -1.048", " 0.000", " -3.830", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 29" ], [ "14", " Plunger", " -1.066", " 0.000", " -3.527", " 0", " 0", " 0", " Floor|-00.04|" ], [ "15", " Cloth", " -2.668", " 0.078", " -1.435", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 25" ], [ "16", " SprayBottle", " -2.805", " 0.996", " -2.203", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 20" ], [ "17", " ShowerDoor", " -2.204", " 1.044", " -2.503", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "18", " Mirror", " -2.947", " 1.559", " -1.194", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "19", " Cabinet", " -2.504", " 0.400", " -2.208", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "20", " CounterTop", " -2.744", " 0.986", " -1.243", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "21", " Cabinet", " -2.504", " 0.400", " -1.238", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "22", " ShowerGlass", " -2.079", " 1.482", " -3.264", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "23", " Cabinet", " -2.508", " 0.426", " -0.290", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "24", " Sink", " -2.907", " 0.986", " -1.761", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "25", " Cabinet", " -2.508", " 0.426", " -1.260", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "26", " TowelHolder", " -1.158", " 1.521", " -2.887", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "27", " ToiletPaperHanger", " 0.0", " 0.984", " -2.651", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "28", " HandTowelHolder", " -2.591", " 1.737", " -0.009", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " GarbageCan", " -0.908", " -0.031", " -3.646", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " Window", " -0.566", " 1.730", " -4.102", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " LightSwitch", " -1.332", " 1.391", " 0.001", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " SinkBasin", " -2.724", " 0.916", " -1.755", " 351.180", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " Toilet", " -0.319", " 0.000", " -3.533", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " Faucet", " -2.907", " 0.993", " -1.761", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " SinkBasin", " -2.724", " 0.916", " -0.726", " 351.180", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " Sink", " -2.907", " 0.986", " -0.732", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " Faucet", " -2.907", " 0.993", " -0.731", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " ShowerHead", " -2.868", " 1.219", " -3.223", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "40", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "41", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- ----------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent -1.0 0.901 -1.5 0 270 0 1 Cloth -2.770 0.079 -1.925 0 0 0 19 2 SprayBottle -2.62 0.996 -1.356 0 0 0 20 3 SprayBottle -2.821 0.079 -1.489 0 0 0 25 4 SprayBottle -2.931 0.996 -2.173 0 0 0 20 5 SoapBottle -2.745 0.998 -1.177 0 0 0 20 6 Towel -1.051 1.535 -2.887 0 90 0 26 7 HandTowel -2.591 1.635 -0.047 0 0 0 28 8 SoapBar -1.489 0.056 -0.186 0 180 0 23 9 ToiletPaper -2.640 0.069 -1.888 0 0 0 19 10 ToiletPaper -0.745 1.042 -3.795 0 0 0 33 11 SoapBottle -0.614 1.048 -3.826 0 0 0 33 12 Candle -0.482 1.046 -3.918 0 0 0 33 13 ScrubBrush -1.048 0.000 -3.830 0 0 0 29 14 Plunger -1.066 0.000 -3.527 0 0 0 Floor|-00.04| 15 Cloth -2.668 0.078 -1.435 0 0 0 25 16 SprayBottle -2.805 0.996 -2.203 0 0 0 20 17 ShowerDoor -2.204 1.044 -2.503 0 0 0 18 Mirror -2.947 1.559 -1.194 0 0 0 19 Cabinet -2.504 0.400 -2.208 0 0 0 20 CounterTop -2.744 0.986 -1.243 0 0 0 21 Cabinet -2.504 0.400 -1.238 0 0 0 22 ShowerGlass -2.079 1.482 -3.264 0 0 0 23 Cabinet -2.508 0.426 -0.290 0 0 0 24 Sink -2.907 0.986 -1.761 0 90 0 25 Cabinet -2.508 0.426 -1.260 0 0 0 26 TowelHolder -1.158 1.521 -2.887 0 90 0 27 ToiletPaperHanger 0.0 0.984 -2.651 0 270 0 28 HandTowelHolder -2.591 1.737 -0.009 0 90 0 29 GarbageCan -0.908 -0.031 -3.646 0 90 0 30 Window -0.566 1.730 -4.102 90 0 0 31 LightSwitch -1.332 1.391 0.001 0 180 0 32 SinkBasin -2.724 0.916 -1.755 351.180 90 0 33 Toilet -0.319 0.000 -3.533 0 90 0 34 Faucet -2.907 0.993 -1.761 0 90 0 35 SinkBasin -2.724 0.916 -0.726 351.180 90 0 36 Sink -2.907 0.986 -0.732 0 90 0 37 Faucet -2.907 0.993 -0.731 0 90 0 38 ShowerHead -2.868 1.219 -3.223 0 180 0 39 EastWall 40 EastWall 41 SouthWall
[ "STEP 1: Turn right and head to the black vanity in between two sinks on your left side. | STEP 2: Pick up the pink spray bottle next to the left sink on the vanity. | STEP 3: Turn around, hang a right at the wall and walk to the toilet. | STEP 4: Put the spray bottle on the toilet tank to the left of the green candle. | STEP 5: Turn around, hang a left at the shower and walk to the left sink side of the vanity ahead. | STEP 6: Pick up the pink spray bottle at the far back of the vanity to the left of the sink. | STEP 7: Turn around, hang a right at the wall and walk to the toilet. | STEP 8: Put the spray bottle behind the gold roll on the right side of the toilet tank. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Turn right and head to the black vanity in between two sinks on your left side. ", " STEP 2: Pick up the pink spray bottle next to the left sink on the vanity. ", " STEP 3: Turn around, hang a right at the wall and walk to the toilet. ", " STEP 4: Put the spray bottle on the toilet tank to the left of the green candle. ", " STEP 5: Turn around, hang a left at the shower and walk to the left sink side of the vanity ahead. ", " STEP 6: Pick up the pink spray bottle at the far back of the vanity to the left of the sink. ", " STEP 7: Turn around, hang a right at the wall and walk to the toilet. ", " STEP 8: Put the spray bottle behind the gold roll on the right side of the toilet tank. ", " END" ] ]
drop two strays on the toilet
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " -1.0", " 0.901", " -1.5", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Cloth", " -2.770", " 0.079", " -1.925", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 19" ], [ "2", " SprayBottle", " -2.62", " 0.996", " -1.356", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 20" ], [ "3", " SprayBottle", " -2.821", " 0.079", " -1.489", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 25" ], [ "4", " SprayBottle", " -2.931", " 0.996", " -2.173", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 20" ], [ "5", " SoapBottle", " -2.745", " 0.998", " -1.177", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 20" ], [ "6", " Towel", " -1.051", " 1.535", " -2.887", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 26" ], [ "7", " HandTowel", " -2.591", " 1.635", " -0.047", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 28" ], [ "8", " SoapBar", " -1.489", " 0.056", " -0.186", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 23" ], [ "9", " ToiletPaper", " -2.640", " 0.069", " -1.888", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 19" ], [ "10", " ToiletPaper", " -0.745", " 1.042", " -3.795", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 33" ], [ "11", " SoapBottle", " -0.614", " 1.048", " -3.826", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 33" ], [ "12", " Candle", " -0.482", " 1.046", " -3.918", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 33" ], [ "13", " ScrubBrush", " -1.048", " 0.000", " -3.830", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 29" ], [ "14", " Plunger", " -1.066", " 0.000", " -3.527", " 0", " 0", " 0", " Floor|-00.04|" ], [ "15", " Cloth", " -2.668", " 0.078", " -1.435", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 25" ], [ "16", " SprayBottle", " -2.805", " 0.996", " -2.203", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 20" ], [ "17", " ShowerDoor", " -2.204", " 1.044", " -2.503", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "18", " Mirror", " -2.947", " 1.559", " -1.194", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "19", " Cabinet", " -2.504", " 0.400", " -2.208", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "20", " CounterTop", " -2.744", " 0.986", " -1.243", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "21", " Cabinet", " -2.504", " 0.400", " -1.238", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "22", " ShowerGlass", " -2.079", " 1.482", " -3.264", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "23", " Cabinet", " -2.508", " 0.426", " -0.290", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "24", " Sink", " -2.907", " 0.986", " -1.761", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "25", " Cabinet", " -2.508", " 0.426", " -1.260", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "26", " TowelHolder", " -1.158", " 1.521", " -2.887", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "27", " ToiletPaperHanger", " 0.0", " 0.984", " -2.651", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "28", " HandTowelHolder", " -2.591", " 1.737", " -0.009", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " GarbageCan", " -0.908", " -0.031", " -3.646", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " Window", " -0.566", " 1.730", " -4.102", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " LightSwitch", " -1.332", " 1.391", " 0.001", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " SinkBasin", " -2.724", " 0.916", " -1.755", " 351.180", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " Toilet", " -0.319", " 0.000", " -3.533", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " Faucet", " -2.907", " 0.993", " -1.761", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " SinkBasin", " -2.724", " 0.916", " -0.726", " 351.180", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " Sink", " -2.907", " 0.986", " -0.732", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " Faucet", " -2.907", " 0.993", " -0.731", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " ShowerHead", " -2.868", " 1.219", " -3.223", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "40", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "41", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- ----------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent -1.0 0.901 -1.5 0 270 0 1 Cloth -2.770 0.079 -1.925 0 0 0 19 2 SprayBottle -2.62 0.996 -1.356 0 0 0 20 3 SprayBottle -2.821 0.079 -1.489 0 0 0 25 4 SprayBottle -2.931 0.996 -2.173 0 0 0 20 5 SoapBottle -2.745 0.998 -1.177 0 0 0 20 6 Towel -1.051 1.535 -2.887 0 90 0 26 7 HandTowel -2.591 1.635 -0.047 0 0 0 28 8 SoapBar -1.489 0.056 -0.186 0 180 0 23 9 ToiletPaper -2.640 0.069 -1.888 0 0 0 19 10 ToiletPaper -0.745 1.042 -3.795 0 0 0 33 11 SoapBottle -0.614 1.048 -3.826 0 0 0 33 12 Candle -0.482 1.046 -3.918 0 0 0 33 13 ScrubBrush -1.048 0.000 -3.830 0 0 0 29 14 Plunger -1.066 0.000 -3.527 0 0 0 Floor|-00.04| 15 Cloth -2.668 0.078 -1.435 0 0 0 25 16 SprayBottle -2.805 0.996 -2.203 0 0 0 20 17 ShowerDoor -2.204 1.044 -2.503 0 0 0 18 Mirror -2.947 1.559 -1.194 0 0 0 19 Cabinet -2.504 0.400 -2.208 0 0 0 20 CounterTop -2.744 0.986 -1.243 0 0 0 21 Cabinet -2.504 0.400 -1.238 0 0 0 22 ShowerGlass -2.079 1.482 -3.264 0 0 0 23 Cabinet -2.508 0.426 -0.290 0 0 0 24 Sink -2.907 0.986 -1.761 0 90 0 25 Cabinet -2.508 0.426 -1.260 0 0 0 26 TowelHolder -1.158 1.521 -2.887 0 90 0 27 ToiletPaperHanger 0.0 0.984 -2.651 0 270 0 28 HandTowelHolder -2.591 1.737 -0.009 0 90 0 29 GarbageCan -0.908 -0.031 -3.646 0 90 0 30 Window -0.566 1.730 -4.102 90 0 0 31 LightSwitch -1.332 1.391 0.001 0 180 0 32 SinkBasin -2.724 0.916 -1.755 351.180 90 0 33 Toilet -0.319 0.000 -3.533 0 90 0 34 Faucet -2.907 0.993 -1.761 0 90 0 35 SinkBasin -2.724 0.916 -0.726 351.180 90 0 36 Sink -2.907 0.986 -0.732 0 90 0 37 Faucet -2.907 0.993 -0.731 0 90 0 38 ShowerHead -2.868 1.219 -3.223 0 180 0 39 EastWall 40 EastWall 41 SouthWall
[ "STEP 1: move forward to the sink | STEP 2: pick up the spray | STEP 3: turn around and head to the toilet | STEP 4: drop the spray on the toilet | STEP 5: turn around and head to the sink | STEP 6: pick up the spray from the sink | STEP 7: turn around and head to the toilet | STEP 8: drop the spray on the toilet | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: move forward to the sink ", " STEP 2: pick up the spray ", " STEP 3: turn around and head to the toilet ", " STEP 4: drop the spray on the toilet ", " STEP 5: turn around and head to the sink ", " STEP 6: pick up the spray from the sink ", " STEP 7: turn around and head to the toilet ", " STEP 8: drop the spray on the toilet ", " END" ] ]
Move two pens to a nightstand.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " 2.25", " 0.900", " -2.0", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " CD", " 0.952", " 0.374", " -2.375", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 41" ], [ "2", " CellPhone", " -0.483", " 0.557", " -1.657", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 24" ], [ "3", " CellPhone", " -1.203", " 0.672", " -2.553", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 37" ], [ "4", " Pen", " -0.276", " 0.625", " 0.833", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 36" ], [ "5", " Pencil", " -0.276", " 0.623", " 0.677", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 36" ], [ "6", " Pencil", " -0.586", " 0.623", " 0.599", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 36" ], [ "7", " CreditCard", " -0.741", " 0.620", " 0.833", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 36" ], [ "8", " KeyChain", " 1.125", " 0.376", " -2.423", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 41" ], [ "9", " KeyChain", " -0.431", " 0.621", " 0.677", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 36" ], [ "10", " Laptop", " -0.300", " 0.554", " -1.880", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 24" ], [ "11", " Box", " 2.453", " 0.222", " -0.041", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "12", " Book", " -0.586", " 0.617", " 0.833", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 36" ], [ "13", " KeyChain", " 1.173", " 0.681", " -2.419", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 38" ], [ "14", " Pillow", " 0.192", " 0.607", " -2.307", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 24" ], [ "15", " BaseballBat", " 0.419", " 0.666", " 1.044", " 10.360", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "16", " Pencil", " -0.431", " 0.623", " 0.988", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 36" ], [ "17", " CellPhone", " -0.741", " 0.619", " 0.755", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 36" ], [ "18", " CreditCard", " -0.431", " 0.618", " 0.833", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 36" ], [ "19", " Pen", " 0.033", " 0.624", " 0.910", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 36" ], [ "20", " Laptop", " -0.117", " 0.554", " -1.211", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 24" ], [ "21", " AlarmClock", " -1.236", " 0.675", " -2.425", " 0", " 30.005", " 1.864", " 38" ], [ "22", " CD", " -1.085", " 0.679", " -2.553", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 37" ], [ "23", " Mug", " 0.188", " 0.616", " 0.988", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 36" ], [ "24", " Bed", " -0.118", " -0.001", " -1.699", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "25", " Mirror", " 2.644", " 1.347", " 0.384", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "26", " GarbageCan", " 2.467", " -0.029", " 0.936", " 0", " 271.107", " 0", "" ], [ "27", " LightSwitch", " 0.333", " 1.256", " 1.149", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "28", " DeskLamp", " 0.915", " 0.670", " -2.435", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " Painting", " 0.003", " 1.562", " -2.687", " 90", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " Window", " -1.559", " 1.414", " -1.356", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " Window", " -1.559", " 1.414", " -0.057", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " Shelf", " -0.276", " 0.351", " 0.832", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " Shelf", " -0.276", " 0.099", " 0.832", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " Blinds", " -1.462", " 2.157", " -1.343", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " Blinds", " -1.462", " 2.157", " -0.046", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " Desk", " -0.276", " -0.001", " 0.833", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " SideTable", " -1.204", " 0.002", " -2.456", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " SideTable", " 0.948", " 0.002", " -2.456", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " Drawer", " 0.948", " 0.166", " -2.389", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "40", " Drawer", " -1.204", " 0.166", " -2.389", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "41", " Drawer", " 0.948", " 0.458", " -2.389", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "42", " Drawer", " -1.204", " 0.458", " -2.389", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "43", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "44", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "45", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "46", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "47", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent 2.25 0.900 -2.0 0 0 0 1 CD 0.952 0.374 -2.375 0 0 0 41 2 CellPhone -0.483 0.557 -1.657 0 0 0 24 3 CellPhone -1.203 0.672 -2.553 0 0 0 37 4 Pen -0.276 0.625 0.833 0 180 0 36 5 Pencil -0.276 0.623 0.677 0 180 0 36 6 Pencil -0.586 0.623 0.599 0 180 0 36 7 CreditCard -0.741 0.620 0.833 0 180 0 36 8 KeyChain 1.125 0.376 -2.423 0 90 0 41 9 KeyChain -0.431 0.621 0.677 0 180 0 36 10 Laptop -0.300 0.554 -1.880 0 0 0 24 11 Box 2.453 0.222 -0.041 0 0 0 12 Book -0.586 0.617 0.833 0 270 0 36 13 KeyChain 1.173 0.681 -2.419 0 0 0 38 14 Pillow 0.192 0.607 -2.307 0 0 0 24 15 BaseballBat 0.419 0.666 1.044 10.360 0 0 16 Pencil -0.431 0.623 0.988 0 180 0 36 17 CellPhone -0.741 0.619 0.755 0 180 0 36 18 CreditCard -0.431 0.618 0.833 0 180 0 36 19 Pen 0.033 0.624 0.910 0 180 0 36 20 Laptop -0.117 0.554 -1.211 0 0 0 24 21 AlarmClock -1.236 0.675 -2.425 0 30.005 1.864 38 22 CD -1.085 0.679 -2.553 0 0 0 37 23 Mug 0.188 0.616 0.988 0 180 0 36 24 Bed -0.118 -0.001 -1.699 0 180 0 25 Mirror 2.644 1.347 0.384 0 90 0 26 GarbageCan 2.467 -0.029 0.936 0 271.107 0 27 LightSwitch 0.333 1.256 1.149 0 180 0 28 DeskLamp 0.915 0.670 -2.435 0 0 0 29 Painting 0.003 1.562 -2.687 90 180 0 30 Window -1.559 1.414 -1.356 90 270 0 31 Window -1.559 1.414 -0.057 90 270 0 32 Shelf -0.276 0.351 0.832 0 0 0 33 Shelf -0.276 0.099 0.832 0 0 0 34 Blinds -1.462 2.157 -1.343 0 90 0 35 Blinds -1.462 2.157 -0.046 0 90 0 36 Desk -0.276 -0.001 0.833 0 0 0 37 SideTable -1.204 0.002 -2.456 0 0 0 38 SideTable 0.948 0.002 -2.456 0 0 0 39 Drawer 0.948 0.166 -2.389 0 0 0 40 Drawer -1.204 0.166 -2.389 0 0 0 41 Drawer 0.948 0.458 -2.389 0 0 0 42 Drawer -1.204 0.458 -2.389 0 0 0 43 44 NorthWall 45 EastWall 46 SouthWall 47 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Turn left and walk over to the bed, then turn right and walk around to bed to the table against the wall. | STEP 2: Pick up the white and black pen that is closest to the credit card on the table. | STEP 3: Turn left and walk over to the wall, then turn left again and walk across the room to the small nightstand next to the bed. | STEP 4: Place the pen on the nightstand in front of the digital alarm clock. | STEP 5: Turn around and head back over to the table. | STEP 6: Pick up the pen that is near the black mug on the table. | STEP 7: Turn left and walk over to the wall, then turn left again and walk down to the nightstand. | STEP 8: Place the second pen on the nightstand to the left of the digital alarm clock. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Turn left and walk over to the bed, then turn right and walk around to bed to the table against the wall. ", " STEP 2: Pick up the white and black pen that is closest to the credit card on the table. ", " STEP 3: Turn left and walk over to the wall, then turn left again and walk across the room to the small nightstand next to the bed. ", " STEP 4: Place the pen on the nightstand in front of the digital alarm clock. ", " STEP 5: Turn around and head back over to the table. ", " STEP 6: Pick up the pen that is near the black mug on the table. ", " STEP 7: Turn left and walk over to the wall, then turn left again and walk down to the nightstand. ", " STEP 8: Place the second pen on the nightstand to the left of the digital alarm clock. ", " END" ] ]
Gather pens from the desk to be place on the night stand by the bed.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " 2.25", " 0.900", " -2.0", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " CD", " 0.952", " 0.374", " -2.375", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 41" ], [ "2", " CellPhone", " -0.483", " 0.557", " -1.657", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 24" ], [ "3", " CellPhone", " -1.203", " 0.672", " -2.553", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 37" ], [ "4", " Pen", " -0.276", " 0.625", " 0.833", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 36" ], [ "5", " Pencil", " -0.276", " 0.623", " 0.677", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 36" ], [ "6", " Pencil", " -0.586", " 0.623", " 0.599", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 36" ], [ "7", " CreditCard", " -0.741", " 0.620", " 0.833", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 36" ], [ "8", " KeyChain", " 1.125", " 0.376", " -2.423", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 41" ], [ "9", " KeyChain", " -0.431", " 0.621", " 0.677", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 36" ], [ "10", " Laptop", " -0.300", " 0.554", " -1.880", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 24" ], [ "11", " Box", " 2.453", " 0.222", " -0.041", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "12", " Book", " -0.586", " 0.617", " 0.833", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 36" ], [ "13", " KeyChain", " 1.173", " 0.681", " -2.419", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 38" ], [ "14", " Pillow", " 0.192", " 0.607", " -2.307", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 24" ], [ "15", " BaseballBat", " 0.419", " 0.666", " 1.044", " 10.360", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "16", " Pencil", " -0.431", " 0.623", " 0.988", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 36" ], [ "17", " CellPhone", " -0.741", " 0.619", " 0.755", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 36" ], [ "18", " CreditCard", " -0.431", " 0.618", " 0.833", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 36" ], [ "19", " Pen", " 0.033", " 0.624", " 0.910", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 36" ], [ "20", " Laptop", " -0.117", " 0.554", " -1.211", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 24" ], [ "21", " AlarmClock", " -1.236", " 0.675", " -2.425", " 0", " 30.005", " 1.864", " 38" ], [ "22", " CD", " -1.085", " 0.679", " -2.553", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 37" ], [ "23", " Mug", " 0.188", " 0.616", " 0.988", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 36" ], [ "24", " Bed", " -0.118", " -0.001", " -1.699", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "25", " Mirror", " 2.644", " 1.347", " 0.384", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "26", " GarbageCan", " 2.467", " -0.029", " 0.936", " 0", " 271.107", " 0", "" ], [ "27", " LightSwitch", " 0.333", " 1.256", " 1.149", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "28", " DeskLamp", " 0.915", " 0.670", " -2.435", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " Painting", " 0.003", " 1.562", " -2.687", " 90", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " Window", " -1.559", " 1.414", " -1.356", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " Window", " -1.559", " 1.414", " -0.057", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " Shelf", " -0.276", " 0.351", " 0.832", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " Shelf", " -0.276", " 0.099", " 0.832", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " Blinds", " -1.462", " 2.157", " -1.343", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " Blinds", " -1.462", " 2.157", " -0.046", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " Desk", " -0.276", " -0.001", " 0.833", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " SideTable", " -1.204", " 0.002", " -2.456", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " SideTable", " 0.948", " 0.002", " -2.456", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " Drawer", " 0.948", " 0.166", " -2.389", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "40", " Drawer", " -1.204", " 0.166", " -2.389", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "41", " Drawer", " 0.948", " 0.458", " -2.389", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "42", " Drawer", " -1.204", " 0.458", " -2.389", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "43", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "44", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "45", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "46", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "47", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent 2.25 0.900 -2.0 0 0 0 1 CD 0.952 0.374 -2.375 0 0 0 41 2 CellPhone -0.483 0.557 -1.657 0 0 0 24 3 CellPhone -1.203 0.672 -2.553 0 0 0 37 4 Pen -0.276 0.625 0.833 0 180 0 36 5 Pencil -0.276 0.623 0.677 0 180 0 36 6 Pencil -0.586 0.623 0.599 0 180 0 36 7 CreditCard -0.741 0.620 0.833 0 180 0 36 8 KeyChain 1.125 0.376 -2.423 0 90 0 41 9 KeyChain -0.431 0.621 0.677 0 180 0 36 10 Laptop -0.300 0.554 -1.880 0 0 0 24 11 Box 2.453 0.222 -0.041 0 0 0 12 Book -0.586 0.617 0.833 0 270 0 36 13 KeyChain 1.173 0.681 -2.419 0 0 0 38 14 Pillow 0.192 0.607 -2.307 0 0 0 24 15 BaseballBat 0.419 0.666 1.044 10.360 0 0 16 Pencil -0.431 0.623 0.988 0 180 0 36 17 CellPhone -0.741 0.619 0.755 0 180 0 36 18 CreditCard -0.431 0.618 0.833 0 180 0 36 19 Pen 0.033 0.624 0.910 0 180 0 36 20 Laptop -0.117 0.554 -1.211 0 0 0 24 21 AlarmClock -1.236 0.675 -2.425 0 30.005 1.864 38 22 CD -1.085 0.679 -2.553 0 0 0 37 23 Mug 0.188 0.616 0.988 0 180 0 36 24 Bed -0.118 -0.001 -1.699 0 180 0 25 Mirror 2.644 1.347 0.384 0 90 0 26 GarbageCan 2.467 -0.029 0.936 0 271.107 0 27 LightSwitch 0.333 1.256 1.149 0 180 0 28 DeskLamp 0.915 0.670 -2.435 0 0 0 29 Painting 0.003 1.562 -2.687 90 180 0 30 Window -1.559 1.414 -1.356 90 270 0 31 Window -1.559 1.414 -0.057 90 270 0 32 Shelf -0.276 0.351 0.832 0 0 0 33 Shelf -0.276 0.099 0.832 0 0 0 34 Blinds -1.462 2.157 -1.343 0 90 0 35 Blinds -1.462 2.157 -0.046 0 90 0 36 Desk -0.276 -0.001 0.833 0 0 0 37 SideTable -1.204 0.002 -2.456 0 0 0 38 SideTable 0.948 0.002 -2.456 0 0 0 39 Drawer 0.948 0.166 -2.389 0 0 0 40 Drawer -1.204 0.166 -2.389 0 0 0 41 Drawer 0.948 0.458 -2.389 0 0 0 42 Drawer -1.204 0.458 -2.389 0 0 0 43 44 NorthWall 45 EastWall 46 SouthWall 47 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Move across the room to the white desk with the black surface. | STEP 2: Pick up the black and white pen near the back center of the desk. | STEP 3: Turn around and move across room to the small, black night stand on the right side of the bed. | STEP 4: Place the pen on the night stand in front of the alarm clock. | STEP 5: Move across the room to the white desk with the black surface. | STEP 6: Pick up the black and white pen near the black coffee mug. | STEP 7: Turn around and move across room to the small, black night stand on the right side of the bed. | STEP 8: Place the pen on the night stand in front of the alarm clock. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Move across the room to the white desk with the black surface. ", " STEP 2: Pick up the black and white pen near the back center of the desk. ", " STEP 3: Turn around and move across room to the small, black night stand on the right side of the bed. ", " STEP 4: Place the pen on the night stand in front of the alarm clock. ", " STEP 5: Move across the room to the white desk with the black surface. ", " STEP 6: Pick up the black and white pen near the black coffee mug. ", " STEP 7: Turn around and move across room to the small, black night stand on the right side of the bed. ", " STEP 8: Place the pen on the night stand in front of the alarm clock. ", " END" ] ]
Place two pens on the end table to the right of the bed.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " 2.25", " 0.900", " -2.0", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " CD", " 0.952", " 0.374", " -2.375", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 41" ], [ "2", " CellPhone", " -0.483", " 0.557", " -1.657", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 24" ], [ "3", " CellPhone", " -1.203", " 0.672", " -2.553", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 37" ], [ "4", " Pen", " -0.276", " 0.625", " 0.833", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 36" ], [ "5", " Pencil", " -0.276", " 0.623", " 0.677", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 36" ], [ "6", " Pencil", " -0.586", " 0.623", " 0.599", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 36" ], [ "7", " CreditCard", " -0.741", " 0.620", " 0.833", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 36" ], [ "8", " KeyChain", " 1.125", " 0.376", " -2.423", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 41" ], [ "9", " KeyChain", " -0.431", " 0.621", " 0.677", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 36" ], [ "10", " Laptop", " -0.300", " 0.554", " -1.880", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 24" ], [ "11", " Box", " 2.453", " 0.222", " -0.041", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "12", " Book", " -0.586", " 0.617", " 0.833", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 36" ], [ "13", " KeyChain", " 1.173", " 0.681", " -2.419", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 38" ], [ "14", " Pillow", " 0.192", " 0.607", " -2.307", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 24" ], [ "15", " BaseballBat", " 0.419", " 0.666", " 1.044", " 10.360", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "16", " Pencil", " -0.431", " 0.623", " 0.988", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 36" ], [ "17", " CellPhone", " -0.741", " 0.619", " 0.755", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 36" ], [ "18", " CreditCard", " -0.431", " 0.618", " 0.833", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 36" ], [ "19", " Pen", " 0.033", " 0.624", " 0.910", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 36" ], [ "20", " Laptop", " -0.117", " 0.554", " -1.211", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 24" ], [ "21", " AlarmClock", " -1.236", " 0.675", " -2.425", " 0", " 30.005", " 1.864", " 38" ], [ "22", " CD", " -1.085", " 0.679", " -2.553", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 37" ], [ "23", " Mug", " 0.188", " 0.616", " 0.988", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 36" ], [ "24", " Bed", " -0.118", " -0.001", " -1.699", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "25", " Mirror", " 2.644", " 1.347", " 0.384", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "26", " GarbageCan", " 2.467", " -0.029", " 0.936", " 0", " 271.107", " 0", "" ], [ "27", " LightSwitch", " 0.333", " 1.256", " 1.149", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "28", " DeskLamp", " 0.915", " 0.670", " -2.435", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " Painting", " 0.003", " 1.562", " -2.687", " 90", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " Window", " -1.559", " 1.414", " -1.356", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " Window", " -1.559", " 1.414", " -0.057", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " Shelf", " -0.276", " 0.351", " 0.832", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " Shelf", " -0.276", " 0.099", " 0.832", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " Blinds", " -1.462", " 2.157", " -1.343", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " Blinds", " -1.462", " 2.157", " -0.046", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " Desk", " -0.276", " -0.001", " 0.833", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " SideTable", " -1.204", " 0.002", " -2.456", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " SideTable", " 0.948", " 0.002", " -2.456", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " Drawer", " 0.948", " 0.166", " -2.389", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "40", " Drawer", " -1.204", " 0.166", " -2.389", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "41", " Drawer", " 0.948", " 0.458", " -2.389", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "42", " Drawer", " -1.204", " 0.458", " -2.389", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "43", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "44", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "45", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "46", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "47", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent 2.25 0.900 -2.0 0 0 0 1 CD 0.952 0.374 -2.375 0 0 0 41 2 CellPhone -0.483 0.557 -1.657 0 0 0 24 3 CellPhone -1.203 0.672 -2.553 0 0 0 37 4 Pen -0.276 0.625 0.833 0 180 0 36 5 Pencil -0.276 0.623 0.677 0 180 0 36 6 Pencil -0.586 0.623 0.599 0 180 0 36 7 CreditCard -0.741 0.620 0.833 0 180 0 36 8 KeyChain 1.125 0.376 -2.423 0 90 0 41 9 KeyChain -0.431 0.621 0.677 0 180 0 36 10 Laptop -0.300 0.554 -1.880 0 0 0 24 11 Box 2.453 0.222 -0.041 0 0 0 12 Book -0.586 0.617 0.833 0 270 0 36 13 KeyChain 1.173 0.681 -2.419 0 0 0 38 14 Pillow 0.192 0.607 -2.307 0 0 0 24 15 BaseballBat 0.419 0.666 1.044 10.360 0 0 16 Pencil -0.431 0.623 0.988 0 180 0 36 17 CellPhone -0.741 0.619 0.755 0 180 0 36 18 CreditCard -0.431 0.618 0.833 0 180 0 36 19 Pen 0.033 0.624 0.910 0 180 0 36 20 Laptop -0.117 0.554 -1.211 0 0 0 24 21 AlarmClock -1.236 0.675 -2.425 0 30.005 1.864 38 22 CD -1.085 0.679 -2.553 0 0 0 37 23 Mug 0.188 0.616 0.988 0 180 0 36 24 Bed -0.118 -0.001 -1.699 0 180 0 25 Mirror 2.644 1.347 0.384 0 90 0 26 GarbageCan 2.467 -0.029 0.936 0 271.107 0 27 LightSwitch 0.333 1.256 1.149 0 180 0 28 DeskLamp 0.915 0.670 -2.435 0 0 0 29 Painting 0.003 1.562 -2.687 90 180 0 30 Window -1.559 1.414 -1.356 90 270 0 31 Window -1.559 1.414 -0.057 90 270 0 32 Shelf -0.276 0.351 0.832 0 0 0 33 Shelf -0.276 0.099 0.832 0 0 0 34 Blinds -1.462 2.157 -1.343 0 90 0 35 Blinds -1.462 2.157 -0.046 0 90 0 36 Desk -0.276 -0.001 0.833 0 0 0 37 SideTable -1.204 0.002 -2.456 0 0 0 38 SideTable 0.948 0.002 -2.456 0 0 0 39 Drawer 0.948 0.166 -2.389 0 0 0 40 Drawer -1.204 0.166 -2.389 0 0 0 41 Drawer 0.948 0.458 -2.389 0 0 0 42 Drawer -1.204 0.458 -2.389 0 0 0 43 44 NorthWall 45 EastWall 46 SouthWall 47 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Move to table at the end of the bed to the left of the door | STEP 2: Pick up pen from the table | STEP 3: Move to end table to the right of bed past the window | STEP 4: Place pen on the end table | STEP 5: Move to table at the end of the bed to the left of the door | STEP 6: Pick up another pen from the table | STEP 7: Move to end table to the right of bed past the window | STEP 8: Place pen on the end table next to other one | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Move to table at the end of the bed to the left of the door ", " STEP 2: Pick up pen from the table ", " STEP 3: Move to end table to the right of bed past the window ", " STEP 4: Place pen on the end table ", " STEP 5: Move to table at the end of the bed to the left of the door ", " STEP 6: Pick up another pen from the table ", " STEP 7: Move to end table to the right of bed past the window ", " STEP 8: Place pen on the end table next to other one ", " END" ] ]
Rinse a knife and place it on the counter.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " -1.75", " 0.900", " -1.25", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Glassbottle", " -2.438", " 0.924", " -1.423", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 81" ], [ "2", " Glassbottle", " -2.780", " 0.924", " -1.654", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 81" ], [ "3", " Pencil", " -2.438", " 0.923", " -1.193", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 81" ], [ "4", " Pen", " -0.457", " 0.918", " -3.626", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "5", " Potato", " -1.151", " 1.661", " -3.837", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 69" ], [ "6", " DishSponge", " -0.747", " 0.081", " -3.662", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 60" ], [ "7", " ButterKnife", " -0.600", " 0.915", " -3.839", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "8", " WineBottle", " -2.324", " 0.924", " -1.654", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 81" ], [ "9", " WineBottle", " -2.666", " 0.924", " -1.193", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 81" ], [ "10", " Spatula", " -0.293", " 0.930", " -3.570", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 56" ], [ "11", " Fork", " -0.398", " 0.797", " -2.155", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 74" ], [ "12", " Spoon", " -0.398", " 0.798", " -2.008", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 74" ], [ "13", " Plate", " -2.666", " 0.925", " -2.115", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 81" ], [ "14", " Tomato", " -0.348", " 1.754", " -0.455", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 73" ], [ "15", " Tomato", " -0.441", " 1.162", " -0.979", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 73" ], [ "16", " Bowl", " -2.780", " 0.922", " -1.423", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 81" ], [ "17", " Bowl", " -0.422", " 0.080", " -2.201", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 61" ], [ "18", " Lettuce", " -0.295", " 1.483", " -0.874", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 73" ], [ "19", " Bread", " -0.343", " 1.443", " -0.560", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 73" ], [ "20", " SaltShaker", " -0.449", " 0.743", " -3.208", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 67" ], [ "21", " SaltShaker", " -0.538", " 0.077", " -3.267", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 62" ], [ "22", " PepperShaker", " -0.365", " 0.912", " -3.368", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "23", " PepperShaker", " -0.391", " 0.743", " -3.297", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 67" ], [ "24", " Apple", " -1.912", " 0.100", " -3.763", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 72" ], [ "25", " Apple", " -2.780", " 0.996", " -2.345", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 81" ], [ "26", " Apple", " -1.204", " 1.703", " -3.936", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 69" ], [ "27", " Lettuce", " -0.343", " 1.191", " -0.560", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 73" ], [ "28", " Glassbottle", " -2.210", " 0.924", " -1.654", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 81" ], [ "29", " Egg", " -0.197", " 1.131", " -0.455", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 73" ], [ "30", " Pen", " -0.457", " 0.918", " -3.839", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "31", " Fork", " -2.096", " 0.924", " -1.423", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 81" ], [ "32", " SoapBottle", " -2.096", " 0.922", " -0.963", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 81" ], [ "33", " Pencil", " -2.096", " 0.923", " -1.884", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 81" ], [ "34", " WineBottle", " -0.815", " 0.916", " -3.697", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "35", " Spatula", " -2.438", " 0.938", " -1.884", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 81" ], [ "36", " Bread", " -0.308", " 1.743", " -0.874", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 73" ], [ "37", " Tomato", " -0.671", " 0.979", " -3.485", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "38", " Pan", " -1.515", " 0.935", " -3.752", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 52" ], [ "39", " Cup", " -2.552", " 0.922", " -0.963", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 81" ], [ "40", " Pot", " -2.238", " 0.913", " -1.882", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 81" ], [ "41", " SaltShaker", " -0.600", " 0.912", " -3.626", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "42", " Potato", " -0.254", " 0.828", " -1.860", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 74" ], [ "43", " PepperShaker", " -0.385", " 0.912", " -3.839", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "44", " ButterKnife", " -2.438", " 0.923", " -2.115", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 81" ], [ "45", " DishSponge", " -2.666", " 0.923", " -1.654", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 81" ], [ "46", " Spoon", " -0.457", " 0.916", " -3.555", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "47", " Plate", " -0.343", " 1.101", " -0.769", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 73" ], [ "48", " Knife", " -2.096", " 0.946", " -2.115", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 81" ], [ "49", " Mug", " -0.351", " 0.962", " -3.144", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 70" ], [ "50", " Bowl", " -0.422", " 0.080", " -1.758", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "51", " Cabinet", " -0.582", " 0.388", " -1.804", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " StoveBurner", " -1.515", " 0.928", " -3.752", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " StoveBurner", " -1.515", " 0.928", " -3.497", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " StoveBurner", " -1.129", " 0.928", " -3.498", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "55", " Drawer", " -0.749", " 0.779", " -3.551", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "56", " CounterTop", " -0.303", " 0.951", " -2.793", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "57", " Cabinet", " -0.883", " 2.140", " -3.687", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "58", " Cabinet", " -0.312", " 2.140", " -1.543", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "59", " Sink", " -0.349", " 0.907", " -2.014", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "60", " Cabinet", " -0.877", " 0.388", " -3.422", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "61", " Cabinet", " -0.582", " 0.388", " -2.197", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "62", " Cabinet", " -0.584", " 0.388", " -3.396", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "63", " Cabinet", " -0.312", " 2.140", " -2.481", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "64", " Cabinet", " -0.330", " 1.921", " -3.390", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "65", " Cabinet", " -1.764", " 2.140", " -3.687", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "66", " StoveBurner", " -1.129", " 0.928", " -3.752", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "67", " Drawer", " -0.454", " 0.779", " -3.268", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "68", " Cabinet", " -0.302", " 1.916", " -2.501", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "69", " Microwave", " -1.317", " 1.517", " -3.801", " 0", " 1.440", " 0", "" ], [ "70", " CoffeeMachine", " -0.153", " 0.903", " -3.144", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "71", " LightSwitch", " -4.323", " 1.319", " 0.0", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "72", " GarbageCan", " -1.943", " -7.152", " -3.763", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "73", " Fridge", " -0.330", " 0.0", " -0.769", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "74", " SinkBasin", " -0.350", " 0.786", " -2.018", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "75", " StoveKnob", " -1.582", " 1.082", " -3.958", " 72.287", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "76", " StoveKnob", " -1.177", " 1.082", " -3.958", " 72.287", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "77", " StoveKnob", " -1.424", " 1.082", " -3.958", " 72.287", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "78", " StoveKnob", " -1.028", " 1.082", " -3.958", " 72.287", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "79", " Toaster", " -0.181", " 0.903", " -2.764", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "80", " Window", " -2.503", " 1.782", " -4.185", " 90", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "81", " DiningTable", " -2.432", " 0.000", " -1.694", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "82", " Shelf", " -2.432", " 0.150", " -1.694", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "83", " Blinds", " -2.536", " 2.699", " -3.959", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "84", " Faucet", " -0.079", " 0.904", " -2.034", " 270", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "85", " Chair", " -3.264", " 0.002", " -2.094", " 0", " 53.280", " 0", "" ], [ "86", " Chair", " -3.240", " 0.002", " -1.253", " 0", " 117.257", " 0", "" ], [ "87", " Shelf", " -2.432", " 0.523", " -1.694", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "88", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "89", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "90", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "91", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent -1.75 0.900 -1.25 0 90 0 1 Glassbottle -2.438 0.924 -1.423 0 0 0 81 2 Glassbottle -2.780 0.924 -1.654 0 0 0 81 3 Pencil -2.438 0.923 -1.193 0 0 0 81 4 Pen -0.457 0.918 -3.626 0 0 0 56 5 Potato -1.151 1.661 -3.837 0 0 0 69 6 DishSponge -0.747 0.081 -3.662 0 0 0 60 7 ButterKnife -0.600 0.915 -3.839 0 0 0 56 8 WineBottle -2.324 0.924 -1.654 0 0 0 81 9 WineBottle -2.666 0.924 -1.193 0 0 0 81 10 Spatula -0.293 0.930 -3.570 0 90 0 56 11 Fork -0.398 0.797 -2.155 0 180 0 74 12 Spoon -0.398 0.798 -2.008 0 270 0 74 13 Plate -2.666 0.925 -2.115 0 0 0 81 14 Tomato -0.348 1.754 -0.455 0 270 0 73 15 Tomato -0.441 1.162 -0.979 0 270 0 73 16 Bowl -2.780 0.922 -1.423 0 0 0 81 17 Bowl -0.422 0.080 -2.201 0 0 0 61 18 Lettuce -0.295 1.483 -0.874 0 270 0 73 19 Bread -0.343 1.443 -0.560 0 270 0 73 20 SaltShaker -0.449 0.743 -3.208 0 0 0 67 21 SaltShaker -0.538 0.077 -3.267 0 0 0 62 22 PepperShaker -0.365 0.912 -3.368 0 0 0 56 23 PepperShaker -0.391 0.743 -3.297 0 0 0 67 24 Apple -1.912 0.100 -3.763 0 0 0 72 25 Apple -2.780 0.996 -2.345 0 0 0 81 26 Apple -1.204 1.703 -3.936 0 0 0 69 27 Lettuce -0.343 1.191 -0.560 0 270 0 73 28 Glassbottle -2.210 0.924 -1.654 0 0 0 81 29 Egg -0.197 1.131 -0.455 0 270 0 73 30 Pen -0.457 0.918 -3.839 0 0 0 56 31 Fork -2.096 0.924 -1.423 0 0 0 81 32 SoapBottle -2.096 0.922 -0.963 0 0 0 81 33 Pencil -2.096 0.923 -1.884 0 0 0 81 34 WineBottle -0.815 0.916 -3.697 0 0 0 56 35 Spatula -2.438 0.938 -1.884 0 0 0 81 36 Bread -0.308 1.743 -0.874 0 270 0 73 37 Tomato -0.671 0.979 -3.485 0 0 0 56 38 Pan -1.515 0.935 -3.752 0 90 0 52 39 Cup -2.552 0.922 -0.963 0 0 0 81 40 Pot -2.238 0.913 -1.882 0 0 0 81 41 SaltShaker -0.600 0.912 -3.626 0 0 0 56 42 Potato -0.254 0.828 -1.860 0 270 0 74 43 PepperShaker -0.385 0.912 -3.839 0 0 0 56 44 ButterKnife -2.438 0.923 -2.115 0 0 0 81 45 DishSponge -2.666 0.923 -1.654 0 0 0 81 46 Spoon -0.457 0.916 -3.555 0 0 0 56 47 Plate -0.343 1.101 -0.769 0 270 0 73 48 Knife -2.096 0.946 -2.115 0 90 0 81 49 Mug -0.351 0.962 -3.144 0 270 0 70 50 Bowl -0.422 0.080 -1.758 0 0 0 51 51 Cabinet -0.582 0.388 -1.804 0 0 0 52 StoveBurner -1.515 0.928 -3.752 0 90 0 53 StoveBurner -1.515 0.928 -3.497 0 0 0 54 StoveBurner -1.129 0.928 -3.498 0 0 0 55 Drawer -0.749 0.779 -3.551 0 0 0 56 CounterTop -0.303 0.951 -2.793 0 0 0 57 Cabinet -0.883 2.140 -3.687 0 0 0 58 Cabinet -0.312 2.140 -1.543 0 0 0 59 Sink -0.349 0.907 -2.014 0 0 0 60 Cabinet -0.877 0.388 -3.422 0 0 0 61 Cabinet -0.582 0.388 -2.197 0 0 0 62 Cabinet -0.584 0.388 -3.396 0 0 0 63 Cabinet -0.312 2.140 -2.481 0 0 0 64 Cabinet -0.330 1.921 -3.390 0 0 0 65 Cabinet -1.764 2.140 -3.687 0 0 0 66 StoveBurner -1.129 0.928 -3.752 0 90 0 67 Drawer -0.454 0.779 -3.268 0 0 0 68 Cabinet -0.302 1.916 -2.501 0 0 0 69 Microwave -1.317 1.517 -3.801 0 1.440 0 70 CoffeeMachine -0.153 0.903 -3.144 0 270 0 71 LightSwitch -4.323 1.319 0.0 0 180 0 72 GarbageCan -1.943 -7.152 -3.763 0 0 0 73 Fridge -0.330 0.0 -0.769 0 270 0 74 SinkBasin -0.350 0.786 -2.018 0 270 0 75 StoveKnob -1.582 1.082 -3.958 72.287 0 0 76 StoveKnob -1.177 1.082 -3.958 72.287 0 0 77 StoveKnob -1.424 1.082 -3.958 72.287 0 0 78 StoveKnob -1.028 1.082 -3.958 72.287 0 0 79 Toaster -0.181 0.903 -2.764 0 270 0 80 Window -2.503 1.782 -4.185 90 180 0 81 DiningTable -2.432 0.000 -1.694 0 270 0 82 Shelf -2.432 0.150 -1.694 0 270 0 83 Blinds -2.536 2.699 -3.959 0 0 0 84 Faucet -0.079 0.904 -2.034 270 180 0 85 Chair -3.264 0.002 -2.094 0 53.280 0 86 Chair -3.240 0.002 -1.253 0 117.257 0 87 Shelf -2.432 0.523 -1.694 0 270 0 88 NorthWall 89 EastWall 90 SouthWall 91 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Turn around to the green island. | STEP 2: Pick up the knife from the front, in front of the pan. | STEP 3: Carry the knife and turn around to the sink. | STEP 4: Place the knife in the sink and turn on the water. Turn off the water and pick up the knife. | STEP 5: Take the knife and turn around to the island. | STEP 6: Place the knife and on the left side of the island, just behind where it originally was. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Turn around to the green island. ", " STEP 2: Pick up the knife from the front, in front of the pan. ", " STEP 3: Carry the knife and turn around to the sink. ", " STEP 4: Place the knife in the sink and turn on the water. Turn off the water and pick up the knife. ", " STEP 5: Take the knife and turn around to the island. ", " STEP 6: Place the knife and on the left side of the island, just behind where it originally was. ", " END" ] ]
Rinse off a yellow handled knife
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " -1.75", " 0.900", " -1.25", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Glassbottle", " -2.438", " 0.924", " -1.423", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 81" ], [ "2", " Glassbottle", " -2.780", " 0.924", " -1.654", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 81" ], [ "3", " Pencil", " -2.438", " 0.923", " -1.193", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 81" ], [ "4", " Pen", " -0.457", " 0.918", " -3.626", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "5", " Potato", " -1.151", " 1.661", " -3.837", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 69" ], [ "6", " DishSponge", " -0.747", " 0.081", " -3.662", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 60" ], [ "7", " ButterKnife", " -0.600", " 0.915", " -3.839", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "8", " WineBottle", " -2.324", " 0.924", " -1.654", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 81" ], [ "9", " WineBottle", " -2.666", " 0.924", " -1.193", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 81" ], [ "10", " Spatula", " -0.293", " 0.930", " -3.570", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 56" ], [ "11", " Fork", " -0.398", " 0.797", " -2.155", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 74" ], [ "12", " Spoon", " -0.398", " 0.798", " -2.008", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 74" ], [ "13", " Plate", " -2.666", " 0.925", " -2.115", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 81" ], [ "14", " Tomato", " -0.348", " 1.754", " -0.455", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 73" ], [ "15", " Tomato", " -0.441", " 1.162", " -0.979", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 73" ], [ "16", " Bowl", " -2.780", " 0.922", " -1.423", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 81" ], [ "17", " Bowl", " -0.422", " 0.080", " -2.201", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 61" ], [ "18", " Lettuce", " -0.295", " 1.483", " -0.874", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 73" ], [ "19", " Bread", " -0.343", " 1.443", " -0.560", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 73" ], [ "20", " SaltShaker", " -0.449", " 0.743", " -3.208", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 67" ], [ "21", " SaltShaker", " -0.538", " 0.077", " -3.267", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 62" ], [ "22", " PepperShaker", " -0.365", " 0.912", " -3.368", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "23", " PepperShaker", " -0.391", " 0.743", " -3.297", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 67" ], [ "24", " Apple", " -1.912", " 0.100", " -3.763", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 72" ], [ "25", " Apple", " -2.780", " 0.996", " -2.345", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 81" ], [ "26", " Apple", " -1.204", " 1.703", " -3.936", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 69" ], [ "27", " Lettuce", " -0.343", " 1.191", " -0.560", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 73" ], [ "28", " Glassbottle", " -2.210", " 0.924", " -1.654", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 81" ], [ "29", " Egg", " -0.197", " 1.131", " -0.455", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 73" ], [ "30", " Pen", " -0.457", " 0.918", " -3.839", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "31", " Fork", " -2.096", " 0.924", " -1.423", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 81" ], [ "32", " SoapBottle", " -2.096", " 0.922", " -0.963", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 81" ], [ "33", " Pencil", " -2.096", " 0.923", " -1.884", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 81" ], [ "34", " WineBottle", " -0.815", " 0.916", " -3.697", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "35", " Spatula", " -2.438", " 0.938", " -1.884", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 81" ], [ "36", " Bread", " -0.308", " 1.743", " -0.874", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 73" ], [ "37", " Tomato", " -0.671", " 0.979", " -3.485", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "38", " Pan", " -1.515", " 0.935", " -3.752", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 52" ], [ "39", " Cup", " -2.552", " 0.922", " -0.963", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 81" ], [ "40", " Pot", " -2.238", " 0.913", " -1.882", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 81" ], [ "41", " SaltShaker", " -0.600", " 0.912", " -3.626", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "42", " Potato", " -0.254", " 0.828", " -1.860", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 74" ], [ "43", " PepperShaker", " -0.385", " 0.912", " -3.839", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "44", " ButterKnife", " -2.438", " 0.923", " -2.115", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 81" ], [ "45", " DishSponge", " -2.666", " 0.923", " -1.654", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 81" ], [ "46", " Spoon", " -0.457", " 0.916", " -3.555", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "47", " Plate", " -0.343", " 1.101", " -0.769", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 73" ], [ "48", " Knife", " -2.096", " 0.946", " -2.115", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 81" ], [ "49", " Mug", " -0.351", " 0.962", " -3.144", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 70" ], [ "50", " Bowl", " -0.422", " 0.080", " -1.758", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "51", " Cabinet", " -0.582", " 0.388", " -1.804", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " StoveBurner", " -1.515", " 0.928", " -3.752", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " StoveBurner", " -1.515", " 0.928", " -3.497", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " StoveBurner", " -1.129", " 0.928", " -3.498", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "55", " Drawer", " -0.749", " 0.779", " -3.551", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "56", " CounterTop", " -0.303", " 0.951", " -2.793", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "57", " Cabinet", " -0.883", " 2.140", " -3.687", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "58", " Cabinet", " -0.312", " 2.140", " -1.543", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "59", " Sink", " -0.349", " 0.907", " -2.014", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "60", " Cabinet", " -0.877", " 0.388", " -3.422", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "61", " Cabinet", " -0.582", " 0.388", " -2.197", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "62", " Cabinet", " -0.584", " 0.388", " -3.396", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "63", " Cabinet", " -0.312", " 2.140", " -2.481", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "64", " Cabinet", " -0.330", " 1.921", " -3.390", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "65", " Cabinet", " -1.764", " 2.140", " -3.687", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "66", " StoveBurner", " -1.129", " 0.928", " -3.752", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "67", " Drawer", " -0.454", " 0.779", " -3.268", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "68", " Cabinet", " -0.302", " 1.916", " -2.501", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "69", " Microwave", " -1.317", " 1.517", " -3.801", " 0", " 1.440", " 0", "" ], [ "70", " CoffeeMachine", " -0.153", " 0.903", " -3.144", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "71", " LightSwitch", " -4.323", " 1.319", " 0.0", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "72", " GarbageCan", " -1.943", " -7.152", " -3.763", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "73", " Fridge", " -0.330", " 0.0", " -0.769", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "74", " SinkBasin", " -0.350", " 0.786", " -2.018", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "75", " StoveKnob", " -1.582", " 1.082", " -3.958", " 72.287", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "76", " StoveKnob", " -1.177", " 1.082", " -3.958", " 72.287", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "77", " StoveKnob", " -1.424", " 1.082", " -3.958", " 72.287", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "78", " StoveKnob", " -1.028", " 1.082", " -3.958", " 72.287", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "79", " Toaster", " -0.181", " 0.903", " -2.764", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "80", " Window", " -2.503", " 1.782", " -4.185", " 90", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "81", " DiningTable", " -2.432", " 0.000", " -1.694", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "82", " Shelf", " -2.432", " 0.150", " -1.694", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "83", " Blinds", " -2.536", " 2.699", " -3.959", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "84", " Faucet", " -0.079", " 0.904", " -2.034", " 270", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "85", " Chair", " -3.264", " 0.002", " -2.094", " 0", " 53.280", " 0", "" ], [ "86", " Chair", " -3.240", " 0.002", " -1.253", " 0", " 117.257", " 0", "" ], [ "87", " Shelf", " -2.432", " 0.523", " -1.694", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "88", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "89", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "90", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "91", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent -1.75 0.900 -1.25 0 90 0 1 Glassbottle -2.438 0.924 -1.423 0 0 0 81 2 Glassbottle -2.780 0.924 -1.654 0 0 0 81 3 Pencil -2.438 0.923 -1.193 0 0 0 81 4 Pen -0.457 0.918 -3.626 0 0 0 56 5 Potato -1.151 1.661 -3.837 0 0 0 69 6 DishSponge -0.747 0.081 -3.662 0 0 0 60 7 ButterKnife -0.600 0.915 -3.839 0 0 0 56 8 WineBottle -2.324 0.924 -1.654 0 0 0 81 9 WineBottle -2.666 0.924 -1.193 0 0 0 81 10 Spatula -0.293 0.930 -3.570 0 90 0 56 11 Fork -0.398 0.797 -2.155 0 180 0 74 12 Spoon -0.398 0.798 -2.008 0 270 0 74 13 Plate -2.666 0.925 -2.115 0 0 0 81 14 Tomato -0.348 1.754 -0.455 0 270 0 73 15 Tomato -0.441 1.162 -0.979 0 270 0 73 16 Bowl -2.780 0.922 -1.423 0 0 0 81 17 Bowl -0.422 0.080 -2.201 0 0 0 61 18 Lettuce -0.295 1.483 -0.874 0 270 0 73 19 Bread -0.343 1.443 -0.560 0 270 0 73 20 SaltShaker -0.449 0.743 -3.208 0 0 0 67 21 SaltShaker -0.538 0.077 -3.267 0 0 0 62 22 PepperShaker -0.365 0.912 -3.368 0 0 0 56 23 PepperShaker -0.391 0.743 -3.297 0 0 0 67 24 Apple -1.912 0.100 -3.763 0 0 0 72 25 Apple -2.780 0.996 -2.345 0 0 0 81 26 Apple -1.204 1.703 -3.936 0 0 0 69 27 Lettuce -0.343 1.191 -0.560 0 270 0 73 28 Glassbottle -2.210 0.924 -1.654 0 0 0 81 29 Egg -0.197 1.131 -0.455 0 270 0 73 30 Pen -0.457 0.918 -3.839 0 0 0 56 31 Fork -2.096 0.924 -1.423 0 0 0 81 32 SoapBottle -2.096 0.922 -0.963 0 0 0 81 33 Pencil -2.096 0.923 -1.884 0 0 0 81 34 WineBottle -0.815 0.916 -3.697 0 0 0 56 35 Spatula -2.438 0.938 -1.884 0 0 0 81 36 Bread -0.308 1.743 -0.874 0 270 0 73 37 Tomato -0.671 0.979 -3.485 0 0 0 56 38 Pan -1.515 0.935 -3.752 0 90 0 52 39 Cup -2.552 0.922 -0.963 0 0 0 81 40 Pot -2.238 0.913 -1.882 0 0 0 81 41 SaltShaker -0.600 0.912 -3.626 0 0 0 56 42 Potato -0.254 0.828 -1.860 0 270 0 74 43 PepperShaker -0.385 0.912 -3.839 0 0 0 56 44 ButterKnife -2.438 0.923 -2.115 0 0 0 81 45 DishSponge -2.666 0.923 -1.654 0 0 0 81 46 Spoon -0.457 0.916 -3.555 0 0 0 56 47 Plate -0.343 1.101 -0.769 0 270 0 73 48 Knife -2.096 0.946 -2.115 0 90 0 81 49 Mug -0.351 0.962 -3.144 0 270 0 70 50 Bowl -0.422 0.080 -1.758 0 0 0 51 51 Cabinet -0.582 0.388 -1.804 0 0 0 52 StoveBurner -1.515 0.928 -3.752 0 90 0 53 StoveBurner -1.515 0.928 -3.497 0 0 0 54 StoveBurner -1.129 0.928 -3.498 0 0 0 55 Drawer -0.749 0.779 -3.551 0 0 0 56 CounterTop -0.303 0.951 -2.793 0 0 0 57 Cabinet -0.883 2.140 -3.687 0 0 0 58 Cabinet -0.312 2.140 -1.543 0 0 0 59 Sink -0.349 0.907 -2.014 0 0 0 60 Cabinet -0.877 0.388 -3.422 0 0 0 61 Cabinet -0.582 0.388 -2.197 0 0 0 62 Cabinet -0.584 0.388 -3.396 0 0 0 63 Cabinet -0.312 2.140 -2.481 0 0 0 64 Cabinet -0.330 1.921 -3.390 0 0 0 65 Cabinet -1.764 2.140 -3.687 0 0 0 66 StoveBurner -1.129 0.928 -3.752 0 90 0 67 Drawer -0.454 0.779 -3.268 0 0 0 68 Cabinet -0.302 1.916 -2.501 0 0 0 69 Microwave -1.317 1.517 -3.801 0 1.440 0 70 CoffeeMachine -0.153 0.903 -3.144 0 270 0 71 LightSwitch -4.323 1.319 0.0 0 180 0 72 GarbageCan -1.943 -7.152 -3.763 0 0 0 73 Fridge -0.330 0.0 -0.769 0 270 0 74 SinkBasin -0.350 0.786 -2.018 0 270 0 75 StoveKnob -1.582 1.082 -3.958 72.287 0 0 76 StoveKnob -1.177 1.082 -3.958 72.287 0 0 77 StoveKnob -1.424 1.082 -3.958 72.287 0 0 78 StoveKnob -1.028 1.082 -3.958 72.287 0 0 79 Toaster -0.181 0.903 -2.764 0 270 0 80 Window -2.503 1.782 -4.185 90 180 0 81 DiningTable -2.432 0.000 -1.694 0 270 0 82 Shelf -2.432 0.150 -1.694 0 270 0 83 Blinds -2.536 2.699 -3.959 0 0 0 84 Faucet -0.079 0.904 -2.034 270 180 0 85 Chair -3.264 0.002 -2.094 0 53.280 0 86 Chair -3.240 0.002 -1.253 0 117.257 0 87 Shelf -2.432 0.523 -1.694 0 270 0 88 NorthWall 89 EastWall 90 SouthWall 91 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Turn right and walk straight slightly then turn right and face to the green counter | STEP 2: Pick up the yellow handled knife from the edge of the counter | STEP 3: Turn around and walk straight up to the sink and face it | STEP 4: Place the knife in the sink and turn on the water to rinse then remove the knife | STEP 5: Turn around and walk straight up to the kitchen counter and face it | STEP 6: Place the knife on the counter | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Turn right and walk straight slightly then turn right and face to the green counter ", " STEP 2: Pick up the yellow handled knife from the edge of the counter ", " STEP 3: Turn around and walk straight up to the sink and face it ", " STEP 4: Place the knife in the sink and turn on the water to rinse then remove the knife ", " STEP 5: Turn around and walk straight up to the kitchen counter and face it ", " STEP 6: Place the knife on the counter ", " END" ] ]
Wash a knife and put it back
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " -1.75", " 0.900", " -1.25", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Glassbottle", " -2.438", " 0.924", " -1.423", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 81" ], [ "2", " Glassbottle", " -2.780", " 0.924", " -1.654", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 81" ], [ "3", " Pencil", " -2.438", " 0.923", " -1.193", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 81" ], [ "4", " Pen", " -0.457", " 0.918", " -3.626", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "5", " Potato", " -1.151", " 1.661", " -3.837", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 69" ], [ "6", " DishSponge", " -0.747", " 0.081", " -3.662", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 60" ], [ "7", " ButterKnife", " -0.600", " 0.915", " -3.839", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "8", " WineBottle", " -2.324", " 0.924", " -1.654", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 81" ], [ "9", " WineBottle", " -2.666", " 0.924", " -1.193", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 81" ], [ "10", " Spatula", " -0.293", " 0.930", " -3.570", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 56" ], [ "11", " Fork", " -0.398", " 0.797", " -2.155", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 74" ], [ "12", " Spoon", " -0.398", " 0.798", " -2.008", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 74" ], [ "13", " Plate", " -2.666", " 0.925", " -2.115", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 81" ], [ "14", " Tomato", " -0.348", " 1.754", " -0.455", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 73" ], [ "15", " Tomato", " -0.441", " 1.162", " -0.979", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 73" ], [ "16", " Bowl", " -2.780", " 0.922", " -1.423", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 81" ], [ "17", " Bowl", " -0.422", " 0.080", " -2.201", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 61" ], [ "18", " Lettuce", " -0.295", " 1.483", " -0.874", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 73" ], [ "19", " Bread", " -0.343", " 1.443", " -0.560", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 73" ], [ "20", " SaltShaker", " -0.449", " 0.743", " -3.208", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 67" ], [ "21", " SaltShaker", " -0.538", " 0.077", " -3.267", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 62" ], [ "22", " PepperShaker", " -0.365", " 0.912", " -3.368", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "23", " PepperShaker", " -0.391", " 0.743", " -3.297", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 67" ], [ "24", " Apple", " -1.912", " 0.100", " -3.763", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 72" ], [ "25", " Apple", " -2.780", " 0.996", " -2.345", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 81" ], [ "26", " Apple", " -1.204", " 1.703", " -3.936", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 69" ], [ "27", " Lettuce", " -0.343", " 1.191", " -0.560", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 73" ], [ "28", " Glassbottle", " -2.210", " 0.924", " -1.654", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 81" ], [ "29", " Egg", " -0.197", " 1.131", " -0.455", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 73" ], [ "30", " Pen", " -0.457", " 0.918", " -3.839", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "31", " Fork", " -2.096", " 0.924", " -1.423", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 81" ], [ "32", " SoapBottle", " -2.096", " 0.922", " -0.963", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 81" ], [ "33", " Pencil", " -2.096", " 0.923", " -1.884", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 81" ], [ "34", " WineBottle", " -0.815", " 0.916", " -3.697", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "35", " Spatula", " -2.438", " 0.938", " -1.884", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 81" ], [ "36", " Bread", " -0.308", " 1.743", " -0.874", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 73" ], [ "37", " Tomato", " -0.671", " 0.979", " -3.485", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "38", " Pan", " -1.515", " 0.935", " -3.752", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 52" ], [ "39", " Cup", " -2.552", " 0.922", " -0.963", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 81" ], [ "40", " Pot", " -2.238", " 0.913", " -1.882", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 81" ], [ "41", " SaltShaker", " -0.600", " 0.912", " -3.626", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "42", " Potato", " -0.254", " 0.828", " -1.860", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 74" ], [ "43", " PepperShaker", " -0.385", " 0.912", " -3.839", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "44", " ButterKnife", " -2.438", " 0.923", " -2.115", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 81" ], [ "45", " DishSponge", " -2.666", " 0.923", " -1.654", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 81" ], [ "46", " Spoon", " -0.457", " 0.916", " -3.555", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "47", " Plate", " -0.343", " 1.101", " -0.769", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 73" ], [ "48", " Knife", " -2.096", " 0.946", " -2.115", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 81" ], [ "49", " Mug", " -0.351", " 0.962", " -3.144", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 70" ], [ "50", " Bowl", " -0.422", " 0.080", " -1.758", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "51", " Cabinet", " -0.582", " 0.388", " -1.804", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " StoveBurner", " -1.515", " 0.928", " -3.752", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " StoveBurner", " -1.515", " 0.928", " -3.497", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " StoveBurner", " -1.129", " 0.928", " -3.498", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "55", " Drawer", " -0.749", " 0.779", " -3.551", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "56", " CounterTop", " -0.303", " 0.951", " -2.793", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "57", " Cabinet", " -0.883", " 2.140", " -3.687", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "58", " Cabinet", " -0.312", " 2.140", " -1.543", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "59", " Sink", " -0.349", " 0.907", " -2.014", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "60", " Cabinet", " -0.877", " 0.388", " -3.422", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "61", " Cabinet", " -0.582", " 0.388", " -2.197", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "62", " Cabinet", " -0.584", " 0.388", " -3.396", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "63", " Cabinet", " -0.312", " 2.140", " -2.481", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "64", " Cabinet", " -0.330", " 1.921", " -3.390", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "65", " Cabinet", " -1.764", " 2.140", " -3.687", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "66", " StoveBurner", " -1.129", " 0.928", " -3.752", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "67", " Drawer", " -0.454", " 0.779", " -3.268", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "68", " Cabinet", " -0.302", " 1.916", " -2.501", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "69", " Microwave", " -1.317", " 1.517", " -3.801", " 0", " 1.440", " 0", "" ], [ "70", " CoffeeMachine", " -0.153", " 0.903", " -3.144", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "71", " LightSwitch", " -4.323", " 1.319", " 0.0", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "72", " GarbageCan", " -1.943", " -7.152", " -3.763", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "73", " Fridge", " -0.330", " 0.0", " -0.769", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "74", " SinkBasin", " -0.350", " 0.786", " -2.018", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "75", " StoveKnob", " -1.582", " 1.082", " -3.958", " 72.287", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "76", " StoveKnob", " -1.177", " 1.082", " -3.958", " 72.287", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "77", " StoveKnob", " -1.424", " 1.082", " -3.958", " 72.287", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "78", " StoveKnob", " -1.028", " 1.082", " -3.958", " 72.287", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "79", " Toaster", " -0.181", " 0.903", " -2.764", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "80", " Window", " -2.503", " 1.782", " -4.185", " 90", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "81", " DiningTable", " -2.432", " 0.000", " -1.694", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "82", " Shelf", " -2.432", " 0.150", " -1.694", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "83", " Blinds", " -2.536", " 2.699", " -3.959", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "84", " Faucet", " -0.079", " 0.904", " -2.034", " 270", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "85", " Chair", " -3.264", " 0.002", " -2.094", " 0", " 53.280", " 0", "" ], [ "86", " Chair", " -3.240", " 0.002", " -1.253", " 0", " 117.257", " 0", "" ], [ "87", " Shelf", " -2.432", " 0.523", " -1.694", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "88", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "89", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "90", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "91", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent -1.75 0.900 -1.25 0 90 0 1 Glassbottle -2.438 0.924 -1.423 0 0 0 81 2 Glassbottle -2.780 0.924 -1.654 0 0 0 81 3 Pencil -2.438 0.923 -1.193 0 0 0 81 4 Pen -0.457 0.918 -3.626 0 0 0 56 5 Potato -1.151 1.661 -3.837 0 0 0 69 6 DishSponge -0.747 0.081 -3.662 0 0 0 60 7 ButterKnife -0.600 0.915 -3.839 0 0 0 56 8 WineBottle -2.324 0.924 -1.654 0 0 0 81 9 WineBottle -2.666 0.924 -1.193 0 0 0 81 10 Spatula -0.293 0.930 -3.570 0 90 0 56 11 Fork -0.398 0.797 -2.155 0 180 0 74 12 Spoon -0.398 0.798 -2.008 0 270 0 74 13 Plate -2.666 0.925 -2.115 0 0 0 81 14 Tomato -0.348 1.754 -0.455 0 270 0 73 15 Tomato -0.441 1.162 -0.979 0 270 0 73 16 Bowl -2.780 0.922 -1.423 0 0 0 81 17 Bowl -0.422 0.080 -2.201 0 0 0 61 18 Lettuce -0.295 1.483 -0.874 0 270 0 73 19 Bread -0.343 1.443 -0.560 0 270 0 73 20 SaltShaker -0.449 0.743 -3.208 0 0 0 67 21 SaltShaker -0.538 0.077 -3.267 0 0 0 62 22 PepperShaker -0.365 0.912 -3.368 0 0 0 56 23 PepperShaker -0.391 0.743 -3.297 0 0 0 67 24 Apple -1.912 0.100 -3.763 0 0 0 72 25 Apple -2.780 0.996 -2.345 0 0 0 81 26 Apple -1.204 1.703 -3.936 0 0 0 69 27 Lettuce -0.343 1.191 -0.560 0 270 0 73 28 Glassbottle -2.210 0.924 -1.654 0 0 0 81 29 Egg -0.197 1.131 -0.455 0 270 0 73 30 Pen -0.457 0.918 -3.839 0 0 0 56 31 Fork -2.096 0.924 -1.423 0 0 0 81 32 SoapBottle -2.096 0.922 -0.963 0 0 0 81 33 Pencil -2.096 0.923 -1.884 0 0 0 81 34 WineBottle -0.815 0.916 -3.697 0 0 0 56 35 Spatula -2.438 0.938 -1.884 0 0 0 81 36 Bread -0.308 1.743 -0.874 0 270 0 73 37 Tomato -0.671 0.979 -3.485 0 0 0 56 38 Pan -1.515 0.935 -3.752 0 90 0 52 39 Cup -2.552 0.922 -0.963 0 0 0 81 40 Pot -2.238 0.913 -1.882 0 0 0 81 41 SaltShaker -0.600 0.912 -3.626 0 0 0 56 42 Potato -0.254 0.828 -1.860 0 270 0 74 43 PepperShaker -0.385 0.912 -3.839 0 0 0 56 44 ButterKnife -2.438 0.923 -2.115 0 0 0 81 45 DishSponge -2.666 0.923 -1.654 0 0 0 81 46 Spoon -0.457 0.916 -3.555 0 0 0 56 47 Plate -0.343 1.101 -0.769 0 270 0 73 48 Knife -2.096 0.946 -2.115 0 90 0 81 49 Mug -0.351 0.962 -3.144 0 270 0 70 50 Bowl -0.422 0.080 -1.758 0 0 0 51 51 Cabinet -0.582 0.388 -1.804 0 0 0 52 StoveBurner -1.515 0.928 -3.752 0 90 0 53 StoveBurner -1.515 0.928 -3.497 0 0 0 54 StoveBurner -1.129 0.928 -3.498 0 0 0 55 Drawer -0.749 0.779 -3.551 0 0 0 56 CounterTop -0.303 0.951 -2.793 0 0 0 57 Cabinet -0.883 2.140 -3.687 0 0 0 58 Cabinet -0.312 2.140 -1.543 0 0 0 59 Sink -0.349 0.907 -2.014 0 0 0 60 Cabinet -0.877 0.388 -3.422 0 0 0 61 Cabinet -0.582 0.388 -2.197 0 0 0 62 Cabinet -0.584 0.388 -3.396 0 0 0 63 Cabinet -0.312 2.140 -2.481 0 0 0 64 Cabinet -0.330 1.921 -3.390 0 0 0 65 Cabinet -1.764 2.140 -3.687 0 0 0 66 StoveBurner -1.129 0.928 -3.752 0 90 0 67 Drawer -0.454 0.779 -3.268 0 0 0 68 Cabinet -0.302 1.916 -2.501 0 0 0 69 Microwave -1.317 1.517 -3.801 0 1.440 0 70 CoffeeMachine -0.153 0.903 -3.144 0 270 0 71 LightSwitch -4.323 1.319 0.0 0 180 0 72 GarbageCan -1.943 -7.152 -3.763 0 0 0 73 Fridge -0.330 0.0 -0.769 0 270 0 74 SinkBasin -0.350 0.786 -2.018 0 270 0 75 StoveKnob -1.582 1.082 -3.958 72.287 0 0 76 StoveKnob -1.177 1.082 -3.958 72.287 0 0 77 StoveKnob -1.424 1.082 -3.958 72.287 0 0 78 StoveKnob -1.028 1.082 -3.958 72.287 0 0 79 Toaster -0.181 0.903 -2.764 0 270 0 80 Window -2.503 1.782 -4.185 90 180 0 81 DiningTable -2.432 0.000 -1.694 0 270 0 82 Shelf -2.432 0.150 -1.694 0 270 0 83 Blinds -2.536 2.699 -3.959 0 0 0 84 Faucet -0.079 0.904 -2.034 270 180 0 85 Chair -3.264 0.002 -2.094 0 53.280 0 86 Chair -3.240 0.002 -1.253 0 117.257 0 87 Shelf -2.432 0.523 -1.694 0 270 0 88 NorthWall 89 EastWall 90 SouthWall 91 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Go to the green table | STEP 2: Pick up the knife | STEP 3: Go to the sink | STEP 4: Wash the knife in the sink | STEP 5: Go to the green table | STEP 6: Place the knife down on the table | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Go to the green table ", " STEP 2: Pick up the knife ", " STEP 3: Go to the sink ", " STEP 4: Wash the knife in the sink ", " STEP 5: Go to the green table ", " STEP 6: Place the knife down on the table ", " END" ] ]
Clean the rag and put it in the tub
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " -1.75", " 0.900", " 4.25", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " TissueBox", " -0.255", " 1.045", " 3.223", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 45" ], [ "2", " TissueBox", " -3.540", " 0.541", " 1.293", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 41" ], [ "3", " Cloth", " -3.363", " 0.185", " 2.895", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 24" ], [ "4", " Cloth", " -3.532", " 0.185", " 2.428", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 24" ], [ "5", " SoapBar", " -1.646", " 0.037", " 4.887", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 33" ], [ "6", " SoapBar", " -3.363", " 0.185", " 2.662", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 24" ], [ "7", " Candle", " -3.072", " 0.685", " 3.720", " 0", " 348.434", " 0", " 26" ], [ "8", " SprayBottle", " -3.540", " 0.542", " 0.925", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 41" ], [ "9", " SprayBottle", " -3.828", " 0.542", " 1.477", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 26" ], [ "10", " Towel", " -1.719", " 1.228", " 1.846", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 38" ], [ "11", " ToiletPaper", " -0.153", " 1.126", " 3.705", " 0", " 270", " 270", " 44" ], [ "12", " Candle", " -3.713", " 0.550", " 1.293", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 41" ], [ "13", " SoapBottle", " -0.861", " 0.042", " 4.947", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 34" ], [ "14", " HandTowel", " -2.093", " 1.442", " 5.107", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 42" ], [ "15", " Towel", " -0.181", " 1.419", " 2.425", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 39" ], [ "16", " SoapBar", " -2.227", " 0.033", " 4.948", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 40" ], [ "17", " ToiletPaper", " -2.695", " 0.673", " 2.100", " 0", " 348.434", " 0", " 26" ], [ "18", " TissueBox", " -3.770", " 0.541", " 0.557", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 41" ], [ "19", " Cloth", " -1.796", " 0.038", " 4.827", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 33" ], [ "20", " ToiletPaper", " -0.222", " 0.960", " 5.015", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 31" ], [ "21", " SprayBottle", " -1.696", " 0.038", " 5.006", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 33" ], [ "22", " ScrubBrush", " -0.231", " -0.000", " 3.857", " 0", " 0", " 0", " Floor|+00.00|" ], [ "23", " Plunger", " -0.212", " -0.000", " 3.536", " 0", " 0", " 0", " Floor|+00.00|" ], [ "24", " BathtubBasin", " -3.404", " 0.166", " 2.904", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "25", " Cabinet", " -0.124", " 0.364", " 4.634", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "26", " Bathtub", " -2.896", " 0.667", " 2.860", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "27", " Faucet", " -3.475", " 0.711", " 3.811", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "28", " ShowerGlass", " 0.0", " 0.0", " 0.0", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " ShowerDoor", " -0.282", " 1.228", " 1.730", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " Faucet", " -1.524", " 1.047", " 5.096", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " CounterTop", " -1.023", " 0.954", " 4.884", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " Mirror", " -0.975", " 1.577", " 5.145", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " Cabinet", " -1.962", " 0.364", " 4.634", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " Cabinet", " -1.027", " 0.364", " 4.634", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " Cabinet", " -1.059", " 0.364", " 4.634", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " Window", " -1.993", " 1.888", " 0.144", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " LightSwitch", " -2.496", " 1.366", " 5.146", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " TowelHolder", " -1.720", " 1.213", " 1.740", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " TowelHolder", " -0.074", " 1.404", " 2.424", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "40", " GarbageCan", " -2.346", " 0.002", " 4.878", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "41", " Shelf", " -3.713", " 0.531", " 0.951", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "42", " HandTowelHolder", " -2.094", " 1.544", " 5.145", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "43", " HandTowelHolder", " -0.074", " 1.569", " 4.810", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "44", " ToiletPaperHanger", " -0.074", " 1.126", " 3.686", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "45", " Toilet", " -0.517", " -0.000", " 3.220", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "46", " ShowerHead", " -0.182", " 1.256", " 0.875", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "47", " SinkBasin", " -0.569", " 0.986", " 4.886", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "48", " Sink", " -0.579", " 0.926", " 4.874", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "49", " Sink", " -1.524", " 0.926", " 4.874", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "50", " SinkBasin", " -1.514", " 0.986", " 4.886", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "51", " Faucet", " -0.583", " 1.047", " 5.096", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "53", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "54", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "55", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- ----------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent -1.75 0.900 4.25 0 270 0 1 TissueBox -0.255 1.045 3.223 0 270 0 45 2 TissueBox -3.540 0.541 1.293 0 90 0 41 3 Cloth -3.363 0.185 2.895 0 0 0 24 4 Cloth -3.532 0.185 2.428 0 0 0 24 5 SoapBar -1.646 0.037 4.887 0 0 0 33 6 SoapBar -3.363 0.185 2.662 0 0 0 24 7 Candle -3.072 0.685 3.720 0 348.434 0 26 8 SprayBottle -3.540 0.542 0.925 0 90 0 41 9 SprayBottle -3.828 0.542 1.477 0 90 0 26 10 Towel -1.719 1.228 1.846 0 0 0 38 11 ToiletPaper -0.153 1.126 3.705 0 270 270 44 12 Candle -3.713 0.550 1.293 0 90 0 41 13 SoapBottle -0.861 0.042 4.947 0 0 0 34 14 HandTowel -2.093 1.442 5.107 0 0 0 42 15 Towel -0.181 1.419 2.425 0 270 0 39 16 SoapBar -2.227 0.033 4.948 0 0 0 40 17 ToiletPaper -2.695 0.673 2.100 0 348.434 0 26 18 TissueBox -3.770 0.541 0.557 0 90 0 41 19 Cloth -1.796 0.038 4.827 0 0 0 33 20 ToiletPaper -0.222 0.960 5.015 0 0 0 31 21 SprayBottle -1.696 0.038 5.006 0 0 0 33 22 ScrubBrush -0.231 -0.000 3.857 0 0 0 Floor|+00.00| 23 Plunger -0.212 -0.000 3.536 0 0 0 Floor|+00.00| 24 BathtubBasin -3.404 0.166 2.904 0 0 0 25 Cabinet -0.124 0.364 4.634 0 0 0 26 Bathtub -2.896 0.667 2.860 0 0 0 27 Faucet -3.475 0.711 3.811 0 0 0 28 ShowerGlass 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 29 ShowerDoor -0.282 1.228 1.730 0 0 0 30 Faucet -1.524 1.047 5.096 0 180 0 31 CounterTop -1.023 0.954 4.884 0 0 0 32 Mirror -0.975 1.577 5.145 0 0 0 33 Cabinet -1.962 0.364 4.634 0 0 0 34 Cabinet -1.027 0.364 4.634 0 0 0 35 Cabinet -1.059 0.364 4.634 0 0 0 36 Window -1.993 1.888 0.144 0 0 0 37 LightSwitch -2.496 1.366 5.146 0 180 0 38 TowelHolder -1.720 1.213 1.740 0 0 0 39 TowelHolder -0.074 1.404 2.424 0 270 0 40 GarbageCan -2.346 0.002 4.878 0 180 0 41 Shelf -3.713 0.531 0.951 0 90 0 42 HandTowelHolder -2.094 1.544 5.145 0 90 0 43 HandTowelHolder -0.074 1.569 4.810 0 180 0 44 ToiletPaperHanger -0.074 1.126 3.686 0 270 0 45 Toilet -0.517 -0.000 3.220 0 0 0 46 ShowerHead -0.182 1.256 0.875 0 0 0 47 SinkBasin -0.569 0.986 4.886 0 180 0 48 Sink -0.579 0.926 4.874 0 180 0 49 Sink -1.524 0.926 4.874 0 180 0 50 SinkBasin -1.514 0.986 4.886 0 180 0 51 Faucet -0.583 1.047 5.096 0 180 0 52 NorthWall 53 EastWall 54 SouthWall 55 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Walk over to the sink | STEP 2: Grab the rag out of the cabinet | STEP 3: Walk over to the right sink | STEP 4: Wash the rag | STEP 5: Walk over to the tub | STEP 6: Place the rag in the tub | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Walk over to the sink ", " STEP 2: Grab the rag out of the cabinet ", " STEP 3: Walk over to the right sink ", " STEP 4: Wash the rag ", " STEP 5: Walk over to the tub ", " STEP 6: Place the rag in the tub ", " END" ] ]
rinse off a dirty rag and put it into the bath tub
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " -1.75", " 0.900", " 4.25", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " TissueBox", " -0.255", " 1.045", " 3.223", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 45" ], [ "2", " TissueBox", " -3.540", " 0.541", " 1.293", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 41" ], [ "3", " Cloth", " -3.363", " 0.185", " 2.895", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 24" ], [ "4", " Cloth", " -3.532", " 0.185", " 2.428", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 24" ], [ "5", " SoapBar", " -1.646", " 0.037", " 4.887", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 33" ], [ "6", " SoapBar", " -3.363", " 0.185", " 2.662", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 24" ], [ "7", " Candle", " -3.072", " 0.685", " 3.720", " 0", " 348.434", " 0", " 26" ], [ "8", " SprayBottle", " -3.540", " 0.542", " 0.925", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 41" ], [ "9", " SprayBottle", " -3.828", " 0.542", " 1.477", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 26" ], [ "10", " Towel", " -1.719", " 1.228", " 1.846", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 38" ], [ "11", " ToiletPaper", " -0.153", " 1.126", " 3.705", " 0", " 270", " 270", " 44" ], [ "12", " Candle", " -3.713", " 0.550", " 1.293", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 41" ], [ "13", " SoapBottle", " -0.861", " 0.042", " 4.947", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 34" ], [ "14", " HandTowel", " -2.093", " 1.442", " 5.107", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 42" ], [ "15", " Towel", " -0.181", " 1.419", " 2.425", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 39" ], [ "16", " SoapBar", " -2.227", " 0.033", " 4.948", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 40" ], [ "17", " ToiletPaper", " -2.695", " 0.673", " 2.100", " 0", " 348.434", " 0", " 26" ], [ "18", " TissueBox", " -3.770", " 0.541", " 0.557", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 41" ], [ "19", " Cloth", " -1.796", " 0.038", " 4.827", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 33" ], [ "20", " ToiletPaper", " -0.222", " 0.960", " 5.015", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 31" ], [ "21", " SprayBottle", " -1.696", " 0.038", " 5.006", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 33" ], [ "22", " ScrubBrush", " -0.231", " -0.000", " 3.857", " 0", " 0", " 0", " Floor|+00.00|" ], [ "23", " Plunger", " -0.212", " -0.000", " 3.536", " 0", " 0", " 0", " Floor|+00.00|" ], [ "24", " BathtubBasin", " -3.404", " 0.166", " 2.904", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "25", " Cabinet", " -0.124", " 0.364", " 4.634", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "26", " Bathtub", " -2.896", " 0.667", " 2.860", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "27", " Faucet", " -3.475", " 0.711", " 3.811", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "28", " ShowerGlass", " 0.0", " 0.0", " 0.0", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " ShowerDoor", " -0.282", " 1.228", " 1.730", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " Faucet", " -1.524", " 1.047", " 5.096", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " CounterTop", " -1.023", " 0.954", " 4.884", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " Mirror", " -0.975", " 1.577", " 5.145", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " Cabinet", " -1.962", " 0.364", " 4.634", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " Cabinet", " -1.027", " 0.364", " 4.634", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " Cabinet", " -1.059", " 0.364", " 4.634", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " Window", " -1.993", " 1.888", " 0.144", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " LightSwitch", " -2.496", " 1.366", " 5.146", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " TowelHolder", " -1.720", " 1.213", " 1.740", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " TowelHolder", " -0.074", " 1.404", " 2.424", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "40", " GarbageCan", " -2.346", " 0.002", " 4.878", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "41", " Shelf", " -3.713", " 0.531", " 0.951", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "42", " HandTowelHolder", " -2.094", " 1.544", " 5.145", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "43", " HandTowelHolder", " -0.074", " 1.569", " 4.810", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "44", " ToiletPaperHanger", " -0.074", " 1.126", " 3.686", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "45", " Toilet", " -0.517", " -0.000", " 3.220", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "46", " ShowerHead", " -0.182", " 1.256", " 0.875", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "47", " SinkBasin", " -0.569", " 0.986", " 4.886", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "48", " Sink", " -0.579", " 0.926", " 4.874", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "49", " Sink", " -1.524", " 0.926", " 4.874", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "50", " SinkBasin", " -1.514", " 0.986", " 4.886", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "51", " Faucet", " -0.583", " 1.047", " 5.096", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "53", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "54", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "55", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- ----------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent -1.75 0.900 4.25 0 270 0 1 TissueBox -0.255 1.045 3.223 0 270 0 45 2 TissueBox -3.540 0.541 1.293 0 90 0 41 3 Cloth -3.363 0.185 2.895 0 0 0 24 4 Cloth -3.532 0.185 2.428 0 0 0 24 5 SoapBar -1.646 0.037 4.887 0 0 0 33 6 SoapBar -3.363 0.185 2.662 0 0 0 24 7 Candle -3.072 0.685 3.720 0 348.434 0 26 8 SprayBottle -3.540 0.542 0.925 0 90 0 41 9 SprayBottle -3.828 0.542 1.477 0 90 0 26 10 Towel -1.719 1.228 1.846 0 0 0 38 11 ToiletPaper -0.153 1.126 3.705 0 270 270 44 12 Candle -3.713 0.550 1.293 0 90 0 41 13 SoapBottle -0.861 0.042 4.947 0 0 0 34 14 HandTowel -2.093 1.442 5.107 0 0 0 42 15 Towel -0.181 1.419 2.425 0 270 0 39 16 SoapBar -2.227 0.033 4.948 0 0 0 40 17 ToiletPaper -2.695 0.673 2.100 0 348.434 0 26 18 TissueBox -3.770 0.541 0.557 0 90 0 41 19 Cloth -1.796 0.038 4.827 0 0 0 33 20 ToiletPaper -0.222 0.960 5.015 0 0 0 31 21 SprayBottle -1.696 0.038 5.006 0 0 0 33 22 ScrubBrush -0.231 -0.000 3.857 0 0 0 Floor|+00.00| 23 Plunger -0.212 -0.000 3.536 0 0 0 Floor|+00.00| 24 BathtubBasin -3.404 0.166 2.904 0 0 0 25 Cabinet -0.124 0.364 4.634 0 0 0 26 Bathtub -2.896 0.667 2.860 0 0 0 27 Faucet -3.475 0.711 3.811 0 0 0 28 ShowerGlass 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 29 ShowerDoor -0.282 1.228 1.730 0 0 0 30 Faucet -1.524 1.047 5.096 0 180 0 31 CounterTop -1.023 0.954 4.884 0 0 0 32 Mirror -0.975 1.577 5.145 0 0 0 33 Cabinet -1.962 0.364 4.634 0 0 0 34 Cabinet -1.027 0.364 4.634 0 0 0 35 Cabinet -1.059 0.364 4.634 0 0 0 36 Window -1.993 1.888 0.144 0 0 0 37 LightSwitch -2.496 1.366 5.146 0 180 0 38 TowelHolder -1.720 1.213 1.740 0 0 0 39 TowelHolder -0.074 1.404 2.424 0 270 0 40 GarbageCan -2.346 0.002 4.878 0 180 0 41 Shelf -3.713 0.531 0.951 0 90 0 42 HandTowelHolder -2.094 1.544 5.145 0 90 0 43 HandTowelHolder -0.074 1.569 4.810 0 180 0 44 ToiletPaperHanger -0.074 1.126 3.686 0 270 0 45 Toilet -0.517 -0.000 3.220 0 0 0 46 ShowerHead -0.182 1.256 0.875 0 0 0 47 SinkBasin -0.569 0.986 4.886 0 180 0 48 Sink -0.579 0.926 4.874 0 180 0 49 Sink -1.524 0.926 4.874 0 180 0 50 SinkBasin -1.514 0.986 4.886 0 180 0 51 Faucet -0.583 1.047 5.096 0 180 0 52 NorthWall 53 EastWall 54 SouthWall 55 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: turn right and look down towards the sink | STEP 2: open the sink cabinet and take out the rag and close the door | STEP 3: turn right and walk straight then turn left towards the sink | STEP 4: put the rag down in the sink and turn it on then drain the sink and remove the rag from the sink | STEP 5: turn left walk straight then turn left towards the toilet and walk straight towards the shower and turn right towards the bath tub and look down | STEP 6: put the rag down inside of the bath tub | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: turn right and look down towards the sink ", " STEP 2: open the sink cabinet and take out the rag and close the door ", " STEP 3: turn right and walk straight then turn left towards the sink ", " STEP 4: put the rag down in the sink and turn it on then drain the sink and remove the rag from the sink ", " STEP 5: turn left walk straight then turn left towards the toilet and walk straight towards the shower and turn right towards the bath tub and look down ", " STEP 6: put the rag down inside of the bath tub ", " END" ] ]
Place a clean rag in a bathtub.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " -1.75", " 0.900", " 4.25", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " TissueBox", " -0.255", " 1.045", " 3.223", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 45" ], [ "2", " TissueBox", " -3.540", " 0.541", " 1.293", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 41" ], [ "3", " Cloth", " -3.363", " 0.185", " 2.895", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 24" ], [ "4", " Cloth", " -3.532", " 0.185", " 2.428", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 24" ], [ "5", " SoapBar", " -1.646", " 0.037", " 4.887", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 33" ], [ "6", " SoapBar", " -3.363", " 0.185", " 2.662", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 24" ], [ "7", " Candle", " -3.072", " 0.685", " 3.720", " 0", " 348.434", " 0", " 26" ], [ "8", " SprayBottle", " -3.540", " 0.542", " 0.925", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 41" ], [ "9", " SprayBottle", " -3.828", " 0.542", " 1.477", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 26" ], [ "10", " Towel", " -1.719", " 1.228", " 1.846", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 38" ], [ "11", " ToiletPaper", " -0.153", " 1.126", " 3.705", " 0", " 270", " 270", " 44" ], [ "12", " Candle", " -3.713", " 0.550", " 1.293", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 41" ], [ "13", " SoapBottle", " -0.861", " 0.042", " 4.947", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 34" ], [ "14", " HandTowel", " -2.093", " 1.442", " 5.107", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 42" ], [ "15", " Towel", " -0.181", " 1.419", " 2.425", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 39" ], [ "16", " SoapBar", " -2.227", " 0.033", " 4.948", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 40" ], [ "17", " ToiletPaper", " -2.695", " 0.673", " 2.100", " 0", " 348.434", " 0", " 26" ], [ "18", " TissueBox", " -3.770", " 0.541", " 0.557", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 41" ], [ "19", " Cloth", " -1.796", " 0.038", " 4.827", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 33" ], [ "20", " ToiletPaper", " -0.222", " 0.960", " 5.015", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 31" ], [ "21", " SprayBottle", " -1.696", " 0.038", " 5.006", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 33" ], [ "22", " ScrubBrush", " -0.231", " -0.000", " 3.857", " 0", " 0", " 0", " Floor|+00.00|" ], [ "23", " Plunger", " -0.212", " -0.000", " 3.536", " 0", " 0", " 0", " Floor|+00.00|" ], [ "24", " BathtubBasin", " -3.404", " 0.166", " 2.904", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "25", " Cabinet", " -0.124", " 0.364", " 4.634", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "26", " Bathtub", " -2.896", " 0.667", " 2.860", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "27", " Faucet", " -3.475", " 0.711", " 3.811", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "28", " ShowerGlass", " 0.0", " 0.0", " 0.0", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " ShowerDoor", " -0.282", " 1.228", " 1.730", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " Faucet", " -1.524", " 1.047", " 5.096", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " CounterTop", " -1.023", " 0.954", " 4.884", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " Mirror", " -0.975", " 1.577", " 5.145", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " Cabinet", " -1.962", " 0.364", " 4.634", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " Cabinet", " -1.027", " 0.364", " 4.634", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " Cabinet", " -1.059", " 0.364", " 4.634", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " Window", " -1.993", " 1.888", " 0.144", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " LightSwitch", " -2.496", " 1.366", " 5.146", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " TowelHolder", " -1.720", " 1.213", " 1.740", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " TowelHolder", " -0.074", " 1.404", " 2.424", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "40", " GarbageCan", " -2.346", " 0.002", " 4.878", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "41", " Shelf", " -3.713", " 0.531", " 0.951", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "42", " HandTowelHolder", " -2.094", " 1.544", " 5.145", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "43", " HandTowelHolder", " -0.074", " 1.569", " 4.810", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "44", " ToiletPaperHanger", " -0.074", " 1.126", " 3.686", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "45", " Toilet", " -0.517", " -0.000", " 3.220", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "46", " ShowerHead", " -0.182", " 1.256", " 0.875", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "47", " SinkBasin", " -0.569", " 0.986", " 4.886", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "48", " Sink", " -0.579", " 0.926", " 4.874", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "49", " Sink", " -1.524", " 0.926", " 4.874", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "50", " SinkBasin", " -1.514", " 0.986", " 4.886", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "51", " Faucet", " -0.583", " 1.047", " 5.096", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "53", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "54", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "55", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- ----------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent -1.75 0.900 4.25 0 270 0 1 TissueBox -0.255 1.045 3.223 0 270 0 45 2 TissueBox -3.540 0.541 1.293 0 90 0 41 3 Cloth -3.363 0.185 2.895 0 0 0 24 4 Cloth -3.532 0.185 2.428 0 0 0 24 5 SoapBar -1.646 0.037 4.887 0 0 0 33 6 SoapBar -3.363 0.185 2.662 0 0 0 24 7 Candle -3.072 0.685 3.720 0 348.434 0 26 8 SprayBottle -3.540 0.542 0.925 0 90 0 41 9 SprayBottle -3.828 0.542 1.477 0 90 0 26 10 Towel -1.719 1.228 1.846 0 0 0 38 11 ToiletPaper -0.153 1.126 3.705 0 270 270 44 12 Candle -3.713 0.550 1.293 0 90 0 41 13 SoapBottle -0.861 0.042 4.947 0 0 0 34 14 HandTowel -2.093 1.442 5.107 0 0 0 42 15 Towel -0.181 1.419 2.425 0 270 0 39 16 SoapBar -2.227 0.033 4.948 0 0 0 40 17 ToiletPaper -2.695 0.673 2.100 0 348.434 0 26 18 TissueBox -3.770 0.541 0.557 0 90 0 41 19 Cloth -1.796 0.038 4.827 0 0 0 33 20 ToiletPaper -0.222 0.960 5.015 0 0 0 31 21 SprayBottle -1.696 0.038 5.006 0 0 0 33 22 ScrubBrush -0.231 -0.000 3.857 0 0 0 Floor|+00.00| 23 Plunger -0.212 -0.000 3.536 0 0 0 Floor|+00.00| 24 BathtubBasin -3.404 0.166 2.904 0 0 0 25 Cabinet -0.124 0.364 4.634 0 0 0 26 Bathtub -2.896 0.667 2.860 0 0 0 27 Faucet -3.475 0.711 3.811 0 0 0 28 ShowerGlass 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 29 ShowerDoor -0.282 1.228 1.730 0 0 0 30 Faucet -1.524 1.047 5.096 0 180 0 31 CounterTop -1.023 0.954 4.884 0 0 0 32 Mirror -0.975 1.577 5.145 0 0 0 33 Cabinet -1.962 0.364 4.634 0 0 0 34 Cabinet -1.027 0.364 4.634 0 0 0 35 Cabinet -1.059 0.364 4.634 0 0 0 36 Window -1.993 1.888 0.144 0 0 0 37 LightSwitch -2.496 1.366 5.146 0 180 0 38 TowelHolder -1.720 1.213 1.740 0 0 0 39 TowelHolder -0.074 1.404 2.424 0 270 0 40 GarbageCan -2.346 0.002 4.878 0 180 0 41 Shelf -3.713 0.531 0.951 0 90 0 42 HandTowelHolder -2.094 1.544 5.145 0 90 0 43 HandTowelHolder -0.074 1.569 4.810 0 180 0 44 ToiletPaperHanger -0.074 1.126 3.686 0 270 0 45 Toilet -0.517 -0.000 3.220 0 0 0 46 ShowerHead -0.182 1.256 0.875 0 0 0 47 SinkBasin -0.569 0.986 4.886 0 180 0 48 Sink -0.579 0.926 4.874 0 180 0 49 Sink -1.524 0.926 4.874 0 180 0 50 SinkBasin -1.514 0.986 4.886 0 180 0 51 Faucet -0.583 1.047 5.096 0 180 0 52 NorthWall 53 EastWall 54 SouthWall 55 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Turn right. | STEP 2: Take the rag out of the bottom left cabinet under the sink. | STEP 3: Walk to the right sink. | STEP 4: Wash the rag in the sink. | STEP 5: Turn left and walk to the bathtub. | STEP 6: Place the rag in the bathtub, in front of the bar of soap. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Turn right. ", " STEP 2: Take the rag out of the bottom left cabinet under the sink. ", " STEP 3: Walk to the right sink. ", " STEP 4: Wash the rag in the sink. ", " STEP 5: Turn left and walk to the bathtub. ", " STEP 6: Place the rag in the bathtub, in front of the bar of soap. ", " END" ] ]
Move dirty towels to the bathtub.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " -0.75", " 0.903", " 4.0", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Cloth", " 0.232", " 0.097", " 3.363", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 21" ], [ "2", " Cloth", " -2.163", " 0.704", " 0.717", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 22" ], [ "3", " SoapBar", " 0.521", " 0.097", " 3.558", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 21" ], [ "4", " SoapBar", " -0.167", " 0.151", " 1.349", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 33" ], [ "5", " Candle", " 0.449", " 0.106", " 3.558", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 21" ], [ "6", " SprayBottle", " 0.699", " 1.048", " 4.342", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 34" ], [ "7", " SoapBottle", " 0.449", " 0.101", " 3.265", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 21" ], [ "8", " Towel", " -2.393", " 1.478", " 0.580", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 28" ], [ "9", " Candle", " 0.029", " 1.063", " 3.236", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 25" ], [ "10", " Cloth", " -2.004", " 0.704", " 0.135", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 22" ], [ "11", " HandTowel", " 0.397", " 1.656", " 2.039", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 32" ], [ "12", " Plunger", " 0.480", " 0.002", " 4.793", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "13", " SoapBar", " -2.322", " 0.704", " 0.280", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 22" ], [ "14", " ToiletPaper", " -0.047", " 0.971", " 4.911", " 0", " 180", " 90", " 29" ], [ "15", " ToiletPaper", " 0.668", " 1.044", " 4.670", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 34" ], [ "16", " SoapBottle", " 0.752", " 1.058", " 2.169", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 25" ], [ "17", " SprayBottle", " 0.638", " 1.048", " 4.473", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 34" ], [ "18", " ScrubBrush", " 0.688", " 0.002", " 4.867", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "19", " Sink", " 0.426", " 1.037", " 2.947", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "20", " Window", " -2.548", " 1.673", " 2.405", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "21", " Cabinet", " 0.068", " 0.366", " 3.772", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "22", " Bathtub", " -1.042", " 0.155", " 0.558", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "23", " SinkBasin", " 0.404", " 0.926", " 2.926", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "24", " Mirror", " 0.858", " 1.863", " 2.972", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "25", " CounterTop", " 0.487", " 1.015", " 3.090", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "26", " Faucet", " -0.207", " 0.687", " 0.546", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "27", " Cabinet", " 0.074", " 0.379", " 2.045", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "28", " TowelHolder", " -2.5", " 1.463", " 0.579", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " ToiletPaperHanger", " -0.081", " 0.971", " 5.0", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " LightSwitch", " -1.121", " 1.333", " 5.000", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " BathtubBasin", " -1.062", " 0.153", " 0.556", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " HandTowelHolder", " 0.398", " 1.758", " 2.000", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " GarbageCan", " -0.229", " 0.001", " 1.445", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " Toilet", " 0.376", " 0.002", " 4.470", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " Faucet", " 0.661", " 1.043", " 3.371", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " Faucet", " 0.661", " 1.043", " 2.520", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "38", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "39", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "40", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- ----------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent -0.75 0.903 4.0 0 180 0 1 Cloth 0.232 0.097 3.363 0 0 0 21 2 Cloth -2.163 0.704 0.717 0 0 0 22 3 SoapBar 0.521 0.097 3.558 0 0 0 21 4 SoapBar -0.167 0.151 1.349 0 90 0 33 5 Candle 0.449 0.106 3.558 0 0 0 21 6 SprayBottle 0.699 1.048 4.342 0 270 0 34 7 SoapBottle 0.449 0.101 3.265 0 0 0 21 8 Towel -2.393 1.478 0.580 0 90 0 28 9 Candle 0.029 1.063 3.236 0 0 0 25 10 Cloth -2.004 0.704 0.135 0 0 0 22 11 HandTowel 0.397 1.656 2.039 0 180 0 32 12 Plunger 0.480 0.002 4.793 0 0 0 13 SoapBar -2.322 0.704 0.280 0 0 0 22 14 ToiletPaper -0.047 0.971 4.911 0 180 90 29 15 ToiletPaper 0.668 1.044 4.670 0 270 0 34 16 SoapBottle 0.752 1.058 2.169 0 0 0 25 17 SprayBottle 0.638 1.048 4.473 0 270 0 34 18 ScrubBrush 0.688 0.002 4.867 0 0 0 19 Sink 0.426 1.037 2.947 0 270 0 20 Window -2.548 1.673 2.405 0 0 0 21 Cabinet 0.068 0.366 3.772 0 0 0 22 Bathtub -1.042 0.155 0.558 0 0 0 23 SinkBasin 0.404 0.926 2.926 0 270 0 24 Mirror 0.858 1.863 2.972 0 0 0 25 CounterTop 0.487 1.015 3.090 0 0 0 26 Faucet -0.207 0.687 0.546 0 0 0 27 Cabinet 0.074 0.379 2.045 0 0 0 28 TowelHolder -2.5 1.463 0.579 0 90 0 29 ToiletPaperHanger -0.081 0.971 5.0 0 180 0 30 LightSwitch -1.121 1.333 5.000 0 180 0 31 BathtubBasin -1.062 0.153 0.556 0 0 0 32 HandTowelHolder 0.398 1.758 2.000 0 270 0 33 GarbageCan -0.229 0.001 1.445 0 270 0 34 Toilet 0.376 0.002 4.470 0 0 0 35 Faucet 0.661 1.043 3.371 0 270 0 36 Faucet 0.661 1.043 2.520 0 270 0 37 NorthWall 38 EastWall 39 SouthWall 40 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Turn around and go to the sink. | STEP 2: Pick up a dirty towel from the counter. | STEP 3: Turn and go to the bathtub. | STEP 4: Put the dirty towel in the bathtub. | STEP 5: Turn right and go to the counter by the bathtub. | STEP 6: Pick up a dirty towel from the counter. | STEP 7: Turn left and go to the bathtub. | STEP 8: Put the dirty towel in the bathtub. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Turn around and go to the sink. ", " STEP 2: Pick up a dirty towel from the counter. ", " STEP 3: Turn and go to the bathtub. ", " STEP 4: Put the dirty towel in the bathtub. ", " STEP 5: Turn right and go to the counter by the bathtub. ", " STEP 6: Pick up a dirty towel from the counter. ", " STEP 7: Turn left and go to the bathtub. ", " STEP 8: Put the dirty towel in the bathtub. ", " END" ] ]
place two cloth's inside of the bath tub
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " -0.75", " 0.903", " 4.0", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Cloth", " 0.232", " 0.097", " 3.363", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 21" ], [ "2", " Cloth", " -2.163", " 0.704", " 0.717", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 22" ], [ "3", " SoapBar", " 0.521", " 0.097", " 3.558", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 21" ], [ "4", " SoapBar", " -0.167", " 0.151", " 1.349", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 33" ], [ "5", " Candle", " 0.449", " 0.106", " 3.558", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 21" ], [ "6", " SprayBottle", " 0.699", " 1.048", " 4.342", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 34" ], [ "7", " SoapBottle", " 0.449", " 0.101", " 3.265", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 21" ], [ "8", " Towel", " -2.393", " 1.478", " 0.580", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 28" ], [ "9", " Candle", " 0.029", " 1.063", " 3.236", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 25" ], [ "10", " Cloth", " -2.004", " 0.704", " 0.135", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 22" ], [ "11", " HandTowel", " 0.397", " 1.656", " 2.039", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 32" ], [ "12", " Plunger", " 0.480", " 0.002", " 4.793", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "13", " SoapBar", " -2.322", " 0.704", " 0.280", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 22" ], [ "14", " ToiletPaper", " -0.047", " 0.971", " 4.911", " 0", " 180", " 90", " 29" ], [ "15", " ToiletPaper", " 0.668", " 1.044", " 4.670", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 34" ], [ "16", " SoapBottle", " 0.752", " 1.058", " 2.169", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 25" ], [ "17", " SprayBottle", " 0.638", " 1.048", " 4.473", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 34" ], [ "18", " ScrubBrush", " 0.688", " 0.002", " 4.867", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "19", " Sink", " 0.426", " 1.037", " 2.947", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "20", " Window", " -2.548", " 1.673", " 2.405", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "21", " Cabinet", " 0.068", " 0.366", " 3.772", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "22", " Bathtub", " -1.042", " 0.155", " 0.558", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "23", " SinkBasin", " 0.404", " 0.926", " 2.926", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "24", " Mirror", " 0.858", " 1.863", " 2.972", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "25", " CounterTop", " 0.487", " 1.015", " 3.090", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "26", " Faucet", " -0.207", " 0.687", " 0.546", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "27", " Cabinet", " 0.074", " 0.379", " 2.045", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "28", " TowelHolder", " -2.5", " 1.463", " 0.579", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " ToiletPaperHanger", " -0.081", " 0.971", " 5.0", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " LightSwitch", " -1.121", " 1.333", " 5.000", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " BathtubBasin", " -1.062", " 0.153", " 0.556", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " HandTowelHolder", " 0.398", " 1.758", " 2.000", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " GarbageCan", " -0.229", " 0.001", " 1.445", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " Toilet", " 0.376", " 0.002", " 4.470", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " Faucet", " 0.661", " 1.043", " 3.371", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " Faucet", " 0.661", " 1.043", " 2.520", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "38", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "39", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "40", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- ----------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent -0.75 0.903 4.0 0 180 0 1 Cloth 0.232 0.097 3.363 0 0 0 21 2 Cloth -2.163 0.704 0.717 0 0 0 22 3 SoapBar 0.521 0.097 3.558 0 0 0 21 4 SoapBar -0.167 0.151 1.349 0 90 0 33 5 Candle 0.449 0.106 3.558 0 0 0 21 6 SprayBottle 0.699 1.048 4.342 0 270 0 34 7 SoapBottle 0.449 0.101 3.265 0 0 0 21 8 Towel -2.393 1.478 0.580 0 90 0 28 9 Candle 0.029 1.063 3.236 0 0 0 25 10 Cloth -2.004 0.704 0.135 0 0 0 22 11 HandTowel 0.397 1.656 2.039 0 180 0 32 12 Plunger 0.480 0.002 4.793 0 0 0 13 SoapBar -2.322 0.704 0.280 0 0 0 22 14 ToiletPaper -0.047 0.971 4.911 0 180 90 29 15 ToiletPaper 0.668 1.044 4.670 0 270 0 34 16 SoapBottle 0.752 1.058 2.169 0 0 0 25 17 SprayBottle 0.638 1.048 4.473 0 270 0 34 18 ScrubBrush 0.688 0.002 4.867 0 0 0 19 Sink 0.426 1.037 2.947 0 270 0 20 Window -2.548 1.673 2.405 0 0 0 21 Cabinet 0.068 0.366 3.772 0 0 0 22 Bathtub -1.042 0.155 0.558 0 0 0 23 SinkBasin 0.404 0.926 2.926 0 270 0 24 Mirror 0.858 1.863 2.972 0 0 0 25 CounterTop 0.487 1.015 3.090 0 0 0 26 Faucet -0.207 0.687 0.546 0 0 0 27 Cabinet 0.074 0.379 2.045 0 0 0 28 TowelHolder -2.5 1.463 0.579 0 90 0 29 ToiletPaperHanger -0.081 0.971 5.0 0 180 0 30 LightSwitch -1.121 1.333 5.000 0 180 0 31 BathtubBasin -1.062 0.153 0.556 0 0 0 32 HandTowelHolder 0.398 1.758 2.000 0 270 0 33 GarbageCan -0.229 0.001 1.445 0 270 0 34 Toilet 0.376 0.002 4.470 0 0 0 35 Faucet 0.661 1.043 3.371 0 270 0 36 Faucet 0.661 1.043 2.520 0 270 0 37 NorthWall 38 EastWall 39 SouthWall 40 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: turn right and walk to the end of the room, then turn left and walk over to the bath tub at the end of the room | STEP 2: grab the cloth off of the right side of the bathroom tub | STEP 3: move to the left a bit to face the center of the bath tub | STEP 4: place the cloth inside of the bath tub | STEP 5: move to the right to go back to the right side of the bath tub again | STEP 6: grab the cloth off of the bath tub | STEP 7: move to the left a bit to face the center of the bath tub | STEP 8: place the cloth inside of the bath tub | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: turn right and walk to the end of the room, then turn left and walk over to the bath tub at the end of the room ", " STEP 2: grab the cloth off of the right side of the bathroom tub ", " STEP 3: move to the left a bit to face the center of the bath tub ", " STEP 4: place the cloth inside of the bath tub ", " STEP 5: move to the right to go back to the right side of the bath tub again ", " STEP 6: grab the cloth off of the bath tub ", " STEP 7: move to the left a bit to face the center of the bath tub ", " STEP 8: place the cloth inside of the bath tub ", " END" ] ]
Put two rags in the sink.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " -0.75", " 0.903", " 4.0", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Cloth", " 0.232", " 0.097", " 3.363", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 21" ], [ "2", " Cloth", " -2.163", " 0.704", " 0.717", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 22" ], [ "3", " SoapBar", " 0.521", " 0.097", " 3.558", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 21" ], [ "4", " SoapBar", " -0.167", " 0.151", " 1.349", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 33" ], [ "5", " Candle", " 0.449", " 0.106", " 3.558", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 21" ], [ "6", " SprayBottle", " 0.699", " 1.048", " 4.342", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 34" ], [ "7", " SoapBottle", " 0.449", " 0.101", " 3.265", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 21" ], [ "8", " Towel", " -2.393", " 1.478", " 0.580", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 28" ], [ "9", " Candle", " 0.029", " 1.063", " 3.236", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 25" ], [ "10", " Cloth", " -2.004", " 0.704", " 0.135", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 22" ], [ "11", " HandTowel", " 0.397", " 1.656", " 2.039", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 32" ], [ "12", " Plunger", " 0.480", " 0.002", " 4.793", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "13", " SoapBar", " -2.322", " 0.704", " 0.280", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 22" ], [ "14", " ToiletPaper", " -0.047", " 0.971", " 4.911", " 0", " 180", " 90", " 29" ], [ "15", " ToiletPaper", " 0.668", " 1.044", " 4.670", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 34" ], [ "16", " SoapBottle", " 0.752", " 1.058", " 2.169", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 25" ], [ "17", " SprayBottle", " 0.638", " 1.048", " 4.473", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 34" ], [ "18", " ScrubBrush", " 0.688", " 0.002", " 4.867", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "19", " Sink", " 0.426", " 1.037", " 2.947", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "20", " Window", " -2.548", " 1.673", " 2.405", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "21", " Cabinet", " 0.068", " 0.366", " 3.772", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "22", " Bathtub", " -1.042", " 0.155", " 0.558", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "23", " SinkBasin", " 0.404", " 0.926", " 2.926", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "24", " Mirror", " 0.858", " 1.863", " 2.972", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "25", " CounterTop", " 0.487", " 1.015", " 3.090", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "26", " Faucet", " -0.207", " 0.687", " 0.546", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "27", " Cabinet", " 0.074", " 0.379", " 2.045", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "28", " TowelHolder", " -2.5", " 1.463", " 0.579", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " ToiletPaperHanger", " -0.081", " 0.971", " 5.0", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " LightSwitch", " -1.121", " 1.333", " 5.000", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " BathtubBasin", " -1.062", " 0.153", " 0.556", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " HandTowelHolder", " 0.398", " 1.758", " 2.000", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " GarbageCan", " -0.229", " 0.001", " 1.445", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " Toilet", " 0.376", " 0.002", " 4.470", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " Faucet", " 0.661", " 1.043", " 3.371", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " Faucet", " 0.661", " 1.043", " 2.520", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "38", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "39", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "40", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- ----------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent -0.75 0.903 4.0 0 180 0 1 Cloth 0.232 0.097 3.363 0 0 0 21 2 Cloth -2.163 0.704 0.717 0 0 0 22 3 SoapBar 0.521 0.097 3.558 0 0 0 21 4 SoapBar -0.167 0.151 1.349 0 90 0 33 5 Candle 0.449 0.106 3.558 0 0 0 21 6 SprayBottle 0.699 1.048 4.342 0 270 0 34 7 SoapBottle 0.449 0.101 3.265 0 0 0 21 8 Towel -2.393 1.478 0.580 0 90 0 28 9 Candle 0.029 1.063 3.236 0 0 0 25 10 Cloth -2.004 0.704 0.135 0 0 0 22 11 HandTowel 0.397 1.656 2.039 0 180 0 32 12 Plunger 0.480 0.002 4.793 0 0 0 13 SoapBar -2.322 0.704 0.280 0 0 0 22 14 ToiletPaper -0.047 0.971 4.911 0 180 90 29 15 ToiletPaper 0.668 1.044 4.670 0 270 0 34 16 SoapBottle 0.752 1.058 2.169 0 0 0 25 17 SprayBottle 0.638 1.048 4.473 0 270 0 34 18 ScrubBrush 0.688 0.002 4.867 0 0 0 19 Sink 0.426 1.037 2.947 0 270 0 20 Window -2.548 1.673 2.405 0 0 0 21 Cabinet 0.068 0.366 3.772 0 0 0 22 Bathtub -1.042 0.155 0.558 0 0 0 23 SinkBasin 0.404 0.926 2.926 0 270 0 24 Mirror 0.858 1.863 2.972 0 0 0 25 CounterTop 0.487 1.015 3.090 0 0 0 26 Faucet -0.207 0.687 0.546 0 0 0 27 Cabinet 0.074 0.379 2.045 0 0 0 28 TowelHolder -2.5 1.463 0.579 0 90 0 29 ToiletPaperHanger -0.081 0.971 5.0 0 180 0 30 LightSwitch -1.121 1.333 5.000 0 180 0 31 BathtubBasin -1.062 0.153 0.556 0 0 0 32 HandTowelHolder 0.398 1.758 2.000 0 270 0 33 GarbageCan -0.229 0.001 1.445 0 270 0 34 Toilet 0.376 0.002 4.470 0 0 0 35 Faucet 0.661 1.043 3.371 0 270 0 36 Faucet 0.661 1.043 2.520 0 270 0 37 NorthWall 38 EastWall 39 SouthWall 40 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Turn right go forward, then turn left and go forward to approach the counter. | STEP 2: Pick up the nearest rag from the counter, to the right of the sink. | STEP 3: Go to the sink to your left. | STEP 4: Put the rag in the sink. | STEP 5: Return to the counter to your right. | STEP 6: Pick up the rag on the counter. | STEP 7: Go to the sink to your left. | STEP 8: Put the rag in the sink, next to the other rag. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Turn right go forward, then turn left and go forward to approach the counter. ", " STEP 2: Pick up the nearest rag from the counter, to the right of the sink. ", " STEP 3: Go to the sink to your left. ", " STEP 4: Put the rag in the sink. ", " STEP 5: Return to the counter to your right. ", " STEP 6: Pick up the rag on the counter. ", " STEP 7: Go to the sink to your left. ", " STEP 8: Put the rag in the sink, next to the other rag. ", " END" ] ]
Move two wash cloths to the water in the bath tub.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " -0.75", " 0.903", " 4.0", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Cloth", " 0.232", " 0.097", " 3.363", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 21" ], [ "2", " Cloth", " -2.163", " 0.704", " 0.717", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 22" ], [ "3", " SoapBar", " 0.521", " 0.097", " 3.558", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 21" ], [ "4", " SoapBar", " -0.167", " 0.151", " 1.349", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 33" ], [ "5", " Candle", " 0.449", " 0.106", " 3.558", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 21" ], [ "6", " SprayBottle", " 0.699", " 1.048", " 4.342", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 34" ], [ "7", " SoapBottle", " 0.449", " 0.101", " 3.265", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 21" ], [ "8", " Towel", " -2.393", " 1.478", " 0.580", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 28" ], [ "9", " Candle", " 0.029", " 1.063", " 3.236", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 25" ], [ "10", " Cloth", " -2.004", " 0.704", " 0.135", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 22" ], [ "11", " HandTowel", " 0.397", " 1.656", " 2.039", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 32" ], [ "12", " Plunger", " 0.480", " 0.002", " 4.793", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "13", " SoapBar", " -2.322", " 0.704", " 0.280", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 22" ], [ "14", " ToiletPaper", " -0.047", " 0.971", " 4.911", " 0", " 180", " 90", " 29" ], [ "15", " ToiletPaper", " 0.668", " 1.044", " 4.670", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 34" ], [ "16", " SoapBottle", " 0.752", " 1.058", " 2.169", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 25" ], [ "17", " SprayBottle", " 0.638", " 1.048", " 4.473", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 34" ], [ "18", " ScrubBrush", " 0.688", " 0.002", " 4.867", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "19", " Sink", " 0.426", " 1.037", " 2.947", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "20", " Window", " -2.548", " 1.673", " 2.405", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "21", " Cabinet", " 0.068", " 0.366", " 3.772", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "22", " Bathtub", " -1.042", " 0.155", " 0.558", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "23", " SinkBasin", " 0.404", " 0.926", " 2.926", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "24", " Mirror", " 0.858", " 1.863", " 2.972", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "25", " CounterTop", " 0.487", " 1.015", " 3.090", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "26", " Faucet", " -0.207", " 0.687", " 0.546", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "27", " Cabinet", " 0.074", " 0.379", " 2.045", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "28", " TowelHolder", " -2.5", " 1.463", " 0.579", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " ToiletPaperHanger", " -0.081", " 0.971", " 5.0", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " LightSwitch", " -1.121", " 1.333", " 5.000", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " BathtubBasin", " -1.062", " 0.153", " 0.556", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " HandTowelHolder", " 0.398", " 1.758", " 2.000", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " GarbageCan", " -0.229", " 0.001", " 1.445", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " Toilet", " 0.376", " 0.002", " 4.470", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " Faucet", " 0.661", " 1.043", " 3.371", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " Faucet", " 0.661", " 1.043", " 2.520", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "38", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "39", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "40", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- ----------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent -0.75 0.903 4.0 0 180 0 1 Cloth 0.232 0.097 3.363 0 0 0 21 2 Cloth -2.163 0.704 0.717 0 0 0 22 3 SoapBar 0.521 0.097 3.558 0 0 0 21 4 SoapBar -0.167 0.151 1.349 0 90 0 33 5 Candle 0.449 0.106 3.558 0 0 0 21 6 SprayBottle 0.699 1.048 4.342 0 270 0 34 7 SoapBottle 0.449 0.101 3.265 0 0 0 21 8 Towel -2.393 1.478 0.580 0 90 0 28 9 Candle 0.029 1.063 3.236 0 0 0 25 10 Cloth -2.004 0.704 0.135 0 0 0 22 11 HandTowel 0.397 1.656 2.039 0 180 0 32 12 Plunger 0.480 0.002 4.793 0 0 0 13 SoapBar -2.322 0.704 0.280 0 0 0 22 14 ToiletPaper -0.047 0.971 4.911 0 180 90 29 15 ToiletPaper 0.668 1.044 4.670 0 270 0 34 16 SoapBottle 0.752 1.058 2.169 0 0 0 25 17 SprayBottle 0.638 1.048 4.473 0 270 0 34 18 ScrubBrush 0.688 0.002 4.867 0 0 0 19 Sink 0.426 1.037 2.947 0 270 0 20 Window -2.548 1.673 2.405 0 0 0 21 Cabinet 0.068 0.366 3.772 0 0 0 22 Bathtub -1.042 0.155 0.558 0 0 0 23 SinkBasin 0.404 0.926 2.926 0 270 0 24 Mirror 0.858 1.863 2.972 0 0 0 25 CounterTop 0.487 1.015 3.090 0 0 0 26 Faucet -0.207 0.687 0.546 0 0 0 27 Cabinet 0.074 0.379 2.045 0 0 0 28 TowelHolder -2.5 1.463 0.579 0 90 0 29 ToiletPaperHanger -0.081 0.971 5.0 0 180 0 30 LightSwitch -1.121 1.333 5.000 0 180 0 31 BathtubBasin -1.062 0.153 0.556 0 0 0 32 HandTowelHolder 0.398 1.758 2.000 0 270 0 33 GarbageCan -0.229 0.001 1.445 0 270 0 34 Toilet 0.376 0.002 4.470 0 0 0 35 Faucet 0.661 1.043 3.371 0 270 0 36 Faucet 0.661 1.043 2.520 0 270 0 37 NorthWall 38 EastWall 39 SouthWall 40 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Move to the tub and stand at the end closest to the window. | STEP 2: Pick up the wash cloth that's closest to you from the edge of the tub. | STEP 3: Carry the wash cloth to stand at the center point of the tub. | STEP 4: Place the wash cloth in the water of the tub. | STEP 5: Move back to stand at the end of the tub closest to the window. | STEP 6: Pick up the other wash cloth that's near the wall. | STEP 7: Move back to stand lined up with the center of the tub. | STEP 8: Place the wash cloth in the water in the tub. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Move to the tub and stand at the end closest to the window. ", " STEP 2: Pick up the wash cloth that's closest to you from the edge of the tub. ", " STEP 3: Carry the wash cloth to stand at the center point of the tub. ", " STEP 4: Place the wash cloth in the water of the tub. ", " STEP 5: Move back to stand at the end of the tub closest to the window. ", " STEP 6: Pick up the other wash cloth that's near the wall. ", " STEP 7: Move back to stand lined up with the center of the tub. ", " STEP 8: Place the wash cloth in the water in the tub. ", " END" ] ]
Put two rags in a bath tub.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " -0.75", " 0.903", " 4.0", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Cloth", " 0.232", " 0.097", " 3.363", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 21" ], [ "2", " Cloth", " -2.163", " 0.704", " 0.717", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 22" ], [ "3", " SoapBar", " 0.521", " 0.097", " 3.558", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 21" ], [ "4", " SoapBar", " -0.167", " 0.151", " 1.349", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 33" ], [ "5", " Candle", " 0.449", " 0.106", " 3.558", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 21" ], [ "6", " SprayBottle", " 0.699", " 1.048", " 4.342", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 34" ], [ "7", " SoapBottle", " 0.449", " 0.101", " 3.265", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 21" ], [ "8", " Towel", " -2.393", " 1.478", " 0.580", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 28" ], [ "9", " Candle", " 0.029", " 1.063", " 3.236", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 25" ], [ "10", " Cloth", " -2.004", " 0.704", " 0.135", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 22" ], [ "11", " HandTowel", " 0.397", " 1.656", " 2.039", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 32" ], [ "12", " Plunger", " 0.480", " 0.002", " 4.793", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "13", " SoapBar", " -2.322", " 0.704", " 0.280", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 22" ], [ "14", " ToiletPaper", " -0.047", " 0.971", " 4.911", " 0", " 180", " 90", " 29" ], [ "15", " ToiletPaper", " 0.668", " 1.044", " 4.670", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 34" ], [ "16", " SoapBottle", " 0.752", " 1.058", " 2.169", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 25" ], [ "17", " SprayBottle", " 0.638", " 1.048", " 4.473", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 34" ], [ "18", " ScrubBrush", " 0.688", " 0.002", " 4.867", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "19", " Sink", " 0.426", " 1.037", " 2.947", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "20", " Window", " -2.548", " 1.673", " 2.405", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "21", " Cabinet", " 0.068", " 0.366", " 3.772", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "22", " Bathtub", " -1.042", " 0.155", " 0.558", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "23", " SinkBasin", " 0.404", " 0.926", " 2.926", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "24", " Mirror", " 0.858", " 1.863", " 2.972", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "25", " CounterTop", " 0.487", " 1.015", " 3.090", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "26", " Faucet", " -0.207", " 0.687", " 0.546", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "27", " Cabinet", " 0.074", " 0.379", " 2.045", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "28", " TowelHolder", " -2.5", " 1.463", " 0.579", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " ToiletPaperHanger", " -0.081", " 0.971", " 5.0", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " LightSwitch", " -1.121", " 1.333", " 5.000", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " BathtubBasin", " -1.062", " 0.153", " 0.556", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " HandTowelHolder", " 0.398", " 1.758", " 2.000", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " GarbageCan", " -0.229", " 0.001", " 1.445", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " Toilet", " 0.376", " 0.002", " 4.470", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " Faucet", " 0.661", " 1.043", " 3.371", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " Faucet", " 0.661", " 1.043", " 2.520", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "38", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "39", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "40", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- ----------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent -0.75 0.903 4.0 0 180 0 1 Cloth 0.232 0.097 3.363 0 0 0 21 2 Cloth -2.163 0.704 0.717 0 0 0 22 3 SoapBar 0.521 0.097 3.558 0 0 0 21 4 SoapBar -0.167 0.151 1.349 0 90 0 33 5 Candle 0.449 0.106 3.558 0 0 0 21 6 SprayBottle 0.699 1.048 4.342 0 270 0 34 7 SoapBottle 0.449 0.101 3.265 0 0 0 21 8 Towel -2.393 1.478 0.580 0 90 0 28 9 Candle 0.029 1.063 3.236 0 0 0 25 10 Cloth -2.004 0.704 0.135 0 0 0 22 11 HandTowel 0.397 1.656 2.039 0 180 0 32 12 Plunger 0.480 0.002 4.793 0 0 0 13 SoapBar -2.322 0.704 0.280 0 0 0 22 14 ToiletPaper -0.047 0.971 4.911 0 180 90 29 15 ToiletPaper 0.668 1.044 4.670 0 270 0 34 16 SoapBottle 0.752 1.058 2.169 0 0 0 25 17 SprayBottle 0.638 1.048 4.473 0 270 0 34 18 ScrubBrush 0.688 0.002 4.867 0 0 0 19 Sink 0.426 1.037 2.947 0 270 0 20 Window -2.548 1.673 2.405 0 0 0 21 Cabinet 0.068 0.366 3.772 0 0 0 22 Bathtub -1.042 0.155 0.558 0 0 0 23 SinkBasin 0.404 0.926 2.926 0 270 0 24 Mirror 0.858 1.863 2.972 0 0 0 25 CounterTop 0.487 1.015 3.090 0 0 0 26 Faucet -0.207 0.687 0.546 0 0 0 27 Cabinet 0.074 0.379 2.045 0 0 0 28 TowelHolder -2.5 1.463 0.579 0 90 0 29 ToiletPaperHanger -0.081 0.971 5.0 0 180 0 30 LightSwitch -1.121 1.333 5.000 0 180 0 31 BathtubBasin -1.062 0.153 0.556 0 0 0 32 HandTowelHolder 0.398 1.758 2.000 0 270 0 33 GarbageCan -0.229 0.001 1.445 0 270 0 34 Toilet 0.376 0.002 4.470 0 0 0 35 Faucet 0.661 1.043 3.371 0 270 0 36 Faucet 0.661 1.043 2.520 0 270 0 37 NorthWall 38 EastWall 39 SouthWall 40 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Turn right, go to the wall, turn left, go to the right side of the bath tub. | STEP 2: Take the closest rag from the bath tub platform | STEP 3: Turn left, go to the center of the bath tub, turn right to face the bath tub. | STEP 4: Put the rag in the rag in the middle of the bath tub. | STEP 5: Turn right, go to the wall, turn left to face the right side of the bath tub. | STEP 6: Take the rag from the bath tub platform. | STEP 7: Turn left, go to the center of the bath tub, turn right to face the bath tub. | STEP 8: Put the rag in the rag to the left of the other rag. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Turn right, go to the wall, turn left, go to the right side of the bath tub. ", " STEP 2: Take the closest rag from the bath tub platform ", " STEP 3: Turn left, go to the center of the bath tub, turn right to face the bath tub. ", " STEP 4: Put the rag in the rag in the middle of the bath tub. ", " STEP 5: Turn right, go to the wall, turn left to face the right side of the bath tub. ", " STEP 6: Take the rag from the bath tub platform. ", " STEP 7: Turn left, go to the center of the bath tub, turn right to face the bath tub. ", " STEP 8: Put the rag in the rag to the left of the other rag. ", " END" ] ]
To move two cards to the arm chair to the left of the living room table.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " -1.75", " 0.901", " 3.75", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Watch", " -4.546", " 0.887", " 3.008", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 24" ], [ "2", " CreditCard", " -2.658", " 0.452", " 2.840", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 33" ], [ "3", " Box", " -2.180", " 0.670", " 2.428", " 0", " 350.086", " 0", " 33" ], [ "4", " WateringCan", " -0.277", " -0.000", " 4.860", " 0", " 0", " 0", " Floor|+00.38|" ], [ "5", " CreditCard", " 0.132", " 0.707", " 4.578", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 38" ], [ "6", " KeyChain", " -2.939", " 0.457", " 1.025", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 36" ], [ "7", " Pillow", " -3.294", " 0.624", " 0.801", " 0", " 0", " 338.090", " 36" ], [ "8", " Laptop", " -4.873", " 0.981", " 3.44", " 0", " 83.878", " 0", " 30" ], [ "9", " RemoteControl", " -2.939", " 0.459", " 0.843", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 36" ], [ "10", " Watch", " -2.658", " 0.453", " 2.263", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 33" ], [ "11", " Statue", " -2.785", " 0.554", " 2.263", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 33" ], [ "12", " Curtains", " -2.535", " 2.596", " 0.111", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "13", " FloorLamp", " -4.661", " 0.009", " 0.422", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "14", " Television", " -4.883", " 1.472", " 2.434", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "15", " GarbageCan", " -4.810", " -0.032", " 1.236", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "16", " Painting", " -0.293", " 1.820", " 0.016", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "17", " LightSwitch", " -1.016", " 1.243", " 5.0", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "18", " Painting", " -5.118", " 1.480", " 4.396", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "19", " Painting", " -5.118", " 1.480", " 0.656", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "20", " Window", " -1.715", " 1.554", " 0.006", " 90", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "21", " Window", " -3.244", " 1.554", " 0.006", " 90", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "22", " DeskLamp", " 0.015", " 0.704", " 4.676", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "23", " HousePlant", " -4.824", " 0.984", " 1.572", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "24", " Drawer", " -4.497", " 0.901", " 2.854", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "25", " Drawer", " -4.497", " 0.901", " 2.339", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "26", " Cabinet", " -4.409", " 0.498", " 2.603", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "27", " Cabinet", " -4.409", " 0.498", " 3.622", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "28", " Drawer", " -4.497", " 0.901", " 3.372", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " Cabinet", " -4.409", " 0.498", " 1.569", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " Dresser", " -4.744", " 4.321", " 2.595", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " Drawer", " -4.497", " 0.901", " 1.818", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " Cabinet", " -4.409", " 0.498", " 2.588", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " CoffeeTable", " -2.405", " -0.000", " 2.546", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " ArmChair", " -0.298", " 0.002", " 3.310", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " ArmChair", " -0.298", " 0.002", " 1.713", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " Sofa", " -2.464", " -0.002", " 0.700", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " Chair", " -4.735", " 0.011", " 4.609", " 1.215", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " SideTable", " -0.041", " 0.002", " 4.619", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "40", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "41", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "42", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent -1.75 0.901 3.75 0 180 0 1 Watch -4.546 0.887 3.008 0 0 0 24 2 CreditCard -2.658 0.452 2.840 0 0 0 33 3 Box -2.180 0.670 2.428 0 350.086 0 33 4 WateringCan -0.277 -0.000 4.860 0 0 0 Floor|+00.38| 5 CreditCard 0.132 0.707 4.578 0 0 0 38 6 KeyChain -2.939 0.457 1.025 0 0 0 36 7 Pillow -3.294 0.624 0.801 0 0 338.090 36 8 Laptop -4.873 0.981 3.44 0 83.878 0 30 9 RemoteControl -2.939 0.459 0.843 0 0 0 36 10 Watch -2.658 0.453 2.263 0 0 0 33 11 Statue -2.785 0.554 2.263 0 0 0 33 12 Curtains -2.535 2.596 0.111 0 0 0 13 FloorLamp -4.661 0.009 0.422 0 0 0 14 Television -4.883 1.472 2.434 0 90 0 15 GarbageCan -4.810 -0.032 1.236 0 180 0 16 Painting -0.293 1.820 0.016 90 0 0 17 LightSwitch -1.016 1.243 5.0 0 180 0 18 Painting -5.118 1.480 4.396 90 270 0 19 Painting -5.118 1.480 0.656 90 270 0 20 Window -1.715 1.554 0.006 90 180 0 21 Window -3.244 1.554 0.006 90 180 0 22 DeskLamp 0.015 0.704 4.676 0 0 0 23 HousePlant -4.824 0.984 1.572 0 0 0 24 Drawer -4.497 0.901 2.854 0 90 0 25 Drawer -4.497 0.901 2.339 0 90 0 26 Cabinet -4.409 0.498 2.603 0 90 0 27 Cabinet -4.409 0.498 3.622 0 90 0 28 Drawer -4.497 0.901 3.372 0 90 0 29 Cabinet -4.409 0.498 1.569 0 90 0 30 Dresser -4.744 4.321 2.595 0 90 0 31 Drawer -4.497 0.901 1.818 0 90 0 32 Cabinet -4.409 0.498 2.588 0 90 0 33 CoffeeTable -2.405 -0.000 2.546 0 0 0 34 ArmChair -0.298 0.002 3.310 0 270 0 35 ArmChair -0.298 0.002 1.713 0 270 0 36 Sofa -2.464 -0.002 0.700 0 0 0 37 Chair -4.735 0.011 4.609 1.215 90 0 38 SideTable -0.041 0.002 4.619 0 0 0 39 NorthWall 40 EastWall 41 SouthWall 42 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Step to the right to face the card on the living room table. | STEP 2: Pick up the card on the living room table. | STEP 3: Turn left and step forward to face the arm chair. | STEP 4: Place the card in the arm chair. | STEP 5: Step to the left to face the card on the table. | STEP 6: Pick up the card on the table. | STEP 7: Step right to face the arm chair. | STEP 8: Place the card in the arm chair. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Step to the right to face the card on the living room table. ", " STEP 2: Pick up the card on the living room table. ", " STEP 3: Turn left and step forward to face the arm chair. ", " STEP 4: Place the card in the arm chair. ", " STEP 5: Step to the left to face the card on the table. ", " STEP 6: Pick up the card on the table. ", " STEP 7: Step right to face the arm chair. ", " STEP 8: Place the card in the arm chair. ", " END" ] ]
Move two credit cards to the seat of a chair.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " -1.75", " 0.901", " 3.75", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Watch", " -4.546", " 0.887", " 3.008", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 24" ], [ "2", " CreditCard", " -2.658", " 0.452", " 2.840", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 33" ], [ "3", " Box", " -2.180", " 0.670", " 2.428", " 0", " 350.086", " 0", " 33" ], [ "4", " WateringCan", " -0.277", " -0.000", " 4.860", " 0", " 0", " 0", " Floor|+00.38|" ], [ "5", " CreditCard", " 0.132", " 0.707", " 4.578", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 38" ], [ "6", " KeyChain", " -2.939", " 0.457", " 1.025", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 36" ], [ "7", " Pillow", " -3.294", " 0.624", " 0.801", " 0", " 0", " 338.090", " 36" ], [ "8", " Laptop", " -4.873", " 0.981", " 3.44", " 0", " 83.878", " 0", " 30" ], [ "9", " RemoteControl", " -2.939", " 0.459", " 0.843", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 36" ], [ "10", " Watch", " -2.658", " 0.453", " 2.263", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 33" ], [ "11", " Statue", " -2.785", " 0.554", " 2.263", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 33" ], [ "12", " Curtains", " -2.535", " 2.596", " 0.111", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "13", " FloorLamp", " -4.661", " 0.009", " 0.422", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "14", " Television", " -4.883", " 1.472", " 2.434", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "15", " GarbageCan", " -4.810", " -0.032", " 1.236", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "16", " Painting", " -0.293", " 1.820", " 0.016", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "17", " LightSwitch", " -1.016", " 1.243", " 5.0", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "18", " Painting", " -5.118", " 1.480", " 4.396", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "19", " Painting", " -5.118", " 1.480", " 0.656", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "20", " Window", " -1.715", " 1.554", " 0.006", " 90", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "21", " Window", " -3.244", " 1.554", " 0.006", " 90", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "22", " DeskLamp", " 0.015", " 0.704", " 4.676", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "23", " HousePlant", " -4.824", " 0.984", " 1.572", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "24", " Drawer", " -4.497", " 0.901", " 2.854", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "25", " Drawer", " -4.497", " 0.901", " 2.339", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "26", " Cabinet", " -4.409", " 0.498", " 2.603", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "27", " Cabinet", " -4.409", " 0.498", " 3.622", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "28", " Drawer", " -4.497", " 0.901", " 3.372", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " Cabinet", " -4.409", " 0.498", " 1.569", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " Dresser", " -4.744", " 4.321", " 2.595", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " Drawer", " -4.497", " 0.901", " 1.818", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " Cabinet", " -4.409", " 0.498", " 2.588", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " CoffeeTable", " -2.405", " -0.000", " 2.546", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " ArmChair", " -0.298", " 0.002", " 3.310", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " ArmChair", " -0.298", " 0.002", " 1.713", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " Sofa", " -2.464", " -0.002", " 0.700", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " Chair", " -4.735", " 0.011", " 4.609", " 1.215", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " SideTable", " -0.041", " 0.002", " 4.619", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "40", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "41", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "42", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent -1.75 0.901 3.75 0 180 0 1 Watch -4.546 0.887 3.008 0 0 0 24 2 CreditCard -2.658 0.452 2.840 0 0 0 33 3 Box -2.180 0.670 2.428 0 350.086 0 33 4 WateringCan -0.277 -0.000 4.860 0 0 0 Floor|+00.38| 5 CreditCard 0.132 0.707 4.578 0 0 0 38 6 KeyChain -2.939 0.457 1.025 0 0 0 36 7 Pillow -3.294 0.624 0.801 0 0 338.090 36 8 Laptop -4.873 0.981 3.44 0 83.878 0 30 9 RemoteControl -2.939 0.459 0.843 0 0 0 36 10 Watch -2.658 0.453 2.263 0 0 0 33 11 Statue -2.785 0.554 2.263 0 0 0 33 12 Curtains -2.535 2.596 0.111 0 0 0 13 FloorLamp -4.661 0.009 0.422 0 0 0 14 Television -4.883 1.472 2.434 0 90 0 15 GarbageCan -4.810 -0.032 1.236 0 180 0 16 Painting -0.293 1.820 0.016 90 0 0 17 LightSwitch -1.016 1.243 5.0 0 180 0 18 Painting -5.118 1.480 4.396 90 270 0 19 Painting -5.118 1.480 0.656 90 270 0 20 Window -1.715 1.554 0.006 90 180 0 21 Window -3.244 1.554 0.006 90 180 0 22 DeskLamp 0.015 0.704 4.676 0 0 0 23 HousePlant -4.824 0.984 1.572 0 0 0 24 Drawer -4.497 0.901 2.854 0 90 0 25 Drawer -4.497 0.901 2.339 0 90 0 26 Cabinet -4.409 0.498 2.603 0 90 0 27 Cabinet -4.409 0.498 3.622 0 90 0 28 Drawer -4.497 0.901 3.372 0 90 0 29 Cabinet -4.409 0.498 1.569 0 90 0 30 Dresser -4.744 4.321 2.595 0 90 0 31 Drawer -4.497 0.901 1.818 0 90 0 32 Cabinet -4.409 0.498 2.588 0 90 0 33 CoffeeTable -2.405 -0.000 2.546 0 0 0 34 ArmChair -0.298 0.002 3.310 0 270 0 35 ArmChair -0.298 0.002 1.713 0 270 0 36 Sofa -2.464 -0.002 0.700 0 0 0 37 Chair -4.735 0.011 4.609 1.215 90 0 38 SideTable -0.041 0.002 4.619 0 0 0 39 NorthWall 40 EastWall 41 SouthWall 42 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Turn right and walk forward, then turn left and walk up to the coffee table. | STEP 2: Pick up the red credit card off of the coffee table. | STEP 3: Turn left and walk over to the chair in front of you. | STEP 4: Put the credit card on the middle of the front edge of the seat of the chair. | STEP 5: Turn left and walk towards the door, then turn right and walk up to the round black table in the corner of the room. | STEP 6: Pick up the credit card off of the round black table. | STEP 7: Turn around and walk forward, then turn left and walk forward, turn left again to face the chair with the credit card on it. | STEP 8: Put the credit card on the seat of the chair to the right of the card that's already there. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Turn right and walk forward, then turn left and walk up to the coffee table. ", " STEP 2: Pick up the red credit card off of the coffee table. ", " STEP 3: Turn left and walk over to the chair in front of you. ", " STEP 4: Put the credit card on the middle of the front edge of the seat of the chair. ", " STEP 5: Turn left and walk towards the door, then turn right and walk up to the round black table in the corner of the room. ", " STEP 6: Pick up the credit card off of the round black table. ", " STEP 7: Turn around and walk forward, then turn left and walk forward, turn left again to face the chair with the credit card on it. ", " STEP 8: Put the credit card on the seat of the chair to the right of the card that's already there. ", " END" ] ]
To move two credit cards to the chair.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " -1.75", " 0.901", " 3.75", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Watch", " -4.546", " 0.887", " 3.008", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 24" ], [ "2", " CreditCard", " -2.658", " 0.452", " 2.840", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 33" ], [ "3", " Box", " -2.180", " 0.670", " 2.428", " 0", " 350.086", " 0", " 33" ], [ "4", " WateringCan", " -0.277", " -0.000", " 4.860", " 0", " 0", " 0", " Floor|+00.38|" ], [ "5", " CreditCard", " 0.132", " 0.707", " 4.578", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 38" ], [ "6", " KeyChain", " -2.939", " 0.457", " 1.025", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 36" ], [ "7", " Pillow", " -3.294", " 0.624", " 0.801", " 0", " 0", " 338.090", " 36" ], [ "8", " Laptop", " -4.873", " 0.981", " 3.44", " 0", " 83.878", " 0", " 30" ], [ "9", " RemoteControl", " -2.939", " 0.459", " 0.843", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 36" ], [ "10", " Watch", " -2.658", " 0.453", " 2.263", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 33" ], [ "11", " Statue", " -2.785", " 0.554", " 2.263", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 33" ], [ "12", " Curtains", " -2.535", " 2.596", " 0.111", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "13", " FloorLamp", " -4.661", " 0.009", " 0.422", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "14", " Television", " -4.883", " 1.472", " 2.434", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "15", " GarbageCan", " -4.810", " -0.032", " 1.236", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "16", " Painting", " -0.293", " 1.820", " 0.016", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "17", " LightSwitch", " -1.016", " 1.243", " 5.0", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "18", " Painting", " -5.118", " 1.480", " 4.396", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "19", " Painting", " -5.118", " 1.480", " 0.656", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "20", " Window", " -1.715", " 1.554", " 0.006", " 90", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "21", " Window", " -3.244", " 1.554", " 0.006", " 90", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "22", " DeskLamp", " 0.015", " 0.704", " 4.676", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "23", " HousePlant", " -4.824", " 0.984", " 1.572", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "24", " Drawer", " -4.497", " 0.901", " 2.854", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "25", " Drawer", " -4.497", " 0.901", " 2.339", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "26", " Cabinet", " -4.409", " 0.498", " 2.603", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "27", " Cabinet", " -4.409", " 0.498", " 3.622", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "28", " Drawer", " -4.497", " 0.901", " 3.372", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " Cabinet", " -4.409", " 0.498", " 1.569", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " Dresser", " -4.744", " 4.321", " 2.595", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " Drawer", " -4.497", " 0.901", " 1.818", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " Cabinet", " -4.409", " 0.498", " 2.588", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " CoffeeTable", " -2.405", " -0.000", " 2.546", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " ArmChair", " -0.298", " 0.002", " 3.310", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " ArmChair", " -0.298", " 0.002", " 1.713", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " Sofa", " -2.464", " -0.002", " 0.700", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " Chair", " -4.735", " 0.011", " 4.609", " 1.215", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " SideTable", " -0.041", " 0.002", " 4.619", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "40", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "41", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "42", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent -1.75 0.901 3.75 0 180 0 1 Watch -4.546 0.887 3.008 0 0 0 24 2 CreditCard -2.658 0.452 2.840 0 0 0 33 3 Box -2.180 0.670 2.428 0 350.086 0 33 4 WateringCan -0.277 -0.000 4.860 0 0 0 Floor|+00.38| 5 CreditCard 0.132 0.707 4.578 0 0 0 38 6 KeyChain -2.939 0.457 1.025 0 0 0 36 7 Pillow -3.294 0.624 0.801 0 0 338.090 36 8 Laptop -4.873 0.981 3.44 0 83.878 0 30 9 RemoteControl -2.939 0.459 0.843 0 0 0 36 10 Watch -2.658 0.453 2.263 0 0 0 33 11 Statue -2.785 0.554 2.263 0 0 0 33 12 Curtains -2.535 2.596 0.111 0 0 0 13 FloorLamp -4.661 0.009 0.422 0 0 0 14 Television -4.883 1.472 2.434 0 90 0 15 GarbageCan -4.810 -0.032 1.236 0 180 0 16 Painting -0.293 1.820 0.016 90 0 0 17 LightSwitch -1.016 1.243 5.0 0 180 0 18 Painting -5.118 1.480 4.396 90 270 0 19 Painting -5.118 1.480 0.656 90 270 0 20 Window -1.715 1.554 0.006 90 180 0 21 Window -3.244 1.554 0.006 90 180 0 22 DeskLamp 0.015 0.704 4.676 0 0 0 23 HousePlant -4.824 0.984 1.572 0 0 0 24 Drawer -4.497 0.901 2.854 0 90 0 25 Drawer -4.497 0.901 2.339 0 90 0 26 Cabinet -4.409 0.498 2.603 0 90 0 27 Cabinet -4.409 0.498 3.622 0 90 0 28 Drawer -4.497 0.901 3.372 0 90 0 29 Cabinet -4.409 0.498 1.569 0 90 0 30 Dresser -4.744 4.321 2.595 0 90 0 31 Drawer -4.497 0.901 1.818 0 90 0 32 Cabinet -4.409 0.498 2.588 0 90 0 33 CoffeeTable -2.405 -0.000 2.546 0 0 0 34 ArmChair -0.298 0.002 3.310 0 270 0 35 ArmChair -0.298 0.002 1.713 0 270 0 36 Sofa -2.464 -0.002 0.700 0 0 0 37 Chair -4.735 0.011 4.609 1.215 90 0 38 SideTable -0.041 0.002 4.619 0 0 0 39 NorthWall 40 EastWall 41 SouthWall 42 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Walk over to the right side of the coffee table. | STEP 2: Pick up the credit card from the front edge of the coffee table. | STEP 3: Turn left and walk to the chair straight ahead. | STEP 4: Put the credit card down on the chair. | STEP 5: Walk to the small black table to the left of the chair. | STEP 6: Pick up the credit card next to the lamp. | STEP 7: Walk back to the chair to the right of the black table. | STEP 8: Put the credit card down on the chair to the right of the other one. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Walk over to the right side of the coffee table. ", " STEP 2: Pick up the credit card from the front edge of the coffee table. ", " STEP 3: Turn left and walk to the chair straight ahead. ", " STEP 4: Put the credit card down on the chair. ", " STEP 5: Walk to the small black table to the left of the chair. ", " STEP 6: Pick up the credit card next to the lamp. ", " STEP 7: Walk back to the chair to the right of the black table. ", " STEP 8: Put the credit card down on the chair to the right of the other one. ", " END" ] ]
Move the bowl and ladle from the refrigerator to the cabinet.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " 0.75", " 0.900", " 2.5", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Potato", " -0.782", " 0.858", " 1.181", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 115" ], [ "2", " Ladle", " -0.544", " 1.066", " 2.189", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 61" ], [ "3", " Ladle", " 1.925", " 0.803", " 4.044", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 59" ], [ "4", " DishSponge", " 2.945", " 0.764", " 4.254", " 0", " 225", " 0", " 59" ], [ "5", " DishSponge", " 2.403", " 0.801", " 1.071", " 0", " 317.0", " 0", " 71" ], [ "6", " WineBottle", " -1.187", " 1.028", " 1.150", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 61" ], [ "7", " WineBottle", " 2.899", " 0.035", " 0.217", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 99" ], [ "8", " Glassbottle", " 2.525", " 0.765", " 3.62", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 59" ], [ "9", " Pot", " 2.177", " 1.027", " -1.599", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 57" ], [ "10", " Pot", " 1.836", " 1.027", " -1.84", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 56" ], [ "11", " Spoon", " -0.544", " 1.028", " 0.323", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 61" ], [ "12", " Spoon", " -0.714", " 0.817", " 1.181", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 115" ], [ "13", " Egg", " 2.537", " 1.070", " -0.236", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "14", " Egg", " 2.106", " 1.905", " -1.876", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 104" ], [ "15", " Cup", " 2.599", " 0.763", " 4.495", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 59" ], [ "16", " Cup", " -0.877", " 1.440", " -0.627", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 102" ], [ "17", " Plate", " 2.160", " 1.027", " 1.354", " 0", " 136.999", " 0", " 58" ], [ "18", " Knife", " 2.599", " 0.789", " 3.445", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 59" ], [ "19", " Tomato", " 1.350", " 1.080", " -1.667", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 58" ], [ "20", " Tomato", " -0.916", " 0.130", " 2.811", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 113" ], [ "21", " Bowl", " -1.028", " 0.784", " -0.184", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 102" ], [ "22", " SaltShaker", " -0.448", " 0.796", " 1.844", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "23", " PepperShaker", " -0.448", " 0.798", " 0.777", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 60" ], [ "24", " Bread", " 2.959", " 1.094", " -0.541", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "25", " Bread", " 2.302", " 0.832", " 3.795", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 59" ], [ "26", " Lettuce", " -0.968", " 1.500", " -0.184", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 102" ], [ "27", " Lettuce", " 2.304", " 0.822", " 4.521", " 0", " 329.999", " 0", " 59" ], [ "28", " Mug", " -0.942", " 2.285", " -0.801", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 102" ], [ "29", " Apple", " -0.418", " 1.077", " 0.692", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 61" ], [ "30", " Pan", " 2.042", " 1.017", " 1.779", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "31", " Glassbottle", " 1.301", " 1.781", " -1.872", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 98" ], [ "32", " Knife", " 2.451", " 0.789", " 3.97", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 59" ], [ "33", " SoapBottle", " -0.890", " 0.047", " 0.871", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 61" ], [ "34", " Egg", " -0.669", " 1.071", " 1.943", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 61" ], [ "35", " Fork", " -0.418", " 1.028", " 0.416", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 61" ], [ "36", " Potato", " -1.013", " 1.484", " -0.627", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 102" ], [ "37", " Ladle", " 2.875", " 1.066", " 0.068", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "38", " Tomato", " -0.987", " 0.839", " -0.738", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 102" ], [ "39", " Pot", " 2.116", " 1.027", " -1.84", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 62" ], [ "40", " WineBottle", " 1.450", " 0.036", " -1.546", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "41", " Plate", " 2.626", " 0.764", " 3.821", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 59" ], [ "42", " Spatula", " -0.714", " 0.839", " 1.337", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 115" ], [ "43", " PaperTowelRoll", " -0.794", " 1.131", " 0.416", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 61" ], [ "44", " Lettuce", " 2.578", " 1.085", " 0.907", " 0", " 136.999", " 0", " 58" ], [ "45", " Apple", " -0.360", " 1.077", " 1.448", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 61" ], [ "46", " SaltShaker", " 2.046", " 0.760", " 4.372", " 0", " 329.999", " 0", " 59" ], [ "47", " PepperShaker", " -1.022", " 1.777", " 0.737", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 76" ], [ "48", " ButterKnife", " 2.975", " 0.764", " 4.118", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 59" ], [ "49", " Bread", " 2.450", " 0.832", " 4.118", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 59" ], [ "50", " Cup", " -0.645", " 0.815", " 1.103", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 115" ], [ "51", " DishSponge", " 1.592", " 0.800", " 1.558", " 0", " 317.0", " 0", " 73" ], [ "52", " Bowl", " -0.782", " 0.814", " 1.492", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 115" ], [ "53", " Spoon", " 2.762", " 0.802", " 0.072", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 69" ], [ "54", " Mug", " 2.370", " 1.021", " 1.550", " 0", " 136.999", " 0", " 58" ], [ "55", " Sink", " -0.716", " 1.023", " 1.333", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "56", " StoveBurner", " 1.835", " 1.018", " -1.840", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "57", " StoveBurner", " 2.177", " 1.018", " -1.599", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "58", " CounterTop", " 2.812", " 0.992", " 0.675", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "59", " DiningTable", " 2.419", " 0.003", " 3.930", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "60", " Drawer", " -0.643", " 0.828", " 0.616", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "61", " CounterTop", " -0.813", " 1.062", " 2.188", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "62", " StoveBurner", " 2.115", " 1.018", " -1.840", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "63", " Drawer", " -0.643", " 0.831", " 1.953", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "64", " Drawer", " -0.643", " 0.833", " 2.418", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "65", " Drawer", " 1.347", " 0.836", " -1.539", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "66", " Drawer", " 2.693", " 0.833", " -1.131", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "67", " Drawer", " 2.693", " 0.833", " -0.699", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "68", " Drawer", " 2.693", " 0.833", " -0.267", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "69", " Drawer", " 2.693", " 0.833", " 0.163", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "70", " Drawer", " 2.524", " 0.833", " 0.720", " 0", " 2.000", " 0", "" ], [ "71", " Drawer", " 2.232", " 0.833", " 1.036", " 0", " 2.000", " 0", "" ], [ "72", " Drawer", " 1.936", " 0.833", " 1.354", " 0", " 2.000", " 0", "" ], [ "73", " Drawer", " 1.646", " 0.833", " 1.670", " 0", " 2.000", " 0", "" ], [ "74", " Cabinet", " 1.504", " 2.475", " -1.710", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "75", " Cabinet", " -0.823", " 2.220", " 1.621", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "76", " Cabinet", " -0.823", " 2.220", " 0.615", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "77", " Cabinet", " 1.136", " 0.388", " -1.355", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "78", " Cabinet", " -0.356", " 0.383", " 2.626", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "79", " Cabinet", " 2.745", " 2.220", " -1.690", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "80", " Cabinet", " 1.882", " 0.383", " 1.017", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "81", " Cabinet", " 1.307", " 0.473", " 1.640", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "82", " Cabinet", " 1.892", " 0.383", " 1.006", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "83", " Cabinet", " 2.467", " 0.383", " 0.383", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "84", " Cabinet", " 2.466", " 0.383", " -0.475", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "85", " Cabinet", " 2.466", " 0.473", " 0.371", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "86", " Cabinet", " 2.386", " 2.475", " -1.710", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "87", " Cabinet", " -0.356", " 0.383", " 1.712", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "88", " Cabinet", " 2.745", " 2.220", " 0.019", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "89", " Cabinet", " -0.663", " 2.496", " 0.157", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "90", " Cabinet", " -0.663", " 2.496", " -0.868", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "91", " Cabinet", " -0.356", " 0.383", " 0.269", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "92", " Cabinet", " -0.823", " 2.220", " 1.603", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "93", " Cabinet", " -0.662", " 2.234", " 0.586", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "94", " Cabinet", " 2.745", " 2.220", " -0.843", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "95", " Cabinet", " 2.745", " 2.220", " -0.827", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "96", " Cabinet", " -0.823", " 2.220", " 2.608", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "97", " Cabinet", " 2.732", " 2.226", " -1.709", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "98", " Cabinet", " 1.137", " 2.226", " -1.709", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "99", " Cabinet", " 2.466", " 0.383", " -0.491", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "100", " Cabinet", " 2.466", " 0.383", " -1.339", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "101", " StoveBurner", " 1.761", " 1.018", " -1.599", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "102", " Fridge", " -0.908", " 0.0", " -0.405", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "103", " HousePlant", " 2.517", " 1.016", " 1.822", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "104", " Microwave", " 1.939", " 1.745", " -1.826", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "105", " StoveKnob", " 2.017", " 1.041", " -1.514", " 0", " 180", " 180", "" ], [ "106", " StoveKnob", " 1.934", " 1.041", " -1.514", " 0", " 180", " 180", "" ], [ "107", " StoveKnob", " 2.017", " 1.041", " -1.589", " 0", " 180", " 180", "" ], [ "108", " StoveKnob", " 1.934", " 1.041", " -1.589", " 0", " 180", " 180", "" ], [ "109", " Window", " 1.756", " 1.608", " 4.762", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "110", " HousePlant", " 2.171", " 1.004", " 2.091", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "111", " CoffeeMachine", " -0.942", " 1.018", " 0.645", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "112", " LightSwitch", " -0.099", " 1.410", " -2.066", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "113", " GarbageCan", " -0.951", " -0.029", " 2.826", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "114", " Toaster", " -1.007", " 1.018", " 2.238", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "115", " SinkBasin", " -0.714", " 0.805", " 1.348", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "116", " Chair", " 1.615", " 0.004", " 4.310", " 0", " 107.976", " 0", "" ], [ "117", " Faucet", " -1.120", " 1.013", " 1.334", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "118", " Chair", " 2.759", " 0.004", " 3.086", " 0", " 358.967", " 0", "" ], [ "119", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "120", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "121", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "122", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "123", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent 0.75 0.900 2.5 0 0 0 1 Potato -0.782 0.858 1.181 0 180 0 115 2 Ladle -0.544 1.066 2.189 0 0 0 61 3 Ladle 1.925 0.803 4.044 0 270 0 59 4 DishSponge 2.945 0.764 4.254 0 225 0 59 5 DishSponge 2.403 0.801 1.071 0 317.0 0 71 6 WineBottle -1.187 1.028 1.150 0 0 0 61 7 WineBottle 2.899 0.035 0.217 0 0 0 99 8 Glassbottle 2.525 0.765 3.62 0 0 0 59 9 Pot 2.177 1.027 -1.599 0 0 0 57 10 Pot 1.836 1.027 -1.84 0 90 0 56 11 Spoon -0.544 1.028 0.323 0 0 0 61 12 Spoon -0.714 0.817 1.181 0 90 0 115 13 Egg 2.537 1.070 -0.236 0 0 0 58 14 Egg 2.106 1.905 -1.876 0 0 0 104 15 Cup 2.599 0.763 4.495 0 0 0 59 16 Cup -0.877 1.440 -0.627 0 90 0 102 17 Plate 2.160 1.027 1.354 0 136.999 0 58 18 Knife 2.599 0.789 3.445 0 0 0 59 19 Tomato 1.350 1.080 -1.667 0 90 0 58 20 Tomato -0.916 0.130 2.811 0 0 0 113 21 Bowl -1.028 0.784 -0.184 0 90 0 102 22 SaltShaker -0.448 0.796 1.844 0 0 0 63 23 PepperShaker -0.448 0.798 0.777 0 0 0 60 24 Bread 2.959 1.094 -0.541 0 0 0 58 25 Bread 2.302 0.832 3.795 0 0 0 59 26 Lettuce -0.968 1.500 -0.184 0 90 0 102 27 Lettuce 2.304 0.822 4.521 0 329.999 0 59 28 Mug -0.942 2.285 -0.801 0 90 0 102 29 Apple -0.418 1.077 0.692 0 0 0 61 30 Pan 2.042 1.017 1.779 0 0 0 58 31 Glassbottle 1.301 1.781 -1.872 0 0 0 98 32 Knife 2.451 0.789 3.97 0 0 0 59 33 SoapBottle -0.890 0.047 0.871 0 0 0 61 34 Egg -0.669 1.071 1.943 0 0 0 61 35 Fork -0.418 1.028 0.416 0 90 0 61 36 Potato -1.013 1.484 -0.627 0 90 0 102 37 Ladle 2.875 1.066 0.068 0 0 0 58 38 Tomato -0.987 0.839 -0.738 0 90 0 102 39 Pot 2.116 1.027 -1.84 0 270 0 62 40 WineBottle 1.450 0.036 -1.546 0 0 0 58 41 Plate 2.626 0.764 3.821 0 270 0 59 42 Spatula -0.714 0.839 1.337 0 180 0 115 43 PaperTowelRoll -0.794 1.131 0.416 0 0 0 61 44 Lettuce 2.578 1.085 0.907 0 136.999 0 58 45 Apple -0.360 1.077 1.448 0 0 0 61 46 SaltShaker 2.046 0.760 4.372 0 329.999 0 59 47 PepperShaker -1.022 1.777 0.737 0 0 0 76 48 ButterKnife 2.975 0.764 4.118 0 270 0 59 49 Bread 2.450 0.832 4.118 0 270 0 59 50 Cup -0.645 0.815 1.103 0 90 0 115 51 DishSponge 1.592 0.800 1.558 0 317.0 0 73 52 Bowl -0.782 0.814 1.492 0 90 0 115 53 Spoon 2.762 0.802 0.072 0 90 0 69 54 Mug 2.370 1.021 1.550 0 136.999 0 58 55 Sink -0.716 1.023 1.333 0 0 0 56 StoveBurner 1.835 1.018 -1.840 0 90 0 57 StoveBurner 2.177 1.018 -1.599 0 0 0 58 CounterTop 2.812 0.992 0.675 0 0 0 59 DiningTable 2.419 0.003 3.930 0 0 0 60 Drawer -0.643 0.828 0.616 0 0 0 61 CounterTop -0.813 1.062 2.188 0 0 0 62 StoveBurner 2.115 1.018 -1.840 0 270 0 63 Drawer -0.643 0.831 1.953 0 0 0 64 Drawer -0.643 0.833 2.418 0 0 0 65 Drawer 1.347 0.836 -1.539 0 0 0 66 Drawer 2.693 0.833 -1.131 0 0 0 67 Drawer 2.693 0.833 -0.699 0 0 0 68 Drawer 2.693 0.833 -0.267 0 0 0 69 Drawer 2.693 0.833 0.163 0 0 0 70 Drawer 2.524 0.833 0.720 0 2.000 0 71 Drawer 2.232 0.833 1.036 0 2.000 0 72 Drawer 1.936 0.833 1.354 0 2.000 0 73 Drawer 1.646 0.833 1.670 0 2.000 0 74 Cabinet 1.504 2.475 -1.710 0 0 0 75 Cabinet -0.823 2.220 1.621 0 0 0 76 Cabinet -0.823 2.220 0.615 0 0 0 77 Cabinet 1.136 0.388 -1.355 0 0 0 78 Cabinet -0.356 0.383 2.626 0 0 0 79 Cabinet 2.745 2.220 -1.690 0 0 0 80 Cabinet 1.882 0.383 1.017 0 0 0 81 Cabinet 1.307 0.473 1.640 0 0 0 82 Cabinet 1.892 0.383 1.006 0 0 0 83 Cabinet 2.467 0.383 0.383 0 0 0 84 Cabinet 2.466 0.383 -0.475 0 0 0 85 Cabinet 2.466 0.473 0.371 0 0 0 86 Cabinet 2.386 2.475 -1.710 0 0 0 87 Cabinet -0.356 0.383 1.712 0 0 0 88 Cabinet 2.745 2.220 0.019 0 0 0 89 Cabinet -0.663 2.496 0.157 0 0 0 90 Cabinet -0.663 2.496 -0.868 0 0 0 91 Cabinet -0.356 0.383 0.269 0 0 0 92 Cabinet -0.823 2.220 1.603 0 0 0 93 Cabinet -0.662 2.234 0.586 0 0 0 94 Cabinet 2.745 2.220 -0.843 0 0 0 95 Cabinet 2.745 2.220 -0.827 0 0 0 96 Cabinet -0.823 2.220 2.608 0 0 0 97 Cabinet 2.732 2.226 -1.709 0 0 0 98 Cabinet 1.137 2.226 -1.709 0 0 0 99 Cabinet 2.466 0.383 -0.491 0 0 0 100 Cabinet 2.466 0.383 -1.339 0 0 0 101 StoveBurner 1.761 1.018 -1.599 0 0 0 102 Fridge -0.908 0.0 -0.405 0 0 0 103 HousePlant 2.517 1.016 1.822 0 0 0 104 Microwave 1.939 1.745 -1.826 0 0 0 105 StoveKnob 2.017 1.041 -1.514 0 180 180 106 StoveKnob 1.934 1.041 -1.514 0 180 180 107 StoveKnob 2.017 1.041 -1.589 0 180 180 108 StoveKnob 1.934 1.041 -1.589 0 180 180 109 Window 1.756 1.608 4.762 90 0 0 110 HousePlant 2.171 1.004 2.091 0 0 0 111 CoffeeMachine -0.942 1.018 0.645 0 90 0 112 LightSwitch -0.099 1.410 -2.066 0 0 0 113 GarbageCan -0.951 -0.029 2.826 0 0 0 114 Toaster -1.007 1.018 2.238 0 90 0 115 SinkBasin -0.714 0.805 1.348 0 90 0 116 Chair 1.615 0.004 4.310 0 107.976 0 117 Faucet -1.120 1.013 1.334 0 90 0 118 Chair 2.759 0.004 3.086 0 358.967 0 119 120 NorthWall 121 EastWall 122 SouthWall 123 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Turn around and go to the middle of the counter on the left. | STEP 2: Pick up the ladle on the counter. | STEP 3: Turn around and go to the refrigerator. | STEP 4: Place the ladle inside the brown bowl. | STEP 5: Take the bowl with the ladle in it out of the refrigerator. | STEP 6: Turn around and go to the counter on the left of the stove. | STEP 7: Place the bowl with the ladle in it in the right cabinet below the counter. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Turn around and go to the middle of the counter on the left. ", " STEP 2: Pick up the ladle on the counter. ", " STEP 3: Turn around and go to the refrigerator. ", " STEP 4: Place the ladle inside the brown bowl. ", " STEP 5: Take the bowl with the ladle in it out of the refrigerator. ", " STEP 6: Turn around and go to the counter on the left of the stove. ", " STEP 7: Place the bowl with the ladle in it in the right cabinet below the counter. ", " END" ] ]
Place a bowl with a spoon inside a cabinet.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " 0.75", " 0.900", " 2.5", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Potato", " -0.782", " 0.858", " 1.181", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 115" ], [ "2", " Ladle", " -0.544", " 1.066", " 2.189", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 61" ], [ "3", " Ladle", " 1.925", " 0.803", " 4.044", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 59" ], [ "4", " DishSponge", " 2.945", " 0.764", " 4.254", " 0", " 225", " 0", " 59" ], [ "5", " DishSponge", " 2.403", " 0.801", " 1.071", " 0", " 317.0", " 0", " 71" ], [ "6", " WineBottle", " -1.187", " 1.028", " 1.150", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 61" ], [ "7", " WineBottle", " 2.899", " 0.035", " 0.217", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 99" ], [ "8", " Glassbottle", " 2.525", " 0.765", " 3.62", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 59" ], [ "9", " Pot", " 2.177", " 1.027", " -1.599", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 57" ], [ "10", " Pot", " 1.836", " 1.027", " -1.84", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 56" ], [ "11", " Spoon", " -0.544", " 1.028", " 0.323", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 61" ], [ "12", " Spoon", " -0.714", " 0.817", " 1.181", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 115" ], [ "13", " Egg", " 2.537", " 1.070", " -0.236", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "14", " Egg", " 2.106", " 1.905", " -1.876", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 104" ], [ "15", " Cup", " 2.599", " 0.763", " 4.495", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 59" ], [ "16", " Cup", " -0.877", " 1.440", " -0.627", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 102" ], [ "17", " Plate", " 2.160", " 1.027", " 1.354", " 0", " 136.999", " 0", " 58" ], [ "18", " Knife", " 2.599", " 0.789", " 3.445", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 59" ], [ "19", " Tomato", " 1.350", " 1.080", " -1.667", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 58" ], [ "20", " Tomato", " -0.916", " 0.130", " 2.811", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 113" ], [ "21", " Bowl", " -1.028", " 0.784", " -0.184", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 102" ], [ "22", " SaltShaker", " -0.448", " 0.796", " 1.844", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "23", " PepperShaker", " -0.448", " 0.798", " 0.777", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 60" ], [ "24", " Bread", " 2.959", " 1.094", " -0.541", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "25", " Bread", " 2.302", " 0.832", " 3.795", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 59" ], [ "26", " Lettuce", " -0.968", " 1.500", " -0.184", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 102" ], [ "27", " Lettuce", " 2.304", " 0.822", " 4.521", " 0", " 329.999", " 0", " 59" ], [ "28", " Mug", " -0.942", " 2.285", " -0.801", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 102" ], [ "29", " Apple", " -0.418", " 1.077", " 0.692", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 61" ], [ "30", " Pan", " 2.042", " 1.017", " 1.779", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "31", " Glassbottle", " 1.301", " 1.781", " -1.872", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 98" ], [ "32", " Knife", " 2.451", " 0.789", " 3.97", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 59" ], [ "33", " SoapBottle", " -0.890", " 0.047", " 0.871", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 61" ], [ "34", " Egg", " -0.669", " 1.071", " 1.943", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 61" ], [ "35", " Fork", " -0.418", " 1.028", " 0.416", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 61" ], [ "36", " Potato", " -1.013", " 1.484", " -0.627", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 102" ], [ "37", " Ladle", " 2.875", " 1.066", " 0.068", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "38", " Tomato", " -0.987", " 0.839", " -0.738", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 102" ], [ "39", " Pot", " 2.116", " 1.027", " -1.84", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 62" ], [ "40", " WineBottle", " 1.450", " 0.036", " -1.546", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "41", " Plate", " 2.626", " 0.764", " 3.821", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 59" ], [ "42", " Spatula", " -0.714", " 0.839", " 1.337", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 115" ], [ "43", " PaperTowelRoll", " -0.794", " 1.131", " 0.416", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 61" ], [ "44", " Lettuce", " 2.578", " 1.085", " 0.907", " 0", " 136.999", " 0", " 58" ], [ "45", " Apple", " -0.360", " 1.077", " 1.448", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 61" ], [ "46", " SaltShaker", " 2.046", " 0.760", " 4.372", " 0", " 329.999", " 0", " 59" ], [ "47", " PepperShaker", " -1.022", " 1.777", " 0.737", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 76" ], [ "48", " ButterKnife", " 2.975", " 0.764", " 4.118", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 59" ], [ "49", " Bread", " 2.450", " 0.832", " 4.118", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 59" ], [ "50", " Cup", " -0.645", " 0.815", " 1.103", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 115" ], [ "51", " DishSponge", " 1.592", " 0.800", " 1.558", " 0", " 317.0", " 0", " 73" ], [ "52", " Bowl", " -0.782", " 0.814", " 1.492", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 115" ], [ "53", " Spoon", " 2.762", " 0.802", " 0.072", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 69" ], [ "54", " Mug", " 2.370", " 1.021", " 1.550", " 0", " 136.999", " 0", " 58" ], [ "55", " Sink", " -0.716", " 1.023", " 1.333", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "56", " StoveBurner", " 1.835", " 1.018", " -1.840", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "57", " StoveBurner", " 2.177", " 1.018", " -1.599", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "58", " CounterTop", " 2.812", " 0.992", " 0.675", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "59", " DiningTable", " 2.419", " 0.003", " 3.930", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "60", " Drawer", " -0.643", " 0.828", " 0.616", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "61", " CounterTop", " -0.813", " 1.062", " 2.188", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "62", " StoveBurner", " 2.115", " 1.018", " -1.840", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "63", " Drawer", " -0.643", " 0.831", " 1.953", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "64", " Drawer", " -0.643", " 0.833", " 2.418", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "65", " Drawer", " 1.347", " 0.836", " -1.539", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "66", " Drawer", " 2.693", " 0.833", " -1.131", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "67", " Drawer", " 2.693", " 0.833", " -0.699", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "68", " Drawer", " 2.693", " 0.833", " -0.267", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "69", " Drawer", " 2.693", " 0.833", " 0.163", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "70", " Drawer", " 2.524", " 0.833", " 0.720", " 0", " 2.000", " 0", "" ], [ "71", " Drawer", " 2.232", " 0.833", " 1.036", " 0", " 2.000", " 0", "" ], [ "72", " Drawer", " 1.936", " 0.833", " 1.354", " 0", " 2.000", " 0", "" ], [ "73", " Drawer", " 1.646", " 0.833", " 1.670", " 0", " 2.000", " 0", "" ], [ "74", " Cabinet", " 1.504", " 2.475", " -1.710", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "75", " Cabinet", " -0.823", " 2.220", " 1.621", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "76", " Cabinet", " -0.823", " 2.220", " 0.615", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "77", " Cabinet", " 1.136", " 0.388", " -1.355", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "78", " Cabinet", " -0.356", " 0.383", " 2.626", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "79", " Cabinet", " 2.745", " 2.220", " -1.690", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "80", " Cabinet", " 1.882", " 0.383", " 1.017", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "81", " Cabinet", " 1.307", " 0.473", " 1.640", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "82", " Cabinet", " 1.892", " 0.383", " 1.006", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "83", " Cabinet", " 2.467", " 0.383", " 0.383", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "84", " Cabinet", " 2.466", " 0.383", " -0.475", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "85", " Cabinet", " 2.466", " 0.473", " 0.371", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "86", " Cabinet", " 2.386", " 2.475", " -1.710", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "87", " Cabinet", " -0.356", " 0.383", " 1.712", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "88", " Cabinet", " 2.745", " 2.220", " 0.019", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "89", " Cabinet", " -0.663", " 2.496", " 0.157", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "90", " Cabinet", " -0.663", " 2.496", " -0.868", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "91", " Cabinet", " -0.356", " 0.383", " 0.269", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "92", " Cabinet", " -0.823", " 2.220", " 1.603", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "93", " Cabinet", " -0.662", " 2.234", " 0.586", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "94", " Cabinet", " 2.745", " 2.220", " -0.843", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "95", " Cabinet", " 2.745", " 2.220", " -0.827", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "96", " Cabinet", " -0.823", " 2.220", " 2.608", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "97", " Cabinet", " 2.732", " 2.226", " -1.709", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "98", " Cabinet", " 1.137", " 2.226", " -1.709", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "99", " Cabinet", " 2.466", " 0.383", " -0.491", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "100", " Cabinet", " 2.466", " 0.383", " -1.339", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "101", " StoveBurner", " 1.761", " 1.018", " -1.599", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "102", " Fridge", " -0.908", " 0.0", " -0.405", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "103", " HousePlant", " 2.517", " 1.016", " 1.822", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "104", " Microwave", " 1.939", " 1.745", " -1.826", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "105", " StoveKnob", " 2.017", " 1.041", " -1.514", " 0", " 180", " 180", "" ], [ "106", " StoveKnob", " 1.934", " 1.041", " -1.514", " 0", " 180", " 180", "" ], [ "107", " StoveKnob", " 2.017", " 1.041", " -1.589", " 0", " 180", " 180", "" ], [ "108", " StoveKnob", " 1.934", " 1.041", " -1.589", " 0", " 180", " 180", "" ], [ "109", " Window", " 1.756", " 1.608", " 4.762", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "110", " HousePlant", " 2.171", " 1.004", " 2.091", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "111", " CoffeeMachine", " -0.942", " 1.018", " 0.645", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "112", " LightSwitch", " -0.099", " 1.410", " -2.066", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "113", " GarbageCan", " -0.951", " -0.029", " 2.826", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "114", " Toaster", " -1.007", " 1.018", " 2.238", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "115", " SinkBasin", " -0.714", " 0.805", " 1.348", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "116", " Chair", " 1.615", " 0.004", " 4.310", " 0", " 107.976", " 0", "" ], [ "117", " Faucet", " -1.120", " 1.013", " 1.334", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "118", " Chair", " 2.759", " 0.004", " 3.086", " 0", " 358.967", " 0", "" ], [ "119", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "120", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "121", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "122", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "123", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent 0.75 0.900 2.5 0 0 0 1 Potato -0.782 0.858 1.181 0 180 0 115 2 Ladle -0.544 1.066 2.189 0 0 0 61 3 Ladle 1.925 0.803 4.044 0 270 0 59 4 DishSponge 2.945 0.764 4.254 0 225 0 59 5 DishSponge 2.403 0.801 1.071 0 317.0 0 71 6 WineBottle -1.187 1.028 1.150 0 0 0 61 7 WineBottle 2.899 0.035 0.217 0 0 0 99 8 Glassbottle 2.525 0.765 3.62 0 0 0 59 9 Pot 2.177 1.027 -1.599 0 0 0 57 10 Pot 1.836 1.027 -1.84 0 90 0 56 11 Spoon -0.544 1.028 0.323 0 0 0 61 12 Spoon -0.714 0.817 1.181 0 90 0 115 13 Egg 2.537 1.070 -0.236 0 0 0 58 14 Egg 2.106 1.905 -1.876 0 0 0 104 15 Cup 2.599 0.763 4.495 0 0 0 59 16 Cup -0.877 1.440 -0.627 0 90 0 102 17 Plate 2.160 1.027 1.354 0 136.999 0 58 18 Knife 2.599 0.789 3.445 0 0 0 59 19 Tomato 1.350 1.080 -1.667 0 90 0 58 20 Tomato -0.916 0.130 2.811 0 0 0 113 21 Bowl -1.028 0.784 -0.184 0 90 0 102 22 SaltShaker -0.448 0.796 1.844 0 0 0 63 23 PepperShaker -0.448 0.798 0.777 0 0 0 60 24 Bread 2.959 1.094 -0.541 0 0 0 58 25 Bread 2.302 0.832 3.795 0 0 0 59 26 Lettuce -0.968 1.500 -0.184 0 90 0 102 27 Lettuce 2.304 0.822 4.521 0 329.999 0 59 28 Mug -0.942 2.285 -0.801 0 90 0 102 29 Apple -0.418 1.077 0.692 0 0 0 61 30 Pan 2.042 1.017 1.779 0 0 0 58 31 Glassbottle 1.301 1.781 -1.872 0 0 0 98 32 Knife 2.451 0.789 3.97 0 0 0 59 33 SoapBottle -0.890 0.047 0.871 0 0 0 61 34 Egg -0.669 1.071 1.943 0 0 0 61 35 Fork -0.418 1.028 0.416 0 90 0 61 36 Potato -1.013 1.484 -0.627 0 90 0 102 37 Ladle 2.875 1.066 0.068 0 0 0 58 38 Tomato -0.987 0.839 -0.738 0 90 0 102 39 Pot 2.116 1.027 -1.84 0 270 0 62 40 WineBottle 1.450 0.036 -1.546 0 0 0 58 41 Plate 2.626 0.764 3.821 0 270 0 59 42 Spatula -0.714 0.839 1.337 0 180 0 115 43 PaperTowelRoll -0.794 1.131 0.416 0 0 0 61 44 Lettuce 2.578 1.085 0.907 0 136.999 0 58 45 Apple -0.360 1.077 1.448 0 0 0 61 46 SaltShaker 2.046 0.760 4.372 0 329.999 0 59 47 PepperShaker -1.022 1.777 0.737 0 0 0 76 48 ButterKnife 2.975 0.764 4.118 0 270 0 59 49 Bread 2.450 0.832 4.118 0 270 0 59 50 Cup -0.645 0.815 1.103 0 90 0 115 51 DishSponge 1.592 0.800 1.558 0 317.0 0 73 52 Bowl -0.782 0.814 1.492 0 90 0 115 53 Spoon 2.762 0.802 0.072 0 90 0 69 54 Mug 2.370 1.021 1.550 0 136.999 0 58 55 Sink -0.716 1.023 1.333 0 0 0 56 StoveBurner 1.835 1.018 -1.840 0 90 0 57 StoveBurner 2.177 1.018 -1.599 0 0 0 58 CounterTop 2.812 0.992 0.675 0 0 0 59 DiningTable 2.419 0.003 3.930 0 0 0 60 Drawer -0.643 0.828 0.616 0 0 0 61 CounterTop -0.813 1.062 2.188 0 0 0 62 StoveBurner 2.115 1.018 -1.840 0 270 0 63 Drawer -0.643 0.831 1.953 0 0 0 64 Drawer -0.643 0.833 2.418 0 0 0 65 Drawer 1.347 0.836 -1.539 0 0 0 66 Drawer 2.693 0.833 -1.131 0 0 0 67 Drawer 2.693 0.833 -0.699 0 0 0 68 Drawer 2.693 0.833 -0.267 0 0 0 69 Drawer 2.693 0.833 0.163 0 0 0 70 Drawer 2.524 0.833 0.720 0 2.000 0 71 Drawer 2.232 0.833 1.036 0 2.000 0 72 Drawer 1.936 0.833 1.354 0 2.000 0 73 Drawer 1.646 0.833 1.670 0 2.000 0 74 Cabinet 1.504 2.475 -1.710 0 0 0 75 Cabinet -0.823 2.220 1.621 0 0 0 76 Cabinet -0.823 2.220 0.615 0 0 0 77 Cabinet 1.136 0.388 -1.355 0 0 0 78 Cabinet -0.356 0.383 2.626 0 0 0 79 Cabinet 2.745 2.220 -1.690 0 0 0 80 Cabinet 1.882 0.383 1.017 0 0 0 81 Cabinet 1.307 0.473 1.640 0 0 0 82 Cabinet 1.892 0.383 1.006 0 0 0 83 Cabinet 2.467 0.383 0.383 0 0 0 84 Cabinet 2.466 0.383 -0.475 0 0 0 85 Cabinet 2.466 0.473 0.371 0 0 0 86 Cabinet 2.386 2.475 -1.710 0 0 0 87 Cabinet -0.356 0.383 1.712 0 0 0 88 Cabinet 2.745 2.220 0.019 0 0 0 89 Cabinet -0.663 2.496 0.157 0 0 0 90 Cabinet -0.663 2.496 -0.868 0 0 0 91 Cabinet -0.356 0.383 0.269 0 0 0 92 Cabinet -0.823 2.220 1.603 0 0 0 93 Cabinet -0.662 2.234 0.586 0 0 0 94 Cabinet 2.745 2.220 -0.843 0 0 0 95 Cabinet 2.745 2.220 -0.827 0 0 0 96 Cabinet -0.823 2.220 2.608 0 0 0 97 Cabinet 2.732 2.226 -1.709 0 0 0 98 Cabinet 1.137 2.226 -1.709 0 0 0 99 Cabinet 2.466 0.383 -0.491 0 0 0 100 Cabinet 2.466 0.383 -1.339 0 0 0 101 StoveBurner 1.761 1.018 -1.599 0 0 0 102 Fridge -0.908 0.0 -0.405 0 0 0 103 HousePlant 2.517 1.016 1.822 0 0 0 104 Microwave 1.939 1.745 -1.826 0 0 0 105 StoveKnob 2.017 1.041 -1.514 0 180 180 106 StoveKnob 1.934 1.041 -1.514 0 180 180 107 StoveKnob 2.017 1.041 -1.589 0 180 180 108 StoveKnob 1.934 1.041 -1.589 0 180 180 109 Window 1.756 1.608 4.762 90 0 0 110 HousePlant 2.171 1.004 2.091 0 0 0 111 CoffeeMachine -0.942 1.018 0.645 0 90 0 112 LightSwitch -0.099 1.410 -2.066 0 0 0 113 GarbageCan -0.951 -0.029 2.826 0 0 0 114 Toaster -1.007 1.018 2.238 0 90 0 115 SinkBasin -0.714 0.805 1.348 0 90 0 116 Chair 1.615 0.004 4.310 0 107.976 0 117 Faucet -1.120 1.013 1.334 0 90 0 118 Chair 2.759 0.004 3.086 0 358.967 0 119 120 NorthWall 121 EastWall 122 SouthWall 123 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Turn around and hang a left at the black fridge to reach the counter. | STEP 2: Pick up the spoon with the black handle on the counter to the left of the loaf of bread. | STEP 3: Turn around and walk to the fridge ahead. | STEP 4: Open the fridge and put the spoon inside the brown bowl on the top shelf on the right side. | STEP 5: Pick up the bowl with the spoon from inside the fridge and close the door. | STEP 6: Turn around and cross the room to reach the cabinets under the counter next to the white stove. | STEP 7: Open the lower right cabinet, put the bowl with the spoon inside the cabinet and close the door. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Turn around and hang a left at the black fridge to reach the counter. ", " STEP 2: Pick up the spoon with the black handle on the counter to the left of the loaf of bread. ", " STEP 3: Turn around and walk to the fridge ahead. ", " STEP 4: Open the fridge and put the spoon inside the brown bowl on the top shelf on the right side. ", " STEP 5: Pick up the bowl with the spoon from inside the fridge and close the door. ", " STEP 6: Turn around and cross the room to reach the cabinets under the counter next to the white stove. ", " STEP 7: Open the lower right cabinet, put the bowl with the spoon inside the cabinet and close the door. ", " END" ] ]
Move a chilled bowl with a ladle inside to a cabinet.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " 0.75", " 0.900", " 2.5", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Potato", " -0.782", " 0.858", " 1.181", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 115" ], [ "2", " Ladle", " -0.544", " 1.066", " 2.189", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 61" ], [ "3", " Ladle", " 1.925", " 0.803", " 4.044", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 59" ], [ "4", " DishSponge", " 2.945", " 0.764", " 4.254", " 0", " 225", " 0", " 59" ], [ "5", " DishSponge", " 2.403", " 0.801", " 1.071", " 0", " 317.0", " 0", " 71" ], [ "6", " WineBottle", " -1.187", " 1.028", " 1.150", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 61" ], [ "7", " WineBottle", " 2.899", " 0.035", " 0.217", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 99" ], [ "8", " Glassbottle", " 2.525", " 0.765", " 3.62", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 59" ], [ "9", " Pot", " 2.177", " 1.027", " -1.599", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 57" ], [ "10", " Pot", " 1.836", " 1.027", " -1.84", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 56" ], [ "11", " Spoon", " -0.544", " 1.028", " 0.323", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 61" ], [ "12", " Spoon", " -0.714", " 0.817", " 1.181", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 115" ], [ "13", " Egg", " 2.537", " 1.070", " -0.236", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "14", " Egg", " 2.106", " 1.905", " -1.876", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 104" ], [ "15", " Cup", " 2.599", " 0.763", " 4.495", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 59" ], [ "16", " Cup", " -0.877", " 1.440", " -0.627", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 102" ], [ "17", " Plate", " 2.160", " 1.027", " 1.354", " 0", " 136.999", " 0", " 58" ], [ "18", " Knife", " 2.599", " 0.789", " 3.445", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 59" ], [ "19", " Tomato", " 1.350", " 1.080", " -1.667", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 58" ], [ "20", " Tomato", " -0.916", " 0.130", " 2.811", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 113" ], [ "21", " Bowl", " -1.028", " 0.784", " -0.184", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 102" ], [ "22", " SaltShaker", " -0.448", " 0.796", " 1.844", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "23", " PepperShaker", " -0.448", " 0.798", " 0.777", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 60" ], [ "24", " Bread", " 2.959", " 1.094", " -0.541", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "25", " Bread", " 2.302", " 0.832", " 3.795", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 59" ], [ "26", " Lettuce", " -0.968", " 1.500", " -0.184", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 102" ], [ "27", " Lettuce", " 2.304", " 0.822", " 4.521", " 0", " 329.999", " 0", " 59" ], [ "28", " Mug", " -0.942", " 2.285", " -0.801", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 102" ], [ "29", " Apple", " -0.418", " 1.077", " 0.692", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 61" ], [ "30", " Pan", " 2.042", " 1.017", " 1.779", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "31", " Glassbottle", " 1.301", " 1.781", " -1.872", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 98" ], [ "32", " Knife", " 2.451", " 0.789", " 3.97", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 59" ], [ "33", " SoapBottle", " -0.890", " 0.047", " 0.871", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 61" ], [ "34", " Egg", " -0.669", " 1.071", " 1.943", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 61" ], [ "35", " Fork", " -0.418", " 1.028", " 0.416", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 61" ], [ "36", " Potato", " -1.013", " 1.484", " -0.627", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 102" ], [ "37", " Ladle", " 2.875", " 1.066", " 0.068", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "38", " Tomato", " -0.987", " 0.839", " -0.738", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 102" ], [ "39", " Pot", " 2.116", " 1.027", " -1.84", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 62" ], [ "40", " WineBottle", " 1.450", " 0.036", " -1.546", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "41", " Plate", " 2.626", " 0.764", " 3.821", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 59" ], [ "42", " Spatula", " -0.714", " 0.839", " 1.337", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 115" ], [ "43", " PaperTowelRoll", " -0.794", " 1.131", " 0.416", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 61" ], [ "44", " Lettuce", " 2.578", " 1.085", " 0.907", " 0", " 136.999", " 0", " 58" ], [ "45", " Apple", " -0.360", " 1.077", " 1.448", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 61" ], [ "46", " SaltShaker", " 2.046", " 0.760", " 4.372", " 0", " 329.999", " 0", " 59" ], [ "47", " PepperShaker", " -1.022", " 1.777", " 0.737", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 76" ], [ "48", " ButterKnife", " 2.975", " 0.764", " 4.118", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 59" ], [ "49", " Bread", " 2.450", " 0.832", " 4.118", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 59" ], [ "50", " Cup", " -0.645", " 0.815", " 1.103", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 115" ], [ "51", " DishSponge", " 1.592", " 0.800", " 1.558", " 0", " 317.0", " 0", " 73" ], [ "52", " Bowl", " -0.782", " 0.814", " 1.492", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 115" ], [ "53", " Spoon", " 2.762", " 0.802", " 0.072", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 69" ], [ "54", " Mug", " 2.370", " 1.021", " 1.550", " 0", " 136.999", " 0", " 58" ], [ "55", " Sink", " -0.716", " 1.023", " 1.333", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "56", " StoveBurner", " 1.835", " 1.018", " -1.840", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "57", " StoveBurner", " 2.177", " 1.018", " -1.599", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "58", " CounterTop", " 2.812", " 0.992", " 0.675", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "59", " DiningTable", " 2.419", " 0.003", " 3.930", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "60", " Drawer", " -0.643", " 0.828", " 0.616", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "61", " CounterTop", " -0.813", " 1.062", " 2.188", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "62", " StoveBurner", " 2.115", " 1.018", " -1.840", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "63", " Drawer", " -0.643", " 0.831", " 1.953", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "64", " Drawer", " -0.643", " 0.833", " 2.418", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "65", " Drawer", " 1.347", " 0.836", " -1.539", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "66", " Drawer", " 2.693", " 0.833", " -1.131", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "67", " Drawer", " 2.693", " 0.833", " -0.699", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "68", " Drawer", " 2.693", " 0.833", " -0.267", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "69", " Drawer", " 2.693", " 0.833", " 0.163", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "70", " Drawer", " 2.524", " 0.833", " 0.720", " 0", " 2.000", " 0", "" ], [ "71", " Drawer", " 2.232", " 0.833", " 1.036", " 0", " 2.000", " 0", "" ], [ "72", " Drawer", " 1.936", " 0.833", " 1.354", " 0", " 2.000", " 0", "" ], [ "73", " Drawer", " 1.646", " 0.833", " 1.670", " 0", " 2.000", " 0", "" ], [ "74", " Cabinet", " 1.504", " 2.475", " -1.710", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "75", " Cabinet", " -0.823", " 2.220", " 1.621", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "76", " Cabinet", " -0.823", " 2.220", " 0.615", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "77", " Cabinet", " 1.136", " 0.388", " -1.355", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "78", " Cabinet", " -0.356", " 0.383", " 2.626", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "79", " Cabinet", " 2.745", " 2.220", " -1.690", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "80", " Cabinet", " 1.882", " 0.383", " 1.017", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "81", " Cabinet", " 1.307", " 0.473", " 1.640", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "82", " Cabinet", " 1.892", " 0.383", " 1.006", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "83", " Cabinet", " 2.467", " 0.383", " 0.383", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "84", " Cabinet", " 2.466", " 0.383", " -0.475", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "85", " Cabinet", " 2.466", " 0.473", " 0.371", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "86", " Cabinet", " 2.386", " 2.475", " -1.710", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "87", " Cabinet", " -0.356", " 0.383", " 1.712", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "88", " Cabinet", " 2.745", " 2.220", " 0.019", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "89", " Cabinet", " -0.663", " 2.496", " 0.157", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "90", " Cabinet", " -0.663", " 2.496", " -0.868", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "91", " Cabinet", " -0.356", " 0.383", " 0.269", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "92", " Cabinet", " -0.823", " 2.220", " 1.603", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "93", " Cabinet", " -0.662", " 2.234", " 0.586", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "94", " Cabinet", " 2.745", " 2.220", " -0.843", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "95", " Cabinet", " 2.745", " 2.220", " -0.827", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "96", " Cabinet", " -0.823", " 2.220", " 2.608", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "97", " Cabinet", " 2.732", " 2.226", " -1.709", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "98", " Cabinet", " 1.137", " 2.226", " -1.709", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "99", " Cabinet", " 2.466", " 0.383", " -0.491", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "100", " Cabinet", " 2.466", " 0.383", " -1.339", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "101", " StoveBurner", " 1.761", " 1.018", " -1.599", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "102", " Fridge", " -0.908", " 0.0", " -0.405", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "103", " HousePlant", " 2.517", " 1.016", " 1.822", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "104", " Microwave", " 1.939", " 1.745", " -1.826", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "105", " StoveKnob", " 2.017", " 1.041", " -1.514", " 0", " 180", " 180", "" ], [ "106", " StoveKnob", " 1.934", " 1.041", " -1.514", " 0", " 180", " 180", "" ], [ "107", " StoveKnob", " 2.017", " 1.041", " -1.589", " 0", " 180", " 180", "" ], [ "108", " StoveKnob", " 1.934", " 1.041", " -1.589", " 0", " 180", " 180", "" ], [ "109", " Window", " 1.756", " 1.608", " 4.762", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "110", " HousePlant", " 2.171", " 1.004", " 2.091", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "111", " CoffeeMachine", " -0.942", " 1.018", " 0.645", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "112", " LightSwitch", " -0.099", " 1.410", " -2.066", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "113", " GarbageCan", " -0.951", " -0.029", " 2.826", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "114", " Toaster", " -1.007", " 1.018", " 2.238", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "115", " SinkBasin", " -0.714", " 0.805", " 1.348", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "116", " Chair", " 1.615", " 0.004", " 4.310", " 0", " 107.976", " 0", "" ], [ "117", " Faucet", " -1.120", " 1.013", " 1.334", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "118", " Chair", " 2.759", " 0.004", " 3.086", " 0", " 358.967", " 0", "" ], [ "119", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "120", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "121", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "122", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "123", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent 0.75 0.900 2.5 0 0 0 1 Potato -0.782 0.858 1.181 0 180 0 115 2 Ladle -0.544 1.066 2.189 0 0 0 61 3 Ladle 1.925 0.803 4.044 0 270 0 59 4 DishSponge 2.945 0.764 4.254 0 225 0 59 5 DishSponge 2.403 0.801 1.071 0 317.0 0 71 6 WineBottle -1.187 1.028 1.150 0 0 0 61 7 WineBottle 2.899 0.035 0.217 0 0 0 99 8 Glassbottle 2.525 0.765 3.62 0 0 0 59 9 Pot 2.177 1.027 -1.599 0 0 0 57 10 Pot 1.836 1.027 -1.84 0 90 0 56 11 Spoon -0.544 1.028 0.323 0 0 0 61 12 Spoon -0.714 0.817 1.181 0 90 0 115 13 Egg 2.537 1.070 -0.236 0 0 0 58 14 Egg 2.106 1.905 -1.876 0 0 0 104 15 Cup 2.599 0.763 4.495 0 0 0 59 16 Cup -0.877 1.440 -0.627 0 90 0 102 17 Plate 2.160 1.027 1.354 0 136.999 0 58 18 Knife 2.599 0.789 3.445 0 0 0 59 19 Tomato 1.350 1.080 -1.667 0 90 0 58 20 Tomato -0.916 0.130 2.811 0 0 0 113 21 Bowl -1.028 0.784 -0.184 0 90 0 102 22 SaltShaker -0.448 0.796 1.844 0 0 0 63 23 PepperShaker -0.448 0.798 0.777 0 0 0 60 24 Bread 2.959 1.094 -0.541 0 0 0 58 25 Bread 2.302 0.832 3.795 0 0 0 59 26 Lettuce -0.968 1.500 -0.184 0 90 0 102 27 Lettuce 2.304 0.822 4.521 0 329.999 0 59 28 Mug -0.942 2.285 -0.801 0 90 0 102 29 Apple -0.418 1.077 0.692 0 0 0 61 30 Pan 2.042 1.017 1.779 0 0 0 58 31 Glassbottle 1.301 1.781 -1.872 0 0 0 98 32 Knife 2.451 0.789 3.97 0 0 0 59 33 SoapBottle -0.890 0.047 0.871 0 0 0 61 34 Egg -0.669 1.071 1.943 0 0 0 61 35 Fork -0.418 1.028 0.416 0 90 0 61 36 Potato -1.013 1.484 -0.627 0 90 0 102 37 Ladle 2.875 1.066 0.068 0 0 0 58 38 Tomato -0.987 0.839 -0.738 0 90 0 102 39 Pot 2.116 1.027 -1.84 0 270 0 62 40 WineBottle 1.450 0.036 -1.546 0 0 0 58 41 Plate 2.626 0.764 3.821 0 270 0 59 42 Spatula -0.714 0.839 1.337 0 180 0 115 43 PaperTowelRoll -0.794 1.131 0.416 0 0 0 61 44 Lettuce 2.578 1.085 0.907 0 136.999 0 58 45 Apple -0.360 1.077 1.448 0 0 0 61 46 SaltShaker 2.046 0.760 4.372 0 329.999 0 59 47 PepperShaker -1.022 1.777 0.737 0 0 0 76 48 ButterKnife 2.975 0.764 4.118 0 270 0 59 49 Bread 2.450 0.832 4.118 0 270 0 59 50 Cup -0.645 0.815 1.103 0 90 0 115 51 DishSponge 1.592 0.800 1.558 0 317.0 0 73 52 Bowl -0.782 0.814 1.492 0 90 0 115 53 Spoon 2.762 0.802 0.072 0 90 0 69 54 Mug 2.370 1.021 1.550 0 136.999 0 58 55 Sink -0.716 1.023 1.333 0 0 0 56 StoveBurner 1.835 1.018 -1.840 0 90 0 57 StoveBurner 2.177 1.018 -1.599 0 0 0 58 CounterTop 2.812 0.992 0.675 0 0 0 59 DiningTable 2.419 0.003 3.930 0 0 0 60 Drawer -0.643 0.828 0.616 0 0 0 61 CounterTop -0.813 1.062 2.188 0 0 0 62 StoveBurner 2.115 1.018 -1.840 0 270 0 63 Drawer -0.643 0.831 1.953 0 0 0 64 Drawer -0.643 0.833 2.418 0 0 0 65 Drawer 1.347 0.836 -1.539 0 0 0 66 Drawer 2.693 0.833 -1.131 0 0 0 67 Drawer 2.693 0.833 -0.699 0 0 0 68 Drawer 2.693 0.833 -0.267 0 0 0 69 Drawer 2.693 0.833 0.163 0 0 0 70 Drawer 2.524 0.833 0.720 0 2.000 0 71 Drawer 2.232 0.833 1.036 0 2.000 0 72 Drawer 1.936 0.833 1.354 0 2.000 0 73 Drawer 1.646 0.833 1.670 0 2.000 0 74 Cabinet 1.504 2.475 -1.710 0 0 0 75 Cabinet -0.823 2.220 1.621 0 0 0 76 Cabinet -0.823 2.220 0.615 0 0 0 77 Cabinet 1.136 0.388 -1.355 0 0 0 78 Cabinet -0.356 0.383 2.626 0 0 0 79 Cabinet 2.745 2.220 -1.690 0 0 0 80 Cabinet 1.882 0.383 1.017 0 0 0 81 Cabinet 1.307 0.473 1.640 0 0 0 82 Cabinet 1.892 0.383 1.006 0 0 0 83 Cabinet 2.467 0.383 0.383 0 0 0 84 Cabinet 2.466 0.383 -0.475 0 0 0 85 Cabinet 2.466 0.473 0.371 0 0 0 86 Cabinet 2.386 2.475 -1.710 0 0 0 87 Cabinet -0.356 0.383 1.712 0 0 0 88 Cabinet 2.745 2.220 0.019 0 0 0 89 Cabinet -0.663 2.496 0.157 0 0 0 90 Cabinet -0.663 2.496 -0.868 0 0 0 91 Cabinet -0.356 0.383 0.269 0 0 0 92 Cabinet -0.823 2.220 1.603 0 0 0 93 Cabinet -0.662 2.234 0.586 0 0 0 94 Cabinet 2.745 2.220 -0.843 0 0 0 95 Cabinet 2.745 2.220 -0.827 0 0 0 96 Cabinet -0.823 2.220 2.608 0 0 0 97 Cabinet 2.732 2.226 -1.709 0 0 0 98 Cabinet 1.137 2.226 -1.709 0 0 0 99 Cabinet 2.466 0.383 -0.491 0 0 0 100 Cabinet 2.466 0.383 -1.339 0 0 0 101 StoveBurner 1.761 1.018 -1.599 0 0 0 102 Fridge -0.908 0.0 -0.405 0 0 0 103 HousePlant 2.517 1.016 1.822 0 0 0 104 Microwave 1.939 1.745 -1.826 0 0 0 105 StoveKnob 2.017 1.041 -1.514 0 180 180 106 StoveKnob 1.934 1.041 -1.514 0 180 180 107 StoveKnob 2.017 1.041 -1.589 0 180 180 108 StoveKnob 1.934 1.041 -1.589 0 180 180 109 Window 1.756 1.608 4.762 90 0 0 110 HousePlant 2.171 1.004 2.091 0 0 0 111 CoffeeMachine -0.942 1.018 0.645 0 90 0 112 LightSwitch -0.099 1.410 -2.066 0 0 0 113 GarbageCan -0.951 -0.029 2.826 0 0 0 114 Toaster -1.007 1.018 2.238 0 90 0 115 SinkBasin -0.714 0.805 1.348 0 90 0 116 Chair 1.615 0.004 4.310 0 107.976 0 117 Faucet -1.120 1.013 1.334 0 90 0 118 Chair 2.759 0.004 3.086 0 358.967 0 119 120 NorthWall 121 EastWall 122 SouthWall 123 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Turn completely around, walk forward a bit, then make a left to walk over to the counter space where the ladle and egg are. | STEP 2: Pick up the ladle that is on the counter. | STEP 3: Turn around and walk towards the refrigerator. | STEP 4: Place the ladle inside the bowl that is in the fridge. | STEP 5: Take the bowl with the ladle out of the fridge and close the door. | STEP 6: Turn around and walk back towards the counter space that is across from you. | STEP 7: Place the bowl with the ladle inside of the lower cabinet that is to the left of the stove and close the door. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Turn completely around, walk forward a bit, then make a left to walk over to the counter space where the ladle and egg are. ", " STEP 2: Pick up the ladle that is on the counter. ", " STEP 3: Turn around and walk towards the refrigerator. ", " STEP 4: Place the ladle inside the bowl that is in the fridge. ", " STEP 5: Take the bowl with the ladle out of the fridge and close the door. ", " STEP 6: Turn around and walk back towards the counter space that is across from you. ", " STEP 7: Place the bowl with the ladle inside of the lower cabinet that is to the left of the stove and close the door. ", " END" ] ]
Holding a pillow and turn on a lamp.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " 0.75", " 0.900", " -0.25", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Bowl", " 0.459", " 0.813", " -2.507", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 50" ], [ "2", " CellPhone", " -1.319", " 0.652", " -2.363", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "3", " Pen", " -1.393", " 0.867", " -2.436", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 57" ], [ "4", " Pen", " 0.355", " 0.817", " -2.304", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 50" ], [ "5", " Pencil", " -1.192", " 0.865", " -2.498", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 57" ], [ "6", " Pencil", " -1.493", " 0.375", " -2.325", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 55" ], [ "7", " CreditCard", " -1.567", " 1.362", " -2.435", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 53" ], [ "8", " CreditCard", " -1.594", " 0.861", " -2.561", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 57" ], [ "9", " RemoteControl", " -1.580", " 0.653", " -2.363", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "10", " Laptop", " 0.528", " 0.772", " 0.850", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 28" ], [ "11", " Book", " -0.386", " 0.861", " -2.498", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 57" ], [ "12", " Cloth", " 1.303", " 0.0", " -0.696", " 0", " 303.212", " 0", "" ], [ "13", " Cloth", " 1.273", " 0.0", " -0.969", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "14", " CellPhone", " -0.061", " 0.812", " -2.236", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 50" ], [ "15", " Pencil", " -0.587", " 0.865", " -2.373", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 57" ], [ "16", " Laptop", " -0.333", " 0.772", " 1.012", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 28" ], [ "17", " AlarmClock", " 0.355", " 0.812", " -2.169", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 50" ], [ "18", " CreditCard", " 0.251", " 0.811", " -2.507", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 50" ], [ "19", " KeyChain", " 0.146", " 0.813", " -2.575", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 50" ], [ "20", " TennisRacket", " -1.704", " 0.345", " 1.743", " 345.000", " 90", " 180", "" ], [ "21", " RemoteControl", " -0.990", " 0.863", " -2.373", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 57" ], [ "22", " Pillow", " 1.073", " 0.876", " 1.326", " 0", " 262.063", " 0", " 28" ], [ "23", " CD", " 1.521", " 0.817", " -1.727", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "24", " CD", " 0.527", " 0.806", " -2.485", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 50" ], [ "25", " CD", " -1.192", " 0.861", " -2.248", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 57" ], [ "26", " Pen", " -0.587", " 0.867", " -2.248", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 57" ], [ "27", " Bowl", " -0.674", " 0.855", " -2.499", " 0", " 323.153", " 0", " 57" ], [ "28", " Bed", " 0.270", " 0.001", " 1.331", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " LaundryHamper", " -1.329", " 0.001", " 1.829", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " Television", " -1.664", " 1.479", " -0.912", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " DeskLamp", " 0.049", " 0.815", " -2.481", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " LightSwitch", " -1.799", " 1.213", " 0.680", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " Painting", " 0.492", " 1.684", " -2.629", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " Poster", " -1.799", " 1.690", " -1.491", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " GarbageCan", " 1.306", " -0.001", " -2.451", " 0", " 317.376", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " Mirror", " 1.5", " 1.361", " -0.542", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " Window", " 1.721", " 1.365", " -1.597", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " Shelf", " -1.605", " 0.435", " -0.686", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " Shelf", " -1.613", " 1.154", " -0.904", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "40", " ShelvingUnit", " -1.611", " 0.005", " -0.904", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "41", " Shelf", " -1.605", " 0.719", " -1.122", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "42", " Shelf", " -1.605", " 0.435", " -1.122", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "43", " Shelf", " -1.605", " 1.006", " -1.122", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "44", " Shelf", " -1.605", " 0.148", " -0.686", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "45", " Shelf", " -1.605", " 0.149", " -1.122", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "46", " Shelf", " -1.605", " 1.006", " -0.686", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "47", " Shelf", " -1.605", " 0.719", " -0.686", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "48", " SideTable", " 1.484", " 0.001", " -1.481", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "49", " Blinds", " 1.699", " 2.096", " -1.575", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "50", " Desk", " 0.244", " 0.004", " -2.356", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "51", " Chair", " -0.626", " 1.439", " -2.199", " 0", " 171.006", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " Chair", " 0.220", " 1.466", " -2.214", " 0", " 188.269", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " Shelf", " -0.978", " 1.387", " -2.479", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " Drawer", " -1.389", " 0.197", " -2.261", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "55", " Drawer", " -1.389", " 0.480", " -2.261", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "56", " Drawer", " -1.389", " 0.731", " -2.261", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "57", " Desk", " -0.973", " 1.162", " -2.351", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "58", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "59", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "60", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "61", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent 0.75 0.900 -0.25 0 180 0 1 Bowl 0.459 0.813 -2.507 0 0 0 50 2 CellPhone -1.319 0.652 -2.363 0 0 0 56 3 Pen -1.393 0.867 -2.436 0 0 0 57 4 Pen 0.355 0.817 -2.304 0 0 0 50 5 Pencil -1.192 0.865 -2.498 0 0 0 57 6 Pencil -1.493 0.375 -2.325 0 0 0 55 7 CreditCard -1.567 1.362 -2.435 0 0 0 53 8 CreditCard -1.594 0.861 -2.561 0 0 0 57 9 RemoteControl -1.580 0.653 -2.363 0 0 0 56 10 Laptop 0.528 0.772 0.850 0 0 0 28 11 Book -0.386 0.861 -2.498 0 0 0 57 12 Cloth 1.303 0.0 -0.696 0 303.212 0 13 Cloth 1.273 0.0 -0.969 0 0 0 14 CellPhone -0.061 0.812 -2.236 0 0 0 50 15 Pencil -0.587 0.865 -2.373 0 0 0 57 16 Laptop -0.333 0.772 1.012 0 0 0 28 17 AlarmClock 0.355 0.812 -2.169 0 0 0 50 18 CreditCard 0.251 0.811 -2.507 0 0 0 50 19 KeyChain 0.146 0.813 -2.575 0 90 0 50 20 TennisRacket -1.704 0.345 1.743 345.000 90 180 21 RemoteControl -0.990 0.863 -2.373 0 0 0 57 22 Pillow 1.073 0.876 1.326 0 262.063 0 28 23 CD 1.521 0.817 -1.727 0 0 0 48 24 CD 0.527 0.806 -2.485 0 0 0 50 25 CD -1.192 0.861 -2.248 0 0 0 57 26 Pen -0.587 0.867 -2.248 0 0 0 57 27 Bowl -0.674 0.855 -2.499 0 323.153 0 57 28 Bed 0.270 0.001 1.331 0 90 0 29 LaundryHamper -1.329 0.001 1.829 0 180 0 30 Television -1.664 1.479 -0.912 0 90 0 31 DeskLamp 0.049 0.815 -2.481 0 0 0 32 LightSwitch -1.799 1.213 0.680 0 90 0 33 Painting 0.492 1.684 -2.629 90 0 0 34 Poster -1.799 1.690 -1.491 90 270 0 35 GarbageCan 1.306 -0.001 -2.451 0 317.376 0 36 Mirror 1.5 1.361 -0.542 0 90 0 37 Window 1.721 1.365 -1.597 90 270 0 38 Shelf -1.605 0.435 -0.686 0 90 0 39 Shelf -1.613 1.154 -0.904 0 90 0 40 ShelvingUnit -1.611 0.005 -0.904 0 90 0 41 Shelf -1.605 0.719 -1.122 0 90 0 42 Shelf -1.605 0.435 -1.122 0 90 0 43 Shelf -1.605 1.006 -1.122 0 90 0 44 Shelf -1.605 0.148 -0.686 0 90 0 45 Shelf -1.605 0.149 -1.122 0 90 0 46 Shelf -1.605 1.006 -0.686 0 90 0 47 Shelf -1.605 0.719 -0.686 0 90 0 48 SideTable 1.484 0.001 -1.481 0 270 0 49 Blinds 1.699 2.096 -1.575 0 270 0 50 Desk 0.244 0.004 -2.356 0 0 0 51 Chair -0.626 1.439 -2.199 0 171.006 0 52 Chair 0.220 1.466 -2.214 0 188.269 0 53 Shelf -0.978 1.387 -2.479 0 0 0 54 Drawer -1.389 0.197 -2.261 0 0 0 55 Drawer -1.389 0.480 -2.261 0 0 0 56 Drawer -1.389 0.731 -2.261 0 0 0 57 Desk -0.973 1.162 -2.351 0 0 0 58 NorthWall 59 EastWall 60 SouthWall 61 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Turn around and face the bed. | STEP 2: Pick up the blue pillow from the head of the bed. | STEP 3: Carry the blue pillow and turn to the left and then left again to find the small brown desk. | STEP 4: Hold the pillow and turn on the lamp. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Turn around and face the bed. ", " STEP 2: Pick up the blue pillow from the head of the bed. ", " STEP 3: Carry the blue pillow and turn to the left and then left again to find the small brown desk. ", " STEP 4: Hold the pillow and turn on the lamp. ", " END" ] ]
Examine a pillow by lamp light
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " 0.75", " 0.900", " -0.25", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Bowl", " 0.459", " 0.813", " -2.507", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 50" ], [ "2", " CellPhone", " -1.319", " 0.652", " -2.363", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "3", " Pen", " -1.393", " 0.867", " -2.436", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 57" ], [ "4", " Pen", " 0.355", " 0.817", " -2.304", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 50" ], [ "5", " Pencil", " -1.192", " 0.865", " -2.498", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 57" ], [ "6", " Pencil", " -1.493", " 0.375", " -2.325", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 55" ], [ "7", " CreditCard", " -1.567", " 1.362", " -2.435", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 53" ], [ "8", " CreditCard", " -1.594", " 0.861", " -2.561", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 57" ], [ "9", " RemoteControl", " -1.580", " 0.653", " -2.363", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "10", " Laptop", " 0.528", " 0.772", " 0.850", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 28" ], [ "11", " Book", " -0.386", " 0.861", " -2.498", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 57" ], [ "12", " Cloth", " 1.303", " 0.0", " -0.696", " 0", " 303.212", " 0", "" ], [ "13", " Cloth", " 1.273", " 0.0", " -0.969", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "14", " CellPhone", " -0.061", " 0.812", " -2.236", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 50" ], [ "15", " Pencil", " -0.587", " 0.865", " -2.373", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 57" ], [ "16", " Laptop", " -0.333", " 0.772", " 1.012", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 28" ], [ "17", " AlarmClock", " 0.355", " 0.812", " -2.169", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 50" ], [ "18", " CreditCard", " 0.251", " 0.811", " -2.507", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 50" ], [ "19", " KeyChain", " 0.146", " 0.813", " -2.575", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 50" ], [ "20", " TennisRacket", " -1.704", " 0.345", " 1.743", " 345.000", " 90", " 180", "" ], [ "21", " RemoteControl", " -0.990", " 0.863", " -2.373", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 57" ], [ "22", " Pillow", " 1.073", " 0.876", " 1.326", " 0", " 262.063", " 0", " 28" ], [ "23", " CD", " 1.521", " 0.817", " -1.727", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "24", " CD", " 0.527", " 0.806", " -2.485", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 50" ], [ "25", " CD", " -1.192", " 0.861", " -2.248", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 57" ], [ "26", " Pen", " -0.587", " 0.867", " -2.248", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 57" ], [ "27", " Bowl", " -0.674", " 0.855", " -2.499", " 0", " 323.153", " 0", " 57" ], [ "28", " Bed", " 0.270", " 0.001", " 1.331", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " LaundryHamper", " -1.329", " 0.001", " 1.829", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " Television", " -1.664", " 1.479", " -0.912", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " DeskLamp", " 0.049", " 0.815", " -2.481", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " LightSwitch", " -1.799", " 1.213", " 0.680", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " Painting", " 0.492", " 1.684", " -2.629", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " Poster", " -1.799", " 1.690", " -1.491", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " GarbageCan", " 1.306", " -0.001", " -2.451", " 0", " 317.376", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " Mirror", " 1.5", " 1.361", " -0.542", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " Window", " 1.721", " 1.365", " -1.597", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " Shelf", " -1.605", " 0.435", " -0.686", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " Shelf", " -1.613", " 1.154", " -0.904", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "40", " ShelvingUnit", " -1.611", " 0.005", " -0.904", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "41", " Shelf", " -1.605", " 0.719", " -1.122", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "42", " Shelf", " -1.605", " 0.435", " -1.122", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "43", " Shelf", " -1.605", " 1.006", " -1.122", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "44", " Shelf", " -1.605", " 0.148", " -0.686", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "45", " Shelf", " -1.605", " 0.149", " -1.122", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "46", " Shelf", " -1.605", " 1.006", " -0.686", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "47", " Shelf", " -1.605", " 0.719", " -0.686", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "48", " SideTable", " 1.484", " 0.001", " -1.481", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "49", " Blinds", " 1.699", " 2.096", " -1.575", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "50", " Desk", " 0.244", " 0.004", " -2.356", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "51", " Chair", " -0.626", " 1.439", " -2.199", " 0", " 171.006", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " Chair", " 0.220", " 1.466", " -2.214", " 0", " 188.269", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " Shelf", " -0.978", " 1.387", " -2.479", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " Drawer", " -1.389", " 0.197", " -2.261", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "55", " Drawer", " -1.389", " 0.480", " -2.261", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "56", " Drawer", " -1.389", " 0.731", " -2.261", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "57", " Desk", " -0.973", " 1.162", " -2.351", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "58", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "59", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "60", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "61", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent 0.75 0.900 -0.25 0 180 0 1 Bowl 0.459 0.813 -2.507 0 0 0 50 2 CellPhone -1.319 0.652 -2.363 0 0 0 56 3 Pen -1.393 0.867 -2.436 0 0 0 57 4 Pen 0.355 0.817 -2.304 0 0 0 50 5 Pencil -1.192 0.865 -2.498 0 0 0 57 6 Pencil -1.493 0.375 -2.325 0 0 0 55 7 CreditCard -1.567 1.362 -2.435 0 0 0 53 8 CreditCard -1.594 0.861 -2.561 0 0 0 57 9 RemoteControl -1.580 0.653 -2.363 0 0 0 56 10 Laptop 0.528 0.772 0.850 0 0 0 28 11 Book -0.386 0.861 -2.498 0 0 0 57 12 Cloth 1.303 0.0 -0.696 0 303.212 0 13 Cloth 1.273 0.0 -0.969 0 0 0 14 CellPhone -0.061 0.812 -2.236 0 0 0 50 15 Pencil -0.587 0.865 -2.373 0 0 0 57 16 Laptop -0.333 0.772 1.012 0 0 0 28 17 AlarmClock 0.355 0.812 -2.169 0 0 0 50 18 CreditCard 0.251 0.811 -2.507 0 0 0 50 19 KeyChain 0.146 0.813 -2.575 0 90 0 50 20 TennisRacket -1.704 0.345 1.743 345.000 90 180 21 RemoteControl -0.990 0.863 -2.373 0 0 0 57 22 Pillow 1.073 0.876 1.326 0 262.063 0 28 23 CD 1.521 0.817 -1.727 0 0 0 48 24 CD 0.527 0.806 -2.485 0 0 0 50 25 CD -1.192 0.861 -2.248 0 0 0 57 26 Pen -0.587 0.867 -2.248 0 0 0 57 27 Bowl -0.674 0.855 -2.499 0 323.153 0 57 28 Bed 0.270 0.001 1.331 0 90 0 29 LaundryHamper -1.329 0.001 1.829 0 180 0 30 Television -1.664 1.479 -0.912 0 90 0 31 DeskLamp 0.049 0.815 -2.481 0 0 0 32 LightSwitch -1.799 1.213 0.680 0 90 0 33 Painting 0.492 1.684 -2.629 90 0 0 34 Poster -1.799 1.690 -1.491 90 270 0 35 GarbageCan 1.306 -0.001 -2.451 0 317.376 0 36 Mirror 1.5 1.361 -0.542 0 90 0 37 Window 1.721 1.365 -1.597 90 270 0 38 Shelf -1.605 0.435 -0.686 0 90 0 39 Shelf -1.613 1.154 -0.904 0 90 0 40 ShelvingUnit -1.611 0.005 -0.904 0 90 0 41 Shelf -1.605 0.719 -1.122 0 90 0 42 Shelf -1.605 0.435 -1.122 0 90 0 43 Shelf -1.605 1.006 -1.122 0 90 0 44 Shelf -1.605 0.148 -0.686 0 90 0 45 Shelf -1.605 0.149 -1.122 0 90 0 46 Shelf -1.605 1.006 -0.686 0 90 0 47 Shelf -1.605 0.719 -0.686 0 90 0 48 SideTable 1.484 0.001 -1.481 0 270 0 49 Blinds 1.699 2.096 -1.575 0 270 0 50 Desk 0.244 0.004 -2.356 0 0 0 51 Chair -0.626 1.439 -2.199 0 171.006 0 52 Chair 0.220 1.466 -2.214 0 188.269 0 53 Shelf -0.978 1.387 -2.479 0 0 0 54 Drawer -1.389 0.197 -2.261 0 0 0 55 Drawer -1.389 0.480 -2.261 0 0 0 56 Drawer -1.389 0.731 -2.261 0 0 0 57 Desk -0.973 1.162 -2.351 0 0 0 58 NorthWall 59 EastWall 60 SouthWall 61 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Turn around and walk to the bed | STEP 2: Pick up the blue pillow that is sitting on the bed | STEP 3: Turn around and walk to the table that is behind you. The table that is sitting to the left of the desk and has a lamp on it | STEP 4: Turn on the lamp that is sitting on the table | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Turn around and walk to the bed ", " STEP 2: Pick up the blue pillow that is sitting on the bed ", " STEP 3: Turn around and walk to the table that is behind you. The table that is sitting to the left of the desk and has a lamp on it ", " STEP 4: Turn on the lamp that is sitting on the table ", " END" ] ]
Pick up the blue pillow, turn on the desk lamp.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " 0.75", " 0.900", " -0.25", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Bowl", " 0.459", " 0.813", " -2.507", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 50" ], [ "2", " CellPhone", " -1.319", " 0.652", " -2.363", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "3", " Pen", " -1.393", " 0.867", " -2.436", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 57" ], [ "4", " Pen", " 0.355", " 0.817", " -2.304", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 50" ], [ "5", " Pencil", " -1.192", " 0.865", " -2.498", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 57" ], [ "6", " Pencil", " -1.493", " 0.375", " -2.325", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 55" ], [ "7", " CreditCard", " -1.567", " 1.362", " -2.435", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 53" ], [ "8", " CreditCard", " -1.594", " 0.861", " -2.561", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 57" ], [ "9", " RemoteControl", " -1.580", " 0.653", " -2.363", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "10", " Laptop", " 0.528", " 0.772", " 0.850", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 28" ], [ "11", " Book", " -0.386", " 0.861", " -2.498", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 57" ], [ "12", " Cloth", " 1.303", " 0.0", " -0.696", " 0", " 303.212", " 0", "" ], [ "13", " Cloth", " 1.273", " 0.0", " -0.969", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "14", " CellPhone", " -0.061", " 0.812", " -2.236", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 50" ], [ "15", " Pencil", " -0.587", " 0.865", " -2.373", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 57" ], [ "16", " Laptop", " -0.333", " 0.772", " 1.012", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 28" ], [ "17", " AlarmClock", " 0.355", " 0.812", " -2.169", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 50" ], [ "18", " CreditCard", " 0.251", " 0.811", " -2.507", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 50" ], [ "19", " KeyChain", " 0.146", " 0.813", " -2.575", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 50" ], [ "20", " TennisRacket", " -1.704", " 0.345", " 1.743", " 345.000", " 90", " 180", "" ], [ "21", " RemoteControl", " -0.990", " 0.863", " -2.373", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 57" ], [ "22", " Pillow", " 1.073", " 0.876", " 1.326", " 0", " 262.063", " 0", " 28" ], [ "23", " CD", " 1.521", " 0.817", " -1.727", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "24", " CD", " 0.527", " 0.806", " -2.485", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 50" ], [ "25", " CD", " -1.192", " 0.861", " -2.248", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 57" ], [ "26", " Pen", " -0.587", " 0.867", " -2.248", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 57" ], [ "27", " Bowl", " -0.674", " 0.855", " -2.499", " 0", " 323.153", " 0", " 57" ], [ "28", " Bed", " 0.270", " 0.001", " 1.331", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " LaundryHamper", " -1.329", " 0.001", " 1.829", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " Television", " -1.664", " 1.479", " -0.912", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " DeskLamp", " 0.049", " 0.815", " -2.481", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " LightSwitch", " -1.799", " 1.213", " 0.680", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " Painting", " 0.492", " 1.684", " -2.629", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " Poster", " -1.799", " 1.690", " -1.491", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " GarbageCan", " 1.306", " -0.001", " -2.451", " 0", " 317.376", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " Mirror", " 1.5", " 1.361", " -0.542", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " Window", " 1.721", " 1.365", " -1.597", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " Shelf", " -1.605", " 0.435", " -0.686", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " Shelf", " -1.613", " 1.154", " -0.904", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "40", " ShelvingUnit", " -1.611", " 0.005", " -0.904", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "41", " Shelf", " -1.605", " 0.719", " -1.122", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "42", " Shelf", " -1.605", " 0.435", " -1.122", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "43", " Shelf", " -1.605", " 1.006", " -1.122", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "44", " Shelf", " -1.605", " 0.148", " -0.686", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "45", " Shelf", " -1.605", " 0.149", " -1.122", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "46", " Shelf", " -1.605", " 1.006", " -0.686", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "47", " Shelf", " -1.605", " 0.719", " -0.686", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "48", " SideTable", " 1.484", " 0.001", " -1.481", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "49", " Blinds", " 1.699", " 2.096", " -1.575", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "50", " Desk", " 0.244", " 0.004", " -2.356", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "51", " Chair", " -0.626", " 1.439", " -2.199", " 0", " 171.006", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " Chair", " 0.220", " 1.466", " -2.214", " 0", " 188.269", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " Shelf", " -0.978", " 1.387", " -2.479", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " Drawer", " -1.389", " 0.197", " -2.261", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "55", " Drawer", " -1.389", " 0.480", " -2.261", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "56", " Drawer", " -1.389", " 0.731", " -2.261", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "57", " Desk", " -0.973", " 1.162", " -2.351", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "58", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "59", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "60", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "61", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent 0.75 0.900 -0.25 0 180 0 1 Bowl 0.459 0.813 -2.507 0 0 0 50 2 CellPhone -1.319 0.652 -2.363 0 0 0 56 3 Pen -1.393 0.867 -2.436 0 0 0 57 4 Pen 0.355 0.817 -2.304 0 0 0 50 5 Pencil -1.192 0.865 -2.498 0 0 0 57 6 Pencil -1.493 0.375 -2.325 0 0 0 55 7 CreditCard -1.567 1.362 -2.435 0 0 0 53 8 CreditCard -1.594 0.861 -2.561 0 0 0 57 9 RemoteControl -1.580 0.653 -2.363 0 0 0 56 10 Laptop 0.528 0.772 0.850 0 0 0 28 11 Book -0.386 0.861 -2.498 0 0 0 57 12 Cloth 1.303 0.0 -0.696 0 303.212 0 13 Cloth 1.273 0.0 -0.969 0 0 0 14 CellPhone -0.061 0.812 -2.236 0 0 0 50 15 Pencil -0.587 0.865 -2.373 0 0 0 57 16 Laptop -0.333 0.772 1.012 0 0 0 28 17 AlarmClock 0.355 0.812 -2.169 0 0 0 50 18 CreditCard 0.251 0.811 -2.507 0 0 0 50 19 KeyChain 0.146 0.813 -2.575 0 90 0 50 20 TennisRacket -1.704 0.345 1.743 345.000 90 180 21 RemoteControl -0.990 0.863 -2.373 0 0 0 57 22 Pillow 1.073 0.876 1.326 0 262.063 0 28 23 CD 1.521 0.817 -1.727 0 0 0 48 24 CD 0.527 0.806 -2.485 0 0 0 50 25 CD -1.192 0.861 -2.248 0 0 0 57 26 Pen -0.587 0.867 -2.248 0 0 0 57 27 Bowl -0.674 0.855 -2.499 0 323.153 0 57 28 Bed 0.270 0.001 1.331 0 90 0 29 LaundryHamper -1.329 0.001 1.829 0 180 0 30 Television -1.664 1.479 -0.912 0 90 0 31 DeskLamp 0.049 0.815 -2.481 0 0 0 32 LightSwitch -1.799 1.213 0.680 0 90 0 33 Painting 0.492 1.684 -2.629 90 0 0 34 Poster -1.799 1.690 -1.491 90 270 0 35 GarbageCan 1.306 -0.001 -2.451 0 317.376 0 36 Mirror 1.5 1.361 -0.542 0 90 0 37 Window 1.721 1.365 -1.597 90 270 0 38 Shelf -1.605 0.435 -0.686 0 90 0 39 Shelf -1.613 1.154 -0.904 0 90 0 40 ShelvingUnit -1.611 0.005 -0.904 0 90 0 41 Shelf -1.605 0.719 -1.122 0 90 0 42 Shelf -1.605 0.435 -1.122 0 90 0 43 Shelf -1.605 1.006 -1.122 0 90 0 44 Shelf -1.605 0.148 -0.686 0 90 0 45 Shelf -1.605 0.149 -1.122 0 90 0 46 Shelf -1.605 1.006 -0.686 0 90 0 47 Shelf -1.605 0.719 -0.686 0 90 0 48 SideTable 1.484 0.001 -1.481 0 270 0 49 Blinds 1.699 2.096 -1.575 0 270 0 50 Desk 0.244 0.004 -2.356 0 0 0 51 Chair -0.626 1.439 -2.199 0 171.006 0 52 Chair 0.220 1.466 -2.214 0 188.269 0 53 Shelf -0.978 1.387 -2.479 0 0 0 54 Drawer -1.389 0.197 -2.261 0 0 0 55 Drawer -1.389 0.480 -2.261 0 0 0 56 Drawer -1.389 0.731 -2.261 0 0 0 57 Desk -0.973 1.162 -2.351 0 0 0 58 NorthWall 59 EastWall 60 SouthWall 61 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Turn around and face the bed. | STEP 2: Pick up the blue pillow from the bed. | STEP 3: Turn around and walk across the room to the desk. | STEP 4: Turn the lamp on at the desk. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Turn around and face the bed. ", " STEP 2: Pick up the blue pillow from the bed. ", " STEP 3: Turn around and walk across the room to the desk. ", " STEP 4: Turn the lamp on at the desk. ", " END" ] ]
To move two clocks from one side of the table to the other.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " 0.5", " 0.901", " -1.25", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Mug", " -0.423", " 0.675", " 1.618", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 37" ], [ "2", " CD", " -0.668", " 0.978", " -1.603", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 52" ], [ "3", " CD", " -0.600", " 0.065", " 2.019", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 36" ], [ "4", " Pen", " -0.637", " 0.509", " 2.794", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 46" ], [ "5", " Pen", " 1.515", " 0.732", " 0.728", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 61" ], [ "6", " Pencil", " -0.480", " 0.672", " 3.075", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 47" ], [ "7", " CreditCard", " -0.480", " 0.668", " 2.728", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 47" ], [ "8", " KeyChain", " -0.667", " 0.669", " 2.815", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 47" ], [ "9", " KeyChain", " 1.841", " 0.433", " 1.512", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 64" ], [ "10", " Book", " -0.596", " 1.504", " -0.942", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "11", " Laptop", " -0.632", " 1.835", " 1.914", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "12", " AlarmClock", " -0.782", " 0.678", " 2.177", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 37" ], [ "13", " AlarmClock", " -0.513", " 0.678", " 1.991", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 37" ], [ "14", " AlarmClock", " -0.782", " 0.678", " 1.804", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 37" ], [ "15", " Book", " -0.672", " 0.069", " 2.307", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 36" ], [ "16", " Box", " -0.493", " 0.2", " -0.286", " 0", " 84.024", " 0", "" ], [ "17", " TennisRacket", " -1.345", " 0.288", " 0.233", " 30.000", " 270", " 180", "" ], [ "18", " Pen", " -0.589", " 0.070", " 3.043", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 45" ], [ "19", " AlarmClock", " 2.100", " 0.727", " 0.236", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 61" ], [ "20", " Pillow", " -0.63", " 1.871", " 3.047", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "21", " Pillow", " -0.829", " 1.549", " -1.533", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "22", " CellPhone", " -0.423", " 0.679", " 1.245", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 37" ], [ "23", " KeyChain", " 1.662", " 0.315", " -0.639", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 62" ], [ "24", " CreditCard", " -0.584", " 0.978", " -1.322", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 52" ], [ "25", " CD", " 1.926", " 0.442", " 1.883", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 64" ], [ "26", " Pencil", " -0.679", " 0.519", " 2.094", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 35" ], [ "27", " Laptop", " -0.855", " 0.667", " 3.075", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 47" ], [ "28", " Mug", " -0.603", " 0.675", " 1.245", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 37" ], [ "29", " DeskLamp", " 2.016", " 0.701", " 0.708", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " Painting", " 2.199", " 1.771", " -0.101", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " GarbageCan", " 2.022", " -0.037", " -1.239", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " Mirror", " 2.229", " 1.254", " 2.664", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " LightSwitch", " 2.199", " 1.258", " 1.988", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " Window", " 1.575", " 1.559", " -1.953", " 90", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " Drawer", " -0.551", " 0.578", " 2.246", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " Cabinet", " -0.649", " 0.270", " 2.247", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " Desk", " -0.655", " 0.006", " 1.814", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " Shelf", " 1.769", " 0.184", " 0.757", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " Shelf", " 1.769", " 0.572", " 0.757", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "40", " Shelf", " 1.769", " 0.572", " 0.935", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "41", " Shelf", " 1.769", " 0.378", " 0.935", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "42", " Shelf", " 1.769", " 0.378", " 0.757", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "43", " Shelf", " 1.769", " 0.184", " 0.935", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "44", " Blinds", " 1.547", " 2.434", " -1.886", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "45", " Drawer", " -0.553", " 0.155", " 2.942", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "46", " Drawer", " -0.553", " 0.572", " 2.942", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "47", " Dresser", " -0.665", " 0.001", " 2.939", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "48", " Drawer", " -0.553", " 0.376", " 2.942", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "49", " Chair", " 1.482", " 0.012", " 0.223", " 0", " 77.085", " 0", "" ], [ "50", " Chair", " -0.199", " 0.012", " 1.538", " 0", " 287.086", " 0", "" ], [ "51", " Bed", " -0.866", " 0.007", " -0.919", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " Dresser", " -0.772", " 0.001", " -1.313", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " Drawer", " -0.660", " 0.830", " -1.309", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " Drawer", " -0.660", " 0.225", " -1.309", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "55", " Drawer", " -0.660", " 0.547", " -1.309", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "56", " Bed", " -0.872", " 1.637", " 2.188", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "57", " Drawer", " 1.685", " 0.160", " -0.805", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "58", " Drawer", " 1.685", " 0.160", " -0.378", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "59", " Drawer", " 1.685", " 0.547", " -0.805", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "60", " Drawer", " 1.685", " 0.547", " -0.378", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "61", " Desk", " 1.812", " 0.003", " -0.014", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "62", " Drawer", " 1.685", " 0.354", " -0.805", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "63", " Drawer", " 1.685", " 0.354", " -0.378", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "64", " ArmChair", " 1.712", " -0.000", " 1.532", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "65", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "66", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "67", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "68", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent 0.5 0.901 -1.25 0 0 0 1 Mug -0.423 0.675 1.618 0 90 0 37 2 CD -0.668 0.978 -1.603 0 0 0 52 3 CD -0.600 0.065 2.019 0 0 0 36 4 Pen -0.637 0.509 2.794 0 0 0 46 5 Pen 1.515 0.732 0.728 0 270 0 61 6 Pencil -0.480 0.672 3.075 0 90 0 47 7 CreditCard -0.480 0.668 2.728 0 90 0 47 8 KeyChain -0.667 0.669 2.815 0 180 0 47 9 KeyChain 1.841 0.433 1.512 0 180 0 64 10 Book -0.596 1.504 -0.942 0 0 0 51 11 Laptop -0.632 1.835 1.914 0 0 0 56 12 AlarmClock -0.782 0.678 2.177 0 90 0 37 13 AlarmClock -0.513 0.678 1.991 0 90 0 37 14 AlarmClock -0.782 0.678 1.804 0 90 0 37 15 Book -0.672 0.069 2.307 0 0 0 36 16 Box -0.493 0.2 -0.286 0 84.024 0 17 TennisRacket -1.345 0.288 0.233 30.000 270 180 18 Pen -0.589 0.070 3.043 0 0 0 45 19 AlarmClock 2.100 0.727 0.236 0 270 0 61 20 Pillow -0.63 1.871 3.047 0 0 0 56 21 Pillow -0.829 1.549 -1.533 0 0 0 51 22 CellPhone -0.423 0.679 1.245 0 90 0 37 23 KeyChain 1.662 0.315 -0.639 0 180 0 62 24 CreditCard -0.584 0.978 -1.322 0 0 0 52 25 CD 1.926 0.442 1.883 0 180 0 64 26 Pencil -0.679 0.519 2.094 0 0 0 35 27 Laptop -0.855 0.667 3.075 0 90 0 47 28 Mug -0.603 0.675 1.245 0 90 0 37 29 DeskLamp 2.016 0.701 0.708 0 0 0 30 Painting 2.199 1.771 -0.101 90 270 0 31 GarbageCan 2.022 -0.037 -1.239 0 270 0 32 Mirror 2.229 1.254 2.664 0 90 0 33 LightSwitch 2.199 1.258 1.988 0 270 0 34 Window 1.575 1.559 -1.953 90 180 0 35 Drawer -0.551 0.578 2.246 0 90 0 36 Cabinet -0.649 0.270 2.247 0 90 0 37 Desk -0.655 0.006 1.814 0 90 0 38 Shelf 1.769 0.184 0.757 0 270 0 39 Shelf 1.769 0.572 0.757 0 270 0 40 Shelf 1.769 0.572 0.935 0 270 0 41 Shelf 1.769 0.378 0.935 0 270 0 42 Shelf 1.769 0.378 0.757 0 270 0 43 Shelf 1.769 0.184 0.935 0 270 0 44 Blinds 1.547 2.434 -1.886 0 0 0 45 Drawer -0.553 0.155 2.942 0 90 0 46 Drawer -0.553 0.572 2.942 0 90 0 47 Dresser -0.665 0.001 2.939 0 90 0 48 Drawer -0.553 0.376 2.942 0 90 0 49 Chair 1.482 0.012 0.223 0 77.085 0 50 Chair -0.199 0.012 1.538 0 287.086 0 51 Bed -0.866 0.007 -0.919 0 0 0 52 Dresser -0.772 0.001 -1.313 0 90 0 53 Drawer -0.660 0.830 -1.309 0 90 0 54 Drawer -0.660 0.225 -1.309 0 90 0 55 Drawer -0.660 0.547 -1.309 0 90 0 56 Bed -0.872 1.637 2.188 0 0 0 57 Drawer 1.685 0.160 -0.805 0 270 0 58 Drawer 1.685 0.160 -0.378 0 270 0 59 Drawer 1.685 0.547 -0.805 0 270 0 60 Drawer 1.685 0.547 -0.378 0 270 0 61 Desk 1.812 0.003 -0.014 0 270 0 62 Drawer 1.685 0.354 -0.805 0 270 0 63 Drawer 1.685 0.354 -0.378 0 270 0 64 ArmChair 1.712 -0.000 1.532 0 270 0 65 NorthWall 66 EastWall 67 SouthWall 68 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Walk forward across the room and then turn left to face the table. | STEP 2: Pick up the clock the is on the left in the back. | STEP 3: Take a step to the right and face the clock in front of the lap top. | STEP 4: Place the clock in front of the lap top on the table. | STEP 5: Take a step to the left and face the clocks on the table. | STEP 6: Pick up the clock on the right on the table. | STEP 7: Take a step to the right and face the clock in front of the lap top. | STEP 8: Place the clock to the right of the original clock. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Walk forward across the room and then turn left to face the table. ", " STEP 2: Pick up the clock the is on the left in the back. ", " STEP 3: Take a step to the right and face the clock in front of the lap top. ", " STEP 4: Place the clock in front of the lap top on the table. ", " STEP 5: Take a step to the left and face the clocks on the table. ", " STEP 6: Pick up the clock on the right on the table. ", " STEP 7: Take a step to the right and face the clock in front of the lap top. ", " STEP 8: Place the clock to the right of the original clock. ", " END" ] ]
drop two clocks on the shelf
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " 0.5", " 0.901", " -1.25", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Mug", " -0.423", " 0.675", " 1.618", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 37" ], [ "2", " CD", " -0.668", " 0.978", " -1.603", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 52" ], [ "3", " CD", " -0.600", " 0.065", " 2.019", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 36" ], [ "4", " Pen", " -0.637", " 0.509", " 2.794", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 46" ], [ "5", " Pen", " 1.515", " 0.732", " 0.728", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 61" ], [ "6", " Pencil", " -0.480", " 0.672", " 3.075", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 47" ], [ "7", " CreditCard", " -0.480", " 0.668", " 2.728", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 47" ], [ "8", " KeyChain", " -0.667", " 0.669", " 2.815", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 47" ], [ "9", " KeyChain", " 1.841", " 0.433", " 1.512", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 64" ], [ "10", " Book", " -0.596", " 1.504", " -0.942", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "11", " Laptop", " -0.632", " 1.835", " 1.914", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "12", " AlarmClock", " -0.782", " 0.678", " 2.177", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 37" ], [ "13", " AlarmClock", " -0.513", " 0.678", " 1.991", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 37" ], [ "14", " AlarmClock", " -0.782", " 0.678", " 1.804", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 37" ], [ "15", " Book", " -0.672", " 0.069", " 2.307", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 36" ], [ "16", " Box", " -0.493", " 0.2", " -0.286", " 0", " 84.024", " 0", "" ], [ "17", " TennisRacket", " -1.345", " 0.288", " 0.233", " 30.000", " 270", " 180", "" ], [ "18", " Pen", " -0.589", " 0.070", " 3.043", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 45" ], [ "19", " AlarmClock", " 2.100", " 0.727", " 0.236", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 61" ], [ "20", " Pillow", " -0.63", " 1.871", " 3.047", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "21", " Pillow", " -0.829", " 1.549", " -1.533", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "22", " CellPhone", " -0.423", " 0.679", " 1.245", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 37" ], [ "23", " KeyChain", " 1.662", " 0.315", " -0.639", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 62" ], [ "24", " CreditCard", " -0.584", " 0.978", " -1.322", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 52" ], [ "25", " CD", " 1.926", " 0.442", " 1.883", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 64" ], [ "26", " Pencil", " -0.679", " 0.519", " 2.094", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 35" ], [ "27", " Laptop", " -0.855", " 0.667", " 3.075", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 47" ], [ "28", " Mug", " -0.603", " 0.675", " 1.245", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 37" ], [ "29", " DeskLamp", " 2.016", " 0.701", " 0.708", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " Painting", " 2.199", " 1.771", " -0.101", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " GarbageCan", " 2.022", " -0.037", " -1.239", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " Mirror", " 2.229", " 1.254", " 2.664", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " LightSwitch", " 2.199", " 1.258", " 1.988", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " Window", " 1.575", " 1.559", " -1.953", " 90", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " Drawer", " -0.551", " 0.578", " 2.246", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " Cabinet", " -0.649", " 0.270", " 2.247", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " Desk", " -0.655", " 0.006", " 1.814", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " Shelf", " 1.769", " 0.184", " 0.757", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " Shelf", " 1.769", " 0.572", " 0.757", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "40", " Shelf", " 1.769", " 0.572", " 0.935", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "41", " Shelf", " 1.769", " 0.378", " 0.935", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "42", " Shelf", " 1.769", " 0.378", " 0.757", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "43", " Shelf", " 1.769", " 0.184", " 0.935", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "44", " Blinds", " 1.547", " 2.434", " -1.886", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "45", " Drawer", " -0.553", " 0.155", " 2.942", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "46", " Drawer", " -0.553", " 0.572", " 2.942", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "47", " Dresser", " -0.665", " 0.001", " 2.939", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "48", " Drawer", " -0.553", " 0.376", " 2.942", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "49", " Chair", " 1.482", " 0.012", " 0.223", " 0", " 77.085", " 0", "" ], [ "50", " Chair", " -0.199", " 0.012", " 1.538", " 0", " 287.086", " 0", "" ], [ "51", " Bed", " -0.866", " 0.007", " -0.919", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " Dresser", " -0.772", " 0.001", " -1.313", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " Drawer", " -0.660", " 0.830", " -1.309", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " Drawer", " -0.660", " 0.225", " -1.309", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "55", " Drawer", " -0.660", " 0.547", " -1.309", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "56", " Bed", " -0.872", " 1.637", " 2.188", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "57", " Drawer", " 1.685", " 0.160", " -0.805", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "58", " Drawer", " 1.685", " 0.160", " -0.378", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "59", " Drawer", " 1.685", " 0.547", " -0.805", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "60", " Drawer", " 1.685", " 0.547", " -0.378", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "61", " Desk", " 1.812", " 0.003", " -0.014", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "62", " Drawer", " 1.685", " 0.354", " -0.805", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "63", " Drawer", " 1.685", " 0.354", " -0.378", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "64", " ArmChair", " 1.712", " -0.000", " 1.532", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "65", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "66", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "67", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "68", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent 0.5 0.901 -1.25 0 0 0 1 Mug -0.423 0.675 1.618 0 90 0 37 2 CD -0.668 0.978 -1.603 0 0 0 52 3 CD -0.600 0.065 2.019 0 0 0 36 4 Pen -0.637 0.509 2.794 0 0 0 46 5 Pen 1.515 0.732 0.728 0 270 0 61 6 Pencil -0.480 0.672 3.075 0 90 0 47 7 CreditCard -0.480 0.668 2.728 0 90 0 47 8 KeyChain -0.667 0.669 2.815 0 180 0 47 9 KeyChain 1.841 0.433 1.512 0 180 0 64 10 Book -0.596 1.504 -0.942 0 0 0 51 11 Laptop -0.632 1.835 1.914 0 0 0 56 12 AlarmClock -0.782 0.678 2.177 0 90 0 37 13 AlarmClock -0.513 0.678 1.991 0 90 0 37 14 AlarmClock -0.782 0.678 1.804 0 90 0 37 15 Book -0.672 0.069 2.307 0 0 0 36 16 Box -0.493 0.2 -0.286 0 84.024 0 17 TennisRacket -1.345 0.288 0.233 30.000 270 180 18 Pen -0.589 0.070 3.043 0 0 0 45 19 AlarmClock 2.100 0.727 0.236 0 270 0 61 20 Pillow -0.63 1.871 3.047 0 0 0 56 21 Pillow -0.829 1.549 -1.533 0 0 0 51 22 CellPhone -0.423 0.679 1.245 0 90 0 37 23 KeyChain 1.662 0.315 -0.639 0 180 0 62 24 CreditCard -0.584 0.978 -1.322 0 0 0 52 25 CD 1.926 0.442 1.883 0 180 0 64 26 Pencil -0.679 0.519 2.094 0 0 0 35 27 Laptop -0.855 0.667 3.075 0 90 0 47 28 Mug -0.603 0.675 1.245 0 90 0 37 29 DeskLamp 2.016 0.701 0.708 0 0 0 30 Painting 2.199 1.771 -0.101 90 270 0 31 GarbageCan 2.022 -0.037 -1.239 0 270 0 32 Mirror 2.229 1.254 2.664 0 90 0 33 LightSwitch 2.199 1.258 1.988 0 270 0 34 Window 1.575 1.559 -1.953 90 180 0 35 Drawer -0.551 0.578 2.246 0 90 0 36 Cabinet -0.649 0.270 2.247 0 90 0 37 Desk -0.655 0.006 1.814 0 90 0 38 Shelf 1.769 0.184 0.757 0 270 0 39 Shelf 1.769 0.572 0.757 0 270 0 40 Shelf 1.769 0.572 0.935 0 270 0 41 Shelf 1.769 0.378 0.935 0 270 0 42 Shelf 1.769 0.378 0.757 0 270 0 43 Shelf 1.769 0.184 0.935 0 270 0 44 Blinds 1.547 2.434 -1.886 0 0 0 45 Drawer -0.553 0.155 2.942 0 90 0 46 Drawer -0.553 0.572 2.942 0 90 0 47 Dresser -0.665 0.001 2.939 0 90 0 48 Drawer -0.553 0.376 2.942 0 90 0 49 Chair 1.482 0.012 0.223 0 77.085 0 50 Chair -0.199 0.012 1.538 0 287.086 0 51 Bed -0.866 0.007 -0.919 0 0 0 52 Dresser -0.772 0.001 -1.313 0 90 0 53 Drawer -0.660 0.830 -1.309 0 90 0 54 Drawer -0.660 0.225 -1.309 0 90 0 55 Drawer -0.660 0.547 -1.309 0 90 0 56 Bed -0.872 1.637 2.188 0 0 0 57 Drawer 1.685 0.160 -0.805 0 270 0 58 Drawer 1.685 0.160 -0.378 0 270 0 59 Drawer 1.685 0.547 -0.805 0 270 0 60 Drawer 1.685 0.547 -0.378 0 270 0 61 Desk 1.812 0.003 -0.014 0 270 0 62 Drawer 1.685 0.354 -0.805 0 270 0 63 Drawer 1.685 0.354 -0.378 0 270 0 64 ArmChair 1.712 -0.000 1.532 0 270 0 65 NorthWall 66 EastWall 67 SouthWall 68 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: move forward towards the shelf | STEP 2: pick up the clock from the shelf | STEP 3: move right on the shelf | STEP 4: drop the clock on the shelf | STEP 5: move left towards the shelf | STEP 6: pick up the clock | STEP 7: move right on the shelf | STEP 8: drop the clock on the shelf | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: move forward towards the shelf ", " STEP 2: pick up the clock from the shelf ", " STEP 3: move right on the shelf ", " STEP 4: drop the clock on the shelf ", " STEP 5: move left towards the shelf ", " STEP 6: pick up the clock ", " STEP 7: move right on the shelf ", " STEP 8: drop the clock on the shelf ", " END" ] ]
place two alarm clocks in front of the computer
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " 0.5", " 0.901", " -1.25", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Mug", " -0.423", " 0.675", " 1.618", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 37" ], [ "2", " CD", " -0.668", " 0.978", " -1.603", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 52" ], [ "3", " CD", " -0.600", " 0.065", " 2.019", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 36" ], [ "4", " Pen", " -0.637", " 0.509", " 2.794", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 46" ], [ "5", " Pen", " 1.515", " 0.732", " 0.728", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 61" ], [ "6", " Pencil", " -0.480", " 0.672", " 3.075", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 47" ], [ "7", " CreditCard", " -0.480", " 0.668", " 2.728", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 47" ], [ "8", " KeyChain", " -0.667", " 0.669", " 2.815", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 47" ], [ "9", " KeyChain", " 1.841", " 0.433", " 1.512", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 64" ], [ "10", " Book", " -0.596", " 1.504", " -0.942", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "11", " Laptop", " -0.632", " 1.835", " 1.914", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "12", " AlarmClock", " -0.782", " 0.678", " 2.177", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 37" ], [ "13", " AlarmClock", " -0.513", " 0.678", " 1.991", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 37" ], [ "14", " AlarmClock", " -0.782", " 0.678", " 1.804", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 37" ], [ "15", " Book", " -0.672", " 0.069", " 2.307", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 36" ], [ "16", " Box", " -0.493", " 0.2", " -0.286", " 0", " 84.024", " 0", "" ], [ "17", " TennisRacket", " -1.345", " 0.288", " 0.233", " 30.000", " 270", " 180", "" ], [ "18", " Pen", " -0.589", " 0.070", " 3.043", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 45" ], [ "19", " AlarmClock", " 2.100", " 0.727", " 0.236", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 61" ], [ "20", " Pillow", " -0.63", " 1.871", " 3.047", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 56" ], [ "21", " Pillow", " -0.829", " 1.549", " -1.533", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "22", " CellPhone", " -0.423", " 0.679", " 1.245", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 37" ], [ "23", " KeyChain", " 1.662", " 0.315", " -0.639", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 62" ], [ "24", " CreditCard", " -0.584", " 0.978", " -1.322", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 52" ], [ "25", " CD", " 1.926", " 0.442", " 1.883", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 64" ], [ "26", " Pencil", " -0.679", " 0.519", " 2.094", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 35" ], [ "27", " Laptop", " -0.855", " 0.667", " 3.075", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 47" ], [ "28", " Mug", " -0.603", " 0.675", " 1.245", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 37" ], [ "29", " DeskLamp", " 2.016", " 0.701", " 0.708", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " Painting", " 2.199", " 1.771", " -0.101", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " GarbageCan", " 2.022", " -0.037", " -1.239", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " Mirror", " 2.229", " 1.254", " 2.664", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " LightSwitch", " 2.199", " 1.258", " 1.988", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " Window", " 1.575", " 1.559", " -1.953", " 90", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " Drawer", " -0.551", " 0.578", " 2.246", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " Cabinet", " -0.649", " 0.270", " 2.247", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " Desk", " -0.655", " 0.006", " 1.814", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " Shelf", " 1.769", " 0.184", " 0.757", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " Shelf", " 1.769", " 0.572", " 0.757", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "40", " Shelf", " 1.769", " 0.572", " 0.935", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "41", " Shelf", " 1.769", " 0.378", " 0.935", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "42", " Shelf", " 1.769", " 0.378", " 0.757", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "43", " Shelf", " 1.769", " 0.184", " 0.935", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "44", " Blinds", " 1.547", " 2.434", " -1.886", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "45", " Drawer", " -0.553", " 0.155", " 2.942", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "46", " Drawer", " -0.553", " 0.572", " 2.942", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "47", " Dresser", " -0.665", " 0.001", " 2.939", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "48", " Drawer", " -0.553", " 0.376", " 2.942", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "49", " Chair", " 1.482", " 0.012", " 0.223", " 0", " 77.085", " 0", "" ], [ "50", " Chair", " -0.199", " 0.012", " 1.538", " 0", " 287.086", " 0", "" ], [ "51", " Bed", " -0.866", " 0.007", " -0.919", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " Dresser", " -0.772", " 0.001", " -1.313", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " Drawer", " -0.660", " 0.830", " -1.309", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " Drawer", " -0.660", " 0.225", " -1.309", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "55", " Drawer", " -0.660", " 0.547", " -1.309", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "56", " Bed", " -0.872", " 1.637", " 2.188", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "57", " Drawer", " 1.685", " 0.160", " -0.805", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "58", " Drawer", " 1.685", " 0.160", " -0.378", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "59", " Drawer", " 1.685", " 0.547", " -0.805", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "60", " Drawer", " 1.685", " 0.547", " -0.378", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "61", " Desk", " 1.812", " 0.003", " -0.014", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "62", " Drawer", " 1.685", " 0.354", " -0.805", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "63", " Drawer", " 1.685", " 0.354", " -0.378", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "64", " ArmChair", " 1.712", " -0.000", " 1.532", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "65", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "66", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "67", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "68", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent 0.5 0.901 -1.25 0 0 0 1 Mug -0.423 0.675 1.618 0 90 0 37 2 CD -0.668 0.978 -1.603 0 0 0 52 3 CD -0.600 0.065 2.019 0 0 0 36 4 Pen -0.637 0.509 2.794 0 0 0 46 5 Pen 1.515 0.732 0.728 0 270 0 61 6 Pencil -0.480 0.672 3.075 0 90 0 47 7 CreditCard -0.480 0.668 2.728 0 90 0 47 8 KeyChain -0.667 0.669 2.815 0 180 0 47 9 KeyChain 1.841 0.433 1.512 0 180 0 64 10 Book -0.596 1.504 -0.942 0 0 0 51 11 Laptop -0.632 1.835 1.914 0 0 0 56 12 AlarmClock -0.782 0.678 2.177 0 90 0 37 13 AlarmClock -0.513 0.678 1.991 0 90 0 37 14 AlarmClock -0.782 0.678 1.804 0 90 0 37 15 Book -0.672 0.069 2.307 0 0 0 36 16 Box -0.493 0.2 -0.286 0 84.024 0 17 TennisRacket -1.345 0.288 0.233 30.000 270 180 18 Pen -0.589 0.070 3.043 0 0 0 45 19 AlarmClock 2.100 0.727 0.236 0 270 0 61 20 Pillow -0.63 1.871 3.047 0 0 0 56 21 Pillow -0.829 1.549 -1.533 0 0 0 51 22 CellPhone -0.423 0.679 1.245 0 90 0 37 23 KeyChain 1.662 0.315 -0.639 0 180 0 62 24 CreditCard -0.584 0.978 -1.322 0 0 0 52 25 CD 1.926 0.442 1.883 0 180 0 64 26 Pencil -0.679 0.519 2.094 0 0 0 35 27 Laptop -0.855 0.667 3.075 0 90 0 47 28 Mug -0.603 0.675 1.245 0 90 0 37 29 DeskLamp 2.016 0.701 0.708 0 0 0 30 Painting 2.199 1.771 -0.101 90 270 0 31 GarbageCan 2.022 -0.037 -1.239 0 270 0 32 Mirror 2.229 1.254 2.664 0 90 0 33 LightSwitch 2.199 1.258 1.988 0 270 0 34 Window 1.575 1.559 -1.953 90 180 0 35 Drawer -0.551 0.578 2.246 0 90 0 36 Cabinet -0.649 0.270 2.247 0 90 0 37 Desk -0.655 0.006 1.814 0 90 0 38 Shelf 1.769 0.184 0.757 0 270 0 39 Shelf 1.769 0.572 0.757 0 270 0 40 Shelf 1.769 0.572 0.935 0 270 0 41 Shelf 1.769 0.378 0.935 0 270 0 42 Shelf 1.769 0.378 0.757 0 270 0 43 Shelf 1.769 0.184 0.935 0 270 0 44 Blinds 1.547 2.434 -1.886 0 0 0 45 Drawer -0.553 0.155 2.942 0 90 0 46 Drawer -0.553 0.572 2.942 0 90 0 47 Dresser -0.665 0.001 2.939 0 90 0 48 Drawer -0.553 0.376 2.942 0 90 0 49 Chair 1.482 0.012 0.223 0 77.085 0 50 Chair -0.199 0.012 1.538 0 287.086 0 51 Bed -0.866 0.007 -0.919 0 0 0 52 Dresser -0.772 0.001 -1.313 0 90 0 53 Drawer -0.660 0.830 -1.309 0 90 0 54 Drawer -0.660 0.225 -1.309 0 90 0 55 Drawer -0.660 0.547 -1.309 0 90 0 56 Bed -0.872 1.637 2.188 0 0 0 57 Drawer 1.685 0.160 -0.805 0 270 0 58 Drawer 1.685 0.160 -0.378 0 270 0 59 Drawer 1.685 0.547 -0.805 0 270 0 60 Drawer 1.685 0.547 -0.378 0 270 0 61 Desk 1.812 0.003 -0.014 0 270 0 62 Drawer 1.685 0.354 -0.805 0 270 0 63 Drawer 1.685 0.354 -0.378 0 270 0 64 ArmChair 1.712 -0.000 1.532 0 270 0 65 NorthWall 66 EastWall 67 SouthWall 68 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: walk towards the wall and turn left to face the desk | STEP 2: pick up an alarm clock from the desk | STEP 3: turn right and walk over to the edge of the desk. turn to face the desk | STEP 4: place the alarm clock in front of the computer | STEP 5: turn left and walk back to retrieve another alarm clock from the desk | STEP 6: pick up another clock from the desk | STEP 7: turn around to walk to the edge of the desk with the computer | STEP 8: place the alarm clock in front of the computer | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: walk towards the wall and turn left to face the desk ", " STEP 2: pick up an alarm clock from the desk ", " STEP 3: turn right and walk over to the edge of the desk. turn to face the desk ", " STEP 4: place the alarm clock in front of the computer ", " STEP 5: turn left and walk back to retrieve another alarm clock from the desk ", " STEP 6: pick up another clock from the desk ", " STEP 7: turn around to walk to the edge of the desk with the computer ", " STEP 8: place the alarm clock in front of the computer ", " END" ] ]
Place a cardboard box containing a candle on the coffee table.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " -0.5", " 0.908", " 1.5", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Plate", " -3.709", " 0.798", " 1.906", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "2", " TissueBox", " -3.155", " 0.783", " 2.371", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "3", " TissueBox", " -2.047", " 0.783", " 2.371", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "4", " Newspaper", " -3.155", " 0.781", " 1.751", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "5", " Newspaper", " -2.324", " 0.781", " 1.906", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "6", " Watch", " -3.432", " 0.782", " 2.061", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "7", " Statue", " -3.709", " 0.792", " 2.681", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "8", " KeyChain", " -1.928", " 0.456", " 7.036", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 47" ], [ "9", " CreditCard", " -0.250", " 0.675", " 0.479", " 0", " 239.437", " 0", " 49" ], [ "10", " Box", " -1.852", " 0.583", " 7.334", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 47" ], [ "11", " KeyChain", " -3.129", " 0.535", " 8.409", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 60" ], [ "12", " Plate", " -2.878", " 0.798", " 2.371", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "13", " Candle", " -0.596", " 0.676", " 8.517", " 0", " 239.437", " 0", " 50" ], [ "14", " Pillow", " -1.721", " 0.519", " 5.725", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 47" ], [ "15", " Candle", " -3.432", " 0.782", " 1.751", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "16", " TissueBox", " -3.709", " 0.783", " 2.371", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "17", " Laptop", " -3.216", " 0.450", " 6.333", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "18", " Newspaper", " -2.324", " 0.781", " 2.681", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "19", " CreditCard", " -2.004", " 0.454", " 7.334", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 47" ], [ "20", " RemoteControl", " -2.324", " 0.782", " 2.061", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "21", " Boots", " -5.786", " 0.007", " 4.817", " 0", " 167.028", " 0", " Floor|-02.99|" ], [ "22", " Candle", " -3.13", " 0.536", " 8.321", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 60" ], [ "23", " Statue", " -2.810", " 0.635", " 8.471", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 60" ], [ "24", " Watch", " -0.246", " 0.676", " 0.227", " 0", " 329.437", " 0", " 49" ], [ "25", " Statue", " -2.601", " 0.791", " 2.371", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 54" ], [ "26", " Mirror", " -5.489", " 1.825", " 6.505", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "27", " FloorLamp", " -5.645", " 0.013", " 8.526", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "28", " HousePlant", " -3.203", " 0.452", " 6.798", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " HousePlant", " -5.358", " 1.476", " 5.442", " 0", " 343.031", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " GarbageCan", " -5.711", " 0.005", " 0.300", " 0", " 34.872", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " Television", " -3.114", " 0.996", " 8.693", " 1.686", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " LightSwitch", " -6.0", " 1.338", " 3.433", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " Painting", " -5.954", " 1.526", " 1.153", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " Window", " 0.157", " 1.203", " 6.895", " 90", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " Window", " -4.855", " 1.203", " -0.158", " 90", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " Window", " 0.157", " 1.203", " 4.923", " 90", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " Window", " 0.157", " 1.203", " 2.986", " 90", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " Window", " 0.157", " 1.203", " 1.088", " 90", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " Window", " -2.942", " 1.203", " -0.158", " 90", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "40", " Window", " -1.057", " 1.203", " -0.158", " 90", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "41", " DeskLamp", " -0.432", " 0.684", " 8.644", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "42", " DeskLamp", " -0.346", " 0.684", " 0.335", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "43", " Chair", " -3.326", " 0.015", " 2.739", " 358.826", " 189.525", " 358.738", "" ], [ "44", " Chair", " -2.352", " 0.015", " 2.744", " 358.824", " 163.801", " 358.735", "" ], [ "45", " Chair", " -2.476", " 0.015", " 1.628", " 358.826", " 21.693", " 358.736", "" ], [ "46", " Chair", " -3.327", " 0.015", " 1.701", " 358.828", " 0", " 358.738", "" ], [ "47", " Sofa", " -1.706", " 0.002", " 6.448", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "48", " Chair", " -0.328", " 0.016", " 0.998", " 0", " 246.550", " 0", "" ], [ "49", " SideTable", " -0.396", " 0.008", " 0.357", " 0", " 329.435", " 0", "" ], [ "50", " SideTable", " -0.527", " 0.008", " 8.521", " 0", " 329.431", " 0", "" ], [ "51", " CoffeeTable", " -3.236", " 0.010", " 6.598", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " ArmChair", " -3.663", " 0.012", " 4.562", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " ArmChair", " -2.691", " 0.012", " 4.618", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " DiningTable", " -2.903", " 0.010", " 2.225", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "55", " RoomDecor", " -0.189", " 0.009", " 3.909", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "56", " RoomDecor", " -0.189", " 0.009", " 2.097", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "57", " RoomDecor", " -0.190", " 0.009", " 5.855", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "58", " RoomDecor", " -3.957", " 0.009", " 0.254", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "59", " RoomDecor", " -2.036", " 0.009", " 0.254", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "60", " CoffeeTable", " -3.129", " 0.016", " 8.533", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "61", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "62", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "63", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "64", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent -0.5 0.908 1.5 0 90 0 1 Plate -3.709 0.798 1.906 0 0 0 54 2 TissueBox -3.155 0.783 2.371 0 0 0 54 3 TissueBox -2.047 0.783 2.371 0 0 0 54 4 Newspaper -3.155 0.781 1.751 0 0 0 54 5 Newspaper -2.324 0.781 1.906 0 0 0 54 6 Watch -3.432 0.782 2.061 0 0 0 54 7 Statue -3.709 0.792 2.681 0 0 0 54 8 KeyChain -1.928 0.456 7.036 0 0 0 47 9 CreditCard -0.250 0.675 0.479 0 239.437 0 49 10 Box -1.852 0.583 7.334 0 0 0 47 11 KeyChain -3.129 0.535 8.409 0 0 0 60 12 Plate -2.878 0.798 2.371 0 0 0 54 13 Candle -0.596 0.676 8.517 0 239.437 0 50 14 Pillow -1.721 0.519 5.725 0 0 0 47 15 Candle -3.432 0.782 1.751 0 0 0 54 16 TissueBox -3.709 0.783 2.371 0 0 0 54 17 Laptop -3.216 0.450 6.333 0 0 0 51 18 Newspaper -2.324 0.781 2.681 0 0 0 54 19 CreditCard -2.004 0.454 7.334 0 0 0 47 20 RemoteControl -2.324 0.782 2.061 0 0 0 54 21 Boots -5.786 0.007 4.817 0 167.028 0 Floor|-02.99| 22 Candle -3.13 0.536 8.321 0 90 0 60 23 Statue -2.810 0.635 8.471 0 180 0 60 24 Watch -0.246 0.676 0.227 0 329.437 0 49 25 Statue -2.601 0.791 2.371 0 90 0 54 26 Mirror -5.489 1.825 6.505 0 0 0 27 FloorLamp -5.645 0.013 8.526 0 0 0 28 HousePlant -3.203 0.452 6.798 0 0 0 29 HousePlant -5.358 1.476 5.442 0 343.031 0 30 GarbageCan -5.711 0.005 0.300 0 34.872 0 31 Television -3.114 0.996 8.693 1.686 180 0 32 LightSwitch -6.0 1.338 3.433 0 90 0 33 Painting -5.954 1.526 1.153 90 270 0 34 Window 0.157 1.203 6.895 90 90 0 35 Window -4.855 1.203 -0.158 90 180 0 36 Window 0.157 1.203 4.923 90 90 0 37 Window 0.157 1.203 2.986 90 90 0 38 Window 0.157 1.203 1.088 90 90 0 39 Window -2.942 1.203 -0.158 90 180 0 40 Window -1.057 1.203 -0.158 90 180 0 41 DeskLamp -0.432 0.684 8.644 0 0 0 42 DeskLamp -0.346 0.684 0.335 0 0 0 43 Chair -3.326 0.015 2.739 358.826 189.525 358.738 44 Chair -2.352 0.015 2.744 358.824 163.801 358.735 45 Chair -2.476 0.015 1.628 358.826 21.693 358.736 46 Chair -3.327 0.015 1.701 358.828 0 358.738 47 Sofa -1.706 0.002 6.448 0 270 0 48 Chair -0.328 0.016 0.998 0 246.550 0 49 SideTable -0.396 0.008 0.357 0 329.435 0 50 SideTable -0.527 0.008 8.521 0 329.431 0 51 CoffeeTable -3.236 0.010 6.598 0 270 0 52 ArmChair -3.663 0.012 4.562 0 0 0 53 ArmChair -2.691 0.012 4.618 0 0 0 54 DiningTable -2.903 0.010 2.225 0 0 0 55 RoomDecor -0.189 0.009 3.909 0 0 0 56 RoomDecor -0.189 0.009 2.097 0 0 0 57 RoomDecor -0.190 0.009 5.855 0 0 0 58 RoomDecor -3.957 0.009 0.254 0 0 0 59 RoomDecor -2.036 0.009 0.254 0 0 0 60 CoffeeTable -3.129 0.016 8.533 0 0 0 61 NorthWall 62 EastWall 63 SouthWall 64 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Turn to the left and move to the silver table in the corner, then turn left and move to the middle of the television stand next to the coffee table, and turn right and face the television. | STEP 2: Pick up the candle next to the set of keys on the television stand. | STEP 3: Turn right and move toward the left arm of the brown couch, then turn left to face the couch. | STEP 4: Place the candle in the cardboard box to the rear of the credit card and to the left of the keys on the couch. | STEP 5: Pick up the cardboard box containing the candle from the couch. | STEP 6: Turn left, move past the television stand, then turn left by the fireplace, move to the middle of the coffee table, then turn left to face the coffee table. | STEP 7: Place the cardboard box containing the candle on the front left corner of the coffee table, to the left of the potted plant. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Turn to the left and move to the silver table in the corner, then turn left and move to the middle of the television stand next to the coffee table, and turn right and face the television. ", " STEP 2: Pick up the candle next to the set of keys on the television stand. ", " STEP 3: Turn right and move toward the left arm of the brown couch, then turn left to face the couch. ", " STEP 4: Place the candle in the cardboard box to the rear of the credit card and to the left of the keys on the couch. ", " STEP 5: Pick up the cardboard box containing the candle from the couch. ", " STEP 6: Turn left, move past the television stand, then turn left by the fireplace, move to the middle of the coffee table, then turn left to face the coffee table. ", " STEP 7: Place the cardboard box containing the candle on the front left corner of the coffee table, to the left of the potted plant. ", " END" ] ]
place a box with a candle inside down on top of the coffee table
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " -0.5", " 0.908", " 1.5", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Plate", " -3.709", " 0.798", " 1.906", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "2", " TissueBox", " -3.155", " 0.783", " 2.371", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "3", " TissueBox", " -2.047", " 0.783", " 2.371", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "4", " Newspaper", " -3.155", " 0.781", " 1.751", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "5", " Newspaper", " -2.324", " 0.781", " 1.906", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "6", " Watch", " -3.432", " 0.782", " 2.061", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "7", " Statue", " -3.709", " 0.792", " 2.681", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "8", " KeyChain", " -1.928", " 0.456", " 7.036", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 47" ], [ "9", " CreditCard", " -0.250", " 0.675", " 0.479", " 0", " 239.437", " 0", " 49" ], [ "10", " Box", " -1.852", " 0.583", " 7.334", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 47" ], [ "11", " KeyChain", " -3.129", " 0.535", " 8.409", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 60" ], [ "12", " Plate", " -2.878", " 0.798", " 2.371", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "13", " Candle", " -0.596", " 0.676", " 8.517", " 0", " 239.437", " 0", " 50" ], [ "14", " Pillow", " -1.721", " 0.519", " 5.725", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 47" ], [ "15", " Candle", " -3.432", " 0.782", " 1.751", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "16", " TissueBox", " -3.709", " 0.783", " 2.371", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "17", " Laptop", " -3.216", " 0.450", " 6.333", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "18", " Newspaper", " -2.324", " 0.781", " 2.681", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "19", " CreditCard", " -2.004", " 0.454", " 7.334", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 47" ], [ "20", " RemoteControl", " -2.324", " 0.782", " 2.061", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "21", " Boots", " -5.786", " 0.007", " 4.817", " 0", " 167.028", " 0", " Floor|-02.99|" ], [ "22", " Candle", " -3.13", " 0.536", " 8.321", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 60" ], [ "23", " Statue", " -2.810", " 0.635", " 8.471", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 60" ], [ "24", " Watch", " -0.246", " 0.676", " 0.227", " 0", " 329.437", " 0", " 49" ], [ "25", " Statue", " -2.601", " 0.791", " 2.371", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 54" ], [ "26", " Mirror", " -5.489", " 1.825", " 6.505", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "27", " FloorLamp", " -5.645", " 0.013", " 8.526", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "28", " HousePlant", " -3.203", " 0.452", " 6.798", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " HousePlant", " -5.358", " 1.476", " 5.442", " 0", " 343.031", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " GarbageCan", " -5.711", " 0.005", " 0.300", " 0", " 34.872", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " Television", " -3.114", " 0.996", " 8.693", " 1.686", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " LightSwitch", " -6.0", " 1.338", " 3.433", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " Painting", " -5.954", " 1.526", " 1.153", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " Window", " 0.157", " 1.203", " 6.895", " 90", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " Window", " -4.855", " 1.203", " -0.158", " 90", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " Window", " 0.157", " 1.203", " 4.923", " 90", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " Window", " 0.157", " 1.203", " 2.986", " 90", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " Window", " 0.157", " 1.203", " 1.088", " 90", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " Window", " -2.942", " 1.203", " -0.158", " 90", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "40", " Window", " -1.057", " 1.203", " -0.158", " 90", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "41", " DeskLamp", " -0.432", " 0.684", " 8.644", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "42", " DeskLamp", " -0.346", " 0.684", " 0.335", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "43", " Chair", " -3.326", " 0.015", " 2.739", " 358.826", " 189.525", " 358.738", "" ], [ "44", " Chair", " -2.352", " 0.015", " 2.744", " 358.824", " 163.801", " 358.735", "" ], [ "45", " Chair", " -2.476", " 0.015", " 1.628", " 358.826", " 21.693", " 358.736", "" ], [ "46", " Chair", " -3.327", " 0.015", " 1.701", " 358.828", " 0", " 358.738", "" ], [ "47", " Sofa", " -1.706", " 0.002", " 6.448", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "48", " Chair", " -0.328", " 0.016", " 0.998", " 0", " 246.550", " 0", "" ], [ "49", " SideTable", " -0.396", " 0.008", " 0.357", " 0", " 329.435", " 0", "" ], [ "50", " SideTable", " -0.527", " 0.008", " 8.521", " 0", " 329.431", " 0", "" ], [ "51", " CoffeeTable", " -3.236", " 0.010", " 6.598", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " ArmChair", " -3.663", " 0.012", " 4.562", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " ArmChair", " -2.691", " 0.012", " 4.618", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " DiningTable", " -2.903", " 0.010", " 2.225", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "55", " RoomDecor", " -0.189", " 0.009", " 3.909", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "56", " RoomDecor", " -0.189", " 0.009", " 2.097", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "57", " RoomDecor", " -0.190", " 0.009", " 5.855", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "58", " RoomDecor", " -3.957", " 0.009", " 0.254", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "59", " RoomDecor", " -2.036", " 0.009", " 0.254", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "60", " CoffeeTable", " -3.129", " 0.016", " 8.533", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "61", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "62", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "63", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "64", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent -0.5 0.908 1.5 0 90 0 1 Plate -3.709 0.798 1.906 0 0 0 54 2 TissueBox -3.155 0.783 2.371 0 0 0 54 3 TissueBox -2.047 0.783 2.371 0 0 0 54 4 Newspaper -3.155 0.781 1.751 0 0 0 54 5 Newspaper -2.324 0.781 1.906 0 0 0 54 6 Watch -3.432 0.782 2.061 0 0 0 54 7 Statue -3.709 0.792 2.681 0 0 0 54 8 KeyChain -1.928 0.456 7.036 0 0 0 47 9 CreditCard -0.250 0.675 0.479 0 239.437 0 49 10 Box -1.852 0.583 7.334 0 0 0 47 11 KeyChain -3.129 0.535 8.409 0 0 0 60 12 Plate -2.878 0.798 2.371 0 0 0 54 13 Candle -0.596 0.676 8.517 0 239.437 0 50 14 Pillow -1.721 0.519 5.725 0 0 0 47 15 Candle -3.432 0.782 1.751 0 0 0 54 16 TissueBox -3.709 0.783 2.371 0 0 0 54 17 Laptop -3.216 0.450 6.333 0 0 0 51 18 Newspaper -2.324 0.781 2.681 0 0 0 54 19 CreditCard -2.004 0.454 7.334 0 0 0 47 20 RemoteControl -2.324 0.782 2.061 0 0 0 54 21 Boots -5.786 0.007 4.817 0 167.028 0 Floor|-02.99| 22 Candle -3.13 0.536 8.321 0 90 0 60 23 Statue -2.810 0.635 8.471 0 180 0 60 24 Watch -0.246 0.676 0.227 0 329.437 0 49 25 Statue -2.601 0.791 2.371 0 90 0 54 26 Mirror -5.489 1.825 6.505 0 0 0 27 FloorLamp -5.645 0.013 8.526 0 0 0 28 HousePlant -3.203 0.452 6.798 0 0 0 29 HousePlant -5.358 1.476 5.442 0 343.031 0 30 GarbageCan -5.711 0.005 0.300 0 34.872 0 31 Television -3.114 0.996 8.693 1.686 180 0 32 LightSwitch -6.0 1.338 3.433 0 90 0 33 Painting -5.954 1.526 1.153 90 270 0 34 Window 0.157 1.203 6.895 90 90 0 35 Window -4.855 1.203 -0.158 90 180 0 36 Window 0.157 1.203 4.923 90 90 0 37 Window 0.157 1.203 2.986 90 90 0 38 Window 0.157 1.203 1.088 90 90 0 39 Window -2.942 1.203 -0.158 90 180 0 40 Window -1.057 1.203 -0.158 90 180 0 41 DeskLamp -0.432 0.684 8.644 0 0 0 42 DeskLamp -0.346 0.684 0.335 0 0 0 43 Chair -3.326 0.015 2.739 358.826 189.525 358.738 44 Chair -2.352 0.015 2.744 358.824 163.801 358.735 45 Chair -2.476 0.015 1.628 358.826 21.693 358.736 46 Chair -3.327 0.015 1.701 358.828 0 358.738 47 Sofa -1.706 0.002 6.448 0 270 0 48 Chair -0.328 0.016 0.998 0 246.550 0 49 SideTable -0.396 0.008 0.357 0 329.435 0 50 SideTable -0.527 0.008 8.521 0 329.431 0 51 CoffeeTable -3.236 0.010 6.598 0 270 0 52 ArmChair -3.663 0.012 4.562 0 0 0 53 ArmChair -2.691 0.012 4.618 0 0 0 54 DiningTable -2.903 0.010 2.225 0 0 0 55 RoomDecor -0.189 0.009 3.909 0 0 0 56 RoomDecor -0.189 0.009 2.097 0 0 0 57 RoomDecor -0.190 0.009 5.855 0 0 0 58 RoomDecor -3.957 0.009 0.254 0 0 0 59 RoomDecor -2.036 0.009 0.254 0 0 0 60 CoffeeTable -3.129 0.016 8.533 0 0 0 61 NorthWall 62 EastWall 63 SouthWall 64 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: turn around and walk forwards a bit, then turn right and walk down to the end of the room, take a left and walk forwards a bit and move around to face the front of the small oval table | STEP 2: grab the candle off of the small oval table | STEP 3: turn around and move over to the front of the couch in front of you on your left | STEP 4: place the candle down inside the box on the couch | STEP 5: pick up the box with the candle inside of it | STEP 6: move around to the opposite side of the coffee table behind you, then face the coffee table | STEP 7: place the box down on top of the coffee table | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: turn around and walk forwards a bit, then turn right and walk down to the end of the room, take a left and walk forwards a bit and move around to face the front of the small oval table ", " STEP 2: grab the candle off of the small oval table ", " STEP 3: turn around and move over to the front of the couch in front of you on your left ", " STEP 4: place the candle down inside the box on the couch ", " STEP 5: pick up the box with the candle inside of it ", " STEP 6: move around to the opposite side of the coffee table behind you, then face the coffee table ", " STEP 7: place the box down on top of the coffee table ", " END" ] ]
Place a box with a candle in it to the left of the plant on the table.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " -0.5", " 0.908", " 1.5", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Plate", " -3.709", " 0.798", " 1.906", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "2", " TissueBox", " -3.155", " 0.783", " 2.371", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "3", " TissueBox", " -2.047", " 0.783", " 2.371", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "4", " Newspaper", " -3.155", " 0.781", " 1.751", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "5", " Newspaper", " -2.324", " 0.781", " 1.906", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "6", " Watch", " -3.432", " 0.782", " 2.061", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "7", " Statue", " -3.709", " 0.792", " 2.681", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "8", " KeyChain", " -1.928", " 0.456", " 7.036", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 47" ], [ "9", " CreditCard", " -0.250", " 0.675", " 0.479", " 0", " 239.437", " 0", " 49" ], [ "10", " Box", " -1.852", " 0.583", " 7.334", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 47" ], [ "11", " KeyChain", " -3.129", " 0.535", " 8.409", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 60" ], [ "12", " Plate", " -2.878", " 0.798", " 2.371", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "13", " Candle", " -0.596", " 0.676", " 8.517", " 0", " 239.437", " 0", " 50" ], [ "14", " Pillow", " -1.721", " 0.519", " 5.725", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 47" ], [ "15", " Candle", " -3.432", " 0.782", " 1.751", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "16", " TissueBox", " -3.709", " 0.783", " 2.371", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "17", " Laptop", " -3.216", " 0.450", " 6.333", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "18", " Newspaper", " -2.324", " 0.781", " 2.681", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "19", " CreditCard", " -2.004", " 0.454", " 7.334", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 47" ], [ "20", " RemoteControl", " -2.324", " 0.782", " 2.061", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "21", " Boots", " -5.786", " 0.007", " 4.817", " 0", " 167.028", " 0", " Floor|-02.99|" ], [ "22", " Candle", " -3.13", " 0.536", " 8.321", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 60" ], [ "23", " Statue", " -2.810", " 0.635", " 8.471", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 60" ], [ "24", " Watch", " -0.246", " 0.676", " 0.227", " 0", " 329.437", " 0", " 49" ], [ "25", " Statue", " -2.601", " 0.791", " 2.371", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 54" ], [ "26", " Mirror", " -5.489", " 1.825", " 6.505", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "27", " FloorLamp", " -5.645", " 0.013", " 8.526", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "28", " HousePlant", " -3.203", " 0.452", " 6.798", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " HousePlant", " -5.358", " 1.476", " 5.442", " 0", " 343.031", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " GarbageCan", " -5.711", " 0.005", " 0.300", " 0", " 34.872", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " Television", " -3.114", " 0.996", " 8.693", " 1.686", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " LightSwitch", " -6.0", " 1.338", " 3.433", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " Painting", " -5.954", " 1.526", " 1.153", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " Window", " 0.157", " 1.203", " 6.895", " 90", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " Window", " -4.855", " 1.203", " -0.158", " 90", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " Window", " 0.157", " 1.203", " 4.923", " 90", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " Window", " 0.157", " 1.203", " 2.986", " 90", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " Window", " 0.157", " 1.203", " 1.088", " 90", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " Window", " -2.942", " 1.203", " -0.158", " 90", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "40", " Window", " -1.057", " 1.203", " -0.158", " 90", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "41", " DeskLamp", " -0.432", " 0.684", " 8.644", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "42", " DeskLamp", " -0.346", " 0.684", " 0.335", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "43", " Chair", " -3.326", " 0.015", " 2.739", " 358.826", " 189.525", " 358.738", "" ], [ "44", " Chair", " -2.352", " 0.015", " 2.744", " 358.824", " 163.801", " 358.735", "" ], [ "45", " Chair", " -2.476", " 0.015", " 1.628", " 358.826", " 21.693", " 358.736", "" ], [ "46", " Chair", " -3.327", " 0.015", " 1.701", " 358.828", " 0", " 358.738", "" ], [ "47", " Sofa", " -1.706", " 0.002", " 6.448", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "48", " Chair", " -0.328", " 0.016", " 0.998", " 0", " 246.550", " 0", "" ], [ "49", " SideTable", " -0.396", " 0.008", " 0.357", " 0", " 329.435", " 0", "" ], [ "50", " SideTable", " -0.527", " 0.008", " 8.521", " 0", " 329.431", " 0", "" ], [ "51", " CoffeeTable", " -3.236", " 0.010", " 6.598", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " ArmChair", " -3.663", " 0.012", " 4.562", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " ArmChair", " -2.691", " 0.012", " 4.618", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " DiningTable", " -2.903", " 0.010", " 2.225", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "55", " RoomDecor", " -0.189", " 0.009", " 3.909", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "56", " RoomDecor", " -0.189", " 0.009", " 2.097", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "57", " RoomDecor", " -0.190", " 0.009", " 5.855", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "58", " RoomDecor", " -3.957", " 0.009", " 0.254", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "59", " RoomDecor", " -2.036", " 0.009", " 0.254", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "60", " CoffeeTable", " -3.129", " 0.016", " 8.533", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "61", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "62", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "63", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "64", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent -0.5 0.908 1.5 0 90 0 1 Plate -3.709 0.798 1.906 0 0 0 54 2 TissueBox -3.155 0.783 2.371 0 0 0 54 3 TissueBox -2.047 0.783 2.371 0 0 0 54 4 Newspaper -3.155 0.781 1.751 0 0 0 54 5 Newspaper -2.324 0.781 1.906 0 0 0 54 6 Watch -3.432 0.782 2.061 0 0 0 54 7 Statue -3.709 0.792 2.681 0 0 0 54 8 KeyChain -1.928 0.456 7.036 0 0 0 47 9 CreditCard -0.250 0.675 0.479 0 239.437 0 49 10 Box -1.852 0.583 7.334 0 0 0 47 11 KeyChain -3.129 0.535 8.409 0 0 0 60 12 Plate -2.878 0.798 2.371 0 0 0 54 13 Candle -0.596 0.676 8.517 0 239.437 0 50 14 Pillow -1.721 0.519 5.725 0 0 0 47 15 Candle -3.432 0.782 1.751 0 0 0 54 16 TissueBox -3.709 0.783 2.371 0 0 0 54 17 Laptop -3.216 0.450 6.333 0 0 0 51 18 Newspaper -2.324 0.781 2.681 0 0 0 54 19 CreditCard -2.004 0.454 7.334 0 0 0 47 20 RemoteControl -2.324 0.782 2.061 0 0 0 54 21 Boots -5.786 0.007 4.817 0 167.028 0 Floor|-02.99| 22 Candle -3.13 0.536 8.321 0 90 0 60 23 Statue -2.810 0.635 8.471 0 180 0 60 24 Watch -0.246 0.676 0.227 0 329.437 0 49 25 Statue -2.601 0.791 2.371 0 90 0 54 26 Mirror -5.489 1.825 6.505 0 0 0 27 FloorLamp -5.645 0.013 8.526 0 0 0 28 HousePlant -3.203 0.452 6.798 0 0 0 29 HousePlant -5.358 1.476 5.442 0 343.031 0 30 GarbageCan -5.711 0.005 0.300 0 34.872 0 31 Television -3.114 0.996 8.693 1.686 180 0 32 LightSwitch -6.0 1.338 3.433 0 90 0 33 Painting -5.954 1.526 1.153 90 270 0 34 Window 0.157 1.203 6.895 90 90 0 35 Window -4.855 1.203 -0.158 90 180 0 36 Window 0.157 1.203 4.923 90 90 0 37 Window 0.157 1.203 2.986 90 90 0 38 Window 0.157 1.203 1.088 90 90 0 39 Window -2.942 1.203 -0.158 90 180 0 40 Window -1.057 1.203 -0.158 90 180 0 41 DeskLamp -0.432 0.684 8.644 0 0 0 42 DeskLamp -0.346 0.684 0.335 0 0 0 43 Chair -3.326 0.015 2.739 358.826 189.525 358.738 44 Chair -2.352 0.015 2.744 358.824 163.801 358.735 45 Chair -2.476 0.015 1.628 358.826 21.693 358.736 46 Chair -3.327 0.015 1.701 358.828 0 358.738 47 Sofa -1.706 0.002 6.448 0 270 0 48 Chair -0.328 0.016 0.998 0 246.550 0 49 SideTable -0.396 0.008 0.357 0 329.435 0 50 SideTable -0.527 0.008 8.521 0 329.431 0 51 CoffeeTable -3.236 0.010 6.598 0 270 0 52 ArmChair -3.663 0.012 4.562 0 0 0 53 ArmChair -2.691 0.012 4.618 0 0 0 54 DiningTable -2.903 0.010 2.225 0 0 0 55 RoomDecor -0.189 0.009 3.909 0 0 0 56 RoomDecor -0.189 0.009 2.097 0 0 0 57 RoomDecor -0.190 0.009 5.855 0 0 0 58 RoomDecor -3.957 0.009 0.254 0 0 0 59 RoomDecor -2.036 0.009 0.254 0 0 0 60 CoffeeTable -3.129 0.016 8.533 0 0 0 61 NorthWall 62 EastWall 63 SouthWall 64 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Turn to your left and walk forward toward the table with the lamp on it and then turn left and walk in front of the TV. | STEP 2: Pick up the candle in front of the keys from the table. | STEP 3: Turn to your right and walk to the box on the couch. | STEP 4: Place the candle in the left side of the box. | STEP 5: Pick up the box from the couch. | STEP 6: Turn around and walk to the other side of the table in front of you. | STEP 7: Place the box down on the table to the left of the plant. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Turn to your left and walk forward toward the table with the lamp on it and then turn left and walk in front of the TV. ", " STEP 2: Pick up the candle in front of the keys from the table. ", " STEP 3: Turn to your right and walk to the box on the couch. ", " STEP 4: Place the candle in the left side of the box. ", " STEP 5: Pick up the box from the couch. ", " STEP 6: Turn around and walk to the other side of the table in front of you. ", " STEP 7: Place the box down on the table to the left of the plant. ", " END" ] ]
Put a spoon and pan in the sink.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " -3.5", " 0.900", " 1.25", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Potato", " -3.307", " 1.590", " 2.778", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 68" ], [ "2", " Potato", " -0.662", " 1.078", " 2.369", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "3", " ButterKnife", " -0.292", " 1.039", " 1.920", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "4", " Pot", " -3.000", " 1.133", " 0.227", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 65" ], [ "5", " Spoon", " -0.908", " 1.048", " 2.817", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "6", " Spoon", " -2.089", " 0.096", " 0.545", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 53" ], [ "7", " Spatula", " -0.785", " 1.063", " 3.042", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 51" ], [ "8", " Spatula", " -0.662", " 1.062", " 2.593", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 51" ], [ "9", " Egg", " -0.662", " 1.077", " 3.266", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "10", " Cup", " -3.248", " 0.726", " 3.203", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 68" ], [ "11", " Cup", " -1.568", " 1.151", " 0.095", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "12", " Plate", " -0.908", " 1.045", " 2.144", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "13", " Plate", " -1.156", " 0.047", " 0.608", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 55" ], [ "14", " Knife", " -2.514", " 1.157", " 0.662", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 61" ], [ "15", " SoapBottle", " -2.262", " 1.125", " 0.567", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 61" ], [ "16", " Tomato", " -3.572", " 1.327", " 3.132", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 68" ], [ "17", " SaltShaker", " -3.742", " 1.121", " 0.190", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "18", " PepperShaker", " -1.274", " 0.045", " 0.381", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 55" ], [ "19", " Lettuce", " -0.785", " 1.124", " 1.920", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "20", " Mug", " -3.44", " 0.906", " 2.920", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 68" ], [ "21", " Mug", " -0.785", " 1.043", " 2.593", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "22", " Apple", " -3.814", " 1.192", " 0.662", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "23", " Apple", " -2.639", " 1.192", " 0.473", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 61" ], [ "24", " Fork", " -2.388", " 1.125", " 0.284", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 61" ], [ "25", " SoapBottle", " -2.545", " 0.488", " 0.646", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "26", " Pot", " -3.475", " 1.133", " 0.227", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 47" ], [ "27", " Ladle", " -1.922", " 1.139", " 0.377", " 351.020", " 45", " 351.752", " 61" ], [ "28", " Potato", " -0.939", " 1.155", " 0.569", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "29", " Plate", " -1.601", " 0.047", " 0.495", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 66" ], [ "30", " Bread", " -0.185", " 1.119", " 1.882", " 0", " 2.688", " 0", " 51" ], [ "31", " Lettuce", " -0.168", " 1.107", " 2.145", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "32", " Spatula", " -0.939", " 1.139", " 0.206", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 63" ], [ "33", " Pan", " -0.266", " 1.038", " 2.561", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "34", " Egg", " -0.538", " 1.078", " 2.593", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "35", " Cup", " -3.506", " 1.284", " 2.778", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 68" ], [ "36", " SaltShaker", " -1.562", " 0.045", " 0.665", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 66" ], [ "37", " Knife", " -0.771", " 1.157", " 0.206", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 63" ], [ "38", " Bowl", " -0.662", " 1.045", " 3.042", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "39", " PepperShaker", " -2.388", " 1.121", " 0.567", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 61" ], [ "40", " ButterKnife", " -0.771", " 1.124", " 0.387", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "41", " Apple", " -3.506", " 1.629", " 2.990", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 68" ], [ "42", " Tomato", " -0.908", " 1.088", " 3.266", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "43", " DishSponge", " -0.292", " 1.046", " 2.144", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "44", " Spoon", " -2.137", " 0.488", " 0.613", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 52" ], [ "45", " Mug", " -0.908", " 1.042", " 3.042", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "46", " StoveKnob", " -3.322", " 1.053", " 0.709", " 45", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "47", " StoveBurner", " -3.474", " 1.097", " 0.227", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "48", " Sink", " -1.394", " 0.982", " 0.439", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "49", " StoveBurner", " -3.474", " 1.097", " 0.479", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "50", " StoveKnob", " -3.164", " 1.053", " 0.709", " 45", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "51", " DiningTable", " -0.620", " 0.017", " 2.486", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " Drawer", " -2.043", " 0.608", " 0.594", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " Drawer", " -2.043", " 0.216", " 0.594", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " Drawer", " -2.498", " 0.216", " 0.594", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "55", " Cabinet", " -1.001", " 0.393", " 0.734", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "56", " StoveBurner", " -3.000", " 1.097", " 0.480", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "57", " StoveKnob", " -3.492", " 1.053", " 0.709", " 45", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "58", " CounterTop", " -3.856", " 1.160", " 0.379", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "59", " Drawer", " -2.043", " 0.937", " 0.599", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "60", " Drawer", " -2.509", " 0.937", " 0.599", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "61", " CounterTop", " -2.280", " 1.160", " 0.379", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "62", " StoveKnob", " -2.985", " 1.053", " 0.709", " 45", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "63", " CounterTop", " -0.514", " 1.160", " 0.492", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "64", " Drawer", " -2.498", " 0.608", " 0.594", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "65", " StoveBurner", " -3.000", " 1.097", " 0.227", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "66", " Cabinet", " -1.733", " 0.393", " 0.734", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "67", " CoffeeMachine", " -0.153", " 1.038", " 3.193", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "68", " Fridge", " -3.519", " 0.0", " 2.717", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "69", " Window", " -1.394", " 1.924", " 0.014", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "70", " Window", " -3.266", " 1.924", " 0.014", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "71", " Toaster", " -0.225", " 1.038", " 2.865", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "72", " GarbageCan", " -3.696", " 0.002", " 2.008", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "73", " SinkBasin", " -1.389", " 0.921", " 0.428", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "74", " Microwave", " -0.366", " 1.113", " 0.430", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "75", " HousePlant", " -2.155", " 1.101", " 0.169", " 0", " 332.897", " 0", "" ], [ "76", " LightSwitch", " -2.584", " 1.299", " 3.5", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "77", " Faucet", " -1.393", " 1.373", " 0.168", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "78", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "79", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "80", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent -3.5 0.900 1.25 0 180 0 1 Potato -3.307 1.590 2.778 0 90 0 68 2 Potato -0.662 1.078 2.369 0 0 0 51 3 ButterKnife -0.292 1.039 1.920 0 0 0 51 4 Pot -3.000 1.133 0.227 0 270 0 65 5 Spoon -0.908 1.048 2.817 0 0 0 51 6 Spoon -2.089 0.096 0.545 0 90 0 53 7 Spatula -0.785 1.063 3.042 0 90 0 51 8 Spatula -0.662 1.062 2.593 0 90 0 51 9 Egg -0.662 1.077 3.266 0 0 0 51 10 Cup -3.248 0.726 3.203 0 90 0 68 11 Cup -1.568 1.151 0.095 0 0 0 48 12 Plate -0.908 1.045 2.144 0 0 0 51 13 Plate -1.156 0.047 0.608 0 0 0 55 14 Knife -2.514 1.157 0.662 0 0 0 61 15 SoapBottle -2.262 1.125 0.567 0 0 0 61 16 Tomato -3.572 1.327 3.132 0 90 0 68 17 SaltShaker -3.742 1.121 0.190 0 0 0 58 18 PepperShaker -1.274 0.045 0.381 0 0 0 55 19 Lettuce -0.785 1.124 1.920 0 0 0 51 20 Mug -3.44 0.906 2.920 0 180 0 68 21 Mug -0.785 1.043 2.593 0 0 0 51 22 Apple -3.814 1.192 0.662 0 0 0 58 23 Apple -2.639 1.192 0.473 0 0 0 61 24 Fork -2.388 1.125 0.284 0 0 0 61 25 SoapBottle -2.545 0.488 0.646 0 0 0 54 26 Pot -3.475 1.133 0.227 0 90 0 47 27 Ladle -1.922 1.139 0.377 351.020 45 351.752 61 28 Potato -0.939 1.155 0.569 0 0 0 63 29 Plate -1.601 0.047 0.495 0 0 0 66 30 Bread -0.185 1.119 1.882 0 2.688 0 51 31 Lettuce -0.168 1.107 2.145 0 0 0 51 32 Spatula -0.939 1.139 0.206 0 90 0 63 33 Pan -0.266 1.038 2.561 0 0 0 51 34 Egg -0.538 1.078 2.593 0 0 0 51 35 Cup -3.506 1.284 2.778 0 90 0 68 36 SaltShaker -1.562 0.045 0.665 0 0 0 66 37 Knife -0.771 1.157 0.206 0 180 0 63 38 Bowl -0.662 1.045 3.042 0 0 0 51 39 PepperShaker -2.388 1.121 0.567 0 0 0 61 40 ButterKnife -0.771 1.124 0.387 0 0 0 63 41 Apple -3.506 1.629 2.990 0 90 0 68 42 Tomato -0.908 1.088 3.266 0 0 0 51 43 DishSponge -0.292 1.046 2.144 0 0 0 51 44 Spoon -2.137 0.488 0.613 0 270 0 52 45 Mug -0.908 1.042 3.042 0 0 0 51 46 StoveKnob -3.322 1.053 0.709 45 0 0 47 StoveBurner -3.474 1.097 0.227 0 180 0 48 Sink -1.394 0.982 0.439 0 0 0 49 StoveBurner -3.474 1.097 0.479 0 180 0 50 StoveKnob -3.164 1.053 0.709 45 0 0 51 DiningTable -0.620 0.017 2.486 0 0 0 52 Drawer -2.043 0.608 0.594 0 0 0 53 Drawer -2.043 0.216 0.594 0 0 0 54 Drawer -2.498 0.216 0.594 0 0 0 55 Cabinet -1.001 0.393 0.734 0 0 0 56 StoveBurner -3.000 1.097 0.480 0 0 0 57 StoveKnob -3.492 1.053 0.709 45 0 0 58 CounterTop -3.856 1.160 0.379 0 0 0 59 Drawer -2.043 0.937 0.599 0 0 0 60 Drawer -2.509 0.937 0.599 0 0 0 61 CounterTop -2.280 1.160 0.379 0 0 0 62 StoveKnob -2.985 1.053 0.709 45 0 0 63 CounterTop -0.514 1.160 0.492 0 0 0 64 Drawer -2.498 0.608 0.594 0 0 0 65 StoveBurner -3.000 1.097 0.227 0 0 0 66 Cabinet -1.733 0.393 0.734 0 0 0 67 CoffeeMachine -0.153 1.038 3.193 0 270 0 68 Fridge -3.519 0.0 2.717 0 90 0 69 Window -1.394 1.924 0.014 90 0 0 70 Window -3.266 1.924 0.014 90 0 0 71 Toaster -0.225 1.038 2.865 0 270 0 72 GarbageCan -3.696 0.002 2.008 0 0 0 73 SinkBasin -1.389 0.921 0.428 0 0 0 74 Microwave -0.366 1.113 0.430 0 0 0 75 HousePlant -2.155 1.101 0.169 0 332.897 0 76 LightSwitch -2.584 1.299 3.5 0 180 0 77 Faucet -1.393 1.373 0.168 0 270 0 78 NorthWall 79 SouthWall 80 SouthWall
[ "STEP 1: Turn left and walk to the kitchen sink. | STEP 2: Pick up the spoon on the counter to the right of the kitchen sink. | STEP 3: Turn around and walk toward the door on the opposite wall from the kitchen sink. Turn right at the door and walk toward the kitchen table. | STEP 4: Put the spoon down on the pan next to the toaster. | STEP 5: Pick up the pan with the spoon. | STEP 6: Turn right and walk toward the kitchen sink. | STEP 7: Put the pan with the spoon down in the sink. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Turn left and walk to the kitchen sink. ", " STEP 2: Pick up the spoon on the counter to the right of the kitchen sink. ", " STEP 3: Turn around and walk toward the door on the opposite wall from the kitchen sink. Turn right at the door and walk toward the kitchen table. ", " STEP 4: Put the spoon down on the pan next to the toaster. ", " STEP 5: Pick up the pan with the spoon. ", " STEP 6: Turn right and walk toward the kitchen sink. ", " STEP 7: Put the pan with the spoon down in the sink. ", " END" ] ]
Putting a pan and spoon in the kitchen sink
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " -3.5", " 0.900", " 1.25", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Potato", " -3.307", " 1.590", " 2.778", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 68" ], [ "2", " Potato", " -0.662", " 1.078", " 2.369", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "3", " ButterKnife", " -0.292", " 1.039", " 1.920", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "4", " Pot", " -3.000", " 1.133", " 0.227", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 65" ], [ "5", " Spoon", " -0.908", " 1.048", " 2.817", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "6", " Spoon", " -2.089", " 0.096", " 0.545", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 53" ], [ "7", " Spatula", " -0.785", " 1.063", " 3.042", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 51" ], [ "8", " Spatula", " -0.662", " 1.062", " 2.593", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 51" ], [ "9", " Egg", " -0.662", " 1.077", " 3.266", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "10", " Cup", " -3.248", " 0.726", " 3.203", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 68" ], [ "11", " Cup", " -1.568", " 1.151", " 0.095", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "12", " Plate", " -0.908", " 1.045", " 2.144", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "13", " Plate", " -1.156", " 0.047", " 0.608", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 55" ], [ "14", " Knife", " -2.514", " 1.157", " 0.662", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 61" ], [ "15", " SoapBottle", " -2.262", " 1.125", " 0.567", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 61" ], [ "16", " Tomato", " -3.572", " 1.327", " 3.132", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 68" ], [ "17", " SaltShaker", " -3.742", " 1.121", " 0.190", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "18", " PepperShaker", " -1.274", " 0.045", " 0.381", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 55" ], [ "19", " Lettuce", " -0.785", " 1.124", " 1.920", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "20", " Mug", " -3.44", " 0.906", " 2.920", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 68" ], [ "21", " Mug", " -0.785", " 1.043", " 2.593", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "22", " Apple", " -3.814", " 1.192", " 0.662", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "23", " Apple", " -2.639", " 1.192", " 0.473", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 61" ], [ "24", " Fork", " -2.388", " 1.125", " 0.284", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 61" ], [ "25", " SoapBottle", " -2.545", " 0.488", " 0.646", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "26", " Pot", " -3.475", " 1.133", " 0.227", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 47" ], [ "27", " Ladle", " -1.922", " 1.139", " 0.377", " 351.020", " 45", " 351.752", " 61" ], [ "28", " Potato", " -0.939", " 1.155", " 0.569", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "29", " Plate", " -1.601", " 0.047", " 0.495", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 66" ], [ "30", " Bread", " -0.185", " 1.119", " 1.882", " 0", " 2.688", " 0", " 51" ], [ "31", " Lettuce", " -0.168", " 1.107", " 2.145", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "32", " Spatula", " -0.939", " 1.139", " 0.206", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 63" ], [ "33", " Pan", " -0.266", " 1.038", " 2.561", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "34", " Egg", " -0.538", " 1.078", " 2.593", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "35", " Cup", " -3.506", " 1.284", " 2.778", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 68" ], [ "36", " SaltShaker", " -1.562", " 0.045", " 0.665", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 66" ], [ "37", " Knife", " -0.771", " 1.157", " 0.206", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 63" ], [ "38", " Bowl", " -0.662", " 1.045", " 3.042", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "39", " PepperShaker", " -2.388", " 1.121", " 0.567", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 61" ], [ "40", " ButterKnife", " -0.771", " 1.124", " 0.387", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "41", " Apple", " -3.506", " 1.629", " 2.990", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 68" ], [ "42", " Tomato", " -0.908", " 1.088", " 3.266", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "43", " DishSponge", " -0.292", " 1.046", " 2.144", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "44", " Spoon", " -2.137", " 0.488", " 0.613", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 52" ], [ "45", " Mug", " -0.908", " 1.042", " 3.042", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "46", " StoveKnob", " -3.322", " 1.053", " 0.709", " 45", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "47", " StoveBurner", " -3.474", " 1.097", " 0.227", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "48", " Sink", " -1.394", " 0.982", " 0.439", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "49", " StoveBurner", " -3.474", " 1.097", " 0.479", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "50", " StoveKnob", " -3.164", " 1.053", " 0.709", " 45", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "51", " DiningTable", " -0.620", " 0.017", " 2.486", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " Drawer", " -2.043", " 0.608", " 0.594", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " Drawer", " -2.043", " 0.216", " 0.594", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " Drawer", " -2.498", " 0.216", " 0.594", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "55", " Cabinet", " -1.001", " 0.393", " 0.734", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "56", " StoveBurner", " -3.000", " 1.097", " 0.480", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "57", " StoveKnob", " -3.492", " 1.053", " 0.709", " 45", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "58", " CounterTop", " -3.856", " 1.160", " 0.379", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "59", " Drawer", " -2.043", " 0.937", " 0.599", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "60", " Drawer", " -2.509", " 0.937", " 0.599", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "61", " CounterTop", " -2.280", " 1.160", " 0.379", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "62", " StoveKnob", " -2.985", " 1.053", " 0.709", " 45", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "63", " CounterTop", " -0.514", " 1.160", " 0.492", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "64", " Drawer", " -2.498", " 0.608", " 0.594", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "65", " StoveBurner", " -3.000", " 1.097", " 0.227", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "66", " Cabinet", " -1.733", " 0.393", " 0.734", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "67", " CoffeeMachine", " -0.153", " 1.038", " 3.193", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "68", " Fridge", " -3.519", " 0.0", " 2.717", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "69", " Window", " -1.394", " 1.924", " 0.014", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "70", " Window", " -3.266", " 1.924", " 0.014", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "71", " Toaster", " -0.225", " 1.038", " 2.865", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "72", " GarbageCan", " -3.696", " 0.002", " 2.008", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "73", " SinkBasin", " -1.389", " 0.921", " 0.428", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "74", " Microwave", " -0.366", " 1.113", " 0.430", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "75", " HousePlant", " -2.155", " 1.101", " 0.169", " 0", " 332.897", " 0", "" ], [ "76", " LightSwitch", " -2.584", " 1.299", " 3.5", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "77", " Faucet", " -1.393", " 1.373", " 0.168", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "78", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "79", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "80", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent -3.5 0.900 1.25 0 180 0 1 Potato -3.307 1.590 2.778 0 90 0 68 2 Potato -0.662 1.078 2.369 0 0 0 51 3 ButterKnife -0.292 1.039 1.920 0 0 0 51 4 Pot -3.000 1.133 0.227 0 270 0 65 5 Spoon -0.908 1.048 2.817 0 0 0 51 6 Spoon -2.089 0.096 0.545 0 90 0 53 7 Spatula -0.785 1.063 3.042 0 90 0 51 8 Spatula -0.662 1.062 2.593 0 90 0 51 9 Egg -0.662 1.077 3.266 0 0 0 51 10 Cup -3.248 0.726 3.203 0 90 0 68 11 Cup -1.568 1.151 0.095 0 0 0 48 12 Plate -0.908 1.045 2.144 0 0 0 51 13 Plate -1.156 0.047 0.608 0 0 0 55 14 Knife -2.514 1.157 0.662 0 0 0 61 15 SoapBottle -2.262 1.125 0.567 0 0 0 61 16 Tomato -3.572 1.327 3.132 0 90 0 68 17 SaltShaker -3.742 1.121 0.190 0 0 0 58 18 PepperShaker -1.274 0.045 0.381 0 0 0 55 19 Lettuce -0.785 1.124 1.920 0 0 0 51 20 Mug -3.44 0.906 2.920 0 180 0 68 21 Mug -0.785 1.043 2.593 0 0 0 51 22 Apple -3.814 1.192 0.662 0 0 0 58 23 Apple -2.639 1.192 0.473 0 0 0 61 24 Fork -2.388 1.125 0.284 0 0 0 61 25 SoapBottle -2.545 0.488 0.646 0 0 0 54 26 Pot -3.475 1.133 0.227 0 90 0 47 27 Ladle -1.922 1.139 0.377 351.020 45 351.752 61 28 Potato -0.939 1.155 0.569 0 0 0 63 29 Plate -1.601 0.047 0.495 0 0 0 66 30 Bread -0.185 1.119 1.882 0 2.688 0 51 31 Lettuce -0.168 1.107 2.145 0 0 0 51 32 Spatula -0.939 1.139 0.206 0 90 0 63 33 Pan -0.266 1.038 2.561 0 0 0 51 34 Egg -0.538 1.078 2.593 0 0 0 51 35 Cup -3.506 1.284 2.778 0 90 0 68 36 SaltShaker -1.562 0.045 0.665 0 0 0 66 37 Knife -0.771 1.157 0.206 0 180 0 63 38 Bowl -0.662 1.045 3.042 0 0 0 51 39 PepperShaker -2.388 1.121 0.567 0 0 0 61 40 ButterKnife -0.771 1.124 0.387 0 0 0 63 41 Apple -3.506 1.629 2.990 0 90 0 68 42 Tomato -0.908 1.088 3.266 0 0 0 51 43 DishSponge -0.292 1.046 2.144 0 0 0 51 44 Spoon -2.137 0.488 0.613 0 270 0 52 45 Mug -0.908 1.042 3.042 0 0 0 51 46 StoveKnob -3.322 1.053 0.709 45 0 0 47 StoveBurner -3.474 1.097 0.227 0 180 0 48 Sink -1.394 0.982 0.439 0 0 0 49 StoveBurner -3.474 1.097 0.479 0 180 0 50 StoveKnob -3.164 1.053 0.709 45 0 0 51 DiningTable -0.620 0.017 2.486 0 0 0 52 Drawer -2.043 0.608 0.594 0 0 0 53 Drawer -2.043 0.216 0.594 0 0 0 54 Drawer -2.498 0.216 0.594 0 0 0 55 Cabinet -1.001 0.393 0.734 0 0 0 56 StoveBurner -3.000 1.097 0.480 0 0 0 57 StoveKnob -3.492 1.053 0.709 45 0 0 58 CounterTop -3.856 1.160 0.379 0 0 0 59 Drawer -2.043 0.937 0.599 0 0 0 60 Drawer -2.509 0.937 0.599 0 0 0 61 CounterTop -2.280 1.160 0.379 0 0 0 62 StoveKnob -2.985 1.053 0.709 45 0 0 63 CounterTop -0.514 1.160 0.492 0 0 0 64 Drawer -2.498 0.608 0.594 0 0 0 65 StoveBurner -3.000 1.097 0.227 0 0 0 66 Cabinet -1.733 0.393 0.734 0 0 0 67 CoffeeMachine -0.153 1.038 3.193 0 270 0 68 Fridge -3.519 0.0 2.717 0 90 0 69 Window -1.394 1.924 0.014 90 0 0 70 Window -3.266 1.924 0.014 90 0 0 71 Toaster -0.225 1.038 2.865 0 270 0 72 GarbageCan -3.696 0.002 2.008 0 0 0 73 SinkBasin -1.389 0.921 0.428 0 0 0 74 Microwave -0.366 1.113 0.430 0 0 0 75 HousePlant -2.155 1.101 0.169 0 332.897 0 76 LightSwitch -2.584 1.299 3.5 0 180 0 77 Faucet -1.393 1.373 0.168 0 270 0 78 NorthWall 79 SouthWall 80 SouthWall
[ "STEP 1: Turn left and walk straight slightly then turn to the right and face the counter | STEP 2: Pick up the large spoon from the counter | STEP 3: Turn around and walk straight then turn right and walk to the brown kitchen table | STEP 4: Place the spoon in the back pan on the table | STEP 5: Pick up the pan with the spoon inside | STEP 6: Turn left and walk straight to the kitchen sink and face it | STEP 7: Place the pan and spoon inside the kitchen sink | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Turn left and walk straight slightly then turn to the right and face the counter ", " STEP 2: Pick up the large spoon from the counter ", " STEP 3: Turn around and walk straight then turn right and walk to the brown kitchen table ", " STEP 4: Place the spoon in the back pan on the table ", " STEP 5: Pick up the pan with the spoon inside ", " STEP 6: Turn left and walk straight to the kitchen sink and face it ", " STEP 7: Place the pan and spoon inside the kitchen sink ", " END" ] ]
Put a metal pan with a large spoon in it in the sink basin.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " -3.5", " 0.900", " 1.25", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Potato", " -3.307", " 1.590", " 2.778", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 68" ], [ "2", " Potato", " -0.662", " 1.078", " 2.369", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "3", " ButterKnife", " -0.292", " 1.039", " 1.920", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "4", " Pot", " -3.000", " 1.133", " 0.227", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 65" ], [ "5", " Spoon", " -0.908", " 1.048", " 2.817", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "6", " Spoon", " -2.089", " 0.096", " 0.545", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 53" ], [ "7", " Spatula", " -0.785", " 1.063", " 3.042", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 51" ], [ "8", " Spatula", " -0.662", " 1.062", " 2.593", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 51" ], [ "9", " Egg", " -0.662", " 1.077", " 3.266", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "10", " Cup", " -3.248", " 0.726", " 3.203", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 68" ], [ "11", " Cup", " -1.568", " 1.151", " 0.095", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "12", " Plate", " -0.908", " 1.045", " 2.144", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "13", " Plate", " -1.156", " 0.047", " 0.608", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 55" ], [ "14", " Knife", " -2.514", " 1.157", " 0.662", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 61" ], [ "15", " SoapBottle", " -2.262", " 1.125", " 0.567", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 61" ], [ "16", " Tomato", " -3.572", " 1.327", " 3.132", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 68" ], [ "17", " SaltShaker", " -3.742", " 1.121", " 0.190", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "18", " PepperShaker", " -1.274", " 0.045", " 0.381", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 55" ], [ "19", " Lettuce", " -0.785", " 1.124", " 1.920", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "20", " Mug", " -3.44", " 0.906", " 2.920", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 68" ], [ "21", " Mug", " -0.785", " 1.043", " 2.593", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "22", " Apple", " -3.814", " 1.192", " 0.662", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 58" ], [ "23", " Apple", " -2.639", " 1.192", " 0.473", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 61" ], [ "24", " Fork", " -2.388", " 1.125", " 0.284", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 61" ], [ "25", " SoapBottle", " -2.545", " 0.488", " 0.646", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 54" ], [ "26", " Pot", " -3.475", " 1.133", " 0.227", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 47" ], [ "27", " Ladle", " -1.922", " 1.139", " 0.377", " 351.020", " 45", " 351.752", " 61" ], [ "28", " Potato", " -0.939", " 1.155", " 0.569", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "29", " Plate", " -1.601", " 0.047", " 0.495", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 66" ], [ "30", " Bread", " -0.185", " 1.119", " 1.882", " 0", " 2.688", " 0", " 51" ], [ "31", " Lettuce", " -0.168", " 1.107", " 2.145", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "32", " Spatula", " -0.939", " 1.139", " 0.206", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 63" ], [ "33", " Pan", " -0.266", " 1.038", " 2.561", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "34", " Egg", " -0.538", " 1.078", " 2.593", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "35", " Cup", " -3.506", " 1.284", " 2.778", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 68" ], [ "36", " SaltShaker", " -1.562", " 0.045", " 0.665", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 66" ], [ "37", " Knife", " -0.771", " 1.157", " 0.206", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 63" ], [ "38", " Bowl", " -0.662", " 1.045", " 3.042", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "39", " PepperShaker", " -2.388", " 1.121", " 0.567", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 61" ], [ "40", " ButterKnife", " -0.771", " 1.124", " 0.387", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "41", " Apple", " -3.506", " 1.629", " 2.990", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 68" ], [ "42", " Tomato", " -0.908", " 1.088", " 3.266", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "43", " DishSponge", " -0.292", " 1.046", " 2.144", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "44", " Spoon", " -2.137", " 0.488", " 0.613", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 52" ], [ "45", " Mug", " -0.908", " 1.042", " 3.042", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 51" ], [ "46", " StoveKnob", " -3.322", " 1.053", " 0.709", " 45", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "47", " StoveBurner", " -3.474", " 1.097", " 0.227", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "48", " Sink", " -1.394", " 0.982", " 0.439", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "49", " StoveBurner", " -3.474", " 1.097", " 0.479", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "50", " StoveKnob", " -3.164", " 1.053", " 0.709", " 45", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "51", " DiningTable", " -0.620", " 0.017", " 2.486", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " Drawer", " -2.043", " 0.608", " 0.594", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " Drawer", " -2.043", " 0.216", " 0.594", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " Drawer", " -2.498", " 0.216", " 0.594", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "55", " Cabinet", " -1.001", " 0.393", " 0.734", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "56", " StoveBurner", " -3.000", " 1.097", " 0.480", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "57", " StoveKnob", " -3.492", " 1.053", " 0.709", " 45", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "58", " CounterTop", " -3.856", " 1.160", " 0.379", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "59", " Drawer", " -2.043", " 0.937", " 0.599", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "60", " Drawer", " -2.509", " 0.937", " 0.599", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "61", " CounterTop", " -2.280", " 1.160", " 0.379", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "62", " StoveKnob", " -2.985", " 1.053", " 0.709", " 45", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "63", " CounterTop", " -0.514", " 1.160", " 0.492", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "64", " Drawer", " -2.498", " 0.608", " 0.594", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "65", " StoveBurner", " -3.000", " 1.097", " 0.227", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "66", " Cabinet", " -1.733", " 0.393", " 0.734", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "67", " CoffeeMachine", " -0.153", " 1.038", " 3.193", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "68", " Fridge", " -3.519", " 0.0", " 2.717", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "69", " Window", " -1.394", " 1.924", " 0.014", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "70", " Window", " -3.266", " 1.924", " 0.014", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "71", " Toaster", " -0.225", " 1.038", " 2.865", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "72", " GarbageCan", " -3.696", " 0.002", " 2.008", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "73", " SinkBasin", " -1.389", " 0.921", " 0.428", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "74", " Microwave", " -0.366", " 1.113", " 0.430", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "75", " HousePlant", " -2.155", " 1.101", " 0.169", " 0", " 332.897", " 0", "" ], [ "76", " LightSwitch", " -2.584", " 1.299", " 3.5", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "77", " Faucet", " -1.393", " 1.373", " 0.168", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "78", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "79", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "80", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent -3.5 0.900 1.25 0 180 0 1 Potato -3.307 1.590 2.778 0 90 0 68 2 Potato -0.662 1.078 2.369 0 0 0 51 3 ButterKnife -0.292 1.039 1.920 0 0 0 51 4 Pot -3.000 1.133 0.227 0 270 0 65 5 Spoon -0.908 1.048 2.817 0 0 0 51 6 Spoon -2.089 0.096 0.545 0 90 0 53 7 Spatula -0.785 1.063 3.042 0 90 0 51 8 Spatula -0.662 1.062 2.593 0 90 0 51 9 Egg -0.662 1.077 3.266 0 0 0 51 10 Cup -3.248 0.726 3.203 0 90 0 68 11 Cup -1.568 1.151 0.095 0 0 0 48 12 Plate -0.908 1.045 2.144 0 0 0 51 13 Plate -1.156 0.047 0.608 0 0 0 55 14 Knife -2.514 1.157 0.662 0 0 0 61 15 SoapBottle -2.262 1.125 0.567 0 0 0 61 16 Tomato -3.572 1.327 3.132 0 90 0 68 17 SaltShaker -3.742 1.121 0.190 0 0 0 58 18 PepperShaker -1.274 0.045 0.381 0 0 0 55 19 Lettuce -0.785 1.124 1.920 0 0 0 51 20 Mug -3.44 0.906 2.920 0 180 0 68 21 Mug -0.785 1.043 2.593 0 0 0 51 22 Apple -3.814 1.192 0.662 0 0 0 58 23 Apple -2.639 1.192 0.473 0 0 0 61 24 Fork -2.388 1.125 0.284 0 0 0 61 25 SoapBottle -2.545 0.488 0.646 0 0 0 54 26 Pot -3.475 1.133 0.227 0 90 0 47 27 Ladle -1.922 1.139 0.377 351.020 45 351.752 61 28 Potato -0.939 1.155 0.569 0 0 0 63 29 Plate -1.601 0.047 0.495 0 0 0 66 30 Bread -0.185 1.119 1.882 0 2.688 0 51 31 Lettuce -0.168 1.107 2.145 0 0 0 51 32 Spatula -0.939 1.139 0.206 0 90 0 63 33 Pan -0.266 1.038 2.561 0 0 0 51 34 Egg -0.538 1.078 2.593 0 0 0 51 35 Cup -3.506 1.284 2.778 0 90 0 68 36 SaltShaker -1.562 0.045 0.665 0 0 0 66 37 Knife -0.771 1.157 0.206 0 180 0 63 38 Bowl -0.662 1.045 3.042 0 0 0 51 39 PepperShaker -2.388 1.121 0.567 0 0 0 61 40 ButterKnife -0.771 1.124 0.387 0 0 0 63 41 Apple -3.506 1.629 2.990 0 90 0 68 42 Tomato -0.908 1.088 3.266 0 0 0 51 43 DishSponge -0.292 1.046 2.144 0 0 0 51 44 Spoon -2.137 0.488 0.613 0 270 0 52 45 Mug -0.908 1.042 3.042 0 0 0 51 46 StoveKnob -3.322 1.053 0.709 45 0 0 47 StoveBurner -3.474 1.097 0.227 0 180 0 48 Sink -1.394 0.982 0.439 0 0 0 49 StoveBurner -3.474 1.097 0.479 0 180 0 50 StoveKnob -3.164 1.053 0.709 45 0 0 51 DiningTable -0.620 0.017 2.486 0 0 0 52 Drawer -2.043 0.608 0.594 0 0 0 53 Drawer -2.043 0.216 0.594 0 0 0 54 Drawer -2.498 0.216 0.594 0 0 0 55 Cabinet -1.001 0.393 0.734 0 0 0 56 StoveBurner -3.000 1.097 0.480 0 0 0 57 StoveKnob -3.492 1.053 0.709 45 0 0 58 CounterTop -3.856 1.160 0.379 0 0 0 59 Drawer -2.043 0.937 0.599 0 0 0 60 Drawer -2.509 0.937 0.599 0 0 0 61 CounterTop -2.280 1.160 0.379 0 0 0 62 StoveKnob -2.985 1.053 0.709 45 0 0 63 CounterTop -0.514 1.160 0.492 0 0 0 64 Drawer -2.498 0.608 0.594 0 0 0 65 StoveBurner -3.000 1.097 0.227 0 0 0 66 Cabinet -1.733 0.393 0.734 0 0 0 67 CoffeeMachine -0.153 1.038 3.193 0 270 0 68 Fridge -3.519 0.0 2.717 0 90 0 69 Window -1.394 1.924 0.014 90 0 0 70 Window -3.266 1.924 0.014 90 0 0 71 Toaster -0.225 1.038 2.865 0 270 0 72 GarbageCan -3.696 0.002 2.008 0 0 0 73 SinkBasin -1.389 0.921 0.428 0 0 0 74 Microwave -0.366 1.113 0.430 0 0 0 75 HousePlant -2.155 1.101 0.169 0 332.897 0 76 LightSwitch -2.584 1.299 3.5 0 180 0 77 Faucet -1.393 1.373 0.168 0 270 0 78 NorthWall 79 SouthWall 80 SouthWall
[ "STEP 1: Turn left and walk towards the wall, then turn right and walk up to the counter. | STEP 2: Pick up the large metal spoon off of the counter. | STEP 3: Turn around and walk up to the wooden table on the right side of the room. | STEP 4: Put the large wooden spoon in the metal pan that is on the wooden table. | STEP 5: Pick up the metal pan with the large metal spoon in it off of the wooden table. | STEP 6: Turn right and walk over to the sink. | STEP 7: Put the metal pan with the spoon in it into the sink basin. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Turn left and walk towards the wall, then turn right and walk up to the counter. ", " STEP 2: Pick up the large metal spoon off of the counter. ", " STEP 3: Turn around and walk up to the wooden table on the right side of the room. ", " STEP 4: Put the large wooden spoon in the metal pan that is on the wooden table. ", " STEP 5: Pick up the metal pan with the large metal spoon in it off of the wooden table. ", " STEP 6: Turn right and walk over to the sink. ", " STEP 7: Put the metal pan with the spoon in it into the sink basin. ", " END" ] ]
Put the phone on the bed
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " 1.0", " 0.900", " 0.0", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " CellPhone", " 0.784", " 0.943", " -1.937", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 29" ], [ "2", " CellPhone", " 0.607", " 0.943", " -1.91", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 29" ], [ "3", " CellPhone", " -0.806", " 0.095", " -1.482", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 25" ], [ "4", " Pen", " 2.591", " 0.530", " 1.231", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 35" ], [ "5", " Pencil", " 0.784", " 0.945", " -1.854", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 29" ], [ "6", " CreditCard", " -0.426", " 0.895", " -1.680", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 23" ], [ "7", " Book", " -0.956", " 0.651", " -1.431", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 40" ], [ "8", " Book", " 2.329", " 0.777", " -0.608", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 33" ], [ "9", " AlarmClock", " -0.948", " 0.902", " -1.217", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 23" ], [ "10", " AlarmClock", " 2.436", " 0.524", " 1.231", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 35" ], [ "11", " Laptop", " 1.780", " 0.774", " -0.906", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 33" ], [ "12", " Book", " 2.878", " 0.777", " -0.757", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 33" ], [ "13", " Pen", " -1.122", " 0.901", " -1.310", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 23" ], [ "14", " AlarmClock", " -0.948", " 0.897", " -1.403", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 23" ], [ "15", " TeddyBear", " 1.324", " 0.827", " -0.763", " 56.834", " 332.692", " 298.236", " 41" ], [ "16", " CellPhone", " 2.205", " 0.526", " 1.272", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 35" ], [ "17", " Pencil", " -0.600", " 0.899", " -1.680", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 23" ], [ "18", " Pillow", " 3.173", " 0.804", " -0.932", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 41" ], [ "19", " Laptop", " 3.152", " 0.774", " -1.354", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 41" ], [ "20", " KeyChain", " 2.514", " 0.525", " 1.110", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 35" ], [ "21", " CreditCard", " 1.315", " 0.941", " -1.826", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 29" ], [ "22", " CD", " -1.106", " 0.650", " -1.482", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 26" ], [ "23", " Desk", " -0.503", " 0.006", " -1.465", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "24", " Drawer", " -0.945", " 0.493", " -1.176", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "25", " Drawer", " -0.946", " 0.212", " -1.176", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "26", " Drawer", " -0.944", " 0.739", " -1.176", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "27", " DeskLamp", " -0.124", " 0.899", " -1.731", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "28", " LightSwitch", " 3.513", " 1.253", " 0.165", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " Shelf", " 0.759", " 0.934", " -1.909", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " Mirror", " 2.407", " 1.294", " 1.401", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " GarbageCan", " 3.347", " -0.000", " -0.027", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " Window", " 0.717", " 1.603", " -2.108", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " Bed", " 2.301", " 0.005", " -1.056", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " Blinds", " 0.749", " 2.523", " -2.022", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " SideTable", " 2.436", " 0.002", " 1.143", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " Drawer", " 2.437", " 0.122", " 1.154", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " Drawer", " 2.437", " 0.350", " 1.153", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " LaundryHamper", " 0.359", " 0.006", " -1.505", " 0", " 280.399", " 358.305", "" ], [ "39", " Chair", " -0.308", " 0.009", " -1.108", " 0", " 166.824", " 0", "" ], [ "40", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "41", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "42", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "43", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "44", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "45", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent 1.0 0.900 0.0 0 270 0 1 CellPhone 0.784 0.943 -1.937 0 0 0 29 2 CellPhone 0.607 0.943 -1.91 0 0 0 29 3 CellPhone -0.806 0.095 -1.482 0 0 0 25 4 Pen 2.591 0.530 1.231 0 180 0 35 5 Pencil 0.784 0.945 -1.854 0 0 0 29 6 CreditCard -0.426 0.895 -1.680 0 0 0 23 7 Book -0.956 0.651 -1.431 0 0 0 40 8 Book 2.329 0.777 -0.608 0 180 0 33 9 AlarmClock -0.948 0.902 -1.217 0 0 0 23 10 AlarmClock 2.436 0.524 1.231 0 180 0 35 11 Laptop 1.780 0.774 -0.906 0 180 0 33 12 Book 2.878 0.777 -0.757 0 180 0 33 13 Pen -1.122 0.901 -1.310 0 0 0 23 14 AlarmClock -0.948 0.897 -1.403 0 0 0 23 15 TeddyBear 1.324 0.827 -0.763 56.834 332.692 298.236 41 16 CellPhone 2.205 0.526 1.272 0 180 0 35 17 Pencil -0.600 0.899 -1.680 0 0 0 23 18 Pillow 3.173 0.804 -0.932 0 0 0 41 19 Laptop 3.152 0.774 -1.354 0 180 0 41 20 KeyChain 2.514 0.525 1.110 0 180 0 35 21 CreditCard 1.315 0.941 -1.826 0 0 0 29 22 CD -1.106 0.650 -1.482 0 0 0 26 23 Desk -0.503 0.006 -1.465 0 0 0 24 Drawer -0.945 0.493 -1.176 0 0 0 25 Drawer -0.946 0.212 -1.176 0 0 0 26 Drawer -0.944 0.739 -1.176 0 0 0 27 DeskLamp -0.124 0.899 -1.731 0 0 0 28 LightSwitch 3.513 1.253 0.165 0 270 0 29 Shelf 0.759 0.934 -1.909 0 0 0 30 Mirror 2.407 1.294 1.401 0 0 0 31 GarbageCan 3.347 -0.000 -0.027 0 270 0 32 Window 0.717 1.603 -2.108 90 0 0 33 Bed 2.301 0.005 -1.056 0 270 0 34 Blinds 0.749 2.523 -2.022 0 0 0 35 SideTable 2.436 0.002 1.143 0 180 0 36 Drawer 2.437 0.122 1.154 0 180 0 37 Drawer 2.437 0.350 1.153 0 180 0 38 LaundryHamper 0.359 0.006 -1.505 0 280.399 358.305 39 Chair -0.308 0.009 -1.108 0 166.824 0 40 41 42 NorthWall 43 EastWall 44 SouthWall 45 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Turn right then head straight to the window | STEP 2: Pick up the phone on the right side | STEP 3: Turn around on your left face the end of the bed | STEP 4: Put the phone in front of the laptop on the bed | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Turn right then head straight to the window ", " STEP 2: Pick up the phone on the right side ", " STEP 3: Turn around on your left face the end of the bed ", " STEP 4: Put the phone in front of the laptop on the bed ", " END" ] ]
Put a cell phone on the bed.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " 1.0", " 0.900", " 0.0", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " CellPhone", " 0.784", " 0.943", " -1.937", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 29" ], [ "2", " CellPhone", " 0.607", " 0.943", " -1.91", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 29" ], [ "3", " CellPhone", " -0.806", " 0.095", " -1.482", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 25" ], [ "4", " Pen", " 2.591", " 0.530", " 1.231", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 35" ], [ "5", " Pencil", " 0.784", " 0.945", " -1.854", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 29" ], [ "6", " CreditCard", " -0.426", " 0.895", " -1.680", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 23" ], [ "7", " Book", " -0.956", " 0.651", " -1.431", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 40" ], [ "8", " Book", " 2.329", " 0.777", " -0.608", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 33" ], [ "9", " AlarmClock", " -0.948", " 0.902", " -1.217", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 23" ], [ "10", " AlarmClock", " 2.436", " 0.524", " 1.231", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 35" ], [ "11", " Laptop", " 1.780", " 0.774", " -0.906", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 33" ], [ "12", " Book", " 2.878", " 0.777", " -0.757", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 33" ], [ "13", " Pen", " -1.122", " 0.901", " -1.310", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 23" ], [ "14", " AlarmClock", " -0.948", " 0.897", " -1.403", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 23" ], [ "15", " TeddyBear", " 1.324", " 0.827", " -0.763", " 56.834", " 332.692", " 298.236", " 41" ], [ "16", " CellPhone", " 2.205", " 0.526", " 1.272", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 35" ], [ "17", " Pencil", " -0.600", " 0.899", " -1.680", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 23" ], [ "18", " Pillow", " 3.173", " 0.804", " -0.932", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 41" ], [ "19", " Laptop", " 3.152", " 0.774", " -1.354", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 41" ], [ "20", " KeyChain", " 2.514", " 0.525", " 1.110", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 35" ], [ "21", " CreditCard", " 1.315", " 0.941", " -1.826", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 29" ], [ "22", " CD", " -1.106", " 0.650", " -1.482", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 26" ], [ "23", " Desk", " -0.503", " 0.006", " -1.465", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "24", " Drawer", " -0.945", " 0.493", " -1.176", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "25", " Drawer", " -0.946", " 0.212", " -1.176", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "26", " Drawer", " -0.944", " 0.739", " -1.176", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "27", " DeskLamp", " -0.124", " 0.899", " -1.731", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "28", " LightSwitch", " 3.513", " 1.253", " 0.165", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " Shelf", " 0.759", " 0.934", " -1.909", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " Mirror", " 2.407", " 1.294", " 1.401", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " GarbageCan", " 3.347", " -0.000", " -0.027", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " Window", " 0.717", " 1.603", " -2.108", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " Bed", " 2.301", " 0.005", " -1.056", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " Blinds", " 0.749", " 2.523", " -2.022", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " SideTable", " 2.436", " 0.002", " 1.143", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " Drawer", " 2.437", " 0.122", " 1.154", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " Drawer", " 2.437", " 0.350", " 1.153", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " LaundryHamper", " 0.359", " 0.006", " -1.505", " 0", " 280.399", " 358.305", "" ], [ "39", " Chair", " -0.308", " 0.009", " -1.108", " 0", " 166.824", " 0", "" ], [ "40", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "41", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "42", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "43", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "44", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "45", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent 1.0 0.900 0.0 0 270 0 1 CellPhone 0.784 0.943 -1.937 0 0 0 29 2 CellPhone 0.607 0.943 -1.91 0 0 0 29 3 CellPhone -0.806 0.095 -1.482 0 0 0 25 4 Pen 2.591 0.530 1.231 0 180 0 35 5 Pencil 0.784 0.945 -1.854 0 0 0 29 6 CreditCard -0.426 0.895 -1.680 0 0 0 23 7 Book -0.956 0.651 -1.431 0 0 0 40 8 Book 2.329 0.777 -0.608 0 180 0 33 9 AlarmClock -0.948 0.902 -1.217 0 0 0 23 10 AlarmClock 2.436 0.524 1.231 0 180 0 35 11 Laptop 1.780 0.774 -0.906 0 180 0 33 12 Book 2.878 0.777 -0.757 0 180 0 33 13 Pen -1.122 0.901 -1.310 0 0 0 23 14 AlarmClock -0.948 0.897 -1.403 0 0 0 23 15 TeddyBear 1.324 0.827 -0.763 56.834 332.692 298.236 41 16 CellPhone 2.205 0.526 1.272 0 180 0 35 17 Pencil -0.600 0.899 -1.680 0 0 0 23 18 Pillow 3.173 0.804 -0.932 0 0 0 41 19 Laptop 3.152 0.774 -1.354 0 180 0 41 20 KeyChain 2.514 0.525 1.110 0 180 0 35 21 CreditCard 1.315 0.941 -1.826 0 0 0 29 22 CD -1.106 0.650 -1.482 0 0 0 26 23 Desk -0.503 0.006 -1.465 0 0 0 24 Drawer -0.945 0.493 -1.176 0 0 0 25 Drawer -0.946 0.212 -1.176 0 0 0 26 Drawer -0.944 0.739 -1.176 0 0 0 27 DeskLamp -0.124 0.899 -1.731 0 0 0 28 LightSwitch 3.513 1.253 0.165 0 270 0 29 Shelf 0.759 0.934 -1.909 0 0 0 30 Mirror 2.407 1.294 1.401 0 0 0 31 GarbageCan 3.347 -0.000 -0.027 0 270 0 32 Window 0.717 1.603 -2.108 90 0 0 33 Bed 2.301 0.005 -1.056 0 270 0 34 Blinds 0.749 2.523 -2.022 0 0 0 35 SideTable 2.436 0.002 1.143 0 180 0 36 Drawer 2.437 0.122 1.154 0 180 0 37 Drawer 2.437 0.350 1.153 0 180 0 38 LaundryHamper 0.359 0.006 -1.505 0 280.399 358.305 39 Chair -0.308 0.009 -1.108 0 166.824 0 40 41 42 NorthWall 43 EastWall 44 SouthWall 45 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Turn to your left and go to the window ledge between the desk and the bed. | STEP 2: Pick up the cell phone on the left, behind the pencil. | STEP 3: Turn to the bed on your left. | STEP 4: Toss the cell phone on the bed, to the right of the computer. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Turn to your left and go to the window ledge between the desk and the bed. ", " STEP 2: Pick up the cell phone on the left, behind the pencil. ", " STEP 3: Turn to the bed on your left. ", " STEP 4: Toss the cell phone on the bed, to the right of the computer. ", " END" ] ]
Put a smartphone next to a laptop on the bed.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " 1.0", " 0.900", " 0.0", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " CellPhone", " 0.784", " 0.943", " -1.937", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 29" ], [ "2", " CellPhone", " 0.607", " 0.943", " -1.91", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 29" ], [ "3", " CellPhone", " -0.806", " 0.095", " -1.482", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 25" ], [ "4", " Pen", " 2.591", " 0.530", " 1.231", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 35" ], [ "5", " Pencil", " 0.784", " 0.945", " -1.854", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 29" ], [ "6", " CreditCard", " -0.426", " 0.895", " -1.680", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 23" ], [ "7", " Book", " -0.956", " 0.651", " -1.431", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 40" ], [ "8", " Book", " 2.329", " 0.777", " -0.608", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 33" ], [ "9", " AlarmClock", " -0.948", " 0.902", " -1.217", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 23" ], [ "10", " AlarmClock", " 2.436", " 0.524", " 1.231", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 35" ], [ "11", " Laptop", " 1.780", " 0.774", " -0.906", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 33" ], [ "12", " Book", " 2.878", " 0.777", " -0.757", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 33" ], [ "13", " Pen", " -1.122", " 0.901", " -1.310", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 23" ], [ "14", " AlarmClock", " -0.948", " 0.897", " -1.403", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 23" ], [ "15", " TeddyBear", " 1.324", " 0.827", " -0.763", " 56.834", " 332.692", " 298.236", " 41" ], [ "16", " CellPhone", " 2.205", " 0.526", " 1.272", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 35" ], [ "17", " Pencil", " -0.600", " 0.899", " -1.680", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 23" ], [ "18", " Pillow", " 3.173", " 0.804", " -0.932", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 41" ], [ "19", " Laptop", " 3.152", " 0.774", " -1.354", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 41" ], [ "20", " KeyChain", " 2.514", " 0.525", " 1.110", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 35" ], [ "21", " CreditCard", " 1.315", " 0.941", " -1.826", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 29" ], [ "22", " CD", " -1.106", " 0.650", " -1.482", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 26" ], [ "23", " Desk", " -0.503", " 0.006", " -1.465", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "24", " Drawer", " -0.945", " 0.493", " -1.176", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "25", " Drawer", " -0.946", " 0.212", " -1.176", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "26", " Drawer", " -0.944", " 0.739", " -1.176", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "27", " DeskLamp", " -0.124", " 0.899", " -1.731", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "28", " LightSwitch", " 3.513", " 1.253", " 0.165", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " Shelf", " 0.759", " 0.934", " -1.909", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " Mirror", " 2.407", " 1.294", " 1.401", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " GarbageCan", " 3.347", " -0.000", " -0.027", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " Window", " 0.717", " 1.603", " -2.108", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " Bed", " 2.301", " 0.005", " -1.056", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " Blinds", " 0.749", " 2.523", " -2.022", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " SideTable", " 2.436", " 0.002", " 1.143", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " Drawer", " 2.437", " 0.122", " 1.154", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " Drawer", " 2.437", " 0.350", " 1.153", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " LaundryHamper", " 0.359", " 0.006", " -1.505", " 0", " 280.399", " 358.305", "" ], [ "39", " Chair", " -0.308", " 0.009", " -1.108", " 0", " 166.824", " 0", "" ], [ "40", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "41", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "42", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "43", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "44", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "45", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent 1.0 0.900 0.0 0 270 0 1 CellPhone 0.784 0.943 -1.937 0 0 0 29 2 CellPhone 0.607 0.943 -1.91 0 0 0 29 3 CellPhone -0.806 0.095 -1.482 0 0 0 25 4 Pen 2.591 0.530 1.231 0 180 0 35 5 Pencil 0.784 0.945 -1.854 0 0 0 29 6 CreditCard -0.426 0.895 -1.680 0 0 0 23 7 Book -0.956 0.651 -1.431 0 0 0 40 8 Book 2.329 0.777 -0.608 0 180 0 33 9 AlarmClock -0.948 0.902 -1.217 0 0 0 23 10 AlarmClock 2.436 0.524 1.231 0 180 0 35 11 Laptop 1.780 0.774 -0.906 0 180 0 33 12 Book 2.878 0.777 -0.757 0 180 0 33 13 Pen -1.122 0.901 -1.310 0 0 0 23 14 AlarmClock -0.948 0.897 -1.403 0 0 0 23 15 TeddyBear 1.324 0.827 -0.763 56.834 332.692 298.236 41 16 CellPhone 2.205 0.526 1.272 0 180 0 35 17 Pencil -0.600 0.899 -1.680 0 0 0 23 18 Pillow 3.173 0.804 -0.932 0 0 0 41 19 Laptop 3.152 0.774 -1.354 0 180 0 41 20 KeyChain 2.514 0.525 1.110 0 180 0 35 21 CreditCard 1.315 0.941 -1.826 0 0 0 29 22 CD -1.106 0.650 -1.482 0 0 0 26 23 Desk -0.503 0.006 -1.465 0 0 0 24 Drawer -0.945 0.493 -1.176 0 0 0 25 Drawer -0.946 0.212 -1.176 0 0 0 26 Drawer -0.944 0.739 -1.176 0 0 0 27 DeskLamp -0.124 0.899 -1.731 0 0 0 28 LightSwitch 3.513 1.253 0.165 0 270 0 29 Shelf 0.759 0.934 -1.909 0 0 0 30 Mirror 2.407 1.294 1.401 0 0 0 31 GarbageCan 3.347 -0.000 -0.027 0 270 0 32 Window 0.717 1.603 -2.108 90 0 0 33 Bed 2.301 0.005 -1.056 0 270 0 34 Blinds 0.749 2.523 -2.022 0 0 0 35 SideTable 2.436 0.002 1.143 0 180 0 36 Drawer 2.437 0.122 1.154 0 180 0 37 Drawer 2.437 0.350 1.153 0 180 0 38 LaundryHamper 0.359 0.006 -1.505 0 280.399 358.305 39 Chair -0.308 0.009 -1.108 0 166.824 0 40 41 42 NorthWall 43 EastWall 44 SouthWall 45 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Make a left and move to the window seat. | STEP 2: Pick up the smartphone above the blue pencil. | STEP 3: Turn left and walk to the bed. | STEP 4: Set the smartphone down next to the laptop closest to the stuffed animal. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Make a left and move to the window seat. ", " STEP 2: Pick up the smartphone above the blue pencil. ", " STEP 3: Turn left and walk to the bed. ", " STEP 4: Set the smartphone down next to the laptop closest to the stuffed animal. ", " END" ] ]
pick up the newspaper and turn on the light
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " 1.25", " 0.916", " -0.5", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Newspaper", " -2.812", " 0.569", " 2.012", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 57" ], [ "2", " Newspaper", " -0.204", " 0.912", " 1.703", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 62" ], [ "3", " KeyChain", " -3.338", " 0.590", " -0.489", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 52" ], [ "4", " KeyChain", " 3.083", " 0.332", " 0.268", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 49" ], [ "5", " CreditCard", " 3.198", " 0.589", " 1.202", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 43" ], [ "6", " CreditCard", " -3.104", " 0.545", " 1.187", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 57" ], [ "7", " RemoteControl", " -0.295", " 0.907", " 1.217", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 62" ], [ "8", " Box", " -3.031", " 0.754", " 1.600", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 57" ], [ "9", " Laptop", " -0.023", " 0.907", " 2.431", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 62" ], [ "10", " Book", " 0.116", " 0.902", " 1.073", " 0", " 29.999", " 0", " 62" ], [ "11", " Box", " 3.173", " 0.206", " -0.048", " 0", " 19.470", " 0", " 48" ], [ "12", " Statue", " 3.160", " 0.597", " 0.431", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 45" ], [ "13", " CreditCard", " 3.103", " 0.082", " -0.428", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 47" ], [ "14", " Laptop", " -2.780", " 0.365", " -1.874", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 39" ], [ "15", " WateringCan", " 2.893", " 0.014", " -1.916", " 0", " 328.832", " 0", "" ], [ "16", " Newspaper", " 3.18", " 0.586", " -0.543", " 0", " 259.747", " 0", " 56" ], [ "17", " Vase", " -2.168", " 1.195", " -2.183", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "18", " CellPhone", " -0.060", " 0.540", " -2.241", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 40" ], [ "19", " RemoteControl", " 0.067", " 0.910", " 2.188", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 62" ], [ "20", " Vase", " -1.046", " 1.195", " -2.151", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "21", " Pillow", " -2.893", " 0.616", " 0.818", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 57" ], [ "22", " KeyChain", " -2.812", " 0.563", " 0.981", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 57" ], [ "23", " Cabinet", " 0.333", " 0.514", " -2.015", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "24", " DeskLamp", " 3.143", " 0.591", " 1.457", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "25", " LightSwitch", " -0.927", " 1.316", " 2.846", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "26", " HousePlant", " 0.491", " 0.874", " -1.581", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "27", " Television", " 0.069", " 1.406", " 1.698", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "28", " GarbageCan", " 3.164", " 0.026", " 0.891", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " Painting", " -1.561", " 1.408", " -2.318", " 90", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " Painting", " 3.367", " 1.789", " -0.949", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " Painting", " -3.488", " 1.386", " -0.507", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " FloorLamp", " 3.103", " 0.025", " -2.341", " 0", " 135", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " Window", " 1.133", " 1.218", " -2.740", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " Window", " -3.368", " 1.180", " -1.539", " 90", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " Window", " 2.898", " 1.218", " -2.740", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " Window", " 2.006", " 1.218", " -2.740", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " Window", " -0.193", " 1.157", " -2.563", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " Window", " -2.970", " 1.157", " -2.563", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " ArmChair", " -2.859", " 0.026", " -2.036", " 0", " 29.994", " 0", "" ], [ "40", " SideTable", " -0.170", " 0.027", " -2.279", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "41", " Drawer", " -0.173", " 0.465", " -2.135", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "42", " Drawer", " 3.104", " 0.167", " 1.400", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "43", " SideTable", " 3.163", " 0.032", " 1.400", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "44", " Drawer", " 3.103", " 0.418", " 1.401", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "45", " SideTable", " 3.163", " 0.032", " 0.364", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "46", " Drawer", " -3.241", " 0.418", " -0.490", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "47", " Drawer", " 3.104", " 0.167", " -0.574", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "48", " SideTable", " 3.163", " 0.032", " -0.574", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "49", " Drawer", " 3.104", " 0.167", " 0.364", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "50", " Drawer", " 3.104", " 0.419", " -0.574", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "51", " Drawer", " -3.241", " 0.167", " -0.489", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " SideTable", " -3.300", " 0.032", " -0.489", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " Drawer", " 3.104", " 0.419", " 0.364", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " Chair", " 1.049", " 0.031", " -2.190", " 0", " 29.997", " 0", "" ], [ "55", " DogBed", " 2.739", " 0.032", " 2.260", " 0", " 45", " 0", "" ], [ "56", " Chair", " 2.037", " 0.031", " -2.232", " 0", " 350.485", " 0", "" ], [ "57", " Sofa", " -2.957", " 0.032", " 1.393", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "58", " Drawer", " -0.189", " 0.232", " 0.954", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "59", " Drawer", " -0.415", " 0.854", " 1.921", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "60", " Drawer", " -0.415", " 0.351", " 1.414", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "61", " Drawer", " -0.415", " 0.603", " 1.414", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "62", " Dresser", " -0.052", " 0.028", " 1.667", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "63", " Drawer", " -0.190", " 0.484", " 0.954", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "64", " Drawer", " -0.190", " 0.736", " 0.954", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "65", " Drawer", " -0.415", " 0.603", " 1.921", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "66", " Drawer", " -0.415", " 0.603", " 2.384", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "67", " Drawer", " -0.415", " 0.351", " 2.384", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "68", " Drawer", " -0.415", " 0.854", " 2.384", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "69", " Drawer", " -0.415", " 0.351", " 1.921", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "70", " Drawer", " -0.415", " 0.854", " 1.414", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "71", " Stool", " 3.135", " 0.029", " -1.625", " 0", " 330.001", " 0", "" ], [ "72", " Chair", " 1.631", " 0.029", " 2.210", " 0", " 161.562", " 0", "" ], [ "73", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "74", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "75", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "76", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent 1.25 0.916 -0.5 0 180 0 1 Newspaper -2.812 0.569 2.012 0 270 0 57 2 Newspaper -0.204 0.912 1.703 0 0 0 62 3 KeyChain -3.338 0.590 -0.489 0 0 0 52 4 KeyChain 3.083 0.332 0.268 0 180 0 49 5 CreditCard 3.198 0.589 1.202 0 180 0 43 6 CreditCard -3.104 0.545 1.187 0 270 0 57 7 RemoteControl -0.295 0.907 1.217 0 0 0 62 8 Box -3.031 0.754 1.600 0 270 0 57 9 Laptop -0.023 0.907 2.431 0 270 0 62 10 Book 0.116 0.902 1.073 0 29.999 0 62 11 Box 3.173 0.206 -0.048 0 19.470 0 48 12 Statue 3.160 0.597 0.431 0 180 0 45 13 CreditCard 3.103 0.082 -0.428 0 180 0 47 14 Laptop -2.780 0.365 -1.874 0 0 0 39 15 WateringCan 2.893 0.014 -1.916 0 328.832 0 16 Newspaper 3.18 0.586 -0.543 0 259.747 0 56 17 Vase -2.168 1.195 -2.183 0 0 0 18 CellPhone -0.060 0.540 -2.241 0 0 0 40 19 RemoteControl 0.067 0.910 2.188 0 0 0 62 20 Vase -1.046 1.195 -2.151 0 0 0 21 Pillow -2.893 0.616 0.818 0 0 0 57 22 KeyChain -2.812 0.563 0.981 0 270 0 57 23 Cabinet 0.333 0.514 -2.015 0 0 0 24 DeskLamp 3.143 0.591 1.457 0 270 0 25 LightSwitch -0.927 1.316 2.846 0 180 0 26 HousePlant 0.491 0.874 -1.581 0 0 0 27 Television 0.069 1.406 1.698 0 270 0 28 GarbageCan 3.164 0.026 0.891 0 0 0 29 Painting -1.561 1.408 -2.318 90 180 0 30 Painting 3.367 1.789 -0.949 90 270 0 31 Painting -3.488 1.386 -0.507 90 270 0 32 FloorLamp 3.103 0.025 -2.341 0 135 0 33 Window 1.133 1.218 -2.740 90 0 0 34 Window -3.368 1.180 -1.539 90 90 0 35 Window 2.898 1.218 -2.740 90 0 0 36 Window 2.006 1.218 -2.740 90 0 0 37 Window -0.193 1.157 -2.563 90 0 0 38 Window -2.970 1.157 -2.563 90 0 0 39 ArmChair -2.859 0.026 -2.036 0 29.994 0 40 SideTable -0.170 0.027 -2.279 0 0 0 41 Drawer -0.173 0.465 -2.135 0 0 0 42 Drawer 3.104 0.167 1.400 0 270 0 43 SideTable 3.163 0.032 1.400 0 270 0 44 Drawer 3.103 0.418 1.401 0 270 0 45 SideTable 3.163 0.032 0.364 0 270 0 46 Drawer -3.241 0.418 -0.490 0 90 0 47 Drawer 3.104 0.167 -0.574 0 270 0 48 SideTable 3.163 0.032 -0.574 0 270 0 49 Drawer 3.104 0.167 0.364 0 270 0 50 Drawer 3.104 0.419 -0.574 0 270 0 51 Drawer -3.241 0.167 -0.489 0 90 0 52 SideTable -3.300 0.032 -0.489 0 90 0 53 Drawer 3.104 0.419 0.364 0 270 0 54 Chair 1.049 0.031 -2.190 0 29.997 0 55 DogBed 2.739 0.032 2.260 0 45 0 56 Chair 2.037 0.031 -2.232 0 350.485 0 57 Sofa -2.957 0.032 1.393 0 90 0 58 Drawer -0.189 0.232 0.954 0 270 0 59 Drawer -0.415 0.854 1.921 0 270 0 60 Drawer -0.415 0.351 1.414 0 270 0 61 Drawer -0.415 0.603 1.414 0 270 0 62 Dresser -0.052 0.028 1.667 0 270 0 63 Drawer -0.190 0.484 0.954 0 270 0 64 Drawer -0.190 0.736 0.954 0 270 0 65 Drawer -0.415 0.603 1.921 0 270 0 66 Drawer -0.415 0.603 2.384 0 270 0 67 Drawer -0.415 0.351 2.384 0 270 0 68 Drawer -0.415 0.854 2.384 0 270 0 69 Drawer -0.415 0.351 1.921 0 270 0 70 Drawer -0.415 0.854 1.414 0 270 0 71 Stool 3.135 0.029 -1.625 0 330.001 0 72 Chair 1.631 0.029 2.210 0 161.562 0 73 NorthWall 74 EastWall 75 SouthWall 76 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: turn left and cross the room to the end table | STEP 2: pick up the newspaper sitting on the end table | STEP 3: turn left and go to the end table next to the chair | STEP 4: turn on the light | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: turn left and cross the room to the end table ", " STEP 2: pick up the newspaper sitting on the end table ", " STEP 3: turn left and go to the end table next to the chair ", " STEP 4: turn on the light ", " END" ] ]
Grab the newspaper on the small stand and turn on the lamp on the small stand.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " 1.25", " 0.916", " -0.5", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Newspaper", " -2.812", " 0.569", " 2.012", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 57" ], [ "2", " Newspaper", " -0.204", " 0.912", " 1.703", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 62" ], [ "3", " KeyChain", " -3.338", " 0.590", " -0.489", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 52" ], [ "4", " KeyChain", " 3.083", " 0.332", " 0.268", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 49" ], [ "5", " CreditCard", " 3.198", " 0.589", " 1.202", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 43" ], [ "6", " CreditCard", " -3.104", " 0.545", " 1.187", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 57" ], [ "7", " RemoteControl", " -0.295", " 0.907", " 1.217", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 62" ], [ "8", " Box", " -3.031", " 0.754", " 1.600", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 57" ], [ "9", " Laptop", " -0.023", " 0.907", " 2.431", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 62" ], [ "10", " Book", " 0.116", " 0.902", " 1.073", " 0", " 29.999", " 0", " 62" ], [ "11", " Box", " 3.173", " 0.206", " -0.048", " 0", " 19.470", " 0", " 48" ], [ "12", " Statue", " 3.160", " 0.597", " 0.431", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 45" ], [ "13", " CreditCard", " 3.103", " 0.082", " -0.428", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 47" ], [ "14", " Laptop", " -2.780", " 0.365", " -1.874", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 39" ], [ "15", " WateringCan", " 2.893", " 0.014", " -1.916", " 0", " 328.832", " 0", "" ], [ "16", " Newspaper", " 3.18", " 0.586", " -0.543", " 0", " 259.747", " 0", " 56" ], [ "17", " Vase", " -2.168", " 1.195", " -2.183", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "18", " CellPhone", " -0.060", " 0.540", " -2.241", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 40" ], [ "19", " RemoteControl", " 0.067", " 0.910", " 2.188", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 62" ], [ "20", " Vase", " -1.046", " 1.195", " -2.151", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "21", " Pillow", " -2.893", " 0.616", " 0.818", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 57" ], [ "22", " KeyChain", " -2.812", " 0.563", " 0.981", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 57" ], [ "23", " Cabinet", " 0.333", " 0.514", " -2.015", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "24", " DeskLamp", " 3.143", " 0.591", " 1.457", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "25", " LightSwitch", " -0.927", " 1.316", " 2.846", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "26", " HousePlant", " 0.491", " 0.874", " -1.581", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "27", " Television", " 0.069", " 1.406", " 1.698", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "28", " GarbageCan", " 3.164", " 0.026", " 0.891", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " Painting", " -1.561", " 1.408", " -2.318", " 90", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " Painting", " 3.367", " 1.789", " -0.949", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " Painting", " -3.488", " 1.386", " -0.507", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " FloorLamp", " 3.103", " 0.025", " -2.341", " 0", " 135", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " Window", " 1.133", " 1.218", " -2.740", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " Window", " -3.368", " 1.180", " -1.539", " 90", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " Window", " 2.898", " 1.218", " -2.740", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " Window", " 2.006", " 1.218", " -2.740", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " Window", " -0.193", " 1.157", " -2.563", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " Window", " -2.970", " 1.157", " -2.563", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " ArmChair", " -2.859", " 0.026", " -2.036", " 0", " 29.994", " 0", "" ], [ "40", " SideTable", " -0.170", " 0.027", " -2.279", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "41", " Drawer", " -0.173", " 0.465", " -2.135", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "42", " Drawer", " 3.104", " 0.167", " 1.400", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "43", " SideTable", " 3.163", " 0.032", " 1.400", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "44", " Drawer", " 3.103", " 0.418", " 1.401", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "45", " SideTable", " 3.163", " 0.032", " 0.364", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "46", " Drawer", " -3.241", " 0.418", " -0.490", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "47", " Drawer", " 3.104", " 0.167", " -0.574", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "48", " SideTable", " 3.163", " 0.032", " -0.574", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "49", " Drawer", " 3.104", " 0.167", " 0.364", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "50", " Drawer", " 3.104", " 0.419", " -0.574", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "51", " Drawer", " -3.241", " 0.167", " -0.489", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " SideTable", " -3.300", " 0.032", " -0.489", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " Drawer", " 3.104", " 0.419", " 0.364", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " Chair", " 1.049", " 0.031", " -2.190", " 0", " 29.997", " 0", "" ], [ "55", " DogBed", " 2.739", " 0.032", " 2.260", " 0", " 45", " 0", "" ], [ "56", " Chair", " 2.037", " 0.031", " -2.232", " 0", " 350.485", " 0", "" ], [ "57", " Sofa", " -2.957", " 0.032", " 1.393", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "58", " Drawer", " -0.189", " 0.232", " 0.954", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "59", " Drawer", " -0.415", " 0.854", " 1.921", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "60", " Drawer", " -0.415", " 0.351", " 1.414", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "61", " Drawer", " -0.415", " 0.603", " 1.414", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "62", " Dresser", " -0.052", " 0.028", " 1.667", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "63", " Drawer", " -0.190", " 0.484", " 0.954", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "64", " Drawer", " -0.190", " 0.736", " 0.954", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "65", " Drawer", " -0.415", " 0.603", " 1.921", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "66", " Drawer", " -0.415", " 0.603", " 2.384", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "67", " Drawer", " -0.415", " 0.351", " 2.384", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "68", " Drawer", " -0.415", " 0.854", " 2.384", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "69", " Drawer", " -0.415", " 0.351", " 1.921", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "70", " Drawer", " -0.415", " 0.854", " 1.414", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "71", " Stool", " 3.135", " 0.029", " -1.625", " 0", " 330.001", " 0", "" ], [ "72", " Chair", " 1.631", " 0.029", " 2.210", " 0", " 161.562", " 0", "" ], [ "73", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "74", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "75", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "76", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent 1.25 0.916 -0.5 0 180 0 1 Newspaper -2.812 0.569 2.012 0 270 0 57 2 Newspaper -0.204 0.912 1.703 0 0 0 62 3 KeyChain -3.338 0.590 -0.489 0 0 0 52 4 KeyChain 3.083 0.332 0.268 0 180 0 49 5 CreditCard 3.198 0.589 1.202 0 180 0 43 6 CreditCard -3.104 0.545 1.187 0 270 0 57 7 RemoteControl -0.295 0.907 1.217 0 0 0 62 8 Box -3.031 0.754 1.600 0 270 0 57 9 Laptop -0.023 0.907 2.431 0 270 0 62 10 Book 0.116 0.902 1.073 0 29.999 0 62 11 Box 3.173 0.206 -0.048 0 19.470 0 48 12 Statue 3.160 0.597 0.431 0 180 0 45 13 CreditCard 3.103 0.082 -0.428 0 180 0 47 14 Laptop -2.780 0.365 -1.874 0 0 0 39 15 WateringCan 2.893 0.014 -1.916 0 328.832 0 16 Newspaper 3.18 0.586 -0.543 0 259.747 0 56 17 Vase -2.168 1.195 -2.183 0 0 0 18 CellPhone -0.060 0.540 -2.241 0 0 0 40 19 RemoteControl 0.067 0.910 2.188 0 0 0 62 20 Vase -1.046 1.195 -2.151 0 0 0 21 Pillow -2.893 0.616 0.818 0 0 0 57 22 KeyChain -2.812 0.563 0.981 0 270 0 57 23 Cabinet 0.333 0.514 -2.015 0 0 0 24 DeskLamp 3.143 0.591 1.457 0 270 0 25 LightSwitch -0.927 1.316 2.846 0 180 0 26 HousePlant 0.491 0.874 -1.581 0 0 0 27 Television 0.069 1.406 1.698 0 270 0 28 GarbageCan 3.164 0.026 0.891 0 0 0 29 Painting -1.561 1.408 -2.318 90 180 0 30 Painting 3.367 1.789 -0.949 90 270 0 31 Painting -3.488 1.386 -0.507 90 270 0 32 FloorLamp 3.103 0.025 -2.341 0 135 0 33 Window 1.133 1.218 -2.740 90 0 0 34 Window -3.368 1.180 -1.539 90 90 0 35 Window 2.898 1.218 -2.740 90 0 0 36 Window 2.006 1.218 -2.740 90 0 0 37 Window -0.193 1.157 -2.563 90 0 0 38 Window -2.970 1.157 -2.563 90 0 0 39 ArmChair -2.859 0.026 -2.036 0 29.994 0 40 SideTable -0.170 0.027 -2.279 0 0 0 41 Drawer -0.173 0.465 -2.135 0 0 0 42 Drawer 3.104 0.167 1.400 0 270 0 43 SideTable 3.163 0.032 1.400 0 270 0 44 Drawer 3.103 0.418 1.401 0 270 0 45 SideTable 3.163 0.032 0.364 0 270 0 46 Drawer -3.241 0.418 -0.490 0 90 0 47 Drawer 3.104 0.167 -0.574 0 270 0 48 SideTable 3.163 0.032 -0.574 0 270 0 49 Drawer 3.104 0.167 0.364 0 270 0 50 Drawer 3.104 0.419 -0.574 0 270 0 51 Drawer -3.241 0.167 -0.489 0 90 0 52 SideTable -3.300 0.032 -0.489 0 90 0 53 Drawer 3.104 0.419 0.364 0 270 0 54 Chair 1.049 0.031 -2.190 0 29.997 0 55 DogBed 2.739 0.032 2.260 0 45 0 56 Chair 2.037 0.031 -2.232 0 350.485 0 57 Sofa -2.957 0.032 1.393 0 90 0 58 Drawer -0.189 0.232 0.954 0 270 0 59 Drawer -0.415 0.854 1.921 0 270 0 60 Drawer -0.415 0.351 1.414 0 270 0 61 Drawer -0.415 0.603 1.414 0 270 0 62 Dresser -0.052 0.028 1.667 0 270 0 63 Drawer -0.190 0.484 0.954 0 270 0 64 Drawer -0.190 0.736 0.954 0 270 0 65 Drawer -0.415 0.603 1.921 0 270 0 66 Drawer -0.415 0.603 2.384 0 270 0 67 Drawer -0.415 0.351 2.384 0 270 0 68 Drawer -0.415 0.854 2.384 0 270 0 69 Drawer -0.415 0.351 1.921 0 270 0 70 Drawer -0.415 0.854 1.414 0 270 0 71 Stool 3.135 0.029 -1.625 0 330.001 0 72 Chair 1.631 0.029 2.210 0 161.562 0 73 NorthWall 74 EastWall 75 SouthWall 76 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Look down, turn left and walk straight to the small stand with the news paper on it and look down. | STEP 2: Grab the newspaper on the small stand. | STEP 3: Look up, turn left and walk to the small stand with the lamp on it to your right and look down. | STEP 4: Turn on the lamp on the small stand. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Look down, turn left and walk straight to the small stand with the news paper on it and look down. ", " STEP 2: Grab the newspaper on the small stand. ", " STEP 3: Look up, turn left and walk to the small stand with the lamp on it to your right and look down. ", " STEP 4: Turn on the lamp on the small stand. ", " END" ] ]
turn on lamp on side table with newspaper in hand
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " 1.25", " 0.916", " -0.5", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Newspaper", " -2.812", " 0.569", " 2.012", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 57" ], [ "2", " Newspaper", " -0.204", " 0.912", " 1.703", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 62" ], [ "3", " KeyChain", " -3.338", " 0.590", " -0.489", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 52" ], [ "4", " KeyChain", " 3.083", " 0.332", " 0.268", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 49" ], [ "5", " CreditCard", " 3.198", " 0.589", " 1.202", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 43" ], [ "6", " CreditCard", " -3.104", " 0.545", " 1.187", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 57" ], [ "7", " RemoteControl", " -0.295", " 0.907", " 1.217", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 62" ], [ "8", " Box", " -3.031", " 0.754", " 1.600", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 57" ], [ "9", " Laptop", " -0.023", " 0.907", " 2.431", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 62" ], [ "10", " Book", " 0.116", " 0.902", " 1.073", " 0", " 29.999", " 0", " 62" ], [ "11", " Box", " 3.173", " 0.206", " -0.048", " 0", " 19.470", " 0", " 48" ], [ "12", " Statue", " 3.160", " 0.597", " 0.431", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 45" ], [ "13", " CreditCard", " 3.103", " 0.082", " -0.428", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 47" ], [ "14", " Laptop", " -2.780", " 0.365", " -1.874", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 39" ], [ "15", " WateringCan", " 2.893", " 0.014", " -1.916", " 0", " 328.832", " 0", "" ], [ "16", " Newspaper", " 3.18", " 0.586", " -0.543", " 0", " 259.747", " 0", " 56" ], [ "17", " Vase", " -2.168", " 1.195", " -2.183", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "18", " CellPhone", " -0.060", " 0.540", " -2.241", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 40" ], [ "19", " RemoteControl", " 0.067", " 0.910", " 2.188", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 62" ], [ "20", " Vase", " -1.046", " 1.195", " -2.151", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "21", " Pillow", " -2.893", " 0.616", " 0.818", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 57" ], [ "22", " KeyChain", " -2.812", " 0.563", " 0.981", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 57" ], [ "23", " Cabinet", " 0.333", " 0.514", " -2.015", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "24", " DeskLamp", " 3.143", " 0.591", " 1.457", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "25", " LightSwitch", " -0.927", " 1.316", " 2.846", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "26", " HousePlant", " 0.491", " 0.874", " -1.581", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "27", " Television", " 0.069", " 1.406", " 1.698", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "28", " GarbageCan", " 3.164", " 0.026", " 0.891", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " Painting", " -1.561", " 1.408", " -2.318", " 90", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " Painting", " 3.367", " 1.789", " -0.949", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " Painting", " -3.488", " 1.386", " -0.507", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " FloorLamp", " 3.103", " 0.025", " -2.341", " 0", " 135", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " Window", " 1.133", " 1.218", " -2.740", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " Window", " -3.368", " 1.180", " -1.539", " 90", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " Window", " 2.898", " 1.218", " -2.740", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " Window", " 2.006", " 1.218", " -2.740", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " Window", " -0.193", " 1.157", " -2.563", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " Window", " -2.970", " 1.157", " -2.563", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " ArmChair", " -2.859", " 0.026", " -2.036", " 0", " 29.994", " 0", "" ], [ "40", " SideTable", " -0.170", " 0.027", " -2.279", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "41", " Drawer", " -0.173", " 0.465", " -2.135", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "42", " Drawer", " 3.104", " 0.167", " 1.400", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "43", " SideTable", " 3.163", " 0.032", " 1.400", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "44", " Drawer", " 3.103", " 0.418", " 1.401", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "45", " SideTable", " 3.163", " 0.032", " 0.364", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "46", " Drawer", " -3.241", " 0.418", " -0.490", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "47", " Drawer", " 3.104", " 0.167", " -0.574", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "48", " SideTable", " 3.163", " 0.032", " -0.574", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "49", " Drawer", " 3.104", " 0.167", " 0.364", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "50", " Drawer", " 3.104", " 0.419", " -0.574", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "51", " Drawer", " -3.241", " 0.167", " -0.489", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " SideTable", " -3.300", " 0.032", " -0.489", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " Drawer", " 3.104", " 0.419", " 0.364", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " Chair", " 1.049", " 0.031", " -2.190", " 0", " 29.997", " 0", "" ], [ "55", " DogBed", " 2.739", " 0.032", " 2.260", " 0", " 45", " 0", "" ], [ "56", " Chair", " 2.037", " 0.031", " -2.232", " 0", " 350.485", " 0", "" ], [ "57", " Sofa", " -2.957", " 0.032", " 1.393", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "58", " Drawer", " -0.189", " 0.232", " 0.954", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "59", " Drawer", " -0.415", " 0.854", " 1.921", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "60", " Drawer", " -0.415", " 0.351", " 1.414", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "61", " Drawer", " -0.415", " 0.603", " 1.414", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "62", " Dresser", " -0.052", " 0.028", " 1.667", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "63", " Drawer", " -0.190", " 0.484", " 0.954", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "64", " Drawer", " -0.190", " 0.736", " 0.954", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "65", " Drawer", " -0.415", " 0.603", " 1.921", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "66", " Drawer", " -0.415", " 0.603", " 2.384", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "67", " Drawer", " -0.415", " 0.351", " 2.384", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "68", " Drawer", " -0.415", " 0.854", " 2.384", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "69", " Drawer", " -0.415", " 0.351", " 1.921", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "70", " Drawer", " -0.415", " 0.854", " 1.414", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "71", " Stool", " 3.135", " 0.029", " -1.625", " 0", " 330.001", " 0", "" ], [ "72", " Chair", " 1.631", " 0.029", " 2.210", " 0", " 161.562", " 0", "" ], [ "73", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "74", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "75", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "76", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent 1.25 0.916 -0.5 0 180 0 1 Newspaper -2.812 0.569 2.012 0 270 0 57 2 Newspaper -0.204 0.912 1.703 0 0 0 62 3 KeyChain -3.338 0.590 -0.489 0 0 0 52 4 KeyChain 3.083 0.332 0.268 0 180 0 49 5 CreditCard 3.198 0.589 1.202 0 180 0 43 6 CreditCard -3.104 0.545 1.187 0 270 0 57 7 RemoteControl -0.295 0.907 1.217 0 0 0 62 8 Box -3.031 0.754 1.600 0 270 0 57 9 Laptop -0.023 0.907 2.431 0 270 0 62 10 Book 0.116 0.902 1.073 0 29.999 0 62 11 Box 3.173 0.206 -0.048 0 19.470 0 48 12 Statue 3.160 0.597 0.431 0 180 0 45 13 CreditCard 3.103 0.082 -0.428 0 180 0 47 14 Laptop -2.780 0.365 -1.874 0 0 0 39 15 WateringCan 2.893 0.014 -1.916 0 328.832 0 16 Newspaper 3.18 0.586 -0.543 0 259.747 0 56 17 Vase -2.168 1.195 -2.183 0 0 0 18 CellPhone -0.060 0.540 -2.241 0 0 0 40 19 RemoteControl 0.067 0.910 2.188 0 0 0 62 20 Vase -1.046 1.195 -2.151 0 0 0 21 Pillow -2.893 0.616 0.818 0 0 0 57 22 KeyChain -2.812 0.563 0.981 0 270 0 57 23 Cabinet 0.333 0.514 -2.015 0 0 0 24 DeskLamp 3.143 0.591 1.457 0 270 0 25 LightSwitch -0.927 1.316 2.846 0 180 0 26 HousePlant 0.491 0.874 -1.581 0 0 0 27 Television 0.069 1.406 1.698 0 270 0 28 GarbageCan 3.164 0.026 0.891 0 0 0 29 Painting -1.561 1.408 -2.318 90 180 0 30 Painting 3.367 1.789 -0.949 90 270 0 31 Painting -3.488 1.386 -0.507 90 270 0 32 FloorLamp 3.103 0.025 -2.341 0 135 0 33 Window 1.133 1.218 -2.740 90 0 0 34 Window -3.368 1.180 -1.539 90 90 0 35 Window 2.898 1.218 -2.740 90 0 0 36 Window 2.006 1.218 -2.740 90 0 0 37 Window -0.193 1.157 -2.563 90 0 0 38 Window -2.970 1.157 -2.563 90 0 0 39 ArmChair -2.859 0.026 -2.036 0 29.994 0 40 SideTable -0.170 0.027 -2.279 0 0 0 41 Drawer -0.173 0.465 -2.135 0 0 0 42 Drawer 3.104 0.167 1.400 0 270 0 43 SideTable 3.163 0.032 1.400 0 270 0 44 Drawer 3.103 0.418 1.401 0 270 0 45 SideTable 3.163 0.032 0.364 0 270 0 46 Drawer -3.241 0.418 -0.490 0 90 0 47 Drawer 3.104 0.167 -0.574 0 270 0 48 SideTable 3.163 0.032 -0.574 0 270 0 49 Drawer 3.104 0.167 0.364 0 270 0 50 Drawer 3.104 0.419 -0.574 0 270 0 51 Drawer -3.241 0.167 -0.489 0 90 0 52 SideTable -3.300 0.032 -0.489 0 90 0 53 Drawer 3.104 0.419 0.364 0 270 0 54 Chair 1.049 0.031 -2.190 0 29.997 0 55 DogBed 2.739 0.032 2.260 0 45 0 56 Chair 2.037 0.031 -2.232 0 350.485 0 57 Sofa -2.957 0.032 1.393 0 90 0 58 Drawer -0.189 0.232 0.954 0 270 0 59 Drawer -0.415 0.854 1.921 0 270 0 60 Drawer -0.415 0.351 1.414 0 270 0 61 Drawer -0.415 0.603 1.414 0 270 0 62 Dresser -0.052 0.028 1.667 0 270 0 63 Drawer -0.190 0.484 0.954 0 270 0 64 Drawer -0.190 0.736 0.954 0 270 0 65 Drawer -0.415 0.603 1.921 0 270 0 66 Drawer -0.415 0.603 2.384 0 270 0 67 Drawer -0.415 0.351 2.384 0 270 0 68 Drawer -0.415 0.854 2.384 0 270 0 69 Drawer -0.415 0.351 1.921 0 270 0 70 Drawer -0.415 0.854 1.414 0 270 0 71 Stool 3.135 0.029 -1.625 0 330.001 0 72 Chair 1.631 0.029 2.210 0 161.562 0 73 NorthWall 74 EastWall 75 SouthWall 76 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: walk to face side table | STEP 2: pick up newspaper from table | STEP 3: walk to face side table on the left | STEP 4: turn on lamp on table | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: walk to face side table ", " STEP 2: pick up newspaper from table ", " STEP 3: walk to face side table on the left ", " STEP 4: turn on lamp on table ", " END" ] ]
Put a clean apple on a table.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " -1.75", " 0.869", " -0.25", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Potato", " 0.877", " 0.916", " 0.098", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 39" ], [ "2", " Potato", " 0.721", " 0.697", " 0.265", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 44" ], [ "3", " DishSponge", " 0.672", " 0.772", " -0.625", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 62" ], [ "4", " ButterKnife", " -1.719", " 0.701", " -1.091", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 75" ], [ "5", " ButterKnife", " 0.721", " 0.664", " 0.326", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 44" ], [ "6", " Fork", " 0.866", " 0.761", " -0.124", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 38" ], [ "7", " Pot", " -2.097", " 0.930", " 0.785", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 41" ], [ "8", " Tomato", " 0.824", " 0.514", " -2.113", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 59" ], [ "9", " SaltShaker", " -0.654", " 0.896", " 1.272", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 65" ], [ "10", " SaltShaker", " 1.040", " 1.460", " -0.269", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 50" ], [ "11", " Bread", " -1.719", " 0.745", " -1.416", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 75" ], [ "12", " Lettuce", " -0.051", " 0.987", " 1.015", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 65" ], [ "13", " Lettuce", " -0.252", " 0.987", " 1.101", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 65" ], [ "14", " Mug", " 0.841", " 0.767", " -0.790", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 62" ], [ "15", " Apple", " -1.334", " 0.105", " -3.574", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 54" ], [ "16", " Apple", " 0.961", " 0.718", " 0.569", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 44" ], [ "17", " Pot", " -1.552", " 0.930", " 0.785", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 43" ], [ "18", " Plate", " -2.024", " 0.692", " -1.447", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 75" ], [ "19", " Fork", " 0.901", " 0.665", " 0.508", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 44" ], [ "20", " SoapBottle", " -2.137", " 0.701", " -0.983", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 75" ], [ "21", " Apple", " -1.843", " 0.852", " -3.705", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 61" ], [ "22", " Pan", " 0.740", " -0.007", " -0.596", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 42" ], [ "23", " Egg", " 0.961", " 0.702", " 0.448", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 44" ], [ "24", " Spatula", " 0.769", " 0.775", " -0.252", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 38" ], [ "25", " Potato", " -1.599", " 0.729", " -3.361", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 66" ], [ "26", " Cup", " 0.601", " 0.663", " 0.448", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 44" ], [ "27", " SaltShaker", " 1.024", " 0.879", " 0.098", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 39" ], [ "28", " PepperShaker", " 0.676", " 0.012", " -0.315", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 49" ], [ "29", " ButterKnife", " 0.729", " 0.883", " -0.176", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 39" ], [ "30", " DishSponge", " -1.224", " 0.051", " -3.611", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 54" ], [ "31", " Bread", " -0.873", " 0.931", " 0.978", " 0", " 24.231", " 0", " 65" ], [ "32", " Lettuce", " 0.781", " 0.751", " 0.508", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 44" ], [ "33", " Tomato", " -1.578", " 0.744", " -3.698", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 66" ], [ "34", " Spoon", " 0.757", " 0.773", " -0.680", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 62" ], [ "35", " Knife", " 0.817", " 0.782", " -0.061", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 38" ], [ "36", " Mug", " -2.002", " 0.794", " -3.738", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 61" ], [ "37", " Bowl", " 0.903", " 1.462", " -0.084", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 50" ], [ "38", " Drawer", " 0.706", " 0.766", " -0.125", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " CounterTop", " 0.792", " 0.919", " -0.108", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "40", " Mirror", " 1.093", " 1.602", " -0.643", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "41", " StoveBurner", " -2.096", " 0.890", " 0.785", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "42", " Cabinet", " 0.507", " 0.345", " -0.426", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "43", " StoveBurner", " -1.552", " 0.890", " 0.785", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "44", " SideTable", " 0.770", " -0.030", " 0.443", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "45", " Sink", " 0.753", " 0.882", " -0.680", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "46", " StoveBurner", " -2.096", " 0.890", " 1.049", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "47", " GarbageBag", " -0.770", " 0.287", " -3.541", " 270", " 73.521", " 83.489", "" ], [ "48", " StoveBurner", " -1.554", " 0.890", " 1.049", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "49", " Cabinet", " 0.507", " 0.345", " 0.156", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "50", " Cabinet", " 0.717", " 1.822", " -0.398", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "51", " Cabinet", " 0.717", " 1.822", " 0.669", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " CoffeeMachine", " 0.873", " 0.865", " -1.256", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " Toaster", " -0.522", " 0.886", " 1.081", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " GarbageCan", " -1.261", " -0.031", " -3.610", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "55", " StoveKnob", " -1.898", " 0.866", " 0.519", " 311.864", " 0", " 180", "" ], [ "56", " StoveKnob", " -1.754", " 0.866", " 0.519", " 311.864", " 0", " 180", "" ], [ "57", " StoveKnob", " -2.058", " 0.866", " 0.519", " 311.864", " 0", " 180", "" ], [ "58", " StoveKnob", " -1.600", " 0.866", " 0.519", " 311.864", " 0", " 180", "" ], [ "59", " Fridge", " 0.680", " -0.031", " -1.957", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "60", " Window", " -2.424", " 1.639", " -2.453", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "61", " Microwave", " -1.994", " 0.690", " -3.651", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "62", " SinkBasin", " 0.757", " 0.762", " -0.688", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "63", " LightSwitch", " 1.102", " 1.368", " -3.737", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "64", " Shelf", " -0.350", " 0.124", " 0.857", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "65", " DiningTable", " -0.350", " -0.025", " 0.857", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "66", " DiningTable", " -1.909", " -0.032", " -3.507", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "67", " Blinds", " -2.343", " 2.151", " -2.437", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "68", " AluminumFoil", " 0.762", " 0.224", " 0.337", " 0", " 184.594", " 0", "" ], [ "69", " AluminumFoil", " 0.751", " 0.225", " 0.287", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "70", " AluminumFoil", " 0.839", " 0.224", " 0.392", " 0", " 195.128", " 0", "" ], [ "71", " Shelf", " 0.771", " 0.226", " 0.445", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "72", " Shelf", " 0.771", " 0.456", " 0.446", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "73", " Faucet", " 1.025", " 0.873", " -0.678", " 270", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "74", " Shelf", " -0.350", " 0.497", " 0.857", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "75", " DiningTable", " -1.929", " -0.035", " -1.398", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "76", " Chair", " -1.610", " -0.024", " -1.424", " 358.454", " 297.426", " 0", "" ], [ "77", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "78", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "79", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "80", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent -1.75 0.869 -0.25 0 90 0 1 Potato 0.877 0.916 0.098 0 0 0 39 2 Potato 0.721 0.697 0.265 0 0 0 44 3 DishSponge 0.672 0.772 -0.625 0 270 0 62 4 ButterKnife -1.719 0.701 -1.091 0 0 0 75 5 ButterKnife 0.721 0.664 0.326 0 0 0 44 6 Fork 0.866 0.761 -0.124 0 90 0 38 7 Pot -2.097 0.930 0.785 0 0 0 41 8 Tomato 0.824 0.514 -2.113 0 270 0 59 9 SaltShaker -0.654 0.896 1.272 0 270 0 65 10 SaltShaker 1.040 1.460 -0.269 0 0 0 50 11 Bread -1.719 0.745 -1.416 0 0 0 75 12 Lettuce -0.051 0.987 1.015 0 270 0 65 13 Lettuce -0.252 0.987 1.101 0 270 0 65 14 Mug 0.841 0.767 -0.790 0 270 0 62 15 Apple -1.334 0.105 -3.574 0 270 0 54 16 Apple 0.961 0.718 0.569 0 0 0 44 17 Pot -1.552 0.930 0.785 0 0 0 43 18 Plate -2.024 0.692 -1.447 0 0 0 75 19 Fork 0.901 0.665 0.508 0 0 0 44 20 SoapBottle -2.137 0.701 -0.983 0 0 0 75 21 Apple -1.843 0.852 -3.705 0 0 0 61 22 Pan 0.740 -0.007 -0.596 0 0 0 42 23 Egg 0.961 0.702 0.448 0 0 0 44 24 Spatula 0.769 0.775 -0.252 0 90 0 38 25 Potato -1.599 0.729 -3.361 0 0 0 66 26 Cup 0.601 0.663 0.448 0 0 0 44 27 SaltShaker 1.024 0.879 0.098 0 0 0 39 28 PepperShaker 0.676 0.012 -0.315 0 0 0 49 29 ButterKnife 0.729 0.883 -0.176 0 0 0 39 30 DishSponge -1.224 0.051 -3.611 0 270 0 54 31 Bread -0.873 0.931 0.978 0 24.231 0 65 32 Lettuce 0.781 0.751 0.508 0 0 0 44 33 Tomato -1.578 0.744 -3.698 0 0 0 66 34 Spoon 0.757 0.773 -0.680 0 270 0 62 35 Knife 0.817 0.782 -0.061 0 270 0 38 36 Mug -2.002 0.794 -3.738 0 0 0 61 37 Bowl 0.903 1.462 -0.084 0 0 0 50 38 Drawer 0.706 0.766 -0.125 0 0 0 39 CounterTop 0.792 0.919 -0.108 0 0 0 40 Mirror 1.093 1.602 -0.643 0 0 0 41 StoveBurner -2.096 0.890 0.785 0 0 0 42 Cabinet 0.507 0.345 -0.426 0 0 0 43 StoveBurner -1.552 0.890 0.785 0 0 0 44 SideTable 0.770 -0.030 0.443 0 0 0 45 Sink 0.753 0.882 -0.680 0 0 0 46 StoveBurner -2.096 0.890 1.049 0 0 0 47 GarbageBag -0.770 0.287 -3.541 270 73.521 83.489 48 StoveBurner -1.554 0.890 1.049 0 0 0 49 Cabinet 0.507 0.345 0.156 0 0 0 50 Cabinet 0.717 1.822 -0.398 0 0 0 51 Cabinet 0.717 1.822 0.669 0 0 0 52 CoffeeMachine 0.873 0.865 -1.256 0 270 0 53 Toaster -0.522 0.886 1.081 0 180 0 54 GarbageCan -1.261 -0.031 -3.610 0 270 0 55 StoveKnob -1.898 0.866 0.519 311.864 0 180 56 StoveKnob -1.754 0.866 0.519 311.864 0 180 57 StoveKnob -2.058 0.866 0.519 311.864 0 180 58 StoveKnob -1.600 0.866 0.519 311.864 0 180 59 Fridge 0.680 -0.031 -1.957 0 0 0 60 Window -2.424 1.639 -2.453 90 270 0 61 Microwave -1.994 0.690 -3.651 0 0 0 62 SinkBasin 0.757 0.762 -0.688 0 270 0 63 LightSwitch 1.102 1.368 -3.737 0 270 0 64 Shelf -0.350 0.124 0.857 0 0 0 65 DiningTable -0.350 -0.025 0.857 0 0 0 66 DiningTable -1.909 -0.032 -3.507 0 0 0 67 Blinds -2.343 2.151 -2.437 0 270 0 68 AluminumFoil 0.762 0.224 0.337 0 184.594 0 69 AluminumFoil 0.751 0.225 0.287 0 0 0 70 AluminumFoil 0.839 0.224 0.392 0 195.128 0 71 Shelf 0.771 0.226 0.445 0 0 0 72 Shelf 0.771 0.456 0.446 0 0 0 73 Faucet 1.025 0.873 -0.678 270 180 0 74 Shelf -0.350 0.497 0.857 0 0 0 75 DiningTable -1.929 -0.035 -1.398 0 90 0 76 Chair -1.610 -0.024 -1.424 358.454 297.426 0 77 NorthWall 78 EastWall 79 SouthWall 80 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Go forward, turn left towards the white table, turn right, go forward to the small black table. | STEP 2: Pick up the apple from the back of the table. | STEP 3: Turn right, go forward to the sink that is on the left, | STEP 4: Put the apple in the sink, rinse it off, and pick it back up. | STEP 5: Turn to the left, go forward to the white table that has lettuce on it. | STEP 6: Put the apple on the table in front of the lettuce. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Go forward, turn left towards the white table, turn right, go forward to the small black table. ", " STEP 2: Pick up the apple from the back of the table. ", " STEP 3: Turn right, go forward to the sink that is on the left, ", " STEP 4: Put the apple in the sink, rinse it off, and pick it back up. ", " STEP 5: Turn to the left, go forward to the white table that has lettuce on it. ", " STEP 6: Put the apple on the table in front of the lettuce. ", " END" ] ]
Place a washed apple on a table
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " -1.75", " 0.869", " -0.25", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Potato", " 0.877", " 0.916", " 0.098", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 39" ], [ "2", " Potato", " 0.721", " 0.697", " 0.265", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 44" ], [ "3", " DishSponge", " 0.672", " 0.772", " -0.625", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 62" ], [ "4", " ButterKnife", " -1.719", " 0.701", " -1.091", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 75" ], [ "5", " ButterKnife", " 0.721", " 0.664", " 0.326", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 44" ], [ "6", " Fork", " 0.866", " 0.761", " -0.124", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 38" ], [ "7", " Pot", " -2.097", " 0.930", " 0.785", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 41" ], [ "8", " Tomato", " 0.824", " 0.514", " -2.113", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 59" ], [ "9", " SaltShaker", " -0.654", " 0.896", " 1.272", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 65" ], [ "10", " SaltShaker", " 1.040", " 1.460", " -0.269", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 50" ], [ "11", " Bread", " -1.719", " 0.745", " -1.416", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 75" ], [ "12", " Lettuce", " -0.051", " 0.987", " 1.015", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 65" ], [ "13", " Lettuce", " -0.252", " 0.987", " 1.101", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 65" ], [ "14", " Mug", " 0.841", " 0.767", " -0.790", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 62" ], [ "15", " Apple", " -1.334", " 0.105", " -3.574", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 54" ], [ "16", " Apple", " 0.961", " 0.718", " 0.569", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 44" ], [ "17", " Pot", " -1.552", " 0.930", " 0.785", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 43" ], [ "18", " Plate", " -2.024", " 0.692", " -1.447", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 75" ], [ "19", " Fork", " 0.901", " 0.665", " 0.508", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 44" ], [ "20", " SoapBottle", " -2.137", " 0.701", " -0.983", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 75" ], [ "21", " Apple", " -1.843", " 0.852", " -3.705", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 61" ], [ "22", " Pan", " 0.740", " -0.007", " -0.596", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 42" ], [ "23", " Egg", " 0.961", " 0.702", " 0.448", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 44" ], [ "24", " Spatula", " 0.769", " 0.775", " -0.252", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 38" ], [ "25", " Potato", " -1.599", " 0.729", " -3.361", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 66" ], [ "26", " Cup", " 0.601", " 0.663", " 0.448", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 44" ], [ "27", " SaltShaker", " 1.024", " 0.879", " 0.098", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 39" ], [ "28", " PepperShaker", " 0.676", " 0.012", " -0.315", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 49" ], [ "29", " ButterKnife", " 0.729", " 0.883", " -0.176", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 39" ], [ "30", " DishSponge", " -1.224", " 0.051", " -3.611", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 54" ], [ "31", " Bread", " -0.873", " 0.931", " 0.978", " 0", " 24.231", " 0", " 65" ], [ "32", " Lettuce", " 0.781", " 0.751", " 0.508", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 44" ], [ "33", " Tomato", " -1.578", " 0.744", " -3.698", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 66" ], [ "34", " Spoon", " 0.757", " 0.773", " -0.680", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 62" ], [ "35", " Knife", " 0.817", " 0.782", " -0.061", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 38" ], [ "36", " Mug", " -2.002", " 0.794", " -3.738", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 61" ], [ "37", " Bowl", " 0.903", " 1.462", " -0.084", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 50" ], [ "38", " Drawer", " 0.706", " 0.766", " -0.125", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " CounterTop", " 0.792", " 0.919", " -0.108", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "40", " Mirror", " 1.093", " 1.602", " -0.643", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "41", " StoveBurner", " -2.096", " 0.890", " 0.785", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "42", " Cabinet", " 0.507", " 0.345", " -0.426", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "43", " StoveBurner", " -1.552", " 0.890", " 0.785", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "44", " SideTable", " 0.770", " -0.030", " 0.443", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "45", " Sink", " 0.753", " 0.882", " -0.680", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "46", " StoveBurner", " -2.096", " 0.890", " 1.049", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "47", " GarbageBag", " -0.770", " 0.287", " -3.541", " 270", " 73.521", " 83.489", "" ], [ "48", " StoveBurner", " -1.554", " 0.890", " 1.049", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "49", " Cabinet", " 0.507", " 0.345", " 0.156", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "50", " Cabinet", " 0.717", " 1.822", " -0.398", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "51", " Cabinet", " 0.717", " 1.822", " 0.669", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " CoffeeMachine", " 0.873", " 0.865", " -1.256", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " Toaster", " -0.522", " 0.886", " 1.081", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " GarbageCan", " -1.261", " -0.031", " -3.610", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "55", " StoveKnob", " -1.898", " 0.866", " 0.519", " 311.864", " 0", " 180", "" ], [ "56", " StoveKnob", " -1.754", " 0.866", " 0.519", " 311.864", " 0", " 180", "" ], [ "57", " StoveKnob", " -2.058", " 0.866", " 0.519", " 311.864", " 0", " 180", "" ], [ "58", " StoveKnob", " -1.600", " 0.866", " 0.519", " 311.864", " 0", " 180", "" ], [ "59", " Fridge", " 0.680", " -0.031", " -1.957", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "60", " Window", " -2.424", " 1.639", " -2.453", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "61", " Microwave", " -1.994", " 0.690", " -3.651", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "62", " SinkBasin", " 0.757", " 0.762", " -0.688", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "63", " LightSwitch", " 1.102", " 1.368", " -3.737", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "64", " Shelf", " -0.350", " 0.124", " 0.857", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "65", " DiningTable", " -0.350", " -0.025", " 0.857", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "66", " DiningTable", " -1.909", " -0.032", " -3.507", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "67", " Blinds", " -2.343", " 2.151", " -2.437", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "68", " AluminumFoil", " 0.762", " 0.224", " 0.337", " 0", " 184.594", " 0", "" ], [ "69", " AluminumFoil", " 0.751", " 0.225", " 0.287", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "70", " AluminumFoil", " 0.839", " 0.224", " 0.392", " 0", " 195.128", " 0", "" ], [ "71", " Shelf", " 0.771", " 0.226", " 0.445", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "72", " Shelf", " 0.771", " 0.456", " 0.446", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "73", " Faucet", " 1.025", " 0.873", " -0.678", " 270", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "74", " Shelf", " -0.350", " 0.497", " 0.857", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "75", " DiningTable", " -1.929", " -0.035", " -1.398", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "76", " Chair", " -1.610", " -0.024", " -1.424", " 358.454", " 297.426", " 0", "" ], [ "77", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "78", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "79", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "80", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent -1.75 0.869 -0.25 0 90 0 1 Potato 0.877 0.916 0.098 0 0 0 39 2 Potato 0.721 0.697 0.265 0 0 0 44 3 DishSponge 0.672 0.772 -0.625 0 270 0 62 4 ButterKnife -1.719 0.701 -1.091 0 0 0 75 5 ButterKnife 0.721 0.664 0.326 0 0 0 44 6 Fork 0.866 0.761 -0.124 0 90 0 38 7 Pot -2.097 0.930 0.785 0 0 0 41 8 Tomato 0.824 0.514 -2.113 0 270 0 59 9 SaltShaker -0.654 0.896 1.272 0 270 0 65 10 SaltShaker 1.040 1.460 -0.269 0 0 0 50 11 Bread -1.719 0.745 -1.416 0 0 0 75 12 Lettuce -0.051 0.987 1.015 0 270 0 65 13 Lettuce -0.252 0.987 1.101 0 270 0 65 14 Mug 0.841 0.767 -0.790 0 270 0 62 15 Apple -1.334 0.105 -3.574 0 270 0 54 16 Apple 0.961 0.718 0.569 0 0 0 44 17 Pot -1.552 0.930 0.785 0 0 0 43 18 Plate -2.024 0.692 -1.447 0 0 0 75 19 Fork 0.901 0.665 0.508 0 0 0 44 20 SoapBottle -2.137 0.701 -0.983 0 0 0 75 21 Apple -1.843 0.852 -3.705 0 0 0 61 22 Pan 0.740 -0.007 -0.596 0 0 0 42 23 Egg 0.961 0.702 0.448 0 0 0 44 24 Spatula 0.769 0.775 -0.252 0 90 0 38 25 Potato -1.599 0.729 -3.361 0 0 0 66 26 Cup 0.601 0.663 0.448 0 0 0 44 27 SaltShaker 1.024 0.879 0.098 0 0 0 39 28 PepperShaker 0.676 0.012 -0.315 0 0 0 49 29 ButterKnife 0.729 0.883 -0.176 0 0 0 39 30 DishSponge -1.224 0.051 -3.611 0 270 0 54 31 Bread -0.873 0.931 0.978 0 24.231 0 65 32 Lettuce 0.781 0.751 0.508 0 0 0 44 33 Tomato -1.578 0.744 -3.698 0 0 0 66 34 Spoon 0.757 0.773 -0.680 0 270 0 62 35 Knife 0.817 0.782 -0.061 0 270 0 38 36 Mug -2.002 0.794 -3.738 0 0 0 61 37 Bowl 0.903 1.462 -0.084 0 0 0 50 38 Drawer 0.706 0.766 -0.125 0 0 0 39 CounterTop 0.792 0.919 -0.108 0 0 0 40 Mirror 1.093 1.602 -0.643 0 0 0 41 StoveBurner -2.096 0.890 0.785 0 0 0 42 Cabinet 0.507 0.345 -0.426 0 0 0 43 StoveBurner -1.552 0.890 0.785 0 0 0 44 SideTable 0.770 -0.030 0.443 0 0 0 45 Sink 0.753 0.882 -0.680 0 0 0 46 StoveBurner -2.096 0.890 1.049 0 0 0 47 GarbageBag -0.770 0.287 -3.541 270 73.521 83.489 48 StoveBurner -1.554 0.890 1.049 0 0 0 49 Cabinet 0.507 0.345 0.156 0 0 0 50 Cabinet 0.717 1.822 -0.398 0 0 0 51 Cabinet 0.717 1.822 0.669 0 0 0 52 CoffeeMachine 0.873 0.865 -1.256 0 270 0 53 Toaster -0.522 0.886 1.081 0 180 0 54 GarbageCan -1.261 -0.031 -3.610 0 270 0 55 StoveKnob -1.898 0.866 0.519 311.864 0 180 56 StoveKnob -1.754 0.866 0.519 311.864 0 180 57 StoveKnob -2.058 0.866 0.519 311.864 0 180 58 StoveKnob -1.600 0.866 0.519 311.864 0 180 59 Fridge 0.680 -0.031 -1.957 0 0 0 60 Window -2.424 1.639 -2.453 90 270 0 61 Microwave -1.994 0.690 -3.651 0 0 0 62 SinkBasin 0.757 0.762 -0.688 0 270 0 63 LightSwitch 1.102 1.368 -3.737 0 270 0 64 Shelf -0.350 0.124 0.857 0 0 0 65 DiningTable -0.350 -0.025 0.857 0 0 0 66 DiningTable -1.909 -0.032 -3.507 0 0 0 67 Blinds -2.343 2.151 -2.437 0 270 0 68 AluminumFoil 0.762 0.224 0.337 0 184.594 0 69 AluminumFoil 0.751 0.225 0.287 0 0 0 70 AluminumFoil 0.839 0.224 0.392 0 195.128 0 71 Shelf 0.771 0.226 0.445 0 0 0 72 Shelf 0.771 0.456 0.446 0 0 0 73 Faucet 1.025 0.873 -0.678 270 180 0 74 Shelf -0.350 0.497 0.857 0 0 0 75 DiningTable -1.929 -0.035 -1.398 0 90 0 76 Chair -1.610 -0.024 -1.424 358.454 297.426 0 77 NorthWall 78 EastWall 79 SouthWall 80 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: take a few steps forward and turn to the left and go to the table and turn to the right and go to the small table | STEP 2: pick up the apple from the table | STEP 3: turn to the right and go to the front of the sink and turn to the right facing the sink | STEP 4: put the apple in the sink and turn on and run the water and turn off the water and pick up the apple | STEP 5: turn to the left twice and take a few steps and turn to the right and go to the table | STEP 6: put the apple on the table | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: take a few steps forward and turn to the left and go to the table and turn to the right and go to the small table ", " STEP 2: pick up the apple from the table ", " STEP 3: turn to the right and go to the front of the sink and turn to the right facing the sink ", " STEP 4: put the apple in the sink and turn on and run the water and turn off the water and pick up the apple ", " STEP 5: turn to the left twice and take a few steps and turn to the right and go to the table ", " STEP 6: put the apple on the table ", " END" ] ]
wash the apple on the shelf, put it on the white table
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " -1.75", " 0.869", " -0.25", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Potato", " 0.877", " 0.916", " 0.098", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 39" ], [ "2", " Potato", " 0.721", " 0.697", " 0.265", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 44" ], [ "3", " DishSponge", " 0.672", " 0.772", " -0.625", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 62" ], [ "4", " ButterKnife", " -1.719", " 0.701", " -1.091", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 75" ], [ "5", " ButterKnife", " 0.721", " 0.664", " 0.326", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 44" ], [ "6", " Fork", " 0.866", " 0.761", " -0.124", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 38" ], [ "7", " Pot", " -2.097", " 0.930", " 0.785", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 41" ], [ "8", " Tomato", " 0.824", " 0.514", " -2.113", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 59" ], [ "9", " SaltShaker", " -0.654", " 0.896", " 1.272", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 65" ], [ "10", " SaltShaker", " 1.040", " 1.460", " -0.269", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 50" ], [ "11", " Bread", " -1.719", " 0.745", " -1.416", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 75" ], [ "12", " Lettuce", " -0.051", " 0.987", " 1.015", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 65" ], [ "13", " Lettuce", " -0.252", " 0.987", " 1.101", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 65" ], [ "14", " Mug", " 0.841", " 0.767", " -0.790", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 62" ], [ "15", " Apple", " -1.334", " 0.105", " -3.574", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 54" ], [ "16", " Apple", " 0.961", " 0.718", " 0.569", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 44" ], [ "17", " Pot", " -1.552", " 0.930", " 0.785", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 43" ], [ "18", " Plate", " -2.024", " 0.692", " -1.447", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 75" ], [ "19", " Fork", " 0.901", " 0.665", " 0.508", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 44" ], [ "20", " SoapBottle", " -2.137", " 0.701", " -0.983", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 75" ], [ "21", " Apple", " -1.843", " 0.852", " -3.705", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 61" ], [ "22", " Pan", " 0.740", " -0.007", " -0.596", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 42" ], [ "23", " Egg", " 0.961", " 0.702", " 0.448", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 44" ], [ "24", " Spatula", " 0.769", " 0.775", " -0.252", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 38" ], [ "25", " Potato", " -1.599", " 0.729", " -3.361", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 66" ], [ "26", " Cup", " 0.601", " 0.663", " 0.448", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 44" ], [ "27", " SaltShaker", " 1.024", " 0.879", " 0.098", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 39" ], [ "28", " PepperShaker", " 0.676", " 0.012", " -0.315", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 49" ], [ "29", " ButterKnife", " 0.729", " 0.883", " -0.176", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 39" ], [ "30", " DishSponge", " -1.224", " 0.051", " -3.611", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 54" ], [ "31", " Bread", " -0.873", " 0.931", " 0.978", " 0", " 24.231", " 0", " 65" ], [ "32", " Lettuce", " 0.781", " 0.751", " 0.508", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 44" ], [ "33", " Tomato", " -1.578", " 0.744", " -3.698", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 66" ], [ "34", " Spoon", " 0.757", " 0.773", " -0.680", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 62" ], [ "35", " Knife", " 0.817", " 0.782", " -0.061", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 38" ], [ "36", " Mug", " -2.002", " 0.794", " -3.738", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 61" ], [ "37", " Bowl", " 0.903", " 1.462", " -0.084", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 50" ], [ "38", " Drawer", " 0.706", " 0.766", " -0.125", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " CounterTop", " 0.792", " 0.919", " -0.108", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "40", " Mirror", " 1.093", " 1.602", " -0.643", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "41", " StoveBurner", " -2.096", " 0.890", " 0.785", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "42", " Cabinet", " 0.507", " 0.345", " -0.426", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "43", " StoveBurner", " -1.552", " 0.890", " 0.785", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "44", " SideTable", " 0.770", " -0.030", " 0.443", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "45", " Sink", " 0.753", " 0.882", " -0.680", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "46", " StoveBurner", " -2.096", " 0.890", " 1.049", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "47", " GarbageBag", " -0.770", " 0.287", " -3.541", " 270", " 73.521", " 83.489", "" ], [ "48", " StoveBurner", " -1.554", " 0.890", " 1.049", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "49", " Cabinet", " 0.507", " 0.345", " 0.156", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "50", " Cabinet", " 0.717", " 1.822", " -0.398", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "51", " Cabinet", " 0.717", " 1.822", " 0.669", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " CoffeeMachine", " 0.873", " 0.865", " -1.256", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " Toaster", " -0.522", " 0.886", " 1.081", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " GarbageCan", " -1.261", " -0.031", " -3.610", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "55", " StoveKnob", " -1.898", " 0.866", " 0.519", " 311.864", " 0", " 180", "" ], [ "56", " StoveKnob", " -1.754", " 0.866", " 0.519", " 311.864", " 0", " 180", "" ], [ "57", " StoveKnob", " -2.058", " 0.866", " 0.519", " 311.864", " 0", " 180", "" ], [ "58", " StoveKnob", " -1.600", " 0.866", " 0.519", " 311.864", " 0", " 180", "" ], [ "59", " Fridge", " 0.680", " -0.031", " -1.957", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "60", " Window", " -2.424", " 1.639", " -2.453", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "61", " Microwave", " -1.994", " 0.690", " -3.651", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "62", " SinkBasin", " 0.757", " 0.762", " -0.688", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "63", " LightSwitch", " 1.102", " 1.368", " -3.737", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "64", " Shelf", " -0.350", " 0.124", " 0.857", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "65", " DiningTable", " -0.350", " -0.025", " 0.857", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "66", " DiningTable", " -1.909", " -0.032", " -3.507", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "67", " Blinds", " -2.343", " 2.151", " -2.437", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "68", " AluminumFoil", " 0.762", " 0.224", " 0.337", " 0", " 184.594", " 0", "" ], [ "69", " AluminumFoil", " 0.751", " 0.225", " 0.287", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "70", " AluminumFoil", " 0.839", " 0.224", " 0.392", " 0", " 195.128", " 0", "" ], [ "71", " Shelf", " 0.771", " 0.226", " 0.445", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "72", " Shelf", " 0.771", " 0.456", " 0.446", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "73", " Faucet", " 1.025", " 0.873", " -0.678", " 270", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "74", " Shelf", " -0.350", " 0.497", " 0.857", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "75", " DiningTable", " -1.929", " -0.035", " -1.398", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "76", " Chair", " -1.610", " -0.024", " -1.424", " 358.454", " 297.426", " 0", "" ], [ "77", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "78", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "79", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "80", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent -1.75 0.869 -0.25 0 90 0 1 Potato 0.877 0.916 0.098 0 0 0 39 2 Potato 0.721 0.697 0.265 0 0 0 44 3 DishSponge 0.672 0.772 -0.625 0 270 0 62 4 ButterKnife -1.719 0.701 -1.091 0 0 0 75 5 ButterKnife 0.721 0.664 0.326 0 0 0 44 6 Fork 0.866 0.761 -0.124 0 90 0 38 7 Pot -2.097 0.930 0.785 0 0 0 41 8 Tomato 0.824 0.514 -2.113 0 270 0 59 9 SaltShaker -0.654 0.896 1.272 0 270 0 65 10 SaltShaker 1.040 1.460 -0.269 0 0 0 50 11 Bread -1.719 0.745 -1.416 0 0 0 75 12 Lettuce -0.051 0.987 1.015 0 270 0 65 13 Lettuce -0.252 0.987 1.101 0 270 0 65 14 Mug 0.841 0.767 -0.790 0 270 0 62 15 Apple -1.334 0.105 -3.574 0 270 0 54 16 Apple 0.961 0.718 0.569 0 0 0 44 17 Pot -1.552 0.930 0.785 0 0 0 43 18 Plate -2.024 0.692 -1.447 0 0 0 75 19 Fork 0.901 0.665 0.508 0 0 0 44 20 SoapBottle -2.137 0.701 -0.983 0 0 0 75 21 Apple -1.843 0.852 -3.705 0 0 0 61 22 Pan 0.740 -0.007 -0.596 0 0 0 42 23 Egg 0.961 0.702 0.448 0 0 0 44 24 Spatula 0.769 0.775 -0.252 0 90 0 38 25 Potato -1.599 0.729 -3.361 0 0 0 66 26 Cup 0.601 0.663 0.448 0 0 0 44 27 SaltShaker 1.024 0.879 0.098 0 0 0 39 28 PepperShaker 0.676 0.012 -0.315 0 0 0 49 29 ButterKnife 0.729 0.883 -0.176 0 0 0 39 30 DishSponge -1.224 0.051 -3.611 0 270 0 54 31 Bread -0.873 0.931 0.978 0 24.231 0 65 32 Lettuce 0.781 0.751 0.508 0 0 0 44 33 Tomato -1.578 0.744 -3.698 0 0 0 66 34 Spoon 0.757 0.773 -0.680 0 270 0 62 35 Knife 0.817 0.782 -0.061 0 270 0 38 36 Mug -2.002 0.794 -3.738 0 0 0 61 37 Bowl 0.903 1.462 -0.084 0 0 0 50 38 Drawer 0.706 0.766 -0.125 0 0 0 39 CounterTop 0.792 0.919 -0.108 0 0 0 40 Mirror 1.093 1.602 -0.643 0 0 0 41 StoveBurner -2.096 0.890 0.785 0 0 0 42 Cabinet 0.507 0.345 -0.426 0 0 0 43 StoveBurner -1.552 0.890 0.785 0 0 0 44 SideTable 0.770 -0.030 0.443 0 0 0 45 Sink 0.753 0.882 -0.680 0 0 0 46 StoveBurner -2.096 0.890 1.049 0 0 0 47 GarbageBag -0.770 0.287 -3.541 270 73.521 83.489 48 StoveBurner -1.554 0.890 1.049 0 0 0 49 Cabinet 0.507 0.345 0.156 0 0 0 50 Cabinet 0.717 1.822 -0.398 0 0 0 51 Cabinet 0.717 1.822 0.669 0 0 0 52 CoffeeMachine 0.873 0.865 -1.256 0 270 0 53 Toaster -0.522 0.886 1.081 0 180 0 54 GarbageCan -1.261 -0.031 -3.610 0 270 0 55 StoveKnob -1.898 0.866 0.519 311.864 0 180 56 StoveKnob -1.754 0.866 0.519 311.864 0 180 57 StoveKnob -2.058 0.866 0.519 311.864 0 180 58 StoveKnob -1.600 0.866 0.519 311.864 0 180 59 Fridge 0.680 -0.031 -1.957 0 0 0 60 Window -2.424 1.639 -2.453 90 270 0 61 Microwave -1.994 0.690 -3.651 0 0 0 62 SinkBasin 0.757 0.762 -0.688 0 270 0 63 LightSwitch 1.102 1.368 -3.737 0 270 0 64 Shelf -0.350 0.124 0.857 0 0 0 65 DiningTable -0.350 -0.025 0.857 0 0 0 66 DiningTable -1.909 -0.032 -3.507 0 0 0 67 Blinds -2.343 2.151 -2.437 0 270 0 68 AluminumFoil 0.762 0.224 0.337 0 184.594 0 69 AluminumFoil 0.751 0.225 0.287 0 0 0 70 AluminumFoil 0.839 0.224 0.392 0 195.128 0 71 Shelf 0.771 0.226 0.445 0 0 0 72 Shelf 0.771 0.456 0.446 0 0 0 73 Faucet 1.025 0.873 -0.678 270 180 0 74 Shelf -0.350 0.497 0.857 0 0 0 75 DiningTable -1.929 -0.035 -1.398 0 90 0 76 Chair -1.610 -0.024 -1.424 358.454 297.426 0 77 NorthWall 78 EastWall 79 SouthWall 80 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: turn left, turn right walk to the shelf in the corner | STEP 2: grab the apple on the shelf | STEP 3: turn right, walk to the sink | STEP 4: put the apple in the sink, wash it with water, take apple out | STEP 5: turn left, walk to the white table | STEP 6: put the apple on the table | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: turn left, turn right walk to the shelf in the corner ", " STEP 2: grab the apple on the shelf ", " STEP 3: turn right, walk to the sink ", " STEP 4: put the apple in the sink, wash it with water, take apple out ", " STEP 5: turn left, walk to the white table ", " STEP 6: put the apple on the table ", " END" ] ]
Place a blue plate with a sponge on it on top of a white table.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " -2.5", " 0.900", " -0.5", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Kettle", " 1.781", " 0.913", " -1.654", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "2", " Potato", " 0.804", " 0.949", " -1.782", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 46" ], [ "3", " Potato", " -1.872", " 1.522", " -1.763", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 78" ], [ "4", " DishSponge", " 1.828", " 1.328", " -1.883", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 64" ], [ "5", " DishSponge", " 1.846", " 0.911", " 0.623", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "6", " ButterKnife", " 0.753", " 0.919", " -1.649", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 46" ], [ "7", " ButterKnife", " 0.167", " 0.912", " 0.209", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 47" ], [ "8", " Pot", " 1.007", " 0.962", " 0.561", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 50" ], [ "9", " Spoon", " 1.824", " 0.774", " 0.306", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 49" ], [ "10", " Egg", " -0.267", " 0.947", " -1.903", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "11", " Egg", " -0.361", " 0.105", " 0.439", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 77" ], [ "12", " Knife", " -0.267", " 0.937", " -1.489", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "13", " Bowl", " -0.538", " 0.110", " -1.545", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 62" ], [ "14", " PepperShaker", " 1.846", " 0.908", " 0.209", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "15", " PepperShaker", " 1.785", " 0.908", " 0.706", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "16", " Bread", " 1.724", " 0.995", " 0.292", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "17", " Apple", " -2.31", " 0.578", " -1.763", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 78" ], [ "18", " Apple", " -2.135", " 1.559", " -1.720", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 78" ], [ "19", " Bread", " 0.035", " 0.995", " 0.292", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 47" ], [ "20", " Knife", " 1.165", " 0.906", " -1.656", " 90", " 285.000", " 0", " 48" ], [ "21", " Fork", " 1.724", " 0.912", " 0.623", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "22", " Bowl", " 1.412", " 0.911", " -1.571", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "23", " Kettle", " -0.055", " 0.9", " 0.643", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 47" ], [ "24", " Cup", " 1.608", " 1.327", " -1.772", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 64" ], [ "25", " Tomato", " -2.047", " 1.100", " -1.720", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 78" ], [ "26", " SoapBottle", " -0.300", " 0.109", " -1.508", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 57" ], [ "27", " Plate", " -2.047", " 0.781", " -1.763", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 78" ], [ "28", " Pot", " 1.361", " 0.962", " 0.561", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 53" ], [ "29", " Spatula", " -0.267", " 0.927", " -1.820", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "30", " PaperTowelRoll", " 1.264", " 1.012", " -1.861", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "31", " Egg", " 1.601", " 0.947", " 0.458", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "32", " Lettuce", " 0.851", " 1.001", " -1.537", " 0", " 231.490", " 0", " 46" ], [ "33", " SaltShaker", " 0.209", " 0.104", " -1.584", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 57" ], [ "34", " PepperShaker", " 1.907", " 0.908", " 0.458", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "35", " Apple", " -0.362", " 0.137", " 0.569", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 77" ], [ "36", " ButterKnife", " 1.711", " 0.9", " 0.273", " 0", " 318.152", " 0", " 63" ], [ "37", " Potato", " -2.047", " 1.522", " -1.849", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 78" ], [ "38", " Pan", " 1.022", " 0.959", " 0.288", " 0", " 219.190", " 0", " 60" ], [ "39", " DishSponge", " 1.907", " 0.911", " 0.375", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "40", " Spoon", " -0.449", " 0.775", " -1.538", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 52" ], [ "41", " Mug", " 0.394", " 0.103", " -1.472", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 45" ], [ "42", " Cabinet", " -0.193", " 1.688", " -1.648", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "43", " StoveBurner", " 1.360", " 0.957", " 0.293", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "44", " Drawer", " 0.499", " 0.792", " 0.296", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "45", " Cabinet", " 0.095", " 0.400", " -1.352", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "46", " Sink", " 0.711", " 0.817", " -1.772", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "47", " CounterTop", " 0.280", " 0.947", " 0.458", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "48", " CounterTop", " -0.680", " 0.947", " -1.654", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "49", " Drawer", " 1.825", " 0.792", " 0.296", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "50", " StoveBurner", " 1.007", " 0.957", " 0.561", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "51", " Drawer", " -0.150", " 0.792", " -1.496", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " Drawer", " -0.586", " 0.792", " -1.496", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " StoveBurner", " 1.360", " 0.957", " 0.561", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " Drawer", " 0.024", " 0.792", " 0.296", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "55", " Cabinet", " 1.079", " 0.400", " -1.349", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "56", " Cabinet", " 1.669", " 0.402", " 0.151", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "57", " Cabinet", " 0.055", " 0.402", " -1.351", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "58", " Cabinet", " -0.180", " 0.402", " 0.151", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "59", " Cabinet", " 0.729", " 0.402", " 0.151", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "60", " StoveBurner", " 1.007", " 0.957", " 0.293", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "61", " Drawer", " -1.100", " 0.792", " -1.496", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "62", " Cabinet", " -0.396", " 0.402", " -1.351", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "63", " CounterTop", " 1.776", " 0.947", " 0.458", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "64", " Cabinet", " 1.974", " 1.688", " -1.648", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "65", " Cabinet", " -0.820", " 0.400", " -1.349", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "66", " Toaster", " 0.305", " 0.900", " 0.552", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "67", " LightSwitch", " -2.756", " 1.307", " -0.987", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "68", " Window", " 0.582", " 1.613", " -1.967", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "69", " Window", " 1.969", " 1.5", " -0.615", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "70", " Microwave", " -1.037", " 0.900", " -1.723", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "71", " SinkBasin", " 0.377", " 0.765", " -1.655", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "72", " CoffeeMachine", " 0.618", " 0.900", " 0.600", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "73", " StoveKnob", " 1.246", " 0.913", " 0.118", " 45", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "74", " StoveKnob", " 1.373", " 0.913", " 0.118", " 45", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "75", " StoveKnob", " 0.995", " 0.913", " 0.118", " 45", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "76", " StoveKnob", " 1.126", " 0.913", " 0.118", " 45", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "77", " GarbageCan", " -0.368", " -0.029", " 0.539", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "78", " Fridge", " -2.134", " 0.0", " -1.690", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "79", " Faucet", " 0.549", " 1.046", " -1.833", " 0", " 232.527", " 0", "" ], [ "80", " Stool", " -1.475", " 0.000", " 0.414", " 1.233", " 280.375", " 0", "" ], [ "81", " DiningTable", " -2.255", " -0.004", " 0.432", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "82", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "83", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "84", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "85", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent -2.5 0.900 -0.5 0 270 0 1 Kettle 1.781 0.913 -1.654 0 0 0 48 2 Potato 0.804 0.949 -1.782 0 270 0 46 3 Potato -1.872 1.522 -1.763 0 0 0 78 4 DishSponge 1.828 1.328 -1.883 0 180 0 64 5 DishSponge 1.846 0.911 0.623 0 0 0 63 6 ButterKnife 0.753 0.919 -1.649 0 270 0 46 7 ButterKnife 0.167 0.912 0.209 0 0 0 47 8 Pot 1.007 0.962 0.561 0 270 0 50 9 Spoon 1.824 0.774 0.306 0 0 0 49 10 Egg -0.267 0.947 -1.903 0 0 0 48 11 Egg -0.361 0.105 0.439 0 90 0 77 12 Knife -0.267 0.937 -1.489 0 0 0 48 13 Bowl -0.538 0.110 -1.545 0 0 0 62 14 PepperShaker 1.846 0.908 0.209 0 0 0 63 15 PepperShaker 1.785 0.908 0.706 0 0 0 63 16 Bread 1.724 0.995 0.292 0 0 0 63 17 Apple -2.31 0.578 -1.763 0 0 0 78 18 Apple -2.135 1.559 -1.720 0 0 0 78 19 Bread 0.035 0.995 0.292 0 0 0 47 20 Knife 1.165 0.906 -1.656 90 285.000 0 48 21 Fork 1.724 0.912 0.623 0 0 0 63 22 Bowl 1.412 0.911 -1.571 0 0 0 48 23 Kettle -0.055 0.9 0.643 0 0 0 47 24 Cup 1.608 1.327 -1.772 0 180 0 64 25 Tomato -2.047 1.100 -1.720 0 0 0 78 26 SoapBottle -0.300 0.109 -1.508 0 0 0 57 27 Plate -2.047 0.781 -1.763 0 0 0 78 28 Pot 1.361 0.962 0.561 0 270 0 53 29 Spatula -0.267 0.927 -1.820 0 0 0 48 30 PaperTowelRoll 1.264 1.012 -1.861 0 0 0 48 31 Egg 1.601 0.947 0.458 0 0 0 63 32 Lettuce 0.851 1.001 -1.537 0 231.490 0 46 33 SaltShaker 0.209 0.104 -1.584 0 180 0 57 34 PepperShaker 1.907 0.908 0.458 0 0 0 63 35 Apple -0.362 0.137 0.569 0 90 0 77 36 ButterKnife 1.711 0.9 0.273 0 318.152 0 63 37 Potato -2.047 1.522 -1.849 0 0 0 78 38 Pan 1.022 0.959 0.288 0 219.190 0 60 39 DishSponge 1.907 0.911 0.375 0 0 0 63 40 Spoon -0.449 0.775 -1.538 0 90 0 52 41 Mug 0.394 0.103 -1.472 0 180 0 45 42 Cabinet -0.193 1.688 -1.648 0 180 0 43 StoveBurner 1.360 0.957 0.293 0 180 0 44 Drawer 0.499 0.792 0.296 0 0 0 45 Cabinet 0.095 0.400 -1.352 0 180 0 46 Sink 0.711 0.817 -1.772 0 270 0 47 CounterTop 0.280 0.947 0.458 0 0 0 48 CounterTop -0.680 0.947 -1.654 0 0 0 49 Drawer 1.825 0.792 0.296 0 0 0 50 StoveBurner 1.007 0.957 0.561 0 270 0 51 Drawer -0.150 0.792 -1.496 0 0 0 52 Drawer -0.586 0.792 -1.496 0 0 0 53 StoveBurner 1.360 0.957 0.561 0 270 0 54 Drawer 0.024 0.792 0.296 0 0 0 55 Cabinet 1.079 0.400 -1.349 0 180 0 56 Cabinet 1.669 0.402 0.151 0 0 0 57 Cabinet 0.055 0.402 -1.351 0 0 0 58 Cabinet -0.180 0.402 0.151 0 0 0 59 Cabinet 0.729 0.402 0.151 0 0 0 60 StoveBurner 1.007 0.957 0.293 0 180 0 61 Drawer -1.100 0.792 -1.496 0 0 0 62 Cabinet -0.396 0.402 -1.351 0 0 0 63 CounterTop 1.776 0.947 0.458 0 0 0 64 Cabinet 1.974 1.688 -1.648 0 180 0 65 Cabinet -0.820 0.400 -1.349 0 180 0 66 Toaster 0.305 0.900 0.552 0 180 0 67 LightSwitch -2.756 1.307 -0.987 0 90 0 68 Window 0.582 1.613 -1.967 90 0 0 69 Window 1.969 1.5 -0.615 90 270 0 70 Microwave -1.037 0.900 -1.723 0 0 0 71 SinkBasin 0.377 0.765 -1.655 0 270 0 72 CoffeeMachine 0.618 0.900 0.600 0 180 0 73 StoveKnob 1.246 0.913 0.118 45 180 0 74 StoveKnob 1.373 0.913 0.118 45 180 0 75 StoveKnob 0.995 0.913 0.118 45 180 0 76 StoveKnob 1.126 0.913 0.118 45 180 0 77 GarbageCan -0.368 -0.029 0.539 0 90 0 78 Fridge -2.134 0.0 -1.690 0 0 0 79 Faucet 0.549 1.046 -1.833 0 232.527 0 80 Stool -1.475 0.000 0.414 1.233 280.375 0 81 DiningTable -2.255 -0.004 0.432 0 0 0 82 NorthWall 83 EastWall 84 SouthWall 85 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Turn around and walk to the window then turn left. | STEP 2: Pick up the sponge that is above the loaf of bread. | STEP 3: Turn left and walk to the door then turn left and walk to the fridge. | STEP 4: Open the fridge then put the sponge on the blue plate on the middle metal rack. | STEP 5: Pick up the plate with the sponge on it and close the door. | STEP 6: Turn around and walk to the white table. | STEP 7: Put the plate with the sponge on it on the table. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Turn around and walk to the window then turn left. ", " STEP 2: Pick up the sponge that is above the loaf of bread. ", " STEP 3: Turn left and walk to the door then turn left and walk to the fridge. ", " STEP 4: Open the fridge then put the sponge on the blue plate on the middle metal rack. ", " STEP 5: Pick up the plate with the sponge on it and close the door. ", " STEP 6: Turn around and walk to the white table. ", " STEP 7: Put the plate with the sponge on it on the table. ", " END" ] ]
put a blue plate with a sponge on it on top of the white kitchen table
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " -2.5", " 0.900", " -0.5", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Kettle", " 1.781", " 0.913", " -1.654", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "2", " Potato", " 0.804", " 0.949", " -1.782", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 46" ], [ "3", " Potato", " -1.872", " 1.522", " -1.763", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 78" ], [ "4", " DishSponge", " 1.828", " 1.328", " -1.883", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 64" ], [ "5", " DishSponge", " 1.846", " 0.911", " 0.623", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "6", " ButterKnife", " 0.753", " 0.919", " -1.649", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 46" ], [ "7", " ButterKnife", " 0.167", " 0.912", " 0.209", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 47" ], [ "8", " Pot", " 1.007", " 0.962", " 0.561", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 50" ], [ "9", " Spoon", " 1.824", " 0.774", " 0.306", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 49" ], [ "10", " Egg", " -0.267", " 0.947", " -1.903", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "11", " Egg", " -0.361", " 0.105", " 0.439", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 77" ], [ "12", " Knife", " -0.267", " 0.937", " -1.489", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "13", " Bowl", " -0.538", " 0.110", " -1.545", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 62" ], [ "14", " PepperShaker", " 1.846", " 0.908", " 0.209", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "15", " PepperShaker", " 1.785", " 0.908", " 0.706", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "16", " Bread", " 1.724", " 0.995", " 0.292", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "17", " Apple", " -2.31", " 0.578", " -1.763", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 78" ], [ "18", " Apple", " -2.135", " 1.559", " -1.720", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 78" ], [ "19", " Bread", " 0.035", " 0.995", " 0.292", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 47" ], [ "20", " Knife", " 1.165", " 0.906", " -1.656", " 90", " 285.000", " 0", " 48" ], [ "21", " Fork", " 1.724", " 0.912", " 0.623", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "22", " Bowl", " 1.412", " 0.911", " -1.571", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "23", " Kettle", " -0.055", " 0.9", " 0.643", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 47" ], [ "24", " Cup", " 1.608", " 1.327", " -1.772", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 64" ], [ "25", " Tomato", " -2.047", " 1.100", " -1.720", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 78" ], [ "26", " SoapBottle", " -0.300", " 0.109", " -1.508", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 57" ], [ "27", " Plate", " -2.047", " 0.781", " -1.763", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 78" ], [ "28", " Pot", " 1.361", " 0.962", " 0.561", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 53" ], [ "29", " Spatula", " -0.267", " 0.927", " -1.820", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "30", " PaperTowelRoll", " 1.264", " 1.012", " -1.861", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "31", " Egg", " 1.601", " 0.947", " 0.458", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "32", " Lettuce", " 0.851", " 1.001", " -1.537", " 0", " 231.490", " 0", " 46" ], [ "33", " SaltShaker", " 0.209", " 0.104", " -1.584", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 57" ], [ "34", " PepperShaker", " 1.907", " 0.908", " 0.458", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "35", " Apple", " -0.362", " 0.137", " 0.569", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 77" ], [ "36", " ButterKnife", " 1.711", " 0.9", " 0.273", " 0", " 318.152", " 0", " 63" ], [ "37", " Potato", " -2.047", " 1.522", " -1.849", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 78" ], [ "38", " Pan", " 1.022", " 0.959", " 0.288", " 0", " 219.190", " 0", " 60" ], [ "39", " DishSponge", " 1.907", " 0.911", " 0.375", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "40", " Spoon", " -0.449", " 0.775", " -1.538", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 52" ], [ "41", " Mug", " 0.394", " 0.103", " -1.472", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 45" ], [ "42", " Cabinet", " -0.193", " 1.688", " -1.648", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "43", " StoveBurner", " 1.360", " 0.957", " 0.293", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "44", " Drawer", " 0.499", " 0.792", " 0.296", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "45", " Cabinet", " 0.095", " 0.400", " -1.352", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "46", " Sink", " 0.711", " 0.817", " -1.772", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "47", " CounterTop", " 0.280", " 0.947", " 0.458", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "48", " CounterTop", " -0.680", " 0.947", " -1.654", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "49", " Drawer", " 1.825", " 0.792", " 0.296", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "50", " StoveBurner", " 1.007", " 0.957", " 0.561", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "51", " Drawer", " -0.150", " 0.792", " -1.496", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " Drawer", " -0.586", " 0.792", " -1.496", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " StoveBurner", " 1.360", " 0.957", " 0.561", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " Drawer", " 0.024", " 0.792", " 0.296", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "55", " Cabinet", " 1.079", " 0.400", " -1.349", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "56", " Cabinet", " 1.669", " 0.402", " 0.151", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "57", " Cabinet", " 0.055", " 0.402", " -1.351", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "58", " Cabinet", " -0.180", " 0.402", " 0.151", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "59", " Cabinet", " 0.729", " 0.402", " 0.151", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "60", " StoveBurner", " 1.007", " 0.957", " 0.293", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "61", " Drawer", " -1.100", " 0.792", " -1.496", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "62", " Cabinet", " -0.396", " 0.402", " -1.351", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "63", " CounterTop", " 1.776", " 0.947", " 0.458", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "64", " Cabinet", " 1.974", " 1.688", " -1.648", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "65", " Cabinet", " -0.820", " 0.400", " -1.349", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "66", " Toaster", " 0.305", " 0.900", " 0.552", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "67", " LightSwitch", " -2.756", " 1.307", " -0.987", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "68", " Window", " 0.582", " 1.613", " -1.967", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "69", " Window", " 1.969", " 1.5", " -0.615", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "70", " Microwave", " -1.037", " 0.900", " -1.723", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "71", " SinkBasin", " 0.377", " 0.765", " -1.655", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "72", " CoffeeMachine", " 0.618", " 0.900", " 0.600", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "73", " StoveKnob", " 1.246", " 0.913", " 0.118", " 45", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "74", " StoveKnob", " 1.373", " 0.913", " 0.118", " 45", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "75", " StoveKnob", " 0.995", " 0.913", " 0.118", " 45", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "76", " StoveKnob", " 1.126", " 0.913", " 0.118", " 45", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "77", " GarbageCan", " -0.368", " -0.029", " 0.539", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "78", " Fridge", " -2.134", " 0.0", " -1.690", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "79", " Faucet", " 0.549", " 1.046", " -1.833", " 0", " 232.527", " 0", "" ], [ "80", " Stool", " -1.475", " 0.000", " 0.414", " 1.233", " 280.375", " 0", "" ], [ "81", " DiningTable", " -2.255", " -0.004", " 0.432", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "82", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "83", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "84", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "85", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent -2.5 0.900 -0.5 0 270 0 1 Kettle 1.781 0.913 -1.654 0 0 0 48 2 Potato 0.804 0.949 -1.782 0 270 0 46 3 Potato -1.872 1.522 -1.763 0 0 0 78 4 DishSponge 1.828 1.328 -1.883 0 180 0 64 5 DishSponge 1.846 0.911 0.623 0 0 0 63 6 ButterKnife 0.753 0.919 -1.649 0 270 0 46 7 ButterKnife 0.167 0.912 0.209 0 0 0 47 8 Pot 1.007 0.962 0.561 0 270 0 50 9 Spoon 1.824 0.774 0.306 0 0 0 49 10 Egg -0.267 0.947 -1.903 0 0 0 48 11 Egg -0.361 0.105 0.439 0 90 0 77 12 Knife -0.267 0.937 -1.489 0 0 0 48 13 Bowl -0.538 0.110 -1.545 0 0 0 62 14 PepperShaker 1.846 0.908 0.209 0 0 0 63 15 PepperShaker 1.785 0.908 0.706 0 0 0 63 16 Bread 1.724 0.995 0.292 0 0 0 63 17 Apple -2.31 0.578 -1.763 0 0 0 78 18 Apple -2.135 1.559 -1.720 0 0 0 78 19 Bread 0.035 0.995 0.292 0 0 0 47 20 Knife 1.165 0.906 -1.656 90 285.000 0 48 21 Fork 1.724 0.912 0.623 0 0 0 63 22 Bowl 1.412 0.911 -1.571 0 0 0 48 23 Kettle -0.055 0.9 0.643 0 0 0 47 24 Cup 1.608 1.327 -1.772 0 180 0 64 25 Tomato -2.047 1.100 -1.720 0 0 0 78 26 SoapBottle -0.300 0.109 -1.508 0 0 0 57 27 Plate -2.047 0.781 -1.763 0 0 0 78 28 Pot 1.361 0.962 0.561 0 270 0 53 29 Spatula -0.267 0.927 -1.820 0 0 0 48 30 PaperTowelRoll 1.264 1.012 -1.861 0 0 0 48 31 Egg 1.601 0.947 0.458 0 0 0 63 32 Lettuce 0.851 1.001 -1.537 0 231.490 0 46 33 SaltShaker 0.209 0.104 -1.584 0 180 0 57 34 PepperShaker 1.907 0.908 0.458 0 0 0 63 35 Apple -0.362 0.137 0.569 0 90 0 77 36 ButterKnife 1.711 0.9 0.273 0 318.152 0 63 37 Potato -2.047 1.522 -1.849 0 0 0 78 38 Pan 1.022 0.959 0.288 0 219.190 0 60 39 DishSponge 1.907 0.911 0.375 0 0 0 63 40 Spoon -0.449 0.775 -1.538 0 90 0 52 41 Mug 0.394 0.103 -1.472 0 180 0 45 42 Cabinet -0.193 1.688 -1.648 0 180 0 43 StoveBurner 1.360 0.957 0.293 0 180 0 44 Drawer 0.499 0.792 0.296 0 0 0 45 Cabinet 0.095 0.400 -1.352 0 180 0 46 Sink 0.711 0.817 -1.772 0 270 0 47 CounterTop 0.280 0.947 0.458 0 0 0 48 CounterTop -0.680 0.947 -1.654 0 0 0 49 Drawer 1.825 0.792 0.296 0 0 0 50 StoveBurner 1.007 0.957 0.561 0 270 0 51 Drawer -0.150 0.792 -1.496 0 0 0 52 Drawer -0.586 0.792 -1.496 0 0 0 53 StoveBurner 1.360 0.957 0.561 0 270 0 54 Drawer 0.024 0.792 0.296 0 0 0 55 Cabinet 1.079 0.400 -1.349 0 180 0 56 Cabinet 1.669 0.402 0.151 0 0 0 57 Cabinet 0.055 0.402 -1.351 0 0 0 58 Cabinet -0.180 0.402 0.151 0 0 0 59 Cabinet 0.729 0.402 0.151 0 0 0 60 StoveBurner 1.007 0.957 0.293 0 180 0 61 Drawer -1.100 0.792 -1.496 0 0 0 62 Cabinet -0.396 0.402 -1.351 0 0 0 63 CounterTop 1.776 0.947 0.458 0 0 0 64 Cabinet 1.974 1.688 -1.648 0 180 0 65 Cabinet -0.820 0.400 -1.349 0 180 0 66 Toaster 0.305 0.900 0.552 0 180 0 67 LightSwitch -2.756 1.307 -0.987 0 90 0 68 Window 0.582 1.613 -1.967 90 0 0 69 Window 1.969 1.5 -0.615 90 270 0 70 Microwave -1.037 0.900 -1.723 0 0 0 71 SinkBasin 0.377 0.765 -1.655 0 270 0 72 CoffeeMachine 0.618 0.900 0.600 0 180 0 73 StoveKnob 1.246 0.913 0.118 45 180 0 74 StoveKnob 1.373 0.913 0.118 45 180 0 75 StoveKnob 0.995 0.913 0.118 45 180 0 76 StoveKnob 1.126 0.913 0.118 45 180 0 77 GarbageCan -0.368 -0.029 0.539 0 90 0 78 Fridge -2.134 0.0 -1.690 0 0 0 79 Faucet 0.549 1.046 -1.833 0 232.527 0 80 Stool -1.475 0.000 0.414 1.233 280.375 0 81 DiningTable -2.255 -0.004 0.432 0 0 0 82 NorthWall 83 EastWall 84 SouthWall 85 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: walk over to the kitchen counter to the right of the stove | STEP 2: grab the green sponge off of the kitchen counter | STEP 3: walk on over to the fridge | STEP 4: place the sponge on top of the blue plate inside the fridge | STEP 5: grab the blue plate out of the fridge | STEP 6: turn around and walk over to the white square table | STEP 7: place the blue plate on top of the white table | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: walk over to the kitchen counter to the right of the stove ", " STEP 2: grab the green sponge off of the kitchen counter ", " STEP 3: walk on over to the fridge ", " STEP 4: place the sponge on top of the blue plate inside the fridge ", " STEP 5: grab the blue plate out of the fridge ", " STEP 6: turn around and walk over to the white square table ", " STEP 7: place the blue plate on top of the white table ", " END" ] ]
Place a plate with a sponge on it on a table.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " -2.5", " 0.900", " -0.5", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Kettle", " 1.781", " 0.913", " -1.654", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "2", " Potato", " 0.804", " 0.949", " -1.782", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 46" ], [ "3", " Potato", " -1.872", " 1.522", " -1.763", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 78" ], [ "4", " DishSponge", " 1.828", " 1.328", " -1.883", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 64" ], [ "5", " DishSponge", " 1.846", " 0.911", " 0.623", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "6", " ButterKnife", " 0.753", " 0.919", " -1.649", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 46" ], [ "7", " ButterKnife", " 0.167", " 0.912", " 0.209", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 47" ], [ "8", " Pot", " 1.007", " 0.962", " 0.561", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 50" ], [ "9", " Spoon", " 1.824", " 0.774", " 0.306", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 49" ], [ "10", " Egg", " -0.267", " 0.947", " -1.903", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "11", " Egg", " -0.361", " 0.105", " 0.439", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 77" ], [ "12", " Knife", " -0.267", " 0.937", " -1.489", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "13", " Bowl", " -0.538", " 0.110", " -1.545", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 62" ], [ "14", " PepperShaker", " 1.846", " 0.908", " 0.209", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "15", " PepperShaker", " 1.785", " 0.908", " 0.706", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "16", " Bread", " 1.724", " 0.995", " 0.292", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "17", " Apple", " -2.31", " 0.578", " -1.763", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 78" ], [ "18", " Apple", " -2.135", " 1.559", " -1.720", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 78" ], [ "19", " Bread", " 0.035", " 0.995", " 0.292", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 47" ], [ "20", " Knife", " 1.165", " 0.906", " -1.656", " 90", " 285.000", " 0", " 48" ], [ "21", " Fork", " 1.724", " 0.912", " 0.623", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "22", " Bowl", " 1.412", " 0.911", " -1.571", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "23", " Kettle", " -0.055", " 0.9", " 0.643", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 47" ], [ "24", " Cup", " 1.608", " 1.327", " -1.772", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 64" ], [ "25", " Tomato", " -2.047", " 1.100", " -1.720", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 78" ], [ "26", " SoapBottle", " -0.300", " 0.109", " -1.508", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 57" ], [ "27", " Plate", " -2.047", " 0.781", " -1.763", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 78" ], [ "28", " Pot", " 1.361", " 0.962", " 0.561", " 0", " 270", " 0", " 53" ], [ "29", " Spatula", " -0.267", " 0.927", " -1.820", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "30", " PaperTowelRoll", " 1.264", " 1.012", " -1.861", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "31", " Egg", " 1.601", " 0.947", " 0.458", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "32", " Lettuce", " 0.851", " 1.001", " -1.537", " 0", " 231.490", " 0", " 46" ], [ "33", " SaltShaker", " 0.209", " 0.104", " -1.584", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 57" ], [ "34", " PepperShaker", " 1.907", " 0.908", " 0.458", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "35", " Apple", " -0.362", " 0.137", " 0.569", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 77" ], [ "36", " ButterKnife", " 1.711", " 0.9", " 0.273", " 0", " 318.152", " 0", " 63" ], [ "37", " Potato", " -2.047", " 1.522", " -1.849", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 78" ], [ "38", " Pan", " 1.022", " 0.959", " 0.288", " 0", " 219.190", " 0", " 60" ], [ "39", " DishSponge", " 1.907", " 0.911", " 0.375", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 63" ], [ "40", " Spoon", " -0.449", " 0.775", " -1.538", " 0", " 90", " 0", " 52" ], [ "41", " Mug", " 0.394", " 0.103", " -1.472", " 0", " 180", " 0", " 45" ], [ "42", " Cabinet", " -0.193", " 1.688", " -1.648", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "43", " StoveBurner", " 1.360", " 0.957", " 0.293", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "44", " Drawer", " 0.499", " 0.792", " 0.296", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "45", " Cabinet", " 0.095", " 0.400", " -1.352", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "46", " Sink", " 0.711", " 0.817", " -1.772", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "47", " CounterTop", " 0.280", " 0.947", " 0.458", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "48", " CounterTop", " -0.680", " 0.947", " -1.654", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "49", " Drawer", " 1.825", " 0.792", " 0.296", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "50", " StoveBurner", " 1.007", " 0.957", " 0.561", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "51", " Drawer", " -0.150", " 0.792", " -1.496", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " Drawer", " -0.586", " 0.792", " -1.496", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " StoveBurner", " 1.360", " 0.957", " 0.561", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " Drawer", " 0.024", " 0.792", " 0.296", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "55", " Cabinet", " 1.079", " 0.400", " -1.349", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "56", " Cabinet", " 1.669", " 0.402", " 0.151", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "57", " Cabinet", " 0.055", " 0.402", " -1.351", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "58", " Cabinet", " -0.180", " 0.402", " 0.151", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "59", " Cabinet", " 0.729", " 0.402", " 0.151", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "60", " StoveBurner", " 1.007", " 0.957", " 0.293", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "61", " Drawer", " -1.100", " 0.792", " -1.496", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "62", " Cabinet", " -0.396", " 0.402", " -1.351", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "63", " CounterTop", " 1.776", " 0.947", " 0.458", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "64", " Cabinet", " 1.974", " 1.688", " -1.648", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "65", " Cabinet", " -0.820", " 0.400", " -1.349", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "66", " Toaster", " 0.305", " 0.900", " 0.552", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "67", " LightSwitch", " -2.756", " 1.307", " -0.987", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "68", " Window", " 0.582", " 1.613", " -1.967", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "69", " Window", " 1.969", " 1.5", " -0.615", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "70", " Microwave", " -1.037", " 0.900", " -1.723", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "71", " SinkBasin", " 0.377", " 0.765", " -1.655", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "72", " CoffeeMachine", " 0.618", " 0.900", " 0.600", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "73", " StoveKnob", " 1.246", " 0.913", " 0.118", " 45", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "74", " StoveKnob", " 1.373", " 0.913", " 0.118", " 45", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "75", " StoveKnob", " 0.995", " 0.913", " 0.118", " 45", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "76", " StoveKnob", " 1.126", " 0.913", " 0.118", " 45", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "77", " GarbageCan", " -0.368", " -0.029", " 0.539", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "78", " Fridge", " -2.134", " 0.0", " -1.690", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "79", " Faucet", " 0.549", " 1.046", " -1.833", " 0", " 232.527", " 0", "" ], [ "80", " Stool", " -1.475", " 0.000", " 0.414", " 1.233", " 280.375", " 0", "" ], [ "81", " DiningTable", " -2.255", " -0.004", " 0.432", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "82", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "83", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "84", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "85", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent -2.5 0.900 -0.5 0 270 0 1 Kettle 1.781 0.913 -1.654 0 0 0 48 2 Potato 0.804 0.949 -1.782 0 270 0 46 3 Potato -1.872 1.522 -1.763 0 0 0 78 4 DishSponge 1.828 1.328 -1.883 0 180 0 64 5 DishSponge 1.846 0.911 0.623 0 0 0 63 6 ButterKnife 0.753 0.919 -1.649 0 270 0 46 7 ButterKnife 0.167 0.912 0.209 0 0 0 47 8 Pot 1.007 0.962 0.561 0 270 0 50 9 Spoon 1.824 0.774 0.306 0 0 0 49 10 Egg -0.267 0.947 -1.903 0 0 0 48 11 Egg -0.361 0.105 0.439 0 90 0 77 12 Knife -0.267 0.937 -1.489 0 0 0 48 13 Bowl -0.538 0.110 -1.545 0 0 0 62 14 PepperShaker 1.846 0.908 0.209 0 0 0 63 15 PepperShaker 1.785 0.908 0.706 0 0 0 63 16 Bread 1.724 0.995 0.292 0 0 0 63 17 Apple -2.31 0.578 -1.763 0 0 0 78 18 Apple -2.135 1.559 -1.720 0 0 0 78 19 Bread 0.035 0.995 0.292 0 0 0 47 20 Knife 1.165 0.906 -1.656 90 285.000 0 48 21 Fork 1.724 0.912 0.623 0 0 0 63 22 Bowl 1.412 0.911 -1.571 0 0 0 48 23 Kettle -0.055 0.9 0.643 0 0 0 47 24 Cup 1.608 1.327 -1.772 0 180 0 64 25 Tomato -2.047 1.100 -1.720 0 0 0 78 26 SoapBottle -0.300 0.109 -1.508 0 0 0 57 27 Plate -2.047 0.781 -1.763 0 0 0 78 28 Pot 1.361 0.962 0.561 0 270 0 53 29 Spatula -0.267 0.927 -1.820 0 0 0 48 30 PaperTowelRoll 1.264 1.012 -1.861 0 0 0 48 31 Egg 1.601 0.947 0.458 0 0 0 63 32 Lettuce 0.851 1.001 -1.537 0 231.490 0 46 33 SaltShaker 0.209 0.104 -1.584 0 180 0 57 34 PepperShaker 1.907 0.908 0.458 0 0 0 63 35 Apple -0.362 0.137 0.569 0 90 0 77 36 ButterKnife 1.711 0.9 0.273 0 318.152 0 63 37 Potato -2.047 1.522 -1.849 0 0 0 78 38 Pan 1.022 0.959 0.288 0 219.190 0 60 39 DishSponge 1.907 0.911 0.375 0 0 0 63 40 Spoon -0.449 0.775 -1.538 0 90 0 52 41 Mug 0.394 0.103 -1.472 0 180 0 45 42 Cabinet -0.193 1.688 -1.648 0 180 0 43 StoveBurner 1.360 0.957 0.293 0 180 0 44 Drawer 0.499 0.792 0.296 0 0 0 45 Cabinet 0.095 0.400 -1.352 0 180 0 46 Sink 0.711 0.817 -1.772 0 270 0 47 CounterTop 0.280 0.947 0.458 0 0 0 48 CounterTop -0.680 0.947 -1.654 0 0 0 49 Drawer 1.825 0.792 0.296 0 0 0 50 StoveBurner 1.007 0.957 0.561 0 270 0 51 Drawer -0.150 0.792 -1.496 0 0 0 52 Drawer -0.586 0.792 -1.496 0 0 0 53 StoveBurner 1.360 0.957 0.561 0 270 0 54 Drawer 0.024 0.792 0.296 0 0 0 55 Cabinet 1.079 0.400 -1.349 0 180 0 56 Cabinet 1.669 0.402 0.151 0 0 0 57 Cabinet 0.055 0.402 -1.351 0 0 0 58 Cabinet -0.180 0.402 0.151 0 0 0 59 Cabinet 0.729 0.402 0.151 0 0 0 60 StoveBurner 1.007 0.957 0.293 0 180 0 61 Drawer -1.100 0.792 -1.496 0 0 0 62 Cabinet -0.396 0.402 -1.351 0 0 0 63 CounterTop 1.776 0.947 0.458 0 0 0 64 Cabinet 1.974 1.688 -1.648 0 180 0 65 Cabinet -0.820 0.400 -1.349 0 180 0 66 Toaster 0.305 0.900 0.552 0 180 0 67 LightSwitch -2.756 1.307 -0.987 0 90 0 68 Window 0.582 1.613 -1.967 90 0 0 69 Window 1.969 1.5 -0.615 90 270 0 70 Microwave -1.037 0.900 -1.723 0 0 0 71 SinkBasin 0.377 0.765 -1.655 0 270 0 72 CoffeeMachine 0.618 0.900 0.600 0 180 0 73 StoveKnob 1.246 0.913 0.118 45 180 0 74 StoveKnob 1.373 0.913 0.118 45 180 0 75 StoveKnob 0.995 0.913 0.118 45 180 0 76 StoveKnob 1.126 0.913 0.118 45 180 0 77 GarbageCan -0.368 -0.029 0.539 0 90 0 78 Fridge -2.134 0.0 -1.690 0 0 0 79 Faucet 0.549 1.046 -1.833 0 232.527 0 80 Stool -1.475 0.000 0.414 1.233 280.375 0 81 DiningTable -2.255 -0.004 0.432 0 0 0 82 NorthWall 83 EastWall 84 SouthWall 85 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Turn around and walk to the window on the other side of the room then turn left to face the counter. | STEP 2: Pick up the sponge to the right of the fork. | STEP 3: Turn left and walk to the door on the other side of the room then turn left and walk to the fridge. | STEP 4: Put the sponge on the blue plate inside the fridge. | STEP 5: Take the blue plate out of the fridge. | STEP 6: Turn around and walk to the white table. | STEP 7: Put the plate down on the table. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Turn around and walk to the window on the other side of the room then turn left to face the counter. ", " STEP 2: Pick up the sponge to the right of the fork. ", " STEP 3: Turn left and walk to the door on the other side of the room then turn left and walk to the fridge. ", " STEP 4: Put the sponge on the blue plate inside the fridge. ", " STEP 5: Take the blue plate out of the fridge. ", " STEP 6: Turn around and walk to the white table. ", " STEP 7: Put the plate down on the table. ", " END" ] ]
Pick up a laptop then turn on the lamp
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " 0.5", " 0.902", " -2.25", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Mug", " 1.842", " 0.798", " -2.219", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "2", " Mug", " 1.597", " 0.799", " -1.467", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "3", " CellPhone", " 1.680", " 0.655", " -2.386", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 43" ], [ "4", " Pen", " 1.586", " 0.340", " -1.638", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 40" ], [ "5", " Pen", " 1.633", " 0.339", " -2.298", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 47" ], [ "6", " Pencil", " 3.378", " 0.021", " 0.22", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 33" ], [ "7", " Pencil", " 1.633", " 0.175", " -2.124", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 46" ], [ "8", " KeyChain", " 1.633", " 0.501", " -2.211", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 50" ], [ "9", " KeyChain", " 1.842", " 0.801", " -2.031", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "10", " Book", " 1.597", " 0.801", " -2.031", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "11", " Laptop", " -0.574", " 0.693", " 0.281", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 28" ], [ "12", " Laptop", " -0.088", " 0.693", " -0.573", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 28" ], [ "13", " Book", " -1.436", " 0.671", " 0.115", " 0", " 300.000", " 0", " 28" ], [ "14", " KeyChain", " 1.633", " 0.172", " -1.376", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 44" ], [ "15", " AlarmClock", " 1.658", " 0.800", " -1.655", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "16", " CreditCard", " 1.773", " 0.656", " -2.298", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 43" ], [ "17", " Laptop", " -0.818", " 0.693", " -0.146", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 28" ], [ "18", " Pen", " 1.781", " 0.807", " -1.843", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "19", " Pencil", " 1.586", " 0.660", " -2.124", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 43" ], [ "20", " BaseballBat", " -1.844", " 0.678", " -2.203", " 0", " 0", " 8.760", " Floor|+00.01|" ], [ "21", " Pillow", " -1.489", " 0.685", " -0.854", " 0", " 345.000", " 0", " 28" ], [ "22", " Pillow", " -1.508", " 0.685", " -0.378", " 0", " 288.596", " 0", " 28" ], [ "23", " TennisRacket", " -1.597", " 0.001", " -1.367", " 90", " 37.792", " 0", " Floor|+00.01|" ], [ "24", " CellPhone", " -1.061", " 0.695", " -0.573", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 28" ], [ "25", " CD", " 1.726", " 0.654", " -2.036", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 43" ], [ "26", " Mug", " 1.536", " 0.799", " -1.279", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "27", " Mirror", " 3.534", " 1.661", " -0.277", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "28", " Bed", " -0.842", " -0.000", " -0.361", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " DeskLamp", " 1.742", " 0.819", " -1.394", " 0", " 358.556", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " Painting", " 0.246", " 1.564", " -2.665", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " Painting", " 1.894", " 1.549", " -2.424", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " Painting", " 1.894", " 1.549", " -1.289", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " GarbageCan", " 3.378", " 0.000", " 0.220", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " LightSwitch", " -0.078", " 1.219", " 1.298", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " Window", " -0.486", " 1.409", " -2.691", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " Window", " 0.987", " 1.409", " -2.691", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " VacuumCleaner", " -1.649", " 0.010", " -2.440", " 0", " 42.426", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " Blinds", " -0.490", " 2.130", " -2.638", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " Blinds", " 1.011", " 2.130", " -2.638", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "40", " Drawer", " 1.596", " 0.411", " -1.459", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "41", " Drawer", " 1.597", " 0.732", " -1.459", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "42", " Drawer", " 1.597", " 0.574", " -1.459", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "43", " Drawer", " 1.597", " 0.732", " -2.202", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "44", " Drawer", " 1.596", " 0.247", " -1.459", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "45", " Drawer", " 1.596", " 0.090", " -1.459", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "46", " Drawer", " 1.596", " 0.247", " -2.202", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "47", " Drawer", " 1.596", " 0.411", " -2.202", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "48", " Dresser", " 1.634", " 0.003", " -1.830", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "49", " Drawer", " 1.596", " 0.090", " -2.202", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "50", " Drawer", " 1.597", " 0.574", " -2.202", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "51", " ShelvingUnit", " 0.249", " 0.003", " -2.519", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " Shelf", " 0.017", " 0.178", " -2.511", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " Shelf", " 0.249", " 0.665", " -2.519", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " Shelf", " 0.243", " 0.344", " -2.511", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "55", " Shelf", " 0.474", " 0.344", " -2.511", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "56", " Shelf", " 0.355", " 0.011", " -2.511", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "57", " Shelf", " 0.016", " 0.011", " -2.511", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "58", " Shelf", " 0.357", " 0.178", " -2.511", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "59", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "60", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "61", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "62", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent 0.5 0.902 -2.25 0 90 0 1 Mug 1.842 0.798 -2.219 0 0 0 48 2 Mug 1.597 0.799 -1.467 0 0 0 48 3 CellPhone 1.680 0.655 -2.386 0 0 0 43 4 Pen 1.586 0.340 -1.638 0 0 0 40 5 Pen 1.633 0.339 -2.298 0 0 0 47 6 Pencil 3.378 0.021 0.22 0 0 0 33 7 Pencil 1.633 0.175 -2.124 0 0 0 46 8 KeyChain 1.633 0.501 -2.211 0 0 0 50 9 KeyChain 1.842 0.801 -2.031 0 0 0 48 10 Book 1.597 0.801 -2.031 0 0 0 48 11 Laptop -0.574 0.693 0.281 0 0 0 28 12 Laptop -0.088 0.693 -0.573 0 0 0 28 13 Book -1.436 0.671 0.115 0 300.000 0 28 14 KeyChain 1.633 0.172 -1.376 0 0 0 44 15 AlarmClock 1.658 0.800 -1.655 0 0 0 48 16 CreditCard 1.773 0.656 -2.298 0 0 0 43 17 Laptop -0.818 0.693 -0.146 0 0 0 28 18 Pen 1.781 0.807 -1.843 0 0 0 48 19 Pencil 1.586 0.660 -2.124 0 0 0 43 20 BaseballBat -1.844 0.678 -2.203 0 0 8.760 Floor|+00.01| 21 Pillow -1.489 0.685 -0.854 0 345.000 0 28 22 Pillow -1.508 0.685 -0.378 0 288.596 0 28 23 TennisRacket -1.597 0.001 -1.367 90 37.792 0 Floor|+00.01| 24 CellPhone -1.061 0.695 -0.573 0 0 0 28 25 CD 1.726 0.654 -2.036 0 0 0 43 26 Mug 1.536 0.799 -1.279 0 0 0 48 27 Mirror 3.534 1.661 -0.277 0 90 0 28 Bed -0.842 -0.000 -0.361 0 270 0 29 DeskLamp 1.742 0.819 -1.394 0 358.556 0 30 Painting 0.246 1.564 -2.665 90 0 0 31 Painting 1.894 1.549 -2.424 90 270 0 32 Painting 1.894 1.549 -1.289 90 270 0 33 GarbageCan 3.378 0.000 0.220 0 0 0 34 LightSwitch -0.078 1.219 1.298 0 180 0 35 Window -0.486 1.409 -2.691 90 0 0 36 Window 0.987 1.409 -2.691 90 0 0 37 VacuumCleaner -1.649 0.010 -2.440 0 42.426 0 38 Blinds -0.490 2.130 -2.638 0 0 0 39 Blinds 1.011 2.130 -2.638 0 0 0 40 Drawer 1.596 0.411 -1.459 0 270 0 41 Drawer 1.597 0.732 -1.459 0 270 0 42 Drawer 1.597 0.574 -1.459 0 270 0 43 Drawer 1.597 0.732 -2.202 0 270 0 44 Drawer 1.596 0.247 -1.459 0 270 0 45 Drawer 1.596 0.090 -1.459 0 270 0 46 Drawer 1.596 0.247 -2.202 0 270 0 47 Drawer 1.596 0.411 -2.202 0 270 0 48 Dresser 1.634 0.003 -1.830 0 270 0 49 Drawer 1.596 0.090 -2.202 0 270 0 50 Drawer 1.597 0.574 -2.202 0 270 0 51 ShelvingUnit 0.249 0.003 -2.519 0 0 0 52 Shelf 0.017 0.178 -2.511 0 0 0 53 Shelf 0.249 0.665 -2.519 0 0 0 54 Shelf 0.243 0.344 -2.511 0 0 0 55 Shelf 0.474 0.344 -2.511 0 0 0 56 Shelf 0.355 0.011 -2.511 0 0 0 57 Shelf 0.016 0.011 -2.511 0 0 0 58 Shelf 0.357 0.178 -2.511 0 0 0 59 NorthWall 60 EastWall 61 SouthWall 62 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Turn left, walk straight, Turn left towards the laptop. | STEP 2: Close the laptop, pick it up off from the bed | STEP 3: Turn left, turn left toward the trash can, Turn right, Walk to the lamp | STEP 4: Turn on the lamp on the counter | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Turn left, walk straight, Turn left towards the laptop. ", " STEP 2: Close the laptop, pick it up off from the bed ", " STEP 3: Turn left, turn left toward the trash can, Turn right, Walk to the lamp ", " STEP 4: Turn on the lamp on the counter ", " END" ] ]
Turn on a lamp with a laptop.
[ [ "id", " object_type", " position_x", " position_y", " position_z", " rotation_x", " rotation_y", " rotation_z", " parent_receptacle" ], [ "0", " Agent", " 0.5", " 0.902", " -2.25", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "1", " Mug", " 1.842", " 0.798", " -2.219", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "2", " Mug", " 1.597", " 0.799", " -1.467", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "3", " CellPhone", " 1.680", " 0.655", " -2.386", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 43" ], [ "4", " Pen", " 1.586", " 0.340", " -1.638", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 40" ], [ "5", " Pen", " 1.633", " 0.339", " -2.298", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 47" ], [ "6", " Pencil", " 3.378", " 0.021", " 0.22", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 33" ], [ "7", " Pencil", " 1.633", " 0.175", " -2.124", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 46" ], [ "8", " KeyChain", " 1.633", " 0.501", " -2.211", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 50" ], [ "9", " KeyChain", " 1.842", " 0.801", " -2.031", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "10", " Book", " 1.597", " 0.801", " -2.031", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "11", " Laptop", " -0.574", " 0.693", " 0.281", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 28" ], [ "12", " Laptop", " -0.088", " 0.693", " -0.573", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 28" ], [ "13", " Book", " -1.436", " 0.671", " 0.115", " 0", " 300.000", " 0", " 28" ], [ "14", " KeyChain", " 1.633", " 0.172", " -1.376", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 44" ], [ "15", " AlarmClock", " 1.658", " 0.800", " -1.655", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "16", " CreditCard", " 1.773", " 0.656", " -2.298", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 43" ], [ "17", " Laptop", " -0.818", " 0.693", " -0.146", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 28" ], [ "18", " Pen", " 1.781", " 0.807", " -1.843", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "19", " Pencil", " 1.586", " 0.660", " -2.124", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 43" ], [ "20", " BaseballBat", " -1.844", " 0.678", " -2.203", " 0", " 0", " 8.760", " Floor|+00.01|" ], [ "21", " Pillow", " -1.489", " 0.685", " -0.854", " 0", " 345.000", " 0", " 28" ], [ "22", " Pillow", " -1.508", " 0.685", " -0.378", " 0", " 288.596", " 0", " 28" ], [ "23", " TennisRacket", " -1.597", " 0.001", " -1.367", " 90", " 37.792", " 0", " Floor|+00.01|" ], [ "24", " CellPhone", " -1.061", " 0.695", " -0.573", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 28" ], [ "25", " CD", " 1.726", " 0.654", " -2.036", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 43" ], [ "26", " Mug", " 1.536", " 0.799", " -1.279", " 0", " 0", " 0", " 48" ], [ "27", " Mirror", " 3.534", " 1.661", " -0.277", " 0", " 90", " 0", "" ], [ "28", " Bed", " -0.842", " -0.000", " -0.361", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "29", " DeskLamp", " 1.742", " 0.819", " -1.394", " 0", " 358.556", " 0", "" ], [ "30", " Painting", " 0.246", " 1.564", " -2.665", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "31", " Painting", " 1.894", " 1.549", " -2.424", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "32", " Painting", " 1.894", " 1.549", " -1.289", " 90", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "33", " GarbageCan", " 3.378", " 0.000", " 0.220", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "34", " LightSwitch", " -0.078", " 1.219", " 1.298", " 0", " 180", " 0", "" ], [ "35", " Window", " -0.486", " 1.409", " -2.691", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "36", " Window", " 0.987", " 1.409", " -2.691", " 90", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "37", " VacuumCleaner", " -1.649", " 0.010", " -2.440", " 0", " 42.426", " 0", "" ], [ "38", " Blinds", " -0.490", " 2.130", " -2.638", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "39", " Blinds", " 1.011", " 2.130", " -2.638", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "40", " Drawer", " 1.596", " 0.411", " -1.459", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "41", " Drawer", " 1.597", " 0.732", " -1.459", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "42", " Drawer", " 1.597", " 0.574", " -1.459", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "43", " Drawer", " 1.597", " 0.732", " -2.202", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "44", " Drawer", " 1.596", " 0.247", " -1.459", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "45", " Drawer", " 1.596", " 0.090", " -1.459", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "46", " Drawer", " 1.596", " 0.247", " -2.202", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "47", " Drawer", " 1.596", " 0.411", " -2.202", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "48", " Dresser", " 1.634", " 0.003", " -1.830", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "49", " Drawer", " 1.596", " 0.090", " -2.202", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "50", " Drawer", " 1.597", " 0.574", " -2.202", " 0", " 270", " 0", "" ], [ "51", " ShelvingUnit", " 0.249", " 0.003", " -2.519", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "52", " Shelf", " 0.017", " 0.178", " -2.511", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "53", " Shelf", " 0.249", " 0.665", " -2.519", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "54", " Shelf", " 0.243", " 0.344", " -2.511", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "55", " Shelf", " 0.474", " 0.344", " -2.511", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "56", " Shelf", " 0.355", " 0.011", " -2.511", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "57", " Shelf", " 0.016", " 0.011", " -2.511", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "58", " Shelf", " 0.357", " 0.178", " -2.511", " 0", " 0", " 0", "" ], [ "59", " NorthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "60", " EastWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "61", " SouthWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ], [ "62", " WestWall", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "" ] ]
id object_type position_x position_y position_z rotation_x rotation_y rotation_z parent_receptacle ---- -------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------------- 0 Agent 0.5 0.902 -2.25 0 90 0 1 Mug 1.842 0.798 -2.219 0 0 0 48 2 Mug 1.597 0.799 -1.467 0 0 0 48 3 CellPhone 1.680 0.655 -2.386 0 0 0 43 4 Pen 1.586 0.340 -1.638 0 0 0 40 5 Pen 1.633 0.339 -2.298 0 0 0 47 6 Pencil 3.378 0.021 0.22 0 0 0 33 7 Pencil 1.633 0.175 -2.124 0 0 0 46 8 KeyChain 1.633 0.501 -2.211 0 0 0 50 9 KeyChain 1.842 0.801 -2.031 0 0 0 48 10 Book 1.597 0.801 -2.031 0 0 0 48 11 Laptop -0.574 0.693 0.281 0 0 0 28 12 Laptop -0.088 0.693 -0.573 0 0 0 28 13 Book -1.436 0.671 0.115 0 300.000 0 28 14 KeyChain 1.633 0.172 -1.376 0 0 0 44 15 AlarmClock 1.658 0.800 -1.655 0 0 0 48 16 CreditCard 1.773 0.656 -2.298 0 0 0 43 17 Laptop -0.818 0.693 -0.146 0 0 0 28 18 Pen 1.781 0.807 -1.843 0 0 0 48 19 Pencil 1.586 0.660 -2.124 0 0 0 43 20 BaseballBat -1.844 0.678 -2.203 0 0 8.760 Floor|+00.01| 21 Pillow -1.489 0.685 -0.854 0 345.000 0 28 22 Pillow -1.508 0.685 -0.378 0 288.596 0 28 23 TennisRacket -1.597 0.001 -1.367 90 37.792 0 Floor|+00.01| 24 CellPhone -1.061 0.695 -0.573 0 0 0 28 25 CD 1.726 0.654 -2.036 0 0 0 43 26 Mug 1.536 0.799 -1.279 0 0 0 48 27 Mirror 3.534 1.661 -0.277 0 90 0 28 Bed -0.842 -0.000 -0.361 0 270 0 29 DeskLamp 1.742 0.819 -1.394 0 358.556 0 30 Painting 0.246 1.564 -2.665 90 0 0 31 Painting 1.894 1.549 -2.424 90 270 0 32 Painting 1.894 1.549 -1.289 90 270 0 33 GarbageCan 3.378 0.000 0.220 0 0 0 34 LightSwitch -0.078 1.219 1.298 0 180 0 35 Window -0.486 1.409 -2.691 90 0 0 36 Window 0.987 1.409 -2.691 90 0 0 37 VacuumCleaner -1.649 0.010 -2.440 0 42.426 0 38 Blinds -0.490 2.130 -2.638 0 0 0 39 Blinds 1.011 2.130 -2.638 0 0 0 40 Drawer 1.596 0.411 -1.459 0 270 0 41 Drawer 1.597 0.732 -1.459 0 270 0 42 Drawer 1.597 0.574 -1.459 0 270 0 43 Drawer 1.597 0.732 -2.202 0 270 0 44 Drawer 1.596 0.247 -1.459 0 270 0 45 Drawer 1.596 0.090 -1.459 0 270 0 46 Drawer 1.596 0.247 -2.202 0 270 0 47 Drawer 1.596 0.411 -2.202 0 270 0 48 Dresser 1.634 0.003 -1.830 0 270 0 49 Drawer 1.596 0.090 -2.202 0 270 0 50 Drawer 1.597 0.574 -2.202 0 270 0 51 ShelvingUnit 0.249 0.003 -2.519 0 0 0 52 Shelf 0.017 0.178 -2.511 0 0 0 53 Shelf 0.249 0.665 -2.519 0 0 0 54 Shelf 0.243 0.344 -2.511 0 0 0 55 Shelf 0.474 0.344 -2.511 0 0 0 56 Shelf 0.355 0.011 -2.511 0 0 0 57 Shelf 0.016 0.011 -2.511 0 0 0 58 Shelf 0.357 0.178 -2.511 0 0 0 59 NorthWall 60 EastWall 61 SouthWall 62 WestWall
[ "STEP 1: Turn completely around. Turn to the right then left and go forward. Make a left and go to face the bed. | STEP 2: Close the laptop and pick it up from the bed. | STEP 3: Turn completely around and walk forward. Turn to the right and face the lamp. | STEP 4: Use the laptop to turn on the lamp. | END" ]
[ [ "STEP 1: Turn completely around. Turn to the right then left and go forward. Make a left and go to face the bed. ", " STEP 2: Close the laptop and pick it up from the bed. ", " STEP 3: Turn completely around and walk forward. Turn to the right and face the lamp. ", " STEP 4: Use the laptop to turn on the lamp. ", " END" ] ]