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feel like ive already completely ruined life beyond redemption im basically title graduated college years ago still able get job field went school for top that ive thrown away every opportunity every network had theres way get good job now crushing see peers lead successful lives me im going get blackout drunk tonight hang myself thats way feel relief now | 1 |
Depression and obsession doesn't mix well | 1 |
found villages ps world quite small area im lucky guess | 0 |
Just one puff of cannabis 'could ease depression, stress and anxiety' - The Sun https://goo.gl/fb/NFr2ri | 1 |
ensemble piece adults return formulative summer camp youth quiet entrant exiter cinemas autumn id say shamebut againsome better movies quiet releases get much hype praisebr br diane lanekevin pollackelizabeth perkinsvincent spanojulie warnerbill paxtonkimberly williamsmatt craven alan arkinwho painfully good here group actors flesh roles people grown old goodbad funny memories summers gone past film covers gambit emotionsmostly pleasantand film never hammers away viewer feel characters feelingpreferring allow viewer enter memories own since movie viewer bristles bluntlybrazen manipulation filmsthis something appreciate writerdirector mike binderbr br this films great cheap renta good main rent even pretty sit theater flick might run across tvand would definitely suggest looksee | 0 |
anybody else wishthey would get hit car walking somewhere driving like hoping truck would notice red light hit me | 1 |
family friends dogi love much want anymore cant enjoy life thought psychedelics would make feel better made fascinated dying everyone nobody tries stand anymore nobody talks feelings anymore nobody expresses themselves im currently laying next dog looking makes want cry love much would devastated left him im much pain long time really want anyone feel way ill try ride days still feel like this im going eat whole bottle xanax vodka | 1 |
jonathanchard not calorie wise i wish junk food wa calorie free i ate a thing of sour skittle and a big as cherry coke | 0 |
hip hop rendition mos def performance according films musical creditsit incredible piece savage consciousness slams violence heart snap anyone tell someplace song live wire snap mos def the ground truth undeniable duty see americans might support mission embrace soul caught inside savage miscalculation purposethey take haunting many us sit back angrybr br live wire snap mos def foundbr br desperate find br br medically unable serve | 0 |
hey ppppie_ know is | 0 |
brilliant thriller deserving far fame mitchum ryan awesome starring roles entire supporting cast truly gripping film noir featuring wonderfully images great dialogue heart strong message tolerance understanding based novel concerning homophobia movie attacks postwar antiemitism intolerance hatred considerable power though parts may seem little preachy modern audiences still power shock works well thriller right credit involved | 0 |
kettle cooked salt and vinegar chips cured my depression | 1 |
behold misfortunes got rejected crushes got testicular tortion playatation account banned month disorganised havent got drivers licence yet actually go back school quarantine australia less devastating yea gg | 0 |
sometimes really consider deleting social media accounts isolating everyonemaybe people could forget feel selfish awful killing though somehow doubt anyone would really notice care matter anyways | 1 |
im getting blown bus right annoying like seriously someone get kid thats blowing | 0 |
dont know wth wrong memy life isnt even bad compared fucking abused ppl im fucking pussy stupid make big filing deal im grounded cut feel act like im suicidal idk really maybe im fucking stupid really going kms someday idk cut time made fake personality surrounding mental health dont even know really depressed im forcing wanna kms every fucking day im pussy ik | 1 |
ok doctors appointment today walked wand put heart download brain stuff updated chest left | 0 |
@aslaen oops try again | 0 |
wanna die step dad raped mei dont really know tell im boy makes whole situation awkward im thinking ways end right now | 1 |
the back road a tweet on depression in le than 0 character http t co hi oucfa m | 1 |
@JessMcFlyxxx Cool But not too cool I'm gonna do it on mine as well xD Starting with my planner.... -writes"FLONES<3"&many other .... | 0 |
bet trump smokes mid biden bernies probably got top shelf tho | 0 |
i can t sleep there s a fight outside how inconsiderate i wan na go sleep | 0 |
StuDYING at my best friend jessicas house, while she's knocked out from the jack we drank earlier. Life is good for her | 0 |
im finally letting hair grow longer ive never hair longer inch tought ugly ass might look better longer hair told mom expecting big like ok whatever im finally gaining confidence myself nice day | 0 |
dkoenigs thanks man i m so very grateful i feel unworthy of such attention though because i m in this because of myself | 0 |
Golden Girls makes me sooo happy crazy day now I gotta take it easy.. | 0 |
made bet faithive contemplating killing self asked faith one hope school ive accepted see past bad semester different school still let continue hope slightest sign girl love love back less h got responses school cancelled application girl love back made cry cancer self whent ok life shit dont go school ive lost dearest person know | 1 |
@echobase77 Yeah I'm never prepared for FF and I never have a list of names I can write down. It's pretty sad | 0 |
@terez07 I am right there with you. I really wish I had some ice cream right now! http://twitter.com/terez07/status/1975059961 | 0 |
say people do people not people sympathize empathize one knows going one can meant live alone yes old texts mention suicide solution well born face crap way live it trying trying face bullshitting people around me everyone selfish one really cares me either dependent attached both issues minei used dreamy ideal life perfectly caring husband parents would supportive everything still try really hard parents kept alive sure would here sad thing solely pity moms selfish really selfish even cares society norms wants oblige demands times people around me fact want live life alone want good people general one two people want worry caring selfish beings around me hurt enough cannot take pain offer everyday one cares | 1 |
@firesty hey ya )) like ur new pic i have one too | 0 |
long time always thought something wrong bc voice head never shuts up constant thing want take meds bc want feel crazy tell crazy want feel way anymore amp feel alone even not struggling | 1 |
know volkswagen put lambo v audi s like im gonna need find one convince dad get car horsepower supercar engine | 0 |
is back at the cabbins ew | 0 |
want feel numb right now want think anything feel anything even want exist right now | 0 |
david archuleta and adam lambert are trending topics right now .... yay, love them both!!! | 0 |
me and best friend r ready for tonight ... uhuuuuuuuu hopefully something good will happen | 0 |
im ready end life today get home schoolive goal oriented now ive always aimed perfection cant reach it cant reach goals never even get close ive always striven perfect grades overwhelming point work ass stress get college work ass stress get god job work ass stress die way going be id rather reach end later ive lost interest nearly everything ive pushed away friends ive got nothing left besides finish school day exhausted options think last thing left do ive done everything bucketlist secretly hoping would make see fun things ill miss feel worst bothers many people death effect im popular person know friends blame family split going let many people sorry | 1 |
this is a rant i saw a video about how this one person love every day of the week for a different reason and i immediately started cry cause i realized i can t remember the last time i wa excited to wake up the next day i haven t brushed my teeth in day my room is absolutely disgusting the stupidest thing make me sad or angry i got mud on my shoe bawled for hour dropped and spilt my drink cried got a craving for cooky but knew i wouldn t make them cried i feel like every day is a loop i m only and i miss school at least once a week and now my mom force me to go because of my many absence and it s sooo hard i feel like a disappointment to my parent because at the beginning of the year and i always have been a straight a student in advanced class now my grade are filled with c s and d s even though i m trying so hard | 1 |
over the past couple month i have been suffering a lot with my anxiety i am in an environment where i am surrounded by people who dont care for me are blantantly rude and fake and pressure me beyond belief i am exhausted and want to be happy i m not saying for a second that i am perfect and nice all the time im a know it all socially awkward lack of an ability to stand up for myself but i miss being around the few people that love me and share my interest while i am around bad people i am in a place where i am in a place surrounded by thing i love i cant miss out on this i need to grow and be more confident i can live an adventurous life alone i dont need company i dont need a boyfriend and i don t need friend with me all the time i have been taking leap and going to museum and social public setting all by myself ivd been taking it slow and going to one place everyday or every other day i allow myself to lay in bed after and sleep i am so unbelieveably anxiois and distressed when i am out doing these thing but i am seeing thing i truly love i am experiemcing life i am going on an oit of city trip for a few day soon and i am excited to push my limit a i lay im bed stressed in pain and sleep deprived i am still pushing myself in the morning to go on another adventure by myself | 1 |
steve buscemi shut up you i am hungry and in britain home of the most boring suckassy breakfast in the world i miss dennys | 0 |
shrooms and chocolate bar edible good for depression and anxiety ht http t co dz9jxhaant | 1 |
i cant give up smoking i tried but it s not easy | 0 |
im trans dad said made want kill myselfan h h matter go modify it beautiful help | 1 |
im frustrated dont know trust one hand dreams could well pointing reality other could simply playing fears had dont know which trust | 1 |
ive made mindok im sad today fill paperwork guide dogs organisation doctors heres thing ive issues cant go details eat pretty good diet certainly type diet would cause major illness malnourishment feel ok eat onoff problems go away little while come back ive accepted fact health change actually terrible problems get uncomfortable doctors tried help me recurring issues curing properly meaning fix issues come back time due complicating circumstances doctors careful medicines give me means im restricted medications currently taking medicines good thing anyway doctors done best ive tolerated issues long enough im willing keep persisting getting better swimming current guys going start making memories long willing certain point patience finally runs out retiring good luck guys tank support led give much appreciated but ive made decision live much happy life can im saying peace out quality life quantity life me take care guys im putting life order take while doctor comes brilliant solution thats good stands currently im buying time im worn thin life get better | 1 |
hello everyone i m an 9 year old male with a perfectly normal bmi 9 lb or cm 0kg i ve never smoked in my life i ve never tried drug and i don t drink alcohol no history of cancer or heart issue in my family so it all begun this july when i woke up with an intense chest pain i thought i wa having a heart attack and my mother slashed me to the er i had a blood test ekg ultrasound everything wa clear one week later i caught covid but the symptom were mild and i wa also vaccinated so in september i took a cbc again in order to get an accutane treatment for my acne the cbc came back with high wbc and lymphocyte 0 and normal are 0 0 0 for wbc and 0 for lymphocyte they told me it might be cause of covid and i should retake the cbc in a month meanwhile i begun to get daily intense chest pain at the upper left part where i can feel my heart so i got another appointment with a cardiologist in october i went to the cardiologist who did an ekg echo they told i have very few pvc s but that wasnt something concerning for the doc so they told me i don t have any heart issue now my cbc came back with more elevated wbc and lymphocyte and at the time i had also developed everyday abdominal pain and lot of gas like i have to fart all the time and the fart last long also i feel a fullness to my abdomen and i get spasm or fasciculation all over my body everyday i got an abdominal ultrasound which came back normal my poop also come back in thin layer which look nothing like before in december i met with an hematologist oncologist who put me on like 0 test and everything came back clear except my wbc which were again elevated at this time and lymphocyte at in september they were 0 and in december the hematologist told me that i have a reactive lymphocyticosis and it s nothing serious before i caught covid in july at the er my wbc and lympho were perfectly normal he said i should retake a cbc in month in order to check i also visited a gastroenterologist who said that i probably have nothing since i m too young and prescribed me omeprazole for 0 day it didn t help at all i also take vit d supplement because i have a deficiency i also had a poop culture which came back clear i decided that i should look into my thyroid for the heart etc so i got a thyroid ultrasound and some lab with bloodwork everything came back clear again along with some inflammation lab crp igm igg igg which were all negative the latest test were conducted in december now it s been like month that i m living in daily pain i can feel something like a rapid heartbeat in my abdomen jerk or twitch hand back etc my body is pumping all the time i think they re called fasciculation i get them like every 0 minute and it s so so annoying i also get the intense chest pain everyday i feel like my heart is gon na leave me or something it s really painful and i feel like dying the pain is very intense my abdomen also hurt everyday i have so much gas and ramblings i think it s everywhere in my body and i can t stand it my belly usually hurt at the upper left part but the pain is everywhere i m also severely bloated i also got covid again just a few day before new year im afraid to take a cbc now cause i believe that my wbc will have skyrocketed my symptom were worse than first time i had a high fever for day 9 c and i still have some cough i feel that this will really mess my immune system more than it s already messed up i guess it s already messed up because my covid symptom were much worse than in july even though i had the delta variant in july and now the omicron which is weaker i asked if i can get a colonscopy but they told me that they re meant for people over the age of 0 and me with no family history i m not a candidate for it plus i have no blood weight loss etc pretty much every test i ve taken come up normal except my wbc which keep raising every month i m so afraid that i have something serious like colon cancer or crohn s my quality of life ha really deteriorated i can t study any more i m gon na fail my uni final i can t do anything i m in daily pain my heart hurt my acne ha dominated my body it s really everywhere chest back butt face even thigh we re talking really bad cystic acne here not pimple and with bad break out i can t lie on my bed because my back bleeds because of it and i still haven t gotten the accutane because of my blood i also want to start working out but the pain are scaring the shit out of me thinking that i m gon na pas on the treadmill or something the acne ha also destroyed my self esteem and it s worse than ever been battling with it for almost year now i also get random pain all over my body lower back headache arm etc i really don t wan na die yet but my life is really shitty hell i would give everything to feel good again tbh i don t know what test i can take anymore to shed some light in my case should i ask for an mri my parent have really got full of me i ve ripped them off by dragging them to so many appointment i ve had more than 0 since july they have to pay i can literally feel my left part of my belly pumping right now i ve tried taking laxative dulcolax for day but my constipation and thin stool turn into diarrhea and more pain i also get some sharp pain here and there that last a few second i m so afraid it s cancer tumor or leukemia or autoimmune which will make me suffer for life only the thought of it make me wan na vomit i m only 9 goddammit i think that covid might have triggered an autoimmune disease or something i guess my nerve system is really broken right now lastly my mentally healthy ha really deteriorated at this point symptom started at of july and today it s the th of march everything is a lot worse than it wa before i wake up from my sleep with panic attack i m thinking about death all the time | 1 |
alrighty thenim gonna it im get kicked house boyfriend doesnt love me whole world crumbling im gonna itll maybe rest feel good resolved | 1 |
think would make family feel terrible reason keep someone aroundlike seriously ill see sentiment pop every across reddit makes blood boil honestly people think guilting suicidal people sticking around really healthy them puts even stress dont need plus doesnt even hold logically think family love family much wont matter feel im dead im dead cant think would affect them unless wanna send afterlife crippling guilt thanks that honestly tell people try help go fuck yourself seriously | 1 |
ucatswithalmdudler appreciation post stalking | 0 |
really texts pm shes seems nice like hmmmmm | 0 |
need uuuuuuuuuuuuuu http plurk com p n0vpg | 0 |
Looking up summer jobs in Paris | 0 |
@vieriu I am blessed beyond measure | 0 |
answers quiz sociology find group changed almost questions without consulting work finding answers told group do changed questions also kept denying it feel either upset embarrassed | 0 |
anyone else feel this or is it just me | 1 |
v r warface ps im gonna loose | 0 |
My girl made it to season 4, dealing with her mental illness: depression and PTSD. Survivors guilt. Blaming herself for the death of someone in the camp. | 1 |
day posting nonamusing fact get laid fact ive ended really bad cold wanna sleep | 0 |
chrisgedrim that s it we re over | 0 |
I hardly ever get to say that | 0 |
cant stop thinking mortalitythoughts mortality keeps looping head non stop point trying live happy life die anyway know stupid thought death comes everyone eventually everytime try something care people anything thought spring mind baby born matter one day die best friend getting married cares die one day fun enjoying hobby whats point im going die hear horrible murder news well person going die anyway im agnostic know happen us die thought atheist could potentially right though terrifies me makes everything unimportant worth it die one day exist cursed knowledge death thoughts lead nihilistic thinking know see life meaningful anymore im afraid caring humanity due thought die everyone thought like me humanity would die out often wonder seeing truth life everyone else pretending immortal know get past this losing hope | 1 |
@YatPundit What country are you in this week? | 0 |
tried kill today weaki even know someone read not need vent somewhere today tried hang started feel pain stopped weak want try strength that think itll work feel alone want end it feel bad mom dad baby sister know | 1 |
help understand purpose thingsno im suicidal downvote whatever keep attention important posts want insight without getting flamed it get something like subreddit hotline going help anyone actually wants kill themselves seems like posts people seeking attention making genuine cries help lack power actually kill anyway like people come hear someone tell everything going alright rather actually talking redflag sense less like rredflagwatch like rdepressionhelp passive suicidal thoughts lack actually it thoughts btw like cant relate all fact im currently passing time couple hours appointment doctor tell cocktail antidepressants still goddamn thing ive diagnosed major clinical depression years already im suicidal even though seems like offed awhile ago | 1 |
point living life full time worki turned workforce years now fucking hate it understatement modern day work terribly unfufilling days literally force go even outside daily battle use another sick day something useful time growing people told achieve anything would like adulthood would like travel world sight see would need work away majority life get old enjoy it truly firmly believe life working life away good years old enjoy want enjoy it work full time hours week minimalist expenses still scrapping by worth it wish end could lucky enough gain inheritance actor generally trust fund kid could actually enjoyed life february nd day happily meet end things change within time today nd | 1 |
13 heroic truck drivers line up under highway bridge to prevent #suicide attempt https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/13-heroic-truck-drivers-line-highway-bridge-prevent-suicide-attempt-190824804.html?.tsrc=fauxdal ⦠#mentalhealth #psychology #depression #anxiety #trauma #WednesdayWisdom | 1 |
god wish never knew discord shit put godawful messages would send damn cringy looks like angry fortnite kid owned account years look back acted back then guess thats reason discord | 0 |
My tweet should have said LACK OF VITAMIN D3 causes depression | 1 |
well ive got catching do looking back lacklustre year best show shone great storyline little action cavalcade magnificent characters particular reference fred willard jim piddock rattling pair tv commentators well done well worth effortbr br ron viewed mar | 0 |
dont phone need verification number discord someone give ur phone number get reply code thanks u dm | 0 |
@tommcfly well if you weren't Tom Fletcher or Tom McFly, who would you like to be? it could always be worse! at least your known | 0 |
why yall talking about depression even though we still kids | 1 |
feel a headache coming on | 0 |
Having a depression is so hard . You need to find a way on how to prevent it . You should not think something negative . And ofc you will having a hard time when you alone . Crying and mad at the same time . Smh | 1 |
holy moly batman poggers class me included like man mind boggling well graduating bc junior thought man graduating far away couple trimesterssemesters away like gee willikers batman doubt world prepared us | 0 |
Hi bethy | 0 |
help online friend whos another countryive got friend chat regularly lately saying going kill fails exams within next couple months telling parents slowly taking away destressors has like phone art supplies refusing let life outside school work saying time anything school studying homework wakes up goes school comes home study homework goes bed next day getting much school work piled often four morning trying finish it routinely getting three four hours sleep day keeps messaging saying tired wants end this messaging less less lately personality completely changed last year used talk lot things nowadays talks school slowly wearing down humor become fatalistic point constantly making jokes shell dead soon im really worried know help live us theres almost nothing her try encourage much end mostly feel like im useless im going lose soon | 1 |
jacobsummers sorry tell them mea culpa from me and that i really am sorry | 0 |
want tobecause hate feelingright doesnt seem like anything going direction wife two affairsdespite tried make work filed divorce courts ruling favor kids child support top that work absolute shit show im lose job justdont know take anymore spent time last night thinking something ever past things holding back kiddos religions beliefs scared afterlife looks like it despite that theres part wants escape here getting harder harder push down | 1 |
think may accidentally caused someone kill themselvesi | 1 |
@Ali_BoBali Would you like to be the person who has the 45 second rap solo in the middle? | 0 |
failure useless leech resources cannot contribute even bare minimum anyone even able kill anytime soon believe day easier honestly want kill ok | 1 |
im feelin bit atm get good vibes guys | 0 |
@elyse thanks! I sometimes have to control myself to stop eating xD | 0 |
flu shot ouch | 0 |
difference betwen ass fridge fridge doesnt fart take meat | 0 |
always catch girl looking used talk awkward shy shoot shot fake pump help meh help meh help meh help meh help meh | 0 |
@TomBelshaw You Welcome...Cheers | 0 |
tabuteaus come off it clearly not clinical depression if he s attributing it to playing under mourinho take a toll yeah but stop throwing around the word depression | 1 |
were talking nature teacher saying tortured tormented abused think bdsm aaaaaaaaa | 0 |
guys first german luftwaffe flight delivering covid vaccines hhhbbgbhbhhbhbbhhbbhhbhgfrrrgyffgvghvjbhjggghhvvh | 0 |
Snl on e! Old school bspears loveeeee it | 0 |
suicidali bought gun bullets week reason shot luck would die would become vegetable make life worst want die know happen die would injure myself life never really gets better hate people say hate people say temporary really happiness temporary pain last forever | 1 |
film notable shown much is shown incredible poverty sicily th century gave way th life style made people dream new world america mancuso family live place even hamlet stone cottage set amid harsh unyielding stones country cannot offer even single blade green grass opening sequence sees mancuso males scrambling barefoot craggy hillside stones mouth offer shrine top exchange sign set new world remain are shows life aboard liner huddled masses indeed yearning breathe free conditions ellis island where journey still over interrogated examined prove fitness enter america shown ship longshot indeed shot would identify large oceangoing liner also shown anything would identify america clich view new york harbour statue liberty ellis island could anywhere country perhaps remarkable shot one camera crane looking hundreds people jammed together slowly almost imperceptibly two thirds people screen left begin separate third screen right realize left actually aboard ship right dock powerful statement society fragmented theres strong documentary feel throughout though following actual ship full immigrants even though carefully scripted clearly amalgam typical familiesconditions time almost nothing happening dramatic terms popcorn brigade multiplex rest us fine film indeed | 0 |
first saw movie alaska airlines flight since seen twice more simply simply one best films years found enjoyed first viewing little cloudy happened seeing weeks later things began fall place confusing deep fact depth movie may appreciated long time example occurred third viewing sammy davis jr jr grandfathers dog pet perhaps standin dead wife witness fiercely protects her symbolism galore none sappy indulgent real adventure trip keeps storyline perpetual motion even arrive sure really destination movie continues adventure got sense destination merely waypoint soundtrack fun scenery compelling decidedly easternblock could go deeper meanings within film im entirely sure ive discovered nuances yet besides fun tease yourself much film be everything illuminated proved like fine wine sweetens time highly recommend seeing twice | 0 |
tiredd nothing to do today | 0 |
Can't sleep...back to work | 0 |
move breakup im really rough time could use advice move really tearing up still love guess love anymore | 0 |
Subsets and Splits