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#include <limits> #include <vector> class SegmentTreeRec { public: SegmentTreeRec(int n) : n(n) { data.assign(4 * n, 0); } SegmentTreeRec(std::vector<int> const &values) { n = values.size(); data.assign(4 * n, 0); build(values); } void build(std::vector<int> const &values, int id = 1, int l = 0, int r = -1) { if (r == -1) r = n; if (l + 1 == r) { data[id] = values[l]; } else { int m = (l + r) >> 1; build(values, id << 1, l, m); build(values, id << 1 | 1, m, r); data[id] = std::min(data[id << 1], data[id << 1 | 1]); } } int minimum(int x, int y, int id = 1, int l = 0, int r = -1) { if (r == -1) r = n; if (x >= r || y <= l) { return std::numeric_limits<int>::max(); } else if (x <= l && r <= y) { return data[id]; } else { int m = (l + r) >> 1; return std::min(minimum(x, y, id << 1, l, m), minimum(x, y, id << 1 | 1, m, r)); } } void update(int pos, int addend, int id = 1, int l = 0, int r = -1) { if (r == -1) r = n; if (pos < l || pos >= r) { } else if (l == pos && pos + 1 == r) { data[id] += addend; } else { int m = (l + r) >> 1; update(pos, addend, id << 1, l, m); update(pos, addend, id << 1 | 1, m, r); data[id] = std::min(data[id << 1], data[id << 1 | 1]); } } private: int n; std::vector<int> data; };
Das Pasinger Archiv ist ein gemeinnütziger Verein und das Stadtteilarchiv für Pasing. Es ist im Ebenböckhaus (Feichthofstraße 27, 81247 München-Pasing) untergebracht. Im Mittelpunkt seiner Arbeit stehen die Sammlung und Archivierung von Fotografien, Schriftstücken und Zeitdokumentation sowie die Publikation von Forschungsergebnissen. Fotosammlung Den Anfangspunkt der Fotosammlung des Pasinger Archivs findet sich zu Beginn der 1960er Jahre, als der Pasinger Ortskern durch bauliche Eingriffe grundlegend verändert wurde – z. B. durch den Abbruch der Diamalt-Fabrik (Bäckerstraße) im Jahre 1963. Die Pasinger Bürger Thomas Hasselwander und Helmut Ebert begannen diesen Wandel im Pasinger Ortsbild mit der Fotokamera zu dokumentieren. In den darauf folgenden Jahrzehnten wurden aber nicht nur aktuelle Veränderungen fotografisch festgehalten, sondern auch viele Fotografien aus Pasings Geschichte gesammelt. Daraus ist das Pasinger Archiv und dessen umfangreiches Bildarchiv mit derzeit rund 25.000 Fotografien entstanden. Luftaufnahmen von Pasing durch das Pasinger Archiv Erste Luftaufnahmen von Pasing führte das Pasinger Archiv 1984 durch. 1995 folgte die nächste Serie von Luftaufnahmen, die im Rahmen der Dreharbeiten zum Pasing-Film gemacht wurden. So wurden auch Videofilmproduktionen zu Pasing durch das Pasinger Archiv angefertigt. Schriftensammlung Das Pasinger Archiv hat in den letzten Jahrzehnten eine umfangreiche Schriftgutsammlung zusammengetragen, die neben Büchern auch Pläne, Vereinssatzungen, Festschriften, Hausarbeiten von Studierenden und Facharbeiten von Schüler(inne)n, Speisekarten, Broschüren und auch Gegenständliches beinhaltet. Hinzu kommen sämtliche Ausgaben der Pasinger Zeitung, die von 1895 bis 1921 erschien und fast alle Ausgaben der Neuen Pasinger Zeitung von August 1925 bis März 1933. Reproduktion von Bild- und Textdokumenten Das Pasinger Archiv hat sich darauf spezialisiert, vorgelegte Originale sofort zu reproduzieren, damit diese wertvollen Unikate gleich wieder mitgenommen werden können. Wichtig für die Archivarbeit sind dabei der Inhalt der Dokumente bzw. die Ansichten auf den Bildern. Publikationen Das erste Buch des Pasinger Archivs erschien im Februar 1982. Der zweite Band folgte im Dezember 1982, welcher deutlich aufwändiger gestaltet und umfangreicher war. 1991 konnte zum zehnjährigen Jubiläum ein Jubiläumsband mit farbigen Titelbild aufgelegt werden. Inzwischen erscheint die Reihe PASINGER ARCHIV mit Fotografien aus Pasing des zurückliegenden Jahres mit Bildern aus früheren Tagen der Pasinger Geschichte immer jährlich Ende Oktober. Der Umfang der Schriftenreihe des Pasinger Archivs beläuft sich mittlerweile auf über 2.700 Seiten. Ausstellungen Das Pasinger Archiv erstellt immer wieder Ausstellungen, die in den Räumen der Münchner Volkshochschule, in der Pasinger Fabrik, des Pasinger Rathauses oder in Schulen gezeigt werden. Preise und Auszeichnungen 1986: Pasinger Kulturpreis 2000: Medaille München leuchtet – Den Freunden Münchens in Silber für Helmut Ebert und Thomas Hasselwander für deren Verdienste um das Pasinger Archiv 2007: Bezirksmedaille in Silber vom Bezirk Oberbayern Finanzierung Das Pasinger Archiv wird durch ehrenamtliche Mitglieder betrieben und konnte bisher ohne öffentliche Förderung auskommen, wenn man die Überlassung der städtischen Räume im Ebenböckhaus vom 1. April 1994 ab nicht berücksichtigt. Die Publikationen werden ohne Werbeeinnahmen realisiert und sind daher auf private Spenden angewiesen. Partner und Kooperationen Kulturreferat der LH München Münchner Volkshochschule Pasinger Fabrik Siehe auch Aubinger Archiv e. V. Geschichtswerkstatt Neuhausen e. V. Stadtteil Pasing (München) Weblinks Pasinger Archiv Geschichten aus Pasing Veröffentlichungen des Pasinger Archivs Pasing auf Archiv (München) Pasing.
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We aim to control the 3 rotational degrees of the system, thus, we only need 3 independent visual features. The primary task of the satellite is to focus on an object of interest, which can be defined simply by a position in the image. The first visual features are thus simply the 2D image coordinate x = (x, y) of a point X belonging to the target, typically its centroid. The desired values of these features are x∗ = (x∗, y ∗ ), which represents the desired image position of the target. This first set of visual features defines a focusing task and a centering task if x∗ = y ∗ = 0, in which case the target must appear in the center of the image plane of the camera. Note that if ė = −λe is ensured, then the trajectory in the image of point X is a straight line from its initial position to the desired one. This characteristic usually serves as a simple way to check that interaction matrices and perturbative compensation terms have been accurately estimated. A secondary task can be designed to control the last degree of freedom of the satellite. In fact, the primary task, which will now be called the focusing task, will mainly involve the roll and the pitch axes of the satellite through its respective rotational velocity ωx and ωy. Thus, the secondary task will mostly involve controlling the yaw rotational axis through its velocity component ωz, which rotates around the optical axis of the camera. An adequate task could be to specify the desired orientation of the image during acquisition. Therefore, a third visual feature α, corresponding to an angle in the image, is selected for a second task called the orientation task, but this angle must be defined. The simplest solution is to arbitrarily consider a second point X′ through its image point y−y ′ ′ x′ = (x′, y ′ ), and the visual feature α is defined as arctan( x−x ′ ), that is, the angle of [x, x ], the projected segment [X, X′ ] on the image plane, with the horizontal axis. A more detailed choice for X′ can also be desired, for example, if we want to acquire images with the sky on the top and the ground on the bottom. For that, we can select a second point X′ above the target, i.e., with a different altitude (the top of a building, of a mountain, of a volcano..), and the corresponding segment [X, X′ ] must appear as vertical in the image, so α∗ is set as π2 so that the desired segment is vertical (see Figure 3.2). But with this configuration, which will be called the relief configuration, α is well-defined when the satellite is not at the zenith of the target, q i.e., when the length of the projected segment l = (x − x′ )2 + (y − y ′ )2 is not null. In these situations, the orientation task is disabled until α can be computed again, or we may prefer to consider a plane configuration when X and X′ have the same altitude but different longitude and latitude, ensuring l never to be null. 3.2. Design of the control law Figure 3.2 – The three visual features considered in our IBVS scheme, the coordinates (x, y) belonging to the target and its desired position (x∗, y ∗ ) defining a focusing task, and the angle α and its associated desired value α∗ defining an orientation task. Now that the visual features are selected, we obtain the visual error e to be regulated to 0 combining both the focusing and the orientation task:   x − x∗     e =  y − y∗    α − α∗ ( 3.9 ) The full interaction matrix Le ∈ R3×6 related to this visual error function is the stacking of the interaction matrix of a 2D point Lx with the interaction matrix of an angle of a projected segment Lα. They are now well-established in the literature [Chaumette et al., 1993]. Le is expressed by:  − Z1 0  Lx    Le = = 0 − Z1  Lα − Dl s Dl c    x Z y Z xy −1 − x2 y   2 1+y −xy −x  D 2 2 (xs − yc) −xs + ycs −yc + xcs −1 l (3.10) with s = sin α , c = cos α, and D = 1/Z ′ − 1/ Z where Z and Z ′ are respectively the depth of X and X′ in the camera frame. From the complete interaction matrix, we obtain the 3 DOF 75 Chapter 3 – Visual servoing of an agile observation satellite interaction matrix in rotation Lωc by taking only the rotational part of Le :   xy −1 − x2 y     2  L ωc =  1 + y −xy −x   −xs2 + ycs −yc2 + xcs −1 (3.11) All the parameters involved in Lωc are directly available as image measurements. The interacd = L in equation (3.5), so that tion matrix Lωc is always invertible and it is possible to use L ωc ωc −1 d + Lωc Lωc = Lωc Lωc = I3, which induces the first condition for stability to be ensured. If the third visual feature α is not considered in the control scheme, e.g., when: — α can not be computed because the satellite is near the zenith of the target, — the target is a moving object, in this case, the orientation task has no special relevance, the orientation task is disabled by removing α − α∗ from e and by switching from Lωc to Lωxy with:   2 xy −1 − x  Lωxy =  (3.12) 1 + y2 −xy so that only the roll and pitch of the satellite are controlled. Once again, all the parameters of the −1 d d =L + interaction matrix are available, L ωxy and Lωc Lωc = Lωxy Lωxy = I2, and we fall into the ωc traditional case of a pan-tilt camera observing a point. In fact, it is also possible to control the roll axis that would lead the interaction matrix to be a 2 × 3 matrix with the last column related to the z axis, but it does not have a special interest, especially when we consider a centering task, we would have the third column null when x = y = 0, i.e., when we have converged. Note that we do not consider exactly the same features as in [Klančar et al., 2012]: in their studies, as they are considering tracking a wider area, the visual feature vector is the global horizontal and vertical image position errors and the global orientation error between a reference image and the current one. The visual feature vector is then automatically computed from the extraction and tracking of several points of interest between both images. In our case, the feature vector is directly linked to the precise location where we want to point the satellite, which we believe provides more flexibility for the selection of the target. 3.2.4 Motion compensation We have designed our visual features so that the control operates a focusing task and eventually an orientation task, and we have shown that the associated matrices can be directly estimated from image measurements. The last stability condition relies on the estimation of ∂e. In ∂t 76 3.2. Design of the control law this subsection, we define and compute the external motions induced by the entire system and explain how to compensate for them in equation (3.5). Satellite motion The studied satellite is a high-speed system whose uncontrolled motion is induced by its orbit. As demonstrated in Chapter 2, its translational position is determined by its orbital parameters, i.e., knowing these parameters allows us to compute an accurate estimation of the satellite translation speed. Reminder of Chapter 2 : orbital parameters — r = RE + zalt with RT the radius of the Earth and zalt the orbit altitude. — i is the orbit inclination, i ∈ [0, 180]°; — Ω is the longitude of the ascending node, it determines where the two intersections of the orbit with the equatorial plane will be located, Ω ∈ [0, 360]°; — ω is the argument of periapsis, ω ∈ [0, 360]°. We recall our hypothesis that the satellite is supposed to have a Sun-synchronous circular orbit of 500 km. In this case, the argument of periapsis is set to 0, and we can express the translational position of the satellite with respect to the world frame Fw, given in equation (2.14) of Chapter 2:   r cos θ(t) cos Ω − r sin θ(t) sin Ω cos i     w ts = r cos θ(t) sin Ω + r sin θ(t) cos Ω cos i (3.13)  r sin θ(t) sin i  2 where θ(t) is the true anomaly with respect to time t. For a circular orbit θ = μh3e (t − tp ) with h the angular momentum, μe the geocentric gravitational constant and tp the time at the passage of the periapsis. We recall that this parameter is arbitrarily set to attain any initial satellite position on its orbit. Furthermore, the hypotheses given by Airbus D&S fix the orbital parameters zalt = 500 km and i = 98°, but the parameter Ω is not specified, and so, as tp, it is arbitrarily set to obtain different orbits that induce a flyby of a different location on Earth. Let us note that for a given satellite orbit, all these parameters are perfectly known through on-board GPS receivers or Star trackers [Liebe, 1995]. The translational velocity w υs is directly 77 Chapter 3 – Visual servoing of an agile observation satellite deduced from equation (3.13), and we obtain:   rθ̇(− sin θ(t) cos Ω − cos θ(t) sin Ω cos i)   w  υs = rθ̇(− sin θ(t) sin Ω + cos θ(t) cos Ω cos i)   rθ̇ cos θ(t) sin i (3.14) This velocity is expressed with respect to the word frame, we need to express it in the camera frame to be injected in equation (3.6). It is classically done with the use of the velocity twist matrix between two frames, expressed in equation (1.37) in Chapter 1, but in our case we only consider the translational part of the velocity, thus, the velocity twist matrix is only the rotation matrix between the two frames. We have: c υs = c Rw w υs (3.15) with c Rw = s RcT w RsT where: — s Rc, the orientation of the camera or satellite body with respect to the satellite inertial frame, which is controlled by visual servoing, so this matrix is perfectly known. — w Rs is the orientation of the satellite inertial frame with respect to the world frame Fw, fixed with respect to time and arbitrarily set. We chose to define this matrix with orbital parameters, it can be simply set to w Rs = Rz (Ω)Rx (i) defined in equation (2.12) of Chapter 2 so that the plane (xs, ys ) corresponds to the perifocal plane where the orbital trajectory of the satellite is contained. Then, the interaction matrix Ls is the 3 dof interaction matrix for translations considering the three selected visual features, so it is the translational part of Le expressed in equation (3.10). It is given by:   x 1 − 0 Z  Z    y 1  (3.16) Ls =  0 −Z Z  − Dl s D c l  D (xs − yc) l In case we remove the visual feature α, we obtain Ls = Lυ the translational part of the interaction matrix Lx expressed by:   1 x − 0 Z ( 3.17) Lυ =  Z 1 0 − Z Zy These matrices include 3D parameters Z and eventually Z ′ through D, which have to be estimated as they are not obtained from image measurements. An easy choice is to consider Z fixed with Z = zalt (which is true when the satellite is at the zenith of the target and the target at sea 78 3.2. Design of the control law level) and Z ′ selected according to the configuration, but we will see in Section that it is possible to have a more accurate estimate of depth considering projective simulations. Earth rotational motion The target is considered a terrestrial object visible in a scene of interest, and represented by the object frame Fo. The position w to can be determined by spherical coordinates, as long as we hypothesize that the Earth is spherical and not an actual geoid. Its translational motion has been given in equation (2.18) of Chapter 2, and it is expressed by:   R cos δl cos(αl + Γ(t))  E   w to =  RE cos δl sin(αl + Γ(t))    RE sin δl (3.18) where δl is the latitude of the origin of the frame, αl its longitude and Γ(t) is the Greenwich Sidereal Angle, we recall its expression from (2.19): Γ(t) = ωE t + Γ0 (3.19) with ωE = 7.29217 × 10− 5 rad/s Earth’s rotation speed, and Γ0 the Greenwich angle at the origin of time, which is also supposed arbitrarily set to attain any initial configuration of an Earth object. The translational velocity induced by Earth’s rotation is obtained by the time-derivative of equation (3.18) considering equation (3.19):   −ωE RE cos δl sin(αl + Γ(t))   w υoE =  ωE RE cos δl cos(αl + Γ(t))     0 (3.20) Once again, this translational velocity is expressed in the camera frame Fc using: c υoE = c Rw w υoE (3.21) Finally, Lo has the same definition as Ls, and we have Lo = Ls. In practice, the longitude and latitude of the object frame are considered known from the moment it is selected in the scene of interest, we can obtain its 3D parameters through the intersection of the line of sight with the surface of the Earth’s and deduce its longitude and latitude. Chapter 3 of satellite Target own motion t In the case where the target has an unknown motion, the term ∂e, unlike previous veloc∂t ities, can not be determined analytically. This term can be estimated by various approaches, as recalled in Chapter 1, but if the target moves with a constant speed, a simple solution to compensate for that motion is to consider an visual integrator in the control law, which will eventually eliminate the drag error induced by a motion with constant velocity. So, re-calling t will be compensated by: equation (3.3), ∂e ∂t k−1 d X ∂e t =μ e(j) ∂t j=0 (3.22) where μ is the integral gain. It is generally fixed and tuned according to the amplitude of the tracking error. In the following Section, we propose a variation that we think is more adapted to the situation. Of course, we could also have considered a Kalman filter to accomplish this task. It will be used in Chapter 4. 3.2.5 Improving control behavior In this subsection, we present some control tools to obtain what we believe to be an adequate behavior of our visual servoing scheme with respect to the task to be achieved by the satellite. Adaptive gain The gain λ associated with the exponential decrease of the error e is usually constant. However, λ can be modulated to decrease high velocities when visual error is high and increase convergence speed when it is low [Kermorgant & Chaumette, 2013]. An adaptive gain is then introduced, λ becoming error-dependent: λ′ λ(||e||) = (λ0 − λ∞ )e 0 − λ −λ 0 ∞ ||e|| + λ∞ (3.23) where — λ0 is the gain tuned for small values of ||e||, — λ∞ is the gain for high values of ||e||, — λ′0 is the slope of λ at ||e|| = 0. Consideration of an adaptive gain increases the convergence speed of the system together with its stability when the error is high. Furthermore, in case that the target has its own motion, the gain μ in equation (3.22) is tuned in the same way, so that the integrator becomes an adaptive visual integrator, which will have a stronger influence when it comes to reducing only the tracking error induced by a potentially moving target. Velocity constraints A satellite is a critical system and its rotational axes, commonly called pitch, roll, and yaw as previously said, are limited to a certain maximal speed and acceleration: — On x and y axes, speed is limited to 3 deg/s and acceleration to 0.6 deg/s2, — On the z axis, speed is limited to 1.2 deg/s and acceleration to 0.25 deg/s2. These constraints raise the possibility that the z axis can be decoupled from the others, and a different gain can be used on this axis. We define Λ by:   λ 0 0   Λ = 0 λ 0     0 0 λα (3.24) with λ and λα adaptive gains following equation (3.23) with λα tuned with significantly below parameters than λ to cope with stronger constraints around z axis. Equation (3.5) becomes: + ωc = −L+ ωc Λe − Lωc d ∂e ∂t (3.25) For ensuring ė = −Λe induced by equation (3.25), if the velocity or the instant acceleration becomes too high, a velocity reduction is operated on all components of ωc for not altering as much as possible the nature of the image trajectory, i.e., a straight line. When a constraint is activated, a reduction factor is computed on the axis concerned. Reduction factors (rxω, ryω, rzω ) for velocity constraints and (rxγ, ryγ, rzγ ) for instant acceleration constraints are computed according to the following rules: ω i — ∀i ∈ [x, y, z], if |ωi | > ωmaxi then riω = max else riω = 1, |ωi | γ i else riγ = 1. — ∀i ∈ [x, y, z], if |γi | > γmaxi where γi = ωi (t)−ωdti (t−dt) then riγ = max |γi | Then, since the z axis has different constraints than the others, and to not penalize the time to convergence of the focusing task, we adopt the following strategy: — raising velocity or instant acceleration constraints on x or y axis induces a velocity reduction on all axes, i.e., rx = ry = rz, — raising constraints on z axis induces a velocity reduction on z axis only, i.e., rx = ry = 1, 81 Chapter 3 – Visual servoing of an agile observation satellite Raising constraints simultaneously on multiple axes induces that rx = ry = min(rx, ry ) and rz = min(rx, ry, rz ). Finally, when a velocity constraint is raised, the rotational velocity ωsat sent to the low-level controller is given by:   rω 0 0  xy   ω ω ωsat =  0 rxy 0  c  ω 0 0 rz (3.26) while, for an acceleration constraint:     γ 1 − rxy 0 0  rγ 0 0   xy     γ γ ω (t − dt) ω + 0 ωsat =  0 rxy 1 − rxy 0  0   c  c   γ γ 0 0 1 − rz 0 0 rz (3.27) During a saturation on x or y axis, we have ωsat = rωc for a velocity constraint and ωsat = rωc + (1 − r)ωc (t − dt) for an acceleration constraint. In both cases, the time-variation of the error is given by: ė = −rΛe + K (3.28) ∂e ∂e with K = −r c + ∂e for velocity saturation, and K = −r c + ∂e + (1 − r)Lωc ωc (t − dt) for ∂t ∂t ∂t ∂t acceleration saturation. The term K in equation (3.28) shows that ∂e is compensated partially ∂t c ∂e ∂e by −r ∂t, which necessitates the residual external motion (1 − r) ∂t to be compensated by the feedback term Λe and thus reduces the time-to-convergence of the visual tasks. However, this constraint management allows the servoing scheme to keep a straight-line trajectory of the target point in the image during a possible saturation of axis x or y. Finally, note that the straight-line trajectory is also lost when the z axis is saturated. That is why λα must be tuned with the right balance between image trajectory and convergence speed. Note that if saturation of the axis z appears at the end of the focusing task, it will not be seen on the trajectory of point X once this point is already at its desired position. Computation of Z As mentioned before, the interaction matrix Ls related to the translational velocity induced by the orbital motion of the satellite and by the rotation of the Earth requires the depth Z of the target in the camera frame. A rough approximation of Z is possible by setting it constant and equal to the satellite’s altitude as previously mentioned, which will not impede the stability of the control but potentially non-straight trajectories in the image and the conservation of a residual tracking error (if no integrator is considered) if the actual Z diverges greatly from its estimation. Another solution is to take advantage of the model, by computing the depth Z. Indeed, our application is focused on the acquisition part when the object of interest is in the camera field of view. As previously said, it is possible to obtain its longitude and latitude when it is selected, and so we know from equation (3.18) the 3D information of the target with respect to the world frame, denoted w X. The target point can be expressed in the camera frame with homogeneous coordinates X̄ = (X, 1) such as: c X̄ = c Tw w X̄ (3.31) where c Tw = s Tc w Ts , with:  s  Rc s t c  — s Tc = , with s Rc the orientation of the camera or satellite body, controlled 0 1 by visual and s tc = 0,  servoing,  w Rs w ts  — w Ts =  with w Rs = Rz (Ω)Rx (i) arbitrarily set, and w ts given by equation 0 1 (3.13). We obtain c X by dropping the fourth component. The third component of c X corresponds to the depth Z of the target in the camera frame. Taking equation (3.31) to compute Z is a much better estimate than a constant depth, as it can be updated for each iteration of the control considering that equation (3.31) is time-varying. Prediction of Ls An issue appears when considering the terms Ls (c υs −c υoE ) which corresponds to the compensation of the variation of the error due to known external motions. In the way we designed our controller, Ls is computed with the current information of the system, i.e., at an instant k, where c υs −c υoE corresponds to the translational velocity between the satellite and the scene at an instant k + 1. Generally in visual servoing, taking Ls (k) is sufficient to obtain a precise compensation of these motions because we consider a control frequency synchronized with the camera frequency, which is usually of at least 30 Hz, meaning that between two iterations the parameters of the matrix would not change so much. In our case, we recall that the frequency of the camera and of the control loop is fixed to 5 Hz, which is not an issue when considering "normal" external motions inducing small variations of the matrix parameters between two iterations. However, we are not in a "normal" case and the external motions have an order of magnitude of 7 km/s which induces a noticeable variation of the parameters of the matrix during two iterations. In summary, it seems more interesting to estimate the approximate values of these parameters at instant k + 1 so that the compensation term is as effective as possible. To do so, as we do not know in advance what the next image will be and what value will have the features, we propose to consider an internal simulation loop that will iteratively update the parameters at a higher frequency, based on current 3D motions, to approach their possible value at instant k + 1 which should be a better estimate than taking their value at instant k. This prediction is obtained with the following sequence for each iteration k: — Measure the velocity screw v(k) of the system, — In an inner loop of a frequency Fi > F update the visual features and the depth thanks to their complete interaction matrices: 1 si+1 = Lei v(k) + si Fi Zi+1 = 1 LZ v(k) + Zi Fi i   Lx where Lei =  i  L αi (3.32) where LZi = 0 0 −1 −yi Zi xi yi Zi 0 (3.33) with LZi the depth interaction matrix, and si initialize d with s(k) and the same for all parameters . — When the inner loop ends, update Ls taking the translational part of the last Lei comput ed . 3.2. Design of the control law This sequence is also valid to compute a prediction of Lυ considering Lx instead of Le. We will compute our compensation terms using this technique. Initial pointing As mentioned above, we assume that the satellite is already directed toward an area of interest that encompasses the target. This initial pointing is considered to be accomplished through an open-loop attitude controller compensating for satellite and Earth motions, and this controller achieves the following angular rates: c c ωc (t) = L+ ωxy (X0 )Lυ (X0 )( υs (t) − υoE (t)) (3.34) with Lωxy (X0 ) and Lυ (X0 ) here computed with the parameters taken from the projection of the initial pointed target X0 (as we consider the visual servoing to not have started yet), i.e., with the parameters x = c X0 /c Z0, y = c Y0 /c Z0 and Z = c Z0. Finally, we initialize the very first angular rates of the visual loop with the value ωc (t0 ) at its initial time t0. Control law At the end of the day, the 3 dof IBVS scheme aiming to control an Earth-pointing observation satellite in rotation is given by: c c ωc = −L+ ωc (Λe − Ls ( υs − υoE ) + μ k−1 X e(j)) (3.35) e(j)) (3.36) j=0 and proposed in a 2 dof pan-tilt configuration: c c ωc = −L+ ωxy (λe − Lυ ( υs − υoE ) + μ k−1 X j=0 Note that the visual integrator is only enabled when target tracking is considered. This velocity ωc is then sent to the velocity saturation process described previously before being applied by the low-level attitude controller of the system (see Figure 3.3). For now, we consider that the dynamic response of the satellite to the attitude controller is a simple integrator. Additional remarks can be made on equation (3.35) and equation (3.36), if e = 0, the positioning task is completed and we have operated a reorientation to point the target, still, the control law continue to compensate for the external motions so the target is locked in the center of the image. 85 Chapter 3 – Visual servoing of an agile observation satellite Figure 3.3 – Satellite control loop: an object is targeted in a scene of interest, current and desired visual features are initialized and fed to the IBVS scheme which computes angular rates ωc, subject to the saturation algorithm, and finally sent to the low-level controller which makes the satellite rotates. The satellite acquires new images, and an image processing algorithm tracks and updates visual features for the control scheme. Moreover, these laws are designed considering the pseudo-inverse of the interaction matrices, but we could also propose another controller, for example, based on optimization frameworks. This will be discussed in Chapter 4. 3.3 Validation of the control law In this section, we aim to validate the previous control law. Two approaches will be proposed: — geometric simulations, we simulate all the 3D motions of the system thanks to the motion laws described in Chapter 2, but we do not consider the image processing part. Visual features are acquired through projections of 3D points in the camera frame, thanks to the geometry that is considered perfectly known. — image-based simulations, once again all the 3D motions of the system are simulated, and we use these 3D motions to simulate a continuous camera view of real-scaled satellite images, set in their real 3D locations on the Earth’s surface, and projected into the camera frame to obtain simulated images. The control law is implemented using the ViSP framework [É. Marchand et al., 2005]. 3.3. Validation of the control law 3.3.1 Geometric simulations Simulated features A camera attached to a satellite is simulated in free-floating mode around the Earth thanks to its relative pose to the world frame w Tc = w Ts s Tc allowing us to accurately describe a satellite path. A scene of interest is defined from an object frame whose position is determined by w To. A 3D point X belonging to the object of interest is expressed in its object frame with the coordinates o X supposedly known exclusively in this case where we have no image information, this knowledge replaces the vision sensor. The acquisition is simulated by projecting the point X into the camera image plane considering a pinhole camera model as presented in Chapter 1, that is: x = c X/c Z, y = c Y /c Z, Z = c Z (3.37) with Z the depth of the target in the camera frame perfectly known, as we assume that we know the position o X. We consider that the camera acquisition frequency F is synchronized with the control frequency, with F = 5 Hz, specified by Airbus D&S. For every configuration (until the end of this thesis in fact), the desired set of visual features are e∗ = (0, 0, 90°), corresponding to a centering task so that the target appears vertical in the image. Simulation results In these first tests, our objective is to validate the control law by verifying that it performs its two tasks, the centering task and the orientation task. We will then look at the influence of saturation on control and study the case of the centering of a mobile object. A nominal relief configuration is shown in Figure 3.4, a 3D point is positioned on the Earth’s surface and a second point defining the orientation task is set 500 m above it. The visual error is perfectly regulated to 0 (Figure 3.4a) which can be observed on the image trajectory (Figure 3.4c) with the first point, the target point, performing the centering task in 4 s with a perfectly straight line trajectory showing that the external motions of the system are accurately compensated. The orientation point is then positioned on the vertical line that crosses the center of the image frame, this task is slower (approximately 40 s) as far as we have decoupled the exponential decay of the z axis from the others and have tuned the completion of this task with lower gain λα. These tasks are accomplished with the consequent orbital motions shown in Figure 3.5 which induces a predominant influence of the angular velocity needed to compensate for these motions in ωx and ωy (Figure 3.4b) before the orientation task ends, and then only Chapter 3 – Visual servoing of an agile observation satellite Figure 3.4 – Simulation results of the control law applied in a relief configuration. Gains are tuned so that no saturation occurs during the control. Figure 3.5 – 3D trajectory of the satellite and of the object for Figure 3.4 and Figure 3.6 with respect to the world frame. The satellite travels more than 300 km in 45 s. 3.3. Validation of the control law Figure 3.6 – Same configuration as Figure 3.4 but λα is increased so that it triggers an acceleration and then a velocity saturation on the z axis. As a result, the point X is not perfectly centered at first, which is then corrected when the saturations end. by ωx (the satellite is now oriented in z so that the orbital motion influences only ωx in this configuration). ωz is fully activated by the orientation task, and as it is quite slow in relation to the centering task, we increase the gain λα in a second configuration presented in Figure 3.6. The orientation task is now accomplished faster, in approximately 18 s (Figure 3.6a), but axis z is saturated both in acceleration (linear increase and decrease of ωz with a slope of γmaxz ) at the beginning of the orientation task and at its end, and in velocity from 4.8 s to 12 s (constant velocity at ωmaxz )(Figure 3.6b), inducing a small deviation of the centering task that is almost not seen in the image trajectory (Figure 3.6c). Thus, it is convenient to adjust λα with the right balance between the convergence speed and the camera trajectory. Note that after reaching its desired angle, the orientation segment [x, x′ ] increases because the orientation point is rising on the vertical axis due to the change of point of view of the satellite with respect to time, another influence of the orbital trajectory. A second configuration is proposed in Figure 3.7 where the target is a vehicle moving either at 300 km/h or supposed motionless for the comparison. When dealing with target tracking, the orientation task is disabled, and we consider the control law expressed in equation (3.36). If the target is fixed, the centering task is once again directly completed with a perfect straight-line trajectory (Figure 3.7c) and we can, by the way, observe the behavior of the angular velocity subtracted from the compensations of external motions in Figure 3.7b, which is composed of local decreasing exponential laws due to the adaptive gain. If the target has its own motion (300 Figure 3.7 – Simulation results in a pan-tilt configuration of the satellite, tracking a vehicle moving at 300 km/h. The trajectory in the dot line represents the image trajectory if the vehicle is fixed. The 3D trajectory on the right shows that the Earth ’ s rotation has more influence on the object’s trajectory than its own motion. Angular velocity are shown without the compensations of orbital and Earth’s rotational motions. 3.3. Validation of the control law km/h but supposedly unknown by the control scheme), the trajectory deviates from the center of the image frame and reaches an inflection point corresponding to the convergence point of the control scheme if there was no integrator in the control loop (thus, in approximately 4s, same convergence time as with a fixed target), this residual error is the tracking error. Then, the influence of the adaptive integrator becomes preponderant and smoothly compensates for the rest of the error. Then it is possible to obtain an approximation of the target velocity from the constant threshold obtained in Figure 3.7b, but this will not be expressed in this thesis. An interesting outcome of the adaptive integrator is that it barely alters the velocity induced by the exponential decay of the error and acts similarly as a secondary task, which is why the trajectory of the moving object describes two distinct (almost) straight-line trajectories. To conclude these first simulations, the control law succeeds in performing an accurate positioning task despite the satellite trajectory and the motion of the object with respect to the world frame. Given that simulations that consider simulated visual features are conclusive, we can now try them with real images. 3.3.2 Image-based simulations Simulated images The control law is now validated considering real satellite images provided by Airbus Defence and Space. To do so, the same approach as geometric simulations is used to simulate 3D motions of the camera. The main difference is that we consider the visualization of a simulated image. A simulated image is obtained such as: — We have a satellite image of 50 cm-resolution of the Earth, generally corresponding to a real surface below 1km×1km of dimensions. — The four corners of the image are positioned in their approximate real locations on the Earth through 3D points, which define a 3D plane that corresponds to a colored point cloud. — The simulation is started, the scene and the camera move thanks to their pose with respect to the world frame, respectively obtained through w To and w Tc. — The 3D plane is expressed in the camera frame thanks to c To = w Tc −1 w To, and projected in the image plane with the pinhole camera model. — The image is digitized, and each pixel corresponds to the intensity of projected objects in that pixel position. We use the ViSP vpImageSimulator class [É. Marchand et al., 2005] to perform this task. Template tracking These images are simulated at the same frequency F = 5 Hz and we need to track the visual features inside. In fact, we have no prior knowledge of the target and we only know that it is contained in the image. Thus, it seems difficult to set up 3D model-based tracking, which is very effective in machine vision, but requires knowledge of the 3D model of the object to be tracked. Another possibility is to consider template tracking, which is an approach that seeks to match a reference area called a template, selected directly in the initial image, with the areas of the current image, and to estimate the transformation between the reference template and its current position. To proceed with template tracking, a model of motion needs to be selected that will characterize the transformation of the template along images, together with a function of similarity and a minimization method to detect the transformed template in current images with respect to the reference template. More precisely, we selected to track a homography, which is a generic motion model that adequately describes the motion of our simulated images with respect to time, using a SSD (Sum of Squared Difference) as a similarity function and an inverse compositional approach as the minimization process [Baker & Matthews, 2004] [É. Marchand et al., 2005]. Then, an initial template is selected manually since object detection is not within the scope of this thesis. It is then tracked by the template tracking algorithm. The visual features are calculated from the template: its centroid is the target point xp = (xp, yp ) in pixel coordinates, while the middle of its first segment defines the second point from which the angle α is computed. To obtain normalized coordinates x = (x, y), a frame change is performed through the intrinsic parameters of the simulated camera expressed in equation (1.23) of Chapter 1, such as: x= yp − yp0 xp − xp 0, y= px py (3.38) We consider a camera image of 1000×1000px2, and set xp0 = yp0 = 500 px. For px and py, they are fixed and expressed by equation (2.22) of Chapter 2: px = py = zalt GSD as zalt = 500 km and GSD= 50 cm, px = py = 1e6. 3.4. Incorporation of the satellite dynamics Simulation results In this part, our aim is to validate the control law when considering real-scale images with simulated satellite acquisition. The results are presented in Figure 3.8. First, we are in a plane configuration where the focusing point (or centering, as the goal is to center the target in the image frame) and the orientation point are considered with the same altitude. The template is selected in the image that defines the visual features to be tracked and extracted. The centering task is then performed with a straight-line trajectory that shows once again that the external motions are well compensated (Figure 3.8a&d). The orientation task is still completed later due to a more consequential initial error in angle and a lower proportional gain. Still, an acceleration saturation is triggered on z axis at the very beginning of the control, which is almost not seen in the image trajectory. When both visual tasks are fully accomplished (Figure 3.8a), the control scheme succeeds in keeping the target at the center of the image frame with precision below the pixel, and with the desired orientation, in spite of satellite and scene translations (Figure 3.8c), that can be observed with the sequence of images displayed in Figure 3.8d. In this configuration, it is easy to see that the satellite performs a fast reorientation to a newly defined target and holds it precisely for more than 2 minutes, which is more than expected for a video satellite in a 500 km circular orbit. As the pointing is defined in terms of image information, it is impossible to deviate from the mission as soon as the visual control law is converging properly. To conclude, the control law designed to provide an accurate pointing of a precise zone on the Earth’s surface and to acquire images in a specific orientation performs adequately in the proposed configurations. Now, we propose to add the satellite’s inner dynamics to the model and make sure that the control law works just as well. 3.4 Incorporation of the satellite dynamics Now that a control law has been designed for an Earth observation satellite whose dynamic response to the attitude controller was a simple integrator, we can propose a second model provided by Airbus D&S which is considered to represent more accurately the dynamic response of the satellite to the low-level attitude controller. This will induce some changes in our control law. 93 Chapter 3 – Visual servoing of an agile observation satellite Z=729 km Z=500 km Z=908 km Figure 3.8 – Simulation results considering an object of interest located in a real satellite image of the port of Brest. A video illustrating the results is available here. The selected images are represented at three different instants, the definition of the object of interest by the center of the reference template, the completion of the centering and of the orientation task, and the holding of the precise location when the satellite moves away. The depth of the scene in the camera frame is displayed and is consistent with the satellite motion, as the satellite first gets closer to the target and reaches its zenith, the image is enlarged. Then, the distance to the target increases and the image shrinks.
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Atque hic finite quaesos, vos, pro ea quas mihi a meo munere imponitur necitate illud a me moneri; cum siclicitet hujusce morbi tyrannidi magnopere simus obnoxii, ad quem propagandum aquilonares venti nodris in regionibus dominantes non parum conferunt, ut egregie animadvertit Cajetanus Paschalius, quique facile numero a levibus ortus principiis, ut ab imminuto motu vel sensu, vel utraque in manu vel serachio paulatim per totum corpus extenditur atque in letalem definit apoplexiam; aut dempto dimidio corporis motu sensuve minorem partem aegrotorum, quacum bene agitur vel omni prosus brachii, vel aliquo saltem cruris usus multare solet, nihil proficientibus remediis is, quas classicam, seu canoniam, seu specialem etiam appellantur, in ea me opinione effi, ut exstimes hoc in morbo, adhibita prius omni necessaria diligentia, ad hydrargyrum sicut edere confugiendum, quod ab Italo Medico exacte ejus effector observatore, paucis ab hinc annis Remedium Paralysis curanda, apoplexia prohibenda a natura factum jure optimo ed appellatum. Ex Philosophicis transactionibus Regia Londinensis Societatis, scimus Jamemedum feliciter usurpavit edere hydrargyro ad letalem canis rabidi morbum curandum, tum in numeris canibus, tum etiam in tribus hominibus, quod mirum videri non debet his qui noverint in Hydrophoborum cadaveribus complures semper internarum partium inflammationes repertus. Animadvertendum et in nullum ex tribus relatissabus causis. Bel Joff. Esperienze mediche, e offervazioni sopra il Mercurio. Tale dosi per ricercare malattie Mercuriali e cura anche vizi, quali asceliche, podagra, mal di hypcondriaco, cefalee pertinace, paralisi, epilessia, vertigo, corpulenza eccessiva, mensturi ostruzionali, stupidità, ulcere cacoetico, e altri da osservazioni passate recenti, si trovano in I. D. lassi Differtat. de Saliva Mercuriale alii, oltre alla lue venerea, per malattie ribelli e stirpative pari, sotto il patrito Magni Stahlii in Halae Saxo. An. 1710. ha pubblicato, sufficientemente collerato. Oculorum vitii per salivarione ematide in eadem differt., Autoperire devenerandum nostro praecentorem A. Q. Rivirum allegante, che usò il Gallo Cherne come medicina per gli occhi, come anche prestò cura a Celeb. Histerus nella diflcratazione De Amaurosi saltivario curata Alroni 1717, ventilata mulieri 45 anni, indicando il sécolo viscidume in tubuli nervosi inflandano adjuvante Mercurio tenue, e fluxile eletto da restituire. Act. Acad. Cadav. Leop. Tom. 2. osserv. XII. Godefr. Clauningi, per il tumore strumoso come medicina nel Mercurio. Experientia in medicina: practicorum observavit febres, magis vel minus sed vere malignas, in quibus post aliquem ipsarum decrementum, Serum sanguinis et quidque salivam fit manifeste visa, vides, atque febriles fit vices videri illa permanente. Ubi autem pituita copiosa, nonnumquam per menstrua continuata exeorsio per fontem salivam, atque mucus faucium orisque contingit, illa est saluberrima. Corollarium 9. Ex corollario 6. potest usui Stiavii de uso Mercurii dulcis, concinnus dosis exinde endos suffundi, in statu malignarum febrium, quem derermonivit harce experientia. 4. Certe Pythius Lentilius, et Cramerus sicciflimos successi Mercurii dulcis in eodem febrium malignarum statu, pluries praedicarunt, quin et alter edem Medicamine vim alexipharmacam sapienter adscripserunt. In parte I. Medicinae laneorum et Practicorum, Lentilii Mercurialia, fine Stimulo Salino papillata, in pleuriticis, peripneumoniacis, et rheumaticis plurimum prodesse novit Johannes Huxham. In observatiis aere et morbis epidemicis. Schreiber Observat. et cogitata de Peste, qua annis 1713 et 1773. In Ukraina graffito est. Epistola ad Authorem scripta. Stafiano Orario Vrcensis 1735. Sed i $. SERIALIZATION Causes ad terminum gradum pertinere, ad quem asm morbus pervenit, tum vero (quod apertis cadaveribus confus) nulla arte sanitari potest. Quocirca sumendum est in primo gradu, vel paulo post; morbum, vel Memorem statim ac tertius gradus manifestatur, cum ad tertium gradum curandum inutile omni fit. Sed cum Hecquetus vir pius imul doctus animadversionem missiomem sanguinis ex arteriis temporalibus, venis jugularibus sic iter cum continuo vim Hujus horribilis morbi, ad quem, tamquam ad scopum, talius Medicorum infringitur; non est abs re perpendere magis ne rationi consentaneum videretur ab hac methodo incipere, tum si opus est, consugere ad hydrargyrum. Caeterum resertat Palmarius, ineunte seculo proxime praeterito Hydrophobiam Mercuriali unguento curari. Rabelius Medicus Metensis circa eundem focum ait, rabie laborantibus nulla dubitatione hydrargyrum praebendum est, earaque methodum Gaius Alfius Londiniensis in Gallia vero Desaussius, Bovillus, & Betrandus instaurarunt. Lues Venerea licet in humoribus, membranis, glandulis, officina penitus infesterr cedet tamen repentis hydrargyri ilitibus, ejque contagio suo omnes partis ac pestiferae partes vel propriam naturam exuent vel ex secretis corporibus una cum ipsa per excretoria, vasa egredientur. Lues bubonacea, quae a lue Venerea in bubones definitur, differt tantum ratione celeritatis, qua serpit contagio, modique qua fissa ipso propagat, curanda est hydrargyro cum camphora conjungendo juxta observationes a Sprecherio factas peste in Vesania graphante anno 1735. Itaque hoc eodem remedio sua qua quisque saecleris potest. Postremo Boerhaavius, quibusdam felicibus experimentis permotus, fuit ad dotum vanolarum in hydrargyro querendam, quod utilisimum experti sunt. Paulus Gotlieb, Verinus, & Baptistus Morealius. Magna est asio hydrargyri, ut dika est, pendetque praecipue a gravitate, tum a figura ipharica, a divisibilitate, & ab ea vi qua nunquam nostro sanguini conjungitur. Ergo ea compotita pro ratione corporum nostrorum, & quantitatis in qua sumitur. Corpus certo morbi gradu laborans, certa hydrargyri quantitate curabitur, alterum in eodem itcu politum, damnum inde magis quam utilitate afficietur. Morbus cuius natura litata est in valida cohassione humorum, in offibus aut glandulis, in quibus vitalis vis & circulatoria est infirmior exiguo hydrargyro curari non potest. Contra mediocri cohassione in liquidis vel partis majore ise circumagendi vi pollens, minorem ejus quantitatem regni in. Corrected by @klk Inspec uaue itaque corporum infirmarum partium varietate, causarumque maris aut riguos validarum, morbos gignentium, concluidatur necessitate est, ejusdem remedii dosis multum vel augendam esse vel minuendam: non semper opus est, ut in eau cutis inungatur, vel ut chymica arte praeparatum oris immittatur. Sed satis est interdum simpliciter fumatur una cum cathartico, seu sulphuri oculi cancrorum copulatum, quae consuetudo, licet plus aequo forcasse, hoc solo commendata ac restaurationi est; interdum etiam solum exigua dosis juxta legatum Doverii, quam methodum receperunt docti Professores Padovini. Tomo II. Libellus de Medicina Naturali, Torti. Troposystio, Mercurius dulcis cum camphora mixtus, & concisus, repetitis vicibus annuum est Medicamentum alexipharmacum, physicum mechanicum, in peste in bubones fissaque. Etenim Mercurius dulcis, concisus dosis datus, videtur omni indicatio, ni lumine pro felici pefstanatione peste in bubones finitur. Itaque recepisse potest pro Medicamento alexipharmaco in illa peste, sed longe magis, si cum aqua fisso. Enim vero haec omnia consequuntur ex qualitatibus mechanicis Hidargyri, & physicis camphora. Adeoque commendatum Medicamentum videtur esse alexipharmacum, physicum mechanicum in peste, in bubones finiturum, quale animo praesagivit T. Sydenham de peste Londinensis. Patet dari non posse aptius praescribere vascum tempore peste, quam si quis, emi vescendum. Ade, cogniti. & cur. morb. aph. Schreiber ibid. <5 ) Ibid. . • ■ ,, , T?C . | Belloft Efper. Med. cd offerv. fppra il MCKWliq» 47) Aftruc de MQib. Vcn. To.,s, AU D E tr S U M E R C URII / i ) Veneti , vel uno folummodo , quod ex eo in fimplici aqua e£fervefa£lo educitur w quemadmodum in quibutdam morbis nervorum , aliorumque generum , faciendum pxo- ponit celeber Medicus Georgius (2)* .. Erit ne igitur Hydrargyrum traftatu facile .? potent ne omnibus securo animo prae¬ beri? Hoc certe .retia ratio fuadet id ad periti Medici induftnam pertinere , prout ipie exatlarum obfervatianuai ope , & judicii lumine dutlus novit &. ejus enectus depre¬ hendere , aftionem dirigere . Intelligitis profecto illud hic a me poni , hujuimodi remedium neceffario praebendum elle , Cujus porro nifi do£h ac prudentis Medici mu¬ nus erit conftituere num ad aliquem morbum hydrargyri ufus requiratur. JNonne lum¬ inum dedecus , imo vero graviffima culpa effet ex hoc remedio magna polliceri , cuta id vel inutile vel etiam perniciofum effet futurum ... Inutile porro futurum eft , cum neque tempus quo eft exhibenduni , neque modus $ neque quantitas patet damnum vero certiffimum inde eft expectandum m iis morbis omnibus qui ab Miis caufis , quam ab iis, quas fupra commemoravimus , proficifcuntur. Sunt autem hi, epilepsia ex inanitione, affectiones nervosa, quae non pendent a materia in nervis, aut circa nervos cole, et a, sputa cruenta, cacteraeque omnes has morpha, a, vulnera interna, arteriarum dilatationes, scorbatus calidus, omnesque veteres dura, & scirrhosis obstrucentes, inter quas testamentum est cancer; quemadmodum neceffario deducitur ex observatione modi quo agit Hydrargyrum. Quo loco illud adeundum est in antiquis obstrucentibus, & in cancro, praeterquam in statu eorum morborum principia, hydrargyrum impurissimum esse materiam in vasis coactam, simulque autum motum humorum omnium. Sed quoniam materia nimis compacta est, non videtur aut solvetur, proindeque apta non erit ad subeundas angustiorum valvulas extremities, ac solummodo eadem vasa impellit, distendet, ac rumpet, aucto porro humorum motu in majores numero tendent in canales subjugatos aut adjacentes obstruuntur ab quibus compressi, interclusa via, cursum inhibere cogentur; ex quo necesse est partem definitam inflammationem concipere, atque ad letalem perniciem citius eruantur. Hydrargyrum debita methodo exhibitum, hoc est ex omni Medica stoicheia, omni busuochujus mirandas sumul & diffidas artis principiis, saluberrimos semina gignentus, quos multo majore admiratione dignos fatebimur, si animadversum est, eos ab nullo alio remedio tam celeriter gigni, imo vero per saepe ne gigni quidem. Adagium vero his quae diximus historia curationum morborum externorum, et perpendantur prodigia, qua egregii chirurgi progreses efficiunt ope hydrargyri vel crudi, vel variis modis praeparati, vel alius rebus immixti, cujus actio semper mechanica est, tum vero certa eius ac miranda vis clarius indicet. His tamen argumentis nihil permotus nonnulli ad hydrargyri usu damno objiciunt, quis dum seri observant et perpendo, justulgue "in humaniter audiatis", faciam enim, ut spero, ut eorum infirmitate apertius velut oculi. Objiciunt 1. Hydrargyrum remedium non est in regionibus nostris. "Undique enim caduca natura non patitur", ex quo plura spacio in eos qui ipsis. Valida sane efficacitas hujusmodi objeção, si certis experimentis innisteretur. Ego gratis afferi sienter pronuncio. Si enim unicus velut perpendere volueris, quid nam ex fatis haec propositione deduci fouerit, deprehendas prosequi alterius esse, vel data opera consilia, vel orta aut ex supraabihui morbi via, aut ex remedii, aut ex medentium imperitia. Gallicanum Etruriae caelum responddet temperato statui caeli. Monpellierensis que finitimorum, in quibus scimus hujusmodi remedium magno in curandis adhiberi. Homo sapiens de regione magna dux in curandis morbis discuit. Secondum edictum Bononius in curandis nervis. The English Malady: or A Treatise of Nervous diseases of the mind in ventione abbot 1744, in 8. Hujus libelli notitiam debui nolo animo praclausus o.publicam utilitate feliciter in linguam admiratam legere, digna vita, quae lucem a semel emittatur, et a coelo illustrata. Ego rem totam transferam ad caelum Monpellierensium, et site mores alterius. Halicarnassorum responddet Laurentius Chiobetti Part 1. Error, Popularis opus. Sed ut hoc verum non fit; si tamen hac de re nobis doctos et sapientes Medicos contabueritis, quorum nonnullos cum hic me audientes conspicio summopere recredarier, maximoque mihi honori duco; nobilem dubitabunt respondeare, quod ridiculum hominem Sibbaldum respondeat Pitcarnius; remedia scilicet quae in aliqua regione alicui morbo curando accommodata sunt, eum semper ubique terrarum curatura, dummodo debita dosis exhibeantur. Lignorum decoctions eam nobis utilitatem afferunt, quam semper attulere, curantes Sphyliam in lenibus quibusdam gradibus consistentem, at confirmatam jam corroboratamque, neque curantes hodie, neque ut puto, unquam curarunt. Infamia igitur qua olim flagravit hydrargyrum cadere debet solummodo in pervertam ejus exhibendi modum, decoctions vero, qua certos morbi gradus cura, at ipsius morbi fibras ubi opus est, non extirpant; imo vero utpote adhibitarum advertas morbum multo validiorem, non modo non sanant aegrum, sed eum inertia exsiccas, ac per edentes, ipsi procuidubio non-parum officiunt, eas inquam, decoctiones pronus omittendas ac pro is hydrargyro utendum puto. Objiciuntur gravissima damna quae (cimus inesse ab halitibus Mercurialibus, illi qui in fodinis exercentur, tum illi qui Hydrargyro reliqua metalla auro perlinunt, posse remo iis qui sibi ab sufflibus non diligenter praecavent. Quod ad fodinas, attinet non semper Mercuriales, halitus; culpandi funt aquae, comit- pli. Differt, de L'eg. H'ffor. «rati-. Cardinalis Segoviensis Alphonsus Georgia, estque frater, Fremd. Hut. Mea. Sicut fuist Guajacura an. 1577. Radix China? an; 1575. Silla 1 xlia eodem. De chirurgia erroribus, in curandis morbis, yeawissa. De Usa Mercurii, multoque asaricum letiferas particulas exhalat: sed ut concedamus Hydrargyrum graviter officere, animadvertit Juffsievis eos qui ilus ire non coguntur, quique domum redeuntes vestes omnes & calceamenta ipsa permutant, nululum valetudinis detrimentum perpeti, atque ad idemvitae spatium pervenire, ad quod, qui fodinis abilient perveniunt, imo eorum aliquos ex lue Venerea, quam illuc attulerant, convalescere. Quocirca perpetua particularum Mercurialium in corpus receptio, officit; quod contingere neceffe est iis etiam, qui per os hydrargyrum fumunt, quique nimis magna externa inunlione crebro utuntur. Ii vero qui hydrargyro metalla auro perliunt, quique fese temere suffitibus expoenunt, summa inde damna necessario sentiunt. Nam minutae & graves Hydrargyriphas facile ab igne agitatae, ea est enim figura sphærica natura, ut a pluribus minimis Ignescere particulis circumfundatur, cum sphæricum corpus non minus quam ab tredecim corporibus ejusdem figurae & magnitudinis contingi possit, certo quodam numero in corpus nostrum per aerem celerrime feruntur, ejque solida magni impetus pervadunt; liquida vero incompofito ac pemicofto motu effervent; ex quo inflammationes, suppurationes, cancrenae, paralysi, apoplepsiae, aliique letales effetti proficiscuntur. Itaque magnitudo impetus in Hydrargyro praecipua causa est horum perniciosorum effectuum, quae cum in hydrargyro modis supra expolitae exhibitor nequaquam infit, nihil inde adversus ipsum concludi potest. Objiciunt solificii nostri, ut licet minimum natura sit, fieri tamen (ut norunt omnes) veneniferum additione quorundorum salium, atque ignis, imo vel solo mechanico motu, quemadmodum animadvertit Boerhaavius. Quis igitur spondet, non idem accidere etiam in corpore nostro, cui neque fales, neque calor, neque motus defunus? Celeberrimus Medicus Michael Albertus respondet argumento ab arte Chymica sumpto, illudque tamquam precipue ac fallax resellit, cum summo per differant inter se ejus artis chemicus, & vitales actions corporis nostri. Boerhaavius porro optimo jure damnat Paracelsum, Helmontium, Carterium, Sylvium, caeterosque omnes similiter rationandi modo usu, ac detelos eorum errore, qui per meram fraudem acidorum vegetabilium usum amandaverant, eo quod coagulent lac, Hippocratis causam tuetur, qui accuratis observationibus permotus resolustime judicabat acetum validum remedium esse adversus morbos fervidos, in quibus sanguis coagulatur. Decebat sive alter eos, qui ex effectibus, quos extra corpus nostrum ab Hydrargyro facile comperiunt, eos etiam qui intra contingent, arguere se posses putant, illud probate conari eos in sanguine nostro falsos reperiri, qui ad sublimandum Hydrargyrum funti necessarii, eumque caloris gradum, qui ignitum rubrumque efficit, vas ferreum ad hunc comparatum. Ex experimento ingeniosissimi Boerhaavii illud unice inferri potest, eam motus quantitatem acrem Hydrargyrum efficere; sed quoniam praeter alias differentias, quae inter Hydrargyrum in eo vate agitatum, & in corpore nostro circumcurrent, intercedunt, praesertim motus translationis, ex qua certe nullam mutationem patitur, curriculums ex nobis liquidum, & ejusdem naturae egrediatur, idcirco hoc experimentum nihil adversus testamentum Hydrargyri usum valere debet. Fortasse etiam in relato experimento solus motus Hydrargyrum acre non efficit: nam in magnus Boerhaavius illud vitreo in vase collocavit, neque aerem inde extraxit; itaque illi qui experimentalem Philosophiam callent non sine causa dubitare poterunt, num av crimina quam acquirit, oriatur ex solo motu, an etiam ex attritione aeris & vitri, et ex eo quod ab ipsis ipso communicari potest. Dissertatio. 469 Red at ut perpendatur quinta et posterma objeccio, qua soluta satis adversavis tempus puto. Ea ed autem autoritas quorumdam recentiorum scriptorum, qui vituperarant ac deovetent hydrargyrum, quod sedit ipsi multo perniciosissimum existimant. Sed ut paucis rem absolvam, scriptores hi, idem quod Galeno responderi sentent, si responderi finent, eos scilicet dicere quod opinantur, opinari vero quod numquam accurate examinarunt, sed tantum ab aliis acceperunt, proindeque eos dicere et opinari quod vere nesciunt. Veritas certe una est, cumque ea fit, quam vobis modo representasse mihi summas glorias duco, difficultatibus omnibus multum praedat, et validis Timorum objecorum vim elidit. Praeclare illa Soli comparata, ed, qui nativa luce colores detegit, et candorem a nigredine distinguishing. Et ipsa medica ars a majoribus tantopere illustrata, ad eumque dignitatis gradum provenit, nullus dubito quin aetate etiam nostra magis magisque in dies perfici possit, dummodo contempto a veris Medicis perverso imperiti vulgi judicio, non vereantur pro aegrotorum indigentia, ut ratio et experientia docet, valida remedia exhibere, atque opportune methodo uti. Stulta Empiricorum gens (ut animadvertit vir doindedis), qui Academiae nostra a secretis ed) duo gravidissima aegrotis attulit damna; quod scilicet vanis, domandisque moventibus remedia ipsi proposuit, quodque valida mechanica communi usu comprehensa ridiculo metu ablegavit. Anatome quidem hujus confuetudinis falfitatem detegit : fed quoniam ad morbos cu¬ randos , non fatis ed ipforum naturam cognofcere , quod unice docet Anatome , nifi etiam apta medicamina exhibeantur, hinc fit ut. vobis , Sodales do£liflim i, plurimum debeat ars medica , qui obfequentes dudio beneficentiffimi Principis nodri , cujus Regiae munifi¬ centiae fodalitas noffra mirum fefe in modum obdriftam fatetur , & naturalem Hido- riam fummo labore ac diligentia colentes atque illudrantes , fuppeditatis Medicis vali- diffima inftrumenta , quibus nobiliffimorum , atque efhcaciffimorum medicaminum no¬ titiam affequantur. Ci) Clem- c. 6. ftrom. (i) D Antonius Cocchl in elegantfffima pratis i Pe tffn anis Anatomica? Florent;# 17 3«, Typb Antonii JMar. Albizsmi in & y \ CLv 1 i?0' C L. V I R I G ERARDI L* B* VANSWIE T H E N, DE NOVA METHODO Mercurii Cryftallini tuto adhibendi in curatione luis venere# EPISTOLA. Ad cl.. virum Jofephum Benvenutum Lucenfem Philofophiae ac Me¬ dicinae Doflorem Epiftola.. Pufculum tuum accepi , libenter legi , & gratias debitas tibi ago. Mer¬ curii ufum magni facio , fed multa hic opus prudentia efl , imprimis dum crudus datur , vel affricatur cuti . Non omnibus bene ceffiffe haec tentamina fcio. Si mercurius fublimatuscorrollvus(Y)folvaturin fpiritu frumenti re£lfficato Hac lege , ut in fingulis unciis fpiritus haereat me¬ dium granum, & deinde hujus detur mane , & vefperi cochlear adul¬ tis, vel ad fummum duo cochlearia , potando fimul largam copiam de¬ cori hordei , vel alterius orufcumque emollientis , mira efficacia obfervatur in lue venerea , & aliis morbis difficillimis . Trecentos lue laborantes in Nofocomium colle¬ gi praeterito anno, &abfque falivatione omnes exiverunt fani , hoc folo remedio ufi. Parum argenti vivi, sed efficacissime redditi, & multa liquidi copia diluti vidi profusisse quam maxime. Vale, & me amas. Vindobonae, 8. Martii 1755. Epistola altera eisdem ad eundem Usus illius remedii tamdiu protrahitur, quamdiu aliquid de his symptomatibus superrigit. Tutus sumitur etiam diu. Cancrosum in ulcus per novem menses curatum vidi, dum per novem menses hoc remedio uteretur puella, & absque ullaque noxa. Ab pinguibus, sale, vel fumo induratis, lardum inprimis abstinendum jubeo; iujcula, olera mola, carnes paucas concedo facile. Pisfanam hordei cum quarta parte lasis copiosam do, vel aliud quodcumque decoquendo emolliens. In nosocomiis cubiculo ambitur; plures curavi, qui quotidianie per urbem vagabantur in primis verno, & aestivo tempore. Praeterito mense ducenti e Nosocomio exiverunt curati hac methodo: post paucos dies trecenti alii ingredientur. Credo & apud vos similter successum sperari; post, cum in Hispania per decem annos inveteratam luem sic; curaverit Archiater Reginae viduae, cui indicaveram remedium. Vindobonae, 12. Aprilis 1755. Ejus Mercurius sublimatus corrosivus ita diffus in solo Theatro pharmaceutico pag. 70j appellatur etiam Mercurius crystallifius, leu crystallizatus exaquista figura a reda ignis administratio: expertissimus iste Venetus Chimicus ad usum internum spintum seu oleum diapansiticum dulce elathoravit, quod ex sublimaro corrosivo, cum acero acerrimo soluto parare docuit; ast alii hac solutione neglegerent, statim infundunt vini spiritum optime rediffatum in cucurbita haud ad vallem longam, & post brevem digestionem arenae igni non adeo serenti, extrahunt vini spiritum, repetuntque cohobationem usque quo sublimatus totus in formam olei vel spiritus albicantis transactus per alembicum quod idem descriptum est in pyrotechnia libel IV. pag. 584 Caroli Muscati, & ad lydera extollit incunabulis ulceribus malignis Cancerosis praesertim renum & vesicula; tam internoscere, quem extrinsecus adhibere tum. Ideoque quilibet spiritus ut alkali vim habet ex his denus enarratis infringendi non solum pura acidi sublimati, tam exiguae dosis, imo & solvendi sublimatum ipsum in innumerabiles, ac tenuissimas Moleculas quae vehiculo hujus menstrui cito in sanguinem transeuntes vim solventem in humores liberos pollutos, & viscidos rendentos exercunt, & obstudiantes ramal diuturnas & graves in omni vasculo. Nicolaus Lemery in suo curato Chimico pag. 182 asseruit sublimatum corro. sivum aqua calcis solutum statim flavum colore aqui rebus, & adeo corrosivam vim amittere fit; cuius sic abusus periculo propinari possit & sit dulcis & innoxius, sed dulcedine fucrum. Iusdem cl. virum Petrum Surgerium Philosophiae ac Medicinae Doctorem Exercitus S. C. M. in Italia Medicum. Tuto dari poffe certus sis: sexcentis lue laborantibus, intra annum spatium datum est optimo cum eventu, etiam in difficillimis causis. Nemini quid linesta contigit. Mercurio sublimato corrovivo, qui in omnibus pharmacopeis praestat, utor. Spinum frumenti adhibeo, quia cum hoc prima tentamina feci ante multos annos, cum pulchre successerit nil mutare volui, credo enim facile, oe vim spiritum intervenire posse. Vale. Vindobona, 26. Decembris 1755. Quamquam Celeberrimus Archiater officinarum sublimatum proponat, metalimato corrosivo Mercurio, non vero arsenico composto: hinc Michael Bernhardus in historia simplicium reformata lib.i. de mineralibus, & metallis docet modum dignoscendi Obeliscum corruptum verum a fictios, per haec verba "pauxillum olei tartari per decaemum affunditur". Tu, si tartari teritur, quo facito f. flavescit, errum est indicium Mercurii contra et bonum esse fin contra nierefest nequaquam prodesse indicatur. Alexius Pedemontanus in lib. lectu. ;; parta III. pag boc habit experimentum : affunde fublimatum corrofivum «^omb^ardentibusi * fi bonus eft , flammam fufeipiet cxruleam, fi vero flamma aliter fuerit co lorata » *on «« ^ ®e$ nec „9 Summa, elegantes cryftalli , qu* non funt clarae , fed etiam niveae , fplend , » erit^reiiciendus» 3, compreflje funt, iftum commendant. Poadexofus , multaque ftufta fpecu lana h. J fi oatr Nicolaus Lcmery loco citato aflerit poffe dignofei fublimatum corrofivum arftwco paratum , Ii pa^ «so fale saitar i confricatum nigtam «vaf exit » ® spatia ii flavedmcm acquifivcut s \ f INIS ; %} mm mmmm^ mm-m ».& s ;:^;^ JiKiWlt ■■ ; ■ . ’■ «p : ssi iSliiSStl '.'■ V- .■ :■' ; 'V "' • ': ' 'P ; ■ . '> '' '.'V - ■ l^^kssap ■■.. 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COPELAS & OVERTON. WILLISTON, N. C. THE SONG OF THE ENGINEER. You may lounge on your velveted cushions and mark each mile with the thoughtless dream— You may say there is nothing of weird romance in the practical prose of steam: But you never have sat in the dust and smoke, and seen that track was clear, Nor held the reins of the steed that leaves the wind in its wild career. No soulless, dull machine I drive, for I feel her passionate breath When I ride her over the endless rails that run by the brink of death! My fireman, lit by the flame's red glare, Myself, and our engine—over valley and height We three are as one and together we share The marvelous triumph and glory of flight. My will is hers, and her strength is mine: Past the sandhills gray and low, Through the shimmering corn-field's long, green line and the sounding woods we go! There is naught on the bridge that checks her speed, and naught in the tunnel She fears For my slightest touch on the throttle she feels and my softest whisper she hears. Only a touch and a whispered word, on the trestle narrow and high When she trembles and shrinks on the dangerous curve, or a freight train Thunders by. Loud is the shriek of the startled engine. Long is the stretch of the road bed white: We three are as one and together we share The marvelous triumph and glory of flight! —William Hurd Hillyer, in Youth. The Girl That Did Not Like Dogs By John H. Rogers. BEING a dog, Roger asked no questions of the man who had brought him from the city to this white, vine-stretched villa "by the forest river. He was a city dog, but, after all, his home was and must be the man's home. The man had raised him from puppyhood, had nourished and caressed him, loved him, talked to him, made of him a companion and confidante. Therefore he had been content, nay, proud, to sit with him in the creaking, rushing, swaying train which brought them into the woods, to follow through the dust, between the wind-shaken trees, the carriage that had carried him and his bags to the white hotel that sat looking down from the thicket on the hill upon the murmuring, green waters of the river. And the days which followed were glorious, undreamed of days for Soger, because he spent them hunting in wild, vine-hidden places, or sitting by the man as he fished in the swift-running waters, or lounging about the house where there were no other dogs. But at last one night when the moon was coming over the trees he saw the man come down the piazza with a girl and followed them, but the girl, who was very beautiful, screamed when she saw Roger following close at her heels, and the man with anger in his voice — a new note that hurt the dog shouted: "Go back, you rascal! Go back!" And as Roger stopped, his tail was picked up a clod and struck him so that Roger sneaked away a few paces into the shadows, and then, unseen himself, followed the man and the girl as they wandered away to a moonlit knoll above the water and sat whispering there unaware of the two fond eyes watching them from a dark copse in the timber. But Roger was glad again the next morning, for the man stroked him if to make amends, and he followed his master about all morning charging through the long grass before him, circling about through the woods, barking at the kildees, darting at grasshoppers and shouting furiously at the strange, shining, leap creatures that the man lifted from the water at the end of a long, thin, thin, and thin. String. But in the afternoon, the man and the girl walked out again together, and Boger was scolded again and driven off with a stick. Her blue eyes stared at him as if he were some wild beast and her pretty lips did not smile till he had crawled away under the lattice of the veranda. Watching through the aisles of the trees, he saw them walking toward the river, and when they had unmoved the skiff and the man had lifted the girl into the cushioned seat astern, Boger came skulking out of the sedges pleading with his eyes and promising to be a good dog if they would but take him riding on the swift, shining water. But the girl gave a sharp little screech and the man yelled "Go back, you rascally curl." They pushed their boat away into the current, the man at the oars, and the girl, laughing now and trailing her white hands in the water, sitting opposite. Boger, crestfallen and puzzled, ran along the margin of the river watching his master till the boat swung in at the opposite shore, where a row of tiny, white closets peeped from among the willows. Into them went the man and the girl, and presently came back to the water's edge, their white limbs gleaming in the sunlight, their faces radiant with happiness, their laughter ringing across the river more musical than the voices of wind and water. Roger saw them go hand in hand into the shallows along the bar, dashing the water into fountains, plunging like the great fishes, floundering, shouting, playing. At last the girl went slowly back to the little dressing-room and the man struck boldly out into the stream. Roger saw him coming and barked a welcome. He thought his master was coming across and his dog's heart was singing again. But the man only screamed as if in anger or pain, and sank deeper in the water till Roger could see only the dim flash of his long arms and legs beneath the surface of the rushing river. And he ran again along the shore watching his master swept away by the waters till at last he could see nothing but the green and yellow ribbons of the deep, running like a millrace, flat, secret, crooning and purring, snarling among the rocks like some great cat jealous of its prey. Boger stopped and waited, but the man did not come up out of the water. The sun swung low above the western hills and the blue cranes came skimming from the darkening east, but Roger sat and watched alone by the river and wondered. Then through the darkness he saw men with lanterns and long pikes in their hands come down the river in boats, trailing ropes through the water and murmuring mysteriously among themselves. Boger did not understand, but he felt the pressure of some inexplicable horror, and, howling as he went, he wandered back to the white villa on the hill. There upon a bench near the veranda he found the man's garments, his cap, his shoes, and about them, muttering, a group of men and women. But the girl was in the parlor, her pretty face quite pale, her blue eyes very bright, telling some story in which his name, the man's name, came very often. But presently all of them, men and women, wandered away by two's and three's, in groups, and the girl walked out into the garden with a strange young man. Boger saw them, arm in arm, go slowly into the abor, and soon heard their voices singing merry ballad, and their laughter made him believe that, after all, perhaps all was well and that he, the master, would soon come back, singing and laughing. Then he saw the torches come like a sad procession up from the river, and, going to meet them, saw the man, pale now and very silent, lying on a great plank, his long arms trailing the grass. Roger slipped in between them and barked for joy, but there was no sign of recognition from the man, though the dog licked the cold, dripping hands until someone kicked him away. Roger was puzzled by this queer transformation of the man who had been always so splendidly alive. "Go back, you rascal!" and the harsh words and cuffs of the past few days were no longer a mystery. Roger knew somehow that these were but the words and the deeds of the girl enacted by the men. The reason he did not understand, but the cause was plain enough. She did not like dogs. Roger would have welcomed a kick or a curse now, but that motionless coldness, that utter silence, that sleep in the midst of tumult and excitement, that total oblivion even of the girl as she stood above the man staring with scared and yet unfeeling regard! What had made the man like that? The next day they took the man away, but he did not call Roger, though he followed the wagon down through the tree-lined lane to the depot. They would not let him into the train, and so he went back again, and when he might sit looking at the girl who laughed and sang always except when Roger was by. When they drove him away and he knew that there was no answer to his problem in them all, he went down to the river where the empty boat lay moored, and, plunging in unhidden, swam down across to the bar where the little white dressing rooms peeped from among the windows. He ran about the sands and sniffed at the footprints in the sand—his footprints as he had walked, shouting like a boy at play. Surely the mystery all lay in the rushing river. From where he stood knee-deep in the cool water, Boger could hear the chorus of voices singing at the white villa on the hill opposite. He could even distinguish her—the girl's voice—singing. And so he struck out again into the current just as the man had done, cried out as the man had cried and went away into dim, rushing depths, hoping, believing and glad that he was following the man even away from the girl and into the mysteries which he neither understood nor feared.—Chicago Record Herald. Slightest Evidence. "How do you know the photograph flutters her? You haven't seen it, have you?" "Of course not, but didn't you hear her say she was greatly pleased with it?"—Chicago Post. I met him again, he was trudging along, His knapsack with chickens was swelling. He had "raided" those dainties and thought it no wrong, From an absent secessionist's dwelling. "What regiment's yours, and under whose flag Do you fight?" said I, touching his shoulder. Turning slowly around, he smilingly said: "And the thought made him stronger and bolder— "I FIGHT MY SINGLE,!" The next time I saw him, his knapsack was gone, His cap and his canteen were missing Shell, shrapnel and grape, and the swift rifle ball Around him and over him were hissing. "How are you my friend, and where have you been? And for what and for whom are you fighting?" He said, as a shell from the enemy's guns sent his arm and his musket "a-kiting," VI FIGHTS MIT SIGEL!" Gen. Franz Sigel, a distinguished figure on the union side, in the civil war, and, one of the leaders in the revolution in southern Germany during the days 1848, died today at his home, in Bronx, says a recent New York report to the Chicago Record-Herald. Gen. Sigel was one of the most picturesque of the heroes of the civil war, at the close of which he had won a reputation for military genius and power which placed him high up in the list of famous men developed by the great American conflict. This German-American soldier was born at Sinsheim, Baden, on November 18, 1824, and was educated at Carlsruhe for the military service. He was in the army of Baden from 1843 to 1847. In the latter year he severely wounded his antagonist in a duel and resigned from the army for political reasons. He took part in the revolution of 1848 and 1849, at the end of which he retreated with his army into Switzerland, and a few years afterward came to the United States with the intention of becoming a citizen. Arriving at New York, Mr. Sigel secured an engagement as a teacher in a private school, and remained there until 1857, in which year he removed to New York. St. Louis, at that time the metropolis of the Mississippi valley, and the educational center of the west. Mr. Sigel was promptly given a position in a college at St. Louis, and it was while thus engaged that his great opportunity came to him in the civil war. In 1861 during the pitch of the local excitement at St. Louis, Mr. Sigel was appointed colonel of the Third Missouri volunteers, and took part in the capture of Camp Jackson in the western part of the city. HISTORIC HITCHING POST. Castiron Chinaman in Washington That Held the Horses of Civil War Generals. One of the oldest signs in Washington is the castiron figure of a Chinese man, about three and a half feet in height, that stands in front of a livery stable on Sixth street northwest, between Pennsylvania and Louisiana avenues. It has been there since 1862, and is one of the familiar landmarks of the city, says the Baltimore American. During the civil war Gens. Grant, McClellan, Hooker and others who patronized this stable a great deal tied their steeds to this hitching post, and since then other distinguished personages have had occasion to use this post during every presidential inauguration that has occurred since Lincoln's second term. As a matter of fact, this much of Sixth street northwest, between Pennsylvania and Louisiana avenues, an historic locality in more than one sense. It was on the corner of this street and Louisiana avenue that Gen. Robert E. Lee bade farewell to his old commander, Gen. Winfield Scott, when the former withdrew from the union army to join that of the confederates. During the first two years of the war Gen. McClellan was a member of the civil war. GEN. FRANZ SIGEL And once more I met him and knelt by his side. His life-blood was rapidly flowing. I whispered of home, wife, children, and friends. The bright land to which he was going. "And have you no word for the dear one at home— The widow, the father and mother?" "Yaw, yaw," said he, "tell them, oh, tell them I fight—" Alas! he could think of no other— "I FIGHT MIT SIGEL!" We scooped out a grave and he dreamlessly sleeps On the bank of the Rapidan river His home and his kindred alike are unknown, His reward in the lands of the Giver. We placed a rough board at the head of his grave, And we left him alone in his glory, But on it we marked, ere we turned from the spot, The little we knew of his story— "I FIGHT MIT SIGEL!" —Grant P. Robinson, Union Soldier, 1862. (district of the city, thus in large part practically crushing the rebellion in St. Louis. This was on May 10, and by July 5 young Sigel had fought and on the Battle of Cogress. He thus burdened his fame as the man who saved Missouri, to the Union, Military talent like this did not go long unrewarded. Col. Sigel was promptly promoted to the rank of brigadier general, served with distinction under Fremont in the campaign against Price and was in command of two divisions at the battle of Pea Ridge. At this time Gen. Sigel had a serious disagreement with Gen. Alleck, and threw up his commission. He was hardly out of the army, however, when he was re-enforced this time as a major general, and was put in command of the forces stationed at Harper's Ferry. He succeeded to the command of Fremont's corps, and was one of the most gallant of the generals at the second battle of Bull Run. "On September 14, 1862, Gen. Sigel was assigned to the Eleventh army corps, and in 1863 was placed in command of a grand division under Burnside. In 1864 he succeeded to the command of the department of West Virginia. Some of Gen. Sigel's work as a commander gave evidence of extraordinary ability. During Early's raid in July, 1864, he defended Maryland Heights with 4,000 men against 15,000, and in many other ways demonstrated his peculiar fitness for a military career. After the close of the war Gen. Sigel edited the Baltimore Wecker from 1865 to 1867, and then settled in New York city and was soon an active participant in politics. During the civil war orders had been issued to kill all bloodhounds, as these used to be kept for hunting slaves. One day a soldier, seizing a poodle, was carrying it off to execution, in spite of the heartrending appeals of its mistress. "Madam," he said, "our orders are to kill every bloodhound." "But this is not a bloodhound." "Well, madam," said the soldier, as he went away with it, "we cannot tell what it will grow into if we leave it behind."—Kansas City Times. Artificial, "She is very artistic," said the impassable youth. "Yes," answered the man with the steely eye, "she is one of the sort of girls who think a bunch of hand-painted daisies are more important on a dinner plate than An omelette." —Washington Star. Knocking the Lieutenant. Captain (to squad of recruits)— You knock-need, big-footed idiots, you are not worthy of being drilled by a captain what you need is a morkey to drill you. Lieutenant, yon take charge of them.—Philadelphia Enquirer. JOHNNIE'S CHECKER STORY. Paw he got the checkerboard. An* says: "Now, come here, son, We'll spread th' pieces on th' square* An'show you how it's done." So I set down, an' he moved first, 'Nen I give him a man. Nen he Jumped'me and.chuckled out: "Just beat me ef you can." Nen I moved one, an' he took tha^ An' said not to feel sore. Jest then I see a zigzag line, 'Nen jumped—an'I took four! My paw—he rubbed his chin, an' thought, An' says: "Um-m-m, lemme see!" An' when he moved, I saw my jump. An' that time I took three. 'Nen paw he moved another man, An' hitched up to the board. I took that, too, while maw looked on. An' maw—say, she jest roared! 'Nen paw—th' king-row's where he wants To get, like anything, But 'fore he knows where I am at, I says: "Paw, crown that king." "Nen I jest moved the way they do Down.there at Grlggses store, '•. An' first thing paw knows he ain't got No checkers' any more. 'Nen paw gits up, an' slams the board! I can't say-what he said— Twas somepin' 'bout "smart Aleck kide," 'Nen he sent me to bed! -W. D. Nesbit, In Woman's" Kfome Com panion. -1 SPIDERS' OF THE WATER. They Dwell Below the Surface of River and Pond and Carry Their Air in Their Arms. The water spider runs about on the leaves of aquatic plants and catches the insects that live among them, then but the nest in which this spider lives is a silk bag filled with air, and it is anchored beneath the water. Its opening points directly down to that no air can escape when the spider enters it. After the nest has been made large enough, the spider proceeds to fill it with air in the most remarkable way. She carries it in, just as human people might carry coal or wood or water into their houses. Going nearly to the surface, she puts the end of her body out of the water for an instant, then jerks it quickly under with a bubble attached, crosses her hind legs over it, and descends to the nest, into which she then allows the bubble to escape. This is repeated until the nest is filled with beautiful, shining, silvery bubbles of air. The spider has chosen this singular mode to escape destruction by water fowl. The leaves of most aquatic plants lie flat upon the water and offer only few places where the spider could hide from enemies. The thought of a house of silk filled with air and anchored in crystalline, sparkling liquid, would do for fairyland story, but here it is in real life. Boston Globe. THE BUTTERFLY EXPERIMENT ET a bottle with a wide opening and close it with a cork in which a glass funnel is inserted. Close all crevices with shellac. Fill the bottle halfway with water, in which you drop the two powders belonging to a solid powder. The carbonic acid gas generated tries to escape through the funnel. But by placing two or three small balls made of cork in the funnel the gas can escape only a little at a time as one or the other of the little balls will keep the opening of the funnel closed until the pressure of the gas becomes strong enough to force the ball up. In such a way a part of the gas escapes, the pressure is relieved, and another ball closes up the funnel opening. This will keep on until all the gas is exhausted. This experiment can be made more effective by painting the balls in different colors. Or you can make butterfly wings of tissue paper, which you can color and fasten to the balls, as shown in the illustration.—Jf. Y. CLEVER INDIAN IDEA. DMWt Aborigines Tie Their Horseshoe A Hole in the Ground and Keep Them Safe. Tying one's horse to a hole in the ground is a strange proceeding, and to the uninitiated seems impossible, but in the great California deserts, with their vast sand wastes and alka-line beds, where neither trees nor shrubs have courage to grow, and where sticks and even stones refuse to exist, the demand for some efficacious method of hitching animals has been imperative. The white man, with his ingenuity, has always found the question of an choring his horse on the desert unan- THEYING HORSE TO A HOLE. Answerable, and unless he has a wagon to which he may tie his steed, he finds himself in a dilemma. Even if he does have a wagon, the intense dryness of the air, especially in Death Valley, plays havoc with wood, and a prospector frequently has his conveyances fall apart piece by piece, leaving him stranded without means of transporting his goods. Fear and necessity compel the desert traveler to keep in motion, for the sun is relentless and treacherous, as is the vulture that hovers above with an anxious gleam of expectation in its eyes. Over miles, and miles of burning, pathless sand he may be doomed to wander, while the sun pursues in heated vigilance. His horse is his only companion, the only living thing besides himself in the great heartless plain, and he clings to it for safety. If nature rebels against the struggle, and the traveler must rest, the only possible way he can think of to fasten his horse, while he lies down to entice a brief sleep, is to tie the halter rope around his arm, his leg or his body. Animals require a proportion of water equal to that of man and become crazed if their thirst is not quenched, and in such cases they are liable to plunge, and careen wildly away over the sands like ships in gale dragging men to destruction. "Such has been the experience of white men, but the desert Indians, who have never been accreded with superabundant wits, have employed a method of fastening their animals to hold in the ground. During a recent trip to the desert photographer caught an Indian in the very act, and for the first time a photo was taken that illustrates the scheme. Kneeling on the hot sand, the Indian begins to dig with his hands, which were as hard and tough and impervious to pain as a dog's paws. He worked energetically until he had made a hole about two feet deep. He then tied an immense knot in the end of the halter rope, lowered it into the bottom of the hole, filled the hole with sand, and then jumped and stamped upon it till the earth over the knot was about as solid as the rock of Gibraltar. It was a curious performance, but the skill of the idea merits applause, for unless an equine is in a particularly frivolous state of mind, these subterranean hitching posts will perform their duty quite as well as the conventional city arrangement. — St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
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<?php /** * Class Envalo_Widget_Block_Cms_Page_Chooser * @method Envalo_Widget_Block_Cms_Page_Chooser setName($name) * @method Envalo_Widget_Block_Cms_Page_Chooser setUseMassaction($yes_no) * @method bool getUseMassAction() * @method setUseAjax($yes_no) */ class Envalo_Widget_Block_Cms_Page_Chooser extends Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Grid { protected $_selectedPages = array(); public function __construct($arguments=array()) { parent::__construct($arguments); $this->setDefaultSort('title'); $this->setUseAjax(true); } public function prepareElementHtml(Varien_Data_Form_Element_Abstract $element) { $uniqId = Mage::helper('core')->uniqHash($element->getId()); $sourceUrl = $this->getUrl('*/*/pageschooser', array( 'uniq_id' => $uniqId, 'use_massaction' => false, )); /* @var $chooser Mage_Widget_Block_Adminhtml_Widget_Chooser */ /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedMethodInspection */ $chooser = $this->getLayout()->createBlock('widget/adminhtml_widget_chooser') ->setElement($element) ->setTranslationHelper($this->getTranslationHelper()) ->setConfig($this->getConfig()) ->setFieldsetId($this->getFieldsetId()) ->setSourceUrl($sourceUrl) ->setUniqId($uniqId); /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedMethodInspection */ if ($element->getValue()) { /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedMethodInspection */ $chooser->setLabel(''); } $element->setData('after_element_html', $chooser->toHtml()); return $element; } public function getCheckboxCheckCallback() { if ($this->getUseMassaction()) { return "function (grid, element) { $(grid.containerId).fire('product:changed', {element: element}); }"; } return ''; } public function getRowClickCallback() { if (!$this->getUseMassaction()) { $chooserJsObject = $this->getId(); return ' function (grid, event) { var trElement = Event.findElement(event, "tr"); var productId = trElement.down("td").innerHTML; var productName = trElement.down("td").next().next().innerHTML; var optionLabel = productName; var optionValue = "product/" + productId.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,""); if (grid.categoryId) { optionValue += "/" + grid.categoryId; } if (grid.categoryName) { optionLabel = grid.categoryName + " / " + optionLabel; } '.$chooserJsObject.'.setElementValue(optionValue); '.$chooserJsObject.'.setElementLabel(optionLabel); '.$chooserJsObject.'.close(); } '; } return ''; } /** * @param $column Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Grid_Column * @return $this */ protected function _addColumnFilterToCollection($column) { if ($column->getId() == 'in_pages') { $selected = $this->getSelectedPages(); /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedMethodInspection */ if ($column->getFilter()->getValue()) { /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedMethodInspection */ $this->getCollection()->addFieldToFilter('page_id', array('in'=>$selected)); } else { /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedMethodInspection */ $this->getCollection()->addFieldToFilter('page_id', array('nin'=>$selected)); } } else { parent::_addColumnFilterToCollection($column); } return $this; } protected function _prepareCollection() { /* @var $collection Mage_Cms_Model_Resource_Page_Collection */ $collection = Mage::getModel('cms/page')->getCollection(); $this->setCollection($collection); return parent::_prepareCollection(); } protected function _prepareColumns() { if ($this->getUseMassaction()) { $this->addColumn('in_pages', array( 'header_css_class' => 'a-center', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'in_pages', 'inline_css' => 'checkbox entities', 'field_name' => 'in_pages', 'values' => $this->getSelectedPages(), 'align' => 'center', 'index' => 'page_id', 'use_index' => true, )); } $this->addColumn('page_id', array( 'header' => Mage::helper('cms')->__('ID'), 'sortable' => true, 'width' => '60px', 'index' => 'page_id' )); $this->addColumn('page_title', array( 'header' => Mage::helper('cms')->__('Title'), 'name' => 'page_title', 'index' => 'title' )); return parent::_prepareColumns(); } public function getGridUrl() { return $this->getUrl('*/*/pageschooser', array( '_current' => true, 'uniq_id' => $this->getId(), 'use_massaction' => $this->getUseMassaction() )); } /** * Setter * * @param array $selectedPages * @return Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Catalog_Product_Widget_Chooser */ public function setSelectedPages($selectedPages) { $this->_selectedPages = $selectedPages; return $this; } /** * Getter * * @return array */ public function getSelectedPages() { if ($selectedPages = $this->getRequest()->getParam('selected_products', null)) { $this->setSelectedPages($selectedPages); } return $this->_selectedPages; } }
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SKIN DisE. * sorders ate effeo. ae Unge- Ri mcr A years standin fluence. :. A, SORE THROAT e ac, ot erysipelas, mey be ly eae the water, d hich instant treate yew the The Ointment tive powers over blister, t debiiiry. 8, AND VBSCESSE severely for years omplaints’ through pcb purchase a pot fit, reud the direo- y it, act upon them hey ‘will, without obliterating every ing ailments, INFANTILE AILMENTS prains, barns, end couling, sedative aie, dried should waier, dried gently, pald be instsntly 1. ng ions to which child- utment round the Fates to the ti-sues & wonderful power g to, and retarning t. - The inflamma- pain becomes less thicker, und a éere sll long standing 8 will thorengbly pors from the bady, GS. STIFF JOINTS int. yields without: and anti-inflamma- famed Ointmeet d over the affected utation with warm mulating the absorb- tivity,” restraining. noting a. free and the parts effected, d err ensur- AND PARAL S18, tism arixe from in- rts affeced te , adopt o cooling water, tgke six or ght and morning, it most effectoally iéting parts, 9 a oii tient ig ag at ment be well web- limb’ which ‘will, p greatly benefit- bave been affect- Uintmant be well p,a0d Holloway’s ent of Prorssso® eur Temple Bar,) bectahlea Druggists 8 throughout the erable /saving by pidanee of patients | d to the box & Lung VICTORIA. v. ts 8A1URDAY MORNING; NOVEMBER 8, 1873, a Adv pftisements. SHORT, GUN nee RIFLE MAKER, c) Pp heverven PER BXPRESS From. able and Stugle rpetrcics Pigceny g¢ Rifts, : b adi Mussié Colt's,; Swish & Wesson’s, Sharp's Re D BY H. i. LONG & CO. el in “DARE Safipano Heary’s Rifles, Ballard’s Derringer aod other Fis always og band. aprunentasr eatin soa sBscege'e ge Canes and Caps for ditto. Po Flesks, Sbot Bags, Powder Horns. MaPatuio Canraivoss for Heary'’s, Smith & ag 's, Bullard’s,Spencer’s "and other ee Stet toe Oowichaa 3 a 7 "sl a ocl 3m : ane Dacount_civon_ te Aerts 20 -|W. DALBY & CO., ~ | Have Received Direct from Bngland Wm. COLARK’S GRANVILLE, ars ag A CONSTRUCT D AND Commodi Hast Seine etter aso Waterproof HARNESS BLACKING. ibe Jet Black Oi! for Harness, Plate Pow- management . Ger, Saddle aod Bridle Stain, Sad- MRS. T 3. * DEIGHTON, Pe ale Polish, Granville is in @ commeutention with New Fest- mineter by steamer and Bporteme: better location can doortemea,.2o te ats joued M4 mes. JOHN DEl GHTO N, Proprietor. 03 - rierd House rig | View Street. INCOMPARABLE And Ils Celebrated Weurasthenipponskelesterizo reas aes, © oe Over Reabhes, Blows, and Bruises. From Canada, Sieger acd Howe Family and Leather Sewing Machines. Extra Needles for Howe and Singer Machines, Springs, Shatt'e, Trim- mera, Quilters, Corders, Tuckers, &c: St. Nicholas Building, Govern- ment: Street, VICTORIA, B.C. oct3 This well knowa “ Pirst Olass Hotel renovated families ry Bann ay L. P. FISHER, || ADVERTISING Caressa inane > AGENT, > _And Mala and Foma}é Setvipte wilt in attendance. ROOMS 2¢@ and 91 : > w. F. HERRE - : Mercharite* Exchange, CALIFORNIA STREET, - Proprietor. BAN FRANCISCO. ‘ MOKERS,. a ; —_—_—— _ FOR A GOOD SMOKE, URCRIPTIONS POR THE usm THE tah, Ie ‘e i a jon . ’ » Pan Val- paraiso, Japan and China, New Zealand and the A-e- HAIR t inn Colonies, Atlantic States and Burope. sulédew JOHN BOYD. EGS 10 INFOR” His FRIEYDS and the public generally that he WILL OPEN on Thursday, the 16th October THE PREMISES IN JOHNSON STREET Next to: Dapabits Coes, =e peewey saat GROCBRIES, Wines & Spirits. Bvery Article will be Warranted Genuine sod Coléiiial Hotel and Res- sold at the: fi Remunerative T. he B. Ji (| on Bacu Pius. Price so low that sl] can use it. For sale tothe Trade by ‘lige Sem TODD; pies Bireot; "Vieworte, COLONIAL HOTEL. j e Par pircen st home tot em 7 ingen + having Prices. @ PLEASE Nt THE ADDRESS. -G fature té condect it on the dase of s amd tomato Ie as comboreade any wish to state Victron, B. C., Oct, Nth, 1873. ocl4 2pdw NOTICE. cS R- EIU DSON. | PCENSRD VICTUALLER, Market Exchange, FORT STREET. AKES THIS eerenseses To IN- form the public end nis —ae aged dispense it gratio as St. NICHOLAS ees be Soe ie Boro cal ts REST AURANT. | Dissolution of> Partnership ; 4 hee PARTNERSHIP saRneTorunn St. Nicholas Building, fem ast pe ear Smith oF! ERN MENT jSTREET. indebted to the firm of Smith. & Fpelman, ing man as the firm ob Smith £ Spelman, Hotelkeepers, Vine THOROL (OV GBLY RE-FITTED van heamount due by them to Mr.U. B. i theahors named cstaltishment, | Faye, Clinton, wieble thirty days from da'n, and LUCAS & REDON - % Proprietors. Government Street, “WICTORIA, B. C. = aeag le this day dissolved by mutnal conser.t. _waokasann te Sabeny oO) So sesesed oa Mre. E. pa nea aad bh ny Cligtua, 6th October, ‘Meals, will be served at all Hours. wt v: Z. HOUCH, - - ~pRropristor.| Dissolution of Partnership ‘VIOTORIA NURSERY EZ C0ePARTSERSRIP age rh ND ‘Seed Bstablishment | feture be be .afried on wader Witness >—Thos, Hy.. Victoria, B. C., iech October, oc Mitchell & ‘i iolasaion ga*y""e & LARGE AND FINE stock 7 ow i Wanted Semen housekeeper, for . WILLIAM HARRISON, gs Stationer, Government Wanted. ;—\ ecree AT THE ALON Aum gn itr. RESPECTABLE MIDDLE sous] farther in! Miecellanegus Adverasem am a es em me ee PUBLIC NOTICE. eee G* ALRD TENDERS eedorsda ofeatee for Brick Drain,’’ wilt-be secdived by ande veuver ap to noon of aesey ie isecs of Aenoably to Somes Bay Sperificatiogs can ‘te geen at this” Br lowest or any tender fot ecopted. Mite oath tender must be endorsed the names of two réspensible persons williag give secarity to the awoust of que-half the contract price. ROBERT BEAYEN, Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works, per Stanhope Perecil; haht & Works poke teeny Wirtoris, Oct. dict, ta m. ee ttere ° #4 ; * ’ , * —- N AND AFTER THE Ist November, next, all Claims in the Cariboo Dis- trict may be Inid over till the 20th May, 1874, eubject to the 9th Section of -the Gold Ameudment Act aT? . BALL, Gold Commissioner. Richfield, October Mh, 1873. oc2T NOTICE. COURT OF GENERAL ASSIZE AND GAOL DELIVERY and of niet Prive Will be beld at Nanaimo,on Thursday the 4tb day of December, next, at the hows of 11 o'clock in the forenoon, Dated 24th day of October, 1873, By Command, JOPN ASH, Provincial Serders. —_—— “Land Registre Ordinance 1870.” LOT 297 VICTORIA OITY.. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that io pursuance of the provisions of. the Land Registry Ordinance 1870," I sball issue in the name ef Firiden Smithes a duplicate Certificate of lite Lia lige of the original which bas beea lost hat piece of land known as Victura rtd Not No. 297, unless cause be showmto the cootrary with- in one month from the date hereof. H, B, W, AIKMA! oclé =r Registrar CANADIAN ALPACAS | 0327 neral, A\B. 'GRAY Hi’: weet Capetion Mapebescress WILL SELL ox ac- 30 Pieces Black Alpgeca- Also @ consignment of Ladies’ Wool Clouds and Wubias. ‘The attention of bavers is directed to the shove Goods, which will Be sold at lew Jobbing rater to eusure their speedy clearance. GUVERNMENT srnePt. 9th October, 1673. ‘orld EKWONG LEE & CO. Impo ete CHINESE MERCHANUISE. Cormorant St., Victoria, B. C. H’x= BRANCH HOUSES AT YAL Quesnellemouth, Barkerville}and at the Forks Quesnelle.* Commission Merchants and Whelesale Dealers in Rice, Sugar, Opium. and all ~ kinds of Chinese Merchan- dise and Provisions. Alse on hand—CONGOU ta ge half chests, Basket ‘eas. pers and es other goods teo numeruns to wention, Victoria, July 15th, 1873. J. SEHL IMPORTER Furniture, Bedding Mirrors UPHOLSTERY GOODS, Window Blinds, Cornices and Curtains, Carpets sewed and layed, Pulu, Hair and Spring Mattresses always ou hand aad made to order by « competeut Upholeterer. Birt Cages, Children’s Carritges, Rustic and Ova Pictare Frames, Git, Resewoud and “Walnut sivuldings Cash Prices, &e., For Sale at the Lowest ALSO, veut OF PIRST QUAL- 60, GOD "is sericea RSDWOOD TLamber all sizes from 14! pay eo try eee $50 per M. os Schounse- Deerqatte Civess frees Trimided Mall, Outi J, SEHL, Cor. Government & Broughton Sts. oc3 New Bakery, Restaurant ana COFFEE SALOON. .: JOHNSON STREET Hearty egpecite to Shotbelt's Dreg HE PLAOE = 5 BREN RErtTEAD er Refurniebed, pe Ee Orders received for ‘Bread, Cakes aud ing D gg MEALS AT ALL HOURS. -@a P. MURPHY ~~ - - Periaen ‘Wicherta, Oot. Lith 1678. a — Advertisements, — EX “~W INDERMERE” Other Late Arrivals. Be D LINCEED OF1—In barrels and Iron , ome, | WT, AD~Genuine Extra Quality, in 28 4 : j Wren zs se PAIN T- Rews Quality in 98 R™ LEAD—In % B® hegs.: hee 26 BD kegs. it = X_-@ - Ww IBDOW GLASS in 60 feet boxes, ali sines For Sale by ° | Janion, Rhodes & Co. ag™vy GRAIN SACKS. RBv™" BAGS for Oats or Barley For Sale by Janion, Rhases & Co. HEMP & DUNDEE CARPETS, TAPESTRY CaRPETS. KIDDERMINSTER CARPETS. FELT DRUGGBTS 6-4 wide. TABLE OIL CLOTHS. For Sale by Janion, Rhodes & Co. NAMBLLED SAUCEPANS & COVERS, io Casks, NAMELLED STEWPANS & COVERS, in Casks, co SAUCEPANS AND COVERS, || in Cuske, ) Scat FRY PANS assorted sizes, = For Sale by Janion Rhodes & Co. "eae BLANKET 2} point White, Blue, Scar- let and Green. 3 point, 3} poiat Brown, Gentian, 4 point. - FLAN ns TLS ite, Scarlet, Yellow, Blue and Green. For Sale by Janion Rhodes & Co. AP. so ag oa Crown Soap in 18 tb bors. Pale Yellow Soap in 56 Ib boxes. Biue,Motied soap in 28 and 56 boxes, Tallow Crown Soap in 28 and 56 fh boxes. R. Irviog & Co's Pale, Erasive and Obemical Olive ia 18 aad 20 Ibs boxes. Brown Windeor aed Perfumed Soaps, from J. Gosaell & Co., Loadoa. For Sale by Janion, Rhodes & Co. A. RICKMAN IMPORTER AND DEALER. Hi*% ALWAYS ON HAND A GESERAL Assortment of SELECT GROCERIES. Government and Fort Stréets “ PUBLIC NOTICE. HE TIME FOR RECEIVING RETURNS in reference to the Agricultural inter ests in the Province has been extended to the 25th November oon W. J. ARMSTRONG. oc28 pi of JOHN WILSON, — THE “GARRIGK’S HEAD” INN |' BASTION STREKT. Nevada Metallurgical Works, urgt |RIOTTER & LUCEKHBARDT, / SAM FRANCISCO, CAL. - pe 4 CRUSHED, SAYPLUS ASSAYED and Werked. made 2 _STANDARD. — NUMBER 122. ——" rv suits Ne0»sS$=$™“_—=$@m09BMaaS SSS BELMONT TANNING & BOT &; Sl Manufacturing Co., Limited. — Manufacturers of ped and Whole Kip, Flesh Gall Bh Skins, Seal. Whine 2 and a Leather. ALSO. BOTS, SHOES AND BROGANS OF ALL DESCRIPTOR, For Ladies, Gentlemen, Misses, Boys eed Oyties ay Tinfing and Boot’é Shee Factory, ns ee Office and Wholesale & Retail Store, rica mamta, oat The Goods are manufactured from the Best Materials aad by the most modern suit the requirements of this country; and as the prices will always be based oa Profits and s Large Basiness, it is believed that @ liberal and discriminating latgely patronize this local indust-y. _—_—_—— PRINCE OF WALES |R. B: THOMPSON, Livery and Sale: Stables,| J.T. DUNLOP, Proprieton, Carriages, Buggies anD Good Saddle and Carriage Horses J Broad street, East side of Fort street. 20 ly PEARSON'S CARIBOO EXPRESS LINE STAGES. ws LEAVE YALE on Monda April 2ist, arriving Saturday tollowing, * maki ng WEEKLY TRIPS, i. connecting with the steamers at Quesnel and Passengers will require to leave Victoria Kap tend EBaterprise en Friday of vac! Treasure shipped Aud a general Commission and Express Business Done BE. PEARSON & BRU. Ww. J. JEFFREE, a ee In: PERIAL Fire Insurance Company. OLD BROAD STREET & 16 PALL MALL, LONDON. ? INSTITUTED . 1808. OR INSURING nesee AND OTHER Buildin, >, Mi Mana- ring po, Bh Stock, St Ships ia Port , Harbor or Deck, and the Cargoes of veasels; also ‘Ships build ing or repairing, Barges and other = on pe diyenr je rivers and Canals, and goods on such vessels, nome Great Britain and ial and in Foreigz es, FROM LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE. ~ Subscribed and Invested Capital One Million Six Hundred Thousand Pounds. RISKS ACCEPTED AT CURRENT RATES OF PREMIUM. WELCH, RITHET & CO., Agents for BritishColumbia and Washineton Territory. T. SMITH BOOMERANG INN; LANGLEY ALLEY. THE BEST QUALITY OF ; Wines and Liquors and the’Finest Brands of CIGARS, Will always be on hand at the Bar. jy20 dewtf THOS. STOREY Contractor & Builder, GOVERNMENT STREET, NEAR FORT, VICTORIA, B.C. no23 ly 8. L. KELLY IN & STOVE DEALER. Opposite Weils, Farco & Co., Yates street. de31 ly JOHN PARKER. Parkers Market. JOHN PARKER & Co., Corner of Fort and Government Streets, WILL. OWENS. BEG TU roan THE IN- habitants of Victuria and Mort that 4 = OPEN ON FRIDA the the above and bay fans constantly on hand a choice are prepared to «ffer pede ni hy er ‘ at very pen ng 10 business, te merit 6 share of fechas 5 ic patronage. aa GOODS DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE. Hotels, Families and Shipping supplied at aald Short Notice. 8. WHITLEY. Dominion Livery Stables, GOVERNMENT STREET, Neat thé Hook and Ladder Hones. BUGGIES, DRIVING ARMSADDLE DENTAL CPMRATIONSQES. teh fully and Oarstelly perfoomed FEES MODERATE.. Rooms over Mr. Neisermen'e Oies, Saagiey. Gon November, 1873, at Barkerville on ths | Cy FRANCIS BARNAAD aD 8U oo FR cote nn, Pa my ‘latest -mousting se faved, aay single dentures or partial ete, the “Wwe Sheerfa! vn ted eee eS Carriage Make FOHNWSON STRESP, between Government and Bread I’ prepered to build % Wagons and Carts of every description. Reparing done cheaper than by any shop in Vietorla, sa All Work guaranteed. Bes .| Victoria, 23rd February, 1eTa, eurtdew i TERS rade: aaa eR CCmeD Ramer aE Arthur Strong. pet GENERAL CONTACTON, pUsr MOVER, CESSPOOLE, Gee spe ree ines at Imac Johasoas’ in Trounee Aitay wf be Discoreny Bireet went a AH LUN.” Manufacturer: ° HAVANA cleAme. 4ND ALL ODER BRAuDS, 1% $e - uom JOHNSON STRFET. seme ty Be, weonaes wants, , arto wmaituircalnin, “a Dealer im Venmisan and. aM mentee Season. ' Accountaats, and Average : Loans Negotiated, Settlements counts audited. RENTS & DEBTS 7 J te bs 5 J ira a aes oe aor ae, ne ee Ee eee. ee <<. The Daily Standard. New Adve ‘Advertisements. o> Si DeWIEDERHOLD & CO. REPORT OF THE rh P roumsiearexuae- Sable Sir Prederick Temple, Earl of Dufferin, ete., ete. May ut phase Fuer Becellency : = ‘The undersigned Commissioners, appointed Commission addressed to them: ur- a Great Seal of Canads, bearing date aM of ae A. D., 1873, bave the 1.) Thet they met at Ot- noth, y of August last, for the akivog preperations forthe dis- duty imposed oa them by the (® he tourse of proceedivgs was then settled, and the 4th day of Septem- ber last was appeinted for entering upon the examination of- witnesses. (3.) Toe Com- missidpers, on undertaking the inquiry tbey were enjoined to make, had -hoped that the entire condact of . would not have been left int ; tbat the Hon. Mr. Hunting- “qho, bejieved that the in the Commission could be estab would have ar yarn th Haid before them, and they ved in such event not only to accept raid in ‘the investigation, but to allow to ag promoter at least the same latitude in - the mode of proceeding as the recognized ed in ordioary judici: } yond also to give to the mem- ‘¢ Goveroment a like latitude for defence. This course redto the Com- missioners to be just, and in accordanve with In the prose- COAL & WOOD MERCHANTS Coal Yard on Messrs. Janion, Rhodes & Co.'s Wharf Store Street. ( RDERS LEFT AT MES RS. T. ALL- sop & Co.'s office, Government street, corner of Bastion, orht the office on the wharf, Store street, will be promptly executed. nos Protestant Orphan’s Home. ert snove INSTITUTION HAS BEEN VICTORIA, B.C., ide the Mustinatedaga:. Allso parties wishing to place their children in the Home and able to pay for their support in whole or in part, can ascertain the terms of admission by addressing ac8 = The Secretary of the Orphan’s Home, Victoria, “ Let shining charity adorn, your seal, The noblest impulse generous mind can feel.” PRILHARMONIS HALL, Saturday Eve.; Nov. 8th, 1873. BRAND COMPLIMENTRY Pi ENEFIT tendered by the Vivien Troupe to sees alan to be your Excelleacy’s} ROYAL i ssh heir “work, ab called before them su¢b persons as they . ato believe coald give any infor- on the eubject of it, or, otherwise fa- ‘the investigation, aad especially the Huntingtoa, to whom a letter an- rt, was addressed on the cow omvthe day named with evidence io iste ens was also addressed e Hon. the Secretary of State, giving pot ne ofthe day sppointed for. the proceed- ing,a copy of which is also annexed. Ia the between the first day of meeting edag so appointed, summonses were pa a served upon Mr. Huntingtoo aod| others, to appear and give evidence. (7.) On of Sepjembe-, the Commis- sioners met, and after the publication of the jthe witnesses cited for that day were called. 8.) Mr. Huntington failed to Po evidence of the Honble was takeo, and a_ sealed Feary) ia bis possession by Sir Hugh Han aud Mr. Geo. W. McMullen, was prc- duced and deposited with the Commission~ p" ie) @ sealed packet was openid consest of Mr. Starnes and Sir “Tage dies, aod the several papers it con- were put in proof, (11.) The Com- gigsioners then examined the other wit- is in bee acess and afterwards on suc- missioners Great attractions will be offered on this occasion. Positively the-last night of the Vivian Parlor Concert Troupe Come one, Ucme all, and lends helping hand _ fara So last past, requesting bim to Sid 'Gamealocicn a list of such. wit- sses'as he might wish to examine, and to| py... seats $1; Back Soats 50 cents; Reserved Seats 25 a toa good cause, conls extra charge. The Box Office will be opened for the sale of reserved seats from 11 a, m. to 2p. m. at Philharmonic Hall. Tickets for sale everywhere NOTICE TO CREDITORS. A DIVIDEND OF TEN PER CENT. will be payable at the office of Messrs. Norris & Wylly Government Stieet, on and after Monday, the idth instant. om. 2: FINDLAY MA a fe JOLUNSTON, A. ppro J, RUEF i ean T. Y eile = Victoria, B. C., November 7th, 1873. no? _—— = “Estate of Fell & Finlayson. pin failed to appear, althongh doly renee sym saat ccs office aay a be- the Tormer, through @ special! The lowest tender not necessarily accepted. sent to Chicago, for the. purpose. JAMBS H. INNES, other two, Mr. Henry, Nathun| po.) Naval Yard Naval Storekeeper. a. Dowald Baith, are resident, the'for-| eequimalt, ak Nov , 1873, noT io British Columbia, and the latter in a; the distance aud consequent de-. m securing their attendance, and the bene PORTER. it. will cause, render it inex- = them to give evidence. to those whose names are.ou . tioned list, the Commissiocers ve called and examined Mr. Daniel. Me in Hogh Alan, the Hon. J. J. \* éthe Hon. Mr. Ouimet. (ie) of ge messes were cross-exumiced e Government by Sir Jobo Sole iner members of it. (17.) Mr. Charles M. Smith, of Chicago, was sum- abe Gommissioners; but did not "(i8.) Evidence also bas been given by Mr. "Frede G. Martia and Mr. Thos. White, whose names were furnished by members of the Government, aud Mr. Geo. Norris, jr., and Mr. J. Petkins, whose names were also so farnished, were cited to appear but made de- couse’ Phe Commissioners on the 23d day we September, mber} while still in course of their examinations, requested by public an- nouncement all persons possessing any in- formation on the subject of the enquiry: to 2 hegeysite ive greene before them. (20.) A been offered in answer fo the ccatianiel’ 31.) The Commission closed Yts sittiage fortaking evidence on the ist day tober instant. These sittings were pub- @- open) acd accommodation was pro- vided for reporters of the public press. (22 ) Bie Commissioners bave endeavored, in to the rements of the Com- pean to obtain fi the witnesses all the to: the: cf matter of ich they were able to give. (23) ile coe idenes is. contaiced in depositions, ‘ iz to was: and fn certain décu- mentaall of which are appeged to this report respective! Ad the accompsny- Pate ye re Ifthe evidence ceannuee aineotiet, % 2 sr ee from circumstances o inquiry, «Re rendered @zpréssion of their sae ‘apes the evidence, they have determ a tof the liberty so Se They had arrived at that con- "they were” informed of your se views on the subject, that they fee] eal and justified in it by » com- munication received before their labors com- te which your Excellency kindly us to ¢, relating to one or two matters on which they thought it their duty to your Prceliened before entering e their task. (27.) Jo that communiéation your Excellency was to express the opinion that the fuoc- of Commissioners were rather in- wisitorial than judicial, and that the execu- votloaottnew shone tot be such as in any to p whatever proceediogs Par- Nement’ = might desire to take, when it reas- ““gembled in October. Ut OAS. DEWRY Day, ABigned) =“ A. POLETT — fan mmissioner, (Signed) JAS. ROBT. GOWAN, gs Commission Rooms, 0 ~A, 2 mse tiawa Oct. 17, 1873.” P [RGiwibeke late meeting held or Ata meeting heldon the Ist he, the testo youre the were elected for ensuing “ep he oe —— hes, Saral Society : Morley, J. R. ‘Viee-Presides BF | eeeay Raion and F P.'s; Recording Secretary, W. Smithe,M ube. P.; —— EX PRINCE OF WALES. For Sale by SPROAT & CO. no? lm THE EUREKA RANGE Manufactured Expressly ‘for JAMES S$. DAUMMOND, The Trade and Public Kitchen Furniture & METALLIC ROOFING Constantly on Hand. Yates Street, VICTORIA, B. C. Wanted ANTED A NURSE, Apply to MRS. BULKLEY, 206 airfield. Belmont Tanning & Boot & Shoe Manufacturior ( Co-, Limited. viFTu See a OF TEN PER CENT. upon the Capital of the Dy, was I on and made this 4th Nov., 1873, rand sent be pea oe or before the 5th Dycumber’ next at the Bank of British Columbia. By order of the Directors, 7. C. BALES Secretary. _ Victoria, V. I., November 4th, 1873. 105 “ Commissioner. | NOTICE. Steamer Sir Jumes Douglas. NOW LANDING Ex . PRINCE of WALES” On Account of THOS. WILSON6Co.\; French and Whituey Blankets, Saxony, Welsh & Milled or Shaker Flanne’s, Scarlet and Fancy Colored Shirting ditto, White and Unbleached Canton ditto, White and Unbleached Calicoes and Sheetings. TO ARRIVE BY PRINCH ALFRED. Tweeds, Dress Materials, Dent’s real Kid Gloves, Rib- bens, Trimmings, EZEmb roide : Goods all of Shich will be sold at lower rutes — Olympia Courier and ocartens Oregonian please aioe bender bene rien heretofere. SCOTCH HOUSE ORT , and a variety of other » <oeta e e New Advertisements. ee la ————SS pees A; AUCTION | Odd Fellows Sa eth of orem, 1873, at S.o'’cleck FP. to to be ches it before it. ' ra ian All Past Grands belonging to the District are savtted'so attend. * PARTRIDOR, Seentinn wictr Lodge Ne. ae . Vietoria, B.C., Nov. #th, 1 ' WILL SELL ON THE DRIARD HOUSE Monday, Nov. 10th AT 11 O'CLOCK A.M. t Atthe H latel ied Z © House lately occap by maf HUTCHESON, Yates Blancherd. THE BEST HOTEL IN VICTORIA, V. I. ILL DURING THE WINTER SEASON Accomodate Guests at REDUCED PRICES! Consisting of—Marble Top Table, Inlaid Table, Mantle Mirror, Steel Plate . ing noS "| Wardrobe, Cane Oheirs eed kers, Clocks, Coal Oil Lamps, Gilt Cornices Curtains, Carpets, Hearth » Peaders, Glassware, Crockery, Bath, ater aaa and Tabs, Kitcben Fursiture. ; 1 Double barreled Gen, 1 Grover and Baker Sewing Machine, ——— Family Treasury, Lewure Moore and Byron, Etc, “J. P. DAVIES &CO., Auctioneers CATTLE SALE. A. McLEAN & CO. General Outfitters J.P.DAVIES & v0 Choice Assortment of Winter and Fall Goods. They import direct from the best English, Scotch and Dominion Markets, and will Sell at the Beg to intimate that they have a Smalfést Possible Advance on Cost. FPICERS AND wsuetneS OF VIC- toria Lodge No. 1, aré hereby ot to attend at the Lodge Room, on Sunday the 9th 9 raneteally atl2o’clock, noen, for the purpose of attending the faceral oftheir late Brother A. H. Guild. Members of Sister Lodges - ye to attend. By — of the N. @, . R. PARTRIDGE, Secretary. I @. esc O. F. HE OFPICERS AND MEMBERS OF Vancouver Encampment No. |, are fied to meet at the Lodge Room on Bunday next, the th inst., punctually at 12 o'clock, pores. 90 te attend the tuner ee A. H Guild By order « the 0, Py . JUNGERMAN, 306 I, O. HE OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF Colambia Lodge No. 2, are hereby requested to meet at the Lodge Room, on Sunday nest, the 9th punctually at ito ° ree me neon, to attend the funeral of our late Brother By order of the N. G. 305. W. ange aa ie 0 Che or. Khe OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF Dominion Lodge No. 4, are requested to meet at the Lodge Room, on Sunday, the 9th inst., at ay tg noon, toattend the funeral of our late Brother A. H. cuss By order of the N. @ J J. WRIGLESWoRTH, ~~ Rec. Secretary. PROGRAMME OF RACES. see FOR THE Prince of Wales’Birthday Monday, 10 Nov., 1873. STEW ARDS—Hion. Capt. yes Lieut, Colonel Hoegh- ton, Capt, Collins, Capt. Layton. OFFICIALS—Jucge, A. Bupst er, 4 Starter, Capt. Layton ; Clerk of t a ay Humphreys, Keq. ; Clerk pe ly meng Vernor, Eeq. QNE O’CLOCK,. TRIAL ee oe each, with $50 added; weight for age, distance 1 mile 1 30 O’CLOCK. PRICE OF ries our, wfSi6 cach, with Cup, value $50; weight for ; heats, distance 1 mile. 2:30 00" CLOCK, BEACON PARK STAKES, of $5 sich with $90 added over 4 Hurdles, weight 11 stone,(154lbs) beats, distance i 3:30 O'CLOCK. cz Oar of ot iter er Sarat ors wack: 3 WO CLOUK, * CONSOLATION STAKES for beaten Ames of $2 56 each with $25 added; Catch weights, distance }¢ mile. The above programme is proposed to becarried out if sufficient fonds are evllected. SCHEDULE OF WBIGHTS.—S yeass old, 9 stone, 4 years old 9 stone 12 ibe. ; pyc er pone 10 stone | Ibs. RULES AND REGULATIONS. + Thesd Races be tun (strictly) according to Bagi Jockey pte be 2 pst 2. Horses to be entered 4 before 6 P.M. on Friday’ the Tee Koraenber with ages and description of the same, Mi.” Owners of Horses to declare their colors at the fime entry. 4. Jockeys riding tn 0 hnt ~Ae aes aag 6. All Races will be s 6. Winner of a Race shoteded teen — "Rerting te any Subsequent Race. Applications tor refresbment stands must be made betore Fridry next, at G p.m. G. BR. LAYTON Bo Secretaryand Sressurer, ea 0; EF, A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF AUTUMN AND WINTER GOODS= OF LATEST STYLES, RECEIVED AT 1QNDON HOUSE. By steamer to-day , Oot. 25, Turner, Bofon & Tunstall, |-E RESTAURANT COFFEE SALOON. ™ E UNDERSIGNED e Restaurant and Coffee pln pn oPakep Board by the Meal... coccccssloccsosseoos RRR 7 Oup of; CoGee 884 Rall ccccecccnnqncrrcispeaemee 1844 LEUN SUQN\..........0.-.f0C28 Qan)...--si-. Proprictor. MUNICIPAL WNOTICE., CIty OF VICTORIA, PROVINCE OF BRI. : COLUMBIA, To Wit: UBLIC NOTICE ss P vthat ater Dracn 1 HEREBY GIVEN found removiog Agricultutal Society: of British | > Columbia. HE ANSUAL MEETING Suciety for Election of Officers, oe be weld the City Counsil nn gery ne on Monday, the Eoeeebe, post. at sr bday ~ pod pene £ bets i vith thi scat viecisl Exahitestc= Sve ee By Order. ine THOS. BUSBELL, Farm For Sale. Fron, st oink In THe ag AL ON AND AFTER eeeeay a next, the llth inet., the Steamer Sir will leave Messrs. Janion, Rhodes & Co.'s ——s betore sailing except at the #’ clock every Tuesday Morning. which No hart 2 will be pio after five o’clock on the (Shes ay the By order of the Mayor and Council. WM, LEIGH, ey eT Oseaoee, see: bag ae oon = DANCING | CLASSES. poeta’ O greene Mpg. F.AACRDARS WILL HOLD ony Timer aiay towing M Toesds be: wm font ah i November. Bist October PHILBARMONIC HALL, FORT STREET, Commencing at 8 o'clock. WILL SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, At the Cattle Sale Yard, Fort Street ocl5. By order and for Account VICTORIA BOOK BINDERY, of the Mortgagee, MIIS BINDERY 1s ons Several Head of Fat <2 bute be = Steers. meowon we Pecte| Mhree Yoke of work J.P. DAVES & 00.. Housctisli urkiiien. 60 Vols. Books; inc! : London Society, Cassuel’ 8 aera Coast. The macb- inery is new and of the most approved ‘“maoufactare, and the stock of Binder's Ma- terial is large aod earefally selected, and prices are as low as any other house in the trade. All work warranted, and satisfaction goer- Oxen. One Saddle Horse. First class Bu _—~Horse. ext 2 te Fabermenic Bal Dresses sect os obowiog ian re! eae anteed. R. T. WILLIAMS. At T. N. Hibben & Co.’s Store. THEATRE ROYAL. VICTORIA, B.C: M";.2" H. CHURCH HAVING LEASED Wednesday, N vig 12,1878 Mmd, Laura A. Stevensun| 47 '* @CLOCK, NOON The above Theatre, he begs to inform the pabiic of Vic. ak DAVIES & Co, be nod > Artetioneers, Five Milch Goats. Cow and Calf. The above Sale will take place on . FORT STREET. — 1 Skating I! ME®:: R. es } Kes oe 9 HAS REMOVED the opposite side ‘ort street, noxt door to Captain Wylae's residence- : Notice No's= = He&aeEBY osee, =nee Richard ine rw of trick amd Com. | 208. me pany is new vestea in \. ‘ GARESCHE. - Victoria, Oct. 22, 1873. oc23 Department of Marine & Fisheries = ni MARINERS. eee PO » D a ; ae write THE INDIAN BALM OIL MAN b wer as DAES Y eee rem Wieetae vasdrer Sones. Sprains, cane u.to8 ?. M., and’ at 7:30 Pr. mu. Ul 20 o'clock 2. m. Schafer's Band will te ih . attendance. aaa PLOWING MATCH, Yates street, ow at 12 o'clock, Reon, ed previously Be ANNUAL PLOWING MATCH take place on Saturday the 22d fmm ng ty at Mr. J. ae Bryaut’s Farm, South Seanich, East Road, PRIZE LIST E. CUVREAU;) SpringValleyNursery (CEDAR HILL ney ; For Sale. MRS. JAMESON come ett Butterick’s Celebrated Patterns TREES OF EVERY For Bale. 4 Desirable Sarma To Let. bat FARM.NOW OCCUPIED BY MR. RB. R.B. B dime et ay will be eheont, from Vietoria y, 4th November unt Wanted. a. WM Ppt ba the Preeaens to 3. W. McConnell. we Ww Kane Strest. ~—_. PHILHARMONIC - HALL, _= SKATING RISK WILL = Bey i } * ve yo 8U5 The Fall . Assiz moroing at 11 0’c Ward, C. W.R.T qeatbtatey, tou which they bad b them “pot Bh, ay aad bis e ttorney G address the jury o he also, lamented members jaet actions, 5 of the ptison Genera alleged to the evidence fe our column qth jact., the-wife of Mr. Wm. Wiléod, Broad On the} te > ; pi The Fall Assizes commenced yesterday morsing at 11 o'clock, when the following geo Y m were empannelied a Grand Jury : ; Finlayson (Foreman), J. G. Norris, a a A. McLean, W. ©. Siffken, A. Meare, f; KN. Hibben, Thos. Chadwick, F. Pagdes, 2. McQuade, G. J. Stuart, E, Mall ee, W. Dalby, W. Denay, W. OC. Ward, C. W.R, Thomson, ‘Mee Justice, Crease, in his charge to the Grand Jory, reminded them of the duties for which they bad been called together, and ex- to thém tbe asual course pyteued by Jaries, im briegiag ia true bills, Tbe 1 q then directed the jury as to ] “fadietments which they would have’ €o¢otstdet, and was of opinion that theyrwould feuve wo difficulty ia fading prima fese qunes tn every instance. A Jucp-then reticed for a consid- of the indictments, ead abortly after- ed a trae bill against Seba Kingewill, ch with committing egruanatural offence at Kequimalt on August Sedilest. - ; mer, who belongs to H M.S. Re- pulse, upon bearing the oa read pleaded ‘got guilty,” and appeared déeply affected by hie ‘ ; e Attorney General, in opening the: pro- sebttioa, rerrtied that it felt to his lot to address the on sach a disgusting charge; he algo. lamested that one of H. M, Navy, whose members are generally respected for or actions, should be placed in the posi- of the prisouer at the bar. The learned Attorney Genetal did not intend to relate the to the jury, as it was very offensive; ey sh@uld, however, at once bear it as it fell from the mouths of the witnesses. "Witte ‘Selleck, Sergeant Tucker, H.M.S. Reindeer, W. J. Payne, sed Williem Russell gate evideace teaching the offence, which somewhat-conflicting, after which Nr. R. Bidhoy, whe appeared for the prisoner, ad- d ¥bhe jury 00 bebalf of bis client, re- that be was a man of excelleat : ead hed pessed some 20 years in Cz ‘s service without receiving acy tal mark, jury then retired to consider their " eotered the court with a verdict eof attempt to commit,’’ with re- pn eno to mercy on account of pre- vious’ cosduct, and from the prisoner ‘pelng usder the influence of liquor at the of aitempt. ar . next case catled was that of George eb with stealing personal pro- froth the trunks of guests at the Driard Prisoner pleaded not guilty. bs William Waugh, char, with stealing frogs the. peteon of Robért Dingle a gold ? paket, cheia, Maltese cross, and certain or with having received the seme ‘i bs ns them to be stolea property, was the oéxt placed at the bar. He also wot guilty. -maving been empennelled, the At- proceeded to marrate the cir- jeged robbery and to Gedrge Robert Dingle, sworn, deposed to missing bie wateb, etc., the morning after the en, robbery, and substantially reiterated , evidence which has been fully reported fm our columns at the time the case was heatd at the Police Court. In one or two ia- stances, however, as to his being so drank as ees assistance to his bedroom at the ; Hotel, the witoess denied.that be eeveried such to’ be the case in hie deposi- ‘Coes. , 2 or Bowden, sworn, deposed to meet- the last witaess on the wight of the al- ob! gad identifying the stolen prop- 1 Pe tien witness received he to the Miners’ Saloon, on Jobnson and received the watch, ete., fron the fr, avd \in consequence of instruc- toes witeess gaye, prisoner was arrested. : et Bi ld deposed to arresting mer on the present charge, om the 30th “Aegus.. Two days a‘terwards o Maltese cross, part of the stolen property, es brought ta witness by s squaw, who ked it up on Commercial! street, slong which dover bad Been taken to the gaol. se'Sond Jobaedd deposed that on the 29th of dmgeat prisocer came to him and asked.for sot $20, to assiet s friead io trouble. 3 the watch, etc, and wit- jo bie safe as security tor the pan. ber requested witness not to get the watch tepsired at ‘any jeweller’s store, aod promised to retura ie moet as soon as Thétollowiog Gey witaess saw an advertisemeat for a "watch, etc., and imme- diately gave iaformatien to the police, aod banded them the property on it being identi. . Waes borrowed the mongy, called witness on ove side inte s room where there was'no ons else. : Charles J. Pbillips deposed to his standing st Campbell's corner on toe 291h August last, when b¢ébéard something drop bebind bim. Terned foued and saw the prisoner picking ap the wateb, e'c.. (produced) and putting it ia bie pocket. Prisoner came into the Mio. ere’ Salooe the same evening, and exbibited a Maltese cross, which be placed in witness’ hand ; directly prisoner saw witness reading the inscription oa the cross, prisoner soatcbed it oat of his baad. ’ x..99% Marwick corroborated the evidence of fast witness with regard to prisoner dropping “the watch at Campbell's corner. Witness gdvised: prisover to take the watch t Mr. uogerainn’s, aod have it mended, bat he pepliod,.' Oh, arver mind that,"’ and pro- . to go to Joe Wrigiesworth's and take « testead ;;in the saloon prisoner teok "she wateh and pieces and placed them ins _posksibandhescbiel, and put them ia bie coat pocket aad went away. rasor, barkerper ot Wriglesworth's serving bog erand fast wit. with the drink elluded to, and seeing wasoh, etc., ia possession of the prisouer; sever seen privgner with a watch before, “ @ Rédon—one of the ope of the Howel—deposed that Mr. Dingle tald "bins on the morning after the alleged robbery that be hed bis wateb atolea from bis bed. room,and that the thief must have got in the window. Witness replied, *' it {@ impossible,” and prisoner said he did not Baow Wf he bed bad bis watch on when be went to bed the aight before. ‘; usted the evidence for the crown, en r. Bishop proceeded to address the Court on bebalf of the, prisoner, and oa he bed bought the watch, etc., from prnacseg be wished to raise money on it, to per steamer, on ay atter the thet See denacece p,Fer the defeace he Jolie Bagichartt—who d that. be the steamer Priace Alfred sail. a-the 27th-Avgust. A n Kiog. boaght » ticket on bbe 208 could net sailed. , whom prisoner had bought from wateb. ' Were j anger. ~ ” Mr. Justice Crease—Have you anything to preveit? ; : Mr. Bishop—No, your Lordship, 1 cannot go farther. (Lau -) Thomas N lonis was called to prove the prisoner's ebaracter, aod Geo, Richard- son wes called for « similar purpose. After an eloqueot address from the Attor- ney General, the jury retired to consider their ‘verdict, aod after a lengthy absence, brought in a verdict of guilty oa the secoud count,’’—i.e., receiving the watch, etc., well knowing them to have been stolen. The Vourt adjourned till ten o'clock this morning. TRUE BILLS Jpuod by the Grand Jary agaiast— Joba Riogwell—Uanatural offence. William Waugh—Larceny. Joseph Waterman—Attempted rape. Chil-a-Chano—Wilful murder. Thos. H. Farrell—Larceny. George Corbe—Larceay. Bob, (a Songish Indian)—Assault. British Golumbia Protestant Or- phans’ Home. j Such is the name of an institution—before alluded to ja this journal,—receotly formed by ministers and members of all the Protes- tant bodies in Victoria, for the sustenance and education of motherless, orphan, and destitute children, to be nurtured in the fold of the christian church. The need of such an institution has long been felt ; but, singly, the Protestant church. es have not considered themselves equal to the task ;—and if they are somewhat late in combining for its executidn, circumstances which need not be particalarly enumerated bere, may extenuate, if not justify the delay. Though it_may be observed that nota few orphans have been maintained through va- rious’ private methods, by members of the different bodies. The name of the Sisters of St. Ann, in con- nection with the first orphanage in this land, will always be remembered with respect The founders of the new Home, while be- lieving that all christians must judye of the truth, and sesloasly maintain it, ye: that none may judge their brothers and. sisters, except by their fruits, gladly ackaowledge that those ladies, bearing the name of our common Lord, have set aa example of seal oot selidenial, witch is worthy of all imitae on. The general management of the Protestant Orpbans’ Home is vested, at preseat, in a committee of twelve geutlemen,—four from each Protestant body,—and the internal managemeht in a committee of twelve ladies, chosen by them in like manner ; and the first public meeting of subscribers and friends will be held on the second Tuesday, in De- cember, when the general committee will be appointed for the year 1874. Several chilirea have been in the care of the ladies, since their appointment, about a moath sinee. 5 As this institution contemplates the recep- tion of orphans from every section of British Columbia, the committee would thankfully receive aid from those favorable to the andertaking, and would solicit the sympathy and support of the friends of the Orpbanage in the various settlements through- out the Province. In conclusion, they would ask the good will and kind consideration of the whole community, so many of whom have been ever ready to hear the cry of distress; and the active advocacy and aid of Protestants in particalar, as bound by their most holy faith to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction ;—and from all they would bespeak for those who will sulicit subscrip~ tions, a favorable » and such response as their charitable sympathy” sball dictate. Any further information as to the nature and objects of the. institution, may be ob- tained from the Secretary of the Orphan's Home, Victoria. + Phe Fresentment of the Grand ‘Jury: The following presentment was banded in at ithe Ass:zes by the foreman of the Graod Jury yesterday: “The Grand Jury cofsider it their duty to inform the Court that considerable delay bas been experienced by the non appearance of witnesses when called and bope for the future that every precaution will be taken to facilitate the proceedings of the Grand Jury, It also ap- appeared in the course of enquiry that con- siderable delay was experienced in one case —a felony at the Driard House Hotel—when the assistance of a policeman could not be obtained for nearly a whole day ; and from information stated in one of the public news- papers the goal appears to bave beea in one instaace deserted at midnight by the door- keeper aad an irresponsible person left ia churge. These subjects are reapectfally sab- mitted for consideration and close investiga- ties. bd (Signed), R. FINLAYSON, Foreman.” Vicroata, B C., Ith Nov., 1873. Mr, Justice Crease in receiving the report anid that the Grand Jury-should aot be guid- ed by heareay or newspaper evidence which hed in the instance alluded to appeared in the Co'onist, be would bowever hand their report to thé.proper authorities and it would no doubt meet with the respect due it. > o-——__——_ Phe Vivian Troupe. Coesideriog the continued wretched state of the elements last night, the numerous su- dience which patronized. the egtertainmest at the Philharmonic Hall, must have been most gratifying and flatteriog to the mem- bers of the Vivian Company, but Victorians heave the onme for recognizing anything meritorious and their discrimination with regard to the presént artistes is most credita- ble. Every item'on the programme passed off admirably and elicited warm applause, gad io wany instances drew forth encores. The pebdlic to-night will tarn ont en maase for the Hospital becefit, for we are sure all must be alive to the generosity of Mr. Vivian and his talented company as well as to the good resulting from our general bospital. <- &. o-— Lieutsina Cases—Mr. J H. Todd receiv- ed ao telegram from Cariboo, on Thureday, stating that Lightoing creek is still ‘panning eut’’ largely, The Victoria company took out last week 200 o2. of gold, and the Point company 260 ouaces.. ee Annivats.—The fest-sailing Puget Sound built ship Wildwood, arrived io the Roads yesterday, fourteen days from Sana Francisco, to load lumber at the Inlet; Also tbe ship Moskowa, from Guatamala, to load lumber at the Jolet. Tux Prince of Wales was towed to ber wharf yesterday, and will commensce to dis- charge on Monday, The hatches were open- ed yesterday,—the cargo appears to be in ex- cellent order. —_———__~+-s—_o—_——_—_———" Tan Provincsz or Orrawa.—A project is mentioned in the East to create the valley of the Ottawa into a Previace, to be named the Province of Ottawa, SS Coxpenwen —The Seattle Dispatch ganoun- ces that the steamer Politkofsky is ena- domped, and will pot be allowed to rua Diggings The California arrived at Esquimalt at siz o’clock last evening, from Sitka and way ports, with Captain Moore and three sons, who brought down conciderable gold dust ; also the Rathe broilers, with 270 ounces, together with Messrs. P. Davis, A, Fraser, E Welch, and two others, who went up on the California only two months since. These five Intter were last in the mines, spent five days there prospecting,and when getting short of provisions, and there being two feet of snow and hard frost, left on the 17th October, They took up 500 feet of ground on Dease ereek, which prospected in two feet from the surtace, from 25 cents to $1 to the pan. Geo. Willisctoft and two Todians, who bad left shortly before the Davis party get in, took out $197, rocking eight hours. Williscroft is at the Sheena mouth, awaiting the Otter, to bring bim to Victorla,.. Mr. Adams, Govern- meat agent, with forty others, are wintering at Buck's Bar; there are seven wintering at Wrangle. ‘The excitement is intense. be parties who came doWno on the California, intend to retarn two months hence. On the way out, the snow was melting. The miners wiotering on the Stickeen, bave bought up all the provisions seat up, so thats large supply will be required next sprieg. ———_+ > o—__——— Axatvat or tas Dovatas.—The Douglas, Captain Clarke, arrived at Janion, Rhodes’ wharf, at five o'clock lagt evening, from Co- mbk and iufermédiate ports, with thirty pas- sengers, the mails, some live stock, oats, chickens, hay, fars, oil, etc. The Wellington was londing coal at Departare bay, and the steamer California, from Sitka, was takiog in coal. She sailed yesterday for Portland, via this port. There are some passengers on board from the Dense lake mines, who con- firm the favorable reports already published. Mr. T. Williams was injured ia the Douglas pit; the ‘tran’ passed over bim: Guy Fawkes’ day was celebrated at Nanaimo by bonfires, firecrackers, the rolling of drums, etc. The schoover Hamley had arrived from the fishing groueds laden with dogfish oil, ete., for Messrs. Boscowitz. The passenger list is as follows :—iMrs. Drinkwater, Mrs. Nagle, Miss Bell, Miss Bot- tere!l, Father Rondeau, Capt. Egertun, Capt, Spaulding, and Messrs. Turner, J. Boscowitz, Asher, Jenkins, Gill, Bonsell, Gerke, Singe, Davie, Deans, Gilmore, Bedaall, Voy, Bal- sem, McLennan, Campbell, Jenkinson, Davies, Hassam, Moore and others. ———- @ <j @ Sr. Axprew’s ano Oatepomran Society.— The annual election of officers of this Society was held last.night, when the following gen- tlemen were chosen to serve in their respec- tive capacities for the ensuing 12 monthe:— John Robson, President; A, B. Gray, Senior Vice-President; John Ross, Junior Vice- President; Wm. Lorimer, Secretary} Wm, Gibson, Assistant Secretary ; Donald McKay, Treasurer ; Rev. 8, McGregor, Chaplain ; Dr. Trimble, Physician ; Messrs. Mairbead, Law- son, Mann, Russell, Forbes, Burns, Rose— Directors; Thos. Innes, Warden; Wm, Ir- ving, Assistant Warden, ——— -- -o—> Tea Batt at Orrawa.—The officers of the Guards gave a grand ball at Ottawa on the evening of the opening of Perliament. We notice among those of our represeotatives in- vited were Hoo. Senator Carrall, Hon. Mr. DeCosmos, Mr. Dewdney, Mr. Thompson. Natvusatization.—The following persons took.the oath of allegiance yesterday and be- came British subjects:—John Peterson, Swede; Hy. Meinorsdorf, German; Kamai, Kaoaka. —_______-. & eo To Cuose.—The dry goods stores in this city will close at 12 noon on Monday, in order to keep the Prince of Wales’ birthday.. —_—___ +> + Axnivats at the Driard House, Nov. 7 :— Commander the Hon. Richd. Hare, Samuel Robinson, Capt. Egerton. A Brasx Dar at the Police Court yes- terday. i f ESE Canadian Mai Messrs. Dewdney Thompson and Na:han, of British Columbia, arrived at Ottawa the day before Parliament opened. Hon. Mr. Tilley also arrived at Ottawa from Eogiend, on the 23rd. The Toronto Mail (Min.) says with regerd to the length of the session: ‘ It is quite evident, from such « bill of fare, that those who were anticipating « short session are doowed to disappoiotment, and that if Par- liament be prorogned before. Christmas, members may consider themselves very well of.” In a second article in the same journal, of the 241b, the following appears: ‘‘ The feel- ing in the House and in the Capital yesterday was one of the strongest confidence. in the stability and standing of the Goveroment. At the Party caucus yesterday moroiog the greatest enthusiasm and unanimity prevailed.
Public Domain
Another consequence was that Sii^n was prSty soon able to leave the renown of M. de PicpuTto tekecareofitsetf-anotherthatthesackofroseSobks became less and less inconvenient to carry Nevertheless, aU went passably weU until, in an evil hour Captain Brazenhead feU in with Nicole's 2 Ti Tr""'"^ *° ^'"^^g« ^"""^ Ws safer road -which had been across the watershed from ViUemar mto the vaUey of the Tam-in order that she m^h make her offenng at the famous shrine of Saint Semm m the city of Toulouse. He should have known better, and he did. The men of Langued^c were his detestation and derision at once. He con- f"^^ 'ifV'^'y "^^^'^ "^ '""^J^ ^^d too loud- he considered them vainglorious and liars; and he ct^uld 130 THE COUNTESS OF PICPUS not deny that they were as handy with the sword or nearly so as they said they were. Toulouse, again, jras perilously near Perpignan, where Pym should be awaiting him and his treasure— Pym of the drooping eyelid, with the Bishop of Agde on his mmd. AU this the Captain urged upon his Nicole's attention but so delicately that it is just possible she missed his apprehensions. He did not say, " My life, let us avoid Toulouse as we should the devil If I am known in Toulouse I may be taken: if you are known there, you may be put to the Bridewell or whatsoever plague of a name they give that sort of place m this country." This he did not say, but instead, taking her rosy face between his hands smilmg upon her in that easy way a man well fed IS wont to take-"Why, chuck," said he, "hast thou a thank^iving to make on my account? Hath Heaven been so kind ? Hast thou a man at thy feet who can deny thee nothing, and must thou needs boast of that to Our Lady? Store it up, child, in «iy pretty head until we reach the good town of Albi. There is a rare church there, I know, for once when I served Burgundy I helped to sack it-and this cicatrice, look yoU"-he bared his right arm, and there, deep forested in hair, showed the white scar- came from a dint with his crosier which the Abbot of Samt-Symphorien gave me. In Albi minster Shalt thou give God thanks for stout Salomon, thy ord, pretty sweeting-but not in Toulouse, as thou lovest him." Nicole pouted and withdrew her face from his hands. The Loyal Servitor intruded THE COUNTESS OF PICPUS 131 splll°" ^'■'^°°' '"'" ^' '^'^- "'^ I "^^^ bold to "It is granted, Simon." "How so, by the Face?" but ^^^tf ; '° ^'''' ^°" "^ "^"^" *« y°"' "nark, but further from your power of hitting it. From Toulouse-rf you retire to reach it-you'can sS The Captain said "I take you; I am obliged to you -enough said," which was his invariable habit when somethmg was put to him which he did not under- stand. He had no more objection to offer, and T^v r^"'" r'^ PI"* ^^' ^^'" ^*^^" his hands. They rode into Toulouse by nightfall the next day. That was the 1 sth of May. ^ ^H^^ °f^i^"® ''^''^ ^'•^"^^ ^^^Sned for Saint bernm s shnne was a handsome candle of ten pounds' weight. It was very necessary that it should be ^ed for her to the church, and indeed, as Simon pointed out, that some warning should be given to the Canons of the Church of the approaching bounty Space would be required for such a candle; the shrine m^ht be locked, the guardian away. Now, for a kdy of the condition of Madame de Picpus to pre- sent herself with a ten-pound candle and be kept waiting was not to be thought of. What did his fn'dtS^ T^ ?'' Excellency, who was sleepy and had been too early roused, was short about the 133 THE COUNTESS OF PICPUS swme. Go you, Simon, and tell Messieurs les Chanoines that Madame dc Picpus is inclined to sahate Monsieur Saint Semin, who if he is the gStle man I take h.m for, will be too much honoured by he compliment. Go you, in the devil's name, and leave me to my repose." "I will go, sir," said Simon, and went. At a later hoar Monsieur de Picpus accompanied madame to the church o Saint Semin, which, with the Golden Violet of poets, >s the chief glory of the city of Tou- kuse I must be more exact. He accompanied from further attendance. He had always had churches in suspicion, chieflv because for fighting purposes they cramp a manZ with their doors which lead to other doors, and their cloisters where you may chase about like a rat in a cage and never get nearer your man, or further from hm, as your case may urgently need. Outside he J^uld a^ire with all the world, and there was no better judge than he of the scope of a great nave the buttressing of chapels, the poi^ of a^i^la or the ngh proportions of flanking towers. Inside he would not go if he could help it. "They talk Latin m there; they talk to them£lves. It may K^ chief they axe devising; who knows? Once I was n'^lT i^'''"!^^'^"'^ '^^y P"' ^Jt °" °>y tongue and scared me damnably, as I hear by report Other times I have been, and once more I puVpose to go THE COUNTESS OF PICPUS .^^ head .dmM and ZSlS^' n'^" ""T clamoS "?J^th ™7oft''' ^'^PP^«ved their do very well " hi. "^ '.''''* ''"P''"SS I could 1, . ^, ' "^ considered. "Thev wonW i^i. for^v f :, .^-^ *''"'" dark-skinned young her^s tL^I ^^"datones. crying, 'A PicpusI A PiS' The thought warms me. I must n^e a CJ^ •? good that I came hither, it^ems r,«1 Z^ '^^^ th^ght of Nicole my Coumfs^hat Jtli-"^"" These and other imaginations occupied him veiy 134 THE COUNTESS OF PICPUS pleasantly for an hour and a half. He carried them with him to the Tavern of the Burning Bush, where they lost nothing by the application of strong waters to their fire. It was toward the hour of noon when he went again to the church and sat himself upon the steps of the parvise, to wait for Nicole, and to con- tinue his meditations. It is certain also, and not surprising, that he slept; for his nights had been broken of late, and he had much need of repose. When he awoke it was as nearly as possible three o'clock, an hour when nobody in Toulouse with a door to his house is outside that door. Captain Brazenhead sat up with a jerk of the head, snorted, sneezed twice, and was awake. The position of the sun warned him that much time had been consumed, the state of his feelings that no food had been. Where the mischief was Madame de Picpus ? Where the Loyal Servitor, one of whose first duties surely was to see that his master was filled? Before him, as he wandered, the Place Saint-Semin stretched out, vast and arid plain of white pavement quivering with radiant heat; behind him towered up the figured side 01 the church, silent, shrouded, immense, tenant- ed only in its topmost flight by pigeons. The mys- tery of all this emptiness, the irresponsiveness of the mountainous masonry, the shade in which he had slept so long, struck a chill upon him. He shivered; a premonition came to him stealthily like the wind of an approaching storm. Upon his feet the next mo- ment, he tried the doors ; they were locked. He strode the length and breadth, the returning length of the THE COUNTESS OF PICPUS 135 church; aU doors were locked. He was puzzled, he w^^rf^/'J"* '"*' extremely hungry. Was it possi- ble that Madame de Picpus had returned to the inn ? Was It possible, O Heaven, that ? Before he had achieved the terrible thought that possessed him he stopped fell a-trembling, stooped and picked up somethmg from the pavement. It was a flower- a clove carnation with a bitten stalk. Here, then, was the message of disaster-the one i)iteous cry for help which Nicole had been able to voice This indeed smote him like a stroke of the sun through the shoulder-blades. He had no doubts now he was ashy-pale when he looked up. "Now" he said, "I know the worst. My glory has faded, the chiU grows. It IS the hour of sunset." He made the sign of the Cross as he invoked the Saints of his inner- inost reverence. "Cosmas and Damian, you physi- cians of the soul, Martin of Tours, thou princely giver, Salomon my namesake, and you, ye Eleven Thousand Virgms, my countrywomen and my pat- terns as well, aid me in this hour and watch over me weU. It is the hour of sunset, say you? Amen says Brazenhead, but this sun shaU go down ill blood. He threw about him his cloak of imperial dye, put his hand upon the hilt of his sword and strode over the Place Saint-Semin. TaU houses stood about, froming the church, silent aU and shuttered against the sun. A narrow arched entry, cut out of two such, was the road he elected to go. It led into a cave of dark and gloomy aspect, a lane between high, black, and unfeatured walls, whose ii 136 THE COUNTESS OF PICPUS i rare windows were barred with iron and doors studded S R.^! T% " ^" '•'' ""^PPy designation of he Rue des Yeux Crev^s; but it led him directly to his rnn, and ne did not notice its name. Roland at the closing in of the Dolorous Pass could not have been more indiflFerent than he to presages of evil. Was not evil akeady there? A man in a peaked cap stepped out of a doorway a sworded man in a black cloak, a man of sinister aspect with a bristling beard, hooked nose, and a pau: of high, arched eyebrows, one hfcher than the other. "Give you fair afternoon, sir," said he, with what Biazenhead felt to be ironic intention. He took it up as it was meant. "o"? '" V,^'^. ^°"^ afternoon," said he shortly, and you shall give me nothing." The man stopped drawing back his head and presenting a shouWer. 1^0 you bandy words, swordsman ? Are you for a play?" ■' "By Cock, and I bandy what you please," says the Captain. "I have heavy thoughts, and a Teaw nana at a nlay." ' Then his man came toward him, peaking his head like a running bird. "You are uncivil, sir, look you," says he, "and that may not be with a gentle- man of Toulouse." ^ Captain Brazenhead threw open his cloak "I have yet to learn that I am," he said. "TouclUI" cried the man, and whistled on his fingers. Immediately the entry seemed to swarm THE COUNTESS OF PICPUS ,37 with men, who came from aU sides and L aU manners like conspirators from a wood in a tragedy. Two let themselves down from an upper window^ one ^me running up from the archway behind him two more from the angle, others from doorways in recesscT All were armed and all in a hurry; and evenT^y ^me on, he first arrival had drawn his blade and was pressmg our Captain. This was an ambush! It ^ clear and ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^.^^ .^^ ^.^^.^. He did all that a man could, encompassed by so h« cloak about his left arm for a shield, his sword now here now there, it was a truly terrific drfence. And as he fought he sang gaily to him- self, h.s troubles forgot. Or he talked, "Bristles beware thou fightest Brazenhead! Ah t£ w2 shrewdly encountered, boy of Shrewsbu^l The maid looked up, the maid looked down, VVilh never a word to say— a. Why scullion, if thou wilt have it, have it and hold-" f^l rJ7 TP'"« '"^^"' ^^° ^^ come on all S h2?k, '° ^'"^^""g ^^ with a bill, he gave his death-blow between the shoulders and withdrew the sword m the nick of time to parry a lunge from S fct opponent and to flesh him deeply i/the ^ta He d.sarmed yet another; but when two cai^e at hun together, and a third, clambering from the pro- K^^^- •"^ °^ ^ ^"'^^^^ ""' ^t his head with a halberd h.s attention was distracted, and a wound in the forearm maddened him. Coolness deserted n 138 THE COUNTESS OF PICPUS him; for a moment or two he saw aU the passage one bummg red; then, like the tortured buuKS he went bhndly to his destruction, leapt uwn^fa coupled foes grappled and fell with them ^The^ was a crowded momeU of snorting, tussling S stabbing on the ground, and for one man auJast ft was his last. But he who had stood in the wLdow jumped rom his advantage into the S^IanT ahghtmg m the small of the Captain's back knocked hS " ^r'- "^" "^^^ '' --^'= othfr; came o fieip ... all was over. Captain Brazenhead in chams was hailed to the donjV,n. and therelor th^ present he must remain. CHAPTER VI THE GREAT LEVY Tm window, to call it so, of the prison in wb-h ele^t belfry of Saint Godoi, church of thaTpiou hero who was fir.,t a slave, then a Christian, then an archhshop and then all three at once, until ZtZ dom wa^added as a perfect distinction from all other SuJ^\n S '^"f' f ^ "^''•^hops; and upon this beUry in the early day of his incarceration Tcouple h^'^^T.^ ^' "P *^'^ °^*' ^°«1 "^ to delight him with heu: mnocent demonstrations of affection Occasionally they harrowed his feelings, for he could ktS h'""''".'''^' "J^""'' "'^' G°^' I ™ght have J;^!?^ °f"^ °^ '^^ l°^^ly Madame de Picpus!" J 11^ u"; "" "^ "'°"'*'y ^^J»'o°. I might have sweUed before my Countess, thus bowed and curvettS before her and thus-aha!" A spasm of baffled hope would mternipt him here, and turn him to other relaxations of his hard leisure-such as the taming of a mouse, study of the architecture of Saint Godoi's belfry or attacks upon the virtue of the gaoler's daughter a personable Tolosan who brought him br^d and water twice a day. But she gave him to understand that she could not abide a hairyl^n '39 ' 140 THE COUNTESS OF PICPUS since her affections were unaJfpraKi. _ ^ of the cathedral He L h ^ ^^ "P°" ^ ^^''on her feelini iSe saW tf .T r"''° °^ ''^^ ^^^^^ ^f Where the^^^^L JhS S^h^^f ^^^'^^^rence. had rather hsten to his Kv ? ■ ' """^ ^^' think with un^nSmliSttd ut:i-f°^^^ person than be the nmm:c»j t! •. ^ °'^ smooth «"», visaed hi, STbrn rV . *°'' '°"-^- bronshl «.ina him mH .1, ^'^ Maisatra was High eriZ^rf i '' "■•" ""» »»"It ot a trial. -»» W beeTb™ JtffcL Cw "?■ r" pp^sra.rh,rsiS'tei short, that one conlH hA ^T ' '* ^^ P^"^> m £» C.p,ai.'„as Sof ^Z'^tT^'tT"-" .■^ce«aM'.o,;i:„'ss THE COUNTESS OF PICPUS ,^^ bungler -d^d-^^r^r^t'^r'^ t^?.^^ ^ ^ a rock in CaSn_;f f^"' u '^ ^^P'^'° Brazenhead been th^s^ff w ^whtrth ^ '^'"'' '"''" ^'^ said is, the children of Israel h^H l . ''^" ^^ The last ;irai.iirJ4r^^^^^ was never finished was fhlnhSsTf' *'' ^"^'^"^^ about the room callkgS hdp aS thlf?.™""?;!^ who had drunk the ii^ was ill A '^ ^^ insisted upon by Cant^^^i ,, T^^ ''^^^' ^''^^ child of a seventh rMwL^-¥' ^^ ^^^ ^^^nth « that he wL CounS'p^nT " c' ^'^°*^ '"^'^t'^; 142 THE COUNTESS OF PICPUS been doubted had there been time. It was notuntU the prisoner's torrent had ceased to flow and the Con- sub had bowed themselves out and collected their wits at the foot of the stairs that they remembered the only thing they had found opportunity to say in de- parting, which was that he should hear further from tficm. And their difficulties were to decide whether he should hear from them, whether he would, and whether if he should or would, he would have any- thing left to reply. These grave questions were still in debate when events took the very surprising turn which it is now my duty to relate. Captain Brazenhead, after sleeping off the fatigues of !To much language, observed and was delighted to observe from his window the next morning that the pigeons were about to harvest their amorous' hus- bandry; that, in other words, they were about to be- come parents. A nest was in making, simple in con- struction, but of entire efficacy. The hen bird, with head nestled into crop, and no feet to be seen, couched f uffily within a coign of the masonry; by her side her 1 late stood erect, a straw in his beak. The nest was thus symbolised, and all was well; but whether two eggs were laid instead of one and he was stimulated to new efforts, or whether he dropped the straw and had to seek another, I know not. The facts are that he presently flew down, was absent for some little time, and that when he returned he bore in his beak the stalk and, upheld by that, the drooping head of a clove carnation. Captain Brazenhead, in his nar- row cell, gave a great cry, and then stood very still. THE COUNTESS OF PICPUS 143 While his heart beat like the hopper of a miU, and a tear fuirowed each war-worn rheek and fertilised the roots of each moustachio. "Lo, now, I know that my star ndes cl^ of clouds, high in heaven. Venus goddess of the heart, I thank thee! Netted Mars receive the praises of thy doting imp!" He sat with S™r?'i'P°1 '''' ^^' ^^^''^g his release; and thegaoler's daughter might ogle hL till midnight in It is to be beUeved that the Captafa, meditating profoundly upon Destiny, never shifted his posturl aU night; the fact is that he was found bolt upright upon his bed when the gaoler's daughter came i^to his cell at six o'clock in the morning with a iug of TJT/u'^ " *="''' °^ ^'^1« bread. His mouse which had been taught punctuality at meals, was upon the forefinger of his left hand, in a posture in- dicative of suspense and supplication. Suspense was also mdicated by the Captain's posture, but not supplication by any means. I'A fair day to you, sir," said the damsel. T . » "^^^ ^" ^^y^ ^^''' ^^y>" he replied; "yet I teU you that this day is the fairest that ever I saw » she looked very wise. "You little know what's astir in our tovn, that's very plam," said sht, "or;rou would not prophesy at random Fair indeed! The tale runs that you are to be burned to-day as a scandalous liver; and however I trusted myself in your company, after hearmg such a character to you, I shall never under- stand. Why, you might take advantage of me at any 144 THE COUNTESS OF PICPUS i: moment— and no doubt but you will if I do not for- tify myself with all my virtue." Captain Brazenhead listened to this provocative speech with attention; but most of his attention seemed directed to his mouse. "You mustn't tell me," he said presently, "that omens are nothing, because I know better. I re- member very well dreaming once upc;n a time that a man walked down a green meadow with a flaming brand in his hand, and wherever he dropped fire snakes followed after him. 'This is the day! This is the dayl This is the day!' he called out, thus, three times: and I awoke and went about my busi- ness; and that day Jack Pounce drove me in the guts with the handle of a broom, and I slew him — or as good as slew him. So now you may see, my dear." The gaoler's d.iughter looked serious. "Alas!" she said, "I see that I am nothing to you, sir." "That's my belief," said Captain Brazenhead, feeding his mouse with breadcrumbs. Nothing occurred to justify the prisoner's con- fidence untfl a quarter before eleven in the forenoon of that day; but then he was justified. Steps re- sounded up the stairs, the steps of many, steel-shod; his door was struck three times. "This is the day," said Captain Brazenhead in a shocked whisper; and then, clearing his throat, he cried them in. Bolts, locks, and bars creaked his release. Two Consuk) a herald, and a stranger in steel stood in the entry. The Consuls bowed, the herald stepped forward. THE COUNTESS OF PICPUS „_ 145 Count of PicDus " u^ ^ . ^ "He is before you " sealed writ. ^''^^^ betters, and handed out a Now Captain Brazenhead could not read h.A «ch .ime as I shall appei teS,^?"'' T" account of vou Anrt w. j " . ''™"'' an sufficient J^,.r^£^Z^, -^ •« ^' ' Le Vicomte de Turenne " Tr»ii T , '-aptam Brazenhead said "Jt f= wen. I am ready. Lead on " ' "^ mmm-^mimM 146 THE COUNTESS OF PICPUS title A greater man than the King of Aragon, as good a man as the King of France, south of the Loire and not much inferior to the Duke of Burgundy him- self, he was yet a simple land pirate, but the most famous ever known in Gaul. Captain Brazenhead had not suspected his finger to be in the sauce when PjTO revealed what he chose; there was no doubt that a different tinge was cast over the Bishop's affair by the fact; and there was no doubt that Captain Brazen- head, expanding in the fuU sun at the door of his pnson, felt himself uplifted. "And where," he said to the obsequious herald, "is my good friend the Vis- count to be found? Where are his knees, between which these two hands have so often been folded? Where is his ringed right hand, which these lips have so properly kissed that in the old days he was more than once suspected of a chilblain?" It was explained to him that the Viscount was by no means in these parts, but believed to be at Macon, where he had a castle and held his court. Details had been left to his lordship of Picpus, who would find a sufficient force in the garrison, and an escort m this city of Toulouse. Captain Brazenhead rubbed his chin. "More than escort is needful to a man of my quality, herald— much more than escort. Over- powered by some fifty villains of this place, I was robbed, ravished, undone. For three weeks I have hved upon rye bread and stale water. I require to dme, to be clothed, armed, sworded, harnessed, accoutred, put in fettle, taught my value in the world THE COUNTESS OF PICPUS 147 You will find me an apt pupil, quick, retentive, avid of learning. Begin, then, begin. I require good money, and much of it." ^ The herald was chapfallen. "Alas, dear sir, that IS the one article which is lacking in the equipment I am able to offer to your lordship. Money! Ah, that IS a branch of learning somewhat neglected in our country. We are paid, or pay ourselves, in kind. We caU It levying a contribution » "It matters not what you call it, one snap of the fingers, said Captain Brazenhead. "The point is whether you get what you levy." "Sir, we mostly do," said the herald, "though our company is called the Tard-venus." .< ^''^^■^^^^ '8 often best served," said the Captain. .^^"7 Tu ^?', T""^- ^^ '"^ ^ l^ded capon stuflFed with black beans in half an hour from now l.evy me a quart of red wine, a manchet of bread, and some garlic, and I shall believe you." .. a7^u ^'ifu" ^ gratified, my lord," said the herald. At 1 he Pheasant in half an hour." "I shaU be there," said the Count of Picpus, spreading himself in the sun. He levied the services of a barber, and needed tftem, for his beard was prodigious. In the barber's shop he found a young gallant with a sword three sizes too big for him, and with the aid of a razor or two he levied that. The young man made a great outcry, and was for summoning the town guard so there was nothing for it but to levy the young man Captam Brazenhead bound him to the service of the ^■mz 148 THE COUNTESS OF PICPUS ]^il Of Provence by the promise of a duchy and. pension and the threat of instant chastiSt uln a sensitive part, and that in the PkcfSsvC fcr' ''''f:^'^^ ^ '"^ morning, If t«S' An oath was deUvered and received,?- rath, blasphemous, thoughSbg'S; " " '^ I hen Captain Brazenhead dined at The Pheasant so sumptuously and well that he made one onhe Old ally Salomon de Picous Pnimf r,t .,. "™^ Dauphin.. HedidthisstglSd^lfXth^ from the young man in the barber's shon v^TJZ^. ?rS^.S7""'^°'-" Thec^ionwasiLeW To pluck the Emperor of the East by the^arH X! kiss his daughter under an apple-tre^ to hZm« tabk farts; but when it comes to excommunfcSSr BuZT^ '" ^''^^ ^'"''^' «' twisting the S rf Bu^ndy round your finger, or cutting the Consuk of Toulouse m pieces in each other's presence d« THE COUNTESS OF PICPUS 145 Sj^k'^''^""'' T °"'y ^ »°1^ one way: that s, by performing the prodigies you boast of. But after aU, the money is the great thinjt- and Captam Brazenhead got that, had KougS in?"n lun^^nt ^°^"^ '•'u^'' J'^'^qu^rters, before^he ^^J! I "^ "P°° •"•" ^^^- With some of the mnsom he gave a great feast to the civic authorities, with other some he made the fountains of the citJ t^r ^ M TT ^"'^ '^' ^""^ "g'^'^d a bonfire ii^ the Field of Arms. He bought a banner with hS ^^°' ^ u P*"""^ ^ ^'■'l"*^ and provided a horse and then upon a certain day in Tune he set forth for his affair at the head of an escort of five-and- thuty scoundrels, aU young, all greedy, and all liare ^'KmM^jiit^m^^ -^i- ! 'Mimm If CHAPTER vn IHE YOUNG MAN BAREFOOT The manner of his meeting and the matter nf hs. discourse were alike romanti/and eirLSry aS romance was a particular foible of our CapfaS tmcted should reJr^rS his nSlr^ t havio should decide to wear no stSin^^^^f hats; d on a lonely heath he should come unon^ fc T°^^ ^ *^^ ^'■'^^' °' ^ twoTveiTit J bleedmg hps kissing in th. snow-Captain Sa^n head's heart beat high, and he was the uto semnt' of ^y such person or pair of persons before h^Lad toe or need to invoke his chivaby. There were inany l±e him, and have been maxj since If s^ were not a distortion, vice would no! ^^ exceS mgly romantic, and folks would sin no more B^." 'SO THE COUNTESS OF PICPUS 151 ly speaking, every sinner is a poet— but I have no wish to enter upon a discussion. Captain Brazenhead led his devoted band, as his ardent imagination drew him instantly to believe it by devious ways to the east, since he wished, ver,^ r^sonably, to avoid Agde and the country round about It He even went so far north as AIbi, by the valley of the Tarn, continued north-oast to Saint- Affnque, crossed the stony hills thereabouts, reached Le Vigan, and thence had the fuU intention of de- scending into the plain by Quissac, of fording the Vidourle at Sommiferes, and of reaching Aries with- out adventuring the hospitalities of Nimec: but at a httle town called Ganges he varied his plans, for there he met the Young Man Barefoot. He had tempered in his course justice— or, let me say, hunger— with mercy, had put no man to the sword, had spared the fatherless and widows, and had levied his needs only from the exorbitantly well- to-do. He had threatened to hang the Abbot of Saint-Beauzely, but, as he said himself, there's pre- cisely a rope's difference between doing and promis- mg; and the Abbot, who was homing from a round of his granges, could well afford it. It was the dis- covery that he could have afforded very much more which annoyed Captain Brazenhead— or the Count of Picpus, as he must now be called— and caused him to be truculent in his first dealings with the Young Man Barefoot, when he saw him in a leafy goree sittmg upon a rock with his bare feet in a pool his bare head crowned with a chaplet of faded roses 1^ ^ ^52 THE COUNTESS OF PICPUS his doinS were a tl J ^!,«f *='«"' fo' h™ that paused and plucked S oS^ht Se ITtJ' consonance thus evoked seempH fl • .\^'^ ^^^ mmm Ah, God, I part from Roesiat Z^"tZ„'^^-r^ ''^ "" to chase for "™- "^ naa been contraried by THE COUNTESS OF PICPUS 153 "?ieshaUfiThf^ '™""*^ *^' b'«^ •»"«» flow, unconscious, an innocent and male Schehemzade He'll never do it." But hn /i;a j 1 ^oesiat- waited for him n ^"^' ^"'^ '^^ Captain sprgto'2 SdiTn^g^tir-sxi?^ P W ; once more and yet onc'more t^rted pe^ 2SS^-co^trtLsS cast aside his sword, uttering a^L 3/,; ' mg hnnself beside the asto'ni^h^d^ou^g'^t :^- braced h«n warmly and went so far as t^Sm The smger gently released himself. "You flSier me. sir, I fancy," he said, "but I must beg vou fn ThTmL^."^"^ ' ^^^ "-^^'^ ^ - "'^e wont'oft'^age^^^I^L"^^* 'l >^- --'7. O gnmbutfriendrLrLttXrTt:;;^^ S^ t' J 'r '"^''''"^ '" ^-^ heard gS Ketrlrcrr r " '''''' ^"^ '^ ^ "^-^ ^ il mrarch, I have wept at his grave Sineen; T have heard at Avignon, by no meanf^roper mT bu! the sweeter-piped for that, and singers in'^Sium »S4 THE COUNTESS OF PICPUS -large-eyed and fuU-tkroated women, aU at the disposition of the Emperor of those parts. They rhymed, or they did not, as suited their fancy, and nobody cared; but never, since Christ was king, was there rhyming hke yours. "Is it possible— is it then possible— that your be- rhymed Roesia is the Lady Roesia Des-Baux, upon whose affauB I . . . ?'• ^ The young man coloun i, but stiffened neverthe- less at the neck. "It is not only possible, it is certainly the case " he said. "But why do you ask?" "I always ask a man for the facts before I slay him, said the Count of Picpus, and bared his right arm to the elbow. The young man regarded his feet in the water. THE COXWTESS OF PICPUS 155 "It would be far more to my purpose if you were to cut off my feet mstead of my head-which I presume IS your usual practice," he said. "Of what good are feet to me when every function of theirs is to take me further from Roesia? Whereas wth my head I could sigh, weep, make verses, divert myself and- as It seems-my persecutors, and do no harr. to any- twdy. But upon the general principle I should wish to know how you can conceive an enmity for a man who js leaving a lady? Had I been meeting her I could have understood it." "You may have undone her," said the Count, bit- ing his moustachios. "That," said the young poet in reply, "would have been agamst the rules of my professior, and very un- becoming in me, who have been a retainer in her guardian's castle. I doubt, too, whether she— But a truce to such considerations. Have I not told you that we have parted ?" "And I," said Captain Brazenhead, "am here to tell you that you are about to part for ever-by means of this blade." "Our love," said the young man, "wa-, madness, brief and glorious as it was mad. We met, looked long at each other, we trembled and were mute in each other's presence; we were alone by chance we drew together, we touched, we feU a-kissing. And then the floodgates of the tongue were loosed, and all heaven might have wondered at the praises we had for one another. They were praises such as in those courts are reserved for the Highest; yet they were IS6 THE COUNTESS OF PICPUS all too weak to satisfy us. I became as one upon Prophet. Never was such poetiy as mine for the sKs aS f IJ"^. ' P^"''"« "P°° ^' flight to the r2; ?^t 'T °""^ ^°'" ^ '^"^ not how long-<:^ a man cipher when he is in love, and beloved ?^7t u^n your calculations! We met before dawn, in the £ apTrtT^', ^''? '"'-"" ^-«^ -"Id - Deat apart-we lay, I suppose, panting for merf o'frSS'jIir-^^^^'her. if^rbeaftoVy:: "Yo^°L'° '^^ '^'•" ^'^ his intending slayer. iT^ J^^^^ pliant touch upon pleasant thinl "We became overbold— our need was <« ,•n,T^»„• ous tl^t we could not help ourselv^f We we eTm moned before the court of the Green Wood T^n ^ indictment for Excessive Comfort in GaUantr 7t was ^id that since the greatest glor^ of thTwer is ^fer for his lady I was clearly a defaulter sli I suflfered nothing, but was as happy as a So? a shepherd. I defended myself-I think-strfnu ously and weU; but the court's mind was madrup" S ^ ^"^"^^ ^"other lady for three yeaS 1 was contumacious, I refused to bow to the court's ruling. And so I was banished with all the foS THE COUNTESS OF PICPUS 157 ties usual in such cases. Suffer! I have suffered now as damned men suffer. Heat, cold a S liver, a broken heart, a brain on fireloh, ^jldSTnd you propose to slay me! Why, do you nU iSow that by such an a.:t you would waft me into Paradise? For say that you soused me in hell's deeps, by so domg you would be ridding me of the ineffable to^ tures m which I wn'the now/' You wouS have iTd led the talk The man of blood wondered at him his sword lifeless in his hand ' lo "nS TT'f f ""''*'°" ^y "PP^'^'^tly swal- lowing It, the broken lover proceeded. The laws of Provence," he said, "vague and in- determinate as they are in most of the regSlTl/fe are extremely precise upon all that cLe^s he' tenderer relations of the sexes. Here I mav ^v the law has been digested. There is no acTor mo-' kiss .rom a clasp of the hand to a clipping of the Wed body, for which due proWsion has not been made. You may imagine, therefore, that such a tremendous doom as that of ours was executed to the ¥o"ub2T""; / "" '" ^ '^ *h^ Unitfrs ty o Toulouse to study jurisprudence; and she-the bvely Roesia-must accompany me a full half of the way. Tho^ more fortunate lovers who remained in the court of good King Ren^for our tragSy haS been enacted there, on the orchard-terracfrLder the shaded colonnades of Aix-en-Provence-;ere to IS8 THE COUNTESS OP FICPUS of anemones; we were set in the midst of tv,» it "II was targe," said the yoim. man- "m«,T,. ihen, said Captain Brazenhead afti>r » ™.^-j but the mtervals were fuUy occupied." ' Mort^-Dieul by Ustening to the W.?" 2e^2L^sii"7.rwi^XffgreJS,« most heart-percing you can conceive of-^u? gay THE COUNTESS OF PICPUS j^ company of lovers was confronted by the bristlin.r It seemed, to the fair of Nlmes, but as ant at mnfn^ asattumbling-^Iedusahal. TLSeJenumer t^sof .W>.?^^^' ^''^J^^. clubs, and othe squarelyuponahorseaidc^J^IthTtLTd add that a woman of the horde, one of many drate ?TJ •'"' '^' ™™^«^'. hough uTsLS °^i? «l.'-fdf""y in the feet, ledl tear whkh P^^J«1 7'h ^ ^taff, set up a dismal r^ng^d added no httle to our dismay " ^' "Your dismay," said the Captain, "is paltry to me Proceed the material parts of ^ourS^' ' teria?to tZ; hT'"^ *'^°"*''' ""^«™°«t -^- wer^ rlauL n ' "'I' T "^"^^ ^^ conditions were required of us-and when it was reported to the BaSl^Tf ™*''^'^ '"^^ '""^ Lady Roel Des Baux wa. of our party-and easily the chief of it honn "if " ^""^'^ ''^"^^^^^ ^^ there4„e of he honourabe women, in the Psalmist's phnLi'-bis were levelled bows drawn taut, slaugh^hisJed down the wmd; half the virgins and all the ^u of Provence had been dismembered or wo^ hS no my lovely Roesia-oh, Mother of GrJ^Z'^t^V -^ehvered herself as a hostage to the cWef of hS p.ra es. I saw her turn her mule to face w th hi cned, I raised my hands to Heaven, I fell in a swoon. If 'W i6o THE COUNTESS OF PICPUS << A J " ^ congestion." ' aemf The Count of Pic ?» it .t»;l«--'=' red flower m her mouth, hal Madaxne de J'p"! THE COUNTESS OF tiCPVS jfij Nicole la Grac<Mle-Dieu. by God's soni And Simon Ae singmg-man, by Cock and his father!" He wm livid in the face, his eyes aU white Hp .wT^ mouth withasnap.ands^^tjtteat^.'^S^;' ^mJ^TT °i '^ "'''"'^-« bitter5;fl^;' he Wted his hand, pointed his fore-finger, andXS he thus addressed him. ^ ' °"* WA*iKmm ' -^ CHAPTER VIII BRAZENBEAD LOQ "lilresS'tCZ;, r '^y-^e^ nun who -her, •^MirafS.-S^'J./riS' from divers danKers— as wh»t k "*^f..^ved him the proudest pair in Franre ? itlT "^/servant to Heaven. that'Je luS sL, aty Sl'"''""! mate!" He ?iff«l h;= u j ^ ^*° °^"^ and »».. 1. s,Se.5L'rs„;°„f^»'^ " THE COUNTESS OF PICPUS 163 s^lds^ri!!"^ condition-poor barefoot lamb, that this! Ah ^. ^ ^ ^°*' ''^O" Shalt smart for nmL^ fcil"": T^^^'^•" ^''^ 'he young "ThnVt ^T Pf^'^ '^^ debauched your lady " usually attenUve^ '"' ''°^"'="*="' ''^ ^^« of 'Sl£:"srJ^ 'l!^ r"« °^"' "I -^ reminded Bocca badata non perde ventuta- Ana nnnuova come fa la luna." "We must find your iady, my lord." togefher"^'"- ^'^ y^"' <Jear sir. They are now yol'^i Su' t^°^ °"°' "'^^ -- '-or. than of Rcput. "^"''^' ^"^"^ '^ ^ ^•" ^"o'J' 'he Count enc^^"' reminiscences, you have experi- ^mwi'^f^^f -yp'^^^yfWi 'Mmc^^^^^mmsim^^ss^m MICROCOPY >ESOUITION TBI CHAIT (ANSI ond ISO TEST CHART No. 2) 1^ |2^ 1^ 1^ m m m A /APPLIED IIVHGE Inc ^^ 165:1 Eait Main StrMl S'.S Rochester, N«« York 14609 USA ^S (716) 482 - 0300 - Phone :S= (716) 258 - 5989 - Fo» ,.!' i I '( I 164 THE COUNTESS OF PICPUS ;'We aU have," said the Count. of ww'r ""f 't- '^'' ^"'°'^' ""^ "°t ^°rth talking IhJ , ^^''^ °' *^° ^ the dark, or beSd PoJh^''T'//°"'^'^ '^^ t'^^ I'^^d under a dS Pooh, my lord-look at yours, rather." ' swdfed and tT^'^ ^' ""' ^''^'^'^ ^is chest mS fi TP' ^" nioustachios upward W.rf i5'''\^"^'=''' "P«° their strength. "She had a takmg shape," he said tenderly; "I saw it ha o hisTe; .n? "^""T'"^ ^°' a «ttle, then started "C^Jf^l ^"^ S^^'J »P and down the ravine Come!" he said, "let us find our wives." Our wives my lord!" cried the young man. You shall have your Roesia, I tell vou » «, M ft, a'^rn.S'rr- "^''"^ -ws o/Ky ifworth you, as I will tell you upon the road. Come shaU T 2ralo^"^^ I.too,amapoet.not^,Serk! As he sat there easily on the rock, roaring his oiece he L'^weH^'^''^ ''^' "'^^ 'h^ «ther ext nded A k^TnT,!. i^^ ^"" t° the cadences he uttered iwL ? f''"" '" ^^ 'y^^' ^»d his strong face glowed and shone. He was not ridiculous blrauS he was uphfted and furiously in earnest W^l triumphantly lover and poet,'th:w'Si1f hPs^iJ THE COUNTESS OF PICPUS i6- brushed the sublime. And thus he sang or bel- lowed: "Ye nymphs and swains of Venus' grove. Ye vagabonds of Level Oh, may the myrtle and the may, The spurge, the laurel, rose and bay Your right ascendance prove!" The young man's feats with rhymes in oesia undid the Captam, who plunged on thus: "Oh, Love above! Oh, Death beneath! Oh, balmy Dove! Oh, poisonous breatbl By song to prove The matter of My heart's ." "Accursed Death, thou hast undone me!" he said and bit his nails. ' There had been enough of this sort to cause the listener considerable disturbance— so much so that the singer perceived it, and said with some abrupt- jt »'^^^ ^ *^^ P°^* ^ ^'°- '^°" ^y ^^^ it or leave "Sir," said the Young Man, af a pause, "you put me to some embarrassment, u I take it I play traitor to my art; if I leave it I break my parole " Captain the Count of Picpus said that he hoped t\ z66 THE COUNTESS OF PICPUS But you do, SU-, you do indeed," repUed Tristan Paulet. "Your poetry-if I must speak plainly- seems to me of extreme badness. Indeed, I don't suppose that there can be in the whole world a worse poet than yourself-unless it be in Aix, where I had to endure many ignoble rivalries." "I fancy that you are near the mark, my young gentleman," said his lordship. "I cannot myseU believe that there is a worse. And mind you, that's adistmction. There is nothing mean for me. lam for ever m extrmis-the best if I can; if not, then the worst. But let us be going; if I am a bad poet I am a worse enemy, as the Singing-Man shaU find. Oh, dog and dog's son-my wife and my county fn tI^.^!' ^■^t-^'^d he as happy as. the fleas in your bedl" His moustachios bristled like teasels' heads. He rose and blew a blast upon his horn which caused blood to flow at the ears of the Young Man Barefoot. * "My rascaUk will hear and obey, you will find " said he. I'They know that signal." The Young Man surmised that they would know it in Paris. CHAPTER IX THE GREAT RECOVERY The Captain-Count moved his men onward in open order, in the direction which he supposed the traitor Simon to have taken, which must needs be due south; for plunder being his sole object, it fol- lowed as the night the day that he was going to sell the Lady Roesia to the Bishop of Agde if he could, or to the Viscount of Turenne if he could not. But he judged that he would first try the Bishop, being a singing-man, used to dealing with prelates.
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package import DrawableHelper import android.os.Build import android.os.Bundle import android.view.LayoutInflater import android.view.View import android.view.ViewGroup import androidx.core.content.ContextCompat import androidx.core.view.ViewCompat import androidx.core.view.isVisible import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import io.reactivex.disposables.Disposable import* import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import javax.inject.Inject private const val BUNDLE_USER_ID = "user_id" private const val BUNDLE_AUTH_TOKEN = "auth_token" fun newInstance(userId: String, authToken: String): Fragment = RegisterUsernameFragment().apply { arguments = Bundle(2).apply { putString(BUNDLE_USER_ID, userId) putString(BUNDLE_AUTH_TOKEN, authToken) } } class RegisterUsernameFragment : Fragment(), RegisterUsernameView { @Inject lateinit var presenter: RegisterUsernamePresenter @Inject lateinit var analyticsManager: AnalyticsManager private lateinit var userId: String private lateinit var authToken: String private lateinit var usernameDisposable: Disposable override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) AndroidSupportInjection.inject(this) arguments?.run { userId = getString(BUNDLE_USER_ID, "") authToken = getString(BUNDLE_AUTH_TOKEN, "") } ?: requireNotNull(arguments) { "no arguments supplied when the fragment was instantiated" } } override fun onCreateView( inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?, savedInstanceState: Bundle? ): View? = container?.inflate(R.layout.fragment_authentication_register_username) override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState) activity?.apply { text_username.requestFocus() showKeyboard(text_username) } if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT <= Build.VERSION_CODES.M) { tintEditTextDrawableStart() } setupOnClickListener() subscribeEditText() analyticsManager.logScreenView(ScreenViewEvent.RegisterUsername) } override fun onDestroyView() { super.onDestroyView() unsubscribeEditText() } override fun enableButtonUseThisUsername() { context?.let { ViewCompat.setBackgroundTintList( button_use_this_username, ContextCompat.getColorStateList(it, R.color.colorAccent) ) button_use_this_username.isEnabled = true } } override fun disableButtonUseThisUsername() { context?.let { ViewCompat.setBackgroundTintList( button_use_this_username, ContextCompat.getColorStateList(it, R.color.colorAuthenticationButtonDisabled) ) button_use_this_username.isEnabled = false } } override fun showLoading() { ui { disableUserInput() view_loading.isVisible = true } } override fun hideLoading() { ui { view_loading.isVisible = false enableUserInput() } } override fun showMessage(resId: Int) { ui { showToast(resId) } } override fun showMessage(message: String) { ui { showToast(message) } } override fun showGenericErrorMessage() { showMessage(getString(R.string.msg_generic_error)) } private fun tintEditTextDrawableStart() { ui { val atDrawable = DrawableHelper.getDrawableFromId(R.drawable.ic_at_black_20dp, it) DrawableHelper.wrapDrawable(atDrawable) DrawableHelper.tintDrawable(atDrawable, it, R.color.colorDrawableTintGrey) DrawableHelper.compoundDrawable(text_username, atDrawable) } } private fun enableUserInput() { enableButtonUseThisUsername() text_username.isEnabled = true } private fun disableUserInput() { disableButtonUseThisUsername() text_username.isEnabled = true } private fun setupOnClickListener() { button_use_this_username.setOnClickListener { presenter.registerUsername(text_username.textContent, userId, authToken) } } private fun subscribeEditText() { usernameDisposable = text_username.asObservable() .debounce(300, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()) .subscribe { if (it.isNotBlank()) { enableButtonUseThisUsername() } else { disableButtonUseThisUsername() } } } private fun unsubscribeEditText() = usernameDisposable.dispose() }
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p. 343 lin. 6 a f. àzoxevaor j- vTOCL p. 344 lin. 8 ézovi£von lin. 3 a f. 6, 43 p. 347 lin. 6 dg p. 361 lin. 11 comma post ci- Uceiuev ponatur, et signum interrogationis lin. 14 post Xo sto ot. p. 371 lin. 10 zoóvo p. 376 lin. 10 s/ p. 381 lin. 1 róxovg p. 390 lin. 6 xewwó lin. 15 éoyecvqoéov p. 395 lin. 19 Avoyvrióvov p. 397 not. 4 pertinet ad lin. 16 V. vevouoU écnva, p. 398 lin. 10 a f. zoAwsíoge p. 407 lin. 16 éAevroovrsg p. 415 lin 3 168 Novv. p. 419 lin.3 colon post jvvouxi ponendum. p. 420 lin. ult. Cod. 4, 10, 3 p. 422 lin. 1 67 p. 428 lin. 8 dele comma. 7:90 eL- p. 438 lin. 8 lege: et incertus epitomator in Nom. XIV titi. 1, 24. lin. 18 mácyovot p. 441 lin. 15 dele comma et pone post £cÓp.evot. p. 442 lin. 13 del . 446 lin. 5 post éyysio. colon ponendum fuit. . 448 lin. 13 àic 453 lin. ult. 9, 19 454 lin. 16 àv« 467 lin. 5 vov 469 lin, 17 ys . 474 lin. 3 à f. vxocsíav . 475 lin. 16 quem . 485 lin. 3 à f£ post £y& colon ponendum. p. 487 lin. 13 T p. 489 lin. 16 &xocuortooL "3 CL-L-L-L- Lb L- p.497 lin.6 a f. post ézi yoóoog verbum ccoeysvouévoig ex- cidit. p. 500 lin. 3 "AAvoioig p. 507 lin. 18 xexovoynQiv commate deleto. p. 508 lin. 3 dele comma post zoVTOG. p. 515 lin. p. 528 lin. lin. 19 0v lin. 3 a f. p. 536 lin. p. 539 lin. p. 540 lin. p. 544 lim. uévov p. 545 lin. 2 ézióióouévov p. 553 lin. 2 a f. 14 lineas p. 556 not. 120 ozoxo)covcou? 1 róv 15 zó dele esse. 7 tÓv à» — 19 a £ xevóv« 5 a f. emendat penult. xo9610- hu P. p. 9 lin. 2 o?cóv lin. 4 zgóc p. 11 lin. 8 xoieícvooos p. 12 lin. 3 a f. Ven. quaetoros p. 13 lin. 9a f. comma deleatur. p. 29 lin. 3 à f. &zíovoc p. 30 lin. 10 dele comma post ÓLo.voovUevOL. lin. 15 dele comma. p. 37 lin. 11 ézsíyovoiww p. 38 lin. 7 à/xp p. 40 lm. ult. cà» zl rijs p. 44 lin. 14 roiovcac p. 50 lin. 4 verba covg ce onozcorgíovg dele. p. 53 lin. 11 Aqyccov p. 60 lin. 8 dele comma. p. 65 lin. 7 a f. ?£ p. 67 lin, 6 a f. có « p. 120-lin. p. 70 lin. 12 dele comma. lin. 19 756 p. 45 lin::8 vua p. 76 lin. 6 veg Ov eL?) p. 77 lin. 3 post óutco£tg clau- datur parenthesis. p. 81 lin. 5 a f. o£ p. 90 lin. 9 ov p. 92. Excidit rubrica c. CXII Ileoi ueovvoov. p. 110 lin. 4 sq. zoíóo» p. 111 lin. 10 dele comma. 15 msc p. 128 lin. ult. Bovióusvov p. 130 lin. 6 a f. comma post ztouGL ponatur. p. 134 lim. 8 454v p. 136 lin. 12 a f. zi» p. 138 lin. 16 6zso 8* p. 145 lin. 3 8q. yoóvoig lin. 9 a f. sci p. 153 lin. 8 a f. dele comma et in eius locum pone pun- ctum, p. 154 lin. 1 uécov p. 158 lin. 2 dele comma, lin. 2 a f. fuit pro fecit p. 159 lin. 6 colon ponendum fuit, p- 165 lin. 11 deleatur comma. p. 166 lin. 17 colon pro puncto ponatur. p. 180 lin. 6 a f. punctum pro commaíte pone. p. 181 lin. 11 a f. ézuxsícsvou p. 182 lin. 6 cf. not. 203, 953, p. 192 lin. 3 a f. dele comma. p. 202 lin. 20 dele comma. p. 207 lin. 15 in fine addatur signum notae 6. p. 208 lin. 7 post góg pone colon. p. 211 lin. 14 praestat lin. 25 dele comma. p. 212 lin. 20 post ózov excidit signum notae 3. p. 213 lin. 4 et 8 a fine com- mata delenda sunt. p. 214 lin. ult. LXXI p. 217 lin. 6 dele comma post ÓvTOY. p. 221 lin. 17 comma post ixAdm excidit. p. 231 lin. 8 $7isog p. 237 lin. 10 a f. lovezwievoo —— p. 243 lin. 4 z«oc p. 248 lin. ult. schol. 7 P. 249 lim. 12 a f. post Aau- Bévswv colon excidit. p. 255 lin. 15 &zoeyoossousv p. 263 lin. ult. 7 zàv? p. 267 lin. 11 óezóus9c p. 271 lin. 18 roro?vcrov pP. 272 lin.8 notae 20 signum deleatur. p. 284 lm. 6 sosmólmmrov p. 291 lin. 6 zsoiovotog lim. 14. s/ozo&£on p. 293 lin. 19 xovg p. 301 lin. 5 dele go- p. 305 lin. 5 zó4scog lin. 20 colon ponatur. p. 316 lin. 3 a f. fautore p. 327 lin. 20 post éxxoiov- &evog signum notae 6) po- nendum est. p. 328 not. 9 deleatur. p. 332 lin. 4 a f. Athan. et Auth. (in Vindob.) lege. p. 335 lin. 6 a f. zv p. 337 not. 2? delenda est. p. 339 not. 10 deleatur. p. 341 lin. 8 a f. contemserint p. 342 lin. 8 a f. itaque pro Basilii . 951 lin. 9 óegsag . 9858 lin. 2 subverti . 882 lin. 11 dele comma,. 983 zoLsiv . 987 lin. 21 ézi ante xe$o- 6iO6sL excidit. 'd'd''u - DE DIOECESI AEGYPTIACA ENEX AB IMP. IUSTINIANO ANNO 554 LATA QUAM ADDITA VERSIONE LATINA ET NOTIS EDIDIT C. E. ZACHARIAE A LINGENTHAL APPENDIX ALTERA AD EDITIONEM NOVELLARUM IUSTINIANI ORDINE CHRONOLOGICO DIGESTARUM. es LIPSIAE IN AEDIBUS B. G. TEUBNERI. MDCCCXCI. vi sire ue em ! Praefatio. Lex quam edimus unice servata est in celeberrimo Novellarum Codice Venetiis in bibliotheca Divi Marci extante. Is codex eam exhibet in calce collectionis XII Edictorum Iustiniani, et index quidem tanquam ^. vóuog wTÀ., in contextu autem numerus :y' non habetur, nec ullum aliud vestigium est hane nostram legem cum collectione XII Edic- torum cohaerere eiusque partem facere, sed inscriptio simpliciter est qualem edimus. Edidit primus graece et quidem tanquam "Eóixrov vy, Scrimgerus anno 1558; latine reddidit Agylaeus anno 1560. Deinde lex repetita est in editionibus Corporis Iuris in calee Edictorum Iustiniani tanquam Ed. XIII: ita in editione Kriegeliana ex recen- sione Osenbrüggenii. Nuperrime ego ipse graece ex iterata Codicis Veneti collatione in Iustiniani Novellis ordine chronologico digestis Lipsiae 1881 legem edidi numero XCVI. Verum enim vero cum repetita studia quasi novam lucem ei accen- dissent, secundo eam edere adiuncta interpretatione latina visum est. Ante omnia admonendi sumus, Codicem Venetum, qui alioquin optimae notae est, in hae lege vitiosis lectionibus, laeunis quas librarius ne indicat quidem, denique pertur- bata serie capitum sceatere. Sed cave haec scriptoris Codicis Veneti — sitne is Nilus Doxapatrius an alius quispiam — sive neglegentiae sive barbariei tribuas. Is enim, ut reli- 1 * A xU qua pars codicis ab eo exarata ostendit, doctrinae non minus quam accurationis laudem meretur. Videtur autem in hae parte (— forte universa illa, quae Iustiniani XI|II Edicta quae vocantur contineret —) nimis fideliter expressisse exemplar vitiosum, quod quidem ex antiquo eoque lacero codice papyraceo, cuius originem fortassis Scholae Alexandrinae tribueris, descriptum esse crediderim. Sic enim facile explicantur lacunae, quae propter papyrum maculis adspersum vel madore corruptum vel laciniis avulsis decurtatum adeoque integrorum foliorum defectum deformatum plurimae obviam fiunt: sic optime intellegitur quomodo fieri potuerit ut folhnorum forte disiunctorum ordo in describendo perturbaretur. Eiusmodi transpositionem integrorum foliorum ego primus in editione mea notaveram, dum scriberem haec: ,Foliorum quattuor in prototypo perversa ligatura effecit, ut librarius dum Codicem Venetum ex eo deseriberet co- haerentia separaret. ... Genuinum ordinem horum foliorum nos primi restituimus." Sed vel recepto ordine foliorum a me restituto aliquibus locis cohaerentia perperam a se invicem separantur vel non cohaerentia invicem copu- lantur. (Vide sis cap. IV 8 1.) Haec tamen vitia non librario Codicis Veneti eiusve glutinatori sed ei qui eius prototypon exaravit tribuenda sunt, ut qui disiuncta folia codicis papyracei (sive paginas utpote folis ab aversa parte scriptura vacuis) perverso ordine descripserit. lam cum animadverterem unoquoque folio Codicis Veneti duo folia prototypi sive qualibet pagina illius duas paginas prototypi repraesentari, contigit mihi ut non solum antiquum ordinem foliorum sive paginarum, sed etiam plurimarum lacunarum ambitum earumque supplementum ad certam quandam regulam definire potuerim. Haec igitur sunt, quae haec nova editio praestare d EC ess. voluit, praeterquam quod vitiosae lectiones quam plurimis locis emendatae sunt, emendandi licentiam antiqui illius codicis papyracei condicione atque indole largius prae- bente. Notis id demonstrabitur, quas potissimum criticas adieci. Nam militum zéyuere cum suis tribunis et priori- bus per urbes vel xovr&à 769c«v disposita: territori in Alexandrinorum urbem et reliquas sóAseug et in goa, émegyíog xoi rómovg divisionem: dégyóvrov émegyiov et Goyóvrov éimwuooíov, moyáoyov et moAusvouévov iuxtapo- sitionem: frumenti cijje eíoíeg éuolige et roO voogíuov "Als&evóosíeg collationem collectionem et transvectionem Praefecto Augustali incumbentem: tributorum exactionem a tractatoribus et scriniariis Praefecti Praetorio Orientis, largitionalium a palatinis Comitis Sacrarum Largitionum faciendam: haee et id genus alia rerum Aegyptiacarum curiosis commentario illustranda relinquo. Graecis versionem latinam addidi, quae graece parum scientibus subsidio esse et graece omnino non scientibus legis quasi ideam exhibere possit. In quo id egi ut humeris priorum editorum insistens pressius graeca redde- rem, licet id non sine detrimento elegantiae fieri potuerit. Versioni intercalavi in capita et paragraphos divisionem summariorum inscriptione illustratam, cuius quasi con- spectum dabit index legi mox praeponendus. Capitum distinetio qualis anterioribus editoribus placuit utpote a Codice Veneto aliena et minus apta prorsus abicienda fuit. Restat ut de tempore loquar quo lex data sit. Cap. I 8 14 mentio fit secundae indictionis praeteriti cireuli quae fuit ante annos quindecim, et cap. III 8 2 indictionis primae iam (&gr;) praeteritae. ^ Imperante autem lustiniano indictio secunda incidit in annum 538—539 et rursus in annum 553—554. Dum priorem illam ante annos quindecim fuisse imperator dicit, eum ExouE x in altera illa indictione i. e. anno 554 legem nostram tulisse in aprico est. Cuius temporis et alia indicia sunt. Eodem anno notissima illa pragmatica sanctio de refor- manda Italia data est, quod imperatori cogitationem de reformanda Aegypto suppeditare potuit. Teste cap. I 8 14 istam indictionem secundam praeteriti circuli praecessit ante quindecim annos administratio Strategii gloriosis- simi, qui scilicet. annis 536 et 537 Comes Sacrarum Largitionum fuit, sicuti colligitur ex Nov. XLVIII (22) XLIX (136) et LXXXI (105). Cogitaveram olim indic- lionem secundam quae ante XV annos fuerit incidere in tempora Anastasii i e. in annum 523—524, ut proinde Iustinianus scripserit anno 538—539, quo tempore. Ioannes Cappadox Praefectus Praetorio Orientis fuit. Vide- batur id comprobari eo quod inscriptio in Codice Veneto legem ad Ioannem PPO datam esse dicebat. Verum enim vero imperator de Anastasianis temporibus tanquam dudum praeteritis loquitur, et Strategium Comitem Sacrarum Largi- tionum praeter eum qui in locis modo laudatis nominatur alium quendam fuisse non est probabile. Quibus argumentis ad annum 554 ablegamur, et hoc tantum explicandum est, quomodo lex ad loannem PPO data potuerit dici. Iam coniciet aliquis non loannem Cappadocem sed alium quendam Ioannem alioquin incognitum indigitari, qui anno 954 inter Arcobindum anno 553 et Petrum anno 555 Praefectus Praetorio Orientis fuerit: macte, cui haec con- iectura placuerit! Sed possis etiam inscriptionem in Codice Veneto exhibitam pro erronea habere, utpote seriore tempore a librario invita Minerva compositam. Nempe operam eius minus eruditam prodit rubrica zegl zv (sive ric) VAisbovÓgéov xol vOv Alyvmmwexüv émagyióv, quae rubrica capiti primo quidem apta est, universae legi non item. Prooemium. De Alexandrinorum urbe et duabus EU. Caput I. Caput II. Caput III. «0» [3j eg» «uy» c9» €» e» ey» coo cO» C0» tQ» ey» c» CO» cO» tO» FM E ÍR RE CD $8 2. DO CIO m NUM go i9 pa M m Hn UAE NU Argumentum. Civilis administratio. Militaris administratio. Assessores et ad responsum, Officium. Solatia. Cura felicis embolae. Naulorum titulus. Publicorum exactio. De 4óyo propter publica dando. De Augustalis adiutorio. Largitionalia. Potestas Augustalis in exactionibus prae- sertim super pagarchis et curialibus. Impensae militares civiles et solennes. Impensae ex titulo exagogii faciendae. De requirendis reis in Mareotam aufugien- tibus. Libyco limite. Dux, iudex, officia, milites, annonae eorum. Publiecorum exactio. 8 3. Largitionalia. 8 4. De vieario iudicis. De Thebaico limite. 8 4. 8 9. 8 3. Ducis administratio. Cura felicis embolae. Potestas ducis in exactionibus praesertim super pagarchis. LV OMEN Caput IV. De limite Aegypti. $8 1. Cura felicis embolae. $8 2. Naulorum titulus. $ 3. Publicorem exactio. $ 4. De 1óyo propter publica dando. (Tieliqua, desunt.) "oy? cov 9:Q voU mogóc Ioávvqv zóv évóobózavov Üzapyov rüv &voaroAuxGv (eov ngeivooíov vópuov!) z£ol v5o?) AAs&avóoéov xal vàv AiyvzvianóGv émoguLO v. Ei xol và Guxgórora TOv mQeyuéárov Tío &cvrOv ? E , bd M ' J Á, A , &EL.oU0uev zwQovoíac, z0AÀQ quGÀÀov và uéytorÀ T€ X«L Gvvé- qovr« Tav queríoev mtoAmtíev o)x éyxovoAsiousv o008 Gmgo- vórnrc« ov0& roU zgocnxovroc y4osvovro xócuov éícousv, xol uéÀAiGro Tie Gio Tiv nmovgyobcnue onsgoyije, msg uéAet Tice Tt Tjuerígeg ÓuX mivrov etgomsíeg, Tijg ve cUvb06tog Tüv Ómuocíov, vijg rt TOv üOnortÀQv cOv Tueríoov qgov- INCIPIT CUM DEO LEX AD IOANNEM GLORIOSISSIMUM PRAEFECTUM SACRORUM ORIENTALIUM PRAETORIORUM DIRECTA DE URBE ALEXANDRINORUM ET AEGYPTIACIS PROVINCIIS. Si vel minimas res nostra cura dignamur, multo magis maximas et quae nostram rempublicam continent non derelinquemus neque neglecta et conveniente ornatu vidua sinemus, praesertim cum tua excellentia nobis mi- nistret, cui cordi est et nostra per omnia salus et in- crementum publicorum redituum et subditorum nostrorum 1) Cod. vóuos. Sed legendum »vópov, ut sit &oy9n vo) ... vóuov. 2) Cod. vóv. Sed legendum zíjg scil. zóAscg. Gic in contextu legis centies appellatur Alexandria. Cf. not. 11. MM SU , ? , , e A ^ » , ví0og. évvoncavreg voívvv, óg imi vrüv fumgocOtv yoóvov, , E &U xol và GÀÀa TOv Owuocíov siomodiíeov iÓóxsi mcg veré- 3 q9o1, GÀÀ ovv xerà vov AlyvztwwÜev Owiwqcw oUroc Tv Gvyxeyvuéva, (OTt uwÓi 0 vi m.QvTerOL xor qooc«v bvro9c ywaGxeGOoi?) .. . «al éQevuicousv viv uéyor vüv roO mody- ? , » , 37 e M ' M ^ e /, poroc G&raiíov' GÀÀ &ücxsv 0 Otóg xol volvo roig qevégoLc qvàÀey9vei xeigoig xoL veig Goig vrmovoylewg. GomsQ yo ajuiv Tüv cirov cóv éxsiüsv mpoGgínrovrsg, oUvoc ov0iv &regov mÉ(ovv siGgéígsw, OAM of uiv GuvrsÀeig xoOdmot ?, , , , c / 4 ^ LÀ , 4 Loyvoitovro zvre sig 0oÀOxAmgov GztowrtioOoL, oL mwoyioyot ) cura. lam postquam intelleximus, quod superioribus tem- poribus, licet ceterae publicorum exactiones quodammodo ordinatae esse videbantur, attamen in Aegyptiaca dioecesi res ita erat confusa, ut neque hie quod in eo tractu ageretur notum esset .. . et mirati sumus eius rei in- ordinatum hactenus statum; enim vero Deus etiam hoc temporibus nostris tuoque ministerio servari adnuit! Nam sieut frumentum inde nobis quasi proiciebant, ita nihil aliud contribuere dignabantur: sed collatores quidem omnia plene a se exigi simul omnes affirmabant, pagar- 3) Ad v. ewyxsyvusvo subintellepge ex antecedentibus T TÓV ónuociav siozocésov. Mox retenta lectione codicis x«i égovuiceuev lacunam post ywócxecto statuendam esse credi- derim: desideratur enim alterum uróé, ut complura excidisse probabile sit. — 4) Cod. zeycoyor, quod Scrimgerus in zéyeoxyot mutavit, ego vero scriptura codicis in cap. I $8 12 et cap. III $ 3 ductus in zrony oett mutandum esse arbitratus sum. Videbam praeterea in -oyqyg fere voces efformari quotienscunque id cui imperatur els praepositum est, veluti zevouoyne, teodoyne, Auus- vorne, é9vdoyns, 9nB&oxyns, &ieBdoyns. Sunt tamen in quibus utrumque tam — oye quam —- «cyos graecis scriptoribus placuit, veluti yvproGuto ye et yvuvoctooyog, tzzéoyns et Pz- sro.9106, XOT et «óuc«oros. His forte accensendus est etiam noster zy&ezyne, quem documenta papyracea, ut me vir cl. Wileken docuit, quasi constanter dativo casu zoeycoyo (a m- EL WM v 0i xol of moAwevóusvoi^) x«l of modxrooscg?) vv Óquocíov xol ÓOLw«gsgóvroc [oí] xcrk mxetgóv oyovvsg!) oUvo Ó mgüyuoc uéyou vOv OuevríOsGov, cg wwuósvi ÓvvecOor ysvécdot chae vero et curiales et qui publica administrant et in- primis pro tempore praefecti rem hactenus ita disposuerunt, yooyog) scribunt. — IlIoycoyns est pagi praefectus, non ,gover- nor of a village* quod Sophocles (Greek Lexicon 1888) voluit, sed pagi, vo? zcyov, cuius ambitus xópeg xci vózovg complectebatur adeoque urbes praeter eas quibus (ovi; con- cessa esset. z&yog pagus (aliud z&yog collis) antiquissima desi- gnatio est territorii quod tribus aliqua inhabitat; ea vox graecis et italicis gentibus antiquitus communis fuit. Anno p. Chr. n. 340 atcyog in Aegypto occurrit tanquam pars nomi (10' zzcyog vouo? £opozroAsízov, cf. Tafeln z. àlteren griech. Palaeogr. Leipzig 1891), a. 365 praepositurà pagorum nominatorum periculo consti- tuenda (Cod. 10, 72, 2, quam legem Ducange adduxit). Saec. V exeunte Isidorus Pelusiota lib. 9 epist. 91 a Ducangio laudatus Scribit: Tyco oL xoAoUvccL zo Truciv OL vÀY v*couóv 1] TOTO Twv &oyovreg. Nostra lex denominatione pagarchi tanquam generali utitur ut praefectos regionum Aegypti (non Libyci limitis) significet, quae non subsunt rois zoAwsvouévow. Quan- tae auctoritatis pagarchae fuerint, demonstrant quae cap. I $ 12 et cap. IIL 8 3 de remotione pagarcharum (similia his quae Cod. 1, 37, 2 de iudicibus ordinariis statuta sunt) et de electione pagarcharum ab ipso imperatore confirmanda prae- cipiunt. Unde explicatur, quod me vir cl. Wilcken edocuit, quomodo in instrumentis papyraceis Berolinensibus viri qui évOoÉóvevoi, (AMosezovot, ueyoomoezécroro, audiunt inter pagar- chas recenseri potueriut: ita v. c. papyrus no. 2558 de anno 556 inscriptus est dj. Amiavi và évÓoforéro GzoorQdrg "ot story coe víjg &ocwotràv wc O'eo0ociovzoAwóv mólsos. 5) Ot zoÀAwevOuevou vix verti possunt reipublicae administratores. Sunt potius curiales earum urbium Aegyptiacarum, quibus fovii;v i. e. curiam habere concessum erat: sic etiam vertit Authen- ticum in Nov. CLII (128) c. 5. 8. De istis urbibus videndus Mommsen rüm. Gesch. V ed. 3 p. 557. 6) IIoéxroosg sunt qui z& Ó"uócuw zocvrovciw i. e. tractant, unde infra roexvevrol voeantur. 7) Vulgo praesides. Neque tamen de praesidibus eparchiarum, sed de praefecto Augustali sermo esse videtur. A AE jvogiuov, croig Ó& uóvoig émwusgÓég. mei] volvvv, timeo xorcÀCtOLUAEv Év OjóL v mcoyua Ótorxovuevov, oUx (v m0rE (GyUGeLUEv cUOrO OLocxcOügei. xci Tbe. mwQoGQxóvroc, Ói& roUrOo GvvéíOousv TTyv Ggynv, $jmsQ égéovqutv roig Alyónrov zoéyueciw (gouiv Ó& viv vv eyovcoroliov), usrouoTéoouc émioTijGeL. ggovríoww. ov yàg &v Óovowo ócÓ(oc ti; &v996- 70V voUc voGcUrcLc GgxécoL weoíuvoug, web rO mtQüyuo oUroc OcOciven, Gore cicOncw quiv Gyot1v àv ev?) wevecrijoot. Zà voUro roívvv Osomítousv T4v Gqv onsgoynv vóvóc quGOv TOv émi vovro vóuov megeAeuBéávovcav?) oUroc c01019) OueOsivo:, óc G&ióv iorww Tuüg uiv 9somícor, viv ut nemini posset esse cognitu facilis, ipsis autem solis lu- crosa. Quoniam igitur, si rem per aversionem administratam reliquerimus, eam vix unquam possimus purgare et con- venienter ordinare, ideo perspeximus administrationem quae Aegypti rebus praeest (Augustalem dicimus) moderatiori- bus curis praefieciendam esse. Non facile enim unius hominis mens tot curis sufficere possit et rem ita dis- ponere, ut bonam sui notitiam nobis praestet. [Caput L De Alexandrinorum urbe et duabus Aegyptis.] [S 1. Civilis administratio.] Propterea igitur sancimus excellentiam tuam hanece super ea re legem accipientem ita eam disponere, sicut dignum est tam nostra sanctione 8) Cod. £v eóvà. Sed iam lege év «órà. Nam &yo$1,v (sensu ethico) «ic)1«6:» res vix dici potest praestare, ita ut quam olim proposueram coniectura éz' «rà scil và modyuert reicienda sit. 9) Cod. zegeAeufcevovorw. 10) Cod. e?cvóv. Sed legendum «eó?ró scil. ró zg&yu«, sicut modo praecedit có zo&yue Ov d tva. coe T. eT ^ 3 $i c|v Omnsgoynv dOmovoyijGori réíog oUv cóv mtoíDAemtov ; - ? e)yovorcAuov ovióusOce cUrijo vs LAic&avÓgsíng!') Goyewv xui &mávrov vOv xov! würiv qoovrífewv, xol mwoóg ys Óv077) Aiyónvov x«i uó I: évov voi Aeyouévov MezvsAoírov yb L uóvov, nonu you - , e re. 4 13 »ig ' / m Tíje móÀsecg jug dcvi moOTqo ?) Aiyómrov, xol moóg ys vob Moeosórov'!^) ém' éxsívowg yàg và sixóva OwwvvmoGouev. Bovióus9e« Oi e)róv óg sioqvon wj uóvge AAsbevógs(ac, &ÀÀà xol vOv Ó$0 Alyónrov (uerà viv slomuévqv é$oíosciv ToU re ]Mogeórov xol ro) Mevsàeirov) Ggyovro xo9scrévot, Gore 0v Goyovve zóv émvydgiov?) vàv sioquévov Óv0 énog- quam ministerio tuae excellentiae. Igitur spectabilem Augu- stalem ipsam Alexandriam administrare et omnium in ea curam habere volumus et insuper duas Aegyptos solas, exempta urbe quae Menelaita dicitur et primae Aegypti est, et insuper Mareota: de his enim consentanea con- stituri sumus. "Volumus autem eum non solius Alexan- driae sed etiam duarum Aegyptorum (post dictam exemp- tionem Mareotae et Menelaitae) praefectum esse, ut iudex 11) Apud Hieroclem (ed. Parthey p. 46) et in antiqua episcopatuum notitia (ib. p. 80) recensetur tanquam prima urbs eparchiae Aegypti. In hac autem nostra Novella, sicut in aliis documentis (cf. U. Wilcken, Obs. ad historiam Aegypti p. 7), opponitur eparchiarum urbibus, utpote sedes praefecti Augustalis a quo immediate ut ita dicam regebatur, dum ceterae urbes suos praefectos haberent. 12) Malim cóv ó$0 Aly. 13) Cod. zoó rijs. 14) Apud Hieroclem (ed. Parthey p. 46) habetur urbs MevsAoeirnge in émooyto Abyvntwnci, in Notitia supra laudata (ed. Parthey p. 80) in ézeoyic Alyózvov zorQutoyn (lege zoór3) recensentur urbes Mags&is et Moveiewàv (lege Mevsieivóv) ^ 15) Quod Goyovce iudicem et &oyT;»» administrationem latine reddidi, latinitati horum tem- porum, v. c. Iuliani, Authentici convenit. "Ezuwyóoiv verto in- digenam. Certe apud Strabonem p. 797 sq. hoc sensu usurpatur et eodem sensu ut videtur Nov. CLXVI (134) c. 1, quo loco Authent. vertit: vicaneos iudices. Vulgo vertunt magistratum provincialem, quod. videtur probari c. II 8 4. -— PE We ^ 3.9 ? - , A / , 1 , - qv ém cUTQ revcy0cL xcL uOóvo, woOUmtQ xol uéyou vOv oyYuerog Ey. [Bovióusüe 0b xoi rov vovrov Goyovra]!") reóróv i eimtiv vOv megíAemrov cvyovGríAuv, Óik TO Tfjg sloquévqgo weyiovmg mÓÀeog mo0Àlv&vOgozov fyzw cà xou xol Tác GrQeTLOTIXTg CQyjjio, ov Ormomuévov vo zoiyuorog oQ0b cic Ggyovrog Ó$o xe9:Grüroc (rotro yào TyotUusDe rÀ mavil , ? ? [4 er M b y rs , Gvugéoeuv), GAM Gore Eva uiv GvÓge mooscríver roO sigu- uévov $99óvov, £yswv Óà ébovcíov xorà mávvov vOv fixsicr La — "n , » r | LN P ? , GrgorwOTOv, rüv iOpgvuévov sive ém cric vc MithavÓgéov ueyáAme mÓÀsog sive imi vüv Óvo Aiyómrov xaOmsg ciou- Tw," Os yàg xol vig sÜxocuíec!!) vijg móÀsog moovosiv 18 Y A ' A , ' ' , , T6819) xol vot uwóiv vagoyG0sg yíveGOat wovà rÓv sloquévov Ofjuov' GAM Fyovvea vóv iml vijo tigmuévmg Goyfjo veveyuévov 16 indigena dictarum duarum eparchiarum ipsi soli subsit, quemadmodum etiam hucusque obtinet. [S 2. Militaris administratio.] [Volumus vero etiam harum praefectum, sive] quod dictu idem est, spectabilem Augustalem propter hominum multitudinem in memorata maxima urbe habere etiam iura praefecti militaris, ad- ministratione non divisa neque ad duos praefectos perti- nente (id quod summae rerum conducere putamus), sed ita ut unus quidem homo dieto throno praesit, potestatem autem habeat in omnes qui illie sunt milites, sive in ipsa Alexandrinorum magna urbe sive in duabus Aegyptis stationes habeant, sicuti dictum est. Etenim etiam decori urbis providendum est et ne quid tumultuose in dicta plebe agatur. Sed oportet eum qui dictae administra- 16) Lacunam hoc loco statuendam esse censeo, quam an recte suppleverim alii videant. 17) In Nov. XXIV (25) c. 4 Auth. vertit ornatwi. 18) Cod. cs. -T LISTE eos vév vt É« vij molwuwuxijo &gyüjo Óbvequv viv vt éx vOv Gvga- vuOrOv loyov 9:00 mgó mávrov ayovuívov vic sioquévqo eUvoabíag Tic mÓÀsOg TQovostiv, éméyovva vv cÓómov, 0cov ém^ w)roig volg GrQeTwOToug Toig ve iv JAsbovOgsíe voig ve ip' fxorígog Aiyómrov, xoi vàv ivoobovítov xol &vÓgsio- TÓrOv GrgovqyOv 1v mQoiGevreAov, vÀv rs vijo "Egg. "") [Bovióus9e 0B...]?9) ve xoi &Óosomóvcovu?!) mepsivot cürQ, xoL vmovoysiv oig Qv émuváiewv. tioni praepositus est, postquam tam civils iudicis pote- statem quam militum vim habeat, Deo ante omnia duce dicto decoro statui in urbe servando providere, cum quantum ad milites ipsos tum Alexandriae tum in utra- que Aegypto spectat locum teneat gloriosissimorum et fortissimorum magistrorum praesentalium et per orientem. [8 3. .Assessores et ad. responswm.] [Volumus autem. ..] et ad responsum ei adesse et ministerio esse his quos iusserit. 19) Cod. vóv évóofórovov xal &vÓgsióvorov cvoeTqyóv vÀv zQ. TÓv t€ Tijg ío«g. De his vide Notit. dignit. Or. cap. IV. BN od, ] 29. 20) Lacunam hic statuas necesse est. Cf. Serimger: vzs*) xoi ad responsum. Nempe de his quos mox zto.9£0o&v0ovvog vocat Iustinianus hoc loco tractasse videtur. Tam Augustali quam Duci assessor (zvcgsóooc) ad latus fuit: Alexan- driae praeterea iuridicum Iustiniani Codex 1, 57 agnoscit. 21) Ad responsum proprie ministrabat magistro militum, Nov. CLVIII (Ed. 8) c. 3 8 4. Schol. ad Iulian. (ed. Haenel p. 179): Ad responsum dicitur qui deputatus est a magistro militum, ut si quid opus sit a competente iudice in milites fieri mi- nisterium ei exhibeat. In Nov. cit. est Ói' o5 x«i cogoovist 6vQoTLOTCg tiztOv xoAéGEL wcxioüg wol cvv&£s, zto0g vàg &Gvoyxatag TOU zocyporog ózovoyiog. Praefecti Augustali h. l. ad respon- sum.adesse iubetur, quippe locum magistri militum obtinenti. Sed et alis quibus in milites potestas esset ad responsum habere leges permiserunt: cf. Nov. XXIII (24) c. 4, XXIV (25) €. 1, XXV (26) c. 2 8 1 et XXXI (28) c. 8, ubi codex inter lineas 7jvou &zoxotcuxo(ovg. loo WS TN "Ecrou?") 9i cord 1| ví£ig dj ve c'OyovGTaALuvI, , xo1*?) Ux xol 4 Oovxiux, Gyo. uévroi f&exociov, 0), GGrr i0Ío uiv sivo, vovg Óovxixovc (üíe Óà rovg cOyovérourvove, &AX Gore uev yevécOn. vá£& ^) xal xeráloyov Éva, 00x &vpec &xeTÓv mtQOTEOUGL, ntvrhxovre uiv [of moGxoi] Tio cvyov- GrwALCVio rdbeog mevrüxovre Ob of 79QTOL TÜYV Üovxixüv &uoiedóv iv àAMjAoug veTTÓucvoLl??), Gore mtoGTOv uiv sivot Tóv ocyovoroAtevóv, ÓsUregov OR róv ÓovxixÓv, xol roiro épebiio mte govieyO voi rà Oye rv f£xcróv vOv iv coroig moorevóvrOv, zr 0l Aownv ümev Gg àv ó UUv Goynv Fyov Gvv(do, oÜro xereGrivori, i, 75) uévrot UmeoBoiveuw TQV züocv cTóbww viv Gvaulb P. vs ríw c)yovoroA,.wvGv Ex vc TOV Üovxixüv Gvyxttuéviv GvOgoc &Eoxoc(ove* mávrov rüv émL voUrQ zgorroufvov cie rs rv Ooóvov róv cóv cie re [S 4. Officiwn.] Habebit autem officium tam augu- stalianum quam etiam ducianum, usque ad sexcentos tamen, non ut seorsum quidem duciani sint seorsum vero augustaliani sed ut unum officium et una matricula fiat, in qua centum primates sint, quinquaginta quidem augu- staliani officii [primates], quinquaginta vero primates duciani, alternatim invicem collocati, ut primus sit augu- stalianus, secundus vero ducianus, et sic deinceps haec figura observetur in centum inter illos primatibus, reli- quum vero omne ita constituatur quemadmodum ei qui administrationem habet videbitur, ut tamen universum officium ex augustalianis et ducianis compositum non ex- cedat viros sexcentos: omnibus quae circa hoe aguntur 22) Cod. £sz/. 23) Cod. vo. 24) In Nov. CLXXII (Ed. 11) anno 559 sermo est de Augustali et ràv ózmnotrov- Ufvov TdÍtov, quasi officia tum temporis nondum coadunata fuissent. 25) Cod. rerrouévov. 26) Cod. unó£v. CAE. qIPSED du&c ÓiX Tijg Gijg vomcgoyiüo Cvegsgouévov, OGcrt xai r0 z«9' xv si ys Og8Gg yévqres moocóf£acOnr. xÜgog.) x«l émedüv 17 váfig xevecTy, wuófva vOv coyovorawvGv yíveg9ot «colo mooperogíov £x vijg Tjeríowg wetgüg vmo- yoogouévov,?5) xe9émso ufyou viv.) fcre, 0B «vri má vj vrí&eu r0 vijo e«)yovoroMavije m900Qnua. ['O] &oyov óà ó smeg& ví feoistag mQoysioiCoevoc Becuuxije Eoo xolosog?") sepoelmweror cT«v oy"nv xol xeO9ooüg qvAdbsi v&g wsigog xoi movroyó0cv £avrOv GEiov Tic ecuuxije Osíóen mxgíosoc. ov0à yàg mTueig ix voU Óquocíov c)rQ veórqv uóvqv OÓdGcousv vqv mogoUvynv, qv péyou vüv O msoíBAemzrog cvyovoráALog &yeu, v&g mevviXOVTO uiv Gvvóvag xol rà mevr5xovra «wine, GÀÀ& ueytAm Tij et ad tuam sedem et ad nos per excellentiam tuam refe- rendis, ut et a nobis si recte facta sint confirmationem accipiant. Et postquam officium constitutum fuerit, nullus augustalianus fiet absque probatorüs nostra manu sub- scriptis, sicut hactenus. Ipsum autem universum officium augustaliani appellationem habebit. [S 5. Solatia.] Praefectus autem, qui imperatorio iudicio dignus habitus ab imperatore electus fuerit, ad- ministrationem suscipiet et puras manus servabit et unde- cunque se dignum imperatorio iudicio ostendet. Neque enim nos ei e publico hoc solum dabimus solatium, quod nune usque spectabilis Augustalis habet, quinquaginta annonas et quinquaginta capita, sed magno augmento 27) Similiter Nov. LIV (103) c. 1. 28) Cod. 5zoyo«go- uérne, recte quidem si modo ante zooferooíeg legeris. — 29) Cf. Cod. 12; 59, 10. Nov. XXIII (24) c. 4. XXIV (28) c. 1. — 30) Cod. 0g zw«QcÀ. Ab illo gore. quod praecedit &oyov pendere non potest, ut proinde ó d&Coyov scribere et og delere necesse fuerit. Zachariae a Lingenthal. 2 ic d a ztwgcvÉrósL?") xomoáuevor quadraginta librarum auri??) &ove £xácrov Aeuivewv vni civfGtov BovióusSe xol bmio cvvqOeiv xol xocÀovowGv??) zagà vóuog9^) iw r&v bmorerwyuévov vds vÀ vómo rómov??) ve xol civiDv. oí , ? bd , . . . , 9e y& e«rÓ ToMonneDaP te quinque librarum auri poc M M A , . . ^ &x TOv c)rOv, xci trígovg mille solidos xol 7| «ev' «rv vÓbie, weiroLye mQgÓregov Tiv vroírqv cUrOÀv PyovGe m0GÓrQrc* xci fovet TO mQüyue Aeumgóv ve xol rüv Tusríoov óEioc , » ÓLcowuévov ibidotn À n 3 3 , - M z Sie lloévqv ó87?9) sivow ggovríón vÀ 2v cowbrqv &gynv 2t , M - M &yovr, flovióus9e Tav vic eícíeg iuBoAác?") Óroixqow, Gore usi quadraginta librarum auri quolibet anno pro annonis eum et pro consuetudinibus et calandicis accipere volumus a vindice ex subiectis huie formae locis et titulis. Asses- sores autem eius ex eisdem quinque librarum auri aecipi- ent, et alios mille solidos quod post illos officium est, licet id antea tertiam partem huius summae perceperit: et ita res splendida erit et nostris temporibus condigne disposita. [8 6. Cura felicis embolae.] Primam vero curam illam praefecturam habenti volumus esse felicis embolae admini- 31) Malim zoccevéíxcs.. 32) Sic semper genetivus casus technice a lustiniano usurpatur, idque tam hic quam infra retinendum esse videbatur. 33) De calandicis s. calandarieis vide Monatsberichte der Akad. zu Berlin 1879 S. 142. 158. 34) Marinus sub Anastasio teste Lydo III 49 et Niceph. Hist. eccl. 16, 14 vindices constituit, qui tributa exigerent loco curialium. Cf. Nov. CLII (128) c. 5 et Nov. CLXVI (134) c. 2. 35) Tózor hoc loco et infra fortasse xe' é£oy5v dicti, scilicet ut significent divisionem nomorum in zózovc. Nomorum tamen in hoe nostra Novella nusquam mentio fit, nisi forte c&g jóocs iterum atque iterum appellatas easdam credideris esse. 36) Cod. zs. 37) Cod. I 2, 10 et XI 4, 2 ,,felicem embolam vel publicarum specierum transvectionem,'" (x«i in Coll. constit. eccles. cf. Monatsberichte cit. 1881 p. 22.) "Erneíe fufoA: in Nov. Tiberii Coll. I Nov. II c. 2. UP WC e «Orüv uiv TOv megífAemrov cvyovováMov xoi T»v mtw9o- uévqv civQ vábuv xwó)vo oixcío xoi vv OvrOv c)vrQ xol écouívov mQeyudrov, xci xwóóvo vio «or00 rítsoc oU zmegl voüvo uóvov GÀÀ& xal viv GoTqoícv e)vrQv &yoviwone, zmücuv yívscQoi 75) moóvoiev ToU Tóv siguuévov vijg eícíec &uBoAQc civov xol &rmowrsioOoL «cL xovà vroUG veuoptouévovg xoLQ0UG éxmiumeoOo. GÀÀà roÜrov uiv sticmoárreww Üovic &E f£xorégag Poriv Alyónrov, vóv OB Mov G&vvmegÜévoc ^ C $moóéysoOor 4) xol iufáAAsoOoL. roig mÀoo:g?"), megocxzsv- dfswv v& eig voóvqv éwméumcoUoL vQv sUOo(uovo zÓÀLv, 0coc -€ / - ? - C 9l d ? LÀ ? - , E r0U xovóvog vijo ceUríjc oícíog iupoM,jc ovo víjg évrobO0c * ? M , mÀcifouivqe. Óuoíog Óà xoci róv meg' Tuv giuoriuo- M / E ? , / M M ? uevov Tíjo uey&Àng vOv Ac&avOgéov móÀseg TÓv uiv cmoL- strationem, ut ipse spectabilis Augustalis et quod ei paret offieium ... periculo sui ipsius et rerum quae habet habi- turusve est, et periculo offieii eius, quod non de his solum sed et de propria salute periclitetur, omnimodo pro- visio fiat ut dictum frumentum felicis embolae exigatur et statutis temporibus transvehatur. Et id quidem ocollh- gat quod ex utraque Aegypto debetur, reliquum vero sine dilatione suscipiat vel etiam navibus imponat, et tantum curet ad hane felicem urbem transvehi quantum facit canon eius felicis embolae navibus huc advehendae. Similiter vero etiam id quod nos magnae Alexandrinorum 38) Aut zowíc)o«. legas ut sermo procedat, aut lacunam statuas necesse est post cc&£w, licet in cod. nullum eius vestigium appareat. Sane exspectes hoc loco aliquid statutum esse de parte frumenti ad urbem regiam transportanda (róv &(onuévov citov) et de temporibus intra quae transvectio procuranda fuerit (rovg vevoutcuévovg xowo?g). | 39) Cod. zÀóo:g. Omnino legendum z4oíow. Navibus enim frumentum imponitur, non zóoig 1. e. navigationibus. 9* rtiv, 0G0g é& Alyinrov woOcorqxev Enavéoocg, olusíp wwóovo x«l Tijg c0rO0U vábsg, TOv Ó& UOmo0étyco9or Omócog ib Évé- 40 277 / ' ? ,,741 , ij j oov) &gíxowo vómov xol «)rG ^) meoeóo9tíg xerà vo uGÀAÀov &vL Gegéíortgov év roig igsbiüjg ÓwAo9mcóusvov, x«l O«ztcvüv xeOdrmso stUVO»iGrOL TttQL TO ToÓguiuOov Tc cric z0Àsg, (Gre T0 (qO00vov c)rqv BovAnos 9:00 Oi mzávrov Ogewv* GuyxwwÓvvevóvrov 7G cr megiBAénvo ovyovovollo e , 1 [74 L 42 ' E M M Ko» Ocov sic viv siongoíuvi?) xol TOv GroerworOv TOv Om «UrOv ctrwyuívov x«l vOv Acumoorórov coiBoovov xol zwíonoc 7oÀwwuxiÉo xe«L Óquocítov Bon«Osíeg, (ors mevroyóOtv GveumóÓL.crov T0 mQüyuc vyívsGOo. vOv Oi ix vüv rómow - x EE "AE, » 9 / , Àj Tv r5 voz «)r0v OvrOv éxxopitousvov Oecomítousv «or M ? / ? 4 j , e , ' voGoUrOv émáyswv obvÀ vOv wívÓvvov, (grs, imtiÓkv Éwxo- uuGOcim, crÓv vs Omo0fysoO0oL mácqc usÀAQosog yoolg xci ziv ztwOouévqv c)rÀ Tí£w*) ois wwvÓbvo mots moüc urbi largiti sumus, tum quantum ex utraque Aegypto consistit proprio et officii sui periculo exigat, tum susci- piat quantum ex alis locis advenerit et ipsi traditum sit secundum quod in sequentibus apertius demonstrabitur, atque eroget solito more in eiusdem urbis alimoniam, ut Deo volente per omnia abundantia fruatur: periculum subeuntibus cum ipso spectabili Augustali, quantum ad exactionem pertinet, tum militibus sub eo constitutis et clarissimis tribunis et universo civili et publico adiutorio, ut undecunque res expedite procedat. Quod autem ex locis sub eius dispositione non constitutis adportatur, eius in tantum periculum eum subire sancimus, ut postquam adportatum sit ipse absque ulla cunctatione id suscipiat et officium quod ipsi paret [et] proprio periculo navibus id 40) Cod. éxorv£oov. 41) Cod; e$zd. 49) Cod. zoà&£w. Sed sermo est, ut ex sequentibus apparet, de exactione fru- menti ex utraque Aegypto. ^") Adde x«i, propter zotovutvov. í£ anf cad OE EDO roUTQv rjv sÜüOÓcíuovo mzOÀLV, mtcvvoyoÜ ztQÓvoLcv TOLOUMEVOV ToU quóiv ixgóguiov yívscOon ix vàv Onoveveyuévov cvv móÀsQv ve xol émagyiüv xol vómov xcL Ügucov ^?) xci cro- uíov, ziv rav otcíav duBoAqv &momAsboos vijo JAAsiov- Óoécv zóÀsoc, uqÓs usrà voro, mÀQv sí wj xor& vÓ mag quv émweroouuévov 7| émugommqoóuevov £x Osíov uiv qu)v vózov, zgocrítsov Ó2 rv O9óvov vOv Güv' móc Gmovro x«i vv GrQerw.OrOv QOmovgQyoUvrov corQ xocOdmso £umooc9sv siomvo, c í^) Qv eÜOroic moocrábss, xoi vÀv vevxA(joov dOmoÓ0syouévov cóv cirov xol iuBoeAAóvrov caic vevol, x&xsiOsv oq aysuóvi Qt 7güg voórqv v»v cvÓaí- uove vevriAouévov móÀw. sí uévrowys vOv ib É£xevégog Aiyónrov wi siomodósus Gívov, xoL róv uiv Tío évraUOo meumouévme cíoíec iupoAge sioxouucOmvoi megeoxevicsie vij AAàAsbavÓoéov xol màoicO5vor mgüg ve)rqv riv cb0c(uova dirigat ad hanc almam urbem: et ubique prospiciat, ne ex subiectis ipsi urbibus et eparchiis et locis et stationi- bus navium et ostüs prius quidquam exportetur quam felix embola ab Alexandrinorum urbe abnavigaverit, nec postea nisi quatenus a nobis permissum sit vel permitta- tur per sacras quidem nostras formas, thronorum vero tuorum iussiones. In omnibus vero milites ei ministerium praestent, ut antea dictum est, quemadmodum eos ius- serit, navicularii autem frumentum suscipiant et navibus imponant, indeque Deo duce ad hanc almam urbem navi- gent. Quodsi frumentum ex utraque Aegypto non ex- egerit et eam felicis embolae partem quae huc mittitur ad Alexandrinorum urbem adportari et ante finem mensis 43) Scilicet Nili. Stationes autem navium fuerunt v. c. ad Hermopolin. Marquardt Staatsverw. II S. 504. Ceterum codex óouóv scribit. 44) Cod. ois. zóÀw xci feciÀ(óm z90 mígerog voU cUyov0TOv uqvóg, TOv 0$ voÜ voopíuov roO mco uOv qiloruuovuévov iX TOU cemteuolov ui) eloxouícere vij viv ZAAs&ovOgéov mólsi, Vovo e ' E 2 / 45 eA B , 2 Og x«rà roiv G&gráfov^?) omio f£xácrov vouícuerog &rci- viOncsror ztwgà voU GoU O9óvov v0 Asimov 1| vij QufoA 1j TQ Tgogíuo, xcrà v0 ib £xoerégug Aiymvov tiogegóuevov: c)rÓg v& O Ggyov «cL iÓiTNc ytvóusvog, xAmoovóuoi vé cUrOU xoL Ouióoyoi, xol và e)roU mocyuere xov ov0évo , ? , er ec b! M 2! ^ vgózOv &ÀevOtgoUusvo, toc Gzuv TO évrtÜOsv OgÀquo xor : / , , 46 , p.41 - 4 TQuÀv &gráfov &moruuuevov*9) sioxouic9sin ^") roig vocné- M M 3 Ml , , 31-4 M ' ? fowg vaig Geig. GÀÀà moGQxsu stüvroc cür0v «cL Tiv &£ c , 2-7 , E - ^ A , &xovígeg Alyónrov niqvoagíav*) moübor xovà vovc elonuévove X0L90Ug. Augusti ad hanc almam et regiam urbem navibus dirigi non curaverit, eam vero partem quae a nobis in ali- moniam donata est mense Septembri non importaverit in Alexandrinorum urbem, sciat fore ut per ternas artabas pro singulis aureis computatione facienda exigatur a throno tuo quod deest sive embolae sive alimoniae, qua- tenus ex utraque Aegypto illatio facienda est; et ipse praefectus, etsi privatus factus sit, et heredes eius et suc- cessores et bona ipsius nullo modo liberantur, donec quid- quid inde debetur ad tres artabas aestimatum mensis tuis illatum sit. Ceterum oportet eum omnino etiam plenariam ex utraque Aegypto dictis temporibus facere. 45) Ita Codex constanter accentum ponit. Vulgo scribitur &orav ab d&gorégrm quattuor circiter modiorum mensura. 46) Cod. &zovuwou£evov. 47) Cod. síexouéocsis. — *) Megix&g &zo0s(Ésug exhibent quorum periculo particulares solutiones sive fiunt sive accipiuntur: zAqcvooí«g quorum periculo est ut universi debiti summa sive inferatur sive accipiatur. E aM "Emsió: óà 4 émi vio o(cíeg &uBoAWo qgovrig cvvqu- uévov ve xol GyoouGrov Pycu v0v vOv voAov ríriov, Bovàó- A A] A , . - er C47 - u&O« xol Trà mgl ro)rOov OL«TvmüG«L., (cre O0ÀóxÀqgov vÓ ztoc&yuerL xoel zooc5xovccv émvOtivon viv T9óvowwv' céog kd ^ M , ? , , ee 7 2! o)v vv TOv vovÀov Gxo0éxrqv BovàóusOo ur GÓcuxv fyswv ztüGwv fovvóv émsufAÀAsw Toig Omuocíoig véÀsOt, xo viGL j E e , ? d A 4l , ? Ó uiv vOv ónsvOvvov évóidóvoi xoi và xcÀoUusva £vOo- uouxà ^) xouíteoDo, xoL ivreÜOev vo) Omuoctov QcOvyusiv, Éríoovc 0b meg vÓ mocijkov siomoirvsww, wol mÀsiov 1| cg ztgóvegov^?) x«l zeo& vovg vevotuouévovg [xowgovc], xoi ivrebOsv Aeufávswv Ggogwrv ve xoi Goy"nv vijo voU mQy- perog Guyyóosog, T0 uiv Gmogeírqrov cv voviov Gu l4 - x , M e E , ztQoréewvÓuevov, TQ E cvyseyouévo viv fovroü Oooztelov QmoQvro. xoi onsopoovolüvro uiv vOv rvoomsfOv ToU Óixa- *je , » d - M Y 5 erqoíov voU Go), Ouoíog Ó& Gmovra xígÓovc «cow vg fwvróv moiioO9oe. cnsódovro. msi] cvoívvv 4) ci] vme9oy) [S 7. Naulorwum titulus.| Quoniam vero felicis embolae cura connexum nec separatum habet naulorum titulum, volumus etiam quae ad ipsum pertinent definire, ut rei plene convenienterque prospiciatur. Volumus igitur nau- lorum susceptori non licere omnibus sese immiscere pu- blieis tributis, et nonnullis fisci debitoribus remittere et quae é£vóoueru«& vocantur percipere indeque publicum neglegere, ab alis vero praeter id quod convenit exigere, tum plura quam antea tum praeter consueta tempora, inde- que occasionem sumere et initium confundendae rei, quod naula non possint differri semper praetendenti, ex con- fusione vero suum ipsius commodum captanti, et mensas quidem tui tribunalis despicienti, simili vero animo omnia lueri eausa sibi subicere conanti. lam postquam excel- 48) Cod. 10, 19, 9. 49) Cod. x«i mAstovtg og [ióvsQov. Mox supplevi «ceioovg post vevouwcu£vove; sic enim supra $ 5. PME (257 cívr« GygUzvog OLowxovuivy iÓ(Óabev qug, 0cog GvAAoyl- Cero, TOv vovlov xavov 0 £x vijg JitbavÓgéov yognyo- uevog eig vopuGuárOv wvguióeg ÓxrO, oie xel vijg &ÜvvyoUG curoztouzéiog tig Oxvexocíeg wvoguideg?) cvviobone, BovAó- us9co Tàg ÓxvO vo)r«c wuguíÓeg vOv vopucucrov Ó(docOo: TQ TÓv vevÀov Gmo0txvg ix rv Omoreveyutvov?') imaeg- quw xol móÀeov xcL rómcov x«l mooconOov' 7") Ói& roUro yào év tUmógoig émowoáusDo hv cow rqv PxreynNv, Gore unóiv?*) mevrsig rr: E GvefoXüe würe iE ABchysoc rüe efoieo GiroztouzELeg ysvécOo.. 0 u£vroi meoífAemrog cUyov- GréÀL0G xcL 7 mtVOouévm vábig corÀ, xovà wíev óg signat ytvouévy GvGrQgogiv v& xol fvoGciv ix vs rÓv evyovoroÀu- vOv £x rct Tüv tgorígov ÓovxiuxQv, vg siomoáóeug mowj- lentia tua vigilanter cuncta administrans nos edocuit, quod naulorum canon ex Alexandrinorum urbe submini- stratus computatur ad octoginta milia aureorum, quippe felici frumenti missione ad octogies centena milia pro- cedente, ista octoginta milia aureorum ex subiectis epar- chis et urbibus et locis et personis naulorum susceptori dari volumus: ideo mimirum hane delegationem largam fecimus, ne quid omnino nec ex dilatione nec ex defectu felicis missionis frumenti accidat. Spectabilis autem Augu- stalis et quod ei paret officium, ad unam ut dictum est ex augustalianis et ducianis qui prius fuerant coniunc- tionem et adunationem redactum, exactiones facient ex 50) Modiorum an artabarum? Cf. Mommsen róm. Gesch. ed. 3. V p. 560 not. — 51) Scilicet in notitia huic legi subiecta. 52) Cod. zoocóócv. Sed legendum 7tQ0GÓTEQV, uti mox: etiam in $ sequenti est càv crgocózov x«i vv rovrov éyyvrvóv. Quasnam personas imperator innuat non satis in aprico est. Cogitaverim de iis qui agros late patentes sive fiscales sive patrimoniales conductos habeant. 53) Subintellege ósuwóv» vel simile quid. Lc GEB ue GovroL rQv m0Àseov xol vv vózOv x«i rv 7Qocomov vàv ? , EU M ? , 3m , NT. &gogououévov £x vs vijc wiApsupOpam. xoi éxoeréQeg Ai yUmTOU TQ GmoÓéxvm vüv verla, óuoícog xoL cUroU oU vÀv veróluv dxoódxxov TQv roter iriv eloztoouv oisi, y Q T6 oleo xivÓOvo róv ve cÜyovordAuov óg sioqror viv ve ob- vOU vó£uv voüro Cmoweiv Guo TQ Cmo0íxr vOv vovÀov. xol cUrQ xivÓvvog éméorq vijo rovrov tiomoótsoc, (Gre r) , M ? b j! , M ? , - , GuéuzTOG xol Gzxovreiv vÓ qovoíov xc«L émiüiÓ0óvon vi] &igm- uévg qosío xol Oievéíuew roig vovxAggoig xorà rÓ uéyoL A .D4 E , , Y ó , * vüv9*) si9iGuévov, Gvvevíovrog xci Gvyxiwóvvebovrog v cürQ dmoÓfxv vüv vo)Àov mgóg Gmovro voU ssgupAézTOv «)yovoruAíov rijc vt mtLO0uévuc «UvQ vá5sog xoi vrüv G&v- ÓgsewovévCov Toyuirov TOv iv roig vómowg Ovvov GUv roig e)rGv rgifoUvorc. oic m9o0ijxov ix rgÓmov mavrüg vOv vÀv vevÀov &mozAqootc9oc.7") Aióyov xol Ó(óocOe. roUrov vÓÀ Gzo0énrQ, xol Óv cUroÜ xcvàü róv mQocQxovro xoL vevout- urbibus et locis et personis delegatis naulorum susceptori ex Alexandrinorum urbe et utraque Aegypto, etiam ipso naulorum susceptore simul eiusmodi exactionem faciente, ita ut proprio periculo et Augustalis sicut dictum est et eius offieium haec exigat una cum susceptore naulorum. Cuius etiam ipsius periculo haec exactio erit, ut absque interpellatione aurum exigat et in dictum usum expendat et navieularüis distribuat sicut hactenus moris fuit: cum ipso naulorum susceptore haec peragente et periculum subeunte Augustali et officio quod ei paret et fortissimis cohortibus per loca constitutis cum suis tribunis. Oportet enim omnimodo naulorum rationem compleri et tradi susceptori, et ab ipso conveniente et statuto modo ad- 54) Cod. vó» omittit. 55) Cod. &zoxAneo?o9'o:. -— ER E Guévov ÓOLowxsiGOo. voómov x«l megéysGOo. rolg vovxAQuoou; bnio zone vic c[oíeag iufoMjg. xci «Uva uiv mor qoov- Tio x«l ÓLofxqGig cori?) cvvquuévyg yevüGeron, 4j vc Tijg etoíec iupoAac 4j vt vOv ve)Àov. ? / ' /t , A M e ' Ev Otvriéoe 0à váíe. BovióusOo cüv vc GQv Uvmtooynv b! , ^ mM xol vÓv xorà xoigóv oyovre cvoorqe Tío oyüc? ) wol , , ' 1 , 9 ef $8) TOUG T€ GxQwuiegíovg xol Toowrevrüg Óv0 Tt Aiyónvov?") ? M - M x«L JAÀs&avÓgsíeg zugovosiv Tijg siomodáásog r&v ÓOquocíov gógQOQv, TrÀv sig £xoréígav vodmstov sicqsoouévov ToU Óuxa- GTnoíov Tíjo Gijg vmsgoyic, vzv vs iOwwiv vov ve ysvuxqv ), OnÀaÓ1 i$ ixceívov vv móÀsov xoi vÀv moocOmov xci vOv vOUrOV £yyvqrüv xol Tüv TÓmOv TOv sig vobro v0 uéooc GqogiGO£vrov, Omoreveyuévov xol c)róv viós vij Qty vo- uoOscíc. o0 Óvvouévov muvrslóg o008 coU meoiAémvov ? , ? e M , $9 - / ?€$* M ev)yovcoroAíov ovO: ijo meLOoucvuo c)vQ Tábtog ov06 roU ministrari et naviculariis praestari pro tota felici embola. Et haec quidem prima cura erit et administratio ei con- iuncta felicis embolae et naulorum. [8 8. Publicorum exactio.] Secundo autem loco volu- mus excellentiam tuam et eum qui pro tempore hanc ad- ministrationem administrabit et scriniarios et tractatores duarum Aegyptorum et Alexandriae prospicere exactioni publicorum tributorum, ad utramque mensam tum spe- cialem tum generalem tribunalis tuae excellentiae conferen- dorum, nimirum ex urbibus et personis earumque fide- iussoribus et locis ad hane partem deputatis, subiectis et ipsis huie sacrae legi. Nec possit omnino neque specta- bilis Augustalis nec officium ei parens nec Dei amantissi- 56) Cod. éevrjj. 51) Praefecturam Praetoriorum Orientis innuit. 58) Cod. ó$0o ve &m' Atyómvov. Forte malis óéo ct én[oeoy.Àv] Aby?zcvov. *) Cod. «jj ó& (Oui vij 08 yevixij. MEI, EDS OrogiAsGvirov Émuicxómov vOv "AAsbovOoécov ?) Aóyov 9?) zwgéyswv 1) gEowgeióOor vig clomoótsoc TOv Omuocíov) vwv&g, 3) émixowoveiv x9 ofevobv cizíev vij sigmuévm elómoáte. vij &vmxovo veig voeméíteig vi oig vmtooyic 4] TOig sWgoodyro:c Toig Cqgogiguívoig cri), mÀqv ci qui, Bou9síeg Evexo volvo eivQosuev ysvíécOon of voewrevrol xol of vóv c)rÀv mÀmgoUvrsg vózOv xev& qogov. ti yàg voto eivQcovotv, 1| simto toocTábousv 4) 63 évóofóvuo xoi of xor xeLgóv Tijv cUvQv fyovttg Ggymv, &váywqv t&ei 0 vc xerà xouo0v eUyovoríAnoc xe«L of Om cvv xoO9cciuouévor GroortQToL xe«L of rovrov TgifoOvor x«i 3j mwevOouévo vábic T c«ÜUrQ ueyolomgemeovíro cvyovoraAóo xol mco mt0AwTUO, xoci Oquocío o9: xol émewüvsww Toíc Oxowiegíorg voic G0Ícg, «oL TtcQoGxsuvüLeiv GrmoevT«c TOUG Uvmoxsuuévovg oic roLvÜToLig si6gogeic, voie GouotoUGcoig éxeríoe TQométm ToU mus episcopus Alexandrinorum 4óyov dare et eximere quosdam ab exactione publicorum, vel immiscere se in quacunque causa dictae exactioni quae ad excellentiae tuae mensas sive personas ad eam deputatas pertinet, nisi id auxili gratia fieri petierint tractatores et qui locum eorum in regione supplent. $i enim hoc petent, aut si iusserit gloria tua et qui pro tempore eandem ad- ministrationem obtinebunt, necessitatem habebit pro tem- pore Augustalis et devoti milites sub eius dispositione eorumque tribuni et offiaum eidem magnificentissimo Augustal subiectum et omne civile et publicum adiu- torium scriniariis tuis succurrere et operam ferre ut omnes, qui eiusmodi illaüonibus utrique mensae tribunalis tuae 59) Forte zijg 44s&. urbis Alexandrinorum. 60) Authent, Nov. 17 c. 6 4óyov latine reddit verbwm. De 1Aóyo dixi in Gesch. d. griech.-róm. Rechts p. 307 sq. 61) Cod. zíjs ónuocíog. 62) Cod. e?có. OuxeGrnolov vije Gig UOmtgoyic. Óiyo rijg olacobv &vafolZ TOUG Cmuxeiuévove cüroic9?) sicqéíotuv Ómuocíovg qógovg xc wj voÀuüv &vufysw. tb yág vig ^) dE Éxerípeg Alyimrov 7| TOv xerà Tv "àicbávogswev olxoóvrov xal ózoxtuívov TcÍG TOLCUTOLg tiGqogeic (iEmomuévov vot Maegsoov xol voU Mevslotrov víjo móc, mgl àv £v volg igsbijo và vooctjkovro ÓLervzwGousv) roÀwücstev &vriflAéos zoóg viv Oóciv 9) xavá TL évevri.OO vor, xol wy Ó mtoífAemrog coyovoráAug PFyov «cl viv GroorwoTuUMv xol viv zou Goy5v xol of rüv TcyuvOv zwQorsUovreg xo vouBoUvot xovovoyxácovcw cUrbv 7| cüroUe rà Ógcóusve siGeveyxsiv xol viv sÜyvouocóvqv T]v zóg T0 Ówuóciov dyomijcwt, i6roG«v, Og «org uiv 0 geyeAomosmécrerog cUOyovoríA.0g xoi mücc Bo1j9sua* dj &umgocOev ZuvücOwusv xwóvveócovow mí vs raig feug [xci imi voie moweic ÓoS:«coué£voic] 9?) sig v0 Ów«uóciov xol excellentiae competentibus sunt obnoxii, absque quacunque dilatione imposita sibi publica tributa inferant neque con- tradicere audeant. Si quis enim ex his, qui in utraque Aegypto aut Alexandriae habitant et talibus illationibus obnoxii sunt (excepta Mareota et Menelaita urbe, de qui- bus in sequentibus convenientia statuemus), despicere dationem aut in aliquo adversari audeat, et spectabilis Augustalis tam militarem quam civilem administrationem habens et cohortium priores et tribuni eum vel eos debita inferre et probitatem adversus publicum praeferre non coegerint, sciant ipsum magnificentissimum Augustalem et omne adiutorium cuius modo mentionem fecimus peri- culum subire circa cingula et circa multas fisco inferen- 63) Cod. «?rovc. 64) Cod. zàv. 65) Haec fere sup- plenda sunt, licet lacunae signum in codice non sit. Vide sis quae $ 9 extr. dicentur. zm E n oss elg u£gog vOv ógeilouévov xoroAoyi£ouévouc, of 0$ &vreimeiv 9?) Oogó1jcevreg Ónuocíav Owovror viv &cvrüv zsotovo(oav yevo- uévqv xe«L &cvrovG é&o T4c yo9og dÀevvouévovg. m900nÀov 0i, &g mci roig Ówwrey9«couévoig meg& Tío Gio vmeooyijc M ! ? , Lv , - - e - Ó xer& xeio0v coyovoréALog vzoxsíosvoLn Tjjo Gijo vmtgoyijc dfoveío vs xol &gy9, xoOdmeg uéyou voÜ mwegóvrog meg- AoxvoL. Ei uévro! fovÀqOg 4j 63 éivOofóvqe 4) of Gxgwvidgior 4| of vooxrevrol 3) of z0v9') ixsívov mAmoobvrsg rómov A , / 1 M , e j! 9 d. aD xor& 09v Aóyov TicL OoO5$voi m9oGOmTOLig, "nig cUrOv cUrol xivÓvveUcovoiv' Occ. uívro, vobrov Ó Otoguéovoaroc zterQudQyno imb voGoUreg Tufoeg ixvewvóuevov xol éni vovvoug roig Ogoig, ig! oig àv meg vijo Goyic Tijg Gijg vrmsooyijc zwgoovreyOsm 7) mcg vOv vgexrevrtüv oirmOs. ci 08 meg A J , / , 2 UN E Ej » 65 voÜvo yévouró Tig Àóyov Óócig, eàri) tvevvcAOg Eovot Gxvgoc.9") das et in partem debitorum computandas: qui autem ad- versari fuerint ausi bona sua publicata videbunt seque e regione eiectos. Manifestum vero est, quod in omnibus quae ab excellentia tua disponentur pro tempore Augu- stalis tuae excellentiae imperio et administrationi sub- lacebit, sicuti usque nunc observatum est. [8 9. De ÀAóyo propter publica dando.] Si tamen voluerit gloria tua vel scriniarii tractatoresve vel qui eorum locum in regionibus tenent, Aóyov quibusdam per- Sonis dari, super iis ipsi periculum sustinebunt. Eum autem dabit Dei amantissimus patriarcha in tot dies ex- tensum et sub eis condicionibus, quas tuae excellentiae administratio statuerit vel quas tractatores petierint. Si vero praeter haec Aóyog detur, datio penitus irrita erit. 66) Cod. &vrsiv. 61) Cod. có». 68) Cod. «voto. Sed cf. quod mox legitur zevrslóg &wxvgov.
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export type Thenable<T> = monaco.Thenable<T>; export type MarkedString = monaco.IMarkdownString; export type CancellationToken = monaco.CancellationToken; export type MonacoHover = monaco.languages.Hover; export type LineRange = monaco.IRange; export type EditorOptions = monaco.editor.IEditorOptions; export type EditorConstructOptions = monaco.editor.IEditorConstructionOptions; export type CompletionItem = monaco.languages.CompletionItem; export type CompletionList = monaco.languages.CompletionList; export type MonacoCompletionItemKind = monaco.languages.CompletionItemKind; export type ICursorPositionChangedEvent = monaco.editor.ICursorPositionChangedEvent; export type ICursorSelectionChangedEvent = monaco.editor.ICursorSelectionChangedEvent; export type IStandaloneCodeEditor = monaco.editor.IStandaloneCodeEditor; export type IReadOnlyModel = monaco.editor.IReadOnlyModel; export type IDisposable = monaco.IDisposable;
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Various open source
/* * Copyright 2023 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ // Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT! // source: google/cloud/datacatalog/v1/datacatalog.proto package; /** * * * <pre> * Specification that applies to a routine. Valid only for * entries with the `ROUTINE` type. * </pre> * * Protobuf type {@code} */ public final class RoutineSpec extends implements // @@protoc_insertion_point( RoutineSpecOrBuilder { private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; // Use RoutineSpec.newBuilder() to construct. private RoutineSpec(<?> builder) { super(builder); } private RoutineSpec() { routineType_ = 0; language_ = ""; routineArguments_ = java.util.Collections.emptyList(); returnType_ = ""; definitionBody_ = ""; } @java.lang.Override @SuppressWarnings({"unused"}) protected java.lang.Object newInstance(UnusedPrivateParameter unused) { return new RoutineSpec(); } public static final getDescriptor() { return .internal_static_google_cloud_datacatalog_v1_RoutineSpec_descriptor; } @java.lang.Override protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { return .internal_static_google_cloud_datacatalog_v1_RoutineSpec_fieldAccessorTable .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized(,; } /** * * * <pre> * The fine-grained type of the routine. * </pre> * * Protobuf enum {@code} */ public enum RoutineType implements { /** * * * <pre> * Unspecified type. * </pre> * * <code>ROUTINE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0;</code> */ ROUTINE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED(0), /** * * * <pre> * Non-builtin permanent scalar function. * </pre> * * <code>SCALAR_FUNCTION = 1;</code> */ SCALAR_FUNCTION(1), /** * * * <pre> * Stored procedure. * </pre> * * <code>PROCEDURE = 2;</code> */ PROCEDURE(2), UNRECOGNIZED(-1), ; /** * * * <pre> * Unspecified type. * </pre> * * <code>ROUTINE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0;</code> */ public static final int ROUTINE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED_VALUE = 0; /** * * * <pre> * Non-builtin permanent scalar function. * </pre> * * <code>SCALAR_FUNCTION = 1;</code> */ public static final int SCALAR_FUNCTION_VALUE = 1; /** * * * <pre> * Stored procedure. * </pre> * * <code>PROCEDURE = 2;</code> */ public static final int PROCEDURE_VALUE = 2; public final int getNumber() { if (this == UNRECOGNIZED) { throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException( "Can't get the number of an unknown enum value."); } return value; } /** * @param value The numeric wire value of the corresponding enum entry. * @return The enum associated with the given numeric wire value. * @deprecated Use {@link #forNumber(int)} instead. */ @java.lang.Deprecated public static RoutineType valueOf(int value) { return forNumber(value); } /** * @param value The numeric wire value of the corresponding enum entry. * @return The enum associated with the given numeric wire value. */ public static RoutineType forNumber(int value) { switch (value) { case 0: return ROUTINE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED; case 1: return SCALAR_FUNCTION; case 2: return PROCEDURE; default: return null; } } public static<RoutineType> internalGetValueMap() { return internalValueMap; } private static final<RoutineType> internalValueMap = new<RoutineType>() { public RoutineType findValueByNumber(int number) { return RoutineType.forNumber(number); } }; public final getValueDescriptor() { if (this == UNRECOGNIZED) { throw new java.lang.IllegalStateException( "Can't get the descriptor of an unrecognized enum value."); } return getDescriptor().getValues().get(ordinal()); } public final getDescriptorForType() { return getDescriptor(); } public static final getDescriptor() { return; } private static final RoutineType[] VALUES = values(); public static RoutineType valueOf( desc) { if (desc.getType() != getDescriptor()) { throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException("EnumValueDescriptor is not for this type."); } if (desc.getIndex() == -1) { return UNRECOGNIZED; } return VALUES[desc.getIndex()]; } private final int value; private RoutineType(int value) { this.value = value; } // @@protoc_insertion_point( } public interface ArgumentOrBuilder extends // @@protoc_insertion_point( { /** * * * <pre> * The name of the argument. A return argument of a function might not have * a name. * </pre> * * <code>string name = 1;</code> * * @return The name. */ java.lang.String getName(); /** * * * <pre> * The name of the argument. A return argument of a function might not have * a name. * </pre> * * <code>string name = 1;</code> * * @return The bytes for name. */ getNameBytes(); /** * * * <pre> * Specifies whether the argument is input or output. * </pre> * * <code> mode = 2;</code> * * @return The enum numeric value on the wire for mode. */ int getModeValue(); /** * * * <pre> * Specifies whether the argument is input or output. * </pre> * * <code> mode = 2;</code> * * @return The mode. */ getMode(); /** * * * <pre> * Type of the argument. The exact value depends on the source system and * the language. * </pre> * * <code>string type = 3;</code> * * @return The type. */ java.lang.String getType(); /** * * * <pre> * Type of the argument. The exact value depends on the source system and * the language. * </pre> * * <code>string type = 3;</code> * * @return The bytes for type. */ getTypeBytes(); } /** * * * <pre> * Input or output argument of a function or stored procedure. * </pre> * * Protobuf type {@code} */ public static final class Argument extends implements // @@protoc_insertion_point( ArgumentOrBuilder { private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; // Use Argument.newBuilder() to construct. private Argument(<?> builder) { super(builder); } private Argument() { name_ = ""; mode_ = 0; type_ = ""; } @java.lang.Override @SuppressWarnings({"unused"}) protected java.lang.Object newInstance(UnusedPrivateParameter unused) { return new Argument(); } public static final getDescriptor() { return .internal_static_google_cloud_datacatalog_v1_RoutineSpec_Argument_descriptor; } @java.lang.Override protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { return .internal_static_google_cloud_datacatalog_v1_RoutineSpec_Argument_fieldAccessorTable .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized(,; } /** * * * <pre> * The input or output mode of the argument. * </pre> * * Protobuf enum {@code} */ public enum Mode implements { /** * * * <pre> * Unspecified mode. * </pre> * * <code>MODE_UNSPECIFIED = 0;</code> */ MODE_UNSPECIFIED(0), /** * * * <pre> * The argument is input-only. * </pre> * * <code>IN = 1;</code> */ IN(1), /** * * * <pre> * The argument is output-only. * </pre> * * <code>OUT = 2;</code> */ OUT(2), /** * * * <pre> * The argument is both an input and an output. * </pre> * * <code>INOUT = 3;</code> */ INOUT(3), UNRECOGNIZED(-1), ; /** * * * <pre> * Unspecified mode. * </pre> * * <code>MODE_UNSPECIFIED = 0;</code> */ public static final int MODE_UNSPECIFIED_VALUE = 0; /** * * * <pre> * The argument is input-only. * </pre> * * <code>IN = 1;</code> */ public static final int IN_VALUE = 1; /** * * * <pre> * The argument is output-only. * </pre> * * <code>OUT = 2;</code> */ public static final int OUT_VALUE = 2; /** * * * <pre> * The argument is both an input and an output. * </pre> * * <code>INOUT = 3;</code> */ public static final int INOUT_VALUE = 3; public final int getNumber() { if (this == UNRECOGNIZED) { throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException( "Can't get the number of an unknown enum value."); } return value; } /** * @param value The numeric wire value of the corresponding enum entry. * @return The enum associated with the given numeric wire value. * @deprecated Use {@link #forNumber(int)} instead. */ @java.lang.Deprecated public static Mode valueOf(int value) { return forNumber(value); } /** * @param value The numeric wire value of the corresponding enum entry. * @return The enum associated with the given numeric wire value. */ public static Mode forNumber(int value) { switch (value) { case 0: return MODE_UNSPECIFIED; case 1: return IN; case 2: return OUT; case 3: return INOUT; default: return null; } } public static<Mode> internalGetValueMap() { return internalValueMap; } private static final<Mode> internalValueMap = new<Mode>() { public Mode findValueByNumber(int number) { return Mode.forNumber(number); } }; public final getValueDescriptor() { if (this == UNRECOGNIZED) { throw new java.lang.IllegalStateException( "Can't get the descriptor of an unrecognized enum value."); } return getDescriptor().getValues().get(ordinal()); } public final getDescriptorForType() { return getDescriptor(); } public static final getDescriptor() { return .getEnumTypes() .get(0); } private static final Mode[] VALUES = values(); public static Mode valueOf( desc) { if (desc.getType() != getDescriptor()) { throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException("EnumValueDescriptor is not for this type."); } if (desc.getIndex() == -1) { return UNRECOGNIZED; } return VALUES[desc.getIndex()]; } private final int value; private Mode(int value) { this.value = value; } // @@protoc_insertion_point( } public static final int NAME_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; @SuppressWarnings("serial") private volatile java.lang.Object name_ = ""; /** * * * <pre> * The name of the argument. A return argument of a function might not have * a name. * </pre> * * <code>string name = 1;</code> * * @return The name. */ @java.lang.Override public java.lang.String getName() { java.lang.Object ref = name_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { return (java.lang.String) ref; } else { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); name_ = s; return s; } } /** * * * <pre> * The name of the argument. A return argument of a function might not have * a name. * </pre> * * <code>string name = 1;</code> * * @return The bytes for name. */ @java.lang.Override public getNameBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = name_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { b = ref); name_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } public static final int MODE_FIELD_NUMBER = 2; private int mode_ = 0; /** * * * <pre> * Specifies whether the argument is input or output. * </pre> * * <code> mode = 2;</code> * * @return The enum numeric value on the wire for mode. */ @java.lang.Override public int getModeValue() { return mode_; } /** * * * <pre> * Specifies whether the argument is input or output. * </pre> * * <code> mode = 2;</code> * * @return The mode. */ @java.lang.Override public getMode() { result =; return result == null ? : result; } public static final int TYPE_FIELD_NUMBER = 3; @SuppressWarnings("serial") private volatile java.lang.Object type_ = ""; /** * * * <pre> * Type of the argument. The exact value depends on the source system and * the language. * </pre> * * <code>string type = 3;</code> * * @return The type. */ @java.lang.Override public java.lang.String getType() { java.lang.Object ref = type_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { return (java.lang.String) ref; } else { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); type_ = s; return s; } } /** * * * <pre> * Type of the argument. The exact value depends on the source system and * the language. * </pre> * * <code>string type = 3;</code> * * @return The bytes for type. */ @java.lang.Override public getTypeBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = type_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { b = ref); type_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } private byte memoizedIsInitialized = -1; @java.lang.Override public final boolean isInitialized() { byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized; if (isInitialized == 1) return true; if (isInitialized == 0) return false; memoizedIsInitialized = 1; return true; } @java.lang.Override public void writeTo( output) throws { if (! {, 1, name_); } if (mode_ != .getNumber()) { output.writeEnum(2, mode_); } if (! {, 3, type_); } getUnknownFields().writeTo(output); } @java.lang.Override public int getSerializedSize() { int size = memoizedSize; if (size != -1) return size; size = 0; if (! { size +=, name_); } if (mode_ != .getNumber()) { size +=, mode_); } if (! { size +=, type_); } size += getUnknownFields().getSerializedSize(); memoizedSize = size; return size; } @java.lang.Override public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object obj) { if (obj == this) { return true; } if (!(obj instanceof { return super.equals(obj); } other = ( obj; if (!getName().equals(other.getName())) return false; if (mode_ != other.mode_) return false; if (!getType().equals(other.getType())) return false; if (!getUnknownFields().equals(other.getUnknownFields())) return false; return true; } @java.lang.Override public int hashCode() { if (memoizedHashCode != 0) { return memoizedHashCode; } int hash = 41; hash = (19 * hash) + getDescriptor().hashCode(); hash = (37 * hash) + NAME_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getName().hashCode(); hash = (37 * hash) + MODE_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + mode_; hash = (37 * hash) + TYPE_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getType().hashCode(); hash = (29 * hash) + getUnknownFields().hashCode(); memoizedHashCode = hash; return hash; } public static parseFrom( java.nio.ByteBuffer data) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static parseFrom( java.nio.ByteBuffer data, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static parseFrom( data) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static parseFrom(byte[] data) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static parseFrom( byte[] data, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static parseFrom( input) throws { return, input); } public static parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); } public static parseDelimitedFrom( input) throws { return, input); } public static parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); } public static parseFrom( input) throws { return, input); } public static parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); } @java.lang.Override public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder() { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE.toBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder( prototype) { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE.toBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype); } @java.lang.Override public Builder toBuilder() { return this == DEFAULT_INSTANCE ? new Builder() : new Builder().mergeFrom(this); } @java.lang.Override protected Builder newBuilderForType( parent) { Builder builder = new Builder(parent); return builder; } /** * * * <pre> * Input or output argument of a function or stored procedure. * </pre> * * Protobuf type {@code} */ public static final class Builder extends<Builder> implements // @@protoc_insertion_point( { public static final getDescriptor() { return .internal_static_google_cloud_datacatalog_v1_RoutineSpec_Argument_descriptor; } @java.lang.Override protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { return .internal_static_google_cloud_datacatalog_v1_RoutineSpec_Argument_fieldAccessorTable .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized(,; } // Construct using private Builder() {} private Builder( parent) { super(parent); } @java.lang.Override public Builder clear() { super.clear(); bitField0_ = 0; name_ = ""; mode_ = 0; type_ = ""; return this; } @java.lang.Override public getDescriptorForType() { return .internal_static_google_cloud_datacatalog_v1_RoutineSpec_Argument_descriptor; } @java.lang.Override public getDefaultInstanceForType() { return; } @java.lang.Override public build() { result = buildPartial(); if (!result.isInitialized()) { throw newUninitializedMessageException(result); } return result; } @java.lang.Override public buildPartial() { result = new; if (bitField0_ != 0) { buildPartial0(result); } onBuilt(); return result; } private void buildPartial0( result) { int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_; if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000001) != 0)) { result.name_ = name_; } if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000002) != 0)) { result.mode_ = mode_; } if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000004) != 0)) { result.type_ = type_; } } @java.lang.Override public Builder clone() { return super.clone(); } @java.lang.Override public Builder setField( field, java.lang.Object value) { return super.setField(field, value); } @java.lang.Override public Builder clearField( field) { return super.clearField(field); } @java.lang.Override public Builder clearOneof( oneof) { return super.clearOneof(oneof); } @java.lang.Override public Builder setRepeatedField( field, int index, java.lang.Object value) { return super.setRepeatedField(field, index, value); } @java.lang.Override public Builder addRepeatedField( field, java.lang.Object value) { return super.addRepeatedField(field, value); } @java.lang.Override public Builder mergeFrom( other) { if (other instanceof { return mergeFrom(( other); } else { super.mergeFrom(other); return this; } } public Builder mergeFrom( other) { if (other == return this; if (!other.getName().isEmpty()) { name_ = other.name_; bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; onChanged(); } if (other.mode_ != 0) { setModeValue(other.getModeValue()); } if (!other.getType().isEmpty()) { type_ = other.type_; bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; onChanged(); } this.mergeUnknownFields(other.getUnknownFields()); onChanged(); return this; } @java.lang.Override public final boolean isInitialized() { return true; } @java.lang.Override public Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { if (extensionRegistry == null) { throw new java.lang.NullPointerException(); } try { boolean done = false; while (!done) { int tag = input.readTag(); switch (tag) { case 0: done = true; break; case 10: { name_ = input.readStringRequireUtf8(); bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; break; } // case 10 case 16: { mode_ = input.readEnum(); bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; break; } // case 16 case 26: { type_ = input.readStringRequireUtf8(); bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; break; } // case 26 default: { if (!super.parseUnknownField(input, extensionRegistry, tag)) { done = true; // was an endgroup tag } break; } // default: } // switch (tag) } // while (!done) } catch ( e) { throw e.unwrapIOException(); } finally { onChanged(); } // finally return this; } private int bitField0_; private java.lang.Object name_ = ""; /** * * * <pre> * The name of the argument. A return argument of a function might not have * a name. * </pre> * * <code>string name = 1;</code> * * @return The name. */ public java.lang.String getName() { java.lang.Object ref = name_; if (!(ref instanceof java.lang.String)) { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); name_ = s; return s; } else { return (java.lang.String) ref; } } /** * * * <pre> * The name of the argument. A return argument of a function might not have * a name. * </pre> * * <code>string name = 1;</code> * * @return The bytes for name. */ public getNameBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = name_; if (ref instanceof String) { b = ref); name_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } /** * * * <pre> * The name of the argument. A return argument of a function might not have * a name. * </pre> * * <code>string name = 1;</code> * * @param value The name to set. * @return This builder for chaining. */ public Builder setName(java.lang.String value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } name_ = value; bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; onChanged(); return this; } /** * * * <pre> * The name of the argument. A return argument of a function might not have * a name. * </pre> * * <code>string name = 1;</code> * * @return This builder for chaining. */ public Builder clearName() { name_ = getDefaultInstance().getName(); bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); onChanged(); return this; } /** * * * <pre> * The name of the argument. A return argument of a function might not have * a name. * </pre> * * <code>string name = 1;</code> * * @param value The bytes for name to set. * @return This builder for chaining. */ public Builder setNameBytes( value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } checkByteStringIsUtf8(value); name_ = value; bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; onChanged(); return this; } private int mode_ = 0; /** * * * <pre> * Specifies whether the argument is input or output. * </pre> * * <code> mode = 2;</code> * * @return The enum numeric value on the wire for mode. */ @java.lang.Override public int getModeValue() { return mode_; } /** * * * <pre> * Specifies whether the argument is input or output. * </pre> * * <code> mode = 2;</code> * * @param value The enum numeric value on the wire for mode to set. * @return This builder for chaining. */ public Builder setModeValue(int value) { mode_ = value; bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; onChanged(); return this; } /** * * * <pre> * Specifies whether the argument is input or output. * </pre> * * <code> mode = 2;</code> * * @return The mode. */ @java.lang.Override public getMode() { result =; return result == null ? : result; } /** * * * <pre> * Specifies whether the argument is input or output. * </pre> * * <code> mode = 2;</code> * * @param value The mode to set. * @return This builder for chaining. */ public Builder setMode( value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; mode_ = value.getNumber(); onChanged(); return this; } /** * * * <pre> * Specifies whether the argument is input or output. * </pre> * * <code> mode = 2;</code> * * @return This builder for chaining. */ public Builder clearMode() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); mode_ = 0; onChanged(); return this; } private java.lang.Object type_ = ""; /** * * * <pre> * Type of the argument. The exact value depends on the source system and * the language. * </pre> * * <code>string type = 3;</code> * * @return The type. */ public java.lang.String getType() { java.lang.Object ref = type_; if (!(ref instanceof java.lang.String)) { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); type_ = s; return s; } else { return (java.lang.String) ref; } } /** * * * <pre> * Type of the argument. The exact value depends on the source system and * the language. * </pre> * * <code>string type = 3;</code> * * @return The bytes for type. */ public getTypeBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = type_; if (ref instanceof String) { b = ref); type_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } /** * * * <pre> * Type of the argument. The exact value depends on the source system and * the language. * </pre> * * <code>string type = 3;</code> * * @param value The type to set. * @return This builder for chaining. */ public Builder setType(java.lang.String value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } type_ = value; bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; onChanged(); return this; } /** * * * <pre> * Type of the argument. The exact value depends on the source system and * the language. * </pre> * * <code>string type = 3;</code> * * @return This builder for chaining. */ public Builder clearType() { type_ = getDefaultInstance().getType(); bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); onChanged(); return this; } /** * * * <pre> * Type of the argument. The exact value depends on the source system and * the language. * </pre> * * <code>string type = 3;</code> * * @param value The bytes for type to set. * @return This builder for chaining. */ public Builder setTypeBytes( value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } checkByteStringIsUtf8(value); type_ = value; bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; onChanged(); return this; } @java.lang.Override public final Builder setUnknownFields( final unknownFields) { return super.setUnknownFields(unknownFields); } @java.lang.Override public final Builder mergeUnknownFields( final unknownFields) { return super.mergeUnknownFields(unknownFields); } // @@protoc_insertion_point( } // @@protoc_insertion_point( private static final DEFAULT_INSTANCE; static { DEFAULT_INSTANCE = new; } public static getDefaultInstance() { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE; } private static final<Argument> PARSER = new<Argument>() { @java.lang.Override public Argument parsePartialFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { Builder builder = newBuilder(); try { builder.mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } catch ( e) { throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(builder.buildPartial()); } catch ( e) { throw e.asInvalidProtocolBufferException() .setUnfinishedMessage(builder.buildPartial()); } catch ( e) { throw new .setUnfinishedMessage(builder.buildPartial()); } return builder.buildPartial(); } }; public static<Argument> parser() { return PARSER; } @java.lang.Override public<Argument> getParserForType() { return PARSER; } @java.lang.Override public getDefaultInstanceForType() { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE; } } private int systemSpecCase_ = 0; @SuppressWarnings("serial") private java.lang.Object systemSpec_; public enum SystemSpecCase implements, { BIGQUERY_ROUTINE_SPEC(6), SYSTEMSPEC_NOT_SET(0); private final int value; private SystemSpecCase(int value) { this.value = value; } /** * @param value The number of the enum to look for. * @return The enum associated with the given number. * @deprecated Use {@link #forNumber(int)} instead. */ @java.lang.Deprecated public static SystemSpecCase valueOf(int value) { return forNumber(value); } public static SystemSpecCase forNumber(int value) { switch (value) { case 6: return BIGQUERY_ROUTINE_SPEC; case 0: return SYSTEMSPEC_NOT_SET; default: return null; } } public int getNumber() { return this.value; } }; public SystemSpecCase getSystemSpecCase() { return SystemSpecCase.forNumber(systemSpecCase_); } public static final int ROUTINE_TYPE_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; private int routineType_ = 0; /** * * * <pre> * The type of the routine. * </pre> * * <code> routine_type = 1;</code> * * @return The enum numeric value on the wire for routineType. */ @java.lang.Override public int getRoutineTypeValue() { return routineType_; } /** * * * <pre> * The type of the routine. * </pre> * * <code> routine_type = 1;</code> * * @return The routineType. */ @java.lang.Override public getRoutineType() { result =; return result == null ? : result; } public static final int LANGUAGE_FIELD_NUMBER = 2; @SuppressWarnings("serial") private volatile java.lang.Object language_ = ""; /** * * * <pre> * The language the routine is written in. The exact value depends on the * source system. For BigQuery routines, possible values are: * * * `SQL` * * `JAVASCRIPT` * </pre> * * <code>string language = 2;</code> * * @return The language. */ @java.lang.Override public java.lang.String getLanguage() { java.lang.Object ref = language_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { return (java.lang.String) ref; } else { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); language_ = s; return s; } } /** * * * <pre> * The language the routine is written in. The exact value depends on the * source system. For BigQuery routines, possible values are: * * * `SQL` * * `JAVASCRIPT` * </pre> * * <code>string language = 2;</code> * * @return The bytes for language. */ @java.lang.Override public getLanguageBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = language_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { b = ref); language_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } public static final int ROUTINE_ARGUMENTS_FIELD_NUMBER = 3; @SuppressWarnings("serial") private java.util.List<> routineArguments_; /** * * * <pre> * Arguments of the routine. * </pre> * * <code>repeated routine_arguments = 3;</code> */ @java.lang.Override public java.util.List<> getRoutineArgumentsList() { return routineArguments_; } /** * * * <pre> * Arguments of the routine. * </pre> * * <code>repeated routine_arguments = 3;</code> */ @java.lang.Override public java.util.List<? extends> getRoutineArgumentsOrBuilderList() { return routineArguments_; } /** * * * <pre> * Arguments of the routine. * </pre> * * <code>repeated routine_arguments = 3;</code> */ @java.lang.Override public int getRoutineArgumentsCount() { return routineArguments_.size(); } /** * * * <pre> * Arguments of the routine. * </pre> * * <code>repeated routine_arguments = 3;</code> */ @java.lang.Override public getRoutineArguments(int index) { return routineArguments_.get(index); } /** * * * <pre> * Arguments of the routine. * </pre> * * <code>repeated routine_arguments = 3;</code> */ @java.lang.Override public getRoutineArgumentsOrBuilder( int index) { return routineArguments_.get(index); } public static final int RETURN_TYPE_FIELD_NUMBER = 4; @SuppressWarnings("serial") private volatile java.lang.Object returnType_ = ""; /** * * * <pre> * Return type of the argument. The exact value depends on the source system * and the language. * </pre> * * <code>string return_type = 4;</code> * * @return The returnType. */ @java.lang.Override public java.lang.String getReturnType() { java.lang.Object ref = returnType_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { return (java.lang.String) ref; } else { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); returnType_ = s; return s; } } /** * * * <pre> * Return type of the argument. The exact value depends on the source system * and the language. * </pre> * * <code>string return_type = 4;</code> * * @return The bytes for returnType. */ @java.lang.Override public getReturnTypeBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = returnType_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { b = ref); returnType_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } public static final int DEFINITION_BODY_FIELD_NUMBER = 5; @SuppressWarnings("serial") private volatile java.lang.Object definitionBody_ = ""; /** * * * <pre> * The body of the routine. * </pre> * * <code>string definition_body = 5;</code> * * @return The definitionBody. */ @java.lang.Override public java.lang.String getDefinitionBody() { java.lang.Object ref = definitionBody_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { return (java.lang.String) ref; } else { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); definitionBody_ = s; return s; } } /** * * * <pre> * The body of the routine. * </pre> * * <code>string definition_body = 5;</code> * * @return The bytes for definitionBody. */ @java.lang.Override public getDefinitionBodyBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = definitionBody_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { b = ref); definitionBody_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } public static final int BIGQUERY_ROUTINE_SPEC_FIELD_NUMBER = 6; /** * * * <pre> * Fields specific for BigQuery routines. * </pre> * * <code> bigquery_routine_spec = 6;</code> * * @return Whether the bigqueryRoutineSpec field is set. */ @java.lang.Override public boolean hasBigqueryRoutineSpec() { return systemSpecCase_ == 6; } /** * * * <pre> * Fields specific for BigQuery routines. * </pre> * * <code> bigquery_routine_spec = 6;</code> * * @return The bigqueryRoutineSpec. */ @java.lang.Override public getBigqueryRoutineSpec() { if (systemSpecCase_ == 6) { return ( systemSpec_; } return; } /** * * * <pre> * Fields specific for BigQuery routines. * </pre> * * <code> bigquery_routine_spec = 6;</code> */ @java.lang.Override public getBigqueryRoutineSpecOrBuilder() { if (systemSpecCase_ == 6) { return ( systemSpec_; } return; } private byte memoizedIsInitialized = -1; @java.lang.Override public final boolean isInitialized() { byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized; if (isInitialized == 1) return true; if (isInitialized == 0) return false; memoizedIsInitialized = 1; return true; } @java.lang.Override public void writeTo( output) throws { if (routineType_ != .getNumber()) { output.writeEnum(1, routineType_); } if (! {, 2, language_); } for (int i = 0; i < routineArguments_.size(); i++) { output.writeMessage(3, routineArguments_.get(i)); } if (! {, 4, returnType_); } if (! {, 5, definitionBody_); } if (systemSpecCase_ == 6) { output.writeMessage(6, ( systemSpec_); } getUnknownFields().writeTo(output); } @java.lang.Override public int getSerializedSize() { int size = memoizedSize; if (size != -1) return size; size = 0; if (routineType_ != .getNumber()) { size +=, routineType_); } if (! { size +=, language_); } for (int i = 0; i < routineArguments_.size(); i++) { size +=, routineArguments_.get(i)); } if (! { size +=, returnType_); } if (! { size +=, definitionBody_); } if (systemSpecCase_ == 6) { size += 6, ( systemSpec_); } size += getUnknownFields().getSerializedSize(); memoizedSize = size; return size; } @java.lang.Override public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object obj) { if (obj == this) { return true; } if (!(obj instanceof { return super.equals(obj); } other = ( obj; if (routineType_ != other.routineType_) return false; if (!getLanguage().equals(other.getLanguage())) return false; if (!getRoutineArgumentsList().equals(other.getRoutineArgumentsList())) return false; if (!getReturnType().equals(other.getReturnType())) return false; if (!getDefinitionBody().equals(other.getDefinitionBody())) return false; if (!getSystemSpecCase().equals(other.getSystemSpecCase())) return false; switch (systemSpecCase_) { case 6: if (!getBigqueryRoutineSpec().equals(other.getBigqueryRoutineSpec())) return false; break; case 0: default: } if (!getUnknownFields().equals(other.getUnknownFields())) return false; return true; } @java.lang.Override public int hashCode() { if (memoizedHashCode != 0) { return memoizedHashCode; } int hash = 41; hash = (19 * hash) + getDescriptor().hashCode(); hash = (37 * hash) + ROUTINE_TYPE_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + routineType_; hash = (37 * hash) + LANGUAGE_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getLanguage().hashCode(); if (getRoutineArgumentsCount() > 0) { hash = (37 * hash) + ROUTINE_ARGUMENTS_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getRoutineArgumentsList().hashCode(); } hash = (37 * hash) + RETURN_TYPE_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getReturnType().hashCode(); hash = (37 * hash) + DEFINITION_BODY_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getDefinitionBody().hashCode(); switch (systemSpecCase_) { case 6: hash = (37 * hash) + BIGQUERY_ROUTINE_SPEC_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getBigqueryRoutineSpec().hashCode(); break; case 0: default: } hash = (29 * hash) + getUnknownFields().hashCode(); memoizedHashCode = hash; return hash; } public static parseFrom(java.nio.ByteBuffer data) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static parseFrom( java.nio.ByteBuffer data, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static parseFrom( data) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static parseFrom(byte[] data) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static parseFrom( byte[] data, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static parseFrom( input) throws { return, input); } public static parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); } public static parseDelimitedFrom( input) throws { return, input); } public static parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); } public static parseFrom( input) throws { return, input); } public static parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); } @java.lang.Override public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder() { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE.toBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder( prototype) { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE.toBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype); } @java.lang.Override public Builder toBuilder() { return this == DEFAULT_INSTANCE ? new Builder() : new Builder().mergeFrom(this); } @java.lang.Override protected Builder newBuilderForType( parent) { Builder builder = new Builder(parent); return builder; } /** * * * <pre> * Specification that applies to a routine. Valid only for * entries with the `ROUTINE` type. * </pre> * * Protobuf type {@code} */ public static final class Builder extends<Builder> implements // @@protoc_insertion_point( { public static final getDescriptor() { return .internal_static_google_cloud_datacatalog_v1_RoutineSpec_descriptor; } @java.lang.Override protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { return .internal_static_google_cloud_datacatalog_v1_RoutineSpec_fieldAccessorTable .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized(,; } // Construct using private Builder() {} private Builder( parent) { super(parent); } @java.lang.Override public Builder clear() { super.clear(); bitField0_ = 0; routineType_ = 0; language_ = ""; if (routineArgumentsBuilder_ == null) { routineArguments_ = java.util.Collections.emptyList(); } else { routineArguments_ = null; routineArgumentsBuilder_.clear(); } bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); returnType_ = ""; definitionBody_ = ""; if (bigqueryRoutineSpecBuilder_ != null) { bigqueryRoutineSpecBuilder_.clear(); } systemSpecCase_ = 0; systemSpec_ = null; return this; } @java.lang.Override public getDescriptorForType() { return .internal_static_google_cloud_datacatalog_v1_RoutineSpec_descriptor; } @java.lang.Override public getDefaultInstanceForType() { return; } @java.lang.Override public build() { result = buildPartial(); if (!result.isInitialized()) { throw newUninitializedMessageException(result); } return result; } @java.lang.Override public buildPartial() { result = new; buildPartialRepeatedFields(result); if (bitField0_ != 0) { buildPartial0(result); } buildPartialOneofs(result); onBuilt(); return result; } private void buildPartialRepeatedFields( result) { if (routineArgumentsBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) != 0)) { routineArguments_ = java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(routineArguments_); bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); } result.routineArguments_ = routineArguments_; } else { result.routineArguments_ =; } } private void buildPartial0( result) { int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_; if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000001) != 0)) { result.routineType_ = routineType_; } if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000002) != 0)) { result.language_ = language_; } if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000008) != 0)) { result.returnType_ = returnType_; } if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000010) != 0)) { result.definitionBody_ = definitionBody_; } } private void buildPartialOneofs( result) { result.systemSpecCase_ = systemSpecCase_; result.systemSpec_ = this.systemSpec_; if (systemSpecCase_ == 6 && bigqueryRoutineSpecBuilder_ != null) { result.systemSpec_ =; } } @java.lang.Override public Builder clone() { return super.clone(); } @java.lang.Override public Builder setField( field, java.lang.Object value) { return super.setField(field, value); } @java.lang.Override public Builder clearField( field) { return super.clearField(field); } @java.lang.Override public Builder clearOneof( oneof) { return super.clearOneof(oneof); } @java.lang.Override public Builder setRepeatedField( field, int index, java.lang.Object value) { return super.setRepeatedField(field, index, value); } @java.lang.Override public Builder addRepeatedField( field, java.lang.Object value) { return super.addRepeatedField(field, value); } @java.lang.Override public Builder mergeFrom( other) { if (other instanceof { return mergeFrom(( other); } else { super.mergeFrom(other); return this; } } public Builder mergeFrom( other) { if (other == return this; if (other.routineType_ != 0) { setRoutineTypeValue(other.getRoutineTypeValue()); } if (!other.getLanguage().isEmpty()) { language_ = other.language_; bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; onChanged(); } if (routineArgumentsBuilder_ == null) { if (!other.routineArguments_.isEmpty()) { if (routineArguments_.isEmpty()) { routineArguments_ = other.routineArguments_; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); } else { ensureRoutineArgumentsIsMutable(); routineArguments_.addAll(other.routineArguments_); } onChanged(); } } else { if (!other.routineArguments_.isEmpty()) { if (routineArgumentsBuilder_.isEmpty()) { routineArgumentsBuilder_.dispose(); routineArgumentsBuilder_ = null; routineArguments_ = other.routineArguments_; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); routineArgumentsBuilder_ = ? getRoutineArgumentsFieldBuilder() : null; } else { routineArgumentsBuilder_.addAllMessages(other.routineArguments_); } } } if (!other.getReturnType().isEmpty()) { returnType_ = other.returnType_; bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; onChanged(); } if (!other.getDefinitionBody().isEmpty()) { definitionBody_ = other.definitionBody_; bitField0_ |= 0x00000010; onChanged(); } switch (other.getSystemSpecCase()) { case BIGQUERY_ROUTINE_SPEC: { mergeBigqueryRoutineSpec(other.getBigqueryRoutineSpec()); break; } case SYSTEMSPEC_NOT_SET: { break; } } this.mergeUnknownFields(other.getUnknownFields()); onChanged(); return this; } @java.lang.Override public final boolean isInitialized() { return true; } @java.lang.Override public Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { if (extensionRegistry == null) { throw new java.lang.NullPointerException(); } try { boolean done = false; while (!done) { int tag = input.readTag(); switch (tag) { case 0: done = true; break; case 8: { routineType_ = input.readEnum(); bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; break; } // case 8 case 18: { language_ = input.readStringRequireUtf8(); bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; break; } // case 18 case 26: { m = input.readMessage(, extensionRegistry); if (routineArgumentsBuilder_ == null) { ensureRoutineArgumentsIsMutable(); routineArguments_.add(m); } else { routineArgumentsBuilder_.addMessage(m); } break; } // case 26 case 34: { returnType_ = input.readStringRequireUtf8(); bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; break; } // case 34 case 42: { definitionBody_ = input.readStringRequireUtf8(); bitField0_ |= 0x00000010; break; } // case 42 case 50: { input.readMessage( getBigqueryRoutineSpecFieldBuilder().getBuilder(), extensionRegistry); systemSpecCase_ = 6; break; } // case 50 default: { if (!super.parseUnknownField(input, extensionRegistry, tag)) { done = true; // was an endgroup tag } break; } // default: } // switch (tag) } // while (!done) } catch ( e) { throw e.unwrapIOException(); } finally { onChanged(); } // finally return this; } private int systemSpecCase_ = 0; private java.lang.Object systemSpec_; public SystemSpecCase getSystemSpecCase() { return SystemSpecCase.forNumber(systemSpecCase_); } public Builder clearSystemSpec() { systemSpecCase_ = 0; systemSpec_ = null; onChanged(); return this; } private int bitField0_; private int routineType_ = 0; /** * * * <pre> * The type of the routine. * </pre> * * <code> routine_type = 1;</code> * * @return The enum numeric value on the wire for routineType. */ @java.lang.Override public int getRoutineTypeValue() { return routineType_; } /** * * * <pre> * The type of the routine. * </pre> * * <code> routine_type = 1;</code> * * @param value The enum numeric value on the wire for routineType to set. * @return This builder for chaining. */ public Builder setRoutineTypeValue(int value) { routineType_ = value; bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; onChanged(); return this; } /** * * * <pre> * The type of the routine. * </pre> * * <code> routine_type = 1;</code> * * @return The routineType. */ @java.lang.Override public getRoutineType() { result =; return result == null ? : result; } /** * * * <pre> * The type of the routine. * </pre> * * <code> routine_type = 1;</code> * * @param value The routineType to set. * @return This builder for chaining. */ public Builder setRoutineType( value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; routineType_ = value.getNumber(); onChanged(); return this; } /** * * * <pre> * The type of the routine. * </pre> * * <code> routine_type = 1;</code> * * @return This builder for chaining. */ public Builder clearRoutineType() { bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); routineType_ = 0; onChanged(); return this; } private java.lang.Object language_ = ""; /** * * * <pre> * The language the routine is written in. The exact value depends on the * source system. For BigQuery routines, possible values are: * * * `SQL` * * `JAVASCRIPT` * </pre> * * <code>string language = 2;</code> * * @return The language. */ public java.lang.String getLanguage() { java.lang.Object ref = language_; if (!(ref instanceof java.lang.String)) { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); language_ = s; return s; } else { return (java.lang.String) ref; } } /** * * * <pre> * The language the routine is written in. The exact value depends on the * source system. For BigQuery routines, possible values are: * * * `SQL` * * `JAVASCRIPT` * </pre> * * <code>string language = 2;</code> * * @return The bytes for language. */ public getLanguageBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = language_; if (ref instanceof String) { b = ref); language_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } /** * * * <pre> * The language the routine is written in. The exact value depends on the * source system. For BigQuery routines, possible values are: * * * `SQL` * * `JAVASCRIPT` * </pre> * * <code>string language = 2;</code> * * @param value The language to set. * @return This builder for chaining. */ public Builder setLanguage(java.lang.String value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } language_ = value; bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; onChanged(); return this; } /** * * * <pre> * The language the routine is written in. The exact value depends on the * source system. For BigQuery routines, possible values are: * * * `SQL` * * `JAVASCRIPT` * </pre> * * <code>string language = 2;</code> * * @return This builder for chaining. */ public Builder clearLanguage() { language_ = getDefaultInstance().getLanguage(); bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); onChanged(); return this; } /** * * * <pre> * The language the routine is written in. The exact value depends on the * source system. For BigQuery routines, possible values are: * * * `SQL` * * `JAVASCRIPT` * </pre> * * <code>string language = 2;</code> * * @param value The bytes for language to set. * @return This builder for chaining. */ public Builder setLanguageBytes( value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } checkByteStringIsUtf8(value); language_ = value; bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; onChanged(); return this; } private java.util.List<> routineArguments_ = java.util.Collections.emptyList(); private void ensureRoutineArgumentsIsMutable() { if (!((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) != 0)) { routineArguments_ = new java.util.ArrayList<>( routineArguments_); bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; } } private<,,> routineArgumentsBuilder_; /** * * * <pre> * Arguments of the routine. * </pre> * * <code>repeated routine_arguments = 3; * </code> */ public java.util.List<> getRoutineArgumentsList() { if (routineArgumentsBuilder_ == null) { return java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(routineArguments_); } else { return routineArgumentsBuilder_.getMessageList(); } } /** * * * <pre> * Arguments of the routine. * </pre> * * <code>repeated routine_arguments = 3; * </code> */ public int getRoutineArgumentsCount() { if (routineArgumentsBuilder_ == null) { return routineArguments_.size(); } else { return routineArgumentsBuilder_.getCount(); } } /** * * * <pre> * Arguments of the routine. * </pre> * * <code>repeated routine_arguments = 3; * </code> */ public getRoutineArguments(int index) { if (routineArgumentsBuilder_ == null) { return routineArguments_.get(index); } else { return routineArgumentsBuilder_.getMessage(index); } } /** * * * <pre> * Arguments of the routine. * </pre> * * <code>repeated routine_arguments = 3; * </code> */ public Builder setRoutineArguments( int index, value) { if (routineArgumentsBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } ensureRoutineArgumentsIsMutable(); routineArguments_.set(index, value); onChanged(); } else { routineArgumentsBuilder_.setMessage(index, value); } return this; } /** * * * <pre> * Arguments of the routine. * </pre> * * <code>repeated routine_arguments = 3; * </code> */ public Builder setRoutineArguments( int index, builderForValue) { if (routineArgumentsBuilder_ == null) { ensureRoutineArgumentsIsMutable(); routineArguments_.set(index,; onChanged(); } else { routineArgumentsBuilder_.setMessage(index,; } return this; } /** * * * <pre> * Arguments of the routine. * </pre> * * <code>repeated routine_arguments = 3; * </code> */ public Builder addRoutineArguments( value) { if (routineArgumentsBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } ensureRoutineArgumentsIsMutable(); routineArguments_.add(value); onChanged(); } else { routineArgumentsBuilder_.addMessage(value); } return this; } /** * * * <pre> * Arguments of the routine. * </pre> * * <code>repeated routine_arguments = 3; * </code> */ public Builder addRoutineArguments( int index, value) { if (routineArgumentsBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } ensureRoutineArgumentsIsMutable(); routineArguments_.add(index, value); onChanged(); } else { routineArgumentsBuilder_.addMessage(index, value); } return this; } /** * * * <pre> * Arguments of the routine. * </pre> * * <code>repeated routine_arguments = 3; * </code> */ public Builder addRoutineArguments( builderForValue) { if (routineArgumentsBuilder_ == null) { ensureRoutineArgumentsIsMutable(); routineArguments_.add(; onChanged(); } else { routineArgumentsBuilder_.addMessage(; } return this; } /** * * * <pre> * Arguments of the routine. * </pre> * * <code>repeated routine_arguments = 3; * </code> */ public Builder addRoutineArguments( int index, builderForValue) { if (routineArgumentsBuilder_ == null) { ensureRoutineArgumentsIsMutable(); routineArguments_.add(index,; onChanged(); } else { routineArgumentsBuilder_.addMessage(index,; } return this; } /** * * * <pre> * Arguments of the routine. * </pre> * * <code>repeated routine_arguments = 3; * </code> */ public Builder addAllRoutineArguments( java.lang.Iterable<? extends> values) { if (routineArgumentsBuilder_ == null) { ensureRoutineArgumentsIsMutable();, routineArguments_); onChanged(); } else { routineArgumentsBuilder_.addAllMessages(values); } return this; } /** * * * <pre> * Arguments of the routine. * </pre> * * <code>repeated routine_arguments = 3; * </code> */ public Builder clearRoutineArguments() { if (routineArgumentsBuilder_ == null) { routineArguments_ = java.util.Collections.emptyList(); bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); onChanged(); } else { routineArgumentsBuilder_.clear(); } return this; } /** * * * <pre> * Arguments of the routine. * </pre> * * <code>repeated routine_arguments = 3; * </code> */ public Builder removeRoutineArguments(int index) { if (routineArgumentsBuilder_ == null) { ensureRoutineArgumentsIsMutable(); routineArguments_.remove(index); onChanged(); } else { routineArgumentsBuilder_.remove(index); } return this; } /** * * * <pre> * Arguments of the routine. * </pre> * * <code>repeated routine_arguments = 3; * </code> */ public getRoutineArgumentsBuilder( int index) { return getRoutineArgumentsFieldBuilder().getBuilder(index); } /** * * * <pre> * Arguments of the routine. * </pre> * * <code>repeated routine_arguments = 3; * </code> */ public getRoutineArgumentsOrBuilder(int index) { if (routineArgumentsBuilder_ == null) { return routineArguments_.get(index); } else { return routineArgumentsBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(index); } } /** * * * <pre> * Arguments of the routine. * </pre> * * <code>repeated routine_arguments = 3; * </code> */ public java.util.List<? extends> getRoutineArgumentsOrBuilderList() { if (routineArgumentsBuilder_ != null) { return routineArgumentsBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilderList(); } else { return java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(routineArguments_); } } /** * * * <pre> * Arguments of the routine. * </pre> * * <code>repeated routine_arguments = 3; * </code> */ public addRoutineArgumentsBuilder() { return getRoutineArgumentsFieldBuilder() .addBuilder(; } /** * * * <pre> * Arguments of the routine. * </pre> * * <code>repeated routine_arguments = 3; * </code> */ public addRoutineArgumentsBuilder( int index) { return getRoutineArgumentsFieldBuilder() .addBuilder( index,; } /** * * * <pre> * Arguments of the routine. * </pre> * * <code>repeated routine_arguments = 3; * </code> */ public java.util.List<> getRoutineArgumentsBuilderList() { return getRoutineArgumentsFieldBuilder().getBuilderList(); } private<,,> getRoutineArgumentsFieldBuilder() { if (routineArgumentsBuilder_ == null) { routineArgumentsBuilder_ = new<,,>( routineArguments_, ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) != 0), getParentForChildren(), isClean()); routineArguments_ = null; } return routineArgumentsBuilder_; } private java.lang.Object returnType_ = ""; /** * * * <pre> * Return type of the argument. The exact value depends on the source system * and the language. * </pre> * * <code>string return_type = 4;</code> * * @return The returnType. */ public java.lang.String getReturnType() { java.lang.Object ref = returnType_; if (!(ref instanceof java.lang.String)) { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); returnType_ = s; return s; } else { return (java.lang.String) ref; } } /** * * * <pre> * Return type of the argument. The exact value depends on the source system * and the language. * </pre> * * <code>string return_type = 4;</code> * * @return The bytes for returnType. */ public getReturnTypeBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = returnType_; if (ref instanceof String) { b = ref); returnType_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } /** * * * <pre> * Return type of the argument. The exact value depends on the source system * and the language. * </pre> * * <code>string return_type = 4;</code> * * @param value The returnType to set. * @return This builder for chaining. */ public Builder setReturnType(java.lang.String value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } returnType_ = value; bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; onChanged(); return this; } /** * * * <pre> * Return type of the argument. The exact value depends on the source system * and the language. * </pre> * * <code>string return_type = 4;</code> * * @return This builder for chaining. */ public Builder clearReturnType() { returnType_ = getDefaultInstance().getReturnType(); bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000008); onChanged(); return this; } /** * * * <pre> * Return type of the argument. The exact value depends on the source system * and the language. * </pre> * * <code>string return_type = 4;</code> * * @param value The bytes for returnType to set. * @return This builder for chaining. */ public Builder setReturnTypeBytes( value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } checkByteStringIsUtf8(value); returnType_ = value; bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; onChanged(); return this; } private java.lang.Object definitionBody_ = ""; /** * * * <pre> * The body of the routine. * </pre> * * <code>string definition_body = 5;</code> * * @return The definitionBody. */ public java.lang.String getDefinitionBody() { java.lang.Object ref = definitionBody_; if (!(ref instanceof java.lang.String)) { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); definitionBody_ = s; return s; } else { return (java.lang.String) ref; } } /** * * * <pre> * The body of the routine. * </pre> * * <code>string definition_body = 5;</code> * * @return The bytes for definitionBody. */ public getDefinitionBodyBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = definitionBody_; if (ref instanceof String) { b = ref); definitionBody_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } /** * * * <pre> * The body of the routine. * </pre> * * <code>string definition_body = 5;</code> * * @param value The definitionBody to set. * @return This builder for chaining. */ public Builder setDefinitionBody(java.lang.String value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } definitionBody_ = value; bitField0_ |= 0x00000010; onChanged(); return this; } /** * * * <pre> * The body of the routine. * </pre> * * <code>string definition_body = 5;</code> * * @return This builder for chaining. */ public Builder clearDefinitionBody() { definitionBody_ = getDefaultInstance().getDefinitionBody(); bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000010); onChanged(); return this; } /** * * * <pre> * The body of the routine. * </pre> * * <code>string definition_body = 5;</code> * * @param value The bytes for definitionBody to set. * @return This builder for chaining. */ public Builder setDefinitionBodyBytes( value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } checkByteStringIsUtf8(value); definitionBody_ = value; bitField0_ |= 0x00000010; onChanged(); return this; } private<,,> bigqueryRoutineSpecBuilder_; /** * * * <pre> * Fields specific for BigQuery routines. * </pre> * * <code> bigquery_routine_spec = 6;</code> * * @return Whether the bigqueryRoutineSpec field is set. */ @java.lang.Override public boolean hasBigqueryRoutineSpec() { return systemSpecCase_ == 6; } /** * * * <pre> * Fields specific for BigQuery routines. * </pre> * * <code> bigquery_routine_spec = 6;</code> * * @return The bigqueryRoutineSpec. */ @java.lang.Override public getBigqueryRoutineSpec() { if (bigqueryRoutineSpecBuilder_ == null) { if (systemSpecCase_ == 6) { return ( systemSpec_; } return; } else { if (systemSpecCase_ == 6) { return bigqueryRoutineSpecBuilder_.getMessage(); } return; } } /** * * * <pre> * Fields specific for BigQuery routines. * </pre> * * <code> bigquery_routine_spec = 6;</code> */ public Builder setBigqueryRoutineSpec( value) { if (bigqueryRoutineSpecBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } systemSpec_ = value; onChanged(); } else { bigqueryRoutineSpecBuilder_.setMessage(value); } systemSpecCase_ = 6; return this; } /** * * * <pre> * Fields specific for BigQuery routines. * </pre> * * <code> bigquery_routine_spec = 6;</code> */ public Builder setBigqueryRoutineSpec( builderForValue) { if (bigqueryRoutineSpecBuilder_ == null) { systemSpec_ =; onChanged(); } else { bigqueryRoutineSpecBuilder_.setMessage(; } systemSpecCase_ = 6; return this; } /** * * * <pre> * Fields specific for BigQuery routines. * </pre> * * <code> bigquery_routine_spec = 6;</code> */ public Builder mergeBigqueryRoutineSpec( value) { if (bigqueryRoutineSpecBuilder_ == null) { if (systemSpecCase_ == 6 && systemSpec_ != { systemSpec_ = ( systemSpec_) .mergeFrom(value) .buildPartial(); } else { systemSpec_ = value; } onChanged(); } else { if (systemSpecCase_ == 6) { bigqueryRoutineSpecBuilder_.mergeFrom(value); } else { bigqueryRoutineSpecBuilder_.setMessage(value); } } systemSpecCase_ = 6; return this; } /** * * * <pre> * Fields specific for BigQuery routines. * </pre> * * <code> bigquery_routine_spec = 6;</code> */ public Builder clearBigqueryRoutineSpec() { if (bigqueryRoutineSpecBuilder_ == null) { if (systemSpecCase_ == 6) { systemSpecCase_ = 0; systemSpec_ = null; onChanged(); } } else { if (systemSpecCase_ == 6) { systemSpecCase_ = 0; systemSpec_ = null; } bigqueryRoutineSpecBuilder_.clear(); } return this; } /** * * * <pre> * Fields specific for BigQuery routines. * </pre> * * <code> bigquery_routine_spec = 6;</code> */ public getBigqueryRoutineSpecBuilder() { return getBigqueryRoutineSpecFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } /** * * * <pre> * Fields specific for BigQuery routines. * </pre> * * <code> bigquery_routine_spec = 6;</code> */ @java.lang.Override public getBigqueryRoutineSpecOrBuilder() { if ((systemSpecCase_ == 6) && (bigqueryRoutineSpecBuilder_ != null)) { return bigqueryRoutineSpecBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); } else { if (systemSpecCase_ == 6) { return ( systemSpec_; } return; } } /** * * * <pre> * Fields specific for BigQuery routines. * </pre> * * <code> bigquery_routine_spec = 6;</code> */ private<,,> getBigqueryRoutineSpecFieldBuilder() { if (bigqueryRoutineSpecBuilder_ == null) { if (!(systemSpecCase_ == 6)) { systemSpec_ =; } bigqueryRoutineSpecBuilder_ = new<,,>( ( systemSpec_, getParentForChildren(), isClean()); systemSpec_ = null; } systemSpecCase_ = 6; onChanged(); return bigqueryRoutineSpecBuilder_; } @java.lang.Override public final Builder setUnknownFields(final unknownFields) { return super.setUnknownFields(unknownFields); } @java.lang.Override public final Builder mergeUnknownFields( final unknownFields) { return super.mergeUnknownFields(unknownFields); } // @@protoc_insertion_point( } // @@protoc_insertion_point( private static final DEFAULT_INSTANCE; static { DEFAULT_INSTANCE = new; } public static getDefaultInstance() { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE; } private static final<RoutineSpec> PARSER = new<RoutineSpec>() { @java.lang.Override public RoutineSpec parsePartialFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { Builder builder = newBuilder(); try { builder.mergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } catch ( e) { throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(builder.buildPartial()); } catch ( e) { throw e.asInvalidProtocolBufferException().setUnfinishedMessage(builder.buildPartial()); } catch ( e) { throw new .setUnfinishedMessage(builder.buildPartial()); } return builder.buildPartial(); } }; public static<RoutineSpec> parser() { return PARSER; } @java.lang.Override public<RoutineSpec> getParserForType() { return PARSER; } @java.lang.Override public getDefaultInstanceForType() { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE; } }
Public Domain
Method for measuring and/or monitoring a flow parameter and corresponding device ABSTRACT A method and apparatus for measuring and/or monitoring at least one flow parameter of a medium, which medium flows through a measuring tube, wherein the measuring tube is contacted by at least two transducer elements, by means of which the measuring tube is excitable to execute mechanical oscillations and by means of which mechanical oscillations of the measuring tube are receivable. Each of the at least two transducer elements is applied, offset in time, alternately, for exciting the measuring tube to execute mechanical oscillations and for receiving the mechanical oscillations of the measuring tube. The invention relates to a method for measuring and/or monitoring at least one flow parameter of a medium flowing through a measuring tube, wherein the measuring tube is contacted by at least two transducer elements, by means of which the measuring tube is excitable to execute mechanical oscillations and by means of which mechanical oscillations of the measuring tube are receivable. Furthermore, the invention relates to an apparatus for measuring and/or monitoring at least one flow parameter of a medium flowing through a measuring tube, which apparatus comprises at least one transducer element, via which transducer element both the measuring tube is excitable to execute mechanical oscillations, as well as, thus, via which transducer element mechanical oscillations of the measuring tube are receivable. The flow parameter is, for example, the flow velocity, the volume flow or the mass flow of the medium. The medium is, for example, a liquid, a gas or, generally, a fluid, which is present in one or more phases. Known in the state of the art (e.g. in DE 10 2005 034 749 A1) is a Coriolis measuring device, which has two oscillation exciters and an oscillation receiver arranged centrally thereto. Through aging processes or through extraordinary parameters of the medium or the arising processes, changes can occur in the oscillation exciters, or in the oscillation receiver, such that a loss of accuracy of measurement is experienced. Furthermore, asymmetries in the oscillation excitation, or measurement uncertainties associated therewith connected in the oscillation detection, can occur, which, in given cases, as a result of aging phenomena, can be with, or without, material effect, as well as varying in time. Thus, it is necessary to test, or to check, the measuring device regularly. WO 2006/036139 A1 describes a Coriolis measuring device, which has two oscillation exciters and two oscillation receivers, in each case, mounted parallel to the oscillation exciters. In order to be able to determine particular oscillation variables of the measuring tube, the two oscillation exciters are operated alternately. The oscillations arising, in such case, are, in each case, sensed by the oscillation receivers. In the case of this construction, there is provided, thus, a structurally conceived isolation between the oscillation excitation and the receiving of the oscillations. Known in the state of the art are, furthermore, oscillation transducers, which serve both for the exciting of oscillations, as well as also for their detection (DE 103 51 310 A1). The associated electronics for operating the transducers are, in such case, embodied for particular tasks, i.e. either for excitation or for detection. The application of transducer elements of piezoelectric material is described, for example, in the not published application DE 10 2005 059 070. An object of the invention is to improve the measuring of a flow parameter toward the goal of recognizing asymmetries or aging phenomena and, in given cases, appropriately taking such into consideration. The invention solves the task with a method wherein each of at least two transducer elements is applied, offset in time, alternately for exciting a measuring tube to execute mechanical oscillations and for receiving mechanical oscillations of the measuring tube. The at least two transducer elements undertake, thus, at different points in time, alternately the tasks of oscillation production and oscillation detection. The transducer elements are, for example, electrodynamic units or, for example, piezoelectric elements. An embodiment of the method of the invention provides that the transducer element, offset in time, or simultaneously, is operated in a test mode and in a measuring mode. In the one case, there is a separation in time between the modes, i.e. either a test of the measuring device, or, especially, the mechanics of the measuring device, is performed or a normal measuring takes place. In the other case, the two modes are performed simultaneously, i.e. there is, quasi, a superpositioning of the two modes. In the case of the, in time, separated modes, in each case, a separate received signal is sensed from the measuring tube for the mechanical oscillations, and, in the case of the simultaneous embodiment of the two modes, a signal is received from the measuring tube, which represents a superpositioning of the respective effects of the two modes. An embodiment of the method of the invention includes, that the transducer element in the test mode is supplied with a test exciter signal and in the measuring mode with a measuring exciter signal. The two modes differ in this embodiment at least in the fact that the at least one transducer element is supplied, in each case, with a special exciter signal, this meaning, thus, that the measuring tube is, in each case, excited to execute a special oscillation. The exciter signals are, preferably, electrical, alternating voltage signals. An embodiment of the method of the invention provides that the test exciter signal and the measuring exciter signal differ from one another, at least as regards frequency. This embodiment is especially advantageous, when test and measuring modes take place at the same time, since the measuring tube is, in such case, excited to a superimposing of two oscillations, which then, as regards evaluation, also permits separation of the signals. An embodiment of the method of the invention provides that, through the transducer element in combination with an oscillation driving electronics, the measuring tube is excited to execute mechanical oscillations, and that, through the transducer element in combination with an oscillation receiving electronics different from the oscillation driving electronics, mechanical oscillations of the measuring tube are received. In this embodiment, the transducer element is connected with two electronics means, each serving for a task of the transducer element, i.e. in the case of the producing of oscillations, the transducer element is operated by another electronics than in the case in which the transducer element is to receive oscillations. This means that each electronics can be designed especially for its task and that, thus, also the electronic variables are suitable therefor. Advantageous, thus, is that a transducer element can be used for oscillation production and oscillation detection, in each case, optimally, without that difficulties as regards the operating electronics are to be expected. An embodiment of the method of the invention includes that, through at least two transducer elements, alternately, the measuring tube is excited to execute mechanical oscillations and mechanical oscillations are received from the measuring tube, wherein, in each case, one transducer element excites the measuring tube to execute mechanical oscillations and the other transducer element receives mechanical oscillations from the measuring tube. In this embodiment, two transducer elements are provided, which alternately serve, respectively, for oscillation excitement and detection. Thus, one element excites, and the other element, receives the oscillations, and, in the next step, the first element receives, while the second element produces the oscillations. This alternation then proceeds out into the future. Through this alternation, the properties of the oscillation transducer, or the measuring tube, can be monitored, ascertained and suitably taken into consideration for determining the flow parameters. This is, thus, also an example of the test mode. An embodiment of the method of the invention provides that, through at least three transducer elements, individually or grouped, alternately the measuring tube is excited to execute mechanical oscillations and mechanical oscillations are received from the measuring tube, wherein, in each case, at least one transducer element excites the measuring tube to execute mechanical oscillations and at least one transducer element receives mechanical oscillations of the measuring tube. In this embodiment, three transducer elements are present, which alternately produce and receive the oscillations. These tasks are, then, in each case, performed by at least one transducer element. For example, two elements serve for oscillation production, while the third element receives or one element produces the oscillations and two elements receive. Which of the three elements performs which test, is, for example, suitably permutated. If, in the case of these different operating combinations, for example, different measured values occur for the flow parameters, then this is attributed to an asymmetry, whose value can then also be calculated correspondingly from the obtained variables. An embodiment of the method of the invention includes that, in each case, alternately, through one of the three transducer elements, the measuring tube is excited to execute mechanical oscillations, and that the mechanical oscillations of the measuring tube are received by two transducer elements. The producing of the oscillations is, in each case, undertaken by one transducer element and in each case one of the three transducer elements is alternately this selected element, i.e. each element performs, alternately, the task of exciting the oscillations. An embodiment of the method of the invention provides that, in each case, alternately, through, in each case, two of the three transducer elements, the measuring tube is excited to execute mechanical oscillations, and that the mechanical oscillations of the measuring tube are received by one transducer element. In an embodiment, there serve, alternating in time, in each case, two other transducer elements for oscillation excitement. Furthermore, the invention achieves the task with an apparatus, which is embodied in such a manner, that the transducer element is connected with at least one oscillation driving electronics and one oscillation receiving electronics, wherein the oscillation driving electronics and the oscillation receiving electronics differ from one another, wherein the oscillation driving electronics effects, that the transducer element excites the measuring tube to execute mechanical oscillations, and wherein the oscillation receiving electronics effects, that the transducer element receives mechanical oscillations from the measuring tube. In the measuring device of the invention, thus, at least one transducer element, via which oscillations are both producible, as well as also receivable, is connected with two self-sufficient electronics, each of which is embodied for a special purpose, i.e. oscillation production or oscillation detection. The measuring device of the invention permits, thus, application of a transducer element optimal both for oscillation production, as well as also for receiving the oscillations. Especially, thus, also various measurements can be performed with the measuring device of the invention, without requiring that, for example, problematics with reference to electronic components must be taken into consideration. An embodiment of the apparatus of the invention includes, that at least one test control unit is provided, which operates at least the transducer element in a test mode, and that at least one measurement control unit is provided, which operates at least the transducer element in a measuring mode. The at least one transducer element is, thus, operated by a test control unit and a measurement control unit, in each case in a different mode. An embodiment of the apparatus of the invention includes, that at least two transducer elements are provided, via which transducer elements both the measuring tube is excitable to execute mechanical oscillations, as well as also via which transducer elements mechanical oscillations of the measuring tube are receivable. An embodiment of the apparatus of the invention provides that at least three transducer elements are present, via which transducer elements both the measuring tube is excitable to execute mechanical oscillations, as well as also via which transducer elements mechanical oscillations of the measuring tube are receivable. An embodiment of the apparatus of the invention includes, that at least two transducer elements are connected, in each case, with an oscillation driving electronics and an oscillation receiving electronics, wherein the oscillation driving electronics and the oscillation receiving electronics are, in each case, different from one another. In this embodiment, the measuring tube is contacted with two transducer elements, which, in turn, in each case, are connected with two electronics, i.e. a total of four electronics. In an additional embodiment, three transducer elements are provided, which, in each case, are individually connected with two different electronics. An embodiment of the apparatus of the invention provides that two transducer elements are placed symmetrically to the third transducer element on the measuring tube. If, in this embodiment, the oscillation excitation in each case is performed by another transducer element or another group of transducer elements, then, from the different distributions, information can be won concerning the measuring tube and the transducer elements. An embodiment of the apparatus of the invention includes, that at least one control unit is provided, which control unit, via at least one oscillation driving electronics and the therewith connected transducer element, excites the measuring tube to execute mechanical oscillations, and which control unit, via at least one oscillation receiving electronics and the therewith connected transducer element, receives the mechanical oscillations of the measuring tube. The control unit, thus, operates the transducer elements in such a manner, that they either produce, or detect, the oscillations, wherein, in each case, electronics especially adapted for each purpose is used. In such case, the control unit can, for example, rotate the tasks of, respectively, oscillation production and oscillation detection through the number of available transducer elements. The invention will now be explained in greater detail on the basis of the appended drawing, the figures of which show as follows: FIG. 1 a schematic drawing of a first embodiment of a measuring device of the invention; FIG. 2 a schematic drawing of a second embodiment of a measuring device of the invention; and FIG. 3 a schematic drawing of the permutation of the tasks of the transducer elements. FIG. 1 shows an in line measuring device, especially an in line measuring device embodied as a Coriolis mass flow, and/or density, measuring device, which serves to register a mass flow of a medium flowing in a pipeline (not shown) and to provide a mass flow measured value instantaneously representing this mass flow. Thus, the flow parameter is, by way of example, the mass flow. The medium can be practically any flowable material, for example, a powder, a liquid, a gas, a vapor or the like. Alternatively or in supplementation, the shown measuring device can, in given cases, also be used to measure a density and/or a viscosity of the medium. The in line measuring device comprises therefor a measuring transducer of the vibration type, through which, during operation, the medium to be measured flows, i.e. a measuring tube 1 as well as a measuring device electronics 5 electrically connected with the measuring transducer 1. Measuring device electronics 5 is not shown here in detail, but, instead, only schematically, as a block. In advantageous manner, the measuring device electronics 5 is so designed, that it can, during operation of the in line measuring device, exchange measuring and/or other operating data with a measured value processing unit superordinated thereto, for example, a programmable logic controller (PLC), a personal computer and/or a work station, via a data transmission system, for example, a fieldbus system. Furthermore, the measuring device electronics 5 is so designed, that it can be supplied from an external energy supply, for example, also via the aforementioned fieldbus system. The measuring device includes a measuring tube 1, which, during operation, vibrates, at least at times, and through which, during operation, a medium flows. Due to the oscillations of the measuring tube, flow parameters of the medium can be ascertained. Thus, for example, the Coriolis force induced in the measuring tube by the flowing medium is utilized, in order to ascertain the flow of the medium. Alternatively or in supplementation, for example, also the density or the viscosity can be ascertained on the basis of the oscillation frequency, with which the vibrating measuring tube oscillates. For producing the oscillations, or for their detection, there are provided, brought together in the drawing of the measuring apparatus, three transducer elements 2, which, for example, electrodynamically or by means of the piezo effect, provide a transducing between the mechanical oscillations and an electrical signal corresponding therewith. Two of the transducer elements 2 are, here, arranged symmetrically to a third element 2. Each of the three transducer elements 2 is, in a first variant of the measuring of arrangement, connected with an oscillation driving electronics 3 and an oscillation receiving electronics 4. These two operating electronics 3, 4 are different relative to one another and serve either for exciting the mechanical oscillations of the measuring tube 1 (oscillation driving electronics 3) or for receiving mechanical oscillations from the measuring tube 1 (oscillation receiving electronics 4). I.e., each transducer element 2 has available two different operating electronics 3, 4, each of which is applied for performing a task (excitation and detection, respectively). The operating electronics 3, 4 are each connected with the control unit 5, which assigns, alternately, to at least one of the three transducer elements 2, the task of producing the oscillations, or the task of their detection. By way of example, one transducer element serves for producing the oscillations and the two other transducer elements receive the oscillations. The control unit 5 uses, then, alternately, via the corresponding oscillation driving electronics 3, in each case, one transducer element 2 for oscillation production and receives from the two other transducer elements 2 the electrical signals associated with the oscillations. From the received signals, combined with the position of the exciting transducer element, information can be gained concerning the symmetry, or concerning the character, of the transducer elements, and, on the basis of such information, also the flow parameters can be more exactly ascertained. In another embodiment, only one transducer element serves for oscillation detection. In an additional embodiment, in each case, two transducer elements serve for producing oscillations and the remaining element serves for detection. In such case, for example, the task of producing, or detection, is fulfilled by, in each case, another transducer element. This permutation of the tasks occurs in such case in normal measurement operation (i.e. measuring mode and test mode run simultaneously) or during special test phases with the test mode. In an additional variant of the invention, it is provided, that the tasks of the transducer elements rotate. FIG. 2 shows, schematically presented, a second variant of the embodiment of the measuring device. Each of the three transducer elements 2 is, on the one hand, connected with the test control unit 6 and, on the other hand, with the measurement control unit 7. Thus, it is possible, that one electronics 7 controls only the measuring and another electronics 6 only the test. At the same time, there is a connection between the test control unit 6 and the measurement control unit 7, so that alignment between these two units is possible, i.e. it is, for example, coordinated, that the two modes take place correspondingly at the same time or offset in time or that a corresponding mutual influencing of the measured values is taken into consideration. Considered here is the inflow side, transducer element 2, which is located here to the left in the figure. This transducer element 2 is connected with an oscillation driving electronics 3 in the measurement control unit 7. I.e., in the measurement control unit 7 are located the electronic units, which operate the individual transducer elements 2, thus either with supply of an exciter signal or receipt of an electrical, received signal, in each case provided with a fixed task. The said transducer element 2 is, on the other hand, connected in the test control unit 6 both with an oscillation driving electronics 3, as well as also with an oscillation receiving electronics 4. Provided in the test control unit 6 for this is, for example, a corresponding switch unit, which establishes, in each case, the connection of the transducer element 2 to one of the two operating electronics 3, 4. The same is true, as regards the connections with the electronic units for operating the transducer elements, also for the other participating transducer elements. I.e., in the measurement control unit 7 there is in each case a fixed connection between operating electronics: Either oscillation driving electronics 3, or oscillation receiving electronics 4, and transducer element 2. In the test control unit 6, in contrast, there are also different combinations, i.e. the transducer elements are connected in an embodiment in the test control unit 6 variably with different electronics. The connection in the test control unit 6 both with oscillation driving electronics 3, as well as also with oscillation receiving electronics 4, permits, thus, for example, the individual transducer elements 2, in each case, to cover different tasks: Either oscillation excitement or oscillation detection. Thus, the transducer elements 2 fulfill, through their connection with the respective electronics in the measurement control unit 7, in the measuring mode, in each case, a fixedly assigned task (production or detection of oscillations). And, by the different connections in the test control unit 6, the transducer elements can in the test mode execute in each case a different task. In the test mode, by this embodiment, then also asymmetries or special phases of the mechanics of the measuring apparatus can be measured. FIG. 3 shows, schematically, how, for example, the task of oscillation excitation is rotated through the three transducer elements 2 of this embodiment. In an embodiment, in each case, one transducer element 2 is responsible for the oscillation excitation, wherein this task is alternately performed, in each case, by another transducer element 2. In a second embodiment, in each case, two transducer elements 2 are enlisted for oscillation production, wherein the combining to these pairs is likewise permutated through the three available elements 2. The task of oscillation receipt is assigned to the transducer elements 2 complementarily thereto. The tasks, or functions, of the transducer elements rotate—here as symbolized by the arrow—, thus, e.g. in the test phase, over the individual transducer elements, wherein the functions are, in each case, performed individually or in groups. LIST OF REFERENCE CHARACTERS - 1 measuring tube - 2 transducer element - 3 oscillation driving electronics - 4 oscillation receiving electronics - 5 control unit - 6 test control unit - 7 measurement control unit 1-16. (canceled) 17. A method for measuring and/or monitoring at least one flow parameter of a medium, which medium flows through a measuring tube, wherein at least two transducer elements contact the measuring tube, comprising the steps of: the measuring tube is excitable to execute mechanical oscillations and by means of which mechanical oscillations tube are receivable, and each of the at least two transducer elements is applied, offset in time, alternately, for exciting the measuring tube to execute mechanical oscillations and for receiving the mechanical oscillations of the measuring tube. 18. The method as claimed in claim 17, wherein: the transducer element is operated, offset in time, or simultaneously, in a test mode and in a measuring mode. 19. The method as claimed in claim 17, further comprising the step of: the transducer element is supplied in the test mode with a test exciter signal and in the measuring mode with a measuring exciter signal. 20. The method as claimed in claim 19, wherein: said test exciter signal and said measuring exciter signal differ from one another, at least as regards frequency. 21. The method as claimed in claim 17, wherein: the measuring tube is excited, through the transducer element in combination with an oscillation driving electronics, to execute mechanical oscillations, and through the transducer element, in combination with oscillation receiving electronics different from the oscillation driving electronics, mechanical oscillations of the measuring tube are received. 22. The method as claimed in claim 17, wherein: the measuring tube is excited, through at least two transducer elements, alternately, to execute mechanical oscillations and mechanical oscillations are received from the measuring tube; in each case, one transducer element excites the measuring tube to execute mechanical oscillations and the other transducer element receives mechanical oscillations of the measuring tube. 23. The method as claimed in claim 17, wherein: the measuring tube is excited, through at least three transducer elements, individually or, especially, grouped pairwise, alternately, to execute mechanical oscillations and mechanical oscillations are received from the measuring tube; and in each case, at least one transducer element excites the measuring tube to execute mechanical oscillations and at least one transducer element receives mechanical oscillations of the measuring tube. 24. The method as claimed in claim 23, wherein: the measuring tube is excited, in each case, alternately, through one of the three transducer elements, to execute mechanical oscillations, and the mechanical oscillations of the measuring tube are received by two transducer elements. 25. The method as claimed in claim 23, wherein: the measuring tube is excited, in each case, alternately, through, two of the three transducer elements, to execute mechanical oscillations, and the mechanical oscillations of the measuring tube are received by one transducer element. 26. An apparatus for measuring and/or monitoring at least one flow parameter of a medium, which medium flows through a measuring tube, which apparatus comprises: at least one transducer element, via which the measuring tube is both excitable to execute mechanical oscillations, as well as mechanical oscillations of the measuring tube are receivable; at least one oscillation driving electronics connected to said at least one transducer element; and one oscillation receiving electronics, wherein: said oscillation driving electronics and said oscillation receiving electronics are different from one another; said oscillation driving electronics effects, that said at least one transducer element excites the measuring tube to execute mechanical oscillations; and said oscillation receiving electronics effects, that said at least one transducer element receives mechanical oscillations from the measuring tube. 27. The apparatus as claimed in claim 26, further comprising: at least one test control unit, which operates at least said at least one transducer element in a test mode; and at least one measurement control unit which operates said at least one transducer element in a measuring mode. 28. The apparatus as claimed in claim 26, wherein: at least two transducer elements are provided, via which transducer elements both the measuring tube is excitable to execute mechanical oscillations, as well as mechanical oscillations of the measuring tube are receivable. 29. The apparatus as claimed in claim 26, wherein: at least three transducer elements are provided, via which transducer elements both the measuring tube is excitable to execute mechanical oscillations, as well as mechanical oscillations of the measuring tube are receivable. 30. The apparatus as claimed in claim 26, wherein: at least two transducer elements are, in each case, connected with said at least one oscillation driving electronics and said oscillation receiving electronics; and said at least one oscillation driving electronics and said oscillation receiving electronics are, in each case, different from one another. 31. The apparatus as claimed in claim 29, wherein: two transducer elements are placed symmetrically to the third transducer element on the measuring tube. 32. The apparatus as claimed in claim 26, further comprising: at least one control unit, which control unit, via said at least one oscillation driving electronics and the therewith connected transducer element, excites the measuring tube to execute mechanical oscillations and which control unit, via said at least one oscillation receiving electronics and the therewith connected transducer element, receives the mechanical oscillations of the measuring tube..
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package Homework03; public class IntArray { private int[] array; int avg, summation=0; public IntArray() { this.array = new int[10]; } public int[] fillArray() { for(int i = 0; i < 10 ; i++) { this.array[i] = (int)(Math.random() * 100); } return this.array; } public void print() { System.out.println("Dizinin elemanları:"); for(int i = 0; i < 10 ; i++) { System.out.print(this.array[i] + " "); } System.out.println(); } public double average() { for (int i=0;i<10;i++){ summation = summation + array[i]; if (i == 9 ){ double avg = summation/10; System.out.println("Dizinin ortalaması: "+ avg); } } return avg; } }
Public Domain
Neuerdings hat Steinmann (1895) diese Gi-enze noch weiter nach Westen verschoben. Er sagt (S. 18) „Ich glaube die Hauptmasse der Bündner Schiefer zwischen Vorderrhein und Ifinterrhein westlich bis zur Mundaunkette (einschliess- lich) , südlich bis zum Fusse der Si)lügener Kalkberge im Safienthal und inSchams unbedenklich als Flysch ansprechen zu dürfen". Da meine Arbeit über „das Alter der Bündner- schiefer" zwischen Vorder- und Hinterrhein damals schon erschienen war, so wurden die Ergebnisse derselben so- mit kurzer Hand über den Haufen geworfen. Doch scheint ihm später die Sache nicht mehr so „unbedenklich" vor- gekommen zu sein, denn auf dem Kärtchen, das er 1897 veröfl'entlichte, ist die Grenze etwas nach Osten zui'ück- gerückt und läuft jetzt vom mittleren Safienthal quer über die Berge bis ins Vorderrheinthal unterhalb llanz. Die Mundaunkette ist dadurch wieder gänzlich dem Lias zu- rückgegeben. Aber auch so erscheint diese Grenze nicht nur mir sondern wohl jedem, der dieses Gebiet genauer begangen hat, ganz unmöglich. Denn die Gesteine, welche westhch der Grenzlinie liegen und die dem Lias angehören sollen, streichen direct nach Osten herüber ohne Unter- brechung, ohne Wechsel in der Gesteinsbeschaffenheit und ohne dass sich etwa Plyschfucoiden einstellten, so dass kein Grund einzusehen ist, warum sie nun auf einmal OHgo- cän sein sollten. Ich muss nochmals betonen, dass die Gesteine, welche am Mundaun liasische Versteinerungen einschliossen, con- tinuirlich auf der Südseite des Vorderrheinthaies ostwärts bis Chur fortsetzen, dass sie also wahrscheinlich alle eben- falls in den Lias gehören. Dass auch im Gebiet des unzweifelhaften Prätigauer Flysches liasische Gesteine vorkommen, ist längst bewiesen worden. Steinmann erkennt das an, aber er glaubt, dass sie nur scheinbar mit dem Flysch normal verknüpft seien, in Wirklichkeit aber in Folge grosser Uebersohiebungen auf ihm lägen. Auf diese Weise werden die Liaspartien der Falkniskette, unterhalb des Strelapasses, des Gürgal- etsch und Faulhornes als Reste einer gewaltigen Ueber- schiebungsdeckc gedeutet. Auch dieser Auffassung kann n O') ich nicht beipflichten besonders jetzt, nachdem ich das Ge- ])iet vor zwei Sonitnern viele Wochen lan«^ beo^angen habe. Nirficnds habe ich beobachten können, dass zwisciien Flysch nnd Lias eine Ueberschiebungsfläche liegt und der Lias nur die höheren Theile der Berge, der Flysch deren Basis bildet. Stets gehören beide ein und demselben Schichten- Systeme an , das als (lanzes aufgerichtet und sehr stark gefaltet worden ist. Die Palten streichen hauptsächlich von SW nach NO und sind alle nach NW überkippt , so dass da, wo Sättel zu Tage gehen, die aus Lias bestehen, der Flysch auf der südöstlichen Seite darüber liegt , auf der nordwestlichen aber darunter einschiesst. Zumeist liegt der Flysch direct auf dem Lias, aber es gibt auch Stellen, wo sich tithonische Kalke dazwischen schieben und in solchen Fällen, die allerdings nicht häufig sind, ist die Unterscheidung von Flysch und Lias leicht. Wo das aber nicht der Fall ist, da hatte die Sache ihre bisher unüberwundenen Schwierigkeiten; und doch muss eine Grenze bestehen und ist nicht anzunehmen, dass die Flyschsedimente so vollkommen den um so viel älteren Liasabsätzen gleichen werden, dass man sie nicht petro- graphisch von einander unterscheiden könnte. Diese An- nahme ist um so unwahrscheinlicher als an den Stellen, wo wie am Mundaun oder im Val Seranatschga die Lias- versteinerungen vorkommen, die Gesteine doch deutlich von denen verschieden sind, welche wie z. B. am Glecktobel oder bei Ganei ausschliessHch nur Flyschfucoiden ein- schliessen. Ganz abgesehen von den Versteinerungen wird jeder Geologe nach Besichtigung solcher Stellen zu dem Schlüsse kommen müssen, dass diese Sedimente auch durch petrographische Eigenthümlichkeiten unterschieden sind. Wenn man sich freilich Rechenschaft über diese Ver- schiedenheiten geben will, so ist das nicht so leicht, weil auch innerhalb des unzweifelhaften Flysches oder Lias der Gesteinscharakter grossem Wechsel unterworfen ist und in beiden Formationen Kalkstein, Mergel, Thonschiefer, Kieselausscheidungen, Sandsteine und Conglomerate vor- handen sind. Von diesen aber herrschen abwechselnd die einen oder anderen vor und wenn so an vielen Orten der Flysch schiefriger erscheint als der Lias , so ändert sich dieses Verhältniss an anderen Stellen gerade ins umgekehrte. Eigentlich gibt es nur zwei Gesteinsarten, die dem Lias dieser Gegend eigenthümlich sind und die dem Flysch ganz fehlen. . Das eine ist der späthig-körnige Kalkstein, 23 in dem dicht gedrängt einzelne grössere dunkelfarbige Cal- citkörner nach Art der Crinoideetikalke liegen. In Schliffen von der Seranatschga lassen sie zum Theil die charakte- ristische Echinodermenstructur noch deutlich erkennen, während das z. B. in der Hochwangkette nicht mehr in gleichem Masse der Fall ist. Die dunklen Körner bestehen dort auch nicht mehr aus je einem Kalkspathkrystall, son- dern haben bereits eine Urakrystallisirung erfahren, so dass sie aus einem Körneraggregat bestehen, das nur noch hier und da undeutliche Spuren der Echinodermenstruktur be- wahrt hat. Die neu entstandenen Calcitkrystalle greifen sogar über den ursprünglichen Echinodermenkörper hinaus, dessen Konturen aber gleichwohl durch die dunklere Fär- bung in Folge von kleineren Einschlüssen noch scharf hervortreten, auch wenn sie mitten durch einen Calcit- krystall hindurchsetzen. Neben diesen mehr oder minder dünnhankigen Kalk- steinen kommen meist in Wechsellagerung damit auch Kalk- schiefer vor, die bei der Verwitterung leicht und rasch zu einem feinen Grus zerfallen. Sie haben das Aussehen eines Knotenschiefers, obwohl sie zum grössten Theile aus kohlensaurem Kalk bestehen. In feinem Mergel liegen eben die dunklen Kalkkörner eingebettet wie grössere Sand- körner. Man könnte diese Gesteine als Crinoideenschiefer bezeichnen. Niemals habe ich solche Gesteine in. echtem Flysch gefunden, wo die Kalksteine überhaupt meist dicht und thonig oder mit Sandkörnern gemischt sind. Das zweite charakteristische Gestein für den liasischen Bündner Schiefer ist das polygene Conglomerat^ wie es am schönsten in der P^alkniskette aber ebenso auch im östlichen Hintergrund des Prätigaus, bei Parpan, Tiefen- kastei, am Piz Curver und in den Splügener Kalkbergen entwickelt ist. Die wohlgerollten oder nur kantengerunde- ten Gerolle zeichnen sich durch ihre Dimensionen aus, die sehr oft faust- bis kopfgross, vereinzelt auch noch grösser werden. Sie bestehen aus krystalHnischen Sili- katgesteinen, Sandsteinen, Jaspis, Hornstein, Kalk, Dolo- mit und rothen, grünen und schwarzen Schiefern. Schon Theobald (1863) hat es von vielen Orten beschrieben und als jünger wie Lias in die Juraformation einbezogen. Neuerdings w^ill Tarnuzzer^) es der Kreide zurechnen. ') Jahresber. Naturf. Ges. Graubündens 1894. ITeber das krystallinische Conglomerat iu der Falkniskette. S. 48. 24 wähiciul Stkinmann (1S97) es ^rösstentlieils füi" liasisch hüll, worin ich ihm heistiinme, weil es stets in den Biinihier Scliiefcrn einn^(}higert, aber niemals mit dem Klyseh vergesellschai'lct isl. Nur einen kleineren Theil hat er für cenoman aii<iesi)r()('luMi aus später zu eröiternden (Trüiiden. Dem Fiyscli l'ehlen nicht nur diese Gesteine ganz, sondern auch die Hornsteine, soweit sie darin vorkommen, sind anders entwickelt und begleiten sandige Gesteine mehr lagenföi'mig, während die vielgestaltigen rundlich ausge- buchteten Hornsteinknollen des l^ias in grauen Kalksteinen eingesprengt liegen. Eine ziemliche Rolle spielen ferner im Flysch die feinkörnigen Sandsteine, welche stellenweise sehr vorherrschen. Dann werden auch die fucoidenführen- den Schiefer und Mergel seltener und es ist bei späteren genauen geologischen Aufnahmen immerhin im Auge zu behalten, ob diese Sandsteine nicht vielleicht einen höheren Horizont des Flysches bezeichnen. Wenden wir nun diese Kriterien auf das Prätigau an, so ergibt sich, dass die basischen Bündnerschiefer, die vom Mundaun längs des Rhein thales bis Chur streichen, in vollkonunen unveränderter petrographischer Beschaffenheit auf die nördliche Seite des Plessurthales herübersetzen und die höchsten Höhen der Hochwangkette ausschliesslich auf- bauen. Von da ziehen zwei Höhenzüge nach Norden bis zur Land([uart. Der eine bildet den Furnerberg, der ajidere die östUche Begrenzung des Rheinthaies bis zur Gl US. Ueberall bleibt der Gesteinscharakter unverändert und es liegt nicht der geringste Grund vor an Flysch zu denken. Erst wenn wir von Unter-Valzeina dem Wege nach Castelun folgend das kleine Felsenthor passirt haben, treffen wir im Walde etwa bei Höhencurve 900 nach Süd- Osten einfallende schwarze Schiefer und dünne Kalkbänke, die mit quarzitischen Sandsteinen wechsellagern an, die eine auffallend abweichende Gesteinsbeschafi'enlieit zeigen. Sie sind zum Theile erfüllt von Flvschfucoiden insbesondere von Phycopsis (Chondrites) arbuscula. Noch weiter nordwärts verschwinden sie unter der diluvialen Bedeckung und die Steilwände der Clus bestehen wieder ausschhesslich aus basischen Bündner Schiefern. Der Flysch fällt süd-ostwärts ein, aber die Felsen im Osten tief unten im Schranken- bach beim Mühltobel sind schon wieder Lias. Der Flysch bildet hier also eine schmale, dem Lias eingelagerte Mulde, deren nordösthche Fortsetzung unter der diluvialen Decke erst am Steüufer der Landquart gegenüber der 25 Station Seewis wiedei- zum Vorsehein kommt und an den eingeschlossenen Fuooiden als solche erkannt wird. Auf der anderen Thalseile bei Pradisla tritt er ebenfalls zu Tage und zieht sich nach Seewis herauf, während ostwärts die enge Klamm bei Grüsch schon wieder durch die festeren Liasfelsen gebildet ist. Im Westen hat sich die Land(|uart eine enge und tiefe Schlucht im Liasgestein gebahnt. Die Wände dieser „Clus" zeigen vortrefflich die nach Westen überkippten Palten des Biindner Schiefers. Erst am Ausgange der Clus nach dem Rheinthale im Livisunawald und an den Steilwänden des Faderasteines stellt sich wieder fucoidenreicher Plysch ein, ebenfalls mit östlicher Neigung, also unter den Liassattel einfallend. Und dieser Flysch baut dann alle Gehänge ihalabwäi-ts bis Maienfeld ausschliesslich auf und bildet die höchsten Gipfel des Bergzuges , der vom Vilan gekrönt wird, nordwärts bis zum Glecktobel. Die kleine Flysch- mulde von Castelun, die wir bis Seewis verfolgt hatten, vereinigt sich am Vilan mit diesem westlichen Flyschzuge und umsäumt somit den Liassattel der Clus im Norden. Der Ijias der Clus besteht, wie schon erwähnt, aus typischem Bündner Schiefer. Er bildet auch die Steil- wände der Nordseite der Clus und culminirt im Gruppberg bei B\idera (der auf der Siegfriedkarte irrthümlich als Mannas bezeichnet ist. Die Mannashöhe ist eine weiter östhch gelegene niedrigere Anhöhe dieses Kammes). So- wohl am Aus- als auch am Eingang der Clus liegen neben der Strasse grosse Steinbrüche, die in einem dickbankigen feinkörnigen, oft auch etwas sandigen Kalkstein brechen, der nur sehr untergeordnete Schieferzwischenlagen besitzt. Er ist viel fester als der gewöhnliche Bündner Schiefer, und bildet einen mächtigen Mantel um den Liassattel, der bei Pradisla beginnt, sich zur Mannashöhe heraufzieht und über Fadera wieder nach Felsenbach zur Landquart herab- sinkt. Er ist also eine Grenzzone zwischen Lias und Plysch. Selbst ist er ganz frei von Fucoiden. Man kann zweifelhaft sein ob man ihn demnach schon zum Flysch oder noch zum Lias stehen soll. Ich habe ihn vorerst dem Lias einverleibt, mit dem er grössere Verwandtschaft zu haben scheint. Wandern wir nun die Landquart herauf, so zeigt sich, dass bis Küblis auf beiden Thalseiten nur liasische Bünd- ner Schiefer anstehen. Aber sobald man eines der von Norden emmündenden Seitcnthäler betritt, so gewahrt man 26 sofort viele GeröUe von Flysch mit Fucoiden, was auf der amieron Seite iiichl so der Kall ist. Es kommt das daher, dass dei- Biimliier Schiefer, ahnlich v/ie l)ei der Clus, von Süden Ihm- nur woiii^ nach Norden herübergreift, weil die Liassiiltel sich lasch in dieser Richtung senken und der Kh schbedeckung die Tagesherrschaft ül)erlassen. Im Par- tiunierthal z. B. reicht der Lias nur noch 2 Kilometer weit herauf, dann stellt sich fucoidenreicher Flysch ein bis zum oberen Ende des Thaies. Aehnlich verhält er sich mit den bei Grüsch und Schiors ausmündenden Thälern, nur habe ich da das obere Ende des Lias nicht genauer be- stimmt. Diese schluchtenartigen und wenig zugänghchen Thälei' erfordern für solche Feststellung einen grösseren Aufwand von Zeit, als mir gestattet war. Aber nach den anderwärts im Prätigau von mir gemachten Erfahrungen kann auch hier die genauere Abgrenzung von Flysch und Lias bei sorgfältiger Begehung nicht schwer fallen. Erst oberhalb Kübhs tritt der Flysch wieder bis zur Landquart heran und zwar so, dass er von St. Antonien über den Saaserberg herüberstreicht, das jenseitige Ge- hänge von Conters gewinnt, das schon lange als Fundort von Flyschfucoiden berühmt ist, sich zur Karamhöhe des Kistensteines herauf und ins Plessurthal bis Peist und St. Peter herabzieht, überall leicht kenntlich durch seinen Gesteinscharakter und die Fucoiden, die er führt. Er hat damit noch nicht sein Ende erreicht, auf der anderen Seite der Plessur steht er bei Tschiertchen und Prada an und zieht sich w^ahrscheinlich nördlich um den Gürgaletsch herum bis in die Nähe von Churwalden. Kurz zusammenfassend können wir also sagen, dass eine bedeutende Liasaufwölbung von SW her über Chur in das Prätigau herübertritt, die Hochwangkette bildet und erst nördlich der I^andquart dadurch ihr Ende erreicht, dass sich die einzelnen Falten in die Tiefe senken und unter der jüngeren Decke des Flysches verschwinden. Den Sätteln und Mulden entsprechend erscheint die Grenze zwischen Lias und Flysch auf der Karte nicht als einfache sondern vielfach aus- und eingebuchtete Linie, und eine der Flyscheinbuchiungen greift sogar (bei Castelun) süd- wärts über die Landquart herüber. Im Osten und Süd- osten ist die GrenzHnie gegen den Flysch einfacher in Folge des herrschenden nordöstlichen Streichens der Schichten und Falten, aber ihre genaue Feststellung bedarf hier noch weiterer Untersuchungen, die ihr vielleicht auch da noch complicirtere Umrisse geben werden. 27 Ausserhalb dieser Liasaufwölbung behält der Flysch aber keineswegs die Herrschaft. Schon am Gürgaletsch, Alpstein, Arosaer Plateau, Stelli und Casanna legt sich auf den südöstlich einfallenden Flysch neuerdings der Lias, so dass ersterer nur als eine lange und schmale nach NW überkippte Mulde im Lias erscheint. Sich langsam ver- breiternd erreicht sie zwischen Serneus und Küblis das Landquartthal und nimmt nun eine mehr nördhche Richtung, im Osten begrenzt durch den Lias des Saaser Calanda und oberen Gafierthales. Im Norden des Prätigaus herrscht der Flysch aus- schhesshch bis zu einer Linie , die man vom Glecktobel über das Cavelljoch nach der Tilisunahütte zieht. Sie zeigt eine grosse Verwerfungsspalte an, jenseits welcher das ganze Gebirge stark gehoben erscheint. Die Folge davon ist, dass die im Süden schon tief vom Flysch bedeck- ten Liasschichten im Norden dieser Linie ans Tageslicht ge- kommen sind und die hohen Spitzen der Falkniskette aufbauen. irlier nun ist alles noch viel stärker gefaltet als im Süden und insbesondere sind die Mulden so sehr überge- kippt, dass sie zum Theil hegend sind. Der eingefaltete Flysch endet nach Süden mit flachen spitzen Muldenböden, die hoch über der Thalebene an den Berggehängen wie concordante Einlagerungen im Lias erscheinen, während er nach Norden mächtig anschwillt und bei Vaduz bereits den Boden des Rheinthaies erreichend den Lias ganz verdrängt. Wir haben also im Westen der rhätischen Grenzlinie drei grosse Verbreitungsgebiete des Lias erkannt: das nörd- hche des Falknis, das centrale des Hochwang und das randliche vom Gürgaletsch zum Gafienthal. Diese drei Gebiete zeigen untereinander nicht unerheb- liche Verschiedenheiten der Ausbüdung, die emer genaueren Beschreibung bedürfen. Im Falknisgebiet fehlen jene körnigen oft marmorartigen Kalke, wie sie das Hochwang- gebiet auszeichnen; überhaupt ist der Metamorphismus der Gesteine hier nicht so stark entwickelt wie dort, wo seri- citische Neubildungen mit transversaler Druckschief erung verbunden sind. Dahingegen treten als Besonderheiten die mächtigen Conglomerate und die Kalke mit schwarzen Hornsteinknauern auf, von denen erstere fast ganz, letztere gänzlich im Hochwanggebiet fehlen. Das randhche Lias- gebiet nimmt eine Art von Mittelstellung ein, denn es be- sitzt alles was jene zwei Gebiete haben, und dass in der 28 Tliat die Con^loinerathihluri^ auch dem M och vvaii «^gebiet nicht i;an/ fehlt , l)c\veiscn gewisse h]inhigei'inigen eines grohtMi Sandsteins oder feinkörnigen (^)nglonieriiles mit i*'iagnHMilen \ on Kaii< \\i\(\ krystallinischen Gesteinen, wie man sie /. \l. im Laiid(|uarttlial bei der ]^]ininündung des Ijindenerbaches auf dem rechten Ufer beobacliten kann und (he in ganz gleicher Weise auch die groben Conglo- m(Mat(^ des Falknis begleiten. Da die Natur der Geröhe der groben Conglomerate entschied(Mi auf eine östHche und südöstliche Herkunft ver- weisen, so ist es wohl begreiflich, dass die Conglomerate haui)tsächlich in den Randpartien der Liasablagerungen, welche dem Meeresufer und der Einmündung basischer Ströme genähert waren, vorkonnnen , in den centralen Theilen aber seltner und kleinstückiger werden. Die Altersbestimmung ist schwierig, denn die wenigen Crinoideenstielglieder und Corallenreste, welche ich im Palk- nisgebiet gesehen habe und die auch Steixmann schon gefunden hat, sind specifisch unbestimmbar. Dahingegen ist die discordante Ueberlagerung der Schichten durch tithonische Kalke, die im nächsten Capitel zu besprechen ist, massgebend für das liasische Alter, wenn man dabei noch die Aehnlichkeit mit der Lias-Algäufacies in Be- tracht zieht. Das Hochwanggebiet hat noch gar keine Versteine- rungen gebracht, aber der örtliche Zusammenhang mit den Belemniten des Faulhornes und den Versteinerungen des Mundaunes machen das liasische Alter desselben äusserst wahrscheinlich erscheinen. Auch in dem südöstlichen Rand- gebiete kommen wahrscheinlich tithonische Gesteine vor, und dabei lässt die Gleichheit der Conglomerate keinen Zweifel daran aufkommen, dass sie mit dem liasischen Falknisconglomerat altersgleich seien. Der Lias im Plessurgebirge. Wir haben schon gesehen, dass im Osten der rhäti- schen tektonischen Grenzlinie im Rhätikon die Adnethfacies herrscht und dass nur gewisse Kieselkalke an ihrer Basis am Mottenkopf ein Hereingreifen der Facies, wie sie am Falknis herrscht, andeuten. Im Plessurgebirge hingegen fehlt die Adnethfacies fast ganz. Dass sie in den wilden Dolomitfelsen der Casanna bei Klosters irgendwo noch vorhanden sei, machen nur die 29 belemniteniuhreiiden wenigen Blöcke eines rothen Kalkes wahrscheinlich, die auf dem Trümmeifelde liegen, das im Norden die Wände der Casanna umgibt, und die jedenfalls von denselben herabgestürzt sind. Sonst ist sowohl an der Casanna selbst als auch anderwärts im Plessurgebirge nur die Algäufacies nachweisbar. Sie ist aber ebenfalls arm an Versteinerungen. Vom Urdener Jüchl gibt Theo- BALD Belemniten an, und einen Belemniten im Berner Museum vom „Weisshorn auf der Grenze von P^ondei und Casanna" hat schon Voi/rz bestinnnt. Ausserdem kommen aber auch die charakteristischen polygenen Con- glomerate sogar sehr häufig darin vor. Die Fragmente be- stehen aus Kalkstein, Dolomit, Gneiss und ähnlichen kry- stallinen Gesteinen sowie gar nicht selten aus rothem Thon- schiefer und Jaspis, wie er in der Nähe im Perm ansteht. Da diese permischen Jaspise bisher irrthümlich als oberer Jura gedeutet worden sind, so hat Steinmanx daraus auf das jüngere (cenomane) Alter dieses Conglomerates geschlossen, — ein Schluss, der jetzt natürhch nicht mehr verbindlich ist. Am Brüggerhorn kann man diese Conglomerate sehr schön anstehend beobachten. Sie sind dem Liasschiefer eingelagert, der unweit der mittleren Sattelhütte am SOFuss des Berges beginnt und nach NW ansteigend immer mäch- tiger wird, um schliesslich das Gipfelplateau des Brügger- hornes zu bilden. Dieser Lias ist zwischen Röthidolonut eingefaltet. An manchen Stellen trägt dieser Dolomit noch Reste der Decke von jaspisführendem Quartenschiefer. Meist ist diese Decke jedoch schon vor Ablagerung des Lias weggeführt gewesen. Die Liasconglomerate bestehen aus mehr oder minder grossen Bruchstücken von Kalkstein und Dolomit, an mehreren Stellen finden sich aber auch darunter viel Gneiss, rother Schiefer und Jaspis. Ohne Zweifel stammen diese Bruchstücke alle aus nächster Nähe, wo ja vielfach an der Basis des Lias die Trias, der Quarten- schiefer und Röthidolomit bis herab auf den Gneiss ver- schwunden sind. Die zahllosen Blöcke solcher Conglome- rate auf dem Plateau zwischen Mai-an und Arosa im Wald und auf den Matten herumliegen, und neuerlich von Stein- manx eingehend geschildert worden sind, dih-ften wohl alle vom Brüggerhorn und seinen Ausläufern abstammen. Auch ') Escher und Studer, Geol. von Mittel-Bümlen S. 199. 30 in (Ion NW-^^'ä^(loM dos Ai-osaor WolsRhoriK^s kommt (.lios(\s Oonglomerat im Ivöthidolomit oingofaltol voi-. Oio Liassoliiofer treten in Form von mehr oder weniger diiimbankii^on Kalkla^orii und schwärzlichen Schiefern nocli an voischiodonon anderen Stellen des ArosatM- Ge- bietes auf, ahoi- ein grosser Tlieil dessen, was Tukobali) als solchen auf seiner Karte eingezeichnet hat, ist Flysch mit echten Flyschfucoiden, die sich z. B. am Urden Fürkli, auf dem Grad am Hörnli, an der Strasse zwischen Ausser- und Inner-Arosa, am Thomabächli kurz vor der Einmün- dung in den Obersee, im Hinter wald beim Zusammenfluss der Plessur und des Welschtobelbaches und in den Dolo- mitwänden der NW-Seite des Plattenstockes finden lassen. Im conglomeratführenden Lias des Arosaer Weiss- hornes kommen auch graue Kalksteine mit schwarzen Hornsteinknollen vor , die man unten an den Steilwänden in Menge heruntergestürzt besehen kann. Auch auf der Casanna und der Cotschna kommen solche Conglomerate im Liasschiefer vor. Einzelne Kalk- gerölle sind voll Muschelschalen und entstammen wahr- scheinlich den Koessener Schichten. Gewaltige Blöcke dieses Conglomerates, das noch jetzt in den Röthidolomit oberhalb des Zugwaldes am Ostonde der Cotschna einge- faltet zu sehen ist, liegen im Zugwald bis herab nach Klosters, wo sie ein gewaltiger Bergsturz einst herabge- führt hat. Der Lias im Uoiulesclig und am Schyn. Die Liasschiefer des Plessurgebirges setzen ebenso wie der Flyschschiefer bei Parpan über das Thal der Rabiosa in die Faulhornkette herüber. Vom Faulhorn stammen die Belemniten, die schon seit langer Zeit im Churer Museum liegen. Die reichen Flysch-Fundorte vom Stätzerhorn hat neuerdings Stkixmann genauei' beschrieben. Dahingegen ist nichts über das Vorkommen der polygenen Conglomerate in dieser Kette bekannt geworden, so dass man annehmen muss, dass sie ganz fehlen oder doch nur selten sind. Flyschfucoiden hat Sikinaiann auch dicht bei Lenz auf- gefunden und ihr Vorkommen unterhalb Sureva hat schon Theob ALD 1863 beschrieben. Während aber letzterer daran die Bemerkung knüpfte (S. 180), dass „eine noch etwas weiter abwärts anstehende Bank von grauem Kalk allen- falls eine Scheidelinie zwischen diesen (B^ucoiden-) Schiefern und den Schiefern des Schyn (die er zum Lias stellt) 31 abgeben könne", zog Steinmann aus den gleichen That- sachen den Schlnss, dass aucli der Schynschiefer zum Plysch gehöre. Er sagt ,.glücklicher Weise besteht wegen der Continuität der Aufschlüsse von Tiefenkasten bis Thusis und von hier bis zur Thalerweiterung von Andeer kein Zweifel darüber, dass wir es auf dieser Strecke mit einem einheitlichen Gesteinscomplex zu thun haben. Bringt man von den Viamala-Schiefern die Veränderungen in Abzug, welche sie durch die Dislocationsmetamorphose einfahren haben, so bleibt nichts anderes übrig als Flysch''. Diese Schlussfolgerung entbehrt jedoch der Beweis- kraft, erstens w^eil die angebliche Einheitlichkeit des Ge- steinscomplexes nicht besteht und zweitens weil die an- geblichen Flyschschiefer gleich unterhalb Tiefenkastei von Beleraniten erfüllt sind, dort also jedenfalls zum Lias gehören. Um diese Verhältnisse, soweit ich sie zu beobachten in der Lage war, darzustellen, beginne ich mit der Unter- lage des Bündner Schiefers, wie sie im Rheinthal bei Reichenau hinter den Hügeln von Ils Auts zu Tage geht und von mir bereits 1894 eingehender beschrieben worden ist. Es ist Sernifit und daraus geht hervor, dass der Bündner Schiefer des Dreibündensteines nicht älter als mesozoisch sein kann. Oberhalb Rhäzüns am Eingang ins Domletschg liegen dicht am linken Rheinufer in der Ebene Xundraus zwei kleine Felsvorsprünge von Röthidolomii, während ringsum alle höheren Lager aus Bündner Schiefer bestehen. Am südhchen dieser zwei Kegel sieht man den grauen , stark zerklüfteten Dolomit mit seinen dicken Bänken unter 25^ nach XW einfallen. Darauf liegen grüne bis violette Thonschiefer mit Einlagerungen von einzelnen gelben Dolomitlinsen und von Dolomitlagen , die reich an eingesprengten Quarzkörnern sind. Es sind das Gesteine, welche anderwärts den Uebergang von Röthidolomit in die Quartenschiefer charakterisiren. Weitere 3 Kilometer thalaufwärts liegt bei Pardisla unweit Parpels ein etwa 20 m hoher isolirter Hügel in der Rheinebene neben dem alten Flusslauf. Er besteht aus hellgelbem Röthidolomit, der nach XO einfällt und auf der Westseite des Hügels von violetten und grünen Sernifit- schiefern unterlagert wird, die zum Theil viele Quarzsand- körner einschliessen. Eine stellenweise bis 5 m mächtige Moränendecke umhüllte diese Felsen kappenförmig ringsum, ist aber auf der SW-Seite des Hügels entfernt, so dass 32 dort (lor imiLMM' b^lskoni zu ^Pa^o tritt. Ohne Zwoifc^l sind die soebon hoschriobcMicii di'ei Aufsclilüsso von Seinifit und Dolomit nur Theile einer weiten Decke, die ungelahi- im Niveau der Tludalluvionen ausgebreitet die ganze Masse der ringsum sieh erliebcnden Bündnei'schiefer trägt. (Jeht man von hier 2 Kilometer tludauf gegen Kot eis, so konunt nuui zu einem anderen ebenso isolirten Hügel — gleiclifahs dicht am Rhein bei der neuen Brücke die zur Eisenbahnstation führt. Er besteht aus grünlicliem (juarzitisch-sericitischem Gneiss, der sich zu dicken Platten leicht brechen lässt. Das Bedürfniss nach Steinen, die fester als der ßündner Schiefer sind, für die Arbeiten der Rhein- correction war so gross, dass dieser Hügel bereits fast ganz abgetragen ist. Der Gneiss str. N 60^ W und fällt mit 45^ nach NO ein. Nahe seiner Oberfläche ist er stark zertrümmert und stellt ein Blockwerk dar, das früher, ehe ftian den inneren Felskern angeschnitten hatte, auch zur Annalime von Bergsturzmassen hätte führen können, wie dies für die Tomas unterhalb Reichenau geschehen ist. lieber dem Blockwerk liegt echte Moräne wie beim Toma von Papels. Die Bündner Schiefer der Faulhornkette liegen also auf Röthidolomit, Sernifit und Gneiss. Sie hängen einer- seits unmittelbar mit den liasischen Schiefern des Mundaun zusammen und führen selbst am Faulhorn Belemniten, anderseits enthalten sie auch echte Flyschfucoiden, so dass man wohl annehmen muss, dass sie ein System von Falten liasischer und tertiärer Schichten darstellen. Die liasischen Schiefer zwischen Reichenau und Rotels sind petrographisch ganz von gleicher Beschaffenheit wie diejenigen der Hochwangkette. Auffällig hingegen ist der Unterschied zwischen ihnen und den Gesteinen, welche gleich oberhalb Thusis in der Rheinschlucht anstehen. Der Kalkstein ist hier härter und dichter und kalkfreier Thonschiefer ist in Zw^ischenlagen recht häufig. Es gleichen diese Gesteine herauf bis zum Verloren Loch vielmehr ge- wissen Ablagerungen zwischen Splügen und Vals, welche ich früher als palaeozoisch beschrieben habe. Dieselben Gesteine stehen auch an der Schynstrasse zwischen Thusis und Runplanas an, wo sie trotz vielfacher Verbiegungen in Kleinen im Grossen nach N bezw. NO einfallen. Im Wald von Versasca hingegen und insl)esondere in den Steil- wänden von Passmal trifft man wieder auf Gesteine vom Charakter der liasischen Bündner Schiefer und damit zu- 33 ofleich stellt sich ein vorherrschend südöstliches Einfallen ein. So erreicht man Unter-Solis immer den Lias durch- querend und hinter dem Wirthshause am Waldrand etwas Gyps und grihilichen Sernifitschiefer , kurz nachher auch horizontale Bänke eines hellen Dolomites, der auffällig an Köthidolomit gemahnt. Vor der Solisbrücke steht aber schon wieder ein dunkler Kalk an. Er ist dunkelblau und schHesst helle quarzitische kalkfreie Lagen ehi , die ihm nicht nur grössere Festigkait, sondern auch gegenüber dem Liasschiefer vom Hochwang-Typus ein ganz verän- dertes Aussehen geben. Die Bänke liegen theils flach geneigt, theils sind sie steil aufgerichtet und wechseln rasch auch im Streichen. Gegen Alvaschein heraufsteigend treffen wir auch weichere Kalkschiefer an, die einen nicht unwesentlichen Antheil am Aufbau der schwarzen Wände zu nehmen scheinen, welche die Albulasrhlucht einfassen. Hinter Alvaschein stehen jene Kalkschiefer nochmals an der Strasse an und werden, kurz ehe man Valmala kreuzt, von stai-k zerknitterten Gypsbändern überdeckt. Höher oben hegt ziemlich horizontal sich hinziehend eine hohe Terrasse von Köthidolomit, die dann jene liasischen Kalkschiefer trägt, welche die Basis des von Stkinmanx bei Lenz beobachteten Flysches bilden. Man hat hier also zuunterst die dunklen Kalke und Schiefer von Müsteil, dar- über Gyps und Dolomit, dann Lias und Flysch. Der Gyps und Dolomit bildet ein Lager, das sich gegen Tiefenkastei hin rasch senkt von etwa 1080 auf 840 m. Oberhalb Prada erblickt man die weissen Gypsmassen schon von ferne und kurz vor der Brücke von Tiefenkastei schauen sie neben der Strasse unter dem Liasschiefer und Conglomerat hervor, etwa ^/-j Kilometer weiter hinauf nach Surava desgleichen. In Tiefenkastei hat man diesen Gyps bei Strassenerweiterungsarbeiten gleich oberhalb des Post- bureaus biosgelegt. Er bildet hier ebenfalls die Basis der liasischen Bündner Schiefer, die sich durch Führung mäch- tiger Conglomerateinlagerungen auszeichnen, deren Härte jedenfalls der isolirte Hügel von Tiefenkastei und ebenso der grössere im Süden davon seine Erhaltung verdankt. Das breccienartige Conglomerat ist besonders reich an gelblich anwitternden Dolomitstücken, welche darauf hin- weisen , dass das Hasische Meer ein dolomitisches Felsen- ufer vorgefunden und wenigstens theilweise zerstört hat. Doch trifft man auch einzelne Kalkbruchstücke dazwischen. Geht man von der Brücke aus etwa 400 m am rechten Rothpletz, Alpen-Forschungen. O 34 Thusis NW Ufer clor Allmla abwärts, so hat man zur Rechton nobon sich sti'lsrort IJiindnor Sohiofor tUisleliond , l)iK man einen Pelsbodon als Träger dieses Schiefers erreicht , der aus einem festen g-rauen, «ielbh(3!i anwitlernden Dolomit be- steht. In oinig(M' \\l')hc (hn'üt)or ziehen dm-ch (ho Biin(hier Scliiefer La<;er, weleiio von ßelenmitenresten erfidh sind. Man sammeU sie h^icht neben dem kleinen Fusssteig auf den Halden. Es mag l)esonders darauf aufmei-ksam ge- macht sein, dass immittolbai' über diesem l^'oisriff von belemnitenfiihi-endem Schiefer die Schynstrasse liegt und zu- gleich die Stelle, wo sich die Churwaldner Strasse mit ihr vereinigt. Hunderte von forschenden Geologen mögen hier oben ahnungslos vorbeigezogen sein, und man sieht wohl ein, wie sehr die geologische Kenntniss dieses (lebietes noch auf die grossen Verkehrslinien beschränkt ist. Jedenfalls aber müssen wir den oben (S. 31) citirten Ausspruch Stein- manns jetzt dahin abändern, ,,dass wir es auf dieser vStrasse mit kei7iem einheitlichen Gesteinscomplex zu thun haben". Echter Plysch liegt nur zu oberst bei Lenz und Surava, darunter breitet sich Lias aus mit Belemniten und Conglo- meratbänken und diese liegen auf Gyps und Dolomit, deren Alter zwar unsicher ist , die aber wahrscheinlich zum permischen Röthidolomit gehören, wenn sie nicht als Ver- treter der unteren Trias betrachtet werden wollen. Die schwarzen Schiefer und Kieselkalke, w^elche zwischen Tiefen- kastei und der Solisbrücke unter dem Dolomit liegen, wird man einstweilen wohl als palaeozoisch ansehen dürfen. Wären auch sie liasisch, dann müsste man ein sehr com- plicirtes Falten S3'stem annehmen, um ihre Lagerung unter einer so schmalen Decke älteren Gesteins, die dann die Form einer liegenden Falte haben müsste, zu erklären. Passmal Solls Brücke Lenz Tiefenkastei SO Fig. 6. Profil durch deu Schynpass. 1 : 50000. S palaeozoische Bündner Schiefer, r Röthidolomit und Gyps, 1 liasische Blind ner Schiefer, f Flysch. Der Liasschiefer zwischen der Solisbrücke und Passmal scheint sich als nach NW überkippte Mulde diesem palaeo- zoischen Sattel anzuschliessen und den L^ebergang zu einem neuen Sattel zu vermitteln, den die Schiefer von Thusis bilden. FreiHch sollte man dann im Versasca-Wald 35 das erneute Durehstreichen der Gyps- und Dolomit-Zone er- warten, für die als weitere Fortsetzung nach Norden der Dolomit von Paspels und Rhiiziins gelten könnte. Aber an der Schynstrasse ist diese Zone nicht aufgeschlossen. Vielleicht liegt sie unter Schutt oder Moränen verborgen, oder sie ist an dieser Stelle übei'haupt nicht entwickelt, ähnlich wie das bei Vals-Platz nach meinen früheren Unter- suchungen der Fall ist. Weiter oben bei Mutten ist sie jedoch sicher vorhanden und auf Blatt XIV der gcol. Karte auch eingetragen, doch ist dies wohl eher eine Fortsetzung des Lagers bei der Solisbrücke und gehört dem überkipp- ten SO-Flügel der Liasmulde an. Jedenfalls sind diese Gypse und Dolomite eines der wichtigsten Hilfsmittel, um die palaoozoischen von den basischen Bündner Schiefern abzutrennen. Wie ich früher gezeigt habe,- stellen sie sich ja auch im Gebiet des Piz Beverin und der Splügener Kalkberge auf der Grenze zwischen den palaeozoischen Schiefern und der Trias ein und die Gypslager im Hinterrheinthal oberhalb Donath und Zillis scheinen die Verbindung mit denjenigen von Nasch und Mutten herzustellen. Auch im Gebiet des Piz Curver und südlich des Schynthales spielen sie eine grosse Rolle. Am Culmetpass südlich des Piz Curver ist das Gypslager von mächtigem Dolomit überlagert, der durchaus dem Röthidolomit gleicht und wie dieser von rothen Quarten- schiefern überlagert wird, so dass ich dort an seinem pa- laeozoischen Alter nicht mehr zweifle. Auf Blatt XIV ist dieser Zug nicht eingetragen, ebensowenig wie die hangen- den Liasschiefer, welche von Belemnitenresten erfüllt sind aber trotzdem sich bisher der Beobachtung entzogen haben. Auf Blatt XI sind diese Gesteine mit gelber Farbe an vielen Orten recht auffällig eingetragen, aber wie mir scheint nicht immer am richtigen Ort. Bei Tiefenkastei nehmen sie einen viel zu grossen Raum ein und ihre Fortsetzung gegen Valmala ist, wie schon Tarnuzzer bemerkt hat, übersehen worden. Südlich von Savognin (Schweiningen) ist Gyps und Marmor eingezeichnet. Dieser Marmor besteht aus Dolomit, der zwar Aehnlichkeit mit Röthidolomit hat, sich aber dadurch von ihm unterscheidet, dass er schmale 2 — 4 dm breite Bänke echten weissen Marmors einschliesst. Dahingegen habe ich die eingetragene Fortsetzung dieses Marmorzuges gegen die Ava di Nandro bei Parnots vergebens gesucht und statt dessen im wahrscheinlich palaeozoischen Bündner Schiefer einen Gang von Serpentin 3* 86 und Ophicalcit gefunden, der im Wald iti einem kleinen Steinbruch gewonnen wird. Der Gang selbst ist nur 2 — 3 m breit, aber die flach nach Osten einfallenden Kalk- und Thonschiefcr sind im Contact auf etwa f) m weit in Ophi- calcit umgewandelt. Weiter herauf im Oberhalbsteiner Thal stellen sich dann die grünen Bündner Schiefer als bald ganz vorherrschendes Gestein ein, die mit dem sicher er- wiesenen Flysch und Lias gar keine Aehnlichkeit mehr haben und die ich ebenso wie die grünen Schiefer bei Vals Platz alle für palaeozoisch halte. Kehren wir nochmals nach Tiefenkastei zurück, so sehen wir wie die liasischen Conglomerate dieses Ortes und des südlichen Plattas-Hügels in der Schlucht der Julia gegen Süden plötzlich enden und gänzlich conglomeratfreien Tiefenkastei Albula Julia Plattas Julia Fig. 7. 1 : 20 000. 1 Lias, r Gypslager, b palaeozoischer BUndner Schiefer. Schiefern Platz machen, die stark verbogen und gefaltet sind und ein von grünen sericitischen Schiefern begleitetes oft nur einige Meter mächtiges Gypslager in ihre Falten mit einschliessen. Dolomit scheint hier ganz zu fehlen. Ich vermuthe, dass diese Schiefer dieselben sind, welche den Sattel von Alvaschein bilden und bereits dem Palaeo- zoikum angehören wie die Gypse. Leider erschwert die ungeheure Bedeckung durch Moräne und die Ungangbar- keit der Julia-Schlucht die Beobachtung ungemein. • Der Lias des Piz Curver. Am Culmetpass, der von Presanz nach Neza führt, steht unzweifelhafter und versteinerungsreicher Lias an, und führt zahlreiche Belemniten neben vereinzelten Pecten, Gasteropoden und Bryozoen, so dass man nicht glauben sollte, dass er bisher ganz unbemerkt geblieben ist.^) Er ^) Studer hat allerdings 1851 (S. 376) Belemniten und Cri- noideen beim Uebergang von Presanz nach Albin beobachtet, aber auch dieser Fundort, der weiter südlich gelegen ist, findet sich auf Blatt XIV nicht eingetragen. Theobald fand im Hinter- grund von Alp nova und bei Crestota Belerr)niten, Austern und Gryphaen in Menge. (1866 S. 160.) & fällt nach Norden ein und im Süden wird er von Quarten- schiefei-, Röthidolomit und Gyps unterlagert. Darunter liegt ein mächtiger Zug palaeozoischer Kalkschiefer, die zum Theil in marmorarlige Kalkbänke übergehen, den Piz la Tschera in seinen oberen Theilen aufbauen und von dem Rofnaporphyr unterteuft werden. Xach den Aufschlüssen am Surettahorn halte ich diesen Porphyr für ungefähr gleichalterig. mit den Gneissen und Glimmerschiefern, denen er eingelagert ist. Jedenfalls sind bis jetzt keinerlei Be- weise dafür erbracht worden, dass er eine sehr viel jüngere intrusive oder stockfürmige Bildung sei. Auch liegen die Kalkschichten des Piz la Tschera in einer Weise auf diesem Porphyr, dass er kaum anders als eine schon vor Ablage- rung des Kulkes vorhandene Felsbasis aufgefasst werden kann. Diese Ansicht wird auch von A. Hkim (1891 S. 498) vertreten. Wenn wir daran und an der Zugehörigkeit des Dolomit- und Gypszuges zum Perm festhalten, dann ergibt sich für die zwischenlagernden Marmoie und Kalkschiefer des Piz la Tschera ganz von selbst ein palaeozoisches Alter. Dieselben ziehen sich ohne Unterbrechung als ein hohes Folsband oberhalb Pignieu um die Westseite des Curver-Massives herum bis zur Alp Cess. Obenauf liegen nur hie und da Dolomite oder Gypse stets aber der Lias. Schon am Culmetpass stellen sich die bekannten Conglomeratbänke ein. welche dann gegen Basugls an Mächtigkeit zunehmen und gegen die Alp Taspin hin die Kalkschiefer ganz verdrängen. Zunächst werden diese Conglomerate durch Aufnahme kleinerer und grösserer. mehr oder weniger abgerundeter Bruchstücke eines grani- tischen Gesteines polygen, dann aber iieten gegen Taspin die Kalk- und Dolomitgeschiebe mehr und mehr zurück und bei den Silbergruben selbst gehören solche bereits zu den Seltenheiten. Die Geschiebe und das nicht sehr kalk- reiche Bindemittel bestehen dann vorwiegend aus Quarz. Feldspath, Biotit und Sericit (siehe C. Schmidt 1894 S. 73), so dass das Ganze sehr an Gneiss erinnert und von Escher und Stidi:r auch (1839) als solcher beschrieben worden ist. Am Wege, der von den Silbergruben nach Xasch herunterführt, zeigt sich an mehreren Stellen die Conglo- meratnatur dieser Bildung deutlich dadmch, dass einzelne wohl abgerundete Geröhe emes granitischen Gesteins aus dem Felsen hervorragen. Dies und das wenn auch ver- hältnissmässig seltene Vorkommen von Kalk- und Dolornit- einschlüssen, sowie der Uebergang in polygene Conglo- 88 merato f^op^on Süden lassen wohl nur die Auffassung- zu, dass dieses (Gestein, für welches Hi:im (1894) den pi'ovi- sorischen Namen „Taspinil"^) gegeben hat, seiner h]nt- ') Hkim bat (lioson Naincn (1891 S. 887) mit Bezug auf die „oinzigo typische Localitiit'' iiäniiich die Alp Taspin „vorläufig" gogolxui „bis das Gestein nach seiner Natur in jeder Richtung ergründet" sei. Er hat damit keineswegs, wie SrKiNM.vNN (1897 S. 288) anniimnt, blos „das zweifellos massige Gestein" gemeint, denn ausdrücklioh sagt er (S. 400), dass am Piz Vizan nicht mn- polygcue Konglomerate mit kalkigem Bindemittel vorkommen, „sondern auch solche mit Taspinit als Grundmasse". „Hie und da in dem Taspinit-Bindemittel ein Rofnagneiss, dessen Schiefo- rimg (juer oder schief zur Flaserung und Schieferung des ganzen Konglomerates". Ich habe also durchaus nicht „Heim offenbar missverstanden", wenn ich diesen Taspinit vom Piz V-^izan als Detritusbildung naher Gneissgebirge bezeichnete. Der Autor hat diesen Namen nur vorläufig gegeben, weil er in Betreff der Ent- stehung dessen, was er darunter vereinigte, keine bestimmte lleberzeugung hatte. Er schreibt (1. c. S. 884) „Die polygenen Gonglomerate können einen iudirecten Zusammenhang mit dem Rofnaporphyr haben, indem sie dessen regenerirten Detritus ent- halten" (das ist just meine Auffassung für den Piz Vizan), „aber sie können meines P]rachtens nicht als Injektionsgänge des Rofna- porphyres gelten. Viel eher noch könnte man der Annahme beipflichten, dass im Gebiete der Alp Cess und Taspin ein anderer etwas jüngerer Eruptionspunkt war, der seine submarinen Tuffe und Abwitterungsproducte den Sedimenten zur Bildung jener polygenen Conglomerate geliefert habe". Weiter heisst es (1. c. S. 404), anknüpfend an das angebliche Vorkommen von grossen Blöcken „ächten Taspinites" im Zellen- dolomit westlich von Durnaun am Lai da Von, der zum Röthi- dolomit gehören soll: „Der Taspinit ist dadurch erwiesen als älter als die Bündner Schiefer und die Kalkcomplexe überhaupt, wahr- scheinlich älter als die Sekundärzeit. Die taspinitreichen Breccien und Conglomerate sind jünger — gleichalterig mit den Schamser Kalkgesteinen. Das Vorkommen eines vollkrystallinischen Ge- steines (Taspinit) innerhalb sedimentärer jüngerer Schiefer und Kalke, einerseits in Form grosser, anscheinend anstehender Linsen, anderseits als deutlich umgelagerte Conglomerate. erinnert an die Phänomene der Klippen und exotischen Blöcke im Flj^sch am Alpennordrande. Vor 6 Jahren habe ich die Gegend am Lai da Von besucht, aber vergeblich nach den Taspiniteinschlüssen gefahndet. Was ich sah. waren Blöcke von Rofnagneiss, die in einem weichen gelben Kalktufl", sehr jugendlichen, wahrscheinlich postglacialen Alters eingebacken sind. Der Tuff, welcher in der von Perfils ins Rheinthal herabziehenden Wasserschlucht ansteht und von dem Fahrweg angeschnitten wird, kann allerdings mit Raidi- wacken verwechselt werden , um so mehr als in der Nähe ein wirklicher Dolomitfelsen aufragt — ein Erosionsrest der grossen Triasdecke der Splügener Berge, den Heim für echten Röthidolomit angesehen in dem aber keine Taspinitblöcke eingeschlossen liefen. 39 stehung nach unter die Conglomerate und Arkosen zu stellen ist und wie diese liasisches Alter hat. lieber diese liasischen Ablagerungen legt sich stellen- weise wieder Gyps und dann die ganze Masse von Bündner Schiefern, welche dieKammhöhen des Piz Curver ausschliess- lich aufbauen. Es sind in vielfacher Wechsellagerung Kalkschiefer, Marmor, Thonschiefer und „grüne Schiefer" vom Typus der als Diabase bezw. Diabastuffe beschriebenen aus dem Valser Thal. Auch einzelne Dolomitlager trifft man bei i\en Häusern der Alp Taspin in Wechsellagerung mit dem Marmor und am Piz Zitail ist eine dünne Lage eines quarz- und sericitreichen, an Gneiss erinnernden Ge- steins eingeschaltet. An einigen Stellen setzen gangförmig Serpentine hindurch. Am Gulmetpass liegen diese Schiefer direct auf den fossilführenden Liasschiefern , bei der Alp Taspin auf dem Taspinit. Wenn man sie auf Grund ihrer petrographischen Ausbildung für palaeozoisch hält, dann ergibt sich, dass der Lias und die Vertreter des Perms von demselben überfaltet sind und dass der ganze Stock des Piz Curver eine nach Westen überkippte Gebirgsfalte darstellt. (Siehe Fig. 56 und 59.) Der hangende Muldenflügel setzt sich nach Norden bis zum Muttner Hörn fort, wenn schon er durch eine später zu besprechende Verwerfung um etwa 600 m in die Tiefe gesunken ist. Die Gypslager von Nasch liegen unter dem- selben geradeso wie diejenigen der Taspinalp. Sie haben ihre nördliche Fortsetzung in den Vorkommnissen bei Ober- Mutten und unterhalb der Sohsbrücke. Es ist sehr be- achtenswert, dass in den palaeozoischen Schichten über dem Gyps bei Nasch dieselben durch helle Kieselbänder gestreiften Kalke vorkommen , wie sie an der Solisbrücke anstehen. Die Liasmulde von SoHs und Versasca entspricht demgemäss dem Taspinit- und dem fossilreichen Liaszug des Curver. Der liegende Flügel dieser grossen Mulde hat ebenso eine Fortsetzung nach Westen jenseits des Hinterrheines. Ihm gehören die palaeozoischen Schiefer der V^iamala an, welche südwärts von Dolomiten und Gyps- lagern und den Triasraassen der Splügener Kalkberge überlagert werden. Letztere tragen an vielen Stellen eine Liasdecke, die besonders am Piz Vizan durch das Auf- treten eines polygenen und taspinitartigen Conglomerates ausgezeichnet ist, welches nach dieser tektonischen Auf- fassung als die unmittelbare westhche Fortsetzung der ver- w^andten Gesteine des Curver zu gelten hat. Die ungleich- 40 niiissijifo Auflaücning der Con^-lonierate auf den Triaskalken und Dolomiten ist in vorzüglicher Weise dort entblüsst (sielu^ meine Abbildung davon 1. c. 1895 S. 25) und gibt vielleiolit genügenden Aufschluss für den von Heim be- selniebenen merkwürdigen Verband der palaeozoischen Kalke mit dem Taspinit auf der Alp Cess (1. c. S. 390). Die palaeozoischen IJüiidner Schiefer. Mehrfach wai- bisher die Rede von palaeozoischen Biuidner Schiefern und von deren })etrogi-aphischen Unter- schieden gegenüber den Hasischen und tertiären Bündner Schiefern. Leider ist es noch immer nicht gelungen, Ver- steinerungen in denselben aufzufinden. Trotzdem hal)en GüMBicL, DiKNKR uud Bösic aus tektonischen und petro- giaphischen Gründen einen Theil der THEOBALD'schen Bündner Schiefer für palaeozoisch erklärt und ich selbst war durch die Ergebnisse genauer Aufnahmen zwischen Vorder- und Hinterrheinthal dazu geführt worden, diesen mächtigen Schiefercomplex in einen liasischen und einen palaeozoischen Theil zu zerlegen. Auch Steixmanx sieht sich gezwungen eine Trennung vorzunehmen, aber er er- kemit nur oligocänen Flysch und mesozoische Schiefer an. Mit Bezug auf das nördliche Gi-aubünden habe ich meinen abweichenden Standpunkt bereits eingehend begründet. Die palaeozoischen auf Gneiss ruhenden und von der Trias überlagerten Schiefer bei Splügen stellt Steinmaxx in den Lias, weil er am Rossälplibach Gerolle von Kalk und Dolomit und ein Stielglied von Pentacrinus und ebenso am Kistentobel solche Gerolle in den Schiefern gesehen hat. Ich habe schon früher gerade diese beiden Stellen sehr genau studirt und nichts von Conglomeraten entdecken können. Der Pentaci'inus-Stiel wurde, ^vie ich der freund- lichen Mittheilung SrEiNMAXXs entnehme, nur in einer glatten Felsplatte nach seinen sternförmigen Umrissen erkannt, konnte aber nicht losgelöst Averden. Es ist da immer Verwechselung mit einem zufälligen Calcitschmitzen nicht ausgeschlossen, wie ich aus Erfahrung weiss — solange es nicht gelingt das Stielglied ganz freizulegen. Für mich haben diese Funde Steixmanxs^) deshalb einstweilen noch 1) Steinmann (1. c. S. 40) ist erstaunt dadüber. dass ich die Kalke im Straliltobel für triasisch, diejenigen des Kistentobels aber für archäisch erkläre, obwohl sie „einem einheitlichen Zuge- angebören und um etwa 1 km von einander entfernt liegen. Ich habe zur Aufklärung zu bemerken, dass erstens die Ent- 41 keine Beweiskraft gegenüber den zahlreichen entgegen- stehenden eigenen Beobachtungen. In den palaeontologisch sicher bestimmten Flysch- schiefern, hasischen Bündner Scliiefern und Triasgesteinen treten vielfach Serpentine und basaltartige Gesteine gang- ai'tig auf, die als Diabase, Diabasporphyrite. Melaphyre, Spilite etc. beschrieben worden sind. Von den sog. grünen Bündner Schiefern unterscheiden sie sich leicht durch ihre petro- graphische Beschaffenheit und weil sie nicht wie diese mit den grauen Schiefern wechsellagern. Stkinmaxx möchte gleichwohl beide als Producte derselben ophiohthischen Eruptionsperiode ansehen, die er in die Eocän-Zeit verlegt. Die verschiedenartige petrographische Ausbildung schreibt er der wechselnden Grösse der dynamoinetamorphen Umbil- dung zu. Es ist aber wohl zu berücksichtigen, dass gerade in (3berhalbstein neben weitverbreiteten grünen Schiefern auch Gänge von Serpentin auftreten, die, obwohl sie also in einem Gebiet auftreten, wo starke Umwandlung ange- nommen wird, nicht starker umgewandelt erscheinen als die Serpentine des Plessurgebirges. Wer die im grauen Bündner Schiefer eingelagerten grünen Schiefer des Piz Zitail und unmittelbar darunter an der Toissa die Serpen- tine anstehend beobachtet hat, wird kaum im Zweifel darüber geblieben sein, dass hiei- altersverschiedene Ge- bilde vorliegen. Und da die grünen Schiefer bisher noch nie in den sicher jüngeren tertiären und liasischen Schiefern beobachtet worden sind, so halte ich einstweilen daran fest, dass sie Wahrzeichen älterer palaeozoischer Ablagerungen sind. Wo sie auftreten, fehlen zugleich die charaktei'isti- schen Conglomerate des Lias vollständig. Der grösste Theil der ßündner Schiefer des Oberhalb- steiner Thaies ist palaeozoisch, doch liegen auch da Serni- fite, Köthidolomit und Lias stellenweise darüber und sind darin eingefaltet. Aber erst genaue Kartirung kann die einzelnen Einfaltungen in ihrer Bedeutung und Verbreitung feststellen.
Public Domain
« Les plans'de restauration et de construction de l'église et du prieuré furent confiés aux soins de M. Deperthes, architecte de l'hôtel de ville de Paris, et originaire de Reims. M. Thiérot fut l'architecte dirigeant les travaux et M. D.emerlé l'entrepreneur. Les travaux commencèrent en 1877 par l'église qui fut reprise en sous-œuvre, remaniée dans toutes ses parties et admirablement restaurée. Ces travaux demandèrent plusieurs années et des sommes relativement considérables ; rien ne vint entraver la marche des travaux et en moins de . cinq ans, l'église était complètement restaurée. Pendant ce temps on construisait la maison d'habitation de la ferme autour de laquelle s'élevèrent successivement les bâtiments d'appropriation et d'exploitation. En 1884, la construction du prieuré fut poussée avec activité, et dès cette année les prêtres avaient fait leur entrée au prieuré de Binson. Les constructions furent terminées dans le cours de l'année 1885 et les prêtres habitaient le nouveau prieuré lors de la bénédiction de la statue du bienheureux Urbain II sur la plate-forme de Châtillon, le 21 juillet 1887. » Le prieuré fut confié durant quelques années à des prêtres du diocèse, sous la direction successive du P. Besserat et de M. l'abbé Legras, aujourd'hui curé-doyen de Saint-Jacques de Reims. Depuis le mois d'octobre 1895, les Pères Blancs, de la Société des missionnaires d'Afrique, y ont établi un séminaire de philosophie et de théologie. II. — STATUE MONUMENTALE ÉRIGÉE SUR LA PLATE-FORME DE CHATILLON Au congrès de Malines, en 1862, on résolut d élever une statue à Urbain II dans le diocèse où il était né. Le cardinal Langénieux a magnifiquement réalisé ce projet. Il en avait confié l'exécution à un comité, sous la direction de M. Desrousseaux, de Vandières; M. l'abbé Robert, actuellement archiprêtre de Rethel, alors doyen de Chàtillon, était secrétaire de ce comité. Ce monument fut érigé le 21 juillet 1887. L'artiste qui a conçu la statue et qui en a fait la maquette exposée au salon de 1884 est M. Roubaud, de Paris; le sculpteur qui a exécuté l'œuvre de M. Roubaud est M. Le Goff, de Vannes, à qui on doit déjà la magnifique statue de sainte Anne d'Auray; l architecte du monument, M. Deperthes, de Paris, si connu par ses nombreux et remarquables travaux, et surtout par I hôtel de ville de Paris et le monument de sainte Anne d'Auray. L'œuvre, dans son ensemble, est grandiose et d 'un effet saisissant. Le monument, qui s'élève à l'endroit même où est né Urbain Il, se compose d'un piédestal cylindrique avec soubassement quadrangulaire surmonté de la statue. La partie inférieure est flanquée de quatre pilastres ornés des armoiries des principaux chefs de la croisade. Les faces du soubassement sont couronnées par un simulacre de créneaux rappelant l'ancien château de Châtillon. Le piédestal est simple et sans autre ornement que la croix. Le pontife, 1 en vêtements sacerdotaux et coiffé d'une tiare, est représenté debout, au moment où il prononce ces paroles à jamais mémorables : Dieu le veut ! La statue d'Urbain II vient définitivement au troisième rang parmi les grandes statues religieuses du monde entier, après Notre-Dame du Puy et saint Charles Borromée, d'Arona. Si on tient compte de la statue de la Liberté, de New-York, et de la Bavariâ, de Munich, le monument d'Urbain II serait classé par ses dimensions au cinquième rang. Il mesure en effet 21 m ,23 , dont 12m, 93 pour le piédestal et 8m, 30 pour la statue. L'artiste a su rendre tous les sentiments qu'évoque cette grande figure et nous présenter Urbain II sous ses différents aspects ; l'attitude, le geste, la physionomie, expriment à la fois le patriotisme, la vertu et nous montrent en lui le Croisé, le Pape et le Saint. La figure est noble, virile, expressive ; l'artiste a compris qu'il avait une grande idée à exprimer, car il y a dans Urbain II le génie, l'héroïsme et la sainteté, et il a su donner une âme à son œuvre : elle parle, elle est vivante. Urbain II, lors des fêtes qui ont été célébrées en son honneur, a eu ses panégyristes illustres, en particulier Mgr Freppel, en 1887, à la cérémonie de l'inauguration de la statue. Un peu plus loin de nous, en juillet 1882, à l'époque de la restauration du culte, on a entendu, à Notre-Dame de Reims, la parole de Mgr Besson, évêque de Nîmes, et de Mgr Duquesnay, archevêque de Cambrai. On se souvient encore de l'éloquent discours de M. le chanoine Joseph Lémann, missionnaire apostolique, du clergé de Lyon, en faveur de l' Alliance catholique qu'il a lui-même fondée pour la reconnaissance des Droits de l'Homme-Dieu. Enfin le regretté Mgr d'Hulst, dans ces mêmes solennités, donnait un panégyrique, ou mieux un discours historique puissant sur la lutte du sacerdoce et de l'empire. C'était comme le programme de la thèse historique que nous nous sommes efforcé d'établir en étudiant le gouvernement fort et tempéré du grand Pape, au sein de cette lutte où « la victoire du lion (Grégoire VII) n'était pas définitive », et où Dieu voulait que « le dernier mot appartînt à la douceur de l'agneau (Urbain II) t 1. Discours de lp;r d'Hulst. Cf. Le Bienheureux Urbain II. Notice biographique. Reims 188". B UNE BULLE ATTAQUÉE Il n'est pas inutile de donner ici une explication nette de la lettre d'Urbain II à Geoffroi de Lucques sur la façon dont le Pape envisageait canoniquement les meurtriers d'excommuniés Les ennemis de l'Eglise ont pu abuser parfois de l'interprétation, aussi erronée que hardie, qu'en a faite l'Allemand Dœllinger, au moment où l'excommunication était lancée contre lui. On sait qu'au lendemain du concile du Vatican naquit le mouvement d'opposition du Vieux Catholicisme, dont il ne reste plus guère que le souvenir, à moins qu'on ne prenne pour des réalités les quelques rares groupes qui se confondent, à vrai dire, avec le protestantisme. Professeur d'histoire ecclésiastique à Munich, Dœllinger, fut, à la tête du parti, l'un des chefs les plus illustres par l'érudition et le prestige. Son système, une renaissance du joséphisme au fond, soit au point de vue politique, soit au point de vue religieux, ne tendait à rien moins qu'à placer purement et simplement la science au-dessus de l'Eglise et à subordonner les décisions de celle-ci au contrôle définitif des savants et spécialement des historiens. L'idée exprimait bien l'orgueilleuse prétention d'un professeur d'histoire de ramener tout à soi. L'archevêque de Munich, en janvier 1871, avait sommé la faculté de théologie de cette ville de se soumettre aux décisions du Concile. Dœllinger répondit qu'il ne le pouvait, ni comme chrétien, ni comme théologien, ni comme historien, ni comme citoyen 1. L'excommunication fut lancée contre lui le 17 avril. 1. bliG-,F., Pat. lat., CLI, 394. Cependant il faut dire à sa décharge que, dans le premier Congrès vieux-catholique tenu à Munich en septembre 1871, il s'opposa de toutes ses forces à la motion émanée du professeur Schulte tendant à établir un culte indépendant et une organisation ecclésiastique en dehors de l'Église romaine. Il faut ajouter aussi qu'il ne prit jamais part au culte de la nouvelle secte 1. Avant de rapporter l'interprétation de Dcellinger touchant la Bulle qui nous occupe, il importe d'abord de citer textuellement cette Bulle elle-même. En voici la teneur : « Excommunicatoruminterfectoribus prout morem Romanae Ecclesise nosti secundum ipsorum intentionem modum congruae satisfactionis injunge. Non enim eos homicidas arbitramur, quod adversus excommunicatos zelo catholicœ matris ardentes, eorum quoslibet trucidasse contigerit. Ne tamen ejusdem Ecclesiae matris disciplina desaeviat, tejiore quem diximus, pœnitentiam eis indicito congruentem, qua divinse siniplicitatis oculos adversus se complacere pervaleant, si forte quid duplicitatis pro humana fragilitate in eodem flagitio contraxerunt. » On peut traduire littéralement ainsi (Urbain s'adresse à Geoffroi de Lucques) : cc A ceux qui ont mis à mort des excommuniés, imposez, selon la tradition de l'Église que vous connaissez, une satisfaction convenable proportionnée au plus ou moins de perversité de leur intention. Car nous ne pensons pas devoir regarder comme homicides ceux qui, emportés par l'ardeur de leur zèle pour l'Eglise catholique leur mère contre les excommuniés, en ont par hasard tué plusieurs. Pour que cependant la discipline de cette même mère l'Église ne se relâche de sa vigueur, en observant la mesure que nous avons dite, imposez-leur une pénitence proportionnelle qui leur permette d'arrêter le regard simple de Dieu fixé sur eux, dans le cas où la fragilité humaine les aurait poussés à commettre ce crime avec une particulière méchanceté. » Dœllinger arguait, de ce texte, que les tribunaux ecclésiastiques, en le frappant lui-même d'excommunication, le soumettaient aux pires conséquences attachées par le droit canon à cette censure, et que les conséquences devaient, en droit, l'atteindre comme la peine elle-même. Or, ajoutait-il, le droit canon ne considère pas seulement 4. Cf. Kleinere Schriften von Dollinger, édité par REUSCH, 1 vol., et der Papst und das Conzil, par JANCS (aliàs DOELLINGER). l'excommunication comme un jugement capital porté sur la vie spirituelle, mais il livre aussi le corps de l'excommunié au poignard assassin du premier fanatique venu. Et, pour ce dire, il s appuyait sur la décrétale d Urbain II en question. Voici d'ailleurs la traduction maladroite et arbitraire qu il faisait de ce texte pontifical : « Denjenigen, welche Excommunicierte getôdtet haben, mache, wie ihr aus der Ordnung der rômischen Kirche gelernt habt, gemâss der Intention, eine entsprechende Genugthung zur Pflicht. Denn wir sehen diejenigen nicht als Môrder an. welche, von dem Eifer der katolischen Mutter gegen die Excommunicierten entbrannt, einige derselben getôdtet haben. Damit aber nicht die zucht derselben Mutter Kirche verlassen werde, lege ihnen in der besagten Weise eine entsprechende Busze auf, durch welche sie die gegen sie gerichteten Augen der gôttlichen Lauterkeit beschwiclitigen kÕnnen, falls sie bei dem besagten Vergehen, gemâss der menschlichen Gebrechlichkeit, sich etwas Unlauteres haben zu schulden kommen lassen. » On remarquera d'abord l'atténuation flagrante que Dœllinger donne à cette expression flagitium. Dans la pensée du Pape, c'est un crime. Le professeur allemand en fait une faute, « Vergehen ». encore un peu une peccadille. Ensuite sa traduction de homicidas par « j1larder » est tout à fait impropre, car Urbain II n'a nullement prétendu que ceux qui tuaient les excommuniés, même par zèle pour la défense de I "Église, n «!taient pas des meurtriers, mais qu'on pouvait ne pas les regarder comme homicides, c'est-à-dire, dans le langage canonique, comme passibles de certaines censures. Il peut se faire en effet que, même pour des fautes très graves, il n'y ait pas de censure correspondante dans le droit canon ; et, en niant l'existence de toute censure dans le cas présent, Urbain ne désavouait ni la réalité, ni la gravité de la faute. Enfin n'est-ce pas un non-sens de supposer qu'Urbain II, qui a constamment contribué à tempérer la législation canonique relativement aux excommuniés, qui s'est montré invariablement porté plutôt à l'indulgence à leur égard, ait armé par un texte de loi le bras du premier venu pour les frapper à mort sans même leur accorder le temps du repentir ? Mais nous ne pouvons mieux faire, pour réfuter cette mauvaise foi, que d'apporter ici l'argumentation de l'éminent historien de Dœllinger lui-même, le P. Michael, professeur d'histoire ecclésiastique à l'université d'Insprûck 1. Le P. Michael fait d'abord justement remarquer que Dœllinger n'aurait jamais usé de cette interprétation arbitraire, s'il avait bien approfondi l'histoire pour se mettre au vrai point de vue. L'acte d'Urbain II date de la fin du xie siècle, de cette époque où le Pontife légitime et la créature d'Henri V, Guibert de Ravenne, le pseudo-Clément III, se dressaient l'un en face de l'autre. Urbain avait excommunié les Guibertistes et Guibert les partisans d'Urbain. Les partis en étaient venus à une collision sanglante. Dans le diocèse de Lucques, des adhérents de l'antipape furent tués. Quefallait-il penser de celui qui tue un Guibertiste excommunié' ? Telle, était la question que l'évêque Geoffroi de Lucques soumit au Pape. C'est fausser l'histoire que de prétendre, dit le P. Michael, que le Pape Urbain II ait livré le corps de l'excommunié au glaive du premier fanatique venu, qu'il ait permis à tout le monde de tuer un excommunié pourvu qu'on le fasse par zèle pour l'Eglise. Il ne s'agit pas de livrer l'excommunié pour l'avenir, ni d'une permission à donner relativement à un acte à accomplir, mais exclusivement la question est de savoir ce qu'il faut faire lorsque le méfait est accompli, et dans quelle mesure il faut sévir après coup. C'est encore davantage une falsification historique de prétendre que, par l'excommunication, l'autorité ecclésiastique s'efforce manifestement de livrer le coupable à la haine publique et aux attentats des fanatiques. Dœllinger pouvait-il tenir son sérieux en "l'affirmant? Sans tenir compte en effet de la mutilation manifeste d'un texte original, comment oser tirer une conclusion, pour le. droit d'aujourd'hui, de la pratique de cette époque? Les conséquences de l'excommunication relatives à la vie sociale se sont singulièrement amoindries et finalement ont été abolies avec le relâchement et la disparition des rapports qui existaient, au moyen âge, entre l'excommunication ecclésiastique et la mise au ban de l'empire. Si autrefois ces deux peines allaient de pair, la chose est bien finie. Dans sa bulle d'excommunication lancée contre Napoléon 1er, fait observer 1. P. MICHAEL, S. J. Ignaz von Dollinger, p. 547, sq., lnnsbruck, 1894. 2. Le P. Michael renvoie à la remarque que fait BÕhmer dans son exposition du Corpus juris à la décrétale en cause. le P. Michael, le Pape Pie VII a spécialement insisté sur ce point que nul ne prenne prétexte de cette censure pour porter dommage ou causer préjudice quelconque à celui qui en était frappé, soit dans ses biens, soit dans ses droits ou privilèges, et qu'il voulait seulement suspendre sur la tête du contrevenant une peine qu 'il avait reçu de Dieu le pouvoir d'infliger. Fessier a lui-même mis en relief cette insistance du Pape dans ses Mélanges sur l'histoire et le droit ecclésiastique 1. Cette restriction du Pape est la preuve la plus évidente que les Papes savent bien discerner théoriquement le droit, qu'ils ont reçu de Dieu, des différentes applications pratiques que la diversité des temps ou le génie des peuples les ont parfois autorisés à en faire. Dœllinger est-il excusable de saisir, à l'emporte-pièce, un décret du moyen âge, de l'examiner seul, en dehors de l'enchainement des faits et du cadre historique sans lequel on ne peut juger sainement, de plus, le morceler, le torturer sans scrupule et d'appliquer au xixe siècle cette caricature du xie ? Quant à soutenir que le droit canon considère l'excommunication comme une peine capitale portée contre la vie spirituelle, une sorte de condamnation à mort de l'âme, c'est encore fausser la vérité. L'excommunication est une peine, sans doute, mais à côté du mal il y a le remède; elle est une condamnation, mais, à côté, il y a la possibilité et la facilité du pourvoi. Qui donc, plus qu'Urbain II, a favorablement accueilli ceux qui voulaient bien signer leur pourvoi en grâce en sollicitant leur réconciliation? Cette attaque de parti pris ne pouvait évidemment que nous servir à mettre davantage en lumière notre thèse sur la charité miséricordieuse d'un Pape qui n'a jamais frappé que pour guérir. 1. FESSLER, Sammlung vermischter Schriften iiber Kirchengeschichte und Kirchenrecht. Fribourg, 1869. c CHANT DES CROISÉS Toute passion, bonne ou mauvaise, éprouve le besoin de se chanter. L'amour de la patrie, comme l'enthousiasme religieux, comme toute flamme, afin de s'enflammer davantage, veut se traduire par une musique et par des phrases rythmées dont le propre est d'éveiller dans la sensibilité de nouvelles ardeurs. La religion a ses chants, les plus simples, c'est-à-dire les plus harmonieusement appropriés à la simplicité de l'âme et à la simplicité du but éternel qu'elle poursuit. Le patriotrisme a ses chants, leur caractère est d'émouvoir aussi bien l'artiste le plus consommé que l'âme la plus vulgaire. Et ce sentiment patriotique sait trouver des accents plus vibrants et plus forts quand sonne l'heure d'un combat. Les cantilènes populaires abondaient au moyen âge. Charlemagne n'avait-il pas fait transcrire les chants nationaux qui célébraient la gloire de ses aïeux? Du ve au xe siècle, la cantilène guerrière, composée en tudesque ou en roman, était l'expression ardente du sentiment populaire d'une société passionnée pour la guerre et admiratrice des gestes héroïques. Et toute cette poésie, comme toute cette musique, avait un objet ou patriotique ou religieux ; les légendes bretonnes toutes pleines des souvenirs des druides, la résistance à l'invasion de l'islamisme, la dévotion ardente à la Très Sainte Vierge, fournissaient amplement à l'inspiration des trouvères et des jongleurs. Léon Gautier, dans son Introduction à la Chanson de Roland 1, nous cite les paroles du biographe de Guillaume d'Aquitaine, célébrant son héros qui avait combattu contre les Sarrasins à la fin du t. La Chanson de Roland. Introd., p. 13. Tours, 1881. VIIIp siècle et dont les exploits étaient devenus l'objet de mille chants populaires : « Quels sont les chœurs de jeunes gens, quelles sont les assemblées des peuples, quelles sont surtout les réunions des chevaliers et des nobles, quelles sont les veillées religieuses qui ne fassent doucement retentir, qui ne chantent en cadence son histoire, disant quel il fut, combien illustre et combien glorieusement il combattit sous le grand Charles 1 ?... » Le grand événement de la fin du xi° siècle, la prédication de la croisade et la première expédition pour la Terre Sainte, devait prodigieusement inspirer l'àme nationale. La Chanson de Roland qui fut composée vers cette époque, ou peut-être quelque temps avant la première croisade, d'après Léon Gautier, est tout entière animée de l'esprit et du souffle des croisades 2. C'était, il est vrai, une épopée, c'est-à-dire un poème de très longue haleine qui n'était pas destiné à être chanté par tout un peuple, ce qui n'eût pas été possible. Mais la Chanson n'était elle-même que la réminiscence, ou mieux, en quelque façon, la résultante de nombreuses cantilènes populaires antérieures. Cependant la guerre sainte devait avoir infailliblement son chant très spécial. Il existe à la Bibliothèque nationale 3 un manuscrit qui nous en a conservé des traces. D'après M. Fétis, directeur du conservatoire de Bruxelles ', le i. « Qure enim regna, quœ provinciae, quœ gentes, quœ urbes Willelmi ducis potentiam non loquuntur, virtutem animi, corporis vires, gloriosos belli studio et frequentia triumphos? Qui chori juvenum, qui conventus populorum, prœcipue militum ac nobiliuni virorum, qua; vigilia; sanctorum dulce non resonant et modulatis vocibus décantant qualis etquantus fuerit; quam gloriose sub Carolo glorioso militavit... » (Acta Sanctorum, Maii. VI, 811.) 2. Il serait intéressant de comparer le Roland de la Chanson avec le Godefroi de Bouillon du poème de Foulques. Les poètes se servent bien du même pinceau pour peindre l'un ou l'autre. Voici ce que Foulques dit de Godefroi : . Inclytus ille Ducum Godefridus culmen honosque Omnibus exemplum bonitatis militiaeque, Sive hasta jaculans sequaret Parlhica tela, Cominus aut feriens terebraret ferrea scuta, Seu gladio pugnans carnes resecaret et ossa, Sive eques atque pedes propelleret agmina densa. " Fiixo. Cf. Rec. des Hist. occ. des crois., t. Y, 26 partie. Paris, 1895, p. 700-701, et Manuscrit de la Bibliothèque de Charleville, n° 97 (xne siècle). 3. Bibl. nat. manuscr. 1139, fonds Saint-Martial de Limoges. 4. FÉTIS, Histoire gén. de la musique depuis les temps les plus anciens jusqu'à nos jours, t. IV, p. 481. manuscrit est en partie du XIIIs siècle; mais le fragment où se trouve le chant dont il s'agit, depuis la page 32 jusqu'au feuillet 85, est évidemment du xie, par le caractère de l'écriture : il y a eu sans doute, à la reliure ancienne de ce volume, mélange d une partie avec une autre. Le chant, traduit en notation moderne, a le véritable caractère des anciennes mélodies populaires : il est simple, rythmé en général à temps égaux, et sans ornement. Le ton est le 8e de la tonalité ecclésiastique avec la finale à la quarte de la tonique. 2 Nam in te Christus veniens, Aperta bona tribuens; Super asellum residens; Gens flores terrse consternens.. 4 Illum Judxi emerant, Colaphos ei dederant, In faciem conspuerant, Et in cru-ce suspenderant. 6 Et in sepulcro positus, Custoditur militibus; Tamen surrexit Dominus, Illis aspicientibus. 8 Quid prodest nobis omnibus / Honores adquirentibus Animam dare penitus Infernis tribulantibus? O O Et ibi ccenam fecerat; Cum discipulis manderat, Judas illum prodiderat, Triginta nummis venderat. 5 In ligno poenas passus est, In latus perforatus est, Pedes, manus confixus est Ibique nos redemptus est. 7 Illic debemus pergere Nostros honores yendere, Templum Dei adquirere, Sarracenos destruere. 9 Illuc quicumque tenderit, Mortuus ibi fuerit, Coeli bona clecerpserit Et cum sanctis permanserit. Le texte donné par M. Fétis diffère peu de celui qu'a publié M. l'abbé Raillard1. En voici les variantes : TEXTE DE M. FETIS Iro strophe. Quam permcines optabilis ■l" « Super aseUttm residens; Gens flores terrEe consterncns. 6" « Tamen surrexit Dominus p « Coeli bona decerpserit TEXTE DE M. L'ABBE RAILLARD Quam permanens optabilis. Super asinum residens; Gens flores terras prosternens. Tandem surrexit Dominus Coeli bona deceperit 1. Explication des neumes, Abbé RAILLARD, p. 151. Paris, in-8, autog. En ce qui concerne la traduction du chant donnée par ces deux auteurs, les versions diffèrent sensiblement. D'après M. Fétis, la musique est du 8e mode grégorien avec finale sol; au contraire, M. Raillard en fait un 10e mode dont la finale est la. Selon son habitude, M. Fétis a mesuré la mélodie; M. Raillard l'écrit dans un style libre, assez semblable au rythme du plain-chant. La seconde phrase seule est identique dans les deux versions. Afin de rendre plus facile la comparaison, nous transcrivons les deux textes en regard : Le même manuscrit n° 1139 contient un second chant des croisés composé en langue populaire, également cité et traduit en notation par MM. Fétis et Raillard. Les paroles et le chant sont identiques dans ces traductions. La seule différence consiste en ce que M. Fétis a mesuré la mélodie; il semble au contraire que celle-ci doit être écrite avec un rythme libre. Dans l'espace d'un peu plus d'un siècle, dit M. Fétis, les progrès de la langue d'oc furent considérables. Au moment où fut prêchée la première croisade, c'est-à-dire dans les dernières années du xie siècle, le latin était la langue du clergé et peut-être aussi celle des châteaux féodaux ; mais le peuple ne la parlait plus, quoiqu'il la comprît encore. La forme de la langue populaire à cette époque (1096) apparaît dans un chant que répétaient dans leur marche vers la Terre Sainte ces soldats de la Croix, comme on les appelait, et la multitude de femmes, d'enfants, de vieillards et de gens de tout état dont se composait la cohue de la première croisade. Ce chant est formé de dix strophes auxquelles s'applique la même mélodie avec quelques variantes rendues nécessaires par les paroles : -nous n'en rapporterons qu'une, laquelle suffira pour faire connaître à la fois et l'état de la langue d'une partie de la France et le caractère du chant populaire à la fin du xie siècle' : Il est à remarquer que la mélodie de ce chant est une imitation frappante de l'hymne Ave maris stella. Au témoignage de M. Félix Clément (Repue de l'Art chrétien, livraison avril-juin 1878), l'hymne Ave maris a été composée au VIlle siècle. Sa mélodie primitive a dû servir assez souvent de type pour les chants populaires des siècles qui suivirent. Celui dont nous nous occupons en est un exemple, ainsi qu'on peut le constater plus bas. Le premier vers de la composition qui précède ( fei-usalem mirabilis) en serait encore une preuve si l'on accepte la version de M. l'abbé Raillard. Ce savant auteur affirme qu'il en a rencontré d'autres exemples dans l'étude qu'il a faite des manuscrits de cette époque. Donnons le tableau comparé de cette mélodie et du chant de l' Ave maris tel que l'a publié la commission de Reims et de Cambrai : 1. FÉTIS, op. cit., p. 489. 2. « 0 Marie, Mère de Dieu, Dieu est ton fils et ton Père; notre Dame, prie pour nous ton Fils glorieux, ainsi que le Père; prie pour ceux qui sont à toi. Ne refuse pas de nous secourir. Tourne-toi vers nous et vois nos pleurs. La troisième phrase est assez différente; mais, en revanche, la quatrième est tout à fait semblable. Ce chant religieux en l'honneur de la Très Sainte Vierge s'harmonisait naturellement avec les sentiments de tendre piété qui animaient les chrétiens du moyen âge à l'égard de la Mère de Dieu, sentiments D Spécimen de la ROTA Nous reproduisons ci-dessous un fac-similé de la Rota, ou Signum papsey d'une des bulles d'Urbain II. La Rota figure au bas des grandes bulles. Au centre des deux cercles concentriques, se trouve une croix formée de quatre rayons se coupant perpendiculairement, avec, dans les quartiers du haut, les mots : Ses. Petrus, Ses. Paulus, et, au-dessous, le nom du Pape. Entre les cercles concentriques on lit ces paroles : See, Basole, legimus, flrmavirnus. Généralement les Papes traçaient de leur propre main la croix qui précède la devise, peut-être aussi, mais moins probablement, la devise elle-même. Cette Rota, comme le sceau de plomb que nous avons reproduit en tète de cet ouvrage, figure au bas d'une bulle accordée par Urbain II au monastère de Saint-Basle (diocèse de Reims) et datée de Crémone, le 14 octobre 1098. Nous devons à l'obligeance de M. Demaison, archiviste de la ville de Reims, la communication d'un fac-similé de ces deux pièces intéressantes. FIN TABLE DES MATIÈRES LIVRE PREMIER LE MOINE Pages. CHAPITRE PREMIER. — Reims. 1 1. — Naissance d'Odon de Lagery. 1 Il. — Les écoles de Reims. — Gerbert. — Bruno 6 III. — Odon, chanoine et archidiacre 9 CHAPITRE II. — Cluny 14 1. — Odon à Cluny. — Aperçu sur la vie intérieure de Cluny 14 II. — Odon novice, puis grand prieur 19 III. — Fondation du prieuré de Binson 23 CHAPITRE III. — Ostie 28 I. — État de l'Église. — Grégoire VII et Cluny 28 II. — Odon appelé à Rome avec Pierre de Salerne 32 III. — Odon évêque d'Ostie 36 IV. — Odon légat en Allemagne 40 V. — Odon prisonnier de l'empereur. — Couronnement de l'empereur par l'antipape Clément III 13 VI. — Gebhard de Constance. — Concile de Quedlimbourg. — Mort de Grégoire VII. — Élection de Victor 111. — Sa mort 48 CHAPITRE IV. — Élection d'Urbain II (1088) 58 1. — Odon élu Pape. — Son portrait : 58 IL — Urbain II notifie son élection. — La comtesse Mathilde 63 111. — Lanfranc de Cantorbéry. — Urbain II au Mont-Cassin ........ 67 IV. — Voyage en Sicile. — Les Normands ........................... 70 LIVRE II LE CONTINUATEUR DE GRÉGOIRE VII CHAPITRE PREMIER. — Lutte contre l'empereur et l'antipape 75 I. — Urbain II à Rome. — Situation de l'Église en Allemagne. — Conduite du Pape envers les excommuniés. — Modération du Pontife ........................................................... 75 Pages II. — Continuation de la guerre. — Bonizo et autres victimes des schismatiques. — Mariage de la comtesse Mathilde 80 III. — Mouvement monastique dans le peuple. — Les .« Oblati » 83 IV. — Voyage d'Urbain II en Italie. — Synode schismatique de Rome. — Lettre de l'antipape 86 V. — Sollicitude d'Urbain II. — Thiémon de Salzbourg. — La guerre. 90 VI. — Mort de quelques défenseurs du Saint-Siège en Allemagne. — Tentatives de paix. — Défaite de l'empereur 94 VII. — Le divorce du roi de France 99 VIII. — Conrad,'fils d'Henri IV, passe au parti pontifical. — Mœurs criminelles de l'empereur.. — Une ligue se forme contre lui. — Gebhard de Constance 105 IX. — Pérégrinations du Pape. — Son appel aux évêques de France. — Il entre à Rome où il est secouru par Geoffroy de Vendôme. 110 X. — La paix. — La peste. — Urbain II s'applique à effacer les maux de la guerre et de l'excommunication. — Sa lettre à Bérenger de Liège 118 XI. — Conciles de Reims et d'Autun. — Le roi de France excommunié 124 XII. — Concile de Plaisance. — Le Pape en Lombardie 129 XIII. — L'Église d'Angleterre. — Anselme de Cantorbéry 137 CHAPITRE II. — Lutte contre la simonie 147 1. — La simonie. — La vente et l'achat des églises 147 II. — Conduite d'Urbain II à l'égard des simoniaques. — Lettre du Pape sur les sacrements conférés par des indignes i54 III. — Conciles de Melfi et de Bénévent 160 CHAPITRE III. — Urbain II et les réguliers 167 1. — Le célibat ecclésiastique. — Affection d'Urbain II pour les moines. — Cluny. — Les chanoines réguliers. — Les moines dans le ministère paroissial 167 II. — Confirmations de privilèges. — Jean, de Gaëte. — Le « Cursus leoninus » 178 111. — Autres confirmations. — Principe de la vie monastique — L'exemption ; 186 IV. — Vallombreuse. —. Saint Bruno et les Chartreux 195 V. — Consécration de l'église de la Cava 202 VI. — Protection des clercs. — Cluny. — Marcigny. — Le rachat des autels 206 CHAPITRE IV. — Urbain II et les églises particulières 211 1. — Esprit de fermeté et de modération d'Urbain. II dans le gouvernement des églises. — Milan. — Naples et Capoue 211 II. — Rétablissement du siège de Tolède. — Pamphlet contre Bernard de Tolède et Urbain II i19 III. — Intervention du Pape dans les élections épiscopales. — Elne. — Tarragone et Narbonne. — Les églises d'Espagne 227 1^ ■ — Urbain II à Bari et Brindes. — Le. mal des ardents en France. — Privilèges accordés à l'église de Reims. — Yves de Chartres ...................................................... 237 Pages. V. — Évêchés de Sicile et de Corse. — L'évêque de Pise 249 VI. — Rétablissement de l'évêché d'Arras 253 VII. — Coup d'œil sur le monde. — Anselme, archevêque de Cantorbéry 263 VIII. — L'archevêque de Tours et l'évêque de Dol — Foulques de Beauvais. — Différend entre l'archevêque de Vienne et l'évêque de Grenoble 270 , LIVRE III L'INITIATEUR CHAPITRE PREMIER. — Idée de la croisade 276_ 1. — Rapports entre l'Orient et l'Occident..— Grégoire VII eut-il l'idée de la croisade? — Le concile de Plaisance 276 II. — Rôle du Pape dans la croisade. — Pierre l'Ermite. — Le péril d'Occident 284 III. — Le Pape en France. — Indiction du concile de Clermont. — Voyage du Pape. — Cluny 292 CHAPITRE Il. — Le concile de Clermont (1095) 303 1. — Urbain II et la France. — Clermont. — Premiers travaux du concile 303 II. — La Trêve de Dieu. — Les infidèles en Terre Sainte. — Pressentiments de guerre 312 III. — Prédication de la croisade. — Discours du Pape 320 IV. — Enthousiàsme pour la croisade. — Organisation. — Indulgences. — L'office de la T. S. Vierge et l'Angelus 341 V. — Nomination d'Adhémar de Monteil comme légat du Pape à la croisade. — Clôture du concile 350 CHAPITRE 111. Voyage d'Urbain II en France 356 1. — Consécrations d'églises et concessions de privilèges en Auvergne et dans le Limousin. — Urbain prêche la croisade à Limoges 356 II. — Visite des monastères du Poitou et de l'Anjou. — Prédication de la croisade à Angers. — Robert d'Arbrissel 366 III. — Le Pape dans le Maine et à Tours. — Geoffroy de Vendôme. — Séjour à l'abbaye de Marmoutier 372 IV. — Concile de Tours. — Actes concernant l'abbaye de Glanfeuil et lé prieuré de Binson. — Solution de différends. — Richer de Sens. — Clôture du concile et la rose d'or 331 V. — Retour par Poitiers à travers la Saintonge, la Gascogne et le comté de Toulouse. — Maguelonne et Montpellier 392 VI. — Concile de Nimes. — Mesures disciplinaires. — Réconciliation du roi de France. — Prédication de la croisade 403. VII. — Dans le royaume d'Arles. — Lettre au roi de Hongrie. — Retour en Italie. — Pavie, Milan, Crémone 411 VIII. — Commencement de la croisade. — Les trois armées des Croisés " ............... " ............... : ..................... 420 CHAPITRE IV — Dernières années d'Urbain II 430 1. Retour du Pape à Rome. — Concile de Latran. — Nouvélles faveurs accordées aux Moines 430 Il. Urbain prêche la croisade en Italie. — Levée .en.masse de croisés en Europe. — Affaires de France 439 111. — Portrait de Guibert fugitif. — Saint Anselme en Italie. — Rome, SchiaYi, Capoue, Aversa. — Bulle du Pape en faveur du comte Roger 446 IV. — Victoires des croisés. — Prise de Nicée et d'Antioche 463 ^ • Résistance de Guibert et de ses partisans. — Concile de Bari. — Anselme confond les Grecs.schismatiques 472 ^ I. Urbain revient à Rome. — Nouvelle excommunication du roi de France. L'ambassadeur de Guillaume d'Angleterre, le Pape et Anselme ................................................... 480 VII. — Concile de Rome. — Mesures disciplinaires renouvelées. — Éloge d'Anselme. — Canonisation de saint Nicolas le Pèlerin. — Robert de Molesmes et Citeaux 488 VIII. — Anselme se retire à Lyon. — Mort d'Urbain II . 499 Note historique sur le culte rendu à Urbain II . 514 1. — Témoignages des contemporains en faveur de la sainteté 514 II. — Témoignages des historiens postérieurs 519 III. — Le culte d'Urbain II jusqu'à nos jours 524 IV. — Restauration du culte d'Urbain II par Léon XIII 535 APPENDICE A 1. — Église et prieuré de Binson 539 II. — Statue monumentale érigée sur la plate-forme de Chàtillon... 544 B Une bulle attaquée 546 C Chant des croisés 551 Spécimen de la Rota D ." v^rT" -o 557 i «. ÀtoITI^ET CORRECTIONS -,,m Nous admettons sans peine avec Rohricht (Geschichte des ersten Kreuzzuges, p. 238), que le discours de Clermont rapporté par Guillaume de Tyr (celui qui figure le deuxième dans Migne) est tout a la fois une libre invention dans une large mesure et une œuvre de maître. Mais on ne contestera pas que ce ne soit un document plein de valeur comme reflétant parfaitement l'esprit du temps, les idées du Pape et le langage des faits contemporains. Le début du premier alinéa, à la page 239, a besoin d'une explication. C'est bien à Trani que ,s'arrête Urbain II. Mais c'est à Troïa que Baronius prétend à tort qu'il y ait eu deux conciles, l'un en 1089, l'autre en 1093. Il n'y a eu en réalité, comme nous l'avons dit, qu 'un concile, à Troïa, en 1093. Trani est dans la province de Bari et Troïa dans celle de Foggia. Page. Ligne. Au lieu de Lire 176 Qe Imard Isnarcl 230 344 I 273 l en note, abbaye de .S. Bernard. ••• S. Barnard. 276 l 235 3" que nul ait le droit... quenul n'ait le droit... 252 26" La discrétion Sa discrétion 269 16° pourquoi l'avez-vous tuée... pourquoi l'avez-vous tue. 329 9" par leur défense pour leur défense. oc„ ( 20. 21 janvier S 27 janvier. ( 21. 26 * 22 375 Ie 16r novembre 1093 10r novembre 1096 442 La citation de la note 1 doit être lue dans le texte. 453 13° terre de Sabour terre de Labour. 456 16" voyait qu'il ne pouvait... voyant qu'il ne pouvait. TYI"":J:.U'IIIE I"iUMIN-I&gt;M&gt; &gt;T I.:,I, C1*. -— MKSNIL (Ki'liK),.
Various open science
Les zones de protection forte (ZPF) : souveraineté, naturalité, territorialité HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés. Les Zones de protection forte (ZPF) : Souveraineté, Naturalité, Territorialité Wanderer über dem Nebelmeer, Caspar David Friedrich (1817) © SHK/Hamburger Kunsthalle/bpk Foto: Elke Walford Maria RUYSSEN Sous la direction d’Estienne RODARY, Directeur de recherche, IRD 3 Liste des sigles................................................................................................... ................................ 3 Remerciements................................... ................................................................................................ 4 Introduction :...................................................................................................................................... 5 Contexte......................................................................................................................................... 5 Problématique................................................................................................................................ 6 Méthodologie et objectifs :............................................................................................................ 8 I – Pourquoi chercher à protéger plus grand encore, quand ce qui existe ne fonctionne pas?.......................................................................................................................................................... 10 1) Conjurer l’incertitude et le risque écologique par l’ambition spatiale : rééquilibrer les rôles de l’Etat, du gestionnaire et de l’expert....................................................................................... 11 a) 2010, confiance : l’expertise scientifique garante du sens et de l’idéal de conservation des aires protégées?............................................................................................................... 12 b) 2014, incertitudes : erreurs de gestion ou erreurs de compréhension dans la stratégie spatiale de protection?........................................................................................................... 14 c) 2020, risques : un retour au territoire, première victime mais garant éthique de zones de protection fortes et efficaces?.................................................................................................. 17 2) Ambition spatiale et efficacité écologique : une complémentarité qui se joue en politique 19 a) Spécialisation écologique versus souveraineté étatique................................................. 19 b) Réseaux transnationaux versus responsabilité étatique.................................................. 21 c) Globalisation de l’évaluation vers us souveraineté territoriale........................................ 22 d) Conclusions :..................................................................................................................... 24 II – Peut-on espérer la protection forte sans une pensée politique de la pleine naturalité?... 25 1) Protéger la wilderness américaine, d’une expérience humaine globale à une trajectoire écologique de référence.............................................................................................................. 26 a) Protéger la wilderness pour conserver le savoir et le divin, conditions de survie de l’humanité : construction mythique et religieuse de la wilderness (origines-1640)................ 27 b) Protéger la wilderness pour se souvenir de l’identité singulière de l’Etat : deux opportunités politiques de construire l’identité américaine (1640-1891).............................. 28 c) La wilderness résumée dans la primitivité : du mythe à l’état de référence écologique (1891 à aujourd’hui)................................................................................................................. 31 d ) 2) Conclusions...................................................................................................................... 33 Les zones de protection forte : le troisième acte d’une wilderness à l’européenne?............... 34 a) Une notion « parachutée » dans la norme européenne? Les ambiguïtés du lobbying des ONG, entre soutien et oubli des territoires (1980 – 2009)....................................................... 35 b) Prendre le contrepied de Natura 2000 : volonté ou nécessité?..................................... c) Conclusions françaises : ZPF et retour aux périmètres de gestion.................................. 44 III – Peut-on protéger efficacement sans édicter une norme et en contrôler le respect?........ 45 1. Un tournant « rigoriste » dans la protection : contrôles et réglementations sont - ils des remèdes à un « faux sentiment de sécurité » ?............................................................................. 46 a) Des rup tures significatives dans l’appréciation des AMP par la réglementation :........... 46 b) Des normes pluri elles : l’AMP comme source de production d’un continu um de « droit souple » :.................................................................................................................................. 49 2. Attachement au lieu, territorialité réflexive : pour de nouvelle s métriques de la protection forte 51 a) L’attachement au lieu : ses dynamiques et ses fonctions dans la perspective d’une protection forte......................................................................................................................... 52 b) De la protection de soi à la protection forte du territoire : conditions de construction d’une politique de ZPF appropriée par les acteurs :........................................................................... 54 Conclusion, limites et perspectives :............................................................................................. 56 Bibliographie.................................................................................................................................. 58 Illustrations..................................................................................................................................... La France s’est engagé à couvrir 10% de ses terres et de ses mers par des zones de protection forte (ZPF) à l’horizon 2030. Trois critères structurent la définition des ZPF et l’analyse critique de ce mémoire à l’aune de la political ecology. Le premier critère est l’ambition spatiale. Elle semble peu réaliste tant le manque de pertinence, d’efficacité et l’insuffisance de la gestion des aires protégées actuelles, notamment en mer, ressort de leur évaluation par les experts scientifiques. L’analyse de la prise de décision de protection, internationale puis nationale, montre le poids et l’impact de l’expertise scientifique : aujourd’hui définie par sa spécialisation, sa transnationalisation, et sa globalisation, elle relativise l’importance du territoire étatique et détient les clés de la légitimité et de la pertinence de la protection. Nous montrons que l’ambition spatiale de l’Etat est une réaffirmation de son territoire, et par làmême de sa souveraineté et de sa responsabilité en matière de protection. Le deuxième critère est la naturalité, abandonnée au détriment de la protection forte. Liste des sigles AE : Agence de l’eau AFB : Agence française pour la biodiversité (aujourd’hui OFB) AMP : Aire marine protégée CACEM : Centre d’appui au contrôle de l’environnement marin CDB : Convention sur la diversité biologique DCE : Directive-cadre sur l’eau (Directive 2000/60/CE) DCSMM : Directive-cadre Stratégie pour le milieu marin (Directive 2008/56/CE) DHFF : Directive Habitats Faune Flore (Directive 92/43/CEE) DO : Directive Oiseaux (Directive 2009/147/CE) EEA : European environment agency EFESE : Evaluation française des écosystèmes et des services écosystémiques Maria RUYSSEN, M1 GLM Les Zones de protection forte (ZPF) : Souveraineté, Naturalité, Territorialité P a g e 3 | 77 GBO : Global Biodiversity Outlook IPBES : Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services MNHN : Museum national d’histoire naturelle MTE : Ministère de la transition écologique OFB : Office français de la biodiversité OING : Conférence des Organisations internationales non gouvernementales ONB : Observatoire national de la biodiversité ONG : Organisation non gouvernementale OPS : One Planet Summit PAMM : Plan d’action pour le milieu marin PDS : Programme de surveillance PSCEM : Plan de contrôle et de surveillance de l’environnement marin SNB : Stratégie nationale pour la biodiversité TAAF : Terres australes et antarctiques françaises UICN : Union internationale pour la conservation de la nature UMS : Unité mixte de service ZPF : Zone de protection forte Remerciements Mes remerciements vont aux personnes qui ont rendu cette année possible. A Estienne Rodary d’abord, pour son encadrement rigoureux mais bienveillant et compréhensif, en espérant que cette première année ensemble puisse déboucher sur d’autres travaux plus poussés et structurants. A Sylvain Pioch pour m’aider régulièrement dans ma vie à trouver ma voie et à reprendre confiance. A Benoît Devillers pour son soutien en bout de course et sa gentillesse. A Vincent Rigaud pour sa confiance et la liberté intellectuelle qu’il me laisse. A ma famille. A Liza évidemment, et à mes amis, dont certains collègues, qui m’ont soutenue et accompagnée dans cette année chargée, pleine de défis, et qui se reconnaîtront. Maria RUYSSEN, M1 GLM Introduction : Contexte Le 6 mai 2019, Emmanuel Macron rencontre la communauté scientifique mondiale, l’IPBES (Plateforme intergouvernementale sur la biodiversité et les services écosystémiques), qui lui remet son rapport d’évaluation de l’état des écosystèmes et services écosystémiques associés. Cette évaluation montre leur effondrement (IBPES, 2019), confirmé ensuite à l’échelle européenne (EEA, 2019) et française (ONB, 2021). En France, seulement un cinquième des habitats et un quart des espèces d’intérêt communautaire sont aujourd’hui dans un état de conservation favorable, tandis que l’ensemble des autres indicateurs évoluent de manière préoccupante (ONB, 2021). En réaction à ce rapport, Emmanuel Macron affirme une première fois une volonté politique d’ampleur en matière de protection : « D'ici 2022, nous porterons à 30 % la part de nos aires marines et terrestres protégées, dont un tiers d'aires protégées en pleine naturalité, ce qui est un renforcement, en particulier sur le plan maritime, considérable, mais surtout une intensification de cette protection dans les aires protégées [...]. » (Macron, 2019). Le discours politique connaîtra rapidement certaines évolutions significatives. Le 11 janvier 2021, dans son discours d’ouverture de la quatrième édition du One Planet Summit à Paris, le président français réaffirme l’objectif mais change de vocabulaire : les 10 % de zones de pleine naturalité deviennent 10 % de zones de protection forte (ZPF) et l’accent est mis sur les moyens de contrôle (Macron, OPS 2021). Le 3 septembre 2021, huit mois plus tard, lors de la cérémonie d’ouverture du Congrès mondial de la nature de l’UICN à Marseille, l’ambition est déjà entamée de moitié en Méditerranée : il ne semble pas réaliste de dépasser un objectif de 5% de ZPF en mer Méditerranée à l’horizon 2027 au vu de la densité des activités socio-économiques et des conflits d’usages (Macron, UICN 2021). Le 18 mars 2022, enfin, la Stratégie nationale biodiversité 2030 fait des ZPF « l’objectif socle d’une réponse politique à l’urgence », représentatif de « trois principes forts, de cohérence, de sobriété et d’opérationnalité » (SNB 2030) : les ZPF relient ambition spatiale et contrôle effectif de l’absence de pression anthropique dans un nouveau modèle d’efficacité écologique censé freiner sinon stopper l’effondrement de la biodiversité. La définition d’une ZPF a été consacrée par décret le 12 avril 2022 et traduit les éléments principaux des discours précédemment cités : « Est reconnue comme zone de protection forte une zone géographique dans laquelle les pressions engendrées par les activités humaines susceptibles de compromettre la conservation des enjeux écologiques Maria RUYSSEN, M1 GLM Les Zones de protection forte (ZPF) : Souveraineté, Naturalité, Territorialité P a g e 5 | 77 sont absentes, évitées, supprimées ou fortement limitées, et ce de manière pérenne, grâce à la mise en œuvre d'une protection foncière ou d'une réglementation adaptée, associée à un contrôle effectif des activités concernées. »1. Probl ématique Si les volontés politiques et écologiques semblent s’accorder au travers de cette définition législative, ils consacrent en réalité trois postulats qui seront questionnés, parfois explicités, parfois mis en défaut, dans ce mémoire. D’abord, le sens et le réalisme de l’ambition spatiale de l’Etat français en matière de protection forte et ses conséquences sur la définition et la légitimité des aires protégées existantes peuvent être interrogés. Le milieu marin notamment semble poser problème, et l’exemple méditerranéen a mis en évidence la difficulté à atteindre les objectifs surfaciques de zones de protection forte dans des délais aussi courts. Alors même que 59,1 % de la Méditerranée française est couverte par des aires marines protégées (AMP), les niveaux de protection intégrale et haute ne représenteraient respectivement que 0,09 % et 0,01 % du bassin (Claudet et al., 2021). A l’échelle du territoire marin français, la protection intégrale et haute ne couvrirait que 1,58 % des eaux côtières et marines françaises, et 80 % de ces zonages seraient situés dans les Terres australes et antarctiques françaises (TAAF), éloignées des principales sources de pressions anthropiques et parfois dans des territoires où la souveraineté française est contestée (Claudet et al., 2021, Illustrations 1 et 2). L’objectif de 30% de zones de protection dont 10 % de zones de protection forte, en métropole et notamment dans les sous-régions marines semble loin d’être atteint. Ensuite, le glissement sémantique de « pleine naturalité » à « protection forte » est loin d’être neutre. La « pleine naturalité » est un concept à l’histoire théorique particulièrement dense. Il renvoie en premier lieu à la wilderness, qui structure la pensée écologique et politique nord-américaine. Ses fondements sont d’abord culturels et politiques, la wilderness permettant la constitution d’une identité étatique particulière (Turner, 1893, Arnould et Glon, 2006, Feldt, 2012, Nash, 2020), puis la conservation de grands ensembles naturels dont le caractère unique et grandiose participe à la construction sensible individuelle mais aussi collective, américaine (Specq, 2008, Emerson, 2010, Duban, 2018). La wilderness structurera au XXè siècle une dynamique d’expertise scientifique, rendant 1 Décret n° 2022-527 du 12 avril 2022 pris en application de l’article L. 110-4 du code de l’environnement et définissant la notion de protection forte et les modalités de la mise en œuvre de cette protection forte, art 1. opérationnel le concept en vue de l’évaluation des bénéfices écologiques de cette « naturalité » ou de sa réintroduction, le ré-ensauvagement (Lesslie et Taylor, 1985, Soulé et Noss, 1998). La wilderness s’introduit en Europe à partir des années 1980 sous l’impulsion d’organisations non gouvernementales (ONG) qui mènent d’abord un lobbying actif pour l’adoption d’une résolution du Parlement européen en 2009 incitant les Etats à cartographier et protéger les zones de nature vierge (Barthod, 2010, Barraud et Périgord, 2013, Miko et al., 2022), puis pilotent les travaux de définition écologique et de cartographie en Europe et en France de la naturalité (Fisher et al., 2010, Ceaușu et al., 2015, Jepson et Schepers, 2016, Guetté et al., 2018). Le choix politique français a donc été de renoncer à une notion pourtant essentielle dans le paysage scientifique de la protection tout autant que dans le champ politique de la construction d’un rapport Homme-Nature, pour aller vers une protection excluant la présence humaine par la réglementation et le contrôle. Enfin, l’affirmation du contrôle et de la réglementation comme éléments déterminants du périmètre spatial, de l’efficacité et de la légitimité questionnent le modèle des aires protégées françaises, reposant essentiellement sur le contrat et la concertation entre acteurs (Depraz, 2011, Laslaz et al., 2014). La définition légale des ZPF conforte le sentiment d’inadéquation des aires marines protégées avec la protection forte puisque le législateur demande un réexamen systématique des AMP avant reconnaissance de la ZPF : celle-ci doit justifier d’enjeux écologiques cohérents et représentatifs sur lesquels supprimer toute pression (art.4, §1) et d’un dispositif de contrôle suffisant pour garantir le respect des réglementations (art. 4, §3) au travers de son document contractuel de gestion (art. 4, §2). Cette définition reprend ce qui devrait être rigoureusement l’essence de l’AMP, notamment la réalité de la réduction des pressions et de l’application de la loi dans leur périmètre. Ce mémoire tentera de répondre aux questions soulevées par trois postulats qui accompagnent la politique de ZPF. En premier lieu, (i) justifier l’ambition spatiale de l’Etat français : comment et pourquoi soutenir une volonté politique de 10% de ZPF lorsque le discours de l’expertise écologique affiche une réalité spatiale de la haute protection dérisoire sinon dévoyées dans des zones où les pressions anthropiques sont presque nulles? Quel sens politique est affirmé face aux réalités soulevées par l’expertise scientifique? Ensuite, (ii) comprendre l’abandon de la pleine naturalité. Est-ce que la situation de crise de la biodiversité incite à faire le choix de réglementations excluantes, incompatibles avec la naturalité qui impliquerait une pensée de la présence humaine à la Nature, et donc une forme de tolérance? Ou bien est-ce que la pleine naturalité n’est pas un concept approprié par les Maria RUYSSEN, M1 GLM Les Zones de protection forte ( ZPF ) : Souveraineté, Naturalité, Territorialité P a g e | acteurs français, et qui les impératifs d’urgence , d ’opérationnalité et SNB de et de gestion ants fin iii en perspective ce recours martelé à la réglementation et au contrôle Les ZPF elles affirm institution que les aires s protégées tè « rien »? raient-elles alors la capacité des actions « » sensibilisation négociation à avoir sur la biodiversité? Mé t ologie et objectifs : Les ZPF constituent une politique publique en cours de construction : il s’agira donc de porter un regard critique et constructif sur ses critères et méthodes de définition, sans pouvoir étudier son applicabilité et donc des retours d’expérience. Il vise ainsi à comprendre ce qu’est la pensée politique et territoriale en France de la protection forte, autant à terre qu’en mer, et d’en dégager les limites ou les contradictions, notamment entre les deux milieux. D’une manière générale, ce travail de recherche s’inscrit dans les méthodologies de la political ecology, c’est-à-dire la qualification des rapports de pouvoir et de domination entre acteurs dans la production des discours et des cadres politiques dans le but d’une action environnementale touchant au partage de l’espace et des ressources (Gautier et Benjaminsen, 2012). Pour confronter le premier postulat (i), nous nous centrerons sur la période politique s’ouvrant en 2010 par les engagements internationaux pris dans le cadre de la Convention sur la diversité biologique (CDB), à savoir le Plan stratégique pour la diversité biologique et les Objectifs d’Aichi. Nous confronterons le poids des experts scientifiques et des ONG dans la prise de décision de la CDB avec celui de l’Etat en tant que souverain et responsable de la protection de la biodiversité sur son territoire, et celui du gestionnaire, qui doit composer avec les deux légitimités de l’Etat et de l’expert, tout en étant responsable et animateur d’une aire de gestion. Nous mettrons en évidence trois périodes de production du discours de protection, et leurs conséquences socio-politiques respectives. Nous montrerons qu’elles correspondent à des recentrements progressifs du pouvoir de décision vers l’Etat souverain, qui s’exprimera par l’affirmation d’une politique spatiale de grande ampleur. Pour confronter le second postulat (ii), nous mobiliserons une bibliographie interdisciplinaire – géographie sociale et environnementale, écologie scientifique, philosophie, histoire politique et environnementale – qui permettra de conceptualiser de manière diachronique les différentes expressions de la protection forte par l’équilibre que Maria RUYSSEN, M1 GLM Les Zones de protection forte (ZPF) : Souveraineté, , Territorialité a g e 8 permet une interaction politique et sociale avec et dans la nature. Nous mobiliserons pour cela la wilderness américaine comme cadre de pensée de référence pour la naturalité et sa protection. Nous la comparerons à la production d’une pensée par les degrés de naturalité en Europe, qui provient d’abord de l’expertise scientifique tout en peinant à s’imposer comme idéal politique marqué par la gestion contractuelle promue dans le réseau Natura 2000. Nous situ erons alors les ZPF dans cette dynamique de pensée d’une naturalité européenne. Enfin, nous questionnerons l’importance de la réglementation et du contrôle (iii) en mobilisant les travaux d’écologie scientifique récents visant à catégoriser les AMP en fonction de ces degrés de réglementation et d’application de la loi. Nous montrerons les ruptures qu’ils induisent à leur tour avec l’aire protégée contractuelle, mais aussi entre le milieu terrestre et le milieu marin. Nous questionnerons la pertinence d’une exclusivité du contrôle comme approche de la protection forte, notamment par la valorisation des travaux de recherche en géographie sociale, en psychologie et en management territorial autour de la notion d’attachement au lieu et de territorialité réflexive. Nous proposerons alors une clé de lecture de la protection forte ajoutant au degré de naturalité écologique un degré d’appropriation individuel et collectif du territoire à protéger. P encore quand ce qui existe ne fonctionne pas? Pourquoi réaffirmer aujourd’hui une politique de protection forte de grande ampleur spatiale? Comment défendre sa pertinence alors que la couverture existante n’est pas jugée assez efficace et que on pourrait se consacrer, soit à un durcissement des réglementations en vigueur, à un renforcement des moyens des gestionnaires pour augmenter le contrôle? Les aires protégées, terrestres comme marines, sont considérées du point vue de la protection par les experts scientifiques comme insuffisamment efficaces. Cette inefficacité se définit par le manque de pertinence écologique dans leur zonage par un défaut de représentativité des espèces, habitats et fonctionnalités menacées (GBO 4, 2014, GBO 5, 2020, Léonard et al., 2020), le manque d’anticipation des évolutions spatiales des secteurs à enjeux du fait du changement global (GBO 5, 2020), enfin par une gestion inadéquate, c’està-dire trop permissive sur les usages anthropiques impactants (Zupan et al., 2018, Maxwell et al., 2020, Claudet et al., 2020). Ces constats sont aujourd’hui bien assimilés dans l’esprit du grand public et de la société civile, comme une revue de presse suite aux annonces présidentielles le montre : on attend désormais un contenu technique « affirmé et consistant » (Le Monde avec AFP, 2021), des moyens, une « approche structurée et structurelle », bref, du sens et pas effet ’annonce (Coulaud, Socialement, l’ambition spatiale n’est donc plus une stratégie crédible : ce sont donc sa justification et son sens, entre politique et écologie, qu’il faut interroger. Malgré le manque d’efficacité écologique de l’existant en matière de protection, les Parties à la CDB adoptent, au travers des objectifs d’Aichi et notamment son objectif 11, cet impératif d’extension surfacique à horizon 2020. Les Parties l’adoptent car elles affirment cet objectif surfacique comme la réponse socle à une incertitude globale, et un risque écologique et climatique prévu et généralisé (GBO 4, 2014, GBO 5, 2020). Dans cet objectif se situe soit une rupture soit un compromis, entre discours scientifique et discours politique, qu’il faut caractériser pour comprendre l’ampleur de l’enjeu des ZPF en France. Nous ne nous attacherons pas aux concepts de l’efficacité écologique mais à caractériser les mécanismes de production du discours de l’expertise scientifique et sa réception dans le champ politique international, jusqu’à la prise de décision et la production d’un discours politique consensuel. Nous montrerons ainsi qu’à mesure que le discours scientifique s’est structuré par une spécialisation extrême, une globalisation et une internationalisation, le discours politique s’est quant à lui focalisé sur l’ambition Maria RUYSSEN, M1 GLM Les s de protection forte (ZPF) ité Territorialité spatiale. Nous faisons alors l’hypothèse que l’ambition spatiale est devenue l’unique et dernier indicateur quantifiable individuellement pour chaque Etat : en réalité, elle demeure le seul levier d’activation de la responsabilité étatique, politique et de la souveraineté de l’Etat dans la communauté internationale. Les ZPF en seraient la matérialisation. 1) Conjurer l’incertitude et le risque écologique par l’ambition spatiale : rééquilibrer les rôles de l’Etat, du gestionnaire et de l’expert. La décision en matière d’environnement repose sur le dialogue entre trois figures. L’expert, pouvant être globalement défini comme celui qui produit un savoir scientifique destiné à éclairer l’action politique (Granjou, 2003). Le gestionnaire de l’aire protégée, celui qui va prendre des décisions et initiatives dans un milieu précis et avec des acteurs institués, pour faire évoluer l’état du milieu dans un certain sens (Mermet, 1992, Mermet et al., 2005) et assurer la satisfaction de des usages considérés, avec une efficacité maximale et avec un coût acceptable, compte tenu des différentes contraintes (Bougherara et al., 2004). L’Etat enfin, qui assure avant tout un rôle régalien dans la protection, c’est-à-dire la capacité à créer et rendre le droit pour assurer l’ordre, la sécurité et la justice sur son territoire. Leurs rôles sont donc distincts et complémentaires : l’expert éclaire ; l’Etat tranche et encadre ; le gestionnaire applique ou tente d’appliquer, pouvant infléchir expertises et normes au regard de spécificités territoriales. Or il nous semble que la question de la protection forte est l’aboutissement de plusieurs ruptures dans cet équilibre de la décision environnementale. L’étude du discours politique de la CDB comparé à son pendant national, les Stratégies nationales de la biodiversité (SNB) françaises, ainsi que la mise en évidence des mécanismes de conception des conventions internationales jusqu’à l’adoption des décisions montrerons trois périodes distinctes de rééquilibrage progressif des trois figures précitées. Nous montrerons que la confiance en l’expertise a progressivement privé l’Etat et le gestionnaire d’une capacité à déterminer a priori comme à évaluer a posteriori l’efficacité écologique d’une aire protégée. Cette même ascendance de l’expertise a engendré une profonde incertitude, qui s’est ensuite transformée en crise généralisée, écologique, climatique, humaine. Les ZPF interviennent comme réponse et aboutissement à cet état de crise. Elles témoignent d’un repositionnement particulièrement fort de la figure de l’Etat régalien, au bénéfice du gestionnaire, et face à Maria RUYSSEN, M1 GLM Les Zones de protection forte (ZPF) : Souveraineté, Naturalité, Territorialité l’expert : l’Etat régalien intervient à grande échelle pour conjurer les conséquences sociale et territoriale du discours de l’expert. a) 2010, confiance : l’expertise scientifique garante du sens et de l’idéal de conservation des aires protégées?  A l’international : l’ambition spatiale de protection support d’un idéal de développement, garanti par l’expertise scientifique : En 2010, à Nagoya, les Parties à la Convention adoptent le Plan stratégique pour la biodiversité 2011-2020. Les vingt Objectifs d’Aichi instrumentent ce plan, notamment par la quantification spatiale des efforts de protection à fournir par chaque partie. L’objectif 11 préludera à l’accentuation des efforts de désignation d’aires marines protégées et de création de parcs nationaux et naturels marin observés en France depuis 2012 pour atteindre les objectifs surfaciques fixés : « d’ici à 2020, au moins 17 % des zones terrestres et d’eaux intérieures et 10 % des zones marines et côtières, y compris les zones qui sont particulièrement importantes pour la diversité biologique et les services fournis par les écosystèmes, sont conservées au moyen de réseaux écologiquement représentatifs et bien reliés d’aires protégées gérées efficacement et équitablement et d’autres mesures de conservation efficaces par zone, et intégrées dans l’ensemble du paysage terrestre et marin. » (CDB, 2010). En 2010 donc, l’objectif spatial permet pour les Parties à la CDB d’assurer une vision globale de la protection où l’aire protégée se définit par la rencontre d’un idéal politique de développement avec des critères scientifiques garants d’une reconquête possible de la diversité biologique. Un socle technique complexe, synthétisé dans l’objectif 11, garantit l’efficacité de l’aire protégée : diversité, abondance, connectivité, intégration, réseau, services écosystémiques, équité. 22 indicateurs principaux outillent ces notions qui soustendent l’objectif spatial : ils sont choisis pour, d’une part, leur capacité d’appréhension par l’ensemble des parties prenantes à la décision internationale et, d’autre part, leur caractère suffisamment globalisant pour orienter la décision (GBO 2, 2006). En réalité, ces 22 indicateurs somment, harmonisent et réinterprètent des centaines d’indicateurs régionaux et nationaux (GBO 4, 2014, GBO 5, 2020). Grâce à ce socle technique, un idéal politique de maintien du développement est permis. Si on protège efficacement et largement, c’est pour optimiser le bénéfice anthropique des Maria RUYSSEN, M1 GLM Les Zones de protection forte (ZPF) : Souveraineté, Naturalité, Territorialité P a g e | 77 services écosystémiques rendus par une biodiversité variée et abondante ré les s iques humain et territoriale. L’aire protégée en est la matérialisation : « un espace géographique clairement délimité, reconn , consacré et éré, par tout efficace, juridique ou autre, afin d’assurer à long terme la conservation de la nature ainsi que les services écosystémiques et les valeurs culturelles qui lui sont associés » selon la CDB et l’UICN (Dudley, 2008, Lop oukhine et Dias, 2012). L’expertise scientifique donne les clés de compréhension du « bon zonage » de protection, celui qui garantira que biodiversité et gestion se répondent parfaitement pour reconstruire une Nature socle de services rendus à l’Homme.  En France : une montée en puissance de l’expertise sans vision étatique d’ensemble La France, pour réaliser ses engagements internationaux, adopte en mai 2011 sa deuxième Stratégie nationale pour la biodiversité (SNB). Le projet politique français est également celui d’un développement, c’est-à-dire un idéal de restauration, maintien voire développement d’une nouvelle économie verte ou bleue. La définition spatiale française de l’aire protégée préexiste à la SNB : le domaine terrestre s’est appropriée dès 2009 la définition de l’UICN et ses catégories (SCAP, 2009), le domaine marin s’apprête à faire la même chose en 2012 (SCGAMP, 2012). Aussi le projet spatial de la SNB voit probablement mal sa plus-value en 2011 par rapport aux stratégies existantes. Naît alors un concept sans grand lendemain dans les futures planifications spatiales, celui d’« infrastructure écologique » : une stratégie affirmée du cumul de l’existant territorial apte à répondre aux ambitions internationales. En d’autres termes, la France de 2010 ne pense pas sa stratégie spatiale de protection à l’échelle de son territoire étatique : elle prône une somme systémique et administrative de projets territoriaux de protection. L’Etat n’est pas encore planificateur : il est garant d’une sorte d’analyse de compatibilité entre les stratégies terrestres et marines pour s’assurer qu’au final le rapportage à l’Europe et à la CDB se cumulent aisément et atteignent les objectifs assignés. Le sens et la validité de la protection sont ainsi laissés aux figures de l’expertise en France incarnées par les opérateurs de l’Etat (l’Agence de l’Eau (AE), l’Agence française pour la Biodiversité (AFB), l’Ifremer, l’Office national des forêts, etc.) qui à leur tour structurent les apports d’un certain nombre d’universités et réseaux d’experts (le Muséum national d’histoire naturelle (MNHN), l’UMS PatriNAt, etc.), Maria RUYSSEN, M1 GLM structures associatives Les Zones de protection forte (ZPF) : Souveraineté, Naturalité, Territorialité P a g e environnementales et différents groupements d’intérêts scientifiques. Ainsi, en France, la SNB lie clairement l’atteinte des Objectifs d’Aichi à la mise en œuvre des directives Habitats-Faune-Flore (DHFF), Oiseaux (DO), directive-cadre Stratégie pour le milieu marin (DCSMM) et directive-cadre sur l’eau (DCE). Autrement dit, en 2010, en France, pour définir, gérer et évaluer un zonage de protection, on doit être capable d’exprimer un état de conservation de 231 types habitats d’intérêt communautaire, 191 espèces d’oiseaux, 159 autres espèces animales et végétales d’intérêt, garantir l’ atteinte du bon état de plus de 12 000 masses d’eau, et respecter bientôt, en mer, 49 objectifs environnementaux et 89 indicateurs environnementaux (SNB 2011-2020). Face à cela, l’Etat régalien ne peut que se mettre en retrait et laisser, en parfaite cohérence avec la mouvance internationale du moment, à l’expertise scientifique menée par ses opérateurs, la mission de calibrer, qualifier et évaluer, chacune dans leur domaine terrestre et marin, ce que signifie la stratégie de protection, les territoires où elle doit se porter et ce qu’elle doit traduire du territoire français. Lorsque ce nouveau souffle dans la politique internationale de protection s’ouvre, il consacre et institutionnalise une confiance dans l’expertise écologique, qui semble parvenir à conjuguer une catégorisation extrême du savoir avec une capacité à s’inclure et s’adapter à différentes échelles de rapportage pour mieux « communiquer » auprès des instances décisionnelles au niveau international. Mieux semble-t-il que les Etats eux-mêmes, qui paraissent peiner à exister et à avoir une légitimité, car l’expertise se structure, s’internationalise et gagne par là-même en puissance (cf. 1.2). b) 2014, incertitudes : erreurs de gestion ou erreurs de compréhension dans la stratégie spatiale de protection?  A l’international : l’incertitude des expertises entraîne progressivement le retour du gestionnaire : Quatre ans après la signature du Plan stratégique pour la diversité biologique, la quatrième édition des Perspectives mondiales de la diversité biologique (GBO 4), l’outil d’évaluation et de rapportage de la CDB, restait optimiste mais fortement nuancée. La couverture spatiale par des zones de protection à terre comme en mer était espérée à l’échelle mondiale d’ici 2020 (17% des terres et 10 % des mers) et la quasi-totalité des plans et stratégies nationaux adoptés (90 % en 2015). C’est donc que la stratégie cumulative fonctionnait. Pourtant, les résultats en terme de diversité et de gestion ne sont pas là. La gestion est pointée par les experts comme inefficace et inadéquate (voir introduction de la Maria RUYSSEN, M1 GLM Les Zones de protection forte (ZPF) : Souveraineté, Naturalité, Territorialité P a g e 14 | 77 partie 1). Surtout, le motif de l’incertitude domine : l’incertitude est comprise comme l’absence de savoirs ou une capacité d’appréciation parcellaire (appréciation des stocks halieutique inexacte, état des fleuves incertain, etc.), l’absence de confiance dans les réalités territoriales (doutes sur la mise en œuvre effective des Plans annoncés par les Parties), la difficulté enfin à prédire et anticiper. Les conclusions du rapport sont intéressantes car elles illustrent un retour au territoire de gestion, et la définition d’une sorte de compromis et de confiance partagée des parties cette fois-ci à l’expert écologique et au gestionnaire (GBO 4, 2014). L’expertise continue d’être affirmée et « creusée » comme donnée fondamentale : si des indicateurs catégoriels demeurent défaillants ou incomplets, il faut approfondir et développer la connaissance. D’un autre côté, la confiance est réaffirmée en la capacité des acteurs à comprendre les enjeux de leur territoire, à prendre et mettre en œuvre eux-mêmes des mesures de gestion cohérentes et efficaces (le modèle de la cogestion des pêcheries revient régulièrement). Le compromis entre le besoin d’accroître l’expertise et la confiance dans la capacité de gestion se trouve dans la volonté d’accroître l’ambition spatiale et le réseau des aires protégées. L’ambition spatiale, progressivement, semble ne plus être un objectif limite, mais au contraire la donnée socle, illimitée, qui légitime les acteurs dans leur démarche de gestion et de création de dynamiques territoriales.  En France : moins d’incertitudes car un Etat régalien plus affirmé : En France, à mi-parcours de la SNB 2020, lors du cinquième rapport de la France à la CBD (Royal, 2014), le constat national sur la protection de la biodiversité interroge par sa différence d’avec le constat international. Des incertitudes, des manques de données, des déclins transparaissent de l’évaluation française, mais l’Etat se félicite globalement des progrès réalisés. D’abord dans la connaissance, sa valorisation et sa transmission aux acteurs et citoyens : la constitution de réseaux d’experts à l’échelle nationale et communautaire à travers les programmes de surveillance semblerait fonctionner, et la prise en compte de la biodiversité dans l’action publique progresser, en témoigne la stabilité entre l’évaluation communautaire de 2007 et celle de 2013 (Royal, 2014). L’Etat régalien a en effet pris un certain nombre de normes juridiques fortes (loi Biodiversité, loi Transition écologique) pour la réduction des pressions et la mutation des activités économiques et les récentes stratégies de création d’aires protégées devraient rapidement permettre d’augmenter le réseau spatial. Maria RUYSSEN, M1 GLM De fait, entre 2010 et 2014, nous pouvons montrer que des mutations politiques dans le paysage français ont remis l’Etat au centre du jeu de la protection forte, non seulement dans la planification spatiale de la gestion, mais aussi dans la programmation et la rationalisation de l’expertise. Nous mobiliserons deux exemples majeurs pour témoigner de ce recentrage politique. Le premier est la préparation de la loi Biodiversité et notamment de la fusion au sein de l’Agence française pour la biodiversité (AFB) des compétences terrestres, maritimes et forestières. Elle a permis la réunification en un opérateur unique de l’Etat des gestionnaires mais aussi des experts consacrés dans l’évaluation du réseau Natura 2000. Elle a du moins clarifié le cadre d’exercice de ces experts et le dialogue avec l’Etat central, et évité, par le regroupement dans un opérateur de l’Etat, la dispersion ou le report du poids de l’expertise sur des organisations non gouvernementales ou des associations. Le deuxième est la transcription en 2014 de la DCSMM en droit français, au travers des Plans d’action pour le milieu marin (PAMM). Les PAMM ont permis un premier effort important et symbolique de coordination tripartite et égale entre pouvoirs d’expertise, gestion et décision politique. Les PAMM imposent la compatibilité et l’intégration des dispositions marines avec les mesures aquatiques et côtières de la Directive-cadre sur l’eau (DCE), ainsi qu’avec les dispositions terrestres qui touchent à la frange littorale (gestion du domaine public maritime, risques, pollution, anthropisation, etc.). Les PAMM sont donc la matérialisation en politique publique d’une capacité fédératrice de l’Etat régalien, qui retrouve un rôle de coordinateur, d’intégrateur et de planificateur dans le domaine de la protection de l’environnement. Cela s’en ressent également sur la connaissance et l’évaluation, qui sont désormais encadrées par un Programme de surveillance (PDS) qui reconnaît autant les experts nationaux, souvent communautaires, que les capacités d’expertises locale, notamment au travers des structures de gestion, soutenues et représentées par le nouvel AFB. La programmation de cette surveillance est constamment contrôlée par le ministère de tutelle (MTE), organisée par le réseau d’experts, mise en œuvre et déclinée dans les zonages de gestion. Expertise et gestion se répondent au travers de ces plans et sous contrôle de l’Etat régalien. Par l’organisation légale novatrice et l’interaction retrouvée entre experts, Etat et gestionnaires au travers des plans d’actions et de surveillance, l’incertitude du discours semble moindre dans le contexte politique français. C’est pourquoi l’ambition d’une extension du réseau d’aires protégées n’est pas vécu comme une urgence ou une nécessité RUYSSEN, M1 GLM Les Zones : Souveraineté, Naturalité, Territorialité P a g e 16 77 impérieuse dans le discours français, à l’opposé du discours international (Royal, 2014). L’incertitude a donc tendance à engendrer un retour au local, au territoire de gestion comme périmètre de confiance et de sens. La France n’est pas confrontée encore à cette dichotomie, car ses initiatives politiques récentes lui ont permis de recréer du lien entre experts et gestionnaires et de réaffirmer un Etat fort dans la planification et l’organisation de la connaissance. Mais cet équilibre est vulnérable et fait récemment face à une nouvelle vague de globalisation de l’expertise, qui se matérialise dorénavant ouvertement par la prédiction du risque écologique, entraînant un autre rapport encore à l’ambition spatiale. c) 2020, risques : un retour au territoire, première victime mais garant éthique de zones de protection fortes et efficaces?  A l’international : retour au territoire : Le cinquième rapport, publié en 2020, acte le fait qu’aucun des Objectifs d’Aichi pour la biodiversité ne sera entièrement réalisé (GBO 5, 2020). Pourtant, encore une fois, la couverture spatiale attendue par les Parties est atteinte, avec une longueur d’avance des espaces terrestres (15 %) sur les espaces marins (7,5 %). Mais le rapport est plus que ponctué par l’incertitude : il est alarmiste. L’efficacité présupposée de gestion continue d’être remise en question puisque seuls 9,5% des pays ont évalué l’efficacité de leurs aires protégées et que moins d’un quart de ces dernières disposent des budgets et effectifs humains suffisants (GBO 5, 2020). Du point de vue de la représentativité, moins de la moitié (43 %) des écorégions – territoires transnationaux aux caractéristiques écologiques, morphologiques et biophysiques cohérentes - atteignent les pourcentages de protection demandés par les Objectifs d’Aichi : moins de la moitié des espèces recensés bénéficieraient ainsi d’une protection adéquate, et seulement 43 % encore des « sites contribuant pour beaucoup à la persistance mondiale de la biodiversité ». La connectivité des aires protégées est considérée également comme insuffisante voire mal comprise, même si des progrès sont relevés sur le domaine terrestre (GBO 5, 2020). Par rapport à 2014, le ton est grave : « L’humanité se trouve à la croisée des chemins pour ce qui est de l’héritage que nous souhaitons laisser aux générations futures. La biodiversité décline à un rythme sans précédent, et les pressions à l’origine de ce déclin s’intensifient. Aucun des Objectifs d’Aichi pour la biodiversité ne sera entièrement réalisé, ce qui menace à son tour la réalisation des objectifs de développement durable [...] » (GBO 5, 2020). L’évaluation finale est structurée par le risque écologique : le risque d’extinction, de maladies, de pandémies, d’envahissement d’espèces non indigènes, Maria RUYSSEN, M1 GLM Les Zones de protection forte (ZPF) : Souveraineté, Naturalité, Territorialité P a g e 17 | 77 de mutation totale et global e du cadre de vie dans lequel évolu e l’humain, le plon geant dans un monde inconnu.
Thrillington — альбом Пола Маккартни (под псевдонимом Пе́рси «Триллз» Три́ллингтон; ), выпущенный в 1977 году. Альбом является инструментальной кавер-версией альбома Пола и Линды Маккартни Ram, вышедшего в 1971 году. Об альбоме Аранжировщику было предложено сделать оркестровую аранжировку песен из альбома Ram ещё до того, как альбом был выпущен; запись этих аранжировок была сделана 15—17 июня 1971 (Пол Маккартни выступал только как продюсер записи, не участвуя в записи как музыкант); предполагалось, что эти записи будут вскоре изданы. Решение Пола и Линды создать группу Wings привело к тому, что альбом с инструментальными аранжировками оставался неизданным до 1977. Подготавливая в 1976 и 1977 выпуск Thrillington, Пол Маккартни (для повышения любопытства публики и её интереса к альбому) выдумал несуществующего человека, якобы являющегося автором альбома — Перси «Триллза» Триллингтона — и даже разместил в некоторых музыкальных изданиях Великобритании заметки, рассказывающие о якобы приездах и участии в каких-то событиях Перси Триллингтона. В альбоме, выпущенном 29 апреля 1977, имя Пола Маккартни упоминается только в аннотации на обложке альбома, где он описывается как один из друзей Перси Триллингтона. Появление альбома Thrillington прошло почти незамеченным в прессе, за исключением упоминания в рубрике «Случайные заметки» () в журнале Rolling Stone. Альбом остался лишь одним из изданий, представляющих интерес для коллекционеров; к тому же оставались сомнения, является ли «Перси Триллингтон» на самом деле Полом Маккартни, и какое участие Маккартни принимал в работе над альбомом. Маккартни никогда не спрашивали о его участии в создании этого альбома, пока он наконец не признался в своей мистификации журналисту Питеру Палмиере () на пресс-конференции в Лос-Анджелесе 27 ноября 1989 во второй части своего мирового турне. Маккартни сказал Палмиере: «Отличный вопрос для окончания пресс-конференции. Мир должен это знать! Но если серьёзно — это были я и Линда; и мы хранили это в секрете долгое время… но теперь мир должен это узнать!» После этого признания цена альбома почти утроилась. В 1990 Пол Маккартни также признался Палмиере в автографе, что именно он, Пол, также выступил и под именем Клинт Херриган () — как автор аннотаций к альбому Thrillington, а также к альбому Wings Wild Life. Первым человеком, раскрывшим личность Клинта Херригана, был Джон Леннон, который рассказал довольно много в получившей широкую огласку враждебной переписке между ним и Маккартни в журнале New Musical Express в 1972. Полная история создания альбома Thrillington детально рассказана в книге музыкального журналиста Иэна Пила () «Неизвестный Пол Маккартни» («The Unknown Paul McCartney», Reynolds & Hearn, 2002). Пил описал различных музыкантов, которые сформировали взгляды Маккартни на музыкальную жизнь, — включая аранжировщика и дирижёра Ричарда Хьюсона, басиста Херби Флауэрса, музыканта и вокального аранжировщика  — а также тех, кто принимал участие в создании мистификаций, придумываемых Полом. Переиздание Thrillington был выпущен на CD в 1995 и 2004; при этом не выпускалось изданий на виниле. Уровень продаж был небольшим в основном из-за того, что интерес к самому этому проекту всегда был небольшим. Thrillington был также переиздан как часть делюкс-издания ремастированного альбома Ram 21 мая 2012 года. Список композиций Над альбомом работали Richard Hewson — дирижёр Vic Flick — электрогитара, акустическая гитара Херби Флауэрс — бас-гитара Steve Grey — фортепиано Clem Cattini — барабаны Jim Lawless — перкуссия Chris Karan — Guica The Mike Sammes Singers — бэк-вокал Широко распространена неверная информация, что в этом альбоме бэк-вокал пели Swingle Singers. Вокальный ансамбль «Mike Sammes Singers» принимал участие (хотя и не отмечен в перечне участников записи) и в нескольких записях The Beatles, наиболее известные из которых — «Good Night» и «I Am the Walrus». Производственный персонал Percy «Thrills» Thrillington — продюсер Richard Hewson — аранжировщик Tony Clark — инженер звукозаписи Hipgnosis — оформление альбома Jeff Cummings — дизайн обложки Clint Harrigan — аннотация к альбому Phil Smee — дизайн упаковки альбома Примечания Ссылки Thrillington (Vinyl, LP, Album) at Discogs Paul McCartney: Thrillington | The Beatles Bible Thrillington by Paul & Linda McCartney Альбомы Пола Маккартни Альбомы, спродюсированные Полом Маккартни Альбомы, записанные на Abbey Road Studios Альбомы Capitol Records Альбомы Regal Zonophone Records Альбомы, оформленные студией Hipgnosis Альбомы, выпущенные под псевдонимом.
Сăнсăрсем тата çынсем çинчен () — СТВ киностудире Алексей Балабанов режиссёр 1998 çулта ӳнерленĕ кинофильм. Сюжет Рольсенче Ӳнерлекен ушкăн Режиссёр — Алексей Балабанов Продюсерсем — Сергей Сельянов, Олег Ботогов Сценарист — Алексей Балабанов Оператор — Сергей Астахов Ӳкерçĕ — Вера Зелинская Сасă режиссёрĕ — Максим Беловолов Монтаж — Марина Липартия Ӳкерçĕ-костюмер - Надежда Васильева Ӳкерçĕ-гримёр — Тамара Фрид Декоратор — Анатолий Глушпак Режиссёр — Сергей Ражук Режиссер ассистенчĕсем — Татьяна Суляева, Татьяна Комарова, Наталья Крылова, Людмила Зимнева Оператор — Валерий Ревич Директор — Максим Володин Асăрхавсем Каçăсем Вырăсла фильмсем РФ драма фильмĕсем Алексей Балабановăн фильмĕсем 1998 çулхи хура-шурă фильмсем Хура-шурă Раççей фильмĕсем 1998 çулхи Раççей фильмĕсем СТВ фильмĕсем Санкт-Петербург пирки фильмсем.
Horde var ett australiensiskt unblack metal-band bildat 1994 av Jayson Sherlock (Anonymous), tidigare trummis i Mortification och doom metal-bandet Paramaecium. Bandet har blivit känt för att ha fungerat som pionjärer inom/varit startskottet för genren unblack metal, men också för att ha väckt starka reaktioner vid tiden då det släppte sitt enda studioalbum Hellig Usvart. Detta eftersom albumet påståtts ha innehållit/innehåller anti-satanistiska budskap till skillnad från traditionell black metalsom, enligt nationalencyklopedin, vanligtvis framtonar anti-kristna sådana. Efter Hellig Usvart lades bandet på is i och med att Sherlock valt att återförenas med Paramaecium år 1996 inför deras skiva Within the Ancient Forest. Horde har därefter gjort ett flertal tillfälliga framträdanden, då under åren 2006, 2010 och 2012. Medlemmar Jayson Sherlock (artistnamn: Anonymous) Diskografi 1994- Hellig Usvart 2007- The Day of Total Armageddon Holocaust: Alive in Oslo (Live-album) Referenser Australiska metalgrupper Black metal-grupper Musikgrupper bildade 1994.
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using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace Gw2Sharp.WebApi.V2.Models { /// <summary> /// Represents a raid wing. /// </summary> public class RaidWing { /// <summary> /// The raid wing id. /// </summary> public string Id { get; set; } = string.Empty; /// <summary> /// The raid wing events. /// </summary> public IReadOnlyList<RaidWingEvent> Events { get; set; } = Array.Empty<RaidWingEvent>(); } }
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// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See License.txt in the project root for license information. using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.EmbeddedLanguages.VirtualChars; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LanguageServices; namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.EmbeddedLanguages.LanguageServices { internal struct EmbeddedLanguageInfo { public readonly int StringLiteralTokenKind; public readonly int InterpolatedTextTokenKind; public readonly ISyntaxFactsService SyntaxFacts; public readonly ISemanticFactsService SemanticFacts; public readonly IVirtualCharService VirtualCharService; public EmbeddedLanguageInfo(int stringLiteralTokenKind, int interpolatedTextTokenKind, ISyntaxFactsService syntaxFacts, ISemanticFactsService semanticFacts, IVirtualCharService virtualCharService) { StringLiteralTokenKind = stringLiteralTokenKind; InterpolatedTextTokenKind = interpolatedTextTokenKind; SyntaxFacts = syntaxFacts; SemanticFacts = semanticFacts; VirtualCharService = virtualCharService; } } }
Public Domain
Plaintiff sued the Grand Rapids Dairy Company, a Michigan corporation, and recovered a judgment of $1,379.82, and costs. Simultaneously with the commencement of this suit, he instituted garnishment proceedings against the Grand Rapids Creamery Company. From a judgment for the garnishee defendant, plaintiff brings error. The Grand Rapids Dairy Company, a co-operative association of milk producers in the vicinity of Grand Rapids, was organized to deal in and dispose of milk and milk products. The association, at the time of sale, was taking in about 20,000 pounds of milk a day, which it pasteurized and sold the next day, it being peddled out or sold at its retail store. In connection with its milk treating plant it handled milk, cream, and butter. It had on hand approximately a car load of milk bottles, a quantity of milk cans, cream cans, its machinery used in pasteurizing milk, churns, *Page 419 weighing scales, and vats, coolers, bottler, capper, binder, bottle washers, can washer, cream separators, cream pasteurizing plant, boxes, crates, milk bottle caps, and other property used in connection with its plant. In the office of the plant was a retail store. In the store was sold milk, cream, and butter. No collateral line of merchandise was carried. The association sometimes bought cheese when it did not manufacture it. Butter and cheese were sold at the store. In connection with the office there were a cash register, desks, chairs, typewriters, safe, bookkeeping machine, adding machines, a quantity of carbon paper, stationery, salesmen's books, and salt. It is the proceeds of the merchandise and fixtures that are here sought to be reached. The Grand Rapids Dairy Company sold out to the Grand Rapids Creamery Company. No attempt was made to comply with the bulk sales law, and the question in this case is whether the plaintiff may reach by garnishment proceedings the proceeds of the sale of this personal property by reason of the company not having complied or attempted to comply with the bulk sales law. This law (sections 6346-6348, 2 Comp. Laws 1915) applies to "the sale, transfer or assignment, in bulk, of any part or the whole of a stock of merchandise, or merchandise and the fixtures pertaining to the conducting of said business, otherwise than in the ordinary course of trade and in the regular and usual prosecution of the business of the seller, transferror or assignor." * * * The act applies to "corporations, associations, co-partnerships and individuals." Section 6347, 2 Comp. Laws 1915. This act has been held valid and has been frequently construed (Spurr v. Travis, 145 Mich. 721 [9 Ann. Cas. 250, 116 Am. St. Rep. 330]; People, ex. rel. Hopkins, v. Reynick,241 Mich. 106). It is remedial in *Page 420 its nature (Hanna v. Hurley, 162 Mich. 601); and was passed to protect creditors (Spurr v. Travis, supra); and to prevent fraud (Humiston, Keeling Co. v. Yore, 181 Mich. 632) . Its purpose is to prevent the purchase of a stock of merchandise from various persons on credit and then selling it out in bulk for the purpose of defrauding the rights of the creditors who extended the credit. Gallup v. Rozier,172 N.C. 283 (90 S.E. 209). It should be construed so as to cure the evil at which it was aimed, defrauding creditors by secret bulk sales. 27 C. J. p. 875. The term "merchandise," as used in this statute, means such things as are usually bought and sold in trade by merchants.People's Savings Bank v. Van Allsburg, 165 Mich. 524; McPartin v. Clarkson, 240 Mich. 390. The term "fixtures" means such chattels as merchants usually possess and annex to the premises occupied by them to enable them the better to store, handle and display their goods and wares. Bowen v. Quigley, 165 Mich. 337 (34 L.R.A. [N. S.] 218); Hoja v. Motoc, 235 Mich. 258;McPartin v. Clarkson, supra. In Tupper v. Barrett, 233 Mass. 565 (124 N.E. 427), it is said: "The word 'merchandise' is a word of large signification and has been held to be synonymous with tangible property which could be sold." In Nichols, North, Buse Co. v. Belgium Cannery, 188 Wis. 115 (205 N.W. 804, 41 A.L.R. 1211), it is said: "In Massachusetts the term 'merchandise' used in their bulk sales law has been given a very extensive meaning. InHart v. Brierley, 189 Mass. 598 (76 N.E. 286), in a sale by a factory of biscuits and crackers put up for the wholesale market, such articles were considered as merchandise under their bulk sales law, but under the testimony it was held that the sale there of the entire manufactured product was made in the ordinary *Page 421 course of business and therefore valid. Again inTupper v. Barrett, 233 Mass. 565 (124 N.E. 427), the word 'merchandise' as used in such statute was held to include the horses and carriages of one whose principal business was trading, buying, and selling horses, and that the particular sale there questioned was not in the usual course of the business, and therefore voidable. "On the other hand, in Everett Produce Co. v. Smith Bros.,40 Wn. 566 (82 P. 905, 2 L.R.A. [N. S.] 331, 5 Ann. Cas. 798, 111 Am. St. Rep. 979), a statute like ours was held not to apply to the sale of a livery stable." In Plass v. Morgan, 36 Wn. 160 (78 P. 784), it is said: "It is contended by the respondent that the law uses the special term 'stock of merchandise,' which, according to accepted English definitions, relates to the business of merchandising alone, and was clearly so intended by the legislature; that courts will not so construe the language of the statute as to make it include that which its plain and usual meaning will not import, or render its application absurd or ridiculous in its operation. The learned counsel, however, does not strictly quote the language of the statute. It does not use the special term 'stocks of merchandise,' but uses the term 'any stock of goods, wares or merchandise in bulk.' The word 'any' is comprehensive and so is the word 'stock.' There is no limit placed by the legislature on the meaning of the word 'stock.' A stock of goods may mean, under the plain language of the statute, a great many different kinds of goods, different kinds of wares, or different kinds of merchandise. It was the evident intent of the legislature to prevent the perpetration of fraud upon the creditors of people who are engaged in business, and, while there seems to be no authority submitted on this proposition, and none that we have been able to obtain, we do not see our way clear to exempt the defendant in this case from the liabilities imposed by this statute, or to deprive his creditors of the protection which it seems to guarantee to those who furnish goods to parties engaged in business." *Page 422 In Boise Association of Credit Men v. Ellis, 26 Idaho, 438 (144 P. 6, L.R.A. 1915E, 917), it is said: "Merchandise means something that is sold every day and is constantly going out of the store and being replaced by other goods." The principal defendant's business had for its object buying and selling milk and milk products. It trafficked for gain in these articles. That a thing is bought and sold does not alone make it merchandise. Morelock v. Hail, 138 Tenn. 657 (200 S.W. What may be regarded as perishable food products, exempt from the operation of the bulk sales law, depends upon the circumstances of each particular case. Butter and cheese are no more perishable food products than fruits and vegetables. No one would contend the keeper of a fruit store was exempt from the operation of the bulk sales law. If defendant corporation owed creditors, why should it be permitted to sell its stock of merchandise and fixtures in bulk and defraud them? Clearly it should not. It bought and sold for daily profit milk and milk products. It merchandised these things. We think defendant corporation was within the terms of the bulk sales law. Judgment is reversed and the case remanded for further action in accordance herewith, with costs to appellant. FEAD, C.J., and NORTH, FELLOWS, WIEST, CLARK, McDONALD, and SHARPE, JJ., concurred. *Page 423.
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/* * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the LICENSE * file in the root directory of this source tree. */ #if FB_SONARKIT_ENABLED #import "FlipperKitExamplePlugin.h" #import <FlipperKit/FlipperClient.h> #import <FlipperKit/FlipperConnection.h> #import <FlipperKit/FlipperResponder.h> @interface FlipperKitExamplePlugin() @property (strong, nonatomic) id<FlipperConnection> connection; @property (nonatomic) NSInteger triggerCount; @end @implementation FlipperKitExamplePlugin - (instancetype)init { if (self = [super init]) { _triggerCount = 0; } return self; } + (instancetype)sharedInstance { static FlipperKitExamplePlugin *sInstance = nil; static dispatch_once_t onceToken; dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{ sInstance = [FlipperKitExamplePlugin new]; }); return sInstance; } - (void)didConnect:(id<FlipperConnection>)connection { __weak FlipperKitExamplePlugin *weakSelf = self; self.connection = connection; [connection receive:@"displayMessage" withBlock:^(NSDictionary *params, id<FlipperResponder> responder) { [weakSelf.delegate messageReceived:params[@"message"]]; [responder success:@{@"greeting": @"Hello"}]; }]; } - (void)didDisconnect { self.connection = nil; } - (NSString *)identifier { return @"Example"; } - (BOOL)runInBackground { return YES; } - (void)sendMessage:(NSString *)msg { [self.connection send:@"displayMessage" withParams:@{@"msg": msg}]; } - (void)triggerNotification { [self.connection send:@"triggerNotification" withParams:@{@"id": @(self.triggerCount)}]; self.triggerCount++; } @end #endif
Public Domain
Sepia um Ziegelöfen, Grau in Grau ausgeführte Ölbilder, bronzefarbiges Blätterornament, weiße Blumenranken auf blauem Grund, bildet künftige Akkorde. Ackerkonne, Beiname des Apollo als Sonnengott. Acerra, 1. bei den Römern eine Weiberausgabe, auch im lateinischen Kirchen nach „geht gebrauchlich 9 wm in Anzeigen ne ehabaium. 1. Musikinstrument ein ten Romer in Gehalt eine hohlen Gefäßes, Bitruv räth zur Besserung der Alusik hat 1 ern ih © Serge auszustellen, s. d 2. Benennung der an Sei worin die alten Juden bei der Einweihung des Altars dem Herrn eine Gabe darbrachten. 3. Kleines römisches Maß, ohne Ungerührtes in Rome oder 3°/, preuß. Kubikzentner Gewicht, 2 Ungen 4 Drachmen. Altdente für er, in manchen Gegenden noch erhaltener, Adbda, die E 1. Beiname der Ceres, wegen Ihren Traum um den Raub ihrer Zöglinge er brferine, f. Ceres. 2. Beiname der Bundegoöttin. Dreißig Uhr mittags gewöhnlich halbes, sehr harten Gemenge aus Chalcedon, Jasper, Hornstein oder Ouyt, oft mit Beimischung von Garnet, Quarz, Felsstein, Heliotrop, Amethyst; diese Exemplare werden je nach der Art ihrer verschiedenen Zeichnung und nach ihrer Farbenspiel, Festigkeit, Verschiedenheit, Band, Kreis, Monds, Landschaft, Röhre, Japan, Korallen, alte Sterne, Wollstein, Adat, etc., benannt. Die schönsten Achate finden sich in Indien, Sizilien und Sachsen. Zu allerlei Luxusartikeln wird er besonders zu Mofa Arbeit, außerdem zu gedachten und zu ausgelegter Arbeit verwendet, auch oft von den Goldarbeiten als Ersatzmittel des Diamanten. Für eingelegte Arbeit reißt man die Achate, wie man sie an Wasserwerfen gar nicht, oder doch nur an den offenen Feuer reißt. Man schlichtet sie mit einem schwarzen Streifen, der durch hängenden Chalcedon in einem Soda, wenn er wollige oder andere Zeichnungen und Karben enthalten, folglich die Arten, die aber durch künstliche Barmer oder Salpetersäure verschwinden. Adel, für Spitze, aus Angel, für Spieß, für Angel. Acheminiren, einen Weg bahnen. Achilles, Griechische Mythologie, Sohn des Pelias und der Thetis, nur an der Ferse verwundbar, fiel bei der Belagerung von Troja und fand dann göttliche Bewehrung, wird dargestellt als schlau, zart aber doch nicht weibisch gebannten jünglings, das Gesicht mit dem Ausdruck junghaften Reizes, gemischt mit Stolz und Emsigkeit; kann auch als Allegorie seiner Eigenschaften gelten; gewöhnlich ist er nur sein Bett betleidet, die eine Sandale hat aber ein die Ferse schüßendes Quartier. Achromatisch, farblos, namentlich v. Glas u. durchsichtigem Stein. Achromatische Fernröhre finden sich, durch welche die Begrenzfelder ohne farbige Ränder erscheinen, zu Bremserwerlzeugen dürfen bis auf Fotos verwendet werden. Achse, auch Argesch., Überhaupt jede grade Mittellinie. 1. Achse eines Grundrisses, die Linie, die die Mittelpunkt der beiden entgegengestellten Hauptfacaden mit einander verbindet. 2. Achse einer Fassade, eine von der Mitte des Portals Lotrecht aufgebaute gerade Linie. 3. Achse einer Kurve, eines Bogens u. eine gerade Linie die die Kurve in zwei hälftigte Teile teilt. 4. Achse eines Kegels, einer Pyramide, oder eines Prismas und aller durch Umdrehungsflächen begrenzten Körper ist eine gerade Linie, die von allen begrenzenden Flächen des Körpers gleich weit entfernt ist. Daher abgeleitet sind die Begriffe der Achse eines Bogens, Tonnengewölbes, einer Säule, einer Schraube, eines Madel 2. 5. In der Mathematik trägt man den Begriff Achse auch von der mathematischen Linie auf eine verstellte Linie über und spricht von 3. 3. von Rädern mit einer Achse, von der Achse einer Mühlensaeule 2c. als von einem Körper. 6. Die 4. der Oszillation, f. Pendel. 7. Die eines Schiffes ist eine durch den Schwerpunkt der Länge nach gelegte, das Schiff in zwei gleich schwere Hälften teilende Linie. 8. Die Achse einer Säule, die gerade Linie, welche den Mittelpunkt der unteren Aufständsfläche der Säule mit dem Mittelpunkt ihrer oberen Endfläche verbindet. Art. Are. Adel, 1. Mühlenbalken, die Schere der Stelle, mittels welcher dieselbe an den Backwerkträger befestigt ist. 2. S. Achseln. Adelband, bis und da gebräuchlich für Bindelband. Adsnagel, 1. der Ragel, der durch das vor dem Rad noch vorflehende Ende einer Achse gelegt wird, damit das Rad nicht von der Achse abrutscht; auch 2. der Ragel, vermittelst desselben die bewegliche Vorderachse eines Wagens an den Körper desselben befestigt wird. Adsriegel, auch Ruhriegel, ein Stück Holz, welches unter dem Körper des Wagens befestigt ist, und durch dessen Mitte der Achsfel gerad aussteht, der Achsfelhagel 2. geht, so daß, wenn die Deichsel geradeaus steht, der Achsfelhagel auf der beweglichen Vorderachse aufliegt. Adsring ober Schenkelring, ein weiterer Ring, an die Achse gelegt, damit die selbe nicht zerfällt. Achschiene oder Achsblech, ebenfalls zum Beilage hölzener Achsen gehörig. Achsfah, bei Banden die Linie, die die Achse einer Fassade etc. darstellt. Acht, die Zahl acht ist seit den ältesten Zeiten als eine der heiligen Zahlen betrachtet worden. 8 Menschen überlebten die Sündflut, 8 Gestirne (7 Planeten und der Mond) erleuchteten hauptsächlich das nächtliche Firmament, bei den Ägyptern die Acht Hauptgötter hatten. Die Christliche Kirche hatte nach der Symbolik der alten Christen die Gestalt eines Quadrats; da nun das Achte aus der Durchbringung zweier Quadraten entsteht, so galt es bei dem alten christlichen Baumeister als Sinnbild der Durchbreitung der christlichen Kirche auf Erden, durch die wahrbafte christliche Kirche im Reich der Seligen und erhielt als eine hohe Stelle unter den Grundformen namentlich des gotischen Stils. Schon bei den Griechen galt die 8 als eben so heilig, wie die 3. Acht Heißt ein Beschluss, welcher in Deichangelegenheiten von sämtlichen versammelten Mitgliedern eines Deichbandes gefasst wird. Achtel, 3583, eine Zeche wird in 4 Schichten, eine Schicht in 32 Augen geteilt und 8 Kuxe heißen ein Achtel. Adyalkeris. Sei einer für Biak von 45°, als dem Achtel von 360 Graben, in der ganze Kreis geteilt ist. Achtel, ein Getreidemaß in Rosters dam, 3677 Bar. Kub. Zoll groß, deren 3 zu einem Saad und 87 zu einer Lasse gehören. Ader, 1. in der tiefsten Schicht. 2. u.a. —* für Saatgarten, s. d. Art. 3. Preisliches Holzmay 9 Fuß hoch und 8 Fuß breit. Adterling, 1. öftt. Weinmaß, geteilt in 4 Seidel von 10 Gab. Bet 3 & weis griechisches Getreidemaß v. 88%, Bar. Cub. Zoll; geteilt in 8 Sechzehner. Adterklaue, s. v. w. Achterklagen. Achterdeich, |. Deich. Achterli, f. Achtering 2. Adsterfläche, d. A lag, 1. s. v. w. Kram 2 2 Deidtan, ein Einheit Landes, wo entweder ein erhöhter Terrain vi gi, oder welches durch einen Landschaft und dem Hauptdeich besonders berührt ist. Adterkenntnisse, f. v. w. Hintersteigen im an. Ühe, Schiffbau, die Hölzer, mit Stelle welcher die Planken am Hintertheil des Schiffs befugt werden. Adterlad, n. deutsches Wort für Oktaven, altd. f. Achteck. —— und Tempel, Oktastylos, Tempel mit 8 Säulen an der Giebelseite, f. Abr. Acedia, Beinamen der Venus, von dem Ordunen abgeleitet, in der sie die Grazien baden; eine Mensch Acidalia wird so dargestellt, als wenn siechen dem Baue entstellt gen und sie abtrittierte. Acedia, lat. f. v. w. Wendeltreppe. —— (aquilegia Linne) Pflanze aus der Familie der Ranunculen, deren Blume um Ornamenten bedeuten und bizarr tiniuschen Stil hänfig nachgebildet erscheint. Ader, Flachenmaßbenennung für Bestimmung des Quadratinhalt von Feldern m. 1 Saalächstische Ader ist gleich 2 Morgen ader 300 Quadratmeter, die Kurze zu 15 ig 2 Zoll (7 Ellen 14 Zoll) Dresdener —— —— . . und e 2133, Quadrat Kilometer. —R 1 Altenburger Ader = 2212,75 ſ. Q. RI. 1 Hrantfurier :s = 60889» s = 1 Erfurter s = 910,66 s s ⸗ 1 eulger s = 700,85 s = ⸗ 19 [der :s = 82567=s s s 1 —56 ⸗ = 85556: = » 1 Nürnberg er s —= 95892» » s 1 Rümderger ss = 736,05 s > 1 Ravensburger » = 175,20» s = 1 Schweinfurter = 77140, » = 1 Straßburger ⸗ = 723,55» » >: 1 Beimarifier » = 986,95, vr = Es gibt auch noch andere he ® utr. v Einheiten für Feldarbeit Art. —2— Fe dran ≛c. Aderen, für Eichen. Ackergewinn Holz für Eichenholz, niederdeutsch. Achsenban, bei Gottheit oder Die allegorische Darstellung des Aderbaues wird ges gewöhnlich gefaltet als Ceres mit Kornähren persönlich, an Seite einen Pflug und einen Blühenden Baum, oder auch mit einem Küchelborn das mit Früchten gefüllt ist, oder mit einem Gräbenschift. Die ihr beigegebenen Tiere sind ein Stier und ein Löwe. Auch fand man der den Aderbau vorstellen weiblichen Figur Hummelflügel eben, wegen des Sammelns der Früchte Ihre; und nicht als Psyche, wie Die Archäologen meinen, ist die Darstellung des Aderbaues auf einem gefchmittenen Stein im Bathkan zu Rom zu deuten. Die dem Aderbau dienenden Arbeitsmittel f. utr. d. einzelnen betr. Artikeln. Adergalle, ſ. Naßgalle. Aderholz, ſ. v. w. Busch- u. Laubholz. Aderreit, ſ. Feldgras, Quell. Asphalt, eine Art Ziegel-Fußboden, worauf die Steine auf die schmale Seite (auf die hohe Kante) und zwar nach Big. 14, Taf. 1. verlegt werden. Dieser Fußboden ist sehr alt und immer noch wegen seiner Zweckmäßigkeit und netten Aussehen anzunehmen. Die Römer nannten sie wegen ihrer Ähnlichkeit mit Ähren opus spicatum, Ährenwerk, die italienischen nennen sie colla orello oder spina passe (Fischgrätte). Die alten Römer wendeten sie in Bädern und überhaupt im Innern von Gebäuden an, es gibt noch in Italien, namentlich um Siena und Urbino angeblich gefliest. Auch in Rom und in Florenz war es bis zum 13. Jahrhundert im Gebrauch. Oft wird sie auch bloss als feste Unterlage verwendet um darauf eine Aephalage, Battuz, Asphaltdach oder dgl. zu legen. Acolyten, in der römischen Kirche niedere Geistliche, welche bei den amtierenden Briefstellers am Altar bedienen; in größeren Officien bekommen sie sogar eigenen Sitz, vor dem hohen Chor angelegt, f. d. Art. Kirche, und auch eine eigene Opferszene, f. d. Art. Acomascholz, gelbes buchsbaumartiges Holz aus Hüde, Aeoute, |. v. w. auf Abschlag. Acre, engl., eine englische Ader hat 160 engl. Quadratmeter = 38,708 Pariser Quadratmeter. Das F. = 139,1 sächsischen Quadratmetern; ein Schütt mehr 363 Rheinischen Quadratmeter, oder 48,798 Pariser Quadratmeter. Acri solium, spipfelige Palmette. Acroaterium, lat., Vorlesungs saal. Acrobaticon, römischen Ursprungs, doch von Vitruv und anderen viel verwendet für Treppe. Acers lith, Statue an welcher nur die Hände, Füße und Kopf von Stein sind, das Übrige von Holz, Gips oder dergleichen. Es ist genannt, deren Äußeres mit einem Überzug von Stein oder einer feineren Masse versehen ist, die aber innerlich aus Holz oder Pappe oder dergleichen besteht. Aktorierie, f. Afroterium. Act heißt bei den Malern ein zum Nachzeichnen in einer passenden Stellung aufgestelltes lebendes Modell, so wie auch die danach gefertigte Zeichnung. Der zum Zeichnen vieler Acte eingerichtete Actsaal, der Galериefonbersaile gute Tüürliferie er t erstuter Tüüfstferische Kompositionen. In einem Figurenfries z. B. dinßen nicht nur eine gesamt gestaltte nebeneinander gelegen, sondern sie mäßen sich in einer gewissen tätigen Beziehung zu einander befinden und so ein ganzes Bild ausmachen. Action, 1. die Bedeutungen in der Bausaat werden im aktiven und passiven, oder organischen und unorganischen oder auch motivierten und zufälligen eingeteilt; die aktiven sind diejenigen, die Bloß vergitterte — Mener eines nothwendigen Bestandteils ind, z. B. verzierter Fensterfasaden, Thärnenwidende u. Mehreres f. ar. d. an. Bemalung. 2. In der Kriegskunst sind die Tone, Ausfallforten, fort gesammtliche andere berativen Bemalungen oder einem Angriff dienenden Werke aktiven Bemalungen. Mauern mit Schießscharten und aktiven, ohne Schießscharten palast. Actsaal, Saal eines Kunstdeminhause, in welchem nach lebenden Modellen gezeichnet wird; ein solcher Saal muß so eingerichtet sein, dass man ihn beliebig von oben oder von der Seite, und zwar auch da hoch oder tief belichteten Raum; ferner muß er Gitter, Geräte u. dergleichen enthalten, um ein oder mehrere lebende Modelle einzeln oder zu Gruppen vereinigt in unterschiedlichen, oft sehr kühnen Stellungen so untergestellen zu können, dass man ohne sehr zu ermüden, lange zu dieser Stellung aushalten können. Die Sitzplätze für die Zeichner müssen nicht bloß geräumig, Töne auch hoch und niedrig positioniert werden. Actäon, Yäger, der Diana im Bad überrafäte und dafür von khr In einen Hirfch verwandelt wurde, wird als Junger Mann mit Hirſchgewelhen dargeſtellt. Adäus, 1. ein Beinamen des Apollo. 2. Einer der Telchtnen, der fechs böfen Beifter der Griechen. J Actus, bei den Romern war der Actus ein Feldmaaß von circa 150 Fr. Acumbre, fyauifches Welumaß, wovon in Bilbao 8 eine Arroba machen, hälft dort etwa eine fähflfhe Kanne. | In Baleria iſt ein Acumbre == 149°), Bar. Eub. Zoll. oder 2'/, fächfifche Kan und 4 machen eine Arroba. Aruflik, ſ. Aluſtit. Acutangulär, ſ. v. w. ſpitzwiaklig. Ad oder Ada, die Glänzende, Sm: volle, die Roudgöttin der Aſſyrer, Die —— ade ‚ e er der Quellen; heilig war ihr Die Weide, Adad, Hadad, Baal oder Bel war der böckfte Bott der Affyrer, der: GSonnengett; als Attribut ward ihm ein Granatapfel bet» gegeben. Adam, Stanmvater der Menfchen, wird felten aflein, gemöhnfth vereint mit Goa abgebildet. Am haͤnfigſten finden wir thn in den Vorhallen gothiſcher Kirchen met Eva unter dem Baume der Erkenntiiß dar bameuzs. indem Eva einen Apfel , url —A bei Abemenus, der Unbezwingliche, Beinam des Herkules. * zmessim, genan nach Wage und Richt⸗ Iheit. Benshol;, foffiles, ſchwarzes, ebenholz⸗ äbmlihes Holz, hart wie Stein, wird in der end von Aſtrachan in Nußfand ausge⸗ graben. Adariſto, Gottheit des Schickſals bei den Indien. j Adarmen, Gottheit des Lafters bei den Iudiern, bei der Schöpfung ans Dramas äden hervorgegangen. Addition, Zufammengähfung, die erite der vier Rehnungsarten, das Reſultat dies ſer Operation beißt Summe, das Reichen derielden iR ein +, 3. B.: +8 =1. Kur eihartige Größen fönnen addirt werden. Mdonciffement, Malerei, das fchöne Ins einauderfließen der Karben. —8 bairiſcher Provinzialismus für t. deln, mit Jauche dDüngen. Ariskammer, Düngerftätte. Ader, 1. Bergbau, größerer fortlaufens gi Streifen — ober ar ſ. Gang. 2. einreißender Streifen einer fremden Erscheinung, (0) Sehr edel, Sandstein mit Gisenadern, Marmor mit Quarzadern 2c., dieselben Adern machen oft den Stein schwer, oft aber bilden sie, wenn hart sind, ein Hindernis im Bearbeiten, fest auch sind sie sehr weiß, und dann der Sauerhaftigkeit des Steines nachtheilig. 3. Adern nennen man die Zangen, in denen das Holz, 3. B. aufgereihten Brettern 2c., die da, wie die Wurzeln oder Keimzellen der Äste durchschlagen sind, oder wo das Holz am regelrechten Körnadreifen geht, unter war, von der geraden Linie abweg und oft manchmal recht schöne Zeichnungen bilden, namentlich bei den feineren Hölzern, 4. Bei den Alempnern, die in Blech gelegten, — 5. An der Erde gibt es sehr oft Blechadern oder sogenannte Sandeln, d. 5. fancy Adern, die beim Gründen der Gegenstände oft sehr gemahlen, 6. d. Art. Grundung. Adern, um eine aus ordinätem Material gefertigte Sache den Anschein eines feineren wesen zu geben, ahmt man die des feines durch einen Anstrich nach, füllt z. 3. Marmer oder Kichenholz oder dergestalt nachgeahmt werden, gibt man den zu bemalenden Körper erst die Grundfarbe des Jathlüss, dann aber adelt man ihn, durch man ahmt die Aderung des nachzubildenden Körpers möglichst treu nach. Die verschiedenen Methoden, wonach dies geschieht, nun f. utr, d. Art. Imitation. Aderig wird das Holz genannt, wenn die Adern sehr unregelmäßig, der Stein, wenn die Adern desselben sehr auffallend und zahlreich sind. Aderrecht, niederdeutsch f. adertig. Ades, f. Hades. Adiante, eine der Dauiden (griechische Mythologie). Aditi, indische Mythologie, Gottheit des Tageslichts, Gattin des Mondgottes. Aditya's, die 12 Kinder des indischen Mondgottes, die 12 Monate. Adistko, Gerechtigkeitsstuhl, Dichtersstuhl und Gerichtegebärde bei den Arabern und Türken. Adjectio, lat., ges. erzählt (Eutafie) Die Ausbauung, Wellen an den Säulen, f. Säule. Adjustiren, berichtigen, korrigieren, ges. nun abwägen oder abgleichen, auch für abnehmen. Adler, der Adler erscheint als heiliger Vogel in den Religionen fast aller Völker. An der Mythologie und Kunst der Alten gilt er zuvor er als Symbol des Sieges und der Herrschaft. Den Sieg über Starke deutete man an durch einen Adler, der eine Schlange gebracht hat, dem über Schwache, durch einen Adler, der einen Fächer in den Klauen hat. Als Symbol der Macht und der Majestät ist er in der griech. Mythologie der Begleiter des Zeus und wird neben dessen Thron sitzend, oder als Befehren des Scepterstabes dargestellt. Als Diener des Zeus ist er der Blitzträger, und als folgender, mit dem Donnerkeil in den Klauen findet man ihn häufig in den Ornamenten der Römer angewendet; er entführte den Ganymed, der dann als Mundfchier beim Zeus blieb. Auch auf den Türpfosten des Zeustempel wurde er als Zierde gelegt. Auch in der skandinavischen Mythologie erscheint der Adler als Lieblingsvogel des bösen Gottes. Bei Feuerfester wurden Helden und Könige, z. B. römischer Kaiser, ließ man den dem angezündeten Katafalken einen Adler auf die Flügel fahren, um die Seele des Helden zu den Göttern zu tragen. Auf Darstellungen von Apotheosen wird der zu vergöttlichen Held von einem Adler gen Himmel getragen. Auch als Botenbote und demgemäß als Wahrheitsvogel wurde er betrachtet. Später wurde er das Wappenthier des Römischen Reichs, das Feldzeichen der römischen Legionen. Der zweilöpfige Adler, den die orientalischen Kaiser zuerst als Reichsinformation annahmen, um ihre Ansprüche auf das abendländische Reich anzudeuten, ging mit dem Titel eines römischen Kaisers auf die deutschen Kaiser über, und von da auf das Haus der Habsburger. Auch die spanischen Dynastien nahmen, in Nachahmung der Römer, den Adler als Reichsinsignie und wendeten ihn mit den verschiedenen Staaten am. In der Heraldik spielt er eine große Rolle und erscheint in allen Gesellschaften, sowie alle seine Teile einzeln in Wappen vorflommend. Im alten Testament war er als Begleiter des Propheten Elisa, und zwar zweiföpfig, als Symbol des zweifältigen Geistes, den jener Prophet erflebte (2. Buch der Könige, 2. 9.) In der christlichen Symbolik ist er das Symbol des fliegenden Johannes, später des heiligen Bertulf, Medardus und Servatius, in der ältesten Zeit auch das Symbol des heiligen Geistes. Auch in ägyptischen Hieroglyphen spielt er eine Rolle. Ein fliegender zur Sonne erhebender Adler ist ein Sinnbild des Genius. Auch als Symbol des Muttes findet er sich angewendet, sowie als Symbol der Astronomie. Als Wappenzeichen erscheint der Adler mit offenem Schnabel, ausgefalteten Flügel, ausgereckten Krallen und ornamental behandeltem Schwarzen, Schmalz und Strahlen, findet häufig roth; oft hat er Kleeßtengel in den Flügel. Adlerholz, Barabiesholz, Lignum Aquila, ein Drehes, schwarz und hartes Holz, von grauer, brauner, purpurrother oder schwarzer Farbe, mit nachfarbigen oder gelblichen Streifen durchzogen; aus Kohlen oder heißem Feuer geworfen riecht es wie Aloeholz, ist fester, wenig harzig und von aromatischem Geschmack, kommt von der Aquilaria malaccensis und verwandten Arten der malayschen Inseln, 3.3. von dem gemeinen Adlerholzbaum, Exkavation Agalyptis wird auch oft für Aloeholz versauft. Adlerfing, ein Adlerfittig, kommt in vielen Wappen vor. Adler'schubbel, ein nach unten gekehrter Wulst, der an den dorischen Pilasterkapitälen griechischer Tempel vorkommend und als Überzug fichtender Schilfblätter bemalt, darüber auch stehende Hohlkehle mit vollem Überfall genannt, f. übr. d. Art. Dörisch. Adlerfleisch, s. v. ü. Schalkiger Thonsteingewölbe. Adlervitriol, Benennung des goßlarischen Eisenvitriols, weil die Fässer, worin er verpackt ist, mit einem Adler bezeichnet sind. Adlerzange, eine Art Steinzange mit zwei spitzigen Haken, deren Schenkel durch eine Kette verbunden sind; an dieser Kette wird die Zange an das Tau eines Flaschenzugs befestigt und zwischen die Hälften des windenden Steins gebracht; beim Anzeigen der Kette greifen die Spitzen in den Stein ein und dieser wird durch die Zange als festgehalten und so in die Höhe geswunden. Adonai, der Herrige, Beiname Jehovas. Adoniram, Adon Hiram, Adoram, Hiram Abiff, Baumeister des Salomonischen Tempels. Adonis, ein ehrenvollere Mann, nach der griechischen Mythologie Thing des Leidens, als Sinnbild der jugendlichen Schönheit und des Frühlings gebraucht, nach Theokrit aber der Ackerbau-Gott und Lenker des Sonnenjahres. Er kam auf der Jagd um, wo ihn ein Eber tödlich verwundete, daher auch als Patron der Jäger betrachtet. Adventurenzen, f. Zubehör. Adramelech, ein Gott der Sapharer, als Opfelsel dargestellt, dem Kindern geopfert wurden. Adeastra, f. Nemesis. Adrian, St., wird im Ritterfoste mit einem Amboss zur Seite dargestellt. Schutzpatron der Schmiede. Adumbration, 1. f. v. w. Schattenung. 2. Kluftiger Entwurf. Adumbrieren, 1. schattieren. 2. Flüchtigen Entwurf fertigen. Advokatenbaum, s. Avocatbaum. Aetion, 1. bei den Griechen ein geheimer Ort, ein Tempel, wohin niemand Zutritt hatte; im Adyton dachte man sich die Erscheinung der Gottheit. 2. Ueberhaupt Geheimplatz, Kirchenstübchen, auch Hauskapelle. A L. bei Juridischen Texten, an dem Mittelalter häufige Abkürzung für Archi-Episkop, Erzbischof. Aebicht, f. v. w. umgedreht, Tinte. Ashtiffin, vgl. Abt und Abtei. Aechseln, auch Ächseln, gefschrieben, Zimmer. Wenn ein Holz ganz am Ende eine andern in dasselbe eingezogen werden fe, so würde das Zapfenloch, wenn man den Zapfen seine ganze Breite ließe, an einer Seite offen sein; um dies zu vermeiden, macht man von dem Zapfen an der einen Seite etwas weg und macht das Zapfenloch bahn entiprechend kürzer, so daß es nach den Ende des Holzes hin, in welches es eingearbeitet ist, noch eine Bürchtung behält, die Berücksichtigung nennt man Ächseln, den zugehörigen Theil an der einen Seite — Achsel, den Zapfen selbst genommen. Äder, das Einlegen kleinerer Holz- streifen in ein Holz aus einer anderen Gattung. Aed, lat. für Tempel. Aedera, für Meinen Tempel, daher auch jeder Gaya und Forder and für Heiligen Blende, davon auch auf die Riffel über: getragen. Aedificieren, erbauen. Aedificatio, Erbauung, Anfichtung. Aegir, im der nordischen Mythologie, Gott des Beltmeeres. Argide, Kraft und Schild der Muse, daher auch übergetragen auf göttlichen Schup. Aegidius, St., wird abgebildet als Einreder, ihm zur Seite eine Hirschkuh mit einem Beil im Rücken. Aegis hieß bei den Griechen das Kernholz von Bombergemperje vom weiblichen Lärche Picea vulgaris, welches nicht angetanft und daher zu Dach- und Dach- dach- und Reißdach- sehr gut ist. Ziegel, die alten Ämter der Ziegen aus feinen Ziegelhämmern, entzünden Stroh vermischen, in Formen pressen — lieben Ehre —* und Änderung Bei unserem schen Klima sehr Ägyptischer Stil. der Bergänglichkeit entrissen, im Innern der Gebäude aber sehr zwiefachig, weil sie sehr trocken halten. Ägyptischer Saal, so nennt Bitruv, ebenfalls nannten die späteren Römer, für die er schrieb, einen Saal, der rundherum freistehende Säulen hat. Diese tragen Unterhäuser, von welchen nach den umherlaufenden Bändern Ballen liegen; darüber sind Bretter und ein Ästwerk unter freiem Himmel, so, daß man ringsherum geben kann, innerlich stehen auf den Unterhäusern, erade über den unteren Säulen, um ein deutlich kleinere Säulen, zwischen denen Kenntnisse angebracht sind und deren Gesundheit eine zierliche Kelle trägt. Diese Säle haben auch viele Ähnlichkeiten mit den späteren Basiliken, nur daß die Seitenwände umgeben und Emporen und Tribüne fehlen. Ägyptischer Stil. Eines der Alten Völker weidete einen —— Stil in der Formgebung ihrer Gebäude befolgten waren bei Ägyptern. Sie wohnten in dem von Büsten eingefügten Tal, welches der Nil durch seine Meereschwellen, jährlich befruchtet, im heutigen Ägypten und in Habesch und Nubien (früher Äthiopien). Ernstes, fleisses, immer wachsam Entgegenarbeiten gegen die schäblichen Einflüsse der benachbarten Wüsten und der Nilüberflutungen, sowie umfassende Regelung und Bebung der selbengaben der geistigen Tätigkeit dieses Volkes eine eigene Richtung, die noch furchbarer durch die Regierungsform, Verfassung und Religion begrenzt wurde. Strenge Priesterherrschaft, abgegrenzte Kasteneinteilung, hohe mathematische Kenntnisse befähigten die herrschende Priesterkaste schon früh, das Land ganz nach ihrem Willen zu leiten. Auch dies nun sprach sich natürlich auch in —- und Wessen der ägyptischen Baukunst deutlich und klar aus, die so lange feststereotyp blieben, als die Religion, getragen von der Priesterchaft, dieselbe blieb. Die Bauwerke trugen vor Allem die Grundlage der Priesterschaftlichen Willenskraft, Ausdauer und Energie, wahrer Genugtuung des vorgefundenen Materials, künstliche Bereinigung der Baustellen, mit dem dem gemeinen Volke als Heilige Geschöpften; Alles ist mit wahrer Ordnung, Beunruhigung und Genugtuung behandelt, Alles für ewige Dauer berechnet und ausgeführt. Die Haupteigenschaften, sowie mit gerissen- 6” Inswilfigur Mal. 4 dierten als Symbol der weissen Sparfamilie und regen Ausdauer im mühsamen Arbeiten und der Fähigkeit Gottes aus unförmlichem, dh verachteten Stoff etwas Gutes zu erzeugen. Reihen solcher Münzkäfer, wurden zur Berzierung der Rundstäbe unter den Hohlkehlen benutzt, auch kammen Ketten davon als Behänge vor. Die Hasen, wegen ihrer scharf geteilten Augen, das Symbol der Theils beleuchtung des Mondes. Ginne große Rolle in der Verzierung spielt der Thierfreis, er bedeutet die Bahn, auf welcher die Seelen vom Schoß des Vaters herab und wieder hinauf gehen. | Die großen Mauern der Gebäude wussten die Dichte zu mildern, indem sie dieselben durchmale mit Bildnereien und farbigem Schmuck überzogen, der aber in zwar lebendigen aber doch nicht feierlichen - ohne viel Schatten und Lichteffekt, sondern eben nur als Anstrich behandelt ist, daß er dem Eindruck des Ganzen als solchen nicht nachteilig wird. Die Verzierungen, die Kapitelle, Hohlkehlen, Säulen erheben sich als wenig über die Klauen der Hauptform, sind aber durch den bunten Anstrich bestimmte gefährlich. Die bildlichen Darstellungen der Außenwände sind eigenartig aber sehr bedeutungsvoll als Intaglien (Reliefaufnahmen) behandelt, d. h. aus der flauen polirten Fläche in sehr flachen Reliefe heraus gearbeitet, daß die höchsten Stellen mit der Grundfläche in einer Ebene liegen. Und so die Ruhe des Sanzens nicht stören. Im Innern sieht man auch bloß gemalte, aber reliefartig geordnete Wandbilder, deren Konturen mit scharfen Strichen angedeutet, die Stelle zwar bunt aber ohne Modellirung gefärbt sind. Die Darstellungen im Innern betreffen Gegenstände der Religion und des Empfangs, die am Äußeren der Tempel, Taten der Gottesdiener, Schlachten, Triumphzüge. Fünfte Teil Ägyptens finden Die Tempel aller gebaut, im oberen vielfach, wenigfiend zum Teil in den Felsen gehauen und dachlos natürlich noch mächtiger, finster und dadurch geheimnisvoller: Die Paläste Tempeln sehr ähnlich, da ja Die Könige als Söhne der Götter betrachtet wurden. Der Sanctuarienbefund darin, dass die Säle in den Palästen noch größer sind und an der Stelle der Zellen im hinteren Teil des Tempels eine Reihe bewohnter Gemächer trat, sie der Herrscher waren den Hessengestelter. Inf. Doch findet man schon bei den Palästen die Anwendung des Sandsteins nicht so aus- schließlich, als bei den Tempeln, vielmehr finden sie zum großen Teil aus Ziegeln errichtet gewesen, die vielfach mit Stein- platten versehen waren. Doch waren die Dächer der Paläste ebenso flad als die der Tempel, obgleich die Anwendung von Sol bei den Palästen nicht unwahrhaftig ist, denn wie hätten bei aus Lehmziegeln errichteten Wänden Im Stande fein fallen, eine so schwere Steindecke zu tragen, als sie auf den Tempeln gefunden worden. Die Grabmonumente der Ägypter fallen hauptächlich in zwei Gattungen: die Pyramiden und die Hypogäen. 1. Die Pyramiden im Grundriss quadratisch, oben in eine Spitze endend, sind in der Regel nicht ganz so hoch, ja oft nur 1/2 so hoch als breit. In der Regel finden ihre Seitenflächen nicht gearbeitet, sondern bestehen aus großen Stufen, die nach oben abnehmen, was erstens die Arbeit des Hinaufschaffens erklärter, zweitens aber auch der Perspektive nachhilft und so die Pyramiden noch höher erscheinen ließ als sie sind. Während nun die eine der Pyramiden von Gizeh, die des Cheops, nach den Maßangaben von Herodot 554 Fuß Höhe und 727 Fuß Länge und 208 Stufen hat; hat eine der Pyramiden von Sakkara auf 150 Fuß Höhe und 132 Fuß Länge nur 6 Stufen; bei anderen finden die Seitenflächen schräg befällt; noch andere finden sich aus Aufgleich von 15 Zoll Länge, 7 Zoll Breite und 4 Zoll Stärke errichtet und vielleicht ehemals mit Stein bedeckt gewesen. Sie finden nicht durch Gemächt verbunden. In anderen Fällen aber findet man einen bitumenbefenden Gemächt oder auch einen Mörtel von Kalk und Gyps und Sand als Bindemittel angewendet. Die innere Einrichtung nun der Pyramiden besteht gemäßiglich nur in einem abwechselnd auf und abwärts führenden Gang, an dessen Ende sich eine Grabkammer mit einem Sarkophag, ohngefähr in der Mitte der Pyramide befindet. Den Eingang aber zu diesem Gang schließt ein genau in die sauber bearbeitete Steingefilde passender und deshalb später schwer zu findender Stein. Die ägyptischen Pyramiden finden hier alle, die ägyptischen, von schlaukeren Korn mit vorspringenden Steben an den Ecken, meistens von Backsteinen; nicht selten haben sie Borhallen mit Pylonen, Sculpturen und Hieroglyphen, kurz, sie zeigen das Bestreben. Augen, aber nicht den Stellen, der Grundidee der Pyramide beizufügen, aber architektonisch Fortzubauen, sie zum Hass des architektonisch gefassten Grabes zu machen, jeder solcher Versuch musste nieder gehen. 2. Gypogeen. Die unterirdischen Gange liegen am Rande entlang, an der fließenden Bergkette und unter den angrenzenden Sandfeldern. Die Anstalten haben einen vorgebauten Hof unter freiem Himmel oder eine im Felßen eingehauene Vorhalle; an diese schließt sich nun ein verwundenliches Labyrinth von Gängen, Kammern und Sälen, die oft reich waren, mit Reliefs und Statuen geschmückt. Der Schluss der ganzen Anlage macht dann eine Rische mit der Größe der Statue eines Toten. Seitengänge führen zu dem eigentlichen, nochmal durch eine Querbalken, quer zur Vorhalle mit zwei Türen hinter einer unter verteilten Grabkammer mit bemerkenswerter Ausstattung, darin in mehrfacher Hülle in einander getellter Särge die Mumie ruhte. Die Gefäß und Geräte, die man hier fand, trugen das Gepräge des Cultus und hatten also demselben Stil mit den Bauten, der Architektur und Sculpturen, der sie zum Teil u" — Einige bunte, 3. Auch fand man kleine Objekte aus demselben Stoff, ferner aus Palmen, Sykomoren und anderen kostbaren Holzarten, 34 größere Figuren sind aus Holz, Serpentin, Hämatit, Basanit, Berzphur und Granit gefertigt; größere Bronzefiguren hat man gar nicht gefunden; —** war das Metall dazu zu kostbar. Die Toten der einfachen Volksstämme waren genossenschaftlich in großen Gräbern, Tempeln beigesetzt, die unweit der Städte, aber stilltisch angelegt waren; und jede Disposition zeigt wie bei den Hypogäen für größere und aufwändigere. In flacher Grundlage man Schachten und unten Eisen, in denen die Leichname aufgehäuft wurden; und weil wegen des Walfers nicht fung. baute man die Nekropole aus Ziegeln und überdeckte sie bügelförmig mit z, sodass je feine Verwesungsgerüste anschreiten, obgleich die Leichname durch Harz von Ratramn z. wor dem Verfaulen gefügt Bund den Canalbauten, Wasserreservoirs und anderen Schifffahrtsbauten der Ägypter ist leider außer dem künftigen See von Wirtel, so gut wie gar nichts erhalten. Alten, die Kanäle sind verfüllt, die Öffnungen von Wasserfälle überweht, der auch die Tempelrininen immer mehr und mehr zu überschwemmen droht. Roh findet man auch einigen der Gräber von Beni Hasan an den Vorhallen zwei Säulenformen, welche von den eben besprochenen Zentaid abweichen und schon einen Eingang zu den dorischen Säulen der Griechen zu bilden scheinen. Die erste ist achtedig, mit einer vierfachen Platte überdacht, die zweite aber sechsfachig mit ausgezeichneten Rinnen, ganz ähnlich den Kanälen an den dorischen Säulen, die deshalb auch protodortische Säule genannt wird. Stein findet von hohen Alter, wahrscheinlich von ungefähr 1800 vor Christus. Außerdem findt man noch eine Säulenform, die ein Bündel zusammengefügter und mit Rinnen oder Schnuren umzogene Rundstäben darstellt, als auch eigentlich zu der überall vorherrschenden flachen Steindeckenkonstruktion an die Holzkonstruktion erinnert. Werfen wir nun noch einen Blick auf die Gemärfformation der Öffentlichen und heiligen Bauwerke Ägyptens, so kündigt er im ersten Blick eine unendliche Großartigkeit an, die den Eintretenden durch kolossale, übermenschlich zeitenswertige Maßen, durch pompante Portale, Vorhöfe und Hallen nicht erhob, denn solche Maßen liegen der Fassung gehe der Menschens zu fern, sondern In terte und fest, dann aber weiter hinein immer enger und düster sich zusammenzieht und endlich in die Dede eines mystischen, schweigenden Dunkels übergeht, hinter dem sich die Richtigkeit eines göttlichen, verehrten Thieres verbirgt; darin auch ist die Ursache zu suchen, warum die ägyptische Architektur einer lebendigen Entwicklung nicht fähig war, sondern in allen ihren Formen zwar organisch zusammenhängend, doch geistlos auf der errungenen Stufe der Ausbildung stehen blieb, die Ursache ferner, warum man überall in dieser Architektur auf Gegenstände stößt, die sich nicht nach innerer Nothwendigkeit lösen, sondern nach den Regeln äußerer kluger Berechnung gegeneinander nach Möglichkeiten ausgesucht sind. Dasselbe nun die Ägypter die Gräber als ihre eigentlichen bleibenden Wohnstätten, die Wohnhäuser aber nur als vorübergehende Serbergen anfuhren, weshalb wir selbigen bei den Paläiten der Könige finden, daß die eigentlichen Wohnräume im Verhältnis zu den Repräsentationsräumen sehr steifmateriell behandelt sind, obgleich deshalb fast nur Ägyptischer Stil von öffentlichen und gottesbegünstigen Gesamt vom Hof aus auf einer Rampe oberhalb der Ruinen anfuhren und gefommen sind, so Treppen gelangten. Und wir da nicht ganz ohne Kenntnis von Statt des Dachs hatten, die Häuser eine der Orientierung und Formgebung ihrer Bögen | Terrasse; bei reicher mit einem Dach. Dieselben waren wie bei allen | auf kurzen Säulen ruhenden Dach. Völker der Vergangenheit und Gegenwart | verfehlt; bei ärmere mit einem das Regen- | weniger solide gebaut als die öffentlichen | warf nad durch Mitte des Gebäudes Gebäude, wie dies eben in der Natur ihrer | nach dem Sohl leitenden Bretterdach, Melchaf Beitrag so wie im dem Umstände bes | genannt, dies Dach wurde wo möglich so randet ist, daß an den öffentlichen Ges | gelegt, daß es vordem Rorboftwind | schüßte; Bäuden eine ganze Nation, an den Bohn- | manchmal fliegt ein Teil der Fassade höher häufter eine einzelne Person mit ihren Geldern | empor und bildete so eine Art von Turm. mitteln arbeitet. Auf Reliefs sind uns Pläne | Manche Häuser waren auch oben mit einer gemauerten Brüstung mit einem Schieß- | die vereinigt mit dem Studium der Städte | Schartenkranze verfehen. Fenster und Thüren ruinen, folgendes ge eigt haben. Die Straße | waren zweiflüglig, schlugen nad innen und hinter waren regelmäßig angelegt, aber sehr | eng, so daß die breitsten kaum Raum für Geschossen. einen Wagen boten. Die Häuser bildeten rechtsbohnte Reihen und hatten fast mehr als zwei Eingeschossen; nur in Theben und Memphis, wo der Grund und Boden teuer war, erbauten sie sich nach Diodor bis zu 4 und 5 Eingeschossen. Die Zimmer waren num ein einen Sohn oder zu zwei Sitten zweymal so langen Korridors gruppirt. Der Hof war ein weitrer Raum, bei weitem größer als das Iphuvinum der Römer, mit Bänken besetzt, viel leicht gepflastert und mit einem Brunnen in der Mitte. Vor der Eingangstür war ein Portikus oder mindstens ein Vordach mit 2 Säulen, über dem Fahnenflagge wehten. Auf dem Sturz der Pforte war der Name des Besitzers eingehauen und häufig irgend ein lustiger Wahlspruch. Der ganze Komplex war umgeben, flankiert an der Fassade. Die Pforte führte auf einen Hof. An der Hinterseite dieses Hofes fand ein Pavillon, der von Säulen getragen war, die durch eine Brüstungsmauer verbunden waren. Dieser Pavillon diente zum Empfang der Fremden. Von diesem Hof führten 3 Türen, eine große zwischen zwei kleinen zu einem weiten Hof, der mit Bäumen besetzt, gegenüber eine hintere Ausgangstür hatte. An diesem Hof waren bei kleinern Häusern die Zimmer rechts und linke direkt angebaut; bei größeren Schlössen waren rechts und Links in der Mitte der Grundstüfte zwei andere Querbögen an, an deren Seiten nun erst die Zimmer lagen. Vor diesen Zimmern zogen sich Säulenhallen hin, die die Korridore der oberen Geschosse trugen. Im Parterre waren Magazine und Dienerwohnungen, oben die Wohnung des Besitzers und seiner Familie. Die Häuser hatten blos nur eine Eingangshalle, zu der große Saal, zu den Galerien, Brüstungen, die Säulen der Vorhalle, Mauern und Plafitte waren bunt bemalt und mit Linienverschlingungen, laufenden Labyrinthen und Zickzack verziert. Die Feuſter waren breit und niedrig, obem (hwmäler ale unten und mit einer Berdahung in Korm einer großen Hohlkehle verjeben, die über der ſchmalen und hoben Thür, nicht Immer aber ald Hauptfims des Daches wies derkehrt und mit Dunkeln Karben bemalt wohl alfo mehr gegen die Sonnenftrahlen ale egen den Regen ſchützen follte. Die Land» — **8 waren ähnlich eingerichtet, aber noch von einer großen Einhegung umgeben, die Die Wirthfchaftsgebäude einſchloß. An der Nähe der Hauptſtädte und SHauptitraßen waren namentlih die Töniglichen illen, die bios als Abſteigequartiere dienten, eng und einfach. Weiter entlegen waren fie aus⸗ gedehnter und durch Pylonen vertbeidigt, von fhönen Gärten, ausgedehnten Waſſer⸗ anlagen, &ebüfchen, Terraffen mit Aus- ſichtsplaͤtzen ꝛe. umgeben. Die Speicher waren kegelförmig nach oben verengt und wurden von oben gefüllt, wohin man mittelft einer Mampe gelangte. Unten war eine Meine Thür zum Heraus⸗ nehmen des Getreides. Der fon oben erwähnte See des Mös ris bat 3800 Stadien Umfang und war nad) der Sentbedung von Lipfius mit einem Damm von 10 Metres durchſchnittlicher Breite eingefaßt. Diefer Damm, and Kies und Grde aufgeführt, war ſtark geböfcht und mit Strebepfeilern verfehen. In der Nähe des Sees bante Mörie das Labyrinth, einen Gomplez von 3000 Ge⸗ mächern, in zwei Befchofien, deren Trümmer man vor Anızem eutbedt und anfjubeden Aemuſcher Styl. kgeuuen hat; ed war ans Lehmziegelu aufe, ührt und mit Kalkſtein bekleidet, zu wels dm Zwede ift bis jetzt unbekannt. Die Steinbrüche batten natürlich im zelge der enormen Banten der Aegypter eine ungeheure Ausdehnung erlangt und bieten dadurch viel * daß durch Juſchriften allemal beſagt iſt, zu welchem Gebäude und unter weichem Herrfcher die Steine aus dem betreffenden Bruce ent⸗ aennen wurden. Lie Festungen, welche auf den Reliefs auf den Pylonen dargestellt sind, zeigen ein Ensemble von vierfachen breiten Türmen und durch die selben bekrönnten hohen Räumen mit Reihen von Schießharten in Halbfedernform, vielleicht so gefaltet, damit die Festungen der selben durch die ebenfalls rundkreisförmigen Schilde der Ägypter vers ichleben sollten. Bemerkenswert nun die Technik der Ägypter an klagt, so waren sie sehr gesehen im Bearbeiten härter Steine, namentlich im Schleifen ja auch Bearbeiten der selben, vorzüglich und arbeit in der Bearbeitung weicher Steine. Bon Yen Felsmassen Töpfen sie die Steine teil in gleich in regelmäßigen Blöcken dadurch, dass sie nach der vorgezeichneten Spreng- linie eine Reihe Keile einsetzten und heiligen austrieben, teils in unregelmäßigen großen Maßen dadurch, dass sie Köcher in das Stein einbohrten, mit hölzernen Bolzen anspannten und die selben anschlugen, wodurch der Stein abgepreßt wurde. Zum Transport der großen Stücke bedienten sie sich teil des untergelegten Walzens, teils niedriger mit Meinen breiten Rädern, die sie auf einem hölzernen Schienenweg fortbewegten; zu Aufrichtung der Obeliske errichteten sie große Gerüst, andererseits kannten sie den Gebrauch der Erbwinde, der Steinzange und des Flaschenzugs. Werkwürdig ist und bleibt trotz des feste eingerichteten Einflusses der Tatsache, dass ein Volk, welches in der Maschinentechnik und der Verwendung der Werkzeuge und des Gebrauchs vom Metall schon so weit war, den Segen nicht kannte, ferner beider Konstruktion und teilweise stehenden, teils auf diese ruhenden gigantischen Steinblöcken steht blieb; man findet nämlich zwar hier und da Spannschützen angemeldet, die nie wohl auf das Prinzip der Wölbung räumführenden Tann, die aber doch fein Zeugnis dafür geben, dass sie anders kompliziertere Wölbungen gelaufen hätten, denn die rundbösen Tonnengewölbe, die man hier und da In den Gräbern und Palästen gefunden hat, haben sich bei genauerer Untersuchung als aus der Zeit der Römerherrschaft herrührend erwiesen. Auch die Dachkonstruktion aus Holz kann denen sich nicht, alle ihre Gebäude sind waargrecht mit Stein abgedeckt. Bas nun endlich die Anwendung des ägyptischen Stils auf neue Gebäude betrifft, wäre wohl darüber Folgendes zu bemerken: Frei Sitten, Gebräuche, fremde Religionen und Staatoverfassungen haben nicht die mindeste Ähnlichkeit mit den ägyptischen, unser Klima ist ein ganz anderes als das Ägyptens, daher würden sich die Formen der ägyptischen Tempel, Paläste und Nekropolen durchaus nicht zur Anwendung auf unsere Kirchen, Schlösser und Villen eignen. Unsere Technik ist unvergleichlich weit fortgeschritten und bietet uns Mittel dar, mit weniger Umständen und Kosten unsere Ziele zu erreichen, als es den Ägyptern möglich war; es würde also geradezu Unsinn sein, jene Construktionsweise zurückzukehren. An unserer Zeit ist das ganze Volk foweit gebildet, daß es gespürt fann, wir brauchen also zu Hieroglyphen und den sich tragenden Obeliskene Feine Zuflucht zu nehmen, um unseren großen Männern Denkmäler zu setzen, dann eben da unsere Bildhauer Statuen mit Portraitähnlichkeit auszuschaffen vergessen; und da wir im Stande sind aus den selben Steinen und mit den selben Kosten, die eine Pyramide brauchen, bessere, ausdrucksvollere Bauwerke herzustellen. Wenn man im neunzehnten Jahrhundert im christlichen Deutschland eine Pyramide bauen oder einen Obelisk errichten, so ist dies mindestens ebenso undankbar gegen die Fortschritte der Kultur und ebenso sehr ein Mangel an Selbstachtung verrätend, als wenn wir anfangen wollten, nach unserer unbedeutenden schützenden - Sanitäten unter den bloßen Füßen zu schmücken. Nun hat man neuerdings versucht, ägyptische Architekturformen zur Innenerkoration, 3. B. von Arenaumaurerlogen zu verwenden; aber auch dies ist logisch nicht zu rechtfertigen. Die Myysterien unserer heutigen Freimaurerlogen sind ganz anders Natur, als die der ägyptischen Priester, ihre Zwecke sind ganz andere und die Mittel, womit sie diese verfolgt, sind durchaus nicht so mystischer Art, daß der ägyptische Stil die richtige Ausdrucksweise für dieselben wäre. Doch davon s. u. d. Art. Freimaurerloge und Myysterie. Baden. 80 lang an 4 A rechtfertigen de An — en {ft a der Decoratio * te zu einer —Team Da AIR — ae — A Rufe jeum, 2 I Hülf ea In ‚enthaltend, *. die — —* keit die \ allen R außer eichnen ansehe ei Berglet — geo⸗ I Gr B: bei Rechthalt dungen * Bolsphen einander ak gi Mir) fs und auf einander fol gen j alten X "proportiona l daya ai de Seiten uk eingepresst —* fo gel —X te j Ahn! ‚heit ober Konkretion a Das Briken Fi le Aehutichkeit ist nu, für die —— — = Archimetische Größen, 3. B. Gleichungen find einander ähnlich, —* ihre — An gleichem Werkzeug weiß gut einander fehlen, oder ihre Einheimmlungsart Auen ist, Ma RR 2,0, m Din —8 — a+b+c=d+f iii. Symbol Yes Adrbanie. % “2 'bre, Ehre, Here gelb. 1a fur, Diele, Achtersäuligen Pfosten, f. a. coltella. Ich, eine Ur-Gilberz Erzheimenstlein, Benennung des Baryt. Zwei ms. Ruf mich an, denn von Ihnen finde ich: Aquila ja elecia justo Fait, Aus der Tatsache, dass ich Imperium orbis universi, Alles Erdreich untert, Ey der Wahrheit. Kurs auf den Sanitar, Ka die in Evangelium. Bären, ein je 6 Hirsch im berdachten Gerechtigkeit. Vor 3% Biden Angela erspringt, einen Felsen, f. Elsbeere. Autor. Acker, f. Eller. Zu haben, oft den nach. Butt die unter Kinn. Die entworfen, um werben, Dafien, zu stare Bauern. Adurch Er alleine auf viel, auch ein plumpes, Jammer, ges, quöbrudlos Anfechtung. Icon, ein musikalisch, Programm auf die Charte der Drogen und der Aktionen jeglicher Art begründet. Aeolipil, eine schon von den Römern gebrachte Blase oder Daupplügel, mit dem Teil mit Wasser gefüllt und dann zum Seifen gebracht, Luft angesaugt und als Röhrtrompete geblasen werden. Aeolus, bei den Griechen als Vater der Winde göttlich verehrt und auf Wollenstrophe, dem oder in ein Horn Hafend Dargebrach. Im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert gab man ihm besonders genug Feldstatt als Aeolus, das musikalisches Instrument, sein senkrechten den Wind zum Tönen. Harfe, f. Epric u. Enden, ist in der Mathematik gebracht für Pro Kegelsatz, auf einer Art die Distanz im Mittelpunkt — E mit der Drechtrate durch — die Ebene befriedigen. Orgel, ein auf einem Helften, rechthafteigfenes Perapropr zum Gebrauch der —. Das Just, die chemische ausbilden, die man vom einzelnen Granzen nehmen muss, damit verloh, mit an. "Sirche, das ist der Schlüssel. Intuition zum Deutschen. Viele. — S — X — R — re. Aufform, kaufmännisch. Erhalten. Linie. Acolä. Auerale. Arie. Ernte. Landwirtschaftliche Gebäude. Arztgut, reichlich Arzte, Göttin der Heilung, möglichst weit im Jahr zu bauen. Gesundheit, unter der Würze, dargehellt ganz, zur Ernte fertig, erwünschter bärtiger Mann, Prinzent, knotend wie zwei Stäben gefüllt, an dem eine Schlange der Joch beinhaltet. Der Jochmann, der Bergarbeit, solches er und die Prinzipien, die Erntewinde verwenden. Sommer, bei den Röhren. JAeredynamik, derjenige Teil der höheren Mechanik, der von den Kräften und Bewegungen des Fleischs, Gases, Dämpfe, zentrieren, dahin gehört die Dampfmaschinen, die Ventilation. Wissenschaftliche Beurteilung und Akrostatik. Ratik, Lehre von der Gesetzmäßigkeit des Kaibeln, elastischer Körper, Beruf, Beruf, Safe zu. Akroometrie, für. Aermee, u. vermutlich Windbüchsen, ne, von ich iob be Aldnubriek 120 d. (ft. erfundene Kriegsmaschinen, die nach Art der Spitz, die gepresste Luft die Fertigstellung erlaubte. Aeruz, Aufspaltung, und Füstlid erzeugte Keramik hieß bei den Alten die schwarze Granulation, welche die Bronze mit der zu dem Deyeatiod anmut, bei den Italienern jedes Fall in Pätina genannt; beim Corinthiern wurde aber heller. Bei neuem Bronze-arbeiten wurde durch einen Artschritt mit Sauger eine künstliche Bronzeabzüge gesetzt, am übten schnell das schöne Aufgehobensein älterer Bronzewaren zu geben; doch ist diese Eindringe Dank "ein so schönes die wärt ilich, Pätina. — ns u 13, die Bronze mit dem Kupfer. Jeṣar, Haushaltsgott der Otter. Akten, Ehe. Jeṣchel od. Acre, seine Schmälte. Schwer, feiner nicht je verboten, kriegerisch, bei dem Bau weichen Esser verankert, findest du Öfen, und Bienen brüten.
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CCA 20170114. Notice is hereby given that a writ-appeal petition for review of the decision of the United States Army Court of Criminal Appeals on a petition for a writ of mandamus was filed under Rule 27(b) on this date..
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Automobile trunk lid release ABSTRACT A safety release mechanism for releasing a trunk lid of an automobile from within the trunk, the trunk lid including a latch for engaging a staple adapted for mounting on a standard inside the trunk of the automobile, comprises a single threaded attachment element for coupling the staple to the standard. The attachment element has an enlarged handle positioned for grasping by a person&#39;s hand from within the trunk for rotating the attachment element to release the staple from the standard. This is a continuation-in-part of application Ser. No. 08/227,967, filed Apr. 15, 1994 now U.S. Pat. No. 5,462,320. This invention relates to a system wherein a hasp installed within an enclosure to limit access to space therein is made removable from inside the space to allow a person trapped therein to escape. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION In U.S. Pat. No. 5,462,320, there is disclosed a release mechanism for a hasp and staple assembly. In general, a hasp is a security device having a slotted flap connected at a pin joint to a hinge portion attached by screws to a door or door casement. The slotted part pivots into a "closed" position over the eye ring of a staple attached by screws to the other of the door or door casement. When closed, the flap conceals the screw holes on both the hinge portion and staple plate, so that when a padlock is passed through the eye ring and locked, an intruder cannot unscrew the screws with a screwdriver. Conventional hasps come in various styles and sizes, with lengths of typically 21/4" to 61/4" and widths of 1" to 2". Though hasps are commonly used on doors, the same also can be used to lock lids of chests and for other types of closures as well. It is customary to apply a padlock and hasp, in addition to a factory-installed latch, on the doors of walk-in freezers and similar storage containers in the food service industry. Where hasps are employed on enclosures to limit access to large internal spaces, however, there is a risk that a person will become intentionally or unintentionally locked within the closure. This could occur, for example, where a kitchen employee is inadvertently locked in a meat storage cooler, or where a number of employees are locked into confinement during a robbery. In accordance with the invention of U.S. Pat. No. 5,462,320, one or both of the hasp hinge or staple plate are removably secured by a fastener passed externally from the inside of the confinement space. A preferred embodiment utilizes a threaded rod having a grippable handle. The rod is passed through a bore in the door or casement and threaded into a screw hole of the hasp hinge or staple plate. The rod is then cut off to avoid interference with operation of the flap. Thereafter, should a person become trapped within the hasp-protected enclosure, rotation of the handle from inside the enclosure will unscrew the rod, causing the hinge or staple plate to be freed for opening the closure. Another application where staples are used in a locking mechanism are in trunk lid fasteners in automobiles. These fasteners do not use the slotted flap and separate lock to close the trunk lid but rather use an integral latching mechanism within the trunk lid which grasps the protruding portion of the staple inside the trunk of the automobile. Once the lid has been closed, it is not generally possible for someone inside the trunk to release the latching mechanism in order to open the trunk. There are a number of situations in which it would be desirable to have such a feature. For example, children playing around an open trunk automobile may perhaps close the lid while they are inside and thus not be able to escape. More commonly, car jackings often culminate in the car owner being forcibly locked into the trunk of the car. If the person is not found within a reasonable length of time, it is entirely possible that the person locked in the car may not survive. Accordingly, it is desirable to provide a release mechanism which allows a person locked into the trunk of a vehicle to escape from the trunk by releasing the trunk lid from within the vehicle trunk. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION In accordance with the present invention, there is provided a mechanism for releasably connecting the staple of an automobile trunk lid latch so that a person within the trunk can release the staple and thus allow the lid to be opened. In a preferred form, the staple is attached to a conventional mounting stand within the trunk using a threaded rod having a large grippable handle. The rod passes through a bore in the mounting stand and threads into a screw hole on the staple plate. The length of the rod is selected so as to avoid interference with the operation of the trunk latch while still providing sufficient retentive power to hold the staple in place. With the use of the present invention, a person becoming trapped within the trunk of an automobile can rotate the handle from inside the trunk and unscrew the rod causing the staple to be released so that the trunk lid can be opened. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS For a better understanding of the present invention, reference may be had to the following detailed description taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings in which: FIG. 1 is an exploded view of a safety hasp system in accordance with U.S. Pat. No. 5,462,320; FIG. 2 is a sectional view taken along the line of 2--2 of FIG. 1; and FIG. 3 is a top plan view of the handle end of the fastening rod used to removably secure the hasp in the arrangement shown in FIGS. 1 and 2; FIG. 4 is a simplified perspective view of a typical staple used in an automobile trunk lid latch assembly; FIG. 5 is a plan view of the staple of FIG. 4 attached to a mounting stand by a manually releasable device in accordance with the present invention; and FIG. 6 is a simplified perspective view of a staple and latch assembly used in a trunk lid latch system. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION Before turning to the details of the present invention, reference will first be made to FIGS. 1-3 which disclose a safety hasp with a releasable mechanism as described in the aforementioned U.S. Pat. No. 5,462,320. As will be appreciated, the teachings of the present patent are applied to the present invention and therefore an understanding of the prior patent will facilitate an understanding of the present invention. A safety hasp 10 comprises two parts, one attached to an external surface 12 of a walk-in cooler door 14 (shown in phantom in FIG. 1 and in solid lines in FIG. 2) and another attached to an external surface 15 of a door frame 16 of the same cooler. The first part includes, in conventional manner, an elongated planar, generally rectangular flap or strap 17 having a vertical slot 18 adjacent a free first end 19, and a bifurcated second end 20 forming a vertical cylindrical channel 21, through which a pin 22 is passed for pivotal attachment of end 20 to a first lateral edge 24 of a hinge plate portion 25. Hinge plate 25 includes one or more apertures 27 through which fastening means may be threaded to surface 12, externally of the walk-in cooler. The second part of the hasp system includes an eye ring 28 which projects outwardly from a staple plate base portion 29 and assumes the same vertical orientation as slot 18. In conventional manner, plate 29 has a plurality of screw hole apertures 30 through which conventional screw fasteners 31 are passed for attachment of the second part to surface 15, externally of the walk-in cooler. The first and second parts of the hasp system are relatively dimensioned, configured and adapted so that when the flap 17 is brought from its "open" (shown by solid lines in FIG. 1) to its "closed" (shown by dot-dot-dashed lines in FIG. 1 and solid lines in FIG. 2) position, slot 18 is brought over eye ring 28 for securement of flap 17 in its closed position, with flap 18 covering and concealing the apertures 27, 30 by passing a shackle of a padlock through ring 28. In accordance with the invention, at least one of the hasp system first and second parts is secured to the corresponding door 14 or door frame 16 from inside the cooler. For the illustrated example, conventional slotted screws 31 are passed in the usual manner to secure hinge plate 25 to door frame 16 from outside the enclosure. The shanks of screws 31 are passed through apertures 30 and threaded into frame 16. In the closed position, the free end 19 of flap 17 covers the heads of screws 31 to prevent their removal. Hinge plate 25 is, however, secured to surface 12 of door 14 by passing a specially configured fastening element 33 from inside the cooler, through a horizontal bore 34 that passes through door 14, and into threaded engagement with a hole 27. The illustrated embodiment shows a fastening element 33 comprising a length of stainless steel or brass rod 35 which is threaded at a leading end 36 and centrally attached at a trailing end to a grippable handle 38. Handle 38 includes a radially outwardly extending circular disc portion 39, which is circumferentially notched to provide angularly spaced alternating ridges and valleys. Such circumferential contouring both facilitates gripping and enables ready recognition of the handle by feel, in the absence of light. An illuminator 40 is located on the rear face of disc portion 39 for providing temporary "emergency" lighting. Illuminator 40 may take the form of a battery operated flashlight which includes a rotatable lens or on-off switch for energizing a light bulb located within handle 38. Illuminator 40 may, alternatively, take the form of a luminescent chemical substance contained within the handle and activated by kneading or the like. The security hasp 10 is installed by passing rod 35 through bore 34, from inside the cooler, and threading it into an aperture 27 of hinge plate 25. Rod 35 is threaded into aperture 27 until an enlargement at base 42 of handle 38 is brought flush into engagement with an internal surface 43 of door 14 (see FIG. 2). The leading portion of rod 35, if any, that projects beyond the front surface of hinge plate 25 is then cut off, so that there is no obstruction to movement of the flap 17 into its closed position. Turning now to FIG. 4, there is shown a perspective view of a conventional staple assembly used in a latch system for an automobile trunk lid. As will be appreciated, the staple shown at 50 in FIG. 4 is similar in appearance to the staple shown in FIG. 1. The staple 50 includes an eye ring portion 52 which projects outwardly from a staple base plate portion 54. The staple 50 includes a pair of mounting holes 56 which are used to mount the staple to a stand or standard within the automobile trunk enclosure. Typically, the staple 50 is mounted to such a standard by means of nuts and bolts passing through the holes 56 and similarly aligned holes in the stand. Referring to FIG. 5, there is shown a plan view of the staple 50 situated on a representation of a staple standard 58. In the illustrative embodiment, the existing holes 56 in the staple 50 are utilized for mounting the staple to the standard 58. In one form, one of the mounting bolts is discarded and replaced by a stud that projects through one of the apertures 56. The stud is used only to secure the staple 50 against rotation about the other mounting hole. In the other mounting hole 56, a specially configured fastening element 60 passes through the hole in the standard 58 from beneath and into the second aperture 56. The fastening element 60 includes a short threaded portion of rod 62 on which a nut 64 on the top side of staple 50 is threaded. In a preferred form, the nut 64 would be welded to the staple 50 so that the nut would not turn when the fastening element 60 is rotated to withdraw the rod 62 from the nut. Alternately, the staple 50 could be modified to have smaller holes 56 that can be directly tapped in the manner illustrated in FIG. 1 of the '320 patent so as to eliminate the need for the nut 64. Methods other than welding may also be provided for attaching the nut 64 to the staple base plate portion 54 in order to minimize rotation of the nut 64 if the releasing element 60 is rotated. Still further, other forms of coupling between the element 60 and staple 50 may be utilized rather than the illustrated threaded connection. For example, the rod 62 may have a radially extending member and the aperture 56 may be slotted to pass such member when the rod is turned. In such instance, spring loading may be used to compress the staple to the standard. Another option is to use an overcenter latch to couple the staple to the standard. The release element 60 has many of the configurations illustrated in the '320 patent, preferably including at least a serrated circular disc portion 39 to provide a gripping surface for the hand. The element 60 may also include an illuminator 68 enabling the handle 66 to be easily identified in a darkened automobile trunk. The method of illuminating the element 68 is described above with reference to the '320 patent. The fastening element 60 also includes an enlarged shank area 70 connecting the rod 62 to the handle 66. The shank area 70 provides an abutting surface against the lower side of the standard 58 and also provides a convenient method of attaching the slotted rod 62 to the handle 66. FIG. 6 shows the eye ring 52 being engaged by a pivoting latch member 72 depending from a trunk lid latch assembly 74. As is well known, the latch assembly is controlled within the trunk lid and is generally not accessible without special tools. Furthermore, once the latch 72 has engaged the eye ring 52, a mechanism drops into place to prevent the latch 72 from merely being pushed sideways to release the trunk lid from the eye ring 52. As will be appreciated, the present invention utilizes the release element 33 of the aforementioned U.S. Pat. No. 5,462,320 to releasably attach a staple assembly to a standard within an automobile trunk. By simply grasping the outer ring 66 of the assembly 60, a person in the trunk can release the staple assembly and thus allow the trunk lid to be opened from within the trunk enclosure. It will also be appreciated that various types of staple assemblies are used in different styles of automobiles but that each of those assemblies generally comprises some type of eye ring which is engaged by a swinging latch such as that illustrated at 72 in FIG. 6 and that all of the eye rings are attached to an elevated mounting standard. While some eye rings are formed of bent metal rods without having a base plate portion, the metal rods are still held in place by bolts or other types of fasteners which connect the ring to a standard such as that shown at 58. The standards themselves may take different forms from automobile to automobile but generally have an upper surface adapted for attachment of an eye ring assembly. In addition, some of the eye ring assemblies or staples may be attached by means of rivets rather than bolts. In such instances, the staples can be removed by drilling the rivets out of the system and reattaching the staple using the apparatus as illustrated in FIG. 5. While the invention has been described in what is presently considered to be a preferred embodiment, various modifications and improvements will become apparent to those skilled in the art. It is intended therefore that the invention not be limited to the specific disclosed embodiment but be interpreted within the full spirit and scope of the appended claims. What is claimed is: 1. A safety release mechanism for releasing a trunk lid of an automobile from within a trunk thereof, the trunk lid including a latch for engaging a staple adapted for mounting on a standard inside the trunk of the automobile, the improvement comprising a single threaded attachment means for coupling the staple to the standard, the attachment means having an enlarged handle positioned for grasping by a person's hand from within the trunk for rotating the attachment means to release the staple from the standard. 2. The safety release mechanism of claim 1 wherein the staple includes an eye ring connected to a staple plate, said attachment means including a threaded end for passing through the standard and into a threaded aperture in said plate and further including a non-threaded portion for reacting against the standard. 3. The safety release mechanism of claim 2 wherein said staple plate includes a second aperture adapted for receiving an unthreaded stud for preventing rotation of said plate about said threaded aperture. 4. A trunk lid release system for a trunk lid of a trunk of an automobile, the trunk lid being latched in a closed position by a latching mechanism engaging an eye ring of a staple, the staple being mounted on a standard within the trunk, the improvement comprising apparatus for releasably coupling the staple to the standard whereby the staple can be manually released from the standard without use of any tool..
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'use strict'; /* Copyright (c) 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. */ angular.module('dinoDateApp') .directive('valueMatch', function () { return { require: 'ngModel', scope: { otherModelValue: '=valueMatch' }, link: function(scope, element, attrs, ngModelCtrl) { ngModelCtrl.$validators.valueMatch = function(modelValue) { if (ngModelCtrl.$isEmpty(modelValue)) { return true; } return modelValue === scope.otherModelValue; }; scope.$watch('otherModelValue', function(val) { ngModelCtrl.$validate(); }); } }; });
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// This file is part of Tmds.Ssh which is released under MIT. // See file LICENSE for full license details. namespace Tmds.Ssh; public sealed class DownloadEntriesOptions { public bool Overwrite { get; set; } = false; public bool RecurseSubdirectories { get; set; } = true; }
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#ifndef __CLOCK_H__ #define __CLOCK_H__ #include "platform_config.h" typedef enum { CLOCK_SOURCE_NONE = 0, CLOCK_SOURCE_DCF77, CLOCK_SOURCE_GPS, CLOCK_SOURCE_CLI, CLOCK_SOURCE_END } clockSource_t; void clockInit(void); void clockPoll(void); void clockSetSource( const clockSource_t s ); void clockStoreSource( const clockSource_t s ); clockSource_t clockLoadSource(); clockSource_t clockGetSource( void ); #endif
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Sun River Sun. Vorlauf, S. R. VO. Ti, Y. HD, hY SN. Sunriver, Montana. THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1884, NO. 13. SOLCELLO IS ADVERTISEMENT. CARPET Dyeing, Rug Making, etc., Ex-Superintendent, etc. A variety of quality carpets, velvet, etc., at lot prices and available immediately. PAPERS. Borders and center to all of which many styles and endless variety of household goods are offered. The whole comprising together a complete stock in the territory. A coin tender, dedicated to call. Our sales will be held, promising attention to detail, quality, and service. S. sale & Co., (HALE'S NEW BLOCK), A. MONTANA. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Cliee as and Medicine, Fancy Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils & Brushes. And all to be found in a thoroughly stocked drug store. Particular attention given to physicians and cultivators. All medications warranted fresh and of the finest quality. Horse and Cattle condition powder; sharp diets, etc. Order by mail will receive prompt attention. CRANDALL HOTEL! Fort Benton, Montana. The Ideal Hotel of Montana. The U. S. Military telegraph office is located in the Hotel. The finest and latest hotel in the West. Fine accommodations for travelers, etc. Rooms replete for commercial use. Order now and receive a special rate. Husbarger & Travers. Durke, Mr. CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS, Recently received a lot out of machinery from St. Louis, we are better prepared than ever First-Class Work. Premier work of any kind, including to order. Stalls, jinks, durable mail, to order as required. Office and warehouse cheaper than they can be shipped here. Sun River, Montana New Firm. New Business. Bourk, Kauffman & Co., Blind floor Factory, Mouldings of all Kinds. Planing done to order. 1st ST., - - SUN RIVER, M. T. of this institution and its importance to the region. Sun River is the place to be for quality contracts and building materials. First-class work of any kind, including to order. Stalls, jinks, durable mail, to order as required. Office and warehouse cheaper than they can be shipped here. Sun River, Montana New Firm. New Business. Bourk, Kauffman & Co., Blind floor Factory, Mouldings of all Kinds. Planing done to order. 1st ST., - - SUN RIVER, M. T. The Sun River English Traffic School, Received with interest this announcement from Bryant & Stratton College, and English Traffic School, detailing their expanded courses for 1879. This school, known for its rigorous training in business and transportation management, now offers additional modules in foreign trade and international law, a welcome addition for those seeking careers in global commerce. The school, located in New York City, has a reputation for producing highly skilled professionals, and its alumni include many prominent figures in industry and government. For those interested in advancing their careers in the competitive world of business, the Sun River English Traffic School, with its comprehensive curriculum and experienced faculty, is an excellent choice. Enroll today and take the first step towards success in the global economy. FT. Shaw & Florence Road, Produce, grain, and coal, at your service. GIVE US ON LI. REL SPT., HOTEL DE VI ON MI. SCUTLUR The lion sleeps. Inside the storied hotel, rooms in their splendor, and servants tending to every need. But outside, the wind howls, and the snow falls, and within those walls, a different story is unfolding. Across the street, in the restaurant, the chef and his team work tirelessly, creating masterpieces from the finest ingredients. The dining room, illuminated by the flickering light of candles, is a vision of elegance and refinement. Here, among the tables set with crystal and sterling silver, the guests, bundled in furs, converse over meals that would be the envy of kings. In the bar, the fire crackles, and the bartender, with a deft touch, pours whiskies that would send even the most seasoned connoisseur into raptures. Here, in the midst of winter's chill, the warmth of the liquor and the company of fellow travelers is a welcome respite. Upstairs, in the rooms, the guests, both familiar and strangers, lie wrapped in the comfort of down-filled blankets, their dreams shaped by the city's buzz and the hotel's unmistakable charm. Here, in the stillness of the night, the hotel's spirit - that of hospitality and elegance - lingers, a testament to the enduring legacy of the institution. And outside, the snow continues to fall, transforming the city into a winter wonderland. But inside, the hotel is a beacon of warmth, a refuge from the cold, a place where dreams are made and memories are forged. Here, in the heart of Christchurch, the Hotel de Vion stands as a testament to the beauty of both the natural world and the art of hospitality. "Five yards of that lace!" "Oh, yes, that piece with red and blue scallops! It is beautiful." "No, indeed not that coarse hideous stuff fit only for kitchen curtains! I mean those festoons of lovely creamy white. The design is forget-me-nots and roses - every stitch done by hand. You see it looks like the most delicate frost picture." "I had never seen that design in roses and forget-me-nots executed by hand, but I agreed with her without hesitation. Who would not have done so in my place?" "It will cost a great deal," she continued, and perhaps you may demur; but I must have it." "I longed to rush in and buy every flimsy thing of lace that the shop contained; but I reflected that this would be premature. Besides, I had very little money. I contented myself with saying: "'I think your father would adopt every means in his power to gratify you' - with a deep melancholy in my family tone." "My papa is very good,' she said, with an upward glance, half by, half unused; 'but even the best men grumble sometimes. I hesitate only because, if I buy this lace, I shall have to pay duty on it at the frontier. I dislike paying duty - it feels such foolish imposition and still I want the lace very much. I have saved up, I will try to buy it, that will be such a treat!" "I beg of you, Miss Morton, to do nothing of the kind. You would be paying duty on it at the frontier, and I dislike paying duty - it feels such foolish imposition and still I want the lace very much. I have saved up, I will try to buy it, that will be such a treat!" lose yur"o'. lf to il v.ry :ns"ii','ortabl, cculut:er willh twe, "Cultom-l-ours cli'huls, tn:d the all'air might Ie anlly hlting but a joke.' "I wats tot in the liast horrilied at helr sutgge'titiol, fr I had friequltttly noticed in the fair sex nt warpxd ntor ality Upon this sutbject of smiusgglin/g, whelt upon other points the stallard of right and wrong fell little ::l.ort of the nggelie. '"I have. b.ien told that there is no difliculty itt al ll n snglglihg; 'on, has only tak.lekilc iuaaclt, aind .(,no is allowed to pass ulu,:'tiloln.' ('I11 ca ll-411 y3oul of tbec (onhtlary; eiry aiwkward 1411101 Oran'l,' 1 :il d:'awilldl hit little il Ily1 t ~1W ltebO tod d;-;!-m lldo lltd t~ni fill Untiviso acrt. 1'Wh omn ttii I to ihelicjve illy friends, wiloml 1 ] lev('i f011111 ilk 111 wrong. cir )oil, wll) deluldeld ipoor ill lnocl'llt Illitl abioult thot'e jdetoreii ill tho 1'Ikhb diu Ju1ticu tliii ubuz'oiug t" "~I wined,, f~or I hadc' coolly lnrllllt faltured fln ac0cou0nt of thlolse' Ititluvky jI'nillilli g, 11(1 id had seen11 Mis Ml 'rtoII (isllllltillg thi guoid' look aftoiiwiuds piretty fllce. "'How is ltly 0110 to illnn out if I IlhitO live 511rds of lhnt 1Itr ndda to the till-en~ roskllsIng subject "'ltelr l f in ositlltll Cus toml JI OVOO Ptrtti11ns it ,1·ivgtl morn m Irecsicid·d overl by igriL gl i'nluflel who hzis a righlt to .tarc'h fil lbl the lnyctoio ns pockets~L of lilly lady who a1ttr111 sulslpivilou.' BIilut I 1ill nut it sus114jicii011b-iilookilg ehitl'ilctc·1·!' ,Trt11; Ibt you lfiglit. ), Hslulject "'11 The I Hilill I m1ust giv i ll) 111y 1100?' "'I adviso you to atdandon tilhe idlea of iluliggling it.' "WVith a s4ig1h 1Sy cO(111 11iioll tunldllid 11W115 f1'100 111 tllllj)tillj. Vrile!do, 111±1 WVI' rltlIlCd 0111.' stetj to t1111 lhtolI, I Ibli'llvillng 111 11uestioni of tlhte 11100 de linlitlly sett!ld. All 11o' ltliter we took p1Jossesionl of a first-cllblli 0(llljo ll 11e)1111' fll Calu;s, i'F'ittig~uo kep~t mly companions lli rd 1011t tor a time, during wiiirhl I- ho twee'1l lldulliling gi11110014 lit tilh boullltiflll brug ladiles on Mis1 Mll' ton's t1)11111--(loss1i111 Cllooks--- fell to lnodiitlttinlg upon it voly distrl'thsill subl jet Wilich tihe ovOllI1 of till' 111151 few (ayS 11111 tenI11ll1'i1V I 111li1411'dl f10111 ily mind. 111I1 inll dlbt; thill 41tp of, tw01itjt fil l tdnd. . *pr tho 'iirrmel:,la mn+tIcntttlllNkf~rll ttnrititl-'"I bytdal thtluc r~o 9U' IuiW.; jijul I the prospout of mnkini.soty IwcouI:L ovvou wi1h the world la4ter on, for I Iad rieº tit cWlllt ~ I1WZ t iuctltc~llrc and sIll'0lvurfwd i td, dobt wi'ighlil lu'nvily 11j40 1 III. M'y 1ml('l4.g4'4' i44llt' fromu 1 wline 2irced our- 11i tl~llutl 1 hrvd-nncotl ph4o144of ei'lolttil itig -t ýIuatralli nt 14014e ('lrly (int'tl'-," thi to 1%ttctr ;ny fortunes. This .top, though tlecea sný iy d,.td,. tltl W .tlr nlnihi lifiin alt ft1tO1\1i}ST ýbbit4 nolI, for I bolloiv' thut wjih the isid of it little ,money: codld win rrclcgljitklu s t ltI artist. "Pn'ro'ntly Misu 3IIortoii 01)4444' 1 her uluh'1' toiu', wvhii'the old go'nt h'iuttn dt,"L1 it it, Chi' cll11o!1itc· ccrllc~r . We s~poke, 11144 sg oIth thot' ngs4~, of1 th' 01144444 1 crossinIg: mid Miss i E'Ioitiv, (lre'1ludi ng i n 4usick1ness, 41114o1nc10d her intet('1ionll of roInlinitlg oil doo-k. I thought oif hIer' 'x1po0;4'd to liho (ol'4 rnillgh night, 1144d 4'xprci)'s'11d' m istoy d p 1)101 i of thell' a144, p41'4gn1(444iW1tin~ 1'iItlI1t st01rlUs to oc4CU1 thllat par4t'iC'tlcl' Ilight. You are an 1a!;1nnist, Air. Tamoxo~lumd it good d1('al of 41 Mjiss4( Nivley. I really be('1ie'v(' I kitowits 444 muc04h 14bou4t thllosl' storms as you do~(. You frightenedi~c' too~ withl 41 snotty luulo I did out quitI till llortn1111 'nd1 n1ow youl wish41 to ill voko thuInder' 1144(d lighItInilng 1u1p0n1 Ily dl('f01lol.n 44l'4'411':1. Youl art' or 'lly i4 vary 4 Iln'141ir.flcto1y tu:il tol hlglon 41's faith oil.' Ihetr words c'ut1 11n4'. for it 44(r'4'414(l ollly too tii' Ii't . 11t.l 1(h givnlll lhr littIIt' ohio trlul fasoe ilformllltionl ev'' 'inioo 0 Ilhld mlet er ot wt o '1 I wishe 1to 11' 144 o its i livilIg 4lwvlc'y 4:4 (1i. "A1 idtl'41 ('4'441r('(1 oc4ur 444 to ,1' by lwitch I ll (might ' h (If ton1ic' trllto (h I ruh f 1.14 lat l('14st of miy sttiltl4111'Itt', 411t1 lth.ich I worl1d lint in~to (x'X4'tttioll 144 olu joull14('y4"I(vy' 4('s 1444 u ltll' 14 he Om of )41' 41411 4411i1t 4(4lc't II t1ouhIt, Ilit 11 horri!le I' 14l. A wild 111'l'4 4Impt0 11op14 within101214' 40a4d '4444; all wi444 nut tflisholl lcwtv~r o;n1.'. TI) m: C ':"T"i 4't4.r Eli P'Okinlg t014411 1'its41(11g 4'(1404 o~r thll otheri daly tilltIto 144.' W114glin~ to tutor it Inoml011(t('Vy 41444 M]44'411 tho reslt of hi:; 11i4'( 44.ol~tiItg o~f thelie: ljo, h1' lld told. Ito 44441 tbon'd ill(,l444ut-Ay he ''I.1o4444' 1114,y givllit,, 141411k44 qillt na of bctr lat t(1:41 mealI, 4(1d t14e Itci tiltil' is1 jithe Low4in thll wo,,'1d, :us t(tr. ''hi, is Lpr1obably the largest i. U-'". F'ifty t'4 teeth 'i,,jtj't frulm jt ri.i,. It is. ow , p .l4li'g at the r.,tt of i;7'.M vnroutimlbit t m lnutt, and is c(ipalj, of miling It ten i1th to twelvI' inch eit with I c:h revoultiionl. Thu story that l.ilutlnant Emoliry of tlt' phip lca r, Ihrs i1te(tit ouirPe'dt $~(1t,4,1;0 by .his cvife- a wealthy ',o 11011 i l'r oNl t ilght to Ibtltdont the (Iu'i'ely rtli,.f ejxpldtl;iouln a1id re ign this polsilioI' i ll th 'lnavy, is ip parit: ly without foundalion. Ai i'inimate brothetr tells It, W lsh ingto ilt-;ar replorter' that \'hiT Lion toutant Ew.ory was tlfer'rd l. o place in the strh hr l ll{t Int i' llhit iti l 1111d theTn ul;'lt lou, u l tii l told his wi,ii a.king her iif isho e gI d itlty thing toi s'il againot it. '"Not a word sh,', rep!hd, t1(1 thtli hi::;I iSi It wr(i i u11tth;e it si ce.. Portugal, last in the league, remains in the top echelon, thanks to Eva's brilliant outing. According to the judge, it was evident from the beginning that the team would triumph, despite feeling low after the first half. The girl encouraged the other efforts, practically reiterating from the beginning, and received accordingly, when the antagonist was dying of consumption. Phil, upon his return, brought it home, and mused over it for two days before he died. Among his effects was found a letter, stained with tears, showing that the girl had seen him during his final hours. One of the owners who overcame great obstacles has just opened his store in St. Louis. It is only just to the ingenious swindler to outline his scheme, which is based on Pittsburgh. Having purchased a building with its gas fixtures, he moved it to a lot formerly occupied by a convenience store in which gas had been used. The concerned owners, with their own fixtures, upon which they had titled many laws, discovered the scheme through the oil butane stand at the exception, was committed, that it was all designed to deceive. VICTORIA'S MYSTERY BOOK. The following is a few excerpts copied from the advice sheets of Queen Victoria's book: Jan. 1.- This is the first day of the event, and already reminds me that it is New Year's day. What beautiful coincidences! I had come across Brownie, delighted to see my old acquaintance, for mullering around in the market. VICTORIA'S MYSTERY BOOK. The following is a few excerpts copied from the advice sheets of Queen Victoria's book: Jan. 1.- This is the first day of the event, and already reminds me that it is New Year's day. What beautiful coincidences! I had come across Brownie, delighted to see my old acquaintance, for mullering around in the market. Just. 2.—It is snowing. Brown said that the snow was beautiful. It is. Beatrice says that snowman once expressed the opinion that it will ask Mr. Tulmutzpon about it. Brown came up at two o'clock to announce Mr. Gladstone, who wanted to know about some horror in Egypt or somewhere. Sent down word was out. And very busy knitting a pair of ear muffs for the ukulele of Connolly land his girlfriend's time to botanize about Egypt. Brown says that Egypt is old enough to take care of herself. March 8. Brown has a cold. Into which four strong plasters, which were applied by the Royal College of Surgeons, He is better. Doctor Dolan Taylor said to sing in To Denim. He said back that, personally, he would prefer to whistle it. Wait for Mr. Tennant to likewise exchange "Locksley Hall" so as to bring Brown in. He replied that he would be delighted to, but the only rhythm he could find for Brown was synaptically, delirium and meningitis, and he did not think any of those would do. March 20. Brown says it is bright in Glanville Court. I will be at the museum. I do wish Prince Edward wouldn't worry so with free tickets to America through Chicago. It is frugal, but the high will drive out yet. Brown says that he will outgrow all these freaks. I trust Brown it right. March 21. Brown got to work to lay, maintaining out in the rain telling Mr. Last chance that I couldn't see him. I don't know why I am to be another's father. Although the worst wire in India and Egypt, and other horrible altitudes, Beatrice has her pet kitten of which we are all of full. I must give Mr. Timothy soil to write in person about it. April 1. Brown left in this morning with a large phialard on his back, which bore the initials "N.G." What I called his attention to he saw with real anger, and said he applied it with a penknife to the premature minister, or socialist icon, I shall ask Mr. Gladstone about it. This city had to fit this more in, which quite upset us. The Colonel of Sil-goods was in it, and said it was likely to die there, it didn't. Don't see! A jumble. I found Brown will go to India this year. At it he said, while he was thinking to his favorite part, Angel, the field hit, did not think anything distinguished from his writing, anything like it. I challenged Brown for the right reason, but he argued his use it, holiest truth. I will read it to Mr. Gladstone. April 13. Mr. Gladstone called, I showed it to him. April 14. I considered whether I should read Brown's journal to him, but he said he had really not been thinking of hitting any tire myself. Maybe he would talk it over and read it in his study. Very talkative, indeed. It was clear from the start that Brown said, "Letting that Egyptian unity, once sought for, set forth." He went on to tell me that Brown ought to mind his own line. "Let us close the debate," he continued, "and move on." May 4. We went out for a ride. Brown said on the highest he had been in front. After driving for a while, we came back. May 7. Dr. Tuftynslon called. He showed Brown the cut, and I signed the document. Then he handed me a journal of my journey. June. Brown said to me, "Let's not forget, dear friend, your literary gift. It is indeed a wondrous thing, laden with words of wisdom." He then handed me a letter, which led me to think of Disraeli. He, too, will one day rule, I'm sure. May 8. I spoke with Clark's Indian Son. He said, "Let's not forget, dear sir, that the heart of the nation takes in the influx of the moment, which is a splendid thrift in her own right. Let us then, for the sake of our nation, continue on this path of prosperity." May 10. Brown said, "Let it be known that I will indeed publish the book, demonstrating to the world the kind of ruler we have." He then turned to me and said, "Let us not forget, dear friend, that words have power, and let us use them wisely." Aged Indian who was in town this week was the object of some little interest to those who were in any way acquainted with his history. His name is Charlemagne and he is some of the noted Bartholomew expedition, Capt. William Clark (of the Lewis and Clark expedition), by a Nez Perce woman. In the fall of 1805, Captain Clark with his men tried to cross the Lolo Fort, but failed on account of the high water. Then they turned back and passed the winter among the Nez Perce Indians, Capt. Clark taking an Indian wife who was left behind when he moved on in the spring. This subject of this sketch was the result of the union. While young, his hair was a bright red, which was the color of Capt. Clark's. Captain Clark acknowledged him as his son, and it is understood that before dying he acknowledged him in his will, giving him 2,000 acres, which amounted to about $20,000, which was paid to him through the agency of the government to various times, in blankets, food, etc. The Indian son of the distinguished explorer is below the distinguished height of Indians and is now seventy-five years old. His olive skin is still white; but his form is still erect, his four score years not seeming to weigh upon him as they would upon a white man of that age. He believes that he is good for twenty years more of life. General Gordon it is said, had caused the Arabic text to be conspicuously inscribed over his throne in the palace of Charlemagne, in a translation of which is, "God rules over the hearts of men." Capable minister of the interior is restoring. 01at4 u to my r ,oltth Iltt-{ one i 'nr. ntn r" :1 whit.- r,·,t . Ltrip in ftit'. ),rnid li . hn If it +honl d1 r. ()wtr l.r I v lv,,n llt." 1,) |)t'|tt'trx ,p·tlc. DiscoIpilioi Notice. - Nrot ill' Itilli, Int) h , | t . \ht'o t 4 l inrdllr Hlil I.. 1111h iS 1Ii1 dal diu:..,lvcd ly mutual c enllt.ll. . t. .s Ilv. n.. . pr..5. II. .. 1111.1T ., J. \I. WCt)Ulii. $10.00 REWARD. - 'l'hi lla. rwl' l wii lld will -i. 1 I tl to Iny urot fir.d hlrtl tigah,11 (,lad unilt, fulnl hd J dJo .| hf. 1 1),. d,.r. Lb ,t i the sanl (',leo country o' n I." I, trids nnoth. Ii V,. N.\N, d~~. 1'. lathtt). NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Iii the sailltr iof t!. 1:: ft. n fiy OI,( U I I SI . 1 , lr'l ll: ',i piNOTICE OF FINAL 'h ENTYI, to , -..h thl tlhi,.n, V, Ji l t ir nIr,(, erN t'I.ll l th hI .y l YIfl"' Alltit, lrt I lig, - ir f til n otcllE, OF, FiNAl ENt lt. it r ,y r, ".v if'Iftlil .i 1 H h AI I, +i lI I i 1 , ill ) Itt.ll i ItIll ll . II .i, ii ptll . it ' l n+ i f4I (l l l t tilt tiit : Ii"tf v : . ii::f ill. " 80nr ot' llivt:" )rr I8. HELEN EP t i: tt ITHELOT I . 'dl ih l r i i t .f II. oIt·I I IIfr t.l l i. . Ihiatihi l.t I i, t1i. , it.1l. i it s t |L~lte Ill lhh, "llhtllly if .', t'll, 1.Iti, NOTICE OF FINAL ENTRY, m 'l' i('l ir h ,i' !(. i h t i ,l 1,:tt t ii f,,ll inttn.. N, o t c d .,I II I ) , llcll i. I( h. ho io tut it.-. NIi , i, f II u, , ll hi "i l it ,lt I it' ,lill. , . l l ii hit l11 wi ll h nil i h, iiO J Io n II'i'I r, l hor¥ PIh ri n ine , l i f.r I: wi'+ l ll St'lil<t ti I7l 1iil , . h lili l il, i it't iy, f I i.Ti ,,,(l i ni t i , , Itl tl ' ','II, h l ll b , i i, t. l '10l l ihl k Ii lo NOTICE OF FINAL ENTRY. In the sun, with the clarity of its light, the city shone. The colors of the day were vibrant, and the shadows were crisp. On the streets, the movement was ceaseless, and the energy was palpable. This was the heartbeat of the city, a rhythm that never faded, a pulse that never slowed. In this bustling metropolis, the sun was a constant companion, shining brightly over the skyscrapers, the parks, and the streets. It was a source of warmth and light, powering the city like a vast and intricate machine. The sun, in all its glory, illuminated every aspect of city life. It showed the beauty of the buildings, the vibrancy of the streets, and the humanity of its residents. It was a unifying force, bringing everyone together under its generous rays. As the day progressed, the sun's light grew stronger, casting long shadows and turning the city into a work of art. The sun was a witness to both the grandeur and the everyday moments of the city, a never-ending source of illumination and inspiration. At dusk, the sun's light softened, but its presence was still felt. It was a gentle reminder of the inexhaustible energy that powers the city, a promise of tomorrow's sunrise, and a symbol of hope for a brighter future. Enlacer, bearing upon their parceled territory, the types found on the continent. A glance at the document shows an instance of legal expertise. Let's see if the writing, with its billets, reveals more. The visitor had, indeed, landed at the heart of our nation. One cares, of course, about the reasons for such an encounter. We respectfully ask all business men to call in and receive our attention. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. J. O. NEWMAN, SURGEON AND DENTIST. Fine Inner, frontier. DR. McCUTCHEN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Will give, special attention to conveying, real estate, water rights, etc. in the United States and Canada. OFFICE: CALVIN STREET, HELENA. THOMAS H. CARTER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Practice: mainly, Point of Rockefellow Ave., HELENA, M.T. W. H. SETTLE & C. O. WOOD, SETTLE & SETTLE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MONTANA, X. T. Will represent clients in all matters before the federal and territorial courts. Office: corner Main and Canal Streets, HELENA. JOHN P. OYAS, NOTARY PUBLIC, Practice: all legal papers must be perfectly executed to meet the requirements of the law. Office: corner Main and Canal Streets, HELENA. NOTICE OF FINAL ENTRY. This is to notify all persons that on the 24th day of May, in the year 1889, at the Office of the 2nd Auditor in Helena, Montana, the following land entries were recorded: Lot Number 1, located in the central region of the territory, containing 160 acres, was entered by John Smith. Lot Number 2, located near the Missouri River, containing 80 acres, was entered by Jane Doe. Lot Number 3, located in the Lewis and Clark County, containing 40 acres, was entered by Bob Johnson. Notice is hereby given that any claims or objections to these land entries must be filed within 30 days from the date of this notice. On Orric a. I. A. MONT, I The very given that [is intertwined], is at *.'lt ],r his till count of trial interest to take him here by due consideration of the timely claim, stated "The said Broker will be said before the Will be stated I at a meeting, on easy terms, now when That man J. Mining will abide by the specifications Given at the office of N. W. I. a. M. New as is the IN N of I. D. E. I have stated with following witness to prove base Declaration is required litigation honor, and cultivation of said has, visited at the mortgage, August. Word, worth Capitol Hickory and also had a burden, all Of Eldred, Massey. F. ADKINSON, secretary. Notice of Final Entry. ALERTS on the 23rd of NO NOTICE is hereby given that the following named individuals have not yet noticed or filed their intent to The name following sat beneath the notice of forfeitures and that they have yet to act, will in fact, strive to settle their debts by the 1st of September. Notice is hereby given for the law and the church Transcript, Mills, and all inventors contiguous on the 1st of AUGUST, viz: "The Commissioners who had Day number 481. for the NE.1/4 of the SE.1/4 Section 24 of the NW.1/4 of Section 26. I was entitled. I attest by this notice for all outstanding accounts to prove his competence in farming, and to settle the division of said estate, viz: Elmer Wright, James Webb, Thomas also listed, S. Cornell, among others. J. AKINS, register. NOTICE OF FINAL ENTRY. LAND OFFICE, A. MONT. I March 4, 1914. Notice is hereby given that on the following: Adm.2d 1914. 11tn td1) l M o'. r it(i x 1 1t 1li la hII i ntlanticn to mikns dltaltl prI.,f! il l.lolrt of ier ulallill, ind thnt asls it1atat IIll itta"" IfIn ta'fi' lant, N. ]la lmlt, a us.. lar iihilt, in iiaiai for ' coaunta, Miontau, r it !t .\gia'aa , at. 'a'., i1 a iny E1l 1181, vtliýlwcalt . llt;'. a, ad aaaaaa"la irlalrlaas Odn 1. N. ae. 21 1'. Hi.a laiat11:pt IIh' folliawing wltllraaei to prinvo ha ' 'llilatialaaa r'rla tuaa.t. Iattin, Ittl cnultiyiithian of t'ai lla,! viz: iliaaitnl 11. Esnarian, J.slati IF. I tit.n 1 taltia Kolallaa'al' lil(t Ita!atort ! Esmtrnola, ill aa (.tld Aglnry. * F. ADKI...4t. Ihegluhttr. NOTICE OF FINAL ENTRY. ,NI) oFYFCE A..T lir.xNA, MOLT., I Il'I.i 'lI', I.h(.,ly tlvan tIant Ilta i falil.llw a 11 at..' ti 'l li ' ' * talt ' fl l Id ll',e of hib lltsntluaa It I;llu k'l.iiavl rl.)ro f i a a*llllt.rt f lli ala timn, ll d '11.1 Ilr,'rr.'sr o~f til U. U . !ml~ld (lflie lt t IVen,-... Si. I'., atti Moty 11, Ixtlt, viz: .lian it, 'i'aylior wtas,.l''. r't','- tttltti, 1). H. Nai, .lII, for tavn s*t. I ao tt1t111'i lit f'tllatwing Wllat'noan toI p)rove Lk '(llllilllltll v i~'II(''a. Iltllllt nllal n nltivnitlon of. ai.d IlnlnI viz: Williast tla',katl uatd Ahnirm ('o. ,,a 'if I t'll t , IM 1. 'T'., len (ltarli*s JUlasaiOll s and I' la'a' ttai(f Ulidit., 11.'I' 1'. AI)KI1It4IN, ltegistar. Notice of Final Entry LAta Ali rat1.' ear Ia.s.NAa) ,,!i., ,. ioh.r.l. .,%~ill . 11.11 ,ll1s lit.lthit nitmiila hI • . illt . " 1t 0 lih Ill" 1' Ilrl' t{ gilt rl o and Iri.ll LY, of iii , I . S. " (!n -flie : t'i l'a. o ant.I Il Mii a I i' ! i i,, . : I'lll ll '' d I; IIIIF. , the Iah laltr m a nld i ittl.(lvi : .', . I Ili. Itar st 1 1 NII 1', onS.F snI. l SN"Id N W'1-I'I'd p18 N' tf It:' It It' a" 1 tl. tn. vita' fail tiavittt w I la' t rOV i hiva t I'lllitlllllnl I: rc llll'tat' ll IatIa, tat 'altlvatlian ot, v1 it atti,hl , viz: htailttI 1. " i t, oI IIa Minat Ill,.. 'I '''at IE:wing, altl, l t "1nta It. I.'at11tati itll of lie. "'ta. 1". .\liItiSi)N, Register. NOTICE OF FINAL ENTRY. a .atn) tk'.i'i., .t'T rIna.I. a, iiatIl ., I N i1' cr ,, 0 %. 'o that Illu t t I ttiaaa i.i i a arda -' llh r i..1,h 1 , I "1 i a', l(llalli . a ll.'ai llttt l I t1 IIIItak ,11,1 ).i. till .up. orl of )1 . )1l.1. o ft . (,li ll tiht t a la \N h() I1.111[,· lorI.I , ll' l e llll) 1)4 NI, 1111 ,) lIot 1 J 84,.' 7 I'tt SI I aa~ xi a lp H l' l . 1a. a .t1 ,li l ti: t Ii. Uni t 1' I avr!, Yi.l t' A.-'.nl A. I\Yl r. r ,tl4 al . arick,,,a. I . ' h 'tat tI'a. ' itt.l ani.l t h g . Ilvta'i t r tat of litos Ii l, t ii r. F. XI)SON, Litterateur. NOTICE. All to; on I tin I n le c',lnPa t I la,, to I la.'a tala r. All. at I tati ' il I ta I '.tatattat cat.atal', forbid any for the I a),c toe I a) at I ititalta g, tal tilny partici p. annuity of tea u'aa'. H. D. S TRONG. M. L. STRONG, J. . TRAWLER, I, ADAMS,
Various open science
La gestion des risques inhérents au marché financier Salim Medromi, Zakariyae El Adlouni HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés. La gestion des risques inhérents au marché financier Financial market risk management Auteur 1 : MEDROMI Salim Auteur 2 : EL ADLOUNI Zakariyae MEDROMI Salim, Doctorant chercheur Faculté des Sciences Juridiques, Économiques et Sociales - Université Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah de Fès Laboratoire Droit Privé et Enjeux de Développement [email protected] EL ADLOUNI Zakariyae, Doctorant chercheur Faculté des Sciences Juridiques, Économiques et Sociales Souissi - Université Mohamed V de Rabat Laboratoire De Recherche En Management Des Organisations, Droit Des Affaires Et Développement Durable [email protected] Déclaration de divulga tion : L’auteur n’a pas connaissance de quelconque financement qui pourrait affecter l’objectivité de cette étude. Conflit d’intérêts : L’auteur ne signale aucun conflit d’intérêts. Aujourd’hui, le marché financier est considéré comme le bouc émissaire du monde des affaires puisqu’il est toujours culpabilisé et pointé de doigt comme la source du malaise et la cause directe de l’effondrement des systèmes économiques. La finalité des marchés financiers est tragiquement déviée dans la perception du grand public. Ce marché qui est censé être l’emblème d’épanouissement, d’entraide et de coopération, est devenu un lieu où règne la mauvaise foi et les manœuvres frauduleuses. Cette stigmatisation n’est pas due au hasard. En effet, le délit d’initié, la publication de comptes inexacts, les crises financières etc. constituent quelques-unes des questions qui ont alimenté le débat actuel autour de crépuscule de la régulation massive du marché financier. La gestion des risques liés aux marchés financiers est devenue une préoccupation majeure afin de se prémunir contre les risques financiers, réputationnels et opérationnels. Mots clés : gestion des risques, marché financier, moralisation des affaires. Abstract Today, the financial market is regarded as the scapegoat of the business world, since it is always blamed and pointed at as the source of malaise and the direct cause of the collapse of economic systems. The purpose of financial markets is tragically skewed in the public perception. This market, which is supposed to be the emblem of self-fulfillment, mutual aid and cooperation, become a place where bad faith and fraudulent maneuvers reign supreme. This stigmatization is no accident. Indeed, insider trading, the publication of inaccurate accounts, financial crises etc. are just some of the issues that have fueled the current debate surrounding the twilight of massive financial market regulation. Financial market risk management has become a major preoccupation in order to guard against financial, reputational and operational risks. Keywords: risk management, financial markets, business ethics. Introduction « La liberté humain e et politique n'a jamais existé et ne peut pas exister sans une large dose de liberté économique » - MILTON FRIEDMAN La liberté économique a fait l’objet d’un grand débat doctrinal. Elle signifie que chacun a le droit de créer et d’exercer librement une activité économique sur un marché donné. Or, cette liberté économique sur le marché n’est pas d’ordre absolu. Elle doit être confortée et étayée par le droit, l’ordre public et l’éthique afin qu’elle puisse être une liberté responsable et contrôlable. Le Marché financier (Financial market) est un compartiment du marché des capitaux qui regroupe les offres et les demandes de placements et de prêts à long terme, d’actions et obligations, destinés au financement des entreprises1. Donc, un marché financier est un lieu, physique ou virtuel, où les acteurs du marché (acheteurs, vendeurs ou encore intermédiaire) se rencontrent pour négocier des produits financiers. Il permet de financer l'économie en assurant un certain flux monétaire, tout en permettant aux investisseurs de placer leur épargne. Aujourd’hui, le marché financier est considéré comme le bouc émissaire du monde des affaires puisqu’il est toujours culpabilisé et pointé du doigt comme la source du malaise et la cause directe de l’effondrement des systèmes économiques. Or, la finalité des marchés financiers est tragiquement déviée dans la perception du grand public. Ce même marché qui est censée être l’emblème d’épanouissement, d’entraide et de coopération, est devenu un lieu où règne la mauvaise foi, les manœuvres frauduleuses et contraires aux règles déontologiques du marché financer. Cette stigmatisation n’est pas due au hasard. En effet, le délit d’initié, la publication de comptes inexacts, les crises financières etc. constituent quelques-unes des questions qui ont alimenté le débat actuel autour de crépuscule de la régulation massive du marché financier et le monde était témoin. 1 AVENEL Jean-David et DU CASTEL Viviane et JABLANCZY Adrienne, Finance de marché - Français-Anglais : 1063 mots clés définis et expliqués Ed. 1, Paris, Gualino, 2017, p. 67. A titre d’exemple, la crise économique mondiale de 2008 n’aurait jamais vu le jour si les grands acteurs économiques du marché américain se sont abstenus de commettre des transgressions et manipulations. C’étaient les banques et les institutions financières qui ont encouragé et accordé activement la souscription de prêts hypothécaires à risque dites (subprimes) sans pour autant évaluer la solvabilité des emprunteurs. Or, ces mêmes prêts ont ensuite été regroupés et vendus sous forme de produits structurés complexes à travers le monde comme des moyens d’investissements classés à bas risques avec des retours sur investissements garantis et attrayants avec la complicité de certaines agences de notation ayant une réputation solide sur le marché de Wall Street telles que Moody's et Standard & Poor's. Ces derniers ont été accusées d'avoir attribué des notes exagérément élevées à ces produits financiers en les présentant comme moins risqués qu'ils ne l'étaient réellement. Cette surévaluation ou soi-disant manipulation a induit les investisseurs en erreur sur la véritable qualité et les risques des actifs qu'ils achetaient, contribuant ainsi à l'effondrement du marché lorsque la crise des prêts hypothécaires à risque a éclaté et par conséquent elle a affecté l’économie nationale américaine et donc l’économie mondiale. Au Maroc, la Bourse de Casablanca a initié, le 07 novembre 1929, sa première séance de cotation. La régulation du marché financier constitue depuis plusieurs années une préoccupation majeure des chercheurs et décideurs politiques. L’engouement de l’encadrement juridique du marché financier a donné naissance en 1993 au Conseil déontologique des valeurs mobilières (CDVM) aujourd’hui transformé en Autorité Marocaine du Marché des Capitaux (AMMC) par la loi 43-12 de 2013 et la loi n° 19-14 relative à la Bourse des valeurs, aux sociétés de bourse et aux conseillers en investissement financier. Le marché boursier n’est pas une zone de non droit où règne la loi du plus fort. En effet, à côté de ses missions d’encadrement, d’incitation, d’investigation et de contrôle des acteurs du marché financier, l’AMMC est dotée d’un large pouvoir coercitif (sanctions administratives et pécuniaires) afin de garantir la bonne marche de la bourse et qui est règlementé par la loi 43.12 relative à l’Autorité marocaine du marché des capitaux. En contrepartie, les autres acteurs du marché boursier, et plus particulièrement les sociétés cotées en bourse, doivent organiser leur activité en conformité avec les lois et les règlements en vigueur car le non-respect des règles même par ignorance peut porter atteinte non seulement au patrimoine matériel de la société, mais aussi à l’image, la réputation et la notoriété de l’entreprise sur le marché. www . Pour répondre à cela, les sociétés doivent se doter d’un programme de compliance afin de cartographier les risques liés à la bourse, s’assurer de la veille juridique et se ger contre tout risque réputationnel. Ce sujet a fait couler beaucoup d’encre et de salive et relève un intérêt théorique et aussi bien que pratique. Le premier réside dans le tapage médiatique et les débats académiques autour de la régulation du marché financier. Alors que le second se matérialise dans la nécessité de promouvoir le marché financier pour attirer et protéger les investissements et donc la réalisation de la valeur ajoutée. Notre problématique est la suivante : Dans un monde témoin d’une évolution et expansion économique hors pair, comment gérer les menaces et les opportunités liées au marché financier? Et quels exigences imposées aux acteurs sensés de veiller à la conformité? Pour cadrer cette problématique, on s’est focalisé en premier lieu à définir en premier l’objectif de la recherche, or cette étude vise à examiner la gestion des risques inhérents au fonctionnement du marché financier ainsi que le rôle du droit de la compliance dans la gestion de ces risques. En deuxième lieu, l’adoption du plan suivant de la recherche en divisant l’article en deux chapitres primaires : • La gestion des risques inhérents au fonctionnement du marché financier • Le droit de la compliance face aux enjeux du marché financier En troisième lieu, en établant une structure de la recherche se base sur 3 piliers dont : • L’introduction en présentant le sujet d’une manière générale et en énonçant la problématique et les objectifs de la recherche. • La recherche sur les deux axes principaux du sujet, en premier lieu la gestion des risques inhérents au fonctionnement du marché financier et cela en analysant les risques courants associés au même marché et en étudiant les méthodes et les stratégies de gestion des risques financiers. En deuxiéme lieu le droit de la compliance face aux enjeux du marché financier en décortiquant le concept de compliance dans le contexte www scientific .com financier et en analysant le rôle et les responsabilités des acteurs de ce dernier sur le marché financier ainsi qu’un examen des normes adhoc en la matière. • La conclusion de la recherche en résumant les principaux points abordés et la discussion des implications des résultats obtenus. 1. La gestion des risques inhérents au fonctionnement du marché boursier La bourse, les actions, l’information financière... Ceux sont des notions associées au risque, au péril et au danger potentiel. Le marché financier est une aventure risquée. En effet, en dépit du risque de ne pas réaliser des bénéfices, d’autres risques juridiques, économiques et réputationnels se présentent tels que la non-conformité, l’initié, blanchiment de capitaux et financement de terrorisme, délinquance en col blanc... Un risque juridique est un risque pouvant impacter financièrement ou non, directement ou non l’entreprise, à la suite d’une utilisation ou d’une application impropre d’un ou plusieurs éléments contractuels ou relationnels dans le cadre de ses activités économiques, potentiellement régis par la doctrine juridique ou les usages et coutumes en vigueur2. Le risque juridique est partout. Il faut ajouter de façon pragmatique que le risque juridique va concrètement concerner tous les événements, activités et transactions et par voie de conséquence, tous les contrats conclus entre l'entreprise et ses interlocuteurs (salariés, clients, fournisseurs, actionnaires) s'ils ne permettent pas à cette entreprise de faire valoir ses droits. 1.1. Le risque de blanchiment des capitaux et financement de terrorisme Le processus boursier est souvent semé d’embûches et des risques juridiques. Le blanchiment des capitaux et le financement du terrorisme sont des menaces réelles qui peuvent nuire à la réputation d’un pays et causer des dommages économiques et sociaux considérables. La monnaie constitue un moyen de paiement abstrait et anonyme, destiné à simplifier les transactions économiques en permettant des échanges facilités. De ce fait, la monnaie se caractérise par une fongibilité élevée et ne présente aucun indice sur le degré de légalité de ses 2 DARSA Jean-David, La gestion des risques en entreprise : Identifier, comprendre, maîtriser Ed. 4, Paris, Gereso, 2016, p. 147. Page 5 3, origines. Les blanchisseurs utilisent donc pleinement les caractéristiques de la monnaie en infiltrant les bénéfices qui résultent de leurs activités criminelles dans le circuit financier légal, pour en profiter sans attirer l’attention des autorités3. En effet, les techniques de blanchiment sont devenues très vite de plus en plus complexes, jusqu’à se fondre dans l’économie légale. De ce fait, le blanchiment d’argent est donc un processus servant à dissimuler la provenance criminelle de capitaux (trafic de drogue, trafic d’armes, corruption...). L’objectif de l’ , qui se déroule en plusieurs étapes, consiste à faire croire que des capitaux illégalement acquis ont une source licite et à les insérer dans le circuit économique. Le blanchiment de capitaux, le financement du terrorisme et de la prolifération des armes de destruction massive constituent des menaces pour la sécurité mondiale et l’intégrité du système financier. Ce dernier peut être utilisé pour recycler de l’argent dont la provenance est douteuse. Les sommes peuvent être déposées et permettre l’achat de produits financiers qui sont ensuite convertis, échangés (le but est de brouiller les pistes par une série de transactions financières) puis réintégrés dans les circuits divers, conférant ainsi aux fonds une apparence de légalité4. Le blanchiment est la condition sine qua non de la pérennité des organisations criminelles. Elles ont besoin de réussir le blanchiment pour prospérer. Sans blanchiment, l’infraction initiale s’avère vaine car le criminel se retrouve dans l’impossibilité de profiter des revenus qu’il en a tiré5. En somme, le blanchiment des capitaux dans son acception la plus simple désigne l’utilisation des fonds d’origine frauduleuse dans des activités licites comme la bourse pour intégrer le circuit économique et les rendre légitime. Il est réprimé par l’article 574 du code pénal marocain. Tandis que Le financement du terrorisme consiste à collecter des fonds pour la réalisation d'actes terroristes. Lutter contre le financement du terrorisme suppose en effet de s’attaquer aux circuits traditionnels dont le gel d’avoirs notamment ou encore la saisie de biens acquis ou suspectés 3 VERNIER Éric, Techniques de blanchiment et moyens de lutte Ed. 4, Paris, Dunod, 2017, p. 11. AUGSBURGER-BUCHELI Isabelle, Blanchiment d'argent : actualité et perspectives suisses et internationales, Zürich, Schulthess éditions romandes, 2014, p. 263. 5 LAMBERT Guillaume, Blanchiment et marché de l'art : Le droit et la pratique, Paris, ’Harmattan, 2020, p. 14. d’être acquis par ces fonds ayant une relation directe avec l’intention ou la commission d’un acte à caractère terroriste. Mais aussi de contrôler certains produits ou montages financiers, qui ne peuvent s’opérer qu’en association avec les acteurs (privés) du secteur6. Au Maroc, la loi 12.18 sur la lutte contre le blanchiment des capitaux et financement de terrorisme vise à prévenir et sanctionner les contrevenants afin d’être au diapason des exigences des normes internationales, et de donner une image crédible et lucide de la bourse marocaine. De plus, le législateur marocain a renforcé le dispositif de lutte et ce via la loi n° 96-21 modifiant et complétant la loi n° 17-95 relative aux sociétés anonymes (SA) à imposer la conversion des actions au porteur à la forme nominative (action dont le nom du détenteur figure dans les livres de la société) afin de d’être au diapason des exigences de GAFI7 en matière de transparence financière des sociétés cotées en bourse. 1.2. Le risque lié au délit d’initié Dans un monde où la détention d’une information importante est de plus en plus un capital et, en matière financière et boursière, peut-être une arme, la question de l’utilisation possible de cette information devient une question centrale8. Le délit d'initié consiste pour une personne à réaliser des transactions sur le marché boursier grâce à des informations confidentielles dont elle dispose avant que ces dernières n'aient été rendues publiques. L’initié constitue les « atteintes à la transparence des marchés 9». Or ce délit peut être commis par toute personne qui détient une information privilégiée, exclusive et non connue du public et qui par conséquent est susceptible d’avoir une influence sur le cours de la Bourse ou d’un ou plusieurs action(s) spécifique(s) sur le marché boursier. 6 ESKENAZI Nicolas, Lutte Contre Le Financement Du Terrorisme Et Les Dynamique T 1 : Volume 1, Paris, L'Harmattan,2021, p. 16. 7 Groupe d'Action Financière (GAFI) est une organisation intergouvernementale créée en 1989 dans le but de lutter contre le blanchiment d'argent et le financement du terrorisme à l'échelle mondiale. Elle établit des normes et des recommandations pour renforcer les systèmes financiers nationaux et internationaux dans la lutte contre ces activités criminelles. La conformité aux normes du GAFI est devenue une référence importante pour les pays et les institutions financières dans leurs efforts pour prévenir et détecter les flux financiers illicites. 8 LEGER Jean-Yves, La communication financière, Paris, Dunod, 2010, p. 110. 9 VERON Michel, Droit pénal des affaires Ed. 11, Paris, Dalloz, 2016, p. 335. L’initié n’est pas un investisseur comme les autres. En général, qui conque peut devenir initié, et par disposer d’informations privilégiées. Sauf que la personne en question peut être un initier interne et qui en raison de ses fonctions dans l’entreprise, en particulier les dirigeants, le directeur financier ou le directeur juridique soit dans le marché boursier, d’une autorité de contrôle ou même d’une société côté en bourse ou encore un initier externe dans le cadre de sa relation avec l’entreprise (conseil, analyste financier ou agence de communication) ou même une tiers personne ayant eu l’information d’une personne ayant acc ès à cette information dite inside affair. Tableau N°1 : la typologie des initiés Les initiés primaires Sont les dirigeants sociaux ou de personnes exerçant une fonction équivalente. Il en est ainsi du directeur général, du président, d’un membre du directoire, du gérant, d’un membre du conseil d'administration de surveillance. On y inclut également toute personne disposant d’une information privilégiée concernant un émetteur au sein duquel elle détient une participation. Les initiés secondaires Sont les personnes qui disposent d’une information privilégiée à l’occasion de leur profession ou de leurs fonctions ou à l'occasion de sa participation à la commission d'un crime ou d'un délit. Les initiés tertiaires Sont constitués par toute personne disposant d’une information privilégiée en connaissance de cause10. Source : auteurs 10 LOBE LOBAS Madeleine, Le droit pénal des affaires en schémas, Paris, Ellipses, 2018, p. 200. Il y a lieu de distinguer entre le délit d’initié et le délit de la divulgation l’information fausse ou trompeuse. Le critère de distinction c’est la nature de l’information qui doit être confidentielle dans l’initié. L’esprit de la loi ici est de protéger l’ordre public économique et la concurrence sur le marché boursier afin que chacun soit au même pied d’égalité. Ce délit est réprimé par l’article 42 de la loi 43-12 instaurant l’AMMC. 2. Le droit de la compliance face aux enjeux du marché financier La compliance constitue une majeure innovation en matière de gestion des risques, et spécialement le risque juridique. En effet, la prolifération de la règle législative, son instabilité, la dégradation des conditions de préparation de la loi et de son contenu, les incertitudes sur ses conditions d’application, créent insécurité juridique parfois insupportable pour le citoyen brutalement confronté à l’application du droit11. Il est difficile d’avoir une définition unanime de la compliance. La compliance dite conformité est un ensemble de mesures qui repose sur des procédures, des normes et des leviers de contrôle. L’objectif est de s’assurer de la conformité des activités d’une organisation aux cadres légaux, supra légaux et aux engagements (sociaux, sociétaux, économiques, écologiques, certifications, normes) qui ont été pris afin de minimiser les risques : financiers et pénaux, d’atteinte à l’image et à la réputation de l’organisation. Les principes de compliance reposent donc sur un système d’autorégulation de leur propre activité par des entreprises mondialisées. Les pouvoirs et les régulateurs publics ne font que surveiller la manière dont les opérateurs privés se conforment par eux-mêmes (selfpolicing, self-reporting, self-compliance et self-monitoring) et contrôler la stricte observance de leurs diligences, c’est-à-dire de leur « capacité à s’auto-policer. » 2.1. La cartographie des risques inhérents au marché financier La compliance impose des obligations structurelles à l’entreprise, comme l’établissement de cartographie des risques ou de code de conduite, charge à l’entreprise de se saisir de ces instruments afin de rendre son dispositif efficace. Il s’agit d’une obligation de résultat, l’entreprise doit démontrer qu’elle s’est structurée pour atteindre les objectifs qui lui sont fixés. 11 MATHIEU Bertrand, La loi Ed. 3, Paris, Dalloz, 2010, p. 119. La compliance est en effet un instrument juridique au service de finalités d’ordre public assignées par les États. Elle sert donc des objectifs et des finalités variés, parfois qualifiés de « buts aux » promus par les États12. En effet, elle invite ou contraint plutôt, les entreprises à participer à la mise en œuvre des politiques publiques. La compliance inclut des objectifs liés à la RSE (lutte contre la corruption, respect des droits humains et devoir de vigilance), mais elle les dépasse aussi (lutte contre le financement du terrorisme et la prolifération des armes de destruction massive, embargos et sanctions internationales)13. Le Droit de la compliance impose à l’entreprise de se structurer par la mise en œuvre d’un certain nombre de procédures destinées à la gestion des risques. On parle de gestion des risques et non pas seulement de prévention puisque si le risque peut être négatif il peut aussi être positif en dégageant des opportunités et en permettant des décisions rationnelles au regard des avantages que peut tirer l’entreprise à ne pas se conformer à la norme14. La compliance est devenue un mécanisme d’optimisation de ressource et d’accroissement d’efficacité pour les sociétés cotées en bourse, la prévention du risque de blanchiment des capitaux et la lutte contre le financement du terrorisme imposent le respect d’un certain nombre d'obligations légales et réglementaires. Le Droit de la compliance impose à l’entreprise de se structurer par la mise en œuvre d’un certain nombre de procédures destinées à la gestion des risques. On parle de gestion des risques et non pas seulement de prévention puisque si le risque peut être négatif il peut aussi être positif en dégageant des opportunités et en permettant des décisions rationnelles au regard des avantages que peut tirer l’entreprise à ne pas se conformer à la norme15. La cartographie des risques se présente comme le bras armé du droit de la compliance, en effet, la cartographie des risques est un procédé déployé sur plusieurs étapes puisque chaque étape possède ses contraintes, ses objectifs et ses livrables16. p. 2. Ibid. 14 ROQUILLY Christophe, De la conformité réglementaire à la performance : pour une approche multidimensionnelle du risque juridique, Cahiers de droit de l’entreprise, Novembre 2009, n° 6, p. 34. 15 Ibid. 16 BERNARD Frédéric et GAYRAUD Rémi et ROUSSEAU Laurent, Contrôle interne Ed. 4, Paris, Maxima, 2013, p. 86. 13 www Pour autant la cartographie des risques ne concerne pas seulement le risque juridique puisque le risque est de nature multidimensionnel : un risque juridique entraine en réalité un risque financier, commercial, réputationnel et ainsi de suite. La réalisation d’une cartographie des risques dans une organisation permet d’avoir une vision d’ensemble exhaustive et précise, de son exposition aux « turbulences » de toutes natures, tant internes qu’externes17. La première étape consiste à l’identification et à l’évaluation des risques potentiels auxquels l’entreprise est exposée en fonction de la typologie d’activité et des zones géographiques d’opérations. La méthode d’identification peut se résumer en une triple invitation : identifier la norme, identifier l’événement qui peut survenir et rencontrer la norme et identifier l’incertitude qui pèse sur l’une ou sur l’autre. La deuxième étape est l’identification de moyens susceptibles de garantir la maîtrise des risques. La troisième étape est l’identification des risques résiduels, c’est-à-dire ceux qui persistent malgré la mise en œuvre des moyens de prévention. Les dirigeants devront alors choisir les risques acceptables et ceux qui ne le sont pas et qui nécessitent l’ajustement des procédures internes. Cette cartographie des risques est établie par le compliance officer de l’entreprise ; L’objectif étant d’augmenter la performance juridique de l’entreprise. 2.2. Le rôle du compliance officer dans la gestion des risques Le compliance officer se présente aujourd’hui comme un acteur indispensable au bon fonctionnement de l’entreprise. Il doit veiller au respect et à l’application de ces règles et sensibiliser le personnel aux évolutions réglementaires. De même, il doit prendre en compte tous les risques qui pourraient entacher la réputation de son entreprise. Le rôle du compliance officer consiste à attester que les affaires sont menées conformément à la législation et à la réglementation en vigueur, ainsi que dans le respect des règles professionnelles et de comporte ment généralement admises. Il s'assure que les activités sont exercées avec diligence, loyauté et équité, dans le respect de la primauté des intérêts des clients et de l'intégrité des marchés. La fonction de responsable de la conformité vise à assurer que les collaborateurs, et l'entreprise dans son ensemble, répondent aux nombreuses obligations professionnelles imposées par la réglementation. Cette fonction, son expertise, son indépendance, ses moyens, sont déterminants car ils permettent de mettre en place et suivre l'ensemble des procédures et mesures propres à assurer le et l'intégrité des marchés18. « Les deux choses les plus importantes n’apparaissent pas au bilan de l’entreprise : sa réputation et ses hommes ». Cette phrase, demeurée célèbre, a été prononcée par Henry FORD19. La réputation n’est pas une image et elle ne se mesure pas. Elle s’évalue au regard des intérêts divergents. L’étymologie de « réputation » vient du latin impérial « reputatio » qui renvoie à des notions de « compte », « considération », « examen » et « réflexion ». Cette réputation est un élément essentiel pour la construction du succès d’une entreprise et un élément certain de valeur intangible. Elle permet d’obtenir une recommandation positive qui va impacter directement les activités de l’entreprise, son développement, et parfois même sa stratégie20. Il revient au compliance officer de fortifier la réputation de la société des scandales, car pour une société cotée en bourse, le patrimoine immatériel (image, notoriété, réputation, histoire...) sont les actifs les plus précieux qui donnent aux investisseurs et créanciers la confiance et le désir d’être partie d’une société. 18 DE JUVIGNY Benoît, « La compliance bras armé de la régulation », Régulation, Supervision, Compliance, Paris, Dalloz, 2017, p. 21. 19 DE VAUBLANC Géraud, Image, influence et réputation : Comment construire une stratégie pour vos marques?, Paris, Dunod, 2019, p. 6. 20 DECAUDIN Jean-Marc et DIGOUT Jacques et FUEYO Céline, e-Réputation des marques, des produits et des dirigeants, Paris, Vuibert, 2013, p. 105. Conclusion Les pouvoirs publics au Maroc ont déployé des efforts colossaux pour mettre le marché financier national au diapason des exigences internationales en matière de lutte contre le blanchiment des capitaux et de lutte anti-terroriste, d’ailleurs Le Groupe d’Action Financière (GAFI) décide le retrait du Maroc de la liste grise. De même l’AMMC joue un rôle important visant à garantir un fonctionnement transparent, équitable et efficace du marché financier marocain. La gestion des risques liés au marché financier est un processus complexe qui implique la veille, l'identification, et la réactivité face aux différentes formes de risques auxquelles les investisseurs, les institutions financières et l'économie dans son ensemble sont exposés. Une gestion efficace des risques contribue non seulement à atténuer les impacts négatifs des crises financières, mais également à favoriser un environnement financier plus résilient et durable. Enfin, le droit de la compliance se présente comme un outil innovant qui permet aux sociétés de se prémunir contre les risques via le respect strict des lois et des réglementations nationales et internationales qui régissent le marché financier. www BIBLIOGRAPHIE ➢ Avenel, J.-D., Du Castel, V., & Jablanczy, A. (2017). Finance de marché Français-Anglais : 1063 mots clés définis et expliqués (1ère éd.). Paris, France : Gualino. ➢ Augsburger-Bucheli, I. (2014). Blanchiment d'argent : actualité et perspectives suisses et internationales. Zürich, Suisse : Schulthess éditions romandes. ➢ Bernard, F., Gayraud, R., & Rousseau, L. (2013). Contrôle interne (4e éd.). Paris, France : Maxima. ➢ Bourrouilh-Parege, O., Schick, P., & Vera, J. (2021). Audit interne et référentiels de risques : vers la maîtrise des risques et la performance de l'audit (3e éd.). Paris, France : Dunod. ➢ Boursier, M.-E., & Feugère, W. (2020). Code de la compliance 2021 (1ère éd.). Paris, France : Dalloz. ➢ Darsa, J.-D. 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SUlmnt tPratiqut DE L'ART INDUSTRIEL ET DES BEAUX-ARTS BSCUllïi B'OXt^ZSHXSI^TS ET 1 ACCESSOIRES DÉCORATIFS MODERNES AVEC PRIX DE JOURNAUX PAR PIECE, PAR MÈTRE CARRÉ ET PAR MÈTRE COURANT, A L'USAGE DES ARCHITECTES, INGÉNIEURS, ÉBÉNISTES, MOSAÏSTES, FONDEURS, SERRURIERS D'ART, ZINGUEURS. SCULPTEURS, MARBRIERS, PLATRIERS, POTIERS, MIROITIERS, PEINTRES DÉCORATEURS, DOREURS, PHOTOGRAPHES ET DESSINATEURS INDUSTRIELS. * Dirigé par C. A. OPPERMANN, Ancien Ingénieur des Ponts et Chaussées, Directeur des Nouvelles Annales de la Construction, et du Portefeuille économique des Machines, de l'Outillage et du Matériel, et des Nouvelles Annales d'Agriculture. Il paraît tous les 2 mois une livraison de 4 à 6 Planches coloriées avec Textes. PRIX: 10 fr. PAR AN. TOME 8. — ANNÉE 1864. PARIS DUNOD, ÉDITEUR, SUCCESSEUR DE Vor DALMONT, Libraire des Corps Impériaux des Ponts et Chaussées et des Mines, 49, QUAI DES AUGUSTINS. 1865 PARIS.— IMPRIMÉ PAR E. THUNOT ET C", Rue Racine, 26, près de l'Odéon. TABLE ALPHABÉTIQUE ET ANALYTIQUE DES MATIÈRES POUR L'ANNÉE 1864. Appareils à gaz. Consoles et Lanternes à gaz du Grand-Hôtel, par M. Thauvin, Constructeur à Paris, col. 12, Pl. 9. Types divers de Consoles et Lanternes à gaz, col. 12, Pl. 10. Architecture décorative. Essai d'un nouvel appareil pour préserver les rampes des Théâtres contre les incendies, col. 18. Maison de Campagne allemande, par M. Rosenbch, Architecte, col. 25, Pl. 17. Procédés mécaniques pour polir et travailler les métaux les plus durs, col. 18. Restauration de l'Hôtel de Ville de Paris, col. 9. Style Arabe (Étude générale sur le). Bases, Chapiteaux et Arcades, col. 5, Pl. 5-6. Portes et Fenêtres, col. 11, Pl. 7-8. Corniches et Consoles, col. 20, Pl. 11. Antéfixes, Frises et Inscriptions, col. 20, Pl. 12. Panneaux, col. 21, Pl. 13. Coupoles, Dômes, Plafonds et Pendentifs, col. 21, Pl. 14. Charpentes et Auvents ornés, col. 23, Pl. 21. Rosaces, Mosaïques, détails divers, col. 33, Pl. 22. Grilles et Ornements divers, col. 34, Pl. 33. Minarets, col. 34, Pl. 24. Décoration intérieure. Meubles, Pl. 27, col. 44. Chaire, Lanterne, Fontaine, etc., Pl. 28, col. 45. Travaux du Louvre et des Tuileries, col. 26, 41. Travaux de l’Hôtel des Invalides à Paris, col. 42. Bois décorés. Détails décoratifs en Bois découpés du Bois de Boulogne, du Pré Catelan et du Jardin d'Acclimatation. Balustrades et Balcons, col. 5, Pl. 3-4. Faîtières et Lambrequins, col. 21 et 25, Pl. 15, 16, 18, 19, 20. Comptes rendus des Séances. Comptes rendus des Séances de la Société Française de Photographie, col. 16, 29 et 48. Dorure et Galvanoplastie. Description de l'Usine Électro-métallique d'Auteuil, col. 13. École des Beaux-Arts. Projet de réorganisation de l’École des Beaux-Arts, col. 1. Fontes d'ornement et Bronzes d'art. Balcons et Appuis de fenêtres en fonte (Modèles DURENNE), col. 44, Pl. 25-26. Statue du Prince Eugène-Napoléon, à Paris, col. 3. Mosaïque. Peinture en émail sur faïence, col. 13. Promenades et Plantations. Description du Bois de Vincennes, près Paris, col. 4, Pl. 1-2. Note sur les Plantations urbaines, col. 35. Nouvelle promenade des Buttes Chaumont, col. 19. Square Lafayette, à Paris, col. 19. Revue des Expositions de Beaux-Arts. Concours de l’École des Beaux-Arts, col. 7. Exposition des ouvrages des artistes vivants pour 1864, col. 17. Exposition en Suisse en 1864, col. 19. Note historique sur les Expositions des Beaux-Arts en France, col. 27. Sixième Exposition de la Société Française de Photographie, col. 31. Revue Photographique. Application de la Photographie à l’Astronomie, col. 11. Appareil pour l'observation des épreuves photographiques, col. 16. Chromate double de posasse et d'ammoniaque (Emploi du) en Photographie, col. 46. Chromo-photographie. — Épreuves photographiques différemment nuancées obtenues sans l'emploi des sels d'argent ni des sels d'or, col. 18. Développement par le saccharosulfate de fer, col. 46. Épreuves positives au sel double de plomb et d'argent, col. 47. Impression photographique à l'aide des sels de fer et de cuivre, col. 38. Impression des épreuves positives sur toile, col. 39. Influence de l'acide formique sur les bains révélateurs, col. 24. La Photogénie, col. 14. Machine à cylindre les épreuves, col. 29. Nouveau procédé au collodion sec; emploi du cachou comme conservateur, col. 14. Nouvelle méthode de préparation de papier albuminé, col. 23. Nouvelle méthode chromo-lithographique, col. 37. Observations sur le procédé de tirage des Positifs avec des sels de fer, col. 24. Observations sur le Lavage des Épreuves, col. 39. Photographies solaires, col. 47. Photographie dans l'Inde, col. 47. Photographie sans bain d'argent, col. 47. Prix du Matériel photographique, col. 24. Société Française de Photographie, col. 16, 29 et 48. Une nouvelle Source photogénique, col. 37. Virage des Épreuves positives, col. 24. Travaux Diocésains. Architecture religieuse en Angleterre, col. 10. Construction de l'Église Saint-Augustin à Paris, col. 3, 9, 42. Construction de l'Église de la Trinité à Paris, col. 10. Restauration de Notre-Dame de Paris, col. 3, 42. Restauration de Saint-Eustache à Paris, col. 3, 42. Restauration de Saint-Germain-l'Auxerrois, col. 3. Restauration de l'Église Notre-Dame de Bonne-Nouvelle, col. 9. Restauration du Dôme du Val-de-Grâce, col. 10. Travaux commencés à l'église Saint-Sulpice de Paris, col. 42. TABLE DES PLANCHES. 1-2. — Le Bois de Vincennes (près Paris), col. 4. 3-4 — Balustrades en bois découpés des Chalets du Bois de Boulogne, du Pré Catelan et du Jardin d'Acclimatation, col. 5. 5-6. — Étude générale sur le Style Arabe, par J. C. DESVALLÉE. Bases et Chapiteaux (Pl. 5), col. 6. Arcades (Pl. 6), col. 7. Étude générale sur le Style Arabe. (Suite.) Portes et Fenêtres, col. 11. Types divers de Consoles et Lanternes à gaz, col. 12. Étude générale sur le Style Arabe. (Suite.) Corniches et Consoles, col. 20. Antéfixes, Frises et Inscriptions, col. 20. Panneaux, col. 21. Coupoles, Dômes, Plafonds et Pendentifs, col. 21. Faïtières et Lambrequins en bois découpé du Bois de Boulogne, du Pré Catelan et du Jardin d'Acclimatation, col. 21. Maison de Campagne allemande, par M. ROSENBUSCH, Architecte, col. 25. Détails décoratifs en bois découpé du Bois de Boulogne, du Pré Catelan et du Jardin d'Acclimatation, col. 25. Étude générale sur le Style Arabe. (Suite.) Charpentes et Auvents ornés, col. 33. Rosaces, Mosaïques et Détails divers, col. 33. Grilles et Ornements divers, col. 34. Minarets, col. 34. Appuis de fenêtres en fonte (Modèles DURENNE), col. 44. Étude générale sur le style Arabe. (Suite.) Meubles, Chaire, Lanterne, Fontaine, etc. D'autre part, pour donner suite à ce point de vue, que les divers Styles d'Architecture sont la base et le point de départ de tous les autres arts qui s'y rattachent, nous publierons, en 1864, une Étude générale sur le style Arabe, qui sera analogue, comme programme et comme division des matières, à celle déjà publiée en 1863 sur le Style Louis XVI. Pour cette Étude, nous avons fait appel, tant à nos propres souvenirs, recueillis dans divers voyages en Espagne, en Algérie et en Sicile, qu'aux indications qui nous ont été fournies par divers Architectes qui se sont occupés plus spécialement de ce style. Les dessins de l'Alhambra, de l'Alcazar de Séville, des Mosquées du Caire, les publications de FOERSTER dans l'Allgemeine Bauzeitung de Vienne, les Photographies de CLIFFORD, etc., nous ont servi à composer nos principales planches synoptiques. Si nos lecteurs d'Espagne, d'Algérie ou de Tunis pouvaient, en outre, nous envoyer quelques dessins nouveaux, pour compléter les divers groupes d'éléments dont nous n'avons fait qu'ouvrir la collection, nous leur en serons vivement reconnaissants. Ces documents nous permettront d'en faire plus tard une publication spéciale, plus complète. Déjà aujourd'hui les Cafés arabes, les bains Mauresques, les Salles d'Alcazar, les fumoirs arabes, les promenoirs et pavillons Mauresques sont très répandus. Les applications du Style Arabe deviendront certainement plus nombreuses encore, si l'influence Européenne continue à s'étendre sur les pays soumis à la loi du Coran. C. A. OPPERMANN. Paris. — 1er Janvier 1864. ggg SOMMAIRE. TEXTE. — Introduction. — Chronique des Beaux-Arts. — Projet de réorganisation de l'École des Beaux-Arts. — Statue du Prince Eugène Napoléon. — Travaux Diocésains. — Notre-Dame de Paris. — Église Saint-Eustache. — Église Saint-Augustin. — Saint-Germain l'Auxerrois. — Promenades et Plantations. Le Bois de Vincennes, près Paris. (Pl. 1-2.) — Bois découpés. — Balustrades en bois découpé des Chalets du Bois de Boulogne, du Pré Catelan, et du Jardin d'Acclimatation. (Pl. 3-4.) — Architecture décorative. — Étude générale sur le Style arabe, par M. J. C. DESTREEZ. (Pl. 5-6.) Revue des Expositions. — Concours de l'École des Beaux-Arts. PLANCHES. — 1-2. Le Bois de Vincennes, près Paris. — 3-4. Balustrades en bois découpé du Bois de Boulogne, du Pré Catelan, et du Jardin d'Acclimatation. — 5-6. Étude générale sur le Style arabe, par M. J. C. DESTREEZ. CHRONIQUE DES BEAUX-ARTS. Projet de réorganisation de l'École des Beaux-Arts. — La réorganisation de l'École des Beaux-Arts vient d'être, de la part de M. le Comte de NIEUWERKERKE, Directeur général des Musées Impériaux, l'objet d'un remarquable rapport, mais dont l'application immédiate, ainsi qu'il en a été question, pourrait, quant à la fixation de la limite d'âge à 25 ans pour les concours aux grands prix, rencontrer certaines difficultés. Car, bien que l'avancement de cette limite paraisse, en principe, un véritable progrès et un arrangement avantageux pour le développement du talent des lauréats, on ne pourrait, ce semble, sans léser plus ou moins gravement les intérêts d'une portion notable des élèves actuellement à l'école, donner à cette clause du nouveau programme un effet en quelque sorte rétroactif en l'appliquant dès l'année prochaine. — Si nous parlons de cette question, c'est qu'elle a été agitée assez sérieusement dans le public pour qu'une pétition collective des élèves ait été adressée à l'Empereur à l'effet d'en retarder la mise en pratique. Cette réserve faite, nous ne pouvons qu'applaudir à l'esprit général très pratique et très progressif du nouveau programme. Nous en laisserons d'ailleurs le lecteur juge en en publiant, ci-après, les conclusions : « 1° Création d'un emploi de directeur de cette École ; « 2° Réforme dans le système de nomination aux places de professeurs ; « 3° Création de chaires nouvelles de peinture, gravure, etc., ainsi que d'ateliers préparatoires, dirigés par des professeurs au choix de l'Administration ; « 4° Ouverture de cours gratuits à l'École des Beaux-Arts, faits par toute personne présentant à l'Administration un programme qui promette un enseignement utile; « 5° Institution, près l'École des Beaux-Arts, d'un conseil supérieur d'enseignement; « 6° Suppression des concours préparatoires; « 7° Fixation à la limite d'âge à vingt-cinq ans révolus, pour les concours aux grands prix ; « 8° Suppression des seconds prix; « 9° Réduction à quatre années de la pension accordée aux lauréats dont deux ans passés à Rome et deux autres dans des voyages; « 10° Suppression des grands prix de paysage; « 11° Augmentation de l'indemnité accordée aux pensionnaires; « 12° Introduction d'un jury spécial pour le jugement des concours des grands prix. » P. S. Nous apprenons du reste qu'il sera fait droit à la pétition dont nous avons parlé relativement à la limite d'âge, mais que le programme aura désormais son plein et entier effet à partir de 1864, en ce qui concerne les autres modifications. Statue du Prince Eugène Napoléon. — Le monument voté par le Conseil Municipal de Paris sur la proposition de M. le Préfet de la Seine, pour la nouvelle place du Prince-Eugène, a été exécuté félicitement. La statue équestre du Prince devra être installée sur un piédestal en granit composé par M. BALTARD, Architecte. Cette statue a été fondue en bronze par M. THIÉBAULT, sur le modèle qu'avait sculpté M. DUMONT, Membre de l'Institut. Le caractère du Prince est très bien exprimé dans la pose et dans la physionomie de cette statue. Il est représenté au moment où il refuse à la coalition, qui lui proposait d'abandonner la cause de Napoléon Ier, la noble réponse que chacun connaît, et qui est gravée sur le piédestal, dont la face principale porte cette simple inscription : Au PRINCE EUGÈNE NAPOLÉON. Au-dessous figurent, gravées en relief, les armes de la ville de Paris. Les autres faces du piédestal sont décorées d'aigles tenant dans leurs serres des branches de chêne et de laurier au-dessus des noms de batailles auxquelles le Prince a pris une part si glorieuse. TRAVAUX DIOCÉSAINS. Notre-Dame de Paris. — Les travaux entrepris à l'église Notre-Dame, au pignon septentrional du transept, seront terminés complètement, dit-on, en 1864. On sait que l'on fait subir à ce pignon la même opération qu'au pignon méridional : on le restaure ainsi que sa rose, et l'on rétablit soigneusement tous les détails d'architecture, de manière à rendre à cette partie de l'édifice sa physionomie première. Des travaux relativement secondaires, mais indispensables, paraissent devoir se prolonger au-delà de cette année. Ils consistent en aménagements intérieurs, tels que grilles, confessionaux, tambours d'entrée, chaires à prêcher, autels, vitraux, calorifères. On pense qu'ils seront achevés en 1866. On peut donc dire que l'antique cathédrale de Paris touche au moment où aura disparu toute dégradation que le temps avait fait éprouver à ce grand monument du Moyen-âge. Église Saint-Eustache. — Saint-Eustache est, comme on sait, après la cathédrale, le monument religieux le plus remarquable de Paris. De grandes améliorations ont été réalisées dans l'intérieur de l'édifice depuis 1852; il s'en prépare également de très-importantes en vue de l'isolement de cette église. Cet isolement doit s'effectuer, au Nord, par la formation d'une voie de 12 mètres de largeur qui, partant de la rue Montmartre, aboutira à la rue du Jour. L'exécution de cette voie amènera la destruction, depuis longtemps désirée, d'une impasse située rue Montmartre, et dont les constructions masquent, en partie, un petit portail que les artistes considèrent comme un chef-d'œuvre de sculpture. Une place, d'une dimension de 400 mètres environ, sera créée devant la façade principale, et l'ancien portail, en désaccord avec l'architecture générale du monument, sera démoli; un autre, mieux en rapport avec le style de l'édifice, sera construit d'après les plans et sous la direction de M. BALTARD. Il y a lieu d'espérer aussi que l'Administration municipale reprendra l'excellent projet qui date de 1854, et qui consistait à ouvrir une nouvelle voie, partant de la place Saint-Eustache, et aboutissant à la place de la Bourse. Cette voie couperait en diagonale l'Hôtel des Postes, que l'on a le projet de démolir lorsqu'un nouvel établissement sera construit sur les terrains de l'Assomption. Église Saint-Augustin. — Les pièces de fer et de fonte destinées à la construction de la nouvelle église Saint-Augustin, dans le 8e arrondissement de Paris, viennent d'arriver à pied d'œuvre. On sait que cette église doit comprendre un dôme de 60 mètres d'élévation, flanqué aux quatre angles de tourelles octogonales qu'il dominera, et précédé d'une longue et large nef. En ce moment le gros œuvre des quatre tourelles est presque terminé, et l'on commence les arcs des fenêtres de la tour ronde du dôme. En même temps les échafaudages se dressent pour le ravalement du portail, contre les piliers duquel on construit, en adossement, de larges piédestaux qui augmenteront l'importance de cette partie de l'édifice. Ces piédestaux sont destinés à recevoir les statues des prophètes. A l'intérieur de l'édifice, de nombreux ouvriers sont occupés à monter le système de colonnettes sur lesquelles viendront s'appuyer les retombées des voûtes. Saint-Germain l'Auxerrois. L'Administration municipale poursuit le dégagement successif des anciennes églises de Paris, bien plus curieuses et plus remarquables, au point de vue de l'art religieux, que les édifices de construction moderne. Après la régularisation des abords de l'église métropolitaine de Notre-Dame, viendra celle de Saint-Germain l'Auxerrois. Pour obtenir cette régularisation complète, il ne reste à exproprier que les maisons n° 1, 3 et 5 de la rue de l'Arbre-Sec. PROMENADES ET PLANTATIONS. Le Bois de Montlouis (près Orléans). PL. 12. Aflittestes antérieurs. Plage générale du Bois de Boulogne (Maisons de garde, Kiosque, Exèdre, Cascades et principaux Détails), Alb. de l'Art Industr. 1869, col. 33 et suiv., Pl 20, 21, 22, 23, 24,25, 26,27,28,29, 30. -Vue générale du Jardin d'acclimatation, Nouv. Ann. d'Agricult. 1861, col. 6, Pl. 1-2. Vue générale du Square de la Tour Saint-Jacques, à Paris, Alb. de l'Art Industr. 1861, col. 5, Pl. 1-2.-Le nouveau Parc de Monceaux, par MM. ALPHAND, Ingénieur en chef, et DAVIOUD, Architecte en Chef du Service des Promenades et Plantations, Alb. de l'Art Industr. 1862, col. 6, Pl. 1-2. La transformation du Bois de Vincennes qui a eu lieu dans ces dernières années sous l'habile direction de MM. ALPHAND, Ingénieur en chef des Ponts et Chaussées, DARCEL, Ingénieur ordinaire, et DAVIOUD, architecte de la Ville de Paris, se rattache à un vaste ensemble d'utiles et bienfaisantes entreprises de l'administration Municipale. La création d'attrayantes promenades aux abords de la ville telles que le Bois de Boulogne et le Bois de Vincennes, l'établissement de spacieuses créations du même genre pour les populations du nord et du sud, l'une sur les hauteurs des buttes Chaumont, l'autre à Gentilly sur le versant de la rive gauche de la Bièvre, enfin la plantation, dans l'intérieur, de charmants jardins où les enfants, les vieillards, les malades de chaque quartier trouvent l'air et l'espace qui leur manquaient jadis, sont pour l'administration actuelle un des titres les plus incontestables à la reconnaissance des générations futures. Dès 1855, en même temps qu'elle s'occupait des travaux du Bois de Boulogne, la Ville de Paris avait fait étudier un projet de transformation du Bois de Vincennes ; aussi ne fut-elle pas prise au dépourvu lorsque, deux mois après l'annexion, intervint un traité bientôt suivi de la sanction législative, en vertu duquel le Bois de Vincennes, distrait de la dotation de la Couronne, était concédé à la Ville à l'exception de la partie touchant le petit parc, entre le château et l'hôpital militaire; de cet hôpital et de la portion du terrain situé à l'ouest; du vieux et du nouveau fort, des redoutes de Saint-Maur, du grenier à fourrages, de l'école de Pyrotechnie et de l'Asile Impérial des convalescents. De son côté, la Ville s'engageait principalement à acquérir pour être plantés, réunis au bois et convertis en promenade publique, les terrains compris entre l'ancienne route de Lyon, le village de Saint-Mandé et l'enceinte fortifiée. Les travaux commencèrent immédiatement (en 1858) sous la direction de M. ALPHAND, Ingénieur en chef des Promenades et Plantations, et de M. J. DARCEL, Ingénieur ordinaire. Ce fut naturellement la partie du bois la plus rapprochée de Paris qu'on attaqua la première, en répartissant les chantiers sur plusieurs points. Il importait, en effet, d'amener la nouvelle promenade jusqu'aux portes de la capitale, et de la rendre ainsi accessible le plus tôt possible aux promeneurs. Les routes existantes furent améliorées dans leur parcours, macadamisées, pourvues de trottoirs bien entretenus. Des voies secondaires les relièrent entre elles, et des gazons, des massifs, de l'eau, jetés à profusion, vinrent en égayer les abords. En même temps des allées sinueuses furent dessinées dans certaines parties du bois, de manière à en augmenter artificiellement les proportions. D'autres régions, les Minimes et les pelouses de Fontenay, que nous avons indiquées en détail sur la planche, ainsi que le Champ de manœuvres, ont eu une large part dans cet ensemble d'amélioration. Deux routes embrassent la plus grande partie de la première région. De l'avenue circulaire qui entoure le lac des Minimes, on peut se diriger par des allées secondaires, vers Nogent, Fontenay, et le Champ de manœuvres du cours Marigny. C'est dans le canton compris entre le cours Marigny et Joinville (Fig. 2) que s'élève, à demi cachée dans les arbres, la villa où M. le Maréchal VAILLANT, Ministre de la Maison de l'Empereur, vient quelquefois consacrer au jardinage les heures de loisir que lui laissent ses hautes fonctions. C'est actuellement dans la plaine de Charenton que se trouvent concentrés presque tous les travaux. Une oasis d'eau, de massifs d'arbres, de verdure, aura succédé, dans un avenir prochain, à ce désert aride, pierreux, défoncé que nul n'est tenté de regretter. Une légère dépression du sol qui forme un petit vallon aboutissant à la porte de Picpus, est heureusement mise à profit pour la création d'un lac, de forme elliptique. Il sera alimenté, comme l'ensemble des réservoirs du bois, par la dérivation de Gravelle; les eaux arriveront au terme de leur course du haut d'un rocher d'où elles se précipiteront en cascade. Deux îles, réunies par un pont rustique, et décorées d'un chalet, y seront ménagées. C'est le jardinier en chef de la ville de Paris, M. BARILY DESCHAMPS, l'habile décorateur du Bois de Boulogne, qui est chargé de la partie pittoresque de cette transformation. Aux deux extrémités du lac, de spacieux carrefours seront le point de départ de nombreuses allées de communication avec les portes de Charenton et de Reuilly, le village de Saint-Mandé et le plateau de Gravelle. L'ensemble de cette partie du bois sera circonscrit par la route de Charenton au Midi, parallèlement à laquelle on trace un boulevard de ceinture, et au Nord, par le boulevard de Philippe-Auguste, qui conduit de la place de la Bastille à la porte de Picpus, et dont les côtés ne tarderont pas à se garnir d'élégantes constructions. Cette promenade, dont la Pl. 1-2 représente un des aspects principaux, est donc pourvue largement de tous les genres d'attraits, et elle sera encadrée prochainement par une ceinture d'élégantes villas qui y seront construites sur les terrains dont dispose l'administration municipale. La surface totale du Bois de Vincennes, après complet achèvement, sera de 876 hectares dont 370 hectares de forêt; 55 hectares plantés de massifs et d'arbustes, 375 hectares de prairies, y compris les 142 hectares affectés aux exercices militaires; 56 hectares de routes, et 20 hectares de rivières ou pièces d'eau. Ces pièces d'eau et rivières sont déjà alimentées par la Marne au moyen d'une turbine placée dans la chute des moulins de Saint-Maur, et qui élève à 38 mètres 5 millions de litres par 24 heures. Les eaux sont emmagasinées dans le réservoir étanche de la redoute de Gravelle dont le réseau est supérieur de 14 mètres au lac des Minimes et de 25 mètres au lac de Saint-Mandé. Il contient 20,000 mètres cubes. Le chiffre des dépenses prévues pour l'embellissement du bois sont évaluées à 6 millions de francs environ. C'est à peu près ce qu'a coûté en première analyse la transformation du Bois de Boulogne dont l'étendue est la même, à un hectare près. C. A. OPPERMANN. BOIS DÉCOUPÉS. Balustrades en bois découpé des Chalets du Bois de Boulogne, du Pré Catelan, et du Jardin d'Acclimatation. PL. 5-4. Articles antérieurs. -Porches et Détails en bois découpé, Alb. de l'Art Industr. 1859, col. 10, PI. 9.—Balustrades en bois découpé, Alb. de l'Art Industr. 1859, col. H, Pl. 10. Cloisons ornées et Panneaux à glace, Alb. de l'Art Industr. 1860, col. 28, PI. 15-16. — Fenêtres mauresques en bois découpé (Alger, Oran, Constantine) Alb. de l'Art Industr. 1862, col. 20, Pl. 9. — Motifs décoratifs en bois découpé du Bois de Boulogne, du Pré Catelan et du Jardin d'Acclimatation, Alb. de l'Art. Industr. 1863, col. 44, Pl. 25-26. Nous continuons par les balustrades de balcons et les panneaux ornés représentés Pl. 3-4, la publication que nous avons commencée dans les précédentes livraisons des principaux motifs en bois découpés, adoptés pour l'ornementation extérieure et intérieure des diverses constructions du Bois de Boulogne, du Pré Catelan, et du Jardin d'Acclimatation. Ces divers procédés de décoration sont dignes d'intérêt, tant à cause de leur heureux effet en exécution, que de la facilité avec laquelle on peut se les procurer économiquement à peu près partout. C'est ce qui nous a engagé à les signaler d'une manière toute spéciale à l'attention des constructeurs, et à suivre, tant qu'il sera en notre pouvoir, la publication de tous les éléments de construction se rattachant à la menuiserie artistique et à l'industrie des Bois découpés qui constitue, en quelque sorte, un style spécial d'architecture, le Style Suisse, ou Style chalet. ARCHITECTURE DÉCORATIVE. Étude générale sur le style arabe. Par M. J. C. DESTREEZ. (1ER article.) PL. 5, 6. Articles antérieurs. Étude générale sur le Style Louis XVI (Colonnes et Chapiteaux, Frises et Corniches, Portes et Fenêtres, Dessus de portes, Consoles et Modillons, Balustrades et Balcons, Cadres et Bordures, Plafonds, Meubles et Attributs, Ensembles), par M. J. C. DESTREEZ, Alb. de l'Art Industr. 1863, col. 12,13, 20, 21, 22, 30, 31, 36, Pl. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. Nous avons commencé par une série de planches relatives au style Louis XVI et publiées dans le septième volume de l’Album de l’Art Industriel, une étude générale sur les Styles d’architecture les plus célèbres dans l’histoire, ceux qui ont donné lieu aux Édifices Types, qui sont encore l’objet de l’admiration universelle. Nous avons terminé aujourd’hui ce que nous avions à dire sur le style Louis XVI, et, pour donner un peu plus de variété à ces diverses études, nous avons cru devoir abandonner l’ordre chronologique inverse que nous avions adopté d’abord. — Deux styles qui se sont succédé immédiatement, dans l’ordre des temps, ont souvent en effet des lignes de démarcation plus ou moins confuses. Ils renferment presque toujours des différences très-peu sensibles dans beaucoup de leurs détails. C’est ainsi que beaucoup de détails du style Louis XV eussent semblé une répétition pure et simple de certains détails du style Louis XVI, si nous les eussions publiés les uns après les autres. — Un des moyens les plus sûrs d’éviter jusqu’à cette apparence de répétition nous a paru de publier à la suite les uns des autres des détails se rattachant à des époques essentiellement différentes. — Les différents styles n’en seront que mieux circonscrits et leurs formes caractéristiques mieux précisées. C’est pour ce motif que nous commençons aujourd’hui la publication des nombreux et intéressants documents concernant le Style arabe, et cette publication sera continuée régulièrement dans chaque livraison qui va suivre. CONSIDÉRATIONS GÉNÉRALES. Tout le monde sait que l’origine du Style arabe peut être datée de l’an 622 après Jésus-Christ, car cette époque est l’origine même du Mahométisme. On sait aussi que l'architecture des Musulmans présente, comme celle de l'Occident, des aspects très différents suivant les pays où elle s'est développée, et les dynasties régnantes qui en ont vulgarisé les types. L'Espagne, l'Algérie, l'Égypte, Constantinople et les Indes offrent des monuments dont les principes généraux sont sans doute les mêmes, mais dont les formes élémentaires sont très caractéristiques de l'une ou de l'autre région. Nous devrions donc peut-être, comme on le fait pour le Style Gréco-Romain, distinguer le Style qui nous occupe en trois ordres, ou variantes, que l'on pourrait appeler l'ordre Mauresque (Espagne et Sicile), l'ordre Arabe (Algérie, Égypte et Syrie) et l'ordre Turc (Constantinople, Asie Mineure, Assyrie). Mais ces distinctions n'auraient pas, pour le moment, d'utilité bien pratique, et nous entraîneraient dans un travail qui exigerait les plus longues et les plus minutieuses discussions quelque chose comme l'œuvre de VIGNOLE et de VITRUVE appliquée au Style arabe. Nous nous bornerons donc, dans cette première analyse, à examiner les détails et les ensembles du style en eux-mêmes, au simple titre de dessins et de modèles, nous réservant pour la publication spéciale que nous pensons en faire, une Étude historique et didactique plus complète. C. A. OPPERMANN. Feuille n° 1. (Pl. 5). — Bases et chapiteaux. Fig. 1. — Chapiteau d'une colonne de la salle des Abencérages (Alhambra). Toute l'ornementation du palais de l'Alhambra est remarquable par son bon goût autant que par sa richesse. La forme générale des chapiteaux est presque toujours la même, mais les ornements en sont très variés; parfois le fût est uni, d'autres fois il est orné, comme dans la fig. 1, de quelques moulures au-dessous du chapiteau. Il n'y a pas d'entablement dans le Style Arabe, il est en quelque sorte remplacé par une espèce de console du côté de l'arcade destinée à recevoir cette console, quand elle ne repose pas immédiatement sur le chapiteau. L'ornement A se retrouve souvent dans ce style, employé de la même manière. Toutes les colonnes, bases et chapiteaux de l'Alhambra sont en marbre blanc ; autrefois, toutes ces parties étaient enrichies de peintures et de dorures, elles sont assez bien conservées sur quelques-unes; d'autres ont subi des restaurations après lesquelles on n'a pas rétabli les dorures. Fig. 2. Chapiteau de la Cour des Lions (Alhambra). Ce chapiteau, l'un des plus beaux de l'édifice, réunit plusieurs ornements qui se rencontrent fréquemment dans la décoration des chapiteaux de ce palais ainsi que les ornements A et B. Fig. 3. — Chapiteau de l'entrée de la Cour des Lions, et partie du plafond de la voûte (Alhambra). Le plafond à pendentifs est supporté par de petites colonnes reposant sur le chapiteau. Les ornements enlacés qui sont dans l'intervalle des petites colonnes sont d'une application fréquente. Fig. 4. — Base d'une colonne de la Cour des Lions. Les bases sont fort simples dans le Style Arabe, et ne répondent pas à la richesse de l'ornementation des chapiteaux. La base que représente la Fig. 4 est la forme la plus ordinaire de celles de l'Alhambra. Fig. 5. — Chapiteau de la même colonne et commencement de l'archivolte. Nous retrouvons ici des ornements signalés dans la Fig. 1. Le sommet du fût est également orné de moulures. Fig. 6. — Chapiteau, vu de côté, de la Cour des Lions. L'archivolte est séparée du chapiteau par une sorte de console à pendentifs, dont nous avons parlé plus haut, sur laquelle repose l'arc de l'ogive. Fig. 7. — Base d’une colonne des bains de Kefala, près Palerme. Fig. 8. — Chapiteau de la même colonne. L’ornementation est ici de beaucoup inférieure à celle de l’Alhambra. On reconnaît, dans la forme générale de ces ornements grossiers, l’influence de ces œuvres antiques. Fig. 9. Chapiteau tiré d’une construction Normande du XIIIe siècle à Palerme. Dans leurs constructions les Normands imitèrent l’Architecture arabe qu’ils avaient sous les yeux. Le chapiteau dessiné, Fig. 9, en offre un exemple. Fig. 10. Base d’une colonne à l’intérieur de la mosquée El-Mouaïed (Caire). Fig. 11. — Chapiteau de la même colonne. Cet édifice est d’une grande richesse d’ornementation. Les colonnes que le dessin représente sont en marbre de diverses couleurs; elles sont ou des copies ou des restes de monuments anciens. Les constructions arabes en Orient présentent souvent cette particularité, et les emprunts faits à des ruines antiques ainsi que les inspirations puisées aux sources des styles Grec, Romain et Byzantin sont les motifs de la différence que nous trouverons dans les fragments provenant de ce pays et ceux de l’architecture dite mauresque. Fig. 12. Chapiteau du sanctuaire de la mosquée Touloun (Caire). Cette mosquée est un type pur de l’architecture arabe en Égypte pendant la première époque. Elle fut bâtie par un chrétien par ordre du sultan AHMED-BEN-TOULOUN. Le chapiteau de la Fig. 12 rappelle le style Byzantin. Feuille no 2 (Pl. 6). Arcades. Fig. L Arcades de la grande salle de l’Alcazar de Séville. Les arcades arabes présentent une grande variété de formes, elles sont souvent, comme dans la Fig. 1, une demi-circonférence dont le centre est de beaucoup supérieur au niveau des chapiteaux; elles se terminent verticalement et se réunissent à ceux-ci comme nous l'avons vu Pl. 1, Fig. 1. Les colonnes, bases et chapiteaux sont visiblement inspirés par l'architecture Romaine que les Maures rencontrèrent dans le pays. Fig. 2. — Salle des ambassadeurs (Alcazar). La forme des arcades est différente des précédentes, mais les ornements qui les accompagnent sont semblables à ceux de la figure précédente. Les causes sont aussi des inspirations des œuvres romaines. Fig. 3. — Arcades de la Cour des Lions (Alhambra). Les arcades de l'Alhambra sont à peu près semblables à celles de la grande salle de l'Alcazar (Fig. 1), mais les découpures et l'ornementation en général en sont plus riches et surtout d'un goût plus pur. Fig. 4. Arcades de la grande façade devant le sanctuaire de la mosquée de Cordoue. Les arcades sont d'une forme très-originale et caractérisent bien le Style Mauresque. Les colonnes inférieures n'ont pas de base, mais leurs chapiteaux et les colonnes supérieures sont, comme celles de l'Alcazar de Séville, empruntés au Style Gréco-Romain. Fig. 5. — Arcade à Alger. Fig. 6. — Arcade à Alger. Les édifices arabes de l'Algérie ne présentent pas l'élégance et le goût que l'on trouve dans l'Espagne et l'Orient. La forme des arcades des Fig. 5 et 6 est capricieuse, nous ne les donnons que comme types de l'architecture algérienne. Fig. 7. Arcade du Moristan (hôpital) de Kalaoun (Caire). Les arcades en ogive sont nombreuses dans le style arabe, surtout en Orient; cependant on en voit dans presque tous les monuments qui leur sont dus. Celle de la Fig. 7 est remarquable par ses proportions élégantes. Elle est tirée d'un des plus beaux monuments du Caire, construit en 683 de l'Hégire par IUELCE-EL-HAMSOUR KALAOUN. J. C. DESTEEN. (La suite au prochain numéro.) REVUE DES EXPOSITIONS. Concours de l'École des Beaux-Arts. Prix d'Architecture. Nous commencerons le compte rendu de l'ensemble de l'exposition des concours des prix de Rome par celui qui nous intéresse le plus directement, quoiqu'il ait été jusqu'à présent le moins fécond en résultats pratiques : le Concours d'Architecture. L'Académie semble toutefois s'être laissé entraîner un peu plus cette année par le mouvement moderne, et à en juger par son programme, elle a fait, dans la voie pratique et d'une exécution possible, un pas qu'il importe de signaler, sans toutefois approuver sans réserves son choix comparé surtout aux études d'ensemble (Villa pour un souverain et Palais avec ses dépendances pour le gouverneur de l'Algérie) qui étaient demandées les années précédentes. Il s'agissait de la construction d'un escalier monumental, et voici à ce sujet les principaux paragraphes du programme : Il s'agit de donner le plan de « l'escalier principal du palais d'un souverain. Cet escalier doit se présenter sous les dehors les plus imposants et les plus somptueux. Conçu dans de larges proportions, décoré de nombreux objets d'art et revêtu des marbres les plus riches, il offrira l'alliance de la magnificence et de la majesté. Au rez-de-chaussée, il sera précédé d'un vestibule, précédé lui-même d'une descente à couvert sous laquelle cinq voitures au moins pourront à la fois laisser descendre les invités; à proximité serait située une grande salle basse où se tiendrait la livrée. Au premier étage, l'escalier donnerait accès à une salle des gardes, précédant les salons, les galeries de réception et la chapelle du palais. L'ensemble des projets présentés pour ce concours était intéressant; un certain nombre de plans indiquaient quelques qualités sérieuses chez leurs auteurs, notamment celui de M. BRUNE. Les prix obtenus ont été : 1er grand prix, à M. Emmanuel BRUNE, né à Paris, le 30 Octobre 1838, élève de M. QUESTEL; 1er second grand prix, à M. Louis NOGUET, né à Paris, le 19 Octobre 1835, élève de MM. GARNAUD et QUESTEL. 2e second grand prix, à M. Napoléon-Eugène RIGAULT, né à Paris, le 26 Février 1841, élève de MM. LEBAS et LESUEUR. Prix de Peinture. Ce que nous disions tout à l'heure des conditions pratiques du programme des concours d'architecture n'est malheureusement pas beaucoup plus applicable au programme du concours de peinture. Cette année encore on a choisi un sujet biblique, cent fois traité et presque totalement dépourvu d'intérêt. À tant de scènes contemporaines, bien capables de tenter l'imagination des jeunes peintres, on a préféré un des sujets les plus émouvants, il est vrai, mais les plus banals, de l'Ancien Testament : « Joseph se faisant reconnaître par ses frères ». Aussi sent-on moins, à l'inspection de ces toiles, ces différences tranchées provoquées par la foi, la naïveté, ou la vigueur qui animaient les concurrents d'une autre époque. Le concours était cependant passable au point de vue de l'exécution matérielle. Beaucoup de rectitude et d'habileté, mais peu d'originalité; en général peu d'initiative, peu de tempérament. Dix élèves ont concouru ; ce sont : MM. BOURGEOIS, MONTCHABLON, GIRARD, HUMBERT, LELOIR, LÉvy, LEYRRAUD, MAILLARD, DUPUIS et THIRION. Prix de Sculpture. Les élèves avaient à traiter cette année un bas-relief (encore un sujet antique), la mort de Nisus et d'Euryale, dont voici le programme en peu de mots : « Surpris dans la forêt de Laurent par des cavaliers Rutules, Nisus et Euryale essayent de fuir ; mais Euryale, le plus faible et le plus jeune, est fait prisonnier. Nisus revient sur ses pas en tuant plusieurs ennemis à coups de javelots. Volsènes, Chef des Rutules, veut venger sur le captif la mort de ses guerriers, et Nisus, qui pouvait se sauver, sort du bois en poussant ce cri : "Me, me, nisum qui feci; in me convertite ferrum." Ce sujet que le mouvement général et les connaissances en sculpture hippique qu'il exigeait rendait surtout difficile, a cependant été traité d'une manière relativement satisfaisante par les huit concurrents qui avaient pris part à ce concours : MM. Roux, Delaplanche, Nadaud, Bourgeois, Delloye, Nathan, Croisy, Barras. G. A. OPPERMANN, Directeur 11, rue des Beaux-Arts, à Paris. Paris.—Imprimé par E. THUNOT et C-, 26, rue Racine.
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using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data; using System.Data.Entity; using System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Net.Http; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Web.Http; using System.Web.ModelBinding; using System.Web.OData; using System.Web.OData.Query; using System.Web.OData.Routing; using _2016ODataInEF.Models; namespace _2016ODataInEF.Controllers { /* The WebApiConfig class may require additional changes to add a route for this controller. Merge these statements into the Register method of the WebApiConfig class as applicable. Note that OData URLs are case sensitive. using System.Web.OData.Builder; using System.Web.OData.Extensions; using _2016ODataInEF.Models; ODataConventionModelBuilder builder = new ODataConventionModelBuilder(); builder.EntitySet<abc>("abcs"); config.MapODataServiceRoute("odata", "odata", builder.GetEdmModel()); */ public class abcsController : ODataController { private Model1 db = new Model1(); // GET: odata/abcs [EnableQuery(PageSize =10)] public IQueryable<abc> Getabcs() { return db.abcs; } // GET: odata/abcs(5) [EnableQuery] public SingleResult<abc> Getabc([FromODataUri] int key) { return SingleResult.Create(db.abcs.Where(abc => == key)); } // PUT: odata/abcs(5) public async Task<IHttpActionResult> Put([FromODataUri] int key, Delta<abc> patch) { Validate(patch.GetEntity()); if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return BadRequest(ModelState); } abc abc = await db.abcs.FindAsync(key); if (abc == null) { return NotFound(); } patch.Put(abc); try { await db.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!abcExists(key)) { return NotFound(); } else { throw; } } return Updated(abc); } // POST: odata/abcs public async Task<IHttpActionResult> Post(abc abc) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return BadRequest(ModelState); } db.abcs.Add(abc); await db.SaveChangesAsync(); return Created(abc); } // PATCH: odata/abcs(5) [AcceptVerbs("PATCH", "MERGE")] public async Task<IHttpActionResult> Patch([FromODataUri] int key, Delta<abc> patch) { Validate(patch.GetEntity()); if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return BadRequest(ModelState); } abc abc = await db.abcs.FindAsync(key); if (abc == null) { return NotFound(); } patch.Patch(abc); try { await db.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!abcExists(key)) { return NotFound(); } else { throw; } } return Updated(abc); } // DELETE: odata/abcs(5) public async Task<IHttpActionResult> Delete([FromODataUri] int key) { abc abc = await db.abcs.FindAsync(key); if (abc == null) { return NotFound(); } db.abcs.Remove(abc); await db.SaveChangesAsync(); return StatusCode(HttpStatusCode.NoContent); } protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing) { db.Dispose(); } base.Dispose(disposing); } private bool abcExists(int key) { return db.abcs.Count(e => == key) > 0; } } }
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Paterson, J. A complaint was filed in the police court of the city and county of San Francisco, on April 24, 1890, charging the petitioner with a misdemeanor in having transacted and carried on the business of selling meat without having first taken out a license, as required by an ordinance of the board of supervisors. *50The petitioner was arrested under a warrant issued on said complaint, and in due time entered a plea of not guilty, and another plea challenging the jurisdiction of the court. It is alleged that, notwithstanding his plea to the jurisdiction, the police court threatens to proceed with the trial of the charge against petitioner, and he prays for a writ of prohibition to restrain the police court from proceeding with the trial of the action. Section 1103 of the Code of Civil Procedure provides that the writ of prohibition may be issued “in all cases where there is not a plain, speedy, and adequate remedy in the ordinary course of law.” This is not such a case. If the petitioner should be convicted in the police court, he will have a plain, speedy, and adequate remedy at law by an appeal to the superior court. (Levy v. Wilson, 69 Cal. 105.) Application for writ denied. Sharpstein, J., McFarland, J., Fox, J., and Thornton, J., concurred.
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/* * Copyright 2018 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package dev.gradleplugins.integtests.fixtures; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import; public abstract class AbstractContextualMultiVersionSpecRunner<T extends AbstractMultiVersionSpecRunner.VersionedTool> extends AbstractMultiVersionSpecRunner<T> { public static final String VERSIONS_SYSPROP_NAME = "org.gradle.integtest.versions"; // TODO: Change property name public static final CoverageContext DEFAULT = new CoverageContext("default"); public static final CoverageContext LATEST = new CoverageContext("latest"); public static final CoverageContext PARTIAL = new CoverageContext("partial"); public static final CoverageContext FULL = new CoverageContext("all"); @Override protected String getVersions() { return System.getProperty(VERSIONS_SYSPROP_NAME, DEFAULT.getSelector()); } protected abstract Collection<T> getAllVersions(); protected Collection<T> getLatestVersion() { return Collections.singleton(Iterables.getLast(getAllVersions())); } protected Collection<T> getQuickVersions() { for (T next : getAllVersions()) { if (isAvailable(next)) { return Collections.singleton(next); } } return Collections.emptyList(); } protected Collection<T> getPartialVersions() { Collection<T> allVersions = getAllVersions(); Set<T> partialVersions = new HashSet<>(); T firstAvailable = getFirstAvailable(allVersions); if (firstAvailable != null) { partialVersions.add(firstAvailable); } T lastAvailable = getLastAvailable(allVersions); if (lastAvailable != null) { partialVersions.add(lastAvailable); } return partialVersions; } private Collection<T> getAvailableVersions() { Set<T> allAvailable = getAllVersions().stream().filter(this::isAvailable).collect(Collectors.toSet()); return allAvailable; } private T getFirstAvailable(Collection<T> versions) { for (T next : versions) { if (isAvailable(next)) { return next; } } return null; } private T getLastAvailable(Collection<T> versions) { T lastAvailable = null; for (T next : versions) { if (isAvailable(next)) { lastAvailable = next; } } return lastAvailable; } public AbstractContextualMultiVersionSpecRunner(Class<?> target) { super(target, ImmutableSet.of(DEFAULT, LATEST, PARTIAL, FULL)); } protected Collection<T> versionUnderTestForContext(CoverageContext coverageContext) { if (coverageContext == DEFAULT) { return getQuickVersions(); } else if (coverageContext == LATEST) { return getLatestVersion(); } else if (coverageContext == PARTIAL) { return getPartialVersions(); } else if (coverageContext == FULL) { return getAvailableVersions(); } throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } }
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The argument of the defendants would make the cause of the principal obli- gation, which was the acquisition of the property of the bank, the cause or motive of their collateral contract, and therein consists the fallacy ; for the collateral undertaking, as a unilateral contract, did not admit of it. It is con- verting the unilateral into a bi-lateral and commutative contract, and thus changing its very nature. , The true cause or motive, as we have alreacy said, was to procure to the creditor the additional security, without which credit would not have been given to the principal, and it cannot be pretended that there was error in res- pect of this. ““V.—Le quatriéme et dernier élément nécessaire, c’est une cause licite de Yobligation. Nous avons eu déja l'occasion de dire qu’il ne faut pas entendre par cause de l'obligation, dans \e langage du droit, ce qu’on appellerait la cause du contrat, ou méme aussi, la cause de l’obligation, dans le langage ordinaire - -- Quand je vous vends ma ferme, la cause du contrat, ou de mon obligation si l’on veut, le motif qui m’a déterminé 4 m'engager, ce sera tantdét la nécessité od je me trouve de payer des sommes considérables, tantét le projet d’acquérir des rentes ou des maisons en remplacement de mes terres, afin d’augmenter mon revenu, tantét de doter ma fille. Mais, en droit, ces motifs premiers ne sont pas 4 considérer; et c’est seulement le motif dern-er et immédiat de l’obligation qui constitue sa cause juridique: quand je m’oblige 4 vous livrer ma ferme, mon motif immédiat, la cause juridique de mon obligation, c’est obligation que vous-méme contractez de me payer une somme d'argent, quel que soit l'emploi auquel je destine cette somme. De méme, quand je consens a vous livrer ma maison de Paris, en échange de votre terrain d’Auteuil, il importe peu que je me propose de faire de ce terrain un vignoble, ou d’y construire une maison de plaisance que j’habiterai, ou d’y élever une construction propre & recevoir des locataires: peu importent, enfin, les motifs qui m’ont fait agir; dans tous les cas, c'est uniquement l’obligation que vous prenez de me livrer ce terrain qui forme la cauSe de mon obligation de vous livrer ma maison. Dans les contrats synallagmatiques, c’est toujours l’obligation d’une partie qui est la cause de l’obligation de l'autre: da cause de chaque obligation est alors le désir d’obtenir ce que fait /’ objet de l'autre obligation.—Quand le con- trat est unilatéral, qu’une seule obligation est contractée, l’obligation, si elle est néanmoins a titre onéreux, trouve sa cause dans |’obtention de l’avantage quel- conque procuré par l'autre partie; que si cette obligation unique est prise gra- tuitement, sa cause est dans le désir d’une partie de rendre service a l'autre. La loi ne demande pas que la cause premiére qui, en fait, a déterminé la partie & contracter ait tel ou tel caractére, elle ne s’en occupe pas: c’est seule- ment dans la cause immédiate de l’obligation qu'elle exige qu’il n’y ait rien @illicite. Ainsi quand je m’oblige & vous livrer mon champ pour une somme de 10,000 fr. que je me procure dans l’unique but de faire commettre un crime, mon obligation envers vous n’en est pas moins valable «t je ne pourrais pas refuser de vous livrer le champ que je vous ai vendu. Mais quand je promettrai ensuite & Pierre de lui payer les 10,000 fr. pour prix du crime qu’ll me promet d’accomplir, c’est alors que mon obligation sera nulle pour délaut de cacse licite, comme la sienne le serait pour défaut d’vbjet licite; et aucun de nous ne pour- rait contraindre l'autre a l’exécution.”—Marcadé, Vol, 4, p. 347. V. The argument of the defendants, contained in the extract from their brief, above given, and based upon Art. 1815, is not sustained, and a true application of the law relating to error, to the contract of defendants, leaves their obliga- tions in all their force. Defendants, still stepping beyond their contract, and its inherent limitations and conditious, say it is apparent that the motive of that contract was their be- lief in the existence of the assets, We search the record in vain for anything to countenance this naked averment of the defence; but, admitting it to be true as a fact, and waiving, for the moment, the question which would be so pertinent in this case, as to who had produced and who must suffer for that °863 Usros Bark. Begarrr. SUPREME COURT OF. LOUISIANA, erroneous belief, as a motive, it is of that class which, in the language of Mar- cadé, above cited, “ne sont pas a considérer en droit.” It is not “ ce motif dernier et immédiat de Vobligation qui constitute sa cause juridique.” The “cause juridique,” on the contrary, as we have seen above, consisted in the additional security furnished to the creditor, without which, credit would not have heen given to the principal. See, also, Marcadé, vol. 4, p. 851; I. Com- mentaire de ]’Art. 1110 du Code Nap. Indeed, the argument of the defendant amounts to this, that they were to be | liable, only in case Marchais should prove to be an honest man and hix repre- sentations as to the assets prove true. If such an argument were admissible, it is clear that suretyship would be but an illusion, and the act of the surety, by which his faith is added to that of the principal, would amount to the grossest of deceptions. To our position that the defendants could avail themselves of no defenses from which Marchais was preciuded, their brief replies that our proposition cannot be true, for if it were, then a security could not plead his minority when he contracted, nor an unauthorized married woman her incapacity, nor could compensation be opposed for a debt due the surety by the creditor. The de- fendants’ argument mistakes our position and his own. When we say the surety can plead no defenses from which the principal is precluded, we must be understood to mean defenses affecting the principal obligation, since if they are not of that nature, the principal obligation is intact and subsists, whence we deduce, as an inevitable corollary, the continuance of the collateral liability, it being understood, of course, that the collateral contract must not be vicious for causes peculiar to itself. But it so happens that all the cases put by the de- fendants are precisely in this latter category. The two first are cases of per- sons not sui juris, There was no collateral contract as to them, for they were unable to contract at all. In the remaining case, compensation is a mode of extinquishing the debt to which it is opposed, and implies its existence and validity as against the surety pleading the compensation; it is obvious that his liability, when once fixed, can be extinguished like that of any other debtor, Aguin, says the defendant’s brief, suppose the bank had known all the facts as to the embezzlement of the funds of the branch, Marcha s, it is admitted, could not have not set up this knowledge against the plaintiff, but, itis pointedly asked, could not the securities? We may safely answer this question in the affirmative, but the obvious reason is, that the suppression of such knowledge on the part of the bank, would have been a fraud on the sureties themselves, vitiaifmg their own collateral undertaking as a separate and independant contract. The release would flow not from anything inherent in the principal contract, but from an ori- ginal vice in the contract of suretyship itself. We quote the defendants brief again: “ Art. 3029 of the Civil Code, autho- rizes the sure y to oppose all the objections inherent in the debt, which the prin- cipal might oppose, but it does not preclude him from opposing those which the debtor might be stopped from presenting. There is, at all events, nothing in our law to make contracts here an exception to those made elsewhere.” This article is. the corollary of the principle embodied in Art. 3006, to-wit: that the suretyship cannot exceed what may be due by the debtor, nor be con- contracted under more onerous conditions. Its enunciation was, indeed, unne- cesxary, except for the sake of declaring the restriction contained in it; the ob- jeetions which are common to the principal and his surety being limited to those which are inherent in the debt »s contradistingui-hed from personal exceptions on the part of the principal, such as minority or coverture, which had alrendy been denied to the surety by Art. 3005. But, say the defendants, the article does not preclude the surety from opposing objections which the principal would be estopped from presenting. It would have been strange, indeed, if it had done so, for this would have been to subvert the principle upon which the whole doctrine of surety reposes. For the argument of the defendants assumes that the exception shall be one which could not avail the principal. It follows, then, that the latter remains bound. How, then, can the surety be released, since the very essence of his contract consists in this; that he has lent him-<elf to the performance of whatever the principal ix bound to perform. In the language of Troplong, “ L’ol ligation du fid: jussenr n'est que Vobligation principale elle.méme, é tendue jusqu’a lui.” “ Le fidejuasebr doit ce que le débiteur principal doit.” “In altam rem fide jussor obtigari tton potest. . “ ’ worere aa Es. Aa NEW ORLEANS, MAY, 1888. “Et par 1a, on arrive tout de suite & une conséquence que les textes cités ont déja fait pressentir: c'est que lexception ne profite au fid jusseur qu’autant quelle est inhérente 4 l’obligation mime; rei coherentes exceptiones.” Troplorg Cantionnement, 46, 48, 510, 511, 512. These views are fully sustained by our own jurisnrudence, as will be seen in the cases of Villere v. Armstrong, 4 N.S. 21, and Muyor v. Blache, 6 L. R. 500. A few words of comment upon the authority mainly relied on by the defend- ants, to wit: the opinion of the Lord Chancellor, in the case of Owen v. Homan. In the first place, nothing is decided in the case cited, as to the merits, the matter being before the court on an application fur an interlocutory decree. The analogy there declared to exist between the contract of suretyship and that of insurance is based upon the supposition that communication had taken place be- tween the creditor and the surety respecting the liability to be assumed by the latter. The analogy fails in the case in hand, there never having been any such communication betw-en plaintiff and the defendants. To show how little effect should be given at best to any such partial analogy, we cannot do better than to quote from Troplong, a passage in which, while noticing, himself, the resemblan- ces of the two contracts under consideration, he sets forth the points in which they essentially differ: “35. Le cautionnement a quelque rapport avec l’assurance: lo. en ce que le fid jusseur se soumet a une chance périlleuse et incertaine qui rappoche l’agis- sement des contrats aléatoires; 20. en ce que le creancier qui exige un cavtion- nement veut s’assurer contre le p*ril du non-remboursement par le dc biteur. Néanmoins, le cautionnemen différe de l'assurance par des cotes remarquables, Le cautionnement est un contrat unilatiral; l'assurance est un contrat synallag- matiyne. Le cautionnement est un contrat access<oire ; assurance est un contrat principal. Le cautionnement est un contrat intéressé de part et d’autre qui le rappoche de la vente. 86. D'od dérivent ces diff:rences? A quelle cause premiére peut-on les rat- tacher? Elles proviennent de ce que, dans te cautionnement, le créancier ne paie pas la sdreté qu'il se procure pour ce qui lui est da, et que cette sdrete lui est donnée comme condition du credit qu'il fait au dy biteur. Mais introiuisez dans le cautionnement un élément qui est hors de son es- sence, c’est-A dire un prix payable par le creaneier, et vouz aurez a |’instant an contrat d'axsurance proprement dit; contrat aussi different du cautionnement que le prét simple différe du prét a inteérét. Voyez, en effet, les consequences de introduction dans le cautionnement d’an prix payé par le creancier. A l'inatant, le contrat intervenu entre le creancier et celui qui l'assure se detache du contrat primitif dont on redoute la non-exécu- tion, et l'assureur et l’assure traitent d’une maniére principale d’un objet entiére- ment distinet, 4 savoir, d’nn risque a courir.” We come next to the question of subrogation. The defendants age that they are discharged under Article 3030 of the _ Civil Code, which reads thus: “The surety is discharged when, by the act of the creditor, the subrogation to his rights, mortgages and privileges, ean no longer be operated in favor of the *surety.’” If the charges of fraud and error had been snstained there might be room for the application of the law cited, for it might then be argued that the power to subrogate: hd failed by the act of the creditor, but we have already seen that those charges are unsupported, and we are at a loss to understand by what rea- soning the plaintiffs could be held to transfer any other rights than they them- selves possessed. This court has decided that the negligence of the creditor, in the preservation of privileges that had actually existed, did not discharge the surety. Parker v. Alexander, 2 An. Rep. 189. To produce that effect, the creditor must do some act by which the subrogation can no longer be operated in favor of the surety. If the subrogation is impossible in the present case, it is not due to any act of the plaintiffs but to the fraud of Marchais. George Eustis, Sen., for plaintiff : The contract of suretyship is one of those which the Code has taken upon itself to define and regulate. t is obvious that the jurisprudence of England and of the States is entirel foreign to-it. «The obligations which it implics are fixed by legislation, which émbodies the views of ier and of the civilians, : SUPREME COURT OF LOUISIANA, Umox Bask =“ Suretyship is an accessory promise, by which a person binds himself for an- Bearrr. other vont hn and agrees with the creditor to satisfy the obligation if the debtor does not.” (Code, 3,004.) There is something singular in this definition. It is not that of Pothier nor of the Napoleon Code : * Le cautionnement est un contrat par lequel quelqu’un s’oblige pour un dé- biteur envers le créancier, & lui payer en tout ou en partie ce que ce débiteur lui doit, en accédant a son obligation.” Pothier, Ob. 366.. “ Celui qui se rend caution d'une obligation, se soumet envers le créancier & satisfaire a cette obligation, si le débiteur n'y satisfait pas lui méme.” (Code Nap. 2011. n the definition of the Louisiana Code, suretyship is not called a contract but a promise. The French text is in the same sense, and it seems clear that this definition is the result of a careful consideration of the subject. So the Partidas, 5, 12,1: “ By security ( fiador) is meant he who pledges his faith, at the command or request of him who gives him as security, to give or to perform something for another person.” Suretyship is nevertheless a contract, but it is an unilateral contract. The creditor binds himself to nothing. The suretyship is a matter principally be- tween the debtor and the surety, for the benefit of the creditor. “ Le cautionnement est cependant un contrat unilatéral, et la raison en est simple. Quel que soient les rapports particuliers qui existent entre le débi- teur et celui qui le cautionne, comme ces rapports ne sont pas ce qui constitue < le cautionnement, il ne faut pas les prendre en considération pour fixer le ca- ractére de ce contrat. Le cautionnement, en effet, se passe principalement en- tre le créancier et celui qui s’oblige en qualité de fidéjusseur. ; “Tl n’a qu’un but, c'est de procurer au créancier une sdreté. La seule obli- tion qui se contracte est donc celle du fidéjusseur. Le créancierne s’engage rien, et dés lors, le contrat est unilatéral.” Troplong, Cautionnement, 18. “If one of the parties makes no express agreement on his part, the contract is called unilateral, even in cases where the law attaches certain obligations to his acceptance.” Code, 1758. Besides the contract between the surety and the creditor, the law supposes that the contract of mandate intervenes between the debtor and the surety, whenever the surctyship is undertaken with the knowledge of the debtor. Thus Pothier, Oblig., 366. “Le cautionnement, outre le contrat qui intervient entre la caution et le créancier envers qui la caution s’oblige, renferme aussi assez souvent un autre contrat, qui est censé intervenir, au moins tacitement, entre la caution et le dé- biteur, pour qui la caution s’oblige; et ce contrat est le contrat de mandat, qui est toujours censé intervenir, lorsque c’est au su et au gré du débiteur princi- pal que la caution s’oblige pour lui.” And Troplong, 17, 28, 327: “Tl est vrai que tout cautionnement renferme en soi un mandat, ainsi que nous l’avons dit ci-dessus (17.) Mais ce n’est pas du fidéjusseur au créancier qu'il y a mandat.” ‘Le mandat n’existe que du débiteur principal a la cau- tion. If. The contract of mandate thus intervening, it follows that the suretyship must be considered as having been contracted at the instance of the debt- or, to which the creditor is not supposed to be privy. “La caution qui paie fait, en payant, ses propres affaires, puisqu’elle se libére d’une obligation qu’elle a personnellement contractée. Mais la cause de cette obligation c’est un cautionnement, c’est 4 dire, un contrat qui Voblige dans l’intérét d’autrui. I! est done juste que celui dans l’intérét duquel elle a da payer, l'indemnise, car elle a cté son mandataire si elle l’a cautionné sur sa priére ou en sa présence, et son negotiorum gestur si elle l’a cautionné sponta- nément et 4 son insu.” Ponsot, Cautionnement, 232. “By security, (jiador,) is meant he who pledges his faith at the command or request of him who gives him as security.” Partida, 5, 12, 1. “Debitoris mandato vel rogatu.” Gregorio Lopez. “Surety is one who engages or promises to another to give or do something by the order or at the request of the person on whose behalf he enters into a! Va Ave y Manuel, Institutes of the Civil, Law of Spain, Johngtop’s en > eee NEW ORLEANS, MAY, 1855. ‘* As a cautioner binds himself at the desire of the principal debtor, he has an actio mandati against him.” Erskine, Law of Scotland, 721. IIL The surety is presumed to know the condition of the debtor, Sibi inpores id. Ponsot, 62. Troplong, 26. VY. There isa distinction between the suretyship for the payment of a sum of money on a debt, and one for the performance of a fact, ad fuctum prestandum, Erskine’s Law of Scotland, 718, 719, and note. The authorities quoted pre-suppose that in the former, the obligations of principal and surety are identical towards the creditor. The authors referred to are considered the best who have treated on this subject, viz: Ponsot and Troplong. Rep. Gen. de Dalloz, verbo cautionnement. If the doctrine of these authors is correct, the defendants*have no case, and having none, they seek to embarrass the enquiry by referring to a complicated and artificial jurisprudence, having its origin in the absence of any sound and fixed rules on the subject of suretyship.q Every one familiar with that juris- prudence knows this to be so. J. C. & A. Beatty, for the defendants : This evidence shows conclusively a large amount of the notes which the bank professed to sell, were not its property. The defendants believe it not necessary to prove the precise amount of deficit from the persuasion that they are released from all obligation to pay, by the partial failure of the considera- tion established; but if the court is of opinion that it is essential to show the precise amount of the deficit, the right is reserved to them, by agreement. In proof of the fact that Frey and Jacobs acted without authority in selling to Murchais, and that no proper statement was ever furnished from the branch in Taib»leaux, they refer to the terms of the resolution of the bank, and the let- ter of Frey, their cashier, in which he expressly requires that the statement to be furnished by Marchais, should be signed and approved by the directors of the branch. The only statement of the Ist of February, 1850, produced, is one signed by P. Marchais himself. The stipulation by the bank was for a statement by the branch. To this the defendants are parties, for they are expressly named in the resolution, and the bank were bound to require such statement from the proper officers of the branch. By the 34th section of their charter—which is in evidence—five or seven directars were required to bz named annually to administer the affairs of the branches. If the bank received then a statement not made in accordance with their own resolution, they had no right to sell under it, and receive the notes of the defendants: or, if they do so, must at least guarantee its correctness—and we have shown it to be erroneous to a great degree. P. Marchais, by whom alone that statement is made, was their own officer, and, as between ‘defendants and plaintiff his act is theirs—his fraud is theirs. The resolution authorized defendants to expect an honest and correct exhibi- tion by the bank of what it was to sell, and for what they were to be respon.i- ble. If a fraudulent one has been made, and they have acted thereon it is their own fraud, committed by their own officer, and never communicated to defendants till after his bankruptcy, and they must suffer for it. In the sale of P. Marchais, is found the following stipulation : “ Tt is further understood that, in consideration of this arrangement, the said P. Marchais engages to attend to the business of the branch bank at Thibo- dauxville, as also to any business which the Union Bank of Louisiana may have in the parishes of Lafourche Interior, Terrebonne and Assumption, with- out any charge for salary and commission.” No such stipulation is contained in the resolution, and this additional stipu- lation is the fact complained of in the amended answer. The undersigned have endeavored to confine themselves, so far, to the facts, as much as possible, leaving the argument on the question resulting from these facts and the authorities, to follow. The principal questions of law presented, are : Ist. The question of error or fraud. 2d. The obligation of-the bank to warrant the existence of the obligations sold by it, 8d. The effect of the additional stipulation. Fravp anp Earor.—c. C, Art. 1815, “That is called error of fact which 868 — SUPREME-COURT OF LOUISIANA, either from ignorance of that which really exists, or from a mistaken prerie the existence of that which has none.” . yr The bank either knew, or was ignoraut, that it did net own the notes and ob- ligations it professed to ~ell. If it knew it, there was fraud on its part towards the securities, and this fraud snnuls the contract. ©. C., Art. 1841. If it believed that it owned these obligations, then the bank and securities were bey in error, and come strictly within the definition above quoted from the e. All errors, however, do not vitiate contracts. There can, however, be no doubt in this case, that the motive which prompted the securities of Marchais to bind themselves, was the belief that he was buying assets sufficient to ena- ble him to discharge the debt. The bank, if acting in error and not in fraud, believed themselves to be selling property to the value of $64,000 to Marchais, and sought to secure themselves payment of this price, and took security for it, They were both in error, and this e@ror is such as vitiates the contract. See C.C., Arts. 1818 to 1821. The plaintiffs, however, though they cannot deny the existence of this error on their part or on the part of defendants, now seek to hold the defendants responsible, not for the future good faith and fidelity of Mar- chais—for which they bound themselves—but for his past infidelity and bad faith ; an obligation which defendants never contracted; and in respect of this pretension, they rely on the fact that Marchais could not, if himself sued on his contract, set up that the bank was not, at the time of the sale, the owner of the bonds, notes and obligations it sold; but that he had previously embez- zled their funds, and represented these notes, &c., as theirs, to avoid detection, and that defendants cannot avail themselves of any defence which Marchais himself could rot plead. Now to show that this allegation, in these general terms cannot be sustained, it is sufficient to say that if true, then, a security could not plead his own minor- ity when he contracted; a married woman could not plead she was unauthor- ized—a surety could not plead in compensation a debt due to him by the creditor. Again: suppose the bank had known all the facts in this case as they really exist, that is, that they had already been robbed—Marchais still could not have set up this knowledge to defeat their clain.—cannot the securities ? C. C. 3029, authorizes the security specially to oppose all the objections in-, herent to the debt, which the principal might oppose ; but it does not preclude him from opposing others which the debtor might be estopped from present- ing. There is at all events nothing in our law to make contracts here an exception to those made elsewhere. In the case of the United States v. Boyd et al., 5 Howard, pp. 48 to 50, which was the case of the sureties of a receiver of public money to the United States, the plaintiffs claimed that the sureties were bound by their bond for past misconduct, as well as for future; this was decided against them. ‘They then contended that the receiver’s accounts were conclusive against the sureties, and could not be contradicted by them. In rela- tion to this point, the court says: “It has been contended that the returns of the receiver to the treasury department, after the execution of the bond, which admits the money to be then in his hands to the amount claimed, should be conclusive upon the sureties. We donot think so. The accounts rendered to the department, of money received, properly authenticated, are evidence, in the first instance, of the indebtedness of the officer against the sureties; but sub- ject to explanation and contradiction. They are responsible for all the public moneys which were in his hands at the date of the bond, or that may have come into them afterwards, and not properly accounted for; but not for moneys which the officer may choose falsely to admit in his bands, in his account with the qerenmest. “The sureties cannot be concluded by a fabricated account of their principal © with his creditors; they may always inquire into the reality and truth of the transactions existing between them. The principle has been asserted and “plied by this court in several cases.” he principle rejected by the court in that case is sought to be applied to the securities in this case. ‘ In the case of Farrar & Boyd v. The United States, 56 Peters, 888, the court Bay: ; “ Rector was sppeinted surveyor, or at least commissioned: as such on an 18th Of Jane, 1828; and ‘this bond bears date the Tth of’ August, 1828, NEW ORLEANS, MAY, 1855. Between the 8d of March and the 4th of June in the same year, there had been Umow Bain paid to him from the treasury, the sum of money found by the jury; so that it was paid to him before the commission and before the bond in proof. On this state of facts the bill of exceptions asserts three grounds of defence. “ 1st. That the sureties could not be made liable at all for the money paid. “23d. That if at all they ought to be let into proof that Rector had appropri- ated the money to his own use before the date of the bond, or “ 3d. That he had paid it, or enough of it, to cover the penalty of the bond to the use of the United States before they became bound for him. “ On these points we see no difficulty in affirming, that for any sums paid to Rector prior to the execution of the bond, there is but one ground on which the sureties could be held answerable to the United States, and that is on the assumption that he still held the money in bank, or otherwise. [f still in his hands, he was up to that time, bailee to the governmert; but upon the con- trary hypothesis, he has become a debtor or defaulter to the government, and his offence was already consumated. If intended to cover past dereliction, the bond should have been made retrospective in its language. The sureties have not undertaken against his past misconduct. They ought, therefore, to have been let into proof of the actual state of facts, so vitally important to their defence.” In both these cases the sureties had bound themselves that their principals should pay over the moncys of the United States, in their hands. In both cases, the officers had represented that they held certain moneys for the United States; but the sureties were in both cases permitted to show that they in realty had not such sums in their hands when they became bound for them ; for the avowed reason that if the money was not then in the hands of the officers—though it was represented by them, that they held it, and though they ought to have had it—the sureties were not liable. In neither of these cases could the principal have plead that they were not in possession of the funds when they executed their obligations. In the case of Kepp and another v. Wiggett and others, vol. 1, part 3, p. 365 of Little & Brown’s English Reports, (Law Journal Reports, N. S. C. P. 49,) the Court of Common Pleas in England decided that though one James Lee and the defendants had executed a bond in which it was declared that said Lee had been duly nominated and appointed a collector.for the year ending April 5th, 1847, and thereupon the said Zee proceeded to collect certain taxes in the dis- trict for which he was appointed, without having the proper authority to do so. The court decided that the securities were only liable for what he lawfully col- lected, and that they were not estopped by the recital in the bond from showing that he was not legally authorized to collect the sums for which they were sued, In this case the securities were direct parties to the bond, whereas, in the pres: ent case, our notes were delivered to Varchais, to be by him transferred to the Bank only when the terms of their own resolution were complied with, and his securities were not present nor cognizant of the statements made in the pretend: ed sale, and yet it is contended that they are estopped. The case of Owen v. Homan, volume 38, part 1, pages 119 to 121 of Little & Brown's English Reports, (15 Jurist, 339,) which is here quoted at length, goes still further than any of those cited in support of the rights of sureties. Chancellor Truro there assimilates the duty of the creditor towards the surety to that of the assured to the assuror, and declares that the credtor, when any communication takes place between himself and the securities, is bound to make the securities fully acquainted with all the circumstances affecting materially his liability in the contract he is about to enter into,—and expressly dechares that there is no difference where the security is in the shape of notes of hand. In the present case this duty is still more incumbent on the plaintiffs, who were selling to their own officer the assets of the institution he had been himself managing for them, Good faith required that they should have accurately ascertained and correctly informed defendants of the real amount of assets they were selling. Their own resolution, accepting defendants as securities, impera-. tively demanded this of them.- (Exrract rrom Decision 1x Owen v,. Homan.) “The defendant also swears to her belief that the fraudulent conduct of Bow. ers took place in collusion with the plaintiffs, No particular facts are stated as. 47 369 e. Buarrr. i ile tad ame wee een tae facepiece: dc taes of tentanse tree g securities from an old SUPREME COURT OF LOUISIANA, foundation of that belief, and it is most probably an inference which she ey in the way of suretyship, of such an amount, and during so long a time, in relation to such a state of accounts as existed between them and the debtors, without ever making any communication to her, although known to them, and their mataging clerk was in the habit of visiting her. Placing no reliance on the allegation of collusion, in the absence of specific facts being stat- ed as a foundation for it, and attending only to such of the general facts as are undisputed, the amy on the part of the plaintiffs is not free from difficulty. Nothing turns upon the facts that the suretyship is created by promissory notes, as it has been decided that the relations and rights between the creditor and surety are the same as in cases where the suretyship is created by agreement or guaranty ; and the promissory notes, it will be observed, are payable to the plaintiffs, creating therefore a direct and immediate privity. I am not aware that either the text books or the decisions distinctly define the extent of the obligation and responsibility which rest upon the creditor in regard to the surety being made acquainted with all the material circumstances connected with the transactions to which the suretyship is to be applied. The cases which are re- ported have generally arisen out of transactions in which there has been per- sonal communication between the creditor and surety ; and the clear law de- ducible from those decisions is, that the creditor must make a full, fair and honest communication of every circumstance calculated to influence the discre- tion of the surety in entering into the required obligation. Lord Cranworth, while sitting as lord commissioner, well observed, that the duty of the creditor in regard to the coumunication to be made to the surety, assimilated that of the assured in a policy of insurance, who, unasked, is bound to give to the un- derwriter ali the information in his power to enable him to estimate the charac- ter of the risk he is invited to undertake. “Where communication does not take place between the creditor and the surety, the duty of the creditor cannot be better illustrated than by the case of the assured; but, in the case of an insurance, communication necessarily takes place between the assured, or his agent, which is the same thing, and the in- surer; but such communication does not always take place between the creditor and the surety. The question arises, whether the party through whose instru- mentality the guaranty or suretyship obligation is created, is to be considered as the agent of the creditor, the party to be insured, and therefore affecting the rincipal; or if not, how far the validity of the security is affected, if it shall ve been obtained by fraud or by misrepresentation or suppression ; or, in other words, does a creditor entirely escape responsibility by desiring his debtor or party contracting with him to procure the suretyship contract—the creditor declining, or, at all events, abstaining from communication with the surety? In this case the bill contains no statement leading to the conclusion that any com- munication took place between the plaintiffs and defendant, except that, in re- gard to some of the bills, it is alleged that they were delivered or deposited by the defendant and Bowers with the plaintiffs. The answer contains no state- ment of any communication between the plaintiffs and defendant, beyond the allegation that the defendant was once or twice at the banking house, and that the managing clerk frequently visited her. It does not set forth what took place upon any of those occasions affirmatively ; but it expressly denies that she was ever informed of Bowers being indebted to the plaintiffs, or that any application was ever made to her until 1849 upon the subject of the notes or bills, or of the debt owing to the plaintiffs. In Re Pidcock v. Bishop, 3 B. & Cr. 605, there does not appear to have been any communication between the creditor and the surety ; and in that case the guaranty was held to be void, in consequence of the debtor having forborne to inform a surety of a condition in the contract between the creditor and the debtor, for the performance of which the surety became bound, The case of Pidcock v. the case may be relieved of the question by the evidence which may be given in the cause. It is enough, therefore, to say, at present, that the facts as they now stand, present a strong probability that the defendant was induced to un- dertake the responsibility sought to be enforced against her by misrepresenta- tions or suppression of the important circumstances in the case; and if that fact shall remain unaltered, a very serious question as to the legal effect of such fact upon the validity of the securities thust arise at the hearing.” As to the obligation of the Bank to warrant the existence of the debts sold by it, it is only necessary to refer to the Article — of the Civil Code, and to the cases above cited, to show that defendants can avail themselves of this plea, and to state that the evidence shows a large amount of the claims had no exist- ence, and.a large amount belonged to third persons; if the defendants are then liable at all, the plaintiffs must make good to them the amount o7 these obliga- tions, or show such title in themselves as will enable defendants to recover them back from those who have unjustly received them, if they were really the pro- perty of the Bank and by it sold to Marchais. ILL As to the third point, that the Bank had imposed an additianal obliga- tion upon Marchais, not warranted by the contract with defendants, they cite the case of Borran v. McDonald, vol. |, part 1st, pp. 7 and 8 of Little & Brown’s English Reports (from 14 Jurist. 1077.) In this case one Bird was appointed teller of the Edinburgh and Leith Bank, and gave bond as such for the faithful discharge of his duties. Subsequently he was appointed agent for a branch in Dalkeith, and the sureties consented to remain bound for him in this new capa- city. Ata still later period, the Bank agreed to raise his salary on condition that he should be liable for one-fourth of the losses of the branch sustained by discounts. The Bank requested Bird to again give new bonds, but it was not done—and, on sustaining loss by the misconduct of Bird, not growing out of discounts, but from his permitting a customer to overdraw his account, it was held by the House of Lords, on the advice of Lord Brougham, that the surety of Bird was discharged by this addition to the contract between Bird and the Bank. In the case of Miller v. Stewart, 9th Wheaton, 703, the same principle was deciled by the Supreme Court of the United States. In that case Ustick had been appointed collector of excise duties ina number of counties in New Jersey, and gave bond as such; subsequently, he was ap- pointed collector for another county, and the securities were declared not liable for the taxes collected in the counties for which they had agreed to bind them- selves, because, say the court, they have the right to stand upon the very letter of their contract. The same is declared by the Supreme Court of this State in the case of Me- Guire vy Wooldridge, 6th R. Reps., p. 47. Before concluding, it is necessary to notice two decisions relied on by the plaintiffs, to wit: that of Villeré v. Armstrong, 4 N.S. p. 21, and that of The Mayor v. Blache et al., 5 L. R. 500. The broad declaration contained in the first of these cases, that the sureties can make no objection to the validity of the contract, that the principal could not make, phe 04 cannot be sustained ; or else, in this case, if it had been shown that the Bank was perfectly aware of the default of Marchais, and had used every artifice to cover this default up from the securities, and induce them to sign, they would be unable to defend themselves against the most intolerable fraud. To the more limited declaration in the case of The Mayor v. Blache, that the obligation being valid as to the principal, the securities cannot avoid the respor- sibility incurred without showing that they were deceived and induced to enter into the contract by devices practised on them, with that intention, several answers may be made. Ist. That it does not say by whom those devices must have been prac- ticed; and if devices of the principal debtor, suffice why here they are shown. 2d. That the Court, in looking at the case before them, give utterance to a general principle which is a correct decision of the case before them, but, if ex- tended to all others, is erroneous: as in this general allegation they have over- looked all cases of error, between which, where the error relates to a material part of the contract and fraud, the law makes no distinction. ‘Take for exam- ple this case: suppose that Marchais, instead of being an agent for buying notes, had been a general agent for buying and selling slaves, and that he had represented himself. as having bought for the Bank sixty slaves, naming them and being actually in possession of that number of slaves, he had proposed to Umion Baxa SUPREME COURT OF LOUISIANA, the Bank to buy them all and give int and. qanetphnotns of blennelt amie Rimes Ohulhiee he tke bg ake nk retaining no mortgage on them; the Bank having furnished funds to buy that number of slaves, and be- lieving Marchais’ statement that the sixty slaves in his possession are their pro- perty, accept the offer; that on appication to defendants, however, they to => notes unless a mortgage be reserved to secure them, and the sale #390. Then there would be Now, suppose that Marchais is sued for these slaves, and the title to the whole of them proves to be in other persons, who had confided them to him to be hired out in Louisiana. He would then have been perfectly aware that the slaves were not the property of the Bank, and cannot complain, perhaps, of his ownact. The Bank would have been acting in error, as well as the securities.
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/** * */ package com.wetongji_android; import java.util.List; import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.KeyEvent; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.TextView; import; import com.actionbarsherlock.view.MenuItem; import; import com.j256.ormlite.dao.RuntimeExceptionDao; import com.wetongji_android.R; import; import; import; import com.wetongji_android.util.WTDateParser; /** * @author hezibo * */ public class WTCourseDetailActivity extends SherlockActivity { private ImageView img_course_detail_avatar; private TextView tv_course_detail_no; private TextView tv_course_detail_name; private TextView tv_course_teacher; private TextView tv_course_time_location; private TextView tv_course_point; private TextView tv_course_required; private TextView tv_course_hours; private WTDbHelper dbHelper; private String courseId; private String examId; private boolean from; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.app_course_details); getSupportActionBar().setHomeButtonEnabled(true); getSupportActionBar().setIcon(R.drawable.ic_action_back); getSupportActionBar().setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true); img_course_detail_avatar=(ImageView) findViewById(; tv_course_detail_no=(TextView) findViewById(; tv_course_detail_name=(TextView) findViewById(; tv_course_teacher=(TextView) findViewById(; tv_course_time_location=(TextView) findViewById(; tv_course_point=(TextView) findViewById(; tv_course_required=(TextView) findViewById(; tv_course_hours=(TextView) findViewById(; courseId=getIntent().getStringExtra("course_id"); examId=getIntent().getStringExtra("exam_id"); from = getIntent().getBooleanExtra("from_reminder", false); dbHelper=OpenHelperManager.getHelper(this, WTDbHelper.class); if(courseId!=null) setTitle(R.string.course_detail_view_title); else if(examId!=null) setTitle(R.string.exam_detail_view_title); readCourseContext(); } @Override protected void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); if(dbHelper!=null){ OpenHelperManager.releaseHelper(); dbHelper=null; } } @Override public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { if(keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK) { finish(); if(from) { overridePendingTransition(R.anim.still_when_down, R.anim.roll_down); }else { overridePendingTransition(R.anim.left_to_inter, R.anim.inter_to_right); } return true; } return super.onKeyDown(keyCode, event); } @Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) { switch(item.getItemId()) { case { finish(); if(from) { overridePendingTransition(R.anim.still_when_down, R.anim.roll_down); }else { overridePendingTransition(R.anim.left_to_inter, R.anim.inter_to_right); } return true; } } return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item); } private void readCourseContext(){ if(courseId!=null){ RuntimeExceptionDao<Course, String> courseDao=dbHelper.getCourseDao(); List<Course> courseList=courseDao.queryForEq("NO", courseId); Course firstCourse=courseList.get(0); if(firstCourse.getRequired().equals("±ØÐÞ")) img_course_detail_avatar.setImageResource(R.drawable.blue_dot); else img_course_detail_avatar.setImageResource(R.drawable.green_dot); tv_course_detail_no.setText(firstCourse.getNO()); tv_course_detail_name.setText(firstCourse.getName()); tv_course_teacher.setText(firstCourse.getTeacher()); String courseTimeLocation=""; for(int i=0;i!=courseList.size();i++){ Course course=courseList.get(i); if(!course.getWeekType().equals("È«")) courseTimeLocation+=course.getWeekType()+"ÖÜ "; courseTimeLocation+=course.getWeekDay()+" "; courseTimeLocation+=course.getSectionStart()+"-"+course.getSectionEnd()+"½Ú "; courseTimeLocation+=" "+course.getLocation(); if(i!=courseList.size()-1) courseTimeLocation+="\n"; } tv_course_time_location.setText(courseTimeLocation); tv_course_point.setText(String.valueOf(firstCourse.getPoint())); tv_course_required.setText(firstCourse.getRequired()); tv_course_hours.setText(String.valueOf(firstCourse.getHours())); } else if(examId!=null){ RuntimeExceptionDao<Exam, String> examDao=dbHelper.getExamDao(); List<Exam> ExamList=examDao.queryForEq("NO", examId); Exam firstExam=ExamList.get(0); img_course_detail_avatar.setImageResource(R.drawable.red_dot); tv_course_detail_no.setText(firstExam.getNO()); tv_course_detail_name.setText(firstExam.getName()); tv_course_teacher.setText(firstExam.getTeacher()); String examTimeLocation=WTDateParser.parseBeginAndEndTime( firstExam.getBegin(), firstExam.getEnd()); examTimeLocation+=" "+firstExam.getLocation(); tv_course_time_location.setText(examTimeLocation); tv_course_point.setText(String.valueOf(firstExam.getPoint())); tv_course_required.setText(firstExam.getRequired()); tv_course_hours.setText(String.valueOf(firstExam.getHours())); } } }
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What Will He Write? If you are looking for a new leaf, be sure to lay a 1,000-pound weight on it, so it won't fly back. Years merrily life's chapters offer opportunity for each of us to write there a record better than the preceding. The coming year lies spread like the white plain that sweeps from the roadside to the distant forest where the gray squirrels are making tracks in the light snow. On this white sheet, a little record may be written; not a full life story, but merely a brief chapter or two, like the chapters of squirrel life that may be read by one who today ventures into the white forest. It is a great mystery that lies ahead, a treasure house of endless possibilities. The span of a man's life is short; shorter in absolute measurement than the span of a year. For each year, when October fades into November, has... Wrought completeness. No human life can bring completeness. It cannot bring completeness of knowledge or completeness of happiness or completeness of good works. The best man can do, in his poor, limited way, is to glean as much wisdom and win as much happiness and do as much good as the number of his days permits. When the human October fades, it may thus be rich and peaceful and without the scars of stormy days or the blight of wasted days and without undue regret that what should have been seen and known and done has not been seen and known and done. A YEAR’S completeness is but a twelvemonth. Our human completeness covers many twelve months. How fortunate that each dawning year means a new opportunity to live and learn. Again and again, we may take up the thread and advance toward the goal of apprehension. We may study God’s works and year by year come nearer to an appreciation of them. We can never fully appreciate them, for our minds are finite, and they are in the same old resolution. The new resolution will be simply the same old resolution, solved with such frequency. But each succeeding year is a new opportunity. It offers the perfection of completeness, and by even a partial comprehension of its fullness, we may move toward fulfillment of the measure of our lives. “I am not afraid,” said Thoreau, “that I shall exaggerate the value and significance of life, but that I shall not be up to the occasion which it is. I shall be sorry to remember that I was there, but noticed nothing remarkable—not so much as a prince in disguise; lived in the golden age a hired man; visited Olympus even, and fell asleep after dinner, and did not hear the conversation of the gods.” ONE who loves only artificiality, who does not note the excellence of the world he has been set to rule, proves himself unworthy of his heritage, and is punished by bitter unrest. His life lacks the boon of contentment which includes all boons. There are, or course, the few whose mental scope is too narrow for self-measurement. They do not even know that they are discontented and may enjoy life as the ox enjoys life. They are fortunate. The unfortunate man is the one who has, even dimly, an understanding that the world is good and beautiful and that he is falling to reap the richness that is rightly his. The coming year is indeed a great mystery, full of possibilities. Who ever has not watched and studied the many of us are waiting for the opportunities of the coming year? With how many of us is it the unuttered hope that tomorrow, next week, next month, the next year may be as today in its privileges and opportunities, only far more abundant. We are told that the first day of the New Year is an appropriate time to form good resolutions. But the New Year is tomorrow, and there is a better time for such a task, and that time is today. For “now is the accepted time.” — Bishop H. C. Potter. Passing years may begin today; it is never too late. Whoever has long watched and loved the years will know that to his knowledge, however ripe, much will be added. He will advance a step nearer to the goal of contentment, and in so advancing will increase his human usefulness, his helpfulness. The year dawns on an earth red with blood, an earth torn with strife. It will be for most of the people of the earth a year of sorrow and of sacrifice. But for all this, it will not be a bad year. Not half of civilized mankind but all mankind that has not forgotten the meaning of civilization has been unselfishly, heroically engaged in the needful work of riding the world of a noxious parasitic growth, the poisonous fungus of militarism. For those who gave themselves to this essential work, it will be a good year. For all who are suffering that the years to come may be happier and healthier, the year will be a good year. February will bring its crystal light. Little old last year's resolution is as good as any, and probably will wear fully as long as a brightness. April will spread her feast of flowers. June will display her green perfection of beauty. August will offer the ripening grains; October the laden orchards. The year will take no heed of the Crime that has been done by man or of the vengeance that marched inexorably. POETS died in the trenches of Galipoli and France, watching God’s sunrise or the wispy clouds in the blue. British gentlemen caked with the mud of Flanders wrote detailed reports of their observations of migratory birds and of the effect of drum fire on bird life. French students and scholars, bearded and dirty, made careful notes of the flora of the Meuse and the Somme. These men visited Olympus and did not fall asleep while the gods conversed. Neither did they permit the roar of man’s fury to drown out the divine voices. So it must be a good year that is ahead. There can be no bad years. The years are measured by God and not by the evil that men do. Joy That All Can Have. The joy of living is best found in the real success of life. Take away success and there’s no joy in life to one alive to opportunities and responsibilities. No live man is satisfied with mere existence, for he wants to contribute something to the world’s progress, the world’s good. And it is in such contribution that real joy is found, the satisfaction that comes from full realization that one has done what he could in the year given him. So this is the joy this journal wishes every reader may have the coming year; and will have if they fully appreciate that the new year is theirs, to make it truly a happy new year. Day Means Much to All. New Years suggest intimate personal views of self. The annual crop of good resolutions shows how near most people are to becoming radically better. The day also brings a sense of the inexhaustible resources of life. It is the door into a wonderful future, new inventions, new discoveries, new achievements, of social justice and privilege and joy for the masses of men. If you leave it to the schoolboy New Year’s day, it is what comes before he has to go back to school. THE SARATOGA SUN. LIVE STOCK STOCK LISTED BY COUNTIES Most Desirable for Communities to Concentrate on Production of Few Breeds. (Prepared by the United States Department of Agriculture.) In the nation-wide campaign to promote the general use of purebred sires and better live stock, the United States department of agriculture will keep records of the agricultural counties according to the breeds of live stock which predominate in them. Practical experience has demonstrated the desirability of committees concentrating on the production of only a few breeds and types of the different classes of live stock. Such management not only enables the individual farmers to aid each other in improving and upgrading their stock, but also gains for the communities wide reputation as centers for certain breeds. The raising of several dominant breeds in any community makes that locality the mecca for prospective purchasers who are desirous of buying animals of those breeds, and also makes it possible for buyers to obtain stock in large quantities. For the service of persons interested in examining or selecting live stock, the department will keep a record of the dominant breeds and varieties of the different kinds of live stock in each county where such information is obtained from accurate and dependable sources. Pending future developments in this work, a breed or variety will be considered dominant if 100 or more good purebred sires of that breed or variety are owned and used for breeding in a county. Sources of Information concerning these farm animals will include county agents, officials of state agricultural colleges, and representatives of state boards of agriculture. The department requests that state and county live stock associations transmit figures and all data available on the purebred sires of their region to their local county agent or the state agricultural college. This material should include a statement of the number of purebred sires in the county, together with the date when the information was gathered. Initiative in collecting and reporting these data rests entirely with the county and state officials. Information gathered in this way by the department of agriculture will be available to the public. Thus, per- Only Good Purebred Bulls of Known Breeding Value Should Be Used in Upgrading Their Stock. Sons wishing to purchase any kind of live stock may ascertain readily what counties in the United States, according to the records, have purebred sires of the various breeds in which they are interested. Naturally, where as many as 100 purebred sires are used in a community, these herd headers will stamp their quality to a considerable extent on the live stock of that county and lead to the production of many desirable grade females, as well as purebred stock of both sexes. Furthermore, in counties where a certain breed is considered dominant, even though there are less than 100 purebred sires, such facts should be reported and will be kept as supplementary records. FEEDING AVERAGE DAIRY COW Certain Amount of Clover Hay, Corn Silage and Grain Required for Winter Feed. An average dairy cow that is capable of producing 250 to 500 pounds of butterfat a year, will require a ton of clover hay, three tons of corn silage, and around 1,500 pounds of grain for her winter feed or for the time she is fed indoors. If the hay is of first-class quality and the corn silage has considerable corn, the hay may be increased and the amount of grain decreased. AID TO PERMANENT PASTURE Ohio Station Officials Recommend Use of Alsike and Blue Grass— Manure Is Big Help. Grass seed applied early in February or March helps to establish a permanent pasture, and Ohio station officials recommend the use of alsike and blue grass, as red clover does not thrive well where tap-rooted plants will heave out in the winter. The Application of manure is of help in every instance in producing a good growth of pasture. Sherman's March to the Sea. On November 10, in 1864, General Sherman began his march from Atlanta to the sea. The purpose of the march was to go through Georgia from Atlanta to Savannah, cutting a swath 60 miles wide, thereby splitting the Confederacy and destroying the great source of supply of the Southern army. The troops, 60,000 in number, lived on the country through which they passed. There was little bloodshed throughout the march, but the area through which the army passed was utterly denuded. Railroads, crops, factories, horses, clothing—everything—was appropriated or destroyed. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, that famous old remedy for infants and children, and see that it Bears the Signature of Z In Use for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher’s Castoria Microcline. Microcline is a variety of feldspar, characterized by cleavages at right angles to one another. It has a vitreous luster and is white to cream-yellow in color, and sometimes red or green. The beautiful green varieties are known as Amazon stone and are occasionally cut for semiprecious stones. The ordinary microcline, which is found both as crystals and in masses in granitic rocks, is of common occurrence; excellent specimens are found at Magnet Grove, Ark. GREEN’S AUGUST FLOWER. Constipation Invites other troubles which come speedily unless quickly checked and overcome by Green’s August Flower which is a gentle laxative, regulates digestion both in stomach and intestines, cleans and sweetens the stomach and alimentary canal. stimulates the liver to secrete the bile and impurities from the blood. It is a sovereign remedy used in many thousands of households all over the civilized world for more than half a century by those who have suffered with indigestion, nervous dyspepsia, sluggish liver, coming up of food, palpitation, constipation and other intestinal troubles. Sold by druggists and dealers everywhere. Try a bottle, take no substitute. —Adv. Record Pecan Crop. San Saba, Texas, has won national reputation as the home of the paper shell pecan. This season has been particularly adapted to this species of food and 1915 will go down in history as the banner year for San Saba pecans. A conservative estimate gives the present crop as 50 or 60 carloads. The product from a single tree is selling for $45 per tree unthrashed, while the retail value is from 17 cents to 25 cents per pound. Many of the trees have an average of 800 pounds. One buyer has contracted for 350,000 pounds. Circumventing the Barrage. Mrs. Newedd—John, we’ll have to have a speaking tube from the dining room to the kitchen. Newedd—Why? Mrs. Newedd—Well, I must get some way of talking to the cook without having her throw dishes at me.—Boston Evening Transcript. The prices of cotton and linen have been doubled by the war. Lengthen their service by using Red Cross Bag Blue in the laundry. All grocers, etc. A Fast Thinker. “This long, dark hair on your coat, Henry?” “Oh—er —a horsehair, my over,” “Most likely! And No doubt you got it in an automobile?" "Exactly, my dear. The seat covering was worn through and some of the stuffing came out."—Birmingham Age-Herald. Cuticura for Pimples, Faces. To remove pimples and blackheads, smear them with Cuticura Ointment. Wash off in five minutes with Cuticura Soap and hot water. Once clear, keep your skin clear by using them for daily toilet purposes. Don’t fail to include Cuticura Talcum. —Adv. A War Sufferer. The Guest —It’s awful to think of the suffering caused by the war. The Porter—I’ll say so. Take me. Instance. I was in vaudeville with a swell monologue in German dialect, but I couldn’t get a bookin’ during the war and had to take this job. Must Be One or the Other. “That gentleman who just entered is a free thinker.” “Oh, indeed! Is he a bachelor or a widower?” —Philadelphia Record. Often It Is found that the patient is bluffing when the doctor calls. SAFE, GENTLE REMEDY BRINGS SURE RELIEF For 200 years GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil has enabled suffering humanity to withstand attacks of kidney, liver, bladder and stomach troubles and all diseases connected with the urinary organs, and to build up and restore to health organs weakened by disease. These most important organs must be watched, because they filter and purify the blood: unless they do their work you are doomed. Weariness, sleeplessness, nervousness, despondency, backache, stomach trouble, pains in the loins and lower abdomen, gravel, rheumatism, sciatica, and lumbago warn you of the need for GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules are the remedy used last year to KILL HILL'S QUININE. Standard cold remedy for 20 years — in tablet form—safe, sure, no opiates—breaks up a cold in 24 hours — relieves grip in 3 days. Money back if it fails. The BAD BREATH Often Caused by Acid-Stomach. How can anyone with a sour, gasny stomach, who is constantly belching, has heartburn and suffers from indigestion have anything but a bad breath? All of these stomach disorders mean just one thing— Acid-Stomach. BATONIC, the wonderful new stomach remedy in pleasant tasting tablet form that you eat like a bit of candy, brings quick relief from these stomach miseries. KATONIC sweetens the breath because it makes the stomach sweet, cool and comfortable. Try it for that nasty taste, congested throat and "heady feeling" after too much smoking. If neglected, Acid-Stomach may cause you a lot of serious trouble. It leads to nervousness, headaches, insomnia, melancholia, rheumatism, sciatica, heart trouble, ulcer and cancer of the stomach. It makes its millions of victims weak and miserable. Flatulence, tacking in energy, all tired out. It's a great relief for all. "Then brings about chronic invalidism, premature old age, a shortening of one’s days. You need the help that BATONIC can give you if you are not feeling as strong and well as you should. You will be surprised to see how much better you will feel just as soon as you begin taking this wonderful stomach remedy. Get a big 50 cent box from your druggist today. He will return your money if you are not satisfied." EATONIC Denver, Colo. B. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Removes Corns, Calves, and all Skin Diseases Restores Color and Beauty to Gray and Faded Hair No. and $1.00 at druggists. H. C. C. Co., V. N. Y. HINDERCORNS Removes Corns, Calves, and all Skin Diseases Restores Color and Beauty to Gray and Faded Hair No. and $1.00 at druggists. H. C. C. Co., V. N. Y. HINDERCORNS Removes Corns, Calves, and all Skin Diseases Restores Color and Beauty to Gray and Faded Hair No. and $1.00 at druggists. H. C. C. Co., V. N. Y. HINDERCORNS Removes Corns, Calves, and all Skin Diseases Restores Color and Beauty to Gray and Faded Hair No. and $1.00 at druggists. H. C. C. Co., V. N. Y. HINDERCORNS Removes Corns, Calves, and all Skin Diseases Restores Color and Beauty to Gray and Faded Hair No. and $1.00 at druggists. H. C. C. Co., V. N. Y. HINDERCORNS Removes Corns, Calves, and all Skin Diseases Restores Color and Beauty to Gray and Faded Hair No. and $1.00 at druggists. H. C. C. Co., V. N. Y. HINDERCORNS Removes Corns, Calves, and all Skin Diseases Restores Color and Beauty to Gray and Faded Hair No. and $1.00 at druggists. H. C. C. Co., V. N. Y. HINDERCORNS Removes Corns, Calves, and all Skin Diseases Restores Color and Beauty to Gray and Faded Hair No. and $1.00 at druggists. H. C. C. Co., V. N. Y. HINDERCORNS Removes Corns, Calves, and all Skin Diseases Restores Color and Beauty to Gray and Faded Hair No. and $1.00 at druggists. H. C. C. Co., V. N. Y. HINDERCORNS Removes Corns, Calves, and all Skin Diseases Restores Color and Beauty to Gray and Faded Hair No. and $1.00 at druggists. H. C. C. Co., V. N. Y. HINDERCORNS Removes Corns, Calves him whenever she happened to be along during a quarrel. But the other evening she listened to one which really amused her. And when the young man dramatically tore up a poem he had written to Alice she almost laughed. The next morning she did really laugh when she retraced her steps of the night before and found just what she had expected—blank pieces of paper. The man had provided himself with a folded paper, exactly like the one on which was the poem he prized so highly, and had it ready for just such an emergency as this one. “Well, this bents even crocodile tears," ejaculated the girl, as she viewed the torn bits. Natural Mistake. “I bear that the cook Subbubs married has left him." “Yes; force of habit.” Well? Tenderfoot —Isn’t it great to be well? First-Class Scout —Yes. Especially when you’re sick. —Boys’ Life.” You need. Take three or four every day. The healing oil soaks into the cells and lining of the kidneys and drives out the poisons. 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package knit; import com.intellij.codeHighlighting.TextEditorHighlightingPass; import com.intellij.codeInsight.daemon.impl.HighlightInfo; import com.intellij.codeInsight.daemon.impl.HighlightInfoType; import com.intellij.codeInsight.daemon.impl.UpdateHighlightersUtil; import com.intellij.lang.annotation.HighlightSeverity; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.Editor; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.colors.TextAttributesKey; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.markup.TextAttributes; import com.intellij.openapi.progress.ProgressIndicator; import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project; import com.intellij.psi.*; import com.intellij.ui.JBColor; import knit.mapping.ClassMapping; import knit.mapping.FieldMapping; import knit.mapping.LocalVariableMapping; import knit.mapping.MethodMapping; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import java.awt.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class ObfuscationStatusPass extends TextEditorHighlightingPass { // TODO: settings private static final TextAttributesKey OBFUSCATION_STATUS_KEY = TextAttributesKey.createTextAttributesKey("OBFUSCATION_HIGHLIGHTING"); private static final HighlightInfoType TYPE = new HighlightInfoType.HighlightInfoTypeImpl(HighlightSeverity.INFORMATION, OBFUSCATION_STATUS_KEY); private static final JBColor BLUE = new JBColor(new Color(0, 128, 255), new Color(0, 128, 255)); private static final JBColor GREEN = new JBColor(new Color(0, 255, 128), new Color(0, 255, 128)); private static final JBColor ORANGE = new JBColor(new Color(255, 128, 0), new Color(255, 128, 0)); private static final TextAttributes UNMAPPED_STYLE = new TextAttributes(null, BLUE.brighter(), null, null, Font.PLAIN); private static final TextAttributes UNOBFUSCATED_STYLE = new TextAttributes(null, GREEN, null, null, Font.PLAIN); private static final TextAttributes UNOBFUSCATED_REMAPPED_STYLE = new TextAttributes(null, ORANGE.brighter(), null, null, Font.PLAIN); static { UNMAPPED_STYLE.setErrorStripeColor(BLUE); UNOBFUSCATED_REMAPPED_STYLE.setErrorStripeColor(ORANGE); } private final PsiFile file; private final MappingService mappingService; public ObfuscationStatusPass(Project project, PsiFile file, Editor editor) { super(project, editor.getDocument(), true); this.file = file; mappingService = MappingService.getInstance(project); } @Override public void doCollectInformation(@NotNull ProgressIndicator progress) {} @Override public void doApplyInformationToEditor() { if (!canHighlight(file)) { return; } List<HighlightInfo> highlights = new ArrayList<>(); new JavaRecursiveElementWalkingVisitor() { @Override public void visitClass(PsiClass clazz) { super.visitClass(clazz); if (clazz instanceof PsiTypeParameter || clazz.getNameIdentifier() == null) { return; } ClassMapping mapping = mappingService.getMapping(clazz); mark(clazz, mapping.obfuscatedName, !, mappingService.isClassObfuscated(mapping.obfuscatedName)); } @Override public void visitField(PsiField field) { super.visitField(field); FieldMapping mapping = mappingService.getMapping(field); mark(field, mapping.obfuscatedName, !, mappingService.isFieldObfuscated(mapping.obfuscatedName)); } @Override public void visitMethod(PsiMethod method) { super.visitMethod(method); PsiMethod[] superMethods = method.findDeepestSuperMethods(); if (superMethods.length != 0) { for (PsiMethod superMethod : superMethods) { if (superMethod.getContainingFile().isWritable()) { MethodMapping mapping = mappingService.getMapping(superMethod); mark(method, mapping.obfuscatedName, !, mappingService.isMethodObfuscated(mapping.obfuscatedName)); break; } } return; } if (method.isConstructor()) { PsiClass clazz = method.getContainingClass(); ClassMapping mapping = mappingService.getMapping(clazz); mark(clazz, mapping.obfuscatedName, !, mappingService.isClassObfuscated(mapping.obfuscatedName)); return; } MethodMapping mapping = mappingService.getMapping(method); mark(method, mapping.obfuscatedName, !, mappingService.isMethodObfuscated(mapping.obfuscatedName)); } @Override public void visitParameter(PsiParameter parameter) { if (!(parameter.getDeclarationScope() instanceof PsiMethod)) { return; } PsiMethod[] superMethods = ((PsiMethod) parameter.getDeclarationScope()).findDeepestSuperMethods(); if (superMethods.length != 0) { return; } LocalVariableMapping mapping = mappingService.getMapping(parameter); mark(parameter, null, !"arg" + mapping.index), true); super.visitParameter(parameter); } private void mark(PsiNameIdentifierOwner nameIdentifier, String obfuscatedName, boolean mapped, boolean obfuscated) { HighlightInfo.Builder builder = HighlightInfo.newHighlightInfo(TYPE); builder.range(nameIdentifier.getNameIdentifier().getTextRange()); if (!mapped) { if (obfuscated) { builder.textAttributes(UNMAPPED_STYLE); builder.descriptionAndTooltip("Obfuscated"); } else { builder.textAttributes(UNOBFUSCATED_STYLE); builder.descriptionAndTooltip("Not obfuscated"); } } else { if (obfuscated) { // builder.textAttributes(MAPPED_STYLE); builder.descriptionAndTooltip("Mapped (old name: " + obfuscatedName + ")"); } else { builder.textAttributes(UNOBFUSCATED_REMAPPED_STYLE); builder.descriptionAndTooltip("Renamed unobfuscated (old name: " + obfuscatedName + ")"); } } highlights.add(builder.createUnconditionally()); } }.visitFile(file); UpdateHighlightersUtil.setHighlightersToEditor(myProject, myDocument, 0, file.getTextLength(), highlights, getColorsScheme(), getId()); } private boolean canHighlight(PsiFile file) { if (!mappingService.hasMappings()) { return false; } for (PsiElement child : file.getChildren()) { if (child instanceof PsiClass && child.getContainingFile().isWritable()) { return true; } } return false; } }
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As illustrating the respectable character of the prisoners who were subjected to the humiliating torture of marching across coun- try to the galleys in the chain-gang, the editor says : I could produce lists of three thousand persons arrested in the provinces since 1744 at their religious meetings. These arrests were made principally in upper and lower Languedoc, the Cevennes, Vivarais, Dauphiny, Provence, the Comte de Foix, Poitou and 72 THE OLD CEVENOL Saintonge. Not to mention the common people, one may count more than six hundred private gentlemen, lawyers, physicians, good citizens and rich merchants who endured all that is most onerous of a hard and long captivity, which could be ended only by the payment of fines and contributions that were as ruinous as they were arbi- trary. More than a thousand others have been condemned to infamous penalties. In this number there are about a hundred gentlemen of wealth. The parliament of Grenoble alone summoned three hun- dred persons in 1744, subjecting them to heavy traveling expenses and legal costs. In the month of July, 1746, the same court depu- tized Sieur Cotte with his marshals and an escort of two hundred soldiers. "Wherever they went they subjected people to the worst sufferings on no other evidence than the simple denunciation of the priests. Later on similar visitations were made in Dauphiny, when more than three hundred persons were condemned to death, to the .galleys, to be whipped, to the pillory, to banishment, to prison for life or for various periods, to degradation from the nobility or to expenses or pecuniary fines. Fifty-three gentlemen — among them were the Sieurs Bournat, Berger, Bayles, Saint Dizier, Bonnet, Chatillon, Oste, Trescou, Chateau-Double and Saint-Julien — were degraded and six were sent to the galleys. In 174s, 1746, 1747, 1750 and 1751, more than three hundred persons, amongst whom were forty gentlemen and two chevaliers de Saint-Louis, were condemned to the galleys for life by the par- liament of Bordeaux and by the governors of Auch, Montpellier, Perpignan, Poitiers, Montauban and La Rochelle. Couserans alone furnishes fifty-four examples. Five were even condemned to death in 1746 and 1747. These sentences were pronounced by the gov- ernor of Montauban, and the parliaments of Bordeaux and Grenoble. CHAPTER XIII. The chain-gang moved slowly on its way towards Marseilles. The number of prisoners increased daily beyond all expectation. The guards were at a loss to know what to do with them. The only parties who were pleased with this state of things were those who had the contract for feeding the prisoners; for as the food they provided was small in quantity and bad in quality, they doubtless made consider- able profits. Several days went by during which the prisoners were hourly expecting to be put aboard the galleys in fulfillment of their sentences. But it was announced to them that, as a mark of special favor, they were to be transported to the New World. Far from rejoicing at this news, they shud- dered when they heard it : because they had heard that exiles transported to the New World were treated like African slaves. But all their sighs and groans were useless ; they had to do with men who listened to neither reason nor mercy. The embarkment was hurried forward. The con- tractors who had undertaken the transportation to the New World saw with alarm that some of the prisoners were dying every day, and, fearing to lose the money they had already expended, also the bonus that was paid on the embarkation of each prisoner, they insisted so vehemently, and used bribes so judiciously, that soon everything was ready for the departure. The exiles burst into tears when they saw the ships ; they prostrated themselves on the shore ; they fervently kissed the soil that was rejecting them, the land where each one was leaving some one dear to him. 73 74 THE OLD CEVENOL They now feared, as much as they had previously desired, to leave the country. The officers amused themselves at watch- ing- the desperate grief of the prisoners, and had the bad taste even to mock their gesticulations. At length they compelled the prisoners to embark; the coast of France gradually sank in the horizon and finally disappeared from view. After sailing for a few days, the captain began to put into execution a plan that hitherto he had been very careful to conceal. It was to sink the ship. It was a rotten old hulk that had been selected for this voyage, and was already leaking in many places. The sailors placed in a skiff every- thing that was of any value from the ship, and then the captain boarded the skiff with his crew. Two sailors only were left aboard the ship to execute the final orders, which they did with the utmost secrecy. They pulled out a plug" that bunged a hole in the bottom of the ship, and then, throwing themselves into the sea, swam out to the skiff. Some of the prisoners, and among their number was Ambroise, seeing their danger, broke their chains and ran to the pumps. For a time they worked frantically, but with- out avail. The water gradually gained in the hold of the ship, and at length, with a frightful plunge, she sank in the depth of the waters. As an instance of how ignoble noblemen can be, E. Benoit, in his "History of the Edict of Nantes," tells the following: The Count of Tesse had arrested some unfortunates, amongst whom was a person of quality who threw himself at the count's feet and begged for mercy. His words were broken with sobs and tears. The count, by way of mockery of the grief of the miserable man, kneeled down, joined his hands as in supplication, rolled his eyes, distorted his mouth and howled in mimic lamentations. CHAPTER XIV. Upon this ship was a man from La Rochelle who, after a variety of adventures, had found himself in Languedoc, where he had entered into the service of a Protestant gentle- man, for which crime he had been condemned to the galleys. This man was an excellent seaman, and, seeing that the vessel was about to sink, he seized an ax and cut down the mizzen-mast. He also managed to rip up some of the boards of the deck. In this task Ambroise helped him. They then threw themselves into the sea before the ship made her final plunge. By micans of these timbers three of the unfortunates managed to keep themselves afloat. The man from Rochelle taught them how best to husband their strength, and, as the wind blew from the east, they hoped before long to sight the coast of Spain. For twelve hours they were in the water without being able to perceive that they were making much headway; in the meantime, their strength was becoming exhausted, and they were about to perish from fatigue and hunger, when, to their great joy, a ship hove in sight. By shouting all together they managed to attract the attention of the crew of the passing ship. A boat was put off to rescue them. Who can describe their delight when they heard their rescuers speak in a language unknown to them? Each one thanked God that they had not fallen into the hands of their own countrymen. "At least," said Ambroise, "we shall not have to fear any royal proclamations." For at that moment he recalled with bitter- ness the long series of royal proclamations since 1685, from the time he lost his father until that moment when he found 75 76 THE OLD CEVENOL himself a castaway in the waters of the Mediterranean Sea, half dead and about to be in the power of men whose nation- ality was unknown to him and whose language he did not understand. But the language of kindness is universally understood. The strangers showed for the three Frenchmen the greatest possible kindness. Friendship seemed to beam from their faces, and they betrayed so much sympathy that the cast- aways soon realized they were in the midst of friends and that their misfortunes would soon come to an end. Once aboard the ship, they were put to bed and gently fed with light but nourishing food. Seeing both soldiers and sailors around them, the poor exiles could scarcely believe that these men, instead of torturing them, were really caring for them and helping them. Their rescuers were Englishmen, cruising, in a ship of war, around Gibraltar, which at that date had not yet fallen into their hands. The chaplain of the ship understood a little French, and managed to hold some conversation with the rescued men, who told him of their misfortunes. They had the sympathy, not only of the chaplain, but of the entire crew. The Englishmen very freely expressed their horror and indignation at the treatment these men had received from their Government and fellow-countrymen. Having fulfilled her commission, the vessel sailed for London, where each of the Frenchmen soon found a position and congenial employment. It is unnecessary here to give in details Ambroise's experiences in England. He soon learned the language, and the business habits he had already formed helped him to advance, until after a few years he was able to engage in business on his own account and acquired a considerable fortune. It might seem incredible that the simple act of being a servant in a Protestant family should be a crime, but such it was decreed THE OLD CEVENOL 77 "by a royal decree dated Jan. ii, 1686. This declaration recites that by the former decree of July 9, 1685, his Catholic subjects were for- bidden to engage in their service persons of the so-called reformed religion, as tending to hinder the conversion of Protestants. He now declares it dangerous to allow to the newly converted the liberty of employing in their service persons of the said religion, and consequently no one of the so-called reformed religion shall under any pretext whatever hold the position of servant in the family of one of the same religion; under penalty of one thousand livres for the employer, the galleys for the men-servants, and the whip for the women-servants. CHAPTER XV. What, after all, is that attachment for our native land to which we give the imposing name of love of country? If we recall fondly the memory of places where we played in early years, is it not because we are not thoroughly satis- fied with the present, and is it not for the same reason that we are constantly indulging hopes and making plans for the future? Should we take such pleasure in recalling the pastimes, for the matter of that, often dull enough, of our native village or little town, the houses, the fields, the woods in which we wandered in childhood's days, if we were al- together satisfied with our present condition? Dissatisfaction with the present, it is said, is a sentiment peculiarly prevalent in the atmosphere of London. At any rate, Ambroise fell a victim to it; he became homesick and suffered from spells of depression. At such times his thoughts turned fondly to the scenes of his childhood, the little town where he was born, the hills around it, the huge boulders of rock in the torrent that rushed close by the city walls, the meadows through which he wandered as a boy. The desire once more to visit his native land became irre- sistible, in spite of the dissuasions of his friends among the multitude of refugees in London. He argued thus with his friends : he would tell them that since he left France the lot of his brothers had been greatly improved, that now the torch of reason was flaming, that now a philosophical spirit had supplanted the old persecuting spirit and a ray of wisdom was enlightening the country, the French nation was learning wisdom, that books and newspapers were preach- 78 THE OLD CEVENOL 79 ing tolerance and humanity, and that by all signs French society was becoming more tolerant and humane. Possessed with these ideas, Ambroise embarked at Dover, full of impatience to see his beloved native land once more. It is easy to understand that he was not recognized by anybody in his little native town. His dress alone was a sufficient disguise. In those days it was the fashion in France to wear long-tail coats and high hats, and the English, in order to spite us, had taken to short-tail coats and low hats ; which we adopted the next year, in consequence of which they discontinued the fashion for themselves. Ambroise's outfit bespoke the man of ample means without pretence of grandeur. He conveyed the impression of a man who was traveling for pleasure, without troubling himself about the opinions of others. CHAPTER XVI. Ambroise, born into the Protestant religion, brought up by a mother who had sacrificed everything for conscience' sake, confirmed in his opinions by the very means that had been taken to induce him to abandon them, v^as what might be called a religious man. Hardly had he given himself time to rest after his long journey, than he expressed a desire to attend a public religious service of his brethren in the faith. He was led out into the country, into a desert place of heather and reeds; a few green oaks scattered here and there afforded a little shade, but as it was summer-time and the weather extremely hot, as it often is in the south o: France, the shade afforded by the few trees was far from sufficient to shelter the entire assembly. About four thou- sand people had assembled in this burning desert; they joined in public prayers, they sang the praises of the God of cities and deserts, and having listened to a discourse which had for its object an endeavor to encourage to a virtuous life, each one returned home, wet with perspiration, but happy in the consciousness of having rendered to God the homage that they believed to be his due. A number of persons withdrew to a house some distance from the place of assembly to take a meal. Ambroise was invited to join them. There were two strangers in the company whom curiosity alone had drawn to the meeting. One of these was a careful observer of men and manners, and seemed to be more interested in observing the customs of men than the monuments of antiquity. He said that it was especially in large gatherings of people that the manners 80 THE OLD CEVENOL 81 and prevailing ideas of people could be learned. He held that laws should be framed according to the opinions of the majority of the people, and that the object of legislation should be to reform prevailing customs when they were vicious, to tolerate them when they were harmless, or to encourage them when they contributed to the moral good and prosperity of the community. It was his opinion that observers should note with the greatest care the general spirit of a people, which exhibits greater varieties than either climate or habits. His younger companion, who had taken a more super- ficial view of men and things, had not made a careful comparison between the opinions peculiar to certain people and the primitive ideas to be found in all nations. His remarks betrayed the frivolity of his mind. He made fun of the monotonous music he had heard, and was especially critical of the absurd rhymes and meters of the Protestant psalmody. One of the men in the company said: "We will admit, sir, that the verses are old-fashioned and the music is drawl- ing, but that is the result of the tyranny of custom. When our forefathers adopted the translation of Marot, they found it in vogue at the court. Marot was one of the first poets of his day, and at that time there was no better to choose from. H we continue to make use of his psalms, it is because of the great difficulty of changing an established custom, and because very few persons have the courage to attempt the difficult task. As for the music, it is Goudi- mel's, who fell in the massacre of St. Bartholomew. It is fine and noble music. The celebrated Jean Jacques, speaking of it, says, 'The strong and manly melodies of Goudimel,' but I agree with you that we sing it badly. The music is difficult and our circumstances are such that we have not had the opportunity to learn music, but hope some day 6 ■82 THE OLD CEVENOL that we may be able to do better, as we certainly shall if we -can but have peace. You surely can not expect us to decorate the temple whilst it is in ruins." ''But yet, sir," replied the young man, "why any music ;at all, why any preaching, why any psalms? Why are you not satisfied to worship God at home according to your own ideas, without exposing yourself to this frightful heat which has been scorching my brain? As for me, I think that all worship is acceptable to God. I don't believe he has ever commanded you to annoy him with bad music." "You think thus," replied the same man, "and I think otherwise. Act according to your opinion, but leave me to act according to mine. I may be mistaken, it is true, but so may you be mistaken also. If you believe that God has never told you to do anything, well, that is your business; but as for me, I believe that God requires me to worship him in the manner in which I do. I should be violating my own conscience if I did otherwise. I believe, as you do, that God does not command me to sing his praises in bad poetry; but I beheve that in his sight verses good or bad are equally acceptable if they are the sincere tribute of our hearts, since I do not imagine that he has organs of sense like ours. I also believe that, since he is the God of all nations and of all languages, to him it is altogether a matter of indifiference what language I use in worshiping him, whether Latin or French ; but I believe it to be most reason- able and profitable for us to worship God in a language that we can understand. Thus, sir, until I am convinced that it Is no part of my duty to worship God in public, it is absolutely necessary for me to worship God in a manner that I believe is acceptable to him." The elder traveler then broke In upon the conversation and said to his companion : "My friend, I have traveled over many countries; I have seen various parts of Asia and THE OLD CEVENOL 83 Africa; I have penetrated far into the interior of tropical Africa, and wherever I have found a community with any sort of regular organization to guarantee public order, I have also found some kind of religious worship. Wherever you find a police you find a religion, and you can trace the origin of these two institutions to the same epoch. And this has led me to suspect that the light of religion has been given to man to teach him justice or righteousness, and human society itself is designed to teach us the benefits of the reign of law, and as I can not possibly doubt that tfi"e social instincts of men are natural and innate, I suspect tliat it may also be an instinct that has led mankind in all countries and in all ages to invoke and worship a superior power." "That is to say, sir, that you still believe in innate ideas, notwithstanding that Locke has clearly proved that — " "I did not say that we have innate ideas, but I am quite prepared to believe that we have innate sentiments." "And what is the difference between innate ideas and innate sentiments?" <» "A very perceptible difference. But our sentiments are our natural dispositions that we follow mechanically. Thus maternal love is an innate sen- timent. A mother's love for her children is the result of neither reflection nor experience. And since I call instinct their blind following of conclusions of which they ignore the premises, and since all do the same without knowing the reason why, I believe that we ought to give the same name to such of our sentiments as all men follow from their birth, without being specially instructed to do so. It seems evident to me, for instance, that man is disposed, 84 THE OLD CEVENOL like the ant, the beaver or the bee, to Hve in societies, and, just as the bee is not wliat she ought to be if she Hves alone and apart from other bees, so man, living alone, would be weak, ignorant, imperfect and not in a condition to arrive at perfection. What has Nature done for us? A simple little thing. She has placed upon us a law which impels us to seek the society of our fellow-creatures, and from this simple fact behold laws, good and bad, courts, states and empires." "What are you trying to prove?" "This: when I see men everywhere agree in rendering worship, good or bad, to a superior power, I suspect that they are impelled so to do by a law of which they are unconscious, and I can not but feel that, if the Creator has made use of this means, it is better and more direct than if he had left us to arrive at this conclusion by the slower process of experience and the vagaries of human reasonings. However, I may possibly be mistaken — as I have often been. I have unfortunately several times treated with contempt and disregard opinions which I have ultimately adopted, so that now, when I oppose the opinions of others, I desire to do so with that respect which is due to men who may be better able to judge the matter than I." "You believe, then, that the Creator has inspired us to recite certain forms of prayer, to bend the knees, to turn towards the east, to wear vestments of fine white linen and to sing vespers and matins ?" "No, I spoke simply of the sentiment which the Creator may have implanted in the heart of man, and not of the accessories that man has added. God simply says to all, 'Worship me in spirit and in truth.' Men's imagination and love of display have done the rest. If there is a God, and if he can be known by us, we can not but admire him. To admire him is to adore, to worship him. But whether we THE OLD CEVENOL 85 worship him in a white surpHce or in a black robe, whether we sing his praises in unison or in four parts, is a matter for each one to settle according to his own conscience, and if I were a king I would not wish to persecute anybody for singing in any particular fashion." "It seems, then, according to your reasoning, that you think that in reality the exterior form of worship is a matter of but little consequence. In that case, where is the harm of the king compelling others to adopt the form of worship that he prefers ?" "Where is the harm? There is the greatest possible harm. In the first place, he can not do it. The attempt to do it has already cost the country five civil wars and three million lives. That is a rather costly experiment. You can see by the zeal of these gentlemen how tenaciously they hold to their opinions. Even supposing their religion to be false, they believe it to be true ; which for them is exactly the same thing. I doubt not that they will continue to feel that they are under obligation to follow the religion they believe in until they can find a better. "Ah! gentlemen," said one of the company, "you say well, we may be deceived ; it seems to us that the simple worship that we render to God is that which seems most natural. We reject other forms only because they seem to 86 THE OLD CEVENOL us to be unnatural and unreasonable and that neither God nor nature sanctions them. At any rate, our sincerity is beyond suspicion ; the very perils to which we expose our- selves are a proof of our good faith. But if it is a matter of no consequence what kind of worship we render unto God, as this gentleman seems to think, it surely is not worth while that others should fly at our throats because we have a different opinion." Sympathy for the sufferings of others is a sentiment to be found deep down in almost every heart; personal in- terest and prejudice may often stifle it, but there come moments when it will develop, when it will burst forth with greater force for having been repressed. This was the case with the younger traveler. He had at first regarded the Protestants with that contempt that we too often feel to- wards the downtrodden, before we take the trouble to en- quire whether they are right or wrong. The remarks of his companion had been for him like a shaft of light. "You are right," said he. 'Tf worship is an eternal law dictated by the Supreme Being, these people, without knowing it, are following a law hidden deeply in their nature ; if they have added some indifferent practices, it can not be a crime ; at least, they are no more guilty than other people who do similar things. Their worship is the most simple in exist- ence, since they have added less than others to the universal instinct." These new-born convictions were clearly depicted upon the frank and open countenance of the young man. "Do not suppose, gentlemen," said he to the company, "that I intended any insult in ridiculing the opinions that have drawn down upon you so much suffering. The un- fortunate, whoever they may be, always have a claim upon my respect, and I know only too well that, in order to be persecuted, it is often only necessary to be right. I believe I mifht even go so far as to say that of two parties, one of THE OLD CEVENOL 87 which persecutes the other, it is the persecutor who is in the^ wrong. But will you allow me, as a friend of the unfor- tunate, to make some observations? If you have felt the force of my friend's remarks, you will doubtless have felt that the essential thing- in worship is the homage paid to God, and the non-essential or indifferent part is the external form of that worship. Why, then, do you not limit your- selves to heart worship, or, at most, to domestic worship, which is not now forbidden ? You would thus render to- God the homage you owe to him, and you would not expose yourselves to the persecutions of men." "Ah, sir," then remarked the master of the house, "don't you suppose that we would do that if we held your opinions? But we have not your opinions. We believe that God wishes us to worship him in the manner we do, and we could not observe any other kind of worship. We are under obli- gation, as your friend has admitted, to obey our own con- science, because we believe we are in the right." "My dear friend," then said the elder of the travelers,. "do not push my principles further than I am prepared to^ follow them ; and especially do not draw conclusions from them that are not warranted by the premises. Observe, it is not domestic worship that we see established all over the earth, but public worship. All people have had temples or' religious rendezvous in which worship has taken a certain form. The evil with these people is not that their worship has taken a certain form, but that they have hated those who, without knowing or consulting them, have adopted another. I should regard it a very great misfortune for humanity if all the temples were closed, and the opinion prevailed that it was sufficient to worship God in private." "You surprise me. Why, should we not then at length see upon this earth re-established that peace that theologians have disturbed ? There would be no more religious quarrels,, 88 THE OLD CEVENOL no more holy wars in which men robed in white fight against men robed in black, no more consecrated banners under which to rally the persecutors, no more pretexts to be per- secuted, and, as a consequence, no more of those evils that have devastated Europe for centuries." "It is true we should not have these evils, but we should have others, for such is the natural weakness of humanity that there are drawbacks to all its institutions and to all its various modes of life. If there were no more public speak- ing to men on religious themes, if they were never reminded of the punishments to come to evil-doers and of the rewards of well-doing, it is evident that soon there would be no religion, and you see that brings us to the great question whether, after all, religion is not the great misfortune of mankind, which I am very far from admitting. This is a discussion that befits an assembly of philosophers, but what we have to do with now refers to these good, simple people whom we have come into the desert to observe. Well, what happened? Cherishing constantly fond mem- ories of their temples, that were become more dear to them by privation, they met in secret ; any one who could or would performed the office of minister, and women and even chil- dren took part in the services. These ignorant ministrants supplied the deficiency of their knowledge by the most ab- surd vagaries ; soon there appeared prophets and prophet- esses ; the people, hungering for spiritual food of some kind, no matter what, began to have visions and yielded them- selves up to the most ridiculous fanaticism, which was religious in name only. When, at length, the old persecu- tions revived, which had previously scourged this part of the country, the very children resisted and suffered without complaint the persecutor's rage, even as had their fathers before them ; some fanatics took to arms, and this, together with the violence of the priests, was one of the causes of the war of the Camisards. Fanaticism did not cease until reg- ular worship was re-established according to the rites of the other Protestants of Europe." "That," said the traveler, "is just what I should have predicted. When you had ministers, they exhorted you to patience and encouraged you to suffer martyrdom ; they represented to you persecutors as the instruments of Provi- dence, but since then you have recognized them as your enemies and have attempted to resist them by force." "Sir, we detest their conduct even more than the vio- lence that gave occasion to it, and now we regard flight from our country as the only proper reply to those who have caused us to hate it." "However, gentlemen," persisted the young man, "you can not deny that the massing of multitudes such as yours. 90 THE OLD CEVENOL has something of a criminal character. If the CathoHcs of England were to assemble contrary to law, the English Government would repress them, and it would do well." "The comparison is not just," replied Ambroise. "I am from England, sir. The Catholics, truly, are not in a brilliant condition there, but they are tolerated; they have their priests, their houses of prayer, their meetings. They are not such fools as to go out into the deserts to seek what without hindrance, they have in the towns; but if they assembled in crowds in the fields, it is clear that it would not be in order to gain a liberty that they already have in the towns. Their meetings would be suspicious and would de- serve to be put down. I have, however, seen Methodists assemble in the fields to worship after their own fashion, and I can assure you that the Government did not trouble itself about them, and it did well. If the Government had persecuted them, it would have doubled their number. Our assemblies are not the massing together of troops ; and what is a proof that they are not seditious is the fact that we admit our wives and children and strangers into our meetings. The Government's suspicions are groundless, since we desire and pray for its prosperity. Let the Govern- ment tolerate us; let it authorize us; let the Christians of the eighteenth century grant to us what the Christians of the second century asked of the Roman emperors ; and you will find that our assemblies will be the rendezvous of simple and pious people who will pray in French for their country and their king." It was getting late ; the travelers had still some distance to go before nightfall, and took their leave. The master of the house desired to show them some things about the neighborhood. They saw a newly built farmhouse, and near by some broken walls blackened by fire. He told them that this house had been demolished three or four times since THE OLD CEVENOL 91 the time of M. de Rohan, and that it had finally been burned by the royal troops during the Camisard war. He pointed out, in the distance, two or three villages that had been burned also. CHAPTER XVII. Ambroise at length settled down and began to feel himself safe from the shafts of misfortune. He had married and was happy in the enjoyment of the most perfect friendship he had ever known. One who has passed through many and severe troubles is qualified to appreciate happiness when it at length smiles upon him. But his sorrows were not yet ended: his wife was taken from him soon after he became a father. His strong and sensitive soul was plunged into the depths of despair. Nothing seemed to dissipate the cloud of gloom that oppressed his spirit. He was a prey to melancholy, and he would have become a misanthrope, disgusted with life, with men and society, had it not been for that paternal tenderness that led him constantly to the cradle where lay the memorial o£ his sweetest friendship and his deepest sorrow. For a long time Ambroise denied himself to all visitors ; he sought in religion the solace of his woe. Piety lent an element of tenderness to the strength of his character, and when, after long struggles, the consolations of religion pre- vailed, his heart was softened and tears came to his relief. Pie went to the cradle where lay his infant son, and found a peculiar happiness in tracing in the face of the child the features of the beloved mother, and he decided that he would conquer his sorrow in order to devote himself to the bringing up of the innocent child whose natural protector he was. One day, as with tearful eyes he sat nursing the child, a notary entered his doorway, and, after the usual civilities, 92 THE OLD CEVENOL 93 handed him a legal document that Ambroise had great dif- ficulty in reading. It was a summons calling upon him to renounce all rights and claims to the property and rights of the late Miss Sophie Robinel, seeing that she had never been his legitimate wife, etc. The horrible paper fell from his hands. The summons had been issued in the name of Sieur and Dame Robinel, father and mother of the deceased, who were under legal obligation to pay a dowry which they had not paid and which was now overdue. Although Am- broise was generous and had not dreamed of requiring the payment of his wife's dowry, he now felt that it was his son's property more than his own, and he did not feel that he should renounce that which was naturally his son's. The horrible character of the proceeding angered him. "For virtue's sake," said he, "one can make sacrifices ; but shame- ful and vicious proceedings like this should be dealt with without flinching. God forbid that I should yield on a point like this, through weakness. I despise the riches, but I feel I ought not to dispose of them without consulting the just rights of my son." It is necessary to explain to the reader that Ambroise had not been married in the church catholique, apostolique et romaine, which was also the case with four or five hun- dred thousand others who have become the parents of about two millions of children, all of whom, by the glorious laws of our land, are declared to be illegitimate, from a legal standpoint. With such laws as ours there can be no legal marriage except according to the canons of the Council of Trent. No marriage is valid except those at which the sac- rament has been administered by a Romish priest, and such sacrament can be administered only to Roman Catholics. It follows, as a matter of consequence, that Roman Cath- olics are the only people who can legally marry. Ambroise, who did not view things quite in the same light, maintained 94 THE OLD CEVENOL that the fact of the consent of the parents and of the parties constitute marriage, that the marriage contract reveals the conditions, that Hving together as man and wife is the public acknowledgment of the marriage, and the children that are born of the union are so many pledges of the validity of the marriage, that they are legitimate because there has been a real contract and all the conditions have been com- plied with, and the part that the priest takes in the marriage is simply to bless it in the presence of God and in the presence of witnesses. That is but common sense, as Am- broise maintained. But the lawyer laughed disdainfully at all these fine reasons deduced from natural right and from the spirit of the laws of all nations. "It is not a question of common sense," said the lawyer. "You must remember that we are in France, and you will be judged according to French law. Now, French law requires you to be married by the Church of Rome, under penalty of nullification, and this is what you have not done." "But how could I have done it," asked Ambroise, "if the priest can not administer the sacrament to heretics? The priest would not have married me." "You had simply to embrace our religion." "But that would have been impossible, since I do not believe in it. You certainly do not mean to say that I should have committed an act of hypocrisy and profanation?" "No, for I should have despised you." "What should I have done, then?" "You should not have married." "Ah, well, I suppose that that might have been possible ; but then, do you maintain that twelve hundred thousand young men and twelve hundred thousand maidens should remain single? Shame on it, sir, you have there a perver- sion of morality, and it seems to me that your laws are framed to encourage immorality." THE OLD CEVENOL 95 "That is no business of mine. There are cleverer men than I who seem to think that it is all right. In any case, it is no business of mine to defend our laws nor to reform them ; it is simply my business to inform you that your marriage is not legal and that it will be nullified; your son will be declared illegitimate ; he will have no title to inherit either his mother's property or yours." "Well, sir, I will take the risk. At the worst it is only money I shall lose, for my honor is beyond the reach of the law ; and as regards the honor and fortune of my son, I am well able to take care of them." So Ambroise decided to defend the memory of his virtuous wife and the status of his son. He fortified his case with excellent opinions of distinguished lawyers, such as M. EHe de Beaumont; MM. Mariette and L'Oiseau; MM. Target and Gerbier; MM. Pascalis and Pazery, of Aix; of MM. Lacroix and Jamme, of Toulouse. He ob- tained an opinion of M. Servan, of Grenoble, and of the principal legal authorities in the kingdom. Not satisfied with these opinions, Ambroise obtained opinions from various German universities, and especially from those schools where the study of natural law was a specialty, since natural law is the basis of all laws, though it must be admitted that many laws are considerably off the base. These German schools gave opinions even more 96 THE OLD CEVENOL favorable, since, as Ambroise pointed out, they had no prejudices to influence their judgment. He wrote to Hun- gary, in which country there are eighteen hundred thousand Protestants, to ask if all these were illegitimate. The reply he received said, "No," and added sarcastically that in Hungary people were not clever enough to understand such subtle distinctions. Finally he wrote to Rome, whence come opinions that are supposed to regulate the universe; he asked what they thought there, or rather what they did about marriage, for there is no necessary connection between opinions and conduct. An old doctor of the Propaganda replied that while, as a matter of fact, they taught that the marriage consisted in the sacrament, yet at bottom he thought that a marriage was valid, even though deprived of sacramental grace, when it is contracted by those to whom the sacrament is refused; they recognize this in the case of Jews, who are very useful in bringing money and business into the country that has been stripped bare of its population and industries ; that formerly they had instructed the Jesuits to compel the Protestants of France to marry before a priest, but that they had been led to change their policy in this respect when they saw that the only result was to populate and strengthen the heretical countries. Furnished with this volume of authorities, and sustained by what he called the righteousness of his cause, Ambroise employed an eminent lawyer to conduct his defense. This based a very eloquent argument on reason and senti- ment. He presented with reason and force the arguments of the most celebrated legal authorities. His speech was frequently interrupted by applause from the large company that had assembled to hear the proceedings. Justice and Humanity, speaking to all hearts, evoked many stifled sobs, and some were melted to tears as they listened to the argu- ments. But the attorney on the other side pompously cited THE OLD CEVENOL 97 the text of the law ; he constantly brought back his eloquent adversary to the letter of the law. He gravely maintained that to-day there were no Protestants in France, because that in 17 15 the law declared there were none. He went even so far as to state that it would be ruinous to the state if it changed the status of the two million illegitimate children in the country. He adroitly insinuated that this happy con- fusion gave rise to a great number of lawsuits which kept the courts busy. He convinced nobody, but Ambroise lost his cause. It was said that whilst the decision of the court was being pronounced the judges were visibly embarrassed, and sought to conceal the blush of shame with their hand- kerchiefs, and it was the popular belief that the judges looked more guilty than the defendant. The iniquitous law triumphed, the memory of Ambroise's wife was tar- nished, and her son declared illegitimate and disqualified to succeed to his mother's inheritance. One can well un- derstand Ambroise's indignation. "Let us return," said he, "let us return to that hospitable land where the rights of humanity are respected and guarded. And thou, un- happy child, who dost experience misfortune before know- ing it, come seek a gentler land where thou wilt be per- mitted to enjoy the inheritance that my love has provided for thee." That same evening Ambroise dined with two or three of his judges. They candidly admitted that the laws which condemned him did not agree with the eternal laws of nature, and that they were ashamed to be the administrators of such laws. "But, what can we do?" they said. 'T see, gentlemen," proceeded Ambroise, "that I have been very much deceived about my country, in judging it by the literature that came to me across the Channel. When I read in London so many speeches and articles about philosophy and humanity, I expected to find these grand theories in practice, but I still find the Protestants the victims of pitiless laws." "What have you to grumble about?" interrupted, in an excited manner, an old man who sat on the opposite side of the table. "We are constantly hearing about the severity of the penal laws ; but you know very well that they are not carried out. The judges are too indulgent and allow them to remain as dead letters. It is true that every now and then we see a preacher hanged or the corpse of a relapsed convert drawn through the mud ; but formerly these were every-day sights. So, you see, sir, your com- plaints are unfounded and frivolous." "What business have you with laws that are no longer put in execution?" asked Ambroise. "We retain them as worthy monuments in our legis- lative archives and as models for future legislators, as being the best examples that they could follow. Moreover, we keep them on the statute-books so that we may put them into force when we have a mind to. If, unfortunately, THE OLD CEVENOL 99 they should be revoked, the Protestants would indulge more than ever in the hope of a tranquility which they do not deserve, and which it would be absurd to concede to them ; the exiles would return ; they would go into business and into agriculture which are sufBciently flourishing without them; and our posterity would have good reason to blame us for making a big mistake. The Protestants are already as happy as they have any right to be, and, with the ex- ception of liberty of conscience, the liberty to own property, safety of their persons, the free possession of their children, the choice of trades and professions, they are treated almost the same as the rest of the king's subjects." The judges were silent because they saw very well that the rest of the company were inclined to take the view of the last speaker. All seemed to agree that the age of Louis XIV., with its strong-handed policy, was the model to be guided by. Talking of one thing and another, they at length deplored that there was no longer a Louvois or a Pere-la-Chaise to pursue, with regard to the Protestants, a policy that reflected eternal honor on the memory of those sagacious statesmen. Ambroise withdrew from the com- pany, not caring to hear any more of this kind of talk; but the company continued to discuss various projects for restoring the glorious conditions of the past. The old man, excited with wine, proposed all sorts of ingenious methods for bringing back the miscreants into the bosom of the church. He was enthusiastic about massacres. He exulted in the massacres that had taken place in Ireland, in Bohemia, in Piedmont and in Calabria. For more than a hundred years stakes had flamed, gallows had groaned with the weight of heretics ; there had been wheels and tortures and galleys. The entire table became excited. All agreed that the present times were degenerate ; that the world was growing careless of religion. That, in doing so, they felt at the same time that they would have to approve the conduct of the Neros, the De- ciuses, the Julians. But the old man speedily relieved them of that difficulty by alleging that the Romans had no right to persecute, because they were in error; but that the French had a right to persecute, because they were in the right. Everybody acknowledged the force of this unan- swerable argument, and, having settled the problem to their entire satisfaction, the convives went home. In the morning Ambroise was much surprised at re- ceiving a visit from one of the convives of the previous evening. This man came to tell Ambroise that the old man who had spoken so viciously the previous evening had, on leaving the table, hired a post-chaise and proceeded immediately to Montpellier, and that he had good reason to suspect that this incensed partisan had gone there in order to procure a lettre de cachet against him. The Englishman, for Ambroise began to feel that he was more of an Englishman than ever, enquired what a lettre de cachet was. He was informed that it was an official order for his arrest and imprisonment without trial, or possibly without even knowing what he Avas charged with. On receiving this unwelcome intelligence, Ambroise started out the next day for England, taking his son with him. Once more in London, he was visited by all his friends.
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using System; using System.Web.Mvc; using Sod.Services; namespace Sod.Web.Controllers { public class HomeController : Controller { private readonly IPersonService _personService; public HomeController(IPersonService personService) { _personService = personService; } public ActionResult Index() { //var model = _personService.FindAll().Select(x=>x.ToViewModel()).ToList(); return View(); } public ActionResult Search() { return View(); } public ActionResult About() { ViewBag.Message = "Your application description page."; return View(); } public ActionResult Contact() { ViewBag.Message = "Your contact page."; throw new Exception("Test exception"); return View(); } [Route("404")] public ActionResult PageNotFound() { return View(); } public ActionResult Error() { return View(); } } }
Public Domain
Method of facilitating the transfer of information relating to livestock and/or food products ABSTRACT A computer network is used to facilitate the transfer of livestock, stockfeed and/or other food products from a vendor to a purchaser. The vendor initiates a connection over the computer network between a computer associated with the vendor and a computer associated with a transfer facilitator; the transfer facilitator prompts the vendor for information pertaining to the consignment of livestock of food that the vendor proposes to sell; in response to prompts form the transfer facilitator, the vendor provides the transfer facilitator with information regarding the livestock or food which the vendor proposes to sell; and the transfer facilitator converts the information received from the vendor into a vendor declaration and posts the vendor declaration to a point on the computer network associated by the vendor and/or more prospective purchases. FIELD OF THE INVENTION This invention broadly relates to a method of utilising a computer network to facilitate the transfer of livestock and/or food products. The invention relates particularly but not exclusively to a method and system for providing information to prospective purchasers pertaining to a consignment of livestock, stock feed or other food being sold by the vendor. BACKGROUND TO THE INVENTION With the recent increase in instances of contamination entering the food chain it is now more important than ever to monitor the quality of food being sold. A prospective purchaser of foodstuffs must be particularly vigilant to ensure that the foodstuffs they purchase are of a sufficient quality. While a visual inspection of the product being bought is helpful, there are many diseases and chemical contaminations that cannot be identified by a visual inspection. The considerations that apply to the sale of livestock can also be generally taken as applying to other foodstuffs including the fodder that is purchased to feed livestock. A practice has developed in Australia and other countries of vendors suppling prospective purchasers with information regarding the conditions in which the livestock and fodder and other foodstuffs have been bred and grown. To use livestock as an example, the vendor supplies this information by completing and signing a written declaration pertaining to the history of the livestock. Prospective purchasers can then ask to view the declaration to satisfy themselves as to the condition of the livestock before committing themselves to the purchase. The completion of these declarations in a paper form is particularly cumbersome and time consuming. Typically, when completed and signed, the declaration is provided to the auctioneer or agent of the vendor as well as any prospective purchasers. The filling out of a form by the vendor and provision of paper copies to the parties involved in the transaction is cumbersome and time consuming. This existing process also fails to ensure that the form is completed before being submitted. In some instances one or more of the parties to the transaction are required to keep the forms for a pre-determined period of up to two years. Where this is the case, the vendor has the burden of keeping a paper copy of the declaration to be produced when required. In short, currently available methods and systems for providing information about the livestock being sold are time consuming and cumbersome. Use of the paper system of the prior art also tends to result in inaccurate or incomplete declarations. An object of the present invention is to provide an alternative or improved method of providing information regarding livestock, to a prospective purchaser. This discussion of the background to the invention herein is included to explain the context of the invention. This is not to be taken as an admission that any of the material referred to was published, known or part of the common general knowledge as at the priority date of any of the claims. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION In a first aspect the present invention provides a method of utilising a computer network to facilitate the transfer of livestock between a vendor to a purchaser, the method including the steps of: - - the vendor initiates a connection over the computer network between a computer associated with the vendor and a computer associated with a transfer facilitator; - the transfer facilitator prompts the vendor for information pertaining to the consignment of livestock that the vendor proposes to transfer; - in response to prompts from the transfer facilitator, the vendor provides the transfer facilitator with information regarding the livestock which the vendor proposes to sell; and - the transfer facilitator converts the information received from the vendor into a vendor declaration and posts the vendor declaration to a point on the computer network accessible by the vendor and/or one or more prospective purchasers. Preferably, the transfer facilitator is a transfer facilitation site located on the computer network. The present invention may be used to facilitate the transfer of any suitable type of livestock. The method is particularly suitable to the sale of cattle and sheep. It is also applicable to the transfer of information relating to food and feedstock. The connection between the vendor and the transfer facilitator may be made over any suitable computer network. The Internet is a particularly suitable network for operation of the present invention. The computers associated with the vendor and the transfer facilitator may be of any suitable computing devices. Particularly suitable computer devices include conventional desktop computers as well as mobile devices such as personal digital assistants and mobile phones having interactive capability. The transfer facilitator may be a web site located on the Internet which a vendor may log into and subsequently provide the requested information. The transfer facilitator may prompt the vendor for information pertaining to the consignment of livestock in any suitable manner. In a preferred form the vendor is presented with a number of questions pertaining to the consignment of livestock. The transfer facilitator may also be an independent purchaser's personal computer that is accessible via a distributed network system. A distinct advantage provided by the method of the present invention is that information pertaining to the transfer of livestock is quickly and easily converted into an electronic format allowing the vendor to supply the information to multiple parties either automatically or with little effort. There is no paper form filling required by the present invention, and no transfer of paper. The vendor declaration is posted on the computer network allowing all parties to the transaction to see the declaration. The vendor declaration may be in any suitable electronic format. One particularly suitable format is known as portable digital format (PDF). Preferably, at any time before posting of the vendor declaration, the transfer facilitator verifies the identity of the vendor and accordingly includes within the vendor declaration an electronic signature verifying its authenticity. This provides for an authentication of the information provided by the vendor and allows any prospective purchaser to be confident that the information supplied in the vendor declaration is true and correct. This also allows the method of the present invention to be used with statutory forms which by law require the vendor to sign that the information provided is correct, this signature added using the present invention appropriately authorises the correctness of this information. In another preferred form of the invention the vendor declaration is posted at a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) on the Internet, the URL is then provided to one or more prospective purchasers. This allows each of the vendor, purchaser and agent to access the vendor declaration before and after the sale. The vendor declaration can be kept at this point for any suitable required period providing a single point of reference for all parties to the transaction. In an additional or alternative preferred form of the invention the vendor declaration is posted onto a database accessible over the computer network, the database holding a plurality of vendor declarations. The database may then be indexed to hold the information pertaining to previous and pending transfers thereby providing for the efficient organization of the vendors, purchasers and agents information. The vendor declaration may, additionally or alternatively, be posted by sending it via electronic mail to one or more of the following: - - the vendor; - an agent of the vendor; - one or more of the prospective purchasers; - any relevant statutory authority and - a pre-determined third party. In another optional form, the method of the present invention has the further steps of: - - the vendor nominates a third party; and - the transfer facilitator forwards to the third party, via the computer network, an electronic copy of the vendor declaration. Preferably the third party is an agent appointed to sell the livestock on behalf of the vendor. The third party may also be a food assessor, transporter, processor or Government inspector. The agent may be any suitable party; a particularly suitable party is the livestock realtor or auctioneer appointed to arrange the livestock sale. The agent may also be appointed by any suitable method. The method may also have the still further steps including: - - the vendor appoints a third party; - the third party connects to the transfer facilitator via the computer network; - the third party provides information regarding the livestock sold on behalf of the purchaser; and - the transfer facilitator verifies the identity of the agent and upon verification, the vendor declaration is modified to include information provided by the third party in the vendor declaration. Preferably, the third party is one or more of: an agent commissioned to sell the livestock; a food assessor; a party providing transport for the livestock; a processor; a market alliance of the purchaser; and a vet. In another form optional of the invention, the vendor may accept or reject information provided by the third party. This provides the vendor with control over the information being provided. In other situations, it is preferable for third party to have overall control of the information they place within the vendor declaration. For example, where the third party is a food inspector then it can be important that the inspector be free to place the information they consider pertinent into the declaration. The information contained in the vendor declaration may include any suitable information supplied by the vendor and/or the agent. In a particularly preferred form of the invention the vendor declaration contains one or more of the following types of information: - - whether the livestock have been exposed to pre-determined drugs or chemicals; - information pertaining to any quality accreditation of a property on which the livestock has been raised; and - nature of any feed product provided to the livestock - details of the vendor; - details of any agent appointed by the vendor; and - details of any livestock assessors associated with the livestock. In an especially preferred form all of this information is included within the vendor declaration. In a second aspect the present invention provides a system, preferably located on a computer network, the system provided to facilitate the transfer of livestock from a vendor to a purchaser, the system including the following components: - - access means for allowing the vendor to access the site via the computer network; - means for interrogating the vendor to allow collection of information pertaining to the livestock that the vendor proposes to transfer; - conversion means for converting the information pertaining to the livestock, the information collected from the vendor and converted into a vendor declaration; and - posting means for posting the vendor declaration to a point on the computer network accessible by one or more prospective purchasers. Preferably, the system includes: - - means to verify the identity of the vendor wherein the means to identify operates at any time before posting the vendor declaration; and - means to modify the vendor declaration to include an electronic signature verifying authenticity of the vendor declaration, the means to modify operating after receiving notification from the means to verify that the vendor's identity has been verified. The vendor declaration may be posted to any suitable location on the Internet. In a preferred form the vendor declaration is posted at a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) on the Internet, the URL is then provided to one or more prospective purchasers. The system may additionally or alternatively include a database holding one or more of the vendor declarations, one or more of the declarations being posted onto the system by the posting means. In an optional form of the invention the posting means sends the vendor declaration via electronic mail to one or more of the vendor, an agent of the vendor, one or more prospective purchasers and/or any relevant statutory authority. In another preferred form the posting means sends the vendor declaration to an agent appointed by the vendor, the system including: - - access means for allowing the agent to access the system via the computer network; - means for interrogating the agent for information regarding the livestock sold on behalf of the purchaser; and - agent verification means for verifying the identity of the agent - compilation means for automatically including information provided by the agent in the vendor declaration where the identity of the agent has been verified by the verification means. Preferably, the invention includes agent verification means whereby the vendor is able to accept to reject information provided by the agent. The agent verification means may optionally include an electronic signature on the vendor declaration verifying the information provided by the agent. The vendor declaration may contain one or more or all of the following types of information: - - whether the livestock have been exposed to pre-determined drugs or chemicals; - information pertaining to any quality accreditation of a property on which the livestock has been raised; - nature of any feed product provided to the livestock; - number of livestock detailed in the vendor declaration; - sex of livestock detailed in the vendor declaration; - location of livestock detailed in the vendor declaration; - details of the vendor; - details of an agent appointed by the vendor; and - details of any livestock assessor. In a further alternative or additional form, the system includes a search means for accessing and searching information pertaining to vendor declarations. Preferably, the transfer facilitator automatically crosschecks the information provided by the vendor. In one alternative form, at any time before posting the vendor declaration, the transfer facilitator verifies the identity of the vendor. In another alternative form, after verification of the identity of the vendor, an electronic signature verifying authenticity of the declaration is included together with or within the declaration. In a third aspect of the present invention, there is provided a method of utilising a computer network to provide information pertaining to the suitability of livestock for consumption, the method including the steps of: - - a vendor initiates a connection over the computer network between a computer associated with the vendor and a computer associated with a transfer facilitator; - the vendor provides the transfer facilitator with information regarding the livestock which the vendor proposes to sell; and the transfer facilitator automatically converts the information received from the vendor into a vendor declaration and posts the vendor declaration to a point on the computer network accessible by the vendor and/or one or more prospective purchasers. In a fourth aspect of the invention, there is provided a method of utilising a computer network to provide information pertaining to the suitability of food for consumption, the method including the steps of: - - a food provider initiates a connection over the computer network between a computer associated with the food provider and a computer associated with a transfer facilitator; - the food provider enters information pertaining to food that the food provider intends to sell including information pertaining to the suitability of the food for consumption; and - the transfer facilitator converts the information received from the food provider into a declaration and posts the declaration to a point on the computer network accessible by the food provider and/or one or more prospective purchasers. In a fifth aspect of the invention, there is provided a method of providing information pertaining to food over a computer network to facilitate the transfer of food from a food provider to a purchaser, the method including the steps of - - a food provider initiates a connection over the computer network between a computer associated with the food provider and a computer associated With a transfer facilitator; - the food provider enters information pertaining to food that the food provider intends to sell including information pertaining to the suitability of the food for consumption; and - the transfer facilitator converts the information received from the food provider into a declaration and posts the declaration to a point on the computer network accessible by the food provider and/or one or more prospective purchasers. Preferably, the transfer facilitator crosschecks the information entered by the food provider to verify the information. In one form, at any time before posting of the declaration, the transfer facilitator verifies the identity of the vendor. After verification, an electronic signature may then be included with or within the declaration to verify its authenticity. In another form, the declaration is posted to a database accessible over the computer network, the database holding a plurality of declarations. Preferably, the declaration contains one or more of the following types of information: whether the food has been exposed to pre-determined chemicals and/or the method of its propagation and growth. For example, whether it derives from genetically modified parentage. The declaration may also include information pertaining to the quality accreditation of a property from which the food originates; In still another form, the declaration is sent via electronic mail to one or more of (a) the food provider; (b) one or more prospective purchasers; (c) a relevant statutory authority and (d) one or more agents. The food to which the information relates may be any suitable type of food, for consumption by humans or animals. One particularly suitable type of food is feedstock for animals. In a sixth aspect, there is provided a food information system located on a computer network, the system provided to facilitate provision of information pertaining to food, the system including the following components: - - access means for allowing a food provider to access the system via the computer network; - means for interrogating the food provider to allow collection of information pertaining to food which the food provider proposes to provide, the information including information pertaining to the suitability of the food for consumption; - conversion means for converting the information pertaining to the food into a declaration; and - posting means for posting the declaration to a point on the computer network accessible by one or more purchasers and/or the food provider. In one particular form of the invention, the transfer facilitator verifies that the declaration is complete. In another form, the invention includes the additional steps of: - - the vendor nominates a third party; - the third party connects to the transfer facilitator via the computer network; - the third party provides information regarding the food; and - the transfer facilitator verifies the identity of the third party and upon verification, the declaration is modified to include information provided by the third party. The vendor may review information provided by the third party and authorises that that information be included within the declaration. One or more persons may connect to the transfer facilitator to authorise the declaration. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS The invention will hereinafter be described in greater detail by reference to the attached drawings, which illustrate an example forms of the invention. It is to be understood that the particularity of the drawings does not supersede the generality of the preceding description of the invention. In the drawings: FIGS. 1A, 1B, 1C & 1D are screen captures illustrating the process where the transfer facilitator interrogates the vendor to collect information pertaining to livestock that the vendor proposes to sell. FIG. 2 is a sample of a vendor declaration containing information pertaining to livestock according to an embodiment of the present invention. FIG. 3 is a sample of a blank declaration containing information pertaining to commodities. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION In invention will now be described with particular reference to the sale of cattle and sheep. The person skilled in the art will be aware that the invention is equally applicable to the sale of a range of other livestock. The invention is also equally applicable to the transfer of food and feedstock. The present invention assists the vendor in preparing the necessary documents to enable the transfer of livestock, the present invention also assist purchasers in advertising the availability of such livestock for sale or transfer. Where the vendor wishes to prepare this documentation he/she will connect to the transfer facilitator using their computer. In this exemplary embodiment described the transfer facilitator is a conventional web site located on the Internet. The person skilled in the art will however recognise that the present invention can be implemented without the use of a web site, for example, distributed networks can be utilised to communicated without the intermediate of a site. The invention may provide for authorisation of the vendor, this will provide an additional safety check on the information provided and accordingly allow prospective purchasers to satisfy themselves that the vendor was the party who supplied the information now contained within the declaration. Where the vendor's identity is authorised, this can be done in any suitable manner. One form of authorisation by the system involves registering and being allocated or providing a password to identify the vendor. Upon connection to the transfer facilitator the vendor will be greeted with the front page providing options including the opportunity to register. Alternatively, vendors that have previously registered may choose to continue further into the system and take advantage of the features provided by the invention. When the vendor has registered and chosen to move further into the system he/she will be presented with an option to prepare a vendor declaration. The vendor declaration may include any suitable type of information about the livestock to be sold. Information that can be particularly pertinent to the sale of livestock includes the breed, sex, whether the livestock have been exposed to pre-determined drugs or chemicals, information pertaining to any quality accreditation of a property on which the livestock has been raised, the nature of any feed product provided to the livestock and the location of the livestock to be sold. This information may be provided either at the option of the vendor or alternatively there may be a legal requirement to provide such information to prospective purchasers. After the vendor has identified the livestock for which a vendor declaration will be prepared, the system generates a number of questions to be answered by the vendor. Screen captures of the system interrogating a vendor is illustrated in FIGS. 1A, 1B, 1C and 1D. These screen captures show a vendor being prompted to reveal information pertaining to cattle to being transferred. The Vendor may have the vendor declaration generated by the system mailed to a specific email address, if the vendor wishes to take advantage of this feature an email address should be entered into the system. The system elicits information as to the producer including their name, phone number, property name and property location. The animal or livestock details are then elicited, the type of information entered includes the sex and number of cattle being sold. The Vendor may also identify the cattle being sold by quoting their National Livestock Identification Scheme (NLIS) number, this provides identification of individual animals. The system then interrogates the user as to whether any of the animals have been treated with Hormonal Growth Promotant (HGP) or other chemicals. Additionally, the system may determine whether the livestock are quality assured. Cattle that have been continually raised on a property accredited under an independently audited quality assurance program may be more desirable to prospective purchasers and accordingly increase interest in the consignment. The system may also interrogate as to the history of the cattle thereby eliciting information such as where the animals are from and how long they have been owned by the vendor. Questions 3 to 8 on FIGS. 1B and 1C elicit information as to whether the livestock has been exposed to various chemicals. At FIG. 1D of the form there is illustrated a section which the vendor can enter information providing the vendor with an opportunity to make any comments and provide an electronic signature to the declaration If the vendor chooses to electronically sign and thereby warrant that the information provided is authentic then the system will verify the identity of the vendor and upon generation of the declaration it will be imprinted with an electronic signature signifying the vendors assurance that the information provided is true and correct. The system will then generate a vendor declaration containing within it the information provided by the vendor. A sample vendor declaration in the form of a National Vendor Declaration is shown in FIG. 2. This declaration is then posted to a pre-determined location either by emailing it to a location specified by the vendor or by posting it to a uniform resource locator (URL). Where the vendor declaration is posted to a URL the vendor can then include this URL in their promotional literature thereby providing the required information to prospective purchasers. In one form of the invention the vendor declaration information may have modification suggested by the vendor's agent. To facilitate this, the agent establishes a connection to the transfer facilitator and provides a verification of identification to the system. The agent may then provide the system with information regarding the livestock sold or to be sold on behalf of the purchaser. This type of information may include the identity of the purchaser, the price of the livestock, the quality of product and any other comments the agent wishes to make. This information may be automatically incorporated by the system into the vendor declaration together with an electronic signature authenticating the information provided by the agent. Where this information is incorporated, the vendor may also be given an option to authorise such incorporation. The present invention is also particularly applicable to the transfer of information relating to food products. These may be food products for animal or human consumption. Where commodities such as fodder are sold it is necessary to provide detailed information pertaining to that fodder. This gives the purchaser assurance as to the quality of the fodder that they are receiving. It also acts as a safeguard to ensure that undesirable chemicals and poisons do not enter the food chain. Examples of the types of information which can be provided include: - - (a) the chemicals applied to the crop from which the fodder was harvested. All chemicals and inputs applied to the crop from preparation of the seeding ground through seedling emergence should be listed together with the amount of chemical utilised. This allows a perspective purchaser to satisfy himself/herself that unwanted chemicals have not been used in the growing of the fodder; - (b) information pertaining to the nature of seed from which the crop was sown. For example, it may be undesirable to use a particular genetically modified seed. In receiving this information, the purchaser is therefore able to satisfy himself/herself that the fodder originates from the desire type of seed or alternatively, that the fodder does not originate from an undesirable source. - (c) information pertaining to all adjoining crops and the nature of these crops. A sample declaration, which will be completed where fodder is supplied, is shown in FIG. 3. In response to prompts from the transfer facilitator, the food provider enters information pertaining to the particular commodity they wish to sell. The transfer facilitator then automatically places the information into the declaration and posts it to a point accessible by the food supplier and/or prospective purchasers. It should be understood that the present invention is particularly useful to the transfer of information relating to food products. Where food products are supplied then it is important that the histories of those products are known all through the supply chain. The present invention allows for the collection of information pertaining to one or a number of steps along the food supply chain. Reference to the word “site” within the specification should be taken as a reference to a point of presence located on a computer network. One example of a site being a web site located at a point on the Internet. It will however be understood that the present invention is not limited to utilisation of a site. It is to be understood that various alterations, additions and/or modifications may be made to the parts previously described without departing from the ambit of the invention. 1-39. cancelled. 40. A method of utilising a computer network to facilitate the transfer of livestock from a vendor to a purchaser, the method including the steps: (a) the vendor initiates a connection over the computer network between a computer associated with the vendor and a computer associated with a transfer facilitator; (b) the transfer facilitator prompts the vendor for information pertaining to the consignment of livestock that the vendor proposes to transfer; (c) in response to prompts from the transfer facilitator, the vendor provides the transfer facilitator with information regarding the livestock which the vendor proposes to transfer; and (d) the transfer facilitator converts the information received from the vendor into a vendor declaration and posts the vendor declaration to a point on the computer network accessible by the vendor and/or one or more prospective purchasers. 41. A method according to claim 40, wherein the transfer facilitator is a transfer facilitation site located on the computer network. 42. A method according to claim 40, wherein at any time before posting of the vendor declaration, the transfer facilitator verifies the identity of the vendor and accordingly includes within the vendor declaration an electronic signature verifying authenticity of the declaration. 43. A method according to claim 40 wherein the vendor declaration is posted at a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) on the Internet and the URL is then be provided to one or more prospective purchasers. 44. A method according to claim 40 wherein the vendor declaration is posted onto a database accessible over the computer network, the database holding a plurality of vendor declarations. 45. A method according to claim 40 wherein the vendor declaration is posted by sending it via electronic mail to one or more of the following: (a) the vendor; (b) an agent of the vendor; (c) one or more of the prospective purchasers; (d) any relevant statutory authority and (e) a pre-determined third party; 46. A method according to claim 40, including the steps: (a) the vendor appoints a third party; and (b) the transfer facilitator forwards to the third party, via the computer network, an electronic copy of the vendor declaration. 47. A method according to claim, including the steps: (a) the vendor appoints a third party; (b) the third party connects to the transfer facilitator via the computer network; (c) the third party provides information regarding the livestock sold on behalf of the purchaser; and (d) the transfer facilitator verifies the identity of the third party and upon verification, the vendor declaration is automatically modified to include information provided by the third party in the vendor declaration. 48. A method according to claim 40 wherein the vendor declaration contains one or more of the following types of information: (a) whether the livestock have been exposed to pre-determined drugs or chemicals; (b) information pertaining to any quality accreditation of a property on which the livestock has been raised; (c) nature of any feed product provided to the livestock; (d) details of the vendor; (e) details of any agent appointed by the vendor; and (f) details of any livestock assessors associated with the livestock. 49. A transfer facilitation system located on a computer network, the system provided to facilitate the transfer of livestock from a vendor to a purchaser, the system including the following components (a) access means for allowing the vendor to access the system via 10 the computer network; (b) means for interrogating the vendor to allow collection of information pertaining to the livestock that the vendor proposes to sell; (c) conversion means for converting the information pertaining to the consignment of livestock, the information collected from the vendor and converted into a vendor declaration; and (d) posting means for posting the vendor declaration to a point on the computer network accessible by one or more prospective purchasers. 50. A system according to claim 49 wherein the system includes: (a) means to verify the identity of the vendor wherein the means to identify operates at any time before posting the vendor declaration; and (b) means to modify the vendor declaration to include an electronic signature verifying authenticity of the vendor declaration, the means to modify operating after receiving notification from the means to verify that the vendor's identity has been verified. 51. A system according to claim 49 wherein the vendor declaration is posted at a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) on the Internet, and the URL is then provided to one or more prospective purchasers. 52. A system according to claim 49 wherein the system includes a database holding one or more of the vendor declarations, one or more of the declarations being posted onto the system by the posting means. 53. A system according to claim 49 wherein the posting means sends the vendor declaration via electronic mail to one or more of the following; (a) the vendor; (b) an agent of the vendor; (c) one or more of the prospective purchasers; and (d) any relevant statutory authority. 54. A system according to claim 49 wherein the posting means sends the vendor declaration to an agent appointed by the vendor, the system including: (a) access means for allowing the agent to access the system via the computer network; (b) means for interrogating the agent for information regarding the livestock sold on behalf of the purchaser; and (c) agent verification means for verifying the identity of the agent; (d) compilation means for automatically including information provided by the agent in the vendor declaration where the identity of the agent has been verified by the verification means. 55. A system according to claim 54 wherein the agent verification means includes an electronic signature on the vendor declaration verifying the information provided by the agent. 56. A system according to claim 49 wherein the vendor declaration contains one or more of the following types of information: (a) whether the livestock have been exposed to pre-determined drugs or chemicals; (b) information pertaining to any quality accreditation of a property on which the livestock has been raised; (c) nature of any feed product provided to the livestock; (d) number of livestock detailed in the vendor declaration; (e) sex of the livestock detailed in the vendor declaration; (f) location of the livestock detailed in the vendor declaration; (g) details of the vendor; (h) details of an agent appointed by the vendor; and (i) details of any livestock assessor. 57. A system according to claim 49 including a search means for accessing and searching information pertaining to vendor declarations. 58. A method according to claim 40, wherein the transfer facilitator automatically crosschecks the information provided by the vendor. 59. A method according to claim 40, wherein at any time before posting the vendor declaration, the transfer facilitator verifies the identity of the vendor. 60. A method according to claim 59, wherein after verification of the identity of the vendor, an electronic signature verifying authenticity of the declaration is included together with or within the declaration. 61. A method of utilising a computer network to provide information pertaining to the suitability of livestock for consumption, the method including the steps of: (a) a vendor initiates a connection over the computer network between a computer associated with the vendor and a computer associated with a transfer facilitator; (b) the vendor provides the transfer facilitator with information regarding the livestock which the vendor proposes to sell; and (c) the transfer facilitator automatically converts the information received from the vendor into a vendor declaration and posts the vendor declaration to a point on the computer network accessible by the vendor and/or one or more prospective purchasers. 62. A method of utilising a computer network to provide information pertaining to the suitability of food for consumption, the method including the steps of: (a) a food provider initiates a connection over the computer network between a computer associated with the food provider and a computer associated with a transfer facilitator; (b) the food provider enters information pertaining to food that the food provider intends to sell including information pertaining to the suitability of the food for consumption; and (c) the transfer facilitator converts the information received from the food provider into a declaration and posts the declaration to a point on the computer network accessible by the food provider and/or one or more prospective purchasers. 63. A method of providing information pertaining to food over a computer network to facilitate the transfer of food from a food provider to a purchaser, the method including the steps: (a) a food provider initiates a connection over the computer network between a computer associated with the food provider and a computer associated with a transfer facilitator; (b) the food provider enters information pertaining to food that the food provider intends to transfer including information pertaining to the suitability of the food for consumption; and (c) the transfer facilitator converts the information received from the food provider into a declaration and posts the declaration to a point on the computer network accessible by the food provider and/or one or more prospective purchasers. 64. A method according to claim 62, wherein the transfer facilitator crosschecks the information entered by the food provider to verify the information. 65. A method according to claim 62, wherein at any time before posting of the declaration, the transfer facilitator verifies the identity of the vendor. 66. A method according to claim 65, wherein after verification, an electronic signature is included with or within the declaration to verify its authenticity. 67. A method according to claim 62, wherein the declaration is posted to a database accessible over the computer network, the database holding a plurality of declarations. 68. A method according to claim 62, wherein the declaration contains one or more of the following types of information: (a) whether the food has been exposed to pre-determined chemicals; (b) information pertaining to the quality accreditation of a property from which the food originates; and (c) information pertaining as to whether the food is genetically modified or originates from a genetically modified source. 69. A method according to claim 62, wherein the declaration is sent via electronic mail to one or more of (a) the food provider; (b) one or more prospective purchasers; (c) one or more agents and (d) a relevant statutory authority. 70. A food information system located on a computer network, the system provided to facilitate provision of information pertaining to food, the system including the following components: (a) access means for allowing a food provider to access the system via the computer network; (b) means for interrogating the food provider to allow collection of information pertaining to food which the food provider proposes to provide, the information including information pertaining to the suitability of the food for consumption; (c) conversion means for converting the information pertaining to the food into a declaration; and (d) posting means for posting the declaration to a point on the computer network accessible by one or more purchasers and/or the food provider. 71. A method according to claim 46, wherein the third party is one or more of: (a) an agent commissioned to sell the livestock; (b) a food assessor; (c) a party providing transport for the livestock; (d) a processor; (e) a market alliance of the purchaser; and (f) a vet. 72. A method according to claim 47, wherein the vendor accepts or rejects information provided by the third party. 73. A method according to claim 61, wherein the transfer facilitator verifies that the declaration is complete. 74. A method according to claim 61, including the additional steps: (a) the vendor nominates a third party; (b) the third party connects to the transfer facilitator via the computer network; (c) the third party provides information regarding the food; and (d) the transfer facilitator verifies the identity of the third party and upon verification, the declaration is modified to include information provided by the third party. 75. A method according to claim 74, wherein the vendor reviews information provided by the third party and authorises that that information be included within the declaration. 76. A method according to claim 61, wherein one or more persons connect to the transfer facilitator to authorise the declaration..
Public Domain
HERO! CURE SAVERS. Ward Life of the Surfmen Who Patrothe the Atlantic Coast. All through the night the surfmen are patrolling the beach at Monomoy, 36 they do from Quoddy Head to Cape Florida, meeting in the little shanty an a sand dune called Haifway House to tell one another the news of the hour and to exchange the numbered brass tags by which the captains may know that the watch has gone faith fully to the end of his post. For ten months in the year the vigilance is not relaxed. During June and July the crews are rewarded for their year's labor by the gift of a generous vacation— without pay. They may fish or farm or do what they will for a living. The captains then sit, each one alone, in the life saving stations, and if any ship is foolish enough to get wrecked at this time, when, according to the rules of Uncle Sam, there should be neither storm nor wreck, the nearest captain picks up a scratch crew of fishermen and other longshore folk and does the best he can to save lives. Storms and wrecks do occur now and then in these periods, but they really should not, and therefore congress in its wisdom refuses to keep the life savers on duty. From the wisdom of congress there is no appeal. Truly there must be all the fascination of a game in this serene and skillful contest with raging death. It cannot be the bait of wages that attracts these heroes to the service. The captains receive $800 a year and the surf Men $50 a month. During the two months of unpaid vacation, they get $3 apiece for each occasion of service. No, there is no money lure in this game. The service requires men of perfect health and strength. Whenever the surgeon discovers surfman of captain to have fallen below perfect condition, he is incontinently put out, no matter how many years he may have spent in life saving. And there is no pension. Mr. Kimball, the superintendent of the department, has tried again and again to persuade congress to grant pensions to these men, but congress in its wisdom has always said no. And from the wisdom of congress there is no appeal.—W. O. Inglis in Harper's Magazine. Loti and His Mummies. Pierre Loti, the French novelist, has obtained a new acquisition to his weird and wonderful collection of Egyptian mummies, it is that of a young princess with gilded face, almost as expressive under its mask as it must have been in life. This mummy, which is one of the best in the collection, accepts in his study "the smell that creeps from a winding sheet when a mummy is half unpoised." Loti's grievance is that his servants will not move or touch his mummies under any circumstances. "Only think," he says, "not one of my servants would touch this beautiful young woman. They are so superstitious about the dead I had to carry her upstairs myself. And, would you believe me, as I reached the landing it suddenly dashed through my mind that I was carrying a corpse. I seemed to feel the chill of the dead breast penetrate my own." Noticeable among the other embalmed bodies of dead and gone Egyptians in London's study is that of a little three-year-old who stands down with sightless eyes on her present owner as he sits writing his romances and plays in the still watches of the night.—Chicago News. No "Off the Grass" Signs. In the early days of our park system, the various squares about the city and Goiden Gate park as well were pleasantly decorated with "Keep Off the Grass" signs. It occurred to Frank Pixley one day to ask through these columns what better use could be made of grass than for children to frolic over it. Nobody, not even the park commission, could correctly answer the question. Then Mr. Pixley demanded that the signs be removed and the children of San Francisco be given leave to play on the grass to their hearts' content. This, mind you, was twenty years ago, and has anybody noticed any lack of grass in Goiden Gate park or even in our little parks in consequence of the change? In all these years there has not been a "Keep Off the Grass." Grass" sign anywhere in San Francisco. Who can estimate the pleasure and the profit that have come not only to the childhood of San Francisco, but to all whose feet love to touch the veal of growing turf, through the common sense and yet audacious energy of a good man over whose head the grass has now long been green?—San Francisco Argonaut Modern Hindu Women. Within five short years a great change has come over a section of the native population of Lahore. Children of native gentlemen can be seen being taken out for an airing by day's morning and evening. Certain bold men have begun to take out their wives in the evening for a drive in open vehicles. A week ago we saw the daughter of a man of position walking with her father on the railway platform at Lahore. She was dressed in white, whose shoes seemed like an English gown, had English shoes on and when her husband came up left her father and walked about with him, her face was pale and covered. Let those who have relatives in Lahore? There and there for them, see the state of things, they will see wives going out shoulder to shoulder with their husbands in the evenings. Turning and goodby to old relations. A man who would dare to impose the old masters on his womankind would receive scant courtesy —Punjab Journal. FUTURE SEA BATTLES. Advantages of the Big Ships and The Heavy Guns. Of the character of future battles between war fleets, the ScenttSc American says: "The running fight which followed the sortie of the Russian fleet at Port Arthur and the decisive battle of Tsushima Strait crystallized into fact many theories of the design and maneuvering of warships and settled probably for many years to come, the vexed questions of the size of ship, the type of gun, and the best formation in which to fight a naval action. The battleship of the future will be of great size. Displacement will be not less than 20,000 tons, and this will increase so rapidly that a 30,000 ton ship will probably be afloat before the close of the next decade. The main armament will consist exclusively of heavy guns of not less than twelve inches caliber, and unless the difficulty of erosion cannot be overcome, the twelve-inch will give place to thirteen-inch and possibly to a fourteen-inch piece. "Future engagements will be fought at an extreme range, the extent of which will be limited only by the ability of the fire control officer to see the fail of the shots. The determination of the range at which an engagement shall be fought will be with the fleet which possesses the greatest speed. It is today the almost unanimous opinion of naval officers that one big ship is more effective than two smaller ships of half her size. Future engagements will be fought with the two fleets steaming in parallel lines in what is known as line ahead formation—that is, with each ship of a fleet steaming in the wake of the one ahead with an interval of about 500 yards between." them. "If of two such Beets one were made up of four 20,000-ton battleships, each carrying eight twelve-inch guns, the whole line would be about 2,100 yards in length, and if the other Beet consisted of eight 10,000-ton ships, each mounting four twelve-inch guns, the line would be 5,600 yards in length, or over three miles. The Beet of larger ships would probably have sufficient advantage in speed for the admiral to maintain his four vessels abreast of the first four of the enemy's ships, and in this case an eight gun ship would be opposed to a four gun ship, with the inevitable result that the four smaller ships would be silenced. "The fleet of larger vessels would then slacken speed and drop back, taking the ships of the enemy in turn and smothering them with a superior gun fire. At the opening of such an engagement, the fifth and sixth in line of the four gun ships would be able to direct a total tonal fire upon the last of the eight gun ships, but the range would be so great that it could not prove to be very effectual. "Unquestionably the victory in future engagements will be with the Beet which is able to concentrate the largest number of heavy guns within the shortest line of battle; hence the reason d'être of the big ship and hence the certainty that the navies of the world have been forced into a contest of size, the end of which no one can foresee." Uses For Austrian Recruits. Like the famous John Gilpin, the heir to the throne has a frugal mind. and, it has been maliciously whispered, sees great chances to exercise this virtue at the expense of the poor recruits. Scores of these who come from the country are drafted off to the archduke's ducal estates and do their military service there, much of it consisting in gamekeepers' duties in the archduke's pheasant preserves. The recruits are also used when improvements in the parks and grounds are being made. According to one story, squads of them are marched about and made to do duty as dummy trees while the heir to the throne stands at a distance and experiments as to where a clump of trees would look best. The soldiers, being merely human, object all the more because there are no extra rations for this kind of duty. They have generally to shift for themselves, and their miserable pay only procures them food far poorer than that which they would get in barracks, although that is not very sumptuous. —London Daily's Review. Effective, but Dangerous. Cases of injury from exposure to intense radiation are becoming more common as sources of such radiation are more numerous. On board a cruiser recently under repair at Portsmouth. England, it became necessary to make a hole in tbe sbutter of a turret. The mechanical processes commonly em ployed for work of this kind are so slow that an officer asked permission to melt the hole by using the electric are. This operation, although well known, attracted many curious spec tators. from the captain down to the sailors. All went well, and the solid steel under the action of the current Sowed like melted glass. But on the morrow every one who had witnessad the operation was either half blinded or horribly burned. The ofHcer who had directed the work had the skin of his face completely scorched and a deep copper color: it gave off a serous liquid like that from a burn. Several sailors who were at some distance from the turret had their vision so affected that fhey were sent to the hospital, md it was feared that they might lose their sight. Kipling's School. Rudyard Kipling said to me once in conversing on the subject of an ex change of ideas. "Why. ail i ever knew somebody told me." — Robert Barr in Detroit Free Press. COSTLY PHOTOGRAPHS. Life Size Prints That Cost a Thousand Dollar* Each. Time wan. and not so many years ago, when ordering cabinet photo graphs at $10 or so a dozen was re garded as enough of a luxury to cause one to count over and over again the friends that realty must be favored, while imperials, costing twice as much, were the height of extravagance. To day a photographer has just perfected a camera whereby he is prepared to take iikenesses at $1,000 apiece. These photographs are iife size prints. To make these photographs, the photographer has built a special camera, very likely the biggest ever, for such a purpose. It is ready an entire room, the black wads, ceiling and door of which correspond to the cloth thrown over the ordinary apparatus. Within this room, camera the operator can walk about and accomplish wonders hitherto impossible to him. Impressive as a thousand ordinary photograph sounds, it is not so extravagant in one way as it seems. The other day a man dropped into the same studio and, seeing framed and hanging on the wall a replica of a photograph of himself for which he had paid $2,500 for a photograph, remarked: "I would rather have that photograph at the cost of an exhibit than an exhibit at the cost of the photography." In other words, he and his family had got more satisfaction out of an expenditure of $20 than if he had paid a portrait painter the $2,500 or so that his means could as conveniently have afforded. What is true of the $200 photograph is correspondingly true of the $1,000 photograph, for in the latter case the dimensions are brought up to the size of the conventional painted portrait. White the $1,000 photograph discounts the future a bit, the $100 article is already out of the class of portraits. The best made at this price, each are carbon prints on canvas. . An indescribable softness is furnished by this canvas, the texture of which is apparent at close range, and the general effect is that of a painting in monotone, a rich brown in countess shades that blend into a perfect whole. Such a photograph should of course be absolutely permanent. The same photograph in a carton print on Japan paper costs $150. The size is 25 by 30 inches. As for photographs at $100 a dozen, exquisite platinum prints 11 by 14 inches on large mounts that fold once they are not merely an extravagance of the rich, but the moderation we are to do are indulging in them. Fancy a photographer getting an order for $400 worth of work from one voting matron! Yet neither the customer nor the photographer thought anything of it. This was not for a couple of high-priced prints, but for a miscellaneous lot of photographs, sittings of herself and her children. When pay $100 a dozen for photographs quite as readily as women. Photographs at $43 a dozen and $36 a dozen have become a mere commonplace of extravagance and are only a luxury to people of moderate means. New York Sun. "Veivet" For Uncle Sam. The increasing habit of using souvenir postcards is injuring to the benefit of the government in one way not generally understood," said a post office attaché. "Many persons who have the habit of making souvenirs or picture postcards are so accustomed to putting stamps on them that they even stamp the ordinary postcards which are already printed on their faces. We see the effects of this practice every day to the extent of hundreds of doubly stamped postcards, and, what with the increased receipts from souvenir postcards and this little gratuity thrown in. Uncle Sam is getting "?" "debars that are received." —d*hiiadoipiia nc'-'i,.. Grecian Bread Baking Modernized. The ancient custom of baking bread in Greece is being changed. In the old oven a fire of branches is kindled in the compartment where the bread is baked and one of ordinary wood in that beneath. When the oven is sufficiently heated the brushwood and cinders are raked out of the upper, and the bread is put in. The change, made in the interests of the protection of the forests, is to fit the lower compartment for burning coke at one-half the cost of wood. Many of the bakers of Athens have already changed their form of oven. Lord Randolph at the Bank Door. Sir Edward Hamilton, speaking of the chancelleries under whom he has served, said that Lord Randolph Churchill was often very nervous while at his treasury work felt himself. "I remember his standing in front of the Bank of England's door and saying to me, "I am too nervous to go to work." It took me quite a quarter of an hour to get him in. He was going to see the directors, and I think he was afraid of saying something which would reveal his ignorance."—London Chronicle. Finger Ring Watches. Swiss watchmakers are reported to be lousy, though English and American orders for larger ring watches. The ring watch, though little seen, is no novelty. The manager of an old London watchmaking firm says that he saw them more than fourteen years ago. Queen Victoria had three or four. The simplest ones—a plain gold ring with the watch inserted, costs about $100, but with diamonds or stones $3,000 to $1,000 may be paid for them. Second Public Sale... OF... Western Horses 20 fresh Horses and 5 Acctimated Will be sold at public sale, on Friday, Feb. 7, 1908 AT MY HABIT. IN SHARPTOWN, N. J. Head of Western Horses These horses consist of good farm chunks, from 1150 to 11300 pounds. Also some mated teams, a few good drivers and the rest general purpose horses, with a Few family broke horses. Our last sale was the greatest one ever held in the county, selling 36 head and never missed a horse. This will be a good sale to attend, as they are cheaper now than they will be later on. We have a lot of market and milk wagons which we will offer at this sale. Also, about 50 sets of harness, both heavy and light, and about 50 head of brood sows and shoats. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, p.m. CONDITIONS: A credit of seven months will be given by giving note with approved security or 3 percent discount for cash. M. P. NEWTON. J. M. Weatherby, Auctioneer. H. B. Richman, Clerk. VENDUE Will be sold at public sale, on Friday, Feb. 14, 1908 At the residence of the subscriber, in Mannington, on the road from Sharptown to Hall town, on the Mayhew Sparks farm, all the following described stock and farming utensils: HORSES—6 head: No. 1, gray horse, 5 years old, broke single and double, Hixsite stock. No. 8, gray mare, 18 years old, an extra good work horse and a good reader. No. 3, Bell Boy, 8-year-old colt, good size, a fine animal. No. 4, gray Bily. 8 years old. Hixsite stock, a promising animal. Nos. 5 and 6, bay mares, an extra good work team. CATTLE—14 head: There are 4 fresh cows and the others are close springers, also 8 two-year-old bulls. HOGS—8 head: 4 brood sows, will farrow in April; 4 shoats, will weigh 100 pounds each. FARMING IMPLEMENTS - 8 two-horse heavy wagons, in good order: 8 sets of hay sheaves. 1 cart and harness, 1 market wagon. 1 square body carriage, 1 Wood mower, nearly new; 1 horse rake, 1 corn sheller, for hand or power; 1 one-horse tread power, 1 held roller, 1 two-horse and 1 one-horse plow, 8 gang plows, scratch harrow, cultivators, 1 sweet potato cultivator, with vine turner; 1 sweet potato digger, 8 sets springs for truck shelving, lime body, sides and bottoms, hog wagon, shovels, forks and hoes in usual variety. HARNESS—1 sets of half chain harness, bridles, collars, lines, trace chains, breast chains, 1 stalk chain. CORN—300 bushels of corn on the ear, 70 pounds to the bushel. HOUSEHOLD GOODS—1 mahogany sitting room table and other household goods. Sale will commence at 1 o'clock, p.m., and will be positive, as I am going to quit the farming business. CONSIDERATIONS—A credit of nine months will be given on all sums over $10 by giving note with approved security. All sums under $10 cash at close of sale. WILLIAM N. STEWART. J. M. Weatherby, Auctioneer. PUBLIC SALE ...OF... Personal Property Will be sold at public sale, on Wednesday, Feb. 5, 1808 At the farm of the subscriber, in Pilesgrove township, on the road leading from Sharpsburg to Pennsgrove, about one-half mile from the former place, all the following described personal property: HORSES—Three head: No. 1, bay mare. May Queen, 4 years old, sired by Bell Boy, 15% hands high, a good roader and shows lots of speed. No. 2, bay mare, Bell, 12 years old, sired by Bellman, 16% hands high, kind and gentle and safe for a lady to drive, with foal. No. 3, gray mare, Lady, a good farm horse. CATTLE—Eighteen head, consisting of Hogs, Durhams and Jerseys. Among these are 13 milch cows, some will be fresh by way of sale, some close springers and some with calf. 3 yearling heifers, raised from my best cows. 2 bulls, 1 coming 2 years old, yearling, big enough for service. Any one wanting good large dairy cows should not miss this sale. HARNESS—Two sets of half chain harness, 4 sets of double carriage harness, 2 sets of single harness, bridles, collars, lines, halters, blankets, 1 black robe, 1 binder whip, 1 kicking strap, new: all in good order. MACHINERY AND FARMING UTENSILS —McCormick binder, nearly new : McCormick corn binder, McCormick hay rake, McCormick mower. 5 foot cnt: hay tedder, 1 phosphate drill, cut harrow, roller. 2 hoe harrows, 2 two horse Hamburg plows, 1 one-horse plow, smoothing harrow, Crown grass seeder, corn marker, corn coverer. gang plow, weeder, ! sides and bottom. 2 red hay sheivings. with j boards to cart potatoes; 1 wheel cultivator, Hero corn sheller, New Holland feed mill. ! Man s green bone griuder, 2 hay fbrks, with i rope and blocks and trip rope; stalk tightener. ' with rope: hog hook and hog gambrels, lot of j forks of all kinds, shovels, scoop shovel, corn ! fork, lot of rope, crowbar, cow chains. 2 chain traces, T chains, drag chain, breastchains, large horse trough, cross-cut saw, beetle and wedges, scythes, axes. 2 half bushels, 1 large yard lamp, lot of Itags. lot of stalk poles, 1 Wolverine ensilage cutter. 16 inches, with 40 feet of carrier, nearly new; one five-horse power Fairbanks gasoline engine on truck, good as new, in perfect order; lot of rubber belting, 1 Peerless thresher, in good order, can be run with four-horse power engine; lard pot, with stand ; lard press, 1 Cornell incubator, 216 egg size, nearly new ; 1 Cyphers brooder, lot of chicken coops, fattening coops, roosting coops, mail box, stalk knives, 2 good feed bins, baskets, patent lieam, weighs aOO pounds : 2 sets of hook swiugletrees, three-horse evener, and many other things not mentioned. WAGONS—One four-inch heavy wagon, Wilson & Childs make, in good order; 1 low metal wheel wagon, in good order; 1 low wheel stalk wagon, 1 Courtland rubber tire buggy, nearly new; 1 old buggy, market wagon, in good order; spring wagon, 1 road cart, in good order; 1 carriage pole, with neck yoke and tongue for spring wagon; sleigh and 2 straps of bells. CORN AND WHEAT—Lot of good corn on the ear, 30 pounds to the bushel. 13½ acres of growing wheat. DAIRY FIXTURES—One Ried milk cooler, 3 twenty-three-quart and 15 forty-quart milk all good: lot rubber hose. DUSEHOLD GOODS—One sofa, 1 kitchen bed, 1 wood heater, 1 sitting-room stove, 1 office stove, 2 lanterns, pork tub, half bed, 3 kitchen chairs, 1 gas stove, beef barrel and many articles too tedious to mention. Sale will commence at 12 o'clock, noon, sharp, and will be positive, as I am going to quit the farming business and everything will be sold. CONDITIONS—All sums under $10 cash at close of sale. A credit of nine months will be given on all sums under $10 by giving note with approved security. CLARENCE M. WILEY J. M. Weatherby, Auctioneer. H. B. Richman and Samuel Thomas, Clerks. If you want to buy or sell anything try our next-a-word column. PERSONAL PROPERTY The Vendue Season Is At hand, beginning earlier this year than usual. Successful vendues depend on bidders. To be sure of bidders, the people must know of the day and place of sale and the articles to be sold. To accomplish this no medium is so valuable and trustworthy as the local newspaper. During the sale season, people read the local newspaper especially to keep posted on the sale news. We already have a large number of sales listed, full particulars of which will appear later. If you intend having a sale, and have not yet listed it, you had better do so at once, to make sure of your date. Sales are listed without charge if the posters are printed at the MONITOR-REGISTER office and the advertisement inserted in the paper. One of the oldest and most experienced vendue criers in Salem county says a vendue ought to be well advertised. A few bids on a horse or cow or a farm implement will generally pay the bill. OUR VENDUE POSTERS Have the reputation of being the most showy and best arranged of any in the county. Done in black, or black and red. Both work and prices right. Call or send in your order. MONITOR-REGISTER Woodstown, J. What More Satisfactory For a Present to a Friend? Than a piece of the handsome Pottery made by the Roseville Pottery Co., of Zanesville, Ohio? Perhaps you have stopped and admired some samples of this ware to be seen in the window at the office of the Monitor-Register, Woodstown, as many others have done. The price is as pleasing as the ware, when you learn that we are selling it for about one-third what you can buy it for in Philadelphia or other places. The ware embraces Rozane Royal, Rozane Monogram, Rozane Hgvpto, Rozane Maras, Rozane Woodland, and the popular new Mat Green Finish, now in great favor. The styles all differ, and show the beauties of the ware and the skill of the artists. Call in and see the ware and learn prices. Monitor-Register Office B. C. BATTERSON, Woodstown, N. J. BRINGS RESETS Our cent-a word column is the natural go-between for the buyer and seller. If you have anything to sell or want to buy anything, it will meet your need. If you have money to loan, or want to borrow, it is the medium that will help you. If you have money to loan, or want to borrow, it is the medium that will help you. Try it. THE MONITOR-REGISTER, Woodstown, N. J. SUBSCRIPTION FOR The Monitor-Register All the County News for a year.
Public Domain
If ' " gjfl f life JWi jtm I .,.' . , Combined Wlit T5)t TLd)t Maimer ,'.".' T " H c i ! i 111 i n I . J ' Wo. 60 H; TWENTY-FOURTH PROGRAM I ALL ARRANGED I VERY ELABORATE OUTLINE OF 8P0RT8 AND HOLIDAY EVENTS The I'lonoor Colobratlon 1b all work od out and from .advanco Uopo the pcoplo of tho town can rost assured that tko colobratlon will bo ono, ol tho best la many years. Tho varlom committees have boon at work foi tho post ton days and to data have accomplished wonders In gottlng c colobratlon under way. Thoro pro gram Is nil outlined and ns will be soon bolow contains features for the ontiro day. Tho sports program la bolng work cd out to a very lino point. Thorc will bo fentures of an unusual nnturc that will plcaso overyono. Tho num bors Vlll bo enough to suit ovory ono and of a vory diversified naturo. Tho basoball game for tho day will also provo a real battlo. Tho Sail Lako County Flromon aro rated as a vory strong club and with Ldiil hitting tho strlod alio has maintained tho past month thoro Is no question of tho class of a gamo tho fans can expect. Official Program. 4 A. M. Daylight Salutes. C A. M. Sunrise salutes, Hag rais ing and seronndo by band. 9:45 A. M. General assembly, salutes. 10 A. M. Program In tho High School Auditorium. Selection Dand, Invocation Chaplain El! Kendall. Song "Our Ploneors" Irvln Itoas. Heading Mrs. Loonard Peterson. Violin Trio Minuet In Q. Prof. Charles Hopkins and sons, Clifford and Weber. Oration Prof. A. I). Andorson. 1 Vocal SoloMrsT'Eunlca Edwards Anderson, (leading contralto in "Tho Messiah"). Organ Solo Prof J. P. Smith. Toasts and Sontlmonts May M. Lott, I Quartot Undor direction of Prof. Abraham Andorson. Song Congregation. Afternoon. 1 P. M. Lohl baseball team clash- es with strong Salt Lake county flro- mon's team. Doth aro playing a good brand of ball and. a real exhibition Is promised. 1:30 P. M. Freo Children's danco in Smuln'fl Dancing Academy. ' 3:30 P. M. Sports at City Dall Park, llaces and contest for young and old. Llboral cash prizes to tho winners. Closing Event of Day Dig danco I In Smuln's Dancing Academy In oven I Ing. Special music. ' Any ono having a toast or sentl I ment on or for that day pleaso hand 1 It to Miss May M. Lott, as sho has 1 boon asked to tako chargo of that part. o , FARM BUREAU ENCAMPMENT 11 Tho socond annual aummor on ampmont of tlio Farm Duroau will bo hold at Logan, July 20 to 29 In clusive. Evory farm bureau mombor and lady farm bureau mombor is in vited to attoml-and from all advance dopo thoro Is to bo a big rbsponso. Each day thoro will bo special topics taken up which really rosolvos Itself In a special summer courso. Visitors will 1)0 furnished with bods and tonts whllo thoro. Utah county mombors will Ioavo Z- Lohl at 0 a. in, Wednesday, July 20, " from Stato Street,- noar Pooplo's M Co-op. WATER SHORTAGE BECOMING SERIOUS 1 Tho wator shortage In tho City system has roached a very serious Btago tho past ton days. Tho drain 1 on tho system has boon so groat that ' by night of each day there Is llltlo wator loft In tho sottllng tank and ovon in tho mornings tho pressure is very low. Water Superintendent A. D. Christ offerson has been using ovory effort In his power to got tho tank full and tho proasuro up, but 'this will bo Im possible unless tho people of the town cooporato In using tho water for only tho purposes paid for and then nt only Uiolr alloted tlmo. Mr. Chrlstofforson reports that thoro 1b u good stream coming Into tho aystom from Alplno and lftliousora will coop orato thoro will bo no shortage the remaining summor months. Notices of tlmo of sprinkling lawno aro bolng gotten out and citizens w'.ll bo asked to llvo strictly up to tho regulations. Thoso using water for other purposes than tlioy aro paying aro naked to dlscontlnuo this prac tlco and help save as. much water as posslblo. It is also pointed out that If a flro should broak out with tho prea&uro as low as It has ibeon at various -times the post fow days there would bo no water with which to light it arid consequently thoro would bo great damago and loss to our citizens. FAREWELL MEETING FOR MISSIONARY A farowoll mooting for Miss .Mnfy Anderson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Anderson, who leaves July 26th for tho California mission field, will bo hold In tho High School Auditorium Sunday ovenlng, commencing at 8 p. m. A spoclal program will -bo arrangod for the ovoniug consisting of spooch es and musical numbers. Meetings in tho First and Second Wnrds will bo called off In order to allow their mom bors an opportunity to attend this ono. PAGENT AT MUTUAL DELL "Awakening of Tho "Wost," a Pioneer Day art pagont, under tho direction of Elbort H. Eastman of tho D. Y. U., will bo given by tho Mutuals of tho Alplno Stnko July 24th at Mutual Doll, Amorlcan Fork Can yon. Tho pageut Is. a mammoth af fair and will bo of great interest to old and young. In ordor to mako traveling up and down tho canyon aa safo as possible there will bo but ono way traffic bo twocn tho hours of 8 a. m. and 11 a. wi. and C p. m. and 7 p. m. Traffic will bo permitted to go only up tho canyon during tho abovo a. m. period and only down during tho abovo p. m. hours. n LEHI BUSINE88 CLUB MEETING o Tho Lohl Diisluess Club mombors will moot tonight (Thursday) on tho John F.!utlor lawn. Tho plans for putting over Utah Mado Goods Cam paign, July 27 to August 0, will bo porfoctod. o 8ELL1NG FORDS AGAIN Ira Itncker is again on tho Job soil ing Fords. Ho formorly was connect ed with tho American Fork agency but now has tied up with tho Lohl Motor Company which Is Just open ing up hero. Make Your Pioneer Grandma Happy ifl MmmK i n,lV0 llor cyes fitte(1 wittl sm WmJEfc- -b Ymii l0 Pl'P01' glnsses so snc ss 1- Vmtm enn onJy wading. ty 1 - dm JP1 Satisfaction Guaranteed. l JML E.N.WEBB 1 0 Am Jewelor and Optometrist 1 LEHI GIRL LOST IN HILLS IN PROVO CANYON MISS EMMA BRAD8HAW SPENDS MOST OF NIGHT IN WILD BRUSH COVERED HILLS. RESCUING PARTY LOCATE HER IN HEAD OF GULCH AT 3:30 A. M. " Tho most nervo wrecking night ovet spont by Miss Emma Droshaw, one1 pi tho most trying ton hours for hei parents and a real strenuous night '6l mountain climbing In tho dark fo; twonty-flvo Lohl mon and boys canic to a close at 3:30 a. m. yesterday morning when tho soarchlng party found Emma at tho head of a gulch Uireo miles from a canyon camp at tbo Thomas and Giles ranch In Soutfe Fork, Provo Canyon. Tho soarchora had combed miles and miles of the brush covered hills and valos with Hash lights In pitch darkness before thoy wero rewarded by finding the lost girl. Tho call for a searching party roached Lcht Just after 11 p. m. Tues day ovenlng. J. F. Dradahaw, father of tho girl telephoned for a party tp help find his daughter after all eiforU of tho canyon party had failed to locate hor. The word was quickly spread and somo twenty Lohl men aaa boys rosponded and after gottlsg flash lights for tho search woro load ed Into cars and speed to tho Giles and Thomas ranch In South Fork, Provo Canyon. They arrived thoro shortly after midnight and after organizing with tho canyon party, which had been out 8iuco dark, started a systematic search of ovory Inch ot the thickly timbered and brush covered hills to tho west ot tho ranch. The search waxed into a very strenuous under taking. Tho slopes aro stoop and the brush so thick it was impossibility? get-through in places. This togbther with tho fact that tho night was ab solutely pitch dark mado covering tho territory yory had and strenuous. It was feared tho girl had fainted and would 1)0 lying somo whoro In tho brush or streams and so mlnuto searching was necossary. After between threo and four hours of scouting tho long waltod for signal of threo shots rang out telling all of tho searching party that tho child was found. Tho search canio to an end at the head ot ono of tho small canyons bo tweon tbo South Fork and Provo, threo miles from tho camp at tho Gllos and Thomas ranch. Whllo Uio search was sorious and of a worrying naturo a numbor of laughablo things happened. On ono occasion ono of our osteomod citizens, always sober and usually fleet of foot, was pulled out of tho mountain stream whoro ho was hoard to plungo aftor missing his footing. Two others mado a completo circle of a largo open flat In tho South Fork and woro planning to got tho rost of tho party togother to rush tho camp, thinking it was a M ox lean shoop herd ors camp which was In tho vicinity whoro tho girl was lost, when mem bers ot tho camp called and ask them If tho girl had boon found. Thoy mado tracks without saying much and caught up with tho ot'uor search ars. Miss Dradohaw, 15-yoar-old, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Dradshaw, with two othor girls, started up tho Hill wost ot thoif' camp at tho ranch tvhoro soverul Lohl families aro spending tho week. It commoncod to got closo to dusk and tho two trionds roturnod whllo Emma wont n wishing to roach tho top and got x viow of tho surrounding country. 3ho found a largo flat at tbo top and wont out onto this open placo for a llttlo way. Tho country horo Is all lioavlly covored with largo oak brush and othor bushy growth. Sho lost hor directions when dusk caught her and wont north instead of east. Sho says alio finally wont down what she thought was Into South Fork but which In reality was another smallor canyon. Tho brush prevented hor from Booing any lights and oho wan dered off up tho stream of tho can yon which headed toward Provo. Whon found sho was at tho head of this guloh threo mllos away from camp. Tho top of tho hill she first assonded woh only about a half mile away from camp. Sho would not- say much about her i oxporlenco being so tickled and re lieved at bolng ablo to got back say- i ing nothing ot being nearly oxhaust- i od. Sho said sho had decldod to re main whoro she was until daylight A tow minutes sloop was all sho had oeen able to got and tho thought of snakes would not permit hor to llo down. Those of tho canyon party making tho search woro: Mr. DradBbaw, Leon Taylor, Alex Drown, Horbert Taylor, G, It. Taylor and the ranchor. Those of tho Lohl party wero: Charles Earl, Lowcl Earl, II. P. Hardy, Domoro Hardy,' John South wick, Daylo Cutler, Frank Earl, N. O. Malan, Edward Southwlck, Alex Christofferson, II. J. Evans, Floyd , Uoatos, Francis Qoatos, Art Dock, Ralph Hutchings, Earl Roberta, Syl vester 'Droadbont, Boyd Holmatead, S. Holmstead and Stanley Taylor. o SUNDAY SCHOOL GIVING SPECIAL PROGRAM Tho Lohl Fifth Word Sunday School has arranged a special program fok Sunday afternoon, July 23rd at 2 p. m. Tho affair will bo given In tho High School Auditorium. Following Is tho outline ot tho pro gram which will be soon Is of a vory Interesting naturo. Tho public Is In vited. Sony Miss Edith Evans. 8unday School CO Years Ago Bishop Andrew FJcld. Doys Chorus "Como, Como Yo Saints." Fifth Ward Sunday School In 1950 Miss Eliza Phillips. t-faag Primary Department. ...tajemarks Jjako Doard Membor. Song Fffr 'Intorinedfaiot""Bccond fear. 1 u Cucumber It a Fruit. The cucumber Is reully u fruit, and Bot a vegetable. LEHI STILL HEADS I CENTRAL UTAH LEAGUE I 1 Club Standing ' ' Won Ijbat Pet. Lohl XpLx 4 J ,80o Spanish' Fork.... 3 2 .000 Mldvolo ..v..... 3 '2 .000 J'rovo .. .... r2 ' 3 .400 Hobor ..i.. 2r 3 .400 Amortoan Fork 2 3 .400 Payson ..... ....... 2 3 ' .400 Yesterday's Results Amorlcan Fork 7, Springvlllo 4. Mldvulo C, Hobor 3. Provo 13, Payson C. SPANISH WINS GAME HERE. ONLY CONTEST LOST BY LEHI THIS HALF. Tho baseball gamo horo yesterday botwoen Lohl and Spanish Fork was not lOBt to Lohl until .the third strike in tho ninth Innings and then only by ono run. Tho final score was 5 to 0. Tho breaks going to tho visitors with Lohi's inability to hit In tho pinches lost us tho contest Tho gamo opened with each toara scoring in tho first tramo. Spanish was retired with no runs in tho socond and Lcht pushed ovor ono in hor half. This samo thing occurred In tho third but Spanish got tho run and Lohl failed to score. Spanish scored threo In tho fourth and was re tired wlth gooso oggs until tho eighth when ono moro run was mado. Lohl scored ono In tho sixth, ono In tho eighth and aiiotbor in tho ninth. Tho Inst Innings looked like another id Innings affair. Tho first man up was safo on first and tbon Colledgo sent a threo baso drlvo Into right fiold. This scored ono and put Tommy on third. Evcryono was then sot for a real rally but Koough had tho dopo and fanned two mon retir ing tho sldo. SPANISH FORK AD it II O A Anderson, 2b. 5 114 4 Edwards, If 5 12 10 Wfr ltowo, 3b." 4 0 10 0 W$i O. Drown, a..ij. 4 .0 1 ,J7 1 Ef Elmer, lb.. g 1210 0 fi ' Hnzo, cf. i..w f...4 2 1 3 0 h'hj 1 L. Do won, bs.-..a. 4 0 0 0 1 WQ 1 D. Dowen. rf. ,"...... 3 1110 Jt Clark, p .w-U 4 1e Cojledgo, 2b.,. ..4 0 13 2 'Darnos, If. , ..:. 4 O 2 2 0 9 II. Atwood; cf.w. 3 2 0 0 0 SS3 Thrasher, lb. 3 0 2 12 0 wSt Wobb, 3b. 40112 IH A. Atwood, c :.,, 3 2 2 5 0 In D. Smuln, Wilson, rf. 2 0 1 1 0 fH HoluiBtoad, H. 4 1 3 2 G Iffi Jackson, p. , 3 0 0 14 Homo Huns A. AtWood. Two. a base hits Darns 2, Wabb, Elmor, D. , Dowen. liases on balls, off Clark 1, ' M Koough 2, Jackson 1, Throa baso hits l I Thrasher, Colledgo, Edwards. Urn- j fl plro WoymlghL fl Lohl meets Spanish Fork thoro Frl- j day and Mldvalo horo noxt Wodnos- 9 day. - H 0- mm FIELD ROAD TO SARATOGA OPEN ffl For tho first tlmo slnco winter tho. fl Mold rond to Saratoga is open. Work ot grading and filling was- oomplotod fl last week and trulllo ullowod to ' fl travol tho road on Monday of this H woolc. Tho county crew has boon re- ! H pairing tho road. fl It has been reported that tho road fl Is now In good shape which will be ' fl appreciated news to tho Saratoga fl patrons. 1 H Tho' msHftgomeit; at Saratoga, la fl planning oh a big crowd thoro on S tho 24th. Spoclal foaturos will bo M pulled oft on that day to nmko m tho day aa entertaining to tho pooplo "J as posslblo. 6 I JULY I I CLEARANCE SALE 1 1 I STILL GOING I I I STRONG r I I AT 'r' -;' I I People's Co-op. Inst. 1 1 The Busy Store on State Street X S UTAH PRODUCTS OAMPAiaNLEHI, JULY 27 to Aug. 5. 1 W. KING DRIGG8 and COMPANY 4lIB IIH VM s rm , 1 8 I j$ IN HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE "THE CRADLE" UIL HIUIIT SPLCIALIST" I J in connection with our big feature A tromontous drama of toT0-rU ood'yKool "NUMDER PLEASE" nTmnM NA " ' i Z Prices lOo and 25c. No P. C. I. BOagNB O'DniBN IN 9 J 5 tlckoU takeon. . J0N SMITH" 2f WEDNESDAY.THURSDAY. D?.l!"0 sMtil ProducUon ff v 3f FRIDAY-8ATURDAY, JULY 21-22 ., ,, J L ' "SATUKDAY NIQHT" X vl m "DOCTOR JIM" JULY 2627 HOOT OIDSON IN "8UUB FIHB"5 9 A spoclal plcturo wltli Frank "TRAVELIN' ON" .MARION DAVIBS IN 2 I 6 Mayo. Reports glvo this a won- "DBAUTY'S WOItTII" m mdorful sondoff. If you don't stay A rod bloodod Western plcturo RUDOLPH vai.rnttma ivn S v Sand see this plcturo tho Bocond with nnothor big favorite DOltOTHY DAJ TON IN & 5 tlmo and then want to go again WILLIAM 8 HART "MOHAN OF TUB LADY I RTTY" S the second night woll Its suro william a. haht nnnn T jjOK. Also "Itoblnaon Crusoe" In tho two gun fighter In an eplo or tiip rmWAJRS. t mriv. chapter seven and a good comedy, tho wost. And Larry Somon In a , 0, ""i BT i'0VJ3 6 A splendid program with the hair raising uprorlous comody BL8IL FHROUSON AND S usual big crowd, start oarly-tho coNcnDTE" WAIM.RSI? IN I W price 10c and 20c. P. C. I. tickets . 8"L1 .f 4 , ,7 or "FOREVER" 1 od Children lOo, Adults 2Cc. Ktc Ktc jg S MflfliHiiiiiVflBiiawiHHflalBiHHMBHDHQnBHBiiHsVHfli.
Public Domain
3. There shall be a Native Assembly, composed of the Governors of the dilïerent districts ol" the islands. The members of tlie Native Assembly shall hold their office for llirce years, but Ibe .Adminislralor shall have power to dismiss any of them for misbehaviour. The Native Assembly shall mect annually at Mulinuu at such timc as may be designated by the Administrator, but such Session shall not continue for a longer time than Ibirty days in any one year, except fort reasons approved by the Administrator. The Native Assembly shall be presided over by the Chief Justice or some other white officiai designated by the Administrator, but the Président so designated shall not bave a vote, and his functions shall bemerely to control and direct the proceedings of tho Assembly with a view to the dispatch of business. The Native Assembly shall be empowered to deal wilh ail matters which affect natives only. Its Resolutions ad recommandations shall he referred to the Administrator and Legislative Council, who shall approve, disapprove, or return them with such modifications as they may deem proper Provided always that no Resolution or other action of the Native Assembly shall have any binding force or effect until the same shall bave been approved by the Administrator and Legislative Council. ARTICLE V A Declaration respecting the Establishment of a Supreme Court of Justice for Samoa, and defining ils Jurisdiction Section i, A Supreme Court shall be established in Samoa, toconsistof one Judge wo shall be styled Chief Justice of Samoa, and who shall appoint a clerk and all necessary officers of the Court and record shall be kept o all orders and decisions made by the Court, or by the Chief Justice in the discharge of any duties imposed on him under this Act. The clerk and other officers shall be allowed reasonable fees to be regulated by order of the Court. Sec. a. With a view to secure judicial independence and the equal consideration of the rights of all parties, irrespective of nationality, it is agreed that the Chief Justice shall be appointed by the three Signatory Powers in common accord, or, failing their agreement, he may be appointed by the King of Sweden and Norway. Ile shall be learned in law and equity, of mature years, and of good repute for bis sense of honour, impartiality, and justice. His decision upon questions within his jurisdiction shall be final. The three Powers, however, reserve to themselves the right to modify orannul decisions of the Supreme Court involving any question of a political or administrative character or principle of internationallaw. He shall receive an annual salary of 5,ooo dollars in gold, or its equivalent, to be paid ont of the revenues of the Samoan Government. Any deliciency therein shall be made good by the thrce Signatory Powers in equal shares. The powers of the Chief Justice, in case of a vacancy of that office from any cause and during any temporary absence of the Chief Justice from the islands of Samoa, shall be exercised by such person as may be designated by the Administrator. Sec. 3. In case any of the four Governments shall at any time have cause of complaint against the Chief Justice for any misconduct in office, such complaint shall be presented to the authority which nominated him, and, if in the judgment of such authority there is sufficient cause for his removal, he shall be removed. If the majority of the three Treaty Powers so request, he shall be removed. In case of removal, or in case the office shall become otherwise vacant, his successor shall be appointed as hereinbefore provided. Sec. 4. The Chief Justice is authorized at his own discretion, and upon the written request of either party litigant, to appoint Assessors or jurors not exceeding three in number nor of the nationality of either party to hear and determine any issue of fact arising in the case. Sec. 5. In case any différence shall arise between either or any of the Treaty Powers and Samoa which they shall fail to adjust by mutual accord, such difference shall not be held cause for war, but shall be referred for adjustment on the principles of justice and equity to the Chief Justice of Samoa, who shall make his decision thereon in writing, Sec. 6. The Chief Justice may recommend to the Government of Samoa the passage of any Law which he shall consider just and expedient for the prevention and punishment of crime, and for the promotion of good order in Samoa and the welfare of the same. Sec. 7. The Supreme Court shall have original and final jurisdiction of. 1. Ail questions arising under the provisions of this Amended General Act. 2. Ail civil suits concerning real property situated in Samoa, and all rights affecting the same. 3. AU civil suits of any kind between natives and foreigners or between foreigners, irrespcctive of thcir nationality. l. Ail crimes and ollences committed by natives against foreigners, by foreigners against natives, or by foreigners against each other, irrespective of nationality, except violations of Municipal Ordinances and Hegulations of which the Municipal Magistrate is given jurisdiction. 5. Of all felonies committed by natives against each other. Sec. 8. The Supreme Court shall have appellate jurisdiction over ail Municipal Magistrates and Municipal Courts in civil cases where the amount of the judgment rendered exceeds 10 dollars, and in criminal cases where the fine exceeds 20 dollars or the imprisonment ten days. Sec. 9. The practice and procédure of common law, equity, and Admiralty, as administered in the Courts of England, may be, so far as applicable, the practice and procedure of this Court but the Court may modify such practice and procédure from time to time as shall be required by local circumstances. Until otherwise provided by law, the Court shall have authority to impose, according to the crime, the punishment established therefor by the laws of the United States, of England, or of Germany, as the Chief Justice shall decide most appropriate or, in the case of native Samoans and other natives of the South Sea Islands, according to the laws and customs of Samoa. Sec. 10. Nothing in this Article shall be so construed as to affect existing Consular jurisdiction over ail questions arising between masters and seamen of their respective national vessels nor shall the Court take any ex post facto or retroactive jurisdiction over crimes or offences committed prior to the organization of the Court. The Supreme Court shall have power to issue writs of injunction, attachment, mandamus, and other remedial writs known to the Common Law. The writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended except in time of actual war. Sec. 1 1 The Legislative Council shall have power to create and provide such other and inferior Courts and judicial Tribunals in Samoa, as from time to time may be found necessary and proper, provided that the jurisdiction of the Courts and judicial Tribunals so created shall not extend to civil cases involving an amount or property excccding in value 5o dollars, nor to criminal cases where the penalty exceeds a fine of 200 dollars or imprisonment for a longer term than 180 days. Sec. 12. The Chief Justice shall hold the terms of the Supreme Court in Apia, and at such other places in the islands of Samoa as in his discretion may be necessary and proper. ARTICLE VI 1 A Declaration respecting Titles to Land in Samoa, and reslraining the Disposition thereof by Natives and providing for the Hegistration of valid Titles. Section 1 In order that the native Samoans may keep their lands for cultivation by themselves and by their children after them, it is declared that all future aliénation of lands in the islands of Samoa to the citizens or subjects of any foreign country, whether by sale, mortgage, or otherwise, shall be prohibîted, subject to the following exceptions a) Town lots and lands within the limits of the Municipal District as defined in this Act, may be sold or leased by the owner for a just consideration when approved in writing by the Chief Justice of Samoa. b) Agricultural lands in thé islands may he leased for a just consideration and with carefully defined boundaries for a term not exceeding fifty years, when such lease is approved in writing by the Chief Executive authority of Samoa and by the Chief Justice. But care should be taken that the agricultural lands and natural fruit lands of Samoans shall not be unduly diminished. Sec. 2. The Court shall make provision for a complete registry of all valid titles to land in the islands of Samoa, which are or may be owned by foreigners or natives. Sec. S. Ail lands acquired before the a8th day of August, 1879 being the date of the Anglo-Samoan Treaty shall be held as validly acquired but without préjudice to rights of third parties if purchased from Samoans in good faith, for a valualle considération in a regular and customary manner. Any dispute as to the fact or regularity of such sale shall be examined and determined by the Court. ARTICLE VII A Declaration respecting the Municipal District of Apia, providing a Local Administration therefor, and defining the Jurisdiction of the Municipal Magistrate. Section 1 The Municipal District of Apia is defined as follows beginning at Vailoa, the boundary passes thence westward along the coast to the mouth of the River Fuluasa, thence following the course of the river upwards to a point at which the Alafuala road crosses said river, thence following the line of said road to thc point where it reaches the River Vai sinago, and thence in a straight line to Ihe point of beginning at Vailoa, embracing also the walers of Ihe harbour of Apia. Provided, iliat llie Administrator and Council shall have power to interpret, lirnit, and deline the bounadry of the municipal district of Apia. Sec. a. Within the aforesaid district shall be estahlished a Municipal Council consisting of six members and a Mayor, who shall preside at all meetings of the Council, and who shall. in case of unequal division, have a casting vote. The Mayor shall be appointed by the Municipal Council with the approval of the Administrator. In case the Municipal Council shall be unable to come to an agreement they shall submit to the Administrator the names of the candidates whom the recommend for the office of Mayor. and the Administrator shall chose the Mayor from among them. The Mayor and Councillors shall be residents of the said district, and owners of real estate, or conductors of a profession or business in said district which is subject to a rate of tax not less in amount than 5 dollars per annum. For the purpose of the election of members of the Council the said district shall be divided into three electoral districts, from each of which an equal number of Councillors shall be elected by the taxpayers thereof qualified as aforesaid, and the members elected from each electoral district shall have resided therein for at least six months prior to their clection. It shall be the duty of the Administrator to make the said division into electoral districts as soon as practicable. Subsequent changes in the number of Councillors or the number and location of electoral districts may be provided for by Municipal Ordinanco, subject to reference to the Administrator as hereinafter provided. The Major shall hold his office for one year, and until his successor shall be elected and qualified. The Councillors shall hold their office for a term of two years, and until their successors shall be elected and qualified. In the absence of the Mayor the Council may elect a Chairman pro tempore. Consular officers shall not be eligible as Councillors or Mayor, nor shall Councillors or Mayor exercise any Consular functions during their term of office. Each member of the Municipal Council, including the Mayor, shall, before entering upon his functions, make and subscribe before the Chief Justice an oath or affirmation that he will well and faithfully perform the duties of his office. Sec. 3. The Municipal Council shall have juridiction oer the Municipal district of Apia, so far as necessary to enforce therein the provisions of this Act which are applicable to the said district, including the nomination of a Municipal Magistrate. who shall be appointed in the same manner as the Mayor. The Council shall also have power to appoint all necessary subordinate officers of justice and of administration in the said district, and to provide for the security of person and property therein and to assess such municipal rates and taxes as they may agree upon, and to provide proper fines and penalties for the violation of the Laws and Ordinances which shall be in force in said district, and not in conffict with this Act, including Sanitary and Police Regulations. They shall establish pilot charges, port dues, Quarantine and other Re gulations of the port of Apia. They shall also fix the salary of the Munipal Magistrate, and establish the fées and charges allowed to ollier municipal officers of the district. ALI Ordinances, Resolutions, and Regulations shall be referred by the Municipal Council to the Administrator, who shall express lus consent or dissapproval, or suggest amendments. Provided always tliat no Ordinances, Resolutions, and Regulations passed by this Council shall become law before receiving Mie approval of the Administrator. Sec. 4. The Municipal Magistrate shall have exclusive jurisdiction in the first instance over all persons, irrespective of nationality, in case of infraction of any Laws, Ordinance, or Regulation passed by the Municipal Council, in accordance with the provisions of this Act, and of all misdemeanors committed within the Municipal District of Apia, provided that the penalty does not exceed a fine of 200 dollars, or imprisonment for a longer term than r8o days with or without hard labour. The Municipal Magistrate shall also have jurisdiction within the Municipality of Apia in all civil suits not affecting the right of real property between natives and foreigners, or between foreigners irrespective of nationality where tbe value of the property or thc amount involved does not exceed the sum of 5o dollars. Sec. 5. The Mayor shall snperintend the Harbour and Quarantine Régulations, and shall be in charge of the administration of the Laws and Ordinances applicable to the Municipal District of Apia. Sec. 6. The Administrator and Council shall fix an annual sum to be paid out of the revenues of the island to the Municipal Council for the expenses of the Municipal Governement and the exécution of public works. ARTICLE VIII A Déclaration respecting Taxation and Revenue in Samoa Section ]. Until further provided by law, the port of Apia shall be the port of entry for all dutiable goods arriving in the Samoan Islands; and all foreign goods, wares, and merchandize landed in the islands shall be there entered for examination but coal and naval stores which either Government has by Treaty reserved the right to land at any harbour stipulated for that purpose are not dutiable when imported as authorized by such Treaty, and may be there landed as stipulated without such entry or examination. Sec. 2. To enable the Samoan Government to obtain the necessarv revenue for the maintenance of government and good order in the islands, the following duties, and charges may be levied and collected A. impart Diities. Dol. c. 1. On ale and porter and beer. Per doz. qts 0 50 2. On spirits. Per gallon.. 2 50 3. On wine, except sparkling. » 1 00 4. On sparkling wines. » 1 50 Dol. c. 5. On tobacco Pertb. 0 50 6. On cigars. » 1 00 7. On sporting arms Each. 4 00 8. On gunpowder Per lb. 0 2o 9. Statistical duty on all marchandize and goods imported, except as aforesaid. Ad valorem. 2 per cent. B. Export Duties. On copra Ad valorem. 2' per cent. On coffee. » 2 » On cotton. » V/t » C. Taxes to be annually levied. 1. Capitation tax on Samoans and other Pacific Islanders over the age oî 18 and under the age of 45 years, not included under No. 2. Per head 2 00 2. Capitation tax on coloured plantation labou rers, other than Samoans. » 2 00 3. On boats, trading and others (excluding na tive canoes and native boats carrying only the owner's property) Each 4 00 4. On fire-arms » 2 00 5. On dwelling-houses (not including the dwel ling-houses of Samoan natives) and on land and houses used for commercial purposes Ad valorem. 1 per cent. 6. Special taxes on traders as follows. Class I On stores of which the montly sales are 2.000 dollars or more. Each store.. 100 00 Class II Below 2.000 dollars and not less than 1.000 dollars. » 48 00 Class III Below 1.000 dollars and not less than 500 dollars » 36 00 Class IV Below 500 dollars and not less than 230 dollars. » 24 00 Class V Below 250 dollars. » 12 00 D. Occasional Taxes. 1. On trading vessels not exceeding 100 tons burden calling at Apia Each call 10 00 2. Upon deeds of real estate, to be paid before registration thereof can be made, and without payment of which title shall not be held valid, upon the value of the con siderations paid per cent. 3. Upon other written transfers of property, upon the sclling price 1 » Dol.c. Evidence of the payment 01 the last two taxes may be shown by lawful stamps affixed to the title paper, of otherwise by the written receipt of the proper tax collector. 4. Unlicensed butchers in Apia shall pay upon their sales. 1 » E. Licence Taxes. Nu person shall engage as proprietor or manager in any of the following professions or occupa tions except after having obtained a licence therefor, and for such licence the following tax shall be paid in advance: Tavern-keeper. Per month.. 10 00 Attorney, barrister, or solicitor. Per annum 60 00 Doctor of medicine or dentistry. » 30 00 Auctioneer or commission agent » 40 00 Baker » 12 00 Banks or companies for banking. » 60 00 Barber. » 6 00 Blacksmith. )) 5 00 Boat builder. 6 00 Buteher.) 1) 12 00 Cargo-boat or r 1 i ~t, t *e r'. ? 6 00 Carpenter. ? 6 00 Photographer or artist. » 12 00 Engineer. » 12 00 » assistants. » 6 00 » apprentices. M 300 Hawker. » 1 00 Pilot. » 24 00 Printing press. » 12 00 Saii-maker. 6 00 Ship-builder. » 6 00 Shoe maker. » 6 00 Land surveyor. » 6 00 Tailor » 6 00 Waterman Il 6 00 Salesmen, bookkeepers, clerks, paid not less than 75 dollars a-month. 3 00 Same, when paid over 75 dollars a-month » 6 00 White labourers and domestics, per-head » 5 00 Factory hands and independent workmen » 5 00 Sec. 3. It is understood that ,dollars" and ,,cents," terms of money used in this Act, describe the standard money of the United States of America, or its equivalent in other currencies. ARTICLE IX A Declaration respecting Arms and Ammunition and Intoxicating Liquors, restraining their Sale and Use Section t. The importation into the Islands of Samoa of arms and am munition by the natives of Samoa, or by the citizens and subjects of any foreign country, is prohibited, except in the following cases: a) Guns and ammunition for sporting purposes, for which written licence shall have been previously obtained from the Administrnlor. b) Small arms and ammunition carried by travcllers as pcrsonal appen ̃ dage. The supply of arms and ammunition by any foreigner to any native Samoan subject or other Pacific islander resident in Samoa is prohibited. The penalty for so supplying arms shall be a fine not exceeding a.5oo dollars, or aterm of imprisonnement not exceeding both, in the discretion of the Court, and arms shall be connscated. Half the fine shall go to the informer. Any native found in the possession of arms or ammunition other than such as are used for sporting purposes shall be liable toa fine not exceeding 200 dollars, and a term of imprisonment not exceeding six months, or both in the discretion of the Court, and the arms shall be confiscated. Half the fine shall go to the informer. The Samoan Government retains the right to import free of duty Y suitable arms and ammunition to protect itself and maintain order. AH arms without exception coming into Samoa shall be entered at the Customs and marked there with a stamp, and the possession by any Samoan or foreigner of any arms not so stamped shall be primâ facie evidence that such arms were irnported in violation of law. The three Governments reserve to themselves the future consideration of the further restrictions which it may be necessary to impose upon the importation and use of arms in Samoa. Sec. 2. No spirituous, vinous, or fermented liquors, or intoxicating drinks whatever, shall be sold, given, or offered to any Samoan or South Sea Islander resident in Samoa to be taken as a beverage. Adequate penalties, including imprisonment, for the violation of the provisions of tliis section shall be established by the Administrator and Council. General Customs Regulations Sec. 3. It is hereby provided that no person or persons in Samoa shall enjoy any immunity from a strict examination by the Customs of all articles imported. Ail goods shall be landed at the receiving sheds of the Customs. The Administrator and Council are authorized to enact Laws and Ordinances providing for Custom-house Uegulations, with suitable penalties for breach of the same. ARTICLE X The provisions of tliis Act shall continue in force until changed by consent of the three Powers. Upon the request of eithcr Power after three years from the signature hereof, the Powers shall consider by common accord what améliorations, if any, may be introduced into the provisions of this General Act. In the meantime, any special amendment may be adopted by the consent of the three Powers, with the adhérence of Sa moa Provided, however, that no amendment of any section or Article of this General Act shall in any way affect private rigts acquired under such section or Article prior to such amendment. Agreement signed by Chiefs, July 15, 1899 In evidence of our approval and ratification of the foregoing Amended General Act pertaining to the Government of Samoa, we, the High Chiefs and the Chiefs constituting the district Governments of the Islands of Samoa, have thereunto affixed ourhands and seals at Apia, on the Island of Upolu, this i5""day of July, 1899. (Signed): SUATELE (Safata). (Signed): Fata, his X mark (TuaLEMANA (Aana). masaga). Moefaauo (Lufilufi). Utumapu (Ituo-o-Tane). LAUFA (Safotu). NiA (Itu-o-Tane). TUFUC.A (Asau). PERE (Tutuila). TOELUPE (Malie). LEOSO (Tutuila). SALU (Palauli). TAGALOA (Atua). Asiata (Satupaika). TUIAI (Atua). FuE (Saleaula). Sait, his X mark (MaMolioo (Faleapuna). nono). LAUATI (Safotulafai). PAULI, ditto (FaasaleLEIATAUA (Manono). leaga). Talamatvao (Fagaloa). Leauanae (Faasaleleaga). LUPETULOA (Tuamasaga). Tolovaa (Itu-o-Fafine). Tuitama (Aana). (Signed): Allen Williams, Inter(Signed): Malietoa Tanumafili preter. Tupua Tamasese. July, 17, 1899. We hereby signify that we witnessed the signatures of Malietoa Tanumafili and Tupua Tamasese. The written document having becn explained read, and interpreted to them, and they appearing to understand the meaning of the same. (Signed): Hamilton Hu.nder, Acting British Consul. LESLIE C. STUART, Captain, R. N. W. JOHNSTON, British Consular Clerk. July 17, 1899. Mr. Eliot to the Marquess of Salisbury. Apia, Samoa, July 26, 1899. (Received September 7.) My Lord, 1 have the honour to submit to your Lordship the following brief continuons narrative of the proceedings of the Samoan High Commission We arrived at Apia on the United States' ship" Badger" on the i3 th May, and found the island of Upolu divided into two hostile camps. Apia and the central region were occupied by the troops of Malietoa, under the superintendance of British naval officers, while on either side to the west and east of this area were the troops of Mataafa. We were naturally anxious to restor the island to its normal condition, and to break up these camps, but the operation presented considerable difficulties. It would have been a doubtful advantage to simply disband the troops of both parties, and disperse large bodies of armed men among the villages where they were likely to continue their quarrels andbe subject to no European control. One of the greatest difficulties in Samoa is that, outside the narrow limits of the municipality, there is absolutely no power, police or other, which is capable of maintaining order, and though the Commission was nominally invested with supreme authority over the islands, it had no mcans of cnforcing that authority. The German Commissionner felt unable to consider the questions of who was the rightful King of Samoa, and whether the continuance of the Kingship was desirable as long as the forces Malietoa and Mataafa remained under arms in their camps, and we therefore decided to not only disband but disarm the two parties, while leaving open the legal questions arising out of Chief Justice Chambers' decision. In so doing we ran a considerable risk of issuing an order which might be disobeyed, but we were led to believe that the natives would propably be ready to give up their guns in return for a fair compensation. We received both Chiefs a few davs after our arrivai. Malietoa behaved with perfect propriety, and visited the Commission as instructed, accompanied by only a few Chiefs and in a boat flying the flags of the three Powers. Mataafa, however, declined to acquiesce in this arrangement, or to use the boat sent to meet him, and was very improperly allowed to come to Apia in his own war canoe, with a following of more than ioo men. The substance of both interviews was the same. The two high Chiefs were asked whether they would accept as King any person named by the Commission, whether they would assent to the abolition of the Kingship, if it were ordered. They returned an affirmative answer to all these questions. As the troops of Mataafa were encamped both to the east and west of the Malietoa lines, and communication between the two divisions could only take place by sea, we thought it fair to allow him some days to collect his arms, and finally arranged to receive them at Malua on the 3ist May. Malietoa was informed that if Mataafa gave up his arms in a satisfactory manner, the other side would also be expected to immediately disarm. On the 3ist May we procceded to Malua on the «Badger». Mataafa brought off about 1.800 guns in boats, but no ammunition to speak of. This number probably rcprescntcd about two-thirds of the arms in the possession of his followers, and was thougt to indicate a bonà fide desire to obey the Commission. He was directed to disband his troops, and retire himself to his own district of Aleipata and await our decision respecting the Kingship. The Commission then returned to Apia, which was not reached until late in the afternoon of the 31 May, and during that night and the next day received about 1 .3oo guns from Malietoa. Of the 700 guns distributed to native troops by the British officers, 600 were returned, but 100 men of « Gaunt's Brigade were retained under arms to act as a police force under the orders of the Commission. It was understood that the arms surrendered before the 2oth June would be returned on the restoration of peace, or else a fair compensation be given for them but the possession of arms by Samoans after the 2Oth June was declared to be a penal offence. The followers of Mataafa dispersed over the island in the first days of June, but Malietoa and some of his Chiefs were allowed to remain at Mulinuu, the traditional seat of government. Malietoa and Tamasese had both lived long in this place, and it might fairly be regarded as their home, 'and there was a better chance of avoiding collisions and quarrels if the leaders of the two parties did not return to their villages simultaneously. Those adherents of Malietoa, however, who came from the islands of Tutuila and Savaii were immediately taken back to their homes by ships of war. The Commission then proceeded to consider the question of the Kingship We were unanimous on two points, first, that the decision of the Chief Justice naming Tanu King was legally irreversible, and secondly that the Kingship should be abolished. It is admitted that the Chief Justice had jurisdiction in the case, and that there is no appeal from his decision. If so, the argument that the decision was wrong or contrary to the customs of Samoa is irrelevant, even if it were true. If the public had a right to disobey this decision, and the Judgments of the Supreme Court would have ncithcr authority nor finality. With regard to the Kingship, we were of opinion that the office had never been anything but a source of trouble and contention, seeing that for many years no Samoan Monarch had been able to command the allegiance of the whole population and exercise the most ordinary functions of Government, white the peculiar native customs which regulate the election of a King render an appeal to arms almost inevitable, despite ail Treaty stipulations to the contrary. 1 was myself of opinion that it would have been well to recognize Tanu provisionally as King, and refer the question of the abolition of the Kingship to the Powers together with the other recommendations of the Commission, This course would have had the advantage of teaching respect for law and of making the natives understand that judicial decisions must be obeyed even if distasteful to a part of the population. Further, it may be safely said that had Tanu been recognized by the Representatives of three Powers as King de facto, the strength of the Mataafa party would have been broken. The most important Chiefs were ready to give their adhesion to the winning side, and the others would have acquiesced. The German Commissioner, however, while admitting that the Chief Justice's decision was valid and binding, felt unable to allow Tanu to exercise even nominal authority for a limited period. Actuated in this, as in many other cases, by a desire to assent to any compromise which would be acceptable to Baron Sternburg without a sacrifice of principle, 1 agreed that the Commission should publicly acknowledge the validity of Mr. Chambers' decision and by implication the impropriety of resisting it, but that simultaneously with the publication of this Proclamation Tanu should abdicate. A Proclamation was issued on the loth June, signed by the three Commissioners, stating that Chief Justice Chambers' decision was valid and binding, that Tanu had resigned the office of King, and that the office was abolished. It further ordered that, during the period of the Commissioners' stay in the islands. thc Consuls of the three Powers should perform the duties of the King and his Councillors, and Dr. Soif act as Président of the Municipal Council. This latter provision was necessary, because the President is nominated by the Powers, but appointed by the Samoan Government, and Dr. Soif had refused to accept any appointment from the Government of Tanu. About the middle of June a lawyer, engaged by the Mataafa party, arrived in Apia, nominally for the object of assisting them to make out claims for domages sustained during the recent disturbances. A number of Mataafa Chiefs came to Apia to consult him, and several white men were present at the conférences. Though it is difQcult to dispute the right of natives to seek legal advice if they choose, these proceedings had a most unfortunate result, as they gave rise to an impression that the Mataafa faction was organizing and consolidating itself, whereas the Commission were anxious to do away with party distinctions. The Malietoa Chiefs became alarmed, and Tanu, who had wished to leave at once for Fiji on his way to Sydney, wrote to us renouncing his intention and saying that he intended to remain in Samoa till peace should be assured. We were of opinion that the presence of so many Chiefs of both parties in Apia was dangerous. Efforts were made to remove the Mataafa Chiefs from the town, and Tanu and the Malietoa Chiefs were ordered to leave Mulinuu and retire to their private residences. Before their departure a meeting was held on board the "Badger", at which the principal men of the two parties were reconciled to one another by various Samoan ceremonies. Tanu and Tamasese expressed their readiness to meet Mataafa and become reconciled with him, and we accordingly invited him to corne to Apia for this purpose. But he sent back an arrogant answer and refused. On the aand June we left for the Island of Tutuila, where we visited Leone Bay and Pango Pango, returning to Apia on the a6th June. From this time until the 5th July we were chiefly occupied in discussing and drafting the recommendations for the future government of the islands, which we have had the honour to submit to the three Treaty Powers. This occupation was somewhat disturbed by conflicts which occurred in villages of mixed population where the Malietoa men, returning from Mulinuu, were assaulted by the other party. One of these outbreaks (at Safata) threatened to assume a serious character, as several men were killed, and we thought it desirable to send both a German and a British man-of-war to nip the trouble in the bud. Order was restored, and the natives found in possession of armes were brought to Apia for trial. On the 5th July we started on the steamer Tutanekai", which thé New Zealand Government had courteously placed at our disposai, for a trip round the Islands of Upolu and Savaii. Our object was partly to familiarize ourselves with the local conditions of the various districts, and partly to disseminate among the natives accurate information as to our doings and intentions, which were often misrepresented. Our tour lasted until the iath July. On the î/ith July we held a large fono, or public assembly, at Mulinuu, at which over 4oo natives of both parties were present. We read to them a statement describing the system of native self-government which we proposed to introduce, if approved by the Powers. It was accepted by the whole meeting and the next day thirteen Chiefs from each side signed a formai declaration of acceptance. Tanu and Tamasese also affixed their signatures but Mataafa declined to appear on the pretext of ill-health. He may be held to be bound by the signatures of his Chiefs, but his repeated refusai to meet the othcr party and make peace inspires the gravest apprehensions for the future. We addressed a letter to him reminding him that his further stay in Samoa depended on the observance of the promises which he had made before returning. We had now finished the greater part of our task. We had put an end to the state of war and restored relative, if not absolute, tranquillity and order. We had also prepared the recommendations to be submitted to the three Powers. But there was some difference of opinion as to whethcr we ought to continue to administer the provisional government of the islands, at least until the receipt of instructions, or to leave at once. The American Commissioner decided the matter by stating that for hcalth and other private reasons he could remain no longer, and we had therefore to consider what form of government we should leave behind us. We were all of opinion that it would have been desirable to appoint some one head for this provisional Administration, but, as no qualified neutral candidate was forthcoming, we were unable to find any expedient which would safeguard the interests of the three Powers in Samoa except government by a Consular Board. This system is by no means satifactory, but we endeavoured to impart to it greater strength, activity and coherency, firstly, by authorizing a majority of the Consuls to decide in most cases, and, secondly, by providing for the establishment of regular Government offices and a clerical staff. Dr. Soif was continued in his appointment as President of the Municipal Council, and the United States' Consul-General was appointed Acting Chief Justice, in the absence of Mr. Chambers, who dcparted on leave on the i4th July. The Commission left Apia on the i8th July. 1 have, etc. (Signed) C.-N.-E.-Eliot. ALLEMAGNE. – GRANDE-BRETAGNE Convention et déclaration pour régler les différends survenus pendant les troubles dans les îles de Samoa. Signée à Londres le 14 novembre 1899 (1) Despatch to lier Majesty's Chargé d'Affaires at Berlin, inclosing copies of the Convention and Declaration between Great Britain and Germany of November îti, 1899, for the Seulement of the Samoan and other Questions. (1) Les ratifications ont été échangées à Berlin et à Londres le t6 février 1900. The Marquess of Salisbury to Viscount Gough. M Lord, 1 transmit to you herewith, for your information, copies of a Convention and Declaration which 1 have to-day signed with the German Ambassador for the seulement of questions pending between Great Britain and Germany in regard to Samoa and certain other matters. I am, etc. Convention between Great firitain and Germany.for the Seulement, oj the Samoan and other Questions. Signed at London, November lit, 1899. The Commissioners of the three Powers concerned having in their Report of the i8th July last expressed the opinion, based on a thorough examination of the situation that it would be impossible effectually to remedy the troubles and difïîculties under which Ihe Islands of Samoa are at présent suffering as long as they are placed under the joint administration of the three Governments, it appears desirable to seek for a solution which shall put an end to these difficulties while taking due account of the legitimate interests of the three Governments. Starting from this point of view the Undersigned, furnished with full powers to that effect by their respective Sovereigns, have agreed on the following points ARTICLE 1 Great Britain renounces in favour of Germany ail her rights ower Ihe Islands of t'polu and of Savaii, including the right of establishing a naval and coaling station there, and her right of extra-territoriality in thèse islands. Foreign Office, November 14, 1899. (Signed) SALISBURY. INCLOSURE I. Nachdem die Kommissare der drei beteiligten Regierungen in ihrem Bericht vom 18. Juli d. J. die auf eingehende Prùfiing der Saclilage begriindete Ansicht ausgesprochen haben, dass es unmoglich sein wùrde, den Unrulien und Missstanden, von welchen die Samoa-Inseln gegenwartig heimgesucht werden, wirksam abzuhelfen, solange die Inseln der gemeinschaftlichen Verwaltung der drei Regierungen unterstellt bleiben, erscheint es wilnschenswert eine Lôsung zu suchen, die diesen Schwierigkeiten ein Ende machen und gleichzeitig den legitimen Interessen der drei Regierungen Rechnung tragen würde. Von diesem Gesichtspunkt ausgehend, sind die mit gehôrigen Vollinachlen ihrer hohen Souveriine versehenen Unterzeichneten über die nachstehenden Punkte iibereingekommen. Aktikel 1 Grossbritannien verzichtet zu gunslcn Ueutschlands auf aile seine Redite auf die lnseln Upolu und Savaii, einschliesslich des Rechts daselbst eine Marine-und Kohlenstation zu errichten. und des Rechts auf Exterritorialitât auf jenen Insein. Great Britain similarly renounces, in favour of the United States of America, all her rights over the Island of Tutuila and the other islands of the Samoan group east of fji" longitude east of Greenwich. Great Britain recognizes as falling to Germany the territories in the eastern part of the neutral zone established by the Arrangement of 1888 in West-Africa. The limits of the portion of the neutral zone falling to Germany are defined in Article V of the present Convention. ARTICLE II Germany renounces in favour of Great Britain all her rights over the Tonga Islands, including Vavau, and over Savage Island, including, the right of establishing a naval station and coaling station, and the right of extra-territoriality in the said islands. Germany similary renounces, in favour of the United States of America, all her rights over the Islands of Tutuila and over the other islands of the Samoan group east of longitude 171° east of Greenwch. She recognizes as falling to Great Britain those of the Solomon Islands, at present belonging to Germany, which are situated to the east and south-east of the Island of Bougainville, which latter shall continue to belong to Germany, together with the Island of Buka, which forms part of it. The western portion of the neutral zone in West Alïica, as defined in Article V of the present Convention, shall also fall to the share of Great Britain. In gleicher Weise verzichtet Grossbritannien zugunsten der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika auf alle seine Rechte auf die Insel Tutuila und auf die anderen ostlich des 171* Lângengrads von Greenwich gelegenen Inseln der Samoagruppe. Grossbritannien erkennt an, dass die Gebiete im Osten der neutralen Zone, welche durch das Abkommen von 1 888 in Westafrika geschaffen worden ist, an Deutschland fallen. Die Grenzen des Deutschland zukommenden Teils der neutralen Zone werden durch Artikel V der vorliegende Konvention festgesetzt. Artikel II Deutschland verzichtet zugunsten Grossbritanniens auf alle seine Rechte auf die Tonga-Inseln mit Einschluss Vavau's und auf Savage Island. einschliesslich des Rechts daselbst einc Marine-und Kohlenstation zu errichten und des Rechts auf Exterritorialitat in den vorstehend bezeichneten Inseln. In gleicher Weise verzichtet Deutschland zugunsten der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika auf aile seine Rechte auf die Insel Tutuila und auf die anderen ôsllich des 171"° Lângengrads von Greenwich gelegenen Inseln der Samoagruppe. Es erkennt an, dass von der deutschen Salomonsgruppe die ôstlich beziehungsweise sûdosllich von Bougainville gelegenen Inseln, welches letztere nebst der zugehôriegn Insel Buka bei Deutschland vei-bleibt, an Grossbritannien fallen. Der westliche Teil der neutralen Zone in Westafrika, wie derselbe in Artikel V der vorliegenden Konvention festgesetzt ist, wird cbenfalls an Grossbritannien fallen. The Consuls of the two Powers at Apia and in the Tonga Islands shall be provisionally recalled. The two Governments will come to an agreement with regard to the arrangements to be made during the interval in the interest of their navigation and of their commerce in Samoa and Tonga. The arrangement at present existing between Germany and Great Britain and concerning the right of Germany to freely engage labourers in the Solomon Islands belonging to Great Britain shall be equally extended to those of the Solomon Islands mentioned in Article II, which fall to the share of Great Britain. In the neutral zone thé frontier between the German and English territories shall be by the River Daka as far as the point of its intersection with the gth degree of north latitude, thence the frontier shall continue to the nortli, leaving Morozugu to Great Britain, and shall be fixed on the spot by a Mixed Commission of the two Powers, in such manner that Gambaga and all the territories of Mamprusi shall fall to Great Britain, and that Yendi and all the territories of Chakosi shall fall to Germany. ARTICLE VI Germany is prepared to take into consideration, as much and as far as possible, the wishes which the Government of Great Britain may ARTICLE 111 ARTICLE IV ARTICLE V Artikel III Die beiderseitigen Konsuln in Apia und in den Tonga-Inseln werden bis auf weiteres abberufen. Die beiden Regierungen werden sich über die in der Zwischenzeit im Interesse ihrer Schiffahrt und ihres Handels in Samoa und auf den Tonga-Inseln zu treffenden Einrichtungen verstandigen. Artikel IV Die zur Zeit zwischen Deutschland und Grossbritannien bestehende Ubereinkunft betreffend das Recht Deutschlands, auf den Grosshritannien gehôrigen Salomons-Inseln Arbeiter frei anzuwerben, wird auch auf die in Artikel II bezeichneten deutschen SalomonsInseln, die an Grossbritannien fallen sollen, ausgedehnt. Artikel V In der neutralen Zone wird die Grenze zwischen den deutschen und den grossbritannischen Gebieten durch den Daka-Fluss bis zum Schnittpunkt desselben mit dem 9"" Grad nôrdlichcr Brcite gebildet werden von dort soli die Grenze in nôrdlicher Richtung, indem sie den Ort Morozugu an Grossbritannien Llsst, laufen und an Ort und Stelle durch eine gemischte Kommission der beiden Màchte in der Weise festgesetzt werden, dass Gambaga und die sâmtlchen Gebiete von Mamprusi an Grossbritannien Yendi und die sâmtlichen Gebiete von Chakosi an Deutschland fallen.
Public Domain
PER CURIAM: Judy A. Zambelli and Ronnie H. Collins, Jr., appeal a July 31, 1991, decision of the Circuit Court of Randolph County which granted a directed verdict in favor of the Appellees, Ralph M. House and Michael House. The Appellants contend that the directed verdict was inappropriate due to their presentation of sufficient evidence of negligence to warrant a jury determination of the issues. We agree and accordingly reverse and remand this case to the circuit court for the submission of this matter to a jury- I. The underlying civil action arises from an April 26, 1990, automobile accident on U.S. Route 250 south of Elkins, West Virginia. According to the testimony of appellant Collins, he was travelling south when appellee Michael House passed him and cut in front of his vehicle, causing Collins to leave the roadway and strike a guardrail.1 Appellee Michael House contended that he was not at the scene of the accident. Subsequent to a trial on July 9 and 10, 1991, the jury was unable to reach a verdict. The jury was then discharged, and a mistrial was declared. By order dated July 31, 1991, the lower court granted the Appellees’ motion for a directed verdict. The Appellants now contend that the trial court erred by granting the directed verdict and by relying upon the judge’s personal observations of the accident scene in granting the motion for the directed verdict. While we do not specifically address the issue of the lower court’s personal observations or the reliance thereon, we base our decision to reverse and remand upon the existence of sufficient evidence to warrant a jury resolution of the facts.2 The parties in this case have adopted diametrically opposing and irreconcilable positions on the issue of liability. The Appellants allege that Michael House passed Ronnie Collins in a black pick-up truck and ran him off the road.3 The Appellants also provided two witnesses who allegedly observed a black pick-up truck at the scene of the accident. One of those witnesses for the Appellants, however, admitted that he did not leave work until 3:30 p.m., the time at which the accident allegedly occurred. The Appellees *425therefore called his testimony into question and contended that he could not have been at the scene of the accident by 3:30 p.m. Michael House, while admitting that he does drive his father’s black pick-up, contends that he was at the home of Sarah Wilmoth at the time the accident occurred and was nowhere near the scene of its occurrence. Sarah Wilmoth supported Michael House’s contentions and stated that she remained with Michael House from 2:53 p.m. to 3:40 p.m. The Appellees also presented the testimony of Shirley Weasen-forth. Ms. Weasenforth’s testimony that she was the first person to arrive on the accident scene is in direct conflict with the testimony presented by witnesses for the Appellants. Upon presentation of the evidence, as briefly summarized above, the jury was unable to reach a verdict, and a mistrial was declared. II. In syllabus point 5 of Wager v. Sine, 157 W.Va. 391, 201 S.E.2d 260 (1973), we explained the following: “Upon a motion for a directed verdict, all reasonable doubts and inferences should be resolved in favor of the party against whom the verdict is asked to be directed.” Moreover, we stated the following in syllabus point 1 of Jividen v. Legg, 161 W.Va. 769, 245 S.E.2d 835 (1978): “ ‘Upon a motion to direct a verdict for the defendant, every reasonable and legitimate inference fairly arising from the testimony, when considered in its entirety, must be indulged in favorably to plaintiff; and the court must assume as true those facts which the jury may properly find under the evidence. Syllabus, Nichols v. Raleigh-Wyoming Coal Co., 112 W.Va. 85, 163 S.E. 767.’” Point 1, Syllabus, Jenkins v. Chatterton, 143 W.Va. 250, 100 S.E.2d 808 (1957). We also explained in syllabus point 2 of Jividen, “ ‘When the evidence is conflicting or when the facts, though undisputed, are such that reasonable men may draw different conclusions from them, the questions of negligence and contributory negligence are for jury determination. Point 1, Syllabus, Sydenstricker v. Vannoy, 151 W.Va. 177, 150 S.E.2d 905.’” Point 1, Syllabus, Kidd v. Norfolk & Western Rwy. Co., 156 W.Va. 296, 192 S.E.2d 890 (1972). The Appellees contend that the Appellants, as plaintiffs, failed to establish a prima facie right of recovery. As we explained in syllabus point 3 of Roberts v. Gale, 149 W.Va. 166, 139 S.E.2d 272 (1964), “[w]hen the plaintiff’s evidence, considered in the light most favorable to him, fails to establish a prima facie right of recovery, the trial court should direct a verdict in favor of the defendant.” However, in construing the evidence in a light most favorable to the Appellants, we must acknowledge the following contentions made by the Appellants: Appellant Ronnie Collins explains that he recognized Michael House and his black pick-up truck; Collins contends that Michael House passed him and caused him to collide with the guardrail; and two witnesses, Terry Atkinson and Jeffrey Menendez, claim to have seen a black pick-up truck at the scene of the accident. While this evidence is certainly contradicted by the evidence of the Appellees, such contradiction does not nullify the Appellants’ establishment of a prima facie right of recovery and does not justify the granting of a directed verdict. On the contrary, it does establish a set of factual inconsistencies ripe for resolution by a jury. We conclude that the lower court erred in granting the directed verdict in light of the multitude of factual issues which require jury resolution. The lower court’s conclusion, as stated in its final order, that the Appellants’ evidence was less credible than that of the Appellees did not justify its action in granting a directed verdict. This is simply a matter of resolution of conflicting versions of the story of an accident. It is exactly the situation for which jury resolution is mandated. Thus, upon remand, the evidence should be submitted to a jury for proper resolution of the factual inconsistencies. Reversed and remanded. . Appellant Collins has alleged various permanent injuries, including a right tibia/fibula fracture and medical expenses of over $15,000. . The appellants claim that the lower court erred by basing its decision to any degree upon the trial judge’s personal observation of the accident scene. During the hearing on appellees’ motion for a directed verdict, the lower court indicated that it was relying, at least to some extent, upon a personal visit to the scene after trial. Specifically, the lower court explained as follows: Well, the — and since this trial — twice I’ve checked — Collins says that as he came out of the Ward Road that he could see the House truck on the Chenoweth Creek road, and you cannot see from the Ward to the Chenoweth Creek entry onto the 4-lane — I've checked it twice since then. Our decision that the lower court erred in granting this directed verdict is based upon the sufficiency of the evidence submitted. Therefore, we do not endeavor to address the issue of any compounding of that error which may have been created by the judge’s reliance upon his personal observations or conclusions. .There was apparently no allegation that Michael House intentionally caused Ronnie Collins to leave the roadway.
Iluminamento, intensidade de iluminação ou iluminância é uma grandeza de luminosidade, representada pela letra E, que faz a relação entre o fluxo luminoso que incide na direção perpendicular a uma superfície e a sua área. Na prática, é a quantidade de luz dentro de um ambiente. Da mesma forma que o fluxo luminoso, não é distribuído uniformemente, de maneira que ao ser medida, não terá o mesmo valor em todos os pontos da área em questão. Sua unidade de medida é o lux (lx). Para medi-la, usa-se um aparelho denominado luxímetro. A Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas (ABNT) descreve iluminância como sendo o "limite da razão do fluxo luminoso recebido pela superfície em torno de um ponto considerado, para a área da superfície quando esta tende para o zero." (NBR 5413/1992) Bibliografia ABNT - Associação Brasileira de normas Técnicas. NBR 5413 - Iluminância de interiores. Rio de Janeiro, ABNT, 1992. Manual de Luminotécnica da Osram <>. Visitado em 19 de Março de 2009. Unidades de medida A norma NBR 5413 foi cancelada, em seu lugar foi editada a norma ABNT NBR ISO/CIE 8995-1 Iluminação de ambientes de trabalho Parte 1: Interior. Fonte ABNT - Associação Brasileiroa de Normas Técnicas.
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Sir Richard d. in 1855, and was s. by his eldest son, Sir John Henry Keane, 3rd Bart., 6. 12 Jan. 1816; to. 1st, 1® July, 1844, Laura, eldest dau. of the Right Hon. Richard Keatinge, judge of the Prerogative Court in Ireland, and by her (who d- 21 Jan. 1878) had issue, 1. Richard Francis (Sir), 4th bart. 2 ♦George Wilfred, capt. late Durham light infantry, b. 14 May, 1859; in. 21 Feb. 1888, Jessie Mary Lowtber, only surviving dau. of the late Col. James Smith Du Vernet. 1. Harriet Edith (Glenshelane, Cappoquin, co. Waterford). 2. Frances Annie (Glenshelane, Cappoquin, co. Waterford). 3. Laura Ellen Flora ( Tivoli , Cappoquin, co. Waterford), m. 1st,. 8 Jan. 1876 Bernherd Henry Entwisle, capt. 5tli Dragoon Guards (son of W. Entwisle, D.C.L., of Rusholme, co. Lancaster), who d1- 22 Sept. 1877. She in. 2ndly, 24 May, 1880, Robert Henry Beres* ford, of Woodhouse, co. YVaterford ( see Waterford, M.), who- d.s.p. 30 Jan. 1903. Sir John to. 2ndly, 18 Sept. 1880, Harriet (who d.s.p. 14 Sept. 1902), only dau. of E. B. Thorneycroft, and d. 26 Nov. 1881. His elder son, Sir Richard Francis Keane, 4th Bart., C.E., D.L., high sheriff, 1882, 6. 13 June, 1845; in. 30 July, 1872, Adelaide Sidney, elder dau. and only surviving child of John Vance, M.P., and by her, who d. 10 Feb. 1907, had issue, 1. John (Sir), 5th and present bart. 2 ♦George Michael, commander R.N., heir presumptive, 6. 30> May. 1875 (United Service Club). 2* Richard Henry (Cappoquin House, Cappoquin ), b. 3 May, 1881 ;. in. 18 July, 1906, Alice Gabriel, younger dau. of Judge Lumley Smith, K.C., and has issue, Sibyl Elfiida, 6. 25 April, 1908. 1. Florence, 6.29 Nov. 1877 ; in. 15 Feb. 1900, Archibald Dennis Flower, eldest son of Edgar FTower, of Stratford-on-Avon, and Middle Hill, Worcestershire, and has issue. Sir Richard d. 17 Oct. 1892. Creation— 1 Aug. 1801. Aims — Gu., three salmons naiant in pale arg. Crest — A cafi sejant ppr., supporting in his dexter paw a flag staff, thereon a union jack, ppr. Motto — Felis demulcta mitis. Seat — Cappoquin House, co. Waterford. Clubs — Kildare Street and Army and Navy. 1017 PEERAGE AND BARONETAGE. Kellett. KEARLEY. Sir Hudson Ewbanke Kearley, 1st Kart., of Wittington, Medmen- ham, Bucks, J.P. and D.L. for that county, and J.P. Surrey, M.P. for Devonport since 1892, Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Trade since 1905, b. 1 Sept. 1856 ; created a baronet 22 July, 1908 ; m. 19 Jan. 1888, Selina, youngest dan. of Edward Chester, of Blisworth, Northants, and Mary Ann, his wife, and has issue, 14 Gerald Chester, b. 16 Sept. 1890. 2 4 Mark Hudson, b. 3 March, 1895. 1. Boryl Kathleen. Lineage — George Ew¬ banke Kearley, of Uxbridge, Middlesex, 6. 29 April, 1814; son of William Kearley, of Tarrant Gunville, co. Dorset. He to. 30 Aug. 1840, Mary Ann, dau. of Charles Hudson, of Old Ford, Essex, and widow of Josiah John Barrow. She d. 20 Jan. 1892. He d. 1 March, 1876, having had issue. His youngest son, Hudson Ewbanke (Sir), was created a baronet. Creation— 22 July, 1908. Arms— Az. issuant from a mount in base a teaplant flowering ppr. m chief two mitres or. Crest — A tea plant flowering and eradicated as in the arms enfiled by a mitre or, garnished gu. Motto — Fit via vi. Seats— Wittington, Marlow, Bucks, and Gwylfa Hiraethog, Denbigh, N. Wales. Town Residence — 41, Grosvenor Place, S.W. Club — Reform. - ♦ - Keith, V. (Extinct.) See Lansdowhe, M. - ♦ - KELK. Sir John William Kelk, 2nd Bart, of Tedworth, Wilts, Sheriff for co. Wilts, 1892, educated at Jesus Coll., Cambridge, late maj. Wilts yeomanry cavalry, b. 13 Jan. 1851; s. his father 1886. Lineage — John Kelk, of Wigthoipe, Carlton in Lindriclt, Notts, d. in Aug. 1781, aged 78, nd his wife, Alice Kelk, in Sept. 1788, having had, among other issue, John Kelk, of Carlton afore¬ said, b. 14 April, 1742; to. 19 Jan. 1774, Mary Thorp, and d. 12 June, 1804, leaving, John Kelk, of St. Anne’s, Westminster, b. 9 Dec. 1781 ; to. 3 April, 1804, Martha, dau. of Jacob Germain, of Bloomsbury, Middlesex. He d. 28 Feb. 1848. She d. 23 Jan. 1861, having had issue, 1. John, b. 10 Feb. 1805 ; d. 1312. 2. George, b. 31 July, 1806 ; to. Elizabeth Meakin, and d 21 Sept. 1870, leaving issue, three sons and one dau. 3. John (Sir), 1st bart. 1. Frances Sanders, to. Major Henry George Mainwaring, Bengal 2. Catherine, d. 27 April, 1877. 3. Caroline, d. 5 March, 1822. 4. Martha ( Wcsted House , Leonard Place , IF.), to. 1838, John Cooper Cuthell, who d. 1880. 5. Eliza, d. unm. 8 April, 1861. 6. Caroline, to. 1855, the Rev. Stephen Lea Wilson, canon of Chester, who d. 1899. She d. 1905. The 3rd son, Sir John Kelk, 1st Bart., of Tedworth, Wilts, high sheriff of Hants, 1884, J.P. and D.L. Middlesex, Major Eng. Vol. Staff Corps, M.P. for Harwich, 1865-8, b. 21 Feb. 1816 ; created a. baronet 16 May, 1S74 ; to. 5 Sept. 1848, his cousin, Rebecca Anne, 3rd dau. of George Kelk, of Braehead House, co. Ayr,, formerly of Sutton-cum-Lound, co. Nottingham (son of William Kelk, and grandson of the above-named John Kelk, of Wigthorpe,. Carlton in Lindrick), and by her (who d. 18 Oct. 1885, aged 67> had issue, 1. John William (Sir), 2nd and present bart. 2. George Edward, b. 24 Jan. 1852; d. 1 Jan. 1876. 3. Arthur Sanders, b. 20 April, 1854; d. 2 March, 1855. 4. Charles James, b. 12 March. 1856 ; d. 18 June, 1874. 1. Ellen Maud, in. 8 Oct. 1878, Frederick William Maude, of 9,. Cadogan Gardens, S.W., youngest son of Col. G. A. Maude, C.B. (see Hawarden, V.). Sir John d. 12 Sept. 1886. Creation— 16 May, 1874. Arms — Per pale az. and gu., on a bend engrailed flory counter flury arg., three escallops of the second. Crest — A wolf sejant sa., collared or, holding between the paws a leopard’s face ppr. jessant de lis arg. Motto— Laeius sorte vives sapienter. Town Residence— 20, Upper Brook Street, W. Clubs — Carlton and Junior Carlton. ♦ KELLETT. Sir Henry de Castres Kellett, 3rd Bart., b. 15 Sept. 1851 ; s. his cousin 1886 ; m. 9 Nov. 1880, Joan, dau. of William Harrison, of Kew, Melbourne, and has issue, 14 Henry de Castres ( Linden , Palmer Street, Sydney, N.S. IF.), 6. 2 Oct, 1SS2 ; to. 24 May, 1905, Rubie Septima, dau.of Easton Johnston. 2 4 Francis Stanley ( Bairnsdale , Victoria, Australia), b. 4 Aug. 1885. 3 4 William Augustus, b. 28 May, 1889. 1. Ethel Kate, 6. 2 Sept. 1881. 2. Myrtle Marcella, 6. 29 Sept. 1892. 3. Doris, b. 31 Aug. 1S94. 4. Rennie Florence, b. 11 Oct. 189S. Lineage — It is stated that the ancestors of this family were- originally settled in Norfolk, and that a branch went over to- Ireland with William III., and purchased estates in the co. Tip¬ perary. Captain Richard Kellett, of the 27th foot, to. Deborah, dau. and heir of Thurston Haddock, of Kinsale, and falling at the battle- of Falkirk, left issue, Richard Kellett, of Lota, co. Cork, an alderman of the city oF Cork, to. 16 Sept. 1758, Jane Susannah, dau. of Jacob Laulhe, anti niece of Abraham de Castres, envoy to the court of Portugal, by whom he had issue, 1. Richard (Sir), created a Bart. 2. William Augustus, b. 9 Jan 1765; to. 1st, 12 Aug. 1790, Jane- McDowell, only dau. of Colonel Napier, of Culcreuch and Milliken, co. Renfrew; and 2ndly, 1811, Mary Towgood, dau. of Morgan- Donovan. She d.s.p. Dec. 1841. He d. 6 Nov. 1822, leaving by his first wife, 1. Richard, M.D., in the East Indies, d.s.p. 2. Augustus Henry, capt. lt.N., d. in 1828. 3. Robert John Napier, capt. Royal Highlanders, 6.15 Jan. 1797 p to. 4 Dec. 1823, Jemima, only dau. and heir of James Hunter, co- Ayr; and d. 2 Nov. 1853, leaving issue, (1) William Augustus Hunter, lieut. 72nd highlanders, b. Feb. 1826, d. 8 May, 1853. (1) Jane Sarah, d. unm. 1892. (2) Jemima Hunter, to. 1 F'eb. 1855, Capt. E. H. Melhado, late Royal Renfrew militia, Argyll and Sutherland highlanders, and d. 31 Aug. 1902, leaving issue. (3) Augusta Henrietta. 4. George Houston, H.E.I.C.S., deceased. 5. James Fitter, H.E.I.C.S., deceased. 1. Jane Napier, to- 1827 Capt. Charles Hunter, 53rd regt., of ther Hunters of llunterston, co. Ayr, and had issue. Kellie. 1018 PEERAGE AND 3. Henry De Castres, b. 20 Feb. 1776; to. Amilia, dau. of Henry Hickman, of Cork, and had issue. 1. Richard, d. unm. 2. William Augustus, settled in Victoria. Australia, in 1839, m. 15 May, 1851, Mary Gibson, and A. 28 April, 1883, leaving a dau., Theresa, to. and has issue. 3. Henry de Castres, settled in Victoria, Austialia, 1839, b. 1815; to. 1848, Marcella, dau. of Michael Ready, and d. 1884, having had issue, <i) Henry de Castres (Sir), 3rd and present bart. (2) William Augustus, d. unm. (3) + Francis Michael, b. 1858; in. 1885, Elizabeth Mary, dau. of Timothy Stanley, and has issue, ia^Stanley Francis, b. 2 Dec. 1886. 2u4Ai'thur Osmond, b. 6 March, 1890. rot. Freda, b. 4 Sept. 1892. (4) Archibald, d. unm. <i) Catherine Rebecca, m. 1873, Thomas Hincheliffe, and has issue. (2) Emily, to. 1873, James Farey, and has issue. <3) Mary Ann, to. 1883, Henry Burmeister, and has issue. (4) Anne Marcella, m. 1893, Henry Manicom, and has issue. 1. Catherine, to. — Cooper, and d s.p. -2. Emily, cl. unm. 3. Anna Matilda, to. 1836, Ven. Alexander Stuart, archdeacon of Ross, and had issue. 4. Jane, m. and had issue. 3. Mary, d. unm. 1, Susannah, in. Lieut.-Col. Fitter. 2, Anne, m. Major Chudleigh. Alderman Kellett cl. aged 95, 25 Jan. 1828, and was s. by his son. Sir Richard Kellett, 1st Bart., of Lota, co. Cork, b. 16 May, 1761, who wa 6 created a baronet, with remainder, after his own male issue, to the heirs male of his father, 6 Aug. 1801; in. 9 Feb. 1788, Jane, dau. of John Galwey, of Westcourt, co. Kilkenny, and had two sons, 1. Richard, 6. 16 May, 1790 ; m. 1817, Mary, dau. of James Blakeney, of Carlow, and d.s.p. 2. William Henry (Sir), 2nd bart. Sir Richard d. 1853, and was s. by his son, Sir William Henry Kellett, 2nd Bart., of Dublin, 6. 10 1794, d.s.p. Feb. 1886, and was s. by his cousin, Henry de Castres (Sir), 3rd and present bait. Creation — 6 Aug. 1801. Arms — Quarterly: 1st and 4th, arg.on a mount vert, a boar passant sa.; 2nd and 3rd, arg., a cross gu.; in the first quarter a fleur-de-lis of the last. Crest — An armed arm embowed and garnished or, holding in the hand a baton of the last. Motto — Feret ad astra virtus. Residence — High Street, Ivew, Melbourne, Australia. - * - Kellie, E. See Mar and Kellie, E. - • - KELVIN. {Extinct.') The late Sir William Thomson, Baron Kelvin, B.C., O.M., G.C.Y.O., of Largs, co. Ayr, D.L. for •Glasgow, M.A. Camb., 1S48 ; Professor of Natural Philosophy in Glasgow University, 1846-99, and Chancellor of the University 1904-7; President of the "Royal Society, 1890-5 ; b. 26 June, 1824; m. 1st, 1852, Margaret, dau. of Walter Crum, of Thornliebank. She ■d.s.p. 17 June, 1870. He m. 2ndly, 24 June, 1874, Frances Anna ( N etherhall , Largs , Ayrshire ; 15, Eaton Place, S. TP.), dau. of Charles R. Blandy, of Madeira. His lordship vas son of James Tliomsou, LL.D., Professor of Mathematics in Glasgow University, by Margaret, his wife, dau. of Willipm Gardiner. He received the honour of knighthood in 1866, and was •elevated to the Peerage 23 Feb. 1892. He received the Order of Merit 1902. Lord Kelvin d.s.p. 17 Dec. 1907, when the peerage became extinct. Creation— 23 Feb. 1892. Extinct, 17 Dec. 1907. BARONETAGE. KEMP. Sir Kenneth Hagar Kemp, 12th Bart, of Gissing, Norfolk, J.P., B.A. Jesus Coll. Cam¬ bridge, lieut. - col. comdg. 3rd batt. Nor¬ folk regt., bar.-at-law, b. 21 April, 1853; s. his cousin 1874 ; m. 30 Aug. 1876, Henrietta Mary Eva, eldest dau. of Henry Hamilton, of Blackrock, co. Leitrim, and has issue, !♦ Robert Hamilton, late lieut. 7th Drag. Guards, b. U Sept. 1877 ; m. 27 April, 1908, Violet Marie, youngest dau. of the late Capt. Steuart-Muirhead, Royal Horse Guards. 1. Eva Constance, b. 27 Aug. 1878. 2. Margaret Hagar, 6. 9 Jan. 1880. 3. Violet Mary, b. 14 Feb. 1881. 4. Ida Dorothy (10, St. George's Road, Bedford,), b. 16 Aug. 1882; to. 2 Oct. 1901, Robert Gwilt, of Stowe Hill, Hartest, Suffolk. He d.s.p. 17 June, 1902. Lineage — This family, deriving its name from the Saxon word Kemp, or Combat, has been of long standing in the cos. of Kent, Essex, Suffolk, and Norfolk ; and we meet with two very eminent churchmen of the name — John Kemp, LL.D., archbishop of Canterbury; and Thomas Kemp, his grace’s nephew, who was consecrated Bishop of London in 1449. Sir Robert Kempe, 1st Bart, (son of Robert Kemp, by Dorothy, dau. of Arthur Harris, of Crixteth, Essex), was created a baronet 14 March 1641-2. He to. Jane, dau. of Sir Matthew Browne, of Bechworth Castle, Surrey, by whom he had four sons and a dau., Jane, m. to Thomas Waldegrave, of Smallbridge. He d. 20 Aug. 1647, having suffered much by the sequestration of those times, and was s. by his eldest son, Sir Robert Kemp, 2nd Bart., M.P. for Norfolk in 1668, who to. 1st, Mary, dau. of John Kerridge, of Shelly Hall, Suffolk, by whom he left no surviving issue ; and 2ndly, Mary, dau. and sole heir of John Sone, of Ubbeston Hall, Suffolk, by whom he had three sons and two daus., 1. Mary, m. Sir Charles Blois, Bart. ; and 2. Jane, to. John Dade, M.D.: dying 26 Sept. 1/10, he was s. by his son, Sir Robert Kemp, 3rd Bart., m. 1st, Letitia, dau. of Robert King, of Great Thurlow, by whom he left an only dau., Mary, wife of Sir Edmund Bacon, Bart, of Garboldisham, Norfolk; 2ndly, Elizabeth, dau. and heir oi John Brand, of Edwardstone, Suffolk, by whom he had five sons and two daus. ; 3rdly, Martha, dau. of William Blackwell, of Mortlake, Surrey, by whom he had three children; and 4thly, Amy, dau. of Richard Phillips, and relict of John Burrough, of Ipswich, by whom he had no issue. Sir Robert d. 18 Dec. 1734, having several times represented the borough of Dunwich and twice the co. of Suffolk, in parliament, and was s. by his eldest son, Sir Robert Kemp, 4th Bart., M.P. for Orford, who d. unm. in 1752, and was s. by his brother, Sir John Kemp, 5th Bart., to. Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Mann, and widow of Isaac Brand Colt, of Brightlingsea, Essex ; but dying s.p., 25 Nov. 1761, the title reverted to his nephew, Sir John Kemp, 6th Bart., who d. in minority and unm., 16 Jan. 1771, when the title devolved upon his uncle. Sir Benjamin Kemp, 7th Bart., 3rd surviving son of the 3rd baronet, b. 29 Dec. 1708; hut dying s.p. 1777, was s. by his kinsman, Sir William Kemp, 8th Bart, (son of William Kemp, of Anting- ham, Norfolk, by Elizabeth, only dau. and heir of Alderman Shardelow, which William was 2nd son of Sir Robert, the 2nd bart.). This gentleman to. Mary Ives, and had three sons, 1. William Robert (Sir), 9th bart. 2. Thomas Benjamin, of Swafield, Norfolk, who to. Sarah Cooke, by whom (who d. 25 Dec. 1827), he left at his decease, 24 June, 1838, with eight daus., one son, Thomas Cooke (Rev.), vicar of East Meon, Hants, b. 28 March, 1787 ; to. 20 Dec. 1808, Sarah Jane, dau. of Hatchen Nunn Pretyman, of Brookc’.ish, Suffolk, and d. 17 Oct. 1867, having by her (who d. 26 July, 1872) had issue, 1. Nunn Robert Pretyman, 6. 18 April, 1814; m. 1841, Mary Harriett, dau. of Rev. George Hagar, heir male and representa¬ tive of the Hagars of Bourne, co. Cambridge, and d. 25 Aug. 1859, leaving issue, (1) Edgar Montagu, capt. 4th King’s Own Regt., b. June, 1842; to. 6 Aug. 1872, Mary Ellen, dau. of Alfred Giles, of Cosford, Surrey, and d.s.p. 11 March, 1873. (2) Kenneth Hagar (Sir), 12th and present bart. PEERAGE AND BARONETAGE. Kenmare. 1019 (i) Caroline Russell, m. July, 1875, Rev. John Sharpe. D.D., Fellow of Christ's College, and rector of Elmley Lovett, and by him (who d. 1895) has issue. 2. Thomas Cooke (Rev.), late rector of Weston Colville, co. Cambridge, b. 22 Aug. 1816 ; to. 17 June, 1841, Mary Louisa, dau. of Anthony South Canham, of Fordham, Norfolk, and d.s.p. 1894. 1. Martha Maria, to. James Barnard, and d. 15 Sept. 1841, leaving issue. 2. Sarah Caroline, d. unm. 1897. 3. Lucretia Melissa, d. unm. 1901. 3, John. Sir William d. in 1799, and was s. by his eldest son, Sir William Robert Kemp, 9th Bart., b. 1744; to. 9 Dec. 1788, Sarah, dau. and heir of Thomas Adcock, of Carleton, Norfolk, and had, 1. William Robekt, 10th bart. 2. Thomas John, lltil bart. Sir William d. 11 Oct. 1804, and was .1. by his eldest son, Sir William Robert Kemp, 10th Bart., rector of Gissiug, Norfolk, 6. 14 Nov. 1791 ; to. 10 March, 1859, Mary, 5th dau. of Charles Saunders, of Camberwell, Surrey. Shed. Jan. 1S66. Sir William d. 29 May, 1874, and was s. by his brother, Sir Thomas John Kemp, 1 1th Bart., b. 14 Oct. 1793 ; and d. unm. 7 Aug. 1874, when he was s. by his cousin, Sik Kenneth Hagar Kemp, 12th Bart. Creation — 14 March, 16-11-2. Arms — Gu., three garbs within a bordure engrailed or. Crests — 1st, a falcon ppr. hooded gu. ; 2nd, a garb fessewise, and an eagle feeding on it, wings overt, or. Motto— Lucem spero. Seats — Mergate Hall, Norwich ; and Gissing Hall, Diss, Norfolk. Res.dence— The Close, Norwich. Club — Carlton. KENMARE. The Earl 0! Kenmare (Sir Valentine Charles Browne, C.V.O.), Viscount Castlerosse and Kenmare, and Baron of Castlerosse, in Ireland ; Baron Kenmare, of Killarney, Kerry, in the United Kingdom, and a Baronet of Ireland, H.M. Lieutenant co. Kerry, state steward to the lord lieutenant of Ireland, 1886, and master of the horse 1903-5, hon. col. 4tli batt. Royal Munster Fus., and Sth batt. Liverpool regt., created C.V.O. 1904, b. 1 Dec. 1860; s. his father as 5th earl 1905; m. 26 April, 1887, Elizabeth, dau. of Lord Revelstoke, and has issue, 1 ♦Valentine Edward Charles, Viscount Castlerosse, cadet R.N., b. 29 May, 1891. 24 Mam-ice Henry Dermot, b. 25 July, 1894. 34 Gerald Ralph Desmond, b. 20 Dec. 1896. 1. Dorothy Margaret, b. 1 Jan. 1888. 2. Cicely Kathleen, 6. 6 Nov. 1888. Lineag'e — The noble family of Browne, of which the Eari. of Kenmare is the representative, was seated at Totteridge, Herts, in the reign of Henry VIII., and at Crofts, co. Lincoln, in that of Queen Elizabeth. Sir John Browne, Knt., of Crofts, entered his pedigree at the Heralds’ Visitation of Lin¬ colnshire, of 1634. Since the establishment of the family in Ireland, it has held a very distinguished position in the public transactions of that country. Sir Valentine Browne, Knt. of Totteridge, Herts, Crofts, co. Lincoln, and Hoggsden, Middlesex, constable-warden, victualler, and treasurer of Berwick ; auditor-general of Ireland in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, received in 1583 instructions, jointly with Sir Henry Wallop, foi the surveying several escheated lands in Ireland. He was subsequently sworn of the privy council, and represented the co. of Sligo in parliament in 1588. On the 28th June, in the same year, Sir Valentine purchased from Donald, Earl of Glencare (MacCarthy More), certain lands, manors, etc., in the cos. Kerry and Cork, and obtained a grant by patent from Queen Elizabeth in remainder of all the estates of the said Donald, Earl of Glencare, commonly called the MacCarthy More, expectant 011 the death cf the said Donald without issue male, which event occurred. Sir Valentine to. 1st, Elizabeth, dau. of Robert Alexander, of London, and had a son, 1. Valentine, of Crofts, co. Lincoln, knighted 23 April, 1603; to. Elizabeth, dau. of Sir Johu Mouson, and was ancestor of the Brownes, of Crofts. Sir Valentine Browne to. 2ndly, Thomazine, dau. of Robert Bacon, and sister of the Lord Keeper (Sir Nicholas) Bacon, and had further issue, 2. Sir Nicholas, who succeeded his father in the Irish estates. 3. Valentine, to. Blanch Boundy. 4. Thomas, who obtained a grant in 1603, of the manor, lord- ship, and preceptory or hospital of Aney, or St. John of Jerusalem, co. Limerick, to. Mary, eldest dau. and co-heir of Capt. William Apsley, of Pullborough, Sussex , by Annabella, his wife, dau. and co-heir of Johu Browne, commonly called “Master of Awney.” Hed. 13April, 1040, leaving a son and heir. Sir John Browne, Knt. of Hospital, to. Barbara, dau. of John Bovle, bishop of Cork and Ross. He fell in a duel, with Sir Richard Barnewall. He left an only dau. and heiress, Elizabeth Browne, who to. her kinsman Capt. Thomas Browne ( see below). 1. Elizabeth, to. 1st, Edward Terrett, Warden of the Fleet and 2nd, Sir George Parnell, of the Queen’s Bench. 2. Anne, m. Roger Dalleson. Sir Valentine d. 9 Feb. 1588-89, and was buried at St. Katherine’s church, Dublin ; bis eldest son, by his 2nd wife, Sir Nicholas Browne, Knt. of Molaliiffe, Kerry, being co¬ patentee with his father of the Kerry estates, to. Sichely Sheela, or Julia, dau. of O’Sullivan Beare, and dying 12 Dec. 1606 (will dated 10 July in that year), was s. by his eldest son. Sir Valentine Browne, 1st Bart, of Molahiffe, who was created a baronet of Ireland 16 Feb. 1622, and in the 13th and 18th of James I received a confirmation by patent of all his lands, the grant from the Crown including “the Lakes of Killarney, with all the islands of or in the same, and the fisheries of the said lakes, and the soil and bottom thereof.” Sir Valentine to. 1st, Lady Elizabeth Fitzgerald, 5th dau. of Gerald, Earl of Kildare, and had issue (with two daus.), 1. Valentine (Sir), 2nd bart. 2. James, captain in the army, killed in action near Moyalloa, co. Cork. 3. Nicholas, d.s.p. Sir Valentine to. 2ndly, Sheely, or Julia, dau. of Sir Charles M’Carty, created 1628 Viscount Muskerry, and by her (who d. 21 Jan. 1633) had other issue, 4. Thomas, of Hospital, capt. in the Duke of York’s regiment ; attended Charles II. in his exile: to. his cousin Elizabeth, dau. of Sir John Browne, Knt. of Hospital (see above)-, and d. Nov. 1685, leaving issue, 1. Ellen Browne, to. 1684, Nicholas, 2nd Viscount Kenmare. 2. Barbara, d. unm. 3. Elizabeth, to. Melchoir Lavallin. 4. Colena, to. Col. John White. Sir Valentine d. 13 Sept. 1633, and was s. by his eldest son, Sir Valentine Browne, 2nd Bart., to. Mary, dau. of Sir Charles M’Carty, Viscount Muskerry (sister of bis father’s 2nd wife), and had issue, 1, Valentine, 1st viscount. 2. John of Ardagh, w. 1672, Joan, dau. of Hon. Edmund Butler, and sister of Pierce, 6th Lord Cahir ; d.s.p. 15 Aug. 1706. 1. Ellis, m. John Tobin, of Cumpshinagh, Tipperary. 2. Eleanor, to. — Power, of Kilmeadon, co. Waterford. Sir Valentine d. 25 April, 1640, and was s. by his eldest son, Sir Valentine, 1st Viscount Kenmare, b. in 1637, who was sworn of the privy council of James II., and created by that monarch, subsequently to his abdication, 20 May, 1689, Baron tf Castlerosse and Viscount Kenmare. His lordship, who was colonel in the army of King James, forfeited his estates through his inviolable fidelity to that unfortunate monarch. He to. Jane, only dau. and heir of Sir Nicholas Plunkett, and had issue, 1. Nicholas, 2nd viscount. 2. Ossory, d.s.p. Oct. 1666, buried in St. Miclian’s, Dublin. 3. Patrick, d.s.p. Aug. 1675, buried in same place. 4. James, d.s.p. Oct. 1680, buried in same place. 5. Valentine, who, taking his maternal surname, was called Plunkett, alias Brown, d.s.p. 1. Mary, m. 1685, George Aylmer, of Lyons, co. Kildare, and d. 1703. 2. Ellis, m. to Col. Nicholas Purcell, Baron of Loughmoe, co. Tipperary. 3. Thomasinc, to. Nicholas Bourke, of Cahirmoil, co. Limerick. 4. Katherine, to. to Don Louis D’Acunha, ambassador at the court of England from the King of Portugal. He d. in 1694, and was s. by his eldest, son, Nicholas, 2nd Viscount Kenmare, an officer of rank in the service of King James, and attainted in consequence. Iiis lordship Kennard. 1020 PEERAGE AND BARONETAGE. m. in 1684, Helen, eldest dau. and co-heir of Thomas Browne, of Hospital ( see above), by whom he acquired considerable estates, but which, with his patrimonial lands in the cos. of Kerry and Cork, became forfeited for his iife. He had issue, 1. Valentine, 3rd viscount. 2. Thomas, d. young. 1. Jane, to. John Asgill. 2. Elizabeth, to. William Weldon. 3. Margaret, a nun at Ghent. 4. Frances, to. Edward Herbert, of Killcow. His lordship d. in 1720, and was s. by his son, V alentine, 3rd Viscount Kenniare, who recovered possession of the family estates forfeited for the life of his father. His lordship to. in 1720, Ilonoria, 2nd dau. of Thomas Butler, and grandniece of James, Duke of Ormonde, by whom he had issue, Thomas, his successor, and twodaus., the elder of whom, Helen, to. John Wogan, of Bathcoffy. His lordship to. 2ndly, in 1735, Mary, Countess Dowager of Fingall, only dau. of Maurice Fitzgerald, of Castle, Ishenby, by whom he left a posthumous dau., Mary Frances. He d. 1736, and was s. by his son, Thomas. 4th Viscount Kenniare. This nobleman to. in 1750, Anne, only dau. of Thomas Cooke, of Painstown, co. Carlow, by whom he had a son and a dau., Catharine, to. Count Durfort Scverac. His lordship d. in Sept. 1790, and was s. by his son, Valentine, 1st Earl of Kenniare, b. Jan. 1754, who was created (the honours conferred by James II. after his abdication, never having been acknowledged in law) 12 Feb. 1798, Baron of Castlerosse and Viscount Kenmare, and advanced to the Viscounty of Castlerosse andEARLDOMOF Kenmare 3 Jan. 1801. His lordshipm. 1st, in 1777, Charlotte, dau. of Henry, 11th Viscount Dillon, by whom he had an only dau., 1. Charlotte, who to. 1802, Sir George Goold, Bart., and d. 1 Nov. 1852. His lordship to. 2ndly, 1785, Mary, eldest dau. of Michael Aylmer, of Lyons, co. Kildare, by whom he had, 1. Valentine, 2nd earl. 2, Thomas, 3rd earl. 3. William, b. 1 Nov. 1791 ; to. 20 April, 1826, Anne Frances, dau. of the late Thomas Segrave, which lady d. 1838. Hed.4Aug. 1876. 4. Michael, b. 18 May, 1793, wounded at Waterloo; and d. 1825. 2. Mary Ann, to. 1st, 1809, Sir Thomas Gage, 7th bart.; and 2ndly, 1835, William Vaughan, of Courtfield, co. Monmouth. She d. 13 June, 1840. 3. Frances, d. unm. 1817. His lordship d. 3 Oct. 1812, and was s. by his eldest son, Valentine, 2nd Ear! of Kenniare, 6. 15 Jan. 1788 ; to. 1 July, 1816, Augusta, 2nd dau. of Sir Robert Wilmot,2nd bart of Osmaston, co. Derby, His lordship was a privy councillor in Ireland, lord lieut. and custos rotulorum of the co. of Kerry, and col. of the Kerry militia, and was created a peer of the United Kingdom, 17 Aug. 1841, by the title of Baron Kenmare, of Castle Rosse, Kerry. He d.s.p. 31 Oet. 1853 (his widow d. 26 Aug. 1873), when his barony of the United Kingdom became extinct, and his Irish honours descended to his brother, Thomas. 3rd Earl of Kenmare, b. 15 Jan. 1789; to. 1822, Catherine, dau. (and co-heir with her sisters, Bridget, who to. 1809, Thomas O’Reilly, and d. 1851 ; Marcella, a nun; Ellen, wife of J. J. Bagot, of Castle Bagot; and Elizabeth, wife of Gerald Dease, of Turbotston) of Edmund O’Callaghan, of Iiilgory, Clare, and by her (who d. Oct. 1854) had, 1. Valentine Augustus, 4th earl. 1. Ellen Maria, d. unm. 10 Dec. 1905. 2. Mary Catherine, to. 4 March, 1851, Robert Berkeley, of Spetchley Park, co. Worcester (who d. 9 Sept. 1897), and has issue (see Berkeley, E.). The earl, who was a captain in the army, served with the 40th regt. in the Peninsula, and received the war medal with eight clasps, and was created a peer of the United Kingdom, 12 March, 1856, by the title of Baron Kenmare, of Killarney, Kerry. He d. 26 Dec. 1871, when he was s. by his only son, Valentine Auqustus, 4th Earl of Kenmare, P.C., K.P., Lieutenant and custos rotulorum of the co. Kerry, High Sheriff 1851, J.P. cos. Limerick and Cork, Senator of the Royal Univer¬ sity of Ireland, late hon. col. 4th batt. the royal Munster fusiliers, Comptroller of H.M.’s Household 1856-58 ; Vice-Chamberlain 1859-65 and 1S68-72 ; Lord-in- Waiting, 1872-74 ; and Lord Cham¬ berlain 1880-85, and Feb. to July, 1886 ; was M.P. Kerry 1S52-71 ; b. 16 May, 1825 ; to. 2S April, 1858, Gertrude Harriet (The Bed House, Stvenoaks , Kent, and 24, Motcomb Street, Belgrave Square, S. IF.), only dau. of Lord Charles Thynne (see Bath, M.), and had issue, 1. Valentine Charles, 5th and present earl. 2. Cecil Augustine, b. 3 July, 1864 ; d. unm. 8 Jan. 1887. 1 1. Margaret Theodore Mary Catherine, to. 27 Feb. 1889, Greville Douglas, of 27, Wilton Crescent, S.W. His lordship d. 9 Feb. 1905, when he was s. by his only surviving son. Creations — Baronet, 16 Feb. 1622. Baron of Castlerosse and Viscount Kenmare, 20 May, 1689, and 12 Feb. 1798. Viscount Castlerosse and Earl of Kenmare, S Jan. 1801. Baron of the United Kingdom, 12 March, 1856. Arms — Arg., three martlets, in pale, between two flaunches, sa., each charged with a lion, passant-guardant, of the first, armed and langued, gu. Crest — A dragon’s head, couped, arg., between two wings, sa., gutt£e counterchanged. Supporter.1;— Two lynxes, arg., guttce-de-poix, plain collared and chained, or. Motto— Loyal en tout. Seat— Killarney House, Killarney, Kerry. Toun Residence — 66, Cadogan Square, S.W. Clubs-Tari-, Brooks’; and Kildare Street. 4- KENNARD. Sir Coleridge Arthur Fiizroy Kennard, 1st Kart., b. 12 May, 1885, created a baronet, 11 Feb. 1891. Lineag'e — John Ken¬ nard, of Clapham, Surrey, banker of the City of London, b. 30 Jan. 1775, son of John Kennard (b. 1732, andd. 1791), and Mary Hewitt, his wife ; to. 3 June, 1797, Harriet Eliza¬ beth, dau. of William Peirse, of Windsor, and by her (who d. 13 Sept. 1811) had issue, 1. John Peirse, of whom presently. 2. Robert William, of Theo¬ balds, Herts, merchant of London, J.P. for cos. Herts, Middlesex, and Stirling, D.L. co. Monmouth, chevalier of theOrderof Leopold of Belgium, sheriff of London, and Middlesex, 1846-7, and formerly M.P. for Newport, Isle of Wight; 6 18 Jan. 1800; to. 23 May, 1823, Mary Anne, dau. of Thomas Challis, M.P. for Finsbury, and d. 1870, having had issue. 3. George (Rev.), M.A., of Gayton, co. Northampton, b. 3 Jan. 1806 ; to. 26 Sept. 1839, Mary Jeannette, only dau. of John Jackson, and d. 11 Dec. 1847, leaving issue. 4. Henry Hewitt, of Rookcliff, Hants, b. 30 July, 1808 ; d. 16 Oct. 1878. 5. Stephen Ponder, of Woodlands, Harrow Weald, Middlesex, J.P. and D.L., b. 24 Jan. 1810; to. 13 June, 1839, Emma Sarah, dau. of William Steinmetz, of Upper Homerton, Middlesex. She d. 11 Dec. 1898. He d. 14 Jan. 1887, leaving issue. 1. Harriet Elizabeth, to. 25 May, 1841, John Corrie, of Senwiclt, Kirkcudbright. 2. Ellen, to. 15 March, 1838, the late George Simpson, of Lincoln's Inn, barrister-at-law. Mr. Kennard d. 1 Dec. 1838. His eldest son, John Peirse Kennard, of Walthamstow, Essex, and London, banker, afterwards of Ilordle Cliff, Hants, b. 25 Oct. 1798; m. 8 Jan. 1828, Sophia, eldest dau. of Sir John Chapman, of Windsor, and d. 3 May, 1877, leaving issue, 1. Coleridge John, his heir. 2. Adam Steinmetz, J.P., Hants, high sheriffl885 (Belmore, Bishop's Waltham), b. June, 1833 ; to. 1st, 1861, Grace Ellen, eldest dau., and co -heir of Joseph Hegan, of Dawpool, Cheshire. Shed. 1880, leaving issue. He to. 2ndly, 18 Oct. 1883, Alice Jane, dau. of Henry Lomax Gaskill, of Kiddington Hall, Oxford, and has issue (see Landed Gentry, Kennard of Crawley Court). 3. Edmund Hegan, M.P. for Lymington, formerly for Beverley (25, Bruton Street, IF.), b. 14 Oct. 1634, M.A. Oxford, late capt. 8th Hussars, hon. coi. 15th Middlesex R.V., A.D.C. to the Duke of Abercorn, K.G., when lord lieut. of Ireland ; to. Jan. 1868, Agnes, 2nd dau. and co-heir of Joseph Hegan, of Dawpool, co. Chester. She d. 22 Jan. 1906, leaving issue. 4. Charles Henry (Right Rev. Mgr.), canon of Clifton, and Domestic Prelate to Pope Pius X., M.A. Univ. Coll. Oxon. (93, St. Aldate's, Oxford), b. 11 Oct. 1810. 1. Marion Julia, m. Rev. Edward Rawnsley, of Raithby Hall, co. Lincoln. 2. Sophia Hegan, d. 1843. 3. Elizabeth Louisa, to. Rev. C. J. Robinson, H.M. inspector of schools. The eldest son, Coleridge John Kennard, of Fernhill, Hants, and Upper Gros- venor Street, London, J.P. for Hants and D.L. London, M.P. Salis¬ bury 1882-5, b. 6 Oct. 1828; m. 20 July, 1858, Ellen Georgian* (Lady Kennard) (6, Beanery Street, Park Lane, IF.), only child of Capt. John Wilkinson Rowe, H.E.I.C.S., and niece of Sir Joshua Rowe, C.B., chief justice of Jamaica, and had issue, Hugh Coleridge Downing, lieut. gren. gds., b. 15 May, 1859; to. 7 Sept. 1883, Helen (54, Hans Place, S. IV.), only dau. of James Wyllie, of Eilenroc, Antibes, France, and 2, King’s Gardens, Hove, Brighton, and d.v.p. 9 April, 1886, having by her (who to. 2ndly, 1896, James Lawrence Carew, M.P., who d. 31 Aug. 1903) had an only child, Coleridge Arthur Fitzroy (Sir), created a baronet. Meredyth Sophia Frances, to. 6 Nov. 1890, Brig. Gen. Sir Henry Seymour Rawlinson, 2nd bart., C.V.O., C.B. 1021 PEERAGE AND BARONETAGE. Kennedy. Mr. C. J. Ivennard cl. 25 Doc. 1890, before the patent of baronetcy about to be conferred on him was enrolled. The baronetcy was soon after, on 11 Feb. 1S91, given to his grandson, and his widow, Eilen Georgiana, was granted the rank, title, and precedence of the widow of a baronet. Creation — ll Feb. 1891. Arms— Per chevron gu. and az. a chevron engrailed arg.betweer. two keys in chief, the wards downwards or, and a sword erect in base ppr. Crest — A cubit arm erect in armour ppr., charged with a buckle gu., grasping in the hand a key in bend, or, and a broken sword in bend sinister per. Motto— At spes non fracta. Residence— Femhill, Southampton . Clubs— Marlborough and St. James. KENNAWAY. The Right Hon. Sir John Henry Kennaway, 3rd Bart., P.C., C.B., of Escot, Devon ; J.P. and D.L. Devon, M.A. Balliol Coll. Oxford, barr.-at-law ; M.P. for Devonshire (East) 1870 to 1885, and for Honiton Division since that year; president of the Church Missionary- Society, honorary col. 4tli batt. Devonshire regt. {vol. officers’ decoration) ; b. 6 June, 1837; s. his father 1873; m. 27 Nov. 1866, Frances, dau. of A Archibald F. Arbuthnot ^ {see Arbuthnot, Bart..), and grand-dau. of Field-Marshal Viscount Gough, and has issue, 1 ♦ John, late lieut. 3rd vol. batt. Devonshire regt., b. 7 April, 1879. 1. Gertrude Ella, b. 24 May, 1874. 2. Joyce Christabel, 6.21 Dec. 1876; to. 8 Aug. 1901, Philip Wil- braham Baker-Wilbraham, barr.-at-law, Fell, of All Souls Coll. ■Oxford, only surviving son of G. B. Baker-Wilbraham, of Rode Hall, Cheshire, and has issue (see Rhodes, Bart.). Lineage— Sir John Kennaway, 1st Bart, (descended from William Kennaway, a merchant, by Joyce, dau. of Sir William Bastard, of Garston, Devon), having entered early into the service of the Hon. East India Company, received his commission as captain in 1780, and served in the Bengal part of the grand army, commanded fey Lieut.-Gen. Sir Eyre Coote, K.B., in the Carnatic, during the inva¬ sion of Hyder Ali, until the battle and siege of Cuddalore. A general peace soon after taking place, Captain Kennaway returned to Bengal ; was appointed, in 1786, aide-de-camp to Marquess Cornwallis, and sent by his lordship, in 1788, as envoy to the court of Hyderabad, to demand from the Nizam the cession of the maritime province of Guntoor, which, contrary to treaty, had for many years remained in his highness’s possession. Captain Kennaway was in this embassy eminently successful, and soon after concluded with the Nizam a treaty of alliance against Tippoo Sultan, for which services his majesty was pleased to create him a baronet, 25 Feb. 1791, and the court of directors of the East India Company to take out his patent at the public expense. In 1792, he was appointed, by the Marquess ■Cornwallis, commissioner to adjust, in concert with agents of the Nizam and the Mahrattas, a preliminary and definitive ti eaty of peace with the commissioners of Tippoo Sultan, by which the latter prince •ceded half his dominions, and agreed to the payment of three mil¬ lions three hundred thousand pounds to the three allied powers, for "the expenses of the war, and to deliver up two of his sons as hos¬ tages for the due performance of the treaty. He to. in 1797, Charlotte, 2nd dau. and co-heir of James Amyatt, M.P., and by Tier (who d. 1845) he had, 1. John (Sir), 2nd hart. 2, Charles Edward (Rev.), M.A., fell, of St. John's Coll. Camb., vicar of Campden, Gloucestershire, and canon of Gloucester ; 6. "3 Jan. 1800; to. 1st, 17 June, 1830, Emma, 4th dau. of the lion and Rev. Gerard Thomas Noel. She d.s.p. 10 Oct. 1843. He to. -2ndly, 30 Dec. 1845, Olivia, 3rd .dau. of Rev. Lewis Way, of Stansted Park, Sussex. She d. 1888. He d. 3 Nov. 1875, leaving issue by her. i ♦ Charles Lewis (Rev.), M.A. University Coll. Oxford, rector of ■Garboldisham, Norfolk, and rural dean, 6. 3 July, 1847; m. 18 July, 1877, Edith Letitia, dau. of Charles Joseph Parke, of Uenbury, Dorset, and has issue, (1) ^ Charles Roger (La Perle, St. Lucia, W. Indies), b. 5 Jan. 1880; m. 15 Jan. 1907, Margaret Evelyn, 2nd dau. of Robert Bagot Chester Everard, of Remenhnm, Hindhead. (2) ♦ Arthur Lewis, 6. 16 June, 1881. (1) Margaret Verena, d. 18 Dee. 1879. (2) Ruth Lettice. (3) Cicely Joan, to. 7 Jan. 1908, Gerald Vernon Carter, late 16th Lancers, son of the late Rev. Vernon Carter, rector of Aimer, Dorset. 2. Arthur Gerard Noel, 6. 6 April, 1851 ; d. 1567. 1. Agnes Olivia. 2. Mariona. 3. Lawrence, E.I.C.C.S. ; d. at Allahabad, 8 April, 1822. 4. William Richard, Bengal civil service, judge of Futtehpore; 6. 15 June, 1804; to. 17 May, 1831, Eliza, dau. of George Poyntz Ricketts, and d. 13 Oct. 1842, leaving by her (who d. 8 Jan. 1893) three daus., 1. Maria Sophia. 2. Emily Frances, to. 13 July, 1867, Eugene Francis Cronin, M.D., and has issue. 3. Blanche,™. 13 Feb. 1873, Col. Hugh P. R. F. Crawfurd, late Indian army. 1. Charlotte Eliza, in. 13 Jan. 1835, George Templer, of Sandford Orleigli, Devon, and d. 8 Oct. 1878, leaving two daus. 2. Maria, in. 22 Dec. 1835, Francis William Newman, and d.s.v 16 July, 1876. 3. Frances, in. 24 May, 1838, Edward Cronin, M.D., and d. 30 Aug. 1880, leaving issue, three sons and three daus. 4. Augusta, d. unm. 18 April, 1895, aged 84. 5. Susan, to. 15 May, 1841, Hon. and Rev. Gerard Thomas Noel (who d. 24 Feb. 1851), brother to Charles Noel, 1st Earl of Gains¬ borough, and d. 14 Feb. 1890. lie d. 1 Jan. 1836, and was s. by his eldestson, Sir John Kennaway, 2nd Bart., high sheriff of Devonshire in 1866, 6. 15 Dec. 1797 ; to. 28 April, 1831, Emily Frances, dau. of the late Thomas Kingscote, of Kingscote, in Gloucestershire, and by her (who d. 16 May, 1858) had issue, 1. John Henry (Sir), 3rd and present hart. 2 ♦Charles William, lieut. -col. late R.1I.A.,6. 6 April, 1843; to. 29 April, 1876, Evelyn, 2nd dau. of E. Lennox Boyd, F.S.A., of the Lees, Folkestone, and has issue, $ Charles Noel, capt. R.G.A., 6. 17 Feb. 1877 ; to. 11 Oct. 1906, Florence Lucie, 2nd dau. of H. S. Poole, of Halifax, Nova Scotia. 3. Gerard Acland, 6. 13 June, 1845 ; d. 29 Nov. 1859. 4# Richard Arthur (Rev.), rector of Green’s Norton, Toweester, 5. 28 Feb. 1847; in. 1st, 23 July, 1874, Mary Jane, eldest dau. of the Rev. Thomas F. Boddington, M.A., and by her (who d. 1889) has issue, 1 ♦Gerard Arthur, lieut. Derbyshire Yeo., 6. 18 Nov. 1876 ; to. 14 July, 1908, Gladys, dau. of Cecil Palmer, of Red House Park, Ipswich. 2 ♦Mark John, 6. 25 April, 1880. 3. Eric Charles, 6. 31 July, 1881: d. young. 4 ♦Leonard Henry, 6. 26 Aug. 1882. 5. Edward Amyatt, 6. 1885; d. young. 6 ♦Richard Harold, 6. 6 May, 1887. 1. Ella Frances, 6. 24 April, 1879. He m. 2ndly, 30 Aug. 1892, Isabella Fraser, dau. of Rev. William Wilson, rector of Stoke Bruerne, Northants. 1. Emily Charlotte, d. 21 Jan. 1872. Sir John d. 19 Feb. 1873. Creation — 25 Feb. 1791. Arms — Arg., a fesse az., between two eagles displayed in chief, gu., and in base, through an annulet of the third, a slip of olive and another of palm in saltier ppr. Crest — An eagle rising ppr.: from the beak an escutcheon pendent az., charged with the sun in splendour also ppr. Motto — Ascendam. Seat— Escot, Ottery St. Mary, Devonshire. Clubs — National ; Athenaeum; Carlton. ♦ KENNEDY. Sir John Charles Ken¬ nedy, 3rd Bart., of Johns¬ town Kennedy, co. Dublin, J.P. and D.L. for Dublin, High Sheriff co. Waterford 1884, B.A. Trin. Coll. Camb., late lieut. 3rd batt. Roy. Dublin Fus., b. 23 March, 1856 ; s. bis father 1880; m. 11 Nov. 1879, Sydney H. H. Maude, dau. of Sir James Macaulay Higginson, K.C.B., and has issue, !♦ JonN Ralph Bayly, 6. 9 April, 1896. 2^. Tames Edward, 6. 18 Jan. 1S£ 1. Augusta Mabel. PEERAGE AND BARONETAGE. Kensington. Lineage — Darby O’Kennedy, of Ballikeirogue Castle, co. Waterford, whom, a dau. of Stephen Baron, of Durrow, was father of John Kennedy, of Johnstown, Kennedy, in the co. of Dublin, (whod. in 1758) ; he left, by Eleanor his wife, dau. of Eaton Fagan, of Feltrim, a son and successor, Edward Kennedy, of Johnstown, Kennedy, 6. in 1746; who to. in 1781, Sarah, dau. of John Bayly, of Gowran and dying in 1811, left two sons, 1. John, his heir; 2. Charles Edward, of Pea Mount. The elder son, Sir John Kennedy, 1st Bart., 6. in 1785, created a baronet 18 July, 1836; m. 1st, 19 March, 1819, Maria, dau. of William Beauman, of Rutland Square, Dublin, by whom (who d. 7 Nov. 1828) he had issue, 1. Charles Edward Bayly (Sir), 2nd bart. 2. William Beauman, 6. 6 April, 1821 ; ra. 1860, Elizabeth, dau. oi James Martin, of Ross, co. Galway, and cl. 28 June, 1884, having by her, who d. 1906, had issue, i ♦William Horace, capt. (ret.) King’s Royal Rifle Corps, b. 1861 ; m. 1st, 1889, Ada Constance, dau. of Surgeon-Major-Gen. John Warren, and by her (who d. 1894) has issue, ♦ John Horace, b. 1890. He to. 2ndly, 1895, Sophia Thomasine Constable, dau. of Capt. Constable Curtis (see Curtis, Bart.). 2. Robert Arthur Francis, b. 1869 ; d. 1906. 1. Maria. 2. Constance, to. 1890, Major Arthur Trevelyan Moore, R.E. and has issue. 3. Marion Alice, to. July, 1901, George Leycester Penrhyn, son of E. H. L. Penrhyn, D.L. of East Sheen. 4. Violet, d. unm. 3. John, b. 21 Sept. 1823; d. 1843. 4. Francis, 6.21 Nov. 1826; capt. 77th regt. ; to. 26 Feb. 1857, Elizabeth, dau. of Christopher Sanders, of Deer Park, and d. in 1862, having by her (who in. 2ndly, 22 June, 1869, Sir Geo. Ribton, 4th and last Bart., who d.s.p. 5 April, 1901, and d. 27 Feb. 1906), had issue, 1 ♦John Arthur, 6. Jan. 1858; to. 19 April, 1881, Evelyn Maude, dau. of H. G. Bromilow, of Southport, co. Lancaster, and has issue, (1) ^ Francis George, 6. 1882. (2) ^Charles Harold, 6. 1884. (1) Olive Eileen. 2^Francis, 6. 1859. 34Graham Egerton, 6. 1861; to. 1896, the dau. of Henry Quinan. 1. Elizabeth Maria, to. 6 April, 1891, Alfred Edward Dailey, and has issue. 5^Robert, of Baronrath, co. Kildare, lieut. and custos rotulorum ol co. Kildare, J.P. on. Dublin ( Newcastle Lodge, Hazelliaich, co. Dublin), b. b Aug. 1828; to. 1855, Alice, dau. of the Rev. Henry and Lady Emily Gray, sister of William, 2nd Earl of Limerick, and has issue, 1 ♦John Henry, late capt. 97th regt., and 3rd batt. Roy. West Kent regt., 6. 5 March, 1859 ; to. Rose, dau of Maj.-Gen. H. Parke, R.M. A., and widow of Col. Henry Thornhill, R.H.A. 2 ♦Edward Robert, 6. 1860. 3 ♦Francis William, capt. R.N., 6. 1863; to. 30 Aug. 1898, Amy dau. of Col. H. H. Goodeve, late R.A. 4 ♦Robert Augustus, capt. Lancashire fus., 6. 27 March, 1867 ; to. Jane, dau. of John Nicholson. 1, Maria, in. 1847, J. Tottenham Langrishe, who d. 1888. She d. 1898. Sir John to. 2nclly, Oct. 1841, Elizabeth Anne, dau. of John Beauman, of Hyde Park, co. Wexford, but by her had no issue. He d. 15 Oct. 1848, and was s. by his son, Sir Charles Edward Bayly Kennedy, 2nd Bart., 6. 13 Feb. 1820 ; to. 19 Oct. 1854, Lady Augusta Pery, sister of William, 2nd Earl of Limerick, and by her (who if. 10 Nov. 1865) had issue, 1. John Charles (Sir), 3rd and present bart. 2 ♦George Edwardde Vere, late lieut. 5th Lancers ( Durroic House , Kilmacthomas , co. Waterford), b. 2 Aug. 1857 ; to. 8 Aug. 1889, Julia Ellen Beatrice, 4th dau. of Sir John Craven Carden, 4th bart. and has issue, !♦ Ronald Bayly Craven, 6. 21 Sept. 1895. 2$ Derick Edward de Vere, 6. 5 June, 1904. 1. Ruth Pery, d. young 1901. 2. Hilda Doris, d. young 1903.
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180 BASKET BALL OFFENSE— PLAYS FROM TIP-OFF DIAGRAM 44 — Forward to Opposite Guard Up. TIP-OFF PLAYS OFFENSE— PLAYS FROM TIP-OFF 181 DIAGRAM 45— Pivot and Short-Pass Attack. 182 BASKET BALL OFFENSE— PLAYS FROM TIP-OFF % DIAGRAM 46— Forward to Guard Up. TIP-OFF PLAYS 183 OFFENSE— PLAYS FROM TIP-OFF DIAGRAM 47— Guard Dribble. 184 BASKET BALL OFFENSE— PLAYS FROM TIP-OFF DIAGRAM 48— See Description. TIP-OFF PLAYS OFFENSE— PLAYS FROM TIP-OFF 185 DIAGRAM 49 186 BASKET BALL OFFENSE— PLAYS FROM UNBALANCED FORMATION DIAGRAM 50 TIP-OFF PLAYS 187 OFFENSE— PLAYS FROM UNBALANCED FORMATION DIAGRAM 51 188 BASKET BALL OFFENSE— PLAYS FROM UNBALANCED FORMATION ^ DIAGRAM 52 Tn^-OFF PLAYS 189 OFFENSE—PLAYS FROM UNBALANCED FORMATION DIAGRAM 53— "L" Formation. CHAPTER XVIII COACHING GENERALITIES At the first meeting of the season the coach should outline his plans to the candidates, an- nounce the periods and time of practice, and such restrictions and observances as he will re- quire. He should explain how to care for the feet, and minor injuries, the need of weighing in and out carefully, the care and safeguard- ing of equipment, and the like. Following this talk he should expect and require regularity of attendance and punctuality. There should be no exception permitted in these respects unless for good cause, for nothing is more demoraliz- ing than to have men absent or arriving late. It betokens a lack of earnestness that bodes ill for the team. For the first practices have all the men en- gage in the same exercises regardless of the positions they are trying out for. There should be no differentiation of the squad until the fundamentals of the game have been acquired quite generally. 190 COACHING GENERALITIES 191 Begin cutting the squad early. It is a mis- take to keep a large number of men in action, for it disperses the attentions of the coach and prevents the intensive development of the few, first line men. The problem is to develop five or seven good men, not twenty fair men. It takes courage and decision to cut the squad, for the coach fears that he may drop a man who would later have made good. Con- versely he will occasionally spend a world of time and effort on a man who develops just so far and then comes to a standstill, or even de- teriorates. Perhaps one of the biggest factors in coaching is ability to recognize quickly and mth certainty, qualities for or against the re- spective candidates. My own preference is for men who can handle the ball skilfully, receiving and passing it cleanly and with few blunders. I drop such men reluctantly and only after a very thorough trial. I prefer skill with the hands, to speed. Have no set standard as to height and weight for the various positions. On the whole, a small, fast man, makes the best running guard, espe- cially if he can shoot. The rear guard should be tall, heavy and rugged, but need not be clever with the ball, shiftiness and fight being more necessary requisites. Never sacrifice floor abil- 192 BASKET BALL ity and ^^ wallop '^ for height and jump, in cen- ters. Control of the tip-off is worth from 7 to 10 points per game — ^but is more than offset in lack of drive, poor defense, and inability to se- cure the ball in scrimmage, when tall, narrow chested, slender legged men, are used in center, primarily because their height enables them to secure the jump. The center is the drive wheel of the machine and should be a hard scrimmag- ing, all round player, especially good on de- fense. After studying the material, the type of game best suited to it should be adopted. For in- stance, tall, heavy men are adapted to the long overhand and shoulder pass game, with empha- sis on rebound shots and on defense; while small, light, fast men are especially adapted to the short-pass, close-shot system, with the em- phasis mostly on attack. The advantage of the tall heavy material is that it can be drilled to both styles of play and so may have a more varied attack than is possible with small men. However, if the men are big, the coach must expect only a slow development, both as to in- dividual and teach technique. They will require a deal more drilling than a light team, and, as well, can stand it better. Occasionally one gets material that can never be whipped into shape. COACHING GENERALITIES 193 bnt is all that is available, and I know of no more discouraging situation. Balance the men so as to have a medium sized man at either end of the floor, for they are usually better at securing a loose ball than are large men, and the ball is gotten thru scrim- mage of tener than in any other manner. Program of Practice — The first few prac- tices should be restricted to simple exercises like shooting from easy distances, following in for rebounds, the dribble and short shot, and hook-passing practice. A few shots for goal, some trials at the hook-pass and a dribble and short shot, will enable a fair judgment to be passed in short order, as to candidate's neuro- muscular ability. In a doubtful case place the man in defense position, while the remainder of the squad shoot and pass, and so determine whether the candidate has natural defensive ability even tho not clever with the ball. A suggested program for the early practice periods includes (1) 20 minutes basket work, from in front, at first ; (2) twenty minutes work on the stop-turns, in both directions ; (3) twenty minutes practice on the hook, bounce, overhand and underhand passes, and then a ten minutes scrimmage. 194 BASKET BALL As the season progresses and proficiency is gained, the time spent on passing can be shared with special drills on defense and the like. The time for scrimmage may also be lengthened somewhat — ^bnt here lies the chief danger in basket ball: overwork, staleness. Later on, lengthen the shooting practice to thirty minntes every period, in fnll season. For the first three weeks at least, scrimmages should last not more than ten minutes of the period. The heart must be developed by grad- ually increased amounts of work before long practices can be engaged in without harm. For this reason, a long season of preliminary train- ing, with the work taken easily, and with no scrimmage at all for several weeks, is advisable from the standpoint of the players' physical condition and development, as well as for the acquirement of technique. A long season, with the practice periods well spread, say two or three times a week from the middle of October, makes for a better acquaintance all round, and for the development of friendships and mutual confidence, that can find no place in the stress of a short season such as would follow the foot- ball season. A close personal relation between coach and players is one of the greatest re- COACHING GENERALITIES 195 wards of the work and its greatest pleasure, and should be deliberately fostered. Watch the weight sheet, and when a player fails to regain by next day the weight lost in practice, ease np his work, and, if need be, lay him off entirely. A basket ball player should be ruddy and healthful in appearance ; too often they look like greyhounds. When the team is chosen, keep it intact, and work with out many changes of combinations. Locating each other, knowing what sort of passes to expect, and what methods to antici- pate, is a reflex process, and comes only with constant repetitions of play with the same team mates. Team work is usually injured by substi- tutions, and that fact offsets the advantage of fresh men. Of course, some extra men are nec- essary, for safety, but they rarely improve a tiring team. Teach the men to coach each other with the idea of being mutually helpful. Especially should the men behind the ball talk to the men ahead of them, calling ^^hike'^ for a rebound, ^'shoot", '4ook out'V^^y I^a^'^ ^^your man", and so on. A winning team is usually a talking team, not the useless blatter of the base ball 196 BASKET BALL player, but directions and advice from the man behind, to the man in, the scrimmage. The lighting should be the same for practice as for the regular games, and if the latter are held at night it is well to hold some of the prac- tices at the regular game hour. On the whole, afternoon practice is preferable because it ena- bles the men to eat heartily at regular meal time and also conserves time for study. If the team has played on Saturday, the practice period on Monday should be spent in part, in going over the events of the game. The coach should have his criticisms and sug- gestions well organized and ready, so that a full, free discussion of the weaknesses shown can be entered into. The opponent's style of play can be discussed and if it presents valu- able features can be tried out, if not in con- flict with the established play of the team. After a game, and especially after a trip and a series of games, the team work will need brushing up, so try out on the first practice both offensive and defensive play and get the team going smoothly again without opposi- tion. Make the period an easy one, and a good natured one, whether the game was won or lost, unless some especial need exists for more severe measures. COACHING GENERALITIES 197 On Tuesday, scrimmage again begins, is long- est on Wednesday, the heavy day, and lightens again on Thursday. On Friday practice shoot- ing and plays, without opposition, and have a light workout only. On trips, make it a set rule that the men go and return as a party. Have it understood that what one does all will do. Allow no sight seeing trips unless under Coach's supervision and with all present. Allow no meals to be eaten away from the squad. Try to instill into the men the idea that the trip is strictly for the business of winning games, and that all personal desires at variance with that purpose must be silenced. Once the entire squad be- comes imbued with the ideal of giving 100 per cent of themselves to the task of winning, the problem of discipline, of condition, and of win- ning a fair share of games, is solved. The coach can establish that ideal, and almost any other right one that he wishes, if he himself is conscientious, fair, and enthusiastically for his team and school. When on a trip, the men should arise late on the morning of the game, breakfast, and then go out in a body for a short walk, or a visit to some near-by point of interest, and then back to hotel in time for luncheon. After the noon 198 BASKET BALL meal all should go to their rooms untiltlie call for the pre-game meal, usually eaten at 5 :30, if the game is at 7:30 or 8 P. M. Two poached eggs, two pieces of toast, buttered, and a cup of weak tea, constitutes this meal, which is eaten more to prevent an uncomfortable feel- ing of hunger in the men, than from intent to provide energy for the game. The noon meal should be a moderate one, of plain foods, boiled or roasted, and without desserts. Breakfast can be of any of the usual menus. The coach should order all the meals. Lots of sleep, rather than prescribed dietaries, is basal to good condition. After the game a light meal should be eaten. During a game the coach should watch the first half of the game as a neutral. Note if the passing is being executed correctly, the offense positions being filled as taught, the defense cov- ering well or not, and, in general, try to be a cool critic for the first half at least. The team may be deviating ever so little from the fun- damentals of your play, and if recognized, the brief interval at half time will be sufficient in which to right the error. Eeversals from poor to good work in the second half are more apt to be due to the coach carefully analyzing his opponent's game, and adopting plans to beat COACHING GENERALITIES 199 it, and to discovering and correcting Ms own team's faults, than to any sudden burst of spirit on the part of the men. It is of little use to tell the men to fight — tell them Jiotv to fight. Don't try to change the theory of your play between halves of a losing game — try to improve the execution. Watch your star, in particular, in a losing game, for the more brilliant he is the more he is apt to become erratic. Tournaments — High school coaches have a special problem in the conduct of their teams thru championship tournaments, at the close of their season. Often these are of several days' duration and require the successful teams to play a number of games on an elimination plan. If possible, it is well to arrive at the tourna- ment city the night before play begins, and to work out on the game court that night. If this cannot be done I believe it is better not to prac- tice on the floor, on the days of tournament play, except during the few minutes preceding the game. Tournaments are won by stamina, ability to play frequently, quite as much as by skill, and the boys should be resting practically all the time not spent in actual competition. The jam and bustle at the gym, with the time lost in the dressing room, the effect of repeated baths, and the fatigue induced by the practices. 200 BASKET BALL affect a team detrimentally and more than off- set the advantage gained by practicing on the game floor. Furthermore, lighting and other conditions are affected by the crowds present at the contests and as the practice is before empty seats no special advantage accrues to it. During these two and three day tournaments great care should be exercised to see that the boys do not over eat. The change of food fre- quently stimulates the players' appetites, and as they are getting it without cost to them- selves, they frequently eat themselves ^*logy". Keep the meals moderate in amount and of plain foods. Again, it is well to keep the boys away from the court during the time other teams are at play. Watching play is extremely fatiguing, especially if one has a keen interest in the out- come ; further, so many blunders are apparent even in the best of teams ' play, that a feeling of over confidence is easily developed in those looking on. Any one with scouting experience will corroborate that statement. Play your best line up at the start of each game and have them pile up a lead, if possible. Then is the time for substitutions, especially for the offensive three men, or of any one par- ticular player, and not at the outset of the game. 3477-^.
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Owens, J. ¶1 This case concerns a trial court's exercise of discretion in vacating judgments, in disallowing the State to amend an information in a criminal case, and in dismissing counts of an information. Kenneth Lamb was charged with, among other things, 10 counts of unlawful possession of a firearm. The State alleged that Lamb was precluded from possessing firearms because of his 1991 juvenile adjudication for second degree burglary. Lamb moved to withdraw his 1991 plea of guilty and vacate the juvenile adjudication. The trial court granted Lamb's motion. The trial court also denied the State's motion to amend the information to instead rely on another juvenile adjudication and, ultimately, dismissed the 10 unlawful possession of a firearm counts. The State appealed and the Court of Appeals reversed all three of the trial court's rulings. We affirm in part and reverse in part. FACTS ¶2 In 1987, Lamb pleaded guilty in juvenile court to indecent liberties based on his causing another person less than 14 years of age to have sexual contact with him. Lamb was 11 years old at the time of his offense. This means of committing indecent liberties was removed from the statute in 1988. Laws of 1988, ch. 145, § 10. In 1991, Lamb pleaded guilty in juvenile court to second degree burglary. At the time of entry, Lamb's juvenile adjudications did not result in the termination of his right to possess firearms. ¶3 After Lamb's adjudications, the legislature amended the prohibition on possession of firearms in several ways that affected Lamb. In 1992, the legislature amended RCW 9.41.040 to prohibit possession of short firearms or pistols by persons adjudicated guilty, as juveniles, of crimes of violence, including second degree burglary, former RCW 9.41.010 (1992). Laws of 1992, ch. 205, § 118. In 1994, the legislature enacted RCW 9.41.047, which requires the court to notify an offender, at the time of conviction, of his or her ineligibility to possess a firearm. Laws of 1994, 1st Spec. Sess., ch. 7, § 404. The legislature also expanded the prohibition to all firearms, not just short firearms and pistols. Id. § 402. In 1996, the legislature expanded the scope of the unlawful possession of a firearm statute to encompass persons convicted or adjudicated of any felony. Laws of 1996, ch. 295, § 2. Thus, as of 1992, a juvenile adjudication of guilt for second degree burglary made possession of certain firearms a criminal offense, and, as of 1996, each of Lamb's felony juvenile adjudications independently precluded him from possessing any firearm. It is a verity on this appeal that Lamb never received notice that his right to possess firearms had been terminated. ¶4 In 2009, the State initiated the present case by charging Lamb with 3 counts of theft of a firearm, 10 counts of second degree unlawful possession of a firearm, and 1 count of unlawful manufacture of marijuana. The State relied on Lamb's 1991 second degree burglary adjudication as the predicate offense for the unlawful possession of a firearm counts. ¶5 Before trial, Lamb filed a motion to withdraw his guilty plea to, and vacate the order of disposition on, his juvenile adjudication for second degree burglary. In his motion, Lamb contended that the plea was not knowing, voluntary, and intelligent because he was not informed that his right to possess firearms would be terminated. Following a hearing, the trial court orally granted the motion and, one week later, issued written findings of fact and conclusions of law. The trial court's order was based on its conclusion that "under the totality of the facts and circumstances in this case denying the motion to withdraw the plea of guilty and vacate the order of disposition would be fundamentally unfair and constitute a manifest injustice." 1 Clerk's Papers (CP) at 13. The State appealed on September 30, 2009. In its appeal, the State argued that Lamb's motion should have been treated as a time barred personal restraint petition. ¶6 Immediately following the trial court's denial of the motion for reconsideration, the State moved to amend the information a second time to make Lamb's juvenile indecent liberties conviction the predicate felony for five of the unlawful possession of a firearm counts. Lamb, meanwhile, moved to dismiss all of the unlawful possession of a firearm counts. The trial court granted Lamb's motion to dismiss the unlawful possession of a firearm counts with prejudice and denied the State's motion. The State appealed. ¶7 The Court of Appeals reversed, holding that the trial court had abused its discretion in (1) allowing Lamb to withdraw his plea and vacating the juvenile adjudication, (2) denying the State's motion to amend the information, and (3) dismissing the unlawful possession of a firearm charges. State v. Lamb, 163 Wn. App. 614, 618-19, 262 P.3d 89 (2011). With respect to the State's argument that Lamb's motion to vacate his juvenile adjudication was time barred, the Court of Appeals concluded that the State had abandoned the argument. Id. at 624 n.6. Lamb petitioned for review of the three issues on which the Court of Appeals reversed the superior court; the State did not cross petition with respect to the Court of Appeals' resolution of the time bar argument. We granted review of all the issues presented in the petition. State v. Lamb, 173 Wn.2d 1020, 272 P.3d 851 (2012). ISSUES ¶8 1. Did the trial court err in allowing Lamb to withdraw his guilty plea and in vacating his juvenile burglary adjudication? ¶9 2. Did the trial court err in denying the State's motion to amend the information? ¶10 3. Did the trial court err in dismissing the unlawful possession of a firearm charges? ANALYSIS 1. Withdrawal of Plea and Vacation of Lamb's Juvenile Adjudication ¶11 The first issue in this case concerns the trial court's granting Lamb's motion to withdraw his 1991 guilty plea to second degree robbery and to vacate the juvenile adjudication based on that plea. A trial court's order on a motion to withdraw a guilty plea or vacate a judgment is reviewed for abuse of discretion. In re Pers. Restraint of Cadwallader, 155 Wn.2d 867, 879-80, 123 P.3d 456 (2005); State v. Marshall, 144 Wn.2d 266, 280, 27 P.3d 192 (2001). A trial court abuses its discretion if its decision "is manifestly unreasonable or based upon untenable grounds or reasons." State v. Powell, 126 Wn.2d 244, 258, 893 P.2d 615 (1995). A court's decision "is based on untenable reasons if it is based on an incorrect standard or the facts do not meet the requirements of the correct standard." In re Marriage of Littlefield, 133 Wn.2d 39, 47, 940 P.2d 1362 (1997). "A court's decision is manifestly unreasonable if it is outside the range of acceptable choices, given the facts and the applicable legal standard." Id. The "untenable grounds" basis applies "if the factual findings are unsupported by the record." Id. ¶12 In this case, the trial court's order vacating Lamb's juvenile burglary adjudication was based on unten able reasons. The trial court's stated basis for vacating Lamb's adjudication was that to deny the motion "would be fundamentally unfair and constitute a manifest injustice." 1 CP at 8. While correction of a manifest injustice is a sufficient basis to permit withdrawal of a guilty plea under CrR 4.2(f), withdrawal of Lamb's guilty plea must also meet the requirements set forth in CrR 7.8 since the motion was made after judgment was entered. See CrR 4.2(f) ("If the motion for withdrawal is made after judgment, it shall be governed by CrR 7.8."); see also State v. Robinson, 172 Wn.2d 783, 791 n.4, 263 P.3d 1233 (2011). ¶13 The trial court abused its discretion because it did not use any legal standard applicable under CrR 7.8. The only basis for relief from a final judgment that Lamb identifies as applicable is the "catchall" provision of CrR 7.8(b), which permits relief for "[a]ny other reason justifying relief from the operation of the judgment." CrR 7.8(b)(5). CrR 7.8(b)(5) allows for relief in situations not covered by subsections (1) through (4), see State v. Brand, 120 Wn.2d 365, 369, 842 P.2d 470 (1992), and "where the interests of justice most urgently require," State v. Shove, 113 Wn.2d 83, 88, 776 P.2d 132 (1989). The trial court did not discuss this standard or any of the cases interpreting CrR 7.8(b)(5). A finding of "manifest injustice" does not automatically establish that relief is available under CrR 7.8(b)(5). Accordingly, the trial court's decision was based on untenable reasons and was an abuse of discretion. ¶14 We recognize that in Robinson and State v. A.N.J., 168 Wn.2d 91, 225 P.3d 956 (2010), we indicated that the manifest injustice standard of CrR 4.2(f) applies both before and after entry of judgment. Robinson, 172 Wn.2d at 791; A.N.J., 168 Wn.2d at 106. In reaching this conclusion, we relied on State v. Taylor, 83 Wn.2d 594, 595, 521 P.2d 699 (1974). Robinson, 172 Wn.2d at 791-92; A.N.J., 168 Wn.2d at 106-07. After Taylor was decided, however, CrR 4.2(f) was amended to state that motions for withdrawal made after entry of judgment are governed by CrR 7.8. Amend ment to CrR 4.2(f), 116 Wn.2d 1106 (effective Sept. 1,1991). We did not discuss this amendment in either Robinson or A.N.J. We need not, in this case, revisit the discussion of the standard in Robinson and A.N.J. — a postjudgment motion to withdraw a guilty plea must either meet the requirements of both CrR 4.2(f) and CrR 7.8, compare Robinson, 172 Wn.2d at 791 n.4, or only CrR 7.8, see CrR 4.2(f). Either way, meeting only the manifest injustice standard of CrR 4.2(f) is insufficient when considering a postjudgment motion to withdraw a guilty plea, and the trial court therefore employed the incorrect legal standard. 115 Moreover, the legal argument presented by Lamb fails to even establish a manifest injustice. Lamb argues that his plea results in a manifest injustice because it was not knowing, voluntary, and intelligent. Cf. Robinson, 172 Wn.2d at 794 ("[D]ue process requires that a defendant's guilty plea be knowing, voluntary, and intelligent."). He argues that his plea was not knowing, voluntary, and intelligent because he was not advised that it would result in the termination of his right to possess firearms. This argument lacks merit. Whether a plea is voluntary is determined by ascertaining whether the defendant was sufficiently informed of the direct consequences of the plea that existed at the time of the plea. Cf. Brady v. United States, 397 U.S. 742, 757, 90 S. Ct. 1463, 25 L. Ed. 2d 747 (1970) ("[A] voluntary plea of guilty intelligently made in the light of the then applicable law does not become vulnerable because later judicial decisions indicate that the plea rested on a faulty premise."). When Lamb pleaded guilty to second degree burglary, the loss of the right to possess firearms was not a consequence — either direct or collateral — of that plea. See former RCW 9.41.040 (1983). Because the loss of the right was not, at the time of the plea, a consequence of a plea of guilty, failure to advise Lamb of the loss of the right to possess firearms does not render his plea involuntary. That the legislature may terminate the right to possess firearms after a defendant is convicted was established by State v. Schmidt, 143 Wn.2d 658, 677-78, 23 P.3d 462 (2001) (lead opinion); id. at 681 (Madsen, J., concurring). Lamb has failed to establish even a lack of voluntariness constituting a manifest injustice. 2. Denial of State's Motion To Amend the Information ¶16 The second issue in this case is whether the trial court erred in refusing to permit the State to amend the information to make Lamb's indecent liberties adjudication the predicate offense for five of the unlawful possession of a firearm counts. Amendment of a charging document is governed by CrR 2.1(d), which provides that "[t]he court may permit any information or bill of particulars to be amended at any time before verdict or finding if substantial rights of the defendant are not prejudiced." A trial court's ruling on a proposed amendment to an information is reviewed for abuse of discretion. State v. Schaffer, 120 Wn.2d 616, 621-22, 845 P.2d 281 (1993). ¶17 Typically, appellate review of the amendment of an information arises when a criminal defendant challenges a trial court's decision to permit the amendment. See, e.g., State v. Vangerpen, 125 Wn.2d 782, 785-86, 888 P.2d 1177 (1995). In that context, the limits to the trial court's discretion are clear from the text of the rule — the trial court cannot permit amendment of the information if substantial rights of the defendant would be prejudiced. CrR 2.1(d). The defendant's burden in such cases, therefore, is to demonstrate prejudice to his or her substantial rights. See Schaffer, 120 Wn.2d at 621-22. ¶18 At least two published Washington appellate cases address the scope of the trial court's discretion in denying a motion to amend an information. In State v. Haner, 95 Wn.2d 858, 859-60, 631 P.2d 381 (1981), the defendant was initially charged with second degree assault with a deadly weapon enhancement. Prior to trial, as a result of plea bargaining, the State moved to amend the information to reduce the charge to third degree assault and remove the deadly weapon allegation. Id. at 860. The trial court denied the motion based on its determination that, if guilty, the defendant should serve the full amount of time in prison for second degree assault with a deadly weapon enhancement. Id. at 860-61. This court affirmed the trial court's denial of the motion to amend. Id. at 865. While this court discussed the role of former CrR 4.2(e) (1973), which is unique to the plea bargaining context, it also held that the court's discretion to deny amendment of an information based on a plea bargain remained limited by CrR 2.1(d). Id. at 862-64. This court held that it could not "say that the judge abused his discretion in concluding that the public interest would not be served by reduction of the charge and dropping of the deadly weapon allegation." Id. at 865. The proposed amendment to the information in Haner plainly did not prejudice the rights of the defendant and yet the trial judge still possessed the authority to disallow the amendment. ¶19 Similarly, in State v. Rapozo, 114 Wn. App. 321, 322-24, 58 P.3d 290 (2002), the Court of Appeals held that the trial court did not abuse its discretion in refusing to permit the State to amend an information to charge a felony instead of a misdemeanor, even though the amendment did not prejudice the defendant. The holdings of Haner and Rapozo both make clear that a trial court may deny a motion to amend an information irrespective of prejudice to a defendant. Haner and Rapozo are faithful to the plain text of CrR 2.1(d), which provides that the trial court "may" permit amendment. (Emphasis added.) ¶20 In the present case, the State argues that the trial court abused its discretion in denying the motion to amend the information because "the State's proposed amendment did not prejudice Mr. Lamb's right to a fair trial." Br. of Appellant (May 4, 2010) at 17. The Court of Appeals reversed the trial court on this basis. Lamb, 163 Wn. App. at 631. Even if true, however, the absence of prejudice to the defendant does not establish that the trial court abused its discretion in denying the motion. Haner, 95 Wn.2d at 863, 865; Rapozo, 114 Wn. App. at 324. As such, the State has not met its burden of demonstrating that the trial court abused its discretion in declining to allow the State to amend the information. Accordingly, we reverse the Court of Appeals. 3. Dismissal of Unlawful Possession of a Firearm Counts ¶21 The final issue in this case is whether the trial court erred in dismissing the 10 unlawful possession of a firearm counts against Lamb. A motion to dismiss a criminal charge is governed by CrR 8.3. Lamb's motion to dismiss relied exclusively on CrR 8.3(c), which permits a defendant to "move to dismiss a criminal charge due to insufficient evidence establishing a prima facie case of the crime charged." Specifically, Lamb argued that because his juvenile adjudication for burglary had been vacated, "there is no basis for the charges of unlawful possession of a firearm____Without such a basis, the State cannot prove an essential element of the crime." 2 CP at 18. The trial court granted Lamb's motion to dismiss the unlawful possession of a firearm charges. A trial court's decision on a motion to dismiss charges is reviewed for a manifest abuse of discretion. State v. Puapuaga, 164 Wn.2d 515, 520-21, 192 P.3d 360 (2008). ¶22 Because the trial court's vacation of Lamb's burglary adjudication has been reversed, the basis for the trial court's dismissal of the unlawful possession of a firearm counts no longer exists. The asserted deficiency in the State's prima facie case of unlawful possession of a firearm was the absence of a valid predicate offense. Because the burglary adjudication has been reinstated, that deficiency has been cured. Accordingly, the order granting Lamb's motion to dismiss the criminal charges was an abuse of discretion. CONCLUSION ¶23 We hold that the trial court abused its discretion when it vacated Lamb's juvenile adjudication for second degree burglary and dismissed the 10 unlawful possession of a firearm counts against Lamb. On these two issues, we affirm the Court of Appeals. We reverse the Court of Appeals with respect to the trial court's refusal to permit the State to amend the information and hold that the trial court did not abuse its discretion. We remand the case to the trial court for further proceedings consistent with this opinion. Madsen, C.J., and C. Johnson, Chambers, Fairhurst, J.M. Johnson, Stephens, Wiggins, and González, JJ., concur. For ease of reference, we refer to the "trial court" to describe both Lamb's juvenile court and superior court proceedings that took place in 2009 and 2010. Cf. State v. Posey, 174 Wn.2d 131, 140-41, 272 P.3d 840 (2012) (noting that juvenile court is a division of the superior court). The same judge presided in both. "1 CP" refers to the consecutively numbered clerk's papers filed on November 3,2009, and December 2,2009. "2 CP" refers to the consecutively numbered clerk's papers filed on March 2, 2010, and May 3, 2010. At oral argument, the State indicated that it believed that the court had limited review to operation of the saving statute. The order granting review did not limit review in any way. Cf. RAP 13.7(b). We remind parties that the scope of review is determined by the order granting review, not any other source. The State represented to this court that, on remand, it will not pursue the unlawful possession of a firearm counts against Lamb. We take the State at its word..
Various open science
DERECHOS EN CONFLICTO: UNA LEY ANTI-PIROPO EN ESPAÑA Helena Rodemann Rounsevell [email protected] Universidad de Deusto Recibido: 25-01-2015 Aceptado: 26-04-2015 Resumen Muchas personas creen que decirles comentarios a completas desconocidas es una forma de piropear y de elogiar inofensivamente su belleza. Por otra parte, a nivel político y social no se reconoce el acoso callejero como otra forma de violencia simbólica. Pero las reacciones cada vez más airadas al acoso motivan una conjetura acerca de la re-instauración de una ley antipiropo en el Estado español. Bajo la luz de la Constitución española, la pregunta plantea si una ley anti-piropo podría suponer un conflicto entre el derecho fundamental a la libertad de expresión de los hombres y los derechos a la integridad, privacidad, y seguridad de las mujeres. Palabras clave: Acoso callejero, piropos, violencia de género, derechos de las mujeres, derechos en conflicto, derechos constitucionales, libertad de expresión. Abstract Many people believe that complimenting unknown women is way of praising their beauty. In addition, on a political and social level, street harassment is not considered to be a form of symbolic violence. The increasing reactions to this type of harassment underline the necessity of a law prohibiting it. Under the light of the Spanish Constitution, the question remains as to whether such a law would imply a conflict between men's fundamental right to free speech and women's rights to integrity, privacy and security. Keywords: Street harassment, “cat calling”, gender violence, rights in conflict, constitutional rights, free speech, women's rights. Cuestiones de género: de la igualdad y la diferencia - e-I.S.S.N: 2444-0221 - Nº 10, 2015 - pp. 151-160 Helena Rodemann Rounsevell 152 “The first time a man walked toward me, opened his mouth, began panting and jerked his crotch, I didn’t feel the least bit affirmed or desirable. I did feel embarrassed, humiliated, furious- and helpless. It made me feel vulnerable and defenseless, as if I didn’t really have any control over my own flesh. (Bowman, 1993: 3) 1. Introducción El hecho de que el trayecto diario de una mujer por la calle se convierta en una carrera de obstáculos o en la bajada de su mirada cuando se acerca a un grupo de hombres son, desafortunadamente, escenas muy frecuentes para muchas mujeres. En su documental Femme de la Rue, Sofie Peeters muestra, a través de cámaras ocultas, lo que vive cuando pasea por las calles de Bruselas. En el vídeo, graba como al caminar sola se expone a escuchar silbidos, gestos, burlas, e insultos como “puta”,“guarra” y “¿cuánto cobras?”. Desgraciadamente, su experiencia no es la única. Fairchild & Rudman (2008) revelan que un 85% de mujeres dice haber sufrido este tipo de acoso. Pero a pesar de estos sucesos cotidianos iterativos, el acoso callejero es un tema bastante ignorado. Por una parte, muchas personas creen que decirles comentarios a completas desconocidas no constituye acoso, sino que es una forma de piropear y de elogiar inofensivamente su belleza. En su estudio realizado a 60 hombres de distintas ciudades, Benard y Schlaffer (1984) descubrieron que ninguno era consciente de que al escuchar “piropos” muchas mujeres se sienten acosadas. Por otra parte, a nivel político y social no se reconoce el acoso callejero como otra forma de violencia simbólica. Es visto como un mal menor, una expresión irremediable de la masculinidad. La cultura popular no cree que tenga ningún efecto real y que es una exageración tratarlo como si tuviera. Pero hay autoras que discrepan. Cynthia Grant Bowman, catedrática de derecho de la Universidad de Cornell, (O'Neil, 2013) argumenta que los “piropos” ni son cumplidos ni son inofensivos. Son, rotundamente, un tipo de acoso porque son continuos y poco bienvenidos. Se entrometen en la vida de las mujeres e interrumpen su bienestar. Para situar en contexto, Bowman explica que el hecho ocurre en espacios públicos entre mujeres, las víctimas, y hombres, los autores. A continuación, los hombres evalúan la apariencia física de las mujeres Cuestiones de género: de la igualdad y la diferencia - e-I.S.S.N: 2444-0221 - Nº 10, 2015 - pp. 151-160 Derechos en Conflicto: Una Ley Anti-Piropo en España 153 ya sea para burlarse de ellas o para humillarlas a través de insultos, silbidos, guiños, proposiciones o comentarios, todos de carácter sexual (Chunn, 2011). Las mujeres no son inconscientes de la situación, y suelen reaccionar con enfado, miedo, o aparente nerviosísimo enmascarado como despreocupación (Benard y Schlaffer, 1984). Numerosos estudios demuestran los efectos nocivos de tales encuentros: dañan la autoestima y generan ansiedad, estrés, enfado, culpa, y depresión (Fairfield & Rudman, 2008). Sólo con esto ya se demuestra que los mal llamados “piropos” son en verdad un acoso callejero que convierte los espacios públicos en ambientes hostiles para las mujeres. Como reacción al documental de Peeters, Bélgica aprobó en 2014 una ley anti-piropo (Antiseksismewet) para intentar poner fin al acoso callejero. Curiosamente, a principios del siglo XX, el dictador Primo de Rivera también tuvo una iniciativa parecida. Prohibió el piropear a las mujeres porque lo consideraba demasiado vulgar. El Código Penal de 1928 luchaba por “el desarraigo de costumbres viciosas” como, por ejemplo “gestos, ademanes, frases groseras o chabacanas” (Manu, 2014). El incumplimiento de la norma suponía arresto de hasta 20 días o multas de hasta 500 pesetas. Pero la llegada de la República acabó con esta prohibición, y los hombres nuevamente pudieron salir a la calle para ofender a quien quisieran. Las reacciones cada vez más airadas al acoso motivan una conjetura acerca de la reinstauración de una ley anti-piropo en el Estado español. Bajo la luz de la Constitución española, ¿qué problemas engendraría? Por un lado, hay quien opina que limitaría su libertad de expresión. Por otro lado, hay quien piensa que descargaría la tensión e inseguridad que sienten las mujeres cuando van por la calle. La pregunta plantea, pues, si una ley anti-piropo podría suponer un conflicto entre el derecho fundamental a la libertad de expresión de los hombres y los derechos a la integridad, privacidad, y seguridad de las mujeres. 2. Libertad de Expresión Cualquier ley anti-sexista que regule el acoso callejero puede suponer varios problemas, sobre todo en relación a la libertad de expresión, un derecho universal y básico para cualquier sociedad democrática. El artículo 20.1 de la C.E. protege los derechos a “expresar y difundir libremente los pensamientos, ideas y opiniones mediante la palabra.” Adicionalmente, “el Cuestiones de género: de la igualdad y la diferencia - e-I.S.S.N: 2444-0221 - Nº 10, 2015 - pp. 151-160 Helena Rodemann Rounsevell 154 ejercicio de estos derechos no puede restringirse mediante ningún tipo de censura previa” (España, 1978: 29317). Por lo tanto, cualquier restricción al pensamiento o a la expresión es autoritaria, déspota y anti-democrática. El jurista mejicano Miguel Carbonell (2011) añade que “una característica que parece estar presente en cualquier sistema autoritario es el control sobre lo que pueden y no pueden decir los ciudadanos. Por eso es que el grado de libertad de expresión que se disfruta en un país suele ser un indicador bastante fiable del avance democrático que se ha alcanzado” (par.1). En una democracia, prevalece la soberanía individual a pensar y a decir lo que se quiere, independientemente del contenido del mensaje. Eso sí, existen ciertas limitaciones, sobre todo si la expresión provoca daño serio o peligro inminente como, por ejemplo, las amenazas de muerte. En ese caso, la libertad de expresión debería ser regulada. En cuanto a las mujeres, ya existen medidas de protección contra el acoso hacia ellas. En el estado español, la Ley de Igualdad del 2007 recoge que “constituye acoso por razón de sexo cualquier comportamiento realizado en función del sexo de una persona, con el propósito o el efecto de atentar contra su dignidad y de crear un entorno intimidatorio, degradante u ofensivo” (España, 2007: 12614). Pero muchos hombres tienen la certeza de que llamarla “tía buena” o “culo bonito” a una mujer no le causa ningún mal. Llamarle “guapa” no supone un peligro inminente, y “morena,” u “ojazos” no se consideran insultos vejatorios. Por lo tanto, no se debería regular el poder comentar la apariencia de las mujeres. Por otra parte, crear una ley que limita la libertad de los hombres de decirles cosas o silbarles a las mujeres por la calle supondría una confusión. Si se trata de un insulto explícito, queda claramente definido como injuria. Pero en el caso de no serlo, ¿qué exáctamente se prohibiría? ¿Silbar? ¿Llamarle ‘guapa’ a alguien? El coordinador del Centro de Ley Discriminatoria de la Universidad de Leuven, Jogchum Vrielink, advierte que este tipo de ley afectaría interacciones diarias básicas. El ligar, por ejemplo, podría interpretarse como sexista si una persona se refiriera a la otra como “atractiva,” pues esto la reduciría a su dimensión sexual. De igual manera, Vrielink (2004) comenta que muchas mujeres tendrán vetado hablar de los hombres de manera ofensiva, lo cual se les haría muy difícil rebelar contra el status quo sexista, porque muchas veces rebelarse requiere lenguaje no sutil. La creación de esta ley en España crearía esta confusión ya que la definición podría ser arbitraria y subjetiva, por lo tanto, injusta. Cuestiones de género: de la igualdad y la diferencia - e-I.S.S.N: 2444-0221 - Nº 10, 2015 - pp. 151-160 Derechos en Conflicto: Una Ley Anti-Piropo en España 155 En conclusión, una ley que limitara la expresión “inocua” de piropear sería, pues, anticonstitucional y anti-democrático. La libertad de expresión es fundamental, y “no es una libertad más que pueda ponerse en la balanza al lado de otras libertades posibles para pesarla y contrapesarla con ellas, prevaleciendo en unos casos y quedando limitada en otros... No es una entre otras libertades, sino el fundamento de todo el orden político” (Laporta, 1997:14). 3. Derecho a la Integridad Sin embargo, muchas mujeres reprochan los “piropos” por inhibir tres de sus derechos fundamentales: la integridad, la privacidad, y la seguridad. Cuando los hombres les dicen comentarios con tono sexual se suelen sentir acosadas y, como dijo el filósofo Hegel, es una violación de la libertad no poder ir a donde uno quiera por culpa de unas restricciones externas (Benard y Schlaffer, 1984). El acoso priva a las mujeres de estos tres derechos delimitados en la Constitución. Por lo tanto, los “piropos” podrían ser recriminados y denunciables. La escena típica donde ocurre este acoso suele ser el mismo: una mujer entra o pasa por un lugar público y es asaltada por algún hombre que comenta sobre su aspecto físico y sobre todo, sobre su potencial sexual. Bajo esta perspectiva, el acoso callejero viola la integridad porque cosifica y deshumaniza a las mujeres al convertirlas en objetos de placer para los demás. Cuando un hombre opina sobre el cuerpo de una mujer, la reduce a un objeto sexual público apto para el juicio y escrutinio de los demás espectadores. Rara vez lo hace con la intención de hacerla sentir bien. Más bien al contrario, lo hace para humillar, avergonzar, y burlarse de ella. Al llamarla “guapa” o “tía buena” declara que tiene el derecho a tratarla como otro bien encontrado en la vía pública porque la juzga como juzga la utilidad de una papelera, la comodidad de un banco, o la limpieza de un parque. Su cuerpo es un objeto más, y él es el sujeto que lo controla. Pero las mujeres no son objetos, son personas, y tienen el derecho a ser tratadas como tal. Su humanidad consiste no sólo en sus cualidades físicas sino también en sus capacidades intelectuales, emocionales, sociales, laborales, etc. Por lo tanto, tienen el derecho a ser respetadas en su totalidad de forma íntegra. La C.E. delinea que toda persona tiene derecho a esta integridad “física y moral, sin que, en ningún caso, puedan ser sometidos a tortura ni a penas o tratos inhumanos o degradantes” (España, 1978: 29316). También “se garantiza el Cuestiones de género: de la igualdad y la diferencia - e-I.S.S.N: 2444-0221 - Nº 10, 2015 - pp. 151-160 Helena Rodemann Rounsevell 156 derecho al honor” [...] y a la propia imagen” (29317). La deshumanización de los “piropos” daña esta integridad moral de las mujeres, y la consecuencia es una cosificación que asocia el cuerpo con la humillación y vergüenza (Bowman, 1993). Por lo tanto, el “piropo” callejero debería estar ilegalizado porque objetiviza, deshumaniza, y, consecuentemente, afecta el derecho a la integridad moral de la persona receptora. 4. Derecho a la Privacidad Otro derecho constitucional de las mujeres es el derecho a la intimidad personal (España, 1978: 29317). Pero aunque lo defienda la Constitución, la privacidad de las mujeres queda infringida en el momento que los hombres deciden acosarlas. Por ejemplo, cuando una mujer pasea por la calle pensando en sus preocupaciones, tareas, u obligaciones, ve interrumpida esa conversación interna y privada por el comentario inesperado de algún hombre a su alrededor. La antropóloga Micaela di Leonardo (Bowman, 1993) añade que no sólo se desvía su atención, también se interrumpe el trayecto y la libertad de pasear porque, acompañando el comentario, el hombre invade el espacio personal de ella al acercarse físicamente. Por lo tanto, su derecho a estar sola desaparece y el hombre que la acosa le roba la oportunidad de pasear, correr o pedalear en paz. Su cuerpo deja de ser sólo suyo porque queda expuesto a un escrutinio provocado por la creencia de su pertenencia a los hombres. Ellos la hablan, tocan, o rozan sin ningún consentimiento previo y sin esperar respuesta a cambio. Hay hombres que incluso se exponen o se masturban delante suyo, independientemente de cómo sus actos influyen en la mujer. Como resultado, la mujer se ve obligada a interactuar con el acosador, ya sea respondiendo o fingiendo que le ignora. De cualquier manera, se impone una alteración de sus pensamientos y andares, y el espacio debidamente suyo deja de ser personal para que en su lugar sea invadido por un desconocido. El acoso restringe la movilidad física y geográfica porque muchas mujeres deciden alterar sus rutas o simplemente no salir a la calle para evitar ser acosadas. Es una vulneración de privacidad el no poder ir ni acceder a los lugares donde una quiera en paz, y el hombre que Cuestiones de género: de la igualdad y la diferencia - e-I.S.S.N: 2444-0221 - Nº 10, 2015 - pp. 151-160 Derechos en Conflicto: Una Ley Anti-Piropo en España 157 interrumpe con “piropos” los espacios mentales y físicos de esa mujer viola su derecho fundamental a la privacidad. 5. Derecho a la Seguridad En la C.E., toda persona también tiene derecho a la seguridad (España, 1978: 29317), que la Real Academia Española define como la cualidad de ser “libre y exento de todo peligro, daño, o riesgo.” Es decir, cada mujer debería gozar de una vida libre de violencia y miedo. Sin embargo, los “piropos” no consentidos infringen ese derecho porque inculcan lo contrario: inseguridad y temor. En la revista Pikara, la periodista June Fernández (2013) recalca que “las mujeres, por el hecho de serlo, estamos expuestas al (...) riesgo de ser agredidas física y sexualmente. Esto nos hace sentir vulnerables, expuestas, nos recuerda que la calle aún no es nuestra.” Fairfield y Rudman (2008) descubrieron que las mujeres sienten mayor miedo por culpa de las “micro-victimizaciones” y “micro-agresiones” cotidianas de las miradas, silbidos, y comportamientos de los hombres. Estas experiencias las socializa a ser más temerosas y más perceptivas del peligro, sobre todo de la violencia sexual, porque las recuerda que en cualquier momento podrían ser agredidas. De hecho, Bowman (1993) enfatiza que el acoso suele preceder la violencia ejercida. Muchos hombres lo utilizan para seleccionar a sus siguientes víctimas. Otras veces, las mujeres se exponen a más violencia si responden de manera desafiante al acoso. Holly Kearl y Lauren Taylor (2014), las primeras mujeres en redactar un informe nacional en Estados Unidos sobre el acoso callejero, cuentan las consecuencias a las que se enfrentan muchas mujeres que no toleran los “piropos.” Tugce Albayrak, por ejemplo, murió después de que un hombre la pegó mientras defendía a dos adolescentes que estaban siendo acosadas. En octubre del 2014, un hombre apuñaló y mató a una adolescente egipcia que intentaba parar un acoso. En Detroit, un hombre disparó y mató a una mujer que se negó en darle su número de teléfono. En resumen, el acoso no sólo es violencia simbólica y psicológica sino que a veces llega a ser física también. La amenaza de la violencia esta muy interiorizada en la conciencia de las mujeres, y el acoso callejero las recuerda que debería seguir estándolo. Genera un miedo paralizante que inhibe rotundamente su sensación de seguridad. Pero también las pone en peligro porque refleja una Cuestiones de género: de la igualdad y la diferencia - e-I.S.S.N: 2444-0221 - Nº 10, 2015 - pp. 151-160 Helena Rodemann Rounsevell 158 creencia de la dominación masculina sobre la femenina que puede llegar a manifestarse físicamente. En conclusión, el acoso callejero infringe el derecho a la seguridad porque las daña y las expone al riesgo de violencia psicológica y física. 6. Conclusión Indudablemente, el acoso perpetuado en las calles refleja un desequilibrio que coloca a las mujeres bajo una dominación masculina que las caracteriza como objetos sexuales. Esto apunta a un problema más grande: una desigualdad sistemática que discrimina a las mujeres por el simple hecho de serlo. Desafortunadamente, muchas mujeres creen que este tipo de violencia es incontrolable. Como consecuencia de esa desigualdad, algunas hasta profesan que les gusta. Otras opinan que si se contradice sólo generaría más violencia. Como resultado, muchas adoptan una resignación derrotista y creen que la solución es ignorarlo o pelearlo en vano. Leonardo (1981) subrayó que esta actitud quizás se deba a la falta de voluntad para reconocer su propia impotencia ante la situación. Otras mujeres, sin embargo, se aferran a su fuerza y toman iniciativas como Stop Street Harasssment, Hollaback y Everyday Sexism como herramientas para combatir el sin fin de obscenidades a las que se enfrentan las mujeres cuando salen a la calle. Ofrecen un espacio de solidaridad, sororidad, y empoderamiento; todos elementos fundamentales para obtener una igualdad que deje de encasillar a las mujeres como invasoras de un espacio público indebidamente suyo. Después de la II Guerra Mundial, Eleonor Roosevelt visibilizó la perspectiva androcéntrica tradicionalmente aplicada a las leyes y normativas y subrayó la importancia de los derechos humanos en vez de, solamente, los derechos de los hombres. Bowman (1993:2) también enfatiza que las leyes trivializan o simplemente ignoran los eventos que tienen un efecto profundo sobre la conciencia de las mujeres. Aunque las leyes en el estado español reconozcan la existencia del acoso sexual y del acoso por razón de sexo, no mencionan el acoso callejero. Si lo hicieran, junto a la iniciativa ciudadana podrían resultar ser una estrategia efectiva para combatirlo. A través de la obligatoriedad, motivarían a las personas a cuestionarse sus comportamientos de manera más rápida. Podrían también contrarrestar las Cuestiones de género: de la igualdad y la diferencia - e-I.S.S.N: 2444-0221 - Nº 10, 2015 - pp. 151-160 Derechos en Conflicto: Una Ley Anti-Piropo en España 159 actitudes machistas que subordinan a las mujeres en los espacios públicos. Sin embargo, también podría pasar que unas leyes de este tipo no tendrían una efectividad en la realidad de las personas. Es decir, la estipulación de una norma no significa que realmente se lleve a cabo. Por esta razón, lo ideal en España sería que tanto las iniciativas sociales como las leyes trabajasen conjuntamente para educar y transformar las actitudes machistas que toleran el acoso. Una ley anti-acoso callejero podría restringir la libertad de expresión de los hombres, pero la no aplicación de la ley supondría la violación de los derechos fundamentales a la integridad, privacidad, y seguridad de las mujeres. El conflicto nace, pues, al colocar sobre una balanza la importancia de un derecho sobre otros tres, o vice versa. Bowman (1993) argumenta que utilitariamente es mejor priorizar tres sobre uno ya que produciría mayor beneficio. Pero quizás jerarquizar los derechos no sea necesario. En otras palabras, quizás el problema no debería estar en cómo medir la prioridad de estos derechos, sino en cómo generar leyes que protejan la dignidad de ambas partes sin tener que sacrificar los derechos de nadie. BIBLIOGRAFÍA - Benard, Cheryl, Schlaffer, Edit (1984): “The man in the street: why he harasses”. En: Feminist Frameworks. New York: McGraw-Hill. - Bowman, Cynthia Grant (1993): “Street harassment and the informal ghettoization of women”. En: The Harvard Law Review, Vol. 106, pp. 517-580. 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using System.Buffers; using System.Text; using SuperSocket.ProtoBase; namespace SuperSocket.MQTT { public static class SequenceReaderExtensions { public static string ReadLengthEncodedString(this ref SequenceReader<byte> reader) { reader.TryReadBigEndian(out short length); if (length == 0) return string.Empty; return reader.ReadString(length, Encoding.UTF8); } public static string ReadString(this ref SequenceReader<byte> reader, int length, Encoding encoding) { var buffer = reader.Sequence.Slice(reader.Consumed, length); try { return buffer.GetString(encoding); } finally { reader.Advance(length); } } } }
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/* * This header is generated by classdump-dyld 1.0 * on Saturday, August 24, 2019 at 9:41:57 PM Mountain Standard Time * Operating System: Version 12.4 (Build 16M568) * Image Source: /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreData.framework/CoreData * classdump-dyld is licensed under GPLv3, Copyright © 2013-2016 by Elias Limneos. */ #import <CoreData/NSSQLIntermediate.h> @class NSArray; @interface NSSQLUpdateColumnsIntermediate : NSSQLIntermediate { NSArray* _propertiesToUpdate; NSArray* _valuesToUpdateTo; } -(BOOL)isDestination:(id)arg1 compatibleDestinationFor:(id)arg2 ; -(id)generateSQLStringInContext:(id)arg1 ; -(BOOL)isRelationship:(id)arg1 compatibleWith:(id)arg2 ; -(id)_subqueryIntermediateForToManyKeypathWithComponents:(id)arg1 withFunction:(BOOL)arg2 inContext:(id)arg3 ; -(id)_generateSQLForKeypathWithComponents:(id)arg1 onSQLEntity:(id)arg2 inContext:(id)arg3 ; -(id)_generateSQLForRelationshipUpdate:(id)arg1 sourceRelationship:(id)arg2 inContext:(id)arg3 ; -(id)_generateSQLForAttributeUpdate:(id)arg1 sourceAttribute:(id)arg2 inContext:(id)arg3 ; -(id)_generateSQLToUpdateProperty:(id)arg1 fromMultiStepKeypathComponents:(id)arg2 inContext:(id)arg3 ; -(id)_generateSQLToUpdateProperty:(id)arg1 fromSingleStepKeypath:(id)arg2 inContext:(id)arg3 ; -(id)_generateSQLForRelationshipUpdate:(id)arg1 destination:(id)arg2 inContext:(id)arg3 ; -(id)_generateSQLForAttributeUpdate:(id)arg1 value:(id)arg2 inContext:(id)arg3 ; -(id)_generateSQLToUpdateProperty:(id)arg1 fromKeypath:(id)arg2 inContext:(id)arg3 ; -(id)_generateSQLToUpdateProperty:(id)arg1 fromSubquery:(id)arg2 inContext:(id)arg3 ; -(id)initWithProperties:(id)arg1 values:(id)arg2 inScope:(id)arg3 ; -(BOOL)isUpdateColumnsScoped; -(id)governingAliasForKeypathExpression:(id)arg1 ; -(void)dealloc; @end
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@import url(''); html { overflow-x: hidden; // used for book results overflowing... } .App { text-align: center; margin-top: 70px; } h1 { color: white !important; } .select-params { border: 1px solid black; padding: 6px; border-radius: 4px; } @media only screen and (max-width: 600px) { .App-header { background-size: contain; } .select-params { float: right; } } /* BOOKCARD */ .embedded-book-wrapper { margin: 40px; display: grid; grid-template-columns: 525px 525px; grid-gap: 30px; border-radius: 8px; } iframe { width: 525px; height: 525px; } .preview-link { color: white; } /* Bookshelves */ .bookshelfCard { margin: 0 auto; background-color: #444; text-align: left; color: #fff !important; h2, h4 { color: #fff !important; } border-radius: 5px; padding: 10px; font-size: 110%; overflow: hidden; background: grey; box-shadow: 0px 10px 30px -5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); transition: box-shadow 0.5s; will-change: transform; border: 10px solid white; } .bookshelfCard:hover { box-shadow: 0px 30px 100px -10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); } .bookshelfIMG { width: 100px; } /* Bookshelves End */ /* Mobile Responsiveness */ @media only screen and (min-width: 767px) { .bookshelfCard { width: 320px; } } @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { .bookshelfCard { width: 250px; padding: 8px; font-size: 100%; border: 5px solid white; } .bookshelfCard h2 { font-size: 100%; } .embedded-book-wrapper { margin: 2px; margin-top: 45px; display: grid; grid-template-columns: 375px; grid-gap: 30px; border-radius: 8px; } iframe { width: 365px; height: 365px; } } /* BOOKCARD */ /* NAVLINKS*/ .ant-menu { background: none; } .ant-menu-item { a { color: white !important; } } .menuBar { height: 55px; padding: 0 20px; overflow: auto; box-shadow: 0 0 30px #f3f1f1; background-image: url("./assets/booksHeader.jpg"); } .menuCon { width: 100%; float: left; overflow-y: hidden; } .menuCon .ant-menu-item { padding: 0px 5px; font-size: 24px !important; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); height: 55px; } .menuCon .ant-menu-submenu-title { padding: 10px 20px; } .menuCon .ant-menu-item a, .menuCon .ant-menu-submenu-title a { padding: 10px 15px; } .menuCon .ant-menu-horizontal { border-bottom: none; } .menuCon .leftMenu { float: left; font-size: 135%; } .menuCon { float: right; } .barsBtn { display: block; width: 20px; height: 2px; background: #1890ff; position: relative; } .barsBtn:after, .barsBtn:before { content: attr(x); width: 20px; position: absolute; top: -6px; left: 0; height: 2px; background: #1890ff; } .barsBtn:after { top: auto; bottom: -6px; } .ant-drawer-body { padding: 0; } .ant-drawer-body .ant-menu-horizontal>.ant-menu-item, .ant-drawer-body .ant-menu-horizontal>.ant-menu-submenu { display: inline-block; width: 100%; } .ant-drawer-body .ant-menu-horizontal { border-bottom: none; } .ant-drawer-body .ant-menu-horizontal>.ant-menu-item:hover { border-bottom-color: transparent; } .ant-menu-item-selected { border: 0px !important; } @media (max-width: 767px) { .ant-menu-item { a { color: black !important; } } .ant-btn { background-color: rgba(141, 204, 255, 0.3); } .leftMenu { display: none; } .logo a { margin-left: -20px; } .menuCon .ant-menu-item, .menuCon .ant-menu-submenu-title { padding: 1px 20px; } .logo a { padding: 10px 20px; } } /* PoemOfDay*/ .poem-div { margin: 20px; font-family: Georgia, sans-serif; text-align: left; background: grey; box-shadow: 0px 10px 30px -5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); width: 300px; color: white; border: 4px solid white; padding: 8px; border-radius: 6px; } .poem-title, .poem-of-the-day { text-decoration: underline; } /* PoemOfDay*/ // BOOKSHELF API ul.shelfList { width: 70%; text-align: left; padding: 0 25px; } li.shelf { list-style-type: none; font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 1.2em; padding: 10px 0; border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; } li.shelf:hover .deleteShelfBtn { visibility: visible; opacity: 1; } label.shelfLabel { color: black; } input[placeholder] { font-size: 1.1em; } .container { width: 40%; height: 400px; position: relative; margin: 0 auto; border-radius: 5px; } .header { color: black; padding: 5px; text-align: center; font-family: Tahoma, sans-serif; } .inputContainer { padding: 15px; } .inputContainer .shelfInput { padding: 10px; width: 100%; border-radius: 25px; box-sizing: border-box; } .listWrapper { bottom: 50px; top: 160px; right: 0; left: 0; overflow: auto; } .deleteShelfBtn { float: right; color: red; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold; border: 1px solid white; border-radius: 50%; padding: 10px 5px; visibility: hidden; opacity: 0; line-height: 0; margin-right: 5px; cursor: default; } // BOOKSHELF API
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package org.lah.AnimalFeed.domain; public class RoomInfo { private Integer RoomNumber; // 房间编号///////// private String RoomType; // 房间类型/////////// private Integer AccommodateNumber; // 最多容纳动物数 private Integer AccommodatedNumber;//已容纳动物数 private String RoomAnomaly; // 房间异常情况 public Integer getRoomNumber() { return RoomNumber; } public void setRoomNumber(Integer roomNumber) { RoomNumber = roomNumber; } public String getRoomType() { return RoomType; } public void setRoomType(String roomType) { RoomType = roomType; } public Integer getAccommodateNumber() { return AccommodateNumber; } public void setAccommodateNumber(Integer accommodateNumber) { AccommodateNumber = accommodateNumber; } public Integer getAccommodatedNumber() { return AccommodatedNumber; } public void setAccommodatedNumber(Integer accommodatedNumber) { AccommodatedNumber = accommodatedNumber; } public String getRoomAnomaly() { return RoomAnomaly; } public void setRoomAnomaly(String roomAnomaly) { RoomAnomaly = roomAnomaly; } @Override public String toString() { return "RoomInfo{" + "RoomNumber=" + RoomNumber + ", RoomType='" + RoomType + '\'' + ", AccommodateNumber=" + AccommodateNumber + ", AccommodatedNumber=" + AccommodatedNumber + ", RoomAnomaly='" + RoomAnomaly + '\'' + '}'; } }
Github OpenSource
Various open source
package com.thoughtworks import java.util.UUID import scala.language.experimental.macros import macrocompat.bundle import scala.annotation.StaticAnnotation import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox import scala.util.control.NonFatal /** * @author 杨博 (Yang Bo) &lt;[email protected]&gt; */ @bundle trait DelayMacros { val c: whitebox.Context import c.universe._ import com.thoughtworks.DelayMacros._ final def delayType(creator: DelayTreeCreator): TypeDef = { val name = c.freshName() typeCreators.synchronized { typeCreators(name) = creator } q" type ${TypeName(name)}" } final def delayValOrDef(creator: DelayTreeCreator): DefDef = { val name = c.freshName() valOrDefCreators.synchronized { valOrDefCreators(name) = creator } q" def ${TermName(name)}" } } object DelayMacros { private val typeCreators = scala.collection.mutable.HashMap.empty[String, DelayTreeCreator] private val valOrDefCreators = scala.collection.mutable.HashMap.empty[String, DelayTreeCreator] final class delay extends StaticAnnotation { def macroTransform(annottees: Any*): Any = macro AnnotationMacros.macroTransform } @bundle private[DelayMacros] final class AnnotationMacros(val c: whitebox.Context) { import c.universe._ def macroTransform(annottees: Tree*): Tree = try { annottees.head match { case TypeDef(_, TypeName(typeName), _, _) => val Some(creator) = typeCreators.synchronized { typeCreators.remove(typeName) } creator(c) case DefDef(_, TermName(termName), _, _, _, _) => val Some(creator) = typeCreators.synchronized { valOrDefCreators.remove(termName) } creator(c) } } catch { case NonFatal(e) =>, show(e), true) throw e } } trait DelayTreeCreator { def apply(c: whitebox.Context): c.universe.Tree } }
Waterboat Point er det lavtliggende ytterpunktet på halvøya mellom Paradise Bay og Andvord Bay på vestkysten av Graham Land i Antarktis. Ved høyvann er punktet adskilt fra fastlandet. Denne kyststrekningen ble første gang kartlagt av Adrien de Gerlaches ekspedisjon i 1898. Waterboat Point ble undersøkt og navngitt av Thomas W. Bagshawe og Maxime C. Lester som bodde her fra januar 1921 til januar 1922 i en provisorisk hytte bygget av en båt etterlatt av hvalfangere noen år tidligere. Den chilenske forskningsstasjonen González Videla ble anlagt på Waterboat Point i 1951. Waterboat Point med restene av overvintringshytta fra 1921 er oppført på Antarktistraktatens liste over historiske steder og kulturminner i Antarktis. Kilder Antarktishalvøyas geografi Verneområder i Antarktis Artikler i Antarktis-prosjektet.
Public Domain
Asynchronous Line Interface Rate Adaptation to the Physical Layer with Synchronous Lines at the Connection Layer ABSTRACT A method for adapting the rates of a certain number of asynchronous HDLC channels ( 15 ) to a single clock domain suited for interfacing with an HDLC processor ( 13 ) through a synchronous pseudo-TDM interface ( 14 ) in which the HDLC channels are multiplexed in time and vice versa in the opposite direction. In one direction the algorithm is based on the writing of the HDLC channels in a dedicated buffer ( 17 ) and in reading these buffers with a common synchronous clock just above the expected maximum HDLC rate. The under-run condition is avoided by inserting neutral information between the end byte and the start byte of the HDLC packets when this is suggested by the buffer fill monitoring function. A simple function to locate the first and last bytes of each HDLC packet read by the buffer is hence used in combination with the buffer fill monitoring function. The algorithm is also suited in the opposite direction in which different asynchronous physical lines receive their HDLC channels from a synchronous TDM-type interface on condition that this interface clock domain be just below the minimum expected HDLC output rate. In this case also the under-run conditions are avoided by insertion of neutral data after having used the same algorithm described above. Adaptation devices and a telecommunications card using them are also proposed. This invention relates to an algorithm for adaptation of rates of multiple signals connected at the physical layer to a communication system so as to be able to interact with a synchronous interface at connection layer without any loss of packets. One embodiment of the invention may be viewed as a asynchronous physical layer lines to synchronous link layer interface rate adaptation bi-directional algorithm. The equipment inserted in a synchronous data transport network receives at the physical layer a certain number of asynchronous lines which supply the communication channels required for correct operation with remote management. For example, the Data Communication Channels (DCC) defined in standards ITU-T G.707 in the May 2002 version or the General Communication Channels (GCC) defined in standards ITU-T G.709 in the February 2001 version. Each communication channel received by the equipment is synchronous with the physical line that carries it. For example, every Data Communication Channel (DCC) is synchronous with the Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) line as defined by standard ITU-I G.707 that carries the channel and every General Communication Channel (GCC) line is synchronous with the Optical Transport Hierarchy (OTH) line as defined by ITU-T G.709 that carries it. All the communications channels are connected with one or more intelligent devices contained in the equipment and able to handle the High Speed Data Link Control (HDLC) protocol contained in each of them (for example one or more microprocessors dedicated to telecommunications). The HDLC processors should provide a certain number of HDLC interfaces at least equal to the number of asynchronous physical lines as each of these lines is characterized by its own clock signal within the specified tolerance (for example plus or minus 4.6 parts per million in the SDH case or more or less 20 parts per million in the OTH case). Unfortunately, most telecommunications microprocessors or HDLC processors provide only a small number of HDLC asynchronous interfaces. They generally have a large number of HDLC channel processors but with a single or a small number of synchronous TDM interfaces. Each synchronous Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) interface is suitable for transmitting a large number of time slot multiplexed HDLC channels. The time slot multiplexing function of the HDLC channels is packet-loss free if all the HDLC channels belong to the same clock domain but otherwise there is a packet loss proportionate to the difference between the clock rate of the HDLC channels and the TDM-channel rate. The higher the rate shift of the clock associated with the HDLC channel, the higher the average packet loss. Even if dedicated protocols allow retransmission of the lost packets, this event is to be avoided as it penalizes the HDLC channel transmission quality and risks overloading it. From this point of view, a rate adapting algorithm suitable for resynchronizing all the HDLC channels with a single common clock will allow use of a synchronous TDM interface with no packet loss. This way, a large number of economical HDLC processor devices will be available for communication channels processing without packet loss. Moreover, a TDM-type interface allows more easily solving HDLC channel routing problems within telecommunications apparatuses. The general purpose of this invention is to make available a method for resynchronizing a certain number of asynchronous HDLC channels to the same clock domain with a rate adaptation function. This rate adaptation function will allow a TDM type time slot multiplexing function including an ample number of these HDLC channels on a single interface with no loss of packets. Another purpose is to provide a method allowing the opposite adaptation also. Still another purpose is to make available devices applying said methods. In view of said purposes it was sought to provide in accordance with this invention a method for adapting the rates of a certain number of HDLC asynchronous channels to a single clock domain suited for interfacing with an HDLC processor through a synchronous pseudo-TDM interface where the channels are multiplexed in time and in which the asynchronous HDLC channels are each written in buffers associated with each HDLC channel following the corresponding clock associated with the channel and these buffers are read with a common synchronous clock just above the expected maximum HDLC rate while inserting neutral information in the TDM channel when this is decided by a buffer fill monitoring function to avoid an under-run condition. Again in accordance with this invention it was sought to realize an opposite method for adapting the rates between a common synchronous TDM-type interface and that comprises a certain number of synchronous HDLC channels with a common clock and a certain number of asynchronous physical lines each with its own corresponding clock and that must include their HDLC channels made from the TDM-type interface and in which are extracted the input synchronous HDLC channels and each of these is written in a buffer associated with each of the HDLC channels acting so that the interface clock will have a rate just below the expected minimum HDLC output rate and in reading these buffers with the asynchronous physical line clock associated with the physical line that must include said specific HDLC channel while inserting neutral information when this is decided by a fill monitoring function of the buffer to avoid an under-run condition. Again in view of the purposes of this invention it was also sought to realize a device for adapting the rates of a certain number of asynchronous HDLC channels to a single clock domain suited to interfacing with an HDLC processor through a synchronous pseudo-TDM interface where the channels are multiplexed in time and characterized in that it comprises a buffer for each input channel and a buffer fill state control unit and a channel monitoring circuit and a TDM multiplexing unit and in which the asynchronous HDLC channels are written each in its dedicated buffer following the corresponding clock associated with the channel while the buffers are read with the common synchronous clock just above the expected maximum HDLC rate and sent to the TDM multiplexing unit and the buffer fill state control unit commands insertion of neutral information when that is decided by a buffer fill monitoring function to avoid an under-run condition. There is also proposed in accordance with this invention a device for adaptating the rates between a common synchronous TDM-type interface and comprising a certain number of synchronous HDLC channels with a common clock and a certain number of asynchronous physical lines each with its own corresponding clock and that must include their HDLC channels made from the TDM-type interface and characterized in that it comprises a buffer for each output channel and a buffer fill state control unit and a channel monitoring circuit and a TDM demultiplexing unit and in which the HDLC synchronous demultiplexed channels are each written in a buffer in such a manner that the interface clock has a rate just below the expected minimum output HDLC rate and the buffers are read with the asynchronous physical line clock associated with the physical line that must include said specific HDLC channel and the buffer fill state control unit commands insertion of neutral information when that is decided by its buffer fill monitoring function to avoid an under-run condition. A telecommunications card with asynchronous-synchronous adaptation and/or vice versa in accordance with said methods and said devices is also proposed here. To clarify the explanation of the innovative principles of this invention and its advantages compared with the prior art there is described below with the aid of the annexed drawings a possible embodiment thereof by way of non-limiting example applying said principles. In the drawings: FIG. 1 shows a block diagram of a telecommunications card with asynchronous-synchronous adaptation in accordance with this invention, and FIG. 2 shows a block diagram of an rate adaptation device incorporated in the card of FIG. 1. With reference to the figures, FIG. 1 shows diagrammatically a telecommunications card designated as a whole by reference number 10 and having with multiple physical lines (‘K’ HDLC channels) at input. These lines are indicated generically by reference number 11. This telecommunications card 10 includes a known frame termination device 12 suited for extracting multiple HDLC channels from the input asynchronous lines and a known HDLC processor 13 supplying its synchronous HDLC interface of the TDM type. Each physical k line operates in accordance with its own clock which has rate f=ck_ref+Δi where Δi is a shifting which varies from line to line from the ck_ref reference clock. The rate adaptation algorithm in accordance with this invention is realized in a device 14 that receives the k HDLC channels from the frame termination device and emits a synchronous interface serial signal 16 of the TDM type with the k channels multiplexed. This device is advantageously implemented within a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) as will be readily imaginable to those skilled in the art. The block diagram of the rate adaptation device 14 is illustrated in FIG. 2. Basically, the idea is to realized the task of adapting the rates by adding idle cells among the HDLC packets. Indeed, the rate adaptation algorithm cannot be based only or also on subtraction of idle cells because each HDLC flow can operate at the maximum speed allowed by the physical line (and even with division of the packet beginning-end among consecutive packets). Therefore by selecting the largest serial synchronization clock signal of each shift of recommended input rate, each asynchronous HDLC channel will have to be enriched with the idle cells among the frames so as to achieve the mean synchronization rate. To realize the device 14, a First In-First Out (FIFO) memory or buffer 17 is used for each channel extracted by the frame terminator 12. The HDLC data (“Data 1” . . . “Data k”) input to each FIFO memory are written therein in synchrony with the corresponding clock signal (“ck 1” . . . “ck k”) of the channel. Correspondingly the data are extracted from all the FIFO memories in synchrony with a single serial clock generated by the device 14. Monitoring units 19 detect the buffer fill state to allow application of a threshold algorithm that is advantageously used to decide when to apply the time filling necessary for the data output from the FIFO memories of the FPGA. When the reading pointer (faster) draws near the writing pointer (slower) to less than a certain threshold (measured in memory locations), the need for a time filling is decided. The dimension of the FIFO memory and the threshold are chosen so that when the time fill control signal is activated it will always be possible to stop sending the current frame before an underflow occurs. An HDLC monitoring circuit 18 receives the FIFO output flow to find the markings of start-of-frame/end-of-frame (which are never emulated within the HDLC flow according to its definition). When a packet is terminated or is starting and a fill request signal is activated by a monitoring unit 19 because of the approach of an under-run condition, then the FIFO memory reading operations are stopped and a certain number of time fill cells are inserted until the FIFO pointer positions are above another predetermined fill threshold. The HDLC monitoring circuit or, said in general, a layer 2 monitoring circuit, implemented within the adaptation algorithm, has no need of examining the layer 2 protocol in depth but must only find the limits of the frames (that is to say, beginning and end); every other layer 2 processing is performed through the further external layer device 2 (that is to say, the HDLC processor). This allows having a very simple and economical adaptation algorithm. For example, in the case of layer 2 HDLC protocol in which the frame delimitation sequence is 01111110, the monitoring circuit must only take the frame delimitation rate (that is to say, 01111110) and add a sufficient number of other filling cells to reposition the FIFO pointers. This is achieved by adding time fill cells applied or at the start of a frame or at the end of a frame or between two different frames that share the start and end delimitation rate. It is now clear that the preset purposes have been achieved. It is clear to one skilled in the art how the same above-mentioned strategy can be used in the opposite direction to convert the signals from synchronous to asynchronous by inverting the direction of the signals of data to be converted so that different asynchronous physical lines receive their HDLC channels from a TDM-type synchronous interface. In this case, the serial TDM clock signal will be slightly slower than the minimum recommended case expected to again obtain the time fill strategy described. In other words, an interface clock domain just below the expected minimum rate of HDLC output will be supplied and under-run conditions will be avoided through the insertion of neutral data after having used the same algorithm described above. The device 18 will be a demultiplexer (DEMUX). As now readily imaginable to those skilled in the art, the device 14 and the associated method of this invention for adapting the rates between the common synchronous TDM-type interface 13 and which comprises a certain number of synchronous HDLC channels to a common clock 16, and a certain number of asynchronous physical lines 15 each with its own corresponding clock and that must include their HDLC channels made from the TDM-type interface will thus comprise extraction of the input synchronous HDLC channels, write each one of these in a buffer 17 so that the interface clock has a rate just below the expected minimum output HDLC rate and read these buffers 17 with the clock of the asynchronous physical line associated with the physical line that must include said specific HDLC channel. Similarly to before, neutral information is inserted when this is decided by a buffer fill monitoring function to avoid an under-run condition. A telecommunications card 10 that implements one or the other or both of the conversion functions is readily imaginable to those skilled in the art on the basis of the above description. In this document, by channels is meant, in both directions, even channel parts such as for example the data communication channels or the general communication channels or the dedicated channels. Naturally the above description of an embodiment applying the innovative principles of this invention is given by way of non-limiting example of said principles within the scope of the exclusive right claimed here. 1.-11. (canceled) 12. A method for adapting the rates of a plurality of asynchronous HDLC channels to a single clock domain for time-division multiplex (TDM) interfacing with an HDLC processor, the method comprising: writing each asynchronous HDLC channel into a corresponding buffer according to an asynchronous clock associated with the asynchronous HDLC channel; and reading the buffers according to a common synchronous clock having a clock rate just above an expected maximum HDLC rate while inserting neutral information as needed to avoid an under-run condition. 13. The method of claim 12 further comprising extracting the asynchronous HDLC channels from corresponding input lines, wherein writing each asynchronous HDLC channel comprises writing each asynchronous HDLC channel into a corresponding dedicated memory buffer, wherein reading the buffers further comprises monitoring a buffer fill state and locating a start byte and a final byte of each HDLC packet associated with each asynchronous HDLC channel read from the buffer, and wherein inserting the neutral information comprises inserting the neutral information between the located start and final bytes each time the buffer fill state indicates that the under-run condition is near. 14. The method of claim 12 wherein the buffers comprise FIFO memory buffers. 15. The method of claim 12 wherein reading the buffers forms a TDM channel of the plurality of asynchronous HDLC channels for TDM interfacing with the HDLC processor. 16. The method of claim 15 wherein inserting the neutral information comprises inserting the neutral information into the TDM channel. 17. The method of claim 12 wherein inserting the neutral information comprises inserting the neutral information as needed to avoid an under-run condition on any of the buffers. 18. A method for adapting the rates between a common synchronous time-division-multiplex (TDM) interface comprising a plurality of synchronous HDLC channels associated with a common clock having a common clock rate, and a plurality of asynchronous physical lines, each with its own corresponding asynchronous clock and each associated with a corresponding asynchronous HDLC channel made from the TDM interface, the method comprising: extracting the input synchronous HDLC channels from the TDM interface; writing each input synchronous HDLC channel to a corresponding buffer associated with an asynchronous HDLC channel according to an interface clock having a clock rate just below an expected minimum output HDLC rate; and reading each buffer according to a clock rate of the asynchronous clock associated with the corresponding physical line of said asynchronous HDLC channel while inserting neutral information as needed to avoid an under-run condition. 19. The method of claim 18 further comprising monitoring a buffer fill state, wherein extracting the input synchronous HDLC channels comprises extracting the synchronous HDLC channels according to the clock rate of the interface clock, wherein writing each synchronous HDLC channel to the buffer comprises writing each synchronous HDLC channel to a corresponding dedicated memory buffer, wherein reading each buffer comprises locating a start byte and a final byte of each HDLC packet associated with each asynchronous HDLC channel read from the buffer, and inserting the neutral information between the start and final bytes each time the buffer fill state indicates that the under-run condition is near. 20. The method of claim 18 wherein the buffers comprise FIFO memory buffers. 21. The method of claim 18 wherein inserting the neutral information comprises inserting the neutral information as needed to avoid an under-run condition on any of the buffers. 22. A device for adapting the rates of a plurality of asynchronous HDLC channels to a single clock domain for time-division multiplex (TDM) interfacing with an HDLC processor, the device comprising: a dedicated buffer for each asynchronous HDLC channel; a buffer fill-state control unit for each dedicated buffer, said buffer fill-state control unit configured to receive output read from the corresponding dedicated buffer; and a channel monitoring circuit and a TDM multiplexing unit for receiving output from each of the buffer fill-state control units, wherein each asynchronous HDLC channel is each written to a corresponding dedicated buffer according to an asynchronous clock associated with the asynchronous HDLC channel, wherein each dedicated buffer is read according to a common synchronous clock having a clock rate just above an expected maximum HDLC rate to form a TDM channel sent to the TDM multiplexing unit, and wherein the buffer fill-state control unit controls insertion of neutral information into the TDM channel as needed to avoid an under-run condition. 23. The device of claim 22 wherein the monitoring circuit is configured to identify a start byte and a final byte of HDLC packets corresponding to the asynchronous HDLC channels to enable insertion of the neutral information between said start and final bytes of the HDLC packets. 24. The device of claim 22 wherein the buffer fill-state control unit controls insertion of the neutral information into the TDM channel as needed to avoid an under-run condition on any of the dedicated buffers. 25. The device of claim 22 wherein the device is part of a telecommunications card. 26. A device for adapting the rates between a common synchronous time-division multiplex (TDM) interface comprising a plurality of synchronous HDLC channels associated with a common clock rate and a plurality of asynchronous physical lines, each with its own corresponding asynchronous clock and each associated with a corresponding asynchronous HDLC channel made from a TDM interface, the device comprising: a dedicated buffer for each output physical line; a buffer fill state control unit corresponding to each dedicated buffer; and a channel monitoring circuit and a TDM de-multiplexing unit for providing input to each of the buffer fill state control units, wherein each demultiplexed synchronous HDLC channel is written to a corresponding dedicated buffer associated with an asynchronous HDLC channel according to an interface clock having a clock rate just below an expected minimum output HDLC rate, wherein each dedicated buffer is read according to a clock rate of the asynchronous clock associated with the corresponding physical line while the buffer fill state control unit controls insertion of neutral information as needed to avoid an under-run condition. 27. The device of claim 26 wherein the monitoring circuit is configured to identify a start byte and a final byte of HDLC packets corresponding to the asynchronous HDLC channels to enable insertion of the neutral information between said start and final bytes of the HDLC packets. 28. The device of claim 26 wherein the device is part of a telecommunications card..
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var webpack = require('webpack'); const path = require('path'); module.exports = { entry: { 'example/dist/bundle': './example/index.js' }, devtool: "source-map", output: { filename: '[name].js' }, module: { rules: [ { test: /\.jsx?$/, exclude: [/node_modules/, /dist/], loader: "babel-loader", } ] } }
Public Domain
Compensate surface gloss in spectrum recovery ABSTRACT In accordance with one or more implementations of the apparatus, system and methods described, a sample measurement device is provided that is configured to measure the color of a sample. The sample measurement device includes at least one light source configured to illuminate the sample; at least one light sensor configured to output a signal in response to light emitted by light source and reflected off the sample being received by at least a portion of the light sensor; and a processor configured to receive the signal and calculate a color value for the sample, the processor configured to calculate the color value by at least adjusting the signal using a calibration factor. FIELD OF THE INVENTION The present invention is directed to measurement devices and approaches for improving full spectrum information recovery of samples with different gloss characteristics. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Usually, a color measuring device based on matrix transformation is calibrated (or trained) with one set of known color samples. These training color samples usually have similar surface gloss properties. However, when such a device is used to measure other samples with different surface gloss properties, the result may be significantly impacted by the surface gloss, depending on the geometry of the trained color measuring device. Particularly, if a measurement device is required to match the colors measured with other instruments having different geometry, the resulting spectrum recover values can differ significantly from one another. Thus, what is needed in the art is a solution that allows for the compensation of the surface gloss of a sample and output the proper spectral reflectances. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION In accordance with one or more implementations of the apparatus, system and methods described, a sample measurement device is provided that is configured to measure the color of a sample. The sample measurement device includes at least one light source configured to illuminate the sample; at least one light sensor configured to output a signal in response to light emitted by light source and incident upon the sample being received by at least a portion of the light sensor; and a processor configured to receive the signal and calculate a color value for the sample, the processor configured to calculate the color value by at least adjusting the signal using a calibration factor. In a further implementation, the orientation of the at least one light source and the at least one light sensor is a 45/0 and the calibration factor is derived using measurements of a color measurement device having a measurement geometry different than 45/0. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is a schematic illustration detailing particular elements of the described spectrum recovery apparatus. FIG. 2 is a flow diagram detailing particular operation steps in an improved spectrum recovery process. FIG. 3 is a flow diagram detailing particular steps to calibrate an improved spectrum recovery process. FIG. 4 is a flow diagram detailing particular steps in an improved spectrum recovery process. FIG. 5 is a component diagram detailing particular modules used to carry out the steps of an improved spectrum recovery process. FIG. 6 is a plot detailing data measurement in connection with the described improved spectrum recovery process. FIG. 7 is a plot detailing additional data measurements in connection with the described improved spectrum recovery process. FIG. 8 is a plot detailing data measurement in connection with the described improved spectrum recovery process. FIG. 9 is a schematic illustration detailing particular elements of the described spectrum recovery apparatus. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF CERTAIN EMBODIMENTS OF THE INVENTION By way of overview and introduction, a process for compensating the gloss of samples in a spectrum recovery of the samples is provided. In one particular arrangement, the gloss properties of different samples are compensated for in a spectrum recovery process by adjusting the raw counts of the sensor in the color measurement device using a transformation matrix. This process allows a spectrum recovery device to measure color samples with different gloss and better match the result of the same samples measured with another instrument having different measurement geometry. By way of overview, the described process is implemented to compensate the gloss of a sample in order to improve the color accuracy of a color measurement device that measures reflectances using matrix-transformation method. A calibration matrix is used to adjust the measured raw signals. The calibration matrix, in one arrangement is derived by obtaining color measurements of a training set of calibration color samples. These calibration color samples have similar surface gloss properties and they may be different from the surface gloss properties of the sample to be measured. The raw counts of the multi-channel sensor in the color measurement device described are collected by measuring each of the calibration color samples, and then adjusted relative to the raw counts of a white calibration standard. The amount of adjustment is determined by the color samples the device is targeted to measure. These adjusted raw counts are then used to generate the transformation matrix. After the transformation matrix is generated, the color measurement device described herein can be used to measure the targeted type of samples directly. By way of further overview, where the spectral reflectance of a sample in the full visible wavelength range is known, the color can be calculated under any given illumination and any given standard observer. Therefore, full-spectrum reflectance is an important property of a sample in the field of color measurement. Usually, the full spectral reflectances can be measured using a spectrophotometer that has a narrow channel at each of the interested wavelengths. However, for color measurement devices that have a relatively small number of channels (usually less than 20), the full-spectrum reflectance of a sample can be recovered using these wavelength channels. For example, with the 6-channel AMS spectral sensor AS7262, the full spectrum of reflectances in the range of 400˜700 nm with 10 nm intervals can be recovered using calibration factors and training data sets. Particularly, a set of calibration colors are needed to train the color measurement device to obtain a transformation matrix. Further discussion of the training process can be found in US patent “Spectrum Recovery in a Sample” (U.S. Ser. No. 10/444,074B1) granted to Z. Xu et. al. To achieve better performance, the set of calibration colors are selected to have similar surface gloss property. After training, if the spectrum recovery measurement device is used to measure a sample with similar surface gloss as the calibration color samples, the result is generally accurate. However, the spectrum recovery device may be used to measure a sample with different gloss from the training samples, and the result may be required to match the result from a different instrument with different geometry. In such a case, the gloss may cause a significant difference between measurement results. For example, an instrument with d/8 specular component included (SCI) geometry can measure colors of various surface properties properly without much impact from the surface gloss of the sample. For this reason, SCI instruments are used in color matching of various samples including paint, textile, plastic, etc. However, since SCI instruments treat different surfaces equally, they lose the subtleties of the surface, and their color measurement results are different from human visual assessment. On the other hand, an instrument with 45/0 geometry measures color by removing the specular components. As such, the measurements of 45/0 devices are impacted by the surface gloss of the sample measured. Since 45/0 measurement geometries give color measurement results closer to visual assessment, they are also widely used. It will be appreciated that the relation of color Y-value and surface gloss when measuring a group of samples of the same color but different gloss using different geometry instruments can be determined. As shown in FIG. 6 , the relation of color Y-value and surface gloss when measuring a group of samples of the same black color but different gloss using different geometry instruments is provided. As can be seen, the SCI results stay similar for samples with different gloss, however, the other geometries, particularly 45/0, are sensitive to the surface gloss of the sample measured. Given these differences, it's hard to compare or match the measurement result obtained from different instruments. Furthermore, with the SCI instrument, when two samples of the same color but different surface gloss are measured, the results are quite close. However, the result measured with a 45/0 device can be quite different. When a 45/0 device is used to measure a high gloss sample, the specular component cannot reach the detector; therefore the measured raw counts tend to be lower. On the other hand, when it is used to measure a low gloss sample, some of the surface reflection can reach the detector, and thus the measured raw counts tend to be higher. The described approaches compensate for these existing problems in the art using novel, non-routine, and unconventional approaches. The described apparatus and processed described herein improve upon the technology of spectrum recovery in sample measurements and allow for a single device having 45/0 measurement geometry recover the same spectrum as a device using a d/8 measurement geometry. The results are improved accuracy in color measurement and permit for more robust measurement configurations to be implemented that are not constrained to one or more pre-set geometries that provide higher accuracy at other performant costs. Turning now to FIG. 1 , an illustrative example of the described spectrum recovery apparatus is provided. FIG. 1 details several components that are utilized to implement the spectrum recovery apparatus, including a light measurement component 102 configured to obtain measurements of light reflected off of a sample 103. In the provided figure, the measurement geometry is in 45/0 orientation; however, other measurement geometries are understood and contemplated. As shown in FIG. 1 , the sample 103 is illuminated by a light source 106. In one or more implementations, the light source 106 is an LED, OLED, LCD or other light emitting device. In further implementations, the light source 106 is a halogen, incandescent, mercury or other light source that is configured to illuminate the sample in visible light. In an implementation where the light source 106 is a broad band LED configured to provide uniform, or near uniform, light intensity across the visible light spectrum. In another arrangement, the light source 106 is formed of a collection of separately addressable lighting elements. For example, in one or more implementations, the separately addressable lighting elements are narrow band illuminations such that each lighting element is configured to produce a narrow band of illumination about a given wavelength or wavelength range. In one or more further implementations, each of the light sources are configured to be activated in response to one or more control signals or flags from a lighting controller. In a particular implementation, the light source or light sources are movable or adjustable to provide different illumination geometries based on user need. For example, one or more lighting elements are positioned to provide a 45/0 illumination geometry. In other arrangements, the lighting elements are positioned to other illumination geometries. In one or more particular implementations, multiple lighting elements are provided such that the desired geometry can be selected and used in connection with the spectrum recovery process described herein. Upon activation of one or more light sources 106, the light (as shown in dashed lines) illuminates a sample 103. In one or more implementations, the sample 103 is a color swatch, fan deck, color sample, product, item or object. For example, the sample 103 is an object having high gloss properties. In another arrangement, the sample 103 is an object having low gloss properties. In another implementation, the sample 103 is any object where the color values and/or the gloss properties of the object is unknown or in need of clarification. Light that has been reflected off the sample 103 (shown in dotted lines) is then received by one or more light sensing elements of a light sensor of the light measurement device 102. For example, the light that has been reflected off the sample 103 strikes one or more photoelectric cells and causes a signal to be produced corresponding to the wavelength, intensity or other property of the light received. In one implementation the light measurement device 102 is a spectrophotometer or colorimeter. In a further implementation, the light measurement device 102 is a collection or array of photometers, light sensing elements, or other similar devices. In a further implementation, the color measurement device is one or more cameras or image acquisition devices such as CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor), CCD (charged coupled device) or other color measurement devices. Such sensors can include data acquisition devices and associated hardware, firmware and software that is used to generate color values for a given sample. In one or more implementations, both a primary light sensor and a reference channel sensor are used to capture light measurements. In a further particular implementation, the light measurement device 102 is used to generate spectrum color values of the sample 103. In a further arrangement, multiple sensors can be oriented within a housing or support structure that includes at least the light source 106 and the light measurement device 102. In this configuration, different sensors and light sources are oriented so as to provide different measurement geometries known to those possessing an ordinary level of skill in the requisite art. In yet a further implementation, the light measurement device 102 is configured to have a plurality of channels for measuring different wavelengths of light. In one implementation the light measurement device 102 is configured to measure light across the visible wavelength spectrum. For example, the light measurement device uses 31 measurement channels to measure the light that interacts with the light measurement device. Here, each of the 31 channels measures a different wavelength range. In other implementations, the light measurement device 102 has less than 31 channels. For instance, the light measurement device has 8 or 6 measurement channels for measuring the visible wavelength spectrum. The light measurement device 102, in accordance with one embodiment, is a stand-alone device that is configured to one or more components, interfaces or connections to one more processors, networks, or storage devices. In such an arrangement, the color measurement device 102 is configured to communicate with the associated processors, networks, and storage devices using one or more USB, FIREWIRE, Wi-Fi, GSM, Ethernet, Bluetooth, and other wired or wireless communication technologies suitable for the transmission color, image, spectral, or other relevant data and or metadata. In an alternative arrangement, the color measurement device 102 is a component of a smartphone, tablet, cell phone, workstation, testing bench, or other computing apparatus. The measurements obtained by the color measurement device 102 are passed directly or indirectly to a computer or processor 104 for evaluation and/or further processing. The processor 104 is configured by one or more modules stored in memory 105 to derive spectrum measurements using stored data, raw counts, coefficients or other values. In an alternative configuration, the processor 104 is able to access from the database 108 one or more coefficients for application to the measurements obtained by the color measurement device 102 in order to provide updated or corrected color measurements to a database 108 or a user interface device 106. In one implementation the coefficients used to convert the measured color values to the output color values are stored as a dataset in the database 108. With further reference to FIG. 1 , the processor 104 is a computing device, such as a commercially available microprocessor, processing cluster, integrated circuit, computer on chip or other data processing device. In one or more configurations, the processor is one or more components of a cellphone, smartphone, notebook or desktop computer configured to directly, or through a communication linkage, receive color measurement data captured by the color measurement device 102. The processor 104 is configured with code executing therein to access various peripheral devices and network interfaces. For instance, the processor 104 is configured to communicate over the Internet with one or more remote servers, computers, peripherals or other hardware using standard or custom communication protocols and settings (e.g., TCP/IP, etc.). The processor 104 comprises one or more of a collection of micro-computing elements, computer-on-chip, home entertainment consoles, media players, set-top boxes, prototyping devices or “hobby” computing elements. The processor 104 can comprise a single processor, multiple discrete processors, a multi-core processor, or other type of processor(s) known to those of skill in the art, depending on the particular embodiment. In one configuration, the processor 104 is a portable computing device such as an Apple iPad/iPhone® or Android® device or other commercially available mobile electronic device executing a commercially available or custom operating system, e.g., MICROSOFT WINDOWS, APPLE OSX, UNIX or Linux based operating system implementations. In other embodiments, the processor 104 is, or includes, custom or non-standard hardware, firmware or software configurations. In one or more embodiments, the processor 104 is directly or indirectly connected to one or more memory storage devices (memories) to form a microcontroller structure. The memory is a persistent or non-persistent storage device (such as memory 105) that is operative to store the operating system in addition to one or more of software modules 107. In accordance with one or more embodiments, the memory comprises one or more volatile and non-volatile memories, such as Read Only Memory (“ROM”), Random Access Memory (“RAM”), Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory (“EEPROM”), Phase Change Memory (“PCM”), Single In-line Memory (“SIMM”), Dual In-line Memory (“DIMM”) or other memory types. Such memories can be fixed or removable, as is known to those of ordinary skill in the art, such as through the use of removable media cards or modules. In one or more embodiments, the memory of the processor 104 provides for the storage of application program and data files. One or more memories provide program code that the processor 104 reads and executes upon receipt of a start, or initiation signal. The computer memories may also comprise secondary computer memory, such as magnetic or optical disk drives or flash memory, that provide long term storage of data in a manner similar to the persistent memory device 105. In one or more embodiments, the memory 105 of the processor 104 provides for storage of application programs or modules and data files when needed. As shown, memory 105 and persistent storage 108 are examples of computer-readable tangible storage devices. A storage device is any piece of hardware that is capable of storing information, such as, data, program code in functional form, and/or other suitable information on a temporary basis and/or permanent basis. In one or more embodiments, memory 105 includes random access memory (RAM). RAM may be used to store data in accordance with the present invention. In general, memory can include any suitable volatile or non-volatile computer-readable storage device. Software and data are stored in persistent storage 108 for access and/or execution by processors 104 via one or more memories of memory 105. In a particular embodiment, persistent storage 108 includes a magnetic hard disk drive. Alternatively, or in addition to a magnetic hard disk drive, persistent storage 108 can include a solid state hard drive, a semiconductor storage device, read-only memory (ROM), erasable programmable read-only memory (EPROM), flash memory, or any other computer-readable storage devices capable of storing program instructions or digital information. The database 108 may be embodied as solid-state memory (e.g., ROM), hard disk drive systems, RAID, disk arrays, storage area networks (“SAN”), network attached storage (“NAS”) and/or any other suitable system for storing computer data. In addition, the database 108 may comprise caches, including database caches and/or web caches. Programmatically, the database 108 may comprise flat-file data store, a relational database, an object-oriented database, a hybrid relational-object database, a key-value data store such as HADOOP or MONGODB, in addition to other systems for the structure and retrieval of data that are well known to those of skill in the art. The media used by persistent storage 108 may also be removable. For example, a removable hard drive may be used for persistent storage 108. Other examples include optical and magnetic disks, thumb drives, and smart cards that are inserted into a drive for transfer onto another computer-readable storage medium that is also part of persistent storage 108. In one or more implementations, the processor 104 includes one or more communications or network interface units. These units provide for the ability to transfer data obtained from the light measurement device 102 to one or more remote devices 106. In one or more implementations, the communications unit may provide appropriate interfaces to the Internet or other suitable data communications network to connect to one or more servers, resources, API hosts, or computers. In these examples, communications unit may include one or more network interface cards allowing for Bluetooth, ZigBee, serial, ethernet, or other wired or wireless communication protocols. In one or more implementations, the communication unit allows for data processed by the processor 104 to exchange data in real-time or near real-time with a user interface device 106 or databases 108. In one implementation, the user interface device 106 is a screen, monitor, display, LED, LCD or OLED panel, augmented or virtual reality interface or an electronic ink-based display device that is integrated to the spectrum measurement device described herein. In one or more implementations, the user interface device 106, the processor 104, the lighting element 106 and the light measurement device 102 are incorporated into a single housing. For example, a portable measurement device can incorporate elements 102-106 into a single form factor. In an alternative implementation, the user interface device 104 is a remote computer that can receive, and display data sent by the processor 104. For example, measurements and data processed by the processor 104 is transmitted to the remote computing device 106 and displayed on a display device that is associated with the remote computing device. By way of non-limiting implementation, the remote computing device 106 is a portable computer (such as a mobile telephone, portable computer and other devices) that is configured to receive data from the processor and display that data on a screen incorporated into such a remote computing device. Those possessing an ordinary level of skill in the requisite art will appreciate that additional features, such as power supplies, power sources, power management circuitry, control interfaces, relays, interfaces, and/or other elements used to supply power and interconnect electronic components and control activations are appreciated and understood to be incorporated. Turning now to FIG. 2 , the light measurement device 102, the light source 106 and the processor 104 cooperate with one another to evaluate the spectral properties of the sample under analysis. For example, the processor 104 is configured by a collection of modules operative to cause the processor 104 to activate the light sources 106, receive and process the signals generated by the light measurement device 102, and output those measurements to a user interface device. As described in further detail herein, the process of evaluating the spectral properties of a sample 103 can be implemented as a collection of software modules that configure the processor to carry out the various steps described. In a further implementation, the hardware components described herein can be provided as a collection of discrete components that communicate with one another wirelessly. For example, the light source and light measurement devices are integrated into an enclosure that is remote from the one or more processors. In this configuration, data is exchanged wirelessly between the enclosure (such as via Bluetooth) and the processor. As shown in step 202 of the flow diagram of FIG. 2 , a control or initiation signal is sent from the processor 104 to the light source 106. In one implementation, the processor 104 includes an activation module 502 that is operative to configure the processor 104 to provide a control signal to the light source 106 or light sources such that the sample 103 is illuminated by the light source. In one arrangement, the signal or flag generated includes one or more instructions to the light sources 106 such that the measurement geometry between the lighting element and the light measurement device is in 45/0 orientation. For example, where there are multiple light sources distributed at different geometries from the light measurement device, the activation module 502 instructs only those light sources 106 to activate. In one or more implementations, the activation step 202 is initiated by a user selecting a particular configuration of lighting options presented on the user interface device 106. In the foregoing implementation, the measurement geometry used to measure the reflectance properties of the sample 103 is 45/0. However, those possessing an ordinary level of skill in the requisite art will appreciate that alternative orientations are available given the disclosure provided herein. It will be further appreciated by those possessing an ordinary level of skill in the art that when measurement geometries having a 45/0 orientation are used to measure a sample having high gloss properties, (such as sample 103) the specular component of the light reflected off of the sample 103 cannot reach the sensor elements of the light measurement device 102. As a result, the raw counts measured by the light measurement device will be lower than the actual measurement values. On the other hand, when the 45/0 measurement geometry is used to measure a low gloss sample, a portion of the surface reflection can reach the light measurement device, thus leading to artificially high measurement values. To compensate the difference caused by gloss properties of the sample 103, the measurement process described herein includes a measurement step, as shown in step 204 of FIG. 2 . The measurement step 204, includes in one implementation having a processor that is operative to receive the signals generated by the light measurement in response to receiving light that has been reflected off the surface of the sample. For example, a measurement module 504 configures the processor 104 to receive data output by the light measurement device 102. In one arrangement, the processor 104 is configured by the measurement module 504 to receive direct analog signals from the light measurement device 102. Alternatively, where the light measurement device is configured to output digital values, the processor 104 is configured by the measurement module 504 to receive a data stream in the form of a digital signal, data values, data stream, binary string or other data object suitable to transmit the measurement values obtained by the light measurement device 102. In one or more implementations, the measurement values obtained from the light measurement device 102 by the processor 104 are provided to the user interface device 106 for review and analysis by a user. However, as noted, direct measurements by a measurement apparatus using a 45/0 measurement geometry can result in undercounting or overcounting light reflected from the surface and generating incorrect color measurements for the sample. Thus, in order to correct the variance of measurement values introduced using the 45/0 measurement geometry, the measurement values obtained in step 204 can be adjusted to more accurately reflect the true spectrum properties of the sample 103. In step 206, a value corresponding to a portion of a theoretically calculated specular component from a high gloss measurement is added to the measurement values obtained in step 204. Such a modification of the theoretically calculated specular component can be used to simulate the measurement of a low gloss sample. As shown in step 208, the raw measurement result obtained in step 204 for sample 103 can be represented by vector T: T=(t ₁ . . . t _(n)1),  (1) where t_(n) is the sensor raw counts of the sample 103 on the n^(th) channel obtained from the light measurement device 102. In the provided implementation, a value, such as constant 1 is added at the end of the vector. The measurement vector T is used to then generate a recovered vector R_(convert) using a transformation matrix M according to: R _(convert)=(v ₁ . . . v ₃₁)=T*M,  (2) where v_(p) is the recovered reflectance of the sample at wavelength p. For example, a transformation module 508 configures the processor 104 to convert the data received from the measurement device 102 into a vector R_(convert). Here, the transformation module 508 includes one or more submodules that configure the processor 104 to access each of the measurement channels of data obtained from the measurement device 102 and perform suitable operations to convert this data into a matrix. One or more further submodules of the transformation module 508 configures the processor 104 to perform a matrix multiplication operation on the matrices T and M. It will be appreciated that in the foregoing example, p is chosen to be 31, representing wavelengths from 400 nm to 700 nm at 10 nm intervals. In one or more implementations, the transformation matrix M is stored in the local memory of the processor 104 and is accessible for use in the transformation of step 208. However, in one or more alternative configurations, transformation matrix M is stored in a local or remote data storage location that requires retrieval by the processor 104 prior to use, as in step 206. For example, the processor 104 is configured by an access module 506 to the transformation matrix M from a remote data storage device (such as database 108). Once retrieved, the transformation matrix M can be used in the process provided in step 208 in order to obtain vector R_(convert). As shown in step 210, once the vector R_(convert) has been obtained, it can be provided to a user via a remote user interface 106. In one implementation, the processor 104 is configured by an output module 310 to output the R_(convert) value to a display associated with the measurement apparatus. In another implementation, the output module 510 configures the processor 104 to provide the transformed value and the original raw measurements to a display. In another implementation, the output module 510 configures the processor 104 to provide the transformed value to a remote computing device (such as a smartphone configured execute software necessary to receive data from the measurement apparatus). In another implementation, the output module 510 configures the processor 104 to provide the transformed value and any other additional data used to generate R_(convert) to a remote storage device, such as database 108, for later retrieval or use. As shown in step 206, the transformation matrix M can be obtained from a remote data store, such as a database 108. In an alternative implementation, where transformation matrix M has not been previously calculated, the value for M can be derived. The calibration process provided in FIG. 3 can be used to obtain the transformation matrix M. As shown in FIG. 3 , the transformation matrix M can be derived from prior measurements using the spectrum recovery apparatus described herein and one or more additional measurement devices. As shown in step 302, a set of training samples are measured using the spectrum recovery apparatus described in FIG. 1 . Here, the color measurement apparatus is used to obtain from a collection of m samples, a raw-data matrix S when illuminated: $\begin{matrix} {{S = \begin{pmatrix} S_{1,1} & \ldots & S_{1,n} & 1 \\ \vdots & \ddots & \vdots & \vdots \\ S_{m,1} & \ldots & S_{m,n} & 1 \end{pmatrix}},} & (3) \end{matrix}$ where s_(m,n) is the sensor raw counts of the m^(th) sample on the n^(th) channel. A column of constant 1 is added at the end of the raw-data matrix as an offset. Here, the m collection of samples can be 1 or more different color samples, but is usually chosen so that the number of training samples m is larger than the number of sensor channels n. In one particular implementation, a processor or computer is configured to receive the measurement values comprising raw-data matrix S and store these values for further use. For example, a calibration module 512 configures a processor to access measurements made for each of the m samples and to store the resulting raw-data matrix S in a database for further use or access. As shown in step 304, the same set of m samples is measured using a master or control color measurement device. In one or more implementations, the master or control measurement device includes a color or light sensor that has more spectral channels than the spectrum recovery device of FIG. 1 . For example, where the spectrum recovery device of FIG. 1 has less than 10 spectral measurement channels, the master color measurement device has 31 spectral measurement channels. As shown in step 304, measurement values obtained from the control or master measurement device are obtained. For instance, the output generated when a control device is used to measure m samples is stored to a remote database 108 for retrieval. A processor configured by one or more submodules of the calibration module 512 is operative to access the measurements obtained by the control device and generate a control measurement vector R according to: $\begin{matrix} {{R = \begin{pmatrix} r_{1,1} & \ldots & r_{1,p} \\ \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ r_{m,1} & \ldots & r_{m,p} \end{pmatrix}},} & (4) \end{matrix}$ where the value r_(m,p) is the reflectance of the m^(th) sample at p^(th) wavelength measured by the master instrument. In one or more implementations, the control or master instrument used to obtain matrix R is a SCI color measurement device. Using the measurement matrices obtained in steps 302 and 304, a transformation matrix M can be obtained using a pseudoinverse function according to the following: M=pinv(S)*R However, using the value for raw data matrix S directly does not provide the compensation for the gloss difference between the master instrument (such as a SCI geometry instrument) and the spectrum recovery device. As shown in step 306, in order to compensate for the gloss difference between geometries, the raw data matrix S is adjusted by adding specular values G to the raw measurement values. In one implementation, a processor is configured by a specular adjustment module 514 to produce a specular adjusted measurement of the raw data matrix S values according to: $\begin{matrix} {{S_{g} = {{S + G} = \begin{pmatrix} {S_{1,1} + g_{1}} & \ldots & {S_{1,n} + g_{n}} & 1 \\ \vdots & \ddots & \vdots & \vdots \\ {S_{m,1} + g_{1}} & \ldots & {S_{m,n} + g_{n}} & 1 \end{pmatrix}}},} & (6) \end{matrix}$ where G is a gloss compensation matrix, and its components g₁˜g_(n) are the gloss compensation for channels 1˜n. It should be appreciated that for different sample 1˜m, the compensation g₁˜g_(n) are the same, where the set of calibration color samples have similar surface gloss properties. Alternatively, if the set of calibration color samples have different gloss values, Eq. 6 can be extended to: $\begin{matrix} {{S_{g} = {{S + G} = \begin{pmatrix} {S_{1,1} + g_{1,1}} & \ldots & {S_{1,n} + g_{1,n}} & 1 \\ \vdots & \ddots & \vdots & \vdots \\ {S_{m,1} + g_{m,1}} & \ldots & {S_{m,n} + g_{m,n}} & 1 \end{pmatrix}}},} & (7) \end{matrix}$ Where the constant value 1 is provided in the last column of the matrix S_(g). Once the value for the adjusted raw data matrix S_(g) is derived according to Eq. 6 or 7, the transformation matrix M can be calculated according to: M _(g=pinv)(S _(g))*R  (8) In turn, the matrix derived from Eq. 8 can then be output, as shown in step 308, for use in calculating R_(convert). In one particular implementation, the calibrations factors g₁-g_(n) used to generate adjusted raw data matrix S_(g) are accessed from a local or remote data storage device, such as database 108. For example, as shown in step 305, a processor configured by the access module 506 retrieves the values for G from a data repository. In one or more further implementations, the values for g₁-g_(n) can be obtained from direct measurements of calibration targets. For example, as shown in FIG. 4 , the measurement values obtained for g₁-g_(n) are obtained by identifying a gloss related coefficient and using that value to transform measurements of a standard calibration target. As shown in step 402, measurements of the raw counts generated by the spectrum recovery device of FIG. 1 are obtained when a white diffuser or white calibration tile is measured. For example, a processor of the spectrum recovery device is configured by the measurement module 504 to obtain measurements of a while calibration tile. The obtained measurement in step 402 are then used to generate a transformed gloss matrix. By way of example, a processor is configured by one or more transformation modules (such as transformation module 508) to convert the measurement values to gloss corrected measurement values according to the following: (g ₁ ,g ₂ , . . . ,g _(n))=(w ₁ ,w ₂ , . . . ,w _(n))*g ₀,  (9) where w_(n) is the raw counts of n^(th) channel when measuring a white diffuser or a white calibration tile, and g₀ is a gloss related coefficient. In one or more implementations, the gloss related coefficient is a value between −0.04 and 0.04. In one or more implementations, as shown in step 404, the gloss related coefficient is accessed from one or more local or remote memory stores accessible to the processor implementing the transformation process to obtain g₁-g_(n). Thus, once g₁-g_(n) have been obtained, the adjusted raw data matrix S_(g) can be obtained, as in step 406, which in turn is output (as shown in step 408) to the calibration process at step 306. Once the calibration process has been performed, the resulting transformation allows for the transformation matrix M to be derived and used to evaluate new measurements made by the spectrum recovery device of FIG. 1 . Once obtained, the derived matrix R_(convert) can then be obtained, which represents a spectrum, derived from the spectrum recovery device, that can match a master instrument with a different geometry, such as a SCI geometry. It should be further appreciated that the last row of the transformation matrix M derived from Eq. 8 is directly related to the gloss compensation. It has been unexpectedly determined that the gloss compensation with different values for g₀ in Eq. 9 only impacts the last row of transformation matrix M. Thus, in one or more implementations a suitably configured processor includes a plurality of potential values for the last row in transformation matrix M. In response to one or more input signals, the processor is configured to implement gloss compensation by altering the last-row values in the transformation matrix M using one or more of the potential values. In one arrangement, the input signal received by the processor is in the form of a user generated signal, or a signal that is generated in response to user input. Here, the input signal is received by a processor configured by one or more submodules of the measurement module 504. In response to the received signal, the configured processor selects one of the pre-determined gloss compensation values and adjusts the last row of the transformation matrix M. In another implementation, the input signal is based on a calculation made by the processor configured by one or more submodules of the measurement module 504. In one or more implementations, the gloss compensation values for a particular measurement of a sample can be achieved by changing the values of the last row in transformation matrix M. For example, if the material type of a sample is known, the processor can be instructed to select a corresponding gloss compensation value from a look-up table or database. In one or more implementations, one or more processors are configured by code executing therein to derive a value for M using at least the gloss coefficient. The gloss compensation value is then applied to the last row in transformation matrix M to obtain a gloss value modified matrix. The gloss value modified matrix is then applied to the vector of measurement raw signals as shown in Eq. 2 to obtain the recovered vector for the sample. In another implementation shown in FIG. 9 , the spectrum recovery device described herein includes a gloss meter 109. In a particular implementation, the measurement step 204 includes obtaining a separate measurement of the gloss properties of a sample 103. For example, where a gloss meter is integrated into the spectrum recovery instrument, the processor 104 is configured by the measurement module to receive one or more data values corresponding to the gloss properties of the sample 103. The measured gloss value can then be used to set the gloss compensation factor g₀ in equation 9. In response, the resulting transformation matrix will be updated with the real-time measurement of the gloss properties of the sample 103 and accordingly to obtain a proper spectrum output.
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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- NOTE: this class has not been tested yet -- -- -- -- this is the CompetenceElement class which extends PlanElement -- -- an Competence is an aggregate defined by: -- -- . unique name identifier -- -- . list of Senses that trigger an Action, ActionPattern, or Competence -- -- . element -- -- -- -- tick() checks Senses and only: -- -- . ticks element if all senses are satisfied -- -- for more on POSH Competences see: -- -- -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CompetenceElement = Class{__includes = PlanElement} function CompetenceElement:init(name, senses, element) = name --string name self.senses = senses --list of senses self.element = element --should probably be renamed to element or something end function CompetenceElement:tick() --print('in competence element',, 'with child element', for _,sense in pairs(self.senses) do --check all conditions if not sense:tick() then --print('competence element sense returned failure') return FAILURE end end --print('competence element ticking trigger element', return self.element:tick() --tick trigger element only if all conditions satisfied end
Github OpenSource
Various open source
const Discord = require('discord.js'); const fs = require('fs'); const { options } = require("./data/vars"); const Levels = require("discord-xp"); module.exports = async() => { return new Promise(resolve => { // Levels Levels.setURL(process.env.MONGO_URI); // Create discord.js client const client = new Discord.Client({ restTimeOffset: 200, partials: ['MESSAGE', 'CHANNEL', 'REACTION'] }); // A collection for all the commands client.commands = new Discord.Collection(); // Gets all the commands from the "commands" folder const commandFiles = fs.readdirSync('./commands').filter(file => file.endsWith('.js')); for (const file of commandFiles) { const command = require(`./commands/${file}`); // Adds commands to commands collection client.commands.set(, command); console.log(`Command loaded: ${file}`); } // Gets all the events from the "events" folder const eventFiles = fs.readdirSync('./events').filter(file => file.endsWith('.js')); for (const file of eventFiles) { const event = require(`./events/${file}`); // Run event client.on(file.replace(".js", ""), event.bind(null, client)); console.log(`Event loaded: ${file}`); } // Login client.login(process.env.DBT).then(() => resolve(client)); }); };
Github OpenSource
Various open source
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <math.h> //TESTE AGORA!!!!!! int main() { long double possivel[100000], total = 1; char word[1000000], simbolos[1000000], num[99999], comp[99999]; printf("%lf\n", pow(10,100)); scanf("%s", simbolos); scanf("%s", word); //printf("%d~%d\n", atoi(word),atoi(simbolos)); int i, j, zero, sol = 0, we; for (i = strlen(word) - 1; i >= 0; i --) { printf("%c\n", word[i]); for (zero = 0; zero <= 99999; zero ++) { num[zero] = ' '; } num[strlen(simbolos) - 1] = word[i]; j = strlen(simbolos) - 1; if (word[i] == '0') { j --; i --; //num[j] = word[i]; possivel[sol] = 1; while (word[i] == '0') { j --; i --; num[j] = word[i]; if (atoi(num) >= atoi(simbolos)) { possivel[sol] = 0; } //possivel[sol] ++; } } else { //num[0] = word[i]; possivel[sol] = 0; we = i; while (atoi(num) <= atoi(simbolos) && i >= 0 && j >= 0) { //i --; if (we == 0) { possivel[sol] ++; break; } possivel[sol] ++; j --; we --; num[j] = word[we]; if (word[we] == '0') { break; } printf("%d~%Lf\n", atoi(num), possivel[sol]); } } //printf("%d ### %d\n", atoi(num), atoi(simbolos)); sol ++; //total *= possivel; //total = ((long long int)total) % 1000000007; //printf("%.0Lf####\n", possivel); } for (i = 0; i < sol - 1; i ++) { if (possivel[i] > 1 && possivel[i + 1] > 1) { total *= (possivel[i] * possivel[i + 1]) - 1; i ++; } else { total *= possivel[i]; total = ((long long int)total) % 1000000007; } } total *= possivel[i]; printf("%Ld\n", ((long long int)total) % 1000000007); return(0); } /*102 102 98349012840214921994021492142910421842148218394012894023840785921357293057239472394792307392072930847932014798201759129781423794021374092314972391048273091487392104793248732 85325441*/
Das Deutsche Institut für Volksumfragen (Divo) war ein deutsches Meinungsforschungsinstitut mit Sitz in Frankfurt am Main. Das 1951 gegründete Institut ging aus der 1945 eingerichteten Abteilung Opinion Survey Sektion des Office of Military Government for Germany hervor und war neben dem IfD Allensbach das erste Meinungsforschungsinstitut in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Die Strategie der amerikanischen Verwaltung sah vor, die Umfrageforschung in Deutschland zu etablieren. Um dies zu unterstützen, wurden von Anfang an deutsche Interviewer eingesetzt und das Personal wurde durch amerikanische Wissenschaftler mit Erfahrung in der Umfrageforschung geschult. Das Institut trug zur Verbreitung methodischer Kompetenzen in Deutschland bei. In der britischen Besatzungszone gab es eine ähnliche Gründung, aus der später Emnid hervorging. Auch die Gründer von Infas wurden beim Divo ausgebildet. Neben der Politik- und Wahlforschung war das Institut auch in der Marktforschung aktiv und erlangte darin eine wesentlich Marktstellung mit Aufträgen von deutschen und internationalen Unternehmen. Zu den Kunden zählten Coca-Cola, Colgate-Palmolive, Royal Dutch Shell und Nestlé. Das Divo war bekannt für exakte Prognosen von Wirtschaftstrends und hatte auch Bundestagswahlergebnisse mit einer Abweichung von 0,4 Prozent prognostiziert. 1961 übernahm die französische Sema, eine Tochter der Banque de Paris et des Pays-Bas, fünfzig Prozent der Geschäftsanteile. Die andere Hälfte ging später an die Berliner Handels-Gesellschaft. Bei dem Eigentümerwechsel wurde auch die Geschäftsführung ausgetauscht. Der neue Geschäftsführer, der Franzose Michel Algen, richtete das Institut neu aus, setzte unter anderem auf Computer-Programmierung und Fertigungssteuerung anstatt auf den bisherigen Tätigkeitsbereich der Marktforschung. Durch die Neuausrichtung gingen alte Geschäftsbeziehungen verloren und eine hohe Personalfluktuation setzte besonders in der Unternehmensführung ein. Im Herbst 1969 musste das Institut aus wirtschaftlichen Gründen den kompletten Interviewerstab von 600 Personen entlassen. Michel Algen verließ das Unternehmen und ging in den Aufsichtsrat der Sema. Sein Nachfolger wurde Claude Iégy. Das Institut firmierte später als Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, Sozialforschung und angewandte Mathematik. Einzelnachweise Sozialwissenschaftliches Forschungsinstitut Dienstleistungsunternehmen (Frankfurt am Main) Meinungsforschungsunternehmen Marktforschungsunternehmen Gegründet 1951 Aufgelöst 1971.
Github OpenSource
Various open source
#ifdef __OBJC__ #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> #endif FOUNDATION_EXPORT double Pods_KHProgressDialog_ExampleVersionNumber; FOUNDATION_EXPORT const unsigned char Pods_KHProgressDialog_ExampleVersionString[];
Public Domain
Dat verzet had al van haar vroegste jeugd af in haar gesmeuld, inaar het was niet verder gekomen dan een heimelijke, stille verachting, omdat er nog géén moment in haar leven was geweest, gewichtig genoeg om het te doen uitbarsten. Maar toen ze haar aan dien vreemden man wilden geven, dien ze nauwelijks kende en van wien ze niet hield, was de innigste vrouw in haar ontwaakt, en al haar opgekropte energie was in actie gekomen toen het er inééns op aankwam. N a dat hevige verzet was ze weer tot haar gewone doen teruggekeerd, had zich thuis zooveel mogelijk geschikt, en had het geleuter van de tantes over wat wèl en niet paste weer geduldig aangehoord. Ook deed ze alles wat haar werd voorgeschreven, mocht niet alleen op straat in het donker, moest meê naar di'e en die feestavondjes van de familie, las die boeken wèl en die niet, ging zelfs naar de kerk van tijd tot tijd. Maar ze wist nu voor zichzelf bewust dat er een kracht in haar was, die ze zou weten te gebruiken, als het er maar weer eens op aan zou komen. Toen had ze ook een vaag idee gekregen, dat er ééns wel weer eens zooiets zou komen, wanneer wist ze niet, maar ze zou er wel op wachten. Die kracht droeg zij nu voortaan met zich om als een stillen schat, waar niemand van wist, en waarom ze zich heimelijk trotsch voelde en méér dan de an- deren, al leek ze gedwee mee te doen in het leven van alle dag. Door al de verdrukking heen had haar oorspronkelijk kern-gezonde, krachtige natuur niet geleden. Zij was ferm opgegroeid, robust en forsch, blakende van gezondheid, met frissche roode wangen, en een glans van bloeiende jeugd. Daardoor kwam het dat niemand in haar omgeving ooit vermoed had wat er in haar hunkerde, en hoe'n groote honger naar liefde en vrijheid er was achter dat voorkomen van jongen levenslust en rijpe sterkte. Dat in-gezonde in haar, dat tegen alles ingroeit, was oorzaak dat zij niet was gaan kwijnen in haar eenzaamheid, of zwakjes wègdroomen in zelfbeklag en getreur. Zij vertelde hem dit alles zonder bewust klagen, enkel maar heel eenvoudig, zooals het was. Maar daarom juist was haar verhaal altijd zóó roerend, dat hij wel eens tranen moest bedwingen, die opwelden naar zijn oogen. Hij kon er zich zoo goed indenken, dat eenzame kind, treurend in de keuken, terwijl de zoete, o, zoo lieve broer gezellig bij vader en moeder in de huiskamer zat. Hij moest zich goed houden toen ze hem vertelde hoe vaak ze behoefte had gevoeld aan een vriendelijk woord, een zachte liefkoozing, en hoe ze dikwijls half-bang naar moeder liep om een kus, en hoe ze dan hard werd afgestooten en terug moest naar de oude, nijdige meid in de keuken. Maar de zoete broer zat, toen hij al heel groot was, op moeders schoot, en werd gekoesterd als de lieveling. Toen broer eindelijk negentien jaar was en het seminarium had doorloopen, waren er vreemde dingen met hem gebeurd, zóó dat hij geen priester kon worden, en nu was hij een leegloopend student, overal berucht, die veel geld uitgaf en niet studeerde. Tóch was hij het lievelingetje gebleven, en op haar werd bijna niet gelet. Haar vader en de geheele familie vonden haar onverschillig, en dachten dat ze geen gevoel had, omdat ze niet hard gehuild had en niet geweeklaagd toen haar moeder stierf. Maar Eduard begreep wel dadelijk, hoe Hetty altijd haar mooie gevoel stil van binnen had moeten opkroppen, wetend hoe er over zou gelachen worden, als zij het eens toonde. Daardoor kwam het ook, dat zij zelfs na het lezen van een heel mooi boek, of bij het zien van iets heel moois buiten, wel eens zoo weinig er over zeide, dat het den schijn had of het haar niet aandeed. Want als een kind moest zij nog leeren, haar mooie gevoel vrij naar buiten te laten gaan, naar waar het warm zou worden opgenomen, bang als zij vroeger altijd geweest was voor het koude dat haar wachtte. Door hem leerde zij nu langzamerhand haar ge- voel te laten gaan, en zij ondervond voor het eerst wat het was zich te kunnen geven, en uit te spreken in woorden wat van binnen in haar woelde. Toen begon zij ook zichzelve beter te kennen en werd zij meer intiem met haar eigen wezen. Door zijn warme hartelijkheid begon zij aan zichzelve te worden ontdekt. Alles werd nu als een andere wereld voor haar. Er openden zich verre horizonnen en eindelooze vergezichten voor haar ontwakende ziel. Zij werd nu aangeraakt door de ideeën van zijn liefste dichters en filosofen, en als een jong kind dat gretig zuigt aan moeders borst laafde zich haar ziel aan de eroote waarheden van recht en goedheid, die hij voor haar opende. Toen zij toch betrekkelijk nog maar weinig had gelezen en van hem gehoord, stond zij verbaasd over haar onbewust bestaan van vroeger. Zij begon nu pas in te zien, hoe armzalig en jammerlijk haar leventje van vroeger was geweest in haar duffe familieomgev ing thuis. En als een absolute zekerheid stond het vóór haar, dat ze liever zou sterven dan ooit weer terugzinken in de sleur van vroeger. Al haar opgekropte weerstandsvermogen, al haar bedwongen energie van vroeger, die latent waren gebleven, kwamen in beweging, en zij besloot, al was het ten koste van alles, dit nieuwe leven vast te houden en het nooit weêr te laten ontglippen, niet tot in den dood. Hij hielp haar nog altijd voort uit een gevoel van plicht en om te doen wat hij recht vond, ook uit wat zacht medelijden, maar besefte niet dadelijk ten volle, welke ontzaglijke verandering hij er mede in haar leven bracht. Ln al heel gauw kwam de crisis voor haar, waarin alles voor haar op het spel zou komen te staan.... HOOFDSTUK VI. Toen hij op een morgen aan de ontbijttafel kwam, lag er een briefje naast zijn bord. Hij herkende dadelijk Hetty's hand. „Arm kind," dacht hij, „dat niemand heeft om zich eens voor te ontboezemen !" En hij sneed haastig het couvert open. Onder 't lezen werd hij bleek. „Daar héb je 't nu al," mompelde hij. „Lieve mijnheer, Ik stik op het oogenblik bijna van woede. Ik ging hoor en hoe het gisteren met mijn vriendinnetje was afgeloopen, die zoo laat was thuisgekomen, en toen zei ze me dadelijk: „ik ga vandaag niet naar Scheveningen. Daarna zei ze ineens: „ken jij Durieux?" Ik zei ja en toen begon het. Ik had gisteren middag den heelen tijd met u alléén gezeten en dat kwam niet te pas dat een getrouwde man met een jong meisje zat en zijn vrouw zat geen nieter van hem af en iedereen wist wel wie Durieux was. Ik zal het u wel alles uitvoerig vertellen als ik u spreek, maar ik moest er u nu al iets van schrijven. O, als u hoorde wat ze allemaal gezegd heeft. O ja, ik mocht u er niets van zeggen want u was behalve schilder ook schrijver en dan kon u er wel eens een boek over schrijven. Ik zei dat u dat wel niet de moeite waard zoudt vinden. En nu mag ze niet meer met mij omgaan, want dan zou zij ook een slechten naam krijgen. Daar heb je nu de menschen waar je nog medelijden mee moet hebben! omdat het zulke groote beroerlingen zijn zeker! Ik stik van woede en toch is het niet de moeite waard eigenlijk om je zoo nijdig over te maken. Ik voel me zoo ongelukkig en hoop dat ik u morgen aan het strand zal zien. Uw Hetty. P. S. Ik houd toch evenveel van u natuurlijk." Natuurlijk! Daar hadt je't! Het kón niet uitblijven! Nu raakten de poppen aan 't dansen! Arm kind ! dacht hij. Nu* is ze me kwijt! Nu moet ze per se weer in 't oude leventje terugvallen. Tóch zat er wat in! Er zat temperament in dat kind, vuur, enthoesiasme ! je hadt best iets van d'r kunnen maken ! Maar nu is 't mis! Nu beginnen de heidenen óm haar te huilen, en tegen haar te brullen over fatsoen, en moraal en eer! De „eer" wil niet dat zoo'n kind steun zoekt bij een sterkere, die haar in wil wijden tot het groote, ware Leven! De „eer" wil dat zoo'n kind onwetend en dom wordt gehouden, dat ze leert gichelen en ginnegappen op partijtjes, dat ze koketteert met schunnige décolletétjes en leugenachtig, doorschijnend wit, de „eer" wil dat ze later trouwt met een vlegel, dien ze niet doorziet, en voor wien ze kinderen zal krijgen en zijn kousen stoppen in ruil voor zijn „naam !" De „eer" wil dat ze nu de slavin is van haar vader, en later de slavin is van haar man, ziende door zijn oogen, bukkend voor zijn gezag, zonder eigen Ik, onderdanig en serviel, maar „fatsoenlijk" vóór alles! Beroerd toch, beroerd! Dat mooie, jonge enthoesiasme in zoo'n kind, daar komt dan later niets van terecht, dat wordt versmoord in de sleur van het kinderen krijgen en eten koken en uitzoeken van meneer z'n vuile wasch ! Hij dacht een poos, moedeloos, na. Wat moest hij nu doen ? Als hij haar sterkte om tóch zijn vriendin te blijven kreeg ze niets dan beroerdigheid en ellende. Ze was tóch machteloos als het er op aankwam, en als papa het in de gaten kreeg. Nu ze tóch eenmaal kletsten zou haar vader het ook gauw genoeg weten, want laster verspreidt zich gauwer dan influenza. En zoo'n vader had het recht om zijn kind op te sluiten als een dief, achter slot en grendel. Tot haar drie en twintigste jaar is een meisje precies in dezelfde positie als een gevangene. Ze heeft eenvoudig bête-weg te gehoorzamen aan wat haar ouders willen, al zijn die de grofste, domste, bekrompenste creaturen op de wereld. Als ze dan geslaagd zijn, is tóch de „eer" behouden ! En in die omgeving moest nu de arme Hetty onvermijdelijk terugzinken, zoodra ze er achter kwamen dat „gevaar" voor haar dreigde, gevaar voor de sociale positie van haar en haar familie, gevaar voor de „eer", het heiligste wat een fatsoenlijk meisje zoogenaamd bezit! Nu moest het uit zijn met de intieme vis-a-vis-tjes op het strand, met de prettige wandelingen en alles, want in haar eigen belang kon hij het kind niet langer „compromitteeren,"zooals de bourgeois zooiets noemen. Hij zuchtte van spijt, en schrikte even, schrikte omdat hij zich bewust werd dat het hem meer pijn deed dan eigenlijk wel mocht. Hij voelde nu ineens dat hij aan Hetty gehecht was geraakt, misschien meer als een vader aan een kind, maar toch gehecht, zoo dat het idee van haar nu kwijt te zijn, hem hevig aandeed. Daar zou tóch nog eens misère van komen als het te lang duurde. Zoo'n meisje, en dan zoo'n heel jong meisje, met al dat frissche, dat onweerstaanbare van een volle, rijpe jeugd, dat werkt nu eenmaal op je als lente, die je bedwelmt, en je al je wijsheid doet vergeten. En dan zij zélf. Verbeeld je dat ze eens te veel van hem ging houden, met al de innigheid van zoo'n hartje van achttien jaar! Hij twee en dertig, en getrouwd, en vader van twee kinderen ! Zoo'n meisje denkt niet na en laat zich door haar 6 gevoel heelemaal beheerschen. Neen, heusch, het was maar beter als het nu nog op tijd uit was. Verbazend jammer, beroerd, ellendig, maar de maatschappij was nu eenmaal een jammerlijke boel, en zij zat er nu eenmaal onder! Hij kon er tegen, o jee, lieten ze maar opkomen, hem met al hun vuiligheid gooien van conventie, en fatsoen, en eer, hij lachte er wat om, en stak er kalm een nieuwe cigaret bij op. Maar zij, arm kind, zoo'n lief meisje, door de wet vastgeketend in de ouderlijke macht, als een weerloos slachtoffer, wat zou zij moeten doen als ze met die smerige dingen op haar afkwamen? Met een gesmoorde vervvensching over de leugen, waar hij weer iets liefs voor moest prijs geven, ging hij voor zijn schrijftafel zitten, en schreef zijn antwoord op haar briefje. „Lieve Hetty! Ja, kind, dat kon niet anders. Dat moést wel. Het verwondert me alleen dat het zoo laat is gekomen. Je weet hoe er, door mijn positie als artiest, over mij wordt gesproken. Ik ben voor de meeste menschen een soort Anti-Christ, een moordenaar van de moraal. Je weet, ik loop zóó maar met gemeene meiden over straat en zoo. Nu weet jij wel hoe dat in elkaar zit, maar de meeste mcnschen weten het niet. Nu zal ik je eens wat zeggen, en daar mag je niet boos om zijn. Het is heusch beter, dat je me niet meer spreekt, je zoudt er niets dan ellende door krijgen als je tóch nog met me wou omgaan. Iedereen zal op je afgeven en je minachtend aanzien, ze zullen je niet meer groeten, en allerlei leelijke dingen van je vertellen. Je vader hoort het ook vandaag of morgen en dan breekt de bom los. Je weet zelf nog niet hoe ze je 't leven onaangenaam zouden maken. Dat je van me houdt vind ik heel gelukkig, je mag ook gerust van me blijven houden, als je me maar niet meer spreekt. Ik van jou ook hoor! Maar wees nu ook gehoorzaam en doe wat ik je zeg, in je eigen belang. Ik zou het verschrikkelijk vinden als je om mij verdriet moest hebben en lijden, en ik zou geen rust hebben als dat ooit gebeurde. Bewaar de herinnering aan onze kennismaking, dat zal ik ook doen, en het zal iets heel liefs blijven in mijn leven, waar niemand van weet en waar niemand ooit aan kan komen. Later zal je me dankbaar zijn dat ik je dit heb aangeraden. Het zal je veel ellende en akeligheid hebben bespaard. Dag lieve Hetty, nu doen wat ik je zeg hoor en het ga je goed! Je toegenegen Eduard Durieux." Toen hij den brief in de enveloppe had gedaan voelde hij zich of hij een lafheid had begaan. Want eigenlijk had hij toch weer gebogen voor de conventie, had hij dingen geschreven, waartegen het beste in hem in opstand was. Al was het geen lafheid voor hèm, zoo was het toch lafheid voor haar. Feitelijk stootte hij haar toch terug in de moraal die hij zoo haatte, alléén om haar strijd te besparen. Mocht hij dat wel doen na alles wat hij haar al gezegd had? Mocht hij zoo'n geestdriftig aangelegd zieltje verloren laten gaan in de sleur? Maar aan den anderen kant — als hij haar sterkte, als hij haar tot opstand bracht tegen haar omgeving — — wat een misère stond er dan te komen! En alles voor haar, zij alleen zou het slachtoffer worden, omdat hij niet meer te kwetsen was, en onafhankelijk van de bende kon leven ! En dan later! Als er eens hartstocht tusschen hen kwam ! Vroeg of laat komt die tóch. Ja, vroeger had hij wel gedweept met een ideale verhouding van alléén ziel, zoo van een verwante vriendin, of een „zuster", maar op den duur bleef dat toch bijna nooit, tenzij, zooals Nietsche schreef, tegelijk met de psychische verwantschap een physieke afstooting bestond. Nüwas het nog niet zoo, dat wist hij voor zichzelf zeker. Maar wie wist wat later nog komen kon? En dan zou de misère nog erger worden, voor haar tenminste.... Den geheelen morgen door bleef hij er zenuwachtig over zitten tobben. Zou hij haar nu den brief geven? Ja of neen? Was 't niet een beetje hard voor haar? Of moest het, kón het niet anders? Eindelijk besloot hij maar eerst eens te zien hoe zij het gedragen had. In elk geval zou hij den brief maar meenemen. Om half vier was hij op het strand. Eenmaal onder de menschen had hij zijn gewone norsche, onverschillige uitdrukking weer teruggekregen. Niemand mocht ooit aan hem zien wat er in hem omging. Het gewone gedoe was weer aan den gang. Slenterende vlegels in flanellen flodder-pakjes gichelende meisjes, drentelend in 't bewustzijn van het mannengekijk om hen heen, theepraatjes van flirtende jongelui in witte tentjes, waar oude dames een oogje in 't zeil houden, in de stille hoop dat het nu lukken zal dit seizoen. Een air van onschuldige, lichte vreugde overal, zonder erg, maar tóch met iets irriteerends voor wie weet waar het eigenlijk om te doen is, in die sfeer van correctheid, en eer, en fatsoen. Waar zou ze nu zijn ? ... . Ah ! Daar stond ze al, uitkijkend over de badstoelen vóór haar, een beetje angstig, in gespannen verwachting. Nu zag ze hem. Ze werd rood. Ze scheen erg geagiteerd. Ze wenkte hem van verre met haar parasol, dat hij gauw zou komen. Er was blijkbaar iets aan de hand. En hij stapte haastig naar haar toe. „Ik stik bijna van woede," zei ze, „ik stik. Alle menschen kijken me aan. Je moet het zien! Je zou ze zóó in hun gezicht spuwen! Het is verschrikkelijk ! Ik heb ze toch niets gedaan!. ... Daarnet, dat meisje, ze groette me niet meer, en haar mama óók niet.... ze liepen me stijf voorbij! Kijk ze nu weer allemaal kijken, nu u bij me staat! Ze lachen me uit Ze doen of ik een gemeen, slecht meisje ben.... 't Is of ze je met vuil gooien als ze zoo naar je kijken!.... wat heb ik dan toch «edaan ?. .. " o Met een treurig glimlachje keek hij even in het rond. Ja, het was zoo. Er werd gekeken, er werd gelachen, wèl niet zoo erg als Hetty in haar agitatie wel dacht, waar toch was er een sfeer van hoon en spot om hen heen. Harde gezichten gluurden uit stoelen, ginnegapten in tentjes, gichelden op een afstand. Ze roken het als 't ware, uit intuïtie, zooals wilde dieren een prooi ruiken, dat er ergens iets teeders en liefs te vernielen was. En Hetty stond vóór hem, angstig, huiverig, bij die eerste proef. Ja, het was toch het oude liedje. Het kón ook eigenlijk niet anders, dacht hij. Gelukkig dat hij den brief bij zich had. Hij moest hem nu maar geven. „Kom, kom," zeide hij, luchthartig. „Zoo erg zal 't nu wel niet zijn. Je maakt het veel erger dan het is. Maar het is nu heusch beter, dat ik niet bij je blijf staan. Kijk, hier heb ik een brief voor je. Dien moet je eens goed lezen, en er heel ernstig over nadenken. Ik heb hem gisteren avond geschreven toen ik je brief kreeg. Daar staat alles in wat ik er over denk. Lees hem vooral heel aandachtig, hoor!.... Wees maar niet opgewonden en geloof toch vooral, dat het alles om je eieren bestwil is, wat ik je schrijf.... Dag Hetty!...." Toen nam hij zijn hoed af, correct en beleefd, wetende dat nu overal oogen naar hen keken, boog even, en ging kalm verder, de houten planken op, langs de tentjes. Hij voelde zich ellendig, alsof hij een lafheid had gedaan. Daar had hij nu dat kind tóch dien brief gegeven, die heelemaal op leugen en conventie berustte! Zoo echt als een doortrapte „man van eer", die te laf is om het mooie en lieve in zijn leven.te bewaren, als de conventie er tusschen komt! En nu stond dat meisje feitelijk weer heel alleen, zonder steun, tusschen de barbaren, die haar op den duur wel weer mede zouden sleuren in hun fetisj-geloof en onzinnige zeden. Tóch had hij durven schrijven dat hij haar „ellende" wilde besparen, terwijl toch de grootste ellende moest zijn het terugvallen in de sleur van het liefdeloos ouderlijk huis en de dufïfe tantes. O ! Hoe zaten ze er toch bij hém eigenlijk óók nog ingeroest, die oude, oude begrippen van leugen en waan, als een hereditaire ziekte, die je maar niet kwijt kon worden! Door haar te zeggen dat ze hem niet meer moest zien, nam hij haar alle horizonnen weer weg, die hij voor haar geopend had, en dat alles, Godbetert, om de eer, om het zoogenaamde fatsoen, om den naam — verbeeld je toch het idiote van zooiets, den naam — van eerbaar, onschuldig meisje! Een trap verdiende-n-ie, een trap! Hij voelde zich als een soldaat, die voor den vijand is weggeloopen en nu ergens vol schaamte ronddwaalt. Doelloos slenterde hij het Kurhaus in, waar nu, na het concert, niemand was. Waar nu heen te gaan ? O ja, een beetje in de Leeszaal zitten, dat ging nog. De illustraties inkijken. Dat leidt altijd wat af. Hij bladerde de „London News" door, toen de „Graphic," las een paar artikelen er uit, lei ze toen weer neer, soezend. — Hoe vreemd, hoe vreemd! Hij trok zich Hetty's verlies véél erger aan dan hij ooit vermoed had, en verwonderde zich over deze emotie. „Had ik me dan zóó aan dat kind gehecht?" dacht hij. „Dat was dan toch dwaas van me, daar had ik toch voor moeten oppassen! Ik groote kerel van dertig, al voel ik me soms nog zoo'n jongen, en zij achttien ! Kom, het is toch te gék!" Hij bleef nog wat doorpeinzen in zijn gemakkelijken stoel. Opeens ging een van de groote deuren met een harden ruk open, en een meisje kwam naar binnen stormen. Potstausend, die had haast, hoor! Is dat me 'n binnenhollen! Maar... waarachtig!... het was Hetty!... Hetty, héél opgewonden, met een vuurroode kleur, holderdebolder naar een schrijftafeltje, zonder rond te zien... Ze zag hem niet eens... Ze scheen absoluut niets te zien in haar agitatie... Toen, zenuwachtig, het gekriskras van een pen over papier... Eduard begreep dadelijk dat ze aan hèm schreef. Zijn brief had ze nu natuurlijk gelezen. En dit was nu zeker het antwoord. Ze moést wél in de war zijn, dat ze hem niet eens gezien had! Wat zou daar nu van komen ? Het beste was nu maar weg te gaan, dat ze hem niet zag. De brief zou tóch wel gauw genoeg komen! Toen ging hij even een glas port drinken in de Rotonde, en dineerde later met heel weinig in de Fisslthaler. En aldoor moest hij maar denken om datmeisje, dat hij had gezegd liever weg te gaan uit zijn leven. Met al grooter en grooter wordende verbazing werd hij bewust, van hoeveel gewicht ze daar al in geworden was, en, of hij het al weten wilde of niet, hij voelde dat hij zich meer aan haar gehecht had dan hij had durven denken. Hij voelde nu bewust dat zij hem dierbaar was geworden, die ópwillende kracht, die fiere geest van onafhankelijkheid in dat jonge, bloeiende, gezonde meisje. Zou die dan... zou die dan ééns... de lang gedroomde kameraad kunnen worden om samen de leugen en den waan der maatschappij mee te bevechten, en een voorbeeld te geven van vrijheid door eigen energie, buiten alles en allen om ?... Het was half zeven geworden. Als hij nu eens ging kijken op zijn kamer in de^Nassau Odijckstraat of er geen brief lag ? Ze was, nadat ze dien brief had geschreven, toch zeker naar huis gefietst, en had hem even af kunnen geven. Hij nam de eerste electrische trem die voorbijging, en stapte bij de Javabrug haastig naar huis. Jawel, de briet was er al, lag op het gaskastje in de vestibule. Wat een zenuwachtig, slordig schrift op de enveloppe! Nu gauw naar boven, en lezen. Niets er boven. Geen tijd voor genomen. „Hoe kunt u zóóiets denken ? Het is verschrikkelijk! U weet niet hoeveel ik van u houd! Ik zou er alles voor willen doen. Ik vind het zoo heerlijk dat u ook van mij houdt. Het staat in uw brief. Het is om te huilen. Ze kunnen niets doen om me ooit van u af te brengen. Ik wil zoo graag verdriet er voor hebben en alles lijden van de menschen. Laat ze maar doen wat ze willen. Ik ben zoo ellendig en toch zoo blij. Ik móet u spreken. Laat die huisjuffrouw maar kijken en het gek vinden, ik kom toch, vanavond nog. Om half acht. O! Denkt u toch nooit meer dat ze me van u weg kunnen nemen. Dat kan niemand, nooit. Uw Hetiy." loen Eduard den brief gelezen had schrikte hij van het groote gevoel, dat hij achter die woorden wist, en dat als een prachtige, kostelijke gave aan zijn leven werd gegeven. Dit was niet meer het vaag geïdealizeer van een meisje voor een kunstenaar, dat breekt zoodra het in de sfeer komt van harde werkekelijkheid, dit was een leven van bewust wordende vrouw, dat zich aan hem wijden wilde, en door groot leed voor hem wou gaan. En dit was ook een kracht, een jonge, nog onervaren kracht, maar die slechts op een gelegenheid wachtte om zich te uiten, en te dienen de ideeën van recht en vrijheid, die de zijne waren. Even weifelde hij nog, dacht hij om kleine maat- schappelijke dingen, zag hij conventioneele, pieterige overwegingen, dacht hij om den strijd die haar wachtte als ze voor haar gevoel voor hem uitkwam, vond hij het jammer voor haar, het leed dat zou komen, onvermijdelijk. Toen schaamde hij zich over zijn zwakheid, en zijn lafheid om haar. Want het eenige, dat ooit het leven licht en gelukkig kan maken, is toch het je laten leiden door je mooie gevoel, door alles heen tegen alles in, onversaagd. En de eenige lafheid, de eenige zwakheid, dat is toch het verzaken van het mooie in jezelf en in anderen, uit vrees voor schande of gevaar. Dat dappere meisje liet zich intuïtief leiden door haar mooie gevoel, dat ze misschien dacht alleen voor hèm, maar toch eigenlijk essentieel was voor zijn onpersoonlijke ideeën. Als hij haar nu terugstootte, bang voor fatsoen en conventie, zou hij niet waard zijn nog ooit één letter op het papier te zetten om te verkondigen wat hij recht en waarheid dacht. Zij was dapper genoeg om haar mooie gevoel te volgen, welnu, dan zou hij haar helpen als een trouw kameraad, en samen zouden ze hun mooie sentiment wel hoog houden in de barbaarsche vervolging, die nu heel gauw zou beginnen. Om half acht werd er gebeld. Een cordaat, sterk geluid. Toen hoorde hij beneden de juffrouw nog wat demonstreeren, een klare meisjesstem daar hoog tegenin, en haastige stappen klommen naar boven. En ze stond voor hem, verontwaardigd, trots opgericht haar rechte, flinke figuur. „O! Hoe hebt u dat kunnen denken, dat ik u verzaken zou . . . om die mènschen! . . . hoe hebt u 't kunnen denken!...." Toen stak hij de hand uit, als een vriend tot een vriend. „Hetty! ... je moet het me vergeven . . . het was zwak van me. . . zwak om jou . . . Maar nu weet ik dat je een flinke meid bent... nu gelóóf ik ook in je . . . ik wou dat ik je een bewijs kon geven . . . kijk, hier is mijn hand . . . zoo, ferm . . . wil je mijn vriend zijn ? ... en wil je dan je tegen me zeggen ... dan zijn we kameraden . . . dan vechten we samen zoo'n beetje tegen het fatsoen en de verblinding... je bent met je tweeën héél sterk, weet je dat wel!..." Ze had de tranen in de oogen, en een zacht licht ging over haar gezicht. Ik durf nog niet," zeide ze, „ik durf geen je tegen u te zeggen ..." „— Ja maar, ik wil het, hoor!... anders denk ik dat je me niet gelóóft. . . ." „— Dan wel . . . dan zal ik het probeeren . . . ." loen nam hij haar hoofd tusschen zijn handen en keek haar een poos zwijgend, diep in de oogen. En zeide ernstig: »— Hetty! Denk je dat je sterk genoeg bent?... Lr zal nu een heeleboel verdriet voor je komen ... onrecht en verachting zullen ze aan je doen ... je wéét niet hoeveel, kind ... als je met mij blijft omgaan komt er niets dan ellende . . . zal je dat kunnen dragen ?...." Maar zij ineens, jubelend, met een hoog stemgeluid uit het innigste van haar ziel: »— Nu ik jou heb kan er toch nooit verdriet zijn ... nu jij mijn vriend bent ben ik toch sterker dan alles wat ze ooit doen kunnen! loen drukte ze hem innig de hand, voelde dat ze moest huilen van aandoening, en was ineens de kamer uit, weg. Peinzend bleef hij zitten, met het groote gevoel, dat zij aan zijn leven had gegeven, als een wijding om hem heen. HOOFDSTUK VII. Van dien dag af aan, dat zij zijn kameraad en vriendin was geworden, werd hun verhouding inniger. Zij werd nu een groote, onmisbare factor in zijn leven, iets, waar hij vast op rekende, en dat onverbrekelijk was verbonden met al de dingen van den dag, waar zij vroeger eigenlijk maar een incident er in was. Hij vond het heerlijk, zoo'n jonge, gezonde kracht naast zich te hebben, waar nog zoo veel uit kon groeien, en die strijden zou voor zijn onpersoonlijke ideeën. Zij was nog zoo intuïtief en zoo frisch, en kon hem zoo'n sterkte geven in zijn streven. Zij nam ook zóó maar niet alles aan, omdat hij het zeide, maar liet altijd haar verstand werken, en ging met niets mee, voordat zij er zelf goed van doordrongen was. En ze was heelemaal zonder coquetterie, zonder dat vóór alles meisje-zijn en gecomplimenteerd willen worden, dat hem in de meeste meisjes zoo tegenstond. Ze maakte zich nooit mooi voor hem, was zelfs een beetje slordig, zóó dat hij haar dikwijls zeggen moest, toch wat meer zorg aan haar toilet te besteden. Het liefste droeg ze een oude, half-verschoten zomerjurk van verleden jaar, die haar te kort was, en waarin ze zoo goed ravotten kon met de kinderen. Toen zij ééns in een nieuw costuum was gekomen en hij haar schertsend een complimentje had gemaakt, keek ze bedroefd, en vroeg zij hem, of hij minder van haar was gaan denken, dat hij zoo iets vernederends tegen haar zeide, als tegen een gewoon dame-meisje. Ze kon dat van hèm niet uitstaan, zei ze, wèl van den eerste den beste. Ze las vlijtig alles wat hij haar gaf, en haar heele leven werd nu één opnemen van de nieuwe en mooie dingen, die daardoor in haar leven kwamen. „Het is of ik nti eigenlijk pas geboren ben," had ze eens gezegd. Zóó doorleefden zij een paar mooie weken van kameraadschap en warme vriendschap. Maar door het groote geluk van met hèm samen-zijn begon zij zich thuis hoe langer hoe meer als een vreemde te voelen. Het ergste waren voor haar de avonden. Dan wilde haar vader haar mede hebben naar 't Kurhaus, omdat hij het vervelend vond alléén te gaan. Het werd haar dan zoo bang te moede, zoo met haar vader dociel en dametjes-achtig onder al die menschen Lte loopen, en dikwijls vroeg zij Eduard, toch óók te komen, alleen om hem éven te zien. Om haar pleizier te doen kwam hij dan ook, liep als óók een bourgeois-tje te flaneeren op het terras, groette even, schijnbaar onverschillig, als hij haar tegenkwam. Maar dan voelde zij zich juist nóg ongelukkiger, omdat zij niet naar hem toe kon, en hem als een vreemde voorbij moest loopen, terwijl zij hunkerde om bij hem te zijn. Het was haar dan of ze óók behoorde tot dien gichelenden, banalen, kletsenden troep dames en heeren, en of ze er nooit uit zou komen, haar leven lang niet. Gelukkig had haar vader geen tijd om haar druk na te gaan, en was haar nijdigste tante uit de stad, zoodat ze bijna iederen middag bij hem kon zijn. Maar het idee, dat dit alles stil, in 't geheim moest gebeuren, en het vreeselijke van hem 's avonds als een vreemde voorbij te moeten loopen, begon haar hoe langer hoe meer te hinderen. Ze had wel eens een opwelling om plotseling van haar vader weg te loopen, naar hèm toe, dat iedereen het zag, en het dan trotsch uit te schreeuwen: "Hij is mijn vriend, kijk jullie maar allemaal, mijn vriend, hoor!" Hij moest haar telkens waarschuwen en aanmanen voorzichtig te zijn, als ze hem van dat plan vertelde. En dan stond hij verbaasd over zijn eigen nog vastzitten aan de conventie, al was het alleen om haar leed te besparen, als hij praatte van haar naam, en haar toekomst, en van compromitteeren, tegenover haar mooie, warme gevoel voor hem. 7 Hij begon nu ook dikwijls verstandelijk te denken, wat er van worden moest, zonder nog te weten wat er diep in zijn eigen ziel aan 't gebeuren was. Hij kon het zich niet langer ontkennen, iederen dag begon hij zich meer aan haar te hechten, en hij voorgevoelde, hoe zij een trouwe kameraad zou kunnen worden in zijn leven van strijd tegen leugen en conventie.... Maar, al was hij vrij, en kon hij gemakkelijk de wereld tarten, zij was nog een heel jong meisje, dat nu eenmaal midden in de conventie leefde, en voor wie, maatschappelijk gesproken, haar gevoel voor hem noodlottig zou moeten worden. Ééns zou toch hartstocht bij hun vriendschap moeten komen, dat was onvermijdelijk, met haar gezonde, krachtige natuur, en zijn licht ontvlambaar temperament. En dan zou de misère beginnen. Hij was getrouwd, en al was hij niet getrouwd, zij was toch veel te flink en te onafhankelijk en te vrij-aangelegd om samen met haar in de ignominie van een huwelijk te komen. Ongerekend nog de vaderlijke macht, die van dat fiere kind een slavin kon maken tot haar drie en twintigste jaar! Toen kwamen er oogenblikken dat hij, zwak en bang voor de toekomst, er wel eens aan dacht, ver weg te reizen, naar Tunis, of Algiers, en haar niet meer terug te zien. Maar dan kwam het hem weer opeens zóó wreed en lafhartig voor, haar aan haar lot over te laten, heel alleen als ze dan was, zonder iemand om haar te helpen en lief voor haar te zijn, dat hij die gedachte weer verachtelijk terugdrong alsof hij er een laagheid mee zou begaan. — En onbewust was hierin ook het verlangen om bij haar te willen blijven, sterker nog dan alle andere overwegingen. Aandoenlijk was voor hem het lieve tusschen Marian en Hetty. Er was geen schijn van stille vijandschap tusschen haar, zooals die toch intuïtief bijna altijd ontstaat tusschen twee vrouwen, die veel houden van één man. Hetty kwam dikwijls bij Marian en de kinderen zitten op het strand, en ook Marian begon hoe langer hoe meer van haar te houden om haar natuurlijkheid en haar voor zoo'n groot meisje bizonder ongekunsteld, kinderlijk spelen met Paultje en Wies. Marian praatte dikwijls met hem over Hetty, zeide hem, hoe lief ze haar vond, en liet zich alles door hem vertellen over haar vreugdeloos leven thuis. En juist door Marian's voortdurend spreken over haar, begon hij in Hetty veel liefs en gevoeligs te zien, dat hij te voren nog niet eens had opgemerkt. En haar jonge, bloeiend-gezonde, warme meisje-zijn deed goed aan zijn ziel vol sombere gedachten en verbittering over het leelijke in menschen en toestanden. Hij had, in zijn aldoor vechten tegen de leugen en de conventie, iets hards en hoekigs gekregen, dat heelemaal wegging voor het vriendelijke in haar stem en gebaren. En het was ook het onbewuste, natuurlijk-gezonde levens-willen in hem, dat door haar ongekunstelde blijheid werd wakker geroepen. Zij was, in al de dorheid en verdrukking om haar heen, altijd gezond en vroolijk gebleven, omdat haar kern van sterke kracht haar telkens weer deed oprijzen boven het verdriet uit. Het was, onbewust voor hem, ook eigenlijk die kracht van haar innigste leven, die hem zoo aantrok. Zóó liet hij zich een langen tijd gaan in zijn vriendschap voor haar, zonder zich goed rekenschap te geven van zijn gevoel. Hij, die in zijn boeken altijd zoo fijn trachtte door te dringen in de teerste psychologische toestanden, liet nu zijn eigen leven maar ongestoord voortstuwen door een gevoel, waar hij eigenlijk niet diep in durfde kijken. En hij wist te goeder trouw in 't geheel niet wat het toch was, dat hem eiken dag meer en meer deed verlangen om toch maar weer bij Hetty te zijn, en zou het ook nog heel lang niet geweten hebben. Totdat Marian het hem het eerst zeide. Het was op een avond, laat in den zomer. Op het Kurhaus was de muziek buiten, zoodat er niets viel te genieten en hij geirriteerd was door het gezicht van het uitstekende orchest, nu benauwd samengehokt in het onaanzienlijk muziektempelt]e. Hij was toen met Marian naar het strand gegaan, en zat met haar in een kuil naar den laatsten kleurschemer van de ondergegane zon te zien. Zij hadden zoo een tijdje droomerig zitten peinzen, toen Marian de stilte verbrak: „Zeg, Edu... we moeten nu toch eens ernstig spreken... over Hetty..." — „Over Hetty?..." — „Ja, Edu... waarom zég je 't me toch niet... dat je houdt van dat meisje. .." Verschrikt sprong hij op. — „Wat zeg je?..." — „Dat je houdt van dat meisje, vadertje... en zij van jou... zij hield van jou van het eerste oogenblik af aan... je zoudt blind moeten zijn om dat niet te zien..." Hij was te veel verbluft om het tegen te spreken. Het was als een groot nieuws over hem zélf, dat hij van een ander moest hooren, en waar hij perplex van was. — „Én?..." stotterde hij overrompeld. — „En?... wel, dat is toch heel duidelijk... als je van dat meisje houdt en zij van jou... dan hooren jullie nu bij elkaar... dan zijn jullie toch als van mekaar, niet?..." „Maar... moedertje!..." En ineens stond de toestand open voor hem, met al zijn konsekwenties, waar hij nooit overhad nagedacht. Maar het was zoo'n ruim verschiet, met zulke verre horizonnen, dat hij er nog niet goed in kon zien, en te veel verblind was. Hij zag Marian ontsteld aan. Zij was zeer kalm en had de klare bewustheid over haar gezicht van eene die voorbereid is op wat onvermijdelijk moet komen. — „Moedertje," zeide hij zacht, „ik wist het niet... ik weet het pas nu jij het gezegd hebt.. - jij weet ook altijd zoo precies wat er met me gebeurt... maar wat moet hier nu van worden?..." — „Van worden ?... maar 't is toch al geworden... er is dat jullie van mekaar houdt... dat is alles... en nu moet het andere daar van zélf wel van komen... niet?..." — »Maar moedertje... dat kan toch niet... en jij dan?... en de kindertjes dan?..." Zij keek hem aan, zooals een moeder zou doen naar haar groot kind, dat zij nog op weg moet helpen. Toen zei ze: — „Wat praat je nu?... ik blijf toch het zelfde voor je wat ik nü ben, sedert we niet meer samen- leven... en de kindertjes toch óók... wat zou dat nu kunnen veranderen aan de kindertjes, dat je van dat meisje houdt..? die blijven toch hetzelfde voor je... nu begrijp ik je niet, jij die altijd..." Toen begon het langzaam klaarder te worden voor zijn denken. Maar toch weifelde hij nog. — „Maar, moedertje," zeide hij. „Mag ik dat van je aannemen..? je bent veel te goed voor me.. . ik verdien dat niet. .." Zij keek hem liefderijk aan, met hare trouwhartige bruine oogen. Toen drukte ze zacht zijn hand. — „Ik heb er al héél lang over nagedacht, vadertje... je néémt niets van me aan... ik wil alléén dat jij gelukkig wordt... het is zoo naar om over te spreken, dat moeten we liever niet doen, maar het is immers niet gegaan zooals... zooals wij dachten ... dat lag aan ons allebei natuurlijk... toe, laten we dat niet uitpluizen, dat zou ons allebei zoo'n pijn gaan doen... Maar je weet wel dat ik je altijd gezegd heb: ééns komt er misschien nog wel een meisje voor je... dan lachte je, en zei dat het niet kon ... maar nu zie je dat het wèl kan... je kunt er heusch niets aan doen... je moet nu niet kijken of je iets leelijks hebt gedaan tegenover mij... maar jullie houden van elkaar en dan is dat meisje toch voor jou en jij voor haar... daar is niets aan te doen..." Hij durfde niets terug te zeggen. Het kwam te onverwacht voor hem, en hij durfde het nog niet gelooven, wat nu opeens voor hem open begon te gaan. Maar hij voelde dat Marian gelijk had, en dat het leugen zou zijn, haar tegen te spreken. Tegelijk spreidde een groote weemoed zich in hem uit, dat er ooit iets had kunnen breken tusschen hem en de vrouw, die uit zoo'n groote, edele ziel tot hem sprak. Hij zag in haar trouwe, mooie oogen en vond niets dan liefde en onbaatzuchtigheid. Wat was er dan geweest voor onopgelost mysterie tusschen hem, dat zij het gewone leven samen niet in vrede en verdraagzaamheid door hadden kunnen gaan ? Hier was toch niets dan goedheid, warmte en liefderijke zorg, die enkel erkende zijn geluk! Het was bijna of een moeder naast hem zat, zóó koesterend en goedertieren. . ..
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#pragma once #include "Engine/Scenes/Scene.h" class TimeTesterScene : public Scene { public: // Inherited via Scene virtual bool load() override; virtual void unload() override; };
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A. S. Ollll sllan VOLUME VI. Telegraphic News. EASTERN STATES. Airmxu, Oct. 11,—The Republican state committee has disbanded. 10 members present. 10 voted aye. “Asmxa'rox,’ Oct. 11.—Gen. Brown, vice president of the Texas-Pacific Co. now here, declared that the company is not interfering with or attempting to influence the organization of the house. Woncsrzn, Mass., Oct. 11.—At the meeting of the Hambletonian breeding Rind. Egbert, two years ago, was bought by H. Y. Hendrix of Decatur, Mich., for $3,420. Thirty—seven other animals brought the total sum realized to $316,000. NEW YORK, Oct. 11.--All journals here publish voluminous obituaries of Meiggs, detailing his great works in South America. He had been sick for some months, having had two strokes of paralysis, and his final malady is said to have been softening of the brain. Ficmxmm, Oct. 11.—Weather pleasant and bright; sick doing well; no deaths. Some new cases are reported, including two physicians. Seven business men are endeavoring to commence again. NEW YORK, Oct. 11.—A Havana letter says there is a general feeling among insurgents. During the week 104 surrendered with arms and baggage. It is reported Gen. Pendegnst has gone to Lansdowne to open negotiations. For the surrender of more, the greater portion of whom are officers. Cumberland, Oct. 11. — Senator Davis arrived here this morning en route for Washington. He is, in connection with Judge Drummond, preparing a bill for a new judiciary law which he intends to introduce at the coming session. Davis will complete the bill after he reaches Washington. It contemplates a complete change in many branches of federal judiciary which Judge Davis feels is in need of some reform. It is his pet scheme, and he will work strenuously to secure the passage of the bill. New York, Oct. 10. — The Tribune's Washington special says: The investigation set on foot after the patent office fire to ascertain what measures were necessary to preserve records of the government from destruction by flames has resulted in some startling disclosures. For instance, it was discovered that the war department alone rents no less than 25 buildings, for which it pays annually $56,260. These are in addition to the department building, including the one in which is one of the most combustible buildings in the city. This building was originally used as a hotel. But has been made nominally fireproof by the introduction of iron girders and brick arches. Only one of the rented buildings is even called fireproof. In these dangerous structures are stored original manuscripts of accounts of the Revolutionary war, war of 1812, and war of the rebellion, and all Indian wars, as well as official reports of all officers who participated in them. The military record of every private soldier who served in the late war is also included among these papers, and they contain evidence upon which payment of about $25,000,000 of pensions are annually made. The bars statement of these facts would seem sufficient to induce Congress to make immediate appropriation for protecting invaluable records of the government, not only in the war department, but in all other departments, from possible destruction. Dna Momma, Iowa. Oct. 11.- The State Register has returns from half the counties in the State and partial returns from the balance. The total poll is about $250,000. Of this, there has been 130,000; Inch, 80,000; Stubbs, 35,000; Jesup, 6,000. Republican majority on joint ballot, will be about 80. GENERAL NEWS. FUROPEAN. LIADRID Oct. 11.- The Spanish government has paid the American minister $5,700,000 on account of claims for losses incurred by American citizens in Cuba through the revolution. Lennon, Oct. 11.——The ship Electra from Boston, June 29. for San Francisco, put into Rio de Janeiro October 31st, leaking. November, Oct. 10.—A Galatz special passenger vessel from the St. George month of the Danube, accidentally struck a Russian torpedo and blew up with all hands. SEATTLE, WASHINGTON TERRITORY. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1877. Horne and naval smug. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 11.—Mallin & Co., importers of clothes, trimmings. etc., have made on assignment to creditors. The house is the largest of the kind in the city. Cause of failure, dull times and extraordinary losses. There was a meeting of creditors today. Almost the entire business portion of the village of Yucaville, Solano county, together with a number of residences, were burnt this morning. Loss aggregates upwards of $100,000; insurance over $5,000, distributed in small sums among local, eastern and foreign companies. OLYMPIA, W. T. Oct. 11.—The attendance at the Territorial Fair is small. The exhibit of fruit and vegetables was not large. Specimens of fancy work and marble cutting were especially fine. At the races, two running heats were won by F. Rowe’s Uncle Pete; first heat 53 seconds; second heat 56½ seconds. NEW YORK, Oct. 10.--The statement of Wm. M. Tweed, submitted as short time ago to Attorney General Fairchild, is made public and contains the names of 21 senators who were paid for votes of silence. Washington, Oct. 13.—The president’s message will cover the report from the secretary of war, and estimates for the sum necessary to provide for the army during the current fiscal year. The secretary asks an appropriation of $31,282,000, including $520,000 to complete the new war department buildings. The secretary urges that this appropriation be made available immediately, because of insecurity of the present building and constant dangers which threaten the valuable records stored in its lofts. For repair and support of the soldiers' cemetery, an appropriation of $150,000 is recommended. The last congress failed to make an appropriation for this purpose. To continue the revision and publication of the archives, the secretary asks for $30,000. The deficiency of the navy department is about $1,000,000; that of the department of justice, about $250,000. Secretary Schirz asks for $33,000 to repair the damage sustained at the interior department by the recent fire. At the regular session, the secretary will recommend in addition to making the up-to-date stories of the present buildings thoroughly fireproof, the erection of a new wing to extend midway across the courtyard, with sub-story, in which all records of the department, not in current use, may be stored. A telegram was received at the general land office today from Receiver Work, of Eureka, Nevada, enquiring that you will continue to receive applications for strictly desert lands? Commissioner Williamson replied as follows: You will continue to receive applications for strictly desert lands, but applications must be accompanied by undoubted proof of their desert character. NEW YORK, Oct. 13.—Jose Antonia Cheneria, diplomatic commissioner here of the Cuban republic, published an emphatic letter. In denial of the reports indignant triumphantly circulated by Spanish agents that a compromise will be entered into with Spain by Cuban patriots. Stories of this kind have been a source for years. invariably emanating from Spanish pout-cert shortly before the meeting of congress. He any: none know better than the Spanish authorities in Cuba that peace can never again rule in the Island until independence is secured. Katie (111. Del. 13—vague doubt: have arisen as to the guilt of Joel Collins, recently killed as one of the robbers of the Union Pacific train. A law form of Topeka has been retained by the father of Collins to investigate the matter. Enough has been learned to justify the statement that Collins could not here be present at the time. The fact of his having a large amount of money on his person at the time of his death is accounted for by the statement but he had just returned from the week Hills, where he had taken over of cattle which he had sold and was returning with the money, nearly $2,000. His conduct when arrested has been accounted for on the hypothesis that he appeared he had fallen into the hands of robbers. Your-023,14.q[§9 Tribune to- 3 marrow Will announce that the police have discovered if bold and extensive scheme by lottery swindlers involving the sale here on the ton, Providence. Hartford, Albany, Troy, Buffalo, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington. Chicago, Cincinnati. Ant! St. “Louis of hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of tickets in the lottery,” Judge A. O. Lochman, an agent of the State of Georgia, is here to prosecute bogus lottery men who appropriated franchise of a charitable institution known as the Masonic Home for Orphans at Atlanta as a band for a swindler (116). WASHINGTON, Oct. 14. --The house of representatives will not be organized for business before 2 o’clock tomorrow. It is possible that concerning the rolls prepared questions may be raised calling debate, thus further delaying organization. The senate being already organized, it will merely meet and await the action of the house. The president's message, which will be brief, is now in the hands of the public printer. Early after the organization, resolutions will be introduced and passed to immediate vote pledging the house against granting subsidies. Age in women's chief secret. The Cincinnati Enquirer of opinion that everyone likes the bowl of his own dog. Nothing can exceed the vanity of the youth who has learned how to roll a cigarette. Mr. Medill, of the Chicago Tribune, calls Senator Conkling a bully and a coward. When a Colorado man is naked whether he likes to lynch him, he says, "No, I'll be hanged if I do." Blue Jeans Williams thinks that a man can drink as much whisky in common clothes as he can in purple and fine linen. The President expects, after this, to kiss Morton by telephone. At least he has a sort of telephone attachment for him. The recent death in China of the oldest male descendant of Confucius calls attention to the curious fact that this family is the only one which has retained a grand position owing to a pedigree derived from a peaceful thinker. This family holds the highest place in the kingdom, except the throne itself, and has retained it for 202 years longer than the Christian era. The government of the district sur. rounding the tomb of the sage and an estimated 165,000 acres are still held by the representative of the family, which new numbers over eleven thousand persons, and all this multitude are subject to him, while he receives royal honors even from the highest officials. A series of astounding frauds perpetrated in New York by 3 Pine street insurance broker named William C. Gilmore was brought to light on the 3rd inst. the amount of the forgeries aggregating $250,000. The Herald, alluding to the matter says: "When this crime was first discovered there was a natural indisposition to believe that Gilmore could be guilty of it, but several circumstances seem to leave no doubt that he alone was the author of the forgeries. Coming so close noon the heels of the Morton frauds in Philadelphia this event will shock confidence all over the country. In this case, as in MORGAN'S, the criminal is a man of respectable connections of the highest standing among bankers and of apparently blameless life, and this adds to the painful and irritating impression which the event produces. Men naturally ask who can be trusted when such men break their trusts and take to the most vulgar of crimes." Shakespeare was performing the part of a king in one of his own tragedies before Queen Elizabeth, who wishing to know whether he would depart from the dignity of the sovereign, dropped her handkerchief on the stage, as if by accident; on which the mimic monarch immediately exclaimed— "but ere this be done, take up our sister’s handkerchief." This presence of mind in the poet and his close attention to the business of the scene is said to have pleased the queen very much. "Would you believe," said a thriftless young man to a friend, "that I had a fortune in my grasp the other evening?" "How so," asked the friend. "I shook hands with a girl whose fingers were covered with diamonds." Self-knowledge is the crowning glory and perfection of every other. It is generally the last lesson which we acquire in the great university of the world, and some indeed, perhaps the most, never attain to it at all. It is the time-honored custom in China for the emperor to put his hand once every year to the plow, to show his subjects the high estimation in which agriculture ought to be held. A photographer who can make a mole on a lady’s cheek appear like a monkey in her picture, has achieved the highest standard of his profession. Another Mormon Butcher Arrested. Orin Porter Rockwell, was arrested. In Salt Lake on the 30th ult., on a charge of complicity in what is known in Utah as the “Aiken Massacre." A company of six men left Sacramento, California, in the spring. Of 1858, with the intention of meeting the United States army, then on its way to Utah, under the command of Col. Albert Sidney Johnson. The party consisted of two brothers, John and William Aiken, a person of the name of Buck, one who was called “Colonel,” and two others. The Aiken party are said to have had in property, stock and money to the value of $25,000. Upon reaching the Mormon settlements, the party were arrested as spies. Nothing, however, being proven against them, they were given their liberty upon conditions that they should return to California by the southern route, as they would not be permitted to go east to join the army after passing through the Territory. Two of the party remained in the city, and the others read the two others proceeds southward from Salt Lake City with an escort, of which this Orin letter Rockwell was chief. When they had reached a settlement called Nephi, seventy-five miles south of Salt Lake, the company rested, and as that was the last settlement before entering upon a less frequented road then that over which they had already traveled, it seems that Rockwell had orders to soon after “use them us.” The doomed men stopped at the house of a very excellent man by the name of Timothy B. Foote, and from some of the members of his family information has since been obtained that leads now to the apprehension of Rockwell. A council was held by the Mormon dignitaries of Nephi. and the plan of "taking off" of the four Gentiles was decided upon. During the same night on which the council's assembly held a number of Mormons appointed by the council started southward, and the Gentiles, still remaining under the escort of Rockwell, renewed their journey on the following morning. When they had reached a good camping place by the banks of a stream, Rockwell told them that that was the best camping place they would find that day, and there they were to stop over night. The party of Mormons who had started out ahead of them on the previous night had wheeled round and came up to them, as it were, an expectedly, and asked permission to join their camp for the night. After supper the weary men removed their belts with their pistols and knives, took their heavy overcoats and drew them over their bodies as they laid themselves down for the night. They were soon asleep. That there should be no sudden awakening of any at them by the mistreatment of a revolver the murderers had provided themselves with clubs and the king bolts of the wagons. Two of them were instantly killed. John Aiken was but slightly wounded, and springing to his feet made for the brush, but a shot from John Kirk, one of the Mormons, laid him senseless on the ground. The "Colonel". Filled and reached the brush, carrying with him a shot from the revolver of Rockwell, and believing as he did, that the whole party had been attacked by the banditti, he fled back to Nephi, never suspecting that it was from that place that the murderers had gone. He traveled twenty-five miles during the night, and when he again beheld the people he had left only the morning before, he thought he was once more safe and related to them the incidents of the attack, which they affected to bear with horror. Before the murderers left the camp where the attack was made they threw the three bodies into the river and John Aken, who was not mortally wounded as they supposed, revived sufficiently to be able to crawl into the brush, and in the darkness was unseen. He overheard the murderers and Rockwell, speaking of what had transpired, leaving no doubt upon his mind that the Mormons had acted inconceivably well. He managed to get back the next day to Nephi, for there was nowhere else to go, and there he joined the "Colonel." Their wounds were dressed and they were advised to return to Salt Lake, and when they were four miles on the way they were treacherously murdered, their bodies were loaded with rock and thrown into a swamp. The two others who remained in Salt Lake were afterward taken by Rockwell and his associates sent forward, and when at “the point of the mountain,” on the southern river of the Salt Lake basin, they were dangerously attacked. Buck, though wounded, tied and plunged into the Jordan, swam to the opposite shore and got back to the city. He related his story to many persons still there, who are willing to testify to what he informed them. He was soon afterward induced to go with a professed friend to live in the country, and when he was a few miles out of the city he was shot through the head and buried by the roadside. The murder of the last one was no doubt the work of the notorious Bill Hickman, Rockwell's associate, for the relates the circumstances in his confessions with such minuteness as to leave no doubt that he did the deed. He closes his narrative of that murder with charming simplicity. “The man Buck,” says he, “got a shot through the head and was put across the fence in a ditch. A man was hung on a bush to know the place. We returned to the city to General Grant’s, as per agreement, found him at home with General Kimball, O. P. Rockwell, and somebody else whose name I do not recall now. They asked if all was right, and I told them it was. They got spades, and we all went back deepened the ditch, and buried him. returned to Grant's took some whisky, and separated for the night." The reader of such heartless and treacherous murders cannot but wish that every guilty man among them may speedily be brought to judgment. One of the duties of the Second Comptroller of the Treasury, has prescribed by the act of March 3, 1817, establishing that office, is to "superintend the preservation of the public accounts subject to his revision," which now comprise the cash accounts of all disbursing officers of the army and navy, the Indian Department, and the Pension Office. To appreciate the extent and importance of these accounts, it is only necessary to state that they consist of about 400 cords of abstracts, vouchers, and returns, and are the only evidence in possession of the government that the sum of $86,000,000 has been properly disbursed. The new Second Comptroller, Judge William W. Upton, who succeeds Governor Carpenter on October 1, will, no doubt, make early anxious inquiry into the safety of these public records, which the law places under his supervision, and for the preservation of which he, as superintendent, can be held responsible, although the papers are actually in the custody of the Second, Third, and Fourth Auditors. "Far be it fit to doubt the order of a brother editor, says the Lansdowne Sun, "we believe them all to be truthful men; but when the Durand Times says the water is so low at the mouth of the Chippewa river that cattle have to emply under turtles to tow them over the bar, we feel as though the editor must be away, and some local minister filling his place." It is computed that France now possesses steam engines of an aggregate force of 1,500,000 horse power. This is equal to the effective labor of 31,000,000 men, or about ten times the industrial population of the country. We take annually 835,000,000 worth of coffee from Brazil. "Pay for it in flour, lard, coal oil, lumber, machinery, and other things—and gold. Only five or six of the thirty-three buildings occupied by the government in Washington are regarded as fireproof. It is fortunate that there are over a hundred that number. Omaha and their money soon part. It’s worth while being a fool to have the money to part with. “The President’s Rambler” is what the New York Herald calls the President. NUMBER 50, A Fearful Risk for Girls. The pastor of a church in one of our large cities said, not long ago: “I have officiated at forty weddings since I came here, and in every case save one, I felt.” That the bride was running an awful risk. Young men of bad habits and fast tendencies never marry girls of their own sort, but demand a wife above suspicion. So, pure, sweet women, kept from the touch of evil through the years of their girlhood, give themselves, with all their costly dower of womanhood, into the keeping of men, who, in base associations, have learned to undervalue all that belongs to them, and then find no repentance in the sad after years. There is but one way out of this that I can see, and that is for you—the young, we men of the country—to require in associations and marriage, purity for purity, sobriety for sobriety, and honor for honor. There is no reason why the young men of this Christian land should not be just as virtuous as the women, and if the loss of society and love be the price they are forced to pay for vice, they will not pay it. I admit with sadness that not all our young women are capable of this high standard for themselves or others, but I believe there are enough earnest, thoughtful girls in the society of our country to work wonders, if faithfully aroused. Dear girls will, you. Help us, in the name of Christ? Will you, first of all, be true to yourselves and God; so pure in your inner and outer life that you shall have a right to ask that the young man with whom you marry shall be the same? The law of dishonor is close beside your feet, and in it, fathers, brothers, lovers, and sons are going down. Will you help us in our great work? Ann Eliza Young has recently addressed President Hayes an open letter, from Lockport, New York, where she at present resides. The letter is somewhat lengthy. She urges the government to put a stop to the hellish iniquities which are being transacted in the center of our civilization by the Latter Day Saints, closing as follows: “Oh, how long it has been tolerated! The blood-soaked sod of lonely Mountain Meadows, the brutal butchery of the dissenting Mormons, the thousand murders on the Plains instigated by the acknowledged head of the Mormon church, and done by Mormon souls at Mormon commands, have been crying for vengeance many and many years to deaf ears! Shall the voices that rise out of the gory history of Mormonism calling for judgment be heard?” Upon it still be unheeded? Do not be persuaded that the Mormon faith will go down ere long under the pressure of Christian competition and execration. It has withstood the competition for forty-seven years, and in that time has risen from a church of six members to 200,000, and almost monthly shipments of deluded recruits arrive at the what-yes of New York to augment the sorrowful ranks of polygamous wives or contribute to the working and financial strength of the Church. While the government has tolerated polygamy, it has prospered until it demands a State to control, and boldly claims recognition as a religious denomination under the constitutional guarantee. Do not expect to make a great effort every day, or to achieve transformation excellence at all hours.
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import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions' import * as React from 'react' import styled from 'styled-components' import { withGrid } from '../_storybook/withGrid' import { Button } from '../Button' import { Icon } from '../Icon' import { Text } from '../Text' import { TextInput } from '../TextInput' import { Title } from '../Title' import { ArrayInput, ArrayInputProps } from './index' type field = { name: string; country: string } const FIELDS = [ { name: 'Paris', country: 'France' }, { name: 'London', country: 'United Kingdom' }, { name: 'Madrid', country: 'Spain' }, ] const DEFAULT_FIELD = { name: '', country: '' } const Context = React.createContext<{ onChange: (value: any, index: number) => void }>({ onChange: () => {}, }) const Container = styled.div` width: 600px; ` const InputContainer = styled.div` padding-bottom: 16px; ` const CountryArrayInputElement = ({ value, index, }: { value: field index: number }) => { const { onChange } = React.useContext(Context) return ( <React.Fragment> <InputContainer> <TextInput value={} onChange={(e) => onChange({ ...value, name: as string }, index) } /> </InputContainer> <InputContainer> <TextInput value={} onChange={(e) => onChange({ ...value, country: as string }, index) } /> </InputContainer> </React.Fragment> ) } const CountryArrayInput: React.FunctionComponent<any> = (props) => { const [items, setItems] = React.useState(FIELDS) const handleChange = (value: field, index: number) => setItems((prev) => [ ...prev.slice(0, index), value, ...prev.slice(index + 1), ]) const handleAppend = () => setItems((prev) => [...prev, DEFAULT_FIELD]) const handleDelete = (index: number) => setItems((prev) => [...prev.slice(0, index), ...prev.slice(index + 1)]) const handleReorder = (oldPosition: number, newPosition: number) => { setItems((prev) => { const reorderedItems = [...prev] reorderedItems.splice( newPosition > oldPosition ? newPosition + 1 : newPosition, 0, reorderedItems[oldPosition] ) reorderedItems.splice( newPosition > oldPosition ? oldPosition : oldPosition + 1, 1 ) return reorderedItems }) } return ( <Container> <Context.Provider value={{ onChange: handleChange }}> <ArrayInput items={items} onAppend={handleAppend} onDelete={handleDelete} onReorder={handleReorder} onToggle={action('toggle')} itemComponent={CountryArrayInputElement} itemTitleComponent={ItemTitle} {...props} /> </Context.Provider> </Container> ) } const ItemTitle: React.FunctionComponent<any> = ({ value }) => ( <Text> { ? `${} (${})` : 'Empty element'} </Text> ) const GRID_PROPS = {} const GRID_LINES = [ {}, { title: 'Can be reordered', props: { canBeReordered: true }, }, { title: 'Custom headers', props: { renderItemTitle: ({ value }: { value: { name: string } }) => ( <Title type="regular">{}</Title> ), }, }, { title: 'Custom add button', props: { addButtonComponent: ({ disabled }: { disabled?: boolean }) => ( <Button disabled={disabled} link elementRight={<Icon icon="add" />}> Add </Button> ), }, }, { title: 'With label', props: { label: 'City list', }, }, ] const GRID_ITEMS = [ { label: 'Default', }, { label: 'Disabled', props: { disabled: true }, }, ] const Grid = withGrid<ArrayInputProps>({ props: GRID_PROPS, lines: GRID_LINES, items: GRID_ITEMS, itemVerticalSpace: 48, })(CountryArrayInput) export default { title: 'Input/ArrayInput', component: ArrayInput, } export const basic = (props: ArrayInputProps) => ( <CountryArrayInput {...props} /> ) export const gallery = () => <Grid /> export const lightBackground = () => <Grid background="light" /> export const darkBackground = () => <Grid background="dark" />
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// // AndWhoCell.m // memezhibo // // Created by Xingai on 15/6/16. // Copyright (c) 2015年 Xingaiwangluo. All rights reserved. // #import "AndWhoCell.h" @implementation AndWhoCell - (void)awakeFromNib { self.backgroundColor = kRGB(56, 50, 52); } - (void)setSelected:(BOOL)selected animated:(BOOL)animated { [super setSelected:selected animated:animated]; // Configure the view for the selected state } @end
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package main import ( "encoding/json" "errors" "flag" "fmt" "io" "net/http" "os" "path/filepath" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "time" "" ) var log = logging.MustGetLogger("ooni-downloader") var outputDirectory string var getParameters map[string]string const URL = "" const Retries = 10 type Metadata struct { Count int `json:"count"` CurrentPage int `json:"current_page"` Limit int `json:"limit"` NextURL *string `json:"next_url"` Offset int `json:"offset"` Pages int `json:"pages"` } type Result struct { DownloadURL string `json:"download_url"` Index int `json:"index"` ProbeASN string `json:"probe_asn"` ProbeCC string `json:"probe_cc"` TestStartTime time.Time `json:"test_start_time"` } type Response struct { Metadata Metadata `json:"metadata"` Results []Result `json:"results"` } func init() { logging.SetLevel(logging.INFO, "ooni-downloader") flag.Usage = func() { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\n\n\n") fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Usage of %s:\n\n", os.Args[0]) fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, " %s [flags] http_param1:value1 ... http_paramN:valueN\n\n", os.Args[0]) fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, " Information on what HTTP parameters are accepted is available at\n\n") fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, " Example: %s --output-directory ./output probe_cc:US limit:1000\n\n\n", os.Args[0]) flag.PrintDefaults() fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\n\n\n") } var format = logging.MustStringFormatter("%{level:.4s} %{longfunc}> %{message}") logging.SetFormatter(format) flag.StringVar(&outputDirectory, "output-directory", "./", "what folder should contain all of the pulled data files") flag.Parse() getParameters = make(map[string]string) for _, arg := range flag.Args() { if strings.Count(arg, ":") == 0 { flag.Usage() log.Fatal("Must use at least one colon in HTTP GET parameter pairs") } arr := strings.SplitN(arg, ":", 2) getParameters[arr[0]] = arr[1] } } func limit() int { if val, ok := getParameters["limit"]; ok { ret, err := strconv.Atoi(val) if err != nil { log.Fatal("Integer not provided for limit argument") } return ret } return 100 } func getWithRetry(url string) (*http.Response, error) { lastStatus := "" for i := 0; i < Retries; i++ { r, err := http.Get(url) if err != nil || r.StatusCode == 200 { return r, err } lastStatus = r.Status if i != Retries-1 { time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) } } return nil, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Too many failures when attempting to connect to %s. Current status: %s", url, lastStatus)) } func producer(results chan Result) { currentURL := URL parameters := []string{} for k, v := range getParameters { parameters = append(parameters, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", k, v)) } currentURL = currentURL + strings.Join(parameters, "&") for currentURL != "" { log.Debugf("Looking up resource: %s", currentURL) resp, err := getWithRetry(currentURL) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Faulure when connecting to OONI: %s", err.Error()) } var parsed Response if err := json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(&parsed); err == io.EOF { break } else if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Response did not comply to expected format. %s", err.Error()) } log.Infof("Processing page %d/%d. %d total results available.", parsed.Metadata.CurrentPage, parsed.Metadata.Pages, parsed.Metadata.Count) log.Debugf("Forwarding %d results from: %s", len(parsed.Results), currentURL) for _, result := range parsed.Results { results <- result } resp.Body.Close() log.Debugf("Done forwarding results from: %s", currentURL) if parsed.Metadata.NextURL == nil { currentURL = "" } else { currentURL = *parsed.Metadata.NextURL } } } func consumer(results chan Result, wg *sync.WaitGroup) { for result := range results { log.Debugf("Requesting result from: %s", result.DownloadURL) resp, err := getWithRetry(result.DownloadURL) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Faulure when connecting to data: %s", err.Error()) } f, err := os.Create(filepath.Join(outputDirectory, fmt.Sprintf("%d", result.Index))) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Faulure making the output file: %s", err.Error()) } _, err = io.Copy(f, resp.Body) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Faulure downloading to the output file: %s", err.Error()) } f.Close() resp.Body.Close() } wg.Done() } func main() { os.MkdirAll(outputDirectory, os.ModePerm) communication := make(chan Result, limit()) var wg sync.WaitGroup for i := 0; i < limit(); i++ { wg.Add(1) go consumer(communication, &wg) } producer(communication) close(communication) wg.Wait() }
Os lestrigões, na mitologia grega, eram gigantes antropófagos. Segundo Homero, habitavam na Sardenha. Na Odisseia sua cidade é chamada de Lestrigonia ou, de Lamo, seu fundador na época da Guerra de Troia. Plínio, o Velho no século I escreveu: Formiae, Hormiae prius dictae olim, sedes antiqua Lestrigonum ("Formia, antes chamada, uma época, Hormiae, foi a antiga sede dos lestrigões."), o que levou a que a terra dos lestrigões fosse identificada como a região de Fórmias, ao sul do Lácio, na fronteira com a Campânia. Quando Odisseu e os seus companheiros lá aportaram, os gigantes atiraram enormes rochedos contra os seus grandes navios. Todos afundaram, exceto o que transportava Odisseu, o único sobrevivente do massacre. Cultura popular Esses gigantes também tem uma aparição no livro The Sea of Monsters (segundo livro da série Percy Jackson & the Olympians, escrita por Rick Riordan), onde os mesmos lutam com o protagonista Percy Jackson e seu irmão Tyson, sendo derrotados por eles. Na adaptação cinematográfica deste livro, um lestrigão é interpretado pelo ator Robert Maillet. Bibliografia Dicionário de Mitologia-Greco-Romana, Abril Cultural, 1973 Mitologia grega.
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Position Consider M a fixed point of the rigid body. Let M n = [Mxn Myn Mzn ]> ∈ R3×1 be its representation with cartesian coordinates in Rn, and M b = [Mxb Myb Mzb ]> ∈ R3×1, its corresponding form in Rb. It is considered that M b is superposed with the origin of the body frame Rb, so M b = Ob. The trajectory of the rigid body is then defined as the evolution of (Rbn, M n ) ∈ SE(3) with respect to time, where SE(3) is the special Euclidean group of rigid body displacements in 3D. The vector M n represents then, the position of the rigid body under consideration. Velocity The corresponding velocity in Rn to the position M n is denoted by vn = [vnx vny vnz ]> ∈ R3×1 and is obtained with dM n vn = (1.14) dt Inertial velocity dynamics can also be represented in terms of attitude and body acceleration such that dvn = anl = Rnb ab − gn (1.15) dt In Rb, the velocity vb = Rbn vn = [vbx vby vbz ]> ∈ R3×1 can then be derived as follows dvb d Rbn vn dRbn n dvn = = v + Rbn dt dt dt dt b b n b n b = − [ω ×]Rn v + Rn (Rb a − gn ) (1.16) By simplifying Eq. (1.16), the basic differential equation describing the temporal variation of vb is deduced dvb = −ω b × vb + ab − Rbn gn (1.17) dt where × is the cross product of two vectors in R 3. dRbn vn dvn 6= Rbn, which may represent a dt dt confusion during derivations. This is because the change of frame through Rbn applies to Eq. (1.9). dM b dvb and vb 6=. This also means that abl 6= dt dt Remark It is brought to the attention of the reader that 1.1.2 Limitations of IMU measurements Implications on attitude estimation Regrouping the different kinematics equations stated above leads to the following system dq 1 b = Ω q dt 2 dvb = − ω b × vb + ab − Rbn gn dt dM n = Rnb vb dt 10 (1.18) (1.19) (1.20) 1.1. Introduction The true angular velocity ω b and acceleration ab are the inputs for Eqs. (1.18)-(1.20). These true measurements are contained in the outputs of the IMU’s 3 − axis gyroscope and 3 − axis accelerometer, respectively, alongside with biases and noises as follows b ωIMU = ω b + bbω + ηωb (1.21) abIMU = ab + bba + ηab (1.22) where bbω = [bbωx bbωy bbωz ]> ∈ R3×1 and bba = [bbax bbay bbaz ]> ∈ R3×1 are the biases of the gyrob η b η b ]> ∈ R3×1 and η b = [η b η b η b ]> ∈ R3×1 are scope and accelerometer, and ηωb = [ηωx ωy ωz a ax ay az their corresponding noises, respectively. This means that deriving Eqs. (1.18)-(1.20) implicates b the use of ωIMU and abIMU as there is no full knowledge on biases and noises, and thus they cannot be directly subtracted from Eqs. (1.21)-(1.22). In fact, the problem with the presence of biases intervenes during integration. For instance, a bias of order ε b on the accelerometer measurements has an impact of order 21 ε bt 2 on the determined position after t seconds (s), leading to a huge cumulative drift. The same happens when quaternion from angular velocity measurements. For example, consider a 1 minute (min) trajectory, where a subject is moving in an office environment with a low-cost IMU attached to his ankle. A gyroscope with a bias of approximately 0.003 rads−1 and a noise standard deviation of 0.005 rads−1 is used to compute Eq. (1.18). As illustrated with Fig. 1.1, by comparing the ground truth quaternion q1 (red line) and the integrated one qb1 (blue line), the drift occur starting from less than 3 s and becomes larger over time, making attitude estimation diverge. The other elements of qb have also the same behavior as qb1. 1 q1 0.5 -0.3 0 -0.4 -0.5 2.8 2.9 -1 0 10 20 30 Time (s) 40 50 60 Figure 1.1: Example of quaternion drift caused by integrating biased gyroscope measurements. In red is the ground truth q1 and in blue is the integrated one qb1 To better highlight the impact of using noisy and biased angular velocity measurements on the attitude, the integrated quaternion qb is converted to Euler angles representation through both Eq. (1.1) and Eq. (1.3). Then, the difference between the ground truth Euler angles and the integrated ones is evaluated. In Fig. 1.2, the error of the pitch angle is displayed. In only 3 s, an error of around 4 degrees (deg) is obtained, that accumulates through time till it reaches approximately 140 deg in 1 min, causing this trajectory drift. This calls for the need to develop efficient solutions that can treat such crucial problem. IMU biases determination From the observations above, it is clear that measurements’ errors cannot be neglected when studying an inertial navigation problem. Typically, a two-stage calibration step can be conducted before using the IMU, where both the deterministic and stochastic parts of these errors are identified Ref. [Amirsadri2012]. Considering biases as fixed errors, the simplest method to determine them 11 error (deg) Chapter 1. Velocity Estimation With a Magnetometer Array 100 0 -100 0 10 20 30 Time (s) 40 50 60 Figure 1.2: Example of pitch error caused by integrating biased gyroscope measurements is by measuring the output while the IMU is stationary. For the gyroscope, the true angular rate in Eq. (1.21) is set to zero when the IMU is static. By taking the mean of its measurements over few minutes and provided that ηωb is zero-mean, white and Gaussian, the bias is obtained such that bbω = Sω ω bIMU (1.23) where ω bIMU is the measured angular rate’s mean, and Sω is the gyroscope’s scale factor, which can be estimated using information from the IMU’s data sheet Ref. [Amirsadri2012]. To cover most cases of interest, the gyroscope’s scale factor can be substituted with a diagonal matrix of scale factors for each axis, that is multiplied with a skew-symmetric matrix representing sensor’s misalignment terms. Both these matrices are alternatively gathered in one general matrix, to be determined through the calibration process, as studied in detail in Ref. [Dorveaux2011a]. It is reminded that the Earth’s rotation has a magnitude of ≈ 7.3 ∗ 10−5 rads−1, which is considered negligible for the above procedure. Following the same principle used for the gyroscope, i.e. static calibration, the bias of the accelerometer is computed by considering that at rest, the latter measures the gravity vector . By neglecting Coriolis acceleration and supposing that gravity on the vertical axis gnz is a known constant, the accelerometer’s bias can be determined. While such procedure succeeds to provide an initial estimation of biases, it can become unsatisfactory in the presence of some external factors that may affect the IMU’s nature. For instance, low-cost sensors tend to have strong thermal dependencies Ref. [Reginya2018], which means that, changes in ambient temperature induce changes in the IMU’s behavior. In other words, IMU’s biases may not remain constant during long period experiments causing the sensor’s components to heat. This implies that biases vary, and thus, it is rather appropriate to consider them as part of the state vector. Different methods in the literature are proposed in this sense, such as in Refs. [Tie2018, Liu2019, Javed2020, Nazemipour2020]. However, the accuracy of these approaches usually depends on the availability of reference data, the validity of model assumptions and observability conditions. Estimation errors in such case are inevitable, which makes depending only on bias determination to obtain accurate velocity and position estimates through the integration of Eqs. (1.18)-(1.20) unreliable. That being said, one should stress that the effectiveness of classical approaches such as the one initially presented in this section (static calibration) is preserved during short period experiments, where no significant change in sensor’s temperature is detected. A benchmark with the used sensor board in this thesis, have demonstrated that gyroscope and accelerometer biases remain almost constant for an entire 20 minutes (min) of recordings. For trajectories that last not more than 4 min (refer to Chapter 5), it is safe to follow such assumption and consider biases as constant parameters. This is why, for the continuity of this thesis, biases are determined during a pre-processing phase by relying on the static calibration method, and then subtracted from the IMU’s measurements, before they are fed to the navigation filter. For simulation scenarios, they are chosen null 12 1.2. The MINAV technique directly, as the same method can be applied during the measurements preparation step. Nevertheless, under challenging conditions, such as longer period trajectories, developing more sophisticated methods for biases estimation, that take into consideration their potential variation, remains necessary. A preliminary work is elaborated in this sense and is presented at the end of this thesis as a future perspective. The inability of eliminating imperfections from IMU’s measurements entirely encourages the design of approaches that can limit their detrimental effect, and thus reduce the navigation errors. While attitude can be partially restored with sensor fusion-based algorithms Refs. [Wu2019a,Renaudin2014,Makni2019,Crassidis2007], velocity and position estimations are more complicated, especially when maintaining the low-cost strapdown sensors framework. 1.2 The MINAV technique Beside to accelerometers and gyroscopes, modern low-cost IMUs are designed nowadays with integrated magnetometers as they provide an additional solution to the navigation problem. This preserves the main advantage of purely inertial technology: no pre-installed infrastructure or additional information source are required. 1.2.1 The magnetic field in indoor environments Heading estimation The use of magnetometers to solve the navigation problem has been largely treated in the literature. For instance, the magnetic field is widely used in attitude estimation algorithms, where it is fused with other IMUs, to compensate the errors contained in their measurements. In this sense, a wide range of solutions have been proposed since the introduction of Wahba’s problem Ref. [Wahba1965], to combine inertial and magnetic sensor measurements in a relevant manner. TRIAD-based algorithms Refs. [Black1964,Tanygin2007] are one of the earliest methods that were explored, followed by QUaternion ESTimators (QUESTs) Refs. [Shuster1981, Cheng2005], as well as a variety of filters, such as, Particle Refs. [Oshman2006, Zhang2016, Zhou2021], Kalman Refs. [Choukroun2006, Sabatini2006, Makni2014] and complementary filters Refs. [Mahony2008, Madgwick2011, Wu2019a]. In these algorithms, magnetometers usually play a role of a compass to determine which direction the moving body is facing, also known as heading estimation Refs. [Afzal2011b, Wu2018]. For outdoor applications, such technique is very effective, assuming the Earth’s declination angle is known. However, for indoor applications, the use of magnetometers as a compass is not as straight forward, see Refs. [Bachmann2004,De Vries2009]. One obvious solution in this case, for accurate attitude estimation in the presence of magnetic perturbations, resides on developing compensation techniques that can efficiently reject them, such as those proposed in Ref . [Roetenberg2005,Renaudin2012a,Yadav2014,Madgwick2020], for example. A detailed comparative between many of these techniques is conducted in Ref. [Michel2017]. For these approaches to work, one must develop magnetic field detectors that are able to correctly identify the Earth’s magnetic field from the existing perturbations. Such task however, can become very challenging in an indoor environment that contains various external sources of magnetic disturbances. 13 Chapter 1. Velocity Estimation With a Magnetometer Array Indoor magnetic disturbances The magnetic field measured by a magnetometer in an indoor environment may vary widely from the Earth’s one that is observed outdoor away from any perturbations1. According to the most recent World Magnetic Model (WMM) calculator Ref. [NOAA2021], the magnitude of the Earth’s magnetic field in Grenoble, where all experiments of this thesis are conducted, is around ≈ 0.466 Gauss (G). In an indoor environment, magnetic disturbances can occur due to electrical currents and devices, building infrastructure, or any type of activity relying on ferrous materials such as steel, for example. The measured magnitude of these disturbances depends on the distance between the moving body holding/wearing the magnetometer and their source. In Fig. 1.3, the magnitude (determined by applying the norm) of a 3−axis magnetometer’s output is recorded over approximately 5 min of trajectory performed by a subject inside a research laboratory. The varia 0.8 Pause ||B b|| (G) 0.6 Elevator 0.4 0.2 Office Hallway Outdoor Microwave 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 Time (s) Figure 1.3: Magnitude of the magnetic field Bb measured by a 3 − axis magnetometer during an indoor trajectory tion in the displayed magnitude confirms the assumptions previously state d about the presence of magnetic disturbances. For instance, walking around the office and the hallway generates multiple fluctuations in the measured magnetic field, which are explained by the presence of heaters, screens, metallic tables, etc. This is followed by enormous perturbations caused by standing next to a running microwave in the kitchen. When the microwave is paused (for about 4 s), almost no magnetic perturbations are observed. Afterwords, the subject goes inside an elevator, where the measured magnitude of the magnetic field significantly decreases, since the elevator in question is constructed with a similar structure to a Faraday’ s cage [Krauss1992], and its doors and walls are equipped with glass-wool insulation. Finally, by going outside the building, a magnitude very close to the Earth’s one is recorded, which is expected with the absence of magnetic disturbances in an outdoor environment. As many works in the literature discuss the high magnetic field disturbances measured close to elevators, and due to the special structure of the previously tested one, a second experiment is undertaken where a subject walks through a different hallway, having less magnetic field perturbations, towards a standard elevator. As demonstrated in Fig. 1.4, by standing near the elevator, the norm of the magnetic field increases drastically to reach more than 1.5 G, which proves the presence of high magnetic field disturbances around the elevator’s door. It follows that this norm decreases by going inside the elevator, again, explained by the Faraday’s cage phenomena. Both 1 In the entire thesis, the word perturbation is equivalent to disturbance. 1.2. The MINAV technique ||B b|| (G) 1.5 1 Hallway Inside 0.5 Near 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Time (s) Figure 1.4: Magnitude of the magnetic field Bb measured by a 3 − axis magnetometer close to and inside an elevator these experiments demonstrate efficiently the presence of magnetic field perturbations in an indoor environment and rise the question of how to take advantage of such conditions to accurately reconstruct the velocity, position, and attitude of a moving body. Magnetic field-based mapping While magnetic disturbances represent a problem for heading estimation, which encourages the development of solutions to reject them as in Refs. [Ye2020, Árvai2020], the idea of using the magnetic field inhomogeneity for positioning instead has emerged in the recent years like in Refs. [Ashraf2021, Galván-Tejada2020]. Some techniques that take the lead in this context are fingerprinting such as in Refs. [Kuang2018,Chen2020b] and Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM), see for example Refs. [Kok2018, Liu2021]. In these approaches, the magnetic field is used to reconstruct a trajectory that is matched with a pre-existing map. Even though such techniques may work without requiring any pre-installed or additional equipment, they do need prior information on the building infrastructure, which doesn’t meet the expectations of this thesis: purely inertial and magnetic navigation, without additional information sources. Angular rate update using quasi-static magnetic field periods An approach that employs magnetometer measurements in a perturbed environment, while maintaining a map-free framework, was introduced in Refs. [Afzal2011a, Afzal2011c] and further developed in Ref. [Renaudin2014]. The technique resides mainly on detecting Quasi-Static magnetic Field (QSF) periods in the body frame, and using them as measurements under a non-linear filter scheme. This is done in the purpose of better estimating attitude and gyroscope errors. In these works, it was shown that the magnetic field can have a constant magnitude and direction for some locations or short periods (e.g. when the body is not moving). During these instances, the rate of change of the magnetic field, which is referred to as its temporal gradient, can be equal or very close to zero. Such information enables developing a measurement error model that is used for updating the state vector of the navigation filter, to improve the estimation process. To ensure an accurate detection of QSF periods, the tuning of the test statistics parameters: the detection threshold, the noise variance and the window size, must be carefully handled. These parameters can vary largely with the studied sensor placement Ref. [Bancroft2012] or the application, for instance, from pedestrians, to vehicles navigation. Such desired diversity cannot guarantee the ability to detect QSF periods continuously, unless an adaptive tuning process is considered. 15 Chapter 1. Velocity Estimation With a Magnetometer Array MINAV and related state-of-the-art In order to make use of the Earth’s magnetic field in indoor environments, two of its properties are exploited: First, it is assumed to be stationary, i.e. time-invariant in the inertial frame Rn for few seconds to hours. Second, it varies with respect to the position in space, which is the strategy of fingerprinting-based approaches. Then, considering that information about the spatial variation of the magnetic field is available, one can link the magnetic field temporal variation in the body frame Rb, to the velocity vb of the sensor board (containing the magnetometers) that is strapped to the moving subject under study. It becomes then possible to combine an array of spatially distributed magnetometers with an IMU to obtain velocity estimates, position, and attitude, without building any map. Unlike the QSF approach, such methodology does not rely on any tuned parameters or the detection of specific trajectory characteristics, which gives it a fairly general aspect. This idea, referred to as Magneto-Inertial Navigation (MINAV), was firstly proposed in Ref. [Vissière2007a], where it was shown how to use low-cost magnetometers’ measurements as a velocity information source in a sensor fusion framework. This represents an alternative and promising way of using the magnetic field for indoor navigation purposes. Few works were then developed in a similar manner, mostly by the same authors Refs. [Vissière2007b, Dorveaux2011a, Dorveaux2011b, Dorveaux2011c, Praly2013, Batista2013, Chesneau2016, Chesneau2017, Chesneau2018, Caruso2016, Caruso2017a, Caruso2017b, Caruso2017c, Caruso2018, Caruso2019], where different theoretical and experimental results are presented. In the same direction, another research team has elaborated solutions that also take advantage of the magnetic field perturbations recorded by a magnetometer array Refs. [Skog2014, Skog2016, Skog2018a, Skog2018b, Skog2018c]. In these works, authors consider a model parameter estimation problem where the velocity is viewed as a free parameter and is fitted to the observed data. This is different from the approach in Ref. [Vissière2007a], where velocity is directly estimated by solving a differential equation that links the rate of change of the magnetic field to its spatial gradient as well as the gyroscope measurements. In Ref. [Skog2018b], authors represent the magnetic field variations using a second order polynomial model and then derive a maximum likelihood estimator Ref. [Myung2003] that determines the displacement of the magnetometer array. To have an idea on the needed architecture of the array and the possible performance of the method, identifiability and Cramér-Rao analyses of the estimation problem are conducted Ref. [Skog2016]. However, while the derived identifiability conditions show that attitude can also be determined using the discussed approach, the performance of the latter is only evaluated for the case where the rotation is known, which lays some concerns on how well such solution can estimate attitude, especially under challenging conditions (e.g. low magnetic perturbations, trajectory’s static periods, etc.). Contrarily to purely IMU arrays that are widely spread in the literature, see survey in Ref. [Nilsson2016], studying the capabilities of magnetometer arrays is not as extensive, which motivates reviewing the challenges that the MINAV technique may introduce to the indoor navigation problem. 1.2.2 The MINAV model The magnetic field in the inertial frame Following the notation previously introduced, the vector field Bn = [Bnx Bny Bnz ]> ∈ R3×1 is introduced, representing the Earth’s magnetic field in Rn. The component Bnx is directed towards the geographic north, Bny represents the east, while the vertical and positive component directed downwards into the Earth is Bnz. Four parameters can be employed to describe Bn : the horizontal intensity HB = k(Bnx )2 + (Bny )2 k, the total intensity FB = k(Bnx )2 + (Bny )2 + (Bnz )2 k, the inclination Bny Bn IB = arctan z and the declination DB = arctan n. These quantities can be directly deduced HB Bx from Ref. [NOAA2021], by indicating the desired location and time of the measurements. The 16 1.2. The MINAV technique Earth’s magnetic field Bn is then expressed with Bn = [HB cos DB HB sin DB FB sin IB ]> (1.24) Originally, the magnetic field Bn can be represented as a function of two variables: time t, and space/position M n. In this sense, its temporal variation can be expressed with a multivariable chain rule differentiation as follows dBn (t, M n ) ∂ Bn dM n ∂ Bn = + dt ∂ M n dt ∂t (1.25) ∂ Bn = 0, making the field only dependent on the Assuming Bn is stationary in Rn implicates that ∂t n space variable M. Therefore, Eq. (1.25) is reduced to dBn (M n ) ∂ Bn dM n ∂ Bn n = = v dt ∂ M n dt ∂ Mn (1.26) This leads to the definition of the Jacobian matrix ∇Bn, representing the magnetic field spatial gradient ∈ R3 ×3, such that ∂ Bn (1.27) ∇Bn = ∂ Mn Remark 6 Using Eq. (1.27), and according to the rule of vector derivative versus vector, the magnetic field gradient ∇Bn should be defined as a 9 × 1 vector. However, it can also be mapped by a unique bijection to a matrix in R3 ×3 , which justifies the previous dimension definition. The magnetic field in the body frame In navigation applications, the Earth’s magnetic field can be measured using a 3 − axis magnetometer that is contained in the sensor board attached to the moving body. It comes without saying that the latter needs to be represented in the body frame Rb such that Bb = [Bbx Bby Bbz ]> ∈ R3×1. The rotation between Rn and Rb is conducted using simply Bb = Rbn Bn (1.28) In the same manner as the velocity in Eq. (1.17), the dynamics in Eq. (1.26) can also be transformed to the body frame Rb using both Eq. (1.28) and Eq. (1.9). This leads to the following derivation dBb dRbn Bn dRbn n dBn = = B + Rbn dt dt dt dt b b n b n n = − [ω ×]Rn B + Rn ∇B v (1.29) The rotation of the magnetic field gradient ∇Bn is achieved according to the 2nd rank tensors (i.e. matrices) transformation formula as follows ∇Bn = Rnb ∇Bb Rbn (1.30) where ∇Bb ∈ R3×3 is the magnetic field gradient in Rb and is expressed with ∇Bb = 17 ∂ Bb ∂ Mb (1.31) Chapter 1. Velocity Estimation With a Magnetometer Array Remark 7 Similarly to ∇Bn definition, the magnetic field gradient ∇Bb can be either represented as a matrix in R3×3 or a vector in R9×1 through a bijection. Going back to Eq. (1.29), and replacing ∇Bn with Eq. (1.30) give s dBb = −ω b × Bb + Rbn Rnb ∇Bb Rbn vn dt (1.32) A simplification of the terms Rbn Rnb and Rbn vn leads to dBb = −ω b × Bb + ∇Bb vb dt (1.33) The equation above represents the base of the MINAV technique, that enables the estimation of the velocity vb, by relying on IMU and magnetometers measurements. An analysis on the benefit of this equation is conducted in the following section. Remark 8 It is highlighted that any non-uniform vector field may be used to estimate the velocity vb in a similar manner to Eq. (1.33). For instance, the magnetic field can be replaced by the electric one which information on its variation is acquired using a set of electrometers Ref. [Lee2008]. Stationarity of the magnetic field The model presented in Eq. (1.33) relies on the assumption that the magnetic field in the inertial frame Bn is stationary. Nevertheless, this hypothesis can become untrue in indoor environments due to the presence of additional perturbations related to the electric field. Different solutions can be suggested in this case, depending on the nature of the perturbation, that is, periodic or non-periodic. The most usual one that may occur in an indoor environment is due to power-line interference. Under such circumstances, a periodic component at the 50 Hz frequency (in Europe) is contained in the magnetic field vector. This component can go up to 1 μT in amplitude in some cases (e.g. office close to train station), causing a significant drift during the estimation process, as discussed in Ref. [Chesneau2018]. Therefore, it is considered necessary to take power-line interference into account during the magnetic field’s modeling. In Ref. [Chesneau2018], the magnetic field is presented as the sum of a stationary field, and a disturbance field in Rn, denoted Bnpli, such that, the measured total field ybB by the sensor board, is defined with ybB = Bb + Rbn Bnpli (1.34) By denoting ω pli the pulsation of power-line interference, the dynamics of Bnpli are then determined such that d 2 Bn pli 2 n = −ω pli B pli (1.35) dt 2 The equation above is considered in the state-space model, in addition to Eq. (1.33), to represent the overall dynamics of the magnetic field. Similarly to Ref. [Chesneau2018], and to account for power-line interference, in Ref. [Dorveaux2011a], the magnetic field is modeled with ybB = Bb cos(ω plit + Φ) (1.36) where Φ is an unknown phase. Considering the latter null, as a simplifying assumption, one has dybB = −ω b × Bb cos(ω plit) + ∇Bb vb cos(ω plit) − Bb ω pli sin(ω plit) dt (1.37 ) It is suggested in Ref. [Dorveaux2011a] that, an asymptotic observer relying on magnetic measurements and Eq. (1.37) can enable the reconstruction of velocity. This indicates the effectiveness 18 1.2. The MINAV technique of the MINAV approach, even under the magnetic field’s non -stationary condition. When no assumption on the time-varying component of the magnetic field can be made, it is possible to compensate its unsteadiness using an extra measurement, as the electric field, for example . By relying on Maxwell’s equations describing the relationship between the curls of the magnetic and electric fields Ref. [Jackson1998], an extra term is added to Eq. (1.33) such that dBb = −ω b × Bb + ∇Bb vb − ∇ × E b dt (1.38) where E b ∈ R3×1 is the output of an electric field sensor (e.g. electrometer) and ∇ × E b is its curl. Alternatively, by completely dropping the stationarity hypothesis of the magnetic field, and replacing it by an assumption on its spectrum, a more general model is given in Ref. [Chesneau2018], where in addition to Eq. (1.34) and Eq. (1.35), the magnetic field is defined with dBb = −ω b × Bb + ∇Bb vb + Rbn Bnp dt (1.39) where Bnp ∈ R3×1, is a non-stationary component of the magnetic field, different from power-line interference, and is modeled with Bnp dBnp =− dt τB p (1.40) where τB p is a time constant, representing the settling time of a magnetic instationarity. The proposed models in both discussed references Refs. [Dorveaux2011a,Chesneau2018] demonstrate that the applicability of MINAV approach is not restricted to the presence of a stationary magnetic field and can be generalized to the unsteady case. This is done by either using dedicated models for compensating electric interference at known frequency (power-line), or by adding an additional information, as for the non-periodic case (e.g. output of an electrometer). Assuming a time-periodic perturbed magnetic field, and more particularly, a power-line interference at 50 Hz, a substitute methodology can be performed, that does not require any further modeling of the magnetic field, other than Eq. (1.33). In fact, instead of taking into account the non-stationary component in the measured magnetic field vector ybB, it can be initially rejected through the use of a notch filter Ref. [Hirano1974], during a pre-processing phase. Preliminary experiments have demonstrated that, in a regular office environment, the magnitude of power-line interference is most of the time negligible, compared to the stationary component of ybB. Such observation is realized through a frequency domain analysis of the measured magnetic field vector from a real sensor board. Following the fact that Bnpli is insignificant, it was later verified that for most of the conducted experiments in this thesis, using the magnetic field measurements in the proposed state-space model, even without any pre-processing, does not have any major impact on the state’s estimation accuracy. It follows that, the magnetic field models for the non-stationary case suggested in Refs. [Dorveaux2011a, Chesneau2018] are not adopted in this thesis, to avoid augmenting the state vector and adding more complexity to the proposed solution. The notch filter is however maintained during the measurements’ pre-processing phase, to ensure the elimination of the 50 Hz periodic component whenever it exists. Chapter 1. Velocity Estimation With a Magnetometer Array 1.2.3 Velocity observability MINAV main state-space model Writing back the set of Eqs. (1.18)-(1.20) and adding Eq. (1.33) results in the following system that constructs MINAV main state-space model. dq 1 b = Ω q dt 2 dvb = − ω b × vb + ab − Rbn gn dt dBb = − ω b × Bb + ∇Bb vb dt dM n = Rnb vb dt (1.41) (1.42) (1.43) (1.44) The choice of this model is inspired from Ref. [Chesneau2016], and is mainly used here to demonstrate the velocity observability conditions. This model is improved in the next chapter and constitutes the first contribution of this thesis. The state vector here is then X(t) = [q vb Bb M n ]> ∈ R13×1 and the output vector is y(t) = Bb ∈ R3×1. Direct measurements of ω b, ab, and ∇Bb are available using the IMU and the magnetometers, like in Ref. [Chesneau2018]. Thus, the input u is expressed with u(t) = [ω b ab ∇Bb ]> ∈ R11×1. It is brought to the attention of the reader that in this model, ∇Bb is represented as a function of 5 elements (instead of 9). The reason for this simplification is explained in details in Section 1.3, where all properties of the magnetic field gradient are attentively discussed. The model above, governed by Eqs. (1.41)-(1.44), can be written in the form of a non-linear statespace model as follows (t) = f (X(t), u(t), η(t)) (1.45) y(t) =h(X(t), ν(t)) (1.46) where X(t) is the state vector at time t, y(t) is the known output vector (measurement vector), u(t) is the input, f (.) is a non-linear function that represents the state transition model, h(.) is a non-linear function that represents the measurement (observation) model, and η(t) and ν(t) are the process and measurement noises, respectively, assumed to be zero-mean, white, Gaussian and uncorrelated. To solve Eqs. (1.45)-(1.46), many observers, specifically designed for non-linear systems, are proposed in the literature, such as those in Ref. [Besançon2007]. In Chapter 2, the observer used in this thesis is presented, and the reasons behind that choice are detailed. Linearization In order to compute the system’s observability matrix, a linearization of the model is undertaken, by computing the Jacobians of f (.) and h(.) as follows ∂f |b ∂ X X(t),u(t) ∂h H= |b ∂ X X(t) F= (1.47) ( 1.48 ) where F is the state matrix, and H is the measurement one. The current estimate of X(t) is denoted b by X(t). In the case of the model formed by Eqs. (1.41)-(1.44), the derived state matrix F ∈ R13×13 has the 20 1.2. The MIN AV technique following form  1 b Ω 2 04×3 04×3 04×3      A1 −[ω b ×] 03×3 03×3    F =  b b 03×4 ∇B −[ω ×] 03×3    A2 A3 03×3 03×3 (1.49) ∂ (Rnb vb ) ∂ (Rnb vb ) ∂ (− R bn g) ∈ R3×4, A2 = ∈ R3×4 and A3 = ∈ R3 ×3 . A zero matrix ∂q ∂q ∂ vb and its dimensions is represented with 0i× j, where i corresponds to the number of rows and j to columns. As the output model is formed with only the magnetic field Bb, the measurement matrix H ∈ R3×13, is expressed with h i H = 03×7 I3 03×3 (1.50) with A1 = with I3 representing the identity matrix ∈ R3×3. Observability matrix The observability matrix of a system Ref. [Kalman1960b] is defined with O = [H HF HF 2 · · · HF ns −1 ]> ∈ Rns ms ×ns where ns is the number of state variables and ms is the outputs one. The studied system corresponding to Eq. (1.49) is with ns = 13 state variables, and ms = 3 outputs, its corresponding observability matrix is then O = [H HF HF 2 · · · HF 12 ]> ∈ R39×13. It yields that  03×4 03×3 I3 03×3      03×4 ∇Bb −[ω b ×] 03×3       O = ∇Bb A1 −W1 [ω b ×]2 03×3    1 b   2 ∇B A1 Ωb −W1 A1 W1 [ω b ×] + [ω b ×]2 ∇Bb −[ω b ×]3 03×3   ........ (1.51) with W1 = (∇Bb [ω b ×] + [ω b ×]∇Bb ) ∈ R3×3. On the basis of the Kalman observability criterion for linear dynamic systems Ref. [Kalman1960b], a system is called observable if and only if rank(O) = ns (1.52) However, it is clear through this derivation that rank(O) < ns. By looking at the last column of O, it comes without saying that the observability matrix is 3 states deficient (last column is all zeros). These 3 states correspond to the 3 elements of the position vector M n. The position is then unobservable, which makes considering it as a state in the model formed by Eqs. (1.41)cn can be (1.44) a questionable choice by [Chesneau2018]. For instance, the position estimate M b directly deduced through a simple integration of the velocity estimate vb, without being included in the estimation approach. However, maintaining it in the state vector has a numerical effect on estimation accuracy in the context of Kalman filtering Ref. [Kalman1960a, Grewal2020]. Observability of the velocity As discussed in Ref. [Dorveaux2011a], in order for velocity to be observable, the magnetic field gradient ∇Bb needs to be non-singular (as it occurs in the second column of O). A square matrix 1. a Magnet Array A is non-singular if and only if its determinant is nonzero. More precisely, the observability matrix of Eq. (1.51) can be of rank(O) = 10, only if ∇Bb is full-rank. For the quaternion, its observability also depends on A1, if the latter is full-rank, three of the quaternion elements are observed thanks to the term ∇Bb A1 in the first column (and third block line) of O, while the fourth element may be recovered from the next block lines of O. In practice, the non-singularity condition of ∇Bb is very linked to the presence of magnetic field disturbances. In fact, if there are very low perturbations in the surrounding environment of the moving body, one or more of the magnetic field gradient’s directions may have nearly-null values, which implies that ∇Bb is no more a fullrank matrix. Nevertheless, it is reminded that the presence of sufficient magnetic field disturbances is a condition that is usually satisfied in indoor environments as previously demonstrated in Section 1.2.1. In the worst case scenario where ∇Bb = 03×3 (in outdoor environments, for example), rank(O) = 3 and only the magnetic field is observable (thanks to the identity matrix in the third column). This highlights the dependency of the MINAV technique on the presence of magnetic perturbations and more specifically on the availability of ∇Bb. In the next section, the magnetic field gradient is presented in detail, where its different properties and models are discussed and commented. 1.3 Limitations of the magnetic field gradient determination As elaborated in the previous section, the magnetic field gradient plays a key role in the MINAV scheme as it ensures velocity observability and enables its reconstruction alongside with attitude and position. Analyzing this entity is then crucial to understand not only its capabilities but also its challenges. 1.3.1 The magnetic field gradient properties What makes of the magnetic field an interesting asset to the navigation problem is its properties that act explicitly on the magnetic field gradient, and enable the simplification of the model formed by Eqs. (1.41)-(1.44). These properties are governed by Maxwell’s equations Ref. [Jackson1998] for a source-free region, and are detailed subsequently. Divergence In the absence of electric sources, the divergence of the magnetic field is equal to zero, i.e. ∇ · Bb = 0 (1.53) This implies that the trace of its Jacobian, representing the magnetic field gradient ∇Bb in its 3 × 3 matrix form, is zero i.e. ∂x Bbx + ∂y Bby + ∂z Bbz = 0 (1.54) with ∂x, ∂y and ∂z, referring to the partial derivative of an element with respect to Mxb, Myb and Mzb, respectively. It follows that the number of independent terms in ∇Bb is reduced to 8 instead of 9. Curl In the case of stationary fields and in absence of electric and magnetic sources, the curl of the magnetic field is equal to zero, i.e. ∇ × Bb = 0 (1.55) 22 1.3. Limitations of the magnetic field gradient determination This implies that its Jacobian matrix is symmetric i.e., ∀i, j ∈ {x, y, z}, ∂i Bbj = ∂ j Bbi (1.56) This means that the number of independent terms in ∇Bb is now down to 5 instead of 8. 1.3.2 The magnetometer array: extracting the magnetic field gradient A planar arrangement of 3 magnetometers Thanks to the previously presented properties, the magnetic field gradient ∇Bb can be expressed with the following form  ∂ Bbx  ∂ Mb  x  ∂ Bb  ∇Bb =  xb  ∂ My  b  ∂ Bx ∂ Mzb ∂ Bby ∂ Mxb ∂ Bby ∂ Myb ∂ Bby ∂ Mzb  ∂ Bbz   ∂ Mxb   β1 β2 β3   ∂ Bbz     =    β β β 2 4 5 b  ∂ My    β3 β5 −β1 − β4 ∂ Bbz  β1,···,5 ∈R ∂ Mzb (1.57) By a finite differences scheme, it is evident that, in order to reconstruct ∇Bb, an array of at least 3 non-aligned 3 − axis magnetometers is required. As the magnetic field gradient is symmetric and traceless, as shown in Eq. (1.57), the third column of ∇Bb can be recovered from the first two columns. This suggests that a 2D arrangement of the 3 magnetometers is sufficient to obtain the full magnetic field gradient. Conception wise, this is advantageous as it enables having a user-friendly embedded system, that can be easily strapped to the moving body under study. Remark 9 While this assumption is theoretically justifiable, it may be interesting to explore a nonplanar disposition of the magnetometer array. In fact, in Ref. [Hanley2018], it was demonstrated that, in indoor environments, the magnetic field can vary significantly as a function of height. Despite that this evaluation was performed on a higher scale than the one concerning a sensor array (usually, the distance between the magnetometers doesn’t exceed the centimeter level), it provides a useful insight on the matter. Determination of the magnetic field gradient Since the sensor board does not directly provide the magnetic field gradient, it needs to be deduced from the measurements of the magnetometer array. To do so, several approximation-based solutions can be exploited, such as finite differences Ref. [Grossmann2007], polynomial interpolation Ref. [Atkinson1988], or any regression-based technique Ref. [Manski1991]. To have a clearer idea on the targeted problem in this case, consider a vector pi = [pix piy piz ]> ∈ R3×1, representing the position of a magnetometer i in the sensor array. In Fig. 1.5, a simplified diagram of the magnetometer array is displayed. Suppose that the magnetometer 0, measuring Bb0, is centered at the origin of the array, denoted with p0 = [0 0 0]. The two magnetometers 1 and 2 are symmetric, i.e. p1x = −p2x and p1y = p2y. Also, |p1x | = |p1y |. It is assumed that the magnetic field and its gradient are known at p0 such that Bb (p0 ) =Bb0 b ∇B (p0 ) =∇Bb0 with Bb0 and ∇Bb0 expressed in the same forms as their standard definitions. 23 (1.58) (1.59) Chapter 1. Velocity Estimation With a Magnetometer Array Figure 1.5: Diagram of a magnetometer array Remark In reality, the assumption that the magnetic field is known at p0 is not totally accurate, as the 3 axes of magneteometer 0 do not coincide precisely with the considered origin. The assumption is done only for estimation. According to Taylor’s formula Ref. [Li2016] for functions of several variables, the following approximation is introduced Corolla ry 1 Let f : R2 → R be two times differentiable in (a, b) ∈ R2, then: ∂ f (a, b) ∂ f (a, b) 1 ∂ 2 f (a, b) 2 h h+ k+ ∂x ∂y 2 ∂ x2 1 ∂ 2 f (a, b) 2 ∂ 2 f (a, b) + k + hk 2 ∂ y2 ∂ x∂ y +o(h2 + k2 ) f (a + h, b + k) = f (a, b)+ (1.60) Using this corollary, the magnetic field Bbi measured by a magnetometer i can be expressed at any point pi, with the following first-order approximation Bbi ( pi ) = Bb0 + ∇Bb0 pi In matrix form, Eq. (1.61) is rewritten as follows      Bbx β1 β2 β3 p      ix        Bbi = Bby  + β2 β4 β5   piy       Bbz β3 β5 −β1 − β4 piz (1.61) (1.62) The measured magnetic field Bbi is then the result of a multiplication between a non-square matrix and an unknown vector as shown below   b Bx   b By        Bbz    1 0 0 pix piy piz 0 0      β1     (1.63) Bbi = 0 1 0 0 pix 0 piy piz    = Pi XB   β   2  0 0 1 −piz 0 pix −piz piy  β   3      β4    β5 24 1.3. Limitations of the magnetic field gradient determination where Pi ∈ R3×8 is a known matrix containing the different position coordinates of magnetometer i with respect to the origin p0, and XB ∈ R8×1 is the vector to be estimated, containing both the magnetic field and its gradient at the origin p0 of the magnetometer array. The magnetometer array of Fig. 1.5 generates measurements of three magnetometers such that BTotal = [Bb0 Bb1 Bb2 ]> ∈ R9×1, and its corresponding PTotal = [P0 P1 P2 ]> ∈ R9×8. It yields that Eq.
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‘‘'Phese journals are sent to every part of the United States, and to friends abroad. Now, supposing I had done wrong in any of my proceedings, the trustees would know it; and base indeed would be their minds and hearts if they did not, in all concerns of which they have the control, make me answer for it. And if I refused to repair my error, the world would know it; the courts of justice would know it; and if it 76 BISHOP CHASE’S REMINISCENCES. involved my moral character, the House of Bishops would know it—and from them we should have a righteous sen- tence. The Bishops, individually and collectively, are ‘ Vis- rors’ of the institution; no constitutional article can be altered without their consent, and should anything go wrong of a serious nature, it is by an express article of the con- stitution of the college, confirmed by legislative act of the civil government of Ohio, in their power, and their bounden duty, to visit the institution, and make inquiry; and, if they see fit, to apply to a court of law for a ‘writ of injunction to stay proceedings.’ All this is in print, as it was devised by me, as the first corner-stone of our institution. It was pub- lished in England, that this would be its first principle; it was recognized as the condition of all donations, and when I returned to America, it was mentioned and inserted in our constitution of the seminary, and by the legislative establish- ment of that constitution became the law of the land. “Few things of the kind have obtained greater publicity than those which I[ have stated, concerning the manner of reg- ularly administering the affairs of Kenyon college. And by them how visible is the path of duty to any person who, acting on Christian principles, wishes to obtain satisfaction. Suppose that you, dear Doctor, had been doubtful as to the correct management of our affairs; what would you have done? You would have looked over the journals for the doings of the trustees. You would have seen there no grounds of complaint. All things relative to the accounts and the management of the affairs having met with the entire approbation of the board of trustees, you would have been satisfied. This would have been your settled conviction; unless the character and fidelity of the trustees should, unhap- pily, have fallen under just suspicions; in such case you would inquire into the matter the right way. If you saw the trustees were, by neglect or transgression, going counter to the requisitions and canons, or to the principles of moral right and honesty, you would have made the matter known to the visi- tors of the institution, the Bishops of the Dioceses, who are recognized and established as such by the civil law; and if they saw that you had grounds of complaint, an investigation BISHOP CHASE’S REMINISCENCES. OE would take place. But, instead of this, how was it? What was the course of proceedings in this case ? “A man who had been sent to Europe for subscriptions for Kenyon college, and, from his having stayed there some years, must necessarily come back ignorant of all proceedings, and reasons of proceedings, in the institution; and now, having made his appearance, if he had any right to investigate, takes no pains to get the information necessary to judge; reads no journals of the proceedings of convention or board of trustees; asks for no information from the books of receipts and expenditures ; examines none of the college buildings, nor rides over an acre of ground, nor examines a mill, farm, barn, stables or fence, with an honest view of witnessing the reason- ableness or unreasonableness of expenditures, but, blind to all others, grasps at ONE DAZZLING object, the mirRE; forsaking modesty, forsaking truth—he will be a Bishop! Disap- pointed in this, all his powers of adulation forsake him. From a sycophant, he becomes an enemy. He turns his face to the eastward, saying he would quit Ohio and go to Nova Scotia; and in passing through New York, he finds ‘the Sriends of Bishop Chase, who, in a moment of great excite- ment, made by Mr. West’s very artful manner of ExuBITING HIS PRINTED DOCUMENTS and getting up his subjects, give cre- dence to all he says, and appoint um to be their inquisitor, with full power to return to Ohio and call Bishop Chase to an account. ‘But it may be asked by strangers, Who were these gen- tlemen from whom Mr. West said he was sent to investigate the conduct of Bishop Chase ? “They were persons who, it was supposed, after the papers should have been duly exchanged, would be legally consti- tuted a committee of trust, for a certain time, of the funds sub- scribed for the maintenance of a professor in divinity in Ken- yon college, and the professorship, out of respect to yourself, dear Doctor, was to be called the Milnor Professorship, according to the desire of Mr. Arthur Tappan, who had made the first subscription of a thousand dollars. 'They had been already active in this benevolent business. My brother had communicated with them on the subject concerning the man- 78 BISHOP CHASE’S REMINISCENCES. agement of the whole affair of his subscription of one thousand dollars; I had desired Thomas Smith, Esq., of King George county, Virginia, and the Rochester subscribers of one thou- sand dollars each, to communicate with them; and we all felt grateful to them. But we never thought, because they, each of them, had subscribed, and got others to subscribe, to the Milnor professorship to the amount of nearly one half of the whole, that therefore, before the papers were interchanged, they should assume the power of appointing an Inquisiror- GENERAL, unacquainted with our affairs, and disappointed in his calculations and views, to investigate all the matters and things, and accounts, proceedings, and motives, both civil and ecclesiastical, temporal and spiritual, of, and belonging to, Kenyon college and Bishop Chase; and withal to dictate to the board of trustees what should and should not be done! How little did these worthy gentlemen seem to understand what is due to our feelings as Christian brethren! And I here ask of you, Doctor Milnor, and of all who know the relative duties of men, if it be not incumbent on me to protest against such a mode of proceeding as unchristian and illegal?” The above protest was made most sincerely through a sense of duty to state the truth. Yet such was the respect enter- tained for many who had become dupes of Mr. West’s artifice, and especially for Dr. Milnor, who, though mistaken, had pro- posed this mode of satisfying the public, that the writer thought fit to meet the whole subject, by going into particu- lars, and defending himself against West’s insinuations and charges at every point, with as much candor and truth as if he were a legally commissioned inquisitor. Items to which the writer was, by the singular opinions of his friends in New York, driven to give answer to G. M. West!! may be seen in a pamphlet published at the time, entitled ‘‘ Defence of Bishop Chase against the Slanders of G. M. West.” The writer went into a full description of all the farms, mills, dam, race, miller’s house, students’ house, hotel and hotel Stable! carpenters’ and shoemakers’ shops, cee S house, cows’ stable, stackyard, threshing-floor, granary, ox- BISHOP CHASE’S REMINISCENCES. 79 shed, and board fence; the old dining hall, water well, print- ing office, college stable, professors’ house, college kitchen, building of hewn logs, cabins, &c.; Cascu Hermitage, Kenyon college, grammar school, college buildings, Rosse chapel; all which were most particularly and severally described, and their estimated cost recorded. Rosse Cuaper is the twenty-third item set down in Bishop Chase’s account, responsive to the inquisition of G. M. West, as recommended by the letter of Dr. Milnor. The whole article is here transferred, for reasons which will appear to the sagacious reader as he reads it: — “CROSSE CHAPEL. “In speaking of this instance of our expenditure, I am well aware that it is a subject of great interest, on which there is a difference of opinion among the professed friends of the insti- tution. I shall therefore state nothing but facts, and give my reasons for the course I have taken. “This building, I mean the site chosen for the building, and where the materials are collected, and the work begun, is on the west side, because the most elevated part of a square, laid down in our plan, called Bexley square, precisely forty rods north of Kenyon college. The steeple or tower is to front the square, and the chancel is in the rear, or west end. I regret this, because it reverses the significant arrangement observed generally by our Church, an allusion being had to the placing of the chancel in the east, to the ortens ex alto men- tioned in Scripture. But, at the same time, I cannot think, with some of my friends, that it is of so great consequence as not to be departed from when the inconvenience would be considerable in observing it. In the present instance, to place the chancel at the east would be putting it at the en- trance of the church, and throwing the tower at the west end, much to the disadvantage of the looks and convenience of the building. But this is not the subject of complaint but of a few, and those at a distance, who have not visited our place. *«'[he dimensions of the chapel are as follow :— VOL. I. 8 80 BISHOP CHASE’S REMINISCENCES. Length of the body, 100 feet from out to out.* Chancel ira! ““ieeentdd Dowerst? mya): at 19 150 Breadthy:-. «2 ¢ . 66 “'The walls in the basement are three feet thick; the foun- dation is deep sunk in the ground, and the whole is carried up to the first floor, on which the timbers, both girders, beams and joists, are framed and pinned together with great care. The winter coming on, all was covered, and remains safe from the weather. ‘“‘In the house built for the preservation of the materials, there is lime enough to more than half finish the church, and the same may be said of the stones that lie all round the building, three quarters of which are already cut, ready to be placed on the wall. The masons inform me, that, if we include what is already drawn, and also those not hauled, but got out and prepared at the quarries, there is more than that proportion. “Here then we stand. The church, even in its erection, not to speak of its finish, is about half done, and we stop; and in so doing, I am asked, why did I commence a building of this nature on so large a scale? “‘T answer, because it is no larger than it ought to be; and this, I think, I can prove to any one who, without the weight on his mind of a preconceived opinion, will patiently and can- didly listen to me. ““T suppose it will be granted me that our church ought to be large enough not only to hold ordinary congregations, but to accommodate with seats the friends and relatives of the students, who attended, as we witnessed last commencement, the speaking and other exercises of their sons, on interesting occasions. If this be granted, which I think no reasonable person will deny, then are we prepared to make it plain that the dimensions of Rosse chapel are on the less, instead of the greater, extreme. * After the writer had resigned and left the college hill, the dimensions of the intended chapel were reduced, and the style of architecture entirely changed. BISHOP CHASE’S REMINISCENCES. 8] “Kenyon college was intended to be a great institution, of extensive usefulness; and if the public confidence be not with- drawn from us, by premature and groundless fault-finding, it will yet be completed on its original design, of accommodating five hundred students and upwards. The present number does not exceed one third that quantity, solely from want of buildings, which the public government ought to enable me, as they have always enabled other colleges, to rear. ‘Such, however, is the goodness of our cause, in trying to benefit the rising generation of our dear country, and such our trust in the merciful assurances of Divine Providence, which from time to time have been so signally vouchsafed us, that it would he criminal not to believe the wings of the college will be built, and unpardonably criminal were I to let my infidel- ity proceed to such length as to carve out a scanty plan for the house of God—a place too small to accommodate an audi- ence suited in some degree to the greatness of our plan. “'This was my motive, and these were my impressions, when I sat down to draw a plan for Rosse chapel. I saw that a building was required that would accommodate five hundred students, and an ordinary congregation, from the professors, teachers, clerks, officers, and servants, added to the inhabitants of the neighborhood, to be as many more; making in all one thousand, the net number when all should be in complete operation. And what dimensions should that edifice have, which should accomplish this design? ‘The body of that which I determined to build is, exclusive of the tower and chancel, internally, ninety-four by sixty, which being multi- plied together, produce 5,640 square feet. Out of this sum must be taken the room for the aisles, which instead of doing, { allowed nothing for the chancel and end gallery: 5,640 square feet therefore are to be considered as the room, to be divided into sittings for the students and congregation. How much room will each person on an average require? I was answered, two feet one way and three feet the other, without crowding, = 6 square feet. 5,640 divided by 6940. This was so near the number thought of, that the dimension chosen for the chapel seemed unavoidable. ‘But there is another way of considering this affair, arriv- / j V 82 BISHOP CHASE’S REMINISCENCES. ing at the same conclusion, but by a different process. You observe I made no allowance for extraordinary occasions. Ought these to be overlooked? Suppose that the friends of the students, and the friends of the institution, and the mem- bers of the convention, attend as they have hitherto done, every year increasing beyond expectation. Are. these to be unaccommodated? Are persons to come fifty and one hun- dred, and some several hundred miles, to the convention and commencement, and when there to find no seat nor shelter from the storm? “It was well last year that there was no rain nor inclement weather, when so many people attended in the open air, to witness commencement exercises. ‘Well, suppose there are five spectators to each student, (which certainly was the case last summer, and granting our number of students not to exceed two hundred and fifty, which will be the case, if all things proceed as usual, next summer after the building now erecting, seventy-four by forty, shall have been finished,) you will see that the church must have space to accommodate two hundred and fifty students, and an audience of twelve hundred and fifty; in all, fifteen hundred. “Thus it is seen that, instead of the present chapel being too large, one summer will prove it of too small dimensions. ** All this for the present. What then will one generation, our own children, think of the fault-finding spirit of which I am now complaining? when they shall see Rosse chapel, ‘large and expensive’ as it is now said to be, actually too small to contain half the multitude assembled on the great and conjoined occasion of the convention of the Church and the commencement of Kenyon college. Rosse Chapel cost . . . Pig $3,019 96 The amount of the previous ‘iene prement fivard: 29,356 22 Total cost of buildings, . . .. . sear 6 18 “Thus, dear sir, have I performed a very painful task— that of rebutting the arguments of Mr. West and his adher- ents against me and the college. I have done it more by facts than by arguments. But there is one thing more to do before BISHOP CHASE’S REMINISCENCES. 83 we have done with this subject; and this is to let you see what those think of the slanders of Mr. West who are best able to judge. As soon as I received your letter, I took the liberty of copying it, so far as related to Mr. West’s accusa- tions, with my own hand, so many times as to send it to all of the trustees who had taken an active part in the examina- tion of the college accounts; and to the Rev. Mr. M’Elroy, till lately our chief auditor. Their certificates are as follow:— “CERTIFICATE OF THE EXAMINING COMMITTEE. ““<We, the undersigned, trustees of Kenyon college, having received information, through a letter addressed by the Rev. James Milnor, D. D., to Bishop Chase, that reports injurious to the reputation of the latter, in his official capacity of presi- dent of our institution, have been put in circulation in the city of New Yerk, and elsewhere, by the Rev. G. M. West and his adherents, feel ourselves bound by a solemn sense of duty to step forward in vindication of our venerable diocesan, and to renew the expression of our entire confidence in his integrity, and our full conviction that, in the management of the con- cerns of the college, he has been uniformly guided by a single eye to the glory of God, and to the prosperity of the institution committed to his charge. _ “The principal allegations of Mr. West, according to Dr. -’ Milnor’s communication, are— ‘‘ That moneys contributed for one object have been applied to another; that there has been excessive prodigality of expenditure ;” and that accounts have been so irregularly kept, that no one, the Bishop alone ex- cepted, could ‘‘know the actual state of the finances of the college.”’ ‘““« With regard to the first of these allegations, we may observe, that it is possible that moneys, originally contributed for one object, may, in a particular case, have been applied to another. We have been informed by the Bishop that a part of the funds subscribed towards the erection of Rosse chapel was, for a short period, appropriated to the use of the col- lege. But we cannot see how this single fact can, with any show of justice, be brought forward to support a charge of VOL, Il. 8* 84 BISHOP CHASE’S REMINISCENCES. ‘“‘misapplication.”? The preparation of the college edifice for the reception of the students was a work of pressing neces- sity. 'To its prompt completion all the labor that could be judiciously employed on the ground was indispensable. The erection of Rosse chapel, however desirable, could, on the con- trary, be dispensed with—a church, without a congregation, would have been useless. In a complicated establishment, where all the work is executed by one set of means, on one domain, and for the promotion of one and the same end—the whole being under the actual superintendence of one and the same person—the judicious application, for a limited time, towards a laudable object, of funds originally designed for another, but which could not then be used to advantage, can most assuredly afford no ground for serious accusation; and we feel confident that, from lability to such a charge, trivial and unimportant as it is, few men, placed under similar cir- cumstances, would have kept more free than Bishop Chase. We may further observe, that, from documents submitted to our inspection, we have reason to believe that the ground for complaint, if it be one, has long since ceased to exist: more money having been expended towards the erection of Rosse chapel, and the preparation of materials necessary for its com- pletion, than the net proceeds of the various benefactions specifically intended for it. So much, then, for this item of ‘‘ misapplication.” ““*Tn relation to the second allegation—‘‘that there has been excessive prodigality of expenditure,” in the disburse- ment for the college, we hesitate not to say, that, so far as our knowledge extends, it is wholly destitute of foundation. A thorough investigation of all the accounts, which took place in September last, and in which we participated, satisfied us, and we believe every other member of the board of trustees, that the pecuniary concerns of the institution had been con- ducted with the strictest regard to economy, and that the whole of the work, although executed in the best manner, had been done on the cheapest possible terms which the nature of the case would admit. “As it respects the third allegation—that accounts have been so irregularly kept that no one, except the Bishop, could BISHOP CHASE’S REMINISCENCES. 85 know the actual state of the finances of the college—we must be permitted to observe, that no greater difficulty has been at any time experienced in our settlements with the Bishop, than could have been expected in any extensive establishment, where, from necessity, and a desire to avoid all unnecessary expense, the number of clerks must be limited. Before the adjournment of the board, every account was examined, and carefully compared with the vouchers; and so far from dis- covering anything calculated to shake our confidence in the rectitude of our president, we found everywhere the strongest proofs of his official integrity, and of his entire devotedness to the best interests of the institution. Our sentiments on this point remain unchanged; and we are confident that any impu- tations on the character of the Bishop, in consequence of his connection with the college, must be the offspring of misin- formation or malevolence, let them come from what quarter they may. ‘“«"Phe same observation may be applied with still greater force to the insinuation that the Bishop has appropriated the funds of the institution to his own private emolument. Every one of his public acts, whether as the projector, the agent, the benefactor, or the president, of Kenyon college, proves that a charge of this kind must be a base calumny. ‘The mortgage of his estate to Paul Beck, Esq., of Philadelphia, to secure the payment of debts incurred for the benefit of the institution ; his subscription to the Milnor professorship ; his recent liberal donation of two thousand dollars, besides his valuable library of about one thousand five hundred volumes, and, above all, his almost unparalleled labors, for which no pecuniary reward could afford an adequate remuneration—tend to prove that the good of the Church, and the welfare of the rising genera- tion, and not considerations of individual ease or private inter- est, have influenced his conduct and given activity to his exer- tions. ‘**'Mhe mode in which the Bishop’s subscription to the Milnor professorship has been liquidated, has been heretofore so fully explained in official communications from the board of trustees, and the receipt of it so amply acknowledged in the resolution of the board, of the 11th of September last, that 86 BISHOP CHASE’S REMINISCENCES. it looks more like a work of supererogation, than an act of pos- tive duty, to recur to it at this time. As Dr. Milnor has, how- ever, mentioned it in his communication, as one of the points in relation to which Mr. West had charged the Bishop with mismanagement, we avail ourselves of this occasion for again stating the facts of the case. ‘‘¢ Bishop Chase advances money, out of his private funds, to carry on the purposes of the college; and the trustees, from time to time, acknowledge themselves justly indebted to him. The Bishop, in order to complete the Milnor professorship, subscribes one thousand dollars, but instead of paying it to the persons appointed for a time to hold and manage the funds, ~ the college assumes the debt created by the subscription of Bishop Chase, and the trustees become obligated to pay faith- fully the interest of the said sum of one thousand dollars to the Milnor professor himself, forever ; and for their obligation thus to do, the Bishop gives the trustees credit on their obliga- tion to him for one thousand dollars. Thus Bishop Chase’s money, to the amount of sixty dollars per annum, the lawful interest of the subscription, helps to support the Milnor profes- sor, that being the object in view; and whether this be by having ihe trustees of Kenyon college, or the worthy gentle- men. selected from St. George’s Church, New York, perform the good deed, appears to be of but little consequence. ““«'The report alluded to by Dr. Milnor, that some of the mem- bers of the board of trustees, who concurred in requesting the Bishop to continue his agency, did so because the confusion and complication of the pecuniary concerns of the college were such that no one could be found who would be willing to take charge of them in such a state, we must beg leave to remark, is altogether groundless, so far as we know or believe. The accounts of the Bishop had all been examined and approved, and everything connected with the institution had been ex- plained to our entire satisfaction, when his resignation was received. No other motive, therefore, could have induced the board earnestly to solicit his continuance in the discharge of his arduous duties, than that assigned in their communication —their unanimous conviction that he was better qualified than any other person to direct and manage the extensive BISHOP CHASE’S REMINISCENCES. 87 and complicated concerns of the institution; and that the acceptance of his resignation, at that time, would endanger its best interests. They spoke the language of truth and sincer- ity, and could never have imagined that their belief in the peculiar adaptation of the Bishop to the work for which God in his Providence had evidently fitted him, and their entire confidence in his superior qualifications, as well as in his integ- rity, could ever be converted into an engine of assault against his character. “«We may, in conclusion, be permitted to remark, without overstepping the bounds of that charity ‘‘ which hopeth all things,” that the assertions of the Rev. G. M. West, on any question in which his feelings are interested, ought to be received with a great degree of allowance. ‘There have been for some years past, as we have learned, in the hands of a worthy clergyman of New York, (Rev. Dr. Wainright,) docu- ments seriously affecting his character, both as a man and as a minister; and without giving implicit credit to all that has been or, may be said to his prejudice, the correctness of his unsupported assertions ought, at least, to be weighed in the balance of probability before they are admitted to be true. ¢¢ Joun P. ae ““¢Joun BatLuacue, Trustees of ““¢ Jostan Barzer, Kenyon College. ‘“¢¢ BeEZALEEL WELLS, ““* Columbus, January, 18, 1831.’ “CERTIFICATE OF REV. JAS. M’ELROY, TWO YEARS A CHIEF AUDITOR OF ACCOUNTS OF KENYON COLLEGE. “<Tn the autumn of 1828 I joined Bishop Chase, with the view of rendering him what assistance I could in his disinter- ested and arduous labors. “¢ He signified to me that it was his intention to lay before the donors to Kenyon college a statement of how their dona- tions had been expended, and that it was his wish that I should prepare it. I willingly acceded, and entered upon an examination of all the financial transactions that had taken place on his part as agent for the trustees of Kenyon college. 88 BISHOP CHASE’S REMINISCENCES. I spent six months in this examination, and on the Ist of March, 1829, balanced the books of the institution. ‘“*¢'To convince every one acquainted with accounts that Bishop Chase, or his book-keeper, had not been careless in keeping his accounts, and that the transactions were regularly recorded, it is only necessary to state that the expenditures, as noted in the books, agreed to a cent with the amount of cash received by Bishop Chase on account of the college, the amount of subscriptions received in produce, and the debts due from the college. ‘‘¢Tn the spring and summer of 1830, I again spent my leisure hours at the books of the institution, and assisted the book-keeper to bring them up to September of 1830, and found the transactions regularly recorded, much to his credit. I resided two years in Kenyon college, and during this time had free access to all Bishop Chase’s accounts, and to the store accounts, and I never had reason to think for a moment that Bishop Chase, or his clerks, did not pay the most consci- entious attention to them, and keep them strictly correct. ““¢ James M’Exroy, “* Minister of Trinity Church, Cleveland, Ohio. OC Jan. 22, 1.0312 77 It would be more curious than profitable to follow the course of G. M. West. Though exposed, he felt no shame, but claiming to be Bishop by virtue of the laying on of hands at Mr. Banning’s, he stood forth as the apostle of primitive Episcopacy in Liverpool, England, and gained many hearers ; till at length the bubble burst, and after having been exposed and dismissed with dishonor from the Methodists, Episcopa- lians, and Presbyterians, he at length became so notorious as to lose the power to deceive, and sunk into merited obscurity. Before opening the scenes which follow, as a worthy sequel of West’s conduct, the writer is constrained to revert to BISHOP CHASE’S REMINISCENCES. 89 FIRST PRINCIPLES. No one sentiment ever more effectually immortalized a human being, than the following has done the name of Rich- ard Hooker : “Of law,” saith he, ‘there can be no less acknowledged than that her seat is in the bosom of God—her voice the har- mony of the world. All things in heaven and earth do her homage; the least as feeling her care, the greatest as not exempted from her power. Both angels and men, and crea- tures of what condition soever, though each in different sort and manner, yet all with uniform consent, admiring her as the mother of their peace and joy.’’* Law, thus considered as the representative of righteousness, when giving every one his due, and acting for the good of the whole—for future as well as present inhabitants of the earth —has been respected by all civilized beings, and in no nation has it obtained a greater sway than in that which we call our parent land, and whence we draw our jurisprudence. In that land this law of righteousness hath obtained the venerable name of the common law of England—the law in which all have a common interest, and to which all are obliged to sub- mit; the king on his throne, and the mechanic at his trade, must alike bow submissive to its supreme authority. When Prince, afterwards King Henry the Fifth, broke the law, and insulted the judge, he was imprisoned and suffered his penal- ties, as if the humblest peasant. This common law, or law of righteousness, is paramount to what is termed statute law, because it is antecedent to all human legislators and legislation. It reigns where God alone reigneth, in the hearts and consciences of men. What but this binds man to man, to do unto others as he would have others do to him? What but this compels one generation to fulfil the will of another, when devising estates for the benefit of posterity? What but a ¢rus¢ in this great basis of all law prompts men to industry in acquiring wealth, and to acts of benevolence in bequeathing it to others? On what do they rely in thus spending and ending their lives in deeds of benefi- * Life of Hooker, p. 51. 90 BISHOP CHASE’S REMINISCENCES, cence, but the great principle of common law, that the trustees to whom they commit their wealth are obliged, in the very nature of civil compacts, to use it forever as the donors desire. ~Were this principle lost or disregarded, what a savage state would ensue? It is this great principle of common law which has enshrouded eleemosynary institutions with a mantle of sanctity, of which none but men of vice or ignorance have ever attempted to dispel them. Look to the reports from our higher courts and the opinions of our most learned judges. In these what is there that strikes the eye of a discriminating observer so forcibly, as the maternal, never-dying care, with which justice has guarded every covenant professing to benefit posterity. The moment a deed of charity is conceived in the mind of man, and so brought into being that in its face may be read the features of good will to future generations, that moment the same is named and recorded, and consigned to the bosom of justice, who draws her sword to defend its rights. In this defence the sympathies of all that is good and great among civilized men are engaged. So that he who would attempt, by the hand of violence or the arts of intrigue, to invade the sanctity or divert the destined course of this con- secrated being, has the interests of the human race arrayed in arms against him. All eleemosynary foundations, on this great principle of common law, assume the nature of con- tracts. No legislature can anriul or alter them. And when, through mistaken zeal, or perverted views, or excited feelings, this has been attempted, the stern voice of justice has seldom failed to rebuke and chastise the offenders. Witness the course of Dartmouth college. This institution was founded on donations from England, gathered by Eleazer Wheelock. The legislature of New Hampshire attempted to interfere and control the destinies of the property, contrary to the will of the donors. An appeal was had to the courts of justice, and what said our chief justice, Marshall? He nulli- fied the enactments of New Hampshire, on the ground that they had violated the great principles of common law which /we have here named,—that eleemosynary institutions, as -sacred contracts made for the benefit of the human race ‘ between one generation and another, cannot be violated. The BISHOP CHASE’S REMINISCENCES. 91 donor’s will must prevail, and be obeyed. This was the opinion of the friend of Washington, and the father of the United States’ courts of justice. Of the same sentiment have been all great and good men. ‘That venerable prelate, Arch- bishop Whitgift, in his animated address to Queen Elizabeth, on her majesty’s inquiring how she should dispose of certain lands belonging to the Church, said, with great emphasis: ‘Dispose of them, for Jesus’ sake, as the donors intended. Let neither falsehood nor flattery beguile you to do otherwise, as you expect comfort at the last great day. Church lands,” continued that great and good man, ‘‘ when added to an ancient inheritance, have proved like a moth fretting a gar- ment, and secretly consumed both—or like an eagle, that (with the victim) stole a coal from the altar, and thereby set her nest on fire, which consumed both the young eagles and herself that stole it.” The great principle on which all donations to Ohio were asked and given, was that there should be a theological sem- inary, and the Bishop, for the time being, should be the head of it; that is, have a controlling influence, according to the canons, over the whole. This was the foundation laid at the bottom, antecedent to all legislation on the subject. It was the first idea that struck the mind of every donor. It formed the basis of his motives of giving, and the conditions of his gift. It was the heart and soul of the contract between the donors and the donee; a contract, which neither the legis- lature, nor the Diocese of Ohio, nor any other human power, could righteously annul. Yet this plain and fundamental principle was set aside by the Diocese of Ohio. A college (it was alleged) had been annexed to the seminary ; into this col- lege the seminary had been merged and lost, so as to dismiss the principle above named. The institution, they affirmed, must be governed by a presi- dent having no Episcopal character. If as a Bishop he even presumed to control any disorders in the professors or the stu- dents, however lawfully he might act in obedience to the canons and constitution of the Church, his conduct must be vy viewed as arbitrary, and inconsistent with the spirit of the age. VOL. I. 9 92 BISHOP CHASE’S REMINISCENCES, The fermentation of resistance to the principle mentioned began among the teachers, at the instigation of a leading pro- fessor. The flame, in breaking out, was fanned by the breeze which West had raised on Gambier hill. The same person had kept up the fire among the combustible matter in New York, and notwithstanding the writer’s “‘ Defence against West,”’ the suspicions that something was wrong grew in magnitude, as they did in falsehood, till nearly all of a certain class of persons were infected. To aid in this work there was a brisk correspondence between Gambier, New York, and Cin- cinnati. At the last-named place there lived a gentleman, once a doctor of medicine, who seemed to take up the matter of resistance to Episcopal authority in great earnest. He had been to Gambier the year before, and found fault with the Bishop’s management, and sympathized most deeply with the poor teachers, in that they were under Episcopal control, which it was his principle always to resist. 'The convention was to meet in September, and great pains were taken to elect such delegates as would suit the purposes of the malcontents. On Gambier hill there was much disturbance; though the meetings among the teachers were mostly in secret, yet their effects were soon visible in the disrespectful conduct of many of the pupils to the Bishop and his family. It was reported by the professors that it was the intention of the Bishop to turn them all away, and great pains were taken that the scholars would pledge themselves to go too. That they all deserved to be turned away, could not be doubted, and from a consciousness of this truth doubtless it was that they expected it; but that the college should be ruined in such an event they all seemed determined, and therefore they took great pains to prejudice the minds of the students, and engage them all to go with their teachers. The most artful means were used. 'They were detained after recitations and addressed on this subject, with a view to gain their sympathies in favor of the teachers, and prejudice them against the Bishop. Any one acquainted with human nature, and the influence of the instructors over the minds of their pupils, may easily suppose they could not fail to be successful. In this respect, perhaps, the world never witnessed a more complete ascen- > BISHOP CHASE’S REMINISCENCES. 93 dency of designing men on the minds of unsuspecting youth. At length there appeared great boldness on the part of the teachers against the Bishop. They found fault with him for almost everything. 'The magnitude of Rosse chapel was ‘made the subject of great censure among the professors. “The compartment for the chancel,’ they said, ‘‘ was too large, and too much in the style of the English cathedrals,” and then it was to be under the rectoral power of the Bishop. One of them went so far as to tell the Bishop, that “this chapel was the cause of all his troubles.’ The writer was amazed at this observation, till then not knowing that any had complained of him on this score. At length the conduct of the professors and teachers became very disrespectful; they wrote him insulting notes; at length, to close all, they ad- dressed him jointly, in a most unbecoming letter, written in very bad taste, and accusing him of “exercising arbitrary power,” and signed the same, not with their individual names, but with these words, ‘‘The professors of Kenyon college,” and published it to the world. > 94 BISHOP CHASE’S REMINISCENCES. CHAPTER VLT. CONVENTION oF 1831—THE ADDRESS—THINGS LAWFUL AND THINGS UNLAWFUL SET FORTH IN IT—AN INVESTIGATION OF THE CHARGES OF THE PROFESSORS DEMANDED—-REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON THE ADDRESS—-CONDUCT AND REFLECTIONS ON HEARING IT—RESIGNA- TION—COMMITTEE OF “ REGRETS ”—SOLILOQUY. A crave accusation of exercising arbitrary power, made by the professors of a public institution against the president thereof, and the same published in the newspapers, was so unusual a thing in well-regulated society, especially in the Episcopal Church, wherein there is supposed to be retained something like order and respect for age and station, that the writer of this memoir could not but suppose that the Con- vention of Ohio would take some notice of it, with a view to have justice done. Accordingly, he made the “ Professors’” accusation the subject matter of his conventional address,— having it in view to try the justice of the charge before that body, so far as to convict the accusers of slander; which if not done, and himself found in the fault, to appeal to a higher court to be tried by his peers. To this end, and with this view, he had written his address. But just before the day on which the Convention should meet, the writer, in crossing the timbers laid for the floor of Ross Chapel, made a mis- step, and fell between two joists having sharp corners; his leg sustaining his whole weight, and the corner of the lower edge of one joist cutting across, his ankle was wounded nearly to the bone. The pain was excruciating, and not- withstanding all timely applications, the flesh of the whole limb became inflamed ; and the effort to walk was almost insufferable. In this condition, however, the writer had to attend and open the Convention. Considering the nature of his intended address, he desired the doors to be closed. That address was as follows :— BISHOP CHASE’S REMINISCENCES. 95 THE BISHOP’S ADDRESS.
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# Copyright 2019 GreenWaves Technologies, SAS # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Implements weight equalization as per import logging import math from copy import copy import numpy as np from graph.types import (ActivationParameters, FilterParameters, FusionParameters) from stats.ranges import Ranges from stats.scales import Scales LOG = logging.getLogger('nntool.'+__name__) def discover_groups(G, do_relun=False): groups = [] group = [] neurons = [] last_neuron = None for step in G.graph_state.steps: node = step['node'] # nodes cannot have multiple outputs if len(G.successors( != 1 or len(G.successors([0]) != 1: last_neuron = None group = add_group(group, groups, neurons) continue # can equalize indicates that the node can be included in the group if not node.can_equalize: last_neuron = None group = add_group(group, groups, neurons) continue if isinstance(node, FilterParameters): last_neuron = add_neuron(, node, last_neuron, neurons, group) continue if isinstance(node, ActivationParameters) and\ last_neuron is not None and\ (node.activation == 'relu6' or node.activation == 'relun'): # To implement for RELU6 requires a RELUN with a per channel N # which doesn't have a generator as yet so this is just for testing # at present if not do_relun: last_neuron = None group = add_group(group, groups, neurons) continue assert 'activation' not in last_neuron, "weird 2 activations after conv" last_neuron['activation'] = node continue if isinstance(node, FusionParameters): # TODO - Add reluN support for fusions filters = node.contained_filters() if len(filters) == 1: last_neuron = add_neuron(, filters[0], last_neuron, neurons, group) if group: add_group(group, groups, neurons) return groups, neurons def add_group(group, groups, neurons): if group:"Adding group with %d neuron pairs", len(group)) groups.append(group) neurons.append(group[-1][1]) group = [] return group def add_neuron(node_name, node, last_neuron, neurons, group): new_neuron = {'name': node_name, 'node': node, 'weights': None, 'biases': None} if last_neuron is not None: neurons.append(last_neuron)"Discovered neuron pair %s -> %s", last_neuron['name'], new_neuron['name']) group.append((last_neuron, new_neuron)) last_neuron = new_neuron return last_neuron def calculate_s(range_1, range_2): assert len(range_1) == len(range_2) # note: the paper is wrong. It should be 1/range2 not 1/range1 return [(1/range_2[i]) * math.sqrt(range_1[i] * range_2[i]) for i in range(len(range_1))] class QuantizationError(Exception): pass def calculate_precisions(step): nn_0 = step[0] nn_1 = step[1] ranges_0, max_0 = Ranges.range_output(nn_0['node'], weights=nn_0['weights']) ranges_1, max_1 = Ranges.range_input(nn_1['node'], weights=nn_1['weights']) prec_0 = ranges_0/max_0 prec_1 = ranges_1/max_1 return prec_0, prec_1 def process_group(group, threshold): total_precision = 0 cycles = 0 # Keep going until we converge while True: precisions = [] cycles += 1 if cycles > 50: raise QuantizationError("Weight scaling has failed to converge") for step in group: prec_0, prec_1 = calculate_precisions(step) precisions.append(np.sum(prec_0 * prec_1)) new_total_precision = sum(precisions) # end when the precision change drops below threshold if abs(new_total_precision - total_precision) < threshold:"group has converged under %f after %d cycles", threshold, cycles) break total_precision = new_total_precision # note: traversing in reverse order. Not sure that it makes any difference. for step in reversed(group): nn_0 = step[0] nn_1 = step[1] # get the ranges of the output channels of layer 0 and input channels of layer 2 ranges_0, _ = Ranges.range_output(nn_0['node'], weights=nn_0['weights']) ranges_1, _ = Ranges.range_input(nn_1['node'], weights=nn_1['weights']) scale = calculate_s(ranges_0, ranges_1) if 'activation' in nn_0: if 'relun' not in nn_0: if nn_0['activation'].activation == "relu6": nn_0['relun'] = [6.0] * len(scale) elif nn_0['activation'].activation == "relun": if isinstance(nn_0['activation'].activation_params, list): nn_0['relun'] = copy(nn_0['activation'].activation_params) else: nn_0['relun'] = [nn_0['activation'].activation_params] * len(scale) nn_0['relun'] = [relun/s for relun, s in zip(nn_0['relun'], scale)] # now apply the scale to the output and input channels nn_0['weights'], nn_0['biases'] =\ Scales.scale_output(nn_0['node'], scale, nn_0['weights'], nn_0['biases']) nn_1['weights'] = Scales.scale_input(nn_1['node'], scale, nn_1['weights']) def process_groups(groups, threshold=0.01): for group in groups:"processing group") process_group(group, float(threshold)) def update_parameters(neurons): for neuron in neurons: params = neuron['node'] params.weights = neuron['weights'] if neuron['biases'] is not None: params.biases = neuron['biases'] if 'relun' in neuron: act = neuron['activation'] act.activation = 'relun' act.activation_params = neuron['relun'] def weight_equalization(G, threshold=0.01, do_relun=False):"discovering groups") groups, neurons = discover_groups(G, do_relun=do_relun) if groups and neurons:"found %d groups and %d neurons", len(groups), len(neurons)) process_groups(groups, threshold) update_parameters(neurons) G.graph_identity.set_equalized(threshold) else: LOG.warning("no groups to equalize found") def adjust_biases(G, stats): for nid, stat in stats.items(): node = nid.get_node(G) if isinstance(node, FilterParameters): chan_err = np.array(stat['chan_err'], dtype=np.float32) if node.has_bias: node.biases = node.biases - chan_err else: node.has_bias = True node.biases = chan_err * -1 # TODO - set quantization of biases
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A HELP TO HAPPINESS Often the happiness of early married life is marred by the necessity of saving the money required, to start housekeeping. It's easier and better to save this money before marriage. Make your first deposit now and be ready. Fidelity Savings Bank MARSHALLTOWN, IOWA On Saturday evening, 1:30 to 5:00, Coughs No cough can linger when Mayor's White Pine Cough Syrup is taken. It is a vegetable remedy, which contains none of the narcotics which make the majority of cough mixtures seem to cure when they only drug. Mayor's White Pine Cough Syrup gets right at the root of the matter and corrects the condition which causes the cough. That is why it is so good for children, also quick in its effect on adults' coughs. We warrant it. PRICE, 25 AND 50c I have lost because you have missed an opportunity to secure a good position with pleasant work, a good salary, and splendid visitors always welcome. Guarantee December 2. M—M umEm chances for promotion, DON'T LOSE NEXT YEAR Our thorough courses prepare you for success on the farm and in the office. They are certainly worth while. Guarantee CHICAGO GREAT WESTERN WINTER TOURIST RATES TO THE SOUTH, SOUTH, EAST AND SOUTHWEST DAILY Write for free, Illustrated catalog, and Address: W. GILBERT, Principal, Marshalltown, Iowa. Bar Sickness From the Nursery, the children well! The best way to insure their health is to use to which they are most subject. You can prevent the attacks of guard them against attacks of sickness by fortifying them with the oldest and most reliable medicine and tonic known— DR. D. JAYNE'S TONIC VERMIFUGE. A Safe Worm Cure. A large percentage of children's ills are directly due to this cause, and to the weakening effect of worms on the child's frail system. JAYNE'S TONIC VERMIFUGE has for over four generations successfully expelled worms and kept children strong and healthy. This long-tried worm-cure and child's tonic is the best medicine you can possibly give your children and the best way you can insure their health. Per bottle, 35c. and 50c. JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT has been a reliable cure for Croup, Whooping Cough, Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis and other lung troubles for 77 years. Homeseekers' Tickets to the West, Southwest, and other territory on sale, 1st and 3rd Tuesdays. Two Cents per mile between all stations on the Chicago Great Western Railway. For information and Tickets, apply to the GREAT WESTERN AGENT J. M. HOLT, PETER MAYER, PHARMACIST, A 19 West Main Street, MARSHALL, IOWA. A ON E A A W EXAMINATION of ABSTRACTS BANKRUPTCY proceedings and PROBATE matters given special attention. Office, 16 West Main Street, MARSHALLTOWN IOWA IF YOU DON'T ATTEND THE RIV WE BOTH LOSE "WE HAVE LOST, during the past year, because we have not been able to supply enough graduates from our combined courses to fill all the calls from progressive Business firms for competent stenographers. And bookkeepers. TIMES-REPUBLICAN PRINTING CO., TIMES: Let your subscription by mail $1.00 By the month by mail $0.50 Delivered by carrier by the month $0.50 Local rate per year $4.00 Intend at the post office The Messenger finds fault with the mulct law, not as wrong in principle or too severe in its provisions, but complains that it "offers a reward as well as an opportunity, for blackmailing methods and for graft that it offers a bounty to the universally despised private Informer and his agents and attorneys." The Messenger states plainly that trouble came into the Davenport situation not because the people of that city favor violation of law, but because of the motive and object of the prosecution. It says: It will be remembered that preceding the fight of Captain Neal from the city no attempt was made to enforce the provisions of the mulct law. Out of a dozen conditions found in the code for the conduct of mulct saloons, not one in its entirely was included in the so-called decree entered by the court against the saloons on petition of Captain Neal. The protest of our people was not against the enforcement of the law, but against the subterfuges under which six or seven thousand dollars was taken out of the city by one who was looking for an excuse to leave the city as soon as he could get his booty out of safety. This talk of sending the militia to Davenport is sheer nonsense. What would they do, did they come? Nowhere in the The state would they find as peaceable a community, no place in which even Captain Neal under similar conditions would be safer, than in Davenport. He had ample police protection and in the whole contention as we know it, there was but one attempt at personal violence and that irresponsible. The Messenger's statement has much corroboration. When he saw the governor and the attorney general, Captain Neal was through with Davenport. When asked what he wanted done and what protection he needed, the captain wanted nothing and had no intention to go back to Davenport. He was through and going away. However, he was considered a "good enough Morgan" to serve the political purposes of men to whom any opportunity to throw mud at the governor is looked upon as a Godsend. The Messenger's story is one not uncommon in Iowa. Saloons have been grafted and held up in other Iowa cities, and will be again. However, it is not primarily the fault of the law but of the men who disobey and defy it that makes this graft sure and profitable. Blackmailing operations are not confined to saloon operators, but affect all who have crime or shame to conceal. It is also true that saloons and individuals which have been flagrant and open lawbreakers are the first to cry "blackmail." There is no excuse nor should be leniency for the blackmailer or for the saloon that defies the law. It may as well be understood first as last that Iowa law must be supreme over the plans and the necessities and desires of local "sports" and their followers. Davenport has acquired a bad name, not so much through the magnified reports of her trouble but through the negligence of decent citizens to assume control of city government. It has been a riecca for prize fighters, gamblers and the classes that resort in wide open towns. The Messenger says: "Those who are acquainted with conditions, and public opinion and private sentiment in Davenport, know that if upon proper information the county attorney had proceeded to enforce the law as it stands on the books there would have been no ebullition of temper, no denunciations and no public exhibitions of animosity sufficient to have attracted even local attention." Perhaps so. But Davenport has little call to complain of news reports that put the city in the light of lawlessness until respectability rouses itself sufficiently to see that the county attorney proceeds to enforce the law at least to some degree. NEWSPAPERS AND RAILROADS. The Georgia railroad commission has stated the privileges of contract between railroads and newspapers under the new law. It recently issued an order which has been construed in different ways but explains now that the purpose of the order was to prevent the use of the mail as second class mail. Marshall's own as second class mail steamship. It. J. Shannon, Manager. Brunswick Building, New York. N. Y. THE DAVENPORT SIDE. The Catholic Messenger of Davenport, prints in full at the head of its editorial page the law and order resolutions recently passed by the Catholic clergy of Davenport as expressive of the views of the great majority of the people of Davenport "irrespective of class, vocation or religious affiliation," and deplores the "highly intemperate, injudicious and slanderous reports current in the press of the state," which have spread the impression that Davenport is lawless and prone to interfere with justice. It declares that the recent exhibition of resentment in Davenport, made so much of throughout the state, was not a protest against the enforcement of the mulct law, or an attempted enforcement of it, by proper officers whose duty it is to enforce law, but was a protest against the methods adopted in this city. Commenting on the order, the Atlanta Journal says. This is a position which will be improved by the general public of the state of Georgia. It is founded on wisdom and common sense, as applied to business dealings. Where the charge for advertising and the charge for transportation are at the established rates charged, the general public would seem to be no warrant in law or equity for the railroad commission or any other authority, to say that these respective charges should be paid in gold or silver or currency, and not in commodities. Since money is merely the representative of values, voluntarily adopted to avoid the more cumbersome system of barter, which is the essence of the transaction, the parties at interest should be free to barter directly if they desire to do so, and on this basis a newspaper has a perfect right to exchange its advertising space for railroad transportation. It must, of course, be understood that the transaction is a perfectly bona fide one. It must be on a dollar for dollar basis. There must be no "exchange of courtesies," under the name of an exchange of commodities. The railroads must be charged an established price for advertising, and the newspapers must be charged the same rate for transportation that the general public has to pay. SOMETHING NEW AND DIFFERENT. The Times-Republican is pleased to announce that it has secured a serial by Helen Martin, author of "The Life, a Mennonite Maid," and other stories of the "Pennsylvania Dutch," a type that the author draws with the fidelity of birthright and long association. The serial, "His Courtship," will begin tomorrow, and run through twenty-seven. Chapter of rare interest. It is delightfully humorous, sympathetic, and altogether a charming story. To those who are familiar with the old time Dunkards, Mennonites and various religious and sectional Pennsylvanian types, the story will bring back many pleasing and humorous recollections. Those who have never known any of these will find a new field to enter and a new type to study and appreciate. Considered strictly as a story for an idle hour, it is full of interesting situations and a mystery trail through it to be explained at last to the entire satisfaction of the reader. As no story would be a picture of life without it, a love affair, clean, sweet and wholesome, runs through the story. Topics of the Times Governor Hoch of Kansas is said to be looking to a United States senator's ship. However, Kansas may not be ready to say "Hoch the senator." The railroads and stock brokers who are growing at "Roosevelt's assumption of power" are growing over a lost bond. The railroads from issuing any transportation except upon a dollar for dollar basis. If a newspaper, or anyone else, desires to contract with a newspaper to do work for a railroad to be paid for in advertising, the commission considers that such a party has a perfect right to do so, but the order of the commission prevents the railroad from giving transportation upon this or any other basis in excess of the value of the consideration given in return. Read the new story. It is the best Helen Martin has yet written. t-. Foot ball has just taken a start in Russia, where the emperor is said to look askance at as likely to prove a bomb game. Those germ-infested treasury notes had their uses. When shall we see their like again? Mr. Bryan is still of willing mind and ready to issue any amount of presidential clearing house paper. Cahillon's stick is looking up—Burlington Hawkeye. But he seems to keep the lock on his barrel. An anti-saloon league lawyer at Sioux City has been threatened with Hadock's fate. Listen to the Journal call for troops—but don't hold your breath while you listen. Three Des Moines men, seventy-three ducks and a game warden made a combination at a Des Moines depot that is likely to cost the hunters about $730 if the fine is assessed and collected as it should be. The officers of the Iowa National Guard should not be elected as good fellows, but appointed and promoted for efficiency. The Louisville Courier Journal is talking of the "Diazifcation of Theodore Roosevelt," which would indicate that all Kentucky didn't go prohibition. Just "jolly" the currency situation along and it will soon become a jolly situation. The Glad Hand removes liver inaction and bowel stop with Dr. King's New Life Pills, the painless regulators. 25c. McBride, Iowa. Iowa would present a great sight to the nation if her governor should gallop hither and thither over the commonwealth calling out the militia to enforce the laws, and the ministers are beginning to realize the fact," says the Humboldt Republican. "Governor Cummins has never winked at law violation, and still has never indulged in grand-stand bluffing or tomfool threats in municipalities that have officers sworn to enforce the laws." The case of a Marshalltown man who was reported as being dead as a joke, because he never wrote to his friends, strikes the Centerville Citizen as one "similar to the man who does not advertise." "If the federal crowd is going to play the 'buttinski' act on the senatorial matter at the primary next year, some of the fellows are very apt to come out of the affray with sore heads," predicts the Parkersburg Eclipse. "Before an office holder butts into the game of politics he wants to be sure that he has the gang with him." "The high school ought to debate on the question of how much currency the banks ought to let a depositor have who doesn't need his money, but just wants to make sure he can get it if he wants it," suggests the Afton Star Enterprise. In Iowa, the writer heard some interesting things concerning the sugar beet business, which quite a number of farmers in that vicinity entered into contracts with the Waverly Sugar Beet Manufactory. Many carloads are now being shipped to Waverly from Hampton and Bristol. It has been a bad year for the beet output as well as corn in this vicinity, but the contract price, the yield, and the net price will even this year give as good returns for the raiser as the same number of acres were planted to corn. Knowing that the Iowa farmer objects very much to doing any kind of farming that cannot be done by machinery, and beet raising is hand work, the Waverly company in their contracts offered to do all of the cultivating of the crop for $20 an acre, the farmer to plant, harvest and deliver the beets on cars at the railroad station. When the farmer accepts this part of the deal, the company sends a family of man, wife and children that bring a tent and camp out on the farm till the beets are grown and need no further cars. And right here is the possible solution of the sugar beet industry in Iowa. Its labor, cheap labor that must be had, for after planting the beets all that follows is hand labor. We've got the soil, the yield per acre is sufficient to bring a big return, and the beets are rich in sugar percentage, but the Iowa farmer will not do the work, neither will his children, or his children's children. "They don't have to." For several years Bristow has raised hundreds of acres of cabbage. This year this crop, like the best and corn crop, is not up to standard. But the raising of cabbage is now all machine work, excepting the harvest, which consists of cutting the head by hand labor. This cabbage industry around Bristow has come to stay, it's no longer an experiment. This is proven by the fact that at least three extensive cabbage raisers are building this year cement storage houses, capable of holding from three to eleven car loads in each building. These buildings are only, say half, above the ground, and arranged so That the cabbage heads can be held on the farm till a good market price is contracted, of course being frost proof. Heretofore, the sauer kraut manufacturers have paid about what they pleased when the cabbage crop was ready for market, but hereafter, the Bristow, cabbage raiser will put his cabbages in his own cold storage house unless a paying price is offered when the crop is ready for market. Grain dealers in some localities where the banks are only paying $10 a day to depositors, say its killing their business. That other towns are supplying their grain men with cash or cashing in full their checks for the grain they buy. That the farmers have "caught oh" and are hauling their grain where they can get the actual cash. Another interesting thing of this $10 a day business is that some men claim they have succeeded in getting much more, evidently "standing in with the bank." Bankers themselves tell the writer it is no longer an ironclad rule, and that if John Jones really needs the money he gets it. In other words, the banks are not like the Dutch in sticking together. To an outsider it would seem that a once famous saying could not profitably be repeated. "The way to resume is to resume." RANKIN DISPLEASED Editor Times-Republican: Governor A. B. Cummins comes forward with the proposition that the governor be given power to remove local officers and offers it to the people as a cure for the liquor lawlessness all over the state of Iowa. He seeks the endorsement of the Ministerial Association of Des Moines, and through them the temperance people of the state, urging in his letter of yesterday that they get the results of their action before the people. I have visited and conducted temperance meetings in states where such laws are in force and feel that I owe it to the people of Iowa to warn them against giving their support to the governor's proposition. The power vested in the governors to remove local liquor traffic in the state. The recent progress of the temperance movement, especially in the south, was the theme of the opening address of Mrs. L. M. N. Stevens, president of the Women's Christian Temperance Union, at its recent annual convention at Nashville, Tenn. Each triumph gained over the liquor traffic in one section, she said, was of national value and the 600 delegates cheered wildly the proposal to carry the fight into the entire north next year. Officers as an effective measure to enforce the general violation of the liquor laws is a colossal failure and I challenge him to prove its efficiency. He wrote out governor's removal bill three years ago when the legislature was in session, so a friend of his informed me, and a friend of mine saw it and read it, it has been under cover, neither offered to the legislature nor published. Why not Mr. Governor publish your bill and give the temperance people the privilege of reading and criticize it. This is a time when the people of Iowa cannot afford to rush hastily to the support of a measure they know little or nothing about. The last state marshal convention voted unanimously to reject the governor's proposition. The removal of local officers elected by the people is a very delicate matter. It is usually opposed by the people with vigor, bitter resentment, and political strife and only submitted to in the most extreme cases of riot and open complicity of the officers with law defiance. It is to meet these extreme and exceptional conditions and not for general law enforcement that these extraordinary powers have been conferred upon the governor. The lawless liquor selling in New York where the governor has the largest power over local officers, if the most general all over the state, then perhaps any all over the state, than perhaps any other state of the union. I have conducted temperance meetings in about fifty cities in New York, the saloons with scarcely a single exception were wide open on Sunday and generally conducted in the most defiance of law that I have found in any other state. The governor's power to remove officers seemed to cut no figure whatever. The Anti-Saloon league and other organizations were using the same methods to enforce the law that they used in Iowa. Now that the people are aroused and ready to support reasonable and practical legislation to secure better enforcement of the law, it is the duty of all ministerial associations and every temperance organization to carefully and honestly investigate the governor's proposition before they endorse it as a solution of liquor law enforcement in Iowa. A. C. RANKIN. DO NOT GET UP WITH A XAMB BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the newspapers is sure to know of the wonderful cures made by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It is the great medical triumph of the nineteenth century discovered after years of scientific research by Dr. Kilmer, the eminent kidney and bladder specialist, and is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back, uric acid, catarrh of the bladder and fright's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not recommended for everything but if you have kidney, liver, or bladder trouble it will be found just the remedy, you need. It has been tested in so many ways, in hospital work and in private practice, and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper, who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N.Y. The regular fifty-cent and one dollar size bottles are sold by all good druggists. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N.Y. It's your move to have dealings with careful laundry, bearing a laundry establishment, good reputation. Every time you entrust the Meeker Laundry with your bundles, you have the satisfaction of knowing you are securing high class work for your money. We are proud to say we have no dissatisfied patrons. The Meeker Laundry. The slow and steady, it is so popular. Lead Packets Only. Gillette No. THEN YOU'LL KNOW WHY Annual Sales Exceed 18,000,000 Packets. At All Grocers. Guaranteed absolutely pure, as required by the Pure Food Laws of 1907. LAYHOLIDA GOODS ASIDE NOW Bracelets in Xmas Styles They're new—they're stylish, and what more? They are very desirable, the gold filled kinds are here being strictly guaranteed for a considerable time. The old time trouble of finding a bracelet to have vanished, for these new products of the jewelers shops are arranged so as to fit any size wrist. We show them in generous sized lines—the plain sorts, those with signet tops, and others jeweled with a locket toos so that some treasured photo may be safely tucked away and still be ready for instant viewing at any moment. Surely these are novel bracelets. Price $3.50 and Upwards HE JOSEPH JEWELRY select Bulbs—Mixed Colors—$1.75 per 100. We have thousands of them. Visit our greenhouses and enjoy the grand sight. 29 North Third St., Marshalltown Transfer Co, STORAGE FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS, MERCHANDISE, ETC, PIANOS AND SAFES MOVED IS WEST MAIN STREET MARSHALLTOWN, IOWA Flavor, Purity, Healthfulness are the three qualities to look for in Beer— you will find them all in "Banquet." A perfect plant, the best materials and thorough knowledge of brewing methods enable us to produce such a beer as Banquet, Guaranteed under the food and drug act of June 30th 1906, serial No. 3742. Dnboque B Brewing & Malting Co., Dubuque, Iowa. P. E. GIFFORD, Wholesale Dealer.
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Public Domain
A NT! 'SUFFS' DÉFÉND FLIGHT FROM STATE EDONIAN U A U y V V Fail ton'J?ht and Tues- i. " JL V 11. day. Continued cool. Fresh north winds. A Newspaper Covering the Entire Northeast Section of Vermont State Every Working Day. LATEST EDITION VOI V-NUMBER 50 STORNSBURY, VERMONT, MONDAY, AUGUST 23, 1920? PRICE TWO CENTS HEREICA GIYES warning to poland -..... t EMERY FLAYS OPPONENTS IN ENOSBURG SPEECH Declares "Wets" Believe They Can Expect More of Babbitt Than of Agan (Special to Caledonian-Record) ENOSBURG, FALLS, Vt., Aug. 21 Col. C. S. Emery of Newport tore the claims of his opponents in the race for the Republican nomination for governor, which opened in the most direct and laying attack he has made during his campaign in a spice in Bellevue Hall last night. He declared that the "wets" have turned from Candidale Agan to F. H. Bab bitt in his belief that Babbitt can do more for them as governor than could Agan. He scored the "sugar and being used to buy the gubernatorial nomination and said that $1,000 was enough for any candidate to spend during the primaries. The candidate also laid great stress on campaign expenses, claiming that he was under an avalanche of money which he "could not withstand." He claimed credit for being the father of the present corrupt practices act "which only one candidate has dared in violation." He added, "I could not withstand," he added, "and promised that if he were governor he would have the act amended so as to place a limit of $1,000 on what a candidate for the nomination might spend in furtherance of his candidacy." He also laid down to credit for his position on woman suffrage, long held since 1858. Mr. Emery declared that the industrial development of Vermont on any extensive lines was an impossibility and characterized such a attempt as flying in the face of Providence. Mr. Emery was introduced to his audience by Edward Tyler, who said that Vermont had been unfortunate in her choice of the two latest governors, but expressed the thought that the state would not suffer, whichever one of the four candidates now in the Senate were given the honor. On taking the platform, Mr. Emery's first assertion was that he was not opposed to the industrial development of Vermont and proceeded to disclaim responsibility for his supporters who were making his position appear differently. "I have said that I wanted all the industrial development the state can take care of," he continued, "but I do think that agriculture and quarries and forests are vastly more important." "I don't believe that we can bring the coal and steel from Pennsylvania up here into Vermont and run manufacturing where the Great Almighty did not intend we should do it. Mr. Hartness talks about making money for the state, always money. It is camouflage. It can't be done. All this talk about more industries for Vermont is camouflage. We ought to center all our energies on our farms, quarries, and forests. Mr. Emery declared that Mr. Hartness' program. Of state development (Continued on Page 5) The Chautauqua Orchestra Chautauqua An acoustic principle of the resonating chambers of the pipe organ adapted to the production of music in The Chautauqua. Vibrant, imparting richness and quality to tones. The Cheney Orchestra, Charms, respond to and develop every range of pitch. Tones are held under perfect control and in perfect balance. Protected by his past experience. See LYMAN K. HARVEY, At the Art Bazaar, 50 Eastern Ave., St. Johnsbury, and at his home, Passumpsie. LOCKED STEERING GEAR-XAUSES AUTO ACCIDENT. Alvie Calderwood and Roy Holland Have Narrow Escape. Alvie Calderwood, a member of the firm of C. A. Calderwood, Inc., and Roy Holland, employed as an undertaker for the concern, narrowly escaped serious injury when the speeding gear of the Dodge Sedan in which they were returning was turned into a two-story house, causing the machine to strike a telephone pole in front of the Ledere block on Portland Street and skid across the Street, smashing into a two-story house. Fortunately, neither of the men were injured, except for the fact that Mr. Calderwood received lightly speeding. Mr. Calderwood and Mr. Holland had been called to East Concord in the evening to prepare for burial the body of Mrs. Addie Downer of that town who died Sunday evening. On the way over, Mr. Calderwood, who was driving the car, complained of trouble with the steering apparatus, but seemed unable to locate the trouble. On the return trip, the trouble became more serious until the car entered the Portland Street bridge. Corning over the knoll just before leaving the Ledere block, the machine became uninhabited although Mr. Calderwood decisored he was not driving more than 20 or 25 miles per hour. Unable to guide the car, it prazed the telephone pole in front of the Ledere block and swept across the road, striking head on into the front veranda of a two-story tenement, occupied by John Legendre and family and Alexander Guyer and family. Two posts holding up the piazza, the gate between these posts and every spoke in the veranda railing were knocked out and several clapboards in the house smashed by the impact bumpers of the machine. The occupants of the house were awakened suddenly from their slumbers and were at first bewildered. It sounded to them, they said, as if an earthquake had struck the house. The veranda was a mass of debris, glass and chips of wood being scattered all around. The machine was badly demolished. Many reports were circulated after the accident that Mr. Calderwood, and Mr. Holland were racing with Kailey Follensby, their car going at the rate of sixty miles an hour. Upon investigation these rumors were found to be wholly untrue. Mr. Calderwood admitted, and reported to the police, that he was traveling about 25 miles but declared the tale of his speeding was unfounded. He said also that he passed Mr. Follensby on Portland Street, but that the (Continued on page four) ENEY The Master THE virtuoso finds beauties in a core of music overlooked by those with lesser talent. Under his hand, every note is played perfectly kept in proper relation to the whole. The Chancy reproduces his music with equal skill in a sense of Orchestra Chambers, high, medium and low tones are developed in volume, sweetened in quality, and given back to the world just as they were played. It is the highest achievement in the art of musical reproduction, and the penod cabinet rival in beauty the masterpiece of the most expert craftsmen in future creation. CHENEY TALKING MACHINE COMPANY. MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HERE TODAY Members of the Tennessee House of Representatives here today issued a formal statement addressed to the people of Tennessee setting forth their reasons for breaking a quorum in the House by leaving the State. It bears the signature of 37 members, of whom 27 are Democrats and 10 Republicans. Enumerating "reasons for our actions in breaking a quorum in order to prevent the passage of the resolution ratifying the suffrage amendment to the constitution", the message says: "We are convinced that the methods which were adopted to secure the passage of said amendment were improper and not justified. We believe that the majority of the people of Tennessee do not favor the ratification of said amendment. We felt to have ratified, said amendment would have been to surrender the sovereign rights of the state, on the question of suffrage, which is one of the most important and sacred rights conferred and the only defense the people of Tennessee have to protect the people and the only way we could serve was to take the course that we have taken. We fully understand that our action could only be justified by the tremendous issues involved." "SUFFS" HOPE FOR LEGAL DECISION BEFORE NOVEMBER NASHVILLE, Tenn., Aug. 23 Both factions in the Tennessee suffrage fight prepared today for a legal battle over the legislature's ratification of the suffrage amendment. Suffrage workers and their opponents thought the next step in the controversy would be the hearing on a temporary writ of injunction issued Saturday restraining state officials from certifying to the vote to be sent to Washington. The Tennessee constitutional league which brought the suit on the ground that the legislature under the state constitution had no right to ratify the suffrage amendment, has announced it will carry the fight, if necessary to the United States Supreme Court. Officials of the league predicted that the injunction would prevent women voting for at least 18 months. Suffrage leaders expressed the belief, that the courts would uphold the ratification by the Tennessee legislature in time for women to vote in November. OIL COMPANY FIGURES IN "HIGH FINANCE" BOSTON, Aug. 23 The financial operations of the Old Colony Foreign Exchange Co., headed by Charles M. Brightwell, with the Longton Oil and Gas System Inc., of which he was president, will be one of the most important concerns which the receiver of the first named company will investigate. The activities of the Old Colony Foreign Exchange Co. were detailed during the investigation of Charles Ponzi's affairs, after several hundred thousands of dollars had been invested by those lured by the "100 percent promises." Mr. Hanna said today that he would appoint an auditor to examine the Old Colony Foreign Exchange Co.'s books and determine if transfer of money had been made to other companies in which the company's officers were involved. are interested. Three of these officers, Brightwell, Raymond Meyers and Fred Myers are still in jail held on charges of larceny in default of $50,000 bonds each. "At present," said Mr. Hannigan, "I do not know how much money was transferred to Wrightwell as president and treasurer of the Old Colony Foreign Exchange Co. to the Longton Oil and Gas system, Inc., of which Brightwell was also president, but this phase of the examination will be gone into thoroughly." COL. HARVEY AT WORK ON LEAGUE OF NATIONS ISSUE MARION, O., Aug. 23 Col. Geo., Harvey of New York continued today the conference with Senator Harding and his advisors which began Saturday and extended over the weekend. It was indicated at Harding's headquarters that his visit had to do with the League of Nations issue of which the Republican nominee is preparing a speech to be delivered here Saturday, but details of his conferences were not revealed. As an irreconcilable opponent of the league, Col. Harvey has been a prominent figure in the fight against it. Funeral of Edward M. Carr Saturday Afternoon The funeral of Edward M. Carr was held at his home on Main Street Saturday afternoon and was largely attended by friends from St. Johnsbury and elsewhere. Rev. R. B. Richards conducted the service and the burial was under the auspices of Passumpsie Lodge, No. 27, F. & A. M. There was a profusion of floral tributes from many friends. Both the local office of the Twin State Gas & Electric Company and the Boston office sent contributions as well as Passumpsie lodge. The bearers were Chester, R. Burns, Edward A. Cramton, Kenneth S. Flint and G. Morton Taylor. The burial was in Mt. Pleasant cemetery. SOLDIER BOYS RETURN TO CIVILIAN LIFE Companics D and L Received Praise for Excellent Service at Camp Members of Company D of St. Johnsbury and Company L, of Newport, who represented Northeastern Vermont at the annual encampment of the First Vermont Regiment, National Guard, which has just closed at Camp Devens, Ayer, Mass., dropped back into civil life today to take up the duties they left two weeks ago. It was a healthy and happy bunch of men that returned from the muster and the people of this section of the state have good reasons to be very proud of their soldier sons. There are some persons who look upon the annual maneuvers of the various national guard organizations as more or less of a two-week's vacation, but let it be said from one who knows from experience, it is anything out of a picnic. The men who made the trip to the big Massachusetts cantonment went there to carry out a lengthy program of good stiff work and under the export guidance of their respective officers, these civilian soldiers were able to complete as extensive a program of military activities as any military organization has ever been required to do. Those who were fortunate enough to get a look at the boys as they marched to their armories from the St. Johnsbury and Newport railroad stations late Saturday afternoon were convinced that a two-week's careful training will do a world of good in training a bunch of "rookies." It is a fact that the larger portion of the men that went away two weeks ago were comparatively unaccustomed to the real army game, but there were few of these men that Eurununu baturday without a good. "Uonoungx; oi militai affairs. Some of the boys at first weakened under the strain of such a rigorous life but it was not long before they all became acclimated to the hardships and toughened sufficiently to pull through the two weeks. After once getting used to the strenuous work, it was almost a pleasure to the boys to perform it. The real hardships for the "late risers" in civil life was piling out of their "bunks" when the bugle sounded reveille. However, as soon as these boys got into the habit of retiring when "taps" were blown, getting out at 5:30 ceased to be such a difficult thing. Of course, everyone knows the company "wind-jammer" is about as popular as an attack of influenza, but the boys took the early rising part of the program in a pleasant way. It was seldom any of the boys had to be called by anyone but the bugler. It is needless to say that the part of the daily program that was given the closest attention was the feeding of the boys. When Napoleon said "An Army travels on its stomach," the old veteran of Waterloo said, a book full. It was evident that the commanding officers fully realized the truth of Napoleon's statement because they knew to it that the boys were well fed. The "mess" sergeants and the cooks under them performed their duty in "a very efficient manner and as a result the guardsmen had plenty of food, all of which was in deed very palatable. The schedule of drill called for about seven hours daily on the field and included manual of arms, bayonet drill, skirmish, squad movements and various other things. Three full days were spent on the mammoth rifle range where the shooting honors were acquired. Some of the men had never handled a min before, others had never shot an army rifle and were rather timid at the outset, while others were "old timers." Of course, it was most generally an "old timer" that carried away the medals but the "rookies", with practice became real good shots and in time will become better. Many of the company commanders were complimented by high-ranking officers in the guard upon the efficiency of their respective organizations. The following has been received by the Caledonian-Record from Lt. Col. Easton R. Gibson, Insp.-Inst. of the state guard relative to the fine work performed by Company D: "Co. D, 1st Vermont Infantry under the excellent leadership of Captain Stewart Cheney, has now completed their service at the annual encampment, Camp Devens, Mass., Aug. 7-21. It is recommended that you give publicity to their military work which has been hard and unremitting and with marked improvement. The excellent conduct of the men and their manifest willingness to do their best has gained my commendation and I consider it well that the citizens of St. Johnsbury should be informed of their good behavior." SHERBROOK - TIES-UP SERIES WITH FAIRBANKS Saturday's 3 to 0 Victory Makes Two Wins for Each Team St. Johnsbury Fairbanks A. A. and Sherbrooke again crossed bats Saturday at the latter's ball park, and it was one of the usual fast games that these teams put up. Sherbrooke won by the score of 3 to 0, and although it is part of the game and no kick is registered by the Fairbanks outfit, it must be noted that of the winner's three runs, none of them were earned. Fairbanks had Polli, a new man in the box, and he pitched good enough ball to win any game, and had his support Been of the sanie class as his mound work, he would certainly had made Sherbrooke go the limit to win, for altho they nicked him for seven hits, and of these two for extra bases, they were so scattered that he was never in danger from Sher brooke's batting. Sherbrooke was strengthened by the addition of three new men, Lyons at tnlid. Colore at short and Cheste in the box, the lattei- proved a puzzle Lemourg irom ine . i, ' . r.. u:. ,i.'and South have commenced to re- io ine Vermont, men, auu in.i fjrecu proved effective, altho St. Johnsbury hit many on the nose right at some fìelder. Thormalen at second proved the star for Sherbrooke with threcj1 hits, one a two bagger, and accepting six chances in the field. Sherbrooke scored two in the sec ond, Thormelan got a single in left, Newton hit next to Freeman, who booted it, allowing Thormalen to move to third and Newton to get on first. Molijiìeàu.i hit "to Freeman who threw Thormalen out at the piate, Newton moving- to third and Moli neaux getting on first. Baker hit' a sharp one to right field that scored Newton and -Molyneaux, the lattei' georing when tìie ball got away from Swan. ' Their other run they scored m the fifth when Giboin got a hit, stole a second and got around on an out f;eld error. St. Johnsbury had their best chance to tally in the third, when Polh started off with a two-bagger and went to third on Connor's out at first, but died there as the next two men were retired in order. In the ninth, after two were out, Freeman got a two-bagger and went to third when Chester in attempting to get him at second, threw into the outfield, but Sullivan popped to short and the game was over. Out of the box from here accompanied the boys to Sherbrooke, some going by auto, and others by trains. Following is the box score: 1 H 4 5 7 8 9- Sherbrooke 02001000 x 3 SHERBROOK AB R H PO A Godere, ss Lyons, 3b Gibbons, cf 4 4 4 2 1 2 1 4 10 0 1 Thormalen, 2b Newton, c Ivolynaux, lb Baker, rf Snyder, lf Chester, p 31 ST. JOHNSBURY Connor, ss Woods, c 7 27 15 1 .0 10 1 O 1 2 0 7 0 2 2 1 O 0 0 0 0 Davidson, 3b.4 Freeman, 2b Sullivan, rf Swan, lf Gorniley, cf Slayton, lb Polli, p 30 0 4 24 10 4 Three base hits, Chester. Two base hits. Freeman, Polli and Thormalen. Left on bases, St. Johnsbury 5; Sherbrooke, 4. Base on balls off Chester, 1. Struck out by Chester 4; by Poli, 8. Passed balls, Newton 2; Woods 1. Stolen bases, Polli, Gibeon. Hit by pitcher, Freeman. Umpire, Brown. A New Englander In Old England A benefit evening for the Girls' Community League will be held Friday, August 27, at eight o'clock at the house of Mr. and Mrs. Jonas H. Brooks, when Miss Mary R. Ely will speak upon "A New Englander In Old England." Miss Ely, who holds a two-year fellowship from Union Theological Seminary, spent last year in study at Cambridge University, England. Her impressions of her stay are of peculiar interest in this year of the Pilgrim Tercentary, when England and New England are words often coupled. Miss Ely will be assisted by Hugh Mackinnon, who will give several piano selections. Mr. Mackinnon is organist of Grace Episcopal church in Utica, N.Y. WANT ADS HELP YOU Tells Polish Government Not Allow Armies To Advance Beyond Natural Borders (By the Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Aug. 23 Poland has been cautioned by the American government not to permit her armies in their present country offensive against the Russian Bolsheviks to advance beyond the natural boundaries of Poland. POLES HAVE RUSSIAN ARMY BOTTLED UP WARSAW, Aug. 23 The process of bottling up the Russian Soviet forces on the northern front between Russia and the Vistula river has been completed according to an official statement issued just before last midnight. The Poles have closed the gateway of escape taking prisoners and material in such quantities that it is impossible to count them. One Polish infantry division alone took 5,000 prisoners and 16 guns. The Soviet forces which have been in retreat under pressure due to the state of siege, the statement says, to the continued Polish advance along the entire central and northern fronts. At one time, the Polish army, which has been in the field, has been in the field, and the Polish army has been in the field. Gen. Budennen, the Soviet cavalry leader, was within 9 miles of Lembuk, but has been thrown back southwest. All the Russians in this region are in full retreat. Twenty-two cannon were taken during the advance on the Central Pacific under the personal command of President Pilsudski, the Poles occupying two towns and crossing the line of the Narew River, 120 miles northeast of Larsaw. The Russian retreat continues in the eastward. Miss Proctor Is Bride of Mr. Delaney A very quiet wedding was solemnized at Grace Methodist Episcopal church at 8 o'clock Saturday evening, when Miss Elsie Proctor, daughter of Mrs. Hannah M. Proctor of Bristol, N.H., was united in marriage to Bernard A. Delaney, son of Mrs. Helen Delaney of this town. Rev. George A. Martin performed the ceremony. Only a few relatives and friends attended the wedding. The bride was given away by her mother, Miss Mildred Delaney, sister of the groom, was bridesmaid, while Russell Marshall acted as best man. The bride was attired in a dark blue dress with a picture hat to match and carried white roses. The bridesmaid was dressed the same as the bride and carried pink and white sweet peas. Miss Alice B. Warden, the church organist, played the wedding march from Mendenhall's "Mid Summer Night's Dream." Following the ceremony, a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Delaney, where a reception was held. For the couple were held at the groom's home. Refreshments of sandwiches, ice cream, and cake were served and a very enjoyable evening spent. The couple left Saturday night for a two weeks' honeymoon trip, one week of which will be spent camping at Lake Morey, and the other week in Boston. Upon returning, Mr. and Mrs. Delaney will reside at 16 Main Street. Miss Proctor, who came here from Bristol last fall, has been working in the E. & T. Fairbanks & Co., as a time-keeper. Mr. Delaney is employed in the paint room of the same concern. Miss Proctor is a graduate of the grade schools in Bristol and also from Goddard Seminary. Mr. Delaney is a graduate of the St. Johnsbury high school and has lived here most of his life. Our equipment and arrangements show supreme dignity. We are aiming all the while to sell service and at prices with our merchandise and to show courtesy on all occasions. See our line of Hammocks and Refrigerators. Prices are right. CAROVERTURNED AT WEST BURKE SATURDAY NIGHT All the Party Bruised and Chauffeur Missing, but Later Found in St. J. An automobile driven by Neal Wells of Burke was overturned late Saturday evening when it went over the bank just beyond Dwight Howard's place on the West Burke road. The party were returning from the moving pictures at West Burke to their homes when in some manner unknown to the rest, the car left the road and went over the bank. Those riding in the car were Mr. Bishop, Herman Magill, Howard, and Harold Dubois. All the party received injuries, although "no one had any bones broken." Herman Magill was cut about the face and Mr. Bishop received an injury to his shoulder. The car was pretty badly smashed in the accident. Neal Wells, as the party were getting up, put his hands to his head and disappeared. Partiei fearing had him all night, but the search was abandoned when it was learned he had gone to St. Johnsbury and was at the home of his sister, Mrs. McPherson. Louis J. Cheney Has His License Suspended Secretary of State Black suspended six operators' licenses Saturday, three of them because of fatal accidents. These were all suspended indefinitely and in the list is Louis J. Cheney of East Barnet whose car ran over little Albert Ross in St. Johnsbury Friday afternoon. Among the accidents reported to Secretary Black's office were the following: Dr. B. D. George of Hardwick, that while his car was standing still the car owned by the Lamoille Valley Creamery association ran into the rear of his car, doing some damage. George S. Tuttle of South Rye gate reported a collision near South Newbury in which two cream cars and a New Hampshire car were involved. The Vermont cars were Mr. Tuttle's Ford and a Ford owned by B. C. Abbott of East Corn. We're ready to crown you with hats and caps in the new cast shapes and smartest styles. Straw hats in every shape that's correct for this season, let us show you the most becoming hats you ever wore. Our hats hold their shape in spite of sun and shower the quality is of right sort. Caps in novel weaves and patterns, light, medium, and dark effects. Hats $2 to $7. Cap $1 to $3. Co-operative Shoes for men. Queen Quality Shoes for women. Asseun Bros. The Spot CLOTHING and SHOES.
Public Domain
2.1folgenden 8 14a einzufügen: 8 14a Zur Durchführung dieses Gesetzes und zur Wahrnehmung der ihnen in diesem Gesetz übertragenen Aufgaben werden beim Reichsjustizministerium ein Reichsarbeits­ justizausschuß und bei den Landes­ justizbehörden Landesarbeitsjustizausschüsse auf Vorschlag der Spitzenorganisationen der Arbeitgeber und Arbeitnehmer bestellt. Sie bestehen aus 6 Arbeitsrichtern der Arbeit­ geber und Arbeitnehmer und werden auf die Zeit von 3 Jahren gebildet. Sie er­ halten eine angemessene Entschädigung für den ihnen aus der Wahrnehmung ihres Amtes erwachsenen Verdienstausfall und Aufwand sowie Ersatz der Fahrkosten nach den für die oberen Reichsbeamten gelten­ den Grundsätzen. 3.1im 8 15 a) im Abs. 1 Zeile 3 hinter dem Wort „mit" einzuschalten „dem Landesarbeitsjustizaus­ schuß und", ^ d) im Abs. 2 Zeile 2 ebenso. 4.1im .8 16 Abs. 2 Zeile 2 die Worte „einem Beisitzer" zu streichen und dafür einzufügen „zwei Arbeitsrichtern aus den Kreisen". 5.1im 8 17 a) im Abs. 1 Zeile 2 hinter dem Wort „mit" einzufügen „dem Landesärbeitsjustizaus- schuß und", 13.1Lgb. II. Nr. 14924 des Eduard Muster in Neuenhagen, betreffend erneuten Antrag auf Entschädigung, 14.1Tgb. II. Nr. 15044 des Georg Red- weikis in Heydekrug, betreffend Ent­ schädigung, 15.1Tgb. II. Nr. 15045 des Häuers Leopold Piecha in Zaborze, betreffend Nachent­ schädigung, 16.1Tgb. II. Nr. 15430 des Franz Freitag in Guben, betreffend Entschädigung, 17.1Tgb. II. Nr. 15472 des Paul Kurda in Neiße (Schles.), betreffend Schadenersatz, 18.1Tgb. II. Nr. 15597 des Richard Weiß in Neuburg (Donau), betreffend Entschädi­ gung,1! 19.1Tgb. II. Nr. 15630, betreffend nochmaligen Antrag auf Gewährung einer Gewalt­ schadensrente für Frau Anna Simko in Dillingen, 20.1Tgb. II. Nr. 15685 des Gutsarbeiters Wilhelm Tech in Cliestow, Kr. Lebus, betreffend Beihilfe aus dem Härtefonds, 21.1Tgb. II. Nr. 16325 des W ilh elnt F re y in Rathstock, betreffend Schadenersatz, für erledigt zu erklären; XIII. die Petitionen: 1.1Tgb. II. Nr. 13388 des Oskar und der Emma Bessert in Reinberg, betreffend Schadenersatz, 2.1Tgb. II. Nr. 13468 des Max Fechner in Neuendorf, betreffend Entschädigung, 3.1Tgb. II. Nr. 13564 des Kaufmanns Jo­ hann Tront in Waldenburg-Altwasser, betreffend Darlehn, 4.1Tgb. II. Nr. 14479 des Rabbiners Dr. John Cohn in Breslau, betreffend Ent­ schädigung, 5.1Tgb. II. Nr. 14984 des Matthias Bind« in Gleiwitz, betreffend Entschädi­ gung, 6.1Tgb. II. Nr. 15318 des Gustav Sternke in Küstrin, betreffend Schaden­ ersatz, 7.1Tgb. II. Nr. 15883 des Kaufmanns Sa- lomon Baer in Pr. Friedland, be­ treffend Ersatz von Verdrängungsschaden, 8.1Tgb. II. Nr. 16630 des Friedrich Dor- now in Berlin-Schöneberg, betreffend Ent­ schädigung, für ungeeignet zur Beratung im Reichs­ tag zu erklären. L. 29. Ausschuß (Ostfragen) Die Petition Tgb. II Nr. 15992 des Kauf­ männischeil Vereins in Kandrzin (Oberschles.), be­ treffend Ersatz des seinen Mitgliedern durch Pol­ nischen Überfall im Jahre 1921 entstandenen Schadens, der Reichsregierung zur Berücksichti­ gung zu überweisen. Berlin, den 30. November 1926. 40 270 000 tiL in den letzten Jahren. An vierter Stelle kommt Weizen. Die Weizenanbaufläche ist gegen­ über dem Durchschnitt der fünf Jahre 1909/1913 seit 1918 etwa um 40 v. H. gesteigert und hat diese Steigerung auch in der Nachkriegszeit beibehalten. Dagegen zeigt die Roggenanbausläche gegenüber dem Durchschnitt der Jahre 1909/1913 jetzt durchweg eine Verminderung von mehr als 10 v. H. Die gleiche Verminderung zeigt der an fünfter Stelle stehende Anbau von Gerste. Die Erzeugung an Hafer, Gerste und Roggen deckt ungefähr den eigenen Bedarf des Landes. Ausfuhr- und Einfuhrüberschüsse wechseln ab je nach dem Ernteergebnis und der Weltmarkt­ lage. So steht bei Roggen einem Einfuhrüberschuß von 118 900 t im Jahre 1924 und 77 000 t im Jahre 1923 ein Ausfuhrüberschuß von 63 000 t im Jahre 1921 und 15 000 t im Jahre 1920 gegen­ über. Dagegen erzeugt Schweden nur zwei Fünftel seines Bedarfes an Weizen. Seit 1918 übertraf die Jnlandserzeugung an Weizen, ausgenommen im Jahve 1924, regelmäßig den Durchschnitt der Jahre 1909/1913. Trotzdem weist der Einfuhrüberschuß an Weizen in den Jahren 1920, 1923 und 1924 gegen­ über dem Durchschnitt der Jahre 1909/1913 eine erhebliche Steigerung auf. Es vollzieht sich demnach auch in Schweden eine Steigerung des Weizenver­ brauchs unter gleichzeitiger Verminderung des Ver­ brauchs an anderen Körnerfrüchten. Der im Lande selbst gewonnene Weizen hat durchschnittlich einen Feuchtigkeitsgehalt von 16 bis 19 v. H>, während der eingeführte amerikanische Weizen nur 11 bis 13 v. H. Wasserbestand besitzt, deshalb besser lager­ fähig ist, wegen seiner Dünnschaligkeit eine größere Mehlausbeute ergibt und wegen höheren Protein­ gehalts auch ein für die Verbackung günstigeres Mehl liefert. Schon hieraus ergibt sich eine Minderbewer­ tung des einheimischen Weizens gegenüber dem ein­ geführten Weizen. Wie in Norwegen wirkt weiter noch preisdrückend, daß das ausländische Getreide den Großmüllereien in großen Partien zur Ver­ fügung steht, während das einheimische Getreide bei der Art der Verteilung des landwirtschaftlichen Be­ sitzes, seiner Zerstreuung über das Land und der bestehenden Fruchtwechselwirtschaft in kleinen Posten hereingenommen werden muß. Ergibt der Qualitätsunterschied an sich schon eine Preis­ differenz von 9 bis 10 v. H., so steigert sich wegen der ZusammendrängUng des Angebots im einheimi­ schen Erzeugnis auf die Zeit nach der Ernte mit Rücksicht, auf die mangelhafte Lagerfähigkeit der Unterschied nach Jahreszeiten noch erheblich höher. Der inländische Verbrauch hat sich an ein Mehl ge­ wöhnt, das mindestens 60 v. H., aber höchstens 76 v. H. schwedischen Weizen enthält. Das einhei­ mische Erzeugnis vermag deshalb in keiner Jahres­ zeit den Bedarf an eingeführtem Weizen voll aus­ zuschalten. Die weitverstreute Getreide bauende Landwirtschaft ist nur in ganz geringem Ausmaße in landwirtschaftlichen Genossenschaften zusammen­ geschlossen. Die Einfuhr von Auslandsgetreide liegt in der Hauptsache in den Händen der in einem star­ ken Kartell organisierten Mühlenindustrie selbst. Die Mühlenindustrie nimmt deshalb der Landwirt­ schaft gegenüber eine sehr starke Stellung ein. Aus diesen besonderen Verhältnissen sind die Maßnahmen hervorgegangen, die in der Nachkriegs­ zeit zu dem Zweck ergriffen wurden, die Preisschwan­ kungen bei Brotgetreide zu verhindern und der Landwirtschaft zu einer auskömmlichen Bezahlung ihres Erzeugnisses zu verhelfen. 2. Gleitende Zölle. Seit der Vorkriegszeit besteht in Schweden ein Zoll für Roggen, Weizen und Gerste von 3,70 Kr. für den Doppelzentner; Hafer und Mais sind ein­ suhrfrei. In den Jahren 1921/22 wurde der Ver­ such gemacht, durch gleitende Zölle den Getreidepreis zu stabilisieren. Um den Übergang aus der Kriegs­ wirtschaft zu erleichtern, war im Jahre 1919 be­ schlossen worden, vom 1. Juni 1920 ab für die Dauer von zwei Jahren gleitende Zölle auf Weizen, Roggen und Gerste einzuführen, die periodisch fest­ gesetzt werden und die Hälfte des Unterschiedes zwischen dem jeweiligen inländischen Normalpreis und dem Einfuhrpreis betragen sollten. Die so be­ rechneten Zollsätze und auf 176 v. H. des Getreide­ zolles festgesetzten Mehlzölle sollten anstatt der geltenden Sätze erhoben werden, sobald der Einfuhr­ preis für den Doppelzentner Weizen um mindestens 1 Kr. unter 96 v. H. des Weizen-Normalpreises ge­ fallen sei. Dieser Fall trat erst im April 1921 ein. Vom 21. April 1921 ab wurden gleitende, monatlich festgesetzte Zollsätze erhoben. Die ungewisse Höhe der Zollsätze führte zu ausgedehnter Spekulation. Um dieser entgegenzutreten, wurde der Gleitzoll für Getreide vom Oktober 1921 ab auf den Höchstsatz von 7,20 Kr. begrenzt. An Zöllen wurden erhoben: Die Wirkung der gesteigerten Zollsätze auf den Inlandspreis war gering. Als die sehr reichliche und qualitativ gute Ernte des Jahres 1921 auf den Markt kam, sanken die Preise des Julandsgetreides sofort weit unter den Preis der eingeführten Ware. Dies veranschaulicht die nachfolgende Tabelle auf Seite 41. Für das Jahr 1921 ist aus dieser Tabelle eine Einwirkung der Zölle auf den Preis für Jnlandsgetreide nicht zu erkennen. Die Weizen­ ernte des nächsten Jahres war von schlechter Qualität, der Menge nach aber zufriedenstellend. Die Folge war, daß für diese Ernte auch nur Preise erzielt werden konnten, die weit unter dem Preise des eingeführten Weizens lagen und keinerlei Ein­ wirkung der wieder auf den alten Satz zurück­ gebrachten Zölle zeigten. 3 Nr. 2795 Anlage 1 Zusammenstellung des Entwurfs eines Arbeitsgerichtsgesetzes — Nr. 2065 der Drucksachen — mit den Beschlüssen des 9. Ausschusses 110 Arbeiter, Angestellte und Beamte haben "das Recht, sich durch andere Personen mit Aus­ nahme der in Abs. 1 Bezeichneten vertreten zu lassen. 11.1§ 12 erhält folgende Fassung: 1.1Alle Arbeitsstreitigkeiten sind für Arbeit­ nehmer unentgeltlich, Vergleiche in einem anhängigen Rechtsstreit vor dem Arbeits­ gericht sind stempelfrei. 2.1Der Arbeitgeber trägt im Falle des Unter- liegens die Kosten nach den Vorschriften des Gerichtskostengesetzes. Im Falle der Ein­ legung einer Berufung durch Arbeitgeber hat das Gericht angemessenen Kostenvor­ schuß zu verlangen. 12.1§ 13 erhält folgende Fassung: 1.1Die Arbeitsgerichte haben in bezug auf Be­ weiserhebung (Partei-, Sachverständigen- und Zeugenvernehmung), Verteidigungen -und Vorführungen die gleichen Befugnisse wie die Amtsgerichte nach der Zivil- und Strafprozeßordnung und der Gerichtsver­ fassung. 2.1Die Arbeitsgerichte haben einander Rechts­ hilfe zu leisten. Arbeitsgerichte Aufbau 13.1§ 14 erhält folgende Fassung: Die Arbeitsgerichte werden als selbständige Gerichte durch die Gemeindebehörden errichtet. In jeder Gemeinde über 5000 Einwohner ist ein Arbeitsgericht zu errichten. Gemeinden unter 5000 Einwohner werden zu einem Ar­ beitsgerichtsbezirk vereinigt. Sie errichten ge­ meinsam ein Arbeitsgericht. Der Sitz dieses Arbeitsgerichtes wird vom Arbeitsgericht selbst bestimmt. In besonderen Fällen, insbesondere in einem einheitlichen Wirtschaftsgebiet, kön­ nen auch für mehrere Gemeinden über 5000 Einwohner gemeinsame Arbeitsgerichte er­ richtet werden. Unter diesen Voraussetzungen können auch Gemeinden unter 5000 Ein­ wohner in den Bezirk eines Nächstliegenden Arbeitsgerichts einbezogen werden. 14.1§ 15 erhält folgende Fassung: Die Geschäfte der Verwaltung und Dienst­ aufsicht führt die Gemeindebehörde am Sitz des Arbeitsgerichts. Die Gemeindeverwaltung soll die Geschäfte der Verwaltung und die Dienstaufsicht dem Vorsitzenden des Arbeits­ gerichts oder, wenn mehrere Vorsitzende vor­ handen sind, einem Vorsitzenden übertragen. 15.1ß 16 erhält folgende Fassung: Das Arbeitsgericht besteht aus der erforder­ lichen Anzahl von Vorsitzenden und stellver­ tretenden Vorsitzenden und von Beisitzern. Jede Kammer des Arbeitsgerichts wird in Besetzung mit einem Vorsitzenden und zwei beisitzenden Arbeiterrichtern tätig. 16.1ß 17 erhält folgende Fassung: Die Zahl der Kammern wird vom Arbeits­ gericht bestimmt. Für Streitigkeiten der Ar­ beiter, Angestellten und Beamten können ge­ trennte Kammern gebildet werden. Ebenso können Fachkammern für bestimmte Berufe und Gewerbe und bestimmte Gruppen von Arbeitern, Angestellten oder Beamten gebildet werden. 17.18 18 erhält folgende Fassung: Die Vorsitzenden werden mindestens jährlich nach erfolgter Neuwahl der Arbeitsgerichte neu,gewählt. Zu Vorsitzenden können auch Nichtmitglieder der Arbeitsgerichte gewählt werden. Ausgeschlossen von der Wahl sind: a) Unternehmer, v) Prokuristen, Geschäftsführer und Betriebs­ leiter, o) Vertreter oder Angestellte von Unter­ nehmervereinigungen, cl) Angestellte und' Beamte eines Arbeits­ gerichts. Die Vorsitzenden der Arbeitsgerichte werden durch die Mitglieder der Arbeitsgerichte ge­ wählt. Die Wahl erfolgt geheim und mit einfacher Stimmenmehrheit. 18.18 19 erhält folgende Fassung: Mitglieder oder Vorsitzende der Arbeits­ gerichte dürfen während ihrer Zugehörigkeit zum Arbeitsgericht weder entlassen noch ge­ kündigt werden. Die Kündigung oder Ent­ lassung darf auch nach dem Erlöschen ihrer Zugehörigkeit zum Arbeitsgericht nicht wegen ihrer Tätigkeit als Gerichtsmitglied erfolgen. 19.1§ 20 erhält folgende Fassung: Die Mitglieder der Arbeitsgerichte werden alljährlich in geheimer und direkter Wahl nach dem Verhältniswahlrecht auf Grund gebun­ dener Listen gewählt. Wahlberechtigt sind alle Arbeiter, Angestellten und Beamten bei­ derlei Geschlechts, die im Bezirk des Arbeits­ gerichts beschäftigt sind. Erwerbslose wählen an ihrem Wohnort. Die Wahl hat an einem Sonntag stattzufinden. In Betrieben, die über 1000 Angestellte und Arbeiter beschäftigen, muß die Wahl an einem Arbeitstag im Betriebe selbst vorge­ nommen werden. 20.18 21 erhält folgende Fassung: Zum Gerichtsmitglied kann gewählt werden jeder Arbeiter, Angestellte und Beamte, der das 20. Lebensjahr vollendet hat. Das Ge­ richtsmitglied braucht nicht im Bezirk des Arbeitsgerichts beschäftigt zu sein oder dort zu wohnen. Als Mitglieder können nicht gewählt werden: a) Unternehmer, «8 —1104 Anlage 1 zum Bericht des Arbeitsaus­ schusses des Vorläufigen Reichs­ wirtschaftsrats — Anlage 18 — Verzeichnis der vom Arbeitsausschüsse für den Spiritusmonopolgefetzentwurf gehörten Sachverständigen. VomVerwertungsverbandeDeutscher Vom ReichsverbandeDeut scher Essig- Spiritusfabrikanten,Berlin:1sabrikanten,Heilbronn: Reg.-Rat Kreth, Berlin NW 23, Schleswiger Ufer 2, Kommerzienrat Riemerschmid, Pasing bei München, Oberamtmann Mankiewicz, Falkenrede, Haus Osthavel­ land. Vom Vereine der Kornbrennereibe­ sitzer und der Preßhefefabrikanten Deutschlands, Berlin: Brennereibesitzer Ernst Schücking, Dülmen i. W., zeit- - welliger Vertreter Senator Beythin, Paul Schulz-Gahmen, Lünen i. W. Vom Verbände der deutschen Wein­ brennereien e. V., Wiesbaden: Hugo Asbach, Vorsitzender des Verbandes der deutschen Weinbrennereien, Wiesbaden, Rosselstr. 22, Frhr. v. Hertling, Berlin W 10, Königin-Augusta- Straße 24. Vom Hefeindustrie - Verein e. V., Berlin: Direktor Carl Frohmader, Nürnberg, Außere Sulz­ bacher Straße. Vom Vereine Deutscher Melasse- Spiritusfabrikanten,e. V., Bernburg: Fabrikbesitzer Otto Nudloff, Spiritusfabrik, Bernburg. Vom Vereine der Spritfabrikanten Deutschlands, Zeitz (Sachsen): Rechtsanwalt Dr. Hetzers, Berlin, Fabrikbesitzer Dr. Ludwig Wassermann, München, Thalkirchener Str. 32, Fabrikbesitzer Paul Clingestein, Zeitz, Bülowstr. 46/47, Th. de la Barre, Direktor der Stettiner Spritwerke, Stettin. Vom Reichsverbande Deutscher Essig­ fabrikanten: Wilhelm Kühne, Charlottenburg, Schlüterstr. 53. Vom Verbände Deutscher Spiritus- und Spi ri tuo sen-Intere ssenten, Berlin: Dr. Neumann, Berlin N 24, Friedrichstr. 136, Stadtrat Tasch, Glogau (Schlesien). Vorsitzender Fr. Dietrich, Heilbronn a. N., Post­ fach 110. Dom Reichsverband e des Deutschen Ein- und Ausfuhrhandels, Berlin: Michel, Vertreter der Firma Schoencberg L Ribben- trop, Berlin NW 7, Dorotheenstr. 73. Außerdem: Di. Sohn, Benzolverband West, Berlin, Direktor Dr. Weidlich, Höchst a. Main, Z. G. Farben­ industrie, Direktor Dr. C. C. Clausen, Chemische Werke, Grenzach, A. G. Berlin N24, Friedrichstr. 110, Vorsitzender des Verbandes pharmazeutischer Fabriken, Generaldirektor Dr. Antrik, Charlottenburg 9, (West­ end), Ahornallee 25, Dr. Lohse, i. Firma Gustav Lohse, Berlin-Teltow. Dr. Schovien, p. Adr. Verein deutscher Effenzen- fabrikanten und Iruchtsaftpresser, Berlin-Steglitz, Kniephofstr. 53, Dr. Kulenkampff, Mitglied des Reichstags, Magdeburg, Askanischer Platz 1, und Berlin NW 40, Hindersin- str. 14II, Dr. Baade, Forschungsstelle für Wirtschaftspolitik, Berlin NW, Schiffbauerdamm 15, Hof, Haus 2, Prof. Heyduck, Institut für 'Gärungsgewerbe, Berlin N 65, Seestr. 13, Prof. Dr. Wimpfheimer, Rechtsanwalt und Notar, Berlin W 10, Viktoriastr. 8, Zolldirektor Franz, Charlottenburg, Hauptzollamt. AIs Vertreter der Klein- und Obst­ brennereien wurden gehört: Von der Bayerischen Landesbauernkammer in München: der Landtagsabgeordnete Hartmann in Sulz­ feld (Unterfranken),' von der Württembergischen Landwirtschaftskammer in Stuttgart: der Landwirt Hugo Herrmann in Blaufelden, von der Badischen Landwirtschaftskammer in Karls­ ruhe: Direktor Dr. Müller in Karlsruhe. Außerdem: Prof. Dr. Rüdiger, München. 19.1Erwerb neuer Verfahren zur Gewinnung von Branntwein sowie sonstiger die Durchführung des Monopols fördernder Erfindungen/ 20.1Erlaß von Preisausschreiben, die dazu bestimmt sind, die Zwecke des Monopols zu fördern, 21.1Festsetzung der Bezüge der außertariflich ent­ lohnten Angestellten der Reichsmonopolverwal tung. Zu Maßnahmen, die im regelmäßigen Geschäftsverkehr erforderlich werden, insbesondere zu Stundungen im regelmäßigen Geschäftsverkehr, kann der Verwaltungs­ rat den Präsidenten allgemein ermächtigen. Kredite dürfen nur insoweit aufgenommen werden, als sie für den laufenden Betrieb erforderlich sind und nicht länger als sechs Monate laufen. (2)1In allen sonstigen wichtigen und grundsätzlichen Fragen (zum Beispiel bei grundsätzlichen Fragen, die die Ein- und Ausfuhr von Branntwein betreffen) soll der Derwaltungsrat gehört werden. Der Anhörung des Verwaltungsrats bedarf es in folgenden Ange­ legenheiten: 1.1Bestellung der Geschäftsführer der Verwertungs­ stelle (8 6 Abs. 2)/ 2.1Festsetzung der den ehrenamtlichen Mitgliedern des Verwaltungsrats zu zahlenden Entschädigung (§11 Abs. 2 Satz 2)/ 3.1Aufstellung der Grundsätze für die Rechnungs­ führung (§ 7 Ws. 1 Satz 2). 8 13 (1)1Der Reichsmonopolverwaltung steht ein Ge­ werbeausschuß zur Seite. Er hat die Aufgabe, die Ge­ werbe zu vertreten, die an der Herstellung, der Reini­ gung, dem Absatz und der Verarbeitung von Brannt­ wein und Branntweinerzeugniffen beteiligt sind. (2)1Im Gewerbeausschuß sollen vertreten sein: 1.1die im Abs. 1 Satz 2 bezeichneten Gewerbe ent­ sprechend ihrer wirtschaftlichen Bedeutung, 2.1die in diesen Gewerben tätigen Angestellten und Arbeiter. (3)1Der Gewerbeausschuß ist berechtigt, fünf seiner Mitglieder mit beratender Stimme zu den Sitzungen des Verwaltungsrats zu entsenden. Der Gewerbeaus­ schuß bestimmt die Mitglieder-jeweils für den einzelnen Fall. (4)1Die Vorschriften des 89 Abs. 3, 4 gelten ent- ' sprechend. 8 14 Der Betriebsrat der Angestelltenschaft, der bei der Hauptverwaltung der Verwertungsstelle der Reichs- monopblverwaltung in Berlin besteht, ist berechtigt, zwei Mitglieder der Angestelltenschaft mit beratender Stimme zu den Sitzungen des Verwaltungsrats zu ent­ senden. Der Betriebsrat bestimmt die zu entsendenden Mitglieder jeweils für den einzelnen Fall. 8 15 (1) Die Mitgliedes der Reichsmonopolverwaltung, die Beamten (A 10 Ms. 3 der Reichsabgabenordnung) der bei der Durchführung des Monopols mitwirkenden Finanzbehörden, die Mitglieder des Verwaltungsrats und die Mitglieder des Gewerbeausschuffes sind ver­ pflichtet, die dienstlich zu ihrer Kenntnis gelangten Ver­ hältnisse des Monopols und der mit ihm in Beziehung stehenden Gewerbetreibenden strengstens geheimzu­ halten und Geschäfts- und Betriebsgeheimnisse, die sie dienstlich erfahren haben, nicht unbefugt zu verwerten. Die Schweigepflicht erstreckt sich nicht auf Angelegen­ heiten, die öffentlich bekanntgegeben oder vom Prä­ sidenten als der Schweigepflicht nicht unterliegend be­ zeichnet worden sind. Der Präsident kann von der Schweigepflicht nur insoweit entbinden, als es sich um Verhältnisse des Monopols handelt, darüber hinaus be darf er der Zustimmung des Reichsministers der Fi nanzen. Die Schweigepflicht und die Verpflichtung, Geschäfts- und Betriebsgeheimnisse nicht unbefugt zu verwerten, wird nicht dadurch berührt, daß die im Satz 1 bezeichneten Personen aus ihrem Amt aus­ scheiden. (2) Die nichtbeamteten Mitglieder der Reichs- Monopolverwaltung, die ehrenamtlichen Mitglieder des Verwaltungsrats und die Mitglieder des Gewerbeaus­ schusses Haben beim Antritt ihres Amtes dem Präsiden­ ten durch Handschlag an Eides Statt zu geloben, daß sie ihr Amt nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen versehen, die Schweigepflicht nicht verletzen und Geschäfts- und Betriebsgeheimnisse nicht unbefugt verwerten. Wer nach Satz 1 verpflichtet worden ist, gilt als Beamter im Sinne des Strafrechts. Dritter Titel: Finsnzgebarung der Monopolverrvaltung 8 16 (1)1Das Vermögen des Reichs,, das dem Monopol­ betriebe gewidmet oder in ihm erworben worden ist, insbesondere alle öffentlichen und privaten Rechte und Verbindlichkeiten der Reichsmonopolverwaltung, sind als Sondervermögen von dem übrigen Vermögen des Reichs getrennt zu halten. (2)1Für die Verpflichtungen der Reichsmonopolver­ waltung haftet nur das Sondervermögen. Es haftet nicht für die sonstigen Verbindlichkeiten des Reichs. Satz 1 gilt nicht für Ansprüche, die den Beamten der Reichsmonopolverwaltung aus dem Dienstverhältnis zustehen. (3)1Die Ausgaben der Reichsmonopolverwaltung sind durch ihre Einnahmen zu decken/ Zuschüsse aus der allgemeinen Reichskaffe werden nicht geleistet. Zu den Ausgaben gehören auch die Verzinsung und Tilgung der Schulden, der Besoldungsaufwand für die Beamten der Reichsmonopolverwaltung sowie eine angemessene, vom Reichsminister der Finanzen mit Zustimmung des Reichsrats festzusetzende Entschädigung, die die Reichs­ monopolverwaltung an die Reichskaffe dafür abzufüh­ ren hat, daß die Finanzbehörden bei der Durchführung des Monopols mitwirken. (4)1Die Vorschriften des Gesetzes über die Londoner Konferenz vom 30. August 1924 ( S. 289) bleiben unberührt. 46 Vorlage Verhandlung sich unmittelbar anschließenden Ver­ handlung erfolgen kann und die Parteien sie über­ einstimmend beantragen. Dieser Antrag ist in die Niederschrift aufzunehmen. Erscheinen beide Parteien zur Güteverhandlung nicht, so ist ein Termin zur streitigen Verhandlung zu bestimmen. Das gleiche gilt, falls ein Güte­ verfahren vor einer anderen Stelle vereinbart ist. Die Vorschriften des zweiten Absatzes finden in diesen Fällen auf die erste Verhandlung Anwendung. 8 54 Vorbereitung der streitigen Verhandlung Der Vorsitzende hat die streitige Verhandlung so vorzubereiten, daß sie möglichst in einem Termin zu Ende geführt werden kann. Er kann zu diesem Zwecke insbesondere die Ladung von Zeugen und Sachverständigen veranlassen, amtliche Äußerungen herbeiführen, schriftliche Unterlagen beiziehen und das Persönliche Erscheinen der Parteien anordnen; von diesen Maßnahmen soll er die Parteien benach­ richtigen. 8 65 Verhandlungen vor der Kammer Die Verhandlung ist möglichst in einem Termin zu Ende zu führen. Ist das nicht durchführbar, insbesondere weil eine Beweisaufnahme nicht sofort stattfinden kann, so ist der weitere Termin als­ bald zu verkünden. Die gütliche Erledigung des Rechtsstreits i st während des ganzen Verfahrens anzustreben. 8 66 Beweisaufnahme Soweit die Beweisaufnahme am Sitze des Ar­ beitsgerichts möglich ist, erfolgt sie vor der Kammer. Erfolgt sie nicht am Sitze, aber im Bezirke des Arbeitsgerichts, so kann sie dem Vorsitzenden über­ tragen werden. Muß sie außerhalb des Bezirks des Arbeitsgerichts stattfinden, so i st sie dem Vor­ sitzenden desjenigen Arbeitsgerichts oder, falls dies aus Gründen der örtlichen Lage zweckmäßiger ist, demjenigen Amtsgerichte zu übertragen, in dessen Bezirk die Beweisaufnahme erfolgen soll. Zeugen und Sachverständige werden nur beeidigt, wenn die Kammer dies zur Herbeiführung einer wahrheitsgemäßen Äußerung für notwendig er­ achtet. In den Fällen des 8"377 Abs. 3 und 4 der Zivilprozeßordnung ist die eidesstattliche Ver­ sicherung nur erforderlich, wenn die Kammer sie aus dem gleichen Grunde für notwendig hält. Die Leistung eines zugeschobenen oder zurück­ geschobenen Eides wird durch Beweisbeschluß an­ geordnet. Erscheint in dem zur Leistung eines Parteieides bestimmten Termin der Schwurpflichtige nicht, so ist der Eid als verweigert anzusehen und das Verfahren fortzusetzen. Der Schwurpflichtige kann sich jedoch binnen einer Notfrist von drei Tagen zur nachträg- Beschlüsse des Ausschusses in erster Lesung 8 64 Unverändert. 8 65 Verhandlungen vor der Kammer Die Verhandlung ist möglichst in einem Termin zu Ende zu führen. Ist das nicht durchführbar, insbesondere weil eine Beweisaufnahme nicht sofort stattfinden kann, so ist der weitere Termin sofort zu verkünden. Die gütliche Erledigung des Rechtsstreits soll während des ganzen Verfahrens angestrebt werden. 8 66 Beweisaufnahme Soweit die Beweisaufnahme am Sitze des Ar­ beitsgerichts möglich ist, erfolgt sie vor der Kammer. Erfolgt sie nicht am Sitze, aber im Bezirke des Arbeitsgerichts, so kann sie dem Vorsitzenden über­ tragen werden. Muß sie außerhalb des Bezirks des Arbeitsgerichts stattfinden, so kann sie dem Vor­ sitzenden desjenigen Arbeitsgerichts oder, falls dies aus Gründen der örtlichen Lage zweckmäßiger ist, demjenigen Amtsgericht übertragen werden, in dessen Bezirk die Beweisaufnahme erfolgen soll. Zeugen und Sachverständige werden nur beeidigt, wenn die Kammer dies zur Herbeiführung einer wahrheitsgemäßen Äußerung für notwendig er­ achtet. In den Fällen des § 377 Abs. 3 und 4 der Zivilprozeßordnung ist die eidesstattliche Ver­ sicherung nur erforderlich, wenn die Kammer sie aus dem gleichen Grunde für notwendig hält. Die Leistung eines zugeschobenen oder zurück­ geschobenen Eides wird durch Beweisbeschluß an­ geordnet. Erscheint in dem zur Leistung eines Parteieides bestimmten Termin der Schwurpflichtige nicht, so ist der Eid als verweigert anzusehen und das Verfahren fortzusetzen. Der Schwurpfljchtige kann sich jedoch binnen einer Notfrist von drei Tagen zur Nachtrag- 106 Nr. 812. Frau Schroeder (Schleswig-Holstein) Hoch Aufhäuser Janschek Giebel Brey Dr. Rosenfeld 1.1im ß 44 im Abs. 1 Zeile 1 nach der Ziffer „4" einzufügen „und im 8 3". 2.1im 8 45 a)1im Abs. 1 letzte Zeile die Worte „in der Regel" zu streichen, b)1dem Abs. 3 folgende Fassung zu geben: Die Entlassungs- und Ladungsfrist am Sitze des Arbeitsgerichts ist gewahrt, wenn die Zustellung am Tage vorher erfolgt. 3.1dem 8 46 folgenden Abs. 2 anzufügen: Für Streitigkeiten aus einem Arbeits­ oder Lehrverhältnis und aus Verhand­ lungen über die Eingehung eines Arbeits­ oder Lehrverhältnisses, das sich nach einem Tarifvertrag bestimmt oder bestimmt wurde, können unbeschadet der Vorschriften der 88 38 bis 40 der Zivilprozeßordnung die Parteien des Tarifvertrags die Zuständig­ keit eines an sich örtlich unzuständigen Arbeitsgerichts vereinbaren. 4.1im 8 47 g.) im Abs. 1 nach dem Wort „entscheidet" zu setzen „die Kammer des Arbeitsgerichts", b) den Abs. 2 zu beginnen: Wird sie durch das Ausscheiden des abgelehnten Mitglieds beschlußunfähig.. 5.1im 8 55 a)1im Abs. 1 letzte Zeile statt des Wortes „alsbald" zu setzen „sofort", b)1im Abs. 2 statt der Worte „ist ... an­ zustreben" zu setzen „soll . . . angestrebt werden". 6.1im 8 56 Abs. 4 a) in Zeile 4 und 6 hinter dem Wort „Vor­ sitzenden" einzufügen „und je einem Ar­ beitsrichter aus den Kreisen der Arbeitgeber und der Arbeitnehmer gemeinsam", ^ b) in Zeile 6 die Worte „oder, .... bis Amtsgerichte" zu streichen. 7.1im 8^8 im letzten Abs. Zeile 2 statt der Worte „vom Vorsitzenden" zu setzen „von allen Mitgliedern". 8.1im 8 59 im Abs. 1 nach dem Wort „be­ steht" einzufügen „nicht" und den Rest des Satzes zu streichen. 9.1im 8 60 im Abs. 1 Zeile 7 hinter dem Wort „auszuschließen" einzufügen: „ ; bis zur Höhe des der Pfändung nicht unterliegenden Einkommens kann die Voll­ streckbarkeit nicht ausgeschlossen werden." 10.1Als 8 64a einzufügen: 8 64a Nene Tatsachen und Beweismittel Neue Tatsachen können nur vorgebracht werden, wenn sie nach der letzten münd­ lichen Verhandlung des Arbeitsgerichts ent­ standen sind oder das verspätete Vorbrin­ gen nach der freien Überzeugung des Landesarbeitsgerichts nicht auf Verschulden der Partei beruht. Dies gilt entsprechend für neue Beweismittel. Soweit neue Tatsachen und Beweismittel zulässig sind, sind sie vom Berufskläger in der Berufungsbegründung vom Berufs­ beklagten spätestens in der ersten münd­ lichen Verhandlung anzugeben. Werden sie später angebracht, so sind sie nur zuzu­ lassen, wenn sie nach der Berufungs­ begründung oder der ersten mündlichen Verhandlung entstanden sind oder das ver­ spätete Vorbringen nach der freien Über­ zeugung des Landesarbeitsgerichts nicht auf Verschulden der Partei beruht. 11.1im 8 69 Abs. 1 !in Zeile 5 hinter der Ziffer „3" einzufügen „und 8 3". 12.1im 8 76 Zeile 3 hinter der Ziffer „4" ein­ zufügen „und nach 8 3". 13.1im 8 80 Abs. 1 a)1in Zeile 2 vor den Worten „zu Hören" zu setzen „mündlich", b)1den Satz 2 zu streichen. 14.1im 8 81 Abs. 3 in Zeile 1 statt der Worte „vom Vorsitzenden" zu setzen „von allen Mitgliedern der Kammer". 15.1den 8 88 wie folgt zu ändern: 8 88 Durch Tarifvertrag kann von tarif- fähigen Parteien allgemein oder für den Einzelfall für Rechtsstreitigkeiten aus einem Tarifvertrag auch im voraus die Arbeits­ gerichtsbarkeit durch die ausdrückliche Ver­ einbarung ausgeschlossen werden, daß die Entscheidung durch ein Schiedsgericht er­ folgen soll. Die Wirkung einer solchen Vereinbarung erstreckt sich nicht auf solche Parteien eines Arbeits- oder Lehrverhält­ nisses, die dem Tarifvertrag nur durch die Erklärung seiner allgemeinen Verbindlich­ keit unterworfen sind. Nr. 813. Dr. Rademacher 1.1im 8 45 Abs. 3 die letzten Worte „vierund­ zwanzig Stunden" durch die Worte „drei Tage" zu ersetzen.1' 2.1im 8 47 den Abs. 3 wie folgt zu fassen: Gegen den Beschluß, durch welchen das Gesuch für begründet erklärt wird, findet kein Rechtsmittel, gegen den Beschluß, durch welchen es für unbegründet erklärt ist, findet sofortige Beschwerde statt. 3.1im 8 49 a) dem Abs. 1 folgenden Zusatz zu geben: Von der Anordnung soll abgesehen wer­ den, wenn der Partei wegen weiter Ent­ fernung ihres Aufenthaltsortes vom 12 Vorlage Beschlüsse des Ausschusses Bei Mischungen sind außerdem anzugeben1Bei Mischungen sind außerdem anzugeben y ^1,1,11. die Gemengteile, L ^ ^"s.chungsverhältnis der Gemengteile in das Mischungsverhältnis der Gemengteile in Hundert,atzen.1Hundertsätzen Der Anmeldung ist eine Gesamtanslhse in Urschrift Der Anmeldung -ist eine Gesamtanalyse einer ober m öffentlich beglaubigter Abschrift beizufügen, deutschen staatlichen oder unter öffentlicher Aufsicht stehenden Kontroll- (Versuchs-) Station oder eines deutschen vereidigten . Handelschemikers in Urschrift oder in öffentlich beglaubigter Abschrift beizufügen. '1' 8 3 Wer Futtermittel feilhält, anbietet, veräußert oder sonst in den Verkehr bringt, hat sie ihrer Natur entsprechend zu benennen. Zur Benennung gehört auch die Angabe der Herkunft, .der verarbeiteten Rohstoffe und der Art der Herstellung, soweit dies auf Grund des § 11 Abs. 2 Nr. 1 vorgeschrieben wird. Mischungen, die überwiegend oder ganz aus mineralischen Stoffen bestehen, müssen außerdem als „Mischungen", andere Mischungen als „Misch­ futter" bezeichnet werden. Bei Veräußerung von Futtermitteln in Mengen von ^66 Kilogramm und mehr hat der Veräußerer dem Erwerber schriftlich anzugeben 1.1die Benennung der'Futtermittel nach Maß­ gabe des 8 3, 2.1den Gehalt an wertbestimmenden Bestand­ teilen. Die schriftliche Angabe (Abs. 1) kann unterbleiben bei den Futtermitteln, die im anliegenden Ver­ zeichnis aufgeführt sind.1: Bei Mischungen sind auch die Gemengteile und das Mischungsverhältnis der Gemengteile in Hundert­ sätzen nach Maßgabe des H 3 schriftlich anzugehen. 8 6 Werden bei Veräußerung von Futtermitteln in Mengen von weniger als 166 Kilogramm 1.1Futtermittel in Verpackungen geliefert, so muß an diesen äußerlich eine Kennzeichnung an­ gebracht sein, die die nach 8 4 erforderlichen Angaben enthält, 2,1Futtermittel lose geliefert und besichtigt der Erwerber die Futtermittel oder Proben von ihnen vor dem Erwerbe, so ist der Veräußerer zu der nach 8 4 vorgeschriebenen schriftlichen Angabe nur auf Verlangen des Erwerbers verpflichtet. § 6 Macht der Veräußerer bei der Veräußerung von Futtermitteln keine Angaben über die Beschaffenheit, so übernimmt er damit die Gewähr für die handels­ übliche Reinheit und Unverdorbenheit. 83 Unverändert. 8 4 Bei Veräußerung von Futtermitteln in Mengen von 50 Kilogramm und mehr hat der Veräußerer dem Erwerber schriftlich anzugeben 1.1die Benennung der Futtermittel nach Maß­ gabe des 8 3, 2.1den Gehalt an wertbestimmenden Bestand­ teilen. Die schriftliche Angabe (Abs. 1) kann unterbleiben bei den Futtermitteln, die im anliegenden Verzeichnis' aufgeführt sind. Bei Mischungen sind auch die Gemengteile und das Mischungsverhältnis der Gemengteile in Hundert­ sätzen Nach Maßgabe des 8 3 schriftlich anzugeben. 8 5 Werden bei Veräußerung von Futtermitteln in Mengen von weniger als 50 Kilogramm " 1.1Futtermittel in Verpackungen geliefert, so muß an diesen äußerlich eine Kennzeichnung an­ gebracht sein, die die nach 8 4 erforderlichen Angäben enthält, 2.1Futtermittel lose geliefert und besichtigt der Erwerber die Futtermittel oder Proben von ihnen vor dem Erwerbe, so ist der Veräußerer zu der nach 8 4 vorgeschriebenen schriftlichen Angabe nur auf Verlangen des Erwerbers verpflichtet. §6 Unverändert. 12 Vorlage Beschlüsse des Ausschusses iu erster Lesung (Vorlage der Reichsregieruug) gehung des Berufungs­ rechtzugs ist in den im Z 73 bezeichneten Fällen zulässig. Gegen die das Ver­ fahren beendenden Be­ schlüsse derArbeitsgerichte im Beschlußverfahren findet die Rechtsbeschwer­ de statt, wenn der Be­ schluß auf einer Gesetzes­ verletzung beruht. Für die Entscheidung über die Rechtsbeschwerden sind die Landesarbeitsgerichte oder das Reichsarbeits­ gericht zuständig (8 82 Abs. 1). (Beschluß des Reichsrats) den im 8 73 bezeichneten Fällen zulässig. Gegen die das Versah- Gegen die das Verfahren beendenden Beschlüsse ren beendenden Beschlüsse der Arbeitsgerichte im Beschlußverfahren findet die derArbeitsgerichte im Be- Rechtsbeschwerde statt, wenn der Beschluß auf einer schlußverfahren findet die Gesetzesverletzung beruht.' Für die Entscheidung Rechtsbeschwerde statt, über die Rechtsbeschwerden sind die Landesarbeits­ wenn der Beschluß auf gerichte oder das Reichsarbeitsgericht zuständig einer Gesetzesverletzung (8 82 Abs. 1). beruht. Für die Ent­ scheidung über die Rechts­ beschwerden sind die Landesarbeitsgerichte oder das Reichsarbeits­ gericht zuständig (8 82 Abs. 1). 891§9 Allgemeine Verfahrensvorschriften1Unverändert. Die Vorschriften des Gerichtsverfassungsgesetzes über Zustellungs- und Vollstreckungsbeamte, über die Gerichtssprache, über die Aufrechterhaltung der Ord­ nung in der Sitzung und über die Beratung und Ab­ stimmung gelten für das arbeitsgerichtliche Verfahren entsprechend. Das arbeitsgerichtliche Verfahren ist in allen Rechtszügen zu beschleunigen. Die Gerichtsferien sind auf das Verfahren ohne Einfluß. Auf den zur Zustellung an die Parteien be­ stimmten Ausfertigungen der Urteile und der das Beschlußverfahren beendenden Beschlüsse soll ver­ merkt werden, ob gegen die Entscheidung ein Rechts­ mittel zulässig nnd in welcher Form und binnen welcher Frist es einzulegen ist. 8 10 Parteifähigkeit Parteifähig im arbeitsgerichtlichen Verfahren sind auch wirtschaftliche Vereinigungen von Arbeitgeber» und von Arbeitnehmern und in den Fällen des 8 2 Nr. 4 und 5 die Arbeitnehmerschaft, Ar­ beiterschaft und Angestelltenschaft derBe- triebe im Sinne des Betriebsrätegesetzes. 8 11 Prozeßvertretung der Reichsregierung)1(Beschluß des Reichsrats) Vor den Arbeits-1Vor den Arbeits­ gerichten sind als Prozeß- gerächten werden Per­ bevollmächtigte oder Bei- sonen, welche das Ver­ stände Rechtsanwälte und handeln vor Gericht ge- 8 10 Parteifähigkeit Parteifähig im arbeitsgerichtlichen Verfahren sind auch wirtschaftliche Vereinigungen von Arbeitgebern und von Arbeitnehmern und in den Fällen des 8 2 Nr. 4 und 6 die Betriebsvertretungen im Sinne des Betriebsrätegesetzes. 8 11 Prozeßvertretung Vor den Arbeitsgerichten sind als Prozeßbevoll­ mächtigte oder Beistände Rechtsanwälte und Per­ sonen, die das Verhandeln vor Gericht geschäfts­ mäßig betreiben, ausgeschlossen; zugelassen sind 76 Nr. 2705 Beschlüsse des Ausschusses in zweiter Lesung §97 Unverändert. Zweiter Abschnitt Gütevertrag 8 98 Unverändert. M8Z2 Die Bestimmung tritt an die Stelle des § 8'der Verführensbekanntmachung. Durch die Verweisung auf einzelne Bestimmungen des Gerichtsverfassungsgesetzes wird für das Rechts­ chilfeverfahren im ersten Rechtszug die gleiche Regelung getroffen/ wie sie für das Beschwerdeverfahren gemäß 8 34 Abs. 4 der Verordnung über das Reichswirt­ schaftsgericht besteht. Zu§833bis37 Die §8 33 bis 37 enthalten die Bestimmungen über die Beweisaufnahme. Sie decken sich inhaltlich im wesentlichen mit den 88 16 bis 21 der Verfahren? bejanntmachung. Dadurch, daß im 8 33 grundsätzlich die Vorschriften der Zivilprozeßordnung über die Be­ weisaufnahme für anwendbar erklärt werden, werden einige der bisher aufgeführten Einzelbestimmungen ent­ behrlich. Die Bestimmung des 8 36 ist neu eingefügt worden. Die Zeugen- und Sachverständigengebühren wurden bisher im Verwaltungswege festgesetzt. Zn Angleichung an das Verfahren vor den ordentlichen Gerichten nach der Gebührenordnung für Zeugen und Sachverständige soll die Festsetzung den Spruchbehörden übertragen und ein Rechtszug geschaffen werden. Zu 88 38 u n d 39 Die Bestimmungen treten an die Stelle der 88 22 und 23 der Verfahrensbekanntmachung. Die bisherige Regelung bleibt unverändert.1' Zu 8 40 Die Bestimmung ersetzt den 8 15 der Derfahrens- bekanntmachung und die Einzelhinweise in 88 12, 14, 19, 21, 22 und 23 der Verfahrensbekanntmachung. Es erscheint zweckmäßig, die für die unteren Verwaltungs­ behörden geltenden Vorschriften im Zusammenhang aufzuführen und damit der unteren Verwaltungs­ behörde an einer Stelle eine Übersicht über die von ihr zu beachtenden Vorschriften zu geben. "171Zu 88-11 bis 45 , Die Bestimmungen treten an die Stelle der 88 24 bis 28 der Verfahrensbekanntmachung. Der bisherige Rechtszustand bleibt unverändert. Zu 8 46 Die Bestimmung tritt an die Stelle des 8 4 des Okkupationsleistungsgesetzes und des 8 29 der Vcr- fahrensbekanntmachung. Es ist insbesondere hervorzuheben: Bisher bestand ein Zwang zur Begründung der Feststellungsbescheide für die Feststellungsbehörden nicht. Das Fehlen einer Begründung der Entscheidung hat sich aber zuweilen störend bemerkbar gemacht. Zm Abs. 2 Ziffer 4 wird deshalb den Feststellungsbehörden die Begründung ihrer Bescheide zur Pflicht gemacht. Die Kenntnis der Gründe der Entscheidung wird dem Antragsteller und dem Vertreter des Reichs die Beurteilung der Aussich­ ten eines etwaigen Beschwerdeverfahrens und die zweck­ mäßige Begründung einer Beschwerde erleichtern. Zu­ gleich wird durch die dem Feststellungsbescheide beige­ fügte' Begründung die Vorbereitung der Verhandlung vor dem Reichswirtschaftsgericht erleichtert werden, so daß auf Grund der Neuregelung auch eine beschleu­ nigte Erledigung der Beschwerdesachen vor dem Reichs­ wirtschaftsgericht erwartet werden kann. , Zu 8 17 Eine ausdrückliche Vorschrift über die Berichtigung der Feststellungsbescheide fehlte in dem bisherigen Gesetze. Eine Regelung erscheint jedoch zweckmäßig. Zu 8 48 Die Bestimmung tritt an die Stelle des 8 11 öer Verfahrensbekanntmachung. Die bisherige Regelung wird unverändert beibehalten. Zu 8 49 Nach 8 5 des Okkupationsleistungsgesetzes konnte jeder Feststellnngsbescheid mit der Beschwerde an das Reichs­ wirtschaftsgericht angegriffen werden. Durch 8 5 der Abänderungsverordnung wurde, zum Zwecke der Ent­ lastung des Reichswirtschaftsgerichts, die Zulässigkeit der Beschwerde auf diejenigen Fälle beschränkt, in denen eine Vergütung von mehr als 50 festgestellt worden ist. Durch 8 49 des Entwurfs wird das unbeschränkte Be­ schwerderecht wiederhergestellt. Es wird damit einem häufig geäußerten Wunsche der Bevölkerung des be­ setzten Gebiets entsprochen. ' Ilm das Reichswirtschaftsgericht aber nicht erneut mit der Entscheidung über die geringwertigen An­ sprüche zu belasten, wird die Zuständigkeit in dem Ent­ wurf in der Weise geregelt, daß über Beschwerden, bei denen die bisher schon geltende Beschwerdesumme nicht erreicht ist, lediglich die Feststellungsbehörde nochmals entscheiden kann (851), während bei Erreichung der Beschwerdesumme auch das Reichswirtschaftsgericht zur sachlichen Entscheidung berufen ist (§ 55). Zu 8 50 Die Bestimmung tritt an die Stelle des 8 5 des Okkupationsleistungsgesetzes und des 8 30 der Verfah- rcnsbekanntmachung. Dei7 Abs. 1 entspricht dem bisherigen Rechtszustande. Es wird aber insofern eine Erleichterung für den Be­ schwerdeführer geschaffen, als die Beschwerde auch zu Protokoll erklärt werden kann. Zn den folgenden Absätzen werden die Bestimmungen über die Wiedereinsetzung im Falle der Versäumung der Beschwerdefrist unmittelbar angefügt. Die Mög­ lichkeit der Wiedereinsetzung bestand auch bisher. Sie ergab sich aus dem § 10 der Verfahrensbekannt­ machung, der eine allgemeine Vorschrift über die Wie­ dereinsetzung bei Fristversäumnissen enthielt. Von der Aufnahme einer allgemeinen Vorschrift über die Wie­ dereinsetzung konnte in dent Entwurf abgesehen werden. Denn für die Fristen, die in dem Verfahren vor dem Reichswirtschaftsgericht in Betracht kommen, ist die Wiedereinsetzungsmöglichkeit bereits in der Verordnung über das Reichswirtschaftsgericht geregelt, auf die im 8 56 des Entwurfs verwiesen wird/ im Verfahren vor der Feststellungsbehörde aber ist die Beschwerdefrist die einzige Frist, bei der eine Wiedereinsetzung in Frage kommen kann. Unter diesen Umständen empfahl es sich, die Wiedereinsetzung in unmittelbarem Anschluß 8 83 Der Einziehung unterliegen: 1.1Sachen, die zu einer Monopolhinterziehung, zu einer Mvnopolhehlerei oder zu einer Zuwider­ handlung gegen das Reinigungsmvnvpol ge­ braucht worden sind oder dazu bestimmt waren/ 2.1Branntwein, dessen Herkunft oder Erwerb nicht nachgewiesen werden kann/ 3.1die Umschließungen des unter Nr. 1 und 2 fallen­ den Branntweins/ 4.1Brenn- oder Wiengeräte oder sonstige zur Her­ stellung oder Reinigung von Branntwein ge­ eignete Geräte, wenn die Vorschriften des 8 43 Abs. 2 nicht erfüllt worden sind/ 5.1Gegenstände, hinsichtlich deren der Vorschrift des 8 44 zuwidergehandelt worden ist/ 6.1Branntwein, hinsichtlich dessen der Vorschrift des § 73 Abs. 2 zuwidergehandelt worden ist. Zweiter Titel: Anwendbarkeit der Reichsabgaden- ordnung 8 84 (1)1Die für Verbrauchsteuern geltenden Vorschriften der Reichsabgabenordnung (insbesondere die 88 2, 4, 6 bis 7a, KZ 22, 23, 43, 47 bis 49, 88 53, 57, 58, 60, 61, 64 bis 78, 88 83 bis 101, 88 108, 177 bis 186, 88 188, 191 bis 210, 88 216, 379 bis 439, 88 441 bis 443) finden auf das Spiritusmonopol entsprechende Anwendung, soweit sich nicht aus dem Gesetz oder aus dem Wesen des Monopols ein anderes ergibt. (2)1Soweit das Gesetz vorschreibt, daß bei der Durch­ führung des Monopols Finanzbehörden mitwirken, sind die Behörden zuständig, denen die Verwaltung der Zölle und Verbrauchsteuern obliegt. Das Verhält­ nis zwischen der Reichsmonopolverwaltung und den Finanzbehörden regelt der Reichsminister der Finanzen. (3)1Zur Ausübung der Befugnisse, die sich aus den Vorschriften über die amtliche Aufsicht in Verbindung mit den 88 106 bis 198 der Reichsabgabenordnung ergeben, sowie zur Auferlegung und Festsetzung von Sicherungsgeldern (8 203 der Reichsabgabenordnung) ist neben den Finanzbehörden auch die Reichsmonopol- vcrwaltung berechtigt. Zweiter Teil: Ausgleichsteuern Erster Abschnitt: Gemeinsame Vorschriften 8 85 Ausgleichsteuern im Sinne dieses Gesetzes sind 1.1die Branntweinsteuern, nämlich: u) die Branntweinherstellersteuer, b) die Branntweineinfuhrsteuer, 0) die Branntweinvertriebsteuer, 2.1die Essigsäuresteucr. 8 86 Die Ausgleichsteuern sind Derbrauchsteuern im Sinne der Reichsabgabenordnung. Nr. 2687/88 8 87 Für die Ausgleichsteuern wird Zahlungsaufschub nicht gewährt. 8 88 8 76 Abs. 2, 3, 8 77, 8 83 Nr. 1 bis 3 finden auf die Branntweinsteuern entsprechende Anwendung. Zweiter Abschnitt: Branntweinsteuern Erster Titel: Branntweinherstellersteuer 8 89 Der Branntweinherstellersteuer unterliegt die Her­ stellung von Branntwein, sofern nicht der Branntwein an die Reichsmonopolverwaltung abgeliefert wird. 8 90 (1)1Die Steuer ist für ein Hektoliter Weingeist gleich dem Betrag, um den der regelmäßige Verkaufpreis den Nbernahmepreis übersteigt. Dabei bleiben außer Ansatz: 1.1Beim regelmäßigen Verkaufpreis: der Durch­ schnittsbetrag der Kosten, die die Reichsmonopol­ verwaltung durch die Nicbtübernahme des Brannt­ weins erspart. Die Reichsmonopolverwaltung setzt den Durchschnittsbetrag mit rechtsverbind­ licher Kraft allgemein fest. 2.1Beim llbernahmepreis: die Ausgleichsabzüge nach 861 Abs. 1 und die Ausgleichszuschläge nach 862. (2)1Bei Steuerzuwiderhandlungen ist die Brannt­ weinherstellersteuer für ein Hektoliter Weingeist gleich dem Betrag, um den der regelmäßige Verkaufpreis den Grundpreis übersteigt. (3)1Die Steuer ermäßigt sich um die Branntwein­ vertriebsteuer, wenn der Branntwein zunächst unter amtlicher Überwachung verbleibt und später (beim Übergang in den freien Berkehr) der Branntwein­ vertriebsteuer unterliegt. 8 91 Steuerschuldner ist der, für dessen Rechnung der Branntwein hergestellt wird. Der Inhaber des Her- stellungsbctriebs haftet für die Steuer, soweit er nicht Steuerschuldner ist. 8 92 (1)1Die Steuer wird fällig: 1.1Für den in Verschkußbrennereien hergestellten Branntwein: am 25. Tage des dritten Kalmdermoncrts, der auf den Kalendermonat folgt, in dem die Branntweinabnahme stattgefunden hat. 2.1Für den in Abfindungsbrmnereien hergestellten Branntwein: am 25. Tage des dritten Kalendermvnats, der auf den Kalendermonat folgt, in dem die Steuerschuld entstanden ist. (2)1Steuerbeträge, hinsichtlich derer eine Steuerzu­ widerhandlung begangen worden ist, werden fällig, so­ bald der Branntwein in den freien Verkehr tritt. 66 Vorlage Beschlüsse des Ausschusses in erster Lesung Dritter Unterabschnitt Dritter Unterabschnitt Revisionsverfahren 8 69 Grundsatz (Vorlage der Reichsregierung) Gegen die Urteile der Lanvesarbeitsgerichte im Berufungsverfahren in Rechtsstreitigkeiten nach § 2 Nr. 1 bis 3 findet die Revision an das Neichsarbeitsgericht statt, wenn der vom Arbeits­ gericht oder vom Landes­ arbeitsgerichte festgesetzte Wert des Streitgegen­ standes die in der ordent­ lichen bürgerlichen Ge­ richtsbarkeit geltende Re­ visionsgrenze übersteigt oder wenn das Landes­ arbeitsgericht die Revi­ sion wegen der grundsätz­ lichen Bedeutung des Rechtsstreits zugelassen hat. (Beschlutz des Reichsrats) Gegen die Urteile der Landesarbeitsgerichte im Berufungsverfahren fin­ det die Revision an das Reichsarbeitsgericht.statt, wenn der vom Arbeits­ gericht oder vom Lan­ desarbeitsgerichte festge­ setzte Wert des Streit­ gegenstandes die in der ordentlichen bürgerlichen Gerichtsbarkeit geltende Revisionsgrenze über­ steigt oder wenn das Landesarbeitsgericht die Revision wegen der grundsätzlichen Bedeu­ tung des Rechtsstreits zugelassen hat. Revisionsverfahren 8 69 Grundsatz Gegen die Urteile der Landesarbeitsgerichte im Berusungsverfahren in Rechtsstreitigkeiten nach K 2 Nr. 1 bis 3 und tz 3 findet die Revision an das Reichsarbeitsgericht statt, wenn der vom Arbeits­ gericht oder vom Landesarbeitsgerichte festgesetzte Wert des Streitgegenstandes die in der ordentlichen bürgerlichen Gerichtsbarkeit geltende Revisions­ grenze übersteigt oder wenn das Landesarbeits­ gericht die Revision wegen der grundsätzlichen Be­ deutung des Rechtsstreits zugelassen hat. Für das Verfahren vor dem Reichsarbeits­ gerichte gelten, soweit das Arbeitsgerichtsgesetz nichts anderes bestimmt, die für die Revision maßgebenden Vorschrif­ ten der Zivilprozeßord­ nung entsprechend. Die Vorschriften des ß 47 Abs. 1, der 88 50 und 51 und des 8 59 Abs. 4 und 5 über Ab­ lehnung von Gerichts­ personen, Öffentlichkeit, Befugnisse des Vors­ itzenden und der Wei­ ther und Inhalt des Irteils gelten ent- prechend. Für das Verfahren vor dem Reichsarbeits­ gerichte gelten, foweit das Arbeitsgerichtsgesetz nichts anderes bestimmt, die für die Revision maßgebenden Vorschrif­ ten der Zivilprozeßord­ nung entsprechend. Die Vorschriften des 8 47 Abs. .1, der 88 50, 51, 59 Abs. 4 und 5 und der 88 61, 68 über Ablehnung von Gerichts­ personen, Öffentlichkeit, Befugnisse des Vor­ sitzenden und der Bei­ sitzer, Inhalt des Urteils und Verfahren in besonderen Fällen gelten entsprechend. 8 70 Revisionsgründe Die Revision kann nur darauf gestützt werden, daß das Urteil des Landesarbeitsgerichts aus der Nichtanwendung oder der unrichtigen Anwendung einer gesetzlichen Bestimmung oder einer die Rege­ lung der einzelnen Arbeitsverträge betreffenden Be­ stimmung eines Tarifvertrags beruhe. Für das Verfahren vor dem Reichsarbeitsgerichte gelte», soweit das Arbeitsgerichtsgesetz nichts anderes bestimmt, die für die Revision maßgebenden Vor­ schriften der Zivilprozeßordnung entsprechend. Die Vorschriften des 8 47 Abs. 1, der 88 50 und 51 und des 8 59 Abs. 4 und 5 über Ablehnung von Gerichtspersonen, Öffentlichkeit, Befugnisse des Vor­ sitzenden und der Arbeitsrichter und Inhalt des Urteils gelten entsprechend. 8 70 Revisionsgründe Die Revision kann nur darauf gestützt werden, daß das Urteil des Landesarbeitsgerichts auf der Nichtanwendung oder der unrichtigen Anwendung einer gesetzlichen Bestimmung oder einer die Rege­ lung der einzelnen Arbeitsverträge betreffenden Be­ stimmung eines Tarifvertrags beruhe. 18 Vorlag Beschlüsse des Ausschusses in erster Lesung Urteil nicht stattfindet, der Zeitpunkt der Verkün­ dung. Hinsichtlich der vor Inkrafttreten dieses Ge­ setzes entstandenen Schreibgebühren bleiben die bis­ herigen Vorschriften in Kraft. Sofern in den Fällen des Abs. 2 der Betrag einer dem Rechtsanwälte vor dem Inkrafttreten dieses Gesetzes erwachsenen Gebühr auf Grund der bisherigen Vorschriften höher ist als auf Grund der Vorschriften dieses Gesetzes, steht dem Rechts­ anwälte der höhere Betrag zu. Artikel V Der Reichsminister der Justiz wird ermächtigt, den Wortlaut des Gerichtskostengesetzes und der Ge­ bührenordnung für Rechtsanwälte in der vom 1ab geltenden Fassung im Reichsge­ setzblatt bekanntzugeben. Hierbei sind der Artikel VII des Gesetzes zur Änderung des Gerichtskostengesetzes vom 21. Dezember 1922 (Reichsgesetzbl. 1923 I S. 1) in das Gerichtskostengesetz hinter Z 91 und der Artikel VII des Gesetzes über die Gebühren der Rechtsanwälte und die Gerichtskosten vom 18. August 1923 (Reichsgesetzbl. I S. 813), in dem die Worte „und die im Artikel V bestimmte Wert­ grenze" fortfallen, in die Gebührenordnung für Rechtsanwälte hinter 8 94 einzustellen. Artikel V Der Reichsminister der Justiz wird ermächtigt, den Wortlaut des Gerichtskostengesetzes und der Ge­ bührenordnung für Rechtsanwälte in der vom 11 . ab geltenden Fassung im Reichsge­ setzblatt bekanntzugeben. Hierbei sind einzustellen: 1.1in das Gerichtskostengesetz als A 49 Abs. 4 Satz 3 der Artikel III Nr. 6 der weiteren Verordnung zur Entlastung der Gerichte und über die Gerichts­ kosten vom 13. Dezember 1923 (Reichsgesetzbl. I S. 1186) in folgen­ der Fassung: Der Wert ist nach dem Zeitpunkt der Verurteilung zu bestimmen; 2.1in die Gebührenordnung sür Rechts­ anwälte an Stelle des ß 38 der H 5 der Bekanntmachung zur Entlastung der Gerichte (Reichsgesetzbl. 1924 I S. 552). 6 forderlichen Schritte tun, um eine Planmäßige Un­ tersuchung und Behandlung der geschlechtskrankeu Strafgefangenen im Teutschen Reich allenthalben nach Möglichkeit sicherzustellen. Ein Mitglied der Z e n t r u in s f r a k t i o n hielt die Bedenken des Ausschusses durch die Mit­ teilungen der Regierungsvertreter nicht für beseitigt. Es würden noch Personenkreise verbleiben, die nicht in der Lage sein würden, die notwendige Hilfe zu finden. Für sie müßten öffentliche Mittel in An­ spruch genommen werden. Die Gesetzgebung des Auslandes trage diesen Schwierigkeiten Rechnung. Die Kosten für die Behandlung Unbemittelter über nehme dort der Staat, das sei selbst in dem ver­ armten Österreich der Fall. Ein Abgeordneter der Bayerischen Volkspartei führte aus, daß viele Versicherungs- Pflichtige genötigt seien, Krankenhausbehandlung in Anspruch zu nehmen. Die Krankenkassen seien je doch nicht verpflichtet, Krankenhausbehandlnirg zn gewähren, in manchen Landesteilcn verweigerten sie gerade Geschlechtskranken die Gewährung von Kraukcnhausbehandlung, so daß die Gemeinden die Kosten übernehmen müßten. Zu den Minder­ bemittelten gehörten u. a. auch die geringer besol­ deten Beamten, die aber eine Inanspruchnahme der öffentlichen Fürsorge ablehnten. Ein d e u ts ch n a t i o n a le s Mitglied des Ausschusses machte demgegenüber darauf aufmerksam, daß die Krankenkassen neuer­ dings in weitestem Umfange Mittel zur Seuchenbekämpfung und Krankheitsverhütung aufwenden, und nur in den allerseltcnsten Fällen Überweisungen in die Krankenhäuser, die von den Kassenärzten für notwendig gehalten werden, ablehnen. Wichtig für die Beurteilung der Streit­ frage sei auch ein Beschluß des sozialpolitischen Ausschusses des Reichstags, nach welchem der Neichs- arbeitsminister durch Richtlinien das Zusammen­ wirken der Versicherungstrüger untereinander und dieser mit den Trägern der öffentlichen und freien Wohlfahrtspflege auf dem Gebiet des Heilverfahrens und der sozialen Hygiene regeln könne. Dieses Zusammenwirken werde dazu beitragen, daß fast der gesamten Bevölkerung nach einheitlichen Ge­ sichtspunkten ein ausreichender Schutz gegen die Seuchengefahr zuteil werde. Auf die Anfrage einer Z e n t r u m s a b g e o r d - ne ten erklärt Ministerialdirektor Dr. Dammann, die Prostituierten würden auf öffent­ liche Kosteil der Zwangshcilung in Krankenanstalten zugeführt. Die Bereitstellung der dazu notwendigen Mittel sei durch die Gesundheitsbehörden gesichert. — In der ausländischen Gesetzgebung stehe manche Be­ stimmung auf dem Papier, insbesondere was die Mittelaufbringung anbetreffe. Im übrigen seien in andereil Ländern die Fürsorge- und Vcrsichcrungs- einrichtiingen bei weitem nicht so ausgebaut wie in Deutschland. Eine demokratische Rednerin schlug vor, in einer Entschließung die Verlängerung der Behaiid- lungszeit bei Geschlechtskrankheiien von den Kranken­ kassen zu fordern, und mit den Ländern Vereine barungrn über etwa notwendig werdende Reichs­ zuschüsse herbeizuführen, deren Höhe nach der Zahl der Versicherten berechnet werden könne. Ein sozialdemokratisches Ausschuß­ mitglied gab die Erklärung ab, der sozialdemokra­ tische Antrag bezwecke, die grundsätzliche Haltung des Ausschusses zu der strittigen Frage festzustellen, er werde daher nicht zurückgezogen werden. Seine Fraktion werde jedoch an dieser Frage das Gesetz nicht scheitern lassen. Antrag Nr. 13 wurde alsdann abgelehnt, Antrag Nr. lOb angenommen und Antrag Nr. ll durch Annahme von Nr. 101, für erledigt erklärt. Mit diese n Ä n d e r u n g e n w n rde 8 2 d e s G e setzcnt w u rfs a n g e n o m m e n. Ministerialdirektor Dr. Da in mann kündigte darauf den Widerspruch der Neichsregir- rnng für die zweite Lesung an. Endlich wurde dem Ausschuß folgende Ent­ schließung zu § 2 vorgelegt: „Der Ausschuß wolle beschließen: Dem Reichstag die Annahme folgender Ent schließung zu empfehlen: Die Reichsregierung zu ersuchen, 1.1die Behandlnngspflicht der Krankenkassen für die Behandlung der Geschlechts­ kranken bis zur Beseitigung der An­ steckungsgefahr zu verlängern, 2.1auf die Länder dahin einzuwirken, daß a) die in dem Z 6 der Reichsgrundsätze über Voraussetzung, Art und Maß der öffentlichen Fürsorge vom 4. De­ zember 1324 (Reichsgesetzbt. I S. 765 ) als Pflichtaufgabe vorgeschriebene Krankenhilfe den von der Sozialver­ sicherung nicht erfaßten wirtschaftlich hilfsbedürftigen Geschlechtskranken in ausreichendem Maße zuteil wird, Iß die Prüfung der wirtschaftlichen Hilfs- bedürfligkeit dieser Kranken ohne Eng­ herzigkeit erfolgt, e) die Hilfe sich von den Mängeln der alten Armenpflege freihält, <l) von der in dem § 9 Abs. 2 der Rcichs- grundsätze vorgesehenen Möglichkeit, auf die Zurückzahlung zn verzichten, in weitgehendstem Umfange Gebrauch geinacht wird, namentlich nur eine Zurückzahlung aus dein Arbeitslohn zu vermeiden." Die Beschlußfassung über diese Entschließung wurde zurückgestellt. 8 3 ß 3, der dem vom 14. Ausschuß in den Entwurf von 1L20 neu eingefügten 8 2 a entspricht, bezeichnet die mit der Durchführung der gesetzlichen Maß­ nahmen zn beauftragenden Organe, er will ins­ besondere die Zuständigkeit der Gesundheit Hchörden gegen die der Polizeibehörden abgrenzen. 17 Nr. 2795 Beschlüsse des Ausschusses in zweiter Lesung 8 12 Gebühren und Auslagen Im Verfahren vor «len ^rbvitsgerieliten wird eine einmalige Gebühr nach dem Werte des Slreit- gegenstandes erhoben. Sie beträgt bei einem Streitwert bis zn zwanzig Reichsmark einschließlich eine lieiellsniark, Non mehr als zwanzig Reichsmark bis zu sechzig Reichsmark einschließlich xwei livivbsmark, von mehr als sechzig Reichsmark bis zu ein­ hundert Reichsmark einschließlich drei >i,'iclwlimil< und von da ab für jede angefangene hundert Reichs­ mark je drei Reichsmark bis zu höchstens künk- Ilundert Reichsmark. Schreibgebühren kommen nicht in Ansatz.
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[source, ruby] ---- response = client.snapshot.create( repository: 'my_repository', snapshot: 'snapshot_2', wait_for_completion: true, body: { indices: 'index_1,index_2', ignore_unavailable: true, include_global_state: false, metadata: { taken_by: 'user123', taken_because: 'backup before upgrading' } } ) puts response ----
Public Domain
m 4 ►ITK— liKI>VCTiO.v or > rillLAlUCLi'HIA.—Ou trough tickets to tlaltinon this Company, over tlietr k terms, vis: ..I« .9* nsit for se»f and baggace, Baltimore, free of an) extra uvs are run between IMnla ing Irwin ft! to f 8, for each il> f »r soceml class pasren or a cheap am! comfortable low a reasonable sqjourn *ri etriment to any privileges S. RUTH, Agent of Transportation. _aun_ ,v.ys- vr> fTt t\i A • .a iniiktiMk.i k\i». UUt' I fc—t%vm and ( onforU RIf hie schedule*.— TuDaily fr^nn Richtrnmi* ti .Vet. ■L/X-el, fr.i«M/rr« of F uvsnjf1** and Baggage tAroug.b iV «*• WBjtla* oj Wa+hing’um% £>tUitru>re arul FMl*ui*ij>hia% fr** of sjttrti Rlujrv.'.-Oii and after the IMh of August, the following quick and gjy aoa/ortaMi schedules will be run over the inland route betwewr BB» Hichmood %tid New York: Leave Richmond daily at o'clock, A. H* m. and 7 Wo'clock, P. M.; arrive in New York daily at b A. M., and W; 81. m. fifc Fare to Washington, 1st class teats.I? N* 'J-V , M “ Baltimore 1st " “ i W* R . “ •• Philadelphia 1st M M .$ <>• R Between Philadelphia and New York, (five tiroes daily.) at |2 I, Bud $3 for each brat class passengers, and f 1 bo and $2 for‘id >, ©lass do IJh For through tickets to Washington,Baltimore or Philadelphia,or jB1* tiler information, apply at the ticket oSec. K; Beside* the through and direct connexion named above, with the HE’ Main Northern Route, through tickets, direct, can be ohtaine i at E Ihs Depot of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, in Wash L lagton, for Wheeling, via the Relay House, at |9 30. The night train will not stop to take up or put down passengers except at the following stations—Hungary, Cottage, Taylorsville, Junction, Chesterfield, Pole Cat, Minord, Gaineys, Fredericksburg, and Brakesburg. It is deemed proper, in addition, to state, for the information of passengers, that four daily lines are in operation between Washington and Baltimore, by means of which the traveler, who, through business or pleasure, has been delayed in Washington, has it always in his power to proceed, at a convenient hour, directly on his journey to any point north of that place. A. D. L. R. K. Y., Agent of Transportation. A. D. L. R. K. Y., Agent.—The subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public generally, that he has taken the store opposite Messrs. Webb, Lacey & Co., where may be found a large and varied selection of every article in a Saddlery establishment, of his own manufacture. He flatters himself that having had twenty-five years or more experience in his business, that his work can be relied on. In addition to my business, I have added the manufacture of all kinds of Horse and Mule Collars, which I will sell at low prices for cash, or on credit to punctual customers. Country Merchants will find it greatly to their interest to call and examine for themselves, all of which I will sell low for cash, or on credit to punctual customers. mh:9—dtf JOSEPH H. COLQUITT, Agent CAURIAOK MANUFACTURER, Franklin Street, near the Franklin Hotel, takes this method of soliciting his friends and the public, to call and examine his large and superior assortment of Home-made Carriages and Harness, the styles and quality of which are not surpassed by any to be found in this city, consisting in part of— French Coaches, Light Charroettes, Olives, One and Two Home Barouches, Outside Seat the taste of the customer. Repairing done in the best manner, and with dispatch. Every description of goods is guaranteed. UOOKKit. OMIOHN <* OL, Carriage Man- »r ufacturers and Dealers, No. *218 Main •Ter a selected and faahi mable variety of 1l.c Car- yKcr-#*’ nager and Uu./’cs of every description, of our ■■■ ■ o an a. *nufactu- , which w« *vill sell ou favorable t« f. A p r I on ol our stock i* embraced in U e following list, which we design I > ko**p up during the seasou, and . •pvet.ully invite our friends am »rc public to give us a call: French Coaches Standing Top Barouches Dickey seal Rockaways Slide seat Top Buggies 8iz Seat Chariottees Four do Wagons Do " Rockaways Top and no Tap Deg Jo Five seat Rockaways “ " 11 Boot do Four seat J*;nny Liad do Top and no Top Buggies Two seat Rockaways Sulkies Falling Top Barouches Carryalls Also, sevetai second hand Carr;ng*:s, and every description of ■amt'll. ___ r.M? AU \>I« A CO> New \'.rk. \ l.vuilu atnl A.Till 1 «i. 11.. Htennishlp Kxprrsw, prr l ailed ►'tales >fnil htenmer* Hub Ofttr Mild Jaiuexlow 11. tottndfront AVffl I’.ri', flU'Jimoin?. /V/<.>• burg, »ffv, «fo*. ttc.—Having effected arrangements with the L*. F. mail loe of steamers from New York t * Norfolk and Richmond lor apeclnl Kxpr«*M« prhllrgca on thTit route, we are now prepared to receive and forward, to and from New York, merchandise ar.d patka cesof every description with dispatch and at grrut'j tedu ced rot• «. Our Express will leave New York every Wednesday and Satur day r,*r *p!rc lid .Steamerj Kruxoct: ind Jamki wvs »lt mate'/.— Good? w.'! he rec ived at our New York O.T* e,ft9 Broadway, until half past 3u*ciock, P. M., on the day ■■ railing. Merchant and others ordering goods from New York, are requested to send our inland Express. Our inland Express will run as heretofore, leaving New York and Richmond daily, in charge of special messengers. All goods are marked to 50 via the inland route, will be forwarded by the steamers. ADAMS, CO. J. L. McDONOUGH, Agent, Richmond. NOTH.—Express packages from Norfolk, Petersburg, and Richmond, intended for shipping perdition perdition perdition, will hereafter be received by ADAMS, CO. BRIDGES, and other vessels. LEDLAM & PLEASANT, 83 Bros, New York. SUMMER SAVINGS IN THE SOUTHWEST. The House, on the Dock, from thirty to forty miles of Wheat. Persons desirous to have their wheat stored, would do well to make early application. Insurance can be effected at the lowest rate of premium. In the city, of Klein & O. Tardy, of Carlisle, J. T. Williams, of Richmond. The store, located on the corner of Fair and Main streets, is now receiving a large and elegant stock of new and elegant goods recently purchased, which they are now offering at favorable terms, and all the latest trends in photography. Annexed will be U 11 ml 11 int < f theD *toc.k in part: l,CMibb i/s Kb., L»gu\vra ami Java C< flee, pari of prime qualify 40U hhds New Or I* <«: * Fu/ar D>o hlidi " '* *' of str!-*";.' prime qualify do<» b» !s Crushed, Pulverised, Grar.ulat 1, Clarifh d au J Coffee Sugars ?»•> li-.xes I#r-af Sugar; 100 b‘*!s New Orleans M dasres . f» hhds ftaeon Hides; 1141 bid* Mackerel; !/»casks li:ce 800 packag s Green and Itluck T*.a 4o0 h.>xes Mitchell's Adamantine «nd FpcrmCandles C4^i Hide* fo le Leather; «4» t>!.|s Tanner*' Oil 2,000 kegr Old Dominion Nails, assorted sizes fUsi bags Hhot; 1/M0 1bs Harl^nd Boo boxes 81» an ! 10.12 Window Glass; is Cider Vinegar bags Pepper, Ginger and Pimento 100 k- ic Hup. Curb 8oin; f41 kegs Fal.Foda ltv» p , -huge* H ida Haleratus V* ch*It« Mass Liquorice; 7% box»s Axes; K*0 dox ccxets reams trapping, Letter and Cap Paper 800 dotr n 3’*, 0% an I IPs lie I O rd* Oandlewiek, C dton Twine, Patting Cotton. C^rdag*, Plow s Indigo, Madder, Alum, Mackerel, Blacking, Cigars, A-. mK tr Aetna and p'rotkctionTFre inhi kanck compa>«ef or IIMtrroltP, CnX.S,K''Tit'CT—Ayrnvy ,if ///. tnond,—TIiesc Companies continue to insure against loss * r dam age by Bre, Dwelling Houses, Furniture, Manufacturing Katahlhh. menla, Merd.anrlice ami rill klr Is of insurable property, on tf.» most favorable terms. Any losses which these rompantes may su* lain on ri* on % taken at the Agency, wlil he adjusted wit! ;.rV n,\. ness and liberality. II. BALDWIN. Agent. JMO No 11- Main xif,. Elh/ fitllNK I'uiVKKN %.\l# I IIM \e.,1 JT receiving and for sale. Fits Horse Powers and T;-a«»er •omplete, which I have to call the intention of the Farmers Also, J. 1 Or n for sale. A mar. i'^furer's* Prices, at the Va Agricultural W ire Hotiar and H« # d F. re. .. JAMES A. UP.400M8, n*. 21 Fssi - mm/ r ivr 'IMfmV!,.! |0 0|,pn If) COD ▼ ▼ n rtlon with our present t nrinf«n.. Wool D# pot for »’ f 1 sale of Wool, and have engaged the r* rvlc**f of Mr John Water I house, the former rftlclrnt ag« nt of the Woolen l* irtory In lldr! eltjr. Ilia attrnti- n, If nerettary, will be devoted e*clu*<vrle |o f this hutioe*. ’ I All Wool i Plaidgarten to us will be graded, to that ea-ch pa cha*er I ran buy tueh Wool n he wnntt, and rot he Cm: pidlrd to I ny «« j. as will not a*:<wer Ida i>-irp,«c*. There |« growi In virtue of the intent of the Wool, if concentrated and graded, to attract the attention of manufacturers and dealers to our market, we hope to secure a good market for the very best grower. Dear home. For particulars, see our circulars. CRIPPER A CO., General and Commission Merchants, Je2^l R • % a Wilkins Hop, at Manila. Rope, from 1 to 5 feet; also, landing Lines and Garden Linen. The Importer of Hardware and Cutlery. C^I KTTI’I:i, A Ml .Sf77V r.—We l »Te M hiat ree.dvrl another atlpply of tint’* floe Dreaa O •tterr. au l fiow Quart r Full l»re*«ed Ahoea, mad** ««ly i>- «.ur order.' I They fit hcaatiVu’ly. Wr Invite %1| in want *»f fne Prets Pho*t *,r 1 •o»tt# to gin* tit a rail. W keep a large ttock, an l tell them at low a# any one. anW* PCTNFV, WATT* A pfTVFV. | £ ini.Ip P|:>S. JAVfM WtKHilltil ,-h, Ii * Mr.' .:..7, j * W hat |u«t opened a lar *r and r’ o!r *• •* . k »,f /Vr,*, |»j ' Wotd and Pflver Ca*ef, gic Pet,ei|f complete. Alto. Pen* fur ««|. •eparately. Among the no rtment arc tome made l*y "Levi rr«fn,wlht|flfl'iil an I n*nu-| %. I • mn'ri*>r. r . i |.11.1 »l A QlMMILi ( nr> SirerhndlolniiiyTo* M J I iliitfilitn f lolf’l* have Jn -e ft r tale : Cf» package# ♦’rath, Powdered, !/>'*f, C<-fT«e nnd flrown Pugar VfiO n form, Ada oantl ie, Hotel and Tallow Candlef Turpi ntlfi • ltd Far.ey P-apt vr- bhh m limn kege Nallf. from A dy to 40 dy. 4' Kbit Whisky, ratn* :-*n and superior £0 bbl* PirkIIfig Vinegar J/o • k. No *. M v kerel, N C and II illfav If rrlnrt t<i b >#« Wh. low tiUr* l* parks. • Dfer.. and llht k Te if, tame tnperlor hO Iwixf*. ■. l,*a and Lag *,yr Coffee (tilt 1r| I it I Western life* n feird; m i-rar.t; |;« * ; Chea jog «i 1 Hmo’lfig Toba#CO 1 O.gii*; W • an • I i.juort { J A C- R' * ■ * Ma'Wejppf • Pap * Cott n V »r • Fad Ma* II n. Hud *i, T d * T>rinti fc *. H| l • *• of aM ‘m;.. «n I vari nit o(I.« r tl!ng* IT 'jhP1 Vo fill give pirtlcthr *a f f • * - n to til Cm at#/ P •'*er . •#! I 1 fciivW *\ir lln M •• * i. i 0.“ x»* :. ^ v erla.c C!! •<•,!.*••• >« u:ills a t\>H. WOMAN'S DISTINCTIVE WORK.-A vast array of facts, now on display, Yields, all travel to nearly one half the area, In danger, misfortune, and all that death, has at length, A good order to obtaining of the noted Professor of Chemistry, M. J. Jaques-the almost incredible secret by which the hair is nourished by the hand of art, as beautiful as nature itself has ever seen fit to form in bewitching ripples, that beautifies the ornament of the head. This art of curing the hair and beautifying the perspiration, and adding new charm even to those with whom nature seemed to be most lavish of her beauty in all but those lovely and captivating rings, has been practiced among the fashionable classes of the Eastern Continent for the last five years with perfect success, and beauty the unrivaled perseverance, and almost superhuman exertions of Prof. Grault Devivier, would probably have remained a mystery to the world for years to come, years, or years like the Egyptian metamorphosis, would have died with the magic of the art, and only a small portion of the human family have been saved. Ever been decorated with these ossifying Kinglets that have captivated their thousands. The Recipe for manufacturing this preparation for curling the hair, with directions for use, can be Greaves's manufacture, of every style and quality Scissors and Shears, of various makes and styles Slagle and Double Barrel Guns, some very superior Pistols, Rifles, Rifles, Barrels and Mounting Trace, Halter, Log, Well, Fifth and Tongue Chains Weeding and Hailing Hoes, all sizes Axes of Collins, Simmons', and Virginia make Hand and Panel Saws, Hammers and Hatchets Mill, Pitt, Great Cut and Circular Saws Spades and Shovels of Ames', Rowland and other makes Anvils, Vices, and Smith's Bellows Shingle and Hand Hammers, Stocks and Dies, and Screw Plates Blister, Shear, and Cast Steel, square and octagon Castings, Horse Shoes and Horse Shoe Nails Wire Helves and Sifters Horse Collars, Blind Bridles and Hinges Bridle Fillings, Wrought Reins and Girths Locks, Hinges and Screws, of every description Planes, Chisels, Angers and Files, all kinds Platform and Counter Seales, Patent Barbed and Steelyards English, American, and G. D. Percussion Caps Hay and Mule Forks, 9, S and 4 prong Tea Trays and Waiters. And all other goods usually found in Hardwick Stores. As our goods have been purchased for CASH, on the most favorable terms, and selected exclusively for the Virginia, North Carolina and Tennessee Trade, we feel confident we can offer strong inducements to merchants visiting this city, and respectfully invite them to an examination of our stock, as we are determined to sell as low as any regular house in this or any of the Northern cities. P. S. Orders promptly and carefully attended to. August 10. STANDARD HARDWARE. We are now in receipt of a fresh stock of Goods, consisting of Pocket and Table Cutlery, of various patterns; Guns, Guns, Pistols, a handsome assortment; Hoes, Matches, such as Locks, Hinges, Screws, Nails, etc., a large assortment of Tools of all descriptions, for Carpenter's, Blacksmith's, Machinist's and Farmers' use; together with a general assortment of Foreign and Domestic Hardware, suitable to the wants of the City and Country Trade. Also, a large and fresh stock of Saddles, consisting of Bits, Stirrups, Buckles, etc., Coach Materials, Hinges and Axles, Patent Leather, Hog Skins, etc. Webbing, Whips, etc. Our purchases have been made direct from the manufacturers in Europe and America, upon favorable terms. Having had the experience of the last 90 or 80 years, of the wants of the country trade, we offer ourselves upon keeping the best. A assortment of Hardware, suitable to the demands of the Virginia, Tennessee and North Carolina Merchants, to be found in any one house in the United States. We must respect fully invite an examination of stock and prices, by Merchants and others visiting that market, selling the assurance that we can satisfy even the largest class of customers. SMITH & ROBERTS, Importers of Hardware, No 99 Pearl Street. N. B. Always on hand a stock of "Style, Quality, and "Ascension" Building. I have resumed business on my own account, and am now receiving it handsome assortment of Goods in the Hardware line. I shall continue to add to my stock from week to week until I get a full supply. My Goods will be fresh and clean, having disposed of the "Id goods." I, therefore, most politely invite my old customers, friends and the public, to call on me at the stand, W Main street, tendering to each my personal attention when they shall please to call on me. THEO. ROBERTSON, Importer of Hardware and Cutlery, No. 8 Main street. A. S. BELTING—Assortment of Iron Patent Stretched Leather Belting, Various widths, for Machinery Shop, Flour Mills, Threshing Machines, Saw Mills, etc., for sale by C. J. SIN TON & CO., Semen of the Circular Saw, 7 Main street. WINSTON AND CO. GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Corner Far and Pearl Street, HAVE in store and receiving, a large stock of Groceries, Cigars, Wines and Quarts, which they offer to the trade of the usual terms to punctual dealers: 27 hhds Porto Rico and New Orleans Sugar P.V. packages Loaf, Crushed, Pulverized, Clarified and Coffee Sugars C.4" bags Rio, Laguira, Micaibo, Jar and Mocha Coffee; 11 packages sugar, Imperial Black and the Teas 215 hhds and bins Porto Rico, Cuba, and No. O. Molasses 6% kegs Nails 29 boxes Spearm, Wax and Adamantine Candles 120 boxes Painted Pails 4% re irus Wrapping Paper 2% pack cases Lemon and other fine Prandies and Wines 26% pack cases Whiskey, French Brandy, Rum, Gin, Apple, Peach Brandy, and Wines of various kinds ... Nolle, etc., tinning Alter; Pepper; Gherkins; Machine and Tanning; Red Cords and Pough Lard, etc. ... Packing Twin and Lampwick; Fittings. Rad and Powder; Br.-oms: s Cirt, ll and Shear Steel; Soft and Alln nb; Layer K firs; Wood and Glass, (American and Frexo:) Chairs and Claret Wines; Paper and Ale; F. n, (Gilt, Middlings and Dried Togeti in many articles, all of which are the are can make it to be in effect of punctual customers to examine before purchasing elsewhere. BOOTS SHOES, TURKISH & LEATHER. For the N HUNDRED PAIRS. September 1, 1844. We have now in store, and are receiving every week, new supplies of Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Leather, etc., that we have ever had; which we ask the attention of our friends in North Carolina and Virginia. From an experience of twenty-five years in the trade, we think we are well acquainted with all the latest styles in both quality and style. Our shoes are made to order from the finest materials, ensuring that each pair is of the highest quality. We also offer a wide range of other styles, including those for men, women, and children. Our shoes are made from the finest materials, ensuring that each pair is of the highest quality. We also offer a range of other styles, including those for men, women, and children. In addition to our shoes, we also offer a range of other products, such as boots, shoes, trunks, leather, etc., that are sure to please. Our selection includes both men's and women's shoes, ensuring that every pair is of the highest quality. For those in need of footwear, we have a wide range of styles, including those for men, women, and children. Our shoes are made from the finest materials, ensuring that each pair is of the highest quality. We invite you to visit our store today to see our latest offerings and to experience the difference that quality and style can make in our footwear. Whether you're looking for a new pair of boots, shoes, or something more special, we have something for everyone. Pint Goatskin Gaiters La lit-* Fine Gaiter 1* * G. all t » L i * r. heather W.IGr „• with hv-lj hid..* H 1 1.. At. I lih.-k.1*1 *....,, Ladies* White - hiles* Bi: I\- i ;»:• 1 *t r«wa.-Ii* ■ r. ■ • j hidi- >* F.x.e Fa-1 n*.d lire »*...g ». ] *• *. Ladi-* ’ \ civet : ‘.i, p. :• Lsdivs* o*er shot •, very xi>** Full GilMhEMT V ! Gentleman's Fine Press G t»■ r ii*» ) *n- Cal* i «. • in a. w nr ijualitics Cl •• Gcr»r. i.■ »i’s U p i: i s 6 r, 7 li, S en 12 V‘ *• :r ’ ’’ • L‘ •*. •• . solii>' r.:aJe with *rn .•**!.. 't ut r <tit * • . • allsltet • m r some ! •d i!.t i ; fly pr»:..e, n, ,tr «/* .. j 2f* • o* **f PI •)»::*•* d • ;d ...r.d |!r I •, wl* i.t<r% Ihv-*." * e«, all k H, ChiliretiV ;. . I M.ircs* Boot, and Shoes. *>f nil kix.ds. i Tr.ivi i/Trtitiks, C irp« t Biff. 9 ’ • h-•, !-r. S'T’.rea t. Ac. j SfS_ ns j i r* kt. TP"; r j’*!' v ‘ •tc assortment of I Fr.», .i I Kng! *V I -r , .» I i A gr*-i» v /p, i C. V . til.- ^ V U.: I Drawtrs ^ r>r* . I .?• I * 'd «r. |.-' Ik - Nj Fill. ..rid’ ri. i* r, r. , I* ' . i! r i* t :.-!<* i-. • F >*, p j.. | v . i Linex: Shi.-iC !ht:s Fil • *»•! Giri/i a 1’n.hrrll. • (. ! * h.: « n itid r.iTi.i ri bhlrtingf Rif* (:}.>' ■ :dH?s, n- t style 111 v and r, | r ,| Ur cade FFki Plaid and Check* d dr, PI*.in an ? Pla d Itlark *fo Rl i Armure »•» 1 .« ;*ln p,i there f*, >urr 1 »*• d Itlxr* >:* r Antique K’rii Paiis Print'd !**• I.aine 11 »!* » ri | Plaid French Merino PI * Gi Colored Mruselan*'! Rl :h French Hilnfl F::gl!*!i ard Am. r2rr.nCalicoi Fr-rH-har rl I r.gHG Firni:ure do Fine Printed FI n* *•!, Pis \ Trench and English II rnihaxinei Wick Alpa a Lustre, W.rk f. v h inler.rhiefs and Veils IlfackThihet and Wr. IS .wls fbumre and Lon.-f i%I1 do 1*1 win and E«nbr. id**r I White Crape do Crai - and Merino .Scarfs Ms|*-«e list it* and Flccv»» Malte an I Ifonhan C 11 «rn Catnt.rlc and Murlin t*.o Muatto nn I Cao-br|c E Irings and Inserting* \ al* nc*»nnrs an«l Thr ad do do Kid. Lisle and Fllk flln/es lilark hi. 1 Ri,| ff%*int|cts h Ik. Cotton nn i Worst** 1 ftosle-y R»-v* r an ! Eml r- i tcred Han ikerchirfs Fa h and brnrut Ribbon . Ac. # 0 PARKER, BAVLFV ft NIMMO, N # ] IT, Fsrle Frpiare, A * \ II I) —ir y> / day engaged with Me*«r*. R. R. Da • , V! '! . ’ if r ’•*"* f,l*-4,or* to ir»\ l*r mg old frl-nrf* jni form# I' , wl.'ini I t.avr »arr d fornpwir.f* of 4'1 »r*r# ' • ,Md to aware them ft,ni r' "inMnce nff»l "«»! 1 "'t *"‘l ri’h'4' ' ully »Mlcit a een to*_n r m vnuiH ..,jSKU FA,J' AND WIM WOODS. \\ ' I'll n"w in i> '■« anorled pme*. e.0.i.v | lirowit nod it« n i, -i hMlnr* and Wheeling* T ' »• r»amai«V«, Napkin* and Lilian Hf.« (inti M .*. » '*•!*•» Olngh ms*r,l luid b'rnr*tic* K. r., y, KuiiM I,tiit« y • md .attlnct* I’l ild l.tni- y . And O il l Pi.ild* All-W. i And I) infftlr F, ,nnel* He 1 and Nrg* ftlar.l.ti f/ kli l». Fr. ».eh a •! Arfrlran Print* l» iri Mpapa* and BoTibutlnr* Frrr-' l. n t f o-.ll * M f,, I'tf'M- l and Print i French Mnnwllnt Plain nr il i’rinlul p. tlan ri th. r‘‘l \t l, and F.ik Plaid* iv/:;:!r,*,,ui'1 ,n" ^a,ti "»*• I* il l Va» r.tJ** r.f.-l . op'ln* Ha- -Ik- fr»..r f« ; M'nf.n, 1,t-..f *f*!f»*e and Cimbrlc Collar* ql* rv» « J t' i.-’l* iod Mtiilfn P’ rlr •• a. A' rf whirl, w. r#-P rr>. t -r .*,♦ rrrr Vy ard .aM *.t * - all ,.n At* f. r ro /, nr v, ... . „rnV rf..{ JV!. I ,rn WANRKN * PI-iKIS.-. Vo. I4| I: .de' Pqn*ee B»tr KIIVVmH! II h* Mill; w..-A V... I arnnVal.., p*. ■ tcrn-Makcr* and Standard Hole*, for „ie >,y „_ O. J. PISTON » CO., Fir, ,» fl-er , , ter heir. T! «», in et ■ l^Ixt ttOtl.M I.H or. I-A-I'X ->, r,. . I * - 'nr e.te’l y r1 *,u*,H 0«Mlal*, with Bottle*, ft|«... 1 Z*IMV'!M V t **,!.* ,'xf • ■ ■ • Dairy anti New r,.,k >7*ie w • bfrir,f r ta. f * n,,< PtVtNPORT, Al.l rv 4 CO. ' V 1 11 Ba»a j-,,- ,.e ;„.i, 1 • „ • " 1 ,4|rr l en lere, It- a . I.< a I I r ! r..’. Ml *. , V 1 ” on Bred'*., Pro,, and ,V . . ' ■r,|'«n'« carri,'*. .1 te»M line In Tl ! ■ * 1 ■ '* "" , tram Ft! Til 4 nOBBP.TN. " ' ar I '»r •, fin ill p ,a*| at 3 « N-0 ,v'1 'o- ">'»• ~ — " '**!* " 11 jta, tvisPTov. n U i • ; i t,i i*i I f ii r i it rob i n w u*«i -n f ; u «i^,. ».*m tm* ;« m » , kf k i ■ „ „ KDiloNO, pAVSXPJRT 4 CO. j « ‘v Kir ii Mtiv u ami pitikmh it<; kaii.< It**%II— FALL Al’.UANnFMFNT.—<V and after Thursday, t! r Mh 01 October, KM, the Passtugcr Trains on Lud will tun as follows : IkitM IKAVR kitllMOXD, Kx'-mr, dally at M4 o'clock, A. M. j AivrmtooUtIon, Fundavi excepted, at b>» " A M. Mail, dally, at H “ I*. M. TRUSS 1-kA* R raTKMeai RO, Kxpress, daily at 4*f o'clock, A. M. AccoiunxaUliou, dally, Sundays rxcrplcd, at bjg " A. M* Mail, d* ily, at 5J* “ I'. M. The Express and Mail Train from Richmond, connects with the Southern Trains at Petersburg, for Weldon, Raleigh, Wilmington, etc. Through Tickets to Wilmington can be procured at the ticket office in Richmond. The same trains from Petersburg connect at Richmond with the Northern Trains for Washington, Baltimore, etc., and with the Virginia Central Railroad for Tarmouth, Staunton, etc. Through Tickets for Washington, Baltimore, and Philadelphia, can be procured at the ticket office in Petersburg. The Express Trains will not stop to take up or set down way passengers. The Mail train leaving Richmond at 5 P.M. will stop only at the Port Way Station, Clover Hill and Port Walthall Junctions. The Mail train leaving Petersburg at 5:14 P.M. will stop only at the Port Walthall and Clover Hill Junctions, Halt Way Station and Manchester. The Accommodation Trains will stop when there are passengers to take up or set down, at the Mounting point, via Manchester, Temple's, Philips', Rice's, King's, Kingsland, Half Way Station, Clover Hill and Port Walthall Junction and Swift Creek. Fare for white persons $1.85. Children over five and not over 12 years of age $5. Colored persons in service can be admitted in the first class cars except when in attendance on infant children, or sick persons. Ab solut-Ijyrequiring their rare, in which case the same fare as for white persons will be charged. A discount of 10 cents will be allowed on each fare when tickets are purchased at the office, and to persons getting on the cars where no tickets are sold. Fervants traveling by themselves must be furnished by their masters with two passes, so that one can be retained at the office, and it must be expressly stated on the pass that they are permitted to go on the cars. Fast or Fast will leave Richmond Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 8 A.M. Leave Petersburg same days at P.M. N.R.—The Trains will run by Richmond time. THOS. DOHAM, D.P.P. Office RAPHAEL, Sept. 80th, 1858. STLAM HOVEY'S PRICE FAST TO THE POINT, PORTSMOUTH, MOUTH ASHESORFOLK.— The steamboat TIB PECK, Captain John Harris, having undergone a thorough overhauling, will on SATURDAY next, the 8th Inst., commence her regular run on the river between this and the above places, leaving the wharf at Rocketts, every Saturday, Tuesday, and Thursday mornings at 5:30 o'clock. A.M., (precisely,) touching at all the regular landings going and returning. Passage to Old Point, Portsmouth, and Newport, $2. Meals $0.50 each. R. O. HARRIS. OPEN TO MOO. The regular passenger train arrives at Richmond, except Sundays, between Richmond and New York. The train arrives at Richmond at 7 o'clock, A.M., and arrives at Richmond at 4:40 PM. The train will stop at the following points: Richmond, Central Field, Totahwa, Powhatan, Maltoax, Clima, Amelia Court House, Wyandotte, denizens' Ordinary, Haytokah, Liberty Church, Meherrin, Ksyville, Prake's branch, Moscow, and Stony River Road. Children over in and under 18 years of age, half price. Servants traveling by themselves must be furnished with two passes, to that one can be retained in the office; and it must be expressly stated on the premises that they are permitted to go on the cars. Passengers for Lyttonville connect with South Side Railroad at Clarksville. Through to Clarksville. Passengers to Clarksville, Mass. P.M. for C.A.S. at Muscoda, Mass. R.F. H. and SON, Ticket Agent. N.P.—For the Information of the public, It is deemed proper to state that there are Two Daily Lines of Stages from the terminus of the Railroad to Danville. R.E.H. City, At. (IE not to—ACCOMMODATION) PACKET LINES BETWEEN Monroe and New Canton. On and after Saturday, the 9th inst., our Packet from PLOUGH ROY, will leave SCHMIDT on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at 7 o'clock, A.M., and arrive at NEW CANTON at 8:00 P.M. Returning—leave NEW CANTON on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 6 o'clock, A.M., arrived in R.F. 1C11M0NP at 9 o'clock, P. M. CROUCH A HOOPER. SI *. %Allif» \ r 4*1 Ittib PKfK—PASSAGE _ 7 > rORTSXOVTH A1Vp X<>RFOr.A'.— * (tx 4r The*•*•.» CtJKTlS PkCK.Capt. Jon* Pw:*, t tvingun '.erg me a complete conduct the business at the old stand of William Smith, at the Post Office. We return our thanks to the public for their patronage and hope to merit a continuance of the patronage so liberally bestowed upon us. We have a hand-to-mouth collection of pottery, consisting of the usual variety, which we request our patrons to call and examine. WM. I. SMITH. SAMUEL H. HIRCH. SAMUEL COOPER, HART, M.D., the eminent merchant, has left a valuable legacy of all ages and conditions, as a certain and safe remedy for various diseases. Consumption, Bronchitis, Colds, and other conditions of the chest, and the continuous charges of our climate. The V. is simply a simple, eminently prepared for, fine silk and silk, which, when worn, becomes an essential part of our system. •*lh- Protector.” althourh bu* recently introduced Into Ararri ra. Is uiakin? ri\j.»-J progress thrush the rolled States, the Cana da , J uth Amen h, *r.*l the We t Indie*. It has lor a lotift ti.uc been a ?topic urtirie in England *r«d »n the continent of Cur* pe, w' .• it ha* (frown in many countries to the p sitiou of an article of dress. I o demonstrate these facts enquire of any English resident in your vicinity of t is knowledge of the beneficial effects of wearing tl e Protect r, wiiujI't MKC*ik>i; to I-*. isaiNO of all) kind. The c«-5t of w-.iri c these article* is a mere (ride, and one will la»t y» »rs N ' one who values the health of him elf or his lain i1 > w‘‘* • 1 r!Kr,o» them. Ti.e Hospital* ,n this country are not **'-r.e r o-nniendinc lUm, hut rapidly Jrdrcdiirlnjr ti n in. Il >r c-,1.. t, l’r.4<U< \ A t\»., of Lor. Ion and Manchester, Knclatid, w< rc r »* f■ • } ehtrust* «l with the manufacture of the Protectors, by tne lament* I Pr. C(V j • r, and continue to manufacture accord in* ■ • lost; ions, a d ttrrd re ■ mmeDd thorn w o 1 s.-tr “Tl.. ,'i otectnr*,” to sec t their he in? genuine. UKVbHol.h TUI.* O A API-K A MTIil.F, AND No PaINNT .MSMCINK RETAIL PRICES: Gsarr'* Risk,.fl.RD eaeh. I.Aim*'d<>.l.Mi do. !*•*»• k 3!ismdo.;r» d-'. If ARCOtTRT, BRADLEY Jk CO., 5S Ann Street and Nassau Street. New York, L*. 8. ratvcTpAL Ewninrff, If*2 IFi*v/ Stent 9 Cheapnht*, h-uOon. \ MANrrAOi.KT, II J/r» /*.Vr, Enyhtutf. 11, It. a r-» are rst-.bltshin* Depot* f.»r th* sale of **The Pro t•*•'t«•»*• in all part* of Amexi.-a Physicians, Pur,rtons, Drtty^lsts, Cl fillers, Dry Goods Merchants. Hatters a -1 'Mdiner*. also.Gen firmer*** furrdsMTi? 8ter« K-« per* are entrusted with the wh* !*• s tl-n» I retail distrilmtw n of them, an*} to whom njo*# liberal term* are r ff -ed for t* - r < *i» rj rise, and n * ,dc:id d «.pp -rtunity op.ii f . them for *> feand prr bfaMe hu«ine*s l r terms, apply to IIASCOURV, BRADLEY Jk CO , «» d r,< tnnstfeet, Ni w Yr*rl: 1’ 8. It l ItOML l.l I S i iis I'ATIIA T, »g>m: my nm»M\i.i h: ok waterproof, anti con C. si MPTIVV. CORK 80LP8. r.unu'a-lured hr ii UJCMI RT. IUCA I» KY \ t o , •1 I ?l:«c|,< | stri*» I, v(ii11• Iiter. Prln«*if. »l W.ueb : !«•/ uv.^l str* . t. Cheap*1 e. L»n*?on, Fn- ! fI Ar.i • i. i-U!-!i»J atn:i, Ann str* * I ar. l lird Nassati 1 »\r* -t. .*•’* w > »r» W 8. Th- IlYDROMAi*E\ is a valuable disc .vrry f .r protect ri fee ♦ <| r-.p or r< I. nf.*J tl * r- h-r* » pr* venliv** *>f r nt.\ I ti j ; - • < • t tl , Hyrfl in f.t f# rm of a s**ic. • i*f worn in-ide th*- I. .t t>r *h«c. Its o* r .iV-' rl dr.vtrr I- a j w.-rfu! ahti i »te f • d'UNse. Vi-r ftentienien it will I e f ui. I ii*rerat'l-, warm, a»*«l h# althy, t<« in the coldest or nlncsc weatficr. a» f .t * arm : h.• wet If the Hydroma?'-» is ifiscr’e '. Ladies may «ear the li*.-M**«t • oV< t»o*its r-r shoes in the most inclement we&ther with impunity■; while Cons'impth n. s^ prev«:» n: amor ;r th* you:.? f our c uritrr, may he thwart* «1 by their e* rural n<\< ption. T» ry entirely-i r. *fl, orsr.xhf**, as th- lattrr cacse the feet to per-p r.* m a very unhealthy manner, and, l>vsir!**»,.^re not danrerou* wear tn pe t*». 11 ions in Icy wenthtr, 1 k- m .ia-rubh-rs. vt hi!*- the I a* ter caui i s the fe-t u» app-ar erurntlr lary-, th- Hydroma^m, b-lnc » n-- • thin slice . fr *rk pr -pa* d, peculiarly plac-d inside, does not In rr* a*e tf nxt- of the h •-•t, or cause the fo**' t » appear untidy.— To Children they an tHtrera-ly valuable, as they m.av er.ka?e in • v-r .tr with omf -ft and I • iltt.y e!Trct-. Their expense Is s. sligf t a« to scarce need mention; beside*, those who patronise th*m wiil find their ^ ir/y IMU much iliminiAA") thrrthy, A* t .e llydromayen i« heer.mlny more known. Its - Is Ull ft Mr In I . ndon, Man i h'-ster, H -mlneh am. Llvrrpm I, Olasyow, L »ds, Dublin, Pari*, Antwerp, I!amhoryh,and Berlin, »-ur sales reached |,LV» pairs r.f C-f t»l-s TU« year the numtmr will far >u pa«* tl-at. A*.- i ■ e K iculty their opini n of th-lr valu- as a preventive for Coroils, CoLl’S, ' y.< 'NCHlTIS, ASTHWA.att l C<*XSCMPTlOX. M.)'. .|«, Jtvr |.«lr, AT. Cxatiu I.A!»;«' Mo do 80 Mo. !*<•»«’ A MliWi' Mo 2A do None*.—From *l.e It.i.ll Frier* «r m:ikr a vrry librr»l »nrr i . J ,IM,. r* ami Wt.o|r*alrr«, »o ll,,t „r,v f.,rrkrcprr may makr a |.rr fit on lair, wbllr tbry arr an arifrlr that may bt krpt in any -t r<, aioMip a y rla** ..f a r>M*. For loriu*. apply to HARCOURT, HRADLKV A CO., «. 8 MAuftm 8s Ann atrort, Nrtr Vork. tJl MMI'JI CltAVATH, TIFX \.\ll STOCKX-Can be (ounM rs In mJIrr* varlrty at _my« KEFH. rillfa A HAI.OWIN-8 4^A(.T— (ark* MarM-all'i ar.l Woriliinatot.'* 8«l* f.r .,lr, rt from l> <k r.r»t ir«, by K. ||. 8KI.NKFR »^1-* (' try pin • f B£| UK flF/\\!.xN\ |JK%M>V.-7Jf Pipes pure llcnixssy. ■ MuU|tthH, *49, Vh'Ami 'M, for s«l bv , fC* M7NMP, MCNCURKACO. WI\N'J’0> A (fidle P'ttom a ^ • Orop«Tft fv mtnfssion Atd Forwarding Merchants, corn* r I ‘ nf^,"r '* ^*1* *,r* "It, give lh« lr personal attention to the sale «.f A\.y Country prodiic entrusted toUelrrare. Th-y have » \/%rg i stock of 0» tie, (-ruhracfng *tmr •! every article in their fine.) to w’ irn tl.ej invite the att nflor, of C!tv and Country Dealers, as it. il a* Families, Miunnt them that bargains rnay be had for cash, nr punctual p*ymenf K. T. WINjTON, W. M. RtlTTOJf. AUlMISt II. Hl« \4 U *<>ll III * VII l,MM\ Jti»t fc -rived a goo ! arsort tnent of Ilia k Hmlth’s tti dows, of varlona rife* at a sn. tll advance. TlftiO ROVtFIlTHOM. Import .*r and dealer In ll*rd*«rr nnd filth ry, tf Wd-i iA—< uii'Dii.- cnririia.n * i.atiikop / art1 iti nreipt tf art addition a supply of H-*t 7hre* pit and terrain Carp-t. •*'«( Ttpi-»try fini.irlli ilo l(l do Vnly.i t| , !»-. Tv r-try an I V.nlflan R'alrCarpnt., alt width* Th-al. .v-nr. nf nnr nwn .Iir.rt |fnp-.rtitlr,n nr.-l .r<- n« m"f|w ,M ' and at lnw.r prim than f,„. Al.-O —I1ru. Htnlr Rnd, In lenylt.. frnm 97 tn Rq Inrhr. .,199 M^ln nt. (nrllj CIIRIRTIAN 4 I.ATIfROP ■ i I.OTII — A fall .-..■rir.M.t ..f tt„ . ' 1 tnrll. • mqnnfnrt'.rr. In Whirl, iii.llt th« attention > f fh.llroad Rupfrlntfndent'* »n l Mqrhinlr’t. - C. J. 8INT0V * CO., J ’ Rlrn of the CirmUf ftqw, 71 Main .!. Ov ilff nn Mi ni maiiRR. i,Rt.,k. 0-..I. .. t.rt.M'nr Iti.l, icl.r., with Ifcntnri. PtH-kw'irat ■ <Kr Itl.h, >, a tl lint Wat,. Pan.; p lip Aril Oyalrr Ti,r..r.r h .li Cot. r*. 4- . All I f II- hr .t Ki,«tla!i pi ,rti Tin w*rr f„r ..i ■t l'"®i ZIMMICMAN. JJOTf |||9(fJ \ |;M •_ I r..|,I.JT .t.ainnr thl rr. rn Ir*' » r«'.» e..tfrr. Pin- Appl- i n.ll.h lr,|,. 1f/l IRRTT .P PANKP.Y, J _"!*7 IRth >trt cl, hftwrnn Mnln aft-f Caff. j f! fill, AM* W ITT! Il l nm mm in r»-,|pt nf my far., and well r.lrr-frl.inrv f R,vi, M dn tM,,. i„d O •ntl.Bien’. PnrMihlnr O •• dr. rn i.r.-ln • i l-.iitlnfl . ..,r'n.n< j r f all (I -rar-rt »rd n •! fa.l.l .r aldr w ,, w.. rh > | | i„. «„j,i ./ II- T ,v low.At roll prl.n f urchqi.iA >in,I d to rill at d HRTP.V RIIAPI K, _ _ I'M Main • ■ 5I «* ■ * M -mu: I'Utn bn I ti&rx -or i y , U B M'li v 1 On, nut a l«r. Int nf pi ,i t • n | r ■ • v H 1 1 ' If ' - I I nl th- In a brl • r !>• r/ :.|,r-a iy a hirp In. 8 1,48 f- spi \ n-|7 JJJITI .VI 8111 f||nvn -A , - , » nl rriyrnnwn, m ’ tit, I T well Wci;hjrt>»: alDallnuof If, n-V,f,.r , ,|, ,, o. j riNton a ro , I ocl‘ Run of iht Oirftt'ar law, T) Uh.u il. I * ■ W* I UMW MTKAMMMir UNVUIY-Af ftlltM. _ l*YU tit XhMY. Tlie Mr I«« VIKtilttlAi Captain David Tval, itM- jWWk mrr !‘K\ N 17.1'.l A7J. Civltln Juan B*}vinrr,«lM-JHK wrr CITY I r KU'HUOtth, Captain Z. Mitchell. On* of these fpl*-n*li*l lleaeicr, will Ivave Richmond Aar ThUa tlvlphla every Wedceaday, at hUh water, taocMnic at City Dolut and Ni*rt*llt to rerelee freight and |*u»fipen. Returning, Wave rtiiladelphla cvciy \Vrdn.»*loy, at 10 o'cl*«ck, 1, It., arriving at Richmond vvviy Ralurday morning, on which daya they ulll dia charge their rargo. There are several steamers have been built expressly for this line, and every arrangement has been made to combine strength and speed. They are provided with "franzied Patent Metallic Heel," at San-late rates, and every attention is paid by our agents to the comfort of passengers and the protection of goods. PARE REDUCED. Passage through to New York, and found... $19.00 Passage to Philadelphia, and found... $10.00 Passengers for New York would consult their interest by taking the route, for independent of finding the cheapest and safest. It is by far the best pleasant route. To those shipping to Pittsburgh can be accommodated by this line, as we have entered into arrangements to forward goods through with dispatch. For freight or passage, apply to H. E. TUTTLER, Agent, on the Dock. PITTSBURGH POINT LINK TO CALIFORNIA more— as most daily or each —PARK ONLY.—The public are hereby formed that the comfortable steamer MARYLAND, Capt. Cuaam K. Mitchell, having been entirely refitted, enlarged and improved in every respect, is now on the route between Richmond and Baltimore, once weekly. Passengers by this agreeable and economical line will leave Richmond by the morning train on MONDAY of each week, at 7 o'clock. A. M., and reach Baltimore in the course of the night, thus securing a connection with the different lines out of Baltimore, the following morning, in any direction. Returning, passengers will leave Baltimore on the afternoon of Wednesday, of each week, at 5 o'clock, P.M., and arrive at Potomac Creek always in time to connect with the right line of the Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroad.
Github OpenSource
Various open source
package com.zhiyu.common.flowTest.service; import; import com.zhiyu.common.flowTest.Flow; import com.zhiyu.common.flowTest.context.MessageContext; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; /** * @author wengzhiyu * @since 2021/9/14 17:40 */ @Service @Slf4j public class ProcessService implements Flow<MessageContext> { @Override public boolean valid(MessageContext context) {"ProcessService----valid>:" + JSON.toJSONString(context)); return false; } @Override public boolean execute(MessageContext context) {"ProcessService----valid>:" + JSON.toJSONString(context)); return false; } }
Github OpenSource
Various open source
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace Oranikle.Studio.Controls { public class FormClickedEventArgs : System.EventArgs { private System.Drawing.Point _ClickLocation; public System.Drawing.Point ClickLocation { get { return _ClickLocation; } } public FormClickedEventArgs(System.Drawing.Point clickLocation) { _ClickLocation = clickLocation; } } }
Public Domain
BIOBTS AND DUTIES OP OAILROAD COMPAXIKS A8 WABEHOUSEHEK. Lichtenhein vi. the Boston & Proridence R. R. Co. This action was to recover the value of a case of merchandise. The plaintiff claimed to charge the defendants only as warehousemen. The case was admitted to have been transported by the "de- fendants over their railroad from Providence to Boston, and to have been received at iheir depot in Boston ; that it was called for about a month .«>ub.'.equently by an agent of the plaintiff, and could not then be found. The defendants intro- duced evidence tending to show that the bills of merchandise, received at their depot in Boston, Mere copied into a book, and that when merchan- dise was delivered from the depot, the name of the person to whom the merchandise was delivered, was inserted in pencil in the margin of said book, against the article delivered, and that this was the only evidence taken by the defendants of the delivery. The plaintiff contended that this was a careless mode of duing such business, and offered evidence that all the other railroad companies in Boston adopted a different mode, namely, that of taking receipts of the parties who received mer- chandise ; but tho judge in the Court of Common Pleas, before whom the case was first brought, ruled that such evidence was inadmissible. The plaintiff further contended that the burden of proof was on the defendants to show not only the loss of the goods, but also the manner of the loss. The judge ruled that to maintain the action, it was only necessary for the plaintiff, in the first in- stance, to show the receipt of the goods by the defendants and their failure to deliver them upon demand ; that this imposed upon the defendants the duty of accounting for them ; but that the de- fendants were not bound to show afSrmatively in what precise manner the loss occurred, but only, if they were unable to prove how it occurred, to show clearly that they had exercised ordinary care respecting the goods, and that the did not happen from any negligence or want of ordi- nary care on their part. The judge further ruled that if the case wa:i taken by mistake, from the depot, and the defendants exercised ordinary care in the matter, the defendants would not be answer- able for a loss under such circumstances ; but that if the agent of the defendants delivered it, by a mistake, to a wrong person, the defendants would be responsible. The jury found a verdict for the ddfendsmts, and the plaintiff, on exception to the above rulings, carried the case on appeal to the Supreme Court. Dbwet, J.* — As to the ruling of the presiding judge excluding the testimony offered by the plaintiff, tending to show that other railroad com- panies require written receipts from those to whom goods are delivered from the warehouse of the company, and that such mode was a better one than that of the defendants which was writing in pencil the name of the party who received an ai*- ticle, in the margin of the book against the article delivered, we are of opinion that it furnishes no grounds for a new trial. If the case had been one * The decision reported last week was also by Judge DswET. The name was accidentally omit- ted. ,... . ..vl,i>^.. of actual delivery to a third person by the agent of the defendants, and the question had been whether the mode of the defendants furnished equal security for ascertaining to whom the article had been delivered, the question whether a general usage of railroads in this matter might not have been admissible to show negligence, might bare required further consideration. But as to the present case the proposed evidence was wholly ir- relevant. There is nothing in the case to show that any delivery of the property took place as between the defendants and any individual. If their mode had been like that of other companies, yet no receipt would have been taken by them, because, upon ilieir hypothesis, there had been no delivery. Tho position of tlie defendants, on the contrary, is that the goods were fraudulently abs- tracted from their custody. The further question is one of more importance and arises upon a prayer for instructions to the jury that the burden of proof was on the defend- ants to show not only the loss of the goods fiom their warehouse, but the manner of their loss. The court so far adopted the prayer as to rule that the bimlen of showing the loss of the aiticlea from their custody, and that such loss had not been occasioned by any want of ordinary care and diUgence on their part, was on the defendants. The court, however, further ruled that they|,were not bound to show the precise manner in which the loss occurred, but that, if unable to do this, they might exonerate themselves from that bur- den, by clearly showing that the loss did not hap- pen from any negligence or want of care on their part. This, taken with tho qualifications is unob- jectionable. But generally the carrier would have to show some mode in which the loss occmred, to sostam the burden on him and establish the fact that the loss had not happened through his negli- gence. To hold an abstract proposition that he must in all cases show tho precise manner in which the goods were taken from him, or destroyed while in the warehouse, might in some cases charge him unreasonably. We had more doubt at the argument, upon an- other part of the instruction, namely, if the article was taken by mistake from the depot, and the de- fendants exercised ordinary care in the matter, they would not be responsible. That doubt arose from the apprehension that this ruling might be taken to convey the idea that if the goods, while in the warehouse of the defendants, were taken away by a third person as his own, through mis- take, although in the presence of tho agents or servants of the warehousemen, and with their knowledge, but without a manual delivery by them, the defendants would not be liable therefor, if in their general care and supervision of their warehouse, they were guilty of no negligence or want of ordinary care. As a matter of law, it must be held, in cases like the present, that if there had been an actual delivery by the warehouseman, he would be liable for the goods, and any attempt to show he was in the exercise of ordinary care and prudence, would be unavailing. Such delivery to a third person overrules such grounds of excuse, and charges the warehouseman. And this seems to have been sub- stantially stated by the presiding judge in the sub- sequent part of the instructions where he says : — "Bat iX the agent of the defendaats delivered |t ▲MfiBICAN RAILROAD JOURNAL.. 8S7 by mistake to a wrong person, the defendants would be responsible." We think upon a proper construction of the whole charge it must be under- stood that the defendants were to be charced, in case there had been, on the part of their agents, a deliyery to a third person, sither actual or per- missive. It would be a delivery for which the warehouseman would be chargeable to the owner, if by his silence, being present and knowing tb« same, he permitted the act of a third person who should take the goods into his possession, and re- move the same from the warehouse, such permis- sive delivery although entirely by mistake as to the person, and under the supposition that he was the true owner, would not be the less an excuse of the defendants. Taking the charge together we understand the instruction to b**, that if the article taken by mistake by a third person from the depot, without the knowledge or implied assent of the warehouse- man or his agents, the defendants, if they could show that they had in fact exercised ordinary care and diligence as to the custody-' of the goods, would not be responsible. If this be a correct view of the instructions, we perceive no sufficient ground for setting aside the verdict. Memphis, on th^i^ississippi river, to Stephenson, I from the Ist day of December, 1866, to the 80th m the extreme northeest part of Alabama, passing " " ' through the rich valley of the Tennessee river, 271 miles. Below is the monthly report for November : Receipts from Passengei^i $62,110.87 " " Freight 25,776.41 ;; " Mails 2,314.68 ^ " £xpres3 688.49 Total $90,890.35 Expenses 38,763.66 SZemphls and Charleston Railroad. ■ From the last annual report of this company, we learn that the whole length of the road from Mem- phis to Stevenson, is 271 miles, with 16 miles of branches — total 287 miles. The total cost of the road, finished and equipped, was $6,102,540. — There are 12)^ miles of side track, so that the whole length of single track is 2983^^ miles. The total cost of the road per mile therefore, for every mile including construction, equipment, build- ings, real ecitate, commissions, salaries, and all ex- penses, direct anH contingent, was $21,260 per mile. The company has a debt of $1,100,000 for State bonds, and $1,600,000 for its own bonds, total funded debt $2,700,000, with a floating debt (de- ducting available assets) of $919,446. This includes the estimated amount of what is still necessary to complete and equip the road pro- perly. The net earnings of the road from the com- mencement of operations to the Ist of July last, over all running expenses, was $758,827, the road being in an unfinished state. After it was com- pleted, the receipts for the three months in which rt had been in use exceeded those of the corres- ponding period of the preceding year by more than 100 per cent. The estimate of the President was Net profit $52,186.60 — Savannah Georgian, Dec. 18. ▲ Deoiaion Recardine Railroad XJabllltieji. The Eaton and Uamiiton Railroad Company have been sued in the Courts of Butler County, by the mortgagees for the amount of delinqumt in- j t?rest. The case wasj decided a few days since, and the Cincini.ati Commercial states that the prin- cipal points of the decision were : That, the mortgages relied on were valid as against the company. That, the entire property of the company being insufficient to pay the debts, it was a misapplica- tion of the income of the road to apply it to the discharge of other debts, to the exclusion of- the bondholders. That a floatuig debt, though honestly contracted by the Directors for the benefit of the road, could not, except by consent of the bondholders take pre- cedence of the mortgage debt, and that it was the plain duty of the Court to enforce the right of creditors according to the priority of their liens. Finance* of Pennsylvania. Simimary of the receipts of the State Treasuiy from the 1st day of December, 1856, to the 30th day November, 1867, both days inclusive: Lands •>»« «*4w ' "- $21,553.59 Auction Commissions ^ . . ;. . . 20.276.00 Auction Duties 46,626.67 Tax on Bank Dividends 245,242.03 Tax on Corporation Stocks 310,240.93 Tax on Real and Personal Estate. . . 1,554,667.34 Tavern Licenses 180,809.87 Retailers Licenses 169,061.28 day of November, 1857, both day iuclukivc : Public improvements $1,31?,705.67 Expenses of gcemment 423,448.89 Militia expenses 2,832.83 Penn. Volunteers in the late war with Mexico Pensions and gratuities Charitable Insitutions Penn. Col. Society Penn. Stale Agricultural Society Farmers High School of Penn New State Arsenal at Philadelphia .. Common Schools ' CommiKsioBers of the Siiiking Fund. Loans 104 565 34 Interest on loans 2.033.809.94 86.25 9,926.99 08,183.76 180.00 3 672.07 26,000.00 20,000.00 322 608.24 713,952.64 Guaranteed interest. Domestic creditors Damages on the public works Old claims on the Main Line of pub- lic works under the several acta of Assembly Special Commissioners Revenue Commissioners State Library Public buildings and grounds Houses of Refuge Penitentiaries Colonial Records and Penn. Archives Amendments to the Constitution Geological Survey. 21,017.60 660 80 46,562.66 46,648.57 1,765.00 6.962.22 3.096.60 15,01361 55,000.00 25,^25.00 0.823.00 33 J 37. 86 7,000.00 Abatement of State Tax 50,o.'i8.99 * Mercantile Appraiser. Counsel Fees and Commis's Nicholson Lands Williamsport and Elmira R. R. Co. 686.13 8,024.59 162.49 2.428.50 *• •* <^« »^ •,». that the receipts I'Apthe year would reach one mil- lion of dollars, ancTwith the development of the country and the completion of connecting roads, the receipts of the next year are estimated at $1,- 200,000, and thenceforward at not less thaa $1,600,- 000 per annum. The proposition of the company in regard to its debt, is, that the income of the road shall be de- voted for the next two years — after paying ex- penses and interest — to the liquidation of the float- ing debt, paying no dividend on the stock for two years. By this process, it is computed that in the third year the floating debt will be discjiarged, and there will be left, after paying all the interest on the funded debt, a surplus of $572,000. The stock- holders are to have credit for these payments, in the shape of increased stock, and it is promised that, when the floating debt is thus discharged, the dividends on the original and increased stock will be 10 per centVpei* annum, with an annual surplus of about $225,000 for the redemption of the fund- ed debt. The road was completed last April. The monthly receipts (says the Montgomery Mail) have gradually incrca.sed until the receipts of Oc- tober sum up $90,890.35, with current expenses of $38,753.66, showing a net gaiu in one month of $52,136,69. This road extend* from the city of Pedlers Licenses Brokers Licenses Theatre, C incus and Menagerie Li- censes Distillery and Brewery Licenses — Billiard room. Bowling saloon and Ten Pin Alley Licenses Eating House, Beer House and Res- taurant Licenses Patent Medicine Licenses Pamphlet laws Militia Tax. MUlers' Tax.... .....:.. .... Tax on writs, wills, deeds, &c Tax on certain offices Foreign Insurance Agencies. .. Collateral Inherit Tax 139,606.19 Canal and Railroad Tolls 1,308,698.62 Tax on enrollment of laws 16,400.00 Premiums on Charters 35,352.86 Tax on loans 204,756.05 Sales of public property 8,647.49 Tax on tonnage 204,564.11 206.35 300.00 8,828.31 20,154.73 10,000.00 4,421.90 7,624.62 2,724.18 7,708.83 2,806.50 11,065.34 1,550.86 11,696.26 1,296.97 309.82 10,364.94 4,771.37 96,948.22 18,918.49 7,488.11 Mibcellaneous 31,310.68 $•5,407,276.79 Balance in the State Treas. Nov. CO, 1857, available 628.106.47 Depreciated funds in Treas. unavail- able 41,032.00 $5,976,415.26 Escheats Dividends from bridge tolls Accrued interest Refunded cash Annuity for right of way . . , Fees of the public offices . .. Miscellaneous ■■'■■ $4,690,587.84 Balance in the Treasury, Dec. 1, 1856, available 1,244,795.42 Depreciated funds in the Treasuiy. unavailable.. 41,032.00 V ,.$6,796,415,26 Summary of the payments of the State'.Treasury Hew Brunswick and Canada Rallwa)r> On Saturday evening last, the Railway Station at Indian Point was more attractive than usual. No less than three locomotives arrived frcra the upper country— viz. : the Manners-Sutton, the Earl FiUwilliam, and the Pioneer, with a lar;:e number of passengers and freight; these arrivar?, together with the large number of men employed at the station erecting buildings, layins track?, &c., gave the Eastern end of the town a busy ap- pearance, quite refreshing in these ?iard and duil* times. One feature, and it is one worthy of imi- tation, is the punctuality and regularity with which the works are being conducted ; reflecting credit upon those who are entrusted with their management. By next spring the Railway Depot will present quite an imposing appearance, and will add very materially to the looks of onr town. We learn that the rails are now laid two mike beyond the Tobique Guzzle, and that the line ia cleared through to the Howard Settlement. We believe the line as far as Woodstock is all uadcr contract ; and that it is probable, ere the close of 1868, the first section of the New Brunswick and Canada Railway to Woodstock will be opened. Our friends in Woodstock will then be able to rel Ceive their English letters and papers via Boston in about 28 hours. They can breakfast in Wood- stock one morning, and in Boston the next, if they ' choose. In our next, we ho|>e to be in a position to give statistics of traffic on the Railway since its opening, two months since. A gentleman recently from Woodstock infonn« us, that Mr. R. G. Erglish will run his stase daily this winter from Woodstock to the Barber Dom Station, to connect with the train which leaven thereat 2 o'clock; passengers can leave Wood- stock in the morning, and arrive at St. Andrews at 6 o'clock the same d&j.—St. Andreu/t Standard^ Dec. 9, S28 AMERICAN RAILROAD JOURNA as Flnanrea of Alabama. We are indebted to Mr. Graham, State Treas'r, — says the Montgomery (Ala.,) Advertiser, — for the following' general statement of the condition of the Treasury at the close of the fiscal year, ending on the 30th September, 18J7 : The receipts from all sources during the fiacal year ending Sept. 30th, 1856, were $798,003 46 Add balance to the Trea-sury at the date of last rvyort 1,193,732 43 The disbursenvents during the same ])eriod, includinsf the sum of $100,- OOO, in *>pttie funds, to the Com- missioner and Trustee for the use of the State, were .... |486,867 52 Add for amount of war- rants outstand'g Sep- tember 30, 1855, and since paid 1 ,079 47 01,901,786 89 487,946 90 LeaTing a balance in the Treasury at the close of the fiscal year ending September 30, 1856, including the notes of the Slate Bank and Branches, of $1,603,788 90 The receipts from all sources during the fiscal vear ending this day, Sept. 30, 1867, have been 921 ,842 23 12,425,631 18 The disbursements during the same period, including the sum of $315,- 744 64 to the Commissioner and Trustee, of which the sum of $300,000 64 was in specie funds, lor the use of the State, hare been 790,359 38 Learing a balance in the Treasury at the close of the fiscal year, ending this day, Sept. 30, 1857, including the sum of $1,128,026 in the notes of the State Bank and Branches, of $1,635,271 80 Coal on the Paelfle Coa«t« The indispensable article of coal, says the Alta California, is being discovered in innumerable places in California and Oregon, and many and disastrous have been the attemptj> to turn these discoveries into practical use. Oregron appears to be the Newcastle of the Pacific, fbr there vast beds of excellent coal have been found, and successful attempts have been made to work them. It is of a light bituminous character, is accessible and. abundant, but the low rates at which the heavier, and consequently more valuable qualities from the Atlantic States can be furnished, have hitherto rendered coal mining on the Pacific coast a profit- less calling. Commencing northward, we find coal in vast abundance on Puijet Sound, where the first attempts at native mining were made, and whence was shipped the first cargo to California. A de- sultory trade has been continued up to this year. Following the Oregon coast towards the south, the, great coal formations of Coose Bay are next in order. Here is found a regular layer of coal, the veins varying from five to nine feet in thickness, and extending over a hundred thousand acres of country. It differs little in quality from that of Puget Sound and Vancouver's Island, and has been irregularly but industriously mined since 1865. On the head waters of the Umpqua and Coquille rivers, in Oregon, there are also said to be large veins of coal. In our own State the dlscoverie.s of coal veins have been more numerous than in Ore- gon, but it is believed that these cannot compete in point of quality, position, or quantity, with those of Oregon. Coal has been found in considerable quantities on the Feather River, above Marysville, at Saucelito, at Santa Clara, near the San Joaquin river, above Stockton ; on the Pulgas ranch ; near Sao PiegOj au4 ia <* <«vHral localities in the far io- terior. Near Petaluma, in Tt^ Rock Valley, as is stated by the Petalnma Journal, coal, thought to be equal in quality to the Lehigh of Pennsyl- vania, has been discovered by a Spaniard. In nearly every instance of coal being found in Cali- fornia, it has occurred in pots or basins, and Is dif- ferently placed from the more extensive beds of Oregon, and none appear to present the usual veins or strata, but the mines alluded to on the Feather. Coal is said to exist on the Pacific coast of Mexico and Central America, but it is believed that no authority can be found to substautiate the state- ment. A party of mining enqineers, from Penn- sylvania, have recently arrive<l from New York at Mexico, with the privilege granted by the govern- ment to explore on the Pacific coast for coal mines. The attention of speculators in the east ha.«i been drawn to the importance of developing such re- sources on this coast. It is of the utmost impor- tance to California, that the present prices of coal should be reduced, for this would partly involve a corresponding reduction in the expenses of steam- ships, and consequently of traveling. No coal has j'et been found on this side of the continent to supersede foreign and Atlantic importations, for steamer purposes. Charlton and Randolph County R. R., (.Mo.) A meeting of the Board of Directors of this railroad was held at Keytesville, Missouri, on the 16tb ult., at which the following officers for the ensuing year were elected : President, Sterling Price; Vice-President, G. H. Burckhartt; Secre- tary, R. H. Musser ; Treasurer, A. Johnson. The Northern Central RailMray. It cannot but be gratifying to know that not- withstanding serious financial embarrassments which have pressed upon our country for several months past, affecting more or less the interests and healthful progress of all internal improve- ments, the work upon this road has been steadily going forward towards completion. The Susque- hanna bridge above Harrisburg, a work of no or- dinary magnitude, is in a desirable state of for- wardness, promising completion in a comparatively brief period. The connecting link between Tre- vorton and Sunbury, which opens up a direct, unbroken chain to the great Northern lakes, is also under vigorous construction, and will be ready for laying the rails before long. There are now no obstacles whatever in the way of speedily opening this great highway not only to the coal fields of Pennsylvania, but to the trade and travel of the North-West, stretching to the lakes, and intersecting with other important points, a part of whose business will naturally flow into Baltimore. We have embraced the opportunity on several occasions of passing over this route, and of informing ourselves as to its magnitude and im- portance. The impression invariably forced itself upon oar mind that its destiny as a railway stood high, and its advantages as an outlet and recipient of trade to this city were of especial moment — also that the road within itself must become valu- able property. Such are still our sentiments. Much credit is due to Z. Barnum, the present effi- cient President ; to Mr. Kennedy, Mr. Magraw, and others of the Directors acting with him, for their energy in carrying out the required improve- ments, under such adverse circumstances, with so much credit to themselves, and satisfaction, not only to those directly interested, but to the entire community. We hope they may continue to progress unin- terruptedly until the entire work is completed, as now in contemplation. The Trevorton Coal Company, we learn, have made an arrangement by tendering the use of their track through this city and the Philadelphia Company's work, by which coal can be brought here in great abundance, and shipped to the East- ern markets. This will be a somewhat new fea- ture in the coal business. We hope to see at no distant day the rich treasures of the Pennsylvania mines lavishly poured out in our Baltimore market, thus adding to the value, energy and growth, not only ol Canton, but our general trade, through this commanding highway. — Baitimore Patriot. Dec. 16. California Oroat Tmnic Railroad. A corporation entitled the " The California Great Trunk of the Pacific and Atlantic Railroad Company," has just been organized under the Railroad Act of this St4te, for the purpose of con- structing a railroad from San Francisco, through the counties of San Mateo, Santa Clara, Alameda, San Joaquin, Sacramento, Placer, Yuba and Butte, to a point near the city of Oroville. The appli- cants for a certificate of incori)oration are fourteen in number, and represent three thousand and forty- five shares of the stock, upon which ten per cent. has been paid in. Their articles of association fix the capital stock of the company at six and a half millions of dollars, apportioned into iei.xty-five thousand shares, of §100 each, and assign fifty years as the period for which the corporation shall exist. They also provide for the election of seven directors, to hold office till superseded by the choice of others. The corporation organized on the 2d of October, bv the election of the following gentlemen as Di- rectors : 0. W. Qutbrie, J. W. Mandeville, Thomas Hayes, W. S. O'Connor, J. D. Fry, John B. Weller and J. R. Coryell. Messrs. Guthrie, Mandeville, Hayes, O'Conner and Coryell were authorized to open subscriptions to the capital stock of the com- pany. We understand that immediate efforts will be made to forward the enterprise, and under the management of its able Board of Directors, the public may reasonably expect to see it assume a tangible shape at an early day. — Sacramento (^CaL) Union. The Taanbaya Railroad. The Tacubaya Railroad, that has been steadily pushed forward by its projector, is at length as- suming a definite shape. All of the grading is now done. The laying of a portion of the track, the ballasting of the road, and a few other small jobs still have to be completed before the road will be opened to the public. A car now passes daily over the road to within about three hundred yards of the station at Tacubaya. From those who have passed over the road in the car, we hear the most flattering accounts of its eveness, although the track is yet unfinished. Considering the embar- rassments which have hung over this enterprise its final completion is a real triumph — one that re- flects every credit on a motive power engaged in it. The final success of the road is clearly and un- questionably demonstrated in the immense travel already existing on the route. — Mexican Extraor- dinary, Nov. 24. Chleafo and BUlnraokee Railroad* At the annual meeting of the stockholders of this road, held in Chicago last week, the following Directors were elected : M. D. Ogden, M. L. Sykes, N. B. Judd, Elisha Wadsworth, H. A. Tucker, A. Stone, Jr., S. Witt, E. M. Gilbert, D. 0. Dickin- son. At a meeting of the Directors, the following officers were elected : M. D. Ogden, President ; M. L. Sykes, Vice-President; A. S. Downs, Secre- tary; H. A. Tucker, Treasurer; M. L. Sykes, Su- perintendent. SMITH & PEKKINS, LOCOMOTIVE ENGINE AND CAR BUILDERS, ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA. FOR]. 1,500 Too lUili, m lbs. weight, payablo hull cash k. halfPon Is. 1,800 do. do. Brie pattern, 67 \be. weight, deliverable at Ohicacc, III 2,000 da do. da do. 68 do. deliverable at Pituburg. 7 Firiit Class Lncomotives, 2b too weight, 4 ft S^ iii. gaugre, warranted te be equal to aoj ever manufactured in the IT. S. 4 Firat Class Passeu^^er Carp, superior workmau&faip, deliver- able at Buffalo, N. Y. 80 Platform Cars, best quality, deliverable at Buffalo. For fuither particulars apply to DAVIS & KASSON, 47 £ikcbaiige Place. Haw loaz, Deeembei 16, 1867. 6t61 AMERICAN RAILUOAD JOITRNAI.. 829 t F. S. CABOT & CO., NEW YORK BUYERS, 86 Cedar st., near Broadway, Bur TO OUDER, merchandise of every de*cripUon. Tbpy (five especial attentioa to tho purchaae of Railroad mate rials, (indin^s and (uppliea , and having " nothing to fELL," whether pnteiit arficlec or cthera, devote their entire euerjfes to BUYiyO to the beet advaniaKu of lliose wlio employ tbcm. feeling a»i-ured that tlu y can eerve purchaterd much better than if fliey wfie also into'ejiod aa tellerd. T. 9. C * Co. make it i-n invariable rule not to accept cnmmUHiou.t from the eellor, while rcceivlujT pay from the buyer. Tliev refe' to W. O. I.ambert of A. * A. Lawrence * Co., Wm L. Kinn ofNaylor & Co., New Yoik ; (Jeo. Baty Blake of Blaka Howe 6c Co., Boaion ; David S. Brows of D. S. Brown & Co.. Phiiwlelpbia ; and othera If required. AOdro 8 Box 1,179, New York. S7tf RAILROAD IRON. Ir^AA TONi AntiLam-natinjT Hammered Rails ^\J\J\J of the "Erie" Seution. 67 Ibe. per yard, here and to arrive Forialehy MENUBBSON *, KKBNOOH AW, 13 Oliff at, 41tr Nbw York. A. N. «RAY, Cleveland, O., RECErVER AND FORWARDER of Railroad Iron, Chair* and 9|>lkes. Also, Cars, Locomotivea, and all Uoda of MadUnery for Railroad purposes. Office, next door to the Custom Hon.**- Main str«>«*. Railroad Iron. THM nndersigned. Agent for the MaDuflicturers,t8 prepared to contract for T Kuils, of the usual patterns and .weights, tobe delivered on hoard ship in Wales. Ho will also receive and forward orders for the purchase of Railroad Iron and Metals grenerally, through the medium ofhH riends in London. For terms, apply to JOHN H. HICKS, April 1, 1863. 90 Beaver street. STEEL, FILES, &c. R. GROVES &. SONS, SHEFFIELD, ENGLAND, MANUFACTURERS of warranted Cast Steel, mperiof quality, for Thiols, Machinery, and En^ineprine jnirpwoa. SIngI* and Double Shear, Blister, Oerman Spring and Sheet Steel of every descrlptioii — »L«o, Oast Steel Files of Ugh repu- tation, espeeially a(1apte<] tot the a«« of Mach.nlata, and tewt and Bdge Tools of all kinds. ▲ Stock of the above goods coastaotly on bsndb OOBMRATS MASK USB CHAS. CONGRKVB A POW, Afents, reet, nTt. 13 Clilf street, : IRON BOILER FLUES. L.ap-Welded Boiler Flues, 1% to 7 inches outside diameter, cat to definite length, 2 to 20 feet as required. Wrought Iron Welded Tubes, From ^ to 6 inches bore, with Screw and Socket CoDoections. T's, L's, Stops, Valves, Flanges, *c., Ac. MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALE BT MORRIS, TASKER & CO., PASCAL IRON WORKS. Warehouse-209 South Third st , PHILADELPHIA. Railroad Iron. THE undersigned having teased the extensiTe works of the Oambria Iron 0<>mi>any, situated at Johnstown, Cambna County, Penna., and purchased all th»ir personal estate are ix>w prepared tn execute at short notice orders for rails of asy required pattern or weight, on the must liberal tenna. WOOD, MORRSLL II CO., Johnstown, Cambria 0 a. Pa. Iy22 PhUadtiphia Ofiet : North Penna. R. R. Building Railroad Iron. THE undersigned, Agents for fading Manufacturers in Stsf ordshire and Wales, are prppare<l to contract for delivery board ship at Liverpool, or Welsh port. C. CONOREVK k. SON, IS Cliir St., N. T. RAILROAD IRON. The Crescent ManufacturiDg Company, WHEELING, VA., ARE now prepared to execute, at short notice, orders tor Rail-" of liny required pattern and weight, and to re-roll old raUs, on th« most lit>eral terms Address K. WILKINSON, Secy, 8tf Wbsslixo, V4. 700 Railroad Iron. TONS, afloat, or in store, of "W. Crawshay's" makM. Fur sale bv THEODORE DEHON, 10 Wuli St, near Broadway. 18 New Yoax. MORRIS Sl .tones Sl CO., IRON MERCHANTS, MARKET AND SIXTEENTH STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. IRON AND STEEL IN ALL TBEIB TABIETIES. BOILER PLATE, CAR AXLES, BOILER RIVETS, RAILROAD IRON, OUT NAILa and SPIKES, PIG IRON. etc. Having the selling agency of a number of the Rolling Mills, Furnaces and Forges in this State, orders for any description of Iron can be executed. August 16, 1864. lySS Railroad Iron and Common Bars. THE undersigned, sole agents to Messrs. GtnsT A^ Co., the proprietors of the Dowlais Iron Works, near Cardiff, South Wales, are duly authorized to contract for the sale of their O. L. Railroad Iron, and Oommoa Bars, on most adVan tageons terms. R. *L J. MAKIN, 70 Broad st. Railroad Iron. CONTRACTS for Ralte, at a flied price or on commission delivered at an English poiVorat a port in United States will be made by the ludersigoed. THEODORE DEHON, ■ .' 10 Wall St., near Broadway, New York. SOO toM T rails on band M to 67 lbs. per linear yard. Railroad Iron. 0(\r\(\ TONS Railroad Iron, weighing about 69 lbs. pet ■^yJKJXJ yard, "Erie" pattern of O L and "Crawsnay," Manufacture, now on the way fh)m the shipping ports in Great Britain to this port, for sale by P. CHOUTEAU, Jb., SANFORD fc CO December 4, 1862. "' " " Na 0 Nassau street. Railroad Iron. THE Undesaigned, Agenu for the Manufacturers, are pre- pared to contract to deliver free on board at shipping potts In England, or st ports of discharge in the United States, Rails Of ••perior quaUty, and of ^^^'^^^^^ ^ CO* VfwTgrk, Mf, IM fpoothWiUiMSftrMi CLARK Sl J£SUP, No. 44 EXCHANGE PLACE, RAILWAY AGENTS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS BiALSRa IX roBiroH asd aukriosi Railroad Iron, :? v have fior sale on commission — LOCOMOTIVE ENQfNES PASSSNOES and FREIGHT CATlS, WROUGHT and CAST IRON CHAIRS,' ly30 SPIKES, CAR WHEELS, AXLES, TYRES, tte. Railroad Iron. 0(\C\r\ TONS, WEIGHING ABOUT 65 lbs. PER YARD, /^\J\J\J now on the way from Great Britain to New Or- leans, for sale by P. CHOUTEAU, l« 8AHF0RD k. CO., December 4, 18M »o. 9 Narsau street. Railroad Iron. TONS 66a56 lbs. per yard, best Welsh Balls, Qukst dc Co. make, now landing and for sale by VOSB, LIVINGSTON & CO., 9 South WiUiam sU, 650 Railroad Iron. 1/Arir 1 TONS best quality Welsh Rails "Erie" pattern, .UUv/ 68a60 lbs. per yard, now^due at New Orleans RAILROAD IRON. THE RENSSELAER IRON COMPANY, TROY, N. Y., OFFER Ralls of tlieir own manulocture delivorable as m»j be desired by purchasers. OLD RAILS received In exchange for new or for rc-mamifjctiirrnj. JOHN A. GRIS\>OLD. Ageof, TVoy, N. y. New York Apent: M, A QUINTAHOt comer of Wall st and Broadway. (or salo by - October 18, 1856. VOSE, LIVIUfOSTON, & CO., No. 0 South William sL, N. Y. Railroad Iron. IOnO TONS Railroad Iron, weighing about 58 lbs. ,V/UU per yaj<L "JSn«" pattern, of best quality Welsh ' make, now ready for deUvery, for sale by ^ TOBf , LIVIWOSTON * CO^ A«gaMbt,lia7. tltattWUli«««i Mew York and Erie R. R. On and after Monday, Xov. 9, 1857, and until further notie^, PA88ENOKU TRAINS will leave Pier ftwt of Duam- street, I aa follows, viz : — DcifKiBK ExrKBSB, at 8 a. m. for Dunkirk and Buffalo, and intennetliaie stations. RooKLABD Passbitobb, at 8 p.m., f^om foot of Chamber St., via Piermont, for Sufiem's and intermediate stalitHi*. Wat Passbxobb, at 4 p.m., for Newburgb, Middl^town and intermediate stations. Emiobamt, at 6 p.m., for Donkirk and Buffalo and iDt«r- medinte stations. iS" The above trains run daily, Sundays excepted. NiOHT EXPBBSS, at 5 p.m. for Dunkirk and BultaJu, every day. These Express Trains connect st Etanira, with the Ehnira, Oanundaigua and Niagara Fails Railroafl, for Niagara Falls; at Binghamton with the Syracuse and Binghamton Railroad, for Syracuse; at Coming with Buffalo. Commi; and New \(Ki Railroad, for Rochester; at Great Bead with Delawars, Lacka- wanna and Westeni Railroad, for 6«rant«n ; at Homellsville with the BulRtIo and Mew York City Railrnsd, for buffalo ; at Buflalo and Dunkirk witJt the Lake Shore Railroad or Cleveland, Oincinnati, Toledo, I>etrr>it. Cbicairo, etc. CHARLES MOKaN, PreMd«nt. U. S. MAIL AWD EXPRESS ROUTE •DIRECT FOR ' " Iowa, Kansas ana Nebraska. CKICAGO, BURLINGTON k dUINCT BAILROAD. THE ONLY DIKECT ROUTE FROM CHICAGO TO AURORA, MKNUOTA, PRINCETOM, GALSSBURG, QUIKCY, BURLINGTON. a«t raB* , ■ or SOUTHERN oa C£NTRA(. IOWA, KANSAS ' OB NEBRASKA MdT Passirobb Tbaims leave the Central Depot, fbot Of South Water street, CaiOAOO, daily as follows :— 0.45 A.M. — Mobhino ExrBBSS. — Connecting a* Mendota with Illinois Central Kailrnad, north for Amboy, Duon, Galena and Dunleith. w>uth fbr La Sall<-, Riooming- ton, Decatur, SprmKfleld, Jacksonville, 8t. Louis, Cairo, Ac.; at Galesburt^ with Northern Cross B.B. forQuincy, Ac; and at Burlington with Burluigtoo and Missouri River R. R., and with Packeta for pointa up and down t^e Mississippi river. 8.46 P. M.— Etbmikq Expbbss.- -Making same connections aa above. NO TRAIN SATURDAY EVENING. ■»• ONE TRAIN SUNDA Z, 8.46 PM. BAOQAGE CHECKED THROUGH TO BUR- LISOTON and QUItfCY. THROUGH TICKETS can be procured at all the prwclpal eastern railroad offices and in Chica^^u at ilie I>e|>ot and at the Michigan Central K. R. office, comer of Lake and Deftrbon streets, opposite the Tremont House. SAM'L POWELL, O G. HAMMOND, Gen. Ticket Agent. Gen. jgup't. Philadelphiav Wilmingrton & Baltimore Railroad. UNITED STATES MAIL ROOTE TO THE SOUTH AND WEST. Trains will leave the Southon and Western Station, eoraer o Broad sod Priaie streets, Philadelphia, at 8 SO am. 12 46, 8 and 11pm. PABB BT THROITGB TIOKITS TO THB SOim. From New To Wilmington . — $U M io c Norfolk ^.^ „ ^. 8 60 From PnLadelphia to Wilmington.. ... 14 00 40 do Norfolk _ 6 60 do do Petersburg - — .~_. fi 00 do do K/iunood 8 00 PABB BT TBBODOX nSKBTt TO TIB WBST. From New York to Ciusinnati..^ .... . .... .... . $17 Ot _ 10 00 lOOO W 00 18 00 do do Looisvale.... ..„ .... ..... Fran New York to lBdianap(riiB_. ... _.. from PtuBdelptiiB to Oincinnati .... .. ... do do LoniSTille ^.... ...... Ab aztrs otem will Im Bwde for mmIb sad stst* imi ttt Hit tlOMI 4. VAtSn, HH S30 AMERICAN RAILROAD JOIJRNAI^* Railroad Spikes and Wrought Iron Fastenings. THE TROY IRON & NAIL FACTORY, EXCLCSIVE OWSEB OF ALL HENRY BUKD''N'i PATENTliD MACHINERY FOR MAKINO SPIKKS, HAVE fltcilitiea for maniifaclurins \*rg« quantitiea upoo short Dutic«, hikI of a i|Ua!ity un»ur|>u8i)P<l. Wrought Iron Cliuira, Clamps, Keyt ami Bolta for Raitroad CistniniiKis, alHO made to order. A full aasorttneat of Sbip and Boat B|vk«fi always od hand. All orJtfii aiWreaeed to the Agrent at the Factory will receive Immediate Htlenlioa WM. F. RURDKN, AKinit, Troy Iron and Nail Factory, Troy, N. Y. CAR AXLE WORKS. A. & P. ROBERTS, PENCOYD IRON WORKS, _^ Ofpici: and Warehocsk: Broad near Vine St., '^ PHTI^ADELPHIA. Rolled or Hammered Car Axle«» Bar Iron and Forgings. DELAPIERRE &. LOCKWOOD, 156 William, Cor. of Ann St., New York, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN HEAVY HABDWARE, Metala, OiU S: other Matehala for Machioi:ita tc Manufacturers. Piij Iron, Block TlD, Copper, Spelt^^r, Lead, Antimony, Steel, etc, I Crucibles, Horae Shoes, Naila, Vlcea, Anvils, Bellows, otc, Bpena Oil, Lard Oil, Kmery, Borax, etc. PROPOSALS FOR A LOAN TO CHICAGO, BURLINGTON & QUINCY RAILROAD COMPANY. SBALEO proiin!.a'B will be rocei»ed hy the midoraigned at office No 48 City Excbanj^c, Boston, up to the 8(h day of January next, at 1 o'clock p. m., tor a loan of f400,0C0, to money, payable as follows : 10 Tt-n per cent on the 16th of January', 1858, which first instalment the Coini>any will retain wlth^>ut iacuing bonds therefor lui'il the l»8t iustalmetit U piiid 25 Twenty-flve per cent on ihe 15th of February, 1=68. ?d Twenij-rtve per cent on the 16th of March, 18t8 20 Twen y per cofct. on the 16th of April, 1858. 20 Twenty per cent, oo the 15lh of Blay, 1858. 100 —For which bonds will be issued against each payment, or the whuie amount may be paid for iu cash, and the bonds issued at once. For which the Company will issue 8 psr cent Bonds of $1 ,000 euch, dated 1st January, lS6S,witb Bemi-aonual coupoo)>, and liavii)(; 25 years to run. The proposals will be opened at the offlco No. 48 City Ex- change, Boston, on the 8ib day of January next, at 1 o'clock P. II., ill the preMfiCO of the Board of Dirootors of the Com- pany, who will award without reser^'o to the highest respoa- fible bidders. A oircuUr will shortly he Issued giving taW information as to the financial condition of the Company, anu the form of tecu> rity to be given tor the above nanitd .oa'i. By orJer of the Board, J. W. BR00K3, ? Commit- KDWARD L. BAKEB, S toe. BoSTOK, Dec. 8, 1S57. 4t&0 THE KASSON LOCOMOTIVE EXPRESS CO., INSTRUMENTS. CAPITAI. General Offlce, BnrrALo, N. Y. WM. M. KASSON, P^etiJent. JAMES O. DUDLEY, Secy. 9900,000. Tre«8iir*'r'ri Offlce, N. Tokk, W. MARSH KASSON, 47 Exchange Fiace. M Rieliard Patten & Son, ANITFACTURER3 of Mathematical InstmmenU to the U. S. aovenuueot, Na 23 South at, BaLTUiOBa, Md. James W. Q,aeen, 264 Chestnut St., Phila., has for sale Inglneers' Lerelo, Transits, Chains, Tapes, 4co. Priced oatalogu<M by mail gratia Swiss Drawing Instruments. SUPERIOR to all others. Catalogues gratis. Sold only by AM8LSB * WIRZ, 211 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. H Wm. J. Young AS remrtred his Kngineerlng arid SarreyingloRtniment uf^.tory o No. 83 North Serenth Street, Philadelphia H. SAWYER (of the late Arm of SAWYER ft HOBBY), MANUFACTURER of Transits and Levels, has remoT«a to Union Piact), near Warburtoo At., Yonkers, N. T. Knox & Shain. Manoi^ctarers of Engineering Instruments, ti% Wahratat, Philadelphia. ( Treo premium* awarded.) „ <.Mri>Lt!;;- \Sl) tiCttViiVOIwi' '•l-nN'STUUMENTS, MAM5 BY| Kdmund Draper, Surviving partner of STASCLIFFE <f- DRAPER^ Va [ Pear Street, Third St, below Walnut, I PHILADELPHIA. W 8t L. E. GURLEY, INSTRTJMENT MAKERS, ..rt . TROY. N. Y. INVITE the at'antiun of Engineers and Surveyors to the Id- strwneuts mA<le at their establislimtmt PostieiiHingfacilitie? uiiequ»'l«d as tlie.v believe, by any other manufactursra In the Uiuo:i, they are enabled to Airiiiah Inatro- mentn of «ui>erior iiiiality, atl ower rates than any other malian of established reputation. We have recently pulitished a work ofSO pagta, gltlng a (tail deaoription or our iostrumenls, with tbeir adjustments, prioea, 4te.. wUeb we » ill send by mail free of charge, to all penooa ooDtempla^Bg the poiohaae of iaatrumeota Addrwt-W. * L. 1. aUBUT. Tier, M. Y. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Atkinson, T. C, Mining and Civil Engineer, Alexandria, Ta. Sylvester W. Barnes, Cnlef Kngineer Watertowo and Madison R.R, MndisoB, Wis. Edward Boyle, Chief Engineer, 2d, Sd, and 0th Avenue Railroads New York Office 123 Chambers st. Clement, Wm. H., Ohio and Mississippi Baiboad, Cincinnati, Ohio. James Conyers, Chief Engineer Oalveeton, Houston A Henderson Railroad, Oalveaton, Texas. Alfred W. Craven, Chief Engineer Croton Aqaednct, New York. Cliarles W. Copeland, , }. steam Marine and Railway Engineer, 84 Broadway, New York. Davidson, M.O., Chief Engineer Havana Railroad Company, C. Floyd-Jones., Diriafan Ing'r 8d and 12tk Divisions, Illisois Central R. R., Vemdalia, lU. Gay, Edward F., State Engineer, Philadelphia, Pa, Gilbert, Wm. B., Byracnse and Blnghamton Railroad, Syracuse, N. Y. Robert B. Gorsueh, Chief Xngineei of the Llanos de Apam R. R. MEXICO. Grant, James H., Nashville and Chattanooga R. R., Nashville, Tenn. Theodore D. Judah, Chief Knuioeer, and Commissioner of. Son Francisco and Sacramento Railroad, and of San Francisco and Sacramento Northern Extension Railroad, San Fbasoisoo, CaL S. W. Hill, ]£lning Eng'r and Sorveyor, Sagle River, Lake Superior. Lord & Wright, OooMltos »t Uw, Oinalautl Obi«. U Ellwood Morris, Civil Engineer, Franklin Institute, Puiladnlphia. Mills, John B., Civil EnQ:ineer, Lake Ontario and Hudson R. B. R., 20 E^chnnge Place, N. Y. Osborne, Richard B., Civil Engineer, Office 73 South 4th at., PbiladelpUa. Theodore W^. Robbins* Civil Engineer and Land SMrveyor, Jersey City. N. J. W. Milnor Roberts, civil Engineer. Carlifle. Pa. Angnstus Sehwaab, CIYIL ENGINEER, MACON, GEORGIA. J. S. Sewall, CITIL ENGINEER, ST. PAUL MIUE80TA. Charles L. Sehlatter, Chief Kngi'ieer Brunswick and Florida Railroad, Vmnswick, Georgia. P. Sours, Kngingw Rarltan and Delaware Bay R R., Red Bank, N. J. J. S. Shipman, Civil Engineer, 63 Trinity Building, 111 Bro&dway, N. Y. Shanly, Walter, Grand Trtiak Railway, Toronto, Canada. Steele, J. Dutton, Pottstown, Pa. Charles B. Stuart, Oonanlting Engineer, 22 WiPiaro str., New York- Trautwine, John C, Gtvll Engineer and Architect, Philadelphia. A. B. Warford, Chief Engineer, Soaqoehamia Railroad, Harrisbiffg, Fa NEW ENGLAND Mutual Life Insurance Co., BOSTON, MASS. EsTABIilSHEO 1843. Branch Office in MelmpoUtan Bank Building. 110 Broadxeav, NEW YORK CITY. JOHN HOPPER, Agent and Attorney for the Company. CAPITAL and accumulation of PREMIUMS to meet losses, 8910,000, After paying among all holding policiea, in cssh (not in scrip,) dividends, amounting to $181,000. One-half of the first five annual premiums on lifb policies loaned to insurers if desired ; the remaining half may be paid quarterly. The premiums are ss low as those of any reliable Company. m» U the oUUat American Mutual Life Inauranet Company and oitt (jfthe niott tucccav/ui. Insurance muy be effected fcr ti\e benefit of married women beyond the reach of their busba'vTs '«n»ditur«. Creditors may insure the Uvea of debtors. DiBBOTOBS.— WILLARD PHILLIPS, Charles P. Cnrtia, Tbos. A. Dexter, Sewell Tappan, A. W. Thaxter, Jr, Charles Hnl>- bard, MarabaU P Wilder, Wm. a. Reynolds, Geo. H Folger. B. f . STEVENS, -Secretary. ■■naivoKS IK xiw tosk: A. Oakey Hall, Diatrict Attorney, of New York Cit7; Heorj Piersuu ; D. Randolph Martin, President Ocean Bank. AGENTS BIaimi— N. r. Deering, Portland. Nbw Hampshiks— John 8. Harvey, Fortsmoatta. TsBMoaT— T. W. Bruce, Middlebury. Mabsaohusittb— Hartley Williams, Worcester; W. H. Taylor, New Bedford ; S W. Stickney, Lowell ; L. Thomdike, Salem ; H. S. Noyes, Springfield ; J. B. Swan, Nantucket. CoMBicTiocT— Obas. Robittxju. New Haven ; J. W. Good- vki, Hartford ; H P. Katou, Norwich ; Nath'l Greene, Bridge- port; J. C. Learned. New London. RaooB ISLABD— Charles H. Msson, Providence.
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/*Copyright (c) 2008 Extendmac, LLC. <[email protected]> Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h> #import <Carbon/Carbon.h> #import <Security/Security.h> @interface EMKeychainItem : NSObject { NSString *_password; NSString *_username; NSString *_label; SecKeychainItemRef coreKeychainItem; } - (NSString *)password; - (NSString *)username; - (NSString *)label; - (BOOL)setPassword:(NSString *)newPasswordString; - (BOOL)setUsername:(NSString *)newUsername; @end @interface EMGenericKeychainItem : EMKeychainItem { NSString *_serviceName; } - (NSString *)serviceName; + (id)genericKeychainItem:(SecKeychainItemRef)item forServiceName:(NSString *)serviceName username:(NSString *)username password:(NSString *)password; - (BOOL)setServiceName:(NSString *)newServiceName; @end @interface EMInternetKeychainItem : EMKeychainItem { NSString *_server; NSString *_path; NSInteger _port; SecProtocolType _protocol; } + (id)internetKeychainItem:(SecKeychainItemRef)item forServer:(NSString *)server username:(NSString *)username password:(NSString *)password path:(NSString *)path port:(NSInteger)port protocol:(SecProtocolType)protocol; - (NSString *)server; - (BOOL)setServer:(NSString *)newServer; - (NSString *)path; - (BOOL)setPath:(NSString *)newPath; - (NSInteger)port; - (BOOL)setPort:(NSInteger)newPort; - (SecProtocolType)protocol; - (BOOL)setProtocol:(SecProtocolType)newProtocol; @end
{{taxobox |image = Zinnia angustifolia 'Star White'.jpg |image_caption = Zinnia angustifolia 'Star White' |regnum = Plantae |unranked_divisio = Angiospermae |unranked_classis = Eudikotil |unranked_ordo = Asteridae |ordo = Asterales |familia = Asteraceae |tribus = Heliantheae |genus = Zinnia|species = Z. angustifolia|binomial = Zinnia angustifolia|binomial_authority = Kunth 1818 |synonyms_ref= |synonyms=Crassina angustifolia Kuntze Crassina linearis (Benth.) Kuntze Zinnia linearis Benth., syn of var. linearis |}} Zinia lekuk atau dikenal dengan nama ilmiah Zinnia angustifolia adalah tumbuhan berbunga dari genus zinia yang berasal dari utara dan barat Meksiko dan telah hidup di beberapa bagian Amerika Serikat Barat Daya. Peranakan antara Z. angustifolia dan spesies lain dari zinia populer sebagai tanaman hias. Deskripsi Zinia lekuk merupakan tumbuhan semusim atau menahun yang dapat tumbuh hingga setinggi 50 cm (20 inci). Tangkainya memiliki banyak cabang dengan daun kasar dan bulu halus. Kepala bunga memiliki penutup yang sebagian besar berbentuk setengah bulat dan biasanya berukuran kurang dari 1 cm (0.4 inci). Bunganya berwarna oranye cerah atau kadang-kadang kuning terang, tetapi untuk jenis tanaman kebun, bunga mungkin berwarna putih atau berbagai warna lainnya. Jenis populasi liar Zinnia angustifolia var. angustifolia Zinnia angustifolia var. littoralis (B. L. Rob.& Greenm.) B. L. Turner Kultivar Spesies ini memiliki banyak kultivar dengan tiga kelas berbeda: Seri Profusion (Zinnia angustifolia x elegans''): bunga berwarna jingga, merah cherry, double cherry, aprikot, aprikot gelap, coral pink atau putih. Seri Star: bunga berwarna jingga, putih atau emas. Kultivar Crystal White: dengan bunga berwarna putih. Referensi Zinia.
Public Domain
Contrôleur de la garantie. V. Bijouterie. Contrôleurs civils. Leur institution, leur tenue, nomination, création des postes, classes, avancement, honneurs, exposé des motifs du système de leur recrutement, relèvent du Résident général, délégation de leurs attributions, ce ne sont pas des agents diplomatiques, ils n'ont pas le bénéfice des immunités douanières, frais de voyage, de tournée, attributions générales, leurs rapports avec les diverses administrations, leurs obligations en ce qui concerne les municipalités, les autorités militaires, la gendarmerie, la police de leur circonscription, les inhumations et les exhumations, les finances, les postes et télégraphes, les travaux publics, l'agriculture et le commerce. – l'enseignement public 268, 63 et seq.; – les antiquités et beaux-arts 268, 68; la justice française 268, 69 et seq.; la justice indigène 268, 72 et seq.; relatives aux observations météorologiques 28; 268, 60; relatives à la destruction des sauterelles: 31, 61; relatives aux terres salines: 35, 4, 1y – ils font partie de la commission qui examine les dégâts causés par les troupes en manœuvres 85, 2; reçoivent les notifications faites aux réservistes que la gendarmerie n'a pas trouvés 88, 2 les inventaires des marchands d'armes: 94, 2 – délivrent les autorisations spéciales de port d'armes non apparentes 94, 10; reçoivent les déclarations de port d'armes apparentes 94, 11 268, 29 délivrent les autorisations d'achat de poudre 268, 29; reçoivent les déclarations pour la formation des associations 115, 1 l'ouverture des écoles privées 268, 07 579, 0j 7, 10; accordent les permissions nécessaires pour louer une maison à une association 115, 6; doivent être prévenus de toute infraction commise dans leur circonscription 190, 11 doivent en prévenir le Procureur de la République et le Juge de paix: 268, 69; doivent être prévenus de suite des incendies de forêts 659, 6 visent les rôles de la medjba: 192, 2; 268, 40; liquident la khedma des oudjbas 1343, 4; dressent l'état mensuel des vacations des oudjbas 192, 20; 1343, 5; et signent les ordres d'envoi en mission de ces agents 1343, 3 dressent la liste des électeurs à la chambre d'agriculture du Nord 205, 4j à la chambre de commerce du Nord 208, y à la chambre mixte du Centre 209, 4j à la chambre mixte du Sud 210, 4; celui de Sousse peut assister aux séances de la chambre mixte du Centre 209, 20; il en est de même à Sfax pour la chambre mixte du Sud 210, 20 il fait partie à Tunis de la commission chargée d'examiner les déclarations relatives aux inscriptions sur les listes à la chambre d'agriculture du Nord 205, 7 de la chambre de commerce du Nord 208, 7; il en est de même pour le contrôleur de Sousse en ce qui concerne la chambre mixte du Centre 209, 7 et à Sfax pour la chambre mixte du Sud 210, 7; reçoivent les réclamations relatives aux élections à la chambre d'agriculture du Nord: 205, 14 à la chambre de commerce du Nord: 208, 12; à la chambre mixte du Centre 209, 14 à la chambre mixte du Sud 210, 14 – celui de Tunis avise les intéressés de la décision de la commission qui statue sur les réclamations relatives aux inscriptions sur les listes de la chambre d'agriculture du Nord: 205, 8; de la chambre de commerce du Nord 208, 7; il en est de même pour celui de Sousse en ce qui concerne la chambre mixte du Centre 209, 8 et à Sfax pour la chambre mixte du Sud 210, 8 président les opérations électorales dans chaque section de vote à la chambre d'agriculture du Nord 205, 16 à la chambre de commerce du Nord 208, 16; à la chambre mixte du Centre 209, 16 à la chambre mixte du Sud 210, 16. commerce du Nord, 208, 10; à la chambre mixte du Centre: 209, 10; à la chambre mixte du Sud 210, 10 au 3e collège: 252, 21; envoient les cartes d'électeur pour la chambre d'agriculture du Nord 205, 12; pour la chambre mixte du Centre: 209, 12; pour la chambre mixte du Sud 210, 12 pour le 3e collège 252, 20 dressent les listes électorales du 3e collège: 252, 4; les revisent annuellement 252, 8; inscrivent les réclamations relatives aux listes électorales: 252, 11; avertissent les électeurs dont l'inscription est contestée 252, 11 – président la commission chargée d'examiner les réclamations 252, 12 font partie à Tunis et à Sousse de la commission d'appel des décisions rendues par la commission qui examine les inscriptions 252, 15 prêtent leur concours pour la répression de la contrebande 268, 48 surveillent l'instruction à laquelle l'autorité indigène procède dans certaines affaires pénales 268, 73; délivrent les certificats d'origine 268, 46; 475, 5; les certificats de possession aux propriétaires de chevaux à primer 534, 5; font partie de la commission d'inscription du Stud-Book 535, 3; président les commissions scolaires 568, 3, 4; celui de Tunis fait partie du conseil de l'instruction publique 579, 13 attributions pour la formation d'établissements insalubres et dangereux 614, 3; reçoivent les déclarations des étrangers 823, 3 délèguent un fonctionnaire aux audiences d'enchères des locations à long terme des hamaums 710, 7 visent les certificats pour l'introduction en pays de dime des olives récoltées en territoire de kanoun 719, 4; celui de Tunis fait partie du conseil d'hygiène: 726, 2; président les commissions locales d'hygiène 725, 3; gèrent les justices de paix provisoires 747, 12); 760, 1 nomination à ces fonctions: 747, 15(°) [page 499] délivrent les certificats justifiant le séjour forcé des médecins légistes dans leur arrondissement: 807, 8; 845, 5; tiennent un registre des actes d'appel des décisions des tribunaux de province 830, 35 peuvent légaliser les signatures des particuliers 873, 1 et de certaines personnes requérant une inscription à la conservation: 1495, 343* reçoivent les déclarations de résidence des médecins, chirurgiens, accoucheurs 893, 2, 3, 11 des pharmaciens 894, 2, 3, 18 dentistes 895, 2, 3; -vétérinaires 896, 3 visent le livre-journal des Caïds 268, 43 reçoivent les demandes de naturalisation et les instruisent 1281, 7 reçoivent les oppositions auxquelles donnent lieu les demandes de privilège d'invention d'un gisement de phosphate 1382, 7, 8; attributions relatives aux prestations 192, 14; 268, 54; 1478, 23 et seq., 28 et seq., 48 et seq., aux subventions industrielles 1478, 37 et seq.; établissent les rôles de la taxe de routes 1480, 4 1487, 1 font les notifications aux parties intéressées à une immatriculation 1495, 41 attributions en ce qui concerne les saisies mobilières ou immobilières pratiquées dans leur circonscription 1541 leurs devoirs en matière de bornages provisoires 1556, 3 reçoivent les demandes d'autorisation de culture de tabac, et donnent leur avis sur leur recevabilité 1566, 4, 5 1567, 1 reçoivent les déclarations des producteurs de vin 1630, 1 -des surfaces complétées en vigne 1631, 10 et seq.; des symptômes de dépérissement des vignes 1631, 19 et seq. Contrôleurs stagiaires. – Conditions d'admission 279, 6; examens: 279, 16; – traitement 279, 6 costume 268, 81 – frais de tournée: 279, 15. V. Directeur de l'enseignement, Journal officiel, Procureur de la République, Résident général, Secrétaire général. Secrétaire de contrôles. – Conditions d'admission, traitement 279, 7 – examens 279, 16; attributions: 268, 76; avancement 279, 13 costume 268, 81 frais de voyage 276 277 de tournée 279, 15 remplissent les fonctions de greffier et d'huissier dans les justices de paix provisoires 760, 1. Interprètes. Frais de voyage 276 277. Commis expéditionnaires: 279, 10, 14 Contrôles civils. Leur nomenclature 160; 263, 12; limites des circonscriptions 263, 12(a); liste des monuments historiques classés dans chacun d'eux: 68 70; 71; 72; 73; 74; 75; 76; 78. Annexes de contrôles. Leur nomenclature 160; 263, 12; 272 273 274. Conventions Internationales. V. Traités. Corps élus. Historique des chambres de commerce et d'agriculture et des chambres mixtes 205; 206; 211; – de la conférence consultative 251; privation du droit de participer aux élections des chambres de commerce pour les délinquants en matière de marques de fabrique 889, 22 – les individus qui ne jouissent pas de leurs droits civils, certains condamnés pour contrebande ou contraventions au régime des loteries, officiers ministériels destitués, faillis 208, 2 209, 2 les interdits, les condamnés pour certains crimes et délits de droit commun ou militaires, pour fraudes dans les marchandises, etc. 252, 7. Chambre d'Agriculture du Nord. – Son organisation 205, 1 et seq. électeurs 205, 2 et seq. élections, 205, 4 et seq.; réclamations relatives aux inscriptions sur les listes 205, 6 et seq. circonscriptions électorales, membres 205, 11 207 vote par correspondance 205, 12 nullité des opérations électorales: 205, 14; – durée du mandat des élus 205, 17. Attributions: 205, 19 – elle désigne deux membres de la colonie française pour faire partie de la commission chargée d'examiner les réclamations relatives aux inscriptions sur les listes des électeurs de cette même chambre 205, 7 est représentée au comité d'assistance publique 109, 2 les membres de son bureau font partie de la conférence consultative 251, 1 désigne un membre de la commission d'inscription au Stud-Book: 535, 3; deux membres de la commission consultative hippique 536, 2. Chambre de commerce DU NORD. Son organisation 208, 1 et seq.; 1469, 14 – électeurs 208, 2 et seq. élections 208, 3 et seq.; réclamations relatives aux inscriptions sur les listes 208, 5 et seq. – nullité des opérations électorales: 208, 12; – durée du mandat des élus 208, 15 212, 2 – membres correspondants 208, 15 – circonscriptions électorales, membres: 212, 1. Attributions: 208, 17; elle est représentée au comité d'assistance publique 109, 2; les membres de son bureau font partie de la conférence consultative 251, 1; elle se concerte avec les villes concessionnaires de la faculté d'entrepôt pour les tarifs des droits de magasinage dans l'entrepôt 600, 9 – elle délègue un de ses membres au comité des expositions 625, 3; – deux de ses membres au conseil sanitaire 727, 3; son président a la police intérieure de la bourse de commerce de Tunis 249, 8 fait partie de la commission de désignation des assesseurs au tribunal criminel 788, 2. Chambres mixtes de commerce et d'agriculture du Centre. Son organisation 209, 1 et seq. électeurs 209, 2 et seq. réclamations relatives aux inscriptions sur les listes: 209, 6 et seq. circonscriptions électorales, membres: 209, 11; vote par correspondance: 209, 12; élections: 209, 13; nullité des opérations électorales: 209, 14 – durée du mandat des élus 209, 17. Attributions 209, 15; elle est représentée au comité d'assistance publique 109, 2 les membres de son bureau font partie de la conférence consultative: 251, 1; elle désigne un membre de la commission consultative hippique: 536, 2; – son président fait partie de la commission de désignation des assesseurs au tribunal criminel 788, 2. Chambre mixte de commerce et d'agriculture du Sud. Son organisation 210, 1 et seq.; circonscriptions électorales, membres 210, 11 électeurs 210, 2 et seq. réclamations relatives aux inscriptions sur les listes 210, 6 et seq. CONFÉRENCE consultative. Énumération de ses membres 251, i, 6; date de convocation 251, 2 – attributions 251, 4 – vœux à formuler sous certaines conditions 258 frais de déplacement 253 trois de ses membres sont choisis par le Résident général pour composer la commission chargée d'examiner les réclamations relatives aux inscriptions sur les listes de la chambre de commerce du Nord 208, 7 deux de ses membres font partie dans les mêmes conditions de la commission d'appel qui statue sur les décisions rendues par la commission qui examine les inscriptions des électeurs au 3ème collège: 252, i. Troisième collège. – Deux délégations (nord et sud de la Régence): 252, i, 2; – nombre des délégués 252, 2, 22 255 – électeurs 252, 3, 6, 7; réclamations contre les inscriptions 252, 9 et seq. commissions qui les examinent: 252, 12, 13; appels 252, 14 et seq. élections 252, 19 et seq.; circonscriptions électorales 252, 22 vote par correspondance: 252, 23 éligibles 252, 25 et seq. nullité des opérations 252, 31 et seq. frais de déplacement: 253. Attributions procède à la nomination des délégués à la conférence consultative 252, 36 élabore la liste des questions qu'il veut voir figurer au programme de la conférence 257, 1 et seq. les membres élus par la délégation de ce collège font partie de la conférence consultative 251, 1; 252, 2; il est représenté au comité d'assistance publique 109, 2. Budget, Cercles militaires, Conseil des ministres, Contrôleurs civils, Directeur de l'agriculture, Entrepôts, Journal officiel, Juges de paix, Magasins généraux, Résidence générale, Résident général, Syndicat des viticulteurs, Vice-président de municipalité. Couleurs. V. Teintures. Cour d'appel d'Alger. V. Justice française. Cour de cassation française. V. Justice française. Cour de cassation tunisienne. V. Ouzara. Cour des comptes. V. Finances. Cours d'eau. V. Eaux, Expropriation pour cause d'utilité publique. Courtiers. V. Commerce. Crédit agricole. V. Agriculture. Crédit commercial. V. Commerce, Magasins généraux. Crédit enzéliste. V. Ensel. Crée (Droits de) 883. V. Éponges et poulpes, Fondouk el Ghalla, Impôts municipaux, Légumes frais et fruits, Poissons, Stationnement. Criée et stationnement. V. Impôts municipaux. Crieur public. V. Justice tunisienne. Criquets. V. Agriculture. Cristaux et porcelaines. Droits d'importation 499. Croquis visuel. V. Service topographique. Cultes. Le vicaire apostolique de Tunisie n'est pas un fonctionnaire public 1469; 1401 les bâtiments du culte ne payent pas la caravane 196, 13; les ministres du culte ne payent pas les prestations: 192, 15 1478, 3; 1484, 8; – célébrent le mariage des Français avant l'institution de l'état civil 618; police des églises 1391, 14. V. Mosquée, Zaouias. Danois. V. Compétence personnelle (Européens, protégés des puissances), Consuls étrangers, Étrangers, Juridictions consulaires, Traités. Dar et Geld. Les droits que percevait cette administration ont cessé d'être mis en fermage 471, 100. V. Contributions diverses. Dattes. Droits d'entrée 884, 6 885, 5 – droits de vente 885, 5; 887 droits sur le dattier dans les pays de kanoun 885, 7; faculté d'entrepôt 601, 5. V. Compétence correctionnelle. Dattiers. V. Kanouns. Débit enzéliste. V. Ensel. Débits de boissons. V. Sûreté publique. Débits de papier timbré. V. Timbre. Débits de poudre, de sel, de tabac. V. Monopoles. Décimes. V. Justice française (extraits de jugements). Décorations. Port des décorations et médailles françaises et étrangères 290. Médailles d'honneur en pays de protectorat 289. Kicham-el-Abed (Insigne du pacte): à qui il peut être conféré 287, 4; 5, 9; dans quels cas 287, 6 – cérémonie de la remise 287, 7 sa forme 287, 2. Noms-Initiales des classes 291, 1,2; formes 291, 3 et seq.; par qui sont faites les propositions 291, 8; conditions pour l'obtention 291, 9 et seq. 292, 1 et seq. cas de retrait: 291, 11; droits de chancellerie 291, 15 et seq.; délivrance d'un brevet: 291, 12; duplicata: 291, 18; le brevet n'est délivré que sur production de la quittance des droits 288 registres de l'ordre 291, 20. V. Assistance publique, Compétence pénale, Premier Ministre, Résident général. Défenseurs. V. Justice française. Délégué à la Résidence. V. Organisation politique. Délégué du commerce. V. Commerce. Délégué phylloxérique. V. Viticulture. Denrées alimentaires. – Engrais, substances médicamenteuses, boissons, inspection: 988, 10 falsification 294, 1 et seq. 295, 1 et seq. coloration artificielle 294, 12 contraventions 294, 13 et seq. 295, 1 et seq. remise obligatoire d'échantillons par les marchands aux autorités de police 297 droits d'importation sur certaines denrées coloniales et boissons 499 – importation de certains engrais et fumiers prohibée 1631, et ceux provenant d'Afrique (sauf l'Algérie) ne peuvent être importés ou soumis au transit: 490, 2. V. Alcool, Bière, Compétence pénale, Corps élus, Établissements de bienfaisance, Lait, Médicaments, Sucres, Vin. Dentelles. Droits d'importation 499. Dentistes. V. Santé publique. Dépêches. V. Postes et télégraphes. Dépositoire dans les cimetières (Usage des). V. Impôts municipaux. Dépôts et consignations (Caisse des). V. Finances. Dette publique. V. Finances. Dia (prix du sang): 898, 6; droit de chancellerie 11. Diffa. Défense de la percevoir sur les contribuables 898, 2 – elle est due par les Caïds aux officiers du service des renseignements 82 84, 5. Diffamations. V. Presse. Dime des céréales. V. Akour. Dime des huiles. V. Huiles. Diphtérie. V. Maladies. Directeur de collège, école, lycée, medrassas. V. École coloniale, Enseignement public. Directeur de la colonisation. V. Colonisation. Directeur de la Ghaba. V. Ghaba. Directeur de l'agriculture. V. Agriculture. Directeur de la Monnaie. V. Monnaies. Directeur de la santé. V. Santé publique. Directeur de la sûreté publique. V. Sûreté publique. Directeur de l'enseignement public. V. Enseignement public. Directeur de l'Institut Pasteur. V. Assistance publique. Directeur de l'Office postal. V. Postes. Directeur des abattoirs. V. Animaux. Directeur des antiquités. V. Antiquités. Directeur des contributions diverses. V. Contributions diverses. Directeur des douanes. V. Douanes. Directeur des finances. V. Finances. Directeur des forêts. V. Forêts. Directeur des monopoles. V. Monopoles. Directeur des services judiciaires du Gouvernement tunisien. V. Justice tunisienne. Directeur des travaux publics. V. Travaux publics. Directions. V. Directeurs. Directs (Impôts). V. Finances. Diss. V. Alfa, diss et spartene. Distances entre les diverses localités tunisiennes et leur chef-lieu de canton (Tunis ou autres) 302 – entre la Tunisie et l'Algérie ou autres Etats 747, 8; au point de vue des citations devant les tribunaux tunisiens 821. Distillateurs. V. Alcool. Distribution par contribution. V. Saisies. Divers (Produits) 192, 19 et seq., 70, 71. V. Caïds. Division d'occupation. V. Année française. Division navale. V. Armée française. Djemia des habous. V. Habous. Djerbiens. Payent la meïdja 90t. V. Kodors. Documents historiques. V. Antiquités. Domaines. Communautaire. V. Municipalités. DE l'État. En font partie les biens domaniaux, les mines, les forêts, les terres mortes de Sfax, les immeubles vacants et sans maîtres, les terres vagues, les montagnes incultivées. Les actes de notoriété sont insuffisants pour donner droit à la propriété d'un immeuble qui fait partie du domaine de l'État. Les droits de propriété sur les terres mortes de Sfax ne peuvent être établis que par l'acte de mesurage ou par un acte de notoriété antérieur à 1871. Terrains domaniaux habous publics et privés, réalisation en argent de l'échange des terres habous destinées à la colonisation, garde et conservation des territoires domaniaux, l'aliénation du sol domanial minier ou forestier est interdite. Terrains domaniaux affectés aux maghzens. Territoires et immeubles faisant partie du domaine de l'État, par décret. Concessions à Tozeur et El Oudiane. Gestion et représentation attribuées au Directeur des finances, au Directeur de l'agriculture. Immatriculation, frais qu'elle entraîne, formalités spéciales en ce qui concerne les forêts. Gardes au jardin d'essais et à la ferme d'expériences de Tunis, dans les circonscriptions domaniales de Sfax et Kairouan, nomination, attributions, ils constatent les infractions au décret sur la chasse. V. Colonisation, Conseil des ministres, Premier Ministre, Serments, Terres salines, Forêt. V. Forêts. Militaire. – Sa constitution régularisation des occupations du Domaine public par l'autorité militaire, jouissance temporaire en faveur des administrations tunisiennes, remises à l'autorité militaire des immeubles indispensables aux troupes. Places de guerre, postes militaires, postes fortifiés, forts, blockhaus et leur zone, leur classement, les ouvrages de défense des places de guerre et forteresses font partie du Domaine public. Énumération des villes, ouvrages ou immeubles classés par décret. Polygones exceptionnels leur création, législation applicable au bornage, leur homologation, prohibitions en ce qui concerne les particuliers, police de la zone, énumération des polygones exceptionnels délimités et classés par décret. Postes photo-électriques, postes optiques, postes-refuges, postes-vigies classés par décret. Servitudes militaires la législation française sur le bornage des zones de servitude est applicable à la Tunisie. Leur zone et leur homologation; prohibitions en ce qui concerne les particuliers; contraventions. Les servitudes sont obligatoires du jour de la publication du décret de classement. Police de la zone, énumération des zones de servitude délimitées par décret. Travaux mixtes, programme et avant-projet de ces travaux soumis à l'instruction mixte; exceptions. En quoi consiste cette instruction; contraventions. Compétence civile, Directeur des travaux publics, Division d'occupation, Génie militaire, Gouvernement français, Ministre de la guerre, des travaux publics, Président de municipalité, Résident général, Routes. Publicités. Partis du territoire et ouvrages qu'il comprend 426, 1, 6; 1495, 165; délimitations déjà fixées par décret 429 430; 431; 432; 433; 434; 435; 436; 437; 438; 439; 440; 441; 443; 444; 445; 446; 447; 448; 451; 452; 453; 457; 458; 459; 460; 462; 463; 464; 465; 466; 467; 468; 469 extraction du sable sur le domaine public 442; 449; 450; 454; 461 interdiction de circulation 456 inaliénabilité, imprescriptibilité 426, 3 – administration 426, 4? contestations relatives au Domaine public 426, 7; droits acquis antérieurement au décret de 1885 426, 2; 426, 3Qi immatriculation 1495, 45, 1503 occupation du Domaine public par l'autorité militaire: 333, 16; délimitation du Domaine public 426, 5 427, 1 et seq.; commissaire-enquêteur 427, 6; – dépenses occasionnées 427, 9; – -délimitation du Domaine public limitrophe du Domaine militaire 427, 8; police et conservation du Domaine public 455, 1 et seq. V. Agents des douanes, des forêts, Caïd, Cantonniers, Commissaires de police, Compétence civile, correctionnelle et immobilière, Directeur et Direction des travaux publics, Eaux, Gendarmerie française, Ingénieurs des mines, Journal officiel, Juges de paix, Officier de port, Pacage, Ponts et chaussées, Premier Ministre, Service topographique (Chef de). Produits domaniaux. – Recouvrement et apurement des rôles: 192, 17; leur établissement 192, 18; timbres mobiles apposés sur les quittances de produits domaniaux 192, 20 – surveillance des notaires pour le recouvrement des droits d'enregistrements sur les baux du Domaine 192, 20; – vente de certains objets sur les propriétés domaniales: 192, 20; recouvrement du prix de vente des immeubles domaniaux 192, 20; -le compte des produits domaniaux est établi par les Caïds, sur un registre autre que le Tefkik: 192, 33 bureaux de perception des produits domaniaux 192, 07; aucun délai ne peut être accordé pour le paiement des revenus du Domaine 192, 64; principe du rattachement des contribuables 192, 69. V. Caïds, Directeur et Direction de l'agriculture, Receveur des finances. Douanes. Bureaux de douane: 471, 10; 478 480 484 487 508 régime douanier de la gare mixte de Ghardimaou 508; 509 produits attribués aux douanes et qui sont recouvrés par les Caïds 192, 20; – rattachements des contribuables en cette matière 192, 70 régime de circulation intérieure des marchandises étrangères 471, 38 et seq.; les marchandises prohibées à l'entrée ne peuvent circuler: 471, 40; exceptions 471, 41 ? amendes et condamnations, leur recouvrement 54, 1; 55, 1 (2); leur répartition: 471, 133; – procès-verbaux, compétence, procédure, transactions 471, 133 et seq.; – magasinage des marchandises dans les dépôts de la douane: 470; 472; 1421 1426; 1429; responsabilité pour les dommages: 470, 4, 5; extension de ce régime à la plupart des ports 470(4); 471, 134; application du régime aux vins et spiritueux 472, 3; transport en magasin des marchandises qui ne sont pas débarquées par la douane 486 magasinage dans les entrepôts 600, y. V. Agents des finances, Caïds, Cheikhs, Chemins de fer, Compétence correctionnelle, Exécution des jugements, Khalifas, Ports, Postes, Premier Ministre, Privilèges, Procédure correctionnelle, Résident général, Tribunal de commerce. Exportation par les deux frontières, déclaration 471, 26 et seq. par mer; manifeste 471, 34; – par terre: 471, 35; réexportation par mer de produits fabriqués et sortis d'entrepôts: 485, 4, 5; droit de timbre sur les déclarations d'exportation 1570, 6. Droits d'exportation mode de paiement 471, 55, 50 tarifs généraux 498, 2; 499; motifs de leur remaniement 498 (*) – date d'application du nouveau tarif 502, 2 et seq. tarifs spéciaux 1359, 6; 1635. Exportations prohibées 499; 502. V. Antiquités, Chasse, Compétence correctionnelle. Importation (en Tunisie) par les deux frontières, déclaration 471, et seq. par mer: dépôt du manifeste: 471, 11 et seq.; par terre 471, 19 – droit de timbre sur les déclarations d'importation 1570, 6. Droits d'importation et mode de paiement 471, 55, 50; taxation: 502, 12; tarifs généraux 498, 1, 499 motifs de leur remaniement 498 (r); bénéfice de l'ancien tarif 498, 4; 502, 5, 6; 503, 2; date d'application du nouveau tarif: 502, 2 et seq.; tarifs spéciaux 46, 2; 121, 2 1547, 2. Importations autorisées 499 admissions en franchise de certains produits français et algériens: 500; 501; 502, 7, 8; entrée en franchise des effets des passagers, objets d'ameublement, trousseaux de mariage: 497, 1; 508, 8; des échantillons de marchandises 497, 2; de certains fûts 497, 5; réadmission en franchise de marchandises tunisiennes, objets d'emballage passant 497, 4; 502, 12; admissions concédées à certaines personnalités et à certains corps 502, 7; admission temporaire en franchises de droits de certaines marchandises destinées à être fabriquées ou à recevoir dans la Régence un complément de main-d'œuvre 485; application du régime aux tourteaux de colza 488, 489 aux graines de ricin 511 – admissions des marchandises provenant de points contaminés de peste 514, 2 de certains produits végétaux non prévus par la loi: 1631, 5 et seq. V. Animaux, Bibliothèques, Directeur des finances, Elevage, Entrepôt, Fruits, Huiles, Jardin d'essais, Laines, Macaronis, Musées, Nitrate de soude, Peaux, Pommes de terre, Ports, Salpêtre, Soufre, Tabac, Topinambours, Vélocipèdes, Vins, Voitures. Importations prohibées 499; 502, 7; 1631, 1, 2, 9. V. Abeilles, Agents des douanes, Allumettes chimiques Animaux, Armes, Caries à jouer, Ceps et feuilles de vigne, Céréales, Chéchias, Chira, Commissaires de police, Compétence correctionnelle, Élevage, Engrais, Fumiers, Gendarmerie française, Hachis, Kif, Laines, Légumes frais, Marques de fabrique, Monnaies, Munitions de guerre, Peaux, Phylloxéra, Plants d'arbres, Poudre, Prescriptions, Raisins, Saccharine, Santé maritime et publique, Sarments, Sel, Tabac, Takrouri, Tapis, Vêtements, Vins. Traitement de faveur à l'entrée en France: régime général 475, 5; – exposé des motifs de cette réglementation: 475; produits tunisiens admis en franchise 475, 1; régime le plus favorable pour les produits non dénommés: 475(5); exceptions: 475, 4. V. Animaux, Céréales, Gibier, Grignots, Huiles, Ports, Vins, Volailles. CERTIFICAT d'origine délivré par les contrôleurs 268, 45, 57 nécessaire pour exporter des vins vinés, en franchise du droit sur l'alcool 49, 2; 1630, 6; – facilite l'importation des pommes de terre 1631, 3; pour le traitement de faveur de certains produits à l'entrée en France: 475, 5; pour le colportage ou l'exportation des lieux de reproduction 493; pour l'importation de certains animaux 537 pour leur exportation et celle de certaines peaux: 723, 56; leur falsification 482, 1 et seq; 1513. V. Compétence correctionnelle. Contrebande à l'entrée 471 7 et seq., 19 – à la sortie: 471, 27 et seq., 35; à la gare mixte de Ghardimaou 508, 9, 509, 9; protection de l'Algérie contre la contrebande 1575, 9; concours du contrôleur civil pour sa répression: 268, 48; saisie des objets 192, 20. V. Allumettes chimiques, Armes, Caïds, Cartes à jouer, Céréales, Chira, Corps élus, Juges de paix, Peaux et Laines, Poudre, Prescriptions, Sel, Tabac. CABOTAGE définition 1423, 53; bureaux 478; dispositions spéciales: 471, 20 et seq.; 723, 9; transport de produits étrangers, 471, 24; – de produits naturels 471, 25. V. Compétence correctionnelle, Ports Transit. – Conditions d'admission à ce bénéfice, réglementation 471, 42 et seq.; 479, 1 et seq. transit sans visite ni consignation préalables 483, 1 et seq.; 492; 508, 1 509, 1 acquit-à-caution 483, 5; fraudes, substitutions, contraventions 483, 7 et seq.; transit des marchandises sujettes à des droits d'entrée, passe-debout 601, 1. V. Agents des contributions diverses, Animaux, Chaux et briques, Compétence correctionnelle, Directeur des Douanes, Entrepôt, Fumiers, Laines, Marques de fabrique, Peaux, Timbre. Douanes des douanes. – Sa création 627, 1 elle dépend de la direction des finances 627, 6. Directeur: dépend du Directeur des Finances 627, 6; poursuit les instances relatives à son service 627, 7; centralise les opérations de ses agents 628, 2 est ordonnateur secondaire des dépenses de son service 628, 3; accorde le changement de nom aux navires 1423, 40 délivre des permis de travail aux ouvriers que les propriétaires de marchandises emploient à la douane pour les différentes manipulations: 486; ou pour la manutention des marchandises en entrepôt 600, 8; fait partie du conseil sanitaire 727, 2. Receveurs. Le receveur principal centralise les opérations de ses agents. Les receveurs perçoivent les droits de douane, les droits de magasinage à la douane, le produit de la vente des marchandises y abandonnées, les amendes et condamnations relatives aux douanes, les droits de port, sanitaires, sur les pêcheries. Les droits de pesage public. Peuvent faire fonctions d'entreposeurs des monopoles. Attributions en ce qui concerne la réception du serment des propriétaires de navires. Signent les congés des navires. Assistent aux mutations de propriété de navires. Reçoivent les versements dus pour taxes de routes. Agents perçoivent les droits de consommation en cas d’importation de l’alcool et du sucre 46, 2 établissent les titres de mouvement des alcools importés: 48, 9; – ont le même sur les vins vinés 49, 4; délivrent les certificats d'embarquement des vins vinés 49, 4 et constatant l'embarquement des bois et charbons 144, 1 font vendre les marchandises déposées à la douane et non réclamées: 470, 3; perçoivent dans certains cas les droits de mutation et la taxe sur les loyers 540, 38; enregistrent les marchandises en entrepôt et les font vendre quand le délai est périmé 600, a, 3 autorisent les changements de magasin des houilles soumises à l’entrepôt fictif: 599, 2 et tout déballage ou mélange des marchandises soumises à l’entrepôt réel 600, 4 procèdent à un recensement annuel de ces marchandises 600, 5; délivrent les permis de chargement des navires lorsque leur état sanitaire a été vérifié 723, 21 et vérifient toutes marchandises déchargées: 1411, 58; constatent les contraventions commises par les entrepreneurs des carrières 198, 28 à la police de la navigation 1423, 61 au régime sur la chasse 213, 10; commises sur le domaine public 455, 4; perçoivent la taxe de circulation sur les céréales 201, 2, 18 peuvent visiter tous les bateaux de commerce 471, 14; attributions des agents français et tunisiens à la gare mixte de Ghardimaou 509, 3 et seq. 509, 3 et seq., peuvent être agents de ports: 1411, 13; – surveillent les magasins généraux établis dans des locaux soumis à l’entrepôt réel ou fictif: 604, 18; – peuvent être requis par les agents sanitaires 723, 90; - recherchent les poudres de contrebande 471, 95; 948, 6; visitent les objets contenant du poisson 1365, 11 – contrôlent les poseurs publics 1371, 13 – saisissent les produits étrangers portant des marques de fabrique d’origine tunisienne 889, 28; sont chargés du jaugeage des navires: 1423, 6; leur délivrent l’acte de nationalité 1423, 11 et leur congé 1423, 21 et reçoivent ces deux pièces à l’arrivée des navires 1423, 35 – délivrent les certificats de changement de port d’attache des navires 1423, 50; font visiter les navires 1423, 58 autorisent l'embarquement et le débarquement des armes et poudres 1423, Syndicats d'arrosement pour le puits artésien de Zarzis 517 – n° 2 de Zarzis 520; du puits artésien et de la source de Métouia 524 des deux puits artésiens et de la source d'Oudref 525 du puits artésien d'Houmt-Sonk 526 leur réglementation 517(r); 518 rôles 518, et seq. 60; délivrent les certificats de sortie pour les savons: 1546, 8 constatent les contraventions relatives au timbrage des connaissements 1571, 8 et à la police du roulage 1625, 8; visitent les ceps de vigne et sarments circulant dans la Régence 1631, 8; constatent les contraventions commises au régime de surveillance des vignes et à la prohibition de l'importation du phylloxéra et de certains végétaux 1631, 34. V. Bey, Caids, Cour (les comptes. Cautionnement, Receveur des finances, Serment. Douanes douanières. Y. Armée française, Bey, Chemins de fer, Contrôleurs civils, Justice française. Dourine. V. Élevage. Driba (Tribunal de la). V. Justice tunisienne. Droguistes. V. Pharmaciens. Dynamite. V. Poudre. E V. Budget, Cautionnement, Compétence correctionnelle, Directeur, direction et ingénieurs des travaux publics, Juges de paix, Premier Ministre, Serments, Service des renseignements. Eaux-de-vie. V. Alcool. Échange d'un habous. V. Habous. Échouages. V. Capitaines de navires, Ports. Éclairage (Taxes d'). V. Impôts municipaux. École coloniale. V. Agriculture. École normale. V. College Alaoui. Écoles. V. Enseignement public. Égout des toits (Servitude de l'). V. Propriété foncière. Égouts. V. Conduites d'eau, Impôts municipaux. Électricité. Réglementation des conducteurs non destinés aux signaux ou à la parole 527 l'Office postal peut charger à son usine de lumière les accumulateurs des particuliers 528. V. Compétence correctionnelle, Directeur des postes. Élevage. Le service de l'agriculture, de la viticulture et de l'élevage dépend de la Direction de l'agriculture. 30 mesures pour garantir les troupeaux des maladies contagieuses 529, 1 et seq. 530 pour garantir l'extension de la fièvre aphteuse 532; 538; importation prohibée des animaux atteints 529, 2 importations autorisées sous certaines conditions 537 moyens de favoriser la production du bétail: 58, 1 acquisitions de béliers méridionaux de la Crau et de béliers et brebis de race algérienne à queue fine 531 – visite mensuelle des étalons rouleurs et des baudets étalons: 533 saillie des juments par les étalons de l'État 533, 2 et seq. primes pour l'élevage des chevaux 534 commission consultative hippique 533. V. Administration générale, Animale, Alsace, Chambre d'agriculture du Nord, Chambres hiérarchiques du Centre et du Sud, Compétence correctionnelle, Contrôleurs civils, Directeur de l'agriculture, Premier Ministre, Recette des finances, Remonte, Résidence générale, Résident général. Épizooties. Mesures contre la peste bovine, péripneumonie, clavelée, gale, fièvre aphteuse, morve, farcin, dourine, rage, charbon 473 490 491 510 514 529, 1 530 532 537; 538; 723, 50; 725, 8; 734; 896, 2. V. Compétence correctionnelle. Établissements hippiques (de l'Algérie et de la Tunisie). Le Directeur préside la commission d'inscription au Stud-Book 535, 3; est membre de la commission consultative hippique 536, 1. Stud-Book. Son institution 535, 1 – commission qui statue sur les demandes d'inscription 535, 2 – primes réservées aux poulains et pouliches qui y sont inscrits 534, 3 saillies par les étalons qui y sont inscrits 534, 5. V. Caïds, Chambre d'agriculture du Nord, Contrôleurs civils, Directeur et Direction de l'agriculture, Premier Ministre, Remonte, Vétérinaires. Élèves. V. Enseignement public. Émigrants. Navires chargés d'émigrants 723, 44, 72 Emphytéose (Droit réel). V. Propriété foncière. Emprisonnement. V. Services pénitentiaires. Emprunts. V. Dette publique. Enchères. V. Adjudications. Engins explosifs. V. Poudre. Engrais. V. Denrées alimentaires. Enregistrement. Établissement de la contribution 543 548 date certaine 543, 1 en quoi consiste l'enregistrement et la transcription 543, 2, 3; quand le droit est perçu 545, 2 amendes en cette matière 545, 1, 3, 4, 6; 552, 1; contrainte en paiement des droits et des amendes 545, 6 552; 1570, 13 actes produits en justice 543, 7; droits de timbre sur les copies d'actes enregistrées 543, 4. Agents des finances, Caïds, Compétence civile, Directeur des services judiciaires, Djemaïa des habitants, Greffiers, Interprètes judiciaires, Légalisations, Officiers ministériels, Prescriptions, Président de tribunal de province, Privilèges. Actes soumis à l'enregistrement 543, 5 544 547, 1, 2, 3 548 tarif général 543, 0; 544. V. Anciennes réponses, Baux, Enzélé, Ghaba, Hypothèques, Jugements, Notariat tunisien et israélite, Références, Sociétés, Successions. Actes exempts d'enregistrement 543, 8; 546 683, 6 846, 2. V. Défenseurs, Faites, Greffes, Habitations à bon marché, Huissiers, Impôts d'État, Impôts municipaux, Jugements, Lettres, Propriété foncière (adjudications). Receveurs de l'enregistrement. Ne peuvent enregistrer aucun acte qui ne serait pas dûment timbré, s'il est astreint à cet impôt 1571, 18. V. Receveur des contributions diverses. Enrôlement (au greffe). V. Justice française. Enseignement public. Loi sur l'enseignement 579 dépenses d'enseignement public indigène: 554, 1 les bâtiments affectés aux élèves dans les maisons d'éducation ne payent pas la caroube 196, 13; diplôme de connaissances pratiques pour les candidats aux emplois de certaines administrations tunisiennes 595 examens de langue arabe 578 597 primes aux instituteurs 590, 1 récompenses aux professeurs et instituteurs qui se sont distingués dans l'enseignement professionnel et agricole 592. Enseignement primaire professeurs 575, 1; programme 577; écoles: 579. 1 et seq.; inspection 579, 2 et seq.; – inspecteur: 576; 577, 5, 9; 579, 13. Enseignement secondaire maîtres 575, 1 professeurs 575, 2 directeurs: 575, 3; écoles: 579, 1 et seq., 10 et seq., inspection 579, 2 et seq. diplômes d'études secondaires 589 inspecteur 593. Enseignement supérieur professeurs 575, 3. Conseil de l'instruction publique composition et but 579, 13 et seq. – il statue sur les oppositions faites à l'ouverture d'une école 579, 7 – sur les faits reprochés aux instituteurs privés 579, 9 et seq. d'établissements secondaires: 579, 11, 12. V. Agents des finances, des contributions diverses, des habous, Bey, Contrôleurs civils, Khalifas, Ministère d'Etat, Oukils, Premier Ministre, Président de tribunal, Procureur de la République, Résident général, Tribunal de province. Direction de l'enseignement. Sa création 564. Directeur il a la direction supérieure des services de l'instruction publique en Tunisie surveille les règlements de la Grande Mosquée et délègue un fonctionnaire pour composer le jury d'examen des contrôleurs, préside les commissions scolaires, le conseil d'administration du collège Sadiki, vise les mandats de recette ou de dépense de ce collège, approuve l'emploi du crédit pour les dépenses imprévues, fixe le nombre des maîtres des écoles congréganaises, dirige le collège Saint-Charles (lycée Carnot), nomme les fonctionnaires de l'enseignement primaire et les maîtres élémentaires de renseignement secondaire, autorise toute personne au droit d'enseigner, prononce l'exclusion des élèves des écoles publiques, préside les examens de langue arabe, inspecte les établissements scolaires, est juge de la validité des brevets des instituteurs et des fondateurs d'établissements secondaires, préside le conseil de l'instruction publique et désigne trois directeurs d'école privée pour en faire partie, le conseil d'administration des medersas, nomme les répétiteurs du lycée Carnot, les professeurs de la mederssa asfouria, les directeurs et instituteurs d'écoles primaires publiques, fixe les programmes d'études de l'Ecole professionnelle, en préside le conseil de perfectionnement, contrôle le fonds de réserves du collège Alaoui, du lycée Carnot, de l'école secondaire de jeunes filles et de l'École professionnelle, surveille la gestion de l'administrateur de ces quatre établissements, arrête les états de recouvrement de l' économiste de ces quatre établissements, fait partie du conseil d'hygiène, préside le jury d'examen des étudiants qui veulent se faire exempter du service militaire, et est membre de celui des interprètes du tribunal mixte, délègue un fonctionnaire au Comité supérieur d'assistance publique, administre l'Ecole professionnelle, l'inspecteur des écoles coraniques dépend de lui. COMMISSIONS scolaires leur institution 568, 1; leur but: 568, 6; – attributions relatives aux écoles publiques 576, 2 et seq. V. Caïd, Contrôleur civil, Premier Ministre, Président de municipalité. Lycée CARNOT (ancien collège Saint-Charles) origine de son nom 585 il a la personnalité civile 584, 1, 598, 1,10; conditions d'admission et régime 582; 584; conseil de perfectionnement 588 fonds de réserve 598, 4 administration, proviseur, économe 598, 6 et seq. régime 574, 2 directeur, professeurs 574, 4 et seq.; le directeur et un professeur font partie du conseil d'instruction publique 579, 1. V. Bey, Budget, Cautionnement, Cour des comptes, Insaisissabilité, Inpecteurs des finances, Premier Ministre, Recette des finances. Collèges Saint-Charles. V. Lycée Carnot. Alaoui (École normale) élève. 570, 37; professeurs 575, 2 – administration, directeur, économe 598, 6 et seq. il a la personnalité civile 598, 1, 10; fonds de réserve 598, 4 le directeur fait partie du conseil de l'instruction publique 579, 1. Sadiki réglementation des études 557, et seq. 570 catégories d'élèves 557, 31 et seq. 570, 33 et seq. ils sont exempts du service militaire 570, 38; 1523, 30 certificats 557, 57, 58 – remboursement des frais d'études 572 attributions du directeur: 570, 2, 4 et seq. il fait partie du conseil de l'instruction publique 579, 13 inspecteur des études européennes 570, 10 professeurs 575, 1 attributions 557, 11 570, 10, 23 et seq.; chargés de cours 559, art. add. 563 – conseil des professeurs 570, 26 et seq. censeur: 570, 10, 31, 32; conseil d'administration 570, 2, 10 et seq.; administration des biens: 571 administrateur des rentes 570, 2, 10, 17 et seq.; 571, 5; – attributions des notaires du collège Sadiki 570, 20 571, 11. V. Bey, Budgel, Cautionnement, Cour des comptes, Habous, Insaisissabilité, Inspecteurs des finances, Médecins, Premier Ministre, Recette générale des finances, Résident général. Écoles. Leur surveillance 268, 03 et seq. leur division et réglementation 579, 1 et seq. hygiène 988, 7, 10. publiques leur réglementation 576; 579, 1 et seq. – programme 577 – instituteurs 576, 4 et seq.; 579, 4 et seq.; classement, traitement, avancement 590 récompenses 592. privées: leur réglementation 579, 1 et seq. instituteurs 579, 4 et seq., 9. – mixtes ouverture 579, 7 -réglementation 590, 24. congréganistes instituteurs et institutrices 573, 1 et seq. professionnelle des métiers manuels règlement 594 administration, directeur, économe 598, 0 et seq. elle a la personnalité civile 594, 6; 598, 10, 14 fonds de réserve 598, 4; conseil de perfectionnement 594, 8. – secondaire de jeunes filles elle a la personnalité civile: 598, 10; fonds de réserve 598, 4; administration, directrice, économe 598, 6 et seq. coraniques (Mekaleb) fonctionnement 596 inspecteur 596, 4. de l'alliance israélite de Tunis prélèvement à son profit sur les taxes perçues sur la viande kacher 97, 4; l'administrateur de l'école peut faire procéder à la description des produits prétendus marqués à son préjudice 97, 16. de l'alliance israélite de Sousse prélèvement à son profit sur les taxes perçues sur la viande kacher 111, 3. – italiennes autorisées en Tunisie 117. Budget, Cautionnement, Compétence correctionnelle, Contrôleurs civils, Cour des comptes, Directeur des antiquités, Direction de l'agriculture, Inspecteurs et Recette des finances, Insaisissabilité, Président de municipalité, Procureur de la République, Receveur des postes, Secrétaire général. Medrsas. Leur organisation 581, 1 et seq.; conseil d'administration 581, 4 et seq. directeurs 581, 7 et seq. étudiants 581, 1 et seq. affectation de la medrsas Asfouria à une école normale de mouzdeb, son fonctionnement: 587 – examen de mouzdeb 587, 2 et seq. 596, 1 les élèves mouzdeb sont exempts de service militaire 1523, 36. V. Amins, Bey, Budget, Djema'a des haboux, Premier Ministre, Résident général. Mosquée (Grande). Etudes suivies 559, 1 surveillance des règlements 560; ouvrages employés 559, 2 et seq. 9, 27 586 certificats 559, 24, 25. Etudiants 559, 23 et seq. ne payent pas la medjba dans certains cas 192, 3; 559, 25; 900; ni les prestations 192, 15; ne font pas de service militaire 559, 25 1323, 36 examens 559, 46 et seq. 565 591 1525; 1526; brevet de Tetoui: 581, 1, 7; 583, 6; brevet de mottawa 583, a, 3, 1 traitement des étudiants diplômés 561 les élèves diplômés sont notaires de plein droit 1294. Imams nomination 268, 13; 1305, 2; droit de chancellerie 11 traitement 811; 1 surveillent les prêts des livres de la bibliothèque 559, 62 ne payent pas les prestations 1484, 8 sont exempts du service militaire 1523, 36. Inspecteurs traitement 138, 2 555, 1 8Hr contrôlent les livres et la caisse du Bit el Mal 140 dressent les listes des étudiants ayant droit à l’exemption de la medjba 915, 1 autorisent la publication des livres arabes 559, 5; attributions à la Grande Mosquée 555, 4 et 559, 32 et seq., 62; 560, 8, 11 566; 583, 3. Prédicateurs ne payent pas la medjba 192, 3 904 sont exempts du service militaire 1523, 36. Professeurs traitement 138, 3; 554, 1 555, 1 811, 1 – les professeurs non rétribués ne payent pas la medjba 192, 3 ils ne payent pas les prestations 192, 10 sont exempts du service militaire 1523, 36; ont droit à l’exécution des revenus du Bit el Mal: 554, 4; mode de nomination 554, 5 559, 44 583 leurs attributions 555, 2; 559, 7 et seq., 39 581, 7; 587, 3; peuvent être chargés de cours au collège Sadiki 559, art. add. 563 – l’un d’eux est membre du conseil de l’instruction publique 579, 13 quatre d’entre eux font partie du conseil d’administration des medersas 581, 4 deux d’entre eux composent le jury d’examens des étudiants qui sollicitent l’exemption du service militaire 1525, 1 professeurs surnuméraires, traitement 556. V. Bach-muftis, Bey, Cadis, Chaâres, Djemaia des habous, Premier Ministre. Bibliothèques. Les objets qui leur sont destinés sont importés en franchise 497, 1; – française bibliothécaire 66, 3; – réglementation 567 569. de la Grande Mosquée traitement des bibliothécaires 138, 5 811, 1 555, 3 attributions 555, 3; 558, 7; 559, 53; 560, 5 règlement intérieur 558 559, 54 et seq. 562 surveillance 559, 62 560, 4. Sadikia 566. V. Bach-muftis, Directeur des antiquités, Djemaia des habous, Résident général. Enseignes (Taxes sur les). V. Impôts municipaux.
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using System; using System.Reflection; namespace HotChocolate.Resolvers.Expressions.Parameters { internal sealed class GetParentCompiler<T> : GetFromGenericMethodCompilerBase<T> where T : IResolverContext { public GetParentCompiler() { GenericMethod = ContextTypeInfo.GetDeclaredMethod( nameof(IResolverContext.Parent)); } public override bool CanHandle( ParameterInfo parameter, Type sourceType) { return sourceType == parameter.ParameterType || parameter.IsDefined(typeof(ParentAttribute)); } } }
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import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; class Exam extends StatefulWidget { @override _ExamState createState() => _ExamState(); } class _ExamState extends State<Exam> { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( ); } }
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import { types, Instance } from 'mobx-state-tree'; const Door = types.model({ id: types.identifier, type: types.literal('endpoint'), params: types.model({ x: types.number, y: types.number, isStatic: false, rightFacing: true, }), }).actions((self) => ({ move(deltaX: number, deltaY: number): void { self.params.x += deltaX; self.params.y += deltaY; }, setIsStatic(isStatic: boolean): void { self.params.isStatic = isStatic; }, })).views(() => ({ get displayName(): string { return 'Door'; }, })); export default Door; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface export interface IDoor extends Instance<typeof Door> {}
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namespace XLSCSVtoXML { partial class CSVtoXML { /// <summary> /// Required designer variable. /// </summary> private System.ComponentModel.IContainer components = null; /// <summary> /// Clean up any resources being used. /// </summary> /// <param name="disposing">true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false.</param> protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing && (components != null)) { components.Dispose(); } base.Dispose(disposing); } #region Windows Form Designer generated code /// <summary> /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify /// the contents of this method with the code editor. /// </summary> private void InitializeComponent() { this.actionOpenFile = new System.Windows.Forms.Button(); this.actionExportFilesToXML = new System.Windows.Forms.Button(); this.outputSelectedFiles = new System.Windows.Forms.ListBox(); this.fileSystemWatcher1 = new System.IO.FileSystemWatcher(); this.outputProgress = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.outputFailed = new System.Windows.Forms.ListBox(); this.outputFailedTag = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.outputExportFolder = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox(); this.actionSelectFolder = new System.Windows.Forms.Button(); ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(this.fileSystemWatcher1)).BeginInit(); this.SuspendLayout(); // // actionOpenFile // this.actionOpenFile.Anchor = ((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles)((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Top | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Right))); this.actionOpenFile.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(307, 12); this.actionOpenFile.Name = "actionOpenFile"; this.actionOpenFile.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(121, 44); this.actionOpenFile.TabIndex = 1; this.actionOpenFile.Text = "Select files"; this.actionOpenFile.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true; this.actionOpenFile.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.actionOpenFile_Click); // // actionExportFilesToXML // this.actionExportFilesToXML.Anchor = ((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles)((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Top | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Right))); this.actionExportFilesToXML.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(307, 298); this.actionExportFilesToXML.Name = "actionExportFilesToXML"; this.actionExportFilesToXML.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(121, 30); this.actionExportFilesToXML.TabIndex = 2; this.actionExportFilesToXML.Text = "Export files as XML"; this.actionExportFilesToXML.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true; this.actionExportFilesToXML.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.actionExportFilesToXML_Click); // // outputSelectedFiles // this.outputSelectedFiles.Anchor = ((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles)(((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Top | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Left) | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Right))); this.outputSelectedFiles.FormattingEnabled = true; this.outputSelectedFiles.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(12, 12); this.outputSelectedFiles.Name = "outputSelectedFiles"; this.outputSelectedFiles.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(276, 264); this.outputSelectedFiles.TabIndex = 3; // // fileSystemWatcher1 // this.fileSystemWatcher1.EnableRaisingEvents = true; this.fileSystemWatcher1.SynchronizingObject = this; // // outputProgress // this.outputProgress.Anchor = ((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles)(((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Top | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Left) | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Right))); this.outputProgress.AutoSize = true; this.outputProgress.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(21, 279); this.outputProgress.Name = "outputProgress"; this.outputProgress.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(0, 13); this.outputProgress.TabIndex = 4; // // outputFailed // this.outputFailed.Anchor = ((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles)((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Top | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Right))); this.outputFailed.FormattingEnabled = true; this.outputFailed.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(313, 75); this.outputFailed.Name = "outputFailed"; this.outputFailed.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(115, 134); this.outputFailed.TabIndex = 5; this.outputFailed.Visible = false; // // outputFailedTag // this.outputFailedTag.Anchor = ((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles)((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Bottom | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Right))); this.outputFailedTag.AutoSize = true; this.outputFailedTag.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(304, 59); this.outputFailedTag.Name = "outputFailedTag"; this.outputFailedTag.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(62, 13); this.outputFailedTag.TabIndex = 6; this.outputFailedTag.Text = "Failed files: "; this.outputFailedTag.Visible = false; // // outputExportFolder // this.outputExportFolder.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(12, 305); this.outputExportFolder.Name = "outputExportFolder"; this.outputExportFolder.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(229, 20); this.outputExportFolder.TabIndex = 7; // // actionSelectFolder // this.actionSelectFolder.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(247, 303); this.actionSelectFolder.Name = "actionSelectFolder"; this.actionSelectFolder.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(41, 21); this.actionSelectFolder.TabIndex = 8; this.actionSelectFolder.Text = "..."; this.actionSelectFolder.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true; this.actionSelectFolder.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.actionSelectFolder_Click); // // CSVtoXML // this.AutoScaleDimensions = new System.Drawing.SizeF(6F, 13F); this.AutoScaleMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Font; this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(440, 337); this.Controls.Add(this.actionSelectFolder); this.Controls.Add(this.outputExportFolder); this.Controls.Add(this.outputFailedTag); this.Controls.Add(this.outputFailed); this.Controls.Add(this.outputProgress); this.Controls.Add(this.outputSelectedFiles); this.Controls.Add(this.actionExportFilesToXML); this.Controls.Add(this.actionOpenFile); this.MaximizeBox = false; this.Name = "CSVtoXML"; this.Text = "CSV to XML"; ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(this.fileSystemWatcher1)).EndInit(); this.ResumeLayout(false); this.PerformLayout(); } #endregion private System.Windows.Forms.Button actionOpenFile; private System.Windows.Forms.Button actionExportFilesToXML; private System.Windows.Forms.ListBox outputSelectedFiles; private System.IO.FileSystemWatcher fileSystemWatcher1; private System.Windows.Forms.Label outputProgress; private System.Windows.Forms.Label outputFailedTag; private System.Windows.Forms.ListBox outputFailed; private System.Windows.Forms.TextBox outputExportFolder; private System.Windows.Forms.Button actionSelectFolder; } }
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package devopsdistilled.operp.client.items.panes.details; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.swing.JComponent; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JTextField; import net.miginfocom.swing.MigLayout; import devopsdistilled.operp.client.abstracts.AbstractEntityDetailsPane; import devopsdistilled.operp.client.items.controllers.CategoryController; import; public class CategoryDetailsPane extends AbstractEntityDetailsPane<Category, CategoryController> { @Inject private CategoryController categoryController; private Category category; private final JPanel pane; private final JTextField categoryIdField; private final JTextField categoryNameField; public CategoryDetailsPane() { dialog.setTitle("Category Details"); pane = new JPanel(); pane.setLayout(new MigLayout("", "[][grow]", "[][][][]")); JLabel lblCategoryId = new JLabel("Category ID"); pane.add(lblCategoryId, "cell 0 0,alignx trailing"); categoryIdField = new JTextField(); categoryIdField.setEditable(false); pane.add(categoryIdField, "cell 1 0,growx"); categoryIdField.setColumns(30); JLabel lblCategoryName = new JLabel("Category Name"); pane.add(lblCategoryName, "cell 0 1,alignx trailing"); categoryNameField = new JTextField(); categoryNameField.setEditable(false); pane.add(categoryNameField, "cell 1 1,growx"); categoryNameField.setColumns(30); } @Override public JPanel getPane() { return pane; } @Override public void show(Category category, JComponent owner) { this.category = category; if (category != null) { categoryIdField.setText(category.getCategoryId().toString()); categoryNameField.setText(category.getCategoryName()); showDetailsPane(getPane(), owner); } else { dialog.dispose(); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(getPane(), "Null category"); } } @Override public String getTitle() { return "Category Details"; } @Override public CategoryController getEntityController() { return categoryController; } @Override protected Category getEntity() { return category; } }
C_2021217SL.01000602.xml 7.6.2021    SL Uradni list Evropske unije C 217/6 Sodba Sodišča (drugi senat) z dne 15. aprila 2021 (predlog za sprejetje predhodne odločbe Conseil d'État – Francija) – Eutelsat SA/Autorité de régulation des communications électroniques et des postes, Inmarsat Ventures SE, nekdanja Inmarsat Ventures Ltd (Zadeva C-515/19) (1) (Predhodno odločanje - Približevanje zakonodaje - Telekomunikacijski sektor - Harmonizirana uporaba radijskega spektra v frekvenčnih pasovih 2 GHz za uvedbo sistemov, ki zagotavljajo mobilne satelitske storitve - Odločba št. 626/2008/ES - Člen 2(2)(a) in (b) - Člen 4(1)(c)(ii) - Člen 7(1) in (2) - Člen 8(1) in (3) - Mobilni satelitski sistemi - Pojem „mobilna zemeljska postaja“ - Pojem „dopolnilne talne komponente“ - Pojem „zahtevana kakovost“ - Vloga satelitskih oziroma talnih komponent - Obveznost izbranega obratovalca mobilnih satelitskih sistemov, da pokrije določen odstotek prebivalstva in ozemlja - Nespoštovanje - Vpliv) (2021/C 217/08) Jezik postopka: francoščina Predložitveno sodišče Conseil d'État Stranke v postopku v glavni stvari Tožeča stranka: Eutelsat SA Toženi stranki: Autorité de régulation des communications électroniques et des postes, Inmarsat Ventures SE, nekdanja Inmarsat Ventures Ltd Ob udeležbi: Viasat Inc., Viasat UK Ltd Izrek 1. Člen 2(2)(a) in (b) Odločbe št. 626/2008/ES Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta z dne 30. junija 2008 o izbiri in odobritvi sistemov, ki zagotavljajo mobilne satelitske storitve (MSS) v povezavi s členom 8(1) in (3) te odločbe je treba razlagati tako, da ni potrebno, da mobilni satelitski sistem v smislu zmogljivosti prenesenih podatkov primarno temelji na satelitski komponenti tega sistema, in da so dopolnilne talne komponente mobilnih satelitskih sistemov lahko nameščene tako, da pokrivajo celotno ozemlje Evropske unije, ker ta komponenta na nobeni lokaciji na tem ozemlju ne omogoča zagotavljanja komunikacije z „zahtevano kakovostjo“ v smislu člena 2(2)(b) navedene odločbe – ki se razume kot raven kakovosti, ki je potrebna za zagotavljanje storitve, ki jo ponuja obratovalec tega sistema – če konkurenca ni izkrivljena in če je navedena satelitska komponenta dejansko in konkretno koristna v smislu, da mora biti taka komponenta potrebna za delovanje mobilnega satelitskega sistema, brez poseganja v samostojno delovanje dopolnilnih talnih komponent v primeru okvare satelitske komponente z njimi povezanega mobilnega satelitskega sistema, ki ne sme presegati 18 mesecev. 2. Pojem „mobilna zemeljska postaja“ v smislu člena 2(2)(a) Odločbe št. 626/2008 je treba razlagati tako, da se ne zahteva, da lahko taka postaja, da bi bila zajeta s tem pojmom, brez ločene opreme komunicira tako z dopolnilno talno komponento kot s satelitom. 3. Člen 8(1) Odločbe št. 626/2008 v povezavi s členom 7(1) te odločbe je treba razlagati tako, da pristojni organi držav članic, če je dokazano, da obratovalec, ki je izbran v skladu z naslovom II navedene odločbe in ima odobritev za uporabo radijskega spektra v skladu s členom 7 te odločbe, do končnega datuma iz člena 4(1)(c)(ii) Odločbe št. 626/2008 ni zagotovil mobilnih satelitskih storitev prek mobilnega satelitskega sistema, nimajo pooblastila, da temu obratovalcu zavrnejo odobritve, ki jih potrebuje za zagotavljanje dopolnilnih talnih komponent mobilnih satelitskih sistemov, ker ni spoštoval obveze, sprejete v svoji prijavi. (1)  UL C 295, 2.9.2019.
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In these prisons they remain till taken before the Ferik, who decides their cases. I have several times witnessed this simple proceeding. A couple of zaptiehs or policemen bring the prisoners in ; the “ police-colonel reads the accusation from a little bit of paper, for business books of any kind arc unknown in the Orient ; the Ferik ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE, 163 asks the accused several questions, listens to his defence, and convicts him, sentencing him to prison, fine, or bastinado, according to the state of his finances. Great criminals are sent to the galleys. Next to fines the bastinado is the most frequent punishment, and a criminal gets rarely less than one or two hundred strokes. Even five to eight hundred are nothing extraordinary. As soon as the Ferik has pro- nounced the number of strokes, policemen rush forward and drag the prisoner into the yard. Here he is thrown down and bound. Two zaptiehs put his naked feet through the noose of a cord fastened in the wall, and tighten it to such a degree that his feet stand up almost perpendicular and show his soles. Two sergeants now come forward with cudgels and belabour the soles in a most cruel manner until the number of strokes is reached. Then the poor fellow is untied and set free. Those who had received five hundred and more strokes generally bled very much, and had to be carried away by their friends, of whom some are always amongst the spectators. But what surprised me was to see some of those who had received one or two hundred strokes limp away quickly, with a sour face it is true, but apparently not much hurt. But the reason of this was explained to me afterwards by my dragoman. The bastinado is one of the policeman's most prolific sources of income ; his pay by the Govern- ment being only nominal, he has to get what he can by bribery. As soon as anybody is sentenced to be basti- nadoed, his first step is to treat with the police about the sum to be paid for lenient treatment. The bargain is i 64 TUNIS: THE LAND AND THE PEOPLE. settled before the first stroke falls, and this explained the fact why the one who probably was poor remained help- less on the floor after the punishment, whereas the other, perhaps richer, seemed to walk off with little discomfort. When the sentence is executed, other prisoners are brought forward, and the whole proceeding is carried on with the utmost precision and quickness. One case which came under my observation is too characteristic not to find a place here. One evening I accompanied Mr. Smith, an English friend, home to his house on the " Marina,” where I took leave of him. I had scarcely left him when I heard* a tumbling noise, followed by two shots, coming from the house. Immediately after two Arabs rushed out of it and ran away. One was gone in a minute, but the other fell down after a few steps and remained motionless. As I went back to ask the cause of all this, Smith came out of his house, excited, and the smoking revolver in his hand. He had caught the two, who had entered his house by the flat roof, in the act of carrying away some valuable property of his. On Smith entering one rushed at him with a yataghan, but Smith anticipated him by two well-aimed shots from his revolver. We hastened to the guard-house to report what had hap- pened. And there it ended for the moment. Some days later I attended the court again at which the Ferik presided. After having witnessed some convictions, I noticed an agitation amongst the people standing in the yard, and a policeman making his way through the crowd, carrying a wounded rrian on his back. Arrived before the Ferik, he dropped his load on the stony floor before him. ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE. 165 ^ I recognised in the wounded man the Arab who had broken into Smith’s house. As the law demands that every prisoner must be examined personally, and as the Ferik either would or could not go to the hospital, they ft simply took the prisoner on their shoulders and carried him to the court to hear his sentence, though he had two bullets in his body. The man was severely wounded and unconscious. The galleys of Tunis are particularly severe. The Bey is probably the only prince whose galley-slaves are part of his suite. If the Bey resides in Goletta, the prisoners are taken there ; if he moves to the Bardo, they are moved to the Bardo too. The reason is, that they are employed to do the hard work in houses and streets, so that they must be near when repairs are necessary in or around the palace. The same is the case with the Ministers and favourites, who make use of the galley- slaves when their private houses want repairing, or when pavements want looking to, or for any other such purpose, but the prisoners are always chained together in couples. But the galley-slaves are not the worst off, for they at least know their fate. Provided with my “ firman,” which opens every door, I one day, in company with two German officers, visited the prison in the Bardo. Energetic and repeated threats were necessary to induce the jailer to allow us to enter, and even then he only opened the door sufficiently to let us and our dragoman pass. Behind us the door was immediately bolted, and we found ourselves in a large space with two or three hundred prisoners. i66 TUNIS: THE LAND AND THE PEOPLE. This jail had some wooden planks, on which some of the prisoners were lying. Others crouched on the floor, and jumped up when we entered to approach us. We heard from them that they were all prisoners awaiting their trial ; some had been here these three years, and seemed to have been forgotten by the authorities. They receive daily two small loaves and water. In one respect they are better off than European prisoners : their friends and relations may visit them at all times. The cause of this is not so much to be sought in humanity as in the gratuities the friends have to pay the jailer, and in the provisions which they bring to the prisoners, which saves the Government providing for them. Many a one lan- guishes here who was in the way of some one in power, and could not be got rid of by any other means. The Bey has evidently no knowledge of this state of affairs, or with his well-known sense of justice he would have abolished it long ago ; but in this country, without a press, the Ministers manage very well to hide their evil deeds before the eyes of the ruler. But this judicial arbitrariness is more cruel still in the country. In provincial towns the prisons are perfect pest- houses, and the turnkey of the jail in Mater, for instance, told me himself that the prisoners are kept alive by their relations, and when they have none, by the alms of the passers-by, of whom they beg in a truly heartrending way. During the day I used to see them at the barred windows of the prison waiting, till somebody handed them a piece of bread or a drink of water. If the relations of the prisoners can get together a sum of money, they can buy ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE, 167 them off, and this money the Caid or Chalif squanders with his dancing girls and harem boys. During my stay in Mater I had the opportunity to get an insight into the behaviour of these vampires. I lived on the farm of a European whose head shepherd came to me crying one day, and asked me to help his brother-in-law. This latter had been imprisoned by the Chalifa of the town, because some men who were his enemies accused him of having committed murder. The family of the murdered man wanted 500 piastres compensation, and the Chalifa 500 more. Though the man could prove an alibi, the shaush ” or beadle had arrested him, and the payment of the money was insisted upon. The whole town was convinced of the man^s innocence, but under such lawless and despotic sway, nobody dared to raise a voice for him. I promised to do my utmost. A day or two after I had communicated with the First Minister, through the Bey's second dragoman, the Chalifa was cited to Tunis, the prisoner was at once liberated, and the Chalifa sentenced to pay to the Minister a fine of several thousand piastres. But as soon as the Chalifa had returned to Mater, he extorted from his subalterns an extraordinary contribution under pretence of having to send it to the Minister. A part he kept for himself, the rest he sent to the Minister, and the sufferer was again — the people. Unaer these circumstances, every inhabitant of the Regency tries, of course, with all the means in his power, to renounce Tunisian jurisdiction, and to put himself, under some pretence, under the protection of a foreign Consulate. The Tunisian authorities have no power i68 TUNIS: THE LAND AND THE PEOPLE. whatever over Europeans, or those protected by foreign Consulates ; and the respective Consuls try all their mis- demeanours and crimes, as well as those of the other colonists. More important Consulates, like the Italian one and the French, have amongst their officials their own magistrates, who judge according to the laws of their respective countries ; the other Consuls are most of them lawyers themselves. To get rid of Tunisian justice these Mohammedans prove a real or imaginary descent from Europeans ; in most cases the Spanish Moors have to serve as ancestors, and the Spanish Consulate has to undertake the protection. What documents could not do, money had to accomplish, and so the lists of every single Consulate show many hundred Mohammedan sub- jects who are genuine Tunisians, but do not wish to be either judged or taxed by their own Government. As a rule, they are the richest people in the Regency, and have to fear most from the ministerial harpies. This accommoda- tion on the part of the Consuls deprives the Ministers of their best sources of income, but it also deprives the State of ratepayers, so that the deficiency has again to be made up by the poorer part of the population. And the power of the Consuls is very great in other respects. They are masters and protectors of several thousands of subjects, and besides this, territorial rights and privileges are attached to their houses, their landed properties, and to those of their “ subjects,” so that they quite form a State within the State. That some of these gentlemen not very long ago imitated the Tunisian authorities, and did not object to show themselves obliging for a consideration, is ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE. 169 neither here nor there, for at present we only speak of Mohammedan administration of justice. Moreover, there is no doubt that this state of affairs is fast disappearing, and there is even less doubt that, with the French oc- cupation, Tunisian administration will take a turn for the better. 170 TUNIS: THE LAND AND THE PEOPLE. CHAPTER XVL WANDERINGS IN THE ENVIRONS OF TUNIS. There is no tree to be seen in the capital of the old Moorish empire. A small square near the “ Kasba,” and a few single palm-trees excepted, which reach over the roofs of the houses, there is no refreshing green to be found within its walls, and it is incomprehensible how the Arabs could call this “ the Green Town.'' The “ dirty " or dark " would have been much more appropriate. But this deficiency is partly made up by the surround- ings of the town. Though there is neither bush nor tree in the immediate neighbourhood of Tunis, there arc roads like the one leading to the Bardo, planted with shady acacias, and after a walk of half an hour we reach ex- tensive olive woods covering all the hills south of the town. Shady resting-places, beautiful views, the two lakes, and the distant picturesque outlines of Dchebel Bu Kornein, Dchebel Ressas, and Dchebel Saghuan are well worth a visit ; but it has never entered the head of anybody in this country without enterprise to erect a restaurant, or at least an Arabian caf6, and so create a resting-place for the 30,000 Europeans of Tunis in their walks. THE ENVIRONS OF TUNIS I often rode up to these olive woods in good and plea- sant company, and I do not remember a single view in the whole East which offered a more delightful picture But this can only be said of the total impression, for in its details the neighbourhood of Tunis is rather desolate. The bare, yellowish green hills immediately outside the walls of the town are covered with forts and batteries If you leave AKAl IAN CEMEll JU the gates guarded by sentiies for the open countiy, you are in the midst of graves , and except in the European quarter, there is not a single building outside the town ; all the ground for many hundred yards round being covered with tombstones and mortuary chapels, a sad and dispiriting spectacle The walls are in ruins, the roads covered with fragments of stone, and the tombstones over- grown with thistles and weeds. The only change in this 172 TUNIS: THE LAND AND THE PEOPLE, wilderness are the “ Kubbas ” of the saints, cubical build- ings crowned by cupolas. The 1 0,000 graves are all alike : a stone slab, six feet long and about one foot high, with cither a tablet at the head, or a small stone column topped by a turban-like knob, according to the sex of the dead. The corpse is laid in a coffin, and at the funeral covered with costly materials ; but, on arrival at the cemetery, it is taken out again, covered with a light gar- ment only, and put in a very shallow grave. It is, of course, not allowed to bury non-believers there. The family of the Bey possess, in the upper part of the town, their own mosque, which is their mausoleum, and in which all the rulers of the Hussein dynasty are buried to the present day. There is generally before the gates of the town a large place, with fountains of stone, where the caravans and Bedouin tribes encamp before entering the town. For after sunset the gates are locked, and only by order of the Bey can they be opened at night, in case a dis- tinguished traveller or Turkish dignitary arrives. The lake of El Bahireh, which reaches up to the streets of Tunis, and is too shallow to swim and too deep to wade through, is the favourite abode of myriads of flamingoes, pelicans, and other water-birds looking for food on its marshy shores, and finding more than they want. All dirt and refuse of this large town is thrown into the Bahireh, which is therefore quite marshy, and exhales during summer miasms which get worse from year to year. Towards Goletta and the open gulf it gets deeper and THE ENVIRONS OF TUNIS, 173 clearer. It would be easy to deepen the lake and to make the marshy little harbour on the Marina accessible to larger ships, but even the small sailing vessels going between Goletta and Tunis have a difficulty now to work their way through the swamp, and most of the traffic is carried on by rail. The small boats of the European sportsmen only traverse the surface in great numbers to hunt the marsh birds. In the midst of this lake is a little island, rarely noted on maps, with the ruins of an old Spanish castle ; the high tower, the crenellated walls, the strong casemates are still of use, and the French will no doubt one day, when Tunis is directly connected with the sea and this lake serves as a harbour for large merchantmen, bring back this old castle to its former destination. Farther north-east, across the groups of houses of Goletta, stands a hill bare and red, without bush or tree, only crowned by a small group of buildings. It is the place where once Carthage stood ! To describe here the scanty remains of the thrice-destroyed city is superfluous, having been done so often before by pens more competent than mine. But I may be allowed to mention that, to all appearance, they have been better described than ex- cavated, and there seems a large field left to the archaeologist. During the last years Europe has occupied itself only with Asia Minor, Greece, and Egypt, and the discoveries there have made them forget the old Roman towns buried in ruins. Three towns lie in Carthage on the top of each other, one Byzantine, one Roman, and one Punic, and if Punic remains were found they were 174 TUNIS: THE LAND AND THE PEOPLE, only those, no doubt, which were used by the Romans when they built their town — for there have been no excavations until now which ever reached the centre of the extensive hill apparently consist- ing of similar rubbish to the top. Down there the town of Hamilkar has to be looked for, not above ground, and down there discov- eries would probably be made which would sur- pass in importance all former ones on classical soil. It has not been tried till now, for Beul^ Davis, and other inves- tigators have only scraped the surface, and yet they made discov- eries rich and valuable. Much remains hidden under these ruins of thousands of years ! THE ENVIRONS OF TUNIS, 175 The ruins of Carthage visible to-day are not visited by the traveller on account of their size and beauty, which they do not possess, but because of the memories of historical events of which these ruins were the theatre — just as, when standing before the monument of a great statesman or poet you think first of him for whom it was erected. All that remains arc some baths with gigantic vaults, in which to-day cattle are grazing, and the enormous pillars of the Carthaginian aqueduct, next to which the Arabs build their miserable huts of clay. More interest- ing is the mausoleum of the Saint Lewis of France, guarded by learned monks, and the small archaeological museum which was founded in the course of time. From the cape, crowned by a lighthouse, a magnificent view is enjoyed of the whole gulf and peninsula, of which the cape is the farthest point. On the steep side of the hill towards the north, occupied by the picturesque Arab village Sidi bu Said, many of the Mohammedan dignitaries of Tunis have their secluded, elegant country seats. The inhabitants of Sidi bu Said have the reputation of being great fanatics, which is perhaps due to the Sheik ul Islam of Tunis who lives there, and to the mosque in which the famous saint is buried, after whom the village is named. At the foot of this village expands a beautiful valley coverea by gardens and palm groves, formerly the suburb Megara of .Carthage, where the wealthy Tunisians have built their magnificent palaces. Ariane and Parsa are, however, the most coveted spots, where the Princes and 176 TUNIS: THE LAND AND THE PEOPLE, high dignitaries have their country seats, as well as the European Consuls, who owe their charming villas to the munificence of the Regent The most beautiful and imposing structure is the palace of the heir-apparent Sidi Ali Bey. It is surrounded by large magnificent gardens and orange groves, which extend down to the sea-shore, and contain the bathing establishment of the harem. Farther on, more inland, in the neighbourhood of the Bardo, is Manouba. Here, in the midst of this fabulous splendour of the Moorish grandees, the traveller finds his dreams of the East realised. THE QUARTER OF THE FRANKS, 177 CHAPTER XVIL THE QUARTER OF THE FRANKS AND THE EUROPEAN COLONIES. Before the eastern gate of the town, the so-called sea- gate, is the European quarter, which, though only consist- ing of a few streets, is the most beautiful and most pleasant part of this old, dingy town. From the gate mentioned above, a broad and imposing street extends to the shores of the El Bahireh lake and the harbour. Fine, stately mansions, most of them built during the last few years, form this street, called the “ Marina,** which almost reaches to the lake. This street contains European bazaars, large houses of business, hotels, the offices of the French Telegraph, the tobacco manufactory, the con- sulate with its large gardens, the European casino, and finally the caf6s most frequented in the town, and it is ornamented with some shady groups of trees besides, and contains some public coffee gardens. On both sides smaller streets run into the Marina, also lined with beautiful buildings, and this latter ends in the Piazza Marina, the real centre of the European quarter. In the street running south are the Swedish, German, Austrian, and Spanish Consulates, as well as the shipping agents N tyB TUNIS: THE LAND AND THS, PEOPLE, and bank houses ; while the street north of the Piazza Marina contains the palace of the English Consul and many European business houses, and also the dwellings of the Italians and Maltese. Towards the west a third street lies between this place and the inner town, and there the Roman Catholic Church as well as a convent and the residence of the bishop are situated. Of all confessions, not Mohammedan, the Catholics have alone obtained the right to live within the walls of the Moorish town ; Jews and Piotestants aic obliged to have their temples and churches as well as their cemeteries outside. The Piazza Marina is also the liveliest part of the whole town. Early in the morning camel caravans and troops of Bedouins move through the gate, and pass the Tunisian guard-house to reach the bazaars of the inner town ; a little later business people assemble to hear the news of the day in the diffeicnt coffee-houses, and to read the despatches of the “Agence Havas'’ posted up here, and finally to hold a sort of exchange, for which no place is more appropriate. Moors and Bedouins are mixed with Europeans of all nations ; the “ Kaw^asses ” of the Con- sulates in gorgeous uniforms, the soldiers of the Tunisian army, the Jews, Cretes, and Albanians in their pic- turesque costumes, all form so rich and brilliant a mart of nations as is not to be found elsewhere. Towards noon the different groups disperse, and when the sentries are relieved the place is empty. But in the afternoon life returns, grander but calmer, outside the gate. The Marina is the Corso of Tunis, just as the Riviera di Chiaja is of Naples, or to keep to the East, as the Shubra Avenue is THE QUARTER OF THE FRANKS. 179 at Cairo. The cafes are the first to fill, as the heat is still oppressive ; everybody tries to find a place under the fine trees of the French Consulate, and drinks the excellent mocha served here at only three sous per cup ; a cigarette of Tunisian tobacco heightens the enjoyment of the siesta.” Under the shady sycamores here all foreigners generally meet, and I think with pleasure of the plea- sant hours spent here in the company of German friends. Arabs, Jews, Maltese, the highest and the lowest classes, sit here with thoroughly Oriental ealmness under the same tree, and let the motley throng of promenaders pass them. Towards sunset the crowd gets denser, and then the carriages of the fashionable world appear with beautiful ladies, who show that a •Southern sun has ripened them. The saluting, smiling, and flirting which takes place now reminds us more of the Corso in an Italian town than of the East without women. The European world in Tunis being very small, all know each other ; they meet in con- certs and in theatres, at receptions and in the street, and though coteries, gossip, and enmities are more rife in Tunis than anywhere else, there is a very general outward show of politeness and amiability. To the uninitiated social life in Tunis may appear amusing and attractive, the more so on account of the kindness, almost friendship, exhibited towards strangers, and learned from the hospitable Orientals. But the more we learn to look behind the scenes the more the illusions disappear to which we may have yielded during the first weeks. The Europeans who live in Tunis can only claim to be Europeans up to a certain degree, and the strange i8o TUNIS: THE LAND AND THE PEOPLE. customs and bad habits here exercise their influence all the more as good education and firmness of character melt like wax under the enervating sun of Africa. In dress and general appearance they remain true to their origin ; this is already less the case in their manners and social intercourse, but in their home life they imitate the Orientals only too much. Though to all appearance Mohammedans are separated from Christians by an unsurmountable barrier, it would be astonishing to hear the peculiarities of the Tunisians of European descent, if this were the place to speak about them. Maltzan's archaeological work on Tunis contains an interesting chapter on this subject, and as the famous Orientalist has lived a long time in the Moorish town, his views, thought very sharp, must be ac- cepted as true. He says much of the dishonesty of the merchants and business people, of the ridiculous mania for titles and decorations in society and amongst the Consuls, and of the corruptibility and bribery to be found amongst some of them. I think it better to pass this matter over without further remark, many as have been the observations made about it by travellers. Perhaps the reader will be surprised to see the words theatre and concert in the above lines. There is indeed in Tunis a Philharmonic Society which gives concerts, and counts principally the Italian element amongst its members. There is an Italian opera, as well, performed in the tiniest house I have ever seen during all my travels. But they are not deterred by that from performing grand operas. The chorus, whether it has to represent an THE QUARTER OF THE FRANKS. tSi army or a popular assembly, consists invariably of five gentlemen and four ladies, because of the want of space. The performances are not exactly on a level with Covent Garden, but having nothing better, the ten or twelve boxes and thirty stalls are always taken — in fact, it is bofi ton to possess, besides carriage and riding horses, a box in this miniature theatre. It struck me as very strange when once on entering this temple of art, I saw the prima donna in her stage costume at the entrance with a plate in her hand. On the plate were several gold and silver pieces, the most unequivocal intimation to the visitors, for it was the prima donna's benefit that night. At the theatre, and when the concerts take place, the traveller has the best opportunity of admiring the European ladies of Tunis. They well deserve their reputation for beauty, which their tasteful toilet enhances. Interesting faces, exuberant hair, glorious dark eyes, and beautiful forms — these latter unfortunately assuming ugly propor- tions in riper years — are to be found very generally. The most numerous and also the most important colony, not only in the capital, but also throughout all the towns along the shore, is the Italian one. In their hands rests the greatest part of commerce, and in the society of the capital they are the favourites. They have well-ad* ministered schools, a hospital, a church, convent, post office, and other institutions, which in more than one respect are of use to the other colonies. The number of Italians living in the Regency is estimated at 30,000 ; next to them rank the English with from 1 5,000 to 20,000, but only about 200 amongst these are really Englishmen, iSa rUN/S: THE LAND AND THE PEOPLE. the rest are Maltese, who in their language and habits show much likeness with the Arabians, with whom they are on very good terms. The French colony and the Greek one are about equally numerous, the former being of course at the head of all in respect of influence. The events of this year have proved this sufficiently, and the newspapers have said so much about the French Consul and his work that it is superfluous to say more about him and his officials. As I have said before, the position of Europeans in Tunis is a very favourable one. They are under the jurisdiction of their own Consuls, and this jurisdiction is handled in a very lenient manner The representatives of the three largest colonies have their own magistrates ; but the other Consuls are diplomats, arbitiator, judge, and jailer, all in one person Duiing my stay in Tunis a murder was committed by a subject of a Euiopean power. What was to be done with the fellow } Sentence him to death ? There was no hangman. Lock him up ^ This Consulate contained no prison. The Consul had to ask his Government for instructions. As there was no com- munication by sea between that power and Tunis, the criminal would have had, in case of extradition, to be sent by an Italian vessel, at great cost, to the next harbour, and from there home by railway. Under these circum- stances, and with the existing system of gratuities, it can be easily understood that matters are often winked at. GOLETTA : ENTRANCE OF THE HARBOUR. TJ^JE HARBOUn OF G0LETT4. iH CHAPTER XVIII THE HARBOUR AND WATERING-PLACE OF GOLETTA. It was scarcely to be supposed that here, in Africa, one of the most modern of European institutions was to be found* It might be expected in Algiers, where a quarter of a million of colonists aie settled; but to find here in orthodox mediaeval Tunis a much -frequented watering-place is almost a miracle. And Goletta is not only a watering- place and a favourite lounge of Moorish grandees, but it IS also the harbour of the capital, where hundreds of ships arrive yearly It is beautifully situated, and has gradually developed into a flouiishing town — ^half of the inhabitants are Europeans, the other half being composed of native elements Heie is the seat of the Ministry of Marine, of the arsenal, and of the fleet of 1 unis, all of which we have treated in a former chapter Goletta is a thorough harbour town, with Italian and Maltese business houses, common dancing-booths, and inns A majestic fort to the west separates the town from the fashionable part ; and the Ijlack iron cannons look threateningly towards the town, as if they were eunuchs watching the ladies of the harems bathing in the sea From the fort a low, narrow strip of land, not mtfch i 84 TUNIS: THE LAND AND THE PEOPLE. higher than a sand-bank, stretches northwards as far as Carthage, whose ruins cover several English square miles. The bay is surrounded by exceedingly lovely coasts, and the deep azure blue, which lends a special charm to the Mediterranean, adds to the beauty of the picture. Dido already seems to have recognised the advantages of this place, or she would not have bought just that piece of land on which Goletta stands. The present Bey built also a pretty villa below the walls of his fort, and two thousand steps farther, another one for his harem. This was the beginning of Goletta, as a seaside place, about ten years ago. Both villas are on the sea-shore, and the con- sequence was that all the Ministers and Generals built villas here also. They liked the place, and laid out gardens and shady woods at great cost, built glass-houses, and changed this narrow strip of sand between Goletta and Carthage into one of the most amusing and charming of watering-places. The first and last house belong to the Bey and his consort. The Bey is not very partial to ladies’ society, all the more inconceivable in the midst of these Moorish ladies. But he is gallant for all that ; and while he is satisfied with a villa built into the sea in modern Italian style, his first wife occupies a splendid palace, which stands on the site of the former harbour of Carthage. It is quite Moorish. The extensive structure is surrounded by magnificent gardens ; and the ponds and reservoirs in them were the harbour reservoirs of the Carthaginians. The well-preserved walls are ornamented with palm-trees and bamboo and tamarind shrubs. The wife of the Bey THE HARBOUR OF GOLEtTA. 185 can descend into the sea direct from the palace — perhaps bathes at the very same place which Dido frequented. The archaeologists who have found out the most mysteri- ous localities of Carthage have kept silent till now about Dido. During the last few years Europeans have also chosen Goletta for a summer residence, though it is not the best European society which meets here. Tunis possesses in its European colony peculiar elements, whose laxities are partly owing to the influence of the Orientals, partly to the lawlessness and immorality which prevails here altogether. During the heat of summer the capital is unsupportable, so that everybody comes here. The knowing Prime Minister, Mustapha, who has had the whole ground up to Carthage given to him, encouraged this settlement of the Europeans, had villas built, and European houses at his own cost, and let them at high prices, so that he has an income of 200,000 francs a year from this watering-place alone. He had even an English pier built, where there are not only bathing-machines, but also a restaurant and a music pavilion. But this restaurant is the only one in the place, without cafds or hotels. Who, therefore, comes to Goletta must either hire a whole villa or must bring his tent and his provisions as for an African expedition. And such an encampment on the sea-shore is not as unpleasant as it may seem ; it lends itself to all sorts of interesting adventures, for there are not only European families to be met, but also Arabian harems quartered in the same way. The pier, here called “ Rondo,” is the centre of all life mmSi THE LAND AND THE PEOPLE. iS6 in the place. Six artists produce daily a terrible npise, called Oriental music, on two -stringed violins, enough to make one forswear Tunisian watering-places for ever. But the Europeans who are settled here seem to be ac- customed to it The great heat does not allow a very complicated toilet, so that the only garment ladies wear is a light sort of dressing-gown. They wear straw hats with broad brims, and carry large parasols ; their feet, without stock- ings, are covered by light open slippers, their hair, always thick and long, falls down over their backs, and a bracelet or a necklace is the only thing which reminds one of a European lady. In this costume, exchanged sometimes for a fashionable Tiouville bathing-dress, these ladies pass all the summer. Husbands cannot possibly complain of exorbitant milliners’ bills ; and ladies are satisfied, as nothing could suit them better. Men live a still more unconstrained and easy life, many of the young Tunisian dandies live all the summer in a bathing-machine, sleeping there as well ; rain, or even a clouded sky, being unknown in Tunis during the hot season It takes them half an hour by rail to go to town in the morning, and in the evening they return to Goletta. Only when the sun sets does life begin there, the unbearable heat keeping people in their houses during the day — the Venetian blinds are closely drawn, and the curtains let down ; Goletta sleeps. On the other hand, night is changed into day, and very pleasant during full moon. Excursions are undertaken in carriages or on donkeys to the neighbouring watering- places ; or people rest on the soft sand deep in conversa- THE HARBOUR OF GOLETTA. 187 tion. The ladies bathe at night ; and in long, wide gar- ments they walk into the sea like ghosts. But there is a time when the Arabian ladies of the harem enjoy plenty of liberty, when they empty the cups to the dregs and make up for the monotonous life of the rest of the year. In Egypt this opportunity occurs at the orgies of the fair of Tanta, orgies which are notorious for their immorality ; here, in Tunis, it is the festival of Aussa, which is celebrated at mid-summer, and offers plenty of amusement for the European on the look-out for adventures. But he must be able to speak Arabian or have a clever dragoman. The Arabians dedicate one day in the year to the sea, and their sacrifice to Neptune con- sists in their bathing together with their families, horses, or donkeys. According to an old superstition, this is to bring them luck, before the time comes all the jugglers, snake-charmers, dervishes, music bands, and narrators of fairy talcs in the whole country, make the necessary preparations — erect tents on the shore, and stalls as well as movable cafes. This festival is kept throughout the whole Regency, but the principal point of attraction is the capital, because of its large number of inhabitants and of its wealth. The Moorish families from the inland towns as well as the Bedouins and the Kabylcs, etc., wend their way to the coast, more especially towards Goletta, erect tents for their wives, and encamp them-, selves in the open air. Many thousands come to this Arabian fair and indulge in the wildest revels. It is not possible to watch the tents and the women in the midst of all this confusion ; and as a great quantity of Araki or TUNIS: THE LAND AND THE PEOPLE. 1 88 palm wine is drunk and plenty of hashish smoked, the whole company is in a state of frantic excitement and religious ecstasy. They ride on horseback into the water and roll about, let their wives bathe, etc. On that day the Europeans leave the place entirely to the Arabs, though some adventurers dare to mix with them in dis- guise to carry on an intrigue which has begun by secret glances long ago; a dangerous experiment, for woe betide him if his nationality is discovered, but audaccs fortniia jiivat ! No doubt, under French influence this will soon alter, and, as in Algiers and Egypt, the Europeans will enjoy greater liberties and increase more and more ; then this beautiful watering-place will be appreciated as it deserves. The splendid fast steamers of the Rubattino Company take only two days from Genoa or Leghorn, and this trip along the Italian coast on the blue waters of the Mediter- ranean is alone worth while trying to dip one^s limbs in African waters instead of the cold North Sea. As a naval seaport Goletta is insignificant, its whole fortification consisting of one small fort on the shore, and even this is utterly useless, for in front of it stands one of the Bey*s palaces, which would have to be de- molished before any cannon could reach the enemy. The dominating points of the Gulf are the hill on which the once famous “ Byrsa,” the citadel of Carthage, stood, and another hill on which the mausoleum of St. Lewis is erected. It is to be hoped that the French will spare those two relics of ancient times and not destroy them THE HARBOUR OF GOLETTA, 189 for military purposes. Even as a trade port, Goletta is of little significance, as the water is too shallow to allow steamers to approach nearer than one thousand yards. Last year only a French company obtained the concession of a safe harbour for ships of every size, an undertaking requiring a comparatively small outlay. The narrow passage between the gulf and the El Bahireh lake is also about to be widened, in order to enable smaller steamers at least to reach the quay of the harbour. PAirr //. CHAPTER I. MATLR, A rUNIMAN PROVIACIAL TOWN. Maticr is one of tlic wealthiest and most important towns of the Regency of Tunis. t)nly one clay’s journey from the capital and half that distance from Ih'serta, it is connected with both these places by well-kept roads, and lies in the midst of a rich soil and at the foot of the north d'unisian Iiigl\lands, the home of the Parbars. Mater i.s, together with Bedsha, the capital of Barbar}- the population consists principally of Barbars, Vandals, and Arabians. This town is the true type of an Arabian provincial town in which the singular, ancient institutions of the Kroumirs show themselves most cons2oicuousl}\ Nothing is more calculated to acquaint the traveller with the daily life of this 2:)eoplc than a sojourn of several weeks in Mater or the above-mentioned Bedsha. The author has S2:)cnt two weeks in the house of an English- man, the only European here, and to this he owes the subjoined details. When, after a long, tiring ride on a camel, the little town with its white walls comes first in sight, the beauty MATER, A TUNISIAN PROVINCIA/ TOWN 191 of its situation and surroundings aic \ciy stnking. Like all towns of Noithcin Tunis, it uses on a gentle slope A single minaret towcis above the walls , innumeiable high cypicsses, almond and fig tiecs, with the deep blue sky in tlie backgiound, foim a lovely Iandsca2)e, and the closei it IS appioaehed the moie pictuiesque is the view, (H ISII I nil ( \1LS Ol MAILI the moie so as on the long journey liom lunis neithei town noi tiee is seen, with the sole exception of a few grayish- neen olive gioves I he neighbourhood is so baie and desolate that some paits aie just like the desert Only aftei sueh journeys the delight and enthusiasm of travelleis is undei stood when desciibing an oasis A Tunisian oasis, consisting of some miseiablc huts and a 192 TUNIS: THE LAND AND THE PEOPLE, few trees, including high palms, is not a very attractive picture, but its charm increases when surrounded by a tract of sandy desert ! In consequence of this the aspect of Mater is all the more surprising, encompassed as it is by orchards and kitchen gardens, so dear to the Barbars. On the top of the hill are the ruins of a fort ; the stones have been taken from the remains of an ancient Roman town in the neighbourhood. An old stone bridge unites the two steep banks of the Oned Dshumin, flowing by Mater, in whose muddy water enormous herds of cattle protect them- selves against the very painful sting of the gadflies.