{ "ak": "đ’€€đ’ˆŸđ’ˆ—đ’‚—đ’…€đ’€Žđ’…—đ’č𒀭𒌓𒌑đ’‰ș𒄯", "en": "To the king, my lord: your servant Ć amaĆĄ-upahhir. Good health to the king, my lord!", "tr": "a-na LUGAL EN-ia ARAD-ka {1}-{d}-UTU—u₂-pa-hir₂ " }
{ "ak": "đ’‡»đ’Œ‹đ’Čđ’ˆŹđ’€€đ’ˆŸđ’ˆ—đ’‚—đ’…€đ’€žđ’Œ‹đ’…—đ’ˆŸđ’ˆ đ’•đ’€€đ’‹Œđ’Š­đ’‰Œđ’Œ“đ’€­đ’†˜đ’€­đ’‡Žđ’ˆšđ’Œđ’Š­đ’ˆ—đ’đ’‰Œđ’…–đ’“đ’€­đ’‰Œđ’č𒂗𒉌𒌓𒀭𒆘𒀭𒇮...𒀾đ’čđ’Œ‘đ’Œ‹đ’Œ‹đ’Œ‘đ’Œ‹đ’Œ‹đ’Š’đ’‚…đ’đ’•đ’‹™đ’‚Œđ’‹™...đ’‹Źđ’Šźđ’đ’•đ’‹Źđ’Šźđ’‚Œ...𒀾đ’čđ’Œ‘đ’Š’đ’‚…đ’ƒ”đ’Š’...", "en": "As to the measurements of the bull colossi about which the king my lord wrote to me, the length of the first bull colossus is x and a half royal cubits, its width is x; from the length and the width x cubits and a half have been finished.", "tr": "lu-u DI-mu a-na LUGAL EN-ia ina UGU na-ma-da-a-te ĆĄa {NA₄}-{d}-ALAD.{d}-LAMA-MEĆ  ĆĄa LUGAL be-li₂ iĆĄ-pur-an-ni 01-en {NA₄}-{d}-ALAD.{d}-LAMA ... ina 01 KUƠ₃—MAN KUƠ₃—MAN ru-áč­u GID₂.DA-ĆĄu₂ DAGAL-ĆĄu₂ ... TA@v Ć A₃ GID₂.DA TA@v Ć A₃ DAGAL ... ina 01 KUƠ₃ ru-áč­u gam-ru ... " }
{ "ak": "đ’č𒂗𒉌𒌓𒑳𒀭𒆘𒀭𒇮𒑆𒀾đ’čđ’Œ‘đ’Š’đ’‚…đ’đ’•đ’‹«đ’Šźđ’ˆ«đ’đ’‹Œđ’‹™đ’€€đ’ˆŸđ’€€đ’‡‰", "en": "Another colossus: length is 9.5 cubits; from its other side to the river ", "tr": "01-en {NA₄}-:. {d}-ALAD.{d}-LAMA 09 ina 01 KUƠ₃ ru-áč­u GID₂.DA TA Ć A₃ 02 bat-te-ĆĄu₂ a-na ID₂ " }
{ "ak": "𒀾đ’č𒌑𒄿𒌓𒅆", "en": "cubits ", "tr": "ina 01 KUƠ₃ i tu₂ ĆĄi " }
{ "ak": "...", "en": "a bull colossus: length is x cubits, width x cubits;", "tr": "... " }
{ "ak": "𒉌𒌓𒑳𒀭𒆘𒀭𒇮𒌋𒀾đ’č𒌑𒊒𒂅𒐊𒀾đ’čđ’Œ‘đ’€žđ’Œ·...", "en": "a bull colossus: length 10.5 cubits, width 5 cubits; in the city of ... ;", "tr": "{NA₄}-:. {d}-ALAD.{d}-LAMA 10 ina 01 KUƠ₃ ru-áč­u 05 ina 01 KUƠ₃ ina {URU}-... " }
{ "ak": "đ’‰œđ’đ’‰Œđ’Œ“đ’€­đ’†˜đ’€­đ’‡Žđ’ˆšđ’Œđ’Š‘đ’„·đ’‹Œđ’Š­î€đ’ƒČ𒈹𒌍...𒆳𒌋𒌑đ’Čđ’„żđ’‰Œđ’†·đ’‰Ąđ’‰»đ’‹«", "en": "In all eight bull colossi of the magnates remaining. We have not yet detached them from the rock.", "tr": "PAB 08 {NA₄}-{d}-ALAD.{d}-LAMA-MEĆ  re-hu-te ĆĄa {LU₂~v}-GAL-MEĆ  ... KUR-u u₂-di-i-ni la nu-pat-ta " }
{ "ak": "đ’€žđ’Œ·đ’čđ’‹Œđ’Œ“đ’Œ‹đ’‰đ’†šđ’Œ“đ’Œ‹đ’Šđ’†šđ’Œ“đ’Œ‹đ’‹đ’†šđ’Š­đ’‡œđ’‚—đ’‰†đ’Œ·đ’‡čđ’€­đ’€žđ’Œ·", "en": "in the city of Issete, on the 14th, 15th and 16th, that of the governor of Arbela in ", "tr": "ina {URU}-01-te UD 14-KAM₂ UD 15-KAM₂ UD 16-KAM₂ ĆĄa {LU₂}-EN.NAM {URU}-arba-il₃ ina {URU}-" }
{ "ak": "đ’€­đ’…Žđ’€œđ’‹Ÿđ’·", "en": "-Adad.", "tr": "{d}-IM at-ti-din " }
{ "ak": "đ’Œ“đ’Œ‹đ’Œđ’†šđ’Œ“đ’Œ‹đ’đ’†šđ’Š­đ’‡œđ’žđ’†łđ’‡œđ’žđ’†łđ’€žđ’Œ·...đ’€Šđ’‰żđ’€žđ’đ’‹Ÿ...đ’Š­đ’Œ·đ’€đ’ƒŒđ’€œđ’‹Ÿđ’·đ’Œ“đ’Œ‹đ’‘†đ’†šđ’Œ“đ’Œ‹đ’Œ‹đ’†šđ’Š­đ’‡œđ’‰†đ’Œ·đ’Œšđ’Șđ’„­đ’ˆŸ...đ’čđ’€­đ’Œ“đ’‚—đ’‰œ", "en": "On the 17th and 18th I delivered the (barley) of the Palace Herald in the town of ... appi on this side of the city of Baqar; on the 19th and 20th I delivered that of the governor of Arzuhina ... Ć amaĆĄ-belu-(uáčŁur) ... ", "tr": "UD 17-KAM₂ UD 18-KAM₂ ĆĄa {LU₂}-600—KUR {LU₂}-600—KUR ina {URU}-... ap-pi ina bat-ti ... ĆĄa {URU}-ba-qar at-ti-din UD 19-KAM₂ UD 20-KAM₂ ĆĄa {LU₂}-NAM {URU}-ur-zu-hi-na ... {1}-{d}-UTU—EN—PAB " }
{ "ak": "𒌓𒌋𒌋đ’čđ’†šđ’Œ“đ’Œ‹đ’Œ‹đ’ˆ«đ’†š...đ’‡œđ’ƒČđ’‹Œđ’€€đ’ˆ đ’‰Œđ’‡œđ’ƒČđ’‹Œđ’€€đ’ˆ đ’‰Œđ’€žđ’Œ·...đ’€Šđ’€œđ’‹Ÿđ’·đ’Œ“đ’Œ‹đ’Œ‹đ’ˆđ’†šđ’Š­đ’‡œđ’‚—đ’‰†đ’Œ·đ’†•đ’Łđ’€žđ’Œ·...đ’€œđ’‹Ÿđ’·...đ’‡œđ’‚—đ’‰†đ’Œ·đ’‡č𒀭", "en": "On the 21st and 22nd I delivered that of the Chief of Granaries in ... ; on the 23rd I delivered that of the governor of Kilizi in ... ", "tr": "UD 21-KAM₂ UD 22-KAM₂ ... {LU₂}-GAL—kar-ma-ni {LU₂}-GAL—kar-ma-ni ina {URU}-... ab at-ti-din UD 23-KAM₂ ĆĄa {LU₂}-EN.NAM {URU}-kal₃-zi ina {URU}-... at-ti-din ... {LU₂}-EN.NAM {URU}-arba-il₃ " }
{ "ak": "...𒌗𒌓𒈹𒌍đ’Šș𒆠𒋱𒌓...𒋬𒂍đ’ƒČ...𒌋𒉌𒀾đ’‰ș𒉌𒋙𒉡...đ’Œ“đ’ˆšđ’Œđ’‹Œ...", "en": "The fodder for a calendar month which they ... from the Palace is at their disposal... days ... ", "tr": "... ITI UD-MEĆ  {Ć E}-ki-su-tu₂ ... TA@v E₂.GAL ... u-ni ina pa-ni-ĆĄu₂-nu ... UD-MEĆ -te ... " }
{ "ak": "đ’…‡đ’‹§đ’ˆŹđ’‹«đ’‹Ąđ’‰đ’ˆ đ’€€đ’ˆ—đ’đ’‰Œđ’€­đ’ˆšđ’Œđ’…€đ’‡»đ’Š“đ’„­đ’…•đ’‡·đ’Čđ’ˆŸđ’‰Œ", "en": "But should you say: \"Let the king, my lord give my gods back to me ", "tr": "u₃ ĆĄum₂-mu ta-qa-bi ma-a LUGAL be-li₂ DINGIR-MEĆ -ia lu-sa-hi-ir li-di-na-ni " }
{ "ak": "đ’Œ’đ’Œ“đ’€đ’‹Ÿđ’……đ’Œ“đ’„Żđ’źđ’Š’đ’Šđ’€đ’‹›đ’€­đ’ˆšđ’Œđ’‰Œđ’…—đ’Œ‘đ’Š“đ’„Ż", "en": "!\" (then) quickly gather and send me information (and) I will soon give your gods back to you. ", "tr": "ar₂-hiĆĄ ba-ti-iq-tu₂ hur-áčŁu ĆĄup-ra ba-si DINGIR-MEĆ -ni-ka u₂-sa-har " }
{ "ak": "đ’€œđ’•đ’…˜đ’…—đ’Œ·đ’ˆŹđ’đ’ˆČ", "en": "the city of MuáčŁaáčŁir; stay there! The seizing ", "tr": "ad-da-nak-ka {URU}-mu-áčŁa-áčŁir " }
{ "ak": "𒀾𒊼𒁉𒅆𒄿𒁉𒍝𒁀𒀜", "en": "of your gods ", "tr": "ina Ć A₃-bi ĆĄi-i-bi áčŁa-ba-at " }
{ "ak": "𒊭𒀭𒈹𒌍𒉌𒅗", "en": "this ", "tr": "ơa DINGIR-MEƠ-ni-ka " }
{ "ak": "𒊒𒈛o", "en": "the Vizier", "tr": "ru {LU₂~v}-SUKKAL o " }
{ "ak": "𒈗𒁁𒉌𒄿𒊓", "en": "the king, my lord, wrote", "tr": "LUGAL be-li₂ i-sa-" }
{ "ak": "𒆬𒌓đ’ˆȘ𒅅𒋛𒋙𒉡", "en": "silver (from) their toll dues", "tr": "KUG.UD mi-ik-si-ĆĄu₂-nu " }
{ "ak": "𒅗𒌑𒈠𒀀", "en": "Now", "tr": "ka u₂-ma-a " }
{ "ak": "...𒊭đ’ˆȘ𒅅𒋛", "en": "the ... who pay toll dues", "tr": "... ĆĄa mi-ik-si " }
{ "ak": "𒊏𒊭𒀜𒈹𒌍𒅀", "en": "of my fathers", "tr": "ra ơa AD-MEƠ-ia " }
{ "ak": "đ’€žđ’Œ‹đ’…—đ’‡œđ’źđ’ƒŒđ’ˆšđ’Œ", "en": "As to the merchants", "tr": "ina UGU {LU₂}-DAM.QAR-MEĆ  " }
{ "ak": "𒊭đ’č", "en": "of ", "tr": "ĆĄa {1}-" }
{ "ak": "đ’č𒄭𒂔𒄿", "en": "and áčŹabĂź", "tr": "{1}-DUG₃.GA-i " }
{ "ak": "đ’Š­đ’€€đ’ˆŸđ’ˆ—đ’‚—đ’…€", "en": "about whom I wrote to the king, my lord,", "tr": "ĆĄa a-na LUGAL EN-ia " }
{ "ak": "đ’€Ÿđ’“đ’€­đ’‰Œđ’ˆ—đ’đ’‰Œ", "en": "and whom the king, my lord,", "tr": "aơ₂-pur-an-ni LUGAL be-li₂ " }
{ "ak": "...𒉌𒄿đ’Čđ’ˆŸđ’€­đ’‰Œ", "en": "gave to me ... ,", "tr": "... ni i-di-na-an-ni " }
{ "ak": "𒀭𒉡𒋆đ’č", "en": "now ", "tr": "an-nu-rig {1}-" }
{ "ak": "𒀀đ’č𒄭𒂔𒄿", "en": "and áčŹabĂź", "tr": "a {1}-DUG₃.GA-i " }
{ "ak": "𒌑𒍝𒁉𒌅𒋙𒉡", "en": "have seized them", "tr": "u₂-áčŁa-bi-tu-ĆĄu₂-nu " }
{ "ak": "𒁁𒄬𒈝𒉌", "en": "cavalry", "tr": "BAD-HAL-lum-ni " }
{ "ak": "đ’čđ’„­đ’‚”đ’„żđ’€€đ’‹ƒđ’‹—đ’Œ‘", "en": "áčŹabĂź ", "tr": "{1}-DUG₃.GA-i a-lak-ĆĄu-u₂ " }
{ "ak": "đ’€€đ’ˆŸđ’ˆšđ’‰Œđ’€€đ’ˆŸđ’ˆŸ", "en": "why to ", "tr": "a-na mi₃-ni a-na na-" }
{ "ak": "đ’Œšî€đ’‚—đ’‰żđ’†„đ’‹Œî€đ’‚—đ’‰żđ’†„đ’‹Œ", "en": "the official", "tr": "lik {LU₂~v}-EN—pi-qi-te {LU₂~v}-EN—pi-qi-te " }
{ "ak": "đ’‹«đ’č𒀭đ’‰șđ’ˆŹđ’‰œ", "en": "with NabĂ»-ĆĄumu-uáčŁur", "tr": "TA {1}-{d}-PA—MU—PAB " }
{ "ak": "đ’€žđ’Œ·đ’‰Œđ’‰Ąđ’€€đ’€‰đ’Š‘đ’†Ș", "en": "went to Nineveh", "tr": "ina {URU}-ni-nu-a it-tal-ku " }
{ "ak": "𒉿𒅋𒆠𒋙𒉡", "en": "of their work assignment", "tr": "pi-il-ki-ơu₂-nu " }
{ "ak": "...đ’Œ‹đ’Œ‹đ’‰Ąđ’ƒ»...đ’č𒀭...", "en": "... who ... ", "tr": "... man-nu ĆĄa₂ ... {1}-{d}-... " }
{ "ak": "𒌑𒈠𒀀𒀭𒉡𒋆𒐌𒍣𒈹𒌍", "en": "At this very moment seven persons", "tr": "u₂-ma-a an-nu-rig 07 ZI-MEƠ " }
{ "ak": "...𒋬𒊼...đ’ˆ«...", "en": "... from ... ", "tr": "... TA@v Ć A₃ ... 02 ... " }
{ "ak": "𒄞𒀮𒈹𒌍", "en": "oxen ", "tr": "GUD.NITA₂-MEƠ " }
{ "ak": "đ’Œ·đ’Šșđ’Čđ’ƒ¶đ’€€đ’€€", "en": "Ć adikannean", "tr": "{URU}-ĆĄe-di-kan-a.a " }
{ "ak": "𒌑đ’Čđ’ˆŸ", "en": "yet", "tr": "u₂-di-na " }
{ "ak": "đ’„żđ’ˆŸđ’…†", "en": "takes", "tr": "i-na-ĆĄi " }
{ "ak": "đ’Š­đ’‚đ’€žđ’‹©", "en": "the AĆĄĆĄur temple", "tr": "ĆĄa E₂—aĆĄ-ĆĄur " }
{ "ak": "𒄞𒀮𒈹𒌍", "en": "oxen", "tr": "GUD.NITA₂-MEƠ " }
{ "ak": "đ’‡œ", "en": "man", "tr": "LU₂ " }
{ "ak": "𒅖𒀠𒌋𒉌", "en": "asked", "tr": "iơ-al-u-ni " }
{ "ak": "𒈹𒄿𒉡", "en": "Whatever", "tr": "mi₃-i-nu " }
{ "ak": "𒊭𒈗𒂗", "en": "the king my lord", "tr": "ơa LUGAL EN " }
{ "ak": "𒄿𒃼𒁍𒌋𒉌", "en": "says.", "tr": "i-qab-bu-u-ni " }
{ "ak": "𒊭𒈗𒁁𒉌𒅖𒁓𒀭𒉌", "en": "about whom the king, my lord, wote to me:", "tr": "ơa LUGAL be-li₂ iơ-pur-an-ni " }
{ "ak": "𒈠𒀀", "en": "Receive the ", "tr": "ma-a " }
{ "ak": "𒈹𒌍𒈬𒄯𒋗", "en": "s from him!\"", "tr": "MEƠ mu-hur-ơu " }
{ "ak": "đ’ˆ«đ’„Šđ’ˆšđ’Œ", "en": "two feet", "tr": "02 GIR₃-MEĆ  " }
{ "ak": "đ’ƒ»đ’„Ż", "en": "set", "tr": "ĆĄa₂-kin₂ " }
{ "ak": "𒀀𒊓đ’€Ș𒀠𒋙", "en": "I asked him", "tr": "a-sa-ÊŸa-al-ĆĄu₂ " }
{ "ak": "...𒌓...𒆚𒀀𒍝𒁁", "en": "... I seized", "tr": "... UD ... KAM₂ a-áčŁa-bat " }
{ "ak": "𒀾𒆜𒉿", "en": "for money", "tr": "ina kas-pi " }
{ "ak": "𒀖𒁷", "en": "he should sell", "tr": "lid-din " }
{ "ak": "𒍝𒊍", "en": "standing", "tr": "za-az " }
{ "ak": "𒅅đ’Č𒁍𒌋𒉌", "en": "said to me.", "tr": "iq-áč­i-bu-u-ni " }
{ "ak": "𒄑𒋱𒊑𒈗𒁁𒉌𒄿𒋡𒁉𒈠𒀀...𒄿", "en": "Perhaps the king, my lord, will say:", "tr": "is—su-ri LUGAL be-li₂ i-qa-bi ma-a ... i " }
{ "ak": "đ’‰Œđ’€€đ’ˆŸđ’Œ·đ’†œ", "en": "I will go to Harran", "tr": "ni a-na {URU}-KASKAL " }
{ "ak": "đ’€ đ’†·đ’…—î€đ’„©đ’đ’ˆŸđ’‹Œ", "en": "the mayors", "tr": "al-la-ka {LU₂~v}-ha-za-na-te " }
{ "ak": "đ’ˆ đ’ƒ»đ’Š“đ’‹Œđ’„żđ’Œ…đ’Œšđ’ș", "en": "have descended ", "tr": "ma-ĆĄa₂-sa-te i-tu-ur-du " }
{ "ak": "đ’€€đ’ˆŸđ’†łđ’„©đ’ˆ›đ’„­đ’€ đ’†·đ’…—", "en": "I will go to Halahhu, and", "tr": "a-na {KUR}-ha-lah₃-hi al-la-ka " }
{ "ak": "đ’ˆȘ𒄿𒉡𒊭𒄿đ’‰ș𒋙𒌋𒉌", "en": "wharever they do", "tr": "mi-i-nu ĆĄa i-pa-ĆĄu₂-u-ni " }
{ "ak": "𒀾𒅆𒈗𒂗𒐊𒀀𒋡𒁉", "en": "I will tell to the king, my lord.", "tr": "ina IGI LUGAL EN-ia₂ a-qa-bi " }
{ "ak": "𒌓𒌋𒐋𒆚𒀀𒀭𒄿đ’Ș𒉣", "en": "It rained on the 16th;", "tr": "UD 16-KAM₂ A.AN i-zu-nun " }
{ "ak": "đ’†„đ’„ đ’ˆšđ’Œ‘", "en": "that ", "tr": "KIN am-me-u₂ " }
{ "ak": "𒄿𒊏đ’€Ș𒈬𒌋𒉌", "en": "who loves ", "tr": "i-ra-ÊŸa-mu-u-ni " }
{ "ak": "đ’†·đ’€€đ’ˆŸđ’ˆ—đ’‚—đ’Š", "en": "to the king my lord", "tr": "la a-na LUGAL EN-ia₂ " }
{ "ak": "đ’€€đ’ˆŸđ’ˆ—đ’‚—đ’…€đ’€Žđ’…—đ’č𒀭𒀀𒀀𒂗đ’Čđ’ˆŹđ’€€đ’ˆŸđ’ˆ—đ’‚—đ’€€", "en": "To the king, my lord: your servant Ila'i-Bel. Good health to the king, my lord!", "tr": "a-na LUGAL EN-ia ARAD-ka {1}-DINGIR-a.a—EN DI-mu a-na LUGAL EN-a " }
{ "ak": "đ’čđ’„Źđ’€€đ’‰Œđ’€žđ’‹©î€......", "en": "IĆĄmanni-AĆĄĆĄur the ... ", "tr": "{1}-HAL-a-ni—aĆĄ-ĆĄur {LU₂~v}-... {LU₂~v}-... " }
{ "ak": "đ’…†đ’‚Ÿđ’†·", "en": " no luck ", "tr": "SIG₅ la " }
{ "ak": "đ’€Č𒆳𒊏", "en": "horse ", "tr": "{ANĆ E}-KUR.RA " }
{ "ak": "đ’€€đ’ˆŸđ’ˆ—đ’‚—đ’…€đ’€Žđ’…—đ’č", "en": "To the king, my lord: your servant ", "tr": "a-na LUGAL EN-ia ARAD-ka {1}-" }
{ "ak": "𒇻đ’Čđ’ˆŹđ’€€đ’ˆŸđ’ˆ—đ’‚—đ’…€", "en": "Good health to the king, my lord!", "tr": "lu DI-mu a-na LUGAL EN-ia " }
{ "ak": "𒀾𒌋𒅗...𒊭𒈗𒁁𒉌𒅖𒁓𒀭𒉌𒈠𒀀𒆠𒈠𒉌𒌓𒀭𒇮𒀭𒆘𒊭...đ’Œ…đ’ŠŒđ’•đ’‚‡đ’Œ‹đ’‰Œđ’ˆ đ’€€đ’Œ‹đ’Œ†đ’†·đ’†Ș𒉡...đ’ˆ đ’€€đ’Œ‹đ’Œ†đ’†·...", "en": "As to what the king, my lord wrote to me: \"After you have finished the bull colossi, do your work ... work ... ", "tr": "ina UGU ... ĆĄa LUGAL be-li₂ iĆĄ-pur-an-ni ma-a ki-ma {NA₄}-{d}-LAMA.{d}-ALAD ĆĄa ... tu-ug-da-mir-u-ni ma-a dul-la-ku-nu ... ma-a dul-la-... " }
{ "ak": "...đ’Šș𒅖...đ’€€đ’ˆ đ’‹«đ’„©...𒌑đ’Šș𒊏𒁀o", "en": " I shall load up and bring in the ... ", "tr": "... ĆĄe iĆĄ ... a-ma-ta-ha ... u₂-ĆĄe-ra-ba o " }
{ "ak": "𒊭𒀾", "en": " which in ", "tr": "ơa ina " }
{ "ak": "î€đ’‚—đ’‰żđ’†€đ’‹Œî€đ’‚—đ’‰żđ’†€đ’‹Œđ’€žđ’Œ‹đ’…—đ’Šș𒆰𒈹𒌍", "en": "an official in charge of the seed grain ", "tr": "{LU₂~v}-EN—pi-qit-te {LU₂~v}-EN—pi-qit-te ina UGU {Ć E}-NUMUN-MEĆ  " }
{ "ak": "...𒋬đ’‰șđ’…đ’†·đ’ˆ đ’€€...đ’…‹đ’†·đ’…—đ’„żđ’†—đ’ˆŸ...đ’ƒ»đ’€Ș𒌹𒌓𒄑𒋗đ’‰Ș...", "en": "... from under ... he came and gave me ... dirt ... emblem ... ", "tr": "... TA@v ĆĄap-la ma-a-... il-la-ka i-tan-na ... ĆĄa₂-ÊŸu-ur-tu₂ {GIĆ }-Ć U.NIR ... " }
{ "ak": "𒍣𒈹𒌍𒋬𒍝đ’†Ș𒂊", "en": "persons with exempted (soldiers) ", "tr": "ZI-MEĆ  TA@v {LU₂~v}-za-ku-e " }
{ "ak": "đ’Œ·đ’ˆšđ’Œđ’‚Šđ’‹«", "en": "cities ", "tr": "URU-MEĆ  e-ta-" }
{ "ak": "đ’€€đ’ˆŸđ’ˆ—đ’đ’‰Œđ’Šđ’€Žđ’…—đ’čđ’‹«đ’Š‘đ’€đ’Œ‹đ’Šđ’‡»đ’Čđ’ˆŹđ’€€đ’ˆŸđ’‡œ", "en": "To the king, my lord: your servant Tariba-Issar. Good health to the king, my lord!", "tr": "a-na LUGAL be-li₂-ia₂ ARAD-ka {1}-ta-ri-ba—15 lu DI-mu a-na LU₂ " }
{ "ak": "𒌑𒈠𒀀đ’ˆȘđ’‰Ąđ’Š­đ’ˆ—đ’đ’‰Œđ’„żđ’ƒ»đ’Œ“đ’Œ‹đ’‰Œđ’Šșđ’‰»đ’ˆšđ’Š­đ’Œ‘đ’‰șđ’„­đ’…•đ’Œ‹đ’‰Œđ’€žđ’…—đ’Šđ’Š‘đ’†·đ’€ đ’Œšđ’€€đ’șđ’‚đ’€€đ’‰đ’‹Ÿđ’‹«đ’ƒŒđ’Š‘đ’đ’‰Œ", "en": "Now, what (orders) does the king, my lord, send? Let me go to pile up the barley I have collected, until my word has arrived ", "tr": "u₂-ma-a mi-nu ĆĄa LUGAL be-li₂ i-ĆĄa₂-par-u-ni {Ć E}-PAD-ME ĆĄa u₂-pa-hi-ir-u-ni ina ka-ra-ri la-al-lik a-du E₂ a-bi-ti ta-qar-ri-bu-ni " }
{ "ak": "đ’…—đ’ˆ đ’€€đ’Š©đ’‹™đ’Š­î€đ’…†đ’Ÿđ’€€đ’Čđ’Œ‰đ’Š©đ’ˆšđ’Œđ’ƒ»đ’€žđ’†łđ’€žđ’‹©đ’‡»đ’Š‘đ’‡·đ’…—", "en": "wrote to you: \"The wife of the Treasurer and her daughters should go to Assyria\";", "tr": "ka ma-a MI₂-ĆĄu₂ ĆĄa {LU₂~v}-IGI.DUB a-di DUMU.MI₂-MEĆ -ĆĄa₂ ina KUR—aĆĄ-ĆĄur lu tal-li-ka " }
{ "ak": "đ’€œđ’‹«đ’ˆ đ’ŒŠđ’†„đ’ˆ—đ’‹«đ’Š“đ’‹»đ’€žđ’Œ‹đ’…—đ’čđ’‚—đ’‚Šđ’Œ…đ’‹›đ’‰‹î€đ’€€đ’†„đ’…€î€đ’€€đ’†„đ’…€đ’€žđ’Œ·đ’Čđ’ˆŠđ’†„đ’€€đ’Š“đ’‰șđ’Šđ’Š©đ’‹™đ’Œ‘đ’Čđ’‚Šđ’ƒ»đ’„żđ’†—đ’ˆŸđ’‹™đ’€žđ’Œ‹đ’…—đ’Œ‰đ’Š©đ’ˆšđ’Œđ’Š­đ’……đ’‡»đ’Œ‹đ’‰Œ", "en": "you wrote the sealed royal order and dispatched it to Bel- duri, (but when) I sent my messenger to Damascus, he gave him the wife only.", "tr": "at-ta-ma un-qi LUGAL ta-sa-áč­ar ina UGU {1}-EN—BAD₃ tu-se-bil₂ {LU₂~v}-A—KIN-ia {LU₂~v}-A—KIN-ia ina {URU}-di-maĆĄ-qi a-sa-pa-ra MI₂-ĆĄu₂ u₂-de-e-ĆĄa₂ i-tan-na-ĆĄu₂ ina UGU DUMU.MI₂-MEĆ  ĆĄa ik-lu-u-ni " }
{ "ak": "...𒀀𒊓𒌓𒄿...", "en": "I have written to ... about the daughters whom he held back ... ", "tr": "... a-sa-par i-... " }
{ "ak": "đ’€€đ’ˆŸđ’ˆ—đ’‚—đ’…€đ’€Žđ’…—đ’č", "en": "To the king, my lord: your servant ", "tr": "a-na LUGAL EN-ia ARAD-ka {1}-" }
{ "ak": "𒇻đ’Čđ’ˆŹđ’€€đ’ˆŸđ’ˆ—đ’‚—đ’…€", "en": "Good health to the king, my lord!", "tr": "lu DI-mu a-na LUGAL EN-ia " }
{ "ak": "đ’€žđ’Œ‹đ’…—î€đ’·đ’ˆšđ’Œđ’…€đ’Š­đ’ˆ—đ’đ’‰Œđ’…–đ’“đ’€­đ’‰Œđ’ˆ đ’€€đ’‡žđ’Œšđ’Œ‹đ’‰Œ...𒀀đ’Čđ’ƒČđ’ˆšđ’Œđ’Œ‹đ’Œ†đ’‡»đ’‡·đ’đ’‹™đ’ˆ đ’€€đ’„żđ’‹ąđ’Š‘...𒉌𒌓𒀭𒆘𒀭𒇮...", "en": "As to the master-builders about whom the king my lord wrote to me: \"Let them come and work with the magnates ... ! Perhaps ... they can change ... into a bull colossus\" —", "tr": "ina UGU {LU₂~v}-TIN-MEĆ -ia ĆĄa LUGAL be-li₂ iĆĄ-pur-an-ni ma-a lil-lik-u-ni ... a-di {LU₂~v}-GAL-MEĆ  dul-lu le-pu-ĆĄu₂ ma-a i—su-ri ... {NA₄}-{d}-ALAD.{d}-LAMA ... " }
{ "ak": "𒌑đ’‰șđ’„·đ’€­đ’‰Ąđ’‹†î€đ’·đ’ˆšđ’Œđ’€žđ’Œ‹đ’…—đ’ˆ—đ’‚—đ’…€đ’Œ‘đ’‹›đ’‰đ’†·đ’„żđ’‹ąđ’Š‘î€đ’ƒČ𒈹𒌍𒀾𒂍đ’ƒČ𒄿𒋡𒁉𒌋𒈠𒀀", "en": "I have right now sent the master-builders to the king, my lord. Perhaps the magnates will say in the Palace: \"", "tr": "u₂-pa-hu an-nu-rig {LU₂~v}-TIN-MEĆ  ina UGU LUGAL EN-ia u₂-se-bi-la i—su-ri {LU₂~v}-GAL-MEĆ  ina E₂.GAL i-qa-bi-u ma-a " }
{ "ak": "đ’Œ‘đ’ˆ đ’€€đ’‡œ...𒈠𒀀đ’čđ’€žđ’‹©đ’ˆŹđ’ș𒅔...đ’‹Źđ’Šźđ’Œ·đ’Œšđ’‹Ÿđ’€€đ’‹Œđ’ˆŹđ’Œ“đ’„©đ’ˆȘ𒉡𒊭𒈗𒁁𒉌𒄿𒃼𒁍𒉌", "en": "Now, should the ... (official) fetch AĆĄĆĄur-ĆĄumi- ke'in from Tastiate? What are the king my lord's instructions?", "tr": "u₂-ma-a {LU₂}-... ma-a {1}-aĆĄ-ĆĄur—MU—GIN-in ... TA@v Ć A₃ {URU}-tas-ti-a-te mu-ut-ha mi-nu ĆĄa LUGAL be-li₂ i-qab-bu-ni " }
{ "ak": "...đ’„”đ’‹Ÿđ’…†đ’ˆ«đ’ˆšđ’Œ...đ’€žđ’…†đ’…€đ’„Šđ’ˆ«đ’‹™đ’‰Ąđ’€€đ’€€đ’…—đ’ˆšđ’‚Šđ’‰Œđ’†·đ’€€đ’…–đ’†Ș𒉡𒋧𒈠𒀀đ’‰ș𒅁đ’‰șđ’†œđ’‹™đ’‰Ąđ’Œ’đ’Œ“đ’…‹đ’†·đ’†Ș𒌋𒉌𒅇𒋧𒈠...𒀀đ’‰ș𒅁đ’‰ș𒆜𒋙𒉡𒉌...", "en": "I have made it clear to them ... ; they are in my presence, they have not set foot anywhere else. If I send for them, they come promptly, and if I send them to ... ", "tr": "... bir-ti IGI.2-MEĆ  ... ina IGI-ia GIR₃.2-ĆĄu₂-nu a.a-ka-me-e-ni la-a iĆĄ-ku-nu ĆĄum₂-ma a-ĆĄap-pa-raĆĄ-ĆĄu₂-nu ar₂-hiĆĄ il-la-ku-u-ni u₃ ĆĄum₂-ma ... a-ĆĄap-pa-raĆĄ-ĆĄu₂-nu ni ... " }
{ "ak": "đ’ˆ đ’€€đ’ˆŸî€đ’ƒČ", "en": "I told the chief ", "tr": "ma a-na {LU₂~v}-GAL—" }