Student Debt in the U.S. (Part 1) This is our first article in a three-part series about the nation’s ever-rising student debt levels. The second and third entries will look at student debt from a historical perspective and explore
Student Debt in the U.S. (Part 1) This is our first article in a three-part series about the nation’s ever-rising student debt levels. The second and third entries will look at student debt from a historical perspective and explore some of the potential consequences of the debt crisis, respectively. As college costs spiral upwards, unpaid student debt has reached a record high of $1 trillion, slowing down economic growth and causing many young individuals to lose control of their finances. Many politicians, media outlets, and educators are focusing on cuts to state and federal subsidies as the reason behind these astronomical tuition hikes. But while this may be true in cases, it’s not that simple. Paradoxically, many studies have found the opposite to be true: as federal and state subsidies increase, colleges and universities actually charge more for tuition, exacerbating the student debt crisis. Here we will trace the problem back two decades, examine funding trends and college costs to pinpoint what exactly is behind tuition increases.
NEWSWEEK – Florida Governor Ron De Santis has announced Wednesday a $3 million fund to remove Burmese pythons from the Everglades—as the invasive species expands its range northwards into the western Palm Beach County. Burm
NEWSWEEK – Florida Governor Ron De Santis has announced Wednesday a $3 million fund to remove Burmese pythons from the Everglades—as the invasive species expands its range northwards into the western Palm Beach County. Burmese pythons were brought to Florida in the 1980s and 1990s as exotic pets. It is thought they gained a foothold in the Everglades after either escaping or being set free by their owners. Their spread is also thought to have been facilitated by Hurricane Andrew in 1992—the storm saw a Burmese python breeding facility destroyed, releasing hundreds of individuals into the wild. There are now thought to be hundreds of thousan
Greater Manchester-based non-profit Human Appeal is involved in a range of aid and development projects around the world. Operating in 25 countries globally, its initiatives span everything from the provision of food, clean water and shelter to helping people establish sustainable livelihoods
Greater Manchester-based non-profit Human Appeal is involved in a range of aid and development projects around the world. Operating in 25 countries globally, its initiatives span everything from the provision of food, clean water and shelter to helping people establish sustainable livelihoods. One of its recent missions was a Home Gardening Project in Syria. This initiative was designed to alleviate the food shortages experienced by residents of the city of Aleppo when it was under siege. Food prices in the city were prohibitively high and fresh vegetables were particularly expensive. The project aimed to help people benefit from a healthier and more diverse diet, as well as promote the idea of home gardening. There were three main stages to the project. The first involved training people in gardening techniques, the second was providing agricultural resources to help them grow crops and the third was a follow up on the farming process. A total of 12 training groups were formed and each was given two days of training, as well as follow up sessions. The training covered topics including soil, irrigation, fertiliser, gardening techniques and seasonal farming. Participants also got to practice the techniques, preparing soil and containers, planting seeds and spotting plant diseases. Once the sessions were completed, people were given kits containing soil, plastic bags, seeds, containers and an advice leaflet. Unfortunately, because conflict in the city intensified, the follow up stage of the initiative was disrupted. However, the main goals of the project were achieved. Over 250 households in Aleppo received the training and resources they needed to start growing crops independently. Human Appeal notes that although the initiative couldn’t achieve its expected results from a nutritional impact because it was interrupted, it did have a hugely positive impact on the psychology of participants. According to the charity, people felt excited and empowered by the project. Also, because the beneficiaries were subsequently evacuated to a rural area, they had an opportunity to invest in the farming knowledge they gained through the training. As well as the Home Gardening Project, Human Appeal is involved in a wide range of other initiatives in Syria. One of these is the Food for Orphans project, which provides healthy meals each day to children in an orphanage, while another is focussed on improving access to clean water in areas that are besieged. To find out more about the valuable work being done by the charity, and for information on upcoming Human Appeal events, you can visit the organisation’
“Hay fever” isn’t necessarily caused by “hay” and “seasonal allergies” can occur during any season of the year. The medical condition known as “hay fever” is medically “allergic rhinitis,” which is an inflammation
“Hay fever” isn’t necessarily caused by “hay” and “seasonal allergies” can occur during any season of the year. The medical condition known as “hay fever” is medically “allergic rhinitis,” which is an inflammation in the nose which occurs when the immune system overreacts to allergens in the air such as smoke, pollen, pet hair or dander, cockroaches, fragrances, dust or mold. The body’s immune system identifies these foreign substances as dangerous and releases antibodies to fight them. Symptoms of allergic rhinitis include runny nose; stuffy nose due to blockage or congestion; sneezing; red, itchy, and watery eyes; and swelling around the eyes. Individuals who suffer from allergic rhinitis are also likely to experience symptoms of dermatitis—a rash consisting of itchy, red, swollen, cracked skin. Left untreated, allergic rhinitis can lead to acute or chronic bronchitis, which is an inflammation of the bronchi and airway of the lower respiratory system. The symptoms of allergic bronchitis are shortness of breath, hyperventilation, rashes, tickling in throat, tight chest, persistent sneezing, coughing, headache, nausea, and other symptoms associated with asthma. A
Citizenship comes with rights and responsibilities. The right to vote and be voted for in our democratic dispensation is just one example. The majority of Black individuals feel very alienated from the system and are often not engaged. This is a direct
Citizenship comes with rights and responsibilities. The right to vote and be voted for in our democratic dispensation is just one example. The majority of Black individuals feel very alienated from the system and are often not engaged. This is a direct result of systemic racism and discrimination. These two evils destroy human souls and make us less engaged. ACAO is working to change that. Using events, festivals and other programs ACAO encourages community participation in civic and democratic discourses. We have seen an increase in the number of Black candidates for municipal, provincial and federal elections. Previous elections also saw an increase in voter turnout from the Black community. This is an initiative we will continue to invest resources in. This post is also available in: French
PSY302 W2 Assignment Motivational Theories and Factors To be effective, a company must learn to motivate its employees to efficiently meet the goals of the organization. Using what you know about motivation and the field of I/O psychology
PSY302 W2 Assignment Motivational Theories and Factors To be effective, a company must learn to motivate its employees to efficiently meet the goals of the organization. Using what you know about motivation and the field of I/O psychology, respond to the following: - Propose at least three ways to motivate others in the workplace. - Create a strategy for enhancing your own motivation in the workplace. - Compare and contrast two motivati
If a user cannot see, hear, or use their hands effectively, how can your product serve them? Accessibility is about designing for everyone. Everyone, not just the typical user. It’s also about thinking beyond regulations and standards. With the number
If a user cannot see, hear, or use their hands effectively, how can your product serve them? Accessibility is about designing for everyone. Everyone, not just the typical user. It’s also about thinking beyond regulations and standards. With the number of people with disabilities increasing in general, as well as the number of users accessing digital products on voice-activation software like Alexa and Google Assistant, designing for accessibility is no longer an option but a must. This blog post covers everything you need to know about designing inclusive products from start to finish—from accessible color schemes to inclusive user testing. Colour and contrast While color blindness alone affects 1 in 10 men and 1 in 100 women, the number of people with some visual impairment is far greater. They may have limited color vision, poor vision due to aging, or be in a low-light environment where seeing colors is difficult. When designing your product’s color scheme, ask yourself how you would ensure a design is accessible to all types of color blindness. You do this by first ensuring the contrast ratio between your text and background is large enough. The W3C recommends a minimum ratio of 1.5 between the brightness of the text and the background color, but in practice, it’s best to go higher. For example, a black-on-white combination has a ratio of 1.0, which is insufficient. On the other hand, a white-on-black combination has a ratio of 4.5—more than enough. With the rise in Voice Assistants like Siri, Google Assistant, and Amazon Alexa, more and more users are interacting with technology using their voice. While voice-activated technology is convenient and hands-free, it also presents an accessibility challenge: While everyone can see the visual interface, the voice interface is only accessible to people with normal hearing. Therefore, you must also make your product’s functionality and content accessible by other means. First, include accessibility information in your Voice Assistant’s “Help” or “About” section. You can direct users to that information if they can’t hear it. You can also add an accessibility section to your product’s documentation. And finally, try to use plain language and avoid jargon, acronyms, and abbreviations as much as possible. Labeling and navigation Labels are an essential part of accessible design, especially for products that serve a large or diverse audience. Label all buttons and links, including navigational elements like tabs, menus, and headings. Use text-based controls and avoid using images or icons that aren’t descriptive. Use standard, universally understood symbols wherever possible, like “Valid” and “Incomplete” instead of “Check mark” and “X mark.” Use color contrast effectively to make all of these elements stand out. Ensure you don’t rely on color alone to convey meaning. Instead, use color as an enhancement. Navigation should be discoverable. Place navigational elements in the expected place and intuitively label them. You can also use signifiers like arrows to indicate the path of navigation. Beyond labeling and navigation, there are several other ways to make your product more accessible to keyboard users. To begin with, make sure your product is keyboard-navigable, even when the visual interface is visible. Place functionality on the “Insert” “Delete” “Home” and “End” “Page Up” and “Page Down” keys, and feature shortcuts to common actions and functions. If you’re using a form, make sure it can be navigated using the tab key. And, if you’re using buttons in the interface, ensure they can be activated with the enter key. Beyond the basics, you can make your product easier to use with an assistive technology called a screen reader. A screen reader reads aloud whatever text is on a given screen and navigates the user through their interface with keyboard shortcuts. Designing for accessibility is suitable for your bottom line and something you can feel proud of. When designing a product, think about who you’re designing it for and ensure everyone can use it. The most important thing is always to include accessibility as part of your design process. This way, it will always be considered and won’t be an afterthought. And by following the tips outlined in this blog post, you’ll be well on your way to designing an inclusive product that appeals to everyone.
DetailsPermalink to Details - Added to the Catalog - Available for - Snow and Ice: Freshwater, Sea Ice - Global Warming - Sea Ice - Snow and Ice Cover DescriptionPermalink to Description In
DetailsPermalink to Details - Added to the Catalog - Available for - Snow and Ice: Freshwater, Sea Ice - Global Warming - Sea Ice - Snow and Ice Cover DescriptionPermalink to Description In an era where change itself seems to be the subject holding people's attention, NASA proudly presents a spectacular new movie depicting a changing Earth. Called FROZEN, it showcases a major part of our home planet in ways never seen before. FROZEN features the global cryosphere, those places on Earth where the temperature doesn't generally rise above water's freezing point. As one of the most directly observable climate gauges, the changing cryosphere serves as a proxy for larger themes. The movie brings the Earth alive, projected onto spherical movie screens hanging in the center of darkened theaters. Turning in space, the sphere becomes a portal onto a virtual planet, complete with churning, swirling depictions of huge natural forces moving below. Ice shows deep, persistent, global changes more readily than other kinds of geographic features. Where the world stays cold over time, liquid water freezes. Where the world persistently grows warm, ice in its many forms thaws. It's natural, therefore, to focus substantial attention on those parts of the Earth that historically depend on ice. Polar caps, high altitude glaciers, permafrost covered plains and many other cold regions play a vital role in global climate sustainability. As those regions and other cold places change, so changes the overall condition of the planet. As a proxy for climate change, changing ice opens a dialogue about a variety of subjects, from the importance of gathering long terms records about the Earth, to the techniques scientists use to study our home from space, to the day-to-day habits that individuals and communities around the world adopt in relation to their environment. For more information, visit the Frozen website. Length of dataset: 12:25 Next Generation Science StandardsPermalink to Next Generation Science Standards Cross-cutting ConceptsPermalink
Mar 03, 2023 Our today's edition of Current Affairs is here. Read to know more about What is a Whip. Also, find the topic's relevance to the UPSC CSE syllabus below: For Prelims:
Mar 03, 2023 Our today's edition of Current Affairs is here. Read to know more about What is a Whip. Also, find the topic's relevance to the UPSC CSE syllabus below: For Prelims: Polity and Governance Whip, Chief whip, One-line whip, Two-line whip, Three-line whip For Mains: GS Paper II (Parliament and State legislatures) About a ‘whip’ in the House, Types of whips, Significance of a whip, Defying a whip Members of a House are bound by the "whip," and the Supreme Court stated recently that if any MLAs within a political party that is a part of a ruling coalition say they do not want to go with the alliance, the MLAs will be disqualified. What is a whip in a state assembly or parliament? (150 words, 10 marks) Whips can be of varying degrees of seriousness. The importance of a whip can be inferred from the number of times an order is underlined, such as follows: In the United Kingdom (UK), an MP can lose membership of the party for defying the whip, but can keep her/his House seat as an Independent. In the United States (US), “the party whip’s role is to gauge how many legislators are in support of a Bill and how many are opposed to it and to the extent possible, persuade them to vote according to the party line on the issue”. News Source: The Indian Express In parliamentary parlance, a whip may refer to both a written order to members of a party in the House to abide by a certain direction, and to a designated official of the party who is authorized to issue such a direction. A whip may require that party members be present in the House for an important vote, or that they vote only in a particular way. In India, the term "whip" is derived from the old British practice of “whipping in” lawmakers to follow the party line. Parties appoint a senior member from among their House contingents to issue whips, this member is called a chief whip, and he/ she is assisted by additional whips. Download the PrepLadder app to obtain access to the best UPSC study material, curated by India's top UPSC faculty, and improve your UPSC preparation and succeed on the UPSC CSE examination. You can also join our Telegram channel to receive UPSC coaching and to remain informed about updates to the exam. Get quick access to the latest happenings across the globe. Articles revolving around factual data that aims to boost your UPSC CSE preparation and make your dreams become a reality! Today’s edition of our Current Affairs will comprise a discussion on Pre-arrest Bail. Read further to upgrade your UPSC CSE knowledge and also un... Today we will discuss AUKUS : A Three-way Alliance in the Indo-Pacific in our today's edition of Current Affairs. Read further to upgrade your UP... Our today's edition of Current Affairs is here. Read to know more aboutSteps taken by India in the direction of Universal Health Coverage(UHC) Al... The most popular search terms used by aspirants
The brain is made up of two sides, or hemispheres, connected by an intricate network of nerve fibres called the corpus callosum. Although each hemisphere is almost identical in terms of structure, each side operates in an entirely different way
The brain is made up of two sides, or hemispheres, connected by an intricate network of nerve fibres called the corpus callosum. Although each hemisphere is almost identical in terms of structure, each side operates in an entirely different way and is associated with very different activities. This is referred to as specialisation of lateralisation. In general terms, learning style is thought to be connected with an individual’s dominant brain hemisphere and dominant mode of processing new information. This can be split into auditory, tactile or visual learning. At times we all use both hemispheres either alternatively or simultaneously, with one usually acting as the primary, and for this reason it is useful for an individual to know which side is dominant and to recognise which learning style is preferred. Classical education usually involves lectures in which facts are presented one after the other without an initial overview, followed by timed tests that assess how well students have memorised the information and check how quickly and accurately they can retrieve it on demand. This tends to fit the left-brained auditory learner most effectively. Hands-on workshops may be a good fit for a right-brained tactile learner who learns best by actively testing information. Auditory-tactile learning may need a combination of vocal and tactile stimulation in the classroom in order to learn new information. Lastly, right-brained visual learners tend to prefer a top down view of the whole picture before learning the details, with far more images and diagrams. Some learn most effectively from a combination of auditory, visual and tactile multimedia input (video clips and the internet are often helpful in this case). When faced with a classroom of thirty plus individuals, teachers are faced with the mam
Species Detail - Small Toadflax (Chaenorhinum minus) - Species information displayed is based on the dataset "Irish vascular plant data 1999-2009". Terrestrial Map - 10kmDistribution of the number of
Species Detail - Small Toadflax (Chaenorhinum minus) - Species information displayed is based on the dataset "Irish vascular plant data 1999-2009". Terrestrial Map - 10kmDistribution of the number of records recorded wi
For the first time ever this year I teach junior high exploratory Spanish. This means I get to have all of the 7th & 8th graders, each for a 6 week block of time. We are on trimesters
For the first time ever this year I teach junior high exploratory Spanish. This means I get to have all of the 7th & 8th graders, each for a 6 week block of time. We are on trimesters and have about 60 minute classes. You can see my reflection on one special student from my first group. it is a pretty neat opportunity, because it means I get to have every single junior high student and help to convince them to take Spanish in high school. Usually it is just encouraged to the “college bound” at my school, but I want to change that because EVERY student can benefit from knowing Spanish in their future. I spent a lot of time thinking about exactly what I wanted to do with these students for our 6 weeks together. Well Friday 2 was the last day of group one and I am very sad to see them go. The progress they have made in our 30 hours together is amazing and I can not wait to get to see these 7th graders again next year before they even take Spanish I. I wanted the basis to be a fun, enjoyable experience, where they were surrounded with comprehensible input and the language came naturally. The items below were a part of our daily routine every day. Explore Daily Routine - Para Empezar – Exploratory – Every day we had a fun class starter. They especially loved Música miércoles & Baile viernes - Special person interviews – We then had our “persona especial” interviews, which really helped me to learn about everyone, as well as reinforce basic questions and answers. - Real World Choice Work – Their only homework, was one stamp style sheet, collecting eight cultural experiences using Spanish. These included playing Duolingo, asking people their names in Spanish, being the greeter, the special person, watching Snapchat stories, or any other way they used their Spanish or learned about culture. A huge thank you to Martina Bex’s amazing storytelling units, for making up every other week of our class. The students LOVED acting out stories, and I think I may add more in with the next group. I also thought it was important for these first time Spanish students to have an idea of where in the world speaks Spanish, hence the mini geography unit. Not included in the 6 weeks were the two days the week of Christmas we has school, when we watched The Book of Life. So here is what we did with our time together. - Te Presento a - ¿Qué te gusta? - Game – What do you like more? - Introducing Colors (so we could talk about who liked what color) - Write own story & create project – This was my first time attempting something like this, and I think I will try and add more direction the next time around. It did not help that I was home with a sick little boy the day they started writing their stories, so they missed some crucial early guidance. I was hoping for more creativity with their projects, and may add risk taking to the rubric for next time. I think I will really encourage them to make some kind of video next time, so they will be able to look back at them to see their progress the next year. These videos would also work well to show the other sections. I love your blog so much (I've been a huge fan!). This will be my first year teaching exploratory Spanish to 8th graders but it will be a full semester instead of 6 weeks. I am considering following your layout with Martina's units as well. What would you recommend doing after I've covered the 6 weeks of your plans? You are awesome! This might be a repost but I am teaching 6th grade exploratory Spanish in 2 weeks and there is no district/county books for the class, but the class is 4 months long. Do you have any items that are for longer classes? Thanks I will be teaching exploratory for the first time next year to 6th graders! Our trimesters are 10 weeks long! Do you have anymore plans? I LOVE all your stuff! Haley Rooney says Do you also teach Spanish I to the same students later down the line? I'd love to follow these plans, but I'm worried about them seeing repeat units/lessons in my Spanish I class further in their career! Mis Clases Locas says Yes, I have these same kids later years. Some years we just do a quick review of these units nd then move on. Other years I have just done simialr units and then moved on.
You'll note I have given up on the term 'explorers' in my title, for as I've done more reading I have come to the impression that most 'explorers' did only a little more than follow their native guides
You'll note I have given up on the term 'explorers' in my title, for as I've done more reading I have come to the impression that most 'explorers' did only a little more than follow their native guides. Native peoples they met directed them, drew maps for them, guided them, and often even provided the paddling crew. They taught them to make and repair birch-bark canoes, paddles and snowshoes; they taught them how to survive in the wilderness. We tend to glorify fur traders too, forgetting that it was the native peoples who actually did all the trapping and provided all the furs. The fur traders only gathered these in, trading metal trinkets for them before they got sold in Europe for enormous profits. The third dimension to be considered in the first two centuries of contact is the role of natives as warriors. First the French and then the British negotiated with Indigenous tribes as their allies, and fought together in times of war. One of the very first examples was Champlain accompanying a group of natives from what is now the Montreal area south into Iroquois country on the American side of the border. In a very short battle Champlain fired his gun killing two Chiefs, and the Iroquois (Haudenosaunee) fled. Natives played a key role as warriors and allies right up until after the War of 1812. Of course the first 'explorers' planted their flag and claimed the land in the name of their king, secure in the 'Doctrine of Discovery' (supported even by the Pope of the times) which claimed that European countries could claim whichever parts of the 'undeveloped' world they found, completely ignoring the fact that their were people already living there! Never-the-less, particularly in support of trade, the French and later British negotiated 'peace and friendship' treaties with the Indigenous tribes, which set the background for working together. We tend to forget that native groups had negotiated their own peace and friendship treaties between tribes for centuries, and were thus able to trade back and forth across very long distances. In some parts of Canada such as between coastal and interior British Columbia, inter-tribal trade was very important. It came naturally then for native groups to meet the French and British on the same terms, and mostly peaceful co-existence followed. However a conflict in understanding what a treaty actually meant between natives and the Crown became a major source of tension by the mid-1800s, 200 years after first contact. Natives saw treaties as meaning they would share the land and resources. The white government saw treaties as real estate deals which meant the government had purchased the land. Cartier in 1534 explored the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and in 1535 returned to visit both Stadacona and Hochelaga, native villages where Quebec City and Montreal now stand. Champlain followed from 1603 to 1615, making more than one trip and gaining the friendship of the Wendat (known to the French as the Hurons). This enabled the formation of the Jesuit Mission at Ste. Marie among the Hurons a few years later. Exploration continued through the Great Lakes and further west with example after example of natives leading the way, and often being responsible for the very surviv
The young Elizabeth II: life before she was Queen At the time of her birth, Elizabeth II was a princess who was never expected to succeed the throne. So how did she become queen? From her unconventional childhood to the crisis that made her
The young Elizabeth II: life before she was Queen At the time of her birth, Elizabeth II was a princess who was never expected to succeed the throne. So how did she become queen? From her unconventional childhood to the crisis that made her a monarch, Kate Williams charts Elizabeth II's life within the royal family before she was crowned... This article was first published in BBC History Magazine's 'Queen Elizabeth: 90 Glorious Years' bookazine In April 1926, Britain was on the brink of the General Strike called by the TUC. There had been an economic perfect storm: the postwar crash in coal prices, combined with the government putting Britain on the gold standard, had put mining under pressure. After a government commission recommended reducing miners’ wages, the stage was set for an all-out strike of miners and other workers covered by the TUC, including railway and transport workers. But despite being in a crisis, the home secretary Sir William Joynson Hicks could not be excused witnessing the legitimacy of a royal baby. The Duke and Duchess of York – George V’s second son, Bertie and his wife, the former Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon – were expecting their first child. Although the baby was not a direct heir to the throne, Sir William still had to travel to 17 Bruton Street in Mayfair, a home owned by Bowes-Lyons, where the child was due to be born. - DID YOU KNOW? The teenage Princess Elizabeth performed alongside her younger sister, Margaret, in a number of pantomimes during the Second World War. Read 11 more surprising facts about Queen Elizabeth II The little girl was born by Caesarean section at 2.40am on 21 April. “We have long wanted a child to make our happiness complete,” wrote the duke. The child was “a little darling with a lovely complexion”, decreed Queen Mary. “I do hope that you and papa are as delighted as we are to have a granddaughter, or would you sooner have had another grandson?” wrote the duke to his father, George V. The baby was officially third in line to the throne, but since she was the child of George V’s second son – and female – she was destined to be pushed down the succession by sons born to her uncle, the Prince of Wales, and her father. She was called Elizabeth Alexandra Mary after her mother, great-grandmother and grandmother – after consorts, not queens regnant. The princess was destined for a good marriage and little more. 'We have long wanted a child to make our happiness complete,' wrote the Duke of York On 3 May, the TUC called the General Strike. Conservative prime minister Stanley Baldwin called it the “road to anarchy”, but the government played hard, drafting in volunteers and calling forth the middle classes to step in. By 12 May it had been called off and the following year the government outlawed sympathetic strikes and strikes intended to coerce the government, making another general strike impossible and restoring the existing structures of power. Two weeks later, Elizabeth Alexandra Mary was christened by the archbishop of York at Buckingham Palace. The young princess was a favourite with her grandparents and one of the few people in the family not afraid of the king, whom she called ‘Grandpa England’. In early 1927, her parents departed on a tour of Australia and New Zealand, leaving her with her nannies. When they returned, they took a new house, 145 Piccadilly, near Hyde Park. It had 25 bedrooms, a lift and a ballroom but, by royal standards, Elizabeth was growing up in a cosy, normal house and her playmates in the gardens were the daughters of businessmen and doctors, not fellow princesses. In 1930 Princess Margaret was born. This time the home secretary, John R Clynes, had to trek up to Glamis Castle, the ancestral home of the Duchess of York. “I am glad to say that she has large blue eyes and a will of iron, which is all the equipment a lady needs!” the duchess wrote. As they grew up, it became evident that the two little girls had very different personalities. Elizabeth was conscientious, dutiful and orderly – she couldn’t go to sleep without unsaddling and feeding all her nursery horses and lining them up neatly. Margaret was playful, determined and fond of pranks – she blamed any mistakes or spillages on her imaginary friend, Cousin Halifax. As they grew up, it became evident that the two little girls had very different personalities. Elizabeth was conscientious, dutiful and orderly. Margaret was playful, determined In 1933, when Elizabeth was seven, she received a new governess, Miss Marion Crawford. She had been recommended to the Duchess of York as a “country girl who was a good teacher, except when it came to mathematics”. Fortunately, the duchess was not looking for a challenging academic schedule. Both she and her husband had hated school (the duke had been ridiculed as a dunce). What the royal couple wanted for their daughters was a “really happy childhood, with lots of pleasant memories”, which meant minimal lessons. The king had only one request: ‘‘Teach Margaret and Lilibet a decent hand.” Miss
عنوان مقاله [English] Ever since the Iranian revolution of 1979 relations between Iran and Britain have remained volatile and have suffered from tension, instability and upheavals. Neither reconciliation, nor normalization, has been achieved between the two sides. While
عنوان مقاله [English] Ever since the Iranian revolution of 1979 relations between Iran and Britain have remained volatile and have suffered from tension, instability and upheavals. Neither reconciliation, nor normalization, has been achieved between the two sides. While Iran's relations with the United States were predictably hostile, Tehran's ties with London could have been expected, at least by the end of the first tempests of the revolution, to be better and more stable. Why did Iran's relations with Britain deteriorate from the beginning, as distinct from other West European countries? What were the origins of Iran's resentment towards Britain? Which forces were behind the hostility between them? What are the prospects for future relations between these two countries? These are but a few questions, the answers for which can be explored by this paper.
Smartphones are an inevitable part of our lives and there is nothing wrong about it. But even this smart handheld gadget has its share of disadvantages that emerge after long hours of use. Blue light is one such disadvantage that can impact your vision after prolonged
Smartphones are an inevitable part of our lives and there is nothing wrong about it. But even this smart handheld gadget has its share of disadvantages that emerge after long hours of use. Blue light is one such disadvantage that can impact your vision after prolonged use. Before we go deep into fighting the big, bad blue, we must first know what the blue light is and why is there so much hype about its prevention. What is blue light? To start with, know that blue light has the shortest wavelength and the most energy of all the visible light rays. Due to their nature, blue rays scatter significantly easier than the other members of the spectrum when they hit elemental molecules in the atmosphere; making the sky appear blue. As you’d expect, daylight is the primary source of blue light, but man-made light sources such as LED lights, TV-screens, and, of course, handheld/computer screens also emit a good chunk of blue rays. Why are blue rays harmful? You may not know but sunlight is the primary source of blue light. But due to the fact that we spend a lot more time on our smartphones and digital screens rather than outside, under the sun, we’re bound to be affected more by the sources we’ve made. Most of us are already aware of the nasty effects of the ultraviolet rays (UV). However, harmful as they are, the human eye, even without UV sunglasses, is more than capable of blocking 99% of UV rays from reaching the retina. Sadly, when it comes to blue light, almost the entirety of visible blue light passes through to our retina. A number of studies have concluded that prolonged exposure to blue light can cause serious damage to the light-sensitive cells in the aforementioned retina. This can lead to macular degeneration — blurred vision to complete or partial vision loss. Short-term effects include eye-strain, tiredness, headaches, and signs of insomnia. How to protect yourself from damage caused by Blue Light Thankfully, there are a few great methods to block these harmful rays, and a couple of them won’t even cost you a dime. Use Anti Blue Light glasses The first and most obvious one is getting a yellow-tinted, blue-light filtering computer glasses. If you already have glasses, simply go to your ophthalmologist and ask him to prescribe you an anti-glare set. ► Buy Anti Blue Light glasses on Amazon Use the in-built blue light filter on your phone Over the last couple of years, almost all major smartphone manufacturers have implemented their take on blue light filters. From old-timers like Samsung to rising stars like OnePlus, it’s not hard to find and configure the blue light filter. Generally, it’s tucked in nicely under Display settings. But it’s also available as a toggle in the Quick Settings menu that you get when you pull download notifications bar two times, alongside toggles for Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Mobile data, Auto-rotate, etc. You can tweak the opacity of the filter and even set a custom schedule. To easily find the setting by searching for ‘blue light’ in the Settings app by using the search bar at the top. - Samsung: Go to Settings > Display > enable the Blue light filter option using the toggle (tap the text to set it to check out the option to schedule it). - Huawei and Honor: Go to Settings > Display & brightness > Colour & Eye Comfort > Eye Comfort > enable the Blue light filter option using the toggle (option to schedule it is also available right here). - Google Pixel: Go to Settings > Display > Night Light > enable it by tapping on ‘Turn on …’ option. Option to schedule it is also available right there. - Similarly, for every Android OEM, you can find the options for Blue Light filter under Display settings. It may be called differently byt nowadays it is available for the phones (we assume). Use third-party apps While it’s great that device manufacturers are going the extra mile to reduce your eye-strain, the built-in filters aren’t exactly known for their endless customization options. So, if you want a bit for freedom and stretch your legs, there are some pretty great alternatives you can find on the Play Store. See the apps listed below. Best Anti-Blue Light apps Let’s take a look at the best apps you can install from the Play Store to guard against Blue Light emitted by your Android phone. Blue Light Filter & Night Mode – Night Shift The night shift is an optimum night filter that waves off blue light to leave you with a soothing night screen. With the blue light filtered, you can have a satisfying night reading experience. The app offers a total of five blue light filters to prevent/relieve eye strain. You can schedule timer for when you want the filter to be turned on but that may not work occasionally. Although, it is convenient to flip on or off the timer and keep your eyes strain-free. - Minimalistic UI - Shows usage timer - Option to create personalized schedules - Widget support - Status bar widget isn’t the best - Some features, such as Dark mode not available in the free version Download: Blue light filter Blue Light Filter – Night Mode, Night Shift The blue light filter works by adjusting the screen to natural color to reduce blue light. Doing this reduces stress on the eyes and allows you to read at night with a soothing effect
Plot Summary / The Story-line Act two, scene one of the play The Tempest opens on another part of the island. While Ferdinand is falling in love with Miranda, Alonso, Sebastian, Antonio, Gonzalo, and other shipwreck
Plot Summary / The Story-line Act two, scene one of the play The Tempest opens on another part of the island. While Ferdinand is falling in love with Miranda, Alonso, Sebastian, Antonio, Gonzalo, and other shipwrecked lords are searching for him. Alonso grieves over the supposed loss of his son. Gonzalo tries earnestly to assuage Alonso’s grief -stricken mind. Antonio and Sebastian go on joking in jovial manner. Both of them pay but a deaf attention and mock somewhat banteringly Gonzalo’s attempt at placating Alonso’s sorrow. Now, Ariel appears and charms Alonso, Gonzalo and other lords to sleep by dint of Ariel’s magic. Only Antonio and Sebastian are left awake. Antonio is all set to hatch a brutal plot to kill the sleeping king, Alonso. Sebastian agrees but when they draw their sword, Ariel reappears and wakens the sleepers. Alonso is safe now. The four men set out searching for Ferdinand. Commentary on Act II, Scene i The scene is a presentation of Elizabethan wit and humour. But sombre seriousness gradually encroaches upon them and Antonio’s latent malevolent instinct gets churned up and meditates over the murder of Alonso. Prospero is very much visible through his representative Ariel. It is significant enough that Prospero has overwhelming mastery and control over the action. The magic world returns with Ariel’s solemn music. Ariel’s timely appearance precipitates the action of the drama.
How to Treat Demodectic Mange in Dogs When they hear the word demodicosis, people might think that it sounds like some really serious and highly contagious disease. However, demodectic mange (also known as canine dem
How to Treat Demodectic Mange in Dogs When they hear the word demodicosis, people might think that it sounds like some really serious and highly contagious disease. However, demodectic mange (also known as canine demodicosis or red mange) is actually a relatively common complaint, and, in most cases, is easily treatable. In this article, we’ll tell you all about the causes, diagnosis, and treatments that are available. What causes demodectic mange? The cause of this condition is the Demodex mite, more specifically the genus Demodex Canis. These microscopic creatures live in the hair follicles of many species of mammal. These mites are not uncommon on our four-legged friends. However, in most cases, the dog’s immune system is able to keep their numbers to a minimum. If, for whatever reason, (such as immunodeficiency) the mite population starts to get out of control, it can turn into an infestation. This infestation can cause significant damage to your pet’s skin and, if left untreated, can eventually lead to demodectic mange. Symptoms of demodectic mange Demodectic mange can affect dogs of all ages. Localized demodicosis usually affects puppies and dogs under two years of age. The most common symptoms include hair loss and skin inflammation, mainly on the head and paws. Your pet will likely suffer from pruritis, which is the medical way of saying intense and constant itching. This variety of mange is fairly mild, and usually gets better by itself with time. Generalized demodectic mange, on the other hand, can be very serious, and affects adult dogs. It can start to spread all over the body, and can even affect their claws and the pads of their paws. In this case, the skin lesions are more serious, and can even develop into deep, festering wounds. All these symptoms are usually accompanied by a fever, general discomfort, and incessant licking of the affected areas. Fortunately, the diagnosis of demodectic mange is pretty straightforward. A vet will simply take a skin scraping from your dog to confirm the presence of Demodex mites. Normally, they will take a sample from the most affected areas to get a more accurate diagnosis. At this point, we feel it’s important to emphasize that if you notice any of the above symptoms on your pet, you should take it to a vet so that they can start treatment as soon as possible. Treatment of demodectic mange Because it can lead to a number of secondary infections, treatment of demodectic mange can vary. Whether it is a localized or generalized variety will also have an impact on the prescribed treatment plan. Although localized demodicosis usually disappears with time, your vet may prescribe medical shampoo along with an antiparasitic to help clear the infestation. If your pet is suffering from generalized mange, a vet will often suggest an amitraz bath. This antiparasitic can help relieve symptoms, but also has a number of adverse side effects. As many animals suffer from a chronic form of demodicosis, the products that are usually used to treat animals are mainly designed to relieve symptoms. The actual cause of the condition is normally attributed to a compromised immune system. It’s important not to interrupt treatment once started, and to check your pet regularly to make sure that the number of mites has decreased. Because preventing demodectic mange is fairly difficult, it’s important to make sure your pet has a great quality of life: healthy diet, daily exercise, and lots of love and attention. Finally, it’s important to reiterate that if you have any doubts or concerns about your dog, your vet is always the best person to talk to.It might interest you...
Aspiration, apprehension and uncertainty: Navigating pathways of career choices Life is a continuous process of learning. From infant and toddler to old age, interaction with wider community shapes one’s mental formation and conduct. Choosing a career, an
Aspiration, apprehension and uncertainty: Navigating pathways of career choices Life is a continuous process of learning. From infant and toddler to old age, interaction with wider community shapes one’s mental formation and conduct. Choosing a career, an occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person’s life, therefore forms the central part of our everyday lives. Understandably, making a career choice is important for following two reasons: - Amount of time spent: Having chosen a job, a person spends majority of his or her time, not less than 8 hours (0900 hrs – 1700 hrs) a day, minimum 5 days a week doing work related to the career so chosen; and - Preciousness of human life: Rare does ‘a blind turtle living at the ocean floor, which surfaces for air once every 100 years is able to pop its head through the hole of one holed yoke, tossed about by wind and currents.’ Even rarer is the possibility to get a human life form (The Thirty Seven Practices of Bodhisattva Way of Life’). Significant period of life one would spend coupled with rarity of being born as a human, make making a career choice all the more important for it would determine one’s course of life – peace, happiness, productivity and fulfilment. The pathways to career choice, however is not a plain sailing. And, decisions one takes may lead to agony, desp
Good Sources Of Vitamin D From about late March/early April to the end of September, most people should be able to make all the vitamin D they need from sunlight. The body creates vitamin D from direct sunlight on the skin when outdoors.
Good Sources Of Vitamin D From about late March/early April to the end of September, most people should be able to make all the vitamin D they need from sunlight. The body creates vitamin D from direct sunlight on the skin when outdoors. But between October and early March we do not make enough vitamin D from sunlight. Read more about vitamin D and sunlight. Vitamin D is also found in a small number of foods. - fortified foods such as some fat spreads and breakfast cereals Another source of vitamin D is dietary supplements. In the UK, cows’ milk is generally not a good source of vitamin D because it is not fortified, as it is in some other countries. Are You At Risk For These Common Nutrient Deficiencies Yet very few foods have enough vitamin D to reach recommended daily intakes, and sunshine can be unreliable in certain climates. Men and women relying on sourcing vitamin D through diet alone typically dont exceed 288 IU a day on average. Even drinking an 8-ounce glass of milk will only get you 100 IU one-sixth the amount that many adults need daily. But when supplements are added, they get closer to the 600 IU goal. Consider this: Women between ages 51 and 70, who averaged 156 IU through the diet-only approach, reached 404 IU with the help of supplements. How Is Osteomalacia Treated Patients who have osteomalacia can take vitamin D, calcium or phosphate supplements, depending on the individual case. For instance, people with intestinal malabsorption may need to take larger quantities of vitamin D and calcium. Other treatments to relieve or correct osteomalacia symptoms may include: - Wearing braces to reduce or prevent bone irregularities - Surgery to correct bone deformities - Adequate exposure to sunlight Don’t Miss: Is It Safe To Take Vitamin D When Is The Best Time To Take Vitamins While these nutrients are found in varying amounts in food, some people need to supplement with certain vitamins to meet their nutritional requirements. Normally, most vitamins can be taken at any time of day. That said, some vitamins are better absorbed under special conditions, which is why its good to know how and when to take a supplement to promote optimal absorption. This article explains how and when to take vitamins. What About Children Babies And Pregnant Women The advice is: - breastfed babies from birth to one year old should be given a daily supplement of 8.5 to 10 micrograms of vitamin D to make sure they get enough - formula-fed babies should not be given a supplement until they are having less than 500ml of infant formula a day, because formula contains vitamin D - children aged one to four should be given a daily supplement of 10 micrograms The dose for adults applies to pregnant and breastfeeding women. A higher dose may be recommended for pregnant women with dark skin or with high-risk pregnancies. You May Like: Do Vitamin D Supplements Help With Depression Why Is Vitamin D So Important For Your Health Internal Medicine World Report Vitamin D is one of the most important vitamins for our overall health, but many people in the United States, as well as worldwide, are not getting enough of this vitamin. And the only way to know if you’re getting enough of this vitamin is by doing an expensive test. And everyday it seems, new studies show new reasons why this vitamin is so important to our health. Although vitamin D can be stored in your body fat until it is needed, the problem is that it’s not so easy to get enough vitamin D into your body. The main job of vitamin D is to keep the right amount of calcium and phosphorus in your blood?these are the 2 nutrients that work together to make your bones strong. If you don’t have vitamin D in your body, only a small amount of the calcium from your diet can be absorbed by your body, and only a little more than half of phosphorus is absorbed. Without enough calcium and phosphorus being absorbed in your body, your bones would become brittle and break easily. Until recently, experts believed that the main role of vitamin D was to keep our bones healthy and prevent them from breaking up. But new research has shown many other reasons why this vitamin is so important for our health. Incorporating It Into Your Morning Many people prefer to take supplements such as vitamin D first thing in the morning. Not only is it often more convenient, but its also easier to remember your vitamins in the morning than later in the day. This is especially true if youre taking multiple supplements, as it can be challenging to stagger supplements or medications throughout the day. For this reason, it may be best to get in the habit of taking your vitamin D supplement with a healthy breakfast. Using a pillbox, setting an alarm or storing your supplements near your dining table are a few simple strategies to remind you to take your vitamin D. Some people may find that taking vitamin D first thing in the morning is more convenient and easier to remember than taking it later on. Also Check: What Vitamins Are Good For Acne If You
The West Nile Virus is a flavivirus that infects the central nervous system and may cause inflammation of the brain, lining of the brain and spinal cord. The first case of West Nile in a horse was reported in Queens, New York in
The West Nile Virus is a flavivirus that infects the central nervous system and may cause inflammation of the brain, lining of the brain and spinal cord. The first case of West Nile in a horse was reported in Queens, New York in 1999. Since then all but Alaska, Maine and Hawaii have reported cases of WNV. West Nile must be inside a host to replicate. Mosquitoes infect birds, the infected birds are fed on by more mosquitoes, and those mosquitoes then feed on and infect a horse. There are numerous symptoms of West Nile in horses. The horse may have a combination of symptoms or show none at all. It typically takes 5 to 15 days to show signs of West Nile. The West Nile Virus can look like Eastern equine encephalitis, equine protozoal, myeloencephalitis, equine herpesvirus-1, Rabies, botulism, EPM and other neurological illnesses. Below are the most common symptoms that may show if your horse has contracted WNV - Lack of coordination - Lack of appetite - Weakness in the hind end - Droopy lip (paralysis of lower lip) - Disorientation, circling, or wandering - Inability to swallow - Muscle twitching - Excessive sweating - Partial or total paralysis What should you do if you suspect the disease? If infection is suspected, it is imperative that you have a veterinarian out as soon as possible! Your veterinarian will test to confirm that you are dealing with West Nile as many of the symptoms closely resemble other equine neurological diseases. Wha
Losing weight is a perpetual concern for many people, especially for mature-aged adults. One reason is because of the natural slowing down of their metabolism. Metabolism, or your metabolic rate, refers to the set of chemical reactions responsible for the
Losing weight is a perpetual concern for many people, especially for mature-aged adults. One reason is because of the natural slowing down of their metabolism. Metabolism, or your metabolic rate, refers to the set of chemical reactions responsible for the breaking down and creation of energy that sustains life. It is the rate that the body burns calories, and therefore, plays a major role in weight management or weight loss. As we age, we tend to gain more fat and lose muscles in our bodies. This is mostly because we do less of the activities that burn energy, we are simply less active than we used to be. Muscle cells require more energy than fat cells because muscle cells are ‘active’ cells to a degree even when idle. Fat cells however are mostly inert and are simply for storage. People with more muscle in their bodies, therefore, have a faster metabolism, and with more fat cells, the slower the metabolism gets. To lose weight, having a faster metabolism will be more advantageous for most people. However, metabolism is complex, and it can be partly attributed to genetic makeup. In other words, it’s not always totally up to the actions of the individual, and some people can be lucky in naturally having a faster metabolism. Fortunately, that’s not the only way the body burns calories. A healthy lifestyle and regular exercise can also help boost metabolism. There are also alternative and natural ways to boost it aside from exercise. Eat Only Nutrition-Rich Calories Although it might seem counterintuitive, eating less in a day than you’re used to does not necessarily result in weight loss. What matters greatly is the type of food you consume, and even when you eat it. Being more mindful of what you eat can significantly contribute to a faster metabolism. More proteins and healthy fats will help speed up your metabolism. Eating turkey, fish, eggs, nuts, white meat, and lean beef could boost your metabolism and aid in weight loss. Ensuring an adequate fasting period every day, at least between the evening meal and breakfast, will allow the body to move excess glucose from the blood. This is essential for weight management and preventing obesity and conditions such as type 2 diabetes. Get Enough Sleep Getting at least 7-8 hours of daily sleep every night is very important as a consistent lack of sleep impacts hormone balance, metabolism, energy levels and much more. If you do not have enough sleep and feel fatigued, the brain interprets this as needing more food energy, and the body will release ghrelin hormones and cause hunger pangs. Notice that when you’re sleepy, you tend to snack unhealthily and be less mindful of what you eat? It’s to compensate for the tiredness or grogginess you are feeling, but unfortunately the types of food you crave usually make the problem worse. Our stress levels also affect our hormones and in turn, our metabolism. When we are stressed, hormones are released including cortisol. This triggers insulin release, contributing to more hunger and causing a disordered way of eating. Try to lessen your stress levels to help your body achieve balance and a higher metabolic rate. Exercise is without a doubt very effective in terms of naturally boosting metabolism. As muscle cells contribute to the hastening of our metabolism, building muscles through exercise, especially strength training, can help the body maintain a faster metabolism even in late adulthood. A regular exercise routine, especially resistance training, help to counteract the effects of later adulthood (that of losing muscle mass) and maintain if not build stronger muscles that contribute to a healthy and fast metabolism. Drink Enough Water For the body to burn enough calories, proper hydration is a must. Metabolism slows down even at the slightest sign of dehydration, as a protective device. The recommended number of glasses in a day is eight, and drinking much less than that can slow down the metabolism unnecessarily.
A small step into Sustainable Fashion Posted by Mirela Mendoza on Lately, I've been wondering a lot about what our impact on the planet is. I'm an advocate for nature and it's beauty, but I can't
A small step into Sustainable Fashion Posted by Mirela Mendoza on Lately, I've been wondering a lot about what our impact on the planet is. I'm an advocate for nature and it's beauty, but I can't help but wonder how much damage we are causing it by abusing its resources without thinking about the future. We don't have a Planet B, and for me, it's important that my kids can enjoy the same beauty and natural resources that my generation took for granted. As a fashion lover, one of the most heartbreaking things is learning how this industry is one of the most polluting in the world, and how many natural resources it consumes in the process of making a piece of clothing. From the cultivation of more friendly materials to reducing the residues of dye and fibers that end up in the oceans, there needs to be a big change in the fashion industry. The good news is there's an alternative and as consumers and fashionistas, we can be a big part of it. Have you heard about Sustainable Fashion? This concept is part of the growing design philosophy and sustainability trend: We can be more friendly with our planet in the way we eat, move around and dress! "Sustainable fashion can be defined as clothing, shoes, and accessories that are manufactured, marketed, and used in the most sustainable manner possible, taking into account both environmental and socio-economic aspects". - Green Strategy It's socially good, planet-friendly, and cruelty-free. The fashion industry is a big part of the problem. For example, we make 400 billion mt2 of textiles annually. But about 60 billion mt2 of those are from cutting room floor waste (1). That's almost 15% of the textiles that are made, and they are not even turned into clothes, just directly thrown away! Our favorite brands must know this is not acceptable for us, and start making changes in the way they find their materials and how they are sewn to reduce their impact on the planet. As consumers, it is important to become aware of the power we have in putting pressure on companies to be sustainable, but also into making small changes ourselves. Heather Knight, from Fashion Revolution, has some uncomfortable numbers: "We spend less on clothes than ever before we also buy more clothes than we used. As a society, we purchase 400% more clothing today than we did just 20 years ago". Think about how fashion 50 years ago was much more sustainable. People used to have fewer pieces, but they were made to fit, with fabrics of high quality and designed in a very versatile way that allowed people to style it in different ways. Being more sustainable in fashion doesn't necessarily mean that you'll have to stop purchasing from your favorite brand or limiting your choices in terms of trends. And it definitely doesn't mean you'll have to go over your budget to find a sustainable piece of clothing. You may be thinking, what is the fashion equivalent of a metal straw? How can we be more sustainable as fashion enthusiasts? "Buy less, choose well, make it last" It's easy to fall in love with a piece or a collection, then go rushing to the store because you need to have it in your closet. Stop for a minute and really consider, "how many times will I wear this dress?". If the answer is less than 10, it's not a smart purchase. Avoid impulse shopping or you will end up with that one item you know is going to fall out of fashion in no time. Rather look for unique pieces you'll want to style in hundreds of ways and keep forever as an essential piece for your wardrobe. Make your clothes last longer A small rip or hole can be fixed in no time, missing buttons are super easy to sew. If you don't know how to do it yourself, find a tailor. Tailoring it’s a great option if you need a small repair or resizing your favorite jeans. Looking after our clothes and making them last a year or two longer is a small and satisfying change we can all make. And by having to replace things less often, you'll be saving money! Question your favorite brands You may feel overwhelmed about where to start buying more sustainable clothing, but it doesn't have to be that hard. Knowing the origin of a piece and how it reaches its final product is a good starting point. How can you know if a brand is aligned with your values? Ask! Today, more than ever, we have a direct channel to start a conversation with our favorite brands:
First developed in 1993 by NASCA and included in some of the very first browsers like Mosaic, Netscape and Mozilla, JS has an illustrious history within the development of the World Wide Web, and it could be argued that it
First developed in 1993 by NASCA and included in some of the very first browsers like Mosaic, Netscape and Mozilla, JS has an illustrious history within the development of the World Wide Web, and it could be argued that it is one of the most important development languages around. So, it was with some interest that Microsoft announced that Excel, the ubiquitous spreadsheet tool, was to have JS support. But what exactly does this mean, and why are some people worried by it? Firstly, the integration of JS into Excel means that a whole host of new functions can be added. Whilst most people use Excel for simply running the household finances or keeping track of things at work, it is actually a powerful and flexible tool, with a huge range of uses. The addition of JS means that users are able to write custom functions, whether that be to import bank feeds directly, stream live data or code complex maths operations. It makes what is already a powerful program much, much more powerful. There are some wonderful examples of Excel errors, some both famous and costly, but the fear is that these simple mistakes could be overtaken by a more nefarious style of attack. One particular security researcher recently posted on Twitter that he had already managed to get the Coinhive attack (a bug that secretly utilises your CPU to mine cryptocurrency when certain websites are visited) to run through a custom JS function, and whilst this version of Excel is currently only in private Beta testing, it points the way of things to come. So, despite the obvious benefits of having JS enabled Excel running on your machines either at home or at work, be careful out there, and make sure you’re both keeping your antivirus definitions up to date and not using compromised libraries online.
The Virgin Galactic is Richard Branson’s attempt at bringing us commercial space flight, and it has just completed it’s first test flight. The Virgin Galactic was carried with its unique twin fuselage carrier aircraft for a test flight which lasted two hours and
The Virgin Galactic is Richard Branson’s attempt at bringing us commercial space flight, and it has just completed it’s first test flight. The Virgin Galactic was carried with its unique twin fuselage carrier aircraft for a test flight which lasted two hours and fifty four minutes. This is the first stage in the testing of this commercial spacecraft, it will then fly as a glider and when these tests are complete it will fly under rocket power. “The captive carry flight signifies the start of what we believe will be extremely exciting and successful spaceship flight test program,” said Burt Rutan, founder of Scaled Composites, which built the spacecraft. The test flight reached an altitude of 45,000 feet and then returned to the Mojave Air and Space port. The Virgin Galactic will need to be taken to 60,000 feet before it
Natural Awakenings Magazine article by Craig Healthy food makes a healthy human “Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food.” Hippocrates Air, water, food and exercise: There are four things that humans cannot survive without–
Natural Awakenings Magazine article by Craig Healthy food makes a healthy human “Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food.” Hippocrates Air, water, food and exercise: There are four things that humans cannot survive without–clean air, pure water, nutritious food and rigorous exercise. Without these, the body soon becomes unhealthy, tired and diseased. For optimal health, we must choose to eat healthy food every time we eat. It is impossible to maintain a healthy body without sufficient nutritious food. (1) Raw and natural foods Natural foods are best eaten straight out of the ground or picked fresh off the tree or vine. Eating an apple that is alive and vibrant with enzymes, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients brings with it the sustenance necessary for proper digestion, cellular support, a healthy immune system and even good neurological function. (2) Unfortunately, natural food choices in America today are somewhat limited. “Natural foods” are organic foods that are unprocessed and untampered with by production farming techniques. Natural foods contain no processing additives such as artificial colors, flavors and preservatives. Typically the fresh produce, fresh meats and dairy products are on the outer edges of the grocery store while the highly processed foods dominate the center aisles. In the Patagonia of Argentina, the fruit is so healthy that they do not need to use pesticides to protect crops from pests. This is because bugs and parasites there prey mainly on weak and damaged fruit. I was in the Patagonia in the early 2000s at the same time that a US government agriculture research team was there investigating the natural immunity of the local fruit and its effect on the local population. When native Argentineans eat this healthy fruit that has natural resistance to insects, the immunity and resistance properties in the fruit are transferred to the person eating it. However, organic farms and organically-grown gardens in America do have problems with pests. In order to remain organic no man-made and chemical products are permitted in raising animals or growing fruits and vegetables. When pest problem arise some of the natural solutions for insect control on plants and animals include applying diatomaceous earth. To protect the garden and orchard boiled cedar tree limb spray, applying organic milk as a fungicide and other natural remedies can be used. This prevents man-made chemicals and toxins from entering the food chain. Buying or growing, preparing and eating healthy foods is a commitment to healthy living as we daily make different choices from the standard fare. Preparation of natural snacks and meals takes more forethought and planning than running to the local Burger Barn for today’s ubiquitous fast food. Insuring optimal freshness and nutrition requires extra trips to the store and knowledge of preservation techniques. Healthy living gets easier The good news is that once we’ve established better habits of health eating with natural foods, it becomes about as easy to eat healthily as to eat unhealthily. It’s more about opening your eyes to seasonal and creative choices. For in between meal snacking, for example, bulk dehydrated fruits are a good choice. Keeping bowls of apples, oranges, bananas and other favorite fruits handy for snacking also prevents reaching for the packaged snacks. Other options include hard-boiled eggs kept in the refrigerator and a supply of various raw veggies, hummus and yogurt dips and nuts. All of these are easy to have on hand. In the end, eating natural foods is worth it. According to an article in the Wall Street Journal3 over 95% of all medical expenses (over 2 trillion dollars annually) is spent on disease after it has already occurred. In September 2004 The Lancet mentions studies in 52 countries of men and women on six co
Easter Island is 165 square kilometers with a population of approximately 3,000 inhabitants and tourists (information on the island of Rapa Nui) locals. Here are the platforms with the statues… On Easter Island, you can find around
Easter Island is 165 square kilometers with a population of approximately 3,000 inhabitants and tourists (information on the island of Rapa Nui) locals. Here are the platforms with the statues… On Easter Island, you can find around 160 stone statues (in the local Rapanui language called moai). However, they are only those that were brought to the coast of
15 Best Healthy Foods for Kids Parents face the challenge of feeding healthy food to their kids almost every single day. The temperament of kids varies, and they are more inclined to follow the habits of their peers at home and school. The situation is
15 Best Healthy Foods for Kids Parents face the challenge of feeding healthy food to their kids almost every single day. The temperament of kids varies, and they are more inclined to follow the habits of their peers at home and school. The situation is worse for kids of working parents, as their diet mostly consists of convenience or take away food. Besides, friends and tv commercials add to the temptations of having junk food. Video: 10 Healthy Foods For Kids (Plus Tips to Encourage Healthy Eating Habits) How Does Healthy Food Benefit Your Child? To get brief information on the different foods groups and their benefits, consider the following healthy food chart for kids: |Nutritious Food Groups||Advantages| |Bread, Cereals and Potatoes||These are starchy foods, including rice and pasta. They provide energy, fibre, vitamins and minerals.| |Fruits and Vegetables||These are a good source of antioxidants and provide fibre, vitamins and minerals.| |Milk and Dairy foods|| Calcium – for healthy bones and teeth Protein – for growth Vitamins and Minerals. |Meat, Fish and alternatives||These foods, including eggs and pulses, provide iron, protein, fibre, vitamins and minerals.| List of Top 15 Healthy Foods for Kids Here’s a list of the top 15 healthy foods, which you should consider including in your child’s diet. Flax seeds are packed with omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for the development of the brain. You may get it in whole or ground form. Research suggests that the ground form of flaxseed is easier for the body to absorb. You may sprinkle the powdered flax seed onto cereals or batter of desserts. You can replace 1/4th of the flour with this ground flaxseed during the preparation of muffins, bread and pancakes to add a healthy boost to the baked goodies. 2. Cottage Cheese Cottage cheese is an excellent and one of the tastiest sources of calcium, vitamin A and B, and protein. Calcium is extremely necessary for children in their early years to build strong and healthy bones and teeth. An ideal calcium build-up also prevents osteoporosis and certain cancers. You can add this wonder food to your child’s lunch, breakfast and dinner recipes. You can use it in wraps, paranthas, burgers, etc. 3. Sweet Potato Sweet potatoes are natural sweeteners and are known to be one of the favourite healthy food for toddlers and babies. They tend to be given less preference as the kid starts getting older. You should continue to feed your kids this nutritious vegetable in a way that they are tempted to have it more. You can bake the sweet potato and serve it with toppings of vanilla yoghurt or cinnamon sugar. You may even coat it with applesauce or maple syrup. Yoghurt contains plenty of probiotics, commonly known as good bacteria. Yoghurt helps to keep the little stomachs happy as well as healthy. It is best to choose the full-fat yoghurt for their healthy growth rather than low-fat yoghurt or the sugary versions and scoop them up with a spoonful of honey or some fresh fruits. Often, yoghurts provide more calcium as compared to milk. Hummus can be a perfectly healthy dip or spread, as it is made from chickpeas. It has proteins, complex carbs and fibre, which helps to keep your little one content and fuelled for the day. You can serve it as a dip with baby carrots or baked pita chips or substitute it for mayonnaise on sandwiches and wraps. Salmon is the best source of high-quality protein required for the proper growth of children. Besides, it has plenty of omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for the development of the brain and a healthy heart. A plus point about salmon is that it contains a natural flavour and requires minimal seasoning. So, you can bake or grill it for a few minutes, and it is ready to be served. Avocado provides a plethora of monounsaturated fats, the ‘good’ fats, which young kids should consume in their everyday diet. Besides, ripe avocado is perfect baby food and can be given to the baby directly, removing the peel. A ripe avocado can be easily mashed with a fork. For young kids who develop food choices, you can make them eat it in the form of a spread on wraps or sandwiches, instead of the traditional mayonnaise or cream cheese. Mix the mashed avocado with a spoonful of lemon juice and salt, and your dip is ready. Mangoes are generally in the good books of kids, and most of them love having it in all forms. It is a rich source of vitamin C and fibre and is highly beneficial for the kids as it strengthens their immunity and helps to keep their gums and teeth healthy. To add to the list of fun and nutritional delicacies for your kids, you can also serve mango in the form of smoothies or pudding. Eggs are a rich source of protein and DHA, which helps in the development of the child’s brain. Berries contain high amounts of vitamins and antioxidants, which are beneficial to the child for his overall health. Legumes are one of the best sources of protein and are full of fibre, and they aid in digestion. These include beans, black-eyed peas and chickpeas. 12. Whole Grains Whole grains are a plethora of nutrients that include fibre, protein, B vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. These are beneficial in reducing the ris
I wonder if you have noticed that in the diet adjustment for almost all diseases, the “no spicy and stimulating diet” may be mentioned. It flashes into various health books like a golden rule. Strangely, few people explain why? Are
I wonder if you have noticed that in the diet adjustment for almost all diseases, the “no spicy and stimulating diet” may be mentioned. It flashes into various health books like a golden rule. Strangely, few people explain why? Are we too nervous about taboo spicy food? Is there any scientific basis for taboo spicy food after illness? Is spicy what? Xin is a pictographic character. In oracle bone inscriptions, it is like a punishment knife, meaning [great crime]. In ancient prose, there are such statements as [Xin is very spicy], [Jiangnan is spicy, China is Xin], etc. In other words, Spicy is spicy. Speaking of spicy, The first thing people think about is chili. Interestingly, Pepper is imported. Pepper has entered Chinese recipes as an ingredient. It was also after the end of the Ming Dynasty. If you have seen chili in costume dramas before the Ming Dynasty, The screenwriter should be spanked. However, In ancient China, there were many ingredients that could also cause spicy taste. Mainly onion, leek, polygonum, artemisia, mustard, They are collectively referred to as five pungent foods. Spicy food in a broad sense, Including chili, prickly ash, mustard, pepper, scallion and ginger. Speaking of spicy food, The first thing you think about is probably spicy. However, Spicy is not a taste, It’s a pain experience. Spicy food makes people feel hot, It is because capsaicin in food can bind to capsaicin receptors in oral cavity, throat and other parts. When this receptor is activated, This receptor can also be activated by hot water at temperatures above 43 degrees Celsius. This is also one of the reasons why hot water burns your mouth. After eating chili, drinking hot water to relieve it will only aggravate the burning feeling. Capsaicin is a fat-soluble substance, and eating a mouthful of foods with high fat content (such as fat meat) at this time will help relieve the burning feeling. Is spicy meaningful in what? Let’s take chili as an example. For many people, The sensation of chili, It is a low-risk pain experience, which can stimulate the brain to produce endorphins and other substances, but cause pleasant feelings, which is also an explanation of [no spicy or unpleasant]. In different food cultures around the country, the selection of various spicy ingredients also constructs individual dietary preferences. For example, many northern provinces eat scallion and garlic raw. Guizhou and Sichuan provinces, Professor Lan Yong of Southwest Normal University has studied the geographical distribution and causes of spicy taste in Chinese diet. He found that the upper reaches of the Yangtze River are heavy spicy areas,
The following article originally appeared in a print edition of 'Aluminium Today.' You can also click here to read it. Increased recycled aluminium demand has led to new aluminium-rolling capacity in the U.S. to supply the growing metal packaging industry.
The following article originally appeared in a print edition of 'Aluminium Today.' You can also click here to read it. Increased recycled aluminium demand has led to new aluminium-rolling capacity in the U.S. to supply the growing metal packaging industry. For instance, Novelis Inc. recently broke ground and began construction on its $2.5 billion recycling and rolling plant in Bay Minette, Alabama. Steel Dynamics Inc announced plans to build a recycled aluminium flat-rolled mill in Columbus, Mississippi. The strong global aluminium packaging recycling rates drive the increased recycling capacity. According to Ball Corporation, the global recycling rate for aluminium beverage cans stands at 70%. Increasingly, leading industry bodies are establishing greater recycling goals. In fact, European Aluminium and Metal Packaging Europe launched a joint roadmap towards achieving 100% aluminium beverage can recycling by 2030. Comparatively, plastic packaging’s recycling rate stands at 8.7%, a statistic published by the Environmental Protection Agency and last updated for 2018. Compared to aluminium, plastic bottles, jars and other similar hard-to-collect, sort and recycle articles have a much lower recycling rate. Overall, aluminium’s homogenous material enables better recycling than plastics’ multi-layered and varied packaging. Global aluminium packaging recycling also aligns with consumer demand. A recent global consumer survey reveals a market opportunity for household and personal care brands to diversify their packaging mix with aluminium to meet today’s consumers’ sustainability preferences and enable a circular economy. In response to greater consumer awareness of the environmental footprint of packaging, continued investor interest and innovations in metal packaging, major consumer packaged goods (CPG) brands are shifting to metal packaging. Coatings play a significant role in this transition. Enabling circulatory and lightweight packaging The Aluminum Association estimates that almost 75% of all aluminium produced in the U.S. is still in use today and that recycled aluminium saves 95% of the energy needed to make new aluminium. In addition, Metal Packaging Europe reports that no other beverage packaging can reach such high recycling rates while using so little primary material, resulting in product circularity and carbon emissions reductions. Additionally, more brands are shifting their primary packaging to post-consumer recycled (PCR) content. While PCR offers environmental and economic advantages that support a circular economy, coatings innovation remains at the forefront of enabling even greater incorporation of recycled content into aluminium packaging. P
A common misconception when it comes to fasting is that it would have a negative impact on our BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) which in simpler terms is an estimate of how many calories your body burns in it’s rested state. The number
A common misconception when it comes to fasting is that it would have a negative impact on our BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) which in simpler terms is an estimate of how many calories your body burns in it’s rested state. The number represents how much energy your body requires for its basic functioning, such as breathing and keeping your heart beating. It’s common for people to calculate their BMR using different calculators on the web when they’re planning on restricting their calories, as to know how many calories to cut from their diet. A problem however when people start cutting calories heavily and go way below their BMR is that the body adapts to this change, actually lowering their basal metabolic rate. Contrary to popular belief, fasting does not. But more on that later. Why is BMR interesting to us? Our BMR makes up for the largest part of our energy consumption. The conception that fasting would put is in a “starvation”-mode that would lower our BMR is wide-spread and as the latest research have shown, completely false. If you put your body in a state in which it slows down metabolism, you’ll end up with less overall energy and your weight loss will slow down. Fasting and BMR Dr. Jason Fung is a prominent figure when it comes to research about fasting. He has been propagating it as a method for his patients suffering with diabetes for keeping their diabetes in check, and been working with fasting for a long time. He’s done a ton of research in the area and is usually the first source to encounter when getting into the subject. I’d recommend reading his book The Obesity Code if you are interested in getting down into the science, all explained in simple terms. In his book he explains what happens when you go on a caloric deficit. Basically your body will slow down your metabolism to save energy as it recognizes a deficit in the amount of energy your are consuming through eating. It also has a harder time accessing fat because of the insulin spikes caused by eating a diet consisting of carbohydrates (especially sugar). However, if you are fasting or eating a low-carb diet, your body will turn into a state called ketosis in which is will start pulling fat out of your fat cells and turn it into energy. As this does not spike your insulin, fasting or a low-carb diet has no reason to cause a lower metabolism as the body can always pull more energy from fat, eaten or as in a fasting state: from your body. Fasting actually increases your BMR A surprising fact about fasting is that it not only doesn’t slow down your metabolism, but is actually believed to increase your BMR the first 3 days. This claim requires more research to be completely proven, but Dr. Jason Fungs patients who have done fasts and been tested along the way have actually shown an increase in BMR. In conclusion, fasting won’t slow down your metabolism as it puts you into a state of ketosis – which gives your body energy from your body fat in a steady rate. Avoiding insulin spikes and dips, which for all we know causes your body to slow down your metabolism. Fasting may also increase your BMR, making you burn fat as your fuel at an even higher rate. A win-win situation if I’ve ever seen one.
My First Kumon Workbooks are a wonderful resource for use with preschoolers through Kindergarten. Affiliate links are used on this website. Please see our disclosure policy for more details. My First Kumon Workbooks At a Glance…
My First Kumon Workbooks are a wonderful resource for use with preschoolers through Kindergarten. Affiliate links are used on this website. Please see our disclosure policy for more details. My First Kumon Workbooks At a Glance…. Grade level: 2-6 years old Use as: supplement Instruction time: low Prep time: low Cost: $7-$9 per workbook Kumon workbooks are based on a method created by, Toru Kumon, who originally developed these books to help his own son. The Kumon method promises success by allowing children to master skills in small bites. About My First Kumon Workbooks The workbooks are designed as a supplement to a child’s regular curriculum. They are divided into several short lessons that should take no more than twenty minutes to complete. Kumon is full of colorful assignments that will surely engage your child. In the beginning of the book there are clear instructions on how to proceed with the lessons. The lessons are step by step and move at a fairly slow rate to encourage true mastery of the topic. Book Topics of My First Kumon Workbooks Topics for the age group of 2-6 years old include: - Uppercase Letters (ages 3-5) - Lowercase Letters (ages 4-6) - Coloring (ages 2-4) - Cutting (ages 3-5) - Pasting (ages 4-6) - Tracing (ages 2-4) - Learning with Crayons (ages 2-4) - Mazes (ages 3-5) - Numbers 1-10 (ages 2-4) - Numbers 1-120 (ages 4-6) About My First Kumon Letters Workbooks I purchased the workbooks based on letters, cutting and pasting for my four year old. The letters workbooks focus primarily on letter formation. The letters the child practices on are nice large letters contained in box to make it easy to see and follow. There is a logical progression of practicing letters from straight lines then leading up to letters with curved lines. My daughter loved this colorful workbook and asked me to get it out daily. The size of the letters made it easy to practice and gave her confidence when writing her letters. About My First Kumon Cutting and Pasting Workbooks Is there a preschooler who doesn’t love to cut and paste? The workbooks, My First Book of Cutting and My First Book of Pasting, were a huge hit! The books are filled with colorful illustrations that beg to be worked with. Again, each lesson is fashioned in logical order from easy to do to more challenging assignments. With each lesson her confidence and enthusiasm grew! I had to stop her from doing the whole workbook in one day. Even my older kids found the books engaging and wanted to help their little sister out. If you are looking for a supplement or some fun activities for your preschooler, I encourage you to give Kumon a try. Kumon books are carried at local book stores and online at The workbooks range in age level so be sure to check out books for your older students, I know I am. More Preschool Resources - The Ultimate Guide to Homeschool Preschool Curriculum Choice - Bob Books for the Beginning Reader - Handwriting Without Tears: Hands-on Materials - The Montessori Homeschool - Have you heard about eeBoo? - Sonlight Preschool Originally published September 2009, written by Richele, classical and Charlotte Mason inspired, homeschooling mom, to four reflections of God’s love. I love these workbooks for my little ones that want to “do school”. I’ve used them for my past 2 little ones and they are great colorful ways to occupy them at the table or desk with siblings. We like the cutting, pasting and folding books the best! We also love these books. My daughter’s favorite are the Easy Crafts and Amazing Crafts books. She loves being able to cut out and create fun new things to play with– and I love being able to just toss them after a while without feeling guilty!! 🙂 The only books I don’t like are the handwriting books. They do not teach continuous stroke handwriting– there is a lot of pencil lifting in their writing. It makes the cursive transition very difficult and I think it actual makes independent writing more difficult as well. Besides that, we love these books! .-= Melissa´s last blog..Painting with Marbles and Hands =-. I’ve heard of these but never actually used them. I think they would be great for my almost 3 year old. .-= Kristen´s last blog..Weekly Wrap Up (9/26/09) =-.
What is Modal Analysis? Modal Analysis is the study (analysis) of the dynamic behavior (dynamic analysis) of the piping or pipeline system and is used to find the natural frequencies of vibration for the concerned structural system. Different modes of vibration (v
What is Modal Analysis? Modal Analysis is the study (analysis) of the dynamic behavior (dynamic analysis) of the piping or pipeline system and is used to find the natural frequencies of vibration for the concerned structural system. Different modes of vibration (vibration characteristics) of the analyzed piping system is determined using Modal Analysis. The modal analysis helps to show the movement of different parts of the structure under dynamic loading conditions. Why is Modal Analysis Important Modal Analysis provides an overview of the limits of the response of a system. All elements of the piping systems like flanges, valves, pipes, etc have an internal frequency at which they vibrate naturally. At this frequency, the components will allow an energy transfer from one form to another with minimal loss. When this frequency reaches the “resonant frequency,” the system amplitude increases to infinity and high vibration is observed. Hence, modal analysis is used to find out all such frequencies so that occurrence of resonance can be prevented. Modal analysis is also known as modal and frequency analysis. Natural frequencies give us an idea of how fast the piping system is going to vibrate. The term natural means, the system is in free motion without any external forces. So by performing modal analysis the following two points are discovered - The natural frequency of the piping system and - The corresponding modes of vibration Criteria for Modal Analysis While performing stress analysis for piping/pipeline systems you might have come across the term two-phase flow. Most of the flowlines are believed to have two-phase flow. Several processes and oil & gas piping systems, too, carry the two-phase flow. Conventionally all two-phase flow (Slug Flow) lines are believed to be vibration-prone. The stress analysis basis or flexibility specification of most of the relevant organizations informs the stress engineers to perform modal analysis for such systems and properly support these lines using hold-downs, guides, and axial stops to reduce the extent of vibration. It is a standard engineering practice to keep the natural frequency of vibration-prone lines in excess of 4 Hz. Now the question is how to calculate the natural frequency or modal frequencies of a complex piping system. The modal analysis module of Caesar II dynamic analysis is also used to calculate the natural frequency of pipe systems connected to compressors and reciprocating pumps. Harmful vibrations will result when the pipe’s natural frequency is close to that of connected rotary equipment. In order to avoid resonance and subsequently fatigue failure, many organizations follow the below-mentioned two criteria while modal analysis - f/fn>1.25 and Here, f=excitation frequency of the rotating equipment and fn=piping natural frequency. Software for Modal Analysis Various software is available in the market to determine modal responses of structures by modal analysis. For piping and pipeline systems modal analysis is performed using the following software - Caesar II - Rohr 2 Out of the above, Caesar II by Hexagon is the most widely used software for modal analysis of Piping Systems. Dynamic Modal Analysis module of Caesar II So, here comes the importance of a Caesar II dynamic module called the Modal analysis module. The complex job of calculating the natural frequency of the piping system becomes very easy with the use of this module. The vibration response or dynamic response of any system can be easily determined using modal analysis. In the actual case, Modal analysis breaks up a complex system into a number of modes of vibration, each of which is having a unique vibration response. This article will elaborate on the steps followed for performing the modal analysis using Caesar II. Modal Analysis Steps in Caesar II To start the modal analysis you must have a stress system. So from the isometric model, the system follows conventional methods and perform the static analysis and make the system safe in all respect with respect to static analysis. Now follow the below-mentioned steps for dynamic Modal analysis: Caesar II Modal Analysis Procedure Click on Analysis-Dynamic Analysis as shown in Fig. 1 to open the dynamic module in Caesar II. It will open the window which is shown in Fig. 2. Now click on Analysis type and select Modal from the drop-down menu. You will get the following window as shown in Fig. 3. You will get four input spreadsheets as lumped masses, snubbers, control parameters, and advanced. Click on Control parameters and it will open the window shown in Fig. 4. Change the frequency cut-off to your desired frequency based on your project specification. If you need to arrest all frequencies below 5 Hz and set that value as 5. The stiffness factor for friction can be used up to a value of 100. However, few organizations prefer not to use friction forces in dynamic analysis so use the stiffness factor as zero. Now select the static load case for which you want to extract the natural frequencies. Normally it is advisable to select the operating temperature case. Run the Modal Analysis Now you are set for analysis, So click on the run button similar to what you do for static analysis. The analysis will extract all the natural frequencies in which the piping system will experience below your cut-off frequency values. Fig. 5 shows such a typical modal run screen. How to interpret Modal Analysis results After the analysis run is complete the output screen will open. Select Natural frequencies to check the extracted natural frequencies of the system. Most of the time we check the animation view to get a feel of the actual vibration process. So select Natural frequencies and then click on the animation button as shown in Fig. 6. In the animation, view and check how the system is experiencing vibration. Accordingly, provide support. Norm
What Are the Significant Features of SAP ABAP? To begin with, SAP ABAP stands for SAP Advanced Business Application and it is the 4th generation programming language. This high-level programming language is useful for customizing the SAP ERP. Various
What Are the Significant Features of SAP ABAP? To begin with, SAP ABAP stands for SAP Advanced Business Application and it is the 4th generation programming language. This high-level programming language is useful for customizing the SAP ERP. Various companies use it to modify SAP submodules like financial accounting, data analysis, HR management, and asset management. Using this module helps in enhancing business processes and operations. SAP ABAP Workbench ABAP Workbench is widely used by SAP for the development of standard custom applications. It helps in creating dictionary objects and has the following components: - ABAP Editor- This component is useful for maintaining programs. - ABAP Dictionary- It helps in maintaining Dictionary objects. - Repository Browser- This is used to display a hierarchical structure of the components in a package. - Menu Painter- It is for developing GUI, including menu bars and toolbars. - Screen Painter- This helps in maintaining screen components for online programs. - Repository Information System- It stores information about development and runtime objects. - Function Builder- It will help you create and maintain function groups and function modules. - Data Modeler- This component of ABAP supports graphical modeling. - Workbench Organizer- It is useful for maintaining multiple development projects that are managed by developers. Features of SAP ABAP ABAP is the core programming language for the SAP ERP software. It is a fourth-generation language, and its syntax is very simple to the COBOL. It is necessary to have knowledge of relational database design and Object-oriented Concepts to create the ABAP programs. Furthermore, it is used along with JAVA for programming the SAP NetWeaver Application Server. It provides both procedural and object-oriented concepts of programming and it is the main technology that ABAP developers work on to develop various SAP applications. In addition, it provides various important features such as data sharing, exception handling, data persistence, enable to make enhancements, etc. Using ABAP allows developers to use ABAP language to make any changes in applications of ERP systems. To further know about these features, one can visit SAP ABAP Online Training. Apart from these, given below are some of the benefits of using ABAP. Given below are some of the significant features of ABAP. - ABAP Debugger- It is a tool useful for performing functional troubleshooting in programs. - Development Guidelines- These are a set of general and ABAP-specific guidelines to help programmers create applications. - Development Tools- They are downloadable plugins that allow programmers to develop ABAP. - Managed Database Procedures- They are a great way to execute complicated code inside a database via stored procedures. - ABAP Unit- It is a testing tool that allows developers to check the functions of code sections. - CDS Views- It allows programmers to take full advantage of the SAP HANA database. - Repository Information System- It helps in searching repository objects and it is accessible via the Object Navigator or t-code SE15. - SAP GUI- This refers to the interface in the presentation layer of applications built with ABAP code that runs on the desktop. - SAP NetWeaver as ABAP- It is a part of the client-server that allows you to create ABAP programs. - Two-Track Method Development- It facilitates the simultaneous development of two versions of a method. Benefits Of Using SAP ABAP Using ABAP is beneficial for developers in developing the SAP R3 Platform. This is a simple language that allows you to learn and program and choose from procedural and object-oriented programming. ABAP is useful in improving SAP-based applications and it facilitates a user to create custom reports and interfaces. It supports logical databases and helps in achieving high-level abstraction from basic database levels. Many institutes provide SAP ABAP Training in Gurgaon and one can enroll in them to start a career in this domain. Below are some of the benefits of using ABAP. - It enables the abstraction of code from a specific database. - ABAP provides an abstraction of SQL syntax that is part of the ABAP language. - ABAP provides security by integrating with SAP NetWeaver’s security infrastructure. - Provides a data dictionary that consists of business logic and is available for ABAP programs in a system. - It provides quality assurance by tracking changes to development objects. ABAP is the 4th generation programming language useful for customizing the SAP ERP. ABAP Workbench is widely used by SAP for the development of standard custom applications. Using it is beneficial for developers in developing the SAP R3 Platform. It is a simple language that allows you to learn and program and choose from procedural and object-oriented programming. It is useful in improving SAP-based applications and it facilitates a user to create custom reports and interfaces. ABAP supports logical databases and helps in achieving high-level abstraction from basic database levels. How to Make Your Business More Cyber Secure A lot of the threats that exist to modern businesses are in the online world. A cyber attack can be hugely damaging – ranging from costing your business time and money to upending everything that you have worked so hard to achieve. However, plenty of means and methods are available to ensure that your business is more cyber secure. The following blog post will look at a few of the key elements that you can look to change in your business and be more protected. Learn About the Main Threats First of all, it will do no harm to learn about a few of the main threats out there and how to reduce your exposure to them. They say that knowledge is power, and this is certainly the case in this area. You can start by looking into a guide to cyber security as a way of finding out where the threats are coming from. Your business may be particularly susceptible to one crime over another, it might also be that one area of your business is more vulnerable than another – so it is worth discovering more so that you put the right security measures in place. Train Employees in Key Areas You should also do more to ensure that your staff members are properly trained as this can go a long way toward making sure that you are keeping the number of threats down to a minimum. After all, it is worth noting that a number of the main threats out there can directly resul
Year 8 Food Technology Year 8 have been learning about food production and what Primary and secondary processing is. Learners identified food products and decided if they were Primary or secondary processed. Addison said “Wheat is turned into flour this
Year 8 Food Technology Year 8 have been learning about food production and what Primary and secondary processing is. Learners identified food products and decided if they were Primary or secondary processed. Addison said “Wheat is turned into flour this is primary processing, and turning the flour into bread is secondary processing”. The learners of group 5 then made handmade burgers using fresh low fat ingredients to make their burgers healthier. Burger king needs to watch out if these burgers are anything to go by. Mr Walker was incredibly impressed by the effort from group 5.
What are Cold-blooded animals? - The animals that are cold-blooded are those who are incapable of controlling their body’s temperature in accordance with temperatures of their environment. - The body temperature is fluctuating as they move through different areas with different
What are Cold-blooded animals? - The animals that are cold-blooded are those who are incapable of controlling their body’s temperature in accordance with temperatures of their environment. - The body temperature is fluctuating as they move through different areas with different temperatures. - Therefore, they don’t maintain the ability to maintain a constant body temperature. Due to this, they are not able to survive in extreme temperatures. - The reptiles that are cold-blooded include amphibians, fishes and invertebrates. They are also known as poikilothermic animals. - The animals that are cold-blooded usually exhibit one or more of the three thermoregulation mechanisms: Poikilothermy, Ectothermy, or Heterothermy. - Poikilothermy is the condition in which the internal temperature of animals may vary, but the temperature of their core is usually exactly the same as the temperature of the surrounding environment. - Ectothermy is the term used to describe the method which animals employ external methods, such as the sun, in order to regulate the body’s temperature. - Heterothermy refers to the method in which the body temperature could change drastically when the animal is moved between different environments. - They have a few mechanisms that allow them to exercise a limited influence over body temperature. The majority use some combination of the above listed three mechanisms of thermoregulation. - As they transition between temperatures the body temperature could change drastically which is why they need to rely more on external factors such as sun and water to regulate your body temperature. - A few examples of this are in crocodiles, lizards, and lizards. remain in the water during the summer months and move to the land via digging pits in order to keep warm during colder seasons. - They are restricted within the aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems due to their dependence on environmental temperature for their metabolic processes. - Poikilotherms are known to have more complicated metabolisms than other species. For one chemical reaction they may have up to 10 different enzyme systems that operate at different temperatures. - In the end, they are more complex in their genome than warm-blooded mammals that are in an ecological space for frogs. - Poikilothermic species do not possess complex organ systems with high energy such as wings or brains because their metabolisms are so varied. Instead, they possess additional adaptations like fish swimming muscles that can be heated through heat exchange. Examples of cold-blooded animals Fish are creatures that are cold-blooded and consequently have a fluctuating body temperature when they move around in environments with various temperatures. The water resources are diverse temperatures at different levels. So, when fish change from one place to another the body temperature changes as well. An abrupt change in environment could trigger major changes in the metabolism, fluid-electrolyte balance, as well as the acid-base relationship in fish. Therefore, they use the physiological and behavioral thermoregulation systems. To attain thermoregulation that is behavioral Fishes are known to travel around in search of waters that are at the appropriate temperatures to ensure their survival. Certain fish species, such as tunas and lamnid sharks possess specialized anatomical features to countercurrent heat exchange, which is a method of conserving the heat within the muscles of the lateral swimming. Though the thermoregulatory systems within a fish are not able to keep the same inner body temperature, it is possible that they may help to anticipate changes in the body that naturally occur with thermal change. Fish that are found in the polar regions produce antifreeze, which reduces the freezing point of body fluid, thereby protecting from the freezing cold of water. Crocodiles are reptiles of cold blood and have a fluctuating body temperature. Crocodiles prefer a body temperature of 30 to 33 degrees Celsius and to attain this temperature, they are able to move between the warm and cold areas of water and land. The animals typically orient themselves so that the majority of their body is in the direction of the sun. However, as their body is getting warmer it turns to face the sun to decrease the amount of heat absorbed by their tiny head. Also, they open their mouths to cool their brain by Evaporative cooling. In this way, they can achieve thermoregulation behavior by taking advantage of their thermal environment. Particularly designed peripheral nerves are found on the skin of the majority of reptiles and can be able to respond to different environmental conditions. What are Warm-blooded animals? - Warm-blooded species are those which can keep an almost constant body temperature, regardless of temperature fluctuations in the surrounding. - Their body temperature stays the same even as the move from place to the next. - Warm-blooded animals possess a variety of internal mechanisms to help them gain warmth in colder environments and cool down in warmer regions. They achieve this by controlling their metabolic rates. - Warm-blooded animals are mainly birds and mammals. They are also known as homeothermic animals. - Animals with warm blood, as well as cold-blooded animals, have distinct mechanisms to regulate temperature; Endothermy and Homeothermy. - Endothermy is the term used to describe the method through which animals regulate their body temperature by internal mechanisms
Things You'll Need Fig trees can be a valuable addition to any home property. Their wide, spreading branches thrive under the right conditions, and can provide shade and bright green foliage. The added benefit of fruit is a further positive for fig lovers
Things You'll Need Fig trees can be a valuable addition to any home property. Their wide, spreading branches thrive under the right conditions, and can provide shade and bright green foliage. The added benefit of fruit is a further positive for fig lovers. But fig trees require some very specific conditions. Without the right care, they might suffer, and present dying wood and browning leaves. Take a couple of steps to bring a suffering fig back to health. Keep your fig in a spot that receives full sunlight. Lack of sun and warmth can cause a fig to die or go dormant. If the fig is in a pot, move it to a sunny location that is also protected from cold winds. If the fig is planted, prune the surrounding vegetation to open the area up for light. Video of the Day Make sure your fig is planted in appropriate soil. Fig trees require quick-draining soil, and will suffer from sitting water. Mix half loam and half compost, and turn the mixture into the top 12 inches of the soil around the base of the fig tree, to give it the foundation it needs. Water the fig tree. Lack of water is the most likely cause for yellow or brown leaves. Water the tree heavily once a week to keep the soil moist but not wet. Never allow the soil to dry completely. Give your fig tree a boost by adding some fertilizer. Give the tree 1 lb. of 8-8-8 fertilizer for every year of age. Fig trees generally require one fertilization ever year. Increase to biannual fertilizations if you're trying to bring a fig back to health. Figs ripen in spring. Fig trees can regenerate from intact roots. The spreading branches and roots of a fig tree can be invasive to sewer systems and driveways. Temperatures of less than 30 degrees can damage fig trees.
What we used to protect the electric circuits from over loading and short circuit? Open in App Verified by Toppr Correct option is C) A fuse is the device to protect the electric circuits from over loading and short circuit. Fuses are
What we used to protect the electric circuits from over loading and short circuit? Open in App Verified by Toppr Correct option is C) A fuse is the device to protect the electric circuits from over loading and short circuit. Fuses are safety devices that are to be built into our electrical system. If there were no fuses and we operated too many appliances on a single circuit, the cable carrying the power for that circuit would get extremely hot, short circuit, and possibly start a fire. To prevent electrical overloads, fuses are designed to trip or blow, stopping the flow of current to the overloaded cable. Fuse is a piece of wire of a material with a very low melting point. When a high current flows through the circuit due to overloading or short circuit, the wires gets heated and melts. As a result, the circuit is broken and current stops flowing. Hence, the fuse element is made of zinc, copper, silver, aluminum, or alloys to provide stable and predictable characteristics. The fuse must always be connected to the mains and it must be of correct value. For exam
Pit bull terriers have a long history of being known as violent dogs. Pit bulls may have the worst reputation of any canine breed. Good Owners Create Good Dogs, Including American Pit Bull Terriers. When raised by conscientious owners, pit
Pit bull terriers have a long history of being known as violent dogs. Pit bulls may have the worst reputation of any canine breed. Good Owners Create Good Dogs, Including American Pit Bull Terriers. When raised by conscientious owners, pit bull terriers make terrific pets for families. Pit bulls are descendants of the English bull-baiting dog, which was trained to bait huge wildlife such as bulls and bears. These smaller, more nimble pit bull terriers were subsequently bred for two distinct purposes. Others were bred as companion animals or for employment. Nope. Even canines employed for fighting had to be manageable by humans; hence, breeding programs did not contain aggressive dogs. It's impossible to predict the personality qualities a puppy will receive, but no breed is universally sweet or dangerous. Moreover, the environment influences a dog's temperament just as much as their genes. Even a dog with a genetic inclination to react to other canines, for instance, can be educated early on to play well with others, so reducing future violence.
OCTOBER 5, 2022 — Editor’s note: This op-ed by Hamid Beladi, Janey S. Briscoe Endowed Chair in Business in the Carlos Alvarez College of Business and Amitrajeet A
OCTOBER 5, 2022 — Editor’s note: This op-ed by Hamid Beladi, Janey S. Briscoe Endowed Chair in Business in the Carlos Alvarez College of Business and Amitrajeet A. Batabya, Arthur J. Gosnell professor of economics at the Rochester Institute of Technology originally appeared in the San Antonio Express-News. Scientists, economists and policymakers throughout the world now agree that climate change is the most serious environmental problem confronting humankind today. Although the long-term changes in temperatures and weather patterns that we are talking about are caused, at least to some extent, by natural forces, there is consensus today that at least since the 1800s, human activities have been the primary factor in making climate change the salient problem that it is today. Burning fossil fuels — examples include coal, oil, and gas — is the main human activity that has contributed to the rise in the Earth’s surface temperature. This generates emissions of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane. Metaphorically speaking, these emissions can be thought of as a blanket that wraps planet Earth, traps the sun’s heat and raises the Earth’s surface temperature. To address this problem, economists and policymakers have generally advocated the use of price (tax) and quantity control (carbon credits) instruments. Efforts have largely been concentrated on creating the right incentives to get people and firms to diminish their use of fossil fuels and move toward renewable energy sources. Occasionally, politicians have even advocated the use of bans to alter human behavior. For instance, California Governor Gavin Newsom recently stated that by 2035, his state would ban the sales of new gasoline powered cars and light trucks. The hope here is that such an act will provide a forceful nudge to state residents to drive more electric vehicles that typically have no tailpipe emissions. Although there is nothing wrong with using price and quantity control instruments to fight climate change, these traditional tools have not done enough to put a dent in the massive problem that confronts us. We seem to hear and see stories about climate devastation almost regularly. In recent times, there have been multiple news reports about record high temperatures in the western states of the U.S., devastating floods in multiple cities in Australia and in large parts of Europe including Germany and the Netherlands, unbearable heatwaves in New Delhi, India, and uncharacteristically high rainfall leading to extensive
What is underpinning and why, when it is required? Underpinning is the process of reinforcing a building or structure’s existing foundation. It usually entails increasing the depth of the foundation or distributing the weight across a larger region. Underpin
What is underpinning and why, when it is required? Underpinning is the process of reinforcing a building or structure’s existing foundation. It usually entails increasing the depth of the foundation or distributing the weight across a larger region. Underpinning is usually a big repair project. Today in this post, we will tell some basics of underpinning and what exactly what is underpinning foundation is. In simple words underpinning is a good mathod repairing and strengthening of a buliding foundation. To know more about it, check on Mainmark Ground Engineering. To select the best solution, you must first analyze the current status and any issues affecting the foundation. Underpinning is the support that a product or service provides for another. It can be thought of as the foundation for the product or why it works. The underpinning makes something work, and it’s often invisible to us when we first encounter something new. Why is Underpinning Required? There are numerous reasons why your home may require underpinning. Subsidence difficulties are frequently involved. Some reasons why underpinning may be required include the following: - A shift in the soil conditions beneath the foundation. - During the design phase, soil properties were not appropriately considered. - The original foundation is no longer appropriate or strong enough. - The construction/repair/excavation of adjacent structures jeopardizes the current foundations. - Additional underground floors will be built. Increasing the Stability of a House's Foundation If you have noticed multiple cracks developing in your house, your foundation may be experiencing major issues. Underpinning is the finest method to restore the strength of your foundation if this is the case. 1. Mass Concrete Underpinning Techniqe This method has been used for almost a century and is still successful, albeit labor-intensive. It entails excavating parts of the space beneath the foundations one at a time and pouring in concrete. Eventually, a whole extra layer of concrete will be added beneath the original foundations, guiding the load to a more secure level. This works best with shallow foundations. Although it takes longer than other procedures, it does not require large machinery. 2. Beam and Base Technique In this method, a reinforced concrete beam is placed, usually beneath the existing foundations, and is supported by a series of mass concrete bases. The weight will be distributed to a firmer subsoil layer if the bases are properly placed. 3. Mini-Piled Technique Mini-piling, perhaps the most prevalent method today, entails auguring or driving slender piles to great depths and securing them at a stable level. This requires specialized equipment and higher technical precision than the concrete mass method. Still, it allows the piles to take advantage of stable levels well below five meters – levels that other underpinning techniques would not be able to reach. 4. Resin Injection Method Expansion: This relatively new invention tries to harden the soil rather than install more foundations. A resin and hardener combination is injected into the ground, compacting it and letting it withstand the weight of the building more effectively. Which Underpinning Techniques Are the Best? Each of the four approaches has benefits, and the best will depend on the particular circumstances. Nowadays, resin injection or mini-piling is used for most underpinning, albeit the former is typically more secure, particularly if a firm substratum can be located more than five meters below the surface.
Burrowing Animals May Have Stabilized Earth's Oxygen By Joe Spivak The presence of oxygen in the Earth’s atmosphere is a critical component to life as we know it. But how did our atmosphere come into existence? What events
Burrowing Animals May Have Stabilized Earth's Oxygen By Joe Spivak The presence of oxygen in the Earth’s atmosphere is a critical component to life as we know it. But how did our atmosphere come into existence? What events created the oxygen rich air that we breathe? Scientists think that the answer lies in the lowliest of creatures; creatures that we don’t even notice unless we pull back the muck and ‘dig deep’. Scientists theorize that around 540 million years ago, the first burrowing animals evolved in the muck on the ocean floor. As these animals weaved their way through the sediment at the bottom of the ocean, they were exposed to the oxygenated water in a process called ‘bioturbation’. As a result, the bacteria in the sediment ‘fixed’ the phosphorous present in the water, creating a net negative feedback loop which ultimately decreased the oceans’ store of oxygen. At first glance, this may seem counterintuitive…don’t animals need oxygen to survive? Well, yes, but in reality animals require surprisingly little oxygen to grow. More importantly, it is the oxygen and atmospheric stability brought about by the ‘bioturbation’ that has been proven to be critical to evolution. With the amount of oxygen available in the ocean and in the atmosphere stabilized, complex organisms were able to develop in and from this new environment. Therefore, the net atmospheric stability created by the first burrowing creatures helped to drive the evolutionary process and form life as we know it. - What other oceanic and atmospheric factors contributed to evolution? - What other examples of negative feedback loops can you think of? Positive feedback loops? (Hint: think blood)
Download as PDF No doubt about it, for many new growers hops are a difficult crop to grow well. Fast growing hop plants require lots of balanced nutrients and water with critical timing of applications; making hops a real challenge to keep up with when
Download as PDF No doubt about it, for many new growers hops are a difficult crop to grow well. Fast growing hop plants require lots of balanced nutrients and water with critical timing of applications; making hops a real challenge to keep up with when compared to most other crops. Getting the hops to climb to the top trellis wire and produce fully developed side arms with lots of cones seems to be an unattainable goal sometimes. There always seems to be a guy named Murphy lurking around, ready to throw a wrench in the works; despite a hop grower’s best efforts. Wind, rain, drought, and pestilence... yet there are lots of pretty pictures of hopyards and recorded harvest yields to show it is more than a dream. It is common to find in many instances, less experienced hop growers do not fully understand many integrated hopyard management practices and how plant nutrient availability and growth is affected. This following discussion covers a few of the issues that have been identified as potentially holding back hop growth and yields. These issues are gleaned from talking to, and working with hundreds of new hop growers and the challenges they have experienced. These observations and field notes are intended to educate and provoke deeper, more in-depth discussions amongst hop growers and grower groups. Soil Compaction (Back To Top) Soil compaction in the hop row from season-to-season is probably the most common problem encountered when consulting a hop yard. Many growers prep their new hopyard sites by plowing and amending the soil prior to planting but fail to do this practice in following seasons. Why? To help preserve a permanent row cover crop? Don’t have the correct and necessary equipment? Hopyards DO require specialized equipment to operate and maintain - - it is time for new hop growers to get on board with this fact. Hops are the second fastest growing plant in the world and have to develop a massive feeder root system each season to support the amazing bine growth rate. A critical part of this hop root system is the fine fibrous feeder root system that re-forms each spring in the top 6 inches of nutrient rich topsoil. Individual feeder roots may only last for 5 to 7 days before being replaced by new ones in a continual process. The fine hair-like feeder roots spread outward from the central crown and larger permanent roots as the spring season progresses. Their function is to find all the necessary macro and micro-nutrients and transport them up the plant using lots of available water. Poor feeder root development and management translates to poor hop bine growth. Roots only accumulate nutrients and water that come in direct contact with them. Anything that restricts a hop plant's root density results in less overall nutrient uptake. Most nutrient-collecting roots grow in the top 6 to 8 inches of soil because that’s where the microbes, nutrients, and oxygen are located. Nutrient uptake grinds to a halt if soil oxygen levels and exchange rates with the atmosphere are limited by soil compaction. It doesn’t matter if the soil test says all the soil nutrients are present and accounted for – the plant can’t take them up in sufficient quantities without the soil oxygen being present. The perfect rooting conditions are nutrient rich, well-aerated soils with adequate moisture present. This is sometimes referred to as a soil having good tilth. How can a compacted soil be corrected? First identify the ALL possible factors causing the compaction; then apply the best actions to correct it. Improper Soil pH (Back To Top) The majority of commercial hop varieties prefer a slightly acidic soil. A soil pH of 6.2 to 6.8 works well for most hop types (there’s always exceptions). Soil pH in a nutshell, is simply a method of measuring soil acidity or alkalinity levels by measuring t
Today, on the second day of February, the Church honors the memory of the holy martyrs Inna, Pinna and Rimma. These saints suffered for preaching faith in Christ at a very early time. Due to the similarity of the names
Today, on the second day of February, the Church honors the memory of the holy martyrs Inna, Pinna and Rimma. These saints suffered for preaching faith in Christ at a very early time. Due to the similarity of the names of Inna and Rimma with popular Russian female names, their euphony, the Lord miraculously glorified the memory of His Saints in modern times. The Lord of the Scriptures is a God who works contrary. From the pages of Scripture and History, He teaches us to turn for good that which contradicts and opposes. So, in Soviet times, most parents simply did not know that the names Inna and Rimma, male, of Gothic origin, and they called their daughters these names. According to very little surviving information, Inna, Pinna and Rimma were Goths by origin. At the beginning of our era, this ancient people declared itself in history and began its gradual advance, presumably from Scandinavia, towards the Roman Empire. Christianization of the Goths began in the 4th century. Most likely, Inna and her retinue were itinerant preachers. Tradition says that they were converted to Christianity by the Apostle Andrew. Although their subsequent mission was an isolated incident, it was a success. Many converted to Christianity. The local Gothic pagan ruler ordered to seize them and subjected them to torture to force them to renounce their faith. Having been refused, the pagans tied the saints to logs and drowned them in icy water. In the cold, their bodies remained incorruptible, and after a while the wandering Christian bishop gave them to burial in a proper place. After quite a long time, the three martyrs appeared together in a vision to the Christians and indicated the place of their burial. This explains the celebration of their memory twice during the year in the ancient menologions: 1) February 2 - the day of martyrdom, orб as the first Christians called the days of the death of the saints, birthday. 2) July 3, six months later - the day of the translation of relics. The Lord always glorifies His saints in a special way. Between saints who did not know each other, in different countries and times, there is sometimes an amazing commonality. This happens by the gift of grace. For grace is communication. The confession of Christianity in solitude, in a completely pagan environment, makes Inna, Pinna and Rimma related to the ancient Russian martyrs John and Theodore. They were killed by a mob in Kyiv about ten years before the Baptism of Rus' under the then pagan Prince Vladimir. Recall that the Baptism of Rus' took place in 988. The torment of cold and ice, death from frostbite makes Inna, Pinna and Rimma related to the great ancient saints - the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste. They were frozen in a lake in 320. Like the biblical prophets, the Saints of God, by their deeds, by the very way of suffering, in the Holy Spirit, sometimes indicated how their brothers would suffer in the future (cf. Apoc. 6:11). So, on the way of the cross of dying through cold almost nearly two thousand years after Inna, Rimma and Pinna, a great multitude of New Martyrs of our Church were destined to suffer.
How many eggs does a chicken lay a day? What seems like a simple question has a slightly convoluted response. The number of eggs your flock will lay is a key metric to account for when making plans. Knowing how many chickens to keep
How many eggs does a chicken lay a day? What seems like a simple question has a slightly convoluted response. The number of eggs your flock will lay is a key metric to account for when making plans. Knowing how many chickens to keep is essential if you plan to use the eggs from your flock to feed your family. You may also want to read about the best chicken mash. How does it form? The physiological process of laying an egg is one that requires patience. Like in humans, the egg develops in the ovary. The oviduct receives a yolk sac during ovulation. Fertilization (if a rooster is present) and the deposition of the egg white (or albumen) occur as the yolk travels through the oviduct. The egg’s yolk becomes encased in the shell, the shell develops its color, and the bloom attaches as it travels to the uterus. The egg then travels down the uterine canal to its final destination. It takes about 24–26 hours to complete. How many eggs does a chicken lay a day, one? Chickens do not lay an egg every day, contrary to popular belief. Since the formation of an egg takes 24-26 hours, she may wait a while before beginning a new cycle after laying an egg. How many eggs does a chicken lay a day, two? Sometimes a chicken will lay an egg with two yolks. This is a common symptom of sexual maturation in young hens, or an indication that the bird is being overfed. These two yolks are sometimes combined into a single double-yolked egg. An exception to this is when a hen lays two eggs in a single day. Therefore, a hen can lay at most two eggs per day. How many eggs does a chicken lay a day, three? Three eggs from the same hen indicate further inquiry is warranted. Perhaps a member of your family is playing a practical joke on you, you forgot or missed an egg the day before, or your hen laid an egg after you collected them. Getting more than two eggs from a single hen is extremely unusual. Alterations in the laying pattern Sometimes hens will suddenly stop laying eggs. This week, instead of the usual 14 eggs per day, you only got 2. How come?! How many eggs does a chicken lay a day in winter? In the colder months, laying hens typically stop or drastically reduce their production. She produces fewer eggs because her hormone levels drop when there is less sunlight in the winter. This article provides a thorough analysis of the causes and potential remedies for hens’ seasonal reduction in egg production. Differences between breeds There are breeds that are more commonly thought of as “layers” than others. According to, a typical hen of a popular breed like the White Leghorn or Rhode Island Red lays between 250 and 300 eggs annually, or nearly 5 eggs per week. While traditional games are excellent laying birds, modern games are not. Chicks sold in feed stores are typically Production Reds, Australorps, Leghorns, Buff Orpingtons, Easter Eggers, Rhode Island Reds, etc., all of which are good or very good laying breeds. In other words, it’s probably safe to assume that each hen will lay about five eggs per week for the first two years. When deciding how many chickens to buy initially, it’s better to get a few extra than to underestimate your needs. This will ensure that you have enough hens to replace any that are lost or turn out to be roosters. Furthermore, an abundance of eggs has never been deemed a problem. How many eggs does a chicken lay a day when aging? The average daily egg yield also depends on the hen’s age and other factors. Produciveness in a hen’s first two years of life is typically higher than in subsequent years. Egg production will gradually decline after this. Short in protein Due to the protein content of eggs, a bird with a protein deficiency will lay fewer eggs. Once laying hens reach 20 weeks of age, they should be fed a diet containing 15-18% protein. To produce eggs, you need this, and nothing less will do. Not the Right Food The amount of protein in your bird’s diet will decrease if you give it too many treats, such as scratch grains and table scraps. Similar to french fries, the birds can’t get enough of these snacks. Since they won’t eat as much of their protein-rich layer feed when they’re full, their total daily protein intake will decrease. When birds moult once a year, they systematically shed their old feathers and grow in new ones. It’s not uncommon for this to occur around autumn. Although some species of birds molt annually, most do not. Feather molting and molt molting both place significant strain on a bird’s body and necessitate large amounts of protein (feathers are made of keratin, which is a protein). Birds with illnesses, injuries, and/or emotional distress While the body is concentrating on healing from injury or illness, egg production will be lower in the bird. Plagued by parasites,
This historical biography documents the life of William Wilberforce, arguably the most influential member of Parliament. His life spanned the 18th and 19th centuries as he served nearly fifty years in the British government. Wilberforce is remembered
This historical biography documents the life of William Wilberforce, arguably the most influential member of Parliament. His life spanned the 18th and 19th centuries as he served nearly fifty years in the British government. Wilberforce is remembered for his ground-breaking leadership of the two crusades to end the Slave Trade and abolish slavery from the British Empire. His virtuous work began in his twenties and lasted until her heard of the passing of the Slavery Abolition Act on his deathbed in 1833 at the age of seventy-three. Robin Furneaux wrote this incredibly accurate account of an incredibly brilliant man.
First, it is a good idea for a student to understand the viewpoints of many different people and ideologies. This will give them a solid understanding of world events. This can be done through a variety of methods including reading widely, watching news programs,
First, it is a good idea for a student to understand the viewpoints of many different people and ideologies. This will give them a solid understanding of world events. This can be done through a variety of methods including reading widely, watching news programs, listening to radio shows, and going to the library. It is important for a student to become aware of the viewpoints of others. When a student understands how various types of people view the past, they will have a deeper understanding of the course they are taking. This will also make them more knowledgeable about the topics they are studying. When a student does their research, they will learn a lot more about the history they are attempting to research. Therefore, “Do my history homework for me?” Many times, a student will use many different methods to research their coursework. However, they might not always use all the methods or sources they should. For example, when doing research for a European history course, the student should read books on Europe’s history, newspapers, and magazines. They should also spend time on Internet websites, chat rooms, and history podcasts. These sources provide a wealth of information about Europe’s history. How does one do my history homework for me? In order to do any coursework, a student needs to do their homework. This doesn’t mean they have to spend countless hours doing research. In fact, the most effective way to do your research is to compile all the resources you can find into one place. Then you can organize that information in such a way that it makes sense. In order to do this, the student must organize all the materials they want to use. This includes notes, outlines, text books, videos, and other such materials. It also means compiling all the coursework into a single outline. Of course, once the student has assembled his or her outline, it is time to start writing papers. At this point, it would be a good idea to spend some extra time actually writing the papers, rather than just typing up a note. As long as the student organized their materials and came up with a reasonable title, it shouldn’t be too difficult to write the papers. So, how do my history homework for me? One option is to simply take the course materials home and do the assignments on your own. If you know the course material well, you probably know how to do the various assignments. The other option is to get assistance from a private tutor. For example, if the student takes a course in ancient history and is having a hard time getting through an assignment in medieval warfare, a tutor may be able to help them with this task. There are some people who feel like doing their own coursework is too challenging. For these individuals, hiring a private tutor may be a good alternative. Alternatively, a student can just do his or her own coursework as long as they do all the work themselves. Either way, a student needs to do his or her own history homework for him or herself. After all, getting a good grade is not the goal of taking coursework.
Bernhard Siegfried Albinus (1697-1770) Tables of the Skeleton and Muscles of the Human Body. London: Printed by H. Woodfall, for John and Paul Knapton, 1749.
Bernhard Siegfried Albinus (1697-1770) Tables of the Skeleton and Muscles of the Human Body. London: Printed by H. Woodfall, for John and Paul Knapton, 1749. 1777 edition available through Eighteenth Century Collections Online (UVa access only) - Bernhard Siegfried Albinus, Tables of the Skeleton and Muscles…. This 1749 English edition of the 1747 Latin text was published by John and Paul Knapton in London without Albinus’s permission. Concerned about plagiarism, Albinus issued a warning in another book he published four years later. - Bernhard Siegfried Albinus, Tables of the Skeleton and Muscles…. This first table “contains chiefly a front view or figure of the Human Sceleton; whereunto are added some of the Ligaments and Cartilages.” - Bernhard Siegfried Albinus, Tables of the Skeleton and Muscles…. The third anatomical table of the human muscles shows the body with the outer muscles removed. - Bernhard Siegfried Albinus, Tables of the Skeleton and Muscles…. Additional muscles have been removed in this image of the fourth anatomical table of the human muscles. The rhinoceros grazing in the background adds an exotic note. A native of Frankfurt, Bernhard Siegfried Albinus became a professor of anatomy at the University of Leiden at the age of 24. His books include some of the most beautiful and precise
God’s Kingdom Rules 1, 2. How have human governments proved inadequate? PERHAPS you have had the experience of buying a piece of equipment, only to find that it did not work. Let us say that you called a repair
God’s Kingdom Rules 1, 2. How have human governments proved inadequate? PERHAPS you have had the experience of buying a piece of equipment, only to find that it did not work. Let us say that you called a repairman. Shortly after he “fixed” the device, however, it broke down. How disappointing that was! 2 It is similar with human governments. Mankind has always desired a government that would ensure peace and happiness. Yet, strenuous efforts to repair the breakdowns in society have not been truly successful. A great many peace treaties have been made—and then broken. Moreover, what government has been able to eradicate poverty, prejudice, crime, disease, and ecological ruin? Man’s rule is beyond repair. Even Israel’s wise King Solomon asked: “As regards earthling man, how can he discern his way?”—Proverbs 20:24. 3. (a) What was the theme of Jesus’ preaching? (b) How do some people describe God’s Kingdom? 3 Do not despair! A stable world government is not just a dream. It was the theme of Jesus’ preaching. He called it “the kingdom of God,” and he taught his followers to pray for it. (Luke 11:2; 21:31) Of course, God’s Kingdom is sometimes mentioned in religious circles. In fact, millions pray for it daily when they repeat the Lord’s Prayer (also called the Our Father or model prayer). But people answer in various ways when asked, “What is God’s Kingdom?” Some say, “It is in your heart.” Others call it heaven. The Bible gives a clear answer, as we shall see. A KINGDOM WITH A PURPOSE 4, 5. Why did Jehovah choose to bring about a new expression of his sovereignty, and what will it accomplish? 4 Jehovah God has always been King, or Sovereign Ruler, of the universe. The fact that he created all things elevates him to that exalted position. (1 Chronicles 29:11; Psalm 103:19; Acts 4:24) But the Kingdom that Jesus preached about is subsidiary, or secondary, to God’s universal sovereignty. That Messianic Kingdom has a specific purpose, but what is it? 5 As explained in Chapter 6, the first human pair rebelled against God’s authority. Because of the issues raised, Jehovah chose to bring about a new expression of his sovereignty. God announced his purpose to produce a “seed” that would crush the Serpent, Satan, and remove the effects of mankind’s inherited sin. The primary “seed” is Jesus Christ, and “the kingdom of God” is the agency that will utterly defeat Satan. By means of this Kingdom, Jesus Christ will restore rulership over the earth in Jehovah’s name and will vindicate God’s rightful sovereignty for all time.—Genesis 3:15; Psalm 2:2-9. 6, 7. (a) Where is the Kingdom, and who are the King and his associate rulers? (b) Who are the subjects of the Kingdom? 6 According to one rendition of Jesus’ words to wicked Pharisees, he said: “The kingdom of God is within you.” (Luke 17:21, King James Version) Did Jesus mean that the Kingdom was in the wicked hearts of those corrupt men? No. A more accurate translation of the original Greek reads: “The kingdom of God is in your midst.” (New World Translation) Jesus, who was in their midst, thus referred to himself as the future King. Far from being something that a person has in his heart, God’s Kingdom is a real, operating government having a ruler and subjects. It is a heavenly government, for it is called both “the kingdom of the heavens” and “the kingdom of God.” (Matthew 13:11; Luke 8:10) In vision, the prophet Daniel beheld its Ruler as “someone like a son of man” brought before Almighty God and given lasting “rulership and dignity and kingdom, that the peoples, national groups and languages should all serve even him.” (Daniel 7:13, 14) Who is this King? Well, the Bible calls Jesus Christ “the Son of man.” (Matthew 12:40; Luke 17:26) Yes, Jehovah designated his Son, Jesus Christ, to be King. 7 Jesus does not rule alone. With him are 144,000 who have been “bought from the earth” to be his associate kings and priests. (Revelation 5:9, 10; 14:1, 3; Luke 22:28-30) The subjects of God’s Kingdom will be a global family of humans who are submissive to Christ’s leadership. (Psalm 72:7, 8) How, though, can we be sure that the Kingdom will actually vindicate God’s sovereignty and restore paradisaic conditions to our earth? THE REALITY OF GOD’S KINGDOM 8, 9. (a) How might we illustrate the reliability of God’s Kingdom promises? (b) Why can we be sure of the Kingdom’s reality? 8 Imagine that a fire has destroyed your home. Now a frie
Within the basic terminology, thickness ‘s the pounds away from a substance having a particular frequency. Brand new occurrence out-of h2o is approximately step one gram each milliliter but, it alter which have temperatures or if perhaps you’ll find
Within the basic terminology, thickness ‘s the pounds away from a substance having a particular frequency. Brand new occurrence out-of h2o is approximately step one gram each milliliter but, it alter which have temperatures or if perhaps you’ll find substances mixed within the it. Frost are faster thick than just liquids water for this reason their ice float on your mug. Since you you will expect, water density is a vital liquids dimensions. Whenever you are nevertheless in school, you’ve probably read that it report on the research category: “Density is the size per product number of a substance”. On earth, you could assume size is equivalent to pounds, if it makes it easier. If you’re not however in school, then you certainly most likely forgot you ever before actually heard they. The term thickness, makes a great deal more feel with a little piece of factor. As long as an object consists of particles, and thus provides size otherwise bulk, it offers a density. Thickness is just the lbs to own a selected matter (volume) of topic. A familiar device regarding measurement for water’s thickness are gram for every single milliliter (step one grams/ml) otherwise 1 gram for each and every cubic centimeter (1 g/cm step 3 ). In reality, the actual density of drinking water is not really step 1 grams/ml, but alternatively a bit less (extremely, almost no smaller), within 0.9998395 grams/ml on cuatro.0° Celsius (39.2° Fahrenheit). Brand new rounded worth of step 1 g/ml is what it is possible to most often see, even in the event. Water’s occurrence may vary with heat Broadening up with an adult aunt is difficult, particularly when he previously his family relations over, because of their favourite interest was thinking about an easy way to antagonize me. I happened to be able to utilize drinking water density once so you can no less than play a key in it, even if. One to hot summer big date it mounted the massive slope near to the house to help you enjoy a hole to hide their bottles-cap collection. They had dehydrated making myself go homeward and you can render them a gallon off h2o. That gallon off regular water at 70°F considered 8.329 weight, that was much to own an effective 70-pound child so you’re able to haul upwards a giant slope. Very, when they needed other gallon out of liquids, I consulted the brand new “Internet” of these time-an enthusiastic encyclopedia- and discovered away you to a good gallon out-of drinking water on boiling hot point simply considered seven.996 weight! We ran within the mountain carrying my personal gallon off liquid you to considered 0.333 pounds reduced; and you may went back off even more quickly, the resentful sounds diminishing about me. Source: U.S. Institution of one’s Interior, Bureau out of Reclaimation, 1977, Ground-water Guide, throughout the Liquids Encyclopedia, Third Version, Hydrologic Analysis and you may Internet Tips, Edited of the Pedro Fierro, Jr. and you can Evan K. Nyler, 2007 Ice was reduced thicker than simply h2o For many who consider this picture you can see you to some of one’s iceberg was beneath the water level. This isn’t a shock, however, actually the vast majority of quantity of an iceberg is below the water-line, not over it. Simply because ice’s density becoming below liquid water’s occurrence. Abreast of cold, brand new thickness of ice decrease by on the nine %. How you can visualize exactly how water-can keeps more densities will be to look at the suspended version of liquids. Frost actually has a highly additional build than just liquids liquid, where the latest particles align themselves inside the a routine lattice rather than simply a great deal more at random like in the fresh new h2o means. It occurs the lattice plan lets water particles becoming so much more dispersed than in a liquid, and you will, thus, frost are shorter heavy than just water. Again, lucky for people, even as we would not hear you to delightful tinkle from ice cubes from the edge of a windows in case your frost within ice tea sank on the base. Brand new occurrence off ice means ninety per cent compared to h2o, but that may are different as freeze is also consist of air, as well. That means that regarding the 10 percent of an ice cube (otherwise iceberg) would-be above the water-line. It assets off liquid is crucial for everyone lifetime on earth. Because drinking water at about 39°F (4°C) is far more thicker than drinking water within thirty two°F (0°C), from inside the lakes or any other drinking water authorities the fresh heavier water sinks below less-dense drinking water. If liquids are extremely thicker during the freezing part, next in winter the cold water within surface regarding lakes perform drain, this new lake could frost throughout the base up. And you can, having liquids getting particularly an excellent insulator (due to its heat capabilities), particular frozen lakes might not entirely thaw in summ
Interesting Facts about the M1 Carbine The M1 Carbine is one of the most popular infantry arms that was ever designed, for the U.S. military forces, at least. In the time since its design and release, it has
Interesting Facts about the M1 Carbine The M1 Carbine is one of the most popular infantry arms that was ever designed, for the U.S. military forces, at least. In the time since its design and release, it has also become a popular platform among civilian shooters, and it’s basic design has probably influenced many other popular civilian rifles. Its lines can be detected, for example, in other autoloaders like the famous Ruger 10/22 among others. Given its long history of service and use, the M1 Carbine actually has some really interesting facts associated with them, including but in no wise limited to some of the following: ● The M1 Carbine was actually adapted from the equally famous M1 Garand Rifle, that was larger, heavier and chambered in the much more powerful.30-06 Springfield cartridge. Despite its adequacy and prowess, the U.S. Military felt that it needed lighter and more nimble arms. ● The M1 Carbine is just one of many variants of the M1. ● The rifle’s infamous pairing with the.30 Carbine was not always a happy one. Many soldiers reported that the.30 Carbine cartridge was woefully underpowered for a rifle that was intended to be used as an anti-personnel arm. ● One variant of the M1, the M2, was capable of selective fire and was capable of both semi-automatic and fully automatic modes of fire. ● The popular M1A1 Carbine is a variant of the M1 platform that was designed to be lighter, more compact, and more agile, with a folding stock, for airborne troops. ● The original M1 Carbines were manufactured without bayonet lugs that were, and remain popular, with many tactical rifles. ● Since its introduction to the U.S. Military around the time of World War II, it has gone on to be involved in many engagements around the world. ● Many militaries around the world have adopted it and there are some departments that still use the M1 or variants of the platform. ● The weapon has been considered by some to have certain advantages as a self defense weapon. Presumably because of this, producers such as Iver Johnson and Chiappa adapted models of the Carbine around 9mm ammunition. ● Modern variants of the Carbine can accept many different cartridges; if owners don’t like the.30 Carbine or are restricted from owning or using it, there are other variants out there they can choose between. If you’re looking for a surplus M1, some variant like the M1A1, or parts or accessories for any of them, you’ll want to put yourself in touch with a supplier that knows the business. Put yourself in touch with the supplier that gave you these facts. That supplier is Sarco, Inc., and even if you’re not in their neck of the woods, you can easily shop through their collection of surplus firearms, including hard to find models, along with parts, accessories, ammunition and more. When it comes to finding what you need, especially if it’s hard to find, Sarco, Inc. reigns. That’s another reason it’s worth your while to shop for them. Anyone can go to the shop around the corner and pick up a box of target loads for a 12 gauge. Not every shop carries.30 Carbine or parts for M1 variants, for that matter. It might even be safe to say that many, or most, don’t. Don’t leave the health and function of your weapon to chance. Work with a supplier that knows the industry and can put you in front of what you need, when you need it. Visit their website when you get a chance, at See if you can find what you need there, and if you want additional help, they’re not more than a call away at 610-250-3960. For more information about Ww2 German Helmet and Mauser Parts Please visit: Sarco Inc..
Eye discharge in cats can be a common issue. You may easily clean up the occasional build up of gunk in your cat’s eyes, but discharge from the eyes can also indicate a more serious condition or an infection that needs treating. If you
Eye discharge in cats can be a common issue. You may easily clean up the occasional build up of gunk in your cat’s eyes, but discharge from the eyes can also indicate a more serious condition or an infection that needs treating. If you notice excessive or unusual discharge coming from your cat’s eyes, you must call your regular veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and treatment. Follow their advice closely. Here’s what you need to know about the symptoms, causes, and treatments for eye discharge in cats. Symptoms Of Eye Discharge In Cats Eye discharge in cats can show itself in a few different common ways. First, there can be the presence of a watery discharge coming from your cat’s eyes. Secondly, you might notice a thicker, more mucus-like gunk around your cat’s eyes. Your cat could also be suffering from a crustier build up near the eyes. In some cases, the condition is also accompanied by redness of the eyes. Causes Of Eye Discharge In Cats In general, eye discharge in cats is a sign of a deeper condition that usually needs dealing with. Some of the more common causes of eye discharge in cats include: - Conjunctivitis (also known as pink eye) - Infections of the eye - Feline upper respiratory infections (including pneumonitis, protozoa, and feline calicivirus) - Epiphora (which causes lots of tears) - Tear ducts that are blocked - An eye injury or presence of a foreign object Treatment Of Eye Discharge In Cats While it’s usually normal for your cat to experience some eye discharge on occasion, if you notice a consistent problem or if the discharge is a murky color or seems to be crusting up a lot, it’s important to consult with your veterinarian. When a vet examines a cat suffering from eye discharge, they’ll usually carry out a full physical exam, complete with checking your cat’s body temperature and maybe even ordering blood tests. These steps can help rule out a number of causes and diseases. The vet will also examine your cat’s eyes using special equipment that magnifies the image of the eye. Your vet’s prescribed treatment will vary depending on the issue causing the discharge. In many cases, they may recommend eye drops along with guidance on how to clean the eyes at home in a safe fashion. Has your cat ever had a lot of discharge coming from their eyes? How did your vet treat your cat? Let us know in the comments section below.
How can I tell how much material I need for my landscaping project Often, it’s hard to tell how much landscaping product (pine straw, mulch, dirt, plants etc.) that you need to properly fill an area. That’s where
How can I tell how much material I need for my landscaping project Often, it’s hard to tell how much landscaping product (pine straw, mulch, dirt, plants etc.) that you need to properly fill an area. That’s where this reference sheet comes in! After measuring and installing so much over the years, we have a pretty good idea on general measurement knowledge! We also included our favorite measuring pro tip at the end of the article! Square Footage reference and calculation The first step in most cases is finding an approximate square footage of the area you’ll be working with. For square areas, walk the length of the area in 2-3 foot steps, and then multiply the number of steps by 2 or 3 (depending on your step size). Do the same with the width – and multiply the length and the width together, and that is your square footage. For a triangular shape bed, do the sam
The natural landscape of Niagara is a sight to see, and is known for attracting tourists from around the world every year. Therefore, it’s only logical that the government and Parks Canada are determined to protect our beautiful region. Parks Canada has allocated
The natural landscape of Niagara is a sight to see, and is known for attracting tourists from around the world every year. Therefore, it’s only logical that the government and Parks Canada are determined to protect our beautiful region. Parks Canada has allocated $970,000 in grants to invest in Niagara’s national historic sites this year. Additionally, the Niagara Community Foundation is contributing $20,500 in grants from the Environmental Legacy Fund. Together, this financial investment will ensure that the natural landscape of Niagara and the Niagara parks we know and love will remain protected and preserved for the long-term future. Niagara parks will stay protected One of the biggest goals is to protect the shoreline along Lake Ontario, which is eroding in some areas. Research will be conducted to determine the best solution to prevent the shoreline from eroding further as well as to protect the environment around the affected areas. 80-100 metres of shoreline will also be designated for emergency protection work, part of which includes removing some trees that have been affected by the erosion. The majority of this work will take place along the shore at Fort Mississauga National Historic Site and the Niagara-on-the-Lake Golf Course. Niagara ecotourism is rising Last year’s efforts to bring more tourism to Niagara were highly successful, as 2017 saw a surge in tourism revenue. Now that more visitors are arriving in the area from all over the world, the focus is now shifting to include Niagara ecotourism in the mix. With a focus on the gorgeous Niagara Escarpment and the surrounding areas along the greenbelt, many are realizing the importance of keeping this natural environment preserved. From the Niagara Escarpment to the West Coast Across the country, $3 billion dollars is to be invested in Parks Canada locations, and Niagara is fortunate enough to be home to some of these areas. The funding will be distributed over the next 5 years. If you are thinking of investing in Niagara, you are making an excellent choice. The region has begun to see a rise in developments, tourism revenue, and other economic gains, and the future is very promising.
If you’re trying to lose weight, you might want to try harder. Sorry, but it’s true. Dropping those pounds is more difficult than ever – and science says so. A study from our very own York University, published recently in
If you’re trying to lose weight, you might want to try harder. Sorry, but it’s true. Dropping those pounds is more difficult than ever – and science says so. A study from our very own York University, published recently in the journal Obesity Research & Clinical Practice examined dietary and exercise data for tens of thousands of Americans over the past four decades. What they found wasn’t exactly encouraging. When the researchers compared people with the same diets in 1971 and 2008, the latter was 10 per cent heavier on average. Assessing physical activity data (which was only available between 1988 and 2006), those born later were five per cent heavier even if they exercised just as much people two decades earlier. “Ultimately, maintaining a healthy body weight is now more challenging than ever,” said Jennifer Kuk, a professor of kinesiology and health science at York and co-author of the paper, in a statement. So, apparently, it goes beyond good, old-fashioned diet and exercise. Great news, right? Ugh. “Weight management is actually much more complex than just ‘energy in’ versus ‘energy out,’” said Kuk in the statement. “That’s similar to saying your investment account balance is simply your deposits subtracting your withdrawals and not accounting for all the other things that affect your balance like stock market fluctuations, bank fees or currency exchange rates.” So, what are these “other things?” Though they’re still only hypotheses, Kuk and her team outline a few factors that may make it more difficult to manage our weight than it was for people in the past; lifestyles, chemicals, prescription drugs, and diet changes. When it comes to lifestyle, we’re sleeping less and are more stressed out, according to the study (not that we need to tell you that), as Kuk told The Atlantic. She also points to our exposure to particular chemicals that impact the endocrine system and metabolic processes. Things like plastic packaging, pesticides, and persistent organic pollutants (aka: mostly synthetic toxins that bioaccumulate through the food web) can impact the way the body processes and stores fat. Kuk also told The Atlantic that prescription drugs could be playing a role. The study highlights the fact that spending on prescription drugs doubled between 1999 and 2008, according to the Centre for Disease Control. Antidepressants – which have been linked to weight gain – were the most commonly used drug. Things like pain medication, allergy medications, and steroids can also impact weight gain. Diet changes also likely play a role. Apparently, you can blame your “microbiomes,” the mix of tiny organisms that live in your intestines and play a role in processing food. These bacteria may make weight loss harder. Things like an increase in the consumption of meat and artificial sweeteners a
A huge cancer genome project has highlighted how DNA that doesn’t code for proteins is still important for keeping our cells on track. The Pan-Cancer Analysis of Whole Genomes analyzed more than 2,600 tumors from 38 tissues, looking for
A huge cancer genome project has highlighted how DNA that doesn’t code for proteins is still important for keeping our cells on track. The Pan-Cancer Analysis of Whole Genomes analyzed more than 2,600 tumors from 38 tissues, looking for causative mutations and patterns. Previous work had concentrated on the regions of the genome that code for proteins, but a significant proportion of cancer patients’ tumors don’t carry known “driver” (causative) mutations in protein-coding regions. So this project went out into what used to be called “junk DNA” or the “dark matter” of the genome. Emory bioinformatics postdoc Matthew Reyna is the first author of one of 23 papers on the PCAWG project, published Feb. 5 in the Nature family of journals. His paper in Nature Communications looks at mutations in non-coding regions of the genome in tumors, analyzing which biological processes are affected. Some of these were mutations in the promoters of genes encoding well-known cancer suppressors such as p53, but the project also identified new genes containing cancer-driving mutations. A promoter is the stretch of DNA that tells the cell “make RNA copies starting here”. Reyna contributed to the project while he was at Princeton, working with Benjamin Raphael, and at Emory as well. More recently, he’s been investigating protein-protein interactions with Haian Fu, Andrey Ivanov and others as part of the Cancer Target Discovery and Development (CTD2) project. What does it take to be a leader – of cancer cells? Adam Marcus and colleagues at Winship Cancer Institute are back, with an analysis of mutations that drive metastatic behavior among groups of lung cancer cells. The findings were published this week on the cover of Journal of Cell Science, and suggest pharmacological strategies to intervene against or prevent metastasis. Marcus and former graduate student Jessica Konen previously developed a technique for selectively labeling “leader” or “follower” lung cancer cells in culture, using lasers that turn a fluorescent protein from green to red. The leaders are more adventurous and invasive, but the followers support the leaders and help them survive. Check out our prize-winning video and their 2017 Nature Communications paper. The magenta cells have leader-specific mutated Arp3 protein, while the green cells are unmodified followers. The new research harnesses their technique to track the mutations that are specific to leader or follower cells. It was a collaboration with the lab of Paula Vertino, formerly at Winship and now at University of Rochester. Cancer Biology graduate students Elizabeth Zoeller and Brian Pedro led the work, with sophisticated genomics from Ben Barwick. One of the leader-specific mutations was in Arp3, part of a protein complex that promotes the protrusion of cellular blobs, facilitating migration. The researchers took the mutated Arp3 protein from leader cells and forced its production in follower cells. In the cover image, the magenta cells on the outside are the ones with the mutated Arp3 protein, while the green cells are unmodified. Read more In honor of Fathers’ Day, we are examining a connection between two older-male-centric topics: statins and prostate cancer. Statins are a very widely prescribed class of drugs used to lower cholesterol levels, for the purpose of preventing cardiovascular disease. In cell culture, they appear to kill prostate cancer cells, but the epidemiolo
What does your handwriting reveal about you? Ever wondered why everyone's handwriting is so different? Or how you can 'know' someones handwriting? Is our personality reflected in our handwriting? Turns out, maybe... Firstly, for a bit of
What does your handwriting reveal about you? Ever wondered why everyone's handwriting is so different? Or how you can 'know' someones handwriting? Is our personality reflected in our handwriting? Turns out, maybe... Firstly, for a bit of background - I love handwriting (and the quirkier, the better). I love seeing how different people write. It's like a small glimpse into their personality. But why is our handwriting unique to us? Have you ever wondered why are we able to know who wrote something, just by looking art their handwriting? We are all taught in school to write in a relatively similar way. So why, as an adult, does our handwriting look so different to the person next to us? The answer lies in the complex interplay between biology, psychology, and culture. Handwriting can be influenced by a range of factors, including our motor skills, cognitive processes, and cultural norms. These factors combine to create a unique and distinctive writing style for each individual - which is why you might be able to tell that Bob wrote that post-it not and not Marge. These are the nuances I love mimicking in my handwritten typefaces. Handwriting vs psychology Handwriting is a powerful tool that can be influenced by our thoughts, feelings, and behaviour. Studies have shown that handwriting engages different areas of the brain than typing, leading to better memory retention and increased creativity. Additionally, the unique characteristics of a person's handwriting can reveal insights into their personality, mood, and mental state. One area of research related to the psychology of handwriting is graphology, which is the study of handwriting analysis. Graphologists believe that the way we write can reveal our personality traits, emotional state, and even our physical health. For example, someone who writes with a heavy hand and strong pressure may be perceived as forceful or aggressive, while someone who writes with a light touch may be seen as gentle or sensitive. There is a whole rabbit hole I could go down here, but I might leave that for another blog post 😎 To keep it simple, research has shown that the size and shape of our letters, the pressure we apply to the pen, and the spacing between letters and words can all provide clues about our personality and emotional state. For exam
Steam traps are a type of automatic valve that filters out condensed steam and non-condensed steam, such as air without letting steam escape. Steam is used for regularly for heating or as a driving force for mechanical power. Used to ensure that the steam
Steam traps are a type of automatic valve that filters out condensed steam and non-condensed steam, such as air without letting steam escape. Steam is used for regularly for heating or as a driving force for mechanical power. Used to ensure that the steam is not wasted in such applications. Mechanical traps sense the difference in density between steam and condensate. Condensate from this type of trap is continually discharged, leaving none to the process. These are the most commonly used steam traps utilised today in systems that require large discharge capacities. Bucket traps use an inverted bucket as a float device that releases the condensate once the bucket to loses buoyancy and sinks, opening the valve allowing the condensate to be released. A floating ball trap is a simple mechanical trap that uses the weight of the ball, which acts as a lever keeping the valve closed. As condensate enters the trap it raises the float, opening the valve releasing the condensate. Thermostatic traps utilise a temperature sensing element to determine when to discharge the condensate. Balanced pressure traps operate by balancing the steam pressure and internal pressure of the thermostatic element. At start-up the valve is open, but once the steam reaches a certain temperature bellow expand to close it. These steam traps can be used in steam tracing applications. Thermodynamic traps use the difference in velocity between steam and condensate to operate. As steam enters, it can be freely discharged through a valve. When steam reaches the underside of the disc its velocity is much higher than condensate, creating a pressure drop which closes the valve head. The valve stays shut until the steam pressure above the disc drops, allowing the valve to open and the discharge cycle to repeat. Steam Trap Types There are three main types of steam traps to consider, these are: Steam traps can be used anywhere there is a steam system and a need to discharge condensate. These include:
Animals have evolved complex survival strategies to suit the demands of their habitats. Through these changes, some have become excellent architects. They work with the environment to meet their needs, including for protection and prey. By Ethan Hatchett Many items are
Animals have evolved complex survival strategies to suit the demands of their habitats. Through these changes, some have become excellent architects. They work with the environment to meet their needs, including for protection and prey. By Ethan Hatchett Many items are discarded in the natural world. Leaves fall, branches break and, sadly, animals die. But some creatures profit from this refuse. For these collectors, others’ trash can be their treasure. Take the case-building caddisfly, which lives in freshwater ecosystems across Georgia. Its larvae resemble caterpillars and feed on algae, aquatic vegetation and microfauna in the water. But even more novel, they create casings from objects they find. In its larval stage, the caddisfly has a unique ability to spin silk underwater. The insect uses this sticky silk to create its case. The case then serves as a suit of armor that protects the creature’s fleshy abdomen from predators. As for the armor pieces, the caddisfly larva takes advantage of its surroundings, using empty snail shells, sand, rocks and other material to fortify itself. Case-building caddisflies belong to the order Trichoptera, which includes many species. These caddisflies are well adapted to survive underwater. But their success hinges on their ability to spin silk and the ease with which they then create cases out of available material. The larvae undergo a complete metamorphosis. Adult caddisflies resemble moths and only live for about a month. Most don’t even feed as adults. Individual species can be difficult to identify as adults, and most are identified as their more distinct larvae. Green lacewing larvae (right) use discarded material in a different but no less effective way. The young of these insects spend their lives among vegetation throughout the state, preying on soft-bodied insects such as aphids. Yet instead of creating makeshift armor like the caddisfly larva does, the larval lacewing uses bits of organic matter and the carcasses of its prey as a disguise. The species has earned the nickname trash bug (watch) for its interesting disguises. The larva has bristles on its abdomen that allow debris to stick to it. The disguise serves two purposes: camouflage from predators and subterfuge for hunting. By utilizing debris, the trash bug can slip unnoticed among its favorite prey. The lacewing larva undergoes a complete metamorphosis into an adult green lacewing. These insects belong to the family Chrysopidae, which includes species common in North America and Europe. Most adults feed on pollen, honeydew and nectar, but some species also feed on insects. Lacewing larvae are one the most beneficial animals to have in your garden. Their ferocious appetite has also earned them nicknames. One is the aphid wolf. Collecting objects that would otherwise decay offers many advantages. The material can provide protection and also double a disguise to get closer to prey. And while opportunistically using whatever they can find to build their structures, these animals create a testament to their ingenuity and thei
Self-Injury Awareness Day (SIAD) is an annual global awareness day on March 1st. Raising awareness through education about self-harm leads to a better understanding of this disorder, empathy, and it also helps to eliminate the stigma
Self-Injury Awareness Day (SIAD) is an annual global awareness day on March 1st. Raising awareness through education about self-harm leads to a better understanding of this disorder, empathy, and it also helps to eliminate the stigma. The goal is to educate individuals who do not engage in self-harm and reach out to those who do so they no longer must suffer in silence. What is self-harm? Self-harm, formally known as non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) is the intentional act of causing physical harm to oneself without the intent of committing suicide. Cutting, biting, burning, carving symbols into the skin, wound picking, and headbanging are all common forms of self-harm behavior. The most frequent sites of self-injury are the hands, wrists, stomach, and thighs. Why do individuals engage in self-harm? Self-harm is not a cry for attention, nor is it related to suicidal behavior. Individuals engage in self-harm as an unhealthy coping mechanism to express pent up emotions. The following are common reasons why individuals use self-harm as an unhealthy coping mechanism: - Self-harm is used as a form of punishment when individuals feel worthless or guilty - Self-harm is used as a distraction for unwanted or overwhelming feelings - Self-harm is used to regulate internal emotions and experiences - Self-harm is used to experience physical pain when an individual is emotionally numb Who engages in self-harm? Current studies suggest that approximately 4% or more of the population self-injures, and as high as 14% of adolescents may engage in this behavior. Females are more likely to engage in cutting while males are more prone to deliberately bruising themselves, hurting themselves while taking a substance, or having others hurt them. What causes self-harm behaviors? Self-harm behavior is tightly linked to bullying, low self-esteem, and borderline personality disorder. Research has shown that individuals who have been bullied or rejected by peers are more likely to engage in self-harm behavior and are also more likely to develop depression. Individuals who have low self-esteem due to body image dissatisfaction, unhealthy interpersonal relationships, emotional neglect, and abandonment, or past trauma are more likely to engage in self-behaviors. Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is characterized by an intense fear of abandonment, mood instability, unstable relationships, and impulsive behavior that ultimately drives others away. According to statistics, 55-85% of adults with borderline personality disorder engage in self-harm behaviors, and about 70% of people with borderline personality disorder will make at least one suicide attempt in their lifetime. Is self-harm behavior linked to substance abuse? Self-harm can be viewed as a form of addiction. Individuals who engage in self-harm behavior always crave feelings of release and euphoria that shortly follow the self-injury. These feelings of relief and calmness are short-lived and are usually followed by feelings of guilt and shame, which often fuel the individual to engage in further episodes of self-harm and unhealthy outlets. Research has shown that approximately 9% of individuals who engage in self-harm behavior also engage in substance abuse. These individuals may seek relief from drugs and alcohol for the same reasons they use cutting and other self-harm behaviors as an unhealthy release. Can self-harm behavior be treated? Self-harm behaviors can be challenging to diagnose and treat, but they are treatable with the right combination of therapies. Individuals who engage in self-harm engage in this behavior in private and often cover up their wounds and scars with long sleeves. If you suspect your loved one is engaging in self-harm behavior, you must encourage them to seek professional treatment. There may be an underlying mental health or substance abuse disorder that should also be simultaneously treated. AKUA IS HERE TO HELP! If you or someone you love is struggling with substance use or a mental health disorder, AKUA can help. AKUA Mind & Body provides an integrative treatment approach with multiple levels of care from detox, residential to intensive outpatient programs. With several facilities throughout the Sacramento Region, Lost Angeles & Orange County Region, and San Diego Region, we aim to provide our clients with a solid foundation for healing and transformation. Gender-specific and Co-ed facilities available. Call our 24/7 admissions helpline to seek help today!
MOOC Clears Pathway for Personalized Learning Environments and Curriculum Canada’s Fanshawe College Creates Incubator as Test Bed for Core Curriculum Canada’s Fanshawe College has taken an innovative approach that is proving quite successful. Ste
MOOC Clears Pathway for Personalized Learning Environments and Curriculum Canada’s Fanshawe College Creates Incubator as Test Bed for Core Curriculum Canada’s Fanshawe College has taken an innovative approach that is proving quite successful. Stepping outside of the traditional credited environment has enabled them to pilot revolutionary ideas. What does this look like and how are the outcomes impacting their offerings across multiple disciplines? Let’s find out! Taking an innovative approach, Fanshawe designed a self-directed flexible Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) with time management and student outcomes in mind. The six-week course was built modularly with optional activities. Instead of having one exit point, there are four variable outcomes. Students select the level of accomplishment they wish to pursue depending on their goals. The four exit points are Green, Silver, Gold, and Platinum. The Green level offers bare minimum requirements and weekly quizzes. Silver includes more specific topics with discussion groups. The Gold level has more practical applications such as conducting an audit and Platinum offers more extended projects. For the pilot, Fanshawe chose the subject of sustainability in the areas of construction, architecture, design and urban planning. This engineering course has a main core component surrounded by microelements, advanced modules, and bonus activities. Students pursue what they want to learn more about and can also raise or lower their benchmark level as they progress through the course. “Intelligent Agents” respond to certain student actions. What did Fanshawe College learn from this pilot and how have outcomes been applied across other disciplines? The course served as an incubator to test those ideas to see whether they would be viable or beneficial in the long run and they have been. We’ve seen some normalization of those radical concepts in the core curriculum. For example, with time management, Fanshawe colleges ESL program through the ELI has shortened its course length to just eight weeks any student who has difficulties will just repeat a couple of weeks instead of an entire semester or even a year. Similarly, in terms of personalization that program has not one but seven different exit points depending on what a student’s end goal is so instead of getting a preconceived and monolithic curriculum given to them, they only get the part that they need to succeed. Fanshawe College’s great success in stepping out of the traditional teaching and learning environment to implement revolutionary ideas is shaking things up in their credit environment. Now that’s innovation! Stepping Outside of Traditional Credited Environment to Pilot Revolutionary Ideas With a desire to take a more innovative approach to overcome the frustrations of a traditional academic model, Fanshawe College felt the best approach was to first pilot revolutionary ideas outside of the credited environment. They decided to incubate these ideas in a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). The Oxford Dictionary defines a MOOC as a course of study made available over the Internet without charge to a very large number of people. Anyone who decided to take a MOOC simply logs on to the website and signs up. The MOOC Fanshawe College designed was aimed at engineering students. Whether re-skilling or upgrading skills of seasoned adults or providing an avenue for young adults to achieve their full potential, Fanshawe offers more than 200 degree, diploma, certificate and apprenticeship programs with flexible learning arrangements designed meet the labor market needs. Fanshawe College, located in the greater London region with multiple campuses, is one of Ontario’s largest colleges and serves close to half a million people. When considering producing the MOOC, Fanshawe knew they couldn’t compete with world-famous professors so they decided to let the students take the lead. The subject was sustainability in the areas of construction, architecture, design and urban planning. The solution was an extremely flexible online engineering course where students defined their own learning outcomes. Choose Your Own Exit Point This self-directed course was designed with time management and student outcomes in mind. The course was shortened to just six weeks in length and any students who withdraw could go back into the course in a subsequent term and can pick back up where they left off. Fanshawe College also allows students to select which level of accomplishment they wish to pursue. Instead of having one exit point, students can select from one of four outcomes that reflect their achievements and goals. The four levels of variable outcomes, Green, Gold, Silver, and Platinum, allow students to choose their own adventure by deciding how deeply they wish to go into the subject. They can raise or lower their benchmark as they progress through the course. Color Levels Give a Gamification Feel At the beginning of the course, for example, a student might choose to take the easy path, the Green level, with bare minimum requirements and weekly quizzes. If they decide during the course that it is too e
Waiting for an opportunity to change your career? Trying to surpass your limits and to grow in your career? Wisdom jobs got the right offer for to build an excellent career. Embedded system is a combination of computer software and hardware that is designed to perform
Waiting for an opportunity to change your career? Trying to surpass your limits and to grow in your career? Wisdom jobs got the right offer for to build an excellent career. Embedded system is a combination of computer software and hardware that is designed to perform a specific function within a larger system/device. Linux Embedded Systems jobs require efficiency in developing and designing Linux based embedded systems, experts at using debugging tools, and should be able to handle all Linux kernel operations. has designed Linux Embedded systems job interview questions and answers page to help you demonstrate all your skills to the full extent in an interview. To get notified of the recent job openings, you need to register on our job portal. Question 1. Explain What Is Embedded System In A Computer System? An embedded system is a computer system that is part of a larger system or machine. It is a system with a dedicated function within a larger electrical or mechanical system. Question 2. Mention What Are The Essential Components Of Embedded System? Essential components of embedded system includes •System application specific circuits •It ensures the availability of System Memory •It checks the Processor Speed availability •The need to limit power lost when running the system continuously •Real Time Operating System •It runs a process as per scheduling and do the switching from one process to another Question 3. Why Embedded System Is Useful? With embedded system, it is possible to replace dozens or even more of hardware logic gates, input buffers, timing circuits, output drivers, etc. with a relatively cheap microprocessor. Question 4. Explain What Are Real-time Embedded Systems? Real-time embedded systems are computer systems that monitor, respond or control an external environment. This environment is connected to the computer system through actuators, sensors, and other input-output interfaces. Question 5. Explain What Is Microcontroller? The microcontroller is a self-contained system with peripherals, memory and a processor that can be used as embedded system. Question 6. Mention What Is The Difference Between Microprocessor And Microcontroller?
With the recent advancement in printing technologies, it is quite hard for a Forensic Document Examiner (FDE) to depict whether the document is originally printed or a copy. For analysis, a private FDE can charge you between $200 to $
With the recent advancement in printing technologies, it is quite hard for a Forensic Document Examiner (FDE) to depict whether the document is originally printed or a copy. For analysis, a private FDE can charge you between $200 to $400. But, the best part is that if you scan your eyes over the printed and photocopied documents, you will get clues that lead you towards their originality. Still, of course, you need a certified FDE, to testify in court about the authenticity of those questioned documents. So, this post is for curious, forensic students, and QD examiners who want to get a relevant perspective on how to differentiate between printed and copied. Table: Photocopied Documents Vs Printed Documents |Features||Photocopied Documents||Printed Documents| |Individualization||Easier than printed documents||Difficult than photocopied| |Clarity than Original||No||All have the same clarity| |Saturation and Contrast||Less/more contrast than original||Same contrast| |Finer Details||Fine details possibly missing||Possibly present| |Dimension Distortion||Not same (1% to 2% difference)||Same dimensions| |Multiple Successive Copies||Contrast becomes fainter with each copy||Same contrast among all copies| |Signature or Written text||Less contrast and pen detailing, even e-signed||Detailed pen features| |Physical Alteration (pasting signature, text)||Possible, like pasting a signature||Not possible (unless alteration in e-docs)| |Physical Defect Marks (staples, holes)||May be present||Absent, if not in e-doc.| |Transitory Defects Marks (easily cleaned)||May present||Absent| |Glass platen Marks||May present||Absent| |Backing Blanket Marks||May present||Absent| |Imaging Lens Defects||May present||Absent| How to Differentiate Between Photocopied and Printed Documents? Note: The following differences are mostly taken into consideration when the e-documents are generated directly from word pressing software rather than the scanned copy of the documents. If the print is generated from scanned copy, it becomes more difficult to differentiate between printed or photocopied documents. 1. Individualization of Machine In printed documents, there are fewer mechanical parts involved in printed docs than in photocopied ones. This leads to a lesser possibility of individualizing a printer. But with a close examination, an FDE can determine which printer technology is used to print that document. In the case of photocopy, there are various additional measures such as imaging lens defects, backing blanket marks, glass scratches, etc. that lead to more possible findings. Bottom line: Individualization of printers from printed documents requires extra effort than a xerox/photocopier. 2. Clarity than Original A copied document can’t be as clear as the original document from which it is copied. This is due to the fact that copying requires additional mechanical parts such as - Mechanical handling of original documents - Imaging lens defects - Glass platen scratches and debris This is the reason why photocopying is not a perfect process that eventually leads to minor differences between copies. Bottom line: A copied document will never be as clear as the original (microscopic changes are there), but printed documents share the same clarity as the original e-document. 3. Saturation and Contrast Saturation is broadly used in color operation while for mono-color printing, contrast is used as a comparison metric. Contrast: Photocopies, in general, can print a fainter contrast reproduction at normal contrast settings. As a result, finer details such as written text or signature spurs are not precisely replicated on the copy. However, if settings are brought to darker, then it produces a darker replication. In both cases, the contrast differs from that of original printed documents. Saturation: Conversely, it is very difficult to depict the faintness in mono-color documents but can easily be seen in color-copied documents. This is due to the inability of photocopies imaging lenses to capture exact color details from original printed documents. Here is the image of a printed and photocopied color document. Bottom line: The photocopied documents have different—lighter or darker— contrast and saturation than the original printed documents. 4. Fineness and Detailings It is also a metric that can easily help an FDE to differentiate between a printed and photocopied document. Generally, the magnification power and ability to capture minor details are governed by the imaging lens of photocopiers and their ability to replicate it. But most office printers fail to do so. In those cases, the following characters are seen in photocopied documents w.r.t. fineness and detailing: - Noise and small dots in the text region. - Contour roughness on the characters. - Missing glossiness in authentic glowing
Title : How to treat rheumatoid arthritis using foods as the main tools? Statement of the Problem: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic autoimmune inflammatory disease, which affects approximately 1% of the world’s adult population. It
Title : How to treat rheumatoid arthritis using foods as the main tools? Statement of the Problem: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic autoimmune inflammatory disease, which affects approximately 1% of the world’s adult population. It is characterized by the inflammation of synovial tissue from multiple articulations, leading to tissue destruction, pain, deformities and reduced quality of life. RA etiology is complex and largely unknown, although studies support the influence of genetic and environmental factors on its pathogenesis. According to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) theory, RA is categorized under the “Bi” or impediment disease, which means a group of diseases caused by the invasion of wind, cold, dampness, or heat pathogen on the meridians involving muscles, sinews, bones, and joints, manifested by local pain, soreness, heaviness, or hotness, and even articular swelling, stiffness, and deformities, also referring to arthralgia. According to Chinese nutritional therapy, all patients with pain in the joints should avoid the consumption of dairy products. Purpose: To demonstrate that patient with rheumatoid arthritis need to avoid the ingestion of dairy products. Methods: Through an extensive literature review by PubMed and NCBI on rheumatoid arthritis in Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine and the report of a clinical case demonstrating the importance of dietary counselling avoiding the ingestion of dairy products in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis patients. This pa
We Europeans are everywhere, we are on every continent and in every corner of the world. Of course we’re mostly in Europe, the British Isles, North America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Russia. Wherever we’ve
We Europeans are everywhere, we are on every continent and in every corner of the world. Of course we’re mostly in Europe, the British Isles, North America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Russia. Wherever we’ve gone, we have thrived and built Christian civilizations based on Yahweh’s laws. However we were not always spread across the world, at one time we were within the bounds of Europe. And at one time we went by different names, our tribal names, Saxons, Angles, Franks, Danes, Jutes etc. The question is if we come from the Germanic Tribes, then where the Germanic tribes come from? Now on the other hand most people these days have at least a basic vague outline of the story within the Bible. How Yahweh made a covenant with Abraham (2000 BC), later Yahweh led them out of Egypt under Moses, how the Israelites invaded the land of Canaan, but eventually were deported by the Assyrians (722 BC). From here on all trace of the Israelites fades in history. So when we put one and one together, we have Europeans originating from the Middle East and the Israelites disappearing in the Middle East. Could there be a connection? The reality is that the Israelites were migrating into Europe right from the beginning. When Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt. Not all the Israelites went with Moses. A sizable group broke away and set sail for Europe (Danaans and Trojans). Then from the land of Canaan, Israelites began invading and colonizing Europe (Dorians and Phoenicians). However, the largest migration came with the Assyrian deportations in 722 BC, when masses of our Israelite ancestors were uprooted from the Promised Land and resettled near the Caucasus Mountains. Some of these Israelites stayed in the Caucasus area and eventually became the Parthian Empire, but large numbers migrated to Europe. Since our purpose here in Proof 1 is to show that we white Europeans are the Biblical Israelites, we’ll concentrate on these later migrations of Israelites who became the Germanic tribes. We’ll cover Israel’s earlier migrations in later Proofs. The key to understanding these migrations, is understanding that once the Israelites were deported, they no longer were called by the name of Israel. They went through a range of names, they gained from opposing Empires and brought them with them. The Assyrians called the Israelites “Cymri”, after their King Omri. The early Greek used the name “Cimmeroi” (Cimmerians) from Cymri. Once the Assyrian Empire fell the Babylonians called the Israelites “Gimri” from the name Cymri. Once Babylon fell, the Persians called the Israelites “Sacea” or “Saca Sunea” (Likely were Saxons comes from). So we see here than different Empires with their own perspectives gave different names to our ancestors. As the Israelites began migrating into Europe is larger and larger numbers, they began using the name “Scythians” for themselves which is derived from the Hebrew word “Succoth” meaning “tent dwellers”. The Greeks by this time had a new name for the Israelites which is “Galatae”. It is likely that this name originates from Milk drinkers, as “gala” in Greek means milk. Our ancestors survived on their flocks and consumed milk in large quantities. Finally by Caesars time, the Romans used the name “Galli” which we anglized to “Gauls”, this was a shortening of “Galatae”. By this time the Israelites had spread to most of Europe. Caesar distinguished between the Gauls who had invaded northern Italy, France and Spain and the Gauls who were still in central and northern Europe (Germany). He called the Gauls who remained in those parts “Germani”, which means genuine, authentic, true, sincere. As the Gauls in France and Spain had intermingled with the Celts, Iberians and other tribes already there. This is of course Caesar’s perspective. In reality they were all Israelites (more on that later), never the less the name Germani/German was born. We white Europeans came from these Germanic tribes. All of the Germanic tribes migrated to Europe from the Middle East. This is why we are sometimes called “Indo-Europeans” and also “Caucasians”, as many of our ancestors migrated over the Caucasus Mountains to enter Europe. Our people were originally deported from the lands of Israel and Judah. Thus as we trace our lineage back in time, we can know with certainty that we are the Israelites, the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. We are the people of the Bible. We are the inheritors of the Biblical promises and prophecies. There is no true Christianity without a true understanding of this ancient history. We are the Children of God and the Bible is our history and no one else’s. Yahweh gave His law to Israel only and not to any other people. He gave His law through Moses, first on Mount Sinai and later through Moses’ rulings as the Israelites traveled through the desert to the Promised Land. Much later, King David confirms this: “He declares his word to Jacob, his statutes and ordinances to Israel. He has not dealt thus with any other nation; they do not know his ordinances. Praise the Lo
Today we’ll delve into five fascinating facts about blockade runners during the American Civil War. Facts beyond the basics. (Check out last week’s infograph for the introduction!) Did steam or wind propeller these 19th Century vessels? What were
Today we’ll delve into five fascinating facts about blockade runners during the American Civil War. Facts beyond the basics. (Check out last week’s infograph for the introduction!) Did steam or wind propeller these 19th Century vessels? What were their favorite Southern ports? Where did they sail? What if they were captured? Who owned the blockade runners? Read on and discover the answers: - Steam Ships I usually think of 19th Century ships as sailing vessels. Many were. But by the mid-19th Century, steam powered vessels were crossing the Atlantic and sailing the coastlines regularly. They were more reliable (typically) than the sailing ships which relied on favorable winds for their movement. Steam powered ships could keep a schedule – allowing passengers and mail to arrive at destinations regularly. They could get to their points of entry or exit of the blockade at favorable times (ideally). Yes, most blockade runners still carried sails, but steam was their main means of movement through the waters. 2. Southern Ports Just about any Southern Port with a good harbor still in Confederate hands welcomed, sheltered, and outfitted blockade runners. The number of ships sent out or returning to a port depending on the military situation in the area. Some of the most famous ports for blockade runners were Wilmington (North Carolina), Charleston (South Carolina), Savannah (Georgia), St. Mark’s Port (Florida), New Orleans (Louisiana), and Galveston (Texas). New Orleans was captured by Union forces in the spring of 1862, a major blow to the supplies entering the Confederacy through that port. Other port cities followed. By the end of 1864, Wilmington (North Carolina) was the last major port city still held by the Confederates and open for blockade runners; however, with the capture of Fort Fisher early in 1865, Wilmington was captured and the days of the blockade runners came to an inglorious and unofficial close. Where did the blockade runners go with their cargo of cotton after slipping out of the ports and passing any patrolling Union ships? It depends. We usually imagine the majority sailing to Europe (does Gone With The Wind influence this idea? More on that another time). However, look at a map. It’s a much shorter voyage to the West Indies or Bahamas. If the goal of a blockade runner was 1) make money and 2) bring lots of supplies, then the owners, captains, and crews want to make a quick trip and as many trips as possible in a year. So…many blockade runners went to the islands, exchanged the cotton for European made goods previously brought to the islands by less sneaky vessels, and then headed back to the Southern ports. Yes, some blockade runners did make the voyages to Europe. Again, they carried cotton to exchange for food, luxury items, weapons, and medical supplies for the Confederacy. There could be advantages to trading direct in Europe. Each ship’s course had a reason, set by the owners and the captains to fulfill immediate needs…and make a profit. What happened if a blockade runner got captured by a Union patrol ship? Well, first off, the blockade runner’s crew wouldn’t fight. They were merchant men (nevermind who they supported). So there would be no “run out the cannons” scenes; however, the Union ship might fire some warning shots at the ship. A blockade runner wanted to evade capture – obviously. A game of wits often ensued as the captains of the different ships tried to outsmart and outmaneuver each other. If the ship was captured, the supplies were confiscated, but the civilian crew was supposed to go free. Oh well! They could get another ship and be back in the trade within a few weeks – if they wanted. 5. Who Owns This Ship? (It Gets Complicated) Ship ownership is an interesting topic with blockade runners. Some were owned by businessmen looking to make a profit from the war. Some were sort of joint venture ownership from businessmen or civilians – again usually trying to make some money. Sometimes Confederate states funded blockade runners to bring supplies for their troops and civilians. Others were technically owned by the Confederate government. Now, just because they were owned by the Confederate government or states does NOT mean they were warships. I’ll repeat: blockade runners were unarmed merchant vessels. But funding from states, the Confederate Ordanance Bureau, or the Confederate Navy Department was sent to Europe to build or outfit blockade runners. Then those ships would serve those organizations and help fight the logistic battles of the Civil War. In this case, the logistic battles were shotless and usually bloodless – just a fight for the fastest ships, smartest captains, and bravest crews (and a lot of luck!). 4 thoughts on “5 Thing
How can we build an equitable human society: Question from the Internet: “What could be done to establish a more equitable society?” We have only one example or template we can build a liveable, equitable, and sustainable human society on; it
How can we build an equitable human society: Question from the Internet: “What could be done to establish a more equitable society?” We have only one example or template we can build a liveable, equitable, and sustainable human society on; it is nature’s integrated living systems. And while it is not easy to take examples from nature in general, and our inherently egocentric, subjective, self-serving, and self-justifying perception and consciousness distorts what we see and detect, when we look at how our own biological body functions, we can see exactly how mutually integrated and healthily surviving natural systems survive and develop. In these natural, integrated, and living systems, each and every comprising element exists for the sake of the whole. Each cell and organ in our body makes calculations and functions in order to sustain and safeguard the general balance and homeostasis that life and optimal development depends on. For each cell and organ, this calculation for the well-being of the whole overrides any individual or selfish calculations. The inherently egocentric, subjective, and individualistic human beings behave and exist in the opposite way. We live only for ourselves; we excessively accumulate and consume everything we can for ourselves. Our activities, the structure of society, are characterized by ruthless and exclusive competition, where we survive and succeed at each other’s expense. Thus if we want to build a better, safer, more peaceful, and surviving human society, where each and every person finds their most optimal, mutually responsible, and mutually complementing role and function, we will have to learn from nature how to exist — above and against our inherent nature. This requires a unique, purposeful, and practical educational method and sensitive and willing people who are ready to start this unprecedented self-changing and self-developing process before others.
Exercising in water is a fantastic way to get and stay fit. Aquatic exercise is a low-impact activity that provides a great full-body workout without the risk of injury as the body is almost weightless in the water and it takes
Exercising in water is a fantastic way to get and stay fit. Aquatic exercise is a low-impact activity that provides a great full-body workout without the risk of injury as the body is almost weightless in the water and it takes the pressure off your bones, joints, and muscles. Water also offers natural resistance, which can help strengthen your muscles and keep them lean and toned. Exercising in water with pool exercise equipment is an excellent alternative for individuals who can’t tolerate the stresses of land-based exercises and also works as a form of physical therapy if you are injured. Regular aquatic exercise can improve cardiovascular and cardiorespiratory fitness, muscle strength and power, agility, flexibility, and bone density. Let’s take a look at the benefits of water workouts and the best pool exercise equipment to use to maximize your aqua workouts. Aquatic exercise is a low-impact activity that provides a great full-body workout. US Marines working out in the pool by USMC- 08381 / Wiki Commons (Public Domain) What are the Benefits of Pool Exercises? Working out in the pool can make some exercises that you do on land more challenging because water offers heavier resistance than air. Heavier resistance can engage your muscles to their full capacity, which in turn, burns more calories during your workout and strengthens your muscles over time. Aquatic exercise with pool exercise equipment provides a fantastic cardio workout that increases your heart rate and improves flexibility, endurance, and strength. The buoyancy of water also provides extra cushioning and support for your joints and muscles and joints and allows you to work out harder while putting less impact on your body than you would on land. It’s Low Impact Exercise Aquatic exercise with pool exercise equipment is a very low impact form of exercise as the water’s buoyancy reduces the impact that many land-based exercises have on your joints and muscles. It is an excellent form of exercise for people who have joint conditions, such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or fibromyalgia. It’s also a gentler form of exercise for women who are pregnant. Enhances Your Balance and Coordination Exercising in water can go a long way towards improving and enhancing your coordination and balance. It helps to build core stability, build muscle strength, and flexibility – all key elements of balance and coordination. Water-based exercises are also a good option if you suffer from vertigo or ear imbalances as there is no risk of losing balance, falling over, and injuring yourself. Improves Your Cardiovascular Strength It is a known fact that regular exercise improves overall cardiovascular fitness, cardiorespiratory fitness, and heart health, and aqua exercise is no different. When you are in the water, the pressure of the surrounding water can help with blood circulation. Better blood circulation reduces your blood pressure, which puts less strain on your heart as it pumps blood. Over time, your heart becomes stronger, and your cardiovascular strength improves. One of the main benefits of water aerobics and other water-based exercises is that it helps improve flexibility. Water has a high resistance, and this makes your muscles work harder when exercising in the pool. Over time, working against this resistance during aqua exercises, particularly if you are using pool exercise equipment, increases your flexibility both on dry land and in water. Water-based exercises help improve flexi
Conversion of the Maldives to Islam An artist's impression of the conversion of the Sultan of the Maldives to Islam. The sketch shows the Sultan of the Maldives, Sri Tribuvana Aditiya embracing Islam. On the right hand
Conversion of the Maldives to Islam An artist's impression of the conversion of the Sultan of the Maldives to Islam. The sketch shows the Sultan of the Maldives, Sri Tribuvana Aditiya embracing Islam. On the right hand side of the picture is Abulbarakaat Yoosuf Al-Berbery. With the Sultan are members of his family and some of his ministers. After converting to Islam, the Sultan was known as Sultan Muhammed Ibn Abdulla. He was popularly known as Dharumavantha Rasgefaanu. The Maldives was converted to Islam in the year 1153 AD by a Muslim from Maghreb (North Africa) by the name of Abul Barakat Yoosuf Al Barbary. When he visited the Maldives the reigning king was Sri Tribuvana Aditiya. The first King of the Theemuge dynasty King Sri Mahabarana was his maternal uncle. Sri Tribuvana Aditiya ascended the throne around 1138 AD. After conversion to Islam he adopted the name Muhammed Ibn Abdulla. He sent missionaries to various parts of the Maldives to spread Islam. The first Friday Mosque to be built in Malé and the Dharumavantha Rasgefaanu Miskiy at Malé were commissioned by Sultan Muhammed Ibn Abdulla. Legend has it that, after arrival at Malé Abul Barakat Yoosuf Al Barbary stayed in Malé for several days. He was a Hafiz, a person who could recite the entire Holy Quran from memory. According to Thangeehu Kurevunu Dhivehi Raajjeyge Thaareekhuge Thanthankolhu (Researched excerpts from the History of the Maldives) the Hafiz succeeded in converting Maldivians to Islam after much effort and endeavour. His first efforts to proselytise did not meet with success. However his relentless perseverance turned out to be a tremendous service to the nation as Maldivians finally embraced Islam. The first convert was the king himself, who was followed by his wives and children and members of the court. After the people embraced the Islamic faith the Buddhist temples and idols were destroyed. Archaeological excavations carried out in Malé at various times this century confirm the fact that there had been Buddhist temples in Malé during the 12th century AD. Even after Maldivians adopted Islam Abul Barakat Yoosuf Al Barbary stayed in the Maldives to teach Islam to the people. He died during the reign of Dharumavantha Rasgefaanu (Muhammed Ibn Abdulla).
Allergic rhinitis or hay fever causes a group of symptoms that affect the nose. Individuals who have allergic rhinitis typically experience symptoms after inhaling allergy-causing substances such as dust or pollen. During the fall season, the common allerg
Allergic rhinitis or hay fever causes a group of symptoms that affect the nose. Individuals who have allergic rhinitis typically experience symptoms after inhaling allergy-causing substances such as dust or pollen. During the fall season, the common allergen is ragweed while grasses and pollen are the usual triggers during the spring season. Once a highly sensitive individual inhales an allergen, the immune system reacts by releasing chemicals that are responsible for triggering the following symptoms: - Stuffed nose due to congestion or blockage - Itchiness usually in the mouth, nose, skin, eyes or throat - Puffy, swollen eyelids It is important to note that the symptoms can also be triggered by exposure to common irritants such as cigarette smoke, cosmetics, strong odors such as perfume or hair spray, laundry detergents and cleaning solutions, vehicle exhaust, pool chlorine and other air pollutants. What are the two types of allergic rhinitis? Allergic rhinitis has two forms that you should be familiar with – seasonal allergic rhinitis and perennial allergic rhinitis. Both have their differences that set them apart. Seasonal allergic rhinitis typically occurs during the spring, summer and early fall. This form is triggered by sensitivity to the airborne pollen from grasses, weeds or trees as well as mold spores. With this in mind, a highly sensitive individual should avoid the outdoors during the peak pollen count. Perennial allergic rhinitis causes symptoms that occur throughout the year and typically triggered by sensitivity to pet dander, mold, cockroaches and dust mites. It is important to note that allergic rhinitis can be linked with limited activities, diminished level of focus and concentration,
Elusive dark matter on the horizon Scientists may be close to tracking down the mysterious "dark matter" that makes up more than a quarter of the universe but has never been seen. The elusive nature of dark matter - which surrounds the galaxy in
Elusive dark matter on the horizon Scientists may be close to tracking down the mysterious "dark matter" that makes up more than a quarter of the universe but has never been seen. The elusive nature of dark matter - which surrounds the galaxy in a near-spherical halo and is believed to make up around a quarter of the universe - is considered one of the most important riddles in physics. A final identification of what makes up the enigmatic material would open up new investigations into the possibility of multiple universes and other areas, say researchers. Members of an international team have picked up what might be the first physical trace left by dark matter using the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer, the most sensitive particle physics spectrometer ever sent to space, now aboard the International Space Station. The AMS studies cosmic rays - charged high-energy particles that permeate space - before they interact with Earth's atmosphere. Of the 25 billion cosmic ray events the AMS has studied so far, "an unprecedented number, 6.8 million, were unambiguously identified as electrons and their anti-matter counterpart, positrons," CERN, the European Organisation for Nuclear Research has announced in a statement. The head of the international research project Professor Samuel Ting says the AMS particle detector on the space station "will be able to tell us conclusively whether these positrons are a signal for dark matter or if they have some other origin". There is still a chance the signals could result from pulsars, or neutron stars that emit electromagnetic radiation. "There is no question we are going to solve this problem," Ting says. Scientists are pinning their hopes on the AMS because its accuracy is "unmatched by any other experiment", says Ting, a Nobel laureate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. "Our evidence supports the existence of dark matter but cannot rule out" other origins, such as pulsars, he says, adding that scientists are awaiting more data. The findings appear in the journal Physical Review Letters. John Conway, a physics professor from the University of California, Davis, working at CERN, says a confirmed discovery would push scientists into uncharted realms of research. He says fresh insights could be gained into super-symmetry, a theory that says the current known 17 elementary particles have heavier but invisible counterparts, and d
© Frank Ford, 7/12/00; Photos by FF, 1/1/00 The oldest style mandolins had bodies made of many small staves formed into a bowl shape: These are known as the Neapol
© Frank Ford, 7/12/00; Photos by FF, 1/1/00 The oldest style mandolins had bodies made of many small staves formed into a bowl shape: These are known as the Neapolitan, Italian, or "bowl back" mandolins. They have a short scale length, around 13" or about the same as a violin. The flat back cousin of the bowl back mandolin is the Portuguese style, which, like the bowl back, has a bend in the face right where the bridge sits, to accommodate the string angle over the bridge downward toward the tailpiece: These flat instruments and the bowl backs are made of thin woods and are quite light in weight, brute strength, and tonal volume. They have a characteristic "sweet tone" frequently the choice of classical and Celtic musicians. This mandolin has a flat face in addition to a flat back: It is constructed as simply as possible to keep the cost reasonable, and is an ideal "starter" instrument. Soundwise, the most powerful mandolins are the "arched" or "carved" instruments, so named because their tops and backs are contoured and carved from solid blocks of wood. The carved instruments tend to have a long scale, nearly 14 inches. Gibson developed the carved instruments as we know them; today we use the original Gibson model designations to describe their body shapes. The "A" body is a pear shape: While the "A" body is often seen with an oval soundhole as above, it is also made with "f-holes." The name "f-hole" refers to the shape of the soundholes, and leads to a bit of confusion with the other major body style, the "F." The "F" body has a characteristic "scroll" on the bass side, and may be made with f-holes, as this one: or with an oval soundhole, like this: The most vocal and demanding group of mandolin players is the community of bluegrass musicians, who insist on the loudest and strongest possible instruments. They play the f-hole style almost exclusively. The f-hole top and more centralized bridge location allow for greater bass response than the oval hole instrument. Many musicians prefer the oval hole for different styles playing. As a general rule if all things are equal (same maker, quality, etc.) there is no real tonal difference between the "A" and "F" body shapes. The "F" body is much more difficult to construct, and generally costs about twice as much as the equivalent "A." The mandolin is the soprano voice in the choir. Parallel to the construction of the string orchestra, the mandolin family includes the mandolin, mandola, mandocello and even this behemoth, the mandobass: Quite a family. Back to Index Page
Trauma and Abuse What is psychological trauma? Trauma is a strong emotional response to a distressing event or circumstance. Trauma can overwhelm a person’s ability to cope and cause feelings of helplessness, fear, and/or horror. Tra
Trauma and Abuse What is psychological trauma? Trauma is a strong emotional response to a distressing event or circumstance. Trauma can overwhelm a person’s ability to cope and cause feelings of helplessness, fear, and/or horror. Traumatic events can include domestic violence, abuse, community violence, motor vehicle accidents, war experiences, terrorist acts, natural disasters, and human-made disasters. When faced with trauma, most children and adolescents are resilient and are able to return to their prior levels of functioning after a certain period of time and resume a normal developmental course. However, some children who experience trauma develop severe acute or continuous symptoms that interfere with their daily functioning and warrant clinical intervention. What is child abuse? Child abuse is any action or failure to act which results in a child being emotionally or physically harmed, exploited, or even killed. Furthermore, child abuse is also any act or failure to act which causes a child to be at risk for severe harm. Child abuse can be physical, emotional, verbal, sexual, or neglectful. Child abuse can result in both physical and emotional developmental delays, and its effects can last into adulthood. How can a mental health professional help? Mental health professionals can help facilitate the recovery of children and adolescents who have experienced traumatic events. Mental health professionals can help to promote the use of adaptive coping strategies and reduce stress by guiding individuals through their challenges. Furthermore, mental health professionals develop and help provide appropriate interventions and treatments based on each child’s need.
The terms format and resolution do not mean the same. Resolution is the number of pixels that fit the monitor horizontally and vertically. As a rule, the more pixels, the higher is the quality of the image. Some common resolutions are: -
The terms format and resolution do not mean the same. Resolution is the number of pixels that fit the monitor horizontally and vertically. As a rule, the more pixels, the higher is the quality of the image. Some common resolutions are: - 640 x 480 pixels (SD) - 1280 x 720 pixels (HD) - 1920 x 1080 pixels (FHD) - 2560 x 1440 pixels (QHD) - 2048 x 1080 pixels (2K) - 3840 x 2160 pixels (UHD) - 4096 x 2160 pixels (4K) - 5120 x 2880 pixels (5K) - 7680 x 4320 pixels (8K UHD) A file format is related to how the file is encoded and decoded. Depending on the format, you may need to use different programs to play audio and video files or open photos/images. Some common popular video formats are: Sometimes a format may also be called an extension. However, it is not exactly the same: this term refers to the letters after the dot in the file's name, like.doc,.txt,.mov, and so on.
State Structure and Political System of Japan The post-war democratization of Japan was expressed, among other things, in the formation of a multi-party system. Currently, the most significant parties are: LDP, Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ
State Structure and Political System of Japan The post-war democratization of Japan was expressed, among other things, in the formation of a multi-party system. Currently, the most significant parties are: LDP, Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), New Komeito (NC), Conservative Party (KP), Communist Party of Japan (CPJ), Social Democratic Party (SDP). Check equzhou for political system of Japan. For 38 years (1955–93), the LDP, a party of moderate conservatism, maintained a monopoly on power, but then too close merging of its leaders with bureaucratic and business circles became a source of corruption, the party was unable to initiate and implement the economic, political and social reforms and, as a result, lost t
Traverse City, Mich. — She stands as a sentinel on the shores of Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, armed with binoculars and a notepad. Alice Van Zoeren is a vigilant protector of the endangered Piping P
Traverse City, Mich. — She stands as a sentinel on the shores of Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, armed with binoculars and a notepad. Alice Van Zoeren is a vigilant protector of the endangered Piping Plover, a tiny shorebird that was near extinction in the mid-1980s. Today, thanks to efforts of Van Zoeren and other guardians, the Piping Plover is on the way back. In the mid-80s only about 17 nesting pairs were known in the Great Lakes. Today that number is around 75, halfway to the federal recovery goal of 150 pairs. Of those 75 pairs, nearly half of them call the Sleeping Bear Lakeshore their summer home. “It’s addictive,” said Van Zoeren. “It’s fascinating. You get to know the individual birds and not just their species.” It is personal for Van Zoeren, she knows the birds by name and annually follows their growth. Van Zoeren has been watching over the Piping Plover population at the National Lakeshore for 17 years. She credits a huge group effort for their rebound including support from the National Park Service, Audubon Great Lakes, Great Lakes Restoration Initiative and the University of Minnesota. Van Zoeren is joined by other monitors who identify nesting locations, mark them off to keep people and their pets away from the nest, and set up protective cages called “exclosures” that allow the Plovers to leave the nests but keeps predators away. The tiny adult birds only weigh about the size of two AA batteries and protecting their nest is no small task. “The chicks can’t fly for the first 25 days and that’s when they are most vulnerable,” said Dr. Sarah Saunders, a Quantitative Ecologist at the National Audubon Society. “The rule of thumb is to stay 100 feet from nesting birds. We need to give the birds space to nest and rest.” "Nesting is taking place now at Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore," said Trevor Tkach, President of Traverse City Tourism. "This is a critical time for all of us to exercise responsible tourism. It's when we need to respect and protect these vital resources." One of the biggest threats are people who get too close to the nest and dogs that are allowed off leash. That’s when the adult birds can be chased away from the nest and the eggs or babies are left unprotected. Audubon Great Lakes and National Park Service set guidelines to protect the Piping Plover. - Keep dogs on a leash when on trails or shoreline, where dogs are allowed. - Give birds 100 feet of space and stay clear from designated Piping Plover nesting areas. - Stay on marked trails. - Read, understand and take the Piping Plover Pledge.
When the CNC lathe is used improperly or the daily maintenance is not in place, it often causes the cnc lathe parts to rust. Corrosion caused by precision parts can not be treated by mechanical methods, and the use of chemical
When the CNC lathe is used improperly or the daily maintenance is not in place, it often causes the cnc lathe parts to rust. Corrosion caused by precision parts can not be treated by mechanical methods, and the use of chemical acid to clear the rust will damage the accuracy of the parts, resulting in reduced processing accuracy. In general, there are two processes for cleaning the surface of the parts: immersion cleaning and wiping cleaning. The following is a brief introduction: The immersion cleaning process step is: adding the professional cleaning stock solution into the plastic tank and heating it to 40-50 degrees with an electric heater and maintaining it, and the normal temperature may only need to be extended. Soak the workpiece into the tank. If further efficiency is required, increase the circulation pump to agitate the bath. Wait until the rust is completely dissolved before removing the workpiece and rinsing with a water-based rust inhibitor. After rinsing, it is naturally dried or dried, or directly dehydrated and rustproof. Another method is to wipe and clean, which is to wipe repeatedly with a rag and a cleaning solution. After wiping, dry it with hot air or dry it naturally and apply anti-rust oil. This method is not suitable for cleaning and rusting of large equipment or workpieces. We need to soak and clean the parts of the CNC car before cleaning it. The scrubbed parts can be renewed with anti-rust oil. At the same time, it also effectively extends the service life of the machine. In the process of using the machine tool, it is necessary to carry out routine maintenance according to the formal process. This is the fundamental method to solve the problem.
Threats to global food systems and agriculture have come to the fore since the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted regional value chains, heightening awareness about the importance of public health and regulation of new scientific techniques. For the Middle East in particular, the
Threats to global food systems and agriculture have come to the fore since the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted regional value chains, heightening awareness about the importance of public health and regulation of new scientific techniques. For the Middle East in particular, the crisis has been a wake-up call for policymakers acutely aware they have fallen behind in the food sciences — a gap that Saudi Arabia and the UAE are now hopeful they can close. “Food science is definitely something that’s missing here,” Prince Khaled bin Alwaleed bin Talal Al-Saud, founder and CEO of KBW Ventures, said during a recent virtual panel discussion on “The Future of Food: New Tastes, New Priorities, New Technologies.” “We’ve voiced it a bunch of times and we are actually working with the UAE government to establish some sort of ecosystem to develop that.” The panel discussion, organized as part of Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week (Jan. 18-21), examined how the world’s food needs have evolved over recent decades from hunger prevention to tackling obesity, and how they must adapt to face new realities. “Fifty years ago, food science was created for food safety. It was not created for food health,” Gabrielle Rubenstein, co-founder and chief executive of the US private equity firm Manna Tree, told the panel. “They were just trying to feed the world and mass produce, but we didn’t know that it would cause cancer or obesity.” Today, the cost of treating chronic diseases caused by obesity in the US is equivalent to roughly 9 percent of its gross domestic product (GDP), while 70 percent of deaths are caused by lifestyles linked to poor diet. Solutions could lie in the new scientific innovations led by start-ups. The missing ingredient, according to Rubenstein, is scalability. “This is something that we all need to work on together,” she said. “The only way we can do that is by scaling innovation knowledge and research. It’s not necessarily about getting food into the hands of the country — what’s totally missing is knowledge in innovation.” Universities in the UAE, for instance, currently do not offer PhDs in food science, leaving regional startups whose goal is to create the foods of the future at a disadvantage. Rubenstein’s company wants to change that. “Let’s take our scholar model and give this to you so that the next generation are food scientists,” she said.] One interesting takeaway from the pandemic is the shift in consumer preferences towards healthier and more sustainably produced food. Experts believe technology and regulations will have to adapt quickly to respond to these changing demands. “We are going through what is probably the most challenging time we have gone through in the last 20 years,” Prince Khaled said. “And from my point of view, it is the most important thing that has happened to us because it has shifted people’s attention towards what their priorities are.” Responding to these new demands, retailers are already allocating more shelf space to the likes of Beyond Meat, Impossible Foods and other plant-based alternatives as shoppers cut back on animal products.
Democracy is maintained because everyday people choose to make their voices heard in public. Whether that’s calling businesses and Members of Parliament (MPs) to demand they care about communities and the environment, or showing up in the streets to disrupt and draw
Democracy is maintained because everyday people choose to make their voices heard in public. Whether that’s calling businesses and Members of Parliament (MPs) to demand they care about communities and the environment, or showing up in the streets to disrupt and draw attention to a cause – progress is won because people take up space for the causes they believe in. But the ‘typical’ pathways of protest of showing up to a rally or strike, or engaging in civil disobedience are inaccessible to a lot of people. Whether it’s because of the risks of illness or injury are too great, you care for people who need you, you live far away, your living situation is precarious or you are at risk of criminaisation or deportation – there are many reasons why it’s too hard to turn up to protest. That does not mean you don’t care. Gentle protest or craftivism is a community building technique to hand make items with political messages, which can then be put up in public, mailed to decision-makers and carried to rallies and protests as a sign of solidarity. It’s a way of putting your voice into an artwork and sharing it far and wide. At the School of Joy and Mischief we’re building on a long tradition of crafters and makers to support causes of social and environmental justice. Leave a Reply
Earth Day activity for kids.Try this Earth-friendly and kid-friendly salt dough recipe for Earth Day! Transform a couple of simple household ingredients into a salt dough Earth model. These Earth Day ornaments are a terrific reminder to look after our Earth, for a
Earth Day activity for kids.Try this Earth-friendly and kid-friendly salt dough recipe for Earth Day! Transform a couple of simple household ingredients into a salt dough Earth model. These Earth Day ornaments are a terrific reminder to look after our Earth, for a fun and easy MAKE AN EARTH DAY NECKLACE WITH SALT DOUGH EARTH DAY CRAFT Get ready to add this quick and easy Earth Day salt dough craft, to your activities this season. If you want to learn how to make a simple salt dough necklace, let’s dig in! While you’re at it, make sure to check out these other fun Earth Day activities. Our activities and crafts are designed with you, the parent or teacher, in mind! Easy to set up, quick to do, most activities will take only 15 to 30 minutes to complete and are heaps of fun! Plus, our supplies lists usually contain only free or cheap materials you can source from home! HOW TO PRESERVE SALT DOUGH ORNAMENTSThese salt dough ornaments are made from a mixture of flour an
In China, a deadly strain of bird flu now easily infects ducks A vaccine that protects chickens from the virus works in ducks, too Some ducks in China now carry a deadly strain of bird flu. Highly pathogenic versions of H
In China, a deadly strain of bird flu now easily infects ducks A vaccine that protects chickens from the virus works in ducks, too Some ducks in China now carry a deadly strain of bird flu. Highly pathogenic versions of H7N9 — a bird flu strain that’s proven particularly deadly to people — and H7N2 viruses have turned up in ducks in the Fujian province. These viruses replicate easily in the ducks and can kill them, researchers report September 27 in Cell Host & Microbe. The discovery is worrisome because the virus made the jump to ducks just ahead of efforts to eliminate H7N9 by vaccinating chickens. Since H7N9 began sickening people in 2013, a total of 1,625 people have contracted the bird flu strain and 623 have died. Most of those infected had been in contact with chickens (SN Online: 3/11/15). Initially the virus killed about a third of people who caught it. But in 2016, the virus mutated to become even deadlier in both poultry and people, killing about half of people it infected. A vaccine against the virus protects chickens, and consequently people, the new study found. No human cases of H7N9 have been reported since October 2017. But ducks weren’t vaccinated because the original H7N9 virus didn’t infect them easily. Now, they should be to prevent the deadlier virus strains from spreading to other poultry, wild birds and to people, the researchers write.
Electric Sheep is a distributed computing program for Linux, Mac and Windows (download it here). It was built using the Flame Fractal, created by Scott Draves in 1992 and may be the first example of open source visual art. It
Electric Sheep is a distributed computing program for Linux, Mac and Windows (download it here). It was built using the Flame Fractal, created by Scott Draves in 1992 and may be the first example of open source visual art. It uses an algorithm that creates beautiful and ever changing videos rendered by the computing power of nearly a half million idle computers world wide. These videos are displayed as screen savers or stand alone apps on client machines. The name 'Electric Sheep' is an allusion to the novel "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep" by Phillip K. Dicks. The program renders flame fractals, called sheep, which are uploaded to the server, where a 'flock' of about 100 are stored, combined and evolve. These are distributed to client machines and displayed as a screensaver 'dream' when the computer sleeps. According to 'The Flame Algorithm and its Open Source Culture' by Scott Draves and Isabel Walcott Draves: Originally only static images were produced, each one taking hours to render. Scott Draves wanted to animate the images but it would require a super computer to accomplish this huge task."The algorithm treats every pixel as a variable in an equation with thousands of parameters. The parameters specify a collection of functions from the plane to the plane, and the algorithm visualizes the interference pattern between them. This is the origin of the Flame algorithm, a combination of fractals with a particle system [Draves and Reckase 2003]. The results are distinctive, recognizable, and extremely diverse." In 1999, taking inspiration from the Seti@Home project, Scott Draves spent a week coding a new distributed computing program. It harnessed the cpu cycles of inactive computers to collectively render and animate portions of these complex visual algorithms, then upload them to the server where they are compiled into stunning animations. |This 'Sheep' lineage shown below left| |Lineage of'sheep' shown above right| Electric Sheep uses standard HTTP protocol over Port 80 to download and collaborate on sheep creation. No personal information is shared with the servers. The only data which is sent are your votes (if any) and the rendered frames contributed by your cpu cycles. Security cautious users can monitor the network traffic with the following domain and IP addresses: You can create and submit your own flame fractals (sheep) to the gene pool using Qosmic for Linux. Look for flam3 in the software center or repositories. Linux users can launch Electric Sheep via the terminal with the command 'electricsheep' or access basic configuration settings by typing 'electricsheep-preferences'. Options include choosing a nickname for credit on the server, selecting your video driver, setting frame rates and cache size. Install Electric sheep through your distros Software Manager or by typing the following command in a terminal. sudo apt-get install electricsheep Would you like to help this project? According to this page, Linux maintainers are needed for patches and bug fixes. According to this forum posting: "the main requirements are you be dedicated, trustworthy, and good with programming and linux, including the automake stuff and packaging. most of the work is done in the platform independent code by cd81, so what we need is just someone who will 1) make the fixes discussed here so it compiles and runs cleanly and 2) keep it that way. please send me email and we'll talk about it. include a link to your home page or resume or something so i know who you are." This article was originally published in on Sept 27, 2011
Changing Public Behavior Forum 5.5 Choose assessment tool Forum 5.5 Practicum: Choose an assessment tool Resources for this activity: Alkon, A. H. (2004). Place, stories, and consequences -
Changing Public Behavior Forum 5.5 Choose assessment tool Forum 5.5 Practicum: Choose an assessment tool Resources for this activity: Alkon, A. H. (2004). Place, stories, and consequences - heritage narratives and the control of erosion on lake county, California, vineyards. Organization & Environment, 17(2), 145-169. [NOTE: The Water Outreach Target Audience database includes 3 findings. The link takes you to the first one. Search on Alkon for the other two.] Changing Public Behavior Self Study Modules, STEP 4. Collect audience information relevant to the environmental practice and specific behaviors. Changing Public Behavior, Workshop Materials. 7-Step Process in Practice: a Case Study example (Arkansas case study). Suppose that you are looking for qualitative information about how decisions are made about an environmental situation within a particular community. You want to design an outreach program [about – – pick your subject] that works with and through existing local power structures in order to effectively promote community participation and the goals of the particular outreach effort. You need to learn more about the local situation in order to implement an effective strategy. You have 2 weeks to plan the initiative, limited financial resources, but good observation and listening skills. You also know that several individual members of the "community of interest" are willing to volunteer their time to help you with your assessment. Last, you have been in contact with a local non-governmental organization that conducts environmental awareness campaigns within the community on a regular basis and is willing to assist you by sharing pre-existing information about the community with you. Given your purpose or reason for conducting the assessment and the kinds of resources available to do so, what combination of social assessment tools would be ideal? For help in developing your answer, review online content about the pros and cons of different tools. Then check your answer with Self-Study Module guidelines for selection, listed in the Resources for this activity. For inspiration, read a study by Alkon (2004), who used anthropological techniques to better understand the point of view of California grape growers toward managing erosion. Findings from her study are listed in the Water Outreach Target Audience database. Access the study through your local University or library. What combination of tools did you suggest? How did your recommendations compare with the “guidelines for selection”? Share your results, comments, and questions with other course participants. Put it all together. Refine your strategy in Lesson 5.6. Then analyze sample data. In Assignment 5.6 you will practice using several common assessment tools with some simple activity assignments. Before you focus on specific tools, take a few more minutes to think about the big picture. Use the Arkansas case study to review points you learned in Lessons 5.2 and 5.3. |Status||Discussion||Started by||Last post||Replies||Actions|
Created by Eli Howes from English Pro Tips What you'll be learning ✅ Essay structures for all IELTS essay types ✅ Advanced grammar and vocabulary for academic writing ✅ Useful vocabulary for the common topics in IEL
Created by Eli Howes from English Pro Tips What you'll be learning ✅ Essay structures for all IELTS essay types ✅ Advanced grammar and vocabulary for academic writing ✅ Useful vocabulary for the common topics in IELTS writing ✅ Tips and strategies for thinking of ideas and examples ✅ How to get a high score in all parts of the IELTS writing criteria ✅ How to use linking words correctly ✅ How and when to use synonyms ✅ How to effectively use punctuation ✅ Which common grammar mistakes to avoid ✅ Advanced writing techniques such as hedging and rebuttals ✅ (Academic Task 1) How to answer all of the different graphic types ✅ (General Task 1) How to answer all of the different letter types - Introduction to Task 2 (15:07) - Types of Essay Question (13:45) - Common Mistakes in IELTS Essays (10:06) - How to Write the Introduction (23:31) - How to Write the Body Paragraphs (19:02) - How to Write the Conclusion (11:07) - How to Generate Ideas (11:23) - Agree/ Disagree Essays (12:42) - Advantage/ Disadvantage Essays (11:11) - Discussion Essays (11:09) - Double Question Essays (14:29) - Advanced Essay Structures (24:09) - Managing Your Time in the IELTS Test (7:01) - 30 Most Commonly Misspelled Words in IELTS Essays (6:05) - 15 Essential Words for IELTS Essays (20:31) - Key Linking Words for IELTS Essays (18:21) - 30 Advanced Synonyms for Essay Writing + Strategies (24:59) - The Most Common Grammar Mistakes in IELTS Writing + Rules (23:55) - Simple Punctuation Rules for Better Essay Writing (16:23) - Advanced Grammar: Non-Defining Relative Clauses (16:33) - Advanced Grammar: The Passive Form (9:14) - Advanced Grammar: Complex Sentence Structures (20:07) - Advanced Grammar: Conditional Structures (16:04) - The Art of Hedging in IELTS Essays (18:24) - Developing Your Critical Thinking Skills (10:10) - Introduction to Academic Task 1 (12:17) - All the Different Graphic Types (14:58) - How to Write the Perfect Introduction + Cheat-Sheet (11:53) - How to Write a Band 7+ Overview (19:13) - How to Correctly Report and Compare Data (13:08) - How to Structure your Answer (15:38) - Top Linking Words for Task 1 (26:21) - Useful Verbs for Describing Trends (9:43) - Advanced Adjectives for Describing Trends (8:16) - Vocabulary for Describing Numerical Data (5:00) - How to Describe Periods of Time (12:54) - Describing Proportions and Fractions (6:57) - Vocabulary for Surveys and Ranking (9:31) - Commonly Misspelled Words in Task 1 (6:09) - Most Common Grammar Mistakes in Task 1 (17:16) - Simple Punctuation Rules for Task 1 (13:37) - Focus on: Graphics with Predictions (7:39) - Focus on: Process Diagrams (19:01) - Focus on: Map Diagrams (29:49) - Full Academic IELTS Test (with answers) (78:16) 10+ years teaching experience Helped hundreds of students achieve band 7+ in IELTS writing Guided students to achieve overall band 8, 8.5 and band 9 IELTS expert teacher: UK, China, Spain Founder of "Over the moon!" "Hi Eli, I want to share some good news with you. I passed the exam! My scores were: Listening:9 Reading:8 Writing:7.5 Speaking: 8 Total score:8 Thank you so much for your guidance. I'm over the moon!" Noemi from the Philippines "Clear and effective" "Very clear videos and instruction. The quizzes and interaction activities are very effective. I feel ready for the test." Bo from China "One of the best courses you could imagine" "The likelihood of getting a higher score for IELTS is way more higher than any of course I knew before. The integrated and fully interactive courses are designed to boost my confidence level and ability to get my head around the language which needs for IELTS." Deepika from Sri Lanka "Band 8 in IELTS Writing" Hi Eli, I've just received my test results and I'm so satisfied with my writing score- band 8. I'm so excited. I wouldn't be able to achieve this score without your help and support. Thanks a million Huda from Syria "Best deals I ever made" I came across about you from Keith's website and I decided to purchase your writing package, and honestly, that was one of the best deals I have ever made. Your writing package is incredibly helpful and I applied your structures and some invaluable tips in my exam and got 7, which is unbelievable. Md from Bangladesh "Band 7 in just 10 days" I got 7 (in writing)! Thank youuu, you helped me to improve in just 10 days! I am sooooo happy :))))) I am so thankful to you, I can not find right words to describe my happiness. I think I would have never passed this exam if Eli had not helped me! Mia from Croatia "Thanks a million" Hi Eli, I sat for my IELTS and this is how I did thanks to you! Thanks a million! Timothy from Kenya "I did it with the perfect score that I need to be a doctor" My dear Eli, I DID
My name is Susan Gould and I am the Lombardy School Counselor. Along with supporting students when they are having difficulties; I also go to all of the class rooms and teach prosocial skills here at Lombardy. We learn about Conflict Resolution
My name is Susan Gould and I am the Lombardy School Counselor. Along with supporting students when they are having difficulties; I also go to all of the class rooms and teach prosocial skills here at Lombardy. We learn about Conflict Resolution beginning in Kindergarten and continue this through 2nd grade with the help of our friendly frog Kelso. Using the Kelso Choices Curriculum kid’s begin to learn the difference between smaller problems that they can solve vs. larger problems that need the help of a grown up. Kelso also helps kids learn nine different problem solving strategies when faced with a conflict. In the older grades, we practice learning how to identify Triggers that cause us to feel different feelings and strategies to adjust our feelings back to a positive mindset
One of the central goals in autism research is to better meet the needs and experiences of individual children on the autism spectrum, even and especially children who may not be able to easily communicate those experiences. Researchers hope that doing so will provide an inroad
One of the central goals in autism research is to better meet the needs and experiences of individual children on the autism spectrum, even and especially children who may not be able to easily communicate those experiences. Researchers hope that doing so will provide an inroad into helping those children and also into understanding the condition as a whole. That goal would initially appear to have very little to do with eye blinking. In fact, most people don’t even notice when they blink. But without noticing it, we spend nearly 45 minutes of each day blinking, with eyelids closed, not seeing the visual information in front of us. Researchers at the Marcus Autism Center at Emory University, together with a graduate student in Psychology at Yale University, have discovered a new way to use this information to actually measure how engaged people are with what they’re watching. And they can even use this technique to learn from children who, like those with autism, have difficulties communicating their interests to others. The results are reported in the December 12th online Early Edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The new method relies on measuring the precise timing of when people blink, and when they don’t. The research reveals that people unconsciously inhibit their blinking at precise moments. Why would people blink at some moments but not at others? “When we blink, we lose visual information,” says Sarah Shultz, a graduate student in the Psychology Department at Yale University. “Our eyelids close. We’re not conscious of the timing of our blinks, but they still impact the visual information we take in.” Shultz and her colleagues at the Marcus Autism Center, Ami Klin and Warren Jones, work with children with autism, studying how these children look at the world and how they learn from the things they pay attention to. While measuring what 2-year-olds look at when watching videos of other children playing, Shultz made an interesting observation: she noticed that the children blinked less while the videos were playing than they did before or after the videos. “That initial observation opened the whole thing. It made us wonder if we might see the same effect at a micro-scale: that is, not just for a whole video, but moment-to-moment, whether the rate of blinking might go down or up depending on whether viewers perceived a scene to be more or less important,” says Jones. The researchers tested the hypothesis by letting 93 two-year-old children watch a video. The video showed a simple scene of a boy and girl playing together. About half the children watching had Autism Spectrum Disorders. The researchers measured when children blinked and when they didn’t, and the results were surprising. “Typically-developing 2-year-olds inhibited their blinking at the same moments in the video. And they were more likely to inhibit their blinking when watching more emotional moments, and when looking at the faces of onscreen characters
What is R language? R language provides an environment for developing graphics and processing statistical computing. The programming language is supported by the R Core Team and the R Foundation for Statistical Computing. The R language was created by notable data miners and statisticians named
What is R language? R language provides an environment for developing graphics and processing statistical computing. The programming language is supported by the R Core Team and the R Foundation for Statistical Computing. The R language was created by notable data miners and statisticians named Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman. The programming language works wonders in developing software related to statistics and in analyzing data. The language is used widely all across the world by researchers belonging to different disciplines to record, clean, analyze, reboot, update and graph their data. Brands and reputable companies such as Facebook, Accenture, Wipro, and Google use the R programming language to build their graphics and solve complex problems. R is an integrated combination of different software for the manipulation, calculation, and graphical display of data. Our experts provides best R Programming assignment and homework help. Characteristics of the R environment R programming language creates a very capable surrounding for the development of statistical software. The primary features of the R programming language environment are- - Easy and efficient data handling - A good storage facility - A suite of operations required for calculations on arrays - Availability of various integrated tools for analysis of data - Multiple graphical features are present for critically analyzing the data - Availability of all the graphical facilities for display on both the screen and on a hardcopy - The programming language includes various user-defined recursive functions and multiple input-output facilities. Features of R Programming Language Statistical Features of R Programming Language are- - R Programming Language can be used to calculate the central tendency. The Measures of Central Tendency include all the basic statistics term such as- Mean, Mode and Median. - R can be used to create and develop innovative statistics graphs. Graphic maps, mosaic plots, biplots are some of the basic features of the R Programming Language. - R can be used to handle varied probability distributions. Some of the probability operations that can be completed on R are- Binomial Distribution, Normal Distribution and Chi-Squared Distribution. - Multiple tools that perform integrated operations of analyzing the data are available in the R programming language. Programming Features of R are- - R consists of man
It may be hard for a person with hearing loss to understand a conversation with another person. Being in a group, conversation can be even harder. The person with hearing loss can feel isolated or cut off. If you live or work with someone who
It may be hard for a person with hearing loss to understand a conversation with another person. Being in a group, conversation can be even harder. The person with hearing loss can feel isolated or cut off. If you live or work with someone who does not hear well, follow the tips below to better communicate. Tips That Can Help Make sure the person with hearing loss can see your face. - Stand or sit 3 to 6 feet (90 to 180 centimeters) away. - Position yourself so the person you are talking to can see your mouth and gestures. - Talk in a room where there is enough light for the person with hearing loss to see these visual clues. - While talking, do not cover your mouth, eat, or chew on anything. Find a good environment for the conversation. - Reduce the amount of background noise by turning off the TV or radio. - Choose a quiet area of a restaurant, lobby, or office where there is less activity and noise. Make an extra effort to include the person in a conversation with others. - Never talk about a person with hearing loss as if they are not there. - Let the person know when the topic has changed. - Use the person's name so they know you are speaking to them. Say your words slowly and clearly. - You can speak louder than normal, but do not shout. - Do not exaggerate your words because this may distort how they sound and make it harder for the person to understand you. - If the person with hearing loss does not understand a word or phrase, choose a different one rather than repeating it. National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) website. Hearing loss and older adults. Updated July 17, 2018. Accessed August 17, 2021. Walker LK. Patients with disabilities. In: Ritsema TS, Brown DL, Vetrosky DT, et al, eds. Ballweg's Physician Assistant: A Guide to Clinical Practice. 7th ed. St Louis, MO: Elsevier; 2022:chap 54. Review Date 6/6/2021 Updated by: Josef Shargorodsky, MD, MPH, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD. Also reviewed by David Zieve, MD, MHA, Medical Director, Brenda Conaway, Editorial Director, and the A.D.A.M. Editorial team.
the website where English Language teachers exchange resources: worksheets, lesson plans, activities, etc. Our collection is growing every day with the help of many teachers. If you want to download you have to send your own contributions. I hope it
the website where English Language teachers exchange resources: worksheets, lesson plans, activities, etc. Our collection is growing every day with the help of many teachers. If you want to download you have to send your own contributions. I hope it will be helpful for your sts to practise ´too/enough/so...that/such...that´ with this worksheet. Pls check it for mistakes before taking to your class. Hope that you enjoy it. Thank you so much Jecika for the template :) Wish you all a nice day :) Level:elementary Age: 10-17 Copyright 14/4/2010 eternalmoonlight Publication or redistribution of any part of this document is forbidden without authorization of the
Match each organelle with its corresponding function. The organelle that acts as a storage center for the cell. 16 Best Images of Cells And Their Organelles Worksheet Aids the cell in eliminating waste and recycling materials within the cell
Match each organelle with its corresponding function. The organelle that acts as a storage center for the cell. 16 Best Images of Cells And Their Organelles Worksheet Aids the cell in eliminating waste and recycling materials within the cell. Cell structure and function matching worksheet. Membrane structure and function cell membrane proteins: •all cells are filled with cytoplasm. What do you want to. Cell structure & function worksheet label and show the locations of the following organelles on the diagram of a plant cell below: Part of the nucleus that helps control and transmit information throughout the cell. A cell part may be used more than once. Worksheet questions cell structure and function page 2 of 2 functions: Cell organelles worksheet use the table above to fill in the chart complete the following table by writing the name of the cell part or organelle in the right hand column that matches the structure/function in the left hand column. Then match organelles to their function. Folded membrane within an outer membrane. For instance, if you enter a model new value in cell b4 in sheet2, excel enters the. Introduction to cells •lesson 3.2: Create lipids and breaks down substances and detoxes cells. At the cellular level, are performed with the contribution of… d, e, m reproduction: Cell organelles worksheet use the table above to fill in the chart complete the following table by writing the name of the cell part or organelle in the right hand column that matches the structure/function in the left hand column. •“control center” •directs cell activities •contains the genetic material (dna) •separated from cytoplasm by nuclear membrane (or nuclear envelope). Worksheets are chapter 3 cellular structure and function work, cell structure function, cell organelles work, cells organelles name directions match the function, cell organelles work, human cell diagram parts pictures structure and functions, introduction to the cell, chapter 3. •cells tend to be microscopic. Endoplasmic reticulum where cellular respiration occurs. Some of the worksheets for this concept are name parts of a cell, cells organelles name directions match the function, chapter 3 cellular structure and function work, parts of a plant cell, plant and animal cells, the egg game, cell. • regulate movement of hydrophilic molecules through membrane a) channel proteins (e.g. With grouped worksheets, you can even modify the contents of particular person cells, including entering or altering text and clearing cell contents. Structure/function cell part stores material within the cell closely stacked, flattened sacs (plants only) the sites of protein synthesis transports materials within the cell the region inside the cell except for the nucleus organelle that manages or controls all the cell functions in a eukaryotic cell contains chlorophyll, a green pigment that traps energy from sunlight and gives plants. Cell transport and homeostasis 39 Multiplication of cells and cell division. Tap card to see definition 👆. Finally, complete and label animal & plant cell with their names. •all cells are enclosed by a membrane. •all cells have dna bacterium (colored sem; A cell part may be used more than once. Cells & organelles name directions: F, j, k, l movement: •surrounds nucleus, separates dna from cytoplasm •made of two layers •openings called pores allow some materials to enter and leave nucleus. Spherical organelle that contains material made from the cell function. Click card to see definition 👆. There are 45 questions set up in a matching format. Are you in search of cell structure and function worksheet? Cell structure watch a video and decide if the statements are true or false. Click again to see term 👆. Converts energy within food into unstable energy for work. Uses it to produce food in a plant cells receives proteins & materials from the er, packages them, & distributes them controls what comes into and out of a cell; All cells share certain characteristics. Cellular structure and function worksheets (opening image copyright by sebastian kaulitzki, 2010. Some of the worksheets for this concept. Structure/function cell part stores material within the cell • identify the correct plant tissues from the corresponding slides. Used under license from •lesson 3.1: Then, this is the place where you can find the best sources that provide detailed information. Magnification 8800x) cell membrane cytoplasm All questions deal with either the structure of the organelles or the functions of the o Cell wall, plasma (cell) membrane, cytoplasm, mitochondria, chloroplast, nucleus, vacuole, endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, nuclear membrane, nucleolus, golgi apparatus. At the cellular level, involve the production of proteins, biosynthesis of new membranes. Alphabetical order is shown to kids at a young age. Cell membrane controls what comes into and out of a cell; Plant structure and function worksheet. Worksheets are cell organelles work, cell organelles work 2, cell organelles and their functions matching work answers, cell organelles work, cells organelles name directions match the function, eukaryotic animal cell, chapter 3 cellular structure and function
Allergy Types and What Causes Them Allergy Types and What Causes Them Allergies are caused by an overreaction of the immune system to a substance that is generally harmless. When you come into contact with the allergen, your body
Allergy Types and What Causes Them Allergy Types and What Causes Them Allergies are caused by an overreaction of the immune system to a substance that is generally harmless. When you come into contact with the allergen, your body produces antibodies called histamines. These cause symptoms such as watery eyes, sneezing, and a runny nose. There are different types of allergies, and each one has its own set of triggers. Types of Allergies There are many different types of allergies that people can suffer from. Some of the most common include: • Food allergies – these can be caused by a reaction to certain proteins in foods, such as nuts, eggs or dairy products. • Hay fever – this is an allergy to pollen, which is usually released by plants during the spring and summer months. • Dust mite allergies – these are caused by tiny creatures that live in dust and thrive in warm, humid environments. • Pet allergies – these can be caused by dander (flakes of skin) or saliva from pets, such as dogs or cats. • Insect sting allergies – these can be caused by a reaction to the venom injected by some insects, such as bees or wasps. If you suffer from allergies, you know that they can range in severity from a nuisance to a full-blown emergency. But what causes these reactions? Here’s a look at the different types of allergies and their triggers. Hay fever, also known as allergic rhinitis, is a reaction to airborne allergens like pollen, dust, or pet dander. Symptoms include sneezing, itchiness, and watery eyes. Asthma is a chronic lung condition that is triggered by allergens like dust, pollen, smoke, or even cold air. Symptoms include shortness of breath, chest tightness, and wheezing. Asthma can be a serious condition that requires medical treatment. Food allergies are caused by an immune reaction to certain proteins in food. Common triggers include peanuts, tree nuts, eggs, milk, soy, wheat, fish, and shellfish. Symptoms can range from mild (itching and swelling) to severe (trouble breathing and anaphylaxis). Skin allergies are often caused by contact with irritants like chemicals or plants. Symptoms include itching, redness, and Causes of Allergies Allergies are caused by an overreaction of the immune system to a foreign substance, such as pollen, pet dander, or food. When these substances come into contact with the body, the immune system releases histamines, which cause the characteristic symptoms of an allergic reaction. There are many different types of allergies, and their causes can vary. Some common allergens include: -Pollen: Pollen is a fine powder that is released by plants during their reproductive cycle. It is one of the most common allergens and can cause hay fever and other respiratory problems. -Pet dander: Pet dander is a type of protein that is shed from the skin of animals, such as dogs and cats. It can cause allergic reactions in people who are sensitive to it. -Food: Allergies to certain foods, such as peanuts, fish, or eggs, are among the most common type of allergy. They can cause severe reactions in some people and should be avoided if possible. -Insect stings: Some people are allergic to the venom of bees, wasps, or hornets. These stings can be life-threatening for those with severe allergies. If you suspect that you have an allergy, it is important to see a doctor to get a diagnosis. Allergies can be difficul
We offer free science fair ideas suitable for every grade level, be it preschool, kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, or high school. Repeated testing will ensure you have enough data to make valid conclusions. The title should explain, as specifically
We offer free science fair ideas suitable for every grade level, be it preschool, kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, or high school. Repeated testing will ensure you have enough data to make valid conclusions. The title should explain, as specifically as possible, what your research project is about. You can change your mind and change your consent choices at anytime by returning to this site. Sweet basil plants were grown in the chamber as a functional test. Conclude your proposal with a general overview of your project idea, including a brief statement about the schedule, resources and method, as well as longer summaries of the problem, objectives and solution. It is these long chains that give the gum elasticity. When you set up the display for your project one section should be focused on the same materials in your introduction. Question What happens when you put water on Skittles? Consequently, every word is important to conveying your message. Data is often presented in a table or graph. Project Timing Each of the above steps will take time — more than you may think at first. The boiling point being 100 degrees Celsius and the freezing point being zero degrees Celsius. Kids in grades 2-4 are learning about solutions, dissolving, and colors. The results section is where the data is manipulated or the hypothesis is tested. Build into your project some extra time to accommodate unexpected problems. And highlights teachers sharing the roles they played. Summary This project studied how ancient water purification methods compare to modern ones. This is one of the easiest examples of a school science fair project but you'll probably want help from an adult with it. End your conclusion with a statement reflecting on the significance of this project, either for you or a larger community. X We Value Your Privacy We and our partners use technology such as cookies on our site to personalise content and ads, provide social media features, and analyse our traffic. Use your pictures, notes, and table to describe the results. Dust and mud are then washed away by water. You must think practically that not everything can be the way we want it to be. Summary The purpose of the project was to design and construct a magnetically levitated train with electronic propulsion circuitry. Various details of a project is clearly discussed in these chapters. The setup of these tests was to present a subject a list of 10 words for a minute and then have him or her recall the words with the help of certain clues depending on the variable or no clues at all in the control. The chassis was as light as possible 415g, with almost all of the mass belonging to the magnets. And allow plenty of time to experiment and collect data. Outline the objectives of your project, identifying the features of your solution and how and why they are significant. Hamilton holds a Master of Arts in English education from the University of Pittsburgh, and a Master of Arts in composition from the University of Florida. Observations of plant growth showed that the 50% concentration of the second washing contributed to the highest growth of pechay plants. Differences in the magnetic capabilities of each material can then be determined by measuring the speeds of the different magnetic projectiles. If you have a photo or diagram of your project, this is a good place to include it. Before beginning the experiment, make a hypothesis or prediction about which gum you think will make the biggest bubble and explain why. I also found that people who use the computer very little or never had similar scores for both games. Why do you think the experiment turned out the way it did? In order to test the hypothesis, three high school seniors with same age, same height and same weight were selected and asked to perform a workout routine with different stress duration for one month. When the target is clicked on, a new target appears at another random location on the screen. I thought that bleach takes away stains and so it would dissolve the color fastest. Chicle is essentially natural rubber. Cells force electrons to flow along conductors. It bested projects from 11 other teams of third year students from different public high schools in Metro Manila. From Gene to Genetics: What Kinds of Mutations Matter? The positive electrode is made out of a carbon rod. Do you have a favorite color of Skittles? If you've never done a science fair project before - or if you're not sure how to go about doing one, don't worry - it's not all that difficult, once you understand the steps and requirements on how to do, and present, a meaningful science fair project. I have many different science experiment ideas which you can do in two days but you will need to put in a lot of time and effort. In fact, at higher temperatures, the data demonstrated an almost linear correlation between rising temperatures and lowering dissolving time. Certain plants can decontaminate soil through the process of phytoextraction; my project was to find out which plant Euphorbia, Blue Fescue, Umbrella Plant, or Kale would decontaminate the most amount of zinc contamination from the soil. You also may want to include an introduction. Additionally it is the first impression you give the judges and a poorly constructed introduction can give them a bad impression of your whole project. A heuristic algorithm was considered an acceptable solution if its runtime benefits over optimum algorithms outweighed its lack of consistent optimality. Crystal Garden You don't need to grow a crystal garden. Was the h
by Judith Curry An assessment of whether any of the impacts of recent U.S. landfalling hurricanes were exacerbated by global warming. 6. Attribution: Recent U.S. landfalling hurricanes During the past decade, the following continental U
by Judith Curry An assessment of whether any of the impacts of recent U.S. landfalling hurricanes were exacerbated by global warming. 6. Attribution: Recent U.S. landfalling hurricanes During the past decade, the following continental U.S. landfalling hurricanes rank in the top 5 historical hurricanes in terms of damage: - Hurricane Harvey (2017) - Hurricane Sandy (2012) - Hurricane Irma (2017) Hurricane Michael ranks in the top 5 strongest continental U.S. landfalling hurricanes (Table 6.1). Table 6.1 Strongest U.S. landfalling hurricanes. Source:Scientists have argued (in journal publications and media interviews) that at least some aspect of each of these storms was made worse by human-caused global warming: track, intensity, size, rainfall. Here we assess the arguments for claiming a contribution from global warming for each of these four impactful storms. 6.1 Detection and attribution of extreme weather events Given the challenges to actually detecting a change in extreme weather events owing to the large impact of natural variability, the detection step is often skipped and attribution arguments are made, independent of detection. There are two general types of extreme event attribution methods that do not rely on detection: physical reasoning and fraction of attributable risk (NCA4, 2017), The fraction of attributable risk approach examines whether the odds of occurrence of a type of extreme event have changed. A conditional approach employs a climate model to estimate the probability of occurrence of a weather or climate event within two climate states: one state with anthropogenic influence and the other state without anthropogenic influence (pre-industrial conditions). The “Fraction of Attributable Risk” framework examines whether the odds of some threshold event occurring have been increased due to manmade climate change. Participants at the 2012 Workshop on Attribution of Climate-related Events at Oxford University questioned whether extreme event attribution was possible at all, given the inadequacies of the current generation of climate models (Nature, 2012): “One critic argued that, given the insufficient observational data and the coarse and mathematically far-from-perfect climate models used to generate attribution claims, they are unjustifiably speculative, basically unverifiable and better not made at all.” Given the inadequacies of climate models particularly for simulating tropical cyclones, attribution arguments related to individual hurricanes typically rely on the physical reasoning approach. The physical reasoning approach, often referred to as the conditional or ingredients-based approach, looks for changes in occurrence of atmospheric circulation and weather patterns relevant to the extreme event, or considers the impact of certain environmental changes (for example, greater atmospheric moisture) on the character of an extreme event. 6.2 Hurricane Sandy Hurricane Sandy made landfall on 10/22/12 near Atlantic City, NJ. Hurricane Sandy’s most substantial impact was a storm surge. The highest measured storm surge from Sandy was 9.4 feet (at The Battery). The argument is that human-caused global warming worsened the storm surge because of sea level rise. Curry (2018a) summarized sea level rise at The Battery. Sea level has risen 11 inches over the past century (Figure 6.1), with almost half of this sea level rise caused by subsidence (sinking of the land). Kemp et al. (2017) found that relative sea level in New York City rose by ~1.70 meters [5.5 feet] since ~575 A.D. A recent acceleration in sea level rise between 2000 and 2014 has been attributed to an increase in the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation and southward migration of the Gulf Stream North Wall Index. The extent to which manmade warming is accelerating sea level rise remains disputed (as summarized by Curry, 2018a). When Hurricane Sandy made landfall on the mid-Atlantic coast, it was no longer classified as a tropical cyclone, but its maximum wind speed at landfall was equivalent to a Category 1 hurricane. As a result of its transition from a tropical cyclone, Sandy became a hybrid storm, which greatly increased its horizontal size. Figure 6.1. Tide gauge measurements at The Battery, New York, obtained from NOAA (downloaded 8/2/18).. The 2017 U.S. Climate Change Special Report (NCA4, 2017) evaluated published analyses seeking to attribute aspects related to Hurricane Sandy to human-caused global warming: e.g. sea surface temperatures, atmospheric temperatures, atmospheric moisture, and hurricane size. The analysis concluded: “In summary, while there is agreement that sea level rise alone has caused greater storm surge risk in the New York City area, there is low confidence on whether a number of other important determinants of storm surge climate risk, such as the frequency, size, or intensity of Sandy-like storms in the New York region, have increased or decreased due to anthropogenic warming to date.” 6.3 Hurricane Harvey Hurricane Harvey made landfall in southern Texas on August 24, 2017 as a Category 4 hurricane. The primary damage from Harvey occurre
Common Myths About Engineers Engineers are often the unsung heroes behind some of the world’s greatest innovations and advancements, from the bridges we cross to the phones we use every day. However, despite their many contributions to society, there are
Common Myths About Engineers Engineers are often the unsung heroes behind some of the world’s greatest innovations and advancements, from the bridges we cross to the phones we use every day. However, despite their many contributions to society, there are still many misconceptions about engineers and their work. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at some of the most common myths and stereotypes about engineers, and debunk them one by one. Whether you’re an aspiring engineer or just curious about this fascinating field, read on to learn the truth about engineering and the people who make it happen. The Socially-Awkward Engineer: Debunking the Myth Despite the common stereotype that engineers lack social skills, this myth is just that – a myth. While some engineers may be more introverted or reserved than others, effective communication and interpersonal skills are essential for success in engineering. Engineers often work in interdisciplinary teams with professionals from other fields, and they need to be able to communicate effectively with people from a variety of backgrounds. Additionally, many engineers are involved in social activities and may have hobbies or interests outside of their work that allow them to develop their social skills. Therefore, the idea that engineers are socially-awkward is not accurate and does not reflect the reality of the field. The Fix-It Mentality: Why Engineers Don’t Need to Solve Everything While the idea that engineers love to fix everything is a common misconception, the truth is that engineers are not always required to solve every problem that comes their way. In fact, it is often more effective for engineers to collaborate with other professionals and stakeholders in order to find the best solution to a problem. Additionally, engineers need to be able to recognize when a problem is outside of their area of expertise and when to seek the help of other professionals. Therefore, the fix-it mentality is not necessarily a characteristic of all engineers, and it is important for engineers to know when and how to work with others to find the best solution to a problem. Creativity in Engineering: Breaking the Stereotype Contrary to the stereotype that engineers are not creative, creativity is a vital component of engineering. Engineers are often tasked with designing innovative solutions to complex problems, and this requires a high degree of creativity. In order to come up with innovative ideas, engineers need to be able to think outside the box, question assumptions, and look for new approaches to problem-solving. Additionally, engineering often involves working on cutting-edge technologies and products, which requires engineers to be creative and adaptable. Therefore, creativity is an essential skill for engineers and breaking the stereotype that engineers are not creative is important for attracting a diverse and talented workforce to the field. The Exciting World of Engineering: Dispelling the Boredom Myth The idea that engineering is a boring profession is a common misconception. In reality, engineering is a dynamic and exciting field that offers a wide range of opportunities for creativity, innovation, and problem-solving. Engineers work on projects that have the potential to change the world, from designing sustainable infrastructure to developing life-saving medical technologies. Additionally, engineering is a constantly evolving field, with new technologies and techniques being developed all the time. This means that there is always something new to learn and discover in engineering, making it a stimulating and rewarding profession. Therefore, the notion that engineering is a dull or uninteresting field is inaccurate and does not reflect the exciting reality of the profession. More Than Just Math: The Diverse Skill Set of Engineers While math is an important tool for engineers, it is just one of many skills that they need in order to be successful. Engineers also need to be proficient in areas such as critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, and project management. Additionally, engineering is a multidisciplinary field that requires knowledge and expertise in a variety of subjects, from physics and materials science to computer programming and environmental studies. Therefore, the diverse skill set of engineers is not limited to math, and it is important to recognize the wide range of skills and knowledge that engineers bring to their work. Communication Skills: A Vital Component of Engineering Success Effective communication is a crucial skill for engineers, as they often work in teams and need to be able to convey complex technical information to a variety of audiences. Engineers need to be able to communicate their ideas clearly and concisely, whether they are speaking to colleagues, clients, or the general public. Good communication skills also help engineers to build strong relationships with clients and stakeholders, and to ensure that projects are completed on time and within budget. Therefore, communication skills are a vital component of engineering success and should be a focus of continuing education and professional development for engineers at all levels of their careers. Beyond Engineering: The Fascinating Hobbies and Interests of Engineers While engineering is a challenging and rewarding profession, many engineers also have a wide range of fascinating hobbies and interests outside of their work. Engineers are often curious and analytical in
Why do we do? The performance of the agricultural census statistics allows national needs and international (FAO - United Nations Food and Agriculture and the EU - European Union). Aims to present an updated overview of the structure of agricultural activities, in terms
Why do we do? The performance of the agricultural census statistics allows national needs and international (FAO - United Nations Food and Agriculture and the EU - European Union). Aims to present an updated overview of the structure of agricultural activities, in terms of economic, social and environmental aspects. The main variables include the size of farms, the land use, the number and categories of livestock and labour force. EU legislation applies to all Member States, ensuring the existence of the same general framework (conceptual and methodological) for the different EU countries, which gives results comparable and harmonized.
Short excursion into these unique mountains east of Santa Marta Colombia. These are the indigenous homelands of the Arhuachos, and other tribes. Homelands which have been severely whittled down since the Spanish arrival centuries ago.
Short excursion into these unique mountains east of Santa Marta Colombia. These are the indigenous homelands of the Arhuachos, and other tribes. Homelands which have been severely whittled down since the Spanish arrival centuries ago. These people fiercely maintain their culture without weapons, but with their minds. They see themselves as the ‘Big Brothers’ of all other people…spiritual guides. Although they would prefer to be left alone, they still mount protests against incursions by oil and mineral companies into their lands. They were trapped in the middle of the FARC/government wars of the past decades. Many were killed. Many were forcibly taken by FARC to act as gatherers etc. In many ways, it is amazing these people still exist. Getting in to the edg
There is also evidence for historical changes in water tables of the order of... together with heath and swamp vegetation in the swampier areas (Lange 1983)....... exploration (Wopfner and Thornton, 1971) and
There is also evidence for historical changes in water tables of the order of... together with heath and swamp vegetation in the swampier areas (Lange 1983)....... exploration (Wopfner and Thornton, 1971) and suggested that there could be... Grimes, K.G., 1994: The South-east Karst province of South Australia. Environmental Geology 23: pp 134-148. This is my own layout & pagination, and the text may differ slightly from the published version. The South-East Karst Province of South Australia K. G. Grimes Regolith Mapping, PO Box 362, Hamilton, Victoria 3300, Australia Abstract The South-East Karst Province of South Australia is an extensive area of low relief with dolines, cenotes, uvalas, and a variety of cave types developed in the soft, porous, flat-lying Tertiary Gambier Limestone and also as syngenetic karst in the overlying calcarenite dunes of the Pleistocene Bridgewater Formation. The most spectacular surface karst features are the large collapse dolines, especially those that extend below the water table to form cenotes. Shallow swampy hollows occur in superficial Quaternary sediments. These are an enigmatic feature of the Bool Region, where all gradations appear to occur between definite karst dolines and nonkarstic hollows. Some depressions may be polygenetic – involving a combination of: (1) primary depositional hollows on coastal flats or in dune fields, (2) deflation, and (3) karst solution and subsidence. There are extensive underwater cave systems in the southern part of the province, and the bulk of the cave development there may well lie below the present water table, although these systems would have been at least partly drained during the lower sea levels of the last glacial period. Systematic variations within the province reflect differences in the parent rock types, the extent and nature of the cover and, most importantly, the hydrology – in particular the depth to the water table and its gradient. Key words: Karst, Dolines, Cenotes, Uvalas, Caves Introduction The South-East Karst Province of South Australia is bounded by the coastline to the south and west, the Victorian Border to the east, and extends northwards to latitude 36° 20', although the bulk of the caves and karst features are limited to the area south of Naracoorte and east of Millicent (Figs. 1 and 2). The area also extends a short distance into Victoria in the southeast. There have been few karst studies of the area – most detailed is the regional study by Marker (1975). Others are the early summary by Sexton (1965) and the later honours thesis study of the Lower South-East by Lewis (1984). Thurgate (1992) described some selected cenotes and springs in the Lower South-East. Geological and geomorphological studies of relevance to the karst include those of
May Day (May 1) is a holiday rich in history and folklore, celebrating the return of spring! Learn about some of the fun traditions, from May Day baskets to dancing around the maypole. Origins of May Day Did you
May Day (May 1) is a holiday rich in history and folklore, celebrating the return of spring! Learn about some of the fun traditions, from May Day baskets to dancing around the maypole. Origins of May Day Did you know that May Day has its roots in astronomy? Traditionally, it was the halfway point between the spring equinox and the summer solstice! In ancient times, this was one of the Celtic cross-quarter days, which mark the midway points between the (four) solstices and equinoxes of the year. As with many early holidays, May Day was rooted in agriculture. Springtime festivities filled with song and dance celebrated the sown fields starting to sprout. Cattle were driven to pasture, special bonfires were lit, and doors of houses as well as livestock were decorated with yellow May flowers. In the Middle Ages, the Gaelic people celebrated the festival of Beltane. Beltane means “Day of Fire.” People created large bonfires and danced at night to celebrate. May Day has a long history and tradition in England, some of which eventually came to America. Children would dance around the Maypole holding onto colorful ribbons. People would “bring in the May” by gathering wildflowers and green branches, weaving of floral hoops and hair garlands, and crowning a May king and queen. The Maypole Dance Did you ever dance around the Maypole as a child? Wrapping a Maypole with colorful ribbons is a joyous tradition that still exists in some schools and communities. - Originally, the Maypole was a living tree chosen from the woods with much merrymaking. Ancient Celts danced around the tree, praying for the fertility of their crops and all living things! For younger people, there was the possibility of courtship. If a young woman and man paired by sundown, their courtship continued so that the couple could get to know each other and, possibly, marry 6 weeks later on June’s Midsummer’s Day. This is how the “June wedding” became a tradition. - In the Middle Ages, all villages had Maypoles. Towns would compete to see who had the tallest or best Maypole. Over time, this Old English festival incorporated dance performances, plays, and literature. People would crown a “May Queen” for the day’s festivities. The strict Puritans of New England considered the celebrations of May Day to be licentious and pagan, so they forbade its observance, and the springtime holiday never became an important part of American culture as it was in many European countries. Interestingly, from the late 19th century through the 1950s, the Maypole dance and festivities became a rite of spring at some U.S. colleges. Seen as a wholesome tradition, this celebration often included class plays, Scottish dancing, Morris dancing, a cappella concerts, and cultural dancing and music displays. In the 1960s and 1970s, interest waned; the May Queen and her court became more of a popularity contest. Today, the Maypole dance is mainly celebrated in schools (from elementary though college) as a fun spring activity. The Maypole Festival: Courting and Declarations of Love In Germany it is still celebrated: the Maypole festival. The tree is planted in the village square or the market at the end of April or on May 1. In Limburg and the Achterhoek, a maypole is still placed at the highest point of new houses. In this case too, the maypole symbolizes prosperity and fertility. Read more about the old traditions and courtship during the Dutch Maypole festivities here: The Maypole festival occurred in Western Europe, but the festival was also known among the Germanic and West Slavic peoples. The festival heralds the beginning of summer with the accompanying growth and blossoming of nature. The maypole symbolizes fertility. The tradition got a Christian touch during the Middle Ages, according to the church the maypole symbolized Mary, but the original Germanic version survived. That is why there was mainly partying and drinking during the Maypole festival. In the Netherlands, the tradition lasted until the 19th century. The May Guild and the May Count The May Guild organized the party, this guild was led by the May Count. He could be recognized by his green crown. The day was dominated by may fires, may songs, parades (‘Meynachten’) and waldhorns made from the bark of a willow or alder. Horns (but also whistles) were blown to chase away the witches and evil spirits. The green crown The maypole was colorfully decorated with ribbons, wreaths, crowns, green branches and flowers. It was tradition for the mayor to sit at the maypole, whereupon the girls of the town or village stood in a circle around the tree and sang a maysong. The Maygrave then decided who was his May Countess (also known as May Queen) by throwing his green crown at a girl. Courtship and Rejection in the 18th and 19th Centuries In addition to the symbol of prosperity and fertility, the maypole was also seen as a symbol of love. Boys therefore planted maypoles ( maybranch) in front of the houses of the girls they liked. The way the tree was decorated expressed exactly how the boy felt about the girl. Th
Nets of Solids - ash, Anthony OR 柯志明 Today we are going to look at the net of 2-dimensional shapes. A net is a flat figure that can be folded to form a closed, three- dimensional
Nets of Solids - ash, Anthony OR 柯志明 Today we are going to look at the net of 2-dimensional shapes. A net is a flat figure that can be folded to form a closed, three- dimensional object. These type of objects are called a geometric solid. Task 1-Exploring the net of a cube As you move the dot along the line you will be able to visualize how the net of the cube folds to form a solid. How many nets does a cube have? How many faces does a cube have? Task 2- Drawing a net of a solid Watch the short video below and then draw your own net of a rectangular prism on the grid paper provided and then cut it out to make your own net into a solid. Your rectangular prism will be 4cm x 5cm x 6cm Task 3- What is this? Which solid can be formed using the net shown? Task 4- Rectangular prism Identify the rectangular prism that the net shown would fold into?
Dalit: The Word, the Sentiment, and a 200-year-old History The word ‘Dalit’ is about assertion of identity, and carries with it, a whole bagage of history. The Quint DAILY For impactful
Dalit: The Word, the Sentiment, and a 200-year-old History The word ‘Dalit’ is about assertion of identity, and carries with it, a whole bagage of history. The Quint DAILY For impactful stories you just can’t miss Last week, the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting issued an advisory to the media, asking them to refrain from using the nomenclature ‘Dalit’ for people belonging to Scheduled Castes. This directive from the Centre directly follows the legal battle waged by activist, Pankaj Meshram who, in June this year, had filed a public interest litigation in the Bombay High Court asking to remove the word ‘Dalit’ from the public discourse and replace it instead with the more constitutional term, ‘Scheduled Caste’. In light of these controversies, the question that should be asked is, why is the word ‘Dalit’ in the eye of the storm now? Why is it contentious for the term ‘Dalit’ to be part of the public discourse? Dalit, used in a similar manner as ‘Blacks’ in the US, has been used by the community as a symbolic reassertion of identity and struggle against an oppressive, caste-ridden society. The position and the history of Dalits themselves can be traced through the names used for them. This history is semantic, political, and social all at once, and has provided a unifying force to an oppressed community. What is the Origin of the Word Dalit? Broadly, the history of this contentious word can be traced back to the 1930s. Dr. Anand Teltumbde told The Quint that it was Maharashtrian reformer Jyotirao Phule who first used the word Dalit. At the time, it was used as a Hindi/Marathi translation for ‘depressed classes’, as academic scholar Gail Omvedt points out in her blog. The colonial government used to use the term ‘Scheduled Caste’, which was just a reflection of the legal category they belonged to, but this was not a term which lent itself to political speech. By the time Ambedkar entered politics, he used Dalit to refer to a large class of people at the bottom of the caste hierarchy. “Ambedkar used ‘Dalit’ as a quasi-class term, included within its ambit was the downtrodden and poor. This gave character to the germinating anti-caste movement at the time.”Dr. Anand Teltumbde It was around this time that the Poona Pact was signed. Mahatma Gandhi had insisted that Dalits be given representation, but within the Hindu fold, while Ambedkar demanded a separate electorate. Gandhi chose to call Dalits Harijans –– or children of god –– but this was a term that did not find favour within the community. Dalit thinkers and revolutionaries, Ambedkar included, have rejected the term Harijan to describe themselves on accounts of it being condescending. Historian Ramachandra Guha says: “In truth, Gandhi’s own earlier coinage, ‘suppressed classes’, explicitly targeted social discrimination, whereas ‘Harijan’ euphemized it.” By the 1970s, under the backdrop of caste atrocity and lack of political representation, Dalit as a term began to acquire a political meaning. ‘Dalit’ literature began to use the term for people of all castes and communities and academics began to use it to highlight the history of those who had been historically oppressed. At the forefront of the new assertive movement were the Dalit Panthers, a prominent activist group who played a key role in making the term a self-chosen one. Dr. Eleanor Zelliot, a pioneer