Your Skin Is An Organ! The human skin is the outer covering of the body and is the largest organ of the integumentary system. The skin has up to seven layers of ectodermal tissue guarding the underlying muscles, bones, ligaments
Your Skin Is An Organ! The human skin is the outer covering of the body and is the largest organ of the integumentary system. The skin has up to seven layers of ectodermal tissue guarding the underlying muscles, bones, ligaments and internal organs. The skin is your body’s coat, it protects you and it will help you stay warm when it’s cold and cool when it’s hot. Your epidermis is the top part of your skin and is your body’s largest and fastest-growing organ. The skin has about 19 million skin cells in every inch of your body. New cells replace old ones the body rids itself of 30k-40k old skin cells every day. It takes about a month to grow new skin cells making new ones happen at the bottom of the epidermis. The skin cells travel up to the top and flake off about a month after they form. Having a regular and proper skincare routine is vital for your overall health. Our skin is the largest barrier against infections that we can get, keeping our skin healthy and moist helps to keep this barrier strong. Using organic skin care products is always best. Your organic skin care products should be free of scents or perfumes. Soaps should be gentle and moisturizers used daily. Harsh cleansers that may contain toxic chemicals such as perfumes or dyes can damage the outer layer by stripping essential lipids and moisture. Here are five tips to help you protect your skin. Along with using these natural products, an overall healthy lifes
What people mean when they talk about the weight of a sheet of paper or card is effectively the thickness of that piece of paper. There are two conventions currently in widespread use for paper weights. The first, as specified by ISO 536, is
What people mean when they talk about the weight of a sheet of paper or card is effectively the thickness of that piece of paper. There are two conventions currently in widespread use for paper weights. The first, as specified by ISO 536, is used in Europe and most parts of the world that use ISO paper sizes, apart from the few countries that still use US paper sizes, is grams per square metre (g/m2 or commonly gsm). This commonly called grammage in non English speaking countries, a term we will use on this site to differentiate it from the North American basis weights. The second is used in those countries that use US paper sizes such as the United States and Canada. This is known as the basis weight and is usually specified in pounds (lbs). The basis weight is the weight of a 500 sheet ream of uncut paper (see Reams & Quires - Paper Quantities Explained for more information on the ream). Ream of 8
The Phase 2 curation※1 Kochi Institute team, led by Principal Investigator ITO Motoo, from the Kochi Institute for Core Sample Research at JAMSTEC (Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology), will
The Phase 2 curation※1 Kochi Institute team, led by Principal Investigator ITO Motoo, from the Kochi Institute for Core Sample Research at JAMSTEC (Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology), will begin analysis of the particles from asteroid Ryugu at the large synchrotron radiation facility, SPring-8※2, from June 20. This analysis is part of the SPring-8 long-term project, "Initial analysis of the Hayabusa2 samples using X-ray CT; technical developments, evaluation of analytical methods and analysis" (PI: Professor TSUCHIYAMA Akira at Ritsumeikan University). Between formation to the present day, our home on planet Earth has lost its early materials due to a variety of metamorphic processes and alternations brought about through heating. On the other hand, the destination of the Hayabusa2 explorer, asteroid Ryugu, is thought to have been less affected by sources of internal heat, so there is a possibility that the asteroid has preserved the organic matter and hydrous minerals originally acquired when the Solar System was forming 4.6 billion years ago. If we can obtain scientific information about the materials present in the earliest epochs of the Solar System, this should cast light on our 4.6 billion year history, from the formation of the Solar System, the origin of the water on Earth and evolutionary process for organic molecules that led to life on our planet. The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) has previous succeeded in a round-trip to asteroid Itokawa, with the asteroid explorer Hayabusa. The mission successfully acquired a small quantity of surface material from the asteroid. Hayabusa2 was developed from this success for the scientific exploration of the more primitive carbonaceous asteroid Ryugu. Hayabusa2 was launched on December 3, 2014. The spacecraft arrived at asteroid Ryugu and performed close-range spectroscopic observations as well as succeeding in sampling twice from the surface of the asteroid and underground material. Then on December 6, 2020, the capsule containing the sample material returned to the Woomera Desert in Southern Australia. The collected sample capsule was confirmed to contain black sand-like particles with a total weight of about 5.4g. At the JAXA Extraterrestrial Sample Curation Center (ESCuC), initial descriptions of the particles were conducted mainly using optical observation and weight measurements for individual particles. On June 17, JAXA distributed samples to two teams for Phase 2 curation and six teams for the initial analysis. The multi-institutional Phase 2 curation Kochi team led by JAMSTEC will work closely with the JAXA ESCuC to analyse the valuable sample from asteroid Ryugu. 3.Details of the Kochi Team analysis Since 2015, the Phase 2 Curation Kochi Team has
Meet some of Ottawa's common urban wildlife! These free resources are great for classrooms case studies and lesson plans, community groups, and individuals to learn more about native species in our area and how to live in harmony with them. When we understand each
Meet some of Ottawa's common urban wildlife! These free resources are great for classrooms case studies and lesson plans, community groups, and individuals to learn more about native species in our area and how to live in harmony with them. When we understand each species' needs and behaviour, we can work to better co-exist with them. Here at the OCWC, we want to help people of all ages better understand and appreciate wildlife and to protect wildlife and their habitat, and this includes beavers and wetlands! Beavers are critical to wetland creation, maintenance, and even restoration! Download and print our wetlands poster to share in your community to raise awareness about this critical ecosystem and keystone species! Watch our "Coexisting With Beavers & Urban Wetlands" video here. The Ottawa-Carleton Wildlife Centre is a registered Canadian charity (#13224-0284-RR0001). Click here to make a tax-deductible donation.
The history and the techniques of the spinning of gold thread - Feb 01, 2019 - By Stephen Cole - In Articles + Papers Note on the translation: I wish to stress that the information abstracted relates mainly to
The history and the techniques of the spinning of gold thread - Feb 01, 2019 - By Stephen Cole - In Articles + Papers Note on the translation: I wish to stress that the information abstracted relates mainly to the practical aspects of making gold thread for weaving and embroidery. Sofus Larsen obtained his information through contemporaneous Italian and French sources. Some of his conclusions related to other evidence may need revision in the light of present-day research. Karen Finch. Note on this presentation: The references have been expanded and updated, 2018, by Philip Sykas, with links to digitised versions where available. See footnotes. - Part I. Sources of study: Literary evidence - Part II. Spinning gold - Part III. Types of gold thread - Part IV. Origin of gold embroidery in the North Parts I – II – and III of this work appeared in Aarbøger for Nordisk Oldkyndighed og Historie (Yearbooks of Nordic Antiquarianism and History), 1915. The revised versions and Part IV were prepared for this book. In the medieval ballads, gold thread is usually referred to as spun gold. In the sixteenth century written sources described this type of gold as inse guld. Inse may be derived from the Anglo-Saxon yntse or yndse [meaning ounce]. The materials for spinning gold were believed to have come to Northern Europe via England. The German word unze came into use when gold thread in an already spun form was imported via Germany. One source of information quoted by H.O. Hildebrandt in his history of the Swedish Middle Ages1 comes from a Swedish embroiderer named Lambertus employed by Hans Brask who was made Bishop of Linköping in 1524. In translation, the relevant extract reads as follows: Insegold is the best among spun gold and the best of insegold is spun on red silk because it holds its colour. One Inse should weigh 2 Lods (Cologne weight) with that which is wound on reed weighing as much less as the weight of the reed. That which is spun on yellow silk soon loses its colour. Insegold sold in bundles or skeins weigh more. Insegold is gold laid on silver. Insegold and silver thread is priced at the same rate. Cyprian gold is laid on copper and always wound on reed whether spun on yellow or red silk and is often sold as insegold, but Cyprian gold is gold under and over. This d
I love to hear my students react to history. Why? Most often their reaction represents the growth we as a nation have had over time. At times it is excitement. At times it is disgust. This is when they truly understand that this is
I love to hear my students react to history. Why? Most often their reaction represents the growth we as a nation have had over time. At times it is excitement. At times it is disgust. This is when they truly understand that this is their story… when they feel it! Yes, history is our story… our story as a nation… the story of our past. As an educator, it is my responsibility to deliver… as students, it becomes theirs to decide the impact. Will history repeat itself or grow and “change for the better“… time will tell. Silence settled over the room. I simply posted a picture. That is when the conversation started… the gasps, the disgust, the questions, the confusion. It sounded like this: “Does that say white and colored?” “They have two fountains like us, but why does it say colored? Colored what?” “Why is the white fountain nicer than the colored?” “Look, they are still connected… with one pipe!” Then, as the discussion simmered, and they started looking to me for some type of explanation, I powered up the most incredible speech in history… words spoken by a man honored with a Nobel Peace Prize. I passed out paper to sketch-note the life of a man that impacted history. Impact to a degree that we recognize him with a day off of school… yes, his legacy lives on. Martin Luther King, Jr. gifted us with 10 incredible focus points in life that can impact every human being… “Believe in Your Worthiness“. Let’s follow his lead… let’s design our blueprint: OUR VOICE! OUR CHOICE! Let’s Create CHANGE AGENTS! - Believe In Yourself - Be Fearless - Fight For Yourself - Keep Moving - Follow Your Morals - Act Now - Be Determined to Achieve Excellence - Stay True to Principals - Stand for Something - HAVE A DREAM My class is currently on a 10 Day Challenge of “Pure Goodness“. On Tuesday, January 16th, they will extend that challenge for the greater good. They will choose one of the 10 listed above and begin to write their legacy in history. This legacy will unfold with their digital footprint in their NEW CLASS WEBSITE. We hope you follow our journey… we cant wait to get started! Join us… create your very own blueprint! Send us your blueprint and we will share on our website! Will it be a sketch-note? A writing? A drawing? An iMovie? A blog? We can’t wait to see! or… Simply CLICK HERE to be the first one to leave a reflection on our NEW Class Flip Grid! 3 thoughts on “MLK Style: “Believe in Your Worthiness”” What a beautiful and wonderfully thoughtful connection between a historical moment and how our students can have an impact too. I also love the use of legacy. So important for students to know they have the power to impact and cteate and leave a legacy. I’m so excited for your students and the opportunity they are going to have to put themselves out there and show themselves how incredible they can be! Thank you so much Carrie! I love how you get all the layers to this lesson in life… so
how to use comic life in the classroom -... Embed Size (px) How to Use Comic Life in the Classroom Charles Thacker Thursday, March 8, 2007 There's a long history of comics in the classroom, and
how to use comic life in the classroom -... Embed Size (px) How to Use Comic Life in the Classroom Charles Thacker Thursday, March 8, 2007 There's a long history of comics in the classroom, and the list of references at the end of this article is a great starting point for learning about this concept. While there's still resistance to this medium being used in education - whether by staff or students - there is also a growing movement to use every valuable tool available. Comics have some great uses in the classroom and in a variety of curricula. From pre-readers to high school students, from English to ESL to Science and Math, comics can help students analyze, synthesize and absorb content that may be more difficult when presented in only one way. Why Comics in the Classroom? For the pre-reader, a comic can be purely graphical in nature and help provide practice with sequencing as well as concrete to abstract transitions using illustrations instead of written words. The written component of a comic can be introduced when the early readers are ready to connect words with images. Comics can help early readers or readers with language acquisition problems by providing visual clues to the context of the narrative. For more advanced readers, comics can contain all the complexity of 'normal' written material which the student must decode and comprehend, such as puns, alliteration, metaphors, symbolism, point of view, context, inference, and narrative structures. A comic can also be a stepping-stone to more complex and traditional written work. A single pane in a comic can represent paragraphs worth of written material in a manner that is enjoyable and effective for the early or challenged reader. Comics also have the ability to meet the needs of students in a variety of learning styles. Tom Hart illustrates how comics address many of Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences in this short article. I strongly recommend that you read through the articles in the reference section below as many others have covered the concept of comics in education in far more detail than I do he
In 1842, the elbow bones of Augustine were transported from Pavia to Annaba (overlooking the ruins of Hippo, where Augustine lived and had his small cathedral) in anticipation of the construction of the modern basilica that now stands
In 1842, the elbow bones of Augustine were transported from Pavia to Annaba (overlooking the ruins of Hippo, where Augustine lived and had his small cathedral) in anticipation of the construction of the modern basilica that now stands there. Long a refuge for pirates, the Port of Annaba remained a village for centuries until it was captured by the French in 1832. The French called it Bone, and it became home to more European colonists than most other cities in Africa. Image (below): This was the reliquary in which the bones of Augustine’s right arm were carried from Pavia to Annaba, Algeria in October 1842. This reliquary remains on display in the Basilica of St Augustine at Annaba. Early in the year 1842, Monsignor Dupuch, the first Bishop of Algiers in the modern era, set out for Italy to discuss with Pope Gregory XVI the problems of his new diocese. He had, also, something else in mind: he wished to obtain a relic St Augustine. Bishop Tosi of Pavia was most gracious and willing to satisfy his yearning as long as the Pope would authorize it. Agreement was reached, and the month of October 1842 was chosen for the transfer of the relic from Italy to Africa. On 12th October 1842 Bishop Dupuch was again in Pavia and there, in the presence of the entire assembly of the chapter, by indult of Gregory XVI, Bishop Tosi opened the reliquary and solemnly transferred to the possession of Bishop Dupuch the right arm bones of St Augustine. After a moving farewell to the clergy and the people of Pavia, Bishop Dupuch began his journey to Algieria. In Milan, in Navarre, in Vercelli, in Turin, in Nice, and everywhere the bishop stopped, the relic was met by crowds. The port of Toulon was reached, from whence the relic would be taken to North Africa by ship. On Sunday, 23rd October 1842, after a solemn Mass and a fervent sermon by the Bishop of Algiers, the relic was carried by four priests in their habits through the principal streets of the Toulon, followed in procession by eight bishops. Finally, on 28th October, the ship Gassendi, chartered by the French Government, received on board the relic, as well as the bishops who were to provide an escort. A second ship, Tenare, followed with a number of priests and religious on board. Amid the exultant din of church bells and the artillery of the forts, the two ships sailed out of the port of Toulon where more than twenty thousand persons had come to acclaim Augustine. As the group passed Sardinia where they would have stopped had it not meant delaying their arrival in Africa by a full day, the Bishop of Chalons, raising the reliquary, blessed with the right arm bones of the saint first France, then Africa the country of Augustine, and finally that hospitable island which 1,344 years before had afforded refuge to Augustine’s earthly remains. On the morning of the twenty-eighth, they entered the gulf of Bone (the name given by the French to Annaba). The ship's cannon thundered forth and the church bells on shore chimed in joyous response. Throngs of people hurried toward the port, to the place where the landing of the pious pilgrimage would occur. The bishop had eagerly obtained this relic of Augustine, which then had to await four decades before the present magnificent basilica of St Augustine was constructed at Annaba, finally completed in 1881. This impressive Basilica of Saint Augustine at Annaba is located on a hill top formerly dedicated to the Phoenician god Baal-Hammon and the equivalent of Saturn to the Romans.This site overlooks the ruins of Hippo Regius in the valley below, where once stood the Basilica of Peace used by Augustine 1,600 years ago. Image (below): In the Basilica of St Augustine at Annaba (overlooking Hippo) in Algeria, the glass case contains a life-size marble statue of Augustine in death. In the marble right arm can be seen a glass tube containing Augustine’s arm bones. This basilica at Annaba was built in 1881 by Abbe Pougnet, the architect of the Reform church in Marseilles, France. The decorative marble stone used in its construction was imported from the south east of France. Its design contains Arab, Byzantine, and Roman characteristics that represent Saint Augustine as a person of dialogue at the crossroads of different civilisations. In this basilica, these bones of Augustine’s right arm were inserted in a glass tube in their correct position in a full-size funeral statue of Augustine. It is still there today in the basilica at Annaba (Hippo) in the same reliquary. A further note Additionally, there is information about an arm bone of Augustine. Aethelnoth (known also as Egelnodus or Ednodus), who died on 29th October 1038, was the Archbishop of Canterbury. He was a son of the ealdorman Æthelmaer, and a member of the royal family of Wessex. He became a monk at Glastonbury, then dean of the monastery of Christ Church, Canterbury. The number of his canons were so great, compared to the few monks, that he was consecrated as Archbishop of Canterbury by the Archbishop of York on 13th November 1020. He was the counsellor, chaplain and close friend of King Cnut (Canute) the Great, and worked with the king to unite people in the kingdom with English and Dan
Dogwoods are beloved trees in North Carolina. The showy white flowers of flowering dogwood (Benthamidia florida) are a welcome sign of spring and became the state flower in 1941. Many choose to plant dogwoods in their
Dogwoods are beloved trees in North Carolina. The showy white flowers of flowering dogwood (Benthamidia florida) are a welcome sign of spring and became the state flower in 1941. Many choose to plant dogwoods in their landscapes, as well, so recognizing dogwood pests and having accessible management resources are important in managing this beautiful landscape or forest tree. Dogwood anthracnose (caused by Discula destructiva) is the most serious disease of dogwood trees in the southern US and has only been detected in western NC. The pathogen was introduced from Asia to the US accidentally in the 1970s and has caused extensive mortality of native dogwood trees throughout the eastern US. Flowering dogwood (Benthamidia florida) and Pacific dogwood (B. nuttallii) are most susceptible to this disease, while Kousa dogwood (B. japonica), silky dogwood (Swida amomum), and alternate-leaf dogwood (S. alternifolia) are fairly resistant. The first symptoms of this disease include small tan spots on leaves with a purple border between dead and healthy tissue. The spots may affect the entire leaf and cause them to either drop or persist on the tree as dead leaves. During flowering, floral bracts may also have these spots. Eventually, fungal growth spreads to petioles and twigs, causing large cankers. Twigs begin to have tan to brown blotches, which can girdle the entire twig or branch. The pathogen overwinters in cankers and dead leaves that persist on the branches. This disease is very difficult to control and manage, but pruning off infected branches can be important to increase air flow in the canopy. Additionally, using resistant species and cultivars in ornamental settings is crucial in preventing the spread of this pathogen. This serious disease is different from spot anthracnose, a ubiquitous and aesthetic concern only. More information about dogwood anthracnose can be found from the USDA Forest Service. Spot anthracnose, or dogwood spot anthracnose (caused by Elsinoe corni), is a common fungal disease of flowering dogwood (B. florida) and other susceptible dogwood species. Symptoms include small spots on the leaves and/or flower bracts with a red to purple border. It tends to spread more quickly and severely in years with high rainfall, as high-moisture environments favor fungal growth. This disease is frequently confused with dogwood anthracnose, a more serious disease caused by Discula destructiva. Spot anthracnose idoes not spread to branches. Because the severity of the disease depends on rainfall, fungicide is generally not recommended. Trees can be pruned ot increase airflow and reduce moisture longevity and fallen leaves should be removed and destroyed in the fall. More information about spot anthracnose can be found from Clemson Cooperative Extension. Cercospora Leaf Spot Cercospora leaf spot (Cercospora spp.) can affect a variety of dogwood species during wet and humid summers. The main sign of this disease is tan to brown spots with yellow borders. Generally, this disease does not cause serious damage to dogwoods, but the spots can be unsightly. Additionally, large infections causing leaf drop may result in reduced hea
Last month, I had the opportunity to speak at the North American Tea Conference in Niagara Falls, Ontario. Global Campaigning on Global Goals: At a time when tea is benefiting from social and health trends, it is timely to make sure your promise
Last month, I had the opportunity to speak at the North American Tea Conference in Niagara Falls, Ontario. Global Campaigning on Global Goals: At a time when tea is benefiting from social and health trends, it is timely to make sure your promise lives up to modern expectations. The Global Goals agreed by the United Nations, known at the Sustainable Development Goals, apply to all countries–developed and developing–and provide the basis for social license to operate. The Sustainable Development Goals are the key lines currently shaping the global development agenda. As such, they are responsible for both directing and informing internationally significant ongoing trends and perspectives with regards to socio-economic and ethical issues, the environment, and human health. They have been agreed upon by the United Nations, and apply to all countries, developed and developing alike. Aligning values and practices with the 2030 Agenda is therefore crucial for any business seeking to make a positive contribution to the well being of the planet, and the people who inhabit it. This is doubly important in sectors comprising world spanning networks of trade, information, and investment, such as the
On Sipacate beach in southern Guatemala, park ranger Arnulfo Vásquez releases a score of small sea turtles that instinctively walk to sea hours after hatching. The hatchlings take off down the beach until they get lost in
On Sipacate beach in southern Guatemala, park ranger Arnulfo Vásquez releases a score of small sea turtles that instinctively walk to sea hours after hatching. The hatchlings take off down the beach until they get lost in the waves in a cycle that repeats itself between July and November each year during the nesting season off the Guatemalan coast. But the protection of the species has been jeopardised by the restrictions imposed on counting the COVID-19. Arnulfo, who wears a mask, told AFP that night curfews and other restrictions on movement to prevent the spread of the coronavirus have prevented authorised residents from carrying out controlled egg collections, a key part of preservation. "The curfew has affected them a lot because they no longer have time to walk on the beach" looking for turtle nests, which is done mostly at night and in the early morning, says the ranger at Sipacate-Naranjo National Park, 90 km south of the capital on the Pacific. Since March, the Guatemalan government has been enforcing mandatory confinement to curb the pandemic, mainly by banning people from going out at night. Although it has relaxed some measures to reactivate the economy, it maintains the curfew which is in force from 9 pm to 4 am the following day (3 am to 7 am GMT). 'Important for conservation' The state-run National Council of Protected Areas (CONAP), in charge of preserving marine species, allows residents to collect the eggs, which are sold for consumption in local markets, under the condition that they deliver 20% to be "planted" in special enclosures for turtles. The collectors "are important for conservation," explained Vásquez, in charge of the turtle farm in the Naranjo village of Sipacate, part of the reserve with 20 km of beach. During the past nesting season, Conap counted a planting of 513,009 eggs on all of Guatemala's beaches with the release of 475,327 sea turtles, a hatching percentage of 92%. According to the entity, six of the eight species of sea turtles that exist in the world lay their eggs on Guatemalan beaches every year. However, this year the impact on turtle nesting "will be negative" due to the pandemic, warned CONAP in a report provided to AFP. CONAP believes that without controlled harvesting, "natural" nests run the risk that the eggs will be lost in their entirety to predators like domestic animals, in addition to being exposed to solar radiation that raises the temperature to the extreme of "cooking" them. Carlos Velásquez, the park's administrator, says that experience has allowed them to establish that the percentage of hatchlings in the nests that remain on the beaches "is unfortunately very low". On the contrary, the official maintains that in the turtles in the reserve under his care, they have had "gusts" of up to 56,000 protected eggs per year, with only a 2% failure rate, by providing a controlled environment of humidity and temperature to cause the birth of the turtles, a process that takes between 45 and 50 days. Impact of tourists Velasquez adds that they are currently holding conversations with other government authorities so that permits can be extended to collectors registered with Conap so that they can "patrol" the beach and carry out the collections. In front of an enormous and colourful mural about the reptile reproduction cycle in the El Paredón village turtle farm, the expert said that the scarce influx of tourists has also affected the conservation process, after hotels in the area have suspended their turtle release programs that were attracting visitors. Guatemala, a country of about 17 million people, has recorded nearly 63,000 cases of coronavirus in the past five months, including more than 2,300 deaths.
The revolt launched by the priest Mattathias and later led by his third son, Judah Maccabee, was both a civil war and a war against an outside enemy. The company of Greek officers who arrived at Modi’in intending to enforce
The revolt launched by the priest Mattathias and later led by his third son, Judah Maccabee, was both a civil war and a war against an outside enemy. The company of Greek officers who arrived at Modi’in intending to enforce the king’s ordinances addressed Mattathias first, for he was held in high esteem by the villagers. They ordered him to begin the sacrificial offerings to the pagan idols, promising that in return he and his sons would be admitted to the circle of the king’s “friends.” Mattathias refused outright. He killed a Jew who obeyed the command and then one of the king’s men. His flight to the mountains, together with his sons and his friends, marks the beginning of the uprising. Thus it appears that the revolt was directed first of all against those Jews who were willing to submit to Greek custom. Only then was it directed against the foreign occupier, the Syrian ruler who was forcibly imposing his culture upon the Jewish population and plundering the Temple and the land. How the Rebels Fought Our information about the rebellion is derived mainly from texts which eulogize Mattathias’s dynasty (I Maccabees) and in particular the figure of Judah, depicted as a lion of the desert (II Maccabees). We know much less of the Hassideans, the “pious,” who fought alongside Mattathias’s sons. What is obvious, however, is that one cannot win a war armed solely with religious purity. Compromise was essential from the beginning as, for example, Mattathias’s decision to fight on the Sabbath. Moreover, the Seleucid army could not be defeated by guerrilla warfare alone. The Jewish rebels soon organized a real army modeled on the Greek military forces and capable, when fighting on its own terrain, of overcoming the Syrian troops. With great diplomatic skill they learned how to exploit the quarrels within the Seleucid dynasty, opportunely supporting some of the “usurpers” and obtaining various concessions in return. Diplomacy and Propaganda They also cultivated relations with distant nations, either for symbolic reasons, as in the case of the alliance with Sparta which was based upon the notion of affinity between the heirs of Lycurgus and the heirs of Moses, or for practical purposes, as in the alliance with Rome, the most formidable enemy of the Greeks. The negotiator with Rome was a Jewish historian of Greek culture, Eupolemus, whose father could have been the man who had negotiated with Antiochus III in 200 BC. Maccabee diplomacy did not exclude propaganda. The Book of Daniel glorified the kingdom of the “saints” which would follow the four successive kingdoms of the beasts. Judith and Esther, heroines of the recent past, were depicted as the daughters of the bold prophetess Deborah, while Judah himself was presented as an incarnation of Joshua–judge and conqueror of the land. The Revolution is Successful The revolt achieved rapid success. At the end of the year 164 BC, the first Festival of Light (Hanukkah, [or] “inauguration “) was celebrated in
Nanoparticles, or tiny molecules that can deliver a payload of drug treatments and other agents, show great promise for treating cancers. Scientists can build them in various shapes with different materials, often as porous, crystal-like structures formed by a lattice
Nanoparticles, or tiny molecules that can deliver a payload of drug treatments and other agents, show great promise for treating cancers. Scientists can build them in various shapes with different materials, often as porous, crystal-like structures formed by a lattice of metal and organic compounds, or as capsules that enclose their contents inside a shell. When injected into a tumor, these particles can release treatments that attack cancer cells directly or complement other treatments like immunotherapy and radiation. “This was an unusual collaboration between medicine and inorganic chemistry to solve this unmet need of treating tumors that are intractable to conventional therapy,” said Ralph Weichselbaum, MD, the Daniel K. Ludwig Distinguished Service Professor and Chair of Radiation and Cellular Oncology at UChicago. “We were able to deliver an immune stimulant that has anti-tumor activity on its own, and enabled radiation and immunotherapy to cure these tumors.” The study, “Zinc cyclic di-AMP nanoparticles target and suppress tumors via endothelial STING activation and tumor-associated macrophage reinvigoration,” was published in Nature Nanotechnology on October 26, 2022. Cold, hot, and hotter tumors As always with cancer, some tumors prove resistant to even the most high-tech of treatments. Immunotherapy unleashes the body’s immune system to find and destroy cancer cells, but the tumors must be “hot” or inflamed for these treatments to be effective. So called “cold” tumors that aren’t inflamed can hide from the immune system but continue to grow and metastasize. In a pair of studies published in 2014, Weichselbaum and other UChicago researchers showed that mice that lacked a protein pathway called STING did not mount an effective immune response to cancer in conjunction with immunotherapy or high-dose radiation treatment. STING, short for Stimulator of Interferon Genes complex, is a crucial part of the process the immune system relies on to detect threats–such as infections or cancer cells—that are marked by the presence of DNA that is damaged or in the wrong place, inside the cell but outside the nucleus. Wenbin Lin, Ph.D., the James Franck Professor of Chemistry at UChicago, specializes in building nanostructures that can deliver a variety of compounds to tumors. Nanoparticles tend to get trapped in tumors because of their haywire vasculature and lymphatic systems, thus they can deliver more of their payloads exactly where needed. Lin has developed a new type of particle called nanoscale coordination polymers (NCPs) that have a non-toxic zinc phosphate core surrounded by layers of lipids. These NCPs have the advantage that they can be engineered for controlled release, further increasing drug deposition in tumors. Lin, who is trained as an inorganic chemist, says he is in a unique situation working on medical treatments because of his experience designing particles with different properties. “It’s a unique technology that is well-suited for delivering many drug agents. We already know how to modify the surface so they can circulate in the blood and not be engulfed by macrophages,” he said. A versatile technology In the new study, Weichselbaum and Lin’s teams loaded the NCPs with a nucleotide called cyclic dimeric adenosine monophosphate (CDA). CDA is a bit of DNA that bacteria generate when they invade a host; its sudden appearance—whether by infection or dropped off by a nanoparticle—triggers the STING pathway and the host’s innate immune response to fight the cancer. This boosted immune response attacked the tumors in multiple ways, suppressing tumor growth and preventing metastasis in several types of cancers. It disrupted endothelial cells in the blood vessels of tumors, further increasing the deposition of CDA in tumors. Surprisingly, it also enhanced the ability of tumor-associated macrophages that had infiltrated tumors to present antigens that mark them for attack by anti-tumor T-cells. In addition, this approach made non-inflamed, cold pancreatic tumors more susceptible to immunotherapy treatment. It was also effective against glioma, effectively crossing the blood-brain barrier to reverse resistance to immunotherapy and enhance the effects of radiation treatments. “That’s the brilliant part of these nanoformulations. We were able to encapsulate a STING agonist that is extremely potent and promotes both innate and adaptive immunity,” Weichselbaum said. Lin, who has formed a startup company called Coordination Pharmaceuticals to develop NCPs, is enthusiastic about their potential for more clinical uses. “This has tremendous potential because we’re not limited to a single compound. We can formulate other nucleotides and use other drugs in the same NCP,” he said. “The technology is versatile, and we are exploring ways to optimize formulations to take more NCP candidates into clinical trials. Small startups can advance clinical candidates in a much shorter amount of time than big drug companies.” The study is titled “Zinc cyclic di-AMP nanoparticles target and suppress tumors via endothelial STING activation and tumor-associated macrophage reinvigoration.” Additional authors include Kaiting Yang, Wenbo Han, Xiaomin Jiang, Andras Piffk
It’s been well documented that for most people the emotional discomfort caused by financial loss outweighs the satisfaction resulting from financial Psychologists have even identified this idea a specific name: the loss aversion bias. Loss aversion bias means that
It’s been well documented that for most people the emotional discomfort caused by financial loss outweighs the satisfaction resulting from financial Psychologists have even identified this idea a specific name: the loss aversion bias. Loss aversion bias means that we are more likely to take actions to avoid possible loss than to take actions that have an equal chance of gain. And our natural urge to do so is strong. According to M. Keith Chen, assistant professor at Yale School of Management, “A large body of studies show that losses are more than twice as psychologically powerful as gains.”1 Unfortunately, when we allow this bias to direct our investing behavior, we may end up doing things that are often not in our best interest. Ironically, taking action based on our desire to avoid losing money in the short-term is likely to result in actually losing money in the long-term. A few years ago, Chen teamed up with other researchers at Yale to see just how deep-seated this loss aversion bias is by testing for it in monkeys. The university’s Department of Psychology uses capuchin monkeys for research in primate cognitive abilities because they’re skilled problem solvers who share many of our more basic traits. In the first phase of the study the monkeys were given a number of disk tokens and taught that they could trade them for things like grapes, apple pieces, and gelatin cubes. When the researchers changed the prices of these goods, the monkeys reacted rationally, much as humans would. In the second phase the capuchins were given the choice between buying a single piece of food that half the time came with a second bonus piece, or buying two pieces of food that half the time had one taken away. In both cases the odds of ending up with two treats were identical—50%. But the monkeys vastly preferred the first scenario, where they were taking a chance on gaining rather than on losing. Again, they were acting just like people, only this time irrationally. Among other things, this study helps to demonstrate the deep-seated nature of our bias. Chen says that according to economic theory, “people are aware, rational and in control of their major decisions. Social psychology cuts in the opposite direction, maintaining that people are often unaware of the forces that dictate their behavior.” For example, in our recent season of historic volatility, this bias has driven people to pull their assets out of the market, resulting in them missing the biggest recovery days. Like the monkeys they let their visceral aversion to loss outweigh rational decision making. This is an area we focus on to help prevent clients from making investing decisions based on the sting of emotional loss. In the short term it may feel good or e
Physics seems to work well on human scales, but why does classical physics seem to break at the largest and smallest ones? This series of videos, presented by Umar Ahmed Badami (CDB 2021 and CEO of Brilliants,
Physics seems to work well on human scales, but why does classical physics seem to break at the largest and smallest ones? This series of videos, presented by Umar Ahmed Badami (CDB 2021 and CEO of Brilliants, a tutoring organization dedicated to helping underrepresented minorities) will discuss the physics on the scale of atoms and of galaxies. Materials Needed: Pencil and Paper, Graph Paper (optional)
English is not enough! Foreign language learning for children Ten of the easiest languages to learn… How to learn a language online for free What are the hardest languages to learn? How to teach a child another language What are language immersion programs
English is not enough! Foreign language learning for children Ten of the easiest languages to learn… How to learn a language online for free What are the hardest languages to learn? How to teach a child another language What are language immersion programs? How can children keep language skills when not in daily use? The importance of learning the language Benefits of an expat posting for children - Page 1 of 2
How long will it take *kids* to read? You might remember this How Long Will It Take to Read? infographic created by Personal Creations I shared with you last fall. They’ve created another version of this graphic, focusing on 50
How long will it take *kids* to read? You might remember this How Long Will It Take to Read? infographic created by Personal Creations I shared with you last fall. They’ve created another version of this graphic, focusing on 50 popular kids books this time, including The Velveteen Rabbit, The Chronicles of Narnia and the Harry Potter series. For the infographic, the designers took average reading speed based on the grade level appropriate for each book and calculated how long it would take kids to tackle popular children’s books based on academic fluency standards. You can see the entire graphic here. And if you’d like to share it, the code is available at
end of charging voltage The end-of-charge voltage is a characteristic value of rechargeable batteries. It is the voltage that is applied to the battery terminals as terminal voltage during the charging process with the charger connected. The end-of-charge voltage
end of charging voltage The end-of-charge voltage is a characteristic value of rechargeable batteries. It is the voltage that is applied to the battery terminals as terminal voltage during the charging process with the charger connected. The end-of-charge voltage is higher than the nominal voltage. For NiCd batteries, for example, the nominal voltage is 1.25 V, the final charge voltage is 1.4 V per battery cell, and the final discharge voltage is between 0.8 V and 0.9 V. For lead-acid batteries, the final charge voltage is about 2.4 V per battery cell, the nominal voltage is 2.0 V and the final discharge voltage is 1.75 V, and for Lthium-ion batteries, the final charge voltage is 4.2 V and the final discharge voltage is 2.5 V. When the charging end voltage is reached, the IU charging process is switched from constant current to constant voltage. The charging end voltage can be set on the chargers and is reached earlier as the nominal capacity falls.
3. Cross-Cultural Blogs My students blog regularly with a class in Morocco using Blogger. My partner teacher in Tangier and I built the program from the bottom up. We design the writing prompts to which our classes respond, and then students
3. Cross-Cultural Blogs My students blog regularly with a class in Morocco using Blogger. My partner teacher in Tangier and I built the program from the bottom up. We design the writing prompts to which our classes respond, and then students comment on each others' ideas and writing. Connecting my students in rural America with mostly Muslim kids in Morocco is one of the most important things that I do as a teacher to promote tolerance and respect. When they talk to each other, animosities melt away and trust develops. See an extended discussion of this project here on my Teaching Globally in the Boondocks Blog. Even though we built our blog project from the bottom up on our own, there are myriad organizations out there who could help you on your journey of connecting your classroom with another in the world. Check out,,, and Face to Faith. 4. Global PBL 101 Buck Institute for Education National Faculty member, Tim Kubik, Ph.D., uses a project based learning approach to designing global education projects that explore the disruptive effects of globalization and how they create new opportunities for learning in a classroom. He focuses on elements of PBL that are essential to successful global learning experiences for your students, including In-Depth Inquiry and the 21st Century Skills of Communication. เรารวมเกมส์ Poker Online พร้อมวิธีการเล่นโป๊กเกอร์ ระดับมืออาชีพและรวมกลุ่มนักเล่นทั่วไทย ไว้ให้คุณพร้อมเติมเครดิตเล่นได้แล้ววันนี้ 24 ชมวิธีเล่น poker สำหรับในบทความนี้ผมจะมาสอนวิธีเล่น pokerReplyDelete
As the Brazilian population also was increasing, other wealth had been being discovered, between them the gold mines and diamonds, despertando much covets and paying the debts that Portugal had with other European countries, thus, these new sources of wealth had
As the Brazilian population also was increasing, other wealth had been being discovered, between them the gold mines and diamonds, despertando much covets and paying the debts that Portugal had with other European countries, thus, these new sources of wealth had influenced in modifications how much the land concession. However, many had been benefited of lands, demarcating and registering, therefore no sesmeiro obeyed the law. Acquiring great territorial landmarks. The large states had started to occupy a economically important scene in the country, and up to 1822 the lands already were practically all distributed. Thus,'' donos''they did not allow did not allow the occupation and farmers in its lands, to be that they allowed and these would not have to give to its services. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Gerald Weissmann, MD. This also made, with that many occupied a land piece between a property and another one, called possessional. After much time, the government through demands judicial banishes these of the locality, and decrees the Law of Lands (Law 601) of 1850, defining as the property of the land in the country would be constituted. For more specific information, check out how did vladislav doronin make his money. In fact, little thing moved, therefore the law determined that only proprietor of the land could be considered who legalized its property in notary’s o
German Museum of Technology The German Museum of Technology (Deutsches Technik Museum Berlin) is a museum where visitors can learn about the history of science in a fun and entertaining way. It is a great option for children. Housed in
German Museum of Technology The German Museum of Technology (Deutsches Technik Museum Berlin) is a museum where visitors can learn about the history of science in a fun and entertaining way. It is a great option for children. Housed in the rail yard of the former Hamburger Bahnhof, which was destroyed during World War II, the German Museum of Technology features a large collection of steam trains and electric trains. It also includes a historical brewery and a blacksmith’s working-place, where visitors can see how the blacksmiths work. Moreover, there is also a windmill and a water wheel. Established in 1982, the museum shows numerous facets of both old and modern technology, including technology in the history of civilization and the daily life of humans. Most of the new building is dedicated to sailing and aeronautics, where dozens of military aircrafts are on display. There is also an interesting collection about technology in photography and the textile industry. Interesting but not “essential” Most exhibits are extremely surprising, and, in addition, it is a very “hands-on” museum, so visitors can make various experiments and watch how others are made, discovering how technology has evolved throughout the centuries in an entertaining way. One drawback is that the experiments don’t have a schedule and are not carried out all day long, so visitors might miss them and that the museum labels are mostly written in German. Tuesday - Friday: 9am to 5:30pm Saturdays and Sundays: 10am to 6pm Adults: € 8 (US$ 8.70) Students: € 4 (US$ 4.30) Children under 6: free entrance. Museum Pass Berlin: free entrance. Berlin Welcome Card: 38% off U-Bahn: Möckernbrücke, lines U1 and U7; Gleisdreieck, lines U1 and U2. Train: Anhalter Bahnhof, lines S1, S2 and S25. Topography of Terror in Berlin (1 km) Potsdamer Platz (1.3 km) Jewish Museum Berlin (1.3 km) Checkpoint Charlie Museum in Berlin (1.3 km) Checkpoint Charlie (1.4 km)
Database Research Summaries2018 Impact of Dicamba Drift on Non-Dicamba Soybeans The focus of this project is to establish baseline data on potential injury of non-DT sensitive soybean by various rates micro-rates of D
Database Research Summaries2018 Impact of Dicamba Drift on Non-Dicamba Soybeans The focus of this project is to establish baseline data on potential injury of non-DT sensitive soybean by various rates micro-rates of Dicamba. - Establish baseline data on the injury of potentially sensitive crops (eg. non-DT soybeans) to six micro-rates of Dicamba herbicide (Xtendimax). - Collect photos of injury symptoms (time-lapse photography) in order to develop educational materials and power-point presentations that can be disseminated to farmers through traditional and web-based technologies. - All non-DT soybeans sho
Full Title or Meme Identity is a real world concept that is not defined is sufficient detail to be of any value in other definitions. Identity in the real world is modeled in the digital world by these four elements: - Identifiers or names
Full Title or Meme Identity is a real world concept that is not defined is sufficient detail to be of any value in other definitions. Identity in the real world is modeled in the digital world by these four elements: - Identifiers or names that are assigned to a continuing presence in the digital world, - Attributes that are asserted for the entity and may be validated for greater trust, - Behaviors that are recorded about the entity over time, - Inferences that are determined by some intelligent evaluation of the above elements (this has the danger of becoming stereotypes). To be of value in the digital world it is necessary to assure that an identifier continues to apply to the same real-world entity, even though that
- Cristi Wuenschel Learning About Boats & Maps As an Experience Early Learning Blog Ambassador, we receive the Experience Early Learning preschool curriculum in exchange for sharing our honest and authentic stories resulting from our personal experiences. As always, our
- Cristi Wuenschel Learning About Boats & Maps As an Experience Early Learning Blog Ambassador, we receive the Experience Early Learning preschool curriculum in exchange for sharing our honest and authentic stories resulting from our personal experiences. As always, our opinions on amazing things for children are 100% our own. Keep in mind that all preschoolers do things in their own time and on their own terms. What one is ready for, another might not be. Please use your best judgement when planning activities for your children. We have had a wonderful day today and the children have really enjoyed the Island Treasure theme from Experience Early Learning (formerly Mother Goose Time). Several of the children have had older siblings at home that are envious of the activities that we are doing in the Experience Early Learning classroom, We had planed on going outside today to learn more about wind but due to rain, we had to stay inside so I had to adapt the day. I had the children make their sail boats and we had a variety of looks for the boats. I had the older children start which helped the younger children get some ideas. Due to Covid-19, we did not want the children blowing papers around the table so I got a fan down (that I worked) and we had sail contests with the boat. One of the older children got a paper cup leftover from another day and it went flying across the table. I suggested that he use his skills and create a mast and sails, which he did. It kept falling over so we extended the activity and introduced the term ballast. The older children were very busy working on finding things that were heavy enough for the "boat" to stay upright, but light enough for the boat to "sail" and not be weighed down. Plastic bugs from the science center did the trick. By this point, the children were looking for things to blow in the "wind". The younger children got cars and the older ones got balls and they spent a good 45 minutes playing with the wind. We also played with wind speeds (that I controlled). For the matching game from the boat building this week, I took them and added sticks and put them in a sand activity box. This was another hit and the children were matching and playing for a good long time. I happened to be in the toddler room yesterday and we had a great time with the alphabet book and the matching game also. The children were able to match the pictures with the pictures in the book. It was so much fun as they would cheer for each other when a child found a match! Great team building!! Another fun activity that we did was the mapping and directions. I had one of our school children get the room globe and he showed the younger children the globe/world and where we live and of course they already idolize him so they really were listening to him. We also used magnifying glasses to discover islands on the map that we got from Experience Early Learning (formerly Mother Goose Time). Then we played with the compass on my telephone and found north, south, east and west, put the corresponding posters on the walls and played the game. I had them hopping or some other movement to the walls as we couldn't get outside due to rain. This all worked out perfectly with another activity that we have been doing is watching the new rocket ship Dragon take off and dock with the space station. After all, it is a ship with a captain! We are really looking forward to more fun with Treasure Island this month!
Water-based fitness appeals to many types of exercisers: seniors, people with joint problems, obese people and those who simply love moving in water. The aquatic environment provides both buoyancy and resistance. Aqua aerobics classes are typically taught at three
Water-based fitness appeals to many types of exercisers: seniors, people with joint problems, obese people and those who simply love moving in water. The aquatic environment provides both buoyancy and resistance. Aqua aerobics classes are typically taught at three depths: waist deep, a depth between chest and shoulder height and deep enough so you can’t touch the bottom. Stick to the shallower depths unless you’re an accomplished swimmer. Both shallow and deep-water exercise classes offer many of the same benefits as land-based exercise, including toning muscle, improving posture and balance, increasing flexibility and burning calories. For shallow-water classes, the Aquatic Exercise Association (AEA) recommends pools that range in depth from 3 to 5 feet. These depths will accommodate a variety of student heights. Standing in water that’s between chest and shoulder deep will support 80 to 90 percent of your body weight and allow you to do some maneuvers with your feet off the bottom. Pools that gradually slope on the bottom are best and will cut down on musculoskeletal stress. A depth of at least 6.5 feet works best for deep-water classes, so your body can be suspended vertically with no impact or weight bearing. Deep-water participants often use flotation devices to help them stay vertical. Exercise scientists know that your heart rate is slower in water than on land. But they still haven’t calculated just how much slower. Leading theories now suggest this varies greatly from heart to heart and that previous calculations were grossly inaccurate. Some of the reasons for this lowered heart rate include gravity, water temperature, partial pressure and reduced body mass, combined with each student’s age and fitness level. This difference is especially pronounced in deeper water. So if you’re doing deep-water aerobics, you might be working harder than your heart rate suggests. Therefore, use the Borg scale of perceived exertion, r
I am one of those who thinks technology is just another tool for the average person. I think technology can be scary, and maybe that’s why I find it hard to get into the tech world. I get that technology can be scary, and
I am one of those who thinks technology is just another tool for the average person. I think technology can be scary, and maybe that’s why I find it hard to get into the tech world. I get that technology can be scary, and maybe that’s why I find it hard to get into the tech world. I get that technology can be scary, and maybe that’s why I find it hard to get into the tech world. I have a lot of thoughts on technology. I think it can be a great tool, but I also think it can be the root of many problems and not necessarily the way it was intended to be used. I also think it can be a great tool, but I also think it can be the root of many problems and not necessarily the way it was intended to be used. If you think this is a fair assessment, then you believe that technology is inherently bad and that it must be used in a way that can minimize its dangers to its users. While the good news is that technology does have the potential to be great, the bad news is that we must always be vigilant and never use it in the ways it was intended. In a nutshell, technology is either a good tool, or it isn’t. This is a sentiment I hear often from members of the technology industry. If you’re a computer engineer or software developer, then you’re going to be familiar with the concept of a program. These programs (and programs in general) are the bits of code that make up a computer system. You know that a program is written in a programming language, such as Java or PHP, because you’ve tried to build a program from these languages. In fact, you can be as ignorant about programming as you want to be about the concept of a program. The idea of a program is that it has a description or recipe (in the case of programming languages) or it has a set of instructions (in the case of a computer system) to perform a task that it has been given the job of carrying out. It’s important to be able to write code that is understandable, that is performant, and that is extensible in the future. You probably already know at least one programming language. For example, the programming language C is known for its speed and efficiency. However, it might also be the case that you are not familiar with any of the other languages that are used in software development. In that case, learning a new programming language might be a good idea. It can be very challenging to learn new programming languages. As you learn them, you should make sure that you are not only able to express yourself but also that you are able to use new programming language constructs correctly. For example, if you have to use a new operator, make sure that you understand the syntax. If you need to use a new type of variable, try to make sure that you can use the variable in the right way. In the case of the Visions in Deathloop, however, the goal of the developers is to make the players have the necessary information to be able to make their characters look like they’ve been trained to do so. The player will need some sort of knowledge of what’s going on at all times. The Visions in Deathloop are just a collection of some of the events in the game that have been shown as being an important part of the game. This is a bit of a mystery, and I’m afraid the game will have some of these visual cues, but we’re getting ahead of ourselves.
Aquaculture for Livelihoods, Nutrition and Women’s Empowerment The production and consumption of fish, a nutritious source of food for around one billion people, is rising globally. The bulk of aquaculture still originates from small-scale
Aquaculture for Livelihoods, Nutrition and Women’s Empowerment The production and consumption of fish, a nutritious source of food for around one billion people, is rising globally. The bulk of aquaculture still originates from small-scale farming in developing countries, such as Bangladesh. By providing low income and marginalized communities with livelihoods and food, aquaculture can contribute to several Sustainable Development Goals. Under this program, 3ie is conducting mixed methods evaluations and systematic reviews to generate evidence around interventions working with smallholder fish farmers, particularly women, to increase productivity and diversity of their aquaculture activities and promote maternal and child nutrition and women’s empowerment. What do we know about the impacts of aquaculture? Despite recognition of the potential of aquaculture interventions for international development, there is limited understanding of their effectiveness. To fill this gap, 3ie conducted a systematic search and analysis of studies looking into the effectiveness of aquaculture interventions on four main outcome groups: productivity, income, nutrition, and women’s empowerment. Landing the big one: Can we rely on the private sector to empower women and improve child nutrition? A lot of traditional thinking in development says that the private sector can be a powerful force for tackling problems associated with poverty, but it can’t do everything. For example, private-sector actors, with their financial motivations, have incentives to work with poor farmers on value chains. But, the thinking often goes, they can’t be counted on to deliver other outcomes we want to see, like empowering women, because they do not perceive any gain from doing so About the program With support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, 3ie is building the evidence base to inform the effectiveness of aquacultural systems as a means to improve income, nutrition and women’s empowerment in low-income contexts. To do so, we are conducting an at-scale mixed methods evaluation to estimate the impacts of WorldFish’s Aquaculture project in Bangladesh on productivity, income, nutritional diversity and women’s empowerment and examine the processes and mechanisms that explain impacts. Read our registered evaluation protocol here. To inform the broader aquaculture sector, we are systematically reviewing evidence on aquaculture interventions in low- and middle-income countries. Our systematic review, Aquaculture for improving productivity, income, nutrition and women's empowerment in low- and middle-income countries, examines the state of evidence on aquaculture in low- and middle-income countries, particularly on women’s empowerment and issues related to gender in aquaculture value chains. Read the registered review protocol here. Evaluation of WorldFish’s Aquaculture project Fish consumption and production play an important role in the lives of people in Bangladesh. It is a rich source of protein and the primary livelihood for nearly 18 million people, of which approximately 1.4 million are women. In recent decades, Bangladesh’s farmed fish market has increased by 25 times and the number of actors involved has tripled. This dramatic growth has taken place despite considerable challenges such as inequitable access to inputs and limited roles in production decisions for women farmers. WorldFish and its partners are working with smallholder fish farmers, particularly women, to increase the productivity and diversity of their aquaculture activities while promoting maternal and child nutrition and women’s economic empowerment. 3ie, with colleagues from the University of Greenwich and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, is conducting process and impact evaluation to assess the effectiveness of WorldFish’s interventions. Read the baseline report here. Systematic review | Aquaculture for improving productivity, income, nutrition and women's empowerment in low- and middle-income countries After systematically screening 12,000 records from 27 academic databases and grey literature sources and including 21 impact evaluations covering 13 aquaculture programs in six countries, the review found that aquaculture interventions improve productivity and income for fish farmers in most contexts. The review emphasizes the need for more rigorous measurement of impact, particularly on nutrition and women’s empowerment outcomes. The review report is published here and you can find an overview of the findings in this brief and at this blo
This post is also available in: Svenska Facts about the baby immune system, antibodies and breastfeeding. Written by Professor of Clinical Immunology and Microbiology. Do newborn babies have a functioning immune system or not? What good is the antibodies
This post is also available in: Svenska Facts about the baby immune system, antibodies and breastfeeding. Written by Professor of Clinical Immunology and Microbiology. Do newborn babies have a functioning immune system or not? What good is the antibodies in breast milk? Agnes Wold is a Professor of Clinical Immunology and Microbiology and one of Sweden’s foremost experts in the immune system and breastfeeding immunology for young children. A healthy newborn baby has a functioning immune system A newborn has a fully functioning immune system. A child has the full capacity to form immune responses to virtually all types of infections (exception: capsulated bacteria). BUT since the child has not had any infections, it lacks immunological memory. When you first encounter a virus, you get sick. At the same time, the immune system is activated and after the infection the immune system remembers exactly what this virus looks like. If you encounter this particular virus again, your immune system may eliminate the virus before you even have time to show any symptoms. Read more about how vaccines work on the immune system Now, unfortunately, there are hundreds of different viruses. If you have not encountered a particular virus before, you also have no immunological memory to it and will get sick. Since a newborn has no immunological memory, they simply have to go through all the viral diseases in order to develop an immunity. Unless there’s a vaccine. This is the simple explanation for the fact that toddlers “are sick all the time”. Preschoolers have an average of 6-8 viral infections per year, compared to adults who “only” have 2-4 per year. The good news is, if you have many infections as a child, for example because you are in a kindergarten, you will get fewer infections when you start school. All because of the immunological memory! Read more about recurrent fever and infection in children Mom gives baby antibody protection To compensate the newborn for the lack of immunological memory, the baby receives ready-made antibodies from the mother during pregnancy. IgG antibodies are actively pumped through the placenta to the baby. Therefore at birth, a baby will have higher IgG levels in the blood than the mother! These degrade gradually, while the child begins to form their own IgG antibodies. Calves and pigs, for example, lack this excellent system and have no ready-made antibodies like newborns. They die if they do not get breast milk immediately after birth, because that’s when they take up IgG in the blood. Breast milk gives baby IgA antibodies
Memorizing Quran Simply Means Learning It By Heart. At The Time Of Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him), Writing Was An Uncommon Style Of Storing Matters; Thus, Memorization And Oral Transmission Were The Most Effective Modes Of Preserving Information
Memorizing Quran Simply Means Learning It By Heart. At The Time Of Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him), Writing Was An Uncommon Style Of Storing Matters; Thus, Memorization And Oral Transmission Were The Most Effective Modes Of Preserving Information.The Importance of Quran Memorization: The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wasallam) said: “Whoever recites one Word from the Book of Allah will be rewarded for a good deed and ten more like it; and I don’t say that Alif Lam Mim is a letter but Alif is a letter and Lam is a letter and Mim is a letter” (Tirmidhi & Al-Dareemi) This Course Is Designed For Those Who Want To Memorize The Holy Quran Online. Eligibility: Could Read Quran With Tajweed. Quran Memorization Simply Means Learning It By Heart. At The Time Of Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him), Writing Was An Uncommon Style Of Storing Matters; Thus, Memorization And Oral Transmission Were The Most Effective Modes Of Preserving Information. The Importance of Quran Memorization: The Prophet ((ﷺ)) said: “Whoever recites one Word from the Book of Allah will be rewarded for a good deed and ten more like it, and I don’t say that Alif Lam Mim is a letter but Alif is a letter and Lam is a letter and Mim is a letter” (Tirmidhi & Al-Dareemi). The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “Every Prophet was given miracles because of which people believed, but what I have been given, is Divine Inspiration which Allah has revealed to me. So I hope that my followers will outnumber the followers of the other Prophets on the Day of Resurrection.” Start Quran Memorization Now This (Quran Memorization) Course Is Designed For Those Who Want To Memorize The Holy Quran Online. Eligibility: Could Read Quran With Tajweed. What’s up, I desire to subscribe for this webpage to get most up-to-date updates, thus where can i do it please assist. You ought to take part in a contest for one of the highest quality websites online. I most certainly will recommend Helpful information. Fortunate me I discovered your web site accidentally, and I am shocked why this coincidence didn’t took place in advance! I bookmarked it. I really adore your blog and find a lot of your post’s to be specifically what I’m searching for. Thanks for another fantastic post I’m at the look for such information. I do not even know how I ended up right here, but I assumed this put up used to be great. I do not realize who you’re however definitely you are doing great job here. You have made some really good points there. I checked on the web for additional information about the issue and found most people will go along with your views on this site. Hey There. I found your blog using msn. This is a very well designed. I will make sure to bookmark it and return to read more of your useful information. Thanks for the post. I’ve been reading a lot of your articles and i must say pretty good stuff. I will surely bookmark your website. Your style is so unique compared to other folks I have read stuff from. Thanks for posting when you have the opportunity, Guess I’ll just book mark this site. Greetings from Ohio! I’m bored to tears at work so I decided to browse your blog on my iphone during lunch break. I love the knowledge you provide here and can’t wait to take a look when I get home. I’m amazed at how fast your blog loaded on my phone.. I’m not even using WIFI, just 3G.. Anyways, superb blog! Does your site have a contact page? I’m having trouble locating it but, I’d like to send you an e-mail. I’ve got some suggestions for your blog you might be interested in hearing. Either way, great website and I look forward to seeing it develop over time. Having read this I thought it was rather informative. I appreciate you finding the time and energy to put this content together. I once again find myself personally spending a significant amount of time both reading and commenting. But so what, it was still Appreciate this post. Let me try it out. Hi are using WordPress for your site platform? I’m new to the blog world but I’m trying to get started and set up my own. Do you need any coding expertise to make your own blog? Any help would be really appreciated! Wow, that’s what I was looking for, what a data! present here at this blog, thanks admin of this web site. It’s hard to come by experienced people about this subject, but you seem like you know what you’re talking about! Thanks I’m honored to get a call from a friend as he identified the important suggestions shared on your website. Exploring your blog post is a real outstanding experience. Many thanks for taking into consideration readers like me, and I wish you the very best. This is very interesting, You’re a really skilled b
Climate Mapping for Resilience and Adaptation Check local exposure to climate-related hazards, now and in the future. Knowing what hazards your assets might face is the first step in protecting them. This tool can help you understand some of the climate
Climate Mapping for Resilience and Adaptation Check local exposure to climate-related hazards, now and in the future. Knowing what hazards your assets might face is the first step in protecting them. This tool can help you understand some of the climate-related hazards that could occur in your location. The Climate Mapping for Resilience and Adaptation (CMRA) portal features - a real-time dashboard with interactive maps showing where common climate-related hazards are occuring today - information about five common climate-related hazards: Extreme Heat, Drought, Wildfires, Flooding, and Coastal Inundation - links to federal funding opporutnities related to each hazard - federal government policy statements relevant for climate adaptation and resilience-building efforts - curated climate and non-climate data for building equitable resilience plans. The CMRA Assessment tool provides climate projections relevant to the five hazards for three future periods. Projections are available for counties and Tribal Nations. Flags for census tracts indicate if the selected tract is considered disadvantaged—and therefore eligible for Justice40 efforts—and if buildings within the tract are required to adhere to hazard-resistant building codes. 6 December 2022 - 12:20pm Steps to Resilience: This content supports the highlighted step.
Harlan County has a rich history. This history has made the county into what it is today. Because of this, we have compiled a list of 25 historic places to visit in Harlan County! 1. Benham Historic District This
Harlan County has a rich history. This history has made the county into what it is today. Because of this, we have compiled a list of 25 historic places to visit in Harlan County! 1. Benham Historic District This district is composed of ten buildings and a park in Benham. These houses were the center of the coal camp between 1919 and 1928. The Kentucky Coal Mining Museum is located in this historic district. 2. Kentucky Coal Mining Museum The Kentucky Coal Mining Museum is located in Benham, KY. Here, you can experience the history of coal mining in Eastern Kentucky for yourself. They even have a Loretta Lynn exhibit! 3. Rebel Rock and Little Shepherd Trail Little Shepherd Trail is a 38-mile road that is now part of the Pine Mountain State Scenic Trail. This trail has numerous overlooks and wildlife sightings throughout. One can’t miss spot is Rebel Rock. Rebel Rock was home to a camp and observation post that was used by the rebel army. 4. Harlan County Extension Depot The Louisville & Nashville Railroad Depot was the first depot in Harlan County and it sparked growth throughout the county. When the original Depot was demolished, all was not lost. The Harlan County Extension Service constructed a multipurpose building in the footprint of the old depot that closely resembles the original depot. It’s a glimpse into the past with a modern twist. 5. Portal 31 Portal 31 was built in Lynch by the US Coal and Coke Company, a subsidiary of US Steel Corp. The mine used to hold the world record for coal production in a 9 hour shift. Portal 31 is now an underground mine tour where you can ride in a railcar and tour the facilities. 6. Harlan County Coal Monument The Coal Monument in Harlan, KY. is an obelisk that was constructed in honor of the coal industry in Harlan County. The monument is built from blocks of coal contributed by each coal mine operating in the county at the time of its construction. Located in Baxter on Hwy 72, the monument is an iconic piece of Harlan County. 7. Pine Mountain Settlement School Pine Mountain Settlement School is a National Historic Landmark, and was opened in 1913 in Bledsoe, KY. It was originally opened as a boarding school for mountain children. Now it serves as a cultural and educational center that welcomes visitors from around the world to experience Appalachian culture, learn more about our natural environment, and celebrate together at festivals and events. 8. Blanton Forest State Nature Preserve Blanton Forest is the largest old growth forest in the state of Kentucky. The land was purchased in 1928 and was passed on with the understanding that the land would never be logged. The preserve is located near Loyall, KY and is home to many hiking trails as well as the oldest boy scout camp in the state of Kentucky. 9. Harlan County Coal Miners Memorial Monument This memorial is located in downtown Harlan near the courthouse. The monument honors those who have lost their lives in the mines in Harlan County. 10. Harlan Doughboy The Harlan Doughboy is located in front of the courthouse in downtown Harlan. The Harlan Doughboy was unveiled in 1930 to honor those who gave their lives in service to their country in WWI. 11. Harlan Courthouse Downtown Harlan has been home to the county seat of Harlan County since its establishment. During the county’s history, five courthouses have been constructed including the rebuilding of the courthouse after it had been burned during the Civil War. The current Harlan County Courthouse was built from 1918-1922 and is made of Indiana limestone. The Courthouse occupies the center block of downtown Harlan and is part of a complex including the newer Justice Center and a variety of monuments and historical markers. 12. Confederate Cemetery This Confederate Cemetery is located in Cawood, KY right off of US 421. This area was an important passageway for Union and Confederate soldiers during the Civil War. Many soldiers camped in this area while traveling. 13. Hidden Cemetery Did you know that there is a hidden cemetery in downtown Harlan? It is the final resting place for members of some of Harlan County’s founding families. It’s located on Clover St. in Downtown Harlan. 14. Coal Miner’s Memo
What is the history of galena mineral? Galena – Lead Ore. Lead (Pb) is one of the first metals to have been used by humans, dating back to about 6500 BC. Lead pipes have been discovered dating to
What is the history of galena mineral? Galena – Lead Ore. Lead (Pb) is one of the first metals to have been used by humans, dating back to about 6500 BC. Lead pipes have been discovered dating to the time of the Pharaohs in Egypt. The most common ore mineral of lead mined in the United States is galena with the chemical symbol PbS. Why is galena famous? Galena developed as the largest steamboat hub on the Mississippi River north of St. Galena was the home of Ulysses S. Grant and eight other Civil War generals. Today, the city is a tourist destination known for its history, architecture, and resorts. What is special about galena mineral? Galena, also called lead glance, is the natural mineral form of lead(II) sulfide (PbS). It is the most important ore of lead and an important source of silver. Galena is one of the most abundant and widely distributed sulfide minerals. It crystallizes in the cubic crystal system often showing octahedral forms. What makes galena unique? It has a distinct silver color and a bright metallic luster. Galena tarnishes to a dull gray. Because lead is a primary element in galena, the mineral has a high specific gravity (7.4 to 7.6) that is immediately noticed when picking up even small pieces. When was galena founded? Galena is a city in Cherokee County, Kansas, United States. As of the 2010 census, the city population was 3,085…. |• Total||4.66 sq mi (12.06 km2)| What is the main use of Galena? Galena is the most important ore of lead. Silver is often produced as a by-product. Most lead is consumed in making batteries, however, significant amounts are also used to make lead sheets, pipe and shot. It is also used to make low-melting-point alloys. What are the uses of Galena? What are the main uses of Galena? Is Galena rare or common? Galena is the most common mineral containing lead, and has been well-known throughout the centuries. It is often well crystallized and forms in many interesting and distinct crystal shapes. What are common uses of galena? What galena means? : a bluish-gray cubic mineral with metallic luster consisting of lead sulfide and constituting the principal ore of lead. Where does the mineral galena get its name? The large volume of Galena that is processed for lead produces enough Silver as a by product to make Galena the leading ore of Silver. The name Galena comes from the Latin word “galena” which means “lead ore”. Galena is by far the greatest ore of lead. Galena is the most common mineral containing lead, and contains mostly lead. What was the peak year of galena mining? Galena Facts. Galena” is Latin for lead sulfide. In the peak year of 1845, the mining district, with Galena as its hub, produced almost 85% of the nation’s lead. Where did the lead in Galena Iowa come from? Lead was already a trade article with the French. 1816-Captain John Shaw of the U.S. Army reported Indians along the Fever River mining lead from the “Buck Lead” north of Galena. The first boatload of lead ore was shipped down the Fever and Mississippi Rivers by Col. George Davenport, after whom Davenport, Iowa is named. Where was the discovery of Galena in Australia? Argentiferous galena was accidentally discovered at Glen Osmond in 1841, and additional deposits were discovered near Broken Hill in 1876 and at Mount Isa in 1923. Most galena in Australia is found in hydrothermal deposits emplaced around 1680 million years ago, which have since been heavily metamorphosed.
Banks look after money for people who want to save, and lend money to people who want to borrow. Other financial institutions can also do this. New Zealand’s first banks were set up in the 1840s. Some banks from the
Banks look after money for people who want to save, and lend money to people who want to borrow. Other financial institutions can also do this. New Zealand’s first banks were set up in the 1840s. Some banks from the 1800s survived into the 2000s, such as the Bank of New Zealand. There were quite strict laws that set out what banks and other financial institutions could do. Changes from the 1980s In the 1980s there were law changes that meant banks and other financial institutions needed to be more competitive. Many banks merged and were bought by overseas companies. By the 2000s most banks in New Zealand were Australian-owned. As well as lending and borrowing, banks allow people to pay for things using non-cash methods such as: - EFTPOS (electronic funds transfer at point of sale) - credit cards - direct credit and direct debit. Banks and finance companies make their money by charging higher interest on money they lend than the interest they pay on money they borrow. They also charge fees for some services. Working in banks Before the 1980s the structure of each bank branch was quite rigid. The manager made the big decisions. Few women worked in banks, and those who did had little opportunity for promotion. During the 1980s technology changed, the head offices of banks became more important and call centres handled many customer inquiries. As more transactions were carried out electronically, rather than in person, many branches closed.
History and Efficacy of Emergency Contraception: Beyond Coca-Cola As affirmed at the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo, women have the right to control the number and timing of their pregnancies. To realize this right
History and Efficacy of Emergency Contraception: Beyond Coca-Cola As affirmed at the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo, women have the right to control the number and timing of their pregnancies. To realize this right, women throughout the world need access to a broad range of contraceptives, as well as to safe abortion services. While most contraceptives are intended for use before or during intercourse, some methods can be used within a short time after unprotected intercourse. Rumored folk methods such as postcoital douching with Coca-Cola are of dubious efficacy, but fortunately are not a woman's only alternative. Within the last 30 years, a number of approaches, which seem safe and efficacious, have been developed. These options, predominantly variations on oral contraceptive regimens, are often called "morning-after pills." A more appropriate name for them, however, is "emergency contraception," which would dispel the idea that the user must wait until the morning after unprotected intercourse to start treatment—or that she will be too late if she cannot obtain treatment until the afternoon or night after. The name "emergency contraception" also stresses that the regimens are not intended for ongoing use. The roots of modern emergency contraception date back to the 1920s, when researchers initially demonstrated that estrogenic ovarian extracts interfere with pregnancy in mammals.1 Veterinarians were the first to app ly this finding, administering estrogens to dogs and to horses that had mated when their owner had not wanted them to. Despite scattered reports of clinical use of postcoital estrogens in humans as early as the 1940s,2 the first documented cases were not published until the mid-1960s, when physicians in the Netherlands applied the veterinary practice of postcoital estrogen administration to a 13-year-old girl who had been raped at midcycle.3 At around the same time, U.S. researchers were investigating the efficacy of high-dose estrogens, and toward the end of the decade, these preparations became the standard. Women typically received either conjugated estrogens, the steroidal estrogen ethinyl estradiol or the nonsteroidal estrogen diethylstilbestrol (DES). Today, in places where high-dose estrogens are still used, they are administered in the so-called 5x5 regimen: 5 mg of ethinyl estradiol per day for five days. In the early 1970s, the high-dose estrogen regimens gave way to a combined estrogen-progestin standard. Canadian physician Albert Yuzpe and his colleagues began studies in 1972 on this combined regimen, guided by their observation that a single dose of 100 mcg of estrogen coupled with 1.0 mg of the progestin dl-norgestrel induces endometrial changes that are incompatible with implantation.5 The "Yuzpe method," as it came to be known, replaced high-dose estrogen for mulations, chiefly because it offered a lower incidence of side effects, but also because the commonly used DES was linked to vaginal cancer in the daughters of women who had taken it to prevent miscarriages. The regimen now begins within 72 hours after unprotected intercourse and typically consists of 200 mcg of ethinyl estradiol and 1.0 mg of levonorgestrel. Research on regimens that omitted estrogen also began in the early 1970s, predominantly in Latin America. A 1973 report described the results of a large-scale trial investigating five doses of levonorgestrel: 150 mcg, 250 mcg, 300 mcg, 350 mcg and 400 mcg per tablet. The regimen was tested as an ongoing postcoital method, rather than an emergency formulation. Participants in the trial were instructed to take a tablet as soon as possible within three hours after intercourse and could use the method as often as necessary; some continued to use this method for two years.6 The results showed that the lower doses were not efficacious and caused some menstrual disruption, chiefly a shortening of the cycle. This experiment marked the first major venture into ongoing postcoital contraception and laid the groundwork for the levonorgestrel methods that have become available in many developing countries and in Eastern Europe. The late 1970s were to offer the chief nonhormonal method available today, the copper-releasing IUD. This device causes endometrial changes that inhibit implantation; in addition, the copper ions released appear to be directly embryotoxic.7 More recently, two other methods have been investigated: danazol and mifepristone. Danazol, a synthetic progestin and antigonadotropin, was first used as an emergency contraceptive in the early 1980s.8 Mifepristone, more commonly known as RU-486, is a potent antiprogesterone registered in four countries as an abortifacient. Relatively little research is available on these newer methods, although mifepristone in particular appears extremely promising as an emergency contraceptive. The Yuzpe method is the best-studied method of oral postcoital contraception.9 (In addition, trials of vaginal administration of the Yuzpe method
An urgent overhaul of land management, including agriculture and food systems, is imperative if catastrophic climate change is to be avoided – that was the weightiest takeaway from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report titled ‘Climate
An urgent overhaul of land management, including agriculture and food systems, is imperative if catastrophic climate change is to be avoided – that was the weightiest takeaway from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report titled ‘Climate Change and Land’, which was released today in Geneva, Switzerland. The report, co-authored by 107 experts from 52 countries, is part of the IPCC’s Sixth Assessment cycle and has been prepared to address the links between climate change and land-based ecosystems, and to explore how land-use can be modified to increase sustainability and reduce emissions. It also lays out several developmental and growth trajectories for the coming decades. The high cost of human activity The report notes that humans affect over 70% of ice-free land on Earth, a third of which has been subject to degradation linked to human activity. According to one study mentioned in IPCC’s assessment, ecosystem services from the world’s terrestrial systems are approximately equivalent to global Gross Domestic Product when evaluated annually. These services include all freely available benefits from nature such as food, genetic diversity, climatic and hydrological regulation, disaster risk reduction etc. An estimated 23% of total anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions (2007-2016) derive from Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU). Unsurprisingly, climate change, through regional impacts ranging from extreme precipitation to drought and record-breaking heatwaves, has exacerbated land-degradation, particularly in low-lying coastal areas, river deltas, drylands and in permafrost areas. Even though satellite observations show net vegetation gains over the past three decades, the annual area of drylands in drought has increased, on average by slightly more than 1% per year between 1961 and 2013. In 2015, about 500 million people, mostly from Asia and Africa, lived within areas that experienced desertification between the 1980s and 2000s. “In a future with more intensive rainfall, the risk of soil erosion on croplands increases, and sustainable land management is a way to protect communities from the detrimental impacts of this soil erosion and landslides. However, there are limits to what can be done, so in other cases, degradation might be irreversible,” said Kiyoto Tanabe, co-chair of the Task Force on National Greenhouse Gas Inventories. India herself is no stranger to the devastating impacts of climate change. The revolving door of extreme weather, droughts and floods in India has stamped the realities of climate change across the sub-continent. While the country has become all too aware of climate change and its debilitating potential, India’s mitigation efforts have centred around energy- increasing efficiency and pushing transition to cleaner sources. Adaptation and mitigation efforts in other sectors, by comparison, have been close to non-existent. It might not be too much of a stretch to say that the warnings held in the report are perhaps most ominous for India, considering her dependence on land-based livelihoods such as agriculture and her clear vulnerabilities to climate impacts. Analysis of satellite images from the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) have revealed that around 30% of the country’s landmass spread across more than 25 states is undergoing degradation and desertification. To make matters worse, India’s water use, especially in agriculture, is riddled with inefficiencies that are driving up water scarcity and drought risks, as stated by NITI Aayog in its report ‘Composite Water Management Index’ published earlier in 2018. Increases in production are linked to consumption changes. In India and other vulnerable regions, the damaging effects of increased dryness and changes in precipitation patterns, including extreme events, on food security have become visible as yields of major food crops and growth rates of livestock have already started registering declines. “Land is central to the fight against the climate crisis and hunger. Industrial agriculture, deforestation and increasing weather shocks are destroying the land we depend on for food, with the world’s poorest hit the hardest,” says Aditi Sen, a senior climate policy advisor at Oxfam. Land-use change, land-use intensification and climate change have contributed to desertification and land degradation. Land management vital to tackle climate crisis The links between land and climate are much more profound than the one-way interactions of climate impacts. Land carries perhaps the most vital variables in the climate equation as it both churns out and sucks back in massive volumes of GHGs, thus simultaneously acting as both source and sink for GHGs. According to IPCC’s assessment, Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) activities accounted for around 13% of CO2 (5.2 ± 2.6 GtCO2), 44% of methane (CH 4), and 82% of nitrous oxide (N 2O) emissions from human activities globally during 2007-2016. This accounts for approximately 12GtCO2eq of emissions annually or about 23% of the net anthropogenic GHG emissions. This proportion goes up to 37% if the entire food production system is considered. Simultaneously, land is also responsible for sequestering 11.2 GtCO2 each year through natural responses to human-induced environmental change. Together, terrestrial ecosystems are estimated to be sucking out 6.0 GtCO2 every year between 2007 and 2016. A solution riddled with uncertainty While the importance of land to combating climate change cannot be understated, projecting future behaviours i
Student Grading Considerations with COVID-19 School Modifications COVID-19 pandemic surges continue to keep schools closed or programs modified. How will K-12 teachers support students, when they have limited time to work with them in class or through
Student Grading Considerations with COVID-19 School Modifications COVID-19 pandemic surges continue to keep schools closed or programs modified. How will K-12 teachers support students, when they have limited time to work with them in class or through distance learning programs? What standardized testing programs have been altered or eliminated this year and how will it impact many college acceptances? Winter Conference Tips Here are some tips to discuss with teachers at your upcoming winter conferences: - Clarify with the teacher or principal how teachers will grade students during the pandemic if the school is providing distance learning, hybrid learning, or modified on-site learning to ensure an accurate evaluation. - Have your children organize and collect their class work to ensure it is documented and reviewed by a teacher if there is a disagreement about a specific class grade. - Confirm with teachers or the school’s principal specific assignments that must be returned to school on specified dates if there are regular collections of work from home. - Have your children confirm how they can submit online assignments by email or through an online portfolio. Each teacher and school may have different requirements that may include how: - your child can resolve any grading discrepancies - the school or teacher will accommodate for documented learning disabilities. - the school will test for specific learning challenges - your child can receive tutorial support - Ask the teacher or the principal what standardized testing will occur during this school year and how you can help your children prepare for any testing. - If your child must take online tests for entry into competitive high schools or colleges, ask how will the tests be administered. - Learn if there are any accommodations for documented learning disabilities. - Ask the school’s principal how your children can secure college counseling support services due to limited pandemic student services activities. - Verify how your children can apply for financial aid packages. - Confirm how your children can participate in competitive high school or college visits. - Check how the school is providing leadership programs, study skill preparation, and standardized testing preparation during the pandemic. - Contact each competitive high school or college your children are applying to for any modified requirements due to the pandemic. - Ask about adjustments are being made for students who are not participating in state and national standardized testing. - Determine how the schools are accommodating for documented special education needs. - Identify how your children can document traditional school leadership activities on school entrance applications when schools’ leadership and sports programs have been suspended or limited. - Help you children relax and support them with lots of encouragement during this very challenging time as there are so many unanswered questions as schools struggle to equitably work with all students. May your winter conferences ensure your children’s academic successes! Mary Ann with Yvette Copyright (c) 2021 by GenParenting Mary Ann Burke, Ed.D., Digital Education Expert, is a substitute distance learning teacher for Oak Grove School District in San Jose, California and the author of STUDENT-ENGAGED ASSESSMENT: Strategies to Empower All Learners (Rowman & Littlefield: 2020). Dr. Burke creates digital language arts and substitute teaching K – 12 activities for teachers and parents. She is the Cofounder of the blog. Burke is the former Director II of Categorical & Special Projects for the Santa Clara County Office of Education that supports 31 school districts serving 272,321 students in Santa Clara County. She is also a previous Director – State & Federal Compliance for Oakland Unified School District, the former Director – Grantwriter for the Compton Unified School District, and was the initial VISTA Director for the Community Partnership Coalition in southern California. Much of her work focuses on creating innovative digital trainings and partnership programs for teachers and families to support students’ learning. These programs were featured as a best practice at a National Title I Conference, California’s Title I Conferences, AERA Conferences, an ASCD Conference, the NASSP Conference, and statewide educator conferences.
A new letter released from Israeli archives has revealed that Adolf Eichmann, the notorious Nazi war criminal, begged to be pardoned just days before he was due to be executed. The letter is more than 40 years old and was written in
A new letter released from Israeli archives has revealed that Adolf Eichmann, the notorious Nazi war criminal, begged to be pardoned just days before he was due to be executed. The letter is more than 40 years old and was written in May of 1962. He had prepared the letter and addressed it to Israel’s President at the time, Yitzhak Ben-Zvi. He stated that he denied any responsibility for what happened to the Jewish prisoners at the concentration camps. Adolf Eichmann was a leading member of the Nazi SS group and was one of the main orchestrators of concentration camps. In his letter, he said that there was a difference between the leaders who were responsible for what happened during the war and other people, like him, who had been forced to do the job on behalf of their leaders. Eichmann never believed that he was one of the leaders responsible for implementing the Nazi regime’s plans, and went on to say that he did not feel any guilt. Eichmann’s letter made no difference to his sentence, and he was hung on 1st June 1962. A researcher who has studied Eichmann extensively, Hannah Arendt, wrote that he questioned the idea that everyone in the Nazi regime was responsible for their actions, not just the leaders. Arendt calls this ‘banality of evil’, which Eichmann rejected to his death. The letter was released this week by Israeli authorities in commemoration of International Holocaust Remembrance Day since it had only just been discovered in the archives. Israeli President Reuven Rivlin said that Eichmann’s plea for a pardon shows that he knew he would be brought to justice and that no kindness or compassion was ever shown to the victims of the Holocaust.
Methods and procedures for assessing pupils’ educational achievements in primary schools, as well as the elements of the assessment, are based on national and subject curricula, the teaching plan and program, the school curriculum and the Rulebook on Assessment Methods, Procedures
Methods and procedures for assessing pupils’ educational achievements in primary schools, as well as the elements of the assessment, are based on national and subject curricula, the teaching plan and program, the school curriculum and the Rulebook on Assessment Methods, Procedures and Elements in Primary and Secondary Schools (Official Gazette No. 112/2010), as well as on codes of conduct passed by schools. Elements of assessing pupils’ progress in a certain subject, as well as the modes and procedures for the assessment, are designed by the teacher of a certain subject with other teachers of the same subject or of the same field. The assessment focuses on the application of the pupils’ knowledge. Pupils with disabilities are assessed on the basis of their efforts towards the achievement of the set objectives and educational values. During the school year, teacher can assess the achieved level of pupils’ competences using oral and written examinations, while at the beginning of the school year teachers can administer introductory or initial assessment. Oral assessment covers all types of oral examinations of the achieved level of pupils’ competences that result in a certain mark. Oral assessment is used continuously during the school year, usually after a particular unit has been taught to the pupils and practiced by the pupils. Oral assessment and evaluation can be employed at any class period, it does not have to be announced, and it should normally not take more than 10 minutes per pupil. Written assessment covers all types of written examinations that result in a mark awarded to a pupil’s written assignment and it is used continuously during the school year after a particular unit has been taught and practiced. There are written exams taking more than 15 minutes, and short written exams, taking up to 15 minutes. These two types of exams differ not only in duration but also in the range of the material they cover. In each school year, the school is obliged to publish a preliminary timetable for written exams, showing the list of class departments and the planned teaching calendar, as well as the planned dates for written exams. The timetable is based on the teaching plan and program and the timetable for each class department. The timetable is proposed by the teacher of a certain subject and adjusted and passed by the teachers’ council. At the beginning of each teaching year, at the specialist teacher meetings, the teachers of a certain subject define the elements, modes and procedures for the final assessment. The teachers must inform pupils, class masters and the expert staff (pedagogue, psychologist and special education experts) on the elements of assessment and on the modes and procedures for evaluation. The board of school experts is obliged to synchronize modes, procedures and elements of assessment on the local, regional and national levels for all subjects and educational fields. Teachers monitor pupils’ progress. In the notes section of the mark book they only write the observations which will be understandable to the pupil and pupil’s parents and which can be helpful to the teacher in the final assessment of a pupil in a certain subject or educational field. Assessment in a certain subject is carried out by the teacher that teaches the given subject. The teacher is obliged to make each given mark known, to explain the reason for giving a certain mark to the pupil and to enter the mark in the mark book. The teacher must show the graded paper and any other type of pupil’s written assignment to the pupil and to keep the paper archived in school by the end of the school year. The pupil has the right to be informed of the elements of the assessment and of the assessment modes and procedures employed by each teacher. The pupil must comply with all of the rules of the assessment modes and procedures, as well as the pupils’ code of conduct. If a pupil does not comply with the rules, the teacher can propose a disciplinary measure. The parent has the right to be informed of the assessment elements, modes and procedures for each subject. Parents are informed on the assessment modes and procedures by the class master at parent-teacher meetings and in individual meetings. The parent must regularly attend parent-teacher meetings and individual meetings with the class master. The parent has the right to inspect written and other assignments and marks at the arranged individual meeting with the class master. The parent has the right to ask the class master to schedule an individual meeting with a subject teacher. The parent has the right to inform the school principal if the class master or the subject teacher refuses to provide important information on the results of the child in a timely manner. The parent has the right to make written and oral petitions (objections, comments and suggestions) on the assessment of the pupil, which are submitted to the school principal or the parents’ council. In the last week of the school year, parents’ meetings and consultations cannot be scheduled. The class master must inform the parents and the pupils of the assessment elements, modes and procedures. The class master must schedule at least three parents’ meetings during a school year and present the achievements of the class department in the previous period, inform the parents of the activities carried out in the class department and ensure that there is an adequate exchange of information between the parents, the teachers, the expert staff and the school principal. The class master must schedule office hours for individual meetings with the parents once a week, in which the parents can be informed of the achieved levels of competences in each subject, as well as of the pupil’s absence from classes and the pupil’s conduct. The class master informs
The biomechanical and ecophysiological properties of plant seed/fruit structures are fundamental to survival in distinct environments. Dispersal of fruits with hard pericarps (fruit coats) encasing seeds has evolved many times independently within taxa that
The biomechanical and ecophysiological properties of plant seed/fruit structures are fundamental to survival in distinct environments. Dispersal of fruits with hard pericarps (fruit coats) encasing seeds has evolved many times independently within taxa that have seed dispersal as their default strategy. The mechanisms by which the constraint of a hard pericarp determines germination timing in response to the environment are currently unknown. Here, we show that the hard pericarp of Lepidium didymum controls germination solely by a biomechanical mechanism. Mechanical dormancy is conferred by preventing full phase-II water uptake of the encased non-dormant seed. The lignified endocarp has biomechanically and morphologically distinct regions that serve as predetermined breaking zones. This pericarp-imposed mechanical dormancy is released by the activity of common fungi, which weaken these zones by degrading non-lignified pericarp cells. We propose that the hard pericarp with this biomechanical mechanism contributed to the global distribution of this species in distinct environments. A diversity of fruit and seed structures provide biomechanical and ecophysiological adaptations to support reproductive performance and plant fitness in distinct environments1,2,3,4,5. ‘Hard Seededness’ has arisen many times across plant taxons whereby a hard inner layer of the pericarp (fruit coat) encases the seed. The means by which hard endocarps open during germination were first investigated in 1933 by Sir Arthur Hill, Director of the Royal Botanic Gardens (Kew, London). Hill6 and others7 found Eocene fossil fruit valves with a hard endocarp. Global climate change processes in the Eocene were identified a
Photo-Systems – The Light Traps The orderly arrangement of photosynthetic pigments on thylakoid membrane is called photo-system. Hill and Fay Benda11 (1960) proposed that photo-chemical phase of photosynthesis
Photo-Systems – The Light Traps The orderly arrangement of photosynthetic pigments on thylakoid membrane is called photo-system. Hill and Fay Benda11 (1960) proposed that photo-chemical phase of photosynthesis involves two events, one that tended to oxidize the cytochrome and the other that tended to reduce it. It is now known that oxidation is brought by far-red light of wavelengths longer than 680 nm and the reduction by red light of 680 nm. Another, chlorophyll a molecule was discovered by Kok with absorption maximum at 703 nm. This was called P700. P700 is present in much smaller amounts than chl. a 673 and chl. a 683. The above mentioned experimental evidences and electron microscope studies led to conclusion that two separate groups of pigments exist in chloroplasts: One that absorbs long red wavelengths and called photo-systems I (PS I). While, the second absorbs wavelengths shorter than 680 nm and is called as photo-system II (PS II). The photo-systems are linked together by an electron transport chain. Composition of Photosystems The photo-system I contains chlorophyll a, small amount of chlorophyll b and some beta-carotenes (about 50 molecules) attached to proteins by non-covalent bonds. One of the chlorophyll a molecule absorbs light near 700 nm as well as at shorter wavelengths. This molecule was named as P700 and declared Reaction Centre for PS I. The light energy absorbed by other chlorophyll a molecules and accessory pigments is transferred to this molecule. Two iron-containing proteins called Fe-S proteins are also present in
A report by consultancy firm Astute Analytica estimates that the global hydrogen market may see a rise in revenue from USD 206,6 billion in 2022 to USD 761,3 billion by 2040 at a compound annual growth rate
A report by consultancy firm Astute Analytica estimates that the global hydrogen market may see a rise in revenue from USD 206,6 billion in 2022 to USD 761,3 billion by 2040 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7,5% during the period 2023-2040. Projections show a CAGR of 7,1% in volume over the same period. Hydrogen has been known for more than 200 years and in the 20th century has been used by many industry sectors including chemicals, textile fibre manufacturing, glass, metallurgy and electronics. It is also used as fuel for rocket launchers. The need to drastically reduce the emission of carbon dioxide (CO2 ) and turn to renewable sources of energy and electrification to tackle climate change has led to a renewed and growing interest in hydrogen, and especially green hydrogen, which has a huge potential as an environmentally friendly alternative to fossil fuels. It only emits water when burned and can be transported when liquefied, via pipelines, trucks and ships. Hydrogen is part of the research and development programmes of several industry sectors, which are aiming to be greener. These include: Hydrogen can be produced from a range of resources, including fossil fuels, nuclear energy, biomass and renewable energies. The only carbon neutral hydrogen is green hydrogen, generated from solar or wind energy sources. Currently, it only makes about 0,1% of the overall hydrogen production but this could change if and when the cost of renewable energy decreases. In April 2021, the European Union (EU) passed the EU Climate Law which sets a legally binding target for all its member states of net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050. To achieve this, the EU has set up intermediary targets, among which a reduction of GHG emissions by at least 55% compared to 1990 levels by 2030. New Zealand is another country that has a net zero GHG emissions by 2050 goal passed into law. As early as 2002, the Climate Change Response Act targeted GHG emissions, and in 2019 it passed an amendment, the Zero Carbon Act, that sets new targets: reduction of domestic emissions of GHG (except biogenic methane) to zero by 2050 and reduction of biogenic methane to 24-27% below 2017 levels by 2050 (10% by 2030). Two countries in the world have declared themselves carbon negative: Suriname and Bhutan. While this is encouraging, many countries still need to act on GHG emissions. Some have proposed legislation, some have made declarations of intent but haven’t acted yet on them. Whatever the goals set by different countries, it is a safe bet that green hydrogen will play an important part in reducing global emissions. But it needs to be handled with care as it is an explosive gas. Detection of hydrogen leaks is difficult because the gas tends to disperse upwards. Hydrogen burns more easily than petrol and a single spark of static electricity can generate a fire, which may not be immediately noticeable because hydrogen flames are also invisible, resulting in an explosion that can result in human casualties and structural damages nearby. Handled by skilled professionals in industrial facilities with restricted public access and the appropriate equipment, the risks are limited. The new hydrogen economy envisages much wider applications for hydrogen, meaning many more people, not all versed in the operating of hazardous areas and much greater risks of accidents. This is where an organization like IECEx, the IEC System for Certification to Standards Relating to Equipment for Use in Explosive Atmospheres, can bring its expertise to the hydrogen economy. With more than 25 years of experience in testing and certifying electrical and non-electrical equipment, repair and overhaul facilities as well as personnel competence associated with use of equipment in explosive (Ex) atmospheres, including areas where hydrogen may be present, it was evident that extending its coverage to other elements a
1.1 Background of the study It is a natural phenomenon for children to look to the adults in their surrounding environment as leaders that they may one day choose to emulate. In some instances, many children have a misconception of what it means to
1.1 Background of the study It is a natural phenomenon for children to look to the adults in their surrounding environment as leaders that they may one day choose to emulate. In some instances, many children have a misconception of what it means to serve as a leader. They often only see the leader as a person who is the boss, someone who is in charge, or first. In school, many children have the desire to be the ‘line leader’ or the individual who stands in the capacity of the teacher and writes names when the teacher has to leave the classroom. These small roles as well as adult influences help to develop a child’s personality and in turn further lead to the development of their leadership abilities. From a very young age, children are influenced by human characteristics and behaviours that help to shape and develop their concept of ‘good and bad,’ and ‘right and wrong.’ There are some individuals that feel that children display leadership qualities at a young age. Even though this may be the case, is it truly safe to imply that the child was born to lead, or are they displaying characteristics that they have picked up on at a rather rapid pace? There are two types of individuals in this world; individuals who choose to lead and individuals who choose to follow. Not everyone has the skill level, knowledge, or even the desire to become a leader, but individuals who have the aspiration, willingness to overcome obstacles, and enthusiasm may prove to be capable of becoming an effective leader without having the ‘natural born’ instinct. In order to be effective in a supervisory capacity, it is important for individuals to develop and put into practice various skills and abilities that will help to enhance their ability to be successful in leadership roles. There is much confusion as to what the term ‘supervision’ truly entails. Many people believe it only applies to people who oversee the productivity and development of entry-level workers; however, supervision is the activity carried out by supervisors to oversee the productivity and progress of employees who report directly to the supervisors (Staker, n.d.). The term ‘supervisor’ typically refers to one’s immediate superior in the workplace, that is, the person to whom you report directly to in an organization. For example, a top manager would generally supervise an employee who is a middle manager, a middle manager would supervise a first-line manager and a first-line manager would supervise a worker (Staker, n.d.). Supervisors typically are responsible for their direct employees’ progress and productivity in the organization. Supervision often includes conducting basic management skills, organizing teams, noticing the need for and designing new job roles in the group, hiring new employees, training new employees, managing employee performance, and ensuring conformance to personnel policies and other internal regulations (Robbins & De Cenzo, 2001). Supervising others can indeed be quite a complicated and tedious process. It takes a tremendous amount of effort and drive in order to be considered effective as a supervisor. Effective supervision not only involves getting others to perform in a desirable manner, it also entails mentoring, coaching, monitoring, leading, as well as the utilizing employees and other resources to accomplish a common goal. Supervisors also have the responsibility for implementing essential administrative functions such as staffing, planning, organizing, directing, and controlling. Most supervisors spend a vast majority of their time directing and controlling as opposed to planning and organizing. This can be quite difficult, especially for new supervisors who are thrust into supervisory positions without having full knowledge of their employer’s expectations (Yukl, 1981). In many cases, employees are usually promoted to supervisory positions based on their competency level and performance in nonsupervisory positions (Schnake, 1987). Supervisors, who are promoted from nonsupervisory positions, may also have a difficult time because of the high level of expectations desired based partly by their performance on the nonsupervisory level. As a supervisor, it is important to establish an exchange between the supervisor and employee. This exchange is commonly referred to as the Leader-Member Exchange (LMX). Within the LMX, the supervisor is considered to be the ‘leader’ and the employee is referred to as the ‘member’ (Papa, Thomas, & Spiker, 2008). The quality of the relationship that exists between the supervisor and each individual employee varies. A supervisor is expected to approach situations with various employees differently based on the type of rapport that exists between them. LMX is a descriptive theory that suggests that it is essential to identify the existence of in-groups and out-groups within a group or organization. Many employees generally have the desire to be members of the in-group because these individuals are looked upon in a more favourable light. Members in this group are often given more responsibility, more willing to perform extra work and assume added responsibilities, are generally harder workers, display more commitment, and the supervisor can often depend on them to perform unstructured tasks (Truckenbrodt, 2000). On the other hand, out-group members generally only perform what is required of them, and there is usually a limited amount of reciprocal trust, support, and rewards from the supervisor (Deluga, 1998). Papa et al. (2008) suggests that “one of the greatest features of the leader-member exchange theory is its cl
Sprucing up your backyard garden or landscaping as the weather warms up? Remember that not everything you may be planting is safe for our dogs and cats! Below, a Myrtle Beach vet discusses five common plants that are hazardous to pets. L
Sprucing up your backyard garden or landscaping as the weather warms up? Remember that not everything you may be planting is safe for our dogs and cats! Below, a Myrtle Beach vet discusses five common plants that are hazardous to pets. Lilies are very toxic to cats, and may be harmful to dogs as well. Ingesting even small amounts of any part of the lily plant can cause a cat to experience vomiting, diarrhea, and even kidney damage. Even though cats may not go out of their way to nibble on a lily, it’s safest to keep them out of your garden. Also check any bouquets you may receive and remove lilies as necessary. Rhododendron, commonly called azalea, is another toxic garden plant. It contains grayantoxins, which cause vomiting, diarrhea, depression, and severe drooling. There have even been cases of death caused by azalea, so keep your pet away at all costs. You probably don’t expect the common tulip to be a pet danger, but all parts of the pretty flower-especially the bulb-can cause severe symptoms, ranging from depression and salivation to vomiting and diarrhea. If your pet is the type to chew on whatever’s around, it’s best to keep tulips out of your lawn or garden. Much like the tulip, the bulb of a daffodil is very dangerous. If your pet eats enough daffodils, low blood pressure, heart palpitations, and convulsions can result! They’re very common, so check your garden and landscaping for these flowers. Chrysanthemums contain pyrethrins, poisonous chemicals that can cause drooling, diarrhea, and vomiting in dogs and cats. Serious complications can result if your pet eats enough mums, so do whatever’s necessary to keep your pet away from these pl
The lower back provides a valuable foundation for the muscles, bones, and soft tissues which help us to stay upright. It helps to cushion the constant strain we put on our spines, shoulders, necks and all of their related muscle groups.
The lower back provides a valuable foundation for the muscles, bones, and soft tissues which help us to stay upright. It helps to cushion the constant strain we put on our spines, shoulders, necks and all of their related muscle groups. Unfortunately, these cushioning tissues degrade as we age and this degradation often comes at a cost to our comfort. Pain, soreness, and discomfort often plague those who suffer from lower back issues. While in the past there was no chance of recuperating these tissues once they were lost, with current advancements in stem cell therapies we may finally get a sustainable answer to the problem of lower back pain. In clinical terms the lower back is referred to as the “lumbar spine”. This lumbar region is composed of 5 vertebrae of the spine separated by soft-tissues known as discs and a grouping of large muscles which surround these vertebrae. Between each couplet of vertebrae are connective tissues known as facet joints. Each piece of this puzzle has a purpose – the facet joints enable the spine to extend and bend, the lower back muscles provide the power for each of the backs movements, the vertebrae of the spine provide a scaffolding for all of these groups to work harmoniously while the discs cushion the space between each vertebrae to allow for pain-free, fluid motion. When the harmony between these groups is disrupted, a person begins to experience lower back pain. The source of these pains can be one, or several, of many things, but the underlying issue always points towards the same problem: soft tissue degradation. Soft tissue degradation is a natural part of aging which leads to pain in several areas of the body. In the lower back and spine, this manifests most prominently in the spinal discs and facet joints which help articulate every movement in the upper body. As discs degenerate, they collapse and narrow the space between each vertebra. As this space narrows, the facet joints come under a heavier than usual strain which damages the articular cartilage which surrounds the it. This articular cartilage not only provides fluid movement to the spine but also restricts the contact between the bones therein. As the cartilage degrades, the bones in the lower back make contact with one another and bone spurs may begin to develop. As the bones make contact with one another, the nerves which surround them begin to emit pain which only gets worse as cartilage is lost and bone spurs develop. Typical treatments for these soft-tissue related conditions vary from case to case. Doctors may recommend weight loss, physical therapy, anti-inflammatory medications, steroid injections or even more invasive treatments such as surgery. These last few treatment methodologies come with their own problematic side-effects. Medications can be costly and only treat the symptom, not the actual issue. Steroid injections have been known to cause a number of issues such as nerve damage, osteoporosis, steroid induced cataracts, sporadic inflammation and tendon ruptures. And surgery is not only costly and dangerous, it also involves extended down times, supplementary medication, and physical therapy. With advancements in the growing field of regenerative therapy, these treatments seem to be on the out. Regenerative therapies have been around for roughly the past three decades. In sports medicine they’ve helped treat a number of famous athletes for several soft-tissue related pains. While in the past, these treatments were typically reserved for the wealthy, advancements in stem cell sciences have made these types of treatments relatively affordable for the common person. Current clinical trials suggest that stem cell therapies are a “safe and effective way to address the underlying cause of [soft tissue damage] that traditional conservative, interventional and surgical treatments fail to address.” Stem cells are harvested directly from the patient and then reinjected into areas of pain, such as the lower back. Once injected, these cells quickly latch onto areas of degeneration and not only help to heal the damaged tissues, but actually help restore tissues which were lost. Patients typically report improvement in their pain for anywhere from six to eight months, with minimal downtimes and little to no supportive medication. At CELLAXYS, our doctors have a combined experience of over two decades in applying these types of treatments for lower back problems. Our experienced staff is happy to provide a consultation for any such problem. If you are experiencing lower back pain which you believe may be caused by soft tissue degradation, contact our offices today.
What is Grotle and Its Evolutionary Potential? Grotle is a unique species of Pokémon that has the potential for incredible evolutionary development. It is essentially an anthropomorphized version of a turtle and comes in two distinct forms: Land
What is Grotle and Its Evolutionary Potential? Grotle is a unique species of Pokémon that has the potential for incredible evolutionary development. It is essentially an anthropomorphized version of a turtle and comes in two distinct forms: Land Sea-type Grotles. These Grotles range from 1.5 meters to 1.9 meters tall and can weigh up to 200 kilos when fully grown, with those living in warmer climates reaching heavier sizes than their colder counterparts. The original mysterious origins of the species remain unknown, with many believing it to be an altered species of turtle brought about by arcane experimentation or divine intervention, though this has yet to be proven. What truly sets Grotle apart from other evolutionary beasts is its potential for development through evolution. By undergoing a series of extensive changes during particular stages of its life, it is capable of dramatically shifting shape and form due to the genetic manipulation it undergoes as it develops into more powerful generations over time. The first stage of this process sees well-distributed air pockets located within its shell cool down drastically when exposed to water – particularly saltwater – allowing the creature’s cell membranes to rupture allowing mutations such as new muscles and organs around 4 nanometers in size to develop alongside a variety of ‘super-skin’ layers that can repel water at will without effort from the user due to surface tension transferring energy ratios driving internal temperatures lower than average ambient levels. Originally incapable of flying, evolve Grotles are able to take fligh
All life on Earth has to respire. For us this means inhaling oxygen to fuel our metabolism and exhaling waste gases like carbon dioxide. When we do this, we move the energy from the food we eat to the oxygen we breathe,
All life on Earth has to respire. For us this means inhaling oxygen to fuel our metabolism and exhaling waste gases like carbon dioxide. When we do this, we move the energy from the food we eat to the oxygen we breathe, creating a flow of energy that our cells use for growth. This is called respiration. However, not all life on Earth uses oxygen for this kind of respiration. These organisms have to find other ways to create electron flows to support their growth. One shocking method used by some bacteria is to produce biological nanowires. These nanowires act like wiring in your house and allow for electrons to pass from cells like Geobacter bacteria directly onto metals. This process is similar to plugging your phone into the wall to charge. Electrons flow from the source to your device. When the biological nanowires touch a metal, a circuit is made, and Geobacter can then metabolize the foods they eat and grow even without oxygen. These bacteria can even use this amazing ability to get energy from uranium in nuclear wastewater, and clean the water as a result. By making an electrical circuit with uranium in contaminated water, Geobacter is able to mineralize the hazardous material and cleanse the water. Scientists have been interested in further understanding biological nanowires and how they can be used to both clean metal contamination and recycle used metals through mineralization. This process of mineralization takes tiny atoms of metals and combines them together into a large clump. In this way, Geobacter can collect metals in the environment in large particles that scientists can then harvest for different uses such as producing batteries. To understand the structure and flow of electrons in these nanowires, researchers from Michigan State University found a way to harvest the protein nanowires of Geobacter by genetically engineering them to hook up to an electrode. They then asked the question, “What metals can complete an electrical circuit by accepting electrons traveling through the nanowires from the electrode?” To answer this, the team measured the changes in electrical current as they slowly adjusted the voltage of the electrode when iron contaminated water was added to the system. By comparing the voltages used with the current produced they were able to identify a pattern of iron capture and release. This meant that metals were able to mineralize to the nanowires when electrons flowed out of the electrode and then float away when electrons were pulled back to the electrode. Now that the scientists knew that their system worked like the living bacteria, they wanted to know if this could be used with other metals. The team chose cobalt for the second half of the study as it is a very expensive metal used in rechargeable batteries in addition to being toxic to the environment. Cobalt mining has been so feverish and so bad for the people who sell to large battery companies that it has been referred as the blood-diamond of batteries. A biological method to recycle cobalt would ease some of the pressure and eliminate some of the human costs associated with its mining. With the expense of cobalt in mind, the Michigan State team made cobalt-contaminated water solutions and poured it onto their nanowire electrodes. What they saw wasn’t the clean flow of current like with the earlier iron experiment but something much more complicated. The electron flow seemed to increase and decrease in little peaks before finally peaking at a voltage almost too high for the electrode to handle. Using previous studies and insight into the physical properties of cobalt the team realized that these little peaks were a sign of growing nanoparticles. This meant that when one cobalt atom mineralized onto a nanowire another one would attach on top of it, and then another, creating a large metal particle on the nanowire. These exciting results have set off the next stage of research to understand how this process can happen with live cells and how cobalt mineralization can be bumped up to the industrial scale. Perhaps one day soon, you may be reading this on a phone or laptop using cobalt batteries recycled by microbes for a cheaper price to you, to the miners, and to the environment.
Author/Organization: Mike Domitrz, Center for Respect Mike Domitrz presents the one-person show sharing how-to skills for: asking first (verbal consent), being a friend (bystander intervention), and opening a door (
Author/Organization: Mike Domitrz, Center for Respect Mike Domitrz presents the one-person show sharing how-to skills for: asking first (verbal consent), being a friend (bystander intervention), and opening a door (properly supporting survivors and helping more survivors come forward). The presentation takes an interactive and inclusive approach. Resource Type: Workshop Age: College, Middle School, High School Topics: BIPOC, activism, advocacy, bystander, community educators, consent, gender equity, healthy & safe relationships, intimate partner violence, laws & policies, male survivors, masculinity/men & boys, mental health providers, military, perpetrators, prevention, sexual harassment, sexual-violence, social media, survivor-support, title IX Date Resource Added: May 17, 2022
While your test results are pending, you are directed to self-isolate. Self-isolation means avoiding situations where you could infect other people. - DO NOT attend activities or gatherings where you may come in close contact with other people. This includes work
While your test results are pending, you are directed to self-isolate. Self-isolation means avoiding situations where you could infect other people. - DO NOT attend activities or gatherings where you may come in close contact with other people. This includes work, school and university, public transport (plane/bus/taxi/carpool), health-care facilities, faith-based facilities (church), grocery stores or restaurants, shopping malls, sporting events, concerts and birthday parties. - Heed any and all base agencies’ and local services’ guidelines/protocols for persons in isolation. Work with leadership to bring your family necessities (food, supplies, etc.). You can go outside for fresh air and exercise in your home area (i.e. yard), but you must adhere to the 6 feet away (minimum) if you encounter other individuals. Limit Contact. Remain at least 6 feet away or spend no more than 15 minutes within 6 feet, from other individuals during this time. - If possible, separate from non-sick family members/roommates, stay in a separate room, avoid sharing personal items, avoid physical contact, be aware and thoroughly clean shared items. The only exception to breaking your self-isolation is to seek immediate medical care at an off-base hospital or emergency room. Additionally, no one other than your household members can come over to your residence to visit (hang-out) with you while you are self-isolating. - For all members of the family who are NOT fully vaccinated, they must quarantine. Fully vaccinated means the member has 2 vaccines and a booster or completed 2 vaccines within the last 6 months.
Sometimes the history of the Everglades is really confusing. Why, with all of the environmental advocacy, since the 1970s, does the health of our environment remain crippled? One way to simplify it is to think in terms of before
Sometimes the history of the Everglades is really confusing. Why, with all of the environmental advocacy, since the 1970s, does the health of our environment remain crippled? One way to simplify it is to think in terms of before and after the 1947 U.S. Central and South Florida Plan. Of course there is extensive history before 1947, but it was after 1947 that things in South Florida’s water world became culturalized, compartmentalized, and legally defined. Before we talk about this 1947 Central and South Florida Plan, let’s review some important highlights pre-1947. 1. Hamilton Disston begins the drainage of Lake Okeechobee (1881) 2. Governor Napoleon Broward hires U.S.D.A. scientist James Wright who determines that “eight canals would indeed drain 1,850,000 acres of swampland” (1904) 3. The U.S. Congress’ Rivers and Harbors Act includes significant funds to deepen the manmade Hamilton Disston connection of the Calooshahatchee River to Lake Okeechobee (ca.1910) 4. The scandal of James Wright (from #2 above) who was deemed “a fraud” for the failure of the land to drain as expected ~causing the slump in swampy real estate sales (1914) 5. The resurgence of confidence in sales and a 1920s real estate boom fueled by advances in soil science, and the success of agricultural start-ups located in Moore Haven, Belle Glade, and Clewiston south of Lake Okeechobee 6. Land in a defined “Everglades Drainage District” more fully being systematically cut into sections for development with canals draining agricultural fertilizers and other chemicals into the waters of the state (1924) 6. Two very powerful hurricanes causing thousands of deaths and the destruction of property, and thus the state’s “call for a higher dike” (1926 and 1928) 7. The state’s reaction to the hurricanes, the 1929 establishment of the “Okeechobee Flood Control District” for the “Everglades Drainage District” as well as the Federal Government’s Army Corp of Engineers taking over “field operations”around Lake Okeechobee ~including the building of a thirty-five foot earthen dike and ingeniously using navigation funding to build the cross-state-canal, connecting the Caloosahatchee and the St Lucie Estuaries to Lake Okeechobee ~conveniently working as discharge-escapes through those estuaries when “necessary” So, as we can see, a lot happened pre-1947, but it was what happened after, were things really changed… In 1947 it rained and rained, and there were two hurricanes. From Orlando to Florida Bay the agricultural and developed lands, that had been built in drained, once marshy, swampy areas, really flooded, and in some places a foot of water sat for months. There was great economic loss. The crying cow booklet, above, was sent to every member of the U.S. Congress. To fight Florida’s destructive “flood waters” the 1948 U.S. Congress adopted legislation for the CENTRAL AND SOUTH FLORIDA PROJECT, a twenty year flood plan from Orlando to Florida Bay that included the formal creation and protection of the Everglades Agricultural Area south of Lake O, the Water Conservation Areas, intertwined with thousands of miles of canals and structures to control the once headwaters and River of Grass. HOUSE DOCUMENT 643 – 80TH CONGRESS (00570762xBA9D6) Next, mirroring the same terminology the United States Government had used (the Central and South Florid Project) the state of Florida created the “Central and South Florida Flood Control District” to manage that CENTRAL and SOUTH FLORIDA PROJECT. A bit confusing huh? A tongue twister. And in a way one could say, at that time, the Central and South Florida Project and the Central and South Florida Flood Control District “became one.” The overall goal above all other things was flood control. And this marriage of the Central and South Florida Project and the Central and South Florida Flood Control District was successful at controlling the waters, but it also killed the natural environment, thus Florida herself. This embedded cultural philosophy of “flood control only” was challenged in 1972 with the birth of the national environmental movement, and a consciousness that the natural system that supported Florida’s tourism, quality of life, agriculture, not to mention valuable wildlife, was in tremendous decline. As Florida matured came Governor Claude Kirk, a republican, in 1968, who was advised by environmentalist Nathaniel Reed. Then came Governor Reubin Askew, a democrat. The Florida Legislature, seeing the destruction of the state’s natural resources, passed a very important piece of legislation, the “Florida Water Resources Act,” today’s Chapter 373 in Florida Statures. (
By definition, self-harm refers to hurting oneself to relieve emotional pain or distress. The most common forms of this behavior are cutting and burning. The least common forms of self-harm include pulling out bodily hairs, punching walls, and ingesting
By definition, self-harm refers to hurting oneself to relieve emotional pain or distress. The most common forms of this behavior are cutting and burning. The least common forms of self-harm include pulling out bodily hairs, punching walls, and ingesting toxic substances or sharp objects. Many adolescents today are struggling to cope with extreme levels of stress in school, in their families, and in their peer relationships. Some of these youth are overscheduled and being hurried through their adolescent years by parents and peers alike. Teens have become vulnerable prey to our highly toxic, media-driven world. Being in front of a computer or TV screen for close to six hours a day has become business as usual and more important than spending time with family and friends. Adolescent girls are constantly being bombarded by images in the media about how they should look and act. Especially for young women, failure to live up to these idealized images can lead to developing an eating disorder and/or engaging in self-harming behavior as a form of self-punishment. What Causes Adolescent Self-Harming Behavior? Like substance abuse, adolescent self-harming behavior has no one single cause. It cuts across all cultural and socioeconomic levels. We do know, however, that more adolescent females engage in this behavior than males, and that self-harming adolescents are rarely suicidal. Most of these adolescents are seeking quick relief from emotional distress. One major reason why adolescents gravitate towards self-harming behaviors is the endorphin effect. When adolescents cut or burn themselves, endorphins are quickly secreted into their bloodstreams and they experience a numbing or pleasurable sensation. For some of these youth, cutting or burning themselves numbs away unpleasant thoughts and feelings or they feel "high" from the experience. Like addiction to a particular drug, the endorphin "high" provides fast-acting relief for adolescents from their emotional distress and other stressors in their lives. Other important reasons as to why teens engage in self-harm include: - Feeling emotionally disconnected from or invalidated by their parents - Wanting to "fit in" within a particular peer group that encourages and rewards self-harming behavior - Feeling emotionally dead inside or feeling invisible in their parents' eyes. Self-harm makes them feel alive inside and helps confirm their existence in reality. - For girls, self-harm may be used as a coping strategy with overly demanding parents, especially in situations where the father is the dominant voice when it comes to discipline and decision-making How Do You Know When to Seek Help? Since adolescents often engage in self-harming behaviors in privacy or with their friends, parents may not be aware that this problem exists. In addition, parents also need to be aware that there is a big difference between self-decorating and self-harming behavior. It is a popular fad among youth today to body pierce and tattoo as a form of self-decorating. Teens who self-harm are seeking relief from emotional distress, they are not self-decorating. Here are some signs that might indicate that a teen has a problem with self-harming behavior: - Cut or burn marks on their arms, legs, and abdomens - Finding knives, razor blades, box cutters, and other sharp objects hidden in the teen's bedroom - Regularly locking herself or himself up in the bedroom or bathroom following a bad day at school, negative encounters with peers, and family conflicts for lengthy periods of time - The family physician, a teacher, or other adult observes cut or burn marks, or that the teen appears to be regularly removing bodily hairs - The teen's peers cut or burn themselves. - Reports from
Your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is located on either side of your face, connecting your jaw to your skull. It allows you to perform simple movements needed for everyday life, like chewing and speaking. You probably never spent too
Your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is located on either side of your face, connecting your jaw to your skull. It allows you to perform simple movements needed for everyday life, like chewing and speaking. You probably never spent too much time thinking about the joint until it started giving you problems. Clicking, popping, and recurring jaw pain are common signs of TMJ disorder. Although the symptoms may not seem too alarming, TMJ pain can turn into a big problem quickly. Here are 5 risks of not treating TMD. Dangers of Untreated TMD TMD can cause a variety of symptoms, most notably tenderness of the jaw, face, neck, and shoulders. It’s not uncommon to hear clicking or popping sounds when chewing. The jaw can even lock into an opened or closed position. Unfortunately, complications aren’t limited to the joint. Although the disorder isn’t life-threatening, it can harm your quality of life in many ways, including: 1. Poor Sleep Quality A bad mattress isn’t the only reason people toss and turn at night. 50% of patients with TMD lose sleep from pain and stress caused by the disorder. It can be difficult to fall or stay asleep. Over time, lack of sleep can lead to daily fatigue, moodiness, loss of concentration, and memory loss. 2. Tooth Damage Your enamel is the hardest substance in your body, but it isn’t indestructible. Unfortunately, it can’t regenerate once it is lost. Tooth decay isn’t the only culprit behind enamel loss. TMD is often linked to bruxism, a subconscious habit of grinding and clenching the teeth. The constant pressure and friction can wear away your enamel, increasing your risk of tooth sensitivity, loose teeth, and even tooth loss. 3. Asymmetrical Muscle Growth Pain located on one side of the face can cause the muscles to grow unevenly. Chewing on one side can also lead to imbalances and weaker muscle tone. If jaw pain isn’t keeping you awake at night, a persistent ringing can also cause you to lose sleep. Chronic jaw pain is connected to tinnitus. Although it may only seem like a nuisance, fatigue, depression, anxiety, and memo
Looking for a way to create and array of strings in Python? You came to the right place. This hands-on article explains several ways of how to create an array of strings in Python. It includes example code snippets to demonstrate how to loop over
Looking for a way to create and array of strings in Python? You came to the right place. This hands-on article explains several ways of how to create an array of strings in Python. It includes example code snippets to demonstrate how to loop over the array elements as well. A few weeks ago I was helping someone write a Python script to automate their work-flow. At one point we needed to create a string array. Since it was a while since I last coded in Python, I didn’t have the syntax memorized on how to create an array of strings. What to do? A quick web search with your search engine of choice of course. Unfortunately, the top search hits did not yield the results we were looking for. Hence this article; a quick reference on how to create an array of strings in Python. Handy for myself and hopefully for others as well. What do you need To follow along with the presented examples, you just need a PC with the Python interpreter installed. Since the Python interpreter runs on pretty much all operating systems, you can use Windows, macOS or Linux throughout this article. Because this blog primarily focuses on Linux, that’s what I’ll use. My trusty openSUSE Tumbleweed machine to be exact. Curious about trying out openSUSE Tumbleweed? This article gets you started: All popular Linux distributions come with Python installed. So theoretically, you just need a text editor for writing your Python script. I personally prefer a bit of a beefier development environment: the PyCharm IDE from JetBrains. They offer a community edition, which you can use free or charge. To install the PyCharm Community edition, I recommend its Flatpak edition as explained in this article: We’ll need a Python script for testing out the presented code snippets. Here’s one to get you started. Save it in a file called #!/usr/bin/env python3 def main(): # TODO Enter code here.. pass if __name__ == "__main__": main() To try out a code snippet, replace the pass line with the code snippet and then run your Python script. Arrays in Python First things first: What is an array? The following list sums it up: - An array is a list of variables of the same data type. - Array elements are accessed with a zero-based index. - You can dynamically add, remove and swap array elements. If you know your way around a spreadsheet, you can think of an array as a one-column spreadsheet. The name of the column is the name of the array itself. Likewise, the row number is the index of an array element. You just need to keep in mind that an array index starts at 0 and not at Time for an example. Let’s say you have a bunch of numbers ( 496) that you want to store in an array. One way of declaring and initializing an array variable that holds these values: # Create an array with 4 numbers my_numbers = [1000, 1500, 1877, 496] Alternatively, you can construct the array dynamically: # Create an empty array my_numbers = # Add array elements one at a time my_numbers.append(1000) my_numbers.append(1500) my_numbers.append(1877) my_numbers.append(496) To access the element at a specific index in the array, you use square brackets. Example: # Read the value at index 1 my_value = my_numbers # Print the value print(my_value) This prints out the value Strings in Python A string in Python is basically a variable that stores text. You surround your tex
EDITED BOOK IN THE BERGHAHN BOOKS “Worlds of Memory” SERIES Making sense of the contemporary calls for tearing down statues and renaming places Sarah Gensburger, French National Center for Scientific Research, CNRS, firstname
EDITED BOOK IN THE BERGHAHN BOOKS “Worlds of Memory” SERIES Making sense of the contemporary calls for tearing down statues and renaming places Sarah Gensburger, French National Center for Scientific Research, CNRS, [email protected] Jenny Wüstenberg, Nottingham Trent University, [email protected] The toppling of the statue of slave-trader Edward Colston in Bristol, England, by activists on June 7 has spotlighted the ubiquitous presence of memorials that glorify colonial and racist legacies. In the wake of protests in 2020 against police violence and racism, calls to dismantle memorials have reverberated around the globe. One might say that the current wave of mobilization surrounding public commemoration began in 2017, when the removal of a Confederate monument was proposed in Charlottesville Virginia and led to violent clashes with white supremacists and neo-Nazis. However, the toppling of statues is neither a new or unique phenomenon nor is it limited to the Anglo-Saxon world. The transformation of commemoration – challenging and removing existing monuments, and creating new ones – is at the core of remembrance as social and political action. Memory studies scholars have highlighted the extent to which the evocation of the past is always framed by interests and meanings in the present. This book brings together cutting-edge research from different regions and disciplines – not to determine whether tearing down particular statues or renaming places is good or bad, but to help us make sense of the current era of (de)commemoration as a way to understand and transform contemporary societies. The book is aimed not merely at scholars, but at the public more broadly. We place the idea of “(de)commemoration” at the center of this volume in order to signal that dismantling monuments and place names must be considered in conjunction with processes of remembrance more generally. In other words, we can understand the removal of references to the past only through what is placed there instead – even if it turns out to be an empty space. This notion parallels the close relationship between remembering and forgetting. Contributors will raise and answer key questions on (de)commemoration, each of them articulating conceptual and empirical elements, emerging from case studies from different continents, perspectives and social science disciplines (including political science, anthropology, sociology, geography, history and media studies, and of course memory studies). Questions to be addressed include (but are not limited to): - To what extent is (de)commemoration (or particular elements of it) is a new phenomenon? - Does contemporary (de)comme
There's more to being a boy than sports, feats of dare devil acts, and keeping a stiff upper lip. A Boy Like You encourages every boy to embrace all the things that make him unique, to be brave and ask for help, to
There's more to being a boy than sports, feats of dare devil acts, and keeping a stiff upper lip. A Boy Like You encourages every boy to embrace all the things that make him unique, to be brave and ask for help, to tell his own story and listen to the stories of those around him. In an age when boys are expected to fit into a particular mold, this book celebrates all the wonderful ways to be a boy. Publishers Weekly Review “The world needs a boy like you,” Murphy writes assuredly as a boy is shown standing out from a variably diverse crowd. Encouraging readers to contribute positively to the world around them, Harren’s images show the boy sitting “with the new kid,” recycling a bottle, telling a passerby he’s dropped his wallet, and expressing himself in healthy ways (looking into adulthood, the boy imagines himself in different professions, including construction worker, artist, and teacher). Being brave means sometimes being afraid, Murphy asserts, and askin
I went to Trinidad & Tobago recently and when our plane landed, a person with a temperature gun was testing each passenger as they disembarked one by one. (A reasonable precaution) considering the outbreak of the Coronavirus was well underway. Upon my
I went to Trinidad & Tobago recently and when our plane landed, a person with a temperature gun was testing each passenger as they disembarked one by one. (A reasonable precaution) considering the outbreak of the Coronavirus was well underway. Upon my return to Toronto, I was flabbergasted that I was able to walk off of a plane, go into a terminal with many other passengers from various countries and use a touch-screen customs declaration computer, collect my luggage and proceed to one exit -all without one sanitary wipe, hand sanitizer station and no-one caring what my temperature was. Now everything is being cancelled. So what is meant by Flattening the Cornavirus Curve? Clearly, the ideal goal in containing an epidemic or pandemic is to stop the spread. However, slowing it down is crucial. Reducing the number of cases that are active at any particular time, provides doctors, hospitals, police, schools and drug manufacturers the necessary time to respond and prepare without straining the system. There are many hospitals that can function with a reduction of 10 percent in staff, but not with 50 percent off at once. Some analysts have maintained to let the outbreak occur and get over with it quickly. That is a recipe for disaster, which will cause pointless misery and death. Slowing and spreading out the surmounting cases will save lives. Thus, the term “Flattening the curve”, keeps society going. The two curves represent the number of new cases over a time period. If more people report the virus on a given day, the higher the curve- which means that the virus is spreading quickly. A low curve demonstrates that the virus is spreading slower- fewer individuals are being diagnosed with the disease on a given day. Which keeps the curve down- diminishes the rate at which new cases occur- which also prevents straining the limited resources (represented by the dotted line) available to treat it. The health care system capacity can be compared to a bus that can only hold so many people at once time. During peak times, that capacity is not enough to handle the amount of people needing the bus, so people have to wait at the bus stop for their turn to ride. If you stagger work hours, it decreases the rush hour and therefore increases the likelihood that you can get on the bus and even a seat. Avoiding a surge of coronavirus cases can ensure that anyone who need care will find a hospital. Disease spread when on person passes it to one or more, who then go on and give it to more people etc. The speed of this depends on many factors, which include how contagious the disease is, how many people are vulnerable and how quickly they get sick. The seasonal flu is different than the coronavirus as many people have either full or partial immunity to the flu because they have had it before or were vaccinated against it. People are more vulnerable to the coronavirus as there is no built-up immunity, therefore it has much more opportunity to spread. Keeping people apart in time and space with social distancing measure, self-isolation and actual quarantine decreases opportunities for transmission. Using the bus example again, a packed bus or a packed bus stop – is a great place to spread the virus. However, if you reduce the number of people at the stop or on the bus, by asking people to work from home or staggering their work hours, enables individuals to stay further apart, limiting the spread of the virus. That is social distancing in action. Keeping people farther apart, makes transmission opportunity marginally less likely. This slows the spread. I have always been a germaphobe – so this is one extra step, however, I am more aware of my behaviours and surrounding. I am constantly washing my hands more than usual, and I am wiping down surfaces that may be contaminated. If people require prescriptions, make sure you have a good supply of prescription or non-prescription medications, just in case shortages happen after the shutdown of Chinese pharmaceutical suppliers. There has been speculation whether or not the coronavirus is airborne, like measles. The virus travels in droplets, however airborne transmission is plausible- according to a study from scientists at Princeton University, the University of California, Los Angeles and the National Institute of Health. The researchers concluded that the virus could remain airborne for up to 3 hours post aerosolization. In order for you to be infected, you would need to touch contaminated secretions or be within 6 feet of a sick person who is coughing or sn
What is an overhead crane? An overhead crane is a common piece of industrial equipment that is mainly used to lift and lower heavy loads. If you want to operate an overhead crane, you must first understand its basic principles. A overhead crane is generally
What is an overhead crane? An overhead crane is a common piece of industrial equipment that is mainly used to lift and lower heavy loads. If you want to operate an overhead crane, you must first understand its basic principles. A overhead crane is generally divided into the bridge, end column, main turntable, sub turntable, manipulator, drive system and lifting system and other parts. The bridge is generally composed of two ends of the end column and the middle of the bridge deck, the bridge deck mainly supports the main turntable and vice turntable. The end column is the main support structure of the overhead crane, it is generally rectangular or cylindrical, the two ends of the bridge support. The main turntable is the main part of the overhead crane, it is located on the bridge deck, through the drive system to drive the boom to lift the goods. The secondary turntable is located on the bridge, mainly used to drive the manipulator to complete the operation. The console is mainly used to manipulate the various movements of the overhead crane, such as lifting, forward and backward. The overhead crane consists of two main parts: the bridge and spreader. The bridge is usually made of steel or aluminum, which supports the spreader and runs it along a track on both sides. The spreader is usually an electric motor, and this motor enables the objects on the spreader to be moved and lifted. When you use an overhead crane, pay special attention to safety. Make sure you know and understand all the relevant safety rules and procedures. In the event of an accident, stop using the equipment immediately and report it to the appropriate person. How to operate an overhead crane safely How to operate an overhead crane? The overhead crane is a very common industrial equipment used for lifting and transporting heavy loads. It has high operati
Some cholesterol is bad, some is good. Too much of one type can cause heart disease, but too little of another kind can also raise heart disease risk. And what about triglycerides? Bottom line? Cholesterol can be confusing. Let
Some cholesterol is bad, some is good. Too much of one type can cause heart disease, but too little of another kind can also raise heart disease risk. And what about triglycerides? Bottom line? Cholesterol can be confusing. Let's look at what cholesterol does and why it can be harmful or helpful. What Exactly Is Cholesterol? Cholesterol is a type of fat found in the body. You need some of all types of cholesterol to survive. It's used to build the body's cells. But too much of some types of cholesterol can be a problem, increasing the risk for heart and blood vessel disease, the American Heart Association (AHA) says. Video of the Day Cholesterol is primarily made in the liver. Humans also get cholesterol from some food sources, mostly meat and full-fat dairy. Those foods also contain saturated and trans fat that prompt the liver to make more cholesterol than it normally does, the AHA explains. The three measurements your doctor is most often concerned are for LDL (low-density lipoprotein) and HDL (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol, as well as triglycerides, the AHA notes. The Lowdown on LDL LDL is considered the "bad" cholesterol. If you have too much LDL cholesterol, the excess collects on the walls of your blood vessels. Eventually these deposits can lead to narrowed blood vessels, which can increase your risk for a heart attack or stroke. Peter Mercurio, MD, a cardiologist from Northern Westchester Hospital in Mount Kisco, New York, notes that cholesterol levels vary by age and sex, and whether they're considered normal or not varies by which organization is setting the recommendations. Generally, he says, an LDL level of above 130 milligrams per deciliter is concerning. The NHLBI suggests keeping LDL cholesterol under 100 milligrams per deciliter or most people. If you already have an increased risk for heart disease or have diabetes, the NHLBI recommends getting LDL below 70. How to do that? If your LDL levels are higher than recommended, Dr. Mercurio says that dietary changes can help. Lose weight, exercise and don't eat a lot of red meat, he says. People with high LDL often need medication, he adds. Avoid foods that are high in saturated and trans fat as they tend to raise LDL cholesterol levels. Understanding HDL, the 'Good' Cholesterol HDL is considered the "good" type of cholesterol. Women generally have higher levels of HDL, and that's good — with HDL you want higher, not lower, levels. A number of factors can lower HDL levels, including smoking, excess weight, too little physical activity and type 2 diabetes. Your genes can also influence your HDL levels, according to the AHA. Most adult men are advised to have an HDL level above 40 milligrams per deciliter. For adult women, that target is 50 or higher, according to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Dr. Mercurio recommends exercising more often to raise your HDL levels. The NHLBI says that losing weight and managing stress also may improve HDL levels. Read more: How to Raise Good Cholesterol Numbers Think Triglycerides, Too Triglycerides are another type of blood fat that can increase your risk for a heart attack or stroke, the NHLBI says. According to the AHA, factors that can boost your triglyceride levels are: - Eating a high-carbohydrate diet (more than 60 percent of calories from carbohydrates) - Drinking too much alcohol - Having overweight or obesity - Not getting enough exercise Genes can also play a role in triglyceride levels. Normal levels for adult men and women are below 150 milligrams per deciliter. Choosing healthier lifestyle habits, such as quitting smoking, losing weight and exercising more can improve triglyceride levels, the NHLBI says. What About 'Total Cholesterol'? If you've ever looked at your cholesterol tests results in detail, you may have noticed that the "total" number doesn't seem to equal all of the other measurements combined. That's because your total cholesterol includes your LDL and HDL cholesterol levels, and 20 percent of your triglyceride score, according to the AHA. The NHLBI says that adults should have a total cholesterol level somewhere between 125 and 200 milligrams per deciliter. So if your total cholesterol is 260, for example, that would be considered high — but there are treatments and lifestyle changes that can bring that down, so work with your doctor on a plan that will be best for you. Read more: What's a Healthy Cholesterol Ratio? - American Heart Association: "Control Your Cholesterol" - National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute: "High Blood Cholesterol" - Peter Mercurio, MD, cardiologist, Northern Westchester Hospital, Mount Kisco, New York - American Heart Association: "What Your Cholesterol Levels Mean" - National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute: "High Blood Triglycerides" Is this an emergency? If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, please see the National Library of Medicine’s list of signs you need emergency medical attention or call 911.
I am wandering off the main financial plantation today and throwing my two cents at the developing natural disaster of the Kilauea Volcano eruption and earthquakes with a magnitude as large as 6.9 on the “Big Island” of Hawaii.
I am wandering off the main financial plantation today and throwing my two cents at the developing natural disaster of the Kilauea Volcano eruption and earthquakes with a magnitude as large as 6.9 on the “Big Island” of Hawaii. The closer you are to the event, the more likely the impact will be financial in some way. What happens to the ecosystems and dirt under our feet on this borderless Earth affect our health, way of life, and infrastructure for a sustainable modern society, all the while we are all striving to make a living. The 2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster was the result of a 9.0 magnitude earthquake and subsequent tsunami, which seems to be a forgotten topic, despite how important it continues to be. The flow of facts and in-depth journalism have practically disappeared from the media over the last few years. The U.S. initially responded to the nuclear disaster by raising acceptable radiation levels, shutting down some monitoring stations, and a multitude of pundits were feeding the sheep by pretending that radiation is good for us. Like We’ve Been Saying — Radiation Is Not A Big Deal – Forbes, Jan. 2013 With the Forbes fantasy in mind, here is a clip from Thom Hartmann’s (bio) RT show from 2011, The Big Picture, less than a week into the Fukushima Daiichi disaster. The damage and radiation emitting from multiple reactors have proven to be much worse than previous estimates, with three confirmed meltdowns, and Reactor 3, fueled by plutonium, (MOX) blew its top, which is two-million times more deadly than enriched uranium. The key takeaway from this report with Thom is that “there is no such thing as a safe level of radiation.” At the time of the accident, huge amounts of radionuclides were released into the Earth’s atmosphere and the Pacific Ocean. Here is a simulation from NOAA’s HYSPLIT model showing a continuous dispersion of particles at a rate of 100 per hour, representing the Cesium-137 emitted from Fukushima Daiichi. Cesium-137’s long half-life of 30 years, high-energy radioactivity, and chemical reactivity make it a particularly dangerous fission product. Each change in particle color (red, orange, yellow, cyan, green, blue, violet, magenta) represents a decrease in radioactivity by a factor of 10. Decay is not a factor in this short-duration simulation compared to its long half-life. Emissions occurred f
Are you going out for a while? Did you double-check to see if you locked your door? Hopefully, you did. It is crucial to be vigilant with security measures as you have to protect your assets from getting unauthorized access. In digitalization
Are you going out for a while? Did you double-check to see if you locked your door? Hopefully, you did. It is crucial to be vigilant with security measures as you have to protect your assets from getting unauthorized access. In digitalization, everything that we use belongs to the asset. It could be silly or sensitive information. Information that has the capability to destroy any level of secrecy often gets the priority. The procedure of protecting digital data is called cybersecurity. Cybersecurity is a regular process of protecting data from unauthorized access. We protect the system’s hardware and software, and by doing this, we ensure the protection of the data. We no longer use paper to save information in this digital era. Every bit of data is contained within digital devices. Data is very important for a specific organization or individual person. Hackers are always trying to gain access to this data in order to gain control over the organization or individual. Hackers get access to the data and then steal it, modify it, or destroy it. Then, they go for the financial aspects. The biggest question becomes, how are they getting into it? We are transmitting information and somehow, they are receiving that transmission. That or they are sitting behind the wall and observing the data. We are communicating with others and they are in the middle of that communication channel and hijacking the data. Cybersecurity has a huge impact on every industry. Organizations need to have a high level of cybersecurity to keep the business running because hackers are getting more skilled day by day. To keep pace with the situation, cybersecurity awareness needs to spread to all. Every sector that is connected with technology needs to follow cybersecurity protocol. Many sectors have been involved but we will focus on one specifically. Maritime is an industry that has the ability to change any country’s economy. Cost is low and it is easy to use the sea route. Traveling by sea has its complications and so we cannot install any infrastructure there easily. For this reason, we have to use satellites to establish communication between the shore and the vessel. How do we communicate through the satellite? We use a satellite antenna to transmit and receive and then process the data using other networking devices. To protect the communication channel, devices use different methods and each method has its own strategy to provide protection. Networking devices, IoT devices, and security devices provide protection that is operated and monitored by authorized personnel. How do we ensure security? First priority is to ensure physical security because there is no way to prevent a cyber-attack if physical security breaches. After ensuring the physical security, we will talk about the security using the security devices. Today we use the Next Generation firewall as our main security device. What it does in the network for protection is it has deep-level packet inspection features which keep the network safe from infected packets which a regular firewall cannot do. The advanced Intrusion Prevention feature is one of the best attributes it offers. Next generation firewall keeps the record and updates the intelligence of the device to avoid vulnerability. Regular firewalls block traffic and allow or deny packets but next-generation firewalls applies rules for a specific application. Next-generation firewall provides protection for all layers of the OSI model. A firewall is a device that acts first to protect the network and the next-generation firewall is the best of all these. The security operations center is a place from which we monitor data and take actions as per security policy. SOC members are solely responsible to ensure security for an organization. Their main role is to monitor and investigate the security parameters if any tough situation arises and take necessary actions for that incident. If anyone from the SOC team becomes unreliable, we have to accept that security is at high risk for that organization. For this reason, SOC needs to be incredibly sincere and loyal to ensure security for the industry. Another vital attribute is known as the end point user or device. The end point device is a laptop, mobile, or other digital devices which we usually use to communicate with others. These devices are responsible for most threats. The organization’s users and employees need to be educated enough to operate the end point device. Proper awareness and training for the user will reduce the possibility of bringing threats inside the organization. All in all, it is more vital than ever to keep the secrecy of personal and organizational information. We depend on the devices for protection and that is why technology is upgrading day by day and bad people are taking advantage of the gap in the technology. To know more about MT Cybersecurity Services send an email to: [email protected] or fill the contact form at this link: The 25 years experience in business lets MT operate in different types of markets and provide the best Internet communications solutions based on the needs of the specific sector where it interfaces.
Updated: Jan 21, 2021 Before you took an action, how many times did you ask yourself “Is this normal?”? When you made a mistake, how many times did you ask yourself “Am I normal?”? When
Updated: Jan 21, 2021 Before you took an action, how many times did you ask yourself “Is this normal?”? When you made a mistake, how many times did you ask yourself “Am I normal?”? When you didn’t understand someone, how many times did you say to yourself “He is not normal”? When you didn’t understand a situation, how many times did you say “This is not normal”? Let’s start with defining “normal”. Normal means the usual, expected, or standard state. When something doesn’t seem usual, expected, or standard it becomes easily not-normal. And maybe and most probably only we create the “not-normal”. Yet, how about this? Take the action with full trust. Own your mistake and move on. When you don’t understand someone, ask questions. When you don’t understand something, ask questions. By practice, you will notice that things you didn’t know are slowly becoming your new normal, which creates space and insights to explore and create more experiences. Yes, you are normal!
A condition which occurs due to the adverse drug reactions to sulfonamides is known as sulfa drugs allergy. Read on to know more about the symptoms and treatment of this medical condition. Sulfonamides are medicines that prevent the growth
A condition which occurs due to the adverse drug reactions to sulfonamides is known as sulfa drugs allergy. Read on to know more about the symptoms and treatment of this medical condition. Sulfonamides are medicines that prevent the growth of bacteria in the body, and sulfa drugs are used to treat bacterial infections of different kinds. Sulfonamide group of drugs may be with or without antibiotic characteristics. Common sulfonamide antibiotics are sulfamethoxazole, trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole, and erythromycin-sulfisoxazole. Besides these, there are many other medications, like furosemide (Lasix), hydrochlorothiazide (Microzide), glyburide (Glynase, Diabeta, Micronase), glimepiride (Amaryl), celecoxib (Celebrex), and sumatriptan (Imitrex), which contain sulfonamide. Approximately 3% of the general population shows the symptoms of sulfa drugs allergy when treated with sulfonamide and other similar antibiotics. People with immune system-related diseases like AIDS, are more prone to developing this allergy and show a much higher prevalence of about 60%. Patients showing hypersensitivity reaction to any one member of the sulfonamide class are likely to have a similar reaction with others. Sulfa allergy may also lead to Stevens-Johnson Syndrome (SJS) which is a highly acute, immune-complex-mediated hypersensitivity condition that affects the skin and mucous membranes. Antibacterial sulfonamides are synthetic antimicrobial agents that contain the sulfonamide group. They are structurally different from non-antibiotic sulfonamides and are more likely known to result in allergic reactions. Sulfa drugs are generally known to cause allergies, therefore, the medications should be carefully prescribed. Sulfates and sulfites are chemically unrelated to the sulfonamide group, and do not cause the same hypersensitivity reactions which are seen in the case of sulfonamide medications. The following symptoms are generally seen in people suffering from this allergy. Skin and Lung Reactions Skin reaction is one of the most common reactions associated with these drugs. The adverse effects related to skin may range from skin rashes, to life-threatening Stevens-Johnson Syndrome (SJS), and toxic epidermal necrolysis. In some cases, an increased sensitivity to sunlight (photosensitivity) may also be observed. Sulfa medication and allergy can also affect the lungs with pneumonia-like reactions and worsen asthma problems. The blood cells can be affected resulting in a decre
An international team of researchers, led by SciLifeLab Fellow alumna Claudia Kutter (Karolinska Institutet), has discovered unexpected CRISPR/Cas9 on-target effects. Their findings have broadened the consequential spectrum of the system
An international team of researchers, led by SciLifeLab Fellow alumna Claudia Kutter (Karolinska Institutet), has discovered unexpected CRISPR/Cas9 on-target effects. Their findings have broadened the consequential spectrum of the system and thus, highlighted the importance of meticulous genomic validation whenever using CRISPR/Cas9. The team also presented a data-driven workflow enabling detailed dissection of the on-target sequence content with superior resolution. During recent years, the CRISPR/Cas9-system, which also received a Nobel Prize in 2020, has been widely used by researchers across the world. The system allows researchers to modify the genetic content in a cell to study the molecular roles of genes or regulatory elements and to correct disease-causing genetic variants. As more and more researchers utilize the system, more and more consequential side effects have been reported, however. In a recent study, led by SciLifeLab Fellow Alumna Claudia Kutter (KI), an international team of researchers made puzzling molecular observations after modifying a genetic region containing tRNA genes or other regulatory sequences in the genome of human cancer cells. Instead of reducing cancer cell growth, the cancer cells grew faster. In an attempt to explain their discoveries, the researchers combined some of the latest technological approaches, including Xdrop target enrichment and Oxford Nanopore Technology long read sequencing, with their own, newly developed computational analysis pipeline, Xdrop-LRS. The results uncovered new and unexpected CRISPR/Cas9 on-target effects. The researchers could observe, in high frequency, varying on-target effects, including target gene duplication, reintegration in different orientations, large deletions, insertion of exogenous sequences, and insertion of clustered interchromosomal fragments, even though the targeted genomic region was cut. These undesired on-target effects also had cellular consequences and significant implications for interpreting genome functionality. According to the study, the newly developed Xdrop-LRS approach showed the precise sequence content with sufficient length and resolution, which allowed the researchers to provide, for the first time, direct evidence that all of these genomic events can occur in combination on the same allele. The researcher believes that their new findings and novel approach could be of great value for the national and international research communities, where CRISPR/Cas9 genome engineering has become the tool of choice for more and more researchers every day. The researchers also included guidelines for evaluating CRISPR/Cas9 deletion clones in their paper, which was published in the scientific journal Genome Research. The study was a collaboration between SciLifeLab/KI and the University of York. Furthermore, one student (Linda Wedemann) was part of the SciLifeLab master program and did major contributions during her stay with us as a SciLifeLab summer student (funded by the SFO groups of all three universities on campus Solna).
MP2 is the extension given to the compressed MPEG Layer II audio file. It is also known as MPEG-1 Layer 2 or MPEG2 Audio. The MP2 file format was developed by MPEG (Moving Pictures Expert Group) as part of
MP2 is the extension given to the compressed MPEG Layer II audio file. It is also known as MPEG-1 Layer 2 or MPEG2 Audio. The MP2 file format was developed by MPEG (Moving Pictures Expert Group) as part of the MPEG-1 audio format. MP2 is part of ISO/IEC 11172-3 together with MP1 and MP3. When it was first developed, MPEG-1 audio was divided into MP1, MP2, and MP3 employing the MUSICAM codec. MP2 Sampling and Bitrates MP2 supports sampling rates of 32, 44.1, and 48kHz. Bitrates can run from 32 to 384 Kbps. The Uses of MP2 Unlike MP3, MP2 is not that well-known. It doesn’t feature in the day-to-day use of consumers. The MP2 file format is widely used in digital radio and TV broadcasts. In others words Digital Audio Broadcast (DAB) and Digital Video Broadcast (DVB). It is also used in VCD and SVCD. SVCD, for instance, uses MP2 as its audio format supporting bitrates from 32 to 384 Kbps. VCD also uses MP2 at 64, 128, or 224 Kbps. Usually, it is MP2 at 224Kbps. MP2 vs MP3 As explained above, MP3 is part of MPEG-1 audio. As you may be well aware, MP3 has emerged as a popular universal audio format. It is the format of choice for portable devices and Internet streaming. There are dedicated MP3 players, popular among consumers. Music listened to over smartphones is usually in MP3. Even CD and DVD players support MP3, not to mention car stereo systems. MP2 has a more specialized use. After VCD and SVCD fell out of favor with consumers, MP2 is now limited to use in broadcast, especially among radio stations. Some radio stations require you to submit audio files in the MP2 file format so as to maintain audio quality. MP2 vs MP3 : Compression Quality MP2 has the ability to compress audio up to 1/5 (5MB to 1MB) of the original size and yet maintain decent sound quality. MP2 can offer near CD-quality audio with a bitrate of 192kbps. MP3 offers a better compression efficiency compared to MP2. It can reduce an original audio file size to one-twelfth (1/12) (12MB to 1MB) without a noticeable loss of audio quality. MP2 vs MPEG-2 The MP2 file format should not be confused with MPEG-2. MPEG-2 is a video compression format used with DVD. MPEG-2’s file extension is MPG. MPEG-2, however, may use MP2 as a video codec. This is especially true in self-created DVDs. Commercial DVDs don’t usually use MP2 as an audio codec. This MP2 codec here is called MPEG-2 Audio Layer II, however. PAL DVD players come with an MP2 decoder. NTSC DVD players aren’t required to have an MP2 decoder. However, most do. How to Play an MP2 File There’s very little chance of you ending up with an MP2 file. However, if you capture a digital audio/video broadcast using a PCI DVB card, you would want to do it in the MP2 file format to maintain the quality of the original broadcast. Also if you’re ripping music VCDs or SVCDs you may want to convert the dat file to MP2 for higher sound quality. If that’s the case, you would be wondering how you could play your MP2 files. Since MP2 is not a universal file format, support for MP2 is not guaranteed in most devices. MP3 players don’t play back MP2 files although both belong to the MPEG-1 audio family. There’s very little chance to find a physical device that can directly playback an MP2 file. That said, you can play back MP2 files on software media players. Players which support MP2 playback include Windows Media Player (surprisingly), VLC Media Player, Apple QuickTime Player, Final Media Player, MediaPlayerLite, and KM Player, among others. If MP2 playback is a problem for you, just convert it to MP3.
Saturday, June 9, 2012 Only if the Wind is Blowing By Alan Caruba I’ll bet you didn’t know that June 15th is Global Wind Day. Wind is part of the Earth’s atmosphere and
Saturday, June 9, 2012 Only if the Wind is Blowing By Alan Caruba I’ll bet you didn’t know that June 15th is Global Wind Day. Wind is part of the Earth’s atmosphere and, depending on whether it is blowing gently or strongly, there isn’t a darn thing anyone can do about it. Except for measuring its velocity and direction, wind like clouds remains largely a mystery to meteorologists. Not so for the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Control, the people who brought you the global warming hoax, asserting that carbon dioxide, a gas on which all vegetation depends, was raising the global temperature—largely as the result of burning coal and oil as sources of energy. The Earth, however, has been in a natural cooling cycle since 1998 and the advocates of “green energy” have been in a tailspin, a death spiral of an inadequate capacity to deliver electricity and the inability to compete with more reliable, affordable, and traditional energy sources. Simply put, wind and solar energy is a fool’s dream and one that must be backed up by traditional energy sources at all times in the event the wind isn’t blowing or during the nighttime or if clouds obscure the sun, causing solar energy to cease producing electricity. Only an idiot would want to be dependent on wind or solar to provide a reliable source of electricity. The Renewable Energy Industrial Index (RENIXX) tracks the stock value of wind and solar companies. In May—though you did not read about it in the mainstream media—it announced that thirty of the largest renewable energy companies were trading at “an all- time low” and the index “had lost over 90% of its value since 2008.” So, naturally, the Sierra Club was eager to tell me about Global Wind Day and that my home state of New Jersey had the “potential to replace all the dirty coal and gas plants in the state.” The distance between “potential” and reality is roughly the distance between New Jersey and the planet Neptune. The Sierra Club (along with a rogue’s gallery of environmental organizations) wages war on all forms of energy production and use. They urged me to join others “at a beach near you for a kite-flying rally and celebration of New Jersey’s offshore wind potential.” Not only does it oppose the use of America’s vast reserves of coal, but it also has a “Beyond Natural Gas” program as well; another huge source of power for the nation. I won’t bore you with the list of RENIXX companies that have filed bankruptcy, but they include the ill-famed Solyndra, Beacon Power, Ener1, and others in which the Obama administration has “invested” and lost billions in taxpayer funds that could have been devoted to highway and bridge repair or restoring our ailing military power. Another fourteen companies were listed as “teetering on the brink” of bankruptcy. In May 2011, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie pulled the state from membership in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), the only mandatory cap-and-trade program in the U.S. The RGGI would have required New Jersey to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (the vital carbon dioxide plants need). Maine and New Hampshire had previously bowed out of the former ten-state coalition that would have reduced their capacity to provide electrical power. In doing so, Governor Christie diverted $65 million from RGGI and helped balance the state budget. It is worth mentioning that New Jersey derives 50% of its electrical power from nuclear facilities. For reasons beyond my understanding, Governor Christie signed off on a project to build a grid of a wind farm of 96 turbines 16 to 20 miles off our shoreline. If the permitting process can be stopped, New Jersey’s shoreline will not be saddled with this awful project and the miles of cable it will require to deliver the few megawatts its “potential” promises. Europe which led the charge to build wind and solar power projects as the result of its obsession with carbon dioxide emissions has since discovered that neither can compete with fossil fuel and nuclear power. France is the exception, getting most of its power from nuclear facilities. In England, its citizens are increasingly suffering from “fuel poverty” as the cost of electricity continues to soar thanks to its reliance on wind and solar projects. Not only is the European continent suffering a financial crisis thanks to the failure of the European Union’s effort to get 27 sovereign, member nations to act in concert with one another, it is facing a shortage of energy to maintain its industrial base and service the needs of its population. So, on Global Wind Day, feel free to go to the beach, but remember that it is an extraordinary bad way to generate energy. It will no doubt be on the agenda for the forthcoming June Rio+20 Earth Summit that is self-described as “the 'institutional framework for sustainable development'; a system of g
Walker Learning ERP’s are the study and research of a major curriculum area over the course of one term in the middle and upper levels of primary school. No events to show ERP’s are the study and research of a major curriculum area over the
Walker Learning ERP’s are the study and research of a major curriculum area over the course of one term in the middle and upper levels of primary school. No events to show ERP’s are the study and research of a major curriculum area over the course of one term. Participants will learn how to provide immersion experiences and teach skills for students to explore and learn through a research project. The role of learning intentions of the main subject focus will be explored relating to conceptual understandings, demonstration of skills and knowledge. Integrating the ERP with other curriculum areas will be reviewed so that teachers can facilitate and personalise the planning and negotiations of the ERP with the student. Australian Professional Teaching Standards: APTS 1.1,1.2,1.5,3.5,4.1,4.2,6.2 * Minimum numbers are required for this event to proceed. We will notify you if there are any changes to your booked event. The Walker Learning Pathway The Walker Learning Approach is a journey and is best implemented through a pathway of PD modules which can be attended online or delivered as customised sessions to your school.
January is designated National Radon Action monthJanuary is Radon Action Month according to the Environmental Protection Agency. Health agencies throughout the United States have joined forces to promote awareness of the leading cause of lung cancer for non-smokers. The American Lung Association
January is designated National Radon Action monthJanuary is Radon Action Month according to the Environmental Protection Agency. Health agencies throughout the United States have joined forces to promote awareness of the leading cause of lung cancer for non-smokers. The American Lung Association, Centers for Disease Control and National Cancer Institute all agree that radon is a National health problem and encourage radon testing during the January awareness drive. Radon is a naturally-occurring, invisible and odorless radioactive gas. One in 15 American homes contains high levels of radon. Millions of Americans are unknowingly exposed to this dangerous gas. In fact, a recent study by Harvard University ranks radon as American’s leading in-home hazard. By taking simple steps to test your home for radon and fix if necessary, this health hazard can be avoided. Radon gas is not isolated to certain geographical area or home types. Radon problems have been detected in homes in every country of the U.S. It caused more American fatalities last year than carbon monoxide, fires, and handguns combined. If a home hasn’t been tested for radon in the past two years, EPA and the Surgeon General urge you to take action. Contact your state radon office for information on locating qualified test kits or qualified radon testers. The federal commitment made by EPA, the General Services Administration, and the departments of Agriculture, Defense, Energy, Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development, Interior, and Veterans Affairs will focus efforts on radon reduction and mitigation in homes, especially those of low-income families, many of whom do not have the resources to make the simple fixes necessary to protect their homes and loved ones. Learn more about the Federal Radon Action Plan at - Photos: Frankfort boys basketball bests Hillman, advance to semifinals - Frankfort boys hoops rallies against Hillman, advances to semifinal round - The Parable of the 10 virgins - Deadly fungal infection spreading at an 'alarming' rate, per CDC - Frankfort land trust plans to build two homes in 2023 - COLIN MERRY: End daylight saving time, cowards - JOHN HARNISH: Battle of Gettysburg fought for Black lives - Our physical bodies, a magnificent gift from God - More than 350 artworks in all media from area elementary, middle and high schools will be on display - Throughout the season, the Benzie County Record Patriot recognizes the remarkable performances on... - St. Patrick's Day was Friday, but Crystal Mountain Resort and Spa kept the celebration going... - "Each of these non-profits work to meet the basic needs of the elderly, children, residents with...
This episode is all about three strategies to create student buy in and precisely how to do it. We walk you through three specific strategies you can take and implement in your classroom right away. Strategy #1: Popcorn Predictions Activity This activity
This episode is all about three strategies to create student buy in and precisely how to do it. We walk you through three specific strategies you can take and implement in your classroom right away. Strategy #1: Popcorn Predictions Activity This activity gets students up and out of their seats – “popping” around the room to make predictions about the text. You can read a more in-depth blog post all about this activity and how to set it up in your classroom by clicking here. Strategy #2: Post-It Note Posters If the text you’re studying has any sort of controversial elements to it, this makes for a great pre-reading activity! Simply come up with 5 debatable or interesting questions, print them out on paper, and hang them up in various places around your classroom. Then, have students write their answers to each of the questions on a post-it note, placing each post-it note answer near the corresponding question. Once all students are finished, walk around the room and share some of their answers! My students always love doing this activity before we start reading Romeo and Juliet. You can read more about exactly how I do that and the questions I use in this blog post by clicking here. Strategy #3: Suspense-Building Posters Let me give you an example of this, so you can see what it looks like in action … Before we read Shirley Jackson’s short story, “The Lottery,” I like to get my class excited for this unit by hanging up posters all around the classroom about a week before we read the story, that read: “June 27: All villagers meet in the town square. Everyone is expected to attend. No excuses!” I don’t address the posters at all and let the kids wonder what could possibly be happening. Talk about building suspense … By the time we are ready to read, students have completely bought into that day’s lesson and are filled with anticipation! There are plenty of other texts that would benefit from this strategy – just start thinking outside the box and begin applying to your units! If you’re not already a member of our Secondary English Teacher Community on Facebook, make sure to hop over there and join us for free monthly resources, challenges, and FB lives. Links mentioned in this episode: Want to listen to even more episodes? - Episode #2: How to Overcome 3 Writing Mistakes You Might be Making - Episode #3: Constructive Criticism: How to Change Your Mindset and be Open to Feedback To download this episode, just click here! Are the posters you are hanging for Strategy #3 all the same?
Table of Contents How many small stars are on the Chinese flag? four smaller stars The flag of China, officially the National Flag of the People’s Republic of China, also known as the Five-star Red Flag, is a Chinese red field
Table of Contents How many small stars are on the Chinese flag? four smaller stars The flag of China, officially the National Flag of the People’s Republic of China, also known as the Five-star Red Flag, is a Chinese red field with five golden stars charged at the canton. The design features one large star, with four smaller stars in an arc set off towards the fly. How many stars are in the flag of China? The national flag of the People’s Republic of China is red in color, rectangular in shape, with five stars. The proportion between the length and height of the flag is three to two. The five five-pointed yellow stars are located in the upper left corner. From the Qin Dynasty to the late Qing Dynasty (221 B.C.E.- C.E. 1840), the Chinese government divided Chinese people into four classes: landlord, peasant, craftsmen, and merchant. What do the four small stars on the Chinese flag represent? According to the flag’s designer, the large yellow star symbolizes the communist party (CCP). The four smaller stars represent the unity of the country’s social classes. This meaning was mentioned by Mao Zedong in his June 1949 speech on “The People’s Democratic Dictatorship.” What do 5 stars on Chinese flag represent? In the flag of the People’s Republic of China, first officially hoisted on October 1, 1949, the symbolism of five was reflected in the stars appearing in yellow in the upper hoist canton. The large star was said to stand for the Chinese Communist Party and its leading role in guiding the nation. How many stars are on the Chinese flag? There are 5 stars on Chinas flag. The large five-pointed star represents the Chinese Communist Party and the four small five-pointed stars represent the workers, peasants, petty bourgeo
Dr William Moon … the founder of Sussex Lantern There are exceptional individuals who overcome severe disabilities, providing inspiration and encouragement to others. William Moon is one such person. He was an important figure in the history of the Blind throughout the United Kingdom
Dr William Moon … the founder of Sussex Lantern There are exceptional individuals who overcome severe disabilities, providing inspiration and encouragement to others. William Moon is one such person. He was an important figure in the history of the Blind throughout the United Kingdom, and became so all over the World. There is no doubt had he lived today he would have been given the recognition he so richly deserved. It was said, It was as if no blind people existed before his advent; like dark shadows they were swept out of the way from normal life. The Story of William Moon The story of this remarkable man is amazing, and the very real legacy of his hard work and triumph is still supporting and enriching the lives of people today. William Moon started to lose his sight when he became ill with scarlet fever, at the age of four. It was Williams fervent wish to become a Clergyman, but his total loss of sight at the age of twenty one made this impossible. He became an inventor, printer, translator, teacher and missionary. He also set up a missionary fund to sponsor others to help blind people all over the world. William Married and had two children. Despite personal hardship, William produced his own system of embossed writing, and embossed pictures. In December 1852 The new Testament was completed in moon-type. His truly magnificent achievement was acclaimed, and he was made a Fellow of The Royal Geographical Society (F.R.G.S.). 551 different works were published, and amazingly it was adapted to 223 foreign languages, from Dutch to Urdu. Home Teaching Society In 1855 The Home Teaching Society was formed, first in Brighton and also in London, soon it spread to cover the whole country, to the outer regions of Great Britain and Ireland, bringing help and support to many blind people. Most blind people lived a bleak existence, with no contact to education and little to make them aware of a larger world beyond. Many were left to live their lives in darkness without hope. William’s work spread around the world. Free lending libraries for the blind were set up and workshops for the blind were opened, so they could be taught skills, which would enable them to earn money and achieve some degree of independence. A few months before his death William said in a speech, “My life has been a Long Black Night but a Beautiful Bright Day”. Sussex Lantern – here and now! The Sussex Lantern, inspired by the great works of William Moon, continues his innovation in helping blind and disabled people through health, fitness, recreation and training. Click here if you’d like to help support Sussex Lantern
From The Foundation for Economic Freedom: 10 Terrifying Facts about the East German Secret Police To maintain power for 40 years while their people starved and plotted to escape, the Communist Party had to get very good at controlling people and undermining anti
From The Foundation for Economic Freedom: 10 Terrifying Facts about the East German Secret Police To maintain power for 40 years while their people starved and plotted to escape, the Communist Party had to get very good at controlling people and undermining anti-state activists. But outright street violence and assassinations weren’t good for the Party image, so the Ministry for State Security got creative. Better known as the Stasi (the German acronym), these secret police were the “Schild und Schwert der Partei” (Shield and Sword of the Party). Their sole function was to keep the Communist Party in power. They didn’t care how. 1) They Were Gaslighting before It Was a Thing The Stasi were prolific gaslighters. In the 1950s, repression was brutal, physical torture. Early in the 1970s, eager to be accepted on the international stage, the East German Secret Police had to get more subtle. The aim of Zersetzung (a repurposed military term meaning disintegration or corrosion) was to “switch off” any activist individuals and groups who might threaten the Party. Police collected medical, school, and police records, interviews with neighbors and relatives, and any other evidence they could get and would then customize a direct hit on an individual’s mental health. If someone looked like he might challenge the Communist Party’s legitimacy or control, the Stasi systematically destroyed his life. They used blackmail, social shame, threats, and torture. Careers, reputations, relationships, and lives were exploded to destabilize and delegitimize a critic. Some forms of harassment were almost comical: agents spread rumors about their targets, flooded their mailboxes with pornography, moved things around in their apartments, or deflated their bicycle tires day after day. Others were life-altering: Individuals labeled as subversives were banned from higher education, forced into unemployment, and forcibly committed to asylums. Many suffered long-term psychological trauma, loss of earnings, and intense social shame as a result of Stasi lies. 2) They Were (Almost) Everywhere The Stasi had 91,000 employees at its peak—roughly one in every 30 residents was a Stasi agent. More than one in three East Germans (5.6 million) was under suspicion or surveillance, with an open Stasi file. Another half million were feeding the Stasi information. This level of surveillance and infiltration caused East Germans to live in terror—you really never knew if you could trust anyone—though most had no idea of the scope of these activities until after the Berlin Wall fell. 3) They Kept a Crazy Amount of (Meticulous) Records Stasi files laid out together would cover about 69 sq. miles. Recording detailed personal information on a third of the populace required a tremendous amount of paper. More pages of printed text were generated by the Stasi than by all German authors from the Middle Ages to WWII. Thousands of citizens were targeted as anti-government “trouble makers,” their homes were searched, phones and cars—if they were lucky enough to have either—were bugged, their letters opened and copied, and their movements secretly filmed or photographed. Every document went into a personal Stasi file. So far, hundreds of millions of files, 39 million index cards, 1.75 million photographs, 2,800 reels of film and 28,400 audio recordings have been recovered from Stasi archives. Millions more were shredded before they could be made public. 4) Their Super-Secret Archives Are Now Public—Sort of In 1992, the secret files the Stasi had kept on millions of East Germans were made available for review. Citizens can request to see their personal files, which are housed by the Federal Commissioner for the Stasi Archives on 63 miles of dedicated shelving. Sixteen thousand sacks of shredded documents still await reassembly. The agency tasked with maintaining them employed at least 79 former Stasi members as late as 20
Fats are one of the three main macronutrient groups in human diet, along with carbohydrates and proteins and the main components of common food products like milk, butter, tallow, lard, salt pork, and cooking oils. Loading
Fats are one of the three main macronutrient groups in human diet, along with carbohydrates and proteins and the main components of common food products like milk, butter, tallow, lard, salt pork, and cooking oils. Loading the player...The Role of Fats in Our Diet Sarah Ware, BSc (Hons), RD, CDE, Local Registered Dietitians discusses Dangerous Fat in Our Diets Loading the player...How to Reduce Saturated Fats Diana Steele, BSc, RD, Local Registered Dietitians discusses how to reduce saturated fats. Fat is essential in our diet and it is one of the three macronutrients that make up the main components of our food. Eating
The Sarto Old Iron Bridge, which spans Bayou de Glaises, is a steel truss swing bridge that was completed in 1916 for vehicular and boat traffic. This type of bridge pivots on a central pin to swing open
The Sarto Old Iron Bridge, which spans Bayou de Glaises, is a steel truss swing bridge that was completed in 1916 for vehicular and boat traffic. This type of bridge pivots on a central pin to swing open when needed, allowing boats that cannot fit underneath to pass by. Several railroad companies also used the Sarto Bridge on their way east to the Red River, which had no bridge at the time. A community called Naples developed at the point where trains were loaded onto bar
Be patient - children can be frustrating at times, but it's important to remain calm Be organized - have a plan for each day and stick to it Being organized is key to making the most out of each camp day. Start with a
Be patient - children can be frustrating at times, but it's important to remain calm Be organized - have a plan for each day and stick to it Being organized is key to making the most out of each camp day. Start with a camp day scheduler that can be used to plan ahead and adjust based on weather or other conditions. Plan B activities should also be available if campers don’t have access to what was planned for the day. Finally, once camp days end, take the time to give and receive feedback from campers and staff alike – that way all involved can benefit from the experience and continue improving organization skills for upcoming camp days! Be active - participate in activities with the kids instead of just sitting around and watching them Be encouraging - praise the kids when they do something well, and help them overcome their fears Positive reinforcement can go a long way in helping kids learn to recognize their successes and learn not to be afraid of success. Praise the kids for reaching milestones, completing tasks, or handling difficult situations with grace. Encourage them to appreciate the good both within themselves and those around them, so that they learn when it is appropriate to praise themselves and others. Remind them that there’s room enough for all to shine, and that being happy for the success of others doesn’t take away from theirs. With these lessons, kids learn early on how to build relationships without relying on competition and comparison; instead they learn how to celebrate progress and be encouraging of one another. Be a good role model - set an example for the kids to follow Being a good role model and setting an example for the kids is an incredibly important responsibility. It starts with your own mindset and attitude, which should be positive and open to learning new things. You can show your example by leading your life with kindness, accepting your mistakes, being honest and loyal to friends, and always looking out for others. When it comes time to make decisions in your life, ensure that your choices promote friendship, support, hard work and perseverance. Show kids that by putting their values into action and dedicating themselves to achieving their dreams will lead them on the path success. This will show the importance of being a good role model; one that leads others through all aspects of life from a positive point of
The French Quarter in New Orleans was founded in 1718 by French Canadian Naval Officer Jean Baptiste Bienville. It was designed as a military-style grid and is the oldest neighborhood in New Orleans. It was sold to the Spanish during the latter
The French Quarter in New Orleans was founded in 1718 by French Canadian Naval Officer Jean Baptiste Bienville. It was designed as a military-style grid and is the oldest neighborhood in New Orleans. It was sold to the Spanish during the latter half of the 18th century. Much of the French architecture was destroyed in the 1788 and 1794 fires, but was rebuilt during a time when New Orleans was owned and controlled by the Spanish who purchased it from the French. New Orleans, with Louisiana, was later purchased by the United States. Keyword
Take a look at the scene below, and imagine it from the perspective of a self-driving car. There’s a lot going on. - There’s the outlines of the road (i.e. potential paths, some of them legal routes for the
Take a look at the scene below, and imagine it from the perspective of a self-driving car. There’s a lot going on. - There’s the outlines of the road (i.e. potential paths, some of them legal routes for the vehicle to take); - there are traffic lights and other signs, all of which need to be identified (and then also checked for context – i.e. “does this sign apply to me?”); - there are other cars on the road and pedestrians (each of which may suddenly change direction); - as well as innumerable other non-traffic-related distractions (trees, shops); - and (perhaps most importantly) the desired destination of the passengers, which may also change rapidly (“hey, there’s a sale on in that store”, “you just missed a parking spot!” etc). Each of these items needs to be identified many times per second, and a decision made in order to determine the path and velocity of the vehicle. It’s a complicated enough task for a person, which is why we have so many vehicular accidents. The task is far harder for a computer. One intermediate stage in the path towards fully automated vehicles is partial automation. We see this to some degree already some vehicles, with features like automatic highway breaking. I’ve been thinking a bit about what an interface for a more advanced intermediate stage could look like. What kinds of display and controls could we present to a “driver” to allow them to guide an almost-independent vehicle? The following are some rough ideas so far. I haven’t done much looking around to see what research has already been done in this area, so wouldn’t be surprised if none of this is original. This is a fairly standard street scene. I’ve marked it up (you can click it to see the original), with black indicating possible (legal or otherwise) paths the vehicle can take, red indicating potential obstacles, and yellow indicating road signage. I haven’t tagged everything, of course. The goal here is just to give a gist. A simplified display that would allow the user to give direction to the vehicle without needing a steering wheel or pedals might look something like this: - Needs to clearly indicate the intended future path of the vehicle, along with possible options - Needs to indicate road signals and obstacles that the vehicle has detected - Needs to allow the user to easily select an options other than the currently anticipated path (i.e. tell the vehicle to change lanes when safe); This is aside from generally setting the destination via GPS. - Needs to allow the user to quickly indicate an error in the vehicle’s understanding of the scene (i.e. traffic light is actually for the other lane) - Needs to very rapidly allow for emergencies that the vehicle had not yet detected (i.e. pedestrian suddenly walks in front of the vehicle) In many cases, existing systems will actually detect and react to certain kinds of problems (i.e. the pedestrian, above) faster than a human could, and with more accuracy. However, there’s no harm (and likely great value) in providing a red button to make the vehicle apply breaks in a hurry. One possibility could be a combination of the following: - Large screen (or better yet a head-up display on the windshield) that displays something like the street scene above, with overlays; the currently active potential route would be highlighted, and other possibilities displayed in a lower tone. - Joystick to allow overriding the route, which will change the highlighted route on the screen. Probably there should also be a confirm button; i.e. push the joystick right to select a lane change, and press the button to confirm; the HUD display would change the highlighted path. - Big red button to trigger emergency breaking (how do we let the car know when it is safe to proceed?). - Make the display screen touch sensitive, to allow the user to press on a specific area to indicate something about it (i.e. vehicle would do a region detection on the touched area, and put a circle around the object, along with the vehicle’s understanding of what the object is, and some way for the user to change that understanding quickly); Or, how about a gesture-based system that detects the user’s hand movements and uses them to highlight items on the HUD, and then uses voice activation to change their meaning? - Full override mode to allow the passenger to take complete control, possibly also via the joystick (left/right, forward to accelerate, back to break). The above will be greatly simplified by systems that are in development right now to allow inter-vehicle communication (i.e. if a vehicle breaks, other vehicles in the immediate vicinity will be instantly aware). What would you change in the above to simplify or improve the interface of such a vehicle? Edit: An idea came to me after posting this. What if the routes were “sticky”, the way that tools in a graphic editing program are. The joystick could have tactile feedback, and tend to “prefer” one of the existing routes, but the user could still move the vehicle into a different one.
No products in the cart. Learn the life cycle of the butterfly with this handy science mini-unit. Includes a match-up, handwriting practice, coloring pages, and informational lesson to read aloud. 10 pgs. PDF Yah’s World
No products in the cart. Learn the life cycle of the butterfly with this handy science mini-unit. Includes a match-up, handwriting practice, coloring pages, and informational lesson to read aloud. 10 pgs. PDF Yah’s World of Science: Electricity and Circuits Free Passover Seder Plate Dice Game Little Holy Day Rebus Books (set of 7) On My Way to Learning the Letter Alef (Aleph) Hinei Ma Tov Reader (Hebrew with nikkud)
the idea of programmed cell death (PCD) or its morphological equivalent apoptosis was identified in pockets of research before the 1970s it had been not until 1972 that Kerr Wyllie and Currie first promulgated
the idea of programmed cell death (PCD) or its morphological equivalent apoptosis was identified in pockets of research before the 1970s it had been not until 1972 that Kerr Wyllie and Currie first promulgated the phenomenon. and downsides of candida PCD vs. mammalian PCD discover ). Finally there were several comparative research that examined vegetable apoptotic-like PCD in the framework of biotic and abiotic tension reactions senescence or additional aspects of vegetable growth and advancement. Vegetable and pet cell loss of life regimes HCl salt displayed variations. For instance vegetable cells possess a HCl salt rigid cell absence and wall structure caspases or phagocytic equipment. However vegetable and pet PCD HCl salt share essential commonalities including chromatin condensation DNA laddering the era of ROS as well as the externalization of phosphatidylserine. Significantly the root conceptual platform for PCD which range from advancement to pathogen assault to abiotic tension can be
Spondylosis is the degenerative changes of spine. It may involve disc, facet joints of spine, ligaments and adjacent structures. It is very common after middle age. There is no direct correlation between these degenerative changes and pain
Spondylosis is the degenerative changes of spine. It may involve disc, facet joints of spine, ligaments and adjacent structures. It is very common after middle age. There is no direct correlation between these degenerative changes and pain. We frequently find severe degenerative changes in these structures without any pain. But sometimes it is associated with pain. We have to find out the exact pain generator or source of pain to start treatment. We may utilize different investigations like X-ray, CT-scan, MRI etc But in most situations these investigations are unable to locate the source of pain. In such situations we have to use diagnostic interventional pain management procedures to assess the source. All these spinal structures have their individual nerve supply and pain is carried through these nerves. In diagnostic interventional pain management we are separately blocking one of these nerve to see the pain relief. If pain relief is significant that structure is the source of pain. So spondylosis is a non-specific term, which means degeneration of spinal structures and has no relation with pain. This is a radiological diagnosis and do not help in treatment. We have to identify the degenerated structure, which is the source of pain by diagnostic interventional pain management procedures. Ultimately name changes according to the structures involved (like facet arthr
What are Hormonal Mood Swings? Hormonal mood swings are sudden fluctuations in a person's emotional state caused by hormonal changes. In women, these mood swings occur primarily because of changes, cyclical or sudden, in progesterone and
What are Hormonal Mood Swings? Hormonal mood swings are sudden fluctuations in a person's emotional state caused by hormonal changes. In women, these mood swings occur primarily because of changes, cyclical or sudden, in progesterone and estrogen levels. They are most pronounced during the onset of puberty, some parts of the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, after childbirth and during menopause. For men, mood swings caused by hormones result from a combination of elevated levels of cortisol and depressed levels of testosterone. is a neurotransmitter that controls a person's mood. Monamine oxidases work against serotonin, and depress the levels of this . When serotonin levels are high, a person feels happiness and euphoria. If serotonin levels are low, a person will feel anger and/or depression. Hormonal mood swings are characterized by rapid drops or elevations in serotonin levels. The most common cause of hormonal mood swings in women is the monthly menstrual changes in estrogen and progesterone, and their impact on serotonin levels. Estrogen impedes monoamine oxidases from breaking down serotonin. Levels of estrogen are highest at the beginning of the menstrual cycle, resulting in high levels of serotonin and feelings of happiness. Progesterone functions in the same way as monoamine oxidase, and levels are highest during the middle of the menstrual cycle. This causes a rapid drop in serotonin levels, causing a woman experience feelings of anger and depression. These mood swings in women have also been linked to other changes in hormone levels, such as those during puberty, pregnancy and menopause. Estrogen and progesterone levels first begin to fluctuate during puberty, and this time period is when a woman most likely first experience these kinds of mood swings. During the first trimester of a pregnancy, progesterone levels increase, and it may take until the second or even third trimester for the body to naturally adjust to these hormonal levels, causing drastic mood swings. After pregnancy, progesterone levels suddenly drop to a normal level and, in conjunction with the stress of new parenthood, can lead to postpartum depression until the body is once again able to adjust. During menopause, the production of both estrogen and progesterone decreases and eventually stop completely, causing mood swings while the woman's body adjusts to these changes, and are often more severe mood fluct
The Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation of Health & Hygiene is a process of evaluation of health, nutritional intake and hygiene habits of child and adolescent developed by Centre for Education and Health Research Organization. In a country of largest child population nearly nine million children die every
The Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation of Health & Hygiene is a process of evaluation of health, nutritional intake and hygiene habits of child and adolescent developed by Centre for Education and Health Research Organization. In a country of largest child population nearly nine million children die every year from preventable diseases and infections On National Level, we found following problem which are contributing to the above situation: - Prevention is not being done effectively that can enhance the healthcare and reduce the cost of the individual and of the government on healthcare substantially. Bad awareness and prevention campaigns also lead to overcrowded government hospitals and hence reducing the quality of healthcare further. - Children from low-income families are worst affected - lack of information and knowledge of their parents lead them to make wrong decisions about the healthcare - local hospitals/doctors are ill-equipped to treat children - focus on the treatment of the current disease or sometimes symptoms is much more than making the child healthy. There is also a trust issue, people generally believe private hospitals are better than government ones. - There is no system to detect early problems faced by the children in the country where world’s largest child population
What is the Lottery? The lottery is a form of gambling in which the outcome of a draw is determined by chance. This type of gambling is keluaran hk prohibited by some governments, while others endorse it to the extent of organizing a national
What is the Lottery? The lottery is a form of gambling in which the outcome of a draw is determined by chance. This type of gambling is keluaran hk prohibited by some governments, while others endorse it to the extent of organizing a national or state lottery. In many countries, the lottery is an effective way of raising money for good causes. Usually, proceeds are used to support things like education, parks, and funds for veterans and seniors. Some governments prohibit the sale of lottery tickets to minors, and vendors must be licensed to sell them. In addition, the tickets must be printed in a secure way so that they cannot be copied or counterfeited. A lotteries may be organized by private companies or by governments, and may involve a number of different games. These include traditional Lotto, Instant Draw, and Powerball, as well as a variety of specialty games such as Keno, Bingo, and Wheel of Fortune. The history of the lottery dates back to medieval times, with public lotteries being held in towns across Europe in order to raise money for fortifications or to help the poor. The town records of Ghent and Utrecht, for example, refer to lotteries that raised money in the 15th century for defenses or to assist the poor. These early lotteries were popular with people who lived in the towns, and they were often held on a daily basis. As the game grew in popularity, newer, more sophisticated methods of selecting winning numbers emerged. In the modern era, the majority of lottery systems use computers for generating random numbers. Computers are especially useful in drawing a large number of tickets at once, and in determining the winning numbers. There are many different kinds of lotteries and each type has its own rules. Some of these rules are based on math and probability, while others rely on more general assumptions about human behavior. For example, some lotteries require that players purchase a certain number of tickets in advance, or may allow them to select their own numbers. This is a way of reducing the amount of money that must be invested in purchasing tickets, and it also helps to encourage participation by providing an incentive for players who may not have enough money to buy all of their desired numbers. Other types of lottery include subscriptions, where a player pays in advance to receive a certain number of tickets to be drawn over a specific period of time. This method of drawing a fixed number of tickets may be more profitable than selling individual tickets to each player. Another kind of lottery involves a fixed number of prizes that are distributed in proportion to how many tickets are sold. This is a common feature of many daily numbers games, such as Pick Three and Pick Four. One interesting variation of the daily numbers lottery is ca
Resilience is to develop a strength to cope with hardships, trauma, miseries, threats or major sources of stress such as relationship difficulties, financial hardships or discriminations (APA, 2014). The bouncing back ability based on an understanding
Resilience is to develop a strength to cope with hardships, trauma, miseries, threats or major sources of stress such as relationship difficulties, financial hardships or discriminations (APA, 2014). The bouncing back ability based on an understanding of risk aspects that can deter the successful adaptation and maintenance of usual functioning within various conditions and backgrounds (Wu, Feder & Mathe, 2013). Being resilient assists to promote social and emotional well-being. Every one meets challenges in life, whereas each person has an extent of resilience. Nevertheless some children are more resilient than others (Benard, 2004). A child improves a sense of achievement by overcoming the challenges, which strengthen the child to deal with the forthcoming major challenges. Resilience will help the children to bounce back from the challenges such as, friendship issues, moving to a new house, bullying, and death of a loved one, parent’s separation or hectic schedules. Resilience can be taught to any individual, at any age and does not depend on an inborn ability or personality. Resilience helps to reduce the risk of childhood depression and anxiety, lessen the risk of mental health issues, and also an analyst of achievement with study or employment (Macleod, et al, 2016). From the early age, resilient children able to have a tendency to meet the world on own terms (E.Werner, 1989). Resilient children can overcome the challenges and bounce back to the regular life quicker because of the strong self-esteem and the confidence. Likewise the children with resilience use the inner strength and positive support from others to overcome the problems and conflicts to guarantee the quality of life is not compromised (Jackson, 2002). Werner found that resilience could change over time. Even though the children who were not resilient in the beginning, able to learn the skills of resilience to overcome the adversity later in life. There are some characteristics of a child who is resilient. Such as, be able to motivate on own inherently, able to express the thoughts and feelings, keep on trying and use trial and error approach (AeU,n.d.). Resiliency is not something that children have or don’t have. Children being resilient throughout the life and need to start as soon as possible. Children learn by observing the adults. The positive coping abilities are learned and dependent upon the child having a relationship with a caring adult who teaches and strengthens the positive skills (Kevin Dwyer, 2013). Schools plays a most important role to build resilience among young children. Educating children at an early age about how to care for own mental health, through an understanding of what good mental health looks like, and also the methods to improve resilience will support the children through the challenges. Working with children can be challenging, especially when facing an enduring hardship. The children with low amount of resilience be able to find extremely difficult to bounce back during challenging times. There are many best practices which can be integrated into classrooms to promote resilience among children. In fact, the children need outside supports and inner strength together to build resilience (Best start resource Centre, 2017). Caring relationships, positive role models and community resources are shown as outside supports. Similarly inner strength includes self-control, thinking skills, confidence, positive outlook and responsibilities and participation. Nowadays building resilience in the classroom is an important part in children’s education. The classroom management relies on routines which are well known to increase children’s comfort and these kinds of structures are almost routinely in place. The teachers use problem solving steps to improve children’s resilience in classroom. The teachers should not always protect the kids from daily obstructions. Children need to experience the failures and challenges on day to day life. By improving the skills and abilities of the child, and improving the environments around the child, will be supportive to build children’s resilience. Consequently, when building resilience in children need to focus on children as well as the environment including the parents, family, peers and learning and public settings (Beyond Blue Ltd, 2017). As a teacher, when considering the practice of day-to-day approaches in classroom, it’s essential to note that any approach to build resilience in children needs to take into consideration the individual child and unique circumstances. Some strategies are being followed by teachers to build children’s resilience level in the classroom. Children feel safe and secure through a close relationship with at least one caring person (Best start resource Centre, 2017). Concentrating on close, loving attachment with children is a big support to build resilience among the children. Activities are done by children at level best when the love and affection is given properly. Feeling loved help children to overcome the hardships in life and gives them the confident to explore the world independently. Help children to build resilience by becoming more understanding or able to see from others point of view (Petty, 2012). Children are provided with opportunities to practice empathy. For example, when the teacher read out a book for a group of children about a character who i
Major storms, hurricanes, cyclones and Weather phenomena tend to give their own name. Many will remember the nationwide devastation caused by Storm Eunice last year, including the roof being ripped off the O2 Arena. The UK is currently preparing for
Major storms, hurricanes, cyclones and Weather phenomena tend to give their own name. Many will remember the nationwide devastation caused by Storm Eunice last year, including the roof being ripped off the O2 Arena. The UK is currently preparing for Storm Otto to hit our shores. But why do storms have names, and what will the rest of the storms be named in 2023? Here’s everything you need to know. What are the names of the storms of 2023? Storm Otto is the UK’s first official storm of the 2022/23 season – but it’s not called ‘Antoni’ because the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI) had the honor of naming it as this country is expected to be hit by more severe weather.. Why do storms have names? It’s just to help people become more aware of inclement weather. The idea is that when you hear a storm by name you’ll know to expect heavy rain, dangerous winds or snowfall. The Met Office and Irish counterpart Met Éireann decided to start naming storms after a survey revealed that people became more aware of extreme weather warnings when the storm was given a name. In response to the results, a list of names was compiled from suggestions from the public that have given us Storm Abigail and Storm Doris in recent years. Many will remember the disastrous February 2022 Storm Eunice, which quickly followed the damage caused by Storm Dudley. However, naming storms is not a new phenomenon, as the US National Hurricane Center has named tropical storms since 1953. This makes it easier to refer to Atlantic tropical storms when tracking them and ensures that the public always knows exactly which a storm is on its way. Since the mid-Atlantic regions are so often plagued by tropical storms that develop into hurricanes, it makes sense to distinguish between them – with the US and the Caribbean suffering heavy damage from Hurricane Harvey, Hurricane Irma and Hurricane Maria. Recent years. When is a storm called? A name is given to a storm when it is expected to reach one orange or red warning level. Warnings are issued by the National Weather Service’s Severe Weather Warning Service when extreme weather conditions such as rain, wind, snow, ice, fog and high temperatures are forecast. Red, orange, yellow or green weather warnings are based on National Severe Weather Warning Service guidance and are decided by a combination of both the effects the weather may have and the likelihood of those effects occurring. Once the storm meets the criteria to be named, either Met Éireann or the Met Office will publicly name the storm, adhering to the established list. How are names chosen? The Met Office publishes a list of storm names before each winter season. The list runs from the beginning of September to the end of August of the following year. The Met Office works with Met Éireann and the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) to name storms based on suggestions sent in by the public. Email your own suggestions [email protected]. Why are storms never given Q, U, X, Y or Z names? Looking at the list above, you’ll notice that storms in the UK and Ireland do not start with the letters Q, U, X, Y or Z. All three of the aforementioned organizations behind storm naming mention this when they announce new names, stating that the decision is to remain “consistent with the naming convention of the US National Hurricane Center.” It also “maintains consistency for the official naming of storms in the North Atlantic.” According AccuWeather Senior Meteorologist Dan Pydynowski Other parts of the world use some of these letters when naming their tropical storms or cyclones. He explained: “The Eastern Pacific uses X, Y and Z, while the Atlantic does not… the Eastern Pacific averages more named storms per year. So, more names are needed in an average time and there is a higher probability [of reaching] the end of the list.” MORE: New Zealand declares third national emergency in history after cyclone hits MORE: When is the first day of spring in 2023 an
Cybersecurity is actually an essential aspect of any sort of organization’s overall technique. It involves safeguarding information, information and also applications coming from unapproved accessibility. click here for more info In addition, cybersecurity protects individuals who utilize and also
Cybersecurity is actually an essential aspect of any sort of organization’s overall technique. It involves safeguarding information, information and also applications coming from unapproved accessibility. click here for more info In addition, cybersecurity protects individuals who utilize and also take care of information systems. This features personnel, clients and consumers. browse around these guys Cyber threats are a rapidly developing hazard to your financial institution. There are a number of methods to defend against these assaults. Know the different types of cyber assaults and the stages they often go by means of. This may help you determine all of them early and also respond rapidly. Bring in certain your system is actually frequently updated to get rid of vulnerabilities that cyberpunks may manipulate. Produce usage of anti-virus defense and also network surveillance devices. Eventually, safeguard your tool along with a digital exclusive system (VPN). These aid to secure your online banking account and also keep your personal relevant information safe. There are actually several cyber-attacks you can easily encounter, from phishing e-mails to drive-by downloads that install malware on your units without your know-how. To prevent these, you have to watch and make use of two-factor authorization for your profiles. This will certainly aid you shield your business and also your individual records Data is the lifeblood of any kind of service as well as cyber protection breaches are actually a major problem. They impact a company’s track record and also its own potential to work. There are actually a lot of methods to guard your records coming from unauthorized get access to. Some of the absolute most crucial measures is actually to back up your details in a safe and secure site. A data backup is going to help to protect your service in the event of a breach or even ransomware assault, making sure that you possess all your important information intact as well as can easily resume operations without losing critical information. Another crucial step is actually to enlighten your team about the rudiments of computer safety and also what they must be looking fo
Eating three portions of fish each week could cut your risk of developing bowel cancer, suggests new research. So you might was the load up on the salmon. Experts from the University of Oxford and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC
Eating three portions of fish each week could cut your risk of developing bowel cancer, suggests new research. So you might was the load up on the salmon. Experts from the University of Oxford and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) looked at the diets of 476,160 people through questionnaires. The surveys included detail on people’s fish intake – including all sorts of fish; white, fatty, oily, and lean. Researchers found that those who ate fish on a regular basis were 12% less likely to experience bowel cancer than people who ate less than one portion of fish a week. If you’d like to get super specific, they found that the key amount of fish to cut your bowel cancer risk is 359.1g of fish each week. Crack out the scales. Symptoms of bowel cancer: - Bleeding from your bottom and/or blood in your poo - A persistent and unexplained change in bowel habit - Unexplained weight loss - Extreme tiredness for no obvious reason - A pain or lump in your tummy All fish consumption was found to be a great thing, but oily fish in particular is linked to a lower risk of bowel cancer. People who ate 123.9g of oily fish, such as salmon and sardines, saw a 10% lower risk of bowel cancer. A typical portion
HJR 118/SJR 117: Commission on the Future of Virginia’s Environment May 28, 2002 Chairman Bolling began the meeting by announcing the adoption of a work plan derived from the public hearing
HJR 118/SJR 117: Commission on the Future of Virginia’s Environment May 28, 2002 Chairman Bolling began the meeting by announcing the adoption of a work plan derived from the public hearing held by the commission on April 29, 2002. Both the May 28 and the June 18 meeting were dedicated to the issue of the land application of biosolids. The purpose of the May 28 meeting of the commission was to provide education and background on this issue. Definition of Biosolids The Virginia Department of Health defines biosolids as a sewage sludge that has received an established treatment for required pathogen control and is treated or managed to reduce vector attraction to a satisfactory level and contains acceptable levels of pollutants, such that it is acceptable for use for land application, marketing or distribution in accordance with 12 VAC 5-585. Senate Bill 618 Senate Bill 618 was referred to the commission by the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources during the 2002 Session of the General Assembly. If enacted, SB 618 would grant localities the authority to ban the land application of sewage sludge (biosolids) within its boundaries. A representative from the Northumberland County Board of Supervisors presented the bill to the committee on behalf of its patron, Senator Creigh Deeds. The county supervisor characterized SB 618 as "simple in nature and broad in scope" and emphasized the need for clarification in state law so localities will know exactly what authority they have in this area. He asserted that the bill would provide such clarity and prevent further "regulation" of this issue by the court system. He also questioned the ability of the Department of Health to effectively oversee the land application of biosolids statewide with only two full-time employees assigned to the statewide program. Staff then provided a review of state laws relating to the land application of biosolids. Any sewage treatment facility that land-applies sewage sludge must obtain a permit from the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), while anyone contracting with a sewage treatment plant to land-apply sewage sludge must obtain a permit from the Virginia Department of Health (VDH). The VDH has promulgated regulations dealing with the land application, marketing and distribution of sewage sludge pursuant to statutory authority. The Virginia Right to Farm Act prohibits local ordinances from requiring a special use permit for agricultural practices in areas zoned for agriculture. The act specifically excludes, however, the land application of sewage sludge from the agricultural practices it protects from such local regulation. Similar language is also found in the zoning statutes of the local government title. In Blanton v. Amelia County (2001), the Virginia Supreme Court held that a local ordinance prohibiting the land application of sewage sludge was invalid due to its inconsistency with state law. State law, the court held, expressly authorizes the land application of biosolids conditioned upon the issuance of a permit. In response to a question from the commission, staff explained that the court’s decision in Blanton was limited to consideration of that particular ordinance and that the court did not offer examples of local ordinances that would be permissible. Staff then provided a brief analysis of other states’ biosolids programs. History of EPA Involvement The EPA began an extensive research and development program studying sewage sludge land application in the 1960s. Both the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and the Clean Water Act (CWA) emphasize the recycling or reuse of waste materials whenever possible to divert such material away from landfills or to prevent them from being destroyed in a manner that creates pollution in other areas, such as incineration. In the late 1970s EPA worked with states to develop guidelines for land application pursuant to the Part
How does the CNC Fiber laser cutting machine work? - Factories In recent years Fibre optic laser cutting machines have become the driving force behind the global production of sheet metal parts. Books on the subject of What is cnc laser cutting
How does the CNC Fiber laser cutting machine work? - Factories In recent years Fibre optic laser cutting machines have become the driving force behind the global production of sheet metal parts. Books on the subject of What is cnc laser cutting Laser Cutting Guide for ManufacturingSociety of Manufacturing Engineers. 2022 Laser Cutting Guide for Manufacturing presents practical information and troubleshooting and design tools from a quality manufacturing perspective. Equally applicable to small shops as it is to large fabricator companies, this guide is a roadmap for developing, implementing, operating, and maintaining a laser-cutting manufacturing enterprise. The book focuses on metal cutting of sheets, plates, tubes, and 3-D shaped stampings. It presents today's reality of the engineering and business challenges, and opportunities presented by the rapid penetration cutting in all facets of industry. CO2 Laser CuttingSpringer Science & Business Media. 2012 CO2 Laser Cutting explains and describes how engineering materials are cut using a CO2 laser. Information is given on the cutting of metals and non metals on a wide range of levels from practical advice and processing parameters to explanations of the physical and chemical reactions which take place in the cut zone. In an effort to make the book as readable and informative as possible the subject is treated in a descriptive rather than a mathematical way. The benefit of CO2 Laser Cutting is twofold as it gives practical advice to the operator and technical advice to the researchers or scientist. What are the new products with the answer to the question: What is cnc laser cutting? Related news in the world CNC Fiber Laser Market Worth USD 2546.6 Million Growing at a 7.1% CAGR by 2030 - Report by Market Research Future (MRFR) - GlobeNewswireOctober 18, 2022 - GlobeNewswire CNC Fiber Laser Market Worth USD 2546.6 Million Growing at a 7.1% CAGR by 2030 - Report by Market Research Future (MRFR) GlobeNewswireGlobal CNC Fiber Laser Market to Reach USD 2,546.6 MN by 2030, with 7.1% CAGR from 2022 to 2030, openPRCnc Laser Cutting Market Global Insights and Business Scenario during forecast period 2022-2028 – Today Israel Today IsraelGlobal Laser CNC Market 2022 Latest Updates, Size, Share Data to 2030 NewstrailView Full Coverage on Google News... Continuing Our Discussion on CNC Machining Centers - ThomasnetOctober 17, 2022 - Thomasnet Continuing Our Discussion on CNC Machining Centers Thomasnet... CNC Machining Centers Explained - ThomasnetOctober 17, 2022 - Thomasnet CNC Machining Centers Explained Thomasnet... Metal Laser Cutters: All You Need to Know - All3DPMay 10, 2022 - All3DP Metal Laser Cutters: All You Need to Know All3DP... Laser Cut Paper: A Guide to Laser Cutting Paper - All3DPAugust 20, 2022 - All3DP Laser Cut Paper: A Guide to Laser Cutting Paper All3DP...
In tasks on addition of speeds the motion of bodies happens, as a rule, uniform and rectilinear and is described by the simple equations. Nevertheless, these tasks can be carried to the most difficult problems of mechanics. At the solution of such tasks
In tasks on addition of speeds the motion of bodies happens, as a rule, uniform and rectilinear and is described by the simple equations. Nevertheless, these tasks can be carried to the most difficult problems of mechanics. At the solution of such tasks use the rule of addition of classical speeds. To understand the principle of the decision, it is better to consider it on concrete examples of tasks. 1. Example on the rule of addition of speeds. Let speed currents of the river v0, and speed of the boat crossing this river concerning water be equal to v1 and is directed perpendicular to the coast (cm figure 1). The boat at the same time participates in two independent movements: it for some time of t crosses the river width of N with v1 speed concerning water and for the same time bears her downstream the river on l distance. As a result the boat floats a way of S with v speed concerning the coast, equal on the module: v equally in
Do Supplements Actually work? Updated: Oct 11, 2021 There has been debate within the medical community about whether or not vitamins actually work to make and keep you healthy. According to several studies done by John Hopkins University, "research
Do Supplements Actually work? Updated: Oct 11, 2021 There has been debate within the medical community about whether or not vitamins actually work to make and keep you healthy. According to several studies done by John Hopkins University, "researchers concluded that multivitamins don’t reduce the risk for heart disease, cancer, cognitive decline (such as memory loss and slowed-down thinking), or early death. They also noted that in prior studies, vitamin E and beta-carotene supplements appear to be harmful, especially at high doses." John Hopkins are not the only one claiming they are useless. Just about every medical publication in the United States and the United Kingdom is telling us not to waste our money. They recommend instead using a healthy diet to get our nutrients. Check out this article from Physicians Weekly. Dieticians and Nutritionists, however, do recommend taking a supplement along with keeping a healthy diet. So, what to do when you decide to take a supplement? First, research heavily. If you have ever researched supplements, you may have been shocked to learn that many supplements don't have much nutritional value at all. Many are processed so heavily that most of the vitamins are stripped away, and then there are those unscrupulous actors who fill capsules with sugar or flour and call it a super vitamin. This is why it is important to double and triple check the brand, and the process used to create the supplements when making a choice. A great place to start is at Very Well Fit. Not sure if you need extra vitamins? Below is a resource to get you started. If you are taking any sort of supplements, talk to your doctor about it and pay close attention to any changes to your health.
Dental Fun Facts 61% of adults are attracted to somebody by their smile alone. When we brush, we’re able to easily reach the tops and sides of our teeth. But the surfaces between – which make up a significant part of our
Dental Fun Facts 61% of adults are attracted to somebody by their smile alone. When we brush, we’re able to easily reach the tops and sides of our teeth. But the surfaces between – which make up a significant part of our tooth enamel – need proper cleaning too. This is why it’s best to clean between your teeth with floss and/or piksters daily to remove food and bacteria and promote healthy gums. Yes, there are more bacteria in your mouth than there are people on Earth. 75%, which means 25% of adults do not brush twice a day. This increases their risk of developing tooth decay by 33%. The average toothbrush contains about 2500 bristles grouped into about 40 tufts per toothbrush. The first toothbrush with bristles was made in China in 1498. Bristles from hogs, horses, and badgers were used. Expectant mothers with poor oral hygiene are seven times more likely to deliver premature and low birth weight babies. An apple a day may keep the doctor away, but it also makes you three times more likely to develop dental decay. After all, a cup of apple juice contains more sugar (fructose) than a can of cola. Sure do. A snail's mouth is no larger than the head of a pin, yet it can contain over 25,000 teeth. You should replace your toothbrush at least every three months and always after infection like flu, cold and other viral infections. Bacteria can implant themselve
MySQL – Delete Column In some cases, we may want to remove a single column or multiple columns from a table. The ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN statement allows you to delete a column from the table. ALTER TABLE table_name DROP COLUMN column_name;
MySQL – Delete Column In some cases, we may want to remove a single column or multiple columns from a table. The ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN statement allows you to delete a column from the table. ALTER TABLE table_name DROP COLUMN column_name; - As a first step, we must specify the table name from which the column should be removed. - In the next step, after specifying the DROP COLUMN clause, we must specify the column name that should be removed from the table. There is a COLUMN keyword that is optional in the DROP COLUMN statement. ALTER TABLE employees DROP COLUMN city; We can remove multiple columns from the table by executing the following command: ALTER TABLE table_name DROP COLUMN column_1, DROP COLUMN column_2,......; ALTER TABLE employees DROP COLUMN country, DROP COLUMN age;
Squatters rights are important for people who live in apartments or houses that were built before 1978. The building codes that apply to these older buildings often allow tenants to live in them without paying rent. Who Can Claim Squatter’s Rights
Squatters rights are important for people who live in apartments or houses that were built before 1978. The building codes that apply to these older buildings often allow tenants to live in them without paying rent. Who Can Claim Squatter’s Rights? If you own an apartment or house built before 1978, you might qualify for squatter’s rights. To claim squatters rights, you must prove that you lived in the property as a tenant before the owner bought it. You also need to show that you haven’t been evicted from the property since buying it. Why Is Squatting Illegal? In most states, squatting is illegal because it violates the right of ownership. However, there are exceptions. For instance, squatters rights exist in Tennessee. This means that people who live in properties built before 1978 can legally squat in them without being evicted Where Are Squatters Rights Legal? There are several reasons why squatting is still allowed in certain areas. First, squatters rights are not recognized by law in every state. Second, squatters rights are only applicable to buildings constructed before 1978. Third, squatters rights do not apply to commercial property. Fourth, squatters rights are limited to residential property. Fifth, squatters rights are also limited to properties where the owner has abandoned the property. Sixth, squatters rights are subject to local ordinances. Finally, squatters rights are often ignored by landlords. What Happens When You Squat? If you decide to squat, you will need to find an empty building. This means finding a vacant home or apartment that is owned by another individual. Once you find a suitable location, you must contact the landlord and ask permission to enter the premises. If the landlord agrees, then you will need to obtain a key to gain access to the building. After gaining entry, you will need to determine whether the building is habitable. If so, you will need to make sure that the utilities are turned off. Then, you will need to prepare the space for habitation. This includes removing any personal items that might cause damage to the structure. What Should I Do If Someone Claims My Property? If someone claims your property without permission, you should call the police immediately. You should also file a claim with your insurance company. In addition, you should take photos of the damaged areas and keep them safe until the dispute has been resolved.
22 quotes by our 7th President… Andrew Jackson (March 15, 1767 – June 8, 1845) was an American lawyer, soldier, and statesman who served as the seventh president of the United States from
22 quotes by our 7th President… Andrew Jackson (March 15, 1767 – June 8, 1845) was an American lawyer, soldier, and statesman who served as the seventh president of the United States from 1829 to 1837. Before being elected to the presidency, Jackson gained fame as a general in the United States Army and served in both houses of the U.S. Congress. An expansionist president, Jackson sought to advance the rights of the “common man” against a “corrupt aristocracy” and to preserve the Union. Lately I’m seeing a lot of people calling for term limits on Congress as a solution to the corruption in Congress. Saw it on Twitter before I was banned and see it almost daily on Gab. I contend that Devolution is the solution to everything that is currently wrong in our government. By devolving our Constitution back to what it was in 1871, it renders moot 99% of the issues we currently have with being governed without our consent, including the frustrations with career Representatives and Senators. And that includes not needing Term Limits. In essence; there are two Constitutions in the United States. The first, initially drafted May 25, 1787, by the Founding Fathers of the newly independent states of the United States and after months of debate and edits, ratified on June 21, 1788. The official start date of this new Constitution was March 4, 1789. And for 82 years the People of the United States were free and independent. – The bones of the wrist make up most of the skeletal structure of the hand. These bones allow different tendons and neurovascular structures to reach the wrist. Moreover, the bones also provide innervation and blood supply. Let – The bones of the wrist make up most of the skeletal structure of the hand. These bones allow different tendons and neurovascular structures to reach the wrist. Moreover, the bones also provide innervation and blood supply. Let’s learn more about these bones. Let’s begin with a brief description. The bones of the wrist provide support for the tendons and muscles attached to them. They also serve as important parts of the hand. The Eight Bones That Make Up the Human Wrist There are eight bones that make up the human wrist. Each is connected to the other through ligaments. Each finger has two phalanges and a carpal bone. In the coronal plane, these bones form an arch. The flexor retinaculum connects the lateral and medial sides of the arch. The hamate also serves as a joint for different muscles. Therefore, if the hamate is fractured, the blood flow can be disrupted. The human wrist is made up of eight small bones. The ulna is found on the side of the forearm with a small finger. Unlike the radius, the ulna does not twist. Therefore, the ulna remains in the same position whenever the hand changes positions. The ulna has joint structures at the wrist and elbow. The ulna and humerus joint is a hinge-type joint. However, the smaller surface area of the ulna makes it more vulnerable to breakage. Generally, the bones of the hand are grouped into three categories. These groups are called carpus. The carpus consists of eight bones, which form the wrist and the root of the hand. The digits are made up of phalangeal bones. These bones are arranged in two rows, one on the proximal side and one on the distal side. The carpal bones of the more proximal row articulate with the ulna and radius. The intercarpal joints are joined by ligamentous attachments. The Capitate is the Big Bone in the Wrist The capitate is the large bone in the wrist. It forms the joints with several other bones in the hand and wrist. The capitate sits beneath the middle finger metacarpal bone and contributes to the wrist motion. The hamate also articulates with the capitate in a functional way. It is important to have intact capitates and haematoid if you want to function properly. Unlike other fossilized remains, modern humans and Neandertals shared the same carpal complex. The modern human carpal complex involves palmar broadening and repositioning of the trapezoid, as well as novel enlargement of the trapezoid-capitate articulation. Moreover, trapezium facets engulf the distoradial aspect of the scaphoid tubercle, which is the most modern human wrist. A new study has revealed the relationship between bone density and vibration frequency. The results of the study are based on the imaging of a wrist bone taken at 41 keV. The rescaled rocking curves are flatter for dense trabecular struts. The trabeculae are responsible for a greater amount of reflected X-rays at larger angles. These results indicate that these devices could help doctors distinguish between fracture and strain. The Fingers and Ulna are the Most Common Bones in the Wrist The wrist is made up of eight bones, including the radius, the ulna, and the carpals. These bones are connected to two long bones in the arm. The radius and the ulna are the most common bones in the wrist. The ulna is shorter and thinner, and the radius is the thickest. These two bones connect to each other on the thumb and pinky sides of the wrist. Three major nerves supply the muscles of the hand. Table 3 shows their distribution. Each major nerve trunk has many branches, which diverge into numerous smaller ones. As a result, the neuromuscular system is coordinated in the brain, where the response to stimulus is subconscious and reflex. For example, if an object is slipping, we will automatically grip it more tightly and reject it. The same goes for noxious stimuli. De Lange, A., J. M. G. Kauer, and
Malaysia is a country located in southeast Asia directly south of Thailand and with islands bordering Indonesia, Brunei, and the South China Sea, south of Vietnam. Comprised of 878 islands, over 500 of which are unnamed,
Malaysia is a country located in southeast Asia directly south of Thailand and with islands bordering Indonesia, Brunei, and the South China Sea, south of Vietnam. Comprised of 878 islands, over 500 of which are unnamed, It is a beautiful and tropical country known for having a significant influence in the world history. In the past, the Malaysian state of Malacca, south of Kuala Lumpur, used to be the center of the lucrative spice trade which attracted the attention of colonial powers like England, Portugal, and the Netherlands. Today, Malaysia is home to one of Southeast Asia's fastest developing cities: Kuala Lumpur. Kuala Lumpur was founded in 1857 as a mining town, but it eventually evolved into the capital of Malaysia as well as its largest city. A visit to the fascinating, diverse, and historic city of Kuala Lumpur is essential for any person traveling to South East Asia. It is only second to the world-renown Singapore when it comes to the thriving modern cities in the region. 5 Interesting Facts About Kuala Lumpur Kuala Lumpur, Simply Means “Muddy Confluence” The meaning of the Kuala Lumpur is not that glamorous although it has proven to be much more than the mud joining the rivers Klan and Gombak. Some individuals believe that the name was derived from Cantonese phrase lam-pa meaning “the flooded jungle.” However, there is no evidence to prove this is the case. Its residents are happy that Kuala Lumpur has managed to transform into a beauty over the years. Home to Istana Negara Malaysian Monarch’s Yang di Pertuan Agong's official residence is Istana Negara. It is important to never to confuse the new palace (Jalan Tuanku Abdul Halim) with the old (Jalan Istana). Currently, the former compound has been transformed into a royal museum which houses installations and grand exhibitions relating to the royal family. The new palace has been relocated to a new location in Kuala Lumpur and is now the official residence of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, the monarch of Malaysia. The Largest Malaysian City Kuala Lumpur is ranked at the top regarding area and population when compared to the other Malaysian states. However, this is not surprising considering the magnitude at which the capital has continued to grow since Malaysia's independence. The number of shopping malls and offices available in this city adds to the urban landscape with more people visiting it on a daily basis. Founded by the Chinese Tin Miners Another interesting fact about Kuala Lumpur is that it was founded by an average tin miner who discovered the precious tin. This city was not discovered by the ethnic Malays, but by Chinese immigrants; this explains the city's diverse culture. The City Banned the use of Excess Lipstick In 1996, the Kuala Lumpur government banned the use of excess lipstick which they believed were a prelude to illicit sex. It is not surprising that the Malaysia government chose a more conservative stance since it is an Islamic country. The government defended its decision claiming that using lipstick defeats the purpose of wearing hijab. Most of the state's women never saw a reason why the use of lipstick was a problem. Points of Interest in Kuala Lumpur The Petronas Twin Towers Petronas Twin Towers have been the most striking feature and the Crown Jewel of Kuala Lumpur since their construction back in 1998. At the height of 452 meters, these towers were the tallest building in the world from 1998 to 2004 and remain among the tallest buildings in the world. The double-decker sky bridge, with its distinctive postmodern style, connects the towers and make them unique. The engineering and construction of the Petronas towers were considered a great success in helping the world embrace Malaysian culture and heritage. A tour of the tower should include a visit to the 58-meter long sky bridge, which connects the two towers, and level 86 where you can enjoy great views of Kuala Lumpur city. However, getting the tickets to tour Petronas Towers is a challenge, and one should always reserve tickets early in the day. This park was designed to offer green space to the Petronas Twin Towers and the surrounding areas. KLCC park not only attracts tourists but also corporate workers and city joggers since it is situated directly in front of the Petronas Twin Towers. This park contains water fountains which can shoot up to a height of 42m in an hour and water show with lights and music called Lake Symphony. This park is an excellent place for families with kids since it has a swimming pool and a playground. It also contains a walking/jogging path, waterfalls, and fountains. Just like the other parks found in Malaysia, the KLCC park fauna and flora are what makes it unique. Petronas Tower view from KLCC Park is spectacular. Kuala Lumpur China Town Kuala Lumpur Chinatown is located in the city center and is an area which never sleeps. It is always full of restaurants, colors, stores, and shops. Chinatown center is Petaling Street which has the noisiest markets in the world at night. It is a great place to shop for clot
Developing new drugs is incredibly hard. That’s why, despite superhuman efforts from the industry, we’re still looking at 12-18 months minimum before we can realistically hope for a vaccine for COVID-19, and probably months before there
Developing new drugs is incredibly hard. That’s why, despite superhuman efforts from the industry, we’re still looking at 12-18 months minimum before we can realistically hope for a vaccine for COVID-19, and probably months before there’s a proven viable drug treatment. But our increasing ability to begin to industrialize the drug discovery and development process through an engineering approach means that we have more hope for speeding up this process than ever before—and not just to defeat coronavirus, but to benefit the development of all new medicines in the future.Our increasing ability to begin to industrialize the drug discovery and development process through an engineering approach means that we have more hope for speeding up this process than ever before—and not just to defeat coronavirus,… Click To Tweet The traditional drug development process can be broken down into two big “tracks” which have changed very little for decades: prophylactics (like vaccines) which prevent you from getting sick; and therapeutics (like antivirals) that help you get better once you have symptoms. Neither is easy. For vaccines, that usually looks like first identifying the correct “dead” part of the virus (antigen) so that our immune system can develop the right antibodies; then testing for safety and efficacy (how long do your antibodies last?); then manufacturing at scale (no mean feat; think about all those flu vaccines growing in eggs each year!). Developing therapeutics is just as hard, requiring a deep knowledge of the underlying biology, including the right target to go after with just the right small molecules or biologics, with high efficacy and low toxicity again demonstrated in clinical trials… and so on. You see why it can take years to understand all of this—sometimes even decades. But using an engineering approach to developing new drugs with the tools we have coming online today is already transforming this process, making it faster, more efficient, and increasing the odds of success. A big part of this is using technology to automate and standardize how we uncover new knowledge about biology—the industrialization of discovery itself. A big part of this is using technology to automate and standardize how we uncover new knowledge about biology—the industrialization of discovery itself. Click To Tweet Biotech companies are doing this by building robotic wet lab experiment pipelines with automation + bioinformatics + data science for rapid measurement and analysis of information in a fully industrialized process. So the sequencing of a virus (now cheap and quick, due to 20 years of advances in sequencing tech) immediately feeds into bioinformatic tools that identify the key parts of the genome; bioinformatic analysis in turn speeds up new ideas for how to target the virus, whether in a vaccine or therapeutic vaccines; new drug candidates are moved into robotic testing massively, and in parallel; and the entire process to human clinical trials is loaded up with more good candidates, faster. This underlying approach is why Moderna was able to come up with a potential coronavirus vaccine at a speed that blew most industry estimates out of the water. Industrializing discovery like this could work much the same way that factory workforce vs. human speeds things up, standardizes processes, and helps us scale faster and more broadly. It also greatly improves reproducibility, a huge issue in drug discovery experiments when even the way you hold the pipette can affect the nature of the experiment. Now, re-running an experiment starts to look a lot like re-running code—again, easier, faster, and more accurate. Another critical element of the industrialization of vaccine development is our new ability to use RNA. Instead of giving you part of the viral protein and saying, hey immune system, learn this, an RNA vaccine gives you RNA code (akin to software) for your body to make those viral proteins itself, and then develop antibodies. Why bother with this RNA middle man? RNA is really, at heart, information, and actually very easy chemically to produce—so this is effectively scaling production by using your own body as the protein production facility instead of a lab making the protein—synthesizing them, expressing them, growing them in, say, eggs for an entire population, all of which is slow and difficult. If RNA is like software, CRISPR is a whole new hardware platform. If RNA is like software, CRISPR is a whole new hardware platform. Our new ability to edit genetic code through biological design tools like CRISPR is another major vector of attack. For example, one type of CRISPR—CasRx—only goes after RNA: if you give it a guide RNA sequence that has a part of what the virus has, it will “search and find” virus RNA and then cut—i.e. destroy—them (teams like Stanley Qi’s are already at work on this). Now, again
Drinking water is an easy task that does not require much thought, but, as per a number of recent research and Ayurveda the way and time you drink water will have an impact on your body. Therefore, it’s crucial to get
Drinking water is an easy task that does not require much thought, but, as per a number of recent research and Ayurveda the way and time you drink water will have an impact on your body. Therefore, it’s crucial to get the right balance.Let’s look at how to drink water in the correct method. Everyone knows how vital it is to drink enough water to ensure the proper performance of your body.It is recommended that you drink water to drink per daily is between 9 and 11 cups a day and you can make the assumption that drinking water is is always required by our bodies. In accordance with US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines, drinking water can help prevent dehydration which could cause confusion and mood swings, as well as overheating in the body, constipation, and kidney stones.Because water isn’t calorie-laden as well, it is also helpful in regulating your body weight and reduce the calories consumed when it is replaced with unhealthy beverages like the sweet tea beverage or soda. Gluten or its absence from food items has gained popularity in recent years. See the article below for further information. Celiac disease affects only 1% of... The material (including without limitation, advice and recommendation) within our website is provided solely as general educational and informational purposes. Use of this advice and information contained herein is at the sole choice and risk of the reader.
COMMENTARY: World Water Day highlights something Great many of us take for granted - Posted by Jared Shepherd - 3214 Views - March 20th, 2013 - in Miscellaneous - No Comments Even in a
COMMENTARY: World Water Day highlights something Great many of us take for granted - Posted by Jared Shepherd - 3214 Views - March 20th, 2013 - in Miscellaneous - No Comments Even in a city where the river once oozed rather than flowed, it can be easy to take such amazing natural resources for granted. Friday is World Water Day, a celebration of safe drinking water and sanitation, and this year’s campaign promotes sustainable management of the world’s limited freshwater resources. The Sewer District has been in the clean-water business since 1972 where we have helped reduce pollution and bring a nearly dead river and damaged Great Lake back to life. Combine that with a 25-year program to reduce bacteria in Lake Erie and our new regional stormwater program, it makes sense that we would support World Water Day to bring appreciation to the clean-water and sanitation access we enjoy— while billions of people suffer without it. Statistics show 2.5 billion people around the world lack access to improved sanitation, and 780 million lack access to clean water. The Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District treats more than 200 million gallons of water every day and understands how critical it is to public health and the environment. On World Water Day, we will team up with Drink Local. Drink Tap. to bring more than 300 students to the Greater Cleveland Aquarium to help them learn more about our urban water cycle and world water issues. To us, every day is water day. What about you?
A new inhabitant of the Mashpi Reserve in heart of the Equatorial Chocó Bio-Region has been recently added to the already-diverse list of fascinating wildlife that can be spotted in that region: the Mashpi Torrenteer (Hy
A new inhabitant of the Mashpi Reserve in heart of the Equatorial Chocó Bio-Region has been recently added to the already-diverse list of fascinating wildlife that can be spotted in that region: the Mashpi Torrenteer (Hyloscirtus mashpi), a new species of tree frog, is the latest discovery of Mashpi Lodge‘s Resident Research Director, Carlos Morochz. We’ve spoken with Carlos to find out more about his exciting discovery. How and where did you discover the Mashpi Frog? Six years ago while doing nocturnal photography and surveys in different streams of Mashpi, I took a picture of what I thought it was a species known to science, Hyloscirtus alytolilax. After one year we decided to make a proposal of having terrariums to make exhibitions of the species of amphibians that live at Mashpi so I showed some pictures to a frog expert Luis Coloma. At the beginning he told me that it was the species that I thought it was, but once he visited the reserve he knew it was something different and that further research was needed. The newly-discovered treefrog species at Mashpi Lodge, Mashpi Torrenteer (Hyloscirtus mashpi). How did you identify the frog as a new species? Once we knew it was a different frog we needed to study its morphology, behaviour, population, and we took some specimens to do some molecular analyses to compare with its closest relative species. There were many differences like its size, its colour – it has a black stripe on its back – its vocalisations and of course its family tree after the molecular analysis told us that this species was new to science. Can you tell us a bit about what you know about the frog? How is it different to other species in the area? The genus Hyloscirtus is part of the diverse tree frog family Hylidae, and represents a conspicuous component of the anuran fauna in the Andean foothills and cloud forests. This genus currently contains 34 recognised, extant species, all of which reproduce in streams. Most of the species in the Hyloscirtus genus have relatively narrow distributions and are restricted to specific microhabitats (i.e. mountain streams) and climatic niches (the cool, moist environments near streams). Only three species of the H. bogotensis group are known to occur on the Pacific lowlands and/or Andean Pacific slopes of Colombia and/or Ecuador; these species are: H. alytolylax, H. palmeri and H. simmonsi. Individuals of H. mashpi n. sp. are almost identical to H. alytolylax and only two morphological traits are useful (although partially overlapping) to differentiate the two taxa; H. mashpi n. sp. has a smaller body size, and a dorsum that usually shows a conspicuous mid-dorsal stripe (stripe usually absent in H. alytolylax). The two species are readily differentiated in terms of vocalisations; H. mashpi n. sp. has a short call with only 2 or 3 notes; in contrast, H. alytolylax has a longer call with 5–8 notes. Additionally, the two species seem to have allopatric distributions, with H. mashpi n. sp. being found at lower elevations (778–1279m) than H. alytolylax (1510–1858 m). H. mashpi n. sp. can be distinguished from H. palmeri mainly by having a noticeably smaller, non-overlapping body size, mid-dorsal stripe usually present (absent), foot webbing pale yellowish-green (orange) and by lacking a heel cal-car. In Ecuador, H. mashpi n. sp. and H. palmeri have overlapping elevational ranges, and have been found in sympatry in one locality. Finally, when comparing H. mashpi n. sp. to its sister species, H. simmonsi differs by having four notes in all recorded calls and longer, non-overlapping call duration than H. mashpi n. sp.. Also, H. simmonsi is a larger species, and is only known from the Pacific flank of Andes in Colombia at elevations of 1100–2000 m. Mashpi Lodge is located in Ecuador’s Chocó Bio-Region Tell us how the frog survives in the Andean Cloud Forest? H. mashpi n. sp. is currently known only from localities on the western slopes of the Ecuadorian Andes, Pichincha province, at elevations between 778 and 1279 m, H. mashpi n. sp. is a nocturnal species restricted to riverine vegetation in primary evergreen foothill forests. In this ecosystem, the frog perches on leaves and branches 30–400 cm above ground/stream level, and is active under a variety of climatic conditions. At Reserva de Biodiversidad Mashpi (Riachuelo Laguna), it is the most abundant stream amphibian. The species seems to reproduce opportunistically during the whole year. At Riachuelo Laguna, tadpoles are abundant in flat areas with water accumulation, where they forage at the rocky bottom. At Reserva de Biodiversidad Mashpi, sympatric species include: (i) Riachuelo Laguna: Espadarana prosoblepon, Hypsiboas picturatus, Pristimantis achatinus, P. labiosus, P. latidiscus and P. luteolateralis. How did it feel to know that you had discovered a brand new species, never before discovered? I think is every biologist dream! I felt that passion and effort never has to end, there are many more species undescribed yet to Ecuador and specialy in the Chocó region where nothing is left 5% or less and
Canine juvenile cataracts are a condition where the eye lens becomes opaque and causes vision impairments. This condition is most common in young dogs, although it can occur at any age. It’s usually caused by an inherited genetic defect or by
Canine juvenile cataracts are a condition where the eye lens becomes opaque and causes vision impairments. This condition is most common in young dogs, although it can occur at any age. It’s usually caused by an inherited genetic defect or by an infection or trauma to their eye. Depending on the severity of the cataract, it may need to be surgically removed or can be managed with medications. Symptoms of Canine Juvenile Cataracts The most common symptom of canine juvenile cataracts is a cloudy or whitish appearance to their eye. This cloudiness is caused by the lens opacity, which prevents light from passing through it correctly. Other symptoms may include: - Excessive tearing - Eye redness or swelling In some cases, vision loss may occur due to the cataract blocking light from entering their eye. Diagnosing Canine Juvenile Cataracts In order to diagnose canine juvenile cataracts, a veterinarian will perform an eye exam. This can include dilating the pupil and using a special light to look inside the eye. It might also be necessary to take X-rays or other imaging tests in order to determine the extent of the cataract. Stages of Canine Juvenile Cataracts Stages of Canine Juvenile Cataracts: Canine juvenile cataracts typically follow a three-stage progression. The first stage is known as the initial phase, which is associated with a mild opacity to the eye’s lens. During this stage, some vision loss may be present, but it’s typically mild and can often be managed with medications or lifestyle changes. The second stage is known as the intermediate phase, during this phase the cataract becomes more dense and vision loss increases. This type of cataract can often be managed with medication and lifestyle changes. If their vision impairments become too severe, surgery may be recommended to remove the cataract. In the final stage of canine juvenile cataracts, known as the advanced phase, the cataract becomes very dense and vision loss is severe. At this stage, surgery is typically recommended in order to restore sight. Treatment for Canine Juvenile Cataracts The treatment for canine juvenile cataracts depends on the severity of the condition. In mild cases, it can be managed with medications, lifestyle changes, and regular eye exams. In moderate to severe cases, surgery may be necessary to remove the cataract in order to restore vision. During surgery, an artificial lens is usually inserted to replace the damaged lens. Recovery from surgery usually takes several weeks and regular follow-up visits are necessary in order to monitor the healing process. Preventing Canine Juvenile Cataracts The best way to prevent canine juvenile cataracts is to get a puppy from a reputable breeder who offers genetic testing for known eye conditions. It’s important to have regular veterinary care and keep up with vaccinations and parasite prevention. If your pet has an existing eye condition, it’s important to follow the treatment plan recommended by your veterinarian.