Snoozing: an examination of a common method of waking.
Snoozing was defined as using multiple alarms to plish waking, and considered as a method of sleep inertia reduction that utilizes the stress system. Surveys measured snoozing behavior including who, when, how, and why snoozing occurs. In addition, the physiological effects of snoozing on sleep were examined via wearable sleep staging and heart rate (HR) activity, both over a long time scale, and on the days that it occurs. We aimed to establish snoozing as a construct in need of additional study.
Factors associated with the time to complete clinical exome sequencing in a pediatric patient population.
Exome sequencing (ES) is ing increasingly important for diagnosing rare genetic disorders. Patients and clinicians face several barriers when attempting to obtain ES. This study is aimed to describe factors associated with a longer time interval between provider mendation of testing and sample collection for ES.
Online Group Counseling for Young People Through a Customized Social Networking Platform: Phase 2 of Kids Helpline Circles.
There is a growing need for high-quality evidence to support the efficacy of online counseling and peer support via social networking sites (SNSs) as an intervention to reduce mental health symptoms in young people. This article presents Phase 2 of Kids Helpline (KHL) Circles, which used mixed methods to assess the acceptability, safety, user experience, and mental health benefits of a purpose-built, counselor-facilitated SNS. Young people aged 13-25 years (
Safety and preliminary efficacy on cognitive performance and adaptive functionality of epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) in children with Down syndrome. A randomized phase Ib clinical trial (PERSEUS study).
Although some caregivers are using epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) off label in hopes of improving cognition in young adults with Down syndrome (DS), nothing is known about its safety, tolerability, and efficacy in the DS pediatric population. We aimed to evaluate safety and tolerability of a dietary supplement containing EGCG and if EGCG improves cognitive and functional performance.
Effect of Long-Term Intake of Nutritive and Non-Nutritive Sweeteners on Metabolic Health and Cognition in Adult Male Rats.
This study evaluated the effects of long-term intake of nutritive sweeteners (NSs) and non-nutritive sweeteners (NNSs) on body weight, food and energy intake, blood pressure, metabolic parameters, and memory retention in rats. Sixty male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into six groups (
Deleting Snord115 genes in mice remodels monoaminergic systems activity in the brain toward cortico-subcortical imbalances.
The neuronal-specific SNORD115 has gathered interest because its deficiency may contribute to the pathophysiology of Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), possibly by altering post-transcriptional regulation of the gene encoding the serotonin (HTR2C) receptor. Yet, Snord115-KO mice do not resume the main symptoms of PWS, and only subtle-altered A-to-I RNA editing of Htr2c mRNAs was uncovered. Because HTR2C signaling fine-tunes the activity of monoaminergic neurons, we addressed the hypothesis that lack of Snord115 alters monoaminergic systems. We first showed that Snord115 was expressed in both monoaminergic and non-monoaminergic cells of the ventral tegmental area (VTA) and the dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) harboring cell bodies of dopaminergic and serotonergic neurons, respectively. Measuring the tissue level of monoamines and metabolites, we found very few differences except that the content of homovanillic acid-a metabolite of dopamine-was decreased in the orbitofrontal and prefrontal cortex of Snord115-KO mice. The latter effects were, however, associated with a few changes in monoamine tissue content connectivity across the 12 sampled brain regions. Using in vivo single-cell extracellular recordings, we reported that the firing rate of VTA dopaminergic neurons and DRN serotonergic neurons was significantly increased in Snord115-KO mice. These neural circuit dysfunctions were not, however, associated with apparent defects in binge eating, conditioned place preference to cocaine, cocaine-induced otion pulsive behavior. Altogether, our multiscale study shows that the absence of Snord115 impacts central monoaminergic circuits to an extent that does not elicit gross behavioral abnormalities.
Field Evaluation of Tiletamine-Zolazepam-Medetomidine for Immobilization of Raccoons (Procyon lotor) and Striped Skunks (Mephitis mephitis).
The effectiveness of tiletamine-zolazepam (1.7 mg/kg) plus medetomidine (0.07 mg/kg; TZM) as an bination in raccoons (Procyon lotor; n=43) and striped skunks (Mephitis mephitis; n=7) was evaluated during October 2019. Mean (±SD) induction time for raccoons was 15.0±6.6 min. First signs of recovery (head up) occurred 12.9±6.0 min after receiving atipamezole reversal (0.35 mg/kg) and animals were standing in 30.3±16.1 min. Mean induction time for skunks was 11.7±5.8 min. Following reversal, skunks first raised their heads in 6.7±4.3 min and stood in 17.1±12.9 min. Recovery in skunks and female raccoons was not related to length of time immobilized, but male raccoons that were immobilized for longer periods of time stood faster after reversal. Raccoon heart rate (HR) remained steady during immobilization, but respiration rate (RR) and rectal temperature (RT) declined. The HR and RR were similar among males and females, but RT of male raccoons were, on average, 0.5 C higher than those of females, and rate of temperature decline was slower for males. The HR, RR, and RT of skunks declined during immobilization. Although induction times for both raccoons and skunks were longer than expected, induction and recovery were smooth, side effects were few, analgesia was adequate for nonsurgical procedures, and reversal reduced time in captivity.
Gene expression underlying parenting and being parented shows limited plasticity in response to different ambient temperatures.
Flexible interactions between parents and offspring are essential for buffering families against variable, unpredictable, and challenging environmental conditions. In the subsocial carrion beetle, Nicrophorus orbicollis, mid-summer temperatures impose steep fitness costs on parents and offspring but do not elicit behavioural plasticity in parents. Here, we ask if plasticity of gene expression underpins this behavioural stability or facilitates pensation by larvae. To test this, we characterized gene expression of parents and offspring before and during active parenting under benign (20°C) and stressful (24°C) temperatures to identify genes of parents and offspring associated with thermal response, parenting/being parented, and gene expression plasticity associated with behavioural stability of parental care. The main effects of thermal and social condition each shaped patterns of gene expression in females, males, and larvae. In addition, we implicated 79 genes in females as "buffering" parental behaviour across environments. The majority of these underwent significant changes in expression in actively parenting mothers at the benign temperature, but not at the stressful temperature. Our results suggest that neither genetic programmes for parenting nor their effects on offspring gene expression are fundamentally different under stressful conditions, and that behavioural stability is associated primarily with the maintenance of existing genetic programmes rather than replacement or supplementation. Thus, while selection pensatory gene expression could expand the range of thermal conditions parents will tolerate, without expanding the toolkit of genes involved selection is unlikely to lead to adaptive changes of function.
A Merriam's Wild Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo merriami) with periocular swelling and periocular skin crusting in Pueblo County, Colorado, USA, was diagnosed with severe catarrhal and fibrinous sinusitis and conjunctivitis. A novel clade of Avibacterium was detected in the exudate from this bird. Although eight additional turkeys culled from the affected flock did not have clinical signs or gross lesions, histologically all had mild-to-moderate chronic sinusitis, and infraorbital cultures yielded the same novel clade of Avibacterium that was found in the symptomatic turkey. The presence of this Avibacterium species in the absence of significant disease in some birds suggested that other factors might have been involved in the development of severe sinusitis and conjunctivitis in the symptomatic Wild Turkey. Negative culture results from a distant flock of Wild Turkeys, acquired with similar methods to the affected flock, suggested that this novel species of Avibacterium was not widespread throughout Wild Turkeys in Colorado.
First Report of Blood Parasites in Black-Capped Sparrow (Arremon abeillei) from Neotropical Dry Deciduous Forest.
Avian haemosporidian parasites (Order: Haemosporida) are a diverse group of microorganisms that spend part of their life cycle in the erythrocytes of avian hosts. Parasite presence has been confirmed in all Ecuadorian regions, but some ecosystems, such as the deciduous dry forest of the Coastal region, have not been evaluated for parasite presence. Data on presence or absence, and prevalence, of haemosporidian blood parasites were obtained from avian blood samples collected in two different dry deciduous forests in Guayaquil, Ecuador: Bosque Protector Prosperina and Área Nacional de Recreación Parque Lago. Mist netting was performed between December 2018 and September 2019; blood smears were prepared from blood taken from 35 individuals of 20 bird species and all samples were analyzed by optical microscope observation. Most species showed no evidence of parasite infection, but haemosporidia were found on a blood smear obtained from a Black-capped Sparrow, Arremon abeillei (Passerelleidae), confirming this species as a newly discovered host of blood parasites.
Although CD20 is classically a B cell marker, in the last three decades, dim expression has been noted on a subset of T cells as well that has been independently verified by a number of groups. Our understanding of these cells and their function is not well established.
Comprehensive Search of Stable Isomers of Alanine and Alanine Precursors in Prebiotic Syntheses.
Enantiomeric excesses of l-amino acids have been detected in meteorites; however, their molecular mechanism and prebiotic syntheses are still a matter of debate. To elucidate the origin of homochirality, alanine and the chiral precursors formed in prebiotic processes were investigated with regard to their stabilities among their isomers by employing the minimum energy principle, namely, the abundancy of a molecule in the interstellar medium is directly correlated to the stability among isomers. To facilitate the search for possible isomers, we developed a new isomer search algorithm, the random connection method, and performed a thorough search for all the stable isomers within a given chemical formula. We found that alanine and most of its precursors are located at higher energy by more than 5.7 kcal mol
[Intersectoral care: sector-linking approaches or a shifting of the sector boundary].
The coalition agreement between the German Social Democratic Party (SPD), Alliance 90/The Greens (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen), and the Free Democratic Party (FDP) states: "In order to promote the outpatientization of services that have so far been unnecessarily provided as inpatient care, we will swiftly implement sectoral remuneration for suitable services by means of so-called hybrid DRGs" (DRG, diagnosis-related group). More details are not known as yet. At this stage, another reform is surpassing the expectations that must inevitably arise from the coalition agreement, not least and especially for the care of internal medical conditions: The reform of Section 115b of Book V of the German Social Code (SGB V) and, thus, the revision of the catalog of operations that can be performed on an outpatient basis and interventions that can be performed on an inpatient basis. New additions to the catalog include inpatient-replacing treatments, which will likely move internal medicine into the center alongside surgical services. Following publication of the IGES report pursuant to Section 115b (1a) of SGB V and its initial assessments by the organizations involved, it is clear that there may be a mixture of the two reform approaches. It is for this reason that the umbrella organization of specialists in Germany (Spitzenverband Fachärzte Deutschlands e.V., SpiFa) already joined the discussion with its own considerations 2 years ago. It is essentially irrelevant to patients whether they are treated on an outpatient or an inpatient basis, and they are not interested in whether the physician treating them works in a hospital, a practice, or a medical care center. The main thing is that the physician is qualified, care is provided according to modern evidence-based standards, and there petent emergency plication management. This applies to all surgical services and especially to all conservative and interventional services in internal medicine. With these basic considerations in mind, the SpiFa and its associations have discussed a concept that, in the spirit of the coalition agreement on the establishment of a care concept under the catchword "Hybrid-DRG", stands on its own, avoids sectoral boundaries, but can also be integrated into the considerations on § 115b SGB V and necessarily goes beyond the boundaries of the catalog.
Associations between parental type 2 diabetes risk and offspring birthweight and placental weight: a survival analysis using the Walker cohort.
Low birthweight (BW) is associated with the development of type 2 diabetes. Genome-wide analyses have identified a strong ponent to this association, with many BW-associated loci also involved in glucose metabolism. We hypothesised that offspring BW and placental weight (PW) are correlated with parental type 2 diabetes risk, reflecting the inheritance of diabetes risk alleles that also influence fetal growth.
Understanding variation in oleic acid content of high-oleic virginia-type peanut.
Contamination at the FAD2B locus due to inadequate screening protocols is the primary cause of sporadic, insufficient oleic acid content in Virginia-type peanut. The high oleic trait in peanut is conditioned by loss-of-function mutations in a pair of homeologous enzymes and is well known to improve the shelf life of peanut products. As such, the trait is given high priority in current and future cultivars by the North Carolina State University peanut breeding program. For unknown reasons, high oleic cultivars and breeding lines intermittently failed to meet self-imposed thresholds for oleic acid content in internal testing. To determine why, a manual seed chipper, crude DNA isolation protocol, genotyping assays for both mutations, and a web-based SNP calling application were developed. The primary cause was determined to be contamination with normal oleic seeds resulting from inadequate screening protocols. In order to correct the problem, a faster screening method was acquired to modate a higher oleic acid threshold. Additionally, results showed the mutation in one homeolog is fixed in the program, dig date had no significant effect on oleic acid content, and minor modifiers segregating within the program explained 6% of the variation in oleic acid content.
Genetic dissection of lutein content in common wheat via association and linkage mapping.
Genetic architecture controlling grain lutein content mon wheat was investigated through an integration of genome-wide association study (GWAS) and linkage analysis. Putative candidate genes involved in carotenoid metabolism and regulation were identified, which provide a basis for gene cloning and development of nutrient-enriched wheat varieties through molecular breeding. Lutein, known as 'the eye vitamin', is an ponent of wheat nutritional and end-use quality. However, the genetic manipulation of grain lutein content (LUC) mon wheat has not previously been well studied. Here, quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with the LUC measured by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) were first identified by integrating a genome-wide association study (GWAS) and linkage mapping. A Chinese wheat mini-core collection (MCC) of 262 accessions and a doubled haploid (DH) population derived from Jinchun 7 and L1219 were genotyped using the 90K SNP array. A total of 124 significant marker-trait associations (MTAs) on all 21 wheat chromosomes except for 1A, 4D, and 5B that formed 58 QTL were detected. Among them, six stable QTL were identified on chromosomes 2AL, 2DS, 3BL, 3DL, 7AL, and 7BS. Meanwhile, three of the ten QTL identified in the DH population, QLuc.5A.1 and QLuc.5A.2 on chromosome 5AL and QLuc.6A.2 on 6AS, were stable and independently explained 5.58-10.86% of the phenotypic variation. The QLuc.6A.2 region colocalized with two MTAs identified by GWAS. Moreover, 71 carotenoid metabolism-related candidate genes were identified, and the allelic effects were analyzed in the MCC panel based on the 90K array. Results revealed that the genes CYP97A3 (Chr. 6B) and CCD1 (Chr. 5A) were significantly associated with LUC. Additionally, the gene PSY3 (QLuc.5A.1) and several candidate genes involved in the methylerythritol 4-phosphate (MEP) pathways colocalized with stable QTL regions. The present study provides potential targets for future functional gene exploration and molecular breeding mon wheat.
Palliative care on the radiation oncology ward-improvements in clinical care through interdisciplinary ward rounds.
Palliative care is essential for patients with terminal diseases and aims at effective symptom control. This may stand in opposition to radiation treatment as an oncological treatment modality. The hereby presented work demonstrates the successful integration of a palliative care service in the radiation oncology ward.
Hymenopteran Parasitoids of Leucotaraxis argenticollis (Diptera: Chamaemyiidae) and Leucotaraxis piniperda: Implications for Biological Control of Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (Hemiptera: Adelgidae).
The hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae (Annand)) is a serious invasive pest of hemlock trees in eastern North America. Multiple biological control agents have been the focus of research aimed at pest management and conserving munities. Three promising A. tsugae specialist predators are the beetle Laricobius nigrinus (Fender) (Coleoptera: Derodontidae) and flies in the genus Leucotaraxis (Diptera: Chamaemyiidae), Leucotaraxis argenticollis (Zetterstedt), and Leucotaraxis piniperda (Malloch). However, these flies are vulnerable to parasitism by wasps in the genera Pachyneuron (Walker) (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) and Melanips (Walker) (Hymenoptera: Figitidae). This study explores parasitoid wasp interactions with these Leucotaraxis species in their native western North American range and potential impacts on the biological control program in the East. Leucotaraxis, La. nigrinus, and parasitoid emergences were observed from adelgid-infested foliage collected from Washington State and British Columbia in 2018, 2019, and 2020. Undescribed species of Pachyneuron and Melanips emerged from puparia as solitary parasitoids. Parasitoid emergence was positively correlated with Leucotaraxis emergence. Percent parasitism increased between February and July, with the months of June and July experiencing higher parasitoid emergence than Leucotaraxis. Differences in emergence patterns suggest that Pachyneuron may be more closely associated with Le. argenticollis as a host, and that Melanips may be associated with Le. piniperda. High parasitism in Leucotaraxis had no effect on La. nigrinus larval abundance, whereas bined emergence of parasitoids and Leucotaraxis was positively correlated with La. nigrinus. This suggests that there is petition among these predators.
[Healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial use in long-term care facilities. German results of the third European point prevalence survey HALT-3].
The essential role of infection prevention in long-term care facilities has e evident during the current SARS-CoV‑2 pandemic. In order to obtain a reliable database on ial infections and antibiotic use, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) initiated the third point prevalence survey in European long-term care facilities from 2016 to 2017 (HALT-3).
Synthetic MRI in differentiating benign from metastatic retropharyngeal lymph node: combination with diffusion-weighted imaging.
This study aimed to evaluate the synthetic MRI (syMRI), bination with diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI), and morphological features for discriminating benign from metastatic retropharyngeal lymph nodes (RLNs).
Diabetes-associated thigh muscle degeneration mediates knee osteoarthritis-related outcomes: results from a longitudinal cohort study.
We examined the association between diabetes mellitus (DM) and longitudinal MRI biomarkers for thigh muscle degeneration in patients with knee osteoarthritis (KOA) and their mediatory role in worsening KOA-related symptoms.
Iron quantitative analysis of motor combined with bulbar region in M1 cortex may improve diagnosis performance in ALS.
To explore whether bined analysis of motor and bulbar region of M1 on susceptibility-weighted imaging (SWI) can be a valid biomarker for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).
[Health service aspects of electroconvulsive therapy: analysis of external referrals to a university medical center].
The application of ECT in Germany varies widely depending on regional availability. This shortfall in ECT supply is pensated via referrals to hospitals with ECT services, yet restricted by limited resources in these clinics.
[Multiple sclerosis: interventions to halt disease : Which patients can be considered for autologous stem cell transplantation].
Autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (aHSCT) for treatment of multiple sclerosis (MS) is gaining increasing prominence in the therapeutic landscape. This review article focuses on describing the evidence and European guidelines for aHSCT so that neurologists in Germany can consider this treatment option for appropriate MS patients. In this context, it must be taken into consideration that in every case a cost transfer must be individually applied for.
[Neuropathic pruritus-Evidence-based treatment recommendations].
Neuropathic pruritus is a previously neglected symptom of a wide range of neurological diseases. Peripheral nerve or pression syndromes, space-occupying lesions of the central nervous system, chronic inflammatory neurological diseases and polyneuropathy can cause neuropathic pruritus. Even when the identification of the underlying neurological disease is successful, a direct causal treatment is not always possible, hence an effective symptomatic treatment remains the only therapeutic option. The purpose of this review article is to present the current literature on various therapeutic agents and options in the treatment of neuropathic pruritus.
Effect of Aerosol Inhalation Combined With a Vibration Expectoration Machine on Sputum Volume, IGF-1, α1-AT and PDGF-B in Patients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Emphysema.
Aerosol inhalation monly used in the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary emphysema (COPE). This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of aerosol bined with a vibration expectoration machine on COPE.
Analysis of Clinical Features and Related Factors of Silent Aspiration in Hospitalized COPD Patients.
Silent aspiration is plication of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). COPD's acute-exacerbation phase may be associated with silent aspiration, impacting a patient's prognosis. Silent aspiration may be more likely to occur in patients in poor basic physical condition.
Heavy Metal Bioaccumulation and Oxidative Stress Profile in Brachidontes pharaonis (Bivalvia: Mytilidae) from the Tunisian Coast: Insight into Its Relevance as Bioindicator of Marine Pollution.
This study aims to verify the relevance of Brachidontes pharaonis to assess the ecotoxicological status of polluted sites. For this, the levels of some heavy metals (i.e. Zn, Cu, Pb, and Cd) and a battery of biomarkers including metallothionein (MT), malondialdehyde (MDA), reduced glutathione (GSH), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and catalase (CAT) were assessed in mussels collected from the harbor of Rades (North), and the harbor of Zarzis (South). Moreover, abiotic parameters including temperature, salinity, pH, and dissolved oxygen were assessed. Results from the ICP-OES showed that the southern population exhibited a higher metal pollution index with significantly higher Zn, Cu, and Pb concentrations. Moreover, the specimens from Zarzis displayed significantly higher levels of MDA, MT, GSH, GPx, SOD, and CAT reflecting higher levels of oxidative and chemical stress. These results emphasize the potential utility of B. pharaonis for the monitoring of heavily impacted sites.
Safety and Efficacy of a Multivitamin, Multimineral, Bovine Colostrum-Containing Supplement: An Open-label Pilot Intervention Trial in Healthy Adult Women and Men.
This study was undertaken to explore the effects of a bovine colostrum-containing multivitamin multimineral (MVM) supplement on healthy, adult women and men by determining blood chemistries and health parameters via serum and saliva sampling and measuring each subject's physical characteristics over a 12-week interval.
Cervical Spondylosis Managed With Homoeopathy: A Case Report.
Cervical spondylosis (CS) is a chronic degenerative condition that presents with chronic neck pain and stiffness with radiation of pain to the occiput or upper limbs and a sensation of numbness or tingling. Conservative treatment only provides short term relief.
The Efficacy and Safety of Herbal Unani Formulations in Chronic Plaque Psoriasis: A Single-arm Clinical Trial.
Despite there being advanced treatment options, psoriasis remains an incurable and recurring disease. Noteworthy scholars of Unani (Greco-Arab) medicine have proposed many drugs and formulations for psoriasis but the scientific evidence on the same is scarce. Hence, trial formulations were selected for the study.
Effect of Reiki Therapy on Blood Pressure and Alcohol Consumption in Young Adults: A Clinical Trial.
The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes Reiki therapy as a form of therapy within the classification of alternative therapies. Recently, a growing interest regarding the implementation of Reiki therapy in patient care relating to the field of nursing has been detected; however, there are few scientifically rigorous studies that support this.
Rate of Recovery and Symptomatic Efficacy of a Polyherbal AYUSH Formulation in the Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 Disease: A Single-arm Trial.
The COVID-19 pandemic, caused by the human coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, has led to the death of millions across the globe. The SARS-CoV-2 virus is highly infectious, and mutates rapidly. This creates additional challenges for the development of robust therapeutic solutions. Along with modern healthcare, there is a need to explore natural, plant-based pounds that can be used in the treatment of COVID-19.
Value of Thymosin α1 Combined With Blood Purification to Increase Successful Rescues of Shock Patients.
Septic shock (SS) can pose a high risk of death if rescue efforts in an emergency room aren't started in a timely manner. Thus, rapid and efficient treatment is of great significance to the SS patients' survival. T-α1 can enhance the cellular immune function of patients, and blood purification (BP) can improve the hemodynamics of SS patients by clearing inflammatory mediators in the blood.
Qigong for the Emotional Exhaustion in Nurses: Implications of a Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial in the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Burnout monly understood as resulting from chronic stress at work. It may have several consequences for the well-being and health of the worker. As a dimension of burnout, emotional exhaustion appears to be predicted mostly by work overload, interpersonal conflicts, and the inadequate use of skills. Emotional exhaustion is considered to be the ponent of burnout and may cause depersonalization. Burnout seems to be highly prevalent among nurses and more so during the COVID-19 pandemic. To address the new demands that the pandemic has placed on health care systems, nurses must be provided specific training in stress coping techniques. Qigong is an applied psychophysiological feedback technique that can be done independently by the practitioner; it enables the user to learn how to control their bodily functions and processes. As such, the objective of this study is to understand if qigong can be used as plementary therapy for emotional exhaustion in nurses and if it can be implemented during critical events such as the COVID-19 pandemic.
ALP Inhibitors Inhibit Inflammatory Responses and Osteoblast Differentiation in hVIC via AKT-ERK Pathways.
The aim of this study was to explore the calcification process of aortic valve interstitial cells and its potential association with osteogenic differentiation and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity.
Effect of Roy's Adaptation, Model-based, Perioperative Nursing Service on Patients: A Clinical Observational Study.
Surgery for early-stage lung carcinoma (LC) is invasive and most patients will experience psychological disorders, such as depression and anxiety. Accumulating evidence has shown that a nursing intervention can exert significant improvements in clinical efficacy for perioperative patients.
Value of Tranexamic Acid and Progressive Nursing in Accelerating Postoperative Rehabilitation After Total Knee Arthroplasty.
Knee arthritis is the primary cause of disability in middle-aged and older adults. Total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is also mon treatment in clinics and has a remarkable effect on improving knee-joint function. However, TKA is an invasive procedure that includes a large amount of trauma. It can easily lead to an increase in perioperative blood loss coupled with a long operation time, which can increase the risk of plications, and also has a long recovery time.
Traditional Chinese Nursing Using Fennel With Coarse Salt for Ironing and Umbilical Moxibustion for Epigastric Pain With Spleen-stomach Vacuity Cold.
Spleen-stomach vacuity cold is the primary TCM pattern for epigastric pain, accounting for 75% of the patients. According to the TCM theory of treating both the tip and the root, epigastric pain requires the caregiver to dissipate cold and relieve pain, the treatments for the tip, which warm and supplement the spleen and stomach, the treatments for the root.
Predictive Value of Quantitative Duplex Ultrasound Analysis for In-stent Carotid Artery Restenosis.
In-stent restenosis (ISR) is mon plication after carotid artery stenting (CAS) and a major risk for a stent's fatigue life. Duplex ultrasound (DUS) is widely used for the preliminary evaluation and follow-up of extracranial carotid artery disease, but DUS stenosis grading is mainly based on the original or nonsurgical carotid artery. That grading may not be applicable to carotid artery stenosis after CAS.
Nanofluorescence Probe in Detection of miR-187 and Its Correlation with Oxidative Stress Response in Cataracts.
This study aimed to explore the sensitivity of a nano-fluorescent probe in the detection of miR-187 and the correlation of miR-187 with cataract oxidative stress response.
Comparison of Three Different Commercial Methods for Fosfomycin Susceptibility Testing in
The lack of internationally approved breakpoint and a handy susceptibility testing reduces fosfomycin usefulness against
Successful same-day discharge in 88% of patients after unicompartmental knee arthroplasty: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of day-case partmental knee arthroplasty (UKA) by assessment of successful same-day discharge (SDD), plication and reoperation rates in the recent literature.
[Successful treatment of Old World cutaneous leishmaniasis with red or green light photodynamic therapy].
Cutaneous leishmaniasis is one of the mon travel dermatoses in Germany, which can be acquired not only in Africa, Asia or the American continent, but also in southern European countries. In addition to the currently available topical and systemic therapy options, there have been increasing reports of successful treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis with photodynamic therapy (PDT) using numerous therapy regimens and different photosensitizers in recent years. We report on successful photodynamic therapy of Old World cutaneous leishmaniasis with red and green light PDT with 10% 5‑aminolevulinic acid.
To fight or not to fight: activation of the mPFC during decision to engage in aggressive behavior after ethanol consumption in a novel murine model.
Alcohol consumption is mon antecedent of aggressive behavior. The effects of alcohol on the decision to engage in aggression in preference over pro-social interaction are hypothesized to arise from augmented function within the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC).
Acute food deprivation-induced relapse to heroin seeking after short and long punishment-imposed abstinence in male rats.
Stress is a major trigger for drug relapse in humans and animal models, even after prolonged abstinence. However, animal models for stress-induced relapse were criticized for the lack of predictive and face validity.
Improvement of cell-tethered cellulase activity in recombinant strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Consolidated bioprocessing (CBP) remains an attractive option for the production modity products from pretreated lignocellulose if a process-suitable organism can be engineered. The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae requires engineered cellulolytic activity to enable its use in CBP production of second-generation (2G) bioethanol. A promising strategy for heterologous cellulase production in yeast entails displaying enzymes on the cell surface by means of glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchors. While strains producing a core set of cell-adhered cellulases that enabled crystalline cellulose hydrolysis have been created, secreted levels of enzyme were insufficient plete cellulose hydrolysis. In fact, all reported binant yeast CBP candidates must e the drawback of generally low secretion titers. Rational strain engineering can be applied to enhance the secretion phenotype. This study aimed to improve the amount of cell-adhered cellulase activities of binant S. cerevisiae strains expressing a core set of four cellulases, through overexpression of genes that were previously shown to enhance cellulase secretion. Results showed significant increases in cellulolytic activity for all cell-adhered cellulase enzyme types. Cell-adhered cellobiohydrolase activity was improved by up to 101%, β-glucosidase activity by up to 99%, and endoglucanase activity by up to 231%. Improved hydrolysis of crystalline cellulose of up to 186% and improved ethanol yields from this substrate of 40-50% in different strain backgrounds were also observed. In addition, improvement in resistance to fermentation stressors was noted in some strains. These strains represent a step towards more efficient organisms for use in 2G biofuel production. KEY POINTS: • Cell-surface-adhered cellulase activity was improved in strains engineered for CBP. • Levels of improvement of activity were strain and enzyme dependent. • Crystalline cellulose conversion to ethanol could be improved up to 50%.
A potent virucidal activity of functionalized TiO
The coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 has caused a pandemic with > 550 millions of cases and > 6 millions of deaths worldwide. Medical management of COVID-19 relies on supportive care as no specific targeted therapies are available yet. Given its devastating effects on the economy and mental health, it is imperative to develop novel antivirals. An ideal candidate will be an agent that blocks the early events of viral attachment and cell entry, thereby preventing viral infection and spread. This work reports functionalized titanium dioxide (TiO
Safety of [
The radiolabeled gastrin-releasing peptide receptor (GRPR)-targeting antagonist NeoB is a promising radioligand for imaging and therapy of GRPR-expressing malignancies. In the current study, we aimed to discover the target organs of toxicity and the radiotoxic effects to these organs, when repeated dosages of [
Endorectal ultrasound radiomics in locally advanced rectal cancer patients: despeckling and radiotherapy response prediction using machine learning.
The current study aimed to evaluate the association of endorectal ultrasound (EUS) radiomics features at different denoising filters based on machine learning algorithms and to predict radiotherapy response in locally advanced rectal cancer (LARC) patients.
Are extended reality technologies (ERTs) more effective than traditional anatomy education methods?
Reviews and meta-analyses concerning the effectiveness of extended reality technologies (ERTs) (namely virtual, augmented, and mixed reality-VR, AR, and MR) in anatomy education (AE) have resulted in conflicting es. The current review explores the existing evidence provided by reviews of AE literature regarding the effectiveness of ERTs after parison with traditional (either cadaveric or two-dimensional) anatomy teaching modalities and sheds light on the factors associated with the conflicting es.
Incidence of genitourinary complications following radiation therapy for localised prostate cancer.
Studies of genitourinary toxicity following radiotherapy for prostate cancer are mainly from high volume single institutions and the incidence and burden of treatment remain uncertain. Hence we determine the cumulative incidence of treatment-related genitourinary toxicity in patients with localised prostate cancer treated with primary external beam radiotherapy (EBRT) at a state population level.
Dairy consumption and incident risk of thyroid cancer in Japan: a pooled analysis of the Miyagi Cohort Study and the Ohsaki Cohort Study.
The impact of dairy consumption on thyroid cancer is unclear. The purpose of this study was to elucidate the association between dairy consumption and the risk of thyroid cancer in Japanese people.
Analysis and Validation of TMED3 correlates with poor prognosis and tumor immune infiltration of glioma.
Glioma is the mon primary intracranial tumor. It is notorious for its high degree of malignancy, strong invasion, and poor prognosis. The transmembrane emp24 trafficking protein 3 (TMED3) belongs to the TMED family, which is responsible for intracellular protein transport and innate immune signal transmission. More and more evidence shows that TMED3 plays a key role in the tumor progression of human cancer. However, the role and potential molecular mechanism of TMED3 in glioma have not been clarified.
Fibroblast activation protein in the tumor microenvironment predicts outcomes of PD-1 blockade therapy in advanced non-small cell lung cancer.
The identification of robust predictive biomarkers of the response to programmed cell death-1 (PD-1) blockade remains a critical concern. Here, we investigated on fibroblast activation protein (FAP) as a microenvironment-derived biomarker of clinical es of PD-1 blockade therapy, and the correlation between FAP expression and T cell infiltration in advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).
The crosstalk between lung cancer cells and platelets promotes tumor angiogenesis in vivo and in vitro.
We previously showed that the crosstalk of H1975 cells and platelets (PLTs) may promote tumor angiogenesis. This study aimed to determine whether other lung cell lines (LC) interacting with PLTs could affect tumor angiogenesis through in vivo and in vitro experiments.
A pilot study characterizing longitudinal changes in fecal microbiota of patients with Hirschsprung-associated enterocolitis.
Hirschsprung disease is a neurointestinal disease that occurs due to failure of enteric neural crest-derived cells plete their rostrocaudal migration along the gut mesenchyme, resulting in aganglionosis along variable lengths of the distal bowel. Despite the effective surgery that removes the aganglionic segment, children with Hirschsprung disease remain at high risk for developing a potentially life-threatening enterocolitis (Hirschsprung-associated enterocolitis). Although the etiology of this enterocolitis remains poorly understood, several recent studies in both mouse models and in human subjects suggest potential involvement of gastrointestinal microbiota in the underlying pathogenesis of Hirschsprung-associated enterocolitis.
Alkyl trimethyl ammonium bromide for the formulation of antibacterial orthodontic resins.
This study aimed at formulating antibacterial orthodontic resins containing alkyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (ATAB) and evaluating their physicochemical and biological properties.
The relationships between motor behavior and sensory gating in the ball rotation task.
During voluntary muscle contraction, sensory information induced by electrostimulation of the nerves supplying the contracting muscle is inhibited and the amplitude of the corresponding somatosensory evoked potential (SEP) decreases. This phenomenon is called "gating." The reduction of the SEP amplitude is reportedly significantly larger when task performance is high. However, the relationship between dexterous movement skills and gating remains unclear. In this study, we investigated through a ball rotation (BR) task how dexterous movement skills affect the SEP amplitudes. Thirty healthy subjects performed the BR prising the rotation of two wooden balls as quickly as possible. We estimated the median number of ball rotations for each participant and classified the participants into two (fast and slow) groups based on the results. Moreover, we recorded SEPs, while the subjects performed BR tasks or rested. SEP amplitude reduction (P45) was significantly larger in the fast than in the slow group. We also observed that the P45 amplitude during the BR task was attenuated even more so in the case of the participants with better dexterous movement skills. Our results suggest that the participants with better dexterous movement skills might display stronger somatosensory information suppression because of increasing the motor cortex activity and the afferent input during the BR task.
Expectation of volitional arm movement has prolonged effects on the grip force exerted on a pinched object.
Humans closely coordinate the grip force exerted on a hand-held object with changes in the load arising from the object's dynamics. Recent work suggests the grip force is responsive to the predictability of the load forces as well. The well-known grip-force-load-force coupling is intermittent when the load arising from volitional movements fluctuates predictably, whereas grip force increases when loads are unpredictable. Here, we studied the influence of expected but uncertain volitional movements on the digit forces during a static grasp. Young, healthy participants used a pinch grasp to hold an instrumented object and track visual targets by moving the object. We quantified the mean grip force, the temporal decline in grip force (slacking), and the coupling between the pressing digit forces that yield the grip force during static prehension with no expectation of movement, and during the static phase of a choice reaction time task, when the participant expected to move the object after a variable duration. Simply expecting to move the object led to sustained (for at least 5 s) higher magnitude and lower slacking in the grip force, and weaker coupling between the pressing digit forces. These effects were modulated by the direction of the expected movement and the object's mass. The changes helped to maintain the safety margin for the current grasp and likely facilitated the transition from static to dynamic object manipulation. Influence of expected actions on the current grasp may have implications for manual dexterity and its well-known loss with age.
ERP evidence of heightened attentional response to visual stimuli in migraine headache disorders.
New findings from migraine studies have indicated that mon headache disorder is associated with anomalies in attentional processing. In tandem with the previous explorations, this study will provide evidence to show that visual attention is impacted by migraine headache disorders. 43 individuals were initially recruited in the migraine group and 33 people with non-migraine headache disorders were in the control group. The event-related potentials (ERP) of the participants were calculated using data from a visual oddball paradigm task. By analyzing the N200 and P300 ponents, migraineurs, pared to controls, had an exaggerated oddball response showing increased amplitude in N200 and P300 difference scores for the oddball vs. standard, while the latencies of the ponents remained the same in the migraine and control groups. We then looked at two classifications of migraine with and without pared to non-migraine controls. One-Way ANOVA analysis of the two migraine groups and the non-migraine control group showed that the different level of N200 and P300 amplitude mean scores was greater between migraineurs without aura and the control group while ponents' latency remained the same relatively in the three groups. Our results give more neurophysiological support that people with migraine headaches have altered processing of visual attention.
A person-centred intervention remotely targeting family caregivers' support needs in the context of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation-a feasibility study.
Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) is an intensive curative treatment that increases family caregivers' burden. The aim of this study was to explore the feasibility of remotely assessing and addressing family caregivers' support needs in terms of demand and acceptability using the Carer Support Needs Assessment Tool Intervention (CSNAT-I) in the HSCT context.
Can the intra-operative measurement of the diameter of the femoral head help surgeons to choose the best size of the acetabular cup?
We hypothesized that the intra-operative measurement of the femoral head may increase the accuracy of the acetabular cup size optimal selection in total hip arthroplasty (THA). The purpose of this clinical research was to analyze the correlation between the estimated cup size from intra-operative measurement of the femoral head and the pre-operative templated cup size.
Identification of high-risk intracranial plaques with 3D high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging-based radiomics and machine learning.
Identifying high-risk intracranial plaques is significant for the treatment and prevention of stroke.
FABP1 expression in human tumors: a tissue microarray study on 17,071 tumors.
Fatty acid-binding proteins (FABPs) play a pivotal role in the metabolism of fatty acids and are expressed in a tissue-specific manner. FABP1 is most abundantly expressed in the liver where it accounts for about 10% of the total cytosolic protein and is thought to have diagnostic utility. prehensively determine FABP1 expression in normal and neoplastic tissues, a tissue microarray containing 17,071 samples from 150 different tumor types and subtypes as well as 608 samples of 76 different normal tissue types was analyzed by immunohistochemistry. Among normal tissues, a strong FABP1 immunostaining was observed in hepatocytes, proximal tubuli of the kidney and epithelium of small intestine, appendix, and the colorectum. FABP1 positivity was found in 24 of 150 tumor categories, including 17 tumor categories with at least 1 strongly positive case. The highest FABP1 positivity rates were seen in colorectal adenomas (86%), in colorectal adenocarcinomas (71.1%), and in hepatocellular carcinomas (65.3%), followed by mucinous carcinoma of the ovary (34.6%), cholangiocarcinoma (21.6%), and various adenocarcinomas from the digestive tract (10-23%). Eleven additional entities had positivity rates between 0.2 and 6.5%. FABP1 staining was not seen in 169 primary adenocarcinomas of the lung. In colorectal cancer, reduced FABP1 expression was linked to poor-grade, right-sided tumor location, microsatellite instability (p < 0.0001 each), and absence of BRAF V600E mutations (p = 0.001), but unrelated to pT and pN status. FABP1 expression has considerably high tumor specificity. As FABP1 expression was virtually absent in adenocarcinomas of the lung, FABP1 immunohistochemistry might be particularly helpful to assist in the identification of metastatic colorectal or gastrointestinal adenocarcinoma to the lung.
Predicting protection capacities of pyrimidine-based corrosion inhibitors for mild steel/HCl interface using linear and nonlinear QSPR models.
pounds have proven to be effective and efficient additives capable of protecting mild steel in acidic media. This class of pounds often functions as adsorption-type inhibitors of corrosion by forming a protective layer on the metallic substrate. The present study reports putational study of forty pounds that have been investigated as sustainable inhibitors of mild steel corrosion in molar HCl solution. Quantitative structure property relationship was conducted using linear (multiple linear regression) and nonlinear (artificial neural network) models. Standardization method was employed in variable selection yielding five top chemical descriptors utilized for model development along with the inhibitor concentration. Multiple linear regression model yielded a fair predictive model. Artificial neural network model developed using k-fold cross-validation method provided prehensive insight into the corrosion protection mechanism of studied pyrimidine-based corrosion inhibitors. Using a multilayer perceptron with Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm, the study obtained the optimal model having a MSE of 8.479, RMSE of 2.912, MAD of 1.791, and MAPE of 2.648. The optimal neural network model was further utilized to forecast the protection capacities of nine non-synthesized pyrimidine derivatives. The predicted inhibition efficiencies ranged from 89 to 98%, revealing the significance of the considered chemical descriptors, the predictive capacity of the developed model, and the potency of the theoretical inhibitors.
Modified procedure for reconstructing the inferior wall of the orbit: identification of a reliable new landmark.
In orbital floor reconstruction, fractures involving the slope of the posterior end of the orbital floor make it difficult to determine the best location for implant placement. Therefore, landmarks for reconstruction are desirable to perform safe and reproducible reconstruction surgery.
Repair of auricular defects following Mohs micrographic surgery or excision: a systematic review of the literature.
Repair of auricular defects following tumor removal can be challenging. Many techniques have been described, but the literature lacks prehensive review of these methods. To perform a systematic review pile and describe methods of reconstruction for post-surgical defects on the ears, eight databases were searched using terms related to ear anatomy, Mohs and excisions, and repair methods. Articles were eligible for inclusion if they contained repair data for ear defects following Mohs or excision for at least 4 subjects and were published in English between 2004 and 2019. Two reviewers screened all abstracts, and then evaluated the remaining full text articles to determine eligibility. The authors' specialties, study design, subject information, tumor and defect characteristics, procedure, repair methods, es, plications were then extracted. Most articles were written by dermatologic surgeons (66.7%). Repair methods included wedge excisions (19 cases), second intention healing (376), linear closures (294), purse strings (4), locoregional flaps (221), and grafts (2003). Most studies were small observational case series or cohort studies that lacked clear e measures. The available evidence on this topic is low quality. Further research utilizing improved study designs and standardized e measures is needed.
Diffusion-weighted and gadolinium-enhanced dynamic MRI in parotid gland tumors.
To evaluate the value of diffusion-weighted imaging and dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI for the diagnosis of parotid gland tumors.
Relationship between non-invasively detected liver fibrosis and in-hospital outcomes in patients with acute coronary syndrome undergoing PCI.
Patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) still experience a high rate of plications. Liver fibrosis (LF) is a risk factor for mortality in the general population. We investigated whether the presence of LF detected by the validated fibrosis 4 (FIB-4) score may indicate ACS patients at higher risk of poor e.
Comparison among several vibronic coupling methods.
parison of four approaches to account the vibronic coupling in photoabsorption is performed. The methods considered are nuclear ensemble (NE), direct vibronic coupling (DVC), adiabatic Hessian (AH), and vertical gradient (VG). The case study is the symmetry-forbidden [Formula: see text] [Formula: see text]A[Formula: see text] [Formula: see text] [Formula: see text] [Formula: see text]A[Formula: see text] (n [Formula: see text] [Formula: see text]) transition in formaldehyde. Being forbidden in the equilibrium geometry, this transition is entirely induced by vibronic coupling and constitutes an appropriate case to study the performance of different methods. From DVC, it is found that mode 1 (C=O out-of-plane bending) is the most inducing, followed by mode 6 (in-plane C-H asymmetric stretching) and finally by mode 2 (in-plane C-H asymmetric bending). We were able to correlate 17 out of 20 structures obtained from NE with these modes, showing that these two methods, although different in principle, parable results. The simulated spectra were obtained for all methods pared, and each one has its own advantage. In what concerns the transition studied, NE gives the best description of the spectrum, DVC is the only one that easily gives an absolute value for OOS, and AH and VG are putationally less expensive methods. From the latter two, VG is the less demanding putational grounds, since it does not require the excited state Hessian.
Testing individual variations of horses' tactile reactivity: when, where, how?
Tactile perception is involved in a variety of contexts (adaptations to climatic conditions, protection of the body against external dangers…) and is as important as the other sensory modalities for the survival of an individual. This tactile modality has been particularly well studied in humans, revealing high individual variations modulated by a variety of intrinsic and extrinsic factors such as age, sex, pathological disorders, or temperament. Tactility is also involved in animals' social lives, although there are disparities between species. For example, social tactile contact among horses is limited, but this does not mean that they do not react to tactile stimuli but rather with their very thin skin they are able to detect minute stimuli (although they respond more to larger stimuli). Despite a fairly large effort to characterize it, there are controversies concerning equine tactile sensitivity. In this review, we examine studies that have used the same tool (von Frey filaments) and try to disentangle what could explain the differences observed. It appears that many aspects are poorly known or controversial and that the procedures may be so different that the results of different studies cannot pared. We went further by testing tactile reactivity of a population of unridden horses and found that four factors influenced their tactile reactivity (type of horse, filament size, body area, time of day). These results could explain some of the discrepancies observed in the literature and suggest, in particular, that more attention should be paid to the context of the test.
Activation of non-classical NMDA receptors by glycine impairs barrier function of brain endothelial cells.
Blood-brain barrier (BBB) integrity is necessary to maintain homeostasis of the central nervous system (CNS). NMDA receptor (NMDAR) function and expression have been implicated in BBB integrity. However, as evidenced in neuroinflammatory conditions, BBB disruption contributes to immune cell infiltration and propagation of inflammatory pathways. Currently, our understanding of the pathophysiological role of NMDAR signaling on endothelial cells remains plete. Thus, we investigated NMDAR function on primary mouse brain microvascular endothelial cells (MBMECs). We detected glycine-responsive NMDAR posed of functional GluN1, GluN2A and GluN3A subunits. Importantly, application of glycine alone, but not glutamate, was sufficient to induce NMDAR-mediated currents and an increase in intracellular Ca
Systems spatiotemporal dynamics of traumatic brain injury at single-cell resolution reveals humanin as a therapeutic target.
The etiology of mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) remains elusive due to the tissue and cellular heterogeneity of the affected brain regions that underlie cognitive impairments and subsequent neurological disorders. plexity is further exacerbated by disrupted circuits within and between cell populations across brain regions and the periphery, which occur at different timescales and in spatial domains.
Expression profile of the proapoptotic protein Bax in the human brain.
Bax is a well-known universal proapoptotic protein. Bax protein is detected in almost all human organs, and its expression levels can be correlated with disease progression and therapeutic efficacy in certain settings. Interestingly, increasing evidence has shown that mature neuronal cell death is often not typical apoptosis. Most results on the expression of Bax proteins (predominantly Baxα) in the human e from disease-oriented studies, and the data on Bax protein expression in the normal brain are limited and lack consistency due to many variable factors. Here, we analyzed Bax RNA and protein expression data from multiple databases and performed immunostaining of over 80 samples from 25 healthy subjects across 7 different brain regions. We found that Bax protein expression was heterogeneous across brain regions and individual subjects. Both neurons and glial cells, such as astrocytes, could be Bax positive, but Bax positivity appeared to be highly selective, even within the same cell type in the same region. Furthermore, Bax proteins could be localized in the cytosol (evenly spread or concentrated to one region), nucleus or nucleolus depending on the cell type. Such variation and distribution in Bax expression suggest that Bax may function differently in the human brain than in other organs.
Genetic profile for dopamine signaling predicts brain functional reactivity to repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation.
Research integrating molecular and imaging data provides important insights into how the genetic profile associated with dopamine signaling influences inter-individual differences in brain functions. However, the effects of genetic variations in dopamine signaling on the heterogeneity of brain changes induced by repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) still remain unclear. The current study examined posite effects of genetic variations in dopamine-related genes on rTMS-induced brain responses in terms of the functional network connectivity and working memory performance. Healthy individuals (n = 30) participated in a randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled study with a crossover design of five consecutive days where active rTMS or sham stimulation sessions were administered over the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) of the brain. Participants were mostly women (n = 29) and genotyped for polymorphisms in the catechol-O-methyltransferase and D2 dopamine receptor genes and categorized according to their posite scores: high vs. low dopamine signaling groups. Pre- and post-intervention data of resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging and working memory performance were obtained from 27 individuals with active rTMS and 30 with sham stimulation sessions. The mean functional connectivity within the resting-state networks centered on the DLPFC increased in the high dopamine signaling group. Working memory performance also improved with rTMS in the high dopamine signaling pared to that in the low dopamine signaling group. The present results suggest that genetic predisposition to higher dopamine signaling may be a promising neurobiological predictor for rTMS effects on cognitive enhancement.Trial registration: (NCT02932085).
Benign prostatic hyperplasia is associated with increased 90-day medical complications but not peri-prosthetic joint infections following reverse shoulder arthroplasty.
Studies have shown male sex to be a predisposing factor for peri-prosthetic joint infections (PJIs). Symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) has been suggested as an additional risk for PJI. This study aimed to assess the impact of BPH on (1) lengths of stay (LOS), plications (medical and implant-related), (3) readmission rates, and (4) healthcare expenditures after reverse shoulder arthroplasty (RSA).
Optimum trajectory learning in musculoskeletal systems with model predictive control and deep reinforcement learning.
From putational point of view, musculoskeletal control is the problem of controlling high degrees of freedom and dynamic multi-body system that is driven by redundant muscle units. A critical challenge in the control perspective of skeletal joints with antagonistic muscle pairs is finding methods robust to address this ill-posed nonlinear problem. To address putational problem, we implemented a twofold optimization and learning framework to be specialized in addressing the redundancies in the muscle control . In the first part, we used model predictive control to obtain energy efficient skeletal trajectories to mimick human movements. The second part is to use deep reinforcement learning to obtain a sequence of stimulus to be given to muscles in order to obtain the skeletal trajectories with muscle control. We observed that the desired stimulus to muscles is only efficiently constructed by integrating the state and control input in a closed-loop setting as it resembles the proprioceptive integration in the spinal cord circuits. In this work, we showed how a variety of different reference trajectories can be obtained with optimal control and how these reference trajectories are mapped to the musculoskeletal control with deep reinforcement learning. Starting from the characteristics of human arm movement to obstacle avoidance experiment, our simulation results confirm the capabilities of our optimization and learning framework for a variety of dynamic movement trajectories. In summary, the proposed framework is offering a pipeline plement the lack of experiments to record human motion-capture data as well as study the activation range of muscles to replicate the specific trajectory of interest. Using the trajectories from optimal control as a reference signal for reinforcement learning implementation has allowed us to acquire optimum and human-like behaviour of the musculoskeletal system which provides a framework to study human movement in-silico experiments. The present framework can also allow studying upper-arm rehabilitation with assistive robots given that one can use healthy subject movement recordings as reference to work on the control architecture of assistive robotics in order pensate behavioural deficiencies. Hence, the framework opens to possibility of replicating plementing labour-intensive, time-consuming and costly experiments with human subjects in the field of movement studies and digital twin of rehabilitation.
Population genetic structure of Neoschongastia gallinarum in South China based on mitochondrial DNA markers.
The genetic diversity and differentiation of four geographic populations of Neoschongastia gallinarum were evaluated using concatenated mitochondrial gene sequences (pCOI, pCOII, and pND5). Based on the results, the N. gallinarum populations had high genetic diversity and strong ecological adaptability. Genetic differentiation among paired populations calculated using concatenated mitochondrial gene sequences revealed that geographic isolation resulted in genetic differentiation among the populations of N. gallinarum, and gene flow between populations associated with human trade activities. Systematic development and molecular variance based on haplotypes revealed that genetic variation existed in different haplotypes; however, no clear rule related to geographic region was found. Further, genetic variation was mainly derived from individuals within the population. A neutral test based on concatenated mitochondrial gene sequences and nucleotide pair differences revealed that N. gallinarum did not experience an obvious population expansion in recent historical periods. Accordingly, the population size was relatively stable.
Dosages of Swallowing Exercises Prescribed in Stroke Rehabilitation: A Medical Record Audit.
This study investigated how swallowing exercise dosage is recorded, and what swallowing exercise dosages are reported in a stroke rehabilitation setting. We additionally explored the relation between mean daily swallowing repetitions and likelihood of improvement in functional swallowing status and considered how swallowing exercise dosages in pared to evidence-based principles of neural plasticity and strength training. We audited medical records for 42 patients with post-stroke dysphagia admitted to an inpatient rehabilitation unit over 18 months. Data were collected on participant characteristics, swallowing exercises and dosages, and clinical es. The relation between dosage and es was investigated using logistic regression analysis. On average, patients were seen for a median of 2.4 swallowing intervention sessions per week (IQR: 1.7) over 21 days (IQR: 16) and received a median 44.5 swallowing exercise repetitions per session (IQR: 39.6). Results indicated variable reporting of swallowing exercise dosages. Frequency, intervention duration, exercise type, and number of repetitions were routinely recorded in medical records, while intensity, session length, content, and adherence to home exercise programs were not. Frequency of swallowing intervention was lower in pared to research studies, and swallowing exercises did not follow specificity or progressive resistance principles. Likelihood of improvement in swallowing status was partially explained by age (B = -.015, p = .007) but not by mean daily swallowing exercise repetitions. This study illustrates dosages of swallowing exercises used in clinical practice. Results highlight the need for improved consideration and reporting of dosage, and application of evidence-based principles to swallowing exercise dosages.
Does bioabsorbable mesh reduce hiatal hernia recurrence rates? A meta-analysis.
The use of bioabsorbable mesh at the hiatus is controversial. Long-term data are scant. We evaluated the world literature and performed a meta-analysis to determine if these meshes were effective in reducing recurrence.
Redefining the role of routine postoperative bloodwork following uncomplicated bariatric surgery.
A quality improvement opportunity was identified to de-adopt the low-value care practice of routinely performing bloodwork for all patients undergoing elective bariatric surgery. While these patients are typically discharged on postoperative day 1 (POD1) after bloodwork is performed, it is mon for the discharge plan to change due to unexpected laboratory abnormalities alone.
Effect of nanosecond- and microsecond-pulse Er,Cr:YSGG laser ablation on dentin shear bond strength of universal adhesives.
The study aimed to evaluate the bond strength of universal adhesives to dentin after Er,Cr:YSGG laser irradiation with nanosecond-domain and microsecond-domain pulses.
Efficacy of Er:YAG laser for the peri-implantitis treatment and microbiological changes: a randomized controlled trial.
The aims of this study were to identify the microbiological changes in the periodontal pockets following an Er:YAG laser (ERL) irradiation and mechanical debridement pare the effectiveness of ERL irradiation to mechanical debridement for peri-implantitis treatment through randomized controlled trials. Twenty-three patients with peri-implantitis lesions were treated in either a test group, ERL set at energy level of 100 mJ/pulse, frequency of 10 Hz, pulse duration was 100 µs, and irradiated by three passages, or a control group, with mechanical debridement using an ultrasonic scaler. An examiner measured the following clinical parameters at different stages (a baseline and at 3- and 6-month post-treatment): probing depth (PD), bleeding on probing (BOP), marginal bone loss (MBL), and anaerobic bacteria counts. Linear regression, with generalized estimation equations, was used pare the clinical parameters and anaerobic bacterial counts at different stages and between groups. The anaerobic bacterial counts significantly decreased within the control group during the follow-ups. At the 6-month follow-up, both groups showed a significant reduction in PD (test group: mean difference of 0.84 mm; control group: mean difference of 0.41 mm), and the test group showed a significantly higher PD reduction on the buccal site pared to that of the control group (0.25 mm). Both ERL and mechanical debridement treatments led to significant improvements in PD. When mechanical debridement therapy was used, significant anaerobic bacterial count reductions were observed. Future treatment of peri-implantitis should involve bination of both of these therapies.
Turing Instabilities and Rotating Spiral Waves in Glycolytic Processes.
We study single-frequency oscillations and pattern formation in the glycolytic process modeled by a reduction in the well-known Sel'kov's equations (Sel'kov in Eur J Biochem 4:79, 1968), which describe, in the whole cell, the phosphofructokinase enzyme reaction. By using averaging theory, we establish the existence conditions for limit cycles and their limiting average radius in the kinetic reaction equations. We analytically establish conditions on the model parameters for the appearance of unstable nonlinear modes seeding the formation of two-dimensional patterns in the form of classical spots and stripes. We also establish the existence of a Hopf bifurcation, which characterizes the reaction dynamics, producing glycolytic rotating spiral waves. We numerically establish parameter regions for the existence of these spiral waves and address their linear stability. We show that as the model tends toward a suppression of the relative source rate, the spiral wave solution loses stability. All our findings are validated by full numerical simulations of the model equations. Finally, we discuss in vitro evidence of spatiotemporal activity patterns found in glycolytic experiments, and propose plausible biological implications of our model results.
Covalent and Non-covalent Functionalized Nanomaterials for Environmental Restoration.
Nanotechnology has emerged as an extraordinary and rapidly developing discipline of science. It has remolded the fate of the whole world by providing diverse horizons in different fields. Nanomaterials are appealing because of their incredibly small size and large surface area. Apart from the naturally occurring nanomaterials, synthetic nanomaterials are being prepared on large scales with different sizes and properties. Such nanomaterials are being utilized as an innovative and green approach in multiple fields. To expand the applications and enhance the properties of the nanomaterials, their functionalization and engineering are being performed on a massive scale. The functionalization helps to add to the existing useful properties of the nanomaterials, hence broadening the scope of their utilization. A large class of covalent and non-covalent functionalized nanomaterials (FNMs) including carbons, metal oxides, quantum dots, posites of these materials with other organic or inorganic materials are being synthesized and used for environmental remediation applications including wastewater treatment. This review summarizes recent advances in the synthesis, reporting techniques, and applications of FNMs in adsorptive and photocatalytic removal of pollutants from wastewater. Future prospects are also examined, along with suggestions for attaining massive benefits in the areas of FNMs.
In situ and Operando Spectroscopies in Photocatalysis: Powerful Techniques for a Better Understanding of the Performance and the Reaction Mechanism.
In photocatalysis, a set of elemental steps are involved together at different timescales to govern the overall efficiency of the process. These steps are divided as follow: (1) photon absorption and excitation (in femtoseconds), (2) charge separation (femto- to picoseconds), (3) charge carrier diffusion/transport (nano- to microseconds), and (4 and 5) reactant activation/conversion and mass transfer (micro- to milliseconds). The identification and quantification of these steps, using the appropriate tool/technique, can provide the guidelines to emphasize the most influential key parameter that improve the overall efficiency and to develop the "photocatalyst by design" concept. In this review, the identification/quantification of reactant activation/conversion and mass transfer (steps 4 and 5) is discussed in details using the in situ/operando techniques, especially the infrared (IR), Raman, and X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). The use of these techniques in photocatalysis was highlighted by the most recent and conclusive case studies which allow a better characterization of the active site and reveal the reaction pathways in order to establish a structure-performance relationship. In each case study, the reaction conditions and the reactor design for photocatalysis (pressure, temperature, concentration, etc.) were thoroughly discussed. In the last part, some examples in the use of time-resolved techniques (time-resolved FTIR, photoluminescence, and transient absorption) are also presented as an author's guideline to study the elemental steps in photocatalysis at shorter timescale (ps, ns, and µs).
Reconstructing the concept of empathy: an analysis of Japanese doctors' narratives of their experiences with illness.
The ability of doctors to empathise with patients is a crucial concern in establishing humanistic medicine. Therefore, the cultivation of this ability has been discussed extensively in medical education. One theory suggests that the experience of patienthood can increase empathy among doctors. This theory is supported by previous research that published doctors' illness narratives. However, the concept of empathy has been ambiguously defined in academic fields, including medicine; therefore, analysing how doctors experience 'empathy' in their interactions with patients is difficult. Our research question is how doctors who became patients describe the relationship between their illness experiences and the interactions with patients after their illness. To this end, this paper initially tracks the debates on 'empathy' in medicine and other disciplines, to develop a lens for analysing doctors' illness narratives. Next, we conduct a narrative analysis of illness stories from 18 Japanese medical doctors who became patients. Our analysis supports the traditional idea that an illness can enable a doctor to e more empathetic. However, this is overly simplistic; how doctors experience and subsequently process their illness is plex. Moreover, this notion can disregard doctors' suffering in these circumstances, and fail to represent the often-lengthy process of mastering 'empathy' based on their experiences. Therefore, our analysis deconstructed the concept of 'empathy', showing that it can appear in various ways. Further research is required to elucidate how empathy is cultivated during the process of transformation of doctors' illnesses, focusing on munities and practices.
Increased exogenous but unaltered endogenous carbohydrate oxidation with combined fructose-maltodextrin ingested at 120 g h
This study aimed to investigate whether carbohydrate ingestion during 3 h long endurance exercise in highly trained cyclists at a rate of 120 g h
Relationship between perceived and neuromuscular fatigue in COPD patients with chronic respiratory failure with long-term oxygen therapy: a cross-sectional study.
To evaluate perceived fatigue (PF) and neuromuscular fatigue (NMF) in patients with COPD and chronic respiratory failure (CRF) on long-term oxygen therapy (CRF-COPD group), and the relationships between PF, NMF, patient's paring severe patients with COPD to patients without CRF (COPD group).
Early predictive factors for progression to kidney failure in infants with severe congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract.
Severe congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract (CAKUT) progress to infantile kidney failure with replacement therapy (KFRT). Although prompt and precise prediction of kidney es is important, early predictive factors for its progression remain pletely defined.
Mortality after discharge from hospital following an episode of diabetic ketoacidosis.
The rate of inpatient mortality associated with diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) has steadily decreased in recent decades. However, there remains a significantly increased outpatient death rate following an episode of survived DKA. We undertook this study to investigate the observed increase in mortality following an episode of DKA.
Not only for caregivers: intranasal glucagon for severe hypoglycaemia in a simulation study.
To evaluate: (i) the propensity of paediatrics and emergency medicine residents to select different therapeutic options and (ii) the speed and administration success in a high-fidelity simulation of severe hypoglycaemia in a child with type 1 diabetes (T1DM).
Breast-Specific Sensuality in Breast Cancer Survivors: Sexually Active or Not.
We sought to better understand breast-specific sensuality (BSS) in sexually inactive breast cancer survivors.
The Influence of Body Mass Index on the Histopathology and Outcomes of Patients Diagnosed with Atypical Breast Lesions.
Multiple studies have demonstrated a link between obesity and breast cancer; however, the potential association between obesity and atypical high-risk breast lesions has not been well characterized. We sought to evaluate the characteristics and clinical es of patients with breast atypia based on a woman's body mass index (BMI).
Omission of Intraoperative Frozen Section May Reduce Axillary Overtreatment Among Clinically Node-Negative Patients Having Upfront Mastectomy.
The growing use of postmastectomy radiation/regional nodal irradiation (PMRT) has resulted in many women receiving both axillary dissection (ALND) and PMRT, increasing lymphedema rates. After developing standardized PMRT criteria, we adopted a policy of ALND omission among cN0 patients with 1-2 positive sentinel nodes (+SLNs) requiring PMRT. We evaluated how often overtreatment with ALND+PMRT was avoided with this approach.
Alterations of posterior pharyngeal wall movement during swallowing in postoperative tongue cancer patients: assessment with a videofluoroscopic swallowing study.
This study aimed to determine the association between the progressive contraction of the posterior pharyngeal wall and dysphagia in postoperative patients with tongue cancer. A videofluoroscopic swallowing study (VFSS) was performed in 34 patients after tongue cancer surgery. Images were analyzed using a two-dimensional video measurement software. Cases in which the processes on the posterior pharyngeal wall moved downward from the 2nd to 4th vertebral regions were defined as "normal type", other cases were defined as "abnormal type". Twenty-four patients showed normal movement of the posterior pharyngeal wall, whereas 10 patients showed the abnormal type. The results showed that there was a significant difference in dysphagia scores between the postoperative swallowing type and swallowing dysfunction score. This implies that dysphagia is related to the movement of the posterior pharyngeal wall after tongue cancer surgery. Furthermore, the extent of resection and stage were significantly different between the normal and abnormal groups in the posterior pharyngeal wall movement. There was also a significant difference between the two groups in terms of the following: whether the tongue base was included in the excision range (p < 0.01), whether neck dissection was performed (p < 0.01), or whether reconstruction was not performed (p < 0.01). VFSS results showed that posterior pharyngeal wall movement was altered after surgery in patients with tongue cancer who had severe dysphagia.
TTN as a candidate gene for distal arthrogryposis type 10 pathogenesis.
Arthrogryposis is a medical term used to describe congenital contractures which often affect multiple limbs. Distal arthrogryposis (DA) is one of the major categories of arthrogryposis that primarily affects the distal parts of the body, i.e., the hands and the legs. Although ten different types and several subtypes of DAs have been described, the genes associated with each of these DAs are yet to be characterized. Distal arthrogryposis type 10 (DA10) is a rare genetic disease, which is distinguished from the other arthrogryposis types by plantar flexion contractures resulting in toe-walking during infancy as well as variability in contractures of the hip, hamstring, elbow, wrist and finger joints with no ocular or neurological abnormalities. Symptoms of DA10 indicate impairment specifically in the musculoskeletal system. DA10 is still poorly studied.
Expression and characterization of heparinase II with MBP tag from a novel strain, Raoultella NX-TZ-3-15.
The enzymes are biological macromolecules that biocatalyze certain biochemical reactions without undergoing any modification or degradation at the end of the reaction. In this work, we constructed a binant novel Raoultella sp. NX-TZ-3-15 strain that produces heparinase with a maltose binding tag to enhance its production and activity. Additionally, MBP-heparinase was purified and its enzymatic capabilities are investigated to determine its industrial application. Moreover, the binant plasmid encoding the MBP-heparinase fusion protein was effectively generated and purified to a high purity. According to SDS-PAGE analysis, the MBP-heparinase has a molecular weight of around 70 kDa and the majority of it being soluble with a maximum activity of 5386 U/L. It has also been noted that the three ions of Ca2 + , Co2 + , and Mg2 + can have an effect on heparinase activities, with Mg2 + being the most noticeable, increasing by about 85%, while Cu2 + , Fe2 + , Zn2 + having an inhibitory effect on heparinase activities. Further investigations on the mechanistic action, structural features, and genomes of Raoultella sp. NX-TZ-3-15 heparinase synthesis are required for industrial-scale manufacturing.
Hemothorax due to a ruptured esophageal gastrointestinal stromal tumor: case report.
Esophageal gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) are rare tumors of the gastrointestinal interstitium, prise less than 0.7% of all GISTs. The presentation of esophageal GIST is relatively monly characterized by symptoms of dysphagia and gastrointestinal bleed. On the contrary, it is highly unusual for these tumors to present as surgical emergencies.