translation |
"chr": "áĽá á ááž á
áŠážáá´ áá¨áĽáŞááą ááŻá á ááᯠá˘á°á¨áááą áąáŚáá;",
"en": "For I say not this that others may be eased and ye distressed;"
} |
"chr": "áŁáá ááŞáśáá´ áááŻ-ááአá
áŠá§á áŻááŠááŞáŻ á§ááá´á á˘á´á á˘áŞáŻá, ááť á áá´á°áአá¤áŽ á˘áŻáá.",
"en": "and after these things he gave them judges until Samuel the prophet."
} |
"chr": "á˘áłá°á áłážá
á ážáż á§áááŞá¨á˘ áłážáá
áá´á áĽá¤ážá¨áááą;",
"en": "And if indeed they had been mindful of that country from which they went out, they would have had opportunity to return."
} |
"chr": "áŚáá
áááŹá°á áĽá á¤áá á¤á
áĄáጠáąáŚáĽá˛á áጠáááŹáŤáłá á¨áĽá
áá á¨áá˘.",
"en": "For I reckon that I am not a whit behind the very chiefest apostles."
} |
"chr": "áĽáá áá´á¸áŠ á¤ááž-ááŚáłáŤá˘áááą á¤ááłá
ᯠá¤á¤áľáŚ, á á´ áááŞáŤáአááŚá á áážáአá á´ á¤ááŠáአážáż ááŚáłáŤá˘áááą, á á´ ááˇááá
áአááááŠá¸ á áḠááááá´ááŠ, á á´ áŤá´ ááááŞáᯠááážáአá¤ážá
"en": "And Jesus entered into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the money-changers, and the seats of them that sold the doves;"
} |
"chr": "âá ááŞááአáŤááá¸áá,â á¤áŹáá´ á˛áž á¤á¤áá áŞáąáá˘.",
"en": "âCall up the Zuckermans,â suggested Mrs. Arable to Fern."
} |
"chr": "á§áłáŞá ááŠážáž?",
"en": "How could that be right?"
} |
"chr": "áŚáľááĄáá
á ážá˛áአá§ááˇáŤáááá áá´ áá¨áĽá
"en": "I talked with seat-fillers in various departments and agencies."
} |
"chr": "áŻá á áááŞáá´á˘, áŚáá á˘ááááľ á˘áááŻááááą?",
"en": "And he said unto them, What would ye that I should do for you?"
} |
"chr": "áá¤áááá
á°á á˘áŚ ážáŻáł áĄáśáŻ ááłáŞá á§ááááááą, áŹááᏠá ááŚáŻ ážáአá¤áŞá§á
áŻ, ááááááž áááŠáḠážáἠá´áŤ ážáአáá¤á´áá
"en": "inasmuch as he hath appointed a day in which he will judge the world in righteousness by the man whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead."
} |
"chr": "áá§á á§áŹ ááŤáᣠáŁáá ááŠáá´ áĄáśá á¤áá áŤáľáť. áĄá á§ááᢠá á áŞááá
á§ááጠá§áľ áŚáśá, áŚáśáŻáá á áŚá¸á á¤á´áŻáá áá´ á¤á
áŞá˘áá áĄáľááŹá˘.",
"en": "Mr. Arable fixed a small yard specially for Wilbur under an apple tree, and gave him a large wooden box full of straw, with a doorway cut in it so he could walk in and out as he pleased."
} |
"chr": "áŚáŞ á§ááŞáááŻ? áŚáśááááŞ, ážáአá§ááąáá˘, áĽáĽ, á á´ ážáá ážáአáĽáá´áŻá
, ážáአážáá á¤ááłá
ᯠá áŚáááᢠá§áŹáł, ážáአážáá áĽáŚáľááá°ááá?",
"en": "who is he that condemneth? It is Christ Jesus that died, yea rather, that was raised from the dead, who is at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us."
} |
"chr": "áŠáł - á
አá˘áŻá á áááŚáŻ ááá
ᣠáááá¨áž ááľááááž, á áááŚá
ááááá˛áŻá˛ ááŞáá´áŁ áĽáᏠá ááŹááá.",
"en": "Thenâonly after the four men began falling, knee joints gone limpâthe reports of gunfire arrived across the river where I stood watching."
} |
"chr": "áŞá°áá á ááá´á˛áĄá˛, áĽááŚá˘á˛ ááłáŠá á ááľáá áááḠá¨áľááŹ.",
"en": "He needed something from me, and I was afraid it might have been absolution."
} |
"chr": "áá´ ááŹážá áŁáá á áááŚáśá áá´ áŁáá áŚááŻáľááá.",
"en": "And everywhere good hiding and good hunting."
} |
"chr": "ážáŻáł á˘áŚ á¨ááá á¤ááŁááá áŻá á
ááŹáŠáŞááľ; áŁáŹáŤáłáŻ, áŁáŹáŤáłáŻ, áá᪠ááŁáἠá˛á¨ááᨠá˛áŁáá´á°áá¨á˘? á á´ áá᪠ááŁáἠá˛á¨ááᨠá áááŠáž áąááĽááŞáŤáá¨á˘? á á´ áá᪠ááŁáἠá˛á¨ááᨠá¤áŁá á¤ááááŞá áąááŠá¸áŤááááŽá˘?",
"en": "Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy by thy name, and by thy name cast out demons, and by thy name do many mighty works?"
} |
"chr": "áĽáááž á˘áłáá á áľáá¸áŽáᨠáŁáľ.",
"en": "Charley moved jittery as a crawfish."
} |
"chr": "á á´ áŻá ážáአááĽáŞá, ážáአá§ááŽá áá áŻáá áŚáśáá á¤áŹáŠáľ ážáአá¤ááłá
ᯠáŚáłáł áŹáŠáááąáᯠáĽá¨áá˘, áá§áżáŠááá á
áŠá§á áŚá ááŞáŻ áŤáááá´á˛ áŁá áŚážááŞáŤáᯠáĽáŠ, áĽá áŹáŠá˛ááá áąáŠ, ážáአá°áľ á áá á˘áłáŠáááą á áá˘ááá˘.",
"en": "Now this I say: A covenant confirmed beforehand by God, the law, which came four hundred and thirty years after, doth not disannul, so as to make the promise of none effect."
} |
"chr": "á˘áł á á´ áŚáľáአááŁááŚá
á¤áŽáá áጠá¨á, á á´ áŚáľáአááŁáˇá¤áŽáá áጠá¨á, áŻá ááŁáŞááŽáá, á¤á˛ á áŠá°á¸á, á á áŻáŻááľá¨ááá.",
"en": "And if he sin against thee seven times in the day, and seven times turn again to thee, saying, I repent; thou shalt forgive him."
} |
"chr": "áááľáá á¨á áá§áżáŠááᯠáĄá áĄáá á¤áŞá´ áłáá á¤áŞáá
á´áŠ áŤáŤ á á°á˛ á áááá˘; á ášá ážáż áĄáŹ á¤áśáá
áŠ, ážáአá¤ááŹáŤáłáŻ áá§á¸áŹ á˘áᢠá áᯠá¤áá
á¨áŚáá˘áááááą á á°á¸ááŠ.",
"en": "And the sixth poured out his bowl upon the great river, the river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way might be made ready for the kings that come from the sunrising."
} |
"chr": "á á´ áĄáž á§áŹá¸á˘ á˘áŹáą áŤáŹáŠáá
áŠ, ážááŠá°á á§áąá á¤áżáĽá´áŠ, á á´ ážáአááŹáŤáłá á áĽá¸-á¨áśáŻ á¨áአážáŻáł á¤ááá´áááá˘.",
"en": "and led him to Annas first; for he was father in law to Caiaphas, who was high priest that year."
} |
"chr": "ááŚá áááá
, áŚáŠáá¸áááአá˘áŚáŚá áŁáŠáá°á¨, ážáአá¨áᢠááááŚá¸ ážáĽáᨠáŠáŚá¨ á¤ááˇáŠáአá
"en": "All the way through, line by line, we laughed like idiots, especially at the conclusion about lips of garnet."
} |
"chr": "á á˛áąáŻáá á¨á ážáአá¤áľááá¸á á¤ááŚáŠ á áĽááá á¨áá˘.",
"en": "The last enemy that shall be abolished is death."
} |
"chr": "ááŞá˛á á¤ááŁá á´áŤ, ááŞááľá¨áŠ, á¤ááŚáľáááááŹáŠ áŠážá áááśáŹá˘, á á´ á¤ážááŚá´á˛á¨áŻ á¨áá˘, ážááŠáŻ á ፠á¤ááááž áá˛áž áĽá¨á á¤ááŚááŻ.",
"en": "But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion for them, because they were distressed and scattered, as sheep not having a shepherd."
} |
"chr": "ááᯠáŚáŹááአáá§áŞá: áŻáŁááŚáá!",
"en": "An enormous voice over the loudspeaker said: âAttention, please!"
} |
"chr": "ááŚááłááŠá ááá¸áŤáááᲠá´áŤá áŹáŠááŞáŠáááą á¤áá°á¸áá˘. ááŻááž ááá
áá° á§ážáŹáááá, á á´ áááŻááĽááá᪠ááŚááˇáŻá á§ážááŹ;",
"en": "But all their works they do to be seen of men: for they make broad their phylacteries, and enlarge the borders of their garments,"
} |
"chr": "ážáአáĽá á¤áˇá¤á¸áŠ áááą áŻá ááŞáá¸áŠ; áááá˛á˛ááŠ, áŁáĽáŚáá ááá˛á˛áአá¨á á¤ááłá
áá á¨áá˘: áĽáá°á áŠáś ážáአáŻá á¤ááááŞá áĽááŁá¸áŤáááá áąááŹáŠá¸áŤááá, á¤ááłá
"en": "the same came unto him by night, and said to him, Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God; for no one can do these signs that thou doest, except God be with him."
} |
"chr": "á á´ áŠáś áŚáŹááᏠá áĄ-ááá¨áá á´áŤ á¤áŞáĽ, áŚá°áĽá-áľááá á¨ááá; áŠáśááŠá áŚá¸áááł á áá
á á áá˘á˘áááá¨áá áĽá áŚá°áĽááľáá áąá¨ááá.",
"en": "And every one who shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but unto him that blasphemeth against the Holy Spirit it shall not be forgiven."
} |
"chr": "á ááá¸á á˘áĽá´á á˘áĽá˛áľáŽáá.",
"en": "And as ye enter into the house, salute it."
} |
"chr": "ááááĽáá° áŞáąáá áŁáŻááá áŻááŠá ááŞáᯠá ááľááŞ.",
"en": "They just keep trotting back and forth across the bridge thinking there is something better on the other side."
} |
"chr": "á áá áĽá ááá¤á¸áŠ [áŻá áááŞáá¸áŠ,] áĄáá áŞáŻ á˘áŻáá áá¸áŤáááá°á˘, á á´á ážáá ááŠá¸áŤáááá°á˘.",
"en": "But Jesus answered them, My Father worketh even until now, and I work."
} |
"chr": "âážáĽá á˘áŚ,â á¤áŞáľá.",
"en": "âDay is almost here,â he thought."
} |
"chr": "âááŠá˘áłáá?â á¤áá áŤáľáť.",
"en": "âWhat?â said Wilbur."
} |
"chr": "áŚááᨠáá¨ááľá´ á¤ážááŚáľá´áĄ, á áŹáąáŁ ááá°áľá áŁáľ á§á¤áľ á´áŤ.",
"en": "They had spread themselves up each slope of the cove and came on relentlessly, driving Charleyâs people forward."
} |
"chr": "á˘á¤á˛áá, ážáŻáł áááą á¨ááá á áááľ áá á á¤áááŠáŻ ááá
á¨áá; á áá´áŤ á áĽáŻá
á á¨ááá, áá˘á á áĽá§áŻáŻáá á¨ááá.",
"en": "I say unto you, In that night there shall be two men on one bed; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left."
} |
"chr": "ážáአá˘áłáá áĽá áżá á áááľ áąáŠ; áááááŠá á¤áááá¸á˘. ážáአá˘áłáá á¤ááłá
ᯠá¨á ááá á´áŤ áąááŚá´á
"en": "So that they are no more two, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder."
} |
"chr": "á¤á˛ áááżááŹá˘ á áĽáŠáĄá¸áŠ á¤á¤áľ á¨á ááłáŞáá˘; á á´ áŚáŞ ááá§ááŽáľ á´áŤ ážáŻáł á¤áŽ á ááŻ? áŹá
á°á á¤ááŠáአáĄáśáŻ.",
"en": "In his humiliation his judgment was taken away: His generation who shall declare? For his life is taken from the earth."
} |
"chr": "ážáአáᯠá á´ ážáἠá¤ážáá
á á°áľá á¨áŚáľáá á˘áłáľááááą, ážáአážáŻááĽá˘ á á´ ááŚá
áŻáá˘, á á´ ážáŻáŤáá´á˘, á á´ ááŚáá˘;",
"en": "may be strong to apprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth,"
} |
"chr": "á áá¸á-á áŠááᯠá˘á
á§á´áá˘, áĽá á°áľ áŚá¸áłá áŤááŹáŠá§áá áąá¨áá˘, áŚááĽáááŠá á¤áŠáá´á˘, áŻá ááŞáá˘; áŁááłá
áŻ, ááŠááľáŠ áĽááŚážá˘.",
"en": "But the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote his breast, saying, God, be thou merciful to me a sinner."
} |
"chr": "á áá¨ááłá á¤ážá¤áľáŞáŻ áááˇá¤, ážáአá¨áľáľ á§áłáŞá ááŞááᢠáĽáŠ.",
"en": "And they arrived at the country of the Gerasenes, which is over against Galilee."
} |
"chr": "áŁááąá ážáá á á´ áĽáĽáŞáĽáŠ, ážááŠáŻ áŠáś á¤áááą áááá¸á˛ážá áŁáá˛á᪠áŁááŞáŠáááŞá˘.",
"en": "and last of all, as to the child untimely born, he appeared to me also."
} |
"chr": "á áá§á áŻáአááŹáŠáľáĽáá¸áŠ á˘áłááá áá áŚáˇáśáŠ á
áŚááŞáŻ á˘áŹáááááą;",
"en": "Of the Jews five times received I forty stripes save one."
} |
"chr": "áá´ á§áłáŞá áááŠáá´ áááá.",
"en": "He straightened his whiskers."
} |
"chr": "ááłá ážáአážáá ááł áĽáááĽ, áŚá¸áááł á áá
á á¤á§áľá¨áŻ á¨á ážáአá¤áŻá
"en": "But Saul, who is also called Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, fastened his eyes on him,"
} |
"chr": "á áá áŚá˘ á˘áŻá á áá§áŁ á˘á
áŻá¨ á˘á´ á áᯠá áá
, áŚáśá áá
á´ ážáĽá.",
"en": "The other three boys were farther back in the woods, sitting with their muskets beside them."
} |
"chr": "á§áŞ á¤áá
"en": "Who cares anything about old Templeton?â"
} |
"chr": "á áá á¤áŹáŤáłáŻ áŻá ááŞáá´á˘; áŽáž, ážááŠá°á áĽáŻáá°á á ááľá á áá¤áľáŚ áááἠá áąáᯠá ááŚáᲠá§ážáá´á
á á´áŤ á á´ á¤ááŹáŤáłáŻ á á´ á˘ááľ á§áŞáĽ.",
"en": "But the Lord said unto him, Go thy way: for he is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles and kings, and the children of Israel:"
} |
"chr": "á°áľáá°á áááśááአá§áŞá˛á˛áአá˘á§áłáá áąáŠ, á á´ á áĽá
áááá á¤á
ááᯠá˘á§áłáá áąáŠ. á˘áłá°á á§áááżá˘ á ááḠááľáĽá áłááá¸, á¤á á áŻááł ážáአá˘á§ááŞáááą ááááżáĽá˘.",
"en": "It is enough for the disciple that he be as his teacher, and the servant as his lord. If they have called the master of the house Beelzebub, how much more them of his household!"
} |
"chr": "ážáአá˘áłáá ážááŠáŻ á¤áŁááá¸á¨áŻ á¨á áŚáśáá áĽá á¤áŹáŤáłáŻ, ážááŠáŻ ááááá áĄáĽáááŠááá˘;",
"en": "As therefore ye received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him,"
} |
"chr": "á á´ á
áŠáá´ áŠáś áá§áᏠáŚá¸áłá á áááŚá
áŠ, áŻá á
ááŚáŞááŹáŠ, áᯠááá¤áľáŚ á´áŤ áĄáĽááŞá˘, ážáአá˘áŁá áŻááááą áá¨ááž ážáአá¤ááŚá
áĽáá¸á˘, á á´ ážáአá¤á¤áľ á¤ááŻáá á¨á á˘áŁá áŻááááą áá¨ááž.",
"en": "And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come forth, my people, out of her, that ye have no fellowship with her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues:"
} |
"chr": "á¤ááá á˘ááŹá˘ áááŞáá´á˘, áááŚáááá˘á á á´ ááŠá¨áłáá˘.",
"en": "The little apple tree said, You have cared for me and loved me."
} |
"chr": "ážáአáĄáśáŻ áĄá˛áŠ, á á´ ážáአáĄáśáŻ á¤áŹá˘á
ᯠá¨ááŠ, á á´ áĄáśáŻ áĽá áłáŹáľá¤á˘.",
"en": "He was in the world, and the world was made through him, and the world knew him not."
} |
"chr": "ááŚážá°ááŹáž áŤá¨á´ ááŚáśá¨á á á°áľ, á˛áž á¤á¤áá ááŚáŻáľ á
ᯠáŚáá˘áŁ áŤáŚáśáᏠá áš.",
"en": "A bold creek cutting through the middle of the farm, running clear over mossy stones."
} |
"chr": "áŻá¸áááá áŁáá á á´ áŁáĽ, ážáአá˘áŹáąáą á¤áľáᨠáĽáŠ á§áľá áŻáá á áá˘ááá˘,",
"en": "Honor thy father and mother (which is the first commandment with promise),"
} |
"chr": "á á ááá´áłááአááž, áá ááŤáŻ ááŚáááá
, á áááŠá áŚá
á á¤áŁá´áá, áŠáá á˘áŻááľáááአá áááśáᨠá¤ááĽáŻ ááá§áŤáááᲠááŤá, áá´ áŚá˛á á¤ááŞáá¨á áá¨áŤ.",
"en": "Smith and his boys had the inevitable potatoes and bacon, a partial sack of flour with little yellowish miller-moth grubs working in it, and a few bruised cabbages."
} |
"chr": "áŚá˛áá¨á áąááĽá .",
"en": "Well, fewer of us than that."
} |
"chr": "ážáአá áŚááłá
ᯠá¤áŠá ážáá á¤ááá´áááą á á˛áŠ á¨á á¤ážááĽá˘, áŚá¸áááł ááá¨áĽážááĽáž á¨á á¤ááłá
ᯠá§áŞáĽ á¤ážá¤á áŤáá¨áĽáŞáŠáą.",
"en": "that the creation itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the liberty of the glory of the children of God."
} |
"chr": "á¤ááŻáłáŻáŻ á¤ááŻáłáŻáŻ áŻá áá¨áŞáá, á˘áłá áŠáś á ááááŞááá¨áá áĽááŹá˘, ážáአáĽá á˘á¸áŻáł á á˛áąáŻáá á¨á á¤áŞáŠáá áąá¨ááá.",
"en": "Verily, verily, I say unto you, If a man keep my word, he shall never see death."
} |
"chr": "áŁááá°á á§ááŽá áŁáŚá¤áľáŚ áĽá á§áá¨áŻá á¨á áąáĽáˇáŻáááá´á˘, á¤áľááŠááłááŠá á¨á ážáá ááľ á¤ááá˘, á á´ áŚá¸áááł á áá
á, á á´ á¤áŁá ááááááž á¨áá˘; ážááŠáŻ áĽáĽáŚáá ááŚáá á˘á¨á°áłááḠáᯠáĽá
"en": "how that our gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Spirit, and in much assurance; even as ye know what manner of men we showed ourselves toward you for your sake."
} |
"chr": "ááá áĽáŚá á˘á´ áŹáŠáá, ááĽáˇáĽá ááŹáŠáá°áľ.",
"en": "Now that I know where you are, I will come back and visit you."
} |
"chr": "á˘á¸áŻáłá°á áĽá¨á áá§áżáŠááá áááááśááž á¨á á˘áłá˘ áŹáá á¨ááŠ; á¤áľáá¨ááŠá á¤áˇá¨, á ááŚá á¤ááááŠ, á á´á á áŠá˛áąááŠ.",
"en": "And I was alive apart from the law once: but when the commandment came, sin revived, and I died;"
} |
"chr": "ááááŹááŽáá áŹáá¨á á˘á¨áááą áŁááł áŁá°á¸á á¤ááłá
áŻ, ááŁá¸áŤáááᯠá¨ááá á¨áŁáá°áŻáá áá¨ááž á¨áá˘, áŁáá ááŻááŽáŻ áŚá°áŞáŠ áá¨ááž á§ááŽá.",
"en": "Give diligence to present thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, handling aright the word of truth."
} |
"chr": "á˛áŚ á˘áŞáŻá ááá°áľá á¤áŁáŠáá áá?â",
"en": "How long does it take a goose egg to hatch?â"
} |
"chr": "ážááŠá°á áž á á˛áľáŻ á¤áŞáłáááá á¤á˛ áá¸áŤáááá˛á˘.",
"en": "for he that giveth him greeting partaketh in his evil works."
} |
"chr": "á¤áľááááá á ážááŞážáááŹá˘.",
"en": "The Fair is almost over."
} |
"chr": "á áá áĽá áĽá á¤áŠá áąááá˛áá˘, ážááĽá°á ááŚáá˛áŠ,",
"en": "But Jesus did not trust himself unto them, for that he knew all men,"
} |
"chr": "ááŚá ááĽá¸áŤáááᲠá áá¨áłá á¨á á˘á¨ááá¨áá.",
"en": "Let all that ye do be done in love."
} |
"chr": "ážááŠáŻ á áŚá´áľá¨ áŁáŠáŚáá, á á´ á á´ á áŚá´áľá¨ áĽáĽáŚáá. á á´ áŹá
áĄáłá ááĽáá á áŤ.",
"en": "even as the Father knoweth me, and I know the Father; and I lay down my life for the sheep."
} |
"chr": "áŹáá áŠáśá áŚááŽá˘ áĄáłáá.",
"en": "Avery carried a live frog in his hand."
} |
"chr": "áŤáľáť áŻáĽáł, á¤áአáąáŠ á¤áľááá´á áŚáśáá ááááá, áŁáľáá áááŁáľááá, á°áľá ááᣠáŁááá áŠáŞáŠáá á¨ááá.â",
"en": "If Wilbur is killed and his trough stands empty day after day, you'll grow so thin we can look right through your stomach and see objects on the other side."
} |
"chr": "á á´ áŹááłá, áŚáá
áľ á˘áĽáˇá¤ááą áĄáá á¤áá˘ááá
ᯠá¨áá˘; á áá áĽáˇááľáť áŚáᲠá˘áĽááá áŹá á˘áŁááŹáááá á¤áľááŠá á¨á áŚá¸áłá á
"en": "And behold, I send forth the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city, until ye be clothed with power from on high."
} |
"chr": "ááŚáá°á áĄáááą á áᯠá á´ á˘á¸áŻá˘ ááᯠážáż á ááᯠáĽá áŞáąáá áąááá¸áŤááááŽá˘, á áááŽáᏠá¤áŠá á á´ á ážááŠáᏠáŞáąáá á˘á¤á˘.",
"en": "(Now all the Athenians and the strangers sojourning there spent their time in nothing else, but either to tell or to hear some new thing.)"
} |
"chr": "âáŹá˛áľá!â á¤áá.",
"en": "âSalutations!â it said."
} |
"chr": "á¤áŞáĽááŠááá
á¨áᢠá áá á¤áŹáŻáłáŻáá á˘áłáľááááą á¤ááśáᥠá¤áŠáľá˛á¨ á¤áŚááĽáŻáááá˘;",
"en": "though he was a Son, yet learned obedience by the things which he suffered;"
} |
"chr": "ážááŠá áž á
áá, áŤá¤ááˇá¨ áááá¸, á áĽá
áááá á¤á˘á¨áŻ á¤ááŠáᎠá¤ááŠáᯠá˘á¨áá˘.",
"en": "And they that were sent, returning to the house, found the servant whole."
} |
"chr": "á á´ ážáአážáŚá á áááááá.",
"en": "I am the bread of life."
} |
"chr": "ááŁáá´ááá ážáአááŁááśááá
ᯠáŁáá á§ááŽá ážáአááááŚáá¸áŻ áĽáŠ, á˛ááá¨áá áŞáŻáłá á¨á á á´ á áá¨áłá á¨á ážáአáŚáśáá áĽá á
"en": "Hold the pattern of sound words which thou hast heard from me, in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus."
} |
"chr": "áąáááŻáŞáŁ á ážááŠááŻáᢠá á°áľ á˘á´ á áááá˛áŽá˘.",
"en": "And when his audience grew bored, he would spring into the air and do a back ďŹip with a half twist."
} |
"chr": "á á´ áĽá ááĽá
á á áá¤áľ áá§áżáŠááᯠáŹáá¨á á˘á¨áááą áŻá ážáአá§áá´á
á á§ážááśá áážááĄáŠááá˘. á á´ á፠á¤áŞáĽ á á´ ážáአá¤áá˘áá
á á¨áá˘, á á´ ááá á§áŚáá´á˘áá á á´ áážá´ áĄáŻ.",
"en": "I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things for the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, the bright, the morning star."
} |
"chr": "áááŞáŻá.",
"en": "Of course you will."
} |
"chr": "á˘áŚ á¨á áŚááŽá˘ á¤áᯠáĄááľááŽ.",
"en": "Usually he slept during the daytime and was abroad only after dark."
} |
"chr": "ááŻá°á áĄáĽáá˘áááá¸áŻ á á´ áá¤áĽ á á´ ážáἠá˘á
áááŻ, ážáአážáἠá¤áŹáŤáłáŻ á¤ááłá
ᯠá˘áŚá¤áľ á§áŻá
á á¨áá˘.",
"en": "For to you is the promise, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call unto him."
} |
"chr": "á°áŠá á¤áá¤áŞáŤá áá¸áłá ááŤáá˘, á¤áá´á˘. ážáአá˘áłáá ážáአហáá¸áłá ááŤá á¤á¤áľáŚ áŚá áááŹááľ ážááŠ?",
"en": "And they cast him forth out of the vineyard, and killed him. What therefore will the lord of the vineyard do unto them?"
} |
"chr": "á¤ááłá
ᯠá áá
á; ážááŠá áž á ážáááľáááᯠá§ážáá
á á á´ ááłáŞá á§á
áá á¤ážáááľáááá.",
"en": "God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship in spirit and truth."
} |
"chr": "á§áá¨á á¤áŽáá
á¤ážááŞáŤá á¤áľááŠá á¨áá˘; á¤ážá˘áá áá§ážáá
á áááŚá´áŻááá
"en": "He hath showed strength with his arm; He hath scattered the proud in the imagination of their heart."
} |
"chr": "áááá˘áĄááą áááŚááľ, á á´ á¤áľáᏠáážáá
ááŞá¸áááą á˘áŚáŚá á˘áᢠáŤááŚáá˛áááą, á á´ ááá á¤á¤áľáŞáŻ áážáá
ááŞá¸áááą áááŚáá˛áááą á¤ááłá
ᯠá˘áᢠáŤááŚáá˛ááááą; ážáአááŚá¨áĽáááą á¤áááŚá
á¨á˘, á á´ áŹáŠááŠáá á˘áłáľááááą á¤ážá¤áľáŚ á˘áłáľááá á¨á á¨áĽá
áŚá¸á á
ááŚáľááááᏠáĽááŻáłá á¨áá˘.",
"en": "to open their eyes, that they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive remission of sins and an inheritance among them that are sanctified by faith in me."
} |
"chr": "á¤áŠááˇáŻá áŹá áá˛áľá´ áá áááŹáĄ áŤáĽ.",
"en": "He waved to them with his fin and swam on."
} |
"chr": "á¤ááŁáá á´áŤ áŹáŠááĄáŤááá
áŠ, ážáአá˘áłáá áĽáłáŻ á¤áŁá
áŠ, á á´ á¤áŞá
áŠ. ááŚááłá ážáአá¤ááŁá á ášáłáśá á ááážáĽáŠ.",
"en": "And there were gathered unto him great multitudes, so that he entered into a boat, and sat; and all the multitude stood on the beach."
} |
"chr": "á§ááá°á ááŚáśá áŚáᲠá
አá˘áŚá, áŻá áĽá ááŚáŞá á¤ááľááŠ; áŞáąáá áŁáŠáŻ ááľááá´ááą á¨á á˘áł áŞáąáá á˘áŹáá; á á´ áŻá áąáŠ; áŞáąáá áá˛á á¤á˛ á˘áłážááżááŠ.",
"en": "For some thought, because Judas had the bag, that Jesus said unto him, Buy what things we have need of for the feast; or, that he should give something to the poor."
} |
"chr": "á áážááአá§á
áŞá¤ áĄáłáá, á¤áá´ááŞáłáá´ áŤáľáť.",
"en": "Avery crawled out of the crate on hands and knees, making faces at Wilbur."
} |
"chr": "áŻá ááŹá
áŞáŞáł á ážáá´á°ááŠáą; á á´ ááŚá á¤ááłá
ᯠá¨ááá. ážáአá˘áłáá ááŚá á¤ážááŚáá¸áŻ á á´ á¤ážááśááĄá¸áŻ á áŚá´áľá¨á˘, áŹáŠáˇá¤á°á˘.",
"en": "It is written in the prophets, And they shall all be taught of God. Every one that hath heard from the Father, and hath learned, cometh unto me."
} |
"chr": "áŚá áŹáá, á˘ááľá
á, á˘áłá áŠáś á ááŻáłá áŻáá, ááá¸áŤáááá˛ážá áąáŠ? á¤áŹáŻáłáá᪠á°áľá áłááá¸?",
"en": "What doth it profit, my brethren, if a man say he hath faith, but have not works? can that faith save him?"
} |
"chr": "á á´ áŠáś áŚáŹááᏠá áĄááá¨áá á´áŤ á¤áŞáĽ, á áĽááľááá á¨ááá; áŠáśááŠá áŚáŹááᏠá áĄááá¨áá áŚá¸áááł á áá
á, áĽá á áĽááľáá áąá¨ááá áŞáŻ á¨á á á´ ážáá áá˘áą áá¨áá˘.",
"en": "And whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him; but whosoever shall speak against the Holy Spirit, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, nor in that which is to come."
} |
"chr": "á¤á˛ á¤áá
áá áąáá˛á.",
"en": "That would put ideas into his head."
} |
"chr": "á§ááጠáá´ ááŠá á˘áłáá á áá¨.",
"en": "It smelled of hay and it smelled of manure."
} |
"chr": "á˘áłá á´áŤá á áᲠáąáŚáá
, - ážáአááááŚá˘áŽ á´áŤ; ááŚáá°á á´áŤ á áá´á°áአá¤ááŻáłáŻ áŹáŠá°á¸á áŁá.",
"en": "But should we say, From menâthey feared the people: for all verily held John to be a prophet."
} |
"chr": "á˘áłá áąá
áŠáááá á˘áŚáŻáłáá˘, áŚáŤááá
ᯠá á´ á áááąáᯠá¨áá˘, á á´ á˘á´á á˘áŚá°á¨áá áá¨ááž áąáŠ á¤áአá˘á¨á áŁáá á§ááŽááą, ážáአá˘áŁááŚá
ᯠáĽáŠ, ážáἠá¨áŚááłá
ᯠá¨á á¨áŚáľáĽááá¸áŻ áĽáŠ áŚá¸áś ááŤááᢠáážáá
á˘; ážáአážáż á á´ ááł áŞáąáá áŚááᯠáĽá
"en": "if so be that ye continue in the faith, grounded and stedfast, and not moved away from the hope of the gospel which ye heard, which was preached in all creation under heaven; whereof I Paul was made a minister."
} |
"chr": "áżáá ááľá áĽá áŻá áááŞáá¸áŠ; á¤ááŻáłáŻáŻ á¤ááŻáłáŻáŻ áŻá áá¨áŞáá, á á´ áŚáśáŻáááą á ፠á¤ážá¤áľáŚ.",
"en": "Jesus therefore said unto them again, Verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep."
} |
"chr": "áŚá˛á á áŠáśáá
ááˇáŠáአá¤á¸áŤá, áŤáĽ á˘áŚ á¨á á§áŤ áŚáááᏠá áᢠááŚáŚááá á´áŤ á ážáľááá´á˛ááŹ.",
"en": "I took just a little of it in a tin cup, and mostly sat drinking coffee and enjoyed watching the people eat."
} |
"chr": "á á´ á¤áŹáŤáłáŻ á á áááá´á ááŚáĽ á¤á˛ ááŚá¸áŤáááá á¨áá˘; á á´ ááŠááááŞáá áŚá¸áłá áĄáŻ á¤áŹáŤáłáŻ áá¨á áŤáŚáˇáŠ. ážáአáŚá¸ááá á¨ááá ááŞáŻá¸ á á´ ááŞáŻá¸á˘, áĄáşá
"en": "The Lord will deliver me from every evil work, and will save me unto his heavenly kingdom: to whom be the glory for ever and ever. Amen."
} |
Subsets and Splits