{ "chr": "ᏣᏚᎳᏛ ᏃᎴ ᏣᏁᏨ ᎣᎩᏌᏙᏴᏗ ᎠᏴᏫᏯᏍᏛ ᏫᏗᎦᎪᏗ ᎤᎾᎵᎩᏛ ᎭᏂ ᎢᏣ ᎤᎾᏗᏍᎦᏟ ᎣᎩᎷᏤᎸ, ᎾᏆᏛᏁᎳ ᏄᏍᏛ ᏣᏚᎵᏍᎬ.", "en": "Lieutenant H. C. Smith to Colonel Haden Your favor of the 24th instant of August including your orders to find and “put into motion” toward the Indian Territories the fugitives said still to inhabit this region was duly received, and I have done my all to carry your wishes forward." }
{ "chr": "ᎦᏯ ᎠᎩᏍᏆᏂᎪᏗᏍᎩ ᎠᎴ ᎾᏂᎥᏉ ᏧᎾᏁᎶᏗ ᎤᎾᏓᏡᎬ ᏗᏍᏆᏂᎪᏗᏍᎩ, ᏫᏥᏲᎵᎦ. ᎢᎳᏍᏓ, ᎠᏰᎵ ᎡᎯ ᎦᏚᎲ ᎠᎲ ᎠᎦᏘᏯ, ᏫᏥᏲᎵᎦ, ᎠᎴ ᏉᏓ, ᎢᏓᎵᏅᏟ.", "en": "Gaius my host, and of the whole church, saluteth you. Erastus the treasurer of the city saluteth you, and Quartus the brother." }
{ "chr": "ᎠᏆᏚᏓᎳ.", "en": "I have responsibilities." }
{ "chr": "ᎤᏩᏌ ᎭᏫᏂ ᎬᏅᎢ ᎠᎴᏂᏍᎪ ᏃᎴ ᎢᎦᎵᏍᎪᎸᏓᏁᎰ ᎢᎩᎪᏩᏛᏘ.", "en": "It resumes its inner life and allows you to see it." }
{ "chr": "ᎥᏝ ᎠᎴ ᎡᏃᏱ ᏱᎨᏎᏍᏗ ᎾᎿᏂ, ᎥᏝ ᎠᎴ ᏳᎾᏚᎵ ᎠᏨᏍᏙᏗ, ᎠᎴ ᏅᏙ ᎢᎦᎡᎯ ᎢᎦ ᎤᏘᏍᏛᎢ; ᎤᎬᏫᏳᎯᏰᏃ ᎤᏁᎳᏅᎯ ᎢᎦ ᏓᏘᏍᏓᏁᎭ, ᎤᏂᎬᏫᏳᎯᏃ ᎨᏎᏍᏗ ᎤᎵᏍᏆᏗᏍᏗ ᏂᎨᏒᎾ.", "en": "And there shall be night no more; and they need no light of lamp, neither light of sun; for the Lord God shall give them light: and they shall reign for ever and ever." }
{ "chr": "ᎯᎠᏃᏂᏚᏪᏎᎴ ᎬᏩᏍᏓᏩᏗᏙᎯ, ᏛᏍᏆᎸᎯ ᎾᎯᏳ ᎨᏒ ᎢᏣᏚᎵᏍᎨᏍᏗ ᎢᏥᎪᏩᏛᏗᏱ ᏌᏉ ᎢᎦ ᏴᏫ ᎤᏪᏥ ᎤᏤᎵᎦ, ᎠᎴ ᎥᏝ ᏴᎨᏥᎪᏩᏛ.", "en": "And he said unto the disciples, The days will come, when ye shall desire to see one of the days of the Son of man, and ye shall not see it." }
{ "chr": "ᎤᏅᏕᏨ ᏚᏳᎪᏛ ᎦᏅᏅᎢ, ᎠᎴ ᎤᎾᎴᏲᎥ, ᎤᏂᏍᏓᏩᏕᏅ ᎤᎶᏒ ᏇᎳᎻ ᏉᏌ ᎤᏪᏥ, ᎣᏏᏳ ᏧᏰᎸᏎ ᏂᏚᏳᎪᏛᎾ ᏗᎦᎸᏫᏍᏓᏁᏗ ᎨᏒ ᎠᎫᏴᏗ,", "en": "forsaking the right way, they went astray, having followed the way of Balaam the son of Beor, who loved the hire of wrong-doing;" }
{ "chr": "ᎦᎵᎡᎵᎦ ᏕᎩᎾᏙᎵᏨ, ᏃᏗ ᎭᏇᏅᏍᏗ.”", "en": "Glad to have met you, and now I must be going." }
{ "chr": "ᎠᎾᎦᎱᎥᏍᎬ ᏅᏙ, ᎠᏰᎵᏒ ᏅᏙ ᏧᏟᎷᏆᏛᏍᏗ, ᎣᏍᏓ ᎠᎩᏰᎸᎲ ᏍᎩᏴ.", "en": "Green Corn Moon, the weeks leading up to the summer solstice, had long been one of my favorite stretches of time." }
{ "chr": "ᎠᎦᏴᎵ ᏗᎧᏃᏗ ᏲᎾ, ᏂᎦᏓ ᎠᏰᎸᎢ ᎠᏲᏟᎨ ᏄᏍᏛ, ᏣᏉ ᏧᎪᎳ ᏧᎦᏌᏘ ᏕᎦᏰᏌᏛ.", "en": "Bear looked so old, everything about him drawn smaller except his knobby fingers." }
{ "chr": "ᏕᎬᏩᎦᏚᏢᏅᏃ ᎤᎧᏛ ᏕᎬᏩᏂᎮᎢ, ᎬᏩᏛᏛᏍᎨ ᎯᎠ ᎾᏂᏪᏍᎨᎢ, ᎭᏙᎴᎰᎯ, ᎦᎪ ᏥᏨᏂᎦ?", "en": "And they blindfolded him, and asked him, saying, Prophesy: who is he that struck thee?" }
{ "chr": "ᎤᏍᏆᏂᎩᏗ ᏄᎵᏍᏔᏅ ᎤᏃᎮᎴ ᎠᎵᏥᏙᎲᏍᎩ.", "en": "The minister explained the miracle." }
{ "chr": "“ᎧᎹ! ᏏᏛ ᏔᎵ ᏕᎯᏂᏅᏌᏓ,” ᎤᏛᏁ ᏥᏍᏚ.", "en": "Now! You still have two feet, said Rabbit." }
{ "chr": "ᎠᎴ ᎯᎠ ᏂᏨᏪᏎᎸᎩ; ᏍᎩᎪᏩᏛᎲ ᎠᏎᏃ ᎥᏝ ᏱᏦᎯᏳᎲᏍᎦ.", "en": "But I said unto you, that ye have seen me, and yet believe not." }
{ "chr": "ᎣᏏᏳᏍᎩᏂ ᏂᎪᎯᎸ ᎤᏣᏘ ᎢᏥᎨᏳᏗᏱ ᎣᏍᏛ ᎨᏒᎢ, ᎥᏝᏃ ᎾᎯᏳᏉ ᎢᏨᏰᎳᏗᏙᎲ ᎤᏩᏒ.", "en": "But it is good to be zealously sought in a good matter at all times, and not only when I am present with you." }
{ "chr": "“ᏎᎦᏨ ᏕᎯᏕᏦ ᏕᏣᏏᎳᏛ.”", "en": "“You almost never leave your web.”" }
{ "chr": "ᎠᎴ ᎤᎬᏫᏳᎯ ᎬᏂᏛ ᎠᏓᏁᎯ ᎡᏥᎸᎩ, ᎾᏍᎩ ᎤᏁᎳᏅᎯ ᏕᎤᎴᏔᏅ ᎤᏓᎸᎯ ᎡᏥᎧᏁᏗᏱ;", "en": "and killed the Prince of life; whom God raised from the dead; whereof we are witnesses." }
{ "chr": "ᎨᏴ ᏫᏥ ᎢᏣ ᎤᎾᎷᏒ ᏭᏬᎯᎶᎯᏍᏗ ᎭᏂᏨ ᎤᎨᏓᎵᏴ, ᎨᏴ ᏭᏩᏐᎯᏍᏗ ᏄᏓᎴ ᎨᏴ ᏃᎴ ᎤᏂᎵᏦᏩᏛ ᎢᏣ.", "en": "He walked away from the creek and began climbing a dry ridge to cross over to another cove whose creek he figured to descend toward the river and the camp." }
{ "chr": "ᏧᏒᎯᏓ ᏥᏯᎥ ᏴᏫ ᏗᏘᏂᏙᎯ ᏥᏯᎥ ᎠᏥᎳ ᏓᏆᎴᎳ ᏧᎷᎯᏍᏗ.", "en": "Days on the stage to the railhead." }
{ "chr": "ᏥᏌᏃ ᎬᏩᎷᏤᎸ, ᎤᏣᏘ ᎬᏩᏍᏗ ᏰᏔᏁᎢ, ᎯᎠ ᎾᏂᏪᏍᎨᎢ; ᎤᏓᏅᏖᏳ ᎾᏍᎩ ᎯᎠ ᏥᏅᏘᏍᏛᏁᎵ;", "en": "And they, when they came to Jesus, besought him earnestly, saying, He is worthy that thou shouldest do this for him;" }
{ "chr": "ᏏᎮᎾ ᏂᎦᏓ ᎤᏩᎾᏙ ᎤᏤᎸᏍᎰ ᏩᎭᏯ", "en": "Wolf still pretends he knows everything." }
{ "chr": "ᎤᏂᏃᏕᎾ ᏓᏂᎾᏆᏗᏍᎨᎢ.", "en": "The sheep loathed them." }
{ "chr": "ᎠᎴ ᎩᎶ ᏓᏓᏂᎸᎨᏍᏗ ᏌᏉ ᎾᏍᎩ ᎯᎠ ᎢᏳᏍᏗ ᎠᏲᎵ ᏓᏆᏙᎥ ᏅᏗᎦᎵᏍᏙᏗᏍᎨᏍᏗ, ᎠᏴ ᏓᏆᏓᏂᎸᎨᏍᏗ.", "en": "And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me:" }
{ "chr": "ᎪᎨᏱ ᏏᏆ ᏂᎯ?”", "en": "Are you a spring pig?”" }
{ "chr": "ᎿᏉᏃ ᏂᎦᏛ ᎠᎾᏛ ᎤᎾᏗᏓᏁᏎᎢ, ᎠᎴ ᏚᏂᏥᏃᏍᎦᎸᎮ ᏚᏂᏨᏍᏛᎢ.", "en": "Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps." }
{ "chr": "ᏃᏗ ᎤᏃᎴ ᏗᏲᏙᏗ ᏧᎾᎩᎸᏗ ᎦᎵ ᏄᎵᏍᏔᏁ ᎦᎸᎳᏗᏣ ᏐᏈᎵ ᏃᎴ ᏩᎦ ᏧᏂᏍᏆᏂᎪᏙᏗ, ᎾᎥᏂᎨ ᎤᏬᏍᎩᎵ ᏣᎦᏍᎪ.", "en": "The air was now so full of balloonists that the barn cellar looked almost as though a mist had gathered." }
{ "chr": "ᎩᎳᏈᏴ ᏫᎩᏂᏴᏍᏗ ᎧᏁᏌᎢ ᏧᏍᏆᏴᏍᏗ ᏃᎴ ᎣᎩᎾᏗᏍᎦᎶᏗ.”", "en": "Templeton and I must get in the crate right now and hide ourselves.”" }
{ "chr": "ᎠᏎᏃ ᎥᏝ ᎠᎾᏨᏍᎩ ᏥᎩ [ᎤᎾᏓᏡᎬ] ᎢᏖᎳ ᏱᎩ, ᎾᏍᎩ ᎨᏥᏛᏙᏗ ᎨᏒ ᎢᏴᏛ ᏥᏩᏂᎷᎦ, ᎾᏍᎩᏍᎩᏂ Ꮎ ᎤᎾᏓᏡᎬ ᎢᏖᎳ, ᎾᏍᎩ ᎤᏃᎯᏳᏒ ᏥᏓᏂᏍᏕᎸᏗ ᏧᎾᏓᏅᏙ.", "en": "But we are not of them that shrink back unto perdition; but of them that have faith unto the saving of the soul." }
{ "chr": "ᎯᎠ ᎾᏍᎩ ᏥᏂᏥᏪᎠ, ᏥᎪ ᏴᏫᏉ ᎤᏓᏅᏖᏛ ᏂᏥᏪᎠ? ᎾᏍᏉᎨ ᎾᏍᎩᏯ ᏂᎦᏪᎭ ᏗᎧᎿᏩᏛᏍᏗ?", "en": "Do I speak these things after the manner of men? or saith not the law also the same?" }
{ "chr": "ᏃᏗ ᎭᎾᏓᏅᏍᎨ ᏐᎢ ᎤᏔᏂᏗᎨᏍᏗ ᎠᏍᏚᎲ ᏏᏆ ᏗᎦᏅᎬ.", "en": "Then they would move on to the next pen where the bigger pig lay." }
{ "chr": "ᎾᏍᎩᏯ ᎤᏣᏘ ᎠᏆᏚᎵᏍᎬ ᎠᎴ ᎤᏚᎩ ᎠᏋᏒᎢ, ᎾᏍᎩ ᏂᎦᎥ ᎪᎱᏍᏗ ᎠᏆᏕᎰᎯᏍᏗᏱ ᏂᎨᏒᎾ, ᏂᎦᎥᏉᏍᎩᏂ ᏂᏥᏍᎦᎢᎲᎾ ᎨᏒᎢ, ᏥᏄᏍᏙᏉ, ᎾᏍᎩᏯ ᎾᏍᏉ ᎪᎯ, ᎦᎶᏁᏛ ᏥᎸᏉᏙᏗ ᎨᏎᏍᏗ ᏥᏰᎸ ᎬᏗ, ᎾᏍᏉ ᎬᏃᏛ ᎨᏒ ᎠᎴ ᎠᎩᏲᎱᎯᏍᏗ ᎨᏒᎢ.", "en": "according to my earnest expectation and hope, that in nothing shall I be put to shame, but that with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether by life, or by death." }
{ "chr": "ᎾᏍᎩ ᎩᎶ ᎤᏇᏓᎵ ᎨᏒ ᎤᏢᏈᏍᏗᏱ ᏂᎨᏒᎾ ᎾᏍᎩ ᎠᎦᏔᎲᎢ.", "en": "that no flesh should glory before God." }
{ "chr": "ᏥᏌᏃ ᎤᏓᏅᏎ ᏚᏘᏅᏎ ᎬᏩᏍᏓᏩᏗᏐᎯ ᎥᏓᎵ ᏭᏂᎶᏎᎢ; ᎤᏂᏣᏘᏃ ᎬᏩᏍᏓᏩᏛᏎᎢ, ᎤᏓᏳᏂᎶᏒᎯ ᎨᎵᎵ, ᎠᎴ ᏧᏗᏱ,", "en": "And Jesus with his disciples withdrew to the sea: and a great multitude from Galilee followed; and from Judæa," }
{ "chr": "ᎤᎵᏍᎨᏛ ᎠᎩᏰᎸᎲ, ᎯᏍᎩ ᎢᏧᏓᎴᎦ ᎠᏆᏛᎦᏅ ᏄᎵᏍᏔᏂᏙᎸ, ᎨᏍᏗ ᏧᏐᏴᎭ ᏱᎨᏎ, ᎠᏉᎵᏨ ᏥᏳᎪᏗ ᏄᎵᏍᏔᏅ.", "en": "It seemed important to me to let them all bear witness. I heard five separate stories that did not entirely correspond, but I believe I understand something fairly close to what actually happened, at least a few fragments, and that is better than most of what we know of history." }
{ "chr": "ᎤᏟᏍᏔ ᎠᏇᏅᏒ Cranshaw, ᎠᏆᏛᎦᎾ ᎤᏂᎩᏒ ᎤᎩᏓᏟᏅᏯ, ᏥᏩᏛᎲ ᎨᎵ ᎤᏂᎦᎸ ᎧᏁᏌᎢ ᎦᏟᏅᎥᏍᎬ ᎤᏂᎾᎥ, ᎠᏂᎱᏣ ᎠᎾᏨᏏᏰᏍᎬ, ᎠᏫᏌᏅ ᎨᏍᏗ ᎣᏍᏓ ᏯᏛᏍᎨ, ᎤᏂᏅᎫᎯᏍᏗ, ᏩᎩᎦ, ᎢᏯ, ᎬᎩᏍᏗ, ᎤᏍᏗ ᎤᏬᏰᏅ ᏂᎬᎸ, ᎦᏄᎸ ᎠᏓᏔᏍᎩ ᏥᏆ ᎤᎾᎵᏍᏔᏴᏗ ᎠᏙᏩᏗᏍᏗᏍᎬ ᎠᏫᏌᏅ.", "en": "I rushed to Cranshaw, after I heard Featherstone was gone, and found Claire bitter amid the wreckage of packing crates, slaves milling about directionless, fields untended, ragweed knee-deep among the cornstalks, suckers overwhelming the tomatoes, squash and pumpkins and melons growing tiny and pale as babies’ fists in the shade of rampant chickweed." }
{ "chr": "Ꮎ-ᏍᎩᏂ ᎨᏥᏯᏅᏛ ᏥᎩ, ᎢᏧᎳᏉ ᎠᏂᏧᏏ ᎠᎴ ᎠᏂᎪᎢ, ᎦᎶᏁᏛ ᎤᏁᎳᏅᎯ ᎤᎵᏂᎩᏗᏳ ᎨᏒ ᎠᎴ ᎠᏏᎾᏌᏂᏳ ᎨᏒ ᎤᏂᏰᎸᎯ.", "en": "but unto them that are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God." }
{ "chr": "ᎭᎾ ᎢᏣ ᏖᏏᏒ.", "en": "Where you’re going." }
{ "chr": "ᏍᎩᏴ ᎤᏕᏘᏴᏌᏗᏒ ᏦᎯᏍᏙᏗ ᏗᎾᎿᏬᏍᎩ ᎠᎾᏘᎨ ᎠᏂᎨᏯ ᏃᎴ ᎦᏲᏟ ᎤᎾᏓᏂᎵᎨᎢ - ᎬᏂᎨᏒ ᏂᏓᏅᏁᎲ ᏗᏂᏅᏗ.", "en": "That year, the fashionable younger women—and a few of the older—wore their breasts cinched down low with vast creamy expanses of skin exposed by the low scoops of their necklines." }
{ "chr": "ᎤᏓᏅᏖᎸ ᏍᎦᏰᎬᏍᏓ ᏧᏗᎦᎴᏲᏗ ᎠᏂᏍᎦᏯ, ᎢᎦᏓ ᏗᎭᏦᏴ ᏚᎾᏘᏅᏒ ᎤᏂᏍᎦᏅᏨ, ᎯᏍᎩᏉ ᏃᏥᎥ ᏦᏥᏩᏘᏍᎩ ᏣᎵ ᏧᏤᎵ ᏴᏫ.", "en": "So the lieutenant decided to divide his men, sending part of them back to the fort with the prisoners, and now it was just the five of us to find Charley’s people and bring them in." }
{ "chr": "ᎿᏉᏃ ᎦᏃᎸᎥᏍᎬ ᎤᏂᏴᎲ ᏥᏳ, ᎠᎴ ᎾᏍᎩ ᎤᏄᎸᏅ ᎤᏃᎴ ᏧᎦᏛ ᏭᎶᎯᏍᏗᏱ ᎤᏁᎳᎩ ᎧᏄᎯᏎᏍᏗ ᎣᎨᎵᏒᎩ.", "en": "and when the ship was caught, and could not face the wind, we gave way to it, and were driven." }
{ "chr": "ᎾᏍᎩᏃ ᎯᎠ ᏄᎵᏍᏔᏂᏙᎸ ᎤᏄᎪᏤᎢ, ᎠᎴ ᎤᎪᎮ ᎠᏕᎸ ᎠᎩᏏᏙᎯ ᎵᏫ ᏧᏙᎢᏛ, ᎤᏪᎴ ᎠᏰᎵ ᎡᎯ ᎠᏕᎸ ᎠᎫᏴᏗᏱ; ᎠᎴ ᎯᎠ ᏄᏪᏎᎴᎢ, ᏍᎩᏍᏓᏩᏚᎦ.", "en": "And after these things he went forth, and beheld a publican, named Levi, sitting at the place of toll, and said unto him, Follow me." }
{ "chr": "ᎤᏍᎦᏃᎵ ᎤᏏᏃᎴ ᏓᏆᎴᎳ ᎠᏌᏅᏙᏗ ᏏᏆ ᎤᏴᏍᏗ ᎾᎥ ᏃᎴ ᎤᎴᏫᏍᏔᏁ.", "en": "The truck backed slowly to the pigpen and stopped." }
{ "chr": "ᎾᎿᏃ ᎤᏂᏅᏅᎩ ᏥᏌ ᏅᏓᎦᎵᏍᏙᏗᏍᎬᎩ ᎠᏂᏧᏏ ᎤᎾᏧᏏ ᎤᎾᏤᎵᎦ ᎠᏛᏅᎢᏍᏙᏗᏱ ᎢᎦ ᎨᏒᎢ; ᏗᏓᏂᏐᏗᏱᏰᏃ ᎾᎥᏉ ᎨᏒᎩ.", "en": "There then because of the Jews’ Preparation (for the tomb was nigh at hand) they laid Jesus." }
{ "chr": "“ᎨᏍᏗ ᏥᎾᏆᏟᏂᎬᎬ ᏯᏆᏟᏂᎬᎦ ᎯᎪᎢᏳᎳ.", "en": "I don’t seem to have the energy I once had." }
{ "chr": "ᎤᏌᎨ ᎢᏳᏍᏗ ᎤᏬᏂᏎ ᎠᏎᏃ ᎤᏓᏅᏘ.", "en": "It sounded rather thin, but pleasant." }
{ "chr": "ᎨᏍᏗᏰᏃ ᏚᏳᏂᏍᏗ ᎤᏂᎦᎾᏍᏓ ᎢᏳᏍᏗ ᏱᎩ ᎢᎯ.", "en": "You’re no bundle of sweet peas yourself." }
{ "chr": "ᏂᎯ ᎡᎶᎯ ᎠᎩᎷᎯᏍᏗᏱ ᏍᎩᏅᏏᏛ ᏥᎩ, ᎾᏍᎩᏯ ᎾᏍᏉ ᎠᏴ ᎡᎶᎯ ᎦᏥᏅᎵ ᎾᏍᎩ.", "en": "As thou didst send me into the world, even so sent I them into the world." }
{ "chr": "ᎩᎳ ᏧᎾᏙᎣᏒ ᏧᏆᎶᎦ ᎦᎳᎨᏴ ᎠᎾᏓᏏᏎ ᎤᎾᎵᏍᎩᏛ, ᎣᎭᏂ ᎤᎾᏕᏅ ᏗᏂᏂᎨᏅ ᎢᎦᏘ ᎦᎳᎨᏴ.", "en": "Thrashing through newly fallen leaves that lay knee-deep on the legs of the younger fugitives." }
{ "chr": "ᎠᏴᏰᏃ ᎢᎪᎯᏳᏅᎯ ᎨᏒ ᎢᏗᏴᎯᎭ ᎠᏣᏪᏐᎸᏍᏙᏗᏱ ᎨᏒᎢ; ᎾᏍᎩᏯ ᏄᏪᏒᎢ, ᎾᏍᎩᏯ ᎠᏆᏎᎵᏔᏅ ᎠᎩᏔᎳᏬᏍᎬᎢ, ᎾᏍᎩ ᎤᏂᏴᏍᏗᏱ ᏂᎨᏒᎾ ᎨᏒ ᎠᏆᏤᎵ ᎠᏣᏪᏐᎸᏍᏙᏗᏱ ᎨᏒᎢ; ᎠᏍᏆᏛᎯᏍᎩᏂᏃᏅ ᎨᏒᎩ ᏕᎦᎸᏫᏍᏓᏁᎸ ᎡᎶᎯ ᏧᏙᏢᎤ ᎤᏓᎬᏩᏓᎴᎤᏛ.", "en": "For we who have believed do enter into that rest; even as he hath said, As I sware in my wrath, They shall not enter into my rest: although the works were finished from the foundation of the world." }
{ "chr": "ᎾᏍᎩ ᏂᎦᏑᏰᏐᎢ ᏧᏪᏥ ᎢᎬᏁᏗᏱ ᎠᎬᏗᏍᎬ ᏥᏌ ᎦᎶᏁᏛ, ᎾᏍᎩᏯ ᎣᏏᏳ ᎤᏰᎸᏗ ᎨᏒᎢ.", "en": "having foreordained us unto adoption as sons through Jesus Christ unto himself, according to the good pleasure of his will," }
{ "chr": "ᏆᎴᏗᏃ ᏔᎵᏁ ᎤᏛᏛᏁ ᎯᎠ ᏄᏪᏎᎢ; ᏝᏍᎪ ᎪᎱᏍᏗ ᏯᏗᎭ? ᎬᏂᏳᏉ ᎤᏣᏘ ᏧᏓᎴᏅᏛ ᎠᏂᏃᎮᎭ ᎨᏣᏡᏗᎭ.", "en": "And Pilate again asked him, saying, Answerest thou nothing? behold how many things they accuse thee of." }
{ "chr": "ᎢᎪᎯᏍᏓᏁᎯᏰᏃ ᎾᏍᎩ, ᎢᏧᎳ ᏌᏉᏉ ᎢᎬᏁᎸᎯ, ᎠᎴ ᎤᏲᏍᏔᏅᎯ ᎢᎦᏓᏓᎴᏗᏍᎩ ᎠᏐᏴᎢ;", "en": "For he is our peace, who made both one, and brake down the middle wall of partition," }
{ "chr": "Ꭷ ᏤᏍᏗ ᏱᏍᏆᏘᏲᏍᏗᏍᎨᏍᏗ ᏃᎴ ᏫᏢᎾ!”", "en": "Now stop arguing and go get some sleep." }
{ "chr": "ᏒᎦᏔ ᎢᏈᎬᎢ ᎯᎠ ᎢᏄᏪᏎᎴᎢ, ᎥᎥ, ᏃᏊᏃ ᎠᏇᏆᏨᎢ ᏒᎦᏔ ᎢᏈᎬᎢ ᎯᎠᏃ ᏓᎶᏂᎨ ᏒᎦᏔ ᎠᏃᏍᏓ ᎠᏎᏃ Ꮭ ᎢᎸᎯᏳ ᏱᎦᏥᏴᎨᏳ Ꮎ ᎢᎬᏱᎢ ᏒᎦᏔ, ᎾᏍᎩ ᎤᏁᏝᏅᎯ ᎩᎦᎨᎢ ᎢᏳᏩᏁᎸᎢ ...", "en": "The apple tree replied, Yes, I am a big apple tree now and these yellow apples are very grad, but I will never forget my first apple, the one the Creator made red ..." }
{ "chr": "ᎤᏳᏩᏅ ᏗᏂᏲᏟ ᎤᎾᎭᎾᏬᏍᏙᏗ ᎫᏔᏅ.", "en": "A heavy fur for the children to sleep beneath when snow comes." }
{ "chr": "ᏐᏁᎳ ᎢᏳᏩᏂᎸ, ᎤᎷᏤ ᎡᎶᏗ ᎤᏤᎵ ᏓᏆᎴᎳ ᎠᏌᏅᏙᏗ ᎠᎾᏓᎪᎾᏗᏍᎬᎢ ᏃᎴ ᏫᎵᎻ ᎤᏴᏍᏗ ᎾᎥᏂ ᎤᎴᏫᏍᏔᏁᎢ.", "en": "At nine o'clock, Mr. Arable’s truck rolled into the Fair Grounds and came to a stop at Wilbur’s pen." }
{ "chr": "ᎢᏳᏃ ᎩᎶ ᏳᎪᎲ ᏗᎾᏓᏅᏟ ᏳᏍᎦᏅᏨ ᎠᏲᎱᎯᏍᏗ ᏂᎨᏒᎾ ᎠᏍᎦᏅᎢᏍᏗ ᎨᏒᎢ, ᎾᏍᎩ ᎠᏔᏲᎯᎮᏍᏗ ᎠᎴ ᎠᏎ ᎬᏂᏛ ᏓᏰᏥᏁᎵ ᎠᏲᎱᎯᏍᏗ ᏂᎨᏒᎾ ᎤᏂᏍᎦᏅᏨᎯ ᏅᏗᎦᎵᏍᏙᏗᏍᎬᎢ. ᎡᎭ ᎠᏍᎦᏅᎢᏍᏗ ᎠᏲᎱᎯᏍᏗ ᎨᏒᎢ, ᎥᏝ ᎠᏔᏲᎯᎮᏍᏗ ᎾᏍᎩ ᎠᏥᏙᎵᏍᏗᏱ ᏱᎦᏗᎭ.", "en": "If any man see his brother sinning a sin not unto death, he shall ask, and God will give him life for them that sin not unto death. There is a sin unto death: not concerning this do I say that he should make request." }
{ "chr": "Jenny ᎣᏍᏓᏟᏃᎮᏍᎬ ᏫᏚᏯᏪᏣ Michael.", "en": "So we go up to Jenny’s room that she shares with this girl Kara, and I start talking to Jenny. I end up talking to her for so long that Michael eventually decides to leave and go up to bed." }
{ "chr": "ᎤᏍᎦᎢᏓᏉ ᏄᏍᏛ ᎤᎧᏛ, ᏯᎦᏔᎲᎾ ᏧᏓᎴᏅᎲ ᎠᏥᏍᏛᏅ.", "en": "The stunned look on his face suggested that his imprisonment had come as a surprise to him." }
{ "chr": "[ᏍᏗᏫᏃ] ᎯᎠ ᏄᏪᏎᎢ; ᎢᏥᏍᎦᏯ ᎢᏓᏓᏅᏟ ᎠᎴ ᏗᎩᏙᏓ, ᎢᏣᏛᏓᏍᏓ. ᎤᏁᎳᏅᎯ ᎠᏥᎸᏉᏗ ᎬᏂᎨᏒ ᏄᏛᏁᎴ ᎢᎩᏙᏓ ᎡᏆᎭᎻ ᎾᏍᎩ ᎾᎯᏳ ᎺᏌᏆᏕᎻ ᏤᎮᎢ, ᎠᏏᏉ ᎨᎳᏂ ᎾᏁᎳᏗᏍᎬᎾ ᏥᎨᏎᎢ;", "en": "And he said, Brethren and fathers, hearken: The God of glory appeared unto our father Abraham, when he was in Mesopotamia, before he dwelt in Haran," }
{ "chr": "”ᎯᎦᏔᎭᏗ,” ᎤᏛᏁ ᎤᎵᏍᎨᏓ ᎦᏬᏂᏍᎩ, ”ᎢᎪᎯᏓ ᏂᎨᎵᏍᎪ ᎣᎯᏍᏙᏗ ᎢᏗᎾᏌᎥ ᏍᎩᎾᎾ ᏏᏆ.", "en": "“You know,” he said, in an important voice, “I’ve thought all along that that pig of ours was an extra good one." }
{ "chr": "ᏥᎪᏃ ᎭᏓᏅᏖᏍᎬ ᏂᎯ ᏴᏫ, ᎾᏍᎩ ᏚᎪᏓᏁᎯ ᏥᎩ ᎾᏍᎩ ᎢᏯᎾᏛᏁᎯ, ᎠᎴ ᎾᏍᎩᏯ ᎢᎭᏛᏁᎯ ᏥᎩ, ᏔᏚᏓᎳᎡᎵ ᎤᏁᎳᏅᎯ ᏧᏭᎪᏙᏗ ᎨᏒᎢ?", "en": "And reckonest thou this, O man, who judgest them that practise such things, and doest the same, that thou shalt escape the judgment of God?" }
{ "chr": "ᎾᏍᎩᏃ ᎿᏉ ᎯᎠ ᎠᏲᎩ ᎨᏒ ᎠᏲᎩ ᏂᎨᏒᎾ ᎨᏒ ᎤᏄᏬᏍᏔᏁᏍᏗ, ᎠᎴ ᎯᎠ ᎾᏍᎩ ᎠᏲᎱᏍᎩ ᎠᏲᎱᏍᎩ ᏂᎨᏒᎾ ᎨᏒ ᎤᏄᏬᏍᏔᏁᏍᏗ, ᎿᏉ ᏄᎵᏍᏔᏁᏍᏗ ᎯᎠ ᎢᎦᏪᏛ ᎨᏒ ᏥᎪᏪᎳ, ᎠᏓᎵᏁᎯᏗᏍᎩ ᎨᏒ ᎤᎩᏐᏅ ᎠᏲᎱᎯᏍᏗ ᎨᏒᎢ.", "en": "But when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall come to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory." }
{ "chr": "ᎢᏳᏍᎩᏂ ᎦᎶᏁᏛ ᎢᏥᏯᎡᏍᏗ, ᎠᏰᎸ ᎤᏙᎯᏳᎯ ᎤᏲᎱᏒᎯ ᎠᏍᎦᏂ ᏅᏗᎦᎵᏍᏙᏗᎭ; ᎠᏓᏅᏙᏍᎩᏂ ᎬᏃᏛ ᏚᏳᎪᏛ ᎢᏯᏛᏁᏗ ᎨᏒ ᏅᏗᎦᎵᏍᏙᏗᎭ.", "en": "And if Christ is in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the spirit is life because of righteousness." }
{ "chr": "ᎯᎠ ᏄᏂᏪᏎᎢ; ᏗᏓᏍᏚᏗᏱ ᎤᏙᎯᏳᎯ ᎣᎩᏩᏛᎲ ᎤᎵᏂᎩᏗᏳ ᎠᏍᏚᎲᎩ, ᎠᎴ ᎠᏂᎦᏘᏯ ᎠᏂᏙᎾᎥ ᏙᏱᏗᏢ ᎦᎶᎯᏍᏗᏳᎶᏗ, ᎠᏎᏃ ᎣᎩᏍᏚᎢᏒ ᎥᏝ ᎩᎶ ᏲᏥᏩᏛᎮ ᏱᏯᎡᎢ.", "en": "saying, The prison-house we found shut in all safety, and the keepers standing at the doors: but when we had opened, we found no man within." }
{ "chr": "ᎦᎪᏰᏃ ᎤᏟ ᎠᏥᎸᏉᏗᏳ, ᎠᎵᏍᏓᏴᎲᏍᎩ ᎠᏃ ᎠᏓᏍᏕᎸᎯᏙᎯ? ᏝᏍᎪ ᎾᏍᎩ Ꮎ ᎠᎵᏍᏓᏴᎲᏍᎩ? ᎠᏴᏍᎩᏂ ᎢᏨᏰᎳᏗᏙᎭ ᎠᏓᏍᏕᎸᎯᏙᎯ ᎾᏍᎩᏯᎢ.", "en": "For which is greater, he that sitteth at meat, or he that serveth? is not he that sitteth at meat? but I am in the midst of you as he that serveth." }
{ "chr": "ᏙᏳ ᎠᏉᏚᎯ ᎯᎧᏔᎭ.”", "en": "I'm too pretty as you know." }
{ "chr": "ᏉᎳᏃ ᎠᎩᎳᏫᏍᏗᏱ ᎤᎷᏨ ᎠᏂᏯᏫᏍᎩ ᎬᏩᏅᏒᎩ, ᏅᏓᎦᎵᏍᏙᏗᏍᎬᎩ ᎬᏍᎦᎢᏍᏓᎩ ᎾᎾᏛᏁᎲ ᎤᏂᏣᏘ.", "en": "And when he came upon the stairs, so it was that he was borne of the soldiers for the violence of the crowd;" }
{ "chr": "ᎾᏉᏗ ᏓᏯᎢ.", "en": "Here he comes now." }
{ "chr": "ᏇᏣᏱᏗᏃ ᏭᎷᏤᎢ; ᏗᎨᏫᏃ ᎠᏍᎦᏯ ᎬᏩᏘᎣᎮᎴᎢ, ᎠᎴ ᎤᏂᏔᏲᏎᎴ ᎾᏍᎩ ᎤᏒᏂᏍᏗᏱ.", "en": "And they come unto Bethsaida. And they bring to him a blind man, and beseech him to touch him." }
{ "chr": "ᏂᎪᎯᎸ ᏑᎾᎴ ᏳᏗᏛᎭᏉ, ᎠᏙᎥᏗᏍᎨ ᎤᏅᏗ, ᎤᏯᏤᏗ ᎠᎧᏁᏍᎨ ᏴᏤᏂ.", "en": "Every morning, as soon as she got up, she warmed his milk, tied his bib on, and held the bottle for him." }
{ "chr": "ᏩᏏᏓᏂ ᎦᏚᎲ ᎠᎾᏁᏍᎨᏍᎬ, ᏌᏬᏚ ᎠᎼᏱ ᎨᏴ ᎾᎥ, ᎦᏲᏟᏉ ᎠᎹ ᎡᏉ ᎦᎸᎳᏗᏣ, ᎠᏰᎵᏋ ᎢᎬᏓ ᎦᏚᎲ ᏓᏓᏌᎳᏗᏍ, ᎦᏲᏟ ᏧᏗᎦᎴᏱᏛ ᏧᏔᏂᏛ ᏧᏂᎳᏫᎢᏍᏗ, ᎨᏍᏗ ᎠᏕᎶᎰᎯᏍᏗ ᏱᎨᏎ ᎢᏧᏅᏃᎰᏅᏱ ᎠᎴ ᏧᏲᏨ.", "en": "Washington city was being built on a landscape of utter insignificance, a mudflat by the river barely elevated above sea level, with a midsized southern town arising on it, with the distinguishing addition of a few scattered half-formed classical temples of enormous scale, in such a state of partiality that it was hard at first glance to tell whether they were falling or rising." }
{ "chr": "ᎣᏏᏳᏰᏃ ᎤᏰᎸᏅ ᎦᎸᏉᏗᏳ ᎠᏓᏅᏙ, ᎠᎴ ᎠᏴ ᎣᏏᏳ ᏍᎩᏰᎸᏅ, ᎪᎱᏍᏗ ᏗᏨᏯᏰᏅᏙᏗᏱ ᏂᎨᏒᎾ, ᎯᎠ ᎤᏩᏒ ᎾᏍᎩ ᎠᏎ ᎢᏯᏛᏁᏗ ᏥᎩ;", "en": "For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit, and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things:" }
{ "chr": "ᎾᏂᎥ ᎤᎾᏓᏅᏘ ᏫᎨᏥᏲᎵᎭ, Ꮀ ᎤᎬᏫᏳᎭ ᎾᏍᎩ Ꮎ ᏏᏌ ᏚᏓᏘᎾᎥᎢ.", "en": "All the saints salute you, especially they that are of Cæsar’s household." }
{ "chr": "ᎤᏟᏂᎩᏓ ᎠᏟᏰᎵ ᎠᎹ, ᏓᏣᎾᏌᎾᎩᏏ ᎠᏔᎴᎦᏒᎢ!", "en": "The current is strong and you may be pulled down into the hole!" }
{ "chr": "ᎤᏪᏥᏍᎩᏂ ᎯᎠ ᏂᎦᏪᏎᎭ, ᏣᏤᎵ ᎦᏍᎩᎸ, ᏣᏁᎳᏅᎯ, ᏂᎪᎯᎸ ᎠᎴ ᏂᎪᎯᎸ ᏂᎬᏩᏍᏗᏉ; ᎠᏙᎳᏅᏍᏗ ᏚᏳᎪᏛ ᎠᏛᏁᏙᏗ ᎾᏍᎩ ᎠᏙᎳᏅᏍᏗ ᎪᎱᏍᏗ ᏨᏗᎭ ᎾᎿ ᏣᎬᏫᏳᎯ ᎨᏒᎢ.", "en": "but of the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever; And the sceptre of uprightness is the sceptre of thy kingdom." }
{ "chr": "ᎠᏏᏉ ᎾᏍᎩ ᏂᎦᏪᏍᎨᎢ ᎤᎶᎩᎳᏕᎢ ᎠᎴ ᎤᏄᏢᏔᏁᎢ; ᎠᎴ ᎤᏂᏍᎦᎴ ᎤᏂᏄᏴᎸ ᎤᎶᎩᎸᎢ.", "en": "And while he said these things, there came a cloud, and overshadowed them: and they feared as they entered into the cloud." }
{ "chr": "ᎤᎵᎪᎲᏍᏗ ᏅᏙ ᎤᎷᏨ.", "en": "The Harvest Moon arrived like it intended to be about the same." }
{ "chr": "ᎢᎦᏛᏃ ᎯᎠ ᏄᏂᏪᏒᎩ; ᎯᎠ ᎾᏍᎩ ᎦᎶᏁᏛ. ᎠᏎᏃ ᎢᎦᏛ ᎯᎠ ᏄᏂᏪᏒᎩ; ᏥᎪ ᎦᎶᏁᏛ ᎨᎵᎵ ᏅᏏᏳᎾᏄᎪᎢᏍᏗ?", "en": "Others said, This is the Christ. But some said, What, doth the Christ come out of Galilee?" }
{ "chr": "ᎿᏉᏃ ᎤᏂᏁᏒᎩ ᏥᏌ ᎠᏰᎸᎢ ᎠᎴ ᏙᎴᏛ ᎠᏄᏬ ᎤᏂᏣᏄᎶᏔᏅᎩ, ᎠᎴ ᎾᏍᏉ ᏗᎦᏩᏒᎩ ᏚᏂᏣᏄᎳᏅᎩ, ᎾᏍᎩᏯ ᎢᏳᎾᏛᏁᏗ ᎨᏒ ᎠᏂᏧᏏ ᏓᎾᏓᏂᏌ.", "en": "So they took the body of Jesus, and bound it in linen cloths with the spices, as the custom of the Jews is to bury." }
{ "chr": "ᏓᏆᎴᎳ ᏭᎩᎸᏁ ᏃᎴ ᎠᎵᏥᏙᎲᏍᎩ ᏧᏪᏅᏒ ᏭᎷᏤ.", "en": "Then he got into his car and drove to the minister’s house." }
{ "chr": "ᏙᎠᏆᏛᏁᏗ ᎠᏆᎴᏅᏗ?”", "en": "How do I start?”" }
{ "chr": "ᎯᎠᏃ ᏂᎬᏩᏪᏎᎴᎢ, ᏣᎸᏃᏘᏉ. ᎠᏎᏃ ᎤᏍᏓᏱᏕᏉ ᎧᏁᎬᎢ, ᎤᏙᎯᏳᎯ ᎾᏍᎩ ᏄᏍᏗ, ᎤᏛᏁᎢ. ᎯᎠᏃ ᏄᏂᏪᏎᎢ; ᏓᎧᎿᏩᏗᏙᎯᏉ.", "en": "And they said unto her, Thou art mad. But she confidently affirmed that it was even so. And they said, It is his angel." }
{ "chr": "ᎩᎦᎨ ᎩᎦ ᎤᏁᎲ.", "en": "Her red blood." }
{ "chr": "ᎦᎪ Ꮎ ᎡᎶᎯ ᎠᏎᎪᎩᏍᎩ ᎢᏳᏃ ᎾᏍᎩ ᏂᎨᏒᎾ ᏱᎩ ᎾᏍᎩ Ꮎ ᎪᎯᏳᎲᏍᎩᏥᏌ ᎤᏁᎳᏅᎯ ᎤᏪᏥ ᎨᏒᎢ?", "en": "And who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?" }
{ "chr": "ᎠᏥᏅᏏᏓᏍᏗᏃ ᎯᎠ ᏄᏪᏎᎢ, ᏍᎩᏅᏏᏙᎯ, ᏂᏣᏪᏒ ᎾᏍᎩᏯ ᏂᎦᏛᎦ, ᎠᏏᏉᏃ ᎤᏜᏅᏛ.", "en": "And the servant said, Lord, what thou didst command is done, and yet there is room." }
{ "chr": "ᏣᏁᎳ ᏕᎦᏅᏌᏛ ᏚᎷᏫᏍᏔᏁᎮ ᏚᏍᏕᎵᏍᎬ.", "en": "Her eight legs were very busy helping." }
{ "chr": "ᎦᏙᏃ ᏥᏄᏍᏗ ᏥᏂᎦᏛᎦ?”", "en": "Why did I let myself in for this?”" }
{ "chr": "“Ꭵ, ᎤᏙᏳᎯ, ᎢᎪᎯᏓ ᎤᏲᏏᏍᎪᎢ.”", "en": "“Oh, yes, she’s always hungry.”" }
{ "chr": "ᏍᏈᏍᏔ ᎩᎦ ᏄᏍᏖ ᏧᏬᏗᎨ ᏧᏆᎶᎬ, ᎠᏌᎻᏓ ᎤᎩᎸ ᎢᏣ ᎤᎾᎦᏯᎲᏎ ᎠᏂᏍᎦᏯ ᎦᎷᏯᏍᏘ ᏗᏂᏁ.", "en": "There was an awful lot of blood in the brown leaves, and the men with the hatchets turned in Smith’s direction." }
{ "chr": "ᏧᎬᏩᎶᏗᏰᏃ ᎡᏥᏩᎯᏍᏔᏅᎯ; ᎾᏍᎩ ᎢᏳᏍᏗ ᎡᏥᎸᏉᏗᏍᎨᏍᏗ ᎤᏁᎳᏅᎯ ᎢᏥᏰᎸ ᎢᏨᏗᏍᎨᏍᏗ, ᎠᎴ ᏗᏣᏓᏅᏙ ᏕᏨᏗᏍᎨᏍᏗ, ᎾᏍᎩ ᎤᏁᎳᏅᎯ ᏧᏤᎵ ᏥᎩ.", "en": "for ye were bought with a price: glorify God therefore in your body." }
{ "chr": "ᏗᎤᎷᏨᏃ ᏚᏩᏛᎮ ᏔᎵᏁ ᎠᏂᎵᎾᎡᎢ, ᏗᏂᎦᏙᎵᏰᏃ ᏗᎦᎨᏗᏳ ᎨᏎᎢ.", "en": "And he came again and found them sleeping, for their eyes were heavy." }
{ "chr": "ᎾᏍᎩᏃ ᏄᎾᏛᏁᎴᎢ, ᎠᎴ ᏂᎦᏛ ᎤᎾᏅᏗᏱ ᏂᏚᏅᎴᎢ.", "en": "And they did so, and made them all sit down." }
{ "chr": "”ᎦᏓᏅᏖᏍᎬ,” ᎤᏛᏁ ᎧᏅᏂᏍᎩ, ”ᎢᏳᏍᏗᏉ ᎤᏃᎯᏳᏗ ᏴᏫ.”", "en": "“I was just thinking,” said the spider, “that people are very gullible.”" }
{ "chr": "ᎢᏳᏃ ᏯᏆᏛᏅᎢᏍᏔᏁᏅ ᎢᏥᏴᏍᏗᏱ, ᏔᎵᏁ ᏛᏥᎷᏥ ᎠᎴ ᎠᏋᏒ ᎠᏉᎸ ᏙᏓᏨᏯᏓᏂᎸᏥ, ᎾᏍᎩ ᎠᏴ ᎨᎥ ᎾᏍᏉ ᎾᎿ ᎢᏣᏕᏗᏱ.", "en": "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I come again, and will receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also." }
{ "chr": "ᎩᎶ ᏗᎾᏓᏅᏟ ᎠᏍᎦᎩ ᏱᎩ ᎾᏍᎩ ᏴᏫ ᎠᎯᎯ; ᎢᏥᎦᏔᎭᏃ ᏴᏫ ᎠᎯᎯ ᎬᏂᏛ ᏄᏪᎲᎾ ᎨᏒᎢ.", "en": "Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him." }
{ "chr": "ᎤᏅᏗ ᎠᎧᏓᏢᎩᏓ, ᏣᏄᏏ ᎤᏑᎸᏓ ᎨᎵᏍᎩ, ᏄᎾ ᏗᎬᏣᏝᏅ, ᎠᎦᏅ ᎦᏅᎵᏰᏗ, ᏒᎧᏔ ᎨᎵᏍᎩ, ᎦᏚ ᎤᎦᎾᏍᏓ ᏃᎴ ᏧᏓᎴᏅᏓ ᎤᏂᏑᎸᏓ.", "en": "Skim milk, provender, leftover sandwich from Lurvy’s lunchbox, prune skins, a morsel of this, a bit of that, fried potatoes, marmalade drippings, a little more of this, a little more of that, a piece of baked apple, a scrap of upsidedown cake." }
{ "chr": "ᎲᎦ ᏧᏒᎯᏓ ᎩᎳ ᏛᏯᏛᏂ?” ᏚᏂᏃᎩᏎ ᏔᎳᏚ.", "en": "“How many nights till frost?” sang the crickets." }
{ "chr": "ᎾᏍᎩ ᏅᏓᏳᎵᏍᏙᏔᏅᎩ ᏧᎦᏴᎵᎨ ᎯᎠ ᏄᏂᏪᏒ; ᎿᏉ ᎤᏛᎾ, ᎤᏩᏒ ᎡᏣᏛᏛᎲᎦ.", "en": "Therefore said his parents, He is of age; ask him." }
{ "chr": "“ᏕᎦᏂᏱᏣ, ᏓᏂᏏᎾᏔᏅ Ꭿ -“", "en": "They say ‘deganiyitsa,’ or ‘danisintanv’ -" }