{ "eng": "This village is mine!", "hoc": "Nena ańaḱ Hatu!" }
{ "eng": "What does he do?", "hoc": "Chenaḱkin paiṭia." }
{ "eng": "We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.", "hoc": "Nen Ote, Hapaam ko taḱ aetebu tala namè teaḱ do káa, Hon ko taḱ aetebu asi teaḱa." }
{ "eng": "By the early 18th century, with the lines between commercial and political dominance being increasingly blurred, a number of European trading companies, including the English East India Company, had established coastal outposts.", "hoc": "18th century eteoṕ loḱ do, commercial anḍoḱ political dominance tala ren panaa gaar ẽeć tersaoḱ tan loḱ, English East India Company mesa keet́aḱ Europe aḱ sangi trading company ko patukam kuṭi (coastal) outpost kokô establish sekaa let́ taekena." }
{ "eng": "Yes.", "hoc": "É." }
{ "eng": "Look!", "hoc": "Nelè pe!" }
{ "eng": "Is it yours?", "hoc": "Ena apeaḱ chi?" }
{ "eng": "We need to find someone to help Tom.", "hoc": "Tom dengaćnićbu namić teaḱ menaḱa." }
{ "eng": "Do you have a cellphone?", "hoc": "Ape taḱ Cellphone menaḱa?" }
{ "eng": "I don't have enough money to go to Boston.", "hoc": "Boston senoḱ imin Puisa banoḱa tań." }
{ "eng": "Why do people do bad things?", "hoc": "hoo ko chenaḱmente et́kanaḱkô paiṭièa?" }
{ "eng": "Yanni shot and missed his heart.", "hoc": "Yanni Surt́ taćć toḍe pocha ket́a." }
{ "eng": "India was then no longer exporting manufactured goods as it long had, but was instead supplying the British Empire with raw materials.", "hoc": "India aete anḍoḱ do sidae re sipirmaoḱ ge taeken leka manufactured good ko do kaa export oḱ taekena, ena sati, British ko raw material ko supply oḱ taekena." }
{ "eng": "My family had already eaten dinner by the time I got home.", "hoc": "Oaḱń beṭaè loḱ do Oaḱ ren ko Dinner kô jom antaa let́a." }
{ "eng": "I like languages.", "hoc": "Eṭaḱ-eṭaḱ Jagar koń sukutea." }
{ "eng": "Come and dance with me!", "hoc": "Ela ań loḱ susun ben!" }
{ "eng": "Back in high school, I got up at 6 a.m. every morning.", "hoc": "High School redo, jao Setaḱ 6 a.m. reń birit́ kena." }
{ "eng": "Prior to the 1600s, feral and wild children stories were usually limited to myths and legends.", "hoc": "1600 ko maaṅ do, Birbagehon koaḱ Story ko do usually Myth„ Legend ko jóṅ ge taekena." }
{ "eng": "The study of bacteria is known as bacteriology, a branch of microbiology.", "hoc": "Bacteria ko reaḱ Study do, Microbiology ren miat́ koto Bacteriology menoḱa." }
{ "eng": "Hindustan ([ɦɪndʊˈstaːn]) do 13th-century re popular len taeken India aḱ Middle-Persian Nutum, ena Mughal-Empire-period aete saben muli agu joṅo taekena.", "hoc": "Hindustan ([ɦɪndʊˈstaːn] ⓘ) is a Middle Persian name for India that became popular by the 13th century, and was used widely since the era of the Mughal Empire" }
{ "eng": "The bus passed five minutes ago.", "hoc": "Bus do moe Minute ayar te parom eana." }
{ "eng": "Tom took out some coins and gave them to the old man.", "hoc": "Tom Coin koć onḍoṅ ket́a anḍoḱ en haam Hooć emat́a." }
{ "eng": "When the Chalukyas attempted to expand southwards, they were defeated by the Pallavas from farther south, who in turn were opposed by the Pandyas and the Cholas from still farther south.", "hoc": "Chalukya ko south paa teko expand lekead re anḍoḱ saniṅ south ren Pallava ko taḱaeteko haratiṅ eana, anḍoḱ neko ó anḍoḱ láḱ saniṅ south ren Pandya anḍoḱ Chola ko darom kedkoa." }
{ "eng": "Do you feel OK today?", "hoc": "Tisiṅ bugim adaè tana chi?" }
{ "eng": "Are you guys Choctaw?", "hoc": "Ape Coktaw ko chi?" }
{ "eng": "Bacteria (/bækˈtɪəriə/; sg.: bacterium) are ubiquitous, mostly free-living organisms often consisting of one biological cell.", "hoc": "Bacteria ko (/bækˈtɪəriə/; sg.: bacterium) do, often miat́ ge biological Jivt́okoaann (Cell), ubiquitous„ sangepaa do free-living Organism ko." }
{ "eng": "The ancient Romans called this day the Ides of May.", "hoc": "Ancient Roman ko nen Musiṅg 'Ides of May' kô metat́a." }
{ "eng": "I've visited the village.", "hoc": "En Hatuń sen akana." }
{ "eng": "“I found one day in school a boy of medium size ill-treating a smaller boy. I expostulated, but he replied: “The bigs hit me, so I hit the babies; that's fair.” In these words he epitomized the history of the human race.”", "hoc": "“Musiṅg School re miat́ tala Mataraṅ ren Koahon miat́ huḍiṅ noḱ genn Koahoneć sasatieć tan geń nam let́ića. Peeć teń kaji darom ket́ića, mendo ać kaji uraa ket́a: “Maraṅ ko rúńa, enamente Huḍiṅhon koń rúkôa; nena do fair gea.”” Ać nen Kaji re ge, Human Race reaḱ History ć sagom tol ket́a.”" }
{ "eng": "I am in Tokyo today.", "hoc": "Tisiṅ Tokyo re menaḱńa." }
{ "eng": "India's defining geological processes began 75 million years ago when the Indian Plate, then part of the southern supercontinent Gondwana, began a north-eastward drift caused by seafloor spreading to its south-west, and later, south and south-east.", "hoc": "India aḱ defining geological process ko do, 75 million sirma maaṅ re, en imita southern supercontinent Gondawana aḱ part taeken Indian Plate, seafloor south-west paa te, anḍoḱ tayom ko do south„ south-east paa te udur aguoḱ tan te north-east paa te usa eoṕ ean re eoṕ lena." }
{ "eng": "I run quickly.", "hoc": "Ãachań nir daea." }
{ "eng": "She's shouting your name.", "hoc": "Amaḱ Nutumeć iuè tana." }
{ "eng": "Why are you angry?", "hoc": "Chikatem rágo akana?" }
{ "eng": "Everything is going well.", "hoc": "Sabenaḱ bugin ge sesen tana." }
{ "eng": "In the 15th century, the Vijayanagara Empire created a long-lasting composite Hindu culture in south India.", "hoc": "15th-century re, Vijayanagara-Empire renko south-India re long-lasting-composite-Hindu-culture ko bai ket́a." }
{ "eng": "Are you in London?", "hoc": "London remea chi?" }
{ "eng": "Show me again.", "hoc": "anḍoḱ misa uduṕań ben." }
{ "eng": "Ziri got no response.", "hoc": "Ziri do Telakaji kać nam ket́a." }
{ "eng": "Until 1991, all Indian governments followed protectionist policies that were influenced by socialist economics.", "hoc": "1991 jooṅ do, sanam India aḱ Government ko, Socialist Economy ko te influence len Protectionist Policy ko saṕ otoṅ let́a." }
{ "eng": "Claudio was driving a dark blue car.", "hoc": "Claudio do dark blue Car eć har let́ taekena." }
{ "eng": "How are you?", "hoc": "Chilika menaḱbena?" }
{ "eng": "According to the Worldwide Cost of Living Report 2017 released by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) which was created by comparing more than 400 individual prices across 160 products and services, four of the cheapest cities were in India: Bangalore (3rd), Mumbai (5th), Chennai (5th) and New Delhi (8th).", "hoc": "160 Product anḍoḱ Service ko tala re 400 aete ó láḱ Individual Price ko umaa keet́ bai len„ Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) paa aete release len 2017 Worldwide Cost of Living Report lekate, Cheapest City ko re upunea do India rege taekena: Bangalore (3aḱ), Mumbai (5aḱ), Chennai (5aḱ) and New Delhi (8aḱ)." }
{ "eng": "Do you have a car?", "hoc": "Ape taḱ Car menaḱa?" }
{ "eng": "Where did she learn to sing the blues?", "hoc": "Blues do okon reć duraṅ eto ket́a?" }
{ "eng": "Do you want to help?", "hoc": "Dengańape?" }
{ "eng": "Are you Japanese?", "hoc": "Japan ren ko tanape?" }
{ "eng": "The second boy (1341) resisted capture, biting and scratching; he continued to run on all four limbs and hid under a bench.", "hoc": "Second Koahon do (1341), ká saṕ ichinneć nam kena, huaḱ gotaḱ kenać, otetí akan te geć nir baa kena anḍoḱ Bench suba reć ukunn eana." }
{ "eng": "Show me again.", "hoc": "anḍoḱ misa uduṕań pe." }
{ "eng": "To the south, the remaining peninsular landmass, the Deccan Plateau, is flanked on the west and east by coastal ranges known as the Western and Eastern Ghats; the plateau contains the country's oldest rock formations, some over one billion years old.", "hoc": "South re, sareć akan pensular landmass Deccan Plateau do, west„ east re, Western„ Eastern Ghats menoḱ coastal range te aṭangi akana; en plateau re nen disum aḱ mariutar sereṅ formation ko menaḱa, ena re chiminaṅ do mit́ billion sirma maria." }
{ "eng": "Why are you sad?", "hoc": "Chikateben duku akana?" }
{ "eng": "You aren't a carpenter, are you?", "hoc": "Am do Carpenter káa, kachia?" }
{ "eng": "Proclaiming a unitary state and a gradual but limited British-style parliamentary system, the new rulers also protected princes and landed gentry as a feudal safeguard against future unrest.", "hoc": "Unitary state anḍoḱ mãe mãe te limited British parliament system proclaim keet́, nen nama ruler ko prince anḍoḱ ote hasa an land gentry ko kapalomaḱ unrest aeten safeguard leka ko protect ledkôa." }
{ "eng": "Look over there.", "hoc": "Haneè!" }
{ "eng": "Stop!", "hoc": "Hokaè pe!" }
{ "eng": "Furthermore, many criticize negative eugenics in particular as a violation of basic human rights, seen since 1968's Proclamation of Tehran, as including the right to reproduce.", "hoc": "Furthermore, 1968 aḱ Tehran Proclamation tayom, basic human rights re reproduction reaḱ right ó menaḱ gea mente nel ean te, sange hoo ko negative Eugenics do ena reaḱ violation tana mentekô criticise ket́a." }
{ "eng": "Who's on duty tonight?", "hoc": "Tisiṅg Nida okoć Duty reića?" }
{ "eng": "What do you know about dogs?", "hoc": "Seta ko reaḱ chenaḱm adaana?" }
{ "eng": "In 2005 he was killed in a fire.", "hoc": "2005 re, Sengel teć ló goć eana." }
{ "eng": "My sister has ginger hair.", "hoc": "Unḍińkuiaḱ Bohḱbale araḱ chambaraà." }
{ "eng": "Do you think Tom will reach the top of the mountain?", "hoc": "Tom do Buruchuṭić beṭaè lekam adaè tana?" }
{ "eng": "Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence.", "hoc": "Penal Offense te charge akan saben ko ge, takoaḱ Defence lagit́ asitiṅoḱ saben Guarantee em yan Public Trial re, Law lekate Guilty aurikô uduṕbit́oḱ jooṅ, Innocent mente nelmenoḱ teaḱ Right menaḱa." }
{ "eng": "I like you.", "hoc": "Amań sukua tana." }
{ "eng": "Say it again.", "hoc": "anḍoḱ misa kajièpe." }
{ "eng": "Do what is good to those who hate you.", "hoc": "Kaa bugiben tan koó bugiko ben." }
{ "eng": "Ziri was the village hero.", "hoc": "Ziri Hatu ren Hero lenać." }
{ "eng": "If you live at a higher altitude, water boils at a lower temperature.", "hoc": "Chetan noḱ Altitude rem taenn redo, Daḱ latar noḱ Temperature re basaṅoḱa." }
{ "eng": "In the Indian Ocean, India is in the vicinity of Sri Lanka and the Maldives; its Andaman and Nicobar Islands share a maritime border with Thailand, Myanmar, and Indonesia.", "hoc": "India aḱ Andaman Nicobar Island koaḱ do Thailand, Myanmar, Indonesia loḱ maritime Chirmit́ menaḱa." }
{ "eng": "Buddhism, based on the teachings of Gautama Buddha, attracted followers from all social classes excepting the middle class; chronicling the life of the Buddha was central to the beginnings of recorded history in India.", "hoc": "Gautama Buddha aḱ teaching chetan bit́ akan Buddhism paa te, middle-class bage keet́ saben social-class ren ko or idi len taekena; Buddha aḱ life reaḱ chronicling do India aḱ recorded-history reaḱ eneoṕ re central Role taekena." }
{ "eng": "I am in Tokyo today.", "hoc": "Tisiṅ Tokyo reńa." }
{ "eng": "Hello!", "hoc": "Chige!" }
{ "eng": "The Indian early medieval age, from 600 to 1200 CE, is defined by regional kingdoms and cultural diversity.", "hoc": "600 aete 1200 CE, India aḱ Early Medieval Age do, regional kingdom ko anḍoḱ cultural diversity te nutum len taekena." }
{ "eng": "Around the 20th century, psychologists were attempting to differentiate between biological behavior and culture.", "hoc": "20th century naaćpaa, Psychologist ko Biological Behaviour anḍoḱ Culture urumsapaniṅè teaḱkô attempt let́a." }
{ "eng": "They brought umbrellas.", "hoc": "Chatom kokô agu ket́a." }
{ "eng": "Are you awake?", "hoc": "Evn akanam?" }
{ "eng": "May I smoke here?", "hoc": "Nentaḱ reń moḱsiṕ redo?" }
{ "eng": "It isn't gold.", "hoc": "Ena Samaom do kaa." }
{ "eng": "Come and dance with me!", "hoc": "Ela ań loḱ susun pe!" }
{ "eng": "There's no scientific explanation for this.", "hoc": "Nena reaḱ jahn Science lekatenn Explanation banoḱa." }
{ "eng": "The adoption of progressive policies to mitigate climate change impacts and promote renewable energy underscores Algeria's commitment to global environmental stewardship.", "hoc": "Climate Change reaḱ Etelaṅ ko adit́ raábal anḍoḱ Namaruaadaeoḱ Energy udur teérsa Policy ko reaḱ Agusanaṕ te, Otesai Environment Stewardship lagit́ tenn Algeria aḱ Commitment uduṕ chetanoḱ tana." }
{ "eng": "“Most bacterial species exist as single cells; others associate in characteristic patterns: Neisseria forms diploids (pairs), streptococci form chains, and staphylococci group together in “bunch of grapes” clusters.”", "hoc": "“Láḱpaa Bacteriahita do Single Cell lekakô taena; eṭaḱ ko do Characteristic Pattern ko rekô jumurena: Neisseria do Diploid (Jimki) kô baina, Streptococci do Sinkii kô baina, anḍoḱ Staphylococci do “Ićtayar Rumpa” lekakô hunḍina.”" }
{ "eng": "Modern India", "hoc": "Modern India" }
{ "eng": "You can't retire yet.", "hoc": "Kam retire daea auri." }
{ "eng": "Antonio was nearly caught by his wife.", "hoc": "Antonio do Êra taḱć saṕ choṭeć eana." }
{ "eng": "Why are you dancing?", "hoc": "Chikatem susun tana?" }
{ "eng": "No mountain in Japan is higher than Mt. Fuji.", "hoc": "Japan ren jahn Buru ó Fuji Buru aete ká usula." }
{ "eng": "Do you speak English?", "hoc": "English ben jagar adaana?" }
{ "eng": "Why are you angry?", "hoc": "Chikatepe kurkur akana?" }
{ "eng": "Are you all right?", "hoc": "Bugi gema chi?" }
{ "eng": "The question was taken seriously as science tried to name and categorize the development of humans, and the understanding of the natural world in the 18th and 19th century.", "hoc": "18th„ 19th century re Science re Hooharamanaraṅ (human development) nutumè anḍoḱ haṭińokoaè (categorize) teaḱ„ Natural World munḍiè teaḱ attempt taeken loḱ, nen Kunuli do seriously ataṅ ean taekena." }
{ "eng": "If language input does not occur until after this time, the individual will never achieve a full command of language.", "hoc": "Language Emànader nen Period tayom enaṅ hoban redo, enić Language reaḱ full command jaa musiṅ ó kać achieve renáèa." }
{ "eng": "Act like adults.", "hoc": "Maraṅ ko leka taenn pe." }
{ "eng": "I am at home.", "hoc": "Oaḱ re menaḱńa." }
{ "eng": "I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because, uh, some people out there in our nation don't have maps and, uh, I believe that our, uh, education like such as in South Africa and, uh, the Iraq, everywhere like such as, and, I believe that they should, our education over here in the U.S. should help the U.S., uh, or, uh, should help South Africa and should help the Iraq and the Asian countries, so we will be able to build up our future, for our children.", "hoc": "Ań eskar reaḱ uḍuḱ lekate, U.S. American ko kakô enka daea, enado, ââ, abu Disum re menaḱkô chiminaṅ hoo ko taḱ Map ko banoḱ te, anḍoḱ, ââ, ańaḱ uḍuḱ lekate, abuaḱ, ââ, Education, South Africa re leka, anḍoḱ, ââ, Iraq, enka sabentaḱ re leka, anḍoḱ, ańaḱ uḍuḱ lekate, ako do honaṅ, abu nentaḱ U.S. reaḱ Education te do U.S. ren ko ge dengaoḱ teaḱ ge, ââ, baredo, ââ, South Africa ren ko dengaoḱ teaḱ ge, anḍoḱ, Iraq ren ko dengaoḱ teaḱ ge, anḍoḱ eṭaḱ Asia aḱ Disum ko dengaoḱ teaḱ ge, enate, abuaḱ Hon ko lagit́ abuaḱ Kanalombu bai rakaṕ daea." }
{ "eng": "They have nothing left.", "hoc": "Akin taḱ Jahnaḱ kaa sareć akana." }
{ "eng": "Thank you!", "hoc": "Bithiyem!" }
{ "eng": "The earliest life on land may have been bacteria some 3.22 billion years ago.", "hoc": "Hasaòte ren ayarùtar Jinivt́ do, 3.22 Billion Serma noḱ maaṅ re taeken Bacteria koge toraṅ." }
{ "eng": "I gagged.", "hoc": "Ulaè lekań rika eana." }
{ "eng": "Do you know what the differences between emoticons and emojis are?", "hoc": "Emoticon anḍoḱ Emoji tala reaḱ Sapaniń dom adaana chi?" }
{ "eng": "How long have you been here for?", "hoc": "Nentaḱ chimin sirma aeteben taenn tana?" }