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"author": "Bianca Albuquerque",
"title": "User fora do dom?nio",
"body": "Pessoal, boa tarde!\n\nAqui na T\\&F temos usu?rios, como por exemplo da f?brica, que n?o est?o no nosso dom?nio mas precisam acessar os seguintes produtos: \n- Jira, Conlfuence, Trello e Bitbucket. \n\n<br />\n\nComo liberamos esse acesso? \n- Para cada um desses usu?rios externos, ir?amos consumir 1 licen?a? \nOu podemos liberar o acesso via grupo?\n"
} | [
"author": "Fernando Eug?nio da Silva",
"body": "[@Bianca Albuquerque](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5580851) , bem vinda ? comunidade Atlassian!\n\nNo geral, se voc? precisa dar acesso aos produtos para usu?rios fora da organiza??o ent?o sim, eles consumiriam uma licen?a. Ainda que eles estivessem dentro de um grupo espec?fico, se esse grupo n?o permitir o acesso ao produto, uma licen?a seria consumida.\n\nPor exemplo: Se esses usu?rios externos precisam de acesso ao Jira para gerenciar suas atividades dentro da ferramenta, ent?o sim, eles consumiriam uma licen?a.\n\nMas se eles precisam apenas acesso ao portal de solicita??es onde podem somente criar tickets pedindo solicita??es, este tipo de perfil n?o necessariamente consome uma licen?a.\n\nJ? para o Confluence, voc? pode ter o conte?do compartilhado com alguns deles, ainda que de forma limitada usando o recurso de convidados do Confluence. Este recurso permite que voc? forne?a acesso flex?vel a alguns usu?rios sem consumir uma licen?a de fato. Veja aqui um pouco mais de detalhes: [Assign space access to guests \\| Confluence Cloud \\| Atlassian Support](\n\nTrello e Bitbucket, eles provavelmente consumiriam licen?as tamb?m para participar dessas atividades.\n\nSomente criar um grupo nesse cen?rio n?o seria t?o eficaz se o grupo n?o tiver esta permiss?o de acesso, mas caso voc? queira conceder licen?as para eles, usar esse grupo para gerenciar quantos externos est?o consumindo uma licen?a seria uma ?tima ideia :)\n\nEspero que isso te ajude a entender um pouco das possibilidades.\n\nAtenciosamente,\n\nFernando\n",
"comments": null
] | | [
] |
"author": "Dennis Goncalves",
"title": "Filter sub-task automation jql",
"body": "Custom Smart Value JQL Search: \"(issueType = Task and Sub-task = GDP-73) AND (project in (10017))\" - Field 'Sub-task' does not exist or you do not have permission to view it.\n\nAbove the error i am getting when I'm trying to use sub task, Is it possible to change the sentence to filter task and sub task, Regards in advance\n"
} | [
"author": "Josh Costella",
"body": "Hi [@Dennis Goncalves](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5580733)\n\n\"Sub-task\" is not a field. It's an issue type.\n\nIf I understand what you are trying to search for, you want only a specific Sub-task of a specific Task? I'm assuming this Task has multiple Sub-tasks but you only want to identify a specific one?\n\nIs GDP-73 the Sub-task issue key or is it the key for the parent Task?\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Dennis Goncalves",
"body": "I am trying to create a rule to calculate the percentage of Done issues inside an epic, but inside the epic I have task and sub tasks\n"
] | | null |
"author": "Alanis_ Hans",
"title": "How to calculate the \"Due date\" based on the \"Start date\" + \"Duration\" (custom field)",
"body": "I created a number custom field called \"Duration\" that I want to use to calculate the Due Date, for example Due Date = Start date + Duration. \n\nI created an automation but when I update the Start date, the value on the Due Date field disappears (if not empty) and the Automation Audit Log shows no errors and a status of success. \n\nThis is the Smart Value I am using: \n{{issue.Start Date.plusBusinessDays(issue.Duration)}} \n\nThe fields that I am using are: \nStart date \nDuration \nDue date \n\nIf I use the following Smart value, it works fine, and the Due Date field gets updated: \n{{now.plusDays(7)}}\n\n<br />\n\nAny idea what's wrong?\n"
} | [
"author": "Jerrold - Empyra",
"body": "Hi [@Alanis_ Hans](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5454426)\n\nI was able to re-create the issue you are facing. The due date got empty when i edited the start date while there was no value in the duration field. so when there is no value in the duration field and then you edited the start date the due date value will be empty. can you please check the issue if there was value on the duration field. The smart value is not the issues it is working as expected.\n\nThank you.\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Alanis_ Hans",
"body": "Hello [@Jerrold - Empyra]( \nYes, both the Duration and the Start date fields have values. The Duration field is setup as a number field.\n"
"author": "Alanis_ Hans",
"body": "Here's a screenshot of the values on the Duration and Start date and the automation Edit part. I use \"Duration\" and the custom field ID and both options give me the same result. \n\n\n\n\n"
"author": "Jerrold - Empyra",
"body": "hi [@Alanis_ Hans](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5454426)\n\nwhen i use the custom field id i am facing this issue but when i am using the name its working as expected so can you try one more time with the custom field name and still if its not working then can you try in the advance way. unselect the due date from the choose fields to set and click on more options and inside the additional fields insert this\n\n{ \n\"fields\": { \n\"duedate\": \"{{issue.Start Date.plusBusinessDays(issue.Duration)}}\" \n} \n}\n\nand update the rule and see whether its working\n\nThank you.\n"
"author": "Alanis_ Hans",
"body": "Hi again [@Jerrold - Empyra](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5352480) \nFirst of all, thanks for your help. \n\nI made the changes you suggested and now I am getting the following error message: \n\n\n\nAnd here's my rule: \n\n\n\nI modified your query to see if that helped but I am getting the same error message: \n\n{ \"fields\": {\n\n\"duedate\": \"{{issue.Start Date.plusBusinessDays(issue.Duration).format(\"yyyy-MM-dd\")}}\"\n\n}\n\n}\n"
"author": "Alanis_ Hans",
"body": "[@Jerrold - Empyra](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5352480) It seems that the problem is with the Start Date field. I tried the following script and it works:\n\n<br />\n\n{ \"fields\": {\n\n\"duedate\": \"{{now.plusBusinessDays(3)}}\"\n\n}\n\n}\n"
"author": "Jerrold - Empyra",
"body": "Hi [@Alanis_ Hans](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5454426)\n\nCan you Please try the below automation and share the audit logs. And Please make sure the \"Duration\" custom field ID is correct.\n\n\n\nThank you.\n"
"author": "Alanis_ Hans",
"body": "[@Jerrold - Empyra](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5352480) Same problem. The dueDate field gets empty and the Automation Audit Log shows no error: \n\n\n"
"author": "Jerrold - Empyra",
"body": "Hi [@Alanis_ Hans](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5454426)\n\nI'm sorry that I couldn't pinpoint the exact root cause of the issue. It seems like there might be an error in pulling the start date data, leading to a null value when adding 3 days to it. Please check if there are any other custom fields named \"start date.\" If you're using the default start date, try replacing it with its custom field ID, which is \"10015\" (this ID remains consistent across all cloud instances). You can use the following smart value in the edit action:\n\n{{issue.customfield_10015.plusBusinessDays(issue.customfield_14335)}}\n\nIf You are still facing this issue please reach out to the Atlassian support team and they will look into it and help you on this regard you can raise a ticket from this link [Atlassian support](\n\nThank you.\n"
"author": "Alanis_ Hans",
"body": "Thanks Jerrold. \nI found the problem. The ID for my \"Start date\" field is 14207. \nI used that on the Automation Script and it worked. \n\n\n"
"author": "Alanis_ Hans",
"body": "Hello [@Jerrold - Empyra](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5352480) \nYes, both the Duration and the Start date fields have values. The Duration field is setup as a number field.\n",
"comments": null
] | | [
] |
"author": "Michiel Schuijer",
"title": "[Suggestion] Improve Manage Projects menu",
"body": "(i)(?) I tried selecting product \"Jira\" or \"Jira Cloud\", for the \"What topic are you posting about?\" field, but that is not available in the drop-down?! Jira Work Management does not even exist anymore, it should all be \"Jira\" now and no more JWM or Jira Core, right?\n\nAnyway, as a Jira Admin (for 15+ years) I would really like a lot of things improved, but the \"Manage Projects\" menu is one that is bothering me a lot.\n\nIn Jira Data Center it became available at some point, to see more and filter better, but in Jira cloud it is really limited and making my work as an org admin really hard.\n\n1. Why does an admin have to search separately for projects in \"Manage projects\" and \"Archive\"? I don't know in advance where it will be, so I have to check both menus, which is not efficient/waisting time.\n2. Why can't I search by project lead, to find projects where a certain lead is set?\n3. Why not show the amount of issues included in a project in the overview and optionally allow to filter on this, to find unused/abandoned projects? \n \\*In Backup manager it shows the number of issues per project for team-managed projects, so it is easily available.\n4. Why can you not search for team-managed projects? There is a filter for \"product\", but this lists only \"Jira - business projects\", \"Jira - software projects\", \"Jira Service Management\" and recently \"Jira Product Discovery\". \n \\*In Backup manager it shows the team-managed projects, so it is easily available, but that menu has problems of its own: try deleting a team-managed project that has been archived; it will not tell you it failed because it's archived.\n\nFor example, searching a project based on project lead is not available/possible:\n\nThe use case is obvious to me: often there are people in your company who are project lead for several or even dozens of projects. To make communication with them easier and provide them a list of all projects they are responsible for, I would like to extract these quickly (filter on project lead), and the extract should include a column of number of issues in it as well as last updated date. To contact and confront project leads about periodic clean-up/archival this is a hard requirement.\n\nThe other cases are just day-to-day operations I require those options for.\n\nLet me know if other admins agree or have tips.\n\np.s. I already resort to Postman to export projects, use the visualisation to create a table which I then copy/paste to Sheets (Google/Excel/Numbers/LibreOffice) so I can format and copy/paste a list in an email or Jira issue. Waayy to much work.\n"
} | [
"author": "John Funk",
"body": "Hi Michiel,\n\nThanks for your post, but it won't do a lot of good here. You need to submit a support ticket with Atlassian for those suggestions.\n\n<>\n",
"comments": null
] | | [
] |
"author": "vasanth",
"title": "when we trying to create feature it is showing Audit log",
"body": "summary: Field 'summary' cannot be set. It is not on the appropriate screen, or unknown., customfield_ 11326: Field 'customfield_ 11326' cannot be set. It is not on the appropriate screen, or unknown., description: Field 'description' cannot be set. It is not on the appropriate screen, or unknown., priority: Field 'priority' cannot be set. It is not on the appropriate screen, or unknown in jira align.\n\nfeatures are not creating JIRA.\n\ncan someone assist with this error?\n"
} | [
"author": "Steve Sauser",
"body": "[@vasanth](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/3447449) Thank you for your question.\n\nEach of these errors tell us that there are custom fields in Jira being used for Summary, Description and Priority are all fields that come out of the box in Jira and are not listed in the custom fields because they completely out of the box.\n\nExample Screenshots for Summary and Description from the Create Screen in Jira:\n\n\n\nWhile these can be removed from the screen schemes and replaced with custom fields Jira Align will not recognize these fields (Summary and Description). Jira Align will expect that the real out of the box fields will be present on all the issues and the screens on those issues.\n\nIt would appear to me that you would want to coordinate with your Jira Admins to determine the field that is Custom Field ID \"11326\" and if it is summary or some similar name, it should be removed from the screen schemes (for your integrated projects) and the screen itself should have the real Summary field added back into the Create/Edit/View screens.\n\nIt is further highly likely they have removed the Description field from the Create/Edit/View screens in the Feature issue type, this should be added back.\n\nRegarding Priority, in Jira Align this is managed in Admin --\\> Jira Settings --\\> Field Management. Here they will find the field they are mapping for Priority.\n\n* Priority is an out of the box field in both Jira and Jira Align.\n* It is likely that the mapping has not been completed for Priority in Jira Align and/or it is not displayed on the Feature Create/Edit/View Screens for your integrated projects.\n\nWhen mapped correctly in Jira Align it should look like the below screenshot:\n\n\n\nIn Jira the screen fields should look something like this:\n\n\n\nPlease note, I rearranged the fields in this view to bring Summary, Description, and Priority to the top for demonstration purposes.\n\nIf you need additional detailed assistance, please submit a support ticket to gain assistance with making these changes (assuming your Jira Align and Jira Admins do not already understand how to resolve this with the detail above).\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Jamie Giantonio",
"body": "[@vasanth](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/3447449) you need to confirm that the fields that will be synced between the two are present on the Create and Edit screens in Jira for each of the issue types.\n\nMore information: <>\n",
"comments": null
] | | [
] |
"author": "Johnny Ringo",
"title": "Release vehicle confusion",
"body": "Release Vehicles (aka as Releases or FixVersions in Jira)\n\n* As a note: Release Vehicles are either synced with Jira or not synced at all so we can't just turn this off.\n* The Planning Increment is randomly getting changed by \"External System\". Planning Increment is not even a field on the Jira side so why is \"Release Shipped In\" getting changed and then I have to change back the Planning Increment.\n* If someone Releases a FixVersion or changes the dates on the Jira side - sometimes they land in Jira Align while other times they get set back to Unreleased and overwritten with the last set of dates in Jira Align. Why is the Push v. Pull at different times? How would we ever know which side is going to \"win\"?\n"
} | [
"author": "Jamie Giantonio",
"body": "[@Johnny Ringo](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5524561) there is a setting in the Admin Panel under Jira Settings, Jira Setup tab- \"Update planning increment dates based on sprint or fix version dates\"- is that set to Yes or No?\n\nSetting this to no will keep the Planning Increments set on the Feature (Jira Epics) and the associated stories based on when you worked them vs Fixed Version Dates.\n\n\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Johnny Ringo",
"body": "It was set to yes previously, but it seemed random when things were being changed. As stated\n\n\"\n\n* If someone Releases a FixVersion or changes the dates on the Jira side - sometimes they land in Jira Align while other times they get set back to Unreleased and overwritten with the last set of dates in Jira Align. Why is the Push v. Pull at different times? How would we ever know which side is going to \"win\"?\"\n\ncan you provide any assistance with this please?\n"
"author": "Jamie Giantonio",
"body": "[@Johnny Ringo](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5524561) it's hard to answer that question without being able to look at the change logs for the work items.\n\nThere is a help page that goes a little deeper into release vehicle updates that might shed some light: <>\n\nIf that doesn't help, if you can find an example and expand on it, providing what action was taken in Jira and what the audit log in jira Align shows, we can try and dig in deeper.\n"
"author": "Mayer Marni",
"body": "We are having the same exact problem and have not been able to find any resolution!\n\nWe have many examples and the steps are typically as follows:\n\n1. We create a Release Vehicle in Jira Align and select the Jira Project for the sync to push it to Jira.\n\n2. During that creation we select the Planning Increment.\n\n3. Randomly, the Planning Increment gets updated exactly as described above.\n\n4. We manually fix it on the Align side since this field does not exist nor is part of any field mapping.\n\n5. Then it randomly gets updated again and so on.\n\nWe see this happening in the Audit Log but it is a bit difficult to share as the naming is some confidential information.\n\nPlease note that in instances where this is happening we do not yet have any Jira Epics or Stories that would have the wrong PI causing a conflict. We solely have Planning Increments \\& Release Vehicles with only Release Vehicles syncing from Jira Align to Jira Software.\n"
] | | [
] |
"author": "Bindu.Tunuguntla",
"title": "Jira align Field Defnitions",
"body": "Is there any place where i can find Jira align Fields and Definitions (How to use them)\n"
} | [
"author": "Steve Sauser",
"body": "[@Bindu.Tunuguntla](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/4234595) Great question!\n\nHere is a link to the Jira Align help documentation, specifically linked to the Field dictionary documentation. You will find a couple of articles here (Work item state and status definitions and the Field Dictionary).\n\n[Field Dictionary](\n\n\n\nPlease let us know if this does not answer your questions. Thanks!\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Matt Rosenbluth",
"body": "Is there a list also for which of these fields forces Jira and Jira Align to sync?\n\nE.g. When I update 'Description' the work item is added to a sync queue. When I modify some other fields it is not always forced to sync.\n"
"author": "Steve Sauser",
"body": "[@Matt Rosenbluth](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/4949240) Unfortunately that does not currently exist, there are some Bugs/Suggestions related to specific fields not triggering the sync action from JA to Jira (examples below).\n\nWe also have an internal request to provide this documentation in Jira Align Help, however it has not yet been prioritized, but it is in the backlog.\n\nExamples:\n\n[JIRAALIGN-7275](\n\n[JIRAALIGN-7246](\n\nPlease watch the Jira Align Release Notes for future updates regarding an updated Jira Align Help Document.\n"
] | | [
] |
"author": "Lucy Chien_ Chialing",
"title": "For align product. if there is a way to hide work item fields by \"role\" and not globally by work",
"body": "For align product. if there is a way to hide work item fields by \"role\" and not globally by work ?\n"
} | [
"author": "Steve Sauser",
"body": "[@Lucy Chien_ Chialing](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5542599) Thank you for your question!\n\nAccess to work items (Story, Feature, Epic, etc...) is either on or off by role. You can restrict Update/VS Create in most cases, however a field that exists on a work item level that a user has access to will give them access to all fields exposed on the UI.\n\nIf you believe this is imperative functionality I would suggest submitting a ticket through Support.\n\n[Submit a Support ticket](\n\nChoose the option for Technical Issues and Bugs (first selection) and then for \"What type of technical request do you have?\" choose \"I have a question for the technical support team\".\n\nThey will be able to validate if there is already a suggestion that you can Vote for and Watch so that you can get updates.\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Lucy Chien_ Chialing",
"body": "Thanks so much Steve.\n"
"author": "Allan Maxwell",
"body": "I will add that you can show/hide the various secondary tabs on work items by Role.\n"
"author": "Lucy Chien_ Chialing",
"body": "Hi Allan,\n\nOur team lead notifies me that she doesn't want to have any changes on role accessibility by work type.\n\nSo no need to add that for me. thanks.\n\nBest,\n\nLucy\n"
] | | [
] |
"author": "Gareth Beynon",
"title": "Jira Align REST API to get features, expand doesn't work when filter is enabled.",
"body": "I'm using Swagger UI in Jira Align to test this out and I am noticing these two options don't seem to work in tandem.\n\nI am trying to use the Features GET endpoint to get a list of Features for a particular release / jira project(s), but I also want the expanded data for Program, Owner and Release.\n\nIf I leave the filter options blank in Swagger and just test it pulling the top 1-5 results it works, I get the fully expanded data JSON response.\n\nIf I then apply a filter to target a specific release (or put anything in the filter options at all) the data is still returned but not in the expanded format, effectively expand=true does not work when filter is also present.\n\nIs this by design? Or have I stumbled across an annoying bug.\n"
} | [
"author": "Allan Maxwell",
"body": "It works for me in the example below. Maybe you could post (no pun intended) the syntax you are using?\n\n```\n{{base_JA_url}}/Epics?EXPAND=true&$FILTER=id EQ 1414\n```\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Gareth Beynon",
"body": "[@Allan Maxwell](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/3502714) thanks for the reply.\n\nIn swagger UI: \n\n```\n{Base URL}/rest/align/api/2/Features?expand=true\n```\n\nThis works and I can see the extra expand details.\n\n```\n{Base URL}/rest/align/api/2/Features?expand=true&filter=releaseId%20EQ%2021\n```\n\nThough this returns a response the expand detail is now omitted.\n\nThankfully this was enough for me to spot the issue. In Swagger UI the URL uses the format '\\&filter' which still works but it needs to be '\\&**$**filter' to work with the expand clause.\n\nI've just tried this and can confirm it works.\n\nBit annoying that Swagger doesn't give you the output URL in that format.\n"
"author": "Phil Hind",
"body": "I have the same issue with Swagger that Gareth has documented above? Who owns the Swagger implementation of the \"Jira Align API 2.0\"?\n"
] | | [
] |
"author": "anil kumar",
"title": "How to integrate Jira align with Asana?",
"body": "I am looking to sync a Field between Asana and Jira align and also get the field value from Asana to Jira Align, how can this be established using Zapier.\n"
} | [
"author": "Allan Maxwell",
"body": "Zapier allows you to script API calls and both Jira Align and Asana support REST API calls to read and write data ...thus it is possible to accomplish what you want to do.\n\nHere is a link to Jira Aligns API: <>\n",
"comments": null
"author": "anil kumar",
"body": "Can you please guide or tag any experts. [@Rich Sparks](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/3113667) [@Benjamin](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/3275402)\n",
"comments": null
] | | [
] |
"author": "Liora Naginsky",
"title": "Is it possible to present a roadmap in Jira Align at the Story level, showing dependencies, sprint t",
"body": "Is it possible to present a roadmap in Jira Align at the Story level, showing dependencies, sprint timelines, and the developers assigned to each story?\n\nThank you!\n"
} | [
"author": "shiva kumar Gosul",
"body": "You can view Story details in Roadmap however it is not same view as Epic or Feature level.\n\nSteps: Go to Roadmap in Jira\n\nDefault dropdown is \"Work\" change it to \"Program Increment\" so that you can see Story details for that PI here Story means both Story and Task in Jira Align.\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Rae Gibbs",
"body": "[@liora](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/4243276) Jira Align roadmaps are intended to be the strategic intent of an organization's planning. It is not meant to represent the planning the teams do. When using either of the Feature views in Roadmaps, you can see any stories that have been planned by sprint represented by boxes. And when you hover, you can see the stories and drill in from there.\n\n\n\nThe Program Board represents when the teams expect to finish their stories according to sprints. Dependencies are represented according to sprints as well. When hovering over the items on the Program Board, you can also see how objectives, features and dependencies are tied together.\n\n\n\nEven though the stories aren't displayed on the Program Board, if you click on a feature, you can see all stories created by all teams and when they are expected to be completed. The person assigned to the story is not listed.\n\n\n\nHopefully this helps!\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Liora Naginsky",
"body": "[@Rae Gibbs](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/3554218) Thank you!\n"
] | | [
] |
"author": "Steve Kenmoe",
"title": "notifications via the Discussion Link for Work Item Dependencies",
"body": "Helllo, I would like to know if there is a plan to support notifications via the Discussion\n\nDiscussion Link for Work Item Dependencies\n"
} | [
"author": "Allan Maxwell",
"body": "I have not seen any mention of this. You could submit a Product Suggestion though: <>\n",
"comments": null
] | | [
] |
"author": "Johnny Ringo",
"title": "Populate features based on release vehicle?",
"body": "Why does Jira Align not populate Features based on the Release Vehicle? So, we've renamed Feature as Jira Epic. When these come from Jira they hae a Release Vehicle assigned but now I'm having to manually select a Parent Initiative Breakdown and Planning Increment. Why can't it auto-assign those two bsaed on the Release Vehicle as they should always be the same?\n"
} | [
"author": "ahmet_kilic_catworkx_com",
"body": "Hey Johnny,\n\nyou expect a way to automate the links of Parent Initiative and PI from release into feature?\n\nquick answer: **There might be multiple associations than one.**\n\nA release holds multiple features (your Jira Epic) and each feature might be associated with different initiatives.\n\n\n\n<br />\n\nOn the other hand, I would ask you for your \"implementation runway\". Do you create first Releases than Features or vice versa? \nThis is related to the automation direction from feature to release which is happening already in Jira Align. \n\nI hope this helps.\n\nBest,\n\nAhmet Kilic\n\nEnterprise Agility Consultant at catworkx\n",
"comments": null
] | | [
] |
"author": "Liora Naginsky",
"title": "What is the most effective way to present or display a delay in Jira Align?",
"body": "Hello,\n\nWhat is the most effective way to present or display a delay in Jira Align? Is there an option to calculate the delay automatically based on the start and due dates?\n\nThank you!\n"
} | [
"author": "Tom O'Connor",
"body": "Along with the Roadmap view, which can be manually set, the Program Board will show Planning Issues if for example a Sprint is delayed beyond the planned completion of the Feature. Some organizations may also use the Status Report and set the Epic Health and specifically the Schedule Health.\n\n\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Liora Naginsky",
"body": "Thank you!\n"
"author": "Liora Naginsky",
"body": "[@Tom O_Connor](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/3078478)\n\nHi, is it possible to calculate and display a delay before the actual end date, allowing us to foresee any potential delays before the epic is completed?\n\nThank you!\n"
"author": "Lucas_DevSamurai_",
"body": "Hi [@Liora Naginsky](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5466306) ,\n\nI think you can try to display a delay in your Jira Align by using the **Roadmap view** to show the planned versus actual timeline. You can also highlight the delayed items with different colors or markers.\n\nOr, you can use **gant charts** to show the timeline, dependencies, and where delays are occurring with different colors to highlight the delayed tasks.\n\n*- \"Is there an option to calculate the delay automatically based on the start and due dates?\"*\n\nYes. You can create a calculated field or use Jira Align's reporting capabilities to determine the delay. These delays can be calculated as the difference between the '**Due Date** ' and the '**Actual End Date**.'\n\nHope this helps.\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Liora Naginsky",
"body": "[@Lucas_DevSamurai_](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5192478) Thank you!\n"
"author": "Liora Naginsky",
"body": "[@Lucas_DevSamurai_](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5192478)\n\n<br />\n\nHi, is it possible to calculate and display a delay before the actual end date, allowing us to foresee any potential delays before the epic is completed?\n\n<br />\n\nThank you!\n",
"comments": null
] | | [
] |
"author": "Johnny Ringo",
"title": "Status Mapping",
"body": "I have a problem that seems like it should be simple but I'm stumped. I have my epics globally mapped in Align to accepted for a jira status of done, but they are still showijg as the initial status and not changing. Bidirectional functionality is implemented. Any assistance would be most appreciated!\n"
} | [
"author": "Zohaib Arshad",
"body": "you're experiencing an issue where your epics in Jira Align are not updating their status to \"Accepted\" even though they are mapped to a Jira status of \"Done\". Here are a few steps to help troubleshoot and resolve this issue:\n\n1. Verify Mapping Configuration: \n- Ensure that the status mapping between Jira and Jira Align is correctly configured. \n- Go to \\*\\*Administration \\> Jira Settings \\> Jira Status Mappings\\*\\* in Jira Align and double-check that the Jira status \"Done\" is correctly mapped to the Align status \"Accepted\".\n\n2. Check Synchronization Settings \n- Ensure that the synchronization settings between Jira and Jira Align are properly set up. \n- Verify that the synchronization job is running as expected. You can do this by going to Administration \\> Connectors \\> Jira\\*\\* and checking the last run time and status of the synchronization job.\n\n3. Verify Epic Status in Jira: \n- Make sure that the epics in Jira are indeed marked as \"Done\". Sometimes, there could be a discrepancy between what is displayed and what is actually saved in the system. \n- Check if there are any additional custom fields or statuses in Jira that might be affecting the sync.\n\n4. Review Synchronization Logs: \n- Check the synchronization logs for any errors or warnings that might indicate why the epics are not updating as expected. \n- Logs can often provide detailed information about what went wrong during the sync process.\n\n5. Check Permissions \n- Ensure that the user account used for synchronization has the necessary permissions to update epics in Jira Align. \n- Verify that there are no permission issues preventing the status update.\n\n6. Manual Refresh \n- Sometimes, a manual refresh can help. Try triggering a manual synchronization from Jira Align to see if that updates the epic statuses. \n- Go to Administration \\> Connectors \\> Jira \\> Manual Sync and run the sync for the affected projects.\n\nIf the above steps do not resolve the issue, consider reaching out to Atlassian support or the community for more detailed assistance. Providing specific details and screenshots of your configuration and logs can help others diagnose the problem more effectively.\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Steve Sauser",
"body": "[@Johnny Ringo](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5524561) This is not an uncommon question, it would seem logical that the Status itself would be the triggering mechanism, however that is not how Jira Align functions.\n\nAccepted is updated in JA based upon having a Resolution Date in Jira. The Jira workflow needs to have a post-function which sets the Resolution Date (in Jira) equal to the date the status is updated to the final step (you indiciated \"Done\").\n\nIt is also important to ensure that the workflow (if it is allowed to move from Done to any other status) has a post-function which will clear the Resolution Date if moved away from Done.\n\nPlease work with your Jira Administration Team who should already be versed in how to set and clear these values using post-functions. If they do not have this knowledge they can submit a support request or could search the Jira Community for answers and/or submit a question.\n\n* Support would be the most helpful though.\n",
"comments": null
] | | [
] |
"author": "Bob Hunt",
"title": "Is it possible to define all sprints for an ART in one place? or must this be done team by team?",
"body": "I know we have a mechanism to create sprints for each team individually but I'm wondering if there is a way to create these for the entire ART or (ideally) for an entire portfolio?\n"
} | [
"author": "Nicolas Grossi",
"body": "[@Bob Hunt](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/1144567) By team, Sprints are per project\n\nNicolas\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Bob Hunt",
"body": "Thank you! I was hoping that this could somehow be centralized to reduce the creating burden and the ensure that dates etc. are easily aligned across the teams.\n"
"author": "Rae Gibbs",
"body": "Are you asking for Jira or Jira Align?\n",
"comments": null
] | | [
] |
"author": "Bob Hunt",
"title": "Is it possible to update the available list of Feature 'types'?",
"body": "Within the feature objects the **type** field permits the categorization of features into buckets (i.e. Business, enabler, Architecture etc.). \nIs it possible to amend this list for our purposes? \nFor example, one of the selectable Feature 'types' is '**Risk** ' which doesn't make much sense in our world, so we'd like to remove it from the list. \nWe also have some additional Feature 'types' that we'd like to add. \n\nThanks for the help!\n"
} | [
"author": "Aline Chapman",
"body": "[@Bob Hunt](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/1144567) just to add to the previous answers, for us \"Risk\" is also not applicable so what we did was sync the field and values between Jira and Jira Align for Features (Jira Epics), except we did not add the value \"Risk\" in Jira, so if a user selects \"Risk\" in JA, as it doesn't exist in Jira, it updates to \"Not Set\". It was the best workaround we could find to not use \"risk\" in our organization. Hope it helps.\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Rae Gibbs",
"body": "[@Bob Hunt](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/1144567) Hey! It's not possible to change what is listed in the **Type** dropdown for a Feature. The capability to do that is only available at the Story level. To see what dropdowns can be modified, you check via the following path. This is only accessible by someone with an Admin system role. Settings \\> Platform \\> Dropdowns tab \\> click the **Dropdown** dropdown.\n\n\n",
"comments": [
"author": "vasanth",
"body": "[@Rae Gibbs](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/3554218) , Thank you for the explanation with the screenshot\n"
"author": "vasanth",
"body": "Hi [@Bob Hunt](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/1144567)\n\nyou can't update the values\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Bob Hunt",
"body": "Thank you all for your responses! \nMany of the types are really helpful but it would really be nice to be able to modify the list (i.e. remove the ones that don't apply for a particular organization).\n",
"comments": null
] | | null |
"author": "Lucy Chien_ Chialing",
"title": "Program Boards in Jira Align",
"body": "we have Program Boards in Jira Align. They serve as a kind of dashboard. But I don't know how to get to the data behind the dashboard. I'd like to baseline program boards by ART.\n\nLink to board.\n\n[Jira Align](\n"
} | [
"author": "Kit Friend",
"body": "Your data isn't accessible (thankfully :) ) to us here on the forum - based on the URL I assume you're talking about this style view though: \n.jpeg\")\n\nThe data driving this in terms of sprint allocation etc is all in the item details if you click on them, could you clarify/provide a sketch of what you're hoping a baselined view by ART would look like - is it a big table with the original vs current iteration allocation of each feature? I'm not sure if historic iteration allocation at a point in time is recorded in a way you could expose easily if so (and the table would get massive)...\n",
"comments": null
"author": "shiva kumar Gosul",
"body": "You can take a snapshot by clicking \"Capture\" top right\n",
"comments": null
] | | null |
"author": "Inbal As",
"title": "Link Idea to multiple features",
"body": "Hi,\n\nDoes anyone experienced with the functionlity of linking Idea to multiple features?\n\nHow it is done with the new navigation?\n\nthanks.\n"
} | [
"author": "Steve Sauser",
"body": "[@Inbal As](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5544988) I believe you are speaking about leveraging the Ideation functionality in Jira Align.\n\nThis article would be on point for understanding the \"Convert or promote the ideas to work items\".\n\n<>\n\nAdditionally, regardless of Old Nav or New Nav an idea can only be converted to a single work item (Epic, Feature, Story), however multiple ideas cannot be linked to a given work item (other than Features).\n",
"comments": null
"author": "vasanth",
"body": "[@Inbal As](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5544988)\n\nplease refer this article\n\n<>\n",
"comments": null
] | | [
] |
"author": "Kurt Van de Vel",
"title": "Status Report",
"body": "Goodafternoon,\n\nI'm looking for a simple, bog standard report in Jira Align to show the status for the Align Features parked under a specific Align EPIC. we're heading into a new fiscal year and our FY24 Align EPIC is going to be closed. I can pull all Align features parked under that Align EPIC. I'd like to see the state of those features. (Basically anything that's not done, requires attention). I added a screenshot below where i can see all features but the state is not as expected.\n\nMost features are \"DONE\" however that report state says something else.\n\nSo in summary i'm looking for a simple report that returns Align Features and they're actual state.\n\nTIA\n\n\n"
} | [
"author": "Edvaldo Lima",
"body": "Hello [@Kurt Van de Vel](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/1158987)\n\nI believe the following report can help.\n\n* [Status report](\n\nYou can check the Epics and drill down to check the linked Features and their statuses.\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Kurt Van de Vel",
"body": "Thanks Edvaldo. Is there any way this can be extracted? (xls eg)\n\nThat status report requires you to go into each of Features individually.\n"
"author": "Edvaldo Lima",
"body": "Hi [@Kurt Van de Vel](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/1158987)\n\nAt this moment exporting the Status Report data to e.g. xls or csv is not an available feature in Jira Align, however, if you believe this is a must-have, I'd encourage you to raise a Product suggestion ticket using the following link:\n\n* <>\n\nIf you have any difficulties raising the Suggestion ticket, feel free to raise a support ticket to Jira Align, and we'll help you with that! \n\nThanks!\n"
] | | null |
"author": "Morten Christophersen",
"title": "Copy data from Production to test environment",
"body": "Hi, We just updated out jira test server and copied over the data from prod to test. New I need to get the same thing done at our jira align instance. How do one get that done? That is to copy the data from our prod instance to our test instance.\n"
} | [
"author": "Edvaldo Lima",
"body": "Hi [@Morten Christophersen](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5301751)\n\nYou can use the link below to request a Jira Align data refresh.\n\n* <>\n",
"comments": null
] | | null |
"author": "Bhanu Prakash",
"title": "Need a list of Fields that sync from Jira to Jira align",
"body": "For Onboarding new Program's i would like to present which fields can be synchronized from Jira to Jira Align.\n\nAlthough i have an idea what all can be synchronized and where to search for it, I am searching for an extensive list of fields at least at Feature level (or) Story level for starters.\n\nCan anyone help ?\n"
} | [
"author": "Steve Sauser",
"body": "[@Bhanu Prakash](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5298405) Thanks for your question, below I have provided links to existing documentation which will provide you the details of what is synced currently.\n\nAdditionally, I provided additional links which expresses the ability to map Custom Fields (from the UI) for the Feature Work Item.\n\n[Jira data synchronization](\n\n[Configure default and custom fields](\n\n[Configure field management settings](\n\nPlease let me know if this does not cover the questions you have.\n\nThanks again!\n",
"comments": null
] | | [
] |
"author": "Samantha Michael",
"title": "Please advise if there is a limitation to the number of Programs or Jira Projects associated",
"body": "We have gone for a different to standard set up with Jira Align where we have each of our Domains as Programs. We are now seeing the benefit of being able to link more teams into Jira Align. However, the more teams we integrate at program level, the more programs I am creating and the more Jira Projects will therefore need to be linked into Jira Align. I want to be sure that as a Process Owner I am not overlooking some unknown Jira Align limitations in supporting this route.\n\nPlease can you advise\n\n\\* Maximum number of programs in one portfolio/ one Jira Align organisation? \n\\* Maximum number of Jira Projects associated to one company's Jira Align?\n\n\\* Can we have more than one program feed into just one Jira Project (there is a specific use case for this one for one group of programs)?\n\nThank you\n"
} | [
"author": "Steve Sauser",
"body": "[@Samantha Michael](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5501047) This are good questions, I think the below should answer your questions (a bit lengthy, but I wanted to be sure you had the right information).\n\n**Maximum number of programs** in one portfolio/ one Jira Align organisation?\n\n* There is **not a defined technical limit to this**\n * That does not mean it is 100% limitless because the larger each Program/Portfolio is the longer a given page will take to load (based upon the issue counts), however one should consider Dunbar's Number when creating large amounts of Teams in a Program, Programs in a Portfolio.\n* **Dubar's Number** - The idea that humans can only maintain stable relationships with around 150 people at a time.\n * Proponents assert that numbers larger than this generally require more restrictive rules, laws, and enforced norms to maintain a stable, cohesive group. It has been proposed to lie between 100 and 250, with a commonly used value of 150.\n * **Example:**\n * **Program Level**\n * Teams in a Program = 15\n * Team Size (including PO/SM) = 10\n * Program Leadership (per program) = 3\n * This would factor out to 153 relationships, hits the limit with a small variance, but as each set of numbers increases the relationships increase and interactions begin to fail.\n * **Portfolio Level**\n * Programs in a Portfolio = 25\n * Program Leadership (per program) = 3\n * Portfolio Leadership = 8\n * This would factor out to 158 relationships, hits the limit with a small variance, but as each set of numbers (in both Program and Portfolio) increases the relationships increase and interactions begin to fail.\n * **Math:**\n * Program level (Team Size \\* Teams) + Program Leadership = Program Relationships\n * Portfolio Level (Programs \\* Program Leadership) + (Programs \\* Program Leadership) + Portfolio Leadership = Portfolio Relationships\n * Because the Program Leadership has relationships with the Portfolio those relationships add to the Portfolio relationships.\n\n**Maximum number of Jira Projects** associated to one company's Jira Align?\n\n* This is essentially limitless in Jira Align, you will hit a performance issue in Jira with the number of Jira Projects, issues, and concurrent users long before you hit a limitation in Jira Align.\n* In these cases multiple Jira Instances can be connected to a given Jira Align instance. We have customers who have more than 10 instances of Jira connected to a single instance of Jira Align.\n * This represents upwards of 10,000 teams (related Programs and Portfolios) and hundreds of millions of issues (stories, features, epics, etc..) with the single instance of Jira Align.\n\n**Can we have more than one program** feed into just one Jira Project (there is a specific use case for this one for one group of programs)?\n\n* Simple answer here is no. See **Solution Layer** below for additional options.\n* The relationship from Team to Program is N:1 (many teams to a single Program, but the inverse is not true, a Team cannot belong to more than 1 Program).\n * In Jira Align, each Program can have multiple Jira Projects associated to the Program, however each Program is a singular record and duplicates are prevented systemically.\n* The relationship from Program to Portfolio is N:1 (many Programs to a single Portfolio, but the inverse is not true, a Program cannot belong to more than 1 Portfolio).\n * In Jira Align this is systemically enforced.\n\nIf the **Solution Layer is introduced** then you can create a collection of Programs into a single Solution.\n\n* We **highly caution against embarking on the enablement of the Solution Layer without an Advisory Services engagement** , there are many considerations that should be evaluated and the vast majority of enterprises (even very large ones) tend to underestimate the efforts, ways of working, leadership layers, etc...and over-estimate the potential benefits.\n * Side note, this also impacts the relationships that can be formed by humans (see Dunbar's Number).\n* Please work with your Sales counterparts inside Atlassian to explore an Advisory Services engagement before undertaking the Solution Layer.\n\nIf these do not answer your questions please respond back so that we can advise further.\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Samantha Michael",
"body": "Thank you, this is incredibly helpful. We have set up our Jira Align instance differently to standard so already exceed 10 Jira Project connections (one per domain). Can you advise when the performance issues might hit or any stats on performance effects of this model? We worked with an Atlassian approved consultancy and this was not something we were told about.\n"
"author": "Steve Sauser",
"body": "[@Samantha Michael](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5501047) Here is some documentation to help guide you.\n\nI did want to address \"already exceed 10 Jira Project connections\" - the number of projects (non-archived) is one factor in Jira performance, however please know that I referenced a customer with 10 Jira Instances, each of those have thousands of Jira Projects in each one.\n\n* Instance can be thought of as the URL you are navigating to when you log in. The instance contains all the Jira Projects, workflows, Issue Types, fields, screens, etc...\n* Project is a container where people will perform work, create/update issues, progress through workflows, etc...\n\nData Center:\n\n* Start at Performance and scaling - [Performance and scaling](\n* Specific guardrails is a sub-page under Performance and scaling - [Jira Software guardrails](\n\nCloud: The same type of documentation does not exist for Cloud (although it is coming), in general these limits continue to be expanded upon in Cloud.\n\n* Example: About 2 years ago the number of concurrent users in Jira Cloud was 10K, today it is 50K.\n\nI am not sure how large your organization is nor what population of those people would be working in Jira, but unless this is a super large organization (500K employees, where likely upwards of 200K users have licenses to Jira it is unlikely that you will hit these types of limits.\n\nIf you would like deeper information on the limits it would be best to pose a question in the Jira Community or submit a support ticket to get more guidance/details.\n"
"author": "Samantha Michael",
"body": "Thank you. Yes now re-reading, I understand the scale of your response. This is great,\n"
"author": "vasanth",
"body": "there is a maximum number of Program Increments per Portfolio Epic and this is hard-coded to 99\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Samantha Michael",
"body": "Thanks Vasanth, I am not sure this answers my question. So an Epic can span 99 PIs; but how many Programs can I create in my system and how many Jira Projects can I associate to my system overall? Thank you\n"
] | | [
] |
"author": "Nicolae Victor Rusu",
"title": "Risk ROAM Reporting at Enteprise/Portfolio level",
"body": "Hi team, \n\nIs it possible to pull a Risk ROAM Report at Enterprise or Portfolio Level ? I am aware this can be done at Program Level however not sure if this capability exists in Jira Align \n\nMany thanks in advance\n"
} | [
"author": "Steve Sauser",
"body": "[@Nicolae Victor Rusu](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5397058) Thank you for your question Nicolae.\n\nRisks are always attached to a Program (even if the work item is a Capability, Epics, Theme, or PI). As such they pivot around the Program level as a view.\n\nEven if I refer back to Old Navigation for the Risk/Roam Report you will find that selecting the R/R Report you will see that even with a Portfolio level (selecting a Portfolio and QI in the Tier 1 (top bar) that the Risk Roam Report will require one to choose a single Program and a single Planning Interval.\n\nOld Nav:\n\n\n\nI believe the logic of this change is to reduce the additional clicks that would be required on the individual page once loaded. In New Nav you would have chosen a Portfolio and then have to make additional clicks to pick the Program, rather than just going to the Program and selecting the Risk/Roam Report.\n\nAs a note, the Risk/Roam was not available in Old Nav at the Enterprise Level and it is also not available in the New Nav.\n\nIf you would like to submit a suggestion to Product to request that Risk/Roam be made available at the Portfolio Level, please place a request through Support and they will be able to create a suggestion.\n\nPlease let me know if you have additional questions.\n",
"comments": null
] | | null |
"author": "Ross Beehler",
"title": "API access to Portfolio Epic Status Report Notes",
"body": "Is there API access to the Notes on a Portfolio Epic's Status report? I see nothing in the OpenAPI specification at \\`rest/align/api/docs/2/swagger.json\\` to suggest this is available, but not sure if it's hidden in some sort of structure that isn't named related what you see in the UI. There is something that sounds close in \\`/align/api/2/Epics/{epicId}/statuses\\`, but it does not contain Notes from my testing.\n"
} | [
"author": "Benjamin",
"body": "Hi [@Ross Beehler](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/4959736) ,\n\nDoesn't seem like it's available at this time. There's a ticket raise for it.\n\n<>\n",
"comments": null
] | | [
] |
"author": "Johnny Ringo",
"title": "State mapping error",
"body": "When I click state mapping through settings/manage projects tab on any imported project I get the following error:\n\n\"none of your issue types' states sync bidirectionally for this connector. to map statuses from jira align to jira, allow a bidirectional sync on the jira setup tab\"\n\nI provides me with the option to go to Jira setup tab and I have confirmed all ALL issue types on this tab have bidirectional selected. I have also resynced the configuration multiple times with no change.\n\na previous member had this same issue and an atlassian employee provided a document on how to map statuses. That is not my issue, I have gone through all those steps and am still gettting this error. The error is showing even though I have set the option correctly in the Jira setup tab:\n"
} | [
"author": "Shane Gallen",
"body": "Hi Johnny, Are you able to share a screen shot of the state mapping screen and the error?\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Nicolas Grossi",
"body": "[@Johnny Ringo](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5524561) Welcome! This link should help solve your problem: <>\n\nHTH\n\nNicolas\n",
"comments": null
] | | [
] |
"author": "Heidi Hendry",
"title": "11.0 API 2.0 Endpoints for new milestones",
"body": "Hi Jira Align team,\n\nIn your latest [Release Notes 11.0]( mention\n\n> **API 2.0: Endpoints available for new milestones**\n>\n> We've added API endpoints for milestones created in the [new milestones tab]( inside of details panels for themes, epics, capabilities, and features.\n>\nDo you have some more details available yet about these Endpoints? As the Endpoint called \"Milestones\" appears to pull the Objective objects.\n"
} | [
"author": "Kirill Duplyakin",
"body": "Hey Heidi!\n\nSince the new milestones are attached to the work items (Themes, Epics, Capabilities), the way to access them is through the work item API, for example:\n\n```\n/rest/align/api/2/Epics/<EpicID>/milestones\n```\n\nYou should be able to see more on the Swagger page by navigating to */rest/align/api/docs/index.html* page on your Jira Align site.\n\nHope this helps!\n",
"comments": null
] | | null |
"author": "Ayman Wafa",
"title": "Seeking Certified Trainer",
"body": "We are in search of professional and certified trainers to deliver the following course, with a preference for candidates located in the UAE:\n\n? JIRA Admin training course ? Date: 12-13 August 2024\n\nPlease mention the course title in the subject line.\n\nThank you!\n"
} | [
"author": "Michael Eicks [catworkx]",
"body": "catworkx is one of the first official training partners from Atlassian. We can deliver the whole training program of the Atlassian University. All our instructors are authorized by Atlassian.\n\nRelevant for administrators are the Atlassian trainings:\n\n* Jira Administration Part 1\n* Jira Administration Part 2\n\nBoth are available as Cloud and DC version. \"Atlassian Cloud Organization Administration\" probable is relevant if you are using Jira Cloud.\n\nFor more details, leave a message at [email protected].\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Jason",
"body": "Valiantys provides public and private Jira bootcamps and training for many other Atlassian products that could be tailored to your needs. <>\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Theresa McFarlane",
"body": "<>\n",
"comments": null
] | | [
] |
"author": "Stephanie Davis",
"title": "How to disable Product field on Feature?",
"body": "I thought the Product field appeared in the Details Panels Settings for the Feature at one point but I'm not seeing it there now. We've got that field set as Required and are trying to make it Optional or even remove it from the Feature. We use Products for Ideation, so we don't want to disable Products entirely.\n"
} | [
"author": "Rae Gibbs",
"body": "[@Stephanie Davis](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5152002) The display of the Product field on the Feature Details Panel is controlled in the Platform Settings in the Admin console. This can be turned on/off by portfolio. When turned on, it is a required field. There is no way to make it not required.\n\nYou can always add an option like \"None\" or Not applicable\" that can be selected from the dropdown if there is no need to select a product on a given feature.\n\n\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Ahmet Kilic _catworkx",
"body": "Hey Stephanie,\n\ndetails panel in Jira Align would not help you to configure product field.\n\nRegarding the connection of the product to feature, you can specify the portfolio where you want to use it.\n\nIn addition there is also available to disable product for teams, fyi.\n\nSee more details in the article below:\n\n<>\n\nI hope, this helps.\n\nWarm regards,\n\nAhmet Kilic\n\nEnterprise Agility Consultant at catworkx\n",
"comments": null
] | | null |
"author": "Kempf_ Annie _Landskrona_",
"title": "How do I duplicate a Plan/Advanced Roadmap?",
"body": "I would like to be able to create a Plan/Advanced Roadmap which I can use as a template for many projects. I saw that this feature is supposed to be added since April 2023 as mentioned on this link:\n\n[Copy any plan in Jira Software Advanced Roadmaps (](\n\nHowever, the layout in my Jira does not look the same as on the pictures on the link, and there is no button to duplicate for me. This is what it looks like for me:\n\n\n"
} | [
"author": "Kishan Sharma",
"body": "Hi [@Kempf_ Annie _Landskrona_](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5563769)\n\nWelcome to the Atlassian Community!\n\nLooks like duplicating plans functionality is currently available on Atlassian Cloud and **NOT** on Data Center. As per your screenshot, you are using a Data Center version and good news is that there's already a feature request raised for this - [Release the \"duplicate plan\" feature for Jira Data Center]( , I would suggest you to vote on this request and watch it for further updates.\n",
"comments": null
] | | [
] |
"author": "Alex",
"title": "EPIC issue time estimation: Gets not calculated in programm board",
"body": "Hello,\n\n**We need Epics to calculate the remaining time!**\n\nWe encounter the message: \"This issue has been estimated, but isn't included in capacity calculations.\"\n\nThe time already spent on a task in the Kanban board does not get subtracted from the time quota of the Epic. We couldn't figure out why, despite looking into all possible settings.\n\nImportant maybe to mention: We don't use Sprints at all.\n\nWe are using the trial version of Jira for the first time and can't get it working properly.\n\nAny help or guidance would be greatly appreciated.\n\nThank you!\n"
} | [
"author": "Marc - Devoteam",
"body": "Hi [@cgi](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5559168)\n\nGiven, as you said, that this question has been asked many times before, and has been answered many times before, have you reviewed the posts on the topic where answers have been provided and accepted?\n\nThe only \"native\" way to handle this is to create an Automation rule to do it. The question becomes which method you want to implement in the rule.\n\nIf you want the time to display in the \"pretty\" format (i.e. weeks, days, hours, minutes), there is no custom field available for displaying durations in that manner. In that case you have two choices for your Automation rule:\n\n1. Have the rule log time against the epic each time that time is logged against the child issues.\n\n2. Sum up the time in the child issues, either periodically or based on a work log related event in the child issues, then do the math in your rule to convert that to an appropriate weeks/days/hours/seconds display and put that value into a text field.\n\nThe challenge with the first option is that if a work log is changed or deleted at the child level, or a child issue is moved to another Epic, it becomes much more difficult to make the corresponding change in the Epic.\n\nThe challenge with the second option is working out the math to convert the value properly, taking into consideration working days of the week and working hours of the day.\n",
"comments": null
] | | [
] |
"author": "Shruti Rathore",
"title": "Does Auto scheduler in Jira work in Kanban boards in advance roadmaps",
"body": "I am trying to setup a project in JIRA Kanban template.\n\nIn advance roadmaps, I added all the estimates for each tasks and mapped dependencies among the tasks.\n\nWhen I put in the start date for the first task and click on autoschedule, it doesnt create a right timeline with correct estimates.\n\nEven if the estimate put in is 5 days for a particular task, the timelines populates with different estimates. So the dates I get for project start date and end date are not correct.\n\n\n"
} | [
"author": "Dave Mathijs",
"body": "Hi [@Shruti Rathore](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5558347) welcome to the Atlassian Community!\n\nTo auto-schedule issues in your plan:\n\n1. By default, the Auto-scheduler schedules all of the estimated issues in your plan. If you want to schedule certain issues, select them using the checkboxes in the **Scope** section.\n\n2. Navigate to **Auto-schedule** and configure the auto-schedule settings. [Learn about the Auto-scheduler configuration options](\n\n3. Select **Preview results** to see suggested changes, as shown above. The schedule bars of auto-scheduled issues and their corresponding issue details will be shown with purple stripes. Hover on a field to compare the current values against the suggested changes. The number of auto-scheduled issues will depend on the hierarchy levels you've chosen for the plan.\n\n4. Select **Accept changes** to create your plan. The Auto-scheduler will not overwrite any issues that are in a sprint that's currently active.\n\n5. Make your changes, then select **Review changes**.\n\nHave a look at the following documentation page for more info: **[How does Auto-scheduler in my plan work?](**\n",
"comments": null
] | | [
] |
"author": "Manahil Fatemah",
"title": "sugggestions for a large project",
"body": "I'm currently managing a large-scale project with multiple teams and numerous dependencies using Portfolio for Jira. I'm looking for advice on best practices for effectively managing these dependencies to ensure smooth project progress and timely delivery.\n\nSpecifically, I'm interested in:\n\n1. Strategies for visualizing and tracking dependencies across teams.\n2. Tips for identifying and resolving potential bottlenecks early.\n3. Any useful add-ons or integrations that complement Portfolio for Jira in managing dependencies.\n\nI would appreciate any insights, experiences, or resources that you can share. Thanks in advance for your help!\n"
} | [
"author": "Danut M _StonikByte_",
"body": "Hi [@Manahil Fatemah](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5478392),\n\nFor analytics, cross-project or multi-team burndown or velocity charts, multidimensional statistics, pivot tables and more, take a look over our [Great Gadgets]( app as it could be of great help.\n\nHave a look over these articles to make an idea:\n\n* <>\n* <>\n* <>\n* <>\n\nHope this helps.\n\nDanut.\n",
"comments": null
] | | [
] |
"author": "PJB",
"title": "can you tag multiple Excerpts on a Confluence page",
"body": "Using the Excerpt and the Excerpt Include macros in Confluence, is it possible to tag more than one excerpt (section) on a single page, and then include 2 or more experts into a the \"Excerpt Included\" page macro?\n\nThank you,\n\nPhil\n"
} | [
"author": "Aron Gombas _Midori_",
"body": "Not with the default macros, but there are several apps that offer \"multi-excerpts\".\n\nThis one is the most popular: [\\&tab=overview](\n",
"comments": [
"author": "PJB",
"body": "Thank you for your Answer Aron. \n\nDo yo know if there Apps like the one you mention for the \"Server\" Version of Jira? we are not on the Jira Cloud.\n\nPhil\n"
"author": "Aron Gombas _Midori_",
"body": "JIra Server??? You mean Confluence Server, right?\n\nIf so, then that particular app does support Server: [\\&tab=overview](\n"
] | | [
] |
"author": "Taylor Douthitt",
"title": "How can I update my issue due date to match the target end?",
"body": "Hi - It's very easy to move and manipulate the target end date in the Jira Plan. Sometimes due dates move, and therefore my target end date would move (I basically assign the same value for the two fields). I've been trying to make an automation rule to update the due date to equal the target end date when the target end date is updated. Not having any luck, is this a possibility?\n\nI would also like the opposite to be true as well, if I update the Due Date, the target end date should update to the new Due Date value. I'd like to make this possible through the same rule.\n"
} | [
"author": "Jenn Sherman",
"body": "Can you show your automation here? I've been able to do this type of automation.\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Taylor Douthitt",
"body": "Having issues with uploading a picture, here's the explanation of my automation (please note I've only tried for when the target end date is changed, and not vice versa so far).\n\nTrigger:\n\n- Field Value Changed\n\n- Fields to monitor for changes = Target end (Field)\n\n- For: All issue operations\n\nIF Advanced compare condition:\n\n- First Value = {{issue.dueDate}}\n\n- Condition = does not equal\n\n- Second value = {{triggerIssue.Target End}}\n\nEdit issue fields (Action):\n\n- Due Date: ++**Copy End Date/Time**++ from Trigger issue\n\nWhere I underlined is where I think it might not be correct? The automation runs and it says \"Issues edited successfully\", but nothing happens. I also tried \"End Time\" and that didn't work either.\n"
] | | [
] |
"author": "Adebowale Osho",
"title": "How to display multiple Team managed projects on a single board for prioritization",
"body": "**Problem Statement:**\n\nI have multiple team managed boards/ project on Jira which have different epics and stories, I want to import all of the issues from those projects to display on one single project/board where impact, prioritisation, effort needed can be shown.\n\n**What I Have Done So Far:**\n\nI have used product discovery template to import all of the issues from those different boards, but the issues are not imported correctly as they are not categorised by the different projects. Also, I mapped the descriptions and comments but do not see anywhere to map EPICs and stories making the interface really scattered.\n\nI also tried to combine boards, but because the projects were created in team managed template, I can not combine them and I do not see where I can switch them to Company Managed template.\n"
} | [
"author": "urgent homeselling",
"body": "To display multiple Team-managed projects on a single board for prioritization, use Jira's \\*\\*Advanced Roadmaps\\*\\* feature. Create a plan and add the projects you want to track. This allows you to view and prioritize tasks across all selected projects in a unified board. You can also use filters to customize the view and ensure it reflects the priorities and status of all your projects effectively.\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Adebowale Osho",
"body": "Thank you for your feedback, I have tried searching for the advanced roadmap but I dont see it .\n"
"author": "Adebowale Osho",
"body": "I think I have found it. hopefully gets to work\n"
] | | [
] |
"author": "Mat?as V?lgyi",
"title": "Is there any way to get all user/accountIds from an API",
"body": "I'm still trying to create an automation that allows me to unlicense users that does not use Jira Cloud for a given time, but I'm unable to find an endpoint that allow me to get all my managed users, so I can process/ check against this endpoint\n\n***<{orgId}/directory/users/{accountId}/last-active-dates>*** \nIs there any way of accomplish this that's not getting the CSV from the admin UI?\n"
} | [
"author": "Jim Knepley - ReleaseTEAM",
"body": "I think you're looking for the \"[Get managed accounts in an organization](\" call.\n\nIt looks like the response is paginated, so you'll need to manage that. Thankfully, the \"\" attribute is easy to use.\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Mat?as V?lgyi",
"body": "oh! you saved me there! thank you very much!\n"
] | | [
] |
"author": "Daniel Durand",
"title": "How can I get a ScriptRunner Script to log change history when executed?",
"body": "Good morning, \nI am running a script to update the data of an issue, the script runs correctly but the problem comes when it finishes since it does not show me the update of the field in the change history of the issue. I send you the code and an assurance that its execution does not leave a trace in the history. \nI would like to know if there is an option to leave a trace in the history of changes and how to do it or how to add it to the code. \n\nThe code by which I make the query is the following: \n\n<br />\n\nimport com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor \nimport \nimport com.atlassian.jira.jql.parser.JqlQueryParser \nimport com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue \nimport com.atlassian.jira.issue.MutableIssue \nimport com.atlassian.jira.event.type.EventDispatchOption \nimport groovy.transform.BaseScript \nimport com.atlassian.jira.issue.ModifiedValue \nimport com.atlassian.jira.issue.util.DefaultIssueChangeHolder \nimport com.onresolve.scriptrunner.runner.customisers.ContextBaseScript \n\n@BaseScript ContextBaseScript script \n\ndef jqlQueryParser = ComponentAccessor.getComponent(JqlQueryParser) \ndef searchService = ComponentAccessor.getComponent(SearchService) \ndef issueManager = ComponentAccessor.getIssueManager() \ndef customFieldManager = ComponentAccessor.customFieldManager \ndef user = ComponentAccessor.getJiraAuthenticationContext().getLoggedInUser() \n\nfinal String codigoDocumentoCustomFieldName = \"C?digo Spring\" \n\nDouble nuevoCodigo = 1235.0 \n\n//Issue issue = event.getIssue() \nIssue issue = getIssueOrDefault(\"BU-8682\") \ndef codigoDocumentoCustomField = customFieldManager.getCustomFieldObjects(issue).find { == codigoDocumentoCustomFieldName } \n\nMutableIssue mIssue = (MutableIssue) issue \nissue.getSummary() \n\ncodigoDocumentoCustomField.updateValue(null, issue, new ModifiedValue(issue.getCustomFieldValue(codigoDocumentoCustomField), nuevoCodigo), new DefaultIssueChangeHolder()) \n\nComponentAccessor.getIssueManager().updateIssue(user, mIssue, EventDispatchOption.ISSUE_UPDATED, false)\n"
} | [
"author": "Joseph Chung Yin",
"body": "[@Daniel Durand](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5480843) -\n\nWelcome to the community. If your script is updating an issue, if you access the issue via the UI, there should always be an entry in the Activity section for the action. Is that what you are asking for?\n\nYou can also contact Adaptavist (vendor) directly for their technical support - [\\&tab=support](\n\nHope this helps.\n\nBest, Joseph Chung Yin\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Nicolas Grossi",
"body": "[@Daniel Durand](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5480843) You also take a look at this thread: <>\n\nHTH\n\nNicolas\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Matt Doar _Adaptavist_",
"body": "I think <> is on the right track with the validationResult. That will both update the issue and the issue history\n"
] | | [
] |
"author": "Chad Gallant",
"title": "Inconsistent issue lists between users",
"body": "I built a Jira plan and a view called \"Feature List by Priority\". It works great for me, but for other users, there are several issues missing when they view the same URL with the same config. Can someone tell my why this is happening and how to fix it? I'm trying to use this for the C-suite\n"
} | [
"author": "Scott Schellhardt",
"body": "Hi Chad, \n\nSome initial questions that are good to think about when troubleshooting this type of issue are: \n\n1. Does the user have access to the Plan ?\n\n2. Does the user have access to the Projects being pulled into the view ?\n\n3. Does the user have access to the filter that is associated with the view ? \n\nTypically its one of these things that cause this issue. Namely the 2nd if they are able to see some issues but not others.\n",
"comments": null
] | | [
] |
"author": "David Vojtko",
"title": "Is Dependencies Report really still an Early Access Feature?",
"body": "Hi there,\n\nIn the Jira version 9.10.12 Dependencies Report is still listed among the Early Access Features.\n\n* Why is it still an Early Access Feature?\n* This feature exits already for ages, doesn't it?\n* When is it planned to end the Early Access Feature phase?\n* What are issues we could experience once it is enabled?\n\nSome companies do not want to work with features which aren't final yet, which is our case. And it is such a great feature! ?\n\nThank you for a quick response in advance,\n\nDavid\n"
} | [
"author": "Eddie Meardon",
"body": "Hi [@David Vojtko](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5539387)\n\nYou're right that the Dependencies report has been in Early Access for a long time (about four years, at this point). Honestly, I'm not sure when the Early Access moniker will be removed.\n\nThat said, the version included in DC is very stable, and the documentation for the [Dependencies Report in Jira DC]( is up to date with all of its capabilities. The only thing that makes it an Early Access feature is that:\n\n- you might encounter some small UX bugs, and \n- it doesn't have all the features that are included in the Cloud version\n\nHope this helps.\n\nCheers\n\nEddie\n",
"comments": [
"author": "David Vojtko",
"body": "Hi Eddie,\n\nthanks a lot for your answer, I hope it will be sufficient. :-)\n\nCheers,\n\nDavid\n"
] | | [
] |
"author": "Leyla Kinaze",
"title": "One filter used in advanced roadmap does not return all the issues in the filter",
"body": "Hi, I have a small problem. \n\nI have a filter, filterA =\n\n* (issueFunction in issuesinEpics(\"ProjectA Epics'\") and type in (Story) )\n\nwhen I used use it, it returns 7 stories.\n\nWhen I try to use the filter in my advance roadmap, it does not return all the 7 stories but only 4 of the stories.\n\nI tried to hardcode the filter, filterB, to see if filter was the issue =\n\n* key in (story-1, story-2, story-3, story-4, story-5, story-6, story-7)\n\nWhen I use this filterB, I have the exact same results... I only see 4 stories out of 7 in my advance roadmap. \n\nMy plan configuration:\n\n- exclusion rules: 365 days any completed issues - (nothing else is set)\n\n- removed issues: nothing set\n\nThe status of the story that I see is are follow:\n\n- 3 in DONE status and the resolved date are in the month of July\n\n- 1 in \"IN PROGRESS\" status\n\nThe status of the story that I do NOT see are as follow:\n\n- all in DONE status and the resolved date are in the month of July as well.\n\nTheir respective EPIC are also in DONE status.\n\nAny idea what I'm doing wrong here? and what I should look at to have a complete roadmap?\n"
} | [
"author": "Eddie Meardon",
"body": "Hey [@Leyla Kinaze](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5103234)\n\nMy first thought is that they're being filtered out because they're done, but you seem to have had that thought as well.\n\nPlans actually has a tool that can help you find missing issues. In your **Plan settings** , go to **Find your issue** in the sidebar, and search for one of those that doesn't come up. ([Full procedure here]( This tool should tell you what rule(s) are prohibiting that issue from showing in your plan.\n\nIf none of the other troubleshooting options on that page, you may need to [reach out to support]( They'll be able to see more of what's going on in your site and help you specifically.\n\nI hope this helps\n\nCheers\n\nEddie\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Leyla Kinaze",
"body": "Thanks [@Eddie Meardon](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/3938537) - I think maybe there is a configuration with our Jira instance as I do not see the information you were proposing me to check: \n\nAll I see as options in the plan Settings are: \n \n\nThank you for your help\n"
"author": "Eddie Meardon",
"body": "[@Leyla Kinaze](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5103234) are you on a Cloud site or the DC version of Jira?\n"
"author": "Leyla Kinaze",
"body": "[@Eddie Meardon](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/3938537) - DC\n"
"author": "Eddie Meardon",
"body": "That explains why you can't see the menu option I mentioned. Sorry about that.\n\nIn terms of what help I can offer from DC, we have a page in the documentation about [how to find missing issues in Advanced Roadmaps]( but I think you've done most of these steps.\n\nAt this point, I'd recommend [reaching out to support.](\n"
"author": "Leyla Kinaze",
"body": "Thank you [@Eddie Meardon](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/3938537)\n"
"author": "Avery",
"body": "Your filters seem accurate, so perhaps it is how the roadmap shows completed issues. Please verify the view settings in the roadmap to check if it hides completed issues. Ensure there are no hidden exclusion rules affecting visibility.\n\nAlso, think about timing---sometimes updates can be slow in the roadmap view. Try refreshing or waiting a moment to see if it gets better.\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Leyla Kinaze",
"body": "Hi [@Avery](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5544623) ,\n\nThanks for taking the time to look into my question. \nAs mentioned in my problem description: \n\n*My plan configuration:*\n\n*- exclusion rules: 365 days any completed issues - (nothing else is set)*\n\n*- removed issues: nothing set* Nothing is set in the exclusion rules nor is there any issues removed in the plan settings. \nAs for the timing, I have the issue for a week now so it does not look like it is a timing issue. \n\nWill keep looking and possibly raise a support ticket. \n\n<br />\n\nThanks!\n"
"author": "Avery",
"body": "Yeah, If the issue's been there for a week, it's probably not timing. Contacting support is a solid move. Good luck!\n"
] | | null |
"author": "PJB",
"title": "Jira Plans/Advanced Roadmaps progress issue type not displayed",
"body": "How do we ensure the Progress (Issue Count) progress bar displays on the view? \nThis field displays on some plans, not others.\n\nWe are trying to show the Epic and story level of an Plan Roadmap view.\n"
} | [
"author": "Ku?be",
"body": "Hi [@Phil Burgard](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5132083) \n\nDid some light research...and found that By configuring the view settings, verifying field configurations, and checking filters and permissions, you should be able to display the Progress (Issue Count) progress bar in your Jira Plans/Advanced Roadmaps. \n\n***This Doc could help*** : <> \n\nHope this helps!\n",
"comments": [
"author": "PJB",
"body": "Thank you Very much Kugbe. many rules outlined in that article you posted above. \nI will check each.\n\nPhil\n"
"author": "Eddie Meardon",
"body": "[@Phil Burgard](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5132083) Quick to add on to [@Ku?be](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/4896959)'s comment: if you're on Cloud, [the documentation for this procedure can be found here]( (The version they linked is for DC/Server)\n"
] | | null |
"author": "Angelo Roque",
"title": "Future sprints I created in advanced roadmaps is not appearing as such",
"body": "I have created the future sprints in preparation for our PI planning but in our sprint capacity management view, I am unable to see the specific sprints that I created. All I can see is the projected sprint. I have already configured my issue source.\n\n\n\nTy!\n"
} | [
"author": "Mohammed Aamer Khan",
"body": "Hi [@Angelo Roque](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/4237604) \n\nThis is most likely linked to the way you have configured issue sources of your plan. Sprints are a feature of a **scrum board** , and they would normally be loaded into your plan automatically when you choose a **board** as an issue source.\n\nCheck your plan settings / issue sources and verify how you are now pulling in issues into your plan. My guess is that you may be using either projects or filters there as the source(s). Replace those with your actual board(s) where your sprint was created and that should fix this.\n\nHope this helps!!\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Angelo Roque",
"body": "Thanks [@Mohammed Aamer Khan](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5297319) for your reply. I actually have the board already indicated as an issue source. And I can see the future sprints that I created in the dropdown.\n\nWhat is weird also is the current sprint is showing exactly as it but the future sprints aren't\n\n\n"
] | | [
] |
"author": "Niklas Zarnecke",
"title": "Preview of linked confluence start page bugged?",
"body": "Hey,\n\nI'm not quite sure if this is a bug or the normal behavior.\n\nA user linked the start page from a Confluence space to a Jira issue. It seems like there is no way to get the preview of the start to work in Jira, all we see is this:\n\n\n\nDid anyone have the same problem, and was there any way to solve the issue?\n\nBest Regards \nNiklas\n"
} | [
"author": "Marc - Devoteam",
"body": "Hi [@Niklas Zarnecke](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/4571269)\n\nThe default page in Confluence is a personal page in Confluence. A uses sees there latest updated, edit, ect..\n\nThis page is only for that user, so other users can't see that page.\n\nOr what is the page that the user linked, can anyone in Confluence see this page, are the permissions correct on the page and the space the page is on?\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Niklas Zarnecke",
"body": "Hi [@Marc - Devoteam](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/3796976)\n\nthanks for the answer. We are trying to use the home page of a Confluence space. \nThe screenshot from above is shown in the linked home page of the space when uses in Jira.\n\nQuite odd for me, because the permissions are set for everybody in our company..\n\nBest Regards \nNiklas\n"
"author": "Marc - Devoteam",
"body": "Hi [@Niklas Zarnecke](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/4571269)\n\nCan you share the config, how the user set this up.\n"
] | | [
] |
"author": "Darshan Hiranandani",
"title": "Darshan Hiranandani : troubleshoot and resolve issues with not receiving emails from Jira?",
"body": "Hey team,\n\nI'm Darshan Hiranandani, currently facing an issue where I'm not receiving emails from Jira, and I could use some guidance on troubleshooting and resolving this issue. Could you please share your suggestions on what steps I should take?\n\nRegards\n\n**Darshan Hiranandani**\n"
} | [
"author": "Mayura",
"body": "Hey [@Darshan Hiranandani](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5486324) , \n\nThank you for your question. \n\nAdministrators can now use the **Issue email audit** to monitor email suppression and unblock emails after bounces or other errors. \n\n<br />\n\nPlease check out the below pages for more details on this and let me know if you have any more questions: \n\n[Unblock user invites to Jira with our new unsent invitations audit]( \n[Unblock users in Jira with our new unsent email audit]( \n\nCheers.\n\n<br />\n\n<br />\n",
"comments": null
] | | [
] |
"author": "Rees_ Ian",
"title": "Goals and what is Atlas ?",
"body": "I hope somebody can help because Atlassian Support just send me more confusing messages. We are Jira Premium subscribers. Recently a new menu item appeared \"Goals\". When I click on Goals, there is no functionality but there is some information about Goals, and it takes me to a page where I can \"Get early access to goals\" which takes me to a page where I can sign up to an EAP for \"Platform experiences\".\n\nSo I have contacted Atlassian support to ask them questions such as\n\n1) Do we have to buy \"Platform experiences\" to get the Goals feature\n\n2) Is it an additional cost ?\n\nThen the replies from support are all about \"Atlas\" !! Which has left me even more confused.\n\nCan anybody tell me how \"Atlas\" and \"Platform experiences\" connect. Are they different paid for products and is the non functional \"Goals\" feature just a way to upsell to these products ?\n"
} | [
"author": "Rilwan Ahmed",
"body": "Hi [@Rees_ Ian](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/4878063) ,\n\n* **Goal** feature is currently in beta as part of the Platform Experiences early access program (EAP). \n <> \n* Jira Premium customers have to manually add Atlas, which is **free** . \n <>\n* More details about **Platform experiences** is in <>\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Rees_ Ian",
"body": "Thanks - I wasn't aware of Atlas until the Goals menu item appeared. But I see that Platform experiences EAP is not HIPPA, SOC 2 or ISO 27001 compliant - does that mean I can still add Atlas whilst Platform experiences is in EAP and I assume Atlas IS HIPPA, SOC 2 or ISO 27001 compliant\n"
"author": "Rilwan Ahmed",
"body": "for your query \"*can I still add Atlas whilst Platform experiences is in EAP and I assume Atlas IS HIPPA, SOC 2 or ISO 27001 complian* t\" \n--You need to contact Atlassian support for this answer\n"
"author": "Rees_ Ian",
"body": "Thanks, I now understand how it all connects. In our Jira Cloud Premium subscription, there is no functionality behind the Goals menu item and after a few clicks it gives me the option to enrol in the Atlassian Platform Experiences EAP. What I now understand it that Atlassian Platform Experiences is incorporation of the teamwork features that were available in a separate Atlassian product called Atlas. Atlas is being retired as a product, and its features will become available to Atlassians customer for free without the need for a separate product license - it will be provisioned from the Jira Admin Hub. Although you can get access to Platform Experiences now by enrolling in the EAP, it is NOT HIPAA, SOC 2 or ISO 27001 compliant. The Atlas product itself is not classifed as \"Cloud fortified\" (it is \"Cloud Security Participant\"). Atlassian's plan is to add enterprise compliance that wasn't previously available with Atlas to Platform Experiences, before general release (hopefully that means they plan for it to be \"Cloud fortified\"). I can't find how long the EAP is expected to run\n"
] | | [
] |
"author": "Aislin Percival",
"title": "Sprints Not Showing In Advanced Roadmaps",
"body": "I assigned my issues (at every level) to a team, assigned the team to the board and grouped by sprint but my sprints are still not appearing at the top of the top level planning view. \n\nThe source is a scrum board. Right now there is only one source as we are really just testing out advanced roadmaps and learning. \n\nTrying to understand why they're not showing up (and hoping it is not something totally silly that I have missed). \n\nThe issues are also still showing up as unassigned even though they have been assigned a team and an assignee. Maybe there is a delay? I have refreshed several times and made sure to accept all the changes. \n\nPuzzled and would appreciate any advice\n"
} | [
"author": "Joseph Chung Yin",
"body": "[@Aislin Percival](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5113796) -\n\nIn your plan, do you have any filter applied? Secondly, you also asked that issue assignee was done, but it is not showing up in your plan. If you access the issue directly in the project UI, do you see the assignee.\n\nPlease provide more information, so we can better assist you.\n\nBest, Joseph Chung Yin\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Aislin Percival",
"body": "Thank you for your reply Joseph, \n\nI was able to figure it out reading a bunch of other posts. I had assigned all the issues to a team, and had assigned that team to an issue source, but for some reason the link between the team and the issue source kept...unsaving itself, for lack of better words, so the issues were appearing under unassigned. \n\nI tried a few more times and it eventually stuck and now the sprints are showing up just fine. \n\nI guess it was something silly after all. I feel a little better that I wasn't doing things 'wrong', they just seemed not to be saving. But since it is working now, life is good. \n\nMuch appreciated for your help!\n"
"author": "Joseph Chung Yin",
"body": "[@Aislin Percival](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5113796)\n\nGlad you got it working. You may want to submit an ask to Atlassian Support (<>) on your issues where the \"link between the team and issue source kept ... Unsaving\". I have never encountered it before.\n\nIf my suggestion helped you, please click on \"Accept answer\" so others with similar ask will see this posting as an answered one.\n\nBest, Joseph\n"
] | | [
] |
"author": "srainsba_ruan_com",
"title": "Capacity Planning and Prod Support",
"body": "Our company will be transitioning to JIRA Advanced Roadmaps/Plans next month. We really are excited about the capacity planning aspect. However, how do we show production support or other work capacity in order to get a \"true\" picture of team capacity? Ex. Team A (Prod support 40%, strategic work 30%, enhancements 30%). Our plan will be for our strategic work. I am looking for a way to show the percentages above, so that when I look at the team capacity under the Plans Summary it is showing accurately. Thanks in advance. Susan\n"
} | [
"author": "Nicolas Grossi",
"body": "[@srainsba_ruan_com](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/3061082) I hope this link will help you: <>\n\nNicolas\n",
"comments": null
] | | [
] |
"author": "Jennifer Maurer",
"title": "How do I configure an automation rule to set the Teams value based on assignee?",
"body": "I have found similar questions, but the issue may be that I am using Jira Data Center v9.4.15, not Cloud.\n\nI have configured four shared teams in Advanced Roadmaps. I have added the Teams field to my screens. I can manually set the Team value in either Plans or issue screen. My goal is have an automated way to make sure the Team value is always set going forward.\n\nI created a rule triggered when an issue is assigned to a user. If assignee is (a, b, c) then edit Team field to (Team ABC). The issue is that the Team field is not available to be selected in the Edit Issues fields pick list. It is cf(10502) according to the custom fields list.\n\nPlease help!\n"
} | [
"author": "Bill Sheboy",
"body": "Hi [@Jennifer Maurer](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5093000)\n\n*First thing, I am using Jira Cloud, and so my suggestions are based on what I know about automation, in general. With that out of the way...*\n\nI believe you may [set that field using advanced edit with JSON](, in the \"More options\" section of the Edit Issue action. To learn more about such edits, please look here: <>\n\nFor teams, please try this:\n\n```\n{\n \"fields\": {\n \"Teams\": \"the id value for the team\"\n }\n}\n```\n\nYou will need to find the team id values using example issues, such as with this how-to article, and then searching for the field's value: <>\n\nKind regards, \nBill\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Jennifer Maurer",
"body": "Thank you very much for the info; this worked!\n"
"author": "Jack Brickey",
"body": "[@Bill Sheboy](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/1685313) , as always, thanks for your expertise in Automation. I am missing the bit on how this works based on assignee though. I have a use case where I want to keep the Team field updated based on Assignee changing.\n\n[@Jennifer Maurer](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5093000) , could you share your full automation so that I, and others can benefit?\n\nI suspect where my use case may be different is that I don't want to create a \"hard-coded\" scenario in my automation where team members are concerned. Rather I want to lookup the assignee and find the team they are assigned to and then set the Team accordingly. Assuming this \"lookup\" is even possible, there is one remaining gottcha - what happens when a user is in multiple teams? I want to test that out to see.\n"
"author": "Jennifer Maurer",
"body": "[@Jack Brickey](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/853369) I have four of these branches in my rule, one for each set of team members.\n\n\n"
"author": "Jack Brickey",
"body": "Thanks [@Jennifer Maurer](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5093000) , that is what I expected. The one obvious challenge here is keeping the rule up to date. If changes are made to one of the Teams the rule will need to change. Hopefully we will get a way to search for any team(s) that a user is in one day.\n"
"author": "Bill Sheboy",
"body": "Yes, and...\n\nFor Jira Cloud, Server, and Data Center, I believe the if / else conditions are a high-maintenance solution. With Jira Cloud, a Lookup Table would make that slightly easier to maintain.\n\nOne would hope for a method to \"find the teams for a user\", but there is no REST API endpoint to do that yet. Here is the really old suggestion to add that, but it is tagged with the dreaded \"future consideration\": <>\n\nAnother approach would invert the query direction, and only need to hardcode the team id values. That would lookup the users for each possible team, one by one, check for membership, and then use that id. This is the relevant endpoint from the Teams REST API for those wanting to try that: <>\n"
] | | [
] |
"author": "Christian Ross",
"title": "Initiatives are not shown in Jira advanced roadmaps / program",
"body": "Hi everyone, I am using Jira advanced roadmaps and created \"plans\" including initiatives and epics. So far so good.\n\nNext step was to add a \"program\", so that I can aggregate different plans. In the configuration of the \"program\" I added my plans.\n\nProblem: when I select \"hierarchy level = epic\" on the program dashboard, everything works as expected (diagram shows epics with some bars on timeline). But not, if I select \"hierarchy level = initiatives\". Nothing is shown (\"for this hierarchy no initiatives are planned\"), even though I created some initiatives for my plans/program (with start/end dates). I also synchronized / refreshed plans/programs.\n\nThanks for any tips / advice\n"
} | [
"author": "Christian Ross",
"body": "found it out myself - after another \"synchronize\" on the \"tab = scope\" my initiatives are now shown on the dashboard f?r \"program\".\n",
"comments": null
] | | null |
"author": "Dirk Aerts",
"title": "Sort by custom field -> no depedencies visible",
"body": "Hello all, \n\nI have a question concerning the advanced roadmaps. We use it for our multi team cross domain planning. The planning is grouped by a custom field.\n\nThe roadmap shows the planning correctly, however it does not show the dependencies between different 'swimlanes' of the group by.\n\n<br />\n\nHas anyone an idea how it could be resolved? or work-around?\n\nmany thanks!\n\nDirk\n"
} | [
"author": "Crystelle S",
"body": "Hey! could you provide a screenshot with the proprietary bits smudged out? that can be helpful.\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Dirk Aerts",
"body": "\n\nAs you can see in the screen, there are dependency lines between the green ones, this is OK. However there are also dependencies between the grey and green ones, but these are not visible.\n"
] | | [
] |
"author": "Krishnan V S",
"title": "Trying to get \"Split Type\" as Assignee in the Rich Filter Date Bar Chart widget .",
"body": "Trying to get \"Split Type\" as Assignee in the Rich Filter Date Bar Chart widget . This does not seem possible . So any other good alternative to achieve this ?\n"
} | [
"author": "jack",
"body": "Hi [@Krishnan V S](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5274046) could you please confirm which app you are using? Are you using the Jira Cloud Mobile app?\n\nCheers,\n\njack\n",
"comments": null
] | | [
] |
"author": "Harshawardhan Tapase",
"title": "Not able to view JIRA tickets - \"Can't show the issue\" error.",
"body": "\n\nNot able to view any tickets. Always seeing this error. I have downloaded the latest app from Google Store.\n\nPlease support to resolve this issue at the earliest.\n"
} | [
"author": "Jehan Bhathena",
"body": "Hi [@Harshawardhan Tapase](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5165356) ,\n\nIf you can view the issue thru the browser it should be visible on the app as well.\n\nYou can check if your instance is restricted for specific IP Addresses : <>\n\nIf none of these help then the only alternative is getting in touch with the Support team : <>\n\nHope this helps.\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Harshawardhan Tapase",
"body": "[@Jehan Bhathena](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5119409) - There are not IP related changes from my end. I was able to view all issues / tickets on my mobile earlier.\n\nThis solution is not helping me.\n\nRegards,\n\nHarsh Tapase\n"
"author": "Jehan Bhathena",
"body": "Hi [@Harshawardhan Tapase](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5165356) ,\n\nThen Atlassian support is the best contact for you : <>\n"
] | | null |
"author": "JR Lelm",
"title": "I love Trello, but I wish you could do more using my iPhone.",
"body": "Is there any way of doing things better with the trello app?\n"
} | [
"author": "Nic Brough -Adaptavist-",
"body": "Welcome to the Atlassian Community!\n\nWhat do you mean by \"doing things better\", and \"do more\"?\n",
"comments": null
] | | null |
"author": "Krishu",
"title": "Can I access Jira on my mobile device?",
"body": "[Jira answer]( friendly, please\n"
} | [
"author": "Mayur Jadhav",
"body": "Hi [@Krishu](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5268780) ,\n\nWelcome to the Atlassian community!!\n\nYes, Atlassian has app in Play store. Search for Jira Cloud for Cloud sites and Jira Datacenter and server for on Prem.\n",
"comments": null
] | | null |
"author": "Sandy Jadhav",
"title": "How to login in case base url is different than",
"body": "I want to access jira from mobile, however when i download the app on mobile and try to login url that's i am logging to is \"\" however my jira login is something like \"\". I am not able to change the url '\" on mobile jira. How to login then?\n"
} | [
"author": "Rilwan Ahmed",
"body": "Hi [@Sandy Jadhav](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5262468) ,\n\nWelcome to the community !!\n\nYour Organization is using Jira Server/Data Centre version. So there is different app for this.\n\nYou can download it from <>\n\nMore details about the app, how to configure and the requirements are described in <>\n",
"comments": null
"author": "MobilityStream",
"body": "Hi [@Sandy Jadhav](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5262468) ,\n\nIt is a different app than for Jira Cloud. Unfortunately, it is also much less sophisticated as Atlassian is not putting much effort into it.\n\nYou might be much better off with a third party app in terms of functionality, stability, and security features. You can try ours but there are other ones out there as well. You will need to install the [Mobility for Jira add-on]( from the Atlassian Marketplace and then go from there.\n\nBest regards,\n\n- The Mobility Team\n",
"comments": null
] | | null |
"author": "jAwAd",
"title": "Jira Mobile app: tagging issue on my mobile app",
"body": "I cannot tag my colleauges on my Jira mobile app?\n\nOS: Android\n"
} | [
"author": "Dan Breyen",
"body": "Hi [@jAwAd](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5190281) I can't recreate your issue on my phone. I'm able to tag others without issue. Could you possibly clarify your issue? Also can you specify whether your using Android, iOS, or both?\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Shun Lee",
"body": "Hi there, this is Shun from the Jira Mobile team. May I know where you are trying to tag users from (description, comments) and what version of the app you are using?\n",
"comments": null
] | | null |
"author": "Jake S",
"title": "How to use timeline view",
"body": "I am using the iOS Jira app and using a kanban board I can see a timeline option at the top. How do I get the issues to display on the timeline and how do I set planned or due dates on the issues/tasks\n\nthank you\n"
} | [
"author": "jack",
"body": "Hi [@jake](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/4924895) - To see issues on the timeline, you will need to create epics in your project. These are the only issue types that show + any child issues in the epic. You can find more information about the timeline view here; <> \n\nHope this helps!\n\nCheers,\n\nJack\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Jack Brickey",
"body": "Hi Jake, would you mind sharing a screenshot of what you're referring to?\n",
"comments": null
] | | null |
"author": "JohnBosco.Abazie",
"title": "how do i get barcode or code to open mobile app",
"body": "I want to open the mobile app and it is requiring barcode or code. I do not know how to go about it\n"
} | [
"author": "Benjamin",
"body": "Hi [@JohnBosco.Abazie](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5185079) ,\n\nWhat barcode are you referring to? Are you able to share a screenshot? Usually, you just input the URL or login to connect to your site\n",
"comments": null
] | | null |
"author": "Stefano Capretto",
"title": "Roadmap, report, backlog, release view missing in android app",
"body": "Hi, i'm trying to use Jira app on my android devices.\n\nI can see correctly all my projects but in the project view i can't se the roadmap, report, backlog, release view.\n\nWhat's wrong?\n\nthanks\n"
} | [
"author": "jack",
"body": "Hi [@Stefano Capretto](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5183673) - When you click on the project do you see any tabs up at the top? You should wee the roadmap, backlog etc up the top.\n\nLet me know if this still is not working for you.\n\nCheers,\n\nJack\n",
"comments": null
] | | [
] |
"author": "Harold Rice",
"title": "Does the Jira Data Center and Server mobile app support DUO 2FA",
"body": "Does the Android Jira Data Center and Sever mobile app support DUO 2FA login?\n"
} | [
"author": "Harold Rice",
"body": "Confirmed that is does support DUO 2FA\n",
"comments": null
] | | null |
"author": "Didier Debbaut",
"title": "Not able to login due to error \"Malformed request\"",
"body": "Hello,\n\nI have a strange problem on my new iPad. I cannot log in via the **JIRA app** as I get this error **\"oops, you have made a malformed request**\" after user and password input. I can connect to the JIRA cloud via the browser on the same tablet but not via the app. Same problem on my previous iPad. On another iPad with another account, the app is working fine.\n\nI reinstalled the app a couple of times, but nothing works.\n\nHow can I log in with my JIRA app on my iPad?\n\niOS: 16 and up to date like the app.\n\nThanks,\n\nDidier.\n"
} | [
"author": "Didier Debbaut",
"body": "Thanks for the reply.\n\nThe problem was, even more, simpler: on Safari, all the cookies are blocked, so this prevented to login.\n\nOnce the cookies are allowed for the default browser, I can login with the JIRA app.\n\nClosed.\n\nDidier.\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Ash Yadav",
"body": "Hi [@Didier Debbaut](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/4220106)\n\nThis is possibly related to cache according to <>\n\nNow since this is an app on iOS and reinstall didn't help I would check the following:\n\n**Settings** -\\> **Passwords** -\\> and find anything related to Atlassian or jira credentials and delete them.\n\nApps are able to be removed from Apple devices but their data still lingers sometimes in form of cache.\n\nI would also check **Settings** -\\> **General** -\\> **iPad** **Storage** -\\> **\\<Jira App\\>** and select **\"Delete App\"**\n\nThis is permanent and should help next time you reinstall.\n\nThe issue likely migrated over to the new iPad if you transferred data from it during setup.\n\nI would also try logging in on a different network to see if it might be IP related.\n\nHope this helps.\n\nKind Regards,\n\nAsh\n",
"comments": null
] | | null |
"author": "Niimatullahi Hussaini",
"title": "How to create a team management",
"body": "**i want to know the way that I can create a team management**\n"
} | [
"author": "Fabio Racobaldo _Herzum_",
"body": "Hi [@Niimatullahi Hussaini]( and welcome,\n\nplease take a look to the following [article]( in order to figure out the main operation about team managament in JIRA .\n\nHope this helps,\n\nFabio\n",
"comments": null
] | | null |
"author": "Kevin_Roscioli",
"title": "How do I mimick trello tyats on my PC ?",
"body": "I'm trying to have all my boards on my computer on the phone app for exp\n"
} | [
"author": "Brant Schroeder",
"body": "[@Kevin_Roscioli](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5143270) Welcome to the Atlassian community\n\nCan you please explain in more detail as to what you are trying to do? Screenshots are also helpful.\n",
"comments": null
] | | null |
"author": "Nico Gerstner",
"title": "Connect to Jira Cloud with two different Android smartphones",
"body": "I created a Jira cloud instance and I'm able to connect to it with the Jira Cloud App for my Android phone. However, my colleague is not able to connect, as he is always promted to create a new instance.\n\nHow can he join my instance on his Android device?\n\nNote: On his computer, he has full access to the instance using his browser\n"
} | [
"author": "Mindaugas D?da",
"body": "Hello [@Nico Gerstner](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5162413) \n\nSince your colleague has access on his desktop pc we assume that Jira instance configuration is correct. \n\nI suggest opening Android app and on the top left clicking on his initials badge: \n\n1. Double-check if the email address is correct; \n2. If yes, click \"switch site\" button under the email and he should be able to select your Jira instance. \n\nLet me know If this works. \n\nRegards, \nMindaugas\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Nico Gerstner",
"body": "Thank you for your answer! Maybe I am stupid right now, but I can't see an initials badge (See Image). If he presses the x in the top left corner, there ist Just a Login again.\n"
"author": "Mindaugas D?da",
"body": "It looks like the app is forcing to create a Jira Cloud site. I would advice your colleague to create Jira Cloud site (this is fine, it is free and it is nice to have as a sandbox for testing/learning purposes). After creation of Jira Cloud site he should be able to see his initials badge in the top left screen and then after clicking on it there will be option to switch the sites. Remember to use same e-mail address as the one he is using on your Jira site. \n\nLet me know if this is working.\n"
"author": "Nico Gerstner",
"body": "Thank you for your answer! It works now\n"
"author": "Mindaugas D?da",
"body": "Happy to hear this!\n"
"author": "Ndane Elisha mankaa",
"body": "Hello @ Nico Gerstner please can you add me to your group please im new and willing to learn thank very much i appreciate learning with you .\n"
] | | [
] |
"author": "Heiko Meng",
"title": "Warning on Jira mobile App (Android): Failure opening project. Try again later or contact your adm",
"body": "Hi,\n\nwe are using Jira Cloud.\n\nWe changed the issue permissions on the project and issues are working as expected via browser. Every logged in user can open the project/Board and see the issues permitted.\n\nBut if we use the Jira app on android, we get a warning: Failure opening project. Try again later or contact your admin (translated from German).\n\nDoes anyone have an idea? Thanks a lot!\n\nCheers, Heiko \nUpdate: If I go to issues --\\> all issues I can see the permitted issues and open it.\n\nBut still no way to open the issues Board via app!\n"
} | [
"author": "Heiko Meng",
"body": "Hi [@Hannah McKenzie](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/1164576) , thanks for the fast reply. Without any changes from our side it suddenly worked 48 hours later trouble-free.\n\nThanks a lot!\n\nCheers, Heiko\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Hannah McKenzie",
"body": "Good to hear! Happy to help.\n"
"author": "Hannah McKenzie",
"body": "[@Heiko Meng](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/4012882) if you provide your user ID or cloud ID, our team can investigate the problem for you.\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Hannah McKenzie",
"body": "Hi [@Heiko Meng](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/4012882), thanks for reaching out. Were you able to see the issues/open the project on Android before the permissions changed?\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Heiko Meng",
"body": "Update: If I go to issues --\\> all issues I can see the permitted issues and open it.\n\nBut still no way to open the issues Board via app!\n",
"comments": null
] | | [
] |
"author": "Julia J. Leitinger",
"title": "How can I add my own filters in the Jira app?",
"body": "I am trying out the Jira mobile app on Android. Android version is 13, phone is a Samsung Galaxy S22.\n\nHow can I add new filters?\n\nThere's a list of filters available but I am missing a filter for a specific project (busines project).\n\nI hope you can help me.\n\nKind regards,\n\nJulia\n"
} | [
"author": "Hannah McKenzie",
"body": "Hi [@Julia J. Leitinger](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/4985737), this feature (to save filters) isn't currently available on Android, but it is in the pipeline, and will hopefully be implemented very soon.\n\nIn the meantime, you can create/save filters in Jira via your web browser, and they will be available in the app.\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Julia J. Leitinger",
"body": "Ah, okay. \nThen I'll add the filters this way.\n\nThank you for the quick reply!\n"
] | | null |
"author": "Thomas B.",
"title": "Connecting a jira outside the jira cloud",
"body": "How can I connect a Jira outside the Jira Cloud (e.g. \"\" instead of \"\") to the mobile app?\n"
} | [
"author": "Harald Seyr",
"body": "Hi [@Thomas B_](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5030941)\n\nplease check out [Jira Data Center and Server mobile app \\| Jira Software Data Center and Server 9.2 \\| Atlassian Documentation](\n\nIt looks like there are two separate apps, one for Cloud and one of self hosted versions.\n\nHope this helps.\n\nRegards,\n\nHarald\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Thomas B.",
"body": "Hi Harald,\n\nthat was a great help, thank you! As soon as you do it right, it works :-)\n\nRegards\n\nThomas\n"
] | | null |
"author": "Ali Tynchtykbekov",
"title": "How to cut admin rights to the administrator?",
"body": "Administrator has full access to:\n\nbut we only need it to be able to manage users only (user creation, deletion, blocking, adding to projects)\n\nBelow is a screenshot from the admin control panel.\n\nWe only need access to manage users.\n\n\n"
} | [
"author": "Nic Brough -Adaptavist-",
"body": "Admin rights can't be broken down that much.\n\nJira has three types of administrator - system admin, jira admin and project admin. System admins can administrate everything, Jira admins have a smaller set of rights and project admins can only administrate the projects they have permissions for.\n\nNote, on Cloud, only Atlassian can get System admin rights, we end-users can not.\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Ali Tynchtykbekov",
"body": "You mean it's impossible to make a distinction, right? \nSo that this person can only create users. \nNothing else. \nWe just need these employees to only be able to create users.\n\nAnd then they see the whole system and it is unsafe.\n\nIf you have any instructions, please send.\n"
"author": "Nic Brough -Adaptavist-",
"body": "If it were a Cloud install, you have the option of giving people \"site admin\", but that would let them add themselves to your systems too.\n\nOn server, you could move to using an external user directory, but again, people with the rights to admin your user directory could add themselves.\n"
] | | null |
"author": "lester",
"title": "Can't Login to Jira Data Centre on Android",
"body": "Hello, \n\nWe recently setup a Jira Service Management Data Centre and confirmed that the Mobile plugins have been enabled. My colleague is able to connect to the Service Management instance using his iPhone and the Jira Data Centre app for iOS but I'm unable to do so using my Pixel 4a. After entering the IP of our Service Management host I get the error \"We're missing something\".\n\nIs this a known issue and is there a workaround for it?\n\nEDIT: Egg on my face, adding http:// to the front of the IP address solved the issue. I don't believe iOS requires this to login\n"
} | [
"author": "Dave Mathijs",
"body": "Hi [@lester](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/4975771) Welcome to the Atlassian Community!\n\nGlad you found the cause yourself.\n",
"comments": null
] | | [
] |
"author": "aya nayman",
"title": "Jira Cloud for iOS and Android documentation",
"body": "Hi everyone\n\nI'm looking for documentation about Jira Cloud for iOS and Android\n\nhow to install\n\nhow to use it for users? admins?\n\nI want to some the users in my organization a \"kick off\" mail once we start using it,with some information on how to use it.\n\nThanks\n\nAya\n"
} | [
"author": "Hannah McKenzie",
"body": "And here is the Android documentation: <>\n\nFor specific info about downloading each app:\n\n* <>\n* <>\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Jack Brickey",
"body": "Here is some info - [Jira Cloud app for iOS documentation]( , [work-in-a-jira-cloud-project-on-your-iphone](\n",
"comments": [
"author": "SuniRam S",
"body": "Hi ,\n\nI need latest jira cloud administration documentation? anyone send this document.\n"
"author": "Jack Brickey",
"body": "Hi [@SuniRam S](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5194082) ,\n\nhere is a link to all Jira documentation. [Jira documentation](\n"
] | | [
] |
"author": "Ester Ramalho",
"title": "Receber notifica??o quando algu?m ? adicionado ao quadro",
"body": "Tenho diversos quadros, que todos os dias, preciso adicionar pessoas diferentes.\n\nComo criar uma automa??o, para encaminhar uma mensagem (de qualquer tipo, push, e-mail) quando algu?m for adicionado ao quadro.\n"
} | [
"author": "Augusto Lisboa",
"body": "Ol?, Ester.\n\nPor padr?o, os usu?rios s?o notificados por email, e pela aba de notifica??es do Trello quando ? adicionado em algum Quadro.\n\nNo caso, voc? gostaria que sua conta recebesse uma notifica??o quando algu?m ? adicionado?\n",
"comments": null
] | | [
] |
"author": "Thierry-Georges Khalil",
"title": "How to bill for less than 3 members for the premium?",
"body": "Hello I Want to pay for a premium membership for two members, but while buying it's giving me 3 members billing. Is it possible to bill for less than 3 in the premium annual package?\n\nThank you,\n"
} | [
"author": "Gaurav Kataria",
"body": "Yes, you can buy Premium for only two members, but you will have to remove the third member from your workspace or have them as a single-board-guest only. See details here: <>\n",
"comments": null
] | | [
] |
"author": "joelqp1",
"title": "Error with the yellow color in Trello",
"body": "Creating rules to add and remove labels, when adding a yellow label to one list and removing it in another list, the rule wasn't executed.\n\nIn the rules panel, the rule to add the yellow label is named \"dark yellow\" (I understand that \"dark yellow\" refers to the black text, as the color is a bright yellow). When creating the rule to remove that same label in another list (through the user interface with the dropdown, meaning I cannot force it to say \"dark yellow\"), the rule shows it as \"yellow\" when it should be \"dark yellow\" for it to work properly. I believe the issue lies in the dropdown of the user interface. I tested using the color \"yellow\" (with white text), and in the rule, both colors (yellow and dark yellow) appear as yellow - yellow.\n\nMy user interface is in Spanish.\n"
} | [
"author": "Brittany Joiner",
"body": "[@joelqp1](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5600275) requesting some assistance from the support team on this ticket as Im not entirely sure what's happening here, but you might want to provide some screenshots of how the automation is set up and what the label options are! That would help.\n\nYou should be able to access the same label options for the add/remove options. Are you saying that you are seeing different options?\n",
"comments": [
"author": "joelqp1",
"body": "\n\nWhen I create the rule to delete these two labels (yellow and dark yellow) in the rules panel both are \"yellow\" so only one of them is deleted.\n\nIt has nothing to do with them having the same name, the error persists with different label names.\n"
"author": "Carolina Lopez",
"body": "Hi [@joelqp1](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5600275) , welcome to the Atlassian Community! \n\nThanks for taking the time to send that bug report to us! \nAfter some testing on our end, we were able to reproduce what you're seeing and have now opened up a new bug report that you can find right here: [TRELLO-674](\n\nAs of right now, I don't have an ETA on when this fix will be released, as it depends on various factors such as the team's backlog and the complexity of the bug itself. That being said, with the link I sent above, you should be able to watch this issue by clicking on **Start watching this issue** . \n\nAs a workaround, you can create the rules through the Automation panel, which you can access from the board menu. \n\nThank you [@Brittany Joiner](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/1692248) for escalating and sending the initial troubleshooting steps!\n"
] | | [
] |
"author": "Wesley Pedroso",
"title": "C?digo de verifica??o",
"body": "Ol?, estou tentando realizar a verifica??o do e-mail corporativo para acessar o Trello, por?m o c?digo de verifica??o n?o est? chegando em minha caixa de correio. J? verifiquei a caixa de spam e lixo eletr?nico e at? o momento n?o recebi e j? tentei diversas vezes e apresenta sempre o mesmo problema. Algu?m poderia me ajudar?\n"
} | [
"author": "Carolina Lopez",
"body": "Ol? Wesley!\n\nEncontrei um bloqueio de email que parece estar relacionado com sua conta corporativa, mas j? removi ele. Poderia tentar acessar a conta novamente e me informar se recebeu o c?digo de verifica??o por email?\n",
"comments": null
] | | null |
"author": "Katja Ziehe",
"title": "How do I tranfer trello boards from free account to premium?",
"body": "I had several (very important) trello boards on a free Trello account. On Sept 10 I bought Trello Premium and now I wanted to work on my boards and Trello Login says \"you are here for the first time, please register\"\n\nI need my trello boards urgently and I cannot find out how to access them.\n\nAfter paying 130 Dollars, I am a bit surprised that there is no hotline, only a community....\n"
} | [
"author": "Brittany Joiner",
"body": "[@Katja Ziehe](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5600294) you should be able to go to the board settings and change the workspace.\n\n\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Tansu Akdeniz",
"body": "Hi [@Katja Ziehe](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5600294)\n\nWelcome to the community!\n\nPlease take a look at the answer in this thread:\n\n[Is there a way to transfer a free Board to a Premium Board?](\n",
"comments": null
] | | null |
"author": "kristoffer_scheyer",
"title": "Can no longer access board after laptop change",
"body": "I was previously logged into Trello using a address. After logging into this account on my new laptop, I no longer have access to my workspace. I only have the saved link to the board/workspace but no matter which of my two Google logins I use, I can no longer access the board.\n\nWhen logged in, I get the message:\n\n\"Since you're not a member of this Workspace, you can't see its boards or other information.\"\n\nSending a request to join the workspace does not result in a email to any of my accounts. Is there a way to recover this board?\n"
} | [
"author": "Alisson Sartor",
"body": "Hello, Kristoffer! \n\nWelcome to the community. \n\nCan you share the URL of your board so I can check on our system? I'll delete from here after checking for security reasons, but since the board is private you can share here for a while. \n\nKind Regards \nAlisson \nTrello Team\n",
"comments": null
] | | null |
"author": "Alex Figgett",
"title": "How to tick a checklist item automatically when named attachment added to card?",
"body": "Hello,\n\nI currently have an automation configured that should tick one of my checklist items when an attachment with the name \"Completed IT Form\" is added to the card.\n\n\n\nI'm having an issue at the moment where the automation can't seem to find the checklist on the card when trying to run the automation so I'm unsure why this is failing. This works fine on my template card I have set up for testing (duplicated from actual template we use for other cards) but the real cards seem to fail with no obvious reason.\n\nAny assistance would be much appreciated!\n\nAlex\n"
} | [
"author": "Brittany Joiner",
"body": "[@Alex Figgett](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5600179) hmm, im not seeing anything obviously wrong. for kicks and giggles, could you change the step order so it checks off the item before renaming the card? I don't think that would matter but maybe try that.\n\nAlso, how is the item being created? You said from a template, but is automation creating that item, or are you manually copying a template card?\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Alex Figgett",
"body": "Hi Brittany,\n\nThanks for responding to this, I'm scratching my head with this one!\n\nChanging the order unfortunately makes no difference to the rule - the renaming function works fine while the checklist function does not.\n\nWe copy the template cards manually using the in-built \"Copy\" button in the cards and then just rename the new version of the card through this process.\n\nKind Regards,\n\nAlex\n"
] | | [
] |
"author": "Soros Liu",
"title": "My Admin role in my own workspace is missing",
"body": "Hi,\n\nI have created a new workspace and added some members into the \"Member\" role.\n\nBut one member enter the Workspace -\\> Member tab, and removed my \"View Boards\" to \"0\" incidentally. But later on, he added my account through \"Share\" function. After that, my Admin role is gone.\n\nMy question is: is the workflow by design? In my point of view, since it's me creating that workspace, no matter what has happened, I would be the Admin role by default.\n\nThe second question is: is that possible I get back my Admin role?\n\nThank you!\n"
} | [
"author": "Gaurav Kataria",
"body": "In a free workspace all members are admins so they can remove or add others. However, in paid workspace, only the designated admin can remove others.\n",
"comments": null
] | | [
] |
"author": "Helicleiton",
"title": "How to share a list?",
"body": "how to share a list? hello. I'm a music teacher and it would be great if I could share lists with each student individually. is there a way to do this?\n"
} | [
"author": "Gaurav Kataria",
"body": "There is no way to specifically share a single list on a Trello board, but you could share the whole board with your students or create separate boards for each student.\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Dreamsuite Mike",
"body": "Hi [@Helicleiton](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5599450)\n\nIf the students only need to view the board, try taking a look at [External Share by Tiny power-ups Club](\n\nYou can create a custom link for each student and control what they view by list, label and more...\n",
"comments": null
"author": "?i?dem B?y?ka?ik",
"body": "Hi [@Helicleiton](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5599450),\n\nWelcome to the community! Cigdem from Hipporello here. If you're looking to share individual cards, we offer the [Card Share Power-Up]( It allows you to securely share Trello cards or specific sections of them with non-Trello users, ensuring they won't have access to the rest of your board.\n\nHave a look and let me know if you have any questions.\n\nBR,\n\nCigdem\n",
"comments": null
] | | [
] |
"author": "Libbie Waddleton",
"title": "I have deleted my board and need to get it back",
"body": "Hi there\n\nI thought i had finished with a board within my workspace, but now need to retrieve it, how can I get it back please?\n"
} | [
"author": "Gaurav Kataria",
"body": "If you closed the board then you can easily re-open it <>\n\nHowever, if you permanently deleted it, then there is no way to recover it.\n",
"comments": null
] | | [
] |
"author": "Jo?o Sales",
"title": "Not receiving email",
"body": "All users from my company are not receiving any notification email from Trello. Can anyone support us with this issue?\n"
} | [
"author": "Austin",
"body": "Hello. \n\nI did not find any errors with your Atlassian account email. Please check your spam and junk folders. If that does not help, please confirm the affected domain, for example. Thanks!\n",
"comments": null
] | | [
] |
"author": "Melanie Parker",
"title": "Automation Question: Weekly Refresh of Daily Tasklist - See Photo",
"body": "Hello! Is there an automation I can set that would refresh a checklist at the beginning of the week? I am setting up a board for front office staff to tackle daily lists. Each weekday will have its own list. Thank you!\n"
} | [
"author": "Brittany Joiner",
"body": "[@Melanie Parker](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5599606) welcome! so the short answer is yes you can! the long answer is, there's a lot of ways to do it and I'll need you to explain a bit more about how you'd prefer it working for me to give you a specific answer.\n\nThe simplest might be to create a Scheduled automation (go to automation, then Scheduled) and choose a trigger for every day (or every weekday), and then choose an action to create a card in your to do list, and specify a checklist you want to add to that card. (I like to have one card on my board that holds all my template checklists, so I can do something like this.)\n\n\n\nIf you're not familiar with Trello automation at all and that all looks greek, let me know and I can send over some more automation resources! I create a bunch of videos about it on my [youtube channel]( and my [newsletter](\n",
"comments": null
] | | [
] |
"author": "Luke Mildenhall-Ward",
"title": "How do I report a bug correctly?",
"body": "I made a bug report on here a couple of months back here:\n\n<>\n\nI have checked and the bug hasn't been moved into the open issues repository for Trello and the post hasn't received any answers (except one comment by a banned member).\n\nPlease can someone tell me how to correctly report a bug?\n"
} | [
"author": "Brittany Joiner",
"body": "[@Luke Mildenhall-Ward](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/3999929) this is a community of trello users like yourself, we don't work on the product so we can't fix bugs. (More and more I do see Trello staff in here but there are TONS of things posted every day so they are not monitoring this for bug reports.) To report bugs, you'll need to create a support ticket by going to <>\n\nIf you are on free trello, you might be unable to do that, and if that's the case, let me know and I can click a button here to raise this issue to support\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Luke Mildenhall-Ward",
"body": "Hi [@Brittany Joiner](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/1692248) thank you for the helpful reply.\n\nI am unable to raise a ticket due to currently being on a free plan. If you could escalate my other post to support that would be greatly appreciated. It is located here: <>\n"
"author": "Brittany Joiner",
"body": "Just requested assistance on this and that one so hopefully someone should be able to take a look.\n"
] | | [
] |
"author": "Oscar Di Pasquale",
"title": "[Trello for nonprofits]",
"body": "\\[Trello for nonprofits\\] \nHi everyone! \nI helped a client of mine submit a request for the Trello discount for nonprofits. \nHowever, it seems like we can't get an answer from the team. \nWe already submitted 3 requests in 2 months and got some generic replies but NO clear answer. Seems like nobody is managing this process. \nDo you know if there's any internal issue? \nAnybody else experiencing the same issue? \nThanks a lot!\n"
} | [
"author": "Austin",
"body": "Hey Oscar! \n\nThanks for reaching out about the status of this request! I've found the request you're referencing and will follow up with the customer shortly! \n\nThanks!\n",
"comments": null
] | | [
] |
"author": "Cody Baird",
"title": "Calendar view multi month scroll",
"body": "When I am in calendar view I can't see multiple months seamlessly.. but when I add calendar power up I can see what I want but lose the functionality of seeing jobs stretch across multiple days at a time.. showing project launch/completion expectations.. \n\nI have tried several work arounds.. but would love to know if I am missing something? We dispatch from this, tracking upcoming projects/inspections/tasks and even communications.. so I need it to do BOTH scroll through months, AND show multi day jobs without copying the card over and over across days. \n\nAlso, why can't we change card colors, to indicate departments? or add textures.. dots to the corners etc to show other relevant information?\n"
} | [
"author": "Gaurav Kataria",
"body": "You could try the timeline view and use the different labels to organize your cards (select 'Label' from the dropdown, as shown in the screenshot below) <>\n\n\n",
"comments": null
] | | [
] |
"author": "??? ????",
"title": "I would like to learn hoe to sync my calender with Trello so it reflects in Daily Task Management. c",
"body": "Shalom\n\nI would like to learn hoe to sync my calender with Trello so it reflects in Daily Task Management. can you help?\n\nThamks a lot.\n\nOr Edri\n"
} | [
"author": "Brittany Joiner",
"body": "[@??? ????](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5599479) i actually just hosted an event with [@Dreamsuite Mike](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5153180) about this recently!\n\nYou can learn more and watch the video recording here: <>\n",
"comments": null
] | | [
] |
"author": "CBHB_co",
"title": "Can not log into a new account",
"body": "I opened a new account and wrote the email address wrong so opened an email with the email i signed up with and i can not get the email link sent through.\n"
} | [
"author": "Austin",
"body": "Hey [@CBHB_co](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5599357)Thanks for reaching out. I understand you are unable to access your Trello account. Because the original account requires email verification, you'll need access to the email address used to create it. Since you've indicated you don't have access to that inbox, the best way forward is to create a new Trello account using your correct email address. You can do so here: [](\n\nWhile I understand this isn't ideal, it's the only way to get you up and running on Trello quickly. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to ask!\n",
"comments": null
] | | [
] |
"author": "Ravelly Marques",
"title": "Issue with Accessing Trello Boards",
"body": "Hello,\n\nI am experiencing an issue with accessing my boards on Trello. I tried to open the board using a previously saved link, but now I'm seeing the message: \"This free workspace is above the limit of 10 members, and all boards are view-only.\" However, my team only consists of 3 active collaborators.\n\nThis board contains important information, and I'm unsure why I lost access. Could you please assist me in regaining access to the board or re-add me to the workspace if I've been removed? I was a member of this board.\n\nThank you in advance for your help.\n"
} | [
"author": "Brittany Joiner",
"body": "[@Ravelly Marques](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5599277) i made a video with [@Dreamsuite Mike](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5153180) about the collaborators and understanding workspace members and how many folks are on your board as it comes up quite a bit and can be confusing: <>\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Dave Mathijs",
"body": "Hi [@Ravelly Marques](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5599277) welcome to the Atlassian Community!\n\nPlease read through the following documentation article: [Removing Collaborators from a Workspace](\n",
"comments": null
] | | [
] |
"author": "Sanjeev Mansotra",
"title": "Sanjeev Mansotra - New to Trello | Query on Steps for Integration",
"body": "Hello to the community people, my name is Sanjeev Mansotra. I'm new to Trello and facing some sort of query. Can anyone help?\n\nHow can I automate task dependencies across multiple Trello boards using Butler automation and webhooks, ensuring that when a task on one board is marked as complete, the related task on a separate board automatically progresses to the next stage? Additionally, how can I integrate third-party services like Slack or Google Sheets to notify team members and update related data when these dependencies trigger?\n\nWaiting for your response!\n"
} | [
"author": "Brittany Joiner",
"body": "[@Sanjeev Mansotra](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5599176) it completely depends how you have your boards set up and how you relate the cards together. \n\nWhat i'd recommend is having the cards linked together (which you can do through automation, or just manually add a link to the related card when you make a duplicate).\n\nAnd then for the updates, you'll create an automation that watches for whatever the \"complete\" trigger is on one board (ie, when a card is moved to list \"done\"), and then use the Cascade actions to find the first card linked in the attachments and then choose the move action to move that card to another stage or list. You could also add an action that then posts a slack message in a channel or sends a DM.\n\nYou might find [Automation Variables]( helpful here as well.\n\nAs far as Google Sheets, you'll likely need to use something like Zapier to set up an automation between Trello and Google Sheets.\n",
"comments": null
"author": "milynnus",
"body": "[@Sanjeev Mansotra](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5599176)\n\nThere is one described here <>\n",
"comments": null
] | | null |
"author": "Content Media",
"title": "Request for help in regaining access to a board",
"body": "Hello,\n\nI am experiencing an issue with accessing one of my boards on Trello. After the weekend, I tried to open the board using the link I had previously, but now I'm seeing the message \"Board not found\" and it says that it belongs to a Private Workspace that I am no longer a part of.\n\nThis board contains important information for me, and I'm not sure why I lost access. Could you please help me regain access to the board or add me back to the workspace if I have been removed? I was previously a member of this board.\n\nThank you in advance for your assistance.\n"
} | [
"author": "Austin",
"body": "Hello! Thanks for reaching out. Please reply here with a link to the board that gives you this error. This will help us identify the problem. Thanks again!\n",
"comments": null
] | | [
] |
"author": "mysupportberkshire",
"title": "check box issues",
"body": "the icons in my checklists have disappeared the @ and emoji - also not able to copy and paste - it pastes as one long sentences does anyone know how to fix this?\n"
} | [
"author": "Andrea Crawford",
"body": "i [@mysupportberkshire](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5599034) welcome to the Atlassian community! I have a few questions that will help me better understand what check box issues you're having.\n\n1. Are you using a web browser to access Trello? If so, which one (or which mobile app are you using)?\n\n2. Can you provide a screenshot of the icons missing in your checklists? I'm not sure which icons you're referring to.\n\n3. Where are you pasting that is resulting in one long sentence? Are you trying to paste multi-line text to create multiple checklist items quickly? If not, can you provide additional details?\n\nThank you!\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Rob George",
"body": "I'm using Chrome browser and the emoji menu for items in the checklist has disappeared..\n"
"author": "Andrea Crawford",
"body": "Hi [@Rob George](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5601589) Thank you for sharing this screenshot. The Trello team is making some improvements to the card detail screen that include improvements to checklists.You still have the same ability to @ mention and add emoji without the need for buttons. When you begin typing the colon character : you'll see the emoji picker and can either click to choose one or continue typing, like :thumbs: to get ??Hopefully this save you a click but still allows you to add emoji and user mentions to your checklist items.\n"
] | | null |
"author": "Jon Hidden-Coley",
"title": "Trello App on Mac Stopped Working",
"body": "Hi. The Trello app on my iMac has stopped working. When I open the app, I am greeted with the screen below. This is the second of our Macs that this has happened to now. Is this a known issue and is there anything I can do to fix it? I'd rather use the app than a web browser to see my board. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app, but it doesn't make any difference.\n\nThe Mac is an iMac running Monterey 12.7.6\n\nThanks for any help.\n\n\n"
} | [
"author": "Tim Roberts",
"body": "Exactly same here.\n\nAlso iMac running Monterey 12.7.6\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Jon Hidden-Coley",
"body": "I may have found the solution. Under the help menu, I had an option to Disable Hardware Acceleration which appears to have fixed the problem.\n\n\n"
"author": "Tim Roberts",
"body": "Have just tried that and it seems to have done the trick.\n\nThank you!\n"
] | | [
] |
"author": "xhammer",
"title": "Deployments not showing for staging environments",
"body": "Hi everyone,\n\nI'm new to Compass and trying to get everything configured. I have my app component hooked up to Github and the green checkmark is there showing a data connection. My Github environment names for staging are staging-back and staging-front which is inline with what Compass expects. I can see in Github that there have been staging deployments recently, however these deployments don't show up in Compass. Additionally, I have qa environments that are following the naming conventions mentioned here and my Component doesn't have an option in the environment dropdown for the QA or testing environment. The production deploys are showing as expected. \n"
} | [
"author": "Steffen Opel _Utoolity_",
"body": "Hi [@xhammer](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5478352), and welcome to the Atlassian Community!\n\n#### Environment name mapping {#toc-hId-349692043}\n\nThe staging-back and staging-front environment names are indeed in line with the documented [GitHub environment name mapping](, so given your production deploys \"are showing as expected\", this sounds like a bug and we need to wait for the Compass team to chime in (of course, you can also [file a support request]( to possibly accelerate a response).\n\n#### Environment type support {#toc-hId--1457762420}\n\nAs for the missing \"option in the environment dropdown for the QA or testing environment\", I'm afraid this is a rather annoying long standing limitation of the Compass UI, which *still* doesn't support environment types other than staging and production, even though the Compass API supports more and the GitHub app documentation rightfully refers to those already, see also my answer to [Cannot see development environment for Compass component](\n",
"comments": null
] | | null |
"author": "Karim",
"title": "Remove duplicative custom fields",
"body": "Our instance has \\*a lot\\* of custom fields that have collected over many years. I'm looking at ways to safely remove custom fields that are no longer needed but I'm not sure what the best approach would be. I'm happy to use APIs to help with this but before I get started I wanted to check if there are any specific best practices someone could recommend.\n"
} | [
"author": "Alie Sesay",
"body": "Hi Karim,\n\nI apologize for the delayed response and any inconvenience it may have caused.\n\nThe most effective method to accomplish this is by using our Compass GraphQL API. You can utilize it to retrieve all component and custom field IDs. \nReference: [Compass Graphql queries]( \nThen, with a Python script, you can iterate through to eliminate any duplicate custom fields using their unique IDs. \n\nI have already prepared a Python script to carry out this task. \nHere is the code:\n\n```\nimport requests\nimport base64\n\n# Define your variables here\ncloudId = \"Your-Cloud-ID\"\napi_token = \"API-TOKEN\"\nemail = \"Your-email\"\ndomain = \"\"\n\n# Base64 encode the email and token for Basic Authentication\nauth_string = f\"{email}:{api_token}\"\nauth_bytes = auth_string.encode('utf-8')\nauth_base64 = base64.b64encode(auth_bytes).decode('utf-8')\n\n# GraphQL endpoint\ngraphql_url = f'https://{domain}/gateway/api/graphql'\n\n# Define the GraphQL query to fetch components and custom fields\ngraphql_query = '''\nquery searchCompassComponents($cloudId: String!, $query: CompassSearchComponentQuery) {\ncompass {\nsearchComponents(cloudId: $cloudId, query: $query) {\n... on CompassSearchComponentConnection {\nnodes {\nlink\ncomponent {\nname\ndescription\ntypeId\nownerId\nlinks {\nid\ntype\nname\nurl\n}\nlabels {\nname\n}\ncustomFields {\ndefinition {\nid\nname\n}\n...on CompassCustomBooleanField {\nbooleanValue\n}\n...on CompassCustomTextField {\ntextValue\n}\n...on CompassCustomNumberField {\nnumberValue\n}\n...on CompassCustomUserField {\nuserValue {\nid\nname\npicture\naccountId\ncanonicalAccountId\naccountStatus\n}\n}\n}\n}\n}\npageInfo {\nhasNextPage\nendCursor\n}\n}\n... on QueryError {\nmessage\nextensions {\nstatusCode\nerrorType\n}\n}\n}\n}\n}\n'''\n```\n\n```\n# Define the variables for the GraphQL query\nvariables = {\n\"cloudId\": cloudId,\n\"query\": {\n\"fieldFilters\": [\n{\n\"name\": \"type\",\n\"filter\": {\n\"eq\": \"SERVICE\"\n}\n}\n]\n}\n}\n\n# Set up the headers with Basic Authentication and additional headers\nheaders = {\n'Authorization': f'Basic {auth_base64}',\n'Content-Type': 'application/json',\n'Accept': 'application/json',\n'X-ExperimentalApi': 'compass-beta' # Opt-in to Compass beta API if needed\n}\n\n# Send the request to the GraphQL API\nresponse =, json={'query': graphql_query, 'variables': variables}, headers=headers)\n\n# Check for request success\nif response.status_code == 200:\ndata = response.json()\n\n# Extract custom field IDs from the response\ncustom_field_ids = []\n\nfor component in data['data']['compass']['searchComponents']['nodes']:\nfor custom_field in component['component']['customFields']:\ncustom_field_id = custom_field['definition']['id']\ncustom_field_ids.append(custom_field_id)\n\n# Remove duplicate custom field IDs\nunique_custom_field_ids = list(set(custom_field_ids))\n\n# Output the unique custom field IDs\nprint(\"Unique Custom Field IDs:\")\nfor field_id in unique_custom_field_ids:\nprint(field_id)\nelse:\nprint(f\"Query failed with status code {response.status_code}\")\nprint(response.text)\n```\n\n**Replace the values:** \n\ncloudId = \"Your-Cloud-ID\" \napi_token = \"API-TOKEN\" you can generate one from here: <> \nemail = \"Your-email\" \ndomain = \"\" \n\n**(!) Please be aware that I created the script above, and it is not officially endorsed or directly supported by Atlassian or our entire Support team. It is offered on a best-effort basis to assist you as much as possible. We advise having your development team thoroughly review and understand its objectives before implementation. If you wish to modify or enhance the script's functionality, you are welcome to do so.** \nKind regards, \nAlie\n",
"comments": null
] | | [
] |
"author": "Karim",
"title": "Associating Atlassian user group with AD security group to allow for free access to Compass",
"body": "We are trying to use the free version of Compass (3 full users) to try it out at our organization. But in order to do a real trial, we would need to give view access to other users which, as I understand it, is allowed as part of the Compass product. In other words, we want no more than three people administering it and many more looking at the information.\n\nFirst, is my understanding of the licensing correct?\n\nSecond, we have our Atlassian instance linked to an azure group. My understanding is that the relationship between the Atlassian groups that are enabled for a given user and the AD group is done through AD group attributes. If that is true, which Atlassian group would I need to give a user in order for them to have \"basic\" or free access to Compass?\n\nThanks, \nKarim\n"
} | [
"author": "Jovin",
"body": "Hey [@Karim](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/658690)\n\nIf you got to your Org Admin panel and then go to Products \\> Products you can stipulate which groups should provide what access.\n\nYou can configure the AD groups to give the access directly, rather than the Atlassian groups, and you can choose to have your free one as the default. Just make sure you map the group to the role assigned correctly.\n\nBelow is a screenshot of my Product page for Jira.\n\n\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Karim",
"body": "Thanks Jovin. It looks like the group I need to add in my case is \\`compass-basic-users-\\[org\\]\\` which turned out to work to add users with view access to compass\n",
"comments": null
] | | [
] |
"author": "Priya Ghosh",
"title": "Customize score card status instead of \"Failing / Needs attention / Passing\"",
"body": "Hi Team,\n\nWe are curious to know , if we can customize score cards based on certain requirements.\n\nOur project needs to show different score card status based on business requirement.\n\nConsider the example below:\n\n\n\nWe want to Show customized \"Text\" field instead of **failing/ needs attention /passing**as score cards status based on certain criteria.\n\nIs there any possibility to do so?\n\nOr are there any future roadmaps that support this feature.\n"
} | [
"author": "Alie Sesay",
"body": "Hey Priya, and welcome to the community!\n\nUnfortunately, we don't have a schedule or roadmap for it. This is something we are exploring, but we have no exact plans for if/when this will happen. However, we are keeping track of the request, and our team has recorded your feedback.\n\nAlso, I encourage you to keep an eye on our community post for any future updates. \n\nPlease feel free to reach out if you need any further assistance. \n\nWarm regards,\n\nAlie\n",
"comments": null
] | | null |
"author": "Ofir Assif",
"title": "Automate owner team according to component in Jira",
"body": "Is there a way to create an automation in Jira that will allow me to change the team field in an issue according to the \"component\" that was filled in the issue.\n\nMeaning automatically taking the \"Owner Team\" from Compass and incorporating in Jira as an automation so that the person creating the issue won't have to know which team is should be assigned to but only know the component the issue is relevant to.\n"
} | [
"author": "Ofir Assif",
"body": "UPDATE\n\nI've found that to see all possible fields available to use in an automation you can use the Atlassian API for an example issue. Can be seen here in the [docs.]( After checking out a few issues, it seems the owner team is not available as part of the components details..\n\n<br />\n\n\n",
"comments": null
"author": "Nicolas Grossi",
"body": "[@Ofir Assif](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/5545219) Welcome! You might review this thread: <>\n\nHTH\n\nNicolas\n",
"comments": [
"author": "Ofir Assif",
"body": "Thanks [@Nicolas Grossi](/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/676185) , but it seems the thread just says to use ScriptRunner. There doesn't seem to be any results for Compass integration in the ScriptRunner [docs]( site\n\n[this]( thread is more relevant to my question, but it doesn't say anything about how to extract the Owner Team from a Component coming from Compass.\n"
] | | [
] |
"author": "Asaf Kivity",
"title": "Can I integrate JIRA DC to compass in the cloud",
"body": "I was wondering if I'll be able to make such an integration between Jira DC and Compass cloud. will it work?\n"
} | [
"author": "Alie Sesay",
"body": "Hello Asaf, and welcome to the community!\n\nI apologize for the delayed response.\n\nUnfortunately, we currently don't have a Jira DC (Data Center) integration with Compass, and there is no schedule or roadmap for it at the moment. However, we are keeping track of the request, and our team has recorded your query.\n\nKind regards,\n\nAlie\n",
"comments": null
] | | null |
"author": "Robert",
"title": "Config as code not working properly for multiple components in repository",
"body": "Hi\n\nWe have a mono repository, and every component (plugin) has its own folder. There, we have created a compass.yml file for each (inside the folders as it should be). When connecting the repository to compass, things looks ok for the first look, as the 80+ components are appearing in compass. But then we realized that only 2 is synched properly. For the others, the description and dependencies did not processed.\n\nAfter checking the components in question in compass, for some we see a sync error message, but for some we do not, and the result is the same. At the background the same error might happened, but not for every one it is visible in compass frontend.\n\n\n\n\n\nThe yaml file is correct in every case... Then we have realized, we need to change the yaml file again, to be processed. It does not matter, what you change. Any change like adding a whitespace, or delete a character in the comment etc. triggers it again, and compass processes the yaml as expected, but only 1 at a time!\n\nIt would be crazy to do changes in every file again and again, and triggering build as well. It looks like a bug. Is there any advise to get over this?\n"
} | [
"author": "Kelvin T",
"body": "Hello Robert,\n\nI am Kelvin from the Support team. Thank you for your question.\n\nIn order to further check the issue that you are having, I opened a ticket for you.\n\nFeel free to let me know if you have any questions.\n\nThank you!\n",
"comments": null
] | | null |
Subsets and Splits